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Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: how to fix it and prevent it from happening again


Wrong Number of Arguments or Invalid Property Assignment

When you’re programming, it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right number of arguments for your functions and that you’re assigning properties to the correct objects. If you don’t, you’ll get an error message like “wrong number of arguments” or “invalid property assignment.”

This article will discuss what these errors mean and how to fix them. We’ll also provide some tips on how to avoid these errors in the first place.

What do these errors mean?

The “wrong number of arguments” error means that you’ve called a function with the wrong number of arguments. For example, if a function expects two arguments, but you only pass it one, you’ll get this error.

The “invalid property assignment” error means that you’ve tried to assign a property to an object that doesn’t have that property. For example, if you try to assign the `name` property to a number, you’ll get this error.

How to fix these errors

To fix these errors, you need to make sure that you’re using the right number of arguments for your functions and that you’re assigning properties to the correct objects.

Here are a few tips:

  • Check the documentation for the function you’re calling to see how many arguments it expects.
  • Make sure that you’re passing the correct types of arguments to the function.
  • Check the object to make sure that it has the property you’re trying to assign.

How to avoid these errors in the first place

The best way to avoid these errors is to be careful when you’re programming. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a linter. A linter is a tool that can help you find errors in your code, including errors with arguments and property assignments.
  • Write unit tests. Unit tests can help you catch errors in your code before they cause problems.
  • Get feedback from other programmers. Having someone else look over your code can help you find errors that you might have missed.

By following these tips, you can help yourself avoid the “wrong number of arguments” and “invalid property assignment” errors.

| Wrong number of arguments | Invalid property assignment | Example | |—|—|—| | Missing required argument | Using an invalid property name | `document.write(‘Hello World’);` | | Too many arguments | Using a property with the wrong data type | `document.getElementById(‘myElement’).style.backgroundColor = ‘red’;` | | Invalid data type | Using a property with an invalid value | `document.getElementById(‘myElement’).innerHTML = ‘1234567890’;` |

In programming, a wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment is a type of error that occurs when a function is called with the wrong number of arguments or when a property is assigned to an object with the wrong type. These errors can cause the program to crash or produce incorrect results.

What is a wrong number of arguments?

A wrong number of arguments occurs when a function is called with the wrong number of arguments. For example, a function that expects two arguments might be called with only one argument. This can cause the function to crash or produce incorrect results.

To avoid wrong number of arguments errors, it is important to make sure that you call functions with the correct number of arguments. You can do this by checking the documentation for the function to see how many arguments it expects. You can also use a linter to check your code for errors.

What is an invalid property assignment?

An invalid property assignment occurs when a property is assigned to an object with the wrong type. For example, a string might be assigned to a property that expects a number. This can cause the program to crash or produce incorrect results.

To avoid invalid property assignment errors, it is important to make sure that you assign properties to objects with the correct type. You can do this by checking the documentation for the object to see what types of properties it supports. You can also use a linter to check your code for errors.

Causes of wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

The most common cause of wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors is incorrect code. This can happen when a developer forgets to add an argument to a function call, or when they assign a property to an object with the wrong type.

Compiler errors can also cause wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors. For example, if a function is declared with the wrong number of arguments, the compiler will generate an error.

How to fix wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors

To fix wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors, you need to find the source of the error and correct it. This may involve adding or removing arguments from a function call, or assigning properties to objects with the correct type.

You can use a debugger to help you find the source of the error. A debugger allows you to step through your code line by line, and it can help you identify errors that are difficult to spot.

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors can be a frustrating problem, but they can be fixed by finding the source of the error and correcting it. By following the tips in this article, you can avoid these errors and keep your code running smoothly.

Additional information

In addition to the causes listed above, there are a few other things that can cause wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors. These include:

  • Type errors: A type error occurs when a variable is assigned a value of the wrong type. For example, assigning a string to a variable that expects a number is a type error.
  • Casting errors: A casting error occurs when a value is converted to the wrong type. For example, trying to convert a string to a number is a casting error.
  • Reference errors: A reference error occurs when a variable does not refer to a valid object. For example, trying to access a property of a variable that does not exist is a reference error.

If you are experiencing wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors, it is important to understand the cause of the error so that you can fix it. By following the tips in this article, you can avoid these errors and keep your code running smoothly.

What are the consequences of wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment?

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can have a number of consequences, including:

  • Errors: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can cause errors to occur. These errors can range from simple syntax errors to more serious runtime errors.
  • Data corruption: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can also lead to data corruption. This can happen when a property is assigned to an object with the wrong type, or when a function is called with the wrong number of arguments.
  • Security vulnerabilities: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can also create security vulnerabilities. This can happen when a function is called with the wrong number of arguments, allowing an attacker to bypass security checks.

How to avoid wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment?

There are a number of things you can do to avoid wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment, including:

  • Write unit tests: Unit tests can help you to identify and fix errors in your code. Unit tests can be used to verify that functions are called with the correct number of arguments, and that properties are assigned to objects with the correct type.
  • Use a linter: A linter can help you to identify potential errors in your code. Linters can be used to check for incorrect code that could lead to wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment errors.
  • Read the documentation: The documentation for your programming language and libraries can provide you with information on how to use functions and assign properties to objects correctly.

In addition, you can also follow these general tips to avoid wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment:

  • Be careful when calling functions: Make sure that you are calling functions with the correct number of arguments. If you are not sure, check the documentation for the function.
  • Use type annotations: Type annotations can help you to catch errors in your code. When you use type annotations, the compiler will check to make sure that you are assigning properties to objects with the correct type.
  • Be careful when using dynamic typing: Dynamic typing allows you to assign properties to objects with different types. However, this can also lead to errors if you are not careful. When using dynamic typing, make sure that you are aware of the type of the object that you are assigning a property to.

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can have a number of consequences, including errors, data corruption, and security vulnerabilities. There are a number of things you can do to avoid these errors, including writing unit tests, using a linter, reading the documentation, and being careful when calling functions and assigning properties to objects.

Q: What does it mean when I get an error message that says “wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment”?

A: This error message indicates that you have either provided the wrong number of arguments to a function, or you have assigned a value to a property that does not exist.

Q: How can I fix this error?

A: To fix this error, you will need to check the documentation for the function or property that you are trying to use. Make sure that you are providing the correct number of arguments, and that you are assigning values to valid properties.

Q: What are some common examples of this error?

A: Some common examples of this error include:

  • Trying to call a function with the wrong number of arguments, such as `myFunction(1)` when the function expects two arguments.
  • Trying to assign a value to a property that does not exist, such as `myObject.myProperty = ‘value’` when the object does not have a property called `myProperty`.

Q: What can I do to prevent this error from happening in the future?

A: To prevent this error from happening in the future, you can:

  • Carefully read the documentation for the functions and properties that you are using.
  • Make sure that you are providing the correct number of arguments to functions, and that you are assigning values to valid properties.
  • Use a linter to check your code for errors.

Q: Is there anything else I should know about this error?

A: Yes, there are a few other things you should know about this error:

  • This error can occur in any programming language.
  • This error can be difficult to debug, especially if you are not familiar with the function or property that you are trying to use.

We hope that this article has been helpful. If you have any other questions about this error, please feel free to contact us.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • The wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment error occurs when you pass the wrong number of arguments to a function or when you assign a value to a property that does not exist.
  • Some common causes of this error include typos, forgetting to add parentheses around an argument list, and trying to access a property that does not exist.
  • To fix this error, check your code carefully and make sure that you are passing the correct number of arguments to functions and that you are assigning values to valid properties.

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Marcus Greenwood

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VBA Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

  • Thread starter mark hansen
  • Start date Jun 1, 2020

mark hansen

Well-known member.

  • Jun 1, 2020

I have a workbook that I use as a template to create other workbooks where the user collects information and sends that data to a data file. The main (starter) workbook is well used in many scenarios so I feel the VBA code is solid. The workbook was created so the only thing that need changing is the information that goes in the data string, the VBA code does not need changing. All the information the code needs (Path and File name for the data file, etc) is in a "Configuration" worksheet. so, I'm pretty sure the Worksheet_selectionsChange event is good, that's where the problem is showing up. To help the user enter data I use a Worksheet_SelectionsChange event to allow them to click on various cells to enter text, or bring up a pop up to pick the data they need. That's where the problems is now. When I click on cell I get the above error in the subject on a line that says If (Left(range("AL" & ActiveCell.Row).value,1) = "R" then the word "Left" is highlighted. OK Here are the changes that may have caused this. To aid with data collection, I have the user collecting data from our main frame through the Reflections Workspace program. I have code, running in Excel, that looks at the screen and captures information in certain places, and enters it into specific cells so it will be included in the data string. In order to get that to work, I needed to add the following reflections libraries ---- "Reflections for Unix and Open VMS" and "Reflections for Unix and Open VMS ActiveX Control 1.0 Type Library" Any ideas on what would cause the "Left" function to stop working? Thanks for any insight. Mark  

Excel Facts


MrExcel MVP, Moderator

It sounds like one of those libraries has its own Left function. Use VBA.Left instead.  

That was it!!! Thanks Rory  

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KDE Gear 24.08.0 Full Log Page

This is the automated full changelog for KDE Gear 24.08.0 from the git repositories.

  • Fix build without deprecated method. Commit .
  • Fix Qt version. Commit .
  • Use 6.7 image. Commit .
  • Strickout invisible items. Commit .
  • Bump QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE to 6.5. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QDomDocument API. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QVERIFY_EXCEPTION_THROWN. Commit .
  • QueryBuilder: avoid crash due to order of function argument evaluation. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QSqlQuery copy constructor. Commit .
  • Un-inline non-templated DataStream operator<< overloads. Commit .
  • Remove AkScopeGuard, use QScopeGuard instead. Commit .
  • Remove akstd.h. Commit .
  • AgentBase: remove the deprecated Observerv4. Commit .
  • AgentBase: enable tag fetching when TagObserver is registered. Commit .
  • Fetch Tag GID by default when fetching Item Tags. Commit .
  • Merge itemfetchscope_p.h into itemfetchscope.cpp. Commit .
  • Kcoreaddons uses minimum version == 1.8. Commit .
  • Rename cmake variable name. Commit .
  • Use @info:placeholder. Commit .
  • Include ECMMarkAsTest in KPimAkonadiMacros.cmake. Commit .
  • Fix compatibility with Qt Test 6.8. Commit .
  • Increase version as API changed. Commit .
  • Completely remove Akonadi Relations (ABI/API break). Commit .
  • QueryBuilder: add support for LEFT OUTER JOIN. Commit .
  • QueryBuilder: allow inserting multiple rows with single INSERT query. Commit .
  • QueryBuilder: make it possible to use QSet in WHERE IN queries. Commit .
  • Revert "Remove annotation attribute". Commit .
  • Remove annotation attribute. Commit .
  • Fix cmake lint warning. Commit .
  • Core: abort Control::start() when server is broken. Commit .
  • Update internals.md with proper markdown formatting. Commit .
  • Remove Akonadi branding from the error overlay. Commit .
  • Akonadi Control: clean-up retired resources on start. Commit .
  • Extend TagTest. Commit .
  • Bump version (new API in AgentBase). Commit .
  • AgentBase: Deprecate ObserverV4. Commit .
  • AgentBase: move tag support for resources to separate TagObserver. Commit .
  • DataStream: fix serialization of QHash, add tests for it. Commit .
  • Add a unittests for the DataStream class. Commit .
  • Port DataStream away from the deprecated QDateTime ctor with TimeSpec. Commit .
  • Use emplace_back properly. Commit .
  • Use KLineEditEventHandler::catchReturnKey. Commit .
  • Use @info:shell. Commit .
  • Add build-ftime support. Commit .
  • Use label context. Commit .
  • Use Q_OS_WINDOWS. Commit .
  • Add @info:tooltip. Commit .
  • Increase version (missing from previous patch). Commit .
  • Add accountactivitiesabstract class. Commit .
  • Add @action:button. Commit .
  • Use notr. Commit .
  • Use i18n context. Commit .
  • It compiles fine without deprecated kf methods. Commit .
  • Remove unused argument. Commit .
  • Fix version. Commit .
  • Add missing change notification for initial calendar loading. Commit .
  • Add missing [[nodiscard]]. Commit .
  • Remove duplicate private area. Commit .
  • Remove not necessary lib. Commit .
  • ETMCalendar: add signal emitted when the user is checking/unchecking a calendar. Commit .
  • Add context i18n. Commit .
  • Use ellipsis character instead of three dots in UI strings. Commit .
  • IncidenceChanger: fix crash due to redundant deletion of handler. Commit .
  • Fix forward declaration of CustomFieldsModel. Commit .
  • Remove KF6::ConfigCore. Commit .
  • Remove unused include. Commit .
  • USe @action:button. Commit .
  • Use context i18n. Commit .
  • Set up KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData(). Commit .
  • We depend against 6.3.0. Commit .
  • Use KIconThemes and KStyleManager if available during build-time. Commit .
  • Remove unused utf8. Commit .
  • Use canonical KMime includes. Commit .
  • Port away from KMime::ContentTransferEncoding::setDecoded. Commit .
  • Fix some cmakelint warning. Commit .
  • Fix reuse lint. Commit .
  • Use not deprecated globalMatchView. Commit .
  • Fix macOS build. Commit .
  • Remove ServiceType from KRunner plugin. Commit .
  • Fix cmakelint issues. Commit .
  • Remove Akonadi Relation support. Commit .
  • Add QPushbutton i18n context. Commit .
  • Configure Browser page: Improve wording of some UI strings. Commit .
  • Configure Security page: Improve wording of external references option. Commit .
  • Use KStringHandler to elide tab titles. Commit .
  • We can't create autotest against a module. Commit .
  • Add autotest. Commit .
  • Define -DBUILD_TESTING. Commit .
  • Clean up code. Commit .
  • Bug: implement filter bar similar like in Thunderbird. Commit . Fixes bug #293655 .
  • Use QLineEdit here. Commit .
  • Remove spacing. Commit .
  • Continue to implement statussearchbuttons. Commit .
  • Continue to implement toolbutton. Commit .
  • Add akregatorpart_private_export.h. Commit .
  • Prepare to use statussearchbuttons. Commit .
  • Add missing include moc. Commit .
  • Prepare to improve statussearch bar. Commit .
  • Fix coding style. Commit .
  • Fix save settings + use default hamburger menu. Commit .
  • Update splashscreen text. Commit .
  • Splash screen: Remove centering. Commit .
  • Add developer name to appdata. Commit .
  • Add PlasmaActivitySupport key. Commit .
  • Deduplicate style. Commit .
  • Use html5 and add meta charset attribute. Commit .
  • Use new CSS variables from MessageLib. Commit .
  • Load html templates from qrc. Commit .
  • Use i18nc in qtc6. Commit .
  • Add akregator_options.h in list of files. Commit .
  • Fix i18n. Commit .
  • Continue to implement plasma activity support. Commit .
  • Add context. Commit .
  • Use list initialization constructor. Commit .
  • Add nodiscard. Commit .
  • Initialize variables in header. Commit .
  • Add dark mode support for article view. Commit . Fixes bug #383404 .
  • Appdata: Fix typo in launchable desktop-id. Commit .
  • Remove namespace. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Cleanup plugs now in extension, snapd. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Initial import for qt6. Commit .
  • Close sidebar when tapping on an item. Commit . Fixes bug #465221 .
  • Fix "Cannot read property 'displayName' of null". Commit .
  • Build APKs against released dependencies. Commit .
  • Update year. Commit .
  • AlligatorGlobalDrawer.qml import org.kde.alligator.config. Commit .
  • Register Feed as a QML type. Commit .
  • Run qmlformat. Commit .
  • Qualify property access. Commit .
  • Read sidebarCollapsed from settings directly. Commit .
  • Add dependency declaration to QML module. Commit .
  • Make settings a singleton. Commit .
  • Rename Config to AlligatorSettings. Commit .
  • Port to ecm_add_qml_module. Commit .
  • Fix EntryPage background color. Commit .
  • Ensure tooltip shows when collapsed. Commit .
  • Complement org.kde.alligator.appdata.xml. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Runtime dependency libfuturesql. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Fix metadata filename. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: fix futuresql dependency. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Remove plugs now in extension/snapd. Commit .
  • Desktop: Fix tab rendering with current qqc2-desktop-style. Commit .
  • Add Open Downloads Shortcut. Commit .
  • Navbar Auto Hide UI Changes. Commit .
  • Mobile Tab Drawer UI Changes. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Initial port to qt6. Commit .
  • Fix Left/Right Swipe to Close Tab Gesture. Commit .
  • Optimize startup time. Commit .
  • Flatpak: workaround broken qml import path. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update kirigami-addons to 1.3.0. Commit .
  • Remove private API usage for QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem. Commit .
  • Fix icon caching. Commit .
  • SettingsNavigationBarPage: Fix typo preventing loading. Commit .
  • Port the settings to a QML module. Commit .
  • Port settings page to FormCardPage. Commit .
  • Add placeholder for the web apps settings. Commit .
  • Use KirigamiAddons.ConfigurationsView. Commit .
  • Fix saving website icons. Commit .
  • Cleanup and fix touch scrolling on the BottomDrawer. Commit .
  • Fixed Scrolling in the Tab Drawer and made the New Tab Button Always Switch toa New Tab. Commit .
  • Use new position attribute in inline messages. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update corrosion. Commit .
  • Fix build with corrosion 0.5. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update kirigami-addons. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update to 6.7 Sdk. Commit .
  • Tabsmodeltest: Don't rely on config defaults. Commit .
  • Update rust crates. Commit .
  • Default to not switching to new tabs. Commit . Fixes bug #486463 .
  • Desktop: Fix KF6 porting oversight. Commit .
  • Don't display error handler for HTTP status codes. Commit . Fixes bug #486463 .
  • Complement org.kde.angelfish.metainfo.xml. Commit .
  • Use ECMDeprecationSettings. Commit .
  • Bump dependency versions. Commit .
  • Added addbookAction onOpenLibrary. Commit .
  • Complement org.kde.arianna.appdata.xml. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: add udisks2 plug. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Remove plugs now handled by extension/snapd. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: fix libzip package name. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Add theme support, minor fixes. Commit .
  • Revert "Tests: Comment out test that fails to pass". Commit .
  • Cliinterface: adapt to behavior change in QTemporaryDir. Commit . Fixes bug #487229 .
  • Logging category rename from "ARK" to "ARK_LOG". Commit .
  • Tests: Comment out test that fails to pass. Commit .
  • Explicitly link against Qt::DBus. Commit .
  • Fix minor typo. Commit .
  • Cli7zplugin: update cmake warning message. Commit .
  • Createdialogtest: fix 7z expected encryption with libarchive. Commit .
  • Extracttest: skip 7z multivolume with libarchive. Commit .
  • Move 7z multivolume load test to cli7ztest. Commit .
  • Libarchive: add support for unencrypted 7-zip. Commit . See bug #468240 .
  • Cleanup bits now in extension.`. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Initial port to kf6. Commit .
  • Add developer and launchable tags to appdata. Commit .
  • Org.kde.audex.appdata.xml : Fix minor typo in description. Commit .
  • Improve English in appdata. Commit .
  • Update logo. Commit .
  • Appstream: Switch summary to sentence case. Commit .
  • Update tested ytmusicapi version to 1.8.0. Commit .
  • Handle playlists without thumbnails. Commit .
  • ListHeader: Fix item width on mobile. Commit .
  • Fix adding a song to a playlist. Commit .
  • ShareMenu: Fix layout on mobile. Commit .
  • Error out if the gstreamer backend is not available. Commit .
  • Document gstreamer requirement. Commit .
  • Update ytmusicapi to 1.7.0. Commit .
  • Fix FileMetadataItemCountTest::testItemCount. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Fix formatting and typo. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Sound.. Add alsa layout and packages. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: add pulseaudio plug and alsaconfig env. Commit .
  • It compiles fine without deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Remove unecessary bits now in neon extension. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Add missing dep on libpulse. Add theming support. Minor. Commit .
  • Add developer and launchable to appdata. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Sound.. add alsa layout and packages. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Remove symlink. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Fix sound issues. Add pulseaudio plug. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: remove unecessary bits now in extension. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Initial import to qt6. Commit .
  • App icon PNGs: drop unused embedded color profile, rely on default sRGB. Commit .
  • Add icon to "Play Sounds" toggle action. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • KDE CI: require "@same" branch of libkdegames. Commit .
  • Enforce passing tests on Windows. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Remove unecessary bits now in extension. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Initial import qt6. Commit .
  • Use [[nodiscard]]. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: add xkbcommon dependency. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Fix name typos. Commit .
  • Fix word puzzle. Commit .
  • Gitignore: Add Flatpak related stuff. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Add missing kirigami-addons . Commit .
  • SettingsPage: Port to Kirigami Addons FormCard. Commit .
  • Enforce passing tests on all platforms. Commit .
  • Still link the maximabackend to KF5SyntaxHighlighting. Commit .
  • [python] Write out the errors also during the initial initializion of the. Commit .
  • Add developer name and launchable to appdata. Commit .
  • Added lua example. Commit .
  • Added R example. Commit .
  • Restructure folders. Commit .
  • Scilab plot ex added. Commit .
  • Added numpy ex. Commit .
  • Matplotlib quick start example added. Commit .
  • Set the current working directory to the directory of the project file. Commit .
  • Fix build. Commit .
  • Added error handling for the case when the backend executable failed to start. Commit .
  • Added debug output to understand the failure on CI. Commit .
  • Fixed multiple issues reported by Coverity and minor code style fixes. Commit .
  • Fix KNS usage and QString::SplitBehavious warning. Commit .
  • Added KNS3 prefix for includes in qthelpconfig. Commit .
  • Only search for Help, WebEngine and WebEngineWidgets modules if we need. Commit .
  • Don't warn multiple times when deleting multiple entries and renamed "Remove" to "Delete". Commit .
  • Fixed the export to LaTex. Commit . Fixes bug #483482 .
  • Added two new example projects. Commit .
  • [maxima] removed custom handling of keywords that are already part of KSyntaxHighlighting. Commit .
  • Minor cleanup:. Commit .
  • Use the flag definition HAVE_EMBEDDED_DOCUMENTATION. Commit .
  • Allow to compile without the dependencies to QtHelp and QtWebEngine that are. Commit .
  • More usage of 'auto' in worksheet.cpp and minor cleanup in the debug output. Commit .
  • Fix incorrect removal tabs. Commit .
  • When ignoring IPhython's magic functions, don't ignore %variables that is. Commit .
  • Enforce passing tests. Commit .
  • KStandardItemListWidget: select by number of unicode chars. Commit . Fixes bug #466814 .
  • Fix search title display. Commit .
  • Fix baloo version in Flatpak. Commit .
  • Notify users if authorization is required to proceed. Commit .
  • PreviewSettingsPage: fix a warning: Attempting to add a layout... Commit .
  • Search: url encode parameters to filenamesearch:/. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated KIconEffect API. Commit .
  • Remove dead code. Commit .
  • Stop acting as admin when the authorization expires. Commit .
  • Improve Filelight installation UX. Commit . See bug #477739 .
  • Add support for Plasma's global smooth scrolling setting. Commit .
  • Plasma-activities no longer used. Commit .
  • Avoid need for activities lib. Commit .
  • Revert "DragAndDropHelper::updateDropAction: use StatJob for remote URLs". Commit .
  • Guide users to using kio-admin instead of sudo. Commit .
  • Add missing GENERATE_MOC to kconfig_add_kcfg_files. Commit .
  • Preview settings: Improve msg about network usage. Commit .
  • DolphinViewContainer: Use KMessageWidget::MessageType instead of own type. Commit .
  • Fix information panel icon. Commit .
  • Prevent inconsistent status bar progress reporting states. Commit .
  • CI: Disable Craft Windows. Commit .
  • AppData: use non-deprecated form of developer ID. Commit .
  • Prefer en_US, "colour" -> "color". Commit .
  • Offer installing Filelight if no disk usage analyzer was found. Commit . Fixes bug #477739 .
  • Baloo Widgets and kio-extras are both part of KDE Gear - which is also what Dolphin is part of. Commit .
  • Add "Move to New Folder…" action. Commit . Fixes bug #484555 .
  • Use m-dash instead of a hyphen. Commit .
  • Haiku build fixes. Commit .
  • Add label to button for closing the admin bar. Commit .
  • Avoid implicitly selecting items. Commit . Fixes bug #424723 .
  • UrlNavigator: show a "lock" icon after the breadcrumb for read-only dir. Commit .
  • Use proper icon set and style outside of Plasma. Commit .
  • Previews: Add EnableRemoteFolderThumbnail option. Commit .
  • Add "Act as Administrator" toggle action. Commit .
  • Check if namejob is already being run before opening new createDirectory dialog. Commit . Fixes bug #481401 .
  • View: Add setting to trigger user set action with double click. Commit .
  • Settings: use QFormLayout for confirmation tab. Commit .
  • DolphinView: Update selection on newly created item(s). Commit . Fixes bug #476670 .
  • Fix usage of ecm_add_app_icon. Commit .
  • Add two first appium tests that run on CI. Commit .
  • Fix logging category for git plugin. Commit .
  • Git: fix a clazy warning to avoid recreating QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Git: untracked empty dirs are no longer shown as versioned. Commit . Fixes bug #447530 .
  • Git: a little code clean-up and simplification. Commit .
  • Git: add to switch/checkout dialog ability to pick a commit. Commit .
  • Git: if ProgressDialog cancel pressed no need of QProcess output anymore. Commit .
  • Git: clone adjust branch combo to content. Commit .
  • Git: add to CloneDialog ability to preload available remote branches. Commit .
  • Git: fix typos in Switch/Checkout dialog signals connection. Commit .
  • Hg: remove unused variables to prevent warnings. Commit .
  • Svn: make SVN Checkout dialog run async. Commit .
  • Git: simplify clone dialog. Commit .
  • Git: move ProgressDialog to separate file. Commit .
  • Git: clone dialog, validate input. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Add mpris slot dbus, fix dbus name. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Update metainfo, desktop to dragonplayer. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Fix build add missing libpulse. Commit .
  • Save and restore maximization state. Commit . Fixes bug #428510 .
  • Allow adding to the playlist immediately after the current song. Commit . Implements feature #429942 .
  • Implement backend for enqueuing after the current track. Commit .
  • Implement backend for inserting tracks anywhere in the playlist. Commit .
  • Refactor enqueueing all items from a model. Commit .
  • Fix unsafe mix of type 'bool' and 'int' with == operator. Commit .
  • MediaPlayerControl: don't mirror media playback controls in RtL. Commit .
  • Remove docbook. Commit .
  • Reduce choppyness of animation when toggling playlist visibility. Commit .
  • Use consistent sizing for large mobile buttons. Commit .
  • Don't use gridUnit as an icon size. Commit .
  • Don't allow enqueueing all items in a view if the view is empty. Commit . See bug #484665 . See bug #484972 .
  • Port to KConfig::KStandardActions. Commit .
  • Fix wrong track being played when removing from queue and then restarting app. Commit .
  • MediaPlayListProxyModelTest: make testSavePersistentState easier to read. Commit .
  • Don't show the popup "xyz could not be played" when queueing non-tracks. Commit .
  • MediaPlayListProxyModel: only enqueue after the current track when shuffled. Commit . Fixes bug #488690 .
  • Allow resizing the main content sidebars. Commit . Implements feature #394401 .
  • Move mobile sidebar to MainWindow to avoid messing up the future SplitView. Commit .
  • Configuration: Replace old style declarative Binding and an oddly specific property. Commit . See bug #487904 .
  • ContextView: allow scrolling lyrics with the mouse wheel again. Commit . Fixes bug #481994 .
  • Kirigami.ListSectionHeader.label is deprecated since 6.2, set text directly. Commit .
  • Fix album art in the sidebar being recoloured with some QQC styles. Commit .
  • Fix running on Windows (QtWinExtras no longer exists). Commit .
  • Fix potential crash when enqueueing from empty files view. Commit . Fixes bug #441525 . See bug #484972 .
  • Fix DBus service activation. Commit . Fixes bug #487905 .
  • Remove unneeded function. Commit .
  • Use implicit heights for ToolBars and toolbar items. Commit .
  • Use implicit height for main toolbar rather than setting an explicit height. Commit .
  • Fix 1px padding between playlist panel and right edge of window. Commit .
  • Clazy: fix c++11 range-loop might detach container. Commit .
  • Clazy: use QLatin1String("") instead of empty QStringLiteral. Commit .
  • Clazy: Fix mixing iterators with const_iterators. Commit .
  • Clazy: Fix slot arguments need to be fully qualified. Commit .
  • Port rounded rectangles to Kirigami.Units.cornerRadius. Commit .
  • Fix UI freeze when maximizing the Headerbar. Commit . Fixes bug #483613 .
  • Implement album shuffle option on playlist. Commit . See bug #441879 .
  • No translate it. Commit .
  • Adapt to source incompatible changes in Qt's 6.7 JNI API. Commit .
  • Fix loading playlists encoded with CRLF. Commit . Fixes bug #470721 .
  • Refactor MediaPlayListProxyModelTest to use init() and cleanup(). Commit .
  • Refactor MediaPlayListTest to use init() and cleanup(). Commit .
  • Update the merge request template to recommend adding an autotest. Commit .
  • Use tag instead of category for user facing strings. Commit .
  • Fix warning "QObject::disconnect: Unexpected nullptr parameter" on startup. Commit .
  • Fix 2 typos in a comment. Commit .
  • Make compile with QT_NO_CONTEXTLESS_CONNECT. Commit .
  • Fix image search actions. Commit .
  • BookmarksToolbar: Fix drag and drop. Commit .
  • Update CHANGELOG. Commit .
  • Enable WebInspector with disabled JavaScript. Commit . Fixes bug #462887 .
  • Snapcraft: Build dep ssl. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Add missing dependency. Commit .
  • Fix cookies filtering with SiteSettings. Commit .
  • SiteSettings: Store more details about url. Commit .
  • Add a new line after each javaScriptConsoleMessage. Commit .
  • Remove Falkon identification from UserAgent. Commit .
  • Fix QWebEngineProfile name. Commit .
  • Enable "Reading from Canvas" by default. Commit .
  • SiteInfo: Fix ForceDarkMode update after a change. Commit .
  • SiteSettings: Fix default cookies permission error. Commit .
  • Fix UserAgent dialog window / ComboBox sizePolicy. Commit .
  • Use faster QFileInfo::exists. Commit .
  • Use 4-arg connect with labmdas. Commit .
  • Use Q_EMIT as a keyword instead of a function. Commit .
  • Use reference in range for loops. Commit .
  • Remove outdated WebInspector close button removal. Commit .
  • Use falkon profile name for QWebEngineProfile. Commit .
  • SiteInfo: Immediately apply "Farce Dark Mode". Commit .
  • Fix type. Commit .
  • Fix crash during migration. Commit .
  • Implement per site permissions in database. Commit . Fixes bug #409496 . Fixes bug #396024 . Fixes bug #451357 . See bug #392711 .
  • CI: flatpak: Increase runtime to 6.7. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Add home plug. Commit .
  • Make makeMap and closeURL more reliable. Commit . Fixes bug #485744 .
  • Empty out the filemodel on abort and signature changes. Commit .
  • Do not reset the model if it hasn't changed. Commit .
  • Ensure kcrash is enabled. Commit .
  • Refine homepage UI. Commit .
  • Cmake: refine dependencies. Commit .
  • Revert "Port AboutPage to FormCard". Commit .
  • Windows: theme window decoration light/dark. Commit .
  • Windows: hide the menubar on windows. Commit .
  • Windows: force sane style, color, icons. Commit . Fixes bug #487104 .
  • Snapcraft: Add to CI. Commit .
  • Craft: enable appx building. Commit .
  • Force hicolor to contain at least one icon. Commit .
  • Remove HistoryAction. Commit .
  • Use more precise icon for "go up" action. Commit .
  • Disable the context menu on fake shapes. Commit . Fixes bug #487930 .
  • Manually position tooltip so it's correct. Commit . Fixes bug #487339 .
  • Port action enabled propagation to qbindable. Commit .
  • Use a better name than object. Commit .
  • Assert or continue. Commit .
  • Repair action icons after qt6 port. Commit .
  • Ci: remove unused deploy jobs. Commit .
  • Windows: remove unused kdewin dep. Commit .
  • Add windows CI. Commit .
  • Style++. Commit .
  • Windows: treat unpinned files as compressed. Commit . Fixes bug #486549 .
  • Use passive notification for file deletion error. Commit .
  • Fix link failure due to duplicated symbols in the unit test. Commit .
  • Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s). Commit .
  • Clear up urgency wording. Commit .
  • Update screenshot. Commit .
  • BUG: 475390. Commit . Fixes bug #475390 .
  • Drop unused knotifications dependency. Commit .
  • Port to ecm_add_test to actually run the tetsts. Commit .
  • Drop unused qt5compat dependency. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Set QT_LIBRARY_DATA and fix formatting. Commit .
  • Fix actions translations not working. Commit . Fixes bug #490493 .
  • Snapcraft: Initial qt6 import. Commit .
  • Fix Messages.sh: remove spurious non-printable characters. Commit .
  • Remove Qt5 CI. Commit .
  • Remove creation of ghostwriterui.rc from CMakeLists.txt. Commit .
  • Fix syntax highlighting with unicode characters. Commit . Fixes bug #487636 . Fixes bug #482078 . Fixes bug #475234 . Fixes bug #485691 .
  • Port to Qt6 and Remove QtFontAwesome. Commit . Fixes bug #485691 .
  • Port to Qt6 and Remove QtFontAwesome. Commit .
  • Squashed commit of the following:. Commit .
  • Avoid Qt warning about QPixmap::scaled used with a null pixmap. Commit .
  • Arena selector: use default theme info from themeProvider, not own lookup. Commit .
  • Player rendering cache: use KGameTheme-compatible theme id. Commit .
  • Arena selection UI: follow KNewStuff guideline for labelling the button. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, label, title strings. Commit .
  • Use ellipsis character in UI strings instead of 3 periods. Commit .
  • Use capitalized "By" for author attribution. Commit .
  • Use executable name as qt logging category name. Commit .
  • Fix theme saving when clicking on "Save theme". Commit .
  • Add i18n context. Commit .
  • Fix formatting. Commit .
  • Fix when icon is not in resource. Commit .
  • Fix typo. Commit .
  • Fix show icon from resource. Commit .
  • Fix sizing of ToolButton in KWidgetItemDelegate. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update cfitsio. Commit .
  • Fix build with kImageAnnotator feature disabled. Commit .
  • Adds a new filter ImageDimensionsFilter allowing filtering the images by their width and height. Commit .
  • Add launchable tag to appdata to fix validation. Commit .
  • We use Qt6 only now. Commit .
  • Change the save bar to use KMessageWidget. Commit .
  • Focus the QLineEdit when showing the rename dialog. Commit . See bug #485430 .
  • ImageReader: allow 2Gb max allocation. Commit . See bug #482195 .
  • Use notr directly. Commit .
  • Adapt to new kldap api. Commit .
  • Adapt to new lkdap api. Commit .
  • Use correct variable. Commit .
  • Increase to 6.0.0. Commit .
  • Remove suffix Qt6. Commit .
  • Fix showing times for disembark-only intermediate stops. Commit .
  • Build packages against stable dependencies. Commit .
  • Sync with Flathub. Commit .
  • Sync with Flathub, move QtKeychain to top-level. Commit .
  • Don't show two separators on top of each other. Commit .
  • Try harder to keep timeline seat labels visible when we run low on space. Commit .
  • Explicitly search for and link against QtKeychain. Commit .
  • Implement Traewelling Login. Commit .
  • Fix seat label text overrun. Commit .
  • Show seat information in timeline delegates. Commit .
  • Add trip group splitting UI. Commit .
  • Make sure we always assign a trip group name when merging/splitting. Commit .
  • Add API for explicitly creating/splitting trip groups. Commit .
  • Add missing form card header on the program membership page. Commit .
  • Fix icon recoloring. Commit .
  • Correctly update the TripGroupController::canSplit state. Commit .
  • Don't duplicate pre-transfer elements when we have weather entries before. Commit .
  • Allow creating event entries from OSM tourism attaction elements. Commit .
  • Add trip group merging dialog. Commit .
  • Try harder to always produce a trip group name. Commit .
  • Implement trip group merging. Commit .
  • Preserve manually managed trip groups on changes. Commit .
  • Correctly propagate batch renames to trip groups. Commit .
  • Add flag to indicate whether trip groups are manually managed. Commit .
  • Expose more trip group API to QML. Commit .
  • Add Matrix room id to TripGroup. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated Qt API. Commit .
  • Make trip group name guessing usable for arbitrary reservation sets. Commit .
  • Deduplicate trip group file name computation. Commit .
  • Expose TripGroupModel and TripGroupController to QML. Commit .
  • Add TripGroupController. Commit .
  • Add API to query adjacent and intersecting trip groups. Commit .
  • Add trip group filter proxy model. Commit .
  • It compiles fine without qt 6.4.0 deprecated methods. Commit .
  • It compiles fine without kf deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Suspend auto-grouping and change notifications during trip group removal. Commit .
  • Allow to suspend auto-grouping in TripGroupManager. Commit .
  • Avoid one extra container conversion. Commit .
  • Reverse the order of trip groups. Commit .
  • Sort initial trip groups. Commit .
  • Update trip group model sections when needed. Commit .
  • Make the trip group model content update dynamically. Commit .
  • Add TripGroupModel. Commit .
  • Fix duplicated automatic transfer elements in the timeline. Commit .
  • Add 24.05.2 release notes. Commit .
  • Only do live data queries if we have a chance to pick a suitable backend. Commit .
  • Consistently use Unicode elipsis. Commit .
  • Require C++20. Commit .
  • Remove unnecessary call to KMime::ContentTransferEncoding::setDecoded. Commit .
  • Use KOSMIndoorMap's floor level selector dialog. Commit .
  • Don't register KContacts QML types with KF >= 6.3. Commit .
  • Fix reading/writing of all-day events to/from the Android system calendar. Commit .
  • Fix corrupted release notes. Commit .
  • Use the same branch for PIM dependencies. Commit .
  • Populate Calendar::id on Android as well. Commit .
  • Also request calendar read permissions when requesting write permissions. Commit .
  • Fix build without KHealthCertificate. Commit .
  • Test reservation change propagation through transfer manager. Commit .
  • Port Matrix room selection dialog to Kirigami.SearchDialog. Commit .
  • Add option to enable Wikimedia online content. Commit .
  • Also use the OSM element info dialog from KOSMIndoorMap. Commit .
  • Use the amenity search dialog from KOSMIndoorMap. Commit .
  • Correctly associate the pkpass file with the generic pkpass wrapper object. Commit .
  • Show generic icon if a pkpass file has no icon image. Commit .
  • Hide barcode area in pkpasses entirely if there is none. Commit .
  • Fix leading transfers getting sorted after their corresponding reservation. Commit .
  • Consider pending transfer anchor times when computing trip group times. Commit .
  • Make transfer auto test data-driven. Commit .
  • Require locations to have coordinates for automatic transfers. Commit .
  • Set the manual trip group naming flag correctly. Commit .
  • Also allow to create events from OSM office elements. Commit .
  • Fix logic for transfers to favorite locations at large time gaps. Commit .
  • Decouple transfer manager from trip groups. Commit .
  • Also check transfers of adjacent reservations on updates. Commit .
  • Extract maximum favorite location transfer distance. Commit .
  • Add 24.05.1 release notes. Commit .
  • Fix disabling development mode. Commit .
  • Implement trip group name editing. Commit .
  • Add TripGroupEditorDialog. Commit .
  • Factor out TripGroup deserialization. Commit .
  • Make TripGroup a simple value type. Commit .
  • Suppress transfer change notifications when nothing changed. Commit .
  • Implement Transfer comparison. Commit .
  • Don't compute trip group start/end times on demand. Commit .
  • Fully set up TripGroupManager in tests. Commit .
  • Propagate transfer change notifications to trip group change notifications. Commit .
  • Export trip group data as well. Commit .
  • Clean up pkpass import leftovers. Commit .
  • Clean up and clarify old ReservationManager::importReservation leftovers. Commit .
  • Fix storing the arrival time when editing a ferry reservation. Commit . Fixes bug #487885 .
  • Fix notifyrc qrc path. Commit .
  • Pick a less aggressive insert time after elements without end time. Commit .
  • Remember timezone even if we don't have full location knowledge yet. Commit .
  • Less eagerly continue trip group searching after finding a loop. Commit .
  • Factor out JSON serialization of TripGroup. Commit .
  • Allow to manually add flights. Commit .
  • Make sure we only show arrival delays if we show the arrival time. Commit .
  • Work around Kirigami Addons now having a QtWidgets dependency. Commit .
  • Add Google Play publishing job template. Commit .
  • Add default icon for tourist attraction visit elements as well. Commit .
  • Decouple PkPass image provider from PkPassManager. Commit .
  • Implement auto-committing of the import staging area. Commit .
  • Port online ticket import to the new import staging area. Commit .
  • Add import data staging area. Commit .
  • Factor out Android Intent handling code. Commit .
  • Use 6.7 Flatpak runtime. Commit .
  • Work around Emoji fonts configuration being broken in Flatpak. Commit . See bug #487245 .
  • Fix FreeBSD asserts due to QCoreApplication being used during teardown. Commit .
  • Add some missing tooltips. Commit .
  • Insert actually valid elements into ReservationManager. Commit .
  • Prepare for supporting event templates. Commit .
  • Also generate event templates from OSM elements. Commit .
  • Remove import from clipboard actions on health certificate page. Commit .
  • Use a working Poppler Git URL to fix the Flatpak build. Commit .
  • Add 24.05.0 release notes. Commit .
  • Factor out LiveData JSON de/serialization. Commit .
  • Fix typo in README.md: Othe -> Other. Commit .
  • Use amenity list delegate from KOSMIndoorMap. Commit .
  • Use KCalendarCore::CalendarPluginLoader instead of our own predecessor. Commit .
  • Refactor health certificate raw data access helper method for reuse. Commit .
  • TrainPage: Show line logo on the details page as well. Commit .
  • Factor out bundle domain constants. Commit .
  • Add unit test for trip group exporting. Commit .
  • Add API to look up reservation for a potential partial update. Commit .
  • Make health certificate display name logic available on its own. Commit .
  • Use opening hours delegate for OSM info dialog from kosmindoormap. Commit .
  • Port remaining load indicators uses to KPublicTransport.OccupancyIndicator. Commit .
  • BoatDelegate: Elide header label. Commit .
  • Remove unused aerial lift icon. Commit .
  • Make use of KPublicTransport.OccupancyIndicator. Commit .
  • Factor out default reservation icon mapping. Commit .
  • Use KPublicTransport.FeatureIcon. Commit .
  • Make pass validator externally accessible as well. Commit .
  • Make reservation validator externally accessible. Commit .
  • Use KPublicTransport::Feature::displayName. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated Quotient::Accounts global variable. Commit .
  • Update RadioSelector Component. Commit .
  • Use navigation path maneuver icons from KPublicTransport. Commit .
  • Use train coach type icons from KPublicTransport. Commit .
  • Disable KDBusService on Haiku. Commit .
  • Port away from Quotient's connectSingleShot(). Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated Kirigami CMake targets. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated KMime API. Commit .
  • Port more transport mode icon uses to new KPublicTransport API. Commit .
  • Adapt to source-incompatible changes in Qt's 6.7 JNI API. Commit .
  • Port to KPublicTransport::JourneySection::iconName. Commit .
  • Allow to import hotels and restaurants from OSM element URLs. Commit .
  • Port to KPublicTransport::Line::iconName. Commit .
  • Port individual transport and rental vehicle icons to new API. Commit .
  • Add translation contexts for flight arrival/departure time labels. Commit .
  • Port to new KPublicTransport line mode icon API. Commit .
  • Test date input now that the DatePicker is accessible. Commit .
  • Fix typo in JS code. Commit .
  • Initial set of Appium-based GUI tests using the AT-SPI driver. Commit .
  • Set the default validity from time for program cards to start of the day. Commit .
  • Port away from Kirigami.OverlaySheet. Commit .
  • Org.kde.juk.appdata.xml : Fix minor typo in description. Commit .
  • Add developer_name and launchable to appdata. Commit .
  • Make it compatible with the Sound Naming spec. Commit .
  • AudioCdView: Port to new connect syntax. Commit .
  • AudioTrackModel: Clear CDDB data on medium change. Commit .
  • JobProgressDialog: Add icons to buttons. Commit .
  • LsofWrapperDialog: Add icons to buttons. Commit .
  • Update the CD Audio title banner after a CDDB lookup. Commit .
  • UI files: use notr="true" instead of old comment="KDE::DoNotExtract". Commit .
  • K3b::Device::debugBitfield: Fix crash when using Qt6. Commit . Fixes bug #486314 .
  • Switch to KF6 by default. Commit .
  • Fix Qt 5 build. Commit .
  • Port away from Qt5Compat. Commit .
  • Fix i18n domain. Commit .
  • Don't include quiet package in feature_summary. Commit .
  • Remove unneeded dialog padding declaration. Commit .
  • Kcm: port InlineMessages to frameless style. Commit .
  • [nextcloud] Port HTTP usage away from KIO. Commit .
  • Require a released KF6 version. Commit .
  • Enabled Qt6 CI. Commit .
  • Add missing screenshot in Appstream data. Commit .
  • Add missing launchable. Commit .
  • Clean up hamburger menu. Commit .
  • Save config. Commit .
  • Image url not found. Commit .
  • Fix: remove duplicate entry. Commit .
  • Use Qt::. Commit .
  • Add AccountActivities support. Commit .
  • Add kldap version lib. Commit .
  • Activate activities support. Commit .
  • Prepare to activity support. Commit .
  • Use credit. Commit .
  • KDE CI: require "@same" branch of libkmahjongg. Commit .
  • Update git repo to invent.kde.org. Commit .
  • Prevent audio being stopped if not playing. Commit .
  • Code compiles fine without qt6.2 deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Close para. Commit .
  • Clean up libvlc find_package handling. Commit .
  • Remove old dependency on phonon. Commit .
  • Remove commented code. Commit .
  • Bug 489597, 489213, 484851: Use VLC instead of libcanberra to play sounds. Commit .
  • Remove utf-8 arguments (new kmime api). Commit .
  • Fix syntax. Commit .
  • Update appdata version description. Commit .
  • Port away from KMime::ContentTransferEncoding::decoded. Commit .
  • Fix version number. Commit .
  • Bug 488488: Fix crash after editing new alarm if spell checking is enabled. Commit .
  • Add QPushButton context. Commit .
  • Add comment to explain icon name fallback. Commit .
  • Update systray to use symbolic icon. Commit .
  • Add release info to AppStream metadata. Commit .
  • Graphsplasmoid: Make sure it works fine with Plasma 6.0. Commit . Fixes bug #490794 .
  • Don't build the Plasmoid in Flatpak. Commit .
  • .kde-ci.yml on "not Android", require qqc2-desktop-style. Commit .
  • Revert Enforce passing tests on all platforms. Commit .
  • Fix kdeci syntax. Commit .
  • Enforce passing tests on all Platforms. Commit .
  • Flatpak: update Kirigami Addons to 1.3.0. Commit .
  • Flatpak: move cleanup to top level. Commit .
  • Use singleton instead of context property for settings. Commit .
  • Port settings to FormCard. Commit .
  • Move info button to the toolbar. Commit .
  • Add titles for breathing pages. Commit .
  • Port away from OverlaySheet. Commit .
  • Run latest qmlformat. Commit .
  • Don't use context property to expose AboutData to qml. Commit .
  • Flatpak: update Kirigami Addons to 1.2.1. Commit .
  • Fix Appstream for new release. Commit .
  • Add 24.05.0 release description. Commit .
  • We can Use directly nullptr. Commit .
  • Add launchable tag to appdata. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, title strings. Commit .
  • Use ellipsis character in manual strings instead of 3 periods. Commit .
  • Always require passing tests. Commit .
  • Support 2 placeholders also used by KDevelop: APPNAMEID, PROJECTDIR. Commit .
  • Delete TODO. Commit .
  • Remove silly goose from template. Commit .
  • Port to SearchDialog. Commit .
  • Have QSystemTrayIcon as member instead of inheriting. Commit .
  • Add missing icon for android. Commit .
  • Fix icons on windows again. Commit .
  • Workaround for a qtmultimedia backend issue. Commit .
  • Add manual proxy configuration. Commit . Implements feature #467490 .
  • Fix clipping of ListView in ErrorListOverlay. Commit .
  • Fix missing streaming button on android. Commit .
  • Fix qml property assignment. Commit .
  • Refactor conversion from enum to int and vice versa. Commit .
  • Save filters on episode list and episode detail pages. Commit . Implements feature #466792 .
  • Workaround for mipmap issue with Image. Commit .
  • Set breeze as icon fallback theme. Commit .
  • Fix Show sidebar shortcut not being restored properly. Commit . Fixes bug #453715 .
  • Fix shortcuts not saved for format plugin actions. Commit .
  • Tabs: Wrap around to first on nextTab if current is last tab. Commit . Fixes bug #476565 .
  • Diff: Allow jumping to hunks with full context. Commit . Fixes bug #488418 .
  • Diff: Forward wheel event to editor. Commit . Fixes bug #490406 .
  • Allow "HEAD" when opening commit. Commit . See bug #489253 .
  • Try to avoid to create parent less widgets. Commit . Fixes bug #490712 .
  • Lsp: Dont discard ranges which meant to encompass the whole document. Commit .
  • Fix crash if no konsole installed. Commit . Fixes bug #490957 .
  • Fix buid dir terminal that got lost. Commit .
  • Don't overwrite m_terminal. Commit .
  • Add rpmspec to recognized language servers. Commit .
  • Allow the user to manage the allowed/blocked commands. Commit .
  • Do not open CMakeLists.txt after loading CMake targets. Commit .
  • Convert TreeView to interactive column sizes only after being shown. Commit .
  • Build: Load CMake targets as project targets. Commit .
  • Use .contains() member fn with std::map/unordered_map. Commit .
  • Debugger: Re-enable pausing execution without setting a break-point. Commit .
  • Allow removing multiple items from welcome page. Commit . Fixes bug #490308 .
  • Plugin_kategdp: When breakpoint mark changes, toggle breakpoint for it. Commit . Fixes bug #481691 .
  • Ensure we can still open files in build dir. Commit .
  • Add formatter for opsi-script language. Commit .
  • Minimal invasive port to QtKeychain. Commit .
  • Start port to QtKeychain. Commit .
  • Ensure we restore stashed documents with right encoding. Commit . Fixes bug #489360 .
  • Use session file name as stash folder name. Commit . Fixes bug #485551 .
  • Fix katesql plugin build. Commit . Fixes bug #488694 .
  • Fix index from wrong model warning in urlbar. Commit .
  • Fix crash in urlbar. Commit . Fixes bug #489931 .
  • Use the right signal. Commit .
  • Improve CMake based loading of projects. Commit .
  • Fix name of OmniSharp LSP binary. Commit .
  • Move target actions to TargetUI + fix target cloning. Commit .
  • Add settings for Gleam LSP. Commit .
  • Kate: tab switch consts to camelCase. Commit .
  • Make TargetModel::TargetSet private and use Json API in stead. Commit .
  • Add Copy,Cut and Paste of build targets and sets. Commit .
  • Output: setting to enable date. Commit .
  • Output: include date. Commit .
  • Kate: direct tab switching. Commit .
  • Project: add pid and directory to project ctags filename. Commit .
  • Kwrite: Add developer name and launchable to appdata. Commit .
  • Lspclient: remove reference to absent rapidjson include dir. Commit .
  • Add GUI tests to Kwrite. Commit .
  • Add LSP client settings for Java. Commit .
  • Add Typst LSP config. Commit .
  • Keep track of focus for widgets, too. Commit . Fixes bug #485209 .
  • Add developer_name to appdata. Commit .
  • Ensure plugin actions are in front of context menu. Commit . Fixes bug #488336 .
  • Allow to filter the plugins. Commit .
  • Disable some stuff for plugin list. Commit .
  • Move to model/view for plugin list. Commit .
  • Add LSP client settings for PureScript. Commit .
  • [gdbplugin] fixed removing unresolved breakpoints. Commit .
  • Better drag and drop between windows of the same instance. Commit .
  • Allow the copy like drag and drop of tabs always. Commit .
  • Bring back proper config dialog initial size. Commit .
  • Add an objectName to the centralWidget. Commit .
  • Fix close other documents action. Commit .
  • Modernize confusing 'continueCancel' message boxes. Commit .
  • Fork without exec not supported on macOS, will just crash, avoid that there. Commit .
  • Build plugin: use qcDebug() instead of qDebug(), to reduce noise in the output. Commit .
  • Build plugin: add a bit of docs for the cmake file API class. Commit .
  • Dark title bar support is default for Qt versions we require. Commit .
  • Be less strict about spaces in snippet names. Commit .
  • Build plugin: enable the compile current file action only of a compile_commands.json can be found. Commit .
  • Build plugin: for "Compile current file", add protection against symlinks when searching for compile_commands.json. Commit .
  • Build plugin: use util::showMessage() and qCDebug() for "compile current file". Commit .
  • Build plugin: add "Compile current file". Commit .
  • Add USE_DBUS option to enable dbus. Commit .
  • Replace KDevelop/Plugin servicetype with LoadInKDevelop boolean flag. Commit .
  • Remove KTextEditor/Plugin service type from JSON metadata. Commit .
  • Remove unused author key of backtracebrowser plugin. Commit .
  • Update clangd homepage. Commit . Fixes bug #486939 .
  • Constify methods. Commit .
  • Remove unused method. Commit .
  • Use std::span in a few places. Commit .
  • Guard more dbus headers. Commit .
  • Add missing KWindowSystem include. Commit .
  • Guard fillinRunningKateAppInstances. Commit .
  • Guard dbus header. Commit .
  • Guard dbus app adaptor. Commit .
  • Lsp: Ignore invalid ranges when formatting. Commit .
  • Fmt: make jq format a function. Commit .
  • Fmt: Simplify clang format formatter. Commit .
  • Fmt: Dont use contains check for C++. Commit .
  • Fmt: slightly refactor formatterForName. Commit .
  • Fmt: Fix last merged config not cleared on config change. Commit .
  • Add yaml formatting support. Commit .
  • Use Output view for error messages. Commit .
  • Add formatting revision to git-blame-ignore-revs. Commit .
  • Run clang-format. Commit .
  • Cmake file API: use KSandBox::startHostProcess() for flatpack support. Commit .
  • Cmake file API: if the user selected a cmake build dir as project directory, ask the build plugin zo load the targets, which will then load the source directory as project. Commit .
  • Cmake file API: improve handling of compile_commands.json. Commit .
  • Build plugin: don't load the same target set twice. Commit .
  • Project & build plugin: if there is a CMakeCache.txt in the directory which should be loaded (via. Commit .
  • Build plugin: after loading targets from cmake, select the "All" target. Commit .
  • Build plugin: add a bunch more error checking and error message boxes, if something goes wrong with the cmake file API. Commit .
  • Build plugin: less debug output, use qDebug() instead of printf(). Commit .
  • Build plugin: when loading targets from a cmake build tree, open the top level CMakeLists.txt. Then it doesn't feel so empty. Commit .
  • Build plugin: sort the targets: first the executables, then the libraries, then the utility targets. Commit .
  • Build plugin: after having cmake build targets loaded, let the project plugin try to load the source dir as a project. Commit .
  • Build plugin: also run cmake if no compile_commands.json exists, and copy it afterwards to the source directory. Commit .
  • Build plugin: minor cleanup. Commit .
  • Build plugin: before running cmake, ask the user whether he allows that. Commit .
  • Build plugin: save and reload cmake file API targets properly. Commit .
  • Build plugin: add functionality to load targets from an existing cmake build tree. Commit .
  • Allow to configure the style. Commit .
  • Allow creating file/folder at project root. Commit .
  • Move formatting plugin actions to "Edit" menu. Commit .
  • Fix ruby method parsing and nested classes parsing. Commit . Fixes bug #480756 .
  • Add QML Formatter. Commit .
  • Scroll Synchronisation activation method reimplemented. Commit .
  • Formatting: support fish_indent, dfmt, nixfmt, shfmt. Commit .
  • Formatting: Clean up FormattersEnum. Commit .
  • Formatting: Add a test for testFormatterForName. Commit .
  • Formatting: handle ruff in formatterForName. Commit .
  • Formatting: Add debug logging. Commit .
  • Formatting: Dont warn again and again. Commit .
  • Refactor formatters, reduce boilerplate. Commit .
  • Gdb UI file: use notr="true" instead of old comment="KDE::DoNotExtract". Commit .
  • Highlight links in diff commit view. Commit .
  • Git: Jump to conflict marker directly on file open. Commit .
  • Add Messages.sh to extract messages. Commit .
  • Document formatting plugin. Commit .
  • Add docs for compiler explorer plugin. Commit .
  • Don't trigger a build for pressing enter while editing a build target. Commit .
  • Small cleanups. Commit .
  • Purge old windows workaround. Commit .
  • Remove unused _version.h. Commit .
  • Purge useless version headers. Commit .
  • Modernize use designated init. Commit .
  • Buildplugin: Fix file-name-detection if there is no message. Commit .
  • KateSaveModifiedDialog: Use message box icon size from style. Commit .
  • Remove unused methods. Commit .
  • Reduce moc usage in katemainwindow. Commit .
  • Remove some unused includes. Commit .
  • Include less times. Commit .
  • Cleanup gdb plugin includes. Commit .
  • Include KTextEditor/Document consistently. Commit .
  • We require KF 6.x. Commit .
  • Fix capture warnings. Commit .
  • Use 6.0 as minimal release and use C++20 like frameworks. Commit .
  • Use new theme and style init functions. Commit .
  • Manually resizable target columns in build-plugin. Commit .
  • Refer to qml language server binary by upstream name. Commit .
  • Remove commented out Q_SLOTS . Commit .
  • Reduce moc usage in search plugin. Commit .
  • UrlBar: Optimize showing a directory. Commit .
  • UrlBar: Fix filtering in treeview. Commit .
  • Urlbar: Slightly optimize current symbol finding. Commit .
  • Fix blur artifacts. Commit .
  • Replicate KCommandBar style. Commit .
  • Some minor cleanups in katemainwindow. Commit .
  • UrlBar: Fix symbol view. Commit .
  • Fix unneeded write warning from cppcheck. Commit .
  • A11y: Improve tab order for "Session" config page. Commit .
  • A11y: Set buddy for "Diff Style" label. Commit .
  • A11y: Set buddy for icon size label. Commit .
  • Keep track of recent used files on saveAs & close. Commit . Fixes bug #486203 .
  • Make dbus optional. Commit .
  • Document the 3rdparty folder. Commit .
  • Use kate from the right virtual desktop. Commit . Fixes bug #486066 .
  • Terminal plugin feature: keep one tab per directory we have a document for. Commit .
  • Fix build under Windows. Commit .
  • Reduce Q_OBJECT usage in some plugins. Commit .
  • Mark 3rdparty as system include. Commit .
  • Fix RBQL toolview remains after plugin is disabled. Commit .
  • Dont use QPointer in function param. Commit .
  • These calls are officially available in KTextEditor::MainWindow. Commit .
  • S&R: Improve tab handling. Commit . Fixes bug #484231 .
  • Levelset selection UI: follow KNewStuff guideline for labelling the button. Commit .
  • Level selection dialog: make GHNS button text follow HIG closer. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • Fix support for themes packaged in subdirs, find sound files again. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action strings. Commit .
  • Use lowercase qt logging category names. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action & title strings. Commit .
  • Rename KF5_MIN_VERSION as KF_MIN_VERSION + it compiles fine without deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Add @info:tooltip as context. Commit .
  • Fix appstream data. Commit .
  • Set error Index for edge cases. Commit . Fixes bug #491327 .
  • Only show base label while on "Numeral system" mode. Commit .
  • Remove unused "Repeat operation for each result" option from menu. Commit . Fixes bug #490478 .
  • Show frame at the bottom of the display field. Commit .
  • Change octal prefix from "0" to "0o". Commit . Fixes bug #488728 . Implements feature #487837 .
  • Connect bit edit with new input display. Commit . See bug #489790 .
  • Remap undo and redo shortcuts to the input display. Commit . Fixes bug #488992 .
  • Add parsing support for scientific notation numbers with capital E. Commit . Fixes bug #489980 .
  • Fix display reset when changing settings. Commit . Fixes bug #488962 .
  • Better numeral system view UI. Commit . See bug #489790 .
  • Add "add/subtract percentage" functionality. Commit . Fixes bug #489027 .
  • Add parsing support for lower case hex numbers. Commit . See bug #488728 .
  • Fix bugs in Numeral system. Commit . Fixes bug #489660 .
  • Start new input on numeric entries after "equal". Commit . Fixes bug #489043 .
  • Clear result display on single negative number. Commit . Fixes bug #489041 .
  • Add first appium test. Commit .
  • Migrate to new slot syntax. Commit .
  • Add support for decimal numbers without integer part. Commit . Fixes bug #487659 .
  • Fix segmentation fault caused by single space. Commit .
  • Chain result upon equal clicked. Commit . Fixes bug #487566 .
  • Fixed a crash when trying to calculate a single space as input. Commit .
  • Use "qCDebug" instead of "qDebug". Commit .
  • Update files using clang-format. Commit .
  • Add locale to round functionality. Commit .
  • Add edge case handler for stack reduction. Commit . Fixes bug #487614 .
  • Remove not necessary text. Commit .
  • Improve appstream summary. Commit .
  • Show result while editing input. Commit . Fixes bug #480607 .
  • Namespace QRC content. Commit .
  • Fix unit test with KF 6.3 embedded Breeze icons. Commit .
  • Fix icon from qrc. Commit .
  • Enable mandatory tests for Linux and FreeBSD. Commit .
  • Use the Breeze icons for test. Commit .
  • Force locale and timezone for the todo tooltip test. Commit .
  • Adapt test data to the removal of KEmoticons. Commit .
  • Add developer name. Commit .
  • Add ability to set window color scheme manually. Commit .
  • Use ecm_set_disabled_deprecation_versions. Commit .
  • Improve and fix i18n. Commit .
  • Move reset button to main panel on the "Stopwatch" page. Commit . Fixes bug #487989 .
  • Snap: update to latest release. Commit .
  • It compiles without deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Add developer tag to appdata. Commit .
  • Don't use the obsolete KF6 preview Flatpak runtime. Commit .
  • Not necessary to add suffix Qt6. Commit .
  • Allow dbus processing in qt-base to enable color-picking via portal. Commit . Fixes bug #479406 .
  • Rename include moc too. Commit .
  • Time to increase version. Commit .
  • Make filter case-insensitive. Commit .
  • Fix dependancies. Commit .
  • IconTheme is searched by default. Commit .
  • Fix cmakelint warning. Commit .
  • Don't export private methods. Commit .
  • Fix warning. Commit .
  • Fix 488354: "Enable" and "Turn Off" buttons should act on selected entries only. Commit . Fixes bug #488354 .
  • Don't include when HAVE_DBUSADDONS is false. Commit .
  • Add missing require. Commit .
  • Disable DBusAddons on windows. Commit .
  • Add @label:textbox. Commit .
  • Add contect. Commit .
  • Enable KCrash for all executables. Commit .
  • Re-enabling bluetooth by default now https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=482192 is fixed. Commit .
  • Bluetooth provider workaround for BlueZ/DBus timeouts. Commit . Fixes bug #481870 .
  • Remove SSH flag to enable deprecated algorithms and keys. Commit .
  • Plasmoid: Port to pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound. Commit .
  • Plasmoid: Flatten plugin controllers, menu and other non-graphical components. Commit .
  • Plasmoid: Use better sizing binding for ListView delegate. Commit .
  • Plasmoid: Clip the ListView. Commit .
  • Plasmoid: Basic code cleanup. Commit .
  • Use ellipses instead of triple period. Commit .
  • Corrected newline inserting when using shift+return while writing SMS messages. Commit . Fixes bug #488585 .
  • Add message about iPhones to message. Commit .
  • Fix SMS app icons and thumbnails. Commit .
  • Fix powershell example command. Commit .
  • Fix: runcommand with args fails on windows. Commit .
  • Correct reference to NetworkPacket in isValidIdentityPacket calls. Commit .
  • Smsapp: Clarify that source/file is a URL. Commit .
  • Smsapp: Add qualified property access. Commit .
  • Unset file transfer tooltip location. Commit .
  • Make clang-format happy. Commit .
  • Add a parent to KCompositeJob. Commit .
  • Indicator: Sort devices in menu. Commit .
  • Virtual Monitor: always provide dbus path. Commit .
  • Virtualmonitor: implemented capabilities check. Commit . Fixes bug #485829 .
  • Add Qt::DBus dependency to kdeconnect_runcommand_config. Commit .
  • Better KCM size. Commit .
  • Urlhandler: Fix devicePicker selection with --device. Commit .
  • Fix inverted alphabetical device sorting order. Commit .
  • Validate and filter device names. Commit .
  • Dedupe Q_EMIT. Commit .
  • Use EC keys instead of RSA. Commit .
  • Show pairing keys everywhere and always shorten to 8 chars. Commit .
  • Update commented code. Commit .
  • Fixed typo. Commit .
  • Exclude Chrome/Firefox players if Plasma Extension is installed. Commit .
  • Fewer bananas. Commit .
  • Remove no longer necessary Qt6Core5Compat dependency. Commit .
  • Fixed virtualmonitorplugin url generation. Commit . Fixes bug #485830 .
  • Make sure we are not using deprecated APIs. Commit .
  • Drop Qt5-only code branches. Commit .
  • Declarative: Fix error message. Commit .
  • No more ECM 5. Commit .
  • Use ECM 6. Commit .
  • Fix Whisper / numpy version on Mac. Commit .
  • Try to fix venv on Mac. Commit .
  • Fix monitor data lost on switch from/to fullscreen on Windows. Commit . See bug #490708 .
  • Improve default track height calculation. Commit . See bug #490869 .
  • Ensure qtblend composition is always preferred to cairoblend unless specifically requested by user. Commit . See bug #491628 .
  • Better syntax for package check. Patch by Philippe Fremy. Commit .
  • Fix effectstack view keeps scrolling when mouse leaves. Commit .
  • Improve drag and drop of effects, don't create 2 separate entries on dropping effect from list. Commit .
  • Fix effect stack scroll on drag. Commit .
  • Stop dragging effect stack when mouse is outside of the widget. Commit .
  • Fix reuse. Commit .
  • Fix some effect names not translated. Commit . Fixes bug #491438 .
  • Fix python venv on Windows. Commit .
  • Fix possible crash on python install and enforce correct packages for Windows Whisper. Commit . See bug #490661 .
  • Switch openai installer to python requirements files, allowing to fix numpy error on Windows. Commit . See bug #491350 .
  • Fix rendering progress sometimes incorrect. Commit . See bug #490146 .
  • Fix NVidia transcoding of 10bit videos (convert to 8bit). Commit .
  • Default to GPU transcoding if available. Commit .
  • Fix incorrect param in audio thumb introduced in recent commit. Commit .
  • Minor optimization for preview render. Commit .
  • Fix titler incorrect background scale. Commit .
  • Fix subtitle widget size on AppImage. Commit .
  • Fix detection of build in MLT lumas. Commit .
  • Fix subtitle widget using too much space. Commit .
  • When doing an extract operation on all tracks and guides are not locked, move / delete the guides accordingly. Commit . See bug #490020 .
  • Fix titler background is pixelated. Commit . Fixes bug #431606 .
  • Fix deleting several single selection items sometimes deletes an unselected clip. Commit .
  • Make audio only render faster. Commit . See bug #491109 .
  • Add video only vaapi transcode profile. Commit .
  • Don't start proxy/audio tasks if a clip requires transcoding. Commit .
  • First round of fixes for task manager. Commit .
  • Add vaapi transcoding profile. Commit .
  • Fix crash in task manager. Commit .
  • Separate file for audio tracks fixes: Fix muted tracks exported, don't export audio for video render. Commit . See bug #491108 .
  • Fix timeline scrolling down by a few pixels when already at the bottom when using rubberband or spacer. Commit . Fixes bug #490956 .
  • Ensure missing timeline clips all have the "Invalid" markup text. Commit .
  • Fix crash cutting missing timeline clip. Commit .
  • Fix possible crash in keyframe editor. Commit .
  • Scroll effect stack view when dragging an effect. Commit .
  • Fix crash adding/editing keyframes on tracks/master when using group effects feature. Commit .
  • Fix possible QT debug crash on paste. Commit .
  • Add Actions to quickly add Marker/Guides in a specific category. Commit .
  • Fix loading sequence clip broken by last commit. Commit .
  • Fix single selection resize affecting other grouped items. Commit .
  • Add a control uuid to each bin clip to ensure clips can not get mixed on project opening. Commit .
  • Fix crash after undo spacer move with guides. Commit .
  • Fix transform keyframe center seeking outside clip. Commit .
  • Fix crash pasting single selected clip. Commit . Fixes bug #490370 .
  • Fix track effects cannot be deleted if "group effect" feature is enabled. Commit .
  • Updating a bin clip (name, tag) should be applied to all timelines, not only the current one. Commit .
  • Slightly better adjustment of tracks in multicam view for more than 4 tracks. Commit .
  • Make multitrack tool operate on inactive tracks as well. Commit . See bug #489981 .
  • Fix color theme menu not showing active theme. Commit . Fixes bug #489958 .
  • Fix cannot restore audio after saving project with master muted. Commit . Fixes bug #489985 .
  • Fix crash transcoding an audio only clip. Commit .
  • Generating comobox box from mlt enumeration parameters in generic effect UI. Commit .
  • Add createdate to dynamic text keywords and some tooltip info. Commit . See bug #489119 .
  • Update SoK file copyright. Commit .
  • Implement keyframe curve editor. Commit .
  • Fix transcoding sometimes results in vfr clips. Commit .
  • Fix avgblur minimum value for x offset. Commit .
  • Add sliders to keyframe import offset (Fixes #1884). Commit .
  • Update include/exclude lists with latest status. Commit .
  • Allow Effects/Compositions widgets to be smaller. Commit .
  • Consistently use USE_DBUS in CMake. Commit .
  • Monitor qml overlay: don't allow editing effect if timeline cursor is outside effect. Commit .
  • Get rid of ugly public/private hack in tests. Commit .
  • In comments, replace en_GB words "colour" and "analyse" with en_US versions. Commit .
  • Rename CMake option for DBus from NODBUS to USE_DBUS. Commit .
  • Nicer monitor handles for transform effect, don't allow invalid rect on resize. Commit .
  • [cmd rendering] Ensure proper kdenlive_render path for AppImage. Commit .
  • [nightly flatpak] update otio. Commit .
  • Explicitly mention that QT's major version in MLT must match the one used for Kdenlive. Commit .
  • Fix undo move effect up/down. On effect move, also move the active index, increase margins between effects. Commit .
  • Fix removing a composition from favorites. Commit .
  • Properly activate effect when added to a timeline clip. Commit .
  • Transform effect: allow moving frame from anywhere inside it, hide handles on move. Commit .
  • Fix spacer tool can move backwards and overlap existing clips. Commit .
  • Transform effect: add top, bottom, left, right handles. Commit .
  • Add easing method to video fades. Commit .
  • Transform effect: fix handles move on click. Commit .
  • Transform effect: when working in timeline with several clips using a transform effect, Alt+Click allows cycling through the clips. Commit .
  • [nightly flatpak] Switch to llvm18. Commit .
  • Add grid to monitor effects scene (it snaps). Commit .
  • Run callback server for OAuth2 only if necessary. Commit .
  • Fix extra dash added to custom clip job output. Commit . See bug #487115 .
  • Fix include list license. Commit .
  • Fix usage of QUrl for LUT lists. Commit . See bug #487375 .
  • Rename include/exclude lists. Commit .
  • For Qt5 require at least KF 5.115.0, for Qt6 KF 6.0.0. Commit .
  • Allow custom whitelist files for effects / compositions (no ui yet). Commit .
  • Fix startup crash on KF 6.3. Commit .
  • Fix missing whitelist license. Commit .
  • Implement effects whitelist (WIP). Commit .
  • Fix default keyframe type referencing the old deprecated smooth type. Commit .
  • Warn if custom clip job contains uneven number of quotes. Commit .
  • Be more clever splitting custom ffmpeg commands around quotes. Commit . See bug #487115 .
  • Fix effect name focus in save effect. Commit . See bug #486310 .
  • Fix tests. Commit .
  • Fix selection when cutting an unselected clip under mouse. Commit .
  • Add timestamp to undo commands. Commit .
  • Fix loading timeline clip with disabled stack should be disabled. Commit .
  • Fix crash trying to save effect with slash in name. Commit . Fixes bug #487224 .
  • Remove quotes in custom clip jobe, fix progress display. Commit . See bug #487115 .
  • Replace custom style menu by new KStyleManager menu. Commit .
  • Use KIconTheme::initTheme & KStyleManager::initStyle for proper styling. Commit .
  • Fix setting sequence thumbnail from clip monitor. Commit .
  • ClipJob: fix typo. Commit .
  • ClipJob: correct and update info and whatsthis. Commit . See bug #487115 .
  • Fix locked track items don't have red background on project open. Commit .
  • Fix spacer tool doing fake moves with clips in locked tracks. Commit .
  • Hide timeline clip status tooltip when mouse leaves. Commit .
  • Fix wrong FFmpeg chapter export TIMEBASE. Commit . Fixes bug #487019 .
  • Fix tests build. Commit .
  • With Qt6 the breeze-icons *.rcc files are no longer delivered. Commit .
  • Code Gardening: split main() into logical pieces. Commit .
  • Create sequence thumbs directly from bin clip producer. Commit .
  • Play monitor on click - make configurable. Commit .
  • Fix opening documentation link for shuttle on Windows. Commit .
  • Fix merge error. Commit .
  • Typo for build command: ninja is use in the cmake command, so sudo ninja install should be used. Commit .
  • JogShuttle, add note and link for installation on Windows. Commit . Fixes bug #485602 .
  • Optimize playback of sequence clips (don't default to rgba format which triggers expansive compositing checks). Commit .
  • Correct typo “file exist” → “file exists”. Commit .
  • Draft: Clarify that the remaining time calculation is an estimation. Commit .
  • Fix tests warnings. Commit .
  • Improve user feedback. Commit .
  • Audio record: allow playing timeline when monitoring, clicking track rec... Commit . See bug #486198 . See bug #485660 .
  • Feat: Implement effect groups. Commit .
  • Work/audio rec fixes. Commit .
  • Add multi-format rendering. Commit .
  • Ensure Docks are correctly sorted in view menu. Commit .
  • Remove deprecated method. Commit .
  • We don't use eventviews => remove it from CI. Commit .
  • Fix mem leak. Commit .
  • Port away pimeventsplugins away from EventViews. Commit .
  • Remove korganizer plugins. Commit .
  • Remove create note plugin. Commit .
  • Remove Akonadi Relation support from Create Event/Todo plugins. Commit .
  • Fix compile test. Commit .
  • Fix load icon from resource. Commit .
  • We have only close button. Commit .
  • EWS: prevent notification spam. Commit .
  • Google: sync tags to Google Calendar. Commit .
  • EWS: Don't create empty dump. Commit .
  • Ews: Use constexpr for user agents list. Commit .
  • Ensure authentication error notification is displayed. Commit .
  • Display error type in the debug output for QKeychain errors. Commit .
  • Abort request when we fail the authentification. Commit .
  • Disable failing kolab tests. Commit .
  • Do not try to subscribe to an empty list of folders. Commit . See bug #485799 .
  • Fix a memory leak in TransferJob. Commit . See bug #486861 .
  • Fix building tests and running with tests disabled. Commit .
  • Add Migrator to extract Akonadi tags from categories from all events and todos. Commit .
  • Remove Akonadi Relations from Kolab Resource. Commit .
  • Remove references to Relations from IMAP resource. Commit .
  • Remove references to Relations from Google resource. Commit .
  • Fix starting subjobs to modify DAV item tags. Commit .
  • DAV resource: implement tags<->categories sync. Commit .
  • Pop3: remove unused commands. Commit .
  • Pop3: call closeConnection() directly; call destructor in thread. Commit .
  • We have no good way to cancel this request, just ignore it. Commit .
  • KWallet is de facto mandatory now, let's be more pushy about it. Commit .
  • Switch login failure handling to be KNotification based. Commit .
  • IMAP(outlook): fix requesting a new tokens when none are present. Commit .
  • Outloop imap auth: Port away from KWallet. Commit .
  • ICal resource: Implement tag<->categories sync. Commit .
  • Bump Akonadi version since we now depend on new TagObserver API. Commit .
  • Adapt Kolab resource to IMAP being ported away from ObserverV4. Commit .
  • Port IMAP resource from ObserverV4 to ObserverV3. Commit .
  • Port EWS resource from ObserverV4 to TagObserver. Commit .
  • Google: explicitly request calendar.events scope in authentication. Commit .
  • Remove support for tomoboynotes. Commit .
  • IMAP(gmail): propagate auth error from KGAPI to user. Commit .
  • SingleFileResource: trigger sync after initially loading file on start. Commit . Fixes bug #485761 .
  • We depend against kf6.0. Commit .
  • Avoid using static variable with QString and QStringList. Commit .
  • Add git blame ignore file. Commit .
  • Add and make use of ECM clang-format integration. Commit .
  • Adapt to IPlugin asking for passing the KPluginMetaData in the constructor. Commit .
  • Require KDevelop-PG-Qt 2.3 (first to be Qt6-compatible). Commit .
  • KDE CI: reenable windows builds, fix for kdevplatform unbroke build. Commit .
  • Port to Qt6/KF6/KDevelop6. Commit .
  • Import kdevelop .clang-format file. Commit .
  • Port QStringRef to QStringView. Commit .
  • Port phpdocsmodel to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Explicitly remove strict compiler flags. Commit .
  • Slots -> Q_SLOTS. Commit .
  • Don't use regular expression for getIndentation. Commit .
  • Make PHP docs plugin use "new" ConfigPage architecture. Commit .
  • Appstream: add tag. Commit .
  • CMake/KDE CI: Depend on what we use. Commit .
  • Reorder expression visitor call visit order to fix list comprehension context for bug-id 48885. Commit .
  • Drop code variants for Qt5/KF5. Commit .
  • Bump major version to 6 and reset minor version to 0, following kdevelop. Commit .
  • KDE CI: switch build to Qt6/KF6. Commit .
  • CI: Fix the build. Commit .
  • Fix compiler warning: extra semicolons. Commit .
  • Port foreach -> range-based for. Commit .
  • Fix python string -> QString conversion. Commit .
  • Restore test needing KTextEditor API commented out during porting. Commit .
  • Fix some compiler warnings. Commit .
  • Fix the stable CI. Commit .
  • Allow building with Qt5 by dropping Core5Compat. Commit .
  • Remove include. Commit .
  • Clean up. Commit .
  • Make the testAutoBrackets test pass. Commit .
  • Fix indention in .yml file. Commit .
  • Include templates for qt6. Commit .
  • Use kf6 branches in ci. Commit .
  • Remove Id from Plugin metadata. Commit .
  • Fix some failing tests. Commit .
  • Remove Id from plugin metadata. Commit .
  • Fix CI build for debugsession. Commit .
  • Fix CI build for variablecontroller. Commit .
  • Fix astbuilder build for versions less than Qt6. Commit .
  • Mainly a ton of QLatin1Char and QStringLiteral changes. Commit .
  • Add Service. Commit .
  • Port QRegExp -> QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Use Q_SLOTS instead of slots. Commit .
  • Cleanup comments and debug. Commit .
  • Port cmake code to BUILD_WITH_QT6. Commit .
  • Initial support for python 3.12. Commit .
  • Appstream: use instead of deprecated <developer_name>. Commit .
  • Remove fstring xfail test case. Commit .
  • Re-enable f-string visiting. Commit .
  • Gdb: test and fix pretty-printing QPersistentModelIndex. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: add a QMultiHash QString test. Commit .
  • Add support for Qt6 QMultiHash to GDB QHashPrinter.num_children(). Commit .
  • Add support for Qt6 QMultiHash to GDB QHashPrinter._iterator_qt6. Commit .
  • Add support for Qt6 QMultiHash's MultiNode to GDB QHashPrinter. Commit .
  • Cache current node in GDB QHashPrinter._iterator_qt6. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: add a QMultiHash int test. Commit .
  • Tests: separate testhelpermacros.h from testhelpers.h. Commit .
  • Fix pretty-printing Qt5's QHash, QMultiHash and QSet. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: test QMap with a single element. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: verify exact value of address stored in QVariant. Commit .
  • Opt-in to new gdb.ValuePrinter API and provide num_children. Commit .
  • Prepare opt-in to new gdb.ValuePrinter API by prefixing variables. Commit .
  • Really wrap the std::map pretty printers for QMap. Commit .
  • Make it clear that we pretty-print a QMap by adding some wrapper text. Commit .
  • Fix testIncludeExternC with newer clang. Commit .
  • Allow dumping imported parent contexts with duchainify. Commit .
  • Fix regression with pretty-printer for Qt5's QVector. Commit .
  • Fix memory leak of {Gdb,Lldb}Launcher factories. Commit .
  • Fix support for pretty-printing a default-constructed QSet. Commit .
  • Fix support for pretty-printing a default-constructed QHash. Commit .
  • Fix support for pretty-printing a default-constructed QMap (with Qt6). Commit .
  • Improve pretty-printing of QVariants to avoid requiring QtCore debug symbols. Commit .
  • Gdb/printers/kde.py: adapt class KDevelop_Path to Qt6 QVector alias. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: test default-constructed QMap. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: adapt to Qt6 QMapPrinter's delegation to std::map. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: test default-constructed QHash and QSet. Commit .
  • Debugeeqt: build QLinkedList test. Commit .
  • DebugController: don't convert icon to pixmap and back. Commit .
  • PatchHighlighter: don't convert icon to pixmap and back. Commit .
  • QMakeConfig: look for Qt6 qmake executable too. Commit .
  • QMakeConfig: look for fallback system qmake executable once. Commit .
  • Find Qt6 rather than Qt5 in unit_tests_kde/CMakeLists.txt. Commit .
  • Add pretty-printer for QPersistentModelIndex. Commit .
  • Add support for pretty-printing qt6's QSet. Commit .
  • Add support for pretty-printing qt6's QVariant. Commit .
  • LoadedPluginsDialog: sync About button icon with one of plugins config list. Commit .
  • Fix support for pretty-printing qt6's QStack. Commit .
  • BranchManager: optimize and warn about multiple current branches. Commit .
  • BranchManager: convert source index to proxy index. Commit .
  • IBranchingVersionControl: fix documentation mistakes. Commit .
  • Don't always interpret filter wildcard pattern as filepath globbing. Commit .
  • BranchManager: don't set empty model filter redundantly. Commit .
  • KDevDocumentView: optimize finding all items. Commit .
  • Qt.py: update comment which was missing Qt6. Commit .
  • Add support for pretty-printing qt6's QMap (via std::map). Commit .
  • Pass KPluginMetaData instance to plugins, fix mix-up of component name & id. Commit .
  • Execute*plugin.h: unindent public: . Commit .
  • Perforce plugin: enable ASCII-auto-casting for tests. Commit .
  • GrepJob: time out "No results found" message. Commit .
  • Use size_t instead of uint for qHash. Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: unconditionally chop fragment suffixes for markers. Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: don't match comment marker for a longer ID. Commit .
  • Directly use QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler for StandardDocumentationView. Commit .
  • Drop QtWebKit support. Commit .
  • Assimilate HelpNetworkReply to QNetworkReplyDataImpl. Commit .
  • Prefer Qt6 qmake when looking for Qt documentation. Commit .
  • Add fallback heuristic to match enum Qt docs via comment markers. Commit .
  • Simplify regexp patterns as suggested by Igor. Commit .
  • Further tweaking for regexps in qthelpdocumentation. Commit .
  • Properly extract documentation for enumerators via QtHelp. Commit .
  • Remove trailing newlines/spaces in extracted qthelp documentation. Commit .
  • Further cleanup links in extracted qthelp documentation. Commit .
  • Extract brief documentation for classes from qthelp. Commit .
  • Fix QtHelp description extraction for new Qt6 format. Commit .
  • Extract cleanupDescription. Commit .
  • Make QRegularExpressions static where possible. Commit .
  • Use AAA style for descriptionFromHtmlData. Commit .
  • Directly encode optional spaces in compile time strings. Commit .
  • Simplify quotation-mark handling in descriptionFromHtmlData. Commit .
  • Add Qt6 qmake to candidates for Qt documentation lookup. Commit .
  • Test qthelp declaration lookup for all available qmake candidates. Commit .
  • Ensure test_qthelpplugin does not use cached data from previous runs. Commit .
  • Make TestQtHelpPlugin::testDeclarationLookup data driven. Commit .
  • Load no plugins in the TestQtHelpPlugin. Commit .
  • Remove unused QtHelpPlugin singleton. Commit .
  • Format qthelpplugin.h. Commit .
  • Remove unused args arg from qthelp plugin. Commit .
  • Remove extra init() calls from test_qthelpplugin. Commit .
  • Fix QtHelpPlugin for Qt6: make engine writable. Commit .
  • Disable Qt & KF deprecation warnings for newer than min required versions. Commit .
  • Add support for pretty-printing qt6's QHash. Commit .
  • App templates: add "CMake Qt6 Quick Application" template. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch. Commit .
  • Raise disabled deprecation versions. Commit .
  • Port deprecated qAsConst to std::as_const. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QMenu::addAction. Commit .
  • Qt6: Fix compiler warning when string-formatting qsizetype. Commit .
  • Port QVariant::type() to typeId(). Commit .
  • Port from QAbstractItemView::itemDelegate to itemDelegateForIndex. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QVariant::typeToName. Commit .
  • Port QDropEvent::pos() to position().toPoint(). Commit .
  • Port QMouseEvent::globalPos usage to globalPosition. Commit .
  • Silence header warnings - empty \copydoc. Commit .
  • Silence header warnings - remove unused variables. Commit .
  • Modernize code and iterate using const& to silence warning. Commit .
  • Unbreak testConditionsInSubdirectoryBasedOnRootVariables. Commit .
  • Fix test_cmakemanager with Qt6/KF6. Commit .
  • Remove unused kde4app and qt4app test apps. Commit .
  • Fix Qt6 FIXME, use QTabBar::mouseDoubleClickEvent. Commit .
  • Remove TODO KF6 as the comment explains. Commit .
  • Remove obsolete compat code for Qt5 now that we depend on Qt6. Commit .
  • Skip language controller test data rows for missing optional plugins. Commit .
  • Add QRC file template. Commit . Fixes bug #469064 .
  • App templates: add "CMake Qt6 Widgets Application" template. Commit .
  • Qualify the identifierForNode CRTP call. Commit .
  • Unbreak EXECUTE_PROCESS calls in FindSubversionLibrary.cmake. Commit .
  • Port away from CMake's deprecated EXEC_PROGRAM. Commit .
  • KDE CI setup: adapt to libkomparediff2 master now also on Qt6/KF6. Commit .
  • Add Qt6Core5Compat and WebEngineWidgets to users of KDevPlatform. Commit .
  • Plasma applet: align logic more with kdeplasma-addons "Konsole Profiles". Commit .
  • Plasma applet: note supported form factor, use SPDX license, add bug url. Commit .
  • Plasma applet: use KSvg.SvgItem.imagePath property now. Commit .
  • Check KTextEditor plugins based on new LoadInKDevelop metadata key. Commit .
  • Load KTextEditor plugins at their Qt 6 path. Commit .
  • Explicitly find and link to Qt DBus component. Commit .
  • Remove "Id" entries from test_plugincontroller JSON files. Commit .
  • KRunner plugin: adapt to plugin id now derived from the binary filename. Commit .
  • Fix warning about Plugin ID Metadata. Commit .
  • Konsole: load konsolepart.so at its Qt 6 path. Commit .
  • Bump KDevelop major version to 6 and reset minor version to 0. Commit .
  • Port KRunner plugin to KRunner6. Commit .
  • Initial port of Plasma applet to Plasma6. Commit .
  • Port from Grantlee to KTextTemplate. Commit .
  • Port to KompareDiff2 6.0. Commit .
  • Forward-declare KNScore::Entry instead of including KNSWidgets/Button. Commit .
  • Qthelp: KNS3::Entry => KNSCore::Entry. Commit .
  • Replace KIO::statDetails with KIO::stat. Commit .
  • TestCore::shutdown(): deal with Core possibly gone in Qt6's QTest::qWait(). Commit .
  • Add missing includes for declaration of pointer types for Qt properties. Commit .
  • Port to KF6 KBookmarkManager. Commit .
  • Port to KF6 KFileWidget::setFilters(QList ). Commit .
  • OpenProjectDialog: fill some filter variables only when needed, comment why. Commit .
  • Port away from KF5-only KColorSchemeManager::createSchemeSelectionMenu(). Commit .
  • Port to KPluginMetaData/KF6 no longer having a property metaDataFileName. Commit .
  • Port from Qt5-only QTEST_MAIN_IMPL to Q6's QTEST_MAIN_WRAPPER. Commit .
  • Port away from KTextEditor interfaces obsolete in KF6. Commit .
  • Port away from KTextEditor::DefaultStyle removed in KF6. Commit .
  • BreakpointModel::markContextMenuRequested: take QPoint by value. Commit .
  • Adapt to a new parameter in KF6 KTextEditor paintInlineNote(). Commit .
  • Port away from Qt5-only QWebEngineScriptCollection::findScript. Commit .
  • Test_gdbprinters: expect std::pair in place of QPair. Commit .
  • Debuggee_qlistcontainer: do not test QVector. Commit .
  • Static_cast qsizetype QString::size() to int. Commit .
  • Static_cast qsizetype index to int. Commit .
  • Port to KSelectAction::actionTriggered(). Commit .
  • Adapt to KJob::infoMessage() signature change. Commit .
  • Adapt to KWidgetItemDelegate::updateItemWidgets() signature change. Commit .
  • Port to KF6 KXMLGUIClient::action() by adding QStringLiteral. Commit .
  • BreakpointWidget: disambiguate QKeySequence constructor overload. Commit .
  • Work around QKeyCombination-returning operators in global namespace. Commit .
  • Replace !QTypeInfo::isStatic with QTypeInfo::isRelocatable. Commit .
  • TestDUChain: verify that two types, not only pointers, are unequal. Commit .
  • Don't compare different specializations of QExplicitlySharedDataPointer. Commit .
  • Switch build system to Qt6/KF6. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: don't install kdevelopplugin.desktop. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: simulate Grantlee5 CMake API for now. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: disable patchreview build. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: disable build of Plasma applet & KRunner plugin. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: disable building against Okteta libraries. Commit .
  • Prepare Qt6/KF6 switch: disable qmljs, needs full Qt6 replacement/update. Commit .
  • Drop forcing the QtQuick scene backend to software rendering. Commit .
  • Drop usage of deprecated & defunc Qt HighDpi attributes. Commit .
  • Drop Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator usage, gone in KF6. Commit .
  • GrepJob: port away from QTextStream::setCodec() removed in Qt 6. Commit .
  • Port away from UTF-8 QTextStream::setCodec() removed in Qt 6. Commit .
  • Remove codec arg from ParseSession::readFile call. Commit .
  • Remove second parameter from QMake::Driver::readFile(). Commit .
  • GrepOutputModel: port away from QString::replace(const QRegExp &,. Commit .
  • QMakeFileVisitor: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Port away from KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(). Commit .
  • Adapt to Qt 6 QMetaType's automatic registration of stream operations. Commit .
  • Adapt to invalid begin iterator of QList/6 vs. QVector/5 on erase at begin. Commit .
  • MIDebuggerPlugin: setup actions only if there is a QGuiApplication. Commit .
  • Debugger: do not call KNotification::setWidget(). Commit .
  • Show an alert when a breakpoint or a watchpoint is hit. Commit .
  • Fix PersistentSymbolTable::visitFilteredDeclarations for Qt6. Commit .
  • Refactor PersistentSymbolTable::visitFilteredDeclarations for readability. Commit .
  • Always set noFiltering = true for iterating over pre-filtered cache. Commit .
  • Make the patch review plugin optional. Commit .
  • ContextBrowserView: fix inserting nav wigdet into layout out-of-bounds. Commit .
  • DockBarContextMenu: bind life-time of lock action to menu, not window. Commit .
  • TemplateRenderer: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • GrepOutputDelegate: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • GrepFindFilesThread: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • GitPlugin::allCommits: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • ProjectSelectionPage: port to QRegularExpressionValidator. Commit .
  • AppWizardPlugin: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • HtmlToPlainText: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • AbstractNavigationContext: port away from QString::indexOf(QRegExp &). Commit .
  • AbstractDeclarationNavigationContext: port to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • SvnJobBase: search for a character instead of equivalent regex. Commit .
  • SvnInternalDiffJob: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Svndiffjob.cpp: enclose repairDiff() in unnamed namespace. Commit .
  • Test_git: fix the commit SHA-1 hash regex. Commit .
  • MIDebugger: don't remove "set prompt \032.\n" regex. Commit .
  • MakeFileResolver: remove a string instead of equivalent regex. Commit .
  • SourceCodeInsertion: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • SessionPrivate: port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Add missing QRegExp includes. Commit .
  • Gcclikecompiler.cpp: clean up includes. Commit .
  • Group includes, reorder groups and sort within groups. Commit .
  • KDevelop::normalizeLineEndings: fix out-of-bounds access at end. Commit .
  • KDevPlatformLanguage: drop unused classes ApplyChangesWidget/CodeGenerator*. Commit .
  • Remove unused qMapLessThanKey specialization for IndexedIdentifier. Commit .
  • Port away from QAction::parentWidget(). Commit .
  • Kcm_uitest: get rid of useless I18N_NOOP(). Commit .
  • Adapt also test plugin target/outputnames to match the plugin id. Commit .
  • Port remaining QDesktopWidget uses to QScreen. Commit .
  • Sublime: remove custom saving of main window geometry. Commit .
  • PluginController: eliminate a temporary QVector. Commit .
  • ProjectManagerViewPlugin: fix GCC's -Wrange-loop-construct. Commit .
  • RegistersManager: don't cast pointer to bool before printing. Commit .
  • DefinesModel: simplify and optimize QList<=>QHash conversions. Commit .
  • DefinesModel: replace qMakePair with QPair. Commit .
  • DebugController: use an updated line number. Commit .
  • Pass lambdas instead of member functions to QtConcurrent::run(). Commit .
  • Replace Base::QVarLengthArray with Base::Base. Commit .
  • Don't rely on implicitness of QChar(int) constructor. Commit .
  • Don't rely on implicitness of QUuid(QString) constructor. Commit .
  • Don't rely on implicitness of QDebug constructors. Commit .
  • Replace QVariant::setValue() with QVariant::fromValue(). Commit .
  • Explicitly cast QStringBuilder to QByteArray. Commit .
  • Add missing includes. Commit .
  • Remove unused KPluginFactory includes. Commit .
  • Don't rely on implicitness of QFileInfo constructors. Commit .
  • Adapt plugin target/outputnames to match the plugin id (needed with KF6). Commit .
  • Remove left-over dead cmake code. Commit .
  • Drop defunc support for KDEV_DISABLE_WELCOMEPAGE env var. Commit .
  • Reimplement welcome page plugin using QWidgets. Commit .
  • Use only QString KConfig group name overloads. Commit .
  • IOutputView::registerToolView: take QString config group name. Commit .
  • Add a regex for gtest errors to NativeAppErrorFilterStrategy. Commit . Fixes bug #375778 .
  • ReplacementParser: support Windows line endings in a .yaml file. Commit .
  • Clangtidy/tests: don't copy test data directory. Commit .
  • Clangtidy: use QFINDTESTDATA in ReplacementsParserTester. Commit .
  • Clangtidy: boost::string_ref => std::string_view. Commit .
  • Revert "Exclude replacementparser from build for now". Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QVarLengthArray API. Commit .
  • Debuggercommon: Remove deprecated KLineEdit property. Commit .
  • Add note that this code has not yet landed upstream. Commit .
  • Port from QVariant::canConvert(int) to QVariant::canConvert (). Commit .
  • Format qthelpnetwork.h with clang-format. Commit .
  • Use provider name for QtHelp home page name. Commit .
  • Fix indentation and formatting in qthelpdocumentation.h. Commit .
  • Assert that the engine is fully setup after setupData was called. Commit .
  • Log warnings from the QHelpEngine. Commit .
  • Also log failure when registering documentation from QtHelpProvider. Commit .
  • Cleanup: explicitly pass QtHelpProvider instead of abusing static. Commit .
  • Defer loading of Qt documentation until after initialization. Commit .
  • Debuggercommon: make stty.cpp compile on Windows. Commit .
  • Enable PIC globally. Commit .
  • Port deprecated QString::count to QString::size. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QScopedPointer::take. Commit .
  • Refactor QMake::ASTVisitor::visitNode. Commit .
  • Fix clazy-qcolor-from-literal. Commit .
  • Fix clazy-const-signal-or-slot. Commit .
  • TestCMakeFileApi: fix slot name: initTestSuite => initTestCase. Commit .
  • Expect failure when parsing c++config.h from GCC with clang. Commit .
  • Call KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain in TestCore::initialize. Commit .
  • Gdb: pretty-print QByteArray as string, not const char*. Commit .
  • MIParser: use const to prevent detaching. Commit .
  • Deduplicate ProcessSelectionDialog usages and employ RAII. Commit .
  • Remove useless [Indexed]QualifiedIdentifier conversions. Commit . Fixes bug #482001 .
  • Add TypeScript compiler (tsc) error filtering strategy. Commit .
  • Gdb/printers: match only QQueue proper. Commit .
  • GitPlugin: store encountered revisions in QHash rather than QMap. Commit .
  • GitPlugin: ignore the "boundary" revision marker. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: simplify interface and optimize. Commit .
  • Return empty Defines from definesInBackground(). Commit .
  • Don't consider NoProjectIncludePathsManager ProjectSpecific. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: support tab characters in defines. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: replace check with assertion. Commit .
  • Encode .kdev_include_paths in UTF-8 instead of local 8-bit. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: show defines in text edit. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: optimize writing empty paths. Commit .
  • Convert class NoProjectIncludePathsManager into namespace. Commit .
  • NoProjectIncludePathsManager: capture a local variable by value. Commit .
  • Actually show the Setup Custom Include Paths dialog. Commit .
  • ProjectController: pass a safer context to QObject::connect(). Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: start from title to begin with. Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: fix matching "title" class. Commit .
  • Don't call QRegularExpressionMatch::isValid(). Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: remove trailing line break from description. Commit .
  • QtHelpDocumentation: actually show function description. Commit .
  • Extract helper functions from QtHelpDocumentation::description(). Commit .
  • Unbreak QtHelpDocumentation::description title matching. Commit .
  • Remove unused include from iquickopen.h. Commit .
  • Include instead of forward-declaring it. Commit .
  • GitPlugin: prepare to QStringView's first() and sliced(). Commit .
  • GitPlugin::parseGitVersionOutput: don't pass -1 to QStringView::mid(). Commit .
  • GitPlugin::parseGitBranchOutput: prepare to QStringView::sliced(). Commit .
  • Ghprovider: prepare to QStringView::sliced(). Commit .
  • IncludePathProperties: prepare to QStringView::sliced(). Commit .
  • Debuggercommon: don't call QStringView::mid(-1, 2). Commit .
  • PatchHighlighter: assert KTextEditor cursor assumptions. Commit .
  • SessionLock: assert valid session id string. Commit .
  • Do not pass -1 to QStringView::left(). Commit .
  • ISourceFormatter: don't pass -1 to QStringView::left(). Commit .
  • Don't declare QStringView as a reference in range-based for loops. Commit .
  • Clazy: postpone creating a QString to optimize. Commit .
  • GitPlugin: don't convert a QStringView to QString before concatenating. Commit .
  • Port QStringRef usages to QStringView. Commit .
  • BazaarPlugin: optimize with QStringView::split(). Commit .
  • Vcs: optimize with QRegularExpression::capturedView(). Commit .
  • Remove unused function KDevelop::extractLineNumber(). Commit .
  • Lldb: avoid detaching a QString. Commit .
  • Avoid detaching QStringList. Commit .
  • Backgroundparser: don't prevent RVO. Commit .
  • Enclose local code in an unnamed namespace. Commit .
  • WidgetColorizer: eliminate unsafe QStringView usage. Commit .
  • MIDebugSession: remove duplicate unused member functions. Commit .
  • Use std::remove_if return value - i.e. actually remove something. Commit .
  • Add $ to patterns to match QUuid/QVariant. Commit .
  • Documentation: remove obsolete and broken setTabOrder() call. Commit .
  • Reject a breakpoint URL of an untitled document. Commit .
  • MIBreakpointController: ignore uninteresting BreakpointModel changes. Commit .
  • Print erroneous breakpoint's row in a warning. Commit .
  • MIBreakpointController: let Breakpoint::setData() parse location. Commit .
  • Breakpoint: clear unsupported URL read from config. Commit .
  • Debugger: detect pending lldb-mi breakpoints. Commit .
  • Debuggercommon/tests: add Q_OBJECT macro to TestDebugger. Commit .
  • Debugger: don't use invalid actual location of a lldb-mi breakpoint. Commit .
  • Fix testPickupManuallyInsertedBreakpointOnlyOnce() failures. Commit .
  • Reject a breakpoint URL with a relative path. Commit .
  • Extract KDevMI::Testing::breakpoints(). Commit .
  • Debuggercommon: enclose test helpers in Testing namespace. Commit .
  • IndexedString: document poor relative URL path support. Commit .
  • Breakpoint: explain isSupportedBreakpointUrl() in a comment. Commit .
  • Group and sort includes in breakpoint.cpp. Commit .
  • Debugger: test Breakpoint::setData(LocationColumn, ...). Commit .
  • Debugger/tests: deduplicate ecm_add_test() in CMakeLists.txt. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: use setData() in place of native user command. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: don't skip 4 test functions anymore. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: transfer a testPendingBreakpoint fix from test_gdb. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: transfer watchpoint test changes from test_gdb. Commit .
  • Test_gdb: uncomment and fix testBreakOnReadBreakpoint(). Commit .
  • Test_lldb: fix testStack*(). Commit .
  • Extract validateColumnCountsThreadCountAndStackFrameNumbers(). Commit .
  • Remove useless testStackDeactivateAndActive(). Commit .
  • Test_lldb: fix XPASS testBreakpointDisabledOnStart(). Commit .
  • Test_lldb: fix XPASS testVariablesWatchesQuotes(). Commit .
  • LldbTest::testDeleteBreakpoint: verify breakpoint removal. Commit .
  • LldbTest::testUpdateBreakpoint: fix comments. Commit .
  • Debuggercommon/tests: revert a shift of lines in debugee.cpp. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: adjust line numbers that shifted in debugees. Commit .
  • GdbTest::testThreadAndFrameInfo: adjust breakpoint line number. Commit .
  • GdbTest::testStackSwitchThread: adjust shifted line number. Commit .
  • Debuggercommon: improve readability of debugeethreads.cpp. Commit .
  • GdbTest::testChangeBreakpointWhileRunning: test line more strictly. Commit .
  • GdbTest::testAttach: actually test the breakpoint line. Commit .
  • Test_gdb: fix off-by-one errors in comments. Commit .
  • Test_lldb: Don't hang in LldbTest::testCoreFile. Commit .
  • Remove unused include from abbreviations.h. Commit .
  • .clang-format: use WebKit style to format JSON files. Commit .
  • Port QStyleOption::init() to QStyleOption::initFrom(). Commit .
  • Remove unused events from kdevelop.notifyrc. Commit .
  • Projectfilter: explicitly include .kde-ci.yml. Commit .
  • Projectfilter: generate default filters once. Commit .
  • Projectfilter: don't reserve default filter list size. Commit .
  • Projectfilter: rely on CTAD to deduce the size of std::array. Commit .
  • StatusBar: don't subtract zero from message timeouts. Commit .
  • Don't show background parser's messages on the status bar. Commit .
  • MIDebugSession: don't show status messages with timeout=0. Commit .
  • JobStatus: clear status message when finished. Commit .
  • StatusBar: remove messages with overdue timeouts. Commit .
  • StatusBar: transfer existing status message to new progress item. Commit .
  • StatusBar: don't show empty status messages. Commit .
  • StatusBar: don't subtract from just inserted message's timeout. Commit .
  • StatusBar: fix handling of status messages that don't time out. Commit .
  • StatusBar: don't obscure error messages by status messages. Commit .
  • Actually show status messages in the status bar. Commit .
  • Overload QDebug operator<< for StatusBar::Message. Commit .
  • StatusBar: remove unused members. Commit .
  • QuickOpenLineEdit: don't set empty text and style sheet. Commit .
  • Fix test_files-clang failure with Clang 18. Commit .
  • Test_files-clang: extract clangVersionNumber(). Commit .
  • Keep unsaved documents open when switching areas. Commit . Fixes bug #486746 .
  • Manpage: filter out root index entry. Commit .
  • Revert "work around bug in kLineEdit". Commit .
  • Revert "Add copy button in AbstractNavigationWidget". Commit . Fixes bug #486656 .
  • Debugger: Port away from KSysGuardProcessList. Commit .
  • Add developer name to launchable. Commit .
  • Add @info:credit. Commit .
  • KNOTIFICATIONS 5.78 is not necessary now. Commit .
  • Use nullptr. Commit .
  • Fix cmakelint issue Extra spaces between 'if' and its () [whitespace/extra]. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Use an icon that exists. Commit .
  • Fixed handling of Widgets::calendar() result - it is a bool signifying "accepted" like other functions. Commit .
  • Fixed handling of Widgets::slider() result - it is a bool signifying "accepted" like other functions. Commit .
  • Change Widgets::imgInputBox() result to be bool signifying "accepted" like other functions. Commit .
  • Change Widgets::imgBox() result to be bool signifying "accepted" like other functions. Commit .
  • Change Widgets::textbox() result to be bool signifying "accepted" like other functions. Commit .
  • KNewStuff config: drop trailing slash from install dir, avoids warnings. Commit .
  • Remove unneeded setting of window title to app name. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more item, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • Don't do HTTP get for favicon before handing over to part. Commit .
  • Abort favicon fetch when HTML part does not have navigation extension. Commit .
  • Port license headers to SPDX. Commit .
  • Drop editor-specific comments. Commit .
  • Make D-Bus dependency explicit. Commit .
  • Gitignore: add VS Code dir. Commit .
  • Fix missing TOTP health indicator. Commit .
  • Clean up CMake code. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, label, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • Simplify cmake code. Commit .
  • Add developer name and launchable in appdata. Commit .
  • Update flags of lesotho, liechtenstein, iraq and tokelau. Commit .
  • Port deprecated method (remove obsolete code). Commit .
  • Update file tray.cpp. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item, title, tooltip, etc. strings. Commit .
  • Fix kgpg -V. Commit .
  • New in this release
  • Fix warning found by qtc. Commit .
  • Use QStringLiteral. Commit .
  • Eu-dgc: Use the correct OpenSSL include. Commit .
  • FreeBSD Qt 6.7 seems to need a QCoreApplication for accessing TLS features. Commit .
  • CMake: Require Qt6::PrintSupport. Commit .
  • Qml: Fix deleting identity. Commit .
  • Qml: Close identity editor after deleting identity. Commit .
  • Qml: add field for changing identity name. Commit .
  • Add Q_OBJECT. Commit .
  • Improve autotests. Commit .
  • Hide ActivitiesRole column. Commit .
  • Remove QTipDialog. Commit .
  • Lambda rewrites. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, info, item, label, title strings. Commit .
  • Prefer en_US, "centre" -> "center". Commit .
  • Add launchable and developer tag to appdata. Commit .
  • Drop Qt 5/KF5 support. Commit .
  • Add FreeBSD Qt 6 CI. Commit .
  • Avoid a few temporary allocations in IMAP response parsing. Commit .
  • Add method to notify about expired authorization. Commit .
  • Remove debugs in FileAction. Commit .
  • Add homepage url to appstream metadata. Commit .
  • [thumbnail] Print file name when asserting. Commit . See bug #490827 .
  • Sftp: Use fancy defines from our own header if not available. Commit .
  • Sftp: Set permissions on mkdir rather than mkdir && chmod. Commit .
  • Sftp: fix windows build. Commit .
  • Recentlyused: Add missing Messages.sh. Commit .
  • Filenamesearch: Add missing translation domain. Commit .
  • Filenameseearch: Full decode search and url parameter. Commit .
  • Thumbnails: Use direct lookup for plugins. Commit .
  • [fish] Drop reference to deprecated errorPage. Commit .
  • Enable smb only if DBus is enabled. Commit .
  • Allow to enable activities only if DBus is enabled. Commit .
  • [archive] Qt::DBus does not seem to be used here. Commit .
  • Disable filenamesearch if DBus it disabled. Commit .
  • Disable mtp if DBus it disabled. Commit .
  • Disable DBus in kcms if requested. Commit .
  • Add USE_DBUS CMake option to control DBus usage. Commit .
  • Correct trash kcm dialog initialization. Commit . Fixes bug #486844 .
  • Remove wrong warning about apps not supporting proxy settings. Commit .
  • Don't build filenamesearch on Windows/macOS. Commit .
  • [filenamesearch] Explicitly link against QtDBus. Commit .
  • [kcms/webshortcuts] Explicitly link against QtDBus. Commit .
  • [kcms/proxy] Explicitly link against QtDBus. Commit .
  • Drop unused KSaveIOConfig::setAutoResume. Commit .
  • Thumbnail/svg: Scale small svgs. Commit .
  • Thumbnail/imageplugin: add image/x-adobe-dng support. Commit . Fixes bug #472372 .
  • Restore Qt 5 build. Commit .
  • Add missing const. Commit .
  • Fix regression in fileId lookup. Commit . Fixes bug #487021 .
  • Fix the window icon to not be a generic wayland logo. Commit . Fixes bug #415931 .
  • DrawerGallery: Fix weird behavior of modal Drawers. Commit .
  • ColorSetGallery: fix controls location & size. Commit .
  • ColorSetGallery: fix widths of delegates. Commit .
  • FormLayoutGallery: align radio label with top radio button. Commit .
  • OverlaySheetGallery: make ListView sheet delegates use the whole width. Commit .
  • SelectionControlsGallery: clip ListViews in dialogs. Commit .
  • ListViewGallery: Rework and refactor. Commit .
  • InfoSheetAction: Factor out generic popup and page event management. Commit .
  • InfoSheet: Use normal Dialog instead of a PromptDialog. Commit .
  • ColorsGallery: Rework layout and code structure. Commit .
  • InlineMessagesGallery: Implement an ancient TODO. Commit .
  • TextFieldGallery: Improve word wrapping mode. Commit .
  • TextFieldGallery: Add Kirigami.PasswordField and SearchField. Commit .
  • TextFieldGallery: Make SpellChecking bi-directional. Commit .
  • TextFieldGallery: Add readOnly text field and Spell Check checkbox. Commit .
  • TextFieldGallery: Use ellipses instead of triple period. Commit .
  • Remove remnants of TabBar header style. Commit .
  • Better iconography for global drawer. Commit .
  • MainPage: Stretch delegates horizontally. Commit .
  • MainPage: Use the usual import alias for org.kde.kitemmodels module. Commit .
  • BaseApp: Remove "Slow Animations" CheckBox. Commit .
  • Main.cpp: Remove trailing whitespace. Commit .
  • CMake: Port variable name. Commit .
  • LayersGallery: Port to KF6. Commit .
  • MetricsGallery: Remove Units.devicePixelRatio row. Commit .
  • Drop QML import versions. Commit .
  • MainPage: Fix page actions. Commit .
  • MainPage: Add text to the go-home button, but keep its style as IconOnly. Commit .
  • BaseApp: Fix code style, use strict JavsScript equality. Commit .
  • BaseApp: Fix superfluous indentation. Commit .
  • BaseApp: Use ellipses instead of triple period. Commit .
  • Factor out InfoSheet management into a new InfoSheetAction type. Commit .
  • Update dialog example. Commit .
  • Fix Flatpak build. Commit .
  • Fix Android APK build. Commit .
  • Port android bits. Commit .
  • Adapt ci. Commit .
  • Port to KF6. Commit .
  • Add launchable and developer name to appdata. Commit .
  • Extend Flixbus station regex for Dutch-language tickets. Commit .
  • Relax MAV barcode matching pattern. Commit . Fixes bug #491403 .
  • Fix booking.com hotel name extraction in newer confirmation emails. Commit .
  • Rework price handling. Commit .
  • Handle more than one trip summary in SNCF connect emails. Commit .
  • Add SCNF tariff code for Carte Liberté. Commit .
  • Handle multi-day trips and multi-traveler seat reservations for Entur. Commit .
  • Make name-based location matching work when exceeding the RCT2 limit. Commit .
  • Add RCT2 IRT name mapping found on international SNCB tickets. Commit .
  • Add extractor script for EnTur PDF tickets. Commit . Fixes bug #490997 .
  • Improve asymmetric city-level location comparison. Commit .
  • Switch Flatpak and static builds to use the release branch. Commit .
  • Disable KConfig QML bindings for the static extractor build. Commit .
  • Use the new unified KF D-Bus switch. Commit .
  • Skip Qt translation processing for static builds. Commit .
  • Fix setting up the EOL CentOS 7 image for static builds. Commit .
  • Update static extractor build to current dependency versions. Commit .
  • Add extractor script for direct-book.com hotel booking emails. Commit .
  • Add extractor script for Scandlines ferry tickets. Commit .
  • Handle one more Google Maps URL scheme for extracting coordinates. Commit .
  • Add 12go schema.org fix-up script. Commit .
  • Don't require reservation numbers for merging bus reservations. Commit .
  • Fix location comparison when dealing with asymetric address data. Commit .
  • Add Max Actif SCNF tariff code. Commit .
  • Convert price property to totalPrice. Commit .
  • Add extractor for Georgian Railway (საქართველოს რკინიგზა). Commit .
  • If country name resolution failed, use the coordinate based lookup. Commit .
  • Normalize whitespaces before doing anything with the country name. Commit .
  • Make use of KMime's new const API. Commit .
  • Add extractor for TCDD Taşımacılık (Turkish Railways). Commit .
  • Ignore creation date for PDFsharp PDFs. Commit .
  • Add extractor script for Iberia reservation PDFs. Commit .
  • Create airports as places rather than simple objects in the flight template. Commit .
  • Add RCT2 IRT detection pattern for Snälltâget. Commit .
  • Deal with Snälltâget having a typo in the U_TLAY type field. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QDateTime API. Commit .
  • Accommodate TCDD's barcode padding. Commit .
  • Make the 12go extractor more robust and handle more variants. Commit .
  • Add basic hotels.com fallback extractors for emails without schema.org data. Commit .
  • Add a sanity check for company capital notes in the price extractor. Commit .
  • Extract RegioJet pkpass bus tickets. Commit .
  • Also add the provider to bus reservation templates. Commit .
  • Handle the English language variant of Italo tickets. Commit .
  • Add tobilet.pl event ticket extractor script. Commit .
  • Deal with Flixbus disruption notes. Commit .
  • Fix wrong results for Flixbus multi-column seat information. Commit .
  • Handle more Flixbus ticket token variants in JSON-LD data. Commit .
  • Loosen the Flixbus extractor trigger pattern a bit. Commit .
  • Special-case comparing Flixbus ticket tokens. Commit .
  • Handle Air Asia booking email with departure terminals. Commit .
  • Add generic extractor for ERA FCB customer card data. Commit .
  • Decode ERA FCB CustomerCardData validity time ranges. Commit .
  • Support Amadeus Cytric booking confirmations. Commit .
  • Handle German language variants of Trenitalia tickets. Commit .
  • Remove implausible time zones during post-processing. Commit .
  • Fix filtering of invalid IATA BCBP child nodes. Commit .
  • Use a working Git repository for Poppler. Commit .
  • Add method for decoding mangled PkPass identifiers in a bundle file. Commit .
  • Make the Eurostar PDF extractor more robust against layout variations. Commit .
  • Add method to check whether a custom data entry exists in a bundle file. Commit .
  • Make sure we will always create an extractor document node. Commit .
  • Export pkpass document id generation helper function. Commit .
  • Make CFR extractor cover more layout variants. Commit .
  • Make SortUtil also work for ticket and program membership objects. Commit .
  • Add extractor script for international CFR PDF tickets. Commit .
  • Fix IRCTC departure time extraction. Commit . Fixes bug #486495 .
  • Extract information about train-bound SNCB RCT2 tickets. Commit .
  • Make ExtractorValidator movable. Commit .
  • Restore disabled FreeBSD extractor tests. Commit .
  • Detect and convert IATA BCBP railway tickets. Commit .
  • Fix extraction of cancellation URLs from Lufthansa pkpass files. Commit .
  • Don't fail on non-ticket pages in Trenitalia PDFs. Commit .
  • Restore support for Trenitalia PDFs with barcodes. Commit .
  • Compile with newer poppler. Commit .
  • Remove unused kcfg_* name from settings.ui QGroupBox item. Commit .
  • Continue to implement model. Commit .
  • Rename as KLDAP_KIO_WORKERS_LOG. Commit .
  • Remove nodiscard. Commit .
  • Fix insert element. Commit .
  • Remove this check. Unused now. Commit .
  • Remove some unused code. Commit .
  • Continue to implement /ldapconfigurewidgetng. Commit .
  • Remove duplicate lines. Commit .
  • Prepare to move elements. Commit .
  • Fix model. Commit .
  • Don't try to move down when row is at bottom. Commit .
  • Implement mDownButton. Commit .
  • Update mUpButton state. Commit .
  • Continue to implement move element. Commit .
  • Dead code--. Commit .
  • Add activities. Commit .
  • Start to implement activities support. Commit .
  • Hide header. Commit .
  • Implement LdapSortProxyModel::lessThan. Commit .
  • Continue to implement model (add order). Commit .
  • Allow to save model. Commit .
  • Fix edit server. Commit .
  • Remove server. Commit .
  • Remove unused code. Commit .
  • Use double click. Commit .
  • Allow to edit server. Commit .
  • Allow to remove server. Commit .
  • Continue to implement ldapconfigurewidget. Commit .
  • Add model. Commit .
  • Hide column. Commit .
  • Add index. Commit .
  • Add proxymodel. Commit .
  • Reactivate some code. Commit .
  • Add [[nodiscard]]. Commit .
  • Install LdapSortProxyModel. Commit .
  • Prepare to implement add/remove/modify server. Commit .
  • Prepare to reimplement "add host". Commit .
  • Fix debug category. Commit .
  • Don't create a column for enabled state. Commit .
  • Allow to save data. Commit .
  • Debug--. Commit .
  • Hide activities column. Commit .
  • Show server name. Commit .
  • Try to show server name. Commit .
  • Prepare to use model. Commit .
  • Add ldapconfigurewidgetng_gui. Commit .
  • Prepare new ldapconfigurewidgetng. Commit .
  • Load ldap config. Commit .
  • Move LdapClientSearch to core. Commit .
  • Move ldapclientsearchconfig to core lib. Commit .
  • Increase version. Commit .
  • Move element in core lib. Commit .
  • Move to core lib. Commit .
  • Return ldapServerInfo. Commit .
  • Implement ServerInfo. Commit .
  • Add test apps. Commit .
  • Add init() methods. Commit .
  • Return {} when index is invalid. Commit .
  • Add lastColumn. Commit .
  • Prepare proxymodel. Commit .
  • Install headers. Commit .
  • Add ldapactivitiesabstract. Commit .
  • Update flatpak manifest. Commit .
  • Improve user id selection in signencryptwidget. Commit .
  • Show better error messages for invalid certificates in certificatelineedit. Commit .
  • Don't suggest a subkey validity period larger than the primary key validity period. Commit .
  • Disable Reload buttons in smart card window when reload is happening. Commit .
  • Emit a general signal on any status change of ReaderStatus. Commit .
  • Use a more instructive placeholder text for the search input field. Commit .
  • Remove upstreamed workaround. Commit .
  • Move Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS out of Kleo namespace. Commit .
  • Fix glitches in certificate list. Commit .
  • Improve behavior of imported certificates tab. Commit .
  • Fix initial column visibility in main key tree. Commit .
  • Hide some card actions in VSD. Commit .
  • CMake: add KColorScheme. Commit .
  • Run DecryptVerifyFilesDialog asynchronously. Commit .
  • Remove WindowsWindowFunctions usage. Commit .
  • Remove no longer needed check for QGpgME >= 1.21.0. Commit .
  • Improve result reporting for the certificate refresh. Commit .
  • Only refresh non-revoked user IDs with email addresses via WKD. Commit .
  • Require GpgME 1.21.0. Commit .
  • Set up content layout and show common card information in base class. Commit .
  • Add a simple common superclass for all smart card widgets. Commit .
  • Show S/MIME keys as coming from LDAP in certificate lookup. Commit .
  • Show ADSK action for gpg > 2.4.5. Commit .
  • Only show ADSK action when an ADSK is configured in gpg. Commit .
  • Make sure that the folder for the group configuration exists. Commit .
  • Get the app name from the card. Commit .
  • Move getter/setter for certificate data from PIVCard to Card. Commit .
  • Add AppType enum for the different smart card apps. Commit .
  • A11y,Windows: Use system colors for disabled text in high-contrast mode. Commit .
  • Rename SmartCardWidget to SmartCardsWidget. Commit .
  • Show status message when loading smart cards or importing certificates. Commit .
  • Add Reload button to smart card view. Commit .
  • Check if ImportJob supports setting import options. Commit .
  • Don't import secret keys from WKD. Commit .
  • Refactor main window handling. Commit .
  • Add missing include. Commit .
  • Remove obsolete hack to reload smart cards in main window. Commit .
  • Make reload of smart cards with F5 work in separate window. Commit .
  • A11y: Fix tab order in PKCS#15 card view. Commit .
  • A11y: Fix tab order in PIV card view. Commit .
  • A11y: Fix tab order in OpenPGP card view. Commit .
  • Update smart cards when smart card window is opened. Commit .
  • Use a separate window for smart card management. Commit .
  • Fix spacing. Commit .
  • Show all search results in certificate lookup dialog. Commit .
  • Fix crash when opening kleopatra with a file. Commit . Fixes bug #487688 .
  • Implementing adding ADSKs. Commit .
  • A11y: Don't set a link color if high-contrast mode is active. Commit .
  • A11y,Windows: Set link colors to system link color in high-contrast mode. Commit .
  • Offer appending new detached signature only to existing detached signatures. Commit .
  • Allow appending a new detached signature to an existing file. Commit .
  • Return choice and file name when asking for overwrite/rename/etc. Commit .
  • Discard drop events coming from kleopatra itself. Commit .
  • Fix crash in key lookup. Commit .
  • We want to save the logs as plain text without special Unicode characters. Commit .
  • Use button text "Set PUK" or "Change PUK" depending on PUK availability. Commit .
  • Unblock smart card with Admin PIN if PUK is not available. Commit .
  • Don't show success message on error or cancelation. Commit .
  • Update label and add tool tip for the PIN counters. Commit .
  • Trigger a smart card update if a smart card command failed. Commit .
  • Ensure that the PIN counters are updated when they changed. Commit .
  • Show the PIN retry counters for OpenPGP smart cards. Commit .
  • Don't assume urls have to contain //. Commit .
  • Include keygrip when updating key. Commit .
  • Use KStandardAction instead of KStandardActions. Commit .
  • Bump version of kleopatra.rc. Commit .
  • Change help menu entries. Commit .
  • Show designated revokers in certificate details dialog. Commit .
  • Use i18nc. Commit .
  • Allow to show kleopatra_options.h in qtc6. Commit .
  • Move group config to GNUPGHOME. Commit .
  • CertificateDetailsWidget: Show qualified status for SMIME certificates. Commit .
  • Add default keytreeview context menu. Commit .
  • KeyTreeView: copy ID-like data without spaces. Commit .
  • Add copy Action to main key list. Commit .
  • WebOfTrustWidget: Add option to only show own certifications. Commit .
  • Improve revocation dialog. Commit .
  • Trim text for key list filtering. Commit .
  • Add column enum for SubkeysWidget. Commit .
  • Add column enum for CardInfoTab. Commit .
  • Remove unused data. Commit .
  • Show fingerprint instead of Key ID by default. Commit .
  • Add keygrip column to subkeys view. Commit .
  • Show more correct info when key is on card and on the computer. Commit .
  • Add Fingerprint column to card info tab. Commit .
  • On Windows we still want to use the colored icon in the system tray. Commit .
  • Prefer -symbolic momochrome system tray icon if exists. Commit .
  • Revert "Add config option for adding a designated revoker for all new keys". Commit .
  • Support building against LLVM's libc++ 18. Commit .
  • Add option to disable symmetric encryption. Commit .
  • Change column title to Key ID. Commit .
  • Improve wording for keyserver upload. Commit .
  • Fix wrong error and success messages when changing the OpenPGP card PUK. Commit .
  • Allow enabling DeviceInfoWatcher on Windows for A/B testing. Commit .
  • Revert "Re-enable DeviceInfoWatcher on Windows". Commit .
  • Improve some button texts and tooltips for OpenPGP smart cards. Commit .
  • Add debug view. Commit .
  • Add command for copying a key to a card. Commit .
  • Use KConfig on Windows for KMessageBox don't ask me again checkboxes. Commit .
  • Improve certificate upload warning. Commit .
  • Don't ask for confirmation when publishing to an LDAP server. Commit .
  • Change two names and fix title case for help items. Commit .
  • Remove functionality to create OpenPGP certificate for OpenPGP card keys. Commit .
  • Fix warnings about extra ';'. Commit .
  • Remove obsolete separate definition of deprecation versions for Windows. Commit .
  • Remove tab frame in certificate details dialog. Commit .
  • Fix crash when adding subkey. Commit .
  • CertificateDetailsDialog: Do not parent to main window. Commit .
  • Add action for refreshing (multiple) keys to key list. Commit .
  • CertificateDetailsWidget: Make button spacing consistent. Commit .
  • Use std::unique_ptr instead of custom kdtools::pimpl_ptr. Commit .
  • Use Q_SET_OBJECT_NAME instead of custom KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME. Commit .
  • UserIDsWidget: Add origin column. Commit .
  • Use std::ranges::all_of/any_of instead of Kleo::all_of/any_of. Commit .
  • Remove left-over support for old gpgme. Commit .
  • Use std::erase (for vector). Commit .
  • Use ranges algorithms. Commit .
  • Allow changing passphrase protecting subkeys of offline keys. Commit .
  • Yamllint: Allow any indentation of lists. Commit .
  • Add YAML linter. Commit .
  • A11y: Disable workaround for bug in QListView::currentChanged. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, info & title strings. Commit .
  • Fix bonus for hidden preview not being conserved after new game. Commit . Fixes bug #487737 .
  • Egyptian theme: remove broken from SVG referring to non-existing id. Commit .
  • It's compile fine without deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Org.kde.kmag.metainfo.xml rename file from org.kde.kmag.appdata.xml. Commit .
  • SVG app icon: drop broken entries href'ing to non-existing id. Commit .
  • Layout selection UI: follow KNewStuff guideline for labelling the button. Commit .
  • Use KStandardAction cut, copy & paste actions instead of own. Commit .
  • Avoid UI string puzzle, pass argument to i18n method. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, label, info & title strings. Commit .
  • Add icon to Board Editor menu entry. Commit .
  • Editor: remove overwrite check duplicated from QFileDialog::getSaveFileName. Commit .
  • KDE CI: require "@same" branch of libkdegames & libkmahjongg. Commit .
  • Fix crash due to deleteLater() + nested event loop. Commit . Fixes bug #486283 .
  • Use endsWith directly. Commit .
  • Use constexpr here. Commit .
  • Use MACRO directly. Commit .
  • Use qCDebug. Commit .
  • Remove utf8 argument. Commit .
  • Adapt to new api. Commit .
  • Remove one more manual change signal. Commit .
  • Initialize pointer. Commit .
  • Add more i18nc. Commit .
  • Add @info:placeholder. Commit .
  • Remove change signal emission for widgets managed by KConfigDialogManager. Commit .
  • Add @title:window. Commit .
  • Make as movable. Commit .
  • Minor optimization. Commit .
  • Add i18nc. Commit .
  • Const'ify pointer. Commit .
  • Remove empty method. Commit .
  • Add qwarning. Commit .
  • Const'ify variable. Commit .
  • Allow to load on demand ExternalEditorWarning. Commit .
  • Load on demand TooManyRecipientsWarning'. Commit .
  • It's by default => not necessary to use if(TARGET...). Commit .
  • Load on demand PotentialPhishingEmailWarning. Commit .
  • Remove it. Commit .
  • Create on demand AttachmentAddedFromExternalWarning. Commit .
  • Start to implement create widget on demand. Commit .
  • Fix compile. KMime/DateFormatter was removed and replaced by MessageCore/DateFormatter. Commit .
  • Fix dependancy. Commit .
  • Use html when we enabled mHtmlBody. Commit .
  • Continue to implement html support. Commit .
  • Improve autotest. Commit .
  • Continue to implement htmlbody. Commit .
  • Start to implement create message as html. Commit .
  • Remove unused/hidden "show owner trust" setting. Commit .
  • It's internal => not necessary to translate it. Commit .
  • Port KMail encryption and composer settings to KConfigDialogManager. Commit .
  • Action was removed => remove it in rc file too. Commit .
  • Remove "Add note" action. Commit .
  • Modernize code. Commit .
  • Use qbytearrayliteral. Commit .
  • Use QByteArrayLiteral. Commit .
  • Don't create header if not necessary. Commit .
  • Add TODO. Commit .
  • Don't store same element. Commit .
  • Use QString::fromLatin1 here. It's key directly. Commit .
  • USe QByteArrayLiteral. Commit .
  • Port accounts and misc config pages to KConfigDialogManager. Commit .
  • Add @info:shell. Commit .
  • Add kmail_options.h in list of file. Commit .
  • Don't export private method. Commit .
  • Add parent. Commit .
  • Prepare to add action for enabling plasma activities. Commit .
  • Add more autotest. Commit .
  • Return accountActivities. Commit .
  • Prepare to add accountactivities. Commit .
  • Add context button. Commit .
  • Src/kmmainwidget.cpp (setupActions) : Add i18n context on action "Archive Folder". Commit .
  • Increase dependancy. Commit .
  • Prepare to add ldapactivities support. Commit .
  • Add homepage. Commit .
  • Try to fix appstreamtest test. Commit .
  • Move reply->deleteLater(); at end of method. Commit .
  • Add description. Commit .
  • Add appdata.xml. Commit .
  • Not necessary. Commit .
  • Fix bug 487882: plaintext HTTP request in kmail-account-wizard. Commit . Fixes bug #487882 .
  • Remove transportmanagementwidget. Commit .
  • Port [=] deprecated. Commit .
  • Fix potential out-of-bounds read for invalid Date header content. Commit .
  • Protect against missing Content-Type headers. Commit .
  • Avoid one temporary allocation for checking the last character. Commit .
  • Change Mailbox parser functions to work on views. Commit .
  • Replace QPair<const char*, int> with QByteArrayView. Commit .
  • Rework parameterized header handling. Commit .
  • Better define ?. Commit .
  • Cppcheck: little polishing. Commit .
  • Use correct data types for container indices. Commit .
  • Remove unused functions. Commit .
  • Don't allocate a QByteArray for a constant. Commit .
  • Remove the charset argument in Header::fromUnicodeString(). Commit .
  • Unexport parameterized header parsing functions. Commit .
  • Replace ancient homegrown MIME type detection with QMimeDatabase. Commit .
  • Merge the two Header::from7BitString() overloads into one taking a view. Commit .
  • Remove Latin1 default charset leftovers. Commit .
  • Reuse temporary QByteArray during dot atom parsing. Commit .
  • Assemble and lower-case the mimetype in-place. Commit .
  • Use correct 64bit datatypes for array indices. Commit .
  • Only fill m_text in the yenc parser when needed. Commit .
  • Defer subject header parsing for the uuencode parser until needed. Commit .
  • Remove const char* overloads of the CRLF <-> LF conversion methods. Commit .
  • Abort the uuencode M-line search as soon as possible. Commit .
  • Don't search for the uuencode end marker if there is no begin marker. Commit .
  • Only fill m_text when we actually have a uuencode part. Commit .
  • Avoid detaching m_src on the hot path for parsing regular MIME messages. Commit .
  • Don't search for uuencode begin markers with a QRegularExpression. Commit .
  • Use correct index data types for Qt 6. Commit .
  • Add benchmark for parsing plain text messages. Commit .
  • Use views for isUsAscii and encodingsForData methods. Commit .
  • Generate camel case headers with ECM. Commit .
  • Make Content::decodedText() const. Commit .
  • Move decoded state from ContentTransferEncoding header to ContentPrivate. Commit .
  • DateFormatter was removed => don't install it. Commit .
  • Port KLazyLocalizedString usage to QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP. Commit .
  • Remove KMime/DateFormatter. Commit .
  • Add Content::setEncodedBody. Commit .
  • Preserve const-ness in Content::parent() and Content::topLevel(). Commit .
  • Remove the KMimeMessage legacy compatibility forwarding header. Commit .
  • Remove the deprecated Content::add/removeContent methods. Commit .
  • Ignore Unicode whitespace variants in AM/PM time formatting. Commit .
  • Simplify Content::bodyIsMessage(). Commit .
  • Add Content::textContent() const overload. Commit .
  • Make encodedContent/encodedBody const. Commit .
  • Change isSigned/isEncrypted helpers to work on const message objects. Commit .
  • Add a const overload for Message::mainBodyPart. Commit .
  • Implement Message::mainBodyPart without implicitly creating headers. Commit .
  • Make the attachment and invitation helper methods work on const objects. Commit .
  • Provide const overloads for Message and NewArticle headers as well. Commit .
  • Add const accessors for KMime::Content headers. Commit .
  • Add cppcheck ci. Commit .
  • Proofreading. Commit .
  • Graveyard Mayhem theme: remove left-over empty from SVG. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more title strings. Commit .
  • Add touchscreen support. Commit .
  • Let KCrash handle crashes. Commit .
  • Port deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Snapcraft: Minor fixes. Commit .
  • Fix "Show StatusBar" not doing anything. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action & titletooltip strings. Commit .
  • Theme preview PNGs: drop unused embedded color profile, rely on default sRGB. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item, title strings. Commit .
  • Initialize KCrash after KAboutData::setApplicationData() call. Commit .
  • Switch to a stable tagged release of libplasma that aligns with the Frameworks version we use. Commit .
  • Fix warning when opening the Settings dialog. Commit . Fixes bug #488273 .
  • Skip updating graphics if there is no scene size yet. Commit .
  • Remove left-over debug output for background key. Commit .
  • Bug 429654 - Can't disable voice. Commit .
  • Fix org.kde.kquickimageeditor dependency. Commit .
  • Fix image editor. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item, title & etc. strings. Commit .
  • Add icon to "End Game" action. Commit .
  • Fix fill tool only filling upwards sometimes. Commit . Fixes bug #488537 . Fixes bug #489560 .
  • Add Zoom tool description. Commit .
  • Fix frameworks detection. Commit .
  • Flatpak: switch to official 6.6 runtime. Commit .
  • Bump min required KF6 to 6.0. Commit .
  • Use kf6 branch. Commit .
  • Reenable flatpak CI support. Commit .
  • Doc/index.docbook proofreading. Commit .
  • Bump patch-level & library (SO) version due to new base Qt/KF version use. Commit .
  • Create dedicated Qt6/KF6 branch, drop any Qt5/KF5 support. Commit .
  • Fix QML exclusion patterns, part 2. Commit .
  • Fix QML exclude patterns. Commit .
  • Bundle icons used by the indoor map in APKs. Commit .
  • Exclude KPublicTransport leftovers from the APK. Commit .
  • Support searching time-conditional rooms. Commit .
  • Implement room matching on the venue map. Commit .
  • Fix QML errors in venue map routing UI. Commit .
  • Make the "no favorites" placeholder message visible again. Commit .
  • Remove repo screenshots folder, point to CDN in README. Commit .
  • Make the "no talks" placeholder message visible again. Commit .
  • Fix signal parameter injection warning. Commit .
  • Integrate basic indoor routing support. Commit .
  • Add support for adding additional indoor map content. Commit .
  • Build APKs against Framework releases. Commit .
  • Add support for event-specific MapCSS styles for the venue indoor map. Commit .
  • Add support for conference venue indoor maps. Commit .
  • Move Craft ignore list to the project repository. Commit .
  • Use AboutData from coreaddons qml module. Commit .
  • EventInfo: Use FormCard instead of Kirigami.Card. Commit .
  • Fix schedule delegate. Commit .
  • GlobalDrawer: Adopt same design as Tokodon. Commit .
  • Bump minimum KF version. Commit .
  • Ui/FavoritesView: Set position for InlineMessage in footer. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Add kirigami-addons, bump runtime. Commit .
  • Ui: Port SettingsPage and AboutPage to FormCard, ... Commit .
  • Improve the map view. Commit .
  • Turn Conference into a Q_GADGET. Commit .
  • Use locale-aware time formatting. Commit .
  • Don't explicitly format date/time values in debug output. Commit .
  • Avoid crash when restoring the session after a logout. Commit . Fixes bug #487952 .
  • Append slash to URLs without path before adding to history rather than ignoring them. Commit .
  • Apply correct fix to avoid autosaving settings of preloaded windows. Commit .
  • Don't autosave settings for preloaded windows. Commit .
  • Fix bug preventing switching internal view mode. Commit .
  • Apply URL-specific javascript policy in WebEnginePage::acceptNavigationRequest, too. Commit . Fixes bug #490321 .
  • Update file khtml_js.json. Commit .
  • Add option to always embed files from web pages in a new tab. Commit .
  • Add a library allowing to read and write settings from konquerorrc without using KConfig directly. Commit .
  • Use KParts::PartLoader::partCapabilities instead of reading ServiceTypes when possible. Commit .
  • Use unique names when downloading files to open in external applications. Commit .
  • Close Konqueror when launching it with the --sessions option. Commit .
  • Fix compiler warnings. Commit .
  • UrlLoader: Fix resolving of embedding part to use. Commit .
  • Fix and simplify KonqClosedWindowsManager class. Commit . Fixes bug #487188 .
  • Remove unused parameter from WebEnginePartCertificateErrorDlg constructor. Commit .
  • Remove WebHistoryInterface as it doesn't seem to be used. Commit .
  • Fix a bug causing Konqueror to hang when filling a bookmark menu with many bookmarks. Commit .
  • Use the standard "Properties" text/icon in the popup menu. Commit .
  • Rename AsyncSelectorInterface and remove references to the old SelectorInterface. Commit .
  • Include suggested download name in BrowserArguments. Commit .
  • Client: KF6 has no kinit, therefore cannot use kshell wrapper. Commit .
  • Correctly call setNeedsSave when java or javascript settings change. Commit .
  • Add settings to customize the background color for WebEnginePage. Commit . Fixes bug #484437 .
  • Fix crash when clicking on bookmark toolbar and allow configuring add bookmark shortcut. Commit . Fixes bug #485670 .
  • Revert "Choose background color of WebEnginePage according to default palette". Commit .
  • Remove tabstops from profile's Advanced Line Numbers. Commit .
  • Correct layout for profile's Advanced Line Numbers. Commit .
  • Port SIGNAL/SLOT to modern connection syntax. Commit .
  • Add functionality for markers on scrollbar. Commit . Implements feature #338901 .
  • Fix playing audio for OSC attribute 1337 and inlineMedia=1 parameter. Commit . Fixes bug #490264 .
  • Drop faux X11 dependency and switch WITHOUT_X11 option to WITH_X11. Commit .
  • Avoid UB on 32 bit targets. Commit . Fixes bug #479319 .
  • Add AddBehavior when splitting multiple times in the same direction. Commit .
  • Ensure resource color schemes show up in config dialog. Commit .
  • Revert "On macOS after a5a9b6e70, fix crash upon opening 2nd tab". Commit .
  • Don't access not yet set sessionController(). Commit . Fixes bug #487819 .
  • Delete shellProcess before emulation to avoid issues. Commit .
  • On macOS after a5a9b6e70, fix crash upon opening 2nd tab. Commit . See bug #487819 .
  • Bundle more file in resources. Commit .
  • Disable DBus (and X11) on Windows/macOS/Android per default. Commit .
  • Add Split View context menu for partui.rc. Commit .
  • Use KIconTheme::initTheme & KStyleManager::initStyle to ensure proper. Commit .
  • Construct tabbar with tabwidget parent. Commit .
  • Remove unused includes. Commit .
  • Attempt to use a non technical summary. Commit .
  • Add developer_name and vcs-browser lines. Commit .
  • Update Qt/KF min requirements. Commit .
  • Fixed the window geometry config file placement. Commit . See bug #481898 . See bug #482954 .
  • Remove Qt5 conditions. Commit .
  • Add comment about V2 being merged. Commit .
  • Require tests passing on Windows. Commit .
  • Update test skips due to CI issues. Commit .
  • Initialize member variables. Commit .
  • Supress incorrect resize notifications. Commit .
  • Run all .ui files through designer6. Commit .
  • Enable tests on windows. Commit .
  • Fix case when Lam Alef is at the end of the line. Commit .
  • Don't use Lam-Alef ligatures when shaping arabic letters. Commit . Fixes bug #478181 .
  • Ensure profile name length limit will work everywhere. Commit .
  • Document line numbers overlay and add GUI method to configure. Commit .
  • Initialize Vt102Emulation::m_currentImage. Commit .
  • Fix ProfileTest which started failing with Qt6.7. Commit .
  • Fix Bug 491289: Cannot save certain settings. Commit . Fixes bug #491289 .
  • Remove QDBusInterface about knotes. Commit .
  • Knotes is dead now. Commit .
  • It's find by default. Commit .
  • Add launchable to appdata. Commit .
  • Use non translatable developer tag in appdata. Commit .
  • USe @info:shell. Commit .
  • Bump dependencies. Commit .
  • Don't install desktop file with executable permission. Commit .
  • Don't include quiet packages in feature summary. Commit .
  • Attempt to use elliptic curve private key if default RSA is null. Commit . Fixes bug #476580 .
  • Fix bug 484420: Monochromatic icons in system tray not always used. Commit . Fixes bug #484420 .
  • Build/linker fixes for Haiku. Commit .
  • Fix windows build. Commit .
  • CI: Add a windows build. Commit .
  • Provide scripts with an env var to find qdbus. Commit . Fixes bug #349675 .
  • Improve readme by specifying that this also includes python bindings. Commit .
  • Make more explicit that it is a python library (this is going to be useful for people who need readme description in the first place). Commit .
  • Update python package version. Commit .
  • Selectors fix "warning: suggest parentheses around ‘&&’ within ‘||’ [-Wparentheses]". Commit .
  • It's define by default. Commit .
  • Remove stray qDebug() in my last commit. Commit .
  • Remove unused namespace. Commit .
  • Remove unused forward declaration. Commit .
  • Move EventViews plugins to Korganizer. Commit .
  • Save calendar selection immediately after checking/unchecking a calendar. Commit .
  • Add obviously missing '!' in if() statement. Commit .
  • Make it compile. Commit .
  • Prepare to implement activities. Commit .
  • Show korganizer_options.h in qtc6. Commit .
  • Add a light background behind potentially transparent logos. Commit .
  • Only occupy logo/image space once the image has been fully loaded. Commit .
  • Use KDE Gear dependencies from release branch. Commit .
  • Update Kirigami Addons in Flatpak manifest. Commit .
  • Fix the tools-only build, the networking code is needed there. Commit .
  • Include ECMQmlModule only when building QML modules. Commit .
  • Update Flatpak runtime to 6.7. Commit .
  • Support time-dependent room names in the room model. Commit .
  • Use the new unified tag lookup everywhere and remove the old method. Commit .
  • Support tags declared via MapCSS in MapCSS eval expressions as well. Commit .
  • Support MapCSS conditions on tags set via MapCSS tag declarations. Commit .
  • Add MapCSS function for evaluating OSM conditional tags. Commit .
  • Add support for OSM conditional tags. Commit .
  • Extend opening hours cache to support currently active queries as well. Commit .
  • Extend opening hours cache to handle multiple expressions per element. Commit .
  • Allow setting non-existent tags via MapCSS tag declarations. Commit .
  • Fix setting time range end in first call. Commit .
  • Add API for searching rooms by name. Commit .
  • Fix sorting of the payment details map. Commit .
  • Also show toilet gender segregation information in amenity search. Commit .
  • Use more QT_MIN_VERSION. Commit .
  • Fix/simplify BUILD_STANDALONE_APP decisionmaking. Commit .
  • Improve handling of non-boolean cash payment tag values. Commit .
  • Fix map loader bounding box getting lost (again). Commit .
  • Support vending machines in the element info and amenity model. Commit .
  • Factor out amenity type list localization. Commit .
  • Add vending machine icon. Commit .
  • Implement the remaining bits of OSM changeset parsing. Commit .
  • Implement applying node modifications from OSM changeset files. Commit .
  • Support applying OSM changesets from HTTP. Commit .
  • Fix context menu placement on Android. Commit .
  • Add new map pointer event signals. Commit .
  • Extend MapLoader to apply OSM changesets on top of the loaded data. Commit .
  • Don't offer to edit local/synthetic OSM elements. Commit .
  • Allow to change network access manager factory of TileCache. Commit .
  • Port to declarative type registration. Commit .
  • Make OSMElement comparable. Commit .
  • Add unit test for the OSM changeset reader. Commit .
  • Add support for reading OSC changeset files. Commit .
  • Refactor OSM XML parser for reuse in OSC parser. Commit .
  • Add Recast to the Flatpak build. Commit .
  • Write the nav mesh tiles to a file for debugging. Commit .
  • Implement tiled nav mesh building. Commit .
  • Port from Kirigami.OverlaySheet to Kirigami.Dialog. Commit .
  • Consider highway=corridor routable. Commit .
  • Export area types/flags to QML. Commit .
  • Explicit list blocking barrier types. Commit .
  • Recover level of a dangling link end from level tag. Commit .
  • Don't emit duplicate off mesh links. Commit .
  • Model stairs as off-mesh links instead of polygons. Commit .
  • Handle more staircase tagging variants. Commit .
  • Add keyboard shortcuts for floor level navigation. Commit .
  • Make the door-less level changing room workaround a bit more clever. Commit .
  • Don't consider turnstiles as barriers for routing. Commit .
  • Route around artwork obstacles on routable areas. Commit .
  • Handle more door types and consider halls as corridors for the cost factor. Commit .
  • Don't penalize routing through entrance rooms. Commit .
  • Fix detail mesh building parameters. Commit .
  • Support watershed region partitioning. Commit .
  • Don't hardcode door width but take those from MapCSS and thus OSM data. Commit .
  • Produce better wall geometry around doors. Commit .
  • Distinguish between rooms and corridors for routing. Commit .
  • Reuse edges when possible when extruding walls. Commit .
  • Decide what is a viable door also via MapCSS. Commit .
  • Handle stairwells as vertical off-mesh links. Commit .
  • Correctly apply region and contour building parameters. Commit .
  • Don't loop forever when nav mesh generation failed. Commit .
  • Consider realtime elevator/escalator state for routing. Commit .
  • Make routing profile configurable in the demo app. Commit .
  • Add routing profile type for configuring area flags and cost factors. Commit .
  • Increase maximum nav query nodes. Commit .
  • Add proper area type and area flag mapping. Commit .
  • Integrate routing into the demo app. Commit .
  • Add state tracking for routing jobs in the QML interface. Commit .
  • Add routing overlay. Commit .
  • Allow overlays to create additional geometry. Commit .
  • Add QML interface for the routing API. Commit .
  • Add routing query job. Commit .
  • Properly implement off-mesh link direction handling. Commit .
  • Add I/O adapter for the Recast's debug utilities. Commit .
  • Fix off-by-one vertex indices. Commit .
  • Add opaque NavMesh type to holding/passing the navigation mesh. Commit .
  • Fix swapped contour building parameters. Commit .
  • Integrate the main geometry into the navmesh generation pipeline. Commit .
  • Properly integrate off-mesh link generation. Commit .
  • Add Recast navmesh generation pipeline. Commit .
  • First prototype of Recast navigation navmesh generation. Commit .
  • Add begin/end swap hooks to overlay sources. Commit .
  • Allow to build without KPublicTransport. Commit .
  • Allow to load remote MapCSS files. Commit .
  • Move floor level selector to the library for reuse. Commit .
  • Hide single-room buildings and parking spaces from the room model. Commit .
  • Add a way to check if the room model has any data. Commit .
  • Fix i18n calls in room search dialog. Commit .
  • Add QML API for loading a map data for a given bounding box. Commit .
  • Fix setting a smaller map bounding box than the loaded tile area. Commit .
  • Check for errors when mmap'ing tile files. Commit . See bug #488664 .
  • Move room search dialog to the library for reuse. Commit .
  • Make links in debug data clickable. Commit .
  • Factor out address delegate for reuse and add proper address formatting. Commit .
  • Add amenity search dialog to the library. Commit .
  • Distinguish between logos and images. Commit .
  • Support more Wikidata properties and OSM Wikidata tags for finding images. Commit .
  • Force Wikidata library to be built with PIC enabled. Commit .
  • Retrieve element images from Wikidata. Commit .
  • Add HTTP cache for the demo app and enable info dialog online content. Commit .
  • Add initial support for online content in OSM element info dialogs. Commit .
  • Add more possible Wikidata keys for the edit action. Commit .
  • Add Wikidata edit action when a Wikidata link exists. Commit .
  • Extend tagValue() QML API to also allow key lists. Commit .
  • Move OSM element info dialog into the library. Commit .
  • Decouple the element info sheet from access to MapData. Commit .
  • Move more building blocks of the OSM element dialog to the library. Commit .
  • Don't render multi-line text with QStaticText. Commit .
  • Add access to the center coordinate in the OSM element QML wrapper. Commit .
  • Make screen position to geo coordinate mapping available to QML. Commit .
  • Try harder to determine ISO 3166-2 region code in the amenity model. Commit .
  • Move amenity list model delegate to the library. Commit .
  • Make the amenity list delegate work with just the amenity model. Commit .
  • Move OSM info dialog opening hours delegate to public API. Commit .
  • Reuse a single MapCSSState for expression evaluation. Commit .
  • Let consumers explicitly initialize MapCSSState. Commit .
  • Implement replace() function for MapCSS eval expressions. Commit .
  • Refactor MapCSS evaluation state initialization. Commit .
  • Combine MapCSS expression evaluation context into a single type. Commit .
  • Integrate eval expression support into scene controller. Commit .
  • Add support for MapCSS eval() expressions. Commit .
  • Combine level and repeat_on when doing floor level expansion. Commit .
  • Produce individual tokens for comparison operators. Commit .
  • Refactor the context object we pass into the MapCSS parser. Commit .
  • Fix memory leak in parsing MapCSS conditions. Commit .
  • Add support for single-quoted strings in MapCSS. Commit .
  • Render node-based indoor columns. Commit .
  • Integrate OSM XML I/O support by default. Commit .
  • Make OSM I/O API externally usable. Commit .
  • Factor out OSM::Type to type name conversion. Commit .
  • Factor out element lookup for reuse. Commit .
  • Fix external usability of KOSM headers. Commit .
  • Use released Kirigami Addons. Commit .
  • Add room model. Commit .
  • Overhaul AttributionPage. Commit .
  • Open AboutPage in new window. Commit .
  • Make sure "Floor" is always shown in the title for numeric floor names. Commit .
  • Port remaining Overlaysheets to Kirigami.Dialog. Commit .
  • Improve IndoorMapInfoSheet. Commit .
  • Improve SelectLocationSheet. Commit .
  • Card set selection UI: follow KNewStuff guideline for labelling the button. Commit .
  • Use KLocalizedString for dynanically storing translatable strings. Commit .
  • Help with Current Game action: use non-app icon, but reuse normal help one. Commit .
  • Card Decks config "Get New" button: use non-generic button text. Commit .
  • Fix dealer lookup by name for help and solve cmdl arg. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item, label, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • Backport fix handling of nested lists. Commit .
  • Port [=]. Commit .
  • Check if fileSystem pointer is nullptr before trying to read its type. Commit . Fixes bug #441916 .
  • Remove various deprecated methods and enums. Commit .
  • Remove support for CHS alignment. Commit .
  • Don't use --repair for btrfs check. Commit .
  • Fix detection of MBR partition table with zeroed signature. Commit . Fixes bug #487650 .
  • Rewrite Deutsche Bahn coach layout support. Commit .
  • Automatically list tests for the DB coach layout parser. Commit .
  • Factor out the DB product category mapping. Commit .
  • Add more Hafas vehicle feature codes. Commit .
  • Support Hafas v1.72 occupancy data as used by BVG. Commit .
  • Update BVG API parameters. Commit .
  • Add another Hafas vehicle feature code. Commit .
  • Add SNCB UIC code. Commit .
  • Fix icon recoloring in more line mode icons. Commit .
  • Fix bike icon recoloring. Commit .
  • Add a bunch more Hafas feature codes. Commit .
  • Be a bit more flexible regarding modes when matching line metadata. Commit .
  • Update line metadata from OSM/Wikidata. Commit .
  • Add RER product type mapping. Commit .
  • Add new Wikidata commuter railway network product type. Commit .
  • Ensure query results are moved out of jobs even when used as rvalues. Commit .
  • Improve diagnostics. Commit .
  • Add std::hash specializations for Wikidata identifiers. Commit .
  • Initialize network access manager. Commit .
  • Add image property constants needed for use in KOSMIndoorMap. Commit .
  • Parent network replies to the corresponding query. Commit .
  • Unify namespacing of the Wikidata API. Commit .
  • Make User-Agent externally configurable. Commit .
  • Create QNetworkAccessManager on demand. Commit .
  • Use categorized logging. Commit .
  • Cleanup/modernize Wikidata code. Commit .
  • Fix invalid XML in SVG icons. Commit .
  • Update DB and ÖBB coverage data from Transport API repository. Commit .
  • Install translation catalogs. Commit .
  • Remove PKP provider. Commit .
  • Fix dangling reference. Commit .
  • Make the pointless path filter for journey results actually work again. Commit .
  • Factor out journey filter thresholds. Commit .
  • Use the new location-based timezone propagation also for the onboard API. Commit .
  • Fill in missing timezones based on locations from KI18nLocaleData. Commit .
  • Add another Hafas coach/vehicle feature mapping. Commit .
  • Handle invalid coordinates when parsing Navitia responses. Commit .
  • Transitous: Move NL and BE to regularCoverage. Commit .
  • Db, transitous: Sync geometry. Commit .
  • Add aerial lift line mode. Commit .
  • Add attribution data for Transitous. Commit .
  • Add occupancy indicator QML element. Commit .
  • Map two more Hafas feature message codes. Commit .
  • Handle non-WGS84 coordinates in EFA responses. Commit .
  • Add accessibility annotation to FeatureIcon. Commit .
  • Normalize URLs in rich-text notes to https:. Commit .
  • Add QML FeatureIcon element from Itinerary here. Commit .
  • Move Feature displayName property logic from Itinerary here. Commit .
  • Move navigation path maneuver icons from Itinerary here. Commit .
  • Add coach type icons from Itinerary. Commit .
  • Expose static individual transport and rental vehicle icon methods to QML. Commit .
  • Also move journey section icons from Itinerary here. Commit .
  • Move rental vehicle icons from Itinerary to here. Commit .
  • Move mode icons for IndividualTransport from Itinerary to here. Commit .
  • Add the static Line::modeIconName method to QML as well. Commit .
  • Add method to obtain the best available line icon. Commit .
  • Move generic line mode icons here from Itinerary. Commit .
  • Use KF6 here. Commit .
  • We depend against kf6 => remove "${QT_MAJOR_VERSION}". Commit .
  • Avoid including waylandinhibition.cpp if Qt6WaylandClient is not available. Commit .
  • When "Reserve keys" is enabled, disable global shortcuts in order to grab all key combinations. BUG 178015. Commit .
  • Move unpressModifiers() logic from vncview to remoteview, so that rdpview can use it, too. BUG 447983. Commit .
  • Delete saved password when credential is invalid. Commit .
  • Move local method variables at their first use place. Commit .
  • Add braces around if bodies. Commit .
  • Refactor RdpClipboard. Commit .
  • Remove dontSendClipboard hack. Commit .
  • Remoteview: add braces around "if" bodies. Commit .
  • Fix usage of smart pointer. Commit .
  • Avoid variable shadowing. Commit .
  • Remove Q_OBJECT from RdpClipboard class. Commit .
  • Rdp: add clipboard support. Commit . Fixes bug #484666 .
  • Move clipboard handling from vncview to base class remoteview. Commit .
  • Rdp: use framebuffer format matching native GDI format. Commit .
  • Rdp: use fixed color depth for accelerated modes. Commit .
  • Main remove Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator because CMakeLists.txt requires Qt version >= 6.6. Commit .
  • Switch to Qt6, set X11 to fallback, add libusb and freerdp. Commit .
  • Bump Frameworks and QT minimum versions. Commit .
  • Use PkgConfig to find vncclient. Commit .
  • Fix for DPI > 1 based on !79. Commit .
  • Rename event handlers and remove debug. Commit .
  • Move event handling from vncview to base class remoteview; reuse the same methods in rdpview. Commit . Fixes bug #483638 .
  • VNC: replace m_stopped with QThread's interruptionRequested. Commit . Fixes bug #486178 .
  • Implement playSound callback. Commit .
  • Fix signal signature. Commit .
  • QML: Strip trailing whitespace. Commit .
  • Complement and update org.kde.krecorder.appdata.xml. Commit .
  • Add the binary name into the keywords list. Commit . Fixes bug #487412 .
  • Add license for git blame ignore file. Commit .
  • Remove manual overwrite dialog, duplicating QFileDialog behaviour. Commit .
  • Wayland: Add support for the persistence feature of the remote desktop portal. Commit .
  • Fix build with >=QtWaylandScanner-6.7.1. Commit .
  • Pw: Fix build with last released KPipeWire release. Commit .
  • Fixed crash calling PWFrameBuffer::cursorPosition(). Commit . Fixes bug #472453 .
  • Do not look for new devices when opening a scanner and loading options. Commit .
  • Don't crash scanner apps (skanlite, skanpage) when searching for scanners. Commit . Fixes bug #444987 . Fixes bug #468053 .
  • UI files: use consistently notr="true", not old comment="KDE::DoNotExtract". Commit .
  • Avoid runtime warning about missing argument in strings from ui file. Commit .
  • Add icons to more actions & dialog buttons. Commit .
  • KAboutData: drop repeated app name from description text. Commit .
  • Set UI marker context to even more action, item, title & tooltip strings. Commit .
  • Use tool tips instead of status tips for actions, for global consistency. Commit .
  • Do not set caption to application name, will result in duplicate. Commit .
  • Place "Contextual Help" entry in middle of Help menu. Commit .
  • Winner dialog: fix broken player name insertion into text. Commit .
  • Do not create layouts with parent argument when explicitly set later. Commit .
  • Remove any explicit appname prefix from window titles. Commit .
  • Use KMessageBox::error instead of information for error messages. Commit .
  • Remove explicit "Error" title argument from KMessageBox::error. Commit .
  • Remove jabber support. Commit .
  • UI string: fix reference to unused name "KSnake", use generic "game". Commit .
  • Fix flatpak build. Commit .
  • Flatpak: Update glu URL and tag. Commit .
  • Renderer: fill name hashes only once. Commit .
  • Improve formatting. Commit .
  • Use a readme instead of a Mainpage.dox. Commit .
  • Use standard BUILD_TESTING variable to conditionally build tests. Commit .
  • Adapt to source incompatible Qt 6.7 JNI API. Commit .
  • Use apps.kde.org for homepage. Commit .
  • Use createComponent for AboutPage. Commit .
  • Drop deprecated attributes. Commit .
  • Add icon to "No Sound" toggle action. Commit .
  • Appstream: use developer tag with name KDE. Commit .
  • Fix language switching. Commit .
  • Settings dialog: fix layout parenting accidentally to child widget. Commit .
  • Menu title: do not use action expression. Commit .
  • Fix transparent rendering of the cube. Commit . Fixes bug #486085 .
  • Fix debug logging of GL Version; use categorized logging. Commit .
  • Add x-kde-passwordManagerHint when copy from kwalletmanager. Commit . Fixes bug #156547 .
  • Remove ServiceType from KCM. Commit .
  • Fix desktop file name. Commit .
  • Fix handbook display. Commit .
  • Snap: change source. Commit .
  • Snap: remove some plugs. Commit .
  • Ci: reenable other ci jobs. Commit .
  • Snap: remove QML2_IMPORT_PATH from build env. Commit .
  • Snap: remove cleanup part and add some more plugs. Commit .
  • Snap: add more build packages. Commit .
  • Snap: added opengl related dev libraries. Commit .
  • Ci: added snap build job. Commit .
  • Build APKs against released frameworks. Commit .
  • Remove screenshots from the repository, use cdn.kde.org. Commit .
  • Use typed list when exposing data to QML. Commit .
  • Qualify property lookup. Commit .
  • Mark WeatherLocation as uncreatable. Commit .
  • Specify QML module dependency. Commit .
  • Remove unused CMake file. Commit .
  • Add detailed icons to Android. Commit .
  • Replace KWordQuiz with WordQuiz in more places. Commit .
  • DeckEditorPage: Remove background of list items. Commit .
  • Rename KWordQuiz to WordQuiz. Commit .
  • Add missing KF::DBusAddons dependency. Commit .
  • Fix KGameThemeProvider to also deal with uninstalled/removed themes. Commit .
  • Themes selection UI: follow KNewStuff guideline for labelling the button. Commit .
  • Restore kgamepopupitemtest. Commit .
  • KGamePropertyHandler: disable remaining stray qDebug calls for now. Commit .
  • KGamePropertyHandler: use direct connection with QDataStream signal arg. Commit .
  • Remove MultiplyingLine::activeLine. Commit .
  • Remove unused sizing and frame style properties. Commit .
  • De-virtualize MultiplyingLineEditor::lines. Commit .
  • Make MultiplyingLineEditor::isModified const. Commit .
  • Fix DBus interface installation. Commit .
  • Remove test dependency unless we compile the tests. Commit .
  • Fix compilation with mingw. Commit .
  • Disable dbus on windows and macOS. Commit .
  • Core: add calendar.events scope URL. Commit .
  • Port deprecated [=]. Commit .
  • Add certificate selection button to UserIDSelectionCombo. Commit .
  • Add missing export macro. Commit .
  • Fix key list filtering for models based on user ids. Commit .
  • Bump library version. Commit .
  • Allow forcing columns to be hidden. Commit .
  • A11y: Ensure notification of a11y tools about focus for current item. Commit .
  • Declare global operator|() functions for flags in global namespace. Commit .
  • It compiles without deprecated <= qt 6.3 version. Commit .
  • Use Error::asStdString if available. Commit .
  • Remove obsolete SystemInfo::isDarkModeActive. Commit .
  • Add function to get all subkeys for a key grip. Commit .
  • Fix event filtering of QAbstractItemView. Commit .
  • Use @title:window. Commit .
  • Remove KTextAddons dependency. Commit .
  • Add tooltips to keyfilters. Commit .
  • Align key filter names. Commit .
  • For sure it will not build against kf5.104. Use KF_MIN_VERSION as in kleopatra. Commit .
  • Add functions for getting signature and userid object to UserIDListProxyModel. Commit .
  • Add ClipboardRole to KeyListModel. Commit .
  • Add UserIDListProxyModel, allowing filtering for the user's own certifications. Commit .
  • Unify spelling of "Key ID" and "User ID". Commit .
  • Improve clarity of confirmation dialog. Commit .
  • Fix problem with expiration dates after 2038 on 32-bit systems. Commit .
  • Fix showing keys as disabled / revoked / invalid. Commit .
  • Remove signature class tooltip. Commit .
  • Adjust test to behavior change of QTemporaryFile::fileName(). Commit .
  • Use library name as qt logging category name. Commit .
  • Port away from QTextCodec. Commit .
  • In public methods, return implicitly-shared types as non-const values. Commit .
  • DiffModelList::sort: remove unused virtual. Commit .
  • Use fully-qualified type with signal arguments. Commit .
  • Move class DiffSettings into KompareDiff2 namespace. Commit .
  • Drop class SettingsBase, make DiffSettings no longer q QObject. Commit .
  • Use pimpl for class DiffHunk, export all class methods instead of inline. Commit .
  • Use pimpl for class ModelList. Commit .
  • ModelList: remove unused name argument from constructor. Commit .
  • Use pimpl for class DiffModel. Commit .
  • Use pimpl for class DifferenceString. Commit .
  • Use pimpl for class Difference. Commit .
  • Rename KompareModelList to ModelList. Commit .
  • Rename kompare.h to global.h. Commit .
  • Remove unused Target enum. Commit .
  • Move DifferenceString definition into own header. Commit .
  • Move struct Info as class into own header. Commit .
  • Change namespace Kompare to KompareDiff2. Commit .
  • Drop "Lib" prefix from CMake config name. Commit .
  • Change C++ namespace to KompareDiff2. Commit .
  • Bump version to 6.0.0, to match new API/ABI. Commit .
  • Cmake: No need to include FeatureSummary two times. Commit .
  • Fix https://github.com/cmake-lint/cmake-lint issues in CMakeLists.txt files. Commit .
  • Add [[nodiscard]] + coding style. Commit .
  • Remove Q_DISABLE_COPY. Commit .
  • Move BUILD_TESTING in toplevel. Commit .
  • Translation Memory: Set correct query type on startup. Commit . Fixes bug #491113 .
  • Fix signal. Commit .
  • Don’t hardcode colours for special characters. Commit .
  • Make leading/trailing spaces and other invisible character easier to see. Commit . Fixes bug #490575 .
  • Fix porting regression in diff computation. Commit . Fixes bug #490837 .
  • Neaten layout of CatalogView / Translation Units. Commit .
  • Add option QRegularExpression::UnanchoredWildcardConversion to addPart and delPart diff regexes. Commit . Fixes bug #490441 .
  • Port away from deprecated API in Qt 6. Commit .
  • Fix non-working ‘Clear all translated entries’ action. Commit .
  • Avoid unnecessary temporary allocations in POExtractor. Commit .
  • Remove the remaining Qt::Core5Compat uses. Commit .
  • Fix porting regression in translation memory. Commit . Fixes bug #490234 .
  • Fix KToolBarPopupAction porting regression. Commit .
  • Fix regression in searching. Commit .
  • Fix regression in reading/writing from existing db. Commit .
  • Switch build system to KF6 and drop Qt5 support. Commit .
  • Stop referencing KBabel. Commit .
  • Always write out Gettext files in UTF-8 encoding. Commit .
  • Port QRegExp uses needing Qt6-only API. Commit .
  • Adapt to return type change in QDomDocument::setContent ins Qt 6. Commit .
  • Remove no longer needed QVector overloads and stream operator registration. Commit .
  • Port KNotifications use for KF6. Commit .
  • Port Gettext import away from QTextCodec. Commit .
  • Use non-deprecated CMake install location variables. Commit .
  • Port GettextImportPlugin::codecForDevice away from QTextCodec. Commit .
  • Port updateHeader() away from QTextCodec. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated KRun. Commit .
  • Remove unimplemented CatalogPrivate::fileCodec declaration. Commit .
  • Prepare for qHash changing its return value to size_t in Qt 6. Commit .
  • Automatically infer QVariant::setValue template type. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QSortFilterProxyModel API. Commit .
  • Disambiguate QByteArray overloads. Commit .
  • Remove pointless QSqlQuery::finish/clear calls. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated qAsConst. Commit .
  • Add additional includes needed when building with Qt6/KF6. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated margins API. Commit .
  • Explicitly distinguish between QMap and QMultiMap. Commit .
  • Fix language tool not working. Commit . Fixes bug #458681 .
  • Port away from deprecated + key combination operator. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QStandardPaths::DataLocation. Commit .
  • Port away from QStringRef. Commit .
  • Port the remaining QRegExp uses that are portable in Qt 5. Commit .
  • Port SearchJob away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • Port mass replacing away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • Port XLIFF syntax highlighter away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • Port translation memory away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • First pass on porting away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated KConfigGroup API. Commit .
  • Fix build with older KF5 versions. Commit .
  • Enforce passing tests on some platforms. Commit .
  • Make all text translatable. Commit . Fixes bug #486448 .
  • Remove unused utf8 argument. Commit .
  • Fix for another crash in the Vector OpenStreetMap map theme:. Commit .
  • Build OSMX for the target architecture of maps.kde.org. Commit .
  • Fix namespace. Commit .
  • Register it as QML_ELEMENT. Commit .
  • Translate text. Commit .
  • Fix sending mail. Commit .
  • Make unread email count update correctly. Commit .
  • Fix export categories file. Commit .
  • Register as QML_ELEMENT otherwise we can't see composer. Commit .
  • Fix signal syntax. Commit .
  • Fix namespace here too. Commit .
  • Add missing namespace here too. Commit .
  • Add missing namespace. Commit .
  • Move Incidence editor out of main.qml. Commit .
  • Add more type annotations. Commit .
  • Fix issues with IncidenceEditorPage. Commit .
  • Fix incompatible type error. Commit .
  • Fix build with latest Qt dev. Commit .
  • Fixup! Port to Kirigami.Action::fromQAction. Commit .
  • Set window name. Commit .
  • Port to Kirigami.Action::fromQAction. Commit .
  • Bump kirigami addons dependency. Commit .
  • Fix some qml warning (reported by qtc). Commit .
  • Don't generate plugin source as we already do it. Commit .
  • Try to register Config class. No success yet. Commit .
  • Register ContactGroupWrapper as QML_ELEMENT. Commit .
  • Fix qml warning: Register PhoneModel. Commit .
  • AgentConfigurationForm: Wrap word in the dialog. Commit .
  • Fix broken resource notifications. Commit .
  • Fix dialog opening in the wrong window. Commit .
  • Fix plasmaoid. Commit .
  • Fix installation of QML modules. Commit .
  • Remove unused utf-8 arg. Commit .
  • Revert "Fix linking issues". Commit .
  • Fix linking issues. Commit .
  • Do not finalized ecm qml modules. Commit .
  • Remove version. Commit .
  • Fix. Commit .
  • Remove forward declaration. Commit .
  • Remove unused static variable. Commit .
  • Contact: Register missing types to QML. Commit .
  • Port contact application to QML type registration. Commit .
  • Fix initialization of the calendar app. Commit .
  • Remove dead file. Commit .
  • Use QTP0001 cmake qt policy. Commit .
  • Port AkonadiQuick QML plugin to QML type registration. Commit .
  • Use QML type registration for mail module. Commit .
  • Remove QML versioned imports. Commit .
  • AbstractKirigamiApplication is on last kirigami-addons. Commit .
  • Remove merkuro_lib completely. Commit .
  • Refactor MerkuroComponents to be a shared library. Commit .
  • Fix toggling menubar. Commit .
  • Move CommandBar/ShortcutEditor to Kirigami Addons. Commit .
  • DateTimeState: Use locale for firstDayOfWeek. Commit .
  • InfiniteCalendarViewModel: Fix start-of-week math. Commit .
  • Fix trying to access undefined element. Commit .
  • MonthView: Update Basic grid when changing months. Commit . Fixes bug #477161 .
  • Mark contacts, calendar and mail as appstream addons. Commit .
  • Fix cliping in Schedule view. Commit .
  • Create a appstream file for merkuro. Commit .
  • Rename ConfigurationsView to ConfigurationView. Commit .
  • HourlyView: Use Calendar.DateTimeState. Commit .
  • SetFetchRelation was removed. Commit .
  • Don't mess with the charset used for a composed email. Commit .
  • Fix desktop ID of Merkuro Calendar. Commit .
  • Use uri directly. Commit .
  • Move method as private. Commit .
  • Const'ify. Commit .
  • Fix load style in windows/macos. Commit .
  • Use isEmpty. Commit .
  • Add support for showMenubar. Commit .
  • Add missing explicit keyword. Commit .
  • Add QByteArrayLiteral. Commit .
  • Add uri. Commit .
  • Fix config name. Commit .
  • Org.kde.merkuroac not exist now. Commit .
  • Warning--. Commit .
  • Add toggle_menubar menu action. Commit .
  • Use uri directly here too. Commit .
  • Prepare to show action for hidding menu bar (otherwise it show empty menu action). Commit .
  • We need to use last KF6KirigamiAddons version. Commit .
  • Fix notification we need a notifyrc file. Commit .
  • USe Q_UNUSED. Commit .
  • Fix folders with subfolders being unopenable. Commit .
  • Display instance status in progress status bar popup. Commit .
  • Swap positions of check and create mail action buttons. Commit .
  • Notify when the agent instance is broken in mailkernel. Commit .
  • Make progress bar for given progress item indeterminate if it uses busy indicator instead of real progress. Commit .
  • Handle uses busy indicator change in item in progress model. Commit .
  • Add usesbusyindicator role to progress model. Commit .
  • Handle crypto status change in ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Add CryptoStatus role to ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Hide popup if the visibility of the status bar itself changes. Commit .
  • Add cancel button to progress items in progress popup. Commit .
  • Add IdRole to ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Add method to cancel an item in progressmodel via its item id. Commit .
  • Improve layout of progress popup. Commit .
  • Add popup to progress status bar. Commit .
  • Display ProgressStatusBar in MailSidebar. Commit .
  • Add ProgressStatusBar QML component. Commit .
  • Add properties for tracking overall progress of progress items in ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Mark ProgressModel methods nodiscard. Commit .
  • React to show dialog signal from progress manager. Commit .
  • Register ProgressModel in QML. Commit .
  • React to more types of progress item changes in progress model. Commit .
  • Implement generic method to react to specific data changes in progress item. Commit .
  • Implement roleNames in ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Implement data in ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Implement rowCount in ProgressModel. Commit .
  • Add progress item roles for progress model. Commit .
  • Handle progress item completion in progress model. Commit .
  • Handle progress item addition in progressmodel. Commit .
  • Track agent instance changes in MailKernel, create ProgressItems for them. Commit .
  • Add KActionFromAction for check mail in FolderView. Commit .
  • Respond to check mail action signal in main.qml. Commit .
  • Add check mail action. Commit .
  • Add check mail method to MailManager. Commit .
  • Add starter progressmodel. Commit .
  • Rework configuration dialog. Commit .
  • Fix copyright. Commit .
  • Fix invocation of incidence creation view on mobile. Commit .
  • Fix clicking on collection delegate items in sidebar toggle checkstate. Commit .
  • Fix task checkbox colours in tasks view. Commit .
  • User SettingsMenu component in menubar. Commit .
  • Add toggle menu bar action to settings menu. Commit .
  • Fix hiding of menu bar. Commit .
  • Fix alignment of view all tasks and create new task text field. Commit .
  • Qml warning--. Commit .
  • Compile warning--. Commit .
  • Fix cliping of mail sidebar. Commit .
  • Prevents the recurrence end date combo from eliding. Commit .
  • Make delete dialog background scale with content. Commit .
  • Ensure window is not closed when last job is run. Commit .
  • Disable private profile as in qt6 we have. Commit .
  • Create Content-Transfer-Encoding header only when needed. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated KMime header parameter API. Commit .
  • Fix xgettext warning. Commit .
  • Set filter. Commit .
  • Use MESSAGELIST_LOG. Commit .
  • Show mSearchMessageByButtons when we setSearchOptions. Commit .
  • Add warningx. Commit .
  • Fix assign filter. Commit .
  • Use QLatin1Char. Commit .
  • Remove utf-8 hereé. Commit .
  • Add objectname. Commit .
  • Remove comment. Commit .
  • Remove second argument from fromUnicodeString. Commit .
  • Remove duplicate includes. Commit .
  • Fix clear filter: reinitialize searchmessagebybuttons. Commit .
  • Port commented code. Commit .
  • Implement quick action. Commit .
  • Implement setSearchOptions/searchOptions. Commit .
  • Update text button. Commit .
  • Add searchmessagebybuttons. Commit .
  • Mark as checkable. Commit .
  • Update filter. Commit .
  • Continuie to implement searchstatusbuttons. Commit .
  • Add searchmessagebybuttonstest autotest. Commit .
  • Continue to implement searchmessagebybuttons. Commit .
  • Prepare for KMime's from7BitString taking a QByteArrayView. Commit .
  • Prepare SearchMessageByButtons. Commit .
  • Use SearchStatusButtons. Commit .
  • Use private symbol. Commit .
  • Prepare to improve search mail (quick search line). Commit .
  • Don't use accepted when we don't have ok button. Commit .
  • Adapt to KMime using UTF-8 as default header charset now. Commit .
  • Required GpgME 1.21.0. Commit .
  • Fix regression in cryptocomposer test. Commit .
  • Port away from KMime::Content::defaultCharset. Commit .
  • Pin the locale for the date formatter test again. Commit .
  • Move KMime/DateFormatter to MessageCore. Commit .
  • Remove pointless call to KMime::ContentTransferEncoding::needToEncode(). Commit .
  • Remove old include (make compile). Commit .
  • Not necessary to translate these strings. Commit .
  • Remove annotation support. Commit .
  • Add icon. Commit .
  • Update splashscren theme. Commit .
  • Prepare for KMime::Content::parent() const returning a const Content*. Commit .
  • Remove unused composing charset selection infrastructure leftovers. Commit .
  • Fix check for KMime child nodes. Commit .
  • Use uppercase KMime headers. Commit .
  • Remove the now basically unused MessageCore::NodeHelper iteration methods. Commit .
  • Replace most remaining NodeHelper iteration method uses with KMime API. Commit .
  • Don't manually mess with message charsets when composing in unit tests. Commit .
  • Simplify ImageCollector. Commit .
  • Directly iterate over KMime nodes for multipart/related image collection. Commit .
  • Remove Util::allContents(). Commit .
  • Remove a bunch of unused text codec related API. Commit .
  • Port a leftover string-based connect in the recipients editor. Commit .
  • Fix rendertest for attachment images being displayed inline. Commit .
  • Remove RecipientLineEditor::activeLine overload. Commit .
  • Write large message HTML content out without changing the encoding. Commit .
  • Expose KColorScheme to the webengine as CSS variables. Commit .
  • Remove AttachmentPart vtable. Commit .
  • Remove AttachmentPart::Ptr qHash overload. Commit .
  • Fix render test with the new qrc embedded icons. Commit .
  • Use the more extensive file name cleaning on Windows by default. Commit .
  • Remove unused argument from pre-Unicode times. Commit .
  • Add todo. Commit .
  • Fix icon in attachment. Commit .
  • Revert "Mark encrypted part as mime". Commit . Fixes bug #487029 .
  • Fix icon path. Commit .
  • Start to load icon now that it's stored in resource. Commit .
  • Allocate KMime::Content on the stack. Commit .
  • Remove usage of KEncodingFileDialog. Commit . Fixes bug #469080 .
  • Fix PDF export job test. Commit .
  • Fix backoffmodemanagertest. Commit .
  • Fix composerviewbasetest. Commit .
  • Src/quick/types.h - include to fix compil. Commit .
  • Improve wording of strings related to keys. Commit .
  • Use globalMatchView. Commit .
  • Adapt unit test to KMime defaulting to UTF-8 now. Commit .
  • Fix reuse lint support. Commit .
  • Fix licensing of src/quick/types.h. Commit .
  • Remove unnecessary calls to KMime::ContentTransferEncoding::setDecoded. Commit .
  • Remove extra ;. Commit .
  • Fix cmake variable name. Commit .
  • Clean up the public link interfaces. Commit .
  • Remove unused (direct) KCodecs dependency. Commit .
  • Add Qt6Widgets_QCH. Commit .
  • It's already a int. Commit .
  • Remove duplicate enum. Commit .
  • Add explicit keyword. Commit .
  • Add warning info. Commit .
  • Handle encryption with multipart/mixed. Commit .
  • Add launchable to metainfo. Commit .
  • Complement org.kde.minuet.metainfo.xml. Commit .
  • Show time without seconds in timeline. Commit .
  • Show time without timezone in tooltip. Commit .
  • Cherrypick: Create NeochatRoomMember as a shim for RoomMember. Commit .
  • Make the "Unignore this user" button work on the Ignored Users page. Commit .
  • Fix the emoji page not doing anything. Commit .
  • Don't flag invite notifications as persistent. Commit .
  • Hint that the user can auto-reject invitations on the invite page. Commit .
  • Allow blocking invites from people you don't share a room with. Commit .
  • Don't display notifications for invite rooms. Commit .
  • Fix the javascript when using .?. Commit .
  • Remove customemojimodel_p.h. Commit .
  • Fix some clazy warnings. Commit .
  • Fix text alignment in ReadMarkerDelegate. Commit .
  • Update user sort. Commit .
  • Create a list model for readmarkers. Commit .
  • Stop video on destruction to avoid segfault. Commit .
  • Fix filedownload on maximized view and context menu. Commit .
  • Fix typo in PollComponent that causes polls to not be checked correctly. Commit .
  • Show thumbail when video is stopped. Commit .
  • Audio filename, caption and seeking. Commit .
  • Take the correct filename for synthax highlighting in code block. Commit .
  • Stop assigning undefined to bool in TimelineView and MessageDelegate. Commit .
  • Correctly display filename in MimeComponents. Commit .
  • Fix code preview components. Commit .
  • Refactor MimeComponent. Commit .
  • Don't escape display name for leave events in subtitle. Commit .
  • Fix segfault at loadError from message with attached file. Commit .
  • Fix resetting of message content components. Commit .
  • Content Model Author. Commit .
  • Do heavy things less often on room change event. Commit .
  • Fix the InlineMessages for the room upgrades in RoomSettings. Commit .
  • Reset currentRoom before opening last room of connection. Commit .
  • Pass ApplicationWindow to AccountMenu. Commit .
  • Update only position of HoverActions when contentY of TimelineView. Commit .
  • Fix opening pages from account menu. Commit .
  • Never refresh the author role except when a member updated signal is generated. This should remove a potential source of crashes where a RoomMember object tries to access an already deleted room member state event. Commit .
  • Fix room settings not opening from RoomDrawerPage, by launching it according to RoomDrawer. Commit .
  • Move NeoChatRoom::showMessage to Controller. Commit .
  • It seems like it's possible for contentModel.Author to be accessed before the contentModel is set so make sure this fails nicely. Commit .
  • Use new SearchDialog from Kirigami. Commit .
  • Only enable taphandler for mouse clicks. Commit . Fixes bug #486545 .
  • Rework Add Server dialog. Commit .
  • Port away from deprecated QDateTime constructor. Commit .
  • Set Qt policy 4. Commit .
  • Fix crashes when logging out of connection. Commit .
  • Fix logout from account menu. Commit .
  • Use RoomMember object for code component. Commit .
  • Fix avatar in chatbar. Commit .
  • Fix avatars in full window image view. Commit .
  • Fix avatars in CodeMaximizeComponent. Commit .
  • Fix avatar in state delegates. Commit .
  • Fix crashes due to event being deleted. Commit .
  • Don't access event after it was deleted. Commit .
  • Don't store member objects in userlistmodel. Commit .
  • Update author documentation now we've moved to RoomMember. Commit .
  • REmove unneeded includes. Commit .
  • Make the author line in the bubble and reply be part of the content model. Commit .
  • Fix opening QR code. Commit .
  • When switching rooms first set the room to nullptr to clear any objects in MessageEventModel and UserListModel. Commit .
  • Fix showing avatar image in HiddenDelegate. Commit .
  • Use type for member property. Commit .
  • Register RoomMember as foreign type. Commit .
  • Fix dev tools. Commit .
  • Use SpellcheckingConfigurationModule. Commit .
  • Rework config dialog. Commit .
  • Fix typing indicator. Commit .
  • User details dialog fixes. Commit .
  • Port away from function that we can't use yet. Commit .
  • Make sure that the member objects get updated for the MessageEventModel and MessageContentModel when the user updates their avatar or name. Commit .
  • Find users by Id in UserListModel as there may be users with the same display name which will end up with the wrong member replaced. Commit .
  • Make sure that the member object gets switched when a member's avatar or name is updated because the old state event will now be deleted and we need to ref the new one. Commit .
  • Don't store RoomMembers in ReactionModel. Commit .
  • Use new libquotient functionality to encrypt direct chats by default. Commit .
  • Use updated membersTyping functions from libquotient. Commit .
  • Make use of new RoomMember item from libquotient. Commit .
  • Remove uses of Quotient:Omittable. Commit .
  • Use the new libquotient version of the serveracl event. Commit .
  • Unconditionally use SSSS. Commit .
  • Add basic cross-signing support. Commit .
  • Fix ifs for ssss. Commit .
  • Disable FreeBSD CI. Commit .
  • Require libQuotient 0.8.2. Commit .
  • Update global menu. Commit .
  • GlobalMenu: remove shortcut for QuickSwitcher. Commit . Fixes bug #488212 .
  • Fix global menu. Commit .
  • CI: Disable requiring Windows tests passing. Commit .
  • Fix search results on room search page. Commit .
  • Update strings to be more clear for the average user. Commit .
  • Make notifications more useful. Commit . Fixes bug #475228 .
  • Remove unnecessary check. Commit .
  • Use plaintext for room aliases. Commit .
  • Switch from QQC2.ApplicationWindow.overlay to QQC2.Overlay.overlay. Commit .
  • Fix keyboard navigation on search pages. Commit .
  • The "Search Room" action should be called "Search Rooms". Commit .
  • Fix the tooltips for the two drawer buttons at the top. Commit .
  • Fix keyboard navigation in space drawer. Commit .
  • Add keyboard navigation for server selection in room search dialog. Commit .
  • Remove room member highlight on click. Commit .
  • Use Qt.alpha in ThemeRadioButton. Commit .
  • Add focus border for the theme radio button, used on the Appearance page. Commit .
  • Fix QR code not showing when tapping the button under account settings. Commit .
  • Fix map copyright link activation. Commit .
  • Don't show the map if there's no locations available. Commit .
  • Fixup AttachDialog. Commit .
  • Rename the header for room actions "Actions" instead of "Options". Commit .
  • Use a more natural sounding action name for favoriting the room. Commit .
  • Port away from commitSingleShot. Commit .
  • Get 3PID binds on startup. Commit .
  • Fix notifyrc file location. Commit .
  • CreateRoomDialog: Add missing formcard separators. Commit .
  • Support binding 3PIDs. Commit .
  • Integrate NeoChatMaximizeComponent with MediaManger. Commit .
  • Fix crash when sending message. Commit .
  • Add some Q_UNUSEDs. Commit .
  • Use MessageContentModel for replies. Commit .
  • Add missing dependencies to QML modules. Commit .
  • Make org.kde.neochat import all submodules. Commit .
  • Convert TimelineDelegate to cpp. Commit .
  • Permission model. Commit .
  • Use simpler and less restrictive server url regex. Commit . Fixes bug #486888 .
  • Don't suggest joining the last opened room when neochat is started after the cache was cleared. Commit .
  • Make sure to ask before leaving a room. Commit . Fixes bug #486546 .
  • Improve the behaviour of jump to last unread message. Commit .
  • Use standard Dialog background for emoji dialog. Commit .
  • Fix compatibility with newer quotient job api. Commit .
  • Set Identity server. Commit .
  • Support adding 3 PIDs. Commit .
  • Make sure that the link preview sizes correctly so that there is no bubble overflow. Commit .
  • Port all confirm dialogs to Kirigami.PromptDialog. Commit .
  • Check for tagToken length. Commit .
  • Remove remaining uses of MatrixImageProvider and remove it. Commit .
  • Don't use applicationWindow() for loading key verification sessions. Commit .
  • Move HoverLinkIndicator to separate file. Commit .
  • Port ConfirmUrlDialog away from applicationWindow(). Commit .
  • Cleanup JoinRoomDialog. Commit .
  • Move direct chat confirmation dialog to separate file. Commit .
  • Remove unused component. Commit .
  • Move consent sheet to separate file. Commit .
  • Add back include. Commit .
  • Cleanup includes. Commit .
  • Explicitely include QFont. Commit .
  • Move KUnifiedPush include to source file. Commit .
  • Cleanup API. Commit .
  • Port some things away from Omittable. Commit .
  • Fix micro spacing inconsistency in SpaceHierarchyDelegate. Commit .
  • Fix module. Commit .
  • Fix spacing of HiddenDelegate. Commit .
  • Add test for room creation. Commit .
  • Push ImageEditorPage using pushDialogLayer. Commit . Fixes bug #486315 .
  • Fix opening room on mobile. Commit .
  • Port away from qstr. Commit .
  • Fix if X11 on apple. Commit .
  • Show captions. Commit .
  • Add "No Proxy" option to proxy settings. Commit .
  • Make neochat obey the system-wide proxy settings. Commit .
  • Adapt to behavior change in libQuotient. Commit .
  • Cleanup quick switcher. Commit .
  • Revert "Preserve mx-reply in the edited message if it exists". Commit .
  • Fix the master show link preview setting and add back the per room setting. Commit . Fixes bug #486126 .
  • Cleanup Main.qml. Commit .
  • Port UserConsentSheet to Kirigami.Dialog. Commit .
  • Fix AddServerSheet. Commit .
  • Create QML module for chatbar. Commit .
  • Fix some warnings. Commit .
  • Fix QML warnings. Commit .
  • Fix unqualified access. Commit .
  • Fix qmlls warning. Commit .
  • Remove unnecessary parent. Commit .
  • Remove unused imports. Commit .
  • Fix HoverLinkIndicator warnings. Commit .
  • Port direct chat confirmation dialog away from OverlaySheet. Commit .
  • Fix some dialog parenting. Commit .
  • Remove stray log statement. Commit .
  • Use escaped room name in ConfirmLeaveDialog. Commit .
  • Preserve mx-reply in the edited message if it exists. Commit .
  • Strip replies when calling EventHandler::getMarkdownBody(). Commit .
  • Multiple Link Previews. Commit .
  • Use escaped title in devtools. Commit .
  • Work around QML opening dialog in wrong window. Commit .
  • Replace Quotient::Connection with NeoChatConnection where possible. Commit .
  • Refactor the MessageComponentModel component update. Commit .
  • Remove search bar; Use QuickSwitcher instead. Commit .
  • Fix Roomlist Shortcuts. Commit . Fixes bug #485949 .
  • Force author display name in HiddenDelegate to PlainText. Commit .
  • Make the SpaceDrawer navigable with the keyboard. Commit .
  • Use AvatarButton in UserInfo instead of a custom button. This has the advantage of showing keyboard focus properly. Commit .
  • Use more appropriate icons and tooltips for the room info drawer handles. Commit .
  • Use new cornerRadius Kirigami unit across the app. Commit .
  • Make sure that tab can be used to navigate away from the chatbar. Commit .
  • Add Carl's focus title hack as a devtool option. Commit .
  • Improve CodeComponent background. Commit .
  • Make the "add new" menu button a hamburger menu. Commit .
  • Change actionChanged to notificationActionChanged. Commit .
  • Elide the Hidden delegate text. Commit .
  • Only override the DelegateType when showing hidden messages. Commit .
  • Implement devtoool to show hidden timeline messages. Commit .
  • Fancy Effects 2021-2024 gone but never forgotten. Commit .
  • Use 0.8.x for libQuotient flatpak. Commit .
  • Increase soversion of okularcore for the 24.08 release. Commit .
  • Fix showing eps files inside dvi. Commit .
  • Mobile: Only display background shadow if a page exists. Commit .
  • Used const qlist for iteration. Commit .
  • Implemented currentValueIndices and fixed a selectionClearing bug in slotRefresh for multiselect type ListBoxes. Commit .
  • Implemented numItems property for combobox and listbox. Commit .
  • Implemented getItemAt method for comboboxes and listboxes. Commit .
  • Fixed implementation of value for combo box and list box. Commit .
  • Implement DocClose, DocWillPrint, DocDidPrint, DocWillSave and. Commit .
  • Mobile: Fix switch pages. Commit .
  • Make new clang available in CI happier. Commit .
  • Implement AFDate_KeystrokeEx and AFDate_FormatEx methods. Commit .
  • Move textdocumentsettings to the right place. Commit .
  • Fix numerical interpretation in form fields. Commit . Fixes bug #474661 .
  • Added option to save committed values and restore them if not accepted. Commit .
  • Mobile: Clip DocumentView. Commit .
  • Mobile: Fix switching pages from the drawer. Commit .
  • Mobile: Fix qml warnings. Commit .
  • When doing Ctrl+Wheel, zoom on pointer instead of the center of the screen. Commit . Fixes bug #421484 .
  • Rearrange PageView::wheelEvent to separate Ctrl+Wheel handling from scrolling. Commit .
  • Cppcheck: simplify suppressions. Commit .
  • Paint radio buttons and checkboxes of correct sizes. Commit .
  • Part/signaturepartutils.h (getSuggestedFileNameForSignedFile) : Fix minor typo in msgctxt of returned string. Commit .
  • More cppcheck fixes. Commit .
  • Use async signature validation. Commit . Fixes bug #446298 .
  • Created global qobject. Commit .
  • Added keystroke tests for AFNumber_Keystroke. Commit .
  • Modified parttest to account for newer keystroke restrictions. Commit .
  • Added tests for percent keystroke. Commit .
  • Implemented AFNumber_Keystroke and AFPercent_Keystroke. Commit .
  • Fix crash on certain pdf actions. Commit .
  • Implemented AFSpecial_Keystroke. Commit .
  • Replace unsigned open document with signed. Commit .
  • Added tests for validating commit and no commit cases for time keystroke action. Commit .
  • Implemented AFTime_Keystroke. Commit .
  • Implemented AFMergeChange. Commit .
  • Fixed cursor position and undo/redo merges. Commit .
  • Implemented slot refresh methods for radio button, list edit and combo edit. Commit .
  • Random DVI cleanups. Commit .
  • Fix minor bits from cppcheck. Commit .
  • BookmarkManager: name new bookmarks by page labels if available. Commit .
  • Remove BookmarkManager::setPageBookmark. Commit .
  • Made event.change evaluate to whole incoming text. Commit .
  • Implemented DocOpen event and fixed doc() function of JSField. Commit .
  • Dvi: Add another check for index to glyphtable being in range. Commit .
  • Fix form field validation by correcting action type and adding processFocusAction method. Commit .
  • Add USE_DBUS option. Commit .
  • Added selStart and selEnd properties to event object. Commit .
  • Added tests for percent formatting. Commit .
  • Implemented AFPercent_Format. Commit .
  • Use KIconTheme::initTheme & KStyleManager::initStyle to ensure proper styling outside of plasma. Commit .
  • Have dbus optional beside on platforms it is useless on. Commit .
  • Add model tester to AnnotationModel. Commit .
  • Fix Unicode Normalization: replace NFKC to NFC. Commit . Fixes bug #466521 . See bug #473495 .
  • Simplify PageGroupProxyModel, no need for mixIndex. Commit .
  • Annotation tree: preserve expanded state on change. Commit .
  • Typo fix for correct doc rendering in form.h. Commit .
  • CI: Qt5 -> Qt6. Commit .
  • AnnotationModel: don't emit layoutChanged from inside reset. Commit .
  • Restore the Android APK build. Commit .
  • Unify usage of WITH_K7ZIP. Commit .
  • Xml lint include certain rc files. Commit .
  • Test xml lint thingie on CI run. Commit .
  • Fix sidebar status not being respected when opening the first file. Commit . Fixes bug #484938 .
  • We want to create appx packages for windows. Commit .
  • Fix strikethrough rendering in markdown converter. Commit .
  • Complement org.kde.okular.kirigami.appdata.xml. Commit .
  • Work around wrong warning of KWidgetItemDelegate about deleted widgets. Commit .
  • Avoid Qt warnings about removing items from a QGraphicsScene not part of. Commit .
  • Docs: puzzle table PNG, drop unused embedded color profile, default is sRGB. Commit .
  • Use QStringLiteral/QLatin1Char. Commit .
  • Make compile without deprecated methods. Commit .
  • Fix crash when closing main window while prompted for root password. Commit . Fixes bug #451572 .
  • Hide LUKS2 checkbox in resize dialog. Commit .
  • Fixed crash caused by clicking remove mount point button. Commit . Fixes bug #432103 .
  • Clarify the purpose of "Prevent mistakes" option in the documentation. Commit . Fixes bug #400696 .
  • Set UI marker context to more action, item & title strings. Commit .
  • Settings UI: use icon instead of "..." for background file picking button. Commit .
  • Add developer name to appdata + launchable. Commit .
  • Add conditional kdbusaddons support. Commit .
  • Fix hamburger menu items. Commit .
  • Fix save settings. Commit .
  • Initialize menubar. Commit .
  • Add hamburger menu. Commit .
  • Move constructor as private. Commit .
  • Const'ify + add parent. Commit .
  • Merge private area. Commit .
  • Port to KConfigDialogManager. Commit .
  • Remove unused class. Commit .
  • Remove unused Q_DISABLE_COPY. Commit .
  • Remove unused message. Commit .
  • Remove include on mac/windows. Commit .
  • Try to remove dbus on windows. Commit .
  • Add frameworks/kiconthemes. Commit .
  • Add cppcheck argument. Commit .
  • Show warning when we can't open temporary file. Commit .
  • Remove annotationdialog. Commit .
  • Make SimpleStringListEditor compatible with KConfigDialogManager. Commit .
  • Check isBehindCaptivePortal here too. Commit .
  • Networkmanager: Don't consider it online if behind a captive portal. Commit .
  • Select the only available video format, in that case. Commit .
  • Only enable video controls slider when there's a duration. Commit .
  • Disable HAVE_DBUSADDONS for Haiku. Commit .
  • Use system locale for video publish date display. Commit .
  • Fix video controls appearance on Android. Commit .
  • More touch screen fixes. Commit .
  • Begin implementing "Mark as unwatched" for PeerTube. Commit .
  • Add support for grabbing PeerTube video history. Commit .
  • Add messages when a sponsor segment is skipped or entered. Commit .
  • Add settings to configure SponsorBlock. Commit .
  • Add basic support for SponsorBlock. Commit .
  • Add better indicators of loading or no recommended videos. Commit .
  • Add better indicators of loading or no comments. Commit .
  • Begin to restore support for livestreams. Commit .
  • Enable long press in more areas. Commit .
  • Implement missing AbstractListModel methods in PlaylistsModel. Commit .
  • Fix even more warnings, remove dead code. Commit .
  • Fix all existing compiler warnings. Commit .
  • Port away from yt-dlp usage. Commit .
  • Hide share menu completely on Android. Commit .
  • Add missing Kirigami import in VideoMenu. Commit .
  • Don't show picture-in-picture button on Android. Commit .
  • Add more missing icons for Android. Commit .
  • Fix icons not showing up on Android. Commit .
  • Port to modern KDE_COMPILERSETTINGS_LEVEL. Commit .
  • Increase QT_MIN_VERSION and KF_MIN_VERSION to reflect truth. Commit .
  • Cmake_minimum_required needs to be called before project. Commit .
  • Port to Qt 6. Commit .
  • Port away from QRegExp. Commit .
  • Port away from QMultiMap API. Commit .
  • Fix tab spacing with current qqc2-desktop-style. Commit .
  • Fix warning for running task not showing up when closing window. Commit .
  • Fix terminal focus and virtual keyboard issues. Commit .
  • Fix add command dialog not having a header. Commit .
  • Fix homepage in appstream. Commit .
  • Fix filename of icon so that it is installed to proper location. Commit .
  • Fix configuration of default name filter. Commit . Fixes bug #489111 .
  • Add status update messages during saving. Commit . Fixes bug #487530 .
  • Raise QImageReader allocation limit back to Qt5 values. Commit . Fixes bug #486984 . Fixes bug #487691 .
  • KDE CI: require tests to pass. Commit .
  • KDE CI config: require "@same" branch of libkdegames. Commit .
  • Sanitise html in barcodes. Commit .
  • Make InlineMessages touch their borders with header style. Commit .
  • AnnotationDocument: Allow building with GCC 12. Commit .
  • History: fix strict-aliasing warnings by using std::ranges. Commit .
  • Use new KF::Prison API for barcode scanning. Commit .
  • Rename 24.02.0-change_placeholder_format script ID to 24.05.2-change_placeholder_format. Commit . Fixes bug #484211 .
  • ExportManager: Don't scale on write when there are multiple fractional or non-factor device pixel ratios. Commit .
  • ExportManager: Scale back to original scale if possible when writing an image. Commit . See bug #487997 .
  • AnnotationDocument: set logicalX/logicalY for images created by renderToImage. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Store the geometries of all sub images in a combined image as metadata. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: move logicalX/logicalY to ImageMetaData.h. Commit .
  • AnnotationDocument: Fix highlighter tool not blending with base image. Commit . Fixes bug #488025 .
  • Add missing format include. Commit .
  • Prevent TextTool TextEdit shortcuts from being used by the window while TextTool is focused. Commit . Fixes bug #487740 .
  • AnnotationDocument: Preserve image metadata. Commit .
  • Keep windowTitle in image metadata. Commit .
  • Make ExportManager::formattedFilename less dependent on member variable states. Commit .
  • Add ImageMetaData.h for a standard way to access common image metadata. Commit .
  • ExportManager: Even more handling for empty . Commit .
  • ExportManager: remove duplicate dir separators. Commit .
  • ExportManager: keep dir separators near . Commit . Fixes bug #445084 .
  • FilenameTest: use a map and for loops for testing titles instead of copy/pasting strings. Commit .
  • Use Kirigami.NavigationTabBar for immutable toolview tabs. Commit .
  • Ignore .flatpak-builder. Commit .
  • Improve DialogPage header text. Commit .
  • Use new placeholder format for the keep_old_filename_templates script. Commit .
  • ConfigUtils: rename continueUpdate to isFileOlderThanDateTime. Commit .
  • Always convert old placeholder format to new placeholder format when new format is not used. Commit . Fixes bug #484211 .
  • Fix empty placeholders breaking nearby placeholders. Commit . Fixes bug #483320 .
  • ExportManager: reduce unnecessary string manipulation in formattedFilename(). Commit .
  • Removed unused members. Commit .
  • Fixed warning. Commit .
  • Use custom system tray animated icon. Commit .
  • Make system tray icon easier to notice. Commit . See bug #480023 .
  • VideoCaptureOverlay: Minimized -> Window.Minimized. Commit .
  • Raise and activate capture windows when shown. Commit . Fixes bug #482467 .
  • Lock temp dirs while still in use. Commit .
  • Traits: make getImage a const reference. Commit .
  • Use HH instead of hh by default. Commit .
  • SaveOptionsUtils: put capture instructions in its own namespace. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: Only use normal windows and dialogs for window visible check. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformXcb: Make on click filter button handling code more descriptive. Commit .
  • VideoPlatformWayland: handle and add error messages for when the stream is prematurely closed. Commit .
  • VideoPlatform: don't assert recording boolean in setRecording. Commit .
  • VideoPlatformWayland: Remove the need for a DBus call to KWin's getWindowInfo. Commit .
  • Update recording related models in response to VideoPlatform changes. Commit .
  • VideoPlatformWayland: Get PipeWireRecord asynchronously. Commit . See bug #476866 .
  • VideoPlatformWayland: Add missing not operator. Commit .
  • Improve feedback when recording is not available. Commit . Fixes bug #484038 .
  • RecordingFailedMessage: fix close button. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: use shared error behavior for screenshot and recording failures. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: move video platform setup code closer to image platform setup code. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: use VideoPlatform::regionRequested to start rectangle selection. Commit .
  • Revert "Revert "Accept the selection before sharing via purpose"". Commit .
  • Revert "Accept the selection before sharing via purpose". Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Use logical positions for images in combinedImage on X11. Commit . Fixes bug #486118 .
  • ScreenshotFailedMessage: Fix close button not working. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Put KWin request error on new line for readability. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Make it easier to differentiate errors for different DBus method calls. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Add a timer with message for unusually long DBus calls while debugging. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: Don't show capture windows for screens that we fail to get images for. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: add more and better error messages. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: set 4 second timeout for asynchronous DBus calls. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: move combinedImage and and static vars to the top. Commit .
  • PlatformNull: Always emit newScreenshotFailed. Commit .
  • SpectacleCore: Ensure a message is always visible somewhere when a screenshot fails. Commit .
  • ImagePlatformKWin: Move allocateImage and readImage closer to the top of the cpp file. Commit .
  • Add support for error messages in recording DBus API. Commit .
  • Add more support for screenshot error messages. Commit .
  • Accept the selection before sharing via purpose. Commit .
  • Include moc files. Commit .
  • Update qmlformat with qt6.7. Commit .
  • Add translation context for page titles. Commit .
  • Include missing ECMQmlModule. Commit .
  • Fix separator visibility in appearance settings. Commit .
  • Fix not being able to log out of an account. Commit .
  • Meh, fix visible property on the pop-out status composer option. Commit .
  • The type of firstAttachmentAspectRatio should be int, not double. Commit .
  • Remove duplicate kirigami_package_breeze_icons call. Commit .
  • Prevent crash on Android by initializing NetworkController early. Commit .
  • Don't check for Sonnet on Android. Commit .
  • Refactor media attachment sizing to "begin" at the top. Commit . See bug #490201 .
  • Ensure the privacy warning does not try to wrap when not loaded. Commit . See bug #490201 .
  • Add missing Kirigami import on AppearancePage. Commit .
  • Enable C++ exceptions even when building with QtMultimedia. Commit .
  • Only print out HTTP warnings for errors we don't explicitly handle. Commit . Fixes bug #486825 .
  • Silently fail when 404'ing on featured tags. Commit . Fixes bug #484475 .
  • Allow pasting bitmap images directly, like from the Internet. Commit . Fixes bug #488629 .
  • Add an option to pop out the post composer by default. Commit . Fixes bug #489379 .
  • Do not overwrite existing text in composer. Commit . Fixes bug #489781 .
  • Add support for admin.sign_up notifications. Commit .
  • Adapt to kirigami addons change. Commit .
  • Fix Windows builds. Commit .
  • Ensure more QML functions are type annotated. Commit .
  • Oops, update to new TextHandler function. Commit .
  • Make AbstractAccount constructors protected. Commit .
  • Some Preferences cleanup. Commit .
  • Make more classes under util final, remove registration for CustomEmoji. Commit .
  • Forward declare more classes in ECDH, and WindowController. Commit .
  • Reduce size of FileHelper, move parts to TextHandler. Commit .
  • Make more classes final, document InitialSetupFlow. Commit .
  • Add const in more places in TextHandler. Commit .
  • Document more of Navigation. Commit .
  • Move more regex to TextRegex namespace. Commit .
  • Document WindowController. Commit .
  • Rework and document NetworkController API. Commit .
  • Move requestRemoteObject to AbstractAccount, fix awkward API. Commit .
  • Fix crash when loading some posts really fast, then deleting them. Commit .
  • Reduce sidebar width to 14 grid units. Commit .
  • Warn users that editing posts will polls clear the results. Commit .
  • Fix some compile warnings, all of the tests I broke. Commit .
  • Fix the private post notice messing with the post width in odd ways. Commit .
  • Use the author's username as the title for thread pages. Commit .
  • Disable the favorite/boost chips when there's nothing to see. Commit .
  • Use the correct property in UserInfo. Commit .
  • Add a button to log out on the login issue page. Commit .
  • Add assert to settingsGroupName() to weed out the last few bugs. Commit .
  • Prevent opening profile page on an invalid account. Commit .
  • Disable profile editor when the account fails to log in. Commit .
  • Use Kirigami Addons Sonnet configuration page. Commit .
  • Disable hidden post menu entries. Commit .
  • Fix the loading indicator not showing up initially on the timeline. Commit . See bug #488412 .
  • Let users be able to clear content warning. Commit . Fixes bug #488631 .
  • Actually propagate the spoiler text to the composer when editing a post. Commit . Fixes bug #488631 .
  • Specify that you're "saving" an edit in the composer. Commit . Fixes bug #488632 .
  • Change "Add Account" subtitle to mention registration. Commit .
  • Bump copyright year. Commit .
  • Use the Tokodon icon for about page module. Commit .
  • Open post links internally in Tokodon. Commit .
  • Don't show link previews for quoted posts. Commit .
  • Prevent notes field on profiles from stopping keyboard navigation. Commit . Fixes bug #488236 .
  • Fix errors on AccountsPage and ProfileEditor. Commit .
  • Fix missing appwindow error message. Commit .
  • Remove QTBUG 93281 workaround on >=6.7. Commit .
  • Fix AccountInfo due to ConfigurationsView change. Commit .
  • Move "Logout" button from the accounts page to the inner page. Commit .
  • Add support for quoted posts. Commit .
  • Use kirigami addons master in craft builds. Commit .
  • Use new ConfigurationsView. Commit .
  • Support PageUp/PageDown keys to quickly navigate the timeline. Commit . Fixes bug #487507 .
  • Explain why some posts can't be boosted. Commit . Fixes bug #488172 .
  • Fix possible segfault after logout on timeline pages. Commit .
  • Fix how mouse input works and looks on user cards. Commit .
  • Remove 0 padding from left/right/top on user card. Commit .
  • Only clear page stack if authentication was successful. Commit .
  • Don't allow continuing without inputting an authorization code. Commit .
  • Fix non-functional authorization link. Commit .
  • Add i18n comments in status composer strings. Commit .
  • Fix capitalization for "Switch account" action. Commit .
  • Fix capitalization of tooltips in post composer. Commit .
  • Expand on the "more" tooltip to say "More actions". Commit .
  • Add an explanatory tooltip for the "Alt" indicator. Commit .
  • Fix capitalization for "View profile" action. Commit .
  • Fix capitalization for statistics in info bar. Commit .
  • Make sure the tooltip for "Hide media" is sentence capitalized. Commit .
  • Improve wording of "copy link to profile". Commit .
  • "Conversation" page should be called "Conversations". Commit .
  • Fix location of the notifyrc file. Commit .
  • Improve wording on push notification support. Commit .
  • Improve UX of network proxy settings. Commit .
  • Make the media backends obey the proxy settings. Commit .
  • Add "No Proxy" option to network proxy settings. Commit .
  • Make app obey system level proxy settings. Commit .
  • Fix wrong "%1 boosted" label on certain posts. Commit . Fixes bug #485637 .
  • Change colorset for the sidebar to Window. Commit .
  • Revert "Re-enable Appium tests on the CI". Commit .
  • Use an icon for the show/hide content warning button. Commit .
  • Don't enforce the spellchecker even when it's disabled. Commit . Fixes bug #486465 .
  • Remove duplicate headers between cpp/h files. Commit .
  • Fix the content font not actually affecting the post text. Commit . Fixes bug #481911 .
  • Fix multiple fullscreen images appearing on top of each other. Commit .
  • Improve mentions in the composer, move content warning field. Commit .
  • Copy the spoiler text in replies. Commit . Fixes bug #486691 .
  • Improve wording of the "Discard Draft" dialog. Commit . Fixes bug #484191 .
  • Fix pasting text content in the status composer. Commit .
  • Add scrollview to language selector. Commit .
  • Add missing CI dep. Commit .
  • CI: use stable branch for kdevelop related packages. Commit .
  • CI: ignore testing error on FreeBSD. Commit .
  • CI: Disable dependency to kdevelop. Commit .
  • Add building snapshots for windows with MinGW. Commit .
  • Update main view to be more frameless. Commit .
  • Keep only src/ for the code coverage evaluation. Commit .
  • Make sure failing tests are failing the CI again. Commit .
  • Delay a bit after the expose event. Commit .
  • Make sure a qWait happens after a setFocus. Commit .
  • Use qWaitForWindowExposed. Commit .
  • Make sure we always get collections/contexts/items in same order. Commit .
  • Fix typing error. Commit .
  • Fix the auto tests for features. Commit .

wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment in uft

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How do I fix this error " Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"?

I'm writing this script to help with logging when my workplace re-images computers. The problem is that I am somewhat inexperienced with VBS and troubleshooting VBS scripts.

This script is built to take in an argument and log the section indicated by the argument. Ex: Someone passes in /1 and then the script logs section 1.

Here is the full script(with some elements redacted).

Here is my input: cscript OneScriptRuleThemAll.vbs /1

Here is the output and error message: OneScriptToRuleThemAll.vbs(55, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

From what I can tell I am not putting in the wrong number of arguments and I don't see the problem with my property assignments.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

CharlesD's user avatar

3 Answers 3

I believe the error is occurring on the line If sequence = 1 Then For your intent to work, you need to change it to If sequence.Item(0) = 1 Then

Your arguments can continue to go from 1 to 6.

MikeC's user avatar

  • Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to implement this and let you know if it works. I won't be back in the office until either late Friday or Monday. –  CharlesD Commented Mar 17, 2016 at 21:05

It looks to me that the if statements are not being used to take the input of the parameters properly. Why is there an error check after each if? it seems like it could just be one big if statement.

bluesquirrel's user avatar

Your arguments are a collection so are in the form

1st is 0, 2nd is 1, etc

Machavity's user avatar

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wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment in uft

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wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment in uft


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  2. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    Visual Basic (Usage) C#. C++. J#. JScript. You invoked a procedure, but used either the wrong procedure name, the wrong number of arguments for this procedure, or wrong argument types. The number of arguments passed to a procedure must match the number of parameters in the procedure's definition.

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    UFT One User Discussions Home Discussions ... this does not work either. Then I get an error: 'Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Data Table' This is the script that I am using to enter information on a screen: ... Regarding descriptive programming, I am not entirely sure, but I assume that "index" is not a valid ...

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    Micro Focus QTP (UFT) Forums › Micro Focus UFT (earlier known as QTP) ... Wrong number of arguments has been pased or invalid property assignment. Can somebody tell whats wrong there[/align] Find. Reply. himabindhub Junior Member. Posts: 1 Threads: 0

  5. How to select a particular check box from a list

    Step3: Loop thru all the rows & retrieve required cell's data using 'GetCellData' method & Validate the current link text with expected link text. Step4 : If the required link text is found in 'i'th row, then use 'ChildItem' Method & select the correspoding CheckBox present in the same row & Exit out of the Loop.

  6. Error 501 Illegal Assignment

    I am having tough time figuring out what's wrong with the function call. I have a function which i am calling and the moment it enters the function i get the err.number = 501. I verified all the variables, all are string and it matches with the number of arguments defined in the function. No clue why am I getting this.

  7. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: how to fix it

    Errors: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can cause errors to occur. These errors can range from simple syntax errors to more serious runtime errors. Data corruption: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment can also lead to data corruption. This can happen when a property is assigned to an object with the ...

  8. While loops with AIUtil and waiting for a TextBlock not to exist

    If an answer to your question is correct, click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button. The answer will now appear with a checkmark.

  9. VBA Error wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    Hello, I've found this bit of code during my searches on the web and this does work for me in other spreadsheets however, when I try and run this in...

  10. Macro Error

    The main problem is that you named the macro Columns, which is also a keyword in Excel VBA. There is also a lot of superfluous code resulting from the recording process.

  11. Error object doesnt support this property or method

    So I guess what I need to figure out is what property IS "Most Actives" When I use the object spy it says the WebTable: Most Actives, with a variety of attributes. Thats why I put the Most Actives in the webtable function in the first place.

  12. VBA Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    I have a workbook that I use as a template to create other workbooks where the user collects information and sends that data to a data file. The main (starter) workbook is well used in many scenarios so I feel the VBA code is solid.

  13. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment when using

    A vibrant community of Excel enthusiasts. Get expert tips, ask questions, and share your love for all things Excel. Elevate your spreadsheet skills with us!

  14. VBA Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    Out of touch with vba and so i am sure its a silly mistake somewhere. Would be really helpful if someone could point that out. Code: Private Function generate() As Integer Dim source_size As Long Dim target_size As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim count As Long Dim source1 As Range Dim target1 As Range Set source1 = Worksheets("Filter").Range(C4, C6498) Set target1 = Worksheets("30").Range ...

  15. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment error message

    The button shows up fine. The procedure is in the same template as the ribbon modification. The onAction is "ContinuousPageNumbers1." When I click on the button I get the following error: If I go into the vba editor to the macro, I can run it fine. Same with running it directly in the template using the Macros dialog.

  16. KDE Gear 24.08.0 Full Log Page

    Use singleton instead of context property for settings. Commit. Port settings to FormCard. Commit. Move info button to the toolbar. Commit. Add titles for breathing pages. Commit. Port away from OverlaySheet. Commit. Run latest qmlformat. Commit. Don't use context property to expose AboutData to qml. Commit. Flatpak: update Kirigami Addons to 1 ...

  17. How do I fix this error " Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Wrong

    I'm writing this script to help with logging when my workplace re-images computers. The problem is that I am somewhat inexperienced with VBS and troubleshooting VBS scripts.

  18. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

    Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. ... Thread Modes. Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. qtpro_exe Junior Member. Posts: 1 Threads: 1 Joined: Nov 2011 Reputation: 0 #1. 11-22-2011, 07:48 AM . I am facing an issue while clicking the filter button during automation.Using QTP 11 and IE 7. I am getting ...

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