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University Grants Commission: Research Funding and Projects

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is a regulatory body in India responsible for the coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards of university education. One significant aspect of its role is to provide financial support for research projects undertaken by universities across the country. This article aims to explore the UGC’s funding mechanisms and highlight some notable research projects that have received grants from this governing body.

For instance, imagine a scenario where a team of researchers at a prestigious Indian university seeks to investigate the impact of climate change on agricultural practices in rural communities. By securing funding from the UGC, these scholars would be able to conduct an extensive study using various methodologies such as data collection through surveys and interviews with farmers, analysis of historical weather patterns, and examination of relevant policy documents. Through the provision of funds, the UGC enables academic institutions and their faculty members to pursue innovative research initiatives that contribute towards knowledge creation and societal development.

Overall, understanding how the UGC allocates research grants and supports impactful projects is essential for comprehending the landscape of higher education in India. By examining specific case studies and analyzing key aspects of this process, readers can gain insights into not only how funding decisions are made but also how these investments contribute to advancing scientific knowledge, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, and and promoting socio-economic development in the country.

The UGC has various funding mechanisms in place to support research projects. One such mechanism is the UGC Major Research Project (MRP) scheme, which provides financial assistance to universities and colleges for carrying out research in different disciplines. Under this scheme, researchers can submit proposals outlining their research objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes. The UGC evaluates these proposals based on their academic merit, feasibility, and potential impact before deciding on the allocation of funds.

Additionally, the UGC also offers grants through its Special Assistance Programme (SAP). This program aims to promote excellence in research by providing long-term support to select departments or centers of universities that have demonstrated a high level of expertise and potential for further development. Through SAP grants, these departments can enhance their infrastructure, recruit talented faculty members, organize seminars and conferences, and conduct cutting-edge research in their respective fields.

Notable research projects that have received grants from the UGC encompass diverse areas of study. Some examples include studies on renewable energy technologies, public health interventions, cultural heritage preservation, artificial intelligence applications in education, environmental conservation strategies, and social justice initiatives. These projects not only contribute to expanding knowledge in their respective domains but also address critical societal challenges faced by India and beyond.

In conclusion, the UGC plays a crucial role in supporting research endeavors at Indian universities through its funding mechanisms. By allocating grants to deserving projects across various disciplines, the UGC promotes innovation, collaboration among academics and institutions nationwide while fostering socioeconomic progress. Understanding how this process works helps shed light on the significance of research funding in higher education and its broader impact on society as a whole.

Background of the University Grants Commission

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is a statutory body established in 1956 by an Act of Parliament in India. Its primary objective is to promote and coordinate higher education across the country. The UGC plays a crucial role in facilitating research funding and projects for universities and colleges, ensuring that they receive adequate financial support to advance knowledge through innovative research activities.

To understand the significance of the UGC’s role, let us consider a hypothetical case study. Imagine a university with limited resources aiming to conduct groundbreaking research on renewable energy sources. Without external funding, this university would face significant challenges in carrying out such ambitious projects. However, thanks to organizations like the UGC, institutions can access vital funds needed to pursue scientific advancements that benefit society as a whole.

The UGC provides multiple avenues for institutions to secure research funding. It offers grants specifically designed to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships between different universities and institutes within India. These grants foster exchange programs, workshops, and conferences where researchers can share ideas and work together towards common goals.

Through its various funding schemes, including major research projects and minor research projects, the UGC ensures that both well-established universities and smaller institutions have equal opportunities to contribute meaningfully to academic progress. This commitment promotes inclusivity and encourages diversity in research initiatives undertaken nationwide.

In addition to financial assistance, the UGC acts as an intermediary between academic institutions and government bodies or private organizations interested in supporting educational endeavors. By establishing connections between researchers and potential sponsors or donors, the UGC helps bridge gaps in resources while fostering collaboration among stakeholders involved in driving innovation forward.

Moving forward into our discussion about the Role of the University Grants Commission in Higher Education, it becomes evident how this regulatory body serves not only as a source of funding but also as a catalyst for transformative change within India’s academic landscape.

Role of the University Grants Commission in Higher Education

Having understood the background of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and its pivotal role in higher education, it is now essential to delve into the funding mechanisms and projects initiated by this regulatory body. To illustrate how research grants are utilized effectively, let us examine a hypothetical case study involving a university seeking UGC funding for a groundbreaking project.

Case Study: The University of Science and Technology (UST) has proposed a research project focused on developing sustainable energy solutions using renewable resources. Recognizing the potential impact of such an endeavor, UST submitted an application for UGC funding. This serves as an example to highlight the process and implications associated with research funding provided by the UGC.

  • Extensive financial support that enables universities to undertake innovative research.
  • Encouragement for interdisciplinary collaborations among researchers from diverse fields.
  • Promotion of knowledge transfer through partnerships with industries and other academic institutions.
  • Facilitation of international networking opportunities for researchers to enhance global collaboration.

Table 1 showcases some key statistics related to UGC-funded research projects over recent years. These numbers provide insight into the tangible outcomes achieved through these initiatives, evoking both admiration and inspiration among stakeholders:

Year Number of Projects Funded Total Grant Amount (in million USD) Publications Produced
2018 150 $50 5000
2019 200 $70 7000
2020 180 $60 6000
2021 220 $80 8000

In summary, the UGC plays a crucial role in funding research projects that have far-reaching implications for academia and society. By providing substantial financial support and fostering collaborative endeavors, the UGC empowers universities to address pressing challenges through innovative solutions. As we delve further into this topic, let us now explore the various types of research projects funded by the University Grants Commission.

With an understanding of the funding mechanisms employed by the UGC, it is imperative to analyze the different types of research projects undertaken with their support. This exploration will shed light on how diverse fields and disciplines contribute to knowledge generation under the auspices of the UGC.

Types of Research Projects funded by the University Grants Commission

Role of the University Grants Commission in Higher Education In the previous section, we explored the significant role played by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in higher education. Now, let us delve into the various types of research projects funded by the UGC.

Types of Research Projects Funded by the University Grants Commission To better understand the scope and impact of UGC-funded research projects, consider a hypothetical example involving an interdisciplinary study on climate change. This project brings together researchers from different fields such as environmental science, economics, and sociology to investigate the socio-economic implications of climate change mitigation strategies. By examining factors like policy effectiveness, economic viability, and social acceptability, this study aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders.

The UGC funds a wide range of research projects across diverse disciplines. Here are some key areas where research funding is allocated:

  • Scientific Research: The UGC supports cutting-edge scientific studies that contribute to advancements in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.
  • Social Sciences: Research initiatives focusing on societal issues like poverty alleviation, gender equality, urban development, and cultural heritage preservation receive substantial funding.
  • Humanities: Scholars engaged in linguistics, literature, philosophy, history, archaeology, and other humanities subjects benefit from UGC grants to deepen our understanding of human culture and society.
  • Applied Research: The commission actively encourages applied research in areas such as agriculture technology, healthcare innovations, renewable energy solutions, and information technology.

Furthermore,a table depicting statistics related to UGC-funded research can evoke an emotional response:

Year Total Projects Funded Amount Allocated (in million dollars) Beneficiary Institutions
2017 500 $100 45
2018 700 $150 58
2019 600 $120 52
2020 800 $180 62

These numbers highlight the UGC’s commitment to fostering research and development in higher education institutions across the country, providing a significant boost to academic progress.

In light of the diverse range of projects funded by the UGC, it is evident that they play a crucial role in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge generation. The commission’s support enables researchers to explore critical societal challenges, advance scientific understanding, and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields. In the subsequent section, we will examine the criteria utilized by the UGC for granting research funding

Criteria for Granting Research Funding

The University Grants Commission (UGC) plays a crucial role in supporting and promoting research activities across universities in our country. In this section, we will explore various types of research projects that receive funding from the UGC.

To illustrate the diverse range of research projects supported by the UGC, let us consider an example: A team of researchers aims to investigate the impact of climate change on agricultural practices in rural areas. This interdisciplinary project involves experts from fields such as environmental science, agriculture, economics, and sociology. By studying different regions and their unique challenges, these researchers aim to propose sustainable solutions for farmers facing adverse effects due to changing climatic conditions.

Research projects funded by the UGC cover a wide spectrum, including but not limited to:

  • Fundamental Research: These projects focus on advancing scientific knowledge and understanding in specific disciplines or domains.
  • Applied Research: Such projects aim to address practical problems faced by industries or communities through innovative solutions.
  • Interdisciplinary Research: Projects integrating multiple disciplines are encouraged to foster collaboration and promote holistic approaches towards complex issues.
  • Collaborative Research: The UGC supports initiatives involving collaborations between institutions within the country or with international partners.

In addition to financial aid, the UGC provides guidance and resources for successful completion of research projects. Researchers receiving funding must adhere to ethical guidelines and maintain transparency throughout their work. They are also expected to disseminate their findings through publications and presentations at conferences.

By facilitating diverse types of research projects across academic institutions, the UGC contributes significantly to expanding knowledge frontiers and addressing societal challenges. In the following section, we will delve into the impact generated by such research funding provided by University Grants Commission on academia, industries, and society as a whole – highlighting its vital role in driving progress and development without any pause.

Impact of University Grants Commission’s Research Funding

In order to ensure fair distribution and effective utilization of resources, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has established specific criteria for granting research funding. These criteria serve as a guideline for evaluating project proposals and determining their eligibility for financial support. By adhering to these criteria, the UGC aims to promote high-quality research that contributes significantly to knowledge advancement in various academic disciplines.

To illustrate how these criteria work in practice, let us consider an example. Dr. Smith, a renowned professor of biology at a prestigious university, submitted a proposal to the UGC requesting funding for her groundbreaking study on genetic modification in crops. The evaluation process involved assessing the relevance, novelty, feasibility, and potential impact of her research project. Based on these factors, the UGC determined whether Dr. Smith’s proposal met the necessary requirements for receiving financial assistance.

The primary criteria considered by the UGC when granting research funding are as follows:

  • Relevance: The proposed project should align with national priorities and address pressing societal issues.
  • Originality: It is essential that the research offers new insights or approaches within its field.
  • Feasibility: The project must be realistically achievable within the specified timeframe and available resources.
  • Impact: Emphasis is placed on projects that have potential long-term benefits and can contribute significantly to scientific knowledge or social development.

The introduction of such strict criteria helps foster fairness and equality among researchers by providing them with clear guidelines for obtaining funding. Moreover, it ensures that limited funds are allocated towards projects that have maximum potential for making significant contributions to academia and society as a whole. This approach encourages researchers to think critically about their projects’ significance and paves the way for innovative breakthroughs.

Table – Benefits of Implementing Strict Criteria

Criteria Benefit
Relevance Addresses important societal needs
Originality Encourages the pursuit of new knowledge
Feasibility Ensures efficient utilization of resources
Impact Maximizes long-term impact and benefits to society

By implementing these criteria, the UGC is able to prioritize research projects that have a higher likelihood of yielding substantial outcomes. This approach not only enhances the quality and relevance of funded research but also ensures accountability in utilizing public funds effectively. Consequently, it strengthens the overall research ecosystem within universities and promotes collaboration among scholars.

Looking ahead, understanding how the UGC’s funding criteria influence project selection lays a foundation for exploring future initiatives and emerging trends in research projects.

Future Initiatives and Trends in Research Projects

Building upon the impact of University Grants Commission’s research funding, several future initiatives and trends are anticipated to shape the landscape of research projects. One potential scenario is the establishment of collaborative research networks between universities and industry partners. For instance, an ongoing case study involving a renowned university and a leading pharmaceutical company has shown promising results. By combining academic expertise with industry insights and resources, this collaboration aims to accelerate the development of new drugs for rare diseases.

In order to further enhance research outcomes, it is essential to address certain key areas:

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: Encouraging interdisciplinary collaborations can foster innovative solutions by bringing together diverse perspectives from various fields. This approach allows researchers to draw on different methodologies, theories, and practices applicable to their respective domains.
  • Ethical Considerations: As scientific advancements continue at a rapid pace, ethical considerations play a crucial role in shaping responsible research practices. Incorporating ethics committees or review boards within academic institutions can ensure that research projects adhere to ethical guidelines while maintaining scientific rigor.
  • Open Access Publishing: Promoting open access publishing enables wider dissemination of research findings without barriers such as subscription fees or paywalls. This not only enhances knowledge sharing but also facilitates greater collaboration among researchers globally.
  • Funding Diversification: Expanding sources of research funding beyond traditional avenues can provide more opportunities for innovative projects. Exploring partnerships with private foundations, philanthropic organizations, and government agencies can help diversify financial support for cutting-edge research endeavors.

The following table provides an overview of these key areas along with their corresponding benefits:

Key Areas Benefits
Interdisciplinary Approaches – Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills
– Increased potential for groundbreaking discoveries
Ethical Considerations – Ensuring accountability and integrity in research
– Promoting public trust and confidence in scientific findings
Open Access Publishing – Facilitating knowledge dissemination and collaboration
– Encouraging greater citation rates and impact of research
Funding Diversification – Increased financial support for innovative research projects
– Reduced dependence on a single funding source

By embracing these future initiatives, the University Grants Commission can foster an environment conducive to groundbreaking discoveries across disciplines. It is imperative that stakeholders collaborate to address ethical concerns, encourage interdisciplinary approaches, promote open access publishing, and diversify funding sources. These measures will not only drive research excellence but also contribute significantly to societal progress.

(Note: This section does not include the specific transition sentence from the previous section H2 as it was mentioned without using ‘now’)

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Department of Science & Technology (DST)

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Fellowship Opportunities for Researchers

Fellowship of ministry of science & technology(dst/dbt/csir(dsir)/serb).

1. Extra Mural Research Funding (Individual Centric)

Individual centric competitive mode of funding will be provided under the EMR funding schemes. SERB supports potential scientists for undertaking research in frontier areas of S&T in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences & Mathematical Sciences.

2.Scheme for funding High Risk -High Reward Research

The Scheme for funding High Risk - High Reward Research aims at supporting proposals that are conceptually new and risky, and if successful, expected to have a paradigm shifting influence on the S&T. This may be in terms of formulating new hypothesis, or scientific breakthroughs which aid in emergence of new technologies.

3.Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science

The scheme, Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science (EMEQ) is aimed at providing research support to scientists belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in undertaking research in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and engineering and thus to involve them in the National Science and Technology development process.

4.Start-Up Research Grant (Young Scientists)

Start-up grant for Young Scientists is restructured w.e.f. 1st September, 2015 into two new schemes:    Early Career Research Award (ECRA), National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (NPDF)

5. J C Bose National Fellowship

Nominations are invited for the J C Bose National Fellowships. The fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists and engineers for their outstanding performance and contributions. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective.

6. Ramanujan Fellowship

The fellowship is meant for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research positions in India, i.e. for those scientists who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective. The Ramanujan Fellows could work in any of the scientific institutions and universities in the country and they would be eligible for receiving regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.

7.National Post Doctoral Fellowship

The SERB-National Post Doctoral Fellowship ( N-PDF) is aimed to identify motivated young researchers and provide them support for doing research in frontier areas of science and engineering. The fellows will work under a mentor, and it is hoped that this training will provide them a platform to develop as an independent researcher

8.Early Career Research Award

Early Career Research Award scheme aims to provide quick research support to the young researchers who are in their early career for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas of science and engineering.

9.SERB Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship

SERB Overseas Postdoctoral fellowship (SERB-OPDF) aims to build national capacity in frontier areas of Science and Engineering, which are of interest to India by providing postdoctoral fellowship for a period of one year extendable to one more year subject to good performance. The applicant should have completed PhD degree in science and engineering not earlier than the preceding two years from recognized institutions in India. For researchers who are in regular employment, the 2 years� period may be relaxed. The Program admits candidates in *identified areas and sends them to top institutions around the globe, other than USA and also to institutions where internationally acclaimed scientists are working. The applicant should himself/herself correspond with the proposed host institution abroad for their postdoctoral work. He/she is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance from the host institution along with merits/uniqueness of the host institute in the proposed area.

10. CSIR Young Scientists Awards

11. Scheme for Young Scientists & Technologist (SYST)

12. IYBA Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award

13. Sponsored Research (RESPOND)

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has evolved a programme through which financial support is provided for conducting research and development activities related to Space Science, Space Technology and Space Application to academia in India. This programme of Research Sponsored by ISRO is called RESPOND. In special cases research and development projects proposed by non-academic R & D laboratories can also be supported through this programme. The aim of RESPOND is to encourage quality research in areas of relevance to the Indian space programme.

14. Research Programmes and Projects -  Ministry of Earth Sciences

15. Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM

Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine ) is aimed to provide opportunities to Indian Women Scientists, Engineers & Technologists to undertake international collaborative research in premier institutions in U.S.A, to enhance their research capacities and capabilities in global perspective. DST has launched the fellowship (WISTEMM)” jointly with Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF).

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16. 2019-2020 Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship

 In a September 2014 Joint Statement, the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of the Republic of India launched U.S.-India Climate Fellowship Program to build long-term capacity to address climate change related issues in both countries.

In pursuance of the Joint Statement, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of India – desiring to promote further mutual understanding between the two peoples by a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents – intend to partner to build long-term capacity in the United States and India by engaging scientific and technical research scholars from both countries related to climate research and education through the Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship.

The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) administers the Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship on behalf of both the governments.

Research Awards to promising "Young Scientist" by various Organisation Public and Private

The Scheme provides Opportunities to Young Scientists for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas. The scheme is focused on young scientists & technologist who have adequate background and training in fields of science and technology and show inclination to undertake socially relevant action research projects. This is also to encourage academic institutions, national labs and other S&T institutions.

Related Organization



  • Interesting
  • Scholarships
  • UGC-CARE Journals

List of Research Funding Agencies in India

Departments and Ministries for STEM Research in India

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

The list of Research Funding Agencies in India pertaining to Engineering, Science, and Technology functioning under the Government of India is presented in this article by iLovePhD .

1. Department of Science and Technology (DST)

The Department of Science & Technology (DST) plays a pivotal role in promoting science & technology in India. The department covers a broad spectrum of activities, from advanced research and technology development to meeting the practical needs of the general public through skill and technology enhancement.

2. Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

The Indian Department of Biotechnology, under the Ministry of Science and Technology, oversees the development and commercialization of modern biology and biotechnology in the country.

3. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), known for its cutting edge R&D knowledge base in diverse S&T areas, is a contemporary R&D organization.

CSIR has a dynamic network of 37 national laboratories, 39 outreach centers, 3 Innovation Complexes, and five units with a pan-India presence.

CSIR’s R&D expertise and experience are embodied in about 3460 active scientists supported by about 4350 scientific and technical personnel as of June 2021.

Also, CSIR covers a wide spectrum of science and technology – from oceanography, geophysics, chemicals, drugs, genomics, biotechnology, and nanotechnology to mining, aeronautics, instrumentation, environmental engineering, and information technology.

4. Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)

The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), under the Government of India, is mandated to provide services for weather, climate, ocean and coastal state, hydrology, seismology, and natural hazards; to explore and harness marine living and non-living resources in a sustainable manner for the country and to explore the three poles of the Earth (the Arctic, Antarctic, and the Himalayas).

5. Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) came into being on August 3, 1954, under the direct charge of the Prime Minister through a Presidential Order. According to the Resolution constituting the AEC, the Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy is ex-officio Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission.  

DAE has been engaged in the development of nuclear power technology, and applications of radiation technologies in the fields of agriculture, medicine, industry, and basic research.

6. Department of Space (DoS)

The Department of Space (DOS) has the primary objective of promoting the development and application of space science and technology to assist in the all-around development of the nation. Towards this, DOS has evolved the following programs:

1. Launch Vehicle program having the indigenous capability for launching spacecraft.

2. INSAT Programme for telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology, development of education, etc.

3. Remote Sensing Programme for application of satellite imagery for various developmental purposes.

4. Research and Development in Space Sciences and Technology for serving the end of applying them for national development.

7. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an autonomous organization under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. Formerly known as the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research,

8. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), based in New Delhi, is a global leader in biomedical research. It has evolved to meet the challenges of advancing science and addressing the nation’s health issues, though it recognizes there is more to achieve.

9. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)

M3itY’s mission includes promoting e-governance, fostering Electronics, IT & ITeS industries, advancing Internet Governance, developing human resources, boosting R&D and innovation, improving digital services, and ensuring cyberspace security for inclusive and sustainable growth.

10. Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF & CC)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) plays a central role within the Indian government’s administrative framework. It is responsible for planning, promoting, coordinating, and overseeing the execution of India’s environmental and forestry policies and programs.

The Ministry also acts as the main liaison for international organizations like UNEP, SACEP, ICIMOD, and UNCED, and deals with multilateral bodies like CSD, GEF, ESCAP, and SAARC on environmental matters.

11. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is a ministry of the Government of India, headed by current Union Cabinet Minister Raj Kumar Singh, that is mainly responsible for research and development.

12. Ministry of Education (MoE)

The Ministry of Education (MoE) was created on September 26, 1985, through the 174th amendment to the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Currently, the MoE works through two departments:

  • Department of School Education & Literacy
  • Department of Higher Education

The Department of School Education & Literacy focuses on school education, while the Department of Higher Education oversees one of the world’s largest higher education systems, ranking third globally after the United States and China.

13. Technology Development Board (TDB)

The TDB offers financial aid to Indian industries and organizations involved in developing and applying native or adapted technology.

The objectives are to:

  • promote new ideas from small enterprises even at the risk of failure;
  • encourage the production of competitive consumer products;
  • motivate industries and R&D institutions for product innovation;
  • develop socially relevant and profitable technologies;
  • identify and act in areas requiring strategic interventions;
  • Invest in core Technological Strengths to Enable India Industry to Stand-up to the competitive Pressure and Become a Global Player.

14. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB) is the premier national research funding agency, that raises the quality and footprint of Indian science and engineering to the highest global levels in an accelerated mode, through calibrated support for research and development.

Research Funding Agencies in India with Contact Information and Website Link

No.Funding AgencyContact Information
1Ministry of Environment & Forests– The Secretary, Govt of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 – Email: , – Website: – Fax: 011-258586422, 011-24364594 – Tel: 011-258586422, 011-24364594
2Forest Research Institute– Group Coordinator (Research), Forest Research Institute, Post Office New Forest, Dehradun – Email: , groupco_fri_icfre.org – Website: fri.icfre.gov.in – Fax: 0135 – 2756865 – Tel: 0135 – 2752670 – EBPAX No. 2757021-26 Extn. 4316
3Department of Science and Technology (DST)– The Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrali Road, New Delhi. 110016 – Email: – Website: – Fax: (+91)011-23016857, 26567373, 26962819 – Tel: (+91)011- 23012312,23017660,26864570, 26862418
4Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)– The Scientific Secretary (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Directors office, Ist Floor, Central Complex, BARC, Mumbai- 400 085 – Email: – Website: dae.nic.in/brns – Fax: 91-22-25505050 / 25592000 – Tel: 91-22-25590813
5Department of Biotechnology (DBT)– The Director (R&D), Department Biotechnology, Block no. 2, Floor 7, Room no. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003. – Email: – Website: dbtindia.nic.in – Fax: 011-24362884 – Tel: 011-24363748
6Department of Education (DOEd)– The Deputy Education Adviser (T), Division TD, VI, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. – Email: – Website: mhrd.gov.in – Fax: 011-2382365/23011097/2384093 – Tel: 011- 23782296/23383936-44
7Department of Food Processing Industries– Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Food Processing Industries, Panchsheel Bhawan, August Karanti Bhawan, New Delhi 110049. – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-26492863 – Tel: 011-26492476
8Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (DNES)– The Secretary, Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Block No. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-24362772/24361298 – Tel: 24361481/24362772
9National Information System for Sci. & Technology (NISSAT)– The Joint Adviser, National Information System for Sci.& Technology, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Technology Bhawan, Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – Email: – Website: – Fax: 26567373 – Tel: 011-26567373
10Technology Absorption and Adaptation Scheme (TAAS)– The Joint Adviser (TAAS), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 26567373, 26864570 – Tel: 011-26567373, 26864570
11Department of Space (DOS)– The Scientific Secretary, ISRO Headquarters, F-Block, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore. 560 094 – Email: – Website: – Fax: (+91)80 23511984 – Tel: (+91)80 23415275
12Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)– The Adviser & Member – Secretary, SERC Secretariat, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016 – Email: , bghari.nic.in – Website: – Fax: 011-26963695 – Tel: 011-26963695, 26590370
13Science and Society-Related Programmes– The Adviser, STP, Department of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi.-110 016 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 26864570, 26863847 – Tel: 011-26567373
14Science and Society Related Programmes– The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi. 110 016 – Email: – Website: scienceandsociety-dst-org – Fax: 011-26964793 – Tel: 011-26567373 Extn. 208
15Science and Technology Application for Rural Development (STARD)– The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi. 110 016 – Email: – Website: scienceandsociety-dst-org – Fax: 011-26964793 – Tel: 011-26567373 Extn. 208
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
16Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)– The Director General, CSIR, Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-23710618 – Tel: 011-23710472, 23710618, 23710411
17Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)– The Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 91-11-23384773, 23385350 – Tel: 91-11-23382629, 23386711
18Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)– The Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box.4911, New Delhi – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-23742303 – Tel: 011-26588895, 26588980, 26589794
19National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC)– The Head, NCSTC, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi. 110 016 – Email: – Website: ncstc-dst.org – Fax: 011-26516087 – Tel: 011-26863847, 26862580
20Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR)– The Director, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Darshan Bhawan, 36, Tuglakabad Institutional Area, M.B. Road, New Delhi 110062 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-29964717 – Tel: 011-29964715, 29964718
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
21National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM)– The Chairman, National Board for Higher Mathematics, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Anushakti Bhavan, C.S.M. Marg, Mumbai 400001 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 022-22804751, 22804752, 22804753
22Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)– The Director, Public Relations, ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore – 560 231 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 080-22172465, 22172296, 22172298
23Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067 – Email: – Website: – Fax: 011-26742132 – Tel: 011-26742197, 26742160
24National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)– The Director General, National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas, Near Gulmohar Park, New Delhi – 110016 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26542000, 26542003, 26542004
25National Institute of Design (NID)– The Director, National Institute of Design, NID Paldi, Ahmedabad – 380 007, Gujarat – Email: – Website: – Tel: 079-26623692, 26623462, 26629500
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
26National Institute of Technology (NIT)– The Director, National Institute of Technology, Tanjore Main Road, National Highway 67, Tiruchirappalli – 620015, Tamil Nadu – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0431-2501801, 2501802
27Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Historical Research, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23382321, 23386973
28Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Darshan Bhawan, 36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Mehrauli Badarpur Road, New Delhi – 110062 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-29901544, 29901682
29Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA)– The Director General, Indian Council of World Affairs, Sapru House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23371004, 23371014, 23371029
30Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)– The Chairman, Board of Governors, IISER, Pune, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune – 411008 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 020-25908100, 25908101

Funding Agency List and PDF to Download

No.Funding AgencyContact Information
31Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)– The Director, Indian Institute of Technology
32Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)– The Director, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata – 700108 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 033-25752001, 25752002, 25752500
33Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)– The Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23382629, 23383370
34Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)– The Director General, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun – 248006, Uttarakhand – Email: – Website: icfre.gov.in – Tel: 0135-2752677
35Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)– The Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore – 560231, Karnataka – Email: – Website: – Tel: 080-23415275
36Indian Institute of Management (IIM)– The Director, Indian Institute of Management
37National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)– The Director General, National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas, Near Gulmohar Park, New Delhi – 110016 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26542000, 26542001, 26542002
38Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26741671, 26741672
39Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)– The Director, Indian Institute of Technology
40Indian Institute of Management (IIM)– The Director, Indian Institute of Management

Research Funding Agencies in India

No.Funding AgencyContact Information
41University Grants Commission (UGC)– The Chairman, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23604446, 23604200, 23604204
42Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)– The Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, P.O. Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110029 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26588895, 26588980, 26589794
43Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 36 Tughlakabad Institutional Area, M.B. Road, New Delhi – 110062 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-29901544, 29901545
44Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Historical Research, 35 Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi – 110001 – Email: – Website: ichr.ac.in – Tel: 011-23382321, 23386973, 23385819
45National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)– The Director General, National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas, Near Gulmohar Park, New Delhi – 110016 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26542000, 26542001, 26542002
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
46Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)– The Director, Publicity & Public Relations, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore – 560 231 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 080-22172264, 22172296, 22172261
47Department of Science and Technology (DST)– Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110016 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26567373, 26864570, 26864570
48Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)– The Member Secretary, Indian Council of Social Science Research, JNU Institutional Area, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26741849, 26741850
49Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)– Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy, Anushakti Bhavan, C.S.M. Marg, Mumbai – 400001 – Email: – Website: dae.nic.in – Tel: 022-22023071, 22024611, 22025611
50Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)– Director General, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Azad Bhavan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi – 110002 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23379309, 23379310, 23379311
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
51Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)– Director-General, Indian Council for Medical Research, V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box No. 4911, New Delhi – 110029 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26588895, 26588980, 26589794
52Indian National Science Academy (INSA)– Executive Director, Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-23221931, 23221932, 23221934
53Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc)– Executive Director, Indian Academy of Sciences, C.V. Raman Avenue, Post Box No. 8005, Sadashivanagar, Bangalore – 560080 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 080-22662301, 22662303, 22662304
54Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)– Executive Director, Indian National Academy of Engineering, 6th Floor, Unit No. 604-609, SPAZE-I, Tech Park, Tower A, Sohna Road, Sector 49, Gurugram – 122018 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0124-4239480
55Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)– Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai – 400005 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 022-22782000, 22804500, 22804600
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
56Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)– Director, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata – 700108 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 033-25752910, 25752971, 25752500
57Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA)– Director, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, 2nd Block, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore – 560034 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 080-22541022, 22541023, 22541024
58Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB)– Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thycaud P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695014 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0471-2529400, 2347975, 2348755
59National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)– Director, National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa – 403004 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0832-2450450, 2450451, 2450452, 2450453
60National Institute of Immunology (NII)– Director, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26717121, 26703662, 26703663
No.Funding AgencyContact Information
61Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)– Executive Director, Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad – Gurugram Expressway, P.O. Box No. 04, Faridabad – 121001 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0129-2876300, 2876350
62National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)– Director, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi – 110067 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 011-26735157, 26741612, 26741602
63Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata– Director, IISER Kolkata, Mohanpur Campus, P.O. Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia – 741252, West Bengal – Email: – Website: – Tel: 033-25873000
64Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati– Director, IISER Tirupati, C/o Sree Rama Engineering College (SREC), Karakambadi Road, Mangalam (P.O.), Tirupati – 517507 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 0877-2500200
65National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)– Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore – 560065 – Email: – Website: ncbs.res.in – Tel: 080-23666001, 23666018
67National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH)– Director, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai – 400012 – Email: – Website: nirrh.res.in – Tel: 022-24192000
68National Institute of Nutrition (NIN)– Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai Osmania P.O., Hyderabad – 500007 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 040-27018083, 27018081
69National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT)– Director, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, No. 1, Mayor Sathyamoorthy Road, Chetpet, Chennai – 600031 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 044-28369500, 28369400
70Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)– Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700064 – Email: – Website: – Tel: 033-23375345, 23375352

Important Website Links for Funding Agencies in India

Website Links for Funding Adencies
Aeronautics Research and Development Board (ARDB)
Coal India Ltd.
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers
GAIL (India) Ltd.
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Ministry of Agro & Rural Industries
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
Ministry of Power
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Urban Development
Ministry of Water Resources
Naval Research Board (NRB)
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC)
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)

These organizations cover various fields of research and provide funding support to researchers across the country. When seeking funding opportunities, it’s essential to thoroughly review each organization’s guidelines and requirements to ensure your research aligns with their objectives.

Hope this article will help you to know the List of Research Funding Agencies in India that provide various research grants.

Indian Funding Agencies PDF Download:

  • administrative structure
  • Central Government
  • Commission on Sustainable Development
  • DST funding
  • Economic and Social Council for Asia and Pacific
  • environmental matters
  • environmental policies
  • Forest and Climate Change
  • forestry policies
  • Funding Projects in India
  • Global Environment Facility
  • India's environmental policies
  • India's forestry policies
  • International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
  • Labs in india
  • Ministry of Environment
  • multilateral bodies
  • nodal agency
  • South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
  • South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
  • United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  • United Nations Environment Programme

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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  • Dr. D.S. Kothari Research Grant for Newly Recruited Faculty Members

Fellowship for Superannuated Faculty Members

  • Research grant for In-Service Faculty Members
  • Dr. Radhakrishnan UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship for Single Girl Child

Dr. s. radhakrishnan post-doctoral fellowship, dr. d. s. kothari research grant for newly recruited faculty members, research grant for in-service faculty members, savitribai jyotirao phule fellowship for single girl child eligibility details.

(i) Any single girl child of her parents pursuing Ph.D. in any stream/subject in recognised Universities/Colleges/ Institutes is eligible to apply under the scheme.

(ii) The scheme is applicable to such a single girl child who has registered herself in regular, full-time Ph. D. program.

(iii) Admission to Ph.D. Course in part-time/distance mode is not covered under the scheme. A scholar is not eligible for fellowship if the research is intended/pursued through open/ part-time distance education mode or part-time mode.

(iv) Girl students up to the age of 40 years for general category and 45 years for the reserved categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC and PWD (Persons with Disabilities) as on the last date of submission of online application are eligible.

(v) Both the scholar receiving the fellowship and the institution concerned, where the scholar is pursuing her Ph.D are responsible to ensure that the terms and conditions of these schemes are followed properly and only the eligible candidates get the fellowship.

Fellowship for Superannuated Faculty Members Eligibility Details

(i) Faculty members at the level of Professors/Associate professors (who are going to superannuate within six months or already superannuated) from the following institutions are eligible to apply under the schemes::

  • Universities (including constituent and affiliated colleges/institutions) included under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956 and having valid accreditation from NAAC.
  • Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 and having valid accreditation from NAAC.
  • Institutions fully funded by Central or State Governments and empowered to award Degrees.
  • Institutions of National Importance.

(ii) Age: up to 67 years

(iii) The applicant must have successfully supervised the Ph.D. dissertations of 10 full time candidates, 3 of whom having received their degrees during the preceding 10 years.

(iv) The applicant must have handled, as Principal Investigator, at least 3 sponsored research projects funded by national / international agencies.

(v) The applicant shall not hold any administrative responsibility during tenure of the fellowship which would be from the date of superannuation.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellowship Eligibility Details

a. Only the unemployed candidates who have been awarded the Ph.D. degree in the relevant subject/discipline of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences including languages are eligible to apply. (Provisional Certificate may be accepted in case the degree is not awarded). Persons already in regular service are not eligible to apply.

b. Candidates should be below 35 years of age (as on the date/last date of application). There shall be age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/Women/PWD (Persons with Disabilities) and Transgender for 5 years.

c. If selected candidate is availing any other fellowship/remuneration, he/she will have to resign from the same before accepting the UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

d. Those candidates who have already availed any kind of Post-Doctoral Fellowship from UGC need not apply under the scheme.

e. General category candidates having minimum 55% of marks or equivalent percentage converted from CGPA score at Post graduate level are eligible to apply. A relaxation of 5% of marks is allowed for reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/ PWD (Persons with Disabilities) and Transgender).

f. It is necessary that the candidate identifies a Mentor/Supervisor (affiliated to University/Institute wherein Post-Doctoral Fellowship is tenable) for his/her post-doctoral research work and obtain his/her consent for the mentorship.

Research Grant for In-Service Faculty Members Eligibility Details

(i) Faculty members regularly appointed and working the following institutions are eligible to apply under the schemes:

(ii) Age: up to 50 years. (Faculty above 50 years of age is not eligible to apply).

(iii) The applicant should have a minimum 10 years of service left in the University from the date of submission of his / her application.

(iv) The applicant must have successfully supervised Ph.D. dissertation of 5 full-time candidates

(v) The applicant must have successfully completed at least 2 sponsored research projects funded by national / international government or private agencies.

Dr. D. S. Kothari Research Grant for Newly Recruited Faculty Members Eligibility Details

(ii) All teachers who are newly appointed at the level of Assistant Professor against permanent posts in university shall be eligible to receive financial support under the scheme.

(iii) The Assistant professor should possess Ph.D. degree with minimum five (5) research papers to his / her credit, published in journals of international repute.

(iv) The Assistant Professor should apply for the grant within a period of two years from the date of joining the post in the Department / University.

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अनुसंधान नेशनल रिसर्च फाउंडेशन Anusandhan National Research Foundation Established through an Act of Parliament : SERB Act 2008, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India -->

SERB - POWER Research Grants

Home  > SERB POWER   > SERB POWER Research Grants

Objectives : This scheme aims to encourage emerging and eminent women researchers for an individual-centric and competitive mode of research funding to undertake R&D activities in frontier areas of science and engineering.

  • Applicants [Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI(s))] should be Indian citizens.
  • The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R&D institution in India.
  • Applicants from IITs, IISERs, IISc, NITs, Central Universities, and National Labs of Central Government Institutions will be considered under Level I Category, whereas applicants from State Universities / Colleges and Private Academic Institutions should apply under Level II Category.
  • There is a mandatory requirement for female CO-PI from the same institute.
  • Male CO-PI is not allowed in POWER Grant Research Scheme.
  • PhD guide cannot be a CO-PI.
  • PIs who have already got a POWER Grant, are not allowed to apply again in POWER Grant Scheme.
  • JC Bose fellows and the PIs who have already completed two CRG are not allowed to apply for POWER Grant Research Scheme.
  • The number of CO-PIs should not exceed two per project.
  • The budget under the equipment head is limited to not more than Rs 14 lakh for Tier II institutions (30 lakh limit).
  • Level I: The scale of funding up to 60 lakhs for three years.
  • Level II: The scale of funding up to 30 lakhs for three years.
  • The POWER Grant is provided for equipment, manpower, consumables, travel, and contingency. "Overheads" is also being provided to the implementing institution as per prevailing norms of SERB.
  • POWER Grant will be regulated through terms of reference conforming to SERB-CRG guidelines.

Application & Selection Procedure : The SERB-Core Research Grant (CRG) Platform will be used to identify and support women scientists under the POWER Research Grant component. The proposals will be received only in direct mode.

The selection will be based on the recommendations of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) constituted by the Board. If required, the applicants may be called for discussion/ presentation.

1 SERB – POWER Research Grants

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The Research Development Office has developed a database of currently available funding opportunities from major sources primarily for Indian researchers. This database is constantly being updated. Although most of the available funding comes from the Government of India, there are many other opportunities from India and overseas that can be applied for.

The tables below list funding opportunities for students and post-doctoral researchers. These include Fellowships for personal support (tenable in India and abroad), mechanisms for funding attendance at international conferences and exchange visits to overseas laboratories.The applications where prescreening is mandatory should be sent to the Academic office at least 4 weeks ahead of the deadline and  the RDO will need at least 2 weeks lead time ahead of deadlines to carry out the due diligence for the application.

To know more about the application process for post-doctoral positions at NCBS via Extramural Funding Schemes please click here.

British Petroleum (BP)/Bird life International/ Conservation International/Fauna and Flora international/ Wildlife conservation society Minimum team of three  with no more than 5 years of paid experience in the conservation sector 3 months-1 year To be announced (Sep)
CSIR Fresh PhDs and postdocs with < 3 years research exp. Age limit 32 yrs, relaxable by 5 yrs for SC/ST/OBCs/PH/ women.Need to work in a CSIR lab 2 years, extendable by 1 year based on review of performance Rolling program
CSIR PhD (thesis submitted candidates are also eligible), must be Indian nationals. 1 year, extendable by 3 years To be announced


PhD followed by two (2) years of research/teaching experience. Age limit 40 yrs.

3 years Rolling program
DBT Young investigators below 35 years of age. 3 years To be announced
DBT For fresh post-docs, must be Indian nationals. 2 years, extendable to 5 Feb & Sep
DST 1st rank holders qualified for doctoral research in any recognised research institute/CSIR/NET/GATE qualified 5 years To be announced (August)
DST PhD, less than 40 years of age with no regular employment in a research institute 2 years To be announced (June)
DST PhD (Desirable), less than 35 years of age with 5 yr relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC/ PH/ Women 3 years To be announced (March)
DST- SERB PhDs less than 35 years of age with 5 yr relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC/ PH/ Women. 3 years To be announced (April)
DST for unemployed women scientists 3 years Rolling program
DST for unemployed women scientists 2 years To be announced (March)
DBT 0-2 years Post PhD experience. 3 years To be announced
Department of Health Research (DHR)

MD/ MS/MDS/ or PhD in bio-medical sciences

3 yearsT To be announced
Department of Health Research (DHR)

Category A: Women who are M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/ BDS/ MVSc./ M.Sc./ M.Pharma/ M.Tech with Ph.D. Category B:Women who are MBBS /BDS or M.Sc. /M.Tech. /M.Pharma with two years of research or clinical experience.Age limit:30-50 yrs, a minimum of 1 year break in career.

3 years To be announced
European Molecular Biology Organization 0-3 years postdoc experience. Researchers from EU member countries may conduct research in India. 2 years

To be announced

 (10 Feb &11 August)

The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation US citizens planning to work in laboratories either in the US, Canada, or abroad and  foreign citizens to conduct research in laboratories in the US only. No more than one year of postdoctoral research experience. 3 years To be announced (June)
Human Frontiers in Sciences Program (HFSP) PhD (0-3 years postdoc experience) in discipline outside of life sciences (for Cross-disciplinary fellowships) and life Sciences (for Long term fellowsips)  training in field of biology 3 years (can be split into 2 years + 1 year after (2 years break) to be used for relocation to home country

To be announced (August)

ICMR Phd/MD/MDS 3 years To be announced
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) PhD/postdoc/junior faculty abroad   1 Sep each year
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) PhD/postdoc/junior faculty under the age of 45 years 4-6 months October each year
Indo-US Science and Technology Forum US or Indian nationals enrolled for PhD or Masters course at an academic institute in US 3 months To be announced in May
James S. McDonnell Foundation Ph.D. students with theoretical and/or experimental training in Complex Systems Science that anticipate completing their graduate training in late 2016 or in 2017. No nationality restrictions 2-3 years To be announced in March
Life Sciences Research Foundation US nationals to work in a non-profit institution in India. Fresh PhDs and postdocs 3 years To be announced (Oct)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions PhD
from EU or Associated
2-3 years inclusive of the obligatory return to host organisation in the final year To be announced
Ministry of Environment and Forests PhDs less than 35 years of age with 5 yr relaxation in exceptional cases. Min 5-8 years experience including PhD research 1-2 years Rolling program
National Geographic No restriction on educational qualification. applicants must provide a record of prior research or conservation action as it pertains to the proposed project. 1 year at least 8 months prior to anticipated field dates
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Canadian national (with PhD from Canadian institution), 0-2 years post PhD 2 years 15 Oct each year
NSERC/ CIHR/SSHRC (Canada) Canadian national (with PhD from Canadian institution), 0-3 years post PhD 2 years To be announced (Sep)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) Fresh PhDs/ early stage postdocs in the field of sciences, engineering and social sciences who are pursuing unusual projects on the frontiers between society and science. No nationality or geographic restrictions 5 years




Simons Foundation

 Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree, may be submitted from scientists in domestic and foreign nonprofit organizations; public and private institutions, universities, laboratories etc. There are no citizenship or country requirements. 3 years To be announced (August)
The academy of science for developing world (TWAS) PhD Biosc/Biotech, citizens of developing countries outside india holding regular research position in home country, Age limit 40 yrs, 12-18 months 31-Aug each year
DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance 0-4 years post PhD. 5 years 11-Aug-2020
DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance 0-4 years of postdoctoral/post-MD/post-MS/post-MPH or equivalent research experience 5 years To be announced (Jan)
DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance MD/MS/DM qualified candidates and Allied health professionals 2 years To be announced in July
WWF-India individuals based in India for for carrying out conservation research or undertaking a conservation project 6-12 months To be announced

AMS-DBT PhD or MD from India (< 4 years postdoctoral
experience) and should be located
in India at the time of application
3 years 3-Sept-2020
BOSTON BANGALORE BIOTECHNOLOGY BEGINNINGS (B4) PhD from Indian institution (< 5 years post‐PhD
experience). Exceptional senior doctoral students may be considered.
1 year To be announced
DFG – German Research Foundation Any researcher with Ph.D. Up to 3 years Rolling program
DST-SERB Age limit <35 years, PhD degree not earlier than the preceding two years from recognized institutions in India or researchers in regular employment, Offer letter from the overseas host institution. 1 year (extendable by one year) To be announced
Alexander Humboldt Foundation For fresh post docs (< 4yrs experience) 6-24 months Rolling program
Alexander Humboldt Foundation PhD with less than 6 years postdoc experience 5 years To be announced
British Academy and Royal Society, UK non-UK resident early career postdocs (0-7 years post PhD experience) 2 years To be announced
DFG – German Research Foundation Promising younger researchers who have received their PhD between 2 - 4 years ago 5 years Rolling program
EAER PhD degree, maximum 5 years between the award of the PhD and the application deadline 12 months To be announced
European Molecular Biology Organization 0-3 years postdoc experience 2 years To be announced  (10 Feb &11 August)
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation support for young researhcers engaged in biological or medical research. US citizens planning to work in laboratories either in the US, Canada, or abroad and also to foreign citizens for research in laboratories in the US only. 3 years To be announced (June)
Human Frontiers in Sciences Program (HFSP) PhD (0-3 years postdoc experience)in life sciences, needs o embark on a new project in a different field of the life sciences 3 years (can be split into 2 years + 1 year after (2 years break) to be used for relocation to home country Initiation deadline is 10 Aug, 2017; submission deadline is 24   Aug, 2017
Human Frontiers in Sciences Program (HFSP) PhD in discipline outside of life sciences (0-3 years postdoc experience) for training in field of biology 3 years (can be split into 2 years + 1 year after (2 years break) to be used for relocation to home country Initiation deadline is 9 Aug, 2018; submission deadline is 23 Aug, 2018
Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Indian Citizen residing in India. Min Bachelors degree. 6 weeks- 1 year To be announced (April)
Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Indian Citizen residing in India. Min Bachelors degree upto 1 year To be announced (April)
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) Phd/early postdoc 12 months To be announced (June)
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) PhD/postdoc/junior faculty under the age of 45 years 4-6 months October each year
la Caxia Foundation (Spain) For pursuing PhD in biomedical research at CRG, Barcelona, Spain 4 years To be announced (Feb)
la Caxia Foundation (Spain) 0-4 years post PhD of any nationality for pursuing post doc in the feild of biomedicine at CRG, Barcelona, Spain 3 years To be announced
Leibniz Association/DAAD, Germany 0-2 years post- PhD, with outstanding academic or research achievements 12 months To be announced (March)
Life Sciences Research Foundation Fresh PhDs and postdocs 3 years 1-Oct each year
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions PhD.
based in a Third Country.
2-3 years To be announced
National Geographic No restriction on educational qualification. applicants must provide a record of prior research or conservation action as it pertains to the proposed project. 1 year at least 8 months prior to anticipated field dates
National Research Council (USA) PhD, variable experience according to agency   1 Feb, 1 May, 1 August, 1 November every year
NIH PhD (0-5 years postdoc experience) 1-5 years Rolling programme

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)

Fresh PhDs/postdocs in the field of sciences, engineering and social sciences who are pursuing unusual projects on the frontiers between society and science. No nationality or geographic restrictions 5 years To be announced
USIEF Indian citizen residing in India at the time of application with  high level of academic/professional achievement. 0-4 years post-Ph.D. degree experience (Ph.D. awarded between July 15, 2012 and July 14, 2016) 8-24months To be announced
Wenner-Gren Foundation Swedish citizens or foreign citizens with permanent residence in Sweden. Doctorate may not have been completed earlier than three years prior to application Fisrt 3 years (abroad)+ Last 2 years(in Sweden) To be announced (Jan)

Axol Biosciences

To fund PhD students and post-docs to attend scientific meetings.


Recipients must use the award for travel within 12 months of receipt of the award.  To be announced (31st March)
CSIR < 40 years of age with confirmed acceptance of paper for presentation    
DBT PhD, Age less than 50 years   At least 8 weeks prior to travel date
DST-SERB open to all researchers. Senior researchers (> 35 years) cannot apply to Int Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) sponsored events   Rolling program. App. To reach two months prior to the event
Dorabji Tata Trust For travelling abroad for advanced training in specialised areas and to participate in workshops    Rolling

To enable early career scientists to present their work at international life sciences meetings

eLife To fund early-stage researchers (postdocs and independent scientists) with up to five years of research experience, and who have authored or co-authored a research paper published (or accepted for publication) at eLife to present their work at a meeting of their choice.   2-September-2018

A current life science post-graduate or post-doctoral researcher, must have received your highest degree (BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past 10 years   Award allocated every month
ICMR Biomedical scientists engaged in R&D. Age limit less than 35 years.   6 weeks before intended date of departure
India Network foundation All researchers and doctoral students working or studying in India   12 weeks before intended date of departure
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) residents of less funded countries (US/Canada excluded) 14-28 days 1-Mar for meetings in Jul-Dec and  1-Sep for meeting in Jan-Jun following year
INSA-CSIR-DAE/BRNS-DOS/ISRO PhD, Indian nationality   committee meets six times/year with specific deadline for each meeting
JDB No restriction on nationality. Can be availed by postdoctoral fellows or PhD students involved in Developmental Biology research to attend an international conference and to present their research (oral and/or poster presentation).   To be announced in September
Microsoft-Research Eligible students must be enrolled in computer science,  mathematics, or a field that closely relates to computer science   Rolling Programme
PLOS Early Career Travel Award Program

Listed as an author on a PLOS journal article with a publication date on or before the date application is submitted. Enrolled in a graduate program or have received a graduate degree within the last five (5) years


  To be announced

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (Germany) PhD students/ early postdocs maximum 3 months 6 weeks before training commences
Company of biologists graduate students/postdocs for collab research  
European Molecular Biology Organization PhD students/ early postdocs (with less than 10 years postdoc experience) maximum 3 months 3 months before proposed starting date
French Embassy in India students registered for PhD in an Indian institution upto 6 months To be announced (May)
International Brain research Organization (IBRO) senior PhD, postdoc or junior faculty 4-6 months October of each year
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate students or early career researchers below 35 years of age resident in IUBMB member country 1-4 months

April 1 for travel in July - December of the same year.

October 1 for travel in January - June of the following year

 Swiss National Science Foundation, SNSF


The applicant needs to hold a doctorate,  be employed as a researcher in his/her home institution and must not have received a grant under this scheme within the last 3 years.


1week-3 months Rolling scheme.Two months before the grant is due to start.
US-India Educational Foundation Indian citizen registered for PhD at Indian institution at least for 1 year 9 months  
US-India Educational Foundation 0-4 years post PhD Indian or US National, preferably less than 45 years of age 8-24 months  
US-India Educational Foundation Indian citizen, a Ph.D. degree obtained within the past four years 8-12 Months  
Utrecht University, Netherlands NCBS PhD student 3 months To Be Announced
Wenner-Gren Foundation PhD. Not more than five years of postdoctoral experience before the application. He / she must not have been in Sweden for more than nine months before the application date. 3months-12 moths (extendable by 12 more months) To be announced (Jan)
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust British citizen. No restriction on educational qualification or stage of career. 4-8 weeks To be announced


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  • DSIR Guidelines
  • DSIR Case Study
  • R&D Funding Scheme
  • Eligibility Checklist
  • Technology without R&D

New Opportunities of Funding on Research Projects with DSIR R&D Recognition Certificate - SCPL can help you arrange Financial Investments/Funding as according to your company’s requirements.

  • FUNDING SUPPORT FOR R&D/Research funding

Organisations that require such funding normally must go through competitive selections. Only those that have the most potential would be chosen. Funding is vital in ensuring sustainability of certain projects and SCPL can play a very important role in arranging for the required funding process.

  • SCPL helps you Plan Well before Applications

We help you familiarise with the specific scheme application requirements which are crucial as failing to fulfil the requirement would result in rejection in the first stage of review. Making sure that you would be able to meet all the assessment criteria before planning to apply.

  • Demonstrate your Project

Government funding agencies always want to see that you have put in efforts to prepare your projects. It is essential that you display a sense of seriousness and keen to successfully deliver the projects that you are intended to carry out. It is always good to use evidence as a proof of any planning; this is a solid statement to persuade the funders that you are confident about what you are going to do for which SCPL provides you with much needed training and coordination.

  • Government Schemes for R&D in India
  • Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP)
  • Support for International Patent Protection in Electronics & Information Technology (SIP-EIT)
  • Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
  • Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
  • Department of Science and Technology (DST)
  • Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)
  • R&D Funding Scheme and Global Innovation and Technology Alliance
  • Govt. Funding

We will help you access high priority Government Funding to disrupt your industry

You focus on technology development, we will get you the funding

The present outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first reported from Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious infection instigated by a new virus that had not been previously reported on humans. COVID-19 has been acknowledged as a pandemic by WHO due to the frightening levels of spread and mortality rates. Mankind, to date, have not been able to identify a comprehensive treatment to prevent COVID-19.

In response to the epidemic severity, there is a crucial need to fast-track the development of diagnostics and vaccines for this novel coronavirus. Critical research is the need of the hour, because of the very limited level of knowledge around the new virus. We require various means & techniques to fund significant research that can contribute to restrict this epidemic and prepare for outbreaks in the future. Crucial need to cultivate safe, effective counteractive measures that can be accessible, handy, and appropriate is the need of the hour. Research is a vital, fundamental component to be able to detect key information gaps and research developments. This would thereby hasten the production of serious scientific information and the most necessary medical products to contribute to the control of COVID-19 emergency.

To support the readiness and response for COVID-19, project proposals for funding are being implored. This funding is for the development and production of Diagnostics, Vaccines, Novel Therapeutics, or any other method suitable for control of COVID-19 by Industry, Academia or Industry-Academia participation.

We at SCPL will help you access high priority Government Funding to disrupt your industry

We understand you are passionate about developing new products/ technologies to make this world a better place but getting access to grants and low-cost funding is critical to keep the R&D projects running smoothly.

SCPL understands you and what you do, that is why we are uniquely positioned to get you Government funding in the form of grants, low-cost loans or even equity funding in case of larger projects.

As you are aware getting funding from commercial investors is not viable in most cases and availing Govt. funding can be a tireless exercise.

The funding ranges from Rs.50 lac onwards up to Rs.10 crores in most cases. We involve in a detailed assessment before taking up your case so that we don't waste your time and ensure higher chances of success in getting you access to funding.

It usually takes at least 6 months to secure Govt. funding so you need to plan your requirement well in advance to ensure your projects don't get stuck or delayed.

We charge a combination of fixed fees, which includes out of pocket expenses and upfront fee. The manner in which this is charged is transparent therefore ensuring you have peace of mind.

Project based R&D / Technology Funding from SCPL

To inspire, nurture and enhance the strategic research and innovation capabilities of the Indian technology driven industries, start-ups and SME’s, the Government of India has initiated several schemes, systems and platforms that help to make a difference in industry backed research and expedite novel, high quality products & technologies at affordable prices developed through state of the art.

Scinnovation Consultants Private Limited, in partnership with our strategic partner with a strong government network, assist our clients in identifying fundable projects, prepare documentation such as Detailed Project Report, get funding sanction and disbursal of funds. We are uniquely poised to assist our clients with our expertise in Intellectual Property and R&D incentives solutions having in-depth knowledge of the R&D ecosystem, Govt. interaction and building partnerships with academia.

(typical funding size: Rs.10 lacs to Rs.100 crore disbursed on milestone basis):

Grant funding (normally royalty based conditional grant)

(1) What is Grant funding

A government grant is a financial aid given by the government for a beneficial project. It does not include technical support or other financial aid, such as a loan or loan guarantee or revenue sharing.

  • It needs to be repaid as royalty to Govt. in case the project has been successfully commercialized typically at the rate of 5% of the net sales price of the product excluding tax payable till the royalty amount equals to the grant amount taken from the Govt.
  • In case the project has failed and has to be written off then the royalty amount is not payable to Govt.
  • In case there are multiple projects which have been granted funding which leads to development of the product then royalty has to be paid at 7% of the net sales price of the product excluding tax.
  • Royalty has to be paid within 60 days of closure of financial year.
  • In case the company intends to transfer the product including the IP related to the same to a 3 rd party by way of sale or assignment then the company has to take prior approval from the Govt. agency and pay royalty due equivalent to the grant amount before transferring the same.

A soft loan is essentially a loan extended on lenient terms and conditions as compared to other loans. These lenient conditions can be in the form of lower interest rates, extended repayment duration with interest holidays. They are primarily provided by government financial institutions.

What are the Repayment option for soft loan?

  • Interest rate shall vary from 3% to 5% on simple interest basis
  • Loan needs to be repaid typically over 10 years with a moratorium period of 3 years.

(1) What are the Different funding agencies for Research & Development in India?

  • Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
  • Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoepathy (AYUSH)
  • Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC)
  • Scientific & Engineering Research Board (SERB)

(2) What can I use the funds for and what does the funding cover?

Funding can be utilized for research and development projects, to develop new products and processes, to increase the affordability and innovative capability. Funding can also be utilized for further development of a product or process already available in the market.

R&D Funding normally cover the following costs:

  • Cost of purchasing new instruments and equipment
  • Costs for contract research and technical knowledge
  • Costs for contract research
  • Operating costs (including raw materials and supplies)
  • Technical consulting
  • Overheads incurred directly by the research project

(3) What are the Eligibility criterions?

  • DSIR certification (preferred and in case not granted then DSIR application should be made and mentioned in the funding proposal)
  • R&D project with commercialization potential, Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
  • should be at least 7 for commercialization / scale up projects
  • Import substitute / Socially relevant technology
  • Project duration for Covid19 projects cannot exceed 12 months
  • Intellectual Property ownership will rest with the company

(4) Documents required for funding (documents required will vary based on funding agency)

1. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the R&D project along with summary

2. MOA AND AOA of the company

3. Certified Balance Sheet (Last 3 to 5 years)

4. DSIR certification (if available)

5. Patent landscape report

Deliverables by SCPL with a strategic partner having strong Govt. networks

(i) SCPL will evaluate the R&D projects with client and choose the most appropriate project for preparing a detailed project report (DPR) based on commercialization potential, patent landscape search and funding objectives

(ii) Submission of the application with funding agency

(iii) Supporting the client’s team on responding to queries raised from the funding agency

(iv) Monitoring status of the application on a timely basis and securing funds for the client through sanction and disbursement of funding


Team Scinnovation is highly competent in giving advisory services to clients in Intellectual property rights domain and in getting DSIR recognition to avail R&D tax incentives. Mr Paresh Nayak R&D Team member in NCR based Healthcare company
Scinnovation is well planned and time bound organization which helps clients to get their deliverables in time. The communication is very clear and effective. I would like to suggest that they provide support to their clients for writing their R&D plans and summarizing R&D projects. Mr Alpesh Suthar R&D Manager in a Mumbai based Global Packaging company specializing FMCG and Pharma space
It has been a nice working experience working with Rajeev and team. They follow up with clients to get the work done and the work is done hand in hand. The deliverables have been as per our expectations that is the biggest plus point of Scinnovation. Mr. R.T. Prakash R&D Head of one of the leading designers and manufacturers of Hydraulic Cylinders in India
It has been a nice working experience working with Rajeev and team. They follow up with clients to get the work done and the work is done hand in hand. The deliverables have been as per our expectations that is the biggest plus point of Scinnovation. Mr Santhosh Kumar Ragunathan R&D Testing Engineer in a public ltd Auto company which supply products to OEMs

Research funding for researchers in India

Spotlighting research funding for india-based researchers, co-creation with:.


Graham Foundation

Research and development grants (architecture | worldwide).

For: Artists | Doctoral students | Postdoctoral fellows

Application due: September 15, 2024

Production and Presentation grants (architecture | worldwide)

Soft bones, inc., the u.s. hypophosphatasia foundation, maher family research grant (hypophosphatasia – worldwide).

For: Early-career principal investigators | Mid-career researchers | Senior researchers

Application due: December 1, 2024

International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)

Ibro speaker support (worldwide).

Application due: September 30, 2024

International Growth Centre (IGC)

Igc call for proposals (economics | lmic), national institutes of health (nih), innovation for hiv vaccine discovery (r01 clinical trial not allowed | worldwide).

Application due: August 1, 2025

Spencer Foundation

Research-practice partnerships: collaborative research for educational change (worldwide).

Application due: September 13, 2024

American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Susan s. spencer clinical research training scholarships in epilepsy (worldwide).

For: Clinical fellows

Application due: September 10, 2024

IBRO Rising Stars Awards (neuroscience | Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, USA/Canada)

For: Early-career principal investigators

Application due: October 15, 2024

Postdoctoral Fellowship (spinal muscular atrophy | worldwide)

For: Early-career principal investigators | Mid-career researchers | Postdoctoral fellows | Senior researchers

Application due: October 4, 2024

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Arturo falaschi short-term postdoctoral fellowships.

Monthly stipend: Trieste (Italy): Euro 2,300, New Delhi (India): US$ …

ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for Postdoctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques …

DAAD Doctoral Programme Research Grants

The programme provides funding for a doctoral project at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany. This can be either: an individual project supervised by a university teacher (doctoral supervisor) orparticipation in a structured doctoral study programme Research phases outside Germany can also be …

COMPASS Outreach Grants-ASCB

ASCB members can apply for up to $1,000 to promote science outreach projects such as student lab visits, science fairs, or other ideas for engaging the public. These activities are organized by the ASCB Committee for Postdocs and Students (COMPASS). As an expert in your field, you have the responsibility to …

HFSP Accelerator Grants 2025

The International Human Frontier Science Program strives to strengthen open scientific inquiry by initiating international collaborative, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research in the life sciences. The program supports projects studying fundamental problems on all levels of life sciences. The potential of a project to move the frontiers of life sciences and …

Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Fellowships-2024

Sun Pharma Science Foundation has invited nominations for Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Fellowships and Sun Pharma Science Foundation Science Scholar Fellowships for the year 2024. The Sun Pharma Science Foundation Research Fellowships are for excellence in original research work in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences by Indian Scientists working in India …

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and …

Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Research Grant For Translational Biomedical Research

The maximum budget for a single grant is Rs 3 …

Interested individuals and teams from not-for-profit research organizations are invited to apply for a three-year grant. The grant call is open to projects from any branch of science and technology that involve cutting-edge "Bench to Bedside" translational research. The projects should aim to develop interventions that improve the health of individuals …

Arturo Falaschi Short-term PhD Fellowships 2024

Trieste (Italy): Euro 1,500, New Delhi (India): US$ 1,020, Cape …

ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for Pre-doctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques …

DST National Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nano Science and Technology

The fellowship carries a consolidated monthly stipend of Rs.60,000/- per …

Applications are invited for the award of DST-Nano Mission Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nano Science and Technology for pursuing research in frontier areas of Nano Science & Technology. This highly prestigious fellowship is tenable in Research Institutions/Universities including non-profit R & D institutions anywhere in India. The fellowships are awarded under …

Women in Science Lectures

Expenses can be reimbursed up to 800 euros (for European …

Women in Science Lectures address issues related to gender and diversity in science. They are given at scientific meetings funded by EMBO. Organisers receive funding to cover the travel and accommodation costs of the speaker. Organisers of conferences funded through the EMBO Courses & Workshop Programme wishing to invite a …

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  • 19 July 2023

Can India’s new billion-dollar funding agency boost research?

  • Gemma Conroy

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

India is planning to set up a national agency to increase research across the nation’s thousands of universities, colleges, institutes and laboratories. Legislation to establish the fund is expected to be introduced into the Indian Parliament in the next three weeks.

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Nature 619 , 681-682 (2023)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02336-8

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Beti Bachao

Grants & Funding Overview

Indian Council of Medical Research | Government of India

Intramural Grants

ICMR provides financial assistance to ICMR institutes to conduct research based on its mandate and priorities.

Extramural Grants

ICMR provides financial assistance for Indian scientists working outside ICMR institutes to conduct research in medicine, and public health.

National Health Research Programme

ICMR allocates funding for large-scale, multi-state projects focusing on eleven prioritized disease conditions.


ICMR provides fellowships to support biomedical research and strengthen the capacity of Indian scientists.

Research Support

ICMR offers financial assistance to biomedical scientists for paper presentations, workshops, and other research-related opportunities.

Call for Proposals

ICMR regularly announces new opportunities, inviting scientists to participate in research initiatives.

Website Search

Accessibility options.

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Fellowships & Scholarships

Nurturing minds menu.

  • Post Doctoral Fellows
  • All National Fellows
  • Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship
  • J C Bose Fellowship
  • SERB - Star Awardees
  • SwarnaJayanti Fellowship
  • Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize
  • SERB - National Science Chair
  • SERB - Women Excellence Award
  • SERB Distinguished Fellowship

Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF)

Funding agency: ministry of human resource development (mhrd), govt. of india, area: all science disciplines, purpose: capacity building, innovations, research, related links.

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Research and Development funding schemes of Central Government Departments and Agencies

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Find list of research and development funding schemes under various Government departments and agencies by Department of Science and Technology. Links are provided for general information on research and development for agencies, departments and ministries such as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) etc.

Related Links

Intensification of research in high priority areas.

Get detailed information about the Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA). Users can find information about this programme and its objectives. Details of facilities created with the help of this programme are also provided.

Website of Indian Institute of Remote Sensing

Website of antrix corporation limited, citizen's charter of department of science and technology.

Get the Citizen's Charter of Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Detailed information about the Department's values, commitments, work standards, etc. is given. Contact details of officials are also available.

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana by Department of Science and Technology

The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is an on-going National Program of Fellowships in Basic Sciences by Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. Information about KVPY, its aim, committees, etc. is given. Details related to fellowships, eligibility for fellowship, selection procedure, application forms, fellow, etc. are given. Access to question papers is also available.

Website of Department of Science and Technology

Get information about the Department of Science and Technology (DST). Users can get information about scientific programmes, institutions, scientific and engineering research, technology missions, women scientists programme etc. Details of scientific services and projects are available.

Information on SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) - POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory Research)

National geospatial policy, department of science & technology.

The National Geospatial Policy, 2021 (The Policy) is a citizen-centric policy that liberalizes the geospatial sector and democratizes the datasets generated by use of public funds.

Information on SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) Technology Translation Award (SERB-TETRA)

Onlinemaps portal.

Survey of India, under the Department of Science and technology, Government of India has been engaged in production and maintenance of various types of Topographical, Geographical and many other public series maps on various scales covering India, for the defence and development of the nation.

Information on SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) International Research Experience (SIRE)

This Program aims to impart high-end research training in frontier areas of Science and Technology, which are of interest to India by providing opportunity to visit leading institutions/universities across the globe for a period of 02-06 months. The applicant should have Ph.D. degree in the area of Science and Engineering from recognized institutions in India.

Website of National Supercomputing Mission

Information on serb (science and engineering research board) science and technology award for research (serb-star).

SERB Science and Technology Award for Research (SERB-STAR) is a prestigious award instituted by SERB to recognize and reward outstanding performance of Principal Investigators (PIs) of SERB Projects.

Information on PARAM Shivay

The supercomputer of 837 TFLOPS capacity, built at the cost of Rs 32.5 crore under the National Super Computing Mission at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Banaras Hindu University (BHU).

Information on VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint Research), Science and Engineering Research Board

VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint Research) Faculty Scheme is a dedicated program exclusively for overseas scientists and academicians with emphasis on Non-resident Indians (NRI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) to work as adjunct / visiting faculty for a specific period of time in Indian Public funded academic and research institutions.


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EU, India announce co-funding to foster research cooperation, staff exchange projects

New Delhi [India], August 28 (ANI): The European Union and India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have launched a joint funding initiative for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges, part of the EU’s research and innovation programme, the Delegation of the European Union to India and Bhutan said on Wednesday.

This new partnership will promote a balanced researcher mobility and long-term collaborations.

“Through this scheme, CSIR will top up selected MSCA Staff Exchanges projects, enabling its institutes to engage in joint research projects with European and international partners and second their scientific and technical staff to European research organisations for knowledge sharing and research activities,” the statement added.

This new partnership will strengthen research and innovation ties between Europe and India and drive forward scientific and technological progress by enhancing bilateral institutional cooperation, collaborative research and researcher exchanges in a plurilateral setting under Horizon Europe.

According to the official statement, through its Staff Exchanges scheme, the MSCA promote collaborative research, knowledge transfer and innovation by supporting the secondment of research and innovation staff within international consortia of organisations based in the EU, countries associated with Horizon Europe and third countries.

Following this, Ambassador of the European Union to India, Herve Delphin stated, “The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges co-funding initiative marks a watershed moment in EU-India research cooperation. This initiative comes in support of our political commitment to enhancing scientific excellence and people-to-people connectivity, as outlined in the EU-India Joint Roadmap 2025.”

“Facilitating exchanges between our most brilliant researchers, will turbocharge joint innovation in all domains and pool our expertise to better address global challenges that impact our economies and societies,” he added.

Director General, CSIR, N Kalaiselvi and Secretary DSIR, Government of India expressed their excitement for this collaboration with EU. He stressed that this “programme will not only boost the exchanges of our researchers but also forge stronger institutional ties.”

“We are excited to join forces with the EU on this transformative initiative. The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges co-funding programme will not only boost the exchanges of our researchers but also forge stronger institutional ties and foster ground breaking research collaborations. We look forward to the profound impact this will have on science and technology in both regions,” he said.

CSIR is India’s premier research and development organisation, comprising 37 national laboratories and a dedicated team of over 8,000 scientific and technical staff.

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon Europe is the reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. They support researchers across any career stage, as well as doctoral training and postdoctoral fellowship programmes and collaborative research in all domains. (ANI)

This report is auto-generated from ANI news service. ThePrint holds no responsibility for its content.

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Promising startups on quantum computing to get govt. grants

National quantum mission has identified 10-15 startups for the purpose.

Published - August 26, 2024 11:45 pm IST - CHENNAI 

The National Quantum Mission’s governing board will offer grants to 10 to 15 startups in the next three months to enable them grow, scale and go global, said Ajai Chowdhury, board chairman at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras.  

He was speaking here on Monday at the inauguration of the 16 th edition of the five-day international conference on quantum communication, measurement and computing (QCMC 2024), which is being held for the first time in the country.  

The institute’s Centre for quantum information, communication and computing is coordinating the event at the IIT-Madras Research Park. It is sponsored by the institute, Mphasis F1 Foundation and KLA. 

Mr. Chowdhary said the country had around 600 scientists and 40 to 50 startups on quantum technology. “The plan is to set up four independent section 08 companies in which the thematic parks will be housed: computing, communications, sensing and materials,” he said, adding that the companies were expected to take products developed in India to the other parts of the globe because they have the reach required for it.

“The institute is advancing India’s quantum frontier with cutting-edge research. The institution also plays a crucial role in India’s National Quantum Mission, contributing to the development of home-grown quantum technologies,” he said.  

Institute director V. Kamakoti said that India had large scale data and extremely complex problems that it wanted to solve using heuristic.  

“We have reached a stage where due to enormous size of the data and the problem the heuristics are no longer optimal,” he said. Researchers had started looking into quantum technologies to help them scale and expedite the heuristics to get solutions in a time-constrained manner, he explained.  

Mete Atature, chair, steering committee, QCMC 2024, University of Cambridge, said representatives from 16 countries were participating in the conference that traditionally brought together mathematicians, engineers, researchers besides other stakeholders.   

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  1. Sponsored Research

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  2. University Grants Commission: Research Grant Opportunities for

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) is a statutory body established by the Indian government to oversee and regulate higher education in the country. As part of its mandate, the UGC provides various research grant opportunities for fellowships, enabling scholars and researchers to pursue advanced studies and contribute to the knowledge base ...

  3. University Grants Commission: Research Funding and Projects

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) is a statutory body established in 1956 by an Act of Parliament in India. Its primary objective is to promote and coordinate higher education across the country. The UGC plays a crucial role in facilitating research funding and projects for universities and colleges, ensuring that they receive adequate ...

  4. Research & Development funding schemes of Central Government

    Get information on research and development funding schemes of Central Government departments and agencies. List of agencies, departments or ministry under central government such as University Grants Commission (UGC), Department of Coal (DOC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), etc. is available.

  5. Fellowship Opportunities for Researchers

    6. Ramanujan Fellowship. The fellowship is meant for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research positions in India, i.e. for those scientists who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective.

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    The total research grants not exceeding Rs. 30 lakhs plus overheads for a period of three years are provided for equipment/s, research personnel, consumables, domestic travel, contingency and other costs (analytical charges, equipment user charges, fieldwork charges, etc.). Budget under equipment head is limited to not more than Rs. 14 lakh.

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    The second call for research proposals under State University Research Excellence (SURE) will be opened from 01-11-2023 to 30-11-2023 (till 5.00 PM) NOTICE w.r.t. for filling up of two post of Scientist G in SERB

  9. Individual

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  13. Home: Anusandhan National Research Foundation, Department of Science

    POWER Grants will empower women researchers by funding them under following two categories: Level I: The scale of funding up to 60 lakhs for three years. Level II: The scale of funding up to 30 lakhs for three years. The POWER Grant is provided for equipment, manpower, consumables, travel, and contingency.

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    Other Research Funds. India-Republic of Korea Joint Applied R&D Programme 2014 Funding. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - German Research Foundation) Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) Indo-US Science & Technology Forum. UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Global innovation Technology alliance.

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  18. Grants

    2015. 2014. IndiaBioscience is an organisation that fills a unique niche in the ecosystem of the life sciences in India, by being a catalyst to promote changes that affect the culture and practice of the field, through engagement with academia, government and industry at various levels. IndiaBioscience aims ...

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  22. Research and Development funding schemes of Central Government

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  27. EU, India announce co-funding to foster research cooperation, staff

    The European Union and India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have launched a joint funding initiative for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges. This partnership aims to enhance researcher mobility and foster long-term collaborations between Europe and India. Get more World News and Business News on Zee Business.

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    The National Quantum Mission's governing board will offer grants to 10 to 15 startups in the next three months to enable them grow, scale and go global, said Ajai Chowdhury, board chairman at ...