1. Argumentative Essay,ENG105

    cancel culture thesis

  2. Cancel Culture

    cancel culture thesis

  3. The Concept of "Cancel Culture"

    cancel culture thesis

  4. Cancel Culture: Argument Essay by Barraug Books and Curriculum

    cancel culture thesis

  5. Cancel Culture 1

    cancel culture thesis

  6. Cancel Culture: Argument Essay by Sunflower Curriculum and Resources

    cancel culture thesis


  1. Opinion

    7. Cancel culture is most effective against people who are still rising in their fields, and it influences many people who don't actually get canceled. The point of cancellation is ultimately to ...

  2. CANCEL CULTURE: CANCELING by Samantha Haskell

    Thesis Title: Cancel Culture: A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Media Practice of Canceling Date of Final Oral Examination: 24 May 2021 The following individuals read and discussed the thesis submitted by student Samantha Haskell, and they evaluated the student's presentation and response to questions during the

  3. #Kancelkulture: An Analysis of Cancel Culture and Social Media Activism

    This study provides a definition of cancel culture through the perspectives of generation Z social media users and discusses the duality in which cancel culture is a form of social media activism, but also contributes to creating a spiral of silence online. Keywords: Cancel culture, STOPs Theory, Spiral of Silence, Social media, Twitter, Activism,

  4. A Qualitative Case Study of Cancel Culture Among Public Figures and

    Cancel culture can be both good and bad, depending on the situation. While it can be used in a way to seek justice from those who may deserve their punishment, some may not have deserved the consequences they faced as well. It is possible that we will have to accept that cancel culture may be around for the long-term, especially on social media.


    THE CURIOUS CASES OF CANCEL CULTURE A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of California State University, San Bernardino In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Communication Studies by Loydie S. Burmah August 2021 . THE CURIOUS CASES OF CANCEL CULTURE A Thesis

  6. Cancel Culture: an Examination of Cancel Culture Acts As a Form of

    But cancel culture may be the preferred form of counterspeech that opponents of cancel culture complain about to redress hate speech. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how cancel culture is a form of counterspeech that can effectively condemn people for their speech and serve the marketplace of ideas. Cancel culture has been studied as a

  7. A Qualitative Case Study of Cancel Culture Among Public Figures and

    The remainder of this literature review will serve as an overview of the main concepts I have found in the scholarly works examined, in order to better comprehend how social media users, contend with cancel culture through their participation and consumption of social media on Twitter. Date. 2022-05-13. Resource Type.

  8. Dissertation or Thesis

    The purpose of this thesis is to examine how cancel culture is a form of counterspeech that can effectively condemn people for their speech and serve the marketplace of ideas. Cancel culture has been studied as a communications and discourse phenomenon, but less has been said about its role as an effective strategy within the First Amendment ...

  9. Cancel Culture in College: A Phenomenological Study to Define Cancel

    A phenomenological approach allowed for the creation of a more wholistic, detailed picture of cancel culture sentiments among college students. As predicted, a key conclusion is that cancel culture is complicated; cancel culture among the general American population creates a wide array of opinions on its uses and the college generation has a ...

  10. Cancel culture: posthuman hauntologies in digital rhetoric and the

    This study explores how modern epideictic practices enact latent community values by analyzing modern call-out culture, a form of public shaming that aims to hold individuals responsible for perceived politically incorrect behavior via social media, and cancel culture, a boycott of such behavior and a variant of call-out culture. As a result, this thesis is mainly concerned with the capacity ...

  11. Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality?

    The test of the cancel culture thesis adopted by this study concerns whether this phenomenon is thought to have got better or worse in recent years, based on reported personal experiences by left- and right-wing scholars. For example, in Western societies, are conservatives more likely than liberals to report that they have experienced growing ...

  12. "Cancel Culture: A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Media Practice of

    Haskell, Samantha, "Cancel Culture: A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Media Practice of Canceling" (2021). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 1851. Unlike previous forms of public shaming, canceling is a product of Web 2.0 and the boom of social media. The act of canceling is inherently tied to the word "canceled," however ...

  13. Cancel Culture: Are We Too "Woke"?

    This thesis project contains an analysis of the cancel culture movement in regards to the impact it has, if any, on an individual's decision making process when participating in social media. Through a series of in depth interviews, six individuals express their attitudes toward cancel culture subsequent to being directly affected by it.

  14. Constructing cancel culture: Strategic scaling in stories of

    Narratives about cancel culture are stories about problematic scaling—yet in telling these stories, cancel culture critics themselves engage in crucial forms of scaling. In this article, I analyze a selection of cancel culture narratives published in mainstream media outlets, focusing on how narrators define the here-and-now and project it ...

  15. PDXScholar: The Institutional Repository of Portland State University

    This paper explores the phenomenon of cancel culture, its origins, impacts, and implications for society and individuals. It also examines the role of social media, power dynamics, and identity politics in shaping cancel culture.

  16. Cancel Culture's Impact on Brand Reputation

    Cancel culture is becoming a relevant topic for public relations practitioners because of its negative impact on brand reputation. When brands do or support a wrongful action, consumers involved in cancel culture will use this as a reason to boycott a brand. This thesis aims to answer four research questions: (1) What are some key social media trends for brands that encounter cancel culture ...

  17. "THE CURIOUS CASES OF CANCEL CULTURE" by Loydie Solange Burmah

    Burmah, Loydie Solange, "THE CURIOUS CASES OF CANCEL CULTURE" (2021). Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations. 1289. Cancel culture is a complex phenomenon that challenges our notions of civic practices, perpetuates surveillance practices amongst individuals who encourage digital public shaming and obscures communal ideas regarding ...

  18. 10 Theses About Cancel Culture

    Cancel culture is destroying liberalism. No, cancel culture doesn't exist. No, it has always existed; remember when Brutus and Cassius canceled Julius Caesar? No, it exists but it's just a bunch of rich entitled celebrities complaining that people can finally talk back to them on Twitter. No, it doesn't exist except when it's good and ...

  19. Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality?

    wing scholars who reported that a cancel culture had worsened. This contrast is consistent with Noelle-Neumann's spiral of silence thesis, where mainstream values in any group gradually flourish to become the predominant culture, while, due to social pressures, dissenting minority voices become muted.

  20. Closed Minds? Is a 'Cancel Culture' Stifling Academic Freedom and

    After reviewing the arguments, Part II of this study outline several propositions arising from the cancel culture thesis and describes the sources of empirical survey evidence and measures used to test these claims within the discipline of political science. Data is derived from a new global survey, the World of Political Science, 2019, with ...

  21. Undergraduate Honors Thesis

    Cancel Culture or Consequence Culture: ... In this thesis, I analyze the causes of cancel culture as they are presented on social media, specifically Twitter, while simultaneously analyzing content and creators who have been called to be canceled. The creators analyzed are Dr. Seuss, Jay Kristoff, Tim Burton and Dave Chapelle, and the content ...

  22. Americans and 'Cancel Culture': Where Some See Calls for Accountability

    (The survey was fielded before a string of recent conversations and controversies about cancel culture.) Familiarity with the term varies with age. While 64% of adults under 30 say they have heard a great deal or fair amount about cancel culture, that share drops to 46% among those ages 30 to 49 and 34% among those 50 and older.

  23. 10 Theses About Cancel Culture

    6. Celebrities are the easiest people to target, but the hardest people to actually cancel. One of the ur-examples of cancel culture was the activist Suey Park's 2014 hashtag campaign to #cancelColbert over a satirical tweet from the Twitter account of "The Colbert Report.". Six years later, Stephen Colbert is very much uncanceled.

  24. Cancel Culture: The Adverse Impacts

    Cancel culture simplifies intricate problems and promotes hasty judgments. Cancel culture has prompted individuals to ask for forgiveness without typically comprehending the weight of their deeds. Cancel culture is an invasion of privacy; it involves criminal threats and might drive an individual to suicide. Thesis: There are positive effects ...