Career Sidekick

Should You Always Include a Cover Letter?

By Biron Clark

Published: November 10, 2023

Cover Letters

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

The little-known truth about cover letters is: You do NOT always need to include a cover letter when applying for jobs, and you may be wasting hours sending cover letters that employers won’t read.

So if you’re wondering whether you should always submit a cover letter with your job application and resume, then keep reading.

After working for years as a recruiter , I’m going to share the exact situations where you should provide a cover letter and the situations where it’s not needed.

Should You Always Submit a Cover Letter?

Many people on LinkedIn and other sites will tell you that you should include a cover letter every time because it “can’t hurt,” but that’s not true…

Here’s how it CAN hurt you…

Writing a great cover letter takes a LOT of time and mental energy. So if it’s not making a difference, or not even getting read, then it  is hurting you in terms of wasted time and energy (I’d argue that writing a cover letter is the toughest and most time-consuming part of the process for many job seekers).

How important is a cover letter

Writing a resume is tough, sure. But once you get it, you’re done. You spend 5-15 minutes tailoring it for each specific job you apply for, but that’s it.

Cover letters take a lot of time EVERY time (at least when done right).

That’s why it’s important to look at how important a cover letter is, and which situations it’s necessary and truly beneficial in.

3 Situations Where You Need to Send a Cover Letter:

There are a couple of specific scenarios where cover letters are necessary, and you should send one. This article by Harvard Business Review says it best:

three situations where cover letters are important and necessary

In those cases, according to Harvard Business Review, you can boost your chances of getting the interview by writing a short letter to point out similarities between your resume and the job requirements (e.g. why you’d do well in their job )… rather than leaving the analysis entirely up to the hiring manager.

But this is only worth doing if you meet one or more of the criteria above, or a few other situations I’ll explain below…

Two more cases where you may want to include a cover letter:

First, you should send a cover letter if an employer specifically says it’s required on their website or job application form (however, having an optional field to include it is not the same as asking for it or saying it’s required).

And second, you should send a letter if you have a large gap in employment or something unusual in your background that you feel the need to explain, and you don’t feel your resume explains it well enough on its own.

(Although I do like addressing gaps in employment directly on your resume employment history section when possible. For example, if you took a year off to raise a kid, you could say: “2018-2019: One-year break from work to raise first child.” So do try to explain this type of thing on your resume if you can!)

When You Don’t Need a Cover Letter:

If you don’t fall into any of the situations we looked at above, then a cover letter is not needed.

For example, if you’re just applying for jobs online via job boards , via LinkedIn, on company websites via their “careers” page, etc., then I’d skip it! Send your resume and let it speak for itself. (And if you don’t have a great resume yet, you can get help  here. )

In my opinion, the extra time and effort just isn’t worth it when you’re applying online with no prior relationship, no referral, and no special knowledge of the hiring manager or job requirements that you can use to make your case for why they should interview you.

This is one reason I love LinkedIn EasyApply as a part of an online job search – because a cover letter is not required or even expected.

Of course, the final judgment call is yours!

If you’re applying to your dream employer and you don’t mind spending an hour writing up a great cover letter, then go ahead! It can’t hurt in a one-off scenario like this.

But the main point I’m trying to make here is:

You should be selective about when to send a cover letter, rather than feeling obligated to send it by default.

Recap: How Important is a Cover Letter?

The answer to how important a cover letter is depends on the hiring process and situation. If you read the information above, you now know when a cover letter is necessary/recommended, and when you probably shouldn’t bother.

And you’ve seen that cover letters do matter in some cases, but that doesn’t mean that you always need to send a cover letter.

And as mentioned earlier, the main benefit of this approach is time savings…

When you look at how much time and effort goes into writing each of these letters, it can add up to hours or days of wasted time if you’re sending cover letters without analyzing whether it’s necessary for the situation.

Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter:

Now that we’ve answered whether a cover letter is necessary, and when it’s important, here are some tips and resources to help you in situations where you decide a cover letter is needed:

First, I’d always recommend keeping it brief, easy to read (no huge paragraphs or blocks of text without spacing), and personal.

It should feel like you’re talking directly to them! That means start with “Dear Bethany”, (for example), not with, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiter”.

(Recruiters almost never care about a cover letter anyway. It should be for the hiring manager).

Also, make sure you’re saying the word “you” at least as often as you say the word “I”. Talk about their needs and their company, not just about yourself .

The purpose of your cover letter is to point out similarities between your background and the employer’s job requirements. You want to demonstrate why you’re likely to succeed in their specific role, to sell them on interviewing you! And you cannot do this without researching their job and understanding/discussing their job. So this letter isn’t just about you , it’s about them just as much.

To help you further, we’ve published two articles here on Career Sidekick with great cover letter info:

  • 3 steps to writing a cover letter that stands out
  • How to write a cover letter with no experience

If you follow the steps above, you’ll save time in your job search and maximize the number of interviews you get for the effort you put into your job applications!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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Good stuff Biron! This is why Career Sidekick is my go-to career blog, I really admire how you take a contrarian approach to conventional job search/career wisdom!

Seems like almost every other career blog advises you to always submit a cover letter. Too bad these folks don’t consider the most important asset we all have: time!

Would being graduated out of college for 1.5 years and haven’t “launched” your career yet – getting a job in the field you got a degree in – count as something “unusual on your background” that you would need a cover letter for?

Thanks for the kind words. I don’t think you’d need a cover letter for this. Just make sure to “tailor” your resume to show the most relevant pieces of the work you have done, and to show your relevant educational background/degree. But if you’re not getting results with your resume, then it’s worth testing/trying a cover letter. My guess is that it’s not needed, and perfecting your resume will get more interviews.

Thanks for the advice Biron!

If I understand you correctly, is this an instance where you would recommend NOT using a chronological work history on a resume then?

And instead break up work experience history into a “relevant” and “other work experience” sections, since we’re trying to show specific relevant pieces of experience and educational background/degree?

I’d still keep it chronological. Just show the most relevant pieces of each past role, for the job you want now.

How about in my situation? I am looking for a job in marketing, but it has been five years and a few jobs since marketing has been the primary function of my job. My last few jobs have had a very little marketing focus and have been training, technical or sales in focus. Should I always write a cover letter to explain this when I am applying for marketing jobs?

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What Should You Include in Your Cover Letter? [w/ Tips for 2024]

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You’ve spent weeks job hunting, and you’ve found the perfect job.

Your resume is all set, and you’re almost ready to send your application.

There’s just one thing left—you’re writing a cover letter to create a flawless job application.

The only issue? You're not sure what exactly to include in your cover letter.

There’s no need to worry! We’re here to help

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What Is a Cover Letter
  • What Elements Should Your Cover Letter Include
  • What You Shouldn’t Include in Your Cover Letter

Let’s get started.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that you send as part of your job application, along with your resume or CV .

The cover letter’s purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarize why your professional background makes you the right person for the job.

On average, a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words long and fit neatly on one page.

A cover letter is one of your first forms of communication with a hiring manager. It’s your opportunity to present yourself in your own words, stand out from other candidates, and get the hiring manager interested in learning more about you.

Let’s take a look at an example of what a cover letter looks like:

what to include in a cover letter

Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

After you’ve spent so long making the perfect resume , you might be wondering why you should even write a cover letter.

The truth is that while not all employers request a cover letter, you should always include one with your job application.

Adding a cover letter to your job application shows the hiring manager you’re willing to go the extra mile for the job, and you’re not just randomly applying and hoping your application sticks.

A cover letter is your opportunity to give the hiring manager more information about you as a candidate. This is your chance to personalize your application and provide additional information on your skills and experiences that align with what the employer is looking for and that you didn’t have space on your resume for.

But your cover letter is also your chance to go beyond your most important skills and experience. You can use it to talk about your passion for the industry or your enthusiasm to join this specific company’s team and show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the role.

If your cover letter is good, it can complement your resume and get you that much closer to an interview.

A badly written cover letter, on the other hand, could undermine even the best resume and lead to your application getting tossed in the ‘no’ pile, so it’s crucial to get this document right.

Need help preparing for an interview? Check out our guide to the most common interview questions and how to answer them!

What Elements Should You Include in a Cover Letter?

There are a few key elements you need to include to write a successful cover letter .

Let’s take a look at them one by one:

#1. A Professional Template

Your cover letter should be easy on the eyes and even easier to navigate.

This means you have to set the right page margins, adjust the line spacing, choose an appropriate font , and set it to the correct size, all while making sure your text never spills onto page two.

But what if there’s an easier way? 

Just use one of our cover letter templates instead.

Our free resume builder comes with built-in resume templates that you can match with a cover letter template for a stylish application.

You can automatically set your font style, size, and even the dimensions of the paper you intend to print it on - standard A4 or US letter format.

cover letter templates

#2. Neatly-Split Paragraphs

A cover letter should be easy to navigate at a glance.

If your cover letter is a huge chunk of text that fully covers the entire page, without paragraphs or ample white space, it’s going to look cramped and leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.

This is where your cover letter’s formatting comes in. You should divide the contents of your cover letter into a header with contact information, and then split the actual text into an opening paragraph, a main body, a conclusion, and a formal closing line.

Be sure to also use line breaks and bullet points to break up your paragraphs to increase your cover letter’s readability.

This can make it seem less of an overwhelming read to the hiring manager and easier for them to skim through it all to find what they’re looking for.

#3. The Date of Writing

The exact date you write your cover letter may seem like a small detail, but it can actually add an extra touch of professionalism to your job application.

This can help the hiring manager keep track of when you’ve applied for the role, and it reflects your attention to detail .

Just keep in mind that the format of the date should align with the standard in the country where you're applying. For example, in the US , the mm-dd-yyyy format (e.g., May 22, 2024 ) is the go-to, whereas most other countries prefer the dd-mm-yyyy format (e.g., 22 January 2024 ).

#4. Your Interest in the Company

It’s important to tailor your cover letter for the specific job you’re applying for to show the hiring manager that you’re a serious candidate who’s done their homework about the position.

This is why the body of your letter should always include a paragraph where you clearly explain why you’re interested in the specific company.

Start by doing some research on the employer . You have to show the hiring manager that you understand what makes the company unique and how you align with their values and needs.

Think about what you genuinely like about the company you’re applying for. Whether it’s their remote working conditions, their focus on diversity or sustainability, or something else entirely, be sure to mention it in your cover letter.

If you’ve used a product or service that the company provides, say so in your cover letter. On top of that, highlight what specific aspects of the company resonate with your career goals , such as their innovative methods or cutting-edge market strategy, that you want to be a part of.

You can also take the time to explain why you’re excited about the job itself. Talk about how your unique experience and skills make you a suitable candidate and how you’re confident you can contribute to the company’s goals.

Looking to write a cover letter for an internship ? Check out our detailed guide!

#5. A Call to Action

Every cover letter should end with a strategic call to action.

Your call to action can be a polite statement prompting the hiring manager to get in touch with you to go over your application or to discuss how you could contribute to their team.

Adding a call to action at the end of your cover letter shows that you’re proactive and eager to move forward with the hiring process. This highlights your enthusiasm for the role and makes it more likely for the hiring manager to get in touch with you after putting down your cover letter.

Here’s an example of a call to action at the end of a cover letter :

I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss how my artwork can contribute to Happy Hippo Book Publisher’s track record as the best children’s storybook provider on the market. Please feel free to contact me at the provided phone number so that we can discuss my application further.

Want to give your cover letter an extra kick? Use these tried and tested cover letter tips !

What Sections Should You Include in a Cover Letter?

When writing your cover letter, you can easily split the process into several key sections.

Let’s break them down:

  • Header with contact details. The top of your cover letter should include a designated header where you can input your contact information, such as your full name, email address, phone number, address, and links to any relevant social media. Make sure these details match your resume and double-check for any typos.
  • Company details. Do your research so you know exactly who to address your cover letter to. Add the hiring manager’s name, department, the company’s name, and the company’s address.
  • Personalized greeting. Skip the cliche and impersonal “To Whom It May Concern” and use a more memorable greeting instead. We recommend using “Ms.” or “Mr.” followed by the hiring manager’s last name.
  • Opening paragraph. Your cover letter should start with a brief and attention-grabbing paragraph . This should include a couple of your top skills, an impressive achievement, or a relevant qualification.
  • Main body. Take the time to explain some of your top achievements or skills in more detail, and cover anything you didn’t have the space to address in your resume.
  • Conclusion. Recap the main points in your cover letter so far, then wrap it up with a polite call to action.
  • Closing line. Choose an appropriate closing line to finish your cover letter with and sign your name underneath.

cover letter structure

What Should You Never Include in a Cover Letter?

A cover letter allows you to personalize your application and provide more details about you to the hiring manager.

But that doesn’t mean everything should make the cut.

Let’s look at what you should never include in your cover letter:

#1. Irrelevant information

Your cover letter should be concise and focus on the most relevant details that make you the right candidate for the job.

Hiring managers don’t have all day to spend on your application, and when they’re reading your cover letter, they want to get to the point quickly. If your cover letter includes too many personal anecdotes or irrelevant experiences, like how you worked as a dog walker at 15, they might get bored and stop reading it altogether.

A cover letter is, first and foremost, a professional document, not a personal essay. This means that focusing too much on yourself, as well as your wants, needs, and opinions, is not a good idea.

Your cover letter should focus on what you can do for the employer, not what they can do for you. If you miss the mark here, you’ll come off as an inattentive candidate and won’t be getting an interview.

#2. Overly Long Paragraphs

A dense, difficult-to-read text can discourage a hiring manager from going through your cover letter.

For example, if the body of your cover letter is contained in a single, thick paragraph, the hiring manager might skim over it and miss your main points.

Long paragraphs can also make your cover letter look poorly organized and make you come across as someone with bad written communication skills . Your essential qualifications and skills can get lost in that sea of words and hide the most important information you want to convey.

Overly long paragraphs also imply a lack of consideration for the hiring manager’s time. Keeping your text concise and easy to follow is just as important as the content itself. Otherwise, your cover letter might not catch the hiring manager’s attention at all.

#3. Salary Expectations

Unless the employer specifically asks you to, it’s considered taboo to include salary expectations in your cover letter, and it can even leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.

Talking about money in your cover letter can make it seem like your primary interest in the job is the paycheck. And, while there’s nothing wrong with wanting a specific salary, this can seriously undermine what you want to convey to the hiring manager about your enthusiasm for joining the company and your professionalism.

You should also keep in mind that talking about salary expectations so early on can even put you at a disadvantage in potential salary negotiations . If you mention a high number too early on, the hiring manager might reject your application before you even make it past the initial screening. But if you go too low, you could undervalue yourself.

This is why it’s recommended that you discuss salary expectations during an interview once you already understand the full scope of the role and have more context.

Are you just getting started on the job market? Check out our guide to writing an entry-level cover letter !

#4. Excessive Flattery

Writing a cover letter doesn’t mean writing a love letter to the company you’re applying for.

You don’t need to shower the employer with compliments to get the hiring manager to like you. In fact, if you use too many compliments or describe the company in the exact words they use on its website, you’re going to be severely disappointed.

For example, most companies you apply to may describe themselves as “innovative” or “ team-focused .” If that’s all you can say about them in your cover letter, it tells the hiring manager that you never researched the employer or paid much attention to what they do.

If you genuinely hold the company’s values, mission, or culture close to your heart, there’s no harm in mentioning how they inspire you. Just remember to keep it professional and related to how you can enthusiastically contribute to their work.

#5. False Information

This should go without saying but lying on your cover letter is just as bad as lying on your resume – very bad.

We get it; you want to impress the hiring manager. But exaggerating or falsifying information to make yourself look like the coolest candidate ever can easily backfire.

On one hand, the hiring manager is probably going to catch onto you while reading your cover letter. They’re going to notice the inconsistencies you didn’t pay attention to, and they simply won’t call you.

But it could be even worse. You could land an interview, only to have the hiring manager discover the truth face to face. Your professional reputation could suffer some serious damage, beyond just an awkward interaction during the interview.

Trust us – lying isn’t worth it. You’re capable of writing a standout cover letter without exaggerating anything you can’t back up.

#6. Grammatical Mistakes

You should always proofread your cover letter before submitting it with your job application.

Even when you’re absolutely sure there are no mistakes, sometimes you might miss something that the hiring manager will notice immediately.

This is why we always recommend you do several rounds of proofreading and editing before finalizing your job application.

Start by carefully reading your cover letter out loud. It might sound a little weird, but it helps you notice any awkward phrases or words that are out of place.

Then, run it through a spell-checking tool like QuillBot or Grammarly . They can help you spot any errors you might have missed.

Finally, ask a friend or family member for help. A fresh pair of eyes can read your cover letter and notice mistakes that both you and your robot sidekick might have skipped over.

#7. Complaints About Employers

As a general rule, you should never badmouth your previous place of employment.

If you were unjustly fired or passed over for a promotion for personal reasons, these are best explained during an interview.

It’s important to always maintain professionalism when your past employer or coworkers are brought up, especially in your cover letter.

For example, instead of saying you had enough of a chaotic work environment, you could say you’re “looking forward to joining a team that values structure and accountability.”

Check out these more common cover letter mistakes and keep an eye out while writing your cover letter!

29 Cover Letter Examples

Looking for inspiration? Check out these perfect cover letter examples for different professions.

#1. Customer Service Cover Letter

Customer Service Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service cover letter here.

#2. Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Marketing Executive Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a marketing executive cover letter here.

#3. Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a medical assistant cover letter here.

#4. Consultant Cover Letter

Consultant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#5. College Student Cover Letter

College Student Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#6. Retail Cover Letter

Retail Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a retail cover letter here.

#7. Team Leader Cover Letter

Team Leader Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#8. Actor Cover Letter

Actor Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an actor cover letter here.

#9. Digital Marketing Cover Letter

Digital Marketing Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing cover letter here.

#10. Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an executive assistant cover letter here.

#11. Finance Cover Letter

Finance Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a finance cover letter here.

#12. Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a graphic designer cover letter here.

#13. IT Cover Letter

IT Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#14. Project Manager Cover Letter

Project Manager Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#15. Sales Cover Letter

Sales Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#16. Accounting Cover Letter

Accounting Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an accounting cover letter here.

#17. Business Cover Letter

Business Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#18. Dental Assistant Cover Letter

Dental Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a dental assistant cover letter here.

#19. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#20. Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter

Nurse Practitioner Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse practitioner cover letter here.

#21. Receptionist Cover Letter

Receptionist Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

#22. Architect Cover Letter

Architect Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an architect cover letter here.

#23. Management Cover Letter

Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#24. Physician Cover Letter

Physician Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a physician cover letter here.

#25. Substitute Teacher Cover Letter

Substitute Teacher Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a substitute teacher cover letter here.

#26. Software Engineer Cover Letter

Software Engineer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer cover letter here.

#27. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#28. Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter

Mechanical Engineering Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a mechanical engineering cover letter here.

#29. Attorney Cover Letter

Attorney Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an attorney cover letter here.

FAQs About What to Include in a Cover Letter

Do you still have some questions about what to include in a cover letter? Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic!

#1. What is a good example of a cover letter?

There are plenty of great cover letter examples for different professions that you can look at.

Overall, a cover letter that’s well done starts with your contact information in a designated header at the top. Next, you have to add the hiring manager’s contact details and include a personalized greeting.

Write a strong opening paragraph that references the job you're applying for and includes a standout achievement or relevant experience that makes you a strong candidate.

Use the body of your cover letter to expand on your key skills and experiences that match what the employer is looking for. Give specific examples to illustrate your greatest accomplishments and how you gained your most impressive skills.

Wrap up your cover letter by recapping your key selling points and including a call to action that invites the hiring manager to reach out to you. Lastly, add a professional closing line and sign your name underneath.

#2. How do you start a cover letter?

The opening to your cover letter should be brief and attention-grabbing.

Your first few sentences should be something that makes the hiring manager want to learn more about you. You don’t want to give them too many details—just enough to pique their interest.

Explain why you’re writing and why you’re interested in the specific role. We recommend including keywords from the job ad , especially ones that match your most relevant skills, experiences, or impressive achievements.

#3. How do you write a unique cover letter?

Your cover letter is your chance to give the hiring manager a unique insight into you as a candidate. It’s your opportunity to stand out from the crowd using your own words.

The best way to write a unique cover letter is to start by researching the company and referencing anything you find attention-grabbing about it. You should be able to easily identify what you like about the specific employer, such as their contributions to the industry, their values, and reputation, and mention it in your cover letter.

Use a polite but conversational tone to convey both your professionalism and personality. Instead of using passive language to explain that you “managed” this or were “responsible for” that, take advantage of action verbs and power words to make your experiences stand out.

Avoid using generic phrases like how you’re a “team player” or have “ leadership skills ” alone, and instead provide concrete examples that back up the skills and experience that make you the right candidate for the job.

#4. Should a cover letter be fancy?

Since a cover letter is a formal document, you might be tempted to make it fancy.

There’s no need to go over the top with your cover letter. Adding too much decoration or creative flair can detract from the information you want to convey to the hiring manager.

Your focus should always be on writing a clear, concise, and well-organized text that gets your point across.

More traditional industries, like law or finance, should stick to minimalistic cover letter templates with a clean and simple layout.

For professionals aiming for creative industries like illustration or graphic design, a bit of color can make your application pop. Even then, it’s important to strike a balance between creativity and professionalism, so your cover letter’s text remains the hiring manager’s primary focus.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to what you should include in your cover letter!

Hopefully, after reaching the end of our article, you feel confident that your cover letter covers all the necessary bases. Good luck on your job hunt!

But before we say goodbye, let’s briefly recap what we've covered so far:

  • Your cover letter should be concise and avoid any irrelevant information. The hiring manager is interested in what you can do for the company, not in any personal information that doesn’t relate to the job.
  • Overly long paragraphs and a messy layout can leave a bad impression. Instead of trying to format everything yourself, use an online cover letter builder.
  • Our online resume builder offers resume templates and matching cover letter templates that you can use to create a stylish and professional job application in minutes.
  • Dedicate a portion of your cover letter’s main body to express your genuine interest in the company and the specific role. Do some research beforehand so you can identify several things you genuinely like about the company and position you’re applying for.
  • End your cover letter with a strategic call to action. This shows the hiring manager you’re eager to make it to the next step of the hiring process, and it makes it more likely for them to reach out to you.

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Everything you need to know about a cover letter and why it's still important.

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Wondering if you really need to submit a cover letter? Here's the truth about this part of the job ... [+] application process.

Some experts say that the cover letter is dead. Others vehemently disagree. But what both sides of the fence do agree on is that dead or alive, a cover letter is still necessary when applying for a job.

What is a cover letter for a resume?

A cover letter is a snapshot of who you are and what you've done. It gives hiring managers more information about you, your accomplishments, and what you bring to the table– information outside of what your resume shows. But aside from those more obvious things, a cover letter is also a way to showcase your communication skills and personality. A cover letter is vital for demonstrating how well you relay information in writing, making it a crucial element for positions requiring verbal and written communication skills. Your cover letter also helps employers make a hiring decision about you when they’re torn between you, and another candidate.

Do you need a cover letter?

Short answer: Yes. Even in situations where the cover letter is optional, a recent poll found that 72% of hiring managers expect a cover letter, and 77% will move your resume up a notch if you submit one. In that same poll, 83% of recruiters said a cover letter could land an interview even if the resume isn't good enough.

In short, even if your cover letter isn’t getting read, it’s positively acknowledged.

In certain situations, a cover letter is necessary. When you're applying to a specific person, use a cover letter to address them individually. Also, write a cover letter if you were referred. Use it to mention the name of the person making the referral to boost your chances of an interview, especially if that person has some clout. And, of course, include a cover letter if the job posting requires one.

But aside from these specific instances … include a cover letter anyway .

What can a cover letter do for you?

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Your cover letter is your personal introduction. It tells the company a little bit about you and why you're a great fit for the company. It's your first chance to make a good impression. The cover letter is also used to set one candidate apart from another in the event of two equally qualified applicants. It shows that you're willing to expend the energy to get the position … it’s worth the extra energy.

One of the better uses of a cover letter is to explain gaps or career changes in your resume. Gaps aren't definitive rejections in the hiring process, but hiring managers want to know why there's a gap, whether that's because you lost your job or decided to take time off on your own. Cover letters can also be used to explain career changes that are not obvious steps following a natural career progression. That being said, topics like resume gaps or career pivots must be addressed clearly and briefly– the longer you focus on them in a cover letter, the more you may generate concern versus comfort for the recruiter. Remember, there’s a fine line between shining a spotlight on an insecurity and simply addressing a weakness or question they may have. Plus, in the wake of the recession and pandemic, full of layoffs and change, recruiters are more forgiving on resume gaps.

What should you include in a cover letter?

Your cover letter complements your resume. It should be no more than two pages, but one page is better because research simply affirms that the second page isn’t as likely to be read... The cover letter needs to show the employer you can meet the job requirements, why you want to work at the company, and who you are. Include an anecdote about your experience that shows how you were a benefit to your previous employers. And always end your cover letter with a subtle request for an interview like, "I look forward to hearing from you" or “I’m excited to learn more about the role,” and include your contact information of course.

Do your homework before writing your cover letter (and your resume). Learn about the company where you're applying to discover whether you’re a fit for them– or they’re a fit for you. This means doing more than a 5 minute google sweep! It means examining their competition, who is in the role you’re seeking and what their linkedin says, if there’s any public announcements on the direction the company is taking, their client roster or results… and more! Analyze the job description to design your cover letter to address key components and leverage keywords. This is necessary to pass automated tracking software (ATS) used to screen applicants. Finally, identify the hard and soft skills you bring to the position so you can highlight those in the cover letter. Every cover letter needs to be tailored to the position.

Just as a good cover letter can set you apart, a bad cover letter can hurt you. Your cover letter needs to show you put in the effort. It should show the recruiter you read the job description, understand the role and how your experience aligns with the job responsibilities, and that you know a little bit about the company. That is what will set you apart from other candidates.

So, whether one is required or not, including a cover letter with your resume remains an essential element of the application packet.

Ashley Stahl

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Finally, an Answer To: Are Cover Letters Still Necessary?

person reading off laptop at table

The cover letter is a contender for job seekers’ most hated part of the job search. Personally, when browsing job boards, I’ve always gravitated toward the postings that said “cover letter optional” or didn’t mention one at all— and I’m a writer. When you’re deep in a job hunt—particularly one where you feel like you’re throwing applications into a black hole—cover letters might feel pointless. It’s not like we’re mailing out our resumes anymore—so what is the letter covering? Does anyone read cover letters anymore? Are cover letters even necessary at all, or are they outdated?

I set out to find the answer by speaking to experts, combing through studies, and putting out a call to hiring managers and recruiters to find out how they handle cover letters when they’re making hires.

Does Anyone Still Read Cover Letters?

In a 2020 survey of 236 hiring managers and recruiters, ResumeGo found that 87% of respondents read cover letters. Only 13% did not. I got similar answers in my own research. The overwhelming majority of recruiters and hiring managers I heard from—folks who work across career functions and industries—told me they do still read cover letters in some capacity.

The most common answers I got were that hiring professionals read cover letters:

  • For all qualified applicants
  • For any candidates they’re considering moving to the next step of the hiring process
  • For any candidates who are on the border of being moved forward
  • For any candidates whose resumes raised questions for them

So if you’re submitting applications to any opening you come across and apply for a manager-level position as an entry-level candidate, or upload a teaching-focused resume for an accounting job, don’t be surprised if your cover letter gets skipped. For the most part, if your resume doesn’t even come close, no one is going to bother reading your cover letter, says Muse career coach Eliot Kaplan , who spent 18 years as VP of Talent Acquisition at Hearst Magazines before founding Eliot Kaplan Coaching .

This does mark a shift in how hiring professionals use cover letters, however. Traditionally, the cover letter was the cover page for your resume (hence the name), so its purpose was to convince the reader to look at your resume. Now, your resume usually (though not always) gets looked at first, and your cover letter is there to further persuade the reader to move you to the next round in the hiring process. So while cover letters are serving a different purpose now, they’re still being read and considered.

Unsurprisingly, everyone I heard from involved in hiring for jobs where writing, editing, and/or messaging is a key skill said they read and considered cover letters. For example, Glen Muñoz, who has been in marketing and operations for over 30 years, says that he reads all cover letters for candidates who meet the minimum requirements because the cover letter serves as a sample of their written communication skills, which are of course vital to whether or not you can do these jobs. Kaplan also said this was true in journalism.

Outside of these careers, cover letters are still widely read by the hiring professionals I heard from. Hiring managers, recruiters, and HR professionals across sales, finance, healthcare, accounting, customer service, and yes, even tech indicated that they read and considered at least some—if not all—candidates’ cover letters. “If I didn’t read [an applicant’s cover letter], there’s another reason that I’m not going to hire them,” says Karen Gordon, VP of Growth for Goodshuffle Pro , who hires for various roles including software developers. Those who said they read cover letters at all usually read them for all positions even if they’re hiring across different functions.

Employers also read cover letters across experience levels. “I have found the cover letter to be an important arsenal in a job seeker’s toolbox, even those seeking higher-up roles,” says Paul French, founder and managing director of Intrinsic Search , a recruiting firm specializing in executive positions for SaaS companies. At the other end of the spectrum, Kaplan says entry-level candidate’s cover letters are useful for hiring professionals to see how your education, part-time jobs, and other less traditional sources of experience connect to the job you’re applying for: “If you have less of a track record, you’re going to have a little more vamping,” and your cover letter is the place that it happens.

In my research, I noticed that the hiring professionals most likely to say that they skipped or skimmed cover letters to save time identified themselves as recruiters. Respondents also mentioned knowing other hiring professionals who did not read cover letters, most often recruiters. In its  2020 Recruiter Nation Report , based on a survey of 806 recruiters conducted by Zogby Analytics, Jobvite found that just 27% of recruiters consider cover letters when evaluating a job application.

And it makes sense. Often a recruiter’s primary job is to find and screen candidates for open positions, meaning they might be looking at hundreds of applications a day for a range of jobs. However, recruiters are usually not the only person seeing an application before a final hiring decision is made. They’re just the first step. So a recruiter not reading your cover letter doesn’t mean that someone else–like the hiring manager or a future member of your team—won’t. For example, tech recruiter and Muse career coach Steven Davis admits that he doesn’t read every cover letter as a recruiter, but as a coach, he still encourages his clients to “write a concise, enthusiastic cover letter” because he believes they’re valuable pieces of a job application that can help you land a later-round interview.

It’s important to note that while the 2020 Recruiter Nation report found that only 27% of recruiters considered cover letters in their decision, that’s up from 8% in 2017—a threefold increase in as many years. So the number of recruiters who read and consider cover letters is actually growing, not shrinking.

Do Cover Letters Help You Get a Job?

“For 80-90% of jobs I still believe in the cover letter,” Kaplan says. Cover letters help make the case for you as an applicant and can provide valuable information to recruiters and hiring managers, not only through their content but just through the fact that you took the time to write one at all.

In ResumeGo’s survey of recruiters and hiring managers, 65% of respondents said they are “materially influenced” by cover letters in their hiring decisions. ResumeGo also conducted a field experiment, submitting fake applications to over 7,000 job postings with either no cover letter (leaving the field blank or writing in “N/A” when needed), a generic cover letter, or a tailored cover letter that gave details on how the applicant matched the company culture and job description.

After 30 days, applications with tailored cover letters were 53% more likely to have gotten an interview callback than applications with no cover letter, and even generic cover letters were 17% better than no cover letter at all. Meaning, yes: Cover letters do still matter and they can help you get to the next round in the hiring process.

“One of the biggest takeaways was that tailored cover letters are far superior to generic cover letters when it comes to boosting a job applicant’s chances of being hired,” says Peter Yang, CEO of ResumeGo. Tailoring a cover letter doesn’t necessarily mean starting from scratch each time. You’re likely applying to a lot of similar jobs, so you might create a basic template for yourself, but add to it based on the job and company, Kaplan says. He estimates you can keep about two-thirds of your cover letter the same across most positions and customize the remaining third.

Read More: The Best Cover Letter Examples for Every Type of Job Seeker

When Do You Absolutely Need a Cover Letter?

There are some situations where you should definitely include a cover letter or you’ll greatly increase the risk of being rejected when you otherwise might’ve had a chance.

Many job applications require a cover letter and in those cases, if you want a real shot, you have to write one whether you want to or not, Kaplan says. You don’t want the first message you send a prospective employer to be that you can’t or won’t follow directions.

You might also have some other signal that a cover letter is crucial to a specific role. Before I applied to my current job at The Muse, I saw that my future manager had tweeted out the job listing. In the tweet, she said to include a cover letter; they’d be using it to gauge my writing skills and it was a chance to sell myself for the role. So of course I wrote one! In addition to social media, this signal could also come from conversations with current and former employees of the company, or the job description might stress the cover letter’s importance or ask you to include certain information in it, even if the online application doesn’t have a mandatory slot for it.

But job seekers don’t always get a giant flashing neon sign declaring that a cover letter is crucial for a particular position. In some cases, the cue that a cover letter is extra important will come from your side. If you have any special situations surrounding your candidacy or there’s anything on your resume or application that needs additional context to be understood, writing a cover letter is really in your best interest. If there’s something on (or not on) your resume that might be a red flag to people reading, your cover letter can keep your application out of the rejection pile.

According to the experts, some special situations that can be explained by a cover letter include:

  • Career transitions : If this is going to be your first job in a new of type role or a different industry, or if you’ve followed a non-linear career path, a cover letter can explain why you want this job and how your past experiences have prepared you for it. It’s also an opportunity to highlight how your transferable skills will help you in your next job. For example, Kaplan once coached a “management consultant who wanted to become a fighter pilot.” She wrote a compelling story about her background, how she overcame obstacles in her past jobs, and how she would do that in the air.
  • Employment gaps: Whether this will be your first job after your employment gap or you have one further back on your resume that you’re worried might raise eyebrows, including a cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain.
  • Out-of-area applications: If you’re moving and hoping to secure a job before you get there, you can explain that in a cover letter so hiring managers understand why your application is coming from a different geographic location.
  • Personal connections to a company or job referrals: If someone in your network referred you to a job or you have another connection to the company, this goes in your cover letter, not on your resume, Kaplan says.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether or not to write a cover letter. In the ResumeGo survey, only 26% of respondents said they “punished” or “deducted points” from candidates who didn’t include a cover letter when the job posting didn’t require one, and in its 2018 Job Seeker Nation Study , Jobvite found that only 45% of respondents had submitted a cover letter for their current or most recent job. So you can definitely get a job without a cover letter. But ask yourself this: Why would you skip out on the chance to make your application even stronger?

do you always need to write a cover letter

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Are Cover Letters Necessary? Do You Need One in 2023?

Cover letters are one of the most important parts of the job application process. It’s a way for you to explain why you’re a good fit for the position. But are cover letters necessary?

Cover letters make you stand out from other candidates. It’s also an opportunity for you to show off your writing skills. And that can be useful during an interview or follow-up email exchange.

But, in this age of technology, it’s understandable why people still wonder, “Do I need a cover letter?” Especially since you can submit many applications online or via text message.

So are cover letters necessary? And do you need one? This guide will answer these questions and share expert cover letter tips that can help you land an interview.

Are Cover Letters Necessary? Do You Need One in 2023?

Table of Contents

Cover Letters Can Make a Significant Difference in Your Job Application

Cover letters are not necessary, but they can make a huge difference in your job application. Here’s what we mean.

If you’re applying for a job and don’t have a cover letter, it’ll be hard to stand out from other applicants. And that’s because cover letters show why you want to work at a particular company and are serious about it.

For example, two equally qualified candidates are applying for a position, one with a cover letter and one without.

Chances are that the applicant who took the time to write a well-crafted cover letter will get an interview. And that’s because the person, for example, highlighted how their previous accomplishments would help the company to improve.

It’s simply not enough to send only your resume in most situations.

Are Cover Letters Necessary?

Yes, in most cases.

What you should know about cover letters is that they’re optional for some jobs. For example, your resume alone will likely be enough if you apply for an internship or a low-level assistant position.

However, let’s say you’re applying for a higher position, like an executive director position. First, you’ll need to have a well-written cover letter. That will help prove that you’ve researched the company and are interested in being part of its team.

Expressing your interest in an organization isn’t something the hiring manager will get from your application online. That’s why cover letters are crucial and should not be ignored.

Do You Really Need a Cover Letter in 2022?

The short answer is yes; you still need a cover letter in 2022.

One of the purposes of a cover letter is to demonstrate that you understand the position and are invested in it.

They give employers a good idea of who you are as an applicant. And that makes it easier for them to decide whether or not they want to interview you for their open positions.

Your cover letter can also help distinguish you from other candidates who apply for similar positions. You can use your cover letter as an opportunity to show more about yourself than what’s available on paper!

Cover letter and employer statistics

Tips to Prepare a Perfect Cover Letter

1. do your research.

A cover letter is an opportunity to tell a potential employer why they should hire you. So it should be tailored for each job and company.

The first task is to research the company and role, including the person reading your cover letter. It’s not always the hiring manager. Try to find out what they’re looking for in an employee and how their organization operates.

This will give you insight into what’s important to them in an applicant. Also, take some time to think about how today’s job market differs from that of several years ago. That can help you fine-tune your cover letter. It doesn’t matter if the change is small. It can make a huge difference.

2. Tailor Your Cover Letter to Each Role

The first and last thing you want to do is address the person reading your cover letter. Then, when applying for a job, read up on the company and find out who the hiring manager is. If there’s no name listed in the job description, call or email someone at the company to ask whom you should address it.

If there are multiple people responsible for hiring decisions, make sure to address each one individually. For example: “Dear [Hiring Manager],” “ To Whom It May Concern: ” and “Hello Mr./Ms.[First Name]. ‘

3. Don’t Let Your Resume Appear in Your Cover Letter

The primary purpose of a cover letter is to highlight and sell your qualifications. Your resume is the place where you list everything you’ve done. So don’t repeat that information in your cover letter.

Instead, do the following:

  • give a brief overview of your qualifications,
  • why they make you a good fit for the job, and
  • how they relate to the position requirements listed by the company.

Related: How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

4. Be Clear and Concise

Be clear and concise to get the most out of your cover letter. One page is okay if you can; you don’t need to use up all the space. If you have more than one page, use bullet points rather than paragraphs. That makes it easier to skim through quickly.

Your tone should be professional throughout. Also, avoid using too many buzzwords, if any, as they tend to be taken seriously if used sparingly.

Finally, consider adding an “about me” section near the end of your letter. You can use that section to list relevant information about yourself that doesn’t fit anywhere else in your application. For example, employment history, educational background, or volunteer work.

5. Avoid Gimmicks, Like Weird Fonts and Drawings

Have you seen some cover letters that looked like a child wrote them? Or that included a drawing of the applicant’s pet cat? Cover letters are not the place to do that; avoid these gimmicks.

They will not help you get the job. In fact, they can do more harm than good by making you seem less professional. It can overshadow your best qualities as an employee.

Try to avoid using standard intro like “My name is [your name], and I am applying for the [position] at [company].” This is not original or creative; it’s uninteresting to read.

Instead, personalize it: “Hi, [name], My name is John Doe, and I’m applying for the Marketing Manager role at ABC Company.”

Having a friendly title will help establish rapport between readers. But don’t be too casual or informal. You want to keep things professional so that they can see how well you’ll fit in with their team or company culture if hired.

6. Use Action Words to Highlight Your Accomplishments

Use action words that highlight your accomplishments and experiences. For example, try using phrases like “increased sales by 55% within 6 months.” Or “led team through a project from concept stage to completion within two weeks.”

This way, even if someone doesn’t remember everything about you, these phrases will help them know whether or not you have what it takes.

7. Don’t Make It All About You

Don’t make the mistake of making the cover letter all about you. Instead of boasting about a skill, talk about how that skill can help the potential employer.

How are you the perfect fit for the company? How will you contribute to the company’s success? And what have you done or will do to help the company? Answer these questions in your cover letter.

8. End Your Cover Letter with Enthusiasm

You may be well qualified and rightfully confident in your abilities. But employers still want to know that you’ll be a motivated and enthusiastic employee.

So, remember to end your cover letter with enthusiasm. This will show your interest in the position and willingness to work hard and passionately if hired.

You have a greater chance of being employed if you are enthusiastic. And you’re also far more likely to stay on board over the long term. So it makes sense that 71% of CEOs believe that employee engagement is essential to the success of their company.

As a result, often, the only factor distinguishing two equally qualified candidates is their level of passion and zeal for the job.

Check our guide on how to write a cover letter for more in-depth details.

Why Is a Cover Letter Important?

Your cover letter gives the hiring manager a chance to know you better. In addition, it’s an opportunity for you to show off your writing skills and make yourself stand out from the crowd.

You can also use it to sell yourself, highlighting why they should hire you, not someone else.

Because there are so many applicants for every open position, employers have less time and resources to read through them. So it’s up to you to make sure that yours stands out from the rest.

The best way is by using a well-crafted cover letter that showcases how great an employee you’ll be if given a chance.

When Can You Skip a Cover Letter?

If you’re applying for a job that doesn’t require a cover letter—say, an internship—you can skip it. In fact, many employers will be quite clear in their postings when they don’t want to see your cover letter.

If the company does not specifically state that it wants a cover letter, you can assume it’s unnecessary. Sometimes, job listings or job descriptions don’t mention a cover letter. But it has all the other required materials, like a resume and references.

In such a situation, submit those documents without attaching additional materials such as your cover letter or résumé summary statement.

Cover Letters Alone Can’t Get the Job Done

You want to make sure you don’t let your employer down before they even meet you. In fact, without a cover letter, you might not even have the chance to meet them. Most recruiting managers expect to receive a cover letter from you.

It helps them get a sense of who you are and decide if you’re a suitable fit for the position. However, you can’t rely solely on a cover letter to get a job. It’s not an alternative to a resume nor an excuse for poorly prepared or formatted documents.

Also, there’s a difference between cover letters and resumes . Knowing the difference can help you craft the perfect cover letter or resume.

A good cover letter does have some value, though: briefly introducing yourself and explaining why you’re applying for the position. It also helps make your application stand out from the competition.

So, are cover letters necessary in 2022? Yes, if you want to stand out from the crowd of applicants. That said, your resume and online presence are enough to get noticed by recruiters these days.

But a well-written cover letter could give you an edge over other candidates.

A good cover letter will show that you care about the position and want it more than anyone else. And that makes all the difference when it comes to hiring decisions!

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The Only Cover Letter Guide You’ll Need in 2024 (+Examples)

  • Kaja Jurcisinova , 
  • Updated January 16, 2024 13 min read

Oh, the dreaded cover letter. Job seekers hate writing it and nobody knows if anybody even reads cover letters anymore. And yet, not attaching one to your application would be a terrible mistake. This cover letter guide will tell you not only why to write one, but also how to write a really good one.

But first , why does everyone hate writing cover letters so much?   After all, a cover letter gives you a unique opportunity to distinguish yourself from others.

In comparison with a resume, the cover letter allows you to provide details that didn’t fit in on your resume and demonstrate your passion.

All the negativity that surrounds the cover letter probably comes down to the fact that good cover letters require a bit of alchemy. They also take time to write.

This guide will help you avoid any mistakes and write a strong cover letter that will catch the recruiter’s attention. We also include cover letter examples.

Generally speaking, you want to make your cover letter:

  • easy to read for the recruiter;
  • well-structured;
  • max 4 paragraphs/1 page long;
  • professional in both tone and greetings;
  • tailored for the specific opening.

Let's get to it!

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

Why should you write a cover letter?

How do recruiters read cover letters, how to write a great cover letter in 9 simple steps.

  • What if you're told to NOT submit a cover letter? 

Final cover letter tips and hacks

Cover letter examples.

So, how exactly is the cover letter important for your job application? 

Some may argue that the cover letter in 2024 isn't really relevant anymore. In fact, one study stated that only 18 percent of hiring managers think cover letters are a key part of an application.

However, don’t get fooled by these statistics. While your resume may be considered more important during the hiring process, including a well-written cover letter can increase your chances of landing a job. 

For instance, 83% of hiring managers would be convinced by a really good cover letter — even if the resume wasn’t good enough, according to this study .

And there's more to it.

Some of the key advantages of the cover letter are:

  • It’s much less structured than the resume and lets you develop a story. 
  • It gives you space to get a little more creative. 
  • Your personality can shine through thanks to it.
  • You can elaborate on key achievements mentioned in your resume.
  • It helps explain a lack of experience, career change, or an employment gap.

In other words, the cover letter is a perfect chance to bridge the distance between you and a recruiter even before the actual job interview . 

Pro tip: Before writing a cover letter, make sure that you have a powerful resume that matches the job description. Because if your resume doesn’t fit a desired profile, your cover letter probably won’t get read at all. To learn more, you may want to check out our  Ultimate Resume Guide .

First, they read them to decide if you’re the right fit for a position. For this reason, avoid generic write-ups at all costs. What recruiters love to see is a short persuasive argument of why you fit the role and the company. Something like this: 

“I was happy to hear about this job opening from my former manager, Jane Anne. She and I have worked together on many projects throughout the years and she thought that I would be the perfect match for this position.“

Second, recruiters are looking for inconsistencies . For instance, if your resume shows attention to detail but your cover letter is addressed to the wrong person, wrong company, and is filled with typos, it's inconsistent. You want to ensure the number of inconsistencies is kept to a minimum.

Third, they're trying to get a hint of your personality . Cultural fit is important to many companies.

So, throughout the process of cover letter writing, it's essential to keep in mind the recruiter who's going to be the recipient of your letter. 

Because at the end of a day, a good cover letter shouldn't be solely about you — it's supposed to be written with the hiring manager in mind. 

So ask yourself:  

  • Is my cover letter easy to read?
  • Have I addressed the right person in the opening?  
  • Will it help them decide if I'm the right fit?
  • Did I use the right tone of voice that fits their company culture?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, our cover letter guide is exactly for you.

Writing a cover letter may seem like a challenging task at first but if you know a few key cover letter rules, the process can become much easier. 

Before you start writing your cover letter, find out more about the company you're applying for. Look at their website and LinkedIn . The research also includes looking at the job description very closely and identifying any recurring keywords. Also, search for specific cover letter examples for the role online.

Placed at the very beginning of your cover letter, the header is where you include your contact information (i.e. your full name, email address, phone number) and the company's contact information (i.e. the manager’s or recruiter’s name, job title, department, the name of the company, company’s address). 

When in doubt, try to use this formula: Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise.  The result can look something like this: 5 Ways I Can Help You Improve Your Company’s [insert a position-related keyword]

If the name of the hiring manager isn't written in the job posting, research their name and contact information online. For example, look at the company's page or LinkedIn. Then, greet them by saying "Dear [first name]" . If, however, the company culture is very formal, go for the classic "Dear Hiring Manager" .

The first paragraph is the perfect place to shortly explain why the job seems exciting to you and why you’re the right person for it .  You can also compliment the company or name a mutual acquaintance who referred you.

Try to answer these questions: 1. What did you do at a previous position that gave you relevant experience?  2. How could this experience help the new company grow? 3. Which of the projects you have worked on would benefit their business? 4. Which of your skills make you well-equipped for the position?  5. Do any of these skills give you an edge over other candidates?

The following questions should help you : What excites you about the idea of working at this company? How do the company goals align with your own? What do you hope to gain and learn from working there?

In the cover letter closing paragraph : reiterate that your experience and enthusiasm make you a great candidate, add a confident call to action, express gratitude, and always use a formal sign-off.

You can either attach the cover letter as a separate document in the email when sending your resume , or send it directly in the body of the email (that way they can't ignore it).

In the following chapters we look at each step more closely and include specific examples you can copy and paste.

Step 1: Prepare and do some research 

Knowledge is power. Before you begin writing:

  • Find out more about the company and the position you're applying for. Spend some time on the company’s website, its executives’ Twitter feeds, and employee profiles on LinkedIn. It will also help you decide on the tone of your cover letter. For example, if it’s a company like Kickresume , you can easily get away with more unusual approaches. But if it’s a conservative institution, like a bank or a lawyer's office, you should probably keep it formal.
  • Search for specific cover letter examples for your role online . Pick some examples that fit your role and use these for inspiration. (By the way, that link just now will take you to our database of successful cover letters from real people who got hired. Totally worth checking out.)
  • Look at the job descriptions of the roles you’re applying for . Identify major experience and hard skill keywords, so you can insert them in your letter in the relevant sections.

Once you've done this basic research, you can finally start thinking about the structure of your cover letter. 

This short infographic will show you that writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might have thought: 

Step 2: Include a header with basic info rmation

Placed at the very beginning of your cover letter, the header is the place where you should include your contact information and the contact information of the company. 

A cover letter is still a letter, after all. 

At the left side of the page include the information based on which you can be reached by the recruiter. 

Here, make sure to include: 

  • your full name
  • your email address
  • phone number

Optionally, you can also add:

  • your professional title
  • address (if it vaguely matches the location of the job offer)
  • current date
  • personal website/LinkedIn

The top right side of the page is reserved for company-related information. Here, you should put: 

  • the manager’s or recruiter’s name (if available)
  • job title 
  • the name of the company
  • company’s address

Not a fan of writing?

Our AI writer will write the first draft of your cover letter for you.

Step 3: Write a strong cover letter headline

When you’re browsing the web, what articles usually catch your attention? Those with great headlines, of course! 

The same applies to cover letter headlines.

Start by paying attention to the headlines around you — especially in tabloids and websites like Buzzfeed (Is Buzzfeed still a thing? How very 2010s of me). These are usually designed to stir up your interest and make it impossible to not click through. 

Notice how they use numbers, questions, and interesting adjectives to promise the reader to learn something valuable.

And you can do the same in your cover letter.

When in doubt, try to use this formula: Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise. 

The result can look something like this: 

  • 3 Reasons Why I’m An Excellent Fit For [Job Position]
  • Are You Still Looking To Fill The Position Of [Job Position]? This Is Why I Believe I’m Exactly Who You’re Looking For
  • 5 Ways I Can Help You Improve Your Company’s [insert a position-related keyword]

Finally, don’t forget to adjust your header to the company’s level of formality and put your headline in the subject of the email.

Step 4: Use the correct form of greeting

In this time and age, there’s no excuse for using “To Whom It May Concern.”  

If the name of the hiring manager isn't written in the job posting, you’re expected to research their name and contact information online. For example, look at the company's page or LinkedIn. 

Once you have their name, feel free to go for a personalized greeting: 

“Dear [first name]” or “Dear Mr./Mrs. [last name]” 

Honorifics (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms .) are more appropriate if the company’s culture is formal. 

And if you cannot find the recruiter’s name, it's okay to go for a generic: 

“Dear Hiring Manager”, or “Dear Recruitment Officer”

Alternatively, you can address the letter to the whole company team or the HR department. In this case, your greeting should look like this: 

“Dear [name of the company/department] Team” or “Dear Human Resources”

Step 5: First paragraph: Introduce yourself with a BANG!

The best way to start a cover letter is to open strong. The first impression matters the most and busy recruiters often have a chance to properly dive into only a few selected cover letters. 

So if you make your first paragraph captivating, chances are that your letter will be one of the lucky ones that actually end up being read. 

In fact, the first paragraph is the perfect place to shortly explain why the job seems exciting to you and why you’re the right person for it. 

While most people begin their letters with “I’m applying for the position X I saw in Y place,” it's a waste of space. 

Instead, open with a sentence like this:

“I’m a content marketing professional with more than 5 years of experience and I’d love to bring my ability and passion to your team.”

In the first paragraph, you can also:

  • Compliment the company. Show that you know details about the company and you’re approaching it for a reason. For example, demonstrate appreciation for what the company does. Not only will this flatter them, but it will also provide them with insight into who you are.
  • Name a mutual acquaintance if you can. This is sometimes called a “magic bullet,” as it’s the one thing that will assure the hiring manager reads your cover letter until the end. 

However, limit the introduction to 1-3 sentences. This isn’t the place to go into detail about what makes you ideal for the role — save that for the second and third paragraphs. 

Step 6: Second paragraph: Explain why you’re a great fit for the company

The second paragraph is the place where you should sell yourself and your experience.  

Here, write a short summary of your career, skills and accomplishments, tailored to fit what the company is looking for. 

You already did your research, so now it's time to ask yourself these questions and try to address them in your cover letter:

  • What did you do at a previous position that gave you relevant experience? 
  • How could this experience help the new company grow?
  • Which of the projects you have worked on would benefit their business?
  • Which of your skills make you well-equipped for the position? 
  • Do any of these skills give you an edge over other candidates?

After you’ve picked the most relevant accomplishments, put them at the start of your letter. 

However, when talking about them, avoid sounding like you’re bragging. The best way of doing this is to focus on your experiences rather than yourself . Ideally, support your claims with concrete examples.

Also, mention any other additional relevant hard skills or knowledge areas they’re looking for, as well as any qualifications.

Finally, the second paragraph is the perfect place for showing that you’ve done your research. Demonstrate that you’re familiar with some of the challenges that the company faces and present how you can help them.

Pro tip: Don’t simply repeat the same things you’ve already put on your resume. You want to go beyond that (this applies to every other section of your cover letter). 

Step 7: Third paragraph: Explain why the company is a great fit for you 

In this paragraph, you want to show that you’re serious about developing your career at this new company. And good companies want to know why they appeal to you and how will your professional relationship be mutually beneficial. 

Consider addressing the following questions:

  • What excites you about the idea of working at this company?
  • How do the company goals align with your own?
  • What do you hope to gain and learn from working there?

For example, you can say something like this: “I've seen on your website that you heavily focus on cryptocurrency projects. As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, I would love to join your team”.  

However, don’t go overboard with flattery and stay professional. 

Also, don’t say anything that isn't true or you don’t mean it, as it will probably come up again in the later stages of the application process.

Step 8: Closing paragraph: Finish strong and stay in touch

Now that you’ve nailed the main part of your cover letter, you also want to finish strong. This way, the recruiter will remember you in a good light. But how do you achieve that? 

  • Reiterate that your experience and enthusiasm make you a great candidate. This is to emphasize the two main points from the previous paragraphs. Do this in one or two sentences, not more. 
  • Add a confident call to action. In a sentence or two, you should suggest the next steps. Something like “ I would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value I can bring to [company]."
  • Express gratitude. Simply thank them for their time and for considering your application.
  • Always use a formal sign-off. Something like “ Sincerely , Best wishes , or Respectfully” . Finish by typing out your full name. 

Step 9: How do you send a cover letter?

I can’t stress this enough — unless it's specifically required to attach the cover letter to the body of the email,  consider not sending your cover letter as a document attached to your email. 

Instead, put it inside the body of the email . The email itself is now your cover letter! This way the recruiter won't ignore it.

However, remember that hiring managers receive hundreds of emails a day. So if you want your email to get read, it's the subject line that's likely to play the most important part. 

As we've advised before, if you have a good resume headline, simply put it in the email subject. 

However, if you’re unhappy with the result, you have other options, too. 

For instance, if you have a reference, include it already in your email subject line: 

Referral from Jose Nachos: Pedro Tacos, candidate for a senior software analyst position

If you don't have a reference or a catchy headline, check out more tips on how to write the best subject line for your email .

Finished writing your cover letter?

Make it stand out with an eye-catching design.

What if you're told to NOT submit a cover letter? 

Today, many companies are using online application systems that discourage applicants from attaching a cover letter. 

Instead, they have their own application systems where in different sections you're required to fill in the information you would normally place in your cover letter.  

If this is the case, just work with the format they gave you.

In other words, include the same information that you'd normally have in your cover letter but place it in the correct sections. 

And don’t forget to follow the cover letter principles: 

  • explain why you're the right candidate;
  • make it clear that you've researched the company well;
  • indicate in what way you'd be an asset;
  • mention your biggest past achievements.

Because no matter the format, you're still expected to present your skills and convey enthusiasm about the job.

Alternatively, you can also try to find a relevant manager or a recruiter online (either on the company pages or LinkedIn) to whom you can send a brief follow-up email with an attached cover letter. 

Now that we've covered the basics, there are several other tips that you should keep in mind to elevate your cover letter to the next level: 

  • Keep it short. Limit your cover letter to three to four paragraphs and a maximum of one page. Hiring managers are busy people who often don't have time for reading long texts.
  • Keep it clean and easy on the eye. Take a look at how this article is written. It’s replete with short paragraphs, sentences typed in bold letters, bullet points, and numbers. All of these make reading and searching for specific information easier. So, never send a letter that looks like an unreadable wall of text. The easiest way to achieve a sleek cover letter design is to use a pre-formatted cover letter template . 
  • Don’t risk being funny if it ’ s a company with a formal work culture. Poorly executed humor will hurt your chances rather than help. Being direct and dynamic is a much surer way to catch the recruiter’s attention than a number of jokes. On the other, if the company is smaller or known for its creative products, being original may in fact help your chances! 
  • Show, don’t tell. Usually, there’s no point in saying you’re “a dependable hard worker” or “a creative thinker.” Why should anyone believe such generic statements? Instead, offer an example of how these qualities helped you achieve something in the past.
  • Never write the same letter twice. A cover letter should always be tailored to a specific job application. Remember the previous sections? You’ve made a great effort to research the company and its hiring managers, so you’ve written your cover letter accordingly. This is a process you need to repeat with every application (ugh, I know). 
  • Check for typos. This goes without saying but make 100% sure your cover letter is without typos. There’s no reason to believe you're competent if you can't even type without errors. Moreover, typos automatically reveal almost criminal carelessness on your part, since every text editor nowadays has a spellchecking feature. 
  • Don't use any buzzwords. Your cover letter needs to be authentic and persuasive — and buzzwords are neither. If anything, they simply give the impression of you being someone who's just trying to fit a skewed idea of what an ideal corporate employee should be. Instead, focus on using relevant keywords from job descriptions.

Now, if you have no experience yet because you're just starting out or you're changing careers, writing a cover letter can be scary. However, a well-written letter can actually be your best friend.

And this is how you write the perfect cover letter with no experience .

In the end, there are many different ways to write a great cover letter. And even if you follow the cover letter guide above, you’ll end up with a cover letter that's invariably your own. 

It all depends on your own personality, the position you’re applying for, and the hiring manager’s preferences. 

And that's good, actually! 

Still, there's a lot to learn from cover letters written by other people. That's why we've selected five cover letter samples that deserve your attention. 

Each of these helped real job seekers find real jobs in real companies. They'll teach you valuable lessons you can use in your own cover letter.

1. Norwegian — Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

2. Volvo — Machine Learning Intern Cover Letter Example

3. tory burch — account executive cover letter example, 4. lush — sales associate cover letter example, 5. romeo — social media officer cover letter example.

Do you still need some more inspiration? You can find more examples in our cover letter library

FAQ: How to write a cover letter

250 to 400 words is the standard cover letter length range. A cover letter should never exceed one page.

Yes! Show that you can go that extra mile and stand out from the crowd of applicants.

Ideally, use a pre-formatted cover letter template. Then use a simple and professional font, such as Times New Roman. The font size should be between 10-12.

If you have the name of the hiring manager, try to find their contact on the company page or LinkedIn. If you still can't find the right person, you can address it to the whole team or HR.

This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Martin Poduska in 201 7.

Kaja Jurcisinova is a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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How to Write a Cover Letter – Template and 9 Expert Tips

July 19, 2024

how to write a cover letter template

If you’re applying for a job, you’ll most likely need to prepare a polished résumé, to practice common interview questions , to request recommendations and references , and to write a cover letter. There are many types of cover letters out there. These include the application cover letter, the prospecting cover letter, and the career change cover letter. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common: the application cover letter, which is what you’ll need when trying to secure a new job (usually for a currently open position). Below, we’ll recommend how to write a cover letter (including how to end a cover letter) and provide a cover letter template to help you get started!

If you like our template and tips you may also want to view our 3 Great Cover Letter Examples for Any Job .

While we can provide a cover letter template to serve as a skeleton for your writing, you’ll need to flesh out your work with important details that are relevant to you, your experiences, and the prospective job at hand. As you begin drafting these details, it’s important to remember a few essential moves that are crucial as you learn how to write a cover letter:

1) Do your research

Before you send a cover letter to an employer, it’s imperative that you have a thorough understanding of the position you’re applying for , the job’s expectations and requirements, your future role within the hierarchy of the workplace, and the overall company culture. Knowledge of these items will help you determine which of your relevant skills and accolades you should include in your letter, the person or people to whom you should address your writing, and the tone and style of your cover letter. It will also help you decide what to leave out of your cover letter. Remember to only stick to items that are relevant to the position at hand!

2) Make particular connections

Use specificity when listing your accomplishments and describing your goals. Just as importantly, describe how you as a candidate are uniquely positioned to fill this position successfully. For instance, a general and less-connected sentence might say, “I have strong leadership skills.” But a detailed, job-specific sentence might be, “As a project manager for Waterscapes, I oversaw a team of twelve employees working on the development and implementation of River Clean Up 2024, which reduced plastic waste in our local water systems by 27%. This experience will inform my future work with your company as an Assistant Director of Eco-Initiatives.”

Think of each sentence as an opportunity to illustrate potential links between your previous work and your future career. Just like answering a “ tell me about yourself ” question in an interview, this is a moment to describe your past, present, and now your future in your hoped-for job.

How to Write a Cover Letter – Cover Letter Template (Continued)

3) add well-considered details.

Does your prospective job’s company have a strong online presence? Does your future employer have a LinkedIn profile that lists publications, affiliations, or specific awards and accolades? Do you have a personal connection with your employer or someone important at the company? If so, now is the time to utilize some of your social capital and make mention of these items. Doing so adds a personal touch and makes your cover letter more memorable. It also demonstrates your willingness to research and promote the company’s culture.

For instance, if you’re applying for a position at a language-learning app company and their motto is, “Communication for All,” this specific phrase could be used as you describe your passion for making language-learning accessible, regardless of the student’s background or income.

4) Be professional

Depending on the job for which you’re applying, your overall cover letter tone may vary. If you’re applying for a job as a copywriter for a quirky astrology start-up, you might be able to include fun details about horoscopes in your cover letter. If, on the other hand, it’s a position for a tenure-track professor job at a top research university, your tone will be much more formal and will include particulars about your contributions to the field.

Regardless of the job, you should always utilize a professional font (no Comic Sans!) and clear letterhead for readability to convey your seriousness about the position. You should also always try to convey sincerity in your writing. Additionally, make sure your reader knows you really want this job and will do your best at it if you’re hired.

5) Be confident!

Now is not the time to focus on your professional faults or limitations. Now is the time to promote yourself with abandon. Focus on your relevant work experience, your strengths, your accolades, and your willingness to learn and grow in this new job.

6) Brainstorm and draft

Do not rush your cover letter! This is a professional genre of communication that signifies your intentions to advance your career. It should be treated as a formal record of your employment history. As such, spend time cultivating your writing and trimming it so that it is rich, informative, candid and attractive.

Drafting also includes editing details like spelling and grammar checks – it has long been established that simple errors and problems with writing organization can cause employers to not take your work seriously. [i] Other small details can indicate your level of seriousness about yourself and this work. [ii] For instance, if you have a personal email address like “ [email protected] , you may want to think of creating and using a separate email address that is a little more professional, like “ [email protected] .”

7) Be direct

At all points in your cover letter, it’s essential to start with the punchline. Studies have demonstrated that readers and listeners often retain the first sentence of a paragraph or presentation before their attention starts to wane. [iii] As such, beginning with your main point and following with examples to support that point is the best way to grab your reader’s attention and ensure they fully absorb your meaning.

8) Pay attention to length

How long should a cover letter be? In most cases, a cover letter should not exceed one page of single-spaced writing (about 250 to 400 words, max). Remember that your prospective employer may be reading dozens of cover letters. He or she will probably not have the time nor inclination to read an unnecessarily long cover letter.

9) Finish on a promising note

As you consider how to end a cover letter, it’s important to focus on positivity and continuing dialogue with your prospective employer. Gesture toward future communication with closings like, “I look forward to your response,” or “I look forward to sharing more with you about my previous experience and qualifications for this position.”

Is it okay for me to use this cover letter template?

As you sit down to brainstorm how to write a cover letter, you may be wondering: How can I be original if I’m using a template? Aren’t I just copying what someone else has written? In short, the answer is: you can definitely use a cover letter template because templates are simply great starting points! You aren’t copying the content of the cover letter template. Rather, you are using the frame of the cover letter template to create your own original writing.

Templates are generative, meaning they are simply a beginning or prompt for your own writing and ideas to grow and flourish. Templates help you make writing moves you might not have otherwise considered. In the case of a cover letter template, using a model can be inspirational, helping you remember important details about your résumé and other job-related skills you may have forgotten. Finally, templates can combat writer’s block and help you organize your ideas into a coherent cover letter. Ultimately, “the aim of templates is not to stifle critical thinking but to…be direct about the key rhetorical moves” necessary for a piece of writing. [iv]

Below, you’ll find a cover letter template to get you started. Good luck!

Cover Letter Template

[ Your name ]

[ Your phone number ]

[E mail address ]

[ Optional: Your mailing address – you usually only need to include this if it’s a printed cover letter or if the employer will not be contacting you via email or phone. ]

Dear [ specific title and name of application recipient ],

As a [ your professional title ] with [ number ] years’ experience in [ field ], I am applying for the position of [ job title ]. To this position, I would bring [ highlight the 1-3 most important ways you will bring your specific skills to this job to benefit, develop, and serve the company or employer ].

[Body Paragraph 1: Using the skills you mention at the beginning of the letter, find 1-2 relevant, concrete examples from your previous work experiences to demonstrate how you’ll be a good fit for this new job ].

Because of [ skill or experience listed in first paragraph ], I can facilitate [ your company ] with [ specific requirement listed in the job description ]. Furthermore, my previous work with [ specific skill ] can additionally help [ specific job requirement ].

[Body Paragraph 2: Using the skills or experiences mentioned at the beginning of the letter, demonstrate how your current work will make you a good candidate for this job .]

In my current position as [ job title ] at [ current place of work ], I [ list specific responsibility with detail ] and am eager to continue to grow professionally at [ your company ] with [ similar work that will be required at this new job ]. At [ your company ], [ insert specific detail about the company culture, job requirements, or general news about the company ], I am eager to use my current skills as a [ insert your experience ] to help expand this work.

[Body Paragraph 3: Using the skills and experiences mentioned at the beginning of the letter, demonstrate how you hope to grow as a worker in this new position ].

I have always seen myself as a [ particular job title or responsibility ] and to be afforded the opportunity to do so at a company as prestigious as [ company name ], will let me develop [ specific professional skills ] while promoting the company’s mission to [ include part of the company’s mission ].

I am available to answer any questions you may have about my résumé or previous work experiences. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.

[ Your Name ]

How to Write a Cover Letter with Template – Works Cited

  • [i] McDowell, Earl E. “Perceptions of the Ideal Cover Letter and Ideal Resume,” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. Volume 17, Issue 2, April 1987.
  • [ii] Martin-Lacroux, Christelle, and Alain Lacroux. “Do Employers Forgive Bad Spelling in Resumes?” Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, Volume 80, Issue 3. 26 October 2016.
  • [iii] Garner, Joanna K. and Michael P. Alley. “How the design of presentation slides affects audience comprehension: A case for the assertion-evidence approach,”  International Journal of Engineering Education . Vol. 29, Issue 6, 2013.
  • [iv] Graff, Gerard, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing . W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2006.

How to Write a Cover Letter with Template – Additional Resources

  • How to Send a Condolence Message for a Coworker (with Samples)
  • 25 High Paying Work from Home Jobs 
  • How to Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting
  • How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” with Examples
  • Resignation Letter Samples
  • 25 Job Interview Questions and Answers 

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Jamie Smith

For the past decade, Jamie has taught writing and English literature at several universities, including Boston College, the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University. She earned a Ph.D. in English from Carnegie Mellon, where she currently teaches courses and conducts research on composition, public writing, and British literature.

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Is a Cover Letter Necessary to Apply for a Job?

When You Need to Submit a Cover Letter With a Resume

do you always need to write a cover letter

(Almost) Always Send a Cover Letter

When not to send a cover letter, cover letter writing tips, how to format the letter, proofread and test before you submit.

Do you really need a cover letter when you apply for jobs? You might wonder whether you can get by with just a resume — particularly if the company doesn't specifically  request or require a cover letter .

It's only natural to wonder if a cover letter is necessary. After all, writing cover letters can be a time-consuming and challenging task. If there's an option to skip the labor involved in writing one, it's tempting.

But in most cases, and particularly when the overall job market or your specific industry is competitive, a cover letter will help your candidacy. Done right, your letter will highlight your most relevant  skills and qualifications  for the job, making you stand out in a sea of applicants.

Your cover letter is a good way to show an employer what you want them to know about you, without the hiring manager having to figure it out themselves from your resume.

Many career experts agree that sending a cover letter is almost always the best decision. 

Use Your Letter to Make a Match

For instance, Susan Heathfield , a human resources expert, says, "Your cover letter is particularly important. It's the job searcher's opportunity to help the potential employer see that the applicant's skills and experience match what the employer seeks. A well-written cover letter distinguishes your application."

Show Why You're a Strong Candidate

A cover letter can make a good impression on a prospective employer and is an excellent way to show that employer why you are a strong candidate for the job.  Resumes are helpful for giving an overview of your career , but a cover letter can tell a story about specific, relevant experience. They're also a chance to  show off your personality .

Explain Potential Issues

Cover letters also provide a useful way to explain away any potential concerns the employer might have about your candidacy, such as  gaps in your employment  or the fact that you will need to relocate for the job.

Make the Case for Your Candidacy

A cover letter allows you to write a compelling case for your candidacy. Why would you want to skip this opportunity? Even if a job application does not require a cover letter, you can send one anyway.

Often, employers expect a cover letter even if they do not directly ask for one. Sending one, particularly when it is not required, demonstrates that you are a motivated candidate.

Cover letters allow you—in narrative form—to tell the employer exactly why hiring you, instead of the numerous other candidates, is a good decision.

If you're applying online for a job and there is no way to upload or post a cover letter, don't worry about it. You don't need one.

When the employer specifically states what they want in a job application (resume, references, etc.), you don't have to write a cover letter if it is not included on the employer's list.

However, you may want to include an abbreviated  email cover letter  if there’s space to do so. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your pitch and impress the hiring manager.

Make sure your cover letter is a good one.  While a well-written cover letter may increase your chances of getting an interview, the opposite is also true. A poorly written cover letter will likely cause an employer to reject your application. Therefore, only send one if you have the time to write a clear, concise, and professional letter that makes a strong sales pitch for getting an interview.

Write a  targeted cover letter  that specifically relates your experience to the job posting.  Keep it short and sweet — aim for three to five paragraphs — with each paragraph focusing on an aspect of your candidacy. Read the job description carefully, so you can make sure your  cover letter really speaks to the requested qualifications . Bottom line, you want to make it clear why you'd be beneficial to the company in the position.

Review cover letter samples.  Before you start, look at some  cover letter examples  to get ideas for your own letters. While you don’t want to copy samples, reading them helps reveal what kind of tone is appropriate. Plus, you might discover a better way to emphasize your experience.

Format your cover letter correctly.  Familiarize yourself with  cover lettering formatting guidelines  and make sure that your materials meet these standards. Hiring managers will notice if you don’t follow these rules.

You want your experience to stand out, not your formatting or style choices. Keep it simple and let your skills shine through.

Be sure to edit your cover letter thoroughly. Typos and grammatical errors will demonstrate a sloppy work ethic to the employer. Review proofreading tips to remind yourself of what to watch out for. A few examples of common cover letter typos and mistakes: misspelled names of companies or interviewers, incorrect addresses, and inconsistent verb tenses and/or punctuation.

When you’re finished reviewing your final document, have a friend take a look as well. A fresh set of eyes may catch mistakes that you’re no longer able to see. Even the smallest error can work against you during the job application process, so take the time to get it right. 

Hans Schumann - Executive Career & Life Coach in London

How to Craft a Stand-Out CV Cover Letter 

19/07/2024 by Hans Schumann

CV Cover Letter

I am often asked whether you still need to write a cover letter to accompany your CV.  It sounds like something from the last millennium. Do people even read them? 

Hard-copy CV cover letters are indeed outdated, but could they still be relevant in their new digital form as cover emails?  Today’s reality is that CV cover letters may not always be read by the person who matters, and online applications often don’t allow you to include a cover letter anyway. So, should you even bother crafting one?

The Recruiter’s Take on CV Cover Letters

As part of my research for this article, I asked several recruiters about the pros and cons of CV cover letters. I was surprised to hear that none of them advised their clients to request them from candidates. Caroline Whiley of recruitment technology company Hireful prefers not to make candidates go through too many hoops to apply for a job. She believes that the days when companies had the upper hand in the job markets are long gone. These days, she says, candidates will readily walk away from a process that is too long-winded. 

But even in markets where competition for roles is high, some recruiters advise against using cover letters. A recruiter in the legal market told me he couldn’t remember the last time he worked with a law firm that required a cover letter. His take is that everything that needs saying should be included in a CV, as employers don’t have the time to read cover letters.

Yet Caroline Whiley also confirmed that some employers still ask for CV cover letters, particularly organisations in the public or non-profit sectors. Where this Is the case, it becomes irrelevant whether you agree that CV cover letters are helpful. You will need to submit one.

do you always need to write a cover letter

My Own Take on CV Cover Letters

As a career coach , I have another angle to this conversation. If you really want a job, why would you not leverage every tool available to make your application stand out, even if there is a chance that your cover letter may not be read? This is particularly relevant to my clients who want to change careers and apply for a job that does not match their current experience. In this situation, your application needs a bit more explanation around why you want the job and why you would be a great candidate, even though your CV is not spot on for the job you are applying for.  A cover letter is a great way to share this information.

Last but not least, it would look odd to attach your CV to a blank email. So, you will need to say something in the cover email, and you can just as well make it meaningful.

What is the Purpose of a CV Cover Letter?

A CV cover letter is your first chance to make a strong impression. Think of it as your personal pitch. While your CV lists your experiences and skills, your cover letter is where you aim to talk directly to the hiring manager and grab their attention. Show them the person behind the CV, highlighting your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the role you are applying for.

First impressions matter immensely. Recruiters often have stacks of applications to go through, and a compelling cover letter can make the difference between your CV getting a closer look or being tossed aside. It’s your opportunity to highlight how your background, skills, and interests align with the job and the company culture. This personalised introduction sets the stage for your CV and can spark the recruiter’s interest to learn more about you.

Moreover, a cover letter allows you to explain your interest in the position and the company in a way that your CV cannot. It shows that you’ve done your homework, understand what the company stands for, and believe you can contribute to its goals. This proactive approach can significantly boost your chances of landing an interview.

I have set out an example of a good CV cover letter at the bottom of this article.

Understanding the Difference Between a Cover Letter and a Personal Statement

It’s easy to confuse the personal statement on your CV with what should go into a cover letter. They’re not the same. Your CV’s personal statement, sometimes called a personal profile or executive summary, is a brief section at the top of your CV or LinkedIn profile that summarises who you are professionally. It’s a snapshot of your professional identity and capabilities.

On the other hand, a cover letter is a separate document that goes into more detail about why you are interested in the position and how your experiences and skills make you a good fit. This is your chance to tell a story that your CV can’t convey on its own, providing context to your achievements and career choices. Importantly, avoid repeating what’s already in your personal statement. Instead, use the cover letter to expand on points briefly mentioned in your CV and share new insights about your qualifications.

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

Crafting an effective cover letter means more than just summarising your CV. It should include a personalised greeting, an engaging opening paragraph, a clear outline of why you’re the right fit for the job, and a strong closing statement. Here’s how to do it:

  • Tailor Your Letter : Generic cover letters are easy to spot. Tailor your cover letter to each job application by mentioning specific aspects of the company and how your skills can help achieve their goals.
  • Tone and Format : Keep your tone professional yet approachable. The format should be clean and easy to read, typically not exceeding one page.
  • Essential Elements : Always include a thank you to the recipient for considering your application. Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and end with a call to action, like expressing your eagerness to discuss your application in an interview.

Starting Strong: The Opening Lines

The opening lines of your cover letter can determine whether the hiring manager reads on or not. Start with a strong, engaging introduction that piques interest. Personalise the greeting by using the hiring manager’s name, if possible, and avoid overused openings like “I am writing to apply for…” Instead, open with something dynamic and specific to the role or company, such as “I was excited to see your opening for [position] because…”

Showcasing Your Fit for the Role

Link your professional experiences and achievements directly to what the job posting asks for. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you’ve used the required skills in past roles. Show enthusiasm for the position and explain why working at the company appeals to you personally and professionally.

Concluding Your Cover Letter on a High Note

End your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the role and stating that you’d welcome the chance to discuss how your experiences align with the company’s needs. Politely prompt the hiring manager to action, suggesting a follow-up call or meeting.

Keep it Short

All of this may sound like a lot to cover, but you will still need to keep it short, ideally not more than one page.  This means using just one or two sentences to cover each point.

Proofreading and Sending Your Cover Letter

Before sending your cover letter, double-check for any spelling or grammar mistakes—these can be a major turnoff for recruiters. Send your cover letter in a professional format, either as a PDF attachment or directly in the email body, depending on the company’s submission guidelines. Follow up a week after sending your application to keep the line of communication open.

Wrapping it All Up

Investing time in crafting a thoughtful, well-written cover letter can significantly enhance your job application. Remember, a cover letter is your chance to make a personal connection with the hiring manager and stand out from other candidates. Make it count by being clear, concise, and focused on how you can contribute to the company. Check out the example CV cover letter at the bottom of this article.

You Don’t Have to do it Alone

Many of my clients invest in working with me to help them create and thrive in careers they love. Among other topics, I routinely assist them with their job search, including writing CVs, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and in interview training.  

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in further guidance or support for your job hunt. As a career and leadership coach, I’m here to help you succeed. You can book a free Discovery Call here .

Good luck with your job hunt!

My other job-hunting articles

  • How to write a CV
  • How to write a Personal Statement
  • How to prepare for an interview


This example cover letter effectively introduces the candidate, highlights their relevant experience and achievements, shows knowledge of the company and expresses enthusiasm for the position. It is concise, well-structured and tailored specifically to the job and company. Dear [Name],

I was excited to read that you are recruiting a Marketing Manager at [Company Name]. It sounds like just the opportunity I have been looking for.

I am a marketing manager with 10 years’ experience in developing and executing successful strategic marketing campaigns for various industries, and a passion for innovative marketing solutions.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I spearheaded a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that increased our online engagement by 45% and boosted lead generation by 30% within the first six months. By leveraging data analytics and consumer insights, I was able to optimise our campaigns and achieve a 20% reduction in customer acquisition costs. My hands-on experience with SEO, content marketing and social media management has equipped me with the skills necessary to drive brand awareness and foster customer loyalty for [Company Name].

What excites me most about [Company Name] is your commitment to innovation and your focus on creating value-driven experiences for your customers. I was particularly impressed by your recent campaign on [specific campaign or project], which showcased your ability to connect with your audience in a meaningful way. I would feel inspired to work with such a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation.  

At [Previous Company], I also had the opportunity to lead cross-functional teams and collaborate closely with sales, product development and design departments. This collaborative approach ensured that our marketing initiatives were aligned with overall business objectives and resulted in a cohesive brand message across all channels.

I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss how my strategic mindset, coupled with my creative approach to problem-solving, could contribute to your team and company objectives.

Thank you for considering my application. Please find my resume attached for your review.

Kind regards,

[LinkedIn Profile] (if applicable)

[Portfolio/Website] (if applicable)

' src=

About Hans Schumann

Hans Schumann is an Executive Career & Life Coach in London , with a background in law and financial services. A serious health crisis with an autoimmune disease, which was triggered by a burnout, made him housebound for almost two years and prompted him to re-evaluate his life. He decided to leave the golden cage of corporate life and reconnect to his passion for personal growth.

He now helps executives, professionals and business owners create and thrive in lives they truly love. Most of his clients are in established careers, but at a point where they are ready to up their game and create deeper fulfilment and greater success. For some of them that’s about changing or progressing in their career. For others it’s about becoming more effective in what they already do, growing as leaders or creating a more balanced lifestyle.

Hans works on a wide range of topics, such as career change, life planning, personal effectiveness, confidence, stress management and leadership skills.

His services include: 

Life Coaching Career Coaching Executive Coaching   Confidence Coaching Stress Coaching Enneagram Coaching

Hans is also the author of the self-coaching book: “Falling in Love With Your Job” , available on Amazon.

Hans Schumann Coaching

“Let’s get started! Request a FREE Discovery Call to discuss your personal goals and challenges.”


Hans Schumann offers  Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching,   Stress Coaching .  and Enneagram Coachin g. He works on a wide range of topics, such as career change, life planning, personal effectiveness, confidence, stress management and leadership skills.

Hans Schumann Coaching – 13 St Luke’s Avenue, Clapham, London SW4 7LG

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Business | working strategies: are we done with cover letters.

do you always need to write a cover letter

If you’re looking for a way to become confused in record time, I have you covered. With a cover letter, that is. Here’s what you do: Type into your favorite web browser, “Are cover letters necessary” and get ready for that head-spinning sensation that comes with multiple conflicting answers.

Or, skip the confusion and just believe me: Yes, cover letters are necessary.

Despite the surveys stating many employers ignore them, or that fewer than half of candidates send them (which I find head-spinning in itself), or even the polls showing that recent hires were the ones who did send letters … despite all the information out there, I default to a simple tie-breaking question: Why wouldn’t you write a letter?

It’s not as if recruiters are going to throw out your application because you included a letter. They’ll just decline to read it. But what if someone does want a letter and you didn’t use one? That’s not a chance you’ll get back.

So send a letter and stop worrying about whether you “need” to. Do it because some people want a letter and you don’t know which ones they are. It’s cheap insurance, and if you set up a system, it doesn’t need to take very long.

If you’re interested in such a system, you won’t be surprised to learn it involves templates. You just need a few models that you can modify for different purposes. Here are three that I commonly use as starting points.

• Template one simply acknowledges that you’re sending materials. It would usually be sent in the body of your email:

I have attached my résumé in response to your posting for a ____. Thank you in advance for considering me; I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this position in the near future.

• Template two is more detailed and more customized to the position. This model is best used for situations in which you fit requested criteria fairly well, eliminating the need to explain very much.

As a ______ with __ years of experience, I was very excited to see your posting for a ___. In reviewing your needs, I see that my skills match the required criteria. I also have a number of additional strengths and work experiences that would be helpful.

My résumé contains more details, but here are the highlights of what I could offer in this role:

(Include four or five bullets with short sentences or phrases noting your main assets for the job. You can also incorporate some of the key words from their posting – but don’t copy and paste whole phrases.)

I would be interested in discussing this opportunity further, and look forward to talking with you soon.

• Template three is nearly entirely customized, which makes the use of boilerplate paragraphs an important time-saver. Despite this apparent oxymoron, you’ll see that customizing boilerplates is usually easier than writing a fresh letter each time.

As an admirer of XYZ Corporation (any warm opening can be used, including a reference to a mutual contact, or perhaps acknowledgement of the company’s success) I’m delighted to respond to your posting for a ___ ( or) I’m interested in talking with you about current or future needs for a ____.)

With in-depth experience as a ____ and additional strengths in ___ and ___, I can make solid contributions in this position. As you’ll see from my résumé, my background includes ____, which has brought me in frequent contact with your company (or some other information that connects you to the company or field) . My contacts in the field and my understanding of related regulations (or whatever your key strengths are) will let me make an immediate contribution in your department.

I’m especially proud of my ability to ____. For example, in my current role, I… (drop in a boilerplate story or a few sentences with metrics or other successes from current or past work).

XYZ Corporation is an excellent organization (saying something positive about the company makes a nice conclusion) and I would be very interested in discussing how I could add to your continued success. I look forward to talking with you soon.

Amy Lindgren owns a career consulting firm in St. Paul. She can be reached at [email protected] .

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‘I Am Running and We’re Going to Win,’ Biden Says in Michigan

An energized President Biden delivered a fiery speech in the key battleground state, forcefully attacking his rival, Donald J. Trump, as he tried to stem concerns about his ability to run and win in November.

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do you always need to write a cover letter

Maggie Haberman

Biden attacked Trump and took shots at the media. Here’s the latest.

Doing his best to push back against doubts about his stamina and health, President Biden delivered a fiery and forceful speech at a rally in Michigan on Friday night, railing against Donald J. Trump and the news media amid continued pressure from fellow Democrats to step aside for a younger candidate.

Mr. Biden, who has confronted criticism from members of his own party since his abysmal debate performance against Mr. Trump at the end of June, zeroed in on Mr. Trump’s criminal conviction, his various indictments and even the civil case in which he was found liable of sexually abusing a New York writer .

The crowd in Detroit raved over his performance. “Don’t go, Joe,” they chanted at one point. “Let’s get this done!” Mr. Biden shouted.

Here’s what else to know:

Making his case: “Hopefully with age comes a little wisdom,” Mr. Biden told the crowd in Michigan on Friday, adding that he knew “how to do this job.” He also homed in on Project 2025 , a collection of personnel and policy initiatives prepared by a network of conservative think tanks ahead of a Republican presidential administration. He will travel to his beach home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., after the campaign stop.

Donors freeze cash: Some major Democratic donors told the largest pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, that they were freezing roughly $90 million in pledged donations as long as President Biden was atop the ticket, according to two people briefed on the conversations who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation.

Missing in Michigan: He was met by House Democrats, state lawmakers, union leaders and the award-winning actress Octavia Spencer when he arrived in Michigan on Friday. But the state’s highest profile Democrats — like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters — were not at his side . While all of them have been supportive of the president, they were also all otherwise occupied.

Thursday’s news conference: More than 23 million people tuned in on major television networks on Thursday to watch Mr. Biden’s nearly hourlong appearance, according to Nielsen data — a very high number for a news program. His handling of the event did not seem to worsen Democrats’ fears about his viability, but it also did not silence the calls for him to drop out.

Democratic defections: After he was done speaking on Thursday, three more House Democrats urged Mr. Biden to end his campaign, and Representative Mike Levin of California added his voice to those calls on Friday. Nearly 20 congressional Democrats have now done so.

Standing by him: The president delivered a competent presentation on Thursday, and his performance in the unscripted setting heartened some of his supporters. One of his key allies, Representative James E. Clyburn, said on Friday that the party should stop talking about whether the president is fit to run and respect his decision to stay in the race. If he stepped aside, Mr. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina, said he would “absolutely” endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee.

Trump’s V.P. pick: The former president said in a radio interview that he would prefer to announce who his running mate will be during the Republican National Convention “or just slightly before the convention, like Monday,” which is the day the convention begins. He appears to be giving more weight to political calculations in his selection.

Chris Cameron , Michael Gold , Shane Goldmacher , Michael M. Grynbaum and Nicholas Nehamas contributed reporting.

Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien

In an email to members, the Movement Voter Project — a political action committee that supports grassroots progressives and Democrats — said it would be joining the chorus of donor groups asking Biden to step aside. The PAC, surveying its grassroots partners, found that 74 percent of its respondents wanted another candidate — a rebuttal of the president’s claim that only “elites” were trying to push him out.

The PAC also confirmed it would support Next Generation PAC , which was aiming to raise $100 million for a top-ticket replacement to Biden.

Rebecca Davis O’Brien

Rebecca Davis O’Brien

Kennedy sent an apologetic text to a woman who accused him of sexual assault.

The independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. privately apologized last week to a woman who accused him of sexual assault in a recent magazine article, The Washington Post reported on Friday .

The woman, Eliza Cooney, now 48, had worked for Mr. Kennedy’s family as a weekend babysitter in her early 20s, the year she graduated from college, and at the same time was an intern at his environmental legal clinic at Pace Law School in White Plains, N.Y. In an article in Vanity Fair last week, she said Mr. Kennedy made unwanted sexual advances toward her while she was at his family home in the late 1990s, including by groping her in a pantry.

Ms. Cooney told The Post that Mr. Kennedy had called her twice on July 3 of this year, after the Vanity Fair article had run, and then sent her two text messages, which she also showed to The New York Times.

“I hope you are well,” he wrote in the first message. “Please call me if you have a moment.”

In the second, sent shortly after midnight, he wrote: “I read your description of an episode in which I touched you in an unwanted manner. I have no memory of this incident, but I apologize sincerely for anything I ever did that made you feel uncomfortable or anything I did or said that offended you or hurt your feelings.”

He said he hoped she would be willing to speak to him over the phone or in person.

Mr. Kennedy declined to comment on the messages or on Ms. Cooney’s allegations. In a podcast interview last week, after the Vanity Fair article came out, he declined to address her allegations but said he was not a “church boy.” He added, “I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote, I could run for king of the world.”

Ms. Cooney did not respond to his outreach, and did not welcome it, she told The Times. “Sending a text at 12:33 a.m. is not considering his actions’ effects on someone else — me,” she said. “At that time, on Fourth of July weekend, the last thing I wanted to do was talk to him.”

She added: “He claims to have no memory of not one, not two, but three examples of his predatory behavior. He expects a societal pass and forgiveness for saying that he’s ‘no church boy.’ I have paid the cost for his sexual misconduct for decades.”

The fall after she graduated from college in 1998, Ms. Cooney said, she moved in with Mr. Kennedy’s family, in the home in Mount Kisco, N.Y., that he shared with his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, and their children. Ms. Cooney was a weekend babysitter — the Kennedys had three children then (a fourth was born later) — and she worked as an intern in his law clinic at Pace.

Soon after she started working for the family, Ms. Cooney was sitting in the house’s kitchen with Mr. Kennedy and a volunteer for Riverkeeper — the environmental organization that Mr. Kennedy led — when she recalled feeling Mr. Kennedy move his hand up and down her leg underneath the table. She moved her leg away from his hand, she said. Later, she told the volunteer about the episode and wrote about it in her journal, she said.

Another time, she said, Mr. Kennedy came into her room shirtless and asked her to rub lotion on his back.

Ms. Cooney also described an incident when she was alone at the house with Mr. Kennedy. After she had gone into the kitchen pantry, she recounted, he came in behind her and put his hands on her backside, drawing them up along the sides of her body and along the sports bra she was wearing.

A few months later, after less than a year as the family’s babysitter, she moved out of the house.


Michael D. Shear

Michael D. Shear

Here is the challenge for Biden: This can’t be a one-night thing. He has to do these kinds of rallies again and again, sometimes two or three times in a single day. He needs to do them on weekends, not spending time at his beach house. And he needs to do them for the next four months.

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Biden has finished with the crowd screaming and cheering. That was a remarkably more energized and forceful performance than I’ve seen from Biden or his audiences in months.

Biden has been speaking for more than 35 minutes. His normal stump speeches are closer to 15 or 20 minutes — an indication that he is trying to show the stamina demanded by many Democrats.

The number of people who watch this speech will be far, far fewer than the number that watched the debate or even Biden’s news conference last night. But some Democrats on Capitol Hill are texting that this performance is reassuring.

This is the most forceful Biden has been since his State of the Union speech, one that largely quelled Democrats’ concerns about the his age at the time, but which was many months before the debate.

Biden seemed to almost repeat a stumble he made at the debate, nearly saying that he had “taken on” Medicare when he meant Big Pharma.

Biden turns to Project 2025, the effort to focus on policy and personnel for a next Republican administration, which several former Trump advisers are involved with and which the Biden team has discovered is an easy catchall for all of the radical plans Trump himself is proposing.

Biden is now laying into Project 2025, which he calls a “blueprint” for a second Trump term. “You’ve heard of it,” a pleased Biden says when the crowd responds with boos. This speech is the strongest and most forceful contrast with Trump that I’ve heard him deliver.

More than two weeks after the debate, Biden is finally going full-tilt against Trump. This is exactly what his anxious allies and supporters were terrified that he couldn’t or wouldn’t do anymore.

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Reid J. Epstein

Biden is going deep on Trump’s conviction in New York, his liability in a sexual abuse case and now a section on Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Biden and his campaign this week have said they need to turn the focus of the campaign back on Trump — this is Biden trying to do just that.

Biden is now delineating the various criminal cases Trump is facing. It’s worth noting that the recent decision by the Supreme Court, whose makeup was shaped by Trump, granted him immunity that could have an impact on those cases.

When in doubt, attack the media. Biden often proclaims he understands the need for a free press. But inside his White House, his aides are dismissive of the press, and it comes from the top. Biden is extraordinarily sensitive about reporting about him, and almost as angry at the press as Trump has always been.

Biden says the press has been “hammering me” and the crowd starts booing and pointing fingers at the reporters gathered in the back of the room.

Biden said he refers to Trump as “Donald Herbert Hoover Trump,” which is not a thing I have ever heard anyone say out loud.

The Biden campaign promised the president would deliver a pointed speech taking on Trump and Project 2025 and laying out the plans for the first 100 days of his second term. So far, it is his standard stump speech, with a lengthy recitation of his first-term accomplishments.

This is as energized as we have seen Biden at recent rallies. It is perhaps a response to the ample criticism from within his own party that the president is too old to do the job, and one night after he admitted during a press conference that he needs more rest.

The crowd is now chanting “lock him up,” regarding Donald Trump. “Lock her up” became a chant at Trump rallies in 2016. Trump has vowed to use the government to to investigate the Bidens. But his allies also insist that he himself has faced a weaponized justice system, and those chants from the Biden crowd will play into that.

“I am running and we’re going to win,” Biden says, repeating his vow of the last two weeks. “I’m the nominee of the Democratic Party, the only Democrat or Republican who has beaten Donald Trump ever.”

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Biden is ticking through his campaign promises: protecting I.V.F., Medicaid, the right to vote and the Affordable Care Act. He also said he will make Roe v. Wade “the law of the land,” which would be impossible without strong Democratic majorities in Congress.

Biden is shouting out the elected officials who did come to his event, after the Michigan’s biggest-name Democrats passed on joining him at his rally.

Biden is speaking from teleprompters, which has proved more comfortable for him than delivering remarks off the cuff.

Michael M. Grynbaum

Michael M. Grynbaum

More than 23 million watched Biden’s news conference, beating the Oscars.

The swirling questions about President Biden’s age and mental fitness for office have captured Americans’ attention.

More than 23 million people — a bigger audience than this year’s Academy Awards — tuned in on Thursday evening to see how Mr. Biden handled his first live news conference since a poor performance at last month’s debate with former President Donald J. Trump.

The television audience amounted to roughly 45 percent of the 51.3 million who watched the debate , according to Nielsen.

The president’s nearly hourlong appearance, at the NATO summit in Washington, was one of the most-watched telecasts of the year, outside of sporting events. It aired across several major TV networks, with ABC, CBS and NBC all pre-empting regular entertainment programming.

Millions more may have watched on digital news sites and social media platforms, which are, for the most part, not captured by Nielsen’s data.

Compared to his predecessors, Mr. Biden rarely grants solo news conferences, which added to the novelty of Thursday’s event.

Fox News attracted the largest audience of any network, 5.7 million, representing nearly a quarter of the overall television viewership. ABC was the highest-rated broadcaster, with five million viewers, possibly benefiting from a lead-in from “Jeopardy!,” the game show that aired immediately before Mr. Biden’s news conference.

Roughly four of five viewers were 55 or older, Nielsen said. ABC drew the largest audience among adults 25 to 54, the key demographic for advertisers in cable news.

Mr. Biden’s interview with George Stephanopoulos , which aired last Friday on ABC, was seen by 8.5 million viewers.

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

Speaking at Trump’s convention: former Democrats, a rancher and Trump employees.

The Republican National Convention will feature more than two dozen “everyday Americans” as speakers who will help hammer home former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign themes and policies, including four people who previously backed Democrats, according to convention and campaign officials.

All four are from key constituencies that the Trump campaign is eager to win over from Democrats in November as Mr. Trump tries to reverse his election defeat in 2020 by chipping away at the coalition that elected President Biden, including Black voters, Hispanic Americans and blue-collar workers.

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee have yet to fully announce a speakers list for the convention, which starts on Monday in Milwaukee. The testimonials from “everyday Americans” are expected to be peppered in between elected officials and candidates, party officials and Mr. Trump’s family members, though the convention has not provided a schedule for when any of its invited guests will speak.

On the list announced Friday is Linda Fornos, an immigrant from Nicaragua who attended Mr. Trump’s rally last month in Las Vegas , where she said she had been repeatedly disappointed by Democrats she had supported previously, including Mr. Biden. The Trump campaign has made winning over Latino voters a priority this year, particularly in battleground states like Arizona and Nevada with sizable Hispanic populations.

Also on the list is Robert Bartels Jr., known as Bobby, an official in a New York union who attended Mr. Trump’s visit with construction workers during the former president’s trial in Manhattan and said he was a “lifelong Democrat." Mr. Trump has pressed for the votes of blue-collar union workers since 2016 and has sought to divide them from union leaders who often support Democrats.

Annette Albright, a Black woman and a former school employee who convention officials said was a “lifelong Democrat,” spoke earlier this year at a town hall in North Carolina hosted by the political organization Moms for Liberty.

With polls showing backing for Mr. Biden slipping among Black voters, long a key Democratic constituency, Mr. Trump has been eager to highlight how he has capitalized, at times in clumsy ways.

Last month, the Trump campaign held an event at a Black church in Detroit where the crowd included a sizable number of white people. The pastor of the church, Lorenzo Sewell, will also speak at the convention next week.

And the convention will give the stage to Shabbos Kestenbaum, one of six Jewish students who sued Harvard University for discrimination . Mr. Kestenbaum is an Orthodox Jew who attended Harvard Divinity School, and the lawsuit claims that Harvard became a bastion of antisemitism, particularly in the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel last October.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly insisted that Jews who vote for Democrats are insufficiently loyal to Israel or to their cultural and religious beliefs, a remark that critics have said revives an antisemitic trope that Jews have a “dual loyalty” and are not sufficiently loyal to their own countries.

Immigration will also be a dominant issue at the convention, and several people on the “ordinary Americans” list are expected to discuss it, including Michael Morin, the brother of Rachel Morin, 37, who the authorities say was raped and killed while jogging last year by an undocumented immigrant. Jim Chilton, an Arizona rancher whose property abuts the United States’ border with Mexico, and who has previously campaigned alongside Mr. Trump, will also speak.

A number of speakers will also discuss inflation and the economy, helping emphasize Mr. Trump’s contention that Mr. Biden’s policies are hurting business owners while doing little to address the cost of living. They include Sarah Workman, a single mother from Arizona who works two jobs, and Benjamin Josephs, a small-business owner in Michigan, according to the announcement from campaign and convention officials.

Not all of the speakers announced so far appear to serve thematic aims. Last month, Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden exchanged words at the debate over which of them had the better golf game, a fixation that Mr. Trump has since carried over to social media.

The convention will feature two employees of Mr. Trump’s golf properties: John Nieporter, the head golf professional at Mr. Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., who has served as Mr. Trump’s caddie; and Carrie Ruiz, the golf general manager at his club in Doral, Fla., where Mr. Trump held a rally this week.

Mike Isaac

Meta rolls back some restrictions on Trump’s Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Meta on Friday said it was rolling back some restrictions to former President Donald J. Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts so people on its services could hear from those running for the presidency “on the same basis.”

Under the restrictions on Mr. Trump’s accounts, he could have been suspended from Meta’s services — which also include Threads and WhatsApp — if he had posted content that sought to delegitimize this November’s election, among other things. But Meta said it was now relaxing those restrictions, reducing the potential for a suspension if Mr. Trump violated the company’s terms of service.

The move further returns Mr. Trump’s social media accounts to what they had been before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. At the time, Mr. Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were indefinitely suspended on the grounds that his posts ran the risk of inciting more violence. Last year, Meta reinstated Mr. Trump’s accounts, but with the restrictions.

As of Friday, those penalties are no longer applicable.

“We believe that the American people should be able to hear from the nominees for President on the same basis,” Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, said in a statement . He said the penalties placed on Mr. Trump’s accounts had been “a response to extreme and extraordinary circumstances” after Jan. 6, and were no longer needed.

Presidential nominees still need to abide by Meta’s terms of service, however, the company said.

In a statement, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, Charles Kretchmer Lutvak, said that removing the restrictions on Mr. Trump’s accounts was “a direct attack on our safety and our democracy,” adding that the decision “will allow Trump and his MAGA allies to reach more Americans with their fundamentally undemocratic, un-American misinformation.”

At the Republican National Convention next week, Mr. Trump is expected to accept the party’s nomination for president. The Democratic National Convention is in August, though calls from prominent Democrats for President Biden to step aside as the nominee have complicated that process. Mr. Biden has maintained that he has no plans to drop out.

Axios previously reported on Meta’s policy update.

Chris Cameron

Chris Cameron

Biden’s visit to Detroit draws few high-profile Michigan Democrats.

When President Biden landed in Michigan on Friday for a campaign rally in Detroit, he was met by House Democrats, state lawmakers, union leaders and the award-winning actress Octavia Spencer .

Conspicuously absent, however, were many of Michigan’s highest-profile Democrats, including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose popularity in the battleground state has helped put her in the top tier of those talked about as potential alternative candidates should Mr. Biden end his re-election campaign.

Crain’s Detroit Business reported on Wednesday that Ms. Whitmer instead was scheduled to attend the Sun Valley Conference of tech and media executives in Idaho. In a statement on X soon after Mr. Biden landed, Ms. Whitmer wrote, “Motor City is all in for Biden-Harris.”

Ms. Whitmer, a co-chair of the Biden campaign, has ruled out running for president this year , even if Mr. Biden were to drop out, but that has not ended speculation about her candidacy. In a CNN interview on Wednesday, she said it “wouldn’t hurt” if Mr. Biden underwent a cognitive exam to reassure supporters of his health and fitness.

Also missing from Mr. Biden’s campaign event were Michigan’s two Democratic senators, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, as well as Representative Elissa Slotkin, the leading Democratic candidate to fill the seat of Ms. Stabenow, who is retiring. Ms. Stabenow and Mr. Peters wrote statements of support for the president on social media soon after he landed, and they were shared by the Biden campaign.

In a video call with donors on Tuesday , Ms. Slotkin had said that Mr. Biden was trailing his rival, Donald J. Trump in Michigan, and noted that she was running for the Senate because Ms. Stabenow, 74, was “doing a radical thing and passing the torch.”

Robyn Bryan, a spokeswoman for Ms. Stabenow, said the senator was out of town for the event. A spokeswoman for Mr. Peters said the senator had previous commitments and could not be in Detroit on Friday. Representatives of Ms. Whitmer and Ms. Slotkin did not immediately respond to requests for comment on their absence.

Lisa Friedman

Lisa Friedman

The Sunrise Movement, a leading environmental group, calls on Biden to step aside.

The Sunrise Movement, the youth-led climate organization that helped elect President Biden, is now calling on him to quit the race for the White House.

The group’s leaders say they believe that Mr. Biden, who has overseen the most aggressive climate agenda of any president, cannot win against former President Donald J. Trump, who has dismissed global warming as a hoax.

“Joe Biden’s next climate legacy-defining act must be to pass the torch to a new nominee,” Aru Shiney-Ajay, the executive director of the Sunrise Movement, said in a statement.

“Another Trump presidency would cause catastrophic and irreversible damage to our climate,” she said. “After speaking with young people around the country over the last few weeks, I’m concerned that Joe Biden isn’t positioned to mobilize young people and win in November.”

The Biden campaign underlined the president’s commitment to fighting global warming. “No president has and will fight harder to address the climate crisis than President Biden,” Seth Schuster, a campaign spokesman, said in a statement. He said Mr. Biden was “proud to have passed the most significant climate legislation in American history during his first term, and will ensure we continue the essential work to save our planet by defeating climate-denier-in-chief Donald Trump this November.”

Sunrise is the first major environmental group to publicly urge Mr. Biden to abandon his presidential campaign. It follows a highly anticipated news conference that Mr. Biden held on Thursday night in which the president said he was determined to run for re-election. “And I think I’m the best qualified to win,” he said.

His campaign had hoped Mr. Biden’s performance would help quell the concerns of Democrats and donors worried about the ability of Mr. Biden, 81, to beat Mr. Trump, 78, and to serve another four years.

The Sunrise Movement had not endorsed Mr. Biden’s re-election bid, in part because many members oppose the president’s strong support for Israel in its war against Hamas. In recent weeks, doubts about Mr. Biden’s electability have also emerged.

Sunrise Movement officials said the organization had been internally discussing whether to make its concerns public since Mr. Biden’s performance in a June debate against Mr. Trump, during which Mr. Biden stumbled repeatedly.

Ms. Shiney-Ajay said stepping aside was the best way for Mr. Biden to preserve his climate legacy, which includes the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that is pumping $370 billion into clean energy, and the creation of the American Climate Corps, which is training thousands of young people for green jobs.

She noted that in 2020, the organization’s volunteers had contacted 3.5 million young voters, urging them to vote for Mr. Biden. Since the June debate, she said, the “already low enthusiasm” for Mr. Biden among young people has continued to drop.

“To be very clear, regardless of where the process ends, Sunrise’s plan this fall is the same: organize like hell to defeat Donald Trump,” she said. But, Ms. Shiney-Ajay added, “With another ticket that energizes young volunteers, we could contact up to twice as many voters this fall.”

The group is considered an important player in the environmental movement. In the 2020 election, Sunrise initially endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But once Mr. Biden clinched the Democratic nomination, the Sunrise Movement and the Biden campaign forged an alliance that benefited both: Mr. Biden got needed support from young voters and Sunrise pushed Mr. Biden to be more ambitious on climate.

Since Mr. Biden has taken office, the Sunrise Movement has pressured him to halt new oil and gas drilling. It has been more willing than some mainstream environmental organizations to criticize the president when he took positions they opposed, like approving the development of a huge oil project in Alaska known as Willow.

Mr. Biden has worked hard to court young climate-minded voters, and the administration had still hoped to win the endorsement of the Sunrise Movement by emphasizing the stark contrast between the president and Mr. Trump when it comes to climate change.

Mr. Trump routinely disparages and distorts climate science, and has pledged to “terminate” every one of Mr. Biden’s climate regulations. In April, Mr. Trump asked oil and gas lobbyists for $1 billion for his 2024 campaign so he could retake the White House and erase President Biden’s climate regulations, according to several people in attendance at the meeting.

Other leading environmental groups said they continued to support Mr. Biden.

“No president in history has taken more action on climate than Joe Biden,” Ben Jealous, the executive director of the Sierra Club, said in a statement. “We will work tirelessly to re-elect President Biden come November to guarantee Americans their right to clean air, clean water and a livable future — something we know Donald Trump wants to destroy.”

An earlier version of the picture caption with this article stated incorrectly the year of the demonstration in Washington. It was 2021, not 2020.

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  5. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

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    Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name. The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person's first and last name, including "Mr." or "Ms." (for example, "Dear Ms. Jane Smith" or just "Dear Ms. Smith").

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    The cover letter is a contender for job seekers' most hated part of the job search. Personally, when browsing job boards, I've always gravitated toward the postings that said "cover letter optional" or didn't mention one at all—and I'm a writer.When you're deep in a job hunt—particularly one where you feel like you're throwing applications into a black hole—cover letters ...

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    A cover letter is important and required if the job offer requires a cover letter, the employer, hiring manager, or recruiter requests one, you're applying directly to a person and know their name, or someone has referred you for the position. So if you're wondering whether you should include a cover letter, the answer is yes in most cases.

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    Yes, in most cases. What you should know about cover letters is that they're optional for some jobs. For example, your resume alone will likely be enough if you apply for an internship or a low-level assistant position. However, let's say you're applying for a higher position, like an executive director position.

  16. Is a Cover Letter Necessary in 2024? Do I Need a Cover Letter?

    Yes, they almost always are. 83% of recruiters agree that knowing how to write a cover letter and sending one is crucial. It gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that you are a great fit for the company you are applying for. A cover letter is important as it boosts your chances for a job. There are many contrasting opinions on that matter ...

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    Here's what to include in a cover letter to make your application stand out: Your name and contact information. The hiring manager's name and contact info. A salutation. Your relevant achievements. A mention of something you know about the company. Why you are the best candidate for the position. An impressive ending.

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    What optional really means. If a job posting says submitting a cover letter is optional, take this to mean that a cover letter would be a welcomed addition to your application and also, take it as an opportunity to show the employer not only your initiative but your writing skills. An optional cover letter ultimately leaves the decision up to ...

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    A great cover letter consists of the following components: 1. Your name and contact information in a header. The hiring manager needs to have your contact information. Without these details, they have no way of inviting you for an interview. The most eye-catching way of adding your contact information to your cover letter is by creating a large ...

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    While writing a customised cover letter isn't everyone's favourite task, our data reveals that investing time and effort in your cover letter can give you an advantage over other job seekers.. When we surveyed 625 hiring managers in the UK and Ireland as part of our CV & Cover Letter Trends Survey, we found that 85% of hiring managers think cover letters are vital in their hiring decisions.

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter

    If you're applying for a job, you'll most likely need to prepare a polished résumé, to practice common interview questions, to request recommendations and references, and to write a cover letter.There are many types of cover letters out there. These include the application cover letter, the prospecting cover letter, and the career change cover letter.

  23. Cover Letter 101: Everything You Need To Know

    In this video, Holl, a career coach at Indeed, explains a common cover letter mistake, and tips to avoid it so that your cover letter adds value, and avoids redundancy. A cover letter allows you to elaborate on your resume and present yourself as a qualified candidate. Get your cover letter questions answered in this article.

  24. Is a Cover Letter Necessary to Apply for a Job?

    When the employer specifically states what they want in a job application (resume, references, etc.), you don't have to write a cover letter if it is not included on the employer's list. However, you may want to include an abbreviated email cover letter if there's space to do so.

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    I am often asked whether you still need to write a cover letter to accompany your CV. It sounds like something from the last millennium. ... Essential Elements: Always include a thank you to the recipient for considering your application. Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and end with a call to action, like expressing your ...

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    An energized President Biden delivered a fiery speech in the key battleground state, forcefully attacking his rival, Donald J. Trump, as he tried to stem concerns about his ability to run and win ...