Kinds of Disgrace in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee Essay

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Introduction to Disgrace

Different kinds of disgrace.

Disgrace is literally to lose honor, respect, or the destruction of a person’s reputation which leads to shame. This has been well elaborated in the book Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee written during the post Apartheid era in Southern Africa to pronounce the ignominy that existed among various social groups.

The book covers the mid-life of David bringing to the fore the events which he has contributed to himself and some he hasn’t that are set in motion and lead to his near-total destruction.

In this book, the various kinds of disgrace include relationship disgrace, professional ethics disgrace, workplace disgrace, animal and human disgrace, relationship disgrace, human harassment, robbery, and even divorce disgrace have been highlighted. The main character David Lurie in the book of Disgrace has been highly disgraced in several instances in the various chapters.

At the start of the book, the first kind of disgrace that is shown is that of divorce. David is a fifty-two-year-old man. He is accomplished academically and in his career. He is also considerably financially stable. In contrast to all these, his personal life is in shambles. He has been divorced twice. He is living a lonely life with no one to share his late years with. This kind of life led him to seek sexual gratification from various prostitutes starting with Soraya. When he could no longer meet her he decided to look for another prostitute with the same name but was not impressed with the sex. This lack of satisfaction made him seek more sex elsewhere. He slept with the married secretary but still, there was no gratification.

After that he moved on to Melanie, then there was Bev and he also thought of sleeping with Melanie’s younger sister together with Melanie in the same bed. This kind of sleeping around can be attributed to the fact that David is not in a stable marriage due to his divorces. This is not a fact that could inspire admiration from any family life-loving person. David seemed to be constantly looking for adventure due to his sexual appetite and this led him into trouble at his workplace. This is depicted in disgrace professional ethics disgrace.

In every profession, there are professional ethics that have to be upheld. The teaching profession is no exception. As a University professor, David was not supposed to be involved in sexual relationships with his students. He did not see any reason to think of this, but instead went ahead and not only got sexually involved with his student Melanie, but he forced himself on her. In his house after they had dinner, he had sex with her even though she was not willing. He also had sex with her without her will at her cousin’s house. He had basically raped her but he justified himself with the excuse that she did not resist but merely averted her lips and eyes.

The action was denounced by Melanie’s father at the inquiry into the affair when he asked the professors who the parents could trust with their children if it was not the professors who he termed as vipers. He told David that could he had been him, he would have been very ashamed of himself. After all this, David still showed no remorse for his actions. He is disgraced in his profession among his peers and is forced to leave his work and Cape Town as well. At the event of the inquiry, there was the press and human rights group. In response to the whole incident, he only said that he had been enriched by it even though he had caused Melanie disgrace and she had to leave school. Due to this affair, David was again involved in professional disgrace when he just put Melanie a grade C in the assessment even though she was not assessed.

In all these, there was a major kind of disgrace that characterized almost all of David’s sexual relationships. That was the relationship disgrace. At first, he is involved with Soraya who was supposedly just a prostitute. But it was revealed that she actually had a family with two sons. The relationship in which they were in was also not admirable as David had completely no interest in her, but only sex. This kind of situation had been replicated in the other relationships he had with the other women like the prostitute also called Soraya whom he left due to the lack of sexual excitement. Then he got involved with a secretary at his workplace that was apparently married. This was adultery and he also left and avoided her purely because her sexual motivation put him off.

When David later gets into a relationship with Bev, the wife to Shaw, Lucy’s friend who had offered to take them in after the assault, there was also nothing other than sex that he wanted from her. Apart from this, it is also disgraceful that he should sleep with Shaw’s wife after he had assisted them. David’s relationship with Melanie is also just based on sex as he sees nothing else in her and they have nothing in common at all.

Even though the kind of relationship that existed between Lucy and Petrus was not sexual at all, there was a disgrace in the way it came out. Petrus was Lucy’s farmhand and when Lucy and Lurie were assaulted and Lucy raped, though he had heard about it, he showed no signs of concern and instead went ahead to throw a party for his new acquisition of the land. On top of this, when David asked him about the boy who had allegedly been among their attackers, he defends the boy saying he can’t be taken to jail and is still a minor. For having been Lucy’s farmhand, he should have at least listened to their case. This is very disgraceful to their relationship as workers and employers since Linda really had nothing against him.

It was very disgraceful for Melanie’s parents to learn that, in as much as their daughter had so much respect for professor David, he was the one who caused her to leave school. They were disgraced when their daughter left school after studying for so many years just because of a man who they had also trusted and had even thought of as the first person able to talk to her not to leave school.

The depiction of human disgrace was there on some occasions. When David went to stay with Lucy after leaving Cape Town, there were some criminals who went to their house pretending that they had wanted to use their telephone. During this occasion, they disgraced Lucy by raping her and they perpetrated bodily harm on David as they set him on fire. The attacks left them so weakened both physically and spiritually so much David thought they would never be the same again. Lucy felt so disgraced by the heinous act to the extent that she did not report the matter to the police.

Lucy was so depressed she just spent most of her time in bed. She did not want anyone to know about it and even when they came face to face with one of the boys who had committed the act, she did not allow David to call the police. She had lost her honor but she decided to stand up and face her circumstances head-on as she refused to run away as David had suggested to her.

When David suggested for Lucy to commit an abortion she refused saying she could not do another signifying that she had already committed an abortion previously. This is a human disgrace and she refuses to repeat it. Human disgrace is also witnessed when David was still teaching at the university and he asked a question in class. The student who answered it was referring to David by giving the example of Lucifer. David felt like the whole class already knew what he had done with Melanie as the attendance to his classes reduced but there was nothing he could do.

David also commits human disgrace when he has sex with Melanie without her express permission and he takes advantage of her on a number of occasions with the mere excuse that she did not resist but merely averted her lips. He does this without the consideration that she was repulsed from him sexually. This was basically rape. Human disgrace was also meted on the boy who was suspected to have assaulted David and raped Lucy when David punched him and let the dog bit him.

The animals in this book also are also faced with disgrace. When Petrus came back from where he had gone during the robbery assault at Lucy’s house, he came with some sheep for slaughtering at the party. The treatment he gave the sheep was not humane as he tied them in a dry place without any grass and it had to take David’s intervention to go tie at a place with grass. At the animal clinic where Bev worked and was assisted by David, there were many animals that were killed and incinerated. This kind of treatment of animals is so vicious and heartless that when David thought about it one day, he had to leave his car and sob. This is not fair treatment of the animals because however sick they may be, this does not warrant the killing as they have no say over their destiny.

One client came with her goat which had been severely bitten by some dogs and when Bev suggested that the Dog should be put to rest, she could not withstand the thought of that disgrace and left rather disappointed. There was a dog that had a problem walking at Bev’s clinic. David liked it and always took it to walk. He sympathized with the dog so much he didn’t give it a name for fear of getting too attached to it. The other instance of animal disgrace is witnessed when the robbers attacked David and Lucy at Lucy’s home and shot all except one dog.

In the book, we are also faced with a situation of unlikely expression of love between Bev and David. This is a show of Love Disgrace. In chapter seventeen after David and Bev have completed their daily work at the clinic and to demonstrate his love and affection to Bev. They decided to disgracefully make love on a blanket on the floor with belief that she had been imagining this before even though she was married. Also, David expressed his sexual love to Melanie when he slept with her on the floor of his house. When Melanie had gone to sleep at David’s apartment, he slept with her on his daughter’s bed. It was very disgraceful for him to sleep with a woman on his daughter’s bed.

Throughout most part of the book, David’s life had been accentuated by persistent low moments. His life was a living disgrace. In the twentieth chapter after David had undergone a life living in a different town, he kept on wondering how he would cope with the life back in Cape Town where he would have had to meet his former colleagues. This discomfort comes about due to the fact that he was an outcast due to the things he had done at the University. When David went to watch Melanie perform, Melanie’s boyfriend saw him and warned him to keep to his own kind. This kind of treatment David had been receiving made him decide to sell his former house and move out of Cape Town.

When David and Lucy had been assaulted, there was no interest taken by the police to investigate the matter and even those who could have given evidence, like Petrus who was related to the boy who had attacked Lucy and Lurie, were not at all willing to talk about the incidence and were instead protecting the suspects. This is disgraceful for justice. Upon David’s return to Cape Town, he found that his residence had been vandalized and there was also no one to be charged.

In Disgrace, we are exposed to the struggles that have come into the society after the Apartheid rule and the kinds of difficult situations and social struggles which the black and white communities in South Africa were going through. The difficulties in adjusting and living together.

  • Andrew O’hehir. 2000. “Disgrace” by J.M. Coetzee. Summary.
  • Book Rags.2006. Disgrace Study Guide . Web.
  • Gradesaver.2008. Disgrace summary.
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IvyPanda. (2021, October 14). Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee.

"Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee." IvyPanda , 14 Oct. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee'. 14 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee." October 14, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee." October 14, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Kinds of Disgrace in "Disgrace" by J. M. Coetzee." October 14, 2021.

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Disgrace is a work of fiction written by J.M. Coetzee that tells the story of David Lurie, a fifty-two-year-old professor. According to the storyline, David made a series of mistakes that resulted in a metaphysical account of disgrace. Many of his acts were the polar opposite of what the general...

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Silence in disgrace is a complex and profound concept that delves into the depths of human emotion and societal judgment. It embodies the weight of shame, the burden of guilt, and the profound impact of silence in the face of disgrace. In exploring this subject, it becomes evident that silence can be both a weapon of oppression and a refuge of introspection.

Silence in disgrace often emerges from the interplay of societal expectations and individual actions. When a person is subjected to disgrace, whether through their own actions or through circumstances beyond their control, the ensuing silence can be deafening. It may stem from the fear of judgment, the weight of guilt, or the inability to articulate the complexity of emotions that arise from such a situation. This silence, while initially a response to external forces, can quickly become internalized, leading to a profound sense of isolation and emotional turmoil.

Moreover, silence in disgrace is not only an individual experience but also a societal phenomenon. Communities and cultures often impose silence as a means of maintaining social order, perpetuating shame, and upholding norms. The collective silence in the face of disgrace can compound the suffering of the affected individuals, creating an environment of stigma and isolation. In such instances, the silence becomes a tool of oppression, further exacerbating the emotional and psychological toll of the disgrace.

However, amidst the darkness of silence in disgrace, there exists the potential for introspection, healing, and transformation. While silence can be suffocating, it can also provide the space for deep self-reflection, personal growth, and the eventual path to redemption. In the silence of disgrace, individuals are given the opportunity to confront their actions, grapple with their emotions, and ultimately seek a path towards reconciliation and restoration.

In conclusion, silence in disgrace is a multifaceted and deeply human experience that intertwines individual emotions with societal dynamics. It represents the struggle of individuals to navigate the complexities of shame, guilt, and judgment, while also embodying the potential for introspection and transformation. By understanding the nuances of silence in disgrace, we can foster empathy, compassion, and a greater appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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When in Disgrace with Fortune, an exploration of Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 Shakespeare's Sonnet 29, often referred to by its opening line "When in Disgrace with Fortune," is a poignant exploration of the human condition, particularly focusing on themes of self-worth, despair, and redemption. Through the use of vivid imagery, metaphor, and a reflective tone, the speaker grapples with feelings of inadequacy and alienation before finding solace and renewal in the love of another. At the outset of the sonnet, the speaker expresses a sense of despair and isolation, feeling "in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes." This suggests a profound sense of alienation from both external forces, such as societal expectations, and internal struggles with one's own perceived failures. The use of "Fortune" here conveys the capricious nature of fate, highlighting the transient and unpredictable nature of success and esteem in the eyes of the world. As the sonnet progresses, the speaker reflects on their own shortcomings and failures, lamenting their lack of material wealth and social standing. The imagery of being "outcast state" and "lack[ing] friends" evokes a sense of loneliness and marginalization, emphasizing the speaker's sense of being adrift and disconnected from the world around them. This introspective rumination on personal inadequacy underscores the universal experience of grappling with feelings of unworthiness and insecurity. However, amidst this despair, there is a glimmer of hope. The volta, or the shift in tone, occurs in the ninth line with the phrase "Haply I think on thee." Here, the speaker turns their thoughts to a beloved, whose mere remembrance brings solace and comfort in moments of despair. This shift from self-pity to gratitude and affection highlights the transformative power of love in overcoming adversity and restoring a sense of worth and belonging. In the concluding lines, the speaker's perspective undergoes a profound shift, as they find redemption in the love of their beloved. The imagery of the "wealth" and "sweet love remembered" conveys a sense of abundance and richness that transcends material wealth. Through the power of love, the speaker is able to find peace and contentment, recognizing that true worth lies not in external validation, but in the connection and intimacy shared with another soul. In conclusion, Shakespeare's Sonnet 29, with its exploration of themes of despair, redemption, and the transformative power of love, resonates with readers across centuries. Through vivid imagery and a reflective tone, the speaker grapples with feelings of inadequacy and alienation before finding solace and renewal in the love of another. Ultimately, the sonnet serves as a timeless reminder of the enduring human capacity for resilience and the transcendent power of love to overcome life's trials and tribulations....

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From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, Essay Example

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John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, by Jonathan Aitken, was written and released to coincide with the 200 th anniversary of Newton’s death. In the book, Aitken, who has established himself as a credible biographer (Richard Nixon, Chuck Colson, et al.), traces Newton’s 82 years of life, observing his enduring legacy. Newton’s conversion experience was astonishing. He penned the most beloved Christian hymn of all time. He labored to abolish the trading of human lives through the institution of slavery. Some consider him a founding father of the spiritual revivals that encompassed England in the 18 th and 19 th centuries. He is remembered, “yet for all his seminal contributions to political and spiritual history, most people today are woefully ignorant about John Newton” (Aitken 17). In order to fill in a few important links between the man and the myth, an elucidation of three of Newton’s character traits show that he was a deserving minister who did far more good than give the world “Amazing Grace.”   

First, Newton was a man of courageous faith. His conversion happened because of his narrow escape of death by a storm at sea. Ironically, he could not swim, so surviving after pumping water from his ship for about nine hours straight gave him a feeling of relief and gratitude to God for his deliverance. “When I heard about six in the evening that the ship was freed from water there arose a gleam of hope. I thought I could see the hand of God displayed in our favor. I began to pray (Aitken 77).” Reading Thomas a Kempis’ Imitation of Christ that he found onboard the ship before the storm no doubt sewed the seeds of his eventual conversion (Bailey).

Newton was no stranger to adversity. His mother had died when he was seven. He quit school to sail with his father when he was ten. At eighteen, he hated military life so much that he deserted his ship. He was captured, publicly flogged, and demoted from a mid class sailor to a regular seaman. Experiences such as these toughened him so that his faith could be courageously bold. As he embarked on his journey in ministry, he wrote:

Oh, what zeal, faith, patience, watchfulness, and courage will be needed for my   support and guidance! My only hope is in the name and power of Jesus. May that precious name be as ointment poured forth to your soul and mine. May that power be triumphantly manifested in our-weakness (Aitken 176)!

Growing up as he did, prepared him to identify with common people. He did not put on airs. He never forgot where he came from as his life changed from sinful disobedience to God to faithful obedience to God’s perfect plan for his life.

Second, Newton lived a life of humility. This is especially true when his spiritual life was on trial before he became the minister of the Olney Parish, where he wrote his Olney Hymns of which Amazing Grace, originally title “Faith’s Review and Expectation,” is one. Newton found it a difficult task to obtain the required theological education, mentor support, and subsequent ordination in the Anglican Church. Newton said that a ministers’ greatest virtue is humility, praying:

Lord, give me a humbling sense of my sins, give a humbling view of thy glory, give me a humbling view of they love, for surely nothing humbles like these. All my pride springs from ignorance…May I be nothing in my own eyes, may I be willing and desirous to be the servant of all (Aitken 149).

His humility allowed him not to take his rocky road to the Protestant priesthood as a personally affront. He knew full well that his calling was rather unorthodox and that his past as a dealer in human flesh would make him the object whispering campaigns from among church going people. Eventually he was called to the parish of an uneducated, rural flock in Buckinghamshire, and he accepted his station with a bit of moralizing. “I see striking and unexpected instances of great danger to which the countenance and friendship of persons of distinction may expose a minister” (Aitken 181). His resolve never vacillated, even after he became friend and colleague to the famous writer, William Cowper, also of Olney, with whom he collaborated in several evangelical endeavors.

Third, Newton had perseverance. Toward the end of his life, he worked for the abolition of slavery in his country. He worked as tirelessly for that, with William Wilberforce, as he had once worked to perpetrate it through trade at sea. When Newton heard that the institution of slavery was to be abolished once and for all. In correspondence with Wilberforce, Newton expressed his joy.

Though I can scarcely see the paper before me, I must attempt to express my thankfulness to the Lord and to offer my congratulations to you for the success that he has so far been pleased to give to your unwearied endeavors for the abolition of the trade that I considered such a millstone sufficient, of itself sufficient, to sink such an enlightened and highly favored nation as ours to the bottom of the sea…Whether I who am within two months of entering my eightieth year shall live to see the accomplishment of the work is only known to him in whose hands are all our times and ways, but the hopeful prospects of its accomplishment will, I trust, give me daily satisfaction so long as my declining faculties and preserved” (Aitken 346-347).

Further, he embodied the firmness of the scriptural passage from Matthew that says, “To whom much is given, much is required,” when he wrote, in the last year of his life, “My memory is almost gone, but I remember two things: That I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior” (Aitken 347).

For Newton, “Amazing Grace” could be written because he had known grace that was amazing. Newton had run from God. God had brought him to restoration. Restoration had given him new life. New life had caused him to minister with a spirit of urgency. This was true from the time he came under the preaching of Wesley until his death as an old man. Newton knew a life of pain. He knew a life of sin. He knew a life of forgiveness. He knew a life filled with the purposes of God.

In the forward of Aiken’s book, Philip Yancey writes, “Grace, like water, always flows downward, to the lowest place.” Newton had been in low places. That is where the Lord found him and brought him home. It is fitting that the remains of Newton and his wife, Mary Catlett, were re-interred in the yard of the Olney Parish when an underground train line was laid under the church in London where he later served and was originally buried (Adams). Newton would want to rest there. The inscription that Newton wrote for his tomb is among the most famous of all time. It provides a brief summation of the way he wished to be remembered in ways that speak of faith, humility ,and perseverance.

John Newton Once an Infidel and Libertine A Servant of slaves in Africa was by   the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Preserved, Restored, Pardoned and appointed to Preach the Faith He had Long Laboured to Destroyed (Aitken 350).

Adams, Jere (Ed.). Handbook to the Baptist Hymnal. (1992). Nashville, TN: Convention Press.

Aitken, Jonathan. John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace. (2007): Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.

Bailey, Albert. The Gospel in Hymns. (1954). New York: Scribner’s.

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