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Altera pin assignment

  • Thread starter shaiko
  • Start date Jun 17, 2015
  • Jun 17, 2015

Advanced Member level 5

Hello, Altera's Quartus has 3 ways to assign pins to the FPGA device: 1. Assignment Editor. 2. Pin Planner. 3. Direct text input into *.QSF. My question: Are these tools synchronized with each other? For example: if I do initial assignments using the Pin Planner and then make changes in the *.QSF file - will the changes in the QSF propagate back to the Pin Planner settings?  


Super Moderator

As long as you save the changes to the QSF, I 'm pretty sure they get loaded for each tool (you may have to close and reopen the tool to get the latest changes), but I might be mis-remembering as it's been 5-6 years since I've used Quartus.  


Advanced member level 7.

Any changes you make via assignment editor and pin planner are written to the QSF file (stands for quartus settings file I think). Quartus uses the QSF file to set up the assignment editor and pin planner (and all the other stuff in its gui). Ensure you havent got the project open when you hand edit the .qsf though You can also assign pins via attributes in the HDL.  

TrickyDicky said: Ensure you havent got the project open when you hand edit the .qsf though Click to expand...

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How to assign pins in Quartus II

We are looking at moving some code into a CPLD or FPGA in order to make it faster. I have worked with Xilinks and their suite of tools before, but for some reason it was decided that we'd use Altera this time around so I am trying to get used to Quartus II.

In particular, I am looking for a way to explicityly assign pins to the chip I am using. In Xilinx, I'd edit the netlist file but I can find no such thing in Quartus. There is a program (Assignments => Pin Planner) that does this, but it has a clunky GUI and I'd far prefer to edit the pins in a text editor, so my twofold question is

A: How do I find the file that stores the pin assignment? It's not listed under my files in the project navigator but the pins I've assigned in Pin Planner stay from session to session so they must be stored somewhere .

B: Is this a horrible idea?

IDE is Quartus II 10.1 Development kit is MAX II Development Board Language is VHDL

EDIT: Right now, I've run into the problem that I'm trying to interface with the Dev Kit through USB. I'm making a serial data receiver on it and have given it a Data In pin. The Dev Kit has a USB receiver so I'm trying to map din to whichever pin the USB connector is on. According to a file I have (rm_maxII-develop_board-rev1.pdf) the USB connector is on "Board Designation U13" but when I go into the Pin PLanner and try to assign that, there is no PIN_U13. I suspect this is an error in the pdf, rather than in Pin Planner but seing as I've never worked with Altera products before, I'm very confused.

Qiu's user avatar

  • Ah, you posted here too. :-) I added answer at –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 11, 2011 at 14:29
  • I did - slightly before I read about Overmapped and figured that'd be a better place for it. What's your user name on Overmapped? I see no replies from Amigable Clark Kant over there. –  shieldfoss Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 9:14
  • Jakob. It's here too if you look around hard enough. :-) –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 9:26

A) You need to edit the *.qsf file, and add lines similar to the following:

B) While I will sometimes use the pin planner in the early stages of a design, I almost exclusively edit the qsf file directly when modifying pins, adding or removing VHDL files from the design, etc. To be completely safe, when making large changes (particularly to optimization or compiler settings) I will make sure Quartus is not running. I've been working this way with Quartus since it came out, and have not had any problems.

Once your design is compiled, you can refer to the *.pin file to see the final pinout for the FPGA. In particular, refer to the column indicating whether or not the pin is manually assigned, as any pins not specifically assigned to a location will change pretty much every time you recompile the chip (which is sub-optimal if you've already made a PCB! :).

Charles Steinkuehler's user avatar

  • @medivh, that I don't know, please tell us where you found it. –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 13, 2011 at 10:04

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Pin assignments do not appear to be assigning in bdf - Quartus 17.1

Following the pin assignment diagram in the device manual for my Max 10 DE10-Lite, I assigned all the correct pins to their associated inputs and outputs as seen below:

pin assignments

However, when I go back to my bdf file and run the full compile, the pin assignments do not appear, as they have in the past.

bdf file

I thought to myself, maybe they just aren't showing up, but they are actually still assigned. So I programmed my board, and it simply remains black, with my circuit not working at all. Has anyone seen this before? I have tried creating a new project, and still nothing.

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  • \$\begingroup\$ Not an answer because I'm no Quartus expert, but a hint: Under the GUI, there is likely to be a command line interface, with ways of showing (console, or log files) how the actual compilation commands operate, and what their arguments (constraint file names etc) are. Looking at those files, you may be able to trace the pin assignments and see where they go missing. \$\endgroup\$ –  user16324 Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 13:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ @BrianDrummond Yes, if you check the .QSF file in the project files, that'll be a plaintext file with all of the configurations as commands like you said. \$\endgroup\$ –  Charles Clayton Commented Jan 19, 2020 at 17:41

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    Following the pin assignment diagram in the device manual for my Max 10 DE10-Lite, I assigned all the correct pins to their associated inputs and outputs as seen below: ... if you check the .QSF file in the project files, that'll be a plaintext file with all of the configurations as commands like you said. \$\endgroup\$