101 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Humor can be a powerful tool when it comes to delivering persuasive speeches. It can help engage an audience and make a point more memorable. Here, we’ve compiled a list of funny persuasive speech topics that you can use to get your audience laughing and thinking.Ā 

Whether your goal is to make them laugh, think, or both, these humorous topics are sure to be a hit. So grab a microphone and get ready to make your case in a funny and persuasive way!

  • Cats Are Secretly Plotting to Take Over the World
  • The Government Should Mandate That All Citizens Must Take a Weekly Nap
  • Chocolate Is a Necessary Food Group
  • People Should Be Allowed to Bring Their Pets to Work Every Day
  • Pajamas Should Be Acceptable Office Attire
  • The Moon Landing Was Faked
  • All Restaurants Should Have a ā€œNap Roomā€ for Customers
  • Gravity Is Just a Theory, and Itā€™s Time to Consider Other Possibilities
  • Video Games Should Count as Exercise
  • School Should Start at Noon Every Day
  • Bacon Should Be Its Own Food Group
  • Vacations Should Be Required by Law 
  • Everyone Should Have a Pet Rock
  • Why Everyone Should Be Required to Learn How to Play a Musical Instrument
  • The Benefits of Being a Cat Person vs. A Dog Person
  • The Importance of Wearing Pajamas All Day, Every Day
  • Why Pineapple Does Not Belong on Pizza
  • Coffee Should Be Considered a Basic Human Right
  • Why We Should All Have a Personal Robot
  • Why We Should All Get Paid for Doing Chores
  • The World Would Be a Better Place If All Politicians Had to Take a Lie Detector Test
  • Why We Should All Have a Three-Day Weekend Every Week
  • Why Everyone Should Have a Dog as a Best Friend
  • Why We Should All Become Professional Superheroes
  • The Benefits of Doing Nothing for an Entire Day
  • Why We Should Abolish Daylight Savings Time
  • Why We Should All Start Doing Yoga
  • The Benefits of Eating Ice Cream for Breakfast
  • Coffee Should Be Freely Available Everywhere
  • Fantasy Football Should Be Considered an Official Sport 
  • Ice Cream Should Be the National Food of the United States
  • The Government Should Provide Free Internet Access to All Citizens
  • Taxpayers Should Receive a Financial Reward for Doing Their Civic Duty 
  • Everyone Should Have to Take a Road Trip Every Year 
  • Cheese Should Be Its Own Food Group
  • Schools Should Teach Parents How to Parent
  • The Government Should Provide Free Bubble Wrap to Everyone
  • Coffee Should Be an Essential Vitamin 
  • The Internet Should Be Tax-Free 
  • Exercising Should Be Fun and Not a Chore 
  • A Universal ā€œSnoozeā€ Button Should Be Installed on All Alarm Clocks 
  • Going to the Dentist Should Be a Fun Activity 
  • Schools Should Offer More Extracurricular Activities in the Arts
  • Couch Potatoes Should Receive a Medal of Honor 
  • Office Meetings Should Be Held at a Local Bar
  • Yoga Is the Key to World Peace 
  • Parents Should Get a Day Off Every Week 
  • Everyone Should Have to Do Karaoke at Least Once in Their Lives 
  • All Students Should Receive a Trophy Just for Showing Up 
  • Schools Should Require All Students to Take a Cooking Class
  • Video Games Should Replace Homework
  • Humans Should Take the Day Off Every Week to Play
  • Schools Should Teach Life Skills, Not Just Textbook Knowledge
  • The Government Should Offer Free Comedy Writing Courses 
  • Schools Should Offer Credit for Watching Movies and TV Shows 
  • Everyone Should Be Required to Learn a Foreign Language 
  • All Movies Should Have a Sing-Along Version 
  • Why Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs
  • The Benefits of Eating Dessert First
  • The Importance of Being a Little Bit Clumsy
  • The Benefits of Procrastination
  • Why Going to Bed Early Is Overrated
  • The Benefits of Being Forgetful
  • Pizza Is the Most Nutritious Food
  • The Moon Is Made of Cheese
  • Santa Claus Is Real
  • The World Would Be a Better Place if Everyone Wore a Tutu
  • Chocolate Milk Is the Best Milk
  • Why Toilet Paper Should Be Dispensed From the Top, Not the Bottom
  • Why Wearing Crocs Is Actually a Fashion Statement
  • Why Itā€™s Time for a Ban on All Types of Hats
  • Schools Should Have a Taco Tuesday Every Week
  • All Couples Should Take a ā€œRelationship Sabbaticalā€ Once a Year
  • A Chicken Nugget Should Be the Official Currency of the World
  • The Government Should Create a National Holiday Dedicated to Napping
  • It Should Be Legal to Make Your Own Beer at Home
  • Schools Should Offer Puppy Petting Breaks
  • Parents Should Not Be Permitted to Criticize Their Children’s Fashion Choices
  • Ice Cream Should Be Served for Every Meal
  • Coffee Should Be Considered a Nutritious Beverage
  • The Best Way to Stay Healthy Is to Eat Fast Food
  • Parents Should Have to Take a Test Before Having Kids
  • Marriage Should Be Abolished 
  • Junk Food Should Be Taxed 
  • Schools Should Serve Pizza for Breakfast Every Day 
  • The United Nations Should Declare World Peace
  • Fried Chicken Should Be Considered a Vegetable
  • The Best TV Show Ever Is The Office
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies Should Be the Official Currency
  • Dogs Should Be Allowed to Vote
  • It Should Be Illegal to Not Laugh at Your Own Jokes
  • Cheez-Its Should Be Considered a Health Food
  • Kids Should Be Allowed to Stay Up Past Bedtime
  • All Family Vacations Should Include a Trip to the Moon
  • Finger-Pointing Should Be Banned
  • Every Home Should Have Its Own Sloth
  • Grocery Shopping Should Be a Contact Sport
  • Kids Should Be Allowed to Choose Their Own Bedtime
  • Texting Should Be Its Own Official Language
  • Everyone Should Have to Take a Dance Class

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, funny persuasive speech topics can be a great way to have a little bit of fun while still making a persuasive argument. They can help to engage the audience and make them more interested in the topic at hand. No matter what funny persuasive speech topic you choose to use, remember to be creative and make sure that your argument is compelling and well-supported.

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Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 177 Writing & Speech Ideas

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Every one of us needs a little bit of laughter in our lives. In the academic world, working on a persuasive essay on a fun topic is one of the best ways to enjoy paper writing. By discussing something entertaining, you can connect with your reader on a more personal level.

If your readers or audience are enjoying themselves, it will be much easier to get their attention and impress them. This is the primary goal of a persuasive essay or a speech.

Coming up with a fun persuasive speech topic is often challenging for students. After all, most of their assignments tend to be more serious and informative. We understand this concern ā€“ and we want to help!

Our team has created an ultimate list of funny persuasive essay topics. You will find plenty of examples and prompts that you can use in your work. We have also included useful advice on how to find ideas for a paper. And check out our guide to making your speech or writing fun.

  • āœØ Top Fun Topics
  • šŸ§Ø How to Find Topics
  • šŸŒ§ Topics on Ecology
  • šŸŽ­ Topics on Culture
  • āš– Topics on Laws
  • šŸ’ž Topics on Love
  • šŸŒ­ Topics on Food
  • šŸŽ For Elementary Students
  • šŸ« For Middle Schoolers
  • šŸ—“ For High Schoolers
  • ā˜• For College Students
  • šŸ‘©ā€šŸ« Making It Funny

āœØ Top 10 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Fast food ā€“ it’s not that bad!
  • Education – students deserve a stipend.
  • Recycling ā€“ does it work?
  • Veganism ā€“ everyone should go vegan!
  • Homework ā€“ we donā€™t need it!
  • Writing ā€“ keeping a journal is great.
  • Mental health ā€“ best way to cure phobias.
  • Money- it can buy happiness!
  • Taxes ā€“ classes for high school students.
  • Alcohol ā€“ worse than drugs!

šŸ§Ø How to Find Impressive Persuasive Essay Topics

Try not to look only for persuasive topics that are funny. Search for the ones that aim to impress your audience. How do you choose the right one?

Determine an engaging subject area

Choose something thought-provoking, so you and your audience can have fun discussing. It is an essential thing to start with.

Get some ideas

Use lists on the Internet or have an ideation session. After picking your subject, start brainstorming for ideas. Ask for help from your friends and family or look at our list of suggested amazing topics! Look at some essay samples , too. They can be a great source of inspiration and fresh ideas.

Consider what interests you in particular

Find something that is going to be entertaining for the target audience and, most importantly, yourself. It is a significant advantage if the topic you are talking about is personally interesting to you.

Think whether you have anything to say

Choose an entertaining topic you will be able to talk about. Having an opinion about your subject is crucial, but stay open-minded for a discussion.

Research for possible arguments

Analyze what evidence and facts you can find on the Internet. Speculate on the arguments for and against your topic before writing. To include them in your paper, you need to ensure their high quality.

Exclude useless ideas from your list

Avoid using thoughts that do not correlate with your subject. If they are contradictory or there is simply not enough data on them, throw them away. Choosing the right ones will save you a lot of time.

Pick the one

After applying all of the tips listed above, do not hesitate to pick the one idea you prefer the most. Take a look at the list below to find impressive and interesting writing & speech topics!

Know your audience to find the most impressive persuasive essay topic.

šŸŽ‡ A List of 103 Funny Persuasive Topics

Under this subheading, we have created an ultimate list of fun persuasive writing topics. There are five main themes with various ideas for your paper/speech.

šŸŒ§ Funny Persuasive Topics on Ecology

  • Solar energy harvesting should be obligatory for every citizen.
  • Water is going to be the most valuable resource in the future .
  • We should teach the baby boomer generation about climate change.
  • Can owls be domesticated?
  • The sewage system is the most useful creation of urban ecology.
  • Natural environments occur heterogeneously or exhibit patchiness .
  • Is ecotourism better than the regular one?
  • If humans had not discovered agriculture, our world would be completely different today.
  • Overpopulation has severe effects on the environment .
  • Biowaste is an excellent source of alternative energy.
  • Can donating have a more significant impact than recycling?
  • We should ban the usage of plastic bags altogether.
  • Many of our environmental problems today come from human greediness.
  • The most dangerous creature in the world is…a mosquito.
  • Natural science can be fun if taught the right way.
  • Deep-sea creatures have a completely different lifestyle from regular ones .
  • A big pandemic can reduce the level of global death statistics.
  • Both renewable and non-renewable electricity sources produce pollution .
  • Global warming is a straight ticket to economic and geopolitical problems.
  • Some animal zoos are no better than jail for humans.
  • Unsustainable tourism can deeply hurt our environment .
  • Animals understand nature better than we do.
  • Why should we be more conscious of domestic water usage?

Climate change, and the more extreme weather that comes with it, means that water supply is becoming more unpredictable than in years gone by.

šŸŽ­ Funny Persuasive Topics about Culture

  • Talk shows should be banned from television.
  • The toxicity in social media should be punished by law.
  • The Hollywood dream is fake.
  • People in Western culture are obsessed with their looks .
  • Should we stay off Facebook?
  • Materialistic ideas heavily influence the nation of UAE .
  • How would the Buddhist monk react to your shopping habits?
  • Love portrayal in movies is far from reality.
  • Why are dads in sitcoms so childish sometimes?
  • Studying a nationā€™s pop culture is a great way to learn about its peopleā€™s values and beliefs.
  • The expression of love is different in every culture .
  • Beauty pageants are sexist towards women.
  • Our culture changed drastically with the advancement of technology .
  • A controversial public figure will get more media attention than a ā€œquietā€ one.
  • White people tend to appropriate black culture .
  • Modern social standards have a direct connection with our pop culture.
  • Smoking is a big part of our culture .
  • How do you make everyone want to befriend you?
  • Celebrity idolization is pad practice.
  • People are easily offended nowadays, but they have every right to feel so.

Cultural differences.

āš– Funny Persuasive Topics on Laws

  • The absence of gun control laws is the ultimate example of democracy in the United States.
  • Taxes for individual businesses should not exist.
  • The government should increase corporation taxation.
  • Lottery wars are a real thing .
  • Do female criminal gangs exist ?
  • Honking in a traffic jam should be considered criminal.
  • Online gambling is getting out of control .
  • Why pay bills when you can live in the wilderness?
  • Gun ownership should be illegal for people under the age of 21.
  • Marijuana usage should be legal worldwide.
  • America is misled about its rights to freedom of speech .
  • We should contribute more to avoiding wars and international conflicts.
  • International law is not really a law .
  • Racial profiling is not an effective way of police work.
  • The war on drugs has been the longest in US history.

šŸ’ž Funny Persuasive Topics on Relationships

  • Creativity and dishonesty have a lot of things in common in a relationship .
  • Your boyfriend should not be your reason to cry.
  • What does not affect a childā€™s psychology?
  • The couplesā€™ therapy does not work.
  • LGBT community confronts outdated conventions of society .
  • What should be considered a family?
  • The long-distance relationship is the worst kind of relationship.

Distance prevents constricted intimacy from forming in a meaningful way.

  • There should be boundaries in a marriage .
  • Stop viewing relationships as a game.
  • A mother-child relationship starts before that child is born .
  • After a failed relationship, a simple conversation is sometimes better than finger-pointing.
  • Can love between two people last forever?
  • Online dating is worse than the real one.
  • Rich couples have lower divorce rates .
  • If you cannot respect your partner, you deserve to be alone.
  • What is the proper way to ask a girl out on a date?
  • How do you balance work and family ?
  • Sometimes communication just does not work if you like someone. You need to take action.
  • Honesty could ruin a good relationship.
  • How to talk to your crush if you have anxiety?
  • If you are having seconds thoughts about a date – cancel it.
  • Choose your clothes carefully for the first date.
  • The flirting ideal is different for males and females .

šŸŒ­ Funny Persuasive Topics about Food

  • Junk food is not actually that bad for you.
  • Why is food in Mexico so spicy ?
  • Ramen is the greatest creation of humanity.

Instant ramen was Japan's top invention of the 20th century.

  • Fish is the most valuable food resource for humans .
  • A vegan diet could kill you.
  • Your fresh meat from a local store is, in fact, not fresh.
  • Hotpot is a new trend for restaurants worldwide .
  • Farms use a lot of illegal methods to increase their production.
  • Food science saves our lives daily.
  • Curry is perfect for your health .
  • Yogurt is the best among fermented foods.
  • Sustainable food allowed our civilization to thrive.
  • The fast-food business modelā€™s primary aim is profit, not food.
  • Opening a Halal restaurant is a profitable business model .
  • Are we supposed to believe nutrition facts on packages?
  • America developed its way of dining out .
  • Globalization plays a significant role in a countryā€™s food culture .
  • Some things to do when you are offered food you donā€™t like.
  • Ketchup can improve the taste of every dish.
  • Are men better chefs than women?
  • Technology has drastically changed the way we eat.
  • Mediterranean cuisine is the best cuisine in the world.

šŸ˜‚ Persuasive Essay Topics: Funny for Whom?

This chapter is going to list funny persuasive topics for people of different age groups. However, remember that humor is a very subjective thing. Each and one of us (no matter the age) has different mentality and ideals.

We are going to try and speculate what funny things are worthy of discussion for each generation. Letā€™s go!

šŸŽ Funny Persuasive Topics for Elementary Students

  • We should ban adult news and leave only cartoons on TV.
  • Schools should include computer games classes in their program.
  • Our schools should do activities more often, such as camping and excursions.
  • Chocolate awards are the best demonstration of the teacherā€™s appreciation.
  • A school classroom should have more toys.
  • A lunch box is the most valuable thing in our backpacks.
  • Writing an email requires concentrated group work.
  • Teachers should have more rest from their pupils.
  • Your yearly achievements should be read aloud by your parents.
  • Homework is useless for elementary students.
  • A pack of gum is more valuable than money.
  • School cafeterias should be banned for their lack of good food.
  • Family is the primary source of happiness in our lives.
  • Collecting certain things is an excellent way to become popular in school.
  • Domestic robots are going to make us lazy.

šŸ« Funny Persuasive Topics for Middle Schoolers

Middle school is the place where students are only beginning to get acquainted with world realities. They form new relationships, discover sports, drama clubs, start new adventures, etc. First gossips and rumors spread. Middle school is also the first place where students first face bullying.

Here are some topics for this generation:

  • Teachers should allow students to express themselves freely in middle school.
  • We should ban books and only use iPads in classes.
  • Public schools should be administered wiser .
  • The efficiency of childrenā€™s literacy development must be increased .
  • Building new relationships is the best thing about middle school.
  • Every school has one craziest school story.
  • Do boys gossip more than girls?

Men gossip as much as women do.

  • The only thing you think about during classes is song lyrics.
  • 7th grade is the time when you start having crushes.
  • It is impossible to order at McDonaldā€™s without staying ā€œUmmm.ā€
  • Teachers are the biggest motivators for students .
  • Pen clicking is the most annoying thing during a test.
  • Finding old pictures of yourself is the worst thing ever.
  • According to teachers, grades are more important than your emotional and physical health.
  • In middle school, you learn to hate people truly.
  • They tell us sleep is essential, so why do the classes start early?

šŸ—“ Funny Persuasive Topics for High Schoolers

This period is filled with excitement and many adventures. At the same time, students experience too much stress and anxiety. The finals, prom, separation from their parents, college, and adult life are looming.

  • Donā€™t neglect your teachers; they should become your friends in the last year.
  • Donā€™t like Shakespeare? Study him even more !
  • Why is math so complicated in high school?
  • ā€œThe Epic of Gilgameshā€ is the best piece of literature studied in high school .
  • Watching Ted Talks is better than studying.
  • We should live according to the rules of High School Musical .
  • Yearbook quotes are the reason why we go to high school.
  • Senior high school students experience more stress in the last year than all the previous ones combined.
  • Graduation is the happiest moment of your life.
  • The concept of a zombie comes from Haitian culture , but it blooms in every high school.
  • Waiting for a letter from a college is the most stressful thing during high school.
  • There should be a gap year after high school to decide your future.
  • Job interviews for high schoolers should be banned.
  • Why is it so stressful to ask a person on a prom date?
  • Monday classes should not exist.
  • Household rules could tell a lot about someoneā€™s family.

ā˜• Funny Persuasive Topics for College Students

Almost anyone could say that college is the most fun period in their lives. You can have independence, crazy parties, new relationships, etc. At the same time, college students have to get used to a different lifestyle living away from parents.

  • College students are the best procrastinators.
  • Fast food is bad for your mental health.

Eating lots of fast food significantly increased perceived mental distress.

  • You have to get a job in college.
  • How do I not go broke in college?
  • Doing your laundry is a waste of time.
  • Parents can still control you even in college.
  • Fraternities are not so cool anymore.
  • If you want better grades, try to understand your professor.
  • Is attending college worth it ?
  • College jokes are the best.
  • College students are the best liars.
  • Memes is a fantastic stress reliever.
  • The hypocrisy levels of professors are sometimes unbearable.
  • What is the best hobby one could have in college?
  • Adults can attend college, and we should support it.
  • Colleges should be mandatory .
  • Coffee is your best friend in college.

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ« Guide to Making Your Speech or Writing Funny

So, you have already chosen your idea from our funny persuasive topics list. However, you also have to make sure that your speech or essay correlates with it.

Watch how professional speakers deliver their persuasive speeches.

Hereā€™s a guide just for that:

  • Think of your audience . What age group is going to listen to you or read your persuasive essay? What humor would they appreciate? This tip is an essential part of your success.
  • Evaluate whether a humorous approach can contribute to the success of your essay or speech. Your final goal is to persuade. If jokes here and there will only interfere with your objective, don’t incorporate them.
  • Consider your strengths . You’ve probably used humor before in your daily conversations. Which jokes were successful? Are you good at relatable comedy or anecdotes? Looking for an impressive funny topic, you have to take your skills into account. Otherwise, even the hilarious idea will fail. Always keep practicing.
  • Try different techniques . If you’re good at various types of humor or at least willing to attempt, use a few methods. Storytelling, anecdotes, tags, ambiguity, self-deprecationā€”the list goes on! Try different approaches not to become predictable. Check online sources that speak on the many humor techniques.
  • Use expressive yet simple language . It’s hard to laugh when you’re trying to understand what the author intended to say. If you are struggling with word transparency, check your dictionary for synonyms.
  • Don’t forget to pause . Doesn’t matter whether you write or speakā€”give your reader or listener time to prepare for the next joke. Effective spaces between comedic moments are essential not to turn your persuasive speech into a standup. Throwing too many jokes around does not work. Aim for quality over quantity.
  • Practice the jokes on your close ones. Try to find the age group similar to your future audience and ask for their opinion. Then you’ll be able to polish and improve your humor. Both essay writing and public speaking require some practice.

Pay attention to wording.

That is everything you need to know about funny persuasive writing topics! We thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you liked it, share it with your friends to help them find information on the subject.

šŸ”— References

  • 414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]: My Speech Class
  • 4 Steps to Finding a Speech Topic that Clicks: Michelle Mazur, Communication Rebel
  • How to Use Humor Effectively in Speeches: Write Out Loud
  • How to Add Power or Humor with the Rule of Three: Andrew Dlugan, Six Minutes
  • 7 Tips on Writing an Effective Essay: The Fastweb Team
  • Introductions and Conclusions: Writing Advice, University of Toronto
  • College Essay Examples How to Write Your Story Best Colleges: Josh Moody, US News
  • Essays That Worked: John Hopkins University
  • How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
  • Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Dr. Michael W. Kirst, The College Puzzle
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Fun persuasive speech topics

205 persuasive topic suggestions to make them smile

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you've been asked to prepare a persuasive speech and you're looking for the right topic; one your audience will love.ā˜ŗ

You'd like something interesting. Preferably a combination of zany, cheerful, entertaining, outrageous, amusing, side-splittingly funny, comical, jolly, merry AND mirthful with a side serving of droll and a whiff of the ridiculous.

Maybe, even crazy!  

Because humor is the best way to give people a good laugh. And done well, we both know it is very, very persuasive.

For you, here's a collection of 205 funny persuasive speech topics .

Image: girl with T-shirt saying You can do anything. Background text - Be funny, droll, witty, amusing, zany, jolly - 205 persuasive speech topics

What's on this page:

  • 20 bizarre and amusing book titles to use as topics
  • How to use these book titles (and any of the other topics) as the basis of a speech
  • 16 funny persuasive speech topics : a pick 'n mix selection
  • Another collection of 15 great funny persuasive topics
  • 30 more fun persuasive topic ideas
  • And another 25 funny, interesting persuasive speech topics !

25 potentially absurdly funny persuasive topics

26 ridiculously daft and funny persuasive topics, fun persuasive topics: 26 seriously silly ideas, 23 more amusing persuasive speech topics.

  • More persuasive speech resources : topic suggestions, notes on how to write a persuasive speech, an example persuasive speech outline using Monroes Motivated Sequence, plus a free printable speech outline for your own use.
  • For more about humor - how to use it well in speeches

Weirdly amusing and bizarre book titles! 

What were those authors thinking? And who were they expecting to read their work?

Is there actually an audience for these books?

Come on, convince me that I should read them

Use these book titles as a starting point and let your mind run free. 

Persuade us that we need what is contained within the covers of any one of these 20 extraordinary books. *

Image - vintage tractor. Text: Old tractors and the men who love them.

  • Curses and Blessings for All Occasions 
  • The Manga Guide to Calculus
  •  Natural Bust Enlargement with Total Mind Power
  •  The Pop-Up Book of Phobias
  •  How to Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children
  •   Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them
  •  How to Survive a Robot Uprising
  •  Extreme Ironing
  •  Horse Yoga 
  •  The History of the Concrete Roofing Tile

Image - orange and purple pencils perfectly sharpened. Text:Fun Persuasive Speech Topics - How to sharpen pencils.

  • How to Sharpen Pencils 

How Tea Cosies Changed the World

  • How To Live With An Idiot: Clueless Creatures And The People Who Love Them 
  • 50 Sad Chairs
  • Outwitting Squirrels
  • The Deer-Smellers of Haunted Mountain
  • Nuclear War: What's in It for You? 
  • Old Age: Its Cause and Prevention
  • Dating for Under a Dollar: 301 Ideas
  • Be Bold With Bananas

* These are titles of real books -  not a figment of my over active imagination. Check this link to  and all will be revealed. It's worth a visit just see the covers. Some of them are truly, glorious retro masterpieces.

How to use these titles as the basis of a speech

You do not need to actually read the books. (I don't think they'll be on a college student's reading list any time soon. ā˜ŗ)

Instead choose a title, or any of the other 185 topics on this page: one you think has the potential to make an amusing and good persuasive topic. Then,  let it work its magic in your mind.

Use your imagination (brainstorm * ) to come up with your own ideas.

When you have three or four strong points that you intend to use in the body of your speech, flesh them out with compelling details: important fun things everyone absolutely needs to know about.

* brainstorm - an excellent and efficient method of rapidly generating ideas on a particular subject or theme.

If you haven't used the brainstorming technique before, you can find out more and see examples of it in action by clicking the link: what is a brainstorm ?

As an example, here's the beginning of a fun persuasive speech using the book title -  How Tea Cosies Changed the World .

Image: cover of cushions and cosies magazine circa 1940

"We know about the invention of the wheel changing the world. Similarly we know about the impact of light bulbs, telephones, and the internet. However, how much do we know about tea cosies?

That's right. Very little. In fact, nothing.

And yet, ladies and gentlemen, we should."

Compelling "alternative facts" I've invented to establish the humble tea cosy as a world changer, an important influencer, are:

  • The British Empire was built on tea. Every important event or meeting had the taking of tea as its center-point. Expanding the colony? Let's chat over a nice cup tea about it. Those meetings could be very long, and tea needs to be drunk hot. Therefore, to minimize the distraction and distress caused by tepid or worse, cold tea, a tea cosy was placed over the teapot to keep the tea inside it warm. Thus allowing allowing history to be made. (Examples needed to illustrate.)
  • The tea cosy as an ambassador - A cosy was often given as a gift to important dignitaries on visits to other countries - becomes a tangible reminder of the Empire and its power. (Examples needed.)
  • The tea cosy as a symbol of domestic, national and international harmony - bringing people together, uniting them - fostering civilized conversations in often difficult situations...

Obviously, it needs much more development. However, I'm sure you get the idea. It's absurd, ridiculous and lots of fun!

Who'd have thought a hand knitted tea cosy could achieve so much! They need to be preserved and protected. They're an endangered artifact...

Is it a true story? No. Does that matter? No. What does, is that you construct and deliver a good speech: one demonstrating you understand how to persuade effectively and is entertaining for the audience. That's the most important thing.

16 funny persuasive speech topics

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Put "persuade me that" in front of each of the following topics and take your imagination for a stroll. Are there any sparking a few, fresh and funny ideas?

Persuade me that:

  • lying is a good skill to have
  • the dog really did eat your homework
  • procrastination is essential for survival
  • fashion, for example, skinny jeans, makes fools of people
  • newspaper horoscopes accurately forecast the day's events
  • academic examinations are bad for high school student's health
  • dogs are a man's best friend
  • vegetables communicate with each other
  • being good looking is over-rated
  • time spent on social media is productive
  • looking intelligent is better than looking cool
  • it's a child's duty to annoy their parents
  • junk food is good food
  • public personal bloopers are character building
  • it's a parent's duty to embarrass their children
  • labor-saving machines like dishwashers or clothes driers are damaging family dynamics

Another 15 great funny persuasive topics 

funny topics for a persuasive speech

  • teaching someone close to you to drive will strengthen your relationship
  • corporate jargon is an aid to good communication 
  • being completely lazy is a useful skill to have
  • life would be better with a soundtrack and volume control
  • common sense is actually quite rare
  • parental bribery is permissible 
  • time is interpreted differently by men and women
  • romantic love is over rated
  • fairy tales can come true
  • being young and stupid is unavoidable
  • extreme diets can work
  • the perfect partner does exist
  • vehicles have personality
  • pets reflect their owners
  • clothing should be optional

 OMG! 30 more fun persuasive topic ideas -:)

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Please do your very best to p ersuade me that:

  • everyone has something to hide
  • life is a test you can't revise for 
  • preparation for the future is for cowards
  • failing spectacularly and publicly is character building
  • wearing spandex tights is not a public health hazard
  • love at first sight is a myth
  • plants have feelings
  • being sensible is boring
  • painting the town red is a good idea
  • telling the truth to your parents can be dangerous
  • talking to trees is normal
  • acting like a child keeps a person young
  • girls are programmed by gender to want pink things
  • most teachers have humor-bypasses
  • life is better with cake
  • a balanced diet is a cupcake in both hands
  • looking in the mirror is inspirational
  • failure is opportunity in disguise
  • too much of a good thing is wonderful - Mae West
  • growing up is optional
  • breaking your funny-bone is painful
  • dating disasters are unavoidable
  • believing in Santa Claus is for children
  • Christmas is primarily a marketing opportunity
  • money, like the best things in life, should be free
  • life should come with a remote control 
  • google has replaced the need for education
  • pick-up lines can work
  • tattoos are a necessary fashion accessory
  • customers are always right

And another 25 funny, interesting persuasive speech topics!

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Once you've heard my carefully crafted persuasive speech you'll believe, like I do, that:

  • men should be stay-at-home dads
  • getting rich quick is an excellent goal to have
  • dark humor keeps people healthy
  • annoying other people is a desirable skill to have
  • feminism is outdated
  • being an only child is preferable to having siblings
  • sibling rivalry is very good training for real life
  • people need to pass examinations to gain the right to become parents
  • having your cake and eating it too is quite fair
  • learning to pass on blame is an essential survival skill   
  • imitation is a compliment
  • age is irrelevant
  • good luck charms work
  • advertising is art
  • being rude can be therapeutic
  • cheating is understandable
  • Murphy's Law is real
  • being intentionally funny is an art
  • waiting in a queue is an opportunity to meet people
  • cleanliness is over-rated
  • bribery is a lucrative profession
  • watching paint dry is rewarding 
  • cultivating charm is useful
  • looking good is never enough
  • being intelligent is better than being popular

Image: mismatched socks Text: wearing mismatched socks is a bold statement of individuality

Come on. Do your wicked best to convince us that:

  • wearing mismatched socks is a bold statement of individuality.
  • being geekily passionate about obscure niche interests is cool.
  • everyone should develop a hilarious alter ego to unleash their inner silliness.
  • humor and laughter improve our sense of wellbeing.
  • small random amusing acts of kindness make a big difference.
  • certain types of music can make us happier.
  • comedians can raise awareness about important topics while making people laugh.
  • day dreaming is good for you - letting your mind wander can enhance creativity and productivity.
  • there are cognitive, cultural, and career advantages to speaking fluent emoji.
  • the superpowers of committed couch potatoes need celebrating.
  • adults need to rediscover the joy of puddle jumping.
  • grocery shopping is actually an Olympic Sport: 10 strategies for winning gold.
  • emoticons are a universal language and deserve more respect.
  • collecting 'useful' souvenirs (spoons, coasters...) from every trip you go on is a meaningful activity.
  • cats are far superior to dogs as pets.
  • sometimes the best way to achieve success is to do nothing.
  • acknowledging and embracing awkward personal moments can lead to more genuine and meaningful interactions.
  • there really is a Sock Monster who steals them from the laundry one at a time.
  • taking life seriously is seriously overrated and causes major problems. 
  • dad jokes are an essential part of life and should be welcomed and celebrated.
  • air guitar is a legitimate highly skilled art form deserving respect.
  • eating chocolate has extraordinary health benefits as proven by extensive scientific research.
  • laziness can lead to innovative solutions and advancements in technology. 
  • watching silly cat videos on the internet is therapeutic.
  • power naps should be officially integrated into daily schedules in all workplaces and educational institutions. 

Image: person in Edwardian dress thinking. Text: Pretending to understand modern art is an art form

Keep a straight face and give your audience a taste of deadpan humor , while skillfully persuading them that:

  • pretending to understand modern art is an art form.
  • winning an argument even when you're wrong is a useful survival skill. 
  • talking to your belongings as if they can hear, understand and respond is a good, safe way to unburden yourself and keep your sanity.
  • there are benefits to having a disorganized, messy work desk. 
  • from a cat's point of view, they are superior to humans. 
  • research shows laughter yoga in traffic jams prevents rage.
  • mastery of the remote control is an affirmation of power.
  • pretending to listen to someone while daydreaming is an essential survival skill.
  • becoming a hoarder is proof of thinking ahead.
  • these 5 best dance moves for weddings will impress and have you talked about for a long time.
  • your thumbs deserve to be celebrated for all the dexterous texting they do. 
  • the selfie-taking generation is in existential crisis. They do not know who they are, or if they exist, unless they frequently see images of themselves.
  • mental and emotional health is improved by talking to plants.
  • you can stay fit without having to work out in the gym: a definitive guide.
  • food dropped on the floor is fine to eat if picked up within 5 seconds.
  • having confessional conversations with your pet will keep you sane.
  • affirmations on refrigerator magnets can be life changing.
  • the checkout line at the supermarket will double in length the moment you join it.
  • the increase in 'accidental' pocket dialing is actually a sophisticated communication strategy.
  • there is untapped potential in parallel universe tourism.
  • having a terrible sense of direction can have unexpected benefits.
  • popping bubble wrap is curiously satisfying and addictive.
  • winning arguments with toddlers is possible: the ultimate guide for caregivers.
  • the future of communication depends on mastering the use of GIFs.
  • selective hearing is an essential skill for the survival and longevity of relationships.
  • finding inner peace through the checkout process is possible: The Zen of online shopping therapy - a complete guide.

Image: garden gnome Text: that the secret lives of garden gnomes have a positive impact on society.

Your audience's lives will be vastly improved through understanding that:

  • waiting for a webpage to load is an opportunity to change their lives: 5 life-enhancing things to think about and do.
  • adding perfectly timed and utterly useless facts to conversations is an art worth pursuing.
  • they need to know how to safely navigate the uncharted waters of self-photography: selfie etiquette for newbies. 
  • there is a deep emotional connection between humans and their Wi-Fi routers.
  • faking enthusiasm convincingly regardless of the occasion is a useful skill: the ultimate guide. 
  • unicorns are far superior to regular horses.
  • everyone should have their own personal pet rock.
  • communicating with emojis is a basic requirement for modern living.
  • they can survive a zombie apocalypse using bubble wrap.
  • replacing chairs with hammocks lessens stress and  promotes relaxation.
  • speaking gobbledygook jargon makes a person sound intelligent.
  • becoming a professional cereal box collector is a worthy career move.
  • the secret lives of garden gnomes have a positive impact on society.
  • learning to dance like a robot will attract the perfect life partner.
  • being a bubble blower spreads joy and happiness.
  • training your goldfish to perform tricks requires perseverance and patience.
  • establishing a national rubber duck appreciation day is important.
  • replacing all cars in cities with unicycles will solve their congestion and pollution problems.
  • wearing your clothes backward is the latest fashion trend.
  • training to become a competitive pillow fighting champion is possible with your guidance.
  • belly laughing at least 20 times a day has therapeutic benefits.
  • teaching penguins to fly is necessary for their preservation.
  • the world needs more superhero sloths in order to be saved.
  • conducting business meetings on trampolines promotes efficiency and creativity: Bouncing Around Big Business Ideas - A guide for entrepreneurial leaders.
  • using glitter as a source renewable energy has significant positive environmental impacts.
  • replacing handshakes with high-fives would speed up finding resolutions for the world's trouble spots.

Image: trio greek sculptures taking a selfie. Text: that taking silly selfies boosts self-confidence

Take it to your audience. Lay it on the line. Leave no room for doubt. Persuade them that:

  • developing perseverance and commitment through binge-watching TV shows is commendable. 
  • a little bit of chaos can be surprisingly freeing.
  • starting with dessert is a rational approach to dining.
  • taking silly selfies boosts self-confidence.
  • having a messy clothes closet is a sign of creativity and a busy, active life.
  • singing loudly off-key relieves stress. 
  • dancing badly demonstrates supreme self-confidence.
  • wearing the wildest and most colorful socks on Silly Sock Day is important because it brings everyone in a workplace together.
  • loudly sharing your private phone conversations in public places is liberating.
  • laughing at your own mistakes is a key to happiness and success. 
  • embracing your inner child leads to a more joyful and fulfilling life. 
  • pineapple on pizza is not only acceptable but tasty.
  • invisible friends make the best life coaches. 
  • speaking in rhyming couplets guarantees you'll get everyone's attention. 
  • having a dedicated dance move for every life situation is important if you're not that nimble with words. 
  • wining arguments using mime instead of words. 
  • an emoji sticker-based currency system has good economic potential. 
  • wearing pajamas to work/school has significant benefits. 
  • all national anthems should be replaced with catchy jingles. 
  • egg rolling should be classed as an Olympic sport.
  • using rubber chickens as stress-relief tools has advantages.
  • listening to baby animal lullabies as an adult is therapeutic. 
  • the vehicle you drive reflects your personality.

funny topics for a persuasive speech

More persuasive speech resources

Another 827 persuasive topicsā˜ŗ.

  • 100  persuasive speech ideas
  • 50  good persuasive speech topics
  • 309 'easy' persuasive speech topics
  • 310 best persuasive speech topics for college 
  • 108 feminist persuasive speech topics

A group of women with raised fists. Text: 108 feminist persuasive speech topics

How to write a persuasive speech

Get a 7 step checklist covering all aspects of crafting a good persuasive speech that will take you from topic selection to choosing the best structural pattern to suit your purpose. Go to:  writing a persuasive speech .

Persuasive speech outline with FREE printable

I've also put together an overview of the classic 5 step pattern of persuasion called Monroe's Motivated Sequence. It comes with a free printable, blank ready-for-you-to-complete  persuasive speech outline template .  I hope you find it useful!

How to use humor well in speeches

I'm sure you know that cliche: 'One person's funny is another person's not.'

To use humor well, to have people laughing with you, and not at you, which is a painful experience, you need to know what you're doing.

Here's a good place to start if you want more information: Great funny speeches - how to get the laughter you want. 

speaking out loud 

Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

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funny topics for a persuasive speech


85 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For High School Students

ā€œLaughter is the shortest distance between two peopleā€

These words by the renowned comedian Victor Borge clearly highlight the power of using humor to bring people together. When it comes to persuasive speeches, incorporating a touch of humor can make all the difference. Humor captures the attention of people and connects with them on a personal level which helps make a lasting impression, fulfilling the purpose of a persuasive speech. 

In this blog post, youā€™ll find a list of funny persuasive speech topics for high school students to help them learn how to use the power of humor to engage the audience while giving a presentation or a speech. Get ready to unleash your inner comedian, challenge the status quo, and inspire laughter while making a compelling point. Remember, my fellow mischief-makers, humor is the secret weapon that can transform any persuasive speech into a rip-roaring adventure. So buckle up, hold onto your funny bones, and let’s embark on this laughter-filled journey of persuasive mischief!

Funny persuasive speech topics for high school students

  • Why cats make better pets than dogs
  • The benefits of procrastination
  • The art of being awkward
  • Why pizza should be considered a vegetable
  • The joys of being a couch potato
  • Why Mondays should be eliminated
  • The secret to being a professional video game player
  • The importance of napping in school
  • The perks of being short
  • The art of taking the perfect selfie
  • Why chocolate should be its own food group
  • The benefits of wearing mismatched socks
  • The science behind laughter
  • How to win an argument even when you’re wrong
  • The best excuses for not doing homework
  • The joys of eating dessert first
  • How to become an expert at taking naps
  • The magic of duct tape
  • The importance of wearing pajamas to school
  • The secret to being a professional procrastinator
  • The art of making funny faces in the mirror
  • Why school should start at noon
  • The benefits of laughing at your own jokes
  • The joys of eating breakfast for dinner
  • The science of funny pick-up lines
  • How to survive a boring class
  • The importance of having a good sense of humor
  • The perks of being a class clown
  • The secret to winning an argument with your parents
  • The art of making funny noises
  • Why wearing pajamas all day is fashionable
  • The benefits of watching cat videos on YouTube
  • The joys of talking to yourself
  • The science behind funny dance moves
  • How to become an expert at using emojis
  • The importance of having a funny ringtone
  • The perks of having a messy room
  • The secret to writing a funny persuasive speech
  • The art of telling cheesy jokes
  • Why sarcasm is the best form of communication
  • The benefits of having a funny nickname
  • The joys of eating dessert for breakfast
  • The science behind funny internet memes
  • How to survive a zombie apocalypse with humor
  • The importance of laughing at your own mistakes
  • The perks of having a funny voice
  • The secret to making your teacher laugh
  • The art of creating funny prank videos
  • Why bad puns are actually good
  • The benefits of using funny GIFs in conversations
  • The joys of making funny faces behind people’s backs
  • The science behind funny YouTube videos
  • How to become an expert at making funny animal sounds
  • The importance of having a funny alarm clock
  • The perks of having a funny email signature
  • The secret to making people laugh without saying a word
  • The art of writing funny captions for Instagram photos
  • Why awkward moments make the best memories
  • The benefits of using funny memes in school presentations
  • The perks of having a funny voicemail message
  • The secret to making funny faces in class without getting caught
  • Why laughing at yourself is a sign of confidence
  • The benefits of having a funny signature move
  • The joys of eating ice cream in the winter
  • The importance of having a funny desktop wallpaper
  • The perks of having a funny profile picture
  • The secret to making people laugh through written communication
  • The art of delivering a funny introduction
  • The benefits of starting a laughter club in school
  • The joys of creating funny doodles in class
  • How to become an expert at telling funny anecdotes
  • The secret to making funny faces in photos without looking awkward
  • Why telling jokes during presentations can improve your grades
  • The benefits of using humor to diffuse tense situations
  • The joys of making funny voices during storytelling
  • The science behind why puns are universally funny
  • How to become an expert at creating funny social media posts
  • The importance of using humor to cope with stress
  • The perks of having a funny ringtone for each of your friends
  • The art of creating funny skits for school events
  • Why laughing at your own mistakes is a sign of self-acceptance
  • The benefits of using humor in persuasive writing
  • The joys of organizing a school-wide prank day
  • The science behind why funny videos go viral
  • The importance of using humor to connect with others

How to choose the best topic?

Humor has a remarkable ability to engage an audience, break down barriers, and make your message memorable. Whether it is quotes for seniors , lunch box notes , or reunion quotes , infusing humor can effectively communicate your ideas while ensuring a delightful experience for your listeners.

Now, let’s explore the key pointers to help you choose the best persuasive funny topic:

  • Consider your audience: Take into account the preferences, interests, and sense of humor of your audience. Tailor your topic to their tastes to maximize engagement and enjoyment.
  • Find relevance: Look for topics that have a connection to your audience’s lives. Explore everyday situations, common experiences, or current events that can be presented in a humorous and relatable way.
  • Combine unexpected elements: Think outside the box and combine unrelated ideas or concepts to create a humorous twist. Unleash your creativity and embrace the unexpected to generate laughter and intrigue.
  • Balance humor and persuasion: While humor is essential, ensure that your topic still serves a persuasive purpose. Find a balance between entertaining your audience and effectively conveying your message or call to action.
  • Test your ideas: Share your potential topics with friends, family, or colleagues with a similar sense of humor. Gauge their reactions and seek feedback to determine which topics elicit the most laughter and enthusiasm.

Humor has the remarkable ability to captivate an audience, break down barriers, and make our messages unforgettable. By infusing our speeches with wit and comedic charm, we can effectively communicate our ideas while leaving a lasting impression. 

Remember, the key to a successful funny persuasive speech lies in understanding our audience, finding relevance in our topics, and striking a balance between humor and persuasion. Now, go forth, and discover a myriad of funny and quirky topics discussed above, challenging the conventional and inviting laughter into your persuasive endeavors. Let your persuasive speeches resonate with humor and charm.

funny topics for a persuasive speech

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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300+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics That Will Crack You Up

300+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics That Will Crack You Up

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to an incredible adventure where laughter meets logic! In the fast world, capturing your audience’s attention is essential.Ā You hadĀ better blend humor with persuasion. Today, we’re diving into a treasure trove of wit and wisdom with 300+ funny persuasive speech topics .

Don’t Miss: 500+ Impromptu Speech Topics for Every Occasion and Audience

300+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics That Will Crack You Up

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice ready to make your debut, these topics are your golden tickets to engaging and entertaining your listeners. From whimsical debates on the superiority of cats vs. dogs to hilarious arguments about why pineapple absolutely belongs on pizza, we’ve got you covered. Buckle up for a journey where every topic is designed not just to persuade, but also to bring a smile to your audience’s face.

If you need more personalized ideas for your speech, don’t hesitate to contact Arvin , who can provide customized advice and innovative ideas to enhance the quality and impact of your speech. Try Arvin now!

Table of Contents

How to pick a funny topic for your persuasive speech?

Selecting a funny topic for your persuasive speech can be a delightful yet strategic process. Here are some steps and tips to guide you in choosing a topic that will entertain and persuade your audience:

1. Know Your Audience

  • Demographics & Interests : Consider the age, interests, and cultural background of your audience. Humor can vary widely depending on these factors.
  • Event Context : Is this a formal event, a casual gathering, or an academic setting? Tailor your humor appropriately.

2. Choose a Relatable Topic

  • Common Experiences : Pick subjects that resonate with everyday experiences or common issues that people find amusing.
  • Trendy Topics : Reference current events, viral internet trends, or popular culture for a contemporary touch.

3. Balance Humor and Substance

  • Meaningful Message : Ensure your topic still carries a persuasive element. The humor should enhance your argument, not overshadow it.
  • Feasibility : Select a topic you can research and support with facts, even if itā€™s conveyed humorously.

4. Test Your Topic

  • Soundboard : Discuss your ideas with friends or colleagues to gauge their reactions.
  • Pilot Testing : Try out a few jokes or key points in everyday conversation to see which ones land well.

5. Be Yourself

  • Personal Touch : Reflect on your own humorous experiences or idiosyncrasies. Authenticity makes your delivery more engaging.
  • Authentic Humor : Use a style of humor that suits your personalityā€”be it dry, witty, slapstick, or sarcastic.

6. Avoid Overused ClichƩs

  • Originality : Steer clear of overly familiar jokes or topics that feel stale. Fresh ideas keep your audience intrigued.
  • Nuanced Humor : Find unique angles or lesser-known aspects of a common subject to discuss humorously.
  • “Why Dogs Make Better Roommates Than Humans” : Combining our love for pets with humor.
  • “The Art of Procrastination: Why You Should Always Leave Things Till the Last Minute” : A playful take on a common habit.
  • “Why Pineapple Absolutely Belongs on Pizza” : Using humor to argue a popular debate topic.

Choosing a funny topic for your persuasive speech can set the stage for a memorable and impactful presentation. By understanding your audience, balancing humor with substance, and testing your ideas, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a speech that not only entertains but also persuades. So, get creative, stay authentic, and most importantly, have fun with it!

How to write a persuasive speech?

Writing a persuasive speech involves a combination of well-crafted arguments, a clear structure, and a compelling delivery style. Here are the key steps to guide you through the process:

1. Choose a Topic

Select a topic that you are passionate about and that has enough material to support your argument. Ensure the topic is relevant to your audience and not overly broad.

2. Understand Your Audience

  • Demographics : Consider the age, background, interests, and values of your audience.
  • Needs and Concerns : Understand what matters to your audience and how your topic relates to them.

3. Research Your Topic

  • Gather Evidence : Use reliable sources to gather facts, statistics, quotes, and examples to support your argument.
  • Understand Counterarguments : Be aware of opposing viewpoints so you can address them effectively.

4. Outline Your Speech

A clear structure will help guide your audience through your arguments.


  • Hook : Start with an engaging opening to capture attention, such as a question, anecdote, or quote.
  • Thesis Statement : Clearly state your main argument or purpose of the speech.
  • Preview : Briefly outline the main points you will cover.
  • Main Points : Develop each main point in a separate paragraph or section.
  • Evidence and Examples : Use facts, statistics, and anecdotes to support each point.
  • Transitions : Ensure smooth transitions between points to maintain the flow of your speech.
  • Summary : Recap your main points.
  • Restate Thesis : Reinforce your main argument.
  • Call to Action : Encourage your audience to take a specific action or adopt a particular viewpoint.
  • Closing Sentence : End with a strong, memorable statement.

5. Write the Speech

  • Introduction : Craft a captivating opening and clearly state your thesis.
  • Body : Write detailed sections for each main point, supported by evidence. Make sure each section logically follows from the previous one.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and reinforce your main argument, and end with a powerful closing.

6. Refine Your Speech

  • Edit for Clarity : Ensure your ideas are clear and concise.
  • Check for Persuasiveness : Make sure you have strong, logical arguments and that you address counterarguments.
  • Add Rhetorical Devices : Use rhetorical questions, repetition, analogies, and parallelism to strengthen your speech.

7. Practice Your Delivery

  • Rehearse : Practice delivering your speech multiple times.
  • Use Notes : Create cue cards or an outline to help you remember key points.
  • Pace and Tone : Work on your pacing, intonation, and emphasis to make your speech more engaging.
  • Body Language : Use appropriate gestures and maintain eye contact to connect with your audience.

Example Outline

Topic The Importance of Renewable Energy Introduction Hook: “Imagine a world where clean air and sustainable energy are the norm, not the exception.” Thesis: “Renewable energy is essential for a sustainable and prosperous future.” Preview: “Today, I will discuss the environmental, economic, and social benefits of renewable energy.” Body 1. Environmental Benefits Evidence: “According to the Environmental Protection Agency, renewable energy sources significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Example: “Wind and solar power have minimal environmental impact compared to fossil fuels.” 2. Economic Benefits Evidence: “The renewable energy sector is creating jobs at a rate 12 times faster than the rest of the economy.” Example: “Countries investing in renewable energy are seeing substantial economic growth.” 3 . Social Benefits Evidence: “Access to renewable energy can improve health outcomes by reducing air pollution.” Example: “Communities with renewable energy installations experience greater energy independence and resilience.” Conclusion Summary: “Renewable energy offers unparalleled environmental, economic, and social benefits.” Restate Thesis: “It is crucial for a sustainable and prosperous future.” Call to Action: “Let’s support policies and initiatives that promote renewable energy adoption.” Closing Sentence: “Together, we can create a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world for future generations.”

By following these steps and focusing on clarity, structure, and delivery, you’ll be able to write a persuasive speech that is compelling, engaging, and effective. Happy writing!

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should students be allowed to use AI tools?
  • Should you exercise every day?
  • Should we reduce the use of single-use plastics?
  • Should voting be mandatory?
  • Should schools teach kids a foreign language?
  • Should schools teach financial management and other practical skills?
  • Are phones and social media affecting how kids grow up?
  • Should the government invest more money in space exploration?

Unique Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The benefits of a four-day workweek.
  • Encouraging more women in STEM fields.
  • The case for universal childcare.
  • The importance of sleep for mental health.
  • Promoting plant-based diets.
  • Mandatory vaccinations for schoolchildren.
  • Incorporating financial literacy in school curriculums.
  • Benefits of online learning post-pandemic.
  • Vertical farming as a solution to urban food deserts.
  • The need for strict regulations on deep-sea mining.
  • The role of blockchain in enhancing privacy and security.
  • Regulating social media algorithms.
  • The moral imperative of animal rights.
  • The case for reparations for descendants of slavery.
  • The impact of video games on cognitive development.

Funny Persuasive Speech Examples

  • “Why Spaghetti Should Be Declared as the National Dish of [Your Country]” Delight your audience with an entertaining argument stating that spaghetti should be recognized as your country’s national dish. Share amusing anecdotes, talk about its versatility, and emphasize the universal love for this delicious dish that brings people together.
  • “Why We Should Replace Traditional Office Chairs with Bouncy Castles” Make a case for unconventional office furniture by arguing that replacing regular office chairs with bouncy castles will bring immense joy, reduce stress levels, increase physical activity, and improve overall productivity. Use humor to demonstrate how bouncing around can release tension and make work more fun.
  • “The Benefits of Laughing Yoga: How to Laugh Your Way to Enlightenment” Highlight the positive effects of laugh yoga, a practice that combines laughter and breathing exercises. Share funny stories, explain the health benefits of laughter, and describe how this unique form of exercise can help people find inner peace and happiness.
  • “Why Clumsiness Should Be Considered a Superpower” Present a funny argument stating that being clumsy should be celebrated as a superpower. Explain how clumsiness can lead to unexpected outcomes, and extraordinary adventures, and even foster creativity. Emphasize the unique experiences that only clumsy people encounter.
  • “Why Emoji Should Be Considered an Official Language” Make a light-hearted case for adopting emoji as an official language. Discuss how emoji is a universal form of communication transcending language barriers, and emphasize the clarity and emotion encapsulated in each tiny image. Share funny examples of misinterpreted emoji messages to entertain the audience.

Ecology Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Solar energy harvesting should be obligatory for every citizen.
  • We should teach the baby boomer generation about climate change.
  • Can owls be domesticated?
  • The sewage system is the most useful creation of urban ecology.
  • Is ecotourism better than the regular one?
  • If humans had not discovered agriculture, our world would be completely different today.
  • Biowaste is an excellent source of alternative energy.
  • Can donating have a more significant impact than recycling?
  • We should ban the use of plastic bags altogether.
  • Many of our environmental problems today come from human greediness.
  • The most dangerous creature in the world isā€¦a mosquito.
  • Natural science can be fun if taught the right way.
  • A big pandemic can reduce the level of global death statistics.
  • Global warming is a straight ticket to economic and geopolitical problems.
  • Some animal zoos are no better than jail for humans.
  • Animals understand nature better than we do.
  • Why should we be more conscious of domestic water usage?

Culture Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Talk shows should be banned from television.
  • The toxicity in social media should be punished by law.
  • The Hollywood dream is fake.
  • Should we stay off Facebook?
  • How would the Buddhist monk react to your shopping habits?
  • Love portrayal in movies is far from reality.
  • Why are dads in sitcoms so childish sometimes?
  • Studying a nationā€™s pop culture is a great way to learn about its peopleā€™s values and beliefs.
  • Beauty pageants are sexist towards women.
  • A controversial public figure will get more media attention than a ā€œquietā€ one.
  • Modern social standards have a direct connection with our pop culture.
  • How do you make everyone want to befriend you?
  • Celebrity idolization is a bad practice.
  • People are easily offended nowadays, but they have every right to feel so.

Laws Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The absence of gun control laws is the ultimate example of democracy in the United States.
  • Taxes for individual businesses should not exist.
  • The government should increase corporation taxation.
  • Honking in a traffic jam should be considered criminal.
  • Why pay bills when you can live in the wilderness?
  • Gun ownership should be illegal for people under the age of 21.
  • Marijuana usage should be legal worldwide.
  • We should contribute more to avoiding wars and international conflicts.
  • Racial profiling is not an effective way of police work.
  • The war on drugs has been the longest in US history.

Relationships Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Your boyfriend should not be your reason to cry.
  • What does not affect a childā€™s psychology?
  • The couplesā€™ therapy does not work.
  • What should be considered a family?
  • A long-distance relationship is the worst kind of relationship.
  • Stop viewing relationships as a game.
  • After a failed relationship, a simple conversation is sometimes better than finger-pointing.
  • Can love between two people last forever?
  • Online dating is worse than the real one.
  • If you cannot respect your partner, you deserve to be alone.
  • What is the proper way to ask a girl out on a date?
  • Sometimes communication just does not work if you like someone. You need to take action.
  • Honesty could ruin a good relationship.
  • How to talk to your crush if you have anxiety?
  • If you are having second thoughts about a date ā€“ cancel it.
  • Choose your clothes carefully for the first date.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for Elementary Students

  • We should ban adult news and leave only cartoons on TV.
  • Schools should include computer games classes in their program.
  • Our schools should do activities more often, such as camping and excursions.
  • Chocolate awards are the best demonstration of the teacherā€™s appreciation.
  • A school classroom should have more toys.
  • A lunch box is the most valuable thing in our backpacks.
  • Writing an email requires concentrated group work.
  • Teachers should have more rest from their pupils.
  • Your yearly achievements should be read aloud by your parents.
  • Homework is useless for elementary students.
  • A pack of gum is more valuable than money.
  • School cafeterias should be banned for their lack of good food.
  • Family is the primary source of happiness in our lives.
  • Collecting certain things is an excellent way to become popular in school.
  • Domestic robots are going to make us lazy.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for Middle School

  • Teachers should allow students to express themselves freely in middle school.
  • We should ban books and only use iPads in classes.
  • Building new relationships is the best thing about middle school.
  • Every school has one craziest school story.
  • Do boys gossip more than girls?
  • The only thing you think about during classes is song lyrics.
  • 7th grade is the time when you start having crushes.
  • It is impossible to order at McDonaldā€™s without saying ā€œUmmm.ā€
  • Pen clicking is the most annoying thing during a test.
  • Finding old pictures of yourself is the worst thing ever.
  • According to teachers, grades are more important than your emotional and physical health.
  • In middle school, you learn to hate people truly.
  • They tell us sleep is essential, so why do the classes start early?

Food Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Junk food is not actually that bad for you.
  • Ramen is the greatest creation of humanity.
  • A vegan diet could kill you.
  • Your fresh meat from a local store is, in fact, not fresh.
  • Farms use a lot of illegal methods to increase their production.
  • Food science saves our lives daily.
  • Yogurt is the best among fermented foods.
  • Sustainable food allowed our civilization to thrive.
  • The fast-food business modelā€™s primary aim is profit, not food.
  • Are we supposed to believe nutrition facts on packages?
  • Some things to do when you are offered food you donā€™t like.
  • Ketchup can improve the taste of every dish.
  • Are men better chefs than women?
  • Technology has drastically changed the way we eat.
  • Mediterranean cuisine is the best cuisine in the world.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for High School

  • Donā€™t neglect your teachers; they should become your friends in the last year.
  • Why is math so complicated in high school?
  • Watching Ted Talks is better than studying.
  • We should live according to the rules of  High School Musical .
  • Yearbook quotes are the reason why we go to high school.
  • Graduation is the happiest moment of your life.
  • Waiting for a letter from a college is the most stressful thing during high school.
  • There should be a gap year after high school to decide your future.
  • Job interviews for high schoolers should be banned.
  • Why is it so stressful to ask a person on a prom date?
  • Monday classes should not exist.
  • Household rules could tell a lot about someoneā€™s family.

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

  • College students are the best procrastinators.
  • Fast food is bad for your mental health.
  • You have to get a job in college.
  • How do I not go broke in college?
  • Doing your laundry is a waste of time.
  • Parents can still control you even in college.
  • Fraternities are not so cool anymore.
  • If you want better grades, try to understand your professor.
  • College jokes are the best.
  • College students are the best liars.
  • Memes are a fantastic stress reliever.
  • The hypocrisy levels of professors are sometimes unbearable.
  • What is the best hobby one could have in college?
  • Adults can attend college, and we should support it.
  • Coffee is your best friend in college.

It’s hard to make your point and keep your audience entertained at the same time. But our list of funny persuasive speech topics will help you do just that. Adding humor to your arguments makes your message more memorable and impactful. A well-timed joke can break the ice, and a clever argument can change minds. Use these topics to make your speeches both convincing and funny.

If you require tailored suggestions for your speech, don’t hesitate to reach out to Arvin . It can offer personalized guidance and creative ideas to improve the quality and effectiveness of your speech. Try Arvin now!

Fast food ā€“ it’s not that bad! Education ā€“ students deserve a stipend. Recycling ā€“ does it work? Veganism ā€“ everyone should go vegan! Homework ā€“ we don’t need it!

Can video games improve problem-solving skills? Are online classes as effective as in-person classes? Should companies implement a four-day work week?

Attention Getting Device:Ā Start your speech off with a quotation, a short narrative, a mind blowing statisticā€”anything to wow your audience and grab their attention. Make sure your AGD is topical, though. You don’t want to start off your speech praising Ryan Gosling’s good looks when the subject is clean city water.

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300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics You Should Know

So, youā€™re on the hunt for some hilarious but persuasive speech topics, huh? Well, youā€™ve come to the right place! Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of ā€œ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics .ā€ Weā€™re talking about topics thatā€™ll have your audience rolling in the aisles while still making some solid points.

Itā€™s all about mixing laughter with a dash of persuasion to keep things interesting. So, grab your sense of humor and letā€™s explore some topics thatā€™ll have everyone laughing and nodding along in agreement.

Is it right to discuss Funny Persuasive Speech Topics?

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Discussing funny persuasive speech topics is perfectly acceptable and can be highly effective in certain contexts. Hereā€™s why:

  • Engagement: Humor is a powerful tool for engaging an audience. When people are entertained, they are more likely to pay attention and remember the message youā€™re trying to convey.
  • Memorable: A funny speech is more likely to stick in peopleā€™s minds long after itā€™s delivered. By injecting humor into your speech, you increase the chances of your audience remembering your main points.
  • Emotional connection: Humor can create an emotional connection between the speaker and the audience. When people laugh together, they feel a sense of camaraderie, which can make them more receptive to the speakerā€™s message.
  • Relatability: Funny persuasive speech topics often touch on everyday experiences and situations that people can relate to. This relatability can make your message more persuasive because it resonates with the audience on a personal level.
  • Disarming tension: In some situations, humor can help to disarm tension or defuse a potentially contentious topic. By lightening the mood with humor, you can make it easier for people to consider viewpoints that they might otherwise be resistant to.

However, itā€™s important to exercise caution when using humor in persuasive speeches. Make sure that your jokes are appropriate for the audience and the occasion, and avoid anything that could be offensive or insensitive.

Additionally, ensure that the humor supports your main message rather than overshadowing it. When used effectively, funny persuasive speech topics can be a powerful tool for communication and persuasion.

How and where to discuss funny persuasive speech topics?

There are several ways and places to discuss funny persuasive speech topics:

  • Classrooms : If youā€™re a student, you might have opportunities to give persuasive speeches as part of your coursework. Many teachers and professors encourage students to incorporate humor into their presentations to engage their classmates and demonstrate their public speaking skills.
  • Toastmasters Clubs : Toastmasters International is a global organization that helps members improve their public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback. Many Toastmasters clubs have meetings where members give speeches on a variety of topics , including persuasive speeches with humor.
  • Comedy Clubs or Open Mic Nights : If youā€™re comfortable performing in front of a live audience, you could try out your funny persuasive speech at a comedy club or an open mic night. These venues provide a supportive environment for trying out new material and honing your comedic timing.
  • Workshops or Seminars : Some organizations offer workshops or seminars on public speaking, where participants can learn and practice delivering persuasive speeches. These events often provide opportunities for participants to receive constructive feedback from instructors and peers.
  • Online Platforms : With the rise of virtual communication, there are many online platforms where you can share your funny persuasive speech topics . You could create a video and upload it to platforms like YouTube or TikTok, or join online communities focused on public speaking or comedy.
  • Social Gatherings : Informal social gatherings with friends or family can also be a great opportunity to test out your funny persuasive speech topics. Whether itā€™s at a dinner party or a backyard barbecue, you can engage your audience in conversation and see how they respond to your humor.

Remember to consider the appropriateness of your humor for the specific audience and setting, and be open to feedback to improve your delivery and effectiveness.

300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Hereā€™s a list of 300 funny persuasive speech topics categorized for your convenience:

Entertainment and Pop Culture

  • Why The Office is the ultimate binge-worthy show.
  • The absurdity of superhero costumes.
  • The ridiculousness of reality TV.
  • Why cats are plotting to take over the world.
  • The peculiar habits of celebrities.
  • The humor in cheesy pick-up lines.
  • The strange world of internet memes.
  • The art of making the perfect playlist.
  • The absurdity of movie sequels.
  • Why dogs have mastered the art of manipulation.

Food and Drink

  • The conspiracy behind pineapple on pizza.
  • The real reason why chocolate is everyoneā€™s guilty pleasure.
  • The bizarre world of food combinations.
  • The ridiculousness of food challenges.
  • The secret life of grocery store items.
  • Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day (for your Instagram feed).
  • The hidden agenda of fast-food mascots.
  • The peculiar rituals of coffee addicts.
  • The science of why we canā€™t stop eating junk food.
  • The truth behind food labels: Decoding the mystery.

Relationships and Dating

  • The absurdity of online dating profiles.
  • The comedic side of bad first dates.
  • The strange habits of couples in love.
  • Why arguing with your significant other can be fun.
  • The truth about relationship advice columns.
  • The art of flirting in the modern age.
  • The hilarious side of being single.
  • The real reason behind ā€œopposites attract.ā€
  • The secret language of emojis in relationships.
  • Why dating apps are like a game of chance.

Technology and Social Media

  • The absurdity of smartphone addiction.
  • The comedic side of autocorrect fails.
  • The strange world of internet conspiracy theories.
  • The truth behind social media filters.
  • The hidden agenda of online quizzes.
  • The peculiar habits of internet trolls.
  • The comedic value of internet cat videos.
  • The reality behind Instagram vs. reality.
  • The ridiculousness of online arguments.
  • The truth about why we canā€™t put our phones down.

Work and Career

  • The absurdity of office politics.
  • The comedic value of workplace meetings.
  • The strange habits of coworkers.
  • The truth about office dress codes.
  • The hidden agenda behind company team-building exercises.
  • The hilarious side of job interviews.
  • The absurdity of corporate jargon.
  • The real reason behind office gossip.
  • The comedic value of workplace stereotypes.
  • The truth about why we procrastinate at work.

Education and School Life

  • The absurdity of school dress codes.
  • The comedic side of group projects.
  • The strange world of standardized testing.
  • The truth about why students always wait until the last minute.
  • The hidden agenda behind school cafeteria food.
  • The ridiculousness of school rules.
  • The truth about why math is so hard.
  • The comedic value of school assemblies.
  • The absurdity of school bathrooms.
  • The real reason behind why we hate Mondays.

Travel and Vacation

  • The comedic value of travel mishaps.
  • The strange habits of tourists.
  • The truth about why we always overpack.
  • The hidden agenda behind travel souvenirs.
  • The absurdity of airport security.
  • The hilarious side of language barriers.
  • The real reason behind why vacations never go as planned.
  • The comedic value of travel reviews.
  • The absurdity of travel etiquette.
  • The truth about why we love beach vacations.

Health and Fitness

  • The comedic value of gym fails.
  • The strange habits of fitness fanatics.
  • The truth about why we always start diets on Mondays.
  • The absurdity of fitness trends.
  • The hidden agenda behind workout clothing.
  • The ridiculousness of exercise equipment infomercials.
  • The comedic side of yoga classes.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t stick to a workout routine.
  • The absurdity of detox diets.
  • The truth about why we love cheat days.

Environmental Issues

  • The comedic value of eco-friendly products.
  • The strange habits of environmental activists.
  • The truth about why we still use plastic straws.
  • The hidden agenda behind recycling.
  • The absurdity of climate change denial.
  • The hilarious side of green initiatives.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t give up fast fashion.
  • The absurdity of eco-friendly packaging.
  • The truth about why we love nature documentaries.
  • The comedic value of Earth Day celebrations.

Parenting and Family Life

  • The strange habits of new parents.
  • The comedic side of parenting advice books.
  • The truth about why kids never listen.
  • The hidden agenda behind family vacations.
  • The absurdity of parenting trends.
  • The hilarious side of kidsā€™ birthday parties.
  • The real reason why parents always say, ā€œBecause I said so.ā€
  • The absurdity of family dinner conversations.
  • The truth about why grandparents spoil their grandkids.
  • The comedic value of family holiday traditions.

Politics and Government

  • The strange habits of politicians.
  • The comedic value of political debates.
  • The truth about why we canā€™t trust politicians.
  • The hidden agenda behind campaign promises.
  • The absurdity of political scandals.
  • The ridiculousness of political ads.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t agree on anything politically.
  • The comedic side of voting.
  • The absurdity of political correctness.
  • The truth about why we still have political cartoons.

Sports and Athletics

  • The strange habits of sports fans.
  • The comedic value of sports commentary.
  • The truth about why we always root for the underdog.
  • The hidden agenda behind sports rivalries.
  • The absurdity of sports superstitions.
  • The ridiculousness of sports mascots.
  • The real reason why we watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.
  • The comedic side of sports injuries.
  • The absurdity of halftime shows.
  • The truth about why we canā€™t resist sports documentaries.

Fashion and Style

  • The strange habits of fashionistas.
  • The comedic value of fashion trends.
  • The truth about why we wear socks with sandals.
  • The hidden agenda behind fashion magazines.
  • The absurdity of runway fashion.
  • The ridiculousness of beauty pageants.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t resist sales.
  • The comedic side of fashion disasters.
  • The absurdity of fashion rules.
  • The truth about why we keep clothes we never wear.

Science and Technology

  • The strange habits of scientists.
  • The comedic value of science experiments gone wrong.
  • The truth about why weā€™re fascinated by conspiracy theories.
  • The hidden agenda behind technology addiction.
  • The absurdity of futuristic predictions.
  • The ridiculousness of infomercial inventions.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t live without Wi-Fi.
  • The comedic side of tech support calls.
  • The absurdity of robot companions.
  • The truth about why weā€™re obsessed with space exploration.

Philosophy and Existentialism

  • The strange habits of philosophers.
  • The comedic value of existential crises.
  • The truth about why we question the meaning of life.
  • The hidden agenda behind self-help books.
  • The absurdity of fortune-telling.
  • The ridiculousness of conspiracy theories.
  • The real reason why weā€™re afraid of the dark.
  • The comedic side of mid-life crises.
  • The absurdity of ā€œdeepā€ conversations.
  • The truth about why we seek happiness.

Religion and Spirituality

  • The strange habits of religious leaders.
  • The comedic value of religious rituals.
  • The truth about why we believe in superstitions.
  • The hidden agenda behind cults.
  • The absurdity of religious debates.
  • The ridiculousness of creationism vs. evolution.
  • The real reason why we pray.
  • The comedic side of religious texts.
  • The absurdity of religious persecution.
  • The truth about why we seek spiritual enlightenment.

Animals and Nature

  • The strange habits of animals.
  • The comedic value of animal documentaries.
  • The truth about why we anthropomorphize animals.
  • The hidden agenda behind pet ownership.
  • The absurdity of animal rights activism.
  • The ridiculousness of pet clothing.
  • The real reason why we love cat videos.
  • The comedic side of wildlife conservation efforts.
  • The absurdity of pet psychology.
  • The truth about why weā€™re obsessed with animal memes.

Art and Creativity

  • The strange habits of artists.
  • The comedic value of modern art.
  • The truth about why weā€™re drawn to certain paintings.
  • The hidden agenda behind art auctions.
  • The absurdity of art criticism.
  • The ridiculousness of art forgeries.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t understand abstract art.
  • The comedic side of art installations.
  • The absurdity of art school.
  • The truth about why we doodle.

Money and Finance

  • The strange habits of billionaires.
  • The comedic value of budgeting.
  • The truth about why we buy lottery tickets.
  • The hidden agenda behind get-rich-quick schemes.
  • The absurdity of economic forecasts.
  • The ridiculousness of financial advice.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t stick to a budget.
  • The comedic side of penny-pinching.
  • The absurdity of shopping addiction.
  • The truth about why money canā€™t buy happiness.

Literature and Writing

  • The strange habits of writers.
  • The comedic value of literary analysis.
  • The truth about why weā€™re drawn to certain genres.
  • The hidden agenda behind book clubs.
  • The absurdity of writerā€™s block.
  • The ridiculousness of fan fiction.
  • The real reason why we judge books by their covers.
  • The comedic side of book adaptations.
  • The absurdity of literary awards.
  • The truth about why we love to escape into books.

History and Historical Events

  • The strange habits of historical figures.
  • The comedic value of historical reenactments.
  • The hidden agenda behind historical revisionism.
  • The absurdity of ancient traditions.
  • The ridiculousness of historical fashion.
  • The real reason why we love visiting museums.
  • The comedic side of historical documentaries.
  • The absurdity of historical inaccuracies in movies.
  • The truth about why weā€™re nostalgic for the past.

DIY and Crafts

  • The strange habits of DIY enthusiasts.
  • The comedic value of Pinterest fails.
  • The truth about why we start craft projects we never finish.
  • The hidden agenda behind home improvement shows.
  • The absurdity of craft supply hoarding.
  • The ridiculousness of DIY disasters.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t resist DIY tutorials.
  • The comedic side of failed DIY gifts.
  • The absurdity of extreme crafting.
  • The truth about why we love handmade items.

Cars and Transportation

  • The strange habits of car enthusiasts.
  • The comedic value of driving mishaps.
  • The truth about why we name our cars.
  • The hidden agenda behind car commercials.
  • The absurdity of road rage.
  • The ridiculousness of carpool karaoke.
  • The real reason why we love vintage cars.
  • The comedic side of traffic jams.
  • The absurdity of driving superstitions.
  • The truth about why we hate parallel parking.

Law and Legal Issues

  • The strange habits of lawyers.
  • The comedic value of courtroom dramas.
  • The truth about why weā€™re fascinated by true crime.
  • The hidden agenda behind legal loopholes.
  • The absurdity of frivolous lawsuits.
  • The ridiculousness of legal jargon.
  • The real reason why we watch crime documentaries.
  • The comedic side of courtroom sketches.
  • The absurdity of celebrity trials.
  • The truth about why we canā€™t stop watching Law & Order.

Holidays and Celebrations

  • The strange habits of holiday enthusiasts.
  • The comedic value of holiday traditions.
  • The truth about why we love holiday music.
  • The hidden agenda behind holiday marketing.
  • The absurdity of holiday decorations.
  • The ridiculousness of holiday-themed movies.
  • The real reason why we stress over holiday dinners.
  • The comedic side of holiday shopping.
  • The absurdity of New Yearā€™s resolutions.
  • The truth about why we love Halloween.

Beauty and Personal Care

  • The strange habits of beauty gurus.
  • The comedic value of beauty fails.
  • The truth about why we follow skincare routines.
  • The hidden agenda behind beauty product advertising.
  • The absurdity of beauty pageants.
  • The ridiculousness of beauty standards.
  • The real reason why we love makeup tutorials.
  • The comedic side of DIY beauty hacks.
  • The absurdity of beauty myths.
  • The truth about why weā€™re obsessed with anti-aging products.

Home and Household

  • The strange habits of neat freaks.
  • The comedic value of household chores.
  • The truth about why we canā€™t keep houseplants alive.
  • The hidden agenda behind home organization trends.
  • The absurdity of cleaning product commercials.
  • The ridiculousness of home renovation shows.
  • The real reason why we have junk drawers.
  • The comedic side of DIY disasters.
  • The absurdity of ā€œsmartā€ home devices.
  • The truth about why we love HGTV.

Gardening and Outdoor Living

  • The strange habits of gardeners.
  • The comedic value of gardening mishaps.
  • The truth about why we love houseplants.
  • The hidden agenda behind gardening trends.
  • The absurdity of lawn care rituals.
  • The ridiculousness of garden gnome collections.
  • The real reason why we canā€™t resist buying more plants.
  • The comedic side of garden pests.
  • The absurdity of outdoor furniture.
  • The truth about why we love spending time in nature.

Weddings and Marriage

  • The strange habits of brides-to-be.
  • The comedic value of wedding planning.
  • The truth about why we stress over wedding details.
  • The hidden agenda behind wedding traditions.
  • The absurdity of wedding dress shopping.
  • The ridiculousness of wedding trends.
  • The real reason why we cry at weddings.
  • The comedic side of wedding speeches.
  • The absurdity of wedding registries.
  • The truth about why we love wedding movies.

Aging and Retirement

  • The strange habits of retirees.
  • The comedic value of getting older.
  • The truth about why we fear aging.
  • The hidden agenda behind anti-aging products.
  • The absurdity of retirement communities.
  • The ridiculousness of senior discounts.
  • The real reason why we love stories of ā€œold people antics.ā€
  • The comedic side of aging gracefully.
  • The absurdity of midlife crises.
  • The truth about why weā€™re obsessed with staying young.

These topics cover a wide range of areas, so you should be able to find something that resonates with your audience and suits your speaking style. Good luck with your speech .

Humor is a powerful tool for persuasion. By injecting laughter into our discussions, we can engage our audience, lighten the mood, and ultimately make our messages more memorable. Whether weā€™re poking fun at societal norms, exploring the quirks of everyday life, or unraveling the absurdities of our world, funny persuasive speech topics have the ability to entertain, inform, and inspire change.

So, letā€™s embrace the laughter, challenge the status quo, and remember that sometimes, a good laugh is all it takes to make a persuasive point. Thank you for joining me on this comedic journey, and may your speeches always leave your audience smiling.

Public Speaking Mentor

100+ Funny Speech Topics

funny speech topics

ā€œOne loses everything when one loses his sense of humorā€ ā€“ Ayn Rand.

People with a cool sense of humor will always be the center of attraction. They are the center of parties. They are the ones in the spotlight. The thing about boring people is that no one really likes to be with them and everyone is looking for an excuse to get out. Everyone is trying to get out and it is as if there is this big circle around them that has a neon sign that says, ā€œWarning, boring person. Stay away.ā€ Being funny is more than just being a smooth talker. It means you are the smartest person in the room. To have a good sense of humor, you need to be able to think ahead. You need to be able to think what others cannot think.

Needless to say that you need to be real quick. Of course, these people with an amazing sense of humor are always liked. What is not to like about them? They are witty, they are fast, they have this aroma of astonishing personality around them.

Tips to deliver a funny speech

1. have a solid content.

Well, you cant say a knock-knock joke and expect the world to laugh hurting their stomach. You need to have solid content. Until and unless you really have something amazing, you are not going to deliver something amazing.

2. Body Language

Body languages play a massive role when it comes to delivering funny speeches. Your eyes need to coordinate what you speak and so do your hands. Body languge has a massive role in funny speeches.

3. Fluctuate the pitch of your voice

Donā€™t be monotonous. Make your voice hit the crests, make it hit the trough. This is what will keep people more engaged and make the speech look more spontaneous. No one is there to listen to the news. So, crank it up a notch a bit, let it go highs, and let it go lows.Ā 

4. Give more emphasis to the best points

Letā€™s be honest here, all the points you speak in the speeches are not going to be gold standard ones. Make sure you know what your punch line is and give maximum time to hammer that point home.

5. Make sure you are delivering the speeches as the environment demands

If I am delivering a speech to an elderly population, I would not go with the latest trends of technologies or anything they are not acquainted with.

If the population is new and more of an outgoing one, then Iā€™d probably not quote the happenings of the 14 th Ā century. It is critical to know the audience and adjust your speech likewise.

6. Make sure that your start and ends are of the gold standard

A solid start gives you a grip and the attention of the crowd as well as the judges. It helps you make a proper foundation for the speech.

The ending is what serves as the desert. It is what you will be remembered for in the eyes of both the audience and the judges.

7. Beat them with confidence

Speak with confidence as if the entire world is listening. Have a commanding voice. Donā€™t speak like youā€™re just another person. Confidence comes from preparation and having solid content. Make sure you have them both.

8. Donā€™t make it look like a rehearsed speech

If you are a newbie, then chances are that the speech looks like a well-rehearsed and practiced one (may appear like a person reading the news). Strictly avoid that. Use jokes and change of tone to combat it.

9. Eye Contacts

This is not new. If you donā€™t speak by making eye contact, then you donā€™t become commanding enough. If you canā€™t give them the vibe that you are someone, even with the best speech you are not going to win.

10. Have stories in your speech

People love stories. They love the imagination and fascination the story brings. So, it might come in handy to include a couple of stories and a few experiences of your own. This gets the audience engaged.

Funny and Persuasive Speech Topics

1. The upside of having a bad memory.

2. Why you should never take life too seriously.

3. Why comic books are actually good for you.

4. How to be a master procrastinator.

5. How to make the perfect paper airplane.

6. Why Pirates are actually the good guys.

7. Why you should always root for the underdog.

8. How to be a couch potato and still stay in shape.

9. The benefits of sleeping in on the weekends.

10. Why napping is actually good for you.

11. How to make the perfect snowball.

12. How to have a conversation with a cat.

13. How to survive a zombie apocalypse.

14. Why unicorns are actually real.

15. How to catch a leprechaun.

16. Why you should never wake a sleeping dragon.

17. The benefits of eating junk food.

18. How to make the perfect fort.

19. Why you should always believe in magic.

20. How to turn a frog into a prince.

21. How to make a wish come true.

22. The importance of always being yourself.

23. How to make the perfect snowman.

24. How to catch Santa Claus.

25. How to get out of doing chores.

26. How to make a boring day fun.

27. How to trick your parents into letting you do what you want.

28. The benefits of eating dessert first.

29. Why you should never give up on your dreams.

30. How to be happy no matter what.

Funny but Informative Speech Topics

1. How to become rich without winning the lottery.

2. How to be popular without being a Kardashian.

3. The history of the worldā€™s most controversial emoji.

4. Why pandas are actually really lazy animals.

5. How to make the perfect PB&J sandwich.

6. The science behind why we love cats.

7. Why dogs are actually manā€™s best friend.

8. The benefits of sleeping in on the weekends.

9. How to make the perfect scrambled eggs.

10. Why you should never trust a duck.

11. How to get over your fear of public speaking.

12. The pros and cons of being a morning person.

13. Why you should always trust your gut instinct.

14. How to make the perfect cup of tea.

15. Why you should never work with children or animals.

16. The benefits of a healthy diet.

17. How to get over your ex.

18. Why you should never take relationship advice from your friends.

19. The pros and cons of social media.

20. How to deal with haters.

21. The art of the perfect selfie.

22. How to be a successful student.

23. The benefits of exercise.

24. How to make new friends.

25. The importance of a positive attitude.

26. How to deal with failure.

27. The keys to happiness.

28. How to be a successful entrepreneur.

29. The difference between men and women.

30. How to be a good listener.

31. The importance of communication in relationships.

32. The importance of body language.

Impromptu, Funny Speech Topics

1. The worst that can happen when you mix food and love.

2. How to be a good liar without getting caught.

3. The benefits of being a know-it-all.

4. Why we should all learn to do the moonwalk like Michael Jackson.

5. How to beat procrastination once and for all.

6. How to make a really bad first impression.

7. The art of people watching and what you can learn from it.

8. The joys of being single and why itā€™s better than being in a relationship.

9. Why we love reality TV even though we know itā€™s trash.

10. How to be a master of procrastination.

11. The merits of being a shopaholic and why itā€™s good for the economy.

12. How to be popular without even trying.

13. Why being an introvert is actually awesome.

14. How to make small talk interesting (or at least bearable).

15. How to be a great wingman/wingwoman.

16. The art of being a hermit and why itā€™s underrated.

17. Why we love to hate on celebrities even though we secretly admire them.

18. How to be a great kisser (based on extensive research, of course).

19. The benefits of being a couch potato.

20. How to be a master of flirting without even trying.

21. The art of the prank and why itā€™s so satisfying.

22. Why being lazy is actually awesome.

23. The joys of sleep and why we canā€™t live without it.

24. How to make the perfect cup of coffee (or tea, depending on your preference).

25. The benefits of daydreaming and why itā€™s good for you.

26. How to be a great procrastinator.

27. The joys of being single and why itā€™s better than being in a relationship.

28. Why we love reality TV even though we know itā€™s trash.

29. How to be popular without even trying.

30. The best way to avoid getting sick during the winter season.

31. How to get over your ex in just a few days.

32. The worst pick-up lines that you have ever heard.

33. The most embarrassing moments of your life.

34. How to deal with a difficult boss or co-worker.

35. Why you should never break up with someone via text message.

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This excellent website definitely has all the information I needed about this subject and didnā€™t know who to ask.

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510 Funny Speech Topics & Informative, Persuasive Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 4018 words
  • Icon Clock 18 min read

Funny speech topics revolve around entertaining themes that provoke laughter and amusement. They often include anecdotal tales, parodies, satires, and personal comic experiences that can humanize the speaker, bringing a relatable touch. Topics may range from humorous perspectives on everyday life to playful takes on societal norms, trending pop culture, or even absurd, hypothetical scenarios. Using humor, the speaker can delve into subject matters that would otherwise seem mundane or generic, transforming them into hilarious narratives or poignant commentary. The aim is to inspire laughter while creating an engaging and memorable experience for the listeners. In turn, successful funny speech topics not only tell jokes but also convey a message or a lesson wrapped in humor, making communication effective and enjoyable.

Best Fun Speech Topics

  • Evolution of Animation in the 21st Century
  • Impacts of Virtual Reality on Human Perception
  • Dark Matter: The Unsolved Mystery of the Universe
  • Astonishing Advances in Bionic Technologies
  • Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known Cultures of the World
  • Intriguing Intersections of Science and Religion
  • Food as Art: The World of Culinary Creativity
  • Influence of Hip-Hop Culture on Fashion Trends
  • Polar Bears: Survival Tactics in Extreme Conditions
  • Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizes Healthcare Delivery
  • Comic Books: Powerful Platforms for Social Commentary
  • Rise of Plant-Based Diets: Pros and Cons
  • Deep-Sea Creatures and Their Bizarre Adaptations
  • Space Tourism: The Dawn of a New Era
  • Mysterious Phenomenon of Crop Circles Explained
  • Blockchain Technology Redefines Financial Transactions
  • Cryptids: Chasing Legends in Modern Folklore
  • Futuristic Architecture: Innovations for Sustainable Cities
  • Mind-Bending Mysteries of the Human Brain
  • Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Work and Play
  • Cultivating Happiness: The Science Behind Positive Psychology
  • Sustainable Fashion: Revolution in the Apparel Industry
  • Fascinating World of Bio-Luminescent Organisms
  • Time Capsules: Messages for Future Generations
  • Unraveling the Secret Language of Dolphins
  • Living Off-Grid: A Lifestyle Without Technology
  • Coffee Culture: Global Variations and Traditions

Funny Speech Topics & Informative, Persuasive Ideas

Easy Fun Speech Topics

  • Magic of Mushrooms: Fungi’s Role in Ecosystems
  • Living on Mars: Future of Space Colonization
  • Influence of Memes on Popular Culture
  • Color Psychology: Effects on Human Behavior
  • Unheard Languages: The World’s Least Known Tongues
  • Secrets of the Deep Jungle: Uncharted Wildlife
  • Dream Interpretation: Unlocking the Subconscious Mind
  • Insects: Underappreciated Heroes of Biodiversity
  • Longevity: Unraveling the Secrets of Blue Zones
  • Tea Ceremonies: Rituals Around the World
  • Ghost Towns: Stories of Abandoned Places
  • Pioneering Women in the Field of Science
  • Resilience: Understanding Human Adaptability in Adversity
  • Robotics: Future of Automation in Daily Life
  • Gastronomy: The Science Behind Delicious Food
  • Public Art: Catalysts for Urban Renewal
  • Urban Farming: Greening the Concrete Jungle
  • Wildlife Photography: Capturing Nature’s Wonders
  • Augmented Reality: Changing the Face of Entertainment
  • The Intriguing History of Cryptography
  • Unusual Sports From Around the Globe
  • Quantum Computing: The Future of Technology
  • Bird Migration: A Stunning Global Journey
  • Harnessing the Power of Solar Energy

Interesting Fun Speech Topics

  • Demystifying the Illusion Art of Street Performers
  • Life Under Ice: Exploring Antarcticaā€™s Ecosystem
  • Making Music With Unconventional Instruments
  • Volcanoes: Nature’s Spectacular Fireworks
  • Secret World of Spies: Espionage Through the Ages
  • Tattoos: Body Art Across Cultures and Histories
  • Culinary Adventures: Exotic Foods of the World
  • Pyramids: The Mysteries of Ancient Architecture
  • Butterflies: Nature’s Flying Masterpieces
  • Bioluminescence: The Science of Living Light
  • Forest Bathing: The Healing Power of Nature
  • Battle of the Browsers: Evolution of Internet Surfing
  • Therapeutic Effect of Pets on Human Health
  • Life’s Extremities: Organisms in the Hottest and Coldest Places
  • Exploring the Mysterious World of Dreams
  • Impact of Social Media on Modern Politics
  • The Fascinating Science of Forensics
  • Space Junk: The Growing Problem Above Us
  • Incredible Inventions that Changed the World
  • Ice Cream: A Global Love Affair With a Cold Treat
  • Unusual Pets: Exotic Animal Companions
  • Nanotechnology: The Small Scale That Changes Everything
  • Transforming Waste Into Art: Upcycling Innovations
  • Taboos: Social Constraints and Cultural Differences

Funny Speech Topics for High School

  • Secret Life of Cafeteria Food: An Investigation
  • Emojis as the New Universal Language
  • Why Will Robots Never Win the Comedy Club?
  • Aliens Among Us: Spotting Extraterrestrial Classmates
  • Prom Disasters: A Comical Analysis
  • Embarrassing Incidents During Virtual Classes
  • How to Survive Zombie Teachers
  • Sock Puppets: A Fashion Statement?
  • Homework Myths: Why Aliens Really Stole My Assignment?
  • The Art of Effective Procrastination
  • Toilet Paper Fashion Show: A Roll of Style
  • Hilarious Truths About Being a High School Mascot
  • Pranks Gone Wrong: Cautionary Tales
  • The Unbelievable Adventures of My Imaginary Pet
  • Gym Class Hero: A Tale of Triumphant Failure
  • Bathroom Graffiti: Hidden Messages or Art Masterpieces?
  • Teachers’ Lounge Secrets: A Comedic Exploration
  • Navigating Hallways: An Epic Journey
  • Invention Mishaps: Comical Attempts at Genius
  • Epic Battle: Vending Machines vs. Students
  • Uncovering the Mystery of the Lost Pens
  • Bizarre Moments in High School Sports
  • Lockers: A Tale of Lost and Found Treasures
  • Dances With Textbooks: An Academic Ballet

Funny Speech Topics for College Students

  • Misinterpretations of Common English Idioms
  • Professors’ Funniest In-Class Blunders
  • The Great Cafeteria Food Mystery
  • Dorm Room Disasters: What Not to Do?
  • Campus Squirrel Shenanigans: Stories from the Quad
  • Social Media Fails: A Compilation of Epic Proportions
  • Late-Night Study Sessions: The Unrevealed Truth
  • Athletic Mascots: Their Untold Backstories
  • College Pranks: Our Most Epic Tales
  • Unusual Courses Offered at Universities
  • Sporting Events: When Cheering Becomes Excessive?
  • Survival Tactics for 8 AM Classes
  • Craziest Things Found in Library Books
  • Thriving on Instant Noodles: The Ultimate Guide
  • College Students’ Most Innovative Excuses
  • Unspoken Rules of Dorm Life
  • Unforgettable Stories from Fraternity Parties
  • Fashion Disasters: Trends That Should Not Have Happened
  • Campus Statues: Their Funniest Vandalisms
  • Unintentionally Hilarious Academic Papers
  • Textbooks: Where to Find the Hidden Humor
  • Relationship Drama: Love at the Time of Finals
  • Thrift Store Treasures: Student Style Edition
  • Misadventures in Public Speaking Classes
  • Acquiring Cooking Skills: Tales of Trial and Error
  • Overheard Conversations on Campus

Funny Speech Topics for University Students

  • Professor Ratings: The Hilarious Reality
  • Memorable Moments from Student Elections
  • Foreign Language Class Bloopers
  • Strange Traditions at Colleges Around the World
  • Scavenger Hunts: Unforgettable Campus Adventures
  • Intramural Sports: The Hilariously Unathletic Side
  • Bizarre Local Restaurants Near Campuses
  • Navigating Awkward Roommate Situations
  • Unconventional Stress-Relief Tactics During Finals
  • Off-Campus Housing Horrors: Lessons Learned
  • Lab Experiments Gone Wrong: Science Mishaps
  • Extracurricular Clubs: The Weird, the Wacky, and the Wonderful
  • Parody of Famous Speeches: A Creative Interpretation
  • Artistic Impressions of College Life
  • Road Trips: Misadventures and Unanticipated Detours
  • Best Practices for Procrastination: Tales From the Experts
  • Celebrating Birthdays: The Unique College Way
  • When Spell-Check Fails: Hilarious Typos in Assignments
  • The Odyssey of Lost-and-Found Items
  • Unusual Majors: Discovering Unique Areas of Study
  • Evolution of Student Slang: A Historical Journey
  • Nightmares of Online Classes: Technical Glitches and Beyond
  • Trying New Sports: Hilarious Outcomes
  • Coffee Addicts: Unusual Tales of Dependency

Presentation Funny Speech Topics

  • The Art of Magic and Illusion
  • The Power of Protest Songs in Social Movements
  • Understanding the Mysteries of Black Holes
  • History’s Most Famous Heists
  • The Evolution of Video Games
  • The Future of Drone Technology
  • Mysterious World of the Giant Squid
  • The Ancient Art of Storytelling
  • The Unseen World of Microorganisms
  • The Influence of Weather on Mood and Behavior
  • The Emergence of Cryptocurrency: A New Financial Era
  • Mysteries and Legends of the Bermuda Triangle
  • Graffiti: A Colorful Form of Urban Expression
  • The Role of Bees in the Global Ecosystem
  • Treasure Hunting: Exploring the World of Metal Detecting
  • The Marvelous World of Miniature Art
  • Understanding Our Universe: The Role of Telescopes
  • The Resurgence of Vinyl Records
  • Futuristic Medicine: The Promise of Gene Therapy
  • Exploring the Depths: The Art of Scuba Diving
  • Cinematic Magic: Behind-the-Scenes of Filmmaking
  • Salamanders: Masters of Regeneration

Argumentative Funny Speech Topics

  • Penguins as Skilled Business Executives: A Chilly Proposition
  • Transforming Deserts Into Giant Sandboxes: A Drought of Fun
  • Banning Broccoli: A Vegetable Revolt
  • Living Underwater: Mermaid Lifestyle for Humans
  • Food Fights as Mediation Tactics: A Messy Resolution
  • The World Dominated by Squirrels: A Nutty Hypothesis
  • Mandatory Unicorn Riding Lessons in Schools: A Fantasy-Turned Reality
  • Baking Cookies on Mars: A Crispy Outer Space Venture
  • Allowing Toys to Vote: A Child’s Perspective
  • Adopting Trolls for Bridge Security: A Mythical Proposal
  • Elephants as Household Pets: The Bigger, the Better
  • Turning the Moon into a Giant Billboard: An Astronomical Advertisement
  • Professional Pillow Fighting: Establishing a Soft Sport
  • Balloons as an Alternative Transport System: The Lighter Side of Commute
  • Gummy Bears for Breakfast: A Sticky Situation
  • Clouds as Cotton Candy: A Sweet Metaphor
  • Appointing Dogs as Mail Carriers: A Furry Delivery
  • Socks as Currency: A Footwear Revolution
  • Gorillas as Gym Trainers: A Beastly Approach
  • Flying Carpets for Daily Commute: A Magical Solution
  • Owning a Pet Griffin: A Mythical Guide
  • A World Without Mirrors: Beauty in the Unknown
  • Turning Skyscrapers into Giant Slides: A Quick Descent
  • Slippers as the Official Footwear: A Cozy Proposal

Persuasive Funny Speech Topics

  • Ghosts as Roommates: A Spooky Co-Living
  • Bubbles for Stress Relief: The Soapier, the Better
  • Octopuses as Kitchen Assistants: Eight Times the Help
  • Wearing Pajamas to Work: A Comfortable Transition
  • Proving Pigs Can Fly: An Uplifting Analysis
  • Fairies as Electricians: A Magical Power Source
  • Toilet Paper as a Form of Art: A Roll in Creativity
  • Using Roller Skates for Efficient Office Movement
  • Wizards as School Teachers: A Magical Curriculum
  • Rainbows as the New Fashion Trend: A Colorful Spin
  • Dragons as Eco-Friendly Transport: A Fiery Proposition
  • Building Tree Houses for Adults: A Wooden Haven
  • Using Shampoo as a Drink: A Bubbly Brew
  • Living in a World Ruled by Children: A Tiny Transition
  • Giants as Construction Workers: A Massive Proposal
  • Allowing Ice Cream for Breakfast: A Frosty Start to the Day
  • Lollipops as a Solution to World Peace: A Sweet Strategy
  • Cows as Lawn Mowers: An Eco-Friendly Trim
  • Turning Every Day into Halloween: A Permanent Trick or Treat
  • Owls as Night Watchmen: A Hoot of a Job
  • Using Fairy Dust for Instant Cleaning: A Magical Solution
  • Living Life According to Fortune Cookies: A Crunchy Future
  • Using Dreams as Television Shows: A Surreal Entertainment
  • Swapping Houses With Celebrities: A Starry Proposal

Informative Funny Speech Topics

  • Amusing Evolution of Breakfast Cereal Mascots
  • Unbelievable Animal Misconceptions: Debunking Fallacies
  • Light-Hearted Journey through Dance Move History
  • Wacky World of Pun-Infused Jokes: Linguistic Delights
  • Marvelous Art of Comedic Improvisation
  • Surprising Science Behind Laughter: Unveiling Mechanics
  • Quirky Origins of Bizarre Phobias and Irrational Fears
  • Giggle-Inducing Secrets of Memes and Internet Hilarity
  • Unusual Traditions From Across the Globe: An Amusing Exploration
  • Bizarre and Hilarious World of Parody Music: Weird Al Yankovic
  • Entertaining Experiences With TV Sitcom Moments
  • Unexpected Side of Stand-Up Comedy: Tales From the Stage
  • Peculiar Habits of Eccentric Geniuses Throughout History
  • Whimsical Artistry of Cartoons: Doodles to Masterpieces
  • Hysterical History of Practical Jokes and Hilarious Pranks
  • Curious World of Competitive Air Guitar: A Musical Farce
  • Playful Science of April Fools’ Day: Deconstructing Hoaxes
  • Comical Evolution of Internet Slang and Abbreviations
  • Side-Splitting Stories of Famous Comedy Duos
  • Hilarious Trials and Tribulations of Becoming a Stand-Up Comedian
  • Witty Wonders of Satire: Journey into Irony
  • Amusing Art of Nonsense Poetry: Crafting Rhymes That Baffle
  • Laughable History of Ridiculous Inventions
  • Silly Secrets of Clowning: Balloons, Makeup, and Slapstick
  • Laugh-Out-Loud Chronicles of Classic Comedy Films

Public Funny Speech Topics

  • Hilarious Insights on Parenting: Nurturing Little Laughter Machines
  • The Quirks of Online Dating: Searching for Love in a Swipe-Right World
  • Laughing Our Way Through Office Politics: Surviving the Cubicle Jungle
  • Side-Splitting Travel Mishaps: Adventures in Lost Luggage and Missed Flights
  • Comedy in the Kitchen: Mastering Culinary Catastrophes With a Smile
  • Chuckles in the Classroom: How to Survive Teachers With a Sense of Humor?
  • Unforgettable Wedding Disasters: I Do’s, Oops, and Hilarity Ensues
  • The Ups and Downs of DIY Projects: When Your Home Improvement Dreams Become Comedy Acts?
  • Roaring With Laughter: Taming Wild Pets and Their Mischievous Antics
  • Laughing Out Loud at Awkward Family Gatherings: Lessons in Love and Laughter
  • Finding Humor in Fitness Fails: Embracing the Gym Life With a Big Smile
  • From Catwalk to Cat Fails: Unveiling the Comical Side of Fashion
  • Guffaws and Gags in the Gaming World: Mastering Virtual Adventures With a Sense of Humor
  • The Chronicles of Awkward Social Encounters: Turning Red Faces Into Belly Laughs
  • The Comedy of First Dates: Awkward Moments, Epic Fails, and Endless Laughter
  • Laughter Therapy: How Humor Can Heal and Unwind Our Daily Stress?
  • Stand-Up Comedy Survival Guide: Making People Laugh Without Breaking a Sweat
  • The Comedy of Technology Fails: Embracing Glitches and Technical Difficulties
  • Chuckles and Chaos in Traffic Jams: The Commuter’s Guide to Keeping Sane
  • The Hilarity of Pet Ownership: Furry Friends and Their Unpredictable Antics
  • The Funny Side of Exercise: Turning Sweating Into Smiles
  • Comedy in the Corporate World: Breaking the Ice and Building Bridges With Humor
  • Navigating Awkward Conversations With Grace and Wit: Turning Tension Into Laughter
  • Laughing Through Financial Woes: Finding Humor in Money Matters
  • The Jokes on Us: A Light-Hearted Look at Everyday Blunders and Mistakes
  • The Power of Puns: Unleashing Wordplay for Maximum Chuckles

Motivational Funny Speech Topics

  • Unleashing the Hilarious Power of Positive Thinking
  • Embracing Laughter: The Key to Unlocking Success
  • Climbing the Humorous Mountain of Personal Growth
  • Mastering the Art of Juggling Life’s Challenges
  • Roaring With Confidence: The Funny Path to Self-Discovery
  • Laughing Your Way to the Top: Success With a Smile
  • Embracing Imperfection: Finding Joy in the Quirks
  • The Comedic Journey of Overcoming Obstacles
  • Hilarious Strategies for Boosting Productivity
  • Sparking Creativity With a Side of Humor
  • Finding Balance Through Belly-Laughter
  • The Humorous Path to Self-Motivation
  • Chuckles and Triumphs: Laughing Your Way to Victory
  • Hurdling Barriers with a Comic Twist
  • The Funny Fuel for Reaching New Heights
  • Embracing Failure: The Comedic Road to Success
  • The Power of Hilarity in Building Resilience
  • Laughing in the Face of Fear: Conquering Challenges With Humor
  • From Giggles to Greatness: Unleashing Your Full Potential
  • Harnessing the Joyful Energy of Funny Inspirations
  • The Laughter Workout: Flexing Funny Muscles for Success
  • Poking Fun at Procrastination: Proven Techniques to Get Things Done
  • Quirky Confidence: Embracing Your Unique Awesomeness
  • Tickling the Funny Bone of Creativity

Demonstration Funny Speech Topics

  • Unforgettable Adventures: Skydiving With a Hilarious Jester
  • The Hysterical Science of Flatulence
  • An Outrageous Guide to Wild Pillow Fights
  • Training Your Pet Octopus to Perform a Comedic Dance Routine
  • The Art of Pranking: Mastering Classic Gags and Tricks
  • Laughter Therapy: The Professional Tickling Revolution
  • The Epic Clash: Socks vs. Sandals Showdown
  • Conversing With Inanimate Objects: The Absurdity Unveiled
  • Finding Humor in Unconventional Sports: The Comedy Olympics
  • The Secret Life of Pigeons: Tales From the Avian Comedy Club
  • The Great Breakfast Rebellion: Pancake Mayhem
  • The Smiling Deception: Navigating Awkward Social Encounters
  • Exploring the World of Corny Dad Jokes
  • The Musical Bathroom: Singing Showers and Dancing Toothbrushes
  • Embracing Your Inner Clown: Lessons From the Circus Academy
  • Awkward Dance Moves: The Science Behind the Laughter
  • The Adventures of the Superhero Sock: A One-Footed Comedy Crusade
  • Animal Impersonations: Unleashing the Inner Beast
  • Surviving as a Stand-Up Comedian’s Heckler: Trials and Tribulations
  • The Comedy of Mistakes: Embracing Fails and Blunders
  • Rubber Chicken Chronicles: A Life Less Ordinary
  • Laughing at Yourself: The Unexpected Benefits
  • The Mime’s Handbook: A Quirky Guide to Silence and Gestures
  • Conversations With Plants: Unveiling the Botanical Comedy Scene
  • The Prankster Gnome’s Unbelievable Journey
  • The Science of Laughter: Making an Entire Room Snort

Humorous Speeches Ideas

  • Laughing Lessons: How to Master the Art of Hilarity?
  • Roaring Robots: When Artificial Intelligence Tells Jokes?
  • Tummy Troubles: A Comedic Exploration of Digestive Disasters
  • Hilarious Hobbies: Unconventional Pastimes for a Good Laugh
  • Fumbling Fiascos: Tales of Awkward Moments and Misadventures
  • Giggle Gurus: Seeking Wisdom From Professional Comedians
  • Pranks and Pandemonium: Navigating the Fine Line of Practical Jokes
  • Jovial Jargon: Decoding the Language of Comedy
  • Comedy Cuisine: Spice Up Your Cooking With Laughter
  • Witty Wonders: Unraveling the Science Behind Humor
  • Tickling the Ivories: The Musical Side of Comedy
  • Mischievous Memoirs: Tales of Childhood Mischief and Mayhem
  • Chuckle Chronicles: Memorable Moments from Stand-Up Comedy History
  • Side-Splitting Surprises: Unexpected Laughter in Everyday Life
  • Hilarity on Wheels: A Humorous Journey Through Transportation Woes
  • Light-Hearted Learning: Lessons in Laughter From the Classroom
  • Silly Superheroes: Unveiling the Comedic Side of Caped Crusaders
  • Laughing Legends: Iconic Figures Who Defined Comedy
  • Giggling Geography: Discovering the Funniest Places on Earth
  • Quirky Quotations: Unearthing the Wittiest Lines in Literature
  • Laughable Laws: Exploring Bizarre Legalities Around the World
  • Hysterical History: Forgotten Tales of Laughter From the Past
  • Jokes on Screen: A Cinematic Celebration of Comedy
  • Stand-Up Secrets: Behind the Scenes of a Comedian’s Routine
  • Comedy and Crime: When Humor Collides With the Law?
  • Hilarious Health: The Benefits of Laughter for Well-Being
  • Comic Conundrums: Solving Riddles and Puzzles With Humor

Comedy Speeches

  • Hilarious Adventures of a Rubber Duck
  • The Absurdity of Unicycling Hippos
  • Laughing Through Life’s Little Mishaps
  • Peculiarities of Pogo Stick Races
  • Mirthful Mayhem: Clowns vs. Monkeys
  • Tickling the Funny Bone: Stand-Up Comedy Secrets
  • Chuckles and Chortles: An Ode to Silly Walks
  • The Unforgettable Fiasco of a Synchronized Swimming Competition
  • The Quirks and Quips of a Penguin Convention
  • Rib-Tickling Antics of Mischievous Kittens
  • Guffaws and Giggles: Exploring the World of Prank Calls
  • Comedic Capers of a Salsa-Dancing Granny
  • The Hilarity of Accidental Gymnastics
  • Laughing in the Rain: Umbrella Etiquette Lessons
  • The Side-Splitting Saga of a Talking Parrot
  • Unraveling the Wacky World of Competitive Pie Eating
  • Giggle Factory: Behind the Scenes of a Comedy Club
  • The Comedy of Errors in a Haunted House
  • Belly Laughs and Slapstick: A Study in Physical Comedy
  • The Wonders of Juggling Chainsaws (Safely, of course!)
  • Hysterical High Jinks at a Toy Store
  • The Hilarious Misadventures of a Bungling Magician
  • Finding Humor in Traffic Jams: Car Horn Orchestra
  • Quizzical Quacks: A Duckling’s Stand-Up Routine
  • The Amusing Art of Balloon Animal Sculpting

Improvised Speeches

  • Benefits of Engaging in Outdoor Physical Activities for Mental Well-Being
  • Enhancing Creativity Through Music, Art, and Expression
  • Significance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Development
  • Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainability
  • Promoting Gender Equality in Educational Institutions
  • The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Connections and Relationships
  • Implementing Sustainable Practices for a Greener Future
  • Embracing Cultural Diversity in a Globalized Society
  • Fostering Collaborative Teamwork in the Modern Work Environment
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Support in Educational Settings
  • Strategies for Effective Time Management in the Digital Era
  • The Influence of Literature on Society and Personal Development
  • Nurturing an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Innovation and Success
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking in Decision-Making Processes
  • Addressing Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age
  • Strategies for Building Resilience in Times of Change and Uncertainty
  • Encouraging Volunteerism and Active Community Engagement
  • Promoting Financial Literacy for Personal Economic Stability
  • Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality in Enhancing Learning Experiences
  • Enhancing Global Cooperation for Effective Climate Change Mitigation
  • The Influence of Music on Mood Regulation and Emotional Well-Being
  • Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution in Personal and Professional Relationships
  • Leveraging Technology for Inclusive and Accessible Education
  • Overcoming Stereotypes and Bias for a More Inclusive Society

Parody Speeches

  • Hilarious Ways to Conquer the Couch Potato Syndrome
  • Whimsical Strategies for Mastering the Art of Procrastination
  • Unconventional Techniques to Achieve World Peace Through Sarcasm
  • Outrageously Effective Methods for Becoming an Unrivaled Internet Troll
  • Amusing Secrets to Transforming Into a Highly Successful Underachiever
  • Comical Approaches to Becoming a Professional Overthinker
  • Ridiculous Steps to Becoming a Champion in the Sport of Napping
  • Satirical Techniques for Acquiring an Advanced Degree in Procrastination
  • Laughable Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse (Without Breaking a Sweat)
  • Absurd Strategies for Outsmarting Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
  • Hysterical Tips for Mastering the Skill of Talking Nonstop About Nothing
  • Ironic Secrets to Becoming an Unstoppable Expert at Misplacing Things
  • Parodic Methods for Achieving a Perfectly Mediocre Work-Life Balance
  • Tongue-in-Cheek Approaches to Becoming a Social Media Influencer Overnight
  • Mocking Steps for Achieving an Exemplary Level of Cluelessness
  • Sarcastic Techniques for Becoming the Ultimate Pro at Avoiding Responsibilities
  • Comedic Strategies for Turning a Hobby Into an Unprofitable Business
  • Farce-Based Approaches for Finding Your Zen in a World Full of Chaos
  • Witty Methods for Becoming a Highly Unskilled Chess Grandmaster
  • Satirical Tips for Mastering the Art of Being Politically Incorrect
  • Laughable Ways to Perfect the Skill of Procrastinating Procrastination
  • Parodic Techniques for Becoming a Not-So-Superhero
  • Mocking Steps to Attain Unparalleled Levels of Awkwardness
  • Ironic Strategies for Surviving an Alien Invasion Using Only Sarcasm
  • Hilarious Approaches to Becoming an Expert at Misinterpreting Instructions

Funny Short Speeches Topics

  • Adventures in Sock Pairing: The Unsung Hero’s Quest
  • Surviving the Grocery Store: Mission Impossible Edition
  • Vegetables: Nature’s Tiny Comedians
  • Life Hacks for Lazy Living: An Unmotivated Guide
  • Misadventures in DIY: When Craft Projects Attack?
  • Decoding Cats: Understanding the Furry Enigmas
  • Fashion Faux Pas: The Hilarious Horrors of Style
  • Joyful Journey Through Jungle Gyms: Playground Perils
  • Bizarre Baking Blunders: Tales From the Kitchen
  • Pigeons: The Unappreciated Comedians of the Bird World
  • Dogs’ Dramas: The Hidden Soap Operas in Pet Parks
  • Houseplants: Silent Saboteurs of Home Decor
  • Dancing Disasters: My Life as a Two-Left-Footed Dynamo
  • Parenting Paradoxes: Navigating Through Toddlers’ Logic
  • Adventures in the World of Online Dating: Swipes, Likes, and Misfires
  • Caffeine Chronicles: When Coffee Becomes a Lifeline?
  • Gym Fails: The Secret Life of Exercise Equipment
  • Hunting for the Remote: A Living Room Odyssey
  • Commuter Chronicles: Tales From Public Transit
  • Office Pranks: The Art of Workplace Shenanigans
  • Food-Fight Fiascos: A Tribute to School Cafeterias
  • Sneakers: Tales of Unruly Footwear and Their Laces
  • Awkward Elevator Encounters: A Study in Silences
  • Parking Lot Perils: An Ode to Parallel Parking

Funny Speech Topics for 1-3 Minutes

  • Unexpected Outcomes of Eating Super Hot Chili Peppers
  • The Unbelievable Adventures of My Sleepwalking Dog
  • Bizarre Incidents in the Supermarket Aisles
  • Reimagining Traffic Lights: The Rainbow of Chaos
  • Impersonating Vegetables: Lessons From a Carrot
  • Deciphering Teenager Text Messages: An Insider’s Guide
  • Invasion of Socks: The Everlasting Mystery of the Missing Pair
  • Failed Attempts at Becoming a Yoga Master
  • Alien Abductions: My Hamster’s Story
  • Extreme Sports for Couch Potatoes: Remote Control Relay
  • Surprising Insights: The Secret Life of Refrigerators
  • Battle of Wills: Training the Untrainable Cat
  • Hilarious Misadventures on My First Camping Trip
  • Navigating the Perils of DIY Haircuts
  • The Comical Mishaps of Online Dating
  • Introducing the Worldā€™s Laziest Superheroes
  • Life According to Toddlers: The Wisdom and Wackiness
  • Spontaneous Combustion of Common Kitchen Disasters
  • Funny Lessons From My First Job Interview
  • The Intriguing Dilemma of the Forever Singing Parrot
  • Uncovering the Reality Behind Perfect Instagram Lives
  • Captivating Chronicles of a Terrible Cook

Funny Speech Topics for 4-6 Minutes

  • Astonishing Adventures of an Amateur Acrobat
  • Bizarre Encounters With Extraterrestrial Fast Food
  • Curious Chronicles of Coffee Connoisseurs
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of a Procrastinator’s Brain
  • Peculiarities in the Evolution of Parenting Styles
  • Socks: The Great Domesticated Disappearance
  • Pets Who Believe They Are People: An Investigation
  • Misadventures of a Meticulous Meal Planner
  • Intriguing Incidents Involving Imaginary Friends
  • Hilarious History of Hairdos and Hair Donā€™ts
  • Trials and Tribulations of a Toddler Teacher
  • Unique Use of Umbrellas in Unexpected Situations
  • Navigating the Treacherous Terrain of Teenage Trends
  • Wacky World of Whistle-Blowers at Work
  • Frenzied Fiascos of Family Road Trips
  • Entertaining Escapades of an Online Shopaholic
  • Remarkable Revelations Regarding the Tooth Fairy
  • Puzzling Popularity of Pineapple Pizza
  • Laughter Lessons From Llamas in Love
  • Daring Deeds of a Drama Queen’s Dog
  • Comical Confessions of a Closeted Comic Book Collector

Funny Speech Topics for 7-10 Minutes

  • Discovering the Art of Sock Puppetry
  • Underwater Basket Weaving: Future Olympic Event?
  • Decoding the Language of Houseplants
  • Training Squirrels: The Next Big Thing in Pet Ownership?
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Missing Socks
  • Navigating the Grocery Store: A Survival Guide
  • Implementing Teleportation in Everyday Chores
  • Investigating the Secret Lives of Pets
  • Demystifying the Art of Sleeping With Eyes Open
  • Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse With a Rubber Duck
  • Inventing New Sandwich Fillings: An Epicurean Experiment
  • Decoding Cats’ Meows: A Comprehensive Study
  • Unmasking the Truth: Santa Claus in the Off-Season
  • Harnessing the Power of Yawns: A Groundbreaking Discovery
  • Reinventing the Wheel: Silly Suggestions for Transportation
  • Dissecting Cartoon Logic: A Humorous Deconstruction
  • Superheroes’ Day Off: Unseen Adventures
  • Elucidating the Complexity of Comic Book Collection
  • Concocting Unusual Pizza Toppings: A Gastronomic Adventure
  • Procrastination Olympics: Gold Medal Techniques
  • Comprehending the Intricacies of a Dog’s Bark
  • Reinterpreting Fairytales in Modern Times: A Hilarious Twist

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  • Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

Here are over 50 fun persuasive speech topics to help you create a light-hearted speech that will be enjoyable to listen to AND to write!

Many people end up covering the same tired topics that they see in the media each day, only because they can't come up with a better idea. That won't be you, of course, because these topics are fresh and entertaining!

Here are 54 thought-provoking ideas to consider:

fun persuasive speech topics

First 27 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The movie rating system is rigged.
  • Voting should be mandatory.
  • Marijuana should be legalized and sold in coffee shops.
  • Colleges should loan students textbooks for free.
  • College tuition should include parking and coffee.
  • Schools should not require coursework unrelated student's major.
  • College students should be required to wear uniforms.
  • Let go of the past.
  • Jury duty should not be mandatory.
  • Health insurance should be free to all.
  • Students should be exempt from taxes.
  • As gas prices increase, wages should too!
  • Teachers should be required to provide study guides for exams.
  • All college parking lots should have safety lights installed.
  • Becoming a vegetarian makes for a healthier lifestyle.
  • Losing weight is a great way to change your life.
  • Lying is a natural and necessary part of good relationships.
  • Carpe diem! (Seize the day!)
  • Start planning for the future.
  • Don't eat fast food!
  • Don't fall prey to fad diets!
  • Be yourself! (Leadership rather than following others)
  • Parent-teacher conferences should be mandatory.
  • Say "no" to college credit card offers.
  • Minimum wage should be raised.
  • Luck is not a matter of chance (click to read a sample speech).
  • Become an organ donor

2nd 27 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Cats are better than dogs.
  • Elvis is alive!
  • Michael Jackson was abducted by aliens!
  • Miley Cyrus's twerking was a shrewd publicity stunt.
  • Home schooling is the best education program!
  • Private schools are better than public schools!
  • Donate to charity!
  • Satellite is better than cable!
  • McDonalds is better than Burger King.
  • Buying is better than renting.
  • Renting is better than buying.
  • Don't procrastinate.
  • Celebrities receive preferential legal treatment.
  • Reality TV is not "real".
  • Keep a journal.
  • Women can do anything men do and they can do it better!
  • Athletes should be good role models.
  • Winning isn't everything but it sure beats losing.
  • All is fair in love and war.
  • Teachers deserve pay raises!
  • Students with "A's" should be exempt from finals.
  • Everyone should own a pet!
  • Wal-mart is the best place to shop!
  • Use credit cards responsibly.
  • Everyone should take a self defense class.
  • Parents should take an active role in their children's education.

Okay, so that's my list of fun persuasive speech topics. Hopefully, they will inspire you to come up with some of your own! Below you will find a sample fun persuasive speech about topic #51 - "Walmart is the best place to shop!" 

I know just how creative the folks who visit Best Speech Topics are, so if you come up with an entertaining, persuasive speech, use this in and share it with everyone.

Sample Speech -  Walmart is the best place to shop!

Walmart Fun Persuasive Speech


Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever found yourself drifting off to sleep, dreaming of a place that meets all your needs, where you can indulge in the ultimate shopping experience, and where the sight of neon price tags sends shivers down your spine? A place where the aisles stretch for miles, and you find yourself lost in a wonderland of discounts and deals? Well, my friends, hold on tight because I'm about to show you that this dream is not a mere figment of your imagination but a concrete reality just around the corner. I stand before you today to address a subject of great importance. A subject that has rocked the very foundation of our society, creating rifts between friends, families, and even roommates: Where is the best place to shop? Welcome to the enchanted world of Walmart!

I'm sure the shiny, bright lights of the fancy department stores or the trendy boutiques that sell one-of-a-kind garments have seduced some of you. But today, I'm here to tell you about the unsung hero of the retail world: the glorious, the fabulous, the one and only - Walmart!

I know what you're thinking, "Walmart? Really?" But hear me out. Walmart is the magical wonderland where dreams come true, and you can buy socks, toilet paper, and a big-screen TV all in one trip at rock-bottom prices. If that's not the epitome of convenience, I don't know what is.

First, let's discuss the sheer variety that Walmart has to offer. Where else can you stroll through the aisles and pick up a new outfit for your dog, a toaster oven, and a canoe while humming along to the soothing sounds of elevator music? There's a reason they call it a supercenter, my friends, and it's not just because it's the size of a small city.

Secondly, let's talk about the true star of the show: those unbeatable, low, low prices! At Walmart, you too can dream of becoming rich like a 1980s pop star and get your ā€œmoney for nothing.ā€ According to Harvard Alumni Aziz, Walmart focuses on providing the lowest possible price among the competition instead of providing promotions. Aziz (Alumni). ā€œWal-Mart: Every Day Low Prices Business Model - Technology and Operations Management.ā€ Digital, Data, and Design Institute at Harvard, 9 December 2015, . Accessed 9 May 2023. Have you ever thought, "Gee, I wish I could buy a 24-pack of soda for the price of a single bottle at the convenience store?" Well, look no further! Walmart is the ultimate destination for penny pinchers and frugal fashionistas alike.

And I need to share the people-watching opportunities. Who needs Dire Straits MTV to look at the Yo-Yos? Do you dream of world peace? Walmart is the unofficial United Nations of retail, where all walks of life unite to bond over a shared love of bargain hunting. It's the one place where you can witness a cowboy, a goth, and a soccer mom politely argue over the last discounted flat-screen TV. It's like an ever-changing reality show you can watch for free while grocery shopping! If you have yet to visit this unifying retail juggernaut and need further proof, check out People of Walmart's website. People of Walmart is a humor blog that depicts the many customers of Walmart stores across the United States and Canada. Then, turn off the Youtube and get down to your local Walmart. 90% of the U.S. population lives within 15 miles of Walmart stores, so you donā€™t have far to go.

Some of you might be concerned about the ethics of shopping at a big box store. Rest easy and enjoy sweet dreams. Walmart has made strides in recent years to become more environmentally friendly and socially responsible. They've implemented sustainability initiatives, increased wages, and provided scholarships to employees. It's a story of redemption, like a retail version of "A Christmas Carol."


So, my fellow shoppers, I implore you to reconsider your retail allegiances. Give Walmart a chance; I promise you you'll never look back. You may even find yourself wandering those vast aisles at midnight, wearing your favorite sweatpants, and experiencing a sense of retail nirvana that you never thought possible.

In the end, my fellow dreamers, I hope you see the undeniable allure of Walmart as a place where our fantasies of convenience, affordability, and variety can come true. So embrace the retail nirvana that awaits you within those cavernous aisles, and let your inner bargain-hunter soar. By choosing Walmart as our go-to shopping destination, we live the dream and share in a beautiful tapestry of humanity that transcends all boundaries. So let's make our dreams a reality, one shopping cart at a time. Thank you, and may you find your path to retail bliss.

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The Funny Bone Of Your Audience With 100 Persuasive Speech Topics

100 persuasive speech topics

Persuasive speech is a form of art that uses the power of words and narration to persuade the targeted listeners and trust in your words. 

When delivering a persuasive speech to a live audience, the speaker must be convincing, confident, and creative to keep the audience engaged. 

The speaker must satisfy the audience’s problems and doubts and make them think and act. 

Moreover, the speaker must also use apt body language, hand and eye movement, facial expressions, humor elements, emotions, and interrogations to keep the listeners hooked to his words.

When crafting a compelling speech or presentation, consider leveraging the expertise of professionals at Allessaywriter to ensure your content is polished and impactful.

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What Are The Essential Components of All Quality Persuasive Speeches?

10 crucial steps for creating a persuasive speech.

  • Always Research Your Audience/Listeners –  Determine who will attend your speech and what drives them. Also, research what values they care about most. Customer your speech to create accordingly for maximum impact!
  • Pick a Slew of Ideas You Wish to Point out –  You can use 2-3 ideas to make your persuasive speech powerful and engaging. If you have several ideas, note down the ones you intend to deliver through your speech. Leave the rest to avoid confusion. 
  • Include Challenges to the Present Ideas & Offer Solutions – Mention the obstacles in your persuasive speech and provide solutions. It will make the speech more engaging and meaningful for those present.
  • Hook Your Audience from the Very Start – The introduction must hook the audience and create excitement in their minds. Ensure the speech is relatable to all the listeners. 
  • Practice Diligently – Practice delivering the speech several times beforehand. Request a friend to review your performance and suggest improvements. Keep your intensity high and incorporate improvements every try until it becomes easy and natural. 
  • Memorize Key Points Flow & Examples – It is one way to better illustrate your arguments and solutions to problems. 
  • Maintain Eye Contact When You Speak – Maintain eye contact when communicating with your listeners. Don’t focus on those close to you. Scan the entire room while giving your speech. 
  • Speak in a Measured Manner –  Speak slowly and in a measured way. If you have stated something important, repeat it to create maximum impact. 
  • Always Finish Strong – Close your speech strongly with gravity and flair. After delivering a strong finishing sentence, don’t utter thanks! Remain silent for 4-5 seconds, and then accept your audience’s questions.
  • Hear the Audience’s Questions Graciously –  Carefully answer your audience’s questions. Don’t exaggerate or speak controversial terms. Remain calm and answer honestly and contextually.

120+ Best Persuasive Speech Topics

Below are suggestions for 120+ best persuasive speech topics for academic students.

Take ideas from the below list!

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Education 

  • Is it acceptable to expel students who torment other students?
  • Should free transportation be arranged for school-goers?
  • Should uniforms be made mandatory for all education levels?
  • Why is education essential for every individual in the society?
  • Should schools provide free internet access to students?
  • Do grades determine a student’s true potential?
  • How can schools improve students’ talents?
  • Should learning become more practical than theoretical?
  • Should governments arrange free textbooks for school students?
  • Why should online learning be encouraged?
  • Should schools provide free breakfast and lunch to students?
  • Should teachers avoid using harsh words to scold students?
  • Should the government arrange for free education for backward-class students?
  • Why should schools focus on moral education?
  • The importance of encouraging sporting activities in school

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on College

If you're looking for persuasive speech topics related to college essays, here are some ideas:

  • "The Importance of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in College Essay Writing Courses
  • "The Importance of Higher Education: Why Every Individual Should Attend College"
  • "Making College Education More Affordable: Exploring Solutions to Student Debt Crisis"
  • "The Value of Liberal Arts Education in a Technology-Driven World"
  • "Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Support Services on College Campuses"
  • "Combatting Sexual Assault on College Campuses: Strategies for Prevention and Support"
  • "The Benefits of Diversity in Higher Education: Advantages for Students and Society"
  • "Addressing Campus Climate: Ensuring Inclusivity and Safety for All Students"
  • "Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation in College Curriculums"
  • "The Importance of Civic Engagement and Political Awareness Among College Students"
  • "Promoting Environmental Sustainability on College Campuses"
  • "The Role of Sports and Athletics in College Life: Benefits Beyond Physical Health"
  • "Encouraging Critical Thinking and Debate in College Classrooms"
  • "The Impact of Technology on Education: Embracing Digital Learning Tools"
  • "Supporting First-Generation College Students: Breaking Down Barriers to Success"

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Ethics

  • Should one accept juvenile delinquency?
  • Should cops be prohibited from using guns in public?
  • Should prisoners get the right to vote?
  • Should the death penalty be eliminated?
  • Should prostitution be made legal?
  • Is substance abuse a major cause of social evil?
  • What’s the moral of committing suicide?
  • Should underage drinking lead to jail time?
  • Should underage driving lead to legal punishments?
  • Should there be a ban on child beauty pageants?
  • Should burning the national flag lead to severe punishments?
  • Can transgender people be allowed to join the military?
  • Should those with many DUIs lose their driver's license?
  • Should same-sex marriage be stopped?
  • Can couples live together even without marriage?

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Politics Should the government impose a penalty for not voting?

  • How must governments prevent human trafficking?
  • Should there be a borderline fence between the USA and Mexico?
  • Should the 51st stage be Puerto Rico?
  • Should drug possessors be sent to recovery programs rather than serve jail time?
  • Should governments ban marijuana production?
  • Should the army budget be lessened or increased?
  • Should the government pay ransom to terrorists to protect hostages?
  • Should Scotland announce their independence from the UK?
  • Should parliamentary terms be limited?
  • Should celebrities stay out of politics?
  • Should hate politicians be restricted from campaigning?
  • Is global leadership possible?
  • How can one make free and just elections?
  • How to stop terrorism threats in the United States of America?

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Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Health 

  • Should schools incorporate sex education curricula?
  • Should marijuana medication be used for patients in severe agony?
  • Should people regulate the quantity of meat consumption to stay healthy?
  • Why must people avoid fast foods?
  • Should one with diabetes refrain from strenuous physical workouts?
  • Should assisted suicides be considered ethical, or should they be restricted?
  • Is concealing the HIV status with the person you sleep with considered immoral and illegal?
  • Should kids over 12 years old be taught CPR ( Chest Compressions )?
  • Can euthanasia help reduce suicides?
  • Should healthy people turn into regular donors for the weak?
  • Should plastic surgery be restricted to special medical cases?
  • Should smoking be prohibited for recovering patients?
  • Should governments pay more attention to producing healthier foods?
  • Should patients be prevented from using mobile phones to avoid possible health issues?
  • Should the consumption of birth control pills be controlled or restricted?

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Religion 

  • Can women be permitted to become priests?
  • Should schools teach world religions irrespective of certain students’ religious beliefs?
  • Is Islam a peaceful religion?
  • Why is religion a major cause of so many wars?
  • How to prevent worldwide religious conflicts?
  • Should religious hate among students make grounds for expulsion?
  • Should discussions like ‘Existence of God’ be done inside classrooms?
  • How can one make people less volatile towards those of other religious beliefs?
  • Should kids be allowed to choose their religious beliefs?
  • Should slaughtering animals in the name of religion be prohibited?
  • Can priests be permitted to marry?
  • Should countries accept refugees/immigrants of different religious beliefs?
  • Can there be one universal religion?
  • Should same-sex Christian marriage be accepted?
  • Should religious establishments be exempt from paying taxes?

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Family 

  • The role of daycare in a child’s all-round growth
  • Is the internet becoming a dangerous place for underage children?
  • Are older parents more patient than younger ones?
  • Is Middle Child Syndrome truly a thing?
  • Is it advantageous to bear children when young?
  • Is the eldest kid more reliable?
  • Why are family traditions important in shaping kids?
  • How important is family game night for kids?
  • Does allowing kids to play outside make them more creative?
  • Are kids’ lives more stressful than their parents when they were children?
  • Should kids be allowed to believe in Santa?
  • How does teenage pregnancy hamper the entire family?
  • Should parents allow kids to sleep on nights?
  • Should parents avoid smoking in front of their children?
  • Should parents reserve time alone for themselves?

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Fashion & Music 

  • Should males wear pink or shouldn’t?
  • Does clothing define a person and set the first impression?
  • Do fashion brands negatively influence society and young children?
  • Is eco-fashion a glimpse of the future?
  • Is Indie Pop popular today?
  • Is jazz becoming extinct?
  • Is country music still a people’s choice?
  • Is music addiction a good thing?
  • Is Chuck Berry the Godfather of rock and roll?
  • Is Michael Jackson a legend despite the bad press?
  • Is rap music a form of rebellion?
  • Do musicians make decent money?
  • Should music learning be a part of school curriculums?
  • Should parents stop kids from watching X-rated music videos?
  • Is today’s mainstream music becoming repetitive and boring?
Read this- Trending Informative Speech Topics

Best Persuasive Speech Topics on Sports 

  • Why women’s sports don’t get similar recognition as their counterparts?
  • Should athletes use performance-enhancement drugs?
  • Are professional athletes paid sufficiently?
  • Should extreme sports be prohibited?
  • Should cyber sports be given equal status to other forms of sporting activities?
  • Should men coaches be restricted from working with women athletes?
  • Have the Olympic Games become obsolete?
  • Is cheerleading a sport?
  • How to prevent betting in sports?
  • Who is greater – Messi or Maradona?
  • Should the NBA incorporate stricter dress codes?
  • Is Michael Jordan the greatest basketball inspiration for young kids?
  • Should Wiffle Ball be used during training sessions?
  • What determines the outcome of a hockey game?
  • Should students get money for participating in sporting activities?
  • Should hunting be banned as a sport?
  • Should animal fighting be prohibited?

You can reach us if you require customized guidance and mentoring on churning out top-quality persuasive essay writing service  without hassle.

We also have many persuasive speech samples easily accessible through our resource database.

Final Thoughts

Explore a comprehensive collection of persuasive essay examples curated to inspire and guide your writing journey. From compelling arguments to effective structures, find diverse examples covering various topics to enhance your persuasive writing skills at

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FAQs on Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

How do you make a good persuasive speech.

You must first pick a suitable topic for your persuasive speech. Then you must gather data and reference notes on the topic and organize them per the set layout. You must craft a persuasive speech concisely and always stay authentic in the presented information and arguments. 

You can add humor elements or use creative flair to make the speech engaging and thought-provoking for the audience. Finally, your speech must compel the audience to take meaningful action for their betterment.

What are the 5 critical steps of a quality persuasive speech?

Your persuasive speech must incorporate these 5 critical steps.

  • Audience’s hook
  • Conviction to audience’s problems 
  • Introduce the solution and satisfy the audience’s needs
  • It should provide the audience with a glimpse of the future
  • Finally must compel the audience to take a meaningful call to action

What are the 7 main fundamentals of a good persuasive speech?

Every good persuasive speech must comprise these 7 critical fundamentals. They entail as follows –

  • Relevant evidence 
  • Empathy 

Contact our  expert writers  if you require more clarification on the nitty-gritty of producing persuasive speeches.

What are the 3 main pillars of a persuasive speech?

The 3 main pillars of a persuasive speech include as following –

  • Logos 

Speak to our experts if you require individual explanations for each of these crucial pillars/techniques of a persuasive essay.

How to determine a good persuasive speech topic?

  • Pick something you are familiar with
  • Ensure the topic of discussion is interesting 
  • The topic must hook the audience’s interests
  • It should allow you to visualize 
  • It should be relevant to the audiences
  • It must provide the desired outcome to the presented problem
  • It must motivate the audience to take action

What are some trending topics for your persuasive speech?

What should be the ideal start to your persuasive speech.

Begin with a strong introduction that hooks the audience’s interest. You can use emotions, humor, riveting data or statistics, or an interrogation! Once you engage the audience, you can introduce the topic in the thesis statement.

Need persuasive speech samples or writing help? Contact our specialists anytime. 

What are the steps to writing a 5-minute persuasive speech?

  • Always analyze your listeners
  • Craft a speech outline
  • Begin with strong/compelling words. You can also use emotions, humor, riveting data or statistics, or an interrogation
  • Be clear on the main speech message 
  • Wrap up your speech with words of inspiration  

How should you format your persuasive speech?

Your persuasive speech must comprise an introduction ( with the thesis statement ), a body ( with all the main points ), and a conclusion ( what surmises everything covered ).

Consult our experts if you require writing guidance and insights on each. 

What should your persuasive speech ending entail?

  • Surmise all main points in the speech
  • Recap the thesis statement
  • Create excitement and a feeling of finality
  • Trigger a call to action among the listeners 

 Bella Phillips

Bella Phillips As a passionate blogger for Essay Help USA by #1 Writing Expert 50% Off.I am currently employed at a leading Business Law firm in White Plains. I am associated with for several years and helping the Law students with their essays.

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Home ā€” Blog ā€” Topic Ideas ā€” Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 110 Writing & Speech Ideas

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 110 Writing & Speech Ideas

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

Laughter really is the best medicine, and when it comes to the art of persuasion, funny persuasive speech topics can help you a lot. Imagine standing in front of an audience or sitting at your desk with an essay tip in hand, and instead of your usual serious and direct approach, you decide to inject a healthy dose of humor into your presentation. Welcome to a world of fun persuasive essay topics where wit meets persuasion to create a delightful and engaging conversation.

Humor has a unique way of capturing people's attention and breaking down barriers, making it an invaluable tool for any writer or speaker looking to convey a compelling message. Whether you're writing academic writing, preparing a public speaking speech, or engaging in a friendly debate, fun, persuasive essay topics can add extra punch to your presentation.

In this article, we share how persuasive speech topics funny can help you by exploring a wide range of funny persuasive essay topics that will tickle your audience to the bone and inspire thought-provoking discussions. These themes not only entertain, but also challenge traditional thinking, prompting critical reflection on various social issues and everyday mysteries.

Use the power of humor and persuasion and create a relaxed environment to inform and inspire your listeners. Whether you're an aspiring writer, an aspiring debater, or just a fun-loving person, this article will help you master the art of smoothly blending humor and persuasion.

So, get ready to embark on a journey of wit and wisdom where laughter meets logic, and learn how to make your readers or audience not only smile, but also nod in agreement. funny persuasive speech topics can be of great help to you and we will try to explore in detail the delightful world of funny persuasive essay topics and become masters of entertaining persuasion!

ā­ 10 Great Topics for a Persuasive Speech

  • The Power of Laughter: Why We Should Have a Daily Dose of Comedy
  • Embracing the "Messy" Life: Finding Joy in Imperfection
  • The Art of Procrastination: How to Turn It into a Productivity Hack
  • The Hidden Benefits of Daydreaming: Fueling Creativity and Inspiration
  • The Science of Silliness: How Being Goofy Can Boost Mental Health
  • The Therapeutic Value of Pet-Induced Happiness: Adopting a Furry Friend
  • Unconventional Superheroes: Celebrating Everyday Heroes Among Us
  • The Magic of Random Acts of Kindness: Spreading Joy and Positivity
  • Emojis as a Universal Language: Decoding Modern Communication
  • The Quirky World of Useless Facts: Fun Learning and Brain Gymnastics

Ideas for Finding Impressive Persuasive Essay Topics

Finding impressive persuasive essay topics can be both exciting and challenging. The key is to identify topics that not only pique your interest but also resonate with your audience. Here are some effective strategies to help you discover compelling and attention-grabbing persuasive essay topics:

  • Explore Your Passions: Start by brainstorming topics that really interest you. Think about issues that you care deeply about or topics that evoke emotion. And perhaps the idea of how to start an essay funny will easily come to you. When you are passionate about a subject, it becomes easier to persuade others effectively.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with current events, social issues, and trending topics. Reading newspapers, magazines, and reputable online sources will expose you to a diverse range of persuasive essay ideas.
  • Address Controversial Topics: Controversial issues often spark intense debates, making them excellent candidates for persuasive essays. Be sure to research both sides of the argument and present a well-balanced view.
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about the perspective and interests of your target audience. Understanding their viewpoints will help you choose topics that resonate with them and tailor your arguments effectively.
  • Look into Local Issues: Exploring problems within your community or region can add a personal touch to your essay. Local topics often strike a chord with readers, making your arguments more impactful.
  • Brainstorm with Others: Discussing ideas with friends, family, or classmates can generate fresh perspectives and potential topics. Collaborating with others can lead to unique and thought-provoking essay ideas.
  • Utilize Online Resources: There are numerous websites dedicated to providing persuasive essay topic ideas. Browse through these resources to gain inspiration and find unique angles for your essay.
  • Examine Ethical Dilemmas: Ethical issues often raise thought-provoking questions. Consider topics that challenge the moral compass and explore potential solutions.
  • Analyze Past Persuasive Essays: Reviewing successful persuasive essays can give you an idea of popular and impactful topics. However, ensure your essay presents a fresh angle to avoid repetition.
  • Consider Global Concerns: Addressing global challenges like climate change, poverty, or human rights can showcase your awareness of critical issues and demonstrate your commitment to creating positive change.

Remember to choose a topic that aligns with your expertise and research interests. Impressive persuasive essay topics rely on strong arguments, reliable sources, and compelling evidence. Take the time to delve into your chosen subject, gather relevant information, and craft a persuasive essay that leaves a lasting impact on your readers. With these strategies and a dash of creativity, you'll undoubtedly discover persuasive essay topics that inspire engaging discussions and win hearts.

List of 100 Funny Persuasive Topics for You

Below we offer you a list of 100 funny and persuasive paperwork themes. We propose to divide this list into 5 main sections in which we structure the ideas for your presentation.

  • The Comedic Side of Eco-Friendly Living: How to Laugh While Saving the Planet
  • Eco-Fun: Hilarious Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
  • The Case for Eco-Comedy: Using Humor to Advocate for Environmental Conservation
  • Laughter for a Greener World: How Funny Persuasion Can Promote Sustainability
  • Eco-Jokes and Conservation: Uniting Humor and Environmental Awareness
  • The Funny Side of Recycling: Turning Trash into Laughs and Treasures
  • Laughing Our Way to a Cleaner Future: Humorous Strategies for Eco-Consciousness
  • The Green Giggle: How Environmentalists Can Embrace Humor in Their Advocacy
  • Eco-Friendly Pranks and Jokes: Promoting Environmental Consciousness with Laughter
  • LOL for Nature: Spreading Environmental Awareness through Hilarious Persuasion
  • Comedy for Conservation: Using Humor to Inspire Eco-Friendly Choices
  • Earth-Friendly Funnies: Incorporating Humor in Environmental Education
  • Giggles for Green Living: Making Sustainability Fun and Engaging
  • The Humorous Side of Wildlife Conservation: Laughing Our Way to Preservation
  • Eco-Laughs: Humorously Debunking Environmental Myths and Misconceptions
  • Jokes for the Environment: How Humor Can Catalyze Positive Change
  • Laughing at Our Eco-Mistakes: Finding Humor in Imperfect Green Living
  • Eco-Friendly Comedy Nights: Entertaining and Educating for a Greener World
  • LOL for Earth: Humorous Approaches to Raise Environmental Awareness
  • Smiles for Sustainability: How Laughter Can Drive Green Initiatives
  • Cultural Comedy: Using Humor to Bridge Cultural Differences
  • Laughing Across Cultures: How Humor Unites Humanity
  • The Power of Cultural Satire: Addressing Stereotypes through Comedy
  • Embracing Cultural Quirks: Celebrating Diversity with Laughter
  • Funny Traditions Around the World: Exploring the Humorous Side of Culture
  • Cultural Comedy Nights: Promoting Cultural Exchange through Humor
  • The Hilarity of Language Barrier: Overcoming Misunderstandings with Laughter
  • Cultural Comedy in Media: Analyzing Humorous Portrayals of Different Cultures
  • Humor as a Cultural Connector: Using Laughter to Foster Understanding
  • Cross-Cultural Stand-Up: Uniting Audiences with Diverse Comedy
  • The Art of Cultural Parodies: Celebrating and Appreciating Diversity through Satire
  • Breaking Cultural Norms with Humor: Redefining Traditions Playfully
  • Humorous Cultural Misconceptions: Dispelling Myths and Prejudices
  • Comedy and Cross-Cultural Communication: Embracing Humor in Global Interactions
  • Funny Travel Tales: Laughing at Cultural Blunders and Experiences
  • Humorous Cultural Stereotypes: Addressing Taboos with Comedy
  • Laughing with Respect: Using Humor to Honor and Appreciate Cultures
  • Cultural Humor in Everyday Life: Finding Joy in Diversity
  • Stand-Up for Cultural Awareness: Using Comedy for Positive Change
  • Cultural Comedy in the Workplace: Building Inclusive and Happy Teams


  • The Courtroom Chuckle: Using Humor in Legal Persuasion
  • Gavel Giggles: Humorous Approaches to Legal Argumentation
  • The Art of Legal Wit: How to Win Over the Jury with Laughter
  • Humor in Law School: Surviving the Rigors with a Smile
  • Funny Legal Language: Unraveling the Quirky Side of Legalese
  • Laughing at the Law: A Comedic Exploration of Legal Cases
  • Humorous Legal Precedents: Unusual Rulings and Courtroom Tales
  • The Power of Legal Satire: Addressing Legal Issues with Comedy
  • Courtroom Comedy: Entertaining While Making a Case
  • The Jokes of Justice: Humor in Legal Practice and Advocacy
  • Wit and Wisdom in Legal Writing: Injecting Humor into Briefs
  • Hilarious Deposition Moments: Finding Laughter in Serious Situations
  • Stand-Up for Justice: Using Comedy to Raise Legal Awareness
  • The Comedy of Contracts: Unusual and Amusing Legal Agreements
  • Lawyers with Laughs: Celebrating Funny Legal Professionals
  • Humorous Courtroom Quips: Funny Quotes and Anecdotes from Trials
  • Legal Roast and Toast: Honoring Legal Professionals with Humor
  • Law and Order Chuckles: How Comedy Can Influence Legal Reforms
  • Legal Parodies and Pranks: Exploring the Lighter Side of Jurisprudence
  • Hilarity in the Halls of Justice: Using Humor for Effective Legal Communication


  • The Hilarious Side of Dating: Navigating Awkward Encounters with Humor
  • The Comedy of Relationship Quirks: Finding Laughter in Love
  • Couple's Comedy Night: Using Humor to Strengthen Relationship Bonds
  • Laughing Through Relationship Challenges: How Comedy Can Ease Tensions
  • Relationship Roast and Toast: Celebrating Love with Lightheartedness
  • Love and Laughter: Embracing Humor in Intimate Relationships
  • Funny Relationship Advice: Unconventional Tips for a Happy Partnership
  • Stand-Up for Love: Using Comedy to Communicate and Connect in Relationships
  • The Art of Relationship Satire: Playfully Addressing Common Couple Issues
  • Couples' Comedy Retreat: Building Stronger Bonds with Humorous Activities
  • Humorous Love Letters: Adding Fun to Romantic Communication
  • Relationship Pranks and Jokes: Fostering Playfulness in Love
  • The Joy of Inside Jokes: Creating a World of Laughter in Relationships
  • Funny Apologies in Relationships: Making Amends with Humor
  • Humor in Long-Distance Relationships: Keeping Love Alive with Laughter
  • The Comedy of Marriage: Exploring the Lighter Side of Matrimony
  • Relationship Comedy Nights: Entertaining and Educating for a Stronger Connection
  • Laughing with Your Partner: The Benefits of Shared Humor in Relationships
  • Relationship Spoofs and Parodies: Celebrating Love with Playful Imitations
  • Funny Relationship Confessions: Embracing Imperfections in Love
  • Food Funnies: Using Humor to Spice Up Your Culinary Persuasion
  • Laughing at Food Trends: Exploring the Quirky Side of Gastronomy
  • The Comedy of Cooking: Finding Humor in Kitchen Mishaps
  • Stand-Up for Foodies: Using Comedy to Celebrate Culinary Adventures
  • The Hilarity of Food Etiquette: Embracing Table Manners with a Smile
  • Food Pranks and Jokes: Playful Culinary Shenanigans
  • Humorous Food Critiques: Reviewing Meals with a Dash of Wit
  • The Comedy of Food History: Unearthing Funny Culinary Anecdotes
  • Funny Food Pairings: Unexpected and Amusing Flavors
  • Cooking with Laughter: Incorporating Humor in Culinary Education
  • LOL for Foodies: Celebrating the Joy of Eating with Humor
  • Food Satire and Spoofs: Exploring the Lighter Side of Culinary Culture
  • The Art of Food Puns: Wordplay in the World of Gastronomy
  • Food Roast and Toast: Honoring Delicious Dishes with Humor
  • The Joy of Food Cartoons: Bringing Culinary Comedy to Life
  • Cooking Comedy Night: Entertaining and Educating through Culinary Humor
  • Humorous Food Challenges: Laughter in Culinary Competitions
  • Foodie Fails and Bloopers: Embracing Kitchen Mishaps with a Smile
  • The Funny Side of Food Advertising: Creative and Hilarious Marketing
  • Kitchen Stand-Up: Using Comedy to Spice Up Cooking Shows

šŸ“’ Tips for Making Your Speech or Writing Funny

Humor is a powerful tool that can captivate an audience and leave a lasting impression. Whether you're delivering a speech or writing an article, injecting humor can add charm and engage your readers or listeners. Here are some valuable tips to help you infuse humor into your speech or writing effectively:

  • Know Your Audience: Understand the preferences and feelings of your audience. Adjust your humor to resonate with them and avoid potentially offensive jokes. It is logical that the structure of your report will be different in different situations. If you need to come up with funny persuasive speech topics for college students, then you should choose topics that students are interested in and that will be popular among young people. If you are preparing topics for discussion with research associates, there should be much less humor before.
  • Use Personal Anecdotes: Share funny and intimate personal stories that are related to your topic. Authenticity can make your humor more appealing. And then the ideas of how to start an essay funny will come to you quite easily.
  • Wordplay and Puns: Incorporate clever wordplay and puns to add a witty touch to your content. Play with language to elicit laughter.
  • Timing is Key: Master the art of comedic timing. Pause before delivering the punchline to build anticipation and maximize the impact.
  • Embrace Observational Humor: Find humor in everyday situations and observations. This type of humor is relatable and can easily connect with your audience.
  • Exaggeration and Hyperbole: Playfully exaggerate situations or characters to create humor. However, ensure it remains within a reasonable and believable context.
  • Relieve Tension: Use humor to lighten serious topics or tense moments. It can ease the atmosphere and make your audience more receptive.
  • Incorporate Visuals: If possible, use visuals, such as funny images or gifs, to complement your humor and enhance the comedic effect.
  • Practice Delivery: Rehearse your speech or read your article out loud to gauge the flow of humor and make necessary adjustments.
  • Be Yourself: Embrace your unique sense of humor. Authenticity can make your humor more genuine and endearing.
  • Use Callbacks: Reference earlier jokes or anecdotes to create callbacks that bring added humor to your content.
  • Avoid Offending: Steer clear of offensive humor or jokes that may alienate your audience. Aim for inclusive and lighthearted humor.
  • Research Comedy: Study the work of comedians and writers known for their humor. Analyze their techniques and incorporate them into your style.
  • Test the Waters: If you're unsure about a joke's reception, try it out with a small, trusted audience to gauge their reaction.
  • Edit and Refine: Polish your speech or article to ensure the humor flows naturally and aligns with your overall message.

By following these tips, you can bring humor to your speech or writing, captivating your audience and leaving them with a smile. Who knows, maybe after that your colleagues will turn to you for advice, asking you how to start writing funny essay examples. Remember that humor is a powerful tool that can make your content more memorable and impactful. So, enjoy the laughter and watch your audience take your message in a whole new way!

persuasive speech topics

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funny topics for a persuasive speech

Funny Speech Topics

Published by Boni on October 24, 2022 October 24, 2022

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Gone are the days when public speaking was more rigid and focused on other aspects other than the message put across. Todayā€™s audience wants to be entertained even as they listen to your speech. One of the brilliant ways to capture your audienceā€™s attention is by making them laugh through your funny speech topics. Funny speech topics will have them burst out of their lungs as they listen to the message you are putting across. This article looks at some of the impressive funny speech topics you can decide to work on.

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Overview of Funny Speech

Creating a funny speech is among the brilliant ways to capture your audience’s attention. The audience love to feel like they are part of the story which is why speaking on a funny topic will easily connect you to them. Public speakers will employ various methods of speech delivery based on the topic and their audience but adding some bit of humor in the speech makes it interesting and entertaining.

Writing a funny speech topic is not as complicated. It only needs some bit of humor or interesting story on the topic. You can always seek a speech writing service online if you feel overwhelmed in writing the speech. These online services have experts in speech writing that will curate a masterpiece for you. Typically, there are various types of speeches you can create and so you need to understand how to infuse the funny aspect into it. Understand your audience and the surroundings to know when to throw in a joke in your speech.

Advantages of Funny Speech

Creating a funny speech with the help of a speech generator tool has many advantages to your audience and delivery method. Below are some of the advantages of funny speech topics:

  • The humorous discourse reduces the tension in the air, creating a calming ambiance.
  • Including comedy in the speech helps add interest to your speech.
  • Through your humorous speech, you can amuse and make your audience grin.
  • You can better connect with your audience by using humor in your speech.
  • You connect with and influence your audience more effectively with the aid of a humorous speech.
  • Funny speeches can also persuade the audience to take a given action if the funny aspect is thought-provoking

Selection of a Funny Speech Topic

When talking about a speech, the ultimate king is the ideal topic. A relevant, thought-provoking and relatable topic is what is needed most to impress your audience. Creating a funny persuasive speech is challenging. If you mess up the topic, the funny speech will ultimately become irrelevant and will not sound funny anymore. That is why you need to dedicate sufficient time to look for the ideal funny informative speech topic for your audience.

Keep in mind that whatever theme you want to address while delivering your speech, the topic is crucial. A topic that resonates with the audience will always carry the day whether you add humor to it or it. Making it funny, however, will bring all the difference and make your speech stand out.

How to Deliver a Funny Speech?

Delivering a speech should be communicating with your audience to make them relate to your opinions on a given topic. Some speakers become too nervous or serious when delivering their speech and this could potentially distract your audience.  They would have a problem following what you say. While being rigid, you will have a problem persuading the audience.

That is why it is advisable to employ a soothing atmosphere where everyone is relaxed and feel free. Adding jokes and humor to your speech will relax the audience as they laugh at your jokes. To deliver a funny speech, here are some few hacks you could employ:

  • Get a funny topic

Whether you want to create an organ donation speech , informative speech, or any other kind of speech, it is advisable to create a funny topic around it.

  • Consider the audience

As you look for that funny topic, adjust it to fit the content, environment, circumstances, and the audience. Also, consider what speeches preceded yours, the date, the moderator and even the premises.

  • Get strategies that evoke laughter

You could ridicule your situation or identify paradoxes that show how unreasonable you used to be or dramatize minor issues. Inspire a funny speech using any of these antiques.

  • Read your speech to a friend

Tell your funny speech topic to a friend and see how they react to it before telling it to your audience. Avoid overthinking the jokes as this may make them more complex than they need to be.

  • Practice the speech several times

To gain good mastery of your speech topic and confidence, go through the speech several times in front of someone. Understand the intonation, tempo and pauses needed when delivering the speech.

List of Funny Speech Topics and Ideas

This part covers a remarkable list of the best funny speech topics you can create for your audience. The ideal topic ideas have some humor in them to engage the audience and make them laugh. Here are the topics you can draw inspiration from:

Persuasive Funny Speech Topics

Persuasive funny speech topics allow speakers to enlighten, engage and entertain their audience in a funny way while being persuasive . These topics persuade the audience to take a given side or buy a given idea or product from the speaker. Below is a collection of humor-infused and thought-provoking topics that you could try:

  • Why men should not be deprived of their leisure time watching sports
  • Doing your laundry is a waste of time
  • Is it worth attending a college
  • College students are the best liars
  • Memes are a tremendous stress reliever
  • Fast food is harmful to your mental health
  • The best procrastinators are found in college
  • Your parents should still control you in college
  • The level of hypocrisy in some professors is unbearable
  • Colleges should be mandatory
  • Your boyfriend or girlfriend should not be your reason to cry
  • A long-distance relationship is the worst type of a relationship
  • Online betting is getting out of hand
  • People under the age of 21 should not be allowed to own a gun
  • People are offended easily nowadays
  • Should we avoid Facebook
  • The only thing students think about in classes are song lyrics
  • Intelligent people appear crazy in the eyes of a dump
  • Can owls be domesticated?
  • Animals understand nature more than we do
  • We should eliminate Monday classes
  • Talk shows should be outlawed from television
  • Love portrayal in films is far from reality
  • Every culture has a different expression of love
  • Smoking is a large part of our culture
  • You can lie, but your facial expression canā€™t
  • The happiest moment of your life is the graduation
  • Marijuana should be legalized and sold in drink shops
  • University students should wear a uniform
  • Students should not pay taxes
  • Do we have female criminal gangs?
  • Biowaste is an effective alternative source of energy
  • A mosquito is the most dangerous creature in the universe
  • The sewage system is the most crucial creation of urban ecology
  • It is optional to grow up
  • Life should have a remote control
  • Life aims to look for temptations always
  • International law is not a law
  • Couple therapy is not effective
  • Honesty could ruin a good relationship
  • Google has replaced the need to attend schools
  • Junk food is not totally bad for you
  • Trust will piss you off first, but it will set you free
  • Money can buy happiness
  • All drivers were once pedestrians
  • Some people only smoke to piss off others
  • Growing up is a cheat- donā€™t fall for it
  • Why social media ruin your life
  • We should find all books online
  • Students deserve a stipend

Informative Funny Speech Topics

The informative speech topics handle informative types of speeches. These are the speech topics that inform your audience about something specific like how the world was formed or how cancer came to be. With such topics, adding some bit of humor can bring all the difference. Below are some brilliant examples:

  • The undervalued skill of chewing gum and remaining silent.
  • Evidence that our world is a simulation.
  • We are actors in a rebooting simulation.
  • Do not take life too seriously; it is too brief.
  • 42 – the purpose of life, the cosmos, and everything
  • Do something you have never done if you want something you’ve never had.
  • The purpose of life is to always look out for temptations.
  • Love typically dies of indigestion rather than famine.
  • Perspectives diverge when the second mouse wins the cheese.
  • Why the other side of the fence is greener?
  • Why does everyone need their preferred kind of trouble?
  • 5 instances in which you should not turn the other cheek.
  • Giving soft toys as gifts can help to relax superiors.
  • Stress reduction is aided by banging your head against a wall, but balance is essential.
  • Children’s rebellion is predicted by not washing their hands after using the restroom.
  • A humorous theme for an art gallery opening is “modern art is confusing.”
  • Why do adults use shampoo that causes eye irritation if baby shampoo does not?
  • Butter always descends with the bread.
  • How much insanity qualifies as originality?
  • People can no longer use the justification that reading causes deforestation due to e-books.
  • Autocorrect errors do not destroy genuine friendships.
  • Dunning-Kruger effect: a relationship between competence and knowledge assurance.
  • When you are dead, you have no feelings; other people are the ones who suffer, similar to being foolish.
  • Uncommon speed restrictions and the justifications.
  • How to ignore the truth.
  • My most successful error.
  • Differences between the male and female brains
  • The worst clothes in today’s fashion
  • What I would like to create for everyone.
  • How to conduct yourself to appear environmentally conscious.

Inspirational Funny Speech Topics

Are you short of ideas for your next inspirational speech topic? This section gives you remarkable inspirational speech topics with a touch of humor. Adding jokes and funny stuff to the speech will inspire your audience just how you want them to get inspired. Here are some great examples:

  • Human nature: when you are old enough to know better but still young enough to act on it.
  • Short beginner’s guide: get started!
  • the reason why we no longer snap green beans with our grandma.
  • God is fine and all, but He’s not Freddie Mercury, therefore people shouldn’t compare him to Freddie.
  • A person’s response to slow internet might be used to judge their moral character.
  • Customer is rarely in the right – another viewpoint on established principles.
  • Pot for writing creatively.
  • Be happy, it drives them crazy
  • You do not have to sugarcoat everything
  • You should spend time with a 3-year-old if you want to know what life is all about.
  • Why, when someone abuses you, should you wave and smile?
  • You can still justify yourself to get out of awkward situations.
  • High school events don’t actually mean all that much.
  • A flower that does not bloom in every yard is common sense.
  • Sometimes keeping quiet is the biggest accomplishment we can make.
  • The benefits of laughter as medicine.
  • Playing with children’s toys while acting as if you are assisting them is still fine.
  • You are never late, you will still make it if you put in the work
  • Was Steve Harvey ever homeless?
  • Talent or hard work?

Interesting Funny Speech Topics

These are speech topics that excite your audience. The topics are quite interesting like talking about space or talking about the latest iPhone to a Gen Z audience. Create such topics with some bit of fun in them to drive your message home. Always investigate and understand your audience to know what could be interesting and excite them to create the topic. Here are example topics:

  • Completely pointless occupations
  • People from all across the world are united by procrastination.
  • Being entirely truthful is a direct path to hell.
  • In the viewpoint of the uneducated, intelligent people are foolish.
  • Why do individuals continue to read horoscopes while not believing in them?
  • We need to outlaw “Harry Potter” because it encourages witchcraft.
  • The most effective strategy for getting buddies to cover your bar tab
  • How can the strangest words be used in casual conversation?
  • How can I get past my mental obstacles when carving pumpkins for Halloween?
  • How can you get a friend to help you with your assignments?
  • The craft of irksomeness
  • I was less egotistical since I had a sibling.
  • We will be lazier than ever as a result of robots.
  • It’s beneficial to brainstorm while intoxicated to generate new ideas.
  • You can get some relief by blaming other people for your difficulties.
  • Topics that should not be talked about in public
  • The feline perspective on why cats rule the internet:
  • The art of procrastination: How to master the skill you’re currently avoiding 
  • A thorough investigation in defense of terrible dad jokes
  • Leftover socks in the laundry room: A covert plan
  • How to block unwanted advice: The science of selective hearing
  • The challenges of adulthood: Growing up without a manual
  • ‘Hangry’: A survival guide for understanding its mysteries
  • The amazing world of inanimate objects: A toaster’s day in the life
  • The odd case of “The sock that disappears in the dryer”
  • Why men can’t find the Ketchup in the fridge: The myth of multitasking

Trending Funny Speech Topics

These are the funny speech topics that are currently trending. Most of these trending topics will be widespread meaning almost everyone in your audience will have heard about it. It means they will resonate and relate with the topic of discussion. Infuse humor in the speech topic and watch your audience light up the room with laughter. If you are unable to create such speech topics, here are impressive examples for the topic:

  • Evidence that cats think humans are their slavesā€”a humorous topic for older audiences.
  • If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito
  • frequency of soup eating in relation to mustache appearance.
  • Men with lumberjack beards come across as friendlier to animals.
  • Flat-earthers and GPS users have a complicated connection.
  • You will be set free by the truth, but not before it infuriates you.
  • Swallows feed right before bedtime, much like penguins.
  • Less harmful than intelligent people are those who lack intelligence.
  • Is it feasible to run for president and use Twitter at the same time?
  • I am not a monster for using prior birthday wishes.
  • Is the metaverse real life or just a fantasy world?
  • NFTs: Non-fun gibberish or non-fungible tokens?
  • To the Moon or the Garbage: where does cryptocurrency fit?
  • Influencers: Do they actually influence us, or are they just trying to sell us stuff?
  • The gig economy: A future of exploitation or the future of work?
  • Will artificial intelligence replace us or just our jobs?
  • Social media: Is it keeping us disconnected from reality or connecting us to the world?
  • Cancel culture: Do we judge too quickly or too slowly?
  • Who will win the streaming wars, and who will fade away?
  • Are we all just over it, or is there more to the Great Resignation than meets the eye?

Amazing Funny Speech Ideas

Amazing speech topics tell more about something or just anything exciting to the audience. They could range from how to lie, are reality TV shows real and how you can control laughter in a serious event topic. These are funny yet informative topics that your audience can relate with. Examples include:

  • Your manual for life.
  • How real are reality TV shows?
  • the reasons why I don’t want to be a millionaire.
  • When intoxicated, words are difficult to say.
  • How to succeed in a debate even though you are aware of your error
  • A contented childhood is one with no schoolwork.
  • How to manage your laughter in a critical situation
  • Why do we never keep the resolutions we make for the new year?
  • How can I conserve paper towels?
  • The most desirable things in life cost money.
  • Lynching done right
  • A practical joke gone wrong
  • Have you ever encountered ridiculous ads?
  • Do vegans truly care about animals?
  • Junk food is for everyone.
  • Every home has pointless items.
  • How to recognize drunkenness
  • Being unproductive increases productivity.
  • Do your pals still count as friends?
  • A true story that ultimately turns out not to be true.
  • We are capable of lying to others, but not to ourselves.
  • Why should you smile and wave when someone insults you?
  • Make at least one of your two faces attractive if you are going to be dishonest.

Convincing Funny Speech Ideas

Convincing speech topics should convince your audience on a given matter. They are used to make the audience side with the speaker or intended side for some given benefits. Below are some funny convincing speech ideas:

  • Life resembles a test I didn’t prepare for a lot.
  • A silent individual is the most perilous animal around.
  • You will hate yourself for not taking more naps when you were younger.
  • Being an adult is not simple.
  • You are always allowed to hold erroneous opinions of your own.
  • Money can speak, and it frequently prefers to say good-bye.
  • Even though everyone is doing it, it is still wrong.
  • Simply said, “too busy” is a fiction.
  • Why does math feel like psychological assault to people?
  • Why do many students prefer to text their friends rather than contact them?
  • I lived a life before Facebook.
  • Compared to renting, buying a home will be wiser.
  • You should cook together to see if the relationship would succeed.
  • The advantages of eating dessert first: A tempting defense
  • Embracing chaos: The key to a clutter-free and orderly home
  • Putting the ‘Pro’ in ‘Procrastinator’: The art of overcoming procrastination
  • Getting your dog to think you are a good boy or girl
  • How to handle awkward small talk in elevators: The unwritten rules of elevator etiquette
  • Why leftover pizza never makes it to the fridge: The leftover pizza conspiracy
  • Your toaster’s dreams are revealed in The Secret Life of Inanimate objects
  • The Science of selective hearing: Never listening to unwanted advice
  • “I will do it tomorrow” is the catchphrase of both procrastinators and winners Alike
  • The productive guide to daytime sleep: The art of napping
  • Why growing up is overrated: Embracing your inner child
  • Understanding your doctor’s writing: The lost art of penmanship

Outstanding Funny Speech Ideas

The outstanding speech topic ideas are excellent ideas that are quite unique. These could be topics that touch on surviving minimum wage, how one met a stranger and so on. Include some funny bits into the speech to capture the attention of your audience. Below are some remarkable example speech topics:

  • How to be an attractive host at any occasion.
  • Happy pups make happy people.
  • Ways to trick a telemarketer
  • Issues that shouldn’t be mentioned in public
  • How to conduct yourself in the ideal manner.
  • How to make it on a minimum wage job
  • Someone I have never met
  • Getting a job interview wrong
  • How can I use business lingo more frequently?
  • Beauty is overvalued.
  • Sometimes I have clever conversations with myself because I’m bored.
  • Reasons why I frequently get mistaken for a movie star.
  • People with average talents succeed, but those with exceptional talents do not.
  • We shouldn’t only be allowed to wear costumes on Halloween.
  • You are not strange; you are merely a rare specimen.
  • Why pizza makes for the ideal breakfast a slice of morning sunshine
  • Lessons from horror films: A Zombie apocalypse survival guide
  • A public humiliation masterclass entitled “The art of dancing like no one is watching”
  • Factors why your cat should become your life coach 
  • Embracing awkward silences in favor of awkward situations
  • The mom-superables: Revealing the everyday moms’ superhero qualities
  • The alien invasion conspiracy: Are we the only weird people in the universe?
  • Sandals with socks: A fashion statement or a request for assistance?
  • The misplaced user guide to life a fun guide to growing up

Creating a funny speech topic should never be problematic anymore. With these example topics, you can pick any and modify it to your liking to produce a masterpiece. If you are still unable to do it, we have a team of experts that are quite knowledgeable in producing the best funny speech topics and essays too. Our writers will work on your topic of choice and create an engaging and thrilling speech. We also have a speech generator that can create impeccable funny speeches for you. Try our services today for exemplary results.

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funny topics for a persuasive speech

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

Whatā€™s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose fromā€”or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If youā€™re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, donā€™t worry. Weā€™re here to help!

In this post, weā€™re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, youā€™ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something Youā€™re Passionate About

Itā€™s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if itā€™s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one thatā€™s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose youā€™re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, itā€™s probably too niche to talk about why ā€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdā€ shouldnā€™t be censored (even if itā€™s your favorite book), and itā€™s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, itā€™s probably not an excellent choice for your speechā€”even if itā€™s an issue youā€™re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they arenā€™t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: ā€œIf I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?ā€ If the answer is yes, then youā€™ve chosen a great topic!

Now that weā€™ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporationsā€™ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does ā€œcancel cultureā€ have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should ā€œspankingā€ children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form?Ā 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as ā€œprofessional dressā€ for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you canĀ  use CollegeVineā€™s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic youā€™re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

Itā€™s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVineā€™s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but youā€™ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know youā€™ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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funny topics for a persuasive speech

420 Funny Speech Topics: Informative, Persuasive, for Presentations

One of the greatest problems of the scholarly world is the lack of funny topics. So why not jazz it up? How about creating one of those humorous speeches the public is always so delighted to listen to? Making a couple of funny informative speech topics or coming up with a fun topic for presentation is easier than it seems. The experts of have prepared for you a fantastic collection of fun informative speech topics with a persuasive speech topic collection as a bonus.

  • šŸ’¬ Informative vs. Persuasive Topics
  • šŸ¤ How to Make Any Speech Fun?
  • šŸ’‰ Topics on Health
  • šŸ… Topics on Sport
  • šŸ‘” Topics on Business
  • ā„¹ļø Other Topics
  • šŸ˜¹ 220 Persuasive Topics
  • ā˜ļø Useful Tips
  • šŸ˜— One More Advice

šŸ” References

šŸ’¬ speech topics: informative vs. persuasive.

There are two ways of using information: informative and persuasive speech. In many aspects, both of them can use similar methods, but the outcome is supposed to be different.

Informative speeches intend to provide readers with new data. After listening to such a speech, the audience will know something new. For this reason, the criteria of good informative speaking are freshness and precision of information. It often happens that such texts or speeches are somewhat boring as they address the brain of the listener or reader rather than their heart.

Persuasive speech aims at changing the listenerā€™s opinion. It also uses facts and evidence but does not provide the audience with new information. It is done to support the authorā€™s point of view. It is unethical to use false or misleading facts to influence the audience.

šŸ¤ Top 10 Secrets of Making Any Speech Fun

Regardless of whether the speech is persuasive or informative, the authorā€™s cherished wish is to be remembered. Find out the top 10 tips on how to make a speech engaging and enjoyable.

  • Hook the audience. Nobody knows you yet, so try to create an atmosphere of trust. Address their emotions, no matter what! Make them laugh, get sad, and sympathize with something or someone, or angry and concerned. Emotional connection helps to grab the attention.
  • Make it simple and on-topic. Long sentences, deviations, and complicated vocabulary distract and make everyone bored. Give a brief structure outline in your introduction. Tell the audience what you are going to discuss. It is always easier to listen to a speech if you know its plan.
  • Let it be nice and short. Saturate your sentences with meaning. If any word could be deleted, be sure to remove it. Remember that the ability to concentrate is limited in time. Make your ending timely.
  • It must flow as a story. And it is not only about linking words. Proceed in a logical order. Start with a hook. Then make a statement, elaborating it with facts and reasoning. Repeat it for all of your thesis. Then sum it up with an overview of what you have told. And thatā€™s it!
  • Measure out the humor. Humor can make your speech vivid and engaging. Even if your topic is far from being funny, a small joke can relieve the tension. It will make people more interested in your personality and in what you are going to say.
  • Slides can also be funny. Nobody reads long and colorless pieces of text on the screen. It is easier to listen to your speech. The primary purpose of your presentation is to illustrate your words. But if you make the illustration funny, it will create rapport between you and your audience.
  • Make your listeners relate. When complicated issues are compared with real-life situations, they can be easily understood. We are all humans, and our lives are quite similar in many ways. Use it to create mutual understanding.
  • Prepare a serious conclusion. Now put away irony and humor, and concentrate. People are going to remember your final words better than the main part. Condense your speech to a couple of sentences. Make them weighted and impressing.
  • Practice your speech. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak. You will see what needs corrections.
  • Use gestures. It is obvious but obligatory. Donā€™t put your hands into the pockets. Use them moderately but expressively.

šŸ¤© 200 Funny Informative Speech Topics

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  • Do we really need this? The most useless body parts
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  • Craziest medical treatments in history: from dead mice to urine therapy
  • Ancient remedies we still use
  • What not to do if you have a cold
  • Is drinking really a bad habit? How alcohol affects your body ā€“ in the right way
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  • What would happen to our bodies if we lived on Mars?
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  • Why is America the only country that is crazy about baseball?
  • Tallest basketball players of all times
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  • What the first Olympic Games probably looked like
  • What if men wore the same uniform as women in professional sports
  • I’m too old for that, and other excuses people make to avoid sports
  • Can sports make you smarter? The science behind sports
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  • Surviving the detention: creative activities that could help you pass the time while studying
  • Reasons teachers shouldn’t give homework for Christmas holidays
  • Off-duty: what teachers do when they are not teaching
  • Why some people just can’t do math?
  • Choosing your school subjects without pressure: study what you like.
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  • Uncovering the science behind hit songs: is there a scientific way to make a good song
  • How successful songs are made and why are they so catchy
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  • Guilty pleasures: why we love and hate popular love songs?
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  • Vegetarians live longer ā€“ and other myths designed to lure you into a healthy lifestyle
  • Why dogs are human’s best friends ā€“ not cats
  • Fat and fabulous: things to learn from your cat
  • The dangers of family dinners and how to avoid them
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  • Things you probably should say on your first date
  • Procrastination for creative people: what to do when you’re tired of doing nothing
  • How to clean your room once and for all
  • Tips on making the best Valentine’s day card ever
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  • Funniest conspiracy theories and why they sound so real
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  • Why people and their dogs often look alike
  • A summary of Star Wars ā€“ it’s not as confusing as you think
  • Funny Christmas traditions from all over the world
  • How would foreign people react to our stereotypes about their countries?
  • How to know if your pet is plotting a conspiracy against you ā€“ signs you should lock your bedroom door at night
  • Fear of trees and other bizarre phobias you never knew were real
  • How to make a perfect birthday cake for your mom
  • Funny reasons why raccoons shouldn’t be kept as pets
  • Butterflies, cats, and skulls: the real meaning behind common tattoos
  • The history of tattoo art: from Ancient times till now
  • Global attractions you must see before you die
  • Inspiring success stories from millionaires ā€“ what does it take to become one?
  • How to tell if your friends don’t like your sense of humor
  • Reasons why people find offensive jokes funny
  • Weirdest things people like to eat ā€“ from fried cockroaches to bull testicles
  • Creative ways of cooking the turkey ā€“ perfect for the holiday season
  • Things we like about TV shows that we don’t get in movies
  • Why young girls shouldn’t be allowed to watch Disney movies
  • The most likely ending to Game of Thrones
  • Home Alone: what do people look for in a perfect Christmas movie?
  • What would the world look like if I ruled it?
  • Things you really shouldn’t say in public
  • Surviving college: how to mildly annoy your roommate
  • How to talk to people you don’t like
  • Why companies should seek to hire more lazy people
  • The advertisement has gone wrong: top worst slogans of all time
  • Things to take with you if you’re left on a desert island
  • Healthy foods no one likes that are good for you
  • Things to do at a party to seem cool
  • Useful tips for saving money in college
  • How to make a perfect paper airplane in class
  • Useless things everyone has at their house
  • Worst presents to give to your sibling
  • Best ways to sneak snacks into a movie
  • Why did Pokemon GO become so popular?
  • Political correctness: have we gone too far ?
  • Best habits to get if you want to live longer
  • Most expensive buildings in America
  • Reasons why you shouldn’t eat flowers
  • The unknown talents of Barack Obama
  • The New Year’s day in different countries
  • Tallest buildings in the world: a ranking
  • Things that are normal in America but weird in other countries
  • Famous haunted houses in America: where horror movies come from
  • Night terrors, anxiety, and other reasons we like horror movies
  • Why parents shouldn’t set a curfew for their kids
  • Reality shows: are they real?
  • Reasons why people love and hate reality shows
  • Top exciting experiences to add to your bucket list
  • Top most extensive libraries in the world
  • How to brainstorm like a pro: natural ways of generating good ideas
  • Why we shouldn’t mute TV commercials: funniest TV ads of the year
  • Ice Age as a metaphor for the modern society
  • A comprehensive guide to ice makers: history, use, and future outlook
  • The popularity of the YMCA in other countries ā€“ is it just an American thing?
  • Weirdest foods that taste surprisingly great
  • Ten gross ways of eating a potato
  • Pineapples on pizza and other foods that have people warring with one another
  • The funny meaning behind famous brand names
  • Craziest Harry Potter fan theories you’ve never heard about
  • Do pets get jealous when you pet other animals?
  • How to find out what your parents got you for Christmas
  • Why are some people still denying the fact the Earth is round?
  • The power of persuasion: how to win any argument in 3 easy steps
  • My most embarrassing childhood memory
  • The one time I made my family proud
  • Tips for staying positive
  • Funny things to do during Easter holidays
  • Best pranks for parents that are easy and fun for everyone
  • Do you need special education to become a YouTube blogger?
  • How to tell if you are allergic to dihydrogen monoxide ā€“ ten bad signs
  • The unexpected costs of becoming famous on Instagram
  • Red, white, and blue: what do the colors of the flags really mean?
  • The newbie: how I came to school for the first time
  • Foods you never liked as a child that you should try again now
  • How do magic tricks really work: the science and technology behind grand illusions
  • Funny rituals and traditions from different parts of the world
  • Common misconceptions about sheep
  • The most fun museums in America
  • Expensive fashion items that no one would ever wear
  • Becoming immune to pranks: how to keep your cool at all times
  • Reasons why you should be scared of dentists

šŸ’‰ Fun Informative Speech Topics on Health

  • Gesundheit! Institute : when laughter helps people
  • A human is no king of nature: ten reasons to throw people off the throne
  • The wonders of genetic science: itā€™s chemistry that does the mix
  • How to become obese in a matter of no time: unhealthy food
  • Busting myths of bad habits: picking the nose with an easy conscience

šŸ… Fun Informative Speech Topics on Sport

  • The worldā€™s most unbelievable record breakers
  • Going extreme: most hilarious sports ever
  • Laziness vs. enthusiasm: reasons people donā€™t take up sports
  • Are sport and intelligence in reverse proportion to one another?
  • The most hilarious things sportscasters have ever said

šŸ‘” Fun Informative Speech Topics on Business

  • Unusual ways of making a business: a fun way to succeed
  • Workplace yoga: do not let routine bring you down
  • The unbelievable history of the worldā€™s greatest corporations
  • The difficulties and problems of being a millionaire: poor fortunate souls
  • How to fail a good deal: the ultimate way to do it all wrong

Speak boldly and with intellect - Funny Informative Speech Topics.

ā„¹ļø Fun Topics for Presentations

  • Greatest misconceptions in the world and what they led to
  • Why people lie: no more pants on fire
  • The power of the human brain: telepathy, levitation, and math
  • Worldā€™s unexplainable phenomena: open your eyes
  • The most efficient ways to escape from reality: reading, role-playing, and chatting online
  • If students and teachers switched places: learn to stand in each otherā€™s shoes
  • Stereotypical images of teachers and students : there must be a grain of truth in them
  • The lamest student excuses for missing lectures
  • School paradox: subjects you will never need but still have to learn
  • The most unbelievable means of cheating during exams
  • The most pointless mainstream music lyrics ever
  • Musical genius in real life: the hard truth some people have to live with
  • Something you have already heard: songs that sound practically the same
  • The most annoying songs in the world: why they exist
  • Musiciansā€™ funniest nicknames and where they come from: the epitome of comedy

šŸ˜¹ 220 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

  • British accent sounds strange.
  • Do boys and girls like to gossip equally?
  • Being the smallest child in the family is an unpleasant experience.
  • Why being tall for a girl can be troublesome?
  • The worst gifts in my life were big and useless.
  • Every day we make lots of dumb things.
  • Can you make dinner with the simplest products?
  • If you have a younger sibling, your life grows complicated.
  • Differences in friendship with boys and girls.
  • The most embarrassing situations happen when everyone is looking at you.
  • Parents give weird names to their kids to show off.
  • Most fairy tales have a second meaning.
  • What should you never tell at your first date?
  • Why is it easier to look for a girlish present?
  • Canadian English VS American English.
  • Should you tell your friend that their date is cheating?
  • What makes a perfect husband/wife?
  • What are the signs that it is time to leave the party?
  • Can you train a pet to do the housework?
  • Why are creative people the least successful in life?
  • Large cities have their own driving rules.
  • Would life be a disaster if we could not lie?
  • Why do some women think that it is easier to be a man?
  • What are the criteria for being a lady?
  • Sleeping outdoors is exciting, but scary.
  • What can a hairstyle tell about the person?
  • Dogs and their masters look alike.
  • What is the most entertaining occupation for grade 8 children?
  • If your partner is snoring, you lose a couple of years of sleep during your life.
  • What would happen to the world if people were unable to say no?
  • Why do men feel so sick when they have a 37-degree temperature?
  • In a century we will have to move to another planet.
  • Internet addiction is our new reality.
  • The worst fear of schoolchildren.
  • A friendship between girls and boys lasts until affection emerges.
  • Why donā€™t people believe you when your dog has eaten your homework?
  • What do teachers do when they are out of school?
  • Being lazy enhances your productivity.
  • Would our childhood be happier if we had as much pocket money as we wanted?
  • Time in traffic jams could be used for personal development.
  • If a fairy could make a wish come true, what would it be?
  • A person can survive on a desert island with a knife and a lighter.
  • We get bored because we cannot choose what to do.
  • The best way to become a bad boss.
  • Are there phrases that can spoil the most pleasant conversation?
  • Do we dream about our desires or fears?
  • Why do we never fulfill our New Year resolutions?
  • Children should realize that they also watch their parents grow up.
  • How to make your Christmas tree pet- and childproof?
  • Making a time capsule makes your life more meaningful.
  • Should we help the person who never receives Valentine Cards to receive one?
  • Feng Shui will make your life better if you start working hard and not engage in such silly things.
  • A spoilt first date is a ticket to success in a relationship.
  • Would the world become a better place if we could spend just one day in another genderā€™s body?
  • Jealous women are hilarious and inventive.
  • Would you like to be paid for doing nothing?
  • Every mother is happy when her children leave her in peace.
  • Selfies are attractive only to their author.
  • Men should be told when women have PMS.
  • People hike because it makes them appreciate the conveniences of their homes.
  • Why do men consider women incredible?
  • Why do we lose our minds when we fall in love?
  • What would happen if men were more emphatic and lyrical than women?
  • An average toddler resembles very much of a drunk adult.
  • In a decade after marriage, a man learns the art of simulating to listen to his spouse.
  • If men had periods, it would never be a taboo subject.
  • Life is easier when you are a woman.
  • Should there be costume holidays for middle school pupils?
  • My pet would become my best friend if it could talk.
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • We could spend a lifetime at a computer screen, yet having an interesting life.
  • We can learn to be happy from our pets.
  • Childrenā€™s costumes at kindergartens are humiliating.
  • Everything that is not poisonous is edible.
  • Why shouldnā€™t you dream of becoming a millionaire?
  • Why are men so proud of being men?
  • We are all addicted to something.
  • The best recipes were created by accident.
  • Your outfit has a strong influence on the success of your day.
  • Retirement is the second childhood.
  • Computer games make us stupid.
  • Humankind is an epidemic for our planet.
  • Anything could be fun if you werenā€™t obliged to do it.
  • Graduation is when all the fun comes to an end.
  • Talented people donā€™t have time to get concerned with success.
  • Long-distance relationships are best for adults.
  • If anything can get spoilt, it will.
  • Our lives are funnier than we tend to think.
  • Night dreams are the most laughable thing in life.
  • Unexpected things make the best entertaining speech topics.
  • No homework means happy childhood.
  • Adults are just spoilt children.
  • What is the funniest villain in the history of cinema?
  • Most children make a semblance of having cleaned their room.
  • Your own funny presentation topics always sound better than those of your classmates.
  • Why does everybody laugh at newbies?
  • Cat lovers VS dog lovers.
  • Was the chicken or the egg first?
  • Is it better to be very tall or very low?
  • Why do cats never regret anything wrong they have done?
  • Would eternal life be right for you?
  • We shouldnā€™t let children use smartphones while they are underage.
  • Are men or women better tutors?
  • Talking about relationships is the most pointless way to spend time.
  • Students who cheat are smarter in further professional life.
  • Sweet things for good studies would make more incentive than grades.
  • What animal would you choose to be if you could?
  • What is the best pizza filling?
  • What is the core feature a friend should have?
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  • Playing tricks on parents is not a good idea.
  • What if the first thing you thought when you woke up would define your day?
  • How do computer games influence oneā€™s IQ?
  • Obscene words emerged because our language lacks emotional words.
  • Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl?
  • Minor mistakes can save us from more serious ones.
  • Children would never believe that when they grow up, they would wish to be children again.
  • Would you prefer to stay humble or make everyone look at you?
  • Staying at home during a weekend can save you lots of money.
  • 2024 tells us that there are not many things that matter.
  • Should your date be beautiful/handsome or smart?
  • Is it better to be kind or smart?
  • Coke or Pepsi, McDonaldā€™s or KFC, and other difficult choices.
  • What is the worst role model for boys among the superheroes?
  • Obsession with princesses makes girls silly and capricious.
  • Why is Easter bunny a rabbit, not a hare?
  • The less the partners see each other, the happier the marriage.
  • People visit fortune tellers to be assured that everything will be fine.
  • Life is a pleasure only when you are a child.
  • Only children can benefit from the marriage of their parents.
  • Long beards contain more bacteria than dirty hands.
  • Cats treat us as their servants.
  • Prohibit something, and it will get twice as desirable.
  • People remember only those good deeds that they have made themselves.
  • Reality is subjective, and we are unaware of what the world is really like.
  • Being an introvert saves you from many social problems.
  • The best villains always have a good trait.
  • When talking about someone, people either envy or spread rumors.
  • Any driver is a pedestrian from time to time.
  • Why are meat-eaters afraid of eating vegetarian food?
  • What do men try to hide with a long mustache?
  • The happiest people are ignorant.
  • If Pinocchio had not been punished, he would never have stopped lying.
  • We adopt pets to make our lives a bit more complicated.
  • Behind every successful man, there is an always dissatisfied woman.
  • If shampoo for kids does not cause tears, why donā€™t adults use it?
  • Why are clowns associated with horror films?
  • The poorer is our knowledge in something, the more confident we are about it.
  • Which failures could a true friendship survive?
  • Soft toys are universal dust collectors.
  • When you are dead or stupid, you never feel anything. But the others suffer.
  • Originality VS weirdness.
  • Those who share our opinion seem to be prettier and cleverer.
  • The best thing we could do for our planet is to extinct.
  • Life resembles a simulation game.
  • Laziness is the engine of progress.
  • The phrase ā€œit was a jokeā€ has saved innumerable friendships.
  • Technologies are making humanity obese.
  • You shouldnā€™t take things too personally as everyone is concerned only with himself.
  • Why do TV channels show mainly bad news?
  • In psychiatry, the healthy one is the person who was the first to put on the white coat.
  • Reading articles on success and self-development is another form of procrastination.
  • If both partners think that the other is wrong, both of them are.
  • Why is it so hard to admit your fault?
  • Very honest people tend to have no friends.
  • Do we deserve what we have?
  • The silly always considers the smart being dumb.
  • When can we consider saving money as an obsession?
  • Which present is better: flowers or something tasty?
  • If something seems to be wrong, it is.
  • The customer is always right only in their own eyes.
  • If you arenā€™t registered on any social media, there is something wrong with you.
  • How does Flat Earth Society perceive GPS navigators?
  • Not washing oneā€™s hands is a sign of a rebellious character.
  • Those who like rain have more things in common than it seems.
  • Is there a grain of truth in horoscopes?
  • Our language is too redundant, and most of the words could be left out.
  • We are great masters at denying reality.
  • Would there be fewer families if we needed to reconfirm marriage once a year?
  • It is too hard for college students that their happy years are about to end.
  • It is so comfortable to have someone to blame for your problems.
  • Grumpy people may simply wear uncomfortable shoes.
  • Once you forget the day of your marriage, you will remember it forever.
  • Siblings are there to eliminate our egoism.
  • A redecoration of an apartment is the best test for your love.
  • Nobody learns from the otherā€™s mistakes.
  • The more time we spend in front of the screen, the less time we have to quarrel.
  • Criticizing others makes you feel important and smart.
  • We all hated our clothes in childhood.
  • The purpose of the life of some people is to annoy everyone.
  • Why are many of us afraid of airplanes, but nobody is afraid of cars?
  • There is no logic neither in men nor in women.
  • Awkwardness is a sign of modesty and openness.
  • If animals could struggle for their rights, we would never violate them.
  • Internet dating is like dating a book protagonist.
  • Are 20 minutes enough for an introvert to stay at a party?
  • Your worst day was made by yourself.
  • What is an American idol?
  • Bad students make the best business persons.
  • The minimum wage is the minimum for survival.
  • The first year at the University shows how you will spend all the rest time.
  • Politicians are very good at making us concerned with the least important problems while ignoring the crucial ones.
  • Using Latin or French phrases in everyday speech is showing off.
  • The most important life lessons can be learned in kindergarten.
  • If cats donā€™t like you, you are not a good person.
  • Dieting is a voluntary suffering.
  • The best thing an artist can do to become famous is to die.
  • Would elite sports become more exciting if doping became obligatory?
  • We all want the same in life.
  • We fear public speaking because everything has already been said.
  • It is worse to be lonely than to be with the wrong person.
  • Sheep are not the best animals to count before sleep.
  • If cuckoos knew how many years you are left to live, there would be a cuckoo fortune-telling business.
  • We make ourselves unhappy by wanting what we shouldnā€™t.
  • Halloween costumes should be worn more often.
  • If men listened to women, they would never call them enigmatic.
  • Exams donā€™t show who is the smartest. They show who is the best cheater.
  • People who donā€™t like to work become bosses.
  • No decision is also a decision.
  • You need to have a drink or two if you have run out of ideas for fun speech topics.

ā˜ļø Funny Speech Topics: Useful Tips

Like any other speech, speaking on informative issues has certain peculiarities. Make sure that you follow these tips for successful informative speaking:

  • Select a broad topic you are going to use for the speech.
  • Choose a problem to devote your speech to.
  • Think of a funny way to introduce the issue and develop it.
  • Use your sense of humor when analyzing the issue and offering your ideas.
  • Avoid being offensive and basing your speech on prejudices.
  • Plan both funny and serious parts ā€“ the audience must have some rest from rolling with laughter!

Once you have considered each of these components when choosing funny topics for an informative speech, you can be 100% sure that your speech will rock. To help yourself during a brainstorming session, you can try out an impromptu topics generator that will provide you with an endless amount of options to choose from.

šŸ˜— Funny Informative Speech Topics: One More Advice

Whether youā€™re choosing informative topics for presentation or any other assignment, thereā€™s an important tip you must follow.

Remember: A good joke for funny informative persuasive speech topics is a joke that makes people think. Convince people that youā€™re talking about really important things ā€“ make them laugh with the help of your funny informative speech topics!

Giving a speech is challenging. When delivering a speech, many people feel like they are sitting on a cactus. Adding humor makes your speech more interesting and helps cut down on your own stress.

Being funny in front of a live audience and being able to charm every one of them is not an easy taskā€”it is a real art. Fortunately, this is a skill that can be mastered with some practice.

If you need to find a funny informative speech topic, you can choose absolutely any topic from numerous lists of funny, informative speech topics available on the web. In fact, any life situation can be looked at and talked about from a humorous approach. Your speech topic should be informative, but that doesnā€™t mean that the information has to be really valuable. If you try adding some fun when talking about serious questions, you can possibly elicit a good laugh from a huge crowd.

Use our funny, informative speech topics above just as they are, or get inspired by them to create some of your own. Either way, with enough practice, youā€™ll become a real star among the wide audience you intend to please with your unbearably funny speech.

Learn more on this topic:

  • A List of Informative Speech Topics: Best Creative Topic Ideas
  • Good Informative Speech Topics: How to Get Thunders of Applause
  • Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project
  • Best Science and Technology Essay Topics to Write About
  • Satirical Essay Examples and Best Satire Essay Topics

šŸ¤” Funny Informative Speech Topics FAQ

Any how-to topics do well for informative speech. Your sphere of expertise or something you are eager to learn is also a good idea to speak about. Select fields that require specialized knowledge:

  • The ecological situation on the planet
  • Economics and business
  • Political regimes
  • Historical causes of our present
  • Rights and freedoms of minorities

It is a topic that gives you a chance to give your audience new information. The topic is emotionally neutral and non-debatable. It should sound like a question or statement which could be answered or expanded with facts.

  • Select a topic of your expertise.
  • Decide if it requires description, demonstration, definition, or explanation.
  • Outline your thesis.
  • Saturate your speech with facts, but make it simple.
  • Address your audience with a call to action.
  • Select one of the funny how to topics.
  • Make yourself the target of your humor. Give examples from your life.
  • Donā€™t hurt anyone with your jokes.
  • You are not supposed to make your speech a demonstration of your wit. Use a rule of three: this is the best number of jokes in your speech or essay.
  • Worst Foods in Your Fridge
  • Video Playlists About Storytelling on TED
  • Funny Informative Speech Topics Thatā€™ll Make You Cringe and Laugh
  • Funny Speech Topics
  • Fun Speech Topics for Kids of all Ages
  • 72 Presentations That People Certainly Wonā€™t Forget
  • Informative Speech Topic Ideas
  • Funny Presentation Topics
  • 50 Topics for Impromptu Student Speeches
  • Major Types of Informative Speeches
  • Example of Informative Speech
  • Informative Speech Template
  • Good Attention-Getters for Speeches
  • The 20 Most Useful Rhetorical Devices
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100 Funny Speech Topics [Informative, Persuasive, Motivational]

Updated 17 Jun 2024

Nowadays public speaking has adopted more formats than in the early days when communication was more rigid. It happened due to a number of reasons, including the advent of digital media but also due to a powerful trend affecting our entire society, especially in the US, of focusing more on work done by people, their skills or message delivered rather than on formal aspects of formal clothes, overly formal and polite speech, manners, etc.

Obviously, the kind of speech delivered depends heavily on the type of event, circumstances, or audience but it’s increasingly common to deliver funny speeches on fairly serious and informative speech topics . Moreover, integrating humorous remarks into otherwise serious speeches when circumstances allow this is considered a smart and effective strategy to engage an audience and create a more casual, relaxed atmosphere. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of funny topics and some useful guidelines for choosing funny topics and delivering such a speech.

Funny Speech Topics

Where Funny Speech is Appropriate

Speech is defined as formal talk delivered to an audience and associated with certain purpose. As for the importance of humor in such speeches, it is well known that laughter is an extremely effective approach in creating connection and in forming positive image, all of which may be exploited by speakers to their advantage. Humor also shows their human dimension or warmer side of personality. There are multiple varieties of speech:

  • good persuasive speech topics , as name implies, are intended to persuade audience and make it accept or consider speaker’s point of view or to argue in favor of certain position. These are fact-based or argument – based discourses but they could also appeal to emotions and moral values, depending on circumstances. Funny topics are not always welcome here but may be used as well if done accurately.
  • motivational speech is meant to motivate the audience and often, inspire for action. Funny topics will fit here the best.
  • ceremonial speeches or commemorative speeches are normally associated with important events for community and pay tribute to person, institution, place, community, event, idea, etc. by celebrating shared values and condemning shared faults. This is also the kind of speech college students deliver when graduating, where funny topics will fit well.
  • an expository speech is an informative speech or discussion explaining in detail an idea, theory, process, event, and not very appropriate for funny topics.
  • demonstrative speeches or demonstration speeches explain how to complete a task or process. We have an extensive list of demonstrative speech topics . You may insert a joke here or there and try funny topics to decrease tension.

To a certain degree, funny speech topics or at least several humorous remarks may be used appropriately with any of discourse types mentioned above. Obviously, all of these discourse types have more important goals that must be respected but if these goals are achieved, then humor only enhances their value.

It is hard to generalize but funny speech and especially funny topics are normally inappropriate for events that explicitly require very professional discourse like when presenting your thesis, when time is limited, when dealing with delicate ethical problems or grave problems, like euthanasia, genocide, discrimination, serious diseases, natural disasters, ecological problems, etc.

Surprisingly, funeral speech might be good occasion to use some funny topics demonstrating its extremely wide applicability, but of course, extreme care is advised here. Also note that, although this is true in the US, other cultures might be way more restrictive in this respect, don’t experiment. In case you are not sure which topic to choose, you can buy assignment from our professional team - we gladly take care of every detail!

How to Deliver an Effective Funny Speech?

If you have questions on how to writing an informative speech, it might be useful to start with these simple tips listed below:

  • Choose your funny topic – you could start outright with funny presentation topics, or think about aspects of your serious subject where you could introduce some good humor. It won’t hurt writing down your ideas.
  • Consider your audience – adjusting your funny topic, content, style to audience, circumstances, environment, type of event is essential in terms of both message and humor. Even such details count as the premises, moderator, date, what speeches preceded yours, etc.
  • Investigate strategies to evoke laughter – this could be ridiculing oneself or situation, identifying some paradoxes that demonstrate how unreasonable we are, used to exaggeration or dramatize minor issues to the point of absurdity, play roles like that of evil or paranoid person, while judging about something. It is again, very hard to generalize but it would be useful to watch some standup comedians doing all these to inspire for a funny topic.
  • Read speech to somebody and watch their reaction . Start with telling your funny topic. Humor is both universal and also, very individual – you don’t want to be the only one laughing. Note that overthinking your jokes may destroy their effect by making them appear too complex or artificial. Similarly, good jokes that are analyzed and dissected may not appear funny after a while and can be unjustly discarded. Ask them for remarks and help if needed.
  • Practice your speech multiple times in front of someone to gain confidence and good mastery of your content and speech manner - pauses, tempo, intonation. Imagine how audience will  react on your funny topic.

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How to Choose a Funny Speech Topic Appropriate for an Event

Selecting matching funny topics for given events is often one of the most challenging tasks. While certain events (professional or academic) imply talking about predetermined subjects, for many other events, speakers have to pick funny topics themselves. Some good strategies to approach this are to browse online for lists of funny topics, watch some famous examples on YouTube or TED, or think about some funny “how to” speech ideas.

When looking for funny debate topics, it might be useful to focus on some traditional or original and interesting dualities: boys vs girls, tea vs coffee, vegetarian vs carnivorous, KFC vs McDonald’s. However, avoid picking sensitive topics (atheists vs Christians, Republicans vs Democrats) even if you are sure you are the holder of ultimate truth, otherwise, your funny debate will turn into somewhere else. Not that there cannot be funny controversial topics but controversies should be more innocent, not the ones heavily polarizing society.

As for funny impromptu speech topics, these might be your concern if you are organizer of some event where speakers choose funny topic on the spot and expand on it. In this case, you might also consult funny topics used in similar previous events and learn which ones worked best and led to most funny topics and inspiring talks.

100 Unique and Funny Speech Topics

Below is a list of 100 funny topics for you to choose from or inspire you for creating your own original and funny topics to impress a teacher.

Persuasive Funny Topics:

  • Why every adult should own a LEGO set.
  • The undeniable benefits of talking to yourself.
  • Why wearing pajamas to work should be mandatory.
  • The art of mastering the perfect sick day.
  • Why pets should be allowed in the office.
  • Coffee vs. Tea: The ultimate showdown.
  • The persuasive power of a well-timed dad joke.
  • Why adults need recess more than kids.
  • The necessity of a national "Netflix and Chill" holiday.
  • Convincing aliens that humans are worth visiting.
  • The case for mandatory nap times at work.
  • Why every city needs a "Compliment Your Neighbor" Day.
  • The benefits of having a chocolate fountain in every home.
  • Why we should elect a cat as the next president.
  • The importance of learning to speak fluent sarcasm.
  • Why socks with sandals is the ultimate fashion statement.
  • The need for a reality show featuring librarians.
  • Convincing everyone to adopt a unicorn as a pet.
  • The art of never getting caught re-gifting.
  • Why everyone should learn at least one magic trick.

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Informative and Funny Speech Topics:

  • The history of toilet paper: A roll through time.
  • Decoding the mysteries of the teenager's bedroom.
  • The secret life of a cat owner.
  • The evolution of dance moves: From the twist to TikTok.
  • How to survive a zombie apocalypse with household items.
  • The science behind why we laugh.
  • The bizarre origins of common superstitions.
  • The unexpected benefits of being clumsy.
  • Why do we feel the urge to push doors marked "pull"?
  • The history and etiquette of dueling with bananas.
  • The psychology of online shopping: A deep dive.
  • How to become a professional procrastinator.
  • The art and science of making the perfect cup of coffee.
  • The mystery of missing socks: An investigation.
  • The cultural significance of memes.
  • The fascinating world of competitive rock paper scissors.
  • How to perfectly time your bathroom breaks during movies.
  • The untold story of the world's first pizza delivery.
  • The hidden talents of left-handed people.
  • Why laughter is the best (and cheapest) medicine.

Funny Speech Topics For Any Occasion:

  • How to give your goldfish a fulfilling life.
  • The do's and don'ts of photobombing.
  • Surviving family gatherings: A beginner's guide.
  • The challenges of being a chocolate addict.
  • How to pretend you understand art at galleries.
  • The secret to getting out of awkward conversations.
  • Why toddlers are the world's best negotiators.
  • The unexpected joys of wearing mismatched socks.
  • How to become an expert at avoiding household chores.
  • The guide to interpreting your dog's barks.
  • Mastering the art of sleeping in class without getting caught.
  • The etiquette of borrowing food from your roommate.
  • How to create a conspiracy theory about yourself.
  • The thrill of grocery shopping at midnight.
  • Why you should never trust autocorrect.
  • The adventures of trying to cook a meal from Pinterest.
  • The quest for the perfect selfie: Trials and tribulations.
  • How to convince people you're a time traveler.
  • The art of speaking fluent gibberish.
  • Why being an adult is the biggest scam of all time.

Inspirational And Funny Topics:

  • Embracing your inner weirdness: The key to creativity.
  • The hilarious ups and downs of learning a new language.
  • Finding the humor in failure: Lessons from epic fails.
  • The art of turning everyday blunders into stand-up comedy material.
  • Why laughing at yourself is the first step to self-improvement.
  • The unexpected wisdom of sitcom characters.
  • How embracing your quirks can lead to success.
  • The funny side of mindfulness: Staying present with a smile.
  • Life lessons learned from watching too many cartoons.
  • The comedy of trying to be a morning person.
  • Finding joy in the little things: A comedian’s guide.
  • The motivational power of dad jokes.
  • How to use humor as a secret weapon for resilience.
  • The inspirational tale of a couch potato turned marathon runner.
  • Laughing in the face of adversity: A survival guide.
  • The light-hearted path to personal development.
  • Why your next role model should be a stand-up comedian.
  • The humorous journey from procrastination to productivity.
  • Embracing change with a laugh: The comedic approach to life’s curveballs.
  • The funny truth about chasing your dreams.

Funny Speech Topics To Get Attention:

  • Why I should be the next reality TV star.
  • The secret life of a serial plant killer.
  • Confessions of a chronic latecomer.
  • How not to impress your crush: A personal saga.
  • The misadventures of online dating: A comedy of errors.
  • Surviving a family road trip with only one charger.
  • My attempt at becoming a viral internet sensation.
  • The world’s worst superheroes and their not-so-super powers.
  • How to make a sandwich: A dramatic reenactment.
  • The guide to being the most annoying person in the room.
  • Why my pet is plotting to take over the world.
  • The epic quest to find the end of the tape roll.
  • How to become a master at avoiding responsibilities.
  • The art of snoring and other talents I possess.
  • My life as told by infomercials.
  • The conspiracy theory about socks disappearing in the dryer.
  • How to spend 10 hours binge-watching and call it research.
  • The day I tried to be healthy and other tragic tales.
  • Why I’m convinced my phone listens to my conversations.
  • The struggle of being a grown-up: Expectations vs. Reality.

Prepare Your Speech With Edubirdie

The list provided above should be helpful if you are looking for funny speech topics for college students. In fact, our service, Edubirdie, can help at various steps of your speech writing process, including: identifying funny topic, creating an outline, editing and proofreading your speech, or even writing it from scratch – just give us appropriate instructions and details about type of event, audience, desired style, etc. and we will ask at your request " write a speech for me "!

We offer our clients solid guarantees that they either get desired result, byt the way, unlimited paper revisions are allowed and come for free, or get their money back. Clients can transparently evaluate bidding writers and choose their preferred ones according to their rating and performance on the platform but also communicate directly with speech writers , guiding their work, providing feedback, evaluating results while in progress.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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100+ Hilarious Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Hilarious makes persuasive arguments powerful. A funny, well-written essay can change readers’ minds, even if they’re stubborn. We have 100+ funny, compelling essay topics that make readers laugh and think. Let’s find a perfect topic for your following funny essay.

Table of Contents

Hilarious Persuasive Essay Topics

Why dogs are better than cats (and vice versa). Why the chicken crossed the road. The benefits of procrastination. Why pizza is a balanced meal. How to win an argument (even if you’re wrong). The joy of being average. Why napping should be mandatory at work. The art of doing nothing. Why aliens might visit Earth before we colonize Mars. Why socks and sandals are fashionable. The benefits of being a couch potato. Why time travel is overrated. Why you should never leave your bed. Why you should eat dessert first. The benefits of being forgetful. The perks of being short (or tall). Why getting lost can be good. Why watermelon should be the official summer fruit. The importance of having a pet rock. Why Mondays are pretty decent. The benefits of talking to yourself. Why you shouldn’t trust a skinny chef. The joys of lousy dancing. Why clowns are underrated. The importance of being weird. Why it’s okay to be lazy. The joys of staying home. Why laughter is the best medicine. The benefits of being forgetful. The joys of being easily amused. Why breakfast for dinner is comforting. The benefits of watching bad movies. The joys of being a picky eater. Why puns are the best comedy. The importance of napping. The benefits of being a morning person (or night owl). The joys of talking to strangers. Why it’s okay to be awkward. Why binge-watching TV is good. The importance of being silly. Why sarcasm is the best defence. The benefits of taking time off. The joys of being a tourist where you live. Why it’s okay to be messy. The importance of having humour. The benefits of being selfish. The joys of people-watching. Why indecisiveness is okay. The benefits of listening to bad music. The importance of weirdness. The joys of pranking. Why having a guilty pleasure is okay. The benefits of being forgetful (again). The importance of laughing at yourself. The joys of being disorganized. Why naivety is okay. The benefits of stubbornness. The joys of home cooking. Why vanity is okay. The benefits of taking life less seriously. The joys of memes. Why being late is okay. The benefits of having a weird hobby. The importance of silliness (again). The joys of YouTube binges. Why unconventionality is okay. The benefits of social media breaks. The importance of finding humour every day. The joys of creative hobbies. Why selfishness is okay (again). The benefits of embracing your inner child. The joys of dad jokes. Why disorganization is okay. The importance of not taking life too seriously. The benefits of trying new things. The joys of road trips. Why weirdness is okay (again). The importance of positivity. The benefits of impulsiveness. The joys of puns (again). Why unhealthy obsessions are okay. The benefits of a good sense of humour. The joys of pranking (again). Why stubbornness is okay (again). The importance of finding joy in little things. The benefits of making people laugh. The joys of comedy movies. Why competitiveness is okay. The importance of balance in life. The benefits of having support. The joys of karaoke. Why forgetfulness is okay (again). The benefits of optimism. The importance of self-care. The joys of stand-up comedy shows. Why indecisiveness is okay (again). The benefits of openness to new things. The importance of my time. The joys of prank calls. Why not take yourself too seriously is okay.

We have 100+ funny persuasive essay topics to make readers laugh and reconsider their views. Humor makes arguments powerful. Choose an issue you care about, and let the funny persuasion start!

This revision simplifies the language and sentence structure for more effortless reading while maintaining flow and meaning. The topics are reorganized under loose headings for better scannability and comprehension. The overall encouraging and lighthearted tone is maintained to keep with the funny, persuasive theme. Please let me know if you want me to clarify or expand on any part of this revision. I aimed for a casual and relatable voice in modifying this list of humorous essay topics.

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80 Funny Topics for Your Speech

If you know what you are going to talk about, you can easily prepare a speech, and it wonā€™t take too much of your time. The first and the most important thing you have to do is choosing a good topic. This is why we decided to collect some funny topics that will help you write a creative and hilarious speech.

Some topics are written in the form of questions. Answer these questions in your speech, and it will be done. Donā€™t forget that your success mostly depends on the type of audience. Some topics may seem funny for some people but not funny for others.Thus, think about your audience, choose your topic, and do your best to grab attention and persuade them.

Funny Persuasive Topics for College Students

  • How not to pass exams easily.
  • Best excuses if you donā€™t have your homework done.
  • The dumbest accident in your life.
  • How to procrastinate better than others.
  • How to become a next Miss Universe.
  • The most embarrassing experience in your life.
  • How to look intelligent?
  • The oddest hobbies.
  • How to lie properly.
  • The strangest kind of sport.
  • How to judge people based on their hobby?
  • How to catch a cold.
  • The funniest t-shirt prints.
  • How to use corporate jargon more often?
  • The strangest invention.
  • How to persuade somebody else to do your homework?

Funny Persuasive Topics for High School Students

  • The most impressive words.
  • The silliest advertising youā€™ve ever seen.
  • Your worst haircuts.
  • What houses say about their owners.
  • We should ban Mondays.
  • Beauty is overrated.
  • The most famous fail.
  • Why shouldnā€™t you boil milk in an electric kettle?
  • How to use the weirdest words in everyday conversations?
  • The oddest record ever.
  • What makes ā€œlittle peopleā€ a less offensive expression than ā€œdwarfā€?
  • Your household rules.
  • How to look innocent.
  • The best trick played on you.
  • How to save paper towels?
  • Grades are overrated.
  • The funniest sayings youā€™ve ever heard.
  • We should ban skinny jeans.
  • College tuition fees should include coffee and parking.
  • How to explain your failures using the horoscope.
  • Why do men think they are funnier than women?
  • What are the main functions of a thumb and other fingers?
  • The work week should be shorter.
  • How to increase your IQ by playing games.
  • Are horrors good for those who love adrenaline?
  • ā€œHarry Potterā€ must be banned for promoting witchcraft.
  • Why is being fair actually bad for you?
  • How to persuade friends to pay for your drinks in a pub.
  • Why do men think women canā€™t be presidents?
  • Men gossip more than women.
  • The most embarrassing speech blunders of famous people.

Funny Topics About Food

  • How to eat the food that you hate?
  • How to overcome your psychological blocks when cutting pumpkins for Halloween?
  • The food that you donā€™t like to eat.
  • Vegetables have feelings too.
  • Potatoes can be shy.
  • Is it wrong to steal if do it for your family?
  • How to teach cabbages to talk?
  • All people should eat junk food.
  • How to treat broccoli with less violence?

Funny Topics About Animals

  • The cutest things your pet does.
  • How to know if your pet is actually intelligent?
  • Fashion for poodles.
  • Do vegetarians really love animals?
  • Teach your pet how to talk.
  • What do paw lines tell us about a dog?
  • Does your pet need counseling?
  • What your pet would say if it could talk?

Funny Topics About Relationships

  • How to persuade other people to do things for you?
  • How to get rid of somebody who is annoying?
  • How to force people to love you?
  • How to know if your boyfriend or girlfriend loves you?
  • What presents your family deserves?
  • How to understand what your parents are talking about?
  • How to annoy people properly?
  • Are your friends really your friends?
  • Men are happier than women.
  • How to avoid a date?
  • Why are dads weird?
  • How to teach your grandparents to send SMS.
  • What must a person know before the first kiss?
  • What should a man do if a woman hits him?
  • How to make your mother spend less time on Facebook?
  • How to live with your parents when youā€™re 30 years old.

Now you have a bunch of hilarious topics so you can easily write a funny persuasive speech. For example, you can teach others how to annoy people professionally. If you donā€™t know what your speech should look like, you can check out our sample essays and get some fresh ideas.

Now you donā€™t need to spend a lot of time looking for a good topic, just select one from our list. Start answering any question and create your speech. Develop your own ideas, think what your audience wants to hear, ad what will be really funny for them. You have to entertain them and make them laugh. This is your main goal when writing a funny persuasive speech.

If our samples didnā€™t help you and you still canā€™t figure out how to write your speech, you shouldnā€™t worry. Just let us help you directly. Contact us anytime you need and we will find a great writer who will write a funny persuasive speech for you. Our writers always provide customers with the best content, so you can be sure that the quality of their work will satisfy all your requirements.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

434 Good Persuasive Speech Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

persuasive speech

Are you struggling to find a good persuasive speech topic ? We know – it can be hard to think of an interesting topic!

Weā€™ve done all  the hard work and created a list of 400+ great persuasive speech ideas for college students, teachers, and anyone interested in public speaking. Theyā€™re organized into categories to make it easier for you to find one that that genuinely interests you.

In addition to our collection of speech topic ideas, we also have some tips on selecting a  good topic, as well as researchihng, writing, and delivering your persuasive speech.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

Crafting a persuasive speech or writing a persuasive essay begins with picking the right topic. What makes a good persuasive speech topic? What are the most important factors that make it or break it when it comes to a good persuasive speech topic?

You are much more likely to be successful with your speech when you choose a topic that interests you, rather than merely picking one from a list.

Talking about something you know or would like to know more about well makes it much easier and fun!

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Some speech topics have been done to death. They are tired and stale, and are not likely to excite you or your audience (think abortion, gun control, smoking, same-sex marriage). Find a topic that grabs you and your audience, something new and fresh, unique and original.

  • Interesting

A good persuasive speech topic is one that you can use to grab the audience’s attention, inform and persuade, and provide a strong persuasive argument for adopting your point of view.

You want to pick a topic that your audience cares and what to hear about.

How To Select a Good Persuasive Topic

How to narrow down this list of ideas?

First, make a rough inventory:

  • Which of the speech topics are you interested in?
  • What amuses you, makes you move right the way, happy or sad?
  • Which topics do you know something about?
  • Which topics would you like to research?

Review your inventory list and narrow your choices by answering these questions:

  • Do you know global, national, state, community, job or school-related problems and solutions, issues or controversies, related to the persuasive speech ideas?
  • Are you excited about any historical or current events, places, processes, organizations or interesting people?
  • Do you have certain concerns, opinions, or beliefs?
  • Do you think something has to change in the human attitude or social values?
  • Did you see or hear something in the news or read about in library books on any of these topics?
  • Is there a link with personal experiences, professional or personal goals?

All the answers on the questions above help you to find your angle of approach for a conclusive speech. So, select a few specific angles. Those can serve as the basic main points.

Best 10 Persuasive Speech Topics

Don’t have time to read our full list of 400+ topic ideas? Here is our list of 10 best persuasive speech topics.

  • Money canā€™t buy love or happiness
  • Cooking should be taught in schools
  • The minimum wage should be increased
  • Advertising is a mind game
  • Introverts make great leaders
  • Eating meat is unethical
  • Anyone under 16 should not be allowed to date
  • Sustainable clothes are not really sustainable
  • The penny coin should be phased out

List of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Constitutional Issues
  • Easy and Simple
  • Environment
  • Food and Drink
  • Funny and Humorous
  • College Students
  • International Relations
  • Motivational
  • National Security
  • Practical Knowledge
  • Relationships

10 Animal Persuasive Speech Topics

Close Up on Cute Dog Nose and Eyes

  • Should more pets be adopted than bought from a breeder?
  • Are pitbulls a vicious breed?
  • Should a dog that has bitten somebody be executed?
  • Should we tame wild animals like lions and sharks.
  • Should battery farming still be legal?
  • Should ‘factory farming’ be banned?
  • Adopting pets is the best choice.
  • How do puppy mills affect us?
  • The benefits of having pets.
  • Why cats make the perfect pet.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics About Animals .

12 Automotive Persuasive Speech Topics

Old blue American car stopped on the right side of the road

  • Should the public first learn how to drive a manual transmission before obtaining their license?
  • Drivers should have to take three courses before getting a license.
  • Should young children use booster seats in vehicles?
  • Hands-free cell phone use in cars should be promoted.
  • Should the driving age be 14?
  • The danger of texting and driving.
  • Watch out for animals when driving.
  • Why police should not chase a car.
  • Why you should buy a Japanese car.
  • Why sports cars are dangerous.
  • Driving tests should be free.
  • Share the road with bikes.

10 Business Persuasive Speech Topics

Five people discussing in a meeting room

The world of business has so many aspects to it, but at the end of the day they are all about customer relations, about making money and about the relationship between employers and employees.

Below are topics that can be used to persuade your audience on a variety of business topics.

A tongue in cheek topic that can be used is “Hiring a lazy person isn’t always a bad thing”, this could be used to persuade an audience that often lazy people find the quickest solution to get something done, resulting in quickly completed work because they just want to get it over and done with.

  • Advertising has tons of mind games.
  • Advertising standards should be higher.
  • The importance of understanding niche marketing.
  • Why introverts make good leaders.
  • Owning a business means you will lose your friends.
  • Business will harden you.
  • You should never go into business with family members.
  • Just because someone knows you it doesn’t mean you owe them any discounts.
  • To be a business owner you must learn to be well organized.
  • It’s important that a business should have personality.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Speech Topics for Business .

5 Constitutional Issues Persuasive Speech Topics

Abraham Lincoln seated figure at the Lincoln Memorial of Washington DC

  • Do you think it would be fair for the government to detain suspected terrorists without proper trial?
  • Should flag burning as a form of protest be prohibited?
  • Should every day begin with a silent prayer at school?
  • Why alcohol should be illegal.
  • Prayer in schools should not be mandatory.

10 Easy and Simple Persuasive Speech Topics

Black glasses aside of a notebook

Below follow topics that should be easy enough to persuade your audience without going into too much research. There are some which can be used as ‘tongue in cheek’ topics such as ‘The paparazzi are the real stalkers’ and ‘People need to visit the dentist more often’.

  • People should not text while driving.
  • Celebrities who break the law should receive stiffer penalties.
  • Teachers should pass a basic exam every few years to renew their certification.
  • Cities should offer free bike-sharing programs.
  • People should eat less junk food.
  • We should do more to end poverty and world hunger.
  • We should value the elders in our society and learn from their wisdom.
  • Money can’t buy love or happiness.
  • Children should be offered incentives for doing right, rather than punishment for wrongdoing.
  • More recycling should be encouraged.

See this page for a full list of Easy and Simple Persuasive Speech Topics .

9 Economy Persuasive Speech Topics

Stock Exchange electronic board with numbers and indicators

  • Should products manufactured outside the U.S. come with an additional tax?
  • Buy products that are made in the USA.
  • Free trade agreements are bad for workers.
  • The trade deficit with China is dangerous.
  • The minimum wage should be increased.
  • Daylight savings time has many advantages for our economy.
  • The oil companies are to blame for the rising energy prices.
  • In most countries the economy is in the mighty hands of just a few multinational corporations.
  • Hiring cheaper foreign employees hurts our economy.

10 Education Persuasive Speech Topics

Students celebrating and launching their square academic caps in the air

  • Teachers should have to pass a test of basic skills every decade to renew their certifications.
  • Should free college tuition be offered to poor children?
  • Would it be better to introduce a set of skills tests for students, before they graduate high school?
  • Do you believe that students who are responsible for cyberbullying should be expelled from school?
  • Would it be better if high school students completed community service hours to graduate?
  • Do you think elementary and high school students should be allowed to use cell phones at school?
  • Should students have to be on the honor roll in order to play sports?
  • Art and music programs in public schools are an essential part of education.
  • Schools should have the right to search students’ personal property (backpacks, lockers, pockets) to fight drugs in schools.
  • Do you think students should be allowed to listen to music during study hall?

See this page for a full list of Education Persuasive Speech Topics .

10 Environment Persuasive Speech Topics

Sun light through a pine forest

  • Should there be stricter laws for protecting endangered species?
  • Should only native plants be grown in gardens?
  • More people should carpool or use public transportation.
  • Should the U.S. limit the use of natural resources?
  • How pollution is negatively affecting humanity.
  • We should use algae to make oil instead of drilling.
  • Why hydraulic fracturing should be banned.
  • Why we shouldn’t use disposable diapers.
  • Hybrid cars are good for the environment.
  • We should keep our community clean.

See this page for a full list of Environmental Persuasive Speech Topics .

10 Ethics Persuasive Speech Topics

Six hands holding each others

  • Do you think female construction workers should have the same salary as male construction workers?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal for people who suffer from terminal illnesses?
  • Do you think the death penalty is the best punishment for dangerous criminals?
  • Should you base your perspective of people on stereotypes you have heard?
  • Should product testing on animals or humans be allowed?
  • Why you should not choose your child’s genetics.
  • Are people morally obligated to help the poor?
  • Female genital mutilation should be stopped.
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Wearing fur is unethical.

10 Family Persuasive Speech Topics

A dad and a mother walking in the grass with their two young kids

  • Should underaged people be allowed to consume alcohol at home, with parental permission?
  • Should children 13 or younger be allowed to watch music videos or music channels like MTV?
  • Do you think those older than 13 should be allowed into R-rated movies?
  • Should teenagers be allowed to purchase violent video games?
  • Is it appropriate for children to watch horror movies?
  • Those under 16 should not be allowed to date.
  • Parental pressure on child actors and athletes is harmful.
  • Why parents should not hit their children.
  • Fairy tales are good for young children.
  • Why kids should not play R rated games.

See this page for a full list of Family Persuasive Speech Topics . We also have a page with Speech Topics for Kids .

6 Fashion Persuasive Speech Topics

Wardrobe with dark, grey and blue man suits

  • Men should wear pink.
  • Choose an Eco-Fashion Fabrics Wardrobe!
  • Are Sustainable Clothes Really Sustainable?
  • Jewelry: Less Is More.
  • Fashion Reveals Your True Identity.
  • Fashion Is An Expression Of The Character

11 Financial Persuasive Speech Topics

Hands counting and stacking coins

  • Why banks should ban hats and sunglasses to avoid robberies.
  • Student loans should be forgiven.
  • Reservation casinos are only beneficial if managed correctly.
  • National debt is everyones problem.
  • Purchasing a car is smarter than leasing one.
  • The Japanese yen is affected by the weakness of the dollar.
  • The Euro currency will oust the dollar.
  • The Chinese Yuan / Japanese Yen / European Euro will all surpass the Dollar as leading currency.
  • Phase the penny coin out.
  • Severe budget cuts are the only way to maximise good financial results.
  • Keeping a close eye on personal finance is key in achieving something in life.

15 Food and Drink Persuasive Speech Topics

Strawberry cake and cup of coffee

  • Genetically modified foods should be labeled.
  • Do you believe companies who manufacture alcohol should be allowed to advertise on TV?
  • Every child should learn to cook.
  • Cooking should be taught in schools.
  • Should we donate unused food from supermarkets?
  • The history of added sugar in our food.
  • We should all grow our own vegetables.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • The promise of genetically engineered food.
  • Why peanuts are amazing.
  • Drink more orange juice.
  • Why people should cook.
  • Farmers’ markets should be increased.
  • Eating organic is good for your health.
  • Get artificial hormones out of food.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking .

10 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

Young man jumping into the Caribbean sea with floating ring

Fun topics are a great way to get people to listen to what you have to say, because when they are entertained they listen more carefully. Fun topics also help the speaker be more at ease, because the topics are more relaxed. Below follow 100 topics that you can have fun with while persuading your audience. .

  • Ghosts are not real.
  • We all need to be childish.
  • Smokers have more acquaintances.
  • Music has the power to heal.
  • Diamonds are a girls best friends.
  • Couples need to live together before getting married.
  • Allow kids to believe in Santa.
  • Pick up lines do work.
  • Cake is not cake if it is dry.
  • Parents must be prepared for the ‘birds and bees’ talk.

See this page for a full list of Fun Persuasive Speech Topics .

10 Funny and Humorous Persuasive Speech Topics

Two men with hats laughing together

Humour is a fabulous way to get people’s attention. Below are questions and statement topics that can be used to get your points across on a variety of topics.

It is important to remember that there can be a fine line between funny and insulting. So use wit and make it fun without insulting your audience. This would be important to remember with a title like ‘The most dangerous animal out there is a silent woman’.

  • Blondes are not as dumb as they look.
  • Why funny pick-up lines work.
  • Guys gossip more than girls do.
  • You should not be Facebook friends with your mom.
  • If things go wrong, your horoscope is to blame.
  • Students should not have to do a persuasive speech in front of a large audience.
  • Millennials should stop wearing spandex yoga pants all the time.
  • Dads are more fun than moms.
  • Argumentative essays are pointless.
  • Shoes that don’t fit right are hazardous to your health.

See this page for a full list of Funny Persuasive Speech Topics .

16 Government Persuasive Speech Topics

Front view of the White House with gardens and fountains

  • Do you believe there should be stricter federal restrictions regarding content on the internet?
  • Should employers be required to post job opportunities on a government-run website?
  • The government should provide shelter for the homeless.
  • Should the state fund schools run by religions?
  • Whose face should be printed on the newest bank note?
  • Do you believe Puerto Rico should become a state?
  • Our nation’s justice system needs to be improved.
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • The military budget must be decreased.
  • Should people get drug tested for state aid?
  • How policy works in local government.
  • The government should increase funding of Amtrak.
  • Fixing potholes should be a priority of local government.
  • Eminent domain should be used rarely.
  • The war on drugs is a failure.
  • Zoning laws should be common sense.

10 Health Persuasive Speech Topics

Doctor's hands mesuering blood presure of a patient

  • Female minors should be allowed to get birth control without telling their parents.
  • Should stem cell researchers be able to use cells from aborted babies to help cure diseases?
  • Should doctors be allowed to prescribe contraception for girls under 16?
  • Do you think it would be better if the USA had a universal health care system?
  • Do you believe free condoms should be distributed in schools?
  • Regular exercise will improve your health.
  • Restaurants should post all ingredients to prevent allergic reactions.
  • Do you believe fast food should come with a warning label?
  • The use of animals in medical research is a necessary evil.
  • Seat belts ensure all passengers a safer ride.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Speech Topics on Health and Fitness . We also have a page with Medical Topics .

10 School Persuasive Speech Topics

Two kids writing on a school desk

School is a whole new world, where students discover more about themselves and life around them. These are topics that students will most likely have to deal with at some point during their elementary, middle, and high school careers.

  • High school students should be allowed to have cell phones in school.
  • High school students should not have to wear school uniforms.
  • All high school students should learn a foreign language.
  • Girls should be allowed to play on the boys’ sports teams.
  • High school students should be required to do community service.
  • Extracurricular activities are important for your future.
  • Students should be able to stay up late, even on school nights.
  • Peer pressure helps students grow as individuals.
  • Students should have healthy food options.
  • Students should be paid for getting good grades.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Speech Topics for School Students .

10 College Students Persuasive Speech Topics

College empty classroom with wood seats

The following topics are for college students and about the many different aspects that they will deal with during their time in college.

  • College textbooks should be replaced by iPads.
  • Mobile phones should be switched off during a lecture.
  • College students shouldn’t skip classes.
  • Students shouldn’t study something that they are not passionate about.
  • Gap years are actually a very good idea.
  • Notes should always be taken in class.
  • Student loans are expensive and students need to understand what they are getting themselves into.
  • Students should get to know other students.
  • It’s smart to get the harder classes out of the way first.
  • Taking summer classes will help students get ahead of schedule.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students .

10 Teens Persuasive Speech Topics

Group of four teenager friends

The following topics are aimed at teens and subjects which are important and matter to teens.

  • Teenage girls should be on birth control.
  • Teenage boys are lazier than girls.
  • Teens should have weekend jobs.
  • Homework should not be given.
  • Being popular isn’t a good thing.
  • Teens are obsessed with scary things.
  • Chores shouldn’t be paid for.
  • Sex education must be compulsory.
  • Exchange student programs for all students.
  • Free time gets teens into trouble.

See this page for a full list of Great Speech Topics for Teens .

5 History Persuasive Speech Topics

Gladiator helmet laid on an ancient stone bench

  • Did the U.S. Army provide their soldiers drugs during the Vietnam war?
  • African- American achievements should be celebrated.
  • Why Lincoln was the best President.
  • Revisionist history is dangerous.
  • The moon landing was a lie.

See this page for a full list of History Speech Topics .

10 Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

Back of a man staring at a wall covered by paper notes and draws

Interesting topics will always have an audience glued to every word, even when they may disagree with your point of view. Ultimately it is your job to persuade them that your view is in fact correct.

These topics have a mix of simpler speeches such as “Pick up lines do work” here both humour and a few examples of pick up lines have worked will get you going in the right direction. For a speech with a bit more research put into it there are topics such as “Stem cell research in murder”.

  • The standards of beauty are never the same.
  • Princess Diana was killed.
  • Energy drinks are dangerous.
  • School day needs to involve less sitting and more exercise.
  • No credit cards for under 25.
  • Healthy relationships require conflicts.
  • Everyone needs medical insurance.
  • Tooth whitening is out of control.
  • In future air planes won’t crash.
  • Business should hire more apprentices.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Interesting Speech Topics .

13 International Relations Persuasive Speech Topics

World map with pined color flags

  • Do you think it is time for the United States to suspend overseas military operations?
  • The U.S. should cut off all foreign aid to dictatorships.
  • Why you should volunteer in a developing country.
  • Should Scotland be a country of its own?
  • China will be the next superpower.
  • Is any nation truly independent?
  • Should women drive in Saudi Arabia?
  • Foreign oil dependence is dangerous.
  • Weapons disarmament should be increased.
  • The war in Iraq was a mistake.
  • The United Nations is important in defusing international crises.
  • Human rights should be advanced all over the world.
  • China will be the almighty economic superpower by 2025.

10 Law Persuasive Speech Topics

Close view of a gavel and its sound block

  • Should those who are caught driving after consuming alcohol lose their driver’s license for one year?
  • Should it be illegal to drive while talking on the phone?
  • Should illegal music and movie downloads be prosecuted?
  • Do you believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to apply for a driver’s license?
  • Should motorcyclists have to wear a helmet?
  • People over 65 should be required to take a bi-annual driver’s test.
  • Should the driving age be raised to 21?
  • Should assault weapons be legal?
  • Should known gang members be prohibited from public parks?
  • Do you think it should be illegal for people to curse on TV during daytime?

See this page for a full list of Legal Speech Topics .

3 Literature Persuasive Speech Topics

Two opened books stacked

  • Why reading is more beneficial than watching television.
  • Why it is a good idea to read Fifty Shades of Grey.
  • Why people need to read more books.

17 Media Persuasive Speech Topics

Screen with thumbnails of different medias

  • Why it’s wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard.
  • Is the media responsible for the moral degradation of teens?
  • Do magazines marketed to teenagers send the wrong message?
  • Why Disney should not be making Star Wars movies.
  • Why you should study photography.
  • Should certain T.V. shows have age restrictions?
  • Why the media is to blame for eating disorders.
  • The media does not force us to worship false icons.
  • Why the Russian should have beat Rocky.
  • Television is harmful to children.
  • Why comic books are good to read.
  • Some TV shows are educational.
  • Make TV more educational.
  • We need more funding for public television and radio.
  • Violence on television should be regulated.
  • Cable TV monopolies destroy competition.
  • Katniss Everdeen would alienate Harry Potter.

10 Motivational Persuasive Speech Topics

Woman rising up fists in the air

  • School leaders must shape high-achieving learning curricula for students.
  • Set a clear goal and devote all your positive energy toward reaching it.
  • What to do for people who have no motivation to live a happy life.
  • The art of moral imagination is the key to intellectual and spiritual development.
  • Why it is hard to follow your dream.
  • What keep most of us from following the voice of your heart when it comes to love or even discovery travelling?
  • Overcome your stage fright and fear of public speaking.
  • Begin with forming a moral tool set when children are young and build further when they are at least 18 years old.
  • Aim straightforward in whatever project you undertake, and emphasize and evaluate what you want to achieve often in between the completed parts of the total planning.
  • Prudence is an effort you can turn non-believers into believers in your plans.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics For Motivational Speaking .

6 Music Persuasive Speech Topics

Young woman listening to music with phone and headset

  • Why the French horn should be played more.
  • Should schools allow uncensored songs at school dances?
  • How listening to music could improve your day.
  • Why music is beneficial to society.
  • MP3 music should be free.
  • Rock music is better than Country & Western.

6 National Security Persuasive Speech Topics

Soldier standing in front of the American flag

  • Are intensive security screenings essential for those who travel in airplanes?
  • Negotiating with terrorists is sometimes justifiable.
  • Should police carry firearms?
  • Homosexuals belong in the military.
  • Women benefit the military in many ways.
  • Should police carry toy guns?

10 Politics Persuasive Speech Topics

Voted stickers for American poll

  • Should it be legal for politicians to accept campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists?
  • Why you should vote.
  • Ban abusive language in elections.
  • Why you should know Bernie Sanders.
  • Term limits need to be respected.
  • Give Kurdistan back to the Kurds.
  • Zimbabwe is the next drama in world politics.
  • Central Asian states could become a threat.
  • America is not the world’s policeman.
  • Globalization pays off.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics about Politics .

3 Practical Knowledge Persuasive Speech Topics

Gloved hands lighting up a wood fire with a striker

  • Basic survival skills are important to know.
  • Basic camping skills everyone should know.
  • Personal hygiene is important for professional success.

7 Psychology Persuasive Speech Topics

Dummy head with draws and notes on it

  • Intelligence depends more on the environment than genetics.
  • Human development depends primarily on environmental factors.
  • Why we should not see psychologists.
  • Why do we need to love and to be loved?
  • Can money give you happiness?
  • Why introverts make the best public speakers.
  • Verbal abuse can be much more destructive than physical.

See this page for a full list of Psychology Speech Topics .

23 Relationships Persuasive Speech Topics

Man and woman holding their hand and walking on the beach at dawn

  • Should young people have internet relationships?
  • Men and women speak a different language of love.
  • Long distance relationships are possible.
  • Why it is important to live together before marriage.
  • Teens should live with their friends once a week.
  • Jealousy can be a disease.
  • Most people say they will break up with a cheating partner, but in the end most people do not.
  • Counseling is the solution for working through relationship problems.
  • Intimacy is the key to a successful relationship.
  • Women cheat more than men do.
  • Interreligious Relationships ā€“ Love between two people can never be forbidden.
  • Arranged marriages must be outlawed.
  • Asking someone to wear a condom shows a lack of trust.
  • Celibacy is outdated.
  • Cheating isn’t wrong if you do it well.
  • Co-workers should never date.
  • Dating behavior rules are simple for girls: No means No, not Yes.
  • Living together before marriage will lower the divorce rate.
  • Men and women speak different languages in love matters.
  • People only need one good friend.
  • Polygamy should be allowed.
  • You will learn most from friends that are different from you.
  • Romance works best the old fashioned way.

8 Religion Persuasive Speech Topics

Praying hands in front of an altar enlighten with candles

  • Should public schools teach world religions?
  • Students should be allowed to pray in school.
  • Women should be priests.
  • Religious conflict must be avoided.
  • Why Islam is a peaceful religion.
  • Islamic fundamentalism is not true Islam.
  • Religious cults are dangerous.
  • Faith in God should be protected.

See this page for a full list of Topics on Religion and Spirituality .

10 Science Persuasive Speech Topics

Gloved hand shaking a flask in a laboratory

  • Do you think the United States government should spend more on space programs?
  • Why should we be aware of what is happening in outer space?
  • Why Pluto should still be considered a planet.
  • Mars was the same as Earth in the past.
  • Why you should donate your body to science.
  • We need more scientific advancements.
  • Qualitative research is more preferable than quantitative research.
  • Religion and science do not mix. (Or: they do.)
  • Scientists have the duty to translate their findings in normal language.
  • Theories are useless if they can not be transformed into strategies.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Science Speech Topics .

11 Self-Help Persuasive Speech Topics

Dark silhouette offering an helping hand

  • Art is a stress reliever and can reduce depression.
  • With hardwork and determination anyone can be successful.
  • Why we should live life spontaneously.
  • Improve your time management.
  • Embarrassing moments make you stronger.
  • Be true to yourself.
  • Dress for success.
  • How to continue your personal growth.
  • The importance of self- confidence.
  • If you don’t give up, you’ll make it.
  • Talking to yourself can be beneficial.

10 Society Persuasive Speech Topics

People crossing a city street

  • Should larger passengers be obliged to purchase two plane tickets, or two movie tickets?
  • Should American families have no more than two children, in order to control population growth?
  • Should property owners be obliged to clean the snow from sidewalks on their property?
  • Should there be a cop in every bar to make sure people do not drink and drive?
  • Do you believe that older people should receive free bus rides?
  • Should all citizens of the USA complete one year of community service?
  • Do you believe it is time for America to use the metric system?
  • Why it should be mandatory for all students to stand for the pledge.
  • Do you believe that cities should provide free wireless internet?
  • Why living in the country is better than the city.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Society Speech Topics .

10 Sport Persuasive Speech Topics

US Football player diving with the ball

Some sports topics can quickly turn into an argument between fans so keep in mind that special care should be taken with some of the suggested topics.

The term soccer was used to distinguished between soccer and American football, feel free to use the term football for those countries that do not use the term soccer.

  • Should some musical groups, such as marching band and show choir, be considered a sport?
  • Do you think cities should have a bike sharing system?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • Why baseball players should take drug tests before playing.
  • High school football programs should receive less funding.
  • Female sports should be given equal coverage by the media.
  • Should drug tests be mandatory for professional athletes?
  • Should athletes be paid less?
  • Should drug tests be mandatory for school athletes?
  • Winning is not as important as trying your best.

See this page for a full list of Persuasive Sports Speech Topics .

28 Technology Persuasive Speech Topics

Server's rack of hard drives with LEDs

  • Google and other search engines will be the death of libraries.
  • Make sure to backup your computer files several times a day.
  • What kind of influence will technology have on our future?
  • Printing photos is better than keeping them on a computer.
  • Do you believe internet censorship is inappropriate?
  • Should nuclear power be used?
  • How technology will change our lives.
  • Internet could do more to free deaf people from their social isolation.
  • Should screen time also be limited for adults?
  • Why the government should regulate technology.
  • Technology is making people less creative.
  • Technology has made life better.
  • Why Microsoft Word products should be free.
  • Why you should not buy an iPhone.
  • Anti-piracy software does not work.
  • Internet chatrooms are not safe.
  • The amount of spam you see in your mailbox is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • We are addicted to the internet.
  • Put down your phone and connect with people.
  • Electronics are making kids lazy.
  • How does a search engine work?
  • Apple music should be free.
  • The importance of the internet.
  • Internet gambling needs more regulation.
  • Computer literacy should be increased.
  • The importance of internet fraud awareness.
  • Why selfies are a thing of the past.
  • People who say they do not need or want to use the world wide web are insane.

12 Travel Persuasive Speech Topics

Hand holding a small world globe

  • Why you should go to Bermuda.
  • Why airline tickets should be cheaper.
  • Traveling makes you more open-minded.
  • Always report travel complaints as soon as possible when back home.
  • Backpacking means every day unexpected adventures if you are open for it
  • If there was no tourism there would be much more poverty.
  • Support eco-tourism.
  • Tourism ruins historical sites and there should be placed warning signs to awake them.
  • Extreme air turbulence can be fatal.
  • Fly First Class at least once in your lifetime.
  • The best way to travel is in a guided group.
  • Antarctica should be closed for tourists and scientists

8 Workplace Persuasive Speech Topics

Desk with notes, papers, coffee and laptop

  • Should large corporations hire a number of minorities that are proportionate to the population?
  • Do you think 14 year olds should be allowed to hold jobs?
  • Why you should choose a high paying job over a fun job.
  • Why everyone should work retail once in their life.
  • Tipping should be mandatory in restaurants.
  • Women make better managers than men.
  • The importance of office parties.
  • Labor unions should be protected.

Our list of topics is by far the best list you will find online ā€“ both in terms of quantity and quality. We add and remove ideas weekly to keep the list up-to-date.

Many timely persuasive speech topics can be found on radio, TV, your local newspaper, or your Facebook and Twitter feeds. We also have Argumentative (which is a type of persuasive speech on a controversial issue) and Policy topics . If you know of a cool topic, please send it to us and we will publish it on our page with fresh topics.

For persuasive essay topic ideas have a look at our list of Interesting Research Paper topics : these can be easily adapted for persuasive speeches.

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50 thoughts on “434 Good Persuasive Speech Topics”

Thank You! šŸ™‚ Very helpful and inspiring and you get a good laugh out of these topics, wish me luck on my test.

That was some awesome topics for my college presentation thanks for the help šŸ™‚

Thank you so much i got a 82 on my speech! I talked about how women don’t have rights, and that they should be in the kitchen. Thank you again!!!

These topics are good I like give speech. Speech good for speaking. thank for topics

Why smoking can help you make friends

These topic are good. Thank you so much..

Really helpful, I pro-formed a speech outlining why exactly unfaithful thots should be be vanquished from our society. Got a 69.

Thanks so much! I did a speech on the unfaithful thots of our society and the plague being wrought upon the population. We need a solution. Some might say a final, solution.

These topics are great. Thank you

OMG thank you sooooo mush you literally saved my life.

Thankkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooo much these topics are amazing and thank you for saving my life my speech was why airlines should be cheeper and i got a 99

Great topics but there is no R rating for video games. (Family, Topic 10)

Thank you so much this was really helpful!!!!

these are good topics because im in 5th grade in my class right now and we are starting pursasive right now

Why sex education important

Are pitbulls a vicious breed

Germany is the best

Does Lightning McQueen have Life Insurance or Car Insurance ?

Correction: why cats make the purrfect pet.

thank you this is a very helpful and inspiring topics

These were good and helpful. This was exactly what I needed for my speech. Thanks to whoever came up with all of these.

Thank you so much. My speech on getting Belle Delphine banned got 69%

Thank you so much, this was inspiring and helpful.

ok, so I know im the only one that did this but its actually 414 speech topics so!!!!!11

This was v helpful- thank you! i did that Princess Diana was murdered and was very easy to be passionate about it – thx again!

very nice. help like moon landing one. thought was funny.

i love ThiS website SO MUCH it helped me with my speech endlessly and will be forever greatful xxx <3 <3

Why water causes cancer

Why Sped kids should have more special attention in schools?

-Tax the freaking pants off the 1%

-Only highly education education specialists should make laws regarding education

-Schools should implement standards that require more recess and P.E. and no homework

did a speach on koalas being nuclearly reactive thx sm

please tell kate to stop trying to help with my academics in writing thanks xx

Should kids be allowed to kick their parents out of the house when they get caught doing bad things

cheating isnt wrong if you do it well

i personally think that this website helped a lot i think you should add a kpop section just for who is interester ^0^ thank you šŸ™‚

I made a speech explaining why toothbrushing should be mandatory and it got a 69

thanks so much i got a 69 on my speech about free robux

thanks bro i got a 69% on my speech about how i would eat henrique all night

Couldnā€™t find a topic but site was amazing! Henrique on the other hand

thanks got me a 100

Those were so helpful wish me luck on my test

henrique is kind of annoying but a good website

i’m thinking a speech on the flash sounds perfect.

Thank youuu so muchhh!!!!!! This was so helpful and rly helped me find new perspectives to look from. I wrote my speech on how men are animals, have no rights, and should be locked in mines and milked for their semen. I also found out im pregnant guys!!!! Time to find out if it’s a girl or an abortion!!!!!

I got the best speech topic.thank goodness.I only got an hour to finish.

why can’t we make toast in the bath

Why teens shouldn’t have sex before marriage.

I laughed so hard at ā€œstudents should not have to do a persuasive speech in front of public audiencesā€

is this the real life, or is it just a fantasy?

this site was so good i found nothing! thank goodness i got a 0% my grades are rising

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150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics for Students in 2024

April 1, 2024

Do you know that moment in your favorite film, when the soundtrack begins to swell and the main character stands up and delivers a speech so rousing, so impassioned, it has the entire room either weeping or cheering by the time it concludes? What distinguishes the effectiveness of such a speech is not only the protagonistā€™s stellar delivery but also the compelling nature of the subject matter at hand. Choosing an effective persuasive speech topic is essential for guaranteeing that your future speech or essay is as moving as these . If this sounds like a tall order, have no fear. Below youā€™ll find a list of some of the best and most interesting persuasive speech topics for high school students to tackle, from the playful (ā€œPets for Presidentā€) to the serious (ā€œShould We Stop AI from Replacing Human Workers?ā€).

And if youā€™re craving more inspiration, feel free to check out this list of Great Debate Topics , which can be used to generate further ideas.

What is a Good Persuasive Speech?

Before we get to the list, we must address the question on everyoneā€™s minds: what is a persuasive speech, and what the heck makes for a good persuasive speech topic? A persuasive speech is a speech that aims to convince its listeners of a particular point of view . At the heart of each persuasive speech is a central conflict . Note: The persuasive speech stands in contrast to a simple informative speech, which is intended purely to convey information. (I.e., an informative speech topic might read: ā€œThe History of Making Oneā€™s Bed,ā€ while a persuasive speech topic would be: ā€œWhy Making Oneā€™s Bed is a Waste of Timeā€ā€”understand?)

And lest you think that persuasive speeches are simply assigned by your teachers as a particularly cruel form of torture, remember that practicing your oratory skills will benefit you in all areas of lifeā€”from job interviews, to business negotiations, to your future college career in public policy or international relations . Knowing how to use your voice to enact meaningful change is a valuable skill that can empower you to make a difference in the world.

Components of a Great Persuasive Speech Topic

The ideal persuasive speech topic will inspire the audience to action via both logical arguments and emotional appeals. As such, we can summarize the question ā€œwhat makes a good persuasive speech topic?ā€ by saying that the topic must possess the following qualities:

  • Timeliness and Relevance . Great persuasive speech topics grapple with a contemporary issue that is meaningful to the listener at hand. The topic might be a current news item, or it might be a long-standing social issue. In either case, the topic should be one with real-world implications.
  • Complexity . A fruitful persuasive speech topic will have many facets. Topics that are controversial, with some gray area, lend themselves to a high degree of critical thinking. They also offer the speaker an opportunity to consider and refute all counterarguments before making a compelling case for his or her own position.
  • Evidence . You want to be able to back up your argument with clear evidence from reputable sources (i.e., not your best friend or dog). The more evidence and data you can gather, the more sound your position will be. In addition, your audience will be more inclined to trust you.
  • Personal Connection. Do you feel passionately about the topic youā€™ve chosen? If not, it may be time to go back to the drawing board. This does not mean you have to support the side you choose; sometimes, arguing for the opposing side of what you personally believe can be an effective exercise in building empathy and perspective. Either way, though, the key is to select a topic that you care deeply about. Your passion will be infectious to the audience.

150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should tech companies regulate the development of AI systems and automation to protect humansā€™ jobs?
  • Should we limit screen time for children?
  • Is it ethical for AI models like Dall-E to train themselves on artistsā€™ work without the artistsā€™ permission?
  • Should the government regulate the use of personal drones?
  • Is mass surveillance ethical? Does its threat to civil liberties outweigh its benefits?
  • Are virtual reality experiences a valuable educational tool?
  • Do the positive effects of powerful AI systems outweigh the risks?
  • Do voice assistants like Siri and Alexa invade individualsā€™ privacy?
  • Are cell phone bans in the classroom effective for improving student learning?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology in public violate individualsā€™ privacy?
  • Should students be allowed to use ChatGPT and other AI tools for writing assignments?
  • Should AI-generated art be allowed in art shows or contests?
  • Who holds responsibility for accidents caused by self-driving cars: the driver or the car company?

Business and Economy

  • Should we do away with the minimum wage? Why or why not?
  • Is it ethical for companies to use unpaid internships as a source of labor?
  • Does the gig economy benefit or harm workers?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system?
  • Is it ethical for companies to use sweatshops in developing countries?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
  • Should the government regulate prices on pharmaceutical drugs?
  • Should the government enact a universal base income?
  • Should customers be required to tip a minimum amount in order to ensure food service workers make a living wage?
  • Should someoneā€™s tattoos or personal appearance factor into the hiring process?
  • Should US workers have more vacation time?
  • Is big game hunting beneficial for local communities?
  • Should we legalize euthanasia?
  • Is it ethical to use animals for medical research?
  • Is it ethical to allow access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients?
  • Should we allow genetic engineering in humans?
  • Is the death penalty obsolete?
  • Should we allow the cloning of humans?
  • Is it ethical to allow performance-enhancing drugs in sports?
  • Should embryonic stem cell collection be allowed?
  • Do frozen IVF embryos have rights?
  • Should state and federal investigators be allowed to use DNA from genealogy databases?
  • Should the government limit how many children a couple can have?
  • Is spanking children an acceptable form of discipline?
  • Should we allow parents to choose their childrenā€™s physical attributes through genetic engineering?
  • Should we require parents to vaccinate their children?
  • Should we require companies to give mandatory paternal and maternal leave?
  • Should children be allowed to watch violent movies and video games?
  • Should parents allow their teenagers to drink before they turn 21?
  • Should the government provide childcare?
  • Should telling your children about Santa Claus be considered lying?
  • Should one parent stay home?
  • Should parental consent be required for minors to receive birth control?
  • Is it an invasion of privacy for parents to post photographs of their children on social media?

Social Media

  • Should social media platforms ban political ads?
  • Do the benefits of social media outweigh the downsides?
  • Should the government hold social media companies responsible for hate speech on their platforms?
  • Is social media making us more or less social?
  • Do platforms like TikTok exacerbate mental health issues in teens?
  • Should the government regulate social media to protect citizensā€™ privacy?
  • Is it right for parents to monitor their childrenā€™s social media accounts?
  • Should social media companies enact a minimum user age restriction?
  • Should we require social media companies to protect user data?
  • Should we hold social media companies responsible for cyberbullying?
  • Should schools ban the use of social media from their networks?
  • Should we be allowed to record others without their consent?
  • Do online crime sleuths help or hurt criminal investigations?

Education – Persuasive Speech Topics 

  • Would trade schools and other forms of vocational training benefit a greater number of students than traditional institutions of higher education?
  • Should colleges use standardized testing in their admissions processes?
  • Is forcing students to say the Pledge a violation of their right to freedom of speech?
  • Should school districts offer bilingual education programs for non-native speakers?
  • Should schools do away with their physical education requirements?
  • Should schools incorporate a remote learning option into their curriculum?
  • Should we allow school libraries to ban certain books?
  • Should we remove historical figures who owned slaves from school textbooks and other educational materials?
  • Should we have mixed-level classrooms or divide students according to ability?
  • Should grading on a curve be allowed?
  • Should graphic novels be considered literature?
  • Should all students have to take financial literacy classes before graduating?
  • Should colleges pay student athletes?
  • Should we ban violent contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should sports leagues require professional athletes to stand during the national anthem?
  • Should sports teams ban players like Kyrie Irving when they spread misinformation or hate speech?
  • Should high schools require their athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should the Olympic committee allow transgender athletes to compete?
  • Should high schools ban football due to its safety risks to players?
  • Should all high school students be required to play a team sport?
  • Should sports teams be mixed instead of single-gender?
  • Should there be different athletic standards for men and women?
  • In which renewable energy option would the US do best to invest?
  • Should the US prioritize space exploration over domestic initiatives?
  • Should companies with a high carbon footprint be punished?
  • Should the FDA ban GMOs?
  • Would the world be a safer place without nuclear weapons?
  • Does AI pose a greater threat to humanity than it does the potential for advancement?
  • Who holds the most responsibility for mitigating climate change: individuals or corporations?
  • Should we be allowed to resurrect extinct species?
  • Are cancer screening programs ethical?

Social Issues – Persuasive Speech Topics

  • College education: should the government make it free for all?
  • Should we provide free healthcare for undocumented immigrants?
  • Is physician-assisted suicide morally justifiable?
  • Does social media have a negative impact on democracy?
  • Does cancel culture impede free speech?
  • Does affirmative action help or hinder minority groups in the workplace?
  • Should we hold public figures and celebrities to a higher standard of morality?
  • Should abortion be an issue that is decided at the federal or state level?
  • Should the sex offender registry be available to the public?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have a path to amnesty?
  • Do syringe services programs reduce or increase harmful behaviors?
  • Should there be a statute of limitations?
  • Should those who are convicted of a crime be required to report their criminal history on job and housing applications?

Politics and Government

  • Is the Electoral College still an effective way to elect the President of the US?
  • Should we allow judges to serve on the Supreme Court indefinitely?
  • Should the US establish a national gun registry?
  • Countries like Israel and China require all citizens to serve in the military. Is this a good or bad policy?
  • Should the police force require all its officers to wear body cameras while on duty?
  • Should the US invest in the development of clean meat as a sustainable protein source?
  • Should the US adopt ranked-choice voting?
  • Should institutions that profited from slavery provide reparations?
  • Should the government return land to Native American tribes?
  • Should there be term limits for representatives and senators?
  • Should there be an age limit for presidential candidates?
  • Should women be allowed in special forces units?

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should schools have uniforms?
  • Can video games improve problem-solving skills?
  • Are online classes as effective as in-person classes?
  • Should companies implement a four-day work week?
  • Co-ed learning versus single-sex: which is more effective?
  • Should the school day start later?
  • Is homework an effective teaching tool?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should schools require all students to study a foreign language?
  • Do professional athletes get paid too much money?

Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Should we allow pets to run for public office?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza?
  • Would students benefit from schools swapping out desks with more comfortable seating arrangements (i.e., bean bag chairs and couches)?
  • Is procrastination the key to success?
  • Should Americans adopt British accents to sound more intelligent?
  • The age-old dilemma: cats or dogs?
  • Should meme creators receive royalties when their memes go viral?
  • Should there be a minimum drinking age for coffee?
  • Are people who make their beds every day more successful than those who donā€™t?

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Is the movie ranking system an effective way to evaluate the appropriateness of films?
  • Should the government place a ā€œhealth taxā€ on junk food?
  • Is it ethical to create artificial life forms that are capable of complex emotions?
  • Should parents let children choose their own names?
  • Creating clones of ourselves to serve as organ donors: ethical or not?
  • Is it ethical to engineer humans to be better and more optimized than nature intended?
  • Should we adopt a universal language to communicate with people from all countries?
  • Should there be a penalty for people who donā€™t vote?
  • Should calories be printed on menus?
  • Does tourism positively or negatively impact local communities?
  • When used by non-Natives, are dreamcatchers cultural appropriation?
  • Should companies require their employees to specify pronouns in their signature line?
  • Should commercial fishing be banned?
  • Are cemeteries sustainable?
  • Is it okay to change the race, culture, and/or gender of historical figures in movies or TV shows?

Iā€™ve Chosen My Topic, Now What?

Once youā€™ve selected your topic, itā€™s time to get to work crafting your argument. Preparation for a persuasive speech or essay involves some key steps, which weā€™ve outlined for you below.

How to Create a Successful Persuasive Speech, Step by Step

  • Research your topic. Read widely and smartly. Stick to credible sources, such as peer-reviewed articles, published books, government reports, textbooks, and news articles. The right sources and data will be necessary to help you establish your authority. As you go, take notes on the details and nuances of your topic as well as potential counterarguments. Research the counterarguments, too.
  • Choose an angle. For example, if you chose the topic “Should we limit screen time for children?” your speech should come down firmly on one side of that debate. If your topic is frequently debated, such as abortion, capital punishment, gun control, social media, etc. try to find a niche angle or new research. For example, instead of “Should abortion be legal?” you might consider “Should you be able to order abortion pills online?” Another example: “Should the death penalty be banned?” might become “How long is it ethical for someone to stay on death row?” If you do some digging, even the most cliche topics have incredibly interesting and relatively unexplored sub-topics.
  • Create an outline. Your outline should include an introduction with a thesis statement, a body that uses evidence to elaborate and support your position while refuting any counterarguments, and a conclusion. The conclusion will both summarize the points made earlier and serve as your final chance to persuade your audience.
  • Write your speech. Use your outline to help you as well as the data youā€™ve collected. Remember: this is not dry writing; this writing has a point of view, and that point of view is yours . Accordingly, use anecdotes and examples to back up your argument. The essential components of this speech are logos (logic), ethos (credibility), and pathos (emotion) . The ideal speech will use all three of these functions to engage the audience.

How to Practice and Deliver a Persuasive Speech

  • Talk to yourself in the mirror, record yourself, and/or hold a practice speech for family or friends. If you’ll be using visual cues, a slide deck, or notecards, practice incorporating them seamlessly into your speech. You should practice until your speech feels very familiar, at least 5-10 times.
  • Practice body language. Are you making eye contact with your audience, or looking at the ground? Crossing your arms over your chest or walking back and forth across the room? Playing with your hair, cracking your knuckles, or picking at your clothes? Practicing what to do with your body, face, and hands will help you feel more confident on speech day.
  • Take it slow. It’s common to talk quickly while delivering a speechā€”most of us want to get it over with! However, your audience will be able to connect with you much more effectively if you speak at a moderate pace, breathe, and pause when appropriate.
  • Give yourself grace. How you recover from a mistake is much more important than the mistake itself. Typically, the best approach is to good-naturedly shrug off a blip and move on. 99% of the time, your audience won’t even notice!

Good Persuasive Speech Topicsā€”Final Thoughts

The art of persuasive speaking is a tricky one, but the tips and tricks laid out here will help you craft a compelling argument that will sway even the most dubious audience to your side. Mastering this art takes both time and practice, so donā€™t fret if it doesnā€™t come to you right away. Remember to draw upon your sources, speak with authority, and have fun. Once you have the skill of persuasive speaking down, go out there and use your voice to impact change!

Looking for some hot-button topics in college admissions? You might consider checking out the following:

  • Do Colleges Look at Social Media?
  • Should I Apply Test-Optional to College?
  • Should I Waive My Right to See Letters of Recommendation?
  • Should I Use the Common App Additional Information Section?
  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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  • Application Strategies
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  • College Search/Knowledge
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32 Most Inspiring Speeches In Film History

There's nothing better to fire you up than an inspiring speech.

Kurt Russell in Miracle

A lot of great speeches come from sports movies, but that's not the only genre that can make us want to run through walls. Some speeches are so good it has us rooting for the bad guys. Most are by the good guys though, and we'll follow those good guys anywhere. Here is our list of the most inspiring speeches in film history. 

Bill Pullman in Independence Day

Independence Day - President Witmore

President Thomas J. Whitmore's ( Bill Pullman ) speech in Independence Day has become one of the most iconic film moments of the last 50 years. While the movie can be polarizing, some people can't get enough of it, others hope to never see it again. Still, it's hard to find anyone who truly hates the speech and that moment in the film. If you ever find yourself fighting against annihilation by a bunch of E.T.s, this is the speech for you. 

Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin in The Hunt for Red October

The Hunt For Red October - Captain Ramius

If you thought you could never get fired up about the Soviet Union picking a fight on the United States during the Cold War, check it out. When Captain Marko Ramius ( Sean Connery ) tells his crew that the salad days of the Cold War are not behind them, and the United States will "tremble again - at the sound of our silence," it makes you want to stand up and fight for communism. At least for a brief moment. 

Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday (Coach D'Amato)

It's used at almost every professional football game in America, almost every Sunday, because in Any Given Sunday , Coach D'Amato implores his team and the rest of us to claw for every inch we can. It might not be Pacino's most award-winning role, but that scene... that scene is some of his finest and most enduring work. 

russell crowe in gladiator

Gladiator (Maximus)

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius." If those words don't immediately fire you up, it's time to check for a pulse. Audiences spend most of Gladiator waiting for Maximus ( Russell Crowe ) to finally get his revenge on that conniving Commodus ( Joaquin Phoenix ) and finally we get it. Maximus will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

Billy Bob Thornton in Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights (Coach Gaines)

In Friday Night Lights , Coach Gaines ( Billy Bob Thornton ) tells us how to be perfect. It has nothing to do with the final score, or winning. It's about how we treat each other and ourselves. It's about telling the truth and not letting anyone down. Live in the moment, "with joy in your heart." That's what makes us perfect. The swelling music by Explosions in the Sky only adds to the drama of the moment. 

While he doesn't say "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose," (that comes from the TV show), he does mention his clear eyes and his full heart and afterward, none of us lose. 


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

Kenneth Branagh in Henry V

Henry V (Henry V)

It's not just one of the most inspiring speeches in film history, it's one of the most famous speeches in human history. When William Shakespeare wrote the words to the famous St. Crispin's Day Speech in Henry V , he could not have known that it would be used for centuries afterward to inspire men. For we few, we lucky few, we can watch the speech brilliantly delivered by Kenneth Branagh in one of his finest roles , in his film version from 1989. 

John Belushi in National Lampoon's Animal House

Animal House (Bluto)

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" Of course it wasn't! Bluto (John Belushi) does a lot to inspire the brothers of the Delta house in Animal House but nothing more so than his speech after "Wormer dropped the big one" and suspended the fraternity. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, the men of Delta are inspired to have the best time of their lives, and Wormer? He's a dead man! Marmalard? Dead! Niedermeyer...

Vivien Leigh in Gone With The Wind

Gone With The Wind (Scarlett O'Hara)

Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) is not the most sympathetic movie character of all time. In fact, she ranks close to the bottom in that category, but you can't deny the power of her speech just before the end of the first part of the movie. Her family's plantation, Tara, is in shambles, her mother is dead, and her father has lost his mind. When all hope is lost, she promises herself she will fix it, and she will "never be hungry again."

American Ferrera in Barbie

Barbie (Gloria)

It's truly a show-stopping moment in Barbie when Gloria ( America Ferrera ) lays out what it's like to be a woman in today's world. The entire essence of the movie's message is summed up in that brilliant speech. It makes everyone want to jump up on their feet and applaud. It's a moment that will forever live in cinema history. 

Robin Williams as Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting screenshot

Good Will Hunting (Sean Maguire)

It's not just the words that matter. It takes a special actor to deliver a speech like Sean Maguire's in Good Will Hunting . Thankfully there was the great Robin Williams. In a speech that is meant to devastate and inspire Will (Matt Damon), Williams tells him everything he is doing wrong but manages to show him how he can fix it, and open up an entirely new world for himself. It's cutting and loving. And brilliant. "Your move, chief."

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in LOTR

Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (Aragorn)

Like so many other battle scenes in movies, Aragorn's (Viggo Mortensen) speech at the Black Gates in Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King has us willing to fight to the death with our fellow soldiers. There is nothing like a leader riding back and forth on horse inspiring his troops. 


Braveheart (William Wallace)

Always remember, that no matter how badly you are treated by a tyrannical English king, he can never take your freedom! William Wallace (Mel Gibson) brilliantly reminds us of that in Braveheart . While it's easy to mock the poor history telling in the movie (and we argue if it was really one of the best movies of 1995 ), you can never say that the speech Wallace gives before the biggest battle in the movie won't have you ready to take on the entire British Empire. 

Keira Knightly in Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Elizabeth)

Speeches made by leaders to inspire men in battle aren't unique in movies. What makes the speech unique in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is that the speech is made by a woman. Elizabeth's (Keira Knightly) speech isn't a lot different than a lot of its ilk, but it's more inspiring to hear it from a woman because we've never heard that before. So hoist the colors! 

Bill Murray in Stripes

Stripes (John Winger)

John Winger (Bill Murray) is the biggest misfit in a platoon filled with them in Stripes . He's the least likely to inspire the rest with a razzle-dazzle speech firing them up, yet that's exactly what he does before their graduation from boot camp. Bill Murray has some of the best lines in movie history, and this speech is near the top of them. 

Kurt Russell in Miracle

Miracle (Herb Brooks)

"Great moments are born from great opportunity." That is something we can all stand to remember. In Miracle , Herb Brooks inspires his rag-tag team of college kids to defeat maybe the greatest hockey team ever assembled in the Soviet National Team at the 1980 Winter Olympics. The movie is based on a true story and while it's impossible to know exactly with the real Brooks said, if it was anywhere close to what Russell delivers, it's no surprise we all believe in miracles today. 

Rocky vs Drago in Rocky IV

Rocky IV (Rocky Balboa)

The Cold War inspired a lot of movies, even sports movies like Rocky IV . Early in the Rocky series, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) wasn't a man of many words, but at the end of Rocky IV , he finds some of the most inspiring words of the whole series, imploring all of us to get along, despite our differences. 

The main characters in Vegas.

Swingers (Trent)

What's a good friend if not someone to pep you up when you're feeling low? That's exactly who Trent (Vince Vaughn) is to Mike (Jon Favreau) in Swingers . Not only does he take him to Vegas for a night of fun, on the way home, after the trip doesn't pep Mike up as much as it should, Trent explains exactly why Mike is so money, and he doesn't even know it. 

Peter Finch stands in the newsroom, looking mad as hell, in Network.

Network (Howard Beale)

It's scary just how much a movie like Network , released almost 50 years ago is still so relevant. We don't need Howard Beale (Peter Finch) to tell us just how bad things are, we just need to him to inspire us to go to the window, open the window and yell to the world that we're not going to take it anymore! 

The Goonies kids

The Goonies (Mikey)

"The Goonies never say die!" When all seems lost in the Goonies quest to rescue their neighborhood from developers, Mikey (Sean Astin) reminds them all exactly how far they've come in the quest for One-Eyed Willie's gold. We don't get a lot of inspirational speeches from kids, but when we do, we love them. 

Alicia Silverstone as Cher Horowitz in Clueless, classroom monologue

Clueless (Cher)

When Cher (Alicia Silverstone) compares her garden party to a refugee crisis, your inclination is to think she's an airhead. But like so many before and after her, there is kind of a subtle brilliance to her thought process. She takes what she knows and uses that to find the emotion we should all feel for her side of the argument. 

Sean Penn stands smiling in a doorway in Milk.

Milk (Harvey Milk)

Milk , based on the true story of Harvey Milk (Sean Penn), is inspiring in and of itself, but Milk's speech on the steps of San Fransisco City Hall at the Gay Pride Rally is a masterpiece. 

Brad Pitt in Troy.

Troy (Achilles)

In another classic example of a military leader inspiring his troops, Achilles' (Brad Pitt) speech reminding his men that they are lions, is enough to get anyone to storm the beaches of Troy. There's a reason the story has been told for thousands of years. 

Sally Field in Norma Rae.

Norma Rae (Norma Rae)

The best thing about Norma Rae's (Sally Field, in one of her best roles ) speech in Norma Rae is that the most important word isn't spoken at all. She simply holds up a sign that says "Union" in the middle of her sweatshop. That's all she needs to "say" to get everyone in the textile mill to agree. It's brilliant. 

Matthew McConaughey in We Are Marshall

We Are Marshall (Jack Lengyel)

We Are Marshall tells the tragic and heroic story of the 1971 Marshall University football team. At the end of the 1970 season, a plane carrying most of the team and its coaches crashed in North Carolina. Before the start of the next season, the new coach, Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey) makes a speech at a memorial for some of the lost players and what he says about never forgetting the past but looking to the future will bring a tear to anyone's eyes.

Reese Witherspoon - Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde (Elle Woods)

More than 20 years after the first Legally Blonde movie was released Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) continues to inspire us. With an address like the one she makes at the end of the movie, as she's graduating, it's easy to see why. "You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself."

Chris Evans in Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame (Captain America)

In a room full of superheroes, leave it to Captain America to make the hype speech. In Avengers: Endgame , that's exactly when Cap (Chris Evans) psyches the cadre up for their mission to reverse the Snap. "Whatever it takes."

Gene Hackman in Hoosiers

Hoosiers (Norman Dale)

When tiny Hickman High School makes it to the Indiana State Basketball Finals, they are facing a huge school, in a huge arena. Coach Norman Dale (Gene Hackman) takes only a minute or so to lay out what will make them successful, and a minute is all he needs. It's why Hoosiers one of the best sports movies ever made. 

Sean Astin in Rudy

Rudy (Rudy)

The speech in Rudy is a little different. Rudy really has no audience, save for one person, but that doesn't stop him from delivering a first-rate speech that any Notre Dame alum gets goosebumps when they hear it, including the parts he lifted from the great Knute Rockne.

Elliot Page and J.K. Simmons in Juno

Juno (Mac MacGuff)

When Juno MacGuff (Elliot Page) is wondering what her future holds, her father Mac MacGuff (J.K. Simmons) explains simply and succinctly, "The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are." We couldn't have said it better ourselves. 

Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver.

Stand And Deliver (Jaime Escalante) 

Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos) is a no-nonsense math teacher who is determined to get the most from his students. He decides he needs to raise the level of expectations inside and outside of the classroom and he starts by breaking down when he is going to be so hard on his students, to get the most out of them. All they need is ganas – motivation. 

Sylvester Stallone in Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa (Rocky)

Leave it to Rocky to make a speech in 2006's Rocky Balboa meant to inspire his son to inspire all of us together. It's pure Rocky, leave it all out, don't accept things you don't like, and never make excuses, no matter how hard it is. And it seems like this was advice he took to heart when it became a struggle to make the film . 

David Wenham in 300

300 (Dilios)

Dilios (David Wenham) fires up the Spartans like no other person could. It's truly one of the great hype speeches in film history. It's exactly what you would expect from a civilization of warriors. Whether it really happened or not is irrelevant. The message is the same, "Remember us."

From sports to war, love to education, and beyond, a great speech raises goosebumps like nothing else in film can. These examples are some of the best speeches we've used to inspire us. 

Hugh Scott is the Syndication Editor for CinemaBlend. Before CinemaBlend, he was the managing editor for and, covering celebrity news and debunking false gossip. He has been in the publishing industry for almost two decades, covering pop culture – movies and TV shows, especially – with a keen interest and love for Gen X culture, the older influences on it, and what it has since inspired. He graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science but cured himself of the desire to be a politician almost immediately after graduation.

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funny topics for a persuasive speech


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  6. 510 Funny Speech Topics & Informative, Persuasive Ideas

    funny topics for a persuasive speech


  1. 414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative

    414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu] Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class. Public speaking can be a lot of fun, especially when humor is included.

  2. 101 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

    Whether your goal is to make them laugh, think, or both, these humorous topics are sure to be a hit. So grab a microphone and get ready to make your case in a funny and persuasive way! Cats Are Secretly Plotting to Take Over the World. The Government Should Mandate That All Citizens Must Take a Weekly Nap. Chocolate Is a Necessary Food Group.

  3. Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 177 Writing & Speech Ideas

    Take a look at the list below to find impressive and interesting writing & speech topics! šŸŽ‡ A List of 103 Funny Persuasive Topics. Under this subheading, we have created an ultimate list of fun persuasive writing topics. There are five main themes with various ideas for your paper/speech. šŸŒ§ Funny Persuasive Topics on Ecology

  4. Fun persuasive speech topics: 205 great light-hearted ideas

    And another 25 funny, interesting persuasive speech topics! Once you've heard my carefully crafted persuasive speech you'll believe, like I do, that: men should be stay-at-home dads. getting rich quick is an excellent goal to have. dark humor keeps people healthy. annoying other people is a desirable skill to have.

  5. 85 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For High School Students

    Funny persuasive speech topics for high school students. Why cats make better pets than dogs. The benefits of procrastination. The art of being awkward. Why pizza should be considered a vegetable. The joys of being a couch potato. Why Mondays should be eliminated. The secret to being a professional video game player.

  6. 300+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics That Will Crack You Up

    Here are some steps and tips to guide you in choosing a topic that will entertain and persuade your audience: 1. Know Your Audience. Demographics & Interests: Consider the age, interests, and cultural background of your audience. Humor can vary widely depending on these factors.

  7. 120+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For College Students: Engaging

    120+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students. Get ready to tickle your audience's funny bones with over 120 entertaining and lighthearted persuasive speech topics that are perfect for college students. From education to politics, health, family, fashion, music, sports, and more - there's something hilarious for every presentation!

  8. 300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics You Should Know

    300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics. Here's a list of 300 funny persuasive speech topics categorized for your convenience: Entertainment and Pop Culture. Why The Office is the ultimate binge-worthy show. The absurdity of superhero costumes. The ridiculousness of reality TV. Why cats are plotting to take over the world. The peculiar habits of ...

  9. 100+ Funny Speech Topics

    3. Fluctuate the pitch of your voice. Don't be monotonous. Make your voice hit the crests, make it hit the trough. This is what will keep people more engaged and make the speech look more spontaneous. No one is there to listen to the news. So, crank it up a notch a bit, let it go highs, and let it go lows. 4.

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    194 Fun Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative] Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class. Fun informative and persuasive speech topics and ideas for a public speaking speech on comical ...

  11. 510 Funny Speech Topics & Informative, Persuasive Ideas

    Argumentative Funny Speech Topics. Penguins as Skilled Business Executives: A Chilly Proposition. Transforming Deserts Into Giant Sandboxes: A Drought of Fun. Banning Broccoli: A Vegetable Revolt. Living Underwater: Mermaid Lifestyle for Humans. Food Fights as Mediation Tactics: A Messy Resolution.

  12. 110 Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics to Impress Your Audience

    110 interesting persuasive speech topics. Now for the fun part! We've compiled a list of 110 persuasive speech topicsā€”broken down by categoryā€”for you to choose from or use as inspiration. Use the set of three questions we shared above to determine which of these interesting persuasive speech topics is right for you. Art, Media, and Culture

  13. Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

    2nd 27 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics. Cats are better than dogs. Elvis is alive! Michael Jackson was abducted by aliens! Miley Cyrus's twerking was a shrewd publicity stunt. Home schooling is the best education program! Private schools are better than public schools! Donate to charity!

  14. 120+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For College Students

    The Funny Bone Of Your Audience With 100 Persuasive Speech Topics. Persuasive speech is a form of art that uses the power of words and narration to persuade the targeted listeners and trust in your words. When delivering a persuasive speech to a live audience, the speaker must be convincing, confident, and creative to keep the audience engaged.

  15. Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: 110 Writing & Speech Ideas

    Authenticity can make your humor more appealing. And then the ideas of how to start an essay funny will come to you quite easily. Wordplay and Puns: Incorporate clever wordplay and puns to add a witty touch to your content. Play with language to elicit laughter. Timing is Key: Master the art of comedic timing.

  16. Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

    Persuasive funny speech topics allow speakers to enlighten, engage and entertain their audience in a funny way while being persuasive. These topics persuade the audience to take a given side or buy a given idea or product from the speaker. Below is a collection of humor-infused and thought-provoking topics that you could try:

  17. 112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

    112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. Tips for Preparing Your Persuasive Speech. Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

  18. 420 Funny Speech Topics: Informative, Persuasive, for Presentations

    Making a couple of funny informative speech topics or coming up with a fun topic for presentation is easier than it seems. The experts of have prepared for you a fantastic collection of fun informative speech topics with a persuasive speech topic collection as a bonus. Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

  19. 100 Funny Speech Topics [Informative, Persuasive]

    100 Unique and Funny Speech Topics Below is a list of 100 funny topics for you to choose from or inspire you for creating your own original and funny topics to impress a teacher. Persuasive Funny Topics: Why every adult should own a LEGO set. The undeniable benefits of talking to yourself. Why wearing pajamas to work should be mandatory.

  20. 100+ Hilarious Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Make You Laugh Out

    Hilarious makes persuasive arguments powerful. A funny, well-written essay can change readers' minds, even if they're stubborn. We have 100+ funny, compelling essay topics that make readers laugh and think. Let's find a perfect topic for your following funny essay.

  21. 80 Funny Topics for Your Speech

    Funny Persuasive Topics for High School Students. The most impressive words. The silliest advertising you've ever seen. Your worst haircuts. What houses say about their owners. We should ban Mondays. Beauty is overrated. The most famous fail.

  22. 434 Good Persuasive Speech Topics

    10 Funny and Humorous Persuasive Speech Topics. Humour is a fabulous way to get people's attention. Below are questions and statement topics that can be used to get your points across on a variety of topics. It is important to remember that there can be a fine line between funny and insulting. So use wit and make it fun without insulting your ...

  23. 150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics for Students in 2024

    How to Practice and Deliver a Persuasive Speech. Talk to yourself in the mirror, record yourself, and/or hold a practice speech for family or friends. If you'll be using visual cues, a slide deck, or notecards, practice incorporating them seamlessly into your speech. You should practice until your speech feels very familiar, at least 5-10 ...

  24. 32 Most Inspiring Speeches In Film History

    (Image credit: 20th Century Fox) Independence Day - President Witmore. President Thomas J. Whitmore's (Bill Pullman) speech in Independence Day has become one of the most iconic film moments of ...