
5UIN Question and Answer Example

Assessment brief/activity.

Your CEO has asked each departmental head to undertake a critical review of their systems, processes and practices as part of a major organisational change agenda. You have been asked to review an area of HR practice and present a business report to key stakeholders with recommendations for improving practice. To provide the basis for your report, you have been asked to conduct a critical review of secondary sources relevant to the area of practice you have chosen. You should include a mix of narrative and diagrammatic forms, a description of your stakeholders and their needs from this report. You should:

  • Select an area of HR practice and justify your choice
  • Undertake a critical review of three secondary sources e.g. research digests, academic and professional literature, online databases, and key texts relevant to the selected area of practice.
  • Summarise the stages of the research process.
  • Highlight some of the different primary research approaches and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches.
  • Summarise the findings and draw meaningful conclusions from your review of the different secondary sources and make justified recommendations for sustaining and/or improving practice, including costs and time frames for implementation. Explain how you would present these to the identified stakeholders

Executive summary

Training and development is a HR practice that needs improvement especially because the employees need to improve on their knowledge and skills. The changing work environments require employees to adjust and this can only be achieved when more training programs are implemented. As a result, the development and implementation of new ideas would be easier, enhancing innovativeness and creativity, also making the organisation performs better. In selecting sources for evaluation, there is need to evaluate credibility and reliability to helping the CEO improves the practice to better support the employees.

To identify the role of HR in enhancing training and development programmes to improve employee performance

1.0 introduction.

Learning/training and development is a HR practice that has been found to have significance influence on the performance and productivity of the employees in the organisation. When learning becomes part of what the organisation does, the employees get motivated and involved a process that results to positive outcomes from the employees to the organisations they work for. Choosing the training and development practice for study and analysis in this report is important because employees always to learn new things. When implementing training and development programs, new skills are gained, and these help the employees gain knowledge on how they can address issues in the organisation as well as ensure that the goals and objectives are met. In relevance, adding new skills and knowledge to employees make them feel satisfied and appreciated, and they also become part of the organisation in meeting the strategic objectives. In order to improve performance, the CEO has to associate with improved means of promoting learning so as to facilitate better relations with the employees.

1.1 Aim and objectives of research

The research aims at explaining the role of the HR in promoting training and development within organisations to improve the performance of the employees. Specific research objectives include;

  • To identify the extent that training and development enhances employee satisfaction
  • To find out whether training and development enhanced employee innovativeness towards improving performance
  • To find out whether training and development enhances change in employee behaviour

1.2 Key stakeholders

The stakeholders in this perspective are the people involved in the development of the training programmes within the organisation, and their role in ensuring that the employees learn and gain new knowledge and skills. The diagram below identifies with the group of stakeholders supporting the HR in development of the training and development programmes.

2.0 Review of literature

There are four specific groups of stakeholders. The most important group is the management, which takes charge of all training sessions for all the employees. The management may include the senior management and the HR involved in developing the training programmes to meet the needs of the employees. The other group is the sponsors. Who are identified and approached by the management to support the organisation by providing any form of support including the financial support and support with training resources. Other group of stakeholders is the training and development personnel or team, which includes the training and development manager or leader, and the training facilitators. The final group of stakeholders are the trainees. This group consists of employees who are expected to go through training. They are the employees whose training needs have been identified and have been scheduled for training to improve their performance.

2.1 Training and development in enhancing employee satisfaction

Khan et al. (2016) researched the impacts of employee training and development on the performance in the organisation. The authors also examined the relationship between training and employee satisfaction. The research was conducted among employees in the telecom sector in Pakistan, with the aim of ensuring that they deliver the best towards securing alternatives that would prepare the employees for the challenges that they would encounter in their line of work. The objectives for the research are to find out whether training and development would enhance performance of the employees in the organisation. The other objective is to investigate the relationship between training and satisfaction of employees towards enhancing employee development.

The authors carried out a literature review of employee performance and how training facilitates such performance. The literature also reviews the changes in development of old skills to new skills, as well as changes in behaviours that facilitate changes and improve the morale of the employees. In addition, a review of job satisfaction and relationship to employee performance is also evaluate, which relates with the study of Guan and Frenkel (2019) that proves that improved satisfaction levels on employees has impact on performance of the employees.

Khan et al. (2016) used the quantitative research methodology in development of questionnaires. The researchers used self-administered questionnaires to get information from the respondents. The participants in the study were the management and the customer service representatives. The participants were from the Telecom sector, and convenience sampling was used where every individual participated voluntarily. There were only three variables used in the research, and they include training and development, performance of the employees, and job satisfaction.

2.2 Relationship between training and employee innovativeness

In a research conducted by Abdullah et al. (2014), the authors explained that as employees considered as backbone of organisation, their capabilities should be advanced by helping them gain more skills and knowledge through training. The main purpose of the article is to explain the relationships between training and innovations nature of employees in the small firms. The labour market in attain competiveness should be keen on identifying with the most basic aspects of innovativeness and creativity. This according to Camps et al. (2016) enhances flexibility of the employees in the effort to improve the working environment.

From the review of literature carried out by the authors, an evaluation of the employee innovativeness framework has been done, with emphasis on the stages of innovativeness. From the initiation sage, opportunities for exploration are identified, and ideas are generated. After initiation, the implementation stage follows, with significance to promoting ides and implementing them to influence social behaviours (Eldor and Harpaz, 2016). This is significant in addressing the issues experienced within businesses, and enhancing development of solutions to some of the challenges that the organisations may be experiencing.

The methodology that Abdullah and his colleagues used is the cross-sectional survey method. Through non-random sampling technique, respondents were identified questionnaires were administered and each questionnaire had 42 set of questions that the respondents had to answer regarding the relationship between training and innovation. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS. The results obtained from the analysis are that through training, employees develop innovative behaviours, and this makes it easier for them to work accordingly to the expectations and requirements of the work.

2.3 How training and development influences change in employee behaviour

Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) conducted a research on the influence of training on the employee behaviour development, and they first defined training as a process where employees gain skills that would help them in the future. The skills help in adapt to new technologies, and also gaining of knowledge that would help them meet future challenges and address them.  They added that trainers work together with the learners with the purposes of ensuring that they become experts in the work that they do for the organisation. In the study, Saleem, Shafid, and Naseem (2011) argued that when training is well done, the employees become more productive, they get to associate with the right knowledge that would help them achieve the best in the organisation, and they also become loyal to the organisation they work for. This means when making decisions to train employees, the HR has to make considerations of issues that would create a positive form of return on investments (Al Ali et al., 2014).

The authors used quantitative research where questionnaires were administered among employees from different sectors of the economy. The need to evaluate with this kind of methodology from the researchers was because the selected economic sectors (banks and financials, pharmacy, and Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs) require personnel who are well trained to carry out the tasks and obligations from the businesses they work for.  With 100 questionnaires, the researchers concluded that the employee training and development in organisations impacts change of behaviours among the employees, with high performances being recorded as compared to the performances before training. The results are similar to the opinions of An et al. (2018) who state that organisations that give employees trainings are in better positions of associating with employee changes in behaviours. Trainers should also take responsibility in giving feedback to employees.

3.0 Critique of literature review

3.1 justification of research selected.

The research by Khan et al. (2016) is effective because it provides information on what the management has to do to enhance improvement of employees’ performance after training. With the results obtained from Khan and his colleagues, the management has the responsibility of making sure that the lead the employees to adapt to the training and development program. The management analyses situations when performance is not in accordance to the expectations, and facilitate development of opportunities to which the learning needs have to be met. In order to accomplish this, the management has to get into contact with the employees, and this can be done through meetings.

The training perspective in the research carried by Abdulla et al. (2014) is explained in relation to its benefits among the employees and the small firms in general. This is therefore a good source in explaining the basics of training and the benefits it would have to employees. Some of the identified benefits to training include increased efficiencies, the high possibilities of organisations getting to adapt to technologies that continue to rapidly change, increased satisfaction levels among the employees who have gone through training and changes in behaviours of the employees.

The selected research by Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) is important because the authors wanted to identify the main purposes of training and the impacts that they have on employee performance. Through training, the employees become motivated and they get the morale to perform better. Thus, it is the role of the human resource development team, in the organisation to ensure that the right strategies are followed in identifying the right kinds of training needs for the employees.

3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of research selected

The research by Khan et al. (2016) is a recent study conducted by different authors and dedicated to a specific company for study. This is an advantage because it means that the researchers took time to evaluate the basic aspects enhancing successful completion of the studies. The disadvantage is that there were only three variables used in the research, meaning that the research was not detailed. Getting to consider more variables would be the best option to change the situation and ensure that the right results are obtained.

The advantages of the research conducted by Abdulla et al. (2014) is that the methodology used was very effective in collecting information relating to the topic of study. The dimensions of innovation as described in the article relates to exploration of opportunities, generation of ideas, promotion of ideas, and implementation of ideas. These are important aspects that the management and HR in organisation should identify with in order to bring out the best out of the employees. This is an advantage that the source would be of great help to our organisation. The disadvantage of the source is that the method of data analysis, that is the SPSS cannot be easily understood by everyone.

The selected research by Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) is significant because it identifies with the results showing change of behaviour from training and development of the employees. The disadvantage of the research is that the authors have not developed a good methodology to carry out the research. Another disadvantage is that the research was conducted more than five years ago, and there could be better results developed from the same in the recent past as opposed to the results by Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011).

3.3 Application of research to the business

The research conducted by Khan et al. (2016) is very significant in helping the organisational stakeholders realise their potential and ensure that they deliver the best expectations, for the purposes of enhancing competitive advantage. The ideas from the authors are relevant in the current trends in the organisation where the employees have realised the need to improve their skills and knowledge. When this happens, new ways of performance will be achieved, and this also associates with new ways of solving business problems. Change through the implementation of training and development programs results to improved performances.

Research by Abdulla et al. (2014) focuses on explaining the impacts that training has on the employees’ nature of competitiveness and innovativeness. This is an important source in guiding the HR on the benefits of providing training with the purpose of ensuring that they develop new mechanisms to which changes in the performance and operations of work would be enhanced.

The research by Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) is an important source of study in determining the impact of training and development on employee behaviours, and the role of HR in enhancing such behavioural changes. Different training approaches including on the job and off the job trainings should also be considered to help employees gain skills needed to carry out organisation roles and better the future of organisations.

4.0 Proposed presentation of findings

The proposed findings will be presented to the stakeholders using the following materials as descried in the table because it will involve identifying with the information on how specific the HR should involve the employees on the different aspects of training to enhance performance.

Stakeholders Level of interest Method of giving feedback
Management and HR High Meetings among the management and  with employees
Sponsors Medium Report
Training and development personnel High Meetings and reports
Trainees High Hand outs

5.0 Conclusion

When employees are well trained, they become satisfied. Satisfaction enhances employee motivation, and results to the development of new ways through which employees get to address issues in the organisation. Employees who go through training also become innovative and creative. They come up with ideas and implement them to ensuring that they deliver in accordance to the expectations. Training and development also enhances improved performances from the employees. This is a great issue that associates with improvements in the nature in which the behaviours of the employees get to change, in most cases positively. There are instances when the employees seek to generate new ways of doing things, and this enhances self-satisfaction and results to improved organisational performances. Thus, the CEO has to ensure that together with the senior management, they identify the right training programmes to support the employees and facilitate developments to support them in all ways possible.

5.1 Recommendations

The CEO has the responsibility of making sure that with the help of senior management and the supervisors, they survey the employees in order to identify the employee learning needs. This associate with the development of means through which learning gaps are identifies and programs are developed to help close the gap and ensure that the needs are well addressed. This is the first recommendation that would enhance higher levels of employee satisfaction and motivation, thus resulting to new means of higher employee performance.

The CEO should encourage the employees to continue innovating and son as to ensure that the performance is higher compared to the performance of competing firms. Thus, training has to be offered in line with the individual, team, and organisational objectives. When this happens, the CEO and senior managers will also feel motivated to support the employees by investing in training and development, with the fact that they would get return on investment on what they have done.

Finally, the CEO should improve the training and development practice by involving the HR in ways to support the employees. This involves identification of the various means through which a changed culture is identified, with new skills and knowledge to address the needs of the employees. When this is done, a culture of positive behaviours is developed, with positive mind set among the employees and all other organisational stakeholders.


Abdullah, NH, Oing, LL, Wahab, E & Shamsuddin, A. (2014), Perception on Training and Employee Innovativeness: An Evidence from small firms, IEEE

Al Ali, R. A. A. M., Yusoff, R. M., Ismail, F. B., & Kazi, A. G. (2018). The Effect of Training on Employees’ Productivity in Public Organizations in UAE.  International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research ,  1 (1), 15-18.

An, S. H., Meier, K. J., Bøllingtoft, A., & Andersen, L. B. (2019). Employee perceived effect of leadership training: Comparing public and private organizations.  International Public Management Journal ,  22 (1), 2-28.

Camps, J., Oltra, V., Aldás‐Manzano, J., Buenaventura‐Vera, G., & Torres‐Carballo, F. (2016). Individual performance in turbulent environments: The role of organizational learning capability and employee flexibility.  Human resource management ,  55 (3), 363-383.

Eldor, L., & Harpaz, I. (2016). A process model of employee engagement: The learning climate and its relationship with extra‐role performance behaviors.  Journal of Organizational Behavior ,  37 (2), 213-235.

Guan, X., & Frenkel, S. (2019). How perceptions of training impact employee performance.  Personnel Review .

Khan, AA, Abbasi, SB, Waseem, RM, Ayaz, M, & Ijaz, M. (2016), Impact of training and development of employees on employee performance through job satisfaction: A study of telecom sector of Pakistan. Business Management and Strategy 7 (1), pp 29-46

Saleem, Q, Shahid, M & Naseem, A (2011), Degree of influence of training and development on employee behaviour, International Journal of Computing and Business Research, 2 (3).

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5UIN Question and Answer Example

  • February 28, 2022
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5UIN Question and Answer Example

Assessment brief/activity

As part of an effective organisational change plan, your CEO has asked every department head to review their systems, processes, and practices critically. Accordingly, you have been asked to review an area of HR practice and provide key stakeholders with recommendations on how to improve it. To form the basis of your report, you are required to review secondary sources relevant to the area of practice you have chosen. In this report, you should describe your stakeholders’ needs and provide them with a mix of narrative and diagrammatic forms. Precisely, you should:

  • Choose an area of HR practice and explain your choice
  • Identify and critically review three secondary sources: research digests, academic and professional literature, online databases, and critical texts relevant to the chosen area.
  • Describe the stages of the research process.
  • Outline some of the different primary research approaches and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Using your review of the different
  • secondary sources, summarise critical findings, draw meaningful conclusions, and recommend sustaining and/or improving practice, including costs and timeframes for implementation. Describe how these recommendations would be presented to stakeholders.

A summary of the report

Training and development is an HR practice that needs improvement, especially since employees need to improve their skills and knowledge. The changing nature of the workplace requires employees to adapt, and this can only be achieved by implementing more training programs. Therefore, developing and implementing new ideas would be easier, enhancing innovativeness and creativity and making the organisation perform better. To help the CEO improve the practice, it is necessary to evaluate credibility and reliability before selecting evaluation sources.

The role of HR in enhancing training and development programmes to improve employee performance

1.0 introduction.

Learning/training and development are HR practices that have been found to have a profound impact on the performance and productivity of employees. Learning becomes part of what the organisation does when the employees are motivated and involved, which produces positive outcomes from the employees and the organisations they work for. The choice of the training and development practice for study and analysis in this report was crucial since employees are always learning. New skills are gained when training and development programs are implemented, which help the employees understand how they can address issues in the organisation and achieve company goals and objectives. The addition of new skills and knowledge increases employee satisfaction and appreciation and their involvement in the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives. A CEO should also associate with improved methods of promoting learning to foster better relations with employees to improve performance.

1.1 Purpose and objectives of the research

During the research, the HR department tries to explain how it can encourage and promote training and development within the organisation to improve the performance of the employees. Among the specific objectives are:

  • Finding out how much training and development improves employee satisfaction
  • Assessing whether training and development enhanced employee innovativeness towards improving performance
  • To determine whether training and development influence employee behaviour

1.2 The key stakeholders

Stakeholders within this perspective are those involved in the development of the training programmes within an organisation and those who ensure that employees are learning and gaining new skills. Identifying the stakeholders who are involved in supporting the HR department in developing training and development programs is shown in the following diagram.

2.0 Review of the literature

There are four specific stakeholder groups. The management group is the most important, as they are responsible for all training sessions for each employee. It may be that the senior management is involved in developing the training programs to meet the needs of the employees and the Human Resources department. There are also sponsors to consider. The management approaches and identifies these individuals to provide the organisation with the support it needs, including financial support and training resources. An additional group of stakeholders in the training and development personnel or team, which includes the training manager or leader and the facilitators. The trainees are the final group of stakeholders. This group consists of employees who are going to undergo training. They are the employees whose training needs have been identified and for whom training has been scheduled to improve their performance.

2.1 Training and development to enhance employee satisfaction

The effects of employee training and development on organisational performance were studied by Khan et al. (2016). The authors also investigated the relationship between training and employee satisfaction. The research was conducted among employees in Pakistan’s telecom sector to determine how they can deliver the best results towards securing alternatives that will prepare them for the challenges they are likely to face in their line of work. Specifically, the research aims to discover whether training and development would enhance the performance of employees within an organisation. In addition, we also aim to examine the relationship between training and employee satisfaction to enhance employee development. They conducted a literature review on employee performance and how training facilitates it. Additionally, the literature focuses on changes in the development of old skills into new skills and changes in behaviour that facilitate change and improve employees’ morale. In addition, a review of job satisfaction and its relationship to employee performance is also assessed, which is in line with Guan and Frenkel’s (2019) study, which shows that improved employee satisfaction impacts performance levels. Khan et al. (2016) developed questionnaires using quantitative research methodology. The researchers collected information from respondents using self-administered questionnaires. Participants in the study included management and customer service representatives. The participants came from the Telecom industry, and convenience sampling was used, where each individual volunteered to participate. In the research, only three variables were taken into consideration, and these were employee satisfaction, employee performance, and training and development.

2.2 The relationship between employee innovation and training

Research conducted by Abdullah et al. (2014) explained that as employees are considered the backbone of organisations, they should receive training to develop their skills and knowledge. This article explains the relationship between employee training and innovation in small businesses. The labour market should be keen to identify with the most fundamental aspects of innovativeness and creativity to reach competitiveness. As a result, Camps et al. (2016) believe that this improves the working environment by enhancing employee flexibility. In light of the authors’ literature review, an evaluation of the employee innovativeness framework has been carried out, focusing on the stages of innovativeness. As a result of the initiation stage, opportunities for exploration are identified, and ideas are generated. The implementation stage follows the initiation stage and is concerned with promoting ideas and implementing them to influence social behaviour (Eldor and Harpaz, 2016). The purpose of this is to address the issues experienced by businesses and to develop solutions to the problems that these organisations may face. Abdullah and his colleagues utilised a cross-sectional survey method to collect data. The respondents were identified using non-random sampling techniques, and questionnaires were administered with 42 questions regarding the relationship between training and innovation. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Based on the analysis, we found that employees develop innovative behaviour through training, enabling them to perform their duties in a manner that meets the needs of the work environment.

2.3 The influence of training and development on employee behaviour

Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) conducted a study on the influence of training on the development of employees’ behaviour, and they described the training as a process where employees learn skills for the future. Skills assist in adapting to new technologies and gaining knowledge that will assist in meeting future challenges and addressing them. They added that trainers work closely with learners to prepare them to become experts in their work for the organisation. Saleem, Shafid, and Naseem (2011) argue that employees will become more productive when training is well done. They will get to associate with the proper knowledge to help them succeed in the organisation. They will also become loyal to the company. Therefore, when making training decisions, the human resources department needs to consider the issues that would produce a positive return on investment (Al Ali et al., 2014). The authors employed quantitative research in which questionnaires were administered to employees of various sectors of the economy. Researchers were compelled to use this kind of methodology because the selected economic sectors (banks and financials, pharmacy, and small and medium enterprises (SMEs)) require personnel who are well trained to fulfil their tasks and obligations from the businesses they work for. According to the researchers, the employee training and development in organisations led to changes in behaviour, with high-performance records compared to the performances before training. According to An et al. (2018), organisations that provide employee training are better positioned to influence employees’ behaviour. It is also the responsibility of trainers to provide feedback to employees.

3.0 Critique of literature review

3.1 justification of research selection.

The study by Khan et al. (2016) is practical because the researchers provide information on what management can do to improve employees’ performance after training. With the results obtained by Khan and his colleagues, the management is responsible for ensuring that the employees can adapt to the new training and development program. The management analyses situations where performance is not in line with expectations and facilitates the development of opportunities to meet learning needs. In order to accomplish this, the management has to meet with the employees. Meetings are a good way to accomplish this. In the study by Abdulla et al. (2014), the training perspective is explained in terms of its benefits to the employees of small businesses. Thus, this is an excellent source of explaining the basics of training and its benefits to employees. Training has many benefits, including increased efficiencies, the ability of organisations to adapt to ever-changing technologies, greater satisfaction levels among employees who have received training, and changes in employee behaviour. Naseem, Saleem, and Shahid (2011) researched because they wanted to determine the primary purposes of training and how they impact employee performance. Through training, employees become motivated and gain the motivation to perform better. Therefore, the human resource development team is responsible for ensuring that the right strategies are followed in identifying the right kinds of training needs for the employees.

3.2 The advantages and disadvantages of the research selected

The research by Khan et al. (2016) is a recent study conducted by different authors and dedicated to a specific company for study. This is an advantage since it indicates that the researchers evaluated the important aspects enhancing successful completion. The disadvantage of this research is that only three variables were used, which means that the research was lacking in detail. Considering more variables is the best way to change the situation and ensure that the best results are obtained. Among the benefits of Abdulla et al. (2014)’s research is that the methodology used in collecting information related to the study was very effective. The article describes the dimensions of innovation as an exploration of opportunities, generation of ideas, promotion of ideas, and implementation of ideas. There are essential aspects that both management and HR in an organisation should identify with to maximise employee performance. Therefore, it is an advantage that the source would greatly benefit our organisation. The disadvantage of the source is that the method of data analysis, which is SPSS, is not easily understandable. Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) were selected because their research identified with the results showing changes in behaviour from the training and development of employees. However, the research has a disadvantage because the authors haven’t developed an excellent methodology to conduct the study. A second disadvantage is that the research was conducted more than five years ago, and there may have been better results developed from the same in the recent past, opposed to the findings of Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011).

3.3 Business applications of research

As a result of Khan et al. (2016)’s study, organisational stakeholders will be better able to realise their potential and meet their expectations, thereby improving competitive advantage. The authors’ ideas are relevant to the current trend of employees recognising the necessity of improving their skills and knowledge in organisations. Consequently, new performance methods can be achieved, which directly correlates with new methods of solving business problems. Through the implementation of training and development programs, performance is improved. According to Abdulla et al. (2014), the purpose of their research is to explain how training affects employee competitiveness and innovativeness. Therefore, HR should use this resource to guide them on the benefits of providing training to help them develop new mechanisms that will enhance how performance and operations are handled. Research by Saleem, Shahid, and Naseem (2011) demonstrates the importance of training and development in influencing employee behaviour and HR’s role in facilitating such changes. In addition, it’s essential to consider different types of training strategies, including in-house training and off-site training, to ensure employees have the skills to succeed at their jobs.

4.0 Presentation of findings

In order to identify how specific HR should involve employees in the different aspects of training to enhance employee performance, the following materials will be used to present the findings to stakeholders, as described in the following table.

StakeholdersLevel of interestMethod of giving feedback
Management and HRHighMeetings between the management and with employees
Training and development personnelHighMeetings and reports

5.0 Summary

A well-trained employee is more likely to be satisfied. As a result, satisfaction enhances employee motivation and results in new ways to address problems within the organisation. Employees who receive training become more innovative and creative as well. To ensure that they deliver according to expectations, they develop ideas and implement them. In addition, training and development lead to improved performance by employees. It is a significant problem that has to do with improving how employees’ behaviours are affected, for the most part positively. In some cases, employees seek to find new ways to do things, which enhances their self-confidence and improves performance. Therefore, the CEO needs to make sure that the senior management and they identify the best training programs for the employees and facilitate development opportunities to support them in all ways possible.

5.1 Recommendations

The CEO’s responsibility is to ensure that, in conjunction with senior management and the supervisors, an employee survey is conducted to identify employee learning needs. In this case, learning gaps are identified, and programs are developed to help close the gap and ensure that the needs are fully addressed. The first recommendation would result in higher employee satisfaction and motivation, thereby improving employee performance. To ensure that the company’s performance is higher than that of competing firms, the CEO should motivate employees to innovate. Therefore, training must be offered according to individual, team, and organisational needs. This will motivate the CEO and senior managers to support the employees by investing in training and development, knowing that they will generate a return on investment. Finally, the CEO should involve the HR department in improving training and development practices. It involves identifying the various methods through which a changing culture can be identified, with new skills and knowledge developed to address the needs of the employees. As a result, a culture of positive behaviour is born and a positive mindset for employees and all other stakeholders of the organisation.


Abdullah, NH, Oing, LL, Wahab, E & Shamsuddin, A. (2014), Perception on Training and Employee Innovativeness: An Evidence from small firms,  IEEE Al Ali, R. A. A. M., Yusoff, R. M., Ismail, F. B., & Kazi, A. G. (2018). The Effect of Training on Employees’ Productivity in Public Organizations in UAE.  International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research ,  1 (1), 15-18. An, S. H., Meier, K. J., Bøllingtoft, A., & Andersen, L. B. (2019). Employee perceived effect of leadership training: Comparing public and private organisations. International Public Management Journal ,  22 (1), 2-28. Camps, J., Oltra, V., Aldás‐Manzano, J., Buenaventura‐Vera, G., & Torres‐Carballo, F. (2016). Individual performance in turbulent environments: The role of organisational learning capability and employee flexibility. Human resource management ,  55 (3), 363-383. Eldor, L., & Harpaz, I. (2016). A process model of employee engagement: The learning climate and its relationship with extra‐role performance behaviors.  Journal of Organizational Behavior ,  37 (2), 213-235. Guan, X., & Frenkel, S. (2019). How perceptions of training impact employee performance.  Personnel Review . Khan, AA, Abbasi, SB, Waseem, RM, Ayaz, M, & Ijaz, M. (2016), Impact of training and development of employees on employee performance through job satisfaction: A study of telecom sector of Pakistan.  Business Management and Strategy 7  (1), pp 29-46 Saleem, Q, Shahid, M & Naseem, A (2011), Degree of influence of training and development on employee behaviour,  International Journal of Computing and Business Research, 2  (3). Related articles:

  • 5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

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  • Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN

Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN

Unit Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN is based on the significance of the information added by the student in their research and assignments. The students who are pursuing level 5 of CIPD must require the topic of Human Resource Management within the industry because of is part of their syllabus. Student must conduct the research in between the evaluation of this unit with analysis of the versatile research material sources to improve their topic understanding. Therefore, all courses of this level will increase the understanding of the learners to utilize their knowledge and skills. Moreover, the assessment of the unit using information in human resources 5uin will also permit students to have a glance at significant information resources. Then generate a conclusion to support the HR improvement including the issues faced by the company.

Every learner should generate a document that elaborates on the key components of the research with particular subheadings that explain all requirements covered by the learners in research. The learning through which information communication from research conduction is significant to certify that the learners got at their goal. It also generates a meaning that learners must utilize the outline provided by the tutor as a guide they conduct in their Research and it should be prepared from a structural standpoint.

Generally, the main emphasis of the unit Using Information in Human Resources 5uin is that the instructor also provides the information needed for catering to all pages such as the name of a student`s instructor name and the number of words in the document, and other details. This section comprises the introductory page where the information of the student is a very essential factor in analyzing the quick-witted condition of the student. The main purpose behind the topic is to keep the readers aware of the main emphasis and the research title should not be comprised of vagueness it should be normal not complicated or short. The well-stated title and question statement always increase the marks and understanding of the reader.

Objectives of unit

The objectives that the unit Using Information in Human Resources 5uin has emphasised are demonstrated underneath:

  • An identification of the important learning and development in workers` performance promotion at any organization.
  • Monitor the selection and recruitment method in the industry of healthcare for hiring appropriate candidates.
  • Monitor the way through which turnover and absence data can impact the well-being of employees in the company.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit Using information in human resources 5uin are designed to make the learners capable of acquiring the appropriate knowledge in the field of learning and development in terms of getting information about employees of an organization.

LO1: Enable to explicitly analyze research problems that influence a business. Explain the reason for selecting the issue of research.

Lo3: enable to justify the reason which is important in the research topic., lo4: possess the potential to generate explicit objectives of research to support your research., lo5: elaborate the strengths and weaknesses of the versatile sources reviewed to explain the issue of research required to be investigated., lo6: enable to generate conclusions from the resource information which are meaningful to search out the topic of the research., lo7: get a position to generate a report of the business with a mix of narrative format of presentation information., assessment criteria.

The assessment criteria of the unit using the information in human resources 5uin is completely comprised of the main precise topics of the learning outcome. To check out the understanding and ability of the learners in terms of the knowledge of a particular unit assessment criteria have been designed.

In this learning outcome, the main role of the students is to search out the reason which made them select a particular area of research. They have to examine the causes behind taking their research topic to explore. The phenomenon of understanding the individual prior to starting a project grouping them with the concern to their level of participation interest and influence in the project. Moreover to define the way through which the best communication can include these stakeholders. Stakeholder identification is significant for all projects. Here is the list of the stakeholders who addressed the report.

  • finance department
  • HR managers
  • Project management team

All the key stakeholders mentioned above included activities in the interest and their project because it might be influenced by the completion of the project and execution of it.

LO1: Possess the potential to analyze the information from secondary sources to the weight through which these issues might be resolved.

The main secondary resources utilized for the information analysis include journal articles that are published.

LO2: Possess the potential to analyze the information from secondary sources to the ways through which these issues might be resolved.

There must be some secondary sources to collect data for the research information. These issues might be resolved with diverse methods.

The method of justification is utilised for consuming less time and less expense phenomena which is needed data that is easily accessible and do not comprised of the cost that is extracted from the authentic resources.

The reliability and validity are significant to all designs of the research and crucial concentration with the second data. Moreover, it is also a degree that is in terms of the Research question and the way through it reliable the accurate answer.

The strengths of any research survey include generalizability versatility reliability and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, the weaknesses in survey research include a lack of potential detail and inflexibility.

The preparation of the conclusion provides an outcome to your research study. It is a great way of conveying and summarizing your thoughts with the great significance of the study.

The main analysis of the analytical report is on the situation of the company`s relevant information, presentation, Conclusion and explanation also assists in providing the mixture of which was the narrative that simply emphasizes the tables, pictures, design, template, presentation and reports.

You can also read a sample  Employee Engagement 5ENG .

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5UIN Using The Information In Human Resources: CIPD Assignment Help



5UIN is a unit within CIPD Level 5 module that focuses on providing learners with an understanding of using information in various human resource practices. The contemporary corporate world is largely informed and driven by evidence-based practice. As such people professionals need to master the role that information plays within the organisational context especially in managing of human practices and optimising the performances of the employees.

The unit is designed to cover the needs of the learners revolving around the process of utilising information available to the students to improve the capabilities of handling different human resource responsibilities. The unit focuses on meeting the learning needs of the human resource professionals within the organisations. However, it is applicable for other leaders including senior, middle level and middle level managers pursuing an equivalent of undergraduate in people profession.

Module Outcomes

Using the Information Human Resources (5UIN) is a unit that offers opportunities for leaders to understand the roles of each stakeholders within the organisation. Also, the unit ensures that the organisation is able to serve its responsibilities to the stakeholders through effective human resource management. It helps to define and understand the goals of an organisation in relation to the set policies. These are skills that are highly important for leaders in ensuring that they have HR practices aligned to these goals and objectives as well as focus on ensuring they achieve the preset duties to stakeholders within the organisation.

CIPD Level 5 Assignment Example

Students are evaluated using a template that has questions which the students are required to handle. This forms the formative assessment that is the most critical in understanding and measuring the ability of the students to utilize the learned concepts and principles within practical settings. Below is an example of a 5UIN assignment question and the guidelines that are provided by our professionals to ensure that the students can see the guidelines they need to meet the requirements of their courses.

Sample question

Highlight some of the different primary research approaches and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches.

This question requires the student to understand the differences between the different methods of research. They will required to first understand the two key types of research which are:

· Types of research

o Qualitative research

o Quantitative research

· Advantages of each type of research

· Understand the role of primary data in each research type

· Define the concept of primary data

· Explain the different sources of primary data

o Questionnaires

o Interviews

o Observation

o Focus groups

· Understand the advantages and disadvantages of primary research methods

o Ensure that they explain the situations where the primary data research is required to achieve the desired levels of performance

o Understand the limitations that the research should consider during the process of collecting information for human resource handling

o Examine the appropriate research methods within their specific context.

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