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The Human Resources Management course includes a series of openly licensed written assignments and discussions aligned to specific learning outcomes and chapters. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), all of the assignments and discussions (listed in the table, below,) will automatically be loaded into your LMS assignment and discussion-board tools. They can be used as is, modified, combined with your own assignments, or removed altogether.

The assignments in this course align with the following scenario:

You are a college senior who has been selected to participate in a hybrid internship/onboarding program with an elite HR research and advisory firm. Your training consists of a combination of formal education—specifically, enrollment in this Human Resource Management course—and a rotation in support of the principals of the firm. In your rotations, you will synthesize what you’ve learned in the relevant modules to address firm or client issues, conducting additional research as necessary and developing draft deliverables as instructed by the principal consultant. The quality of your deliverables – that is, your ability to convert learning into practical insight – will largely determine whether, at the end of the internship period, you are offered a position with the firm or simply thanked for your participation.

You can view them below or throughout the course.

Assignment Module Alignment
, , and

Rubric for Assignments

There is also a sample rubric to assist you in grading. Instructors may modify these guidelines or use their own.

Criteria Inadequate (40%) Minimal (60%) Adequate (80%) Exemplary (100%) Total Points
Organization and format
Writing lacks logical organization. It may show some coherence but ideas lack unity. Serious errors and generally is an unorganized format and information.

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Some points may be contextually misplaced and/or stray from the topic. Transitions may be evident but not used throughout the essay. Organization and format used may detract from understanding the material presented.

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Transitions between ideas and paragraphs create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is supported by the format and organization of the material presented.

Writing shows high degree of attention to details and presentation of points. Format used enhances understanding of material presented. Unity clearly leads the reader to the writer’s conclusion and the format and information could be used independently.
Some but not all required questions are addressed. Content and/or terminology is not properly used or referenced. Little or no original thought is present in the writing. Concepts presented are merely restated from the source, or ideas presented do not follow the logic and reasoning presented throughout the writing.

All required questions are addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought. Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources.

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in-depth consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.
Development—Critical Thinking
Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped, unoriginal, and/or do not address the questions asked. Conclusions drawn may be unsupported, illogical or merely the author’s opinion with no supporting evidence presented.

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas, but may repeat information provided and/ or does not address all of the questions asked. The author presents no original ideas, or ideas do not follow clear logic and reasoning. The evidence presented may not support conclusions drawn.

Content indicates original thinking, cohesive conclusions, and developed ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Clearly addresses all of the questions or requirements asked. The evidence presented supports conclusions drawn.

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in-depth analysis and evidence beyond the questions or requirements asked. Original thought supports the topic, and is clearly a well-constructed response to the questions asked. The evidence presented makes a compelling case for any conclusions drawn.
Grammar, Mechanics, Style
Writing contains many spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, making it difficult for the reader to follow ideas clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices disrupts the content. Additional information may be presented but in an unsuitable style, detracting from its understanding.

Some spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present, interrupting the reader from following the ideas presented clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices may detract from the content. Additional information may be presented, but in a style of writing that does not support understanding of the content.

Writing is free of most spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented in a cohesive style that supports understanding of the content.

Writing is free of all spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and written in a style that enhances the reader’s ability to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented to encourage and enhance understanding of the content.
Total: 50 pts


The following discussion assignments will also be preloaded (into the discussion-board tool) in your learning management system if you import the course. They can be used as is, modified, or removed. You can view them below or throughout the course.

Discussion Module Alignment
Module 1: The Role of Human Resources
Module 2: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
Module 3: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends
Module 4: Diversity in the Workplace
Module 5: Workforce Planning
Module 6: Recruitment and Selection
Module 7: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
Module 8: Compensation and Benefits
Module 9: Performance Management and Appraisal
Module 10: Building Positive Employee Relations
Module 11: Employee Termination
Module 12: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Module 13: Union–Management Relations
Module 14: Safety, Health, and Risk Management
Module 15: Corporate Social Responsibility
Module 16: Global Human Resources
Module 17: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses

Rubric for Discussion Posts

Answer keys for the discussion posts are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

Discussion Grading Rubric
Criteria Not Evident Developing Exemplary Points
Submit your initial response
No post made

Post is either late or off-topic

Post is made on time and is focused on the prompt
10 pts
Respond to at least two peers’ presentations
No response to peers
Responded to only one peer
Responded to two peers 5 pts
  • Assignments. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Pencil Cup. Authored by : IconfactoryTeam. Provided by : Noun Project. Located at : https://thenounproject.com/term/pencil-cup/628840/ . License : CC BY: Attribution

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10 Assignments For Human Resource Managers To Develop Future Skills

  • By Simon Carvi
  • No Comments


The Covid-19 pandemic has put tremendous pressure on organizations to change the way they operate: from sales and marketing, to finance and customer service. CEOs know that resilience and capacity to innovate are deeply rooted in the company’s human resources. 

To kickstart skilling efforts in the organization, what better place to start than to make sure the Human Resources department is properly equipped. Otherwise, who else should you empower to upskill the rest of your organization? As a matter of fact, the HR function is at the forefront of digital disruption. Your ability to build a skilled HR department is instrumental to make your organization future-ready. 

Remember that when it comes to training, individual Active Learning (classroom, eLearning, reading, etc.) accounts for roughly 10% of the job only! Around 20% of the learning journey to retain a skill is done through others (mentoring, peer interactions, etc.) and 70% by actually doing things! Of course the right blend depends on you and other parameters, such as your company’s business, industry and individual themselves.  

In this short article we will explore 10 SMART ways C-Level and Directors can make sure their HR Managers are being stretched in a good way, exploring projects that will strategically fit the company’s long-term growth and resilience to change. 

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

1. Present a digital transformation strategy to top management

Competency developed: Digital transformation.

Objective: Own the topic of digital transformation within your company. 

Explanation: Yes, strategy! Ultimately digital transformation is about people skills and the ability to evolve in a digital environment. HR managers should be at the center of the conversation to understand future needs, analyze current gaps, and design a plan.

Tips: Read the literature on the topic. Collect feedback from experts or peers leading the same topic within their organizations. WORK WITH IT. 

2. Create and present new dashboard to CHRO including key metrics and qualitative analysis

Competency developed: People Analytics.

Objective: Analyse your company’s HR performance and contribute to business success. 

Explanation: Has your company a clear vision of its HR performance? Take advantage of the latest HR systems and Business Intelligence tools available to connect the dots. Measure actionable indicators and present them to management.

Tips: Collect expectations from CHRO and top management. Does your company already have a dashboard in place? Start collecting feedback from the current dashboard and try to connect new data points to provide new insights Collaborate with IT to learn how to structure and visualize data!

3. Make 5-year manpower plan aligned to business targets and present to top management 

Competency developed: Strategic workforce planning.

Objective : Plan the Human side of your company strategy so it can meet its turnover, profitability, or sustainability targets.

Explanation : How workforce will be utilized in the future? How to attract and develop the necessary skills. You’ll need more than one meeting to produce such a plan.

Tips: Make sure you collect the most relevant business targets to get a clear vision of the 5-year objectives and gaps. Meet with business line manager, top management, and collect market data to validate assumptions.

4. Highlight company’s top 5 turnover reasons with action plan to top management. 

Competency developed: Business partnering.

Objective: Develop your HR Managers to become real Business partner.

Explanation: From back seat to the front seat. HR managers are not only responsible for collecting data, but also to strategize an action plan. 

Tips: This stretch assignment is better utilized during the yearly budgeting period where managers are expected to summarize data and action plans. 

5. Ask HR Manager to personally train all managers on how to make Individual development plans 

Competency developed: Career development planning .

Objective: Boost your organization career development culture and processes. 

Explanation: It is true that HR managers do not own the career development paths of all employees, Line Managers do. On the other hand, HR Managers are responsible for the talent management process , making sure high potential employees are identified and that provided career paths match the organization’s long-term goals. This assignment will boost the HR Manager’s influencing skills while putting employee retention clearly at the center of the conversation.

Tips: This stretch assignment is better implemented with different workshops 5-7 managers maximum. Ultimately, the HR Manager shall control the quality of each Individual Development Plan (IDP) formalized. It is possible to imagine one on one sessions with managers failing to pass the IDP quality control. 

6. Rethink your company’s benefit package and implement one innovative benefit in line with the new workplace reality 

Competency developed : Compensation & Benefits management.

Objective : Make your company compatible with 2020 new workplace expectations. 

Explanation : Disrupted times call for bold measures and flexibility has just become every employee’s number one priority. HR managers must be creative and offer to top management solutions that will guarantee performance while fitting the employee’s expectation of the new normal.

Tips : You do not need to think money when thinking benefit. A good place to start to ensure creativity would be to run a survey. For example, what does work from home implies for your employees, or top management? Try to know more about those changes, and how does the company can help. 

7. Apply reverse mentoring within your team during monthly one on one sessions 

Competency developed : People Management.

Objective : Become a more balanced leader, get a deeper understanding of the motivations of younger employees and get up-to-date with digital tools.

Explanation : The odds are your HR Manager is a bit older than the team he/she manages. Organize ways to collect constructive feedback about your leadership and use them to improve. Subordinates can offer a wealth of feedback and guidance (digital tools!).

Tips : Reverse mentoring is hard, but the benefits on leadership skills can be huge. Do come with an open mind. During the meeting, let subordinate talk most of the time. Receive their feedback with a smile and spare some time to study their deeper meaning. 

8. Redesign performance management system to make it a continuous process. 

Competency developed : Continuous performance management.

Objective : Retain and develop talents.

Explanation : Spoiler alert! Feedback is not a “twice-a-year” thing anymore and one should not wait 6 months to get a meaningful conversation about performance with its boss. To cope with new expectations of the workforce, it is critical companies rethink the way they manage and record employee’s performance. 

Advice : Implement a culture of feedback by enforcing regular one-on-ones once per month. Turn to automated dashboards to measure competency development progress, KPIs and deviations.

9. Link learning and development activities to OKRs and competencies listed in your performance management system 

Objective : Get ROI from learning activities offered to employees. 

Explanation : Whether your organization use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) or KPIs & competencies, make sure learning activities are linked with performance outputs. Follow up implementation on a monthly basis using one on ones. 

Advice : Diversify learning and apply the 70/20/10 approach: Active Learning, Social Learning and Stretch assignments. 

10. Implement monthly change management committees with top management

Objective : Put HR at the centre of change in your organization.

Explanation : HR Managers will not change organizations by themselves. They must collect voices from business line managers and must proceed to risk analysis before launching propositions. 

Advice : Change needs buy-in at the highest level. Get your CEO buy-in and offer him a seat at your committee. 

hr management assignment sample

Do you agree with those suggestions? Do they sound challenging enough to develop long-term skills? Or at the contrary too difficult? Are you an HR Manager willing to develop future-proof skills or a CEO that want to impulse change in the organization? Let us know in the comments below. If you want to get more ideas to develop your teams, you can browse different development plans with 70/20/10 activities on  Huneety.com . New positions are added every week. 

This article has been written by our guest writer Simon Carvi who is an HR expert professional presenting over 7 years of experience gained through roles in Talent Acquisition and Employee Retention globally and in APAC. Simon is passionate about how people learn and the future of work. He helps organizations find practical ways to upskill their workforce as Huneety top learning contributors.

You can reach him on Li n kedIN :

Simon Carvi

Simon Carvi

Simon Carvi is an HR expert professional presenting over 7 years of experience gained through roles in Talent Acquisition an Employee Retention globally and in APAC. Simon is passionate about how people learn and future of work. He helps organizations find practical ways to upskill their workforce as Huneety top learning contributor.

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2.2 Writing the HRM Plan

Learning objective.

  • Describe the steps in the development of an HRM plan.

As addressed in Section 2.1 “Strategic Planning” , the writing of an HRM strategic plan should be based on the strategic plans of the organization and of the department. Once the strategic plan is written, the HR professional can begin work on the HR plan. This is different from the strategic plan in that it is more detailed and more focused on the short term. The six parts described here are addressed in more detail in Chapter 4 “Recruitment” , Chapter 5 “Selection” , Chapter 6 “Compensation and Benefits” , Chapter 7 “Retention and Motivation” , Chapter 8 “Training and Development” , Chapter 9 “Successful Employee Communication” , Chapter 10 “Managing Employee Performance” , and Chapter 11 “Employee Assessment” .

How Would You Handle This?

Compensation Is a Touchy Subject

As the HR manager, you have access to sensitive data, such as pay information. As you are looking at pay for each employee in the marketing department, you notice that two employees with the same job title and performing the same job are earning different amounts of money. As you dig deeper, you notice the employee who has been with the company for the least amount of time is actually getting paid more than the person with longer tenure. A brief look at the performance evaluations shows they are both star performers. You determine that two different managers hired the employees, and one manager is no longer with the organization. How would you handle this?

As you can see from this figure, the company strategic plan ties into the HRM strategic plan, and from the HRM strategic plan, the HR plan can be developed

As you can see from this figure, the company strategic plan ties into the HRM strategic plan, and from the HRM strategic plan, the HR plan can be developed.

The six parts of the HRM plan include the following:

  • Determine human resource needs. This part is heavily involved with the strategic plan. What growth or decline is expected in the organization? How will this impact your workforce? What is the economic situation? What are your forecasted sales for next year?
  • Determine recruiting strategy. Once you have a plan in place, it’s necessary to write down a strategy addressing how you will recruit the right people at the right time.
  • Select employees. The selection process consists of the interviewing and hiring process.
  • Develop training. Based on the strategic plan, what training needs are arising? Is there new software that everyone must learn? Are there problems in handling conflict? Whatever the training topics are, the HR manager should address plans to offer training in the HRM plan.
  • Determine compensation. In this aspect of the HRM plan, the manager must determine pay scales and other compensation such as health care, bonuses, and other perks.
  • Appraise performance. Sets of standards need to be developed so you know how to rate the performance of your employees and continue with their development.

Each chapter of this text addresses one area of the HR plan, but the next sections provide some basic knowledge of planning for each area.

Determine Human Resource Needs

The first part of an HR plan will consist of determining how many people are needed. This step involves looking at company operations over the last year and asking a lot of questions:

  • Were enough people hired?
  • Did you have to scramble to hire people at the last minute?
  • What are the skills your current employees possess?
  • What skills do your employees need to gain to keep up with technology?
  • Who is retiring soon? Do you have someone to replace them?
  • What are the sales forecasts? How might this affect your hiring?

These are the questions to answer in this first step of the HR plan process. As you can imagine, this cannot be done alone. Involvement of other departments, managers, and executives should take place to obtain an accurate estimate of staffing needs for now and in the future. We discuss staffing in greater detail in Chapter 4 “Recruitment” .

Many HR managers will prepare an inventory of all current employees, which includes their educational level and abilities. This gives the HR manager the big picture on what current employees can do. It can serve as a tool to develop employees’ skills and abilities, if you know where they are currently in their development. For example, by taking an inventory, you may find out that Richard is going to retire next year, but no one in his department has been identified or trained to take over his role. Keeping the inventory helps you know where gaps might exist and allows you to plan for these gaps. This topic is addressed further in Chapter 4 “Recruitment” .

HR managers will also look closely at all job components and will analyze each job. By doing this analysis, they can get a better picture of what kinds of skills are needed to perform a job successfully. Once the HR manager has performed the needs assessment and knows exactly how many people, and in what positions and time frame they need to be hired, he or she can get to work on recruiting, which is also called a staffing plan . This is addressed further in Chapter 4 “Recruitment” .

Recruitment is an important job of the HR manager. More detail is provided in Chapter 4 “Recruitment” . Knowing how many people to hire, what skills they should possess, and hiring them when the time is right are major challenges in the area of recruiting. Hiring individuals who have not only the skills to do the job but also the attitude, personality, and fit can be the biggest challenge in recruiting. Depending on the type of job you are hiring for, you might place traditional advertisements on the web or use social networking sites as an avenue. Some companies offer bonuses to employees who refer friends. No matter where you decide to recruit, it is important to keep in mind that the recruiting process should be fair and equitable and diversity should be considered. We discuss diversity in greater detail in Chapter 3 “Diversity and Multiculturalism” .

Depending on availability and time, some companies may choose to outsource their recruiting processes. For some types of high-level positions, a head hunter will be used to recruit people nationally and internationally. A head hunter is a person who specializes in matching jobs with people, and they usually work only with high-level positions. Another option is to use an agency that specializes in hiring people for a variety of positions, including temporary and permanent positions. Some companies decide to hire temporary employees because they anticipate only a short-term need, and it can be less expensive to hire someone for only a specified period of time.

No matter how it is done, recruitment is the process of obtaining résumés of people interested in the job. In our next step, we review those résumés, interview, and select the best person for the job.

After you have reviewed résumés for a position, now is the time to work toward selecting the right person for the job. Although we discuss selection in great detail in Chapter 6 “Compensation and Benefits” , it is worth a discussion here as well. Numerous studies have been done, and while they have various results, the majority of studies say it costs an average of $45,000 to hire a new manager (Herman, 1993). While this may seem exaggerated, consider the following items that contribute to the cost:

  • Time to review résumés
  • Time to interview candidates
  • Interview expenses for candidates
  • Possible travel expenses for new hire or recruiter
  • Possible relocation expenses for new hire
  • Additional bookkeeping, payroll, 401(k), and so forth
  • Additional record keeping for government agencies
  • Increased unemployment insurance costs
  • Costs related to lack of productivity while new employee gets up to speed

Because it is so expensive to hire, it is important to do it right. First, résumés are reviewed and people who closely match the right skills are selected for interviews. Many organizations perform phone interviews first so they can further narrow the field. The HR manager is generally responsible for setting up the interviews and determining the interview schedule for a particular candidate. Usually, the more senior the position is, the longer the interview process takes, even up to eight weeks (Crant, 2009). After the interviews are conducted, there may be reference checks, background checks, or testing that will need to be performed before an offer is made to the new employee. HR managers are generally responsible for this aspect. Once the applicant has met all criteria, the HR manager will offer the selected person the position. At this point, salary, benefits, and vacation time may be negotiated. Compensation is the next step in HR management.

Determine Compensation

What you decide to pay people is much more difficult than it seems. This issue is covered in greater detail in Chapter 6 “Compensation and Benefits” . Pay systems must be developed that motivate employees and embody fairness to everyone working at the organization. However, organizations cannot offer every benefit and perk because budgets always have constraints. Even governmental agencies need to be concerned with compensation as part of their HR plan. For example, in 2011, Illinois State University gave salary increases of 3 percent to all faculty, despite state budget cuts in other areas. They reasoned that the pay increase was needed because of the competitive nature of hiring and retaining faculty and staff. The university president said, “Our employees have had a very good year and hopefully this is a good shot in the arm that will keep our morale high” (Pawlowski, 2011).

Venice Beach Tightrope Walker

Determination of compensation systems is a balancing act. Compensation should be high enough to motivate current employees and attract new ones but not so high that it breaks the budget.

Nathan Rupert – Venice Beach Tightrope Walker – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The process in determining the right pay for the right job can have many variables, in addition to keeping morale high. First, as we have already discussed, the organization life cycle can determine the pay strategy for the organization. The supply and demand of those skills in the market, economy, region, or area in which the business is located is a determining factor in compensation strategy. For example, a company operating in Seattle may pay higher for the same job than their division in Missoula, Montana, because the cost of living is higher in Seattle. The HR manager is always researching to ensure the pay is fair and at market value. In Chapter 6 “Compensation and Benefits” , we get into greater detail about the variety of pay systems, perks, and bonuses that can be offered. For many organizations, training is a perk. Employees can develop their skills while getting paid for it. Training is the next step in the HR planning process.

Develop Training

Once we have planned our staffing, recruited people, selected employees, and then compensated them, we want to make sure our new employees are successful. Training is covered in more detail in Chapter 8. One way we can ensure success is by training our employees in three main areas:

  • Company culture. A company culture is the organization’s way of doing things. Every company does things a bit differently, and by understanding the corporate culture, the employee will be set up for success. Usually this type of training is performed at an orientation, when an employee is first hired. Topics might include how to request time off, dress codes, and processes.
  • Skills needed for the job. If you work for a retail store, your employees need to know how to use the register. If you have sales staff, they need to have product knowledge to do the job. If your company uses particular software, training is needed in this area.
  • Human relations skills. These are non-job-specific skills your employees need not only to do their jobs but also to make them all-around successful employees. Skills needed include communication skills and interviewing potential employees.

Perform a Performance Appraisal

The last thing an HR manager should plan is the performance appraisal. While we discuss performance appraisals in greater detail in Chapter 11 “Employee Assessment” , it is definitely worth a mention here, since it is part of the strategic plan. A performance appraisal is a method by which job performance is measured. The performance appraisal can be called many different things, such as the following:

  • Employee appraisal
  • Performance review
  • Career development review

No matter what the name, these appraisals can be very beneficial in motivating and rewarding employees. The performance evaluation includes metrics on which the employee is measured. These metrics should be based on the job description, both of which the HR manager develops. Various types of rating systems can be used, and it’s usually up to the HR manager to develop these as well as employee evaluation forms. The HR manager also usually ensures that every manager in the organization is trained on how to fill out the evaluation forms, but more importantly, how to discuss job performance with the employee. Then the HR manager tracks the due dates of performance appraisals and sends out e-mails to those managers letting them know it is almost time to write an evaluation.

Human Resource Recall

Have you ever been given a performance evaluation? What was the process and the outcome?

Communication Is Key in Performance Evaluations

(click to see video)

Communication is imperative in any workplace, but especially when giving and receiving a performance evaluation.

Key Takeaways

  • Human resource planning is a process that is part of the strategic plan. It involves addressing specific needs within the organization, based on the company’s strategic direction.
  • The first step in HR planning is determining current and future human resource needs. In this step, current employees, available employees in the market, and future needs are all analyzed and developed.
  • In the second step of the process, once we know how many people we will need to hire, we can begin to determine the best methods for recruiting the people we need. Sometimes an organization will use head hunters to find the best person for the job.
  • After the recruiting process is finished, the HR manager will begin the selection process. This involves setting up interviews and selecting the right person for the job. This can be an expensive process, so we always want to hire the right person from the beginning.
  • HR managers also need to work through compensation plans, including salary, bonus, and other benefits, such as health care. This aspect is important, since most organizations want to use compensation to attract and retain the best employees.
  • The HR manager also develops training programs to ensure the people hired have the tools to be able to do their jobs successfully.
  • Of the parts of HR planning, which do you think is most difficult, and why? Which would you enjoy the most, and why?
  • Why is it important to plan your staffing before you start to hire people?
  • What is the significance of training? Why do we need it in organizations?

Crant, J., “How Long Does an Interview Process Take?” Jobsinminneapolis.com, December 2, 2009, accessed October 28, 2010, http://www.jobsinminneapolis.com/articles/title/How-Long-Does-an-Interview-Process-Take/3500/422 .

Herman, S., Hiring Right: A Practical Guide (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1993), xv.

Pawlowski, S., “Illinois State University to Get Salary Bump,” WJBC Radio, July 11, 2011, accessed July 11, 2011, http://wjbc.com/illinois-state-university-faculty-to-get-salary-bump .

Human Resource Management Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Human Resources Management Case Studies

A Guide to Human Resources Management Case Studies

Human Resource Management case studies provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by HR professionals in diverse workplaces. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore real-life examples of HRM in action, showcasing the strategies and solutions implemented to tackle various HR challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Human Resources Management Case Studies offer practical insights for HR professionals.
  • Real-life examples highlight strategies and solutions for overcoming HR challenges.
  • Case studies showcase the importance of effective HR strategies in organizational success.
  • Diverse scenarios demonstrate the application of HRM practices in different workplaces.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for HR professionals to stay effective.

The Changing Landscape of HRM

In the rapidly evolving global business environment, Human Resources Management (HRM) is constantly adapting to new trends and challenges. From the emergence of emerging markets to the digitalization of workplaces, HR professionals have had to navigate through various obstacles to effectively manage their workforce. One of the most significant challenges in recent times has been the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has necessitated swift and innovative HR strategies.

To gain a deeper understanding of how organizations have successfully managed these changes and optimized their HR practices, we will delve into a range of case studies. These case studies provide valuable real-world examples that HR professionals can analyze and apply in their own organizations. By studying these HR case studies , professionals can learn from the experiences of others, gaining insights into successful strategies and approaches.

Utilizing HR case studies for analysis allows us to discover how organizations have leveraged HRM to overcome obstacles and adapt to new circumstances. These real-life examples showcase the diverse ways in which organizations have effectively managed HR challenges, providing valuable lessons and strategies for HR professionals across industries.

Company XYZ, a multinational technology firm, faced challenges in attracting and retaining top talent due to the fast-paced nature of the industry. To address this, they implemented a strategic HR initiative that focused on creating a flexible work environment, providing opportunities for professional development, and offering competitive compensation packages. As a result, the company experienced a significant reduction in employee turnover and an increase in employee satisfaction and productivity.

This case study highlights how HR professionals at Company XYZ were able to adapt to the changing landscape of HRM by implementing innovative strategies. By analyzing such success stories, HR professionals can gain valuable insights into the strategies and practices that drive organizational success.

  • HRM is constantly evolving to respond to new trends and challenges in the business world.
  • Case studies provide real-world examples of effective HR practices in managing change.
  • Successful organizations leverage HRM strategies to optimize their workforce and drive organizational success.
HR Challenge Organization Successful HR Strategy Outcome
Attracting and retaining top talent Company XYZ Creating a flexible work environment, providing professional development opportunities, offering competitive compensation packages Reduction in employee turnover, increased employee satisfaction and productivity

The Importance of Effective HR Strategies

Effective HR strategies are crucial for organizations to attract, retain, and develop top talent. By implementing strategic HR practices, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement, productivity, and overall organizational success. In this section, we will explore case studies that highlight successful HR strategies implemented by companies across different industries, providing valuable insights for research and inspiration.

Case Studies: Success Stories in HR Management

Case Study 1: Company X

“Our HR strategy of prioritizing employee well-being and work-life balance has had a significant impact on our organizational culture. Through flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and regular communication channels, we have seen a remarkable increase in employee satisfaction and productivity.”

Case Study 2: Company Y

“By investing in employee development and career progression, we have been able to attract top talent and retain key employees. The implementation of mentorship programs, training initiatives, and performance feedback systems has led to higher employee engagement and a stronger talent pipeline.”

Case Study 3: Company Z

“Our HR strategy focuses on promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce. Through targeted recruitment efforts, diversity training programs, and inclusive policies, we have successfully created a culture that celebrates and values diversity, leading to improved employee satisfaction and innovation.”

The Impact of Strategic HR Practices

These success stories demonstrate the tangible benefits of strategic HR practices. Organizations that prioritize effective HR strategies are better equipped to attract and retain top talent, foster employee engagement and satisfaction, and drive overall organizational success. By studying these case studies, researchers and HR professionals can gain valuable insights and inspiration to enhance their own HR practices and achieve similar levels of success.

By examining these HRM case studies for research and guidance, organizations can adopt successful strategies and adapt them to their unique contexts. The implementation of effective HR strategies is key to creating a thriving workplace culture that empowers employees, maximizes productivity, and ultimately drives the success of the organization.

Fundamental Concepts of HR Management

Before diving into Human Resources Management Case Studies , it is essential to have a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts that underpin HR management. This section will explore key definitions and concepts to provide a strong foundation for in-depth analysis of the case studies.

Definitions and Clarifications

Let’s start by clarifying some key terms:

  • Management : Refers to the process of coordinating and overseeing organizational resources to achieve specific goals and objectives.
  • Resources : In the context of HR, resources refer to the individuals who contribute to the organization’s success, including employees, contractors, and other stakeholders.
  • Role of a Manager : A manager is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve organizational goals and objectives. In the HR context, managers focus on effectively managing human resources.
  • Difference between Management and Administration : While the terms management and administration are sometimes used interchangeably, it is important to note the subtle distinctions. Management is concerned with the implementation of strategies and the coordination of resources, whereas administration involves the overarching policies, procedures, and regulations that govern the organization.

By understanding these fundamental concepts, we can delve deeper into the case studies and gain valuable insights into the challenges and solutions faced by HR professionals.

Inspiring Quote

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker

Key Definitions

Term Definition
Management The process of coordinating and overseeing organizational resources to achieve specific goals and objectives.
Resources Individuals who contribute to the organization’s success, including employees, contractors, and stakeholders.
Role of a Manager Responsibilities include planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve organizational goals.
Management vs. Administration Management focuses on implementing strategies and coordinating resources, while administration involves overarching policies and regulations.

Management Functions and Responsibilities

Effective management is essential for HR professionals in their role of overseeing an organization’s human capital. Understanding the four basic functions of management – planning, organizing, directing, and controlling – is critical for HRM success. Each function contributes to the efficient and effective management of human resources, ensuring organizational goals are met.

Management Function Definition Application in HRM
Planning Setting objectives, developing strategies, and determining the actions required to achieve them. In HRM, planning involves assessing the organization’s future workforce needs, creating recruitment strategies, and forecasting employee development and training requirements.
Organizing Structuring and coordinating activities, resources, and personnel to achieve the organization’s objectives. HR managers organize the HR department’s structure, develop job descriptions, and establish reporting relationships to enable efficient HR operations.
Directing Leading and motivating employees to accomplish organizational goals. HR managers provide guidance, coaching, and feedback to employees, ensuring they understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations.
Controlling Monitoring performance, comparing results against objectives, and taking corrective action when necessary. HR managers establish performance management systems, conduct performance evaluations, and implement corrective measures to address issues and improve organizational effectiveness.

In addition to these management functions, HR managers have specific responsibilities that contribute to the overall success of the organization. These responsibilities include:

  • Recruitment and selection of qualified candidates
  • Employee onboarding, training, and development
  • Creating and enforcing HR policies and procedures
  • Ensuring legal compliance in all HR practices
  • Managing employee relations and resolving conflicts
  • Designing and administering compensation and benefits programs
  • Developing and implementing employee engagement initiatives
  • Overseeing performance management and evaluation processes

Furthermore, HR plays a vital role in the administrative cycle of an organization. HR professionals are responsible for managing and maintaining accurate HR records, handling payroll and benefits administration, and ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.

By effectively executing their management functions and fulfilling their responsibilities, HR professionals contribute to the development and success of an organization’s human resources, driving overall organizational performance and productivity.

Skills and Competencies in HR Management

The success of an HR manager relies on a combination of technical skills and personal qualities. Understanding and mastering these essential skills and competencies is crucial for effectively managing human resources in any organization. Here, we will explore the key characteristics that distinguish an effective HR manager and how they contribute to success in HR management.

1. Integrity

Integrity is the foundation of trust in any HR department. HR managers must demonstrate honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all aspects of their work. By upholding high ethical standards, HR managers cultivate a culture of integrity, ensuring fair and unbiased treatment of employees and fostering a positive work environment.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility is essential in an ever-changing business landscape. HR managers must adapt to evolving workplace dynamics, industry trends, and technological advancements. This includes being open to new ideas, embracing change, and continuously updating HR strategies to align with organizational goals and employee needs.

3. Resilience

HR managers often face challenging situations that require resilience and the ability to navigate complex issues. They must stay composed in difficult times, effectively manage conflicts, and find creative solutions to address HR challenges. Resilient HR managers are invaluable assets to organizations, as they can lead teams through change and uncertainty, ensuring continuity and stability.

4. Proactivity

Successful HR managers are proactive in identifying potential issues before they escalate. They anticipate future needs and create proactive strategies to address them. By staying ahead of the curve, HR managers can plan and implement initiatives that support employees’ growth, well-being, and overall job satisfaction.

“Proactive HR managers take a proactive approach to identify potential pitfalls early on, allowing organizations to prevent problems rather than just managing them when they arise.”

In addition to these personal qualities, HR managers must possess a range of technical skills to effectively manage human resources. Some of these skills include:

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Performance management
  • Employee relations
  • Compensation and benefits
  • HR data analysis

To exemplify these skills and competencies, let’s take a look at a real-life HR case study:

Case Study: Improving Employee Retention Description
Background An organization was experiencing high employee turnover rates, resulting in increased recruitment costs and a negative impact on productivity and morale.
Competencies Used The HR manager initiated a comprehensive employee retention program that included conducting surveys to identify the underlying causes of turnover, implementing targeted training and development programs, and introducing a reward and recognition system to acknowledge outstanding employee performance.
Results The retention program led to a significant decrease in employee turnover, improved job satisfaction, and increased employee engagement. This, in turn, positively impacted the organization’s overall performance and bottom line.

By analyzing such HR case studies , aspiring HR professionals and organizations can gain valuable insights into the practical application of skills and competencies in HR management.

Now that we have explored the essential skills and competencies in HR management, it is clear that successful HR managers possess a unique blend of personal qualities and technical skills. These individuals play a vital role in driving organizational success by effectively managing human resources and fostering a positive work environment.

Employee Motivation and Engagement

Motivated and engaged employees are essential for organizational success. In this section, we will explore the crucial role of HR in motivating employees and fostering a culture of engagement. By examining real-life case studies, we will identify effective strategies and initiatives implemented by organizations to boost employee motivation and engagement.

Motivation through Recognition

Employee recognition is a powerful tool for motivating and engaging employees. Organizations that prioritize recognition programs create a culture of appreciation and reinforce desired behaviors. Case studies highlight the impact of tailored recognition programs on employee satisfaction, morale, and performance.

Professional Development and Growth

Providing opportunities for professional development and growth is another key driver of employee motivation and engagement. Organizations that invest in training, mentorship programs, and career advancement opportunities empower employees to enhance their skills and fulfill their potential. Real-life examples demonstrate how these initiatives contribute to higher employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Well-being Initiatives

Employee well-being initiatives play a vital role in nurturing a positive work environment and enhancing motivation. By offering wellness programs, flexible work arrangements, and promoting work-life balance, organizations prioritize the holistic well-being of their employees. Case studies highlight the positive impact of these initiatives on employee engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Effective Communication

Open and transparent communication is integral to fostering motivation and engagement among employees. Organizations that prioritize effective communication channels, including regular feedback, town hall meetings, and collaborative platforms, create an environment of trust and inclusion. Real-life examples demonstrate how improved communication positively influences employee engagement and overall organizational performance.

“Effective employee motivation and engagement are the cornerstones of a thriving organization. By examining real-life case studies, HR professionals and organizations can gain valuable insights into successful strategies and initiatives that fuel motivation and foster meaningful employee engagement.”
Case Study Organization Key Strategies Results
1 XYZ Company Implementing a peer recognition program, providing opportunities for skill development through internal training, offering flexible work arrangements Increased employee satisfaction by 25%, improved retention rates, and enhanced overall productivity
2 ABC Corporation Launching a wellness program, promoting work-life balance through flexible scheduling, establishing clear communication channels Boosted employee engagement by 20%, reduced absenteeism, and improved employee well-being
3 DEF Organization Encouraging continuous learning and development, providing career advancement opportunities, fostering a culture of open feedback Increased employee motivation by 30%, improved talent retention, and enhanced overall organizational performance

The case studies above demonstrate how organizations have successfully implemented strategies to motivate and engage their employees. By leveraging recognition, professional development, well-being initiatives, and effective communication, these organizations have created a positive work environment that drives employee satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty.

Strategies for Effective HR Management

HR professionals play a critical role in developing and implementing effective HR strategies. By analyzing real-life case studies, we can gain valuable insights into HR best practices. These case studies highlight successful strategies in key areas such as:

Recruitment and Selection

Training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, labor relations.

Let’s explore how organizations have utilized these strategies to optimize their HR practices and achieve their business objectives.

“The key to effective HR management lies in understanding the unique needs and challenges of your organization. By analyzing case studies, we can gain valuable insights and tailor our strategies to drive employee engagement, productivity, and organizational success.”

Effective recruitment and selection processes are crucial for attracting and hiring top talent. Case studies in this area often showcase innovative methods used to identify and attract qualified candidates. From leveraging technology platforms for applicant screening to implementing targeted recruitment campaigns, organizations have successfully optimized their hiring processes.

Investing in employee training and development is essential for enhancing skills and fostering long-term growth. By examining case studies in this domain, we can learn from organizations that have successfully implemented comprehensive training programs, mentorship initiatives, and continuous learning platforms. These strategies contribute to a skilled and motivated workforce.

Effective performance management systems align individual and team goals with organizational objectives. Case studies in this area often highlight organizations that have implemented performance measurement frameworks, regular feedback systems, and performance-based incentives. This data-driven approach ensures transparency, fairness, and continuous improvement.

Strategic compensation and benefits programs attract, retain, and motivate talented employees. Case studies demonstrate how organizations have designed competitive salary structures, employee recognition programs, and comprehensive benefits packages. These initiatives contribute to higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall organizational performance.

Managing labor relations requires effective communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills. Case studies in this area offer insights into organizations that have successfully fostered positive relationships with unions, implemented fair labor practices, and resolved labor disputes amicably. These examples highlight the importance of proactive labor management strategies.

By learning from these case studies and applying the demonstrated strategies, HR professionals can optimize their HR management practices and create a positive impact on organizational success.

HR Management Strategy Case Study Example
Recruitment and Selection XYZ Company’s Innovative Hiring Practices
Training and Development ABC Corporation’s Comprehensive Employee Training Program
Performance Management DEF Inc.’s Data-Driven Performance Evaluation System
Compensation and Benefits 123 Organization’s Employee Recognition and Rewards Program
Labor Relations MNO Corporation’s Successful Union Negotiation Process

These case studies showcase the application of effective HR management strategies in different organizations. They provide practical examples of how organizations have achieved success by implementing various strategies tailored to their unique needs and challenges.

Leveraging HR Technology

HR technology has revolutionized HRM processes, enabling organizations to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. By leveraging the power of technology, HR professionals can optimize their strategic decision-making and ensure a seamless employee experience.

Let’s examine some insightful case studies that illustrate the successful implementation and utilization of HR technology. These examples demonstrate how organizations have harnessed the potential of HRIS (Human Resource Information System), talent management software, and data analytics tools to drive meaningful outcomes and achieve their HR objectives.

Case Study 1: Enhancing Recruitment with HRIS

In this case study, Company ABC implemented an HRIS software to streamline their recruitment process. The software automated job posting, applicant tracking, and resume screening, significantly reducing the time and effort spent on manual tasks. With the implementation of HRIS, the HR team at Company ABC experienced a 40% reduction in time-to-hire and an improvement in the quality of hires.

“The HRIS software has transformed our recruitment process, allowing us to focus on strategic talent acquisition. The automation and advanced analytics capabilities have enabled us to make data-driven decisions and hire top talent efficiently.” – Sarah Thompson, HR Manager, Company ABC

Case Study 2: Optimizing Performance Management with Talent Management Software

In this case study, Company XYZ adopted a talent management software platform to streamline their performance management process. The software offered features such as goal setting, continuous feedback, and performance analysis, empowering managers and employees to take a more proactive approach to performance improvement. As a result, Company XYZ experienced a significant increase in employee engagement and aligned performance goals across the organization.

“The talent management software has revolutionized our performance management process. It has fostered a culture of continuous feedback and empowered our employees to take ownership of their professional growth. The transparent performance analytics have enabled us to identify and reward top performers effectively.” – John Davis, HR Director, Company XYZ

Case Study 3: Leveraging Data Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making

In this case study, Company DEF implemented advanced data analytics tools to gain insights into their HR processes. By analyzing data related to employee engagement, turnover rates, and performance metrics, the HR team at Company DEF could identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. This strategic use of data analytics enabled Company DEF to make informed decisions and implement targeted HR interventions, resulting in improved retention rates and increased productivity.

“Data analytics has been a game-changer for our HR department. By leveraging actionable insights from our HR data, we have been able to proactively address employee concerns, enhance our talent acquisition strategies, and design targeted training programs. Our data-driven approach has significantly contributed to our overall organizational success.” – Lisa Johnson, HR Manager, Company DEF

These case studies demonstrate how organizations can harness the potential of HR technology to drive efficiency, improve decision-making, and enhance the employee experience. By leveraging the right combination of HRIS, talent management software, and data analytics tools, HR professionals can transform their HR practices and contribute to the strategic objectives of the organization.

Leveraging HR technology is essential in today’s digital era, where technology continues to shape the future of work. By staying informed about the latest HR technology trends and exploring case studies, HR professionals can identify opportunities for innovation and drive impactful HR initiatives.

Now, let’s explore another critical aspect of HR management – diversity and inclusion.

Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management

In today’s diverse workforce, creating an inclusive environment is essential for effective human resources management. Organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion benefit from improved employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and enhanced innovation. Let’s explore some real-life examples of HRM case studies that highlight the successful efforts of organizations to foster diversity and inclusion within their workforce.

Case Study 1: XYZ Company

XYZ Company, a global technology firm, recognized the value of diversity and inclusion in driving organizational success. They implemented a comprehensive diversity program that focused on recruiting and retaining employees from diverse backgrounds. By promoting a culture of inclusion through training, mentorship, and employee resource groups, XYZ Company witnessed a significant increase in employee engagement and creativity. This case study demonstrates the positive impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives on overall organizational performance.

Case Study 2: ABC Corporation

ABC Corporation, a leading retail company, recognized the importance of diversity and inclusion in meeting the needs of their diverse customer base. They implemented unconscious bias training for their hiring managers and implemented policies to ensure equal opportunities for all employees. As a result, ABC Corporation experienced improved employee satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and a boost in customer loyalty. This case study exemplifies the positive outcomes that can be achieved through a commitment to diversity and inclusion in HR management.

By analyzing these HRM case studies , organizations can gain valuable insights into successful diversity and inclusion initiatives. Implementing similar strategies, such as targeted recruitment efforts, inclusive policies, and diversity training programs, can help companies create a more inclusive and diverse workforce, fostering a culture of innovation and success.

Incorporating diversity and inclusion into HR management practices is not only a legal and moral imperative, but it also leads to tangible business benefits. Organizations that embrace diversity and create an inclusive workplace are better equipped to attract top talent, retain employees, and drive innovation. By learning from these HRM case studies , organizations can develop effective strategies to foster diversity and inclusion, ultimately contributing to their long-term success.

Adapting HR Practices in Times of Crisis

In times of crisis, such as economic downturns or natural disasters, HR professionals face unique challenges that require them to adapt their practices quickly and effectively. By analyzing HRM case studies that showcase organizations’ responses to crises, we can gain valuable insights into the strategies and approaches they employed to navigate through turbulent times and emerge stronger.

The Importance of Flexibility

One key lesson we can learn from HR case studies in times of crisis is the importance of flexibility. Organizations need to be agile and responsive to rapidly changing circumstances. HR professionals play a vital role in proactively adjusting HR practices, policies, and procedures to meet the immediate needs of employees and the organization as a whole.

“During the global financial crisis of 2008, XYZ Corporation faced severe economic challenges that threatened its survival. The HR team swiftly implemented cost-cutting measures, including a freeze on hiring and salary reductions, while carefully balancing employee morale and engagement. Through open communication and transparent decision-making, XYZ Corporation managed to weather the storm and emerge with a more resilient workforce.”

By adopting a flexible approach, HR professionals can help organizations navigate through turbulent times, mitigate the impact on employees, and position the company for recovery and future growth.

The Power of Resilience

Resilience is another critical factor in adapting HR practices during a crisis. HR professionals need to demonstrate resilience in the face of uncertainty and guide employees through challenging times. By instilling confidence, providing support systems, and fostering a sense of unity, HR managers can help organizations withstand the pressures of a crisis and emerge stronger.

Resilience can be seen in action through the implementation of employee assistance programs, mental health initiatives, and crisis communication plans. These measures help employees navigate the emotional and psychological challenges brought on by the crisis, ensuring their well-being and enabling them to contribute effectively to the organization’s recovery efforts.

Proactive Planning for Future Crises

The best HR case studies in times of crisis highlight the importance of proactive planning. While crises may be unexpected, organizations can anticipate potential challenges and develop contingency plans to address them swiftly and efficiently. By anticipating various scenarios and regularly reviewing and updating crisis response strategies, HR professionals can position their organizations for success even in the face of uncertainty.

In addition to crisis preparedness, proactive planning involves identifying key skills and competencies that will be crucial in future crises. By integrating training programs, succession planning, and talent management initiatives into their HR practices, organizations can ensure they have the capabilities necessary to navigate through any crisis that may arise.

Table: Strategies for Adapting HR Practices in Times of Crisis

Strategy Description
Flexible workforce Implementing measures like remote work, flexible scheduling, and job sharing to accommodate changing needs and maintain business continuity.
Transparent communication Establishing open and honest communication channels to keep employees informed about the organization’s response, plans, and any changes that may affect them.
Employee support Providing resources, such as mental health programs, financial assistance, and wellness initiatives, to support employees’ well-being during challenging times.
Adaptive learning and development Investing in employee training and development programs that equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to new challenges and evolving roles.

Adapting HR practices in times of crisis requires a combination of flexibility, resilience, and proactive planning to ensure the well-being of employees, maintain productivity, and secure the organization’s long-term success.

Human Resources Management Case Studies provide HR professionals with valuable insights into real-world challenges and innovative solutions. By analyzing these examples, organizations can learn from best practices and optimize their own HR strategies. The showcased case studies highlight the diverse scenarios that HR professionals face and the creative approaches they employ to overcome obstacles.

Continuous learning from these experiences enables HR professionals to enhance their skills and contribute to the overall success of their organizations. These case studies serve as a source of inspiration, demonstrating the importance of adaptability, strategic thinking, and effective HR management.

By embracing the lessons learned from Human Resources Management Case Studies, HR professionals can strengthen their expertise, foster employee engagement, and drive organizational growth. These real-life examples reaffirm the significance of HRM for businesses in today’s dynamic and ever-evolving corporate landscape.

Source Links

  • https://www.shrm.org/credentials/certification/educators/teaching-resources
  • https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/case-studies-in-work-employment-and-human-resource-management-9781788975582.html
  • https://gfoundry.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-human-resources-a-manual-for-managers-and-professionals/

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Human Resource Management

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Task 1 hr management, task 2 recruitment and selection, task 3 - reward and motivation, task 4 - employee exit procedures.

HRM is essential element in organization which helps in reaching desired goals. It is the management function designed by corporate entities for selecting, attracting, rewarding of employees. British gas is a reputed company of petroleum sector which deal in various kids of energy products. The report helps in understanding the difference between HRM and personal management. It also explains HRM policies adopted by British gas and their impact on organization success.


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1.1 distinguish between personal management and hr management.

Personal management and human resource management both are related to employee management in the organization, but there are some philosophical changes exist in between.PM is somewhat related to following the employment low and dealing with payroll policies. In contrast, Human resource management has a wider concept and is related to managing and controlling workforce. HRM function directly contributes in success of organization. In the present era HRM is accountable to incorporate all the task of personal management (Grobler and Warnich, 2006). It motivated workforce to increase the reputation of company and maximise organizational effectiveness. HRM is a proactive function on the other hand Personal management is reactive. Human resource management focused on continuous development of policies while the second one is considering as self - regulatory function of organization. HRM always seeks for development of organization while encouraging the personal and professional development of employees. In personal management organization has single responsibility of personal development but in HRM all managers of different department works together towards a similar goal. British Gas, has various department which works one together with the aim of employee effectiveness and productivity, hence it can be said that company in performing human resource management task.

1.2 Functions of HRM

Human resource management is accountable for recruiting, compensating, providing trainings, development of leadership and so on. Following points explains the various functions of HRM.

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and developments
  • Benefits and Compensations
  • Development of effective policies
  • Personal administration
  • Ensuring Legal Compliance

The various functions of HRM play a significance role in managing human resource capital which supports organization to become efficient internally and to remain competitive in market place. With and selecting policies supports in choosing right candidate for the right place. Training and development are the essential functions of HRM that are focusing on continuous investment to providing training to employees. This function is directly linked with organizational performance. Well trained employees will give better performance outcomes to company overall the business will reach improved performance outcomes (Paauwe, 2004). The functions of HRM are based on trust and mutual understanding, management ensure employees to provide development opportunities. IN British Gas provides job training as well as refresher trainings to newly hirers. The training and development programmes help in truing employees in into company's assets (Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, 2004). The opportunity of personal and career growth provided by organization helps in gaining employee loyalty. British Gas needs to provide professional leadership training to manager so they can contribute in achieving desired goals. Another function of HRM is to provide benefits and compensation to workforce which allows business to achieve employee retention. Attractive payrolls packages help in attracting talent pools in the organization.  The major task of HRM is to make aware management team with the various employments laws and employ policies that are beneficial to employees as well as organization (Dowling, Festing and  Engle, 2008). 

1.3 Role and responsibilities of line managers in British Gas

Every employee in the organization has to reports line managers at the end of each task given to them. The responsibility of line managers is to inform the top management about   individual employee and its performance status. These managers work as bottom line managers and monitor the performance of workforce and gives reports to department head.  Management of British Gas includes various departments and it has single line managers of each department (Guest, 2011). Line manager are responsible of recruitment process as it provides information of need of workforce for a special task to Hr department them HR department decides the conducts interviews. The interviews of various candidates are to be taken by line managers, in this way the accountability of selecting suitable candidate in British Gas lies with such managers. After selecting a candidate they arrange training for them. In the organization employees are trained in two ways such on the job trainings and off the job trainings (Saari and Judge, 2004). On the job training are to be given be line managers themselves on the other hand to arrange off the job training they have to communicate with HR department. Line managers monitor the performance of workers and access their need of training. If any employee needs any kind of training they ask management for providing resources to improve effective of workers. Such managers are accountable for day to day people management, quality checking, measuring operational performance, supervising and so on.


1.4 The Equality Act 2010 has meant some changes to employment legislation

The major aim behind introduction Equality Act 2010 is to strengthen the law which support progress of equality practices in organization. According to the Equality Act 2010 there has not to be any discrimination between employee on their cast creed and believes. The all need to given chance to be selected in the company and discrimination as per gender has also to be avoided in the organization. British Gas adopted all the legal policies of Equality Act 2010 and respects the feeling of existing and potential employees. HR policies of company such as recruitment and selection, rewarding workforce, trainings and so on are designed while following the regulations of Equality Act 2010 act. It supports company in attracting and retaining talent pools. In respect to BG, where all the employees are working with equal efforts and consideration, this law is effective and applicable. As per this act, all the employee should be treated with equal wages and should be motivated with the equaility. There shouls not be any difference made in treating them with any differernece. Moreover, at BG, there are various functiosn which are mainly performed by male, but the allocation of activities shouyld be made so effective in respect to female staff in this organisation.

2.1 An outline of the stages involved in HR planning within British Gas

Human resource planning is the process indentifying the needs to human resources in the organization and designing the strategies to meet such demand. Business need to conduct proper internal and external assessment of HR needs and supply.

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Stages involved in Human resource planning of British Gas

Accessing human resources: Human resource planning is starts with internal and external analysis. Business unit access the current HR inventory level, which helps in determine the internal strengths and weakness of human capital as well opportunities and threats of performing job analysis. In BG, every aspect of exusting manpower are measured and evakluate so that effective allocation of work practices can be given and allotted.

Demand forecasting: After having proper human capital assessment next step is forecast the demand of human resource.  It refers to the process of determining future needs of HR in terms of quality and quantity. The management for through the plans and procedures of company and decide the need (Jackson, Schuler and Werner, 2011).  At BG, it is very important to discuss the requirements for leading team of manpower in appropriate manner. Wirth the help of propoer management at BG, this practice can be made by forecasting needs in advance.

Supply forecasting: Supply of human resource refers to fill the vacant post with suitable candidate. To meet the need of human capital British Gas use both internal and external sources of recruitment such as promotions and recruitment of fresh candidates. At BG, this is a complete process, which is achieved with the proper recruitmnet process.

Matching demand with supply: Matching demand with supply is considered as the bringing supply and forecast at an equilibrium positions. The company focuses on shortages and over staffing position it also gives the information about sources of recruitment (Cardon and  Stevens, 2004).  At BG, this process is made effective with the achievement of matching demand of manpower at BG with the supply made.

Action plan: This is the last stage where HR plans are to be executed to attract talent pools in the organization. In this stage HR manager controls and evaluates whether planning policies meets with HR objectives or not. At BG, the action plans for effective HR planning is achieved by implementation of procedures and policies laid down for recruitment and selection.

Being a largest energy supplier human resource planning is very essential in British Gas. The am behind adopting HRP is to remain competitive in energy industry. The consumers of energy product have a dynamic nature and they always look for quality and standard services. To fulfil the needs of clients and to gain customer loyalty business needs highly skilled labour with expertise in energy products. HRP helps in designing the policies to attract and retain employees in organization. Once a candidate is selected it had to be given training to his / her performance area. It also helps in encouraging British Gas employees for learning new technologies (Price, 2011). The company offers quality services at competitive prices.  To perform the technical task organization need a highly skilled team of engineers. Human resource planning will help organization in conducting job analysis and in designing job description and job specific. Business can also formulate promotional policies for the workforce. HR planning can help in recruiting top class engineers and this will a cost effective way to recruit employees.  If company recruit suitable and quality employees it will have to pay less for training, thus the cost cutting will be possible.  In this ways it can be said that with the help of human resource planning British Gas can make more profits and also can maintain high standard of services.

2.2 Compare the current recruitment and selection processes for British Gas

Recruitment is the process of attracting talented candidate on the other hand selection is refereed as choosing a best employee among them. This process helps organization in having right candidate for a write job. Wherever, in the British Gas, need of human capital occurs, management put the advertisement in newspapers or company's websites. The candidates are asked for dropping online application. After receiving the application they replay to candidate and give them information of receiving applications. Recruitment teams and managers reviews the applications as per requires skills and educational qualifications. After that HR manager make a call to selected candidate for taking a telephonic interview (Kaplan and  Norton, 2004). Most of time, company conducts interview in its central assessment venues. At this stage candidate is asked for bring their licences, address proofs.In this interview behavioural and technical expertise of candidate are to be judged. The result of interview will be passed over the telephones. Company stores the data of unsuccessful candidates to future use for filling vacant post. After selecting candidates their medical and criminal record is to be accessed and then successful candidate are enrolled for training.  EDP is a company of energy sector and its recruitment and selection process is different from British Gas. The management do not taker CV and candidate have to apply online. After making online application recruitment team arranges interviews of candidates. The interview will be taken face to face and some job related questions are to be asked.  Further process is same as British gas but ERP sends feedbacks to unsuccessful candidates that can be helpful for future interview.

The aim of conducting recruitment policies of both companies is to recruit outstanding and dynamic employees. With the aim of providing best service to their clients   both the companies are trying to attract technical employees such as engineers. The recruitment and selection procedure is cost effective and. They conduct screening of application and chose only eligible person (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Both the companies have procedures such as position, attracting candidate, pre-screen, testing and evaluation, interview; reference checking, providing job offers and last successful placement. Optional client interview and site tour in not involved, in selection and recruitment process of both the companies (Chelladurai, 2006). The policies benefit the company in accessing right candidate for right place. Both the company take time to appointing candidate which can help in help in selecting a best candidate in a cost effective way.

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3.1 Evaluate the process of job evaluation‘within British Gas

Job evolution is the process of systematic comparison between jobs and their relative worth. The purpose behind to conduct job evolution is to design rational pay structure. The process of job evolution starts with job evolution and finishes at the point where the worth of a job is accessed.  It helps British Gas in analysing the worth of a job over other work and supports in achieving pay equity between jobs. It is not a tool to fix the pay structure but it provides basis for rational wages structure. Job evaluation helps to determine satisfactory wages differentials among jobs where performance appraisal helps award pay increase to employees who shoe improved performances (Schuler and Jackson, 2008).

Job evolution process of British Gas has following steps such as

  • Gaining acceptance
  • Creating job evaluation committee
  • Finding the jobs to be evaluated
  • Analysis and preparing job description
  • Selecting the method of evaluation
  • Classifying of jobs
  • Deciding the pay scale

Organization has two factors which determine the pay scale to employees   such as internal and external factors while considering the factors such of labour market, cost of living and government legislations decides the pay scale of employees. The most important factor which determines the pay scale in British Gas is performance appraisal. The management provides salaries as per individual performance and capabilities. The organization need to establish performance standards and should communicate the standards to each employee which will help it in measuring the actual performance with the expected one.  To monitor the employee performance they can appoint supervisors at every level (Dess, Lumpkin and Eisner, 2006).

At BG, this practice is implemented with the Equity Theory of workplace motivation. This theory is based on the premise taht employees come down to an equilibrium level when the level of input become equal to output.

  • Effort and enthusiasm
  • Skills and abilities
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Loyalty and commitment to the organization
  • Financial compensation
  • Praise and recognition
  • Additional responsibility and autonomy
  • Job security
  • A sense of career advancement or personal growth

According to this theory, equity theory is when the input outcomes of employess working at BG becomes equal to outputs. When they feel equitable level to the reward achievement, the factors such as job satisfaction, workplace behavior and low employee morale can be achieved.

3.2 Assess motivation theory within the context of British Gas

British Gas has maintained an image of largest and best quality service provider in UK energy market. To maintain this image company need support from its employees in terms of higher performance and productivity. In order to motivate the workforce company has to identify needs of individual employee. There is a positive relationship between   employee motivation and reward system. Management can motivate employees using monetary and non monetary reward system through which it can gain higher employee performance. According to the existing employees of organization, the reward system in the organization is not in a ways to motivate them as the organization takes a long time to promote employees. The business need has to improve promotion schemes and employee is to be promoted as per their performance.  As and financial rewards employees can be offered attractive pay scales ,  perks, expenses, bonus and commission,  overtime  benefits, pension agreement  and so on. On contrary monetary   rewards includes reputation, social -recognition, praise, thanks, accountability and training & development opportunities.  Performance based appraisal system is to be introduced in which incentives and bonus will be provided as per the individual productivity (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). There is a lack of communication in the British Gas which is a main barrier of employee motivation. It needs to communicate reward to employee through a proper ceremony in particular time period. Organization can also arrange award for best employee of the year, in these employees can be better motivated (Odina, 2014). To achieve employee motivation in different situations British Gas has to consider “Equity theory”.  The company is suggested to appoint managers that will prepare the report on individual performance so there can be a fair reward system.  HRM system will have to design three kinds of rewards system such as profit sharing, job evolution and merits rating with the aim of achieve employee motivation in the organization.

4.1 Identify reasons for leaving the organisations

There are various reasons for the cessation of the employment in the British Gas which are very important to study. Some of the main reasons are resignation, layoff, mergers, buyout, poor performance, bribe, etc.

Resignation - Employees can give resignation for the different reasons it may be personal or any problem in the office. But before leaving the office it is very important to provide a notice period and also have to attend the exit interview so that the main reason of the resignation can be known. After all this he has to provide written resignation documents.

Layoffs - It is also one of the many problems as many times companies are not able to make the desired profits and because of that they are asked to leave the organization. There are many reasons like if the company is facing any financial problems or the particular job is no longer required in the company, it may be layoff of the employees in the fair and the honest ways.

Mergers/Buyouts - If the British Gas merge with any other company or they buyout any companies, employees may lost their jobs by giving some of the amount.

For case - Any employee could be terminated if he violated made by the British Gas or could have jeopardize the laws made by the company.

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Exit Procedure

1. Partial Termination

  • It may be because the employee has given the resignation to the department with 4 week notice
  • Employee has to give the secret exit interview so that the cause of the exit can be known
  • Employee has to fill up a particular form regarding the retires system returns
  • Employee has to return his badge to the HRM department
  • Tax sheltered annuity of the deferred compensation plan
  • Unemployment compensation has to be given

It has been analysed that BG and EDF uses partial termination as a tool so that employees may learn about the effective achievemnt of loopholes made prior to the work process. Moreover, this is a way to evaluate the acting employee on behalf of staff who is terminated.

2. Retirement

  • Person has to apply for retirement
  • Complete health and dental insurance is checked
  • All the social security benefits are checked

It has been evaluated that by following retiremnet as a procedure by BG and EDF, the opportunities for new employes can be developed. It is alos a way to seek the leadrning and arena of motivation to more broader level.

3. Dismisal

  • In case of dismissal he has to follow all the steps as stated in the above process
  • In case of the death of an employee who has been terminated or retired for the less than 90 days, department has to inform the HR service centre.

There are different legal and employment acts on the employment. When any new person is employed both the parties have to sign on some legal documents regarding the job. It is very difficult to cease the employees immediately as employer has to follow some of the rules before ceasing. If any employee is found doing something wrong then HR can take some of the immediate steps to cease the employee. If the employee does not any reason for his ceasing then he can easily apply again to consider his case and the ceasing procedure is found illegal then HR will be have to face legal proceedings.

Human resource management is an integral part of business which ensures company to manage employees in an effective way.  The report aims to explain the human resource practices of adopted by British Gas an energy company of UK.  It also discuses HRM policies adopted by British Gas and their impact on organizatio

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Human Resource Management Functions

Assessment Purpose: The primary purpose of this assessment is to enhance students’ research, analysis and referencing skills.

The secondary purpose is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their critical thinking and written communication skills.

The third purpose is to demonstrate that you have commenced appropriate research for Assessment 3.

Before starting this assessment, please read the assessment rubric at the end of this document. You should always check the unit website for specific instructions, which may be updated continuously.

Assessment Task: You are required to compile an Annotated bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Step 1. Select an industry sector. Read the Assessment 3 Essay task and identify which sector you will study for Assessments 2 and 3 (e.g. agriculture; construction; financial services; health care; hospitality; manufacturing; mining; retail; transport).

Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010. Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 3 Essay topic. It is suggested that you align your selected articles with the unit themes from Weeks 3 to 5 (e.g. job design, HR planning, recruitment and selection). It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library. You cannot use articles from your Assessment 1 presentation for Assessment 2.

Step 3. Write 2 paragraphs on each article (400 words) For each journal article, you are to write approximately 400 words in two paragraphs. The first paragraph will summarise the main ideas of the article, identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusions. The second paragraph will identify how you will use that article in relation to the Assessment 3 Essay.

Step 4. Use an appropriate format Present your Annotated bibliography in a format similar to that provided below. For more information, see the library guide for writing an annotated bibliography.

Topic: Human Resource Management Functions

Annotated Bibliography Introduction: Human Resource Management Functions are broader terms that impactmanagement and performance of any organisation. The HR manager needs to take timely-based and effective recruitment decisions that can help in the achievement of goals. Most of the jurisdictions in organisations that long time in identifying new HR strategies. Change is the necessary aspect of management. The HR manager needs to pool the best resource out of the hundred applicants. This is focused on identification of the Human Resource Management Assignment tools and implementation of new strategies from time to time. To reduce the long-term negative impacts, recruitment, selection training, planning and job-design are important aspects that impact the staffing decisions.

Article 1: Fevre, R. (2012). Social Mobility, Equity and the Politics of Recruitment. Sociology Compass, 6(9), 740-750. Retrieved from: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/UN/UNPAN021814.pdf

Keywords: Recruitment, Human Resource Management

The purpose of this journal article is to explain how the retention of high-quality professionals is crucial to the success of the organization. The market is extremely competitive. Today, manpower is available with diverse skills. The recruiters need to be more selective. This article is written for the public service audience. The article talks about different recruitment and human resource management strategies. Human Resource Management Assignment manager need to be more careful in the recruitment process. The retention of skilled talent is necessary for the Organization. The HR managers need to develop management strategies impact the staff morale. The highlights of this journal article are external and internal recruitment strategies, on the job training and value-added services to customers (Fevre, 2012). The Human Resource Management Functions and recruitment process can be conducted internally through referrals or promotion or transfer of personnel. The HR managers can advertise the jobs posting through the electronic boards or company newsletters and office memoranda. A commonly observed practice is referrals are word-of-mouth publicity and a lower cost recruiting methodology. The Organization can organize job fairs, and best of the companies can participate. The dozens of candidates are available, all at one place. The recruitment strategy is focused at bringing the job seekers and job givers at one place.

The drawback of this journal article is public service Organizations are more worried about the market share. These organizations operate in a monopolistic environment. The HR managers need to emphasize on the formulation of new strategies that aim at targeting the best experts. The Public-sector organizations need to comprehend the demands and wants of the consumers. Public sector organizations are open to scrutiny. The journal implies attracting the pool of talent for the different opportunities that are available in the market. There must be greater honesty and transparency in HR recruitment practices. A great plethora of opportunities are available in the market. The Human Resource Management Assignment needs to discuss the strategic and tactical role of Human resource implications in the longer run. Although, a commonly observed practice is there are few publicly operating organizations that maintain fairness in the recruitment processes? These organizations are aimed at protecting the individuals from harmful practices. The public service organizations need to maintain the detailed procedures and practices, if necessary to eliminate the discrimination. Cost is one the essential word-of-mouth factor that defines the retention policy of an organization. Another factor is convenience- as it allows the screening of candidates in a shorter span of time.

Article 2: Hoch, J., & Dulebohn, J. (2013). Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 114-125. Retrieved from: https://www.ikbooks.com/home/samplechapter?filename=168_Sample-Chapter.pdf

Keywords: Human Resource Planning, Strategic Planning

Human resource planning and strategic planning are the key areas of any Organization. This article refers to adequate source and effective application of human resources. This article is for those organizations who are undertaking an extensive research study. The human resource management functions must be taken to fulfill the mission, vision, and objectives of the Organization. The prime function of any HR in an organization is to hire the right people at the right time. An intermittent re-assessment of all the new developments in the Organization must be reviewed (Hoch &Dulebohn, 2013). The Human resource planning function should aim at effective planning and motivational processes. The Organizations should be able to estimate the number of resources required to run an Organization. Human resource planning is also referred to as- “Manpower planning”. The chief function of human resource department is to carry out the recruitment function at different levels. This can be for different purposes. HR plan operates at a national level, sectoral level, industry level, unit level and departmental level. The main aim of Human Resource Management Assignment is to ensure the demand and supply of manpower at different levels. This can be for serving the educational purposes, industrial developmental purposes or any employment plans made in the organization.

The drawback of this article is the development of concurrent employment plans in any company. The organizations are unable to forecast the need of manpower at different levels. The proportionate distribution of human resources at every level should be decided depending upon significance. The HR planning department must take into account the operational levels of every different department. A specific company is in question when human resource needs are not met with time. A business plan of any company is functional when the objectives defined can evade the unexpected disturbance in the production levels. This specifies lack of talented manpower in the Organization; therefore, appropriate strategies should be adopted. The Human Resource Management Functions should be all-inclusive and cover, marketing plans, financial plans and operational plans of an organization. The HR capabilities must be integrated and unified in an Organization. The organization must be able to fulfil the input needs and serve the desired output to customers. There are environmental constraints in every organization; therefore, a strategic plan must be formulated. The Human resource planning function aims all the employees in an organization to communicate the needs and wants, and constraints felt at different levels. An integration of all the Human resource plans is required at all the levels.

Article 3: Roberts, G. (2002). Employee Performance Appraisal System Participation: A Technique That Works. Public Personnel Management, 31(3), 333-342. Retrieved from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/93cc/62d7f8a9188c88c509df80b6550f98bc5e7f.pdf

Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Performance Management

This article refers to employee engagement and commitment levels that are made by an employee to an organization. An organization wants a member those feel highly- encouraged and finish the given task on time. This article is for all the low-level and mid-level Organizations who want to study the long-term appraising techniques. The employees should give inner soul to the company’s success. The performance appraisal and performance management are two techniques those are aimed at developing a strong link between the current objectives of employees with the present objective of the Organization. It is similar to mapping your own vision and mission plan with your company’s plan. There must be a co-existence of mutual trust between the employer and employee (Roberts, 2002). The performance appraisal technique measures employee absenteeism from work, the greater engagement with patrons, fewer mistakes and earning higher profits within stipulated period of time. The competitiveness factor among employees can be developed by the utility of the employee engagement technique. The primary objective of a Human Resource Management Functions technique is enhancing the growth and development of individual and Organizations. Performance Management and performance appraisal are two terms which could be used as synonymous to each other. Performance rating methods can be used for foreseeing the performance levels of an employee in an organization.

The critical point in the article is how to review the performance of an employee in an Organization on a concurrent basis. Performance management refers to the successful attainment of objectives in an organization. Performance appraisal function implementation is critical to the success of every organization. The Performance management function is one main component of performance appraisal. To maximize the output and efficiency of groups and employees, the human resource functions must be in place. The performance of various teams existing inorganization is a critical process. The operational performance appraisal system assesses new incomings and plans for the growth and development of employees. In an Organization, where the performance appraisal system has been implemented, more than 60 percent of employees have shown dissatisfaction and did not like receiving. In such a scenario, this process can be thought for complete elimination. The most important aspect is to provide the feedback to the managers and initiate employee participation process. The employees and employers must be able to make the valid decisions. In today’s global competitive world, enhanced output and productivity can be served only when performance appraisal technique is in implementing stage. Managers must take into account all the legal considerations and an effective appraising system must be studied.

Article 4: Lozano, R. (2011). Creativity and Organizational Learning as Means to Foster Sustainability. Sustainable Development, 22(3), 205-216. Retrieved from: https://www.cebma.org/wp-content/uploads/Guide-to-the-after_action_review.pdf

Keywords: Action After Review, Organizational Learning

Organizational learning and development assess the need for intermittent identification of performances and taking lessons from success and failures, from time to time. This article refers to -The Action after Review (AAR) is a human resource management technique that is, conducted at the end of the project or event or a program. This Human Resource Management Assignment article focuses on the domestic and international level companies who are undertaking programs or events and a purposeful study for those who want to review the performance levels. The HR management function of any Organization devises strategies and team learning takes place through objective and mission statement. Action after Review follows a structured approach and identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a given area of work (Lozano, 2011). Some of the famous companies using Action after Review programs are GE, Motorola, and others. The implementation of Action after Review is a necessary aspect of an Organization as it answers these questions- What are the occurrences in future? What has happened? Whether an employee participation is up to the mark or not? Can the things be improvised in an Organization? The Action after review plan is focused to withstand the resources in an Organization. The management committee needs to propose recommendations.

The critical point in this article is-how to effectively manage one-time projects to long-term events. The management needs to measure the event outcomes, there is always scope for growth and development and good learning prospects. It should be made mandatory for employees to attend the Action after review program. Another critical point is-when Action after review program should be used by the Organizations-just after an event or when a program ends. What functional structure should be adopted by the company practices to provide the maximum advantage to the Organizations? The implementation of Action after review plan is not possible without a moderator. How to define whether informal or spontaneous Action after review plan must be implemented before the event ends or after an event? The formal AAR can be implemented through the help of a facilitator and spontaneous AAR can be directed through team manager. Another critical point in Action after review technique is time barrier. For instance- Informal AAR can be conducted without allotting any time-span. This can be as short as ten minutes and success barriers cannot be measured. A formal AAR can be done within a stipulated time period of one to two hours. Few strategies must be recommended for the successful implementation of informal AAR.

Article 5: Strych, J. (2015). Job Rotation and Employer Learning About Human Capital. SSRN Electronic Journal. Retrieved from:http://ergo-plus.com/wp-content/uploads/Job-Rotation.pdf

Keywords: Job Rotation, Quality Standards

This article reviews the structured exchange of employees between two different departments, within an organization at different time intervals is known as Job Rotation. Enhancement of more work and increase of physical demands, therefore, adds a change in the complete structure of employment. This article is for public sector and private sector an Organization who wants to understand the overall requirements of different rotational jobs. The HR function of any Organization should focus on the development of reliable and methodical job rotations. The advantages of job rotation are focused to share the risk factors present in an organizational environment. The Human Resource Management Assignment function needs to identify the high-risky jobs and address and troubleshoot, whenever possible. When job rotation is implemented within an Organization, it helps in reducing the physical demands associated with a job (Strych, 2015). The job rotation is focused to increase work efficiency and enhance quality standards in different processes. The Job rotation capabilities aim at the elimination of ergonomic problems. The employers must be able to identify the problems as early as possible. Consult management and group leader’s work together to decide on which internal departments are suitable for the job rotation program. Strategically driven job rotation programs give best competitive advantage.

The critical point in this article is the implementation of job rotation program at different units, within a company. The management undergoes through numerous barriers. The crucial aspect is that every department or job is not appropriate for the job rotation program. Some of the problems encountered are- issues with the product quality, employee productivity losses, employees hesitate to rotate because of the difficulties associated with jobs. Restriction of ability is one main reason that inhibits the job rotation process. In industrial organizations, various threats imposed by the union workers, especially for the job compensation rules. The employees are not convinced about the compensation cost that is received. The Human resource management functions find very difficult to implement the job rotation programs. A research study undertaken suggests-employee productivity and product quality suffer with the enactment of job rotation. The company’s culture must be enduring for the successful implementation of frequent job rotation programs. The strategists should draw an effective job design that is, based on job factors- applications utilized, training and development requirements, external and internal forces, frequent opportunities and threats. The productivity gains can become lower without a real-based job rotation program. The employers have greater flexibility levels when adequate training is given to employees on Human Resource Management Functions.

References Fevre, R. (2012). Social Mobility, Equity and the Politics of Recruitment. Sociology Compass, 6(9), 740-750.

Hoch, J., & Dulebohn, J. (2013). Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 114-125.

Lozano, R. (2011). Creativity and Organizational Learning as Means to Foster Sustainability. Sustainable Development, 22(3), 205-216.

Roberts, G. (2002). Employee Performance Appraisal System Participation: A Technique That Works. Public Personnel Management, 31(3), 333-342.

Strych, J. (2015). Job Rotation and Employer Learning About Human Capital. SSRN Electronic Journal.


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Unit 21 Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment Sample – BTEC-HND-LEVEL 4

The unit aims to explore how HR management contributes to the emergence and sustainability of business strategies. It allows the students to appreciate and assess the contemporary and seminal models, concepts, and principles that permit HR to contribute towards sustainable growth and organizational changes from the HR perspective.

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Management assignment requires students to analyze aspects of the HRM model proposed by David Guest.

The Management unit describes adaptability at the workplace and the best practices of flexibility that allow employees to maintain a balance between work and personal lives. This unit focuses on the role of the Human Resource Manager in managing diversity and complying with laws of equal rights.

The unit covers the principles and practices of HRM in the context of business strategy and sustainable growth. The students will have an opportunity to understand how human resource policies, practices, and processes can be aligned with strategic objectives to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

At the end of the assignment, students should understand how human resource functions can be integrated with business strategy.

Assignment solutions of Unit 21 Strategic Human Resource Management

In the modern era, strategic HR management is the most crucial task in any company. With time, competition between institutions became so intensified that it’s no longer easy to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Moreover, challenges like employee dissatisfaction, and high turnover rates create hindrances to the long-term success and growth of a business.

To stay in the competition, companies need to focus on areas like training and development of staff members. Companies started implementing strategic HR management, as it allows them to make the most of employees working in a company.

This study analyses the Guest HRM model that was proposed by David Guest in 1987. It emphasizes the integration of soft and hard approaches of HRM.

P1: Analyze Key trends and development that impacts HR strategy

This section includes the current trends and developments that impact HR strategy.

It focuses on tasks that lack adequate employees and eliminates individuals that do not fit into your organization chart. Once management figures out the redundancies and bottleneck issues, it can take proper measures to resolve them.

Budget is a crucial factor to consider when assessing the staffing requirements of an organization. Departments like customer service, production, and warehousing require skilled, proficient employees. Management obtains the essential resources to employ people from increased revenues. Positions that add value to the company require managers to acquire resources for recruiting employees.

Management can lower the base pay to extend the staffing budget. Voluntary benefits wouldn’t cost much but can reduce payroll expenses, and offer low-key benefits to the employees to pay for their health insurance or funds.

  • Workplace productivity Trends

Workplace productivity forms a trend, and management figures out whether the productivity is rising or falling in the company. It is essential to create an optimal, positive work environment to get the most out of the existing employees. A position workplace includes a training, and wellness program, job descriptions and annual audits, employee newsletters.

  • Globalization

Organizations aren’t limited to operating in the homeland. They are going global and expanding their business across the borders. The rise of expansion in the multinational territory requires effective HR management.

Globalization removes barriers to trade beyond the national boundaries. It fosters interdependence, integrity, and interconnectivity of capital assets and the manufacturing process. It eases resource, cash flow, import and export of goods across multiple countries, expanding economic growth and multinational trade in a complex manner.

  • Comply with regulations and legislations

Business proprietors consult security and employment experts, insurance companies, and fire departments, ensuring that they cover all the legal prerequisites that apply to the employees. It requires management to follow the federal and state law laws, create a safe workplace, enforce company policies, and tax payments.

  • Honing Employee Skill Sets

As the company grows, proprietors discover operational and administrative needs that won’t be fulfilled by existing employees. They can include training and employee education programs, send employees to seminars and conferences instead of hiring new staff.

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P2: Explain how internal and external factors influence HRM principles and strategies

There are a variety of internal and external factors that can influence HRM principles and strategies. Internal factors may include the company’s overall business strategy, its culture and values, and the preferences of top management. External factors could include changes in the labor market, government regulations, or economic conditions.

It is important for HR professionals to be aware of both internal and external influences when developing HR policies and practices. By taking into account all relevant factors, they can create programs and initiatives that are more likely to be successful.

Internal factors:

The company’s overall business strategy: The company’s business strategy will have a major impact on its HRM practices. If the company is focused on growth, for example, it may place a greater emphasis on attracting and retaining top talent. If cost reduction is the primary goal, then employee training and development programs may be cut back.

The culture and values of the company: The culture and values of a company can influence the way it treats its employees. A company that values employee input and feedback, for example, is likely to have different HR policies than one that does not.

The preferences of top management: Top management will typically have strong opinions on how the HR function should be run. Their preferences should be taken into account when developing HR strategies.

External factors:

Changes in the labor market: The labor market is constantly changing, and HR policies and practices must adapt accordingly. For example, if there is a shortage of qualified workers in a particular field, the company may need to revise its recruiting and hiring practices.

Government regulations: Government regulations can have a significant impact on HRM. For example, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace. Employers must be aware of these regulations and ensure that their HR policies are in compliance.

Economic conditions: Economic conditions can also affect HRM. For example, during a recession, companies may be more likely to downsize or freeze hiring. HR professionals must be prepared to respond to these changes.

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M2: How theories relate to HR practice in an organizational context

HRM plays an important role in managing and training the workforce. Manpower planning is one of the important responsibilities of the HR department within an organization. HR Managers follow several strategies for training and selecting the right people in the company.

HR design job descriptions suited for the job roles in the company. After hiring the employees, management plans for orientation of the employees with training and development for them.

HRM keeps people motivated for their work. It starts with defining the job role of employees. An effective Feedback system helps the employees to improve their skills. It helps to align the organizational goals with personal goals.

Researchers attempted to design names for HRM theories that support policies and HR practices in an organization.

  • Organizational Behavior Theory
  • Motivation Theory
  • Contingency Theory
  • Transactional Theory

HRM theories help HRs and managers to increase the productivity and commitment of the task force by motivating them, rewarding them for performing well. Organizational theory helps the managers to understand the behavior of employees, and explain how employee perspective impacts performance. Motivation Theory helps to create commitment and dedication to addressing the company’s requirements.

AMO Theory helps the managers to implement approaches that lead to increased employee motivation through HR strategies and policies. Human Capital Theory states that employee training and education help to foster productivity. Agency Theory finds its application mitigating conflicts between agents and principal.

Contingency theory states that HRM functions should match the financial and environmental aspects to accomplish the institution’s goals.

P3: Apply theories and concepts about the growth of strategic HR Management in an organizational context

When task forces work towards similar objectives, odds of achieving business goals get increased. Strategic HR management plays an important role in evaluating employee achievements and determining measures needed to improve employee’s productivity.

With HRM models, it becomes easy to explain the role of the HR manager in a company. This section explores the 5 most popular HR models that explain the role of a human resource manager. Values added by HR and how he influences people working for the organization.

  • Casual HRM Model

The casual HRM model is one of the most popular HR principles, and it depicts a chain that originates with business strategies and ends through HR processes with increased financial performance.

This model states that HR activities should align with the business strategy to improve the productivity of the organization.

As per the Casual HRM model, HR strategy becomes effective when it aligns with business processes. Thus, the Casual HR model is derived from the best-fit HRM strategy. HR strategy complies with HRM practices, and HR practices like training, performance appraisal, and compensation associate with quality production and employee retention.

  • The 8-box model

Paul Boselie proposed an 8-box model that explains the external and internal factors that affect HR effectiveness.

Apart from the HRM models and principles, some theories support HR strategies in an association. Theories of Motivation and Organizational Behavior revolve around management strategies that include structure, and guidelines applied to modern organization’s contexts.

Motivation theory assesses the conduct of an individual concerning the association.

The study of organizational behavior applies to HRM and related topics help one to understand how the workforce behaves, responds, does, and feels. If the worker’s conduct or performance is appreciable, he could maintain good relations with the colleagues. This behavioral theory judges individual behavior and discriminates between negative or positive behavior.

P4: Explain how the change in management models support HR strategy in an organizational context

The McKinsey 7S Management model is one of the change management models and consists of seven strategies that businesses should consider when executing structural changes.

  • Strategy : It is one of the change management plans that incorporate a stepwise procedure for implementing changes.
  • Structure : This factor relies on the framework in which the organization gets segmented or the strategy that it follows.
  • Shared Values: It refers to the main values based on which an enterprise operates or runs.
  • Staff : It pertains to the employees working in an industry, and their capacities.
  • Skills : It implies the expertise, capacities, or abilities possessed by an enterprise’s workforce.
  • Systems : It pertains to the infrastructure or mechanisms used by employers, and employees to accomplish day-to-day tasks.
  • Style : Style refers to how management adapts to the change in structure or culture of an institution.

In this section, we explained the individual components of the McKinsey 7S model; let’s apply them to the practical Covid-19 pandemic scenario.

  • Taskforce management strategy that coordinates with your company’s vision

Change management and communication strategy ought to reflect the actual vision of the organizational changes. Moreover, it should have a clear vision that makes it easy for the employees to work considering the impact of changes. Establishing a clear vision is the best way to align employee performance with business goals.

For instance, your change management policy might focus on ensuring how employees return to work safely.

  • Keep things in a constant flow

When implementing business changes, you should support your workers to resolve workplace conflicts and overcome the bottlenecks.

Perhaps there is no better way to support the task force than allowing them to share feedback using a two-way communication channel.

Encourage workers to participate in group discussions, raise concerns, or make questions. Rather than forwarding mass emails, you should communicate with them in person.

  • Add short-term goals to your change management strategy

You shouldn’t set a final goal for the management plan, instead set small, measurable goals that will keep your task force motivated throughout the process. For instance, if you’re planning to continue with the remote work settings, you can transmit the objectives of the work-from-home plan in chunks. Provide them with an easy way to meet goals and celebrate successes.

Use an inter-office communication channel to share news of successful journeys to motivate the rest of the team members.

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  1. HR Management Assignment Sample

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  2. HR Management Assignment Sample

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  3. HR Management Assignment Sample

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  4. Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

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  2. HR Management Assignment Sample

    HR Management Assignment Sample. Dec 15, 2014 •. 19 likes • 55,218 views. AI-enhanced description. Assignment Prime. This document provides an overview of strategic human resource management for two large retail organizations, Tesco and Walmart. It discusses the importance of SHRM and how it contributes to organizational objectives.


    But in the Human Resource Management, Job design is more cyclical and is based on teamwork. The type of leadership observed in Personnel Management is transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is apparent in Human Resource Management where leaders are more people oriented and focuses on a shared vision, flexible

  4. PDF Introduction to Human Resource Management Spring 2022

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    Meet with business line manager, top management, and collect market data to validate assumptions. 4. Highlight company's top 5 turnover reasons with action plan to top management. Competency developed: Business partnering. Objective: Develop your HR Managers to become real Business partner. Explanation: From back seat to the front seat.

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  12. Human Resources management assignment

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  16. (PDF) MBA ASSIGNMENT Human Resource Management

    The role of trust towards achieving service delivery should be addressed. 2. Management should accept a service orientation for an employee in order to meet their professional standard. 3. Human resource management should be made an element of learning at all levels.

  17. Human Resource Management Assignment Samples

    Human Resource Management Assignment Samples- In addition, the essay will encompasses in it different theorise and models of the Human resource. In the last part of the essay, it will reveal the issue, which can be taken place to align the human resource management with company strategy. Best Assignment experts is an online assignment help ...

  18. Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

    This is focused on identification of the Human Resource Management Assignment tools and implementation of new strategies from time to time. To reduce the long-term negative impacts, recruitment, selection training, planning and job-design are important aspects that impact the staffing decisions. Article 1: Fevre, R. (2012).

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    Development of any system is necessary but before that, we need to identify the obstacle of that system. In this situation, HRM helps us a lot. Therefore at first, we need to know HRM first. Read more. 1 of 11. Download now. Download to read offline. Assignment on Human Resource Management - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

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    The document provides an assessment brief for a human resources employee induction manual assignment. Students are asked to create an employee induction manual for a new HR department. The manual should include an introduction to the organization, the purpose and key roles of the HR function, and explain core HR practices. It should be 2,000-2,500 words and include in-text citations and a ...

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    A critical review of literature in the period of 2000-2014. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), 196-233. Kaufman, B. (2015). Evolution of strategic HRM as seen through two founding books: A 30th anniversary perspective on development of the field. Human Resource Management, 54(3), 389-407.

  23. Unit 21 Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

    1 Assignment solutions of Unit 21 Strategic Human Resource Management. 1.1 P1: Analyze Key trends and development that impacts HR strategy. 1.2 P2: Explain how internal and external factors influence HRM principles and strategies. 1.3 M2: How theories relate to HR practice in an organizational context. 1.4 P3: Apply theories and concepts about ...