biogas phd thesis

Role of biogas technology adoption in forest conservations: evidence from Ethiopia

  • Yadeta Bekele Bekere Jimma Uinversity
  • Guta Regasa Megerssa Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Jimma Uinversity

Author Biography

Yadeta bekele bekere, jimma uinversity.

Agoramoorthy, G. and Hsu, M.J. 2008. Biogas plants ease ecological stress in India’s remote villages. Human Ecology 36(3):435–441, doi: 10.1007/s10745-008-9163-8.

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Geissler, S., Hagauer, D., Horst, A., Kause, M. and Sutcliffe, P. 2013. Biomass Energy Strategy Ethiopia., AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft mbH Immanuel-Kant-Str. 41, 61476 Kronberg i. Ts.

Gruenewald, H., Brandt, B.K.V., Schneider, B.U., Bens, O., Kendzia, G. and Reinhard, F.H. 2007. Agroforestry systems for the production of woody biomass for energy transformation purposes. Ecolologicsl Engineering 9: 319-328, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2006.09.012.

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Kumar, S., Mishra, B.P., Patel, S.K., Yaduvanshi, B.K., Chinchorkar, S.S. and Khardiwar, M.S. 2013. Trends of biogas plants’ adoption in Chhattisgarh, India. Spring 2(2):10–13.

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Mwirigi, J., Balana, B., Mugisha, J., Walekhwa, P., Melamu, R., Nakami, S. and Makenzi, P. 2014. Socio economic hurdles to widespread adoption of small-scale biogas digesters in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review. Biomass and Bioenergy 70:17–25, doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.02.018.

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Renwick, M., Subedi, P.S. and Hutton, G. 2007. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of National and Regional Integrated Biogas and Sanitation Programs in sub-Saharan Africa (Draft / Discussion Paper).

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Rupf, G.V., Bahri, P.A., de Boer, K. and McHenry, M.P. 2015. Barriers and opportunities of biogas dissemination in Sub- Saharan Africa and lessons learned from Rwanda, Tanzania, China, India, and Nepal. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 52(C): 468-476.

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Winrock International. 2007. Africa biogas initiative: potential for growth and models for commercialization. Arkansas, USA: Winrock International.

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Zenebe, G., Mekonnen, A., Kassie, M. and Köhlin, G. 2010. Urban energy transition and technology adoption: The case of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Discussion paper EfD 10(22). Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative, and Resources for the Future (RFF), Washington, DC

JDMLM Vol 7 No 2 2020

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NBC New York

A breaking hero emerges: Meet Australia's Raygun

An australian professor had some breaking moves, and people had thoughts., by nbc staff • published august 9, 2024 • updated on august 9, 2024 at 3:19 pm.

As Dr. Rachel Gunn, she's a 36-year-old lecturer at Macquarie University in Australia . She holds a PhD in cultural science. She researches and lectures on the cultural politics of breaking .

As Raygun, she's an Olympian breaker, competing for Australia.

Raygun lost all three of her matches, against B-Girls named Nicka, Syssy and Logistx. Yes, that sentence is accurate.

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But Raygun had some moves. And people had some thoughts.

What my nephew does after telling all of us to “watch this” — Liz Charboneau (@lizchar) August 9, 2024
There has not been an Olympic performance this dominant since Usain Bolt’s 100m sprint at Beijing in 2008. Honestly, the moment Raygun broke out her Kangaroo move this competition was over! Give her the #breakdancing gold 🥇 — Trapper Haskins (@TrapperHaskins) August 9, 2024
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All I can think about when I see this is the hip hop dance teacher from Bob’s Burgers but if instead she was from Australia and was a 36 year old woman named Raygun — Shereef Sakr (@ShereefKeef) August 9, 2024

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when Raygun hit the kangaroo jawn I couldn't see the screen I was crying so hard — Bradford Pearson (@BradfordPearson) August 9, 2024
I think I found the source of inspiration for the Raygun breakdance at the Olympics. — Noodson (@noodson) August 9, 2024
Raygun was like — Charles J. Moore (@charles270) August 9, 2024
Raygun did THE SPRINKLER at this breakdance thing, this is the worst thing Australia has ever done. — Luis Paez-Pumar (@lppny) August 9, 2024

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biogas phd thesis

Olympic Breakdancer Raygun Has PhD in Breakdancing?

Rachael gunn earned a zero in breakdancing at the paris 2024 olympic games., aleksandra wrona, published aug. 13, 2024.


About this rating

Gunn's Ph.D. thesis, titled "Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney's Breakdancing Scene: a B-girl's Experience of B-boying," did cover the topic of breakdancing. However ...

... Gunn earned her Ph.D. in cultural studies. Moreover, a "PhD in breakdancing" does not exist as an academic discipline.

On Aug. 10, 2024, a rumor spread on social media that Rachael Gunn (also known as "Raygun"), an Australian breakdancer who competed in the 2024 Paris Olympics, had a Ph.D. in breakdancing. "This australian breakdancer has a PhD in breakdancing and dance culture and was a ballroom dancer before taking up breaking. I don't even know what to say," one X post on the topic read .

"Australian Olympic breakdancer Rachael Gunn has a PhD in breakdancing and dance culture," one X user wrote , while another asked, "Who did we send? Raygun, a 36-year-old full-time lecturer at Sydney's Macquarie University, completed a PhD in breaking culture and is a lecturer in media, creative arts, literature and language," another X user wrote .

The claim also spread on other social media platforms, such as Reddit and Instagram . 

"Is she the best break dancer? No. But I have so much respect for going on an international stage to do something you love even if you're not very skilled at it," one Instagram user commented , adding that, "And, I'm pretty sure she's using this as a research endeavor and will be writing about all our reactions to her performance. Can't wait to read it!"

In short, Gunn's Ph.D. thesis, titled "Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney's Breakdancing Scene: A B-girl's Experience of B-boying," indeed focused on the topic of breakdancing. However, Gunn earned her Ph.D. in cultural studies, not in breakdancing. Furthermore, it's important to note that a "PhD in breakdancing" does not exist as an academic discipline. 

Since Gunn's research focused on the breakdancing community, but her degree is actually in the broader field of cultural studies, we have rated this claim as a "Mixture" of truths.

Gunn "secured Australia's first ever Olympic spot in the B-Girl competition at Paris 2024 by winning the QMS Oceania Championships in Sydney, NSW, Australia," the Olympics official website informed . 

Gunn earned a zero in breakdancing at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and clips of her routine went viral on social media, with numerous users creating memes or mocking dancer's moves. "As well as criticising her attire, social media users mocked the Australian's routine as she bounced around on stage like a kangaroo and stood on her head at times," BBC article on the topic read . 

The website of the Macquarie University informed Gunn "is an interdisciplinary and practice-based researcher interested in the cultural politics of breaking" and holds a Ph.D. in cultural studies, as well as a bachelor of arts degree (Hons) in contemporary music: 

Rachael Gunn is an interdisciplinary and practice-based researcher interested in the cultural politics of breaking. She holds a PhD in Cultural Studies (2017) and a BA (Hons) in Contemporary Music (2009) from Macquarie University. Her work draws on cultural theory, dance studies, popular music studies, media, and ethnography. Rachael is a practising breaker and goes by the name of 'Raygun'. She was the Australian Breaking Association top ranked bgirl in 2020 and 2021, and represented Australia at the World Breaking Championships in Paris in 2021, in Seoul in 2022, and in Leuven (Belgium) in 2023. She won the Oceania Breaking Championships in 2023.

Gunn's biography further revealed that she is a member of the Macquarie University Performance and Expertise Reasearch Centre, and has a range of teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels "across the areas of media, creative industries, music, dance, cultural studies, and work-integrated learning." 

Moreover, it informed her research interests included, "Breaking, street dance, and hip-hop culture; youth cultures/scenes; constructions of the dancing body; politics of gender and gender performance; ethnography; the methodological dynamics between theory and practice."

Gunn earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Media, Music, Communications, and Cultural Studies within the Faculty of Arts at Macquarie University. Below, you can find the abstract of her paper, shared by the official website of Macquarie University:

This thesis critically interrogates how masculinist practices of breakdancing offers a site for the transgression of gendered norms. Drawing on my own experiences as a female within the male-dominated breakdancing scene in Sydney, first as a spectator, then as an active crew member, this thesis questions why so few female participants engage in this creative space, and how breakdancing might be the space to displace and deterritorialise gender. I use analytic autoetthnography and interviews with scene members in collaboration with theoretical frameworks offered by Deleuze and Guttari, Butler, Bourdieu and other feminist and post-structuralist philosophers, to critically examine how the capacities of bodies are constituted and shaped in Sydney's breakdancing scene, and to also locate the potentiality for moments of transgression. In other words, I conceptualize the breaking body as not a 'body' constituted through regulations and assumptions, but as an assemblage open to new rhizomatic connections. Breaking is a space that embraces difference, whereby the rituals of the dance not only augment its capacity to deterritorialize the body, but also facilitate new possibilities for performativities beyond the confines of dominant modes of thought and normative gender construction. Consequently, this thesis attempts to contribute to what I perceive as a significant gap in scholarship on hip-hop, breakdancing, and autoethnographic explorations of Deleuze-Guattarian theory.

In a response to online criticism of her Olympics performance, Gunn wrote on her Instagram profile: "Don't be afraid to be different, go out there and represent yourself, you never know where that's gonna take you":

We have recently investigated other 2024 Paris Olympics' -related rumors, such as:

  • Lifeguards Are Present at Olympic Swimming Competitions?
  • Hobby Lobby Pulled $50M in Ads from 2024 Paris Olympics?
  • 2024 Paris Olympics Are 'Lowest-Rated' Games in Modern History?

Gunn, Rachael Louise. Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney's Breakdancing Scene: A B-Girl's Experience of B-Boying. 2022. Macquarie University, thesis.,

---. Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney's Breakdancing Scene: A B-Girl's Experience of B-Boying. 2022. Macquarie University, thesis.,

Ibrahim, Nur. "Lifeguards Are Present at Olympic Swimming Competitions?" Snopes, 8 Aug. 2024,

"Olympic Breaking: Criticism of Viral Breakdancer Rachael Gunn - Raygun - Condemned by Australia Team." BBC Sport, 10 Aug. 2024,

ORCID. Accessed 12 Aug. 2024.

Paris 2024. Accessed 12 Aug. 2024.

Saunders, Grant Leigh, and Rachael Gunn. "Australia." Global Hip Hop Studies, vol. 3, no. 1–2, Dec. 2023, pp. 23–32. Macquarie University,

Wazer, Caroline. "2024 Paris Olympics Are 'Lowest-Rated' Games in Modern History?" Snopes, 1 Aug. 2024,

---. "Hobby Lobby Pulled $50M in Ads from 2024 Paris Olympics?" Snopes, 8 Aug. 2024,

By Aleksandra Wrona

Aleksandra Wrona is a reporting fellow for Snopes, based in the Warsaw, Poland, area.

Article Tags

'QUEEEEEN': Raygun of Olympics breakdancing fame spotted busting moves, gains fan in Adele

Rachael gunn, also known as raygun, was spotted breakdancing in front of cheering fans on the heels of the 36-year-old's newfound fame stemming from her performance at the 2024 paris games.

biogas phd thesis

Rachael Gunn , also known by her breakdancing name Raygun, went viral during the 2024 Paris Olympic Games , but the Australian is garnering even more attention after she was recently filmed busting a move or two in front of adulating fans.

Gunn is a 36-year-old university lecturer from Sydney who made waves with her performance at Place de la Concorde during the Paris Games' breakdancing competition. Many people online, and even Grammy-winning singer Adele, poked fun at Gunn's unique moves.

"I think it's the best thing that's happened in the Olympics the entire time," the British singer said about Gunn's dancing while on stage during a concert in Munich, Germany. "Did anyone see the breakdancing lady? Now I didn't even know that breakdancing was an Olympic sport these days. I think that's (expletive) fantastic."

Watch: Adele praises breakdancer Raygun during concert

Adele continued to say that she and her friends had been "laughing" for "nearly 24 hours" about Gunn's dancing, but she said it made her "very very happy."

Despite the jokes, Gunn continues to embrace the spotlight and some lucky fans even got a chance to see her breakdance in person. TikTok user @jeanmitchell posted a video of Gunn dancing in the street as fans surrounded her and yelled after each move. The caption was: "(Expletive) QUEEEEN"

@jeanmitchell_ FKN QUEEEEEN #RAYGUN #breaking #breakdancing #paris2024 ♬ original sound - Jeanos

How did Raygun do at the Paris Olympics?

Although Gunn is gaining fans, the Olympic judges were anything but as they didn't give the "B-girl" a single point throughout the competition. She was defeated by USA’s Logistx, France’s Syssy and Lithuania’s Nicka, losing 18-0 on each occasion.

Gunn, who wrote her PhD thesis on the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture, also repped Australia at the world championships in 2021 and 2022 before earning a spot at the Olympics through the Oceania championships in 2023, CNN reported.

"In 2023, many of my students didn’t believe me when I told them I was training to qualify for the Olympics and were shocked when they checked Google and saw that I qualified,”  Gunn told CNBC earlier this month .

While most of the 32 B-boys and B-girls at the Paris Games had been breakdance battling since they were young, Gunn did not participate in her first battle until 2012.

“All my moves are original,” Raygun told CNN after competing in Paris. “Creativity is really important to me. I go out there and I show my artistry. Sometimes, it speaks to the judges, and sometimes, it doesn’t. I do my thing and it represents art. That is what it is about.”

Department of History

College of Social Science

History PhD Candidate Spotlight: NAEd Spencer Dissertation Fellow Gloria J. Ashalou

Posted on August 14, 2024 August 14, 2024 Author mcdon625

 By: Patti McDonald 

Gloria J. Ashaolu, a Michigan State University History PhD candidate majoring in African American history with minors in U.S. history and Black comparative/diaspora history, was recently named a 2024 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellow.   

This prestigious fellowship was only offered to 35 graduate students nationwide. The fellowship supports these students with the writing phase of their dissertation. The fellowship is comprised of three key components: fellows receive $27,500 for one academic year (distributed in two installments), students participate in two professional development retreats facilitated by NAEd members and other distinguished scholars, and have the opportunity of selecting an NAEd member or another respected scholar as their mentor to offer advice and assistance during the school year. 

We sat down with Gloria and asked her about her dissertation, how grateful she is for being recognized as a NAEd/Spencer Fellow, and why she decided to major in African American history and minor in U.S. history, and Black comparative/diaspora history. 

What were you thinking when you found out you were awarded The NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship?   

I was overwhelmed with joy and a deep sense of gratitude. 

What is this fellowship going to allow you to do? How is it so helpful you received this?   

The financial support from the NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship alleviates the need for significant employment and will allow me to dedicate more time to my dissertation—toward meeting the goals I set for my time to degree trajectory. I am also immensely grateful for the unique opportunity to engage with members of my cohort and distinguished scholars in the field of education at the two professional development retreats organized by the National Academy of Education. Participating in the discussions and sessions will provide me with the resources and insight to meaningfully contribute to the field and the improvement of education. Furthermore, fellows are paired with mentors who will provide further research and career development over the academic year.  

What is your dissertation about? Tell us about it in a few sentences.   

Between the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, the model of educational vision Black teachers fostered and were deeply committed to greatly mirrored what we today regard as anti-racist systems of knowledge and educational practices. My dissertation attends to the understudied educational activism, pedagogies, and praxes of local Black teachers during the Early Black History Movement through a biographical analysis of the life and times of Jane Dabney Shackelford, a Black female educator from Terre Haute, Indiana who was most active during the era of Jim Crow segregation. The educational trajectory and systems of teaching Shackelford and her peers embodied serve as a useful tool for conceptualizing the significant ways in which local schoolteachers cultivated an intentional educational and intellectual practice that challenged the beliefs, politics, and policies of Jim Crow segregation. Driven by what Anna Julia Cooper referred to as the “moral forces of reason and justice and love,” these educators inspired Civil Rights Movement participants, Black Power Movement activists, and Black Studies revolutionaries.  

Why is this type of research so important?   

Amid the regime of violence, discrimination, and disfranchisement of Jim Crow segregation, local Black teachers played critical roles in the lives of countless Black youth by educating them about their rich history, heritage, and culture. This study situates the underappreciated presence and pedagogies of these educators within their rightful historical legacy. The first contribution of this project entails the study of the life and times of an influential—yet understudied—historical actor as a window into the education-activism of Black teachers during the Early Black History Movement. Second, this project attends to the principles and conventions of Jim Crow North, by challenging static, flattened, and selective narratives that loom in popular remembering of the era of Jim Crow segregation. Third, the use of the robust repository that makes up the Shackelford papers seeks to excavate the scholarly and intellectual work and the service ethos that guided her educational activism and that of her community of educators.  

Why did you decide to major and minor in African American history, U.S. history, and Black comparative/diaspora history?  

The decision to major and minor in African American history, U.S. history, and Black comparative/diaspora history in the Michigan State University History PhD program was inspired by the trajectory of my research, the opportunity to learn from leading scholars in the fields, and my aspiration to create meaningful historical work that helps us better understand the present through our collective history towards a just and inclusive society. 

    Who have been some of your mentors within the History department?   

My mentors within the department include my major Advisor, Dr. Pero G. Dagbovie (University Distinguished Professor of History, Associate Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and Dean of the Graduate School), and Dissertation Committee Member, Dr. LaShawn D. Harris (award-winning historian and Associate Professor of History). I am sincerely thankful for their instrumental guidance and supportive mentorship.  

    Anything else you would like to include?   

  I am also grateful to God for the scholar-friends in the Department of History and College of Education who have been thought-partners and for their community of support.  

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Gloria J. Ashaolu 


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    biogas upgrading Ilaria Bassani PhD Thesis May 2017 DTU Environment Department of Environmental Engineering Technical University of Denmark. ii Hydrogen assisted biological biogas upgrading Ilaria Bassani PhD Thesis, May 2017 The synopsis part of this thesis is available as a pdf-file for download from

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    OPTIMIZATION OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM BREWERY WASTEWATER By MURUNGA SYLVIA INJETE REECE B TECH (Chem Eng, Moi U, 2007); MSc. (EBE, UoN, 2012) Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering of University of Nairobi 2017

  11. PDF Biological Tools to Improve Biogas Production From Microalgae ...

    PhD Thesis Presented by Ahmed Abdelmohsen Mahdy Mohamed Elaborated at IMDEA Energía Institute, Móstoles (Madrid), Spain ... energy forms, biogas production is envisaged as a feasible route to sustainable energy production. Biogas production has strong potential over other energy forms since its needs less concentrated biomass and no ...

  12. PDF Systematic Quantification of Biogas Potential in Urban Organic Waste

    sources. Moreover, biogas could play a vital role, together with wind energy, in accomplishing the ambitious Danish government's energy strategy of becoming a 100% fossil fuel-free nation by 2050. This PhD research was carried out as part of the BioChain project, seeking to optimise the biogas production value chain in Denmark. The BioChain

  13. Biogas Production from Energy Crops and Agriculture Residues

    In this thesis, the feasibility of utilizing energy crops (willow and miscanthus) and agriculture residues (wheat straw and corn stalker) in an anaerobic digestion process for biogas production was evaluated. Potential energy crops and agriculture residues were screened according to their suitability for biogas production.

  14. PDF Improving the Biomethane Yield and Biogas Quality of Food Waste During

    Also, appropriate credit has been given within the thesis where reference was made to the work of others. I. Okoro-Shekwaga, C. K., Ross, A. B. and Camargo-Valero, M. A., (Accepted). Improving the biomethane yield from food waste by boosting hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Submitted to Applied Energy. II.

  15. Biogas production from novel substrates

    Biogas production is the conversion of the organic material into methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is widely used in continental and Scandinavian communities as both a waste treatment option and a source of renewable energy. Ireland however lags behind this European movement. Numerous feedstocks exist which could be digested and used to ...

  16. Online monitoring and control of the biogas process

    The thesis is organised in two parts. The first part is a dissertation providing backgrounds for understanding the important aspects of the biogas process, and also an updated knowledge about monitoring and control of the biogas process. Moreover, an application of a novel online VFA monitoring system is presented, as well as the

  17. Online monitoring and control of the biogas process (Thesis

    Tumblr. Abstract. The demand for online monitoring and control of biogas process is increasing, since better monitoring and control system can improve process stability and enhance process performance for better economy of the biogas plants. A number of parameters in both the liquid and the gas phase have been suggested as process indicators.

  18. PDF Experimental Studies on Biogas Production and Its Utilization in A

    Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Rourkela-769008 India CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Experimental studies on biogas production and its utilization in a direct injection diesel engine run on dual fuel mode" being submitted by Mr. Debabrata Barik for the award of Ph.D. degree is a record of bonafide research

  19. PDF Design, Building and Techno-Economic Evaluation of Biogas Digester

    This thesis describes biogas energy technology which is heavily used in China, India and Brazil. The biogas technology is rarely used in Arab countries. Palestine has a good potential for biogas production. One Palestinian family living in rural areas owns at least three cows where each cow gives 12-16 kg dung per day.

  20. PDF Ada'A Woreda, East Shewa, Ethiopia Thesis Leshan Tadesse Hawassa

    determinants of household biogas technology adoption and its implication on greenhouse gas emission reduction: a case of ada'a woreda, east shewa, ethiopia thesis ... demamu mesfin (phd) a thesis submitted to the department of environmental science, wondo genet college of forestry and natural resource, school of graduat studies, hawassa ...

  21. Role of biogas technology adoption in forest conservations: evidence

    To improve such adverse socio-economic and ecological costs, interventions like improved biogas technologies, raising community awareness on deforestation, and utilization of alternative energy technologies are recommended to conserve natural forests. ... Household Fuel Consumption and Resource Use in Rural-Urban Ethiopia PhD dissertation. The ...


    As thesis research advisors, we hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this Thesis titled 'Biogas Production from Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Co-Digested with Poultry Dropping' prepared under our guidance by Adugna Lemessa. We recommended that ... Manikandan Muthuswamy (PhD) _____ _____ ...


    Anaerobic digestion is a microbial process for production of biogas, which consist of Primarily methane (CH4) & carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas can be used as energy source and also for numerous purposes. But, any possible applications requires knowledge & information about the composition and quantity of constituents in the biogas produced.

  24. A breaking hero emerges: Meet Australia's Raygun

    As Dr. Rachel Gunn, she's a 36-year-old lecturer at Macquarie University in Australia. She holds a PhD in cultural science. She researches and lectures on the cultural politics of breaking. As ...

  25. Olympic Breakdancer Raygun Has PhD in Breakdancing?

    In short, Gunn's Ph.D. thesis, titled "Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney's Breakdancing Scene: A B-girl's Experience of B-boying," indeed focused on the topic of breakdancing.

  26. Raygun the viral Olympic breakdancer busts more moves; Adele is a fan

    Gunn, who wrote her PhD thesis on the intersection of gender and Sydney's breaking culture, also repped Australia at the world championships in 2021 and 2022 before earning a spot at the ...

  27. History PhD Candidate Spotlight: NAEd Spencer Dissertation Fellow

    By: Patti McDonald . Gloria J. Ashaolu, a Michigan State University History PhD candidate majoring in African American history with minors in U.S. history and Black comparative/diaspora history, was recently named a 2024 National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellow.. This prestigious fellowship was only offered to 35 graduate students nationwide.