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9 Creative Problem Solving Examples to Solve Real Interview Questions

Jane Ng • 11 January, 2024 • 11 min read

Are you preparing for an interview where you'll need to demonstrate your creative problem solving skills? Being able to think on your feet and discuss real examples of innovative issue resolution is a key strength many employers seek.

To get a deeper understanding of this skill and prepare for related interview questions, let's dive into creative problem solving examples in today's post.

From questions about approaching challenges in a methodical way to those asking you to describe an unconventional solution you proposed, we'll cover a range of common problem solving-focused interview topics.

Table of Contents

What is creative problem solving, benefits of having creative problem solving skills, #1. how do you approach a new problem or challenge , #2. what radical new or different ways to approach a challenge, #3. can you give an example of a time when you came up with a creative solution to a problem, #4. can you recall a time you successfully managed a crisis, #5. can you name three common barriers to creativity and how you overcome each of them, #6. have you ever had to solve a problem but didn't have all the necessary information about it before and what have you done, #7. what do you do when it seems impossible to find the right solution to a problem, #8. how do you know when to deal with the problem yourself or ask for help , #9. how do you stay creative, tips to improve your creative problem solving skills, final thoughts, frequently asked questions, more tips with ahaslides.

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As the name implies, Creative Problem Solving is a process of creating unique and innovative solutions to problems or challenges. It requires coming up with out-of-the-box ideas instead of the traditional way of doing things. It involves a combination of thinking differently, figuring out what's best, seeing things from different angles, and seizing new opportunities or generating ideas.

creative problem solving process examples

And remember, the goal of creative problem solving is to find practical, effective, and unique solutions that go beyond conventional (and sometimes risky, of course).

Need more creative problem solving examples? Continue reading!

As a candidate, having creative problem solving skills can bring several benefits, including:

  • Increase employability: Employers are looking for individuals who aren't stuck in a rut but can think critically, solve problems, and come up with creative solutions—things that work more efficiently, and save more time and effort. Showing off your skills can make you a more attractive candidate and increase your chances of getting hired.
  • Improve decision-making: They help you to approach problems from different angles and make better decisions.
  • Increase adaptability : The ability to find creative solutions can help you adapt to change and tackle new challenges effectively.
  • Improve performance: Solving problems in innovative ways can lead to increased productivity, performance, and efficiency.

In the explosive growth of generative AI world, it's considered one of the most important soft skills for employees. Head to the next part to see problem solving interview questions with answers👇

9 Creative Problem Solving Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some creative problem solving examples of interview questions, along with sample answers:

example for creative problem solving

This is the time when you should show the interviewer your way of doing, your way of thinking. 

Example answer: "I start by gathering information and understanding the problem thoroughly. I then brainstorm potential solutions and consider which ones have the most potential. I also think about the potential risks and benefits of each solution. From there, I select the best solution and create a plan of action to implement it. I continuously evaluate the situation and make adjustments as needed until the problem is solved."

This question is a harder version of the previous one. It requires innovative and unique solutions to a challenge. The interviewer wants to see if you can have different approaches to problem-solving. It's important to remember that not necessarily giving the best answer but showing your ability to think creatively and generate new ideas.

Example answer: "A completely different way to approach this challenge could be to collaborate with a company or organization outside of our industry. This could provide a fresh perspective and ideas. Another approach might be to involve employees from different departments in the problem-solving process, which can lead to cross-functional solutions and bring in a wide range of ideas and perspectives and more diverse points."

The interviewer needs more concrete proof or examples of your creative problem-solving skills. So answer the question as specifically as possible, and show them specific metrics if available.

Sample answer: "I'm running a marketing campaign, and we're having a hard time engaging with a certain target audience. I was thinking about this from a different perspective and came up with an idea. The idea was to create a series of interactive events so that the customers could experience our products uniquely and in a fun way. The campaign was a huge success and exceeded its goals in terms of engagement and sales."

problem solving examples

Interviewers want to see how you handle high-pressure situations and solve problems effectively.

Example answer: "When I was working on a project, and one of the key members of the team was suddenly unavailable because of an emergency. This put the project at risk of being delayed. I quickly assessed the situation and made a plan to reassign tasks to other team members. I also communicated effectively with the client to ensure they were aware of the situation and that we were still on track to meet our deadline. Through effective crisis management, we were able to complete the project tasks on time and without any major hitches."

This is how the interviewer gauges your perspective and sets you apart from other candidates.

Example answer:   "Yes, I can identify three common barriers to creativity in problem solving. First, the fear of failure can prevent individuals from taking risks and trying new ideas. I overcome this by accepting failure as a learning opportunity and encouraging myself to experiment with new ideas.

Second, limited resources such as time and finances can reduce creativity. I overcome this by prioritizing problem-solving in my schedule and finding the best cost-effective tools and methods. Lastly, a lack of inspiration can hinder creativity. To overcome this, I expose myself to new experiences and environments, try new hobbies, travel, and surround myself with people with different perspectives. I also read about new ideas and tools, and keep a journal to record my thoughts and ideas."

problem and solution examples

Having to deal with a "sudden" problem is a common situation you will encounter in any work environment. Employers want to know how you deal with this inconvenience reasonably and effectively.

Example answer:   " In such cases, I proactively reach out and gather information from different sources to better understand the situation. I talk to stakeholders, research online, and use my experience and knowledge to fill in any gaps. I also asked clarifying questions about the problem and what information was missing. This allows me to form a holistic view of the problem and work towards finding a solution, even when complete information is not available."

Employers are looking for candidates problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking skills. The candidate's answers can also reveal their problem-solving strategies, thinking ability, and resilience in the face of challenges.

Example answer:   "When I have to face a problem that I can't seem to solve, I take a multi-step approach to overcome this challenge. Firstly, I try to reframe the problem by looking at it from a different angle, which can often lead to new ideas and insights. Secondly, I reach out to my colleagues, mentors, or experts in the field for their perspectives and advice. Collaborating and brainstorming with others can result in new solutions.

Thirdly, I take a break, by stepping away from it and doing something completely different to clear my mind and gain a new perspective. Fourthly, I revisit the problem with a fresh mind and renewed focus. Fifthly, I consider alternative solutions or approaches, trying to keep an open mind and explore unconventional options. Finally, I refine the solution and test it to guarantee it meets the requirements and effectively solves the problem. This process allows me to find creative and innovative solutions, even when the problem seems difficult to solve."

In this question, the interviewer wants to get a clearer picture of your ability to assess situations, be flexible when solving problems, and make sure you can work independently as well as in a team.

Example answer: "I would assess the situation and determine if I have the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to solve the problem effectively. If the problem is complex and beyond my ability, I will seek help from a colleague or supervisor. However, if I can afford it and deal with the problem effectively, I'll take it on and handle it myself. However, my ultimate goal is still to find the best solution to the problem on time. "

creative thinking examples

If you're working in creative fields, a lot of interviewer will ask this question since it's a common problem to have "creative block" among working professionals. They would therefore want to know different methods you had done to go back to the flow.

Example answer: "I immerse myself in broad subjects to spark new connections. I read widely, observe different industries, and expose myself to art/music for perspective. I also brainstorm regularly with diverse groups because other viewpoints fuel my creativity. And I maintain a record of ideas—even far-fetched ones—because you never know where innovations may lead. An eclectic approach helps me solve problems in novel yet practical ways."

Here are some tips to help your creative problem-solving skills:

  • Practice active listening and observation: Pay attention to the details around you and actively listen to what others are saying.
  • Broaden your perspective: Seek out new experiences and information that can expand your thinking and help you approach problems from new angles.
  • Teamwork: Working with others can lead to diverse perspectives and help you generate more creative solutions.
  • Stay curious: Keep asking questions to maintain a curious and open-minded attitude.
  • Use visualization and mind mapping: These tools can help you see problems in a new light and think about potential solutions in a more organized manner.
  • Take care of mental health: Taking breaks and engaging in relaxing activities can help you stay refreshed and avoid burnout.
  • Embrace failure: Don't be afraid to try new ways and experiment with different solutions, even if they don't work out.

Hopefully, this article has provided helpful creative problem solving examples and prepared you well to score points with the recruiters. If you want to improve your's creative problem-solving skills, it's important to embrace a growth mindset, accept failure, think creatively, and collaborate with others.

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What is a good example of problem-solving for interview?

When you answer the interviewer's question, make sure to use this approach: clearly defining the problem, gathering relevant data, analyzing causes, proposing a creative solution, tracking impacts, and quantifying the results.

What is a creative approach to problem solving?

Defer judgment. When brainstorming ideas, don't immediately dismiss any suggestions no matter how strange they may seem. Wild ideas can sometimes lead to breakthrough solutions.

Jane Ng

A writer who wants to create practical and valuable content for the audience

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Scott Jeffrey

12 Powerful Creative Problem-Solving Techniques That Work

No one likes the feeling of being stuck.

It creates internal tension. That tension seeks resolution.

Thankfully, there are many creative problem-solving techniques for resolving this tension and revealing new solutions.

In this guide, we’ll explore 12 creative ways to solve problems with a variety of techniques, tools, and methods that be used for personal use and in the workplace.

Let’s dive in…

How to Approach Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

All of the creative problem-solving techniques discussed below work some of the time .

While it’s fine to have a favorite “go-to” creative problem-solving technique, the reality is each problem has some unique elements to it.

The key to is mix and match various techniques and methodologies until you get a workable solution.

When faced with a difficult challenge, try a combination of the problem-solving techniques listed below.

The Power of Divergent Thinking

Creativity is everyone’s birthright.

One study with 1,500 participants, found that 98 percent of children around the age of five qualify as geniuses. 1 George Land and Beth Jarman, Breakpoint and Beyond , 1998.

That is, virtually all children are gifted with divergent thinking— the ability to see many possible answers to a question.

For example, how many uses can you think of for a paper clip?

The average adult might offer 10 to 15 answers. Those skilled in divergent thinking divine closer to 200 answers.

Yet, something happens along the way because by adulthood, how many people score at the genius level? Only 2 percent!

That is, we see a complete inversion: from 98% being geniuses in early childhood to only 2% in adulthood.

What causes this debilitating drop in creativity?

According to creativity researcher Sir Ken Robinson, the answer is our schooling. 2 Sir Ken Robinson, Do schools kill creativity? TED Talk , 2006. Through 13 years of “education” our innate creativity is stripped out of us!

Conditioning Yourself for Creative Solutions

So to improve the efficacy of these creative problem-solving techniques, it helps to re-condition ourselves to use divergent thinking.

The key is to learn how to remove our prior conditioning and restore our natural creative abilities. You’ll notice that many of the creative problem-solving techniques below help us do just that.

Thankfully, divergent thinking is a skill and we can develop it like a muscle. So the more we use divergent thinking, the more second nature it becomes.

For this reason, when you’re presented with personal, professional, or business-related problems, celebrate them as an opportunity to exercise your creative abilities.

12 Powerful Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

Now, we’re going to cover 12 creative problem-solving techniques with examples that you can apply right away to get results.

These creative problem-solving methods are:

  • Use “What If” Scenarios
  • Focus on Quantity Over Quality
  • Switch Roles
  • Use the Six Thinking Hats Technique
  • Explore Different Contexts
  • Take a 30,000-Foot View
  • Ask Your Subconscious
  • Mind Map Your Problem
  • Adopt a Beginner’s Mind
  • Alter Your State of Consciousness
  • Find Your Center

Then, we’ll quickly review a series of problem-solving tools you can experiment with.

1 – Use “What If” Scenarios

Use “what if?” questions to project different scenarios into the future.

In A Whack on the Side of the Head , Roger Von Oech, says,

“In the imaginative phase, you ask questions such as: What if? Why not? What rules can we break? What assumptions can we drop? How about if we looked at this backwards? Can we borrow a metaphor from another discipline? The motto of the imaginative phase is: Thinking something different.”

Using this creative problem-solving technique challenges you to allow your mind to play out different scenarios without judgment or criticism .

(Judgment always comes after the creative problem-solving process—not before.)

2 – Focus on Quantity Over Quality

Creativity research shows that focusing on generating more ideas or solutions instead of on the quality of the ideas ultimately produces better results. 3 Paulus, Paul & Kohn, Nicholas & ARDITTI, LAUREN. (2011). Effects of Quantity and Quality Instructions on Brainstorming. The Journal of Creative Behavior. 45. 10.1002/j.2162-6057.2011.tb01083.x .

This phenomenon is known as the “Equal-Odds rule.” Nobel laureate Linus Pauling instinctively suggested a similar process: 4 The Evening Sentinel , Priestley Award Winner Says Deployment of ABM’s “Silly”, Start Page 1, Quote Page 6, Column 1, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. March 28, 1969.

I was once asked ‘How do you go about having good ideas?’ and my answer was that you have a lot of ideas and throw away the bad ones.

When I used to facilitate meetings and brainstorming sessions with leadership teams in large organizations, this was an invaluable creative problem-solving technique. By consciously focusing on generating more ideas first instead of evaluating the quality of the ideas, you avoid shifting into a critical mindset that often stops the ideation process.

3 – Switch Roles

Our minds tend to get locked in habitual patterns, leading to what’s called “paradigm blindness.” Another related term is the “curse of knowledge,” a common cognitive bias observed in so-called “experts” in their field. 5 Hinds, Pamela J. (1999). “The curse of expertise: The effects of expertise and debiasing methods on prediction of novice performance”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 5 (2): 205–221. doi:10.1037/1076-898X.5.2.205 . S2CID 1081055

This cognitive bias is another illustration of how divergent thinking was conditioned out of us during our formative years.

Switching roles helps us “wear a different hat” where we momentarily shift away from our conditioning.

For example, if you have a marketing-related problem, try putting on an engineer’s hat—or even a gardener’s hat. If you have a problem as an entrepreneur, put yourself in the customer’s mindset. See the world from their point of view.

The idea is to shift your perspective so you can approach the problem from a new angle. Your ability to shift perspectives quickly—without privileging any one perspective—doesn’t only help you solve problems. It also helps you become a stronger leader .

4 – Use the Six Thinking Hats Technique

Speaking of hats, creativity researcher Edward de Bono developed an effective creative problem-solving technique called the Six Thinking Hats.

The Six Thinking Hats provides you and your team with six different perspectives to utilize when tackling a problem. (You can use these six hats on your own too.)

creative problem-solving techniques six hats

Each hat serves a different function. For creative problem solving, you start with the blue hat to clearly define the problem.

You then move to the white hat where you outline all of the existing and known data regarding the issue. Next, you put on the green hat and generate as many ideas as you can (similar to the “quantity over quality” technique above).

Then, you put on the yellow hat, which represents what de Bono calls “value sensitivity.” The yellow hat is used to build on the ideas generated from the green hat phase. Finally, you put on the black hat to evaluate your solutions and play Devil’s Advocate.

The Six Thinking Hats is an excellent technique for group brainstorming and creative problem-solving.

5 – Explore Different Contexts

Many problems arise because we neglect to zoom out from the problem and examine the larger context.

For example, long-term investments are often based on an “investment thesis.” This thesis might be based on trends in the market, consumer demands, brand recognition, dominant market share, strength in innovation, or a combination of factors. But sometimes the assumptions you base your thesis on are wrong.

So if you’re facing a problem at home or work, examine your assumptions.

If sales are down, for example, instead of revisiting your sales strategy investigate the context of your overall industry:

  • Has your industry changed?
  • Is your business disconnected from your customer’s needs?
  • Is your product or service becoming obsolete?

We can often find creative solutions to our problems by shifting the context.

6 – Take a 30,000-Foot View

Often, when we’re stuck in a problem, it’s because we’re “missing the forest for the trees.”

Zoom out and take a “30,000-foot view” of the situation. See your problem from above with a detached, neutral mindset. Take an expansive viewpoint before narrowing in on the specific problem.

This problem-solving technique is another variation of changing the context.

Sometimes you’ll find this to be a powerful creative problem-solving technique where the right solution spontaneously presents itself. (You’ll think to yourself: Why didn’t I see this before? )

creative problem-solving techniques mozart quote

7 – Walk Away

Most often, the best problem-solving technique is to stop trying to solve it —and walk away.

Yet, our minds often don’t like this technique. The mind likes to be in control. And walking away means letting go of control.

I spent five years researching creative geniuses trying to better understand the source of inspiration for a book I was writing years ago. 6 Scott Jeffrey, Creativity Revealed: Discovering the Source of Inspiration , 2008.

In studying dozens of creative geniuses, from Mozart to William Blake, a clear pattern emerged.

Creative geniuses know when to walk away from the problems they are facing. They instinctively access what can be called the Wanderer archetype.

More recent studies show that deliberate “mind-wandering” supports creativity. 7 Henriksen D, Richardson C, Shack K. Mindfulness and creativity: Implications for thinking and learning. Think Skills Creat. 2020 Sep;37:100689. doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100689 . Epub 2020 Aug 1. PMID: 32834868; PMCID: PMC7395604. Great ideas come to use when we’re not trying. 8 Kaplan, M. Why great ideas come when you aren’t trying. Nature (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature.2012.10678

Wandering and reverie are essential to the creative process because they allow us to hear our Muse. The key is knowing when to let go of trying to solve the problem. Creativity problem-solving can, in this way, become an effortless process.

8 – Ask Your Subconscious

When we’re stuck on a problem and we need a creative solution, it means our conscious mind is stuck.

It does not, however, mean that we don’t already know the answer. The creative solution is often known below our conscious awareness  in what can be termed our subconscious mind, or our unconscious.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung realized that dreams are a bridge from the wisdom of our unconscious to our conscious minds. As Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz explains, 9 Fraser Boa, The Way of the Dream: Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation With Marie-Louise Von Franz , 1994.

Dreams are the letters of the Self that the Self writes us every night.

One of the most powerful creative problem-solving techniques is to ask your subconscious mind to solve the problem you’re facing before you go to sleep. Then, keep a journal and pen on your nightstand and when you awaken, record whatever comes to mind.

This is a powerful technique that will improve with practice. It’s used by many geniuses and inventors.

Another variation of this creative problem-solving technique that doesn’t require sleeping is to ask your inner guide. I provide a step-by-step creative technique to access your inner guide here .

9 – Mind Map Your Problem

problem solving tools mind map

Another way to get unstuck in solving problems is to access the visual side of our brain. In left/right hemisphere parlance, the left brain is dominated by logic, reason, and language while the right brain is dominated by images, symbols, and feelings. (I realize that the “science” behind this distinction is now questionable, however, the concept is still useful.)

Our problems arise largely in our “thinking brain” as we tend to favor our thoughts over other modes of processing information. In the language of Jung’s Psychological Types , most of us have a dominant thinking function that rules over our feelings, intuition, and sensing functions.

Mind mapping is a powerful creative problem-solving technique that deploys visual brainstorming.

I learned about mind mapping in the 1990s from Tony Buzan’s The Mind Map Book and used this method for many years.

In the context of problem-solving, you draw the problem in the center of the page and then start ideating and connecting ideas from the center. Think of mind mapping as a visual outline.

You don’t need to be a skilled artist to use mind mapping. Nowadays, there are also numerous apps for mind mapping including Mind Meister and Miro, but I would still recommend using a blank piece of paper and some colored pencils or markers.

10 – Adopt a Beginner’s Mind

Our early “education” conditions us with what psychologists call functional fixedness where we look at problems from a familiar viewpoint.

Numerous creative problem-solving techniques we discussed above—like switching the context, changing our roles, wearing the Six Thinking Hats, and taking a 30,000-foot view—are designed to overcome functional fixedness.

Another technique is found in Zen philosophy called a Beginner’s Mind .

With a beginner’s mind, we empty our minds and forget what we think we know. In doing so, we enter a more playful, childlike state. Instead of being serious and “attacking the problem,” we can tinker and play with different ideas and scenarios without any fears of “getting it wrong.”

It can be a liberating experience. Psychologist Abraham Maslow found that self-actualizing individuals enter a state like the Beginner’s Mind where they get fully absorbed in whatever they are doing.

11 – Alter Your State of Consciousness

brain scan LSD creative problem solving

Another thing I noticed in my examination of artists and creative geniuses is that virtually all of them used various substances to alter their state of consciousness when  producing creative work and solving intellectual problems .

The substances vary widely including stimulants like coffee and/or cigarettes, alcohol (like absinthe), and all manner of psychedelic substances like LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and peyote.

I’m not suggesting you should “take drugs” to solve your problems. The point is that it’s incredibly useful to alter your state of consciousness to help find creative solutions.

While using various substances is one way to accomplish this, there are many other methods like:

  • Stanislav Grof’s Holotropic Breathing Technique (similar to pranayama breathing)
  • The WIM Hof Method (ice cold showers)
  • Brainwave entrainment programs (binaural beats and isochronic tones)
  • The Silva Method (also uses brainwave entrainment)
  • Kasina Mind Media System by Mindplace (light stimulation and binaural beats)

Many of these types of programs shift your brain from a beta-dominant state to an alpha-dominated state which is more conducive for creativity. See, for example, Brain Awake by iAwake Technologies.

12 – Access Your Center

Perhaps the easiest and safest way of altering your state of consciousness is via meditation . Studies show that people experience improved brainstorming and higher creativity after only twenty minutes of meditation—even if they’re inexperienced meditators. 10 Colzato, L.S., Szapora, A., Lippelt, D. et al.  Prior Meditation Practice Modulates Performance and Strategy Use in Convergent- and Divergent-Thinking Problems.  Mindfulness  8, 10–16 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-014-0352-9

When we’re stuck on a problem, or feeling confused about what we should do, we’re usually experiencing internal resistance. Different parts of us called archetypes hijack our minds and give us conflicting wants, beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives. These parts keep us from thinking clearly to find workable solutions.

As such, when you’re stuck, it helps to find your center first . It can also be highly beneficial to ground yourself on the earth . Both of these methods can help you quiet your mind chatter and shift into a more alpha-dominant brain pattern.

Getting in the habit of centering yourself before approaching a problem is perhaps the most powerful creative problem-solving technique. It can greatly assist you in taking a 30,000-foot view of our problem as well.

Creative Problem-Solving Tools

We referenced numerous problem-solving tools in the above examples including:

  • Roger von Oech’s Creative Whack Pack (a deck of cards with 64 creative strategies)
  • Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats method
  • Mind mapping (see Tony Buzan’s How to Mind Map or research online)
  • Brainwave entrainment (download free samples on iAwake or try your luck online)
  • All of the mind-altering methods under “Alter Your State of Consciousness”

If you’re looking for problem-solving tools for a business/group context, in addition to the Six Thinking Hats, you might also try:

SWOT Analysis


Let’s have a quick look at each of these tools.

swot analysis problem solving tool

SWOT analysis is an excellent tool for business owners to help them understand their competitive landscape and make important business decisions. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is a practical strategic planning tool for businesses and it can be an effective problem-solving tool for your business.

Five Whys sometimes helps identify the root cause of the problem when it’s not clearly understood. You start by stating the problem as you understand it. Then you ask, “Why?” (For example, why is this occurring? ) As the tool’s name implies, you ask Why questions five times in total.

Brainwriting is a form of brainstorming where individuals generate ideas on their own before meeting to discuss them as a group. For a host of psychological reasons, this is often a superior way of approaching problem-solving in the workplace. Combining brainwriting with the Six Thinking Hats method can be even more powerful.

Using These Creative Problem-Solving Tools

All of the techniques and tools above represent creative problem-solving methods.

These examples illustrate that there are numerous pathways to get the answers we seek.

Some pathways, however, are more effective than others. The key is to experiment with various methods to uncover which ones work best for you .

Different methods will be more effective in different contexts.

Here, wisdom and intuition come into play. Over time, your connection with your inner guide improves and creative problem-solving becomes a more spontaneous process.

Recap: Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

Creative problem-solving is a skill based on the development of divergent thinking combined with altering our state of consciousness.

Due to our early conditioning, our “normal” waking state of consciousness is often filled with biases, limitations, blind spots, and negativity. This causes us to perceive problems rigidly.

When we get “stuck” it’s because our minds are fixed on a limited number of options.

To get “unstuck,” we just need to alter our state of consciousness and examine our problems from various perspectives, which is what the above creative problem-solving techniques are designed to do.

The more you play with these techniques, the more they become second nature to you.

You may find that each technique begins to play off the other. Then, the art and subtleties of the discovery process begin to emerge.

Enjoy solving your next problem!

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About the Author

Scott Jeffrey is the founder of CEOsage, a self-leadership resource publishing in-depth guides read by millions of self-actualizing individuals. He writes about self-development, practical psychology, Eastern philosophy, and integrated practices. For 25 years, Scott was a business coach to high-performing entrepreneurs, CEOs, and best-selling authors. He's the author of four books including Creativity Revealed .

Learn more >

Some great ideas here. I am particularly intrigued by the "walk away" idea fulfilling the wanderer archetype. While counter intuitive, in my experience, walking away lets my mind develop subconcious connections that are sometimes the best. Sort of like letting my brain do the work instead of me! Bravo!

Todd Alexander

Thanks for your comments, Todd. It seems as though he need to train and remind ourselves to "walk away" because the mind thinks it can push its way through the problem.

How many times does it take for us to "absolutely know" that answers answer themselves when we take a break from forceful problem-solving and walk into the creative nature zone?! ;) The solution presents itself when we let go.

Great Post, Scott!

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Creative Problem Solving

What is creative problem solving.

Creative problem solving (CPS) is a process that design teams use to generate ideas and solutions in their work. Designers and design teams apply an approach where they clarify a problem to understand it, ideate to generate good solutions, develop the most promising one, and implement it to create a successful solution for their brand’s users.  

An illustration of a tilted square showing a process in motion with Clarify, Ideate, Develop and Implement shown on it.

© Creative Education Foundation, Fair Use

Why is Creative Problem Solving in UX Design Important?

Creative thinking and problem solving are core parts of user experience (UX) design. Note: the abbreviation “CPS” can also refer to cyber-physical systems. Creative problem solving might sound somewhat generic or broad. However, it’s an ideation approach that’s extremely useful across many industries.  

Not strictly a UX design-related approach, creative problem solving has its roots in psychology and education. Alex Osborn—who founded the Creative Education Foundation and devised brainstorming techniques—produced this approach to creative thinking in the 1940s. Along with Sid Parnes, he developed the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving Process. It was a new, systematic approach to problem solving and creativity fostering.  

Diagram of CPS process showing Fact finding, Idea finding and Solution finding with 12 sub-sections.

Osborn’s CPS Process.

© IdeaSandbox.com, Fair Use

The main focus of the creative problem solving model is to improve creative thinking and generate novel solutions to problems. An important distinction exists between it and a UX design process such as design thinking. It’s that designers consider user needs in creative problem solving techniques, but they don’t necessarily have to make their users’ needs the primary focus. For example, a design team might trigger totally novel ideas from random stimuli—as opposed to working systematically from the initial stages of empathizing with their users. Even so, creative problem solving methods still tend to follow a process with structured stages. 

What are 4 Stages of Creative Problem Solving?

The model, adapted from Osborn’s original, typically features these steps:  

Clarify: Design teams first explore the area they want to find a solution within. They work to spot the challenge, problem or even goal they want to identify. They also start to collect data or information about it. It’s vital to understand the exact nature of the problem at this stage. So, design teams must build a clear picture of the issue they seek to tackle creatively. When they define the problem like this, they can start to question it with potential solutions.  

Ideate: Now that the team has a grasp of the problem that faces them, they can start to work to come up with potential solutions. They think divergently in brainstorming sessions and other ways to solve problems creatively, and approach the problem from as many angles as they can.  

Develop: Once the team has explored the potential solutions, they evaluate these and find the strongest and weakest qualities in each. Then, they commit to the one they decide is the best option for the problem at hand.  

Implement: Once the team has decided on the best fit for what they want to use, they discuss how to put this solution into action. They gauge its acceptability for stakeholders. Plus, they develop an accurate understanding of the activities and resources necessary to see it become a real, bankable solution.  

What Else does CPS Involve?

A diagram showing Divergent and Convergent thinking as a process between a problem and solution.

© Interaction Design Foundation, CC BY-SA 4.0

Two keys to the enterprise of creative problem solving are:  

Divergent Thinking

This is an ideation mode which designers leverage to widen their design space when they start to search for potential solutions. They generate as many new ideas as possible using various methods. For example, team members might use brainstorming or bad ideas to explore the vast area of possibilities. To think divergently means to go for:  

Quantity over quality: Teams generate ideas without fear of judgment (critically evaluating these ideas comes later). 

Novel ideas: Teams use disruptive and lateral thinking to break away from linear thinking and strive for truly original and extraordinary ideas.  

Choice creation: The freedom to explore the design space helps teams maximize their options, not only regarding potential solutions but also about how they understand the problem itself.  

Author and Human-Computer Interactivity Expert, Professor Alan Dix explains some techniques that are helpful for divergent thinking:  

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Convergent Thinking

This is the complementary half of the equation. In this ideation mode, designers analyze, filter, evaluate, clarify and modify the ideas they generated during divergent thinking. They use analytical, vertical and linear thinking to isolate novel and useful ideas, understand the design space possibilities and get nearer to potential solutions that will work best. The purpose with convergent thinking is to carefully and creatively:  

Look past logical norms (which people use in everyday critical thinking). 

Examine how an idea stands in relation to the problem.  

Understand the real dimensions of that problem.    

Professor Alan Dix explains convergent thinking in this video:  

What are the Benefits of Creative Problem Solving?

Design teams especially can benefit from this creative approach to problem solving because it:  

Empowers teams to arrive at a fine-grained definition of the problem they need to ideate over in a given situation.  

Gives a structured, learnable way to conduct problem-solving activities and direct them towards the most fruitful outcomes.  

Involves numerous techniques such as brainstorming and SCAMPER, so teams have more chances to explore the problem space more thoroughly.  

Can lead to large numbers of possible solutions thanks to a dedicated balance of divergent and convergent thinking.  

Values and nurtures designers and teams to create innovative design solutions in an accepting, respectful atmosphere.  

Is a collaborative approach that enables multiple participants to contribute—which makes for a positive environment with buy-in from those who participate.  

Enables teams to work out the most optimal solution available and examine all angles carefully before they put it into action.  

Is applicable in various contexts—such as business, arts and education—as well as in many areas of life in general.  

It’s especially crucial to see the value of creative problem solving in how it promotes out-of-the-box thinking as one of the valuable ingredients for teams to leverage.   

Watch as Professor Alan Dix explains how to think outside the box:  

How to Conduct Creative Problem Solving Best?

It’s important to point out that designers should consider—and stick to—some best practices when it comes to applying creative problem solving techniques. They should also adhere to some “house rules,” which the facilitator should define in no uncertain terms at the start of each session. So, designers and design teams should:  

Define the chief goal of the problem-solving activity: Everyone involved should be on the same page regarding their objective and what they want to achieve, why it’s essential to do it and how it aligns with the values of the brand. For example, SWOT analysis can help with this. Clarity is vital in this early stage.  Before team members can hope to work on ideating for potential solutions, they must recognize and clearly identify what the problem to tackle is.  

Have access to accurate information: A design team must be up to date with the realities that their brand faces, realities that their users and customers face, as well as what’s going on in the industry and facts about their competitors. A team must work to determine what the desired outcome is, as well as what the stakeholders’ needs and wants are. Another factor to consider in detail is what the benefits and risks of addressing a scenario or problem are—including the pros and cons that stakeholders and users would face if team members direct their attention on a particular area or problem.   

Suspend judgment: This is particularly important for two main reasons. For one, participants can challenge assumptions that might be blocking healthy ideation when they suggest ideas or elements of ideas that would otherwise seem of little value through a “traditional” lens. Second, if everyone’s free to suggest ideas without constraints, it promotes a calmer environment of acceptance—and so team members will be more likely to ideate better. Judgment will come later, in convergent thinking when the team works to tighten the net around the most effective solution. So, everyone should keep to positive language and encourage improvisational tactics—such as “yes…and”—so ideas can develop well.  

Balance divergent and convergent thinking: It’s important to know the difference between the two styles of thinking and when to practice them. This is why in a session like brainstorming, a facilitator must take control of proceedings and ensure the team engages in distinct divergent and convergent thinking sessions.  

Approach problems as questions: For example, “How Might We” questions can prompt team members to generate a great deal of ideas. That’s because they’re open-ended—as opposed to questions with “yes” or “no” answers. When a team frames a problem so freely, it permits them to explore far into the problem space so they can find the edges of the real matter at hand.  

An illustration showing the How Might We Formula with an example.

UX Strategist and Consultant, William Hudson explains “How Might We” questions in this video:  

Use a variety of ideation methods: For example, in the divergent stage, teams can apply methods such as random metaphors or bad ideas to venture into a vast expanse of uncharted territory. With random metaphors, a team prompts innovation by drawing creative associations. With bad ideas, the point is to come up with ideas that are weird, wild and outrageous, as team members can then determine if valuable points exist in the idea—or a “bad” idea might even expose flaws in conventional ways of seeing problems and situations.  

Professor Alan Dix explains important points about bad ideas:  

  • Copyright holder: William Heath Robinson. Appearance time: 1:30 - 1:33 Copyright license and terms: Public domain. Link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/William_Heath_Robinson_Inventions_-_Page_142.png
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What Special Considerations Should Designers Have for CPS?

Creative problem solving isn’t the only process design teams consider when thinking of potential risks. Teams that involve themselves in ideation sessions can run into problems, especially if they aren’t aware of them. Here are the main areas to watch:  

Bias is natural and human. Unfortunately, it can get in the way of user research and prevent a team from being truly creative and innovative. What’s more, it can utterly hinder the iterative process that should drive creative ideas to the best destinations. Bias takes many forms. It can rear its head without a design team member even realizing it. So, it’s vital to remember this and check it. One team member may examine an angle of the problem at hand and unconsciously view it through a lens. Then, they might voice a suggestion without realizing how they might have framed it for team members to hear. Another risk is that other team members might, for example, apply confirmation bias and overlook important points about potential solutions because they’re not in line with what they’re looking for.  

Professor Alan Dix explains bias and fixation as obstacles in creative problem solving examples, and how to overcome them:  


Even in the most hopeful ideation sessions, there’s the risk that some team members may slide back to conventional ways to address a problem. They might climb back inside “the box” and not even realize it. That’s why it’s important to mindfully explore new idea territories around the situation under scrutiny and not merely toy with the notion while clinging to a default “traditional” approach, just because it’s the way the brand or others have “always done things.”   

Dominant Personalities and Rank Pulling

As with any group discussion, it’s vital for the facilitator to ensure that everyone has the chance to contribute. Team members with “louder” personalities can dominate the discussions and keep quieter members from offering their thoughts. Plus, without a level playing field, it can be hard for more junior members to join in without feeling a sense of talking out of place or even a fear of reprisal for disagreeing with senior members.  

Another point is that ideation sessions naturally involve asking many questions, which can bring on two issues. First, some individuals may over-defend their ideas as they’re protective of them. Second, team members may feel self-conscious as they might think if they ask many questions that it makes them appear frivolous or unintelligent. So, it’s vital for facilitators to ensure that all team members can speak up and ask away, both in divergent thinking sessions when they can offer ideas and convergent thinking sessions when they analyze others’ ideas.  

Premature Commitment

Another potential risk to any creativity exercise is that once a team senses a solution is the “best” one, everyone can start to shut off and overlook the chance that an alternative may still arise. This could be a symptom of ideation fatigue or a false consensus that a proposed solution is infallible. So, it’s vital that team members keep open minds and try to catch potential issues with the best-looking solution as early as possible. The key is an understanding of the need for iteration—something that’s integral to the design thinking process, for example.   

A diagram of the 5-stage Design Thinking Process.

Overall, creative problem solving can help give a design team the altitude—and attitude—they need to explore the problem and solution spaces thoroughly. Team members can leverage a range of techniques to trawl through the hordes of possibilities that exist for virtually any design scenario. As with any method or tool, though, it takes mindful application and awareness of potential hazards to wield it properly. The most effective creative problem-solving sessions will be ones that keep “creative,” “problem” and “solving” in sharp focus until what emerges for the target audience proves to be more than the sum of these parts.  

Learn More About Creative Problem Solving

Take our course, Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services . 

Watch our Master Class Harness Your Creativity To Design Better Products with Alan Dix, Professor, Author and Creativity Expert. 

Read our piece, 10 Simple Ideas to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing . 

Go to Exploring the Art of Innovation: Design Thinking vs. Creative Problem Solving by Marcino Waas for further details. 

Consult Creative Problem Solving by Harrison Stamell for more insights.  

Read The Osborn Parnes Creative Problem-Solving Process by Leigh Espy for additional information.  

See History of the creative problem-solving process by Jo North for more on the history of Creative Problem Solving. 

Questions about Creative Problem Solving

To start with, work to understand the user’s needs and pain points. Do your user research—interviews, surveys and observations are helpful, for instance. Analyze this data so you can spot patterns and insights. Define the problem clearly—and it needs to be extremely clear for the solution to be able to address it—and make sure it lines up with the users’ goals and your project’s objectives. 

You and your design team might hold a brainstorming session. It could be a variation such as brainwalking—where you move about the room ideating—or brainwriting, where you write down ideas. Alternatively, you could try generating weird and wonderful notions in a bad ideas ideation session. 

There’s a wealth of techniques you can use. In any case, engage stakeholders in brainstorming sessions to bring different perspectives on board the team’s trains of thought. What’s more, you can use tools like a Problem Statement Template to articulate the problem concisely. 

Take our course, Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services . 

Watch as Author and Human-Computer Interaction Expert, Professor Alan Dix explains important points about bad ideas:  

Some things you might try are:  1. Change your environment: A new setting can stimulate fresh ideas. So, take a walk, visit a different room, or work outside. 

2. Try to break the problem down into smaller parts: Focus on just one piece at a time—that should make the task far less overwhelming. Use techniques like mind mapping so you can start to visualize connections and come up with ideas. 

3. Step away from work and indulge in activities that relax your mind: Is it listening to music for you? Or how about drawing? Or exercising? Whatever it is, if you break out of your routine and get into a relaxation groove, it can spark new thoughts and perspectives. 

4. Collaborate with others: Discuss the problem with colleagues, stakeholders, or—as long as you don’t divulge sensitive information or company secrets—friends. It can help you to get different viewpoints, and sometimes those new angles and fresh perspectives can help unlock a solution. 

5. Set aside dedicated time for creative thinking: Take time to get intense with creativity; prevent distractions and just immerse yourself in the problem as fully as you can with your team. Use techniques like brainstorming or the "Six Thinking Hats" to travel around the problem space and explore a wealth of angles. 

Remember, a persistent spirit and an open mind are key; so, keep experimenting with different approaches until you get that breakthrough. 

Watch as Professor Alan Dix explains important aspects of creativity and how to handle creative blocks: 

Read our piece, 10 Simple Ideas to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing . 

Watch as Professor Alan Dix explains the Six Thinking Hats ideation technique. 

Creative thinking is about coming up with new and innovative ideas by looking at problems from different angles—and imagining solutions that are truly fresh and unique. It takes an emphasis on divergent thinking to get “out there” and be original in the problem space. You can use techniques like brainstorming, mind mapping and free association to explore hordes of possibilities, many of which might be “hiding” in obscure corners of your—or someone on your team’s—imagination. 

Critical thinking is at the other end of the scale. It’s the convergent half of the divergent-convergent thinking approach. In that approach, once the ideation team have hauled in a good catch of ideas, it’s time for team members to analyze and evaluate these ideas to see how valid and effective each is. Everyone strives to consider the evidence, draw logical connections and eliminate any biases that could be creeping in to cloud judgments. Accuracy, sifting and refining are watchwords here. 

Watch as Professor Alan Dix explains divergent and convergent thinking: 

The tools you can use are in no short supply, and they’re readily available and inexpensive, too. Here are a few examples: 

Tools like mind maps are great ways to help you visualize ideas and make connections between them and elements within them. Try sketching out your thoughts and see how they relate to each other—you might discover unexpected gems, or germs of an idea that can splinter into something better, with more thought and development. 

The SCAMPER technique is another one you can try. It can help you catapult your mind into a new idea space as you Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse aspects of the problem you’re considering. 

The “5 Whys” technique is a good one to drill down to root causes with. Once you’ve spotted a problem, you can start working your way back to see what’s behind it. Then you do the same to work back to the cause of the cause. Keep going; usually five times will be enough to see what started the other problems as the root cause. 

Watch as the Father of UX Design, Don Norman explains the 5 Whys technique: 

Read all about SCAMPER in our topic definition of it. 

It’s natural for some things to get in the way of being creative in the face of a problem. It can be challenging enough to ideate creatively on your own, but it’s especially the case in group settings. Here are some common obstacles: 

1. Fear of failure or appearing “silly”: when people worry about making mistakes or sounding silly, they avoid taking risks and exploring new ideas. This fear stifles creativity. That’s why ideation sessions like bad ideas are so valuable—it turns this fear on its head. 

2. Rigid thinking: This can also raise itself as a high and thick barrier. If someone in an ideation session clings to established ways to approach problems (and potential solutions), it can hamper their ability to see different perspectives, let alone agree with them. They might even comment critically to dampen what might just be the brightest way forward. It takes an open mind and an awareness of one’s own bias to overcome this. 

3. Time pressure and resource scarcity: When a team has tight deadlines to work to, they may rush to the first workable solution and ignore a wide range of possibilities where the true best solution might be hiding. That’s why stakeholders and managers should give everyone enough time—as well as any needed tools, materials and support—to ideate and experiment. The best solution is in everybody’s interest, after all.  

It takes a few ingredients to get the environment just right for creative problem solving:  

Get in the mood for creativity: This could be a relaxing activity before you start your session, or a warm-up activity in the room. Then, later, encourage short breaks—they can rejuvenate the mind and help bring on fresh insights.  

Get the physical environment just right for creating problem solving: You and your team will want a comfortable and flexible workspace—preferably away from your workstations. Make sure the room is one where people can collaborate easily and also where they can work quietly. A meeting room is good as it will typically have room for whiteboards and comfortable space for group discussion. Note: you’ll also need sticky notes and other art supplies like markers. 

Make the atmosphere conducive for creative problem solving: Someone will need to play facilitator so everyone has some ground rules to work with. Encourage everyone to share ideas, that all ideas are valuable, and that egos and seniority have no place in the room. Of course, this may take some enforcement and repetition—especially as "louder" team members may try to dominate proceedings, anyway, and others may be self-conscious about sounding "ridiculous." 

Make sure you’ve got a diverse team: Diversity means different perspectives, which means richer and more innovative solutions can turn up. So, try to include individuals with different backgrounds, skills and viewpoints—sometimes, non-technical mindsets can spot ideas and points in a technical realm, which experienced programmers might miss, for instance. 

Watch our Master Class Harness Your Creativity To Design Better Products with Alan Dix, Professor, Author and Creativity Expert. 

Ideating alone? Watch as Professor Alan Dix gives valuable tips about how to nurture creativity: 

  • Copyright holder: GerritR. Appearance time: 6:54 - 6:59 Copyright license and terms: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blick_auf_das_Dylan_Thomas_Boathouse_und_die_Trichterm%C3%BCndung_des_Taf,_Wales.jpg

Research plays a crucial role in any kind of creative problem solving, and in creative problem solving itself it’s about collecting information about the problem—and, by association, the users themselves. You and your team members need to have a well-defined grasp of what you’re facing before you can start reaching out into the wide expanses of the idea space.  

Research helps you lay down a foundation of knowledge and avoid reinventing the wheel. Also, if you study existing solutions and industry trends, you’ll be able to understand what has worked before and what hasn't.  

What’s more, research is what will validate the ideas that come out of your ideation efforts. From testing concepts and prototypes with real users, you’ll get precious input about your creative solutions so you can fine-tune them to be innovative and practical—and give users what they want in a way that’s fresh and successful. 

Watch as UX Strategist and Consultant, William Hudson explains important points about user research: 

First, it’s crucial for a facilitator to make sure the divergent stage of the creative problem solving is over and your team is on to the convergent stage. Only then should any analysis happen.  

If others are being critical of your creative solutions, listen carefully and stay open-minded. Look on it as a chance to improve, and don’t take it personally. Indeed, the session facilitator should moderate to make sure everyone understands the nature of constructive criticism.  

If something’s unclear, be sure to ask the team member to be more specific, so you can understand their points clearly. 

Then, reflect on what you’ve heard. Is it valid? Something you can improve or explain? For example, in a bad ideas session, there may be an aspect of your idea that you can develop among the “bad” parts surrounding it. 

So, if you can, clarify any misunderstandings and explain your thought process. Just stay positive and calm and explain things to your critic and other team member. The insights you’ve picked up may strengthen your solution and help to refine it. 

Last—but not least—make sure you hear multiple perspectives. When you hear from different team members, chances are you’ll get a balanced view. It can also help you spot common themes and actionable improvements you might make. 

Watch as Todd Zaki Warfel, Author, Speaker and Leadership Coach, explains how to present design ideas to clients, a valuable skill in light of discussing feedback from stakeholders. 

Lateral thinking is a technique where you approach problems from new and unexpected angles. It encourages you to put aside conventional step-by-step logic and get “out there” to explore creative and unorthodox solutions. Author, physician and commentator Edward de Bono developed lateral thinking as a way to help break free from traditional patterns of thought. 

In creative problem solving, you can use lateral thinking to come up with truly innovative ideas—ones that standard logical processes might overlook. It’s about bypassing these so you can challenge assumptions and explore alternatives that point you and your team to breakthrough solutions. 

You can use techniques like brainstorming to apply lateral thinking and access ideas that are truly “outside the box” and what your team, your brand and your target audience really need to work on. 

Professor Alan Dix explains lateral thinking in this video: 

1. Baer, J. (2012). Domain Specificity and The Limits of Creativity Theory . The Journal of Creative Behavior, 46(1), 16–29.   John Baer's influential paper challenged the notion of a domain-general theory of creativity and argued for the importance of considering domain-specific factors in creative problem solving. This work has been highly influential in shaping the understanding of creativity as a domain-specific phenomenon and has implications for the assessment and development of creativity in various domains. 

2. Runco, M. A., & Jaeger, G. J. (2012). The Standard Definition of Creativity . Creativity Research Journal, 24(1), 92–96.   Mark A. Runco and Gerard J. Jaeger's paper proposed a standard definition of creativity, which has been widely adopted in the field. They defined creativity as the production of original and effective ideas, products, or solutions that are appropriate to the task at hand. This definition has been influential in providing a common framework for creativity research and assessment. 

1. Fogler, H. S., LeBlanc, S. E., & Rizzo, B. (2014). Strategies for Creative Problem Solving (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. 

This book focuses on developing creative problem-solving strategies, particularly in engineering and technical contexts. It introduces various heuristic problem-solving techniques, optimization methods, and design thinking principles. The authors provide a systematic framework for approaching ill-defined problems, generating and implementing solutions, and evaluating the outcomes. With its practical exercises and real-world examples, this book has been influential in equipping professionals and students with the skills to tackle complex challenges creatively. 

2. De Bono, E. (1985). Six Thinking Hats . Little, Brown and Company.   

Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats introduces a powerful technique for parallel thinking and decision-making. The book outlines six different "hats" or perspectives that individuals can adopt to approach a problem or situation from various angles. This structured approach encourages creative problem-solving by separating different modes of thinking, such as emotional, logical, and creative perspectives. De Bono's work has been highly influential in promoting lateral thinking and providing a practical framework for group problem solving. 

3. Osborn, A. F. (1963). Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures of Creative Problem-Solving (3rd ed.). Charles Scribner's Sons.  

Alex F. Osborn's Applied Imagination is a pioneering work that introduced the concept of brainstorming and other creative problem-solving techniques. Osborn emphasized how important it is to defer judgment and generate a large quantity of ideas before evaluating them. This book laid the groundwork for many subsequent developments in the field of creative problem-solving, and it’s been influential in promoting the use of structured ideation processes in various domains. 

Answer a Short Quiz to Earn a Gift

What is the first stage in the creative problem-solving process?

  • Implementation
  • Idea Generation
  • Problem Identification

Which technique is commonly used during the idea generation stage of creative problem-solving?

  • Brainstorming
  • Prototyping

What is the main purpose of the evaluation stage in creative problem-solving?

  • To generate as many ideas as possible
  • To implement the solution
  • To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of ideas

In the creative problem-solving process, what often follows after implementing a solution?

  • Testing and Refinement

Which stage in the creative problem-solving process focuses on generating multiple possible solutions?

Better luck next time!

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Literature on Creative Problem Solving

Here’s the entire UX literature on Creative Problem Solving by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Creative Problem Solving

Take a deep dive into Creative Problem Solving with our course Creativity: Methods to Design Better Products and Services .

The overall goal of this course is to help you design better products, services and experiences by helping you and your team develop innovative and useful solutions. You’ll learn a human-focused, creative design process.

We’re going to show you what creativity is as well as a wealth of ideation methods ―both for generating new ideas and for developing your ideas further. You’ll learn skills and step-by-step methods you can use throughout the entire creative process. We’ll supply you with lots of templates and guides so by the end of the course you’ll have lots of hands-on methods you can use for your and your team’s ideation sessions. You’re also going to learn how to plan and time-manage a creative process effectively.

Most of us need to be creative in our work regardless of if we design user interfaces, write content for a website, work out appropriate workflows for an organization or program new algorithms for system backend. However, we all get those times when the creative step, which we so desperately need, simply does not come. That can seem scary—but trust us when we say that anyone can learn how to be creative­ on demand . This course will teach you ways to break the impasse of the empty page. We'll teach you methods which will help you find novel and useful solutions to a particular problem, be it in interaction design, graphics, code or something completely different. It’s not a magic creativity machine, but when you learn to put yourself in this creative mental state, new and exciting things will happen.

In the “Build Your Portfolio: Ideation Project” , you’ll find a series of practical exercises which together form a complete ideation project so you can get your hands dirty right away. If you want to complete these optional exercises, you will get hands-on experience with the methods you learn and in the process you’ll create a case study for your portfolio which you can show your future employer or freelance customers.

Your instructor is Alan Dix . He’s a creativity expert, professor and co-author of the most popular and impactful textbook in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Alan has worked with creativity for the last 30+ years, and he’ll teach you his favorite techniques as well as show you how to make room for creativity in your everyday work and life.

You earn a verifiable and industry-trusted Course Certificate once you’ve completed the course. You can highlight it on your resume , your LinkedIn profile or your website .

All open-source articles on Creative Problem Solving

10 simple ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

example for creative problem solving

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Creative problem solving: basics, techniques, activities

Why is creative problem solving so important.

Problem-solving is a part of almost every person's daily life at home and in the workplace. Creative problem solving helps us understand our environment, identify the things we want or need to change, and find a solution to improve the environment's performance.

Creative problem solving is essential for individuals and organizations because it helps us control what's happening in our environment.

Humans have learned to observe the environment and identify risks that may lead to specific outcomes in the future. Anticipating is helpful not only for fixing broken things but also for influencing the performance of items.

Creative problem solving is not just about fixing broken things; it's about innovating and creating something new. Observing and analyzing the environment, we identify opportunities for new ideas that will improve our environment in the future.

The 7-step creative problem-solving process

The creative problem-solving process usually consists of seven steps.

1. Define the problem.

The very first step in the CPS process is understanding the problem itself. You may think that it's the most natural step, but sometimes what we consider a problem is not a problem. We are very often mistaken about the real issue and misunderstood them. You need to analyze the situation. Otherwise, the wrong question will bring your CPS process in the wrong direction. Take the time to understand the problem and clear up any doubts or confusion.

2. Research the problem.

Once you identify the problem, you need to gather all possible data to find the best workable solution. Use various data sources for research. Start with collecting data from search engines, but don't forget about traditional sources like libraries. You can also ask your friends or colleagues who can share additional thoughts on your issue. Asking questions on forums is a good option, too.

3. Make challenge questions.

After you've researched the problem and collected all the necessary details about it, formulate challenge questions. They should encourage you to generate ideas and be short and focused only on one issue. You may start your challenge questions with "How might I…?" or "In what way could I…?" Then try to answer them.

4. Generate ideas.

Now you are ready to brainstorm ideas. Here it is the stage where the creativity starts. You must note each idea you brainstorm, even if it seems crazy, not inefficient from your first point of view. You can fix your thoughts on a sheet of paper or use any up-to-date tools developed for these needs.

5. Test and review the ideas.

Then you need to evaluate your ideas and choose the one you believe is the perfect solution. Think whether the possible solutions are workable and implementing them will solve the problem. If the result doesn't fix the issue, test the next idea. Repeat your tests until the best solution is found.

6. Create an action plan.

Once you've found the perfect solution, you need to work out the implementation steps. Think about what you need to implement the solution and how it will take.

7. Implement the plan.

Now it's time to implement your solution and resolve the issue.

Top 5 Easy creative thinking techniques to use at work

1. brainstorming.

Brainstorming is one of the most glaring CPS techniques, and it's beneficial. You can practice it in a group or individually.

Define the problem you need to resolve and take notes of every idea you generate. Don't judge your thoughts, even if you think they are strange. After you create a list of ideas, let your colleagues vote for the best idea.

2. Drawing techniques

It's very convenient to visualize concepts and ideas by drawing techniques such as mind mapping or creating concept maps. They are used for organizing thoughts and building connections between ideas. These techniques have a lot in common, but still, they have some differences.

When starting a mind map, you need to put the key concept in the center and add new connections. You can discover as many joints as you can.

Concept maps represent the structure of knowledge stored in our minds about a particular topic. One of the key characteristics of a concept map is its hierarchical structure, which means placing specific concepts under more general ones.

3. SWOT Analysis

The SWOT technique is used during the strategic planning stage before the actual brainstorming of ideas. It helps you identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your project, idea, or business. Once you analyze these characteristics, you are ready to generate possible solutions to your problem.

4. Random words

This technique is one of the simplest to use for generating ideas. It's often applied by people who need to create a new product, for example. You need to prepare a list of random words, expressions, or stories and put them on the desk or board or write them down on a large sheet of paper.

Once you have a list of random words, you should think of associations with them and analyze how they work with the problem. Since our brain is good at making connections, the associations will stimulate brainstorming of new ideas.

5. Storyboarding

This CPS method is popular because it tells a story visually. This technique is based on a step-creation process. Follow this instruction to see the storyboarding process in progress:

  • Set a problem and write down the steps you need to reach your goal.
  • Put the actions in the right order.
  • Make sub-steps for some steps if necessary. This will help you see the process in detail.
  • Evaluate your moves and try to identify problems in it. It's necessary for predicting possible negative scenarios.

7 Ways to improve your creative problem-solving skills

1. play brain games.

It's considered that brain games are an excellent way to stimulate human brain function. They develop a lot of thinking skills that are crucial for creative problem-solving.

You can solve puzzles or play math games, for example. These activities will bring you many benefits, including strong logical, critical, and analytical thinking skills.

If you are keen on playing fun math games and solving complicated logic tasks, try LogicLike online.

We created 3500+ puzzles, mathematical games, and brain exercises. Our website and mobile app, developed for adults and kids, help to make pastime more productive just in one place.

2. Practice asking questions

Reasoning stimulates you to generate new ideas and solutions. To make the CPS process more accessible, ask questions about different things. By developing curiosity, you get more information that broadens your background. The more you know about a specific topic, the more solutions you will be able to generate. Make it your useful habit to ask questions. You can research on your own. Alternatively, you can ask someone who is an expert in the field. Anyway, this will help you improve your CPS skills.

3. Challenge yourself with new opportunities

After you've gained a certain level of creativity, you shouldn't stop developing your skills. Try something new, and don't be afraid of challenging yourself with more complicated methods and techniques. Don't use the same tools and solutions for similar problems. Learn from your experience and make another step to move to the next level.

4. Master your expertise

If you want to keep on generating creative ideas, you need to master your skills in the industry you are working in. The better you understand your industry vertical, the more comfortable you identify problems, find connections between them, and create actionable solutions.

Once you are satisfied with your professional life, you shouldn't stop learning new things and get additional knowledge in your field. It's vital if you want to be creative both in professional and daily life. Broaden your background to brainstorm more innovative solutions.

5. Develop persistence

If you understand why you go through this CPS challenge and why you need to come up with a resolution to your problem, you are more motivated to go through the obstacles you face. By doing this, you develop persistence that enables you to move forward toward a goal.

Practice persistence in daily routine or at work. For example, you can minimize the time you need to implement your action plan. Alternatively, some problems require a long-term period to accomplish a goal. That's why you need to follow the steps or try different solutions until you find what works for solving your problem. Don't forget about the reason why you need to find a solution to motivate yourself to be persistent.

6. Improve emotional intelligence

Empathy is a critical element of emotional intelligence. It means that you can view the issues from the perspective of other people. By practicing compassion, you can understand your colleagues that work on the project together with you. Understanding will help you implement the solutions that are beneficial for you and others.

7. Use a thinking strategy

You are mistaken if you think that creative thinking is an unstructured process. Any thinking process is a multi-step procedure, and creative thinking isn't an exclusion. Always follow a particular strategy framework while finding a solution. It will make your thinking activity more efficient and result-oriented.

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How to Be a More Creative Problem-Solver at Work: 8 Tips

Business professionals using creative problem-solving at work

  • 01 Mar 2022

The importance of creativity in the workplace—particularly when problem-solving—is undeniable. Business leaders can’t approach new problems with old solutions and expect the same result.

This is where innovation-based processes need to guide problem-solving. Here’s an overview of what creative problem-solving is, along with tips on how to use it in conjunction with design thinking.

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What Is Creative Problem-Solving?

Encountering problems with no clear cause can be frustrating. This occurs when there’s disagreement around a defined problem or research yields unclear results. In such situations, creative problem-solving helps develop solutions, despite a lack of clarity.

While creative problem-solving is less structured than other forms of innovation, it encourages exploring open-ended ideas and shifting perspectives—thereby fostering innovation and easier adaptation in the workplace. It also works best when paired with other innovation-based processes, such as design thinking .

Creative Problem-Solving and Design Thinking

Design thinking is a solutions-based mentality that encourages innovation and problem-solving. It’s guided by an iterative process that Harvard Business School Dean Srikant Datar outlines in four stages in the online course Design Thinking and Innovation :

The four stages of design thinking: clarify, ideate, develop, and implement

  • Clarify: This stage involves researching a problem through empathic observation and insights.
  • Ideate: This stage focuses on generating ideas and asking open-ended questions based on observations made during the clarification stage.
  • Develop: The development stage involves exploring possible solutions based on the ideas you generate. Experimentation and prototyping are both encouraged.
  • Implement: The final stage is a culmination of the previous three. It involves finalizing a solution’s development and communicating its value to stakeholders.

Although user research is an essential first step in the design thinking process, there are times when it can’t identify a problem’s root cause. Creative problem-solving addresses this challenge by promoting the development of new perspectives.

Leveraging tools like design thinking and creativity at work can further your problem-solving abilities. Here are eight tips for doing so.

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8 Creative Problem-Solving Tips

1. empathize with your audience.

A fundamental practice of design thinking’s clarify stage is empathy. Understanding your target audience can help you find creative and relevant solutions for their pain points through observing them and asking questions.

Practice empathy by paying attention to others’ needs and avoiding personal comparisons. The more you understand your audience, the more effective your solutions will be.

2. Reframe Problems as Questions

If a problem is difficult to define, reframe it as a question rather than a statement. For example, instead of saying, "The problem is," try framing around a question like, "How might we?" Think creatively by shifting your focus from the problem to potential solutions.

Consider this hypothetical case study: You’re the owner of a local coffee shop trying to fill your tip jar. Approaching the situation with a problem-focused mindset frames this as: "We need to find a way to get customers to tip more." If you reframe this as a question, however, you can explore: "How might we make it easier for customers to tip?" When you shift your focus from the shop to the customer, you empathize with your audience. You can take this train of thought one step further and consider questions such as: "How might we provide a tipping method for customers who don't carry cash?"

Whether you work at a coffee shop, a startup, or a Fortune 500 company, reframing can help surface creative solutions to problems that are difficult to define.

3. Defer Judgment of Ideas

If you encounter an idea that seems outlandish or unreasonable, a natural response would be to reject it. This instant judgment impedes creativity. Even if ideas seem implausible, they can play a huge part in ideation. It's important to permit the exploration of original ideas.

While judgment can be perceived as negative, it’s crucial to avoid accepting ideas too quickly. If you love an idea, don’t immediately pursue it. Give equal consideration to each proposal and build on different concepts instead of acting on them immediately.

4. Overcome Cognitive Fixedness

Cognitive fixedness is a state of mind that prevents you from recognizing a situation’s alternative solutions or interpretations instead of considering every situation through the lens of past experiences.

Although it's efficient in the short-term, cognitive fixedness interferes with creative thinking because it prevents you from approaching situations unbiased. It's important to be aware of this tendency so you can avoid it.

5. Balance Divergent and Convergent Thinking

One of the key principles of creative problem-solving is the balance of divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is the process of brainstorming multiple ideas without limitation; open-ended creativity is encouraged. It’s an effective tool for generating ideas, but not every idea can be explored. Divergent thinking eventually needs to be grounded in reality.

Convergent thinking, on the other hand, is the process of narrowing ideas down into a few options. While converging ideas too quickly stifles creativity, it’s an important step that bridges the gap between ideation and development. It's important to strike a healthy balance between both to allow for the ideation and exploration of creative ideas.

6. Use Creative Tools

Using creative tools is another way to foster innovation. Without a clear cause for a problem, such tools can help you avoid cognitive fixedness and abrupt decision-making. Here are several examples:

Problem Stories

Creating a problem story requires identifying undesired phenomena (UDP) and taking note of events that precede and result from them. The goal is to reframe the situations to visualize their cause and effect.

To start, identify a UDP. Then, discover what events led to it. Observe and ask questions of your consumer base to determine the UDP’s cause.

Next, identify why the UDP is a problem. What effect does the UDP have that necessitates changing the status quo? It's helpful to visualize each event in boxes adjacent to one another when answering such questions.

The problem story can be extended in either direction, as long as there are additional cause-and-effect relationships. Once complete, focus on breaking the chains connecting two subsequent events by disrupting the cause-and-effect relationship between them.

Alternate Worlds

The alternate worlds tool encourages you to consider how people from different backgrounds would approach similar situations. For instance, how would someone in hospitality versus manufacturing approach the same problem? This tool isn't intended to instantly solve problems but, rather, to encourage idea generation and creativity.

7. Use Positive Language

It's vital to maintain a positive mindset when problem-solving and avoid negative words that interfere with creativity. Positive language prevents quick judgments and overcomes cognitive fixedness. Instead of "no, but," use words like "yes, and."

Positive language makes others feel heard and valued rather than shut down. This practice doesn’t necessitate agreeing with every idea but instead approaching each from a positive perspective.

Using “yes, and” as a tool for further idea exploration is also effective. If someone presents an idea, build upon it using “yes, and.” What additional features could improve it? How could it benefit consumers beyond its intended purpose?

While it may not seem essential, this small adjustment can make a big difference in encouraging creativity.

8. Practice Design Thinking

Practicing design thinking can make you a more creative problem-solver. While commonly associated with the workplace, adopting a design thinking mentality can also improve your everyday life. Here are several ways you can practice design thinking:

  • Learn from others: There are many examples of design thinking in business . Review case studies to learn from others’ successes, research problems companies haven't addressed, and consider alternative solutions using the design thinking process.
  • Approach everyday problems with a design thinking mentality: One of the best ways to practice design thinking is to apply it to your daily life. Approach everyday problems using design thinking’s four-stage framework to uncover what solutions it yields.
  • Study design thinking: While learning design thinking independently is a great place to start, taking an online course can offer more insight and practical experience. The right course can teach you important skills , increase your marketability, and provide valuable networking opportunities.

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Ready to Become a Creative Problem-Solver?

Though creativity comes naturally to some, it's an acquired skill for many. Regardless of which category you're in, improving your ability to innovate is a valuable endeavor. Whether you want to bolster your creativity or expand your professional skill set, taking an innovation-based course can enhance your problem-solving.

If you're ready to become a more creative problem-solver, explore Design Thinking and Innovation , one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses . If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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Creative Problem-Solving Approach: Skills, Framework, 3 Real-life Examples

What is creative problem-solving, creative problem-solving framework, 3 real-life examples of creative problem solving:, skills to develop for creative problem-solving.

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  • Identifying the Real Problem : Imagine you wake up to a cold shower. The obvious problem? No hot water! But before you start dismantling the showerhead, take a step back. Is it a faulty heating element, a low thermostat setting, or a bigger issue with the building’s plumbing? This initial step is crucial. Ask yourself questions like “What are the symptoms?” and “When did this problem start?”. In our shower scenario, identifying the root cause (a faulty heating element) saves you time and unnecessary tinkering.
  • Generating Wild Ideas : Now, it’s time to unleash your creativity! Remember that brainstorming session in school where every idea, no matter how wacky, was welcome? That’s the spirit! Back to our chilly shower situation, ideas might include: boiling water on the stove for a makeshift bath (not ideal!), calling the landlord for repairs (the most likely solution!), or – if you’re feeling adventurous – installing a solar water heater (hey, it could work!).
  • Evaluating Ideas: Okay, so you have a list of ideas, from the practical to the downright peculiar. Here comes the filter. Evaluate each idea based on realistic criteria. For the shower scenario, fixing the heating element is likely the most feasible and impactful solution. While a solar water heater might be innovative, the cost and practicality might not make it the best choice at this moment.
  • From Idea to Action Plan: We’ve identified the best course of action (fixing the heating element). Now, it’s time to develop a concrete solution. This might involve calling a plumber, gathering the necessary tools, or researching DIY repair tutorials (if you’re handy!). The key is to create a clear plan that addresses the problem directly.
  • Putting Your Solution to the Test : The plan is in place, it’s time to implement! In our case, this means calling the plumber and getting that heating element fixed. Once the repair is done, take a celebratory hot shower! But remember, even the best plans can have hiccups. If the hot water issue persists, you might need to re-evaluate your initial diagnosis or call the plumber back for further troubleshooting.
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  • Netflix:  The company revolutionized how we watch TV shows and movies. However, when the company started, it faced a big challenge – getting people to watch their content when they were not a well-known brand. Instead of relying on traditional advertising, Netflix used creative problem-solving to develop a unique solution. They created an algorithm recommending TV shows and movies based on a user’s viewing history, leading to a highly personalized viewing experience. This recommendation engine became a critical factor in the company’s success, helping them attract and retain customers.
  • NASA:  NASA had to devise an instant solution to save the Apollo 13 mission and their team. Their spacecraft was damaged, and they needed a solution to bring their astronauts safely back to Earth. The team fitted a square CO2 filter into a round hole using available materials on the spacecraft; the team used creative problem-solving to develop this approach. This innovative solution allowed the astronauts to return safely to Earth and set this incident as a classic creative solving example.
  • IKEA:  IKEA makes stylish and affordable furniture and is a well-versed company. However, they faced significant challenges entering the Japanese market. Japanese apartments are comparatively smaller than the rest of the world, so the regular product range was irrelevant to Japanese customers. So, IKEA used creative problem-solving to develop a solution appealing to the Japanese market. They launched a variety of products specially created for smaller spaces that are easy to assemble and disassemble—they also introduced a range of futons designed to look like beds, appealing to Japanese customers who prefer sleeping on the floor. This innovative and creative approach helped IKEA successfully enter the Japanese market.

example for creative problem solving

  • Flexibility:  Being able to adapt to changing circumstances and consider multiple perspectives.
  • Open-mindedness:  Being open to new ideas and willing to challenge assumptions.
  • Curiosity:  Seek more information by questioning and better understanding the problem.
  • Persistence:  If a solution does not work, apply another solution, but continue until the problem is solved.
  • Divergent thinking:  Generating multiple ideas and exploring different possibilities.
  • Convergent thinking:  Evaluating and selecting the best ideas based on specific criteria.
  • Visualization:  Using mental imagery to explore solutions and ideas.
  • Collaboration:  Working with others to combine different perspectives and knowledge.
  • Risk-taking:  Being willing to take calculated risks and try new approaches.
  • Innovation:  Combining ideas and approaches in novel ways to create new solutions.

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Thinking outside the box: 8 ways to become a creative problem solver

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What does thinking outside the box mean?

3 simple examples of thinking outside the box, why thinking outside the box is important, 8 ways to think outside the box.

What if for every plateau we reach, resource limit we hit — or even every challenge we face — we stopped and asked: “what if?” What if we challenged the rules and started thinking outside the box?

That’s exactly what 17 smart software developers did in Oregon in the spring of 2000. Martin Fowler, Jim Highsmith, and 15 other colleagues convened and broke the rules of software development . They thought up a concept that completely erased the standing software development rules to speed up software time to market. That concept is the agile methodology we know today.

But what does it mean to think outside the box — to encourage workplace autonomy and innovation? After all, isn’t there value in leaving things as they are? Even when you’re not trying to disrupt an entire industry, thinking out of the box can make a difference throughout your entire organization. Read on to learn what that looks like, why it’s important, and how to think outside the box yourself.

Thinking outside the box is a metaphor often used to describe different, unconventional, novel, or creative thinking. 

It shows up in simple things like using paper to make crafts — instead of just writing on them — for example. Or in more complex forms e.g thinking up concepts like agile methodology for problem-solving.

According to Fast Company, the term came into use in the 1970s . Management consultants would give clients a nine-dot puzzle and ask them to connect the dots with only four lines.


Naturally, this task requires some lateral thinking, so the consultants would encourage their clients to “think outside the box.” In this case, in order to come up with an innovative solution, they needed to literally look beyond the box and create something else.

One thing stands out for us from this exercise. At first, you see a box. To draw those four lines, you have to first exhaust the options within the box. Only then can you realize that the problem is the box itself. You come to that realization after understanding the box and uncovering its limitations. 

To think outside of the box is to fully understand the status quo — then challenge it.

From the home to the workplace, and innovative ideas that drive human evolution, here’s what thinking outside the box looks like:

  • At home - a better way to fold clothes : Marie Kondo thought up a way to fold clothes to save storage space and to see every piece of clothing at a glance.
  • At work - doubled app downloads on a $35 Budget : In a viral marketing stunt, Thursday intern, Anya Jackson cuffed herself to a pole to generate downloads. All she spent was money for the cuffs, board, and marker.
  • In innovation - the wheel and axle : Humans invented the wheel, later improving on a simple design to create the axle, plow, and later the engine.

Thinking outside the box helps you to solve challenging problems . It allows you to look beyond a defined scope of relevance to find answers that would not exist otherwise.

The agile methodology for example came from looking beyond established software development procedures. The result of adopting agile? Faster software time-to-market and increased profits.

Thinking outside the box also forces you to scan your horizon. And when you scan your horizon, you become aware of impending threats and opportunities. That strategic foresight keeps you ahead of profit or loss curves because you’re able to be proactive.

Companies are beginning to understand that if we don’t adapt to try new things, we stagnate — and sometimes even lose our position to the people and organizations who choose to dare. The value of having different perspectives on a team can’t be overstated. In fact, it’s the true benefit of diversity in the workplace . Diversity of experience, divergent thinking, and a willingness to take risks encourages people to grow. Thinking small keeps us small.

When we stay in the box, risk-taking, growth, and challenging the status quo all feel much scarier. To become an effective leader , valuable employee, or team member, think outside the box.

Let’s explore how we can use these tips to foster creativity at work and everywhere else.

  • Do a brain dump
  • Widen your scope of relevance
  • Box yourself in with a timer 
  • Work backward from the goal
  • Ask someone outside your field
  • Ask a child
  • Problem solve for someone else
  • Brainstorm with colleagues

1. Do a brain dump

Brain dumping helps you get ideas out of your head and onto a paper to provide clarity and jumpstart the thinking process.

You write down your thoughts as quickly as they come without worrying about grammar or making any sense at all. This forces you to focus on what matters most: getting those thoughts out of your head and onto paper (or word processor!).

It helps you pen down ideas that you may discard as ridiculous if you paused to think about them. You'll be able to organize and evaluate all these ideas later to come up with a good solution. 

2. Broaden your scope of relevance

When you're trying to solve a problem, it can be tempting to stick to facts that are directly relevant to the particular problem. But that’s not enough. Sticking to a narrow view of relevance prevents you from seeing opportunities that may be right in front of you. 

Rather than being closed-minded, you should be open to new ideas and perspectives. The first step is getting used to thinking about things that are outside your comfort zone .

A simple example. Let’s say you need to sharpen a pencil but the pencil sharpener is broken. If you limit yourself to thinking about fixing the sharpener that may take too long. But when you broaden your scope of relevance, you go from looking for a sharpener to looking for a sharp object. Only then do you pay attention to the scissors, knife, or other household objects that can be used as a sharpener in a pinch.


3. Box yourself in with a timer 

Does your brain move into creative overdrive to beat approaching deadlines? This might be the perfect technique for you.

When faced with a challenging problem, set an arbitrary deadline for yourself. Next, find someone (or something) to hold you accountable. You may ask a friend or colleague, or wager some money for challenges that will take days to months. You could set a timer on your phone for smaller problems.

4. Work backward from the goal

Working backward from the goal allows you to focus more on the outcome than the process. As such, you give yourself room to get creative with the process.

You’ll be able to design key milestones that you can focus on separately as well. This allows you to break the problem down into tiny solvable bits.

Write down the outcome on a pad or piece of paper. Then write the milestones you need to reach to achieve that goal . Keep breaking the milestones down until there’s just one task available per milestone.

5. Ask someone outside your field

One of the biggest reasons for boxed-in thinking is because you’re too close to the rules to see anything else. Ask someone who doesn’t know the rules of your industry what they would do to solve the problem. You’ll get some new perspectives you’d never see on your own.

You could ask your parent, spouse, friend, or even a stranger on the street. You could also ask the end users of your product or service. For example, if you're designing a new software system, the people who will use it will have some of the best ideas. If you're designing a new business process, collaborate cross-functionally. Go to the people who are doing the work of designing or promoting your project and ask them what they think. 

6. Ask a child

Children have an uncorrupted view of the world and how things work. To them, everything is possible. If you talk to a child about your problem, they’ll likely share ideas you’d never come up with on your own.

Maybe some of those ideas will be over the top or involve copious amounts of sugar. Nevertheless, talking to children may be some of the most creative brainstorming you can do. 


7. Problem solve for someone else

Solving (or attempting to solve) other people’s problems can help you come up with ideas to resolve your own. You exercise your brain without pressure and get a thrill from problem-solving. That thrill should keep your brain in heightened problem-solving mode.

If the problem is close enough to your own, you might find patterns you can use for yourself.

8. Brainstorm with colleagues

Brainstorming with colleagues can be a great way to spark creativity. Gather colleagues in your office, an empty conference room, or on a Zoom call and brainstorm together. 

Summarize the problem, give people 10 to 15 minutes to think, then allow everyone to share their ideas in turns. The aim is to come up with as many possible solutions — even the ones that seem unlikely. Unlikely approaches to challenges often yield innovative ways of solving them.

Whatever you do, think twice: First in the box, then outside the box

Because outside-the-box thinking often breaks the rules and may sound ridiculous, embracing it can be hard. The first person who pitched the idea of a wheel in prehistoric times probably got some strange looks.

What about Thomas Edison? Light bulb? No way! But without thinking outside the box, these people wouldn’t have changed the world in the way they did.

What’s more? Creativity, achieved through outside-the-box thinking, is a characteristic of good leaders . The values and traits that leaders display tend to have a way of embedding themselves into team culture. In other words, when you demonstrate a willingness to think out of the box, your team will feel inspired and empowered to do the same.

Master the established rules of your craft. Apply them and if they’re not yielding results, permit yourself to start thinking outside the box. You’ll be glad you did.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Allaya Cooks-Campbell

With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.

Adjusting your vision for 2024

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Humor That Works

20 Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity


Creative problem solving requires creative problem solving activities. Even if you know all of the problem solving steps , it’s important to know exercises to actually execute each phase.  These exercises are techniques on how to improve problem solving skills and the art of problem solving.

Listed below are 20 interactive exercises that will help you through each step of the problem solving process.

Problem Solving Activities

Note: For the sake of demonstration, we use the same example for each exercise, in this case, the difficult problem of opening a jar of peanut butter (to make a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich of course).

Step 1: Define the Problem

Problem solving activities that help you phrase and understand the problem you are trying to solve:

#1. Newspaper Headline – Try writing your problem as if it were a headline in a newspaper. You can write it as if the problem still exists, or as if the problem were already solved. Try Tabloid headlines for even more creative ideas.

Example: “Local man attempts to provide joy to the world by opening a jar of peanut butter.”

#2. Future Party – Imagine it’s one year from today; what did you solve in the last year? How is the world different based on the solution? What were the steps you took to solve the problem?

Example:  “I can’t believe it’s been a year since we ate all the peanut butter from that crazy tight jar.”

#3. 40-20-10-5 – Explain your problem in up to 40 words. Then cut it down to 20 words; then to 10, then finally to only 5 words. These 5 words are the root of your problem (and likely the root of your solution as well).

Example:  (Starting at 10 words) “I want to open up this jar of peanut butter.” -> “Open this peanut butter jar.”

#4. Explain Life I’m Five – Explain your problem as if you were talking to a 5-year old kid. Use basic language and simple metaphors if necessary. Inspired by the subreddit ELI5 .

Example:  “There’s yummy-ness in this jar that I want to get out.”

Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Problem solving activities that help you generate a list of possible solutions that will solve your problem*:

#5. Ad Game – Have people mill about the room. When someone offers up an idea, everyone emphatically says “Yes!” and then the group continues to generate ideas, often building off the last idea that was just offered.

Example:   “We should use a tool to open this jar.” “Yes!” “And it should not hurt our hands.” “Yes!” “And it’ll be nearly effortless.” “Yes!”

#6. Dumbest Idea First – Hold a contest to get the dumbest idea out first. Encourage everyone to think of the absolute dumbest possible solutions to the problem. After you have a long list, go back through and see which ones may not be all that dumb.

Example: “Let’s open it using C4 explosives.”

#7. What Would X Do – Pretend you’re someone famous (or someone you admire) and ask yourself how they would solve the problem, what options would they consider?

Example:  (as Gandhi) “I will go on a hunger strike until the jar is ready to be open.”

#8. 10x10x10 Matrix – Generate a list of 10 ideas for solving the problem. Pick one of those ideas and generate 10 variations of that idea. Pick one idea from the new list and generate 10 more variations.

Example: (with just 5 ideas): –Round 1 (based on tools)–Dynamite, Power Drill, Vise grip, Scissors, Hammer. –Round 2 (based on vise grip)–Metal clamp, Pliers, Glue, Cement, Sticky Glove. –Round 3 (based on sticky glove)–Lots of tapping, Rubbing the seal, Punching, Soft caresses, Really strong hand.

*Note: Some of the exercises may not produce the perfect solution, but they can get you thinking differently.

Step 3: Decide on a Solution

Problem solving activities that help you narrow your list of possible solutions down to the best solution.

#9. Futures Wheel – Pick a possible solution and write it in the center of a piece of paper. List possible direct results/consequences of the solution around the center idea. List possible indirect results/consequences based on the direct results/consequences. Find more info here .

Example: Really strong hand leads to: ability to open other types of jars as well, big forearms, possible blisters, …

#10. Thiagi’s 35 – Use a point system to determine the preferred solution among your team, turning a possibly subjective discussion into an objective group decision. You can find a more detailed explanation on Thiagi’s site .

Example: Really strong hand – 7pts. Punching the jar – 3pts. A soft caress – 1pts.

#11. Idea Trial – When you can’t get agreement on which solution to choose, have the proponents of each idea represent them in “court.” Go through opening arguments, call witnesses and allow closing statements. Have the project board choose the winner.

Example: “Really strong hand, is it true you could also be used for terrible things, such as opening a can of sardines?”

#12. Coin-Flip – When deciding between two equally good solutions, flip a coin. When the coin is in the air, take note of what you secretly hope the result is and go with that (if you really can’t decide between the two, then go with the actual result of the coin-flip). Inspired by this poster.

Example: Heads is strong hands, tails is a soft cares. *Toss.* (I really don’t want to have to caress this jar of peanut butter…) Strong hands it is!

Step 4: Implement the Solution

Problem solving activities that help you implement the solution you have chosen:

#13. End in Mind – To create your plan, start with the end in mind and work backwards.  Establish key milestones and dates in reverse order, starting with the end-of-project celebration and ending with today.

Example: Eat delicious PB&J sandwich (5pm), Make delicious PB&J sandwich (4:58pm), Open Peanut Butter Jar (4:57pm), Build up grip strength (4:47), …

#14. Idea Mock-ups – Create a mock-up of the solution. You can a create physical mock-up using the various supplies in your office or a virtual mock-up using images from around the web.

Example: Tell me you wouldn’t buy this incredible product .

#15. Gamification – Turn the completion of your project into a game. Establish rules for how you earn points, create badges to celebrate milestones and track game progress. Learn more about gamification .

Example: For each squeeze of the PB Gripper, you get 1 point. 100 points earns you the Gripper Badge, 500 points earns you a pudding cup. After 1,000 points you should be able to open the Peanut Butter jar.

#16. Be a Character – Add some fun to your work by executing your plan as if you were a fictional character. Think about how they would operate and get into character.

Example: (as the Incredible Hulk): HULK SMASH!

Step 5: Review the Results

Problem solving activities that help you review the results you achieved and the way you achieved them:

#17. Apply McLuhan – Answer McLuhan’s tetrad of questions in context of your solution: 1) What does your solution enhance? 2) What does it make obsolete? 3) What does it bring back that was once obsolete and 4) What does it flip into when taken to the extreme?

Example: Using a strong grip to open the jar: 1) The ability to get peanut butter, 2) Other tools for opening jars, 3) The joy of cooking my own food, 4) Only eating peanut butter and nothing else.

#18. Word on the Street – Conduct “word-on-the-street” type interviews with members of your team, asking them how they felt about the project and the solution.

Example: “Sir, what’s your opinion on this new development on the ability to consume delicious peanut butter?”

#19. Stop-Start-Continue – Review the way you completed your project and pick activities you should stop (things you did on this project that you don’t think are necessary for future projects), start (things you didn’t do on this project but that you should do on future projects) and continue (things you did on the project that you should do on future projects).

Example: STOP doing every single exercise for one solution. START finding snacks to eat while waiting to get to the solution. CONTINUE eating peanut butter.

#20. Find the Funny – Write a monologue or stand-up set that covers some of the funny moments or ideas from the project. Share it with your team.

Example: What’s the deal with airline peanut butter?

Creative Problem Solving

The purpose of the above problem solving activities is to get you to think about the problem in a different way and have some fun while solving it–both of which will enhance your creativity in finding and implementing a solution. And as Einstein ( probably ) said:”The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

Note: The example used may be a bit facetious but these exercises do work for tougher problems. I wanted to include an example to facilitate understanding and it happened to be around snack time.


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9 thoughts on “20 Problem Solving Activities to Improve Creativity”

example for creative problem solving

Thanks for sharing this article.

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What is creative problem-solving?

Creative problem-solving in action

Table of Contents

An introduction to creative problem-solving.

Creative problem-solving is an essential skill that goes beyond basic brainstorming . It entails a holistic approach to challenges, melding logical processes with imaginative techniques to conceive innovative solutions. As our world becomes increasingly complex and interconnected, the ability to think creatively and solve problems with fresh perspectives becomes invaluable for individuals, businesses, and communities alike.

Importance of divergent and convergent thinking

At the heart of creative problem-solving lies the balance between divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking encourages free-flowing, unrestricted ideation, leading to a plethora of potential solutions. Convergent thinking, on the other hand, is about narrowing down those options to find the most viable solution. This dual approach ensures both breadth and depth in the problem-solving process.

Emphasis on collaboration and diverse perspectives

No single perspective has a monopoly on insight. Collaborating with individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise offers a richer tapestry of ideas. Embracing diverse perspectives not only broadens the pool of solutions but also ensures more holistic and well-rounded outcomes.

Nurturing a risk-taking and experimental mindset

The fear of failure can be the most significant barrier to any undertaking. It's essential to foster an environment where risk-taking and experimentation are celebrated. This involves viewing failures not as setbacks but as invaluable learning experiences that pave the way for eventual success.

The role of intuition and lateral thinking

Sometimes, the path to a solution is not linear. Lateral thinking and intuition allow for making connections between seemingly unrelated elements. These 'eureka' moments often lead to breakthrough solutions that conventional methods might overlook.

Stages of the creative problem-solving process

The creative problem-solving process is typically broken down into several stages. Each stage plays a crucial role in understanding, addressing, and resolving challenges in innovative ways.

Clarifying: Understanding the real problem or challenge

Before diving into solutions, one must first understand the problem at its core. This involves asking probing questions, gathering data, and viewing the challenge from various angles. A clear comprehension of the problem ensures that effort and resources are channeled correctly.

Ideating: Generating diverse and multiple solutions

Once the problem is clarified, the focus shifts to generating as many solutions as possible. This stage champions quantity over quality, as the aim is to explore the breadth of possibilities without immediately passing judgment.

Developing: Refining and honing promising solutions

With a list of potential solutions in hand, it's time to refine and develop the most promising ones. This involves evaluating each idea's feasibility, potential impact, and any associated risks, then enhancing or combining solutions to maximize effectiveness.

Implementing: Acting on the best solutions

Once a solution has been honed, it's time to put it into action. This involves planning, allocating resources, and monitoring the results to ensure the solution is effectively addressing the problem.

Techniques for creative problem-solving

Solving complex problems in a fresh way can be a daunting task to start on. Here are a few techniques that can help kickstart the process:


Brainstorming is a widely-used technique that involves generating as many ideas as possible within a set timeframe. Variants like brainwriting (where ideas are written down rather than spoken) and reverse brainstorming (thinking of ways to cause the problem) can offer fresh perspectives and ensure broader participation.

Mind mapping

Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps structure information, making connections between disparate pieces of data. It is particularly useful in organizing thoughts, visualizing relationships, and ensuring a comprehensive approach to a problem.

SCAMPER technique

SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This technique prompts individuals to look at existing products, services, or processes in new ways, leading to innovative solutions.

Benefits of creative problem-solving

Creative problem-solving offers numerous benefits, both at the individual and organizational levels. Some of the most prominent advantages include:

Finding novel solutions to old problems

Traditional problems that have resisted conventional solutions often succumb to creative approaches. By looking at challenges from fresh angles and blending different techniques, we can unlock novel solutions previously deemed impossible.

Enhanced adaptability in changing environments

In our rapidly evolving world, the ability to adapt is critical. Creative problem-solving equips individuals and organizations with the agility to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring resilience and longevity.

Building collaborative and innovative teams

Teams that embrace creative problem-solving tend to be more collaborative and innovative. They value diversity of thought, are open to experimentation, and are more likely to challenge the status quo, leading to groundbreaking results.

Fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement

Creative problem-solving is not just about finding solutions; it's also about continuous learning and improvement. By encouraging an environment of curiosity and exploration, organizations can ensure that they are always at the cutting edge, ready to tackle future challenges head-on.

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Career Sidekick

26 Expert-Backed Problem Solving Examples – Interview Answers

Published: February 13, 2023

Interview Questions and Answers

Actionable advice from real experts:

picture of Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Former Recruiter

example for creative problem solving


Dr. Kyle Elliott

Career Coach

example for creative problem solving

Hayley Jukes


Biron Clark

Biron Clark , Former Recruiter

Kyle Elliott , Career Coach

Image of Hayley Jukes

Hayley Jukes , Editor

As a recruiter , I know employers like to hire people who can solve problems and work well under pressure.

 A job rarely goes 100% according to plan, so hiring managers are more likely to hire you if you seem like you can handle unexpected challenges while staying calm and logical.

But how do they measure this?

Hiring managers will ask you interview questions about your problem-solving skills, and they might also look for examples of problem-solving on your resume and cover letter. 

In this article, I’m going to share a list of problem-solving examples and sample interview answers to questions like, “Give an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem?” and “Describe a time when you had to solve a problem without managerial input. How did you handle it, and what was the result?”

  • Problem-solving involves identifying, prioritizing, analyzing, and solving problems using a variety of skills like critical thinking, creativity, decision making, and communication.
  • Describe the Situation, Task, Action, and Result ( STAR method ) when discussing your problem-solving experiences.
  • Tailor your interview answer with the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description.
  • Provide numerical data or metrics to demonstrate the tangible impact of your problem-solving efforts.

What are Problem Solving Skills? 

Problem-solving is the ability to identify a problem, prioritize based on gravity and urgency, analyze the root cause, gather relevant information, develop and evaluate viable solutions, decide on the most effective and logical solution, and plan and execute implementation. 

Problem-solving encompasses other skills that can be showcased in an interview response and your resume. Problem-solving skills examples include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Decision making
  • Research skills
  • Technical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Adaptability and flexibility

Why is Problem Solving Important in the Workplace?

Problem-solving is essential in the workplace because it directly impacts productivity and efficiency. Whenever you encounter a problem, tackling it head-on prevents minor issues from escalating into bigger ones that could disrupt the entire workflow. 

Beyond maintaining smooth operations, your ability to solve problems fosters innovation. It encourages you to think creatively, finding better ways to achieve goals, which keeps the business competitive and pushes the boundaries of what you can achieve. 

Effective problem-solving also contributes to a healthier work environment; it reduces stress by providing clear strategies for overcoming obstacles and builds confidence within teams. 

Examples of Problem-Solving in the Workplace

  • Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else
  • Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication
  • Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer
  • Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative problem solving
  • Overcoming a scheduling/staffing shortage in the department to still deliver excellent work
  • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues
  • Handling and resolving a conflict with a coworker
  • Solving any problems related to money, customer billing, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.
  • Taking initiative when another team member overlooked or missed something important
  • Taking initiative to meet with your superior to discuss a problem before it became potentially worse
  • Solving a safety issue at work or reporting the issue to those who could solve it
  • Using problem solving abilities to reduce/eliminate a company expense
  • Finding a way to make the company more profitable through new service or product offerings, new pricing ideas, promotion and sale ideas, etc.
  • Changing how a process, team, or task is organized to make it more efficient
  • Using creative thinking to come up with a solution that the company hasn’t used before
  • Performing research to collect data and information to find a new solution to a problem
  • Boosting a company or team’s performance by improving some aspect of communication among employees
  • Finding a new piece of data that can guide a company’s decisions or strategy better in a certain area

Problem-Solving Examples for Recent Grads/Entry-Level Job Seekers

  • Coordinating work between team members in a class project
  • Reassigning a missing team member’s work to other group members in a class project
  • Adjusting your workflow on a project to accommodate a tight deadline
  • Speaking to your professor to get help when you were struggling or unsure about a project
  • Asking classmates, peers, or professors for help in an area of struggle
  • Talking to your academic advisor to brainstorm solutions to a problem you were facing
  • Researching solutions to an academic problem online, via Google or other methods
  • Using problem solving and creative thinking to obtain an internship or other work opportunity during school after struggling at first

How To Answer “Tell Us About a Problem You Solved”

When you answer interview questions about problem-solving scenarios, or if you decide to demonstrate your problem-solving skills in a cover letter (which is a good idea any time the job description mentions problem-solving as a necessary skill), I recommend using the STAR method.

STAR stands for:

It’s a simple way of walking the listener or reader through the story in a way that will make sense to them. 

Start by briefly describing the general situation and the task at hand. After this, describe the course of action you chose and why. Ideally, show that you evaluated all the information you could given the time you had, and made a decision based on logic and fact. Finally, describe the positive result you achieved.

Note: Our sample answers below are structured following the STAR formula. Be sure to check them out!


example for creative problem solving

Dr. Kyle Elliott , MPA, CHES Tech & Interview Career Coach caffeinatedkyle.com

How can I communicate complex problem-solving experiences clearly and succinctly?

Before answering any interview question, it’s important to understand why the interviewer is asking the question in the first place.

When it comes to questions about your complex problem-solving experiences, for example, the interviewer likely wants to know about your leadership acumen, collaboration abilities, and communication skills, not the problem itself.

Therefore, your answer should be focused on highlighting how you excelled in each of these areas, not diving into the weeds of the problem itself, which is a common mistake less-experienced interviewees often make.

Tailoring Your Answer Based on the Skills Mentioned in the Job Description

As a recruiter, one of the top tips I can give you when responding to the prompt “Tell us about a problem you solved,” is to tailor your answer to the specific skills and qualifications outlined in the job description. 

Once you’ve pinpointed the skills and key competencies the employer is seeking, craft your response to highlight experiences where you successfully utilized or developed those particular abilities. 

For instance, if the job requires strong leadership skills, focus on a problem-solving scenario where you took charge and effectively guided a team toward resolution. 

By aligning your answer with the desired skills outlined in the job description, you demonstrate your suitability for the role and show the employer that you understand their needs.

Amanda Augustine expands on this by saying:

“Showcase the specific skills you used to solve the problem. Did it require critical thinking, analytical abilities, or strong collaboration? Highlight the relevant skills the employer is seeking.”  

Interview Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Solved a Problem”

Now, let’s look at some sample interview answers to, “Give me an example of a time you used logic to solve a problem,” or “Tell me about a time you solved a problem,” since you’re likely to hear different versions of this interview question in all sorts of industries.

The example interview responses are structured using the STAR method and are categorized into the top 5 key problem-solving skills recruiters look for in a candidate.

1. Analytical Thinking

example for creative problem solving

Situation: In my previous role as a data analyst , our team encountered a significant drop in website traffic.

Task: I was tasked with identifying the root cause of the decrease.

Action: I conducted a thorough analysis of website metrics, including traffic sources, user demographics, and page performance. Through my analysis, I discovered a technical issue with our website’s loading speed, causing users to bounce. 

Result: By optimizing server response time, compressing images, and minimizing redirects, we saw a 20% increase in traffic within two weeks.

2. Critical Thinking

example for creative problem solving

Situation: During a project deadline crunch, our team encountered a major technical issue that threatened to derail our progress.

Task: My task was to assess the situation and devise a solution quickly.

Action: I immediately convened a meeting with the team to brainstorm potential solutions. Instead of panicking, I encouraged everyone to think outside the box and consider unconventional approaches. We analyzed the problem from different angles and weighed the pros and cons of each solution.

Result: By devising a workaround solution, we were able to meet the project deadline, avoiding potential delays that could have cost the company $100,000 in penalties for missing contractual obligations.

3. Decision Making

example for creative problem solving

Situation: As a project manager , I was faced with a dilemma when two key team members had conflicting opinions on the project direction.

Task: My task was to make a decisive choice that would align with the project goals and maintain team cohesion.

Action: I scheduled a meeting with both team members to understand their perspectives in detail. I listened actively, asked probing questions, and encouraged open dialogue. After carefully weighing the pros and cons of each approach, I made a decision that incorporated elements from both viewpoints.

Result: The decision I made not only resolved the immediate conflict but also led to a stronger sense of collaboration within the team. By valuing input from all team members and making a well-informed decision, we were able to achieve our project objectives efficiently.

4. Communication (Teamwork)

example for creative problem solving

Situation: During a cross-functional project, miscommunication between departments was causing delays and misunderstandings.

Task: My task was to improve communication channels and foster better teamwork among team members.

Action: I initiated regular cross-departmental meetings to ensure that everyone was on the same page regarding project goals and timelines. I also implemented a centralized communication platform where team members could share updates, ask questions, and collaborate more effectively.

Result: Streamlining workflows and improving communication channels led to a 30% reduction in project completion time, saving the company $25,000 in operational costs.

5. Persistence 

Situation: During a challenging sales quarter, I encountered numerous rejections and setbacks while trying to close a major client deal.

Task: My task was to persistently pursue the client and overcome obstacles to secure the deal.

Action: I maintained regular communication with the client, addressing their concerns and demonstrating the value proposition of our product. Despite facing multiple rejections, I remained persistent and resilient, adjusting my approach based on feedback and market dynamics.

Result: After months of perseverance, I successfully closed the deal with the client. By closing the major client deal, I exceeded quarterly sales targets by 25%, resulting in a revenue increase of $250,000 for the company.

Tips to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

Throughout your career, being able to showcase and effectively communicate your problem-solving skills gives you more leverage in achieving better jobs and earning more money .

So to improve your problem-solving skills, I recommend always analyzing a problem and situation before acting.

 When discussing problem-solving with employers, you never want to sound like you rush or make impulsive decisions. They want to see fact-based or data-based decisions when you solve problems.

Don’t just say you’re good at solving problems. Show it with specifics. How much did you boost efficiency? Did you save the company money? Adding numbers can really make your achievements stand out.

To get better at solving problems, analyze the outcomes of past solutions you came up with. You can recognize what works and what doesn’t.

Think about how you can improve researching and analyzing a situation, how you can get better at communicating, and deciding on the right people in the organization to talk to and “pull in” to help you if needed, etc.

Finally, practice staying calm even in stressful situations. Take a few minutes to walk outside if needed. Step away from your phone and computer to clear your head. A work problem is rarely so urgent that you cannot take five minutes to think (with the possible exception of safety problems), and you’ll get better outcomes if you solve problems by acting logically instead of rushing to react in a panic.

You can use all of the ideas above to describe your problem-solving skills when asked interview questions about the topic. If you say that you do the things above, employers will be impressed when they assess your problem-solving ability.

More Interview Resources

  • 3 Answers to “How Do You Handle Stress?”
  • How to Answer “How Do You Handle Conflict?” (Interview Question)
  • Sample Answers to “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”

picture of Biron Clark

About the Author

Biron Clark is a former executive recruiter who has worked individually with hundreds of job seekers, reviewed thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and recruited for top venture-backed startups and Fortune 500 companies. He has been advising job seekers since 2012 to think differently in their job search and land high-paying, competitive positions. Follow on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Read more articles by Biron Clark

About the Contributor

Kyle Elliott , career coach and mental health advocate, transforms his side hustle into a notable practice, aiding Silicon Valley professionals in maximizing potential. Follow Kyle on LinkedIn .

Image of Hayley Jukes

About the Editor

Hayley Jukes is the Editor-in-Chief at CareerSidekick with five years of experience creating engaging articles, books, and transcripts for diverse platforms and audiences.

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Brain Power

What are creative problem solving skills (and how to improve yours).

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I think we’re all familiar with that feeling of needing to solve a problem, trying way too hard, getting frustrated, and then throwing our hands up in defeat. For example, when my editor assigned me this topic, the structure and concept of the piece weren’t instantly clear to me. I had to problem-solve to figure out how to even begin. But problem-solving isn’t quite so linear. It’s not just a matter of brute force. You can’t just muscle your way through. This is where creative problem solving comes in.

Creative problem solving is about using what we know about how the brain works to come up with outside-the-box solutions to creative problems. Sure, we can do things the same way we’ve always done them. Or we can try creative problem solving, which means we spend time ideating (a.k.a. brainstorming), collaborating, ruminating, and refining to land on better and more novel solutions than we could have if we tried to force or rush a solution.

Table of Contents

1. ideating/brainstorming, 2. collaboration, an example of creative problem solving, bottom line, more about creative problem solving, stages of creative problem solving.

There’s no right or wrong way to try creative problem solving, but there are some stages that can help you integrate it into your creative process. Here are the 4 stages of creative problem solving

If we’re using creative problem solving, we’re not just going with the first idea that pops into our heads. Brainstorming is crucial to come up with more novel solutions.

One of the most important things to keep in mind during brainstorming is that this is not the time to evaluate or judge ideas. The goal of ideating is to come up with as many ideas as possible.

There’s an improvisation rule called “Yes, And” or the rule of agreement that can help you get the most out of your brainstorming sessions. [1] The idea is simple. If you’re brainstorming in a group and someone tells you an idea, you need to go along with that idea. That’s the “Yes” part of “Yes, And.” Then, you can take it a step further by trying to add to that person’s idea.

Let’s say you and your team are trying to figure out how to rebrand your shoe company. Your colleague says you could use a mascot. If you’re using improv’s “Yes, And” rule, you might agree and say that the mascot could be a shoe or a sock or a lonely sock looking for a shoe.

During the ideation stage, no one should be worried about which ideas are good and which are bad. Everyone is trying to come up with as many ideas as possible, and everyone should be trying to make the most of everyone else’s ideas.

“Yes, And” can also work if you’re creative problem solving alone. Instead of discarding ideas, you should be saying yes to your ideas, writing them all down, and trying to make all of them as workable as possible. But before you get too far in your creative process, it’s important to run your ideas by someone else.

I know sometimes you don’t want to share your ideas with other people. Maybe you’re self-conscious or you just don’t think that your idea is ready for prime time. However, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone and let other people join your creative process if you want to reach the best possible creative solution.

When we’re working in a team, it’s important to not judge each other’s ideas until we’re safely in the final stage of the creative problem-solving process. That means no critiques, no evaluations, and no snarky comments. Not yet, at least.

The reason to hold off on evaluating ideas at this stage is that some people tend to shut down if their ideas are judged too early. There’s a concept called creative suppression that occurs when people stop a creative pursuit temporarily due to feeling judged, shamed, or embarrassed. [2] Even worse, creative mortification is when judgment, shame, or embarrassment makes you quit your creative pursuit altogether.

When you’re collaborating with others while creative problem solving, you don’t want to shut anyone down. The more people who are actively engaged in the creative process the better.

In improv, there’s something called “group mind.” The basic idea is that a group can come up with a better solution than any single individual. It makes sense since each person in the group enters the creative process with their own strengths, knowledge, background, experience, and ideas. That means that when the group is working harmoniously, the best contributions of each individual will be reflected in the team’s solution, making that solution far better than what any individual could have come up on their own.

So, find someone you trust and lay the ground rules for your collaboration. Tell each other that you won’t be judging each other’s work just yet to bring out the best and make it as creative and effective as possible.

It can seem counterintuitive to pause during the creative process. But to tap into the creative unconscious parts of your brain, you need to stop forcing it and let your mind wander.

The part of your brain that you’re using to understand this article right now is not necessarily the part that’s going to come up with the most novel solution to your problem. To start using your creative unconscious brain , you need to take a break.

Have you ever had that experience of struggling with a problem and then effortlessly figuring it out while you were showering or walking the dog? That’s your unconscious brain doing the heavy lifting.

This part of the brain can’t be forced into creative problem solving, so stop consciously obsessing about your problem for a while. Take a walk. Go for a drive. Let your mind wander. Dream. This gives your unconscious mind a chance to sort information and come up with some truly novel solutions.

The bonus to letting your unconscious take over is that it’s effortless. Conscious thought requires you to burn lots of energy, while unconscious doesn’t. So, stop trying so hard and let ideas come to you.

At some point, you’re going to have to start evaluating, eliminating, and refining your ideas to get to the best solution. But if you’ve brainstormed, collaborated, and ruminated enough, you should have plenty of material to work with.

I think it’s helpful to walk through an example of creative problem-solving in action. Let’s go back to the example of me writing this article.

First, I was presented with the problem, so I started brainstorming and “Yes, And”-ing myself. I thought about everything I already know about creative problem solving and did some preliminary research, but I still didn’t have a structure or theme to tie my ideas together.

Once the problem was marinating in my mind, I started talking to people. I talked to an old friend about my initial ideas about the article, but I still didn’t have any words on the page just yet.

Then, one morning, the article seemed to come fully formed while I was showering. I could see which examples would work best and how to structure the article. So, I sat down to write and refine the ideas. During the refining stage, I swung back to the collaboration stage when my editor further refined and improved my ideas.

It’s important to remember that these four stages of creative problem solving aren’t linear. They’re circular. After I refine an idea, I can go back to brainstorming, collaborating, and pausing as needed to develop and improve that idea.

Creative problem solving is, first and foremost, creative. You have to give yourself time and space to be able to reflect and ruminate. It’s also important to collaborate as necessary to improve your ideas with the help of other people.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can’t force creative problem-solving. Forcing it only leads to frustration and failure, so give yourself some time and a team you trust to come up with the best possible solution to your problem.

  • Creative Problem Solving: Create Meaning from Contradictory Ideas
  • 30 Tips to Rejuvenate Your Creativity
  • 6 Effective Ways To Train Your Creative Mind
  • How to Be Creative When You’ve Hit a Creative Block

Featured photo credit: Per Lööv via unsplash.com

[1]^Play Your Way Sane:
[2]^Psychology Today:

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Learning Mind

What Is Creative Problem-Solving and How to Master It with These 8 Strategies

  • Post author: Kirstie Pursey
  • Post published: May 17, 2018
  • Reading time: 5 mins read
  • Post category: Brain Power / Self-Improvement / Success Skills

Often when we have a problem, we try to solve it in the same way we did before. However, some issues cannot be solved with existing ideas and solutions. In this case, we need to turn to our creative side for problem-solving strategies.

Creative problem-solving is a way of moving beyond predictable and obvious solutions to problems . When we have a creative approach to problem-solving, we expand our thinking out from what we already know about a problem, and from solutions that we have used in the past, to generate innovative and effective solutions.

Here are 8 creative problem-solving strategies you could try to bring creativity and fresh ideas to bear on any problem you might have.

1. counterfactual thinking.

Counterfactual thinking involves considering what would have happened if the events in the past had happened slightly differently. In essence, it is asking ‘what if’ questions about the past.

So for example, you might ask ‘ What would have happened if I had moved to San Francisco instead of New York ?’ This helps you to break free of current constraints and consider the paths not taken.

2. Creativity of Constraints

We often think that constraints inhibit creativity because they reduce the number of possible solutions. However, constraints can actually generate new creative ideas as we have to be more creative to overcome the limitations. For example, creating a meal for less than $5 dollars reduces the potential ingredients you can use but may encourage you to use basic ingredients in more innovative ways.

The painter Pablo Picasso used constraints in his Blue Period between 1901 and 1904 when he painted almost entirely in shades of blue and green. Within these constraints, he found new ways to represent the world in paint.

3. Brainstorming

Most of us need no introduction to brainstorming. The key element of this strategy is to remove inhibitions that normally cause people to edit their creative ideas and dismiss them before they have really had a chance to examine them. When brainstorming, the most essential feature is that no idea is too ridiculous for consideration.

4. Questioning Assumptions

We all have assumptions about just about everything. We make assumptions about what is and isn’t possible and what things can and can’t be. This strategy asks you to think about all the assumptions made about a product or idea and then to question whether these are really true. This can spark truly innovative ideas.

5. Thought Experiment

A thought experiment is when you consider in the imagination a hypothesis that cannot easily be tested. For example, Einstein’s thought experiment ‘what would happen if you chased a beam of light as it moved through space’ led to the development of his special theory of relativity.

It is not necessary for the experiment to be impossible to perform – it is just that the experiment takes place only in the mind.

6. Forced Connections

Using forced connections can create new ideas. You simply bring two objects together to create an entirely new product or concept. Examples include the sofa-bed and the Apple watch which both combined two existing products to create something new. Genres in fiction often use this approach of combining two genres to create a new one such as in historical romance or comic fantasy.

To practice this technique, simply place some random objects or a list of random objects in a bag and pull out two, then try to make connections between them and see how they could be combined to create a new idea.

Using this technique allows your imagination to run riot. Think of the most outlandish and unattainable and impractical solutions. This is the opposite of the constraints strategy, but it can also work surprisingly well.

Once you have come up with a few ‘ wishes ,’ you can try to create a solution by scaling back these ideas into something more attainable.

8. Creative Intuition

Often creative thinking happens when we least expect it and doesn’t feel like ‘thinking’ at all. This is the flash of insight that comes when we stop thinking about a problem and are doing something else that doesn’t require much conscious attention, such as taking a shower or driving.

The most famous example is Archimedes’ ‘Eureka’ moment when in a sudden flash of inspiration he worked out how to work out if the King’s crown was made entirely of gold. When he found his solution he famously cried “Eureka” from Greek heurēka meaning ‘ I have found it ‘.

So next time you are stuck on a problem, take a break and a bath.

Closing thoughts

In our modern ever-changing world, often old-style solutions simply don’t work. Practising using creative problem-solving strategies can keep you ahead in a fast-changing environment.

We’d love to hear if you rely on your creative thinking and what problem-solving strategies you use. Please share them with us in the comments below.

References :

  • wikipedia.org

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This Post Has One Comment

example for creative problem solving

The simple fact is that many people try doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Doesn’t work that way. All of these 8 ideas are well thought out and should be considered when confronted with a problem. It seems that when you solve one problem, two more come along. Life is, in some ways, a problem we all have to solve. Some resolutions work better than other. Looking for new solutions to old problems is what makes us human.

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Innovative Teaching Ideas

Creative problem solving tools and skills for students and teachers

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Creative Problem Solving: What Is It?

Creative Problem Solving, or CPS ,  refers to the use of imagination and innovation to find solutions to problems when formulaic or conventional processes have failed.

Despite its rather dry definition – creative problem-solving in its application can be a lot of fun for learners and teachers alike.

Why Are Creative Problem-Solving Skills Important?

example for creative problem solving

By definition, creative problem-solving challenges students to think beyond the conventional and to avoid well-trodden, sterile paths of thinking.

Not only does this motivate student learning, encourage engagement, and inspire deeper learning, but the practical applications of this higher-level thinking skill are virtually inexhaustible.

For example, given the rapidly changing world of work, it is hard to conceive of a skill that will be more valuable than the ability to generate innovative solutions to the unique problems that will arise and that are impossible to predict ahead of time.

Outside the world of work, in our busy daily lives, the endless problems arising from day-to-day living can also be overcome by a creative problem-solving approach.

When students have developed their creative problem-solving abilities effectively, they will have added a powerful tool to attack problems that they will encounter, whether in school, work, or in their personal lives.

Due to its at times nebulous nature, teaching creative problem-solving in the classroom poses its own challenges. However, developing a culture of approaching problem-solving in a creative manner is possible.

In this article, we will take a look at a variety of strategies, tools, and activities that can help students improve their creative problem-solving skills.

example for creative problem solving

The Underlying Principles of CPS

Before we take a look at a process for implementing creative problem solving, it is helpful to examine a few of the underlying principles of CPS. These core principles should be encouraged in the classroom. They are:

●       Assume Nothing

Assumptions are the enemy of creativity and original thinking. If students assume they already have the answer, they will not be creative in their approach to solving a problem.

●       Problems Are Opportunities

Rather than seeing problems as difficulties to endure, a shift in perspective can instead view problems as challenges that offer new opportunities. Encourage your students to shift their perspectives to see opportunities where they once saw problems.

●       Suspend Judgment

Making immediate judgments closes down the creative response and the formation of new ideas. There is a time to make judgments, but making a judgment too early in the process can be very detrimental to finding a creative solution.

Cognitive Approaches: Convergent vs Divergent Thinking

“It is easier to tame a wild idea than it is to push a closer-in idea further out.”

— Alex Osborn

The terms divergent and convergent thinking, coined by psychologist J.P. Guilford in 1956, refer to two contrasting cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

Convergent Thinking can be thought of as linear and systematic in its approach. It attempts to find a solution to a problem by narrowing down multiple ideas into a single solution. If convergent thinking can be thought of as asking a single question, that question would be ‘ Why ?’

Divergent Thinking focuses more on the generation of multiple ideas and on the connections between those ideas. It sees problems as design opportunities and encourages the use of resources and materials in original ways. Divergent thinking encourages the taking of creative risks and is flexible rather than analytical in its approach. If it was a single question, it’d be ‘ Why not ?’

While it may appear that these two modes of thinking about a problem have an essentially competitive relationship, in CPS they can work together in a complementary manner.

When students have a problem to solve and they’re looking for innovative solutions, they can employ divergent thinking initially to generate multiple ideas, then convergent thinking to analyze and narrow down those ideas.

Students can repeat this process to continue to filter and refine their ideas and perspectives until they arrive at an innovative and satisfactory solution to the initial problem.

Let’s now take a closer look at the creative problem-solving process.

The Creative Problem-Solving Process

example for creative problem solving

CPS helps students arrive at innovative and novel solutions to the problems that arise in life. Having a process to follow helps to keep students focused and to reach a point where action can be taken to implement creative ideas.

Originally developed by Alex Osborn and Sid Parnes, the CPS process has gone through a number of revisions over the last 50 or so years and, as a result, there are a number of variations of this model in existence.

The version described below is one of the more recent models and is well-suited to the classroom environment.

However, things can sometimes get a little complex for some of the younger students. So, in this case, it may be beneficial to teach the individual parts of the process in isolation first.

1. Clarify:

Before beginning to seek creative solutions to a problem, it is important to clarify the exact nature of that problem. To do this, students should do the following three things:

i. Identify the Problem

The first step in bringing creativity to problem-solving is to identify the problem, challenge, opportunity, or goal and clearly define it.

ii. Gather Data

Gather data and research information and background to ensure a clear understanding.

iii. Formulate Questions

Enhance awareness of the nature of the problem by creating questions that invite solutions.

Explore new ideas to answer the questions raised. It’s time to get creative here. The more ideas generated, the greater the chance of producing a novel and useful idea. At this stage in particular, students should be engaged in divergent thinking as described above.

The focus here shifts from ideas to solutions. Once multiple ideas have been generated, convergent thinking can be used to narrow these down to the most suitable solution. The best idea should be closely analyzed in all its aspects and further ideas generated to make subsequent improvements. This is the stage to refine the initial idea and make it into a really workable solution.

4. Implement

Create a plan to implement the chosen solution. Students need to identify the required resources for the successful implementation of the solution. They need to plan for the actions that need to be taken, when they need to be taken, and who needs to take them.

Summary of Creative Problem Solving Process

In each stage of the CPS Process, students should be encouraged to employ divergent and convergent thinking in turn. Divergent thinking should be used to generate multiple ideas with convergent thinking then used to narrow these ideas down to the most feasible options. We will discuss how students go about this, but let’s first take a quick look at the role of a group facilitator.

example for creative problem solving

The Importance of Group Facilitator

CPS is best undertaken in groups and, for larger and more complex projects, it’s even more effective when a facilitator can be appointed for the group.

The facilitator performs a number of useful purposes and helps the group to:

  • Stay focused on the task at hand
  • Move through the various stages efficiently
  • Select appropriate tools and strategies

 A good facilitator does not generate ideas themselves but instead keeps the group focused on each step of the process.

Facilitators should be objective and possess a good understanding of the process outlined above, as well as the other tools and strategies that we will look at below.

The Creative Problem-Solving Process: Tools and Strategies

There are several activities available to help students move through each stage. These will help students to stay on track, remove barriers and blocks, be creative, and reach a consensus as they progress through the CPS process.

  The following tools and strategies can help provide groups with some structure and can be applied at various stages of the problem-solving process. For convenience, they have been categorized according to whether they make demands on divergent or convergent thinking as discussed earlier.

Divergent Thinking Tools:

  ●       Brainstorming

Defined by Alex Osborn as “a group’s attempt to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing ideas ”, this is perhaps the best-known tool in the arsenal of the creative problem solver.

To promote a creative collaboration in a group setting, simply share the challenge with everyone and challenge them to come up with as many ideas as possible. Ideas should be concise and specific. For this reason, it may be worth setting a word limit for recording each idea e.g. express in headline form in no more than 5 words. Post-it notes are perfect for this.

You may also set a quota on the number of ideas to generate or introduce a time limit to further encourage focus. When completed, members of the group can share and compare all the ideas in search of the most suitable.

●       5 W’s and an H

The 5 W’s and an H are Who , What , Where , Why , and How . This strategy is useful to effectively gather data. Students brainstorm questions to ask that begin with each of the question words above in turn. They then seek to gather the necessary information to answer these questions through research and discussion.

example for creative problem solving

●       Reverse Assumptions

This activity is a great way to explore new ideas. Have the students begin by generating a list of up to 10 basic assumptions about the idea or concept. For each of these, students then explore the reverse of the assumption listing new insights and perspectives in the process.

The students can then use these insights and perspectives to generate fresh ideas. For example, an assumption about the concept of a restaurant might be that the food is cooked for you. The reverse of that assumption could be a restaurant where you cook the food yourself. So, how about a restaurant where patrons select their own recipes and cook their own food aided by a trained chef?

Convergent Thinking Tools

●       How-How Diagram

This is the perfect activity to use when figuring out the steps required to implement a solution.

Students write the solution on the left-hand side of a page turned landscape. Working together, they identify the individual steps required to achieve this solution and write these to the right of the solution.

When they have written these steps, they go through each step one-by-one identifying in detail each stage of achieving that step. These are written branching to the right of each step.

Students repeat this process until they have exhausted the process and ended up with a comprehensive branch diagram detailing each step necessary for the implementation of the solution.

●       The Evaluation Matrix

Making an evaluation matrix creates a systematic way of analyzing and comparing multiple solutions. It allows for a group to evaluate options against various criteria to help build consensus.

An evaluation matrix begins with the listing of criteria to evaluate potential solutions against. These can then be turned into the form of a positive question that allows for a Yes or No answer. For example, if the budget is the criteria, the evaluation question could be ‘ Is it within budget? ’

Make a matrix grid with a separate column for each of the key criteria. Write the positive question form of these criteria as headings for these columns. The different options can then be detailed and listed down the left-most column.

Students then work through each of the criteria for each option and record whether it fulfills, or doesn’t fulfill, each criteria. For more complex solutions, students could record their responses to each of the criteria on a scale from 0 to 5.

For example:

example for creative problem solving

Using the example matrix above, it becomes very clear that Option 1 is the superior solution given that it completely fulfills all the criteria, whereas Option 2 and Option 3 fulfill only 2 out of the 3 criteria each.

 ●       Pair & Share

This activity is suitable to help develop promising ideas. After making a list of possible solutions or questions to pursue, each individual student writes down their top 3 ideas.

Once each student has their list of their 3 best ideas, organize students into pairs. In their pairs, students discuss their combined 6 ideas to decide on the top 3 out of the 6. Once they have agreed on these, they write the new top 3 ideas on a piece of paper.

Now, direct the pairs of students to join up with another pair to make groups of 4. In these groups of 4, students discuss their collective 6 ideas to come up with a new list of the top 3 ideas.

Repeat this process until the whole class comes together as one big group to agree on the top 3 ideas overall.

Establish a Culture of Creative Problem Solving in the Classroom

Approaching problems creatively is about establishing a classroom culture that welcomes innovation and the trial and error that innovation demands. Too often our students are so focused on finding the ‘right‘ answer that they miss opportunities to explore new ideas.

It is up to us as teachers to help create a classroom culture that encourages experimentation and creative playfulness.

To do this we need to ensure our students understand the benefits of a creative approach to problem-solving.

We must ensure too that they are aware of the personal, social, and organizational benefits of CPS.

CPS should become an integral part of their approach to solving problems whether at school, work, or in their personal lives.

As teachers, it is up to us to help create a classroom culture that encourages experimentation and creative playfulness.

To do this, we must ensure our students understand the benefits of a creative approach to problem-solving.

CPS should become an integral part of their approach to solving problems, whether at school, work or in their personal lives.

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Crucial Role of Computational and Systems Thinking in Education

the importance of systems thinking and computational thinking strategies for students cannot be overstated, as these skills are integral to navigating the complexities of our rapidly evolving digital landscape. Computational thinking, characterized by algorithmic problem-solving and logical reasoning, equips students with the ability to approach challenges systematically. In an era dominated by technology, these skills are not limited to coding but extend to critical thinking, enabling students to dissect problems, identify patterns, and devise efficient solutions. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and data-driven, computational thinking provides a foundational framework for students to make sense of information, fostering a generation adept at leveraging technology for innovation.

Simultaneously, systems thinking is indispensable in comprehending the intricate web of relationships within various contexts. It encourages students to view issues holistically, understanding the interdependence of components and the ripple effects of decisions. In an era marked by global challenges, such as climate change and socio-economic disparities, systems thinking instills a proactive mindset. Students equipped with these skills are better prepared to analyze multifaceted problems, appreciate diverse perspectives, and collaborate on sustainable solutions.

Together, computational and systems thinking empower students to navigate an ever-changing world with confidence, adaptability, and a profound understanding of the interconnected systems that shape our future. These skills are not just academic; they are the building blocks of a resilient, innovative, and forward-thinking society.

be sure to check out our great video guides to teaching systems thinking and computational thinking below.

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Problem-Solving with Creative Thinking

Creative problem-solving is a type of problem-solving. It involves searching for new and novel solutions to problems. Unlike critical thinking, which scrutinizes assumptions and uses reasoning, creative thinking is about generating alternative ideas—practices and solutions that are unique and effective. It’s about facing sometimes muddy and unclear problems and seeing how things can be done differently—how new solutions can be imagined. [1]

You have to remain open-minded, focus on your organizational skills, and learn to communicate your ideas well when you are using creative thinking to solve problems. If an employee at a café you own suggests serving breakfast in addition to the already-served lunch and dinner, keeping an open mind means thinking through the benefits of this new plan (e.g., potential new customers and increased profits) instead of merely focusing on the possible drawbacks (e.g., possible scheduling problems, added start-up costs, loss of lunch business). Implementing this plan would mean a new structure for buying, workers’ schedules and pay, and advertising, so you would have to organize all these component areas. And finally, you would need to communicate your ideas on how to make this new plan work not only to the staff who will work the new shift, but also to the public who frequent your café and the others you want to encourage to try your new hours.

We need creative solutions throughout the workplace—whether board room, emergency room, or classroom. It was no fluke that the 2001 revised Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy, originally developed in 1948, placed a new word at the apex— creating . That  creating is the highest level of thinking skills.

A diagram illustrates the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy by showing a comparison between “The Old Version” versus “The New Version.”

Bloom’s Taxonomy is an important learning theory used by psychologists, cognitive scientists, and educators to demonstrate levels of thinking. Many assessments and lessons you’ve seen during your schooling have likely been arranged with Bloom’s in mind. Researchers recently revised it to place creativity—invention—as the highest level

“Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a valid reason to not try a new approach. It may very well be that the old process is a very good way to do things, but it also may just be that the old, comfortable routine is not as effective and efficient as a new process could be.

The good news is that we can always improve upon our problem-solving and creative-thinking skills—even if we don’t consider ourselves to be artists or creative. The following information may surprise and encourage you!

  • Creative thinking (a companion to critical thinking) is an invaluable skill for college students. It’s important because it helps you look at problems and situations from a fresh perspective. Creative thinking is a way to develop novel or unorthodox solutions that do not depend wholly on past or current solutions. It’s a way of employing strategies to clear your mind so that your thoughts and ideas can transcend what appear to be the limitations of a problem. Creative thinking is a way of moving beyond barriers. [2]
  • As a creative thinker, you are curious, optimistic, and imaginative. You see problems as interesting opportunities, and you challenge assumptions and suspend judgment. You don’t give up easily. You work hard. [3]

Is this you? Even if you don’t yet see yourself as a competent creative thinker or problem-solver, you can learn solid skills and techniques to help you become one.

Creative Problem-Solving: Fiction and Facts

As you continue to develop your creative thinking skills, be alert to perceptions about creative thinking that could slow down progress. Remember that creative thinking and problem-solving are ways to transcend the limitations of a problem and see past barriers. It’s a way to think outside the box.

Creative Problem-Solving: Fiction and Facts
1 Every problem has only one solution (or one right answer). The goal of problem-solving is to solve the problem, and most problems can be solved in any number of ways. If you discover a solution that works, it’s a good solution. Other people may think up solutions that differ from yours, but that doesn’t make your solution wrong or unimportant. What is the solution to “putting words on paper”? Fountain pen, ballpoint, pencil, marker, typewriter, printer, printing press, word-processing . . .?
2 The best answer or solution or method has already been discovered. Look at the history of any solution and you’ll see that improvements, new solutions, and new right answers are always being found. What is the solution to human transportation? The ox or horse, the cart, the wagon, the train, the car, the airplane, the jet, or the space shuttle? What is the best and last?
3 Creative answers are technologically complex. Only a few problems require complex technological solutions. Most problems you’ll encounter need only a thoughtful solution involving personal action and perhaps a few simple tools. Even many problems that seem to require technology can be addressed in other ways.
4 Ideas either come or they don’t. Nothing will help— certainly not structure. There are many successful techniques for generating ideas. One important technique is to include structure. Create guidelines, limiting parameters, and concrete goals for yourself that stimulate and shape your creativity. This strategy can help you get past the intimidation of the blank page. For example, if you want to write a story about a person who gained insight through experience, you can stoke your creativity by limiting or narrowing your theme to “a young girl in Cambodia who escaped the Khmer Rouge to find a new life as a nurse in France.” Apply this type of specificity and structure to any creative endeavor.

creative problem-solving: a practice that seeks new and novel solutions to problems, often by using imagination rather than linear reason

  • "Critical and Creative Thinking, MA." University of Massachusetts Boston . 2016. Web. 16 Feb 2016. ↵
  • Mumaw, Stefan. "Born This Way: Is Creativity Innate or Learned?" Peachpit. Pearson, 27 Dec 2012. Web. 16 Feb 2016. ↵
  • Harris, Robert. "Introduction to Creative Thinking." Virtual Salt. 2 Apr 2012. Web. 16 Feb 2016. ↵
  • Ibid. ↵
  • College Success. Authored by : Linda Bruce. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • College Success. Authored by : Amy Baldwin. Provided by : OpenStax. Located at : https://openstax.org/books/college-success/pages/7-2-creative-thinking . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Text adaptation. Authored by : Claire. Provided by : Ivy Tech. Located at : http://ivytech.edu/ . License : CC BY: Attribution

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Top 20 Creative Problem Solving Interview Questions & Answers

Master your responses to Creative Problem Solving related interview questions with our example questions and answers. Boost your chances of landing the job by learning how to effectively communicate your Creative Problem Solving capabilities.

example for creative problem solving

Creative problem-solving is an indispensable skill in virtually every domain and industry. Whether you’re applying for a position that requires innovative thinking or aiming to enhance your own professional toolkit, understanding how to approach problems creatively can set you apart from the competition. It’s not just about coming up with unique solutions; it’s about demonstrating a mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation.

This article delves into the art of creative problem-solving by exploring essential questions designed to gauge and improve your ability to think outside the box. We’ll offer insights into what interviewers are looking for when they pose these complex scenarios, along with strategies and example answers to help you prepare for discussions that will test your creativity and analytical prowess.

Common Creative Problem Solving Interview Questions

1. how would you approach a scenario where traditional solutions have failed to resolve an issue.

Adaptability and resilience are key components of creative problem solving. When faced with persistent challenges, it’s important to bring fresh perspectives to the table and pivot when necessary, a vital skill in dynamic industries where unpredictability is the norm. Analyzing situations from new angles, innovating, and not being disheartened by setbacks are qualities that are highly valued.

When responding, a candidate should highlight their ability to assess problems critically, use data to inform their decisions, and brainstorm with a team or independently to generate novel ideas. They should provide a specific example that illustrates their process of identifying the root cause of an issue, exploring various alternatives, and implementing an inventive solution. Demonstrating a willingness to learn from failed attempts and to continuously refine their approach until they achieve a successful outcome will show adaptability and perseverance.

Example: “ In approaching a scenario where traditional solutions have failed, my first step is to conduct a thorough analysis to understand the underlying factors contributing to the issue. By leveraging data analytics, I can identify patterns or anomalies that might not be apparent at first glance. With this insight, I reframe the problem, looking at it from different angles to uncover alternative approaches.

For instance, when faced with a persistent software bug that standard debugging techniques couldn’t resolve, I initiated a collaborative brainstorming session, which included team members from diverse functions. This cross-pollination of ideas led to a hypothesis that the issue wasn’t within the code itself but rather in the interaction between different software modules. By constructing a series of controlled experiments to test this theory, we isolated the conflict and developed a modular solution that not only fixed the bug but also optimized the system’s overall performance. This experience reinforced the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and iterative experimentation in creative problem-solving.”

2. Describe your process for generating innovative ideas under tight deadlines.

When under pressure, the ability to harness creativity systematically is crucial, especially in creative roles. This question probes into how a candidate can balance the urgency of deadlines with the need for innovative outcomes, looking for a blend of structured thinking and flexibility in thought processes.

To respond, outline a clear and concise process that starts with understanding the problem, includes brainstorming and rapid ideation techniques such as mind mapping or SCAMPER, and ends with quick prototyping or iterative development. Highlight experiences where this process led to successful outcomes. Emphasize how you remain open to feedback and how you prioritize tasks to ensure the most critical elements of a project receive the necessary creative attention within the given timeframe.

Example: “ When faced with a tight deadline, my initial step is to swiftly delineate the core problem, ensuring that the focus remains on the most critical aspects. I employ rapid ideation techniques such as mind mapping to explore the problem space and SCAMPER to prompt alternative thinking angles. This structured yet flexible approach facilitates the generation of a wide array of ideas without becoming fixated on a single solution too early.

Once a breadth of ideas is established, I prioritize them based on impact and feasibility, quickly transitioning into prototyping the most promising concepts. This iterative cycle of development, coupled with immediate feedback loops, allows for continuous refinement while adhering to the deadline. The key is maintaining a balance between creativity and pragmatism, ensuring that innovation is not stifled by time constraints but rather invigorated by the focused energy they provide. This methodology has consistently led to the delivery of innovative solutions within demanding timeframes.”

3. What’s your most unconventional success story in problem-solving?

Stepping outside of conventional methods and thinking innovatively is often required for effective problem-solving in creative roles. Candidates are assessed on their ability to diverge from the norm, utilize unique approaches, and still achieve successful outcomes, as well as their willingness to take calculated risks and capacity for original thought.

When responding, it’s essential to recount a specific instance where you faced a challenging problem and resolved it in a way that wasn’t immediately obvious or traditional. Detail the thought process that led you to the unconventional solution, the risks involved, and the ultimate impact of the success. It’s not just about the outcome; it’s about demonstrating your ability to navigate through uncertainty and think outside the box while maintaining a results-oriented mindset.

Example: “ In a project where the conventional approach was to incrementally improve upon existing technology, I recognized that the incremental gains were plateauing and the cost-benefit ratio was diminishing. Instead, I proposed a radical pivot to an emerging technology that was considered risky and unproven in our industry. This required not only a technical reassessment but also a cultural shift within the team to embrace a learning mindset.

I led a small cross-functional group to prototype using this technology, which involved rapid iteration and a willingness to fail fast. The breakthrough came when we integrated an algorithm from a completely different field, which was unconventional in our domain but offered a novel solution to our problem. The risk paid off, leading to a product that not only outperformed the original specifications but also opened up new market opportunities. This success demonstrated the value of challenging industry norms and leveraging cross-disciplinary insights to drive innovation.”

4. Share an instance when you had to solve a problem without all the necessary information.

The art of creative problem solving demands the ability to make educated guesses and connect disparate pieces of information. Handling ambiguity, using limited resources effectively, and taking decisive action even when the path isn’t clear are tested through this question, which examines a candidate’s resourcefulness in uncertain situations.

When responding, recount a specific scenario that showcases your creativity and resourcefulness. Explain the steps you took to address the problem, emphasizing your thought process and how you evaluated the available information to arrive at a solution. Highlight the outcome and what you learned from the experience, showcasing your ability to adapt and your willingness to tackle challenges head-on, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Example: “ In a project where the client’s requirements were ambiguous and the data incomplete, I led the team through a structured problem-solving approach. We began by defining the problem based on what we understood and identifying the information gaps. I facilitated a brainstorming session to generate hypotheses on what the client might need, based on our industry expertise and analogous experiences. We then prioritized these hypotheses based on their potential impact and the feasibility of validating them with the limited data available.

Using a combination of indirect data points and logical inference, we constructed a prototype solution to address the most likely client needs. We presented this to the client in an interactive session, which not only clarified their requirements but also demonstrated our proactive approach. The solution was refined based on their feedback, leading to a successful outcome that exceeded their expectations. This experience reinforced the value of creative inference and iterative development in the face of uncertainty, and it honed my ability to guide teams through ambiguous problem spaces effectively.”

5. Illustrate how you evaluate the risks and benefits of a creative solution.

Practical application of innovative ideas within a given context is just as important as coming up with the ideas themselves. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to strike a balance between creativity and pragmatism, critically assessing the feasibility, potential impact, and trade-offs involved in their solutions.

When responding, highlight a specific instance where you developed a creative solution. Walk through your thought process, emphasizing how you weighed the pros and cons. Discuss the tools or methods you used to assess risks, such as SWOT analysis or cost-benefit analysis, and how you measured the benefits, perhaps through forecasting or pilot testing. It’s crucial to demonstrate that your creativity is grounded in strategic thinking and that you are capable of anticipating potential challenges and devising contingency plans. Your answer should convey that you can be both an imaginative thinker and a responsible decision-maker.

Example: “ In evaluating the risks and benefits of a creative solution, I first conduct a thorough SWOT analysis to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the idea. For instance, when faced with a challenging project requiring an innovative approach, I devised a solution that leveraged emerging technology to streamline processes. I began by analyzing the potential strengths, such as increased efficiency and competitive advantage, and weighed them against the weaknesses, which included a steep learning curve and initial implementation costs.

Next, I assessed the opportunities for scalability and market differentiation, while also identifying threats like technological obsolescence and potential pushback from stakeholders resistant to change. To quantify these factors, I employed a cost-benefit analysis, projecting the financial impact and productivity gains against the investment required. Additionally, I conducted a small-scale pilot test to gather empirical data, which helped in validating the solution’s effectiveness and identifying areas for refinement. This approach ensured that the creative solution was not only innovative but also strategically sound, with a clear understanding of its potential impact and a plan to mitigate risks.”

6. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade a team to adopt an unconventional approach.

Teams can be resistant to change, which is why creative problem solving often requires taking risks on untested methods or ideas. This question reveals if a candidate has the leadership and persuasive skills necessary to get buy-in from others and can handle resistance while implementing novel strategies.

When crafting a response, focus on a specific instance where you identified a unique solution to a problem. Outline the steps you took to evaluate the situation, develop your approach, and then articulate the process you used to convince your team to come on board. Be sure to highlight your communication strategy, how you addressed concerns or objections, and the outcome of the initiative. Demonstrating your ability to lead through influence and the positive impact of the unconventional approach will be key.

Example: “ In one instance, our project was facing a critical bottleneck due to conventional sequential processing. Recognizing the urgency to increase efficiency, I proposed a shift to parallel processing, which was unconventional within our current framework. I began by conducting a small-scale pilot to validate the potential of this approach. With promising results in hand, I crafted a clear presentation that highlighted the pilot’s success, emphasizing the data-driven benefits such as time savings and error reduction.

Anticipating skepticism, I prepared to address potential concerns by outlining a detailed risk mitigation plan, demonstrating how the new approach could be integrated with minimal disruption. I facilitated open discussions, allowing team members to voice their apprehensions and providing thoughtful, evidence-based responses. By actively listening and adapting the plan to incorporate their feedback, I fostered a collaborative environment. The successful adoption of this approach led to a 30% improvement in project turnaround time, validating the effectiveness of persuasive communication and the strategic implementation of unconventional solutions.”

7. In what ways do you maintain creativity while adhering to strict industry regulations?

In fields with strict industry regulations, maintaining creativity is a dance between innovation and compliance. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to push the boundaries of their creativity while ensuring that the final product or solution is still within legal and ethical guidelines.

When responding, candidates should highlight specific strategies they employ to stay creative, such as keeping abreast of industry trends, collaborating with a diverse team, and continuously educating themselves on the regulations to understand where there’s room for innovation. They could also discuss past experiences where they successfully developed a creative solution that met all regulatory requirements, demonstrating their practical application of inventiveness within a regulated framework.

Example: “ Maintaining creativity within the confines of strict industry regulations requires a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape to identify where flexibility exists. I stay current with industry trends and regulatory updates, which often reveal new opportunities for innovation. By attending workshops, webinars, and engaging with a network of professionals, I gain insights into how others navigate similar challenges. This continuous education helps me to think laterally, finding creative solutions that comply with regulations while pushing the envelope.

Collaboration is another key strategy. I work with a diverse team, integrating perspectives from different disciplines to foster a creative environment where unconventional ideas are encouraged. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to brainstorm and iterate on solutions that might not be immediately apparent, ensuring that we explore all possible avenues for innovation. When we hit a regulatory roadblock, we use it as a springboard for further creativity, asking ourselves how we can achieve the desired outcome within the given constraints. This mindset has led to successful outcomes where regulatory compliance and innovation coexist, proving that creativity can thrive even under the most stringent conditions.”

8. Outline a situation where you leveraged cross-disciplinary knowledge to solve a complex problem.

Drawing on a diverse set of skills and knowledge areas is often demanded in creative problem-solving. This question tests a candidate’s intellectual agility, interdisciplinary understanding, and ability to synthesize information in a way that can break new ground or improve upon existing processes.

When responding, select a scenario that showcases your ability to bridge gaps between different fields of knowledge. Explain the problem in clear terms, detail the disciplines you combined, and describe the thought process that led you to connect these seemingly disparate areas. Emphasize the outcome, the impact of your solution, and how this approach could be applied in the prospective role.

Example: “ In a project aimed at optimizing the energy efficiency of a manufacturing process, I encountered a complex problem where traditional engineering solutions were insufficient. The process involved a chemical reaction that was highly sensitive to temperature fluctuations, leading to energy waste and inconsistent product quality. Drawing upon principles from both chemical engineering and data science, I developed a solution that integrated predictive analytics with process control.

By creating a machine learning model that analyzed historical process data, I was able to predict temperature deviations before they occurred. This foresight allowed for preemptive adjustments to the heating system, stabilizing the reaction and significantly reducing energy consumption. The cross-disciplinary approach not only enhanced the efficiency of the process by 15% but also improved product consistency by 10%. This methodology of predictive maintenance through data analytics can be universally applied to various systems within the company to optimize performance and reduce costs.”

9. Recount an experience where lateral thinking led you to a breakthrough.

Lateral thinking is a term for looking at problems from new angles and using indirect and creative approaches, which is essential in creative roles. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their capacity for innovation and flexibility in thought processes, as well as their ability to approach challenges in unconventional ways.

When responding, candidates should recount a specific instance that showcases their creative thinking skills. It’s important to describe the situation succinctly, explain the conventional methods that were proving ineffective, and then detail the novel approach they considered. Illustrating the thought process that led to the lateral solution and the positive outcome that resulted from this approach will give the interviewer a clear picture of the candidate’s problem-solving abilities. It’s also beneficial to reflect on what this experience taught them about innovation and how it has shaped their approach to challenges since.

Example: “ In a project where our goal was to optimize the workflow of a content management system, we hit a bottleneck with data entry processes. The conventional approach was to streamline the user interface and train staff to improve efficiency. However, I noticed that the real issue wasn’t just the interface or user skillset; it was the repetitive nature of the data being entered. By applying lateral thinking, I proposed the integration of a machine learning algorithm that could learn from previous entries and predict subsequent data inputs, thereby reducing the manual workload.

This solution was unconventional because it shifted the focus from human efficiency to system intelligence. The implementation led to a 30% reduction in time spent on data entry and a significant decrease in human error. This experience reinforced the value of looking beyond the immediate frame of a problem and considering how technology can be leveraged to automate and innovate, fundamentally changing my approach to problem-solving in future projects.”

10. How do you balance intuition and data analysis in your decision-making process?

Navigating the tension between instinctual creativity and evidence-based decision-making is a key skill in creative roles. Candidates must show their ability to rely on intuition when necessary but also respect and utilize data to inform their choices, harmonizing the art of gut feeling with the science of analytics.

When responding, candidates should outline specific instances where they have successfully integrated intuition and data analysis in their work. They should discuss how they evaluate the relevance and reliability of data, how they recognize patterns or insights that data alone might not reveal, and how they ultimately arrive at decisions. It’s important to communicate the value of both elements, demonstrating a flexible and thoughtful approach that considers the unique demands of each situation.

Example: “ In balancing intuition and data analysis, I approach decision-making with a recognition that data provides the empirical foundation while intuition often offers the strategic direction. For instance, when faced with a complex problem, I begin by gathering and analyzing quantitative data to understand the variables and baseline metrics. This ensures that my decisions are grounded in reality and not just speculative. However, I am also aware that data can be lagging or incomplete, and in such instances, I rely on pattern recognition and industry experience to fill in the gaps.

My intuition is honed through years of experience and continuous learning, allowing me to anticipate trends or outcomes that may not be immediately apparent from the data. When arriving at a decision, I weigh the data-driven insights with the nuanced understanding that intuition provides. This dual approach was particularly effective in a project where the data suggested a counterintuitive strategy. By trusting my intuition, I was able to propose a solution that, while initially seeming risky, ultimately led to a breakthrough in efficiency and performance. This synthesis of data and intuition ensures a robust, adaptable decision-making process that can navigate the complexities of real-world problems.”

11. Provide an example of how you’ve repurposed existing resources to overcome a challenge.

Seeing beyond the conventional use of resources and applying them in innovative ways to address challenges is a testament to one’s adaptability and resourcefulness. Candidates should demonstrate their ability to navigate limited resources or constraints and still deliver results, making the most out of what they have.

When responding, choose an example that showcases your creativity and resourcefulness. Break down the situation to highlight the challenge clearly, then describe the specific resources you had at your disposal. Explain the thought process that led you to repurpose these resources and detail the steps you took to implement your solution. Conclude by sharing the outcome and any positive impacts your ingenuity had on the project or organization. Your response should demonstrate your ability to think critically and act efficiently, turning potential obstacles into opportunities for innovation.

Example: “ In a project faced with a tight deadline and limited budget, I identified that the computational power needed for data processing was a bottleneck. We had several older servers that were not in active use, originally intended for a decommissioned project. Recognizing their potential, I proposed repurposing these servers to create a makeshift cluster, enhancing our processing capabilities.

I led the effort to reconfigure the old servers, installing necessary software and ensuring they could operate in tandem with our current systems. This solution not only circumvented the need for additional funding but also significantly reduced the time required for data analysis. The outcome was a timely project completion and the demonstration of an economical approach to resource management, which later became a model for similar situations within the organization.”

12. What strategies do you use to foster a culture of innovation within a team?

Innovation and adaptability are prized in environments that thrive on creativity, and this question delves into the candidate’s understanding of teamwork dynamics in fostering an innovative environment. It also touches on leadership style, as promoting a culture of innovation typically requires a leader who encourages experimentation and supports risk-taking.

When responding, candidates should focus on specific strategies they’ve implemented or would implement to encourage innovative thinking. These might include creating a safe space for sharing ideas without fear of criticism, implementing regular brainstorming sessions, or encouraging cross-functional collaboration. It’s important for candidates to demonstrate an understanding of how these strategies create an environment where team members feel valued and empowered to think creatively and challenge the status quo.

Example: “ To foster a culture of innovation within a team, I employ a multipronged approach that starts with establishing psychological safety. This involves creating an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and taking risks without fear of negative consequences. I encourage open dialogue and actively listen to all suggestions, ensuring each team member knows their contributions are valued.

I also integrate structured brainstorming sessions that are designed to leverage diverse perspectives and break away from conventional thinking patterns. These sessions often include techniques such as SCAMPER or Design Thinking, which guide the team through a process of questioning assumptions and exploring alternative solutions. Furthermore, I promote cross-functional collaboration, bringing together individuals with different expertise to stimulate creative problem-solving and drive innovation from multiple angles. By combining these strategies, I cultivate a dynamic and inclusive atmosphere that not only generates innovative ideas but also propels them towards implementation.”

13. Detail a specific occasion when you anticipated potential problems and proactively devised solutions.

Proactive problem solvers forecast challenges and implement preemptive measures. Interviewers look for concrete evidence of foresight and initiative, revealing the candidate’s capacity to analyze a situation, predict outcomes, and take ownership of a project before a crisis hits.

When responding, outline a scenario where you identified a potential setback in advance. Walk the interviewer through your thought process, the predictive cues you noticed, and the strategic steps you took to mitigate the issue. Be sure to highlight the outcome, emphasizing the positive impact of your proactive approach. This demonstrates not only your problem-solving skills but also your ability to turn potential problems into successful outcomes.

Example: “ On a project where we were integrating a new software system, I recognized early on that the transition could disrupt our workflow and potentially lead to data inconsistencies. Anticipating this, I spearheaded a preemptive audit of our existing data and workflows to identify any discrepancies that could be exacerbated by the new system.

I also proposed and developed a comprehensive training program tailored to different user levels within the organization, ensuring that all team members were prepared for the switch. By implementing these measures, we managed to transition to the new system without any significant downtime and maintained data integrity throughout the process. The proactive steps resulted in a seamless integration, with the added benefit of upskilling the team, which improved our overall operational efficiency post-implementation.”

14. Have you ever implemented a solution that initially met resistance but ultimately proved successful? How did you manage it?

Persuading others to buy into unconventional ideas is a critical aspect of creative roles. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to lead and convince a team of the merit of innovative solutions, particularly when facing skepticism or opposition, and show resilience in turning potential failures into successes.

When responding, it’s crucial to share a specific instance that showcases your problem-solving skills and persuasion techniques. Detail the problem, the creative solution proposed, the resistance faced, and the strategies used to overcome it. Emphasize the process of securing buy-in, such as through evidence, pilot testing, or gradual implementation, and conclude by reflecting on the positive outcomes that justified the initial pushback.

Example: “ Yes, I encountered a situation where the solution I proposed was initially met with skepticism. The problem was a bottleneck in the production process that was causing delays and increased costs. My solution involved reorganizing the workflow and integrating a new software tool to streamline operations. Despite its potential, the team was resistant due to the learning curve and disruption to the familiar process.

To manage the resistance, I initiated a small-scale pilot program to demonstrate the efficacy of the new system without overhauling the entire process. I gathered data from the pilot to show the time savings and cost reductions. By presenting this evidence and involving key team members in the testing phase, I was able to gradually build confidence in the solution. The pilot also allowed for adjustments to be made based on feedback, which helped in addressing concerns and refining the approach. Once the benefits were clear and tangible, the solution gained wider acceptance and was fully implemented, leading to a significant improvement in production efficiency and cost savings. The success of the project not only validated the initial resistance but also fostered a more open-minded culture towards future innovations.”

15. Which metrics do you typically use to assess the effectiveness of a creative solution?

Quantifying the impact of creativity is essential for employers to determine if candidates can set objectives, apply innovative solutions, and measure outcomes against those objectives to determine effectiveness. This question reveals if a candidate can navigate the subjective nature of creativity with objective data-driven results.

When responding, you should highlight specific metrics you’ve used in the past, such as increased customer engagement, revenue growth, cost savings, or improved operational efficiency. Explain how you aligned these metrics with business goals and how your creative solutions moved the needle. Provide examples of how you’ve reviewed data and adjusted strategies accordingly to optimize the results of your creative endeavors.

Example: “ To assess the effectiveness of a creative solution, I prioritize metrics that directly correlate with the strategic goals of the initiative. For example, if the solution is customer-facing, I measure customer engagement through metrics such as conversion rates, average session duration, and Net Promoter Score (NPS). These indicators help gauge the solution’s impact on user experience and satisfaction.

In cases where the solution is designed to drive revenue growth, I track incremental sales, profit margins, and return on investment (ROI). For efficiency-driven solutions, I look at cost savings, time saved, and process cycle times. By analyzing these metrics pre- and post-implementation, I can determine the solution’s tangible benefits. Additionally, I continuously monitor these metrics to iterate and refine the solution, ensuring sustained success and alignment with evolving business objectives.”

16. Relate an incident where you had to adapt a solution mid-implementation due to unforeseen circumstances.

Flexibility and the ability to pivot when a plan goes awry are crucial in creative problem solving. Candidates must show that they can think on their feet, reassess a situation with fresh eyes, and make informed decisions that steer a project back on course, even when under pressure.

When responding, focus on a specific example that showcases your ability to re-evaluate and adjust a strategy effectively. Highlight your thought process during the incident, the alternative solutions you considered, and the rationale behind your final decision. Demonstrate how you communicated the changes to your team and managed to implement the new solution successfully, ensuring to emphasize the positive outcome or lesson learned from the experience.

Example: “ In a project where we were developing a new software feature, we encountered a significant obstacle when a key third-party API we planned to integrate was deprecated unexpectedly. The initial design hinged on the capabilities of this API, and with its deprecation, we were at risk of missing our delivery deadline. I led a rapid ideation session to explore alternative APIs and in-house development options. After evaluating the trade-offs, we decided to pivot to a different API that offered similar functionality with some adjustments to our original feature specifications.

The decision was data-driven, considering factors such as the new API’s reliability, the extent of changes needed in our codebase, and the impact on the project timeline. I communicated the shift transparently to the team, outlining the reasons for the change and the new action plan. We held a series of brief daily stand-ups to monitor progress and address any issues arising from the pivot. This adaptive approach not only kept the project on track but also fostered a culture of resilience within the team. The feature was successfully implemented, and the incident reinforced the importance of agility and proactive communication in the face of unforeseen challenges.”

17. How do you ensure stakeholder buy-in when proposing a radical solution?

Ensuring buy-in for innovative and sometimes radical solutions is essential, as stakeholders may be hesitant to embrace drastic changes. Candidates must balance being a visionary with being a diplomat, guiding stakeholders through the potential benefits and mitigated risks of a novel approach.

When responding to this question, emphasize your communication skills and your ability to empathize with stakeholder concerns. Discuss how you would clearly articulate the problem, the rationale behind your solution, and the potential impact. Provide examples of how you have used data, storytelling, or demonstrations to illustrate the value of your proposal. Mention your strategies for involving stakeholders in the process, such as seeking their input during the ideation phase, addressing their objections constructively, and building consensus through shared goals. Highlight your persistence and adaptability in navigating the terrain of corporate politics and individual preferences to achieve a unified vision.

Example: “ To ensure stakeholder buy-in when proposing a radical solution, I start by framing the problem in a context that aligns with their interests and priorities. I present the solution not just as a novel idea, but as a strategic response to a pressing challenge that affects them directly. By grounding the proposal in solid data and clear logic, I demonstrate its potential for significant impact, thereby addressing the ‘why’ behind the change.

I then engage stakeholders through a collaborative approach, inviting their feedback early in the process. This not only helps in refining the solution but also fosters a sense of ownership among stakeholders. I use storytelling to paint a vivid picture of the positive outcomes, making the abstract tangible. When objections arise, I address them head-on with empathy, providing evidence-based counterpoints and alternative scenarios. By maintaining open communication, adapting to feedback, and showing commitment to a shared vision, I build trust and consensus, paving the way for successful implementation of the solution.”

18. When faced with conflicting viewpoints, how do you arrive at a consensus for a creative strategy?

Harmonizing conflicting viewpoints is essential in ensuring that a creative strategy is not only inventive but also universally accepted and effective. Candidates are assessed on their conflict resolution skills, their ability to synthesize diverse ideas, and their finesse in guiding a team towards a unified vision.

When responding to this question, it’s important to outline a process that includes active listening, acknowledging the validity of different opinions, and leveraging the diversity of thought to enhance the creative solution. One could mention employing techniques such as brainstorming sessions, the Delphi method for gathering expert opinions, or decision-making tools like multi-voting to democratically arrive at a consensus. Highlighting past experiences where you successfully mediated and merged conflicting ideas to produce a coherent strategy will demonstrate your capability in this area.

Example: “ When confronted with conflicting viewpoints, my approach is to first ensure that each perspective is fully understood and respected. Active listening is paramount, as it allows me to grasp the nuances of each viewpoint and the underlying reasons for the disagreement. I then steer the conversation towards the shared goals and objectives that are often at the heart of the creative strategy. This common ground serves as a foundation for collaboration.

Next, I facilitate a structured brainstorming session where all parties are encouraged to contribute and build upon each other’s ideas. This not only fosters a sense of ownership among the team but also often leads to innovative solutions that might not have been reached individually. To refine the multitude of ideas, I employ decision-making tools such as multi-voting, which helps the team prioritize options democratically. This process ensures that the final consensus is a balanced amalgamation of the team’s expertise and creativity, leading to a strategy that is both innovative and aligned with our collective vision.”

19. Can you walk us through a time when you turned a failure into a learning opportunity for problem-solving?

Leveraging failures as stepping stones to success is a dynamic skill required in creative problem solving. Candidates are assessed on their resilience, adaptability, and capacity for critical thinking and growth, showing how they navigate setbacks and apply lessons learned to improve future processes.

When responding, it’s crucial to clearly outline the situation that led to the failure, emphasizing the thought process and actions taken post-failure to transform it into a learning experience. Be honest about the initial setbacks, but focus on the proactive steps you took to analyze and learn from the situation. Share specific insights gained and how they were implemented to solve the problem or prevent similar issues in the future. This demonstrates a growth mindset and shows that you view challenges as opportunities to evolve professionally.

Example: “ Certainly. In one instance, a project I was leading hit a significant roadblock when a chosen solution failed to scale as expected, causing delays and budget overruns. Initially, the failure was a setback, but it became an invaluable learning moment. I spearheaded a post-mortem analysis to identify the root causes, which revealed that our testing protocols were insufficient for real-world conditions.

Armed with this knowledge, I revised our testing framework to incorporate more rigorous stress tests and simulations that better mirrored actual usage patterns. This not only resolved the immediate scaling issue but also enhanced our overall approach to quality assurance. The experience taught us that theoretical scalability must be validated through practical, scenario-based testing. This insight has since been integrated into our standard operating procedures, ensuring that future projects are more resilient to similar challenges. The failure, thus, transformed into a strategic pivot that bolstered our problem-solving toolkit and organizational preparedness.”

20. How do you prioritize tasks when multiple issues demand creative solutions simultaneously?

An agile mind capable of juggling various challenges at once is required in creative problem-solving roles. Candidates must demonstrate strategic thinking and time management skills, discerning which tasks need immediate attention and which can be deferred, while keeping their creative energy flowing.

When responding, candidates should highlight their methodology for assessing task urgency and importance, perhaps referencing a specific system or framework they use, such as the Eisenhower Matrix or a custom prioritization technique. They should give examples from past experiences where they successfully navigated competing demands, illustrating their thought process and the outcomes. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to stay calm and maintain clarity of thought when faced with a high-pressure situation requiring creative problem-solving.

Example: “ In situations where multiple issues require creative problem-solving, I prioritize tasks based on a combination of urgency and impact, aligning with principles similar to the Eisenhower Matrix. I evaluate the immediacy of each issue, considering deadlines and potential consequences of inaction. Concurrently, I assess the impact of the solutions, focusing on those that will deliver the most significant benefits or prevent the most harm.

For instance, when faced with competing demands, I once identified a critical path that allowed me to address a high-impact, time-sensitive problem first, which also provided a strategic insight that simplified the solutions for the remaining issues. This approach not only resolved the most pressing problem efficiently but also streamlined the problem-solving process for the subsequent tasks. By maintaining a clear hierarchy of task importance and being adaptable in my strategy, I was able to deliver effective solutions within tight deadlines, demonstrating both prioritization skills and creative agility.”

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Creative Problem Solving in Large Language and Vision Models – What Would it Take?

We advocate for a strong integration of Computational Creativity (CC) with research in large language and vision models (LLVMs) to address a key limitation of these models, i.e., creative problem solving. We present preliminary experiments showing how CC principles can be applied to address this limitation. Our goal is to foster discussions on creative problem solving in LLVMs and CC at prestigious ML venues.

Lakshmi Nair Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA                        Evana Gizzi Tufts University Medford, MA, USA                        Jivko Sinapov Tufts University Medford, MA, USA

1 Introduction

Creativity is “ …the ability to come up with an idea which, relative to the pre-existing domain-space in one’s mind, one could not have had before. Whether any other person (or system) has already come up with it on an earlier occasion is irrelevant. ” Boden ( 1998 ) , p.216. For artificial agents, Computational Creativity (CC) is a multi-disciplinary field (spanning Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Computer Science) that seeks to develop computational methods capable of generating creative outcomes reminiscent of creative processes in humans Gizzi et al. ( 2022 ) . Within CC, creative problem solving is a sub-area that requires an agent to discover – from its perspective – novel and previously unseen ways to accomplish a task. For example, in the absence of a ladle to scoop ingredients, an agent might creatively choose to substitute a bowl in place of the ladle. In this sense, creative problem solving encompasses creativity that is specifically task-oriented , as opposed to the generation of creative artifacts e.g., music or images.

Refer to caption

While recent state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated competency in artistic endeavours Rombach et al. ( 2021 ); Copet et al. ( 2023 ) , creative problem solving continues to be a shortcoming of these models (we use LLVM to denote the umbrella of both LLMs and VLMs). For instance, in Bubeck et al. ( 2023 ) , the authors point out that “discontinuous tasks” that require a certain “Eureka” idea, i.e., creative problem solving, is currently a limitation of models like GPT-4. Similar observations have been made in follow up work showing that state-of-the-art LLMs inherently possess poor creative problem solving capabilities compared to humans Tian et al. ( 2023 ); Naeini et al. ( 2023 ) . Given this obvious limitation, ongoing research in Machine Learning should seek to address the gap between LLVMs and creative problem solving, to further enhance the intelligent capabilities of these models. As defined in prior work, “ Intelligence is the ability to work and adapt to the environment with insufficient knowledge and resources. ” Pennachin and Goertzel ( 2007 ) , p.10. Demonstrated in hallmark examples of human ingenuity, like the makeshift C ⁢ O 2 𝐶 subscript 𝑂 2 CO_{2} italic_C italic_O start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT filter built onboard the Apollo-13 Cass ( 2005 ) , or the makeshift medical devices used to offset equipment shortages during COVID-19 Turner et al. ( 2020 ) , creative problem solving is especially important when dealing with resource-critical scenarios. Since humans may tend to “choke” under high pressure situations DeCaro et al. ( 2011 ) often limiting their CPS skills, autonomous agents equipped with LLVMs that have similar capabilities would be highly assistive and transformative to humans in high-stake environments. These include situations like rescue missions BBC ( 2012 ) or autonomous operation in human-inaccessible environments (e.g., space or underwater exploration) with limited resources Atkeson et al. ( 2018 ) . However, the exceptional degree of creative problem solving necessary for such assistance remains beyond the scope of LLVMs today, limiting their intelligence (See Appx. B.1 ).

We believe that a discussion of Computational Creativity is essential to addressing this limitation. It is our position that Machine Learning and Computational Creativity should be strongly integrated in research to enable effective creative problem solving in LLVMs and push the frontiers of their ingenuity.

2 Two Cultures Problem: Why does CC not receive a wider reception in ML?

Even though creative problem solving (CPS) is a shortcoming of existing LLVMs, Computational Creativity seldom finds its way into mainstream ML research. We believe this discrepancy aligns with the “two cultures” problem Hammond et al. ( 2013 ) (also corroborated in Van Heerden and Bas ( 2021 ); Lahikainen et al. ( 2024 ) ), and is motivated by three aspects of CC literature as it relates to creative problem solving: a) the lack of a precise definition of CPS makes it challenging to identify how existing approaches in LLVMs are deficient in CPS skills; b) the somewhat “abstract” computational descriptions of CPS in Computational Creativity is challenging to connect to practical algorithms in LLVMs; and c) the lack of standardized benchmarks make it harder to evaluate LLVMs for CPS. In our discussions relating to a) in Section 3.1 , b) in Section 4 , and c) Section 5 , we hope to address these gaps and encourage the ML community to think about how LLVMs can be augmented with creative problem solving skills through a deeper discussion of Computational Creativity.

To emphasize the applicability of principles from CC for creative problem solving in LLVMs, we discuss the seminal work of Margaret A. Boden from CC literature that introduces three forms of creativity, namely, “ exploratory ”, “ combinational ”, and “ transformational ” Boden ( 1998 ) . Prior work has discussed the extension of Boden’s forms of creativity to creative problem solving in AI Gizzi et al. ( 2022 ) , however, their work does not include recent advances in LLVMs nor how Boden’s principles can be extended to specific approaches for LLVMs.

Ongoing discussions by leading ML experts like Dr. Shane Legg, co-founder of DeepMind, have suggested that “search” could help such models perform creative problem solving, quote, “ … these foundational models are world models of a kind, and to do really creative problem solving, you need to start searching ” Patel ( 2023 ) . There has also been speculation that OpenAI’s Q ∗ superscript 𝑄 Q^{*} italic_Q start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∗ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT search (described as a “significant breakthrough” in popular media) could be targeting a similar approach Wang ( 2023 ); Anna Tong and Hu ( 2023 ) . Interestingly, we note that “search” as described here, can be linked to Boden’s proposed “exploratory” approach (Section 4.1.1 ). However, in Section 4 , we posit that “combinational” and “transformational” modes should be equally emphasized to achieve creative problem solving in LLVMs.

Although we choose to expand on Boden’s work as the focal point to drive our arguments in the main paper, it is not the only theory in CC that is relevant to this discussion. For completeness, we elaborate on additional CC theories and their applicability to creative problem solving in LLVMs in Appx. B .

3 From Task Planning to Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving can be broadly described as the process through which agents discover novel ways of accomplishing a task that, prior to the discovery, was unsolvable. Computationally, creative problem solving can be achieved through planning, learning, or hybrid approaches Gizzi et al. ( 2022 ) . Following a review of the different definitions of creative problem solving that have been proposed (Appx. A ), we believe the following most closely connects to existing formalisms in ML.

3.1 Definition of Creative Problem Solving

Gizzi et al. ( 2022 ) define the notion of a concept , as a state (of the environment and/or agent) or action. More generally, the authors denote C X subscript 𝐶 𝑋 C_{X} italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as the set of all concepts relating to X 𝑋 X italic_X ( X 𝑋 X italic_X denotes environment states S 𝑆 S italic_S or actions A 𝐴 A italic_A ). Hence, C S subscript 𝐶 𝑆 C_{S} italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the set of all environmental states, and C A subscript 𝐶 𝐴 C_{A} italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the set of agent actions. Formally, the authors state their definition as (Page 7, (Gizzi et al., 2022 ) ):

Given an un-achievable goal due to an insufficient conceptual space, CPS refers to the process by which the agent discovers a new conceptual space C X ′ ⊈ C X not-subset-of-nor-equals subscript superscript 𝐶 ′ 𝑋 subscript 𝐶 𝑋 C^{\prime}_{X}\nsubseteq C_{X} italic_C start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊈ italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , such that C X ′ = f ⁢ ( C X ) subscript superscript 𝐶 ′ 𝑋 𝑓 subscript 𝐶 𝑋 C^{\prime}_{X}=f(C_{X}) italic_C start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_f ( italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) is the result of applying some function f 𝑓 f italic_f on the current conceptual space, enabling the agent to solve the previously unsolvable task by using C X ′ subscript superscript 𝐶 ′ 𝑋 C^{\prime}_{X} italic_C start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT .

As a simplified example, let us assume a robot that has a goal G 𝐺 G italic_G of transferring beans from a jar to a cooker: G = 𝐺 absent G= italic_G = { i ⁢ n 𝑖 𝑛 in italic_i italic_n (beans, cooker)}. Here, the initial state is defined as C S = subscript 𝐶 𝑆 absent C_{S}= italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = { i ⁢ n 𝑖 𝑛 in italic_i italic_n (beans, jar), h ⁢ a ⁢ s ⁢ C ⁢ o ⁢ n ⁢ t ⁢ a ⁢ i ⁢ n ⁢ a ⁢ b ⁢ i ⁢ l ⁢ i ⁢ t ⁢ y ℎ 𝑎 𝑠 𝐶 𝑜 𝑛 𝑡 𝑎 𝑖 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏 𝑖 𝑙 𝑖 𝑡 𝑦 hasContainability italic_h italic_a italic_s italic_C italic_o italic_n italic_t italic_a italic_i italic_n italic_a italic_b italic_i italic_l italic_i italic_t italic_y (spoon)}. Let the actions be defined as C A = subscript 𝐶 𝐴 absent C_{A}= italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = { s ⁢ c ⁢ o ⁢ o ⁢ p 𝑠 𝑐 𝑜 𝑜 𝑝 scoop italic_s italic_c italic_o italic_o italic_p (beans, X 𝑋 X italic_X , l ⁢ o ⁢ c s 𝑙 𝑜 subscript 𝑐 𝑠 loc_{s} italic_l italic_o italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , l ⁢ o ⁢ c d 𝑙 𝑜 subscript 𝑐 𝑑 loc_{d} italic_l italic_o italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_d end_POSTSUBSCRIPT )}, where, X 𝑋 X italic_X refers to an object that satisfies h ⁢ a ⁢ s ⁢ C ⁢ o ⁢ n ⁢ t ⁢ a ⁢ i ⁢ n ⁢ a ⁢ b ⁢ i ⁢ l ⁢ i ⁢ t ⁢ y ⁢ ( ⋅ ) ℎ 𝑎 𝑠 𝐶 𝑜 𝑛 𝑡 𝑎 𝑖 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏 𝑖 𝑙 𝑖 𝑡 𝑦 ⋅ hasContainability(\cdot) italic_h italic_a italic_s italic_C italic_o italic_n italic_t italic_a italic_i italic_n italic_a italic_b italic_i italic_l italic_i italic_t italic_y ( ⋅ ) (e.g., spoon), to scoop beans from l ⁢ o ⁢ c s 𝑙 𝑜 subscript 𝑐 𝑠 loc_{s} italic_l italic_o italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT to l ⁢ o ⁢ c d 𝑙 𝑜 subscript 𝑐 𝑑 loc_{d} italic_l italic_o italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_d end_POSTSUBSCRIPT . If the robot has access to a spoon, the robot can use it to scoop the beans from the jar to the cooker. However, what if the robot did not have a spoon, but had a glass instead? By the definition of C S subscript 𝐶 𝑆 C_{S} italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , the agent is unaware that h ⁢ a ⁢ s ⁢ C ⁢ o ⁢ n ⁢ t ⁢ a ⁢ i ⁢ n ⁢ a ⁢ b ⁢ i ⁢ l ⁢ i ⁢ t ⁢ y ℎ 𝑎 𝑠 𝐶 𝑜 𝑛 𝑡 𝑎 𝑖 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏 𝑖 𝑙 𝑖 𝑡 𝑦 hasContainability italic_h italic_a italic_s italic_C italic_o italic_n italic_t italic_a italic_i italic_n italic_a italic_b italic_i italic_l italic_i italic_t italic_y (glass) is true, making the goal un-achievable. By our definition, creative problem solving is the process by which the agent uses some function f ⁢ ( ⋅ ) 𝑓 ⋅ f(\cdot) italic_f ( ⋅ ) to discover a new conceptual space: f ⁢ ( C S ) = C S ′ = C S ⁢ ∪ 𝑓 subscript 𝐶 𝑆 subscript superscript 𝐶 ′ 𝑆 subscript 𝐶 𝑆 f(C_{S})=C^{\prime}_{S}=C_{S}\mathop{\cup} italic_f ( italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) = italic_C start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_S end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∪ { h ⁢ a ⁢ s ⁢ C ⁢ o ⁢ n ⁢ t ⁢ a ⁢ i ⁢ n ⁢ a ⁢ b ⁢ i ⁢ l ⁢ i ⁢ t ⁢ y ℎ 𝑎 𝑠 𝐶 𝑜 𝑛 𝑡 𝑎 𝑖 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏 𝑖 𝑙 𝑖 𝑡 𝑦 hasContainability italic_h italic_a italic_s italic_C italic_o italic_n italic_t italic_a italic_i italic_n italic_a italic_b italic_i italic_l italic_i italic_t italic_y  (glass)}. This would allow the agent to solve the previously unsolvable task by using the glass to scoop the beans instead.

Boden’s three forms of creativity denote three plausible functions for f ⁢ ( C X ) 𝑓 subscript 𝐶 𝑋 f(C_{X}) italic_f ( italic_C start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) . CPS arises when the agent uses what it knows, to discover something new and the newly discovered knowledge is applied to solve a previously impossible task. We revisit the notion of conceptual spaces in Section 3.

In the remainder of this section, we discuss how typical task planning is achieved with LLVMs. We divide the discussion into three subsections based on the level of task planning abstraction where LLVMs are applied: a) high-level task planning, b) low-level task planning, and c) hybrid task planning. While not exhaustive, our review is meant to offer a general insight into how LLVMs are used for task planning, to identify entry points for introducing creative problem solving capabilities.

3.2 LLVMs for high-level task planning

Approaches for high-level task planning often involve using LLVMs to identify high-level goals for accomplishing a task. Some approaches to task planning with LLMs often take a user input specifying the task, and generate high-level task plans for accomplishing it. These approaches often use LLMs as a form of “knowledge base”, to extract actionable task plans from the models via appropriate prompting Huang et al. ( 2022 ) , further iterating over the generated task plan with repeated calls to the LLM as needed Prasad et al. ( 2023 ) .

In the context of Reinforcement Learning (RL), prior work has focused on using LLMs to suggest high-level goals for an RL agent Du et al. ( 2023 ) . Dubbed as ELLMs (Exploring with LLMs), an RL agent provides its current state to an LLM via a prompt, and receives a goal suggestion from the LLM that is then used to shape the reward and the agent exploration. Further work has extended this approach to incorporate the use of experience memory Zhang et al. ( 2023a ) . Existing approaches have also used LLMs to generate directed acyclic graphs composed of sub-goal states to aid the exploration of an RL agent Shukla et al. ( 2023 ) .

3.3 LLVMs for low-level task planning

Approaches for low-level task planning involve using LLMs to generate low-level code for performing a task. In contrast to high-level planning, where high-level goals and sub-goals are generated, these approaches use LLMs to directly generate low-level execution code via appropriate API calls Liang et al. ( 2023 ) . Other approaches have also investigated the capacity of LLMs to generate task plans via a low-level planning language such as PDDL Silver et al. ( 2023 ) , including iterating over the generated plan descriptions in case of errors Guan et al. ( 2023 ) . In terms of low-level planning using VLMs, prior work has introduced an approach that uses a diffusion model to generate robot trajectories conditioned on language and the current visual state of the robot Chen et al. ( 2023 ) .

3.4 Hybrid high and low-level planning with LLVMs

Hybrid approaches use LLVMs both for high-level goal generation as well as low-level planning. For instance, in Li et al. ( 2023 ) , user inputs are passed as LLM prompts to generate high-level plans. The high-level plans are then converted to low-level plans for robot execution via LLMs specialized for coding. Other approaches have used a high-level LLM planner, a VLM perceiver, and a low-level LLM planner for re-planning with both visual and language inputs Skreta et al. ( 2024 ) .

3.5 Summary

Given this overview, we see that LLVMs both at the high-level and low-level, can be modified to incorporate creative problem solving into task planning. For instance, the high-level task plans generated can encompass a novel substitution for a missing object, whereas the low-level task plan can generate an appropriate trajectory for creatively using the object. While the above approaches could, in principle, be studied within the framework of creative problem solving, that is not usually how the problem is formulated; there is a lack of paradigms for studying creative problem solving beyond just, “do you solve the problem or not?” . Creative problem solving needs a fundamental rethinking of the typical problem formulations and approaches in ML. The next section is aimed at ways in which ML approaches in LLVMs can be reformulated from the perspective of CC.

4 Augmenting LLVM embedding spaces for creative problem solving

In this section, we discuss how principles from CC can be extended to LLVMs for creative problem solving. We begin with Boden’s definition of “conceptual spaces” as “ [conceptual space] is the generative system that underlies the domain and defines a certain range of possibilities: chess moves, or molecular structures, or jazz melodies ” Boden ( 2005 ) , p.18 and “ … in short, any reasonably disciplined way of thinking ” Boden ( 1998 ) , p.214. By this definition, the embedding space of an LLVM describes its conceptual space or “ its way of thinking ”. Some evidence for this also comes from existing work that introduces an approach for enabling LLMs to interpret continuous embedding spaces via natural language. Given an embedding vector representing an interpolation of different concepts, the model is able to interpret a text prompt in the context of the supplied embedding Tennenholtz et al. ( 2023 ) . The embedding thus determines the model’s way of thinking. Hence, a discussion of enabling creative problem solving in LLVMs should target their embedding space. To this end, we explore two questions: a) how can LLVM embedding spaces be augmented to achieve creative problem solving, and b) what information should they be augmented with? Aligning with our original position, we show that CC literature can offer insights into these questions.

4.1 How can LLVM embedding spaces be augmented?

In this section, we draw parallels between Boden’s three forms of creativity and existing approaches in LLVMs. We further elaborate on how the three forms of creativity may enhance the potential of LLVMs to perform creative problem solving. We note that the ML approaches discussed in this section do not specifically perform creative problem solving. However, we discuss how they could potentially be extended to do so, by leveraging references from the CC literature.

4.1.1 Exploratory Creativity

Exploratory approaches involve exploration within the conceptual or equivalently, the embedding space of the model, and most closely relates to “search”. Note that the term “exploration” here differs from its usage in RL, instead referring to exploration through the model’s embedding space . Several existing approaches in the ML literature involve searching the output space of LLMs with the goal of improving the performance of these models. The “tree-of-thought” model generates a “tree” of next possible LLM outputs, and searches through the states via Breadth-first or Depth-first search to reach the desired goal state, often guided by heuristics Yao et al. ( 2023 ) . Numerous other approaches have built upon a similar strategy, such as using Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) Zhou et al. ( 2023 ); Feng et al. ( 2023 ) , beam search Zhang et al. ( 2023b ) or integrating pruning to remove sub-par candidates Golovneva et al. ( 2023 ) .

Extension of exploratory creativity to LLVMs: An important point to note here is that these approaches involve searching exclusively within the output “solution space” of the LLMs rather than directly operating in the embedding space itself. In contrast to operating in the solution space of the LLM, exploratory approaches directly within the LLMs’ embedding space would not be limited by what the LLM can generate as output – “ Some exploration merely shows us the nature of the relevant conceptual space that we had not explicitly noticed before ” Boden ( 2005 ) , p.18. To effectively reveal the full extent of the conceptual space for creative problem solving, the approach should not be limited by the outputs the LLVM can generate. Rather, the generated (creative) outputs itself should be the result of heuristic or non-heuristic based search within the model’s embedding space. However, to the best of our knowledge current approaches have not focused on LLVMs from this perspective, and have also not applied search to embedding spaces of Vision-LMs. Regardless, exploratory approaches are still limited by the dimensions of the model’s embedding space. “ To overcome a limitation in the conceptual space, one must change it in some way ” Boden ( 2005 ) , p.18 - this leads us to combinational and transformational creativity.

4.1.2 Combinational Creativity

Combinational approaches involve combining two concepts to create something new - “ A novel combination of two familiar ideas is something which did not happen before. ” Boden ( 1998 ) , p.213. We can broadly translate this to a function that takes in multiple concepts within an LLVM’s embedding space to output a novel concept.

One way of extending this definition to LLVMs involves applying cross-attention layers. The attention operation is defined as Vaswani et al. ( 2017 ) :

where, Q 𝑄 Q italic_Q , K 𝐾 K italic_K and V 𝑉 V italic_V denote query, keys and values respectively, and d k subscript 𝑑 𝑘 d_{k} italic_d start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the dimensionality of the keys. Cross-attention involves passing K 𝐾 K italic_K and V 𝑉 V italic_V from a different model, e.g., in Flamingo Alayrac et al. ( 2022 ) , the keys and values represent visual input (from a separate vision encoder) and queries represent a language input. By applying cross attention in this manner, the embedding space of a model can be extended with capabilities of another model. In Bansal et al. ( 2024 ) the authors show that using cross-attention layers can help augment an anchor LLM with an augmenting LLM’s capabilities to perform a task that the anchor LLM was incapable of achieving before - hinting at some creative possibilities of this method.

Other approaches in LLVMs, while using “combinations” in some way, do not conform to the notion of combinational creativity . This includes, for instance, approaches that perform arithmetic combination of LLM weights to enhance the model performance Matena and Raffel ( 2022 ); Ilharco et al. ( 2022 ) . Or approaches that combine image and text embeddings via concatenation Kim et al. ( 2021 ) or a scaled dot product at the output Radford et al. ( 2021 ) . While these approaches may be useful in imparting multi-modal capabilities, however, they do not lead to combinational creativity since the combination occurs external to the models as opposed to within the model’s embedding space.

Extension of Combinational Creativity to LLVMs: The ML approaches described here involve combining embedding spaces across models. Existing approaches have not looked at combining concepts within the same model’s embedding space. The extension of combinational creativity to LLVMs is much more apparent in the sense of conceptual blending Fauconnier and Turner ( 2003 ) for generation of creative artifacts, e.g., via blending of artistic styles. However, the extension of combinational creativity to creative problem solving is less obvious, and CC literature offers us further insights for making this connection. Typical conceptual blending corresponds to a form of “aesthetic combination”, whereas creative problem solving would benefit from “functional combinations” Chen et al. ( 2018 ) . Functional combination combines the functions (as opposed to aesthetic) of two components, e.g., a coin combined with pliers could function as a makeshift screwdriver. The authors extend this framework to a combination of two nouns with a “base” noun (e.g., “pliers”) and “additive” noun (e.g., “coin”). An interesting possibility stems from this notion: Can a combination of embeddings of the same LLVM, corresponding to “base” and “additive” nouns (perhaps with some prior denoting the task), enable the LLVM to generate creative combinations of objects for solving a task? This question remains unexplored, and points to a potential research direction for LLVMs inspired by CC.

4.1.3 Transformational Creativity

Transformational approaches involve transforming existing conceptual spaces to produce new ones. Transforming conceptual spaces can involve “ altering existing rules ” Boden ( 1998 ) , p.216. One way of transforming a model’s embedding space involves fine-tuning or training Franceschelli and Musolesi ( 2023 ) . However, additional insight into transformational creative problem solving comes from prior work in CC, that describes creative problems as those with a poorly defined structure where a solution is not immediately apparent Olteteanu ( 2014 ) . And in such cases, “… re-representation being the process which transforms an ill-structured problem into a well-structured one with direct inference to a problem solution ” Olteteanu ( 2014 ) , p.1. The notion of “re-representing” or “redefining” the problem can be best captured in the input prompts provided to an LLVM. This most closely connects to prompt engineering and in-context learning (ICL).

Prompt engineering augments LLVMs with task specific hints, called prompts, to adapt the LLVM to new tasks Gu et al. ( 2023 ) . Relatedly, in-context learning is a prompting method that provides the LLVM with instructions for solving a new task without requiring additional training. Prior work has shown that in-context learning and gradient-based optimization are equivalent Von Oswald et al. ( 2023 ) , thus connecting ICL to training or fine-tuning.

Extension of transformational creativity to LLVMs: Task re-representations for creative problem solving, through prompting or ICL, has not been well explored within ML. Prompt engineering and ICL is a challenging task, since model performance depends strongly on the chosen prompts Rubin et al. ( 2021 ) , further compounded by the fact that creative problems are inherently poorly defined Olteteanu ( 2014 ) . However, useful insights can be derived from CC literature. For instance, regarding problems that require creatively re-purposing objects, the Object-replacement-object-composition (OROC) framework Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) illustrates re-representations of tasks, that can be translated into prompts. The paper defines three different types of creative tasks involving objects, and their task re-representations as (from Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) , p.16):

Replace an unfound object needed for a task with other objects present in the environment: “If I do not have an object X, which I would normally use because of its affordance 1 1 1 Affordance is defined as the relation between an agent, action and object, e.g., bowls have the “contain” affordance for humans. A ⁢ f X 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑋 Af_{X} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , what other object Y could I use, so that I can get a similar affordance, A ⁢ f X ≈ A ⁢ f Y 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑋 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑌 Af_{X}\approx Af_{Y} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≈ italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ? ”

𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑌 1 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑌 2 … 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑌 𝑛 Af_{X}\approx Af_{X^{\prime}},Af_{X}\approx Af_{Y1}+Af_{Y2}+...+Af_{Yn} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≈ italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≈ italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + … + italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ? ”

  • subscript 𝑌 1 subscript 𝑌 2 … subscript 𝑌 𝑛 Y_{1};Y_{2};...;Y_{n} italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ; italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ; … ; italic_Y start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT which are components of object Y 𝑌 Y italic_Y could I use to obtain an object Y i ′ subscript superscript 𝑌 ′ 𝑖 Y^{\prime}_{i} italic_Y start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT with an equivalent or similar affordance, A ⁢ f X ≈ A ⁢ f Y ′ ⁢ i 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑋 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 superscript 𝑌 ′ 𝑖 Af_{X}\approx Af_{Y^{\prime}i} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≈ italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ? ”

For task re-representation, affordances can refer to object properties that are relevant to the task, e.g., in some cases the shape may be relevant and in other cases, the material Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) . Within LLVMs, the affordances A ⁢ f X 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑋 Af_{X} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X end_POSTSUBSCRIPT or A ⁢ f Y 𝐴 subscript 𝑓 𝑌 Af_{Y} italic_A italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_Y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT can be defined via natural language, or other modalities such as images. In the following section, we present preliminary experiments on using LLVMs for object replacement, with prompts that are inspired by the above task re-representations. However, an in-depth application of these re-representations as defined in CC to in-context learning in LLVMs remains unexplored.

4.1.4 Summary

In the previous sections, we drew parallels between Boden’s three forms of creativity and approaches in LLVMs, further emphasizing how principles from CC can potentially help enable creative problem solving skills in these models.

Integration with task planning: Given the three methods, we see that transformational and combinational approaches may be especially aligned with LLVMs for high-level task planning. In contrast, exploratory methods may be suited to low-level planning, e.g., trajectory generation.

Creative problem solving as a combination of the three methods: An effective approach to creative problem solving may require all the three methods described in this section. While papers have explored chaining of LLMs within frameworks (often via prompts) Karpas et al. ( 2022 ); Ling et al. ( 2023 ) , the individual LLMs themselves do not exhibit the characteristics described here. Existing frameworks in CC have shown that achieving creative problem solving would take a combination of all three methods, each of which is triggered in different contexts Olteteanu ( 2014 ) . This presents potential opportunities for ML approaches that develop frameworks using multiple LLVMs, e.g., extending CC frameworks such as “ CreaCogs ” Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) can be highly beneficial for productive developments in ML.

Model Acc. % (no creativity)
CLIP-B-32 100.0%
CLIP-B-16 92.0%
CLIP-L-14 98.0%
CLIP-H-14-laion 98.0%
ViLT-B-32 68.0%
LLaVA 98.0%

4.2 What information should LLVM embeddings be augemented with?

In the previous section, we discussed three methods for augmenting LLVM embedding spaces. In this section, we explore the question: “What information should be targeted by the three methods when augmenting the embedding space for creative problem solving?”. In the previous section, we discussed this in the context of OROC. According to the OROC framework Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) , information about object affordances could enable models to re-represent the task, such that the solution becomes evident. We propose a small experiment to validate whether the principles of transformational creativity from OROC are useful to LLVMs. We note that creativity can occur in various contexts, e.g., creatively solving a math problem or creatively playing a chess move, each of which would require different information. However, to facilitate the discussion in this paper, we focus our scope on tasks that require innovatively replacing missing objects (OROC Task #1).

Note on embeddings vs. concepts: Our work connects “conceptual spaces” (or “concepts”) as defined in Computational Creativity literature, to “embedding spaces” (or “embeddings”) as defined in typical LM literature. We use “concepts” and “embeddings” interchangeably in this context. We make this connection to note that existing methods in Computational Creativity that operate on conceptual spaces translate to ML algorithms that operate on the LM’s embedding space. In this section, we connect the concept of “affordances” to the “embeddings” of the LLVMs in our experiments. Our goal is to show how the model can be prompted via an approach inspired by transformational creativity, to connect affordances of two seemingly distinct objects, e.g., a bowl and a spoon that appear distinct, but share the containability affordance.

4.2.1 Experiment Setup

We create a simple experiment setup that tests the “object replacement” principle from OROC, where we create test sets composed of images of objects for replacing one of five core objects: “Scoop”, “Hammer”, “Spatula”, “Toothpick”, and “Pliers”. We create two groups of tests: a) a nominal group where the actual object itself is available in each test set and requires no replacement (which serves as a form of baseline), and b) an object replacement group, where the nominal tool is missing and a creative replacement object should be chosen.

For each group, we create test sets with 4 objects each, chosen from a set of RGB images of 16 objects (Appendix Figure 3 ). We create 10 such test sets per core object (total 50 samples per model). Each test set only includes one ground truth object, along with three other random objects that will not suit as an appropriate replacement. In the nominal group, the ground truth is the actual object itself. In the object replacement group, the replacements are chosen based on self-assessment of the authors as (core object → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW replacement): “Scoop” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Bowl”; “Hammer” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Saucepan”; “Spatula” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Knife”; “Toothpick” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Safety pin”; “Pliers” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Scissors”. For each test case, we pass the images in the test set along with a prompt. We record whether the ground truth object image was chosen by the model for the prompt (i.e., assigned highest output probability) 2 2 2 CLIP generates probabilities that given images correspond to a text. ViLT and LLaVA respond with a text, and we evaluate if the model responded “yes” with a high probability for the ground truth. .

The nominal group is subjected to one type of prompt: “ Can this object be used as a ⟨ c o r e _ o b j e c t ⟩ ? \bigl{\langle}core\_object\bigl{\rangle}? ⟨ italic_c italic_o italic_r italic_e _ italic_o italic_b italic_j italic_e italic_c italic_t ⟩ ? ”. In the object replacement group, each test case is subjected to four types of prompts:

Baseline (regular) prompt: Same prompt as used in the nominal cases to obtain a baseline.

Prompt prepended with affordance information: the prompt includes additional information about the desired object affordances specified as object features.

Prompt prepended with task information: the prompt includes additional information about the desired task.

Prompt prepended with task and affordance information: the prompt includes additional information on the task and object affordance.

Case #2 aligns with task re-representations of OROC, and we explore cases #3 and #4 for comparison. We formulate our affordance prompts as brief versions of OROC’s task re-representations. According to Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) affordances can be defined using shape features, which we apply to the prompts here. The full set of prompts is shown in Appendix Table 2 . The models that we explore include versions of CLIP Radford et al. ( 2021 ) , LLaVA Liu et al. ( 2024 ) , and ViLT Kim et al. ( 2021 ) obtained from HuggingFace. We use different model sizes ( B ase, L arge, H uge) and patch sizes (14, 16, 32). The open-source code for reproducing our experiment results (including our dataset and test cases) is available at: https://github.com/lnairGT/creative-problem-solving-LLMs . Appendix C includes more details on the experiments.

4.2.2 Results

In Table 1 , we see the performances of the different models in the nominal test group, where the object requires no creative replacement. The models perform > 90 % absent percent 90 >90\% > 90 % in such cases (except for ViLT). In Figure 2 , we see the performances (accuracy shown on a 0.0 − 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0-1.0 0.0 - 1.0 scale) of the models in the object replacement test cases, where the object requires a creative replacement. For reference, a model that randomly picks an object achieves about 30% overall accuracy. Figure 2 shows average accuracies for the different prompting strategies across random test sets. From Table 1 to Figure 2 (“regular”), the models perform poorly when they need to creatively reason about object replacements, highlighting their limitation. Comparing the “Regular” tab in Figure 2 to “Affordance”, we see a general improvement in model performances, when object affordance information is provided , consistent with description of the OROC framework Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) . However, information about the task (Figure 2 , “Task” ) leads to mostly detrimental results. Information about task and affordances (Figure 2 , “Task + Affordance”) does not lead to substantial improvements either, and is also detrimental in certain cases. We note that there is quite a variance in performances across the different models, which may be partially attributed to the original training datasets of the models. These observations warrant further exploration beyond the scope of this paper. Appendix D includes a detailed, class-wise breakdown of the results.

Refer to caption

4.2.3 Summary

While the experiments that we conducted are only preliminary, they offer some validity that the extension of principles in Computational Creativity can help overcome limitations of LLVMs in creative problem solving. The notion of task re-representation via improved prompting warrants further investigation in LLVMs, with regards to how the prompts can be generated automatically based on the creative task.

The models used in our experiments have all been trained jointly in visual and text domains. Multi-modal prompting capabilities may be useful for achieving creative problem solving. It can be quite challenging to describe affordances in words (example of “hammers” in our tests) and they may be better described through other means, e.g., images or depth maps or spectral data for material properties Erickson et al. ( 2020 ) . This would require application of multi-modal LLVMs that can process a variety of data types Girdhar et al. ( 2023 ); Han et al. ( 2023 ) . Computational creativity can offer insights into meaningful representations of these different modalities that would help achieve creative problem solving, e.g., whether object material or shape matters more for one task vs. another Olteţeanu and Falomir ( 2016 ) .

It is also worth noting that the creative problem solving examples in our experiments are human-centric. For instance, robots may not have similar capabilities as humans to manipulate bowls for scooping. In such cases, LLVMs need to account for the affordances as described with respect to the agent , in order to derive creative solutions. However, that adds another level of complexity, yet to be explored, since these models are typically trained on human-centric data.

5 Evaluation of Creativity

An important discussion in the context of creative problem solving is, how can creative problem solving be evaluated? . Prior work has proposed that creativity necessitates both novelty and value Boden ( 1998 ); Runco and Jaeger ( 2012 ) , where the former guarantees that the generated outputs of a creative process are original, and the latter ensures that the generated outputs are useful. In the context of CPS, novelty refers to the discovery of new concepts (as defined in section 3.1 ), whereas value insists that the newly discovered concepts successfully solve the task. Hence, benchmarks for CPS should specifically evaluate how the task was solved (novelty and value) rather than the typical ML evaluation of whether the task was successful or not (value only). Some existing approaches that make this distinction describe problem settings that can be used to measure CPS skills of LLMs through the implicit integration of novelty and value measurements Tian et al. ( 2023 ); Naeini et al. ( 2023 ); Bisk et al. ( 2020 ); Talmor et al. ( 2022 ) . In Tian et al. ( 2023 ) , the authors create a dataset of 1600 real-world problems that necessarily involve creative reasoning abilities. Their proposed benchmark involves identifying novel approaches that can accomplish the given task (value). Similarly, in Naeini et al. ( 2023 ) , the authors introduce the Only-Connect-Wall (OCW) dataset to measure CPS capabilities of LLMs. The authors in Bisk et al. ( 2020 ) explore physical commonsense reasoning that is more generally applicable, beyond object-based creative problems. The authors introduce Physical Interaction: Question Answering, or PIQA consisting of 16,000 QA pairs where each question is paired with two possible common-sense solutions with a ground truth. In Talmor et al. ( 2022 ) , the authors introduce CommonSenseQA 2.0 (CSQA2) dataset consisting of both object-based and non-object based creative problems. The dataset consists of 14,343 questions distributed across 1,868 distinct topics. Currently, to the best of our knowledge, there are no standard benchmarks available to measure CPS skills of VLMs, although our preliminary experiments show one way to measure this using the task of object substitution.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we argued that an effective approach for enabling creative problem solving – currently a key limitation of LLVMs – should derive from Computational Creativity literature. To emphasize this at each juncture, we discussed the specific principles from CC that can be extended to achieve creative problem solving in LLVMs, describing the potential for further research with these insights. It is rare to see special tracks or workshops targeted at Computational Creativity within more prestigious ML conferences. These programs typically focus on creative artifact generation and art (such as the NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design NeurIPS ( 2022 ) or the recent tutorial at EMNLP on Creative Natural Language Generation Chakrabarty et al. ( 2023 ) ), but do not discuss CPS, thus failing to bridge the gap between CC and ML. We hope to see a deeper integration of the CC communities at such strong ML venues. We hope to encourage the reader to view creative problem solving and ML holistically, through the lens of Computational Creativity.

7 Limitations

Literature outside of Computational Creativity that enables CPS is unexplored: Our paper predominantly focuses on CC literature. This work does not cover literature beyond CC that can potentially inform creative problem solving in LLVMs. Although CC literature broadly encompasses psychology, neuroscience and philosophy, our future work seeks to explore specific literature within these sub-domains and discuss their applicability to creative problem solving and ML.

Lack of an explicit creative problem solving algorithm for LLVMs: Since the scope of our work aligns with a position paper, we have not focused on developing a concrete algorithm for creative problem solving in LLVMs. The prompting strategies explored in our preliminary experiments are manually specified, and our work does not elaborate on how these prompts may be automatically discovered. While our paper seeks to address some of the key gaps that prevent the application of CC literature to ML, there are still several unanswered questions when it comes to the practical implementation of an ML approach: e.g., what is a good representation for concepts that facilitate creative problem solving (symbolic, non-symbolic, or hybrid)? What is a good problem formulation for a given creative problem solving task (planning or learning)? etc. However, these questions are not directly answered within the scope of our work.

8 Ethical Considerations

The authors do not have specific ethical considerations to be highlighted with respect to this work.

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Appendix A Alternate Definitions of Creative Problem Solving

Prior work by Olteţeanu Olteteanu ( 2014 ) defines CPS from an object affordance perspective, where affordances broadly refer to action possibilities for objects, e.g., cups are pour-able and doors are open-able. The authors in Olteteanu ( 2014 ) define creative problems as nominal problem solving tasks that have a poor representational structure, and as “ the ability of a cognitive, natural, or artificial system to use new objects to solve a problem, other than the ones that have been stored in its memory as tools for that specific purpose (if any), or to create those objects by putting together objects or parts of objects the system has access to. Depending on the problem, objects can be either physical or abstract/informational (concepts, problem templates, heuristics or other forms of representations) ”. However, this definition is primarily object-creativity centered, and does not cover a wider range of creative problems.

Follow-up work by Sarathy and Scheutz Sarathy and Scheutz ( 2018 ) , define “ Macgyver-esque ” creativity as a planning task that involves “ generating, executing, and learning strategies for identifying and solving seemingly unsolvable real-world problems ”. They introduce the “ MacGyver Problem ” (MGP) as a planning problem with an unreachable goal state. Through the modification of the agent’s domain knowledge (through domain expansion and domain contraction ), the agent must discover new information and incorporate it into its existing domain knowledge, allowing the agent to accomplish the task. The domain expansion and contraction processes align with the divergent-convergent model of creative problem solving Guilford ( 1967 ) . The definition of an MGP aligns well with the formulation of planning problems in ML, but less with learning or hybrid planning-learning approaches.

Appendix B Alternate theories on creative problem solving and their applications to ML

While there is exhaustive literature regarding theories on general creativity, we focus specifically on creative problem solving, with three well received works: Divergent-Convergent Thinking Guilford ( 1967 ) , Explicit-Implicit Interaction Theory Hélie and Sun ( 2010 ) , and the Creative Systems Framework Wiggins ( 2006 ) . We discuss their applicability to ML in addition to the literature discussed in the main body of this paper. Our goal in this section is to further widen the discussion on integrating CC and ML to achieve creative problem solving in LLVMs, with additional literature.

B.0.1 Divergent-Convergent Thinking

In Guilford ( 1967 ) , the authors discuss the notion of “divergent-convergent” thinking. Divergent thinking or “divergent-production” (DP) abilities involve a more open-ended generation of a variety of ideas, whereas convergent thinking focuses on applying specific ideas to solve the problem.

Applicability to CPS in LLVMs: Prior work by Tian et al. ( 2023 ) have demonstrated the applicability of “divergent-convergent” thinking towards solving Macgyver problems. Similar in spirit to our experiments with VLMs in Section 4.2.1 , the authors prompt LLMs with descriptions of objects to enable the LLMs to reason about solving the task. Their work is, to the best of our knowledge, the only direct example demonstrating the value of CC literature in enabling CPS in LLMs.

B.0.2 Explicit-Implicit Interaction Theory

In Hélie and Sun ( 2010 ) , the authors introduce the Explicit-Implicit Interaction (EII) theory, building upon the seminal work in Wallas ( 1926 ) , that describes four stages of creativity: Preparation, incubation, illumination (i.e., insight), and verification. Preparation refers to the initial stage of searching in many different directions, which may fail to find a solution (i.e., impasse) in case of ill-defined problems (as is the case with CPS). Following an impasse, the incubation phase begins, where attention is not devoted to solving the problem. Over a period of time, illumination is the manifestation of the solution to the problem within the conscious thought (i.e., “Aha” moment). Finally, verification involves using deliberative thinking to assess if the solution indeed solves the problem.

Applicability to CPS in LLVMs: The authors in Hélie and Sun ( 2010 ) incorporate the four stages via a concrete computational method into the CLARION cognitive architecture. Prior work has also introduced a CPS framework for ML approaches inspired by the four stages Gizzi et al. ( 2022 ) . In their work, “preparation” aligns with problem formulation, either task learning or planning. Incubation and illumination aligns with knowledge representation (symbolic, non-symbolic, or hybrid), and knowledge manipulation (functions that manipulate the conceptual space). Lastly, verification aligns with evaluation (via simulation, real-world platforms, or benchmarks). Although these works do not explicitly cover LLVMs and related algorithms, they demonstrate the value of integrating CC literature in ML, and can serve as useful starting points for ML approaches towards creative problem solving in LLVMs.

B.0.3 Creative Systems Framework

In Wiggins ( 2006 ) , the author expands on Boden’s levels further in the context of a framework that formalizes creative systems. The paper defines: a) creative system, b) creative behavior, c) novelty, and d) value. The paper also discusses formalized notion of a universe of possibilities , and conceptual spaces . Crucially, the work describes the characteristics of a creative agent, that can help distinguish modes of failures within a creative system, namely: a) hopeless uninspiration – where there are no valued concepts within the universe; b) conceptual uninspiration – where there are no valued concepts within the conceptual space of the agent; and c) generative uninspiration – where an agent is unable to find a valued concept owing to the specific method (e.g., search) employed.

Applicability to CPS in LLVMs: While the discussion of novelty, value and conceptual spaces in Wiggins ( 2006 ) aligns with our descriptions in Section 4 , the different modes of uninspiration offers potential ways to assess failure modes in LLVMs. This allows agents to distinguish between systems where creative problem solving is not possible (hopeless uninspiration), as compared to systems where the conceptual space or the methodology for searching the conceptual space, may be at fault (conceptual or generative uninspiration). Although this approach has not been expanded in existing literature, it presents a promising direction for an evaluation framework that can distinguish CPS from non-CPS problems.

B.1 A potential link between creative problem solving and general intelligence

Existing literature hints at a potential link between creative problem solving and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - systems that are broadly capable of solving almost all tasks that humans can Shevlin et al. ( 2019 ) . For instance, in Moruzzi ( 2020 ) , p.85., the author argues that there exists a strong correlation between creativity and AGI: “ … features that systems need to develop in order to achieve general intelligence are aspects that they need to possess also to earn the attribute creative ”. In Goertzel ( 2014 ) , the author compiles a list of competencies deemed essential for achieving AGI, including creative capacities like “ conceptual invention ” and “ creative constructive play with objects ”. The processes of “insight” or “incubation” often associated with creative problem solving Hélie and Sun ( 2010 ); Gilhooly ( 2016 ) is also considered important for AGI Ventura ( 2014 ) . Taken together, it is likely that any promising vision of AGI would be incomplete without creative problem solving .

Alongside the heavy ongoing discussion of AGI surrounding LLVMs Bubeck et al. ( 2023 ); Fei et al. ( 2022 ); Ma et al. ( 2023 ); Xi et al. ( 2023 ); Moor et al. ( 2023 ); Grudin and Jacques ( 2019 ) , there is often little to no discussion of creative problem solving or Computational Creativity within mainstream ML. As described in Moruzzi ( 2020 ) , p.96, “ The investigation on the nature of creativity and on how it manifests itself not only in human but also in animal and artificial systems should, thus, not be intended as a niche discussion but, rather, as a fundamental research which can lay the foundations for further studies in artificial intelligence and its relation to humans ”. We hope that this work will encourage discussions of creative problem solving and Computational Creativity alongside discussions on AGI.

Appendix C Experiment Settings

Prompt type Prompt
“can this object be used as a scoop?”
“can this object be used as a hammer?”
“can this object be used as a spatula?”
“can this object be used as a toothpick?”
“can this object be used as pliers?”
“scoops must be concave and hollow. can this object be used as a scoop?”
“hammers must be heavy and have a handle attached to a cylinder at the end.
can this object be used as a hammer?”
“spatulas must have a handle attached to a flat surface at the end.
can this object be used as a spatula?”
“toothpicks must have a pointed tip. can this object be used as a toothpick?”
“pliers must have two-prongs. can this object be used as pliers?”
“scoops can transfer beans from one jar to another jar. can this object be
used as a scoop?”
“hammers can hit a nail into the wall. can this object be used as a hammer?”
“spatulas can spread butter onto a pan. can this object be used as a spatula?”
“toothpicks can pick food caught between the teeth. can this object be used
as a toothpick?”
“pliers can grab a coin. can this object be used as pliers?”
“scoops can transfer beans from one jar to another jar. scoops are concave
and hollow. can this object be used as a scoop?”
“hammers can hit a nail into the wall. hammers have a handle attached to a
cylinder at the end. can this object be used as a hammer?”
“spatulas can spread butter onto a pan. spatulas have a handle attached to a
flat surface at the end. can this object be used as a spatula?”
“toothpicks can pick food caught between the teeth. toothpicks have a
pointed tip. can this object be used as a toothpick?”
“pliers can grab a coin. pliers have two-prongs. can this object be used as

Refer to caption

C.1 Data: Test images

Figure 3 shows the test set of 16 RGB images of objects used for the object substitution task. From the shown image dataset, we create test sets with 4 objects each, chosen from the set of 16 object images. We create 10 such test sets per core object (total 50 samples per model). Each test set only includes one ground truth object, along with three other random objects that will not suit as an appropriate replacement. In the nominal group, the ground truth is the actual object itself. In the object replacement group, the replacements are chosen based on self-assessment of the authors as (core object → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW replacement): “Scoop” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Bowl”; “Hammer” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Saucepan”; “Spatula” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Knife”; “Toothpick” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Safety pin”; “Pliers” → absent → \xrightarrow{} start_ARROW start_OVERACCENT end_OVERACCENT → end_ARROW “Scissors”.

C.2 Model: Checkpoints

For all the models, we use pre-trained HuggingFace checkpoints, with no additional training or fine-tuning. The models are of different architecture sizes and patch sizes: “CLIP-B-32” uses the “openai/clip-vit-base-patch32” which is a base model with a patch size of 32. “CLIP-B-16” uses “openai/clip-vit-base-patch16” – a base model with patch size of 16. “CLIP-L-14” uses “openai/clip-vit-large-patch14” – a large model with patch size of 14. “CLIP-H-14” uses “laion/CLIP-ViT-H-14-laion2B-s32B-b79K” which is a “huge” model, with a patch size of 14. This model is trained with the 2 billion sample English subset of LAION-5B. For LLaVA, we use the “llava-hf/llava-1.5-7b-hf” with 7B parameters, version 1.5. Lastly, “VILT-B-32” uses “dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa” trained for visual question answering. However, there is limited data available on HuggingFace regarding the model.

C.3 Prompts used in testing

In this section, we discuss the prompts used in the different testing conditions (see Table 2 ). We explore four classes of prompts for the creative object substitution task: “Regular”, “Affordance”, “Task” and “Task and affordance”. Regular prompts involve a direct prompt as to whether a given object will suffice as a substitute for the missing object. Affordance prompts, adds information about the desired affordances that are essential for replacing the missing object. Task prompts adds additional information on the task to be performed as context for whether a given object can be used as replacement for the missing object. Lastly, task and affordance prompts combine the task and object affordance information within the prompt.

C.4 Testing Procedure

For each test case, we pass the images in the test set along with a prompt belonging to one of the four classes described in Table 2 . We record whether the ground truth object image was chosen by the model for the prompt (i.e., assigned highest output probability). CLIP generates probabilities that given images correspond to a text. ViLT responds with a text, and we evaluate if the model responded “yes” with a high probability for the ground truth.

C.5 Testing Infrastructure

We used NVIDIA-A100 GPUs to run the evaluation. However, the models are not too large and we have tested and confirmed that the code can be executed on CPU only as well.

Appendix D Continued Experiment Results

In this section, we show the class-wise breakdown of the different models for the different prompting strategies (Figures 4 - 7 ). We note that “hammers” present a particularly challenging case for all the models, perhaps due to the fact that correlating affordance of a hammer to a saucepan textually is difficult. In contrast, all models with the augmented prompts typically perform well in the case of creatively replacing “toothpick” with “safety pin” – presumably indicating that specifying the relevant affordance textually in this case provides sufficient information. We repeated each experiment across multiple random seeds and found similar performances, showing that our general findings hold across different random cases. Generally, specifying object affordance information in the prompts leads to improved model performance.

Refer to caption

example for creative problem solving

Query Exercise: Solving The 201 Buckets Problem

When you run a query, SQL Server needs to estimate the number of matching rows it’ll find – so that it can decide which indexes to use, whether to go parallel, how much memory to grant, and more.

For example, take any Stack Overflow database , and let’s say I have an index on Location, and I want to find the top-ranking users in Lithuania:

INDEX Location ON dbo.Users(Location); * FROM dbo.Users Location = N'lithuania' BY Reputation DESC;

Then SQL Server has to guess how many people are in Lithuania so it can decide whether to use the index on Location, or do a table scan – because if there are a lot of folks in Lithuania, then it would mean a lot of key lookups to get the Reputation value for each of them.

We’ll run the query in the small StackOverflow2010 database and review the actual execution plan :

example for creative problem solving

In the top right operator, the Index Seek, SQL Server only estimated 5 rows, but 84 rows actually came back. Now, that’s not really a problem for this particular query because:

  • SQL Server used the index – which makes the query fast
  • SQL Server did 84 key lookups instead of 5 – but still, that’s less logical reads than a table scan
  • The query went single-threaded – but there was so little work that it didn’t matter
  • The query didn’t spill to disk – there’s no yellow bang on the sort operator

As our database grows, though, the lines start to blur. Let’s run the same query on the largest current version of the StackOverflow database and see what happens in the actual execution plan :

example for creative problem solving

The top right operator, the Index Seek, shows just 8 rows estimated, but 2,554 rows were actually found. As our data size grows, these estimate variances start to become problematic. Now granted, this succeeds in the same way the 2010 query succeeds: we get an index seek, it’s still less logical reads than a key lookup plan would be, the single-threaded thing isn’t a problem for a 27 millisecond query, and we don’t spill to disk.

However, if we start to join to other tables (and we will, in the next Query Exercise), then this under-estimation is going to become a problem.

Why is the estimate wrong?

We do indeed have statistics on the Location index, and they were created with fullscan since we just created the index. Let’s view the statistics for the large database:

SHOW_STATISTICS('dbo.Users', 'Location')

And check out the histogram contents – we’ll page down to Lithuania:

example for creative problem solving

Or rather, we’ll page down to where you would  expect Lithuania to be, and there’s a problem: Lithuania’s not there. SQL Server’s statistics are limited to just 201 buckets, max. (Technically, it’s up to 200 buckets for “normal” values in the table, plus 1 bucket for null.)

SQL Server does the best job it can of picking outliers in order to paint a perfect picture of the data, but it’s hard with just 201 buckets.

Typically – but not always – when SQL Server picks the locations that it’ll use for outliers, it uses  around the top 200 locations by size, but this can vary a lot depending on the sort order of the column and the distribution of the data. Let’s look at the top locations:

TOP 250 Location, COUNT(*) AS recs FROM dbo.Users GROUP BY Location ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;

And Lithuania is at row 240 in this case:

example for creative problem solving

So it’s a big location –  but not big enough to hit the top 201 , which means it’s not going to get accurate estimates. The estimates are derived by looking at which bucket Lithuania is in – in the screenshot below, it’s row 100:

Lithuania is higher than Lisbon, but less than London, so it’s in the row 100 bucket. The row 100’s AVG_RANGE_ROWS is 7.847202, which means that any location between Lisbon and London has an  average number of rows of about 8. And that’s where the estimate is coming from in our query:

example for creative problem solving

Your challenge: get an accurate estimate.

You can change the query, the database, server-level settings, you name it. Anything that you would do in a real-life situation, you can do here. However, having done this exercise in my Mastering classes, I can tell you a couple things that people will try to do, but don’t really make sense.

You don’t wanna dump the data into a temp table first. Sometimes people will extract all of the data into a temp table, and then select data out of the temp table and say, “See, the estimate is accurate!” Sure it is, speedy, but look at your estimate from when you’re pulling the data out of the real table – the estimate’s still wrong there.

You don’t wanna use a hard-coded stat or index for just ‘Lithuania’. That only solves this one value, but you’ll still have the problem for every other outlier. We’re looking for a solution that we can use for most big outliers. (It’s always tricky to phrase question requirements in a way that rules out bad answers without pointing you to a specifically good answer, hahaha.)

Put your queries in a Github Gist and the query plans in PasteThePlan , showing your new accurate estimates , and include those link in your comments. Check out the solutions from other folks, and compare and contrast your work. I’ll circle back next week for a discussion on the answers. Have fun!

3 Comments . Leave new

' src=

My Gist https://gist.github.com/Paul-Fenton/83b0829263e9586868e1bd29fc2d6ccf

Query Plan https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=r19_spQjC

Create a new column “PopularLocation” which is set to the Location if it’s one of the top 250 locations.

Then change the query to look like:

SELECT * FROM dbo.Users WHERE Location = N’Lithuania’ OR PopularLocation = N’Lithuania’ ORDER BY Reputation DESC;

The estimate is now “84 of 85 rows (98%)” instead of “84 of 5 rows (1680%)”

' src=

I love the creativity! But…

Now the query is doing a table scan for just 84 rows. Check the estimates on other values, like India or San Diego

' src=

Sorry, cannot test it right now, just thinking out loud, perhaps filtered stats may solve it… I know it won’t probably work for other locations, but perhaps if we use parameter for the location, and using RECOMPILE hint that will be more accurate… Again sorry , but cannot test it right now…..

And because you just have to get your two cents in: Cancel reply

Brent Ozar

Hi! I’m Brent Ozar.

I make Microsoft SQL Server go faster. I love teaching, travel, cars, and laughing. I’m based out of Las Vegas. He/him. I teach SQL Server training classes , or if you haven’t got time for the pain, I’m available for consulting too.

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example for creative problem solving

Sail the Seven C’s Voyage Logbook by Robert Bear Instructs Teams on Creative Problem Solving Amid Organizational Storms

Today’s business environment is incredibly fast-moving and complicated, with problems arising left and right, like waves in a storm battering a ship. This can lead to organizations and team members feeling overwhelmed and helpless because they don’t know where and how to start dealing with these problems. Drawing on his more than four decades of experience in teaching, business, art, and the military, Robert E. Bear has authored Sail the Seven Cs Voyage Logbook , a workbook that guides members of corporate teams and other organizations on how to creatively solve problems while supporting each other. 

Written from the standpoint of a sailor, Sail the Seven Cs uses various maritime terminologies and metaphors to drive its points. According to Bear, the book and its forms function as a tool for a team, committee, task force, or a group to work together in a systematic, organized approach that can solve problems of any size. The eBook, which will soon be available on Amazon, also has a section that can help individuals and organizations secure funding for their projects by teaching them how to write grant requests. 

As outlined by the book, the seven Cs are: 

  • Conviction , or a problem that one is passionate about solving. This could be an unfair practice at work, increasing productivity, taking care of employees’ interests, or filling a market niche. 
  • Courage is the fortitude to step forth and become involved. Courage is the fortress of character that will sustain you through to the success of a positive change. 
  • Counsel may involve more than just seeking advice from friends or peers. This also includes advice and services from professionals, such as attorneys or accountants, as well as gathering as much pertinent data as possible within the business. 
  • Creativity involves crafting a map of solutions to the problem to pass through the doldrums of apathy and indifference, as well as strategies to overcome the hurricanes of skepticisms and tsunamis of intolerance. 
  • Cooperation integrates as many individuals, organizations, and businesses as possible, each having a stake in the outcome of the resolved problem. It also involves leaders being able to properly allocate tasks and responsibilities. 
  • Communication must be a multi-directional, fluid process throughout your network, Bear says. Teams must be able to effectively disseminate objectives, articulate ideas, impart information, and share feelings and feedback. 
  • Commitment , the final C, maybe the hardest C to navigate. It may entail a return to one or more of the previous Cs for continued buoyancy and not sinking from the onslaught of the monsters of doubt and new problems that have surfaced. 

According to Bear, each team member should have their own copy of Sail the Seven C’s , to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The team should also confirm a time when they can regularly assemble and work on and review each other's efforts and logbooks.  

In addition to the exercises provided by Sail the Seven C’s , Bear also holds half-day and full-day corporate creative problem-solving workshops that reinforce these lessons and provide an even more potent start to an organization’s journey toward positive change. 

Bear recommends teams hold free word association exercises to develop their creative problem-solving skills. This encourages members to not be afraid of voicing ideas that may sound silly at first, because there may be something in there that actually works. As different people have different skills and different knowledge sets, encouraging each member to speak up when they believe they have something to contribute is vital to organizational success. 

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Describe a Person Who Is Very Creative in Solving Problems

In the IELTS Speaking Test, examiners assess various components of your spoken English, such as fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. One commonly asked topic is to Describe A Person Who Is Very Creative In Solving Problems . Understanding how to answer such a question comprehensively and impressively is crucial. This guide will provide detailed answers and analysis to help you achieve a high band score.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Sample Question 1:
  • 1.2 Sample Question 2:
  • 2.1 Sample Answer:
  • 3.1 Sample Discussion Questions:
  • 4.1 Key Vocabulary
  • 5 Advice for Practice

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

The examiner typically starts with general questions to make you comfortable. Here are some common questions and sample answers:

Sample Question 1:

Examiner: Can you tell me about a friend or a family member who is good at fixing things?

Candidate: Sure. My uncle is exceptionally skilled at fixing things. Whenever something breaks down, whether it’s a car, an electronic device, or even household appliances, he always finds a way to repair it. His ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions never ceases to amaze me.

Analysis: Notice the use of words like “exceptionally skilled” and “think outside the box” , which adds richness to the vocabulary and demonstrates the ability to describe qualities effectively.

Sample Question 2:

Examiner: How do you generally solve problems in your daily life?

Candidate: I usually approach problems methodically. First, I identify the root cause of the issue. Then, I brainstorm several potential solutions and evaluate their pros and cons. Finally, I implement the most feasible solution and monitor the results.

Analysis: The structured approach and coherent explanation showcase your organizational skills and ability to articulate your thought process clearly.

Part 2: Long Turn

In this section, you will be given a cue card with a task. Here’s an example related to our topic:

Describe a person who is very creative in solving problems. You should say: Who the person is How you know this person What kinds of problems they solve And explain why this person is very creative

Sample Answer:

One person who stands out as being incredibly creative in solving problems is my colleague, Jane. I met Jane at my previous workplace, where we worked together on several challenging projects.

Jane has an uncanny ability to tackle complex issues with innovative solutions. For instance, during a major client project, we faced a significant software bug that threatened to delay our timeline. While the rest of the team was considering conventional debugging methods, Jane proposed an entirely different approach. She suggested using a machine learning algorithm to predict and identify the root cause of the bugs, which was unprecedented in our company.

Her approach not only saved us time but also enhanced the system’s efficiency. What makes Jane particularly creative is her knack for integrating technology with practical solutions and her relentless pursuit of knowledge. She constantly reads up on the latest tech trends and experiments with new tools.

In essence, Jane’s ability to combine technical expertise with creative problem-solving techniques makes her a standout individual in our organization.

Analysis: This answer uses specific examples to illustrate Jane’s creativity, demonstrating the candidate’s ability to provide detailed and relevant content. Words and phrases like “uncanny ability” , “integrating technology with practical solutions” , and “relentless pursuit of knowledge” add depth and academic rigor to the response.

woman-working-on-laptop-solving-problem|problem-solving|A woman deeply focused, working on her laptop, trying to solve a complex problem. Her desk is filled with notes, diagrams, and coffee mugs, indicating long hours of work.

Follow-up Questions:

  • Examiner: Do you think creativity is more important than technical knowledge in problem-solving?
  • Candidate: I believe both creativity and technical knowledge are essential. Creativity allows individuals to think outside traditional boundaries and come up with innovative solutions, while technical expertise provides the necessary foundation to implement these solutions effectively.

Analysis: This follow-up encourages the candidate to express their opinion and justify it with reasons, showcasing critical thinking and evaluative skills.

Part 3: Two-Way Discussion

Sample discussion questions:.

Examiner: Why do you think some people are more creative than others when it comes to solving problems?

Candidate: Creativity often stems from exposure to diverse experiences and environments. Individuals who engage in varied activities, travel, or work in dynamic settings are likely to develop a broader perspective, which can lead to more creative problem-solving. Additionally, innate curiosity and a willingness to take risks also contribute significantly to creativity.

Analysis: The answer demonstrates analytical skills and an understanding of the factors influencing creativity, using terms like “diverse experiences” , “broader perspective” , and “innate curiosity” .

Examiner: Can creativity in problem-solving be taught, or is it an innate skill?

Candidate: While certain aspects of creativity can be enhanced through training and practice, such as brainstorming techniques and lateral thinking exercises, it’s largely an innate trait. However, a conducive environment that encourages experimentation and rewards innovative thinking can significantly foster and nurture creativity.

Analysis: This response balances the view of creativity as both a teachable and innate skill. The use of specialized vocabulary like “lateral thinking” and “conducive environment” reflects a higher command of language.

Vocabulary and Phrases for High Scores

Key vocabulary.

  • Example: Jane’s innovative approach helped solve a major issue swiftly.
  • Example: His uncanny ability to find solutions amazed everyone.
  • Example: We needed a feasible solution to the problem.
  • Example: Her perspective on the issue provided new insight.

Advice for Practice

To excel in the Speaking Test:

  • Practice regularly : Use sample questions and record your answers to review later.
  • Expand your vocabulary : Learn new words and phrases related to various topics.
  • Engage in discussions : Join English-speaking clubs or groups to improve fluency.
  • Seek feedback : Have a teacher or proficient speaker critique your performance.

By following these tips and using the detailed examples provided, you can significantly improve your IELTS Speaking skills and aim for a higher band score.

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Manipulatives in Maths - A Classroom Guide for Teachers

Three glass jars filled with different maths manipulatives like coloured coins, linking cubes and marbles

Mathematical manipulatives are touted as essential tools for learning, but let's be honest—we've all experienced that moment of dread when we hand them out. Suddenly, your carefully planned lesson turns into chaos: One pupil starts building a fortress with the base ten blocks while another is hiding all the shiny counters.

Yet, despite these challenges, manipulatives play an important role in maths education. They bridge the gap between abstract concepts and tangible understanding, helping pupils grasp basic number sense. In fact, the National Curriculum emphasises their importance across all key stages, recognising that hands-on learning is vital for developing maths fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

So, how can we take advantage of these tools without losing control of the classroom? Let's explore the world of maths manipulatives—what they are, why they matter, and how to use them effectively in your primary school lessons.

What are manipulatives?

It can sound complicated, but manipulatives are simply hands-on tools that make abstract mathematical concepts concrete and visual . They're the building blocks, quite literally in some cases, that help pupils wrap their heads around tricky number ideas through good old-fashioned play, exploration, and modelling.

These learning aids come in all shapes and sizes, from the humble counter to the more elaborate Cuisenaire rods . Their key purpose? To give pupils something tangible to manipulate as they grapple with mathematical concepts. Whether it's using multilink cubes to understand place value or fraction circles to visualise parts of a whole, manipulatives help bridge the gap between 'maths on paper' and 'maths in real life'.

Common manipulatives you'll find in primary classrooms include:

Multilink cubes

Cuisenaire rods, base ten blocks, bead strings.

  • Balance scales

Clock faces

Digit cards, hundred squares.

a table strewn with many different sorts of maths manipulatives.

These tools align perfectly with the National Curriculum's aims of developing mathematical fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. By allowing pupils to physically interact with mathematical ideas, manipulatives help build a strong foundation for more complex concepts down the line. They're not just toys or distractions—they're powerful learning tools that can transform how your pupils understand and engage with maths.

Why are they important?

Over the past two decades, research has consistently shown the positive impact of using manipulatives in the classroom. A 2013 report published in the Journal of Educational Psychology identified "statistically significant results" when teachers used manipulatives compared with when they only used abstract maths symbols. This highlights the role that manipulatives play in supporting conceptual understanding and facilitating the progression from concrete to abstract thinking.

Alignment with CPA approach

The NCETM agrees that physical manipulatives should play a central role in maths teaching. "Manipulatives are not just for young pupils, and also not just for those who can't understand something. They can always be of help to build or deepen understanding of a mathematical concept."

This approach aligns perfectly with the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) progression. Once children are confident using manipulatives or 'concrete' resources, they can then move onto pictorial representations or the 'seeing' stage. Here, visual representations of concrete objects are used to model problems. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object they just handled and the abstract pictures , diagrams or models that represent the objects from the maths problem.

Enhance problem solving

But manipulatives do more than just support understanding—they're powerful tools for enhancing problem-solving skills. By allowing pupils to physically manipulate and visualise mathematical concepts, they can more easily devise strategies to tackle complex problems. This hands-on approach often leads to those 'aha!' moments we all love to see in our classrooms.

Support engagement

Moreover, manipulatives play an important role in fostering engagement and motivation. Let's face it—maths can sometimes seem dry and abstract to young learners. But introduce some colourful counters or interlocking cubes, and suddenly you've got a room full of eager mathematicians. This increased engagement is key to developing a positive attitude towards maths, which in turn supports long-term learning.

This deep understanding allows pupils to move beyond mere memorisation of facts and procedures, towards true mathematical fluency—where they can apply their knowledge flexibly and efficiently across a range of contexts.

In essence, manipulatives are not just helpful additions to our maths teaching toolkit—they're essential components in building a comprehensive, engaging, and effective mathematics education.

Types of manipulatives in primary mathematics

In this section, we'll break it common types of manipulatives into bite-sized pieces, just like we do for our pupils.

Physical manipulatives: the classics

These are the tangible, grab-them-with-your-hands resources that have been the backbone of maths classrooms for years. They're the ones that inevitably end up stuck between classroom seats and occasionally in someone's shoe.

Below is a list of common physical manipulatives in the classroom:

Ideal for teaching place value, addition, and subtraction with regrouping.

Fraction tiles

Excellent for comparing fractions and understanding equivalence.

Great for exploring 2D shapes, symmetry, and area.

An example of two geoboards, one using plastic and another using wood with rubber bands making shapes on both

Images: Wikipedia.org

Versatile tools for counting, measuring, and understanding volume.

Fantastic for developing number sense and exploring number relationships.

Essential for basic counting, sorting, and introducing simple addition and subtraction.

Useful for teaching multiplication, division, and fractions.

A set of Cuisenaire rods from one to seven. Each number has the identical rod count inside

Image: Pinterest

Helpful for developing number sense and practicing skip counting.

Useful for probability exercises and generating random numbers for various activities.

Great for pattern recognition, matching, and basic addition facts.

Essential for teaching time-telling and understanding intervals.

Two examples of clock face ideas for the classroom. One using a hula hoop and hands, another using plates and printable clock faces

Images: Pinterest & Pinterest

Useful for place value activities and forming large numbers.

Excellent for identifying number patterns and supporting multiplication and division.

Virtual manipulatives: a new kind of tool

Manipulatives have gone digital! These are interactive, online versions of our physical favourites. Think of them as the maths equivalent of e-books.

Some popular virtual manipulatives include:

Online number lines

These number lines are zoomable, clickable, and free of the uneven lines that are often result of our hand-drawn versions.

Digital base ten blocks

All the functionality without the risk of losing pieces under desks.

Interactive fraction tools

Slice and dice up pieces in any way imaginable.

Whether physical or virtual, the best manipulative is the one that helps your pupils understand the concept at hand. Whether that's a handful of multilink cubes or a fancy online simulator, if it's making those mathematical lightbulbs flicker on, you're on the right track!

Implementing manipulatives in the classroom - let them play!

Whether you have a bumper pack of manipulatives, a shared bank of resources or your very own DIY versions, it's important to teach children how to use them independently. Here are some best practices for integrating manipulatives effectively into your lessons:

  • Introduce gradually : Bring in manipulatives one at a time. If you don't have enough for each child, set up a 'maths table' where pupils can take turns exploring. This works particularly well with younger years where 'choosing tables' are common.
  • Allow for exploration : Give children a chance to play with and explore the manipulatives before using them for instruction. Through this exploration, they can start to imagine how the resource might be useful.
  • How could you use this?
  • How might this help you when adding or subtracting?
  • Why do you think they're different sizes - what could that represent?
  • Model usage : Once children are familiar with a resource, introduce a simple maths problem and ask them to use the manipulatives to solve it. Model the problem-solving process step-by-step, then guide children through it.
  • Scaffold learning : Start with highly structured activities, then gradually reduce support as pupils gain confidence. For instance, begin with direct instruction on how to use base ten blocks for place value, then move to guided practice, and finally independent problem-solving.
  • Year 1: Using counters or number lines to support addition and subtraction within 20.
  • Year 2: Use fraction tiles to help pupils recognise, find, name and write fractions of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity.
  • Year 3: Utilising place value charts (physical or digital) so pupils can recognise 3-digit numbers (100s, 10s and 1s).
  • Integrate into lesson plans : Don't treat manipulatives as an add-on. Instead, weave them into your lessons as essential tools for understanding. Plan specific points in your lessons where manipulatives will be most beneficial.
  • Support diverse learners : Manipulatives can be particularly helpful for English Language Learners (ELLs) and pupils with learning disabilities. They provide a universal language of mathematics that transcends verbal communication barriers.

An image of a maths manipulatives toolbox

Images: The Average Teacher

Manipulatives across Key Stages 1 and 2

Next, let's breakdown more examples of manipulatives in the classroom by Key Stage.

Key Stage 1 (Years 1-2): Laying the foundations

In these early years, it's all about getting hands-on with numbers and shapes.

  • Number and Place Value : Introduce counters, number lines, and base ten blocks. Pupils can observe how 10 ones form a 'ten stick', helping them grasp place value concepts.
  • Addition and Subtraction : Utilise multilink cubes for hands-on learning. Pupils can physically join or separate cubes to represent addition and subtraction operations.
  • Fractions : Fraction tiles can be effective tools for teaching fractions. They provide a visual and tactile representation of concepts like 'half' and 'quarter'.
  • Geometry : Employ geoboards for creating 2-D shapes. Pupils can then be asked to match these shapes on a 3-D surface to enhance spatial understanding.

Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6): Progressing with Purpose

As our mathematicians-in-training grow, so does the sophistication of our manipulatives. We're not ditching the basics, just building on them.

  • Multiplication and Division : Array cards and Cuisenaire rods are useful for these operations. For multiplying by 6, pupils can line up 6 rods of 4 to visualise the concept.
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages : Fraction circles can be used alongside decimal place value charts. The 100 square is effective for teaching percentages.
  • Geometry : The geoboard is a helpful tool for teaching perimeter, area, and symmetry concepts in a hands-on manner.
  • Statistics : Data can be represented using multilink cube bar charts or human pictograms, making statistics more engaging for pupils.

CPA Journey: From Concrete to Pictorial to Abstract

Remember, our end goal is for pupils to solve problems without relying on physical props. Here's how we might progress:

  • Concrete : Pupils physically manipulate objects to solve a problem. For example, using counters to work out 5 + 3.
  • Pictorial : They draw a picture or diagram to represent the problem. Our 5 + 3 might become five circles and three circles.
  • Abstract : Finally, they use mathematical symbols and numbers alone. "5 + 3 = 8."

The beauty of this approach? Pupils can always 'go back' a stage if they're struggling with a new concept. Stuck on an abstract problem? Draw a picture! Need more practise? Grab those counters!

Remember, every child's journey through these stages is unique. Some might race through, others might linger longer at certain points. The key is to ensure they have a solid understanding at each stage before moving on.

Moving from the concrete, to pictorial, to abstract stages

An example of moving from the concrete, to pictorial, to abstract stages.

Manipulative manners

Once you have introduced your resources, speak as a class and explain that they should come up with a set of rules for how they are treated and used. Giving children ownership over the manipulatives as well as the respect to make their own rules will make them feel accountable and lessen the likelihood of negative behaviours when using manipulatives. Write the rules up as a class and display them so they can be referred to.

Storing manipulatives

NRICH recommends children having access to manipulatives “Give open access to all the resources and allow the children free reign in choosing what to use to model any problem they may be tackling. I would make sure that children of all ages had this access from 3 to 11 years old and beyond.” While this is exactly what teachers would like to replicate in their classrooms, not all classes learn in the same way and this isn’t always achievable due to space, budgets and children’s prior experiences of manipulatives.

Once you have introduced a manipulative, decide as a class where you should store it . You know what works best for your class, so consider different options such as communal drawers, a maths table, individual packs or a collection of manipulatives for each table. Set clear rules around using and treating manipulatives to ensure they are not broken or lost. Additionally, you could create a monitor for each resource so the children can take ownership and make sure they stay tidy and accounted for.

Images of examples of maths mastery areas and tables to use in your classroom

Creating a classroom culture that uses manipulatives will aid children’s fluency and help develop their ability to solve problems, reason mathematically and share! If manipulatives are introduced in a considered and gradual way, with clear boundaries from an early age, children should see them as part of everyday learning and they will not be a novelty. They will be seen as tools instead of toys — and hopefully no more multilink towers!

For the community, by the community

Maths — No Problem! Community Event Conference, 28 November at The Royal Society, London.

Community Event 2024

Lily Lanigan

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    In the top right operator, the Index Seek, SQL Server only estimated 5 rows, but 84 rows actually came back. Now, that's not really a problem for this particular query because: SQL Server used the index - which makes the query fast; SQL Server did 84 key lookups instead of 5 - but still, that's less logical reads than a table scan

  26. Sail the Seven C's Voyage Logbook by Robert Bear Instructs Teams on

    In addition to the exercises provided by Sail the Seven C's, Bear also holds half-day and full-day corporate creative problem-solving workshops that reinforce these lessons and provide an even ...

  27. Describe a Person Who Is Very Creative in Solving Problems

    In essence, Jane's ability to combine technical expertise with creative problem-solving techniques makes her a standout individual in our organization. Analysis: This answer uses specific examples to illustrate Jane's creativity, demonstrating the candidate's ability to provide detailed and relevant content.

  28. Manipulatives in Maths

    Model usage: Once children are familiar with a resource, introduce a simple maths problem and ask them to use the manipulatives to solve it. Model the problem-solving process step-by-step, then guide children through it. Scaffold learning: Start with highly structured activities, then gradually reduce support as pupils gain confidence. For ...

  29. SEED Exam Books 2025: Preparation Books for SEED Entrance Exam

    Problem Solving 101: A Simple Book for Smart People by Ken WatanabeThis book is a great resource for aspiring students to strengthen their creative abilities.The book provides a systematic and creative approach to problem-solving, utilizing real-world examples, illustrations, and diagrams.Creative Thinking: Finding Solutions Out of the Box by ...