11 Plus creative writing tips and examples

bond 11 creative writing

Preparing for your  11 Plus creative writing  exam doesn’t have to be a worry. We help you here with 11 Plus creative writing tips and examples to prepare you for the exam. We're here to help you practice and improve your writing techniques and creative writing skills so you’re ready for your 11 Plus exams . 

Creative writing can be really fun – you can explore something you really want to and write about something that means a lot to you. Although, we know it can be a little bit worrying for some students that don’t enjoy writing as much or don’t feel confident in their writing skills. 

So, ahead of your  11 Plus exams  we want to help you prepare with these 11 Plus creative writing tips and strategies.

What Is 11 Plus Creative Writing?

The 11 Plus creative writing exam assesses a child’s ability to compose structured and engaging pieces of written work. It’s designed to evaluate a student’s fluency, imaginative capabilities, grammar, punctuation and overall ability to write creatively.

What does the 11 Plus creative writing exam include?

The 11 Plus creative writing exam is usually 25-30 minutes and could involve the continuation of a storyline that you’ll be provided with. Alternatively you might be asked to write a short piece of your own in response to a visual stimulus – this could be describing a character or writing something from their perspective, like a diary entry. 

Here are some the potential writing tasks you could be given for your 11 Plus creative writing exam: 

Descriptive task – continuing on a short story that you’ll be provided with, or describing a place or situation that your character finds themselves in. 

Persuasive task – you could be asked to write a letter or an article with the goal to persuade the reader to feel or act in a certain way after reading it by using emotive language. 

Narrative task – this would usually involve writing your own short story. 

Expository task – this could involve writing an article or set of instructions designed to inform the reader how to go about doing something properly. 

What are the 11 Plus creative writing topics?

Prior to starting your creative writing piece, you’ll need to have a topic. It’s important that the topic remains at the centre of everything you’re writing, as it will shape the direction of the story and the characters

You can think of a topic as a theme for your story. This can be really simple, as a simple theme will really help write a story in your own way. 

For your 11 plus creative writing exam, you’ll likely be presented with a topic that you then have to write about. Often these topics will have you writing about: 

Being lost or scared, capturing the feeling of being alone and writing a story about overcoming it.

Doing something exciting or achieving something impressive, the best day of your life so far. 

A holiday or an adventure

Travelling to the city or countryside and what you might experience there.

Writing a short story on each of the topics above can be a great way to familiarise yourself with creative writing.

What do examiners look for in creative writing?

Successfully passing your creative writing 11 Plus creative writing exam is a lot less daunting if you know what the examiners are looking for in your creative writing. 

Unlike other exams, it can be difficult to prepare the exact answers. It’s not like a sum in maths, where there’s only one correct answer after your working out. That doesn’t mean there aren’t specific things that examiners are looking for. Let’s take a look at those:

A well planned piece of writing

Strong creativity and good imagination

A fluent writing style

Good and correct use of punctuation 

Good use of English grammar

Complex sentences that are broken in an easy-to-read way with commas

Good spelling

Good and exciting vocabulary

Neat, easy-to-read handwriting

You can use those things as a checklist for your creative writing. When you write practice pieces, read them back and see if you can check off everything on the list of things that examiners are looking for. This will not only highlight areas needing improvement but will also act as a confidence-building tool.

11 Plus creative writing marking scheme

Your creative writing task will be worth 50% of your  English 11 plus exam  paper. So, you’ll want to make sure you’re well prepared!

Part of preparing for the creative writing task is ensuring you know how the exam will be marked. Here’s what your examiner will look at when they mark your work: 

The plot – you need to write a piece that’s got an engaging plot, but more importantly it needs to follow a strong beginning, middle and end structure. We’ll be getting more detail about that further on. Make sure you plan your story to ensure you have a well-structured and easy-to-follow plot. 

Vocabulary – Make sure you’re using a wide range of adjectives, nouns and adverbs. Rather than describing everything the same way, come up with some other engaging ways to write something. Use a good amount of complex words that you normally wouldn’t use (and make sure you understand what they mean so you use them correctly). 

Writing devices – no, your examiner isn’t looking at what pen you used to write the exam. Writing devices refer to things like metaphors, similes, tension building short sentences, alliteration and irony. Try sentences like “he was as fast as a runaway train,” for a simile example. See if you can write a few sentences that each use a different writing device to practice.

Grammar – now is a good time to start practising your grammar skills. Make sure you’re using commas correctly when you write long sentences, and that you format your character dialogue properly. There are a few common grammar mistakes that may catch you out, so keep practising. 

Spelling – While avoiding spelling mistakes is good, to get great marks on your exams you’ll want to use complicated words and spell them correctly. It might be tempting to avoid complicated words if you’re not sure how to spell them but it’s actually not a bad idea to use one or two complicated words and spell them so they’re recognisable than to use no complicated words at all.

11 Plus creative writing tips and techniques

Every great writer has one thing in common – writing techniques! Everyone can develop their creative writing skills by practising these creative writing tasks.

Getting creative 

If you want to write a story this should be your starting point! Have a good think about the topic for your story and the character you’ll be writing about. Take a minute to sit back, close your eyes and think about the world of your story. Can you see it? 

If you can visualise the world of your story, then you’ve got a good idea to work with! Get creative about the story and think about directions that it can go, and the characters you can work with. 

Planning and structure

Once you’ve got your theme in place you need to have a think about the direction of your story. Think about how your story starts, how you want it to end and then think about how you want your main character to get there. 

Remember the classic story structure of beginning, middle and end:

Use the beginning of your story to introduce your character, where they are and maybe one of two of their friends. Maybe even try to set them a goal at this point, what’s something they really, really want? 

Introduce the middle of your story with a problem or an obstacle for your main character to overcome. This is going to be the longest section of your story, so make sure you don’t spend too long with the opening! Think about how your character would overcome the problem you’ve introduced for them. 

In the end your main character overcomes the problem that you introduced for them. Think about what they would feel, the relief they’d experience and how you can sum that up in a paragraph or two. 

There are lots of different ways to write a story, but following the beginning, middle and end structure like this will really help you plan. Try to just write a few short sentences from the beginning, middle and end, then expand it out from there. 

If you need more inspiration to improve your writing skills, why not see David Walliam’s top ten writing tips ?

Creative writing examples: using the senses

Remember – writing descriptively helps your ideas to really come across in what you’re writing. The person reading your creative writing piece can’t read your mind!

A great way to really set a scene in your creative writing is to use the senses:

Sight – what can your character see? Describe how the scene around them looks, and be sure to use some good adjectives.

Sound – can your character hear anything? Even if your character can’t hear anything, that can sometimes be a great way to set a scene. Or maybe your character can hear lots of noise? Either way, make sure the reader knows that.

Smell – what does the place your character’s in smell like? You can make a disgusting, murky bog seem even filthier by describing how smelly it is to the reader. We all react strongly to smells, good or bad, so make sure you’re describing them to your reader.

Touch – what can your character feel? Are they sitting on a really soft sofa? Is the cat they’re stroking extra fluffy? Describe everything your character feels!

Taste – is your character tasting anything? Of course, if your character’s eating you need to describe it. How sweet are the sweets they’re eating? How bitter is the medicine they had to take? You could even get creative and describe a smell so bad that your character can almost taste it!

Get creative when you write about senses. You don’t have to cover every sense in order, you can mix things up in a paragraph or two, and sometimes you only need to cover two or three senses in a particular scene. Make sure you’re always telling your audience what your character is experiencing so the reader can put themselves in your character’s shoes. Utilising this technique ensures the reader engages with your creative writing piece.

Fluent writing

Practice makes perfect when it comes to fluent writing. To practice fluent writing, set yourself a creative writing task as if you were taking your 11 Plus creative writing test.

Try keeping the stories short. Just a few paragraphs so you can do a few attempts. When you’re finished, read them back to yourself out loud. See if the sentences are easy to read out loud. If they’re not, it might be good to rewrite them in a way that makes them easier to say. Try doing this out loud too, rephrase the sentence so it means the same thing but is easier to say. 

Reading out loud is not something you will be doing at the exam, so practicing your fluency at home is the key. Never be scared to do a few practice stories before your 11 Plus creative writing exam.

Proofreading Your Creative Writing

Finally, once you’ve finished writing and you’re happy with how fluent your piece sounds you’ve got to proofread it! That means checking your grammar, your punctuation and spelling. 

Make sure you’ve only used capital letters where they need to be used – the start of sentences and the names of people and places. 

Make sure you’ve used quotation marks correctly – start a new paragraph for when a character starts speaking, open with a quotation mark and then write what they said before closing with a quotation mark. Make sure you carry on writing after they’ve finished speaking with a new paragraph!

Have you checked the tenses? Make sure you’re not mixing up  past, present and future tenses !

Have you used enough punctuation? Make sure all your sentences end with full stops, but also that questions end with a question mark. Space out long sentences with a well-placed comma and make sure if a character says something loudly or is surprised that you’re using exclamation marks. 

Check your spelling! Are there any words you struggle with? Go back and check them to make sure they look right. If you’re really struggling to spell a word, maybe use a different one for your creative writing piece – lots of writers do this! If you do this a lot, then it might be worth doing some spelling practice. 

How do I prepare for creative writing? 

When it comes to 11 Plus creative writing exams it’s difficult to find something specific to revise – unlike exams in maths or English spelling, creative writing exams don’t have a right or wrong answer. So, don’t get overwhelmed by reading countless creative writing books.

The best way to prepare for a creative writing test is to practice all the key points we mentioned above. Set yourself some small creative writing tasks, practice your spelling and get some help fromyour teachers. You could also ask your parents or guardians about tuition to help you prepare for your creative writing .

We also have some creative writing book suggestions and worksheets that could help you prepare. 

11 Plus creative writing examples books

If you’re looking for some books to help you prepare for your 11 Plus creative writing exam or want to find some creative writing examples, here are some of our favourites:

11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples Book 1 (First Past the Post)

11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples Book 2 (First Past the Post)

Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing: 9-11 years

RSL Creative Writing, Book 1: KS2, KS3, 11 Plus & 13 Plus – Workbook For Ages 9 Upwards

11+ Creative Writing

Remember to always ask a parent or guardian before buying anything online.

11 Plus creative writing tasks and worksheets

Here are some of our own worksheets that’ll help you prepare and improve your creative writing skills: 

Creating characters

Creating dilemmas

Creating settings

My favourite author

Try an 11 plus creative writing tutor

If you’re worried about your 11 plus creative writing exam, that’s okay. There are numerous ways you can prepare without getting yourself overwhelmed. We’ve already covered how practice makes perfect when it comes to writing, so creative writing courses could be a great way for you to improve your confidence.

11 Plus tuition  will also help with your creative writing. Explore Learning’s expert tutors can help you work on your story planning and structure, grammar, writing fluency and vocabulary. 

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed about your 11 Plus creative writing task, we’re here to help you do your best.  

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11 Plus creative writing FAQs

How to prepare for 11 plus creative writing.

Prepare by understanding the 11 Plus creative writing requirements. Engage in regular practice on various topics like adventures, challenges and feelings. Focus on grammar, punctuation, fluency, spelling and vocabulary. Always proofread and consider getting feedback.

Is there creative writing in the 11 Plus exam?

The 11 Plus exam may include a creative writing component, often lasting 25-30 minutes, where a student demonstrates their narrative and language skills.

What are the different types of creative writing 11+?

The 11 Plus creative writing includes descriptive, persuasive and narrative tasks. Studentsmay be asked to craft or add to stories, describe scenarios, write persuasive letters or informative pieces.

How do I study for a creative writing exam?

Study by practising various creative writing tasks regularly. Focus on language proficiency, structure your narratives and proofread. For tailoredsupport, consider 11 Plus tuition .

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bond 11 creative writing

Mastering Creative Writing 11 Plus: Essential Strategies & Examples

Struggling with preparing your child for the 11 Plus creative writing exam? Fear not. This definitive guide offers proven strategies, vital skills insight, and inspiring examples to ensure young writers are primed for success. No fluff, just actionable advice for mastering the creative writing 11 plus exam .

Key Takeaways

  • The 11 Plus creative writing exam assesses a wide range of skills including story structure, vocabulary, grammar, and the ability to engage and evoke emotions in the reader, forming a significant part of the 11 Plus English exam.
  • Skills crucial for success in the exam include a strong vocabulary and grammar, well-planned and structured writing, the use of sensory details and literary devices , as well as crafting memorable characters and incorporating various types of writing tasks.
  • Preparation for the 11 Plus creative writing exam should involve understanding test requirements, regular practice, receiving feedback, employing time management strategies during the exam, and utilizing resources like books, worksheets, and personalized tuition.

Mastering Creative Writing 11 Plus

Understanding the 11 Plus Creative Writing Exam

The 11 Plus creative writing exam is designed to evaluate a student’s ability to produce engaging and well-structured written work.

It focuses on their narrative and language skills, assessing their:

  • Punctuation
  • Complex sentence structure

Examiners look for evidence of planning, creativity, and an extensive vocabulary as the backbone of a well-crafted story.

So, what does this mean for your child? It means that the creative writing exam is more than just a test of writing ability. It’s an assessment of how well they can craft a story, how vividly they can describe a scene or character, and how effectively they can engage a reader with their writing.

But don’t worry, in the coming sections, we’ll break down the skills your child needs to excel in the 11 Plus creative writing exam.

Importance of Creative Writing in 11 Plus

The creative writing task is indeed a substantial component of the 11 Plus English exam, accounting for 50% of the total marks. Its significance lies in its ability to assess students’ overall language skills, including their knack for evoking emotions through their writing.

The 11 Plus creative writing exam evaluates key writing skills such as:

  • Character creation
  • Use of descriptive language

Examiners look for effective planning, creativity, fluency, sound grammar, and a strong vocabulary – all attributes of great writers.

Mastering Creative Writing 11 Plus

Common Types of 11 Plus Creative Writing Tasks

The 11 Plus creative writing exam, also known as the creative writing test, can be quite diverse in its requirements, and preparing for creative writing exams encompasses various types of writing tasks, notably descriptive, persuasive, narrative, and expository.

Narrative tasks require storytelling with a clear beginning, middle, and end, while descriptive tasks focus on painting a vivid picture of a scene or character.

Persuasive writing challenges the student to convince the reader of a particular point of view, and expository writing aims to explain or inform about a topic.

Students may also be asked to continue a provided storyline or craft a piece based on a visual prompt. Each of these types of tasks calls for different writing techniques and skills, which we’ll explore later in this post.

Developing Key Skills for 11 Plus Creative Writing

Now that we understand what the 11 Plus creative writing exam entails, let’s delve into the key child’s writing skills your child needs to develop to excel in this exam. Having an extensive and engaging vocabulary along with a well-planned structure in writing is critical for success.

Moreover, students should practice creative writing regularly by exploring a wide range of topics. This helps to improve their adaptability and proficiency in different writing scenarios. But, what does this regular practice look like? And what specific skills should your child focus on?

Let’s delve deeper.

Enhancing Vocabulary and Grammar

A key area to focus on is vocabulary and grammar. Utilizing a wide array of adjectives, nouns, and adverbs can help students avoid monotonous descriptions and create more engaging narratives. Incorporating even a few complex words can significantly showcase a student’s command of advanced vocabulary.

Developing strong grammar skills, particularly in comma usage and character dialogue formatting, is crucial for enhancing the quality of creative writing.

Regular practice with grammar and punctuation is essential for students to write fluently and competently during the 11 Plus creative writing tasks.

Building Strong Story Structures

Another key skill to master in story writing is building strong story structures. A creative writing piece should be structured with a classic story arc comprising a beginning, middle, and end.

The beginning of a story should introduce the main character, and their environment, and potentially set forth a goal to generate interest. An effective middle of the story should present goals for the characters and introduce problems or conflicts they need to navigate or solve.

Essentially, when planning a story, ensure there is a clear and engaging plot with a defined beginning, a well-developed middle, and a satisfying end.

Mastering Punctuation and Spelling

Punctuation and spelling may seem like basic components of writing, but mastering them is essential for clarity and accuracy in creative writing. Precise use of punctuation, including the correct use of quotation marks, commas, and full stops, is necessary for clarity in writing.

Students should familiarize themselves with the following:

  • The correct use of capital letters
  • Punctuation to end sentences
  • Using commas correctly in long sentences
  • Formatting character dialogue properly
  • Ensuring complicated words are spelled correctly

These skills are critical to maintaining accuracy in creative writing.

Effective Creative Writing Techniques

Effective Creative Writing Techniques

In addition to mastering the basics of writing, students need to employ effective creative writing techniques.

These techniques should utilize sensory details to create vivid descriptions, allowing readers to:

  • See the story environment
  • Hear the sounds in the story
  • Smell the scents in the story
  • Feel the textures and sensations in the story
  • Taste the flavors in the story

Successful creative writing captures a reader’s attention by showcasing the writer’s creativity, imagination, and fluent writing style. Mastering these creative writing techniques is a common factor among great writers, which is also essential for excelling in 11 Plus creative writing tasks. Let’s delve into these techniques.

Engaging the Reader with Sensory Details

Engaging the reader with sensory details is a powerful tool in creative writing. Effective sensory details should consist of specific, descriptive words that appeal to the senses beyond sight, allowing readers to visualize the story.

It’s important to include these details in a way that is relevant to the plot and characters and to balance them with other elements to avoid over-describing.

Sensory details not only bring scenes to life but also provide insight into characters’ personalities and internal conflicts, contributing to a more immersive and believable world.

To write imaginatively about sensory experiences, writers should draw on their real-life observations and memories, imagining themselves in their characters’ situations.

Crafting Memorable Characters

Crafting memorable characters is another effective technique. Fictional characters with a mix of motivations and goals, such as those seen in Harry Potter, are more engaging and drive the narrative effectively.

A detailed backstory for significant characters informs their decisions, enhances credibility, and adds depth, even if not fully disclosed to the reader. Secondary characters, like sidekicks or foils, are crucial as they highlight the main character’s traits and contribute to story dynamics.

The choice of narrative perspective, whether it is the first person or third person, shapes how a character is perceived and what information about them is revealed. Introducing conflict tests characters’ resolves reveals their weaknesses, and propels the narrative while adding character depth.

Incorporating Literary Devices

Incorporating literary devices like metaphors, similes, and alliteration can enhance a student’s writing style. However, they should be prioritized for story enhancement rather than just inclusion.

The purpose of using similes and metaphors in creative writing is to enhance clarity, ensuring that they contribute to the reader’s understanding rather than confusing. Transforming a descriptive simile into a concrete and relatable comparison can distinguish a student’s work.

Mastering Creative Writing 11 Plus

Preparing for the 11 Plus Creative Writing Exam

Preparing for the 11 Plus creative writing exam involves:

  • Understanding the test format
  • Honing writing skills
  • Regular practice on various creative writing topics
  • Guidance from parents, teachers, or tuition, especially when formal school support is not sufficient.

Refresher courses before the exam can recap key concepts and exam techniques, and provide mock exams as homework to boost confidence on the exam day.

Preparation should include:

  • Focusing on the resolution of storylines and the emotions of characters to ensure a compelling ending
  • Attention to detail in grammar, punctuation, and use of tenses forms the backbone of a well-written creative piece
  • Proofreading is paramount in creative writing to prevent errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and tense usage

Regular Practice and Feedback

Regular practice and feedback are crucial for improving creative writing skills. Utilizing the technique of writing about daily activities or travels consistently can substantially improve the creative writing skills required for the 11 Plus exams.

Enrolling in creative writing courses or taking creative writing lessons can also be beneficial in honing these skills. In addition, following creative writing tips can further enhance one’s writing abilities.

Establishing a routine practice schedule that involves writing exercises and checking off criteria sought by examiners aids in pinpointing areas that need enhancement.

Parents can support their child’s 11 Plus exam preparation by helping their child prepare through:

  • Encouraging reading
  • Expanding vocabulary
  • Using practice papers
  • Providing targeted feedback to address weaknesses.

Mock tests serve as an indispensable tool for students to familiarize themselves with the 11 Plus exam structure and to take advantage of learning opportunities from their mistakes before facing the actual examination.

Utilizing Resources and Support

In addition to regular practice and feedback, utilizing resources like books, worksheets, and personalized tuition can enhance exam preparation for 11 Plus creative writing.

Books such as ‘11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples’ and ‘Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing’ are specifically recommended for students preparing for the 11 Plus creative writing exam.

Apart from books, creative writing worksheets and personalized tuition can be beneficial in enhancing exam preparation . Personalized tuition offers individualized attention and can provide targeted feedback to help students improve their writing skills.

Time Management and Proofreading

Effective time management and proofreading are vital for presenting a polished and error-free final piece in the creative writing exam. Pupils typically have under an hour to draft, write, and review their work during the 11 Plus creative writing task, with the exam often lasting between 30-45 minutes.

Effective time management is critical and requires strategic planning to ensure that all parts of the writing process are completed within the limited time frame. Proofreading is a vital step in the creative writing process, allowing students to present a polished and error-free final piece.

During proofreading, students should focus on correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, and ensuring proper use of capital letters and quotation marks.

Real-life Examples and Success Stories

Seeing success can be an excellent motivator. Let’s take a look at some real-life examples and success stories. One student’s journey began with average marks in creative writing but grew to consistently attain top marks in the 11 Plus creative writing section due to regular practice and feedback.

Another student’s passion for reading a variety of genres played a crucial role in their creative writing development, enabling them to write compelling and diverse content.

A strong correlation was noted between frequent writing practice and a student’s subsequent improvement in creative writing scores for the 11 Plus, showcasing how creative writing tested their abilities.

Targeted and personalized feedback given to a student contributed significantly to the enhancement of their creative writing skills. Successful creative writing submissions often featured dynamic openings that captivated readers’ attention and imaginative endings that left a lasting impression.

In conclusion, the 11 Plus creative writing exam is a comprehensive test of a student’s narrative and language skills. It assesses their ability to craft engaging and well-structured stories and to use a range of writing techniques effectively.

From enhancing vocabulary and grammar to building strong story structures and incorporating literary devices, there are many skills that students need to master to excel in the exam.

With regular practice, feedback, the right resources, and effective time management, students can develop these skills and excel in the 11 Plus creative writing exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the 11 Plus creative writing exam, students’ narrative and language skills are assessed, including crafting engaging and well-structured stories, and the use of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and writing techniques.

The exam includes various types of writing tasks, such as descriptive, persuasive, narrative, and expository writing, as well as continuing a provided storyline or crafting a piece based on a visual prompt. Prepare for a diverse range of writing challenges.

To enhance their vocabulary and grammar for the exam, students should engage in regular practice, read diverse texts, and incorporate a variety of adjectives, nouns, and adverbs in their writing. This will help them improve their language skills and perform better in the exam.

Students can use books, creative writing worksheets, personalized tuition, and seek regular practice and feedback from teachers or tutors to prepare for the exam. These resources can be highly beneficial in achieving success.

Effective time management is crucial for completing all writing tasks within the exam time frame while proofreading ensures a polished and error-free final piece by correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.


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  • Free 11 Plus Past Papers – Private/Independent Schools

11+ papers for English are useful resources for winning a place in top private school as a part of 11 Plus private school entrance exam.

We recommend parents to practice these 11 plus exam papers with their child under time pressure. These 11Plus past papers include 11 plus style English comprehension and creative writing. Independent School English 11 Plus exams are very competitive and use ancient English text which is sometimes quite difficult to comprehend. The comprehension passage is followed by creative writing which many times is a continuation of the story.

The questions at the end of the comprehension are very challenging so may take up a little longer time to solve. Ask your child to manage his time more effectively allowing more time for difficult comprehension questions.

We are also providing answers to some of the 11 Plus Past Papers mentioned below. We have noticed that solving these question papers will help your child to boost his/her confidence, learn time management, speed and accuracy.

Free 11 Plus Past Papers – Group 2 Consortium Schools

Free 11 plus past papers – grammar schools, recommended practice papers for 11 plus exam, recommended books/ practice books for 11+ exams:, collection of papers [bundles/packs]:.

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Note: Please make sure pop-ups are not blocked in your browser or right click on the links and 'open link in new tab' to see the Question Papers.

Check this Out: Top 5 Comprehension Tips to Score Full Marks


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  • Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School – English Specimen Paper – 2013
  • Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School – English Specimen Paper – 2014
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  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2013 Map for use with English Paper 1
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2013 English 2 Comprehension
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2012 English 1
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2012 English 2 Comprehension
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2011 English 1
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2011 English 2 Comprehension
  • The Manchester Grammar School 11 Plus Papers 2010 English


  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-a
  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-b
  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-1
  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-2
  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-3
  • The Perse School 11 Plus English Specimen Paper-4


  • Reigate Grammar School 11 Plus English 2012 Sample Paper
  • Reigate Grammar School 11 Plus English Sample Paper


St Georges College 11 Plus English 2012 Sample Paper


  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2010 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2011 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2012 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2013 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2014 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2015 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2016 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2017 Sample Paper
  • Sevenoaks School Year 7 2018 Sample Paper
  • CEM Select Test Familiarisation
  • St Paul’s Girls School
  • Francis Holland School (NW1)
  • Francis Holland School (SW1)
  • South Hampstead School
  • Northwood College For Girls
  • Notting Hill and Ealing High School
  • Queen’s College School
  • Queen’s Gate School
  • James Senior Girls’ School

11+ English Practice Papers With Answers can be found here >>

Free 11 plus past papers – group 1 consortium schools.

Until 2016 the following schools they were under Group 1. The names of the schools are mentioned below along with the past papers.

The Group 1 schools are Francis Holland School (Sloane Square), Francis Holland School (Regent’s Park), Heathfield School, Notting Hill and Ealing High School, Queen’s College, St. Helen’s School, South Hampstead High School.

  • Group 1 English 2008
  • Group 1 English 2009
  • Group 1 English 2010
  • Group 1 English 2011
  • Group 1 English 2012
  • Group 1 English 2013
  • Group 1 English 2014
  • Group 1 English 2015
  • Group 1 English 2016

11+ English Past Papers With Answers can be found here >>

Until 2016 the following schools they were under Group 2. The names of the schools are mentioned below along with the past papers.

The Group 2 schools are Channing School, City of London School for Girls, More House School, Northwood College For Girls, Queen’s Gate School, St. James Independent School, The Godolphin and Latymer School, North London Collegiate School for Girls.

  • Group 2 English 2008
  • Group 2 English 2009
  • Group 2 English 2010
  • Group 2 English 2011
  • Group 2 English 2012
  • Group 2 English 2013
  • Group 2 English 2014
  • Group 2 English 2015
  • Group 2 English 2016
  • Group 2 2017 English Paper
  • Group 2 2017 English Reading Passage

11+ English Sample Papers With Answers can be found here >>

This familiarisation booklet is created for students who intend to take the 11+ test this year. It will help to familiarise you with what to expect by providing a brief description of the various areas of the evaluation, hints for how individual question types ought to be approached along with an illustration of how to write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

The example and practice questions which are contained here will provide you an opportunity to practice answering various sorts of reasoning, English and maths questions, but won’t always be precisely the same question types which will appear in your 11 plus exam.

The sequence in which sections appear may also change. The objective of this booklet is to demonstrate the type of challenges the CEM 11 Plus or 11 Plus GL Assessment type of exam papers will present and also to lead you in how to tackle 11 plus exam questions.

  • Queen Elizabeth School – English Parent’s Guide (Familiarisation)
  • Queen Elizabeth School – English 1 (Familiarisation)
  • Queen Elizabeth School – English 2 (Familiarisation)
  • Henrietta Barnett School – familiarisation booklet
  • Reading School for Boys – Familiarisation Booklet
  • Kendrick School – Familiarisation Booklet
  • Slough Familiarisation Booklet
  • St Olave’s Grammar School – Sample Questions For Stage 1 Entrance Test (Set)
  • St Olave’s Grammar School – Sample Questions For English And Mathematics Year 7 Entry September 2015
  • St Olave’s Grammar School – Sample Questions For Stage 2 Entrance Test Year 7 Entry September 2017
  • The Latymer School – English Preparation guidance notes.
  • The Latymer School – English Paper Specimen 1 2020
  • The Latymer School – English Paper Specimen 2 2020
  • Chelmsford County High School for Girls – Familiarisation Booklets
  • Colchester County High School For Girls – Familiarisation Booklets

Essex (Redbridge)

Familiarisation Booklet


  • Dame Alice Owen’s School – English familiarisation paper
  • Dame Alice Owen’s School – English familiarisation paper mark scheme
  • 11+ English Parent’s Guide
  • 11+ English Booklet 1
  • 11+ English Booklet 2

Sample Questions For Stage 1 Entrance Test

11+ English practice papers and question books include a massive range of comprehensions, clozes, synonyms, antonyms, SPAG test with answers to support kids aged 9 to 11 years old to assemble the skills they will need for their 11 plus exam.

CGP 11 Plus practice papers cover topics that were particular to develop confidence and understanding followed closely by 11 plus tests which help to enhance accuracy and speed across a broad assortment of questions.

11 Plus Bond Assessment Papers provides comprehensive and constant practice of essential English skills; these age-ranged, fundamental study guides help children to succeed in 11 Plus exams. Bond’s carefully graded 11 plus practice papers help to evaluate the child’s strengths and flaws.

The 11 Plus publications are listed below provides excellent practice for the 11+ tests established by GL Assessment, CEM along with other evaluation suppliers, and gives an excellent exercise for the all 11 plus exam.

Bond 11 Plus Papers

  • Bond 11+: English Multiple-choice Test Papers: Pack 1
  • Bond 11+: English Multiple-choice Test Papers: Pack 2
  • Bond 11 +: English Standard Test Papers: Pack 1
  • Bond 11+: English Standard Test Papers: Pack 2
  • Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers: 10-11+ years Book 1
  • Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers: 10-11+ years Book 2
  • Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers: 11+-12+ years Book 1
  • Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers: 11+-12+ years Book 2
  • Bond 11+: English Assessment Papers: 12+-13+ years

GL Assessment 11 Plus Practice Papers

11+ Practice Papers, English, Multiple Choice: Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 (The Official 11+ Practice Papers)

CGP 11 Plus Practice Papers

  • 11+ English Practice Book with Assessment Tests Ages 10-11 (for GL & Other Test Providers) (CGP 11+ GL)
  • 11+ English Practice Papers: Multiple Choice (for GL & Other Test Providers) (CGP 11+ GL)

Letts 11 Plus Test Papers

  • English: Targeted Practice (Letts 11+ Success)
  • More English Age 10-11: Assessment Papers (Letts 11+ Success)
  • 11+ English Practice Test Papers – Multiple-Choice: for the GL Assessment Tests: Book 2 (Letts 11+ Success)
  • 11+ English Practice Test Papers – Multiple-Choice: for the GL Assessment Tests (Letts 11+ Success)
  • English: Complete Revision (Letts 11+ Success)
  • English Age 10-11: Assessment Papers (Letts 11+ Success)
  • Letts Common Entrance Success – Letts English Pre-test Practice Tests: Timed Assessment Practice Tests

FIRST PAST THE POST (FPTP) 11 Plus Practice Papers

  • 11+ Essentials English Comprehensions: Classic Literature Book 1: First Past the Post
  • 11+ Essentials English Comprehensions: Contemporary Literature Book 1 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English Comprehensions: Non-Fiction Book 1 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples Book 1 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English Mini Comprehensions: Inference Book 1 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English Mini Comprehensions: Inference Book 2 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English Mini Comprehensions: Inference Book 3 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English: Mini Comprehensions (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English: Mini Comprehensions (First Past the Post) 11+ Essentials English: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Book 1 (First Past the Post)
  • 11+ Essentials English: Practice Papers (Multiple Choice Book 1)

MW Educational 11 Plus Test Papers

  • English (Standard Format): with Answers v. 1: The A Plus Series of Secondary School Entrance 11+ Practice Papers
  • English (standard Format): v. 2: 11 Plus Practice Papers: Vol 2 (A Plus Practice Papers)
  • English: Multiple Choice Format: Secondary School Entrance Practice Papers for Children Aged 11+ (‘A’ Plus)

Athey Educational 11 Plus Exam Papers

Secondary Selection Portfolio: English Practice Papers (Standard Version) Test Pack 6

Learning Together 11 Plus Papers

Preparation for Common Entrance and 11+ and 12+ Tests

Alpha S. 11 Plus Practice Papers

  • 11+ English: Pack 1 (Alpha S.)
  • 11+ English: Pack 2 (Alpha S.)

RSL Educational 11 Plus Practice Papers

  • 11+ English Comprehension by RSL: Volume 1 – Practice Papers with Detailed Answers & Explanations for 11 Plus / KS2 English
  • 11+ English Comprehension by RSL: Volume 2 – Practice Papers with Detailed Answers & Explanations for 11 Plus / KS2 English

Galore Park 11 Plus Practice Test Papers

  • 11+ English Practice Papers 1: For 11+, pre-test and independent school exams including CEM, GL and ISEB
  • 11+ English Practice Papers 2
  • English for Common Entrance One
  • English for Common Entrance One Answers
  • English for Common Entrance Two
  • English for Common Entrance Two Answers

ISEB Test Papers

  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2009-10 Practice Paper
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2009-10 Practice Paper 2
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2009 Practice Paper
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2009 Practice Paper 2
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2008-09 Practice Paper 1
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2008-09 Practice Paper 2
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2008 Practice Paper 1
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2008 Practice Paper 2
  • ISEB 11 Plus English 2006 Practice Paper 1

11 plus English Practice Papers

After gaining a lot of experience of 11 plus tutoring, our English tutors strongly recommend 11 plus books to practice English comprehensions, poetry, clozes, and SPAG books before attempting 11 Plus Practice Papers.

Comprehension books listed below provides a collection of stimulating texts, together with questions which both construct knowledge skills and expand vocabulary. Kids are encouraged to pay careful attention to literal significance, make inferences and deductions, and discover the way writing is organised and identify literary devices.

Schofield & Sims English Books

  • Understanding English: Fiction: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Grammar: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Non-fiction: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Poetry: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Practice: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Punctuation: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Spelling: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11
  • Understanding English: Vocabulary: KS2 English Study Book, Ages 7-11

Spelling, punctuation and grammar

  • Grammar and Punctuation Book 6: Year 6, Ages 10-11
  • Spelling Book 6: Year 6, Ages 10-11


  • KS2 Comprehension Book 4: Year 6, Ages 10-11 (for the new National Curriculum)
  • A Time to Speak and a Time to Listen: KS2/KS3 English, Ages 7-13 (hardback poetry anthology)
  • A Time to Speak and a Time to Listen: KS2/KS3 English, Ages 7-13 (paperback poetry anthology)

Galore Park

  • English Year 6 (English at Key Stage 2)
  • English Year 6 Answers
  • English Year 5 (English at Key Stage 2)
  • English Year 5 Answers
  • Collins Practice in the Basic Skills – English Book 1
  • Collins Practice in the Basic Skills – English Book 2
  • Collins Practice in the Basic Skills – English Book 3
  • Collins Practice in the Basic Skills – English Book 4
  • Collins Practice in the Basic Skills – English Book 5

Bond 11 Plus

  • Bond 11+ Maths and Non-verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for the CEM 11+ tests: 10-11+ years
  • Bond 11+: English, Maths, Non-verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning: Assessment Papers: 10-11 years Bundle
  • Bond 11+: Mixed Multiple-choice Test Papers: Pack 1
  • Bond 11+: Mixed Multiple-choice Test Papers: Pack 2
  • Bond 11+: Mixed Standard Test Papers: Pack 1
  • Bond 11+: Mixed Standard Test Papers: Pack 2
  • Bond 11+: English and Verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for the CEM 11+ tests: 10-11+ years

CGP 11 Plus

  • 11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test – Pack 1 (CGP 11+ CEM)
  • 11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test – Pack 2 (CGP 11+ CEM)
  • 11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test – Pack 3 (CGP 11+ CEM)
  • Kent Test 11+ GL Practice Papers – New for 2018 (CGP 11+ GL)

Letts 11 Plus

  • Letts Common Entrance Success – Letts 11+ Problem Solving – Practice Workbook with Assessment Tests: For Independent School Entrance
  • Letts Common Entrance Success – Letts 11+ Poetry – Practice Workbook with Assessment Tests: For Independent School Entrance

English Reading Book List:

  • The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • Narnia Series by C.S Lewis
  • Wolves of Willoughby Chase series by Joan Aiken
  • The Complete Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
  • Story Collection by Roald Dahl
  • The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien
  • Dragonfire by Anne Forbes   
  • Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm
  • Charlotte’s Web by E.B White
  • The Witches by Roald Dahl
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • Book 1 – The Magician’s Nephew
  • Book 2 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Book 3 – The Horse and His Boy
  • Warhorse by Michael Morpurgo
  • The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
  • Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  • Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  • Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden
  • Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • Jacqueline Wilson Series
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian

Usually, 11 plus English papers don’t come with answers. However, you can find detailed solutions to 11 plus English papers on the PiAcademy website.

11+ English comprehension papers are beneficial as they develop the child’s knowledge and skills. You can find 550+ English comprehension questions on the PiAcademy Website.

Yes, 11+ English past papers from various schools help the child practice for the 11+ exam.

Yes, 11 plus vocabulary list is available in the resources section. You can find 150 misspelled words with the VCOP pyramid, which will improve his/her vocabulary and creative writing skills.

Along with Comprehension, Creative writing is also an essential part of the 11+ English Exam. You can find additional Creative Writing Pack with hints, plans and detailed answers on the PiAcademy Website.

Yes, GL assessment sample papers are free of cost. You can also find GL Style Practice Papers here. These papers also can be used for home mock exams.

Yes, English past papers can be downloaded, but it won't include any answers to the questions. You can find the elaborate answers to 11+ English past papers on PiAcademy Website.

Yes, Bond assessment papers are free to download, scroll to the top of the same page.

Yes, you can find year 8 English test papers with answers on the PiAcademy website. The papers are free to download, but for precise answers, you can subscribe to the pack.

You can find KS2 English worksheets on the website with answers. There you can download and use them for practice.

11 Plus SPaG Practice Solved Papers Sidebar

  • Using PiAcademy for 8 months, Simply Amazing website. I have a lot of experience with other 11 + resources and found it hard to find any more difficult Math papers appropriate for the more independent academic schools. These exam papers are amazing, and very easy to follow with the thorough solutions. highly recommended for every parent. Sharon King , 11+ Parent Great, My daughter is taking her 11+ next month so we are using these papers to revise over the summer holidays. These topicwise questions are well set out and is a great practice for my daughter. These papers are a perfect way to help your kid to be as prepared as they possibly can for the 11+ exam. Amber , 11+ Parent
  • Excellent, This website is perfect, initially i wasted three months just thinking whether to subscribe or not, After subscribing i found out that it was worth it. I recommended to almost all my friends and their kids are also busy now in practicing for 11+ El Loro , 11+ Parent Practice makes perfect!, PiAcademy have come out with a super range of new 11+ practice papers, designed to stretch, challenge and test your child for forthcoming entry examinations. The topicwise questions include numbers problems, algebra, geometry, probability, permutation and combinations, measurement...etc lana green , 11+ Parent
  • Great exam papers. These test papers are amazing, they are a lot more up-to date than some of the 11+ stuff I have bought earlier for my daughter. gerry , 11+ Parent Using PiAcademy for 8 months, Simply Amazing website. I have a lot of experience with other 11 + resources and found it hard to find any more difficult Math papers appropriate for the more independent academic schools. These exam papers are amazing, and very easy to follow with the thorough solutions. highly recommended for every parent. Sharon King , 11+ Parent
  • Using PiAcademy for 8 months, Simply Amazing website. I have a lot of experience with other 11 + resources and found it hard to find any more difficult Math papers appropriate for the more independent academic schools. These exam papers are amazing, and very easy to follow with the thorough solutions. highly recommended for every parent. Sharon King , 11+ Parent
  • Great, My daughter is taking her 11+ next month so we are using these papers to revise over the summer holidays. These topicwise questions are well set out and is a great practice for my daughter. These papers are a perfect way to help your kid to be as prepared as they possibly can for the 11+ exam. Amber , 11+ Parent
  • Excellent, This website is perfect, initially i wasted three months just thinking whether to subscribe or not, After subscribing i found out that it was worth it. I recommended to almost all my friends and their kids are also busy now in practicing for 11+ El Loro , 11+ Parent
  • Practice makes perfect!, PiAcademy have come out with a super range of new 11+ practice papers, designed to stretch, challenge and test your child for forthcoming entry examinations. The topicwise questions include numbers problems, algebra, geometry, probability, permutation and combinations, measurement...etc lana green , 11+ Parent
  • Great exam papers. These test papers are amazing, they are a lot more up-to date than some of the 11+ stuff I have bought earlier for my daughter. gerry , 11+ Parent

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Creative Writing

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11+ Essentials - Creative Writing Examples Book 1 (First Past the Post®)

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Bond Focus on Writing

  • ISBN 9780192742322
  • No. of Pages 124

Develops the skills for tackling the written element of assessments.

Bond Focus on Writing develops skills and understanding for tackling written elements of 11+, Common Entrance examinations and SATs. This practical guide provides an accessible, step-by-step approach to developing key examination skills in this area.

  • Includes pull-out test papers to help children prepare for their exam
  • Features easy to implement strategies and techniques
  • Expert tutor tips on reading and understanding the text, understanding the question and evaluating work
  • Parent tips - practical activities you can do with your child to improve question type understanding.

Related Products

  • Bond 11+ English Assessment Papers with Answer Support 10-11 Book 2 £ 7.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket
  • Bond 11+ English Assessment Papers with Answer Support 9-10 Book 2 £ 7.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket
  • Bond 11+ English Handbook £ 7.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket
  • Bond 11+ Focus on Spatial Reasoning £ 8.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket
  • Bond Focus on Comprehension £ 8.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket
  • Bond Get Ready For Secondary School English £ 6.99 each Product added to basket Add to basket

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Interactive resource for 11+ success.

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  • Covers all key question types
  • Builds exam skills and motivates your child
  • Targets weak areas and boosts scores

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Bond Online is available to all customers regardless of where they live. Bond 11+ Books, Papers and bundles can only be despatched to United Kingdom addresses. Postage charge is £2.95 per order. If you are from outside the UK you can order Bond 11+ Books, Papers and Bundles from our website .

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  • About the 11+
  • Free Resources

The 22 Best Sites for Free 11 Plus Resources: Past Papers, Advice & Worksheets

English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, for grammar and independent school 11+ exams.

F ree 11+ English, maths and reasoning resources are scattered across the internet, and it can be a pain to track them down. Then, at last, you find some papers which look useful …

But how can you be sure that they are going to teach your children the right things ?

How do you know that they  really match the requirements for 11-plus ?

Until now, nobody has made a proper attempt to list the most useful materials in a single place.

… Until now …

Because in this article I put that right! If you find it useful, please share it!

This list reflects my own opinions, based on a decade of writing resources and teaching for 11-plus exams, but I’ve tried to be as objective as possible. I’ve included sites focused on the grammar school 11-plus , on independent school exams, and both.

Bear in mind that the broadest (and therefore the most secure) 11-plus preparation will involve familiarising your child with a range of question types.

This is particularly true when children are preparing for very competitive grammars: the most challenging, stretching 11+ practice materials can often be found on private school websites.

For this reason, although I have categorised pages using ‘grammar’ and ‘independent’, it’s worth looking beyond these labels.

If you think I’ve missed a useful link, please get in touch.

If you find this article helpful, please share your thoughts in the Comments below !

1.  RSL Educational’s 11+ English, Maths & Reasoning Resources

You can turn on subtitles by clicking the three dots or the subtitles symbol in the bottom-right corner of the video. You can also choose to watch in fullscreen mode.

I’ve written this list in the confidence that most people, having seen what else is available, will decide that the very best 11-plus English and maths material is here, on this site.

For a start, you might like to download 145 pages of free 11-plus papers  for English comprehension (written and multiple-choice), maths , creative writing and reasoning (VR & NVR), with full solutions. The resources come with my free 11-plus videos , explaining exactly how to prepare for the exams.

All my newest and most up-to-date material for 11-plus, with the most detailed solutions available anywhere, is published through 11 Plus Lifeline .

This video shows how to use my 11+ resources most effectively.  I recommend watching it with the sound on . You can also choose to view it in fullscreen mode.

2. Manchester Grammar School (Independent and Grammar 11+)

Through a decade of tutoring, this has been one of my favourite online 11+ resources.

Like several other schools, Manchester Grammar puts several years of maths and English past papers on their website.

They are interesting and challenging, and all except the written comprehension papers have (brief) answers provided.

There are two types of maths paper: one for short answers and one with more developed, problem-solving questions (comparable to the level of papers 3 & 4 in RSL 11+ Maths , and many of the papers in 11 Plus Lifeline ).

However, Manchester Grammar’s best resource is English Paper 1 (or Paper A, depending on the year).

This is a beautifully constructed, very challenging multiple-choice paper. Most children find these tough initially, so it is best to ignore the time limit unless you are preparing for Manchester Grammar’s own exams.

Candidates for other (multiple-choice) grammar school 11+ entrance tests who get the hang of these will find their own exams comfortable by comparison; and they are likely to find these papers more interesting than the standard revision fare.

The MGS English and maths papers are also excellent preparation for independent school multiple-choice papers, such as those often set by Latymer Upper .

It is best if you go through your child’s mistakes carefully with them (there are likely to be plenty), discussing the reasons why another answer was better, and reinforcing the skills of eliminating impossible answers and weighing up realistic possibilities.

As a guide: 80% is an excellent score. 70% is strong. Anything over 60%, and you are on the right track but with some work to do. If the mark is lower, it is worth revisiting the basic skills of multiple-choice comprehension (easier 11+ English papers can gloss over such problems).

You might like to read my article about how to prepare for the Manchester Grammar School entrance exam .

3. ElevenPlusExams.co.uk (Grammar School 11-Plus)

This is the most useful site for parents who want to understand how the grammar school 11-plus system works.

The site is easy to navigate and the articles are clear, up-to-date and authoritative.

There is also an active discussion forum: many of your questions will probably have been answered there already, but there also appears to be a busy community of contributors if you have something new to ask.

As the authors admit, the site doesn’t offer much for the independent sector (‘This website’s primary purpose is to inform parents about the selective system for state grammar schools’).

4. Parents In Touch (Independent & Grammar, English & Maths)

Parents In Touch offers a huge selection of resources.

The page linked above includes a considerable number of free papers, as well as reviews of 11+ books (disclosure: some of my own books have been generously reviewed here).

It’s well worth exploring the rest of the site for 11 plus maths worksheets, English resources and advice covering an extensive range of topics.

5. Dr Frost Maths (Maths Learning & Revision, not 11-plus focused)

Jamie Frost’s maths site is wonderful, and a favourite resource for teachers across the country.

While not strictly for 11-plus maths, it deserves inclusion here because the Year 7 resources (created to teach at the Tiffin School) are highly relevant: most of the topics under the ‘Autumn 1’ to ‘Spring 2’ headings, in the link above, turn up at this level.

Each subject area is covered through Powerpoint presentations, activities and printable worksheets.

6. 11PlusGuide.com (Grammar & Independent)

This is a very useful site with a wide range of advice for grammar and independent school entry. It offers guidance for each grammar school 11-plus region, and it has more for the independent sector than many of the pages on this list. Its Top Ten 11-Plus Preparation Tips are all sound advice.

11 Plus Guide offers a significant range of downloadable practice resources. It’s well worth rummaging through the site (and sometimes you need to scroll down a bit) to find them.

7.  The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School (Habs’ Boys) 11+ Maths Papers (Independent)

The Habs’ Boys papers are interesting and challenging.

The mathematics papers are the only readily available resource (apart from in 11 Plus Lifeline and the later papers in my 11+ Maths pack ) which consistently, and with high quality, approach the level of, for example, the St Paul’s Girls 11+ maths exam .

If you’re looking for 11+ past papers with answers this isn’t the best place to go, but if you are happy just to work with the papers then it’s an excellent resource.

8. Bond 11-Plus  (Grammar Schools, Reasoning)

When you have registered for free, Bond provides a decent range of downloadable resources.

Although Bond’s books are marketed for independent and grammar school 11+, they are more useful for grammars. Their English comprehension papers don’t allow children to practise developed, analytical answers in the manner required by most independent schools, and the level of the maths is not very demanding. The answer materials tend to be very limited, lacking much explanation.

Children who rely only on Bond tend to be overwhelmed by the more difficult entrance exams. (This was my view, as a tutor, long before I went into publishing – and was one of the reasons I established the RSL brand in the first place.)

However, one useful aspect of the Bond range is its size: they offer a very wide choice of resources.

9. Dulwich College (Independent 11+, English & Maths Papers)

Number 9 in my list used to be occupied by the North London Consortium schools. Sadly, because they are changing their exam style, they have taken down all their past papers!

Instead, here are the papers from Dulwich College – which are excellent.

You might like to read my comprehensive article about how to get into Dulwich College .

10. 11plus.co.uk (Grammar Schools)

This is a useful and well-built site. The free resources are fairly limited (you need to buy credits in order to go beyond the initial tests) and you have to get through a couple of sign-up forms, for you and for your child, to access most of them; but the tests are effectively constructed and quite entertaining. Quirkily animated figures jive across the screen to celebrate a correct answer, which makes me smile at least.

This is really a resource for multiple-choice grammar school 11+ exams: the independent school papers offered are all available from the schools’ own websites anyway.

11. 11plusdiy.co.uk (Grammar & Some Independent Schools)

This site has some useful free resources for verbal and non-verbal reasoning exams, including practice papers and video tutorials. The free maths papers are also good, with a wide range of questions – some of which are quite challenging.

The site is grammar-focused, but also of some use for independent school 11+ applicants.

12. The Tutoress (Independent & Grammar Schools, Past Papers)

The most useful resource on Victoria Olubi’s website is an extensive list of independent schools with past papers published online.

There are also a couple of Victoria’s own 11-plus papers to download, which are pitched at an accessible level.

13. St Paul’s Girls’ School (Independent 11-plus, Challenging Maths)

There aren’t many papers here, but they are great: worth saving till the final stages of an ambitious child’s preparation.

The maths exams are particularly good, though the lack of answers means that parents who aren’t confident with maths may find them a challenge to mark. Some of the questions go beyond the usual 11+ mathematics syllabus (see Paper 1, question C2, for example!), so don’t panic if your child is baffled.

For questions at this level with worked solutions, see papers 5 and 6 in RSL 11+ Maths , and 11 Plus Lifeline .

The St Paul’s English papers are also useful, requiring developed answers.

14. ElevenPlusMock.org.uk (Grammar & Independent School Papers)

The old 11-plus papers offered here for free are often very useful – there are well-chosen comprehension passages and questions, for example, and a good range of maths topics are covered at a robust intermediate level.

If answers could be added, these papers would be more valuable.

15. Key Stage Online (Grammar Schools)

This website has a small range of well-constructed resources, useful for grammar school 11-plus entrance exams and perhaps also for the early stages of independent school 11-plus preparation. There is a small selection of free papers for maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning and English.

The KSOL advice sheets focus on the simple things, but are none the worse for it: they suggest ways to set goals and organise work, and remind parents how important it is to praise achievement along the way.

Checklists for choosing a school and for the application/registration process are clear and helpful.

16. Femke Tuition (Independent, but also useful for Grammar School 11-Plus)

Femke describes her site as follows:

“My blog covers entrance exam preparation from 10+ to 16+, with a special focus on maths and English.   I’ve mainly covered topics I haven’t seen elsewhere, such as grammatical mistakes and style issues often seen at 11+, or how an understanding of prime numbers can be used to improve speed and accuracy in seemingly unrelated topics.   I also offer a selection of exam papers to download, including free mark schemes of my own creation. My blog additionally gives an overview of the various application processes for selective schools.   One of the most useful resources is this collection of (mostly free) educational online games for maths and English , which is an excellent complement to any student’s preparation.”

I like Femke’s site a lot. I often send people to her reading lists, for example.

17. SATs Papers (CEM Grammar School papers; not very much for 11-plus)

This is SATs-focused, but it offers a few good-quality imitation CEM grammar school test papers with answers, to download.

18. 11 Plus Swot (Grammar School Papers)

This is a useful site, with a mixture of free online and downloadable papers.

The only problem is that the free downloads have SAMPLE in black letters across each page! This could be fixed by moving the watermark into the background.

The online tests are multiple-choice, and are useful for (for example) consolidating Key Stage 2 number skills.

19. Sevenoaks School (Independent – excellent 11+ English and Maths papers)

These are high quality past papers.

The maths is moderate to challenging (like many of the papers in 11 Plus Lifeline , which also provides worked answers for Sevenoaks past papers).

However, I have really included this page because of the interesting English papers: these include short passages but require developed, analytical ‘mini essay’ answers. The level of the questions resembles 13+, though the marking is likely to be a little more lenient.

This site is only at number 19 because the question format is not useful practice for all schools.

11 Plus Lifeline offers worked, explained solutions to Sevenoaks papers, for Silver, Gold and Platinum subscribers .

20. ExtraTuition.com (Grammar & Independent School, Reasoning & Maths)

This page contains a number of ‘how to’ sheets and brief worked examples for 11+ reasoning and maths, which may be useful where a specific topic has been forgotten and needs brushing up.

21. Aishathetutor.com (Independent and Grammar School Resources)

“ Aishathetutor.com has a wealth of free resources for both parents and students who are preparing for 11+ exams and other entrance tests.   The ‘freebies’ section of the website directs parents to new children’s fiction and provides a number of free (printable) resources to go along with the novels. It can be difficult to choose reading material at the correct level, but the ‘freebies’ section does this for you.   ‘The Classroom’ is a much larger (free!) area within the website and simply requires visitors to sign up. There are dozens of comprehension and grammar resources that are unique to the website and all created by  Aisha  Curran, a qualified English teacher. The printable worksheets and presentations cover some of the toughest aspects of the exams, including clauses, colons, foreboding and much much more.   Finally, the aishathetutor blog offers free advice to parents on how best to prepare for the 11+ assessments and highlights important dates and deadlines!”

22. Libra Tutors (Independent and Grammar School Resources)

Libra Tutors say this about their free resources:

“We provide students in the UK and overseas with resources that enable ownership over their learning; these often prove instrumental in forming helpful relationships during tutorials and residentials.   These free online resources are comprised of revision materials, advice and past papers which can be used independently by students when tackling common challenges in their subjects.”

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For the most comprehensive range of resources to help with preparation for the 11+ exam,  you might like to try 11 Plus Lifeline (with a mone y-back guarantee in the first month). Every practice paper has full example solutions, with a detailed discussion and explanation for every question – like being taught by an excellent private tutor.

According to Tutorful, it’s “ the gold standard for independent and grammar school 11-plus preparation ”.

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If you have a question about exam preparation, the 11-plus – or anything else – please ask it here. I’ll help you out if I can!

Hi My daughter will start Year 5 this September. Her aim is get into super selective school – Tonbridge Grammar. Can you please suggest how to prepare to get the best marks. . Many thanks Shalini

Hi Shalini,

There’s so much that I could say, I think it will be more helpful to point you to the places where I’ve already given a lot of relevant advice.

For a start, may I suggest that you have a look at the advice in my videos ? They offer a lot of general 11+ preparation tips.

Because Tonbridge uses the Kent Test, which is largely multiple-choice, you might like to look at my advice for Manchester Grammar School and City of London School For Boys . My article about the Essex 11+ might also be helpful.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

my names Jeff

Hi Robert, my daughter is interested in applying to The Blue Coat School in Liverpool. Can you recommend which resources would be best for her to prepare for this? Thanks.

I’m afraid I don’t know exactly what format of exam they set, though I know that it includes maths and English. 11 Plus Lifeline covers pretty much all exam styles, do you could do worse than start there!

An excellent consolidation of so many useful resources including some that i had personally never heard of. Thanks Robert for the excellent work you are doing to support students, parents and I am sure many tutors too.

Thank you Deepti! I really appreciate your feedback. I’m glad that you’re finding this article useful.

hi have a good day!!!!!

I want to get to year 6 in Alrincham grammar school,can I please get some help.

Is there an easy way to get Altrincham grammar school

Hello Saif. I presume you’re talking about Altrincham Grammar School for Boys ( https://www.agsb.co.uk ). Their entrance tests are quite similar to the CSSE exams I write about here: https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/essex-csse-exam-11-plus/ .

There are tests for verbal and non-verbal reasoning (the verbal reasoning is likely to include some reading comprehension based on texts), maths and creative writing.

For creative writing advice, see this article here , and for general 11-plus preparation guidance see here .

I’m afraid there isn’t an easy way! Getting into a good school requires careful preparation and a lot of luck.

Hi, could you provide any help for preparing my son for Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys and Merchant Tailor school 11+ exams? Jay

Hi Jay! There’s a lot of relevant content in 11 Plus Lifeline – particularly for Habs. The advice in my school admissions articles on this site, although for other schools, should also be very relevant. Good luck! Robert

Hi Robert, my child has passed the 11+ for Bucks but we are also looking at doing the Bedford School entrance test. I have 7 weeks before the test. What advice can you give me and what would be the best papers to use? Kal

I think you must be talking about the ISEB pre-test, because Bedford has 13+ entry.

Have a look at my comments about computer tests in my St Paul’s School article: https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/st-pauls-girls-exam-interview-admissions-11/

Apart from that, concentrate on the same core skills that you would when preparing for a written independent school 11+ exam: for that, have a look at my various independent school articles on this blog.

Very useful advice and site to visit especially for me a diy 11+mum ☺ in manchester. Thank you so much

I’m very glad it’s helped you. Good luck with your preparation!

Hello sir, My son is current y4 student and sept he will be y5, we live in Birmingham, new to the area. So, we don’t really know how/where to start for 11+ prep in Birmingham. Any suggestion/advice is highly appreciate.

Hello Muhammed,

The first step might be to watch my free videos at https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/free-papers-videos/ . These will give you some ideas about how to prepare your son for 11+.

From the start of Year 5, 11 Plus Lifeline is likely to be very useful.

I’m afraid I don’t have any specific knowledge of the extra support/tuition available in the Birmingham area, but you may well find (like many parents) that you are able to prepare your son effectively at home.

Hello, my son is struggling with comprehension- do you have any tips that could help please?

Hello! Your question is so broad that I can’t really answer it here: I have written literally hundreds of thousands of words on this topic. The good news is that all my comprehension resources contain really detailed feedback for every question, with example answers and a discussion which explains all the techniques. If your son is in the 9-12 age bracket, the best place to look is 11 Plus Lifeline (perhaps also my books ). If he’s a little younger, see my RSL 8+ Comprehension book (which goes up to 10+ level), and if a little older, see RSL 13+ Comprehension .

Thank you Robert for the very informative article. I definitely will sign up for the 11+ lifeline resources you offer.

I hope you find them very useful indeed. Robert

I have used your maths and English test papers for 11+ and they were excellent. Just wondering if you have books (not papers) for 8+ and GCSE?

Hi Deepti. All my books for those leve ls consist of papers with example answers and worked solutions, I’m afraid.

Hi, do you tutor ?

I’m afraid I don’t any more. I’m sorry! All my tutoring is through the 11 Plus Lifeline marking service (for Platinum and Gold members).

Hi my son is taking the 11+ exam in September 2019, so really need to start to help him study! Where do I start? He hopes to go to Queen Mary’s grammar school in Walsall west midlands

Hi Jemma! May I suggest that you look at 11 Plus Lifeline ? It is designed precisely to take the worry about how to start out of your hands, sending you the resources that you need.

A very useful resource. Thank you.

My son will be sitting 11+ for Hampton School next January.

We have already been preparing him for 11+ but now want begin gathering teaching products which specially suited for the Hampton test.

There are many useful resources out there, but I will dare to say that 11 Plus Lifeline is particularly relevant! Good luck.

Hi Roberts My son will be sitting for 11+ Hampton school next jan, can u suggest any past papers for practice suited for hampton

The 11 Plus Lifeline papers should offer a thorough all-round preparation for Hampton. I believe that their entrance tests are fairly standard for independent schools ( https://hamptonschool.org.uk/admissions/the-11-entry/ confirms this).

Thanks Richard a great post trying to pull everything together.

Thanks Rupal!

Hi Rob, Really appreciate your generous sharing! It is of paramount help to my daughter in preparing for her 11+ this year. I have purchased a number of materials from your website and will let my daughter work hard on them. Lots of thanks!!

Hi Anna, Thank you for commenting. I hope my resources are very useful for your daughter. Good luck!

hello, can you please kindly update if there will be no verbal and non verbal reasoning test as from next years 11+ test/exams. thank you

That’s incorrect as a general statement, but it might be the case in a particular school that you’ve researched.

Your materials are great and my son is loving the tests as well and he keep on asking if there is any more test papers :). This blog is fav. I myself keep on researching on websites which provides online preparation materials. I personally found 11 Plus Swot to be not quite challenging enough. About bond I find there NVR to be pretty good. I noticed this one from your post: http://www.11plusdiy.co.uk to be rpetty good as well. How about their online tests? Should I book one? Would it be any useful? Cheers, Vivek

Hi Vivek. Thanks for your kind words and your useful reviews of other providers. I’m afraid I don’t know whether that site’s online tests are any good.

Hi Robert. Thank you so much for your very helpful article, which I just stumbled on! Can you please tell me where to find the best resources for my daughter who’s writing the Wycombe Abbey pre-tests in October? Thank you

The first thing to say is that you shouldn’t just prepare for the pre-test: by the time that’s done, you probably won’t have enough time to prepare properly for the main exam. Therefore, I would essentially recommend a good all-round preparation, covering written-answer and multiple-choice formats. 11 Plus Lifeline may help with this. Some occasional online practice for the computerised part of the pre-test would also be useful. Websites such as BOFA can be helpful for this. Good luck!

Hi Robert, We are thinking to prepare our daughter for Tiffins girls grammar school.. Can you please help me by providing some information on how to start the preparation please.. any info would be of great help.. THank you, Mahi

Hi Mahi. It depends what stage you’re at. If your daughter is in Year 4, I advice focusing on core skills. I won’t go into that here unless you ask me to. If your daughter is in Year 5, then you should be looking at a well-balanced, all-round programme of preparation, because the Tiffin exam covers a wide range of skills. In other words, I’d practise multiple-choice and written-answer skills, and creative writing. I have lots of advice for these things elsewhere on my blog, and they are thoroughly catered for by the resources in 11 Plus Lifeline . I hope that helps!

Hi, can you please suggest how and where I can get SET (Surrey) style mock and past papers?

I’m afraid I don’t know.

Hi Lilly! How can I help? Robert

Hi, Do you have any sites you recommend for the CEM 11 plus exams? What do you think of the CGP revision books?

The CGP books are useful – worth using as part of a range of resources. Their practice papers don’t have very thorough answers, but the questions are well structured.

There are quite a lot of sites out there for CEM work, but a lot don’t offer too much that’s free. The quality is variable. BOFA is worth a look, though caveats regarding quality (can be uneven).

i love this website

My son is interested in applying to Langley Grammar School so could you tell me the best way to get high scores in in the test

Hi Zaib. Langley is a fairly standard CEM-format exam, with English, VR, NVR and maths elements. You’ll find much of the advice elsewhere on my blog and in my videos useful. The main things are to work carefully and steadily, focus on reviewing old work rather than always doing new things, and prioritise skills rather than marks all along the way. Easier said than done, of course!

Hi Sir, My son is interested in applying to Latymer upper and Tiffin grammar school Any advice ? Thank you Nina

The exams cover a wide range of styles, including multiple-choice and written-answer questions. Keep your preparation broad, not too focused, and anchored in shoring up essential skills.

hi i would really want you to publish free 11plus online papers

Just go to https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/free-papers-videos/ and enter your name and email address in the blue box, and I’ll send you lots of free resources.

great article

Hi Robert, great article! Which sites or resources would you recommend for 7+ exams?

I’m afraid I don’t know!

This is very useful! I am a freelance tutor and have been away from 11+ for a few years so will be needing new material for online clients. Thanks for all the great links!

It’s a pleasure! Good luck with your new clients.

Thank you very much for your hard work and sharing it! I cannot affort tutors and always help my children learn at home. My youngest boys says thank you for helping him prepare to 11+ as he would love to try it!

I’m really glad that I’ve been able to help! Thank you to your son. Robert

Thank you Robert for your excellent expertise, useful tips and great sense of humour while teaching our kids online.We found your videos and books just amazing! Keep up the good work as you are helping children to thrive ?

That’s very kind – thank you!

I can’t believe you wrote this during the England-Italy final 😉

My daughter started preparing for sutton grammar and non such grammar schools which resources and topics to cover , she is in year 4 this September

These exams are pretty wide-ranging. Rather than concentrating on a limited topic list, I would keep your preparation broad: a bit of everything, ranging across the primary (KS2) curriculum in English and maths. For a similar reason, while of course I would recommend my own resources (see https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/11pluslifeline and https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/shop ), it’s a good idea to use resources from more than one publisher.

May not afford the subscription but this is the best resource I have found to help kids I mentor from unsupportive backgrounds. The information is very insightful and I have a learnt a lot. Thank you so much for putting this together.

Thank you! With regard to affordability, feel free to get in touch so that we can explore this more.

i hope this will help

So do I! Thanks for commenting.

Hi! My daughter just started Y4 and she’s shown an interest in getting into High Worth Grammar School in Ashford, Kent. I think her fellow classmates are talking about this that’s why she told me she wants to study there. Its hard for me to get her to a tutor as I don’t drive and we live in a village with the buses running every 2 hours. I’m wondering if the 11Plus Lifeline subscription would be in line with the format the exam would be. I am a single mother so I do work hard to make ends meet. I’m hoping until I can find a way to get her tutored, I will opt to do some online subscription in the meantime. Will the 11Plus lifeline be the best study guide for her? Hoping for your response. Thank you!

Hello Imee! 11 Plus Lifeline covers a wide range of paper styles and question types. The Highworth Grammar exam is largely multiple-choice, though there is also a writing task, according to my research ( https://exampapersplus.co.uk/highworth-grammar-school-11-plus-11-exam-information/ ). 11 Plus Lifeline does cover these things – and there’s more in my books ( https://www.rsleducational.co.uk/shop/ ) – and it gives you the option of sending writing tasks to me for feedback. You will receive other resources, such as written comprehension exercises, that will not look too much like the Highworth exam – but which I hope would still be useful. My view is that all-round preparation is usually best, but I understand that some people just want to focus on a specific exam format.

I should mention that geography is not necessarily a problem when looking for a tutor: a large proportion of tutoring now happens online. Look at a site such as Tutorfair, and you’ll find a lot of online tutors.

First of all, thanks for providing such an informative page for 11+ detail. my daughter is in Y5 now and wants to prepare for Altrincham grammar school for girls. if you can provide a short note on the possible format of the exam in addition to exam duration and number of questions in each section. Thanks in advance.

I’m afraid I don’t have any specific knowledge on that exam beyond what you can also find online! Good luck to your daughter. Robert

Dear Sir, My daughter is studying in Year 3 at Halstead St Andrew in Woking. My daughter is preparing towards the 11+ CEM Select to get admission in the Guildford High School. Could you please advise what should be the age- appropriate study strategy? Kind regards.

At that age, focus on her core skills, her reading and writing, and her enjoyment of learning. I wouldn’t start thinking about 11+-specific preparation until she’s a substantial way into year 4. Get the foundations in place first.

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School Guides

City of London School For Boys

Dulwich College

St Paul’s Girls’ School

Manchester Grammar School

The Essex CSSE 11-Plus Exam

The Queen’s School, Chester

The King’s School, Chester

The Royal Grammar School (RGS), Newcastle

King Edward’s School (KES), Birmingham

Exam Advice

How To Prepare For 11 Plus – And Which Mistakes To Avoid!

11 Plus DIY Preparation: The Experts’ Advice

Answering ‘What is the effect of this quote?’ or ‘How is ___ effective?’ comprehension questions

The 22 best sites for free 11 Plus resources

How much homework should my child do?

Ten tips for excellent 11+ and 13+ exam stories

More advice for creative writing

“How should I use your papers to prepare for an 11+ English exam?”

How to become a private tutor

“What Is The Grammar School 11 Plus?” All Your Questions Answered

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Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing for 9-11+ yrs

Develops the skills for tackling the written element of assessments.

Bond Focus on Writing develops skills and understanding for tackling written elements of 11+, Common Entrance examinations and SATs. This practical guide provides an accessible, step-by-step approach to developing key examination skills in this area.

  • Includes pull-out test papers to help children prepare for their exam
  • Features easy to implement strategies and techniques
  • Expert tutor tips on reading and understanding the text, understanding the question and evaluating work
  • Parent tips - practical activities you can do with your child to improve question type understanding.

The Bond 11+ series is an Oxford University UK publication and is increasingly popular in Australia for those looking for different types of general ability and reasoning questions. It offers essential practice and support for children aged 5 through to 13 on the topics of English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal Reasoning. This series is aimed at UK students taking selective/entrance tests such as the 11+, Common Entrance exams or Key Stage 2 SATs, GL Assessment and CEM 11+ exams.

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Year Level Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Edition 2nd
Date of Publication 2015
ISBN 9780192742322
Subject English, General Ability (IQ)
Syllabus/Curriculum UK

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Bond the Secrets of Writing: (Bond Guide)

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Bond the Secrets of Writing: (Bond Guide) Paperback – 6 Jan. 2008

  • ISBN-10 0748784810
  • ISBN-13 978-9814578325
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  • Publisher OUP Oxford
  • Publication date 6 Jan. 2008
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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 124 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0748784810
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9814578325
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 21.16 x 0.69 x 29.77 cm
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  • ISBN-10 0192742329
  • ISBN-13 978-0192742322
  • Publisher Oxford University Press
  • Publication date 5 March 2015
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 20.9 x 0.87 x 29.6 cm
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press (5 March 2015)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 124 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0192742329
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0192742322
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Bond 11+: English: Focus on Writing: 9-11 years

  • ISBN10: 0192742329
  • ISBN13: 9780192742322
  • Author: Michellejoy Hughes/Bond 11+
  • Format: Paperback / softback
  • Published: 05/03/2015

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Creative Writing: Plot and Genre

General information.

Creative Writing: Plot and Genre introduces long-form storytelling techniques, which you can apply to screenwriting, prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) and hybrid multimedia formats. This subject defines narrative, plot and genre, reviewing storytelling techniques from Aristotle to Joseph Campbell’s ‘The Hero’s Journey’. It also includes the significant forms and conventions of commercial, literary and screen genres; character motivation and development; character and story arcs; sub-plots; world-building; and the effect of suspense, pace, tension and conflict on plot at a macro level. Using templates developed by craft writers like Joseph Campbell and Blake Snyder, you will learn to conceptualise, workshop and articulate your own narrative premise then plot story and character arcs and write a sample opening chapter/scene. You will submit all assessment in formats consistent with industry expectations.

  • Delivery & attendance
Academic unit: Faculty of Society & Design
Subject code: JOUR11-110
Subject title: Creative Writing: Plot and Genre
Subject level: Undergraduate
Semester/Year: September 2021
Credit points: 10.000
Delivery mode: Standard
Workload items:
Attendance and learning activities: Students will participate in multiple theoretical and practical activities based around the weekly topics and develop knowledge for assessment pieces through these activities. Prepared attendance, that is having all assigned activities and readings completed before each weekly class, is needed for understanding lecture material, participating in group activities, peer review, and assessment. As successful completion of this subject is heavily dependent on participation during all scheduled sessions, attendance will be monitored. It is difficult for a student to recover the information if a session is missed. It is the responsibility of the student to view the recordings of the weekly live sessions in order to catch up on any content missed and to complete set work outside class.
Prescribed resources:

No Prescribed resources.

iLearn@Bond & Email: iLearn@Bond is the online learning environment at Bond University and is used to provide access to subject materials, lecture recordings and detailed subject information regarding the subject curriculum, assessment and timing. Both iLearn and the Student Email facility are used to provide important subject notifications. Additionally, official correspondence from the University will be forwarded to students’ Bond email account and must be monitored by the student.

To access these services, log on to the Student Portal from the Bond University website as

Enrolment requirements



Assumed knowledge:

Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of knowledge of a subject area that students are assumed to have acquired through previous study. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet the assumed knowledge expectations of the subject. Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.



Assurance of learning

Assurance of Learning means that universities take responsibility for creating, monitoring and updating curriculum, teaching and assessment so that students graduate with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for employability and/or further study.

At Bond University, we carefully develop subject and program outcomes to ensure that student learning in each subject contributes to the whole student experience. Students are encouraged to carefully read and consider subject and program outcomes as combined elements.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge and skills that will be achieved on completion of the program. If you are undertaking this subject as part of a degree program, you should refer to the relevant degree program outcomes and graduate attributes as they relate to this subject.

Find your program

Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject the learner will be able to:

  • Apply a critical understanding of the theory, traditions and ethics of historical and contemporary storytelling to the development of plot and genre.
  • Create and articulate an original narrative premise and narrative arc, embedding elements of tension, drama and character development.
  • Generate a pitch, narrative outline and opening scene/chapters in industry-standard formats.
  • Evaluate and critique peer and industry work to assess strengths and weaknesses in the context of market, audience and narrative intent.
  • Formulate an approach to finding and harnessing publishing opportunities through a broad understanding of the evolving publishing landscape.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment

The University acknowledges that Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools are an important facet of contemporary life. Their use in assessment is considered in line with students’ development of the skills and knowledge which demonstrate learning outcomes and underpin study and career success. Instructions on the use of Gen-AI are given for each assessment task; it is your responsibility to adhere to these instructions.

  • Assessment details

Assessment criteria

Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
Analysis Written analysis of narrative (own choice) 20% Week 4 1,5
Oral Pitch Your story: Oral pitch and narrative outline 25% Week 7 2,3,4,5
*Showcase Portfolio Professional portfolio, including pitch, synopsis, and writing sample 55% Week 12 2,3,4,5
  • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
  • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.
High Distinction 85-100 Outstanding or exemplary performance in the following areas: interpretative ability; intellectual initiative in response to questions; mastery of the skills required by the subject, general levels of knowledge and analytic ability or clear thinking.
Distinction 75-84 Usually awarded to students whose performance goes well beyond the minimum requirements set for tasks required in assessment, and who perform well in most of the above areas.
Credit 65-74 Usually awarded to students whose performance is considered to go beyond the minimum requirements for work set for assessment. Assessable work is typically characterised by a strong performance in some of the capacities listed above.
Pass 50-64 Usually awarded to students whose performance meets the requirements set for work provided for assessment.
Fail 0-49 Usually awarded to students whose performance is not considered to meet the minimum requirements set for particular tasks. The fail grade may be a result of insufficient preparation, of inattention to assignment guidelines or lack of academic ability. A frequent cause of failure is lack of attention to subject or assignment guidelines.

Quality assurance

For the purposes of quality assurance, Bond University conducts an evaluation process to measure and document student assessment as evidence of the extent to which program and subject learning outcomes are achieved. Some examples of student work will be retained for potential research and quality auditing purposes only. Any student work used will be treated confidentially and no student grades will be affected.

Study Information

Submission procedures.

Students must check the iLearn@Bond subject site for detailed assessment information and submission procedures.

Policy on late submission and extensions

A student who has not established a basis for an extension in compliance with University and Faculty policy either by 1) not applying before the assessment due date or 2) by having an application rejected due to failure to show a justifiable cause for an extension, will receive a penalty on assessment submitted after its due date. The penalty will be 10% of marks awarded to that assessment for every day late, with the first day counted after the required submission time has passed. No assessment will be accepted for consideration seven calendar days after the due date. Where a student has been granted an extension, the late penalty starts from the new due date and time set out in the extension.

Academic Integrity

  • Library - Referencing
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • Bond University Discipline Regulations

Feedback on assessment

Feedback on assessment will be provided to students within two weeks of the assessment submission due date, as per the Assessment Policy .

Accessibility and Inclusion Support

If you have a disability, illness, injury or health condition that impacts your capacity to complete studies, exams or assessment tasks, it is important you let us know your special requirements, early in the semester. Students will need to make an application for support and submit it with recent, comprehensive documentation at an appointment with a Disability Officer . Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Office at the earliest possible time, to meet staff and learn about the services available to meet your specific needs. Please note that late notification or failure to disclose your disability can be to your disadvantage as the University cannot guarantee support under such circumstances.

Additional subject information

Subject curriculum.

A crash course in the history and traditions of narrative and the elements of plot. Learn how to use the concepts of premise, high concept and loglines. Are you a plotter or a panster (or a bit of both)? We will explore writing popular versus literary fiction.

SLOs included

Learn how to use structural models to improve your stories. Learn and apply the tools and concepts of Blake Snyder, Aristotle, Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler and Michael Hauge.

Discover how to create memorable characters and explore the character’s inner journey using character motivation, conflict and goals to strengthen your narrative. We will explore writing realism and magical realism.

Discover how archetypes can help develop character. Discover how to make your narrative more meaningful and memorable by strengthening its thematic underpinnings and incorporating symbols. Learn the art of pitching, and we will explore the romance genre.

Learn the keys to a compelling opening chapter. Whose story are you telling, and what's the best way to present it? We will explore the genre of memoir.

Understand the components of a successful scene. From red herrings to romances, how to use what is happening on the sidelines to enrich your narrative. We will explore writing crime.

Tell your stories … oral pitches.

Set the stage for your narrative by creating immersive, believable (and commercially successful) worlds. Learn how to craft the perfect pitch letter. We will explore writing sci-fi, new adult, young adult and middle grade genres.

How to edit your work for publication and effect. Learn how to write a synopsis. We will explore the wilds of writing adventure and westerns, as well as delve into historicals.

How voice, style, and dialogue can elevate a narrative. We will explore writing horror and cli-fi.

Learn the realities of becoming a writer from developing a writing routine, to handling rejection, to marketing, to understanding trends, to developing a network and getting published. We will explore writing satire.

Develop your portfolio with one-on-one consultations.


  1. 11+ Creative Writing Checklist (teacher made)

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  2. Bond 11+. English. Focus on Writing. 9-11 years

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  3. Bond 11+: Bond 11+ Verbal Reasoning Handbook

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  4. 11 Plus Creative Writing Success Guide

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  5. Prepare for the 11+ exam with Bond

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  6. 11+ Creative Writing

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  1. Sensory Experience in Creative Writing

  2. 11 Plus Writing

  3. Creative Writing: measurement (horizontal and vertical)

  4. Prize Bond 40000 Guess Paper

  5. 11+ CREATIVE WRITING TIP #1- Have an easily adaptable bank of plot ideas

  6. Master figurative language, up-level your writing and SMASH the 11+ and SATs exams


  1. PDF Sample answers for practice activities 1-22 in section ...

    2 The secrets of writing Bond The secrets of writing © Michellejoy Hughes, Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009 Tutor's comment This pupil has shown an excellent range of ...

  2. 11+ creative writing guide with 50 example topics and prompts

    The real aim of the 11+ creative writing task is to showcase your child's writing skills and techniques. And that's why preparation is so important. This guide begins by answering all the FAQs that parents have about the 11+ creative writing task. At the end of the article I give my best tips & strategies for preparing your child for the 11 ...

  3. 11 Plus Creative Writing Tips & Examples

    Successfully passing your creative writing 11 Plus creative writing exam is a lot less daunting if you know what the examiners are looking for in your creative writing. ... Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing: 9-11 years. RSL Creative Writing, Book 1: KS2, KS3, 11 Plus & 13 Plus - Workbook For Ages 9 Upwards.

  4. Mastering Creative Writing 11 Plus: Essential Strategies & Examples

    The 11 Plus creative writing exam assesses a wide range of skills including story structure, vocabulary, grammar, and the ability to engage and evoke emotions in the reader, forming a significant part of the 11 Plus English exam. Skills crucial for success in the exam include a strong vocabulary and grammar, well-planned and structured writing ...

  5. Free 11 Plus (11+) English Past Papers with Answers pdf

    11+ papers for English are useful resources for winning a place in top private school as a part of 11 Plus private school entrance exam. We recommend parents to practice these 11 plus exam papers with their child under time pressure. These 11Plus past papers include 11 plus style English comprehension and creative writing.

  6. Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing: 9-11 years Paperback

    Buy Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing: 9-11 years by Hughes, Michellejoy, Bond 11+ (ISBN: 9780192742322) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. ... RSL Creative Writing, Book 1: KS2, KS3, 11 Plus & 13 Plus - Workbook For Ages 9 Upwards.

  7. Creative Writing > Bond Focus On Writing

    Bond Focus On Writing. ISBN: 9780192742322. Bond is the number 1 provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond Focus on Writing develops skills and understanding for tackling written elements of 11+, Common Entrance examinations and SATs. This practical guide provides an accessible, step-by-step ...

  8. 11 Plus Practise Papers & Resources

    Free resources. We have lots of 11+ activities and resources for you to help keep children aged 5-13 building their skills and knowledge at home, including: Practice test papers for 11+ maths, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning. English and maths activities for children aged 5-11. The Bond Placement Tests to establish your child's ...

  9. Top 11 Plus Creative Writing Examples

    Recommended books for improving writing skills specifically geared towards the 11 Plus Exam include '11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples' and 'Bond 11+'. The former features a collection of diverse creative writing examples, both fictional and non-fictional, that mirror the requirements of independent and grammar school exams.

  10. 11+ Creative Writing Books With Examples

    The 11+ creative writing books can help your child with their creative writing skills and prepare them thoroughly for their eleven plus exams. They give good examples in how to write your best story ever! ... Bond Focus On Writing. Only 1 left in stock. Drag and drop me to the cart The product is unavailable in the catalog. Not rated yet. More.

  11. Bond Focus on Writing

    Bond Focus on Writing develops skills and understanding for tackling written elements of 11+, Common Entrance examinations and SATs. This practical guide provides an accessible, step-by-step approach to developing key examination skills in this area. Includes pull-out test papers to help children prepare for their exam. Features easy to ...

  12. 11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples Book 1 (First Past the Post)

    Buy 11+ Essentials Creative Writing Examples Book 1 (First Past the Post) by Eleven Plus Exams (ISBN: 9781912364176) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. ... I bought the Bond Focus Writing book but returned it as it was a bit complex and so boring. This one is more fun and I believe children ...

  13. Bond 11+: English: Focus on Writing: 9-11 years

    Buy Bond 11+: English: Focus on Writing by Michellejoy Hughes, Bond 11+ from Waterstones today! Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £25.

  14. The Ultimate 11 Plus Creative Writing Guide

    For a student, there are two simple but very useful lessons: 1) Always think about the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell). 2) Sometimes avoid the most obvious sense when describing a thing (see point 8 below). These tips are easy to apply in your creative writing for 11+, but they make a huge difference.

  15. 11+ Creative Writing: A Technique Guide (Accolade On 11 Plus)

    Buy 11+ Creative Writing: A Technique Guide (Accolade On 11 Plus) by Press, Accolade, Foley, Hugh, Davis, R. P. (ISBN: 9781913988159) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. ... Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing: 9-11 years. Michellejoy Hughes.

  16. How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing

    To succeed at an 11 Plus comprehension task, students need a range of skills, including: Source. 1. Imagination and creativity. One of the most important skills for creative writing is the ability to come up with an original idea which fully answers the given question and uses imaginative language.

  17. The 22 Best Sites for Free 11 Plus Resources, Past Papers & Advice

    12. The Tutoress (Independent & Grammar Schools, Past Papers) The most useful resource on Victoria Olubi's website is an extensive list of independent schools with past papers published online. There are also a couple of Victoria's own 11-plus papers to download, which are pitched at an accessible level. 13.

  18. Bond 11+: English Focus on Writing for 9-11+ yrs

    Bond Focus on Writing develops skills and understanding for tackling written elements of 11+, Common Entrance examinations and SATs. This practical guide provides an accessible, step-by-step approach to developing key examination skills in this area. Includes pull-out test papers to help children prepare for their exam.

  19. Bond the Secrets of Writing: (Bond Guide) Paperback

    Bond The Secrets of Writing includes: ·a 3 step guide to successful writing. ·practice for literal and evaluative skills. ·a full length 11+ style comprehension paper. ·answers and tips. ·comprehensive parental advice. ·step-by-step support to help your child achieve 11 plus success. Bond is the number one series for 11 plus (11 ...

  20. Bond 11+: English: Focus on Writing: 9-11 years

    Bond Focus on Writing is a practical guide to approaching written questions in 11+, 12+, Common Entrance and SATs assessments. This title provides strategies for tackling longer-answer question types and writing exercises, plus useful examination tips and techniques throughout to maximise performance.

  21. Bond 11+: English: Focus on Writing: 9-11 years

    Bond Focus on Writing is a practical guide to approaching written questions in 11+, 12+, Common Entrance and SATs assessments. This title provides strategies for tackling longer-answer question types and writing exercises, plus useful examination tips and techniques throughout to maximise performance.

  22. Creative Writing

    Learning time: A total of 25 hours of learning, consisting of: 12 hours of online modules on the Bond Learner platform. 10 hours face-to-face on campus. 3 hours of additional readings and assessment. Online course start date: 2025 dates to be confirmed. Practical workshop dates: 2025 dates to be confirmed. Cost: $99.

  23. Creative Writing: Plot and Genre

    Creative Writing: Plot and Genre introduces long-form storytelling techniques, which you can apply to screenwriting, prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) and hybrid multimedia formats. This subject defines narrative, plot and genre, reviewing storytelling techniques from Aristotle to Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero's Journey'. It also includes the significant forms and conventions of ...