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Dedication page in thesis.

Post by 7788 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:01 am

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Post by kaiserkarl13 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:22 am

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The ociamthesis.cls was written by Keith A. Gillow. The latest version (2.2) was released on 22/11/2010. The class is based upon the standard report class around which most people design their thesis. Key features are

  • It defines the page size allowing for an offset for binding.
  • It defines the layout of the title page including title, logo / crest, name, college, submittedtext, degree name, degree date.
  • It uses the current university branding square logo by default (but can also use the older shield crest or belt crest).
  • Dedication page environment (layout as a verse).
  • Acknowledgements page environment (layout as a quote).
  • Alternative acknowledgementslong environment form which isn't set out as a quote.
  • Statement of Originality environment (originality) and long version (originalitylong). Formatting similar to acknowledgements enviroments.
  • Abstract page environment (layout as a quote).
  • Alternative abstractlong environment form which isn't set out as a quote.
  • Alternative abstractseparate environment form which isn't set out as a quote and has all the title page info on as well (useful for the separate copy required when you submit the final copy to the Bodleian Library).
  • Romanpages environment to number frontmatter pages in lower case roman.
  • Support for twoside and openright document class options

Here is an example of how to use this class in a master latex document .

The structure of the dedications file (called dedications.tex in the example) is

\begin{dedication} This thesis is dedicated to\\ someone\\ for some special reason\\ \end{dedication}

The structure of the abstract (abstract.tex) file is of the form

\begin{abstract} plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle. \end{abstract}

and the structure of the acknowledgements (acknowledgements.tex) file is of the form

\begin{acknowledgements} plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle, plenty of waffle. \end{acknowledgements}

This example PDF file shows some of the sort of output this class generates . This example output uses the gillow bibliography style file which is a very minor modification to the plain bibliography style.

Cover Page Logo / Crest

Current university logo / branding.

As of version 2.2 the default is to use a graphical logo with file name oxlogo.eps (for LaTeX) or oxlogo.pdf (for PDFLaTeX).

The Mathematical Institute Linux systems have the class and logo files installed by default. If you are using this document class on another system you will need to obtain a suitable logo file to go with the class file available from this page. You can obtain this from the university's official branding page and/or via the university's visual identity guidelines page, or by taking a copy of the files on the Linux system (just use the command locate oxlogo to find the file).

Previous Logos / Branding

It is still possible to use the older metafont logo of either the belt crest or shield crest by using the new (as of version 2.2) options beltcrest or shieldcrest in the documentclass line, i.e.

documentclass line for old belt crest logo using the beltcrest metafont


documentclass line for older shield crest logo using the crest metafont


In these cases then either the metafont file oxcrest40 or oxbeltcrest installed (for legacy use) on the Maths Institute system are used.

Attachment Size
7.18 KB 7.18 KB
2.14 KB 2.14 KB
245.72 KB 245.72 KB

Format Requirements and Resources

dedication latex thesis

Graduate College's requirements for document formatting, plus tutorial videos and annotated samples

Formatting requirements.

Starting Spring 2024, the Graduate College will release a new set of Thesis/Dissertation templates and requirement checklists. The requirements have been carefully reviewed and discussed with interdisciplinary consultants to optimize Iowa State University theses and dissertations for  accessibility, usability, readability,  and  consistency. Definitions of these priorities are provided in the glossary, below. The updated requirements also take into account basic academic norms and variation across disciplines. This page lays out the requirements that will be put into place. 

One aim of releasing these format requirement updates at this time is to ensure that the Graduate College is in compliance with  Iowa State University's Digital Accessibility policy , which will go into full effect in July 2026.

Protocols for Requirements and Recommendations


Iowa State University thesis/dissertation reviewers will check all theses and dissertations submitted to ProQuest after the student passes their Final Oral Exam. Where the submitted mansucript fails to meet one or more requirements, the reviewer will issue a request for revisions. Students must implement these revisions and resubmit their manuscript within one week of the submission deadline for that semester. If the requirements still are not met, the reviewer will issue another request for revisions. The thesis/dissertation  will not be accepted until all requirements are met , even if this results in a delay to the student's graduation.


Students are strongly encouraged to implement these recommendations, which enhance usability, readability, and consistency in theses/dissertations. Iowa State University thesis/dissertation reviewers will check all theses and dissertations submitted to ProQuest after the student passes their Final Oral Exam. Where the submitted mansucript fails to meet one or more recommendations, the reviewer will issue a single request for students to revise.  If the thesis/dissertation is resubmitted without the recommendations implemented, it will be acceptable.  It is important to note that theses and dissertations cannot be revised after they are accepted. Students who resubmit theses and dissertations that do not follow the recommendations will not have another chance to improve the appearance of their manuscript. 

Grace Period (Gradual Implementation)

To accommodate students who are currently close to completing their thesis/dissertation, and who started their writing process with the old templates, there will be a  12-month grace period from January 2024-December 2024 . During this grace period:

  • The New Format Requirements and the Discontinued Format Requirements will be treated as  recommendations .
  • Only the Continuing Format Requirements will be treated as  requirements .
  • Starting in January 2025,  the New Format Requirements will be treated as  requirements .

The following section delineates the differences between  recommendations  and  requirements .

New Format Requirements for 2024

Prior to January 2024, these requirements have not been listed in the checklist or enforced by Iowa State University thesis/dissertation reviewers. Graduate students and faculty are advised to carefully review the new requirements. Tutorials and support will be available to students to ensure they have the skills to incorporate these requirements into their thesis/dissertation manuscripts. 

Feature New Requirement Explanation of Change Rationale
Page Numbers Page numbers must be located only in the center of the page  Page numbers are required to be in the document header. Accessibility
Page Numbers The page number for landscape pages is located on the center of the right-hand side, rotated 90° clockwise.  Page numbers are required to be in the document header. Accessibility
Headings Chapter numbering must be consistent throughout the manuscript (Arabic numerals are recommended; spelled-out or Roman numerals are acceptable). Arabic numerals are no longer required. Deference to variation across disciplines
Headings Numbering, including decimal outlining, is an acceptable way to differentiate heading levels. Numbering for headings is explicitly acceptable. Deference to variation across disciplines
Headings Discernible sections must be separated by headings, e.g., "Tables and Figures" section. Content must be identified with meaningful headings.



Headings Headings must be formatted as tagged bookmarks (H1+ in PDF); PDF must contain a hierarchical outline that provides an overview of the document. Headings must be formatted using  . Format attributes (e.g., bold, centered) are not sufficient for headings, since they are not   to some assistive devices, such as screen readers. Accessibility
Preliminary Pages In place of a Dedication, authors may include a Preface, About the Author, or other front matter. Subject to approval by the Graduate College, some preliminary pages not included in the templates are acceptable. Deference to variation across disciplines
Title Page Title must match what is specified in the  . File properties must include the full title of the thesis/dissertation. Accessibility
Table of Contents Table of Contents items must be linked to the respective heading location in the manuscript. Users must be able to locate content using bookmarks in . Accessibility
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments paragraphs must be formatted using Body style. Consistent use of global format requirements is now explicity required for preliminary pages. Consistency
Abstract Abstract paragraphs must be formatted using Body style. Consistent use of global format requirements is now explicity required for preliminary pages. Consistency
Journal Article Format: Chapters

Preliminary details are required for every manuscript chapter:

'Modified from...' statement is no longer included in the preliminary details.



Deference to variation across disciplines

Journal Article Format: Chapters Manuscript chapters published, or under review, in academic journals may include this publishing status in a footnote on the first page of the chapter. Authors are responsible for providing information about other places of publication, publishers' required disclaimers, etc. for their manuscript chapters.

Compliance with copyright laws and institutional authorship policies

Adherence to basic academic norms

Journal Article Format: Chapters

If the manuscript chapter contains an abstract:

Manuscript chapters are explicitly  required to include an abstract. Usability
Journal Article Format: Chapters Journal articles authored by multiple Iowa State University graduate students must include Shared Consent form at the end of the co-authored chapter. The Graduate College has developed forms to use to ensure oversight and permission for the use of co-authored papers in ISU theses and dissertations.


Compliance with copyright laws and institutional authorship policies

Tables and Figures Table and figure captions must be consistently positioned throughout chapters (for Journal Article format) or manuscript (for Traditional format) Figure captions are no longer required to be below the figure. Deference to variation across disciplines
Tables and Figures

Table content must be tagged:

Tables and Figures Alt-text must be provided for figures. Accessibility
Tables and Figures Proper attribution must be provided for copyrighted figures reproduced in the ETD manuscript. Proper attribution is now an explicit requirement. Compliance with copyright laws and institutional authorship policies
References/ Bibliography Paragraph spacing must be consistent within each reference list. Double-spacing is not longer required for references. Consistency

Continuing Format Requirements

These requirements have been listed in the checklist and enforced by Iowa State University thesis/dissertation reviewers since the last template update. Tutorials and support will continue to be available to students to ensure they have the skills to incorporate these requirements into their thesis/dissertation manuscripts.

Feature Requirement Rationale
Margins 1” margins all around throughout entire thesis/dissertation Readability
Font Same standard proportional font, e.g., those identified by the APA, throughout, including:




Font Font size must beconsistent throughout document. Font size is legible (≈12 pt. in Word; 11 pt. in LaTeX) for:



Font Font size must belegible (8 pt. or larger) for: Figure/table caption font size must be consistent throughout the manuscript (for Traditional ETDs) or the chapter (for Journal Article ETDs)



Page Numbers

Every page must be numbered sequentially, except:




Page Numbers Page numbers for preliminary pages must use lowercase Roman numerals Consistency
Page Numbers Following the title page, page number must start at ii. Consistency
Headings Headings must have at least two lines of body paragraph on the same page (no headings at the bottom of a page). Readability
Headings All preliminary pages must be identified with a Heading 0, including LIST OF TABLES and LIST OF FIGURES.



Headings All chapter and major section headings must bebold, centered, uppercase letters. Consistency
Headings Chapter titles must include the word, 'CHAPTER,' and a number.




Level 2+ headings are consistent, including case/capitalization, throughout





Headings Differentiation must be perceivable between heading levels.





Preliminary Pages

Pages must appear in the following order, if included:



Preliminary Pages Abstract must be the last preliminary page, located immediately before Chapter 1. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page No page number appears on the title page. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page No period is used at the end of the title. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The title that appears on the title page must be sentence case. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The title that appears on the title page must be single-spaced. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Title and author name must be bold. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The word 'by' must be lowercase. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The title page must correctly identify the manuscript as a thesis (for master's degrees) or a dissertation (for doctoral degrees). Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The title page must correctly identify the earned degree. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The major must be identified, preceded by 'Major:'. Co-majors must be identified, preceded by 'Co-majors:'. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Specializations must be identified in parentheses, following the major. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Minors must not be identified. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page List of committee members must be single-spaced. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Major Professor must be first in the committee member list, designated as 'Major Professor'. Both co-major professors must be first in the committee member list, both/all designated as 'Co-major Professor,' lowercase 'm'. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Committee member names must not include 'Dr.,' 'Professor,' 'Ph.D.' before/after their names. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Non-supervisory committee member names must not have any designation, e.g., 'Committee Member.' Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Title Page

Title page must include a ‘Responsibility of Content’ statement, as follows:

The student author, whose presentation of the scholarship herein was approved by the program of study committee, is solely responsible for the content of this  . The Graduate College will ensure this   is globally accessible and will not permit alterations after a degree is conferred.
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The manuscript type must be correctly designated as either a thesis or dissertation (2 places) in the Responsibility of Content statement.



Preliminary Pages: Title Page Iowa State University must be correctly designated as the institution. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Ames, Iowa must be identified as the place of publication. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page The graduation year must be identified as the date of publication. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Copyright must be claimed in the graduation year. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Copyright holder name must exactly match the author name at the top of the title page and in the university record. Usability
Preliminary Pages: Title Page Copyright statement must state, 'All rights reserved.' Usability
Preliminary Pages: Dedication Dedication must be no more than one page. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Table of Contents Page number columns must be right-justified. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: Table of Contents The word 'CHAPTER' and chapter number must appear before each chapter title, except for single-article journal theses and MFA theses. Consistency
Preliminary Pages: List of Figures/List of Tables If one of these lists is provided, then both must be provided, unless the manuscript contains no figures or no tables.



Preliminary Pages: Nomeclature Nomenclature must follow a two-column format with the abbreviation/term in the left column and the non-abbreviated form/definition in the right column.



Body of Thesis: Paragraphs First lines of paragraphs must be indented 1/2".



Body of Thesis: Paragraphs Body text must be double-spaced, left-aligned, not justified.




Body of Thesis: Pages The manuscript must not contain any blank pages. Usability
Body of Thesis: Chapters Sections must be continuous within each chapter. Only the chapter begins on a new page. Level 2 headings do not begin on new pages. Readability
Journal Article Format: Chapters First chapter must be titled 'CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION.'



Journal Article Format: Chapters Final chapter must be titled 'CHAPTER #. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS.'



Journal Article Format: Chapters Manuscript chapters must be titled with the title of the manuscript.



Journal Article Format: Chapters The text of the chapter must be continuous (no page break after the chapter title or abstract).



Journal Article Format: Paragraphs

Keywords, if included, must be formatted in Body style.

Journal Article Format: Chapters Footnote numbering restarts at 1 for each chapter, if applicable.



Journal Article Format: References/ Bibliography Citation styles are not required to be consistent across manuscript chapters. Deference to variation across academic journals.
Journal Article Format: References/ Bibliography Citation style is required to be consistent across the GENERAL INTRODUCTION and GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. Consistency
Journal Article Format: Chapters Each manuscript must have its own Abstract, References/Bibliography, Appendices, etc. (they cannot be combined for the entire thesis/dissertation). Usability
Tables and Figures

Caption styles must be consistent within chapters (for Journal Article format) or manuscript (Traditional format)

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures that do not fit on one page:

Journal Article Format: Tables and Figures Figure/table numbering must restart for each chapter. Usability
References/ Bibliography

References must be provided:





Appendices must be located:




Appendices Page numbering in appendices must be continuous and formatted consistently with numbering for pages in the Body of Manuscript.



Appendices Appendix titles must be preceded by the label, 'Appendix.' If there are more than one appendices, then each must be labeled sequentially as 'A,' 'B,' or '1,' '2,' etc.




Appendix titles must be formatted as:




Appendices IRB approval letters must be provided as appendices, where approval was required for the study. Aderence to based academic norms
Appendices Letters and Documents must not contain signatures or personal information.


Adherence to basic academic norms

Discontinued Format Requirements (No Longer Required After November 30, 2023)

Some requirements listed in the checklist prior to January 2024 will now be designated as recommendations.

Feature Recommendation Explanation of Change Enhancement
Table of Contents 'Page' should be written above the page numbers column (only on the first page of the TOC), right-justified. No longer a rejectable requirement Usability
Table of Contents Long headings should not overlap the page number column. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability
List of Tables / List of Figures 'Page is written above the page numbers column (only on the first page of the LOF/LOT), right-justified. No longer a rejectable requirement Usability
List of Tables / List of Figures The word 'Table' or 'Figure' should come before the table or figure number. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability
List of Tables / List of Figures List entries should be single-spaced. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability
List of Tables / List of Figures There should be 12 pt. blank space between each list entry. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability
List of Tables / List of Figures If table/figure captions are longer than one line, there should be a hanging indent the width of the table/figure label and number. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability
List of Tables / List of Figures Table and figure captions, page number, and dots should be roman (not italic, not bold). No longer a rejectable requirement Consistency
List of Tables / List of Figures Only the first sentence of the table/figure caption should be included in the List of Tables / List of Figures. No longer a rejectable requirement Usability

The manuscript should not contain more that /1/4 page blank, except:

No longer a rejectable requirement Usability
Paragraphs At least two lines of each body paragraph should appear on a page No longer a rejectable requirement Consistency
Journal Article Format: Preliminary Details If an address for the corresponding author is provided, it should be a long-term address. New recommendation for co-authored articles Adherence to basic academic norms
Content Use discretion regarding personal information in the thesis/dissertation. Consider the purpose and longevity of the information. Removed the requirement to exclude all personal information from thesis/dissertation Deference to variation across disciplines
Tables and Figures Figure and table captions may be located either above or below the graphic. Placement must be consistent for all figures/tables throughout the chapter (Journal Article format) or manuscript (Traditional format) Removed the requirement to place captions below figures/above tables Deference to variation across disciplines
References/ Bibliography References should not be split across pages. No longer a rejectable requirement Usability
References/ Bibliography References should be single-spaced with 12 pt. of blank space between each item in the references list. No longer a rejectable requirement Readability

Definitions of major priorities for updated thesis/dissertation format requirements

Priority Definition
Accessibility The quality of being able to be used by everyone, regardless of how they approach it
Usability The ease with which a product or system can be used to achieve goals effectively and efficiently
Readability The quality of being legible or decipherable, or easy or enjoyable to read
Consistency The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly over time

dedication latex thesis

Format Tutorial Videos

Techniques for formatting theses/dissertations according to the Graduate College's requirements are demonstrated in a series of step-by-step videos.

  • Watch Tutorials

Annotated Samples and Checklists

Samples of correctly formatted thesis/dissertation pages are provided with graphic annotations to highlight key design features. Additionally, download the formatting checklist to ensure that all of your content is formatted according to Graduate College requirements. 

View Annotated Samples   Download Formatting Checklist

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How formal should the dedication section in a master thesis be? [closed]

I want to make a little practical joke in the dedication of my master thesis. It's nothing extraordinary, and it's harmless, but it is all but formal.

I searched around and found this answer that states, as I already thought, that the acknowledgements section is not so formal and I can write it the way I want, but in terms of the dedication, it doesn't state anything.

Will the academia receive it well if I make this little practical joke in the dedication page, or should I write something a little more formal?

undisp's user avatar

  • 3 This is a question for your advisor. The answer can differ greatly in time and place. In some places it might be seen as very rude, in others, no problem. Ask. –  Buffy Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 16:20
  • I see. I will ask my advisor what is her opinion in this matter. Thank you very much! –  undisp Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 16:33
  • I second @Buffy. I'd like to add that some restrictions may appear not obvious to the candidate himself, but pretty transparent or familiar to the advisor. For example, I was once strongly discouraged to use a certain (more "modern") LaTeX template in my PhD thesis. Don't ask me why, I've changed universities since and I am pretty sure it'd be Ok in my new place. –  Oleg Lobachev Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 20:33

You could wander to your department library and check the dedication page of several master's theses to see what other students have done.

In my case the department keeps a copy of every MSc and PhD thesis ever produced by students in the department, and they are available in the department library. I looked at a couple dozen. Most of them had some happy little thing like a line of poetry or something. A student who finished during my course work put the following on his dedication page.

One and One make Three

That's because he and his wife had a child during his grad work. On my PhD thesis dedication page I first gave a gushy thanks to my supervisor. Then I included a quote from Yoda, and a quote from a song by the music group Queen.

I think as long as it's generally not nasty it will be OK.

You can also get some general ideas about format, writing style, citations, etc. Maybe the people who did the binding will have left little notes in the cover so you can find out where to get that done.

And, hey, the content might even be interesting.

  • This is probably fine in some places, like most places in the US, but others are very formal. If you find lighthearted stuff then you are likely ok. But if you don't...? So, don't make assumptions. Ask for guidance. Even in a permissive place, an individual advisor might object. –  Buffy Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 18:24
  • (Unfortunately) I think @Buffy is right on this one. I would like to think that every jury is as permissive as one can be and wouldn't mind about a little practical joke on a personal section like the dedication page, but it isn't always that way. Even though I don't think that there will be any problem with what I want to do, I will ask the opinion of my advisor, just to make sure. –  undisp Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 19:07
  • 1 Upvote for looking at predecessors. I did exactly that in my MSc thesis and have even nailed some things that appeared natural to me then, but were quite field-dependent in the hindsight. –  Oleg Lobachev Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 20:34
  • Wow, Buffy and undisp. I'm sorry you understood "look at previous work" to be "do what I did and don't pay the least attention to what you find in your department's library." Good thing I didn't tell the story about "if you get this far I owe you a beer." –  user94256 Commented Sep 28, 2018 at 20:42

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dedication latex thesis

An academic thesis, also known as a dissertation, is a substantial work produced by a graduate student to communicate their research and earn a degree. A thesis will typically include a review of the current state of research in the field of study followed by a central hypothesis to be investigated. The bulk of the thesis will then focus on the methods and results of the research performed, followed by a discussion on how the results add to the field in general. Theses are long, highly structured and include a lot of advanced document elements.

dedication latex thesis

This template is designed for writing books and graduate-level theses and provides numerous examples and documentation to enable complex requirements. The design features a relatively narrow main text column with an adjacent wide margin to house notes, figures, tables, citations and captions.

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Masters/Doctoral Thesis

This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list of figures, list of tables, abbreviations, physical constants, symbols, dedication, example chapter, example appendix and bibliography.

Classicthesis Typographic Thesis

This template has been designed as a homage to the Elements of Typographic Style. As such, it has an air of efficiency and optimal design. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. Sections within the thesis are clearly separated in a consistent way, as are sections within each chapter. The default structure of the thesis proceeds in the following order: title page, dedication, abstract, publications, acknowledgements, contents, list of tables/figures/listings, acronyms, content chapters, appendices, bibliography, colophon and declaration.

Maggi Memoir Thesis

This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look which is immediately obvious from the title page itself and carries through the design of the rest of the document. Three custom fonts are used in the template to match the design and beautifully display your content.

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Students and a female professor in a lab, learning about food science nutrition.

Is a Nutrition Degree Worth It? Discover Career Benefits

Author: University of North Dakota August 1, 2024

Every degree has its benefits.

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Some pave the way for lucrative careers, others offer excellent job security, some make a significant difference in people's lives, and others fulfill a deep-seated curiosity to understand the world better. The latter was a driving force for UND alum Tasha Cahill when she chose to pursue a degree in nutrition. Reflecting on her journey, she shares, "The more I learned about the human body, the more I wanted to understand how food actually worked in the body. I had many burning questions that Google searches wouldn't satisfy."

Her quest for knowledge highlights a common yet profound motivation among students: the desire to seek answers to questions that intrigue them. This thirst for understanding can be incredibly fulfilling, but it also raises a crucial question for prospective students: is a nutrition degree worth it? Beyond personal satisfaction and curiosity, does this field offer tangible benefits in terms of career prospects, financial stability, and the ability to make a positive impact on society? Read on to find out!

What is a Nutrition Degree?

A nutrition degree is an academic program focused on the science of food and its impact on the human body. This field of study encompasses a wide range of topics, including the biochemical processes of nutrients, the role of diet in health and disease, and the social and behavioral aspects of food consumption.

Nutrition degrees prepare students to understand how food affects our bodies and minds, equipping them with the knowledge to promote healthy eating habits and improve public health.

Nutrition Degree Coursework

Students pursuing an undergraduate degree in nutrition, such as a bachelor's degree in human nutrition , will encounter a curriculum designed to provide a thorough understanding of nutrition as a field and the influence nutrients have on the body. The coursework typically includes:

  • Nutritional Biochemistry
  • Nutrition in the Life Cycle
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition
  • Nutrition Education and Counseling
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Community Nutrition

Kitchen scene with four students, nutrition majors, preparing fruit bowl for class project.

For those pursuing advanced degrees, the coursework becomes more specialized and in-depth. A master's degree in nutrition at UND may include courses on:

  • Nutrigenomics
  • Nutrition and Health Coaching
  • Nutrition in Disease Prevention and Wellness
  • Obesity and Eating Disorders
  • Macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Nutrition Education and Program Planning

Each of these advanced courses builds on foundational knowledge, preparing students for specialized roles in nutrition and equipping them with the skills needed to address complex nutritional challenges.

How Long Do Nutrition Degrees Take?

The duration of nutrition degrees can vary depending on the level of study and individual circumstances. Typically, a bachelor's degree takes around four years of full-time study. A master's degree requires an additional two years of study, although some programs may offer accelerated options or part-time study, which can affect the overall duration.

Doctoral programs can take anywhere from three to five years or more, depending on the research requirements and the student's progress. PhD programs often involve advanced coursework, comprehensive exams, and original research culminating in a dissertation.

Overall, the time required to complete a nutrition degree depends on various factors, including the level of degree, the student's pace, and specific program requirements. However, each level of education provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of nutrition, preparing graduates for a range of careers in the field.

Skills Needed for a Nutrition Degree

Successful nutritionists possess a blend of technical and soft skills that enable them to excel in their quest to earn a nutrition degree and succeed in their future roles. Some of the fundamental abilities include:

  • Ability to evaluate the dietary needs and restrictions of others;
  • Strong interpersonal skills to effectively communicate dietary advice;
  • A solid understanding of the chemical makeup of food and how it affects the body;
  • Staying current with the latest scientific findings;
  • Effective time management skills;
  • Precision in calculating nutritional values and meticulous record-keeping.

Career Paths With a Nutrition Degree

A degree in nutrition opens the door to a number of job opportunities, including:

  • Health consultant: Providing personalized health and nutrition advice to individuals or organizations.
  • Nutrition educator: Teaching people about the importance of nutrition and healthy eating habits, often in schools, community centers, or public health settings.
  • Nutrition manager: Overseeing nutrition programs and policies within organizations such as hospitals, schools, or corporate wellness programs.
  • Research nutritionist: Conducting studies on various aspects of nutrition, contributing to the scientific understanding of diet and health.
  • Nutrition counselor: Working one-on-one with clients to develop and implement personalized nutrition plans.
  • Food regulation/policy maker: Developing and enforcing policies related to food safety and nutrition, often working for government agencies or non-profit organizations.
  • Clinical nutritionist: Providing medical nutrition therapy for acute and chronic health issues; the role usually requires specific credentials and a state license.

Each of these career paths allows nutritionists to apply their knowledge and skills in different ways, contributing to the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

A diverse group of people gathered around a counter, discussing nutrition awareness.

Nutrition Degree Salaries and Career Growth

Exploring the salary and career growth prospects for those with a nutrition degree reveals promising opportunities. The median annual salary for nutritionists is $69,680 , with the highest 10% earning more than $98,830.

Exact salaries can vary significantly based on the industry in which they work. Some of the highest-paying industries include:

  • Outpatient Care Centers: $77,740
  • Hospitals (state, local, and private): $72,320
  • Government: $69,680
  • Nursing and Residential Care Facilities: $65,690

Interest in the role of food and nutrition in promoting wellness and preventive care, particularly in medical settings, continues to rise. The well-established importance of diet in preventing and controlling illnesses like diabetes and heart disease drives the demand for skilled dietitians and nutritionists. As more people become aware of the benefits of good nutrition in managing health conditions, the need for these professionals will increase.

The employment of dietitians and nutritionists is projected to grow by 7% from 2022 to 2032, which is faster than the average for all occupations. This growth translates to about 5,600 openings for dietitians and nutritionists annually over the decade. Many of these openings will result from the need to replace workers who are transferring to different occupations or exiting the labor force.

Furthermore, as the population ages and seeks ways to maintain health and vitality, there will be an even higher demand for dietetic and nutrition services. This demographic shift highlights the ongoing and expanding need for nutrition expertise to support older adults' health and wellness.

Key Considerations Before Applying for a Nutrition Degree

When considering whether to pursue a nutrition degree, it's important to weigh several key factors, including the cost of education, time investment, and career prospects. Thoroughly evaluating these aspects can help you make an informed decision.

Cost of Education

The cost of obtaining a nutrition degree can vary significantly depending on the institution and the level of the degree. Tuition fees, textbooks, lab materials, and other related expenses can quickly add up. Therefore, it's essential to research and compare the costs of different programs at both public and private institutions.

Additionally, exploring financial aid options, scholarships, and grants can help offset the cost. Balancing potential debt with anticipated post-graduation salary is crucial to ensure that your investment in education will be financially viable in the long run.

Time Investment

Earning a degree in nutrition requires not only financial resources but also a significant commitment of time and energy. Prospective students should consider their readiness for this long-term commitment and how it fits into their personal and professional lives. Some institutions offer part-time study options or accelerated programs for those needing more flexibility.

It's important to plan for the extensive time investment and be prepared for the dedication required to succeed in this field.

Career Prospects and Job Satisfaction

It's essential to consider whether the available roles align with your career aspirations and interests. Job satisfaction in this field often comes from helping others achieve their health goals and seeing the positive impact of your work.

Researching various career paths, such as clinical dietitian, nutrition educator, or public health nutritionist, can help you understand potential opportunities and whether they match your passions and skills. Engaging with professionals in the field and seeking internships can provide valuable insights into the day-to-day realities of these careers.

Is a Nutrition Degree Worth It?

Overall, pursuing a nutrition degree can be highly rewarding due to its significant impact on clients' health and well-being. The field offers a promising job outlook, with many career options and generally favorable salary prospects, reflecting the importance of the profession in promoting healthy lifestyles.

However, whether a nutrition degree is worth it ultimately depends on the individual, their personal priorities, career expectations, and readiness for the time and financial investment required.

So, much like Tasha Cahill, you can pursue your passion for nutrition and make a meaningful impact on people's lives. With all indicators pointing towards a rewarding and fulfilling career in this field, UND stands out as an excellent choice for your education. Our programs, including bachelor's degrees, master's programs, and even an accelerated dietetics degree , provide a solid foundation for your journey. Join us, and together, we'll nourish a better tomorrow.

Is majoring in nutrition hard? ( Open this section)

Majoring in nutrition can be challenging due to the scientific coursework, but it is manageable with dedication and effective study habits.

Which degree is best for nutrition? ( Open this section)

It depends on the role you want to pursue. A bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics is widely recognized, but a master's degree or specialized certifications can enhance career prospects and fulfill requirements for more advanced roles.

What is the highest-paying nutrition job? ( Open this section)

Clinical dietitians and certified nutritionists tend to be among the highest-paying jobs in the field.

Can I pursue a nutrition degree part-time while working? ( Open this section)

Yes, many institutions offer part-time programs and online courses to accommodate working professionals.

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A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder Series-Premiere Recap: Good Guys Don’t Kill People

A good girl’s guide to murder.

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The first thing you need to know about Pippa Fitz-Amobi (Emma Myers) is that she has a bob. The second is that she almost always wears overalls. And the third is that, unlike her party-animal friends — who drink booze and go on hot dates — Pip is a huge fan of … school. Homework. The grind. These three characteristics (the bob, the overalls, the education dedication) should tell you everything you need to know about Pippa Fitz-Amobi, our leading lady in A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder . She is bookish, clever, and, most important, Not Like the Other Girls™. Instead of a senior year spent throwing parties and slacking off, 17-year-old Pip has set her sights on a convoluted capstone: solving the disappearance of Andie Bell (India Lillie Davies).

This is not the first time we’ve met Pip, who comes from Holly Jackson’s 2019 novel of the same name. It is, however, the first time we’re seeing Pippa in the flesh, and Myers perfectly embodies headstrong Pip. As we’ll soon learn, it’s fun to be a little irritated with Pippa while we simultaneously root for her to crack the case. She and that damn bob and those overalls go too far; we shake our heads and insist she’d be better off quitting while she’s ahead, but we keep watching because we’ve all gone too far with a little gossip, haven’t we?

It’s been five years since the scandal surrounding golden girl Andie Bell and her boyfriend, Sal Singh (Rahul Pattni), rocked Pippa’s hometown, an English village so quaint that it’s named Little Kilton. On April 19, 2019, Andie disappeared in the middle of the night. Just a couple of days later, police found Sal dead in the woods, overdosed on painkillers. Without an alibi for the night of Andie’s disappearance, Sal was ruled her killer posthumously. There wasn’t even a trial — police immediately claimed he died by suicide, riddled with grief after allegedly killing Andie. Sal did send a text to his father confessing to the crime hours before he died. Andie was never found.

So, case … closed?

No. Now, it’s 2024, and Pip isn’t satisfied with this conclusion. Pippa could research the case in her spare time, but where’s the fun in that? She is going to prove Sal innocent for her Extended Project Qualification — get ready to hear the acronym EPQ endlessly — which is the British way to describe a senior-year thesis mixed with a college application essay. While you maybe wrote something about being on the debate team for your college essay, and I wrote about being in theater, Pippa solved a whole damn murder case.

Apart from school, there’s another reason why Pippa is doing this; frankly, it’s a little flimsy. Pippa believes Sal to be innocent because he was kind to her as a kid. “Good guys don’t kill people,” Pippa tells her best friend, Cara Ward (Asha Banks). Important to note: Cara is the younger sister of Sal’s friend Naomi (Yasmin Al-Khudhairi), meaning Pip grew up around sweet Sal. Plus, if Sal didn’t do it, that also means that the killer is still lurking around Little Kilton. But, c’mon … good guys do kill people, Pippa. It’s the oldest plot twist in the book.

There are a lot of timestamps, receipts, and case-related history the first episode has to get across, and for the most part, the show seamlessly integrates this into Pippa’s conversations. Sometimes, though, we get a clunky exposition moment — like when we’re forced to watch Pip build a crime-scene wall in her room, circling her Persons of Interest in red ink and writing zingers like “WHERE WAS SAL?” on her timeline. Well, Pippa, that’s the question, isn’t it? No need to emulate John Krasinki’s whiteboard in A Quiet Place here; we got the gist before you literally spelled it out for us.

Pippa begins with an obvious, if amateur, plan. Armed with a tin of homemade muffins, Pip bribes Ravi Singh (Zain Iqbal), the cute younger brother of Sal, to talk to her. These two really kick it off. The pheromones are pheremoning as the pair chat literature, homework, and school. But Pippa soon swings in with a big confession: These muffins were actually baked to convince Ravi to spill the deets about his dead brother.

Ravi, peeved that Pip pulled a bait and switch, tells her to leave him alone. He has every right to be wary about Pippa. Not only did Ravi lose his older brother, townsfolk have been traumatizing the Singh family ever since Sal’s death. I am firmly planted in the “Protect Ravi at All Costs” camp. Get a job! Stay away from him!

Pippa carries out yet another ill-advised plan. Later, while hanging out with Cara, Pip uses her as a way to further wedge herself into the case. Pip wants to interview Naomi for her EPQ. Cara brushes her off; Naomi is too depressed about the Sal case to get involved. But Pippa ignores her friend’s request, sneaks out of the room, and tiptoes downstairs to find Naomi, who is mumbling something about missing jammy dodgers. Pip immediately uses that as a way in: Speaking of missing , does Naomi remember where she was on April 19, 2019, the night Andie Bell disappeared?

Naomi hesitantly recalls the night. Before Andie went missing, Sal was kicking it at Max Hastings’s (Henry Ashton) house with Naomi. They were playing Super Mario Party, which is important for two reasons. First, the exact game will later be contested. Second, Mario Party is the best game, and it’s inconceivable that anyone playing it could be a killer. Pip should factor this key detail into her EPQ. Sal left at 10:30 p.m., and was only seen later at 12:50 a.m. by his dad when he returned home.

Pip wants more info on some alibi Naomi mentioned. Well, wouldn’t you know it! Pip’s mom (Anna Maxwell Martin) just so happens to be in a book club with Ms. Hastings, who is just so happening looking for waitresses to work a big Hastings family party this weekend. Thus, Max becomes Pippa’s next target. Pip drags Cara along with her to serve Champagne at the event, as if betraying her and interviewing Naomi weren’t enough.

To make matters worse, Pippa abandons bottle-girl duty, stalking Max down to the basement. Poor Cara! But Pip gets what’s coming to her: Max is a scumbag. Pippa demands answers about Sal’s alibi, but Max wants a “quid pro quo” deal where he gets something out of the conversation, too. For every question he answers, Pippa must take a shot. That’s what you get for treating sweet Cara like trash.

Pippa starts downing shots and Max finally offers some long-awaited insight. Shot: What is this alibi Naomi mentioned? Chaser: Sal asked Max and his friends to lie to the police and say he actually left at 12:50 a.m., which he didn’t. Sal’s friends told the police the truth. Shot: What were they doing that night? Chaser: They were playing FIFA, not Mario Party . Shot: What did Max know about Sal’s new girlfriend? Chaser: Max “literally never spoke” to Andie.

Max is an untrustworthy douchebag. FIFA and not Super Mario Party ? Bail, Pippa.

While exiting the party, a drunken Pip confesses to Cara that she also interviewed Naomi. They have a screaming match, Cara continues to be far too good a friend for Pip, and both leave the party in tears. Perhaps it’s time for Pip to hit pause on this EPQ and research, I don’t know, literally anything else? But, again: This is Pippa Fitz-Amobi we’re talking about. She may not be sporting her overalls — unless they’re on underneath her glitzy waitress costume — but that bob is going to keep bobbing.

Pip rolls up to the Singh household after the party, tears clinging to her eyes. Ravi tells her to go away again, but she rambles on about how important this is to her. Finally, he cracks. Ravi has something he’s been dying to show someone, anyone , for the past five years: Sal’s phone. On it, two messages could prove Sal’s innocence.

The first, on April 19: “Goin 2 Max house after school 2nite will be bak late”

The second, on April 22: “It was me. I did it. I’m so sorry.”

Sal never typed out any punctuation. He simplified “to” to “2.” Why, then, would his confession be so perfectly written? There’s only one answer here, Pip and Ravi agree: Someone else sent the confession. Now that Pip’s persistence has finally won her a singular ally — who, lucky for her, is a key witness in the case — there’s actually a solid reason for her to continue the investigation.

Ring a Bell?

• Pippa reads Jane Eyre at the corner store while her friends steal booze. (Again: Not Like the Other Girls ™.) Cute factoid: Charlotte Brontë wrote the novel under the pen name Currer Bell. Andie Bell, Currer Bell. Related? Side note: Couldn’t Pippa have done her EPQ on, say, bildungsroman novels?

• Pip’s friend Lauren (Yali Topol Margalith), a tertiary character in this saga, is also at the Hastings party, on a date with a guy named Ant (Monty Eliot). (Ant?!?) Pip hates Ant because he says “pacifically” instead of “specifically.” This show is really great at a realistic characterization of teens — there were at least three of these guys in my high school.

• Some guy at the Hastings party tells Pippa to stop being so nosy and plays the old “Got your nose!” trick on her. “Dark forces are at work here,” Pippa whispers to Cara. “A good-looking man just tried to steal my nose.”

  • a good girl's guide to murder

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Dedication page in article class

Alignment of dedication page in the document class article .

The alignment is moving horizontally but not vertical. Am i missing something here?

Using Texmaker in Linux.

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egreg's user avatar

  • 2 Try to use \vspace*{6ex} . –  Sigur Commented Mar 16, 2013 at 21:19
  • @rnish Have you considered to accept any answer here? I thin egrep's answer is very good. –  Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 21:38

2 Answers 2

Probably a different approach is better. Choose yourself the proportion of white space at the top and the bottom (here it's 1:3).

For producing the image below, I added the showframe option to geometry .

enter image description here

  • I get such an output pasteboard.co/1xn5gUam9.png Is that a purpose to have it the bottom? Is it a standard? I think the much white space is a Honourable space. - - Please, add an output to your answer. –  Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 21:34
  • 1 @Masi I added it (with showframe to clearly mark the page boundaries). –  egreg Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 21:52
  • Why is your output that way but my output wrong? - - Is this necessary \usepackage[paper=a4paper,left=30mm,right=20mm,top=25mm,bottom=30mm]{geometry} ? –  Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 22:13
  • @Masi Not at all; those were the settings of the OP. –  egreg Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 22:16
  • But how can you include the dedication at such location? Why is my location so different? - - Maybe some complication. Any workaround? –  Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 22:40

As this is the first Google result for "latex dedication", I'd like to contribute a simpler way for dedications in Latex, which I adapted from here :

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  3. Dedication Page in Thesis

    Dedication Page in Thesis. Postby 7788 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:01 am. Hi, I would like to make a dedication page in my thesis from my .sty file, I have this (for the abstract page). Code, edit and compile here:

  4. PDF Writing a thesis with LATEX

    the \maketitle command. However, the thesis title page is usually so different from that produced by the standard L A TEX classes that it is easier to redefine it from scratch. 3.2 Dedication The dedication, when present, can have many different formats depending on the author's taste. Usually (Fig.2) it is just a line aligned to the right ...

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    dedication page. words move to the middle. I want to make dedication page in cls file like 'dedication page example' picture before abstract page with italic fonts. Like pic 1, words are much spaced along vertical line. I want edit this page like the pic 2 format. we can see that pic 2 has balanced space with title, name, sentence month and names.

  7. Center my dedication in my thesis

    Center my dedication in my thesis. Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 7k times.

  8. Basic thesis template

    This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for ...

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  10. A Thesis Class

    Here is an example of how to use this class in a master latex document. The structure of the dedications file (called dedications.tex in the example) is \begin{dedication} This thesis is dedicated to\\ someone\\ for some special reason\\ \end{dedication} The structure of the abstract (abstract.tex) file is of the form ...

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    The thesis/dissertation will not be accepted until all requirements are met, even if this results in a delay to the student's graduation. Recommendations Students are strongly encouraged to implement these recommendations, which enhance usability, readability, and consistency in theses/dissertations.

  12. Is it customary to include a dedication in an honours thesis?

    Generally "dedication" is not mandatory in most of universities. However it is advisable to check with your academic office. Quoting from Harvard guidelines for thesis writing, Front matter may include: acknowledgments of help or encouragement from individuals or institutions; a dedication; a list of illustrations or of tables; a glossary of ...

  13. Dedication page for master thesis

    1. That should not be too hard, but it can greatly help others to know what document class you use and how the rest of your documents looks and is structured. So you might want to show us an MWE. - moewe. Oct 2, 2016 at 6:53. Add a comment.

  14. How formal should the dedication section in a master thesis be?

    You could wander to your department library and check the dedication page of several master's theses to see what other students have done. In my case the department keeps a copy of every MSc and PhD thesis ever produced by students in the department, and they are available in the department library. I looked at a couple dozen.

  15. [texhax] Dedication page

    My hope was that there would exist a command or environment that would accomplish this, but I've been unable to find such in books or online. Is there a simple and standard way to include a dedication page? I'm using the documentclass book. > For my PhD thesis, I used the following (dedication is made-up): \documentclass {book} % .. other ...

  16. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing ...

  17. LaTeX Templates

    This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look ...

  18. Acknowledgement/Dedication problem

    For my thesis, after my title page (1st page), on the next few pages I want to put a. page 2: dedication. page 3: acknowledgement. I tried using the \begin{dedication}\end{dedication} and \begin{acknowledgement}\end{acknowledgement} commands but it does not work, so I guess I dont have the package or I need to define a new environment?

  19. Dedicating your thesis : r/PhD

    postcardigans. •. I had both a dedication and an acknowledgement in my masters thesis--dedicated to my parents for giving me the foundation to follow my path, and to my husband for support during the process; and acknowledging my thesis committee, a special staff member at the library, and my classmates. Reply reply.

  20. Is a Nutrition Degree Worth It? Discover Career Benefits

    PhD programs often involve advanced coursework, comprehensive exams, and original research culminating in a dissertation. Overall, the time required to complete a nutrition degree depends on various factors, including the level of degree, the student's pace, and specific program requirements.

  21. 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Recap, Episode 1

    Meet Pippa Fitz-Amobi: She's bookish, clever, Not Like the Other Girls™, and she's going to solve the disappearance of Andie Bell.

  22. How do I create an acknowledgment section?

    I do my acknowledgements for my thesis the following way: \chapter*{Acknowledgements} \thispagestyle{empty} I like to acknowledge ... \clearpage. This adds a chapter-like headline without number on a page of its own. I like to also not have a page number for it. Afterwards flush the page using a \clearpage, just to be on the safe side.

  23. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

  24. Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (ABUS) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

    Arbutus Biopharma Corporation (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:ABUS) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference Call August 1, 2024 8:45 AM ETCompany ParticipantsLisa Caperelli - VP,...

  25. Dissertation Template

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... currently inserts the cover page, abstract page, and title page. You can change page order in ukthesis.cls. \begin{dedication} % Optionally enter your dedication here. ... (even if no revisions are ...

  26. Dedication page in article class

    Alignment of dedication page in the document class article. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[paper=a4paper,left=30mm,right=20mm,top=25mm,bottom=30mm]{geometry} \newenvironment ... As this is the first Google result for "latex dedication", I'd like to contribute a simpler way for dedications in Latex, ... Center my dedication in ...