Shopify Engineering

Shopify’s Technical Interview Process: What to Expect and How to Prepare

  • by Ashley Sawatsky
  • Jul 7, 2022
  • 7 minute read

The interview process can be one of the most daunting aspects of finding a new gig—but it doesn’t have to be. Our recruiters and interviewers are here to support you throughout the process with clear communication and expectations so you can feel confident every step of the way. 

This guide will pull back the curtain on what to expect during the interview process for technical roles at Shopify and set you up for success with tips for each stage. Keep in mind that we thrive on change, so this guide will be updated from time to time as we evolve and iterate on our hiring practices. We've outlined the common types of interviews, but the process can vary depending on the specific role and team you’re interviewing for. This guide is focused on individual contributor roles, as the leadership interview process typically includes some additional team-specific interviews.

The Interview Process at Shopify 

An interview candidate smiles at his laptop during a virtual meeting with his Shopify interviewer.

The Life Story

The Life Story is a one-hour conversational interview with a recruiter about your past personal and professional experiences.

How It Works

You’ll receive a Google Calendar invitation with a Meet link where the interview will take place. Expect an organic, two-sided conversation rather than your typical interview Q&A. The conversation can be as personal as you want it to be—share your personal triumphs and failures, or get deeply technical if that’s where your passions live. We hire people, not resumes, so the more we can get to know you in this conversation, the better. 

How to Nail It

Shake those nerves off! The Life Story interview is meant to be fun, and we’re genuinely excited to meet you. If you’re feeling nervous, it can help to take a deep breath and relax your shoulders between questions. You can even leave a sticky note nearby to remind you.

Spend some time before your interview reflecting on all of the experiences you’ve had and the things you've done to bring you to the point you're at today. Here are some prompts to get you thinking:

  • How do you connect with and support those around you?
  • When do you feel most energized and passionate in work and life?
  • What unique skills and experiences have prepared you for the role you’re going after?

Get to know the five key traits we look for during the Life Story, and consider how you can frame your experiences using these topics: ​

  • Readiness 
  • Trust 
  • Engagement 
  • Self-awareness. 

Come as you are. Maybe you think best in a three-piece suit; maybe you have a favorite t-shirt and jeans combo—we’re happy as long as you’re comfortable. 

It’s best to avoid meeting from a coffee shop or other potentially distracting communal locations. If you don’t have a private space at home, many public libraries allow you to reserve a private room. 

During the life story interview, we try to talk to people about their background in a way that helps us figure out what interesting things they’ve done in their past, and how they’ve reacted to these situations. This helps us remove any unconscious biases we may have. Farhan Thawar, VP Engineering

A programmer sits in front of two monitors with code editors opened. He is wearing a grey hoodie and headphones.

Coding Exercise

The coding exercise is a 40-minute interview focused on algorithmic thinking and problem solving with a Shopify developer or data scientist. You’ll be asked to work through a problem and solve it using the programming language you’re most comfortable with. We may ask you questions about how you’re approaching the task and the technical background of the problem.

We use CoderPad to conduct our coding exercises. You’ll receive a link before your interview where you’ll be paired with a Shopify developer to work on a programming exercise. You’ll be writing the code, but your interviewer is there to help with feedback and to answer questions throughout the exercise. The objective of this interview is to understand how you solve problems with code, with the ultimate goal of getting to a working solution.

Ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand the problem before jumping into solution mode. You can also use any online resources you see fit during the interview (documentation, search engine, etc.). Just don’t research already built solutions.

Run your code early and often throughout the exercise, so you can debug as you go. Focus on getting to a working solution, not a perfect one.

Think about edge cases and limitations and share your thought process out loud. Coding exercises are about communication. Cathy Polinsky, VP Engineering

A programmer converses with her co-worker in a virtual meeting during a pair programming session. She is sitting at her computer smiling.

Pair Programming

Pair programming is a software development technique where two programmers work together on one problem. One programmer, the driver , writes code while the other, the observer , reviews the process. 

You’ll be paired for about 75-90 minutes with a Shopify developer to work on a programming exercise remotely. You’ll be the driver writing the code, but you and your partner will work together on the solution.

The session will be conducted over Google Hangouts, so be prepared to share your screen and have your line numbers turned on in your code editor. We’ll present you with a small problem that you’ll take the lead on solving with your partner/interviewer.

You’ll be writing code to solve a problem and running that code in your environment to verify the results. You can work in the language of your choice, unless otherwise specified. Front-end candidates are expected to work through and solve a problem in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This includes variants like TypeScript and libraries or frameworks like React. Your pairing partner will ask questions about your approach and implementation as you work. Go ahead and ask them questions too! Shopify developers frequently pair program . Two heads are better than one, and having two different sets of experience, context, and specialization increases code quality and can crack more complex problems. 

Share your thought process as you go through the challenge and implementation—pair programming is about communication. We want to hear what you’re doing and why you’ve chosen to take that approach.

Don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions to understand the problem, but remember you’re the driver during the pair programming session. You can refer to online references as needed.

Think about edge cases, scalability, limitations, and testability. It’s better to have a well approached and considered solution that’s incomplete than a finished solution that’s sloppy, untestable, and fragile. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or admit that you don’t know the answer to something off the top of your head. We want to hire people who are transparent and curious. Kirsten Westeinde, Senior Development Manager

A woman with long hair and a denim jacket illustrates a systems design concept on a whiteboard.

Technical Deep Dive

The Technical Deep Dive is a 60-minute conversational interview where you’ll be asked to talk about your impact in previous roles or projects. It’s also an opportunity to learn and ask questions about Engineering at Shopify, the role, and our teams.

You’ll be asked to come to a Google Meet prepared to talk about one or two development projects you’ve worked on that you know very well and can discuss in detail. We recommend selecting a project or two that align with the scope of the role you’re interviewing for. It could be something you owned from idea to launch or worked on extensively.

We’d like to talk about your approach to and role in the project, including:

  • Business impact
  • Architecture setup
  • Technical decisions
  • Trade-offs and alternatives considered
  • Challenges and failures
  • Lessons learned
  • Teamwork and mentorship

We also want to know how you might have done things differently. Our interviewers are also engineers and want to hear specific technical details. You’re welcome to use a whiteboard or slides if you feel that will help you explain your work, but it isn’t expected.

Be sure to choose a project you have a good memory of. Avoid a solo or side project, as those can be hard to dig into and don’t often have business trade-offs or product components. Remember this is a conversation not a presentation. If you bring a visual aide, be sure to take pauses to allow your interviewer to ask questions throughout.

Creativity and resourcefulness are key to success in an ever-changing environment. We need people who care deeply about doing the right thing for Shopify and our merchants, without depending on a rigid process or plan for everything. Djoumé Salvetti, Director of Engineering

So, What Are You Waiting For?

If there’s a role at Shopify that excites you, even if your experience isn’t a perfect match for the role description, we hope you’ll apply . We believe that varied experiences create strength and resiliency—in products and in people. How business is done is constantly adapting and changing, and we look for people who have cultivated a deep curiosity for opening new pathways. 

The thing I’m most passionate about, at the end of the day, is diversity. If we’re going to make commerce better for everyone—and the key word for me there is everyone—then we need to make our company and what we produce reflect everyone. Allan Leinwand, Chief Technology Officer

Additional Resources

More tips to help with your interview:

  • Preparing for Your Remote Interview at Shopify
  • Welcome to the Shopify Hiring Process

Check out these posts for more career growth tips:

  • How to Get an Engineering Internship at Shopify
  • Five Tips for Growing Your Engineering Career

Ashley Sawatsky is Copy Editor on Shopify's Engineering Communications team. She’s also a writer, a mom, and an iced coffee drinker. Connect with Ashley on LinkedIn .

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Shopify Interview Questions

Shopify Interview Questions

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Shopify Interview Guide

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows small and growing businesses to create and manage their online stores. Shopify handles a wide variety of services, from payment processing to storefront creation to logistics to SEO.

When you’re preparing for an interview at Shopify, it is crucial to grasp their unique process. At Shopify, your interview will involve an interaction with the team recruiter, a technical interview with a senior employee, a problem-solving session, and a potential deep-dive on one of your past projects. The primary focus of the interviews is on your technical skills and problem-solving approach. Let’s break down their interview process.

Interview Process

Here are the rounds you should expect to go through while interviewing at Shopify:

  • Round 1 : Preliminary screening with the recruiting team. This is usually an initial discussion to assess your basic qualifications and interest in the role.
  • Round 2 : Technical interview with a senior employee. In this stage, you can expect in-depth technical questions about machine learning algorithms, python, and your past projects. Be prepared to justify and explain the decisions you made in your projects and your understanding of the fundamental concepts.
  • Round 3 : Problem-solving or coding interview. You can expect questions and tasks designed to assess your knowledge of programming, OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), and your debugging abilities. You may need to solve problems in the programming language of your choice. Don’t panic if you’re not allowed to use supportive materials like Google or Stack Overflow, just work through the problems with the interviewer based on your existing knowledge.
  • Round 4 : A “Life Story” interview with the HR team. In this round, you may be required to narrate your life journey and your professional experiences. Be ready to explain the motivations behind your career choices.
  • Round 5 : Possibly, a technical deep dive on your past projects. This would involve in-depth discussions about technical details, the analytics and metrics involved, your approach to designing and solving the issue, and the final outcome.

Throughout the process, keep in mind that Shopify values real work scenarios and doesn’t rely on trivia or brain teasers. Your ultimate goal should be to demonstrate your potential as a part of their team and your capacity to add value to the company.

Shopify Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions are a significant part of the Shopify interview process. A huge portion of their interview journey is focused on identifying whether you are a good culture fit. Here are some behavioral questions that will definitely come up:

Shopify Life Story Interview

The Life Story interview is typically conducted by a recruiter or hiring manager, and it is an open conversation that doesn’t follow any rigid structure. The interviewer will ask you questions about your life, your values, your goals, and your experiences. They may also ask you to share stories about times when you have faced challenges or overcome obstacles.

The goal of the Life Story interview is to get to know you as a person and to understand how your past experiences have shaped you. Shopify is looking for people who are passionate, driven, and who have a strong sense of purpose. They also want to find people who fit their company culture.

If you are invited to a Life Story interview, be prepared to share your personal story. This is your chance to show the interviewer who you are and why you would be a good fit for Shopify. Be honest, be authentic, and be yourself.

Shopify Past Experiences Interview

In the Past Experiences interview, Shopify seeks to understand your professional journey and how your past roles and projects align with the role you are applying for. Interviewers will want to hear about your hands-on experience with data analysis, predictive modeling, machine learning algorithms, or any other relevant skills.

Shopify values continuous learning and curiosity. If you’ve taught yourself a new programming language, mastered a complex statistical model, or found an innovative solution to a thorny problem, those are stories worth sharing.

Shopify Values and Culture Fit Interview

The Values and Culture Fit interview is designed to understand how you align with Shopify’s core values and culture. Shopify is looking for individuals who are not just skilled but also share the company’s commitment to long-term merchant success and constant learning.

You may be asked about how you’ve dealt with failure in the past, how you’ve contributed to team success, or how you embody a growth mindset. The purpose is to assess your personal qualities and whether you’ll thrive in Shopify’s fast-paced, merchant-oriented environment.

As you prepare for this interview, take the time to understand Shopify’s mission and values. Reflect on how these resonate with you and be prepared to provide examples from your own experience that illustrate your alignment with these values.

Remember, these interviews are not just for Shopify to learn about you, but also for you to learn about Shopify. Come prepared with thoughtful questions about the company, the team, and the role. This shows your genuine interest in the position and can help you decide if Shopify is the right place for you.

Shopify Coding Interview Questions

Shopify as a company isn’t too fond of asking algorithmic questions but instead focuses on practical coding questions that you will encounter when in the role. Many of those that interview at Shopify note their “alternative” approach to interviewing.

Coding-type questions appear in 97% of their job interviews, and focus on rather practical topics, but they also focus on Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, and Programming Principles. Here are some questions that are likely to be asked in your Shopify interviews:

1 - How would you write a function to move all zeros in an array to the end?

Given an array of integers, write a function move_zeros_back that moves all zeros in the array to the end of the array. If there are no zeros, return the input array.

2 - Can you implement a priority queue using a linked list?

Priority queues are an abstract data structure responsible for allowing enqueuing items with an attached priority. This priority determines the order in which elements are dequeued, with higher-priority elements typically dequeued before lower-priority ones. Most implementations of priority queues are built upon the heap data structure due to its efficient performance. However, for the purpose of this exercise, implement a priority queue using a traditional singly linked list.

3 - Create a text editor while utilizing OOP principles.

You have been tasked with designing three classes:  text_editor ,  moving_text_editor , and  smart_text_editor . These classes are to be created with specific functionalities.

To practice Coding interview questions, consider using the Python learning path or the full list of Coding questions in our database .

Shopify Case Studies Interview Questions

Case studies are an important part of Shopify job interviews. Many interviewees report that Shopify has a tendency to ask practical, on-the-job questions. Typically, case study interview questions appear in 70% of Shopify job interviews. Here are some that you might encounter:

1 - Is there anything suspicious about significant results from an A/B test with 20 variants? Your manager has run an A/B test with 20 different variants and claims that one of the variants is significant. Evaluate the situation and discuss if there’s anything questionable about the results.

2 - How would you evaluate the success of an A/B test on surfacing free shipping on a product page? You work at an eCommerce startup and run an A/B test on the company’s checkout product page with the hypothesis that surfacing free shipping will increase conversions. The experiment group specifies whether the product qualifies for free shipping or not, while the control group does not. After running the experiment for two weeks, you have certain results. Analyze these results to determine if the test was successful.

3 - How would you analyze transaction data to identify the cause of a year-long revenue reduction? An e-commerce company has been experiencing a reduction in revenue for the past 12 months. You have access to various transaction data. Analyze this dataset to pinpoint exactly where the revenue loss is occurring.

For case studies, you can utilize the product metrics learning path and the data analytics learning path to enhance your understanding and application of these concepts.

Shopify SQL Interview Questions

Creating SQL queries is an integral part of the job, whether you’re a data analyst, data engineer, data scientist, or software engineer. Shopify, however, is not too keen on asking these types of questions, even on DS-related roles. Here are some SQL practice questions to prepare you in the areas that Shopify might still be interested in.

1 - How would you write a query to get the total amount spent on each item by users registered in 2022? Assume you work at Costco with a database containing two tables: users and purchases . users contains user information, including their registration date, and purchases contains the entire item purchase history for those users. Write a query to calculate the total amount spent on each item in the purchases table by users who registered in 2022.

2 - How would you write a query to get the number of customers that were upsold? Given a table of product purchases where each row represents an individual user product purchase, write a query to determine the number of users who bought additional products after their first purchase. Note that if a customer purchased two things on the same day, it does not count as an upsell.

3 - How would you write a query to get the total three-day rolling average for deposits by day? Given a table of bank transactions with columns for user_id , a deposit or withdrawal value, and created_at time for each transaction, write a query to calculate the total three-day rolling average for deposits by day. The date in the output should be in the format '%Y-%m-%d' .

To continue practicing, try the SQL learning path and the full list of SQL questions and solutions in our interview questions database.

Shopify Machine Learning Interview Questions

As rare as SQL questions are in Shopify job interviews, machine learning questions appear even more sparsely. Appearing in only one in twenty interviews, here are some that you might recognize:

1 - How would you build a model to bid on a new unseen keyword? You are working on keyword bidding optimization. You have a dataset with keywords being bid against and the price paid for those keywords. How would you use this data to build a model that can bid on a new, unseen keyword?

2 - What steps would you take to diagnose under-pricing of a product by our algorithm? As a data scientist working on pricing products on an ecommerce site, you discover our algorithm is vastly under-pricing a certain consumer product. The online price is dependent on product availability, demand, and logistics cost. What steps would you take to diagnose this problem?

3 - How would you detect customer location using credit card activity to flag potential fraud? You are developing a fraud detection system for Bank of America. The system monitors credit card activities and flags a transaction as suspicious if it happened in a place other than where a person lived. How would you infer a customer’s location from their purchases to make this system work?

To get ready for machine learning interview questions , we recommend taking the machine learning course .

Other Things You Might Need To Watch Out For

Design patterns, programming conventions and paradigms.

Design patterns are critical for making software scalable, maintainable, and easy to understand. These patterns refer to general repeatable solutions to common problems that occur during software design. Here are some key design patterns that Shopify uses or that could come up during the interview:

1 - Factory Pattern: Factory pattern is one of the most used design patterns. This type of design pattern comes under the creational pattern as it provides one of the best ways to create an object. The factory method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.

2 - Observer Pattern: This pattern is used when there is one-to-many relationship between objects. If one object is modified, its dependent objects are to be notified automatically.

3 - Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern: This is a pattern used to separate application’s concerns. Model represents an object carrying data. View represents the visualization of the data that the model contains. The controller acts on both model and view. It controls the data flow into the model object and updates the view whenever data changes.

4 - Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Object-oriented programming is a paradigm that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic. It is heavily reliant on the four pillars of OOP: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Abstraction. Make sure to know what these pillars signify and what are the best practices in implementing them.

Pair Programming

When it comes to best practices, Shopify upholds several of them, notably the practice of “Pair Programming”. This practice involves two programmers sharing one workstation (one screen, keyboard and mouse among the pair). The programmer at the keyboard is usually called the “driver”, the other, also actively involved in the programming task but focusing more on overall direction and on the “big picture”, is often called the “navigator”.

Pair programming is a core element of extreme programming (XP), a pragmatic methodology of software development that takes a ‘whole team’ approach to business software development. The practice increases code quality by making the development process more engaging for programmers, and it encourages knowledge sharing and team building.

In addition to pair programming, Shopify also encourages code reviews, continuous integration, and automated testing, all of which are designed to maintain a high standard of code quality. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these best practices, as they may be discussed during the interview process.

Shopify Salaries by Position

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Business Intelligence role pays the most with a $133,000 base salary while the Data Analyst role on average pays the least with a $85,000 base salary.

Practice for the Shopify interview with these recently asked interview questions.


20 Shopify Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position at Shopify.

shopify technical problem solving interview

As Shopify continues to grow in popularity as a platform for small and medium businesses, more and more companies are looking to hire Shopify experts. If you’re hoping to land a job with a Shopify-using company, it’s important to be prepared to answer questions about your experience with the platform.

In this article, we’ll give you a rundown of some of the most common Shopify interview questions, so you can go into your interview with confidence.

Shopify Interview Process

The interview process at Shopify can vary depending on the position you are applying for. However, most positions will require at least two rounds of interviews, with some requiring more. The first round is usually a life story interview, where you will be asked to talk about your experiences. This is followed by a technical interview, which may include a coding exercise. For some positions, you may also be required to give a presentation. Overall, the interview process can be lengthy and challenging, but it is generally a positive experience.

  • Describe a time when you had to juggle multiple tasks and prioritize them.
  • Tell me about a project that failed, what did you learn?
  • What is your experience with Ruby on Rails?
  • How would you deal with an unhappy customer who is being rude?
  • Provide an example of a time where you went above and beyond for a customer.
  • Outline the steps you take when solving a problem.
  • Are you able to work in a team environment?
  • Why do you want to work at Shopify?
  • Do you have any experience working as a software engineer?
  • If hired, how would you improve our support platforms?
  • Which programming languages are you familiar with?
  • Have you ever taken part in a design sprint?
  • What is your experience with HTML/CSS?
  • What is your favorite e-commerce website?
  • How often do you like to be in contact with your teammates during a project?
  • How do you think AI will impact the e-commerce industry in the next 5 years?
  • What skills make you uniquely qualified for this position?
  • Can you tell us about a time when you worked on a product development team?
  • Why does Shopify’s mission resonate with you?
  • Shopify places a great emphasis on company culture, why do you think it is important to focus on company culture?

1. Describe a time when you had to juggle multiple tasks and prioritize them.

Shopify is a platform that requires you to multitask and prioritize your tasks. This question allows the interviewer to assess how well you can manage multiple projects at once, which is an important skill for this role.

Example: “In my previous position as a web developer, I had to juggle multiple clients and projects at once. One of my clients was in need of a new website design while another needed help with their e-commerce store. I started by creating a timeline for each project so I could stay organized and ensure both websites were completed on time.”

2. Tell me about a project that failed, what did you learn?

This question is a great way to see how you respond to failure. It’s important to be able to learn from your mistakes and show that you’re willing to do so in an interview.

Example: “I once worked on a project where I was tasked with creating a new landing page for a client. The client wanted the page to have a specific call-to-action, but I didn’t include it because I thought they would want to add their own CTA. When I presented the page to them, they were unhappy because there wasn’t a CTA. They ended up removing me from the project.”

3. What is your experience with Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is a framework that allows developers to create web applications using Ruby. It’s one of the most popular frameworks for developing Shopify apps, so your interviewer may ask you this question to see if you have experience with it. If you do, share an example of how you used Ruby on Rails in your previous role.

Example: “I’ve worked with Ruby on Rails before and I find it very useful when building e-commerce sites. In my last position, I was tasked with creating a new website for a client who wanted to sell their products online. Using Ruby on Rails, I was able to build a site that integrated seamlessly with Shopify.”

4. How would you deal with an unhappy customer who is being rude?

Shopify is a customer-facing platform, so it’s important that you have the ability to handle difficult customers. Your answer should show your problem-solving and interpersonal skills.

Example: “I would first try to understand why they are being rude. I would then apologize for their experience and offer them an alternative solution or refund. If they continue to be rude, I would politely end the conversation and block them from contacting me again.”

5. Provide an example of a time where you went above and beyond for a customer.

This question is a great way to show your customer service skills and how you can help the company achieve its goals.

Example: “When I worked at my previous job, we had a customer who was having trouble with their website. They were looking for a specific feature that our platform didn’t have, so I researched other platforms that did offer it. After researching several different options, I found one that would work best for them and helped them set up their new site.”

6. Outline the steps you take when solving a problem.

Shopify is a complex platform, and you may be asked to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. When answering this question, it can be helpful to list the steps you take when solving a problem in order to show that you have experience with Shopify’s features.

Example: “When I’m working on a Shopify project, I first assess what needs to be done. Then, I research how to do it using Shopify’s resources. Next, I create a plan for implementing my solution. Finally, I implement my solution and test it.”

7. Are you able to work in a team environment?

Shopify is a cloud-based platform that allows users to create and manage their online stores. As such, it’s important for employees to be able to work well in teams. This question helps the interviewer determine if you’re able to collaborate with others on projects. In your answer, explain how you’ve worked as part of a team in the past.

Example: “I have experience working in a team environment at my current job. I’m currently one of three developers who are tasked with creating new features for our client’s ecommerce store. We communicate often about what we’re working on and bounce ideas off each other when we need help or advice.”

8. Why do you want to work at Shopify?

This question is a great way for the interviewer to learn more about your interest in their company. It’s also an opportunity for you to show that you’ve done some research on the organization and have a basic understanding of what they do.

Example: “I want to work at Shopify because I’m passionate about helping small businesses succeed online. Your company has been successful in providing this service, which makes me excited to be part of the team. I know that I can bring my expertise as a developer to help create innovative solutions for your clients.”

9. Do you have any experience working as a software engineer?

Shopify is a commerce platform that allows users to create and manage their online stores. Shopify’s engineers are responsible for developing new features, fixing bugs and maintaining the company’s software. If you have experience working as an engineer, your answer should reflect this.

Example: “I worked as a software engineer at my previous job where I was responsible for creating new features and maintaining our software. One of my favorite projects was when we were tasked with creating a feature that would allow customers to purchase products from multiple websites using one account. This project required me to work closely with other developers and designers to ensure all aspects of the project were completed.”

10. If hired, how would you improve our support platforms?

This question is a great way to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to think critically. It also shows the interviewer that you are willing to take initiative and make improvements in the workplace.

Example: “I would start by analyzing our current support platforms, including social media channels and forums. I’d then create a plan for how we can improve customer service through these channels. For example, I might implement a live chat feature on our website so customers can get answers to their questions more quickly. I would also consider implementing an FAQ page to help reduce the number of inquiries we receive.”

11. Which programming languages are you familiar with?

Shopify is a platform that’s built on top of the Ruby on Rails framework. This question allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of programming languages and how they relate to Shopify.

Example: “I’m familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby. I’ve used these languages in my previous role as an e-commerce specialist at ABC Company where I was responsible for creating custom themes and templates for clients using these languages. In addition, I also worked with developers who were proficient in Ruby on Rails to create new features and functionality within the Shopify platform.”

12. Have you ever taken part in a design sprint?

A design sprint is a process that involves the collaboration of various team members to create and test ideas in a short period of time. This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to work with others, as well as your problem-solving skills.

Example: “I have participated in several design sprints throughout my career. I find this method to be an effective way to solve problems and develop new products or services. During one project, we were tasked with creating a mobile app for our client’s business. We used a design sprint to help us come up with solutions to our client’s needs while also meeting their budget.”

13. What is your experience with HTML/CSS?

Shopify is a platform that allows users to create and manage their online stores. As such, it requires its users to have some experience with HTML/CSS coding languages. Your answer should show the interviewer your familiarity with these languages and how you use them in your work.

Example: “I’ve been using HTML and CSS since I started my career as a web developer. These are essential skills for any web developer, so I learned them early on. In fact, I find that they’re useful even outside of development because they allow me to make changes to websites more quickly.”

14. What is your favorite e-commerce website?

This question is a great way to see if you are familiar with the Shopify platform. It also allows you to show your creativity and how you would design an e-commerce website.

Example: “My favorite e-commerce website is Amazon because of its vast selection, competitive prices and fast shipping. I think it’s important for any business to have a similar experience when customers shop on their site. If I were to create my own e-commerce website, I would want to make sure that it was easy to navigate, had plenty of product information and allowed customers to easily find what they’re looking for.”

15. How often do you like to be in contact with your teammates during a project?

Shopify is a cloud-based platform that allows you to work with your team members from anywhere. This question helps the interviewer understand how often you like to be in contact with others and if you prefer face-to-face communication or digital collaboration.

Example: “I enjoy collaborating with my teammates, so I would want to have daily check-ins with them throughout the project. However, I also know that sometimes it’s necessary to work independently on certain tasks. In this case, I would set weekly goals for myself and communicate those goals to my teammates.”

16. How do you think AI will impact the e-commerce industry in the next 5 years?

This question is a great way to assess your knowledge of emerging technologies and how they can impact the industry. Your answer should include an explanation of what AI is, its potential benefits for e-commerce businesses and how you would use it in your role as a Shopify developer.

Example: “AI has the potential to completely transform the e-commerce industry by making online shopping more convenient and personalized for customers. For example, I could develop an app that allows customers to take a picture of their outfit and receive recommendations from my store based on their preferences. This technology will also allow me to automate many of my daily tasks, which will free up time so I can focus on other important projects.”

17. What skills make you uniquely qualified for this position?

This question is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you have a strong understanding of what Shopify does and how it can benefit businesses. You should also use this time to highlight any skills or experience that make you an ideal candidate for the role.

Example: “I’ve been working with e-commerce platforms since I was in college, so I’m very familiar with the challenges small business owners face when trying to sell their products online. My previous work experience has given me valuable insight into which features are most important for helping businesses succeed. This knowledge makes me uniquely qualified to help your clients achieve success on Shopify.”

18. Can you tell us about a time when you worked on a product development team?

Shopify is a platform that allows businesses to create online stores. As such, it’s important for Shopify employees to understand the needs of their customers and how they can improve upon existing products. This question helps interviewers assess your teamwork skills and ability to collaborate with others on projects.

Example: “In my last role as an e-commerce specialist, I worked on a team of developers who were tasked with creating a new product line. We met regularly to discuss our progress and brainstorm ideas for new products. In the end, we created several successful product lines that helped increase revenue by 20%.”

19. Why does Shopify’s mission resonate with you?

The interviewer may ask this question to assess your understanding of Shopify’s mission and values. This is an opportunity for you to show that you understand the company’s goals and how they apply to your own career goals.

Example: “I believe in Shopify’s mission to help small businesses succeed online because I want to be a part of making commerce more accessible to everyone. As someone who grew up with a single mother, I know firsthand how important it is to have access to affordable goods and services. When I think about my future career goals, I want to work at a company that shares my passion for helping others.”

20. Shopify places a great emphasis on company culture, why do you think it is important to focus on company culture?

Shopify places a great emphasis on company culture, and it is important to show that you understand why this is the case. Company culture can be an indicator of how well a business will perform in the future, so it is important for Shopify to hire people who are committed to creating a positive work environment.

Example: “I think it’s important to focus on company culture because it shows your employees that they matter. When I worked at my previous job, we had a very strong company culture, which made me feel like I was part of something special. It also helped us create better products and services for our customers.”

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Mastering Shopify Interview Questions – A Comprehensive Guide for Success


Preparing for a Shopify interview is crucial if you want to secure a job in the fast-growing e-commerce industry. Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, offers various opportunities for professionals who specialize in web development, coding, and creating exceptional online shopping experiences. This guide aims to help you navigate the interview process confidently by providing an overview of the key concepts, technical knowledge, and common interview questions related to Shopify. Whether you’re a beginner exploring the platform or an experienced developer looking to brush up your skills, this guide has something for everyone.

Understanding Shopify

Before diving into interview preparation, it’s essential to understand what Shopify is and why it’s a popular choice among businesses of all sizes for setting up an e-commerce store. Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce platform that allows entrepreneurs to create and manage their online stores without extensive technical knowledge.

Shopify offers a range of features and benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses. It provides customizable themes, secure payment integration, inventory management, and marketing tools, among other features, making it easy for merchants to start and scale their online presence.

Moreover, Shopify has built a robust ecosystem with various components, including the Shopify App Store, where users can access numerous apps and integrations to enhance their store’s functionality. Understanding the elements of the Shopify ecosystem is essential for anyone preparing for a Shopify interview.

Preparing for a Shopify Interview

Now that you have a basic understanding of Shopify, let’s dive into the steps you should take to prepare for a successful Shopify interview.

Researching the Company and Industry

Prior to your interview, it’s crucial to research the company you are interviewing with and gain a solid understanding of its industry. Familiarize yourself with Shopify’s mission, values, and culture as this will help you align your answers with the company’s goals and demonstrate your genuine interest in working for them.

Understanding the Job Requirements and Responsibilities

Review the job description thoroughly and make a list of the key requirements and responsibilities mentioned. This will help you tailor your answers during the interview to highlight your relevant skills and experiences.

Reviewing Shopify’s Mission, Values, and Culture

Shopify values aligning with the company’s mission, values, and culture. These are important factors that the interviewer may assess during the interview process. Take time to understand Shopify’s core values, such as diversity and inclusion, and think of examples from your experience that demonstrate your alignment with these values.

Familiarizing Yourself with Common Shopify Interview Formats and Processes

Shopify interviews can vary in format, depending on the role you are applying for. It’s vital to familiarize yourself with potential interview formats, such as technical assessments, behavioral interviews, and role-playing scenarios. Understanding the typical structure and expectations will help you prepare more effectively.

Key Concepts and Technical Knowledge

To excel in a Shopify interview, it’s essential to have a strong foundation in key concepts and technical knowledge related to the platform. Here are some areas to focus on:

Web Development and Coding Skills Relevant to Shopify

As Shopify is primarily a web-based platform, having solid web development and coding skills is crucial. These skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. Be prepared to discuss your experience with these technologies and provide examples of projects you have worked on.

Understanding Shopify Theme Development and Customization

Shopify offers a range of customizable themes that allow merchants to tailor their online stores to their brand’s aesthetic. Familiarize yourself with Shopify’s theme development and customization options, including the use of Shopify Liquid and theme settings. Be prepared to speak about your experience in designing and customizing themes to create a seamless shopping experience.

Knowledge of Liquid, Shopify’s Templating Language

Liquid is Shopify’s templating language used to build dynamic content within themes. It’s crucial to have a solid understanding of Liquid syntax, filters, and variables. Be prepared for interview questions that assess your ability to write and modify Liquid code.

Familiarity with Shopify’s APIs and Integration Capabilities

Shopify offers robust APIs that allow developers to extend and integrate Shopify with other platforms and services. Understanding how Shopify’s API works and having experience with API integrations is valuable for many roles. Prepare to discuss any projects or experiences you’ve had with Shopify’s APIs.

Understanding Shopify’s App Development and Extensions

Shopify’s App Store offers a wide range of apps and extensions that enhance the functionality of an online store. Familiarize yourself with popular Shopify apps and key features they offer. Be prepared to discuss how you would approach developing an app or utilizing existing apps to solve specific business challenges.

Common Shopify Interview Questions

When preparing for a Shopify interview, it’s crucial to anticipate and practice common interview questions. Below are some categories of questions you may encounter:

General Interview Questions to Expect

The interviewer may ask general questions about your background, experience, and career goals. Expect questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want to work for Shopify?” Prepare concise and well thought-out answers that highlight your skills and enthusiasm for the position.

Technical Questions Related to Web Development and Coding

Depending on the role you’re interviewing for, you may be asked technical questions to assess your web development and coding skills. Be prepared to write code or explain coding concepts relevant to Shopify, such as responsive web design or troubleshooting CSS issues.

Questions about Shopify Theme Development and Customization

An interviewer may ask questions about your experience with Shopify theme development and customization. Be prepared to discuss projects where you built or modified themes, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them.

Liquid-Related Questions and Scenarios

Given the importance of Shopify’s Liquid templating language, expect questions that test your understanding of Liquid’s syntax, filters, and variables. Be prepared to explain how you would solve specific scenarios using Liquid code.

Questions on Shopify’s APIs and Integration Capabilities

Shopify’s APIs play a crucial role in extending the platform’s functionalities. Expect questions that test your knowledge of Shopify’s APIs, how to integrate third-party services, and how to retrieve and manipulate data using API calls.

App Development and Extension-Related Questions

If you’re applying for a role involving app development or exploring the Shopify ecosystem, be prepared for questions related to app development best practices, the process of submitting an app to the Shopify App Store, or strategies for leveraging existing apps to solve specific business challenges.

Answering and Approaching Interview Questions

During a Shopify interview, it’s important to not only provide accurate and relevant answers but also demonstrate your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Here are some tips to approach interview questions:

Tips for Effectively Answering Interview Questions

Listen carefully to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before answering. Structure your answers clearly and succinctly, focusing on key points. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers to behavioral questions.

Demonstrating Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Shopify values employees who can overcome challenges and think critically. During the interview, showcase your problem-solving skills by explaining how you approached and resolved difficult situations in your past experiences.

Providing Clear and Concise Explanation

When discussing technical concepts or projects, avoid jargon and explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. The ability to communicate technical information effectively is highly valued in the Shopify ecosystem.

Using Examples and Personal Experiences to Support Answers

When answering questions, use concrete examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. Sharing personal success stories or challenges you faced showcases your practical understanding of Shopify and your ability to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.

Practical Shopify Interview Preparation Tips

While understanding the key concepts and practicing interview questions is essential, here are some additional tips to maximize your Shopify interview preparation:

Creating a Study Plan and Timeline

Organize your preparation by creating a study plan and timeline. Prioritize the areas where you need the most improvement, allocate time for practice and review, and make sure to cover all the essential topics before the interview date.

Practicing with Mock Interviews and Sample Questions

Mock interviews and sample questions are a great way to simulate the actual interview environment. Practice answering common interview questions with a friend or mentor, and seek feedback on your performance to refine your answers and avoid common pitfalls.

Utilizing Online Resources, Documentation, and Tutorials

Take advantage of the abundance of available online resources, official documentation, and tutorials provided by Shopify. Familiarize yourself with the official Shopify documentation, which covers various topics from theme development to app development.

Networking with Individuals Experienced in Shopify

Networking with individuals who have experience in the Shopify ecosystem can provide valuable insights and guidance. Join online communities, attend webinars or meetups, and engage with others in the industry to expand your knowledge and gain practical advice.

Staying Updated with the Latest Shopify Trends and Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, new features, and updates in the world of Shopify. Demonstrating your knowledge of recent developments showcases your genuine interest in the platform and your commitment to continuous learning.

Preparing for a Shopify interview requires a comprehensive understanding of the platform, its technical aspects, and the ability to effectively communicate your skills and experiences. By investing time in research, practice, and familiarizing yourself with common interview questions, you will be well-equipped to showcase your expertise during the interview process. Remember to stay motivated, maintain a growth mindset, and continue practicing beyond the interview preparation phase. Good luck on your Shopify interview journey!

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  • Unlocking the Potential – A Comprehensive Guide to the Liquid Web Affiliate Program
  • From Agar to Liquid Culture – A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Definitive Guide to Shopify – Your Top Questions Answered
  • How to Easily Track Your Shopify Orders – A Comprehensive Guide

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shopify technical problem solving interview


Shopify has emerged as an innovative e-commerce platform that has completely changed how companies conduct business online. It provides business owners and well-known brands with an easy-to-use, adaptable toolkit for creating, running, and growing their online stores. Shopify's feature-rich features and user-friendly interface have made e-commerce more accessible by enabling both individuals and businesses to establish a powerful online presence without requiring a lot of technical know-how.  

It has made the process of opening an online storefront more efficient and made inventory management, transactions, and marketing campaigns easier. Because of its adaptability and scalability, businesses have been able to stay competitive in the rapidly changing digital landscape by adjusting to changing market trends. As the e-commerce industry expands, prospective e-commerce professionals must get ready for interviews in this field to land covered positions.  

Gone are the days when interview questions were generic; today, every employer wants those with specialized knowledge who will be instrumental in helping them achieve their goals and chalk success. This is why this article has put together the top 20 Shopify interview questions with correlating answers to help novices and professionals alike ace any interview they are called to and land that position they have been yearning for. 

Understanding the Interview Process at Shopify  

Overview of interview rounds: technical, behavioral, and situational. .

Shopify's interview process is designed to evaluate candidates' technical skills and alignment with the company's values and culture. There are several separate rounds in the process, and each has a distinct function. Candidates must show that they are proficient in using Shopify's platform and related technologies in order to advance past the first round of the technical assessment process.  

The behavioral interview round focuses on soft skills, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities, allowing interviewers to gain insights into candidates' approach to challenges, collaboration, and adaptability. The last evaluation phase, known as the situational interview round, involves presenting candidates with hypothetical or actual case studies pertaining to the platform's e-commerce operations. This segment assesses a candidate's ability to apply their knowledge in practical situations, demonstrating problem-solving acumen and decision-making prowess. 

Importance of tailored preparation for Shopify. 

shopify technical problem solving interview

Tailored preparation for Shopify interviews is crucial, including familiarity with the platform's features, recent updates, and best practices. It demonstrates dedication, commitment, platform proficiency, industry relevance, and problem-solving skills. In order to match their responses to the Shopify interview questions with Shopify's ethos, candidates ought to familiarize themselves with the company's values, initiatives, and culture.  

During the interview process, candidates can be further distinguished by their comprehension of the requirements of the particular role and their contribution to Shopify's overarching objectives. Preparation also aids in preparing for specialized Shopify interview questions, allowing candidates to analyze scenarios and strategize solutions. This mindset is vital in a fast-paced environment where adaptability and quick decision-making are essential. 

Technical Questions  

Basic level: , explanation of shopify architecture. .

This is part of the ranking Shopify interview questions you may encounter in an interview. Shopify is a cloud-based platform that operates on remote servers, allowing users to manage their stores over the internet. It comprises both front-end and back-end components. The front-end uses standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visual elements and interactivity in a store. Ruby on Rails, a dependable and expandable web application framework, powers the back end and is in charge of handling payments, processing orders, maintaining store functionality, and maintaining databases. Because of Shopify's modular architecture, new features can be added without requiring complex coding knowledge or development experience through the use of apps and themes. 

How is Shopify different from other e-commerce platforms? 

shopify technical problem solving interview

Shopify is a unique e-commerce platform that offers an all-in-one solution, combining hosting, payment processing, and a range of features for online store operations. Users can easily integrate inventory management systems and marketing tools thanks to its vast app ecosystem. The accessibility of Shopify's user-friendly interface lowers the learning curve for novice users. The platform optimizes stores for a flawless shopping experience across a range of devices, giving priority to SEO and mobile responsiveness.  

Shopify offers powerful SEO tools and features as well to increase organic traffic. Because of the scalability of its infrastructure, increased traffic and transactions can be handled without sacrificing efficiency. The user, developer, and expert community of Shopify participates in forums, talks, and knowledge exchanges. The platform provides thorough documentation, instructional materials, and round-the-clock customer support. These factors make Shopify a versatile and powerful platform for businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence. 

 Intermediate Level: 

Discuss liquid template language and its significance. .

A Shopify interview questions list is not complete without this question. Liquid is a powerful template language designed by Shopify for dynamic content rendering. It allows for the seamless integration of dynamic elements like product listings, customer information, and order details into Shopify themes, enabling unique and engaging user experiences. Liquid also enables conditional logic and loops, allowing for complex logic implementation within templates.  

For the purpose of developing customized storefronts that react to user behavior, like product recommendations or promotions, this flexibility is essential. Liquid provides a secure environment for executing code, ensuring stability and security of the Shopify platform. Its significance lies in its ability to facilitate dynamic content rendering, enhance user experiences, and enable extensive customization, contributing to the success of Shopify-powered e-commerce businesses. 

How does Shopify handle high traffic and scalability? 

Shopify is a platform that uses a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) to handle high traffic and maintain scalability. This network caches static content on servers worldwide, reducing the load on main servers and speeding up page loading times. Because of its horizontally scalable architecture, Shopify can add more servers to spread the load during periods of high traffic.  

When traffic volume increases, intelligent monitoring systems automatically adapt resource allocation. Advanced database management techniques, such as sharding, ensure efficient data retrieval and storage. Shopify plans for enough resources to handle traffic spikes and performs thorough load testing to simulate high-traffic scenarios. Shopify also uses failover and redundancy techniques to guarantee high availability in the event of a server failure. Shopify's robustness and reliability are ensured by this combination of cutting-edge technologies and strategic planning, particularly during busy shopping seasons or high-profile events. 

Advanced Level: 

Delve into shopify's api structure and integrations. .

This is one of the advanced Shopify interview questions that candidates always face. Shopify's API structure is the foundation for seamless communication between the platform and external applications, services, or systems. It is designed around a RESTful architecture, prioritizing scalability, statelessness, and standardized access to resources. The API uses HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform actions on data resources like products, orders, and customers.  

It allows developers to access, manipulate, and retrieve various types of data from a Shopify store, including product information, customer details, and order history. It also enables the creation and management of custom functionalities, such as integrating third-party services, automating tasks, and synchronizing data across different platforms. Shopify offers a comprehensive set of API endpoints for managing products, handling orders, and interacting with customer information. Integrations using the API can range from custom-built apps to e-commerce ecosystems, allowing businesses to extend their capabilities and automate operations. 

How does Shopify Plus differentiate from the standard platform? 

Shopify's enterprise-level solution, Shopify Plus, is intended for companies with high growth and volume. A custom checkout, dedicated account management, more customization options, improved scalability, improved security measures, and priority support are just a few of the advanced features it provides.  

Shopify Plus allows businesses to create fully customized and branded checkout experiences, optimize the checkout process for conversions, and provide a seamless on-brand experience for customers. It also provides a direct line to Shopify's expertise and resources, facilitating smoother operations and growth. Shopify Plus also offers enhanced scalability, additional security measures, and priority access to Shopify's customer support team. This premium, enterprise-level experience is ideal for established brands and high-growth companies looking to leverage the full potential of the Shopify platform. 

Behavioral Questions  

The significance of cultural fit and values at shopify. .

shopify technical problem solving interview

Cultural fit and shared values at Shopify are crucial for the company's success. They align with the company's mission and vision, fostering collaboration and team dynamics. This aligns with Shopify's values of innovation and creativity, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This aligns with the company's values, attracting top talent and retaining employees. Shopify's values, including integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct, create a culture of trust and accountability.  

This aligns with Shopify's reputation as a trusted e-commerce platform. The company's culture is dynamic and adaptable, allowing employees to embrace change and adapt to evolving business needs. The company's customer-centric approach focuses on understanding and meeting the needs of merchants and buyers, leading to better products, services, and overall experiences. These values contribute to a positive brand image and reputation, ensuring Shopify's continued success. 

Sample questions: 

How do you handle conflicting priorities .

This is the first of our behavioral Shopify interview questions and can be answered like; An organized approach is used to resolve competing priorities in a dynamic work environment. Initially, deadlines and their effect on overarching goals are used to evaluate each task's importance and urgency. When competing priorities emerge, they are proactively discussed with the pertinent parties, allowing for cooperative decision-making and realistic expectations to be set. Time blocks, reminders, and task tracking are all done with the help of organizational tools like project management software. I am flexible, aware that priorities change, and ready to change course when necessary. Last but not least, keeping the lines of communication open with the team guarantees that everyone understands each other's priorities and is prepared to assist or intervene as needed. 

Describe a situation where you went above and beyond for a client. 

This is one of such Shopify interview questions that you need to draw reference from a genuine scenario. A challenging project with a tight deadline and complex requirements was crucial for the client's business. In order to surpass expectations, a comprehensive evaluation of their requirements and goals was carried out, succeeded by the formation of a committed team possessing the necessary knowledge.  

Everyone was in agreement with the client's expectations, and a precise schedule and set of benchmarks were established. Open and frequent communication was maintained throughout the project, ensuring the client felt involved and reassured. An additional layer of functionality was added as the deadline drew near, and it was implemented on schedule. The client was impressed with the quality and unexpected value-add, demonstrating the importance of proactive communication and exceeding expectations. 

Situational and Role-Specific Questions  

Overview of situational interview techniques. .

Situational interview techniques are a method used by employers to evaluate a candidate's suitability for a role based on their behavior in hypothetical scenarios. These Shopify interview questions present candidates with hypothetical scenarios relevant to their role, aiming to evaluate their problem-solving skills, decision-making process, and critical thinking abilities. They also provide behavioral predictions, structured responses, and probing for skills and competencies essential for success in the role.  

These techniques also assess a candidate's alignment with the company's culture and values. Situational interview techniques reduce bias in the selection process by evaluating all candidates based on their responses to the same hypothetical scenarios. In order to prepare, candidates should familiarize themselves with the essential knowledge, abilities, and abilities needed for the position as well as possible future situations. Examples of situational Shopify interview questions include managing conflict in a team, resolving a project behind schedule, and handling customer dissatisfaction. 

Questions for Designers: 

How would you approach redesigning a product page for better conversion .

This is the first of the situational Shopify interview questions in this article. An analysis of the performance metrics of the current page, including user behavior, conversion rates, bounce rates, and heatmaps, is the first step I will take in redesigning a product page to increase conversion. Through usability testing, surveys, and interviews, I will then gather information about customer preferences and pain points through user research. Then, optimize the page's visual hierarchy, layout, and content placement to make sure the most important product information is visible and simple to scan.  

Following that, I will make sure there is easy-to-use navigation, strategically placed buttons, and a visually appealing design by paying close attention to the user interface and UX design. Developing several design variations and running tests to gauge the effect on conversion rates are essential components of A/B testing. Continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making are made possible by this iterative process. After implementation, I will keep a close eye on analytics to gauge the new design's effectiveness and make any required modifications based on user feedback and data analysis 

Questions for Developers: 

Describe a challenging bug you encountered and how you resolved it. .

This is a part of the situational Shopify interview questions that you may have to answer. A challenging bug that resulted in sporadic data synchronization failures and erroneous information was found in a complicated interaction between our application and a third-party API. A comprehensive code review, logging, and monitoring were carried out to comprehend data flow and spot possible problems in order to fix the problem. The data was then used to debug and test different scenarios to replicate the bug consistently. Through code modifications and conversations with the API provider, the root cause was found. Extensive regression testing was carried out following the implementation of the fixes to guarantee that the bug was completely fixed without creating new problems. 

Questions for Managers: 

How do you prioritize tasks for your team when multiple projects are at hand .

As part of the Shopify interview questions, this can be answered along the lines of; Prioritizing tasks for a team when managing multiple projects is crucial. It involves assessing the urgency and impact of each project, considering dependencies and interrelationships between projects, and assigning tasks based on individual strengths and workload.  

Keeping stakeholders informed about timelines and progress and managing expectations are made easier with regular communication. It is possible to respond flexibly to changing business needs by continuously monitoring and adjusting priorities in response to new priorities or changing circumstances. Effective prioritization requires a balance of strategic thinking, communication skills, and a deep understanding of project goals and dependencies. This ensures efficient resource allocation, timely project delivery, and scope alignment. 

Tips for Answering Shopify Interview Questions 

In order to increase your chances of making a good impression during your interview, you should follow the STAR method, which is a structured approach to answering behavioral Shopify interview questions. To effectively answer Shopify interview questions and relate answers to its core values, familiarize yourself with the company's core values, such as "Ownership," "Simplicity," "Grit," and "Empathy" and incorporate these values into your responses.  

This strategy not only shows that you are aware of the company culture, but it also shows how your values complement the goal and vision of the company. Be authentic and genuine by drawing from real experiences.  Stay updated on Shopify's latest features and releases to maintain a strong online presence and demonstrate dedication to the platform. This proactive approach ensures you are well-prepared to discuss and leverage new features in interviews, demonstrating your dedication to the platform and your proactive approach to keeping your skills and knowledge current. 


In 2024, a thorough comprehension of the fundamental functions of the platform, a sharp sense of market trends, and a methodical approach to problem-solving are essential components of a well-prepared candidate for a Shopify interview. These top 20 Shopify interview questions and answers have been very helpful in revealing potential hiring criteria for Shopify. Recall that it's not only about giving the correct responses to the Shopify interview questions; it's also about exhibiting a sincere enthusiasm for online shopping, a flair for creativity, and a willingness to support Shopify's objectives. Thus, project enthusiasm and knowledge, use your experiences as a resource, and go into the interview with confidence. If you prepare well and have a positive outlook, you can ace your Shopify interview and possibly become part of this exciting and fast-growing e-commerce company. 

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Best Shopify Interview Questions To Ask A Candidate

Bianca Decu

Bianca Decu

June 30, 2023

best shopify interview questions to ask a candidate

Interviewing potential candidates to join your team can be a difficult task, especially when hiring for a role that requires specialized knowledge like Shopify.

Shopify is a widely used e-commerce platform and finding the right candidate to manage your online store is crucial.

To assist in your hiring process, we've compiled the top 15 Shopify interview questions to ask potential candidates along with why you should ask them.

1. Can you describe your experience with Shopify?

This question is to ascertain whether the candidate has hands-on experience with Shopify. Knowledge about the platform's workings, features, and capabilities is crucial for a role that involves using Shopify regularly.

It also helps you gauge the depth and breadth of the candidate's experience with the platform.

2. Can you walk me through how you would set up a Shopify store from scratch?

The ability to set up a Shopify store is a fundamental skill for anyone who will be working extensively with this platform.

This question tests the candidate's technical knowledge and understanding of the platform.

It also provides insights into their planning, organizational skills, and ability to build a functional and effective online store.

3. How do you stay updated with Shopify’s new features and updates?

Shopify, like any technology platform, evolves over time.

This question assesses the candidate's commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest developments.

It also shows how proactive they are in incorporating new features and updates to enhance their work with Shopify.

4. Describe a time when you experienced a problem on Shopify. How did you solve it?

This question tests the candidate's problem-solving skills in a real-world context.

It can reveal how they approach troubleshooting, their understanding of the platform, and their perseverance in finding solutions.

It can also show whether they're likely to take initiative and solve problems or rely heavily on others for assistance.

5. Which Shopify apps do you frequently use and why?

best shopify interview questions to ask a candidate

Shopify has a rich ecosystem of apps that can greatly enhance the functionality of a store.

This question can reveal the candidate's familiarity with this ecosystem and their understanding of how to use these apps to improve a store's performance.

The specific apps they mention can also give insight into their priorities when managing an online store, such as whether they focus more on marketing, sales, customer service, or other areas.

6. How do you optimize a Shopify store for SEO?

This question helps you understand the candidate's knowledge of SEO practices and how to apply them to a Shopify store.

A well-optimized site can rank higher in search engine results, attract more visitors, and increase sales.

The candidate's answer can provide insights into their skills in keyword research, optimizing product descriptions, managing metadata, and other SEO strategies.

7. What strategies would you use to improve site loading times?

Site speed is crucial for user experience and SEO. A slow site can frustrate visitors and potentially lead to lost sales.

This question can reveal the candidate's understanding of performance optimization techniques, such as reducing image sizes, minimizing the use of apps, or using a faster theme.

8. Can you explain the importance of analytics in managing a Shopify store?

Analytics provide crucial insights into store performance, customer behavior, and sales trends.

This question tests the candidate's understanding of the importance of data in making informed decisions.

Their response can also reveal their experience with tools like Google Analytics or Shopify's built-in analytics.

9. How do you handle product inventory management?

Inventory management is essential for maintaining the right balance of stock in a store.

Poor inventory management can lead to overselling or stockouts, both of which can negatively impact customer satisfaction.

The candidate's answer can provide insights into their familiarity with inventory management systems, and their ability to forecast demand, manage suppliers, and handle stock discrepancies.

10. Have you ever had to handle customer complaints about the website's checkout process? How did you tackle this?

best shopify interview questions to ask a candidate

The checkout process plays a critical role in conversion rates. A complex or confusing checkout can lead to cart abandonment and lost sales.

This question helps you understand the candidate's problem-solving skills, customer service abilities, and their understanding of UX principles.

The answer can also reveal how they use feedback to improve the store and how they handle potentially stressful situations.

11. How do you ensure data security on a Shopify Store?

Data security is crucial in the era of digital transactions to protect sensitive customer information.

This question tests the candidate's knowledge and awareness of data security best practices in the context of an e-commerce platform like Shopify.

Their answer can provide insight into their understanding of Shopify's built-in security features, as well as additional measures they might take to ensure data security.

12. What steps would you take to create a mobile-responsive Shopify store?

With the increasing prevalence of mobile shopping, having a mobile-responsive store is crucial for maximizing sales.

This question gauges the candidate's knowledge of mobile-responsive design and how they would apply it on Shopify.

Their response can reveal their familiarity with responsive Shopify themes, their understanding of mobile UX principles, and their strategies for optimizing for mobile.

13. Describe a time you converted user feedback into a functional improvement on a Shopify store?

User feedback can be an invaluable resource for improving an online store.

This question provides insight into the candidate's customer-centric approach, problem-solving skills, and their ability to turn feedback into practical improvements.

It can also show their understanding of UX design and how they prioritize different potential enhancements.

14. How would you handle an unexpected site outage during a high-traffic sales event?

An unexpected outage during a high-traffic event can be a nightmare scenario for an e-commerce store.

This question tests the candidate's crisis management skills, their understanding of Shopify's infrastructure, and how they communicate with customers during a crisis.

It can reveal their ability to handle pressure, solve problems quickly, and maintain customer satisfaction under challenging circumstances.

15. What's your approach to A/B testing on a Shopify store?

A/B testing is a valuable method for improving a store based on data rather than assumptions.

This question assesses the candidate's understanding of A/B testing principles, how they would design and execute tests on a Shopify store, and how they use data to inform decision-making.

Their response can provide insight into their analytical thinking, their attention to detail, and their commitment to continuous improvement.

Is there another way to assess Shopify skills?

These questions are designed to ensure you bring on a team member who is proficient in Shopify, pays attention to detail, and understands how to strategize to enhance the user shopping experience and boost sales.

However, relying solely on interviews may have limitations in terms of objectivity and consistency. Interviewers' subjective impressions and interpretations, influenced by personal biases and perceptions, can impact the evaluation process.

A Shopify test helps you to gather quantifiable data on a candidate's performance, accuracy, and efficiency when using Shopify. This test is specifically designed to measure a candidate's ability to navigate the Shopify interface, set up and manage products, customize themes, handle orders, and perform other essential tasks.

By combining interview questions with a Shopify test, you can adopt a comprehensive approach to assessing Shopify skills.

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Shopify’s Interview Process & Questions

The info below is based on conversations with Stripe engineers in 2023.

Shopify's Interview Process for Software Engineers: 4 Steps

For a mid to senior-level software engineer, Shopify’s process (usually) looks like this:

  • Recruiter call (30 minutes)
  • Technical phone screen (40 minutes)
  • "Life Story" interview (1 hour)
  • Onsite (3-4 hours)

Shopify’s interview process: Recruiter call, Technical phone screen, Life Story interview, Onsite

Shopify’s process is decentralized, which means that you interview for a specific team out of the gate.

Step 1: Recruiter Call

The first recruiter call lasts 30 minutes. Its purpose is to check qualifications, hear about past projects, and find out what you’re looking for from Shopify and in general. It also acts as a culture fit check, so they’ll want to see how your communication and personality align with their values. Make sure you’re up to date on Shopify features, blog posts and news. Finally, your recruiter will make sure you understand the role you’re applying for and clarify next steps in the process.  

This is a typical recruiter call, but shorter. It’s primarily meant to gauge your interest in Shopify and lay out the rest of the process. There will be a more detailed recruiter call, called the “Life Story” interview, later on.

That said, it’s still really important not to reveal your salary expectations or your salary history. We wrote a detailed post about salary negotiation that lays out exactly what to say when recruiters pressure you to name the first number . Just don’t do it – when you give out information this early in the process, you’re painting future you into a corner.

Normally, we’d also advise you not to reveal where you are in process with other companies, but we’ve heard from our sources that Shopify is very good at moving quickly if you’re getting close to offer stage with other companies, so if you need them to move, make sure to mention that in this call (you don’t have to go into detail about which companies you’re talking to, just that you’re getting close to offers or have some already).

Step 2: Technical Phone Screen

The technical phone screen at Shopify is a data structures/algorithms interview conducted via CoderPad. There will likely be 2 interviewers conducting this round.

Step 3: "Life Story" interview

This interview is conducted by a recruiter, who will be asking you questions about your past to see what motivates and drives you: is there some common thread that’s been a theme or shown up in multiple places in your story and your career to date? Their goal is to suss out whether you’re a “3D person” who can communicate effectively with others, instead of just someone who’s technically gifted. Because Shopify is fully remote, they place extra importance on having employees who are personable and able to have a chat.

You may also be asked to sign Shopify’s code of conduct (we were able to find this copy from 2019; please email us to let us know if it’s no longer valid).

Step 4: Onsite

Shopify’s onsite lasts roughly 4 hours and includes the following steps:

  • Pair programming (2 hours)
  • Technical deep dive (1 hour)
  • Possibly system design (1 hour; usually just for senior/staff-level engineers)

Pair Programming/Coding

You’ll have two separate pair programming sessions as part of your onsite.

In these interviews, you’ll be using your IDE of choice and sharing your screen.

When you practice for this interview, get in the habit of talking out loud about what may work even if it's not ideal, and explain to the interviewer what you would do differently, or how you would improve it if you had more time. The goal isn’t just to solve the problem, but to show that you know what you’re doing and are able to consider the long-term effects of your design decisions.

Technical Deep Dive

In this interview, you’ll be doing a deep dive on a project you worked on, why it mattered, your contributions, how you overcame challenges, and so on. Be prepared to discuss technical details in depth.

System Design

You may not get a separate system design interview in your loop – those are reserved for senior (and sometimes staff-level candidates). There will be a system design component in your pair programming sessions, however.

Types of Interview Questions to Expect at Shopify

Coding/pair programming.

You’re more likely to get LeetCode-style questions in the technical phone screen, rather than the onsite.

To figure out what types of questions to expect in your Shopify interviews, we did two things. First, we spoke to some current and former Shopify interviewers in our community. Then we cross-referenced all the anecdotes we heard with our own data-set of mock interviews. Based on all of the above, here are the types of questions you’re likely to encounter:

During the onsite, you will not get LeetCode-style questions. Rather, you will iteratively build something with your interviewer. You’ll start with the simplest possible implementation and then add features to it, testing as you go. Depending on how the interview is going, your interviewer will likely add on up to three additional layers of complexity, and what started as a simple problem will end up with a system design component as well.

Example questions include:

  • Design and implement an LRU cache
  • Given a list of products with a price and popularity rating, order them based on price and use popularity as a tiebreaker
  • Implement a discounting feature for retail

If you do get a system design round , be prepared for high-level system design questions that will likely expect a tie into a feature/design relevant to Shopify’s product.

Common Shopify Interview Questions

Below are common questions that interviewers from Shopify ask on our platform. Since our data comes from mock interviews, questions may not be exactly the same as what you'd see in real interviews.

Binary Array Partition

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Shopify Interview Question

In the realm of contemporary e-commerce, the selection process for skilled personnel has become both challenging and crucial due to the dynamic nature of the industry. Among the notable e-commerce platforms, Shopify has emerged as a leading force, providing a myriad of opportunities for aspiring professionals. As the demand for top-tier talent continues to escalate, an in-depth understanding of the interview process becomes paramount for prospective candidates. This article delves into the realm of Shopify interview questions, aiming to equip individuals with the necessary insights to navigate the encounter with confidence and success. Through an academic lens and a formal tone, this study delves into the various components of the Shopify interview, offering invaluable tips and strategies to enhance one’s preparedness and optimize their chances of securing a position within this influential e-commerce platform.

Introduction to Shopify Interview Question

In today’s competitive job market, it is crucial to prepare yourself for interviews in order to stand out among other candidates. When it comes to pursuing a career in the e-commerce industry, Shopify is one of the leading platforms that employers often seek expertise in. To help you succeed in your Shopify interviews, we have compiled a list of common questions that interviewers might ask. By familiarizing yourself with these questions and having well-thought-out answers, you can feel confident and increase your chances of landing the job you desire.

What is Shopify and why is it popular?

  • Shopify is a robust e-commerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to build and manage their online stores easily. It provides a range of features and functionalities to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website, handle inventory, process payments securely, and track customer orders seamlessly. Shopify’s popularity stems from its simplicity and accessibility, enabling entrepreneurs and established companies alike to establish an online presence quickly. Moreover, its extensive app store offers various integrations and extensions, empowering merchants to customize their stores according to their specific needs.

Discuss the advantages of using Shopify over other e-commerce platforms.

  • One of the significant advantages of Shopify is its beginner-friendly interface. Even individuals with limited technical knowledge can easily set up a store and manage it efficiently. The platform’s drag-and-drop website builder, customizable templates, and intuitive admin dashboard make it a perfect choice for entrepreneurs who prefer a user-friendly experience. Additionally, Shopify offers hosting, security, and automatic updates, eliminating the need for separate server management and ensuring a seamless user experience.

Can you explain how Shopify handles SEO and what steps can be taken to optimize a Shopify store for search engines?

  • Shopify provides a range of built-in SEO tools to assist store owners in improving their search engine rankings. These include customizable title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs, as well as the ability to edit alt tags for images. Furthermore, Shopify automatically generates a sitemap.xml file that helps search engines crawl and index the website more efficiently. To optimize a Shopify store further, it is recommended to conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords into product descriptions, titles, and headings. Link building, content marketing, and utilizing social media platforms are additional strategies that can boost the store’s online visibility and drive organic traffic.

By thoroughly understanding Shopify and presenting well-crafted responses to potential interview questions, you can demonstrate your expertise and enthusiasm for the platform. Remember to back up your answers with specific examples from your past experiences whenever possible. Good luck with your preparation and the upcoming interviews!

Understanding the Importance of Shopify Interview Questions

When applying for a position related to Shopify, it is crucial to be well-prepared for the interview process. One aspect that candidates often overlook is the significance of understanding and confidently answering Shopify interview questions. These questions are specifically designed to assess your knowledge and skills relevant to this e-commerce platform and can greatly influence the outcome of your application. Hence, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the types of questions typically asked and to properly prepare your responses.

Firstly, familiarizing yourself with common Shopify interview questions allows you to anticipate the topics that may be addressed and develop well-thought-out answers. This preparation enables you to showcase not only your technical proficiency but also your problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. By understanding these questions beforehand, you can better align your experiences and accomplishments to demonstrate how you possess the necessary qualifications for the role you are applying for.

Secondly, your ability to answer Shopify interview questions confidently reflects your level of expertise and competence in using the platform. Hiring managers are keen on evaluating not just your theoretical knowledge of Shopify but also your practical application of its features. Providing clear and concise answers that demonstrate your hands-on experience with Shopify will add credibility to your abilities and make you a more competitive candidate.

Key Tips for Preparing for a Shopify Interview

In today’s competitive job market, it is crucial to be well-prepared for interviews, especially when it comes to technical roles like a Shopify developer or designer. To help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of success, here are some :

1. Research the company: Before your interview, take the time to thoroughly research the company you are applying to. Familiarize yourself with their products, services, and target audience. This will not only demonstrate your genuine interest in the organization but also give you valuable insights into how your skills and experience align with their goals.

2. Understand the Shopify platform: As a Shopify candidate, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the platform itself. Familiarize yourself with its features, functionalities, and best practices. Review the various themes, templates, and plug-ins available in the Shopify ecosystem. Additionally, be prepared to discuss any previous experience you have had working with Shopify and highlight any standout projects or accomplishments.

3. Brush up on your technical skills: A Shopify interview will likely include technical questions to assess your proficiency and problem-solving abilities. Ensure you are comfortable with relevant programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarize yourself with Shopify Liquid, the templating language used by Shopify, and be prepared to showcase your ability to customize themes, create responsive layouts, and integrate third-party applications.

Analyzing Common Shopify Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

In this post, we will delve into some of the most commonly asked Shopify interview questions and learn how to effectively answer them. Whether you are a seasoned Shopify developer or just starting your career in e-commerce, these questions can help you prepare for your next interview and showcase your expertise in the platform.

Key Points to Address

1. Familiarity with Shopify: Before diving into the specifics of the questions, it is important to have a solid understanding of the Shopify platform. Make sure you are comfortable with its features, functionalities, and how it can be customized for different business needs. This will demonstrate your overall knowledge and passion for working with Shopify.

2. Problem-solving Skills: Many Shopify questions will focus on your problem-solving abilities. Be prepared to talk about how you have resolved challenges in your previous experiences with Shopify. Think about specific examples where you have successfully tackled issues related to theme customization, app integrations, or performance optimization.

3. Collaboration and Communication: Shopify is often used in collaborative work environments, requiring effective communication and teamwork. Highlight your ability to collaborate with designers, marketers, and other stakeholders to achieve common goals. Mention any experience you have working in agile development teams or managing projects with cross-functional teams.

Sample Questions and Tips for Answering Them

1. How would you optimize the loading speed of a Shopify store?

  • Discuss techniques such as image optimization, code minification, and the use of content delivery networks.
  • Emphasize the importance of conducting performance audits and regular monitoring to identify and resolve bottlenecks.
  • Highlight any experience you have with caching mechanisms or utilizing Shopify apps specifically designed for performance optimization.

2. Can you customize a Shopify theme beyond its built-in options?

  • Explain how you can leverage HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to customize the appearance and functionality of a Shopify theme.
  • Discuss the use of Shopify Liquid, a templating language, to modify the structure and content of a theme.
  • Showcase any experience you have with theme development or utilizing Shopify’s theme editor to achieve highly tailored designs.

3. How would you handle an integration of a third-party app within a Shopify store?

  • Explain the process of researching and selecting suitable apps from the Shopify App Store.
  • Discuss how you would integrate the chosen app through the Shopify admin or by modifying the theme’s code.
  • Mention the importance of testing and troubleshooting to ensure the smooth functioning of the integrated app.

Strategies for Nailing the Shopify Interview Process

When preparing for the Shopify interview process, it is crucial to have a solid strategy in place to maximize your chances of success. To begin with, it is essential to thoroughly research and understand the company’s mission, values, and products. This knowledge will not only help you answer questions effectively but also demonstrate your genuine interest in the organization. In addition, familiarize yourself with Shopify’s core competencies, such as problem-solving, communication, and leadership, as these are often incorporated into interview questions.

Next, it is important to practice your technical skills, particularly if you are applying for a developer or engineer role at Shopify. Review common coding languages and frameworks used by the company, such as Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, and be prepared to answer technical questions or complete coding exercises during the interview. Additionally, consider showcasing your expertise by sharing your personal projects or open-source contributions with the interviewers. This will further demonstrate your passion and dedication to your craft.

Lastly, don’t forget the importance of well-rounded preparation. Take the time to review common interview questions, both technical and behavioral, and prepare thoughtful and concise responses. Additionally, consider practicing your problem-solving abilities by working through coding challenges or business case studies. Remember to always provide concrete examples and results to support your answers. Finally, don’t underestimate the significance of being yourself and showing genuine enthusiasm throughout the interview process. By combining thorough research, technical practice, and well-rounded preparation, you will be well-equipped to tackle the Shopify interview process head-on. Good luck!

Expert Recommendations for Excelling in a Shopify Interview

When it comes to excelling in a Shopify interview, there are several expert recommendations that can greatly increase your chances of success. To ensure you are prepared and confident, consider these key tips:

1. Familiarize yourself with the Shopify platform: One of the most important aspects of a successful Shopify interview is to have a deep understanding of the platform itself. Take the time to explore the features and functionalities, as well as the various apps and extensions that are available. This will not only showcase your knowledge but also demonstrate your commitment to the company.

2. Highlight your experience in e-commerce: Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform, so it’s crucial to highlight any previous experience you have in this field. Showcase your knowledge of different e-commerce strategies, such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and online marketing. Emphasize your ability to drive sales and optimize customer experience, as these are key priorities for any Shopify merchant.

3. Prepare for technical questions: In addition to understanding the Shopify platform and e-commerce industry, be prepared for technical questions that may arise during the interview. Familiarize yourself with popular programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as they are commonly used in Shopify themes and app development. Additionally, brush up on your knowledge of SEO best practices and web analytics, as these are essential skills for any successful e-commerce business.

In Retrospect

In conclusion, this article has explored the various aspects of Shopify interview questions, shedding light on the significance of adequately preparing for such interviews. By providing an overview of the common types of questions and their respective categories, we aimed to equip the general audience with the necessary knowledge to better navigate the interview process at Shopify. Moreover, we discussed the important skills and qualities sought by this leading e-commerce platform, emphasizing the need for candidates to showcase their technical proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. Additionally, the article provided valuable insights into the interview structure and strategy, demonstrating how candidates can approach and excel in these interviews. It is our hope that this article has served as a comprehensive resource for individuals aspiring to join Shopify, empowering them to confidently tackle the interview process and increase their chances of securing a position within this esteemed organization. As the job market continues to evolve, the acquisition of knowledge and skills in areas of high demand, such as those sought by Shopify, becomes increasingly crucial, and we encourage all aspiring candidates to continuously hone their abilities to meet the evolving demands of the e-commerce industry. With appropriate preparation, dedication, and a focus on continuous improvement, success is within reach for those who wish to embark on a fulfilling career with Shopify.

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Get a Job at Shopify: Interview Process and Top Questions

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As one of the world's largest e-commerce platforms, getting a job at Shopify can be quite competitive.

Many applicants have described a lengthy interview process with a hiring rate as low as 0.3%.

The workplace requires confident and dedicated employees who

  • thrive in a fast-paced environment,
  • constantly learn and develop their craft,
  • and solve complex problems under pressure.

The company has grown to approximately 10,000 employees since its founding 2006 , and its positions are highly sought-after due to its fully remote work structure and casual environment.

Plus, the Shopify backend is built with Ruby on Rails , making it popular among developers who still use this framework.

If that’s the kind of environment you thrive in, keep reading!

We’ve compiled this interview guide with tips and advice based on the experiences of those who have already gone through the process.

Below, we break down the Shopify interview process and the top questions you should expect to answer if you're interviewing at Shopify!

What is the Shopify interview process?

Shopify’s interview process is fully remote and can take as long as 3 to 4 months to reach a hiring decision.

The interview structure varies depending on the position and team you’re applying for.

Shopify, as one of its grounding philosophies, thrives on change — so the process is unlikely to be exactly the same for every applicant.

Generally, most interviewees will face the following interviews:

  • Recruiter Call (30 minutes)
  • Life Story Interview (1 hour)
  • Onsite Interviews (2-5 1-hour interviews on the same day or across multiple sessions)

With a company culture and interview process unique compared to most other tech companies (Shopify’s CEO famously said the company is “ not a family ”), it’s best to expect the unexpected.

Many candidates reported feeling caught off guard by some Shopify interview questions and exercises due to the casual and conversational culture at the company.

Still, it’s important to take the process seriously.

Spend some time familiarizing yourself with Shopify’s culture and values to best prepare for interviews.

There are technical and coding sessions, but other behavioral interviews are heavily conversation-based.

Shopify is looking for candidates who:

  • Get shit done (GSD)
  • Think independently
  • Thrive in ambiguity and chaos
  • Are eager to learn and develop their craft

New roles are listed every three months , so if you don’t see the job you’re looking for, check back regularly.

Additionally, Shopify has two separate ‘tracks’ for team members depending on a candidate’s experience and seniority level:

  • Crafter Track — Crafters are individual contributors who execute and contribute to specific projects.
  • Manager Track — Leadership roles tasked with managing a team to help meet Shopify’s overall goals and accomplish smaller team-based projects.

Step 1: Recruiter Call

The first step in the hiring process is a quick call with a Shopify recruiter. These usually last about 30 to 45 minutes.

For some roles, the recruiter interview is evaluative and designed to gauge:

  • Your interest in Shopify
  • Past experience
  • Culture fit
  • Qualifications for the role

Candidates applying for more technical roles reported getting a coding question during the initial recruiter call to solve on CoderPad.

These tend to be easy-to-medium difficulty coding questions , but more practical in nature than a typical coding practice question.

Make sure your resume is up to date before the interview begins.

Depending on the role, like UX , it can also be beneficial to prepare a portfolio with your greatest achievements to attach to your application. You may be asked to discuss specific projects in your portfolio during this or future interview sessions.

Step 2: ‘Life Story’ Interview

The 1-hour “ life story ” interview is a unique and notorious feature of Shopify’s interview process.

Casual and conversational in nature, this interview involves a series of behavioral questions about who you are and your past achievements to evaluate your decision-making processes and working style.

The recruiter will send you a Google Meet link ahead of time. Make sure to choose a quiet and comfortable place to do the interview.

Your responses in this interview can be as personal or technical as you want them to be.

Just make sure they touch on the following five key traits Shopify looks for during the Life Story interview:

  • Impact : Do you make a big impact on others around you?
  • Trust : Can you communicate authentically?
  • Engagement : Do you invest in your work and life?
  • Self-awareness : Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Readiness : Are you qualified for the job you're applying for?
“We’re really looking to get to know the person that we’re talking to, and through that interview, we’re looking for specific qualities around self-awareness, indications of impact and engagement in people’s past roles … really those kinds of non-tangible skills that will kind of predict if we think someone’s going to be successful with Shopify.” — Holly Fortier , Recruitment Lead for Shopify UX

How to Prepare

Before the interview, reflect on your past experiences and practice telling a few different stories that reflect the traits Shopify is looking for.

This interview may also include a review of your portfolio or your past work or projects. You may also have the opportunity to provide a visual aid, which can help you display your storytelling chops.

Come prepared with a couple of specific examples of past projects you worked on try to touch on:

  • What problems the project solved
  • What processes you used to complete the project
  • Problems you encountered and how you overcame them
  • Things you may have done differently
  • What you learned

It is also beneficial to learn more about the latest developments at Shopify and the team you’re applying to.

Try downloading the Shopify app as a customer or merchant to familiarize yourself with the user experience and think about what you would improve.

Read Shopify’s engineering blogs and listen to its UX team podcast to learn more about your future working environment and culture.

Step 3: On-Site Interviews

The on-site interviews for Shopify depend heavily on the role and team to which you’re applying.

Shopify's on-site interview are both technical and behavioral. They can be spread out over several weeks or in a single interview loop with 3 to 5 sessions lasting about 40 to 90 minutes each.

Technical Roles

There are different types of technical on-site interviews at Shopify, such as:

Coding Exercise

Technical candidates are given 40 minutes to solve a coding problem in the programming language they’re most comfortable with.

Before the interview, you’ll be given a CoderPad link where you will be paired with a Shopify developer who will answer any questions you may have or offer feedback throughout the session.

You may also use other resources like documentation or a search engine to help you during the interview.

Pair Programming

Technical candidates do a pair programming session with a Shopify developer. The co-working exercise lasts for 75-90 minutes.

You will be writing the code throughout this session, but your Shopify teammate will work with you on the solution and ask you questions throughout the process.

This interview is conducted via Google Hangouts.

Technical Deep Dive

This is a 60-minute conversational interview conducted via Google Meet in which your interviewer will ask about your impact on past roles or projects.

Product Management Roles

Candidates applying for product management positions generally face three types of interviews during an onsite interview loop and meet with 3 to 5 team members for an hour each session.

Although these interviews touch on technical concepts, they are highly conversational and more product-focused.

Generally, these are the three formats used during the onsite interview loop:

  • Thought Leadership Interview : Shopify will ask you to think about the big picture in this interview. What's your take on the market? What's your proposed product vision for some Shopify products?
  • Case Study Interview : You'll be presented with a 1-paragraph challenge and asked to use a whiteboard to work through solving the problem.
  • Dev/UX Interview : You'll meet with two individuals — one from engineering and one from UX — to discuss your background and ideas.

What are the top Shopify interview questions?

Besides the coding and pair work interviews, Shopify’s interviews tend to be heavily conversational and behavioral.

Be prepared to talk a lot about yourself and your previous experience and practice a few stories ahead of time.

You’ll face a lot of “tell me about a time when…” questions, especially during the Life Story interview.

  • Why do you want to work at Shopify?
  • What interests or side projects do you have outside of work?
  • What would you do if another member of your team had strong opposing opinions?
  • Tell me about your journey as a [programmer, product designer, etc.].
  • Give me an example of a time when you successfully worked with a challenging customer.
  • How do you connect with and support those around you?

Coding/Pair Programming

There aren't any trick coding questions at Shopify. You should be prepared to answer common data structures and algorithms questions like:

  • Graphs and trees
  • Hash tables

Some common coding questions you might encounter are:

  • Given an array of integers, find the length of the longest subarray with sum equal to zero.
  • Implement a function to perform a binary search on a sorted array of integers and return the index of a given target value.
  • You are given a piece of code that is supposed to merge two sorted linked lists into one sorted linked list, but it contains bugs. Identify and fix the bugs.

Product Design/Strategy

If you’re applying for a product-centric role, stay up-to-date on the latest product developments at Shopify by reading its blog and news page .

Get familiar with its products by using them yourself.

Some typical product-related questions are:

  • Tell me about a time you were responsible for a product from beginning to end. What challenges did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
  • You’re the CEO of Shopify. What should we focus on next ?
  • Shopify wants to help merchants be more successful. What will you do to achieve this mission as a PM at Shopify ?
  • How would you improve Shopify for new merchants who have difficulty sourcing products to sell ?

User Experience (UX)/Design

User Experience/design candidates will be asked to go deep into a few previous experiences included in their resume or portfolio.

Ahead of time, choose a couple of representative achievements that you think best illustrate your thought process and think through the following factors Shopify will be looking for:

  • The user problems your project solved
  • Which UX processes you used
  • Other options you explored, and how you settled on this one
  • Constraints you worked under
  • How you collaborated with team members
  • Data on the benefits/business value it created
  • Things you might have done differently in retrospect

Other UX questions you may face include:

  • What do you enjoy most about working in design?
  • Have you revisited your key success metrics since successful launches? Have they changed or remained the same?
  • How have you navigated compromises or trade-offs when working with a team?

Machine Learning and Data Science

  • Explain the bias variance tradeoff.
  • Design a monitoring system for Shopify.
  • Design a recommended products page for Shopify.
  • How would you evaluate the impact of fake products on users?
  • Tell me about your proudest project.
  • Python questions .
  • SQL questions .

Shopify Interview Loops Explained

When interviewing for Shopify, you may encounter an interview loop standard to other tech companies, or a series of individual onsite tech and behavioral interviews as reported by some candidates.

During the initial phone screen or onsite coding interview, you may be asked to solve a few coding questions. Unless specified, you can code in whichever language you’re most comfortable with.

Front-end candidates are expected to solve problems in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

While backend or full-stack candidates should have a basic understanding of Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Data science candidates should have a strong SQL and Python background and will be asked to use these languages in exercises.

Knowledge of React Native is also a plus. Review Shopify’s Ruby Style Guide and introduction to Ruvy to better prepare.

Shopify’s engineering blog is a rich resource to help prepare for coding, programming, and engineering-style questions.

To ace this interview, don’t be afraid to ask as many clarifying questions as you need to solve the problem.

Your interviewer is there to help you. Make sure to run the code periodically throughout the exercise so you can fix any bugs before your time is up.

Pair Programming/Work Session

During the pair programming session, one person — that’s you — serves as the driver who writes the code.

Your interviewer is the observer who will review your process and answer any questions you may have.

Pair programming is a frequent mode of work at Shopify, so interviewers will be paying close attention to your communication and group work skills during this session.

Make sure to talk through the decisions you’re making and why. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Most important is that your final product works effectively, so don’t rush to the finish line with a sloppy solution.

This is a 60-minute conversational interview about your past technical roles and projects.

Interviewers are looking to learn more about your past successes and impacts in previous similar roles, and how you could bring that success to Shopify.

Before the interview, think of a couple of examples of past project successes. Practice crafting a story or narrative about how you achieved those successes, what challenges or failures you encountered along the way, and lessons you learned when overcoming problems.

Don’t choose to talk about a solo or independent side project.

Anecdotes in which you played a leadership role or helped lead a team to complete a group project are particularly valuable since you will be working closely with cross-functional teams at Shopify.

Consider the following as you’re discussing past project experience:

  • Business impact
  • Architecture setup
  • Technical decisions
  • Trade-offs and alternatives considered

UX/Design roles

UX/product design roles at Shopify face 3 to 4 hours of on-site interviews during a final interview loop in which they will meet members of the UX team and learn more about the team's current plans and goals.

Candidates will face both casual, conversational interviews, and technical interviews during this round.

Similar to other technical roles, UX candidates will also do a pair work session that the team calls a "problem-solving duet" interview in which the candidate works closely with a current Shopify designer on an interaction design problem.

This exercise is designed to show interviewees your raw thought process and approach to problem-solving and teamwork.

"There aren’t any gotchas. It’s not like we’re sitting there with a chalkboard kind of making sure that people have said things to us or have said the right answer. It’s really just about how they kind of tackle this problem with someone on our team." – Holly Fortier , Recruitment Lead for Shopify UX

Product management candidates will face a different interview loop compared to other more technical roles.

Though you will not be asked to code during these interviews, familiarity and experience with technical skills will be critical to your success during the interview and on the job.

As a PM candidate, you will face the following topics during the PM interview loop :

Product Strategy

Product strategy all about high-level thinking in an environment of rapid change and uncertainty.

How can you use analytics and product sensibilities to devise a strategy for the product moving forward?

Analytical questions involve reasoning with data, something you will be doing on the job regularly.

Can you understand the tradeoffs of certain metrics? Measure the success of KPIs? Run A/B tests?

The key to nailing these types of questions is starting broad and then going deeper into actions and metrics.

Product Design

Design thinking questions start with an ambiguous problem and ask you to devise a solution by using skills like user empathy, product vision, and design sensibilities.

One tip for answering these questions effectively is to always mention tradeoffs.

Working with a Team

Effectively working with and leading a team is a core requirement of any management position, but especially at Shopify, where you’ll work with a cross-functional team in an ambiguous and rapidly changing business environment.

Come prepared with plenty of anecdotes of how you worked successfully in similar environments in the past.

Shopify Interview Tips

  • Be yourself . Shopify is all about hiring individuals — not resumes. Interviewers care less about the name of the school you went to and more about your experiences and achievements. Don’t be afraid to get personal during the Life Story interview; this will show interviewers who you are, but also how you interact with others. There is also no dress code; come as you are and dress in a way that makes you feel the most comfortable and the most “you.”
  • Show your willingness to learn and grow . Shopify’s environment can be fast-paced and chaotic; you might find yourself making decisions on your own and making mistakes. At Shopify, those who thrive in chaos are highly valued; it shows they are willing to learn and grow quickly. You might feel frequently like you’re working outside of your comfort zone. If this doesn’t sound like a comfortable environment, you might want to reconsider applying for a job with Shopify.
  • Tailor your application specifically for Shopify. You might be used to copy-and-pasting your standard resume and cover letter when applying for jobs. But candidates who tailor-make their application for Shopify – for example, detail why they're curious about working for Shopify in application materials or a cover letter – stand out to recruiters, who can easily tell when you put in that extra effort.
  • Relax . Some candidates reported feeling caught off guard by questions during the Life Story interview or the difficulty level of certain coding questions during the technical interview rounds. Your interviewer will not throw trick questions about you. Relax and take the process seriously.
"If someone either through our interviews or even kind of through their application can tell us why they’re genuinely curious about working here, why they want to spend most of their time during the day with the company, and how our mission to make commerce better for everyone really resonates with them, that’s something that can take a mediocre interview kind of across the line to say, wow, this person is genuinely curious. Let’s see what else they have to offer." – Holly Fortier , Recruitment Lead for Shopify UX

Can I apply to Shopify again if I didn’t get the job the first time?

Shopify recommends waiting at least 6 months to 1 year before reapplying. New jobs in various roles are posted every 3 months.

Does Shopify offer internships and early career opportunities?

Yes, Shopify offers 3, 4, and 8-month paid engineering internships for students and new grads.

Are Shopify interviews in person or virtual?

Shopify is now a digital-first company, meaning you will interview and work from wherever you are. Many of Shopify’s employees are concentrated in certain core areas so they can meet in real life several times a year.

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Finding Technical Talent: Candidate Experience and Interviews

In Part 1 and 2 of our Finding Technical Talent series, we introduced you to the concepts of hiring roadmaps and intake meetings, and provided strategies to use when sourcing candidates. In this final part of the series, we go over what you can do to improve the interview process. In this article you will learn: How to create a positive candidate experience during an interview. Tactics for conducting impactful interviews. Techniques and tips for giving candidates offers.

Candidate experience 2017

In Part 1 of our finding technical talent series , we introduced you to the concepts of hiring roadmaps and intake meetings — foundational elements to help you build out your new role, understand who would be a good fit for it, and strategize how you’ll attract applicants to apply. 

In Part 2 , we covered what sourcing is, when you should consider sourcing external candidates for your hiring process, and how to conduct effective reach outs — important processes to ensure you’re bringing the best people into your recruiting process. 

Now, in our final chapter, we’ll walk you through:

  • Candidate experience — The little things you can do to make the hiring process mutually beneficial for both you, and your candidates.
  • Interviewing 101 — How to conduct impactful interviews that allow you to identify the best candidate for your open position.
  • Offers and rejections — Techniques and tips for giving candidates offers, and how to let other candidates down gently with thoughtful, constructive rejections.

What is candidate experience?

Candidate experience 2017: What is candidate experience

Let’s pick up where we left off in Part 2.

You’re about halfway through your hiring process, and you’ve probably received a healthy amount of applicants from your job posting, or you’ve used sourcing to reach out to a number of qualified candidates who are interested in the position.

But before you go ahead and start scheduling interviews, have you considered how you’ll make the interviewing process mutually beneficial (and pleasant) for both your team, and the candidates in question?

Have you considered how you’ll make the interviewing process mutually beneficial (and pleasant) for both your team, and the candidates in question?

After all, providing a positive candidate experience is an integral part of building lasting relationships with your candidates — and building a great reputation for your recruiting efforts within your industry. 

However, it’s not like businesses intentionally try to create bad experiences for candidates. Sometimes, it just happens. Put yourself in your candidate's shoes, and think of the small, unintentional actions that could leave a sour taste in your mouth during a hiring process:

  • The recruiter doesn’t get back to you — You had an interview that you thought went well, then you never heard back from the recruiter (even if you’re no longer in the running for a specific role). 
  • You feel rushed and unheard during the interview — You were invited to discuss a job opportunity further, but the recruiter was in such a hurry that the entire experience felt rushed — like you were being interrogated instead of interviewed.
  • You never got the opportunity to improve — You had a not-so-great interview, but your recruiter didn’t even provide you with actionable feedback that you could use to make your application stronger in the future.

Regardless of where you are in the interview process, one negative experience with a business can make or break your interest in further pursuing a career with them. And the candidates in your interview process will feel the same way if you don’t curate the best possible experience for them.

You might also like: How to Hire Employees: The Essential List of Resources for Agency Owners .

Candidate experience and interviewing

Despite what you might think, creating a great candidate experience can be quite easy — you just need to be more thoughtful, and attentive, during each interaction you have with someone applying to work for your business.

shopify technical problem solving interview

1. Set realistic expectations

If you’re going to reach out to everyone, regardless of whether you’re bringing them in for an interview or not, make sure to mention that in your job description.

Or, if you’re only going to approach qualified candidates, make sure to mention that, too.

By setting realistic expectations, and reinforcing these expectations throughout the interview process, you can influence whether or not a candidate will be upset if they don’t hear from you, or understand that it’s just a part of the hiring process.

2. Interviews aren’t barbecues, so don’t grill your candidates

The interview process isn’t your opportunity to back a candidate into a corner to get the information you’re interested in hearing. Instead, try having a casual conversation and set the standard that you’re just trying to learn from them.

When the opportunity arises, ask relevant questions — it’ll make the candidate feel more comfortable, and you’re more likely to find the answers you’re looking for when someone is relaxed, as opposed to on-guard.

3. Pay attention to your own behavior

Are you sitting with your arms crossed over your chest? Are you paying attention? Are you actively listening? Are you using a friendly, engaging tone of voice? Candidates can pick up on nonverbal behaviors, identify when you’re not listening, and determine whether or not you’re interested in what they have to say.

To create the best interviewing experience for your candidates, make sure you’re fully engaged in the conversation. Someone has taken the time out of their day to come in for an interview — the least you can do is be physically, mentally, and emotionally present for it.

4. Be timely and considerate

Whether you’re screening candidates, booking next steps, or sending out rejection notices, it’s important that you contact a candidate within a reasonable amount of time — you don’t want them to think you’ve disappeared, or even worse: that you’ve forgotten about them.

Build out email templates for all of your outreach efforts — text expanders are your best friend, and will make a big difference in the overall candidate experience you provide throughout your hiring process.

5. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated

Job hunting is a tough process, especially if a candidate is between positions — be considerate, and treat everyone the way you’d like to be treated. This will help you keep a down-to-earth perspective during all your interviews, and allow you to better connect with your candidates.

Interviewing 101

Candidate experience 2017: Interviewing 101

Now that we’ve covered the importance of candidate experience, and how you can create a mutually beneficial interviewing process for your candidates — it’s time to get into the nitty gritty of interviewing. That is, what type of interviews you should conduct and what information you’re likely to pull from each.

Remember how, during your intake meeting, you made a list of skills that are required, and a list of skills that are nice to have? You should be measuring your candidates up against these skills throughout your interviewing process.

In order to find the best technical talent for your business, you should consider employing one of the four following interview styles:

  • Technical deep dives
  • Portfolio reviews
  • Paired programming
  • Problem solving

We’ll explain each one in further detail to ensure that your interviews are as productive as possible.

1. Technical deep dives

Choose your own topic, or pick one from your candidate’s previous work experience, and try to learn as much as you can about it throughout the interview. If, for example, you’ve gone through their work history and see that they’re an expert in a specific area of design — start with broad questions around the topic, then continue to ask open ended questions like, “how did you do that?” or “why did you choose to make that decision?”

You and the candidate will continue this back-and-forth until you stop learning — or until they can’t dive any deeper on the topic. Make it a fun game, and see if they truly understand their craft and can identify their personal limitations. The entire point of a technical deep dive is to see if the candidate can take a really complex problem, and simplify it to a point where anyone can understand it. This is really important because if you end up hiring them, you want to make sure that they're able to reiterate the problems, and solutions, to the rest of the team in a way that everyone can understand.

The entire point of a technical deep dive is to see if the candidate can take a really complex problem, and simplify it to a point where anyone can understand it.

2. Portfolio reviews 

If you’re looking for a new designer, conducting a portfolio review is a great way to see if they’d made a great fit for your team. Ask the candidate to bring in a range of design work — if you’re looking for a specific type of designer, like someone who will be working with product, or dabbling a little more in UX, encourage them to bring pieces that speak to their ability in those specific areas. 

If you’re looking to fill a very niche role, however, there may not be anyone out there with the type of experience you’re looking for. This is when you could ask a candidate to perform a certain task that aligns well with the job functionalities of the p osition you’re hiring for .

During a portfolio review, you want to see that the candidate has good range — that they’re not doing the same types of projects over and over again.

The point of a portfolio review is to get the candidate to think critically about their work, and prove that they have the ability to communicate complex problems and solutions. Dig deep into what they were responsible for on specific projects, and what impact they had — as we mentioned in Part 1 of our finding technical talent series, if someone had an impact in their previous position, they’re likely to continue the pattern in their next role, too.

3. Paired programming 

You’d typically conduct a paired programming interview if you want to walk a candidate through a real-world problem, and test their competency in a particular area — it’s especially great if you have a team project that you’re stuck on, or want to see how a candidate works within your team’s existing framework.

These interviews are usually between 60-90 minutes long, and allow you to gauge how confident the candidate is in their front-end/backend development skills. You want to see if the person you’re considering hiring can talk through their experience with you while you build something together.

4. Problem solving

If paired programming isn’t a viable option for you during your interviewing process, solving a problem on a whiteboard is the next best thing. Combining both aspects of paired programming and a technical deep dive, you’ll provide the candidate with a problem that they’ll then have to solve.

The point of this type of interview is to see if the candidate can break down a problem to its core elements, and provide the most simple answer. Like with technical deep dives, you’ll have to check your bias at the door — because you’ll want someone for your business that isn’t afraid to think outside of the box and solve the problem in a unique way.

The point of this type of interview is to see if the candidate can break down a problem to its core elements, and provide the most simple answer.

Lastly, when problem solving, you want to make sure the candidate can provide a well-rounded solution, and that they understand the limitations of it. You can even take the interview a step further and ask them how their limitations could possibly affect projects and solutions outside of the one they’re currently solving for, to see if they have the ability to think for the long term.

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Continuing the candidate experience: providing feedback

Like we mentioned earlier in this article, one of the experiences that could leave a sour taste in a candidate's mouth during your interview process is the lack of feedback. Without feedback, a candidate that’s not selected to move forward in your hiring process may not understand why they didn’t get the position — and think the decision is unfair, or unfounded.

Like we mentioned earlier in this article, one of the experiences that could leave a sour taste in a candidate's mouth during your interview process is the lack of feedback.

 However, if you provide useful, constructive feedback — like telling the candidate which skills they’re lacking, or what type of experience they’re missing — they could work towards addressing it, and potentially reapplying for another position with your business down the line.

Feedback is also a great tool if you end up in a scenario where there are two great candidates for a position, but you only have the financial bandwidth to hire one of them.

Because, let’s be honest, these types of rejections are the most painful.

To soften the blow, tell the candidate you won’t be moving forward with them, but that you’ll keep in touch, and that you went with someone who better aligns with your business’ needs. At this point, you may have even developed a relationship with this candidate given how many interviews you’ve had with them.

Provide the candidate with some feedback that they can use to improve their portfolio, expertise, etc., so that they’re an even stronger contender the next time they apply for a position with your organization. Make sure to give them the best candidate experience that you can, because every interaction you have with them reflects on your business as a whole, and they’re likely going to tell their friends, and professional network, what their experience was like. 

Provide the candidate with some feedback that they can use to improve their portfolio, expertise, etc., so that they’re an even stronger contender the next time they apply for a position with your organization.

Candidate experience 2017: Job offers

This is the exciting part of the hiring process for both you and the candidate — hopefully, by this point, they’re already sold on the opportunity and excited to get started with your business.

Sometime during the last interview, the recruiter/hiring manager should have inquired about the candidate’s current level of compensation, and/or what they’re expecting to earn with your business. The earlier you can establish what this number looks like, the higher the probability that you can avoid negotiating during the offer phase. 

From here, you can start to build an offer.

Next, you can start formulating an onboarding plan — understanding who your new hire will shadow when they start, how’ll they’ll be trained, etc. Going back to the intake meeting, and understanding the structure of your business, will help you determine how these processes roll out in the future.

Do you have handover documents? Do you have plans to have them created? What does that look like. It’s great when companies take the time to explain what their onboarding plan looks like, so that everyone at your business is aligned, and knows what to expect, when the new hire shows up on their first day.

Additional resources

  • Convincing a candidate to accept your final offer
  • Job offer letters: What to say and why they're important
  • How to make a job offer
  • How to make the perfect job offer: 9 tips

You might also like: How We're Scaling From 10 to 25 Employees in 7 Months .

To even the most seasoned candidate, rejections are hard — and letting the candidate know that you haven’t chosen them can be even more difficult. You want to give someone the best experience that you can, but sometimes there’s no way to lighten up disappointing news.

If someone has taken more than an hour of their time to either meet with you in person, or have gone through a couple rounds of interviews — call them. Give them constructive feedback, as we mentioned earlier in the article, and let them know that they’re welcome to apply to any open position in the future.

If someone has taken more than an hour of their time to either meet with you in person, or have gone through a couple rounds of interviews — call them.

For the best candidate experience, you should get back to everyone that applies for a position with your business. They took the effort to apply, and it’s best to not leave them in limbo.

 Additional resources

  • How to write a candidate rejection letter
  • 4 tips for humanizing your rejections letters
  • How to reject candidates without turning them off your brand
  • Writing a rejection letter (with samples)

Completing the hiring process 🏁

In this series, we covered how to:

  • Track your growth and figure out when it’s time to add another team member.
  • Run productive intake meetings to build out the context and requirements of your new role.
  • Source candidates using a variety of free and paid tools.
  • Reach out to candidates in a productive, personalized way.
  • Create great candidate experiences.
  • Conduct impactful interviews.
  • Handle candidate offers and rejections.

We hope that whether you’re taking the first step to hiring a new employee , or looking to improve your existing hiring process, that you found these resources helpful.

  • How to Interview Candidates and Get Real Results
  • Finding Technical Talent: Sourcing Candidates and Outreach Strategies
  • Teaching Code: A Getting Started Guide
  • Learn How Shopify POS Apps Help Brick and Mortar Merchants Succeed
  • Go Back to School With These Online Courses for Continuous Learning
  • 5 Ways to Ensure Your Client's Online Business is Tax Compliant
  • Free eBook] Grow Volume 3: Building a Profitable Web Design Business
  • Why Building Infographics Should be Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy
  • How to Develop an Effective Creative Brainstorming Process

Are there any other areas of hiring that you’re interested in learning more about? Let us know in the comments below.

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Can you explain the difference between a Shopify theme and a template?

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Most important Shopify interview questions for freshers, intermediate and experienced candidates. The important questions are categorized for quick browsing before the interview or to act as a detailed guide on different topics Shopify interviewers look for.

Shopify Interview Questions For Freshers

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In Shopify, a theme refers to the overall design and layout of a store, including its colors, fonts, and styles. A template, on the other hand, refers to a specific page within a theme, such as the product page or the checkout page. Templates define the structure and content of a page, while themes determine how those templates are styled.

Here is an example of a Shopify template for the product page:

Liquid is a templating language used by Shopify to create dynamic content on a store's website. Liquid files contain code that can be used to display and manipulate data, such as product information, order details, and customer data. Liquid files are used to create templates for pages in a Shopify store, as well as to add dynamic content to those pages.

Here is an example of a Liquid file that displays the product title and price on a Shopify page:

You can add new functionality to a Shopify store by using apps, custom code, or integrations with third-party services. Apps are pre-built software programs that can be installed on a store to add specific features or functionality. Custom code can be added to the store's theme or created as a separate app using Shopify's API. Integrations with third-party services can also be used to extend the functionality of a store.

Here is an example of adding custom code to a Shopify store to add a new feature:

The Shopify App Store is a marketplace for apps that can be installed on a store to add new functionality or features. Apps can be used to enhance the store's marketing, sales, shipping, customer support, and other areas. To use the App Store, a store owner can browse the available apps, read reviews, and install the apps that are relevant to their needs. Many apps in the App Store offer a free trial period or a free version with limited features, while others require a subscription or one-time payment.

Here is an example of an app that can be used to extend the functionality of a Shopify store:

The "Product Reviews" app allows customers to leave reviews and ratings on products in the store. This can help increase customer trust and drive sales.

Shopify's API endpoints are URLs that allow developers to access and manipulate store data using HTTP requests. The endpoints allow developers to read, create, update, and delete data in a store, including products, orders, customers, and more. Developers can use Shopify's API to create custom apps, integrations with third-party services, or to automate tasks.

Here is an example of a Shopify API endpoint that returns a list of a store's products:

To create a custom Shopify app, you can use Shopify's API and development tools to build an app that integrates with a store. The process typically involves setting up an app in the Shopify Partner Dashboard, configuring app permissions and settings, creating the app code, and testing and publishing the app.

Here is an example of a Shopify app that allows customers to subscribe to a store's newsletter:

The app uses Shopify's API to access customer information and add customers to a newsletter mailing list. The app code is written in Ruby on Rails and deployed to a server.

Shopify Flow is a tool that allows store owners to automate repetitive tasks and workflows in their store. Flow uses a visual interface to create "flows" that connect triggers, conditions, and actions. For example, a store owner could create a flow that automatically tags new customers as "VIP" if they make a purchase over a certain amount.

Here is an example of a Shopify Flow that sends a notification when a high-value order is placed:

  • Trigger: Order is created
  • Condition: Order total is greater than $1,000
  • Action: Send a Slack notification to the store owner

The main steps involved in launching a new Shopify store include:

  • Signing up for a Shopify account
  • Selecting a pricing plan
  • Choosing a domain name or connecting an existing domain
  • Customizing the store's theme and design
  • Adding products and collections
  • Configuring payment and shipping settings
  • Launching the store and promoting it to potential customers

Here is an example of the process of adding a new product to a Shopify store:

  • Go to the Products page in the Shopify admin
  • Click the "Add product" button
  • Enter the product name, description, price, and other details
  • Upload product images
  • Add the product to one or more collections
  • Configure product options and variants, if applicable
  • Save the product

Customizing the checkout process in Shopify can be done through the use of Shopify's checkout.liquid file. This file contains the code that generates the checkout page, and can be customized to modify the appearance and functionality of the checkout process.

Here's an example of how to customize the checkout process in Shopify by modifying the checkout.liquid file to add a custom field:

  • Go to your Shopify Admin Dashboard.
  • Click on Online Store, then click on Themes.
  • Click on the Actions dropdown menu for the theme you want to customize, then select Edit Code.
  • In the left sidebar, under the Templates folder, click on the checkout.liquid file to open it.
  • Look for the section of the code where you want to add the custom field.
  • Add the following code snippet at the appropriate location:
  • Save your changes.

This will add a text input field to the checkout page, where customers can enter a custom value.

Adding a new product to a Shopify store can be done through the Shopify Admin Dashboard. Here's how:

  • Click on Products, then click on Add product.
  • Enter the product's title, description, price, and any other relevant information.
  • Upload images of the product.
  • Set the product's inventory and shipping options.

A Shopify theme is a pre-designed template that determines the appearance and layout of a Shopify store. It includes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that generates the front-end of the store.

A Shopify app, on the other hand, is a software application that can be installed on a Shopify store to add new functionality. Apps are developed by third-party developers, and can be used to add features like social media integration, customer reviews, and shipping calculators.

Editing a Shopify theme's code can be done through the use of Shopify's theme editor. Here's how:

  • Click on the Actions dropdown menu for the theme you want to edit, then select Edit Code.
  • In the left sidebar, select the file you want to edit.
  • Make your changes to the code.

The Shopify dashboard is the main control panel for managing a Shopify store. It provides access to a variety of features, including:

  • Order management
  • Product management
  • Inventory management
  • Sales reports
  • Customer profiles
  • Payment processing
  • Shipping management

Managing a Shopify store's inventory can be done through the use of Shopify's inventory management tools. Here's how:

  • Click on Products, then click on a specific product.
  • In the Inventory section, set the product's stock level.
  • If the product has variants, set the stock levels for each variant individually.
  • Use Shopify's inventory reports to track stock levels and receive alerts when inventory levels are running low.

Shopify offers several different pricing plans, each with their own set of features and pricing.

  • Basic Shopify: This plan costs $29 per month and includes all the basic features required to start an online store, such as unlimited products, storage, and bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, and 24/7 support.
  • Shopify: This plan costs $79 per month and includes all the features of Basic Shopify, plus gift cards, professional reports, and abandoned cart recovery.
  • Advanced Shopify: This plan costs $299 per month and includes all the features of Shopify, plus advanced report builder, third-party calculated shipping rates, and advanced report builder.
  • Shopify Plus: This plan is for large businesses and enterprise-level clients and includes all the features of Advanced Shopify, plus white-glove account management, and dedicated support.

To create a custom Shopify page template, you can follow these steps:

  • In your Shopify admin panel, click on "Online Store" and then select "Themes".
  • Select the theme you want to edit and click on "Actions" and then select "Edit code".
  • In the "Templates" folder, click on "Add a new template" and then choose "Page".
  • Name your template and click on "Create template".
  • Customize the template by adding your own HTML, CSS and JavaScript code.
  • Save the changes and then assign the template to a specific page by editing the page in the Shopify admin panel and selecting the template from the "Template" dropdown menu.

Here's an example of a custom page template for a Shopify store:

The Shopify Buy Button is a feature that allows merchants to embed products and collections from their Shopify store onto external websites, blogs, or social media platforms. The Buy Button creates a customized embed code that can be used to display a product or collection on any website.

Here's how to use the Shopify Buy Button:

  • In your Shopify admin panel, go to "Settings" and then select "Sales channels".
  • Click on "Buy Button" and then select "Create a Buy Button".
  • Choose the product or collection you want to feature and customize the button settings, such as color, size, and text.
  • Copy the embed code and paste it into the HTML of your website or blog.
  • Save the changes and your product or collection will be displayed on your website.

To set up a custom domain for a Shopify store, you can follow these steps:

  • Purchase a domain from a domain registrar, such as GoDaddy or Namecheap.
  • In your Shopify admin panel, go to "Online Store" and then select "Domains".
  • Click on "Connect existing domain".
  • Enter your domain name and click on "Next".
  • Follow the instructions to configure your DNS settings with your domain registrar. This typically involves creating a CNAME record or an A record that points to your Shopify store.
  • Verify that your domain is connected by clicking on "Verify connection".
  • Set your custom domain as the primary domain for your Shopify store by clicking on "Change primary domain".
  • Enter your custom domain and click on "Save".
  • Wait for your DNS changes to propagate, which can take up to 48 hours.

Once your custom domain is set up, your customers will be able to access your Shopify store using your own domain name.

Shopify offers several types of reports to help merchants track and analyze their store's performance. These include:

  • Sales reports: These reports provide information on sales, revenue, and average order value. They can help you identify trends in your sales data and make informed decisions about your pricing and promotions.
  • Financial reports: These reports provide an overview of your store's financial performance, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. They can help you understand the financial health of your business and make strategic decisions about your investments and expenses.
  • Marketing reports: These reports provide insights into your marketing campaigns, such as email and social media marketing. They can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments to optimize your results.
  • Customer reports: These reports provide information on your customers, such as their demographics, purchase history, and lifetime value. They can help you understand your customers better and tailor your marketing and sales strategies to their needs.

To access these reports, follow these steps:

  • In your Shopify admin panel, go to "Analytics" and then select "Reports".
  • Choose the type of report you want to view.
  • Customize the report by selecting the date range, filters, and metrics you want to include.
  • View the report and use the data to inform your business decisions.

Shopify Intermediate Interview Questions

When designing a Shopify app that integrates with a third-party service, there are a few key steps to follow:

  • Determine the functionality that the app needs to provide to users. What data needs to be exchanged between the third-party service and the Shopify store?
  • Choose the appropriate API for the third-party service. This will depend on the service and what kind of data it provides.
  • Create the app and set up the necessary authentication and authorization.
  • Use the chosen API to retrieve or push data between the third-party service and the Shopify store.
  • Display the data to the user in a user-friendly way.

Here's an example of how you might use Shopify's REST API to create an app that integrates with a hypothetical third-party service that provides weather data:

In this example, we use Shopify's REST API to retrieve the store's location and then use a third-party weather API to retrieve the weather data for that location. We then display the weather data to the user. This is just a simple example, but the same general approach can be used for more complex integrations.

Shopify's built-in functionality is quite powerful, but there are some limitations to be aware of. Some of the most common limitations include:

  • Limited customization options for certain features, such as the checkout process.
  • Limited control over the appearance of certain elements, such as the product gallery.
  • Limited ability to create complex business logic, such as custom shipping rules.

To work around these limitations, there are a few strategies you can use:

  • Use a third-party app or service to provide the additional functionality you need.
  • Create a custom Shopify app using Shopify's APIs to provide the functionality you need.
  • Customize the Shopify theme to achieve the desired appearance or behavior, although this may require more advanced coding skills.

It's also worth noting that Shopify is continually adding new features and functionality, so it's always worth checking to see if the functionality you need has been added.

Shopify sections allow merchants to customize their store's layout without the need for any coding. Sections are individual components that can be added, removed, or rearranged on a page to create a custom layout.

Here is an example of how to create a section in Shopify:

In this example, we define a section called "Featured Collection" that includes a single setting for a collection ID. This section will display a grid of products from the featured collection. The block content tag contains the HTML markup and liquid code used to render the section on the storefront.

There are several ways to optimize a Shopify store for search engines, including:

  • Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your customers are searching for and use them in your product descriptions, page titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Page titles and meta descriptions: Use descriptive and unique titles and meta descriptions for each page on your site to help search engines understand what your site is about.
  • URL structure: Use clean and descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords.
  • Image optimization: Use descriptive and relevant alt text for images on your site.
  • Structured data: Add structured data to your site to help search engines better understand your content.

Here is an example of how to add structured data to a product page in Shopify:

In this example, we use the application/ld+json script tag to add structured data to a product page. The structured data provides additional information about the product, including the product name, images, description, SKU, brand, and price.

Shopify Scripts allow merchants to create custom discounts and promotions that can be applied to orders at checkout. Scripts are written in Ruby and can be used to create a wide range of custom promotions, such as BOGO deals, percentage discounts, and free shipping offers.

Here is an example of a Shopify Script that provides a discount based on the number of items in a customer's cart:

In this example, the script calculates a discount percentage based on the total number of items in the cart and applies the discount to any eligible line items. The discount percentage is determined using a case statement that sets the percentage based on the total number of items in the cart. The script also checks if the line item has a "promo" tag before applying the discount.

Some best practices for managing a Shopify store's data and content include:

  • Organize your products: Use collections and tags to group related products together and make it easier for customers to find what they're looking for.
  • Keep your product information up-to-date: Make sure your product descriptions, prices, and images are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Use images and videos: Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products and provide customers with a better understanding of what you offer.
  • Manage your inventory: Keep track of your inventory levels and use Shopify's built-in inventory management tools to avoid overselling.
  • Keep your website updated: Regularly update your website with new content, blog posts, and promotions to keep customers engaged and coming back.

Shopify offers several APIs that developers can use to build custom applications or integrate with other platforms. Some of the most commonly used APIs include:

  • REST API: This is the primary API for accessing and interacting with a Shopify store's data, such as products, orders, customers, and collections. Developers can use this API to create, read, update, and delete data in a store.

Example code for creating a new product using the Shopify REST API:

  • GraphQL API: This API allows developers to query and manipulate a store's data using the GraphQL query language. It provides a more flexible and efficient way to fetch data, and allows developers to retrieve only the data they need.

Example code for fetching a list of products using the Shopify GraphQL API:

Webhooks are a way for Shopify to notify your application about events that happen in a store. When an event occurs, Shopify sends an HTTP POST request to a URL that you specify. Your application can then use that data to take action, such as updating your database or sending an email.

Here's an example of a webhook that Shopify sends when an order is created:

To use webhooks in Shopify, you need to create a webhook subscription in the Shopify admin. You can do this by going to Settings > Notifications > Webhooks and clicking "Create a webhook". From there, you can select the event you want to be notified about and enter the URL where Shopify should send the webhook.

Optimizing a Shopify store's performance and speed is important for providing a good user experience and improving your store's SEO. Here are some ways to optimize a Shopify store:

  • Use a lightweight theme and remove any unnecessary code or apps.
  • Optimize images by compressing them and reducing their size.
  • Minimize the use of third-party apps, as they can slow down your store.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve assets from servers closer to your customers.
  • Use lazy loading to defer the loading of images and videos until they are needed.
  • Minimize the use of custom fonts and scripts.
  • Use caching to reduce the number of requests to your server.
  • Use a performance optimization app, such as Speed Boost Ninja or Page Speed Optimizer.

To create a custom Shopify theme from scratch, you can use the Shopify Theme Kit or create a new theme in the Shopify admin and edit the theme files directly. Here are the steps to create a new theme in the Shopify admin:

  • In the Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes and click "Add a theme".
  • Click "Start from scratch" to create a new theme.
  • Enter a name for the new theme and click "Create".
  • In the Theme Editor, you can edit the theme files using the Shopify Liquid templating language.
  • To preview your changes, click "Preview" in the top-right corner.
  • When you're ready to publish your changes, click "Save" and then "Publish".

A Shopify webhook is a notification that Shopify sends to your application when an event occurs in a store, such as a new order being created. An API call, on the other hand, is a request that your application sends to the Shopify API to retrieve or modify data in a store.

The main difference between a webhook and an API call is that a webhook is initiated by Shopify, whereas an API call is initiated by your application. Webhooks are used for real-time notifications, while API calls are used for retrieving and modifying data.

Shopify's API provides developers with the ability to import and export data from a store programmatically. Here is some sample code to export product data:

Here's an example of how to import product data:

Shopify metafields are additional data fields that can be associated with various Shopify resources, such as products, customers, orders, and collections. Here is some sample code to create a new metafield for a product:

To retrieve a metafield for a product, you can use the metafields attribute:

Shopify's theme customization options allow merchants to modify the design and layout of their store without requiring any coding knowledge. Here is an example of how to customize a theme's color scheme:

  • Go to "Online Store" > "Themes"
  • Click "Customize" on the theme you want to modify
  • Click "Theme settings"
  • Under "Colors", click the color you want to change
  • Select a new color from the color picker or enter a custom color code

Shopify's Discount API provides developers with the ability to create and manage custom discounts and promotions programmatically. Here is some sample code to create a new discount:

To apply the discount to an order, you can add it to the order's discount_codes attribute:

Creating a custom Shopify checkout page requires the use of Shopify's checkout API, which is only available to Shopify Plus merchants. Here is some sample code to redirect customers to a custom checkout page:

There are several types of Shopify apps that can be used to extend the functionality of your online store. These include:

Public Apps

Public apps are created by developers and made available to all Shopify merchants through the Shopify App Store. These apps can be free or paid and can provide a wide range of features and functionality.

Custom Apps

Custom apps are created specifically for a particular Shopify store and are not available to other merchants. These apps can be developed by the store owner or by a third-party developer.

Embedded Apps

Embedded apps are integrated into the Shopify admin interface and provide additional functionality to store owners. These apps are created using the Shopify App Bridge and can be used to extend the functionality of existing features in the admin interface.

Private Apps

Private apps are created for a particular store and are not available to other merchants. These apps can be used to automate processes within the store, such as order fulfillment or inventory management.

Shopify Scripts

Shopify Scripts allow store owners to customize the checkout process by adding conditions or actions based on the contents of a customer's cart. These scripts can be used to create discounts, apply taxes, or display shipping options based on specific conditions.

Shopify's theme editor allows you to customize the layout of your store without having to write any code. Here's how to use it:

  • Go to the "Online Store" section of your Shopify admin panel and select "Themes"
  • Select the theme you want to customize and click "Customize"
  • Use the editor to customize various aspects of your store's layout, including header, footer, and homepage sections
  • Preview your changes to ensure they look how you want
  • Click "Save" to publish your changes to your live store

Optimizing your Shopify store's SEO can help improve its visibility in search engine results pages. Here are some best practices to follow:

Use relevant keywords

Include relevant keywords in your store's product titles, descriptions, and URLs to help search engines understand what your store is about.

Optimize your images

Use descriptive alt tags for your images and compress them to reduce page load times.

Use clean URLs

Use descriptive, clean URLs that include relevant keywords instead of long, complicated URLs that are difficult for search engines to read.

Make use of meta tags

Include meta tags for your store's pages that include relevant keywords and a description of the page's content.

Create valuable content

Creating valuable content, such as blog posts or how-to guides, can help attract visitors to your store and improve its visibility in search engine results pages.

Shopify's liquid templating language allows you to create custom pages and content for your store. Here are some examples of how you can use liquid:

Create a custom page template

To create a custom page template, create a new file in your theme's "templates" directory called "custom-page.liquid". In this file, you can use liquid to define the structure and content of your custom page.

Create a custom collection template

To create a custom collection template, create a new file in your theme's "templates" directory called "collection.custom-collection.liquid". In this file, you can use liquid to define the structure and content of your custom collection page.

Shopify Interview Questions For Experienced

Shopify offers APIs and webhooks that can be used to integrate it with other platforms. Depending on the requirements, the integration can be done in various ways, such as:

  • Syncing products: You can use the Product API to retrieve and update product information in Shopify. The webhooks can be used to receive notifications when a product is created, updated, or deleted in Shopify, so you can sync the information with your existing platform.
  • Syncing orders: You can use the Order API to retrieve and update order information in Shopify. The webhooks can be used to receive notifications when an order is created, updated, or fulfilled in Shopify, so you can sync the information with your existing platform.
  • Syncing customers: You can use the Customer API to retrieve and update customer information in Shopify. The webhooks can be used to receive notifications when a customer is created, updated, or deleted in Shopify, so you can sync the information with your existing platform.

Here's an example code snippet in Python to retrieve all products from Shopify:

Headless commerce is a new architecture where the frontend and backend of an e-commerce platform are decoupled. This allows developers to use different frontend technologies and frameworks, such as React or Vue.js, to build the customer-facing part of the platform. The backend, which handles the business logic, can be built using Shopify's APIs and webhooks.

To implement headless commerce in Shopify, you can use the Storefront API to retrieve product, cart, and checkout information. You can also use webhooks to receive notifications when an order is created or updated. You can build a custom frontend using your preferred technology stack and connect it to Shopify's backend using the APIs.

Here's an example code snippet in React to retrieve all products from Shopify using the Storefront API:

Shopify's GraphQL API provides a flexible and efficient way to query and manipulate data in a Shopify store. To create custom storefronts and dashboards using GraphQL, you can use the following steps:

  • Create a new private app in your Shopify store's admin dashboard.
  • Obtain your app's API key and password.
  • Use a GraphQL client library or tool (e.g. Apollo Client, GraphQL Playground) to interact with the GraphQL API endpoint of your Shopify store.
  • Define your GraphQL schema and queries to fetch the data you need for your custom storefront or dashboard.
  • Use the Shopify Storefront API to fetch data related to products, collections, customers, orders, and other store resources.
  • Use the Shopify Admin API to manage and update store resources, such as products, orders, and customers.

Here's an example of using Apollo Client to query the Shopify GraphQL API:

To create a multi-language Shopify store, you can use the following steps:

  • Install a multi-language app from the Shopify App Store (e.g. Langify, Weglot).
  • Configure the app to translate your store's content into multiple languages.
  • Use the Shopify Language API to display the appropriate language version of your store based on the user's browser settings or language preference.
  • Translate your store's content (e.g. product descriptions, collections, pages) into the languages you want to support.
  • Use a translation app or service to help you translate your content.

Here's an example of using the Shopify Language API to display the appropriate language version of your store:

In this example, we check the shop.locale variable to determine the user's preferred language. If it's French ( 'fr' ), we assign the title variable to 'Bonjour!' , otherwise we assign it to 'Hello!' . We then display the title variable in an HTML heading tag.

Shopify CDN

Shopify provides a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve the loading speed of your store's assets such as images, videos, and scripts. The Shopify CDN works by caching these assets on servers located around the world, so that they can be served to visitors from a location closer to them, reducing the latency and improving the page load time.

To enable Shopify's CDN, you can go to your Shopify admin panel, navigate to Settings -> Files -> Delivery, and enable the "Use Shopify's CDN" option.

Shopify also provides caching features to reduce the load time of frequently accessed pages on your store. This can be done using the cache liquid tag in your Shopify theme.

Here is an example of how to use the cache tag to cache the output of a collection loop for 10 minutes:

In this example, the cache tag caches the output of the collection.products loop for 10 minutes (600 seconds). If the same page is requested within the next 10 minutes, the cached output will be served, reducing the load time.

Shopify provides a payment gateway API that allows developers to implement custom payment gateways. To implement a custom payment gateway, you will need to create a Shopify app and use the API to communicate with the Shopify platform.

Here is an example of how to create a custom payment gateway using the Shopify API:

In this example, we define a custom payment gateway class that inherits from the ActiveMerchant::Billing::Gateway class, which is a popular payment processing library. We then implement the authorize , capture , void , and refund methods, which are required for a payment gateway.

Once you have created your custom payment gateway, you can use the Shopify API to create a payment provider and associate it with your app. This will allow merchants to use your custom payment gateway in their Shopify store.

Shopify's Script Editor allows merchants to create custom scripts that can modify the behavior of their online store, including adding custom discounts and promotions. Here's a simple example of how to use the Script Editor to create a promotion that offers a percentage discount on a specific collection of products:

  • Navigate to the Script Editor in your Shopify admin dashboard.
  • Click "Create Script" and choose "Discount" from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter a name for your script, such as "Spring Sale Discount".
  • In the "Conditions" section, choose "Product is in collection" and select the collection you want to apply the discount to.
  • In the "Actions" section, choose "Percentage discount" and enter the percentage discount you want to offer.
  • Click "Save" to activate your script.

Here's what the code for this script would look like:

This script checks if any of the line items in the cart belong to the specified collection, and if so, applies a 10% discount to their prices. You can modify the code to change the discount percentage, add additional conditions or actions, or target different collections or products.

To implement custom shipping methods in Shopify, you can use a shipping app that allows you to customize shipping rates and options. You can also create custom shipping methods using Shopify's API. Here is an example code snippet for creating a custom shipping method:

In this example, we define a custom shipping method with a title, code, price, delivery range, and other parameters. We then use the Shopify API to create the custom shipping method for each shipping zone and carrier.

To use Shopify's Analytics API to create custom reports and dashboards, you can use a reporting app or create your own custom reporting tool. Here is an example code snippet for querying the Analytics API to retrieve data for a custom report:

In this example, we query the Analytics API to retrieve data for a custom report that shows the number of orders, total sales, and day of the week for each order in a specified date range. We then parse the report data and display it in a custom dashboard.

Shopify's POS (Point of Sale) system is designed to help merchants manage their inventory and sales in brick-and-mortar stores. Here are the steps to manage inventory and sales using Shopify POS:

Setting up the POS system

  • First, you'll need to set up a Shopify account and add your products to your online store.
  • Then, download the Shopify POS app on your iPad or iPhone and connect it to your Shopify account.
  • After connecting, you can start managing your inventory and sales using the app.

Managing inventory

  • To manage your inventory, go to the "Products" tab on the app and select the product you want to manage.
  • From there, you can adjust the quantity of the product you have in stock and track inventory levels as items are sold.
  • You can also set up low stock alerts to let you know when it's time to restock.

Managing sales

  • To manage your sales, you can create orders for your customers using the POS app.
  • You can process payments and issue receipts directly from the app.
  • You can also view reports on your sales and revenue to keep track of how your store is performing.

Yes, you can use Shopify's GraphQL API to create a custom checkout process. Here's an example of how to do it:

Creating a custom checkout with GraphQL API

  • First, you'll need to authenticate your requests with your Shopify store by obtaining a token. You can do this by creating a private app in your Shopify store and using the API key and password to authenticate.
  • Once you've authenticated your requests, you can start using the GraphQL API to customize your checkout process.
  • You can use the checkoutCreate mutation to create a new checkout for a customer. This will return a checkout object that you can use to add items to the customer's cart.
  • You can use the checkoutLineItemsAdd mutation to add line items to the customer's cart. This will return an updated checkout object with the added items.
  • You can use the checkoutShippingAddressUpdate mutation to update the customer's shipping address.
  • You can use the checkoutEmailUpdate mutation to update the customer's email address.
  • You can use the checkoutShippingLineUpdate mutation to update the shipping method for the customer's order.
  • Finally, you can use the checkoutCompleteWithCreditCard mutation to process the customer's payment and complete the order.

Shopify's Webhooks API allows you to automate workflows by sending real-time data from Shopify to other applications, such as CRMs, email marketing tools, and inventory management systems. Here's an example of how to use the Webhooks API to send an email notification whenever a new order is created:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for creating webhooks. We're passing in the webhook details in a JSON payload, including the topic we want to subscribe to ( orders/create ), the URL where the webhook data should be sent ( webhook_url ), and the format of the data ( json ). We're also passing in an authentication token ( ACCESS_TOKEN ) to authorize the request.

Once the webhook is registered, Shopify will send an HTTP POST request to the specified URL whenever a new order is created, with the order details included in the request body. You can then use this data to trigger an automated workflow in your other application.

Shopify's Inventory API allows you to manage stock levels for your products, including updating stock quantities, tracking inventory levels, and setting up stock alerts. Here's an example of how to use the Inventory API to update the stock quantity for a product:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for adjusting inventory levels. We're passing in the inventory_item_id and location_id parameters in the URL, and the new stock quantity in the JSON payload. We're also passing in an authentication token ( ACCESS_TOKEN ) to authorize the request.

Once the inventory level is updated, Shopify will automatically adjust the stock quantity for the product and update the available quantity on the storefront.

Shopify supports a wide range of payment gateways, including credit card processors, PayPal, Apple Pay, and more. You can integrate payment gateways with Shopify using either a direct integration or a third-party integration through the Shopify App Store. Here's an example of how to integrate a payment gateway with Shopify using a direct integration:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for creating payment gateway credentials. We're passing in the payment gateway details in a JSON payload, including the gateway name ( authorize_net ) and the login and password credentials. We're also passing in an authentication token ( ACCESS_TOKEN ) to authorize the request.

Once the payment gateway is integrated, Shopify will be able to process payments using the specified gateway and deposit the funds into your account.

Shopify's Fulfillment API allows you to manage order fulfillment and shipment tracking, including creating fulfillment orders, updating tracking information, and canceling orders. Here's an example of how to use the Fulfillment API to create a fulfillment order:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for creating fulfillment orders. We're passing in the order ID in the URL, and the fulfillment details in a JSON payload, including the tracking number, shipping method, line items, and notification settings. We're also passing in an authentication token ( ACCESS_TOKEN ) to authorize the request.

Once the fulfillment order is created, Shopify will mark the order as fulfilled and send a notification to the customer with the tracking information.

Shopify's Marketing Events API allows you to track customer behavior on your store, including page views, add-to-cart events, and purchase events. Here's an example of how to use the Marketing Events API to track a purchase event:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for creating marketing events. We're passing in the purchase event details in a JSON payload, including the customer ID, order ID, total price, and line items. We're also passing in an authentication token ( ACCESS_TOKEN ) to authorize the request.

Once the purchase event is tracked, Shopify will store the event data and use it for reporting and analysis in the Shopify Analytics dashboard.

Shopify's App Bridge API allows you to integrate third-party apps with your Shopify store, including embedding app content within your store, and using the Shopify App Bridge JavaScript library to interact with the Shopify API from within your app. Here's an example of how to use the App Bridge API to embed app content within a store:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for embedding app content. We're passing in the app bridge details in a JSON payload, including the app ID, store domain, and authentication token. We're also passing in the content type and content ID of the product to embed the app content within.

Once the app content is embedded, it will be displayed within the specified product page on the store.

Creating a mobile-friendly Shopify store involves optimizing your store's design, layout, and functionality for mobile devices. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes
  • Use large, easy-to-read fonts and clear, concise messaging
  • Optimize images for faster loading times on mobile devices
  • Minimize the use of pop-ups and other intrusive elements that can slow down the browsing experience
  • Use a mobile-first approach when designing your store, prioritizing the most important information and functionality for mobile users
  • Simplify the checkout process and minimize the number of steps required to complete a purchase
  • Test your store on different mobile devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and optimal performance
  • Consider using a mobile app or progressive web app (PWA) to provide a more native mobile experience for your customers.

By following these best practices, you can create a mobile-friendly Shopify store that provides a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers on any device.

Shopify's Customer API allows you to manage customer data, including creating and updating customer profiles, adding customers to groups, and retrieving customer data. Here's an example of how to use the Customer API to create a custom customer profile:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the Shopify API endpoint for creating customers. We're passing in the customer details in a JSON payload, including the customer's first name, last name, email address, phone number, and a note.

Once the customer profile is created, you can use the Customer API to update the profile, add the customer to a group, or retrieve customer data.

Shopify's Product API allows you to manage product data, including creating and updating products, managing product variants, and retrieving product data. Here's an example of how to use the Product API to manage product variants and options:

In this example, we're using the requests library to make an HTTP PUT request to the Shopify API endpoint for updating a product variant. We're passing in the variant details in a JSON payload,

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Questions to Ask When Interviewing Shopify Experts


Vikas Verma

Updated on Oct 5th 2023

Questions to Ask When Interviewing Shopify Experts | Shine Dezign Infonet

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Why is it crucial to ask questions before hiring Shopify experts?

General background and experience, technical proficiency.

  • Customization and Design

E-commerce Strategy and Optimization

Shopify apps and integrations, seo and marketing.

If you are running an eCommerce business through the Shopify platform. Hiring Shopify experts is the catalyst that will help your Shopify store to grow exponentially. But before hiring Shopify professionals, the biggest question arises: What is the price of hiring a Shopify expert ?

We understand that you need clarification about hiring a Shopify professional for your business. Don't worry; this blog is here to help you, as we will cover all the pinpoints you need to look at when interviewing Shopify experts, and we have also covered the best Shopify interview questions you can look for before recruiting Shopify professionals. So, let's explore and clear the basics by asking the vital questions that may help you in the interviewing Shopify Experts.

Every business has objective and unique values. Analyzing and monitoring a thorough interview ensures that the Shopify expert you choose aligns with your brand's goals and vision. This alignment is essential for a successful collaboration.

Also, Shopify experts possess technical proficiency. So, asking the appropriate questions can help you measure their expertise in working with the platform and handling technical challenges.

In addition, there is a high chance that your eCommerce store may undergo technical issues or customization needs. Asking questions about their past experiences and how they resolved challenging problems can give you insight into their problem-solving abilities. Let's explore the interview questions for Shopify experts that will make your hiring process easy and fast.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing Shopify Experts | Shine Dezign Infonet

How long have you been working with Shopify?

When hiring a Shopify developer , it's vital to monitor the depth of their experience with the platform's evolution and accumulate a wealth of knowledge, which can be beneficial in addressing complex problems.

This extensive history of experience represents their expertise and might bring a holistic perspective on their problem-solving ability. Also, professionals with short expertise might have fresh air and innovative insights.

Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients?

Asking for testimonials or references from previous customers is a vital interview question when interviewing a Shopify expert from a business perspective. This confirms that the candidate has the expertise and skills they claim.

Also, in this business, owners need assurance that the expert can effectively work with the Shopify platform and drive productive results.

How many Shopify stores have you set up or optimized?

When interviewing Shopify experts, asking about the number of Shopify Stores they have set up or optimized is the notable question. A substantial number can imply extensive experience, suggesting familiarity with a wide array of Shopify store configurations, challenges, and solutions.

By asking this question, you can notice and analyze that the expert is not only seasoned but also results-driven and versatile in handling different projects.

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What Shopify themes are you most familiar with?

As hundreds of Shopify themes are available, it's pivotal to ask about their familiarity with a range of niche and popular themes.

Shopify professionals must have expertise in managing and setting up Shopify themes that are widely used. Understanding Shopify theme development and management showcases the expert's grasp of fundamental Shopify setups. Also, Shopify professionals must know niche themes customized to specific business needs.

This helps you understand whether Shopify developers have the ability and capacity to craft personalized solutions that align with diverse customer preferences and goals.

Can you describe a challenging problem you've encountered on Shopify and how you resolved it?

Asking about challenging tasks or problems will help you understand the ability and gauge the problem-solving skills, technical knowledge, and adaptability.

The way Shopify experts tackle obstacles showcases their commitment and expertise to ensure a business's success on the platform. An in-depth response, as illustrated above, showcases the candidate's problem-solving approach and understanding of the intricate dynamics involved in running a successful online store.

How do you approach mobile optimization and responsive design for Shopify stores?

As almost all e-commerce clients are mobile users, optimizing your Shopify stores may directly impact the user experience. When interviewing a Shopify expert, it is vital to understand their approach to creating responsive design.

Customization and Design 

How comfortable are you with customizing existing Shopify themes versus creating a design from scratch?

Hiring a Shopify expert who possesses skills in customizing and designing can give additional benefits to your business. However, developing a design from scratch offers complete control over the Store's unique look and user experience, which benefits companies seeking a distinct brand identity.

The choice depends on the specific business budget, goals, and timeline. An expert who can navigate both approaches effectively can offer customized solutions that streamline the client's objectives and needs.

Can you share examples of previous Shopify designs you've completed?

When hiring Shopify developers, requesting examples of their previous Shopify designs is vital. You can also ask for their portfolio, highlighting various techniques that reflect the expert's versatility and ability to understand and align with different brand identities.

The depth of their portfolio can provide insights into their design creativity, adaptability, philosophy, and experience crafting stores for different clients.

How do you ensure that the design aligns with a brand's identity and ethos?

It would help if you ensured that the design aligns with a brand's identity as it directly impacts your business's growth; the process starts with an in-depth consultation to grasp the client's brand value, target audience, vision, and mission. This iterative approach enables us to refine the design until it perfectly reflects the brand's identity.

Questions to ask when interviewing Shopify Experts | Shine Dezign Infonet

How do you optimize a Shopify store for conversions?

It's apparent that you optimize your Store to improve and increase your sales conversion rate. So, when hiring Shopify experts, asking this question is essential to assess their ability to drive revenue growth.

Techniques like A/B testing help refine website elements for maximum effectiveness. High-quality product images develop trust and attract clients.

What strategies do you recommend for cart abandonment?

When hiring Shopify experts, understanding their strategies for combating cart abandonment is crucial, indicating their proficiency in ensuring maximum sales conversions.

Moreover, an optimized checkout process is of utmost importance, and it can significantly reduce the friction that often leads to abandonment. Therefore, implementing these methods demonstrates a Shopify expert's commitment to increasing a business's potential profit.

Are you familiar with optimizing checkout processes and integrating different payment gateways?

Asking this question when hiring a Shopify expert is essential because it highlights their ability to address and understand the specific requirements of a business, enabling the Shopify platform to be utilized to its full potential. Custom Shopify apps can significantly impact a business's efficiency and competitiveness, making assessing the candidate's expertise in this area crucial.

Which Shopify apps do you recommend most frequently and why?

Understanding the most recommended Shopify apps when interviewing a Shopify expert provides insight into their knowledge of tools that enhance functionality, improve user experience, and cater to specific’ clients' requirements. Each Shopify app addresses distinct needs, and a well-versed Shopify expert should be able to leverage these tools for optimal eCommerce performance.

Have you had experience integrating third-party systems or tools with Shopify?

Integration plays an important role when hiring Shopify experts. Check whether Shopify experts possess integration skills and also assess the tools that experts have integrated in their previous projects. Successful integrations enable businesses to streamline marketing operations and enhance client experience. Therefore, asking this question allows the company to adapt to changing market demands, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction and sales.

How do you optimize Shopify stores for search engines?

Search Engine optimization is one of the main pillars of eCommerce business. So, when hiring Shopify developers, assess whether they understand the importance of Shopify SEO Services in increasing the online presence. Techniques like keyword optimization help streamline your Store with user search intent, driving relevant traffic.

How would you improve the visibility of a Shopify store in organic search results?

A Shopify expert who identifies the value of organic search helps to grow your business. Regularly publishing and posting quality blog content provides notable information to your target clients and helps increase your Store's relevancy and authority in Google SERP. Moreover, optimizing the website speed ensures a smooth user experience and reduces bounce rates. All these strategies cumulatively enhance organic search ranking, making them indispensable for a thriving Shopify store.

How do you structure your pricing?

Budget is the most considerable price when hiring Shopify experts. Price reflects their understanding of profitability, market competitiveness, and customer value. There are different types of pricing models that Shopify experts offer depending on an hourly, monthly, or yearly basis. Therefore, asking this question effectively ensures that experts can efficiently balance profitability and client expectations, ultimately driving business success.

Are there any additional costs that clients should be aware of?

Asking about additional costs that clients should be aware of when interviewing Shopify experts helps establish transparency and trust. It ensures that the client clearly understands the financial commitment required for the project. Moreover, it allows the expert to demonstrate professionalism and willingness to provide a comprehensive cost breakdown, showcasing their commitment to fair and open working relationships.

We have covered all the vital questions you need to ask when hiring Shopify experts for your online business. These questions will help you analyze and evaluate their technical proficiency, skills, and thinking ability to tackle problems. So, you can make an informed decision by conducting a thorough interview and carefully considering their response.

Not satisfied, need additional guidance? Shinedezign Infonet, the best Shopify development agency , is here to help you in your hiring process. Our team of dedicated Shopify experts can help you boost your Store in a productive manner.

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Shopify Interview

Interviewing for senior manager role at shopify. they mentioned it will be a technical problem solving round. what can i expect here? any tips are really appreciated. tc: 370k yoe: 12 #datascience

shopify technical problem solving interview

Python type of question for problem solving

shopify technical problem solving interview

thnx for reply! recruiter mentioned it will not be active coding, but framing and solving a technical problem. not sure what that entails.

Life story interview is a mess. Find a friend there to coach you about it

shopify technical problem solving interview

Any update on this OP? How was your technical round?

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Technical support representative at Shopify interview

What can I expect from an interview for this position at an e-commerce platform?

To me it sounds more like they need a strong costumer support agent more than they need a strong IT tech.

From the job description: "This job requires providing exceptional technical support to customers through phone, email, and chat channels in a fast-paced 24x7 environment. The role involves spending up to 7.5 hours per day on talk/chat time, assisting an ever-growing merchant base with problem-solving and customer service. The position requires developing solutions, utilizing standard operating procedures, and communicating with management and developers to improve product functionality and resolve issues. The goal is to decrease incoming volume by striving towards first contact resolution, onboarding customers on eCommerce best practices, and advising them. The role also involves assisting customers with common billing, invoice, and account issues. Staying ahead of product advancements and eCommerce best practices through classroom, video, and self-paced training is essential to efficiently solve problems. Finally, this job requires displaying high levels of professionalism in recurring interactions with departments inside and outside of the CSS organization."

What do you think? Is this job more costumer support than anything and little IT knowledge will be required?

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  1. Shopify's Technical Interview Process: What to Expect and How to Prepare

    One programmer, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer, reviews the process. You'll be paired for about 75-90 minutes with a Shopify developer to work on a programming exercise remotely. You'll be the driver writing the code, but you and your partner will work together on the solution.

  2. Top 40 Shopify Technical Interview Questions and Answers 2023

    Shopify Technical Support Specialist: Provides technical support to Shopify users, diagnosing and resolving issues related to themes, apps, and the platform itself. They possess strong problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of the Shopify ecosystem.

  3. Shopify Interview Questions

    At Shopify, your interview will involve an interaction with the team recruiter, a technical interview with a senior employee, a problem-solving session, and a potential deep-dive on one of your past projects. The primary focus of the interviews is on your technical skills and problem-solving approach. Let's break down their interview process.

  4. 20 Shopify Interview Questions and Answers

    6. Outline the steps you take when solving a problem. Shopify is a complex platform, and you may be asked to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. When answering this question, it can be helpful to list the steps you take when solving a problem in order to show that you have experience with Shopify's features.

  5. Mastering Shopify Interview Questions

    Key Concepts and Technical Knowledge. To excel in a Shopify interview, it's essential to have a strong foundation in key concepts and technical knowledge related to the platform. ... During the interview, showcase your problem-solving skills by explaining how you approached and resolved difficult situations in your past experiences. Providing ...

  6. Top 20 Shopify Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

    These Shopify interview questions present candidates with hypothetical scenarios relevant to their role, aiming to evaluate their problem-solving skills, decision-making process, and critical thinking abilities. They also provide behavioral predictions, structured responses, and probing for skills and competencies essential for success in the role.

  7. Shopify Product Manager (PM) Interview

    Case Study Interview: In this interview, you'll be presented with a 1-paragraph challenge and asked to use a whiteboard to work through solving the problem. This interview is highly conversational. Dev/UX Interview: You'll meet with two individuals—one from engineering and one from UX—to have a conversation about your background and ideas.

  8. Shopify Interview Questions (2024)

    I interviewed at Shopify (Ottawa, ON) Interview. Starts with a behavioural or cultural fit interview, and then a technical component that depends on the type of internship. Overall doesn't feel overwhelming, and the technical interview is collaborative. Interview questions [1] Question 1. Tell me a bit about yourself.

  9. Shopify Software Engineer Interview Questions

    181 Shopify Software Engineer interview questions and 168 interview reviews. Free interview details posted anonymously by Shopify interview candidates. ... The virtual onsite included in-depth technical discussions, problem-solving, and a positive culture fit evaluation. Overall, a rewarding experience showcasing Shopify's commitment to talent ...

  10. Best Shopify Interview Questions To Ask A Candidate

    This question tests the candidate's technical knowledge and understanding of the platform. It also provides insights into their planning, organizational skills, and ability to build a functional and effective online store. 3. How do you stay updated with Shopify's new features and updates? Shopify, like any technology platform, evolves over time.

  11. Shopify's Interview Process & Questions in 2023

    For a mid to senior-level software engineer, Shopify's process (usually) looks like this: Recruiter call (30 minutes) Technical phone screen (40 minutes) "Life Story" interview (1 hour) Onsite (3-4 hours) Shopify's process is decentralized, which means that you interview for a specific team out of the gate. Step 1: Recruiter Call

  12. Shopify Interview Question

    Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, is renowned for its rigorous interview process. This article explores common Shopify interview questions, aimed at assessing candidates' technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. By understanding the interview structure and typical questions, aspiring candidates can better prepare for success in this competitive selection process.

  13. Get a Job at Shopify: Interview Process and Top Questions

    There are different types of technical on-site interviews at Shopify, such as: Coding Exercise. Technical candidates are given 40 minutes to solve a coding problem in the programming language they're most comfortable with. ... UX candidates will also do a pair work session that the team calls a "problem-solving duet" interview in which the ...

  14. Finding Technical Talent: Candidate Experience and Interviews

    4. Problem solving. If paired programming isn't a viable option for you during your interviewing process, solving a problem on a whiteboard is the next best thing. Combining both aspects of paired programming and a technical deep dive, you'll provide the candidate with a problem that they'll then have to solve.

  15. Shopify Interview Questions (2024)

    Interview Questions. Technical Questions: For engineering and technical roles, you may encounter questions related to data structures, algorithms, and coding. Be prepared to write code or discuss your problem-solving approach. Example: "Implement a function to find the nth Fibonacci number." Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Questions that ...

  16. Shopify Developer Interview Questions

    181 Shopify Developer interview questions and 168 interview reviews. Free interview details posted anonymously by Shopify interview candidates. ... involved technical questions, followed by a challenging coding assessment. The virtual onsite included in-depth technical discussions, problem-solving, and a positive culture fit evaluation. Overall ...

  17. Top 60+ Shopify Interview Questions and Answers (2023)

    To create a custom Shopify page template, you can follow these steps: In your Shopify admin panel, click on "Online Store" and then select "Themes". Select the theme you want to edit and click on "Actions" and then select "Edit code". In the "Templates" folder, click on "Add a new template" and then choose "Page".

  18. 1,982 Shopify Interview Questions & Answers (2024)

    the interview process goes from Online Assessment -> Life Story (30 minute behavioural with recruiter), then a final technical interview depending on if you choose to be backend or frontend. Interview questions [1] Question 1. describe your life story basically. tell me about yourself. Answer question.

  19. Top 20+ Shopify Interview Questions & Answers 2023, Free PDF

    Additionally, be ready to discuss your experience with e-commerce, as well as your understanding of the Shopify platform and its APIs. Demonstrating strong communication skills, a passion for problem-solving, and a deep understanding of e-commerce will help you succeed in your Shopify technical interview. Q4.

  20. Shopify interview questions & answers

    When asked in an Indeed survey about the difficulty of their interview at Shopify, most respondents said it was medium. Indeed's survey asked over 26 respondents whether they felt that their interview at Shopify was a fair assessment of their skills. 92% said yes. After interviewing at Shopify, 76% of 41 respondents said that they felt really ...

  21. Questions to ask when interviewing a Shopify expert

    Asking about challenging tasks or problems will help you understand the ability and gauge the problem-solving skills, technical knowledge, and adaptability. The way Shopify experts tackle obstacles showcases their commitment and expertise to ensure a business's success on the platform.

  22. Shopify Interview

    Shopify Interview. Interviewing for senior manager role at shopify. they mentioned it will be a technical problem solving round. what can i expect here? any tips are really appreciated. tc: 370k yoe: 12 #datascience @Shopify

  23. Technical support representative at Shopify interview

    From the job description: "This job requires providing exceptional technical support to customers through phone, email, and chat channels in a fast-paced 24x7 environment. The role involves spending up to 7.5 hours per day on talk/chat time, assisting an ever-growing merchant base with problem-solving and customer service.