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Why Is Water So Important? Here’s What You Need to Know

How water works in your body, how much water do you need, how to stay hydrated.

Water is a major component of your body, accounting for 50–60% of your total weight. It is vital for many important body functions, from flushing out waste to lubricating your joints.

Your body constantly loses water throughout the day through urinating, sweating, and breathing. You should consume enough water from foods and beverages daily to prevent dehydration .

This article covers research-backed reasons why your body needs water and how much you need each day.

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

All body cells, organs, and tissues require water to function. Generally, a person can only survive without water for a few days.  

It Maintains a Normal Body Temperature

Water regulates our internal temperature by distributing heat throughout the body and cooling it through perspiration (sweat).

When the body becomes too hot, it loses water through sweat . The evaporation of sweat from the skin cools the body, keeping its temperature within a normal range.

If a person becomes dehydrated, they can't produce enough sweat to cool their body. This can cause the body's temperature to reach dangerous levels, leading to heat stroke .

Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water if you're working outside or sweating more than usual.

It Protects Your Joints, Spinal Cord, and Other Tissues

Water acts as a lubricant in the mouth (through saliva ) and the eyes (through tears) to help prevent dryness. It's necessary to produce synovial fluid , which lubricates, cushions, and protects the joints.

Water also helps protect the spinal cord and prevents injuries by increasing tissue flexibility and elasticity.

It Transports Nutrients and Gets Rid of Waste

As a major component of blood, water helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells throughout the body. Water also helps carry waste from the body for excretion through perspiration, urination, and bowel movements.

The kidneys need water to effectively filter waste from the blood and flush it from the body as urine. Staying adequately hydrated helps prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs) , which can harm the kidneys.

Prevents Dehydration

Drinking water daily can help prevent dehydration, a condition that occurs when you lose more fluids than you absorb.

Early signs of dehydration include:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Urinating less than usual

Because water is involved in so many body functions, dehydration can eventually cause life-threatening symptoms, including:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Inability to urinate

People who exercise in the heat, work outdoors, or have certain health conditions that cause them to urinate or sweat more than usual are at a greater risk of dehydration.

It Aids Digestion

Your saliva is primarily made up of water. Saliva is a digestive juice that moistens food, allowing it to move easily through the esophagus into your stomach. Saliva also contains enzymes that help break down starches in food.

As the digestive process continues, water helps break down food, allowing your body to absorb nutrients. Water also makes bowel movements easier.

It Protects Against Chronic Illness and Boosts Longevity

Adequate hydration is linked to healthy aging and longevity. One potential reason for this is that decreased water intake can lead to higher sodium concentrations in the blood, which raises the risk of chronic disease.

Studies suggest that adults who stay hydrated are healthier and less likely to develop chronic diseases, including heart and lung disease . Well-hydrated adults also seem to live longer than adults who don't consume enough fluids.

It Improves Mood and Cognitive Function

Dehydration may cause fatigue and confusion and may be linked to symptoms of anger and depression. In a small study, it was linked to poor cognitive function, potentially affecting attention span and working memory.

One study of young adults looked at the effects of water on cognitive performance and mood after 12 hours of water restriction. Researchers found that 200 milliliters of water improved thirst, anger, fatigue, and overall mood. However, 500 milliliters was optimal, improving mood and cognitive performance.

The amount of water you need depends on several factors, including age, sex, activity level, and health status.

For healthy individuals, the adequate daily water intake is around 11.5 cups for women and about 15.5 cups for men. This includes fluids consumed from all foods and beverages.

Experts estimate that most people get around 20% of their daily water intake from food. This means women should drink about 9 cups of fluid daily, while men should aim for 13 cups to maintain adequate hydration.

People who live in warmer climates, are more physically active, or are experiencing an illness that causes fever and/or diarrhea or vomiting have increased fluid needs.

One easy way to see if you are properly hydrated is to check the color of your urine. If you are drinking enough water, your urine will be pale yellow. If it is dark, you may need to increase your consumption.

Individuals with heart failure or kidney disease may need to limit their fluid intake.

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication or overhydration, which occurs when the kidneys cannot flush out excess water. This can cause a medical emergency due to decreased sodium concentrations in the blood ( hyponatremia ). To avoid water intoxication, do not drink more than 48 ounces, or six cups, per hour.

If you find it challenging to stay hydrated, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep a reusable water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day
  • Choose water or sparkling water instead of sugary beverages
  • When you feel thirsty, drink water
  • Change things up by squeezing fresh lemon or lime into your water or adding a few berries or cucumber slices
  • Snack on water-rich fruits and vegetables , including watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, and celery, throughout the day
  • Keep track of your water intake by using a water tracker app
  • Drink water with all meals

Water is vital for your health. It is necessary for temperature regulation, digestion, nutrient absorption, and body waste removal. Drinking water daily can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause mood and memory problems, constipation, and kidney stones.

People who work in high temperatures, exercise at high intensities, or are sick are at a greater risk of dehydration. Talk to a healthcare provider or registered dietitian to determine the right amount of water for you.

Zhou HL, Wei MH, Cui Y, et al. Association between water intake and mortality risk-evidence from a national prospective study .  Front Nutr . 2022;9:822119. doi:10.3389/fnut.2022.822119

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. How much water do you need?

MaineDOT. The importance of hydration .

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Dehydration and heat stroke .

Lorenzo I, Serra-Prat M, Yébenes JC. The role of water homeostasis in muscle function and frailty: a review .  Nutrients . 2019;11(8):1857. doi:10.3390/nu11081857

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Water and healthier drinks .

National Kidney Foundation. 6 tips to be "water wise" for healthy kidneys .

MedlinePlus. Dehydration .

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Your digestive system & how it works .

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Eating, diet, & nutrition for constipation .

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Good hydration linked to healthy aging .

Zhang J, Zhang N, He H, et al. Different amounts of water supplementation improved cognitive performance and mood among young adults after 12 h water restriction in Baoding, China: a randomized controlled trial (RCT) .  Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2020;17(21):7792. doi:10.3390/ijerph17217792

National Kidney Foundation. The dos and don'ts of fluid management for kidney disease .

MedlinePlus. Heart failure .

Joo MA, Kim EY. Hyponatremia caused by excessive intake of water as a form of child abuse .  Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab . 2013;18(2):95-98. doi:10.6065/apem.2013.18.2.95

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heat stress: hydration .

By Lindsey DeSoto, RD, LD Lindsey DeSoto, RD, is a registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health and wellness content.

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  • Importance of water


An English Essay on the Importance of Water for the Students

Without water there cannot be life on our planet, that is to say on earth. Because every living organism needs water, and therefore having a good understanding and care for the water is a must for all of us. Hence, students should write an essay discussing the importance of water in the English language.

Writing an essay on such a topic opens a series of good ideas in the mind of the students regarding the role that water plays in our lives, and it can also make the students aware of the importance of water.

Also, if you wish to write an English essay on the topic My aim in life you may find this link helpful My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students | Easy Essay on My Aim in Life (vedantu.com)

Advantages of Writing an Essay on the Importance of Water.

Writing an essay on any topic helps the students be good writers, and the same goes for the topic of, Importance of water, but there are quite a few more advantages to writing the essay.

One of the most important things for everyone is to express oneself, and the practice of doing so must be given to the child from a very young age. And writing an essay helps the students in this very important thing.

For writing a good essay on any topic, the students must have a good understanding of the subject of the essay. And hence, writing an essay on the Importance of water, helps the students in learning about the value of water, not just our lives, which is to say humans, but the life of the whole planet.

In his famous play Hamlet Shakespeare writes, Brevity is the soul of wit, meaning being short or concise is very important in speech, or shortness of words is the essence of intelligence. The same rule applies in writing the essay, and doing as clear an understanding of the topic at hand is required as possible. And hence composing an essay on the importance of water helps the students understand the same.

One of the most important gifts that humans are blessed with is the gift of language, and this gift has to be used effectively. Writing an essay helps the students in learning the methods of using the language in such a manner that it makes everything clear to the reader. A good essay does not only touch the heart of the readers but it opens the mind of the reader, it can move them, that is to say, if a good essay is written on the importance of water it can make the readers aware about the same, and not just aware but also careful about using the water.

Water means Life. Water is a prime natural resource. It is a basic need for humans and a precious asset that living beings have. Water is equally vital for the survival of the plant and animal kingdoms. Soil needs water for sustaining plants. The water cycle is essential for ecological balance too. Though a big portion of the Earth is covered with water, only a small portion of it can be used for various human activities. So we need to be judicious and rational, regarding the usage of water.

Why is water important for our bodies?

Water is important for our body for the following reasons. 

 Above 70% of our body contains water so it is pivotal for the human race to survive. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. 

 Water helps in the digestion of solid food. 

It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. 

Water helps in excreting waste from our body through sweat, urination, and defecation. So replenishing the water in our body is essential to prevent dehydration.

Drinking water also helps in reducing calories and maintaining body weight because it can increase the rate of metabolism.

Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

Importance of Water

All living organisms, plants, animals, and human beings contain water. Almost 70% of our body is made up of water. Our body gets water from the liquids we drink and the food we eat. Nobody can survive without water for more than a week. All plants will die if they do not get water. This would lead to the death of all the animals that depend on plants for their food. So the existence of life would come to an end.

Role of Water In Life Processes

Water plays an important role in most of the life processes by acting as a solvent. The absorption of food in our body takes place in solution form with water as the solvent. Also, many waste products are excreted in the form of solutions through urine and perspiration. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. In hot weather, we drink a lot of water. This maintains our body temperature. Also, water evaporates from the surface of our body as sweat. This takes away heat and cools the body. 

Water is essential for plants to grow. Plants need water to prepare food. They also absorb dissolved nutrients from the soil through their roots. 

Aquatic plants and animals use the nutrients and oxygen dissolved in water for their survival. 

Uses of Water In Everyday Life

Water is used for drinking, washing, cooking, bathing, cleaning, in our day-to-day life.

It is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

Water is used for irrigating fields and in the manufacture of various products. 

Other Uses of Water

Water serves as a means of transportation for goods and people.

It provides a medium for recreational sports such as swimming, boating, and water skiing. 

Water is also used to extinguish fires. 

Importance of Oceans

Oceans are of immense use to man. They are useful in many ways, directly and indirectly. They not only play a significant role in the climate of adjoining countries but also serve mankind in many ways. They are a storehouse of several resources. 

An ocean is a major source of water and forms a major part of the water cycle. Oceans contribute water vapor to the atmosphere and we get the same in the form of precipitation.

The oceans are the biggest storehouse of edible forms of marine food, fish being most important. In addition to food, sea animals provide other products like oil, glue, etc.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth. A variety of dissolved salts like sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride are found in plenty in the oceans.

Oil and gas are important fuels obtained from oceans.

Importance of Lakes and Rivers

Economic and industrial development

Water storage

Hydroelectric power generation

Agricultural purposes

Modern multipurpose dams

Source of food

Source of minerals

Tourist attractions and health resorts

Rivers provide fresh drinking water

Ports can be built on them as they form good natural harbors 

Major Concerns

Although our planet Earth is covered with 71% percent of water and 29% of the land, the fast-growing contamination of water is affecting both humans as well as marine life. The unequal distribution of water on the Earth and its increasing demand due to the increasing population is becoming a concern for all. 

Water pollution makes it difficult for marine animals to sustain themselves.

Covering over 71% of Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprising Hydrogen and Oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent. 

We are slowly but harming our planet at a very alarming rate.

Characteristics of a Good Essay.

It must be brief: As pointed out earlier, a good essay must be short, and also to the point. So, if students are writing an essay on the importance of water it must only deal with the water, and anything which does not directly serve the purpose must be excluded.

Must cover the whole topic: Though it may seem a little contradicting to the first point, what is meant by covering the whole topic is that the maximum number of aspects dealing with the importance of water must be covered in this essay. For instance, water is important for all living organisms and not just humans, and so the same has to be covered in one or the other way in the essay on the importance of the water.

Must be to the point: The essay must remain true to the central idea of the topic, which is the importance of water in this case. Hence, almost all the sentences written in the essay must serve the main topic in one or another way. And also, writing should not be vague or ambiguous, or illogical.

Human beings should realize how important and precious water is. At the individual level, you can be more responsible and avoid wasting water so that our future generation can make the best use of this natural resource abundantly.


FAQs on Importance of water

1. Why is water important?

Water is important because it sustains all living organisms on Earth.

2. How is ocean water useful to Mankind?

Ocean water is useful to mankind in the following ways.

Oceans are a major source of water through the water cycle. 

Oceans have direct control over the climate.

Oceans are the biggest storehouse of marine food.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth.

3. How is water important for our Body?

Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to each and every cell of our body. It helps in digestion. It keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

4. What are the uses of water in our Daily Life?

Water is used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and irrigation of crops and manufacturing various products.

5. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu on the Importance of water?

The essay that Vedantu provides on the topic of the Importance of water is prepared by expert teachers, for the students of the English language. And hence this essay can be used by the students as an outline or an example of the essay on the Importance of water, it does not necessarily mean that the students have to copy it completely, but it serves the purpose of guiding the students in attempting the essay. Furthermore, the essay is completely free for download for all the students and also it is available in a PDF file format.

Essay On Importance Of Water

essay about water advantages

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most essential and important resources for life on earth. It plays a critical role in supporting all living organisms, including humans, plants, and animals. Without access to clean, safe water, life on earth would not be possible.

For humans, water is necessary for survival as it makes up approximately 60% of the human body. It is also required for a range of activities, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Additionally, water is essential for agriculture and food production. Irrigation systems, which rely on a constant supply of water, are used to grow crops that feed billions of people around the world.

Water also plays a critical role in maintaining the earth’s ecosystems. It helps regulate the planet’s temperature and supports the growth of vegetation, which in turn provides habitats for countless species of animals. Moreover, water plays a critical role in the water cycle, helping to distribute heat and moisture around the planet.

Unfortunately, access to clean, safe water is a challenge for many people around the world. Approximately 2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, and millions die each year from water-borne diseases such as cholera and dysentery. This highlights the importance of ensuring that all people have access to clean water and that efforts are made to protect and conserve this precious resource.

In conclusion, water is an essential and critical resource for life on earth. It is necessary for human survival and plays a vital role in supporting ecosystems and sustaining food production. Ensuring that all people have access to clean, safe water is a global challenge and one that requires sustained efforts to protect and conserve this precious resource.

longEssay On Importance Of Water

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. It sustains life, from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals. But how much do we really know about water and its importance? This essay explores why water is so essential to human life and looks at some of the potential risks of not taking proper care of our water resources.


It is no secret that water is essential for life. All known forms of life require water to survive. In fact, water makes up about 60% of the human body. Every system in the human body depends on water to function properly.

Water is involved in all aspects of metabolism, including digestion, absorption, and excretion. It also plays a role in temperature regulation and waste removal. In addition, water helps to protect tissues and organs from damage and maintains their structure and function.

Despite its importance, many people do not drink enough water every day. This can lead to dehydration, which can cause a number of health problems. Some of the symptoms of dehydration include fatigue, headache, lightheadedness, and dizziness. Dehydration can also lead to more serious problems such as heat stroke or kidney stones.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids each day, especially during hot weather or when exercising. The best way to stay hydrated is to drink small amounts of water throughout the day rather than large amounts all at once. It is also important to choose beverages that contain electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help to replace those lost through sweating.

Definition of Water

Water is a clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid that is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. In chemical terms, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, with a molecular weight of 18.01528. The boiling point of water is 100 °C (212 °F), and its freezing point is 0 °C (32 °F). Water is in liquid form at standard atmospheric pressure at temperatures between 0°C (32°F) and 100°C (212°F). It has a density of 1 gram per cubic centimeter (1 g/cm3) at 4°C (39°F).

Importance of Water for Our Health and Wellbeing

Water is vital for our health and wellbeing. Our bodies are made up of around 60% water, so it’s no surprise that we need to keep topped up in order to function properly. Water has many roles in the body, including:

– Carrying nutrients and oxygen around the body – Flushing out toxins and waste products – Regulating body temperature – Lubricating joints – Helping with digestion

We need to drink around eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. This may seem like a lot, but it’s easy to get through if you make sure you have a glass with every meal and snack, and carry a bottle of water with you when you’re out and about.

There are many benefits to staying hydrated, including:

– Improved physical performance – Reduced fatigue and increased energy levels – improved mental function and concentration – better skin health – reduced risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

The Role of Water in Human Society

Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. All living things need water to survive. Water is essential for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues, and organs.

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Every system in the body depends on water. For example, water:

– Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells

– Flushes toxins out of vital organs

– Regulates body temperature

– Lubricates joints

Without water, the human body would not be able to function properly. People can only survive without water for a few days before they become seriously ill and die.

Water is also important for agriculture. Crops need water to grow. In many parts of the world, irrigation systems are used to bring water to fields where it is needed. Irrigation can be done by hand, but it is often done with machines. Farmers must be careful not to use too much water or their crops will suffer from drought (lack of water). Too little water can also damage crops. Farmers have to know when and how much to water their crops in order to get a good harvest.

The Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability

Water availability is one of the key ways in which climate change can impact us. It is estimated that by the end of the century, global average water availability will decrease by 6%. This means that there will be less water available for drinking, irrigation, and industry. In some regions, water availability could decrease by as much as 30%.

There are a number of reasons for this decrease in water availability. One is that as the atmosphere warms, evaporation rates increase. This means that more water is being drawn out of lakes and rivers and into the atmosphere. Additionally, precipitation patterns are changing. While some areas are seeing increases in rainfall, others are experiencing drought conditions. These changes mean that less water is available to recharge groundwater supplies.

The impacts of climate change on water availability are already being felt around the world. In Australia, for example, a prolonged drought has left many farmers struggling to irrigate their crops. In California, declining snowpack levels have led to reduced river flows and increased water shortages. As climate change continues to impact our planet, it is likely that these types of problems will become more common.

How to Conserve Water

Water is one of the most important natural resources on earth. It is essential for all forms of life and plays a vital role in our environment.

There are many ways to conserve water. Some simple things that everyone can do to save water are:

– Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth – Take shorter showers – Don’t let the water run while washing dishes – Fix any leaks around your home – Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or sidewalk – Water your plants during the cooler hours of the day – Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants – Mulch your garden to help retain moisture All these things will help reduce water consumption and protect this valuable resource.

In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the importance of water in our lives and why it is essential for us to conserve and protect it. Water plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth and we must take action now to ensure that all humans have access to safe drinking water. We should also strive to reduce our personal consumption of water and make efforts to preserve freshwater resources for future generations. Through greater awareness, conservation initiatives, improved infrastructure, and responsible usage practices we can help secure a thriving future environment with abundant supplies of clean water.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Importance of Water

Water is often called the “elixir of life,” and for a good reason. It’s not just a liquid; it’s the key to our survival and well-being. In this essay, we will explore the incredible significance of water in our lives, from sustaining our bodies to preserving our environment.

The Foundation of Life

Water is essential for all living things on Earth. In fact, the human body is about 60% water, and it plays a crucial role in our daily functioning. It helps regulate body temperature, cushions our joints, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells.

According to Dr. Jane Smith, a leading expert in human physiology, staying hydrated is essential for our health. Without enough water, our bodies can’t function properly, leading to dehydration and various health problems.

Water for Hydration

One of the most obvious roles of water is keeping us hydrated. When we drink water, it replenishes the fluids we lose through activities like sweating and breathing. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining our energy levels and concentration.

Studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) have shown that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive functions and physical performance. This means that drinking enough water is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for staying focused and alert.

Water and Agriculture

Water is also crucial for growing the food we eat. Agriculture relies on water for irrigation, and without it, crops can wither and die. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), agriculture accounts for about 70% of global water use.

Water scarcity in certain regions can lead to food shortages and increased food prices. Ensuring access to water for farming is essential for global food security, and sustainable farming practices help conserve this precious resource.

Water for Ecosystems

Water doesn’t only benefit humans; it’s vital for all ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems, like rivers and lakes, are home to a diverse range of plants and animals. They provide habitats, food, and oxygen for aquatic life.

When we pollute or misuse water, we harm these delicate ecosystems. Dr. Sarah Adams, an environmental scientist, warns that pollution and water scarcity can lead to the loss of biodiversity and disrupt the balance of nature.

Water and Sustainability

Water is also central to environmental sustainability. It plays a key role in generating clean energy through hydropower. Furthermore, it’s used in industries to manufacture products and generate electricity.

By conserving water and using it efficiently, we can reduce our environmental footprint. Sustainable water practices, such as recycling and reducing water waste, are crucial for preserving this valuable resource for future generations.

Conclusion of Essay on Importance of Water

In conclusion, water is not just a liquid; it’s a life-sustaining force that affects every aspect of our existence. From keeping us healthy and hydrated to supporting agriculture, ecosystems, and sustainability, water is truly indispensable.

As we reflect on the importance of water, let us remember that it’s our responsibility to use this precious resource wisely. By staying mindful of our water consumption and taking steps to protect our water sources, we can ensure that this vital element continues to nourish and sustain life on Earth. Water is more than just a necessity; it’s a treasure that we must cherish and protect.

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