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Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

family entertainment center business plan

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their family entertainment center companies.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating a family entertainment center business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a family entertainment center business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Family Entertainment Center Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your family entertainment center business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Family Entertainment Center

If you’re looking to start a family entertainment center business or grow your existing family entertainment center company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your family entertainment center business to improve your chances of success. Your family entertainment center business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Family Entertainment Center Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a family entertainment center business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for family entertainment center companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a family entertainment center.

If you want to start a family entertainment center business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your family entertainment center business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of family entertainment center business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a family entertainment center business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of family entertainment center businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the family entertainment center industry.
  • Discuss the type of family entertainment center business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of family entertainment center business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of family entertainment center businesses:

  • Kids’ entertainment centers: This type of family entertainment center focuses on attractions for small children such as playgrounds, kiddie rides, and themed cartoon character games.
  • Teen entertainment centers: This type of family entertaiment center caters to teenages and often includes attractions like thrill rides, arcade games, and laser tag.
  • Water parks: This type of family entertainment center has water rides, slides, and attractions for the whole family.
  • Theme parks: This type of family entertainment center is focused on a specific brand or concept. Disneyland and Universal studios are two examples of large theme parks.

In addition to explaining the type of family entertainment center business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, the number of seasonal passes sold, reaching $X amount in revenue, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the family entertainment center industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the family entertainment center industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your family entertainment center business plan:

  • How big is the family entertainment center industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your family entertainment center business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your family entertainment center business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, families, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of family entertainment center business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other family entertainment center businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes other types of family fun centers, recreation centers, parks, and movie theaters. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of family entertainment center business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you make it easier for your customers to acquire your product or service?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a family entertainment center business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of family entertainment center company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide dining options, arcade games, or batting cages?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your family entertainment center company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your family entertainment center located in a busy retail district, a business district, or a standalone facility? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your family entertainment center marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your family entertainment center business, including answering calls, scheduling employees’ shifts, processing customer payments, and monitoring the park for safety.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to acquire your Xth customer, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your family entertainment center business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your family entertainment center business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing family entertainment center businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a family entertainment center.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you charge $80 for a day pass and offer a discount for a seasonal pass? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your family entertainment center business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a family entertainment center business:

  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your family entertainment center location lease or a full list of your attractions and services.  

Writing a business plan for your family entertainment center business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will understand the family entertainment center industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful family entertainment center business.

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Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Family Entertainment Center business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Family Entertainment Centers.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Family Entertainment Center business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Playtopia Family Fun Center is a startup family entertainment center located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The business is founded by Jess Masters, a former manager of a franchise family entertainment center for ten years. Jess made multiple contacts while networking with executives in the Pittsburgh area, who have championed the excellence of Jess’s work and leadership skills with his fellow employees at the franchise business. Ten former customers of the franchise entertainment center have agreed to sponsor Jess in this new venture, committing to spread the news of the startup business launch and refer their friends and neighbors to the Playtopia Family Fun Center.

Playtopia Family Fun Center will provide a comprehensive array of games and entertainment options for the entire family. It will be a one-stop shop for everything related to FUN and a central point of family playtime, where families can simply have a great time together without interruption or distractions.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Playtopia Family Fun Center will provide:

  • Exciting video console and arcade-style games
  • Basketball with token prizes
  • Pinball machines
  • Air Hockey tables
  • Foosball tables
  • Pool tables
  • Bowling lanes (12)
  • Vending machine snacks and beverages
  • Playtopia Pizza Works Restaurant

Customer Focus

Playtopia Family Fun Center will target all individuals and families in the Pittsburgh region. An additional target will be party planners and event coordinators who will want to rent the entire center for a group party or event. Also targeted will be churches, synagogues and other community gathering places where families may want to play games together in such groups. No matter which client or how many client guests may appear, the Playtopia Family Fun Center will cater to them all with high-quality games, an enjoyable atmosphere and plenty of delicious food favorites to share.

Management Team

Playtopia Family Fun Center will be owned and operated by Jess Masters. He has recruited his former manager at the franchised entertainment center, Steve Carlton, to be his Executive Manager, overseeing all staff and maintenance crews. Steve will also oversee office staff and manage the bowling alley maintenance.

Jess Masters is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership. He has applied his learning in multiple ways since earning the degree, most often in the expressions of forward-looking ideas and encouragement and leadership of staff members.

Steve Carlton is a graduate of Pennsylvania State College, where he earned an Associate of Arts degree in Accounting. He is adept with bookkeeping, accounting, and all forms of qualitative and quantitative data; he will assist with these roles in addition to being the Executive Manager.

Success Factors

Playtopia Family Fun Center will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly qualified team at the Playtopia Family Fun Center.
  • Comprehensive menu of products and services; including video and arcade games, bowling, and other table games. A pizza restaurant and snack vending machines complete the amenities for the center.
  • A cordoned-off section of the games area is designed for toddlers aged 20 months and younger. This provides a unique area for play and ensures parents or caregivers won’t have to be concerned about older children injuring their toddlers while at play.
  • Playtopia Family Fun Center offers the best pricing in town. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition. Playtopia Family Fun Center offers discounts when a “bargain bag” is purchased, including at least 10 free tokens to play, along with discounts for food.

Financial Highlights

Playtopia Family Fun Center is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its Playtopia Family Fun Center. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the office space adjacent to the entertainment center and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the print ads and website costs. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the financial projections for Playtopia Family Fun Center.

Playtopia Family Fun Center Pro Forma Projections

Company Overview

Who is playtopia family fun center.

Playtopia Family Fun Center is a newly established full-service family entertainment center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Playtopia Family Fun Center will be the most reliable, cost-effective, and efficient choice for individuals, families and party groups in Pittsburgh and the surrounding communities. Playtopia Family Fun Center will provide a comprehensive menu of exciting game services for all players with tokens to utilize. Their full-service approach includes a comprehensive slate of table games, arcade and pinball games, and a full-sized bowling alley, as well as a pizza restaurant for the entire family.

  Playtopia Family Fun Center will be able to entertain the entire family, whether summertime of in the coldest months of a snowy winter. The team of professionals are highly qualified and experienced in Playtopia Family Fun Center and staffed to attend to all gamers and game players among the family members. Even the toddlers will have a special place to play. Playtopia Family Fun Center removes all headaches and issues of the outside weather elements, high costs of individual games in other venues, and ensures all issues are taken care of expeditiously while delivering the best customer service.

Playtopia Family Fun Center History

Since incorporation, Playtopia Family Fun Center has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Playtopia Family Fun Center, LLC to transact business in the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Has a contract in place at one of the large buildings, where the entertainment center will be headquartered with an additional office space included.
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include former customers who have agreed to help spread the word of the new venture.
  • Began recruiting a staff of 6 employees and office personnel to work at Playtopia Family Fun Center.

Playtopia Family Fun Center Services

The following will be the services Playtopia Family Fun Center will provide:

Industry Analysis

The family entertainment industry is expected to grow over the next five years to over $46,840 million by 2028. The growth will be driven by the increased numbers of families who want to play games and enjoy time together. The growth will be driven by parties and event organizers who want unique experiences. The growth of the population, with families having more children in each family unit. The growth of the desire for entertainment away from home and away from electronic tablets. Costs will likely be reduced as supply chains reopen and the flow of supplies, games, furnishings and more continue to become more available for purchase.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Playtopia Family Fun Center will target individuals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania of all ages. They will also target families of three people or more. They will target party planners and event coordinators to secure large groups (up to 50 people) in the Playtopia Family Fun Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They will also target dating couples and other young adult groups.

    Total population1,680,988100%
        20 to 24 years114,8726.8%
        25 to 34 years273,58816.3%
        35 to 44 years235,94614.0%
        45 to 54 years210,25612.5%
        55 to 59 years105,0576.2%
        60 to 64 years87,4845.2%
        65 to 74 years116,8787.0%
        75 to 84 years52,5243.1%

Customer Segmentation

Playtopia Family Fun Center will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Young adults
  • Teenagers aged 16-18, young teens and tweens
  • Party groups and event attendees
  • Party planners and event coordinators
  • Community groups seeking an event venue

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Playtopia Family Fun Center will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company follows:

Funland Family Center

Funland Family Center, an LLC, owns and operates a family entertainment center that is located in a suburban mall about thirty miles from the city of Pittsburgh. Games and entertainment include: pool tables, basketball hoops, driving console games, popular arcade games, and a snack bar. It targets individuals and families of all ages. There is an indoor obstacle course that attracts teens from the entire region in competitions and entertainment.

The owners of Funland Family Center are Henry and Patty Montrose. Henry manages client relations and makes all executive decisions. Patty manages all employees and oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the game area and snack bar inventory. The owners are almost ready to retire and at that time, will be turning the business over to their son, Happy Montrose, who is an executive accountant in Pittsburgh.

Adventure City Entertainment Center

Adventure City Entertainment Center was established in 2010 as the premier entertainment center in the city of Roseburg, a new community about twenty miles from Pittsburgh. Since establishing the business, the owner, Jason Murdock, has built additional game venues, including a Laser Tag arena and a multi-story ball pit for kids of all ages. The venue is extremely popular within the city of Roseburg; however, as the teens of 2010 have aged and moved on, the popularity of the venue has dropped. Jason Murdock is currently considering changing the venue into a Renaissance Faire location with a medieval theme and jousting knights.

Let’s Play Ball Event Center

Let’s Play Ball Event Center is a large venue of 20,000 square feet located in the northern area of Pittsburgh. It is entirely focused on indoor ball games of all kinds, including softball, basketball, soccer, and all other forms of ball games. With the winter months mostly covering the surrounding areas of Pittsburgh in deep snow or ice, the venue appeals to families who can drop off their children to play ball in one format or another. The venue offers an “Adventure Pass” on a monthly subscription so children can visit unlimited times during each month and all costs are covered. There are no restaurants; however, vending machines with snacks and beverages are available.

Let’s Play Ball Event Center is owned and operated by Tig Tyler. His motto is, “Play a Ball Game Every Day.” Tig has seven employees and a manager, Cindy Stevenson, who is the Administrative Manager as well as the Human Resources Manager. She oversees the office and banking duties.Let’s Play Ball Event Center opened in 2015 and has maintained a steady stream of visitors each winter. In the summer, the event center is closed.

Competitive Advantage

Playtopia Family Fun Center will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly-qualified team at the Playtopia Family Fun Center.
  • A cordoned-off section of the games area is designed for toddlers, aged 20 months and younger. This provides a unique area for play and ensures parents or caregivers won’t have to be concerned about older children injuring their toddlers while at play.
  • Playtopia Family Fun Center offers the best pricing in town. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition.
  • Playtopia Family Fun Center offers discounts when a “bargain bag” is purchased, including at least 10 free tokens to play, along with discounts for food.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Playtopia Family Fun Center will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Highly-qualified team of skilled employees who are able to guide and aid children of all ages in playing games and activities.
  • A unique, cordoned-off section of the games area is designed for toddlers, aged 20 months and younger. This provides a unique area for play and ensures parents or caregivers won’t have to be concerned about older children injuring the toddlers while at play.
  • A special “Mom’s Rest Area” is designed for moms to watch their children while gathering with other moms to enjoy conversation or a beverage.
  • Unbeatable pricing for customers of Playtopia Family Fun Center. Playtopia Family Fun Center offers discounts when a “bargain bag” is purchased, including at least 10 free tokens to play, along with discounts for food. This is a cost-effective savings for parents as it ensures repeated visits by customers.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Playtopia Family Fun Center is as follows:

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Playtopia Family Fun Center has built up an extensive list of contacts through the owner, Jess Masters, who, over the years, provided exceptional service and expertise to his customers at a franchise family fun center. Steve Carlton will follow him to his new company and help spread the word of Playtopia Family Fun Center.

Professional Associations and Networking

The professional associations and community gatherings offer excellent prospects for the event venue to be used at parties or themed events. Therefore, the association dues will be paid and networking will take place by both Jess and Steve. They will also leverage their former customer referrals to bring in new business via those avenues, as well.

Print Advertising

A direct mail piece will be designed and mailed to all households within a ten-mile radius of the new Playtopia Family Fun Center. Discounts during the first three months of business will be offered, with Bonus Bags discounted, as well. The direct mail piece will be utilized again within four months of the launch to scoop up additional customers who missed the first mailing.

Website/SEO Marketing

Playtopia Family Fun Center will utilize the benefits of their website by creating a well-organized, informative, and attractive page that lists all the activities to be found at Playtopia Family Fun Center. The website will also list their contact information and outline holiday specials, themed events, invitations to snow parties and other special attractions. Playtopia Family Fun Center’s website presence will also use SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “Family fun company” or “Family center near me”, Playtopia Family Fun Center will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Playtopia Family Fun Center will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive excellent value when purchasing their services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Playtopia Family Fun Center. Operation Functions:

  • Playtopia Family Fun Center will be owned and operated by Jess Masters. He will work exclusively on building client relations and moving the company forward in scope and sequence of growth.
  • Jess has recruited his former manager at the franchised entertainment center, Steve Carlton, to be his Executive Manager, overseeing all staff and maintenance crews. Steve will also oversee office staff and manage the bowling alley maintenance.
  • Patsy Dannon will be the Office Supervisor, overseeing the day-to-day office duties and running errands, along with acting as an assistant to Jess Masters.


Playtopia Family Fun Center will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

  • 5/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease entertainment and office space
  • 5/15/202X – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the Playtopia Family Fun Center
  • 6/1/202X – Finalize distributor contracts for Playtopia Family Fun Center
  • 6/15/202X – Begin networking at industry events
  • 6/22/202X – Begin moving into Playtopia Family Fun Center and office
  • 7/1/202X – Playtopia Family Fun Center opens for business

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Playtopia Family Fun Center are the fees they will charge for products and services purchased by customers for the use of the family center.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff the entertainment center and office. The expenses will be the payroll cost, leasing fees, utilities, office supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Playtopia Family Fun Center is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its property management business. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the office space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the print ads and association memberships. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Customers Per Month: 1,500
  • Average Fees per Month: $ 45,000
  • Office Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan FAQs

What is a family entertainment center business plan.

A family entertainment center business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your family entertainment center business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Family Entertainment Center business plan using our Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Family Entertainment Center Businesses? 

There are a number of different kinds of family entertainment center businesses , some examples include: Kids’ entertainment centers, Teen entertainment centers, Hotels, Water parks, and Theme parks.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Family Entertainment Center Business Plan?

Family Entertainment Center businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Family Entertainment Center Business?

Starting a family entertainment center business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Family Entertainment Center Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed family entertainment center business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your family entertainment center business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your family entertainment center business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Family Entertainment Center Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your family entertainment center business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your family entertainment center business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Family Entertainment Center Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your family entertainment center business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your family entertainment center business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

A Touch of Business

How to Start a Family Entertainment Center

Main Sections In This Post Steps To Starting A Family Entertainment Center Business Points to Consider Knowledge Is Power Featured Video

In this post, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to starting a family entertainment center business.

In addition, we will give you an overview of what you can expect from operating a family entertainment center business and help you make better decisions and gain clarity.

You can access the latest resources in our “Knowledge Is Power” section, which can be used during the startup phase and once your family entertainment center business is fully operational.

There is an abundance of information available to explore. If you like this post, consider sharing it with others and bookmarking it for future reference.

Let’s get started with the steps.

The Steps to Start Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Below are the steps to starting a family entertainment center business.

Each step is linked to a specific section, allowing you to jump to your desired section or scroll to follow the steps in order.

  • An Overview of What You’re Getting Into
  • Family Entertainment Center Business Overview
  • Researching Your Family Entertainment Center Business
  • Looking at Financials
  • Creating Your Mission Statement
  • Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Choose a Family Entertainment Center Business Name
  • Register Your Company
  • Create Your Corporate Identity
  • Writing a Business Plan
  • Banking Considerations
  • Getting the Funds for Your Operation
  • Software Setup
  • Business Insurance Considerations
  • Supplier and Service Provider Considerations
  • Setting Your Prices
  • Physical Setup
  • Creating a Website
  • Create an External Support Team
  • Hiring Employees
  • Getting Customers Through the Door

1. An Overview of What You’re Getting Into

It is essential to have a strong understanding of what you’re getting into. The more you know what to expect, the better your decisions will be and the fewer surprises you’ll encounter.

In this step, we’ll cover the following sections:

a. ) Owning and Operating Your Own Business b.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Business c.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Family Entertainment Center Business d.) Passion, a Key Ingredient For Success

a. ) Owning and Operating Your Own Business

The Responsibilities of Owning and Operating Your Own Business

Owning and operating a business is a distinct departure from traditional employment. It entails greater responsibilities and unique challenges:

Non-Traditional Work Hours:

Unlike a typical nine-to-five job, business ownership often demands extended and irregular work hours. You must be prepared to put in the time required for success.

Problem Solving:

As the business owner, you are the ultimate decision-maker. When issues arise, you are solely responsible for finding solutions. There is no higher authority to turn to.


Ownership entails a higher level of accountability. You must manage finances, personnel, and operations independently, making crucial decisions that can impact the business’s fate.

Before embarking on the journey of starting a family entertainment center business, it is imperative to assess whether the responsibilities of business ownership align with your personal and professional goals.

It’s a significant commitment that requires dedication, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to take on the role of the decision-maker.

See the Considerations Before You Start Your Business to identify points for a new business owner.

b.) Pros and Cons of Owning a Business

Owning a business offers numerous advantages, but it also presents a fair share of challenges. It’s crucial to evaluate both aspects to make informed decisions:

Pros of Business Ownership:

  • Independence: You have control over your business decisions and direction.
  • Financial Potential: The potential for higher earnings and wealth accumulation exists.
  • Creativity: You can innovate and shape your business according to your vision.
  • Flexibility: You can set your schedule and work on your terms.

Cons of Business Ownership:

  • Risk: Businesses can fail, resulting in financial losses.
  • Workload: Entrepreneurs often work longer hours, especially in the initial stages.
  • Uncertainty: Economic factors and market fluctuations can impact business stability.
  • Responsibility: You are accountable for all aspects of your business, from finances to legal compliance.

Understanding the potential challenges allows for better preparation, reducing surprises, and increasing your ability to address issues as they arise.

It’s essential to approach business ownership with a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the rewards and the obstacles.

For more, see Pros and Cons of Starting a Small Business.

c.) Questions You Need to Consider for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Below are several essential questions to consider before starting your business. You’ll find many answers as you review the rest of the information in this post.

Important Considerations for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

  • How will you finance your startup costs?
  • Are you interested in finding partners or investors?
  • Have you considered how long it will take to become profitable?
  • How will you support yourself during the early stage of operation, which can be financially challenging?
  • What type of family entertainment center business model are you considering?
  • Do you have the skills needed to manage and operate a family entertainment center business?
  • Will you do all the work alone or hire employees?
  • Do you intend to manage your business alone, or are you planning to hire a manager?
  • Who is your Target customer?
  • How will you keep customers coming back?
  • What products and services will you offer?
  • How do you know people will want what you have to offer?
  • What will you provide that sets you apart from your competition?
  • Why should a customer do business with you instead of the competition?
  • Who are you competing against?
  • How will you position your Family Entertainment Center Business, High-End, Average, or a discount operation?
  • Do you have a plan if the business fails?
  • Do you have an exit strategy?

These are critical questions that require thorough consideration before starting a family entertainment center business.

They cover aspects ranging from financial planning and target audience analysis to competitive positioning and contingency planning.

Addressing these questions comprehensively will help you establish a strong foundation for your venture and minimize potential risks.

d.) Passion, a Key Ingredient For Success

The Power of Passion in Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Passion is a driving force that can make or break your success in owning and operating a family entertainment center business.

Here’s why it matters:

Passion Fuels Problem-Solving:

When you’re passionate about your business, challenges become opportunities for innovation and growth. You actively seek solutions to overcome obstacles.

Without passion, problems can feel insurmountable, leading to a desire to exit rather than resolve.

Passion Determines Longevity:

Consider this scenario: You have unlimited wealth and possessions. Would you still choose to run a family entertainment center business for free?

If your answer is yes, it signifies your genuine passion for the venture. However, if your response is no, it’s time to reevaluate your path and explore alternatives.

Passion Drives Success:

Your level of passion significantly influences your chances of success. It fuels your commitment, perseverance, and willingness to go the extra mile.

When you’re passionate about what you do, it resonates with customers and sets you apart from competitors.

In summary, passion is not just a desirable trait but a fundamental necessity when owning and operating a family entertainment center business.

It propels you to overcome challenges, ensures your long-term commitment, and ultimately plays a pivotal role in your success.

If you find genuine passion in this endeavor, you’re on the right path; if not, it’s essential to explore alternative pursuits that align with your true calling.

For More, See How Passion Affects Your Business .

2. Gaining an Overview of Owning a Family Entertainment Center Business

Next, let’s discuss the issues that will give you an overview of what to expect from owning and running a family entertainment center business. In this step, we will be looking at the following sections:

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Family Entertainment Center Business b.) Family Entertainment Center Business Models c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Family Entertainment Center Business

a.) A Quick Overview of Owning a Family Entertainment Center Business

Understanding a Family Entertainment Center Business

A family entertainment center (FEC) business is an establishment designed to provide a wide range of recreational activities and entertainment for families and individuals.

These centers typically feature various attractions, including arcade games, mini-golf, laser tag , bowling, go-kart racing, and indoor playgrounds.

FECs aim to create a fun and inclusive environment where people of all ages can enjoy leisure activities, celebrate events like birthdays, or simply spend quality time together.

Day-to-Day Operations of a Family Entertainment Center Business

Running and managing a family entertainment center involves a diverse set of day-to-day tasks and responsibilities:

  • Facility Maintenance: Ensure the cleanliness and safety of all attractions and common areas, including regular equipment checks and repairs.
  • Staff Management: Recruit, train, and schedule employees for various roles, such as game attendants, party hosts, and maintenance staff.
  • Customer Service: Interact with customers, handle inquiries, and resolve issues to ensure a positive experience.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Develop and implement marketing strategies to attract new customers and retain existing ones through promotions and special events.
  • Financial Management: Oversee budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting, including monitoring revenue and expenses.
  • Event Planning: Coordinate and host special events, parties, and tournaments to generate additional revenue.
  • Inventory Control: Manage inventory levels for prizes, food, and supplies.
  • Safety Compliance: Ensure compliance with safety regulations and maintain a safe environment for customers and staff.
  • Business Growth: Continually explore opportunities for expansion, new attractions, or partnerships.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the local community through partnerships, sponsorships, and outreach programs.
  • Competitive Analysis: Monitor the competition and adjust offers and pricing strategies accordingly.
  • Customer Feedback: Collect and analyze customer feedback to improve services.

Running a family entertainment center is a dynamic and multifaceted endeavor that demands effective management, a focus on customer satisfaction, and a commitment to delivering enjoyable experiences to visitors.

Success in this business relies on a combination of operational excellence and a keen understanding of the ever-evolving preferences of your target audience.

b.) Family Entertainment Center Business Models

Diverse Setups and Business Models for Family Entertainment Centers

Family entertainment centers (FECs) can take on various setups and business models to cater to the preferences of their target audience.

Here are some common types:

  • Arcade-Centric FECs: These centers primarily focus on arcade games, offering a wide selection of video games, pinball machines, and redemption games. Revenue comes from game tokens and prize redemption.
  • Indoor Playgrounds: Targeting younger children, indoor playground FECs feature ball pits, climbing structures, and interactive play areas. Admission fees or hourly rates typically generate income.
  • Adventure FECs: These centers emphasize adventure activities like go-kart racing, laser tag, escape rooms, and obstacle courses. Customers pay per activity or purchase bundled packages.
  • Trampoline Parks: Trampoline-focused FECs offer wall-to-wall trampolines, foam pits, and other related activities. Revenue derives from jump time and hosting events like birthday parties.
  • Bowling Alleys: FECs with bowling lanes often combine traditional bowling with additional attractions like arcades, laser tag, or billiards. Income sources include bowling fees, arcade games, and event bookings.
  • Hybrid FECs: Some FECs combine multiple attractions under one roof, offering a diverse range of entertainment options. Customers can choose activities based on their preferences, and revenue comes from various sources.
  • Food and Entertainment: FECs that include restaurants or cafes provide dining options alongside entertainment. Income is generated from food sales, admission fees, and attraction bookings.
  • Themed FECs: These centers have a specific theme, such as sci-fi, pirates, or fantasy. Themes are incorporated into activities, décor, and branding, enhancing the overall experience.
  • Niche FECs: Specialized FECs focus on a particular niche, such as art studios, educational play, or sensory-friendly environments, catering to specific customer needs and interests.

Choosing a suitable business model from the beginning is crucial, as switching your model later is more challenging.

Focusing on a niche allows you to adapt your products and services to a specific group of customers. Consider becoming a specialist instead of trying to be a business that offers everything to everyone.

Identifying a business model that feels right to you is essential and can give you a better chance of succeeding.

c.) Challenges You Could Face When Starting and Operating a Family Entertainment Center Business

Challenges During the Startup Phase:

High Initial Investment: FECs require substantial capital for facility construction or renovation, equipment purchase, and initial marketing efforts.

Location Selection: Choosing the right location with sufficient foot traffic and target demographics is crucial. A poor location can severely impact success.

Regulatory Compliance: Navigating permits, licenses, and safety regulations can be complex and time-consuming.

Staffing and Training: Recruiting and training a competent and customer-focused team is vital for the smooth operation of the center.

Marketing and Promotion: Building awareness and attracting the initial customer base can be challenging, especially in competitive markets.

Cash Flow Management: Managing cash flow during the initial stages, when revenue may be lower than expected, can be demanding.

Competition: Competing with established FECs or other entertainment options can be tough, requiring a unique selling proposition.

Challenges in an Operating Phase:

Customer Retention: Keeping customers engaged and returning regularly requires ongoing efforts in marketing and maintaining a high-quality experience.

Equipment Maintenance: Constant maintenance of attractions and equipment is essential to ensure safety and functionality.

Seasonal Fluctuations: FECs often experience seasonal variations in business, which can impact revenue and staffing needs.

Staff Turnover: High turnover rates in the entertainment industry can lead to consistent recruitment and training efforts.

Evolving Trends: Staying updated with the latest entertainment trends and technologies to remain competitive can be demanding.

Rising Costs: Inflation and increased operating costs, including utilities and insurance, can affect profitability.

Customer Feedback: Effectively addressing customer complaints and feedback is essential to maintain a positive reputation.

Adapting to Customer Needs: As customer preferences change, adapting attractions and services to meet evolving demands is crucial.

Managing these challenges requires adaptability, a customer-centric approach, and a commitment to providing exceptional experiences.

A successful FEC owner must navigate the intricacies of both startup and operational phases, continuously striving to meet and exceed customer expectations.

3. Research

Continuous research is crucial for business owners. The more you know, the better your business will be. High-quality information plays a significant role in achieving success.

In this step, we will be looking at the following sections:

a.) Inside Information – Family Entertainment Center Business Research b.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location c.) Target Audience

a.) Inside Information – Family Entertainment Center Business Research

The Importance of In-Depth Research for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Before embarking on the journey of starting a family entertainment center business, comprehensive research is paramount. Here’s why it matters:

Quality Information:

Thorough research equips you with a clear understanding of the venture, potential challenges, and opportunities. It helps you make informed decisions rather than relying on assumptions.

Preventing Unexpected Situations:

Without proper research, you may find yourself in unforeseen predicaments, from regulatory hurdles to market dynamics you weren’t prepared for.

Leveraging Experience:

Seek insights from experienced FEC business owners. Their knowledge and years of experience can provide priceless guidance and help you avoid common pitfalls.

Identifying the Right Contacts:

Finding the right individuals to consult with goes beyond a simple search. You need a strategic approach to approach experienced professionals and gain valuable insights.

For detailed guidance on how to connect with the right people and gather vital information for your family entertainment center business, refer to the article “An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start,” linked below.

It offers valuable strategies to approach and engage with experienced individuals in a respectful and non-intrusive manner.

See An Inside Look Into the Business You Want To Start for all the details.

b.) Demand, the Competition and Your Location

Before establishing a Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business, it’s imperative to assess the demand for your products and services.

Offering quality and competitive pricing alone won’t guarantee success if there isn’t substantial demand for what you intend to provide. A lack of demand can lead to early closure and financial difficulties.

To gauge demand effectively, conduct market research, surveys, and focus groups to understand your potential customer base.

Evaluate factors such as population demographics, income levels, and consumer preferences.

Identifying the specific needs and desires of your target audience will enable you to tailor your services to meet their expectations.

Market Saturation:

In addition to demand, consider whether the market is already saturated with businesses offering similar services.

Entering a saturated market can be challenging, as gaining a foothold and competing for market share becomes more difficult.

To stand out in a saturated market, consider offering unique experiences or services that differentiate your FEC from competitors.

Additionally, evaluate the barriers to entry – if competitors can easily replicate your concept, they may capture a significant share of the market before you can establish your presence.


Understanding your competition is crucial when starting an FEC business. Analyze your competitors’ services, strengths, and weaknesses.

Identify gaps in the market where you can provide something new and compelling.

Rather than engaging in direct competition, consider ways to collaborate or complement existing businesses in the industry.

Building strategic partnerships can be mutually beneficial and help you establish your brand more effectively.

Choosing Your Location:

Selecting the right location for your FEC business is a critical decision. It should strike a balance between demand and competition while remaining financially viable.

Here are key considerations:

  • Demand vs. Competition : Seek a location where there is sufficient demand for family entertainment but not excessive competition. Conduct a thorough market analysis to identify areas with unmet needs.
  • Affordability : While a prime location in a densely populated area may seem attractive, evaluate the associated costs, such as rent and overhead. Ensure that higher expenses won’t erode your profits.
  • Accessibility : Choose a location that is easily accessible to your target audience. Proximity to residential areas, schools, and transportation hubs can enhance foot traffic.
  • Demographics : Consider the demographics of the surrounding population. Ensure that the age groups and interests align with your services.
  • Zoning and Regulations : Verify that the chosen location complies with zoning regulations and permits required for your FEC business.

In conclusion, researching and analyzing the supply and demand dynamics, competition, and location factors is essential for the success of your Family Entertainment Center business.

A well-informed decision in each of these areas will lay a strong foundation for your venture.

For more, see the Demand for Your Products and Services and Choosing The Best Location for Your Business.

c.) Target Audience

Understanding your target audience offers several benefits:

  • Tailored Products and Services: Knowledge of your customers’ preferences allows you to customize your products and services to align with their desires.
  • Improved Customer Experience: You can enhance the overall customer experience by catering to specific needs and preferences.
  • Effective Marketing: Targeted marketing campaigns are more efficient and cost-effective when you know your audience well.
  • Higher Satisfaction: Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal patrons, leading to increased customer retention .
  • Competitive Advantage: Meeting customer expectations sets you apart from competitors.

Target Market Ideas for a Family Entertainment Center:

  • Families with young children
  • Teenagers and adolescents
  • Parents seeking family-friendly activities
  • Tourists and vacationing families
  • School groups and educational outings
  • Birthday party planners
  • Corporate event organizers
  • Local community groups and clubs

4. Looking at Financials:

Understanding the numbers in your business and making good financial decisions are crucial factors in succeeding. You will struggle to manage a successful operation without investing the time and effort necessary to understand the financials of your family entertainment center business.

This section has a lot to cover, and these are critical steps in starting and operating your business.

The section is broken up into the following:

a.) Start-up Cost:

In this step, we will look at the importance of getting accurate estimates and a simple list to help you understand your needs.

b.) Monthly Expenses:

Expenses must be monitored, or the operation could be jeopardized. A sample list of monthly expenses is provided, which can be used to generate ideas for your setup.

c.) Profits:

To keep your doors open, you must generate enough profit to pay your bills, grow your business, and provide a personal income. There are a few points you will want to consider in this section.

d.) Best Practices:

In addition to the above, we will examine a few best practices for managing your finances.

Let’s get started!

a.) Start-Up Costs:

Startup Cost Estimation for a Family Entertainment Center Business

Estimating startup costs accurately is paramount for a smooth transition from planning to opening your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business.

Failing to do so can have significant repercussions, ranging from running out of funds before launch to appearing as a high-risk venture. Here’s how to approach the process:

Identify Your Specific Needs:

Begin by compiling a comprehensive list of all the elements you’ll need to launch your FEC business.

This includes facility costs, equipment, staffing, marketing, permits, licenses, insurance, and initial inventory. Ensure that you consider both one-time expenses and ongoing operational costs.

Research and Price Components:

Once you have your list, embark on thorough research to obtain accurate pricing for each item. Solicit quotes from vendors, suppliers, and service providers. Be meticulous in gathering cost information to avoid underestimating.

Consider Business Model:

The cost of starting a family entertainment center business can vary significantly based on your chosen business model.

Here are three common models to consider:


: Establishing a physical location with facilities, equipment, and staff can be more capital-intensive.

Account for Variables:

As you delve deeper into the startup cost estimation process, you may encounter unforeseen variables and expenses. Be prepared to adjust your budget accordingly as new information emerges.

Sample Estimates are a Guideline:

It’s important to note that while sample estimates can provide a rough guideline, there’s no one-size-fits-all figure for starting a family entertainment center business.

Each setup is unique, and costs can vary widely based on location, scale, and business model.

Evaluate Viability:

Once you have gathered all necessary cost estimates, evaluate whether the projected startup expenses align with your available budget and financial resources.

This assessment will determine if launching an FEC business is a feasible option for you.

In conclusion , accurately estimating startup costs is a critical step in the journey of establishing a family entertainment center business.

Thorough research, precise cost gathering, and a clear understanding of your chosen business model will empower you to make informed decisions and ensure the financial success of your venture.

Sample Startup Cost For a Family Entertainment Center Business

The purpose of the list below is to focus on the items more than the numbers because these are general samples, and your figures will be different.

Facility Costs:

  • Lease or Purchase of Facility: $300,000 – $600,000
  • Renovations and Interior Buildout: $50,000 – $100,000
  • Security Systems and Surveillance: $5,000 – $10,000

Equipment and Attractions:

  • Arcade Games and Machines: $50,000 – $100,000
  • Miniature Golf Course: $30,000 – $60,000
  • Go-Karts and Track: $40,000 – $80,000
  • Indoor Playground Structures: $20,000 – $40,000
  • Bowling Lanes: $75,000 – $150,000
  • Laser Tag Arena: $30,000 – $60,000
  • Bumper Cars: $20,000 – $40,000
  • Virtual Reality Stations: $15,000 – $30,000
  • Water Park Features (if applicable): $50,000 – $100,000
  • Outdoor Amusements (if applicable): $30,000 – $60,000

Furniture and Decor:

  • Seating and Tables: $10,000 – $20,000
  • Interior Decor and Theming: $15,000 – $30,000
  • Signage and Branding: $5,000 – $10,000

Technology and Point of Sale:

  • Point of Sale System: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Ticketing and Access Control: $10,000 – $20,000
  • Website Development and Online Booking: $8,000 – $15,000

Licensing, Permits, and Legal Fees:

  • Business Licenses and Permits: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Legal and Consulting Fees: $10,000 – $20,000

Marketing and Promotion:

  • Initial Marketing Campaign: $15,000 – $30,000
  • Marketing Materials (brochures, flyers ): $3,000 – $6,000
  • Social Media and Online Advertising: $7,000 – $14,000

Staffing and Training:

  • Employee Salaries (initial hiring): $20,000 – $40,000
  • Training Programs: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Liability and Property Insurance: $7,000 – $14,000

Utilities and Miscellaneous Expenses:

  • Utility Deposits and Setup: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Miscellaneous Initial Expenses: $5,000 – $10,000

Contingency (10% of Total): $115,000 – $230,000

Grand Total Estimated Startup Costs:

  • Low Estimate: $585,000
  • High Estimate: $1,170,000

These estimated startup costs provide a range for planning your mid-sized family entertainment center business in the USA.

Please keep in mind that actual costs may vary based on your specific location, business model, and market conditions.

It’s crucial to conduct detailed research and obtain accurate quotes from suppliers and contractors to create a precise budget for your venture.

For more, refer to our article on Estimating Startup Costs.

b.) Monthly Operating Costs:

Monthly Expenses for a Family Entertainment Center Business

Understanding and managing your monthly expenses are crucial for the sustainability of your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business.

While startup costs cover initial investments, monthly expenses are ongoing and can vary based on several factors.

Here’s an overview of key considerations and examples:

Business Model and Staffing:

  • Independent vs. Fully Staffed: Your choice of running the FEC independently or with a full staff will significantly impact your monthly payroll expenses. Independent operation may reduce labor costs but require more personal involvement.
  • High-Traffic vs. Less-Prime Area: The location of your FEC can result in varying monthly expenses. High-traffic areas typically have higher rent and utility costs compared to less prime areas. Consider the trade-off between exposure and expenses.

Loan Payments:

  • High Loan Payments: If you financed your FEC through loans, high monthly loan payments can be a significant expense. Ensure that your revenue can comfortably cover these payments.

Marketing and Advertising:

  • Expensive Marketing Campaigns: Aggressive marketing strategies can lead to higher monthly marketing expenses. Assess the return on investment (ROI) to ensure marketing campaigns are cost-effective.

Repairs and Maintenance:

  • Regular Maintenance: To keep attractions and equipment in optimal condition, budget for regular repairs and maintenance. Neglecting this can lead to higher long-term costs.
  • Electricity, Water, Gas: Monthly utility bills for maintaining the facility can be substantial. Implement energy-efficient practices to reduce these costs.
  • Employee Salaries and Benefits: Payroll expenses include wages, benefits, and taxes for your staff. Accurate staffing levels are crucial to manage these expenses effectively.

Operating Costs:

  • Supplies, Inventory, and Miscellaneous Expenses: These include ongoing expenses such as purchasing supplies, restocking inventory, and handling day-to-day operational needs.

Quality vs. Cost Balance:

  • While reducing expenses is essential, ensure that cost-cutting measures do not compromise the quality of services, customer satisfaction, or productivity. Striking a balance is key.

Contingency Planning:

  • Maintain a contingency fund to handle unexpected expenses or revenue fluctuations. This buffer can help your FEC business remain resilient in challenging times.

In conclusion, managing monthly expenses is vital for the financial health of your Family Entertainment Center business.

Consider your business model, location, loan payments, and the balance between cost-cutting and maintaining quality.

Regularly review and adjust your budget to ensure that your FEC operates efficiently and can weather fluctuations in revenue.

Sample list of estimated monthly expenses for a MID-sized family entertainment center business

Again, the purpose of the list below is to focus on the items in the list more than the numbers. The numbers are a general idea, and your numbers will differ.

Loan Repayments:

  • Low Estimate: $10,000 – $15,000
  • High Estimate: $20,000 – $25,000

Payroll and Benefits:

  • Low Estimate: $25,000 – $35,000
  • High Estimate: $40,000 – $50,000
  • Electricity, Water, Gas: $3,000 – $5,000

Rent or Lease:

  • Low Estimate: $8,000 – $12,000
  • High Estimate: $15,000 – $20,000
  • Liability and Property Insurance: $1,500 – $2,500
  • Low Estimate: $3,000 – $5,000
  • High Estimate: $6,000 – $8,000
  • Low Estimate: $2,000 – $4,000
  • High Estimate: $4,000 – $6,000

Employee Training and Development:

  • Low Estimate: $1,000 – $2,000
  • High Estimate: $2,500 – $3,500

Office Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses:

  • High Estimate: $2,500 – $4,000

Technology and Software:

  • Point of Sale System and Software Licenses: $1,500 – $2,500

Contingency (10% of Total):

  • Low Estimate: $7,300 – $11,300
  • High Estimate: $14,300 – $18,300

Grand Total Estimated Monthly Expenses:

  • Low Estimate: $62,300 – $92,300
  • High Estimate: $117,300 – $147,300

These estimated monthly expenses and operating costs provide a range for planning your mid-sized family entertainment center business in the USA.

The actual costs may vary based on your specific location, business model, staffing levels, and other factors.

It’s essential to maintain a well-structured budget and regularly review your financial performance to ensure the long-term success of your FEC business.

c.) Considerations for Profits

Understanding Profit for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Profit in your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business is not solely dependent on sales revenue; it’s influenced by various factors and your strategic choices.

Here are key points to consider:

Profit Margins and Overhead:

  • High overhead costs can significantly impact your profit margins. Even if your FEC generates substantial sales, if expenses are high, your net profit may be below average. Efficient cost management is crucial.

Individual Variables:

  • Accurately estimating your FEC’s profit is challenging due to the numerous variables involved, including location, competition, pricing, and marketing effectiveness. Your unique business plan and management approach play a critical role.

Positioning Strategy:

  • Your choice of positioning your FEC, whether as a high-end or discount operation, will affect profit margins. Each strategy has its implications on pricing, customer expectations, and profitability.

Focus on the Big Picture:

  • Don’t fixate solely on the profit of individual sales without considering the overall business outlook. Ensure that your sales volume and pricing strategy cover your overhead costs and leave room for growth, salaries, and future investments.

Startup Phase vs. Operational Phase:

  • Profit estimates during the startup phase are essential for planning, but actual numbers will emerge once your FEC is operational. These numbers will be based on real data and performance.

Calculating Net Profit:

  • Net profit is calculated by subtracting total costs from total revenue. It’s the bottom line figure that indicates the actual profit your FEC generates. It’s crucial to track this consistently.

Analyzing Profit per Sale:

  • To refine your business strategy, calculate the net profit per sale and factor in the average number of sales. This analysis helps you identify which products or services are the most profitable and can guide your marketing efforts.

Early Stage Profit Expectations:

  • Be prepared for lower profits in the early stages of operations. It takes time to optimize your business processes, gather accurate data, and fine-tune operations. Profits may fluctuate during this period.

In conclusion, profit in the FEC business is influenced by various factors and requires a comprehensive understanding of your unique business model and goals.

Regularly assess your profit margins, expenses, and revenue to ensure your FEC operates profitably and adapts to changing market conditions.

For More, See Estimating Profitability and Revenue.

d.) Financial Bests Practices:

Financial Best Practices for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

To ensure the financial health and stability of your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business, there are essential best practices to follow:

Maintain Healthy Cash Flow:

Sustaining a healthy cash flow is vital to access funds when needed, especially during slow seasons, emergencies, or opportunities for significant savings.

Unlike a steady job paycheck, business revenue and profits fluctuate, making cash reserves crucial.

Cost Reduction Strategies:

Keep a vigilant eye on costs without compromising customer service, productivity, or quality. Prudent cost management allows you to allocate resources efficiently. Identify areas where spending can be optimized.

Regularly Monitor Financials:

Monitoring your FEC’s financial performance is not limited to recording transactions for tax and legal compliance.

It involves generating financial reports that provide insights into trends and business health. For instance, if you observe a sudden drop in sales, financial monitoring can help identify the underlying causes, such as market changes, product issues, or new competitors.

Financial Reports and Trend Analysis:

Utilize financial reports to track income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements regularly. These reports offer a clear view of your FEC’s financial position, allowing you to detect patterns and deviations.

Trend analysis can help you identify areas that need attention and optimize your business strategies accordingly.

Proactive Problem-Solving:

Financial monitoring empowers you to identify issues in real-time and take corrective action promptly. Addressing problems early can prevent financial crises and enable strategic adjustments to maintain profitability.

Budgeting and Forecasting:

Create a comprehensive budget and financial forecasts for your FEC. Budgeting ensures you allocate resources wisely and set financial goals. Regularly review and update your budget to align with changing circumstances.

Seek Professional Financial Guidance:

Consider consulting with financial experts or accountants who specialize in the entertainment industry. Their expertise can provide valuable insights, tax optimization strategies, and financial planning advice tailored to your FEC business.

8. Emergency Fund and Reserve Planning:

Establish an emergency fund and reserve funds to cover unexpected expenses or economic downturns. Having a financial safety net ensures your FEC remains resilient and can weather unforeseen challenges.

In conclusion, implementing these financial best practices is crucial for the success and sustainability of your Family Entertainment Center business.

Effective financial management, cash flow maintenance, and proactive monitoring enable you to make informed decisions, adapt to market changes, and secure the long-term profitability of your FEC.

5. Create Your Mission Statement

A well-crafted mission statement serves as the guiding compass for your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business.

It articulates your purpose, ensuring you remain focused on delivering a specific benefit to your customers and community. It helps in:

  • Clarifying Purpose: A mission statement concisely defines why your FEC exists. It clarifies your core purpose and the unique value you offer.
  • Staying on Course: It keeps your business aligned with its primary mission, preventing diversions or mission drift.
  • Customer-Centric Focus: A mission statement reminds you of the main benefit you provide to your customers, fostering customer-centric practices.

Examples of Mission Statements for a Family Entertainment Center Business:

  • “Our mission is to create lasting memories for families by offering a safe, fun, and inclusive environment filled with a variety of entertainment experiences.”
  • “At our FEC, we are dedicated to fostering quality family time and promoting active play while building a strong sense of community within our neighborhoods.”
  • “We exist to be the go-to destination for families seeking wholesome entertainment, where laughter and joy are the cornerstones of our establishment.”

These mission statement examples reflect the core purpose of a family entertainment center: providing enjoyable experiences and building strong community connections.

Tailor your mission statement to encapsulate your unique vision and values.

For more, see How To Create a Mission Statement.

6. Creating A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Importance of a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a crucial element for distinguishing your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business in a competitive market.

It helps you identify and create something that sets your FEC apart and appeals to your target audience. Here’s how a USP can benefit your FEC:

Identifying Uniqueness:

A USP forces you to pinpoint what makes your FEC distinct. It could be a special attraction, themed experience, exceptional customer service, or a combination of factors.

Attracting Customers:

A strong USP appeals to potential customers by highlighting the value and benefits they’ll receive by choosing your FEC over competitors.

Brand Recognition:

A well-defined USP enhances your brand identity, making your FEC more memorable and recognizable.

Examples of USPs for a Family Entertainment Center Business:

  • “Our FEC stands out with a state-of-the-art virtual reality zone, offering an immersive gaming experience you won’t find elsewhere in the area.”
  • “We pride ourselves on being the only FEC in town with an eco-friendly focus, using sustainable materials and promoting environmental education through interactive exhibits.”
  • “Our FEC sets the bar for customer service with a dedicated ‘Fun Concierge’ team, ensuring every visit is a personalized and unforgettable adventure.”

These USP examples emphasize unique services such as virtual reality, sustainability, and exceptional service, providing clear reasons for customers to choose your FEC.

Tailor your USP to align with your FEC’s strengths and target audience preferences.

7. Choose a Business Name

Choosing the Right Name for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Selecting an appropriate and memorable name for your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business is a critical step in establishing your brand identity.

Here’s what to consider when naming your FEC:

Catchy and Appropriate:

Your business name should resonate with your industry and the entertainment services you offer. It should be catchy and easy to remember, leaving a positive impression on potential customers.

Lasting Choice:

Business names are typically long-term commitments. Take your time to choose a name that you’ll be comfortable with for the duration of your business ownership.

Domain Availability:

In today’s digital age, securing a matching domain name is essential for your online presence. Ensure that the name you choose has an available domain for your website.

Trademark Check:

Verify that the name you want to use isn’t already registered or trademarked by another business to avoid legal complications.

Sample Family Entertainment Center Business Names:

  • FunFusion Adventures
  • PlayHaven Amusements
  • HappyHorizon Entertainment
  • JoyfulJunction Center
  • ThrillSphere Family Fun
  • WonderWorld Oasis
  • LaughLand Entertainment
  • AdventureQuest Park
  • MagicMingle FEC
  • FantasticFiesta Hub
  • DreamBound Adventures
  • GiggleGrove Center
  • ExploreSphere FEC
  • DiscoveryDelight Park
  • HarmonyHaven Entertainment
  • BoundlessPlay Zone
  • SmilesUnlimited Center
  • SparkQuest Family Fun
  • AdventureVille Oasis
  • FunTerra Amusements
  • PlayScape Adventures
  • MarvelMaze Entertainment
  • JumpStart Junction
  • ThriveWave FEC
  • WonderWhirl Hub
  • WhimsyWorld Center
  • GiggleFest Oasis
  • FamilyFiesta Park
  • EnchantedEden Entertainment

This list provides a starting point to inspire your creativity and help you choose a unique and fitting name for your FEC business.

Ensure that the selected name aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

For more, see the following articles:

  • How To Register a Business Name
  • Registering a Domain Name For Your Business

8. Register Your Company

Ensuring Legal Compliance for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Operating a legal family entertainment center (FEC) business is essential for its success and longevity.

Here’s what you need to know to ensure legal compliance:

Consult with Professionals:

It’s wise to consult with legal and financial professionals who specialize in the entertainment industry.

They can help you set up your business structure for optimal tax benefits, address liability concerns, and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Common Types of Registrations for an FEC Business:

  • Depending on your location and business structure, consider the following registrations:
  • Business Entity Registration: Register your FEC as a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or corporation, depending on your preferences and tax considerations.
  • Sales Tax Permit: If your FEC sells merchandise or food, you may need a sales tax permit to collect and remit sales tax to the state.

Permits and Licenses to Consider for an FEC Business:

  • Building Permits: Ensure your FEC complies with local building codes and safety regulations.
  • Health and Safety Permits: Depending on the services you offer, you may need health and safety permits to ensure the well-being of your patrons.
  • Fire Department Permits: Amusement facilities often require permits from the fire department to ensure safety measures are in place.
  • Food Service Licenses: If your FEC offers food and beverages, you’ll need the necessary licenses for food preparation and service.
  • Entertainment Licenses: Some areas may require specific licenses for entertainment venues or amusement activities.
  • Noise and Environmental Permits: Ensure compliance with noise and environmental regulations to minimize disruptions to your community.

Consider Bondable Employees:

  • Becoming a bondable business can enhance customer confidence. It means that your employees have undergone background checks and meet the criteria for bonding, which can be particularly important if your FEC hires staff who interact with children or vulnerable individuals.

In conclusion, ensuring legal compliance is crucial for your FEC business’s reputation and long-term success.

Consulting professionals, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, and considering employee bonding can help you navigate the legal landscape and operate your FEC with confidence.


  • How to Register Your Business
  • How To Register a DBA
  • How to Register a Trademark
  • How to Get a Business License

Business Structures:

  • How to Choose a Business Structure
  • Pros & Cons of a Sole Proprietorship
  • How To Form an LLC
  • How To Register a Business Partnership
  • How To Form a Corporation
  • How To Choose a Business Registration Service

9. Create Your Corporate Identity

Importance of a Corporate Identity for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

A Corporate Identity (CI) plays a pivotal role in representing and establishing your family entertainment center (FEC) business.

Visual Representation:

  • Your CI encompasses vital visual components such as your logo, business cards, website design, business signage, stationery, and promotional materials. These elements collectively form the face of your FEC.

Professional Impression:

  • A well-designed CI conveys professionalism and credibility, leaving a lasting impression on both potential and existing customers. It reflects your commitment to excellence.

Consistency and Recognition:

  • Maintaining a consistent CI across all platforms and materials fosters recognition. When customers encounter your branding elements repeatedly, they become familiar with your FEC, promoting trust and loyalty.

Competitive Edge:

  • In a competitive industry, a strong CI sets you apart. It helps your FEC stand out from the crowd, attracting more visitors and fostering customer loyalty.

Trust and Brand Equity:

  • A professionally designed CI instills trust in your target audience. It’s an investment in building brand equity, which can lead to long-term success.

In conclusion, a well-crafted Corporate Identity is integral to the success of your FEC business.

It enhances professionalism, fosters recognition, and creates a lasting impression, ultimately contributing to your business’s growth and sustainability.

You can see our pages for an overview of your logo , business cards , website , and business sign , or see A Complete Introduction to Corporate Identity Packages.

10. Writing a Business Plan

The Significance of a Business Plan for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

A well-structured business plan is a foundational document for your family entertainment center (FEC) business. It serves multiple crucial purposes:

Financing and Investor Attraction:

  • A business plan is vital when seeking financing or investors. It provides a comprehensive overview of your FEC, demonstrating your vision, strategies, and potential returns, making it an attractive proposition for lenders or investors.

Guiding Your Vision:

  • Beyond securing funding, a business plan acts as your roadmap, guiding you from the startup phase to full operational capacity. It outlines your goals, objectives, and operational strategies, ensuring that your vision is clearly defined and actionable.

Detailed Vision of Operations:

  • Writing a business plan compels you to envision what your FEC will look like when fully operational. It requires careful consideration and articulation of every aspect, from marketing and staffing to financial projections.

Investment of Time and Effort:

  • Crafting a business plan is an investment that demands time, consideration, and effort. However, the effort pays off because it provides a comprehensive understanding of what’s needed to launch and sustain your FEC business.

Options for Creating Your Business Plan:

  • You have several options for creating your business plan. You can write it independently from scratch, enlist the expertise of a professional, utilize a business plan template, or leverage business plan software. Regardless of the approach, your active involvement in the process is crucial to effectively communicate your business’s nature and management.

Adaptability and Continuous Improvement:

  • Your business plan isn’t set in stone. It can evolve and improve as you gain experience, encounter changes in operations or the market, or refine your strategies. Regularly reviewing and updating your business plan ensures it remains a dynamic tool for guiding your FEC towards success.

In conclusion , a well-crafted business plan is a foundational element for your FEC business.

It’s not only essential for securing financing and attracting investors but also for providing a clear and detailed vision of your operations.

Invest the time and effort to create a robust plan, and be prepared to adapt it as your business evolves.

Business Plan Template for a Family Entertainment Center Business

Executive Summary:

  • Business Description: Provide a concise overview of your FEC, including its name, location, and primary services.
  • Mission Statement: Define your FEC’s core purpose and values.
  • Business Goals: Outline your short-term and long-term objectives.
  • Key Highlights: Highlight unique aspects that set your FEC apart.

Business Description:

  • Business Concept: Explain the concept and vision behind your FEC.
  • Target Market: Define your target audience and demographics.
  • Location: Describe your FEC’s location, including accessibility and proximity to competitors.
  • Legal Structure: Specify your business structure (e.g., LLC, corporation) and ownership details.

Market Research:

  • Industry Overview: Provide insights into the family entertainment industry, trends, and growth projections.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze competitors in your area, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share.
  • SWOT Analysis: Identify your FEC’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Customer Demographics: Detail the characteristics of your target audience.

Products and Services:

  • Attractions: List and describe the entertainment attractions, rides, games, and activities your FEC offers.
  • Pricing Strategy: Explain your pricing structure, including admission fees, packages, and promotions.
  • Food and Beverage: Outline your the food you offer, menus, and pricing.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

  • Marketing Plan: Detail your marketing strategies, including digital marketing, social media, and traditional advertising.
  • Sales Approach: Describe your sales tactics, customer engagement, and loyalty programs .
  • Promotions: Highlight any special promotions, events, or partnerships to drive attendance.

Operations and Management:

  • Operational Plan: Explain day-to-day operations, staffing requirements, and supply chain management.
  • Team Structure: Introduce key team members and their roles.
  • Facility Maintenance: Describe maintenance schedules and safety measures.

Financial Projections:

  • Start-up Costs: Provide a breakdown of initial expenses, including construction, equipment, and licensing.
  • Revenue Forecast: Estimate revenue based on attendance projections and pricing.
  • Expense Projection: Outline monthly operational expenses, including payroll, utilities, and marketing.
  • Profit and Loss Statement: Project net profit and loss for the first three years.

Funding Request:

  • Capital Requirements: Specify the amount of funding needed for start-up and initial operations.
  • Use of Funds: Explain how you will allocate the requested funds.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Offer potential investors insights into ROI expectations.

Legal and Compliance:

  • Registrations and Permits: List all required registrations, licenses, and permits.
  • Insurance: Detail insurance coverage for liability, property, and employee benefits.
  • Employee Bonding: Describe measures for ensuring employee trustworthiness.


  • Supporting Documents: Include any additional documents, such as resumes, market research data, or architectural plans.

Review and Updates:

  • Regular Review: Commit to periodic reviews and updates of the business plan to align with changing circumstances and market dynamics.

This comprehensive business plan template serves as a foundation for planning and operating your Family Entertainment Center business effectively.

Adjust the content according to your specific vision and objectives.

See How to Write a Business Plan for information on creating yours.

11. Banking Considerations

Selecting the Right Bank for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

When choosing a bank for your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) business, consider these factors:

Small Business Focus:

  • Opt for a bank that has a strong focus on serving small businesses. They understand the unique financial needs of startups and can offer tailored solutions.

Financial Sector Presence:

  • Look for a bank with a reputable presence in the financial sector. A well-established bank often provides stability and a wide range of services.

Professional Relationship:

  • Build a professional relationship with your banker. They can offer valuable advice, support you during challenges, and streamline financial transactions.

Dedicated Business Account:

  • Maintain a separate business account to track expenses accurately, create financial reports, and simplify tax filing.

Merchant Account:

  • Ensure you have a merchant account or a service for accepting credit and debit card payments. This enhances sales and customer convenience.

Choosing the right bank is a crucial step in managing your FEC’s finances effectively and ensuring a seamless financial operation.

For more, see How to Open a Business Bank Account. You may also want to look at What Is a Merchant Account and How to Get One.

12. Getting the Funds for Your Operation

To secure financing for your family entertainment center business, consider the following funding options:

  • Traditional Lenders: Approach banks or credit unions to inquire about business loans. Be prepared to provide a solid business plan and financial projections.
  • Private Loans: Explore personal loans or loans from friends and family, but ensure clear terms and repayment plans.
  • Investors: Seek potential investors who may be interested in supporting your venture in exchange for equity or a stake in your business.
  • Asset Sale: Liquidate assets you own, such as property or equipment, to generate capital for your entertainment center.

Additionally, research if any government grants or subsidies are available to assist in launching your family entertainment center.

Considerations when meeting with a loan officer:

  • Present a well-detailed business plan.
  • Explain how the loan will be used and repaid.
  • Showcase your experience in the entertainment industry.
  • Provide financial projections and a clear repayment strategy.
  • Be prepared to discuss collateral or guarantees.

Documents needed for a new family entertainment center business loan:

  • Business plan with financial projections.
  • Personal and business financial statements.
  • Tax returns for the past few years.
  • Credit history and scores.
  • Collateral information, if applicable.

For more, see the following:

  • Getting a Small Business Loan
  • SBA Small Business Grants
  • Search: Family Entertainment Center Business Start-up Loans
  • Search: Grants For a Family Entertainment Center Business

13. Software Setup

Your provided content has been reiterated for your reference:

When choosing software for your family entertainment center business, comprehensive research is essential:

  • Customization: Examine the software’s adaptability and consider whether it’s more practical to develop a system from scratch than to switch after your data is entrenched in another program.
  • Company Reliability: Choose a software provider with a reliable track record to ensure ongoing support and updates.
  • Demos: Make use of available demos to assess whether the software suits your needs before committing.
  • Reviews and Forums: Seek insights from software reviews and online forums to glean from others’ experiences with the software in question.
  • Training Options: Determine if the software offers training, either from the company or other sources, to optimize its potential.
  • Financial Management: Investigate software for tracking expenses and preparing financial documents, crucial for tax filing.

Consulting with your bookkeeper or accountant can assist in selecting the right accounting software.

Software types for family entertainment center management and operations encompass:

  • Point of Sale (POS) software
  • Inventory management software
  • Employee scheduling and payroll software
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Marketing and advertising management software
  • Facility booking and reservation software
  • Financial accounting software
  • Analytics and reporting software
  • Security and surveillance software

Check out Google’s latest search results for software packages for a family entertainment center business.

14. Get The Right Business Insurance

Business Insurance for Family Entertainment Centers

In the realm of family entertainment center businesses, comprehensive insurance coverage is paramount.

Here are key aspects to consider:

Protecting Stakeholders:

  • Customers: Safeguarding the well-being of your patrons should be a priority. Liability insurance can cover accidents or injuries that may occur on your premises.
  • Employees: Workers’ compensation insurance is essential to provide financial support to employees in case of job-related injuries or illnesses.
  • Yourself: Consider personal liability insurance to shield your personal assets from potential business-related lawsuits.

Property Protection:

  • Insurance should extend to your property, including the physical infrastructure of your entertainment center, equipment, and assets. Property insurance can help recover losses from events like fire, theft, or vandalism.

Professional Liability Insurance:

  • This type of coverage is crucial to protect your business from legal claims and lawsuits arising from professional errors, negligence, or omissions.

Interruption Insurance:

  • In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters or accidents, business interruption insurance can provide financial relief during involuntary shutdowns. It covers lost income, rent, and other fixed expenses.

Consult an Insurance Broker:

  • Seek the expertise of a competent insurance broker to navigate the complexities of insurance options and ensure you have adequate coverage tailored to your family entertainment center’s needs.

In conclusion, proactive and comprehensive insurance coverage is indispensable for the long-term success and security of your family entertainment center.

Be diligent in researching and selecting the right insurance policies to mitigate potential risks effectively.

To delve deeper into the topic and explore the latest insurance options, consider reading more about “What to Know About Business Insurance” or conducting a Google search for “family entertainment center business insurance.”

For more, see What to Know About Business Insurance . You can also browse the latest Google search results for family entertainment center business insurance .

15. Suppliers and Service Providers

Building Strong Supplier and Service Provider Relationships

Establishing and maintaining robust partnerships with your suppliers and service providers is paramount for your business’s prosperity. Here’s why these relationships are critical:

Reliability and Trustworthiness:

  • A dependable and trustworthy supplier is a cornerstone of your success. They ensure a consistent supply of essential materials, reducing disruptions in your operations.

Competitive Pricing:

  • Strong supplier relationships can lead to competitive pricing, enabling you to offer cost-effective services to your customers while enhancing your profit margins.

Seamless Operations:

  • Suppliers guarantee that you always have the necessary supplies to run your family entertainment center efficiently, preventing inventory shortages and customer dissatisfaction.

4. Mutual Respect and Benefit:

  • Fostering respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with your suppliers and service providers is essential. Ensuring they also benefit financially from the partnership can enhance collaboration and loyalty.

Items and Services Family Entertainment Centers May Need from Suppliers and Service Providers:

  • Amusement and gaming equipment
  • Food and beverage supplies
  • Ticketing and POS systems
  • Cleaning and maintenance services
  • Event planning and entertainment services
  • Marketing and advertising services
  • Security and surveillance systems
  • IT and technical support services
  • Furniture and decor suppliers
  • Electrical and HVAC maintenance
  • Waste disposal and recycling services

Cultivating strong ties with your suppliers and service providers is an ongoing effort that can significantly contribute to the long-term success of your family entertainment center.

For more information, see How To Choose a Supplier.

16. Setting Prices

Researching Pricing for Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Thoroughly researching pricing is a critical step when launching a family entertainment center business.

Here are the key benefits and considerations:

  • Pricing research allows you to position your business competitively. Knowing the market rates helps you offer attractive prices that can draw customers.

Avoiding Loss of Sales:

  • If your prices are excessively high, potential customers may be deterred, resulting in lost sales. Competitively priced services increase your chances of capturing a larger market share.

Profit Sustainability:

  • Pricing too low can lead to high customer acquisition but may not cover expenses, impacting profitability. Finding a balance is essential for long-term sustainability.

Emphasizing Value:

  • Effective pricing strategies highlight the value your family entertainment center provides. It helps customers understand what they gain from their investment.

In conclusion, meticulous pricing research ensures your business aligns with the current market while emphasizing the value proposition.

Striking this balance is crucial to attract and retain customers while maintaining a healthy profit margin.

See the following for more:

  • Setting the Price of Your Products and Services
  • Search Results for Pricing Strategies for a Family Entertainment Center Business.

17. Physical Setup

Inventory Management for Family Entertainment Centers

Managing inventory effectively is crucial for the success of your family entertainment center.

Here’s what you need to consider:

Product Selection:

  • If you plan to offer products, focus on offering products that align with your customers’ preferences and needs. Choose novelty items that resonate with your target audience to encourage repeat visits.

Balancing Inventory:

  • Striking the right balance in inventory is essential. Overstocking ties up capital, while understocking leads to missed sales opportunities. Maintain a careful balance to optimize resources.

Strategic Display:

  • Display products strategically to maximize sales. Experiment with different layouts and record their performance to identify what works best for your center.

Expiry Dates:

  • If offering food items, closely monitor expiry dates. Avoid stocking products with approaching expiration dates, as this can lead to waste. Ensure you strike a balance between having enough products to sell before expiry and avoiding overstock.

Family Entertainment Center Layout Considerations:

  • Efficient layout design is vital for productivity, organization, and safety.
  • Consider factors such as traffic flow, accessibility, and zoning for different attractions within your center.

Business Signage:

  • Invest in well-designed signage, including a prominent main business sign and directional signs at exits and specific areas.
  • Effective signage enhances professionalism and helps visitors navigate your center effortlessly.

Optimizing Your Office Setup:

  • Managing a family entertainment center can be time-consuming. An organized office with the necessary equipment ensures efficiency.
  • Equip your office with the tools and resources needed for effective business management, from accounting software to communication systems.

Incorporating these elements into your family entertainment center’s operations can contribute to a seamless and successful business.

  • Considerations for the Setup of Your Office
  • Considerations for Your Company Sign.

18. Creating a Website

The Necessity of a Website for Your Family Entertainment Center

A website is an indispensable asset for your family entertainment center business. Here’s why it’s essential:

Primary Point of Contact:

  • Your website serves as the primary online point of contact with potential customers, providing crucial information about your services, and promotions.

Ownership and Control:

  • Unlike social media accounts, a website is your owned and controlled platform when you host and register a domain name. This autonomy is vital for brand consistency and control.

Effective Marketing Tool:

  • Your website can double as a powerful marketing tool. By creating industry-specific blog content and offering valuable insights and tips tailored to your customers, you can build trust, establish authority, and position yourself as an expert in your field.

In conclusion, a well-designed website is not just an online presence; it’s a dynamic tool for showcasing your family entertainment center, disseminating information, and cultivating customer trust and loyalty.

It offers control, flexibility, and a platform to engage with your audience effectively.

For more, see How to Build a Website for Your Business .

19. Create an External Support Team

Building Your External Support Team

Creating an external support team of professionals is vital for your business’s success.

Here’s why and how to assemble such a team:

Diverse Expertise:

  • An external support team provides a wealth of expertise in various areas without adding to your payroll.

Service Utilization:

  • You can enlist their services for advice, projects, administrative tasks, and support as needed.

Flexible Compensation:

  • Compensation arrangements can vary, from hourly rates to project-based fees, retainers, or contractual agreements.

Gradual Formation:

  • You don’t need to have all team members in place from the start; building professional relationships takes time.

Essential Team Members:

  • Consider including an accountant, a lawyer, a financial advisor, a marketing specialist, technical advisors, and consultants in your support team.

Continuous Development:

  • Cultivating and maintaining these relationships is an ongoing process to ensure dependable support when required.

A strong external support team enhances your business’s resilience and capacity to navigate challenges effectively, tapping into a wealth of professional expertise without the burden of a full-time payroll.

For more, see Building a Team of Professional Advisors for Your Business.

20. Hiring Employees

Scaling Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Initially running your family entertainment center solo can help manage costs, but growth may necessitate hiring. Consider these points:

Cost Management:

Managing alone in the early stages helps control expenses, a significant concern during startup.

Workload and Growth:

As your business expands, managing all aspects alone may become overwhelming, leading to the need for additional personnel.

Qualified Personnel:

Hiring qualified individuals with strong work ethics is crucial to maintain operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

Job Positions and Outsourced Services to Consider for Growth:

  • Operations Manager
  • Event Coordinator
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Marketing and Advertising Specialist
  • Facility Maintenance Staff
  • Food and Beverage Services Manager
  • Security Personnel
  • Accounting and Finance Services
  • Legal Counsel
  • Cleaning and Janitorial Services
  • Human Resources Consultant

Expanding your team strategically can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your family entertainment center as it grows.

For more, see How and When to Hire a New Employee.

21. Getting Customers Through the Door

When you have reached this step, your business is set up and ready to go, with one more final step, which is important: getting customers through the door.

There are numerous ways to do this, like advertising, having a grand opening , word of mouth, etc. The following sections will give you a few ideas to spark your creativity and draw attention to your new family entertainment center business.

a.) Marketing Considerations b.) The Market Can Guide You c.) Sample Ad Ideas d.) B2B Ideas

Let’s dig a little deeper into the following sections.

a.) Marketing Considerations

Attracting Customers to Your Family Entertainment Center Business

Running a successful family entertainment center hinges on attracting the right customers. Initially, this can be challenging since your operation is new, and awareness is limited. However, with time and a good reputation, it becomes easier.

Here are some essential considerations for marketing your family entertainment center:

Continuous Marketing Efforts:

Marketing is an ongoing process. The more you invest in effective techniques, the more revenue you generate. You don’t always need a marketing agency or expert, but it can be beneficial.

Simplified Approach:

Think of marketing as creating awareness for your business. Seize every opportunity to do so.

Simple Methods for Promoting Your Family Entertainment Center:

  • Social Media: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X to share engaging content, promotions, and updates.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local schools, businesses, and community organizations for cross-promotions and events.
  • Online Listings: Ensure your business is listed on Google My Business and other online directories to improve visibility in local searches.
  • Email Marketing: Maintain an email list for newsletters, special offers, and event announcements.
  • Word of Mouth: Encourage satisfied customers to spread the word and provide incentives for referrals.
  • Discounts and Loyalty Programs: Reward loyal customers with discounts and perks to keep them coming back.
  • In-Person Events: Host themed parties, workshops, or special events to draw in new customers and entertain existing ones.

In summary, effective marketing is essential for a family entertainment center business. By using these simple methods, you can begin attracting customers and building a loyal clientele.

See How To Get Customers Through the Door and our marketing section for ideas on promoting your business.

b.) The Market Can Guide You

Listening to Customer Demand in Your Family Entertainment Center Business

In the world of business, it’s crucial to remain attentive to your customers’ needs and preferences. While you may have a clear vision for your family entertainment center business, it’s equally important to acknowledge the demands and trends in the market.

Customers’ desires can evolve, and sometimes, the market signals a demand for something different from your initial plans. As a business owner, it’s tempting to stay committed to your original concept.

However, resisting change when the signs point in a new direction could mean missing out on a valuable opportunity for your business to thrive.

Ultimately, the decision lies with you as the business owner. But when you consistently encounter indications that the market desires something different, it’s wise to pause and reflect.

Adapting to meet customer demands can lead to increased customer satisfaction, greater profitability, and long-term success for your family entertainment center.

Stay open to change and flexible in your approach, and your business may flourish in unexpected ways.

c.) Sample Ad Ideas

  • Headline: “Experience Thrills at Our Family Entertainment Center”
  • Dive into excitement with our thrilling rides, arcade games, and more! Perfect for family outings and birthday parties.
  • Headline: “Create Memories at Our Entertainment Center”
  • Make unforgettable memories with your loved ones at our center. Mini-golf, bumper cars, and smiles for all ages.
  • Headline: “Gamer’s Paradise Awaits”
  • Level up your fun with an array of video games and challenges. Compete with friends and conquer the high score!
  • Headline: “Host Epic Parties with Us”
  • Plan your next party at our entertainment center. Fun, food, and fantastic memories are on the agenda!
  • Headline: “Cool Off in Our Water Park”
  • Splash into summer at our water park! Water slides, lazy rivers, and endless fun await you and your family.

d.) B2B Ideas

B2B Ideas for Family Entertainment Centers

Establishing joint ventures or partnerships with other businesses can be mutually beneficial.

Here are some businesses that family entertainment center owners can approach for potential collaborations:

1. Local Restaurants and Cafes:

  • Offer food and beverage deals for customers visiting your center.
  • Cross-promote by directing your visitors to their dining establishments.

2. Party Supply Stores:

  • Collaborate on party packages, providing decorations and supplies for special events held at your center.
  • Share advertising costs for themed parties.

3. Schools and Educational Institutions:

  • Partner for school outings and educational field trips.
  • Offer discounts to students and families associated with these institutions.

4. Event Planners and Caterers:

  • Jointly organize and cater corporate events, parties, and special occasions.
  • Pool resources to create memorable experiences for clients.

5. Local Hotels and Accommodations:

  • Create stay-and-play packages for tourists and out-of-town visitors.
  • Provide shuttle services to and from your entertainment center.

6. Sports Teams and Clubs:

  • Collaborate on team-building events and sports-themed parties.
  • Offer discounted admission for sports club members.

7. Retail Stores and Merchandise Outlets:

  • Sell branded merchandise or souvenirs at your center.
  • Co-market special promotions and discounts for customers of both businesses.

8. Fitness Centers and Health Clubs:

  • Develop fitness and wellness programs for customers looking for a holistic entertainment experience.
  • Cross-promote memberships and services to both customer bases.

9. Local Media and Influencers:

  • Partner for joint marketing campaigns and promotions.
  • Leverage the reach and influence of local media and social media personalities to increase visibility.

10. Non-profit Organizations and Charities:

  • Host fundraising events, with a portion of the proceeds going to charitable causes.
  • Support community initiatives to enhance your center’s public image.

When approaching potential joint venture partners, it’s essential to create agreements that benefit both parties.

Collaborations should align with the interests and needs of both businesses while enhancing the customer experience.

Building strong, lasting relationships with partners can lead to increased traffic, improved services, and enhanced brand recognition for your family entertainment center.

Points To Consider

Next, for your family entertainment center business, let’s review essential points to consider

We will cover sections, including tips to improve the setup of your family entertainment center business, equipment, alternatives to starting from scratch, and more.

After that, you’ll reach the “Knowledge Is Power” segment, where you can access resources containing valuable information.

Key Points to Succeed in a Family Entertainment Center Business

Critical Points for Success in the Setup Phase:

  • Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competition, and location viability.
  • Business Plan: Create a comprehensive business plan outlining your concept, financial projections, and operational strategy.
  • Location Selection: Choose a strategic and accessible location with adequate space for attractions and parking.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure all permits, licenses, and zoning regulations are met.
  • Attraction Selection: Carefully select attractions based on market demand and budget constraints.
  • Budgeting: Develop a realistic budget, accounting for startup costs, equipment, and initial marketing expenses.
  • Financing: Secure adequate funding through loans, investors, or personal savings.
  • Staffing: Recruit and train skilled staff, including managers, customer service, and maintenance personnel.
  • Marketing Strategy: Develop a marketing plan to create awareness and attract initial customers.
  • Safety Protocols: Establish stringent safety measures for both guests and employees.

Critical Points for Success in the Operation Phase:

  • Customer Experience: Prioritize exceptional customer service to ensure a positive experience for visitors.
  • Attraction Maintenance: Implement a regular maintenance schedule to keep attractions in optimal condition.
  • Marketing Continuity: Maintain an ongoing marketing strategy to attract and retain customers.
  • Safety Vigilance: Continuously monitor and enhance safety protocols to prevent accidents.
  • Employee Training: Provide ongoing training and motivation for staff to deliver top-notch service.
  • Financial Management: Monitor financial performance, control expenses, and adapt to changing revenue trends.
  • Customer Feedback: Act on customer feedback to make improvements and adjustments.
  • Innovation: Stay updated with industry trends and consider adding new attractions or technology.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with the local community through events and partnerships.
  • Risk Management: Prepare for unforeseen challenges with a well-defined risk management strategy.

Succeeding in both setup and operation phases requires thorough planning, ongoing adaptability, and a commitment to delivering an outstanding entertainment experience while ensuring safety and financial stability.

Ideas to Make a Family Entertainment Center Business Stand Out:

  • Themed Environment: Create a unique and immersive theme for your center, offering a memorable experience for visitors.
  • Interactive Technology: Incorporate cutting-edge technology like augmented reality or virtual reality attractions for a modern and engaging experience.
  • Special Events: Host themed parties, family nights, or exclusive events to attract a diverse customer base.
  • Customization: Allow guests to personalize their experience by offering customizable options, such as themed party packages or attraction choices.
  • Healthy Food Options: Provide a variety of healthy food choices to cater to health-conscious customers.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs and rewards to encourage repeat visits.
  • Online Booking: Streamline the booking process with an easy-to-use online reservation system.
  • Unique Attractions: Offer exclusive or rare attractions that can’t be found elsewhere.

Ideas for Add-Ons for a Family Entertainment Center Business:

  • Outdoor Play Area: Create an outdoor playground or mini-amusement park for additional activities.
  • Escape Rooms: Incorporate escape rooms with different themes and difficulty levels.
  • Art and Craft Workshops: Offer creative workshops for children and families.
  • Sports Facilities: Add indoor sports courts for activities like basketball, volleyball, or soccer.
  • Café or Restaurant: Expand your services with a café or restaurant serving a diverse menu.
  • Merchandise Shop: Sell branded merchandise and souvenirs to boost revenue.
  • Virtual Reality Arcade: Introduce a dedicated virtual reality gaming section with the latest VR experiences.
  • Fitness Zone: Create a fitness area with activities like trampoline fitness classes.
  • Arcade Redemption Store: Enhance the redemption system with a store offering a wider range of prizes.

Adding these attractions and enhancements can diversify your family entertainment center’s services and attract a broader audience.

Hours of Operation:

Hours of operation for a family entertainment center can typically range from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM on weekdays and extend to 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM on weekends, with adjustments for holidays and private events.

Certain tasks, such as maintenance, deep cleaning, and equipment inspections, may be best completed during non-operational hours to minimize disruption to customers.

Equipment and Supplies

A List of Equipment and Supplies to Consider for a Family Entertainment Center Business:

  • Arcade Games: Including pinball machines, video games, and redemption games.
  • Bumper Cars: For interactive rides.
  • Laser Tag Equipment: Laser guns, vests, and arena setup.
  • Mini Golf Course Components: Putting greens, obstacles, and golf clubs.
  • Go-Karts and Track: Including go-karts, helmets, and safety barriers.
  • Bowling Lanes: Bowling balls, pins, and automated scoring systems.
  • Roller Skating Rink Equipment: Roller skates, protective gear, and floor coatings.
  • Trampolines: Trampoline mats, safety nets, and foam pits.
  • Climbing Wall: Climbing holds, harnesses, and safety equipment.
  • Bounce Houses and Inflatables: Various inflatable structures for play.
  • Swing Sets and Play Structures: For outdoor play areas.
  • Party Rooms: Tables, chairs, decorations, and catering equipment.
  • Concession Equipment: Food preparation and serving equipment.
  • Ticketing and POS Systems: Software, ticket printers, and point-of-sale terminals.
  • Audio-Visual Equipment: Sound systems, projectors, and screens for events and shows.
  • Security Systems: Surveillance cameras and alarm systems.
  • Maintenance Tools: Tools and equipment for repairs and maintenance.
  • Safety and First Aid Supplies: First aid kits, fire extinguishers, and safety signage.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Cleaning products, vacuum cleaners, and trash bins.
  • HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units for indoor comfort.
  • Furniture: Seating, tables, and display units for common areas.
  • Decorations: Themed decor and signage for ambiance.
  • Outdoor Amenities: Picnic tables, benches, and landscaping .
  • Vending Machines: Snack and beverage vending machines.
  • Playground Equipment: Playground structures and safety surfacing.
  • Storage Solutions: Shelving and storage units for equipment and supplies.
  • Office Equipment: Computers, printers, and office furniture.
  • Audio Systems: Background music and announcements.
  • Costumes and Props: For character appearances and themed events.
  • PPE and Safety Gear: Personal protective equipment for staff and patrons.

Please note that the specific equipment requirements may vary depending on the type and size of your family entertainment center and the activities you plan to offer.

It’s essential to conduct a thorough needs assessment and consider safety regulations before purchasing equipment.

See the latest search results for family entertainment center equipment.

Focusing on your skill set is crucial for running a family entertainment center business.

Evaluate your abilities and identify any gaps. If lacking essential skills, consider learning them or hiring experts.

Essential Skills for a Family Entertainment Center Business Owner:

  • Business Management: Strategic planning, financial management, and operations oversight.
  • Customer Service: Creating exceptional guest experiences.
  • Marketing: Promoting the center effectively.
  • Staff Management: Leading and motivating a team.
  • Safety and Risk Management: Ensuring patron safety and minimizing risks.
  • Creativity: Developing innovative attractions and events.
  • Problem-Solving: Addressing challenges efficiently.
  • Adaptability: Navigating industry changes and trends.
  • Communication: Interacting with customers, staff, and stakeholders effectively.
  • Financial Acumen: Budgeting, forecasting, and revenue optimization.

For more, see The Essential Skills To Run a Business

Considering the Future of Your Family Entertainment Center Business:

Developing a clear vision for the future of your family entertainment center business is a crucial strategic step.

Even if your vision appears ambitious, it serves as a guiding light, aiding decision-making and long-term planning.

Example One: No Vision

Imagine running your family entertainment center without a clear vision for the next decade, focusing solely on day-to-day operations.

Without direction, it’s challenging to anticipate where your business will be in 10 years. This lack of foresight can result in missed opportunities and stagnation.

Example Two: Strong Vision

Now, envision your family entertainment center expanding to multiple locations, managed by a dedicated team, and serving a substantial customer base.

While achieving this exact scenario might be challenging, having such a vision compels you to take strategic steps to move in that direction.

Even if you fall short of the goal, you’ll still make progress and stay on a growth trajectory.

Having a vision enables you to make informed decisions aligned with your long-term objectives. It fosters innovation, encourages planning, and keeps your business adaptable to changes and opportunities that arise along the way.

Without a vision, you risk operating in a reactive and uncertain manner, hindering your family entertainment center’s potential for success.

Considering a Family Entertainment Center Business For Sale

Considering the acquisition of an existing family entertainment center business presents both advantages and disadvantages compared to starting from scratch.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Immediate Revenue: Taking over an established business means you can start generating revenue from day one, avoiding the lengthy startup phase.
  • Proven Viability: You can assess the business’s performance before investing fully, reducing the risk associated with a new venture.
  • Financial Clarity: An existing business provides a clear picture of its revenue, profit, and expenses, aiding in informed decision-making.
  • Customer Base: The business comes with an existing customer base, providing a built-in audience for your services.
  • Reputation: Established businesses often have a reputation in the market, which can be leveraged for marketing and credibility.
  • Higher Cost: The purchase price of an existing business is typically higher due to the inclusion of goodwill, representing the value of the established customer base and reputation.
  • Operational Constraints: If the business has a specific operating model, deviating from it may risk losing existing customers, presenting challenges in implementing changes.
  • Inherited Reputation: When you acquire a business, you inherit its reputation, whether positive or negative, which can impact your brand perception and require reputation management.

In summary, buying an established family entertainment center business offers the advantage of immediate revenue, proven viability, and an existing customer base.

However, it comes with a higher initial cost, operational constraints, and the need to manage the inherited reputation.

Careful due diligence is essential before making such a significant investment decision.

The latest search results for a family entertainment center business for sale and others in the same category.

See our article on performing due diligence for buying a business if you find something promising.

Franchise Opportunities Related to a Family Entertainment Center Business

Pros and Cons of Owning a Family Entertainment Center Franchise

When considering starting a family entertainment center business, exploring franchise opportunities can be advantageous.

Here are the pros and cons to contemplate:

  • Proven Business Model: Franchises come with a well-established and tested business plan provided by the corporate office. This reduces the need for extensive market research and planning.
  • Reputation and Marketing: Franchisees benefit from the existing brand reputation and marketing efforts of the franchise. This can lead to a faster start and customer trust.
  • Comprehensive Training: Franchisors provide thorough training, ensuring that franchisees are well-equipped to operate the business effectively.
  • Corporate Support: Franchisees receive ongoing support and guidance from the corporate office, including assistance with operational challenges and marketing strategies.
  • Initial Investment: Acquiring a franchise can be expensive, including franchise fees, equipment costs, and ongoing royalties.
  • Limited Autonomy: Franchisees typically have limited freedom to make significant changes or introduce new products and services without approval from the corporate headquarters.
  • Strict Operational Guidelines: Franchise agreements often require strict adherence to specific operational protocols, limiting flexibility in business operations.
  • Contractual Obligations: Franchisees are bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the franchise agreement, restricting their ability to operate the business outside of these terms.
  • Ongoing Fees: Franchisees are obligated to pay ongoing royalties and fees to the franchisor, impacting the profitability of the business.

Exploring Franchise Opportunities:

While there may not be an exact Family Entertainment Center Business franchise available, it’s worth investigating related franchises within the industry.

By using the provided link or conducting thorough research, you may discover opportunities that align with your goals and interests in the family entertainment sector.

See the latest search results for franchise opportunities related to this industry.

Knowledge Is Power if You Use It!

There are many sources of information that you may not have considered to increase your knowledge for starting and running a family entertainment center.

The good news is that the sections below cover a lot of material, and I have made it easy for you by providing links to search results.

You don’t have to focus on what to look for; instead, click the links that interest you and explore the search results.

You can explore now or bookmark this page to return another time.

Family Entertainment Center Business Terminology

Being familiar with the terminology in your industry is a must. You can pick it up as you gain more experience.

For now, you can see the list below to get you started.

  • Arcade Games: Electronic or coin-operated games typically found in arcades, including pinball, video games, and redemption games.
  • Bumper Cars: Amusement rides featuring small cars equipped with bumpers for interactive collisions.
  • Laser Tag: An interactive game where players use laser guns to tag opponents while avoiding being tagged themselves.
  • Mini Golf : A miniature golf course with obstacles and challenges.
  • Go-Karts: Small, motorized vehicles for racing on a designated track.
  • Redemption Center: A section in the center where players can redeem tickets won from arcade games for prizes.
  • Bowling Alley : A facility with multiple lanes for ten-pin bowling.
  • Roller Skating: A recreational activity involving skating on roller skates or rollerblades.
  • Trampoline Park: A facility with trampolines for various activities like jumping and dodgeball.
  • Climbing Wall: An indoor wall with climbing holds for rock climbing and bouldering.
  • Party Packages: Bundled services for birthday parties and special events, including admission, food, and decorations.
  • Toddler Play Area: A designated space for younger children to play safely.
  • Concession Stand : A food and beverage area offering snacks, drinks, and sometimes full meals.
  • Ticketing System: Software or hardware for tracking admissions and ticket sales.
  • Wristbands: Wearable bands that grant access to specific attractions or activities.
  • Liability Waiver: A legal document signed by customers to release the center from liability in case of injury.
  • Capacity Limit: The maximum number of patrons allowed in the center at a given time.
  • Maintenance Checklist: A routine schedule for inspecting and maintaining equipment and facilities.
  • Customer Feedback: Input from guests about their experience, often collected through surveys or comment cards.
  • Employee Training: Instruction and education for staff members on safety protocols, customer service, and operating procedures.
  • Marketing Campaign: Promotional efforts to attract customers, including advertising and social media initiatives.
  • Revenue Streams: Various sources of income, such as admission fees, food sales, and merchandise.
  • Annual Pass: A pass that grants unlimited access to the center for a specified period.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Special offers and discounts during holidays or peak seasons.
  • Safety Regulations: Guidelines and rules established to ensure the safety of patrons and employees.
  • Theme Park: A family entertainment center with a specific theme, such as a water park or adventure park.
  • Indoor Playground: A designated indoor area with play structures for children.
  • Entertainment Shows: Live performances or shows hosted within the center, such as magic shows or character appearances.
  • Risk Management: Strategies and policies to minimize risks and accidents within the center.
  • Customer Engagement: Efforts to interact with and build relationships with customers for repeat business.

Trends and Statistics

Analyzing industry trends and statistics for a family entertainment center business helps in making informed decisions, staying competitive, and adapting to changing customer preferences, ensuring long-term success.

See the latest search results for trends and statistics related to the family entertainment center industry.

Family Entertainment Center Associations

Trade associations provide industry news updates and networking opportunities, benefiting businesses in the sector.

See the search results for associations for a family entertainment center business and the benefits of Joining the Chamber of Commerce.

The Top Family Entertainment Centers

Studying established family entertainment centers can inspire innovative ideas, identify industry gaps for competitive advantages, and uncover overlooked business opportunities.

See the latest search results for the top family entertainment centers.

Expert Tips for Managing a Family Entertainment Center

Expert tips offer opportunities for skill improvement and fresh perspectives for experienced individuals. Novices benefit from these insights to enhance their skills and knowledge in various fields.

See the latest search results for managing a family entertainment center to gain tips and insights.

Family Entertainment Center Business Insights

Exploring tips and insights for family entertainment center operations can spark innovative ideas and provide valuable advice to avoid potential issues, enhancing your knowledge in the field.

See the latest search results about insights into running a family entertainment center business.

Family Entertainment Center Discussion Forums

Participate in family entertainment center discussion forums to engage with industry members and gain insights from customer perspectives, aiding in business improvement.

See the latest search results related to family entertainment center discussion forums.

Enrolling in courses, whether online or at local educational institutions, is a valuable avenue to enhance skills and knowledge essential for effective family entertainment center management.

See the latest courses that could benefit a family entertainment center business owner . Also, see our management articles for tips and insights for managing your business.

Family Entertainment Based Business Tips

Analyzing data in the family entertainment sector aids in effective business management, ensuring sustainable success through continuous enhancements.

Look at the latest search results for family entertainment tips and insights. .

Family Entertainment Center News

To stay updated on news related to family entertainment centers, rely on credible news sources for timely and informative coverage of industry developments.

See the latest results for family entertainment center news.

For visual learners, YouTube is a valuable resource to delve deeper into the industry. Additionally, explore related videos suggested by YouTube to uncover new insights.

YouTube videos related to family entertainment centers.

Privacy Overview

A Comprehensive Business Plan Checklist for Family Entertainment Centers

A Comprehensive Business Plan Checklist for Family Entertainment Centers

Embarking on the journey of launching a Family Entertainment Center (FEC) is an exciting venture, but success begins with a solid business plan. Crafting a comprehensive roadmap helps secure funding and ensures a clear vision and strategy for long-term success. 

In this in-depth checklist, we’ll help you identify all of the things you need to create a robust business plan for your FEC.

1. Executive summary: the gateway to your FEC's vision and mission

  • Business overview : include a compelling narrative that encapsulates your FEC's essence, outlining the unique experiences it offers and the target audience.
  • Founding date and location : specify the founding date and location, emphasizing the chosen site's strategic importance and relevance to your target market.
  • Ownership structure : clearly articulate the ownership structure, defining each stakeholder's roles and contributions. This section is crucial for potential investors or partners.
  • Mission and vision statements : develop concise and inspiring mission and vision statements. Explain why these statements are integral to your FEC's identity and how they align with your target market's expectations.

2. Market analysis: understanding your niche and target audience

  • Target demographics : dive deep into the demographics of your target market, explaining how understanding these factors will influence your FEC's offerings and marketing strategies.
  • Competitor analysis : provide a detailed competitive analysis, highlighting not just who your competitors are but also how your FEC will differentiate itself to capture a unique market share.
  • Trends and industry insights : articulate the current industry trends and insights, demonstrating your awareness of market dynamics and your strategy for adapting to or capitalizing on these trends.
  • SWOT analysis : conduct a SWOT analysis, explaining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and how your FEC will leverage strengths and mitigate weaknesses.

3. Business model and revenue streams: turning fun into profit

  • Attractions and services : Detail the attractions and services your FEC will offer, connecting these offerings directly to your target market's preferences and desires.
  • Pricing strategy : Clearly define your pricing strategy, explaining how it aligns with your market analysis and business model. Discuss the perceived value of your offerings and how pricing contributes to profitability.
  • Membership programs : If applicable, outline membership programs , emphasizing customer benefits and the additional revenue streams they generate.
  • Partnerships and sponsorships : Explore potential partnerships and sponsorships, explaining how these collaborations contribute to revenue, the overall experience for customers, and exposure for partners.

4. Operational plan: making the magic happen behind the scenes

  • Staffing structure : define the organizational structure, emphasizing the significance of each role in delivering a seamless customer experience. Highlight training programs to ensure staff aligns with your FEC's mission.
  • Training programs : elaborate on team member training programs, emphasizing their importance in creating a positive and memorable customer experience.
  • Operating hours : specify operating hours, tying them back to market analysis and customer behavior. Explain how flexible hours or seasonal variations contribute to overall customer satisfaction.
  • Supplier relationships : establish the importance of solid supplier relationships, ensuring a steady supply of games, food, and other services. Detail any exclusivities or special arrangements.

5. Marketing and sales strategy: putting the spotlight on tour FEC

  • Digital presence : articulate your digital presence strategy, emphasizing how your online platforms and an FEC ticketing solution will engage customers, build a community, and drive attendance .
  • Traditional marketing : explore traditional marketing channels, explaining their relevance and how they complement your digital strategy. Emphasize local partnerships and events.
  • Customer loyalty programs : describe loyalty programs and their importance in fostering repeat business. Highlight how these programs contribute to long-term customer relationships and increased revenue.
  • Sales forecast : provide a detailed sales forecast, explaining the methodologies used. Relate this to your market analysis, demonstrating a clear understanding of demand and revenue projections.

6. Financial projections: ensuring financial viability

  • Start-up costs : detail all initial costs, explaining the necessity of each expense. Connect these costs to the overall vision and mission of your FEC.
  • Revenue projections : provide a detailed breakdown of projected revenue, tying back to the attractions, services, and pricing strategies outlined in your business model. Explain how these projections align with industry standards and market demand.
  • Expense projections : list expected operational expenses and overhead costs, emphasizing cost-control measures. Demonstrate how these expenses are necessary for delivering on your FEC's promises.
  • Break-even analysis : conduct a break-even analysis illustrating the point at which your FEC becomes profitable. Explain the significance of this milestone for both short-term and long-term financial success.

7. Risk management and contingency plans: preparing for the unexpected

  • Identifying risks : identify potential risks, explaining how thorough risk assessment contributes to proactive management and the long-term sustainability of your FEC.
  • Mitigation strategies : develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, demonstrating your commitment to creating a resilient and adaptable FEC.
  • Contingency plans : outline contingency plans for unforeseen circumstances, emphasizing their importance in maintaining operational continuity and customer trust.
  • Insurance coverage : ensure comprehensive insurance coverage, connecting this to the risk management strategy. Emphasize the protection it provides to both your FEC and its customers.

Creating a business plan for your FEC is not just a necessary step; it's a foundational blueprint for success. This comprehensive checklist provides a detailed roadmap, ensuring every aspect of your FEC's vision, strategy, and operations is meticulously planned.

Investing time and effort in crafting a robust business plan sets the stage for a thriving and memorable family entertainment experience. To learn more about how ROLLER's FEC software can save you time , grow revenue, and delight your guests, contact us for a demo!

Read this next: How to Manage Risk at Your Attractions Venue

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business plan for entertainment centre - The World's Leading Business Plan Template Directory

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]


Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template

If you want to start a family entertainment center business or expand your current family entertainment center business, you need a business plan.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. Our team has helped develop over 100,000 business plans over the past 20 years, including thousands of business plans for family entertainment centers.

The following family entertainment center business plan template and example gives you the key elements you must include in your plan. In our experience speaking with lenders and investors, the template is organized in the precise format they want.

You can download our Ultimate Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.  

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Example

I. executive summary, business overview.

[Company Name] is a new family entertainment center located in the heart of [Location]. Our center will be the ultimate hub for family-friendly fun offering multiple activities such as arcade games, a small bowling alley, ball pits, and an indoor playground. We also provide a full menu of delectable appetizers and meals from our restaurant as well as a gift shop where customers can either buy or redeem tickets for prizes. We aim to become the most popular family entertainment center in the city by providing something fun for everyone.

Products Served

[Company Name] will provide numerous games and activities to entertain our customers. Some of these include:

We will also offer a wide selection of food and drinks for customers to enjoy while they and their children play around the center. Customers can either redeem their tickets for prizes or purchase prizes and merchandise directly at our gift shop. Large groups can rent out one of our private rooms for special events.

Customer Focus

[Company Name] will serve the residents of [Location] and the surrounding areas. The demographics of these customers are as follows:

  • 100,872 residents
  • Average income of $65,000
  • 42% married
  • 35% with children under 18
  • Median age: 35 years

Management Team

[Company Name] is led and run by [Founder’s Name], who has worked in the industry for [X] years. [Founder’s Name] has managed some of the most popular entertainment centers in the region and is eager to utilize his experience and skills to start a new family entertainment brand. Throughout his extensive career, he gained an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the family entertainment industry, including the operations (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and management (e.g., staffing, marketing, etc.) sides of the business. His experience, knowledge, and skills will be invaluable to the company.

Success Factors

[Company Name] is uniquely qualified to succeed due to the following reasons:

  • There are very few family entertainment centers in the community, despite the demand for these establishments. Additionally, we have surveyed the local population and received extremely positive feedback saying that they explicitly want to frequent our business when it launches.
  • Our location is in a high-volume traffic area and will thus be highly convenient to a significant number of passersby.
  • The management team has a track record of success in the family entertainment business.
  • The family entertainment business has proven to be successful in the United States.

Financial Highlights

[Company Name] is currently seeking $750,000 to launch. Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

  • Center design/build: $350,000
  • Equipment and machinery: $200,000
  • Working capital: $200,000 to pay for marketing, salaries, and lease costs until [Company Name] reaches break-even

Top line projections over the next five years are as follows:

Financial SummaryFY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Revenue$560,401 $782,152 $1,069,331 $1,379,434 $1,699,644
Total Expenses$328,233 $391,429 $552,149 $696,577 $776,687
EBITDA$232,168 $390,722 $517,182 $682,858 $922,956
Depreciation$7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000
EBIT$225,168 $383,722 $510,182 $675,858 $915,956
Interest$6,016 $5,264 $4,512 $3,760 $3,008
Pre Tax Income$219,152 $378,458 $505,670 $672,098 $912,948
Income Tax Expense$76,703 $132,460 $176,985 $235,234 $319,532
Net Income$142,449 $245,998 $328,686 $436,864 $593,416
Net Profit Margin25%31%31%32%35%

II. Company Overview

You can download our Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Who is [Company Name]?

[Company Name] is a new family entertainment center located in the heart of [Location]. Our center will be the ultimate hub for family-friendly fun in the city. To accomplish this, we will offer a wide variety of games and activities to choose from including arcade games, ski ball, foosball, bowling, ball pits, and an indoor playground. Families of all kinds will find something they enjoy when they visit [Company Name].

In addition to our activities, we provide a sizable gift shop where customers can either redeem tickets or pay cash to get prizes and merchandise. Families can also enjoy delicious food and drinks from our extensive menu which includes burgers, sandwiches, salads, and alcoholic beverages. Anyone who wants to host a large group or special event can rent one of our private rooms for an hourly or daily fee.

[Company Name] is led and run by [Founder’s Name], who has worked in the industry for [X] years. [Founder’s Name] has managed some of the most popular entertainment centers throughout the region. His time managing similar businesses has helped him understand what makes family entertainment centers successful as well as what keeps customers coming back. He also gained an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of an entertainment center business, including the operations (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and management (e.g., staffing, marketing, etc.) sides of the industry. His goal is to utilize his knowledge and skills to build the most popular family entertainment center in [Location].

[Company Name]’s History

[Founder’s Name] incorporated [Company Name] as an S-Corporation on [Date of Incorporation] and found a potential center location soon after. The business is currently being run from [Founder’s Name]’s home, but once the lease on [Company Name]’s retail location is finalized, all operations will be run from there.

Since incorporation, the company has achieved the following milestones:

  • Found a center location and signed a Letter of Intent to lease it
  • Developed the company’s name, logo, and website located at [website]
  • Created the initial food and drink menu
  • Determined the initial selection of games and activities
  • Determined equipment and inventory requirements
  • Began recruiting key employees

[Company Name]’s Products/Services

[Company Name] will provide the ultimate family fun experience. Our enormous center will be home to several activities and attractions, including an arcade, bowling alley, ball pits, and indoor playground. We will also offer a wide selection of food and drinks for customers to enjoy while they and their children play around the center. Customers can either redeem their tickets for prizes or purchase prizes and merchandise directly at our gift shop. Large groups can rent out one of our private rooms for special events.

III. Industry Analysis

The family entertainment center market has taken off in recent years. Though people have enjoyed these establishments for decades, they saw a boom in business in recent years. We expect this trend to continue as the entertainment center market continues to expand. According to Allied Market Research, the family entertainment center industry was valued at $30.9 billion last year and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5% over the next five years. With such substantial growth in the industry, we are confident that [Company Name] will succeed in the local market.

IV. Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

[Company Name] will serve families and community residents living in [Location] and its surrounding areas. All are welcome to play our games and enjoy quality family time at our new family entertainment center.

Customer Segmentation

Though we accept everyone who has a love for family-friendly entertainment, we will specifically target the following customer segments:

  • Families: Entertainment centers are a popular location for families to frequent and enjoy themselves after a long week of school and work. We will make sure to market the numerous family-friendly games and activities we have that parents and kids can enjoy together.
  • Middle-class residents: We aim to be the ultimate center for middle-class families and workers who need some fun after a hard week. We will keep our pricing moderate and use marketing tactics to specifically target the local middle class.
  • Groups And Parties: Entertainment centers are the perfect setting for large groups, parties, and other get-togethers. We will make sure to showcase our large building, private rooms for parties, and the variety of activities we offer to large groups.

V. Competitive Analysis

Direct & indirect competitors.

The following establishments are located within a ten-mile radius of [Company Name], thus providing either direct or indirect competition for customers:

Dave & Buster’s Dave & Buster’s has been the go-to family entertainment center experience for decades. With a plethora of games and activities to choose from, customers of all ages will find something to enjoy during their visit. Dave & Buster’s also provides a wide selection of food items to enjoy while gaming throughout the facility as well as great prizes and merchandise to purchase.

Though Dave & Buster’s has seen success over the past few decades, many complain that it can be quite a costly experience, especially for large families. Food and drink options are overcharged, and the prizes require too many tickets. A family can easily spend hundreds of dollars in a single night. Families who frequent [Company Name] will find all our prices to be much more reasonable.

Funland Extravaganza Funland Extravaganza is a family entertainment center that is located in a suburban mall about ten miles from [location]. Their games and entertainment include pool tables, basketball hoops, driving console games, popular arcade games, and a snack bar. Funland has something for everyone, which makes it a popular entertainment center in its local suburban area.

While Funland Extravaganza will continue to thrive, its location is inconvenient to many who live in [Location]. Therefore, we expect it to only be a minor competitor for our target market.

Chuck E Cheese Chuck E Cheese has been a staple for kids and family entertainment for decades. Providing numerous games and activities, Chuck E Cheese is a great place to take your kids for a party, event, or night out. The establishment is well known for being a great host for birthday parties and recently began offering a more inclusive environment for children with sensory sensitivities.

However, Chuck E Cheese’s has lost much of the good reputation it built up decades ago. From low-quality food and prizes to unpleasant staff, the business is no longer the go-to place for families. As such, much of their previous target demographic will be looking for a similar establishment that can provide a much better experience.

Competitive Advantage

[Company Name] enjoys several advantages over its competitors. These advantages include the following:

  • Management: Our management team has years of experience in the family entertainment business that will prove invaluable.
  • Location: [Company Name]’s location is located in a safe area that is easily accessible by car, foot, or public transportation.
  • Affordability: [Company Name] will aim to price its games, food, and merchandise moderately so that no one has to break the bank to have a fun night.

VI. Marketing Plan

The [company name] brand.

The [Company Name] brand will focus on the company’s unique value proposition:

  • Great food and drinks at an affordable price
  • Premier family entertainment experience
  • Wide range of activities to ensure everyone has fun
  • Excellent customer service

Promotions Strategy

[Company Name] expects its target market to be residents living within a ten-mile radius of its location. [Company Name]’s promotion strategy to reach these potential customers includes:

Website/SEO [Company Name] will develop a professional website that showcases pictures of the entertainment center as well as a menu of our food/drink offerings. It will also invest in SEO so that the company’s website will appear at the top of search engine results.

Social Media [Founder’s Name] will create the company’s social media accounts and invest in ads on all social media platforms. These accounts will showcase pictures and videos of the entertainment center and the activities we have. The company will use targeted marketing to appeal to our target demographics.

Direct Mail [Company Name] will blanket neighborhoods surrounding its locations with direct mail pieces. These pieces will provide general information on [Company Name], offer discounts, and provide other enticements for people to frequent the entertainment center.

Public Relations We will contact all local newspapers and television stations and send them a press release describing the opening and unique value proposition of [Company Name].

Merchandise We will sell attractive merchandise with our logo and business name. When people see their friends and family with this merchandise, they will instantly recognize how fun and exciting our establishment is and visit to see it for themselves.

Pre-Opening Events Before opening the entertainment center, [Company Name] will organize pre-opening events designed for prospective customers, local merchants, and press contacts. These events will create buzz and awareness for [Company Name] in the area.

Billboard [Company Name] will highlight games and food we expect to be popular on a major billboard facing the busiest highway in town. The billboard will provide the location of [Company Name] and the website URL.

Pricing Strategy

[Company Name] will aim to price its food, drinks, games, and activities at a moderate price that is competitive with other local and national family entertainment centers. Our goal is to develop a reputation as an affordable family entertainment center where everyone can unwind and have a good time.

VII. Operations Plan

Functional roles.

To execute [Company Name]’s business model, the company needs to perform many functions, including the following:

Administrative Functions

  • Bookkeeping
  • General & administrative functions
  • Hiring and training staff

Kitchen Functions

  • Wait on customers and take orders
  • Prepare food and drinks
  • Process food bills and payment
  • Provide excellent customer service

Service Functions

  • Maintain arcade machines and other activities
  • General cleaning and maintenance functions
  • Sell merchandise and prizes
[Date 1]Finalize lease agreement
[Date 2]Design and build out [Company Name]
[Date 3]Hire and train initial staff
[Date 4]Kickoff of promotional campaign
[Date 5]Launch [Company Name]
[Date 6]Reach break-even

VIII. Management Team

Management team members.

[Company Name] is led and run by [Founder’s Name], who has worked in the industry for [X] years. He received an MBA from [University] and has managed some of the most popular entertainment centers in the region. After years of being on the road, and traveling all over the country to manage his businesses, he has decided to come back to [Location] and open up a local entertainment center for his hometown community.

Throughout his career, he gained an in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the family entertainment center industry, including the operations (e.g., running day-to-day operations) and management (e.g., staffing, marketing, etc.) sides of the business. His experience, knowledge, and skills will all be invaluable to the company.

Hiring Plan

[Founder’s Name] will serve as the center manager. To launch our entertainment center, we need to hire the following personnel:

  • Wait Staff (4 to start)
  • Bartenders (2 to start)
  • Cooks (2 to start)
  • Assistant Managers (2 to start)
  • Maintenance Crew (2 to start)

IX. Financial Plan

Revenue and cost drivers.

[Company Name]’s revenues will primarily come from the sales of food and drink and the fees to play our games and activities.

The major costs for the company will be food and drink costs, staff salaries, and lease. In the initial years, the company’s marketing spending must also be taken into consideration as it establishes itself in the market.

Capital Requirements and Use of Funds

[Company Name] is currently seeking $750,000 to launch. The capital will be used for funding capital expenditures, building and design, purchasing equipment and arcade games, labor, marketing expenses, and working capital.

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

  5 Year Annual Income Statement

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Product/Service A$151,200 $333,396 $367,569 $405,245 $446,783
Product/Service B$100,800 $222,264 $245,046 $270,163 $297,855
Total Revenues$252,000 $555,660 $612,615 $675,408 $744,638
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$57,960 $122,245 $122,523 $128,328 $134,035
Lease$60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229
Marketing$20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Salaries$133,890 $204,030 $224,943 $236,190 $248,000
Other Expenses$3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $5,500
Total Expenses & Costs$271,850 $412,775 $435,504 $454,131 $473,263
EBITDA($19,850)$142,885 $177,112 $221,277 $271,374
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
EBIT($56,810)$105,925 $140,152 $184,317 $234,414
Interest$23,621 $20,668 $17,716 $14,763 $11,810
PRETAX INCOME($80,431)$85,257 $122,436 $169,554 $222,604
Net Operating Loss($80,431)($80,431)$0$0$0
Income Tax Expense$0$1,689 $42,853 $59,344 $77,911
NET INCOME($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Net Profit Margin (%)-15.00%13.00%16.30%19.40%
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Cash$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Inventory$21,000 $23,153 $25,526 $28,142 $31,027
Total Current Assets$37,710 $113,340 $184,482 $286,712 $423,416
Fixed assets$246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450
Depreciation$36,960 $73,920 $110,880 $147,840 $184,800
Net fixed assets$209,490 $172,530 $135,570 $98,610 $61,650
TOTAL ASSETS$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066
Debt$317,971 $272,546 $227,122 $181,698 $136,273
Accounts payable$9,660 $10,187 $10,210 $10,694 $11,170
Total Liabilities$327,631 $282,733 $237,332 $192,391 $147,443
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
Total Equity($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Net Income (Loss)($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Change in working capital($11,340)($1,625)($2,350)($2,133)($2,409)
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
Net Cash Flow from Operations($54,811)$118,902 $114,193 $145,037 $179,244
Net Cash Flow from Investments($246,450)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow$16,710 $73,478 $68,769 $99,613 $133,819
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570
Cash at End of Period$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389

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The ABCs of FECs: How to Start a Family Entertainment Center Business

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Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for fun and entertainment?

Opening a family entertainment center can be rewarding and profitable if done correctly. If you’re invested in your customers’ happiness, you’ll be able to provide an unforgettable experience every time.

Doing it for the right reasons will help you outperform your competitors and keep smiles on your customers’ faces. But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy.

This post will tell you how to start a family entertainment center business with staying power. In the last few years, family entertainment or family fun centers have gone from impromptu roadside stops to destinations. Keep reading to learn what you need to do to turn yours into a success.

What Is a Family Entertainment Center Business?

Family entertainment centers (FECs) are more than just arcades . They’re dynamic, evolving hubs creating shared experiences for families and friends. Think bowling alleys with escape rooms, trampolines alongside VR adventures, and laser tag paired with gourmet pizzas. The possibilities are endless.

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for an FEC, but the market is booming. According to a recent report by Allied Market Research, the global FEC market reached a staggering $30.9 billion in 2022 and is projected to double by 2032 , fueled by rising disposable incomes, increasing urbanization, and growing demand for immersive, experience-driven entertainment.

An FEC might incorporate various theme park elements. There aren’t specific rules to being a family entertainment center, but opening one requires a lot of market research first. The Global Family Entertainment Center market was valued at $26B in 2023, with growth projected to reach 10% between 2024 and 2027. There’s never been a better time to open up an FEC, so perhaps it’s time to sit down and start thinking about your niche.

This robust growth reflects a shift in consumer preferences. Today’s families crave engaging, interactive activities that foster connection and create lasting memories. FECs fill this gap with diverse offerings and focus on social interaction.

Thinking About Your Niche and Types of FECs

The family entertainment center scene is bursting with variety. Here’s a quick peek at some popular types:

Theme Park Thrills: Get your adrenaline pumping at FECs inspired by classic amusement parks. Think roller coaster simulators, high-tech bumper cars, and virtual reality adventures that whisk you away to fantastical worlds.

Activity Powerhouse: These FECs are action-packed playgrounds for all ages. Scale climbing walls, conquer ninja warrior courses, jump for joy in trampoline parks, or bowl your way to victory. Some even add a dash of adventure with escape rooms and laser tag arenas.

Edutainment Adventures: Learning can be fun! Edutainment centers combine education with engaging activities. Explore interactive exhibits on science, history, or art, get creative in DIY workshops, or attend educational theater shows. It’s a win-win for families seeking knowledge and entertainment.

Family-Friendly Focus: Some FECs cater specifically to younger audiences. Think soft play areas for toddlers, interactive games, and character meet-and-greets. These havens of laughter and imagination ensure precious bonding time for little ones and their parents.

Specialty Concepts: Find your niche! The possibilities are endless, from dedicated VR arcades and eSports centers to immersive cooking studios and themed gaming cafes. So, find your passion and build an FEC that caters to your unique interests.

This is just a taste of the diverse FEC landscape. Remember, the key is to find your niche and create an experience that families can’t resist!

It’s one thing to have a vision for a family entertainment center and another to open one that people want to go to. Research to determine what other family entertainment centers are open in your city and what types of entertainment they provide. 

If you’ve got a specific idea – an indoor mini-golf course with a virtual driving range and a restaurant – you must ensure no similar businesses in your area. It would help if you also considered who your target demographic is against the demographics for your chosen location. Many entertainment options exist, from trampoline parks to virtual reality, laser tag, and axe-throwing. Understanding your target audience and opening the right business in the right area is critical to any FEC’s success.

Thinking About Location

The main thing about a physical location is finding a building that can accommodate your equipment. You risk altering your overall plan if you don’t know how large you need a building before you buy or lease.

Find a location that balances between being the right size and being in a desirable spot. FECs are usually in the middle of the action, as part of malls or other activities. A prime location can help you find customers before starting your marketing efforts.

Also, consider your state and municipal building code laws and how they might impact construction on your building.

Write Your Business Plan

If you’ve never written a business plan, many templates and resources are online. A business plan outlines what you need to work on to get your FEC up and running. It should include a market analysis, financial plan, marketing plan, operational plan, and HR plan, among other things. 

A good business plan can guide the first days, weeks, months, and even years of running your business. It doesn’t set anything in stone, but when you lose sight of the original vision, a business plan helps keep you on track.

While looking at the logistical side of things,  determine your business structure  (partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship). Then, register for an EIN and get business insurance.

Pulling the Finances Together

You must obtain outside funding unless you’ve built significant wealth to finance your FEC. Getting a business loan requires a solid business plan with a thorough budget. The cost of a family entertainment center depends on the business you’re opening.

A small business loan will allow you complete ownership and control over your FEC. Your other option is to try to find funding from venture capital investors. This protects your personal finances, but you’ll probably have to give up shares in the business.

Check out our post on the 4 C’s of credit. At Betson, we want to help finance our customers’ arcade projects. Fill out a  credit application  today to see if you qualify.

Purchase Equipment, Start Building, Start Hiring

With funding secured, you can start purchasing your equipment. Family entertainment center equipment will be the most important aspect of opening your business. To achieve your dreams, you must hire experienced designers, equipment experts, and builders.

At Betson, we specialize in  Arcade Game Room installations  and can help consult on the design of your building. We also have a vast product catalog to help outfit your FEC. It features everything from arcade games  and vending machines to jukeboxes  and prize merchandise.

You’ll also need to work with contractors. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and other tradespeople must help prepare the building. It will be a long, expensive process, but hiring the right people will ensure your FEC is top-notch upon opening.

Once your building is in order, it’s time to sit down with your top brass and hire employees. 

Designing Your Arcade Game Room

The arcade can be the most profitable part of your business, so your layout and design must make the most of your space. Here are some quick numbers to give you an idea of the investment.

  • Average Per Game Budget: $12,000-$15,000 *
  • Average Per Game Revenue: $250/Week *
  • Average Per Game Space Allocation: 70 Square Feet *

How many redemption games should you have? Should you be adding VR Arcade Games? These questions are why finding the right game room partner is essential. You may need a consultant or a full-service distributor, but making the right choices will affect your bank account.

Unleashing the Digital Roar: Mastering Marketing for Your FEC

Pre-launch marketing for your Family Entertainment Center (FEC) isn’t just about spreading the word – it’s about building excitement, anticipation, and brand loyalty before you even open your doors. Here’s how to roar into the digital jungle and attract your target audience:

Digital Powerhouse:

  • Website as Your Hub:  Build a user-friendly, visually stunning website that showcases your unique offerings, pricing, location, and opening date. Integrate booking options, event calendars, and interactive features like virtual tours. Optimize for mobile and local search to ensure easy discoverability.
  • Social Media Magnet:  Go where your audience is! Create engaging profiles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other relevant platforms. Share captivating content like sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes glimpses, fun challenges, and interactive polls. Run contests and giveaways to generate buzz and build a loyal following.
  • Content Creation King:  Become a source of family entertainment! Craft eye-catching videos showcasing your activities, game highlights, and happy customers. Write blog posts about family outings, event planning tips, and local family fun options. Utilize strong SEO practices to rank high in search results and attract organic traffic.
  • Targeted Adrenaline:  Utilize paid advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads to target specific demographics and interests. Design captivating ad campaigns featuring irresistible offers, special deals, and family-friendly visuals. Track your results and adjust your targeting to maximize reach and effectiveness.
  • Influencer Amplification:  Partner with local family bloggers, parenting influencers, and relevant YouTube channels. Offer exclusive previews, host events, or collaborate on sponsored content. Leverage their reach and trusted voices to tap into new audiences and build brand trust.

Beyond the Digital Screen:

  • Traditional Touches:  While digital reigns supreme, don’t underestimate the power of traditional marketing. Use eye-catching billboards, strategic radio spots, and targeted print ads in local publications. These can grab attention and build brand awareness among those less active online.
  • Community Engagement:  Partner with local schools, organizations, and businesses. Host joint events, offer special discounts, or participate in community initiatives. This builds goodwill, increases visibility, and attracts families looking for local fun.
  • Grand Opening Extravaganza:  Make your opening day a memorable event! Organize grand opening festivities with music, games, special offers, and VIP experiences. Invite local media, influencers, and families for a fun day and create buzz through social media and press releases.

Remember, your marketing efforts are not a one-time sprint but an ongoing marathon. Continuously analyze your results, adapt your strategies, and stay on top of emerging trends. By putting resources into a well-rounded, omnichannel marketing approach, you’ll ensure your FEC becomes the go-to destination for families seeking laughter, excitement, and long-lasting memories.

So, unleash your inner marketer, tap into the digital and traditional avenues, and watch your FEC roar to success!

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Continuous Learning for FEC Success

Opening your family entertainment center (FEC) is just the beginning! To thrive in this dynamic industry, continuous learning and growth are essential. Here’s a deeper dive into the various avenues for expanding your knowledge and keeping your FEC on top:

Formal Education:

  • Industry seminars and workshops:  Dive deep into topics like game room design, marketing strategies, operational efficiency, and safety protocols. Look for reputable organizations like IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) or FEC Success Institute for upcoming events.
  • Certifications and professional development programs:  Elevate your expertise by pursuing specialized certifications in arcade equipment maintenance, food safety, or youth entertainment programming. These demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and can attract skilled employees.
  • Online courses and webinars:  Take advantage of flexible learning opportunities with online courses and webinars covering everything from customer service excellence to the latest trends in virtual reality entertainment. Choose platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, or industry-specific online academies.

Networking and Community:

  • Industry associations and Facebook groups:  Join communities like IAAPA, FEC Connect, or regional networking groups. These platforms offer invaluable resources, peer-to-peer support, and opportunities to connect with industry leaders and learn from their experiences.
  • Trade shows and conferences:  Attend major trade shows like IAAPA Expo, Amusement Expo International, or EAG International. These events showcase cutting-edge equipment and innovative technologies and offer networking opportunities with vendors, suppliers, and fellow FEC owners.
  • Mentorship programs:  Seek guidance from seasoned FEC veterans through mentorship programs or informal consultations. Their insights and advice can be invaluable in navigating challenges and setting your business up for long-term success.

Staying Informed:

  • Industry publications and newsletters:  Subscribe to magazines, newsletters, and online blogs dedicated to the FEC industry to stay up-to-date on market trends, new technologies, consumer preferences, and regulatory changes.
  • Podcasts and online forums:  Listen to industry podcasts and participate in online forums where experts and owners share insights, tips, and best practices. Learn from their successes and challenges and contribute your expertise to the community.
  • Competitor analysis:  Monitor your local competition and successful FECs nationwide. Observe their offerings, marketing strategies, and customer engagement tactics to identify potential areas for improvement in your business.

Continuous learning is not just about staying informed; it’s about being proactive and adaptive in a fast-evolving industry. Investing in ongoing education, nurturing industry connections, and staying informed ensure your FEC stays relevant and innovative and continues to bring joy and excitement to families for years to come.

Remember, in the world of FECs, the only constant is change. Embrace continuous learning; your family entertainment center will always be a destination for fun, laughter, and lasting memories. Trade shows are a great way to network and learn about industry trends. See a list of upcoming shows here.

Learning How to Start a Family Entertainment Center Business From Scratch

Now that you have a better idea of starting a family entertainment center business from scratch, you can work on market research and planning your business. If you get all your ducks in a row and choose the type of FEC you’re passionate about, you’ll start seeing results immediately.

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*Estimates may vary.


Family Entertainment Center Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Entertainment Sector

Family Entertainment Center

Are you about starting a family entertainment center ? If YES, here’s a complete sample family entertainment center business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE to raise money .

The real deal in starting a family entertainment center business is securing a big facility that is large enough to contain a full sized soccer pitch including spectator’s stand, changing room, swimming pool, cinemas, bouncing castles, video game house, bowling alley, BBQ joint, ice cream shop and enough parking space.

Also, in a location that may attract the kind of clients that would pay to make use of your family entertainment facility. It might take you months to get an ideal facility and you just might have to even pay from your nose.

So, it is better that you inform your real estate agent well in advance to help you with the search. Building a standard family entertainment center can be expensive but you can be rest assured that you will make your money within few years of launching the business.

If your family entertainment facility is of high standard and it is located close to a residential estate with loads of growing families, you will attract loads of people especially on weekends and special holidays. You should be able to convince parents and school managements, to make use of your family entertainment center. Here is a sample for your use:

A Sample Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

A family entertainment center, which is often abbreviated as FEC in the entertainment industry, is a small amusement park marketed towards families with small children to teenagers, and often entirely indoors or associated with a larger operation such as a theme park.

Players in this industry usually cater to “sub-regional markets of larger metropolitan areas with the right demographic composition.

Building a standard family entertainment center can be expensive but you can be rest assured that you will make your money within few years of launching your facility. The fact that you are going to secure a facility large enough to contain a:

  • Full sized soccer pitch including spectator’s stand
  • Changing room
  • Swimming pool
  • Bouncing castles
  • Video game house
  • Bowling alley
  • Ice cream shop and enough parking space

This means that you must truly be prepared for this business. If your family entertainment facility is of high standard and it is located close to a residential estate with loads of growing families, you will attract loads of people especially on weekends and special holidays.

Basically, the family entertainment centers Industry operators provide recreational and amusement services through a variety of establishments, such as golf driving ranges, miniature golf centers, go-kart racetracks, batting cages, family fun centers, recreational sports leagues and a wide assortment of outdoor recreational activities targeted towards the complete family; adult and children alike.

The Family Entertainment Centers industry is indeed a very large industry and pretty much thriving in all parts of the world especially in developed countries such as United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Italy et al.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 50,369 licensed and registered family entertainment facilities including those who are into franchising responsible for employing about 121,067 employees and the industry rakes in a whopping sum of $10 billion annually with an annual growth rate projected at 3.1 percent.

It is important to state that no establishment has a lion share of the available market in this industry. In recent time, the industry has experienced revenue growth, despite many families being time-strapped. While the industry contended with mounting competition from alternative leisure activities, such as gym and fitness centers and cinemas, many operators generated industry revenue growth on the basis of convenience.

In the coming years, the industry revenue is forecast to grow as family entertainment centers continue to enhance their product portfolios to attract families, despite their reduced leisure time

Over and above, starting a family entertainment center business in the United States of America can be some worth stressful, it requires enough cash to acquire land large enough to accommodate the kind of facility that can comfortably attract families and also cash required to equip the facility to meet the standard expected by potential users.

2. Executive Summary

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is a standard and well equipped family entertainment center that will be located in a growing community in Jacksonville Beach – Florida.

Our basic aim of setting up the business is to contribute our quota in ensuring that families who live in Jacksonville Beach and neighboring cities have a facility to participate in any family oriented recreational activities of their choice; a facility highly suitable for family bonding.

We have been able to secure a standard facility in a central and easy to locate location in Jacksonville Beach. Our family entertainment facility has a full sized soccer pitch including spectator’s stand, changing room, swimming pool, cinemas, bouncing castles, video game house, bowling alley, BBQ joint, ice cream shop and enough parking space.

We are well equipped to services the whole of the community as well as visitors and travelers. Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is going to become the number one family – focused recreation facility in the whole of Jacksonville Beach – Florida and we will work hard to build our facility to match the needs of the average family in the community.

We will provide recreational and amusement services such as golf driving ranges, miniature golf centers, go-kart race tracks, batting cages, family fun centers, recreational sports leagues and a wide assortment of outdoor recreational activities targeted towards the complete family; adult and children alike.

We conducted a thorough research and feasibility studies and we were able to come to the conclusion that Jacksonville Beach community is the right place to start our family entertainment center. As a matter of fact, our major aim of starting Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is to encourage families in the community to cultivate the habit of regularly going out together to bond and have fun.

Our family entertainment facility is specifically designed and built to take care of adults and children, we have active childcare services for toddlers and we have membership packages that is highly discounted for families that enrolled in our entertainment center or corporate organizations and groups who would want to make use of our family entertainment center for team bonding and other activities.

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC will be open 24 hours in a day during weekends (Fridays to Sundays) and from 6:00 am to 12 midnight from Mondays to Thursdays in order for us to be able to accommodate people with different time preference.

Which is why we have made provisions effective floodlight system and also to recruit enough staff and to run shift amongst our workforce. We will go out of our way to acquire standard cinema facilities. Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is a family owned business with support from the State of Florida.

The business will be managed by Jared Ford and his wife Jasmine Ford. Jared Ford has well over 15 years of experience as a leading player in the family entertainment industry in the United States of America working with top brand in the entertainment industry in the United States of America.

3. Our Products and Services

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LCC is in the family entertainment line of business to provide family entertainment and recreation facility for residence of Jacksonville Beach – Florida which is why we have been able to put up a facility that can help us achieve the goal.

We are optimistic that everyone who makes use of our family entertainment center will definitely derive huge value for their money. These are the services and amenities that will be made available to our clients in our family entertainment centers;

  • Amusement and recreation services
  • Fitness and recreational sport center services
  • Registration for sports tournaments and matches
  • Golf course and country club services and memberships
  • Meals and beverages
  • Coin-operated games and rides
  • Amateur sports teams and club services
  • Batting cages
  • Driving ranges
  • Shooting ranges
  • Miniature golf courses
  • Mountain climbing
  • Snowmobiling
  • Sports clubs, teams and leagues, recreational or youth
  • Other related facility operation

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our Vision of starting Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is to build a world – class family entertainment and recreations facility and also to contribute our quota in encourage families and residence in Jacksonville Beach – Florida to actively engage in family bonding activities and also to stay healthy and fit by engaging in regularly exercising of their body and soul.
  • Our mission for establishing Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LCC is to create a movement in the community that supports total engagement in family bonding activities, health and fitness and to fight against unhealthy family social lifestyle.
  • We want to contribute our quota towards ensuring that Jacksonville Beach community produces some of the happiest families in the whole of the United States of America.

Our Business Structure

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is in business to become the leading private family entertainment and recreation facility in the whole of Jacksonville Beach – Florida and we are fully aware that it will take the right facility, management and organization – structure to achieve our goal.

We will ensure that we recruit only the best hands that can help us achieve all that we are set to achieve. Our business will not be built only for the purpose of giving our members / customers value for their money, but also we will ensure that we make our work environment highly conducive for all our employees.

We will provide them with facilities that will help them stay motivated and deliver on their various tasks and goals et al. In view of that, we have made provisions for the following positions to be occupied by highly qualified and experienced staff;

  • Chief Executive Office – CEO

Facility Manager

  • Accountant / Cashier
  • Marketing and Sales Officer
  • Bowling Instructor / Assistant (5)
  • Customer Care Executive / Front Desk Officer

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Carries out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for operating and managing the family entertainment center
  • Ensures that the facility is in tip top position at all times
  • Responsible for managing food and beverage services
  • Manages membership and registration
  • Handles food and beverages
  • Handles equipment rentals and sales services
  • Handles other relevant facility operation

Family Entertainment Center Instructors / Assistant (5)

  • Handle amusement and recreation services
  • Handle fitness and recreational sport center services
  • Handle registration for sports tournaments and matches
  • Handle golf course and country club services and memberships
  • Responsible for handling and giving instruction for services such as Meals and beverages, coin-operated games and rides, amateur sports teams and club services, go-karting, batting cages, driving ranges , shooting ranges, kayaking, miniature golf courses, mountain climbing, snowmobiling, sports clubs, teams and leagues, recreational or youth

Marketing and Sales Officer (2)

  • Identify, prioritize, and reach out to new clients, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of projects.
  • Writing winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with organizations’ policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develop, execute and evaluate new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC.

Accountant / Cashier:

  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for the organization
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC
  • Serves as internal auditor for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC.

Client Service Executive

  • Welcomes members and potential members / clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the organization’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the management in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries

Cleaners (3):

  • Responsible for cleaning in and around the facility
  • Clean up after customers and clean work area.
  • Clear ashtrays as and when required.
  • Wash glassware and utensils after each use.
  • Maintain a clean working area by sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning of glass doors and windows, etc. if required.
  • Ensure that toiletries and supplies don’t run out of stock
  • Handle any other duty as assigned by the facility center manager.

6. SWOT Analysis

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is in business to provide family entertainment and recreation facility for families in Jacksonville Beach – Florida and also help its clients achieve their health and fitness goals and at the same time to make profits.

We are aware that there is competition in the family entertainment and recreations facility industry which is why we took out time to conduct an effective SWOT Analysis before investing our hard earned money into the business.

We know that if we get things right before starting our family entertainment and recreation facility, we will not have to struggle before attract loyal clients and building our membership base to a level where we can easily breakeven in record time.

We hired the services of Dr. Garry Larson, an HR and Business consultant with bias in business structuring to help us conduct SWOT analysis for our company and he did a pretty good job for us. Here is a of the result we got from the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC;

One of the obvious strength that will definitely stand as a plus for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LCC is the fact that our facility is centrally located in a densely populated – residential area in Jacksonville Beach – Florida; our location is in fact one of our major strength couple with the support from the State of Florida.

We equally have a team of highly qualified professionals who will work with all our clients to achieve their aims or enrolling in our family entertainment and recreation facility and lastly our membership package is one of the best that anybody living in Jacksonville Beach – Florida can get; it is cheap and affordable.

We critically looked into our Business model and we were able to identify two major weakness. One is the fact that we are a new business and the second is the fact that we may not have the financial resources required to match up with existing family entertainment and recreation facilities and even government own sports and recreation facilities in Florida when it comes to acquiring latest equipment and generating the needed hypes that can drive traffic towards our facility.

  • Opportunities:

We are centrally located in one of the busiest area and densely populated area in Jacksonville Beach – Florida and we are open to all the available opportunities that the city has to offer. We will be open 24 hours in a day during weekends (Fridays to Sundays) and from 6:00 am to 12 midnight from Mondays to Thursdays giving us the advantage to leverage on any available opportunity.

Some of the threats that are likely going to confront Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC are unfavorable government policies, inclement weather, demographic / social factors, downturn in the economy which is likely going to affect consumers spending and lastly, the emergence of new competitors within the same location where our family and recreation facility is located.


  • Market Trends

The Family Entertainment and Recreation Facility industry has indeed benefited from recent marketing campaigns which is targeted towards encourage people to participate in recreation activities and sports, as well as consumer trends toward healthy living.

Going forward, many people who are part of the baby boomers generation are expected to sign up for health and fitness club memberships or make use of family entertainment and recreation facilities in their communities, as they become more family cum  health- conscious as they grow older.

However, patrons of family and recreation centers are anticipated to increasingly pick up membership from less expensive family and recreation centers as against expensive all-inclusive clubs.

The trend in the family entertainment and recreation facility industry is such that if a facility is well – equipped and positioned in a residential area or a place where people can easily access without much stress, there is the likelihood that the family entertainment and recreation facility will enjoy high patronage.

Just like in other business ventures, the owner of family entertainment and recreation facilities are always looking for ways to increase their market share; they go as far as signing deals with high schools and also community based soccer clubs and religious organizations et al to make use of their facility. Some even go as far as organizing sports competitions on a regular basis.

It is a common trend that as family entertainment and recreation facility grows, it becomes necessary for them to develop new service offerings or install new facilities that will help them attract more people. Little wonder some family entertainment and recreation facility now have gym and fitness facility within their facility to encourage people towards exercising and staying fit.

In order words, it is very important for family entertainment and recreation facilities to continue to improvise if they want to grow their business and generate their target revenues.

8. Our Target Market

The target market for family entertainment and recreation facilities cuts across people and family from different walks of life. The fact that people visit or register in family entertainment and recreation facilities for various reasons makes marketing the business interesting.

The target market for family and recreation facilities can be categorized into three various groups. The first group are the families who are looking towards creating time for family hangouts and bonding. The other group of people are corporate organizations who are would want to encourage work – life balance and team bonding activities for their employees and in some cases their families.

The last group of people are religious organizations who would want to encourage healthy family lifestyle amongst their congregation.

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC will work towards providing services, facilities and environment that will help us reach out to our target market. These are the category of people that we intend marketing our family entertainment center to;

  • Households in an around Jacksonville Beach – Florida
  • Working Class Adults / Corporate Executives
  • Sport Clubs (soccer team, athletics team, Cheerleaders and choreographers et al)
  • Community and Cooperate organization
  • Business People / Entrepreneurs
  • Government Officials
  • Celebrities
  • Religious centers
  • Sports Men and Women
  • College Students

Our Competitive Advantage

No doubt, the Family Entertainment and Recreation industry is indeed a prolific and highly competitive industry. Clients will only make use of your family entertainment and recreation facility if they know that you can successfully help them achieve their goals or provide the enabling environment and facility for them to achieve their family bonding goals.

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is centrally located in a densely populated – residential area in Jacksonville Beach – Florida; this is obviously going to give us an edge amongst our competitive.

We equally have a team of highly qualified professionals who will work with all our clients to achieve their aims of making use of our family entertainment and recreation facility and lastly our membership package is one of the best that anybody living in Jacksonville Beach – Florida can get; it is cheap and affordable.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups family entertainment and recreation facility businesses in the United States) in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the Family Entertainment and Recreation Facility industry and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to attract both individual clients (families) and corporate clients on a regular basis.

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC will generate income by offering the following services;

10. Sales Forecast

It is important to state that our sales forecast is based on the data gathered during our feasibility studies and also some of the assumptions readily available on the field. It would be hard to create a sales forecast with a newly opened business like family entertainment and recreation facility.

This is simply because the statistics that will be provided will be on a short term basis. Experts said that usually a business should be in operation for at least one year before they can generate the statistics that will be need to help in accurate forecasting; statistics should be at least one year old in order to show the trends and pattern in consumer spending.

We expect to register a minimum of 500 active families within our first year of operations and then in subsequent year we will grow our membership by 25 percent on more. Below are the sales projection for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC, it is based on the location of our facility and the services and products that we will be offering to our clients (members);

  • First Fiscal Year-: $200,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $450,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $750,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major competitor offering same additional services as we do within 4.5 miles radius from our family entertainment and recreation facility.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Our marketing strategies will be directed towards achieving specific objectives that support the strategic goals of the organization. The truth is that all that we do will be geared towards creating new market channels, increasing sales and increase our market share.

We will leverage on improving on our services and facility to ensure that we win new clients and retain old members. At Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC, our marketing strategies will be consistent throughout the marketing mix and we will take into consideration product improvement, promotion, and price.

As part of our sales and marketing strategies, we will pay attention to the promotion of our family entertainment and recreation facility so as to attract families and corporate organizations to enroll and become members of our family entertainment center.

Our unique selling proposition is that we are well positioned and people can easily access our facility, our prices are affordable and we have a complete package for families, schools and sport clubs. Part of the marketing and sales strategies that we will adopt are;

  • Open our family entertainment and recreation facility with a big party
  • Advertise our family entertainment and recreation facility on national dailies, local TV stations and local radio station
  • Promote our family entertainment and recreation facility online via our official website and all available social media platforms
  • Introduce our family entertainment and recreation facility by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to sports clubs, schools, corporate organizations, households and key stake holders in Jacksonville Beach – Florida
  • Print out fliers and business cards and strategically drop them in offices, libraries, public facilities and train stations et al.
  • Delivering consistent customer experiences to all our members; making our first impression count positively to those making use of our family entertainment and recreation facility for the first time
  • Make use of attractive hand bills to create awareness and also to give direction to our family entertainment and recreation facility
  • Adopt direct mailing coupon marketing approach
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places in and around Jacksonville Beach – Florida
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our consistent members especially those that registered as a family or group
  • Engage on road shows within our neighborhood to create awareness for our family entertainment and recreation facility.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our branding and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market.

We are set to become the number one choice for both corporate clients and individual clients in the whole of Jacksonville Beach – Florida which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our family entertainment and recreation facility.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LCC;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community based sport events and competitions
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our brand
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations all around Jacksonville Beach – Florida
  • Engage in road show from time to time in targeted neighborhoods
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • Contact Families, corporate organizations and schools by calling them up and informing them of Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC and the services we offer
  • List Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC on local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertise our family entertainment and recreation center in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site.
  • Ensure that all our staff members wear our branded shirts and all our vehicles are well branded with our corporate logo et al.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the industry, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than what our competitors are charging their members in Jacksonville Beach – Florida.

Be that as it may, we have put plans in place to offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us or when they register as a family or a sports club and schools. The prices of our services will be same as what is obtainable in the United States’ open market.

  • Payment Options

At Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC, our payment policy will be all inclusive because we are quite aware that different clients would prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

  • Payment by via bank transfer
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft
  • Payment via mobile money
  • Payment with cash

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans with little or no itches.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

In setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake. If you intend to go big by renting a place, then you would need a good amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of, and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

This means that the start-up can either be low or high depending on your goals, vision and aspirations for your business. The tools and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked.

As for the detailed cost analysis for starting a family entertainment and recreation facility; it might differ in other countries due to the value of their money. However, this is what it would cost us to set up Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC in the United of America; This is the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital on;

  • The Total Fee for Registering the Business in Florida – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits – $1,500.
  • Marketing promotion expenses (8,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $10,000.
  • Cost for hiring Business Consultant – $5,000.
  • Insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $30,800.
  • Cost of accounting software, CRM software and Payroll Software – $3,000
  • Cost for leasing facility for the family and recreation facility – $500,000.
  • Cost for facility remodeling and equipping the facility – $250,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery – $1000
  • Phone and utility deposits – $3,500
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $100,000
  • The cost for Start-up inventory – $15,000
  • Cost for acquiring entertainment, gym and fitness equipment- $250,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, snooker board, tables and chairs et al) – $4,000.
  • The cost of Launching a Website – $600
  • The cost for our grand opening party – $15,000
  • Miscellaneous – $15,000

We would need an estimate of $1.5 million to successfully launch a standard and well – equipped family and recreations facilities in Jacksonville Beach – Florida.

It is important to state that the testing and evaluating expenses would be high because of the large amount of equipment needed to start up a family entertainment and recreations facility and also the sophistication of the technology used in gyms and fitness centers.

Generating Funding/Startup Capital for Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is a business that will be owned and managed by Jared and Jasmine Ford and their family. They are the sole financial of the business which is why they decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital for the business to just three major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the start – up capital from friends and other extended family members
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank (loan facility).

N.B: We have been able to generate about $500,000 (Personal savings $350,000 and soft loan from family members $150,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $1 million from our bank. All the papers and document has been duly signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to pick up membership in our family entertainment and recreation facility is to equip our facility with state of the art entertainment, gym and fitness equipment et al and make our services affordable.

Jasmine & Jared Recreations®, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of ten years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check:>Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Acquiring facility and remodeling the facility: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the Needed family entertainment, gym and fitness equipment, electronic appliances, office appliances and suppliers: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: Completed
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and in the neighborhood: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress

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Stay connected, additional links, how to write a business plan for a family entertainment center.

A business plan serves as a guide for how a business will operate. Such a plan is especially necessary for those who will seek funding from outside sources.

How to write a business plan for a family entertainment center

Jan. 9, 2023 | by Sara Paz

Every business should have a business plan to serve as a road map for how the business will operate.

Business plans are especially important for companies that plan to seek funding from financial institutions and/or investors — the plan serves as the blueprint that potential investors will use as a guide to determine if your idea is worth financing or investing in.

Outside funding is often necessary to begin business operations. If you are planning to open a single location, family-owned FEC, your own financial resources should be enough to operate, depending on the size and type of FEC you are trying to start.

For FECs that require a deeper financial well, securing capital and funding with a business proposal is necessary to attract investors. Thorough, well-researched and well-prepared business plans convince investors that you have skin in the game and are aware of the financial risks involved in getting started.

A business plan is a document that contains how to achieve optimal management and operations that will support the results of your conducted feasibility study. The latter, on the other hand, shows the potential performance of the business venture.

Business plans that are prepared by industry professionals are usually done from three to six months, running up to 60 or more pages, and have a higher percentage resulting in funding and successful operations.

Here are a few steps to get your family entertainment center business plan started:

1. Conduct a feasibility study

Unlike other businesses, an FEC's success is largely reliant on its real estate and location. A solid feasibility study becomes a steady foundation for the business plan. It should be location and market specific, and cover the following topics:

  • Geographic boundaries of the market area and population.
  • Market demographics and socioeconomic lifestyles.
  • Direct and indirect competition.
  • Development costs.
  • Per capita spending.

You can also reach out to an expert to conduct a feasibility study for your business.

2. Prepare the budget.

A convincing business plan incurs a hefty cost. The different studies, design plans, analyses and financial documents cost money when prepared by an industry professional. Depending on the size, location and type of the proposed project, you will need an estimated $50,000 to $100,000 to be in the position of proposing and presenting your business plan. Some costs include:

  • Environmental and engineering studies.
  • Detailed financial projections and cost estimates.
  • Securities attorney fees to comply with state and federal security laws and regulations.
  • Building design plans,

3. Outline the necessary components

Once the feasibility study is solidified and the necessary components are on hand, your business plan can finally take shape. Here are the minimum contents of a good FEC business plan:

  • Business description.
  • Target market description.
  • Competition analysis.
  • Market feasibility analysis.
  • Management team (description, expertise and functions).
  • Sales and marketing plan.
  • Operations and personnel plan.
  • Operational costs.
  • Pro forma profit and loss statements.
  • Pro forma cash flows.
  • Pro forma earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
  • Breakeven analysis.

Your business plan is a huge factor in long-term success.

business plan for entertainment centre

Sara Paz is chief marketing officer at Embed. She is an award-winning marketing professional with a track record in driving transformative business results via innovative marketing at Fortune-100 companies and global “Top-10” brands.

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business plan for entertainment centre

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Template & Guidebook

When you are interested in entering the family entertainment center business, it is a good idea to have a well-researched and properly planned business plan. If you are looking for some resources to help you with putting together this important document, you can use the 7 steps below to help you with your business plan writing.

business plan for entertainment centre

Get worry-free services and support to launch your business starting at $0 plus state fees.

  • How to Start a Profitable Family Entertainment Center Business [11 Steps]
  • 25 Catchy Family Entertainment Center Business Names:
  • List of the Best Marketing Ideas For Your Family Entertainment Center Business:

How to Write a Family Entertainment Center Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your family entertainment center business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your family entertainment center business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a family entertainment center business:

Our purpose at Family Entertainment Center Inc. is to provide our clients with a wide range of fun, exciting, and engaging activities and attractions that help them celebrate their special events and occasions. Our mission is to become the leading provider of family entertainment in the region, offering a wide range of options and packages to suit every need and budget. We are committed to providing a safe, clean, and enjoyable environment, with knowledgeable and friendly staff who can help clients understand their options and make the best choices for their needs. We aim to provide a fun, exciting, and engaging experience for our clients, and to deliver exceptional results that exceed their expectations. We believe that everyone deserves to have access to fun, exciting, and engaging family entertainment, and we strive to provide our clients with the best products and services available.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Family Entertainment Center Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your family entertainment center business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your family entertainment center business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your family entertainment center business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your family entertainment center business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

Form an LLC in your state!

business plan for entertainment centre

4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a family entertainment center business?

To run a family entertainment center business, you will need a few key pieces of equipment, supplies, and permits. These include:

  • Amusement park rides and games
  • Food and beverage supplies and equipment
  • Tables and chairs for seating areas
  • A permit to operate your business (depending on location)
  • Business licenses and permits for business activities (if applicable)

You may also need to hire and train staff to manage the entertainment center operations and provide customer service.

5. Management & Organization of Your Family Entertainment Center Business.

The second part of your family entertainment center business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your family entertainment center business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Family Entertainment Center Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a family entertainment center business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a family entertainment center business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your family entertainment center business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your family entertainment center business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your family entertainment center business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

business plan for entertainment centre

Frequently Asked Questions About Family Entertainment Center Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a family entertainment center business.

A business plan is a document that outlines the goals and objectives of a business, as well as the strategies and tactics that will be used to achieve those goals. It is important to have a business plan for your family entertainment center business because it helps to focus the efforts of the company, communicate the business's goals and objectives to potential investors, and provide a roadmap for the business to follow. Additionally, a business plan can be used to help secure funding from investors or lenders, who will want to see that the business has a solid plan in place before they provide funding.

How to write a business plan for your family entertainment center business?)

To build a business plan for your family entertainment center business, start by researching your industry, competitors, and target market. Use this information to define your business's goals and objectives, as well as the strategies and tactics that you will use to achieve those goals. Next, create a financial plan that outlines your projected income, expenses, and profit. This should include a projected income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet. Once you have all of this information, you can use it to create a comprehensive business plan that outlines the goals and objectives of your business, as well as the strategies and tactics that you will use to achieve those goals. A well-written family entertainment center business plan contains the following sections: Purpose, Products & Services, Marketing Plan (including Marketing Strategy), Operations/Management Plan (including Operations/Management Strategy), Financial Plan (including Financial Forecasts), and Appendixes.

Can you write a family entertainment center business plan yourself?

Yes, you can write a family entertainment center business plan yourself. Writing a business plan is a valuable exercise that can help you clarify your business idea, identify potential challenges and opportunities, and develop a roadmap for success. While there are many resources and templates available to help you write a business plan, the process of creating one is ultimately up to you.

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Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

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Guide to Starting a Family Entertainment Center

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Guide to Starting a Family Entertainment Center

The evolution of family centers has become greater than anyone could have ever imagined. From arcades and playgrounds to laser tag, mini golf courses and trampoline parks, family entertainment centers have gone from occasional stops along the way to must-see destinations.

This highly profitable industry has continued to grow over the last few years, even with advancements and access to technology. With smartphones and computers solidifying their presence in everyday life, the need for quality time within families is growing stronger by the day. Creating a family entertainment center is a fun and timeless way to make a profit while giving back to your community.

Read the full article or jump to a specific section to learn more about family entertainment business ideas:

  • What is a Family Entertainment Center?

Types of FECs

Tips for starting a family entertainment center, 10 steps to starting a family entertainment center, types of equipment for family entertainment centers, costs of a family entertainment center.

  • Grow Your FEC with Play That Works

What Is a Family Entertainment Center?

Many structures fall under the category, but few people understand what a family entertainment center truly is and how it can bring massive value.

A family entertainment center (FEC) is a small-scale amusement park , typically indoors, that combines traditional playground elements with innovative and creative structures that every kid dreams of. FECs incorporate elements that challenge kids mentally and physically with multiple levels, tunnels, ropes, water and other design components that tap into a kid’s imagination. These centers are often stand-alone structures or expansions on existing ones.

Apart from the physical construction, an FEC is an investment with several targets, including childhood development, financial gains, community presence, branding and family. With engaging layouts for family members of all ages, FECs meet many consumer wants and needs within a comfortable and fun environment. Parents are actively searching for ways to reconnect with their kids and limit screen exposure with stimulating activities.

Family entertainment centers meet this need by:

  • Offering hands-on learning opportunities
  • Developing gross motor skills
  • Encouraging problem-solving
  • Having a safe space for spontaneous creative play
  • Encouraging social development
  • Providing a space for healthy exercise
  • Inspiring imaginations

Children's discovery centers

Although you may not have heard the specific terminology “family entertainment center,” you know what it is because you have seen and played in them your entire life. Mini golf courses, laser tag centers, go-kart tracks, zip lines and bowling alleys are all examples of different FECs. Spaces have evolved into greater, exciting experiences that have elevated the entertainment industry. With modern designs and innovative concepts, there is so much more to consider when you want to create an FEC. Possible entertainment center options include:

  • Children’s museums: With interactive designs, children’s museums can encourage kids to explore and learn in location-based centers.
  • Trampoline parks: As one of the newest advancements in FEC evolution, trampoline parks offer a way to exercise while improving balance and concentration.
  • Arcades: Kickback to the classics with this age-old FEC. An environment full of games encourages social engagement and active play for the whole family.
  • Inflatable centers: Inflatable centers are one of the easiest structures to add to any indoor or outdoor environment. With soft-sculpted foam play areas, you can offer obstacle courses and games within a creative play space.
  • Children’s discovery centers: This inquiry-based environment can encourage independent discovery, exploration, hands-on learning, collaboration and problem-solving. These elements are the main attractions for children’s discovery entertainment centers.

Just like any other industry, family-oriented entertainment comes with its own benefits and considerations. Fortunately, there are specific tips and tricks that will help your visions come to life. Now that you know the basics of the industry and your creative wheels are spinning with family entertainment business ideas, let’s dive into the best ways to start your FEC.

Do your research

Do Your Research

While this tip may sound like a no-brainer, many business owners in the family entertainment industry fall short with the minor details. Research begins with identifying your target audience and performing an in-depth analysis of their interests and ends with finding financial backers and obtaining construction permits. This information will be invaluable when you put together your family entertainment center business plan.

Here are some key factors that require additional thought and research:

  • Target demographic:  If your high ropes adventure course is targeted toward teens and young adults, you don’t want to build it in a neighborhood predominantly made up of seniors in retirement homes. Consider the surrounding area of potential locations and whether it consists of your target audience.
  • Location:  States and cities have varying construction codes and regulations that can hinder or assist your mission to build the ultimate FEC. Indoor play areas will require different permissions than outdoor structures, for instance.
  • Workforce:  How many employees are you willing or able to hire once construction is finished? Many FECs can be supported with small staff sizes so you can see a greater return on investment (ROI) sooner.

Offer a Unique Selling Point

A unique selling point will define your business’s position among your competitors while also solidifying a crucial component of your brand. Establishing a unique position in the marketplace will set you up with the advantage of creating price power while catering to your clientele. Customers are given a number of options to choose from within any industry. This variety can make it difficult for them to decide when and how to spend their time and money.

If you’re thinking of opening a niche FEC like a mini-golf course, check that there are no similar areas in your location. The key to success is offering something that people won’t find anywhere else in that place.

Your job is to help them make their decision with a one-of-a-kind experience they’ll always remember. FECs come in many forms, but yours can stand out by:

  • Incorporating modern technology, like immersive digital experiences or interactive light shows.
  • Offering thoughtful food and beverage options that cater to kids and adults.
  • Working with experienced designers who specialize in custom attractions.

Build a Presence in Your Community

The deciding factor of your FEC’s success will be in the strength of your surrounding community. Trust, reliability and a supreme customer experience are crucial in building a strong relationship with your clientele. Achieve this by focusing on local marketing efforts, offering special discounts and partnering with other businesses and schools to sponsor neighborhood events and clubs. Another great way to build a lasting presence in your area is by hosting special events like birthday parties and school trips.

The possibilities for involving your neighbors are endless. But one thing is for sure — if you’re investing in your neighborhood, the people will invest in your business.

Find Your FEC Niche

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One crucial point to consider when deciding how to start a family entertainment center is the niche. What makes your FEC stand out, and which themes or features make it memorable? Creating fun play areas  increases customer loyalty as kids return  to have a good time. Family entertainment centers can come in many exciting varieties.

Theme Park Thrills

Theme park thrills are excellent for kids of all ages, and they provide a fun and memorable theme — think bumper cars, roller coaster dramatic play elements and transport rides. This theme also opens up the chance to offer theme park snacks like popcorn and funnel cakes or open it up to popular franchises.

Active Area

These FECs are perfect for kids of all ages and can be fun for parents as well. Kids can scale climbing walls, bounce on indoor trampoline centers or play sports games like putt-putt. You can easily turn these spaces into family fitness centers by adding a few simple outdoor equipment pieces like a skywalker or chin-up bars.

Edutainment Center

Combine fun activities with interactive exhibits, and you’ve got an edutainment center. This type of setup typically includes science exhibits, art displays and other interesting features that create opportunities for families to learn together. You can also hold special events like DIY workshops or science talks in this space.

business plan for entertainment centre

One example of this kind of niche is the  Dinosaur Gulch at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center , which was created with the help of paleontologists and curators from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. It inspires education and an interest in nature.

Younger Kids Soft Play

Depending on your target audience, it might be best to focus your FEC on younger kids like toddlers. These areas will have interactive games, soft carpeted flooring and maybe even fun mascot meet-and-greets. They create fun memories for families and provide great photo opportunities.

Water Parks

Who doesn’t love splashing around in water? These FECs are perfect for indoor or outdoor areas. They provide fun for the whole family and bring in additional revenue from day visitors who want a piece of the action. People are  naturally drawn to water , so these kinds of parks tend to do well wherever they are.

Specialty Concepts

Super niche FECs can create memorable spaces that families will look forward to visiting again and again. Popular examples of specialty content include:

  • Train stations
  • Natural escapes
  • Beach getaways
  • Jungle adventures
  • Immersive cooking
  • Marine marvels

Create Inclusive Spaces

It’s important to show families that your FEC is accepting of people with different abilities. Utilizing play equipment that’s compliant with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) sends a message to the community that your center is welcoming and fun for all.

business plan for entertainment centre

The area should be  accessible for kids using mobility devices , and there must be sufficient rest areas for caregivers. Include sensory pieces for kids with autism who might prefer that type of play. Kids with mobility devices should be able to use equipment like slides, so ensure you customize it for this purpose.

With  68% of parents  visiting family entertainment attractions in recent years, the industry has never been more viable. If you believe you have the passion and drive to jump into this exciting market, this step-by-step guide will teach you how to start a family entertainment center.

1. Identify Your Market

The first step towards building an FEC is defining your market. Will you market specifically to kids, teens, adults or the entire family? Once you have identified your audience, you can pinpoint your competitors and see what they are offering to your demographic. Once you have this information, you can decide what attractions your business can feature to stand out and draw the crowd.

2. Brainstorm and Draft

Now you can let your creativity fly! Connect with your inner kid and imagine what your dream playground would be like. Is it entirely made up of trampolines? Or maybe it’s a cool clubhouse up in the sky. This phase of the process allows you to think big and visualize what your FEC could be.

Some components you’ll need to identify are:

  • Do you want to feature one big structure or multiple elements to reach more customers?
  • Do you want to have an indoor or outdoor FEC?
  • How much funding will you need to bring your vision to life?
  • What are your expectations for the lifetime of your FEC?

Scout locations

3. Scout Locations

Where you choose to build your family entertainment center will have the most significant impact on the ease of construction, attaining investors, maintaining a budget and turning a profit. When it comes to finding the right spot to house your FEC, you shouldn’t pinch pennies. More often than not, the more expensive the site is, the more likely it is to turn a profit faster.

The location of your business needs to:

  • Be easily accessible to visitors
  • Be in a safe, well-lit neighborhood
  • Have options for parking or room for constructing a parking garage
  • Support heavy foot traffic inside and moderate vehicle traffic outside
  • Be large and open enough to house multi-level structures, additions and large crowds

Working with a commercial real estate agent or a partner who knows the requirements within the family entertainment industry can help you find the perfect location for your FEC. Knowing the local laws and limits when working with a commercial storefront will make the process of finding the right location that much easier. Be prepared to research and work within the constraints of local ordinances and other considerations, such as:

  • Property values
  • Insurance rates
  • State and local incentives and taxes
  • Minimum wage laws
  • Utility costs
  • Zoning laws
  • Construction licenses and fees

4. Construct a Business Plan

With your key demographic and potential site for an FEC in mind, it’s time to put pen to paper. Devising a business plan will make the process of planning your FEC easy from start to finish. The elements of a well-constructed business plan will help support your ideas and advertising campaigns and prepare you for pitching potential investors.

When you are ready to create a business plan, follow this layout:

  • Executive summary:  This introduces your FEC structure and mission in a company overview.
  • Company analysis:  This portion includes your business’s structure and an overview of what services you’ll offer.
  • Market analysis:  Display your research of the market, as well as an analysis of your target customers and competitors.
  • Operations and management:  This covers the logistics of running an FEC. Detail the roles within the company and the legal structure you intend to adopt.
  • Marketing and sales:  Establish an advertising strategy to promote your FEC within your local region and beyond.

5. Attain Funding

Now comes the major part — funding your FEC venture. Funding options are based on your plans and personal assets. Start by assembling a budget that is as detailed as possible. Include startup costs, staff training, operation and maintenance costs to guarantee that your budget covers everything your FEC will need. You can gain funding through:

  • Investors:  Many business owners can secure venture capital from investors in exchange for equity in the FEC. This option protects your personal finances at the expense of losing sole ownership.
  • A small business loan:  This option will allow you to retain total control and ownership of your FEC without using your personal bank account. Include your business plan or anticipated projects when presenting to a lender.

6. Find Experts

Next, you should engage with experts who know the industry, starting with finding a contractor and designer. An experienced designer or distributor will know what layouts and elements will work best with your budget and space. An expert contractor can then advise you on how to acquire permits and construct your FEC with accuracy and efficiency. The best part of working with a contractor is that they work and communicate with plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other workers who are essential to the construction process.

7. Begin Construction

It’s finally time to break ground on your FEC. At this point, the most important thing you can do is simply be present. You are the head of the operation and should always be available to give the final say. After all, this is your passion project! No one knows your vision better than you, so your workers will be reliant on your knowledge and insight.

Build excitement

8. Build Excitement

Your involvement with your surrounding community is what will bring longevity and traffic to your business. As construction continues, get your audience excited for all the fun that’s about to come! In just a short time, families will have a place to gather together and create memories that will last a lifetime. Use social media, local advertising and word of mouth to draw attention to your upcoming FEC.

Create photo ops for families at your FEC, such as a frame or fun background to leverage the power of social media sharing. Once people start coming to your FEC, they will post images and others will want to visit.

9. Build Business to Business Rapport

As you make your grand entrance into the neighborhood, reach out and establish a relationship with other business owners. Who else knows the challenges and wins that come with running a business better than entrepreneurs with a mindset just like yours? As the new company in town, you need to show clientele that you care about their personal experiences and become an established business they can count on. Relationships with local businesses open the door for partnership opportunities and greater community involvement.

10. Have a Grand Opening!

It’s finally time to open the doors and show the world what your FEC brings to the table! A grand opening comes with raising awareness, special promotions and even involvement from local officials to demonstrate their support and excitement. After all of your hard work and research, you can finally see the positive impact your FEC will make on the world. And that’s exactly what families need.

With your plan for starting a family entertainment center in mind, you need to consider what type of equipment you’ll outfit it with. The indoor and outdoor equipment you choose for your entertainment center will depend on what you want to market yourself as but can include:

Adventure Experiences

Outdoor and indoor adventure experiences are fun for the whole family. By incorporating multiple levels with varying difficulties, high ropes course challenges will engage kids and adults who seek adventure.

A  belayed high ropes adventure course  features custom designs that make your FEC a unique destination. A belayed course offers a wide range of difficulty levels, lower operating and maintenance costs and a one-of-a-kind experience for your guests.

A  non-belayed high adventure course  eliminates the need for harnesses while offering the same amount of fun and thrills. The non-belayed option promotes free play with varying challenge levels and can sustain high capacities and throughput rates. Both adventure experiences can be used in indoor and outdoor locations.

Classic Playgrounds

Tried-and-true playgrounds are classics for a reason. They are timeless kid-tested systems that provide everything a kid needs to ignite their imagination and engage in spontaneous play. With layouts that can be purchased as rendered or customized to your needs, a classic playground made with softer materials is a desirable draw for families with kids of all ages.

Elementz benefits

If you’re working with a small indoor space but want to provide a safe and comfortable area for families with small children to enjoy,  Elementz from Soft Play ®  may be the right option for you.

Elementz simplifies the active play experience with effective designs and colors that are still fun and engaging. Every parent knows kids want to move around and be free to explore. Elementz features soft-sculpted foam slides, tunnels, ramps and low-profile climbers.

With each piece available as an individual structure, any small space can transform into a play area. Elementz components are ideal for hospitals, cruise ships, museums , restaurants, hotels and daycares . Use them in your FEC to appeal to families with younger kids and offer even more play and entertainment opportunities.

Interactive Challenge Courses

Building an interactive challenge course will engage older audiences while setting your business apart from the competition. This type of family entertainment center is different from the others because it offers the thrill of an adventure course while staying within a contained play area. A structure like  The Hive  uses obstacle-based challenges with a friendly competitive edge for teens and young adults. Other layouts like  adventure spheres  use climbing patterns, interactive light shows and colorful designs to immerse younger guests.

Pick & Play options

Pick & Play™ Options

Can’t decide on just one theme? There’s a solution for that!  Pick & Play™  allows you to build an FEC that incorporates five themes for kids to exercise and play in.

This alternative accommodates kids within varying stages of development while encouraging improvement of gross motor skills, confidence and spatial relationships. It’s an ideal option for businesses who want to specifically cater to younger audience members. With low-profile climbers, tunnels, ramps and recognizable themes and characters, Pick & Play™ offers personalization while staying within a budget.

Themed attractions

Themed Attractions

Transport your guests to a tropical rainforest or  historical castle  with an immersive themed family entertainment center. Inspired by the clubhouse you wished you had when you were a kid, indoor themed structures open the world for exciting exploration. Creating a personalized space that complements your established color scheme or theme will provide your clientele with a unique experience they’ll never forget.

Themed attractions can also be customized to accommodate any age group or space so your business is easily identifiable as a family-friendly environment. For instance, if you have a natural history museum, your themed playground can feature dinosaurs, oceanography, environmental issues and anthropology elements. From  Candyland  to  nature-inspired designs , themed attractions can be as imaginative and colorful as you want while allowing your brand to shine through.

How much money do you need to start your own family entertainment center? A lot of the costs depend on the size of your location and the type of equipment you want to use. A large FEC will cost more than a condensed center in terms of construction and operation. The price mainly comes down to your business goals and budget.

Answering the following questions will help you come up with a realistic expectation for costs of construction and management:

  • What is the maximum capacity your FEC will hold? FECs are often high in foot traffic, with hundreds of visitors each day.
  • How many games, courses or attractions do you want to have?
  • Will you have a dining element featured in your business plan?

Land costs alone will be a significant part of your FEC’s budget. Once you start including the attraction elements and construction fees, the price tag will climb. Since you already know how to choose the best location for your FEC, the variable expenses to consider are equipment and dining.

With FECs, you can always start small and expand later. Being smart with your equipment choices will allow your FEC to feature unique experiences and play areas while staying under a price cap.

You’ll also need to evaluate the costs versus rewards of offering dining options. The startup costs of  a small pizza shop  can add up to $200,000 or more. But with consistent performance and quality, you can see a return on your profits in your overall revenue for your FEC.

Learn how to grow your FEC

Grow Your FEC With Play That Works

Starting an FEC is a smart and profitable business investment — we should know! Soft Play is the expert when it comes to family entertainment. Our designs are bold, colorful and state-of-the-art so they quickly catch attention and spark intrigue. As a leader in indoor and outdoor playground equipment, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service, quality materials and unique designs to drive your business.

With installations in more than 60 countries, we know how to attract families to your destinations and grow your business with play that works. We promote active play for all ages and abilities through our immersive and one-of-a-kind designs.  Contact our design specialists  to start planning your family entertainment center today.

business plan for entertainment centre

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Recreation Center Business Plan

Start your own recreation center business plan

Play Time for Kids

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

This document has been prepared to provide the reader with information about Play Time for Kids, including business structure, company goals, projected growth, venture capital requirements, start-up costs, an investment analysis and the industry trends.

Play Time for Kids has identified the family entertainment industry as its primary interest and to that end the company has focused its efforts on the development of one or more family entertainment centers (FEC) to provide quality family entertainment activities to the communities in the Our County, Big City area.

Focused on family entertainment in a family-oriented community, Play Time for Kids is a company primed to take advantage of an expanding and profitable industry.

Entertainment has become a buzzword of the new millennium. David L. Malmuth, senior vice president of the TrizenHahn Development Corp. has observed, “People are not just interested in buying things. They want an experience, adding that the keys to providing successful experiences are authenticity, fun and participation. Americans have money to spend and will spend it on entertaining themselves. In fact, statistics show that people in the United States spend more on entertainment than on health care or clothing.”

Quality family entertainment is the focus of Play Time for Kids. The construction and commercialization of one initial FEC is factored into the initial development phase detailed within. The company’s proposed FECs will be designed to provide the type of family entertainment and adventure the current market demands.

In addition to other funding and capitalization efforts detailed herein, the Company anticipates that it will seek funds from other sources who may assist in purchasing the building we will initially lease.

A recent census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau found that from 1999 to 2000, personal consumption and expenditures for amusement and recreation increased by $31.5 billion, with an overall industry gross of $56.2 billion. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the U.S: 2000 – The National Income and Product Accounts of the U.S., 1929-94, Vol.1.

With our strong management team and our aggressive marketing plan, we project a consistent and minimum annual growth of five percent.

Recreation center business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

The objectives for Play Time for Kids are:

  • To create a service-based company which exceeds customers’ expectations.
  • To increase the number of customers by at least 20% per year through superior customer service and word-of mouth referrals.
  • Have a clientele return rate of 90% by end of first year.
  • Become an established community destination by end of first year.
  • Educate the community on what the company has to offer.

The company will become the industry leader in Northeast Our County.

1.2 Mission

To provide excellent child play care in a kid-friendly atmosphere while ensuring our customers, both parent and child, receive excellent service in a playful, educational, and safe environment.

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to success in our business are:

  • Superior Customer Service: high-quality hourly care and service.
  • Environment: provide a clean, upscale, enjoyable environment conducive to giving professional trusting service.
  • Convenience: offer clients a wide range of services in one environment.
  • Location: provide an easily accessible location for customer convenience.
  • Reputation: credibility, integrity, and 100% dedication.
  • Indoor activities for year-round entertainment.
  • Facility designed to curb overcrowding.
  • Seasoned management team.

The company believes that certain risk factors can be minimized by:

  • Initial capitalization of the company to sustain operations through year one.
  • Low overhead through the use of multi-skilled employees and continual training (i.e., child development classes).
  • Strong customer base through aggressive marketing.
  • Strong community ties and involvement with nonprofit organizations.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Current Family Entertainment Centers (FECs) have a primary emphasis on hands-on discovery learning through free spontaneous play, but can also incorporate some elements of pure entertainment. Most adults don’t fully understand and appreciate the value of spontaneous play to the social, physical, mental, and emotional development of their children, so these new types of children’s centers are marketed in the U.S. as children’s discovery or edutainment centers. This communicates to the parents that their children will learn by visiting them. Therefore, the parents show up with their children because it’s good for them, and the children show up because it’s just plain fun. Play Time for Kids is a new company that will provide high-level Play Care, Edutainment and Customer Service in the following categories:

  • Play care
  • Educational play with learning
  • Children’s activities
  • Birthday parties
  • Special events
  • Staffing that adds that “personal touch”
  • Photography available for birthday parties and other events (includes digital photos on CD)
  • Souvenirs (T-shirts, hats etc.)
  • Special requests
  • Convenient hours of operation

What will set Play Time for Kids apart from the competition is the commitment to provide all these services in one convenient location.

2.1 Start-up Summary

The company will obtain use of a new structure. Start-up costs will cover a number of details to convert the structure to suit the owner’s concept both visually and functionally. Included in start-up costs are all the necessary expenditures to cover the pre-opening, hiring, staff training, addition and revision of equipment needs, supplying toys, soft play equipment, inventory, and other essentials.

Long-term assets represents the value of the barn and the land on which it sits. Renovations are expensed.

Recreation center business plan, company summary chart image

Start-up Expenses
Legal Fees $7,300
Insurance $5,800
Rent $2,500
Computer – Administrative $4,000
Marketing and marketing strategy $6,500
Architect/Remodeling $15,000
Equipment (i.e. toys) $8,000
Projector & Screen $1,500
TVs & video game consoles $1,250
Computers – Learning $2,000
Cleaning supplies $900
Office Supplies $1,000
Total Start-up Expenses $55,750
Start-up Assets
Cash Required $65,000
Start-up Inventory $1,000
Other Current Assets $2,500
Long-term Assets $14,000
Total Assets $82,500
Total Requirements $138,250

2.2 Company Ownership

Play Time for Kids is a privately-held S corporation co-owned by Carry Tayker and Wanda Magic. To achieve our objectives, Play Time for Kids seeks financial backing. The loans will be repaid from the cash flow of the business, and will be secured by the assets of the company, and backed by the character, experience, and personal guarantees of the owners.

Products and Services

The company will set itself apart from other child entertainment facilities that may offer only one or two types of services. Parents desire these services and are frustrated because they must go to several different businesses or travel long distances to find these types of activities. The focus of the company is Play Care and Party Place. The services provided will be exemplary.

The business atmosphere will be clean, friendly and upscale where customers will be comfortable leaving their children. We will offer a personal touch, fun innovative learning through play, and a memorable hassle-free Birthday party.

The business will offer event photos of children’s birthday parties (taken by a professional photographer), a unique concept in this type of industry. The parent will be provided a CD at the end of the party.

Play Time for Kids offers:

  • Movie Theatre
  • Large playscape
  • Playhouse area
  • Staff-led Group activities
  • Theme Nights
  • Art and crafts
  • Karaoke stage
  • Computer Games
  • Playstation 2, XBox, GameCube
  • Separate Toddler area
  • Educational toys and manipulatives

Play Care Rates  (Drop-in)

Pro Tip:

$30 Annual Family Registration

Birthday Party A = $200

  • 45 minutes in themed party room
  • Generic colored paper products
  • 100% fruit juice
  • Party attendant
  • Birthday cake (flavor of choice)
  • Goodie bags

Birthday Party B = $285

  • Party attendant (dressed in customer’s party theme)
  • Birthday cake (flavor of choice, and party theme)
  • Play Time for Kids T-shirt for the birthday child
  • Reserved parking spot for the birthday child’s parents
  • Event pictures (taken by professional photographer) received on CD
  • Buy One, Get One Free coupon for each party guest to return with a friend

Family Savings Plan Parents may pre-pay for a discount:

  • $110 = $100 (10% DISCOUNT)
  • $230 = $200 (15% DISCOUNT)
  • $360 = $300 (20% DISCOUNT)

Referral Program

Refer a friend who has never been to Play Time for Kids and receive $5 OFF the price of a new membership.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

Research indicates that the prime market for an FEC is near urban neighborhoods comprised of middle- to upper- income families. These families search for ways to engage their children that are more than just activities their children passively enjoy.  As Howard Gardner writes in his book, The Unschooled Mind : “As institutions, schools have become increasingly anachronistic, while museums have retained the potential to engage students, to teach them, to stimulate their understanding, and, most important, to help them assume responsibility for their own future learning.” This is the idea behind an edutainment facility. Its purpose is to stimulate children so that they can transition from being taught or entertained (passive) to learning through play (active).

4.1 Market Segmentation

The U.S. Census Bureau 2000, and the Our County website provides the following demographic information about NorthEast Our County and the areas surrounding it.

Big City (ZIP Code 1) 45,874 $72,860 27.24% 8,037
Big City (ZIP Code 2) 23,290 $62,636 22.96% 3,694
City A (ZIP Code 3) 21,571 $36,799 23.56% 2,868
City A (ZIP Code 4) 31,094 $40,648 21.64% 4,282
Town B 3,393 $79,402 24.97% 566
Town C 31,168 $89,644 27.60% 5,467
North Big City Hills 59,591 $63,968 22.02% 9,033
City D 7,889 $65,056 26.80% 1,349
City E 25,834 $63,411 25.81% 4,417

Recreation center business plan, market analysis summary chart image

Market Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Potential Customers Growth CAGR
Stay Home Moms and Dads 50% 8,000 12,000 18,000 27,000 40,500 50.00%
Elementary Schools 50% 11,200 16,800 25,200 37,800 56,700 50.00%
DayCares 35% 4,935 6,662 8,994 12,142 16,392 35.00%
Parent’s day out programs 10% 1,020 1,122 1,234 1,357 1,493 9.99%
Total 46.25% 25,155 36,584 53,428 78,299 115,085 46.25%

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Our success will be based on our ability to become known within the community. We must focus on the specific market segments whose needs match our offerings. Focusing on targeted segments is the key to our future. Therefore, the focus and marketing message will be the services offered. Once the message is developed, it will be communicated and fulfilled.

Stay at Home Moms and Dads For a variety of reasons, stay-at-home Moms and Dads are an attractive segment. Parents are looking for a place to take their children to play and learn. They live in the middle class suburbs surrounding the metropolitan area. The market segment customers will lead a lifestyle in which their children play a large part in their lives. The company also focuses on meeting the local community need for child play care and birthday party services within the 10-mile radius of Big City. Flexibility in the program allows children to be dropped off, or to come and play with parent.

Elementary Schools The company would also like to establish a relationship with the local elementary schools; there are 15 elementary schools in this target area, for possible field trips. The strategy for this market is to provide periodic communications through the PTA channels, which are available to us uniquely due to past service to the PTA. This strategic approach will provide credibility and frequency of communication to our target market.  While this market is not the primary focus, sufficient flexibility to handle this secondary market is important to producing supplemental revenues.

Day Cares Local Day Care centers in search of field trip alternatives can select the Play Time for Kids as a destination that combines playtime with learning interactions. While this revenue would not be the company’s primary focus, its potential could increase revenue base by building strong community relations. 

Weekend Working Couples Another segment of our business includes weekend working couples, meaning weekend child care.  This client base could provide a 1% profit for the company since most Day Care centers do not operate on the weekends. This service allows part-time weekend workers and/or fitness center aficionados to drop their children off for several hours. While this market is not a primary focus, sufficient flexibility to handle this market is important to the local “word-of-mouth” marketing strategy.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

Success will be based on the ability to become known within the community. Play Time for Kids must focus on the specific market segments whose needs match its offerings. Focusing on targeted segments is the key to the company’s future. Therefore, marketing messages will be focused on the services offered. We will develop our message, communicate it, and fulfill our commitment to excellence.

Play Time for Kids is part of the Recreation Center industry, which includes everything from bowling, skating, mini-golf, and batting cages to playgrounds and water parks. We provide a much higher level of direct child care than do most other recreation centers, and straddle the line between family entertainment center and daycare facility. As such, we need employees with the child care credentials to satisfy safety-conscious parents, and programs with the “fun” value to lure in repeat customers.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Price, service, certification and reputation are critical success factors in the edutainment/play care services industry. The company will compete well in the defined market by offering competitive prices, high-quality play care services, and leading-edge educational toys with certified, college-educated instructors, and by maintaining an excellent reputation with parents and the community.

Competition for the Play Time for Kids comes in various forms. Chuck E. Cheese, McDonald’s, and Clubhouse for Kids only, are the only places within a 10-mile radius from our company that offer services similar to ours, and all are limited to arcade games and soft play.

Large Chain Children’s Entertainment Venues The competition in the defined geographic area includes Chuck E. Cheese and McDonald’s. Both of these venues are limited to arcade games and soft play. They offer entertainment value, but little educational value.  Play Time for Kids is differentiated from these types of facilities by offering an interactive environment with components designed to allow children to learn through play. 

Small, Independently Owned Child Play Care Venues The competition in our area includes Club House for Kids. This venue does offer some learning through play experiences, but it is limited in its direction of activities. Themed rooms allow for free play but there is little interaction with the staff.  Play Time for Kids will be differentiated by offering structured child development activities and play groups guided by Play Time for Kids employees.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

The company will succeed by offering its clients’ children a safe and secure care environment, and close personal attention. The goals of the center are dual-sided: to help parents feel good about the care of their children, and to make it a safe, educational, and fun experience for the child.

5.1 Competitive Edge

Play Time for Kids’ services will be positioned to provide customers with a premium amusement and edutainment experience:

  • Charge a premium price (per industry standards) but not exceed what the market can bear
  • Obtain all appropriate licensing and certifications
  • Thorough pre-hire background screenings performed on all individuals before hired for employment
  • Innovative, unique birthday parties
  • The personal-touch in a family-friendly atmosphere that only Play Time for Kids can provide
  • Play groups, as well as the wealth of child development knowledge, delivered by the Play Time for Kids employees
  • The convenience of drop-in play care, in the same location where parents can take fitness classes

5.2 Marketing Strategy

The company’s marketing strategy is focused on establishing our brand and promoting our image through a variety of marketing channels.  An overview of our marketing strategy includes:

Logo & Identity Development.  A professional logo has been developed. This brand will be promoted through a broad mix of identity pieces including business cards, stationery, car signage, and other communications.

Partnership Programs.  The company will develop community partnerships to offer discounts to the clients of other businesses that cater to our target market, such as:

  • Local hospitals which provide birthing classes
  • Local fitness centers without child care
  • Local elementary schools (there are 15 within a 10-mile radius)
  • Pediatrics offices, pediatric dentistry and pediatric orthodontist offices

Brochures.   A brochure will be designed to communicate our presence, the services we offer, and the clients we serve in the community. 

Flyers.   Flyers will be designed for posting at community locations that attract high traffic volumes of consumers within our target market, such as:

  • Local grocery stores and dry cleaners
  • OB/Gyn offices
  • Local child care centers
  • Local children’s clothing stores (i.e., Kid to Kid and Babies R Us)
  • Local stores that carry children’s items (i.e., Target, Wal-Mart, and Kohl’s)
  • Local children’s programs (Keller Point, Emler Swim Center, YMCA, and Texas Tumblers Gymnastics, Dance centers)
  • Libraries ~ children’s books section
  • Local bookstores ~ children’s book section (i.e., Barnes and Noble, and Teachers Tools)
  • Fitness Centers ~ child care area (if they have one)

Advertising.   Ads will be placed in publications that cater to the demographics of our target market, including:

  • Big City Child
  • Dallas Child
  • Positively Parenting
  • Kids Directory

Public Relations.   As owners, we will promote our company and it’s benefits to the community through efforts to have articles published in new media and efforts to gain coverage on local radio and television programming. Potential media outlets include:

  • Big City Star-Telegram Newspaper
  • Big City Child: A magazine serving families of Our County
  • Big City Small Business Times
  • Womens Directory
  • Local schools PTA newsletters

Direct Mail.   Direct mail channels will be used to initially introduce our presence to the community and attract first time visitors. The need for this type of advertising will taper off as repeat and referral business increases.

Website.   All brochures, flyers and other marketing tools will promote our website, detailing our services that benefit the community. Our website will also provide all information about us, our operational hours, schedules of events, and a registration form for online enrollment.

Email.   Email will be used to connect with our clients frequently through monthly newsletters and updates on upcoming events and special offers.

Events.   Special events, including a grand opening and special holiday parties, will be promoted to increase visibility in the community and to attract first time or infrequent visitors.

5.3 Sales Strategy

The company will make its primary profit through the excellent play care and edutainment of children. Even though our pricing strategies are set at competitive levels, the company expects to gain revenue within the first year by word-of-mouth advertising. The company expects to double its clientele every 6 months during the first 18 months after opening for business.

Play Time for Kids offers a unique solution that will be introduced to the market through targeted advertising, direct mail, website optimization and direct sales. The venue provides families the ability to enjoy their leisure time participating in activities together or leaving their children to explore on their own.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

The strongest revenue during the first quarter of operation will be birthday party sales and membership fees. Afterwards, word-of-mouth and local advertising will gain market share for the company, with parents using the daily drop-in service, day cares using it as a field trip destination, and monthly holiday-themed parties.

We anticipate increasing margins in years two and three, through greater efficiency and obtaining bulk rates on paper products.

Recreation center business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Sales Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Birthday party A $203,864 $244,637 $293,564
Birthday Party B $289,701 $347,641 $417,169
Free Play with parents $18,240 $21,888 $26,266
Membership fee $21,288 $25,546 $30,655
Drop-in Playcare $30,177 $36,212 $43,455
Total Sales $563,271 $675,924 $811,109
Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Birthday Paper Products $49,356 $53,305 $63,966
Birthday foods and beverages $34,550 $35,537 $35,537
Media Rental for Parties (movies, karaoke) $64,163 $76,996 $92,395
CDs for Parties $240 $320 $366
Costume Rentals $2,468 $2,961 $3,554
Cakes $24,678 $35,607 $42,728
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $175,456 $204,726 $238,546

Web Plan Summary

The Play Time for Kids website will be the virtual brochure for the company, as well as its online “home.”

It will showcase the company’s value proposition and reinforce the qualifications and experience of the organization and staff, as well as provide a comprehensive overview of the services provided to potential and current clients. The site may also provide access to online parent resources and a community calendar.

The key to the website strategy will be combining a very well designed front-end, with a back-end capable of collecting contact information for continued communication with those interested in our services.

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

The Play Time for Kids website address will be used on all corporate and promotional materials. The website should be used to support all the newly developed messages and should have “active” content that brings people back to the site as an information resource. This activity will be supported by the marketing plan through the development of newsletters, promotional events, and public relations.

6.2 Development Requirements

The Play Time for Kids website will be initially developed by a professional marketing agency that provides creative design and technical development resources. ABC Communications will create and maintain the website, DEF Hosting will host the site and provide the technical back end. The company will maintain a simple, user-friendly interface that is fun and inviting to our target audience. The website logos and graphics will be consistent with printed promotional materials.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

Carry Tayker and Wanda Magic have extensive experience in management of Child Care and Family Entertainment Centers, respectively. Their attached resumes detail this experience in the Big City area.

7.1 Personnel Plan

Personnel Plan
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Carry Tayker $13,008 $20,000 $35,000
Wanda Magic $14,070 $20,000 $35,000
Manager $38,000 $40,000 $43,000
Full-time child-care workers $158,400 $162,000 $165,000
Part-time child-care workers $48,000 $50,000 $50,000
Future child-care employees $0 $40,000 $60,000
Total People 13 15 17
Total Payroll $271,478 $332,000 $388,000

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The company’s financial plan is based on conservative estimates and assumptions. We plan to combine owner investment and loans to fund our start-up requirements and to sustain the business to break-even, within 8 months to a year.

8.1 Start-up Funding

Total start-up expenses and assets required will be funded as shown in the Start-up Funding table, below. The $50,000 of Current Borrowing will be repaid within 3 years; the long-term liabilities will be repaid within 6 years.

Start-up Funding
Start-up Expenses to Fund $55,750
Start-up Assets to Fund $82,500
Total Funding Required $138,250
Non-cash Assets from Start-up $17,500
Cash Requirements from Start-up $65,000
Additional Cash Raised $0
Cash Balance on Starting Date $65,000
Total Assets $82,500
Liabilities and Capital
Current Borrowing $50,000
Long-term Liabilities $38,250
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0
Total Liabilities $88,250
Planned Investment
Angela Redmon $15,000
BeJe Denson $35,000
Additional Investment Requirement $0
Total Planned Investment $50,000
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($55,750)
Total Capital ($5,750)
Total Capital and Liabilities $82,500
Total Funding $138,250

8.2 Important Assumptions

  • The company assumes steady growth from good management.
  • The company is assuming adequate loans to sustain it during start-up.
General Assumptions
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Plan Month 1 2 3
Current Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
Long-term Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%
Other 0 0 0

8.3 Break-even Analysis

The Break-even Analysis is based on the average of the first-year figures for total sales by units, and by operating expenses. These are presented as per-unit revenue, per-unit cost, and fixed costs. These conservative assumptions make for a more accurate estimate of real risk. With these projections, we should surpass the break-even point in September of our first year.

Recreation center business plan, financial plan chart image

Break-even Analysis
Monthly Revenue Break-even $43,645
Average Percent Variable Cost 31%
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $30,050

8.4 Business Ratios

The following table outlines some of the more important ratios from the Recreation Center industry (also referred to as Family Entertainment Centers). The final column, Industry Profile, details specific ratios based on the industry as it is classified by the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code, 7999.9910.

Ratio Analysis
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Industry Profile
Sales Growth 0.00% 20.00% 20.00% 2.76%
Percent of Total Assets
Inventory 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.27%
Other Current Assets 2.95% 3.41% 2.72% 30.63%
Total Current Assets 83.62% 81.32% 85.42% 38.44%
Long-term Assets 16.38% 18.68% 14.58% 61.56%
Total Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Current Liabilities 53.53% 41.45% 17.13% 26.66%
Long-term Liabilities 37.54% 34.74% 20.77% 24.71%
Total Liabilities 91.07% 76.18% 37.90% 51.37%
Net Worth 8.93% 23.82% 62.10% 48.63%
Percent of Sales
Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Gross Margin 68.74% 69.61% 70.49% 100.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 66.38% 68.14% 65.61% 74.21%
Advertising Expenses 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 2.76%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes 4.73% 2.88% 7.36% 2.23%
Main Ratios
Current 1.56 1.96 4.99 0.96
Quick 1.56 1.96 4.99 0.65
Total Debt to Total Assets 91.07% 76.18% 37.90% 64.43%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth 251.25% 80.88% 99.14% 3.01%
Pre-tax Return on Assets 22.43% 19.26% 61.57% 8.47%
Additional Ratios Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Net Profit Margin 2.37% 1.46% 4.88% n.a
Return on Equity 175.87% 56.62% 69.40% n.a
Activity Ratios
Inventory Turnover 0.00 0.00 0.00 n.a
Accounts Payable Turnover 22.94 24.33 24.33 n.a
Payment Days 13 14 14 n.a
Total Asset Turnover 6.64 9.21 8.82 n.a
Debt Ratios
Debt to Net Worth 10.20 3.20 0.61 n.a
Current Liab. to Liab. 0.59 0.54 0.45 n.a
Liquidity Ratios
Net Working Capital $25,543 $29,249 $62,784 n.a
Interest Coverage 3.51 3.63 19.48 n.a
Additional Ratios
Assets to Sales 0.15 0.11 0.11 n.a
Current Debt/Total Assets 54% 41% 17% n.a
Acid Test 1.56 1.96 4.99 n.a
Sales/Net Worth 74.33 38.69 14.21 n.a
Dividend Payout 0.00 0.00 0.00 n.a

8.5 Projected Profit and Loss

As the Profit and Loss table shows, the company expects to continue its steady growth in profitability over the next three years of operations. Although the last three months of 2006 will generate a net profit, it is not expected to be high enough to counteract outflows in the first three quarters. However, the second and third years, even with additional employees to handle the extra business, should generate increasing profits.

Recreation center business plan, financial plan chart image

Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales $563,271 $675,924 $811,109
Direct Cost of Sales $175,456 $204,726 $238,546
Other Costs of Sales $600 $700 $800
Total Cost of Sales $176,056 $205,426 $239,346
Gross Margin $387,215 $470,498 $571,763
Gross Margin % 68.74% 69.61% 70.49%
Payroll $271,478 $332,000 $388,000
Marketing/Promotion $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Depreciation $100 $200 $300
Rent $60,000 $60,000 $60,000
Utilities $15,219 $17,000 $18,000
Insurance $5,800 $5,800 $5,800
Payroll Taxes $0 $27,000 $30,000
Other $4,000 $5,000 $6,000
Total Operating Expenses $360,597 $451,000 $512,100
Profit Before Interest and Taxes $26,618 $19,498 $59,663
EBITDA $26,718 $19,698 $59,963
Interest Expense $7,577 $5,369 $3,063
Taxes Incurred $5,712 $4,239 $16,980
Net Profit $13,328 $9,891 $39,620
Net Profit/Sales 2.37% 1.46% 4.88%

8.6 Projected Cash Flow

The cash flow projection shows that provisions for ongoing expenses are adequate to meet the needs of the company as the business generates sufficient cash flow to support operations. These cash flow projections depend upon receiving the loans necessary to fund our start-up requirements. The table, below, shows the anticipated repayment of the loans.

Recreation center business plan, financial plan chart image

Pro Forma Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales $563,271 $675,924 $811,109
Subtotal Cash from Operations $563,271 $675,924 $811,109
Additional Cash Received
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0
New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0
New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0
Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
New Investment Received $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Received $563,271 $675,924 $811,109
Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending $271,478 $332,000 $388,000
Bill Payments $265,272 $332,206 $381,161
Subtotal Spent on Operations $536,750 $664,206 $769,161
Additional Cash Spent
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $16,656 $16,660 $16,684
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $6,385 $6,385 $6,385
Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
Dividends $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Spent $559,791 $687,251 $792,230
Net Cash Flow $3,479 ($11,327) $18,879
Cash Balance $68,479 $57,152 $76,032

8.7 Projected Balance Sheet

Our projected balance sheet is presented in the table below. Although we do not become fully profitable until year two, we expect a steady increase in net worth over the foreseeable future.

Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Current Assets
Cash $68,479 $57,152 $76,032
Inventory $0 $0 $0
Other Current Assets $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
Total Current Assets $70,979 $59,652 $78,532
Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets $14,000 $14,000 $14,000
Accumulated Depreciation $100 $300 $600
Total Long-term Assets $13,900 $13,700 $13,400
Total Assets $84,879 $73,352 $91,932
Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $12,092 $13,719 $15,747
Current Borrowing $33,344 $16,684 $0
Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Current Liabilities $45,436 $30,403 $15,747
Long-term Liabilities $31,865 $25,480 $19,095
Total Liabilities $77,301 $55,883 $34,842
Paid-in Capital $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Retained Earnings ($55,750) ($42,422) ($32,531)
Earnings $13,328 $9,891 $39,620
Total Capital $7,578 $17,469 $57,089
Total Liabilities and Capital $84,879 $73,352 $91,932
Net Worth $7,578 $17,469 $57,089
Sales Forecast
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Birthday party A 0% $15,200 $15,504 $15,814 $16,130 $16,453 $16,782 $17,118 $17,460 $17,809 $18,165 $18,529 $18,899
Birthday Party B 0% $21,600 $22,032 $22,473 $22,922 $23,381 $23,848 $24,325 $24,812 $25,308 $25,814 $26,330 $26,857
Free Play with parents 0% $1,360 $1,387 $1,415 $1,443 $1,472 $1,502 $1,532 $1,562 $1,593 $1,625 $1,658 $1,691
Membership fee 0% $1,500 $1,545 $1,591 $1,639 $1,688 $1,739 $1,791 $1,845 $1,900 $1,957 $2,016 $2,076
Drop-in Playcare 0% $2,250 $2,295 $2,341 $2,388 $2,435 $2,484 $2,534 $2,585 $2,636 $2,689 $2,743 $2,798
Total Sales $41,910 $42,763 $43,634 $44,523 $45,429 $46,355 $47,299 $48,263 $49,247 $50,251 $51,275 $52,321
Direct Cost of Sales Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Birthday Paper Products 10% $3,680 $3,754 $3,829 $3,905 $3,983 $4,063 $4,144 $4,227 $4,312 $4,398 $4,486 $4,576
Birthday foods and beverages 7% $2,576 $2,628 $2,680 $2,734 $2,788 $2,844 $2,901 $2,959 $3,018 $3,079 $3,140 $3,203
Media Rental for Parties (movies, karaoke) 13% $4,784 $4,880 $4,977 $5,077 $5,178 $5,282 $5,388 $5,495 $5,605 $5,717 $5,832 $5,948
CDs for Parties $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20
Costume Rentals 1% $184 $188 $191 $195 $199 $203 $207 $211 $216 $220 $224 $229
Cakes 5% $1,840 $1,877 $1,914 $1,953 $1,992 $2,032 $2,072 $2,114 $2,156 $2,199 $2,243 $2,288
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $13,084 $13,345 $13,612 $13,884 $14,161 $14,444 $14,732 $15,026 $15,327 $15,633 $15,945 $16,263
Personnel Plan
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Carry Tayker 2% $1,026 $1,036 $1,046 $1,057 $1,067 $1,078 $1,089 $1,100 $1,111 $1,122 $1,133 $1,144
Wanda Magic 2% $1,109 $1,120 $1,132 $1,143 $1,154 $1,166 $1,178 $1,189 $1,201 $1,213 $1,225 $1,238
Manager 5% $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167 $3,167
Full-time child-care workers 3% $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200
Part-time child-care workers 3% $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Future child-care employees 3% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total People 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Total Payroll $22,502 $22,523 $22,545 $22,566 $22,588 $22,611 $22,633 $22,656 $22,679 $22,702 $22,725 $22,749
Pro Forma Profit and Loss
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Sales $41,910 $42,763 $43,634 $44,523 $45,429 $46,355 $47,299 $48,263 $49,247 $50,251 $51,275 $52,321
Direct Cost of Sales $13,084 $13,345 $13,612 $13,884 $14,161 $14,444 $14,732 $15,026 $15,327 $15,633 $15,945 $16,263
Other Costs of Sales $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50
Total Cost of Sales $13,134 $13,395 $13,662 $13,934 $14,211 $14,494 $14,782 $15,076 $15,377 $15,683 $15,995 $16,313
Gross Margin $28,776 $29,368 $29,972 $30,589 $31,218 $31,861 $32,517 $33,187 $33,870 $34,568 $35,280 $36,008
Gross Margin % 68.66% 68.68% 68.69% 68.70% 68.72% 68.73% 68.75% 68.76% 68.78% 68.79% 68.81% 68.82%
Payroll $22,502 $22,523 $22,545 $22,566 $22,588 $22,611 $22,633 $22,656 $22,679 $22,702 $22,725 $22,749
Marketing/Promotion $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333
Depreciation $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8 $8
Rent $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Utilities $1,200 $1,212 $1,224 $1,236 $1,249 $1,261 $1,274 $1,287 $1,299 $1,312 $1,326 $1,339
Insurance $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483 $483
Payroll Taxes 15% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333 $333
Total Operating Expenses $29,860 $29,893 $29,927 $29,961 $29,996 $30,030 $30,065 $30,101 $30,136 $30,173 $30,209 $30,246
Profit Before Interest and Taxes ($1,084) ($526) $45 $628 $1,223 $1,831 $2,452 $3,086 $3,734 $4,396 $5,071 $5,762
EBITDA ($1,076) ($517) $53 $636 $1,231 $1,839 $2,460 $3,094 $3,742 $4,404 $5,080 $5,770
Interest Expense $719 $703 $687 $671 $655 $639 $623 $607 $591 $575 $559 $543
Taxes Incurred ($541) ($369) ($193) ($13) $170 $357 $549 $744 $943 $1,146 $1,354 $1,566
Net Profit ($1,262) ($860) ($450) ($31) $397 $834 $1,280 $1,735 $2,200 $2,674 $3,158 $3,653
Net Profit/Sales -3.01% -2.01% -1.03% -0.07% 0.87% 1.80% 2.71% 3.60% 4.47% 5.32% 6.16% 6.98%
Pro Forma Cash Flow
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Cash Received
Cash from Operations
Cash Sales $41,910 $42,763 $43,634 $44,523 $45,429 $46,355 $47,299 $48,263 $49,247 $50,251 $51,275 $52,321
Subtotal Cash from Operations $41,910 $42,763 $43,634 $44,523 $45,429 $46,355 $47,299 $48,263 $49,247 $50,251 $51,275 $52,321
Additional Cash Received
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received 0.00% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
New Investment Received $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Received $41,910 $42,763 $43,634 $44,523 $45,429 $46,355 $47,299 $48,263 $49,247 $50,251 $51,275 $52,321
Expenditures Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending $22,502 $22,523 $22,545 $22,566 $22,588 $22,611 $22,633 $22,656 $22,679 $22,702 $22,725 $22,749
Bill Payments $10,487 $20,425 $21,326 $21,769 $22,222 $22,684 $23,156 $23,637 $24,129 $24,630 $25,142 $25,665
Subtotal Spent on Operations $32,988 $42,948 $43,871 $44,336 $44,810 $45,295 $45,789 $46,293 $46,807 $47,332 $47,867 $48,414
Additional Cash Spent
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388 $1,388
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $532 $533
Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Dividends $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Spent $34,908 $44,868 $45,791 $46,256 $46,730 $47,215 $47,709 $48,213 $48,727 $49,252 $49,787 $50,335
Net Cash Flow $7,002 ($2,105) ($2,157) ($1,733) ($1,301) ($860) ($410) $50 $520 $999 $1,488 $1,986
Cash Balance $72,002 $69,897 $67,740 $66,007 $64,706 $63,846 $63,436 $63,486 $64,006 $65,005 $66,493 $68,479
Pro Forma Balance Sheet
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Assets Starting Balances
Current Assets
Cash $65,000 $72,002 $69,897 $67,740 $66,007 $64,706 $63,846 $63,436 $63,486 $64,006 $65,005 $66,493 $68,479
Inventory $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other Current Assets $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
Total Current Assets $68,500 $74,502 $72,397 $70,240 $68,507 $67,206 $66,346 $65,936 $65,986 $66,506 $67,505 $68,993 $70,979
Long-term Assets
Long-term Assets $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000
Accumulated Depreciation $0 $8 $17 $25 $33 $42 $50 $58 $67 $75 $83 $92 $100
Total Long-term Assets $14,000 $13,992 $13,983 $13,975 $13,967 $13,958 $13,950 $13,942 $13,933 $13,925 $13,917 $13,908 $13,900
Total Assets $82,500 $88,493 $86,380 $84,215 $82,474 $81,164 $80,296 $79,878 $79,920 $80,431 $81,422 $82,901 $84,879
Liabilities and Capital Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $0 $9,176 $9,843 $10,048 $10,257 $10,470 $10,687 $10,910 $11,137 $11,368 $11,604 $11,846 $12,092
Current Borrowing $50,000 $48,612 $47,224 $45,836 $44,448 $43,060 $41,672 $40,284 $38,896 $37,508 $36,120 $34,732 $33,344
Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Current Liabilities $50,000 $57,788 $57,067 $55,884 $54,705 $53,530 $52,359 $51,194 $50,033 $48,876 $47,724 $46,578 $45,436
Long-term Liabilities $38,250 $37,718 $37,186 $36,654 $36,122 $35,590 $35,058 $34,526 $33,994 $33,462 $32,930 $32,398 $31,865
Total Liabilities $88,250 $95,506 $94,253 $92,538 $90,827 $89,120 $87,417 $85,720 $84,027 $82,338 $80,654 $78,976 $77,301
Paid-in Capital $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Retained Earnings ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750) ($55,750)
Earnings $0 ($1,262) ($2,123) ($2,572) ($2,603) ($2,206) ($1,372) ($92) $1,643 $3,843 $6,517 $9,676 $13,328
Total Capital ($5,750) ($7,012) ($7,873) ($8,322) ($8,353) ($7,956) ($7,122) ($5,842) ($4,107) ($1,907) $767 $3,926 $7,578
Total Liabilities and Capital $82,500 $88,493 $86,380 $84,215 $82,474 $81,164 $80,296 $79,878 $79,920 $80,431 $81,422 $82,901 $84,879
Net Worth ($5,750) ($7,012) ($7,873) ($8,322) ($8,353) ($7,956) ($7,122) ($5,842) ($4,107) ($1,907) $767 $3,926 $7,578

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Entertainment & Media Business Plans

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Did you find what you are looking for.

Entertainment and media is a business category with room for every passionate entrepreneur. Why?

Everyone enjoys going out, enjoying themselves, and sharing new and unique experiences with their loved ones; we’re not seeing it change anytime soon.

Whether planning to start an amusement park, a theatre, or a skating rink—there’s ample growth potential as long as you have a solid business plan.

This library of entertainment, recreation, and media business plan examples here can inspire and guide you as you begin to plan your business. So, we got you covered on that part.

Benefits of using an industry-specific business plan example

Believe it or not, using an industry-specific business plan example is the best and probably the quickest way of writing a business plan.

Doubt it? Hold, this may change your perception; an extended list of the benefits of using an industry-specific business plan template.

  • Inspiration : Reading a business-specific template can be incredibly helpful in getting content inspiration. Furthermore, it helps you gain insights into how to present your business idea, products, vision, and mission.
  • Risk-free method : You are taking a reference from a real-life, let’s say, axe-throwing business plan—so you know this plan has worked in the past or uses a method subscribed by experts.
  • Deep market understanding : Analyzing and reading such examples can provide clarity and develop a deeper market understanding of complex industry trends and issues you may not know but relate directly to the realities of your business landscape.
  • Increased credibility : A business plan developed using an example follows a standard business plan format, wisely presents your business, and provides invaluable insights into your business. There’s no question it establishes you as a credible business owner, demonstrating your deep business and market understanding.
  • Realistic financial projections : Financial forecasting being a critical aspect of your plan, this real-life example can help you better understand how they project their financials—ultimately helping you set realistic projections for your business.

These were the benefits; let’s briefly discuss choosing a media or entertainment business plan template that best suits your business niche.

Choosing an Entertainment or Media Business Plan

This category itself has 30+ business plan templates for various entertainment and recreational businesses. With many similar business types and templates, you may not find the most suitable one through manual scrolling.

Here are the steps to consider while choosing the most suitable business plan template.

Identify your business type

Are you going to open a massive amusement park for children? a sports complex for athletes? Or a family entertainment center for all?

Asking yourself these questions will help you identify your business type, which will help in choosing a niche-specific business plan template.

Once you identify your business type, you can choose between templates for different business segments.

Search for the template

We have an in-built search feature, so you can easily search for a business-specific template using your business type as a key term(e.g., media company business plan pdf). Once you have the search results, choose the most suitable one. Simple as that.

Review the example

Look closely at the content of the sample business plan you are considering. Analyze its sections and components to identify relevant as well as unnecessary areas.

Since all the Upmetrics templates are tailored to specific business needs, there won’t be many fundamental customizations. However, a hybrid business model targeting multiple customer segments may require adjustments.

For instance, if you plan to start a golf stimulator that also includes activities like bowling alley, skating rink, and arcade—you may need to make necessary adjustments to your business plan sections depending on your service offerings.

No big deal—you can view and copy sections from other business plan examples or write using AI while customizing a template.

That’s how you find and select the most suitable entertainment business plan template. Still haven’t found the perfect business plan example? Here’s the next step for you.

Explore 400+ business plan examples

Discover Upmetrics’ library of 400+ customizable business plan templates to help you write your business plan. Upmetrics is a modern and intuitive business planning software that streamlines business planning with its free templates and AI-powered features. So what are you waiting for? Download your example and draft a perfect business plan.

From simple template to full finished business plan

  • Mobile Wallet
  • Wearable Media
  • Amusement Theme Parks
  • Arcades & FECs
  • Bowling Alleys
  • Cinema & Theatre
  • Laser Tag & PaintBall
  • Skating Centers
  • Trampoline Parks
  • Water & Spray Parks
  • Embed GoTrain™
  • Marketing Support
  • Payment Gateway Consulting
  • Apex Entertainment
  • Bullwinkle's Wilsonville
  • FACE Amusement
  • Fun Factory
  • Fun Land of Fredericksburg
  • Game Over Arcade
  • High Caliber Karting & Entertainment
  • Laser Bounce
  • Midwest Coin
  • Pizza Ranch
  • Putting Edge
  • Scary Strokes
  • Shaffer Entertainment
  • Stars & Strikes
  • Ticket Time
  • Tiebreakers
  • Veltmeijer Group
  • Yakima Family Fun Center
  • Testimonials
  • Top 100 FECs
  • FEC Blueprint for Success
  • FEC of the Future Guide
  • How to Start a FEC Business Guide
  • Hiring a FEC General Manager Guide
  • Resource Page
  • Trade Show Schedule
  • Sponsorship & Training
  • Meet the Team
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Embed's 20th Anniversary
  • Embed Cares
  • Press & Media
  • Partnerships & Associations
  • Embed Help Centre
  • Support & Care
  • Sales Locations
  • RMA Request
  • Check Card Balance
  • Attractions
  • Family Entertainment Centre
  • Bowling Centre
  • Skate Rinks

8 Family Entertainment Business Ideas

To start a family entertainment center or family fun center , you should have a clear idea of the kind of business you want to have. Arriving at this decision means that you have already taken into consideration the market population, competition, real estate, drive times, demographics, and other factors at the location you are eyeing. You can check these in detail in our complete guide .

Depending on what you have gathered in your initial analyses of the factors surrounding your business venture, you now probably have an idea if you are leaning towards an indoor family entertainment center, outdoor, or a mix of both. The question now is what kind of entertainment space is appropriate and feasible for you?

Get inspiration from these top family entertainment center facilities:

8 Family Entertainment Business Ideas 1

1. Arcade and video games

According to IAAPA’s 2020 Benchmark Series Survey on family entertainment centers, arcades and video games are the most common attractions for FECs. In the same study, it is also found that arcade games represent top revenue sources, tapping into different age groups, so a video game arcade business is really a no-brainer. Should you opt to open a different kind of FEC though, you can always consider adding arcade games to your floor plan. You can leave it unmanned with self-service kiosks as your employees to lower your expenses.

2. Bowling alley

You can never go wrong with a couple of lanes in your FEC if you want to draw in the entire family as your target market. Bowling also attracts larger groups of customers, and revenue streams can go from play times, shoe rentals, and F&B offerings.

3. Miniature golf course

A mini-golf course is another family magnet that can cater to all age groups. If you have a lot of real estate for your FEC, either an indoor or outdoor miniature golf course can do you good. According to a professional group of business advisors, opening this kind of business will rack up around $500,000 for land lease and improvements, décor, architectural plans, insurance, basic equipment, POS/ticketing/redemption systems , and golf equipment.

4. Indoor playground or soft play

In the IAAPA survey mentioned earlier, toddler areas and facilities like inflatables, indoor playgrounds, and ball crawl rank third among top revenue sources for FECs. You can also offer party or event spaces, food and beverages, and areas where adults can have fun while their kids are in the zone.

5. Laser tag arena

For an FEC like this, because the experience is highly immersive, investment in the design, aesthetics, and gameplay is crucial to your success. Building a winning laser tag arena calls for a professional sync of lights, sound, voice, and other factors that will create a competitive and fun environment for customers. You can consult a design consultant to help you make the magic happen.

6. Trampoline park

Another fun-for-the-whole-family FEC, a trampoline park promotes fun and healthy activities for both kids and adults. Unlike arcades and other simpler FEC types, trampoline parks should take particular interest in optimal guest safety. This means that insurance is one of the most important costs for opening this kind of business in case something goes sideways.

7. Outdoor adventure facility

Ziplines, rope courses, go-kart tracks, paintball arenas, batting cages, bumper boats and cars, and rock climbing walls are some of the most popular participatory outdoor facilities you can consider for your business. Complement outdoor adventure offerings with a curated selection of indoor attractions like arcade games, food service varying from vending machines to mini restaurants, and you’re good to go!

8. Birthday party or events venue

To offer party or events bookings at your venue, allot some real estate to accommodate a certain maximum capacity of guests you have in mind. This will draw different segments to your FEC like families, corporate gatherings, and school activities, giving your business a high-revenue activity during usual low-revenue periods. Tie the bundle up with game passes for indoor activities and attractions, food packages, and loyalty promotions to seal the deal.

No matter what kind of FEC you choose to push through, you can make your business concept a solid idea by drafting your market feasibility study and FEC business plan .

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Related posts, what are good interview questions to ask when hiring a general manager.

If you are looking for how to hire a general manager for family entertainment center business, you must prepare a set of interview questions for your prospective candidates to assess if they are the right person for the job. This will also enable you to check if an applicant is a good fit for your company culture, your team, and your business. To help you ask the right questions that generate the answers and outcomes that you hope for, we talked to Embed's very own Kash Ahmad, Chief Management Consultant in Operations at NASA. Ahmad has over 25 years of extensive experience in the amusement and hospitality industry, including recruiting general managers for top family entertainment centers in the business. Choosing the right general manager for your FEC is crucial to ensure that your company culture has a steady footing: "A good leader can make all the difference. Different employees work differently depending on the manager. Taking the time to make the right selection for the manager you’re going to bring on board is essential. If you bring in the wrong person who doesn’t believe in your culture or plan, does not care about your employees, or doesn’t care about the business that much, it can really move your culture backward," emphasizes Ahmad.

  • Jul 22, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Where Do We Hire a Good General Manager?

Talent can come from everywhere. However, finding a culturally good fit for your family entertainment center's general manager can be quite a challenge. Company culture and values carry great weight in choosing leaders such as GMs for your team. Settling for just anybody can discourage good employees, run guests out the door, and cripple the energy to go to work. This is one of the reasons why you have to take into consideration where you scout for this role. Before you can start, you have to be prepared with some of the key aspects of the job hunt, such as the general manager's role, responsibilities, and the required skills and characteristics. To help you search for the right place for your FEC's next leader, we talked to recruitment and hospitality veterans David Curtis, Senior Director of Talent at Dave & Buster’s, and Beth Standlee, CEO & Founder at TrainerTainment. Here's where you can pool prospects for your FEC's general manager:

What are the Important Skills & Qualities of a General Manager?

Looking for how to hire a general manager for your family entertainment center? There are specific skills, qualities, and characteristics that you need to be on the lookout for. Whether you have a mom-and-pop FEC or are already scaling into a chain, hiring a general manager is necessary and beneficial to keep your daily operations in check, your staff in their best professional shape for your guests, and your business in its most innovative and successful form yet. To help you on your talent acquisition journey for this vital role, we talked to David Curtis, Senior Director of Talent at Dave & Buster’s, Beth Standlee, CEO & Founder at TrainerTainment, and Embed's very own Kash Ahmad, Management Consultant in Operations at NASA. According to our industry experts, the following are the non-negotiables when it comes to hiring a general manager:

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Fun Center Business Plan

Helping family entertainment center developers find and secure their funding with a professionally prepared fun center business plan.

Fun Center Business Planning - Made Easy

If you are looking for some business planning help with you fun center startup, laser tag center or indoor playground business plan, we have the answer in our fun center business plan package. The Family Entertainment Center website is part of the FEC Network of amusement business resources for fun centers, indoor party centers and laser tag attractions.

The body of the plans are written by a sales and marketing executive with 25 years experience in the Family Entertainment Center (FEC) industry and a list of completed fun center projects in seven countries around the world, including the USA, Canada, Asia, and Europe. The included Financial Statements have been developed in part by a CMA (Certified Management Accountant) and are based on current North American industry data.

The   fun center business plan   is simple to use, thorough and complete with everything you need to get your idea in front of potential funders, including a full set of amusement industry financial statements. For most of us, developing financial statements is a royal pain in the you-know-what ! We recognized this early on in the process of providing completed   business plans   for our customers.

business plan testimonial preston new jersey

This was the easiest to use, simplest thing we have found since starting our fun center research. Until we found this business plan, we had no idea what things would cost, how many visitors to expect or how much money we could earn. Highly recommend this FEC package. Carl & Ramona Preston, NJ

To help ease and simplify the task of completing this critical component of any business plan, the financial statements are user-friendly, yet comprehensive and accurate within today's   amusement industry . As you modify your financial statements - your income and expenses, cashflow and revenue projections are automatically updated.

Simply follow the included guide-lines, add your local data to the Microsoft Excel spread sheets where indicated and watch your financial statements come to life! It's easy and simple to run a variety of multiple scenarios. Add activities, modify any component of your entire financial picture and see immediately how it could affect your operations; start-up costs and revenues. Its like having a Chartered Accountant reviewing your business plan as you work.

Two Business Plans to Choose From

indoor party center business plan package

Children's Entertainment Center

  • 24 Page Word Document
  • 6 Page Financial Statements
  • Amusement Specific
  • Telephone Support

family fun center business plan template

Family Entertainment Center

  • 37 Page Word Document
  • 27 Page Financial Statements
  • Bonus: How to Start Guide

Our Fun Center Business Plan packages are a completed document with financial statements and are based on existing facilities and industry data .

Children's entertainment center business plan sections & information.

This CEC Business Plan option - is perfect for new amusement developers who are looking to open an indoor party center, jump-n-bouce inflatable attraction, edutainment center, toddler play cafe, or similar business focused on ages 10 years and under. The children's entertainment center (CEC) plan includes the following sections and information:

Written Plan

Executive Summary Business Overview Industry Analysis and Trends Market Analysis Target Market Demographics Competitive Analysis Business Ownership and Management Location and Facility The CEC Product Staffing Requirements Attraction Mix Family Friendly Services Selling Prices and Cost Structure

Financial Statement

Business Startup Costs Financial Assumptions and Projections Cashflow Year One Cashflow Year One to Five Income Statements Year One Income Statements Year Two Business Return on Investment Run Unlimited "What-if" Scenarios Project Your Staffing Costs Average Dollar Per Visit Spending Two Year Forecasts Includes Industry Averages Over 190 Individual Line Items

Marketing Plan

The Market Strategy Product Positioning Pricing Strategy Promotional Strategy Competitive Analysis Birthday Parties Group Events Web and Social Media Community Marketing Corporate Sponsorships Edutainment Growth Strategy Staff Training

Information contained within the plan and financial statements comes from several sources. First, information from the annual reports as published by IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions).

Secondly, the resources and experience of the FEC Network team members. With close to 40 years combined experience in the fun center industry, we have helped many entrepreneurs design, build, open and successfully operate their own family entertainment centers. From Canada and the USA to Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we have had a hand in developing many successful fun centers. To ensure on-going accuracy within the plan, we communicate on a regular basis with existing owner/operators which provides a real-time monitor for the accuracy and relevance of the data included within each plan package.

A Microsoft Word document contains the body of the plan, along with a 6 page Microsoft Excel spread-sheet that contains all of your financial statements. All core information such as city, state, management team, local market data, etc is hi-lighted for easy modification. Simply fill-in the high-lighted areas with your own information - complete some local research and the plan is ready for distribution - its really that simple!

With 6 pages of financial statements, the total plan length is 28 pages - a perfect length for potential investors (see side-bar).

Preview the financial statements

fun center plan startup costs

Startup Costs

Page 1 of 6

financial assumptions page for starting an indoor party center business

Assumptions (Formulas) Page

Page 2 of 6

income statement for family entertainment centers business planning

Income Statement(s)

Pages 3 - 6

Business Plan Length

A typical Investor reviews 500 business plans each year, perhaps more. Of those 500 business plans, the majority are filed, lost or disregarded. Reasons for this are numerous, but Investors commonly complain that many of the business plans they receive are thick, overly ponderous documents. Many Investors will reach for the thin business plans first, finding this strategy most appealing when sifting through several hundred candidates. The ideal length for a business plan, according to many Investors, is 25 pages, with appropriate appendices.

A side note.... Many Investors encourage management to write their own business plan, or at least be involved in the research and development of the plan opposed to hiring an outside professional. The management team needs to feel responsible for the contents of their business  plan because they have to perform. Outsiders, such as an accounting firm, assisting a team with their plan, is fine but they should never write the entire document. Outsiders don't have to live up to the plan, management does.

This is a perfect reason for the use of an industry specific fun center 'template' plan. It gives you a solid accurate base to work from, but leaves enough local research and elbow grease to make you intimate with your plan and the local opportunity. Instead of starting at square one and working for 6 months or more, you can step in with a well written plan and spend a couple of weeks refining it for your business goals.

- Courtesy of Northwestern Capital Group

business plan testimonial from California

We had some of our own research already completed, but really needed a plan that showed us how to pull it all together. This fun center business plan worked perfect for our edutainment center, thank you! Suzanne Moore, CA

Family Entertainment Center Business Plan Sections & Information

This business plan package is best suited for developers looking to start a full feature family entertainment center (FEC) project that offers multi-attractions for all age groups. The plan includes the following sections and information:

Executive Summary Business Overview Industry Analysis and Trends Market Analysis Target Market Demographics Competitive Analysis Business Ownership and Management Location and Facility The FEC Product Staffing Requirements Attraction Mix Family Friendly Services Selling Prices and Cost Structure

Plan Attachments

Primary Residential Population Population Demographics Visitor (tourist) analysis Total Estimated Population Percentage(%) of Age Breakdown Competitive Attractions Capacity Estimates Vehicle Parking Requirements Allocation of Interior Space Lease Cost Estimate Estimated Construction Costs Mezzanine Cost (optional laser-tag) Kitchen & Service Equipment Costs Booths, Tables & Seating Startup Costs Project Budget Birthday Parties Admissions Laser Tag Blacklight Minigolf VR Stations Other Attractions Games (coin-op and redemption) Group sales Food & Beverage Total Estimated Sales Operating Expenses as (%) Staff Schedule & Budget Staff Schedule & Proposed Staffing Total Salaries Expense to Income Analysis Year One P&L Year Two P&L Five Year P&L Five Year P&L Cumulative Profit & Loan Payment ROI Analysis

Fun Center Business - Built On Reality

Both Fun Center Business Plan packages are built on current amusement industry data. A complete document with financial statements based on existing facilities in the North American market. For our International buyers, we offer the same plan and materials. Generally speaking family amusement here, is on a par with family amusement in most markets, outside of local food and beverage, some group and party demographics and service offering, we find our data and plans are compatible with projects elsewhere. * Unfortunatley, the plans are only available in english language. The written component of our business plan is provided in a professional, industry specific manner that can be presented to individual investors, or institutional investors, including the SBA. These are not fitness center plans or restaurant plan templates that need to be re-written to fit your amusement business.

We subscribe to various amusement industry reports, we speak directly with existing operators, we have spent time studying and monitoring fun centers and the indoor playground business from many diverse markets and communities and have taken that raw data and compiled it into an easy to use, accurate set of 'Linked' Microsoft Excel spread sheets and an editable Microsoft Word document that you can use immediately.

Getting Started - 7 Easy Steps

The Fun Center Business Plan package is available on-line for immediate download. No waiting - you can get working on the plan today! Once your purchase notification has been received, you will receive an instant reply confirmation email with your download links. Simply follow the email instructions to access and securely download the plan to your desktop.

Any problems, can't find or access the file - No worries, call the office direct we are here to help (604-755-7942)

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This was the easiest way for me to finally get my business plan completed and move our project from dream to reality, thank you. Marina Guiertez, FL

fun center business plan testimonial from florida


Starting a children's indoor party center business?  Our CEC business plan is your best choice for facilities focused on ages 10 years and younger. Indoor playground's tend to be the attraction of choice, along with parties, toddler play, food service and other age apropriate acticities and programs.

family entertainment center business plan box


Starting a multi-attraction family entertainment, fun center business? Our FEC business plan is your best choice for facilities focused on all age groups. Attractions, food and beverage, party and group activities, build-out, staffing and more. Easy WORD document with XLS financials.

Download samples here...  

  Download samples to compare both plans (email for both plans will be sent to you)

Purchase Bonus


top 10 fun center mistakes to avoid

TOP 10 FEC MISTAKES TO AVOID Learn from those that have been here before. This 10 page ebook offers a quick review of the most common fun center mistakes made by those just starting out. A $29.95 retail value - Free with your fun center business plan!

stay on track with this fun center startup timeline

STARTUP TIMELINE This 12 month startup timeline will help keep you focused on your goal. The things you must do along the way and at what point in the planning process important milestones need to b completed. An invaluable guide to help keep you and your project plan on track.

how to raise capital for your fun center startup

FUN CENTER FUNDING - RAISING CAPITAL The number one hurdle for most new business entrepreneurs - how to get funded. In this Raising Capital ebook, discover some of the alternative methods and options for funding your new fun center business, what bankers and other investment partners look for and how to identify if your project is better suited as an equity opportunity or a term loan.

fec plan testimonial from Ontario

As an accountant the financial data verified our own assumptions and research, but the word document was dynamite. I am not a writer and the plan saved me volumes of time and frustration - money well spent and highly recommended. Andy Sampson, ON

Upgrades and Plan Options

The Family Entertainment Center (FEC) plan is at the core of our Startup Academy program. An online, go at your own pace fully coached and mentored amusement business feasibility and planning program. If you find that you need a little more support, coaching and mentorship and business development assistance, we will refund you the purchase price towards enrollment in the complete Startup Academy program*.

You can learn more about Startup Academy at our sister site: Fun Center Academy We also offer two additional FEC business plan packages that include our complete library of guidebooks and the operating manuals and forms . More information on these other business plan packages can be found when you click on the "Order Now" button below.

Do you ship to our address?

No. To save our customers from having to rewrite the materials, rather than ship hard copies of the plan, the plans are available as immediate downloads and can be edited with any Word processor, and spreadsheet application.

What if we have questions about using the plan?

No worries, we are available 6 days a week via email or telephone and love helping new amusement entrepreneurs with their project plans. You are welcome to reach out to us any time.

Is there any special software needed to install?

No. Our plans are standard Word and Excel format, compatible with either OS X or Windows. While you can view the materials on any device, plans are best used with your desktop computer, as modifcation and editing can be difficult on mobile.

Where does your plan data come from?

Data for our fun center business plans comes from a variety of sources. We use information reported by the industry association IAAPA as well as data from Government sources, Commerce reporting and various trade magazines, and our own 29 years industry experience working with a variety of suppliers, operators and projects.

Are the plans appropriate for all fun center projects?

No. While our plans are thorough and a great tool for many, they are not for every project. Amusement carnivals, theme parks, stand alone bowling facilities, water parks, large scale multi-use projects and outdoor adventure parks are not appropriate. The core expertise of our plans are indoor projects offering multiple attractions, typically under 30,000 sqft. As well as smaller, community based party centers and edutainment centers.

Are the materials relevant to Canadian markets?

Yes. However, there is no specific reporting data available exclusively for the Canadian market. Data from IAAPA is researched across many countries and reported in aggregate. That said, markets between the US and Canada are very similar with differences mainly coming from cultural service requirements, as opposed to attractions and traffic.

Do you offer the plans in other languages?

No. Materials on this site are available in English only.

Are the plans current?

The plans are updated as new market forces and/or relevant data appears. Our most current update is Q1, 2024.

...this is just a quick note to tell you that we purchased the Developers Package and happily, it's better than we thought it would be. The plan reads very professionsl and the financial statements are very thorough and easy to understand, and work as promised. It's always a stab in the dark purchasing on-line, but we feel it has been money well spent. Gina Ransome, IL

family entertainment plan testimonial from Illinois


Fast, easy, secure payments by PayPal. No PayPal? No Problem! You can use any major credit cards to make your purchase.

Buy our fun center business plan now

* Refund towards the Startup Academy program is subject to project scope and current program enrollment. Talk to us for details.

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More From Forbes

Family entertainment centers: tips for generating profits in any weather.

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CEO of APX Operating Co. dba Boomer Parks , a company focused on the family entertainment center, water park and amusement park sectors.

Weather can have a huge impact on the successful operation and bottom line of family entertainment centers. With hotter summers and more extreme weather , planning is key to profitability.

Excessive heat, torrential rain, snowstorms, wildfires resulting in poor air quality—the list goes on, as does the need for planning and preparation. As an Eagle Scout, my motto is “Be prepared,” and as the operator of multiple family entertainment centers (FECs), my team and I practice planning and preparation. This experience has shown me that being proactive impacts safety, staffing and sales. Here's what FECs need to keep in mind.

Be nimble when the weather changes.

Many FEC operators look at bad weather and decide to close for the day instead of finding the silver lining in every cloud. FECs in Florida, for example, know that a passing rain shower is no big deal, so most folks go about their business. But in dry areas of California, inclement weather can paralyze those unfamiliar with driving in the rain. Monitor weather conditions, and be nimble. In my experience, most operators don’t cut staff quickly enough when bad weather is in the forecast for their area. When you see cancellations, cut staff and hours immediately.

But before shutting down completely, look first at how you can leverage the weather to your advantage. For example, chilly evenings are an opportunity to promote hot toddies by the fire pit or savoring drinks under the stars warmed by a cozy patio heater. Excessive heat is an invitation to come inside and enjoy icy, cool air conditioning in the arcade. Rainy days at home with the kids are no fun; get them out of the house and actively gaming in the arcade while you sip a beverage and supervise—everyone wins.

Any opportunity to position your FEC as a respite from the weather should be maximized to generate revenues. If you are not prepared, you will lose sales. Develop advertising and social media messaging templates in advance so you can quickly react to changing weather situations.

Prioritize safety and comfort for guests and staff.

For FECS with an outdoor component such as miniature golf, kiddie rides, batting cages, go-karts or laser tag, begin by reviewing your assets. How can you deal with extreme heat? Shade trees are an option but require time to mature. Awnings, sunshades, umbrellas and shade sails can help cool areas on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, while an outdoor misting system or portable misters can help to keep guests and employees comfortable. Hydration stations stocked with cold drinks, along with a gift shop carrying personal fans, sunglasses, hats, umbrellas and sunscreen, are additional revenue streams. Guests won’t stay if they're too hot, so keep them cool.

Make sure your team members are properly hydrated and safe in excessive heat as well. Rotational shifts, extra water and cooling breaks, wick-away garments, reflective gear and lightweight uniforms can make a big difference in safety, comfort and performance. Inclement weather might require rain gear, while cold weather calls for heaters, windbreakers, jackets, heavier uniforms and proper footwear. Some of this branded gear can also be sold in your gift shop as fan swag and souvenirs.

Wildfires and poor air quality present both challenges and opportunities. When the air quality is bad, make sure your team members are safe and close unless your FEC has a big enough indoor component such as laser tag, video gaming or an arcade. These assets can be leveraged to offer comfortable indoor fun in a climate-controlled environment, so employ your pre-developed sales strategies and templates to advertise and promote an attractive and fun alternative on social media in real time.

The bottom line: Have a plan for any weather.

For clear skies and smooth sailing in any weather, have a plan and a program in place. Develop strategies and tactics for everything from a sprinkle to a downpour, as well as plans for lightning, hurricanes and named storms that require securing anything that could float or blow away. Be proactive, monitor weather conditions and be ready to act quickly. Being prepared just might make you more profitable.

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Entertainment Industry Business Plan Sample

Published Jul.12, 2016

Updated Apr.22, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

Average rating 4.6 / 5. Vote count: 7

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media production business plan

Table of Content

Sample Business Plan for Entertainment Industry

Starting up a media and entertainment industry business doesn’t only mean to start the production house for producing a variety of different items to simply earn the capital, but it requires a concentrated plan that can lead to the fulfillment of your vision. You must know that you are not just starting an entertainment industry business plan but a center that would provide professional services and a showbiz business. Here your business skills and performance decides your success.

You can take help from consulting services or agencies as they will guide you how to start and promote your entertainment industry business plan in media and entertainment industry. Consult magazines and internet to learn about the recent trends in the production and business. Information related to laws and taxes is another significant aspect that you should know before starting the production business. A sound knowledge and effective planning would help you to start a new business and grow it efficiently.

In the entertainment industry, media production is not the production of a single product. Entertainment and media is a very vast field and the productions options available are variable. You should select one or more productions like promotional products, educational television, news, dramas, films documentaries, music, etc. that you would like to work on before starting any entertainment or media entertainment business plan. You would then write a separate media production business plan for each intended production. Generally, your media entertainment industry business plan should include the answers of following questions:

  • What is the purpose or the goal of the production and objective of your entertainment industry business?
  • Which is your intended audience or your production will be watched or listened to by whom?
  • Is the production related to electronic or print media?
  • Does the production include correspondence with other production or media production business plan ?
  • Is the content is new, or the production will reproduce already existing content?
  • Is the production being produced for the Internet, Cable, Satellite TV or TV?
  • Do you have the script for production? If yes, describe the script for the production briefly.
  • What is the total estimated time for opening and closing of production and its anticipated location?
  • How will be the selection of talent done for the production?
  • What are the specifications for the technical equipment and the requirements for the professional knowledge of technical crew for the new production?

Sample Entertainment and Media Entertainment Industry Business Plan

Entertainment and media production and entertainment industry business is not an easy task, but you should think the industry you would like to work like news industry, music industry, the entertainment industry or any other. Think about your budget and time and select according to that. You may start with low cost consuming business and earn more budget and then spend it on any other business. You must build contacts in the media industry and other media related business. A good relationship with other media houses would help you to grow positively. Also, set your ethical standards for your business.

Below are some sample entertainment industry business plans for Video and Film Production, TV production and Music Production. Review the following sample entertainment business plans and tailor your own entertainment industry business plan as per the sample plans described.

Sample Music Entertainment Industry Business Plan

business plan for a production company

The music recording and entertainment industry business is the cornerstone of the entertainment and media industry. Setting up a recording and production business is equally demanding as well as require money and time. Having ample knowledge about the business is important. Music Recording and production is the very tricky part of the entertainment industry because it requires heavy equipment. In the recent decade music production and recording witness a steady growth.

By setting up a music recording and production studio, you cannot only attract solo singers, bands but also large scale entertainment industry like drama industry, etc. It is important to write a good business plan for the entertainment industry before setting up the recording or production studio.

Which services will your Music Production and Recoding company provide?

Firstly, you need to finalize the services you are going to provide along with the vision of the music entertainment business.

  • Vision and Mission of your Studio: Clearly, think about the vision of your music studio as it would direct you to understand the scope of your studio. Your vision must be defined in a way that you want to excel in this business and become the best choice for the media houses. Your mission must be to equip your studio with the best equipment in the world for recording and production of music to provide excellent services to the clients. Good vision and mission will enhance your morale and attitude towards success.
  • What services you would provide? : Think and write clearly about the services you would like to provide in your studio e.g. song recording or production, production of either jingle, soundtracks and audio books, studio sessions, selling of musical equipment and music consultancy services. You should decide what would be the scope of your studio and then enlist the services. You may start with less but don’t compromise on the quality of your entertainment industry business.

Business plan for investors

How to write the business plan for the music entertainment business.

After the vision and services have been finalized the following should be analyzed:

  • Analysis of Market Trends : Analysis of current market trends is important for developing the entertainment industry business plan. It should include current trends in the music industry and potential target clients in the media. Analysis of current trends will help you to identify the important equipment for your studio. You may enhance your services to the music artists, authors, advertising agencies, etc.

You should keep in mind about the level and competence of you competitors to excel in the media production business plan . You should take care of your employees to avoid any resignation from the professionals.

  • Market Strategy : You should identify and make proper salary packages for your employees to attract them and perform their best. It is very important to understand the nature of work of each employee and set salary according to that. You can also look at the salary packages of your competitors to get an idea. Further, incentives and bonus can also improve your credibility in business. Also, consider your estimated sales projection.

It is also important to develop the pricing strategy of you music studio.  Some Music studio often charges by the hour and some of them charge a flat fee. You can develop different pricing packages for your clients.

  • Advertisement Strategy: Publicity of your music recording and production studio is very important to attract the clients from the media and entertainment business. Adopting can cost effective advertisement strategy would help you to promote your studio effectively. You can place an advertisement on billboards, electronic and print media, by using social media and sponsoring a TV or radio show.
  • Finance strategy for setting up a music recording and production studio: You should estimate the price of all the equipment’s needed for your studio. Look for the prices of different brands and select the ones that fulfill your requirements in the best way. List the items and prices. You should also look for the pricing of liability insurance, license, rents, gadgets, additional expenses like advertisements and promotions. Choose cost-effective ways to equip your studio without compromising on the quality of the products. You should conduct a market survey before finalizing the financial strategy. Headphones, mixing consoles, microphones, digital audio workstation, music workstation, preamps. Computers, CD duplicator, and printer, etc. are some important equipment for the studio. This business require excellent sound system for better results.

Well defined Business Structure of the Music Entertainment Company

You should understand the business structure of the studio to achieve your entertainment industry business plan. Also clearly define the responsibilities of the personnel engage in your business structure. Your entertainment industry business structure may include the following:

  • A chief executive officer who would be responsible for the recruitment, selection, training of the staff, developing strategies, planning, organizing and monitoring of the activities or projects.
  • A lawyer or legal secretary who would be responsible for legal documentation of your studio and more responsibilities like drawing up contacts.
  • A Studio Manager who would be responsible for tracking hours of the studio session and billing client, management of recording studio and handling of other main responsible.
  • Music Producer would be responsible for recording and producing of music tracks, ordering of tracks in the album.
  • The recording engineer would be responsible for sound effects in the recording, mixing and adding beats, etc. and selecting good songs to earn money.
  • Admin and HR officer would be responsible for administrative tasks, hiring and training of professionals, appointments of the client and last but least arrangements of travel and meetings.
  • Marketing and sales executive would be responsible for the promotion of music albums, creating new business opportunities, looking for new partners and last but not least responsible for the growth of the studio.
  • An accountant must be the part of your music strategy as he would be responsible for looking after you financial reports, budget, financial analysis and business conditions. He can guide you to make necessary changings in the financial policy.
  • Front desk officer handles the duties assigned by the manager, receive and greets the clients, receive important documents and handles phone calls and emails on behalf of the studio.

A good business structure in important for any business. Also, focus on the work environment. A good family and collaborative work environment would help you to avoid workplace conflicts and improve the quality of production and business. You can get this by proper application of rules and regulations.

Thus, setting up a music production and recording studio needs proper well-defined paperwork. This sample entertainment industry business plan will help you in writing an effective plan that will act as a roadmap for future. An effective media production business plan is a key to your success in your business in the media industry. You can develop your entertainment industry business plan yourself or hire consultancy services. The entertainment industry is incomplete without music houses and in recent decade advancement in sound technology has opened new directions for the artists. Following the above-given sample plan will help to achieve your better results in your entertainment industry business plan.

Sample TV, Film and Video Entertainment Business Plan

Film and video production is another pillar of the television entertainment industry and a good business opportunity for the new comers. These days different TV channels have launched their private drama channels as well as making their films thus increasing chances of business.

Sample Video and Film Entertainment Business Plan

business plan for a music production company

If you are thinking of starting your video entertainment business, it’s a brilliant idea to earn, but have you done all paperwork for this? Do you understand the financial and legal issues related to film production? You also need to know that selection of film and video to be produced by you will be closely linked with the growth of production house and business. Here is a sample of what you should include in your business plan for video production.

Your entertainment industry business plan should cover all the key elements that are necessary for setting up a film production house. Following key points should be included in the business plan for the Video Production:

  • Non-Disclosure agreement : Confidentiality of the information is the most important thing in the media and entertainment business and should be well maintained. Confidentiality of the script of the production, film recordings, profiles of the actors working in the production, gadgets that are or will be used in the production, etc. should be well maintained. Any leakage of the important and crucial information may hamper your film success before release. Non-disclosure agreement should be done with all related parties that information related to video will be kept confidential and secret.
  • Executive Summary: The executive summary should be well written in the entertainment industry business plan. It should include the brief overview of the project (Name, script, key roles) and most importantly the capital required for the video. Capital can be both in terms of money and other physical resources like camera, recording chips, etc. Shooting details should be mentioned. Tentative dates of the film/video shooting and locations where the film/video is likely to shoot should be mentioned. It will help you to have information of your business at a glance.
  • Market analysis: The most important thing is to assess the market and industry before starting your business. You should understand the current trends of the market before signing for video production. Produce what actually is demanded by the market and the audience. Select the story or script that can help you to grow as a business and production house. Also evaluate the pay ranges and select pay scale according to that to attract good faces of the industry.
  • Production Plan: The media production business plan is the trickiest thing to be done in business before investment. You should estimate the production each and everything properly and try to follow this. Estimated time frame, dates of production, the release of the film/video, legal requirements, screening issues, bookings of the shooting sites and location, contracts with the concerned people should be properly written in the production time. It would save your time and money.
  • Hiring of professionals for production: Setting up a production house require hiring of certain professionals like executive members, HR officers, accountants, managers, recording engineers, sound engineers, video engineers, cameraman, photographers, composers, scriptwriters and editors specifically related to video production. Professional dress designers and makeup artists are needed to be hired. The hiring of good and competent employee is the key to the growth of your production house. You must pay market competitive salary to attract good professionals. You must also have list of other professionals or resumes of other possible candidates to call if any current employee suddenly resign.
  • Publicity and Advertisement for promoting the production: You must think about the promotion of your video production house and the film/video in the entertainment industry. Think of the dates of the releases of trailer and promos to publicize the. You can also use other methods of promoting movies like billboarding of promos, given tickets, publicity through live programs and media campaigns. You should also estimate the required budget for this. Advertisement in colleges, schools, and universities is also the excellent opportunity. Cost-effective advertisement strategy would help to gain more in less. You can attract the audience through Unique and creative advertisement, discount options on tickets, by arranging concerts, etc.
  • Information related to the release of the information and distribution methods of the production: You must decide the issue related to the release of video/movie to the audience. You must schedule date of release and trailers or promos release of the film or video. You should decide the patterns of release like local release worldwide release and modified wide release etc. Methods of potential distribution of the films/ video like airline, VOD, DVD or theatrical should be decided. Specifically, write down the names that are actually good for your production team and best fitted for you. The release of video and promos on the special occasion like festivals, local holidays, etc. would increase the chance of success and more earning.
  • Production budget of the film: Evaluating the total cost required in the film production and business is important. It would include all tax credits, rebates, return on investments for business , loss prevention strategy, distribution of profit, salary and all legal issues related to film production and business. You may hire a specialist to help you in making film budget. Other expenses may include legal. Brochures, Stationary, Rent, furniture, etc. Create a comprehensive video budget detailing each and every expense.
  • Understanding the requirements of travel : Film production often requires local and outside country traveling. You must know legal and other requirements of the traveling. Passports, visas, duration to apply for a specific visa for the actors and other crew members. You must know the cost-effective reservations to the airlines, hotel, etc. to save your budget.
  • Selection of the Cast: Selection of the cast for the production of the video is another major task. Sometimes a good script but wrongly selected cast would end up in a loss. You must select the cast appropriate for the roles and those who are liked and demanded by the society. You must decide how you want to pay your actors. Some actors demand payment per scene and other want per episode. Sign a proper agreement with the actors and have it as a part of movie entertainment business plan.

Thus, business related to film and video production is a difficult task. A proper business plan for video production indicating each detail can help you to avoid any many challenges. A good story to well execution demand a well paper work.  You must remember that providing entertainment to the audience is your key responsibility, so your media production business plan is key to your success.  This video production company business plan would help you to customize your plans for the future and get more customers from the media and entertainment industry.

Sample for TV entertainment business plan

video production company business plan pdf

TV production is a brilliant idea for the business. Small investors can easily manage to start this business. You can reach many people in a short time via TV and can also convey your thoughts to local people and also to the people living across the border. TV can communicate your message through sight, sound and motion to have an immediate impact on the audience. You can package good programs and earn millions of dollars from the show sponsors. Successful TV production is a creative work, and most of our entertainment programs are broadcasted through TV. TV production is not only the source of entertainment but also a source of information in the electronic and digital world.

These days many TV stations and channels are working in the TV business and trying to compete. They are launching many different channels on various types of content like news, sports, dramas, etc. and looking for content and production. Firstly you need to decide which TV shows you would like to produce. The production option for the TV shows are as follows:

  • News related programs: You can produce exclusive content for the news TV channels. Be creative in what you are going to build and sell it and grow your business. You can start special documentary programs, interviews with the great leaders which will share positive aspects of their family. You can also give a chance to newcomers in the industry by introducing them through your production. You can share news and information of what happening across the broader and internationally. News related to fashion and sports can be produced.
  • Health Related Programs: It is the most important and often neglected part of our TV industry. You can start with the production of informative programs related to different diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and other life-threatening and lifestyle diseases. Production of programs that help people to prevent diseases and give knowledge related to health, exercise, and fitness can also be started. It can attract a large number of audience. You can look for the advertisement of individual hospitals or pharmaceutical industries to grow your business. You can also take an initiative by taking short interviews of the health professionals. Further, the production of videos of other health related practices like herbalists, yoga, traditional health practices, etc. can also be done. You can also create a show on new health-related discoveries to attract people.
  • Production of Tourism and enhancement of culture shows: Very few programs are on aired these days to promote your local culture. You may take the initiative by producing programs on historical places of your country, natural and beautiful sites of the country to attract the tourists. Further, you can promote the local culture of your country. Beautiful production may help to achieve success. The production of different culture related programs by showing different traditions, customs, and values can also prove beneficial. For this, you may to travel both locally and internationally and you may take assistance from the embassies, traveling agencies and guides.
  • Production of Economics and Real Estates programs: You can attract the businessman and real estate agents through production of valuable programs on current economic conditions, forecasting of the economic situation of the country, stock exchange, etc. Production of the programs related to selling and purchasing of houses and property listings, etc. by collaborating with real estate agents, economists, etc. can also be done. This will give new directions to your business.
  • Film and Drama Production: You can earn money and fame through video and drama production because it targets a large audience. A good story with good direction and production is the key to your success. Choose those film and dramas for production that their target audience wants to watch. You can also make the film, documentary and short telefilms on social issues and become a social change agent. Try to produce content out the common locations.
  • Production of Fashion shows: The entertainment industry is nothing without fashion and fashion shows. Designers are focusing on both Eastern and Western fashion and also a blend of both. Fashion shows earned a lot of fame these days. Many fashion designer have started their own brands and becoming the part of big fashion industry. Many fashion shows are under production these days. You can also introduce new fashion designers and fashion magazines.  Production of programs on personality developing or makeup tutorials can also attract audience.
  • Advertisements: These days many brands are looking for the production of advertisements. You can also produce novel and unique advertisements. Look for the brands and offer a good package to them and earn money.

Here is a step by step guide to writing business plan for TV entertainment:

  • The idea with concept and knowledge: Each program on aired on the TV has an idea and concept that reflects your knowledge. So start with programs of your interest, professional background, and orientation. A good idea that is consistent with your passion will help to tailor the program brilliantly.
  • Think about what you want to produce: There are many types of content available for the TV production like dramas, short films, documentaries, advertisements, etc. you should have a clear idea about what your production will be based on before planning for the business.
  • What would be the number of people required for the production?
  • The production will go live or would be recorded?
  • What type of advertising would the production require?
  • Will you collaborate with the TV station or go for independent sponsors for the production?
  • Estimate the budget: It is important to estimate your budget before finalizing anything. Remember that you would probably have to pay to the crew members along with the show directors and the production studio. Your contacts may help you to select a good production house in a cost effective way. A good estimated budget is key to your business growth.
  • Production stage: Production stage is the main phase of recording your play/drama/video etc. You need to be very careful at this stage especially if the program is going live. Careful preparations are also necessary and might require traveling locally or internationally. You can take help from other consulting or advertising agency. Try to be perfect at this stage. It would take more than one shooting or recording of a single scene to gain a perfect production in Put your time and effort for good results.
  • Editing Stage: It is the most important and crucial stage of production. It is probably the what you want your audience to see and listen out of many other programs. If your recording is of more than an hour, you probably have to cut it short to thirty minutes. In this stage you have to lay the music to mention the names of crew members and other important things.

The above Sample   business plan for TV production would help you to learn the following:

  • How to earn money by becoming successful TV producer?
  • How to get a partnership with the TV stations?
  • How to start a successful TV career in the media and entertainment industry?

So, you can start a good business through TV production. A good production would increase your chances of getting hired by big TV stations and grow business. Think of creative and new ideas to produce TV programs related to the new idea.

Sample Promotional Products Business Plan

audio production company business plan

Business in media and entertainment industry is all about production and promotion. Both print and electronic media try to compete with each other regarding production and promotion.

How to start a Promotional Products Business?

If you have money and want to start a new business, spending in the media and entertainment industry is worth spending. This industry would broaden the chances of your success and fame. Entertainment  and media industry operates through news, documentaries, films, advertisements and marketing items. You can make capital and enhance revenue of your business through starting investing in either production or selling of the advertisement items

Promotion of any business involves

  • Production of the product
  • Pricing of the production
  • Placement of the production
  • Promotion of the production

Promotion is what how you communicate about your business to others. Promotion of the production further includes advertisements, developing and building relations along with sale of the production. It is good to work on the promotion of the production to earn more. The best ways to promote business is through the marketing items. The trend of the promotional product is growing day by day.

Billions are invested on the production of promotional products these days in America on items like T-shirts, pens, hats, etc. These products are given away along with the other main products to increase the value and business. Spending a small amount on the production of promotional items for your media production business plan will actually help to earn more. In actual, manufacturing and production of promotional products is not a big game, but to market, these promotional products are the real one. This business requires good communication, sales and marketing skills. Attracting attention through effective communication, making people recognize your brand and sticking with your brand is what you can do with the effective promotion of products. You can promote a favorable image of your production and brand and grow business. After the successful promotion of any product, you can increase your target audience and expand your products.

Ways to start promotional product business

To start your business of promotional products you should where you are exactly located and take advantage of your locality. You can enter the promotional product business for media and entertainment industry in two different ways. Here are these two options.

  • Start production of inexpensive products for sale: To become the manufacturer, you need to establish a production station or shop. You can import items from other cheaper stores or establish your own manufacturing plant. You can also import items from other countries where the products are manufactured for much lesser prices. You must have a plan according to your budget to start your manufacturing factory. Do not forget to take care of your regional climate and laws. It is important to join promotional products associations to increase the chances of getting distributors. Hire sale force who will promote your products. They can be hired through online employment sites too.
  • Become the product distributor and Imprinter: You can also start earning through contacting those manufacturers looking for distributors to sell their production. Look for those products you are interested and create a list of potential customers. Understand your client needs first and then select the promotional products.

Entertainment Industry Business Plan Sample

Sample Business Plan for Promotional Products

The right entertainment industry business plan will be a guideline for you to follow through each step of your business. The right plan is essential for making the business success. Here is a sample entertainment industry business plan for promotional products:

  • Firstly write down the executive summary of your promotional company. Introduce your company. Decide and write products to be promoted. To increase the value of their main business entertainment, many companies hold various products for promotion. Your business can supply logo imprinted items and products to distributors or work as a distributor itself. You should write a brief description of the nature of work of your production Company and products and services in detail.
  • Understand the market trends. Many industries deal with the promotional products. These products can be of daily usage with imprinted logos or message or slogan.
  • Write how you would expand your business. You must know that you have to compete with the larger products industry and for this, you must have to keep on adding your unique promotional products. Similar products can reduce your chance of profit.
  • Decide duration of the promotion. You must decide when and how long the promotional product will be offered. You should estimate the target profits, client’s needs, and your location. You promotional production business will be dependent on the quality and on time delivery of your products. Bring originality to your business, not imitation.
  • Decide how you would market your products. Successful marketing strategy is the key to your success in promotional products business. Look for those distributors with the good record. Secondly, focus on the marketing where the item is necessary to attract the client. You can also hire dealers or outsource your distribution of the products. Distributors spend a good time for your business so a proper compensation would attract more dealers. Develop a strategic alliance with your distribution.
  • Define appropriate milestones. Media industry heavily depends on entertainment sector. Your business can earn more in the media but select real appropriate milestones to help you to achieve target quickly. Always keep track of your sales, starting and closing dates, etc., would help you to achieve growth on your success.
  • Your entertainment industry business plan must have a management summary. The proper management of your business is key to your success. Often one business is divided into three to four areas which assist each other in product sourcing, marketing, production, and finance.

Tips for starting a Promotional Product Business

Here are a few tips for starting a promotional product business:

  • Choose small size products that are easy to deliver at a low cost. You can also opt to send coupons.
  • Decide whether you will offer promotional services round the year or once or twice. Make your budget plan prior.
  • Choose and effective promotional strategy and reevaluate your promotional strategy.

Whether you are producing news, dramas, films, etc., you must keep in mind few general guidelines. Equipment takes the time to setup and similarly break down of equipment. You should estimate this time before going to any locations. Electronic devices need a power supply like lighting and cameras. You should keep this in your mind when going for outdoor shooting. You need to take prior permission from the government of local governing body for outdoor shooting and agreements needed to be done. You should select places without ambient noises. Site surveying is a good option as you can resolve any sight issues before production.

About OGScapital

Check out the credentials of our media production business plan consultants and read through our library of sample entertainment industry business plans. One of the main attributes that set OGSCapital apart from the crowd is that we are a team of professionals who are not only focused on making money but helping our clients succeed in establishing their businesses. When you contact us, we will carefully listen to your needs and expectations and come up with an ideal strategy on how to craft the media production business plan or improve your business operations. To meet diverse clients’ needs and maintain a high quality level, we do not use templates. Instead, we take our time and use our resources to create a customized entertainment industry business plan for each of our clients. We have excellent time management skills, so you can be sure that we will complete writing the business plan on time. You can count on OGSCapital to scale your business to greater heights by providing you with professional business consultancy and business plan writing services. Fill out the form below to get in touch with our able and trusted customer care support team.

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OGS capital professional writers specialized also in themes such as bowling alley business plan , business plan for bouncy castle , nightclub business plans , starting paintball business , business plan for hotel and resort , roller skating rink business plan and many other business plans.

OGSCapital’s team has assisted thousands of entrepreneurs with top-rate business plan development, consultancy and analysis. They’ve helped thousands of SME owners secure more than $1.5 billion in funding, and they can do the same for you.

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Pre-Bid Projects

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Downtown revitalization plan aims to reshape the heart of Saskatchewan’s largest city

Downtown revitalization plan aims to reshape the heart of Saskatchewan’s largest city

The City of Saskatoon has unveiled its new vision for a Downtown Event and Entertainment District (DEED) in the central business area, a once-in-a-generation revitalization project that is part of a blueprint to re-envision the core as a focal point for commerce, tourism, services and entertainment.

The plan, which has been years in the making, will reshape the heart of Saskatchewan’s largest city and feature a new event centre/arena, convention centre, renovated theatre, and public realm design that draws on the prairie landscape and embraces the identity of surrounding Indigenous communities.

The goal is to create an urban space and amenities for those who want to live in the core of the city as well as public spaces that are connected to other parts of the downtown, businesses and rapid transit.

“The inspiration came from Saskatoon and its place in nature, in community and in the world,” explained Dan Willems, the city’s director of technical services. “The intent is to showcase Saskatoon’s past, present and future identity through design, while also improving streets and existing public spaces.

A large convention centre with an expansive three-storey entranceway will be situated opposite the event centre. The upper levels of the building are more transparent, with a view of the sky. At night and during dark winter days, the light from inside will make the structure resemble a lantern.

“The district will honour, highlight and prioritize Indigenous and Saskatoon storytelling, and will be designed to create an ‘outdoor living room,’ where people from all over the city and visitors can gather.”

A number of important public spaces are included in the conceptual design, including an outdoor concert terrace and pavilion, a gateway plaza at the entrance of the event centre/arena that can be used for public programing, and a linear courtyard that will create an intimate, semi-enclosed space.

“By integrating a mix of supportive uses and a welcoming public realm into the district, both residents and visitors will find many reasons to linger and enjoy all that downtown has to offer, encouraging earlier arrivals and later stays, diffusing trips across downtown over many hours, and making trips by all modes of transportation easy and convenient,” Willems said of the conceptual design.

Presently there is a surface parking lot and low-rise office buildings at the site. Stantec is the prime consultant on the project.

The overall plan is to re-envision the core as a focal point for commerce, tourism, services and entertainment. Stantec is the prime consultant on the project.

Renderings of the district show a massive event centre/15,300-seat arena that will feature an element called The Window, an expansive skylight crowning the upper concourse that will wash the interior with daylight and offer views of the prairie sky. Another 2,100 seats could be added to the upper bowl.

A large convention centre with an expansive three-storey entranceway will be situated opposite the event centre. The upper levels of the building are more transparent, with a view of the sky. At night and during dark winter days, the light from inside will make the structure resemble a lantern. The materials and colours will take cues from the landscape and the region’s ever-changing seasons.

Between the two structures will be a plaza and pedestrian corridor.

Local First Nations and Métis elders have been significantly engaged in the design process and Indigenous art and cultural elements will be woven into the fabric of the project. The elements will celebrate local Indigenous communities and incorporate Indigenous activities and designs such as dance and music, smudging ceremonies and pow wows.

The district is being designed for a range of weather and seasons and will connect to existing destinations in the area such as 2 nd Avenue, 21 st Street and the river valley.

A number of important public spaces are included in the conceptual design, including an outdoor concert terrace and pavilion, a gateway plaza at the entrance of the event centre/arena that can be used for public programing, and a linear courtyard which will create an intimate, semi-enclosed space.

The public spaces of the core are intended to be functional and inviting at all times of year, taking advantage of buildings to shield users from cold northern winds, benefiting from solar access in different locations and using dynamic lighting concepts to brighten up the night.

There will also be a community park play area, a splash pad, linear park and reinforced grass in a large open lawn area to accommodate large crowds, prevent compaction and enhance permeability.

The journey towards reinvigorating the core began in 2017 with a report on the aging state of the SaskTel Centre. A market analysis presented to Saskatoon’s governance and priorities committee concluded both SaskTel Centre and TCU Place were nearing the end of their useful lives and recommended that city council consider the downtown district for a replacement event centre/arena.

The city faced a choice between renovating existing structures or taking a leap and building new to inject vibrancy into the downtown. Council chose the latter.

A statement issued by Saskatoon notes it is a critical moment for the city.

“If Saskatoon is going to remain competitive nationally and internationally and be able to attract new people and businesses to continue to stay strong and grow, then change is necessary,” the city says. “The risk of not moving forward has potential long-term economic and social impacts for Saskatoon.”

A budget for the project has not yet been released.

The procurement process for a potential private partner is underway. A request for proposals has gone out to attract a partner to provide operations management and contribute funding to the development of the project. Proponents were prequalified through a request for qualifications process.

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business plan for entertainment centre

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Police nab eight more suspects in Pudu entertainment centre brawl

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KUALA LUMPUR: Eight more individuals have been arrested by police in connection with a fight and rioting incident at an entertainment centre in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday (Aug 10).

This brings the total number of arrests to 12 individuals related to the incident.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Comm Datuk Rusdi Mohd Isa said the suspects, aged between 20 and 40 years old, are on remand to facilitate the investigation.

Based on a preliminary investigation, the incident broke out following a misunderstanding over business and debts, he told a press conference after a ceremony for the handing over of duties to the new Putrajaya OCPD Asst Comm Aidi Sham Mohamed, formerly the Port Dickson OCPD.

ACP Aidi Sham replaces Senior Asst Comm A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz, who has been transferred to Bukit Aman.

Comm Rusdi said the police have opened two investigation papers over the incident, which involved rioting and shooting.

"We are still looking for the remaining suspects,” he said.

According to him, police arrested four men on Sunday (Aug 11) in connection with a fight that broke out between a group of people at an entertainment centre in the Pudu area.

The police also found three bullet casings and two live bullets at the scene.

The investigation is being conducted under Section 148 of the Penal Code and Section 39 of the Arms Act 1960, he said.

In another development, Rusdi said police were completing investigation papers regarding an article alleging imminent transfers involving senior officials within the Royal Malaysia Police.

"We have recorded the statements of three journalists,” he said. – Bernama

Tags / Keywords: Kuala Lumpur , Rioting , Pudu , Entertainment Centre , Fight , Police , Arrests , Dispute , Rusdi Mohd Isa , Penal Code , Arms Act , Aidi Sham Mohamed , Bukit Aman Transfers

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2 popular central Pennsylvania businesses coming to new Centre County locations

Two popular central Pennsylvania businesses are planning to have new offerings in Centre County this fall.

Big Springs Spirits, the Bellefonte-based distillery, posted on Facebook that it will soon open have its cocktails available in downtown State College. The business posted about a partnership with Scholar Hotel at 205 E. Beaver Ave but no other details were provided.

The post did not have an official opening date but did say it would be “just in time for football season.”

Big Springs distills its own vodka, tequila and other spirits in-house. The Bellefonte location also offers cocktail-making classes and tours of the distillery.

The Meadows, a popular Duncansville based frozen custard shop , announced this week that it plans to open its first location in Centre County. The Meadows of Happy Valley posted an announcement on its new Facebook page about the shop’s upcoming location at 2934 Benner Pike in Bellefonte, next to Troy’s Philadelphia-Style Hoagies.

No additional information was posted and the owners could not be reached for comment.

Other Meadows locations include Huntingdon, Greenwood and Clearfield.

Here are all the upcoming prequels and sequels that Disney hopes will turn its box-office struggles around

  • Disney unveiled a slew of upcoming film projects during its biennial fan event, D23.
  • Many are prequels and sequels based on existing IP, including "Toy Story 5" and "Mufasa: The Lion King."
  • Disney is leaning into fan-favorite IPs after recent projects like "Wish" stumbled at the box office.

Insider Today

After a series of theatrical misfires, Disney wants to turn misery into magic by doing what it does best: capitalizing on its already beloved franchises.

Crowds gathered at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California, this weekend to attend D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event . The biennial expo has become the ultimate fandom experience for enthusiasts who love Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, 20th Century Studios, and everything else Disney owns.

On Friday, Disney CEO Bob Iger attended the expo, walking onto the main stage to thunderous applause from the audience. It was an uncharacteristic appearance from Iger, who hadn't attended the event since 2019 when Disney was aglow with praise for box-office hits like "Avengers: Endgame" and "Toy Story 4."

But times have changed.

For years, Disney bolstered its reputation as an entertainment heavyweight that could deliver successful films over and over again. "Frozen" grossed $1.3 billion worldwide in 2013, while its sequel surpassed that at $1.4 billion. Other popular franchises like "Avatar" made more than $5 billion across two films, and Marvel Studios' last installment of the "Avengers" series made $2.7 billion.

Then, Iger retired in 2021, and so did Disney's undeniable reign at the box office.

Although films like "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" surpassed $845 million worldwide, others like "The Marvels" and "Wish" fell below expectations. Those films earned $206 million and $254 million worldwide, respectively.

Disney began sliding away from its billion-dollar benchmark, prompting executives to pivot their strategy and coax Iger out of retirement to again helm the company in 2022.

Iger acknowledged the stark reality in a 2023 earnings call , saying the COVID-19 pandemic hurt the company's plan to ratchet up its project output.

"And I've always felt that quantity can be actually a negative when it comes to quality. And I think that's exactly what happened. We lost some focus," Iger said.

Iger then floated Disney's life raft: prequels and sequels.

"I feel really optimistic about the slate going forward, which is going to be a balance between some really strong sequels to some very, very popular titles, as well as some good original content," he said.

Disney has already found success in 2024 by mining its existing stories.

"Inside Out 2" was a success this summer, grossing $1.4 billion so far. "Deadpool & Wolverine," the third in the Marvel franchise, is nearing the $1 billion mark less than a month after its July release.

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At D23, fans were introduced to a slate of new projects based on Disney's old IP, including "Moana 2" and a "Lion King" prequel titled "Mufasa."

Here are all the prequel and sequel films Disney has on its docket.

Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Animation Studios

  • "Moana 2" — November 27, 2024.
  • "Mufasa: The Lion King" — December 20, 2024
  • "Tron: Ares " — October 10, 2025
  • "Zootopia 2" — November 26, 2025
  • "Freakier Friday" — 2025
  • "Frozen 3"— 2027

20th Century Fox

  • "Avatar: Fire and Ash" — December 19, 2025

Pixar Animation Studios

  • "Toy Story 5" — June 19, 2026
  • "Incredibles 3 " — currently in production
  • "The Mandalorian and Grogu" — May 22, 2026

Marvel Studios

  • "Captain America: Brave New World" — February 14, 2025

Watch: The evolution of Disney's animated environments from 'Chicken Little' to 'Strange World'

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    ed in them your entire life. Mini-golf courses, laser tag centers, go-kart tracks, zip lines, and bowling alleys are all examples of diferent family ent. rtainment centers (FEC's). Spaces have evolved into exciting experiences that have elevate. the entertainment industry. With modern designs and innovative concepts, there is so much more to c.

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