Programs & Courses › Specializations

Schulich’s PhD in Marketing centres on research and emphasizes the relationship between theory development and empirical analysis. It offers unprecedented depth in certain areas of specialization, and also offers students a broad background across several of marketing’s core disciplines.

Students will develop the theoretical knowledge and methodological skills that are necessary to become successful, productive researchers, as well as the teaching experience and training to communicate this new knowledge. Graduates of the program have the ability and motivation to conduct meaningful, interesting, and significant research on a variety of marketing-related problems and issues.

Specialization Details by Category

Study options.

Student admission is restricted to full-time study exclusively for the first four years. It is not recommended to be working outside of the PhD program during your studies. Students must be able to participate in the PhD program in Toronto.

Typically, a PhD in marketing will take at least four years to complete. The first two years will be dedicated to graduate-level coursework.

Choose a study option to view its details and requirements

Available delivery options

  • Full-time 48 to 72 months


  • Keele Campus Toronto

The requirements to successfully complete the program are outlined below in “Curriculum Overview.”

In general, most students focus in one of four areas: consumer culture theory, consumer information processing, marketing strategy or international marketing. The training students receive in consumer culture is anchored in anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies, while consumer information processing students focus on cognitive and social psychology and decision making. Students interested in strategic and international marketing often drill down on economic and management theories.

Doctoral students must complete four marketing seminars, two courses in a minor area (typically in an allied discipline such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, management studies, cultural studies, statistics, or economics), and four method (DCAD) courses.

Students must successfully complete the following course requirements:

Required Courses

Consumer research grounded in traditions of sociology, anthropology and cultural studies is reviewed in this course. The course is designed to familiarize students with both the theories that help us to understand the evolution of consumer culture and the key phenomena of interests to culturally oriented consumer researchers.

  • MKTG 7981 3.00 CONSUMER RESEARCH B Consumer research grounded in various branches of psychology is studied in this course. The course is designed to familiarize students with theories that provide insight into consumers' attitudes, knowledge, decision making and responses to marketing tactics.

This course covers current topics in the marketing strategy literature, particularly those to which consumer research and consumer culture theorists are making major contributions. This course will facilitate on the design of relevant consumer-behavior oriented research programs that will be relevant to key debates in strategically oriented marketing research.

  • MKTG 7985 0.00 RESEARCH PAPER FORMATION This course helps students develop research skills. It requires them to identify scholarly research questions, propose a methodology for answering them, and collect preliminary data (unless the paper is to be purely conceptual). Pre-requisites: DCAD 7100, DCAD 7350, DCAD 7400, and at least one of the following Marketing core courses: MKTG 7980, MKTG 7981, or MKTG 7982.

This course complements MKTG 7985: Research Paper Formation. It exposes students to the process of creating research papers with the potential for high impact. Students learn elements of the craft such as: the importance of engaging storytelling; identifying compelling gaps in theoretical conversations and/or starting an altogether new research conversation; designing a paper’s empirical logic; factoring in managerial and policy implications; and navigating review processes.

Prerequisite: SB/MKTG 7985 0.00. Note: MKTG 7986 may be taken prior to, concurrently with, or after MKTG 7985.

This course focuses on the use of univariate and multivariate statistics as applied to social and behavioural research within the fields of organizational, management, and consumer studies. It covers descriptive statistics, mean difference testing, analysis of variance and covariance, linear and logistic regression, and a priori sample size calculations, as well as power and effect size calculations.

  • DCAD 7100 3.00 LOGICS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH This examines the major philosophical debates in the social sciences and explores the rationale of different approaches to social research. Students learn how to select and develop appropriate research strategies and how to critically examine the use of various research strategies.
  • DCAD 7250 3.00 RESEARCH DESIGN This course introduces students to research design, strengthens their reasoning and theoretical development skills, helps them effectively apply a range of empirical methodologies to their own research and critically review empirical studies done by others. Topics include types of variables, relationships, sampling and measurement, survey and field research designs, experimental designs, and alternative designs, and research design biases and artifacts.
  • DCAD 7400 3.00 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS This course provides students with detailed exposure to the qualitative research methodologies that have begun to exert a major influence on management research over the last 10 years.

Two Elective Courses These two courses are chosen, in consultation with the Marketing Area PhD Program Representative or from among the doctoral level courses offered within the program.

Comprehensive Examinations

Students write a comprehensive examination after successfully completing all coursework. This examination is designed to demonstrate knowledge of the Accounting field, the chosen foundation field, and research methodologies. The comprehensive examination is set and administered by Marketing Area faculty members. It is normally administered within 24 months of entry into the PhD program. A second and final attempt at this examination is allowed (within six months of the original exam) if the student is unsuccessful in the first attempt.

The program regards the comprehensive examination as a pivotal point for deciding whether students should be allowed to proceed with their studies or be encouraged to withdraw from the program.

Dissertation Proposal and Oral Defence

Candidates must prepare a written proposal to conduct original dissertation research carried out under the supervision of a supervisory committee, and must defend this to the satisfaction of the thesis supervisor and members of the supervisory committee.

Dissertation and Oral Examination

Candidates must prepare a dissertation based on original research carried out under the supervision of a supervisory committee and submit the results in appropriate dissertation form. After the formal submission of the dissertation, an oral examination is held. It is expected that all or part of the dissertation will be published following professional or scientific review.

We recommend further consultation with your area Ph.D. rep concerning any impending changes to the program requirements and guidance on selecting appropriate optional courses.

Schulich's Marketing faculty actively publishes in the top journals in the world. They develop and promote new research methodologies and work closely with students to define solid research questions, develop a plan of study and identify scholarly publication outlets. Our doctoral program offers students an interdisciplinary environment to generate creative ideas and hypotheses, the analytical skills to assess them, and the training to communicate them.

The following faculty are accredited by the Schulich School of Business and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for the supervision of doctoral students:

Selected faculty members

Professor of Marketing; Kraft Foods Canada Chair in Marketing

Professor of Marketing; Director, PhD Program

Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Research; Anne & Max Tanenbaum Chair in Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise

Professor of Marketing

Associate Professor of Marketing

Associate Dean, External Relations; Canada Research Chair (Tier II); Professor of Marketing

Program Director, Master of Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing

Marketing Area Coordinator; Associate Professor of Marketing

Career Opportunities

Placement of recent graduates.

Gulay Taltekin Guzel Assistant Professor of Markets, Innovation & Design, Bucknell University
Mohammad Saeid Kermani Assistant Professor in Marketing, Trent University
Nukhet Agar Assistant Professor, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson
Syeda Mariam Humayun Assistant Professor, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
Sean Hingston Assistant Professor, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies, Western University
Leah Schneider Adjunct Instructor at Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon
Zhennan Wang Adjunct Instructor at Syracuse University
Arundhati Bhattacharyya Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur
Pierre-Yann Dube Dolbec Assistant Professor, HEC Montreal
Amanda Earley Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University of Leicester
Andrew Smith Assistant Professor, Girrard School of Business, Merrimack College.

Student Research

A critical component to academic scholarship is the dissemination of knowledge through peer-reviewed scholarly journals (e.g., Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, etc.). Faculty and students work closely together from the first year of the program to develop the skills necessary for scholarly success—defining solid research questions, developing a plan of study for the questions, and identifying scholarly outlets for the findings.

Selected Publications

Mariam Humayun (Forthcoming) “Brand Hive Minds and Bitcoin Resilience,” Carolyn Strong, ed., Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Consumer Research and Business Insights , Berlin: De Gruyter (with Belk, R)

Gulay Taltekin Guzel (2023), “The case for qualitative research” Journal of Consumer Psychology , 33(1), pp.259-272. (with Fischer, E.)

Mohammad Saeid Kermani (2023), “Getting political: The value-protective effects of expressed outgroup outrage on self-brand connection,” Journal of Consumer Psychology , in press. (with Noseworthy, T., and Darke, P.R.)

Mohammad Saeid Kermani (2023), “Consumer Online (Dis)trust: A Decade Later,” The Digital Consumer (2nd ed), pp. 514-528, Russell Belk & Rosa Llamas (eds.), Routledge: NY. (with Darke, P.R., & Brady, M.K.)

Mohammad Saeid Kermani (2022), “Sorry, not sorry: The effect of social power on transgressors’ apology and non-apology,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied , 28(4), 883–897 (with Guilfoyle, J. R., Struthers, C. W., van Monsjou, E., Shoikhedbrod, A. and Eghbali, N.)

Mariam Humayun (2022), “Money, possessions, and ownership in the Metaverse: NFTs, cryptocurrencies, Web3 and Wild Markets,” Journal of Business Research , 153: 198-205. (with Belk, R. and Brouard)

Mariam Humayun (2022), “How Brand Hive Minds Thrive: Understanding Bitcoin’s Resilience,” Cryptoeconomic Systems , 2(1). (with Belk, R.)

Mariam Humayun (2022), “Bitcoin,” Journal of Customer Behaviour , (In Press).

Andrew Smith (2021), “Pay attention, please! Person brand building in organized online attention economies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49 (2), 258-279 (with Fischer, E.)

Mohammad Saeid Kermani (2021), “Cultural differences in psychological reactance: Responding to social media censorship,” Current Psychology , 40, 2804–2813. (with Ng, A.H., & Lalonde, R.N.)

Nükhet Taylor (2021), “Your Fries are Less Fattening than Mine:               How Food Sharing Biases Fattening Judgments Without Biasing Caloric Estimates,” Journal of Consumer Psychology , 31 (October), 773 – 783 (with Noseworthy, T. J.)

Nükhet Taylor (2020), “Compensating for Innovation: Extreme Product Incongruity Encourages Consumers to Affirm Unrelated Consumption Schemas,” Journal of Consumer Psychology , 30 (January), 77 – 95. (with Noseworthy, T. J.)

Sean T. Hingston (2020), “On the Epidemic of Food Waste: Idealized Prototypes and the Aversion to Misshapen Fruits and Vegetables,” Food Quality and Preference , 86 (December), 1 – 10. (with Noseworthy, T. J.)

Mariam Humayun (2020), “Consumer Reception of New Technologies,” International Journal of Business Anthropology , 10 (1), 49-65. (with Belk, R. and Gopaldas, A.)

Mariam Humayun (2020), “The Analogue Diaries of Postdigital Consumption,” Journal of Marketing Management , 36(7-8): 633-659. (with Belk, R.)

Mariam Humayun (2020), “Artificial Life,” Journal of Macromarketing , 40 (2), 221-246. (with Belk, R. and Gopaldas, A.)

Amanda Earley (2019), “A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about International Marketing,” London: Sage

Amanda Earley (2019), “Let’s Get Real: New Continental Philosophy’s Methodological Imperative,” Consumption, Markets, and Culture

Andrew Smith (2019), “Isolation in globalizing academic fields: a collaborative autoethnography of Early Career Researchers,” Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 261-285 (with Belkhir, M., Brouard, M., Brunk, KH., Dalmoro M., Ferreira, MC., and Figueiredo, B.)

Arundhati Bhattacharyya (2019), “Consumer Resilience and Subservience in Technology Consumption by the Poor,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 22 (5/6), 489-507. (with R. Belk)

Nükhet Taylor (2019), “Supersize My Chances: Promotional Lotteries Impact Product Size Choices,” Journal of Consumer Psychology , 29 (January), 79 – 88.” (with T. J. Noseworthy, and E. Pancer)

Recent Dissertation Topics

2022: Gulay Taltekin Guzel – Influencing a Field: The Role of Influencers in the Cosmetics Industry

2022: Mohammad Saeid Kermani – When your outrage is not mine: Consumer responses to expressions of online outrage towards brands

2020: Nukhet Agar – Of Snakes, Guns, and Innovative Products: The Impact of Threat Cues on Consumer Preference

2019: Mariam Humayun – Creation and Resilience of Decentralized Brands – Bitcoin & the Blockchain

2018: Sean T. Hingston – Essentialism, Moral Opposition, and the Aversion to Genetically Modified Foods

2017: Leah Schneider – The Activist Tale of Emergent Crowds and Mobilized Communities: Investigating the Interplay Between Consumer Activism and Consumer Collectives

2016: Zhennan (Nicole) Wang – The Internationalization of Emerging Economy Firms: The Impact of Corporate Governance and Political Connections

2016: Arundhati Bhattacharyya – Technology Metaphors at the Base of the Pyramid

2016: Pierre-Yann Dolbec – How Do Mainstream Cultural Market Categories Emerge: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Creation of Electronic Dance Music

2014: Amanda Earley – From Occupy Wall Street to Occupying the Academy: Three Interventions from One Demonstration

2014: Andrew Smith – Sensegiving Word-of-Mouth and Collective Sensemaking About Epistemic Objects

Current PhD students in the Marketing Area:

as of Fall 2023

  • Tima Abboud
  • Lucas Busani Xavier
  • Rowan El-Bialy
  • Yi Xuan Jeremy Lee
  • Jennifer Sedgewick
  • Erik Steiner
  • Orcun Turan
  • Raisa Tasneem Zaman

phd marketing york

Research Seminar Series

“navigating the complexities of tiny spaces”.

Speaker: Marcus Phipps Senior Lecturer in Department of Management and Marketing, University of Melbourne, Australia

Speaker bio: Marcus Phipps is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne. His research interests focus on routines, practices, sustainability and transformative consumer research. He has published his work in a variety of journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, and the European Journal of Marketing.

Abstract:  From the romance of nature (Canniford and Shankar 2013) to the spectacle of fantasy retail (Kozinet et al. 2004, Maclaran and Brown 2005), a plenitude of space is seen as a way to enhance the overall consumption experience. This presentation investigates consumers who deliberately seek to limit their space. The tiny house movement is a social and architectural trend that advocates living simply in small spaces. Drawing from in-depth interviews with tiny home owners, blogs, and ethnographic notes from meet-ups and festivals, this research explores the unique emotional relationship of living in a very small space. Findings show how spatial constraints lead to a renegotiation of how household practices are traditionally organized. The private can become public, essentials deemed luxuries, and new emotional spaces are often found outside of the household.

Friday, September 6 th , 2019 10:30am to 12:00 noon Room N201

RSVP:     [email protected]

Event open to Faculty and PhD

phd marketing york

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Michel Pham delivers a lecture during the annual BRITE conference

Why Columbia?

The very center of marketing research.

Ranked by UT Dallas Business School Research Rankings as #1 in the world in marketing research productivity for the 2018-2021 period, Columbia Marketing faculty members published 46 articles in the top-tier academic journals* in those 4 years. Current or previous PhD students were co-authors on more than half of those articles.

Columbia Marketing has a long history of producing the most innovative and influential research in the field. Our faculty and students have won numerous awards in recognition of pioneering research in marketing, including the John D. C. Little Best Paper Award, the Long-Term Impact Award, the Frank Bass Best Dissertation Paper Award, AMA’s Paul Green Best Paper Award, and AMA’s Marketing Research Sig Award. Students frequently win Marketing Science Institute’s (MSI’s) Alden G. Clayton Best Dissertation Proposal Award, the ACR-Sheth Dissertation Proposal Award, the Sheth-ACR Dissertation Public Purpose Award, and Weitz-Winer-O'Dell Award.

* Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science


Engage with the Leading Scholars

At Columbia Marketing, students engage with the most highly recognized scholars in the field. Columbia Marketing has two Faculty Fellows of ACR, two of SCP, as well as one fellow of AMA and ISMS. Eight of our faculty have been nominated as MSI “Young Scholars” and “Scholars.”

Our faculty are also actively serving the major editorial board positions for the top-tier scholarly journals and leadership roles for academic societies. These include:

  • Professor Gita Johar (Past President for Society for Consumer Psychology )
  • Professor Vicki Morwitz (Editor-in-Chief for Journal of the Association for Consumer Research )
  • Professor Bernd Schmitt (Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Consumer Research )
  • Professor Olivier Toubia (Editor-in-Chief for Marketing Science )


Learn Broadly from a Range of Expertise

Students learn from the wide variety of our faculty’s theoretical and methodological expertise. Students learn to tackle a variety of substantive, theoretical, and methodological issues from diverse perspectives by engaging with 9 faculty whose primary approach is quantitative and 10 faculty whose primary approach is behavioral. 

Faculty members have broad interests, including buyer behavior, marketing strategies, marketing planning and information systems, advertising, choice modeling, innovation and new products, brands, social media, and artificial intelligence and data analytics.


Work Closely with Top-class Faculty

From the moment they arrive on campus, students are paired with two faculty members with whom they apprentice each year. Over the next 3 years, students are exposed to multiple faculty members with this arrangement. This mentorship system has been key to our PhD students' success on the academic job market.

PhD students actively engage in research projects under the guidance of faculty members. Recent research papers with PhD students include: 

  • Castelo, Noah, Martin Bos, and Donald R. Lehmann, “Task Dependent Algorithm Aversion,” Journal of Marketing Research , 2019.
  • Dew, Ryan, Yang Li and Asim Ansari “Modeling Dynamic Heterogeneity Using Gaussian Processes,” Journal of Marketing Research , 2020.
  • Jun, Youjung, and Gita V. Johar, “Social Marginalization Motivates Indiscriminate Sharing of COVID-19 News on Social Media,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research , forthcoming
  • Melumad, Shiri and Michel Tuan Pham, “The Smartphone as a Pacifying Technology, “ J ournal of Consumer Research , 2020.
  • Netzer, Oded, Alain Lemaire, and Michal Herzenstein, “When Words Sweat: Written Words Can Predict Loan Default,” Journal of Marketing Research , 2019.


Be Part of A Vibrant Intellectual Community

Every week, PhD students are exposed to cutting-edge marketing research by attending the Marketing Division research seminar series . Students also benefit from the Behavioral and Quant Lab Meetings , where they discuss and workshop research ideas in a collaborative environment.

Students also have the privilege of connecting with the broader intellectual community at Columbia University. They can attend various cross-divisional seminars at CBS such as the  Cognition and Decision Seminar Series and take courses in leading departments of the university such as Psychology, Economics, Computer Science, Political Science, Statistics, etc.

Columbia Marketing students also benefit from a unique opportunity to connect with the broader marketing community at the Four School Marketing Conference every year, joining students and faculty at New York University, Wharton, and Yale.

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Marketing (PhD)

Program description.

Stern’s PhD program in marketing trains students to perform research in a broad array of behavioral areas such as consumer psychology, information processing, and judgment and decision making. The program also teaches students how to conduct research that develops econometric and statistical models to investigate consumer, firm, and market phenomena. The behavioral work in the department emphasizes experimental methodologies while the marketing science research focuses on structural models and Bayesian analyses. Applications of theory focus on current topics such as branding, social networks and media, word of mouth, and the use of digital media. The department is proud of a long tradition of close collaboration between doctoral students and faculty members.

All applicants to the NYU Stern School of Business PhD Program are required to submit a complete application for admission. A complete application includes the  online application ,  statement of purpose ,  optional essay ,  educational history and resume or CV ,  letters of recommendation ,  test scores ,  academic transcripts , and an  application fee .

See How to Apply for admission requirements and instructions specific to this program.

Program Requirements

The program requires the completion of at least 36-54 credits, comprised of the following:

Course List
Course Title Credits
Major Requirements
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications3
or  Econometrics I
Behavioral Research Methods3
Behavioral Applications in Marketing I3
Behavioral Applications in Marketing II3
Quantitative Applications in Marketing I3
Quantitative Applications in Marketing II3
Introduction to the Theory of Probability3
Statistical Inference and Regression Analysis3
Specialization Requirement
Select one of the following:3
Behavioral Students
Experimental Approach to Behavioral Research
Quantitative Students
Advanced Empirical Methods
Required Practica
Research Practicum-Mktg1
Research Practica - Mktg1
Research Practicum-Mktg 31
Research Practicum IV1
Research Practicum-Mktg 51
Teaching Practicum-Mktg1
Total Credits36-54

Curriculum Details

Although every doctoral student must satisfy general requirements, each student designs and completes an individual program of study.

Each new doctoral student begins a program of study, which requires approval from the Area Coordinator and the Doctoral Office. Any unusual features or revisions of an approved program of study requires permission from both the department Area Coordinator and the Doctoral Office. Unless specifically approved in advance by the Area Coordinator and the Doctoral Office, MBA courses will not be eligible for tuition remission.

The general PhD degree requirement for students entering the program with a Master’s degree or equivalent is to successfully complete a minimum of 36 credits. The requirement for students entering the program with only a Bachelor’s degree is to successfully complete a minimum of 54 credits. If the Doctoral Office and the department Area Coordinator approve, a program of study may include previous graduate work at NYU or other universities. In all cases, students must complete at least 33 credits of coursework at NYU.

An approved program of study becomes part of the student’s permanent academic file and represents a formal commitment by both the student and the school. Any approved program can be modified as appropriate.

A complete program of study must include:

  • Prerequisites: Every student must satisfy the prerequisites in calculus, linear algebra, basic probability and statistics, and economics before starting doctoral study. This can be accomplished by taking courses in these subjects for a grade.
  • Basic Research Skills Methodology Courses: Every student must complete four research methodology courses, including three courses in probability and statistics, and one course in microeconomics.
  • Major Specialization & Elective Courses: Every student must complete the prescribed program of courses in their major specialization, as well as elective courses.

Additional Program Requirements

Program of study.

Successfully complete a program of study, including completion of prerequisite coursework, basic research skills methodology courses, and major field of study and elective courses.

Comprehensive Examination

Successfully pass the comprehensive examination(s) required in the student’s area of study.

Teaching Workshop

Attend the Teaching Workshop and receive certification to teach an undergraduate course.

Teaching Preparations

Successful completion of the teaching practica as described in the PhD Handbook.

Teach an Undergraduate Course

Teach one undergraduate course or the equivalent during the 4th year of study.

Dissertation Proposal

Initiate a major piece of original research and present it for faculty approval.

Dissertation Defense

Complete a satisfactory dissertation and defend it successfully at the defense presentation. The research is the extension and completion of the research presented at the dissertation proposal.

Sample Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
1st Semester/TermCredits

Introduction to the Theory of Probability (or equivalent in other departments)
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications 3
Behavioral Research Methods 3

Quantitative Applications in Marketing I
Research Practicum-Mktg 1
2nd Semester/Term
Statistical Inference and Regression Analysis 3
ECON-GB 9912 3

Behavioral Applications in Marketing I
Marketing Proseminar 1.5

Experimental Approach to Behavioral Research
Elective (optional) 3
3rd Semester/Term

Quantitative Applications in Marketing I
Research Practica - Mktg 1
Research Practicum-Mktg 3 1
Electives 9
4th Semester/Term

Behavioral Applications in Marketing I
Marketing Proseminar 1.5

Experimental Approach to Behavioral Research
Electives 3
5th Semester/Term
Research Practicum IV 1
Research Practicum-Mktg 5 1
6th Semester/Term
Teaching Practicum-Mktg 1
 Total Credits54

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Acquire a broad working knowledge of their field of study.
  • Acquire advanced knowledge in a specific field of research.
  • Conduct independent research.
  • Be skilled presenters of academic research.
  • Be skilled teachers.

NYU Policies

Stern policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Additional academic policies can be found on the Stern Graduate Academic Policies page . 

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  • MS in Integrated Marketing

Young woman in Times Square with advertising signage and billboards behind her.

Masters (MS) in Integrated Marketing

Study on-site.

The MS in Integrated Marketing offered by the NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business , Department of Integrated Marketing and Communications provides you with the marketing strategies and best practices to ensure a competitive advantage in today’s global business environment. Marketing is a growth driver with a broad range of applications—brand management, digital marketing, content marketing, marketing analytics, and search engine optimization—to name a few. Integrating all of these skills, this degree prepares you for a wide range of marketing jobs, teaching you to translate business concepts into competitive and differentiated products and services. You may consider other MS in Marketing degrees, but none can provide the networking opportunities, internships at top NYC ad agencies and digital firms, combined with a renowned NYU education.

Degree Advantage

  • Degree core curriculum that prepares you for marketing jobs in digital marketing, social media marketing, adver- tising, branding, marketing research, marketing analysis, SEO and SEM, creative management, and more.
  • Three degree concentrations in Brand Management, Digital Marketing, and Marketing Analytics
  • Internships at advertising agencies, media organizations, digital marketing firms, in-house marketing departments, SEO and SEM agencies, among others
  • Flexible full- or part-time study options
  • Can be completed in as little as 18 months

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

You can find the full curriculum details for this program on this page of the University Bulletin. All other content, including this web page is for informational purposes only.

Explore Graduate Opportunities at NYU SPS

Join an upcoming online session to learn more about our graduate degree programs including the MS in Integrated Marketing. As an attendee of an Explore Graduate Opportunities at NYU SPS session, you will meet members of our team and have the opportunity to ask questions about the program and application process.

6:00 PM until 7:30 PM EDT  

Who Should Consider Earning the MS in Integrated Marketing?

If you seek a degree that will build your skills as a marketing strategist, while providing the tools needed to design and implement digital marketing campaigns, enhance brand value, influence consumer behavior, and measure marketing impact, this degree is for you. Those who can problem solve, ask smart questions, think creatively and strategically, and influence outcomes will benefit most from this comprehensive course of study.

Degree Overview Video

Sps start @ nyu shanghai program.

Through a partnership between NYU SPS and NYU Shanghai, newly admitted Integrated Marketing students have the option of pursuing their first-semester coursework at NYU Shanghai and then traveling to New York for the completion of their degree. This program, known as SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai, will be attractive to students who are interested in having a unique two-campus, international study experience for their master’s degree. Students will live in Shanghai, be enrolled full-time during their SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai semester, and enjoy a special cohort-based experience.

At NYU Shanghai, SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai is supported in collaboration with the Graduate Semester Study Office which can be contacted at  s [email protected] . For more information about the Graduate Semester Study Office and to hear testimonials from past participating students, visit the link below.

Choose From Three Marketing Concentrations

The MS in Integrated Marketing offers degree concentrations in: Brand Strategy, Digital Media, and Marketing Analytics. Each area of specialty provides distinct marketing skills combined with the business and technical acumen to make you highly competitive and ready to take on the work required to position and promote products, services, and causes to the audience targets and market segments that will provide the strongest results.

Learn From Marketing Experts Across Specialty Areas

You will study with faculty members who are marketing experts and whose careers and insights span across the full range of marketing fields. Taught through a mixture of classroom learning and real-world experience, this degree provides immediately applicable marketing skills and the benefit of learning from those who solve complex marketing challenges every day. Prominent guest lecturers add breadth and depth to the classroom experience, providing the advice, insights, and connections to get ahead.

Gain Global Skill Sets

While marketing strategies and tactics differ based upon audience, market segments, and marketing campaign goals and objectives, they share many common threads with an underlying purpose of influencing consumer behavior, elevating brand awareness, building customer loyalty, and positioning products in the marketplace. The skill sets you acquire through the MS in Integrated Marketing can be used anywhere in the world, increasing your job opportunities. The diversity of the student body makes for rich classroom discussion and a global perspective that provides a professional advantage.

Internships and Job Opportunities

Through the Division of Programs in Business and the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS , MS in Integrated Marketing, students can complete internships that provide the hands-on experience needed to compete for marketing and advertising jobs while building a portfolio of marketing projects that demonstrates their ability to address a wide range of marketing challenges. Many of these internships evolve into permanent positions or marketing consulting jobs. Over 96% of our students reported being employed within six months of graduation. Our graduates go on to a wide range of careers in a broad array of companies and organizations including:

  • American Express
  • Bank of China
  • BET Networks
  • BNP Paribad
  • Coca Cola Company
  • PBJ Marketing
  • OMD Worldwide
  • Ralph Lauren
  • United Nations


What is integrated marketing.

Marketers need to reach and engage consumers who learn about and interact with a company’s products and services through multiple touchpoints.  Integrated Marketing brings together communications, advertising, retail, experience, product design etc., into a coordinated program, to drive growth, centered around the consumer’s needs.

What Jobs Can You Get With an Integrated Marketing Degree?

Students who graduate with a Marketing Degree are trained to design, manage, and measure impactful marketing campaigns across multiple media e.g., digital, TV, social media etc. and set strategies to grow brands, services, products, and organizations.

Students who graduate with a marketing degree go on to be brand managers, digital marketing managers, social media managers, marketing analysts, marketing strategists, media planners, campaign managers, among several other roles.

What is an Integrated Marketing Campaign?

An Integrated Marketing Campaign starts with a deep understanding of a consumer’s needs, attitudes, and behaviors, matching them with business and marketing objectives, in order to develop a set of initiatives and activities that create, communicate and capture value for consumers, integrated across multiple touchpoints.

What is a Typical Marketing Manager Salary?

The median salary for Marketing Manager in New York is $129,000 according to, and across the US the median salary is $107,000.

How Does This Degree Differ From an MBA?

A masters degree in marketing provides the graduate student more functional, practical and detailed knowledge about the professional field of marketing, and will typically be less theoretical and more applied than many MBA programs.  An MBA is designed to be a more generalized business degree with study of many subjects outside marketing.

School for Business and Society

PhD in Management

Unleash your curiosity and develop key skills to support a career in academia, industry, consultancy or research.

  Length Start dates ( )

3 years full-time
6 years part-time


Our PhD programme offers high-quality training and a supportive collegial environment in which to pursue your passion for research.

Study for your doctorate in a professional and challenging school, where academic rigour and excellence is at the heart of everything we do. You will have the opportunity to work with leading academics and be part of a growing and vibrant community of doctoral scholars. 

We welcome applicants who share our vision and want to undertake innovative and exciting research as part of our academic community.

Join researchers from across the globe, who are building new understanding of business and management.

[email protected] +44 (0)1904 321228

Related links

  • Accommodation
  • International students
  • Visiting research students
  • Life at York
  • How to apply

Your research

As a doctoral student, the focus of your work will be an independent research project. We provide training which will equip you with skills in a wide range of research methods to support your growing expertise. Your research will culminate in a thesis which, to successfully pass the programme, will represent an original contribution to knowledge and have the potential to influence practice, policy and understanding in your field of interest.

We welcome applications from students interested in undertaking management research in the following areas:

phd marketing york

  • Actuarial science
  • Accounting 
  • Finance 
  • Employment relations
  • Human resource management
  • International business and strategy (including business history)
  • Operations management
  • Organisational behaviour

phd marketing york

Meet our current students

Research excellence

Our management research is a UK top 30 research discipline, and 100% of our research environment - the support we give to researchers - is rated 3* or higher. (REF 2021).

Culture of inclusivity

At the School for Business and Society, we offer dedicated in-house student support for our students and we're proud of our two Bronze Athena Swan Awards, recognising our work to promote gender equality.

Great facilities

Church Lane offers a modern setting with bespoke areas for study, student exhibitions, collaboration, interaction and social engagement as well as a large cafe.

phd marketing york

Explore Business and Society funding for MPhil/PhD researchers and wider postgraduate support. We also have ESRC White Rose Social Sciences scholarship funding available for research students.

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You will be supported by two academic supervisors. Supervisors will normally share or complement your research interests.

Training and support

You will have at least one meeting with your supervisory team every six to seven weeks. You will also interact with your supervisors and colleagues across the School at research seminars, conference events and informal gatherings.

In your first year you will have a Training Needs Assessment with your Supervisor and Advisory Team, they will recommend additional training areas for you and possible courses to audit.

You'll also take compulsory training modules covering  Methods for Critical Literature Reviewing and Dissemination , and  Philosophy and Process of Management Research . These modules include assignments which you must pass in order to progress.

phd marketing york

Researcher development

Throughout the course you will have access to training from the University's Building Research and Innovation Capacity Team , who will help you develop your professional skills and career profile. You can also take advantage of the following opportunities for learning:

  • White Rose Doctoral Programme  Advanced methodology training
  • The Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI) Doctoral Conference
  • European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA)  training and conference opportunities
  • University of York Management School seminar series and various other engagement activities

Teaching opportunities

A PhD helps you to develop the skills you need to work in academia - including teaching. There are opportunities for paid teaching in the Management School and across the University.

Postgraduate tutors receive training and support. There are opportunities for you to gain accredited teaching qualifications.

  • Teach while you study

Course location

This course is run by the School for Business and Society.

You will be based in the  Church Lane Building on Campus West . Most of your training and supervision meetings will take place here, though your research may take you further afield.

You should live in or near York during your PhD programme, whether part-time or full-time. We do not offer distance learning arrangements.

Entry requirements

For entry to the PhD programme, you should have (or expect to obtain) a minimum of a 60% average on a Masters-level programme, with a good mark on your dissertation.

If you haven't completed a Masters degree or appropriate research training, you may wish to consider our  MA Social Research .

English language requirements

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your ability.

Apply for the PhD in Management

Take a look at the  supporting documents  you may need for your application.

Find out more about how to apply .

Identify a supervisor

You should identify a potential supervisor in our faculty whose area of research overlaps with yours. We encourage you to contact them to discuss your research proposal before you apply.

Find a supervisor

Submit your application

We require you to submit the following documents:

  • 4,000-word research proposal
  • Academic transcripts
  • Details of two academic referees
  • Your curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Personal statement

You can apply and send all your documentation electronically through our online system. You don’t need to complete your application all at once: you can start, save, and finish it later.

We will respond to your application in four to six weeks. You may track the status of your application and view any official correspondence online. If you have applied for an advertised scholarship or Graduate Teaching Assistant position, decisions on funded places may take a little longer.

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to attend an online interview. It is important that you demonstrate an understanding of your topic and its supporting theories.

Careers and skills

Your PhD will help to develop your qualifications alongside your research and critical thinking skills. You will further gain transferable skills around communication, project management as well as critical and creative analysis and problem solving, preparing you for the next stage in your career.

Our dedicated careers team offer specific support including a programme of professional researcher development and careers workshops and 1:1 career support sessions. They will help you to build up your employability portfolio and to engage in activities that will build up your skills and experience within and outside of your research work.

Career opportunities

  • Government director
  • Product manager
  • Teaching fellow
  • Assistant professor

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Discover York

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We offer a range of campus accommodation to suit you and your budget, from economy to deluxe.

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Discover more about our researchers, facilities and why York is the perfect choice for your research degree.

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Graduate Research School

Connect with researchers across all disciplines to get the most out of your research project.

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Graduate Admissions

The full-time, 12-month Schulich Master of Marketing (MMKG) is the first program of its kind in Canada to prepare graduates for professional careers in marketing.

The MMKG curriculum will provide students with the critical analysis and decision making skills required of marketers today. Students will learn state-of-the-art digital marketing and research tools and grow their literacy in analytics, social media, advertising and consumer behavior. Graduates of the program will be qualified for meaningful positions in private, public, or non-profit organizations, and equipped with the skills to advance to leadership roles in the future.

The capstone of the program is a two-term marketing field project, designed to give students first-hand experience in developing and implementing marketing strategies for real-world organizations.

The MMKG program is open to recent graduates from non-business and business degree programs who did not pursue a Marketing specialization, and to business professionals who wish to add marketing to their skill set.

Quick Links

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  • Additional Admission Requirements
  • Your Resources
  • Program Page
  • Funding Packages by Program
  • Request More Information

Degrees Offered

Master of marketing (mmkg).

For details on degree components and admission requirements, please visit the program website .

Ways to connect with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Program Supports

Have a program-related question.

Contact the graduate program assistant:

Have an admission related question? Contact the Graduate Admissions Team

By phone: 416-872-9675

By email:   [email protected]

Upcoming graduate webinars/in-person events for Future Students:

York University Office of Admissions Bennett Centre for Student Services 99 Ian Macdonald Blvd Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 CANADA 

Connect with York University

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  • PhD Programs
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  • Program Requirements

Curriculum & Coursework

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

The Marketing program draws on computer science, economics, behavioral science, and psychological methods to focus on marketing problems faced by the firm and its management. Through a combination of discipline- and field-based methods, the curriculum enables students to master concepts and research skills directly relevant to business problems. Candidates must come to understand the point of view of practicing managers and be able to bring theory and careful research to bear in illuminating important business problems.

The program requires a minimum of 13 semester-long doctoral courses. Students in the Marketing program are required to complete a year-long discipline sequence typically in microeconomics or psychology. They also complete courses in the areas of machine learning, computer science, statistics, research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students often take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in Marketing begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. The dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Recent examples of doctoral thesis research include: The effects of brand extensions on the value of parent brands; Multi-method examination of the consumption of “knockoffs” of high status brands, and the counter-intuitive positive outcomes for consumer-brand relationships; Competitive analysis of pricing and quality decisions in industries with strictly complimentary products; The psychological effects of pricing, and how these affect consumers and firms; and "Choice amnesia," the motivated forgetting of difficult decisions.

phd marketing york

Mengjie "Magie" Cheng

phd marketing york

Ta-Wei "David" Huang

“ Finding an advisor who you really click with and who is willing to support your research interests is absolutely key. ”

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Current HBS Faculty

  • Tomomichi Amano
  • Eva Ascarza
  • Max H. Bazerman
  • David E. Bell
  • Alison Wood Brooks
  • Julian De Freitas
  • Rohit Deshpande
  • Anita Elberse
  • Sunil Gupta
  • Ayelet Israeli
  • Leslie K. John
  • Hyunjin Kim
  • Edward McFowland III
  • Das Narayandas
  • Michael I. Norton
  • V. Kasturi Rangan
  • Isamar Troncoso
  • Jeremy Yang
  • Shunyuan Zhang

Current Marketing Students

  • Stuti Agarwal
  • Mengjie (Magie) Cheng
  • Jingpeng Hong
  • Ta-Wei (David) Huang
  • Sihan Zhai

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, jimin nam, 2024, byungyeon kim, 2022, emily prinsloo, 2023, ximena garcia-rada, 2021, serena hagerty, 2022, dafna goor, 2020.

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New York University’s Ph.D. program in Marketing trains students to perform research in a broad array of behavioral areas such as consumer psychology, information processing, and judgment and decision making. 

New York University Multiple locations New York City , New York , United States Top 0.5% worldwide Studyportals University Meta Ranking 4.2 Read 121 reviews

The Marketing program at New York University also teaches students how to conduct research that develops econometric and statistical models to investigate consumer, firm, and market phenomena.


  • The behavioral work in the department emphasizes experimental methodologies while the marketing science research focuses on structural models and Bayesian analyses.
  • Applications of theory focus on current topics such as branding, social networks and media, word of mouth, and the use of digital media. The department is proud of a long tradition of close collaboration between doctoral students and faculty members.

Programme Structure


  • Marketing 

Key information

  • 60 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Apply before 2024-12-15 00:00:00


Academic requirements.

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

Student insurance.

Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following:

  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Home contents and baggage

We partnered with Aon to provide you with the best affordable student insurance, for a carefree experience away from home.

Starting from €0.53/day, free cancellation any time.

Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at New York University and/or in United States, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent;
  • Students from all academic majors are eligible to apply. Having a strong foundation in the basic social sciences, math or engineering, depending on the discipline to which one applies, is preferred;
  • Previous graduate work and professional work experience are not admissions requirements.

Tuition Fee

Living costs for new york city.

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

In order for us to give you accurate scholarship information, we ask that you please confirm a few details and create an account with us.

Scholarships Information

Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Marketing.

Available Scholarships

You are eligible to apply for these scholarships but a selection process will still be applied by the provider.

Read more about eligibility

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PhD Programs in Marketing

The AMA helps potential doctoral students find the right program for them by maintaining a global list of PhD and DBA-granting institutions that offer the opportunity to specialize in marketing. If you would like your institution added to the list below, please email [email protected].

Current doctoral students may find helpful resources via the AMA DocSIG and PhD students who are going on the market should check out the AMA Transitions Guide or learn about Academic Placement at the Summer Academic Conference .

  • ​Chinese University of Hong Kong  
  • City University of Hong Kong 
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
  • Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
  • JK Business School
  • Lingnan University​​
  • Management Development Institute  
  • Nanyang Technological University ​
  • National University of Singapore  
  • Aston Business School
  • Athens University of Economics & Business  
  • Bilkent University 
  • Bocconi University  
  • Boğaziçi University
  • Cardiff University  
  • City, University London  
  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Cranfield University  
  • Erasmus Research Institute of Management  
  • ESSEC Business School
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management  
  • Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt  
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management  
  • HEC Paris  
  • Hanken School of Economics  
  • ICTE Business School  
  • Kingston University  
  • Koc University  
  • Lancaster University  
  • Loughborough University 
  • Lausanne University  
  • London Busines s School  
  • Maastricht University  
  • Manchester Business School  
  • Nottingham University  
  • Tilburg University  
  • Umea University  
  • University of Bradford
  • University College Dublin 
  • University of Cologne​
  • University of Exeter  
  • University of Glasgow  
  • University of Grenoble  
  • University of Groningen
  • University of Guelph  
  • University of Liverpool  
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of Muenster
  • University of Navarra, IESE  
  • University of St. Gallen 
  • University of Southern Denmark  
  • University of Stirling​
  • University of Strathclyde 
  • University of Valencia  
  • VU University Amsterdam 
  • Wilfrid Laurier University 
  • Warwick Business School 
  • Yeditepe University
  • Carleton University  
  • Concordia University 
  • HEC Montréal  
  • Laval University  
  • McGill University
  • McMaster University  
  • Queen’s University
  • Simon Fraser University 
  • University of Alberta 
  • University of British Columbia 
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Manitoba​
  • University of Toronto  
  • Western University  
  • York University ​

Australia and New Zealand

  • Bond University 
  • Deakin University
  • Griffith University​ 
  • La Trobe University  
  • Macquarie Graduate School of Management 
  • Melbourne Business School  
  • Monash University 
  • Queensland University of Technology 
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 
  • University of Adelaide 
  • University of Ballarat 
  • University of Canterbury​
  • University of Melbourne 
  • University of Newcastle 
  • University of New South Wales  
  • University of Otago 
  • University of South Australia  
  • University of Sydney 
  • University of Technology, Sydney  
  • University of Western Australia 
  • University of Wollongong

United States of America

  • Arizona State University  
  • Bentley University  
  • Boston University 
  • Carnegie Mellon University 
  • City University of New York (Baruch College) 
  • Cleveland State University 
  • Cornell University 
  • Columbia University  
  • Drexel University  
  • Duke University  
  • Emory University  
  • Florida Atlantic University  
  • Florida International University 
  • Florida State University
  • Fordham University  
  • George Washington University 
  • Georgia Institute of Technology  
  • Georgia State University 
  • Grand Canyon University  
  • Harvard University  
  • Indiana University  
  • Iowa State University  
  • Kennesaw University 
  • Kent State University  
  • Louisiana State University
  • Louisiana Tech University  
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology  
  • Michigan State University  
  • Mississippi State University 
  • Morgan State University 
  • New Mexico State University 
  • New York University  
  • Northwestern University  
  • The Ohio State University 
  • Oklahoma State University  
  • Old Dominion University
  • Pace University  
  • Pennsylvania State University  
  • Purdue University  
  • Rutgers University  
  • Saint Louis University 
  • Southern Illinois University  
  • Stanford University  
  • State University of New York, ​Binghamton  
  • Syracuse University 
  • Temple University  
  • Texas A & M University  
  • Texas Tech University 
  • University of Alabama 
  • University of Arizona  
  • University of Arkansas 
  • University at Buffalo  
  • University of California, Berkeley  
  • University of California, Irvine  
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, Riverside
  • University of California, San Diego  
  • University of Central Florida 
  • University of Chicago 
  • University of Cincinnati 
  • University of Colorado at Boulder  
  • University of Connecticut  
  • University of Florida  
  • University of Georgia 
  • University of Hawaii at Manoa  
  • University of Houston  
  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign 
  • University of Illinois at Chicago 
  • University of Iowa  
  • University of Kansas 
  • University of Kentucky 
  • University of Maryland  
  • University of Massachusetts – Amherst
  • University of Massachusetts – Lowell  
  • University of Memphis  
  • University of Miami 
  • University of Michigan  
  • University of Minnesota  
  • University of Mississippi  
  • University of Missouri 
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln  
  • University of North Carolina 
  • University of North Texas 
  • University of Oklahoma 
  • University of Oregon  
  • University of Pennsylvania  
  • University of Pittsburgh 
  • University of Rhode Island 
  • University of Rochester  
  • University of South Carolina  
  • University of Southern California  
  • University of South Florida  
  • University of Tennessee 
  • University of Texas – Arlington 
  • University of Texas at Austin – Marketing 
  • University of Texas – Dallas 
  • University of Texas – El Paso​
  • University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley  
  • University of Texas – San Antonio 
  • University of Utah  
  • University of Virginia 
  • University of Washington  
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison 
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 
  • University of Wyoming  
  • Vanderbilt University 
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University  
  • Washington State University  
  • Washington University in St. Louis  
  • West Virginia University 
  • Yale University  
  • Wayne State University  ​​​

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PhD in Management student discussing her research at the PhD Showcase poster presentation.

Combine social science disciplines with advanced quantitative methodology to conduct market research and teach future practitioners and scholars.

Make important discoveries about the relationships between organizations and consumers, consumer behavior and marketing theories, strategies and tactics. 

Choose a track to focus and enhance your PhD program:

  • Quantitative Track: Apply microeconomics, econometric theory, advanced statistics and other advanced mathematical model and data analysis to advanced marketing research. 
  • Behavioral Track: Examine the psychology and social aspects of consumer behavior and its impact on marketing.  

World-Class Research

Work with faculty who are ranked among the most productive researchers by the Academy of Management Journal, as well as by top scholarly journals within their discipline. Our faculty:

  • Are globally connected and have active research programs throughout Europe, Asia and North America
  • Are regularly cited in such international media outlets as the Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Washington Post, NPR, Bloomberg Business, Al Jazeera and Nasdaq
  • Collaborate with regional, national and international business leaders
  • Help you connect across disciplines throughout UB and with visiting scholars to gain exposure to a wide range of research paradigms
  • Guide you in the exploration of high-impact research, positioning you for publication in leading academic journals
  • Publish in and serve on editorial boards for  leading academic journals

Research Focus Areas

Kamer Toker Yildiz.

Kamer Toker-Yildiz, PhD ’14

Marketing Department School of Management University at Buffalo 215 Jacobs Management Center Buffalo, NY 14260-4000

Tel:  716-645-3261 Fax: 716-645-3499

To speak to a faculty member directly, contact Indranil Goswami, PhD , assistant professor of marketing.

Take an In-Depth Look at our Program

  • 9/19/23 Curriculum
  • 6/8/23 Faculty
  • 12/8/21 Alumni
  • 7/10/24 Current PhD Students

Enrollment Statistics

If you experience difficulty in accessing the content on the linked website, an alternative means of access to the information will be provided. For assistance, contact the Office of Institutional Analysis via email at [email protected] or at 716-645-2791.

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  • News & Announcements

USDA Cites United Vegetable Produce Inc. in New York for PACA Violations

Public affairs.

WASHINGTON, July 23, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has imposed sanctions on United Vegetable Produce Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., for violating the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA). These sanctions include barring the business and the principal operator of the business from engaging in PACA-licensed business or other activities without approval from USDA.

United Vegetable Produce Inc. failed to pay $100,025 to two sellers for produce that was purchased, received, and accepted in interstate and foreign commerce from September 2017 to February 2020. This is in violation of the PACA. United Vegetable Produce Inc. cannot operate in the produce industry until June 21, 2026, and then only after they apply for and are issued a new PACA license by USDA.

The company’s principal, Yu Xian Miao, may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee until June 21, 2025, and then only with the posting of a USDA approved surety bond.

USDA is required to publish the finding that a business has committed willful, repeated and flagrant violations of PACA as well as impose restrictions against those principals determined to be responsibly connected to the business during the violation period. Those individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, members, managers, officers, directors or major stockholders may not be employed by or affiliated with any PACA licensee without USDA approval.

By issuing these penalties, USDA continues to enforce the prompt and full payment for produce while protecting the rights of sellers and buyers in the marketplace.

For further information, contact Corey Elliott, Chief, Investigative Enforcement Branch, at (202) 720-6873 or  [email protected] .

The PACA Division, which is in the Fair Trade Practices Program in the Agricultural Marketing Service, regulates fair trading practices of produce businesses that are operating subject to PACA, including buyers, sellers, commission merchants, dealers and brokers within the fruit and vegetable industry. In the past three years, USDA handled more than 2,340 cases valued at $126.3 million. PACA staff also assisted over 5,600 callers with issues valued at $146.7 million. These are just two examples of how USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit .

Get the latest Agricultural Marketing Service news at .

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender

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The secret of getting ahead is getting started

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Barron Trump, Donald and Melania's son: Info about schools, when he had COVID, sibling support

Throughout his father's public life in tv, business & politics, barron trump has largely been out of the spotlight, thanks to his mother, melania trump..

phd marketing york

  • At 6-foot, 7-inches, Barron Trump is the tallest in the Trump family.
  • Barron made his Trump rally speech debut July 9, 2024, at the Trump family golf resort in Doral, west of Miami.
  • Barron Trump was the only immediate Trump family member who did not attend 2024 Republican National Convention, though he was at the 2020 RNC.

Barron Trump, the only son of Donald and Melania Trump, is old enough to vote for his father in November. Will his family return to the White House?

Currently, the former first son is preparing for fall 2024 classes at an unnamed university, as of Wednesday, July 24. Former president Donald Trump confirmed earlier this month at a rally in Doral, Florida, that college is the next step but did not specify where: "He's now going to college, got into every college he wanted to," Trump said . "He made his choice and he is a very good guy."

Barron Trump was the only immediate Trump family member who did not attend the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee a week ago, when his father formally accepted the Republican nomination. His mother, former first lady Melania Trump, made a surprise appearance and sat in the Trump family box. Four years ago, Melania, Barron and the Trump family (including his half-siblings) attended the 2020 RNC at the White House.

Barron Trump turned 18 on March 20, 2024, and as a minor throughout his father's public life in television, business and politics, he has been kept out of the spotlight and media headlines.

Below are things to know about Barron Trump and a look back at his childhood in Florida, New York and the White House.

Barron Trump is only son of Donald and Melania Trump. How did they meet? When did Donald and Melania Trump get married ?

Then Melania Knauss (Melania Knauss was a name change and her original name is Melanija Knavs), the Slovenian "began modeling at age 16, and two years later she signed on with an agency in Milan. She enrolled at the University of Ljubljana but dropped out after one year to pursue her modeling career," according to the Melania Trump bio on . In her early days of modeling, the site states, Melania Trump worked in Milan and Paris before moving to New York in 1996. She met future husband Donald Trump two years later at a New York fashion party.

Melania often appeared on “The Apprentice ” with Donald Trump when he was host of the reality TV show on NBC. She also accompanied Trump to lavish parties at his private club, Mar-a-Lago. Melania Knauss appeared on the covers of Harper's Bazaar (Bulgaria edition), Vanity Fair (Italy edition), GQ (for which she posed nude in January 2000), and she appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue .

The Trumps became engaged in 2004 and married Jan. 25, 2005, in Palm Beach .

Barron Trump was born March 20, 2006, in Manhattan.

Photos: Barron Trump's life in Florida, New York and the White House

Where did Barron Trump grow up? How long did Barron Trump live in the White House? Where did Barron Trump go to school?

Barron Trump spent much of his childhood at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, and at Donald Trump’s private estate, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

Over the years, Barron Trump attended events at Mar-a-Lago, specifically his parents’ lavish , star-studded New Year’s Eve parties (see photo gallery above).

When Donald Trump moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as president in 2017, Melania and Barron, for a while, stayed in New York so Barron could finish up his school year. He attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in Manhattan. Barron and Melania Trump remained in New York for the first five months of the Trump administration.

After that, Barron Trump then attended school closer to Washington, D.C., at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland, about 14 miles from the White House.

During his term as president from 2017 to 2021,  Trump, Melania and Barron stayed at Mar-a-Lago  during Palm Beach's "social season," roughly from October through April. It became known as the Winter White House or the Southern White House. While Trump used his New York City address as his main residency for years, he made Mar-a-Lago his primary residency in 2019.

Barron Trump got some attention during his father's presidency, mainly because he was the first son of a president to live in the White House since JFK Jr. Barron Trump has been kept out of the limelight, mainly, it's been reported, because of Melania's protective nature.

Though it was different eras, Barron Trump  and  John F. Kennedy Jr.  were the only boys in the past century who spent part of their childhood in the White House .

Is Barron Trump close to his siblings , Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Tiffany Trump?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tiffany Ariana Trump (@tiffanytrump)

Though there is an age difference, Barron Trump seems close to his half-siblings. Over the years, Donald Trump’s children have been active in his presidency and campaigns.

  • Donald Trump Jr., born to Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump, is 28 years older than Barron Trump.
  • Ivanka Trump, born to Donald and Ivana Trump, is 24 years older than Barron Trump.
  • Eric Trump, born to Donald and Ivana Trump, is 22 years older than Barron Trump.
  • Tiffany Trump, born to Donald Trump and his second wife, Marla Maples, is 13 years older than Barron Trump.

After Donald Trump relocated with Melania and Barron to Palm Beach, Florida, in 2019, his adult children and their families followed suit.

  • Donald Trump Jr. and his fiancé, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle, purchased a $9.7 million seven-bedroom, 12-bath home in Jupiter, Florida, in March 2021. The  celebrity couple live in Admirals Cove , an exclusive gated community about 20 miles north of Mar-a-Lago.
  • Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner call  Billionaire Bunker home . In 2020, the couple reportedly paid $32 million for an empty waterfront lot  on the island from singer Julio Iglesias, Enrique Iglesias' father, according to  Business Insider . The proper name for  Billionaire Bunker, a private island near Miami  Beach, Florida, is Indian Creek Village. It’s about two hours south of West Palm Beach.
  • Eric Trump, son of Donald Trump and Ivana Trump, and his wife, Lara Trump, moved to Jupiter, Florida, in May 2021 from Westchester, New York. The couple bought a $3.2 million home in the gated community of Trump National Golf Club.
  • News reports show Tiffany Trump, the youngest daughter of Donald Trump and second wife Marla Maples, and her husband, billionaire Michael Boulos, have lived in Miami since Tiffany Trump graduated from Georgetown University in 2020.

Has Barron Trump ever had COVID-19? When was Donald Trump hospitalized for coronavirus?

As a minor throughout his father's public life in television, business and politics, Barron Trump has been largely kept out of the spotlight and media headlines.

But there have been exceptions.

Over the years, Barron Trump has been part of high-profile events such as his father’s inauguration in 2017, picking out the White House Christmas tree later that year with his mother or attending the 2020 Republican National Convention in August 2020 with the entire family at the White House.

But after an event at the White House on Sept. 26, 2020, for the former president's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court justice, news reports show eight to 11 people tested positive days later for COVID-19, in addition to the former first family.

It was the first week of October 2020, just over a month before the 2020 presidential election.

On Oct. 2, 2020, then-President Donald Trump was hospitalized for COVID-19 after he and Melania Trump tested positive. Ivanka Trump, then senior adviser, and her husband Jared Kushner had attended the unveiling of Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court — but both had tested negative for the virus along with Barron Trump. Donald Trump was hospitalized for three days .

Then, according to an Oct. 14, 2020, story in USA TODAY , Melania Trump said that after an initial negative test, the 14-year-old Barron Trump tested positive for COVID-19: “Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms. In one way I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together. He has since tested negative."

Where did Barron Trump graduate from high school? Did he play sports in school?

After his father left the White House, Barron Trump attended Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, a college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, where annual tuition is a reported $41,500.

It's not clear whether Barron played any varsity sports at Oxbridge Academy since he wasn’t listed on any rosters, but he loves soccer, according to his father and various reports. According to  Bleacher Report , when Barron was 11 in 2017, he played for the D.C. United U-12 soccer team. He was a midfielder wearing No. 81.

Barron Trump's graduation was a hot topic for news for many reasons:

  • Oxbridge's Academy's football stadium drew so much attention that the private prep school issued an alert reminding the media and the public the event was invitation-only. The school acknowledged "the heightened interest in this year’s event."
  • Days before his son's commencement ceremony , the former president fumed "that I can't go to my son's graduation" because of his New York business fraud trial . However, the judge presiding over the case dealing with the bookkeeping of an alleged hush money payment to a porn star subsequently canceled court for a day, allowing Trump to attend Barron's graduation.
  • On May 17, 2024, Barron Trump was one of 116 seniors who received their diploma at  Oxbridge . While a loudspeaker announced the names of the graduates, Barron Trump's name was not announced, likely a decision to avoid any extra attention (scroll up for video of Barron Trump's graduation at the top of this story). His parents and grandfather were in the stadium's aluminum-seated bleachers, in the front.

How tall is Barron Trump?

At 6-foot, 7-inches, Barron Trump is the tallest of the Trump siblings, and rises above his father, who is 6 feet 3 inches , although some reports say he's actually 6 feet 2 inches tall. His mother, Melania Trump, is 5-feet, 11-inches tall.

Will Barron Trump attend another Trump rally? Will Barron Trump get into politics?

Now that Barron Trump is an adult, the question seems to come up: Will the former president's youngest son get into politics or be active in his father's campaign?

  • On May 8, 2024, NBC News reported that Barron Trump had been selected as a member of the Florida delegation to this summer's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. As a delegate, he would join his half brothers Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and his half-sister Tiffany Trump in casting votes to officially nominate their father as the GOP's presidential nominee for a third straight time.
  • But on the evening of May 10, 2024, Melania Trump issued a statement saying that while Barron was honored to have been chosen, he was declining the opportunity due to prior commitments. She did not elaborate as to what those commitments might be.
  • Barron Trump  made his Trump rally speech debut July 9, 2024, at the Trump family golf resort in Doral, west of Miami. Though the  youngest son  of the 2024 Republican presidential nominee did not speak at the event, his father lauded him to the loudest cheers of his three sons, as Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were also in attendance. It was the first Trump political rally the 18-year-old has attended.
  • Barron Trump was the only immediate Trump family member who did not attend the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee from July 15-19, 2024. His mother, former first lady Melania Trump, made a surprise appearance on the last day and sat in the Trump family box, when her husband formally accepted the Republican nomination.

Both sons of a president: Barron Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. are (unintentional) magnets for public attention

Contributing: Andrea Mandell, USA TODAY; John Bisognano, Palm Beach Post

Antonio Fins is a politics and business editor at  The Palm Beach Post , part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach him at  [email protected] .  Help support our journalism. Subscribe today .

Sangalang is a lead digital producer for USA TODAY Network-Florida. Follow her on  Twitter  or Instagram at  @byjensangalang . Support local journalism.  Consider subscribing to a Florida newspaper .

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Program requirements, the marketing program of study totals 54 credits: 16 credits in the core (probability, statistics, and microeconomics), 21 credits in the marketing program, 12 points in electives, and 5 in research practica (students wo receive waivers of course requirements must still complete the regular minimum credit requirement). prerequisites include: calculus, matrix algebra, microeconomics, macroeconomics, psychology or sociology..

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What a Professor’s Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China

A top Chinese university described the conduct of a professor accused of sexual harassment as a moral failing, language feminists say downplays harm to women.

Students wearing red graduation gowns and black caps stand in a room. Several are checking their smartphones.

By Tiffany May and Zixu Wang

Reporting from Hong Kong

In the video, the Chinese graduate student stared straight into the camera as she spoke. She wore a mask, but in a bold move, made clear who she was by holding up her identification card. Then she issued an explosive accusation: A prominent professor at a top Chinese university had been sexually harassing her for two years.

Shortly after the woman posted the video on her Chinese social media pages on Sunday, it drew millions of views and set off an online outcry against the professor she named, Wang Guiyuan, then the vice-dean and Communist Party head of Renmin University’s School of Liberal Arts in Beijing.

The next day, Renmin University fired Mr. Wang, saying that officials had investigated the student’s allegations and found that they were true.

The swift response by the university reflected the growing pressure that Chinese academic institutions have come under to curb sexual harassment on campus. In recent years, several schools have been accused of not doing enough to protect their students from tutors and professors who preyed on them.

At the same time, in denouncing the professor, the university and commentaries in state media that followed studiously avoided describing his conduct as sexual harassment. Instead, they depicted it as a moral failing, using language that feminist activists and scholars say points to a strategy of deflection that turns the attention away from victims.

“If they have to avoid saying ‘sexual harassment,’ it’s very hard to imagine that they take sexual violence seriously,” said Feng Yuan, an academic and the founder of an anti-domestic violence help line in Beijing.

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  28. Barron Trump: What to know about his life at Mar-a-Lago, White House

    Barron Trump turned 18 on March 20, 2024, and as a minor throughout his father's public life in television, business and politics, he has been kept out of the spotlight and media headlines.

  29. Marketing Department

    Program Requirements. The Marketing program of study totals 54 credits: 16 credits in the core (probability, statistics, and microeconomics), 21 credits in the Marketing Program, 12 points in electives, and 5 in research practica (students wo receive waivers of course requirements must still complete the regular minimum credit requirement).

  30. What a Professor's Firing Shows About Sexual Harassment in China

    In the video, the Chinese graduate student stared straight into the camera as she spoke. She wore a mask, but in a bold move, made clear who she was by holding up her identification card.