NCOA Dl - Test 1 - Course Foundation


Chapter 1 Course Introduction - This document contains a great deal of expectations and serves as a foundational document for all EPME curricula.  The statement above BEST identifies _________.

Air Force Core Values

The Enlisted Force Structure

Institutional Competencies Development and Management

Rate this question:

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - TSgt Browning just passed her final NCO DLC summative evaluation. She decides to review her test results and thinks about how she is going to use this to improve herself. She also thinks about how she can use the information she learned in her work center. TSgt Browning’s actions BEST illustrates ___________________.

Lifelong learning

Taking notes

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - While preparing for his first NCO DLC summative evaluation TSgt Henderson set up his goals in order of importance. When it was time to study, he didn’t put it off to a later time or day. Throughout his preparation he maintained his drive to pass the evaluation. After testing, he was informed that he passed with a 90%. The scenario above BEST illustrates _________________ and their impact on NCO effectiveness.

Benefits of time management


Chapter 1 Course Introduction - While preparing to promotion test, TSgt Miller puts the material into his own words. He thinks about the best way for him to understand and retain the information. The scenario above BEST identifies _________________.



Chapter 1 Course Introduction - Once you know what the concept is, you have to figure out whether the behavior was right or wrong. The statement above BEST identifies the ________ step of the EPME Structured Thinking Process.


Chapter 1 Course Introduction - TSgt Shelby listens as the NCOA instructor says, “At the end of this course, you’ll be expected to demonstrate you have reached the planned outcome by studying the knowledge, skill, or attitude for each lesson.” The instructor’s comment BEST identify ________.

Affective objective

Terminal cognitive objective

Terminal samples of behavior

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - While attending the NCO ILE TSgt Weber scheduled milestones and ensured she had the time to complete them. She stayed motivated while staying away from things that could prevent him from meeting his milestones and didn’t put things off until the last minute. Weber completed the course and was a distinguished graduate. TSgt Weber’s actions BEST illustrate ________ and its impact on NCO effectiveness.

Time management

Keys to successful learning

Teaching methods and evaluation

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - On graduation day, during a discussion with a fellow instructor concerning student performance, TSgt Bright says, “TSgt Shelby worked hard, completed all assignments, always participated in class, and did a great job with her speaking assignments. She took good notes, which she generously shared the flight and she organized several study sessions which probably helped her and her peers score well on the final exam.” The other instructor says, “It sounds like you may have more than one distinguished graduate on your hands.” TSgt Shelby’s use/misuse of ____________ will MOST likely ___________ her effectiveness.

Keys to successful learning; enhance

Keys to successful learning; degrade

Time management; enhance

Time management; degrade

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - While speaking to his ALS class, SSgt Baldwin says, “This doesn’t count toward course completion; however, you should prepare as if it did. It is a way for you to measure how well you understand the material prior to taking the final.” SSgt Baldwin’s comments BEST identify ________.

Progress check

Formative Exercise

Summative evaluation

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - TSgt Irwin is a member of Security Forces and is married with two children. She just received her course materials. While reviewing the material, she begins to wonder how she will get it done with her work schedule and getting everything done at home. She spoke with her husband about helping out around the house and with the kids while she was doing her course work. This allowed her to complete the course within the allotted time. TSgt Irwin’s actions BEST illustrates __________ and its impact on her effectiveness.


Dealing with distractions

Chapter 1 Course Introduction - Course Introduction – While speaking with a fellow instructor concerning student performance, TSgt Ford says, “TSgt Lacey worked hard during the class, she didn’t let anything interfere with homework, participated in class, and did a great job with her speaking assignments. She took good notes, shared with the flight and organized study sessions. Her leadership probably helped her and her peers score well on the final exam. She will most likely use the information she learned once she returns to her home station.” TSgt Lacey’s effective/ineffective use of ____________ will MOST LIKELY ___________ her effectiveness.

Chapter 2 airmanship - tsgt birmingham and ssgt peters are deployed. they work every day because of a shortfall in manning. after ssgt peters discloses that he’s having a hard time, tsgt birmingham tells him, “some days we work up to 16 hours straight. this is frustrating; but, i remember our team and the oath i took when i re-enlisted. i can’t let you all down. i keep reminding myself that i know everything there is to know about our job. most importantly, our duties affect mission results and provide much needed ground support to those in harm’s way.” ssgt peters replies, “thanks, ma’am. i will keep that in mind the next time i’m overwhelmed.” tsgt birmingham’s comments best illustrate her understanding of _______ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness..

The Profession of Arms

The Oath of Enlistment

Chapter 2 Airmanship - TSgt Keffer, is discussing Airmanship with his flight after they arrived for advanced echelon (ADVON) duty. He says, “This is your capacity to overcome and develop during hard-times and mental strain. There is constant uncertainty about what outcomes will occur. To combat this, lean on each other, the Chaplain, and other base services like the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation center.” TSgt Johnson says, “To piggyback, this deployment is going to be hard due to the unfavorable conditions. At times, you’ll be inconvenienced, which could lead to resentment. Trust each other and we’ll get through it together.” TSgt Keffer’s comments BEST identify _____ .

Hardiness of Spirit

Chapter 2 Airmanship - During an NCOIC meeting, TSgt Izar discusses an idea to reduce the level of armor on the section’s HUMVEE’s. TSgt Nelson cuts Izar off and says, “That’s a horrible suggestion, I was shot at twice last week! I know this is your first deployment…” TSgt Richardson interjects, “Nelson, don’t discount Izar’s idea before hearing her out. We’re a team and are owed the courtesy of being not only heard, but listened to. Her idea would increase the fuel efficiency and not put strain on the engine, which will reduce breakdowns.” TSgt Izar states, “Yesterday, I learned about a new type of armor that is lighter and cost efficient, but is stronger than what we have now.” Because TSgt Richardson ________ she will MOST LIKELY _____ NCO effectiveness.

Understands respect in the POA; increase

Misunderstands respect in the POA; decreases

Understands Excellence in All We Do; increase

Misunderstands Excellence in All We Do; decrease

Chapter 2 Airmanship - TSgt Goodgame is giving the pre-deployment brief when he says, “This is the resolve to get yourself through tough times. Your willpower and ability to remain focused during adversities is crucial for yourself and your team. If you find yourself or others losing direction, there are multiple resources to get you back on track.” SSgt Rosemond follows up with, “As professionals getting ready to deploy, you’re putting the service before yourself. But make sure that you’re taking care of your family as well.” This scenario BEST identifies _____________

The Core Values

Warrior Ethos

Chapter 2 Airmanship - SSgt Gagnon is a supply management supervisor who wants to be the best she can be as an Airman and a professional. She values training and enhancement opportunities and makes an effort to acquire higher education. She also wants to ensure the growth of her Airmen, so she makes time to sit down with each one of them to provide clear guidance and expectations. She does not hesitate to correct substandard behaviors or recognize Airmen who exceed the standards. The result of Gagnon’s actions has played an instrumental part in her work center receiving top Group level awards. This scenario BEST illustrates___________ and its impact of mission effectiveness.

Service before Self

Progressive Professionalism (P2)

Chapter 2 Airmanship - TSgt Oddo is the NCOIC of night shift in the maintenance section. He was chosen because of his extensive knowledge and experience, as well as his ability to influence others. He continually emphasizes the importance of upholding standards and ensuring the job gets done right. He is well liked by all the Airmen, and they all look up to him. One evening, SrA Abella approached him and informed him that he couldn’t finish a job because the only torque wrench they have is overdue for calibration. Oddo thought about it for a little while and instructed Abella to use it anyway. He justified it by saying that it’s just one day overdue, what could possibly be off in one day. The actions of TSgt Oddo ________________ and will MOST LIKELY result in _______________________.

Summarizes Direction, Discipline, and Recognition; decreased mission effectiveness

Supports Resiliency; increasing his subordinate's effectiveness

Violates the AF Core Values; decreased mission effectiveness

Infringes Moral Courage; decreased NCO effectiveness

Chapter 2 Airmanship - TSgt McKinney notices there are too many discrepancies and her section is not taking the upcoming base inspection seriously. She briefs, “You’ve shown poor performance and your work is below standards, you’ve not been candid in your work and you haven’t been holding each other responsible for completing tasks on time. It’s disappointing you haven’t taken any ownership and pride in this organization to get us to pass this base wide inspection.” TSgt McKinney’s comments BEST identifies _____ and its impact on mission effectiveness.

Direction, discipline, and recognition

Integrity First

Chapter 2 Airmanship - TSgt Ohler is SSgt Robertson’s mentor. SSgt Robertson says, “A1C Rivera isn’t a very hard worker. When I have a task, I complete it immediately. He takes his time and gets the work done no earlier than the deadline.” TSgt Ohler replies, “What is the quality of his work?” Robertson says, “It’s great, I never have to go back to him for corrections.” TSgt Ohler replies, “Rivera may not work to your expectations, but he is more than capable of completing whatever you ask of him. Sit down with him and get to know him better, ask about his ideas and concerns. Include him in the process of the tasks you give him.” This scenario BEST illustrates TSgt Ohler’s understanding of ___________ and its impact on the subordinate.

Excellence in All We Do

Chapter 2 Airmanship - You’re stationed at a high ops tempo location. You find out your squadron is notified of a real-world support mission that requires you and your section to work even longer hours with no days off. As you prepare yourself mentally for this overwhelming challenge, you remember you’ve done this before. This is about mission accomplishment and effectively getting the job done. Your priority is to focus on keeping your team motivated to help move forward during this demanding time. Your use/misuse of ________ will MOST LIKELY _____ mission effectiveness.

Profession of Arms; increase

Profession of Arms; decrease

Moral Courage; increase

Moral Courage; decrease

Chapter 3 Critical Thinking - During a discussion with his new boss, TSgt Prescott says, “At my old job I was criticized for always looking at issues as totally accurate or totally incorrect, but this new job requires me to think in terms of amounts of confidence.” TSgt Prescott’s comments BEST identify the _______________ characteristic of a critical thinker.

Open mindedness

Intellectual humility

Free thinking

Chapter 3 Critical thinking - While mentoring a new employee, TSgt Baker says, “We have a lot of people in our section so we must keep our own prejudices at bay when looking at all of the concerns that come up. I’ve often had to look at circumstances with exact precision that even resulted in me giving some of our assets back to the wing. I didn’t really want to do that, but it was the right thing to do.” TSgt Baker’s comments BEST illustrate the use of the ____________standard.

Chapter 3 critical thinking - tsgt willis has been in personnel for 10 years now. he knows his job well. some of his subordinates are suggesting innovative ways of changing his processes. he believes he has the right processes in place; however he is willing to listen and explore their inputs. tsgt willis best illustrates the _______________ characteristic of a critical thinker., chapter 3 critical thinking - tsgt jones says, “well, we received 100 complaints in the last 30 days. our focus is on wait times. out of the 100, 70 of the complaints are focused on long wait times, averaging 45 minutes to an hour and a half. ten complaints are about the courtesy of our civilian technicians. the other 20 are about the cleanliness of our area. according to our metrics, the wait time goal is 30 minutes or less.” tsgt jones’ comments best identify the lack of use of the ____________standard., chapter 3 critical thinking - tsgt lenz is being pressured by the other section ncoics to follow their way of processing different kinds of information that flows from one section to the other sections. he thinks he has a better way of doing things but does not want to upset the other ncoics. after considerable thought, he musters the nerve to at least momentarily abandon his “adherence” to their processes and do an inquiry of all of the processes currently in place. because tsgt lenz _______________ characteristic of a critical thinker, his actions will most likely ________________ mission effectiveness..

Misunderstands the intellectual humility; hinder

Understands the intellectual humility; enhance

Misunderstands the free thinking; hinder

Understands the free thinking; enhance

Chapter 4 Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - Select the cognitive style that represents Adaptors

Prefer more structure

Prefer less structure

Provide the break with accepted theory

Use the rules to solve problems

Bring order out of turbulence

Supply the dynamics to bring about discontinuous change

Provide stability and continuity

Revitalize current systems for tomorrow

May break the rules to solve problems

Help create break from worn-out systems

Chapter 4 Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - Select the cognitive style that represents Innovators

Chapter 4 critical adaption-innovation theory - msgt vail has been tasked to lead a team working to reduce customer wait times at the dining facility. during their first meeting he informs the team that they need to identify and eliminate any chokepoints in the current process and come up with a different way of doing things. tsgt wynn feels the current process works well but, needs a few minor adjustments. when he voices his concerns, msgt vail states “this is the opportunity to get rid of the old system while we have a chance.” msgt vail’s comments best illustrate his misunderstanding of ______ and its impact on subordinate, nco, and mission effectiveness..

Problem Solving Limits

Learning Capability

Managing A-I Diversity

Chapter 4 Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - TSgt Charlie is discussing A-I Theory with her subordinate when she says, “This is the distance between your preferred style and the behavior actually needed in a particular situation. It can also be the distance in a social interaction, between your preferred styles and that of two people, a person and a group, or two groups. TSgt Charlie’s comments define _______.

Cognitive Gap

Coping Behavior

Chapter 4 - Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - TSgt Silvers is in charge of a team responsible for reducing pharmacy wait times. During a weekly meeting with the team she says, “We have to bring in the reins a little; all of your suggestions have been turned down by leadership.” TSgt Swarray chimes in, “But our established procedures are what got us in this predicament, we must start fresh.” TSgt Knight states, “I know my solution was a bit of a stretch, but the AFI is only an instruction and we don’t have to follow it.” TSgt Lopez replies, “I like Knight’s suggestion, we must break the mold to speed-up the process.” TSgt Silvers’ team is composed of primarily _____ and will likely decrease mission effectiveness.

Chapter 4 critical adaption-innovation theory - tsgt gomez and tsgt foye work on the same team developing cdc’s for their career field. they often have disputes about how to move forward on projects. tsgt foye tends to prefer keeping things close to the same and revising where needed. tsgt gomez almost always wants to come up with a new way to create the entire lesson. in order to get the lessons completed msgt rainey often steps in and assists the two tsgt’s in coming to an agreement on the best way ahead. msgt rainey’s actions best illustrates ________________., chapter 3 - critical thinking - during a conversation with his subordinate about intellectual standards that are known across the board, tsgt cactus says, “think about a dispute or a point that hasn’t been voiced yet. a problem might meet all the preceding criterions, but is only offered from one viewpoint.” tsgt cactus’ comments best identify the universal intellectual standard of _________________., chapter 3 - critical thinking - tsgt cody is the manager of a large project. his boss mentioned a concern with the amount of money spent on the project. after gathering the data, the report reflected not only funding for his project but also funding for another program. he asked the questions: how is the other project connected to the money spent on my project and how does that bear on the issue this scenario best illustrates the use of the ____________standard., chapter 3 - critical thinking – over the last several months, leadership has been concerned about high expenditures in logistics. tsgt tomlin is tasked with investigating the situation and making sense of the budget issues by providing specifics on the items purchased. after his analysis, he reports to his leadership by saying, “i’ve skimmed the logistics section paperwork and the expenditures seem justified. some of the purchases are for consumables and others are for new equipment items.” tsgt tomlin’s use/misuse of ___________________ will most likely _______________________ mission effectiveness..

Logic; enhance

Logic; hinder

Precision; enhance

Precision; hinder

Chapter 4 Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - TSgt Legacy states to his team members, “Each of you may approach problems from different viewpoints. Some of you may be more innovative, while others may be more adaptive. One is not better than the other, it is based on your preference.” SSgt Chase raises her hand and says, “Well, what if you are more adaptive and the problem requires a more innovative solution?” TSgt Legacy’s comments BEST identify________.

Cognitive gap

Chapter 4 Critical Adaption-Innovation Theory - TSgt Finch says to SSgt Ruth, “You seem quiet and distant this week. What’s going on?” Ruth replies, “I don’t like the way others on my team can’t break away from the regulations and processes to find solutions. It’s not my way of doing things and it causes me to shut down.” Finch says, “We’re all working toward the same goal, so even though their way may not be the way you prefer to solve problems, let’s at least consider what the others bring to the table and try to meet them somewhere in the middle.” Several days later, TSgt Finch notices an improvement in the relationship between SSgt Ruth and the rest of the team. TSgt Finch’s final comment BEST illustrates _______ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness.

Chapter 4 critical adaption-innovation theory – tsgt jasper has worked with many teams over the years. currently, he is assembling a group of individuals tasked to implement a new tracking system in the work center. this project is a high priority and he needs to implement a strategy with lasting results. in hopes of being successful, he assembles a team with strongly adaptive to strongly innovative style preferences. tsgt jasper’s understanding/misunderstanding of ________will most likely _____ mission effectiveness..

A-I Theory continuum; enhance

A-I Theory continuum; hinder

Coping behavior; enhance

Coping behavior; hinder

Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - TSgt Wilcox, the NCOIC of the Records Flight, is an expert in records management. His supervisor is encouraging Wilcox to be a more “well-rounded leader” by moving to another flight. Although Wilcox likes being the expert in his current position, he realizes he needs more challenge. He is a hard-driving individual and doesn’t mind being pushed to mature and advance. This scenario BEST identifies the ______________ part of the Right to Lead Model.


Chapter 5 Full Ranger Leadership - TSgt Jackson is a role model for helping others. His philosophy is that the world can be an antagonistic, volatile, and intolerant place and followers look for leaders who can make sense of such blustery environments and emergency conditions. He feels he was drawn to this leadership role by virtue of his temperament of dealing with people. This scenario BEST identifies the ______________ theory of leadership.


Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - TSgt Collin says to his new team members, “Because we work with dangerous situations, I have to ensure we prevent as many problems from occurring as possible. I will be closely observing your work to ensure you meet all work standards that I lay out for you. If you violate the standards or fail to follow the process, you will be held accountable for your actions. Our success rate over the last three years has been exceptional by adhering to these principles.” TSgt Collin’s actions BEST illustrate the _______ leadership behavior and its impact on mission effectiveness.

Management by Exception - Passive

Transformational Leadership

Management by Exception - Active

Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - TSgt Pratt, the NCOIC of the Fuels Flight, is a very well respected leader. He often talks with his subordinates about understanding your place and the power and the limits of your position… ensuring you don’t abuse the rights vested in you by superiors. This scenario BEST identifies the ______________ part of the Right to Lead Model.


Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - TSgt Cox says to his co-worker SSgt Donaldson, “The Chief goes out of her way to help me with my educational and personal goals every time I ask. She always gives clear guidance and helps me to understand how important my contributions are to the unit. I’d work for her anytime, anywhere.” This scenario BEST illustrates the _______ behavior and its impact on subordinate effectiveness.

Transactional Leadership

Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - After several weeks of observing his supervisor, SSgt Smiley says to TSgt Clark, “I noticed you wait for something to happen before taking action. Why do you intervene only when someone infringes on the rules? Smiling proudly, Clark replies, “Why mess with something that’s working? If everyone does their job, there is no need for me to micromanage them.” TSgt Clark’s continued use of the_______ leadership behavior will MOST likely________ NCO effectiveness.

Laissez-faire; enhance

Laissez-faire; hinder

Management by Exception-Passive; enhance

Management by Exception-Passive; hinder

Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - TSgt Bodine is finishing his tour as a PME instructor at the NCO Academy. He says, “A person’s leadership effectiveness is influenced by their brainpower, self-assurance, willpower, reliability, and friendliness. Although a lot of people may disagree with me, I can always tie a leader’s effectiveness back to these attributes.” This scenario BEST identifies the ______________ theory of leadership.


Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - Full Range Leadership - TSgt Grant is the NCOIC of Information Technology. He is a pioneering leader when it comes to state-of-the-art problem solving. He teaches and encourages his subordinates to do the same: be inventive and creative in problem solving techniques. This scenario BEST illustrates the _______ leadership behavior.

Individualized Consideration

Insperational Motivation

Intellectual Stimulation

Chapter 5 Full Range Leadership - Full Range Leadership - TSgt Hanover is an enthusiastic PME instructor at the NCO Academy. He consistently uses logic to personalize his lesson plans and encourages others to do the same. His actions and words influence those around him to put forth additional efforts to advance their own self-development. TSgt Hanover’s use/misuse of the_______ leadership behavior will MOST LIKELY________ NCO effectiveness.

Intellectual Stimulation; hinder

Intellectual Stimulation; enhance

Inspirational Motivation; hinder

Insperational Motivation; enhance

Chapter 6 Comprehensive Fitness - TSgt Ford calls SSgt Clark into her office and says, “Since you’re going to be SSgt Knight’s sponsor, don’t forget the number of deployments he’s had lately. This may have caused a lot of stress on him and his family if they haven’t been prepared for the changes. Just keep it in mind as you help him out as the sponsor for this unit.” TSgt Ford’s comments BEST identify the tenet of mental fitness.


Decision making

Positive thinking

Chapter 6 Comprehensive Fitness - TSgt Swarray explains to his team, “We’ve all been under a lot of stress. Since we have some time before our next deployment, we should consider getting involved in activities that help us unwind during these difficult times.” TSgt Swarray’s comments BEST identify the _______________________ tenet of physical fitness.

Chapter 6 comprehensive fitness - tsgt lopez says to his flight, “we’ve been under a lot of stress in preparation for the inspection and i’ve seen a lot of arguing during the last few weeks. sometimes, when you’re feeling stressed, it’s much easier to look at the bad side of your current situation. we need to do better. let’s make sure we answer questions with positive, useful feedback.” tsgt lopez’s comments best identify the _______________________ tenet of social fitness..



Social support

Chapter 6 Comprehensive Fitness - TSgt Study says to his flight, “I learned from the NCO DL course we all have principles that form the framework for our approaches and how we see life in general. They’re a reflection of what’s important to us as individuals. These should guide us as we approach our next deployment.” TSgt Study’s comments BEST identify _____________________ tenet of spiritual fitness.

The core values



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NCOA Pillars: Problem Solving

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Problem Solving Suggested Readings

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  • Wargames & the Scientific Method by Eric Murphy. Maxwell AFB, AL, Air University, April 2017. 25 p.
  • Critical Thinking Skills of US Air Force Senior and Intermediate Developmental Education Students by Adam J. Stone. Maxwell AFB, AL, Air University, February 2016. 32 p.
  • Unleashing the potential of our airmen by David Canady Jr. Maxwell AFB, Air University, March 2011. 27 p.
  • Improved AF squadron command structure for leadership, accountability, and efficiency by Dawn Lancaster Maxwell AFB, AL, Air University, April 2011. 25 p.
  • 'THINKING ABOUT THINKING’: Soldiers Have a Better Way to Solve Problems by Jamie Schwandt and Thomas Ryan. Army 69, no. 1:18-21 January 2019.
  • Building Bridges: Senior Enlisted PME and Expeditionary Warfare School Help Prepare Future Command Teams Leatherneck 99, no. 5:14-17 May 2016.
  • Teaching the Army: Virtual Learning Tools to Train and Educate Twenty-First-Century Soldiers by Angela Riotto Military Review 101, no. 1:88-99 January/February 2021.
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Evidence-Based Program: Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Mailed Tool Kit

An "Evidence-Based Program" banner from NCOA's Center of Healthy Aging.

Cancer Thriving and Surviving Mailed toolkit (with or without telephone scripts) is an interactive English language workshop for cancer survivors who have completed their major cancer treatments. It is delivered by mailed tool kit with materials that may be supplemented with six weekly scripted group telephone calls for 3-6 people on each call. Participants learn skills to deal with problems such as fear of recurrence, changes in body image, frustration, fatigue, pain, isolation, poor sleep and living with uncertainty, appropriate exercise for regaining and maintaining flexibility, and endurance, making decisions about treatment and complementary therapies, communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals, nutrition, setting priorities, relationships. Core skills taught include action planning, problem solving and decision making.

  • Target audience: Adults, 18 years and older, who are managing cancer or are in remission
  • Improved communication with providers
  • Less depression
  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Less stress
  • Delivered by:  1 trained peer facilitator (only if telephone calls are used)
  • Program type: Individual or small groups of 3-6
  • Format: By mail, telephone. Spanish materials received through the mail (book, self-test, tip sheets, exercise and relaxation CDs or MP3s) with or without six weekly 45-60-minute small group phone calls.
  • Length: Optional, 6 weekly 45-60-minute sessions for those receiving phone calls.
  • Training: In-person or virtual (same training as for CDSMP leaders)
  • Professional required: No
  • Accessibility adaptations available: Yes  
  • Cultural adaptations available: Yes  
  • Available in languages other than English: No
  • Medication Management
  • Pain Management
  • Physical Activity
  • Contact :  Contact the Self-Management Resource Center
  • Data Entry Instructions: Self-Management Resource Center Tool Kits for Active Living with Chronic Conditions, Diabetes, and Pain

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Effects of socialization on problem solving in domestic cats.

ncoa problem solving test

Simple Summary

1. introduction, 2. materials and methods, 2.1. subjects and housing, 2.2. materials, 2.3. procedure, 2.3.1. feline behavior assessment (fba), 2.3.2. inter-rater reliability, 2.3.3. problem solving, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Foerder, P.; Howard, M.C. Effects of Socialization on Problem Solving in Domestic Cats. Animals 2024 , 14 , 2604.

Foerder P, Howard MC. Effects of Socialization on Problem Solving in Domestic Cats. Animals . 2024; 14(17):2604.

Foerder, Preston, and Mary C. Howard. 2024. "Effects of Socialization on Problem Solving in Domestic Cats" Animals 14, no. 17: 2604.

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