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list of dissertation topics in microbiology

177 Captivating Microbiology Research Topics For Your Paper

microbiology research topics

Selecting microbiology research topics is the first step in the process of completing academic studies. Microbiology is among the fields that experts are constantly actively researching. It deals with microorganisms’ study, from single-cell organisms to eukaryotic fungi. When pursuing a course in microbiology, educators ask learners to write academic papers on varied topics. It is not easy to write a research paper for a high grade. However, choosing the best microbiology topics is not that simple due to the vast scope of this study field. But the issue that a college or university student selects dictates the direction of their project. If struggling to choose the best microbiology topics for research paper, this list should inspire you. 

Top Microbiology Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you want to write research papers on some of the topics that most people will be interested in reading. In that case, consider these microbiology topics for research paper projects.

  • Effects of microwave radiation on different organisms
  • Impacts of glucose on cut flowers’ longevity
  • Modern food preservation- Impacts of technology on food conservation and consumption
  • The effectiveness of recent vaccines
  • Possible solutions and disease control
  • Microbiology research future- Technological and theoretical developments
  • Antibacterial products- Recent discoveries in antibacterial products affecting the immune system
  • Latest cloning research developments
  • Controversies in gene therapy
  • Evidence of extraterrestrial life
  • Antibiotics residence as a medicine limitation
  • Bio-weapons and technological limitations

Any of these ideas is an excellent title for a research paper. However, extensive research is necessary to develop a quality paper.

Medical Microbiology Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you’re interested in medical microbiology. In that case, consider these interesting topics in medical microbiology.

  • Probiotics study and preparation
  • How to prevent sickle cell anemia
  • Analyzing the growth of mold
  • The ability of cinnamon and curry to hinder bacterial growth
  • How manure, polythene, and fertilizers affect the rate of hypocotyl elongation
  • How oil spills affect ocean organisms
  • Toxicity testing in marine pollutants with daphnia
  • Reproduction of yeast in sugar substitutes
  • Tendrils thigmotropism
  • The effect of light on yeast
  • Mold growth in cheese
  • Dog drool and germs
  • In which ground beef is bacteria level low?
  • Isolating staphylococcus aurous from pasteurized and raw milk
  • How garlic affects bacteria
  • Effective ways to disinfect a toothbrush
  • Investigating the spread of infectious diseases like Ebola
  • Effects of vitamin C on fruits rotting rate

These are exciting topics in microbiology and human health. Nevertheless, take your time to research any of these ideas to develop a winning paper.

Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

Maybe you’re pursuing an undergraduate course in microbiology. That means your educator will ask you to write a research paper at some point. Here are brilliant microbiology ideas to consider for your essays.

  • Rebuilding microbiota during AMR infection treatment
  • Risks of soil contaminants on above and below-ground ecosystems
  • Effects of smoking or vaping on COVID-19, SARS, and Cov-2 results
  • How metal nanoparticles affect multi-species biofilm consortia
  • The involvement of oral bacteria in chronic periodontitis
  • The eukaryotic activity elucidating topoisomerase in the recombination of homologous
  • Protective lung tissue memory’s induction mechanisms in influenza
  • The role of oral bacteria in cardiovascular disease
  • Dual warhead antimicrobials in nutrient-mediated delivery
  • Skin-facing antimicrobial devices in surgery during additive manufacture
  • The use of CryoEM in pathogen transport and resistance study
  • Isolation and characterization of microorganisms
  • Microbial examination in spoilt avocado- What does it reveal?
  • Polymerase chain reaction used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of seed and coat of Citrus Sinensis
  • Effects of microbiology on mining
  • How bacteria colonize the human skin
  • Antibacterial activity of sweet orange on staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli from wound infection
  • Bacteria’s susceptibility to antibiotics
  • The oil project and bush pear analysis

Pick any of these ideas for your research paper if pursuing an undergraduate degree. Nevertheless, prepare to research the title you choose to develop a winning piece.

PhD Research Topics in Microbiology

A microbiology PhD should prepare the learner to select medical, dental, or health studies to venture into biotechnology or pharmaceutical fields. Here are exciting thesis topics for microbiology students.

  • Microbial biofilms- Fungal and bacteria pathogens in environmental substrates and biomaterials
  • Bacterial cell fate manipulation- Signal transduction and surface sensing role
  • Salmonella typhi susceptibilities to hot aqueous extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa and antibiotics
  • Toxins characterization and isolation using Cronobacter species
  • Bacillus Thuringiensis and Rhizobium etli biocontrol potential
  • Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain construction to improve the production of whole-cell biocatalytic of melibiose
  • Cyclic utilization in biotransformation
  • Electro-activated solutions’ antibacterial activity
  • Understanding the Swine flu pandemic from a microbiology perspective
  • Investigating typhoid fever and risk factors in kids

Please choose a topic in this category and use it as the basis of your PhD. Nevertheless, prepare to invest time and resources in your research to develop a winning paper.

Microbiology Research Topics for College Students

Are you a college student looking for a microbiology paper topic? If yes, here are sample topics to consider for your paper.

  • Evaluating changes in Ebola
  • Understanding Pfiesteria piscicida subtle health effects on the worldwide population
  • Has the world lost the battle with malaria?
  • Horizontal genetic exchange role in the bacterial mutation
  • Understanding genetic engineering applications in the food supply chain
  • Analyzing genetic engineering applications in antibodies to work as enzymes
  • Investigating generic allegiances- Peanut allergies case study
  • Alternative targets development for vaccines
  • Prevalence and history of HIV in Africa
  • Biotechnology potential in smart tech
  • Endolithic bacteria study in low-temperature places- Making life existence case on mars
  • Understanding nitric oxide role in the immune system
  • Understanding the development of superantigens and their applications
  • Evaluating autoimmune disease patterns in the last decade
  • How different carbon sources affect antimicrobial-producing Bacillus Species
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility and prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacterial in urine
  • Possible control and prevention of intestinal Schistosomiasis
  • Damage and safety of water
  • The antibacterial activity of medicated soaps
  • Yogurt’s microbial contamination

Please select any of the ideas in this list and then develop it via extensive research to write a fantastic paper.

New Research Topics in Microbiology

Maybe you’re interested in the newest idea for research. If so, consider these latest research topics in microbiology.

  • Dengue fever vaccine development
  • Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in cancer patients’ stem cell maintenance
  • The laboratory role of Leptospirosis reference
  • The mechanisms and consequences of Reovorus cell killing
  • Protein and peptide nanocluster vaccines
  • Formulation and delivery techniques for mRNA vaccines
  • Memory lymphocyte in genital immunity- T cells’ role in tissue-resident memory
  • Investigating the Lassa virus genetics
  • Physiological and pathological functions in innate immune systems of CARD 9 signaling
  • Signaling outcomes in RIP Kinase during neuro-invasive virus infection
  • Structures of type II secretion system in needle filaments
  • The manipulation of death pathways in hot cells by the Herpes Simplex virus
  • The modification of the cell wall by antifungal drugs
  • Sensing tissue damage by Myeloid c-type lectin receptors
  • Virus-like particle immunization for respiratory viruses and protozoan parasites
  • Campylobacter biofilm and quorum sensing in molecular mechanisms
  • Natural competence transfer and campylobacter horizontal gene
  • Investigating marine models for innate immune response and resistance colonization in campylobacter jejuni infections
  • The role of iBALT in respiratory immunity
  • Pyroptosis antiviral immunity

These are some of the latest topics to consider for microbiology research papers. However, each of these ideas requires extensive research to write an essay that will earn you the top grade.

Hot Research Paper Topics in Microbiology

Do you want to write a research paper on one of the hottest topics? If yes, consider these ideas for your project.

  • Risk assessment for environmental organisms and the essence of knowledge and control
  • Growth and survival of Salmonella during the processing of partially sprouted products and chia powders
  • Innoculation protocols for low moisture foods
  • Listeria survival and growth in newly cut vegetables
  • Investigating starch specificities, fermentation, and enzyme activities
  • Onions’ microorganisms study
  • Studying the correlation of Plasmodium species
  • How to diagnose human immunodeficiency virus
  • Investigating bacteria that can withstand antibiotics
  • Yogurts’ microbiological study during commercial preparation
  • Wetland bacterial properties and functionalities
  • Cyanophycin study- A bacterial polymer
  • Microbiology and its role in the prevention of life-threatening illnesses
  • Microbial analysis of Shea butter
  • Tapeworms’ research- What are their dangers?
  • The spread of influenza in the world- How it affected wars?
  • Restriction-modification in cellular microbiology
  • Microscope invention- How it improved microbiology knowledge
  • Applied microbiology- Generation of biofuels using microorganisms
  • Role of microbiology in pharmaceutical and food industries

Select and work with any of these great topics to impress the educator to award you the top grade in your class.

Environmental and Marine Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you love researching and writing about ecological and marine microbiology. If so, consider these topic ideas for your research papers.

  • Wastewater and water treatment- What are the target microorganisms?
  • Marginal water reclamation and treatment
  • Greenhouse gases mitigation and biofiltration
  • Greenhouse gases sources
  • Biowaste nutrient recovery
  • Bio-remediation of water bodies and soils in arid environments
  • Bio-methane production using dry climates animal wastes
  • Desert rocks microbial inhabitants
  • The role of bacterial diversity in the maintenance of functional ecosystems in arid areas
  • How rain events affect microbial activity, abundance, and diversity
  • Cycling nitrogen in dry soils
  • Desert soil crust role in nutrient cycling
  • Interrelationships between soil bacteria and plants and their effects on biochemical cycling
  • Microorganisms in phyllosphere and rhizosphere in desert plants
  • Characterization of marine viruses
  • Marine biofouling microbial aspects

Students can work on these topics by researching them carefully before writing academic papers.

Food Microbiology Research Topics

If interested in food microbiology, this category has some of the best ideas for you to explore.

  • How temperature affects viruses’ survival in vegetables and food to help in virus contamination comprehension
  • Evaluating process water usage as the marker for determining freshly-cut greens’ contamination status
  • Investigating the initial contamination, time, temperature, sanitizing rinses, indigenous microflora, and package atmosphere on E.coli’s behavior in leafy greens
  • How temperature and time combine to stimulate the germination of spores in c. botulinum
  • How cleaning procedures and physical augmentation remove bacillus spores in food matrices
  • Norovirus and cross-contamination in the foodservice procures for preparing fresh produce
  • Examining virus and abiotic surfaces in the food processing and service sectors
  • How to improve sprout food safety
  • Growth and survival of Listeria in freshly-cut vegetables
  • Nonthermal and thermal resistance of Shiga-Toxin producing Coli and Salmonella Enterica in low-moisture foods
  • How water and temperature activity affect Salmonella during storage and drying of Botanical products
  • Norovirus surrogates mitigation in berries using minimal high hydrostatic pressure and freeze-drying treatment
  • Bacterial pathogen mechanisms of internalization into freshly-cut fruits
  • Low moisture foods inoculation protocols

Work on any of these topics if interested in a project that involves exploring food and microbiology ideas.

Immunology Microbiology Research Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a research paper on an immunology and microbiology topic. If so, consider these brilliant ideas for your essay.

  • Human diseases and bacteria
  • Cell biology and bacterial physiology
  • Human health and microbiology
  • Investigating parasite effects on human healthy
  • Human diseases and viruses
  • Genetics of microorganisms
  • Studying eukaryotic pathogens and diseases
  • Molecular microbiology and experimental approaches
  • Investigating different parasitism mechanisms
  • What is advanced immunology?

Select any topic in this category and perform extensive research to provide valid and relevant information that will impress the educator to award you the best grade.

Easy Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you want a topic you’ll have an easy time working on and writing a quality paper. If so, consider these ideas for your research paper.

  • How time and temperature stimulate toxin production by C. botulinum spores
  • Effects of temperature on virus survival in fruits and vegetables
  • Methodology and techniques for future virus studies
  • The role of Redox-active metabolites in microbial signaling
  • The emergence and essence of yeast in preservatives within the baking industry
  • Non-conventional uses of yeast in the wine-manufacturing sector
  • Microbiota- The role of bifidobacteria’s role in the human body
  • Microbes interactions- The study of human microbial ecosystems
  • The impact of viruses on the health of large animals
  • How bacterial interactions affect cell social behavior and interaction
  • How cleaning procedures impact Bacillus spores
  • Desiccated Salmonella’s survival in moist and dry food processing places
  • A comparative analysis of Listeria monacytogenes survival in the food manufacturing environments
  • What determines the transfer rate for Salmonella sp. From butter to foods?
  • Cross-contamination investigation of norovirus during service procedures within the food industry
  • How human fungal pathogen’s genetic variation cause phenotypic diversity that affects diseases
  • How microbiology research has helped humans in preventing life-threatening diseases

Any of these ideas can be a brilliant topic for a research paper. However, careful research and dedication are necessary to write a top-notch essay.

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100+ microbiology research topics to succeed.

microbiology research topics

Microbiology topics are some of the most researched ideas. This field entails the study of different microorganisms, ranging from eukaryotic fungi and single-celled organisms to cell-cluster organisms. When pursuing a microbiology course in a university or college, your educators will ask you to write academic papers on microbiology research topics.

Choosing the right microbiology topics to write about is essential because it determines the direction of your research and writing processes. Therefore, take your time to identify a topic you will be comfortable working with from the beginning to the end.

Top Microbiology Topics for Research

If looking for the top microbiology research paper topics, this list has some of the best ideas to explore. That’s because most people are searching for information related to these topics in microbiology.

  • Bioterrorism- Bioweapons limit with technological developments
  • Antibiotics resistance- A major limitation in medicine
  • Extraterrestrial life- Existing life evidence in space
  • Gene therapy- Gene therapy as a controversial biology topic
  • Cloning- Latest developments in cloning research
  • Antibacterial products-Latest discoveries explaining the possibility of antibacterial products effects on the immune system
  • What is the future of microbiology research, both theoretically and technologically?
  • Epidemics- Current disease control protocols and possible solutions
  • Vaccines- Recent research about the effectiveness of vaccines like flue
  • Food preservation methods- How technology enhances safe food preservation and consumption

These are brilliant microbiology project topics. However, you need time and effort to research any of these topics and come up with an awesome paper.

Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology

Maybe you want to research and write about current topics in microbiology and immunology. That means you’re looking for topics that will enable you to explore recent information in this area. In that case, consider these microbiology topics in the news.

  • Virus-like particle vaccines for protozoan parasites and respiratory viruses
  • Quorum sensing and campylobacter biofilm formation in molecular mechanisms
  • Campylobacter horizontal gene and natural competence transfer
  • Murine investigation models for innate immune response and colonization resistance in campylobacter jejuni infections
  • iBALT role in respiratory immunity
  • Antiviral immunity for pyroptosis
  • Damage to the sensing tissue by Myeloid c-Type Lectin receptors
  • How antifungal drugs modify the cell wall
  • Host cell’s death pathways manipulation by the Herpes Simplex virus
  • Type II Secretion system structures in needle filaments
  • RIP Kinase signaling outcomes during neuro-invasive infection by virus
  • Innate immune system pathological and physiological functions of CARD 9 signaling
  • The genetics of the Lassa virus
  • Genital immunity’s memory lymphocyte- Tissue-resident memory T cells’ role
  • Delivery and formulation technologies for the mRNA vaccines
  • Peptide and protein nanocluster vaccines
  • Reovirus’ cell killing- Consequences and mechanisms
  • Leptospirosis reference lab’s role
  • Hypoxia-inducible and hypoxia factors in stem cell maintenance among cancer patients
  • Development of dengue vaccine

Pick any of these new research topics in microbiology if your goal is to work on recent information. Nevertheless, take your time reading recent literature in this field to come up with an awesome paper.

Interesting Topics in Microbiology

Perhaps, you’re looking for microbiology projects topics that most people will find interesting to read about. In that case, consider these interesting microbiology topics.

  • Techniques and methodologies for future research about the virus
  • Redox-active metabolite’s roles in microbial signaling
  • The role and emergence of yeast as a baking industry’s preservative
  • Host-pathogenic interactions study with a focus on redox and cellular metals
  • Yeast non-conventional use in the wine-making industry
  • Microbiota- What is the bifidobacterila’s role in the human gut?
  • Virus role in vaccines development and improvement in third world countries
  • Heath- Microbiology role in addressing antibiotic resistance
  • Human microbial ecosystems study- Microbe interactions
  • Impact and role of viruses in large animals’ health
  • How bacteria in complex organisms respond to stress
  • Cell to cell interaction and social behavior in bacteria interactions
  • Norovirus cross-contamination investigation during service procedures in the food industry in fresh produce preparation
  • Transfer rate determination in Salmonella sp. From nut butter to food materials
  • Listeria monacytogenes comparative genomic analysis for survival within a food processing situation
  • Thermal resistance and survival of desiccated Salmonella in dry and moist food processing environments
  • Effective cleaning products for removing food matrix with B. Thuringiensis spores and B. Cereus
  • Analysis of cleaning procedures’ effects on Bacillus spores
  • How temperature affects viruses survival in vegetables and fruits
  • How temperature and time combine to stimulate C. botulinum spores to germinate or produce a toxin

This category has some of the most interesting and easy microbiology research topics. However, take your time to research the topic you choose to write a paper that will impress your educator to award you the top grade.

Medical Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you want to explore microbiology and human health topics. In that case, consider these medical-related microbiology paper topics.

  • Probiotics- A study of their preparation
  • How to prevent sickle cell anemia
  • The growth of mold
  • How fertilizes, polythene and manure affect the hypocotyl’s elongation rate
  • How cinnamon and curry inhibit the growth of bacteria
  • How oil spills affect microorganisms in the oceans
  • Reproducing yeast in sugar substitutes
  • Why vitamin c affects the rotting rate for fruits
  • Effective toothbrush disinfecting methods
  • Describe the spread of Ebola

Consider any of these microbiology research topics research paper if interested in something to do with medicine. However, take your time to identify good and authentic information sources before you start writing your paper. That’s because your educator will be interested in unique and relevant content.

Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

Are you pursuing undergraduate studies in microbiology? If yes, you will find these microbiology research topics for college students interesting.

  • Using polymerase chain reaction to diagnose infectious diseases
  • Preliminary antimicrobial and phytochemical screening of coat and seed of citrus sinensis
  • Microbiology effect on mining
  • Human skin colonization by bacteria
  • Sweet orange’s antibacterial activity on Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound infection
  • The susceptibility pattern of bacteria to antibiotics
  • Bush pear analysis and the oil project
  • Spoilt avocado microbial examination- What it reveals
  • Characterization and isolation of microorganisms from a stored pap
  • CryoEM use in understanding pathogen resistance and transport
  • Additive manufacture of skin-facing antimicrobial devices for surgery
  • Oral bacteria’s role in cardiovascular disease
  • Nutrient-mediated ‘Dual warhead’ antimicrobials’ delivery
  • Induction mechanisms of the protective lung tissue memory cells in influenza
  • The activity of eukaryotic, elucidating topoisomerase in homologous recombination
  • Oral bacteria involvement in chronic periodontitis- Metabolomics investigation
  • Effect of metal nanoparticles on the multi-species biofilm consortia- A metabolomics investigation
  • How vaping or smoking affects the risk of CoV-2, SARS, and COVID-19 outcomes
  • Soil contaminants risks on below and above ground eco-systems in urban areas
  • Protective microbes- How to rebuild microbiota when treating AMR infection

This category also has some of the best microbiology topics for presentation. However, get ready to research any of these topics to write an impressive paper.

Hot Topics in Microbiology

Perhaps, you’re looking for the most interesting microbiology essay topics to research and write about. In that case, consider some of the ideas in this category.

  • Shea butter’s microbiological analysis
  • Research of tapeworms and their dangers
  • Influenza spread in the world and its impact on the war
  • Restriction-modification cellular microbiology
  • Applied microbiology- Biofuels generation using microorganisms
  • Microscope invention and its effect on microbiology knowledge
  • Microbiology role in food industries and pharmaceutical
  • How microbiology has helped in preventing life-threatening illnesses
  • Bacterial polymer- A study of cyanophycin
  • A study of the functionalities and properties of wetland bacteria
  • Microbiological study of a commercial preparation of yogurts
  • A study of bacteria that withstand antibiotics
  • Human immunodeficiency virus diagnosis- How it’s done
  • A study of plasmodium species correlation
  • A study of onions’ microorganisms
  • An investigation of starch fermentation, specificities, and activities of its enzymes
  • Listeria growth and survival in freshly cut vegetables
  • Low moisture food inoculation protocols
  • Survival and growth of Salmonella during partially sprouted products processing and chia powders
  • Environmental organisms’ risk assessment and the importance of better control and knowledge

This category also has some of the best food microbiology topics. Nevertheless, students should be ready to spend time and effort researching any of these ideas before writing. That’s because educators expect them to present fresh and relevant information in their papers.

Learners have many topics or ideas to consider when researching and writing academic papers. However, every student should look for an interesting topic they are comfortable researching and writing about. That’s because writing a research paper or essay takes time. Choosing a boring topic means a learner will spend their time working on something they’re not interested in. And this can reflect on the quality of their paper. Thus, their grade will suffer.

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200 Topics in Microbiology Research Papers

The first step to completing academic studies is selecting microbiology research topics . Experts are always researching microbiology. This field studies microorganisms from single-cell organisms and eukaryotic mushrooms. For a course on microbiology, teachers ask students to write academic papers about a variety of topics.

Because of the wide range of topics in microbiology, it can be difficult to choose the right topic. The direction of a student's project will depend on the topic they choose. This list will help you choose the right microbiology topic for your research paper.

What is the Department of Microbiology?

The Department of Microbiology is a branch of science that studies microorganisms (living organisms too small for the naked eye) such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Microbiologists study the structure, function, and behavior of these microorganisms, as well as how they interact with other organisms and the environment. They play an important role in a variety of fields, including medicine, agriculture, environmental science, biotechnology, and the food industry, helping to advance healthcare, disease prevention, and biotechnological innovation.

The vital role of microorganisms in almost all human processes is played by them. Because microorganisms have an impact on every aspect of our lives, they matter.

Top Microbiology Research Paper Topics In 2024

You might want to write research papers about topics that are most popular. These microbiology topics are great for research paper projects.

  • Different organisms are affected by microwave radiation.
  • Sugar's effects on the longevity of cut flowers
  • Modern food preservation - The impact of technology on food consumption and conservation
  • Recent vaccines are effective.
  • Possible solutions and ways to control disease
  • Future research in microbiology - Technological as well as theoretical developments
  • Antibacterial products: Recent developments in antibacterial products that affect the immune system
  • Latest cloning research developments
  • Gene therapy controversy
  • Evidence of extraterrestrial life
  • As a medicine limitation, antibiotics can be residualized as antibiotics.
  • Technology limitations and bio-weapons

Medical Microbiology Research Paper Topics In 2024

You might be interested in medical microbiology. These are some of the interesting topics in Medical Microbiology.

  • Study and preparation of probiotics
  • How to prevent sickle-cell anemia
  • Analyzing mold growth
  • Antibacterial properties of curry and cinnamon
  • How do manure, fertilizers, and polythene affect hypocotyl elongation?
  • How oil spillages affect ocean organisms
  • Toxicity testing for marine pollutants using daphnia
  • Reproduction of yeast using sugar substitutes
  • Tendrils thigmotropism
  • The effects of light on yeast
  • Cheese mold growth
  • Dogs drool and germs
  • Which ground beef has a low bacteria level?
  • Staphylococcus aureus isolated from pasteurized or raw milk.
  • How garlic affects bacteria
  • There are effective ways to disinfect your toothbrush.
  • Investigating the spread of infectious diseases such as Ebola
  • Vitamin C's effects on fruit rotting rates

Microbiology Research Topics For Undergraduates In 2024

Perhaps you are pursuing a course in microbiology as an undergraduate. This means that your instructor will likely ask you to write research papers . These are some brilliant ideas in microbiology to use for your essays.

  • AMR infection treatment: Rebuilding microbiota
  • There are risks of soil contaminants in both above- and below-ground ecosystems.
  • Smoking or vaping and COVID-19, SARS, and Cov-2 results.
  • How metal nanoparticles impact multi-species biofilm consortiums
  • Chronic periodontitis is caused by oral bacteria.
  • The eukaryotic activity that elucidates topoisomerase in homologous Recombination
  • Induction mechanisms of influenza to protect the protective lung tissue memory
  • Oral bacteria and the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Dual-warhead antimicrobials for nutrient-mediated delivery
  • During surgery for additive manufacturing, skin-facing antimicrobial devices are used.
  • CryoEM is used in resistance and pathogen transport studies.
  • Microorganism isolation and characterization
  • What is the Microbial Examination in a Spoilt Avocado?
  • The diagnosis of infectious diseases is made using the polymerase chain reaction.
  • Citrus Sinensis seed and its coat are subject to phytochemical and antimicrobial screening.
  • Microbiology and mining: Effects
  • How bacteria colonize human skin
  • Sweet orange's antibacterial activity against wound infection and Staphylococcus aureus
  • Antibiotics and Bacteria susceptibility
  • Bush pear and oil project analysis

Ph.D. Research Topics in Microbiology In 2024

The microbiology Ph.D. program should equip the learner with the knowledge and skills to choose from medical, dental, or health studies in order to pursue biotechnology or pharmaceutical careers. These are some of the most exciting topics for students in microbiology.

  • Microbial biofilms - Fungal and bacteria pathogens found in biomaterials and environmental substrates
  • Modification of Bacterial Cell Fate - Signal transduction and Surface Sensing Role
  • Salmonella typhi susceptibility to hot aqueous extract of Hibiscus Sabdariffa and antibiotics
  • Cronobacter species is used to characterize and isolate toxins.
  • Bacillus Thuringiensis, Rhizobium Etli Biocontrol Potential
  • Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Construction to Improve Whole-cell Biocatalytic of Melibiose.
  • Cyclic utilization in biotransformation
  • Antibacterial activity of electro-activated solutions
  • Microbiology Perspective: Understanding the Swine Flu Pandemic
  • Typhoid fever in children: Risk factors and research

Microbiology Research Topics For College Students In 2024

Are you a college student searching for a topic for your microbiology paper? Here are some examples of topics you might consider for your paper .

  • Evaluating Ebola changes
  • Understanding Pfiesteria Piscicida's subtle effects on the health of the global population
  • Is the fight against malaria over?
  • The role of horizontal genetic exchange in the bacterial mutation
  • Understanding genetic engineering in the food supply chain
  • Analyzing gene engineering applications in antibodies that work as enzymes
  • Investigating generic allegiances- Peanut allergies case study
  • Alternative targets development for vaccines
  • HIV prevalence and history in Africa
  • Potential biotechnology in smart tech
  • Study of endolithic bacteria in low-temperature areas - Making existence possible on Mars.
  • Understanding the role of nitric dioxide in the immune system
  • Understanding superantigen development and their applications
  • Evaluation of autoimmune disease patterns over the past decade
  • How various carbon sources impact bacteria that produce antibiotics
  • Prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacterial in Urine and susceptibility to antimicrobials
  • Prevention and control of intestinal Schistosomiasis
  • Water safety and damage
  • Antibacterial activity of medicated soaps
  • Yogurt's microbiological contamination

Microbiology Research: New Topics In 2024

Perhaps you are interested in the latest research idea. These are the latest topics in microbiology research.

  • Dengue fever vaccine development
  • Stem cell maintenance for cancer patients is affected by hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible variables.
  • Leptospirosis' laboratory role
  • Mechanisms and consequences of Reovorus cell death
  • Nanocluster vaccines for protein and peptide
  • Formulation and delivery of mRNA vaccines
  • Memory lymphocytes in genital immunity - T cells' role for tissue-resident memories
  • Investigating the genetics of the Lassa virus
  • Pathological and physiological functions of the CARD9 signaling in the innate immune system
  • Signaling outcomes during neuro-invasive viral infection
  • Structures of the type II secretion system for needle filaments
  • Herpes Simplex virus manipulates death pathways in hot cells.
  • Antifungal drugs can modify cell walls.
  • Myeloid c-type lectin receptors can be used to detect tissue damage.
  • Virus-like particles immunization of respiratory viruses and protozoan parasites
  • Campylobacter biofilm, quorum sensing in the molecular mechanism
  • Natural competence transfer and the campylobacter horizontal genetic gene
  • Marine models and innate immunity in resistance colonization of campylobacter jejuni infection: An investigation
  • Role of cobalt and respiratory immunity
  • Antiviral immunity to Pyroptosis

Hot Research Paper Topics In Microbiology In 2024

Are you looking to create a research paper about one of the most popular topics? These ideas will help you create your research paper.

  • Environmental organisms are at risk of being harmed by human activities. This is why knowledge and control are so important.
  • Salmonella growth and survival during the processing of partially sprouted products or chia powders
  • Protocols for inoculation of low-moisture foods
  • Survival and growth of Listeria in freshly cut vegetables
  • Investigation of starch specificities, fermentation, and enzyme activities
  • Study of the microorganisms in Onions
  • The correlation between Plasmodium species
  • How to diagnose human immunodeficiency viruses
  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria: Investigating
  • Yogurts' microbiological studies during commercial preparation
  • Functionalities and bacterial properties of wetland bacteria
  • Cyanophycin study- A bacterial polymer
  • The role of microbiology in the prevention and treatment of life-threatening diseases
  • Shea butter microbiological analysis
  • Tapeworm research - What are the dangers of tapeworms?
  • Influenza spread around the globe - What effects did it have on wars?
  • Restriction-modification in cellular microbiology
  • How the invention of the microscope increased understanding of microbiology
  • Applied microbiology - Production of biofuels from microorganisms
  • Microbiology plays a vital role in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Research Topics in Environmental and Marine Microbiology In 2024

Perhaps you enjoy writing and researching marine and ecological microbiology. These are some topic ideas to consider for your research papers.

  • How can we treat wastewater?
  • Reclamation and treatment of marginal water
  • Biofiltration and mitigation of greenhouse gases
  • Sources of greenhouse gases
  • Recovering nutrients from biowaste
  • Bio-remediation for soils and water bodies in dry environments
  • Bio-methane production from dry climate animal wastes
  • Desert rock's microbial inhabitants
  • The function of bacterial diversity in maintaining functional ecosystems in dry areas
  • Rain events and microbial activity: how do they affect diversity, abundance, or activity?
  • Cycling nitrogen in dry soils
  • Desert soil crust plays a role in nutrient cycling.
  • Interrelationships among soil bacteria and plants and their effect on biochemical cycling
  • Desert plants: Microorganisms in the phyllosphere, rhizosphere, and microorganisms
  • Characterization of marine virus
  • Marine biofouling and microbial aspects

Food Microbiology Research Topics In 2024

This category contains some great ideas for food microbiology.

  • Understanding how temperature affects virus survival in vegetables and food to prevent contamination
  • Process water usage is a marker to determine the contamination status of freshly-cut greens.
  • Investigating the effects of E.coli's behavior on leafy greens by investigating the time, temperature, sanitizing, and indigenous microflora as well as the package atmosphere
  • Temperature and time are key factors in stimulating the germination of spores in C. botulinum.
  • How cleaning and physical augmentation can remove bacillus spores from food matrices
  • Cross-contamination and norovirus in food service procure used for the preparation of fresh produce.
  • Abiotic and virus surfaces in food processing and other service industries
  • How to increase sprout food safety
  • Listeria growth and survival in freshly-cut vegetables
  • Nonthermal and thermoresistant Shiga-Toxin-producing Coli and Salmonella Enterica when consumed in low-moisture foods.
  • How temperature and water activity affect Salmonella when storing and drying Botanical Products
  • Use minimal high hydrostatic pressure to freeze-dry berries for Norovirus mitigation.
  • Mechanisms of internalization by Bacterial Pathogens into Fresh-Cut Fruits
  • Protocols for inoculating low-moisture foods

Research Topics in Immunology Microbiology In 2024

You might be interested in writing a research paper about immunology or microbiology. These are some brilliant ideas to help you write your essay.

  • Bacteria and human diseases
  • Cell biology and bacterial physiology
  • Microbiology and human health
  • Parasite effects on human health: A study
  • Viral infections and diseases of the human body
  • Genetics of microorganisms
  • Eukaryotic pathogens, diseases and their study
  • Experimental and molecular microbiology
  • Investigating different parasitism mechanisms
  • What is advanced immunology?

Trending 2024 Topics For Microbiology Research Papers That Are Easy

Perhaps you are looking for a topic that you can easily work on and write a high-quality paper on. These ideas can help you create a research paper.

  • C. botulinum microspores stimulate toxin production at different temperatures and times
  • Temperature and virus survival in fruits, vegetables
  • Future virus research methods and techniques
  • Redox-active Metabolites and their role in microbial signaling
  • The existence and essence of yeast in baking industry preservatives
  • Non-conventional yeast uses in wine-manufacturing
  • Microbiota - The role of microbiota in the human body
  • Microbe interactions - Study of human microbial ecosystems
  • Large animals and viruses: The health impact
  • How bacteria interactions impact cell social behavior.
  • What cleaning methods impact Bacillus Spores
  • Survival of Desiccated Salmonella in dry and moist food processing facilities
  • Comparative analysis of Listeria monocytogenes survival within food manufacturing environments
  • What is the transfer rate of Salmonella sp? What is the transfer rate for Salmonella sp. from butter to food?
  • Cross-contamination investigation for norovirus in service procedures in the food industry
  • How genetic variation in human fungal pathogens can cause phenotypic variability that impacts diseases
  • How microbiology research has assisted humans in preventing life-threatening illnesses
  • Polymerase chain reaction is used to diagnose infectious illnesses.
  • Preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of the citrus Sinensis seed and coat
  • Mining and microbiology
  • Colonization of human skin by bacteria
  • Sweet orange's antibacterial properties on Escherichiacoli and staphylococcus Aureus isolated from wound infections
  • Antibiotics and bacteria's susceptibility to them
  • Bush pear analysis and oil project
  • Spoilt avocado microbiological examination - What it reveals
  • A stored pap can be characterized and isolated to isolate microorganisms.
  • Use of CryoEM in understanding and transporting pathogen resistance.
  • Additive manufacturing of skin-facing antimicrobial devices for surgery
  • Cardiovascular disease and oral bacteria
  • Delivery of antimicrobials via nutrient-mediated dual warhead antimicrobials
  • Influenza: Induction mechanisms of protective lung tissue memory cell cells
  • Eukaryotic, elucidating topoisomerase activity in homologous Recombination
  • Metabolomics investigation into oral bacteria in chronic periodontitis.
  • The metabolomics investigation of the effects of metal nanoparticles upon multi-species biofilm consortiums -
  • How does vaping and smoking impact the risk of CoV-2, SARS, and COVID-19 outcomes
  • Urban areas are at risk from soil contaminants.
  • Protective microbes - How to rebuild your microbiota in the treatment of AMR infection
  • Salmonella survival and growth during partially sprouted product processing and chia powders
  • The importance of better control and information in environmental organisms' risk assessments
  • Freshly cut vegetables are a good place to grow Listeria and sustain your life.

Expert Microbiology Assistance: Your Pathway to Success

As we wrap up our exploration of new Research Paper Topics in Microbiology , we hope you've found inspiration, insights, and maybe even a few sparks of curiosity to start your own investigations in this dynamic field. From the complexities of microbial ecosystems to the most recent breakthroughs in biotechnology, the field of microbiology is constantly expanding, providing limitless opportunities for exploration and innovation.

If you need help with microbiology assignments or projects, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to provide assistance, guidance, and expertise as you navigate the fascinating field of microbiology. Let us continue to unravel the mysteries of the microbial world and realize its vast potential for the advancement of science and society.

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Top 50 Research Topics of Microbiology

Table of Contents


The microbiology sector has seen huge development over the years to what it is now. You might be well aware that our earth’s surface consists of a huge microbial diversity and these wide microbial communities are present in all nooks of the earth. They offer several services to our environment. Without microbial communities, the whole earth will be a different place to live in. This is the reason microbiological research is so vital.

Microbiology is one of the very actively researched grounds, that deal with the study of microorganisms starting from the eukaryotic fungi to single celled and various cell cluster organisms. Various courses like B.Sc., M. Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D in subjects like Microbiology , Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, students are doing projects for their thesis. Excluding these, students from other courses including B. Tech, M. Tech courses in  Biotechnology , paramedical courses like  Pharmacy  (B. Pharm. and M. Pharm.) and even Medical are searching projects or thesis topics for microbiology. If you are thinking of starting a research or project work in microbiology, then you must be searching for a good topic. So we planned to make it somewhat simple and easy for you.

This article discusses about some of the top and current research topics on microbiology. Before coming to the lists of topics let’s have a brief discussion on some of the important and key tips that we should consider before finalizing a topic.

Click the page numbers below to read more on this topic.

12 thoughts on “Top 50 Research Topics of Microbiology”

Thank you for sharing, fantastic blog…

I like this site its a master peace ! .

was helpful thanks

I need Bsc research titel

Yes,I interested in discussion

Yes, I interested in microbiology discussion

Can anyone suggest a topic for research in Microbiology!

It’s indeed fantastic!

Labmonk is like Alexandra Elbakyan of India… Breaking barriers for learners… More to go Monk

Hello sir Research topic for microbiology and study of microbiology

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Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2019

Read an essential collection of papers showcasing high-quality content from across the five FEMS Journals, which together provide an overview of current research trends in microbiology. Follow the topic area links below for access to articles:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance

Environmental Microbiology

Pathogenicity & virulence, biotechnology & synthetic biology, microbiomes, food microbiology, antimicrobial resistance.

Effects of sample preservation and DNA extraction on enumeration of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater An-Dong Li, Jacob W Metch, Yulin Wang, Emily Garner, An Ni Zhang, Maria V Riquelme, Peter J Vikesland, Amy Pruden, Tong Zhang FEMS Microbilogy Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix189 First published online: 1 February 2018

Occurrence and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil receiving dairy manure Chad W McKinney, Robert S Dungan, Amber Moore, April B Leytem FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy010; First published online: 1 March 2018

Environmental factors influencing the development and spread of antibiotic resistance Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Erik Kristiansson, D G Joakim Larsson FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fux053 First published online: 01 January 2018

Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses unveil novel features of azole resistnce and adaptation to the human host in Candida glabrata Sara Barbosa Salazar, Can Wang, Martin Münsterkötter, Michiyo Okamoto, Azusa Takahashi-Nakaguchi, Hiroji Chibana, Maria Manuel Lopes, Ulrich Güldener, Geraldine Butler, Nuno Pereira Mira FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/fox079 First published online: 01 February 2018

How proteases from Enterococcus faecalis contribute to its resistance to short a-helical antimicrobial peptides Ondrej Nešuta, Miloš Budešínský, Romana Hadravová, Lenka Monincová, Jana Humpolicková, Václav Cerovský FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/ftx091 First published online: 29 September 2017

Ice algal bloom development on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet C J Williamson, A M Anesio, J Cook, A Tedstone, E Poniecka, A Holland, D Fagan, M Tranter, M L Yallop FEMS Microbiology Ecology DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy025 First published online: 01 March 2018

Investigation of viable taxa in the deep terrestrial biosphere suggests high rates of nutrient recycling Margarita Lopez-Fernandez, Elias Broman, Stephanie Turner, Xiaofen Wu, Stefan Bertilsson, Mark Dopson FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy121 First published online: 01 August 2018

Soil Protists: a fertile frontier in soil biology research Stefan Geisen, Edward A D Mitchell, Sina Adl, Michael Bonkowski, Micah Dunthorn, Flemming Ekelund, Leonardo D Fernández, Alexandre Jousset, Valentyna Krashevska, David Singer, Frederick W Spiegel, Julia Walochnik, Enrique Lara FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy006 First published online: 01 May 2018

Vector-borne diseases and climate change: a European perspective Jan C Semenza, Jonathan E Suk FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnx244 First published online: 01 January 2018

Beyond nitrogen metabolism: nitric oxide, cyclic-di- GMP and bacterial biofilms Serena Rinaldo, Giorgio Giardina, Federico Mantoni, Alessio Paone, Francesca Cutruzzolàr FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny029 First published online: 01 March 2018

Bacterial-fungal interactions: ecology, mechanisms and challenges Aurélie Deveau, Gregory Bonito, Jessie Uehling, Mathieu Paoletti, Matthias Becker, Saskia Bindschedler, Stéphane Hacquard, Vincent Hervé, Jessy Labbé, Olga A Lastovetsky, Sophie Mieszkin, Larry J Millet, Balázs Vajna, Pilar Junier, Paola Bonfante, Bastiaan P Krom, Stefan Olsson, Jan Dirk van Elsas, Lukas Y Wick FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy008 First published online: 01 May 2018

The human cytomegalovirus terminase complex as an antiviral target: a close-up view G Ligat, R Cazal, S Hantz, S Alain; FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy004 First published online: 01 March 2018

Molecular variability and genetic structure of white spot syndrome virus strains from northwest Mexico based on the analysis of genomes Delia Patricia Parrilla-Taylor, Norberto Vibanco-Pérez, Maria de Jesús Durán-Avelar, Bruno Gomez- Gil, Raúl Llera-Herrera, Ricardo Vázquez-Juárez FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny216 First published online: 01 October 2018

The first known virus isolates from Antarctic sea ice have complex infection patterns Anne-Mari Luhtanen, Eeva Eronen-Rasimus, Hanna M Oksanen, Jean-Louis Tison, Bruno Delille, Gerhard S Dieckmann, Janne-Markus Rintala, Dennis H Bamford FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy028 First published online: 1 April 2018

Host-pathogen redox dynamics modulate Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis Hayden T Pacl, Vineel P Reddy, Vikram Saini, Krishna C Chinta, Adrie J C Steyn FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty036 First published online: 01 July 2018

The CRISPR-Cas system in Enterobacteriaceae Liliana Medina-Aparicio, Sonia Dávila, Javier E Rebollar-Flores, Edmundo Calva, Ismael Hernández- Lucas FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty002 First published online: 01 February 2018

Mycobacterial biomaterials and resources for researchers Manzour Hernando Hazbón, Leen Rigouts, Marco Schito, Matthew Ezewudo, Takuji Kudo, Takashi Itoh, Moriya Ohkuma, Katalin Kiss, Linhuan Wu, Juncai Ma, Moriyuki Hamada, Michael Strong, Max Salfinger ,Charles L Daley, Jerry A Nick, Jung-Sook Lee, Nalin Rastogi, David Couvin, Raquel Hurtado-Ortiz, Chantal Bizet, Anita Suresh, Timothy Rodwell, Audrey Albertini, Karen A Lacourciere, Ana Deheer- Graham, Sarah Alexander, Julie E Russell, Rebecca Bradford, Marco A Riojas FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty042 First published online: 01 June 2018

Yeast 2.0- connecting the dots in the construction of the world's first functional synthetic eukaryotic genome I S Pretorius, J D Boeke FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy032 First published online: 01 June 2018

Laboratory evolution for forced glucose-xylose co-consumption enables identification of mutations that improve mixed-sugar fermentation by xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ioannis Papapetridis, Maarten D Verhoeven, Sanne J Wiersma, Maaike Goudriaan, Antonius J A van Maris, Jack T Pronk FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy056 First published online:01 September 2018

State of the art in eukaryotic nitrogenase engineering Stefan Burén, Luis M Rubio FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnx274 First published online: 01 January 2018

Whole-genome sequencing based characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Enterococcus Gregory H Tyson, Jonathan L Sabo, Crystal Rice-Trujillo, Jacqueline Hernandez, Patrick F McDermott FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty018 First published online: 01 March 2018

Biofilm growth and control in cooling water industrial systems F Di Pippo, L Di Gregorio, R Congestri, V Tandoi, S Rossetti FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy044 First published online: 01 May 2018

Novel sequencing technologies to support industrial biotechnology Adalberto Costessi, Bartholomeus van den Bogert, Ali May, Emiel Ver Loren van Themaat, Johannes A Roubos, Marc A B Kolkman, Derek Butler, Walter Pirovano FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny103 First published online: 01 August 2018

Influenza A virus subtype H9N2 infection disrupts the composition of intestinal microbiota of chickens Alexander Yitbarek, J Scott Weese, Tamiru Negash Alkie, John Parkinson, Shayan Sharif FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix165 First published online: 01 January 2018

Pathogens, microbiome and the host: emergence of the ecological Koch's postulates Pascale Vonaesch, Mark Anderson, Philippe J Sansonetti FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy003 First published online: 09 January 2018

Talk to your gut: the oral-gut microbiome axis and its immunomodulatory role in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis Marines du Teil Espina, Giorgio Gabarrini, Hermie J M Harmsen, Johanna Westra, Arie Jan van Winkelhoff, Jan Maarten van Dijl FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy035 First published online: 01 January 2019

Shift of hindgut microbiota and microbial short chain fatty acids profiles in dairy calves from birth to pre-weaning Yang Song, Nilusha Malmuthuge, Michael A Steele, Le Luo Guan FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix179 First published online: 01 March 2018

The Smallest Intestine (TSI)- a low volume in vitro model of the small intenstine with increased throughput T Cieplak, M Wiese, S Nielsen, T Van de Wiele, F van den Berg, D S Nielsen FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny231 First published online: 01 November 2018

Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus friend or foe? - spoilage potential and brewing ability of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus yeast isolates by genetic, phenotypic and physiological characterization Tim Meier-Dörnberg, Oliver Ingo Kory, Fritz Jacob, Maximilian Michel, Mathias Hutzler FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy023 First published online: 01 June 2018

Trans-regulation and localization of orthologous maltose transporters in the interspecies lager yeast hybrid Virve Vidgren, Brian Gibson FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy065 First published online: 01 September 2018

Fermentation performances and aroma production of non-conventional wine yeasts are influenced by nitrogen preferences Stéphanie Rollero, Audrey Bloem, Anne Ortiz-Julien, Carole Camarasa, Benoit Divol FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy055 First published online: 01 August 2018

Community-led comparative genomic and phenotypic analysis of the aquaculture pathogen Pseudomonas baetica a390T sequenced by Ion semiconductor and Nanopore technologies Ainsley Beaton, Cédric Lood, Edward Cunningham-Oakes, Alison MacFadyen, Alex J Mullins, Walid El Bestawy, João Botelho, Sylvie Chevalier, Shannon Coleman, Chloe Dalzell, Stephen K Dolan, Alberto Faccenda, Maarten G K Ghequire, Steven Higgins, Alexander Kutschera, Jordan Murray, Martha Redway, Talal Salih, Ana C da Silva, Brian A Smith, Nathan Smits, Ryan Thomson, Stuart Woodcock, Martin Welch, Pierre Cornelis, Rob Lavigne, Vera van Noort, Nicholas P Tucker FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny069 First published online: 01 May 2018

Antibiotic resistance phenotypes and virulence-associated genes in Escherichia coli isolated from animals and animal food products in Tunisia Souhir Badi, Paola Cremonesi, Mohamed Salah Abbassi, Chourouk Ibrahim, Majdi Snoussi, Giulia Bignoli, Mario Luini, Bianca Castiglioni, Abdennaceur Hassen FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny088 First published online: 01 May 2018


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Home > Life Sciences > Microbiology and Molecular Biology > Theses and Dissertations

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Characterization of Cellular Metabolism Regulation by the Transcription Factor Centromere Binding Factor 1 (Cbf1) , Spencer Ellsworth

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Elucidating the Architecture of the TclIJN Complex that Converts Cysteine to Thiazoles in the Biosynthesis of Micrococcin , Diana G. Calvopina Chavez

Manipulating and Assaying Chromatin Architecture Around Enhancer Elements in vivo , John Lawrence Carter

Halophilic Genes that Impact Plant Growth in Saline Soils , Mckay A. Meinzer

Characterizing Stress Granule Regulation by PAS Kinase, Ataxin-2 and Ptc6 and Investigating the Lifespan of Covid-19 Virus on Currency , Colleen R. Newey

Changes in RNA Expression of HuT78 Cells Resulting From the HIV-1 Viral Protein R R77Q Mutation , Joshua S. Ramsey

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Biofilm Characterization and the Potential Role of eDNA in Horizontal Gene Transfer in Hospital and Meat Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Their Biofilms , Ashley Lynne Ball

Novel Patterns for Nucleosome Positioning: From in vitro to in vivo , David Andrew Bates

The Effects of Polymorphisms of Viral Protein R of HIV-1 on the Induction of Apoptosis in Primary Cells and the Characterization of Twelve Novel Bacillus anthracis Bacteriophage , Jacob D. Fairholm

Analysis of the Cytopathogenic Effect of Different HIV-1 Vpr Isoforms on Primary Human CD4+ T Cells and a Model Cell Line , Jonatan Josue Fierro Nieves

The Role of Chitinase A in Mastitis-Associated Escherichia coli Pathogenesis , Weston D. Hutchison

Big Data Meta-Analyses of Transcriptional Responses of Human Samples to Orthohantavirus Infection and Shotgun Metagenomics From Crohn's Disease Patients. , John L. Krapohl

An Exploration of Factors that Impact Uptake of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines , David Samuel Redd

Genomic Analysis and Therapeutic Development of Bacteriophages to Treat Bacterial Infections and Parasitic Infestations , Daniel W. Thompson

The Use of Nucleotide Salvage Pathway Enzymes as Suitable Tumor Targets for Antibody-Based and Adoptive Cell Therapies , Edwin J. Velazquez

Comparative Sequence Analysis Elucidates the Evolutionary Patterns of Yersinia pestis in New Mexico over Thirty-Two Years , M. Elizabeth Warren

Regulation of T Cell Activation by the CD5 Co-Receptor and Altered Peptides, Characterization of Thymidine Kinase-Specific Antibodies, and Integrating Genomics Education in Society , Kiara Vaden Whitley

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Evolution and Selection: From Suppression of Metabolic Deficiencies to Bacteriophage Host Range and Resistance , Daniel Kurt Arens

Identifying Sinorhizobium meliloti Genes that Determine Fitness Outcomes , Alexander B. Benedict

Pushing the Limits of SARS-CoV-2 Survival: How SARS-CoV-2 Responds to Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and Wastewater , Benjamin Hawthorne Ogilvie

Mutations in HIV-1 Vpr Affect Pathogenesis in T-Lymphocytes and Novel Strategies to Contain the Current COVID-19 Pandemic , Antonio Solis Leal

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Staphylococcus aureus Metal Acquisition in Milk and Mammary Gland Tissue , Shalee Killpack Carlson

Antimicrobial Peptide Development: From Massively Parallel Peptide Sequencing to Bioinformatic Motif Identification , Alexander K. Erikson

A Comparison of Chikungunya Virus Infection, Dissemination, and Cytokine Induction in Human and Murine Macrophages and Characterization of RAG2-/-γc-/- Mice as an Animal Model to Study Neurotropic Chikungunya Disease , Israel Guerrero

The Effects of Immune Regulation and Dysregulation: Helper T Cell Receptor Affinity, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Cancer Risk, and Vaccine Hesitancy , Deborah K. Johnson

Identification of Genes that Determine Fitness, Virulence, and Disease Outcomes in Mastitis Associated Eschericia coli , Michael Andrew Olson

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Investigation of Thymidine Kinase 1 in Cancer Progression , Eliza Esther King Bitter

Ribosomally Synthesized and Post-Translationally Modified Peptides as Potential Scaffolds for Peptide Engineering , Devan Bursey

Bioaerosols Associated with Evaporative Cooler Use in Low-Income Homes in Semi-Arid Climates , Ashlin Elaine Cowger

PAS Kinase and TOR, Controllers of Cell Growth and Proliferation , Brooke Jasmyn Cozzens

Regulation of Immune Cell Activation and Functionby the nBMPp2 Protein andthe CD5 Co-Receptor , Claudia Mercedes Freitas

Characterizing Novel Pathways for Regulation and Function of Ataxin-2 , Elise Spencer Melhado

Interactions Between the Organellar Pol1A, Pol1B, and Twinkle DNA Replication Proteins and Their Role in Plant Organelle DNA Replication , Stewart Anthony Morley

SNFing Glucose to PASs Mitochondrial Dysfunction: The Role of Two Sensory Protein Kinases in Metabolic Diseases , Kai Li Ong

Characterizing the Function of PAS kinase in Cellular Metabolism and Neurodegenerative Disease , Jenny Adele Pape

Isolation, Characterization, and Genomic Comparison of Bacteriophages of Enterobacteriales Order , Ruchira Sharma

Isolation, Genetic Characterization and Clinical Application of Bacteriophages of Pathogenic Bacterial Species , Trever Leon Thurgood

Investigation of Therapeutic Immune Cell Metabolism , Josephine Anna Tueller

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Innate Immune Cell Phenotypes Are Dictated by Distinct Epigenetic Reprogramming , Kevin Douglas Adams

Bacteriophages for Treating American Foulbrood and the Neutralization of Paenibacillus larvae Spores , Thomas Scott Brady

Methods for Detection of and Therapy for Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae , Olivia Tateoka Brown

The Diversity Found Among Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteria , Galen Edward Card

Exploration of Antimicrobial Activity in Natural Peptides and High-Throughput Discovery of Synthetic Peptides , Emma Kay Dallon

Gut Microbiota Regulates the Interplay Between Diet and Genetics to Influence Insulin Resistance , Jeralyn Jones Franson

The Antimicrobial Properties of Honey and Their Effect on Pathogenic Bacteria , Shreena Himanshu Mody

The Ability of Novel Phage to Infect Virulent Bacillus anthracis Isolates , Hyrum Smith Shumway

Galleria Mellonella as an Alternate Infection Model for Burkholderia Species and a Comparison of Suspension and Surface Test Methods for Evaluating Sporicidal Efficacy , Joseph D. Thiriot

The Clinical Significance of HPRT as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Biomarker for Hematological and Solid Malignancies , Michelle Hannah Townsend

Biomarker Analysis and Clinical Relevance of Thymidine Kinase 1 in Solid and Hematological Malignancies , Evita Giraldez Weagel

Hospital and meat associated Staphylococcus aureus and Their Biofilm Characteristics , Trevor Michael Wienclaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Comparison of Cytokine Expression and Bacterial Growth During Periparturient and Mid Lactation Mastitis in a Mouse Model , Rhonda Nicole Chronis

Influence of Epstein-Barr Virus on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Development and the Role of Depression on Disease Progression , Caleb Cornaby

The Effects of Nucleosome Positioning and Chromatin Architecture on Transgene Expression , Colton E. Kempton

Phosphate Signaling Through Alternate Conformations of the PstSCAB Phosphate Transporter , Ramesh Krishna Vuppada

Acetobacter fabarum Genes Influencing Drosophila melanogaster Phenotypes , Kylie MaKay White

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Path to Understanding Salt Tolerance: Global Profiling of Genes Using Transcriptomics of the Halophyte Suaeda fruticosa , Joann Diray Arce

Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of the Micrococcin Biosynthetic Pathway , Philip Ross Bennallack

Characterizing Interaction Between PASK and PBP1/ ATXN2 to Regulate Cell Growth and Proliferation , Nidhi Rajan Choksi

The Activity of Alkaline Glutaraldehyde Against Bacterial Endospores and Select Non-Enveloped Viruses , Justen Thalmus Despain

The Role of Viral Interleukin-6 in Tumor Development of Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Lymphomas , Rebecca A. Fullwood

The Role of the Transcriptional Antiterminator RfaH in Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis, Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides, and Virulence of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis , Jared Michael Hoffman

A CryAB Interactome Reveals Clientele Specificity and Dysfunction of Mutants Associated with Human Disease , Whitney Katherine Hoopes

The pmrHFIJKLM Operon in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Enhances Resistance to CCL28 and Promotes Phagocytic Engulfment by Neutrophils , Lauren Elizabeth Johnson

Characterization of Five Brevibacillus Bacteriophages and Their Genomes , Michael Allen Sheflo

Analysis of Nucleosome Isolation and Recovery: From In Silico Invitrosomes to In Vivo Nucleosomes , Collin Brendan Skousen

Human Herpesvirus 6A Infection and Immunopathogenesis in Humanized Rag2 -/-γc-/- Mice and Relevance to HIV/AIDS and Autoimmunity , Anne Tanner

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Identifying and Characterizing Yeast PAS Kinase 1 Substrates Reveals Regulation of Mitochondrial and Cell Growth Pathways , Desiree DeMille

The Detection and Molecular Evolution of Francisella tularensis Subspecies , Mark K. Gunnell

Isolation and Host Range of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteriophages and Use for Decontamination of Fomites , Kyle C. Jensen

The Antioxidant and DNA Repair Capacities of Resveratrol, Piceatannol, and Pterostilbene , Justin Ryan Livingston

High Salinity Stabilizes Bacterial Community Composition and Activity Through Time , Tylan Wayne Magnusson

Advancing Phage Genomics and Honeybee Health Through Discovery and Characterization of Paenibacillaceae Bacteriophages , Bryan Douglas Merrill

Specialized Replication Operons Control Rhizobial Plasmid Copy Number in Developing Symbiotic Cells , Clarice Lorraine Perry

Gene Networks Involved in Competitive Root Colonization and Nodulation in the Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago truncatula Symbiosis , Ryan D. VanYperen

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Snf1 Mediated Phosphorylation and Activation of PAS Kinase , Bryan D. Badal

Studies of PhoU in Escherichia coli: Metal Binding, Dimerization,Protein/Protein Interactions, and a Signaling Complex Model , Stewart G. Gardner

Pharmacologic Immunomodulation of Macrophage Activation by Caffeine , Ryan Perry Steck

Analysis of Nucleosome Mobility, Fragility, and Recovery: From Embryonic Stem Cells to Invitrosomes , Ashley Nicolle Wright

Enhancing Protein and Enzyme Stability Through Rationally Engineered Site-Specific Immobilization Utilizing Non-Canonical Amino Acids , Jeffrey Chun Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Thymidine Kinase 1: Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance in Malignancy , Melissa Marie Alegre

Promoter Polymorphisms in Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 , Daniel N. Clark

Modulators of Symbiotic Outcome in Sinorhizobium meliloti , Matthew B. Crook

Evidences for Protein-Protein Interactions Between PstB and PhoU in the Phosphate Signaling Complex of Escherichia coli , Kristine Dawn Johns

Identification of the Binding Partners for HspB2 and CryAB Reveals Myofibril and Mitochondrial Protein Interactions and Non-Redundant Roles for Small Heat Shock Proteins , Kelsey Murphey Langston

A Quadruplex Real-Time PCR Assay for the Rapid Detection and Differentiation of the Burkholderia pseudomallei Complex: B. mallei , B. pseudomallei , and B. thailandensis , Chinn-woan Lowe

The Role of Nuclear BMP2 in the Cell Cycle and Tumorigenesis , Brandt Alan Nichols

Nuclear BMP2 and the Immune Response , Daniel S. Olsen

Hypersaline Lake Environments Exhibit Reduced Microbial Dormancy , Joshua Christopher Vert

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Characterization of the Cellular and Organellar Dynamics that Occur with a Partial Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA when Arabidopsis Organellar DNA Polymerase IB is Mutated , John D. Cupp

Effect of Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress on Different Cancer Cell Types , Gaytri Devi Gupta Elera

Effects of Chemical Stimulation and Tumor Co-Incubation on Macrophage Activation and Aggressiveness, Measured Through Phagocytosis and Respiratory Burst , Bo Marcus Gustafsson

Loss of the Lipopolysaccharide Core Biosynthesis rfaD Gene Increases Antimicrobial Chemokine Binding and Bacterial Susceptibility to CCL28 and Polymyxin: A Model for Understanding the Interface of Antimicrobial Chemokines and Bacterial Host Defense Avoidance Mechanisms , Cynthia S. Lew

Partial Characterization of the Antimicrobial Activity of CCL28 , Bin Liu

Characterizing the Role of HspB2 in Cardiac Metabolism and Muscle Structure Using Yeast and Mammalian Systems , Jonathan Paul Neubert

Humanized Mice as a Model to Study Human Viral Pathogenesis and Novel Antiviral Drugs , Freddy Mauricio Sanchez Tumbaco

Transgene Delivery via Microelectromechanical Systems , Aubrey Marie Mueller Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Antioxidants in Cancer Research and Prevention: Assay Comparison, Structure-Function Analysis, and Food Product Analysis , Andrew Robert Garrett

Characterization of the Role Nuclear Bmp2 (nBmp2) Plays in Regulating Gene Expression , Fialka Grigorova

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Effects of Diabetic State and Gender on Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion by Human Macrophages Infected with Burkholderia pseudomallei , Annette J. Blam

Organellar DNA Polymerases Gamma I and II in Arabidopsis thaliana , Jeffrey M. Brammer

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Ph.D. in Microbiology

The program leading to the Ph.D. degree is designed to develop the student’s ability to pursue independent and original research in microbiology and allied fields, communicate the results of such research to the scientific community and serve as an effective teacher. Students normally enter the doctoral program after receiving a master’s degree. Four years are required to complete the program.

Ph.D. Student learning outcomes

Program purpose.

The Ph.D. program in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Hawaii is designed to give students the academic and technical skills to become independent scientists and researchers. We strive to provide each graduate student with broad knowledge in microbiology and in-depth knowledge in their area of specialization. Students are trained in both traditional and state-of-the-art technologies to be applied to the design and conduct of original research projects. Additionally, students have access to both basic and advanced coursework to further their academic and research goals.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Design microbiological or immunological experiments at an advanced graduate level.
  • Demonstrate proficiency with a variety of classical and modern microbiology techniques.
  • Read, understand and evaluate current literature in their discipline. Produce significant scientific research results.
  • Research results and interpretations of those results should be clearly presented both orally and in peer reviewed publications.
  • Develop awareness and perspective as a member of a local, national and global scientific community.
  • Compete successfully for productive employment or postdoctoral training in industry or academic institutions.
  • General Information and Procedures for the Ph.D. Degree

Advancement to Candidacy (Ph.D)

Advancement to doctoral candidacy involves four steps:, 1. comprehensive written exam..

The comprehensive exam consists of two sections.

  • A general knowledge section that tests students in all areas of microbiology and contains questions that all professional microbiologists should be capable of answering.
  • A current topics section that tests students on two current topics in microbiology.

This section of the exam tests a student’s ability to independently research and understand a concept, pathway, phenomenon, or other aspect of microbiology that is emerging at the forefront of the field. Students will be given the two topics a minimum of six weeks prior to the exam date.

Sections of the exam will be administered on consecutive days once each semester and summer term. This is a closed-book exam. The student will have 3 hours to complete each section. Exams will be written and graded by a three-member panel of Microbiology faculty. Graded exams will be returned to students within one week of their completion.

The written comprehensive may be repeated the following semester if a non-passing grade is received after the first attempt. Two successive non-passing grades will result in removal from the Ph D program.

2. Comprehensive oral exam.

A comprehensive oral exam will be administered by the three Microbiology faculty approximately one week after receipt of the graded written exam. Questions on the oral exam will focus on, but are not limited to, responses to questions on the written exam. A student’s mentor cannot serve on the comprehensive exam panel.

It is strongly recommended that students take the comprehensive exam in their fifth semester or earlier (third semester or earlier for students with a UH Microbiology MS degree). The first attempt at the comprehensive exam must be completed by the end of the sixth semester of study.

3. Dissertation written proposal.

Upon successfully completing the comprehensive exam, a written document describing the research that will constitute the student’s doctoral dissertation will be submitted to members of the student’s doctoral committee.

4. Dissertation oral proposal.

A succinct presentation of the proposal will be made to the student’s doctoral committee approximately 2 – 4 weeks after distribution of the written proposal. Committee members will be permitted to question the student on the research proposal. At the end of the proposal meeting, committee members will determine if the proposal is acceptable and whether the student is ready to advance to candidacy. Upon acceptance of the proposal, the student is conferred “doctoral candidate” status.

It is strongly recommended that students complete the oral dissertation proposal by the end of their sixth semester of the program.

Course Requirements

Completion of 30 credit hours as follows:

  • 12 cr. of classes 600 level and up, excluding MICR 699. It is expected that the majority of these classes will be in Microbiology. Classes from outside the program may be included, upon approval of student’s committee chair. Up to 3 credits of MICR695 may be applied toward the degree.
  • 7 cr. of Directed Research, MICR 699.
  • 1 cr. Seminar, MICR 690.
  • 1 cr. Thesis, MICR 800.
  • (e) 9 cr. of classes, which can include 400 level and graduate-level Microbiology classes. Directed Research (MICR 699) may not be included. Graduate-level classes from outside the program may be included, upon approval of student’s committee chair.

Note: certain adjustments can be considered for those with a M.S. degree in Microbiology or closely related field.

Teaching Requirement

At least one year of teaching experience is considered part of the training of the Ph.D. candidate and is a requirement for the degree. This requirement can be waived for equivalent experience or for other extraordinary circumstances.

Seminar Requirement

The student is expected to give at least one departmental seminar (MICR 690) in addition to the defense seminar at the end of the student’s program.

Ph.D. Language Examination

There is no program foreign language requirement.

Dissertation Review

Much of the Dissertation writing and review is done under the supervision of the major professor (mentor). Thus, a sufficient period must be allowed for first and second draft revisions. This period is not dictated in any way by the University or Program and will depend on the scientific and editorial qualities of the drafts. Also, it is not unlikely that a mentor will have several theses or dissertations to review in a semester. If the dissertation has not been properly reviewed and drafted by the student and his/her mentor, the other committee members are not obligated to read or judge the document until it is in reasonable shape.

Dissertation Defense

This will be given as an advertised public seminar of approximately one hour duration with an unlimited questioning period to follow. Consult the Graduate Division for advertising deadlines.

Dissertation Copies

In addition to the requirements of the Graduate Division, students are required to provide two bound copies of their dissertation to the Program before graduation, one of which goes to the chairman of the dissertation committee.

Remember:   It is the personal responsibility of each student to see that all requirements are fulfilled and all deadlines met in a timely manner. See the university general catalog for the official calendars.


100+ Microbiology Project Topics [Updated]

microbiology project topics

Microbiology, the study of microorganisms, holds immense importance in the realms of medicine, agriculture, industry, and environmental science. It’s a field teeming with opportunities for exploration and discovery. For students passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the microbial world, engaging in microbiology projects is not just educational but also immensely rewarding.

In this blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide to over 100 updated microbiology project topics across various sub-disciplines. Whether you’re a student seeking inspiration for your next research endeavor or an educator looking to expand your list of project ideas, this resource is tailored to meet your needs.

Choosing a Microbiology Project Topic

Table of Contents

Selecting the right project topic is crucial for the success and fulfillment of your research journey. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Personal Interest and Career Goals: Opt for a topic that aligns with your interests and long-term career aspirations. Whether it’s bacterial pathogenesis, virology, immunology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology, or clinical microbiology, choose a subject that excites you.
  • Relevance to Current Trends: Stay abreast of the latest advancements and trends in microbiology. Topics related to emerging infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance, microbiome research, and biotechnological applications are particularly timely and impactful.
  • Resource Availability and Feasibility: Assess the availability of laboratory resources, equipment, and expertise required for your chosen project. Ensure that your topic is feasible within the constraints of your academic or research environment.

100+ Microbiology Project Topics

Now, let’s delve into our curated list of microbiology project topics across various sub-disciplines:

Bacterial Microbiology

  • Role of quorum sensing in bacterial biofilm formation.
  • Antibiotic resistance mechanisms in clinically relevant bacterial strains.
  • Bacteriophages as alternative therapeutics for antibiotic-resistant infections.
  • Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenicity using model organisms.
  • Genetic diversity and evolution of influenza viruses for vaccine development.
  • Host-virus interactions underlying viral replication and pathogenesis.
  • Metagenomic profiling of viral communities to identify novel pathogens.
  • Screening natural products for antiviral activity against emerging diseases.
  • Efficacy of novel vaccine formulations in eliciting immune responses.
  • Immunomodulatory effects of probiotics on mucosal immunity and gut health.
  • Dysregulated immune responses in autoimmune disorders.
  • Host immune evasion strategies in persistent viral infections.

Environmental Microbiology

  • Microbial diversity in hydrothermal vent ecosystems using next-generation sequencing.
  • Biodegradation of environmental pollutants by microbial consortia.
  • Extremophilic microorganisms adapted to harsh environmental conditions.
  • Role of soil microbiota in plant growth promotion and biocontrol.

Food Microbiology

  • Microbial contamination in food processing facilities and sanitation practices.
  • Identification and characterization of foodborne pathogens.
  • Spoilage mechanisms of food products and strategies for shelf life extension.
  • Safety and efficacy of probiotic supplements in fermented foods.

Clinical Microbiology

  • Molecular epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections using whole-genome sequencing.
  • Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in clinically important pathogens.
  • Human microbiome profiling in health and disease states using metagenomics.
  • Rapid diagnostic tests for infectious diseases in clinical settings.

Miscellaneous Topics

  • Microbial ecology of the human gut microbiota.
  • Role of microbiota in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.
  • Microbiological aspects of bioremediation in environmental cleanup efforts.
  • Microbial production of biofuels and bioplastics.
  • Application of CRISPR-Cas technology in microbial genome editing.
  • Microbial production of enzymes for industrial processes.
  • Microbial synthesis of novel antimicrobial compounds.
  • Microbial fermentation processes for food and beverage production.
  • Bioinformatics analysis of microbial genomes and metagenomes.
  • Microbial ecology of extreme environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
  • Microbiological aspects of the human skin microbiome and its implications for health.
  • Microbial diversity and ecosystem functions in freshwater and marine environments.
  • Microbial interactions in symbiotic relationships with plants and animals.
  • Microbial biogeochemical cycling of elements in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in urban environments.
  • Microbial ecology of infectious diseases in wildlife populations.
  • Microbial contributions to nutrient cycling and soil fertility in agricultural systems.
  • Microbial contamination of water sources and strategies for water quality management.
  • Microbial degradation of pollutants in soil and water environments.
  • Microbial diversity and biotechnological potential of hot springs and thermal vents.
  • Microbial ecology of the built environment, including hospitals and households.
  • Microbial interactions in the rhizosphere and their effects on plant health and productivity.
  • Microbial diversity and function in extreme environments, such as polar regions and deserts.
  • Microbial ecology of air quality, including indoor and outdoor microbial communities.
  • Microbial contributions to biogeochemical cycling in aquatic ecosystems, such as lakes and oceans.
  • Microbial roles in the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and community dynamics in mangrove ecosystems and their ecological functions.
  • Microbial contributions to the degradation of pollutants and xenobiotics in contaminated environments.
  • Microbial interactions with pollutants and their role in environmental remediation strategies.
  • Microbial diversity and function in hydrothermal vent ecosystems and their biogeochemical significance.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in permafrost environments and their response to climate change.
  • Microbial ecology of extremophiles and their adaptations to extreme environmental conditions.
  • Microbial diversity and function in deep-sea environments, including the deep ocean and hydrothermal vents.
  • Microbial contributions to the biogeochemistry of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling in marine ecosystems.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in marine food webs and ecosystem dynamics.
  • Microbial diversity and function in coral reef ecosystems and their response to environmental stressors.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and organic matter in coastal ecosystems and estuaries.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in Arctic and Antarctic environments and their response to climate change.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the degradation and detoxification of contaminants.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps and their contributions to global biogeochemical cycles.
  • Microbial diversity and community dynamics in oceanic oxygen minimum zones and their implications for carbon and nitrogen cycling.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in shaping marine biodiversity and ecosystem structure.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including primary production and decomposition processes.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine plankton communities and their role in biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem productivity.
  • Microbial ecology of marine symbioses, including mutualistic, commensal, and parasitic relationships between microbes and marine organisms.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation and detoxification of contaminants in marine environments.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling, nutrient regeneration, and sediment stability.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in coastal ecosystems, including estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests.
  • Microbial diversity and function in coastal sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling, organic matter degradation, and nutrient fluxes.
  • Microbial ecology of marine viruses and their role in shaping microbial communities, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem dynamics in marine environments.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine snow aggregates and their role in transporting carbon, nutrients, and microbes in the ocean.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in mediating host-microbe interactions, disease dynamics, and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of carbon and sulfur in marine sediments, including the role of anaerobic microbial processes in sedimentary environments.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine hydrothermal vent ecosystems and their role in chemosynthetic primary production, mineral precipitation, and ecosystem sustainability.
  • Microbial ecology of marine deep-sea ecosystems, including abyssal plains, trenches, and seamounts, and their role in global biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine sponge microbiomes and their role in nutrient cycling, secondary metabolite production, and host-microbe interactions.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the bioremediation of oil spills, heavy metal contamination, and other anthropogenic pollutants in marine environments.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in deep-sea ecosystems, including the role of chemosynthetic microbes in supporting deep-sea food webs and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine coral reef ecosystems and their role in reef health, resilience, and recovery from environmental stressors such as climate change, pollution, and disease.
  • Microbial ecology of marine plastic pollution and its impact on marine ecosystems, including microbial degradation of plastic polymers, biofilm formation on microplastic surfaces, and microbial interactions with plastic-associated pollutants.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine coastal habitats, including rocky shores, sandy beaches, and tidal pools, and their role in coastal ecosystem processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in mediating host-microbe interactions, disease dynamics, and ecosystem functioning in marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, kelp forests, and seagrass meadows.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including the role of microbial processes in carbon sequestration, nitrogen fixation, and nutrient regeneration in the oceanic food web.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine pelagic ecosystems, including the open ocean, coastal upwelling zones, and polar seas, and their role in primary production, nutrient cycling, and global climate regulation.
  • Microbial ecology of marine biofilms and their role in ecosystem processes, including biofouling, biocorrosion, and nutrient cycling in marine environments, such as ship hulls, oil platforms, and marine infrastructure.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine benthic habitats, including deep-sea sediments, hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps, and their role in biogeochemical cycling, energy flow, and ecosystem stability.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation, detoxification, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in marine ecosystems, including oil spills, heavy metals, plastics, and agricultural runoff.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including the role of microbial processes in carbon fixation, nitrogen cycling, and sulfur metabolism in marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine deep-sea ecosystems, including abyssal plains, trenches, and seamounts, and their role in global biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial ecology of marine sponge microbiomes and their role in nutrient cycling, secondary metabolite production, and host-microbe interactions in marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the bioremediation of oil spills, heavy metal contamination, and other anthropogenic pollutants in marine environments, including coastal waters, estuaries, and marine sediments.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in deep-sea ecosystems, including the role of chemosynthetic microbes in supporting deep-sea food webs, hydrothermal vent communities, and cold seep ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine pelagic ecosystems , including the open ocean, coastal upwelling zones, and polar seas, and their role in primary production, nutrient cycling, and global climate regulation in the marine biosphere.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine benthic habitats, including deep-sea sediments, hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps, and their role in biogeochemical cycling, energy flow, and ecosystem stability in the deep sea.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation, detoxification, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in marine ecosystems, including oil spills, heavy metals, plastics, and agricultural runoff in coastal and oceanic environments.

Tips for Successful Microbiology Projects

Embarking on a microbiology project can be both exhilarating and challenging. Here are some tips to help you navigate the research process with confidence:

  • Planning and Organization: Start with a clear research question and outline a detailed project plan with achievable milestones.
  • Literature Review: Thoroughly review existing literature to build a solid theoretical framework for your research.
  • Laboratory Techniques and Safety: Adhere to best practices for experimental design, data collection, and laboratory safety protocols.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Utilize appropriate statistical methods and data visualization tools to analyze your results effectively.
  • Effective Communication: Prepare concise and compelling presentations or manuscripts to communicate your findings to peers and stakeholders.

In conclusion, microbiology offers a vast playground for exploration and innovation. By choosing the right project topic and following sound research principles, you can make meaningful contributions to our understanding of the microbial universe.

We hope this curated list of microbiology project topics serves as a valuable resource for students and educators alike, inspiring the next generation of microbial enthusiasts to embark on their research journeys. Happy exploring!

Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, or additional project ideas in the comments section below. Together, let’s continue unraveling the mysteries of microbiology!

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43 Project Topics on Food Microbiology: Latest

Food microbiology is a branch of microbiology that focuses on the study of microorganisms in food. It plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety, quality, and preservation. 

Engaging in a food microbiology project provides an opportunity to delve deeper into the intricate world of microorganisms present in our food and their impact on various aspects of the food industry. 

Choosing Food Microbiology Project Topics 

Selecting an appropriate and engaging project topic is essential in food microbiology research. It involves considering current trends, challenges, and advancements in the field. 

Researching topics related to foodborne illnesses, emerging pathogens, food spoilage, or food preservation techniques can provide valuable insights and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. 

Collaborating with experts and industry professionals can also offer guidance and ensure the relevance of the chosen topic. 

Sample Food Microbiology Project Topics 

1. Analyzing the microbial contamination of food-handling surfaces

This project aims to investigate the presence and persistence of microorganisms on different food contact surfaces and evaluate the effectiveness of sanitation practices. 

2. Studying the role of microorganisms in food spoilage

This project focuses on identifying the microbial species responsible for food spoilage and understanding the factors that contribute to their growth and proliferation. 

3 Investigating the effectiveness of food preservation techniques

This project aims to assess the efficiency of various food preservation methods, such as thermal processing, freezing, drying, or fermentation, in controlling microbial growth and extending the shelf life of food products. 

4. The impact of processing methods on the microbial quality of dairy products 

5. Investigating the microbial safety of raw and processed seafood 

6. Assessing the effectiveness of natural antimicrobial compounds in food preservation 

7. Microbiological analysis of fermented foods and their health benefits 

Recommended articles:

  • 33 Microbiology Project Topics: You haven’t thought of
  • 33 New Medical microbiology project topics
  • Can bacteria make their own food
  • Does spicy food kill parasites?
  • 10 Best food to eat with antibiotics to avoid nausea

8. Investigating the role of microorganisms in the production of foodborne toxins 

9. Studying the microbial diversity and dynamics of artisanal cheese production 

10. Evaluating the microbial quality of fresh fruits and vegetables along the supply chain 

11. Analyzing the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of bacteria in poultry products 

12. Exploring the microbiological quality and safety of ready-to-eat foods 

13. Investigating the role of biofilms in foodborne pathogen persistence and contamination 

14. Assessing the microbial spoilage of bakery products and the factors influencing it 

15. Studying the microbial ecology of fermented beverages (e.g., beer, wine, kombucha) 

16. Analyzing the microbiological safety of street foods in urban areas 

17. Investigating the occurrence and control of foodborne viruses in food processing environments 

18. Exploring the microbial composition of traditional fermented foods from different cultures 

19. Assessing the microbiological quality of spices and herbs used in food preparation 

20. Investigating the impact of food processing techniques on the survival of probiotic bacteria 

21. Studying the microbial safety of plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products 

22. Analyzing the microbiological quality of processed meat products and the presence of pathogens 

23. Investigating the microbial ecology of food production facilities and the prevention of contamination

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Food microbiology seminar topics

Here’s a list of seminar topics in food microbiology:

1. Foodborne pathogens: Identification, detection, and control strategies 

2. Microbial spoilage of food: Causes, mechanisms, and prevention 

3. Emerging trends in food microbiology research 

4. Microbiological safety of fresh produce: Challenges and solutions 

5. Role of probiotics in promoting gut health and food safety 

6. Microbial ecology of fermented foods and beverages 

7. Antimicrobial resistance in foodborne bacteria: Implications and interventions 

8. Foodborne viruses: Detection, transmission, and control measures 

9. Microbial risks associated with seafood consumption 

10. Microbiological quality and safety of street foods 

11. Microorganisms in food processing environments: Monitoring and control 

12. Microbial hazards in dairy products and their control strategies 

14. Food preservation techniques: Traditional methods and emerging technologies 

15. Microbial contamination of spices and herbs: Risks and mitigation 

16. Food safety challenges in the era of global food trade 

17. Role of biofilms in foodborne pathogen persistence and resistance 

18. Advances in rapid methods for microbial analysis in food 

19. Microbial risk assessment: Applications in food safety management 

20. Microbial quality of ready-to-eat foods: Issues and control measures 

21. Fermented foods as functional foods: Health benefits and safety considerations

Conducting a Literature Review 

Before diving into the project, conducting a thorough literature review is crucial. 

Exploring scientific journals , research databases, and reputable online sources allows researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current knowledge and gaps in the chosen food microbiology topic. 

Analyzing previous studies and findings provides a foundation for formulating a research question and hypothesis. 

Developing a Research Question and Hypothesis 

A well-defined research question is essential for any food microbiology project. It should be specific and address a gap in knowledge or provide a practical solution to a food safety or quality issue. 

Based on the literature review, researchers can formulate a hypothesis, which serves as a testable prediction or explanation for the expected outcome of the experiment. 

Designing and Planning the Experiment 

Once the research question and hypothesis are established, designing and planning the experiment becomes the next crucial step. 

Researchers need to identify appropriate food samples , research methodologies, and techniques necessary to carry out the study. 

Creating a detailed experimental protocol and considering safety measures ensures a systematic and organized approach to the project. 

Data Collection and Analysis 

With the experimental plan in place, researchers proceed with gathering data by following the designed protocol. 

This may involve collecting food samples, performing microbiological analysis, and utilizing specialized equipment. 

Accurate and detailed record-keeping is essential for subsequent data analysis. Once the data is collected, researchers employ statistical methods and software to analyze the information and draw meaningful conclusions. 

Interpreting and Discussing 

Results After data collection, researchers interpret the gathered information and discuss the results. 

The microbial data is compared with existing literature, and any discrepancies or novel discoveries are analyzed. 

Researchers discuss the implications of their findings, highlighting the significance of the research in the context of food safety , quality, and preservation. 

Presenting the Research 

The final phase of a food microbiology project involves presenting the research findings. 

Researchers can prepare a comprehensive research report or an oral presentation. Creating engaging visual aids, such as charts, graphs, or diagrams, helps convey information effectively and enhances audience understanding. 

Presenting the research to peers, professors, and industry professionals provides an opportunity for valuable feedback and discussion. 

Engaging in a food microbiology project allows researchers to explore the intricate world of microorganisms in our food. 

By choosing an engaging and relevant topic, conducting a thorough literature review, designing and executing experiments, and analyzing the results, researchers contribute to scientific knowledge and address real-world challenges in food safety and quality. 

FAQ Section 

What are some emerging trends in food microbiology research .

Emerging trends in food microbiology research include studying the microbiome of food, exploring the role of microbial metabolites in food quality, and investigating the potential of using beneficial microbes for food preservation. 

How can food microbiology research contribute to food safety? 

Food microbiology research helps identify potential sources of contamination, develop effective preservation techniques, and understand the behavior of pathogenic microorganisms, ultimately leading to improved food safety practices. 

What are some common methods used to analyze microbial contamination in food? 

Common methods for analyzing microbial contamination in food include culture-based techniques, molecular methods like PCR, and next-generation sequencing for microbial identification and characterization. 

Can I conduct a food microbiology project using basic laboratory equipment? 

Yes, many food microbiology projects can be conducted using basic laboratory equipment such as an incubator, autoclave, microscope, and basic microbiological media. However, more specialized projects may require additional equipment. 

Are there opportunities for publishing food microbiology research? 

Yes, there are opportunities to publish food microbiology research in scientific journals and present findings at conferences or symposiums. It allows researchers to share their work with the scientific community and contribute to the field.

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Best Microbiology Research Topics for Students

Are you seeking expert guidance and support for your Microbiology research topics? Look no further! Our research paper help services are designed to assist you in navigating the intricate world of Microbiology research with confidence. Our team of experienced experts is here to provide comprehensive assistance tailored to your specific needs.

Navigating the Complexities that block the way of Academic Achievement!

While the research topics for Microbiology hold immense potential for discovery, students often encounter various challenges that can make the research process difficult. Here are some common difficulties that students may face while conducting research on Microbiology topics:

  • Microbiology is a rapidly advancing field with a vast amount of information. Keeping up with the latest research findings and understanding the complexities of various subfields can be overwhelming.
  • Microbiology data on MSC microbiology dissertation topics can be complex and multifaceted. Interpreting results, performing statistical analysis, and drawing meaningful conclusions can be challenging, especially for those new to data analysis.
  • Designing a robust research methodology that addresses specific research questions and variables is crucial. In Microbiology, selecting appropriate experimental design and controls requires careful consideration.
  • Balancing research with coursework, other responsibilities, and personal life can be challenging. Microbiology research topics for postgraduate may require a significant time investment.
  • The process of submitting research for peer review and potential publication involves navigating editorial feedback, addressing reviewer comments, and meeting rigorous publishing standards.

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List of Free Microbiology Research Topics for 2023

Our professionals have published a list of interesting microbiology research topics free of cost for you. So, get benefits from the list and pick the most relevant and suitable topic for your research. However, you can also contact us if you need any customized topic which is not available in the list.

Impact of gut microbiota in the development of autoimmune disease-Comprehensive analysis regarding the functional properties of gut microbiota

To examine the relationship between gut microbiota and autoimmune disease and understand the underlying treatment mechanism.


  • To investigate how microbiota develops in the autoimmune system and the factors behind it.
  • To examine the challenges associated with the identification process of microbiota
  • To provide recommendations regarding the potential impact of microbiota and how to deal with autoimmune disease.

How “The Research Guardian” Can Help You A lot!

Our top thesis writing experts are available 24/7 to assist you the right university projects. Whether its critical literature reviews to complete your PhD. or Master Levels thesis.

Analysing the impact of environment on the development of antibiotic resistance in humans

Get help from expert thesis writers. providing expert thesis assistance for university students at any sort of level. Our thesis writing service has been serving students since 2011.

Influence of antimicrobial properties of oils that are derived from plants for the sake of medicine

To understand the impact of microbial properties of oils that are taken from plants to be used in medicine for various treatments

  • To understand the growth of medicinal plants which are used for the extraction of essential oils
  • To analyse the properties of essential oils that are gathered from medicinal plants for treatment
  • To understand the chemical composition of the medicinal plants that are used to get the essential oils

The role of microbial diversity is related to the environment and its connection with human health.

To understand the composition of microbial properties of the environment about human health

  • To gather properties regarding the number of microbial properties present in the indoor environment having an impact on human health
  • To investigate the chemical properties and composition of microbial properties
  • To understand the relationship between human health in terms of respiratory issues and the microbial properties present in the indoor environment.

Understanding the ability of bacteriophages the treatment of bacterial problems and diseases in animals

To explore the bacteriophage’s properties to treat animals in terms of bacterial infection.

  • To understand which animals get affected by bacteriophages and have long-term untreated effects
  • To recommend suggestions for treatment in animals that are affected by bacteriophages.
  • To evaluate the chemical properties of bacterial infection

Looking For Customize Thesis Topics?

Take a review of different varieties of thesis topics and samples from our website on multiple subjects for every educational level.

Investigating microbiota's role in human skin and its effect in dermatology.

To examine the reason for the existence of antibiotic resistance and its effect on fresh produce for humans

  • To understand how to identify food pathogens in fresh food being used for humans
  • To determine the profiles of antibiotic resistance for usage in fresh food for humans
  • To examine the causes of food pathogens and their supply chain in fresh food for humans

The impact of oral microbiota and its effect on dental properties in human

To analyse the relationship between oral microbiota and dental formation in humans

  • To assess oral hygiene and its relation with oral microbiota
  • To understand the differences between dental formation being affected by oral microbiota non- oral microbiota
  • To examine the challenges associated with identifying problems with dietary habits related to oral microbiota.

Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens

To investigate the molecular mechanisms in bacterial pathogens related to antibiotic-resistance for identifying the strategies for combating the infections due to drug resistance.

  • To analyse the genetic transfer mechanisms of antibiotic resistant genes in bacterial cells.
  • To investigate the role of horizontal gene transfer, mutations and gene expression regulation in the development and spread of antibiotic resistance.
  • To assess the potential of antimicrobial strategies i.e., combination therapy etc. t overcome antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens.

Microbial Diversity and Bioremediation of Environmental Contaminants.

To explore the diversity of microorganisms in contaminated environments to investigate their potential for bioremediation of pollutants.

  • To characterize the microbial communities from contaminated sites with the help of High-throughput sequencing and meta-genomics approaches.
  • To investigate the capabilities of microorganisms involved in the degradation and detoxification of environmental pollutants.
  • To examine the effectiveness of bioremediation techniques involving microorganisms to remove or transform contaminants for restoring environment quality.

What Do Our Researchers Have Line-up for Your Microbiology Thesis Topics?

At The Research Guardian , we are committed to your academic success. With a team of experienced Microbiology experts, we provide a comprehensive suite of services to empower you in every stage of your research project. Let us be your partner in achieving excellence in Microbiology research!

  • Our experts will help you choose captivating and relevant Microbiology thesis topics that align with your interests and academic requirements.
  • Our team will conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing research gaps and relevant studies in your chosen Microbiology dissertation topics. This will provide a comprehensive backdrop for your research endeavour.
  • Crafting a compelling research proposal is the first step toward a successful project. Our experts will guide you in developing a well-structured proposal that outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Whether your research involves lab experiments, fieldwork, or data analysis, we have got you covered. Our team will assist you in designing experiments, collecting data on microbiology dissertation topics, and employing appropriate analytical methods to derive meaningful insights.
  • Microbiology research on medical microbiology thesis topics often involves complex data analysis. Our statisticians will help you with data interpretation, hypothesis testing, and statistical modelling to ensure your results are accurate and reliable.

Ready to Excel in Microbiology Research? Let’s Start Today!

Navigating the complexities of different topics for dissertation in Microbiology may seem daunting, but you don’t have to go it alone. Our team of experienced experts is here to guide you every step of the way, don’t let challenges hold you back from achieving your academic and research goals. Embark on this journey with confidence. Contact us today to learn how we can support you in overcoming challenges, conducting ground-breaking research, and making a lasting impact in the field of Microbiology.

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Trending Topics For Dissertation In 2024

Looking for hot dissertation topics for your research? Here is our list of top examples that will help you decide on a suitable idea for your dissertation.

Humanities Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Discourse.
  • The Representation of Gender in Contemporary Literature: A Comparative Study.
  • The Politics of Cultural Heritage Preservation: Case Study of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • A Philosophical Inquiry of The Ethics of Digital Humanities Research.
  • The Intersection of Religion and Politics in the Middle East: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.
  • An Ethnographic Study of the Impact of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures.
  • The Aesthetics of Horror in Literature and Film: An Analysis of Contemporary Works.
  • The Philosophy of Human Rights: A Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Perspectives.
  • The Representation of Trauma in Postcolonial Literature: A Comparative Study of African and South Asian Texts.
  • The Psychology of Humor: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Laughter and Mental Health.

Environment Dissertation Topics

  • Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries.
  • The Impact of Urbanisation on Biodiversity: Case Study of Major Cities in the World.
  • The Politics of Environmental Justice: A Critical Analysis of Environmental Policies and Their Impacts on Marginalised Communities.
  • The Role of Green Technology in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Renewable Energy Sources.
  • The Economics of Carbon Pricing: A Comparative Study of Cap and Trade Systems.
  • The Implications of Deforestation on Ecosystem Services with Respect to the Amazon Rainforests.
  • The Ethics of Animal Agriculture: An Investigation into the Impacts of Industrial Livestock Production.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Promoting Sustainability in the United Kingdom.
  • A Study on The Intersection of Indigenous Knowledge and Environmental Conservation.
  • The Politics of Water Scarcity: An Overview of the Middle East and North Africa.

Education Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning: A Comparative Study of Traditional and Online Education.
  • An Investigation on The Role of Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education.
  • A Meta-Analysis on The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning in STEM Education.
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Student Learning Outcomes in the United Kingdom.
  • The Politics of Education Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Policies and Their Impacts on Student Achievement.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Quality.
  • The Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education: Case Study of Internationalisation Strategies in Universities.
  • An Analysis of The Effectiveness of Social-Emotional Learning Programs.
  • The Intersection of Education and Technology Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of EdTech Startups.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Funding and Student Outcomes in Public Schools.

Sports Dissertation Topics

  • A Study on the Role of Sports in Promoting Social Inclusion.
  • The Impact of Sports Psychology on Athletic Performance: An Investigation into Mental Training Techniques.
  • An Analysis of The Ethics of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports.
  • The Effectiveness of Injury Prevention Programs in Contact Sports.
  • The Intersection of Sports and Technology: An Analysis of Wearable Technology in Athletic Training and Performance.
  • A Comparative Study of National and International Sports Organisations.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Sponsorship and Brand Awareness.
  • The Impact of Sports on Personal Development: A Comparative Study of Sports and Non-Sports Participants.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Fan Attachment and Identity.
  • The Intersection of Sports and Social Media: A Case Study of Athlete Branding and Fan Engagement.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Social Media on Anxiety and Depression.
  • The Role of Positive Psychology in Promoting Well-Being.
  • The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Treating Anxiety and Depression.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Health Outcomes.
  • The Intersection of Psychology and Neuroscience: An Analysis of Brain Imaging Techniques in Understanding Mental Health Disorders.
  • A Critical Analysis of Research Methods and Their Implications for Participants.
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health: Case Study of Western and Eastern Approaches to Mental Health Treatment.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Addiction.
  • An Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships and Their Impacts on Psychological Well-Being.
  • A Comparative Study of Aging and Longevity in Different Cultures.

Gender Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Career Choices.
  • The Role of Gender-Based Violence in Perpetuating Gender Inequality.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Intersectionality on Women of Color.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Politics and Women's Access to Healthcare.
  • The Effectiveness of Gender Quotas in Promoting Gender Equality.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Masculinity and Mental Health.
  • The Role of Gender Identity in Social Justice Movements.
  • The Impact of Gender and Sexuality Education on Adolescents.
  • A Comparative Study of Gender Pay Gaps in Different Industries and Countries.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Ableism and Gender Discrimination on Disabled Women.

Law Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Digitalisation on Legal Systems.
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Global Challenges.
  • The Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in Addressing Criminal Behaviour.
  • A Comparative Study of Selection Processes and Their Impacts on Judicial Independence.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Intersectionality on Legal Rights and Protections.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Advocacy and Professional Responsibility.
  • The Impact of Gender and Race on Jury Decision-Making: An Analysis of Implicit Bias in Legal Proceedings.
  • The Role of Human Rights Law in Addressing Corporate Responsibility: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Business and Human Rights.
  • The Politics of Immigration Law: A Comparative Study of National Policies and Their Impacts on Migrant Rights and Protections.
  • The Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Addressing Civil Disputes: A Comparative Study of Mediation and Arbitration.

Business, Finance & Management Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance.
  • The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth: An Analysis of Small Business Development and Job Creation.
  • The Impact of Financial Technology on Banking and Finance: use of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
  • The Effectiveness of Corporate Governance in Preventing Corporate Scandals: A Comparative Study of Regulations and Practices.
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making in Management: An Analysis of Cognitive Biases and Their Impacts on Organisational Behaviour.
  • The Role of Leadership in Organisational Change: An Investigation into the Impacts of Leadership Styles on Change Management.
  • A Comparative Study of Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Global Economic Relations.
  • The Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Motivation and Performance.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Social Media Marketing and Influencer Marketing.
  • The Role of Human Resource Management in Talent Development.

Health & Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare Delivery
  • The Role of Nursing in Patient Safety: An Analysis of Best Practices and Strategies for Preventing Medical Errors.
  • The Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs in Preventing Chronic Diseases.
  • A Comparative Study of National Policies and Their Impacts on Access to Care.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Co-Morbidities on Patient Outcomes.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Health Knowledge and Patient Empowerment.
  • A Comparative Study of Pain Management Strategies in Different Settings.
  • An Analysis of Best Practices and Strategies for Addressing Health Disparities.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Comfort Care and Quality of Life.
  • The Effectiveness of Healthcare Teamwork in Patient-Centered Care.

Technology Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Ethical and Social Implications of AI Technologies.
  • The Impact of Cybersecurity Threats on Business and Society.
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in the Future of Digital Transactions.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Digital Health Technologies on Patient Outcomes and Access to Care.
  • The Effectiveness of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education and Training.
  • A Comparative Study of National Policies and International Agreements.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Data-Driven Decision Making.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture: An Analysis of the Impacts of Platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • The Effectiveness of User-Centered Design in Developing Technology Products.
  • The Future of Quantum Computing and its Potential Applications in Different Fields.

Geography & Politics Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Environmental Policy and Global Climate Change.
  • An Analysis of Immigration and Refugee Settlement Patterns in Cities.
  • A Comparative Study of National Interests and Strategic Considerations.
  • A Review on The Intersection of Geography and Political Violence.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Addressing Economic Disparities.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Resource Distribution and Political Power.
  • An Analysis of National Borders and Their Impacts on Migration, Trade, and Security.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Geospatial Technologies and Digital Mapping in Political Analysis.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Disaster Response and Preparedness.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Spatial Analysis and Geographical Information Systems in Policy Making.

Fashion & Media Dissertation Topics

  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Instagram, TikTok, and Other Platforms on Fashion Marketing and Consumption.
  • The Role of Fashion in Representing Diversity and Inclusivity in Media.
  • An Examination of the Influences of Celebrities on Fashion Trends and Consumer Behaviour.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Fashion, Power, and Identity.
  • Comparative research of Different Approaches to Ethical and Environmentally Conscious Fashion Production.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Photography in Fashion Communication.
  • A Breakdown of the Relationship Between Wearable Technologies and Fashion Trends.
  • The Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing in Fashion.
  • The Impact of Fashion and Media on Body Image.
  • A Study into the Use of Fashion as a Symbolic Representation of Political Messages and Movements.

Tourism Dissertation Topics

  • The Impact of Sustainable Tourism Practices on Local Communities.
  • An Investigation into the Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Tourism.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Marketing Tourism Destinations.
  • An Analysis of the Relationship Between Tourism Development and Political Power.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Tourism and Heritage Conservation.
  • A Research of Different Approaches to Tourism as a Driver of Economic Growth.
  • The Effectiveness of Tourism Policies in Addressing Overtourism: An Analysis of Different Approaches to Managing Tourist Crowds in Popular Destinations.
  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Platforms like Instagram and TikTok on Tourism Marketing and Consumption.
  • The Role of Tourism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Trends and Innovations in Tourism.

Science & Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Use of Machine Learning and AI Techniques in Engineering Design and Optimisation.
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy Technologies on Sustainable Development: An Analysis of Different Approaches to Promoting Renewable Energy Sources.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Space Science and Engineering.
  • Study of Different Approaches to Green Building and Sustainable Architecture.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Biotechnology on Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Drug Development.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Engineering Infrastructure: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Climate Change and Infrastructure Resilience.
  • The Effectiveness of Science Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Teaching Science in Schools.
  • A Research on the Use of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in Engineering Applications.
  • An Investigation into Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Transportation Engineering.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Additive Manufacturing on Industrial Processes and Supply Chains.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Behaviour
  • An Analysis of the Use of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Strategies.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Targeted Marketing and Personalised Advertising.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Customer Experience and Consumer Loyalty.
  • An Analysis of the Use of Narrative Techniques in Brand Communications.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility in Marketing.
  • An Investigation into the Impacts of Customer Advocacy and Word-of-Mouth Marketing.
  • A Research of the Use of Mobile Technologies in Marketing Communications.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Creating Immersive Brand Experiences.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Marketing Communications and Brand Reputation.

Management Dissertation Topics

  • A Research on the Impacts of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness
  • An Analysis of the Use of Digital Technologies in Business Management and Operations.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Building Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces.
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Management.
  • An Analysis of the Use of AI and Machine Learning in Business Decision-Making and Strategy.
  • A Study of Different Approaches to Managing Organisational Knowledge.
  • An Investigation into the Relationship Between Organisational Culture and Performance.
  • An Analysis of the Impacts of Globalisation on International Business Operations and Management Practices.
  • A Comparative Study of Different Approaches to Measuring and Evaluating Employee Performance.
  • The Role of Change Management in Organisational Transformation.

What You Get With Our Dissertation Topics Service

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Our packages are created to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost to all students, regardless of their fields of study.

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We carefully select the most qualified writer for your topics’ order. This means you’ll only ever be paired with a writer who is an expert in your subject.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Dissertation Topic Examples

Here are some dissertation topics examples for you so you know what you can expect from our experts when you order a free dissertation topic from Research Prospect

Topic 1: Management Quality and Control- Assessing the role of project length in the UK Construction sector.

Research Aim: The construction industry is one of the most significant contributors to the country’s economy. This study investigates the role of project length on management control and quality in the UK’s construction sector. Also, the research will analyse the connection between project length and quality control, considering the moderating impact of management quality control on a project’s success.

Topic 2: Investigating how the Tourism Industry has taken Green and Sustainable measures- A case study of UK

Research Aim: This study will investigate the various aspects of the UK tourism industry towards making green and sustainable measures for the environmental benefits. It will also look into the consumer’s perspective towards green tourism and its positive and negative impacts on the tourism industry and the tourists. It is also helping you develop a better understanding of the concept of a green environment and its influence on the tourism industry.

Topic 3: Assessing the role of Communication Strategies in Fashion Marketing- a case study of UK

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of communication strategies in the world of UK fashion marketing. This will also give us an understanding of how new fashion remanufacturing should be communicated to the consumers. Focusing on how information and messages about the brands or products should be labelled to attract the audience.

Topic 4: Building demolition- Analyse the efficacy of destroying and ruining Big city structures and their impact on the traffic.

Research Aim: Many big cities around the world have demolished a vast number of buildings that were functional with new structures. It not only has an economic impact but also results in the loss of urban culture, harms the environment, cause pollution, and also worsen the traffic situation. This study will evaluate the merits of building demotion and will provide economic, technical and environmental input.

Topic 5: Assessing the relationship between Information Protection and Journalism, how does the Data Protection Act of 1998 affect the problem of people in Media Exposure?

Research Aim: This study will examine how the Data protection act of 1998 plays an important role in protecting information. This study will provide vital knowledge by collecting information from the directors’ of a few media associations. Discussions with media members can also help in gaining an understanding of the actual circumstances in which material obtained by journalism should be protected.

Topic 6: An investigation of the blockchain's application on the energy sector leading towards electricity production and e-mobility.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the applications of blockchain within the energy sector. This study will identify how blockchain can be used to produce electricity from the comfort of home. Moreover, this study aims to introduce the concept of e-mobility through blockchain, according to which blockchain can be used to share the car ride with the other commuters residing at nearby places. Another objective of this research is to develop a framework that could assess blockchain’s use for the consumers staying within a budget and letting them assess how much money they have been spending so far.

Topic 7: Increasing Bitcoin Privacy and Security- Assessing the Role and Implementation of Confidential Transactions.

Research Aim: A confidential transfer is a technology that allows users to protect their money values from the public using new crypto techniques. The study aims to determine if confidential transactions can provide secret, secure as well as financial privacy. As a result, it is crucial to examine the function of confidential transactions in order to ensure that no digital currency is lost or produced when a transaction occurs without disclosing the precise number of transfers.

Topic 8: An analysis of the novel waste management techniques- A case study of United Kingdom oil and gas sector.

Research Aim: This study analyses the novel waste management techniques and practices in the UK oil and gas sector. It will also identify the challenges facing the oil and gas sector in achieving sustainable management of all the waste from production. This study aims to determine different forms of E and P waste being generated and reduce harmful E and P waste by using technology, focusing on the policies made by the government regarding hazardous waste from the oil and gas industry.

Topic 9: Assessing the parental perceptions and attitude towards the adoption of healthy behaviour patterns to control obesity and overweight concerns in young children.

Research Aim: This study aims to analyse the parent’s perceptions and attitudes in relation to healthy behaviours practises to control obesity and overweight disorders in young children. It will also focus on the obstacles parents or caregivers experience when it comes to obesity control in young children.

Topic 10: What are the Environmental Impacts of Water Waste Treatment of Cement Industry in South Korea?

Research Aim: This study aims to find the environmental impacts of water waste treatment of the cement industry in South Korea. With the help of a comprehensive survey across the cement manufacturing companies in South Korea, this study will first scrutinize the entire waste treatment process in the cement industry in South Korea. Then it will analyze the impact of each step on the environment. And after analyzing find the environmental effects of the water waste treatment of the cement industry in South Korea, this study will recommend modern ways to reduce the adverse effects.

Topic 11: Politics in a Digital Age- Assessing the impact of Social Media on Public Participation and Political Campaigns.

Research Aim: This study aims to find how the public has utilised social media during elections or political campaigns. This study will also focus on the impact of social networking sites on popular participation in the electoral vote and political debate. This research study will also investigate the effects of new technologies and the digital era on media and political party campaigns and media activities during elections.

Topic 12: The influence of price and brand on consumer preference during an economic recession: A case of the clothing market in Greece

Research Aim: The research will aim to examine the impact of prices and brands on consumer buying behaviour during an economic recession in Greece’s clothing market. During an economic crisis, not all types of products suffer the same consequences. During a recession, people are more sensible in their buying decisions, and they frequently continue to choose known product brands that meet their demands. The study will look at the impact of the recession on consumer purchasing preferences, taking into account variations in spending on various apparel brands based on price.

Topic 13: An investigation of the reasons for the Merger's failure outcomes and acquisition of Islamic Banks in gulf countries.

Research Aim: It is also evident from various studies that most Islamic banks in the Gulf countries, which put their efforts into Mergers and acquisitions to other know and well-established banking sectors, encountered some severe failures. Therefore, this study aims to develop an understanding of failure outcomes for the Islamic banks while going towards Merger’s decision and acquisition with other well-known banks in the Gulf countries.

Topic 14: The Role of International Criminal Laws in Reducing Global Genocide

Research Aim: This study aims to find the role of international criminal laws in reducing global genocide. It will be an exploratory study identifying the explicit and implicit effects of international criminal laws on the worldwide genocide. It will analyse different incidents of international genocide and find out how international criminal laws played a positive role to reduce these incidents. Lastly, it will recommend possible changes in the international criminal laws to effectively mitigate global genocide. And it will be done by comparing criminal laws of world-leading powers to reduce genocide.

Topic 15: How do our genes influence our lifestyle and behavior?

Research Aim: Inherited genetic predispositions largely determine individual differences in intellectual ability, personality, and mental health. Behavior also displays indicators of genetic influence; for example, how somebody reacts to stressful circumstances reflects some genetic influence. This research aims to find the impact of genes on a person’s lifestyle and behavior. The study will also examine the ratio of people likely to be affected by genetics.

Topic 16: An assessment of the Influence of Parents' Divorce or Separation on Adolescent Children in terms of long-term psychological impact.

Research Aim: This study aims to investigate the level of traumas experienced by the children of divorced or separated parents. The principal aim of this study is to explore the long-term psychological impacts of parents’ divorce on the life of children regardless of their gender and age in terms of mental wellbeing, academic performance, and self-worth.

Topic 17: Russia-Israel relationship and its impact on Syria and the Middle East.

Research Aim: Russia and Israel share significant aspects of their strategic cultures. Both countries have a siege mentality and are led by a security-first mindset and a predominantly military view of authority. p Russia’s relationship with Israel has grown in importance in the context of Russia’s military operation in Syria. This study aims to examine the relations between Russia and Israel and how they have impacted Syria and the middle east—focusing on different policies, agreements, and military interventions.

Topic 18: Assessing the Role of Social Media in Raising Awareness about Environmental Issues- A case study of Snapchat.

Research Aim: The main aim of this study is to find the role of social media platforms in raising awareness about environmental issues. This study will focus on the social media app Snapchat which is currently very popular among the youth, and millions of people use Snapchat daily and send each other snaps. Furthermore, this study will focus on how this platform plays a vital role in spreading awareness regarding environmental issues.

Topic 19: Is Cybercrime a Threat to Banking Sector in Developing Countries? A Case Study of Banking Sector in Pakistan

Research Aim: This study aims to analyze the impact of cybercrime on the banking sector in developing countries. It will identify the possible threats faced by the banking sector due to increasing cybercrimes. These threats are related to the information security of the banks in developing countries. This research will be using Pakistan as a case study to find the threats posed by cybercrime to fragile banking. And after identifying the threats, the study will try to recommend possible solutions to ensure information security.

Topic 20: Examining Multi-dimension in facial emotion detection.

Research Aim: When it comes to communications, human expressions are extraordinary. Humans can identify it very easily and accurately. Getting the same outcome from a 3D machine is a difficult task. This is because of the present challenges in 3D face data scanning. This study will examine the facial emotion identification in humans using different multi-point for 3D face landmarks.

Why You Might Need Dissertation Topic and Proposal Help?

Submission of your dissertation is the crux of your academic life, and it starts by first cracking your dissertation topic. Refrain from plucking out a topic from thin air because that’s not how it works. Before you start your journey into the world of research, you need to do a bit of self-exploration. And by such, we don’t mean meditating over your dissertation ideas in your yoga class or during the soul cycle, if that’s what you would love to do.

It means taking the time to truly understand your academic goals, which may overlap with your professional goals. Maybe you’re thinking about becoming a leading expert/scholar in, let’s say…The Beatles (yes, there is an actual degree program, check out Liverpool Hope University) or professionally pursuing a career in the music industry. Then it would be best if you defined that goal before you jump into your dissertation.

For some students, a dissertation at the Master’s level lays the foundation for their PhD studies. For others, a dissertation may be the only requirement stopping them from achieving a graduate degree to improve their prospects in the job market. Whatever your academic or professional goal may be, it is essential to incorporate it into your dissertation proposal as it lays the foundation for the pursuance of your goals.

We genuinely hope by reading this, the task of making a dissertation topic no longer seems daunting, but instead rewarding. Now before you embark on your Herculean adventures of writing your dissertation always remember – this dissertation is you. It’s an accumulation of everything you studied so far and where your interests lie!

For sparking your creative side in developing an idea, you can always run through our dissertation samples to get an idea of how to go about writing your dissertation. Your topic should be an idea of what you are passionate about learning more about. As an academic researcher, you never stop learning. Therefore, you should always choose a topic that brings out your expertise and strength.

Remember: There is no need to go down the path of trying to impress your supervisor with some topic that is way beyond your comfort zone. You can still be impressed with your original idea that plays to your strengths.

That’s why you need to take the time out for some brainstorming and jotting down ideas that may randomly pop up in your head. If only you can see our writer’s desk, they have ideas written down on post-its, my desk calendar, all over random notebooks; it looks like the work of a madman, but it’s just the brainstorming process in action. And remember, throughout this time, your supervisor and those on your committee are your best friends from now until you make your final defence.

There is no conspiracy of trying to fail you and/or make your life miserable. Be sure to take the time and have a chat with your supervisor about your dissertation ideas. Talk to them about what outcomes you want to see from your research or how you would like to contribute to the academic literature present. Also, read, read, read, and read some more! These thousands of academic journals you have access to will help you in constructing a balanced dissertation topic. Read through what previously has been accomplished in your field of study and some limitations in current research. Also, these academics provide us with suggestions for further research in their body of work.

Dissertation Help

Now for some of you thinking: I’ve already done the deep dive into my inner soul but am still stuck and need dissertation topic help, well then look no further. If you are still struggling with your dissertation ideas ResearchProspect can help you every step of the way.

We’re a band of super nerds who are experts in their fields, from biochemistry to rococo art history and everything in between (and hold PhD degrees!). So if you are unsure about what topic to write about, you can stop Googling ‘how to find dissertation topic’ and start contacting our customer service reps. All you have to do is fill out a simple form online here on our website. We’ll get back to you with quotes within 30 minutes. Once you place the order, our super-nerd writer will start working on your dissertation immediately once you’ve made the necessary payment transactions. And like magic, your dissertation, along with a free plagiarism report, will be in your email address well before your deadline. It would be best to get some colour back in your face knowing that you have unlimited options in developing a first-class dissertation. So buckle up and enjoy the ride. It’s going to come with lots of ups and downs, but in the end, it will have a reward most worth it!

How To Choose The Best Dissertation Topic

It can be a demanding task for many students to choose a suitable topic for their dissertation. These tips will help you choose the best dissertation topic.

  • Start by identifying areas of study that you find interesting and exciting. You should consider the topic you have enjoyed studying and think about how to apply that knowledge to a new research project.
  • Conduct a literature review of your chosen field of study to identify gaps in knowledge or areas that require further research. Try looking for topics that are currently trending and in demand in your field of study.
  • Consult with your advisor to get their opinion on potential research topics. They can suggest areas of study that have not been explored or provide insight into what is currently being researched in your field.
  • Narrow your focus to a specific area of study or research question. A well-defined topic will make your research more manageable and focused.
  • Consider the feasibility of your topic regarding the availability of resources, access to data, and the time frame for completion.
  • Brainstorm a list of potential topics and evaluate each based on feasibility, relevance, and interests.
  • Once you have identified potential topics, test them by conducting preliminary research to determine the data availability and the research project’s feasibility.

Get 3+ Free Dissertation Topics From ResearchProspect

Yes, you heard that right! You will now get 3 free dissertation topics from ResearchProspect when you place an order. Along with a huge database of free ideas for dissertation topics for you to choose from, you can avail of our free custom dissertation topic service and kickstart your research now. Send in your requirements using our simple order form and get free services from the top industry experts.


A PhD dissertation topic requires extensive research and original contributions to the field. The topic should demonstrate high critical thinking, analysis, and research skills and add new insights to existing knowledge in the field. The topic should be specific and focused and significantly impact the field of study. A Master’s dissertation topic expects a thorough understanding and a critical analysis of the existing literature. It has an in-depth understanding of the subject matter and should provide insights into the field of study. However, the level of originality required is lower than that of a PhD dissertation topic. For an undergraduate dissertation topic, you should have a basic understanding of the topic. The topic demonstrates an ability to research and present information clearly and concisely. The focus is more on demonstrating the ability to apply existing knowledge and research skills to the field of study rather than on originality.

Why is a Dissertation Topic Outline or a Proposal Important?

A dissertation topic outline plan or a research proposal sets the stage for your dissertation project. It provides the necessary framework for you to conduct your research and write an authentic paper that will add value to your area of study. A dissertation outline provides topic background information, a justification of your choice of topic, the hypothesis you are testing, your proposed methodology and a brief literature review. It ends with a project timeline and a list of references. To be honest, that is what you need to get started with your dissertation.

In creating a worthy research topic, it is important to be manageable, interesting, and add value to the body of knowledge in its respective field. To help students narrow their search for a research topic, ResearchProspect writers have brainstormed new dissertation topics that are innovative and relevant to the current body of knowledge available and can aid in the brainstorming process.

Our band of super nerds have designed the latest dissertation topics across a variety of subjects that are intriguing and look to fill research gaps present in their respective academic literature. These free dissertation topics are great for starting the process of writing your dissertation , thesis or proposal . So take a breather, ResearchProspects has got you covered with our dissertation writing services.

Looking for our latest offers? Or want topics with a proposal at an outstanding price? Click here

The Importance Of Dissertation Topics

Dissertation topics are of utmost importance in academic research because they can greatly impact the quality of research and the project’s ultimate success. Coming up with the right ideas for dissertation topics can be complicated for a few students. Here are some reasons why choosing the right dissertation title is significant for your research:

  • Sets the tone for the research: Your dissertation topic is the starting point for your research project. It sets the tone for the entire research and determines the scope and direction of the study.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and expertise: A good dissertation topic also helps demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your particular study area. It is an opportunity to showcase your mastery of the topic and your ability to engage in independent research.
  • Significance: The right dissertation topic is significant and relevant in the field of study. It addresses a knowledge gap or a research question that has not been adequately answered.
  • Feasibility: The topic should be feasible and realistic. It should be possible to conduct research on the chosen topic within the given time frame and with resources.
  • Interest and motivation: The dissertation topic should interest the student and motivate them to conduct the research. This will make the research process more enjoyable and increase the likelihood of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose a dissertation topic.

  • Identify your interests.
  • Review current literature for gaps.
  • Consider the feasibility of research methods
  • Consult with advisors or mentors
  • Reflect on potential contributions to your field.
  • Ensure the topic aligns with your career goals and aspirations.

How do I get ideas for my dissertation?

  • Explore recent publications and academic journals in your field.
  • Attend conferences or seminars to discover trends and topics.
  • Engage in discussions with peers and professors.
  • Conduct preliminary research to identify gaps.
  • Reflect on personal experiences or observations that sparked curiosity.
  • Consider societal or industry challenges needing solutions.

Can I change my dissertation topic?

Yes, you can change your dissertation topic with approval from your advisor or committee. Ensure the new topic aligns with your interests, resources, and research goals. Communicate openly about the reasons for the change, and be prepared to adjust your timeline and research plan accordingly.

How long is a dissertation topic?

The length of a dissertation topic typically ranges from a concise phrase to a short sentence, encompassing the central theme or focus of the research. It should be clear, specific, and reflective of the scope and objectives of the study, typically spanning around 5 to 15 words .

What is the ideal length of a dissertation topic?

The ideal length of a dissertation topic is concise yet descriptive, typically comprising around 5 to 15 words . It should encapsulate the central theme or research focus, providing clarity to both the researcher and the audience while allowing flexibility in exploring the chosen title.

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Dr.DY Patil Medical College

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  • Microbiology Department


Department of Microbiology

Academics extension and research.

  • Dissertations

List of Completed M. D. Dissertations


Nosocomial pneumonia in (ICU) intensive care unit patients

Dr. S.A.Kazmi

Dr.MRS. V.Y.Sharma


Bacteriological study in suspected neonatal septicaemia


Dr. R.P.Nagdawne


Role of fine needle aspiration oytology in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis and the utility of ziehlneelsen staining

Dr. VandanaVerma



Prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamases from various clinical samples

Dr. ShitalKambale

Dr. R. P. Nagdawane


Study of bacterial vaginosis in women of reproductive age by pH determination, direct gram stain and giemsa stain of vaginal discharge.

Dr. AmitRangari

Dr. R.P. Chandanwale


An assessment of the carcinogenicity of various infant milk formulare by microbiological and biochemical methods

Dr.Shweta Dixit

Dr.Asha Singh


Bacterial profile and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in clinically diagnosed urinary tract infections

Dr.Dharmesh Singh

Dr. R.P.Nagdawne


Microbial profile of aural discharges (Otorrhoea) & antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the common isolates

Dr. PallaviTatte

Dr. Nageshwari Gandham


Study of susceptibility pattern of mycobacterial isolates from patients of pulmonary tuberculosis




Study of detection of human rotavirus in stool specimen by ELISA technique & association of enteric pathogens in childhood diarrhea


Dr. R.P.Nagdawne


A comparative antimicrobial analysis of various root canal irrigating solutions on endodontic pathogens: IN – Vitro Study




Microbial etiological agents in chronic periodontitis


Dr. R.P.Nagdawne


Identification of fungal infections in suspected clinical samples of superficial fungal infection and anti-fungal susceptibility testing

Dr. ArnobMandol

Dr. G.B.Matnani


Serodiagnosis of dengue antibodies in suspected cases of dengue fever by Elisa technique

Dr. Suruchi Sharma



Comparative study of the prevalence of intestinal parasites in HIV-reactive and NON-reactive individuals


Dr. R.P.Nagdawne


Incidence of heal thcare associated infection and antibiotic resistance of isolates in critical care patients of a tertiary care hospital

Dr.Ajay Kumar

Dr. R N Misra


Isolation and identification of Acinetobacter species with special reference to antibiotic resistance

Dr.Neetu Gupta

Dr. N R Gandham


“Isolation and identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis from suspected cases of pulmonary truberculosis and detection of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis”

Dr.Mukesh Sharma

Dr. R.N. Misra


Incidence of sepsis in the neonates admitted to a tertiary care hospital and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates


Dr.R N Misra


“To compare the microbial colonization and patient’s comfort with absorbable and non-absorbable suture material in extraction socket suturing”.

Dr.S. S. Dusane



“To Evaluate efficacy of manuka honey dressing in the treatment of infected socket”.




“Documentation of the spectrum of microbiological flora and their antibiotic sensitivity in oral infections in local population in Pimpri- Chinchwad, Maharashtra”.

Dr. AsmitaMarutiPhirange

Dr. PushkarWaknis


“Prospective study of Anaerobic isolates from deep-seated wound infections encountered in a tertiary care hospital”

Dr. Retina Paul

Dr. R. N Misra


“Spectrum and prevalence of fungi in soft tissue infections in a tertiary care hospital”

Dr. MoumitaSardar

Dr. N. R Gandham


“Isolation of Bacteria in Acute diarrheal diseases in pediatric age group of patients attending to a tertiary care hospital and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates”

Dr. Indranath Roy

Dr. Dakshayani P Pandit


“Comparision of Efeicacies of 5% Povidoneiodinesolution and 0.2% Chlorhexidine Solution in Controlling Bactermia in patients Undergoing Surgical Removal of Mandibular third molar.”

Dr. FazaSiddqui

Dr. KalyaniBhate


The isolation and identification of Nonfermenting organisms and their antibiogram from clinical samples in a tertiary care hospital 


Dr. R.N Misra


To isolate and identify the B- lactamases in enterobacteriaceae among community acquired infections in a tertiary care hospital.

Dr. Shahzad Beg. Mirza

Dr. R.N Misra


Antibiotic resistance pattern of bacteria, isolated from cases of ventilator associated pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital

Dr. Sopia Mukherjee

Dr. R. N Misra


A Study of Risk Factors, Occurrence and Etiology of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) in criteria care unit of Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Center

Dr. Izna

Dr. N.R. Gandham


Role of Nitric Oxide in Pathogenesis of Dengue Fever

Dr. PrachiBhide

Dr. D.P. Pandit


Study of Colistin susceptibility and clinical profile of CRAB and CRE isolates from tertiary care hospital

 Dr.Shalini Bhaumik



Evaluation of rapid diagnostic method for molecular characterization of MDR Genes from mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from western part of India

Dr.Sahjid Saddrudin Mukhida

Dr.Chanda vyawahare


Correlation between clinical features and immunological parameters with viral load in covid positive patients

Dr.Sriram Kannuri

Dr.Rajashri Patil

S.No Guide PhD Student Year of Completion
1 Dr. R.P Nagdawane Dr. Niyaz Ahmed ‘’Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Multidrug resistant UropathogenicE.coli” Dr. SavitaJadhav 2012
2 Dr. R.N. Misra Evaluation of Phenotypic and Genotypic method for the detection of ESBL and MBL in Germ Negative Bacilli isolated from Clinical Specimens Dr.Deepali Kamble 2016
3 Dr.R.N.Misra Epidemiology of MDR Tuberculosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital-Punewith special Reference to Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Methods. Mrs. Swarupa Hatolkar 2018
4 Dr.R.N.Misra Study of epidemiological markers of Pseudomonas aeroginosa isolated from various clinical samples received in tertiary care hospitals, India . Mr. J. D. Andhale 2018
5 Dr.R.N.Misra Morphological and Genotypic characterization of Candida albicans isolated from clinical samples from a Tertiary care Hospital . Mrs. MeghaPawar 2019


Dr. D.P.Pandit

Cross Sectional Study to determine Sero prevalence of Brucellosis and pattern of Haematological ,Biochemical and Immunological parameters in patients with Febrile Illness

Dr. Shraddha Gunjal




Molecular characterization of extended spectrum of β lactamases producing hospital and community acquired infections.

Dr.. Deepali Desai


Completed Dissertation Topic with Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce & Science College, Akurdi, Pune

1 2019 Effect of extraction of different types of medicinal plants on Ringworm Mr.Sunil Varma Dr.Abhay Khandagale Dr.Rajashri Patil

Completed Dissertation Topics with Biotechnology Institution

1 2019 Microbiological and Antibiotic Profile of Pus samples collected in a tertiary care center in Westen Maharashtra Ms.Sakshi Shukla Dr.N.K. Das
2 2019 Microbial profile & antibiogram pattern of bacterial isolates of Urinary Tract infection in pregnant women in tertiary care centre Ms.Pratibha Kaushal Dr. Rajashri Patil
3 2019 Neonatal Sepsis : Bacteriological Profile and Antibiotic sensitivity pattern of isolates in a tertiary care setup Ms.Manorama Chandwadkar Dr.Shahzad Mirza



An assessment of minocycline sensitivity in multidrug-resistant Gram Negative isolates in a tertiary care canter of western Maharashtra

Ms. Janhavi Waje

Dr.N.K. Das



A Study Based on Catheter-Related Bloodstream
Infections In Intensive Care Units (ICU) In a Tertiary
Care Hospital

Ms. Akanksha Dhanraj Patil

Dr.Shahzad Mirza

Ongoing PG Students Dissertation


A Study On Culture Based Screening Of Aerobic Microbial Flora In Chronic Leg Ulcers.

Dr. N. R. Gandham

Dr. Lekshmi R



A Study Of Microbial Profile Of Bloodstream Infections In Critical Care Units In A Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Chanda Vyawahare

Dr. Algule Shital Sopan



Prevalence and Molecular Characterisation of Carbapenem Resistant   In The Critical Areas Of A Tertiary Care Centre In Western Maharashtra.

Dr. Rajashri Patil

Dr. Shah Heer Anill



“A Study Of Epidemiology And Virulence Factors Of Candida Species In Candidemia With Special Reference To ”

Dr. N. R. Gandham

Dr. Sudip Mukherjee



Phenotypic Characterisation, Virulence Determination and Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Enterococci from patients with Urinary Tract Infection in a Tertiary Care Hospital.

Dr. Chanda. R. Vyawahare

Dr. Shazia Khan

2023 - 2026


Clinicomycological Profile Of Dermatomycosis In A Tertiary Care Centre

Dr. Rajashri Patil

Dr. Diganta Banerjee



Clinico-Microbiological Characterisation Of Patients Diagnosed With Mycobacterium Leprae Infection In A Tertiary Care Setup

Dr. Shahzad Mirza

Dr. Vandna Kumari

2023 - 2026

Ongoing PhD Students Thesis

1. AMSP in India-Status quo and the way forward –A Delphi consensus approach Dr.N.R.Gandham Dr.Shahzad Mirza -
2 The role of Microbiota and HPV in cervical oncogenesis Dr.N.R.Gandham Bhagyashri Patl-Takbhate -
3 Phenotypic and molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Western part of Maharashtra Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms. Snehal M. Deshmukhe -
4 Study on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) genotyping and mutation analysis in HBV positive patients in tertiary care Dr. Chanda Vyawahare Ms.Manisha Mukesh Ratnparkhi -


Epidemiological Profile and Genotypic Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis from Western Maharashtra


Mrs. Shilpa Balgam



Phenotypic and Molecular characterization of complex (ACB Complex) isolated from samples in a tertiary care centre in Western India.


Mr.Amitesh Datta

Batch 2020


AMSP in India-Status quo and the way forward –A Delphi consensus approach


Dr.Shahzad Mirza



The role of Microbiota and HPV in cervical oncogenesis


Bhagyashri Patl-Takbhate



Phenotypic and molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from Western part of Maharashtra

Dr. Chanda Vyawahare

Ms. Snehal M. Deshmukhe



Study on Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) genotyping and mutation analysis in HBV positive patients in tertiary care

Dr. Chanda Vyawahare

Ms.Manisha Mukesh Ratnparkhi


Dissertation with Pulmonary Department

2019-2022 Assessing Effectiveness of Cheap and Practical Ways of Sputum Disinfection for Pulmonary  Tuberculosis Patients in Home Scenario Dr. Kiran  Ashok Balani Dr. Tushar Sahasrabudhe
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Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

Hon’ble Chancellor Vice Chancellor Registrar Principal Vice Principal Medical Superintendent

Anaesthesiology Anatomy Biochemistry Cardiac Anaesthesia Cardiology Cardio vascular & Thoracic Surgery Community Medicine Dermatology (Skin & VD) Emergency Medicine Endocrinology ENT, Head & Neck Surgery Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Gastroenterology

General Medicine General Surgery Interventional Radiology Medical Oncology Microbiology Nephrology Neonatology Neurology Neurosurgery Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pathology

Public Health Research Unit Medical Education MCI Nodal Center Hospital Administration

Pediatrics Pediatric Neurology Pediatric Surgery Pharmacology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physiology Plastic & Reconstructive surgery Psychiatry Radiation Oncology Radiology/Radio-diagnosis Respiratory/Pulmonary Medicine Surgical Oncology Urology

Under Graduate

Post graduate.

Post Doctoral Diploma Courses Public Health Ph.D Hospital Administration Fellowship Courses Allied Courses

Feedback Analysis 2015-20 Feedback Analysis 2021

Syllabus of Courses offered

Under Graduate Post Graduate Post Doctoral Fellowship Courses Ph.D Allied Courses

  • KLE Advanced Simulation Centre & Clinical Skills Lab
  • Cadaveric Skill Lab
  • NIRF Prescribed Format
  • JNMC NIRF 2018
  • JNMC NIRF 2019
  • JNMC NIRF 2020
  • JNMC NIRF 2021
  • JNMC NIRF 2022
  • JNMC NIRF 2023
  • JNMC NIRF 2024
  • KLE Dr. PBK Hospital & MRC
  • KLE Dr.PBK Hospital
  • JNMC Women’s & Children’s Health Research Unit
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  • Dissertations
  • M. B. B. S. PHASE II
  • Microbiology



  Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belagavi

Department of Microbiology

U.G/M.D/M.S Dissertation: Ongoing

Sl No Name of the Student Guide Co-Guide Title of the Dissertation Duration (From-To)
1 Dr. Meera Rajeev Dr.Madhumati Patil _ Prevalence of carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumonia isolated from various clinical samples –A  one cross sectional study.
Dr. Anugula Amritha Dr. Manjula A. Vagarali Dr. N. S. Mahantshetti Prevalence of Candidemia in high risk neonates of neonatal intensive care unit- A one year cross sectional study
Dr. Alakananda Pandit Dr. Sumati Hogade Dr. Anita Dalal Phenotypic detection of selected virulence factor of Candida species isolated from women of reproductive age with vulvovaginal candidiasis

U.G/M.D/M.S Dissertation: Completed

Sl No Name of the Student Guide Co-Guide Title of the Dissertation Duration (From-To)
1 Dr. Kirtilaxmi Benachinmardi Dr. Jyoti M. Nagmoti Dr. Shaila Kothiwale Clinico-bacteriological study of adult periodontitis with special reference to detection of  ß- lactamase producing anaerobic bacteria.


Dr. Varun Goel Dr. Sumati R. Annigeri  Dr. Prakash K. Phadnis Quantitative cultures of aerobic bacteria and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns from endotracheal aspirates of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. A one year cross – sectional study.
3 Dr. Anitha Raj Dr. S.G. Karadesai Dr. V. M. Pattenshetti A Cross Sectional Study to know the Bacterial and fungal Pathogens causing Diabetic Foot Ulcer
4 Dr. Soumya S. Dr. M.B. Nagmoti Dr. Shirol Comparative Evaluation of Phenotypic tests for identification of extended – spectrum – beta – lactamases (ESBL) and Metallo-Beta-Lactamase (MBL) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa from pus samples of Hospitalized patients in Tertiary care Hospital, One year study.
5 Dr. Anupama Dr. S. G. Karadesai Dr A. M. Pandit Isolation, Identification and antifungal susceptibility of Dermatophytes from clinical samples-One year study
6 Dr. Parul Garg Dr. Jyoti M. Nagamoti Dr. Kottershetti. Bacteriological study of oral and maxillo  facial infections with special reference to anaerobes
7 Dr. Preeti S. Maste Dr. S. C. Metgud Evaluation of conventional Castaneda biphasic and lysis centrifugation blood culture techniques and polymerase chain reaction in diagnosis of human brucellosis .
8 Dr. Pradheer Gupta Guide: Dr. Sumati Annigeri Co-Guide:                         Dr. Vijaylaxmi Suranagi Isolation, Identification and Speciation of fungi associated with chronic rhino sinusitis-one year cross sectional study.
9 Dr.Wareesa Reja Bora Guide:                    Dr. Manjula Vagarali Comparison of Cefoxitin  disc diffusion test with PCR to detect gene for detection of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus –A cross sectional study
10 Dr. Disha Bhatia Guide: Dr. Sheetal Harakuni Co-Guide:                                        Dr. V. M. Uppin Role of Operating Theatre environment in causing Surgical site infections- One year longitudinal study
11 Dr. Rubeena Ishrat Mulla Guide : Dr. M. B. Nagamoti Co-Guide: Dr. M. B. Bellad Comparative evaluation of Zeihl-Neelsen staining, Fluorescent staining and Culture with Polymerase Chain Reaction in the diagnosis of Genital Tuberculosis in infertile women- One year cross-sectional study at Tertiary Care Hospital, Belagavi
12 Dr. Spurthi G. S. Guide : Dr. S. C. Metgud Co-Guide: Dr. Shridevi Metgud Bacteriological Study of leucorrhea in reproductive age group women, with special reference to anaerobes
     13 Dr. Ruchika M. Guide: Dr. Manjula Vagarali Comparison of Phenotyphic and Genotypic methods for biofilm forming Staphylococcus epidermidis from various clinical samples –A  cross sectional study.
14 Dr. Ranjeeta Guide : Dr. Sumati A. Hogade Prevalence of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among school children of an urban area-One year study
15 Dr.Pragati Narayanakar Gide: Sharada Megud Co-Guide:Manisha Bandankar  “Effectiveness of serum Procalcitonin and serial Levels of C-Reactive Protein versus Blood culture in Early Diagnosis of Neonatal sepsis
16 Dr.Dipa Patil Gide: M.B. Nagamoti “Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection in HBsAg positive patients t KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital and Medical Research Center, Belagavi” –A one Year Cross Sectional study.
17 Dr.Kumari Surya Gide:Jyoti Nagamoti Co guide : Vijaya Sajjan  Clinico-Bacteriological study of Acne Vulgari patients attending Dermatology Out Patient Department with special reference to Anaerobes- A cross sectional study
18 Dr.Pooja Shukla Guide:Dr.Sheetal Harkuni
Co.Guide:Dr.Roopa Bellad  Incidence of Hospital Acquired Infections in patients  admitted to Pediatric Emergency ward  in a tertiary care hospital – one year longitudinal study.

Dissertation: Completed

Sl No Name of the Student Guide Co-Guide Title of the Dissertation Duration (From-to)
1 Dr.Meera Rajeev Guide : Dr.Madhumati Patil Nil Prevalence of carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumonia isolated from various clinical samples –A  one cross sectional study.

Dissertation: Ongoing 

Sl N Name of the Student Guide Co-Guide Title of the Dissertation Duration (Fr
1 Dr Anugula Amritha Dr. Manjula Vagarali


Dr. N. S. Mahantshetti Prevalence of Candidemia in high risk neonates of neonatal intensive care unit- A one year cross sectional study


2 Dr Alakananda Pandit Dr. Sumati Hogade


Dr. Anita Dalal Phenotypic detection of selected virulence factor of Candida species isolated from women of reproductive age with vulvovaginal candidiasis  


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list of dissertation topics in microbiology

List of Some Food Microbiology Project Topics in Pdf You Can Consider for Your Research

food microbiology project topics

As a microbiology researcher, student or postgrad you may be required to work on specifically food microbiology project topics. This means you are going to specifically be looking for only microbiology research topics that have to do with food. Food microbiology research topics will focus on research about the microorganisms that inhabit, help create or contaminate food.

So we have quickly put together a list of food related microbiology project topics (pdf & word) for you.

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Now, for some food microbiology project topics

1. Microbiology of Polyethylene-Packaged Sliced Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Sold by Street Vendors in Nigeria

Ten packaged, freshly sliced watermelon were collected from different street vendors to determine their microbiological quality. Eight different microbial isolates were obtained from the sliced watermelon samples, namely Escherichia coli, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus spp., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhizopus stolonifer and Mucor spp.

2. Plasmid Profile Of Streptococcus lactis And Lactobacillus Plantarum Isolated From Ogi Encoding For Acetaldehyde In Yoghurt

An investigation was carried out on the plasmid profile of  Streptococcus lactis  and  Lactobacillus plantanum  isolated from a total of 120 samples collected from Oyingbo, a local market in Lagos State. Morphological, cultural, physiological characterization and API kits were employed to isolate and identify and  treptococcus lactis  and  Lactobacillus plantanum

3. Isolation And Identification of Microorganisms From Herbal Mixtures Sold at Enugu Metropolis

The safety, efficacy and quality of herbal mixtures have been an important concern for health authorities and health professional, especially now there is increase in the use of herbal mixtures. This study was aimed at isolation and identification of microorganisms from some liquid herbal mixtures sold in Enugu metropolis, South East of Nigeria.

4. Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Honey and Shea Butter Samples and Their Antibacterial Effect on Staphylococcus aureus AND Klebsiella pneumoniae

This research work was carried out to examine the physicochemical and phytochemical constituents of honey and Shea butter samples respectively and their antibacterial effect on  Staphylococcus aureus  and  Klebsiella pneumoniae . The physicochemical screening of honey showed that the honey samples used have low water activity, low moisture content, low pH value below 4.0 and Ash while the phytochemical analysis of Shea butter revealed the presence of Saponnins, Tannins, Alkaloids, Steroid and Phenol.

5. Characterising Growth Behaviour of Yeast Strains Isolated from Mango Fruit in Carbon, Nitrogen and Stress Environments

The present experiment aims at investigating the growth behaviour of different yeast strains inselected carbon, nitrogen and stress environment to obtain strains with prospects for industrialapplication.   Specifically,   the   study   is   set   to:   isolate   yeast   from   decaying   mango   fruit   anddetermine growth performance of yeast strains in different environments, carbon, nitrogen andstressors.

6. Antimicrobial activities of selected plants (bitterleaf, utazi, and bitterkola leaf)extracts against fish pathogenic bacteria

Aquaculture has been a growing activity for the last 20 years worldwide and this impressive development has been attended by some practices potentially damaging to animal health. The bacterial infections are considered the major cause of mortality in aquaculture. Among the common fish pathogens,  A. hydrophila  and  Y. ruckeri  as gram-negative and  S. agalactiae ,  L. garvieae  and  E. faecalis  as grampositive bacteria cause infectious diseases.


Nine samples of freshly prepared kunu was taken from local vendors and hawkers at Tanke area, Ilorin, Kara State and analyzed for microbial quality. The pH of the samples ranged from 2.66 to 4.06. The total bacterial count ranged from 1.5×104 to 7.4×104 cfu/ml; the total coliform count ranged from 1.0×102 to 8.0x103cfu/ml; the faecal coliform count ranged from 0 to 3.0x103cfu/ml; the total fungi count ranged from 3.2×104 to 2.7x105cfu/ml. The presence of high microbial load was an indication of poor hygiene and/or poor quality cereals and water used in the preparation.

8. Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Effect of Calotropis procera (Sodom apple) Leaves Extract on Some Bacteria Isolated from Spoilt Nunu Milk

This study was carried to with the aim of determining the antibacterial effect of Calotropis procera against some bacteria isolated spoilt nunu. Bacteria isolated from spoilt nunu were identified based on their Gram characteristics, morphology and biochemical characteristics. Calotropis procera was extracted using ethanol, methanol and distilled water.

9. Antimicrobial Effect of Natural Honey and Mango Leave on Pathogenic Bacteria

Honey has since been found to possess antibacterial property and is therefore employed for wound and gastro-intestinal disease therapy. This study evaluates the antibacterial spectrum and efficacy of honey and compared with tetracycline.  Different concentrations (50, 75 and 100.0 %) of honey were studied in-vitro using Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp, Escherichia coli and Citrobacter spp

10. Comparative Evaluation of Bacteria and Fungi Diseases Associated with Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane) in Ethnobotanical Garden of Wesley University, Ondo

The comparative evaluation of the bacterial and fungal diseases associated with Saccharum officinarum (Sugarcane) in ethnobotanical garden of Wesley University, Ondo was carried out through different microbial processes.

11. Investigating The Presence Of Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli In Dairy Products

Dairy products are various products derived from cow’s milk or that of other female mammals such as goat, sheep, yaks, horses, camel. Dairy products include yoghurt, nono (fermented cow’s milk, madara (unfermented cow’s milk, cheese, whey, condensed and evaporated milk.) (cultureforhealth, 2015).


The study determines the antifungal effects of aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Garcinia kola on some selected fungal isolates and their phytochemical constituents. The antifungal sensitivity and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) were determined by agar well diffusion and agar dilution methods, respectively using Sabouraud dextrose agar.


Milk, Yoghurt and Cheese are highly valuable food which are readily digested and have high concentration of nutrients which have proved to be a heaven of microbes, studies were conducted on the isolation and identification of microbes [Fungi and Bacteria] on peak canned milk, yoghurt, locally prepared cheese and cheese water.


Juice was extracted from banana (Musa sapientum) pulp with the addition of lemon juice and was inoculated with Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and held at 30  for seven days. The result of the yeast count increases at 48hr, and at 96hr the yeast count decreased gradually. It ranges from 4.9×107 cfu/ml at 0hr, 5.1×107 at the 48hr and 4.8×107 cfu/ml at 168hr.


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11 thoughts on “ list of some food microbiology project topics in pdf you can consider for your research ”.

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

Iam Tamilselvan now iam studying msc microbiology I need a project topics in food microbiology

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

I am given a project topic on bacteriological analysis of perishable foods sold in major markets in Calabar metropolis. Please I need materials on this topic

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

hy i am undergraduate student of biotechnolgy and i need a simple research topic related to food microbiology

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

I am manojkumar now I am studying MSc Microbiology I need a project topics in vegetable and fruits

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

I am a phd candidate studying food and industrial microbilogy. i need a research topic. Thanks.

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

Hi I am a post graduate student (MSc) I need a project topic on food biotechnology or food microbiology

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

Hello I am msc student studying food microbiology, I need project topics

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

I am an Msc student food science and technology , I need project topic that is related to Probiotic or prebiotic

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

You can check

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

Hello, I’m MSc student, I need a project topic related to entrepreneur microbiology, under food and industrial microbiology..

list of dissertation topics in microbiology

I am an MSc student of food microbiology. I need a project topic that is related to mayonnaise production.

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