Blockchain technology in supply chain management: insights from machine learning algorithms

Maritime Business Review

ISSN : 2397-3757

Article publication date: 14 December 2020

Issue publication date: 21 May 2021

This paper aims to retrieve key components of blockchain applications in supply chain areas. It applies natural language processing methods to generate useful insights from academic literature.


It first applies a text mining method to retrieve information from scientific journal papers on the related topics. The text information is then analyzed through machine learning (ML) models to identify the important implications from the existing literature.

The research findings are three-fold. While challenges are of concern, the focus should be given to the design and implementation of blockchain in the supply chain field. Integration with internet of things is considered to be of higher importance. Blockchain plays a crucial role in food sustainability.

Research limitations/implications

The research findings offer insights for both policymakers and business managers on blockchain implementation in the supply chain.

Practical implications

This paper exemplifies the model as situated in the interface of human-based and machine-learned analysis, potentially offering an interesting and relevant avenue for blockchain and supply chain management researchers.


To the best of the knowledge, the research is the very first attempt to apply ML algorithms to analyzing the full contents of blockchain-related research, in the supply chain sector, thereby providing new insights and complementing existing literature.

  • Supply chain
  • Machine learning
  • Natural language processing (NLP)

Hirata, E. , Lambrou, M. and Watanabe, D. (2021), "Blockchain technology in supply chain management: insights from machine learning algorithms", Maritime Business Review , Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 114-128.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Pacific Star Group Education Foundation.

1. Introduction

The application of blockchain in the supply chain sector has been vastly discussed recently from both optimistic and negative perspectives. Many consider applying blockchain in supply chain and logistics is an exciting prospect, there are also concerns that the technology lacks the maturity (Duru and Zin, 2019 ) today to handle global supply chain complexity. Such limitations might be discouraging, but as an innovative technology, blockchain has the potential to reform global supply chains. Practitioners should meticulously consider its existing hurdles and possible challenges as the technology matures. A number of multi-case, qualitative research works proposed the overarching theoretical model, which systematizes the technological components, the prevailing management rationales and determinant factors of digitalization including blockchain (Lambrou et al. , 2019a , 2019b ; Wagner and Wiśnicki, 2019 ; Duru and Zin, 2019 ). However, these case studies are basically based on the deductive method and it is difficult to ensure generality.

Academic literature has become a rich source of information for researchers, practitioners and informed citizens, on various technological applications. Researchers use documents to express new ideas, theories, hypotheses, methods, approaches and experimental results with other researchers and interested parties. Text documents, such as research articles, technical reports and patents, are the preferred method of communication by researchers. Therefore, there is a lot of effort put into scientific communication, with scientific texts presenting a challenge to text mining methods, as the language used is formal and highly specialized.

From academia to industry, text mining has become a popular strategy for keeping up with the rapid growth of information. Automatic text mining methods can make the processing of extracting information from a large set of documents more efficient. However, as natural language is not easily processed by computer programs, it is necessary to develop algorithms to transform text into a structured representation, which is performed through natural language processing (NLP).

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that helps computers to understand, interpret and manipulate human natural languages. For example:

NLP makes it possible for computers to read text, hear speech, interpret language, measure sentiment and determine which parts are important. Today’s machines can analyze more language-based data than humans, without fatigue and in a consistent, unbiased way ( SAS, 2020 ).

Increasingly, nowadays, experimental, emergent and mixed methods research approaches are acknowledged as constituting valid academic discourse choices, in their different nuances and sophistication (Eickhoff and Neuss, 2017 ; Asmussen and Charles, 2019 ). Both blockchain researchers and supply chain management (SCM) scholars have started to embrace topic modeling as a promising research method.

In our paper, we use a complementary, alternate perspective to investigate blockchain application in supply chains, based on text mining techniques for academic literature content analysis. The mined text is then applied with a couple of machine learning (ML) models to extract useful information.

Previous research papers have mainly analyzed bibliometric or abstracts of scientific articles. Different from the approaches existing literature took, this study presents a method of applying NLP to extract information from the full text of scientific articles. The extracted text documents are then trained by an ML algorithm, which performs automatic text classification. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews literature; Section 3 outlines the methodology; Section 4 discusses the results and findings; Section 5 concludes the research and future prospects.

2. Literature review

The multi-faceted phenomenon of blockchain technology pertaining supply chains has recently attracted considerable academic research attention and efforts.

The first stream of academic papers focuses on exemplifying both technology features and business incentives to adopt blockchain in supply chains, along with enabling and constraining factors. Sternberg and Baruffaldi (2018) reviewed supply chain blockchain initiatives and theorized the logic and challenges of blockchains in the supply chain industry. The authors concluded that while several incentives for developing and using blockchain technology exist, it was not apparent how companies can actually benefit from a materialized business advantage.

Kshetri (2018) also reviewed early supply chain industry cases and delineated the blockchain’s role in SCM. The cases illustrate drivers and mechanisms for meeting cost, quality, speed, dependability, risk reduction, sustainability and flexibility objectives of supply chain organizations. Furthermore, identified determinants of blockchain adoption include the number of entities involved (viable blockchain ecosystem), participants’ capabilities and the extent of industry competitive pressure.

Saberi et al. (2019) overviewed blockchain technology and its applicability in the supply chain, systematized a comprehensive list of barriers (i.e. system-related, intra and inter-organizational and external barriers) and proposed certain directions for overcoming those salient obstacles (i.e. governance mechanisms).

The second stream of research works endeavors to analyze how the current blockchain technology applications in SCM are implemented, delineate the foundations of the technology and further articulate the value of the technology for SCM, toward identifying pertinent enablers for achieving certain business goals and broader market adoption (Blossey et al. , 2019 ; Casey and Wong, 2017 ; Queiroz et al. , 2019 ; Roeck et al. , 2020 ; Wang et al. , 2019 ). Gurtu and Johny (2019) also discuss the significance and applications of blockchain technology with elaborate references to both generic supply chain, transport and maritime logistics cases.

A number of papers examine specific supply chain applications, such as food or pharmaceutical supply chain blockchains, shedding light on particular aspects, such as determinants to achieve visibility and trust via blockchain (Rogerson and Parry, 2020 ) or the interplay of blockchain technology features (i.e. consensus protocols) and business model requirements and blockchain ecosystem governance.

Research efforts focusing on specific supply chain areas, such as ports and shipping are emerging as well. Tsiulin et al. (2020) categorize blockchain projects in shipping and SCM and discuss the interrelations between blockchain features and shipping and ports concepts, toward delivering a better understanding of suitable use scenarios.

The third stream of literature re-uses present management theory to comprehend the unfolding of supply chain transformation resultant from blockchain technology; Treiblmaier (2018) uses core economics and management theories, namely, principal agent theory, transaction cost analysis resource-based view and network theory, to address the implications stemming from applying blockchain in SCM. Roeck et al. (2020) examine in particular how blockchain technology affects transactions and governance modes in supply chains, viewed from a transactions cost economics point of view, while conducting an abductive multiple case study of five supply chain industry cases. Kummer et al. (2020) identify pertinent organizational theories used in blockchain literature in the context of SCM, in specific agency theory, information theory, institutional theory, network theory, the resource-based view and transaction cost analysis. Most importantly, the authors reframe SCM research questions addressed from the identified organizational theories vantage point, as intertwined with blockchain technology.

The latest, more mature stream of academic research, now habitually, focuses on more fine-grained topics, such as feasibility assessment and decision-making for technology selection (Ar et al. , 2020 ). Bai and Sarkis (2020) assess the growing literature studying the application of blockchain technologies in SCM; their research findings also identify a broad range of application types and operational objectives pursued (i.e. traceability, avoiding counterfeit products or reducing carbon footprints) and associated blockchain technical characteristics (i.e. scalability, complexity, security, etc.). Furthermore, the authors propose a performance measures framework that considers how blockchain technologies can help the supply chain meet targeted key objectives, based on a hesitant fuzzy set and regret theory.

Apparently, maritime and shipping research is indeed rejuvenated in terms of both methods and research topics. Fiskin and Cerit (2020) , apply bibliometric and network analysis toward identifying areas of current research interests in the entire body of shipping literature, revealing interesting publication clusters, their relationships and changes over five years. Lee and Shin (2019) apply topic modeling on port research publications. Shin et al. (2018) conducted a literature review study on sustainability in maritime research, with text mining.

Chang and Chen (2020) provide an elaborate review of recent blockchain studies in the SCM context, systematizing an enhanced list of topics and applications.

The identification of research problems, appropriate theories and methods to investigate the application of blockchain technology in SCM is predominantly conducted according to the social sciences, positivist, empirical research tradition. Nonetheless, alternate research approaches are also used, beyond qualitative or directed content analyzes and case study field research designs. Pournader et al. (2020) review the existing academic literature and industrial knowledge sources regarding the applications of blockchains in supply chains, logistics and transportation and identify the 4Ts – technology, trust, trade, traceability/transparency (research themes clusters), based on a co-citation analysis of the publications on this topic. Wang et al. (2019) compare and summarize 29 of blockchain studies in the logistics area, and suggest the value of blockchain in four areas, namely, extended visibility and traceability, supply chain digitalization and disintermediation.

Against this background, to the best of our knowledge, extant literature examining blockchain application to SCM has indeed reached a maturity level where a sufficient number of pertinent research questions (or themes), revealed by multidisciplinary research frameworks examining blockchain technology and its implications, have been brought into the SCM academic discourse with varying intensity, rigor and insight (Iansiti, and Lakhani, 2017 ).

Organizations and industries, in specific, how blockchain enabled new business models are unfolding in the supply chain sector, and how different intertwined industries comprise the disruptive potential that blockchain technology involves.

Platforms, different blockchain implementations and protocols (i.e. Hyperledger), as well as various types of supply chain blockchains (i.e. private and permissioned), as well as inter-platform interoperability and integration with legacy systems are unfolding.

Intermediation, the manner alternate blockchain features and designs enact different intermediation possibilities i.e. complementing existing supply chain intermediaries rather than excluding them.

Users and society, in particular how growing market adoption is shaping societal effects, such as sustainable development goals and eventually realize and enact a multiplicity of possibilities regarding how supply chain blockchains create value (Risius and Spohrer, 2017 ).

Asmussen and Charles (2020) identified the current state-of-the-art digital technologies in SCM, and enablers for competitive advantage, based on a topic modeling framework. Shahid (2020) derived Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topics of blockchain research (i.e. novelty, disruption, business blockchain types, protocol development, etc.), contributing with an efficient reporting of research trends and identified potential areas for interdisciplinary blockchain research collaboration. LDA has been applied in maritime-related studies, which generated useful insights. Shin et al. (2018) , Lee and Shin (2019) apply LDA to identify research topics and suggest future research should focus on port collaboration and environmental issues.

The existing literature has mainly analyzed bibliometric data and/or abstracts, few of them have analyzed the paper contents. By analyzing full text articles, our paper aspires to contribute in the advancement of SCM and maritime transport research with a particular application of ML techniques to blockchain literature review and rigorous, new theory building. We exemplify our model as situated in the interface of human-based and machine-learned analysis, potentially offering an interesting and relevant avenue for blockchain and SCM researchers.

3. Methodology

The proposed method is organized into three major modules, namely, pre-processing, ML and visualization. The pre-processing stage involves the techniques and processes, which conduct the task of text mining. A couple of ML models including principal component analysis (PCA), word2vec and LDA are formulated by the training modules, which conduct the learning and classification tasks. Finally, the visualization phase describes the findings of the study. The workflow of the proposed system is represented as follows ( Figure 1 ).

3.1 Data pre-processing

3.1.1 text mining..

Text analysis allows automatic extraction and classification of information from text (Westergaard et al. , 2018 ), such as tweets, emails, product reviews and survey responses. Popular text analysis techniques include word frequency, collocation, concordance, text classification, sentiment analysis, topic detection, language detection, clustering, keyword extraction and entity recognition, etc.

Sorting through data is a repetitive, time-consuming and expensive process if done by humans. Instead, if done by machines, high volumes of text can be analyzed with the least efforts, while providing even more accurate insights.

Text mining in this study is performed in the following steps.

3.1.2 Corpus generation.

The experiment of this study is carried out on a text corpus, which is a collection of literature published in Science Direct, Emerald and Springer database with the following criteria. Time span is set to be from January 1990 to January 2020. The articles are retrieved by using keywords “blockchain” and “supply chain.” In total, 422 articles hit the search. Table 1 outlines the distribution of corpora. Only literature in English language is included in this study.

As the retrieve articles are in pdf format, we use python script pdfminer to convert the pdf data to text format for further analysis. There are other similar tools available, which should generate same result as what pdfminer does in converting pdf data to text format.

3.1.3 Tokenization.

Tokenization is a critical and the most basic step to proceed with NLP. Tokenization in NLP means to split raw text into smaller units, such as words or terms, which are called tokens. These tokens are the key elements of the NLP.

Tokenization plays an important role in NLP because tokenization provides a way to easily interpret the meaning of a text by analyzing the sequence of the words in the text. To have a better understanding of tokenization, let’s consider the below sentence:

Blockchain and supply chain are a match made in heaven.

Tokenize the sentence, we will get:

[“blockchain,” “and,” “supply,” “chain,” “are,” “a,” “match,” “made,” “in,” “heaven”]

The python script of NLTK (natural language tool kit) Tokenizer is applied in this study to split the text data to tokens. The corpus applied in this study contains 4,775,532 tokens. Once sentences are tokenized, the next step is to clean the text by removing stop words to get ready for the model building part.

3.1.4 Stop words removal.

Next stage of data pre-processing is stop words removal. Stop words are words, which are commonly used in any natural language. For the purpose of analyzing text data and building NLP models, those stop words might not add much value to the meaning of the document, as such they are often filtered out in the data pre-processing stage.

Stop words usually refers to the most common words in a language, however, there is no single universal list of stop words. In this study, two types of stop words are removed: common English stop words (e.g. “is,” “was,” “where,” “the,” “a,” “for,” “of” and “in”) and some extra stop words (e.g. “ieee,” “paper,” “vol,” “doi,” “et,” “al,” “https,” “www,” etc.) that are associated with the corpus particularly. Removing these stop words help reduce the size of the corpus and identify the keywords in the corpus, as well as frequency distribution of concept words in overall context more precisely. After removing stop words, the tokenized sentence in the above example contains:

[“blockchain,” “supply,” “chain,” “match,” “made,” “heaven”]

In data pre-processing stage, we also conducted lemmatization using PorterStemmer of NLTK. The result shows that the corpus generated similar results in the top 30 most common words with or without stemming. We decided to adopt the result without stemming during to two reasons. First, some words may get over-stemmed (e.g. both “generous” and “general” are stemmed to “gener”) or under-stemmed (e.g. “bought” remains “bought” while “buy” is stemmed to “bii,” while normally these two words have same stem “buy”). Second, some words cannot be correctly stemmed (e.g. “does” is stemmed to “doe”).

To improve the accuracy, we have programmed to uniform the word forms to the best possible extent. The measurements include to replace plural form with singular form (e.g. replace “systems” with “system”) and to unify different expressions (e.g. replace “block chain” with “blockchain;” “SCM”).

After data pre-processing, we have enough tokenized clean text for the machine to work with, and to develop algorithms to differentiate and make associations between pieces of text to make predictions.

3.2 Training with machine learning algorithm

ML is the process of applying algorithms and statistical models to find patterns in massive amounts of data (MIT, 2018 ). With the application of ML, computer systems can perform a specific task without having to rely on patterns or inferences. ML is seen as a subset of AI and ML algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision, where it is difficult to develop a conventional algorithm for effectively performing the task. This study applies PCA, word2vec and LDA in the Python environment to extract useful insights such as dominant topics from the corpus.

With the recent advent of ML, topic modeling, in particular, providing an overview of themes being addressed in documents, has gained notable popularity as an innovative methodological approach, in a broad range of disciplines, including management and information systems (Hannigan et al. , 2019 ). Topic modeling aims to reduce the complexity of compiling a large literature corpus by representing text as a combination of topics. Topics are clusters of words that reappear across texts, but the interpretation of these clusters as themes, frames, issues or other latent concepts depends on the methodological and theoretical choices made by the researchers (Jacobs and Tschötschel, 2019 ).

As Hannigan et al. , 2019 clearly illustrate, topic modeling’s technical and theory-building features are distinct from those of content analysis and general NLP of text. Topic modeling is a “rendering process,” for juxtaposing data and a problem domain theory, to generate new theoretical insights and artifacts such as technical and management constructs and the links between them. The topic modeling process, as a theory building tool, involves the rendering of corpora (preparing the sets of texts to be analyzed), the rendering of topics (making choices in view of how topics are identified within the text corpora) and the generation of theoretical artifacts (producing new theoretical constructs, identifying causal mechanisms and further insights out of the revealed topics).

3.2.1 Principal component analysis.

Standardize data.

Compute the covariance matrix with the standardized data.

Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues in the covariance matrix.

Sort the eigenvalues in decreasing order.

The first principle component (PC1) will carry the most of variance, etc.

Efficiency of the PCA model is measured by cumulative contribution rate (CCR). CCR is defined by the maximal amount of variance that is explained by the principal components representing the directions of the data. A CCR of 80% or above is considered acceptable in evaluating PCA model efficiency.

3.2.2 Word2vec.

Mikolov et al. (2013) propose word2vec model for computing continuous vector representations of words from very large data sets, and observe a large improvement in the quality of these representations measured in a word similarity. Word2vec is a two-layer neural network deep learning model that has a text corpus as input and the word vectors as output. To be more specific, it first constructs a dictionary of words from the training text data and then learns vector representation of those words.

The advantage of word2vec is that it detects similarities mathematically. It creates vectors that are distributed numerical representations of word features, such as the context of individual words. It then outputs a dictionary of words in which each word has a vector attached to it, which can be grouped to vectors of similar words or be fed into a deep learning model for further analysis. Through the algorithm, word2vec establishes a word’s association with other words, which forms the basis of sentiment analysis and recommendations in various research domains.

Word2vec conducts semantic comparisons (Mikolov et al. , 2013 ) ranging from country-currency (e.g. “India” is to “Rupee” as “Japan” is to “Yen”) and male-female (e.g. “man” is to “king” as “woman” is to “queen”).

Word2vec is applied in this study to assess word similarities, but the paper does not aim to discuss word2vec model in detail. Interested parties may refer to Rong (2014) , which explains word2vec parameters in detail.

3.2.3 Latent Dirichlet allocation.

LDA is an unsupervised generative probabilistic method for modeling a textual corpus. It is used as a language model to cluster co-occurring words into topics. LDA builds a topic per document model and words per topic model, modeled as Dirichlet distributions (Blei, 2012 ). LDA assumes that each document can be represented as a probabilistic distribution over latent topics, and that the topic distributions in all documents share a common Dirichlet prior probability.

The basic idea of LDA is to compute the probability distribution over words. For a document in study, topics and their distributions in the text database are considered as latent variables or hidden structures. LDA model allows sets of observations to be explained by unobserved variables. When observations are words collected into documents, each document is a mixture of a small number of topics and each word’s presence is attributable to one of the document’s topics.

LDA is considered to be one of the most effective approaches (Blei et al. , 2003 ) to model topics. Detailed explanation on the LDA model is available in Blei et al. (2003) , Steyvers and Griffiths (2007) and Blei (2012).

3.3 Visualization of research findings

3.3.1 most common words..

The most commonly used words in research data are reported in Figure 2 . The top 10 most common words are, “blockchain,” “data,” “technology,” “system,” “information,” “management,” “service,” “transaction,” “business,” “model,” respectively. This indicates that the top concerns surrounding blockchain are relating to technology, information management, transaction and business model.

3.3.2 Word similarity.

Word similarity is measured by cosine similarity, which is the cosine of the angle between two non-zero vectors of an inner product space. No similarity is expressed as a 90-degree angle, while a total similarity of 1 is a 0-degree angle, complete overlap. Table 2 lists top 20 words associated with “blockchain” using Word2vec, in order of proximity.

4. Results and discussions

4.1 word classification.

Text classification is the task of assigning a set of predefined categories to free-text. Text classifiers can be used to organize, structure and categorize words. For example, chat conversations can be organized by language, brand mentions can be organized by sentiment, etc.

By reducing the dimensions of word vectors by using PCA, most common words are classified ( Figure 3 ). The plot illustrates three groups of keywords:

“Blockchain,” “data,” “bitcoin,” “security” and “application” are associated with each other closely.

“Business,” “industry,” “information,” “management” and “system” are associated with each other closely.

“International,” “cost,” “transaction” and “energy” are outliers, which may be explained that these are popular topics, however, are not topics particularly related to supply chain blockchain.

4.2 Dominant topics

Applying to the LDA model, four dominant topics are identified as listed in Table 3 . In LDA models, each document is composed of multiple topics. However, typically only one of the topics is dominant. Setting the selection criteria as CCR ratio greater than 98%, 4 dominant topics are obtained. The CCR of the dominant topic in the relevant document is higher than 99.5%, which indicates the ML process was effective. The keywords in dominant topics concur with the top common words generated in 3.3.1.

To crosscheck against the top common words obtained in 3.3.1, we further plotted topics and weights ( Figure 4 ). Notably, internet of things (“IoT,”) “security,” “device,” “performance,” “customer,” “sustainability” and “food” are of higher weight (importance) regardless of lower frequency of appearance than other keywords.

The text mining and ML are performed via Python version 3.7.3 in macOS Catalina 10.15.3, MacBook Pro, Processor 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, Memory 16GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3. The computing time of each model is summarized in Table 4 as a reference.

5. Conclusion, research implications and future work

The research findings can be summarized in four perspectives. First, for studies on blockchain application in supply chain, the top topics seem to be related to “data,” “technology,” “system,” “information” and “management” ( Figure 2 ). Second, blockchain is considered of higher similarity to “bitcoin,” “distributed ledger,” “security” and “application” ( Table 2 ). Third, “IoT,” “security,” “device,” “performance,” “customer,” “sustainability” and “food” are of higher weight (importance) regardless of lower frequency of appearance than other key words ( Figure 4 ). Fourth, “design,” “trust,” “implementation,” “challenges” and integration with “IoT” are of higher concern than other perspectives such as “standardization”, “interoperability” and “regulation” ( Tables 2 and 3).

The research insights and implications, as derived from our study, are three-fold. First, while predominantly, generic technology and management challenges are of concern, focus should be given to particular design and implementation aspects of blockchain in the supply chain field. Blockchain deployments in practices are mostly in the pilot stage as of yet (Queiroz et al. , 2019 ). Future focus should be given to develop the architecture of blockchain solutions to provide seamless network and transparency in supply chains that benefit public safety and security.

Second, integration with IoT is considered to be of high importance. IoT has been rapidly applied in various areas of SCM in the past two years, security of information is of paramount issue. Blockchain technology has been explored as one option to effectively address those security concerns, allowing the advantage of decentralized data management. Kshetri (2017) suggests that the integration of IoT data to a blockchain platform could potentially further improve the overall efficiency. Blockchain can play a key role in tracking the sources of vulnerability in supply chains and in handling crisis situations such as product recalls that occur after safety and security vulnerabilities are found. The IoT ecosystem is evolving quickly, developing several applications in different sectors. As such, a future research agenda may be set to explore secure technical solutions to integrate IoT in supply chains in the context of increasing malicious IoT treats. Regulation of IoT security and data protection need to be developed and strengthened.

Third, blockchain plays a crucial role in food sustainability. The technology could help consumers and businesses understand whether their products were produced sustainably and avoid environmentally damaging, illegal or unethical products. The blockchain-based supply chain traceability and transparency technology helps drive increased responsible production and consumption. New technologies such as IoT and blockchain can accelerate the progress of supply chain sustainability. How quick these technologies are adopted and implemented is becoming a key to protect the environment and relax pressure on food shortage. Modern supply chains are complex and require digital connectivity and agility across participants, business leaders need to understand what needs to change in their organization to leverage blockchain implementation effectively.

Unlike previous research studies that have mainly applied analysis to bibliometric data and/or abstract, this paper analyzes full text contents of paper with ML models to generate insights.

Because of access constrains, only scientific papers published in Science Direct, Springer and Emerald are included in this study. This may potentially bias the research findings. Future studies may consider applying a larger size of corpus. In addition, it could also be of value to train with a different set of ML models.

To the best of our knowledge, our research is the very first attempt to apply ML to blockchain-related research in the supply chain sector, thereby providing new insights and complementing existing literature.

Proposed method (tools used are indicated in brackets)

Plot of most common words

Word classification

Topics and weights

Corpus No. of related article Document types
Science direct 68 Full text articles
Emerald 103 Full text articles
Springer 251 Full text articles
Total 422 Full text articles

Word similarity (top 20)

Word Similarity Word Similarity
Bitcoin 0.906903 Analysis 0.693042
Ledger 0.897149 Challenges 0.683677
Security 0.821995 Privacy 0.674539
Distributed 0.797730 Trust 0.643097
Block 0.795304 Implementation 0.640840
Application 0.756384 Iot 0.637737
Peer 0.754152 Smart 0.630747
Public 0.748685 Access 0.628037
Private 0.724296 Technology 0.617000
Design 0.715209 Adoption 0.613373

Dominant topics

Topic_Num Topic_Perc_Contrib Keywords Representative text
0 0.99553 Iot, system, datum, blockchain, base, network, security, device, service, application [Network, available, network, homepage, locate, challenge, way, forward, technology, internet, t…
1 0.99536 Technology, supplychain, management, industry, datum, blockchain, system, business, service, model [Purchase, supply, management, available, purchase, supply, management, homepage, never, walk, a…
2 0.99672 Blockchain, transaction, technology, system, information, process, base, platform, datum, business [Express, author, intend, represent, position, opinion, wto, member, prejudice, member, obligati…
3 0.99678 Supplychain, management, system, sustainability, service, performance, product, model, customer,… [Index, note, cross, refer, subentry, main, entry, main, entry, repeat, space, index, arrange, s…

Computing time

Models PCA Word2vec LDA
Computing time (seconds) 7.39088 181.52167 105.01739

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Optimizing reserve decisions in relief supply chains with a blockchain-supported second-hand e-commerce platform.

blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

1. Introduction

2. literature review, 2.1. relief supplies supply chain, 2.2. rotation of perishable supplies on second-hand e-commerce platforms, 2.3. the adoption of blockchain technology, 3. model description and assumption, 3.1. problem description, 3.2. decision sequence.

  • If 0 ≤ x < Q R E , i.e., the demand for emergency supplies is less than the government’s physical stockpile. This is similar to a no-disaster scenario, but the base number of supplies that need to be replaced is Q R E − x .
  • If Q R E ≤ x ≤ U , surplus goods need to be purchased on the spot, in the order of preference to the agreed enterprise, and when the agreed company is unable to meet it, the market is used to purchase it, incurring the cost of losses due to the demand not met by the fixed channels (own reserves and the agreed company). Figure 2 illustrates the logical structure of the model.

3.3. Assumption

4. reserve model for rotation on blockchain-enabled second-hand platforms, 4.1. government decision model, 4.1.1. government cost function in the absence of disasters, 4.1.2. government cost function in the event of a disaster, 4.2. profit function of second-hand platforms, 4.2.1. profit function of the second-hand platform in the absence of disasters, 4.2.2. profit function of the second-hand platform in the event of a disaster, 4.3. model of supply chain coordination, 4.3.1. profit model for supply chain coordination, 4.3.2. analysis of model results, 5. numerical examples, 5.1. parameter settings, 5.2. optimal decision and sensitivity analysis for second-hand platform consignment, 6. conclusions and future works, 6.1. conclusions, 6.2. limitations and future directions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Randomized requirements for relief supplies. Following a specific probability distribution, defining as the maximum, as the mean, and the probability density function as . denotes the cumulative distribution function, and is its inverse function.
Emergency level parameters: the initial range is [0, 1], with 0 indicating not urgent and 1 indicating very urgent.
Base unit loss cost of full relief supplies ( ) for unmet needs. Unit loss cost adjusted for urgency: .
Reserve difficulty parameter: the initial range is [0, 1], where 0 means easy to reserve, and 1 means very difficult to reserve.
The base unit material loss or expiration cost of a totally difficult reserve stock ( ). : adjusted unit loss costs, weighted for reserve difficulty.
Probability of a disaster occurring during the agreement cycle.
Physical reserves held in advance by the government.
Regular procurement prices for emergency supplies.
Unit cost of production of relief supplies in an enterprise.
Cost of spot purchases of relief supplies for post-disaster units.
Government’s willingness to use blockchain to introduce a “second-hand platform” for consignments: .
Selling price of “second-hand platform” goods.
Unit cost of consigning relief supplies on second-hand platforms introducing blockchain technology.
The platform’s average success rate in previous selling cycles, in [0, 1].
Item traceability index, between 0 (completely untraceable) and 1 (completely traceable), with 0.5 equal to the neutral point.
Adjustment factor to quantify the impact of blockchain technology’s enhanced supplies’ traceability on the success rate of the sale, .
Success rate of selling, , .
Unsold salvage value.
Second-hand E-commerce platform commission.
ParametersSupply NamesParametersSupply Names
Pharmaceuticals (Packs)Life Jackets (Pieces)Pharmaceuticals (Packs)Life Jackets (Pieces)
Basic Parameters
0.98710.7231 0.50.5
100100 258169
98.7172.31 178119
0.51010.7924 588398
Parameters related to the consignment strategy of the ‘second-hand platform’ considering blockchain factors
189109 0.8260.826
55 4010
0.70.7 0.050.05
0.80.8 0.8670.689
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Share and Cite

Ju, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yang, J.; Feng, Y.; Ren, Y. Optimizing Reserve Decisions in Relief Supply Chains with a Blockchain-Supported Second-Hand E-Commerce Platform. J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res. 2024 , 19 , 1869-1892.

Ju Y, Wang Y, Yang J, Feng Y, Ren Y. Optimizing Reserve Decisions in Relief Supply Chains with a Blockchain-Supported Second-Hand E-Commerce Platform. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research . 2024; 19(3):1869-1892.

Ju, Yingjie, Yue Wang, Jianliang Yang, Yu Feng, and Yuheng Ren. 2024. "Optimizing Reserve Decisions in Relief Supply Chains with a Blockchain-Supported Second-Hand E-Commerce Platform" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 19, no. 3: 1869-1892.

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12 Jul 2024  ·  Alonel A. Hugo , Gerard Nathaniel C. Ngo · Edit social preview

The developed system aims to incorporate a private blockchain technology in the procurement process for the supply office. The procurement process includes the canvassing, purchasing, delivery and inspection of items, inventory, and disposal. The blockchain-based system includes a distributed ledger technology, peer-to-peer network, Proof-of-Authority consensus mechanism, and SHA3-512 cryptographic hash function algorithm. This will ensure trust and proper accountability to the custodian of the property while safeguarding sensitive information in the procurement records. The extreme prototyping model will be used as software development life cycle. It is mostly used for web-based applications and has an increased user involvement. The prototype version of the system allows the users get a better understanding of the system being developed. It also reduces the time and cost, has quicker user feedback, missing and difficult functions can be recognized, and confusing processes can be addressed on an early stage. The implementation of a private blockchain technology has an increased privacy, enhanced security, improved efficiency, and reduced complexity over traditional blockchain network. The use of SHA3-512 as cryptographic hash function algorithm is much faster than its predecessors when cryptography is handled by hardware components. Furthermore, it is not vulnerable to length extension attacks making it reliable in terms of security of data. The study recommends the use of private blockchain-based technology with the procurement and asset management system in the supply office. The procurement records will be protected against tampering using this technology. This will promote trust and confidence of the stakeholders. The implementation of blockchain technology in developing a system served as advancement and innovation in terms of securing data.

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At present, the application of blockchain in the traceability system has become a mainstream technology to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. However, blockchain is designed to ensure open and transparent data and tamper-proof, and ...

Research and Progress on The Application of Blockchain Technology in Agricultural Product Traceability Systems

In recent years, with the occurrence of a series of major food safety accidents, people's demand for food has changed from "quantity" to "quality". Although a batch of agricultural product traceability system has also been born, but this traditional ...


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  • Agricultural products uplink
  • Internet+Blockchain
  • Quality traceability
  • consumer psychology
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  • Sichuan Social Science Research 14th Five-Year Plan major project Research on the Construction of Internet + Blockchain Agricultural Product Quality Traceability System


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  • DOI: 10.22214/ijraset.2024.59904
  • Corpus ID: 269059791

Identifying Fake Products through a Barcode based Blockchain System

  • Anuja Kokate
  • Published in International Journal for… 30 April 2024
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Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management – A Discussion of Current and Future Research Topics

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 17 June 2022
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blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  • Tan Gürpinar   ORCID: 22 ,
  • Nick Große   ORCID: 22 ,
  • Max Schwarzer   ORCID: 23 ,
  • Eugen Burov 24 ,
  • Roman Stammes   ORCID: 25 ,
  • Philipp Asterios Ioannidis 22 ,
  • Larissa Krämer   ORCID: 26 ,
  • Rico Ahlbäumer   ORCID: 26 &
  • Michael Henke   ORCID: 22  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering ((LNICST,volume 442))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Summit Smart City 360°

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Purpose: Today’s supply chain management faces complex and globally distributed networks of customers and suppliers. Blockchain solutions serve as underlying IT infrastructures to connect the network participants and enable multiple applications. This paper aims at bringing together and discussing current and future research topics in the field of blockchain in supply chain management. Methodology: In the paper, seven central research topics of the field - strategic realignment of enterprises, governance and profitability considerations, as well as blockchain-based pay-per-use models, additive manufacturing, decentralized markets and cyber-physical production systems - are presented with a state of the art and a research discussion to stimulate prospective blockchain research. Findings: As an outcome, the research topics are consolidated in a research framework and categorized in strategic or application oriented approaches, as well as assigned to blockchain scientific layers.

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The work was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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TU Dortmund University, Leonhard-Euler-Str. 5, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

Tan Gürpinar, Nick Große, Philipp Asterios Ioannidis & Michael Henke

Dachser SE, Thomas-Dachser-Str. 2, 87439, Kempten, Germany

Max Schwarzer

Fraunhofer IML, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 2-4, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

Eugen Burov

Brutana-Metrona Group, Max-Planck-Str. 2, 50354, Hürth, Germany

Roman Stammes

TU Dortmund University, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

Larissa Krämer & Rico Ahlbäumer

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SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India

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Howard University, Washington, DC, USA

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Gürpinar, T. et al. (2022). Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management – A Discussion of Current and Future Research Topics. In: Paiva, S., et al. Science and Technologies for Smart Cities. SmartCity 360 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 442. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 17 June 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-06370-1

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blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

Monday 5 August - Wednesday 7 August 2024

2nd oscm symposium on blockchain research : digital economy, and sustainability innovation and the dialogue between research and industry.

from £110.00 to £200.00

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About the conference

In the intricate landscape of digital transformation, the convergence of groundbreaking technologies is reinventing the paradigms of business operations and supply chain management. The advent of blockchain has ushered in a new era of transparency, security, and efficiency, offering solutions previously deemed unattainable. However, the true revolution lies in blockchain's potential synergy with other disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), and the immersive Metaverse.

The Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference and 2nd Symposium on Blockchain Research serves as a nexus for illuminating these synergistic potentials. This pioneering event is dedicated to unearthing the profound implications and versatile opportunities emanating from the fusion of these technologies. It is essential to explore how AI's analytical and predictive prowess, IoT's connectivity, AR's interactive visualization, and the Metaverse's comprehensive virtual ecosystems can be seamlessly integrated with blockchain's robustness to enhance supply chain solutions, operational efficiency, and customer experiences.

This conference is a clarion call for a comprehensive discourse involving policymakers, academicians, and industry leaders to chart the way forward in adopting and adapting these intertwined technologies. The conference aims to catalyze innovation, forge collaborations, and inspire the actualization of ideas that will shape the future.

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  • 5   & 6 August 2024, University of Surrey: all registered attendees are welcome
  • 7 August 2024: By invitation only.

Call for papers

Suggested research topics, but not subject to, are as follows:

  • Business application innovations of digital technologies such as AI, blockchain, and IoT
  • Digital technology innovation and sustainable development
  • Digital technology innovation and carbon reduction
  • Digital technology innovation and corporate social responsibility
  • Digital technology and social innovation
  • Digital technology innovation empowering enterprise business model innovation
  • Digital technology empowering enterprise operational management and supply chain transformation
  • Business applications of blockchain and AI on metaverse platforms
  • Blockchain empowering supply chain information sharing and management
  • Data management issues on blockchain
  • Repeat games, cooperative games, reputation, and algorithmic game theory
  • Trust models for blockchain
  • Incentive theory and mechanism design
  • Predictive analytics in supply chain: Demand forecasting using AI and blockchain
  • Blockchain-empowered IoT solutions: Case studies on efficiency and security in supply chain management
  • Augmented reality in inventory management: Integrating visual overlay and blockchain to enhance operational efficiency
  • Unlocking business value: Transitioning to blockchain-based smart contracts
  • Exploring economic models in the metaverse: Blockchain-based trade and ownership structures
  • Creating competitive advantages: AI-driven blockchain research in supply chain analysis
  • Resilience in practice: How IoT and blockchain adapt to supply chain disruption risks.

Submission guidelines

  • Submission of extended abstracts is encouraged (limited to six pages of A4 paper, including references); Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Line spacing 1.5; Only PDF format is accepted.
  • Submissions must include the paper title, author names, contact email, and affiliated institutions.
  • The accepted papers will be invited to present and discuss at the conference.
  • The conference plans to select best research, and certificates will be presented by the organizers.

Submission information

Outstanding papers will be recommended to the following international top journals:

Speakers (TBC)

  • The Vice President of University of Surrey
  • Baroness Paola Uddin , UK Parliament’s House of Lords, UK
  • Professor Guangzhi Shang , Florida State University (FSU) College of Business, US
  • Professor Suresh Seshi, University of Dallas, Texas, US
  • Professor Jason T.M. Choi , University of Liverpool Management School, UK
  • Professor Yu Xiong , University of Surrey Academy for Blockchain and Metaverse Applications (SABMA), and Chair of Advisory Board of APPG Metaverse and Web 3.0, UK
  • High-impact professors and industry leaders from the UK, the US, China, and so forth.

Proposed schedule

  • 9:30am - 10am: Registration and welcome coffee
  • Vice President of University of Surrey
  • Professor Steve Woods, University of Surrey, UK
  • Professor Yu Xiong , Associate Vice President, University of Surrey
  • Professor of Peking University, China
  • 12:15 pm - 1:15pm: Networking lunch
  • 1:15 pm - 3:15pm: Parallel sessions (academic and industry insights)
  • 3:15 pm - 3:45pm: Coffee break and networking
  • 3:45 pm - 5:45pm: Meeting the editors (including Q&A and discussions)
  • 5:45 pm - 6pm: Closing remarks for Day 1 by Conference Chair
  • 7pm onwards: Conference dinner
  • 10am - 10:30am: Welcome coffee
  • 10:30am - 10:45am: Recap of Day 1 and opening remarks for Day 2
  • "Generative AI in Business Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges in a Blockchain-Enabled Environment"
  • "Decentralized Finance (De-Fi) in Supply Chain: Blockchain's Role in Facilitating Peer-to-Peer Operations"
  • "Ensuring Sustainability in Supply Chains: The IoT-Blockchain Convergence"
  • "Immersive Operational Strategies: Employing AR in Blockchain Systems for Process Optimization"
  • "Governance in the Metaverse: Ensuring Compliance and Security through Blockchain Technology"
  • 12:45pm - 1:15pm: Networking lunch
  • 1:15pm - 3:15pm: Parallel sessions (case studies and research findings)
  • 3:15pm - 3:45pm: Coffee break and networking
  • 3:45 pm - 5:45pm: PhD student session
  • 5:45pm - 6pm: Final remarks and conference conclusion by Conference Chair

Event at the House of Parliament (By invitation only)

Conference Chairs:

  • Professor Guangzhi Shang
  • Professor Yu Xiong

The conference in 2023: Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference and 1st Symposium on Blockchain Research


Visitor information

Find out how to get to the University, make your way around campus and see what you can do when you get here.


  1. Blockchain technology and its relationships to sustainable supply chain

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  2. (PDF) Integration of Blockchain and Supply Chain Management

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  3. Blockchain in Supply Chain: 6 Key Benefits and Examples

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  4. (PDF) Blockchain Technologies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  5. (PDF) Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper

  6. Potential of blockchain technology in supply chain management

    blockchain technology in supply chain management research paper



  2. How to Implement Blockchain in Supply Chain Management?

  3. Decathlon: Supply Chain Management

  4. Power of Blockchain: Exploring Its Transformative Financial Use Cases

  5. Blockchain-based tracking system for Logistics and Supply Chain

  6. Experience the Full Spectrum Supply Chain at MODEX 2024


  1. Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Management

    This paper aims to overview the employment of blockchain technology in the field of the supply chain. Although the technology has been widely associated with cryptocurrencies, non-financial ...

  2. Blockchain technology in supply chain operations: Applications

    Blockchain has an immense potential to transform every step of SC, from raw materials procurement to distribution to the consumers (Goyat et al., 2019, Babich and Hilary, 2019).It also enables SC reengineering by establishing a blockchain-based BPR (Business Process Reengineering) framework (Chang et al., 2019a).Every transaction made can be restructured using blockchain technology and the ...

  3. Blockchain technology in supply chain management: an organizational

    Blockchain technology is touted as a game-changer. Many experts consider blockchain technology as one of the disruptive innovations. Following significant success in the banking and finance sector, blockchain technology has found significant success in all fields, including health, manufacturing, transportation, disaster relief operations, and many others. Recently, the academician has ...

  4. Blockchain technology in the supply chain: An integrated theoretical

    1. Introduction. Blockchain technology has recently gained importance as a promising technology in the area of supply chain management. For instance, Maersk used an IBM blockchain solution to efficiently track its containers around the world (Popper and Lohr, 2017).Catina Volpone vineyard ( in Puglia, Italy and Ernst and Young's EZ Lab ( developed a ...

  5. Blockchain in the supply chain

    The growing interest in applying blockchain technology in the supply chain management (SCM) calls for theory-driven research to develop better understanding of its adoption, deployment and use, and its implications for the supply chain. However, theory-based research on blockchain in the supply chain is scarce.

  6. Blockchain in supply chain management: a review, bibliometric, and

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that has attracted both practitioners and academics attention in recent years. Several conceptual and few empirical studies have been published focusing on addressing current issues and recommending the future research directions of supply chain management. To identify how blockchain can contribute to supply chain management, this paper conducts a ...

  7. Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Review

    First, we looked through all the BCT papers between 1990 and 2022 and collected all the studies with the term "Supply Chain Management" and "BlockChain Technology", which are 2291 studies. Second, we filter by four criteria to include only the papers written in "English," where the publication status is "Final.".

  8. Exploring Blockchain Research in Supply Chain Management: A Latent

    Blockchain technology has emerged as a tool with the potential to enhance transparency, trust, security, and decentralization in supply chain management (SCM). This study presents a comprehensive review of the interplay between blockchain technology and SCM. By analyzing an extensive dataset of 943 articles, our exploration utilizes the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) method to delve deep ...

  9. Blockchain Technology for Global Supply Chain Management: A Survey of

    In this paper, a comprehensive survey of academic literature and research works relating to blockchain platforms for global supply chain management is presented. This survey will provide an overview of blockchain technology for supply chain management, summarize industry applications, highlight persistent challenges, and identify research ...

  10. The impact of the blockchain on the supply chain: a theory-based

    Purpose. This paper aims to strive to close the current research gap pertaining to potential implications of the blockchain for supply chain management (SCM) by presenting a framework built on four established economic theories, namely, principal agent theory (PAT), transaction cost analysis (TCA), resource-based view (RBV) and network theory (NT).

  11. Adoption of blockchain technology in supply chain operations: a

    The concept of blockchain technology, which has been around for over a decade, is gaining traction in academics and the commercial world. Blockchain technology, first created for virtual currency use, has recently found wider applications. Traditional blockchain applications in supply chain management focus on increasing safety, visibility, and auditability. A new movement is underway in which ...

  12. PDF Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Management: A ...

    3. Literature Review and Analysis. 3.1. Blockchain Technology Blockchain is a disruptive information technology [12,13] and a validation [14] of a shared digital ledger (either public or private) of all digital events across the participating agents [15,16] and a new information flow and computing technology [17,18].

  13. Beyond the hype: how blockchain affects supply chain performance

    Findings. The paper presents an integrated research framework that illustrates the impact of blockchain on supply chain performance. The findings highlight that blockchain can affect supply chain performance directly - via one of its core technological features - and indirectly via the broader business project through which blockchain technology is implemented.

  14. (PDF) Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

    technology, companies have thought of thinking forward. This technology could help in the evolution of the supply. chain. According to analysts, blockchain technology can. enhance the contemporary ...

  15. Blockchain Technology for Secure Supply Chain Management: A

    Supply chain management (SCM) is a core corporate activity responsible for moving commodities and services from one point to another through a variety of stakeholders. The traditional SCM is based on a centralized approach managed at the central headquarter, and all other sub-offices get instructions from the main office. Some major issues with present SCM systems are security, transactional ...

  16. PDF Blockchain and Supply Chain Management: A New Paradigm for Supply Chain

    of the blockchain and supply chain literature, besides inspire both researchers and practitioners to consider the use of blockchain in different context-aware future studies. face Keywords: blockchain, supply chain, technology, supply chain integration, industry 4.0 1. INTRODUCTION The blockchain technology is an important distributed

  17. Blockchain for Supply Chain Management: A Literature ...

    Abstract. In the era of digital transformation, supply chain management faces major challenges induced by the lack of transparency and the evolving industry. In this context, blockchain technology has emerged as a possible answer to the future problems of the supply chain. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review on blockchain ...

  18. Blockchain technology in supply chain management: insights from machine

    Blockchain plays a crucial role in food sustainability.,The research findings offer insights for both policymakers and business managers on blockchain implementation in the supply chain.,This paper exemplifies the model as situated in the interface of human-based and machine-learned analysis, potentially offering an interesting and relevant ...

  19. Blockchain development in a supply chain with rival entry

    Xiaofeng Shao is a Professor in Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His current research interest includes supply chain management, and interface of operation management and platform economy. His papers have been published in IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of ...

  20. How Blockchain Enhances Supply Chain Management: A Survey

    Providing transparency and trust among participants and stakeholders and ensuring an efficient operation are current supply chain challenges. These challenges are difficult to resolve because the records of supply chains may be exposed to alterations by participants. Blockchain technology has been identified as a promising solution to resolve these challenges. In this paper, we introduce ...

  21. Optimizing Reserve Decisions in Relief Supply Chains with a Blockchain

    However, despite these positive discussions, existing research and practice lack specific models for directly integrating blockchain technology into relief supply chain reserves. This paper applies timestamping technology to the trade of relief supplies on second-hand platforms, and then forms a transparent and unalterable archive of material flow.

  22. Enhancing Security, Transparency, and Efficiency of Blockchain

    The future outlook highlights the tremendous opportunities for blockchain to enable end-to-end visibility, accountability, automation, real-time monitoring and combating counterfeiting in pharmaceutical supply chains through collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution to address persistent challenges like lack of transparency, inefficient ...

  23. Papers with Code

    Furthermore, it is not vulnerable to length extension attacks making it reliable in terms of security of data. The study recommends the use of private blockchain-based technology with the procurement and asset management system in the supply office. The procurement records will be protected against tampering using this technology.

  24. How blockchain technology improves sustainable supply chain processes

    Blockchain technology has rapidly grown in the last decade and supply chain management has started to emerge as one of its possible fields of application. Blockchain is estimated to have a transformative impact and potentially transform and disrupt supply chains. However, despite recognizing its enormous opportunity, there is still an incomplete, dispersed, and fragmented knowledge of ...

  25. "Research on the Optimization of Agricultural Product Uplink(APU

    Wang Hongmei, Yu Yuecheng. Based on block chain of food safety traceability technology research [J]. Journal of electronic design engineering, 2019, 27 (13) : 16-20 + 25. / j.carol carroll nki DZSJGC. 2019.13.004. ... this paper applies blockchain technology to the traditional agricultural product supply chain based on Internet of Things ...

  26. Blockchain Financial Statements: Innovating Financial Reporting

    The necessity for further exploration into blockchain's potential within accounting systems is underlined, suggesting a promising direction for future innovations in tamper-evident financial reporting and liquidity management. The complexity and interconnection within the financial ecosystem demand innovative solutions to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in financial reporting ...

  27. A literature review of blockchain technology applications in supply

    In the past few years, blockchain, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, has received considerable attention from academia and industry. It is widely accepted that blockchain technology causes disruptive changes in supply chain operations that can overcome supply chain difficulties encountered in realizing information sharing, maintaining traceability in the entire process and improving ...

  28. Identifying Fake Products through a Barcode based Blockchain System

    This paper proposes a novel approach utilizing a barcode based blockchain system to authenticate products and detect counterfeit items, and explores the implications of integrating blockchain technology with barcode scanning for combating counterfeit products and enhancing supply chain transparency. Abstract: Counterfeit products pose a significant threat to consumers, businesses, and ...

  29. Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management

    This paper reveals a state of the art overview and research discussion of the stated research topics as well as future research needs. Finally a research framework is presented to consolidate the findings and invite researchers to participate in advancing blockchain and supply chain management research.

  30. 05 Aug 2024

    The Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference and 2nd Symposium on Blockchain Research serves as a nexus for illuminating these synergistic potentials. This pioneering event is dedicated to unearthing the profound implications and versatile opportunities emanating from the fusion of these technologies.