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৯ম-১০ম শ্রেণীর জন্য ১০০% কমন প্রবন্ধ রচনা সাজেসন

প্রবন্ধ রচনা.

প্রবন্ধ কী : ‘প্রবন্ধ’ শব্দের অর্থ প্রকৃষ্ট বন্ধন। প্রকৃতপক্ষে ভাব ও ভাষার বন্ধন। কোনো একটি বিষয়কে ভাব ও চিন্তার মধ্য দিয়ে ভাষায় প্রাণবন্ত করে প্রকাশ করাই হচ্ছে প্রবন্ধ। প্রবন্ধের প্রকারভেদ : বিষয়ভেদে প্রবন্ধকে প্রধানত তিন ভাগে বিভক্ত করা যায়। যথাঃ ১. বর্ণনামূলক; ২. ঘটনামূলক; ও ৩. চিন্তামূলক। প্রবন্ধের বিভিন্ন অংশ : প্রবন্ধের সাধারণত তিনটি অংশ। যথাঃ ১। ভূমিকা, ২। মূল অংশ ও ৩। উপসংহার। ১। ভূমিকা : প্রবন্ধের প্রারম্ভিক প্রস্তাবনা বা ভূমিকা অংশ প্রবন্ধের আলোচ্য বিষয়ে প্রবেশের দরজা। সূচনা-পর্বটি খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। সেজন্য ভূমিকা অংশের ওপর মূল বিষয়গত ভাবের প্রতিফলন এমনভাবে হওয়া দরকার যাতে প্রবন্ধের মূল বিষয়ে উত্তরণের দ্বার তো খুলে যাবেই, সেই সঙ্গে বিষয়টি হৃদয়গ্রাহী হয়ে পাঠকের কাছে আকর্ষণীয় হবে। ভূমিকা যাতে অপ্রাসঙ্গিক ও অনাবশ্যক বাগ্বাহুল্য-দোষে দুষ্ট না হয় সেদিকে লক্ষ রাখতে হবে। ২। মূল অংশ : ভূমিকার পরে প্রবন্ধের মূল বিষয়ের আলোচনা শুরু হয়। মূল বক্তব্য পরিবেশনের আগে বিষয়টিকে প্রয়োজনীয় সংকেত -এ ভাগ করে নিতে হয়। সংকেত-সূত্রের পরম্পরা রক্ষা করে প্রবন্ধের অবয়বকে সুসংহতভাবে গড়ে তুলতে হয়। প্রতিটি সংকেতের কতখানি বিস্তার হবে তা তার প্রকাশের পূর্ণতার ওপর নির্ভরশীল। কাজেই আয়তনগত পরিমাপ নির্দিষ্ট নেই। প্রতিটি সংকেতের ওপর প্রয়োজনীয় গুরুত্ব দিয়ে আলোচনা করতে হয়। ৩। উপসংহার : প্রবন্ধের সর্বশেষ অংশ উপসংহার। সূচনার মতো সমাপ্তিরও আছে সমান গুরুত্ব। প্রবন্ধের ভাববস্তু ভূমিকার উৎস থেকে ক্রমাগ্রগতি ও ক্রমবিকাশের ধারা বহন করে উপসংহারে এসে একটি ভাবব্যঞ্জনা সৃষ্টি করে সমাপ্তির ছেদ-রেখা টানে। এখানে লেখকের ব্যক্তিগত অভিমত প্রকাশের যথেষ্ট অবকাশ থাকে। উপসংহারে লেখক একদিকে যেমন আলোচনার সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হয়, অন্যদিকে তেমনি লেখকের নিজস্ব অভিমতের কিংবা আশা-আকাঙ্গখা সার্থক প্রতিফলনও ঘটে। প্রবন্ধ রচনার ক্ষেত্রে যা যা মনে রাখা প্রয়োজন : প্রবন্ধ রচনার সময় কিছু নিয়মকানুন অনুসরণ করা প্রয়োজন। তাহলে প্রবন্ধের মান বৃদ্ধি পায় এবং পরীক্ষায় অধিক নম্বর পাওয়া যায়। এক্ষেত্রে, ১. প্রবন্ধের বিষয় সম্পর্কে গভীরভাবে চিন্তা করতে হবে। ২. চিন্তাপ্রসূত ভাবগুলো অবশ্যই ধারাবাহিকভাবে সাজাতে হবে। ৩. প্রতিটি ভাব উপস্থাপন করতে হবে পৃথক অনুচ্ছেদে। ৪. একই ভাব, তথ্য বা বক্তব্য বারবার উল্লেখ করা যাবে না। ৫. রচনার ভাষা হতে হবে সহজ, সরল ও প্রাঞ্জল। ৬. উপস্থাপিত তথ্যাবলি অবশ্যই নির্ভুল হতে হবে। ৭. বড় ও জটিল বাক্য যতটা সম্ভব পরিহার করতে হবে। ৮. নির্ভুল বানানে লিখতে হবে। ৯. সাধু ও চলিত ভাষার মিশ্রণ ঘটানো যাবে না। ১০. উপসংহারে সুচিন্তিত নিজস্ব মতামত উপস্থাপন করতে হবে।

আমাদের বাছাইকৃত রচনা সমূহ


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অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম

ছাত্রজীবনের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি বিষয় অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট। আর এই অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম, জানা না থাকলে, পরীক্ষায় যেমন ভাল নাম্বার পাওয়া সম্ভব নয়, তেমনে ছাত্রজীবনও হয় বিষাদময়।

ছাত্রজীবন বলেন বা ছাত্রীজীবন, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট কমবেশী সবারই লিখতে হয়। আমাদের বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় জীবনে তো এমন কোন সাপ্তাহ ছিল না, যে সাপ্তাহে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ছিল না।

আসলে, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট হলো পড়ালেখার একটি অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ। শিক্ষকরা ছাত্রছাত্রীদের মেধা ও সৃজনশীলতা যাচাই এর জন্য তাদের, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট দিয়ে থাকেন। তাই অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়মকানুন জানা থাকা জরুরি। আজ আমরা সেই নিয়মাবলি নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট কি?

পড়ালেখার একটি অংশ হলো অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট। এটা অনেকটা বাড়ির কাজের মতই। কারন বাড়িতে বসেই ছাত্রছাত্রীরা অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট করে থাকে। যেকোন একটি পাঠ্য বিষয়ের উপর শিক্ষক অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট দিয়ে থাকেন। পরীক্ষায় ভালো রেজাল্ট করার ১০টি উপায় ।

ছাত্রছাত্রীরা বাসায় বসে তা নিয়ে গবেষণা করে থাকে। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট টপিক এর উপর ভিত্তি করে তারা প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য ও উপাত্ত উপস্থাপন করে থাকে। এর সাথে লিখিত বিষয়বস্তু থাকে এবং কখনো কখনো ব্যবহারিক বিষয় ও থাকে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লিখতে যা যা প্রয়োজন

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর উপস্থাপন খুব সুন্দর হতে হয়। তাই এর জন্য কিছু জিনিসপত্র দরকার হয়। যেমন

– A4 সাইজের অফসেট কাগজ।

– কালো বলপেন।

– নীল রঙের সাইনপেন (অন্য কালার ও ব্যবহার করা যায় তবে লাল বা কমলা জাতীয় রঙ ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। সবুজ ও বাদ দেয়া উচিত তালিকা থেকে।)

– মার্জিন করার জন্য পেনসিল ও স্কেল।

– অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের বিষয়ের বই।

– ইন্টারনেট, খবরের কাগজ বা অন্য কোন উপায়ে তথ্য সংগ্রহ করা হয়ে থাকলে তার কাগজপত্র ইত্যাদি।

  • আরও পড়ুন: হাতের লেখা সুন্দর করার কৌশল ।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট কভার পেজ

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট কভার পেজ লেখার নিয়ম হিসাবে দুই ধরণের কভার পেজের নমুনা দিলাম। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর জন্য কভার পেজ লিখা খুব জরুরি। কভার পেজটি সুন্দর করে লিখতে হবে। শুরুতে লিখতে হবে প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম। তারপর ক্রমান্বয়ে নিজের নাম, শ্রেণী, শাখা, রোল নাম্বার, বিষয়, বিষয় শিক্ষকের নাম, বিভাগ, তারিখ ইত্যাদি লিখতে হবে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম

এই বিষয়গুলো সুন্দর অক্ষরে স্পষ্ট করে লিখতে হবে। তবে হাতে না লিখে কম্পিউটার দিয়ে ডিজাইন করেও নেয়া যায়।  তাতে কভার পেজটা আরো সুন্দর ও আকর্ষণীয় হবে। খাতার উপর প্রতিষ্ঠানের লোগো থাকাও উচিত।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট যদি খুব বড় হয় আর অনেকগুলো বিষয় একসাথে থাকে তাহলে কভার পেজের পরে একটি সূচিপত্র দেয়া যেতে পারে। এতে পাঠকের নির্ধারিত বিষয়টি খুঁজে পেতে সুবিধা হবে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট কভার পেজ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টে কি কি থাকতে হবে

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সাধারনত তিনটি ভাগে লিখতে হয়।

  • প্রথম ভাগে ভূমিকা দিতে হয়
  • তারপর মূল অংশ
  • সবশেষে উপসংহার দিতে হয়।

ভূমিকা অংশে অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের বিষয়টি নিয়ে সংক্ষিপ্ত ধারনা দিতে হয়। এই অংশটি পড়ে শিক্ষক বা পাঠক পুরো বিষয়টির উপর একটি স্বচ্ছ ধারনা পায়। কাজেই এটি হতে হবে সহজ বোধগম্য।

এরপর শুরু হবে মূল অংশ । এখানে বিষয়বস্তুর উপর বিশদ বিবরণ দেয়া হবে। খুব সুন্দর ও সহজ ভাষায় পুরো বিষয়বস্তু বর্ণনা করতে হবে যেন শিক্ষক বা পাঠক সহজেই ধারনা পায় বিষয়টি সম্পর্কে। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর বিবরণ গোছানো থাকতে হবে। প্রয়োজনীয় সকল তথ্য থাকতে হবে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট তৈরির মাধ্যমে শিক্ষার্থীর সৃজনশীলতা প্রকাশ পায় কাজেই কে কত ‍সুন্দরভাবে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উপস্থাপন করতে পেরেছে সেটাতে তার দক্ষতা প্রকাশ পায়। এ বিষয়টি অবশ্যই খেয়াল রাখতে হবে।

সবশেষে আসবে উপসংহার । অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর এ অংশে আলোচ্য বিষয়ের উপর ইতি টানতে হবে। বিষয়টির ফলাফল সম্পর্কে বলে শেষ করতে হবে।

নিচে আমরা সংক্ষিপ্ত আকারে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম হিসাবে অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের একটি নমুনা দিলাম। এই নমুনা খুব সংক্ষিপ্ত আকারে, বোঝার সুবিধার্থে দেয়া। সাধারণত, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট আরও বড় হয়ে থাকে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নমুনা

আলোড়ন ইন্টারন্যাশনাল স্কুল

শিক্ষার্থীর নাম: প্রিয়া

শ্রেণী: ৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণী

বিষয়: গ্রাহস্থ অর্থনীতি

বিষয় শিক্ষকের নাম: দিলরুবা আফরোজ পুষ্পিতা

তারিখ: ১০-১০-২০২১

বিষয়ের শিরোনাম: লাল শাক রান্নার পদ্ধতি

শাক ভিটামিন জাতীয় একটি খাবার। শাকে রয়েছে প্রচুর পুষ্টিগুণ। প্রতিবেলার আহারে শাক থাকা উচিত। আজ আমরা জেনে নিব লাল শাক রান্নার পদ্ধতি।

প্রথমেই শাকের ডাঁটি কেটে আলাদা করে নিতে হবে। তারপর পানি দিয়ে খুব ভালোভাবে কয়েকবার ধুয়ে নিতে হবে। শাক বাছার সময় পোকা আছে কিনা তা খেয়াল করতে হবে। পানি দিয়ে ধোয়ার পর তা থেকে পানি নিংড়ে নিতে হবে। এ জন্য কোন ছাকনি বা জালির সাহায্য নেয়া যেতে পারে। তারপর শাকপাতা কুচি করে নিতে হবে। শাক রান্নার জন্য চুলায় কড়াই দিতে হবে। তাতে লাল শাক কুচিগুলো দিয়ে পরিমানমতো লবন দিয়ে সিদ্ধ করতে হবে। সিদ্ধ হয়ে যাবার পর অতিরিক্ত পানি ফেলে দিতে হবে। চুলায় এরপর কড়াইতে তেল গরম করে তাতে সিদ্ধ লালশাক দিয়ে সামান্য হলুদ, মরিচ, পেয়াজ দিয়ে ভালো করে মিশিয়ে নিতে হবে। যখন দেখা যাবে শাক খুব সুন্দরভাবে মিশে গেছে তখন নামিয়ে নিতে হবে।

পরিশেষে বলা যায় যে উপরোক্ত পদ্ধতিতে লাল শাক রান্না করলে শাকের পুষ্টিগুণ বজায় থাকবে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লিখার নিয়ম

  • অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লিখার সময় খাতা অবশ্যই পেন্সিল দিয়ে মার্জিন টানা থাকতে হবে।
  • অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সাধারনত খাতার ডান পাশে লিখা হয়। তবে বাম পাশে লিখলেও অসুবিধা নেই কিন্তু একটি আদর্শ অ্যাসাইনমেন্টে লিখা সবসময় একপাশেই হয়। পেজের একপাশে লিখলে, অপর পাশে লিখা যাবে না।
  • অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ছোট ছোট বাক্যে লিখতে হবে। বড় বড় জটিল লাইন পরিহার করতে হবে। লিখার ভাষা সহজ ও সাবলীল হতে হবে।
  • লিখার পরিচিত শব্দ ব্যবহার করা উচিত এবং খাতা পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্ন থাকতে হবে। খাতার সবগুলো পৃষ্ঠা যেন একই মাপে হয় খেয়াল রাখতে হবে।
  • লিখায় কোন কাটাকাটি হওয়া যাবেনা। কালো বলপেন দিয়ে লিখতে হবে।
  • খাতার সুন্দর উপস্থাপনের জন্য নীল কালি দিয়ে পয়েন্টগুলো লিখা যেতে পারে।
  • প্রয়োজনে চিত্র সংযুক্ত করা যেতে পারে। বিজ্ঞান ও গণিতের ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়োজন হয়। গণিতে ভালো করার উপায় ।
  • অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট এর শেষে একটি খালি কাগজ যুক্ত করতে হবে।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লিখার ক্ষেত্রে লক্ষনীয় বিষয়

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট তৈরির আগে অবশ্যই বিষয়টি ভালোভাবে বুঝতে হবে। প্রশ্নটি ভালো করে পড়তে হবে। অন্য কারোটা দেখে দেখে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট তৈরি করা উচিত নয়। কারণ একটি অ্যাসাইনমেন্টে শিক্ষার্থীর বুদ্ধিমত্তা, নিজস্ব চিন্তাচেতনার প্রকাশ ঘটে। কারোটা দেখে দেখে লিখলে তার সৃজনশীলতা বাধাপ্রাপ্ত হয়। এতে তার নিজস্ব মতামত প্রকাশে সমস্যা দেখা দেয়।

নিজে লিখলে তার আত্নবিশ্বাস ও বাড়বে। কারণ শিক্ষক যখন অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট চেক করে দিবেন তখন সে তার চিন্তাচেতনার মূল্যায়ন করতে পারবে। অন্যকে নকল করে লিখলে যা সম্ভব নয়। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লিখতে হবে স্পষ্ট অক্ষরে।

এখানে স্টাইলিশ অক্ষর পরিত্যাগ করা উচিত। সবগুলো অক্ষরের মাপ একই রাখতে হবে খাতার শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত। যে জায়গা থেকে তথ্য সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে তা হুবহু কপি করা যাবে না। তার থেকে খুব ভালো একটা ধারণা নিতে হবে। অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট অবশ্যই নির্দিষ্ট তারিখের মধ্যেই জমা দিতে হবে।

এই ছিল আজকে অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট লেখার নিয়ম নিয়ে সংক্ষিপ্ত লেখা। আশা করি, assignment লেখার নিয়ম আপনাদের মধ্যে আর কোন সমস্যা থাকবেনা। তারপরও যদি কোন বিষয় বুঝতে সমস্যা হয়, তাহলে কমেন্ট করে জানাতে পারেন। সঠিক উপায়ে পড়াশোনা করার ১১টি নিয়ম ।

এরকম আরও আর্টিকেল লেখক থেকে আরো আর্টিকেল

প্রতিবেদন লেখার নিয়ম

প্রতিবেদন লেখার নিয়ম ২০২৪

আরিফ আজাদের বই

আরিফ আজাদের পরিচয় ও জনপ্রিয় ৫টি আরিফ আজাদের বই

ইংরেজি শেখার সহজ উপায়

দ্রুত ইংরেজি শেখার সহজ উপায়

2022 এর বাংলা এসাইনমেন্ট কী ভাবে করব।

Step by step বুঝিয়ে দিন

যদি গণিতে সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন এসাইনমেন্ট হয় তাহলে অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের শিরোনাম কিভাবে লিখব? সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন কি প্রশ্ন লিখতে হবে?

assignment ti amra kivabe pin up korbo

শিক্ষা সহায়ক এই কাজের আপনাদের জন্য ধন্যবাদ ।

আপনার কি কোন প্রশ্ন আছে? উত্তর বাতিল করুন

পরের বার আমি মন্তব্য করার জন্য এই ব্রাউজারে আমার নাম, ইমেল, এবং ওয়েবসাইট সংরক্ষণ করুন।

ফিচার আর্টিকেল

ইংরেজি পত্রিকা পড়ার নিয়ম

ইংরেজি পত্রিকা পড়ার নিয়ম

ইংরেজি গ্রামার কিভাবে শিখব

ইংরেজি গ্রামার কিভাবে শিখব? ইংরেজি গ্রামার শেখার ৪টি সহজ উপায়

জনপ্রিয় আর্টিকেল.

দোকানের সুন্দর নামের তালিকা

দোকানের সুন্দর নামের তালিকা ও নতুন ব্যবসার নাম নির্বাচন

ঔষধি গাছের নাম ও উপকারিতা

৩৫টি ঔষধি গাছের নাম ও উপকারিতা

বিয়ের জিনিসপত্র

বিয়ের জিনিসপত্র ও বিয়ের কসমেটিকস এর তালিকা

স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার ক্রিম

স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার ক্রিম

নিউরো মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ

১৫ জন নিউরো মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ

মোবাইল নাম্বার দিয়ে পরিচয় বের করা

মোবাইল নাম্বার দিয়ে পরিচয় বের করা

নিজের সম্পর্কে ১০ টি বাক্য ইংরেজিতে

নিজের সম্পর্কে ১০ টি বাক্য ইংরেজিতে

যুক্তবর্ণ লেখার নিয়ম

কম্পিউটারে বাংলা যুক্তবর্ণ লেখার নিয়ম

সর্বাধিক পঠিত.

দোকানের সুন্দর নামের তালিকা

জনপ্রিয় বিভাগ

  • ব্যবসার আইডিয়া 61
  • স্টাডি টিপস 59
  • লাইফস্টাইল 55
  • দিক নির্দেশনা 50
  • স্বাস্থ্য টিপস 27
  • অনলাইনে আয় 26
  • ব্যাংকিং ও শেয়ার 18
  • পাইকারি বাজার 16

কমার্স পড়ে কি হওয়া যায়

কমার্স পড়ে কি হওয়া যায়

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Learn Bengali Online

Learn Bengali Online

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How to Learn to Write in Bengali Fast & Quickly

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Are you interested in learning to write in Bengali quickly and efficiently? Do you find the Bengali script intriguing but daunting? Have you been struggling to find effective resources and tools to improve your Bengali writing skills?

If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips and strategies to help you learn to write in Bengali fast and effectively.

Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, these tips will help you improve your writing skills and achieve your language learning goals in no time.

So let’s dive in!

Write in Bengali

Welcome to this article on how to learn to write in Bengali quickly. Bengali is a beautiful language with a rich literary heritage, and mastering the art of writing in Bengali can be a fulfilling experience.

Whether you are a beginner or have some knowledge of Bengali, this article will provide you with practical tips and advice to help you improve your writing skills in Bengali.

As an expert online Bengali tutor, I am confident that by following these tips, you will be able to make rapid progress in your Bengali writing abilities. So let’s dive in and explore the best ways to learn to write in Bengali quickly.

Importance of learning writing in Bengali

Bengali is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. It is the seventh most spoken language in the world and has a rich cultural heritage.

Learning to write in Bengali is an essential part of mastering the language, as it enables learners to express their ideas, communicate with others, and appreciate the beauty of Bengali literature.

Writing in Bengali can be a challenging task, but with the right guidance and practice, anyone can become proficient in it.

This article aims to provide a step-by-step guide to learning writing in Bengali quickly and efficiently. As an expert online Bengali tutor, I have years of experience in teaching Bengali to students of all levels, and I have found that following a structured approach is the most effective way to learn writing in Bengali.

In this article, I will cover the basics of the Bengali script , provide tips for mastering the art of writing, and suggest useful resources for further practice. By the end of this article, you will have the tools and knowledge to start writing in Bengali with confidence.

assignment bangla writing

Learn the Bengali Script

Bengali script, also known as the Bangla script, is the writing system used for the Bengali language. It is an abugida script, which means that each letter represents a consonant sound with an inherent vowel sound. Bengali script has 50 letters and 11 vowel signs.

Explanation of the Bengali script and its components

Before you can start writing in Bengali, you need to become familiar with its script. The Bengali script consists of several components:

  • Consonant letters : There are 39 consonant letters in the Bengali script. Each letter represents a unique consonant sound.
  • Vowel signs : There are 11 vowel signs in Bengali script. These signs are added to consonant letters to form syllables. Each vowel sign represents a unique vowel sound.
  • Diacritic marks : Bengali script also uses diacritic marks to modify the sound of certain consonant letters.

Tips for practicing writing the script.

  • Start with the basics : Begin by practicing writing the consonant letters and their corresponding vowel signs. It is important to get the shape and orientation of the letters right.
  • Use tracing sheets : You can download tracing sheets to practice writing the Bengali script. These sheets provide a template that you can trace to help you learn the correct shape and form of each letter.
  • Practice regularly : Practice writing the script every day. Repetition is key to developing muscle memory and mastering the script.
  • Write words and sentences : Once you have learned the basic letters and vowel signs, start practicing writing words and sentences in Bengali. This will help you develop your writing skills and build your vocabulary.

Learning the Bengali script can be challenging, but with practice and persistence, you can master it. By learning the script, you will be able to read and write in Bengali, which is an essential skill for anyone who wants to communicate effectively in this language.

How to learn to write in Bengali Fast & Quickly

Build Vocabulary

As you begin your journey to learn writing in Bengali, building a strong vocabulary is an essential step. Having a diverse range of words and phrases at your disposal will enable you to express your thoughts and ideas accurately and effectively.

Importance of building a strong vocabulary

Without a solid vocabulary, writing in Bengali can be challenging, and it can be tough to convey your intended message. However, with a robust vocabulary , you can communicate more clearly and efficiently, making your writing more engaging and effective.

Tips for learning new words and phrases.

One of the best ways to build your vocabulary is through exposure to the language. Make a conscious effort to read Bengali literature, news articles, and other written material as much as possible.

You can also watch Bengali movies and TV shows with subtitles to familiarize yourself with common phrases and idioms. Another effective way to learn new words and phrases is to use flashcards.
Write down new words and their meanings on small cards and carry them with you throughout the day. Whenever you have a few spare moments, take out your flashcards and review them.

Additionally, using online resources like Bengali language learning apps and websites can also help you expand your vocabulary. These resources provide word lists, flashcards, and quizzes to help you learn and retain new words and phrases.

By following these tips, you can gradually expand your vocabulary and become more confident in your writing abilities in Bengali.

Understand Grammar and Sentence Structure

“ Understanding Grammar and Sentence Structure ” refers to the ability to comprehend and apply the rules and principles that govern the formation of sentences and the arrangement of words in a language.

It involves understanding how different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are used, as well as the rules for constructing phrases and clauses, and the proper order of words in a sentence.

Developing a strong grasp of grammar and sentence structure is essential for effective communication and can greatly enhance one’s proficiency in a language.

Explanation of Bengali grammar and sentence structure

Understanding the grammar and sentence structure of Bengali is crucial for effective writing. Bengali is a highly inflected language, which means that verbs, nouns, and adjectives change form to reflect their role in a sentence.

In addition, Bengali uses postpositions rather than prepositions to indicate relationships between words. Understanding the various parts of speech, verb conjugation, and sentence structure is important to convey meaning accurately and effectively in writing.

Tips for understanding and practicing grammar and sentence structure

To improve your understanding of Bengali grammar and sentence structure, it is important to start with the basics. Begin by learning the various parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and how they function in a sentence. Once you have a solid grasp of the parts of speech, move on to verb conjugation and sentence structure.

To practice grammar and sentence structure, try writing simple sentences and gradually increasing their complexity. Use resources such as grammar books and online tutorials to help you understand the rules and patterns of Bengali grammar. It is also helpful to read extensively in Bengali, paying attention to sentence structure and how the language is used in context.

Additionally, working with a tutor or language exchange partner can be invaluable for improving your understanding of Bengali grammar and sentence structure. They can provide feedback on your writing and offer tips and guidance on how to improve.

Practice Writing Regularly

As an expert online Bengali tutor, I believe that regular practice is essential to improving your writing skills in Bengali. Consistent practice will not only help you to develop your skills, but it will also help you to maintain your motivation and momentum . Here are some tips and suggestions for finding opportunities to practice writing regularly.

Importance of regular practice in improving writing skills

Writing is a skill that requires consistent practice to improve. Regular practice will help you to build your confidence, improve your accuracy, and develop your creativity. When you practice writing regularly, you will start to notice that your writing becomes more natural, and you will be able to express your ideas more clearly and effectively.

Suggestions for finding opportunities for writing practice.

Keep a journal: One of the best ways to practice writing is by keeping a journal. You can write about your day, your thoughts, your goals, or anything else that interests you. The more you write, the better you will get.

  • Write short stories: Another way to practice writing is by writing short stories. You can start with simple stories and gradually increase the complexity as you improve.
  • Participate in writing contests : There are many writing contests and competitions that you can participate in. These contests are a great way to challenge yourself and improve your skills.
  • Find a writing buddy: Having a writing buddy can be a great motivator. You can share your work with each other and provide feedback and support.
  • Join a writing group : Joining a writing group can provide you with valuable feedback and critiques from other writers. It can also be a great way to make connections and learn from others.

As they say, practice is the key to improving your writing skills in Bengali. By practicing regularly and finding opportunities to write, you will be able to develop your skills, improve your accuracy, and express your ideas more clearly and effectively. So, don’t be afraid to start writing today!

assignment bangla writing

Get Feedback and Correct Mistakes

“ Get Feedback and Correct Mistakes ” refers to the process of seeking feedback on one’s language use, particularly writing, from others and using that feedback to correct any mistakes and improve one’s skills.

This feedback can come from a language teacher, tutor, or even peers who are also learning the language. Correcting mistakes is an essential part of the language learning process, as it helps learners identify areas of weakness and improve their overall proficiency in the language.

Importance of getting feedback on writing

As with any skill, getting feedback on your writing is crucial to improving. It can be difficult to identify your own mistakes and areas for improvement, which is why seeking feedback from others is so important.

Feedback can come from a teacher, tutor, or even a language exchange partner who is more proficient in Bengali than you are.

Suggestions for getting feedback and correcting mistakes.

  • Find a tutor or teacher: A tutor or teacher can provide you with regular feedback on your writing and help you identify areas for improvement. They can also give you guidance on how to correct mistakes and avoid them in the future.
  • Join a writing group: Joining a writing group can give you the opportunity to share your work with others and receive feedback. This can be a great way to get different perspectives on your writing and identify areas for improvement.
  • Use online resources : There are many online resources available that can help you get feedback on your writing. Websites like Lang-8 allow you to submit your writing and have it corrected by native speakers.
  • Proofread and edit your own work : Before seeking feedback from others, it’s important to proofread and edit your own work as much as possible. This will help you catch any obvious mistakes and improve the overall quality of your writing.
  • Take note of common mistakes : As you receive feedback and correct mistakes, make sure to take note of common mistakes you make. This will help you identify patterns in your writing and work to avoid them in the future.

By following these suggestions, you can get the feedback you need to improve your Bengali writing skills and become a more confident writer.

Use Online Resources and Tools

Using online resources and tools refers to the practice of utilizing various online platforms and tools to enhance the process of learning a new language, specifically in this context, Bengali writing.

This can include resources such as language learning apps, online dictionaries, thesauruses, writing and grammar tools, and online language communities where learners can engage with native speakers and receive feedback on their writing.

These resources can provide a wealth of information, feedback, and opportunities for practice, making the learning process more efficient and effective.

Benefits of online resources and tools for writing in Bengali

In today’s digital age, there are countless online resources and tools available for learning and practicing writing in Bengali. These resources can be especially helpful for those who may not have access to in-person classes or tutors.

By using online resources and tools, you can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. Additionally, many online resources and tools are free, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Suggestions for finding and using effective online resources and tools.

When it comes to finding effective online resources and tools for learning Bengali writing, there are several options to consider.

For example, websites like iTalki and Verbling offer online classes with experienced Bengali tutors. There are also many free online resources like the Virtual Bangladesh website, which offers writing lessons and practice exercises.

Another option is to download Bengali writing apps like Write. Bengali or Bangla Keyboard 2021, which allows you to practice writing Bengali on your smartphone or tablet.

Download worksheets and practice writing regularly.

In addition to using online resources and tools, it’s important to practice writing in Bengali regularly. One way to do this is to download worksheets and practice exercises from Learn Bengali Online .

These worksheets can help you to build your writing skills and reinforce what you have learned from online resources and tools. It’s important to set aside time each day or week for writing practice, even if it’s just a few minutes at a time.

With consistent practice and the right resources, you can improve your writing skills in Bengali and communicate effectively in both written and spoken forms.

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Stay Motivated and Set Goals

As with any new skill, it is essential to stay motivated when learning to write in Bengali. Setting clear goals for yourself can help you stay focused and feel a sense of accomplishment as you reach each milestone.

Here are some tips for staying motivated and setting achievable goals:

Importance of motivation and goal setting in learning to write in Bengali.

Motivation helps you stay focused: Staying motivated is key to achieving success when learning to write in Bengali. When you have clear goals and reasons for wanting to learn, you are more likely to stay motivated and keep practicing.

Goals help you measure progress: Setting goals for yourself helps you track your progress and see how far you have come. This can be incredibly motivating and can help you stay on track when you feel discouraged.

Tips for staying motivated and setting achievable goals.

Focus on why you want to learn : Before you start learning to write in Bengali, take some time to think about why you want to learn.

Is it to connect with family members or friends who speak Bengali?
To better understand Bengali literature or culture?

To prepare for a trip to Bangladesh or West Bengal? Whatever your reason, keep it in mind as you learn and practice.

  • Break your goals into smaller, achievable steps: Instead of setting a single, large goal for yourself (such as “write a short story in Bengali”), break it into smaller, more achievable steps (such as “learn ten new words today” or “write a paragraph in Bengali”). This will help you feel a sense of progress and accomplishment as you work towards your larger goal.
  • Celebrate your progress: Whenever you reach a goal or make significant progress towards it, take a moment to celebrate. Treat yourself to something you enjoy or take a break to do something relaxing. This will help keep you motivated and remind you of the progress you have made.
  • Stay accountable: Find a friend or language exchange partner who can help keep you accountable and motivated. Set up regular check-ins or practice sessions and share your goals and progress with each other.

By following these tips, you can stay motivated and set achievable goals for yourself as you learn to write in Bengali. Remember that learning a new skill takes time and effort, but with dedication and practice, you can achieve your goals and become a confident writer in Bengali.

In this article, we discussed some effective tips for learning to write in Bengali quickly. We talked about the importance of learning the Bengali script and building a strong vocabulary.

We also discussed the significance of understanding grammar and sentence structure, practicing writing regularly, getting feedback, and using online resources and tools to improve your writing skills. Lastly, we talked about the importance of staying motivated and setting achievable goals.

Learning to write in Bengali can seem like a daunting task, but with consistent practice, anyone can master it. It’s essential to stay motivated, be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are a natural part of the learning process. Remember to be proud of yourself for taking on the challenge of learning a new language and stay committed to your goals.

I encourage you to start implementing these tips into your daily practice and see how your writing skills in Bengali improve.

Remember, the key to learning any language is consistency and dedication. So, keep practicing and seek feedback and support when needed. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to becoming proficient in writing in Bengali!

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Learn and practice writing in Bengali using worksheets. Writing in Bengali is a very important aspect of learning Bengali. It helps to master the language faster and better.

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Pronouncing the Bangla Alphabet

ই & ঈউ & ঊ
Name & IPA: shor (sound)  ɔ. English: a as in all. Transliteration: aName &  IPA: shor (sound) a English equivalent: a as in art. Transliteration: a or aaNames & IPA: roshsho (short) i & dirgho (long) i. English: i as in eel. Transliteration: iNames & IPA: roshsho (short) u & dirgho (long) u. English: u as in oops. Transliteration: u
Name: e IPA: e & æ English: e as in eight and a as in at. Transliterate: eName & IPA: oi English: oi as in Oi! Transliteration: oi.Name & IPA: o English: o as in Oh! Transliteration: o.Name & IPA: ou English: o as in Over! Transliteration: ou.
Name: kɔ English: k as in scooter  Transliteration: k & kaName: khɔ English: kh (ckh) as in backhand. Transliteration: kh & khaName: gɔ English: g as in gawk  Transliteration: g & gaName: gʰɔ English: gh as in big-house Transliteration: gh & ghaName: ŋɔ English: ng as in song  Transliteration: ng & ngo
Name: cɔ English: c as in watch Transliteration: c & caName: cʰɔ English: ch as in chop Transliteration: ch & chaName: jɔ English: j as in jaw Transliteration: j & jaName: jʰɔ English: jh (dgeh) as in hedgehog Transliteration: jh & jhaName: nyɔ English: n as in not Transliteration: n & na
Name: ʈɔ English: t as in stop. Transliteration: T & Ta (capital T)Name: ʈʰɔ English: th as in shirt-hanger Transliteration: Th & Tha (T capital)Name: ɖɔ English: d as in doll. Transliteration: D & Da (capital D)Name: ɖʰɔ English: dh as in roundhouse Transliteration: Dh & DhaName: nɔ English: n as in not. Transliteration: n & na
Name: tɔ English: t as in tiramisu. Transliteration: t & ta (small t)Name: tʰɔ English: th as in thaw Transliteration: th & tha (t small)Name: dɔ English: d as in doll. Transliteration: d & da (small d)Name: dʰɔ English: dh as in dharma Transliteration: dh & dha (d small)Name: nɔ English: n as in not. Transliteration: n & na
Name: pɔ English: p as spawn Transliteration: p & paName: pʰɔ English: ph/f as in paw/faux Transliteration: ph/f & pha/faName: bɔ English: b as in ball Transliteration: b & baName: bʰɔ English: bh/v as in subheading/vote Transliteration: bh/v & bha/vaName: mɔ English: m as in mall Transliteration: m & ma
Name: jɔ English: j as in jaw Transliteration: j & jaName: rɔ English: r as in row Transliteration: r & raName: lɔ English: l as in law Transliteration: l & laName: shɔ English: sh as in Shaw. Transliteration: sh & shaName: shɔ English: sh as in Shaw. Transliteration: sh & sha
Name: shɔ English: sh/s as in Shaw/saw. Transliteration: sh/s & sha/saName: hɔ English: h as in hawk Transliteration: h & haName: ɽɔ English: back r as in grow Transliteration: R & Ra (capital R)Name: ɽʰɔ English: back r as in grow with aspiration. Transliteration: Rh & Rha (R capital):Name: yɔ English: y as in yawn Transliteration: y & ya
“ri”word-initially “khɔ”, elsewhere “kkhɔ”word-initially “gæ̃”, elsewhere “ggɔ”“krɔ”
গুশুরু রূ

"Malayalam Pronunciation: The Basics" created by  Donald R. Davis, Jr. , University of Texas at Austin and  Darsana Manayathu Sasi , University of Texas at Austin.

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All resources on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .

Funded by a grant (P017A200040) from the U.S. Department of Education’s  International and Research Studies  program, with additional support from the  South Asia Institute , University of Texas at Austin.


Write Bangla Text Everywhere

Write bangla on mobile and computer by using our online bangla writing tools, bangla web tools | bangla web scripts | bengali transliteration.

  • Advanced Book Search
, 2010 M12 14 - 108 pages

Bibliographic information

TitleLearn Bengali (Bangla) Writing Activity Workbook
PublisherChanda Books, 2010
ISBN1456407740, 9781456407742
Length108 pages
Export Citation    

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Special Characters and Signs:

Independent vowels:, dependent vowels:, two part dependent vowel signs:, consonants:, additional bengali consonants:, bengali digits:, additional letter used for assamese:, additional vowels for sanskrit:, currency symbols, historic symbols for fractional values, historic currency sign.

Subscribe our Channel and Learn How to Type in Bangla Online in 2 minutes

About our Bengali typing and translation software:

Features you should know:.

For example, typing "Tapani kemana achena" will be transliterated into "আপনি কেমন আছেন" .
  • Press (Ctrl+G) to switch between English and Bengali.
  • Use the backspace or click on any words to get more choices on a drop-down menu.
  • Once you have finished typing , email it to your friends and family.
  • Simply copy and paste to post content on Facebook, Twitter, or format it on a text editor such as Word Document.
  • Download and Install Bangla Software on your computer. After installing, type in Bangla on any text editor - with or without the Internet connection.

Fig 1. Bengali Alphabets in English and Bangla.

Characters Set (Alphabets and Numerials):

Text processing:.

The Independent vowels can be combined with consonants in different manners. For example, it can be joined to right, left, and also above and below. In old type-writers and non-standard Bengali encodings, the vowels that are attached to the left character are written first followed by consonant. The Unicode Standard requires typing order on the script consonant and vowel rather than other way around. This applies whether the vowel visually appears after or before the constant. For the rendering process the visual placement is handled separated. Therefore, if the Unicode encoding process is followed, no reordering of the characters is required.

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The Art of Bangla Content Writing: Tips and Strategies

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The Art of Bangla content writing : Tips and Strategies

content writing is a skill that has gained immense popularity in recent years, with more individuals and businesses recognizing the importance of high-quality content for online platforms. In Bangladesh, the demand for Bangla content writers has been on the rise as the country continues its rapid digital transformation. However, writing Bangla content requires specific strategies and techniques to engage readers effectively. In this article, we will explore the art of Bangla content writing , providing useful tips and strategies for creating engaging and SEO -friendly content .

Understanding the Target Audience

One of the key aspects of successful content writing is understanding the target audience. Before you begin writing , IT is essential to research and analyze the demographics, interests, and behavior of your intended readers. Understanding their preferences will help you tailor your content to their needs and establish a strong connection.

To delve deeper into your target audience, utilize tools such as Google Analytics, social media insights, and keyword research tools. These tools provide valuable insights into your audience’s age group, geographic location, and interests. By understanding your readers, you can create content that speaks directly to them, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

Keyword Research for SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is crucial for content to reach a wider audience and improve its visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). Keyword research plays a vital role in optimizing Bangla content for SEO .

Start by brainstorming a list of relevant keywords related to your content . Then, utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify high-volume and low-competition keywords. Incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your content to improve its ranking on search engines.

However, be careful not to overuse keywords, as this can harm the readability and flow of your content . Strike a balance between incorporating keywords and maintaining a natural writing style.

Creating Engaging content

Engaging content is the key to capturing and retaining the attention of your readers. To create compelling Bangla content , consider incorporating the following strategies:

  • Tell a story: Stories have a captivating effect on readers. Using storytelling techniques in your Bangla content can make IT more engaging and memorable.
  • Use visuals: Visual content , such as images and videos, enhances the reading experience. Include relevant visuals that support and complement your written content .
  • Break content into sections: Long paragraphs can be overwhelming for readers. Break your content into sections with subheadings to improve readability and navigation.
  • Create actionable content : Provide practical tips, step-by-step guides, or actionable advice that readers can apply in their lives. This encourages engagement and enhances the value of your content .
  • Be concise and straightforward: Bangla readers appreciate clear, concise language. Avoid unnecessary complexity and lengthy explanations.

Structuring Bangla content with HTML Heading Tags

HTML heading tags help structure content and make IT more readable for both users and search engines. Utilize heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) in your Bangla content to create clear sections and hierarchy.

Typically, the article’s main title should be enclosed within the H1 tag. Subheadings should be assigned H2 tags, and any subsections within those subheadings can be assigned H3 tags. This hierarchical structure allows readers to skim through the content easily and helps search engines understand the content ‘s organization and relevance better.

Here is an example of utilizing heading tags:

The Art of Bangla content writing

Example of heading tag usage:.

Mastering the art of Bangla content writing can significantly contribute to the success of your online presence. By understanding your target audience, conducting keyword research for SEO optimization, and creating engaging content while utilizing HTML heading tags, you can create impactful and highly visible content . Remember to continuously analyze and adapt your content strategy based on feedback and emerging trends to maintain long-term success.

1. How can I find my target audience for Bangla content writing ?

Utilize tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and keyword research to gain insights into your target audience’s demographics and interests.

2. How can I optimize my Bangla content for SEO ?

Perform keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your content . Avoid overusing keywords, as IT can harm readability and flow.

3. How can I make my Bangla content more engaging?

Tell stories, use visuals, break content into sections with subheadings, create actionable content , and maintain concise and straightforward language.

4. How can I structure my Bangla content with HTML heading tags?

Utilize heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to create clear sections and hierarchy in your Bangla content . Assign H1 to the main title, H2 to subheadings, and H3 to subsections.

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Bangla Assignment Writing 2022

Bangla Assignment Writing 2022  ,   Bangla Assignment Writing , Standard Assignment Writing Format Bangla  -  we provide all language assignment writing which can easily complete the task ,  Bangla Assignment writing is help to clear final exams and it also help in pre exam preprration.  You can give us order through WhatsApp – 8190208920

One illustration of such a company that was created to make the difference and reduce the confusion caused by so numerous fake online companies is Peachy Essay. Bangla Assignment Writing   According to the UK English Literature assignment help reviews on the stylish companies to work with when you need genuine help completing your literature assignments, our company tops the list.

 By continually furnishing help to literature scholars and helping them in their shot to pass their English literature assignment writing tasks, we've continuously amassed a wealth of positive reviews from satisfied guests that make a stage piecemeal from all our challengers. Bangla Assignment Writing  We understand the significance of serving our guests well, and we continuously conduct detailed exploration on the requirements and conditions of all our literature guests and examine new ways to insure that they're pleased with the final product.

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We Provide all university assignments in Bangla Assignment Writing , where we take question , analyse it , then write and its our record that students got 99% results in their Bangla Assignment , If you want your project , Assignment or practical’s completed then place us the order now www.senrig.in

How can I write Bangla assignment?

  • Clarify the task.
  • Do the research early
  • Leave a strong paper trail
  • Brainstorm, make notes, jot down ideas as they occur, and begin by writing the stuff you do know
  • Get feedback
  • Allow time for revising and editing
  • Make the organization apparent
  • Write the introduction last


Bangla Assignment Writing   In utmost sodalities, you're needed to write your exploration paper, English essay or law assignment using academic English. It's veritably important for you to take the most from English courses because academic jotting chops will play pivotal part in your future career, especially when you ’ll find the job at one of top companies like Google, Amazon, Erst and Young, Boston Consulting or Oracle, where you ’ll be needed to write business letters, reports, plans, make up colorful business donations, etc.

We largely recommend you to have at least upper-intermediate position of English before you start learning academic jotting.

Bangla Assignment Writing    Academic jotting is considered the loftiest form of English jotting. It should be mentioned, that literacy academic jotting can be relatively grueling for those scholars, who aren't native speakers and still struggle with English alphabet or vocabulary. Still, following the tips listed below can help you learn academic jotting presto and readily.

Assignments are an integral and compulsory part of the programme.

  • Assignments help you even in preparation for annual examination.
  •  There is separate passing for internal assessment.
  •  For essay type question you are supposed to write an answer of 40 to 50 lines and short answer of 20-25 lines.
  • Answers with proper introduction and conclusion are treated as ideal.
  • Your answer should cover all points and sub-points of the related topic.
  • Attach the supplements with proper sequence.
  • Your Assignments should reach us before the scheduled time
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Assignment Cover Page Bangla for Class 6, 7, 8, 9 (2021) Download

Assignment Cover Page Bangla for the students of Class 6, 7, 8, 9 PDF Download. From here you can download your Bangla assignment cover as the Directorate of Secondary School already published its assignment syllabus for the students of class 6 to 9. You can find this syllabus on our website here.

After completing your assignment you need to submit your assignment to your School or Online. Doing this you must create a cover page that has to add to your assignment. There is much design that you can use to create your cover page. But we here separate some of the best design for your cover page that you can add to your assignment.

 All the students of Class 6, 7, 8, 9 can easily use this as their fronts cover page. So, let’s go and find your front page cover for your assignment.

Assignment Cover Page

Now many of you don’t know about the cover page. What is the cover page and where you can use it on your assignment? Look cover page is one kind of page that is taking place on the 1st page in any assignment. There are many ways or places where students can download their cover images.

Here for our beloved students, we choose some Unique, beautiful, and useful cover designs. From here you will find your Bangla, English, and Bangladesh Studies Subject Assignment front page. For your kind information, there are two kinds of assignment versions. One of them is colorful and another is the black and white format.


We here give you both format design. You can pick up one format which you like from here. Download your class 6 assignment in pdf and image format which you have to submit to your school or online.

You have to write some information on this cover page in your class 7 assignment. Firstly you can write your name, your school name also your class name, subject name, a topic name on your cover page. Your subject teacher’s name also has to write on it. Because you are going to submit this assignment to him or her.

We here updated some images for classes 8, 9 also for this Assignment Syllabus Class 9, 8, 7, 6 NTCB Short Syllabus www.dshe.gov.bd cover design.

Assignment Cover Page Design

A cover page design may look different from a person to person. Many people can use many colors and designs according to their choice. But if you look that most of the people use the colorful cover page while some few likes to use black and white.

Many of them use their own hand-design cover front page. Many students have searched for it on the internet to download some. It doesn’t matter what color format are you using for your assignment. It’s some time depending on your assignment subject and topic. However, here we provide for you some of the better-looking cover pages design for your assignment.

From here you can download any of your favorites designs. There is no problem claim to download it. We here come for you to give this all design we are picked for you. Our websites member design some gorgeous looking cover designs for all the students of classes 6, 7, 8, and 9. You can freely download and save these images on any device to use for your assignment. We hope your particular subject teacher will like it and praise you to add this cover design to your assignment.

assignment-cover-page-design-class-6, 7, 8, 9

Assignment Meaning in Bengali

Many of you want to know what is the Bengali meaning of this assignment. The answer is assignment means Home Work which is called in Bengali as Barir Kaj. One can compare this word assignment to Home Work in our country.

Our students need to know properly about the Bengali meaning of the assignment. For growing your more specific knowledge about this word assignment. You can watch some videos on Youtube. Which will help you to find out all the information about this assignment.

We here below added a section called Bengali format of this word assignment for you. Our hope is always there that this particular topic can make you understand to know this all about things of the assignment.

Assignment Lekhar Niyom

Our students can write now their assignment following this part called assignment lekhar niyom. May we hope you know how difficult especially for a class of 6, 7 students to write an assignment. Where many of them are not know the meaning of the assignment. 

Even though many educated people can not prepare a good assignment. So, we recommend you to go to your near computer shop and asked them to prepare a cover page for your assignment. For that, it will take some cost to pay the computer shop owner for this work.

So, you need to write down your all information clearly and then it’s up to the computer shop who will help you to make a design for your assignment cover.

But remember one thing that for doing all this you must follow the Directorate of Secondary Education (DSHE) rules and regulations. Otherwise, it turns into an invalid assignment. And make sure you read full this post to know all about this.

ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর ৩য় সপ্তাহ গণিত, ইংলিশ, কৃষি শিক্ষা, গ্রাহস্থ বিজ্ঞান, বিজ্ঞান, ইসলাম

ষষ্ঠ সপ্তম অষ্টম নবম শ্রেণি এসাইনমেন্ট ৩য় সপ্তাহ সকল সাবজেক্ট সমাধান

Class 8 Assignment Answer 3rd Week English Math Agriculture All Subjects Solution

৭ম শ্রেণি (class 7) ৩য় সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট সকল সাবজেক্ট সমাধান/উত্তর

Class 6 Assignment Answer 3rd Week Math, English, Grahostho Science, Agriculture & All Subject

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Class 8 Assignment Answer Bangla 2021 5th Week Solution

Welcome To Class 8 Assignment Answer Bangla 2021 . Stay happy and focused now with the complete solution to the Bangla assignment for class 8 this week . This is a part of our ongoing process of sharing the solutions to all the questions coming in the assignment series to assess students based on their merits.

This happens to be the only alternative to formal exams that are postponed for a long while. And no one knows when the situation will be normal. This is why assignments are taking the place and we will discuss everything from the questions to the solution in this writing. Let’s get going.

Class 8 Assignment Answer Bangla 2021

The first subject in our solution series of Class 8 will be Bangla. You will need a lot of patience and creativity to write the answers in the Bangla exam. As the topics are limited here, you will get some more space to show your creativity.

But what if you aren’t able to write the perfect answer to all the questions present in the assignment? To get the full marks in the evaluation, you need to take the help of our all-around solution focused on Bangla for this week.

But this is not the end. We promise you to upload the solutions for the next week’s questions too, just in the same manner so that you can be benefited from them. But before we dig deep into the answers, let’s take a look at the Class 8 Bangla assignment Answer and syllabus so that you know which topics are allocated for you this week.

  • 5th Week Assignment 2021:

assignment bangla writing

Check Answer: বঙ্গবন্ধু ও বাংলাদেশ শিরোনামে ৫০০ শব্দের মধ্যে একটি প্রবন্ধ রচনা

Class 8 Bangla Assignment Syllabus 2021

Except for the solution, this is by far the most important part of this writing that is crucial for completing the assignment perfectly. The total syllabus has been divided into smaller portions for the students to be able to complete the topics in one week.

We will look at the portion of this week. Go to the following image and you will find the syllabus. Take a look at the topics. If something looks familiar, you can start right there. But if you aren’t sure of your ability to write those answers correctly, jump on to the next section.

You can also share this syllabus with your friends who might need the same thing. The syllabus will be updated when next week’s syllabus is required and you will always find the latest updates on our site. So, don’t forget to follow.

Class 8 Assignment Bangla Answer 2021

The most awaited part at last! The complete breakdown of the questions, present in the assignment for class 8 this week. We have gone so far as to make these answers easily understandable for you and creative enough to draw the attention of the teacher.

Click on the following image to download the Class 8 Assignment Answer Bangla 2021. You can then finish off your assignment by having a thorough idea of our solution. We highly suggest students take some time and write their own assignments.

But if you are completely unable of doing that, go ahead and use our solution to make the best assignment possible. As this is going to be the alternative to formal exams, make sure you write the best paper that carries the best marks possible which is crucial for your promotion.

Get back to us when you need the next solution for next week’s assignment and we will always be there, by your side.

Final Verdict

No matter how hard things get, we will continue to help you throughout the evaluation process by sharing such resources, for all the classes and subjects. So, it is a golden chance for you to use the resources and shine better than ever. Hope you Enjoy the Class 8 Assignment Answer Bangla 2021

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Cambridge Dictionary

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Translation of assignment – English–Bengali dictionary

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  • It was a jammy assignment - more of a holiday really.
  • He took this award-winning photograph while on assignment in the Middle East .
  • His two-year assignment to the Mexico office starts in September .
  • She first visited Norway on assignment for the winter Olympics ten years ago.
  • He fell in love with the area after being there on assignment for National Geographic in the 1950s.

(Translation of assignment from the Cambridge English–Bengali Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of assignment

Translations of assignment.

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Putting a spanner in the works – Idioms in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

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Vice President Kamala Harris waves as she boards Air Force Two after a campaign event July 23, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP)

Vice President Kamala Harris waves as she boards Air Force Two after a campaign event July 23, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP)

Maria Ramirez Uribe

'Border czar'? Kamala Harris assigned to tackle immigration's causes, not border security

If your time is short.

In March 2021, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working alongside officials in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to address the issues driving people to leave those countries and come to the United States.

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Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.

Vice President Kamala Harris might soon get a new official title: 2024 Democratic presidential nominee. In the meantime, Republicans have revived a title they gave her in 2021: "border czar." 

Claims that President Joe Biden named Harris the "border czar" and that she is responsible for overseeing U.S. border enforcement gained prominence at the Republican National Convention as the party sought to link her to his immigration policy. 

The refrain intensified once Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris. It was echoed in ads and by Trump campaign surrogates, including Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance , the Republican vice presidential nominee.

"Here’s Biden appointing Kamala Harris to be his border czar to deal with illegal immigration," a narrator says in a video the Republican National Committee posted on its X account, @GOP. "And here are a record number of illegal immigrants — 10 million and counting — flooding over the border after Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration."

We’ve repeatedly fact-checked claims about the number of people entering the U.S. illegally under Biden. The federal data tracks how many times officials encountered a person trying to cross the southern border, but it doesn’t reflect the number of people let in. And if one person tries to cross the border multiple times, that counts as multiple encounters, even if it’s the same person. 

For this fact-check, we’re focused on the scope of Harris’ border responsibilities. 

"Border Czar Kamala Harris' reversal of President Trump's immigration policies has created an unprecedented and illegal immigration, humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border," Trump campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told PolitiFact in a statement. 

But Biden didn’t put Harris in charge of overseeing border security.

In a meeting with Harris in March 2021 , Biden said Harris would lead U.S. diplomatic efforts and work with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to stem migration to the U.S. Biden said that when he was vice president, he "got a similar assignment" and that the Obama administration secured $700 million to help countries in Central America.

"One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there," Biden said then.

Biden asked Harris "to be the chief diplomatic officer with Central American countries" and address the root causes that make people leave their home countries, said Michelle Mittelstadt, communications director for the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank. 

Managing the border "has always been" the Homeland Security secretary’s role, Mittelstadt said.

Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes influencing people’s decisions to migrate to the United States.

"I’ve asked her … to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden said in March 2021.

Biden held a similar role as vice president to former President Barack Obama. In a 2015 New York Times opinion piece, Biden said he would work with the Northern Triangle’s leaders on security, anti-corruption and investment efforts in the region.

"Donald Trump’s administration didn’t really sustain this strategy, but what Harris sought to revive in 2021 ran along the same lines," said Adam Isacson, defense oversight director at Washington Office on Latin America, a group advocating for human rights in the Americas. 

Within weeks of Biden’s remarks about Harris’ role, Republicans including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., began calling Harris the " border czar " often in tandem with pointing out she had not yet been to the border.

In April 2021, when a reporter asked Harris whether she would visit the border, she said that her role is addressing the factors that make people leave their home countries, not managing the border.

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"The president has asked (Homeland Security) Secretary (Alejandro) Mayorkas to address what is going on at the border. And he has been working very hard at that, and it’s showing some progress because of his hard work," Harris said at an event . "I have been asked to lead the issue of dealing with root causes in the Northern Triangle, similar to what the then-vice president did many years ago."

Harris said she’d focus on economic struggles, violence, corruption and food insecurity in the countries. 

In June 2021, Harris visited El Paso, Texas, with Mayorkas. They outlined their responsibilities to reporters. Harris said she was addressing "the root causes of migration, predominantly out of Central America," and Mayorkas said, "It is my responsibility as the Secretary of Homeland Security to address the security and management of our border."

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But this distinction didn’t stop critics from linking Harris with U.S.-Mexico border security. 

"The administration’s messaging on this in mid-2021 was not as clear as it should have been," Isacson said. "But at no time did Harris or the White House state that her duties included the U.S.-Mexico border, or border security."

Immigration experts said it’s hard to measure Harris’ success in her role, and that a "root causes" approach implies that the results will be seen long term, not immediately.

In July 2021, the administration published a strategy , with Harris writing the lead message, for confronting the factors that drive migration in Central America. The plan focused on economic insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.

In March 2024, the administration said it secured more than $5.2 billion in private sector investments to the region. However, only about $1 billion has been distributed, the Partnership for Central America, a group working with the administration, reported .

The White House said the investments have generated more than 70,000 new jobs in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, provided job training to 1 million people and expanded digital access to 4.5 million people. 

"Still, her engagement on this issue has been sporadic," Isacson said. "She has not traveled very often to the region or otherwise sought to make ‘root causes in Central America’ a central theme of her vice presidency."

Illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador has dropped since 2021. Encounters with people from other countries, Venezuela, have risen . 

"But it’s hard to prove that U.S. assistance is a central reason" for the Northern Triangle countries’ decline, Isacson said.

The issues pushing people to leave Central American countries "are extremely complex and require deep restructuring of so much in those societies," said Cecilia Menjivar, a sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles who specializes on immigration. "So it’s very difficult for one person to change all that, even if it is a powerful person."

Immigration patterns at the U.S.-Mexico border have more to do with conditions in Latin American countries than "any U.S. policy," Mittelstadt said. 

For example, a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has displaced nearly 8 million people since 2014, according to the United Nations. Political, economic and security crises in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and Ecuador have also led to more migration from these countries, Mittelstadt said. 

In contrast, immigration encounters with people from El Salvador have dropped in past years, partly because of the country’s crime crackdown .

The Republican National Committee said Biden appointed Harris "to be his border czar to deal with illegal immigration...Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration."

Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes that drive migration to the United States. He did not task her with controlling who and how many people enter the southern U.S. border. That's the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.

Experts say that seeing the results of addressing root causes driving people out of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras  — violence, economic insecurity and corruption — takes time.

The statement contains an element of truth, but it ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.

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Our Sources

Truth Social, post , July 22, 2024

The Hill, House Republicans tee up vote condemning Harris as ‘border czar’ , July 23, 2024

C-SPAN, Sen. J.D. Vance campaign rally in Radford, Virginia , July 22, 2024

GOP, post on X , July 21, 2024

PolitiFact, Francis Suarez’s misleading claim about millions of migrants getting free cellphones, plane tickets , July 28, 2024

PolitiFact, There aren’t 20 million to 30 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally, as Sen. Marco Rubio claimed , June 11, 2024

The White House, Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in a meeting on immigration , March 24, 2021

PolitiFact, Central America and the root causes of migration to the US , June 7, 2021

The New York Times, Joe Biden: A Plan for Central America , Jan. 29, 2015

The White House, Remarks by Vice President Harris at virtual roundtable of experts on the Northern Triangle , April 14, 2021

The White House, Remarks by Vice President Harris, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, Chairman Durbin, and Representative Escobar in press gaggle , June 25, 2021

Fox News, Obama-era DHS secretary: 'There's a real problem' when you have 'bipartisan outrage' , July 23, 2024

The White House, FACT SHEET: Strategy to address the root causes of migration in Central America , July 29, 2021

The White House, FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris announces public-private partnership has generated more than $5.2 billion in private sector commitments for Northern Central America , March 25, 2024

Migration Policy Institute, Shifting patterns and policies reshape migration to U.S.-Mexico border in major ways in 2023 , October 2023

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Venezuela crisis explained , April 17, 2024

PolitiFact, Donald Trump fact-check: 2024 RNC speech in Milwaukee full of falsehoods about immigrants, economy , July 19, 2024

CBS News, The facts about Kamala Harris' role on immigration in the Biden administration , July 23, 2024

Email interview, Michelle Mittelstadt, communications director for the Migration Policy Institute, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Adam Isacson, defense oversight director at Washington Office on Latin America, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Henry Ziemer, research associate for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Cecilia Menjivar, sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, July 22, 2024

Statement, Karoline Leavitt,  Trump campaign national press secretary, July 23, 2024

Browse the Truth-O-Meter

More by maria ramirez uribe.


'Border czar'? Kamala Harris assigned to tackle immigration's causes, not border security

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