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oxygen liberation
charge separation
electron transport
CO , temperature, and light
CO , light, and water
water, temperature, and CO
oxygen, water, and temperature
green, yellow, and orange
red, violet, and blue
infrared, red, and yellow
red, white, and blue
cyclic photophosphorylation
the light-dependent reactions involving photosystems I and II
carbon fixation
the Krebs cycle
O is not produced during photosynthesis
cytoplasm of the cell
stroma of the chloroplast
thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast
all of the above
are pigments
absorb photons of all energy ranges
contain porphyrin rings
all of the above
none of the above
P à P à water à NADP
water à P à NADP à P
P à P à NADP à water
P à water à P à NADP
water à P à P à NADP
chlorophyll a
vitamin A
the light-dependent reactions
the light-independent reactions
both of the above
none of the above
enters a leaf through the
porphyrin rings
C4 plants
C3 plants
CAM plants
purple sulfur bacteria
have long wavelengths
have short wavelengths
are more likely to produce red light than blue light
cannot be absorbed
the entire upper half
the entire lower half
a small portion in the middle
the entire spectrum
visible light is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum
electron transport
splitting of water
all of the above
none of the above
during photosynthesis came from _____________ molecules.
carbon dioxide
narrow absorption range but high efficiency
narrow absorption range but low efficiency
wide absorption range but high efficiency
wide absorption range but low efficiency
Photosystem I - uses the P700 molecule in its photocenter
PGA - a 3-carbon compound
antenna complex - contains hundreds of pigment molecules
CAM plants - open their stomata during the day and close them at night to avoid photorespiration
C plants - expend ATP to concentrate CO in bundle-sheath cells to avoid photorespiration
the light-dependent reactions can occur only in the light, the light-independent reactions only in the dark
photorespiration is more efficient at producing glucose than is photosynthesis
the light-dependent reactions produce the energy-rich compounds that are used to run the light-independent reactions
all of the above are true
photosynthesis occurs only in autotrophs; cellular respiration occurs only in heterotrophs
photosynthesis uses solar energy to convert inorganics to energy-rich organics; respiration breaks down energy-rich organics to synthesize ATP
photosynthesis involves the oxidation of glucose; respiration involves the reduction of CO2
the primary function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to synthesize ATP; the primary function of cellular respiration is to break down ATP and release energy
photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in separate, specialized organelles; the two processes cannot occur in the same cell at the same time
6 NADPH and 6 ATP
12 NADPH and 12 ATP
12 NADPH and 18 ATP
18 NADPH and 12 ATP
24 NADPH and 18 ATP
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
catalyzes the carboxylation of CO to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate.
initiates photorespiration when the CO /O ratio is low.
catalyzes the reduction of two molecules of PGAL to form glucose.
all of the above (a-c).
a and b, but not c.
and C photosynthesis are, respectfully:
ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate; malic acid
malate; carbon dioxide
3-phosphoglycerate; oxaloacetic acid
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; phospho- -pyruvate (PEP)
malic acid; glucose
into the intermembrane space between the outer and inner membranes.
fixation occurs within the stroma.
molecule fixed by photosynthesis, one molecule of O is produced.
it is the source for electrons
it splits the water molecule
it energizes electrons in the reaction center
it splits ATP molecules which generates the energy necessary to power the light independent reactions
none of the above

Photosynthesis I: Harnessing the energy of the sun

by Nathan H Lents, Ph.D., John Nishan

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Multiple Choice Questions on Photosynthesis | Plant Physiology MCQ


a) Reductive, exergonic and catabolic b) Reductive, endergonic and catabolic c) Reductive, endergonic and anabolic d) Reductive, exergonic and anabolic
a) Blue green algae b) Green alga c) Green sulphur Bacterium d) Lichen
a) Van Niel b) Blackmann c) Warburg d) J. Ingenhouz
a) algae b) Mesophytes c) Pteridophytes d) Xerophytes
a) Synthesis of glucose b) Photolysis of water c) Photophosphorylation d) Breakdown of glucose
a) grana b) stroma c) thaylakoids d) Both (a) and (b)
a) Blue light b) Green light c) Red light d) Sunlight
a) Water b) Ammonia c) Sulphur d) Hydrogen sulphide
a) 0.1 % b) 1 % c) 10% d) 100%
a) Split carbon dioxide b) Produce ATP and a reducing substance c) Release energy d) combine carbon dioxide and water  

26. Plants have evolved to overcome  the affinity of Rubisco to Oxygen by spatial and time separation of carbon dioxide fixation from the vicinity of atmosphere having oxygen and carbon dioxide

a)  C2 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively

b) CAM is separation in space and C4 cycle in time respectively

c) C4 cycle is separation in space and CAM in time respectively

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Photosynthesis ( Cambridge O Level Biology )

Topic questions.

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An experiment is set up with four test tubes as shown in the diagram below. 

All four test tubes are left in sunlight for 6 hours. 

Which test tube would contain the least amount of dissolved carbon dioxide after 6 hours?


Choose your answer

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The glucose molecules formed during photosynthesis have which form of energy stored within them?

The diagram below shows a palisade mesophyll cell found in the leaves of plants.

In which region of the cell would starch be stored? 


Name the product of photosynthesis that diffuses out of a green leaf through its stomata.

Carbon dioxide

The diagrams show an experiment to find the rate of photosynthesis in an aquatic plant in different conditions. 


Which of the following options is the best explanation for the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?


transfers light energy from the Sun because it has magnesium ions

transfers chemical potential energy from sunlight into organic molecules which can be used to synthesise carbohydrates such as glucose

transfers light energy from the Sun into chemical energy in inorganic molecules which can be used for growth

transfers light energy into chemical potential energy in glucose molecules which are used in the synthesis of other carbohydrates

A student sets up an experiment to measure the rate of oxygen production of an aquatic plant when it is photosynthesising.

The student repeated the experiment several times to calculate the average amount of oxygen collected.

Which two factors should be kept constant during the student’s experiment?

Pondweed under water in a beaker with light shining on it. The volume of oxygen released is being recorded as it rises up a funnel into a measuring cylinder.

The size of the funnel and beaker.

The size of the aquatic plant and time exposed to light.

The size of the aquatic plant and the amount of water in the beaker.

The size of the aquatic plant and the amount of gas in the measuring cylinder.

Which of the following correctly identifies some of the molecules produced from the glucose synthesised by photosynthesis?

  1 2 3
cellulose for storage fats and oils for  energy storage starch to build cell walls
cellulose to build cell walls fats and oils for energy storage starch for storage
sucrose to be transported around the plant fats and oils for energy storage cellulose for storage
sucrose to be transported around the plant starch to build cell walls cellulose for storage

An investigation was carried out into the effects of light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis.


The diagram below shows how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by different conditions.


What of the following correctly identifies the limiting factor for photosynthesis at the three points on the graph?

  1 2 3
light intensity light intensity carbon dioxide concentration
temperature temperature light intensity
light intensity temperature carbon dioxide concentration
light intensity carbon dioxide concentration temperature

Two test tubes are set up with two similar leaves inside them, as shown in the diagram below.

One test tube is exposed to light, while the other is kept in the dark.


The test tubes are left for 4 hours.

What colour will the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution be in each test tube?

  dark light
purple yellow
colourless yellow
purple colourless
yellow purple

The following could be used to write a balanced symbol equation for photosynthesis.

  • 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O
  • CO 2 + 6H 2 O
  • Light and chlorophyll
  • C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2
  • 6C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2

Which of the following show the correct balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis?

2 → 5 in the presence of 3

2 → 4 in the presence of 3

1 → 5 in the presence of 3

1 → 4 in the presence of 3

A student sets up a photosynthesis experiment.

A plant with striped leaves (similar to the one shown below) was kept in bright light for four hours. 


A leaf was removed from the plant and treated with ethanol in hot water to remove chlorophyll before iodine was used to test for starch.

Which diagram shows the result of the test?


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MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1. During the process of photosynthesis the raw materials used are:– (a) Glucose (b) Chlorophyll (c) Starch (d) CO 2 and H 2 O

Answer: (d) CO 2 and H 2 O

Question 2. During photochemical reaction of photosynthesis– (a) liberation of O 2 takes place (b) Formation of ATP and NADPH 2 take place (c) Liberation of O 2 , formation of ATP, and NADPH 2 takes place (d) Assimilation of CO 2 takes place

Answer: (c) Liberation of O 2 , formation of ATP, and NADPH 2 takes place

Question 3. It is only the green part of the plant, which takes part in (a) Respiration (b) Transpiration (c) Photosynthesis (d) Osmosis

Answer: (c) Photosynthesis

Question 4. In the half-leaf experiment of photosynthesis, KOH solution is used because​ (a) It provides O 2 to the leaf. (b) It provides moisture to the leaf. (c) It helps in CO 2 fixation. (d) It absorbs CO 2 .

Answer: (d) It absorbs CO 2 .

Question 5. Photosynthesis is most active in (a) Sun light (b) Yellow light (c) Red light (d) Green light

Answer: (c) Red light

Question 6. Structurally, chlorophyll a and b are different as (a) Chl a has a methyl group and Chl b has an aldehyde group. (b) Chl a has an aldehyde group and Chl b has a methyl group. (c) Chl a has an ethyl group and Chl b has an aldehyde group. (d) Chl a has a carboxyl group and Chl b has an aldehyde group.

Answer: (a) Chl a has a methyl group and Chl b has an aldehyde group.

Question 7. Fixation of one CO 2 molecule through Calvin cycle requires: (a) 1 ATP and 2NADPH 2 (b) 2ATP and 2NADPH 2 (c) 3ATP and 2NADPH 2 (d) 2ATP and 1NADPH 2

Answer: (c) 3ATP and 2NADPH 2

Question 8. During ATP synthesis electron pass through (a) Water (b) Cytochromes (c) O 2 (d) CO 2

Answer: (b) Cytochromes

Question 9. The concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is approximately (a) 0.003% (b) 0.03% (c) 0.30 % (d) 3.00 %

Answer: (b) 0.03%

Question 10. Which one of the following statements about cytochrome P-450 is wrong? (a) It is a colored cell (b) It is an enzyme involved in oxidation reaction (c) It has an important role in metabolism (d) It contains iron

Answer: (a) It is a colored cell

Question 11. In plants during the process of photosynthesis (a) CO 2 is taken in (b) O 2 is taken in (c) CO 2 is taken out (d) O 2 is taken in and CO 2 is given out

Answer: (a) CO 2 is taken in

Question 12. Respiration and photosynthesis both require (a) Green cells (b) Sunlights (c) Cytochromes (d) Organic fuel

Answer: (c) Cytochromes

Question 13. Photosynthesis is an oxidation reduction process, the materials that is oxidised is (a) CO 2 (b) NADP (c) H2O (d) PGA

Answer: (c) H 2 O

Question 14. The function of ATP in photosynthesis is the transfer of energy from the (a) Dark reaction to the light reaction (b) Light reaction to the dark reaction (c) Chloroplasts to mitochondria (d) Mitochondria to chloroplasts

Answer: (b) Light reaction to the dark reaction

Question 15. The process of taking in CO 2 by plants and releasing O 2 is termed as (a) Transpiration (b) Respiration (c) Photosynthesis (d) Endosmosis

Question 16. ADP + iP = ATP in grana is called:– (a) Phosphorylation (b) Oxidative phosphorylation (c) Photophosphorylation (d) Photolysis

Answer: (c) Photophosphorylation

Question 17. Which of the following is not a significance of photosynthesis? (a) Glucose synthesis for most of consumer (b) Increase in green house effect (c) Provides O 2 for synthesis of ozone umbrella (d) Provides O 2 for cell respiration.

Answer: (b) Increase in green house effect

Question 18. Chlorophyll ‘a’ molecule at its carbon atom 3 of the Pyrrole ring II has one of the following: (a) methyl group (b) aldehyde group (c) carboxyl group (d) magnesium

Answer: (a) methyl group

Question 19. Which one occurs both during cyclic and noncyclic modes of photophosphorylation? (a) Involvement of both PS I and PS II (b) Formation of ATP (c) Release of O 2 (d) Formation of NADPH

Answer: (b) Formation of ATP

Question 20. The specific characteristic of C 4 -plants is: (a) bulliform cells (b) isobilateral leaf (c) kranz anatomy (d) parallel veins configuration

Answer: (c) kranz anatomy

Question 21. Chlorophyll in chloroplasts is located in (a) Grana (b) Pyrenoid (c) Stroma (d) Both grana and stroma

Answer: (a) Grana

Question 22. Algae and other submerged plants bount in water during day time and sink at night, because (a) They come upto enjoy some time (b) They lose weight at night (c) They become bouyant due to accumulation of O 2 as a result of photosynthesis (d) They become light due to food material accumulation

Answer: (c) They become bouyant due to accumulation of O 2 as a result of photosynthesis

Question 23. In which of the following process, the light energy is converted into chemical energy (a) Digestive action (b) Respiration (c) Photosynthesis (d) Fermentation

Question 24. What is common between chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts? (a) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids (b) Possession of thylakoids and grana (c) Presence of pigments (d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process

Answer: (d) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process

Question 25. Discovery of Emerson effect has already shown the existence of (a) Two distinct photosystems (b) Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis (c) Photophosphorylation (d) Photorespiration

Answer: (a) Two distinct photosystems

Question 26. Which range of wavelength (in nm) is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)? (a) 400-700 (b) 760-10,000 (c) 100-390 (d) 390-430

Answer: (a) 400-700

Question 27. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) represents which of the following range of wavelength? (a) 340-450 nm (b) 400-700 nm (c) 450-950 nm (d) 500-600 nm

Answer: (b) 400-700 nm

Question 28. Which one of the following is represented by Calvin cycle? (a) Reductive carboxylation (b) Oxidative carboxylation (c) Photophosphorylation (d) Oxidative phosphorylation

Answer: (a) Reductive carboxylation

Question 29. Which enzyme is most abundantly found on earth? (a) Catalase (b) Rubisco (c) Nitrogenase (d) Invertase

Answer: (b) Rubisco

Question 30. How many turns of Calvin cycle yield one molecule of glucose? (a) Eight (b) Two (c) Six (d) Four

Answer: (c) Six

Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 11 Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.

What Are the Products of Photosynthesis?

Result of Photosynthesis in Plants

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What are the products of photosynthesis? First, let's define this process: Photosynthesis is the name given to the set of chemical reactions performed by plants to convert energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of sugar. Specifically, plants use energy from sunlight to react to carbon dioxide and water to produce sugar (glucose) and oxygen, the products of photosynthesis.

Many reactions occur, but the overall chemical reaction for photosynthesis is:

  • 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + light → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2
  • Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light yields Glucose + Oxygen

In a plant, the carbon dioxide enters via leaf stomates by diffusion. Water is absorbed through the roots and is transported to leaves through the xylem. Solar energy is absorbed by chlorophyll in the leaves. The reactions of photosynthesis occur in the chloroplasts of plants. In photosynthetic bacteria, the process takes place where chlorophyll or a related pigment is embedded in the plasma membrane. The oxygen and water produced in photosynthesis exit through the stomata.

Key Takeaways

  • In photosynthesis, energy from light is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.
  • For 6 carbon dioxide and 6 water molecules, 1 glucose molecule and 6 oxygen molecules are produced.

Actually, plants reserve very little of the glucose for immediate use. Glucose molecules are combined by dehydration synthesis to form cellulose, which is used as a structural material. Dehydration synthesis is also used to convert glucose to starch, which plants use to store energy.

Intermediate Products of Photosynthesis

The overall chemical equation is a summary of a series of chemical reactions. These reactions occur in two stages. The light reactions require light (as you might imagine), while the dark reactions are controlled by enzymes. They don't require darkness to occur—they simply don't depend on light.

The light reactions absorb light and harness the energy to power electron transfers. Most photosynthetic organisms capture visible light, although there are some that use infrared light. Products of photosynthesis are adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). In plant cells, the light-dependent reactions occur in the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. The overall reaction for the light-dependent reactions is:

  • 2 H 2 O + 2 NADP +  + 3 ADP + 3 P i  + light → 2 NADPH + 2 H +  + 3 ATP + O 2

In the dark stage, ATP and NADPH ultimately reduce carbon dioxide and other molecules. Carbon dioxide from the air is "fixed" into a biologically usable form, glucose . In plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, the dark reactions are termed the Calvin cycle. Bacteria may use different reactions, including a reverse Krebs cycle . The overall reaction for the light-independent reaction of a plant (Calvin cycle) is:

  • 3 CO 2  + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 H +  → C 3 H 6 O 3 -phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 P i  + 6 NADP +  + 3 H 2 O

During carbon fixation, the three-carbon product of the Calvin cycle is converted into the final carbohydrate product.

Factors That Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis

Like any chemical reaction, the availability of the reactants determines the amount of products of photosynthesis that can be made. Limiting the availability of carbon dioxide or water slows the production of glucose and oxygen . Also, the rate of the reactions is affected by temperature and the availability of minerals that may be needed in the intermediate reactions.

The overall health of the plant (or other photosynthetic organism) also plays a role. The rate of metabolic reactions is determined in part by the maturity of the organism and whether it's flowering or bearing fruit.

What Is Not a Product of Photosynthesis?

If you're asked about this process on a test, you may be asked to identify the products of photosynthesis . That's pretty easy, right? Another form of the question is to ask what is not a product of photosynthesis. Unfortunately, this won't be an open-ended question, which you could easily answer with "iron" or "a car" or "your mom." Usually this is a multiple choice question, listing molecules which are reactants or products of photosynthesis. The answer is any choice except glucose or oxygen. The question may also be phrased to answer what is not a product of the light reactions or the dark reactions. So, it's a good idea to know the overall reactants and products for the photosynthesis general equation, the light reactions, and the dark reactions.

  • Bidlack, J.E.; Stern, K.R.; Jansky, S. (2003). Introductory Plant Biology . New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-290941-8.
  • Blankenship, R.E. (2014). Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-4051-8975-0.
  • Reece J.B., et al. (2013). Campbell Biology . Benjamin Cummings. ISBN 978-0-321-77565-8.
  • Steps of Transcription From DNA to RNA
  • What Is the Primary Function of the Calvin Cycle?
  • The Differences Between DNA and RNA
  • How to Calculate Molarity of a Solution
  • Photosynthesis Vocabulary Terms and Definitions
  • 10 Fascinating Photosynthesis Facts
  • Chlorophyll Definition and Role in Photosynthesis
  • Calvin Cycle Steps and Diagram
  • Chemosynthesis Definition and Examples
  • What Is Fermentation? Definition and Examples
  • The Balanced Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis
  • What Is the Most Abundant Protein?
  • Societal Concerns with Biotechnology
  • The Definition of Bioenergy
  • Equilibrium Constant Kc and How to Calculate It
  • Chemical Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions


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Photosynthesis MCQs: Process & Sample Questions

what is the final product of photosynthesis mcq

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Photosynthesis i.e. in simpler language, is the process of plants making their food in the presence of light. It is also a type of anabolic & endergonic process (in which carbohydrates, a form of organic compounds are processed from the inorganic raw material (H 2 O and CO 2 ) in presence of light and pigments like chlorophyll. O 2 is released as a by-product.

12H 2 O + 6CO 2 (In presence of light and chlorophyll) → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 12S+ 6H 2 0

Photosynthesis Process

Photosynthesis Process

MCQs on Photosynthesis

Ques1. The first step in the process photosynthesis is

  • Combining of three carbon atoms to form glucose
  • Formation of NADPH
  • Ionization of water molecules ?
  • A photon of light excites an electron of chlorophyll

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Answer : (d) A photon of light excites an electron of chlorophyll

Explanation : Photosynthesis is synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic raw materials with the help of enzymes and solar energy trapped through pigments like chlorophyll . Chlorophyll is also known as the primary photosynthetic pigment that is responsible for the primary reaction of photosynthesis or conversion of light into electrochemical energy. The function of charge separation is performed by some special chlorophyll molecules called reaction centers (P 700 , P 680 ). Other photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll b, c,d and e, carotenoids and phycobilins are termed as accessory pigments. The accessory pigments absorb light energy of various wavelengths, get excited and handover the energy in the form of an electron to chlorophyll a molecule through electron spin resonance.

Ques 2.Photochemical phase of photosynthesis involves

  • Absorption of light & formation of high energy chemical components
  • Absorption of light, oxygen release and formation of high-energy chemical compounds 
  • Light absorption, water splitting and synthesis of carbohydrates.
  • Light absorption, water splitting, trapping of CO 2 and formation of high energy chemical compounds

Answer : B) Absorption of Light , oxygen release and formation of high-energy chemical compounds. 

Explanation : The process of photosynthesis is basically of two phases light-dependent and light-independent. The light dependent phase is also called the photochemical phase, which involves absorption of light, photolysis, evolution of oxygen and processing of assimilatory power like ATP and NADPH. The light-dependent reaction eventuates the existence of light inside the thylakoid of the chloroplast. It takes place in the 400-700 nm wavelength of visible light. It is highest in blue-red light and lowest in green light.

Ques 3. In photosynthesis I [PS-I] and photosynthesis II [PS-II]:

  • Antennae are different
  • Reaction centres are different
  • Light harvesting complexes are different
  • All of these above

Answer . B) Reaction centres are different

Explanation : Photosystem I (PS I) and Photosystem II (PS II) are the two types of photosynthetic units. Photosynthetic units are the collection of pigment molecules which are involved in the transformation of light energy into chemical energy. Each unit comprises a reaction centre of a definite chlorophyll, a molecule that can intake light energy of longer and different wavelengths. These reaction centre are also called as photo centres. An electron is released by these centres upon absorption of energy. The reaction centre of PS I where chlorophyll a is present, has an absorption limit at 700 nm, hence is called P 700 , while in PS II, reaction centre has an absorption limit at 680 nm and is called P 680.

Ques 4. Which is the source of electrons in non cyclic photophosphorylation?

Answer: d) H 2 O

Explanation : Non-cyclic photophosphorylation, is a two-stage process containing two different chlorophyll photosystems. It is a form of light reaction that happens in the thylakoid membrane. First of all a water molecule is broken down into 2H+ + ½ O 2 + 2e− with the help of a procedure called photolysis (light-splitting). Thereafter the water molecule releases two electrons which are maintained in photosystem II, while the 2H+ and ½ O 2 are liberated out for other use. 


Then the chlorophyll pigments surrounding the reaction core centre of the photosystem absorb a photon. The light activates electrons of each pigment, resulting in a chain reaction that finally transmits energy to the centre of photosystem II, exciting the two electrons which are then received by the primary electron acceptor, pheophytin. The shortage of electrons is again fulfilled by taking electrons from another water molecule i.e H 2 O.

Ques 5.Kranz anatomy is present in

  • Xerophytes 
  • None of the above

Answer : (a) C 4 plants

Explanation : Kranz Anatomy is found in C 4 plants which have basically two features- 

1) Green bundle sheath cells(BS cells) present around the vascular bundles.

2) Dimorphic Chloroplasts are there in leaf cells. Chloroplast of B.S cells also known as Kranz cells are larger in size and are present without grana. Mesophyll chloroplast are small with grana

Ques 6. First stable and important product of dark reaction in C 3 plants is

Answer : (a) PGA

Explanation : The Calvin Cycle which is also known as C 3 cycle is a type of dark phase or carbon Assimilation. In this stage, CO 2 is assimilated with the help of assimilatory power to produce organic compounds The C 3 cycle is studied in three stages i.e. Carboxylation, Reduction and Regeneration. In the carboxylation phase, in the presence of Mg- Activated rubisco, Co 2 combines with ribulose biphosphate(acceptor molecule) to form first a transitory 2-carboxy 3-keto 1,biphosphoribotal and then two molecules of 3- phosphoglyceric acid or PGA which also happens to be the first stable product of dark reaction in C 3 plants.

Ques 7. In photorespiration, glycine passes from

  • Chloroplasts to peroxisome
  • Chloroplasts to mitochondria
  • Peroxisome to mitochondria
  • Mitochondrion to peroxisomes

Answer : (c) Peroxisomes to mitochondria 

Explanation : There are many steps involved in the biochemical pathway of photorespiration where a constituent named glycolic acid synthesizes in chloroplasts as an early product of photosynthesis which is later transported to the perixomes. The glycolic acid reacts with O2 and oxidises to glyoxylic acid and hydrogen peroxide with the help of enzyme glycolic acid oxidase to form Glyoxylic acid. The glyoxylic acid is then converted to an amino acid glycine by transamination reaction catalyzed by enzyme glutamate glyoxylate transaminase to form glycine. The glycine is transported out of peroxisomes and into mitochondria where two molecules of glycine interact to form one molecule each of serine, CO 2 and NH 3- .

Ques 8. Actual site of dark reaction inside the cytoplasts

  • Grana Lamella

Answer : (b) stroma

Explanation : Dark reaction which is also known as biosynthetic phase occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts where the products of light reaction are used to assimilate carbon from CO2 to carbohydrate.

Ques 9. Ferredoxin is a component of

  • Hill reaction
  • Photosystem II
  • Photosystem 1

Answer : (d) photosystem 1

Explanation : Photosystem 1 or PS-l contains a single molecule of chlorophyll a700 or P700. Besides P 700 , the PS-l consists of 200-400 Chlorophylls, 50 carotenoids, and two iron containing proteins similar to ferredoxin called Fe~ S protein. It also consists ferrodoxin and cytochrome f and cytochrome b 563 .

Ques 10. Chemiosmotic hypothesis of ATP synthesis in chloroplasts is based on

  • Accumulation of K + ions
  • Proton gradient
  • Accumulation of Na ions
  • Membrane potential

Answer : b) Proton gradient

Explanation : According to the Chemiosmotic hypothesis, the ATP synthesis is linked to development of a Proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane in cytoplasts.

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Which of the following are the end products of photosynthesis?

Glucose and carbon dioxide

Glucose and alcohol

Glucose and water

Glucose and oxygen

The correct option is D Glucose and oxygen The correct option is D. Explanation of the correct answer: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food with the help of chlorophyll, water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. Glucose and oxygen are the two final products formed. The glucose is then utilised by the plants as a source of energy. The reaction occurs in the presence of sunlight. 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 Final answer: Glucose and oxygen are the end products of photosynthesis.


What are the uses of end products of photosynthesis?

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle?

Which of these are the by-products of photosynthesis and respiration?



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  23. Which of the following are the end products of photosynthesis?

    Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food with the help of chlorophyll, water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. Glucose and oxygen are the two final products formed. The glucose is then utilised by the plants as a source of energy. The reaction occurs in the presence of sunlight.