Capital Punishment Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on capital punishment.

Every one of us is familiar with the term punishment. But Capital Punishment is something very few people understand. Capital punishment is a legal death penalty ordered by the court against the violation of criminal laws. In addition, the method of punishment varies from country to country. Where some countries hung the culprits until death and some shoot or give them a lethal injection.

capital punishment essay

Types of Capital Punishments

In this topic, we are going to discuss the various methods of punishment that are used in different countries. But, before that let’s talk about the capital punishments that people used in the past. Earlier, the capital punishments are more like torture rather than a death penalty. They used to strain and punish the body of the culprit to the extreme that he/she dies because of the pain and fear of torture.

Besides, modern methods are quicker and less painful than traditional methods.

  • Electrocution – In this method, the criminal is tied to a chair and a high voltage current that can kill a man easily is passed through the body. In addition, it causes organ failure (especially heart).
  • Tranquilization – This method gives the person a slow but painless death as the toxin injections are injected into his body that takes up to several hours for the criminal to die.
  • Beheading – Generally, the Arab and Gulf countries use this method. Where they decide the death sentence by the crime of the person. Furthermore, in this method, they simply cut the person’s head apart from the body.
  • Stoning – In this the criminal is beaten till death. Also, it is the most painful method of execution.
  • Shooting – The criminal is either shoot in the head or in his/her chest in this method.
  • Hanging – This method simply involves the hanging of culprit till death.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishments

Although many people think that it’s a violation of human rights and the Human Rights Commission strongly opposes capital punishment still many countries continue this practice.

The advantages of capital punishment are that they give people an idea of what the law is capable of doing and the criminal can never escape from the punishment no matter who he/she is.

In addition, anyone who is thinking about committing a crime will think twice before committing a crime. Furthermore, a criminal that is in prison for his crime cannot harm anyone of the outside world.

The disadvantages are that we do not give the person a second chance to change. Besides, many times the real criminal escape the trial and the innocent soul of the prosecution claimed to guilty by false claims. Also, many punishments are painful and make a mess of the body of the criminal.

To conclude, we can say that capital punishment is the harsh reality of our world. Also, on one hand, it decreases the crime rate and on the other violates many human rights.

Besides, all these types of punishment are not justifiable and the court and administrative bodies should try to find an alternative for it.

FAQs about Capital Punishment

Q.1 What is the difference between the death penalty and capital punishment?

A.1 For many people the term death penalty and capital punishment is the same thing but there is a minute difference between them. The implementation of the death penalty is not death but capital punishment itself means execution.

Q.2 Does capital punishment decrease the rate of crime?

A.2 There is no solid proof related to this but scientists think that reduces the chances of major crimes to a certain level.

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  • Capital Punishment Essay


Essay on Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment is the execution of a person given by the state as a means of Justice for a crime that he has committed. It is a legal course of action taken by the state whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. There are various methods of capital punishment in order to execute a criminal such as lethal injection, hanging, electrocution, gas chamber, etc. Based on moral and humanitarian grounds, capital punishment is subjected to many controversies not only at the national level but also at the global platform. One must understand the death sentence by itself.

Many records of various civilizations and primal tribal methods denote that the death penalty was a part of their justice system. The system of the prison was evolved to keep people in confinement for some time who have done wrong in their life and was harmful to society. The idea behind keeping the criminal in the prison was to give them a chance to change and reform themselves. The idea works well with people who have done minor offences like theft, robbery, etc. A complication arises when grievous offences like brutal and inhumane acts of rape, murder, mass killing, etc. are involved. So, the contentious part is the grimness of the crime, which is the deciding reason for execution. 

During the 20th century period, millions of people died in the wars between the nations or states. In this violent period, military organizations practised capital punishment as a way of maintaining discipline. The death penalty was employed for crimes in many religious beliefs and historically was practised widely with the support of religious hierarchies. Today, there is no religious faith attached to the morality of capital punishment. It has been left to the discretion of the judiciary system to award the punishment in special circumstances. 

Most people feel that punishment for crimes like murders, rapes, and mass killings should not be death but some reformative or preventive sentence. The death penalty cannot reform a criminal, since once dead he cannot be reformed. Some people hold the view that no one has the right to take away anyone’s life for any reason. One should not take the role of God in taking away anybody’s life. At the same time, a criminal has no right to take away anyone’s life for any reason at all. If a person could go to an extent of taking someone’s life, he too has no right to live in a civilized society. Both the arguments can be cited to support viewpoints that are poles apart. 

Mankind has coined a large number of methods of capital punishment:

hanging by the rope until a person breathes his last.

death by electric current.

the murderer faces a firing squad.

the offender is beheaded and executed.

the culprit is poisoned.

the offender is stoned to death.

he is burnt alive at the stake.

the criminal is made to drown.

the criminal is thrown before hungry beasts of prey.

death through crucifixion.


the offender is thrown into a poisonous gas chamber.

Methods can be different but all of these methods have one thing common and that is capital punishment is barbaric in all forms. It is savage and vindictive. It is a relic of an uncivilized era. Many people say that the methods by which executions are carried out involve physical torture. Contrary to the popular belief that the death penalty deters all future crimes, various surveys have shown that the threat of the death penalty does not in any way reduce the occurrence of violent crimes. 

Capital Punishment in India

Capital punishment in India does not come with a single stoke. The practice of Capital punishment is not very common in India. In our country, the Court of Session awards a death sentence according to the gravity of the offence, and this verdict requires confirmation by the High Court. Then an appeal can be made to the Supreme Court of India. In some cases, an appeal to the Supreme Court lies as a matter of right, where the High Court has reversed the verdict of the Sessions Court either into acquittal or punishment or has enhanced the sentence to capital punishment. 

Lastly, if needed an appeal can be made to the president of India and the governors of states for mercy. The President is solely guided by the notes in the files by the Home Minister or the Secretariat. He is bound to pen down the reasons for mercy. It is exercised very judiciously. 

Contemplating over capital punishment has been ramping on for a countless number of years. It is true that the death sentence is not the solution to the increase in crimes but at the same time, capital punishment inflicts physiological fear in the minds of people. In many countries, the use of this punishment has helped to deter crimes and change the minds of future criminals against committing heinous crimes. Capital punishment should be given in the rare of the rarest cases after proper investigation of the criminal’s offence. 


FAQs on Capital Punishment Essay

Q1. What Do You Understand By Capital Punishment?

Ans. Capital Punishment is the execution of a person given by the state as a means of Justice for a crime that he has committed. It is a legal course of action taken by the state whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. There are quite a few methods of capital punishment to execute a criminal such as lethal injection, hanging, electrocution, gas chamber, etc.

Q2. Why Do Some People Argue Against Capital Punishment?

Ans. Some people argue against capital punishment because they hold the view that no one other than God has the right to take anyone’s life. They argue that criminals should get a chance to change or reform themselves into good and responsible human beings. If they are executed, then they cannot be reformed.

Q3. What are Some Methods that Mankind has Coined for Capital Punishment?

Ans. Mankind has coined various methods of capital punishment:

the criminal is burnt alive at the stake.

the offender is thrown before hungry beasts of prey.

Q4. Does Capital Punishment Deter the Rate of Crimes?

Ans. There is no solid evidence to the theory of capital punishment that it reduces the crime rate but yes it does instil psychological fear in the minds of future criminals against committing heinous crimes.

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Arguments for and Against the Death Penalty

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The death penalty deters future murders.

Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty. If murderers are sentenced to death and executed, potential murderers will think twice before killing for fear of losing their own life.

For years, criminologists analyzed murder rates to see if they fluctuated with the likelihood of convicted murderers being executed, but the results were inconclusive. Then in 1973 Isaac Ehrlich employed a new kind of analysis which produced results showing that for every inmate who was executed, 7 lives were spared because others were deterred from committing murder. Similar results have been produced by disciples of Ehrlich in follow-up studies.

Moreover, even if some studies regarding deterrence are inconclusive, that is only because the death penalty is rarely used and takes years before an execution is actually carried out. Punishments which are swift and sure are the best deterrent. The fact that some states or countries which do not use the death penalty have lower murder rates than jurisdictions which do is not evidence of the failure of deterrence. States with high murder rates would have even higher rates if they did not use the death penalty.

Ernest van den Haag, a Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University who has studied the question of deterrence closely, wrote: “Even though statistical demonstrations are not conclusive, and perhaps cannot be, capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishments because people fear death more than anything else. They fear most death deliberately inflicted by law and scheduled by the courts. Whatever people fear most is likely to deter most. Hence, the threat of the death penalty may deter some murderers who otherwise might not have been deterred. And surely the death penalty is the only penalty that could deter prisoners already serving a life sentence and tempted to kill a guard, or offenders about to be arrested and facing a life sentence. Perhaps they will not be deterred. But they would certainly not be deterred by anything else. We owe all the protection we can give to law enforcers exposed to special risks.”

Finally, the death penalty certainly “deters” the murderer who is executed. Strictly speaking, this is a form of incapacitation, similar to the way a robber put in prison is prevented from robbing on the streets. Vicious murderers must be killed to prevent them from murdering again, either in prison, or in society if they should get out. Both as a deterrent and as a form of permanent incapacitation, the death penalty helps to prevent future crime.

Those who believe that deterrence justifies the execution of certain offenders bear the burden of proving that the death penalty is a deterrent. The overwhelming conclusion from years of deterrence studies is that the death penalty is, at best, no more of a deterrent than a sentence of life in prison. The Ehrlich studies have been widely discredited. In fact, some criminologists, such as William Bowers of Northeastern University, maintain that the death penalty has the opposite effect: that is, society is brutalized by the use of the death penalty, and this increases the likelihood of more murder. Even most supporters of the death penalty now place little or no weight on deterrence as a serious justification for its continued use.

States in the United States that do not employ the death penalty generally have lower murder rates than states that do. The same is true when the U.S. is compared to countries similar to it. The U.S., with the death penalty, has a higher murder rate than the countries of Europe or Canada, which do not use the death penalty.

The death penalty is not a deterrent because most people who commit murders either do not expect to be caught or do not carefully weigh the differences between a possible execution and life in prison before they act. Frequently, murders are committed in moments of passion or anger, or by criminals who are substance abusers and acted impulsively. As someone who presided over many of Texas’s executions, former Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox has remarked, “It is my own experience that those executed in Texas were not deterred by the existence of the death penalty law. I think in most cases you’ll find that the murder was committed under severe drug and alcohol abuse.”

There is no conclusive proof that the death penalty acts as a better deterrent than the threat of life imprisonment. A 2012 report released by the prestigious National Research Council of the National Academies and based on a review of more than three decades of research, concluded that studies claiming a deterrent effect on murder rates from the death penalty are fundamentally flawed. A survey of the former and present presidents of the country’s top academic criminological societies found that 84% of these experts rejected the notion that research had demonstrated any deterrent effect from the death penalty .

Once in prison, those serving life sentences often settle into a routine and are less of a threat to commit violence than other prisoners. Moreover, most states now have a sentence of life without parole. Prisoners who are given this sentence will never be released. Thus, the safety of society can be assured without using the death penalty.

Ernest van den Haag Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Policy, Fordham University. Excerpts from ” The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense,” (Harvard Law Review Association, 1986)

“Execution of those who have committed heinous murders may deter only one murder per year. If it does, it seems quite warranted. It is also the only fitting retribution for murder I can think of.”

“Most abolitionists acknowledge that they would continue to favor abolition even if the death penalty were shown to deter more murders than alternatives could deter. Abolitionists appear to value the life of a convicted murderer or, at least, his non-execution, more highly than they value the lives of the innocent victims who might be spared by deterring prospective murderers.

Deterrence is not altogether decisive for me either. I would favor retention of the death penalty as retribution even if it were shown that the threat of execution could not deter prospective murderers not already deterred by the threat of imprisonment. Still, I believe the death penalty, because of its finality, is more feared than imprisonment, and deters some prospective murderers not deterred by the thought of imprisonment. Sparing the lives of even a few prospective victims by deterring their murderers is more important than preserving the lives of convicted murderers because of the possibility, or even the probability, that executing them would not deter others. Whereas the life of the victims who might be saved are valuable, that of the murderer has only negative value, because of his crime. Surely the criminal law is meant to protect the lives of potential victims in preference to those of actual murderers.”

“We threaten punishments in order to deter crime. We impose them not only to make the threats credible but also as retribution (justice) for the crimes that were not deterred. Threats and punishments are necessary to deter and deterrence is a sufficient practical justification for them. Retribution is an independent moral justification. Although penalties can be unwise, repulsive, or inappropriate, and those punished can be pitiable, in a sense the infliction of legal punishment on a guilty person cannot be unjust. By committing the crime, the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal punishment that he could have avoided by not committing the crime. The punishment he suffers is the punishment he voluntarily risked suffering and, therefore, it is no more unjust to him than any other event for which one knowingly volunteers to assume the risk. Thus, the death penalty cannot be unjust to the guilty criminal.”

Full text can be found at .

Hugo Adam Bedau (deceased) Austin Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Tufts University Excerpts from “The Case Against The Death Penalty” (Copyright 1997, American Civil Liberties Union)

“Persons who commit murder and other crimes of personal violence either may or may not premeditate their crimes.

When crime is planned, the criminal ordinarily concentrates on escaping detection, arrest, and conviction. The threat of even the severest punishment will not discourage those who expect to escape detection and arrest. It is impossible to imagine how the threat of any punishment could prevent a crime that is not premeditated….

Most capital crimes are committed in the heat of the moment. Most capital crimes are committed during moments of great emotional stress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when logical thinking has been suspended. In such cases, violence is inflicted by persons heedless of the consequences to themselves as well as to others….

If, however, severe punishment can deter crime, then long-term imprisonment is severe enough to deter any rational person from committing a violent crime.

The vast preponderance of the evidence shows that the death penalty is no more effective than imprisonment in deterring murder and that it may even be an incitement to criminal violence. Death-penalty states as a group do not have lower rates of criminal homicide than non-death-penalty states….

On-duty police officers do not suffer a higher rate of criminal assault and homicide in abolitionist states than they do in death-penalty states. Between l973 and l984, for example, lethal assaults against police were not significantly more, or less, frequent in abolitionist states than in death-penalty states. There is ‘no support for the view that the death penalty provides a more effective deterrent to police homicides than alternative sanctions. Not for a single year was evidence found that police are safer in jurisdictions that provide for capital punishment.’ (Bailey and Peterson, Criminology (1987))

Prisoners and prison personnel do not suffer a higher rate of criminal assault and homicide from life-term prisoners in abolition states than they do in death-penalty states. Between 1992 and 1995, 176 inmates were murdered by other prisoners; the vast majority (84%) were killed in death penalty jurisdictions. During the same period about 2% of all assaults on prison staff were committed by inmates in abolition jurisdictions. Evidently, the threat of the death penalty ‘does not even exert an incremental deterrent effect over the threat of a lesser punishment in the abolitionist states.’ (Wolfson, in Bedau, ed., The Death Penalty in America, 3rd ed. (1982))

Actual experience thus establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the death penalty does not deter murder. No comparable body of evidence contradicts that conclusion.”

Click here for the full text from the ACLU website.


A just society requires the taking of a life for a life.

When someone takes a life, the balance of justice is disturbed. Unless that balance is restored, society succumbs to a rule of violence. Only the taking of the murderer’s life restores the balance and allows society to show convincingly that murder is an intolerable crime which will be punished in kind.

Retribution has its basis in religious values, which have historically maintained that it is proper to take an “eye for an eye” and a life for a life.

Although the victim and the victim’s family cannot be restored to the status which preceded the murder, at least an execution brings closure to the murderer’s crime (and closure to the ordeal for the victim’s family) and ensures that the murderer will create no more victims.

For the most cruel and heinous crimes, the ones for which the death penalty is applied, offenders deserve the worst punishment under our system of law, and that is the death penalty. Any lesser punishment would undermine the value society places on protecting lives.

Robert Macy, District Attorney of Oklahoma City, described his concept of the need for retribution in one case: “In 1991, a young mother was rendered helpless and made to watch as her baby was executed. The mother was then mutilated and killed. The killer should not lie in some prison with three meals a day, clean sheets, cable TV, family visits and endless appeals. For justice to prevail, some killers just need to die.”

Retribution is another word for revenge. Although our first instinct may be to inflict immediate pain on someone who wrongs us, the standards of a mature society demand a more measured response.

The emotional impulse for revenge is not a sufficient justification for invoking a system of capital punishment, with all its accompanying problems and risks. Our laws and criminal justice system should lead us to higher principles that demonstrate a complete respect for life, even the life of a murderer. Encouraging our basest motives of revenge, which ends in another killing, extends the chain of violence. Allowing executions sanctions killing as a form of ‘pay-back.’

Many victims’ families denounce the use of the death penalty. Using an execution to try to right the wrong of their loss is an affront to them and only causes more pain. For example, Bud Welch’s daughter, Julie, was killed in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Although his first reaction was to wish that those who committed this terrible crime be killed, he ultimately realized that such killing “is simply vengeance; and it was vengeance that killed Julie…. Vengeance is a strong and natural emotion. But it has no place in our justice system.”

The notion of an eye for an eye, or a life for a life, is a simplistic one which our society has never endorsed. We do not allow torturing the torturer, or raping the rapist. Taking the life of a murderer is a similarly disproportionate punishment, especially in light of the fact that the U.S. executes only a small percentage of those convicted of murder, and these defendants are typically not the worst offenders but merely the ones with the fewest resources to defend themselves.

Louis P. Pojman Author and Professor of Philosophy, U.S. Military Academy. Excerpt from “The Death Penalty: For and Against,” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1998)

“[Opponents of the capital punishment often put forth the following argument:] Perhaps the murderer deserves to die, but what authority does the state have to execute him or her? Both the Old and New Testament says, “’Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Prov. 25:21 and Romans 12:19). You need special authority to justify taking the life of a human being.

The objector fails to note that the New Testament passage continues with a support of the right of the state to execute criminals in the name of God: “Let every person be subjected to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment…. If you do wrong, be afraid, for [the authority] does not bear the sword in vain; he is the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13: 1-4). So, according to the Bible, the authority to punish, which presumably includes the death penalty, comes from God.

But we need not appeal to a religious justification for capital punishment. We can site the state’s role in dispensing justice. Just as the state has the authority (and duty) to act justly in allocating scarce resources, in meeting minimal needs of its (deserving) citizens, in defending its citizens from violence and crime, and in not waging unjust wars; so too does it have the authority, flowing from its mission to promote justice and the good of its people, to punish the criminal. If the criminal, as one who has forfeited a right to life, deserves to be executed, especially if it will likely deter would-be murderers, the state has a duty to execute those convicted of first-degree murder.”

National Council of Synagogues and the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops Excerpts from “To End the Death Penalty: A Report of the National Jewish/Catholic Consultation” (December, 1999)

“Some would argue that the death penalty is needed as a means of retributive justice, to balance out the crime with the punishment. This reflects a natural concern of society, and especially of victims and their families. Yet we believe that we are called to seek a higher road even while punishing the guilty, for example through long and in some cases life-long incarceration, so that the healing of all can ultimately take place.

Some would argue that the death penalty will teach society at large the seriousness of crime. Yet we say that teaching people to respond to violence with violence will, again, only breed more violence.

The strongest argument of all [in favor of the death penalty] is the deep pain and grief of the families of victims, and their quite natural desire to see punishment meted out to those who have plunged them into such agony. Yet it is the clear teaching of our traditions that this pain and suffering cannot be healed simply through the retribution of capital punishment or by vengeance. It is a difficult and long process of healing which comes about through personal growth and God’s grace. We agree that much more must be done by the religious community and by society at large to solace and care for the grieving families of the victims of violent crime.

Recent statements of the Reform and Conservative movements in Judaism, and of the U.S. Catholic Conference sum up well the increasingly strong convictions shared by Jews and Catholics…:

‘Respect for all human life and opposition to the violence in our society are at the root of our long-standing opposition (as bishops) to the death penalty. We see the death penalty as perpetuating a cycle of violence and promoting a sense of vengeance in our culture. As we said in Confronting the Culture of Violence: ‘We cannot teach that killing is wrong by killing.’ We oppose capital punishment not just for what it does to those guilty of horrible crimes, but for what it does to all of us as a society. Increasing reliance on the death penalty diminishes all of us and is a sign of growing disrespect for human life. We cannot overcome crime by simply executing criminals, nor can we restore the lives of the innocent by ending the lives of those convicted of their murders. The death penalty offers the tragic illusion that we can defend life by taking life.’1

We affirm that we came to these conclusions because of our shared understanding of the sanctity of human life. We have committed ourselves to work together, and each within our own communities, toward ending the death penalty.” Endnote 1. Statement of the Administrative Committee of the United States Catholic Conference, March 24, 1999.

The risk of executing the innocent precludes the use of the death penalty.

The death penalty alone imposes an irrevocable sentence. Once an inmate is executed, nothing can be done to make amends if a mistake has been made. There is considerable evidence that many mistakes have been made in sentencing people to death. Since 1973, over 180 people have been released from death row after evidence of their innocence emerged. During the same period of time, over 1,500 people have been executed. Thus, for every 8.3 people executed, we have found one person on death row who never should have been convicted. These statistics represent an intolerable risk of executing the innocent. If an automobile manufacturer operated with similar failure rates, it would be run out of business.

Our capital punishment system is unreliable. A study by Columbia University Law School found that two thirds of all capital trials contained serious errors. When the cases were retried, over 80% of the defendants were not sentenced to death and 7% were completely acquitted.

Many of the releases of innocent defendants from death row came about as a result of factors outside of the justice system. Recently, journalism students in Illinois were assigned to investigate the case of a man who was scheduled to be executed, after the system of appeals had rejected his legal claims. The students discovered that one witness had lied at the original trial, and they were able to find another man, who confessed to the crime on videotape and was later convicted of the murder. The innocent man who was released was very fortunate, but he was spared because of the informal efforts of concerned citizens, not because of the justice system.

In other cases, DNA testing has exonerated death row inmates. Here, too, the justice system had concluded that these defendants were guilty and deserving of the death penalty. DNA testing became available only in the early 1990s, due to advancements in science. If this testing had not been discovered until ten years later, many of these inmates would have been executed. And if DNA testing had been applied to earlier cases where inmates were executed in the 1970s and 80s, the odds are high that it would have proven that some of them were innocent as well.

Society takes many risks in which innocent lives can be lost. We build bridges, knowing that statistically some workers will be killed during construction; we take great precautions to reduce the number of unintended fatalities. But wrongful executions are a preventable risk. By substituting a sentence of life without parole, we meet society’s needs of punishment and protection without running the risk of an erroneous and irrevocable punishment.

There is no proof that any innocent person has actually been executed since increased safeguards and appeals were added to our death penalty system in the 1970s. Even if such executions have occurred, they are very rare. Imprisoning innocent people is also wrong, but we cannot empty the prisons because of that minimal risk. If improvements are needed in the system of representation, or in the use of scientific evidence such as DNA testing, then those reforms should be instituted. However, the need for reform is not a reason to abolish the death penalty.

Besides, many of the claims of innocence by those who have been released from death row are actually based on legal technicalities. Just because someone’s conviction is overturned years later and the prosecutor decides not to retry him, does not mean he is actually innocent.

If it can be shown that someone is innocent, surely a governor would grant clemency and spare the person. Hypothetical claims of innocence are usually just delaying tactics to put off the execution as long as possible. Given our thorough system of appeals through numerous state and federal courts, the execution of an innocent individual today is almost impossible. Even the theoretical execution of an innocent person can be justified because the death penalty saves lives by deterring other killings.

Gerald Kogan, Former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Excerpts from a speech given in Orlando, Florida, October 23, 1999 “[T]here is no question in my mind, and I can tell you this having seen the dynamics of our criminal justice system over the many years that I have been associated with it, [as] prosecutor, defense attorney, trial judge and Supreme Court Justice, that convinces me that we certainly have, in the past, executed those people who either didn’t fit the criteria for execution in the State of Florida or who, in fact, were, factually, not guilty of the crime for which they have been executed.

“And you can make these statements when you understand the dynamics of the criminal justice system, when you understand how the State makes deals with more culpable defendants in a capital case, offers them light sentences in exchange for their testimony against another participant or, in some cases, in fact, gives them immunity from prosecution so that they can secure their testimony; the use of jailhouse confessions, like people who say, ‘I was in the cell with so-and-so and they confessed to me,’ or using those particular confessions, the validity of which there has been great doubt. And yet, you see the uneven application of the death penalty where, in many instances, those that are the most culpable escape death and those that are the least culpable are victims of the death penalty. These things begin to weigh very heavily upon you. And under our system, this is the system we have. And that is, we are human beings administering an imperfect system.”

“And how about those people who are still sitting on death row today, who may be factually innocent but cannot prove their particular case very simply because there is no DNA evidence in their case that can be used to exonerate them? Of course, in most cases, you’re not going to have that kind of DNA evidence, so there is no way and there is no hope for them to be saved from what may be one of the biggest mistakes that our society can make.”

The entire speech by Justice Kogan is available here.

Paul G. Cassell Associate Professor of Law, University of Utah, College of Law, and former law clerk to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. Statement before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights Concerning Claims of Innocence in Capital Cases (July 23, 1993)

“Given the fallibility of human judgments, the possibility exists that the use of capital punishment may result in the execution of an innocent person. The Senate Judiciary Committee has previously found this risk to be ‘minimal,’ a view shared by numerous scholars. As Justice Powell has noted commenting on the numerous state capital cases that have come before the Supreme Court, the ‘unprecedented safeguards’ already inherent in capital sentencing statutes ‘ensure a degree of care in the imposition of the sentence of death that can only be described as unique.’”

“Our present system of capital punishment limits the ultimate penalty to certain specifically-defined crimes and even then, permit the penalty of death only when the jury finds that the aggravating circumstances in the case outweigh all mitigating circumstances. The system further provides judicial review of capital cases. Finally, before capital sentences are carried out, the governor or other executive official will review the sentence to insure that it is a just one, a determination that undoubtedly considers the evidence of the condemned defendant’s guilt. Once all of those decisionmakers have agreed that a death sentence is appropriate, innocent lives would be lost from failure to impose the sentence.”

“Capital sentences, when carried out, save innocent lives by permanently incapacitating murderers. Some persons who commit capital homicide will slay other innocent persons if given the opportunity to do so. The death penalty is the most effective means of preventing such killers from repeating their crimes. The next most serious penalty, life imprisonment without possibility of parole, prevents murderers from committing some crimes but does not prevent them from murdering in prison.”

“The mistaken release of guilty murderers should be of far greater concern than the speculative and heretofore nonexistent risk of the mistaken execution of an innocent person.”

Full text can be found here.

Arbitrariness & Discrimination

The death penalty is applied unfairly and should not be used.

In practice, the death penalty does not single out the worst offenders. Rather, it selects an arbitrary group based on such irrational factors as the quality of the defense counsel, the county in which the crime was committed, or the race of the defendant or victim.

Almost all defendants facing the death penalty cannot afford their own attorney. Hence, they are dependent on the quality of the lawyers assigned by the state, many of whom lack experience in capital cases or are so underpaid that they fail to investigate the case properly. A poorly represented defendant is much more likely to be convicted and given a death sentence.

With respect to race, studies have repeatedly shown that a death sentence is far more likely where a white person is murdered than where a Black person is murdered. The death penalty is racially divisive because it appears to count white lives as more valuable than Black lives. Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 296 Black defendants have been executed for the murder of a white victim, while only 31 white defendants have been executed for the murder of a Black victim. Such racial disparities have existed over the history of the death penalty and appear to be largely intractable.

It is arbitrary when someone in one county or state receives the death penalty, but someone who commits a comparable crime in another county or state is given a life sentence. Prosecutors have enormous discretion about when to seek the death penalty and when to settle for a plea bargain. Often those who can only afford a minimal defense are selected for the death penalty. Until race and other arbitrary factors, like economics and geography, can be eliminated as a determinant of who lives and who dies, the death penalty must not be used.

Discretion has always been an essential part of our system of justice. No one expects the prosecutor to pursue every possible offense or punishment, nor do we expect the same sentence to be imposed just because two crimes appear similar. Each crime is unique, both because the circumstances of each victim are different and because each defendant is different. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that a mandatory death penalty which applied to everyone convicted of first degree murder would be unconstitutional. Hence, we must give prosecutors and juries some discretion.

In fact, more white people are executed in this country than black people. And even if blacks are disproportionately represented on death row, proportionately blacks commit more murders than whites. Moreover, the Supreme Court has rejected the use of statistical studies which claim racial bias as the sole reason for overturning a death sentence.

Even if the death penalty punishes some while sparing others, it does not follow that everyone should be spared. The guilty should still be punished appropriately, even if some do escape proper punishment unfairly. The death penalty should apply to killers of black people as well as to killers of whites. High paid, skillful lawyers should not be able to get some defendants off on technicalities. The existence of some systemic problems is no reason to abandon the whole death penalty system.

Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. President and Chief Executive Officer, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Inc. Excerpt from “Legal Lynching: Racism, Injustice & the Death Penalty,” (Marlowe & Company, 1996)

“Who receives the death penalty has less to do with the violence of the crime than with the color of the criminal’s skin, or more often, the color of the victim’s skin. Murder — always tragic — seems to be a more heinous and despicable crime in some states than in others. Women who kill and who are killed are judged by different standards than are men who are murderers and victims.

The death penalty is essentially an arbitrary punishment. There are no objective rules or guidelines for when a prosecutor should seek the death penalty, when a jury should recommend it, and when a judge should give it. This lack of objective, measurable standards ensures that the application of the death penalty will be discriminatory against racial, gender, and ethnic groups.

The majority of Americans who support the death penalty believe, or wish to believe, that legitimate factors such as the violence and cruelty with which the crime was committed, a defendant’s culpability or history of violence, and the number of victims involved determine who is sentenced to life in prison and who receives the ultimate punishment. The numbers, however, tell a different story. They confirm the terrible truth that bias and discrimination warp our nation’s judicial system at the very time it matters most — in matters of life and death. The factors that determine who will live and who will die — race, sex, and geography — are the very same ones that blind justice was meant to ignore. This prejudicial distribution should be a moral outrage to every American.”

Justice Lewis Powell United States Supreme Court Justice excerpts from McCleskey v. Kemp, 481 U.S. 279 (1987) (footnotes and citations omitted)

(Mr. McCleskey, a black man, was convicted and sentenced to death in 1978 for killing a white police officer while robbing a store. Mr. McCleskey appealed his conviction and death sentence, claiming racial discrimination in the application of Georgia’s death penalty. He presented statistical analysis showing a pattern of sentencing disparities based primarily on the race of the victim. The analysis indicated that black defendants who killed white victims had the greatest likelihood of receiving the death penalty. Writing the majority opinion for the Supreme Court, Justice Powell held that statistical studies on race by themselves were an insufficient basis for overturning the death penalty.)

“[T]he claim that [t]his sentence rests on the irrelevant factor of race easily could be extended to apply to claims based on unexplained discrepancies that correlate to membership in other minority groups, and even to gender. Similarly, since [this] claim relates to the race of his victim, other claims could apply with equally logical force to statistical disparities that correlate with the race or sex of other actors in the criminal justice system, such as defense attorneys or judges. Also, there is no logical reason that such a claim need be limited to racial or sexual bias. If arbitrary and capricious punishment is the touchstone under the Eighth Amendment, such a claim could — at least in theory — be based upon any arbitrary variable, such as the defendant’s facial characteristics, or the physical attractiveness of the defendant or the victim, that some statistical study indicates may be influential in jury decision making. As these examples illustrate, there is no limiting principle to the type of challenge brought by McCleskey. The Constitution does not require that a State eliminate any demonstrable disparity that correlates with a potentially irrelevant factor in order to operate a criminal justice system that includes capital punishment. As we have stated specifically in the context of capital punishment, the Constitution does not ‘plac[e] totally unrealistic conditions on its use.’ (Gregg v. Georgia)”

The entire decision can be found here.

Death Penalty - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, remains a contentious issue in many societies. Essays on this topic could explore the moral, legal, and social arguments surrounding the practice, including discussions on retribution, deterrence, and justice. They might delve into historical trends in the application of the death penalty, the potential for judicial error, and the disparities in its application across different demographic groups. Discussions might also explore the psychological impact on inmates, the families involved, and the society at large. They could also analyze the global trends toward abolition or retention of the death penalty and the factors influencing these trends. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Death Penalty you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

write an essay on capital punishment

Death Penalty and Justice

By now, many of us are familiar with the statement, "an eye for an eye," which came from the bible, so it should be followed as holy writ. Then there was Gandhi, who inspired thousands and said, "an eye for an eye will leave us all blind." This begs the question, which option do we pick to be a good moral agent, in the terms of justice that is. Some states in America practice the death penalty, where some states […]

The Controversy of Death Penalty

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Stephen Nathanson’s “An Eye for an Eye”

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Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime?

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The Death Penalty: Right or Wrong?

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About Carlton Franklin

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About the Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty should not be Legal

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Effectively Solving Society’s Criminality

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Religious Values and Death Penalty

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Abolishment of the Death Penalty

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to relate many different criminological theories in regard to capital punishment. We relate many criminological theories such as; cognitive theory, deviant place theory, latent trait theory, differential association theory, behavioral theory, attachment theory, lifestyle theory, and biosocial theory. This paper empirically analyzes the idea that capital punishment is inhumane and should be abolished. We analyze this by taking into consideration false convictions, deterrence of crime, attitudes towards capital punishment, mental illness and juvenile […]

Punishment and the Nature of the Crime

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The Death Penalty and Juveniles

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Is the Death Penalty “Humane”

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Euthanasia and Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty is not Worth the Cost

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Ineffectiveness of Death Penalty

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Is the Death Penalty Morally Right?

There have been several disputes on whether the death penalty is morally right. Considering the ethical issues with this punishment can help distinguish if it should be denied or accepted. For example, it can be argued that a criminal of extreme offenses should be granted the same level of penance as their crime. During the duration of their sentencing they could repent on their actions and desire another opportunity of freedom. The death penalty should be outlawed because of too […]

Why the Death Penalty is Unjust

Capital punishment being either a justifiable law, or a horrendous, unjust act can be determined based on the perspective of different worldviews. In a traditional Christian perspective, the word of God given to the world in The Holy Bible should only be abided by. The Holy Bible states that no man (or woman) should shed the blood of another man (or woman). Christians are taught to teach a greater amount of sacrifice for the sake of the Lord. Social justice […]

The Death Penalty and People’s Opinions

The death penalty is a highly debated topic that often divided opinion amongst people all around the world. Firstly, let's take a look at our capital punishments, with certain crimes, come different serving times. Most crimes include treason, espionage, murder, large-scale drug trafficking, and murder towards a juror, witness, or a court officer in some cases. These are a few examples compared to the forty-one federal capital offenses to date. When it comes to the death penalty, there are certain […]

The Debate of the Death Penalty

Capital punishment is a moral issue that is often scrutinized due to the taking of someone’s life. This is in large part because of the views many have toward the rule of law or an acceptance to the status quo. In order to get a true scope of the death penalty, it is best to address potential biases from a particular ethical viewpoint. By looking at it from several theories of punishment, selecting the most viable theory makes it a […]

The History of the Death Penalty

The History of the death penalty goes as far back as ancient China and Babylon. However, the first recorded death sentence took place in 16th Century BC Egypt, where executions were carried out with an ax. Since the very beginning, people were treated according to their social status; those wealthy were rarely facing brutal executions; on the contrary, most of the population was facing cruel executions. For instance, in the 5th Century BC, the Roman Law of the Twelve Tablets […]

Death Penalty is Immoral

Let's say your child grabs a plate purposely. You see them grab the plate, smash it on the ground and look you straight in the eyes. Are they deserving of a punishment? Now what if I say your child is three years old. A three year old typically doesn't know they have done something wrong. But since your child broke that one plate, your kid is being put on death row. You may be thinking, that is too harsh of […]

The Death Penalty in the United States

The United States is the "land of the free, home of the brave" and the death penalty (American National Anthem). Globally, America stands number five in carrying executions (Lockie). Since its resurrection in 1976, the year in which the Supreme Court reestablished the constitutionality of the death penalty, more than 1,264 people have been executed, predominantly by the medium of lethal injection (The Guardian). Almost all death penalty cases entangle the execution of assassins; although, they may also be applied […]

Cost of the Death Penalty

The death penalty costs more than life in prison. According to Fox News correspondent Dan Springer, the State of California spent 4 billion dollars to execute 13 individuals, in addition to the net spend of an estimated $64,000 per prisoner every year. Springer (2011) documents how the death penalty convictions declined due to economic reasons. The state spends up to 3 times more when seeking a death penalty than when pursuing a life in prison without the possibility of parole. […]

The Solution to the Death Penalty

There has never been a time when the United States of America was free from criminals indulging in killing, stealing, exploiting people, and even selling illegal items. Naturally, America refuses to tolerate the crimes committed by those who view themselves as above the law. Once these convicts are apprehended, they are brought to justice. In the past, these criminals often faced an ultimate punishment: the death penalty. Mercy was a foreign concept due to their underdeveloped understanding of the value […]

Costs: Death Penalty Versus Prison Costs

The Conservatives Concerned Organization challenges the notion that the death penalty is more cost effective compared to prison housing and feeding costs. The organization argues that the death penalty is an expensive lengthy and complicated process concluding that it is not only a bloated program that delays justice and bogs down the enforcement of the law, it is also an inefficient justice process that diverts financial resources from law enforcement programs that could protect individuals and save lives. According to […]

Death Penalty as a Source of Constant Controversy

The death penalty has been a source of almost constant controversy for hundreds of years, splitting the population down the middle with people supporting the death penalty and people that think it is unnecessary. The amount of people that are been against the death penalty has grown in recent years, causing the amount of executions to dwindle down to where there is less than one hundred every year. This number will continue to lessen as more and more people decide […]

Death Penalty is Politically Just?

Being wrongfully accused is unimaginable, but think if you were wrongfully accused and the ultimate punishment was death. Death penalty is one of the most controversial issues in today's society, but what is politically just? When a crime is committed most assume that the only acceptable consequence is to be put to death rather than thinking of another form of punishment. Religiously the death penalty is unfair because the, "USCCB concludes prisoners can change and find redemption through ministry outreach, […]

George Walker Bush and Death Penalty

George Walker Bush, a former U.S. president, and governor of Texas, once spoke, "I don't think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don't think that's right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people's lives." The death penalty, or capital punishment, refers to the execution of a criminal convicted of a capital offense. With many criminals awaiting execution on death row, the death penalty has been a debated topic […]

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How To Write an Essay About Death Penalty

Understanding the topic.

When writing an essay about the death penalty, the first step is to understand the depth and complexities of the topic. The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. This topic is highly controversial and evokes strong emotions on both sides of the debate. It's crucial to approach this subject with sensitivity and a balanced perspective, acknowledging the moral, legal, and ethical considerations involved. Research is key in this initial phase, as it's important to gather facts, statistics, and viewpoints from various sources to have a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This foundation will set the tone for your essay, guiding your argument and supporting your thesis.

Structuring the Argument

The next step is structuring your argument. In an essay about the death penalty, it's vital to present a clear thesis statement that outlines your stance on the issue. Are you for or against it? What are the reasons behind your position? The body of your essay should then systematically support your thesis through well-structured arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the death penalty, such as its ethical implications, its effectiveness as a deterrent to crime, or the risk of wrongful convictions. Ensure that each point is backed up by evidence and examples, and remember to address counterarguments. This not only shows that you have considered multiple viewpoints but also strengthens your position by demonstrating why these opposing arguments may be less valid.

Exploring Ethical and Moral Dimensions

An essential aspect of writing an essay on the death penalty is exploring its ethical and moral dimensions. This involves delving into philosophical debates about the value of human life, justice, and retribution. It's important to discuss the moral justifications that are often used to defend the death penalty, such as the idea of 'an eye for an eye,' and to critically evaluate these arguments. Equally important is exploring the ethical arguments against the death penalty, including the potential for innocent people to be executed and the question of whether the state should have the power to take a life. This section of the essay should challenge readers to think deeply about their values and the principles of a just society.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, revisit your thesis and summarize the key points made in your essay. This is your final opportunity to reinforce your argument and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Discuss the broader implications of the death penalty in society and consider potential future developments in this area. You might also want to offer recommendations or pose questions that encourage further reflection on the topic. Remember, a strong conclusion doesn't just restate what has been said; it provides closure and offers new insights, prompting readers to continue thinking about the subject long after they have finished reading your essay.

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Capital Punishment Essay | Essay on Capital Punishment for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Capital Punishment Essay:  Capital punishment or death penalty as means of giving justice has become the most controversial issue, which pertains to the laws that govern our society. Capital punishment is a legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. With the rise in demand for human rights, taking away a criminal’s life has become the most controversial, talked about thing not only at the national level, but also at the global platform. Interestingly, the use of this execution extends to the beginning of recorded history. Most historical records of various civilisation and primitive tribal practices indicate that the death penalty was a part of their justice system.

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Long and Short Essays on Capital Punishment for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Capital Punishment’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Capital Punishment of 400-500 words. This long essay about Capital Punishment is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Capital Punishment of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Capital Punishment 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Capital Punishment of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

]The prison system was evolved keeping in mind that people, who have done wrong in their life and have started proving harmful to the society should be kept in confinement for some time and be given a chance to change and reform themselves. The idea works well in cases of theft, robbery and other minor offences. Complications and problems arise, when the offence involves brutal and inhuman acts like murders, rape, mass-killing etc. So, the controversial part is the gravity of crime, which is the deciding factor for execution.

The 20th century was a violent period wherein tens of millions were killed in wars between nations or states. Also, modern military organisations employed capital punishment as a means of maintaining military discipline. Although, death was prescribed for crimes in many sacred religious documents and historically was practiced widely with the support of religious hierarchies, today there is no agreement among religious faiths on the morality of capital punishment.

Now capital punishment stands in great controversy over the right of society at large to deny a person’s right to life. Some people are of the view that no one has the right to take away anyone’s life for any reason. Man cannot play God’s role nor should ever try to. When one cannot give life, one has no right to take away anybody’s life. On the other side, people also take into consideration victim’s right to life. The criminal too has no right to take away anyone’s life for any reason at all. So, if he could go to the’extent of taking away someone’s life, he too has no right to live in a civilised ‘ society. Various arguments on both sides can be cited to support viewpoints that are poles apart.

Those who favour death penalty states that imprisonment is simply not a sufficient safeguard against the future actions of criminals because it offers the possibility of escape. Also, the punishment for the culprits that fits the crime would soothe the victim’s family and society would be relieved of such a criminal. More timely, enforcement of capital punishment would help to reduce the crime rate by instilling a sense of respect and fear for law. In fact, some people consider execution to be more humane than life imprisonment because it is quick and instantaneous. Life imprisonment makes the prisoner suffer by rotting in jail for the rest of his life, which is more torturous. Another argument against the death penalty is that it costs more to imprison someone for life than to execute him/her.

The strongest argument against using capital punishment is that it is very cruel and completely inhuman. The methods by which executions are carried out involve physical torture. Many a times electrocution needs more than one application of electric current to kill the condemned. No one, not even the state, has the authority to play God. Contrary to the popular belief that the death penalty reduces the crime rate, various surveys have shown that the threat of the death penalty does not in any way reduce the occurrence of violent crimes. Capital punishment is discriminatory because at times some innocent people are executed due to a faulty judgement. Another argument against the death penalty is that where does the difference lie between the criminals and the society? The society in turn commits the same offence of killing, when it punishes the criminal for taking away life. Currently, 58 nations actively practice capital punishment. Although, many nations have abolished capital punishment, yet over 60% of world’s population live in countries where execution takes place. Followers of Judaism and Christianity, for instance, have claimed to find justification for the death penalty in the biblical passage, “Whosoever sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.”

Officially, 52 people have been executed so far in Independent India, though some democratic rights activists think it is more. This data clearly shows that as far as India is concerned, the law is not outrightly strict and quick on giving capital punishment. Infact, after the award of death sentence by a Session Court, the condemned convict has the option of appealing to the Supreme Court.

Capital Punishment Essay

Short Essay on Capital Punishment 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Capital Punishment is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

If the Supreme Court turns down the appeal, then the condemned person can submit a ‘mercy petition’ to the President of India and the Governor of the State. The basic intention behind any punishment in general is that a criminal deserves punishment so as to set an example for other would be criminals and to maintain the decorum of civilised human society. Henry Ford aptly puts that “Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is wrong as a cure for poverty”. So, instead of debating over this, society should rather find ways of lowering crime rate to maintain peace.

“I have said repeatedly that I think that the death penalty should be applied in very narrow circumstances for the most egregious of crimes”, quoted US President Barack1 Obama. In context to Indian Mythology also, it has been seen that time and again Gods have incarnated as humans to give punishments to demons like Deviki’s brother King Kansa, King Ravana or Holika. Gods gave them enough time and chance before executing them with punishment, but their crime/action proved more heinous than their character.

For the same reason on 3 rd May, 2010, Ajmal Kasab was sentenced to death for attacking Mumbai and killing 164 people. He was found guilty of 80 offences, including waging war against the nation, which is punishable by death penalty. In another instance, all the accused of Delhi gang rape of Nirbhaya were given death sentence for their brutality. In such cases, famous people like Narendra Modi, Anna Hazare and Bollywood celebrities, have all appreciated the decision.

Capital Punishment Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Penalty – punishment
  • Pertains – be appropriate, related, or applicable to
  • Confinement – imprisonment, detention
  • Reform – improvement, development, restructuring
  • Execution – the death sentence
  • Hierarchies – a system in which members are ranked according to status or authority.
  • Soothe – ease, calm, pacify
  • Instilling – establishing, to put in
  • Electrocution – the electric shock
  • Discriminatory – unfair, biased
  • Abolished – stop, put an end to, eliminate
  • Appealing – pleasing, pleading, requesting
  • Decorum – good behaviour, respectability
  • Egregious – shocking, extremely bad
  • Heinous – monstrous, shocking, wicked
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Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The public reflection on the legality and morality of capital punishment has over the years been well documented by historians, philosophers and other theorists amid the complexities and controversies the debate continues to attract.

Although the practice is institutionalized and practiced in some countries, the raging debate about its appropriateness demonstrates a subtle balance of thought among critics and advocates that continues to be analyzed under the rubric of moral, legal, philosophical and political underpinnings (Homans 44).

It is therefore the purpose of this essay to critically examine recent arguments in support and against the practice of capital punishment with a view to elucidating facts about its appropriateness or inappropriateness in modern society.

It is indeed true that a growing number of countries across the world are abolishing capital punishment, which basically implies the lawful infliction of death as a form of punishment (Arguments para. 1).

However, supporters of the practice continue to echo their concerns in popular media using deep-seated rationalistic arguments and counterarguments that aim to widen the focus and the historical framework of capital punishment.

One school of thought argues that damages caused by some egregious behavior such as murder and rape cannot be sufficiently compensated, hence the need to formulate legislation that will provide optimum deterrence to the offender in the form of capital punishment (Baron 855).

Undeniably, the stakes in support of capital punishment are even higher if such egregious conduct is proved beyond reasonable doubt by a court of law, or if the perpetrator readily admits to taking part in the murder or rape of the victim.

In such scenarios, the upholding of capital punishment is seen as a necessary antidote to such uncivilized and inhuman behavior (Steiker & Stetker 649).

In line with the above argument, supporters of capital punishment argue that the practice permanently removes thieves, murderers, rapists, and other criminals from the face of society, in the process making it safer for compliant members of society to leave in peace (Steiker & Stetker 651).

This rationalistic argument is founded on the fact that dead criminals cannot in anyway engage in further criminal activities, either within prison or after being released into the public domain (Arguments para 9).

This is, in my view, a flawed argument since it does not only lack any moral justification, but it denies the murderer or rapist the chance to reform and look upon life from a positive standpoint.

Assuming a rather economic perspective, some pro-capital punishment advocates argue that limited state resources should be used on important issues rather than on long-term incarceration of murderers, rapists, and other criminals (Arguments para 10). Supporters of this school of thought argue that countries should not use an inexhaustible commodity such as money to cater for individuals condemned for murdering or raping innocent victims.

However, this argument can be challenged from the viewpoint that some techniques used to execute condemned criminals are as a matter of fact more expensive than putting such individuals on long-term imprisonment. In consequence, the issue of cost does not hold much water.

Still, other proponents of capital punishment argue that the criminal must be made to suffer the full consequences in proportion to the offence he or she might have committed, otherwise known as retributive justice (Baron 855; Arguments para. 11). As such, a murderer must meet the full force of the law by being executed instead of undergoing some form of rehabilitative treatment.

However, this standpoint, in my own view, is faced with a serious challenge because it does not only assumes the old-fashioned logic of an ‘eye for an eye’, but it also lacks in establishing effective standards for punishing offenders in as far as crimes such as rape, robbery with violence, and other odious criminal activities are concerned (Baron 856).

For instance, a rapist cannot in anyway be raped under the instruction of the criminal justice system just to make sure that such a criminal is made to suffer in proportion to the crime committed. In consequence, this argument is a non-starter.

Lastly, pro-capital punishment advocates argue that the practice has been effectively used to deter serious criminal activities in countries such as Singapore, China, and Iran, among others. Indeed, consecutive studies reveal that there are far less serious crimes in countries that practice capital punishment, and the opposite is almost always true in countries that don’t (Arguments para. 12).

Indeed, “…those in favor of capital punishment believe that the threat of severe punishment should bring the crime rates down and that capital punishment or the death penalty is the ultimate crime deterrent” (Cox para. 1).

But as observed by this particular author, capital punishment is no longer effective in deterring crime, in part, due to the fact that it is neither swift nor certain as it used to be in early days.

For instance, one can be convicted for a capital offence but the swiftness of taking the convict to the gallows or firing squad is no longer present, thus it cannot be used to deter other members of society from committing crime.

In equal measure, the practice lacks certainty in countries such as the U.S. by virtue of the fact that different states apply the law regarding capital punishment differently (Steiker & Stetker 650).

Critics of capital punishment employ both moral and pragmatic justifications to argue their case. Pragmatically, critics argue that capital punishment lacks any reformative purpose in as far as re-establishing ‘a good citizen’ is concerned, thus the case for its application relies on retribution and deterrence (Homans 43).

This further implies that the death penalty cannot in any valid way be used to reform society; on the contrary, it can only be used to protect society from individuals perceived to be deviating from the norm.

In consequence, capital punishment fails to serve one of the basic tenets of the criminal justice system – that of reforming individuals to comply with the norms and values set by society.

The moral argument against the death penalty holds that killing an individual for the sole purpose of letting justice take its course is unequivocally wrong.

The basic premise for this argument is that the murderer or rapist is wicked to kill or to rape, but so is the state or the criminal justice system (Homans 43). This is a valid argument in as far as the American Constitution and many religions protect the sanctity of life.

Indeed, many religions worldwide are of the opinion that life is God-given and that it is only the Almighty who can take away the life of someone. Consequently, it is morally and spiritually wrong for the state and the criminal justice system to assume the role of God (Styers 99).

Moving on, critics of capital punishment postulates that it is often awarded in an inconsistent manner, not mentioning the fact that there exist a real possibility of executing the innocent (Homans 46). This incontrovertible point of view further argues that there is no possible way of compensating the innocent in the eventuality that justice was miscarried, thus the legislation does not carry much weight.

In the case of murder, the shallowness of slapping capital offenders with the death penalty is further demonstrated by the fact that it is only the culprit and the victim who knows what really happened, not the prosecution and defense lawyers in a court of law. As such, it is not out of the ordinary for an individual to be convicted for murder when he should actually have only being convicted for a lesser charge such as manslaughter (Styers 115). This is undeniably wrong.

Capital punishment is a cruel and unusual form of punishment. Indeed, many countries are abolishing capital punishment due to its very own inhuman nature, not mentioning the fact that international law and treaties are edging towards declaring the death penalty to be a human rights violation (Styers 117).

It is interesting to note that none of the various international criminal courts and treaties provides for capital punishment, and some regional and international bodies such as the Council of Europe and the European Union are advocating for the abandonment of capital punishment as a precondition for membership.

Indeed, not only does capital punishment projects a negative image for any country that puts it into practice, but it also seriously dents the image and esteem of innocent family members and friends of criminals lined up for executions (Homans 45). This must never be allowed to continue.

To conclude, it is evidently clear from the discussion that capital punishment does not only assume a backward trajectory, but it also raises critical moral and ethical challenges that must be answered for the practice to gain credence.

Yet, proponents of the death penalty have failed to provide satisfactory answers to the questions asked, not mentioning the fact that their own justifications as can be observed above rests on shallow waters.

It is indeed true that no one in his sane mind can possibly deny the anguish of the victim’s family in a murder or rape case, but the anguish and despair of the murderer’s or rapist’s family must also be taken into consideration (Homans 47).

In addition, knowledge about the poor administration of capital punishment by most countries is in the public domain. What’s more, it must be remembered that murderers, rapists and other criminals are ordinary mortals who have a life and with it the capability to experience pain, fright and the loss of family members and friends.

It should also be remembered that there is no such thing as a compassionate technique of executing a criminal irrespective of what the state may claim because every form of execution is a horrendous ordeal for the criminal. As such, it is only right that capital punishment be abandoned.

Works Cited

Arguments for and Against Capital Punishment . (n.d.). Web.

Baron, J.C. The “Monstrous Heresy” of Punitive Damages: A Comparison to the Death Penalty and Suggestions for Reform. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 159.3(2007): 853-891. Web.

Cox, E.V. Why Capital Punishment Doesn’t Deter Crime. 2006. Web.

Homans, L. Swinging Sixties: The Abolition of Capital Punishment. History Today 58.12 (2008): 43-49. Web.

Steiker, C.S., & Stetker, J.M. Capital Punishment: A Century of Discontinuous Debate. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 100.3 (2010): 643-689. Web.

Styers, R. Capital Punishment, Atonement, and the Christian Right. Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 18.3 (2007): 97-127. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 28). Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society.

"Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society." IvyPanda , 28 May 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society'. 28 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society." May 28, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society." May 28, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Capital Punishment: A Critical Evaluation of Its Appropriateness in Modern Society." May 28, 2018.


Essay on Capital Punishment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Capital Punishment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Capital Punishment

What is capital punishment.

Capital punishment is when the government decides to end someone’s life as a penalty for a very serious crime. This is also known as the death penalty. It is used in some places when a person has done something extremely bad, like murder.

Arguments For It

Some people say capital punishment stops others from committing terrible crimes. They believe it is a way to make sure the worst criminals cannot harm anyone else. It’s also seen as justice for the victims and their families.

Arguments Against It

Others argue that killing someone, even a criminal, is wrong. They say it does not actually stop crime and that sometimes innocent people might be punished by mistake. They also think life in prison is a better option.

Worldwide Views

Different countries have different rules about capital punishment. Some places use it a lot, while others have banned it. The debate about whether it is right or wrong is ongoing, with strong feelings on both sides.

250 Words Essay on Capital Punishment

Reasons for capital punishment.

Some people believe that capital punishment stops others from doing bad things because they are afraid of dying. They say it is a way to make sure that a person who has done something very bad cannot do it again. It is also seen as a form of justice, giving peace to the victims’ families.

On the other side, many people argue that killing someone, even if they have committed a crime, is wrong. They say it does not give the person a chance to change and become better. There is also the risk of making a mistake and killing someone who did not actually commit the crime.

Capital Punishment Around the World

Around the world, different countries have different rules about capital punishment. Some countries use it a lot, while others have stopped using it completely. In some places, the law is changing as people talk more about whether it is the right thing to do or not.

Capital punishment is a serious and complex issue. It is important to think about the reasons for and against it, and how it affects society. Each person might see it differently, and it is a topic that will continue to be discussed for a long time.

500 Words Essay on Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is when the government decides that a person who has done a very serious crime, like murder, should be put to death. This is a way to punish the person for what they did. Some people call this the death penalty. It is a big topic that many people have different opinions about. Some think it is a good idea, and some think it is a bad idea.

Reasons Against Capital Punishment

On the other side, people who do not like capital punishment say that killing someone, even if they did something terrible, is wrong. They think that everyone makes mistakes and that some people can change for the better. They also worry that sometimes the law might make a mistake, and an innocent person could be put to death. That would be a terrible error that cannot be fixed.

Different countries have different rules about capital punishment. Some countries use it a lot, and some have stopped using it completely. In places where it is still used, there are arguments about whether it is right or wrong. In some parts of the world, people are fighting to end it, while in others, it is still seen as an important part of the law.

Methods of Execution

The future of capital punishment.

The future of capital punishment is not clear. Some people are working hard to stop it everywhere in the world. They want to replace it with other kinds of punishment, like keeping the person in jail for their whole life. Others think that it should still be an option for the most serious crimes. The debate about capital punishment is likely to continue for a long time.

Capital punishment is a serious and difficult topic. It is about life and death, right and wrong. People all over the world have strong feelings about it. It is important to think about these things and to understand why people might agree or disagree with it. The discussion about whether it is a good or bad thing is part of how we deal with crime and punishment in our societies.

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Human Rights Careers

5 Death Penalty Essays Everyone Should Know

Capital punishment is an ancient practice. It’s one that human rights defenders strongly oppose and consider as inhumane and cruel. In 2019, Amnesty International reported the lowest number of executions in about a decade. Most executions occurred in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Egypt . The United States is the only developed western country still using capital punishment. What does this say about the US? Here are five essays about the death penalty everyone should read:

“When We Kill”

By: Nicholas Kristof | From: The New York Times 2019

In this excellent essay, Pulitizer-winner Nicholas Kristof explains how he first became interested in the death penalty. He failed to write about a man on death row in Texas. The man, Cameron Todd Willingham, was executed in 2004. Later evidence showed that the crime he supposedly committed – lighting his house on fire and killing his three kids – was more likely an accident. In “When We Kill,” Kristof puts preconceived notions about the death penalty under the microscope. These include opinions such as only guilty people are executed, that those guilty people “deserve” to die, and the death penalty deters crime and saves money. Based on his investigations, Kristof concludes that they are all wrong.

Nicholas Kristof has been a Times columnist since 2001. He’s the winner of two Pulitizer Prices for his coverage of China and the Darfur genocide.

“An Inhumane Way of Death”

By: Willie Jasper Darden, Jr.

Willie Jasper Darden, Jr. was on death row for 14 years. In his essay, he opens with the line, “Ironically, there is probably more hope on death row than would be found in most other places.” He states that everyone is capable of murder, questioning if people who support capital punishment are just as guilty as the people they execute. Darden goes on to say that if every murderer was executed, there would be 20,000 killed per day. Instead, a person is put on death row for something like flawed wording in an appeal. Darden feels like he was picked at random, like someone who gets a terminal illness. This essay is important to read as it gives readers a deeper, more personal insight into death row.

Willie Jasper Darden, Jr. was sentenced to death in 1974 for murder. During his time on death row, he advocated for his innocence and pointed out problems with his trial, such as the jury pool that excluded black people. Despite worldwide support for Darden from public figures like the Pope, Darden was executed in 1988.

“We Need To Talk About An Injustice”

By: Bryan Stevenson | From: TED 2012

This piece is a transcript of Bryan Stevenson’s 2012 TED talk, but we feel it’s important to include because of Stevenson’s contributions to criminal justice. In the talk, Stevenson discusses the death penalty at several points. He points out that for years, we’ve been taught to ask the question, “Do people deserve to die for their crimes?” Stevenson brings up another question we should ask: “Do we deserve to kill?” He also describes the American death penalty system as defined by “error.” Somehow, society has been able to disconnect itself from this problem even as minorities are disproportionately executed in a country with a history of slavery.

Bryan Stevenson is a lawyer, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, and author. He’s argued in courts, including the Supreme Court, on behalf of the poor, minorities, and children. A film based on his book Just Mercy was released in 2019 starring Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx.

“I Know What It’s Like To Carry Out Executions”

By: S. Frank Thompson | From: The Atlantic 2019

In the death penalty debate, we often hear from the family of the victims and sometimes from those on death row. What about those responsible for facilitating an execution? In this opinion piece, a former superintendent from the Oregon State Penitentiary outlines his background. He carried out the only two executions in Oregon in the past 55 years, describing it as having a “profound and traumatic effect” on him. In his decades working as a correctional officer, he concluded that the death penalty is not working . The United States should not enact federal capital punishment.

Frank Thompson served as the superintendent of OSP from 1994-1998. Before that, he served in the military and law enforcement. When he first started at OSP, he supported the death penalty. He changed his mind when he observed the protocols firsthand and then had to conduct an execution.

“There Is No Such Thing As Closure on Death Row”

By: Paul Brown | From: The Marshall Project 2019

This essay is from Paul Brown, a death row inmate in Raleigh, North Carolina. He recalls the moment of his sentencing in a cold courtroom in August. The prosecutor used the term “closure” when justifying a death sentence. Who is this closure for? Brown theorizes that the prosecutors are getting closure as they end another case, but even then, the cases are just a way to further their careers. Is it for victims’ families? Brown is doubtful, as the death sentence is pursued even when the families don’t support it. There is no closure for Brown or his family as they wait for his execution. Vivid and deeply-personal, this essay is a must-read for anyone who wonders what it’s like inside the mind of a death row inmate.

Paul Brown has been on death row since 2000 for a double murder. He is a contributing writer to Prison Writers and shares essays on topics such as his childhood, his life as a prisoner, and more.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

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student opinion

Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

In its last six months, the United States government has put 13 prisoners to death. Do you think capital punishment should end?

write an essay on capital punishment

By Nicole Daniels

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.

In July, the United States carried out its first federal execution in 17 years. Since then, the Trump administration has executed 13 inmates, more than three times as many as the federal government had in the previous six decades.

The death penalty has been abolished in 22 states and 106 countries, yet it is still legal at the federal level in the United States. Does your state or country allow the death penalty?

Do you believe governments should be allowed to execute people who have been convicted of crimes? Is it ever justified, such as for the most heinous crimes? Or are you universally opposed to capital punishment?

In “ ‘Expedited Spree of Executions’ Faced Little Supreme Court Scrutiny ,” Adam Liptak writes about the recent federal executions:

In 2015, a few months before he died, Justice Antonin Scalia said he w o uld not be surprised if the Supreme Court did away with the death penalty. These days, after President Trump’s appointment of three justices, liberal members of the court have lost all hope of abolishing capital punishment. In the face of an extraordinary run of federal executions over the past six months, they have been left to wonder whether the court is prepared to play any role in capital cases beyond hastening executions. Until July, there had been no federal executions in 17 years . Since then, the Trump administration has executed 13 inmates, more than three times as many as the federal government had put to death in the previous six decades.

The article goes on to explain that Justice Stephen G. Breyer issued a dissent on Friday as the Supreme Court cleared the way for the last execution of the Trump era, complaining that it had not sufficiently resolved legal questions that inmates had asked. The article continues:

If Justice Breyer sounded rueful, it was because he had just a few years ago held out hope that the court would reconsider the constitutionality of capital punishment. He had set out his arguments in a major dissent in 2015 , one that must have been on Justice Scalia’s mind when he made his comments a few months later. Justice Breyer wrote in that 46-page dissent that he considered it “highly likely that the death penalty violates the Eighth Amendment,” which bars cruel and unusual punishments. He said that death row exonerations were frequent, that death sentences were imposed arbitrarily and that the capital justice system was marred by racial discrimination. Justice Breyer added that there was little reason to think that the death penalty deterred crime and that long delays between sentences and executions might themselves violate the Eighth Amendment. Most of the country did not use the death penalty, he said, and the United States was an international outlier in embracing it. Justice Ginsburg, who died in September, had joined the dissent. The two other liberals — Justices Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — were undoubtedly sympathetic. And Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who held the decisive vote in many closely divided cases until his retirement in 2018, had written the majority opinions in several 5-to-4 decisions that imposed limits on the death penalty, including ones barring the execution of juvenile offenders and people convicted of crimes other than murder .

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Capital Punishment: Supporting The Death Penalty in The Us

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 1412 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

  • Bright, Stephen B. “Why the United States Will Join the Rest of the World in Abandoning Capital Punishment.” Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case. Ed. Hugo Adam Bedau and Paul G. Cassel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 152-182. Print.
  • Cole, George F., and Christopher E. Smith. Criminal Justice in America. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014. Print. Hall, Charlene. 'Methods of Execution.' Pro-death Penalty. N.p., 2014. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.
  • Henrichson, Christian, and Ruth Delaney. 'The Price of Prisons: What Incarceration Costs Taxpayers.' Center on Sentencing and Corrections 20 July 2012: 9. Vera Institute of Justice, 2012. Pdf. 1 Dec. 2014.
  • Koch, Edward I. “Death and Justice.” N.p.: 1-3. N.d. Pdf. 9 Dec. 2014. Matthew. Holy Bible, New International Version. Colorado Springs: Biblica, 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.
  • United States of America. Congress. The Declaration of Independence. Philadelphia: n.p., 1776. Independence Hall Association, 4 July 1995. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.
  • Westmoreland-White, Michael L., and Glen H. Stassen. “Biblical Perspectives on the Death Penalty.” Religion and the Death Penalty: A Call for Reckoning. Ed. Erik C. Owens, John D. Carlson, and Eric P. Elshtain. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2004. 123-138. Print.

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  • Capital Punishment

Essays on Capital Punishment

The topic of capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is extremely relevant today, as is your capital punishment essay. Nowadays the number of people, sentenced to death, has decreased. Many samples of capital punishment essays provide statistics on the death penalty. Since 1990 over 30 countries have abolished the death penalty. Numerous essays on capital punishment specifically review the US, where the death penalty is authorized in 30 states, while 20 states do not have the death penalty. Also, 11 of the states that authorize the death penalty haven't used it in a very long time. According to opinion polls, about 50% of the population in the United States is in favor of the death penalty as a punishment for murder. However, the prevailing majority of people support life imprisonment over the death penalty. Look through capital punishment essay samples below if you need more info for your essay.

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In the poem, race is used to represent the various forms of injustices that exist in American society, where these injustices are directed at particular races and are tolerated despite the atrocities done against minority groups. When talking about the death penalty, race should be brought up because, unfairly, a...

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capital punishment , execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. Capital punishment should be distinguished from extrajudicial executions carried out without due process of law . The term death penalty is sometimes used interchangeably with capital punishment , though imposition of the penalty is not always followed by execution (even when it is upheld on appeal), because of the possibility of commutation to life imprisonment.

Capital punishment for murder , treason , arson , and rape was widely employed in ancient Greece under the laws of Draco (fl. 7th century bce ), though Plato argued that it should be used only for the incorrigible . The Romans also used it for a wide range of offenses, though citizens were exempted for a short time during the republic. It also has been sanctioned at one time or another by most of the world’s major religions. Followers of Judaism and Christianity, for example, have claimed to find justification for capital punishment in the biblical passage “Whosoever sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed” ( Genesis 9:6). Yet capital punishment has been prescribed for many crimes not involving loss of life, including adultery and blasphemy . The ancient legal principle Lex talionis ( talion )—“an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life”—which appears in the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi , was invoked in some societies to ensure that capital punishment was not disproportionately applied.

The prevalence of capital punishment in ancient times is difficult to ascertain precisely, but it seems likely that it was often avoided, sometimes by the alternative of banishment and sometimes by payment of compensation . For example, it was customary during Japan’s peaceful Heian period (794–1185) for the emperor to commute every death sentence and replace it with deportation to a remote area, though executions were reinstated once civil war broke out in the mid-11th century.

In Islamic law , as expressed in the Qurʾān , capital punishment is condoned . Although the Qurʾān prescribes the death penalty for several ḥadd (fixed) crimes—including robbery, adultery, and apostasy of Islam —murder is not among them. Instead, murder is treated as a civil crime and is covered by the law of qiṣās (retaliation), whereby the relatives of the victim decide whether the offender is punished with death by the authorities or made to pay diyah (wergild) as compensation.

Death was formerly the penalty for a large number of offenses in England during the 17th and 18th centuries, but it was never applied as widely as the law provided. As in other countries, many offenders who committed capital crimes escaped the death penalty, either because juries or courts would not convict them or because they were pardoned, usually on condition that they agreed to banishment; some were sentenced to the lesser punishment of transportation to the then American colonies and later to Australia. Beginning in the Middle Ages, it was possible for offenders guilty of capital offenses to receive benefit of clergy , by which those who could prove that they were ordained priests (clerks in Holy Orders) as well as secular clerks who assisted in divine service (or, from 1547, a peer of the realm) were allowed to go free, though it remained within the judge’s power to sentence them to prison for up to a year, or from 1717 onward to transportation for seven years. Because during medieval times the only proof of ordination was literacy, it became customary between the 15th and 18th centuries to allow anyone convicted of a felony to escape the death sentence by proving that he (the privilege was extended to women in 1629) could read. Until 1705, all he had to do was read (or recite) the first verse from Psalm 51 of the Bible—“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions”—which came to be known as the “ neck verse” (for its power to save one’s neck). To ensure that an offender could escape death only once through benefit of clergy, he was branded on the brawn of the thumb ( M for murder or T for theft). Branding was abolished in 1779, and benefit of clergy ceased in 1827.

write an essay on capital punishment

From ancient times until well into the 19th century, many societies administered exceptionally cruel forms of capital punishment. In Rome the condemned were hurled from the Tarpeian Rock ( see Tarpeia ); for parricide they were drowned in a sealed bag with a dog, cock, ape, and viper; and still others were executed by forced gladiatorial combat or by crucifixion . Executions in ancient China were carried out by many painful methods, such as sawing the condemned in half, flaying him while still alive, and boiling . Cruel forms of execution in Europe included “breaking” on the wheel, boiling in oil, burning at the stake , decapitation by the guillotine or an axe, hanging , drawing and quartering , and drowning. Although by the end of the 20th century many jurisdictions (e.g., nearly every U.S. state that employs the death penalty, Guatemala, the Philippines , Taiwan , and some Chinese provinces) had adopted lethal injection , offenders continued to be beheaded in Saudi Arabia and occasionally stoned to death (for adultery) in Iran and Sudan . Other methods of execution were electrocution , gassing, and the firing squad.

write an essay on capital punishment

Historically, executions were public events, attended by large crowds, and the mutilated bodies were often displayed until they rotted. Public executions were banned in England in 1868, though they continued to take place in parts of the United States until the 1930s. In the last half of the 20th century, there was considerable debate regarding whether executions should be broadcast on television, as has occurred in Guatemala. Since the mid-1990s public executions have taken place in some 20 countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Nigeria , though the practice has been condemned by the United Nations Human Rights Committee as “incompatible with human dignity.”

In many countries death sentences are not carried out immediately after they are imposed; there is often a long period of uncertainty for the convicted while their cases are appealed. Inmates awaiting execution live on what has been called “ death row ”; in the United States and Japan, some prisoners have been executed more than 15 years after their convictions . The European Union regards this phenomenon as so inhumane that, on the basis of a binding ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (1989), EU countries may extradite an offender accused of a capital crime to a country that practices capital punishment only if a guarantee is given that the death penalty will not be sought.

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Essay on Capital Punishment


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 11, 2022

Essay on Capital Punishment-04 (1)

The phrase “punishment” is one that we are all familiar with. However, only a small percentage of the population is familiar with capital punishment. Capital punishment is a court-ordered death penalty for violating criminal laws . Furthermore, the method of punishment differs from one country to the next. Some countries hang the criminals until they die, while others shoot or inject them with a fatal injection. Keep reading the blog to find an IELTS Essay on Capital Punishment and much more!

Methods of Capital Punishment 

  • Electrocution – In this method, the perpetrator is bound to a chair and a high-voltage current is passed through his body, quickly killing a guy. It also leads to organ failure (especially heart).
  • Tranquilization – This method causes the criminal to die slowly and painlessly by injecting toxin injections into his body. It can take up to several hours for the criminal to die.
  • Beheading – Arab and Gulf countries commonly use this method of capital punishment. In this, they just sever the person’s head from their body using this manner.
  • Stoning – It is a kind of capital punishment in which the criminal is beaten to death. It’s also the most agonizing technique of execution.
  • Shooting – In this approach, the culprit is shot either in the head or in the chest. Hanging – In this method, the culprit is hanged till death.

Capital Punishment

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Advantages of Capital Punishment

  • A life sentence is disproportionate to the seriousness of the offense.
  • The death sentence has the potential to deter violent crime.
  • It does not have to be done in a violent manner.
  • The affected family is not re-victimized by the death penalty.
  • It eliminates the prospect of an escape and potential victims in the future.
  • When capital punishment is used in a fair manner, it can help to reduce prison overcrowding.

Disadvantages of Capital Punishment

  • When applied, it is the ultimate negation of human rights.
  • The death penalty has the potential to execute someone who is potentially innocent.
  • The cost of bringing a death penalty case to trial is substantially higher than in other situations.
  • With the death sentence in existence, there may be no deterrent to crime.
  • It’s used to keep political messages under control.
  • Capital punishment is occasionally used to put children to death.
  • There is no turning back once the execution has occurred.
  • Sometimes the evidence used to justify the death penalty is contaminated.
  • It is frequently used in a discriminating manner.
  • The death sentence has a negative influence on a victim’s family.
  • Only a few jail escapes occur each year, and even fewer involve violent offenders.
  • Some people are simply unconcerned.

IELTS Essay On Capital Punishment (Sample)

This is an IELTS essay on Capital Punishment which can help you for your exam-

Our lives are less secure without capital punishment, and violent crimes are on the rise. Capital punishment is necessary to restrain violence in society. Since the beginning of time, there has been debate about capital punishment, particularly for violent offences. Many regard it as one of the most heinous penalties, intended to convey a stern message to anyone who even contemplates trouble. While some believe it is natural justice, others believe it is unnatural and argue that humans should not play the role of demi-god. I am certain that people are incapable of deciding one’s death purely on the basis of a disruptive account.

Capital punishment strongly depicts eye-for-an-eye justice, which is a barbarous act in and of itself. Hanging someone to death will not improve the victim’s position, nor will it bring the dead back to life. It may provide a phoney sense of fairness to the people, proving transitory and fading with media attention. Instead, the victim must be given the opportunity to reflect on his own actions, perhaps by meeting the victim or the victim’s family. History has demonstrated that such an exercise acts as a form of punishment because the guilty is usually consumed by flames of repentance. Certainly, such a person deserves a second opportunity.

Few people, on the other hand, would argue that capital punishment restricts criminals and makes the general public feel safe, which is the establishment’s primary responsibility. It is not, in my opinion, lethal punishment that induces a sense of security. People will feel safer in countries like India if decisions are delivered on time and the process is transparent because justice delayed is justice denied.

It should be emphasized that the main goal of punishment is to reform and rehabilitate a criminal. The state’s job should be to punish the guilty person in a way that re-educates and morally redeems him. Given the inevitability of capital punishment, it should not be used in any circumstance.

A life sentence could instead be used for this purpose where it’s possible that the criminal is given a second opportunity.

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Submit a Flawless Capital Punishment Essay with Our Help!


Are you looking for some help with writing your capital punishment essay? Before you find out how to work on this paper, you need to understand why this topic is important. Capital punishment has been a controversial issue for many decades. Whereas some people opine that the death penalty plays a particularly important role in criminal justice, others consider it highly unethical. The question of whether the death penalty ought to be implemented raises many concerns and biases in the present-day society. Although this penalty has existed since the ancient Babylonian period, many people believe that it is to be abolished due to many reasons. This practice continues nowadays even in the most progressive and civilized countries in spite of their technological, educational, and demographic advancements. The opponents of the death penalty believe that by retaining this form of punishment, society cannot get rid of its barbaric nature. Since this topic is controversial, a capital punishment essay is one of the common assignments given to students in educational institutions. Professors usually assign such tasks as they help them evaluate students` analytical skills, expertise, as well as their research abilities. If you have never worked on such an assignment before, you will take advantage of reading our guide as it includes a number of efficient tips and practices.

What Is the Definition of Capital Punishment?

In a nutshell, capital punishment or death penalty is a practice sanctioned by the government in which the person is put to death as a punishment for a particular severe crime. Being one of the cruelest forms of criminal penalty, it may be carried out in the form of lethal injection, hanging, or electrocution.

The main purpose of the death penalty is to decrease the number of horrendous crimes in the world. Being a legal punishment ordered by the court, it is not a violation of criminal law. Each state has its own methods of the death penalty. Nowadays, capital punishment is abolished in many countries because of its cruel nature and the obvious death penalty negative effects. Yet, in such countries as Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Iran, etc. it is still widely used.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment?

Positive effects of capital punishment.

It is not a secret that the death penalty is one of the most extreme punishments for criminals. Only those criminals, who commit the most terrible crimes can be sentenced to death. Although this punishment type is very cruel, it has some positive aspects. Find these aspects below:

  • It reduces the occurrence of crimes. Capital punishment is given to criminals committing the most brutal offense. In the countries practicing the death penalty, criminals will have to consider everything before committing the crime. Thus, it may lead to lowering rime rates;
  • It helps the victim`s family get relief. The execution of the death penalty will bring a feeling of satisfaction to the victim`s family. After getting relief, they can step on into their lives;
  • It ends the life of brutal criminals. Capital punishment is the most effective way to stop the activity of brutal criminals, maniacs, serial killers, etc. What is more, keeping them in prison for their whole life will cost a lot. Thus, the death penalty enables the state to economize money.

Negative Effects of Capital Punishment

Along with the obvious positive effects of the death penalty, one may also investigate significant disadvantages of this punishment type:

  • Punishment of innocent people. Such cases are very rare, but it is worth mentioning that some innocent people were killed because of the faulty system and jurisdiction. They were mistakenly considered guilty as they could not provide appropriate evidence of their innocence;
  • The act of killing is inhuman. Some people reasonably claim that people cannot take the lives of others even though they have committed crimes. Thus, many nations refused from it;
  • No chance for improvement for criminals. The death penalty leaves no chance for atonement. Some people can make the right conclusions after the court and dedicate their lives to serving for good.

Now you can present your view on the question: “What are pros of the death penalty?” The next step for you is to learn how to choose a good topic for your essay.

Capital Punishment Essay Writing Prompts

You already know that the capital punishment problem has been an important theme for debates for many years. Whereas some people talk about the unethical nature of this punishment, others consider it the only option to make justice. No matter what position you are going to support in your paper, we strongly recommend you choose a good topic.

Writing an argumentative essay on capital punishment can be challenging but a good topic will make the writing process enjoyable. Once you receive this task, you need to carry out preliminary research to find out what aspects you are willing to explore in your essay. By choosing the topic that matches your research interests, you will be able to make your paper look engaging, informative, and thought-provoking. In case you have no ideas for your essay against capital punishment, you may take a look at the prompts collected by our writers:

  • The description of the death penalty in media;
  • Negative effects of the death penalty;
  • Crime and punishment in the present-day world. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Why may capital punishment hurt poor people?
  • Are there any positive effects of the death penalty?

Consider that your essay is to be written from scratch in accordance with the instructions provided by your tutor. To avoid plagiarism, you need to cite each idea taken from outside sources following the formatting style mentioned in your prompt. Once you have selected a topic for your essay, you may start working on it.

How to Write an Essay on Capital Punishment?

Below, you will find a couple of suggestions that will help you create a good-looking essay about the death penalty:

  • Make sure to study the subject in a proper way. Even if you know what to write in your paper, you need to conduct in-depth research collecting relevant information from credible sources;
  • Create an outline. A good outline will serve as your roadmap during the writing process. This means that it will help you understand what information to include in your essay and what order to follow;
  • If you are unsure how to structure your death penalty argumentative essay, you may check some examples available online. Such an approach will help you develop your paper in accordance with the common standards and criteria of academic writing;
  • Create a strong thesis. No matter what the subject of your argumentative essay on the death penalty is, you need to create a good thesis statement that will help your target audience understand the central idea of your paper. Your thesis is to appear at the end of your introduction;
  • When suggesting any opinion, make sure to support it with appropriate evidence. For instance, if you are investigating the cons of the death penalty, you need to provide appropriate examples illustrating your viewpoint;
  • Format your paper accordingly. Each paper has to follow a certain formatting style, APA, MLA, Harvard, or any other. We recommend you study the prompt carefully to find out what formatting requirements to follow;
  • Revise your paper. Once your document is ready, you need to review it to make sure it is flawless.

As you can see, writing a student essay on death penalty is rather challenging and effort-consuming. If you do not think you can cope with this task successfully, we recommend you make a rational decision and order professional help at our service. With us, you will manage to boost your academic results without compromising your personal life. Dedicated, responsible, and hard-working, our experienced specialists can comfortably work with diverse capital punishment essay topics.

Get a Free Sample on Capital Punishment Essay

Closing statement for the prosecution Good morning. We are coming to the close of the trial as all witnesses have given their testimony and all evidence has been presented. It has been several days since you were first introduced to the defendant and his crime, so let us briefly review what has happened. It is very important to consider all the details of this case to see that there was a plan created and a plan carried out and that plan was to kill his wife. The defendant lied to everyone about what had happened, including this court, and if the hasn’t been keen he would gone away with it. The defendant and his wife had lived together for good length of time and even had three children together. During the decline of their marriage they both tried to resurrect what they had with little success. The evidence produced in this court suggests that they even went on a cruise ship in hope of finding their love back but this did not help at all. Certainly, their marriage had reached a dead end a separation or a divorce was on its way either soon or later. Indeed the marriage was not only on the verge of breakdown but was experiencing serious financial problems that would still haunt the spouses even after their breakup. It was at this time that Mrs. Mathisen came in contact with another man, Bill Peloza. She started having an affair with the Peloza and in fact to her husband about it when he asked her. The evidenced provided here suggests that she probably hoped to get married to Peloza after her device from her first marriage. Mr. Mathisen must have realised that it would not be possible to restore their marriage to its previous state of glory. Indeed, after snooping on his wife and Peloza using telephone recorded communication between the two, he realised that they loved one another and as a result the marriage could not be salvaged. The defendant told the court that he went a head to delete his wife as a beneficiary of his insurance policy and replaced her with his children. Clearly, he could not withstand the pain of letting his wife go, a wife, I believe, he had already lost and was merely holding on the hope that something can be done to revert the situation. Mr. Mathisen must have been planning on how to get back at his wife all this time. This explains why he found a reason for suspicion in her change of behaviour. He says he suspected that his wife was trying to kill him by poisoning him. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that his wife was trying to kill him. All the food and drinks he provided for poison testing contained not evidence of poison of toxins. This certainly makes his judgements of his wife’s actions very questionable. Mr. Mathisen would like the court to believe the story he has created to keep his motives hidden. It is most likely that he had been trying to find a justification for killing his wife. He plotted a plan to kill his wife and make it look like he did it in self defence. When he says that a fire had been lit in the kitchen to burn him and then put of again, it’s also ironical that his wife would have put of the fire to burn him and then put it off again. If she had intended to kill him the she would have poison one of the many beverages and meals that she had served him before. Even in the circumstances leading to the death of Mrs. Mathisen, she repeatedly told the defendant that there had been no poison in the meal and drinks she heard served him and made it clear that she would have wished him a natural death just like everyone else. Clearly, Mrs Mathisen had no intentions of killing her husband. Mr Mathisen merely came up with a motive to kill his wife because he was going to loos her. He therefore comes up with a noble idea to depict Mrs Mathisen as a potential killer and ends up killing her then claims that it was manslaughter. Also, according to pathological evidence provided by Dr. Chitra Rao who conducted an autopsy on the body of Mrs. Mathisen, there is adequate physical evidence on the body of the deceased to suggest that she had been murdered intentionally. Dr. Raos examination revealed that Jane Malthisen had a blunt force injury on her face and her body. She sustained bruises on her hands, chest, arms and right shoulder. She also had haemorrhages on her epiglottis, chin, eyes and cheeks due to application of pressure on her chest and neck. She had also five broken ribs on her left side. Certainly Mrs Mathisen had died as a result of strangulation and blunt force on hare body and face. There is no evidence to justify manslaughter, there is no evidence that Mrs Mathisen tried to kill Mr. Mathisen. Therefore, this is not manslaughter but murder of the first degree. Furthermore, the judge made no mistake in his judgement in convicting Mr. Mathisen of first degree murder. Persuasive strategies In this statement I have used logos which rely on logical thinking to create s persuasive closing statement. It involves deductive reasoning and uses evidence to support a premises in order tom persuade the jury and the judge. Deductive reasoning begins with general information then moves to specific information. The thought that Peter had the intentions of killing his wife stems from the fact that he purports that his wife had been trying to poison him yet he went on drinking and eating all the drinks and meal that she served him. It would have been ideal for him to stop taking the drinks and the meals if he suspected ill motives on her side. Unfortunately, Peter went on taking drinks and meals and finally decided to confront his wife when he though the time was right to eliminate her. All the suspicion is a reason coined up the excusing him for murdering his wife since the samples of food provided did not test positive for either poison or toxins. Logic is also applicable in trying to convince the jury that the defendant ha put on the fire in the kitchen trying to commit suicide and it was not his wife as he would want people to believe. It is illogical that his wife would try to light a fire to burn him and the house and put it off again. In fact, she was not around at the time the defendant claims to have been awoken by smoke. She only came in a few minutes later. In this closing statement, ethos as a strategy has been used to point out the fact that killing amounts to murder and Mr. Mathisen is a cold blood murderer who conjured up a plan to kill his wife. Closing statement for he defence Good morning everyone. We have met her several for trial and now we have come to the end of this case. Hopefully you observed, throughout this trial, as I did, that Mr Mathisen a victim of circumstances. He was and is an Average Joe. Before I go any further, it is important to remember that as long as there is doubt that Peter Mathisen is truel a cold-blooded murderer as the prosecution makes him out to be, he is still innocent. Just as each of you has the right to be innocent until proven guilty, so does Peter. You must have noted that there is no actial evidane indicating that he murdered his wife. The events that occurred were blown out of proportion despite that fact that what happened was merely an accident. It is apparent that Mr Mathisen and his wife found themselves in a rather unfamiliar state after having been a good couple and even had children out of their marriage. Things went sour along the line and they realised that they had to do something to salvage the marriage. The even went on a cruse ship with little success. Certainly, no one can put up these great efforts only to end up murdering the person he is labouring. It would be totally ridiculous and ironical. Mr, Mathisen wanted on the best for his family, he even telephoned Mr Bill Peloza, his wife’s affair partner, to try and keep of his wife because they were trying to revitalize their marriage. The evidence provided indicate that Peter is a very calm person, and was still calm during the meeting with Bill Peloza. Murderous man would have pounced on Peloza and strangled him. Peter however did not do that. He maintained his composure and calmness through out the entire meeting made his point; he did not at all try to force his will on him. Being human Peter’s suspicion of his wife attempt to kill him was not entirely wrong. Each one of you would have suspected the same. It is difficult to explain how a wife who had not served his husband any drink or meal for a quite some time would start doing it while they are on the verge of a separation and a divorce. Furthermore, the meals and drinks served seemingly had a funny tested. Though the tests done to determine whether there was poison or toxins in the foods served revealed nothing, the poison experts revealed that it is very difficult to find anything in the sample if you don’t know exactly what you are looking for. This means that there might have been poisonous or toxic substances in these samples that could not be found since their presence was not suspected and were that not tested for. Though Mrs. Mathisen said she had not poisoned the food during the struggle with her husband, she expressed her desire that he should die. This certainly shows that at one time she had tried to kill him or would try to kill him and thus Mr Mathisen’s suspicion indeed had a basis. In this regard, we can all see that Peters action were a product of fear. He feared that his wife wanted to kill him and as a result tried to get her to confess. This resulted in to a conformation that ended up claiming her life. Also, despite Mr. Mathisen having caused the death of his wife, he had no intention of killing her and can’t therefore be branded a cold bloodied murderer. At the time of her death, Mr Mathisen had pressed her on the floor and kneeled on her chest it is this pressure that caused her haemorrhages, asphyxia and her death rather than intentional strangling. Although the medical evidence suggests that the deceased might have been a victim of strangulation, medical experts also provided information that the injuries in her face and neck could as well be a product of the efforts to resuscitate her. We all heard that it is Mr Mathisen who calls for held; as such it would be ironic that Muthisen a cold bloodied murder would call for help instead of finishing off his wife and burning the evidence. Indeed Mr Peter Mathisen is not a murderer and had not intention to kill his wife. He was merely worried and cared for his own life. As such he wanted the deceased to tell him weather there was poison in the meals and drinks he had prepared for him. In the previous trials, the trail judge had made several errors or judgements that were not consistent the provisions made by the law. The erroneous judgements certainly affected the verdict that was given. There were four in total and they included the failure of the trial judge to the jury with to main self defence provisions of the criminal code,ss. 34 (1) and 34 (2); according to the law the trial judge erred by failing to properly failing to instruct the jury properly on the defence of accident; the judge further left out the evidence provided by two video taped statement that Mr. Mathisen had made to the police just after his arrest; and last, the trial judge erred by failing to provide an summary of weaknesses in the testimony that had been provided by the Crown’s Pathologists. It is wise to reconsider the sentence since Mr. Peter Mathisen is not a cold blood murderer. It true the action of Mathisen led to the death of his wife. However, it is also evident that what he did was in self defence and he did not at all harbour the intent of terminating his wife’s life prematurely. What he did was manslaughter and not murder. Persuasive strategies In the writing of the closing statement for the defense logos was very useful. Logically change in the behavior of a person which is contrary to the dictates of the moment can raise great suspicion. Mrs. Mathisen had not served her husband with any food or drink for a long time. However, when they are on verge of a divorce she suddenly starts to serve him. This is very strange. Mr. Mathisen’s suspicion was certainly not wrong, something fishy was going on and he had to find out the truth. Logos is also applicable in understanding the circumstance leading to the death of Mrs. Mathisen. Her husband did not intend to kill her and it is even evident that he called for help when he realized that she was not breathing. Also, there is evidence that Mr. Mathisen was a composed person. He was never violent and his meeting with Mr. Peloza clearly understands this. Therefore it is highly unlikely that he was trying to kill his wife, since he loved her and was trying very much to save their marriage. Ethos is has also been useful in this closing statement. It is known that killing is not ethical and when someone tries to kill you have to defend yourself. Mr. Mathisen was certainly trying to find the best way of killing her husband. Mr. Mathisen however, noticed this before she could kill him and tried to find out the truth and defend himself. Unfortunate his wife died during the process.

All in all, the theme of capital punishment still requires further investigation. Since the topic is debatable, there are many opinions about it. If you find it too difficult to understand how to write an essay about death penalty, you may look for some free samples available on our website. Alternatively, you may order our expert writing help and one of our seasoned writers will provide you with a customized paper tailored to your instructions. Our cooperation will be maximally comfortable and hassle-free. So, why are you still hesitating? Just let us provide you with a brilliant death penalty essay example and you won`t regret your choice!

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    This is an IELTS essay on Capital Punishment which can help you for your exam-. Our lives are less secure without capital punishment, and violent crimes are on the rise. Capital punishment is necessary to restrain violence in society. Since the beginning of time, there has been debate about capital punishment, particularly for violent offences.

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    Capital punishment, or "the death penalty," is an institutionalized practice designed to result in deliberately executing persons in response to actual or supposed misconduct and following an authorized, rule-governed process to conclude that the person is responsible for violating norms that warrant execution.

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