information from essay

Writing an Informative Essay

Informative essays engage readers with new, interesting, and often surprising facts and details about a subject. Informative essays are educational; readers expect to learn something new from them. In fact, much of the reading and writing done in college and the workplace is informative. From textbooks to reports to tutorials like this one, informative writing imparts important and useful information about a topic.

This tutorial refers to the sample informative outline and final essay written by fictional student Paige Turner.

Reasons to Write Informatively

Your purpose for writing and the audience for whom you are writing will impact the depth and breadth of information you provide, but all informative writing aims to present a subject without opinions or bias. Some common reasons to write informatively are to

  • report findings that an audience would find interesting,
  • present facts that an audience would find useful, and
  • communicate information about a person, place, event, issue, or change that would improve an audience’s understanding.

Characteristics of Informative Essays

Informative essays present factual information and do not attempt to sway readers’ opinions about it. Other types of academic and workplace writing do try to influence readers’ opinions:

  • Expository essays aim to expose a truth about an issue in order to influence how readers view the issue.
  • Persuasive essays aim to influence readers’ opinions, so they will adopt a particular position or take a certain course of action.

Expository and persuasive essays make “arguments.” The only argument an informative essay makes is that something exists, did exist, is happening, or has happened, and the point of the essay is not to convince readers of this but to tell them about it.

  • Informative essays seek to enlighten and educate readers, so they can make their own educated opinions and decisions about what to think and how to act.

Strategies for Writing Informatively

Informative essays provide useful information such as facts, examples, and evidence from research in order to help readers understand a topic or see it more clearly. While informative writing does not aim to appeal emotionally to readers in order to change their opinions or behaviors, informative writing should still be engaging to read. Factual information is not necessarily dry or boring. Sometimes facts can be more alarming than fiction!

Writers use various strategies to engage and educate readers. Some strategies include

  • introducing the topic with an alarming fact or arresting image;
  • asserting what is true or so about the subject in a clear thesis statement;
  • organizing the paragraphs logically by grouping related information;
  • unifying each paragraph with a topic sentence and controlling idea;
  • developing cohesive paragraphs with transition sentences;
  • using precise language and terminology appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience; and
  • concluding with a final idea or example that captures the essay’s purpose and leaves a lasting impression.

Five Steps for Getting Started

1. Brainstorm and choose a topic.

  • Sample topic : The opioid epidemic in the United States.
  • The opiod epidemic or even opiod addiction would would be considered too broad for a single essay, so the next steps aim to narrow this topic down.

2. Next, write a question about the topic that you would like to answer through research.

  • Sample question : What major events caused the opioid crisis in the United States?
  • This question aims to narrow the topic down to causes of the epidemic in the US.

3. Now go to the Purdue Global Library to find the answers to your research question.

As you begin reading and collecting sources, write down the themes that emerge as common answers. Later, in step four, use the most common answers (or the ones you are most interested in writing and discussing) to construct a thesis statement.

  • Sample answers: aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn.

4. Next, provide purpose to your paper by creating a thesis statement.

The thesis attempts to frame your research question. The sample thesis below incorporates three of the more common answers for the research question from step two: What caused the opioid crisis in the United States?

  • Thesis Statement : Aggressive marketing, loopholes in prescription drug provider programs, and economic downturn contributed to the current opioid crisis in the United States.
  • Writing Tip : For additional help with thesis statements, please visit our Writing a Thesis Statement article. For help with writing in 3rd person, see our article on Formal Vs. Informal Writing .

5. Now follow each numbered step in the “Suggested Outline Format and Sample” below.

Sample answers have been provided for “I. Introduction” and “II. First Cause.” A complete sample outline can be seen here. A complete sample informative essay can be seen here.

Suggested Outline Format and Sample


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the main topic: Sample topic sentence : There is a current prescription pain medication addiction and abuse epidemic possibly caused by an excessive over prescription of these medications.

B. Now provide a couple sentences with evidence to support the main topic: Sample sentence one with evidence to support the main topic : According to Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in testimony before the 115th Congress, “In 2016, over 11 million Americans misused prescription opioids … and 2.1 million had an opioid use disorder due to prescription opioids” (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p. 2).

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the main topic : Volkow indicated “more than 300,000 Americans have died of an opioid overdose” since 2013 (Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017, p.2).

D. Sample sentence three with evidence to support the main topic : According to Perez-Pena (2017), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 25,000 people in the United States died in 2015 from overdosing on opioids Fentanyl, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone.

E. Toward the end of the introduction, include your thesis statement written in the 3rd-person point-of-view: Sample thesis statement : Potential solutions to the growing opioid epidemic may be illuminated by examining how opioid addiction is triggered through aggressive pharmaceutical marketing, how opioid addiction manifests among prescribed patients, and how economic downturns play a role in the increase of opioid addiction.

F. Write down the library sources you can use in this introductory paragraph to help support the main topic.

  • Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis, 2017
  • Perez-Pena, 2017
  • Writing Tip : For more help writing an introduction, please refer to this article on introductions and conclusions .


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the first cause of the opioid epidemic: Sample topic sentence that introduces the first cause : One issue that helped contribute to the opioid epidemic is aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the first cause: Sample sentence one with evidence that supports the first cause : Perez-Pena (2017) concluded that while the healthcare industry was attempting to effectively and efficiently treat patients with chronic pain, pharmaceutical companies were providing funding to prominent doctors, medical societies, and patient advocacy groups in order to win support for a particular drug’s adoption and usage.

C. Sample sentence two with evidence to support the first cause : In fact, pharmaceutical companies continue to spend millions on promotional activities and materials that deny or trivialize any risks of opioid use while at the same time overstating each drug’s benefit (Perez-Pina, 2017).

D. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming second cause: Sample concluding and transitional sentence that foreshadow the second cause : Although aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies played a large role in opioid addiction, patients are to blame too, as many take advantage of holes in the healthcare provider system in order to remedy their addiction.

E. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the first cause:

  • Writing Tip : For more assistance working with sources, please visit the Using Sources page here.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the second cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the second cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide concluding or transitional sentences that foreshadows the upcoming third cause.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the second cause:

  • Writing Tip : Listen to Writing Powerful Sentences for information and features of effective writing.


A. First provide a topic sentence that introduces the third cause.

B. Now provide sentences with evidence to support the third cause.

C. Next, add more information or provide a concluding sentence or two.

D. Write down the library sources you can use in this body paragraph to help support the third cause:

V. CONCLUSION: Summary of key points and evidence discussed.

  • Writing Tip : For more help writing a conclusion, refer to this podcast on endings .
  • Writing Tip : Have a question? Leave a comment below or Purdue Global students, click here to access the Purdue Global Writing Center tutoring platform and available staff.
  • Writing Tip : Ready to have someone look at your paper? Purdue Global students, click here to submit your assignment for feedback through our video paper review service.

See a Sample Informative Essay Outline here .

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dang bro i got an A

Having faith with all this mentioned, that i will pass my english class at a college. Thank you for posting.

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format

How to Write an Informative Essay: Everything You Need to Know

information from essay

Informative essays are often assigned in schools and universities. Here’s how to write them effectively:

  • Choose the Topic and Length : Pick a relevant topic and decide how long your essay will be.
  • Determine Your Audience : Identify who your readers are and understand their needs.
  • Research : Collect accurate information from reliable sources.
  • Choose the Main Points : Select the key points you want to cover.
  • Write the Introduction : Introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • Write the Body : Develop each main point in separate paragraphs.
  • Write the Conclusion : Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way.

After writing, make sure your essay is clear, balanced, and informative. Invest time in planning, thorough research, and effective organization. For more details on how to write an informative essay, our essay writer has got some expert tips up their sleeve! So, let's keep on reading this article.

What is an Informative Essay

What is an Informative Essay

Informative essays aim to educate the reader about a specific topic. They present facts, explanations, and insights in a clear and straightforward manner without trying to persuade or argue a particular point of view. The main goal is to increase the reader’s understanding of the subject by providing well-researched and organized information.

For example, an informative essay is often needed in an educational setting, such as when a student is assigned to explain the process of photosynthesis in a biology class. In this case, the student must consider the audience’s level of knowledge, ensuring the explanation is neither too basic nor too complex. The essay should include key details like the roles of sunlight, chlorophyll, and carbon dioxide, and it should be organized logically with clear transitions between points to help readers follow the explanation easily.

Ready to Ignite Minds with Your Informative Essay?

Our qualified writers are here to craft a masterpiece tailored to your needs worthy of an A+

How to Write an Informative Essay

Writing an informative essay involves several clear steps that help you present your topic effectively. By following these steps, you can ensure your essay is well-organized, thoroughly researched, and engaging for your readers. Here’s a detailed guide from our admission essay writing service on how to start an informative essay and help you continue the process.

Start an Informative Essay

Step 1. Choose a Topic

When writing an informative essay, you start by choosing a topic. This can set the tone for your entire essay, so it's important to pick something both interesting and relevant. Think about subjects that intrigue you or issues that are currently trending and have ample information available. The topic should be specific enough to be covered thoroughly in the length of your essay but broad enough to find plenty of sources.

Some informative writing topics include:

  • How new technologies and practices shape how we eat.
  • Discuss the benefits of kindness and how to spread it.
  • How is VR changing various fields?
  • Explain the importance of sleep for health and well-being.
  • Discuss the history, science, and benefits of fermented foods and drinks.

Step 2. Research

Research will build a strong case for your topic. Jot down everything including facts, questions, even random ideas. When you find something interesting, note the source and look at its references. Try to go beyond textbooks - look for documentaries, news articles, interviews, or even blog posts by experts. You can also explore offline by visiting your local library and browsing relevant sections. 

Take notes in your own words, summarizing key points and paraphrases. This helps you understand better and write smoothly. As you read, think critically - consider the author's perspective, evidence, and potential bias to add analysis to your essay.

Track your sources for later, but don't get hung up on strict formats during initial research. Focus on gathering strong material. By approaching your research thoughtfully and actively, you'll create a solid foundation for your essay.

Step 3. Create an Informative Essay Outline

The purpose of an outline for an informative essay is to organize your thoughts and ensure your essay has a logical flow. By outlining, you can spot any gaps in your research and ensure all necessary points are covered. It’s best to create an outline after you’ve completed your research but before you start writing. This way, you have all the information you need and can arrange it in a coherent order.

  • Introduction : Start your outline with an informative essay introduction. Here you’ll introduce the topic and provide your thesis statement, which outlines the main points you will cover.
  • Body Paragraphs : Break down the body of your essay into several main points or sections. The topic of each body paragraph of an informative essay should be supported with facts and examples. Include sub-points or bullet points that highlight the key information you will discuss.
  • Conclusion: End your outline with the informative essay conclusion. Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way. Include any final thoughts or reflections that provide closure to your essay - this is key to knowing how to write a conclusion for an informative essay.

For example, if your essay topic is "The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life," your outline might look something like this:

Introduction 📚
Introduce the topic of plastic pollution.
Present the thesis statement
Body Paragraphs 🐟
Explain how marine animals mistake plastic for food.
Discuss the impact on their health and survival.
Describe how animals get entangled in plastic debris.
Highlight the physical harm and risk of death.
Explore how plastics release harmful chemicals into the ocean.
Discuss the long-term effects on marine ecosystems.
Conclusion 📝
Summarize the key points
Restate the thesis
Provide a final thought on the importance of addressing this issue.

Step 4. Start Writing an Informative Essay

Now that you have an outline and know how to start an essay , you’re ready to start writing your informative essay. This step involves turning your organized thoughts and detailed notes into a coherent and engaging piece of writing.

Your first sentence should grab the reader’s attention—consider starting with a surprising fact, a quote, or a brief anecdote related to your topic. After this hook, provide some background information to set the context for your essay. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main points you will cover.

Next, move on to the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your topic, as outlined earlier. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that states the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that include facts, examples, and explanations. 

After the body paragraphs, write your conclusion where you reinforce your main message. Throughout your writing, keep your language clear and concise. Avoid jargon unless you’re sure your audience will understand it, and explain any complex terms. Be sure to write in a neutral tone, focusing on informing rather than persuading. This will help ensure your essay is both informative and accessible to your readers.

Note : If you’re a computer science major, you’ll find our guide on IEEE format very helpful!

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

Once you have completed your informative essay, focus on proofreading for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Read your essay slowly and aloud to catch any mistakes that might have slipped through. Pay attention to how your sentences are constructed—make sure they are clear and contribute to the overall meaning of your essay.

Double-check the accuracy of any facts, statistics, or quotes you've included. Also check that each sentence and paragraph directly contribute to informing your reader about the topic without unnecessary distractions.

Lastly, consider sharing your essay with someone you trust, like a friend or teacher, for their input. You can also use our term paper writing services to make your essay even stronger. Remember, fresh eyes can often catch mistakes or suggest improvements. 

Informative Essay Examples

Essay examples show how theoretical ideas can be applied effectively and engagingly. So, let's check them out for good structure, organization, and presentation techniques.

Additionally, you can also explore essay writing apps that offer convenience and flexibility, allowing you to work on assignments wherever you are.

7 Tips for Writing an Informative Essay

Here are some helpful tips on how to write an informative essay that combines strong mechanics with engaging delivery and leaves your readers feeling more informed.

  • Employ the Inverted Pyramid Structure: Start with the most important information first, gradually providing more details as you move through your essay. 
  • Vary Your Verbs : Go beyond the simple "is" and "was." Strong action verbs add life and clarity to your writing.
  • Credible Sources Only: Steer clear of Wikipedia and non-academic websites. Prioritize scholarly articles, reputable news outlets, and government publications.
  • Vary Sentence Openings: Don't always start with the subject. Use introductory phrases, questions, or even quotes to grab the reader's attention and add variety.
  • Balance Objectivity and Subjectivity : While presenting facts, maintain a neutral tone and avoid personal bias unless specified otherwise.
  • Consider Your Audience : Tailor your language and examples to the knowledge level and interests of your intended readers.
  • Stay Focused : Stick to the main topic and avoid going off on tangents that do not contribute to the central theme of your essay.

Final Remarks

Now that you have these tips, you're ready to write a strong informative essay. This guide has given you key ideas, like how to pick a good topic, how to plan your essay, and how to write each part. It also offered helpful advice to improve your writing overall. By using these tips, you'll have a successful and informative writing experience, allowing you to share interesting information about a topic you care about! And if you struggle with getting started on your writing assignments, you can always order essay from our experts.

Want to Unleash the Brilliance of Your Ideas?

Claim your expertly crafted informative essay today and command attention with your brilliant insights!

What are the 5 Parts of an Informative Essay?

How to write an informative article, what is an informative essay.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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  • Added FAQs, two essay samples
  • Updated writing steps, tips and definitions
  • How to Write an Informative Five Paragraph Essay | Terrebonne Parish Library System . (n.d.).  
  • ‌ Purpose in Informative Writing . (n.d.).  

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay

Informative Essay

Nova A.

What is an Informative Essay and How to Write One?

11 min read

Published on: Aug 11, 2021

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

Informative Essay

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Have you been assigned an informative essay but don’t know where to start? This guide has got you covered! 

An informative essay is a common assignment for school or college students. The goal is to provide detailed information to the readers about the specific topic. 

Read on to find simple step-by-step instructions for writing an interesting and engaging informative essay. You’ll also get to read helpful examples and tips you can follow to make your essay even better! 

Let’s dive in!

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Informative Essay Definition 

The informative essay can be simply defined as,

"A form of essay writing that aims to educate and inform the reader about a specific topic."

Informative essays can cover a variety of topics. It could be written about a particular thing, event, or natural phenomenon, etc. 

This type of essay highlights the objective facts and evidence without reflecting the writer's subjective point-of-view about the topic. 

What is the Purpose of an Informative Essay?

An informative essay presents objective and verifiable information about a topic. It relies on factual evidence and reliable sources. 

The main goal of writing an informative essay is to;

  • Inform the reader about something.
  • Explain a particular subject.
  • Transmit verified knowledge clearly and concisely.

Types of Informative Essay

There are several types of informative essays, and each type has its own purpose and style. Here are some of the informative essay types that you need to know.

  • Descriptive Essay 

A descriptive essay is an essay that describes something about an event, person, place, or idea in detail. The descriptive essay aims to provide enough information to the readers to visualize or imagine the matter described.

Want to know more about descriptive essays? Check out this descriptive essay writing blog to learn more.

  • Cause and Effect Essay 

The cause and effect essay describes the cause of an event or idea and then explains its effects on today’s world and people. Also, this type of essay is a common form of organization in academic writing.    

However, the cause-and-effect essay requires strong research skills. Without them, your essay will not become a successful piece of writing. 

  • Compare and Contrast Essay 

In a compare and contrast essay, the writer discusses the similarities and differences between two or more things. This type of essay also requires strong critical thinking skills. 

Therefore, when you start writing the compare and contrast essay , you should identify and analyze the subject from all angles and characteristics.

  • Process Essay 

The process essay is also known as the "How-To" essay. This essay provides information about how a process occurs or about the process of doing something.

  • Problem-Solution Essay 

A problem-solution essay is another common type of informative essay in which you describe a problem and then propose its solution. Its main purpose is to educate the readers on the problem and its significance.  

Looking for more information? Visit our problem-solution essay guide and learn to write perfect problem solution essays.

  • Expository Essay 

The expository essay explains, illustrates, or interprets something in a way that becomes easy for the readers. This essay provides a fair analysis of the subject based on facts without the writer’s opinions.  

Here is a simple video that explains informative writing:

How to Start an Informative Essay?   

Before you can start writing, you have to do some "rewriting." Here are the steps involved in prewriting: 

  • Brainstorm Ideas 

Brainstorming is the first step in writing any type of essay. Here, you brainstorm several topic ideas and generate a list of potential topics. 

So think about all the possible ideas that are related to your interest and subject. This will help you choose an interesting topic for your essay.  

  • Choose a Topic 

Choosing the right topic is essential for writing a great essay. A good topic will not only make your writing process easy but also make the research phase interesting. 

So choose a topic you can easily write about and support it with facts, evidence, and statistics. In short, the topic should be interesting and easy to research.

  • Know Your Target Audience 

Your audience determines the style and tone of your essay. Consider who will be reading your essay and what their background, knowledge, and interests might be.

For instance, if you are writing for school children, your language should be simple, easy, and interesting. Meanwhile, writing for a professional audience requires you to use technical terminology and jargon. 

So always think about who you are writing for and determine your audience before proceeding.

  • Do the Research 

You have to do some research to gather information for your essay. Make sure the information that you collect is reliable and accurate. 

Use a variety of sources for research, including research articles, books, documentaries, etc. You should also take detailed and organized notes to keep track of the information you find, so you can use it later.

  • Create an Outline 

An essay outline helps the writer keep their focus strong and narrow. With the help of an outline, you will easily organize your thoughts and ideas. 

So create an outline of your essay to lay out a structure. 

Don't know how to make an informative essay outline? Don’t worry, read on to find out.

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Informative Essay Outline 

Crafting a well-structured essay involves planning what points to include and how it all ties together. Creating an outline is the best way to ensure that your work is well-structured. 

An informative essay outline is outlined in the following way:

Let’s discuss these outline parts in detail.


  • Start with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention. It could be an intriguing fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question.
  • State your thesis statement . It is the last part of the introduction that clearly presents the main idea or argument of your essay. It should reflect the informative nature of your essay and guide the reader on what to expect.
  • Divide the body of your essay into several paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one specific aspect or subtopic related to your main thesis.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph.
  • Analyze and discuss your supporting evidence. They could be examples, facts, or statistics that provide informative content.


  • Summarize the main points covered in your essay.
  • End with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a suggestion for further exploration of the topic.

Here is an example outline template that you can use to write your informative essay outline

Informative Essay Outline Template

Creating an outline is necessary for writing any type of essay. Check out our 10+ essay outline templates and make excellent outlines with ease!

How to Write an Informative Essay?  

Once you have done the prewriting, you have got everything you need to start. Following the steps below will help you write a great informative essay.  

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction? 

The introduction of an essay sets the tone of the essay and provides an overview of the topic. Here are some key elements you need to include when writing an informative essay introduction:

  • Attention-Grabber / Hook:

The hook is the first line of the essay that aims to pique the readers’ interest. This can be: 

  • An interesting fact,
  • A thought-provoking question,
  • Or a compelling anecdote related to your topic, etc.

The hook should be related to your topic and should be engaging enough to grab the reader's attention.

Struggling to come up with a good hook? These 200+ hook examples will help you craft an excellent hook!

  • Background Information:

After grabbing the reader’s attention, you have to them to your topic. Discuss some background details on the topic to provide context. 

Also, discuss the relevance or importance of the subject matter. This helps the reader understand the significance of the information you're about to present. Moreover, use clear and concise language to provide essential and interesting details to make the reader want to continue reading. 

  • Thesis Statement:

The thesis statement presents the main topic or idea of the essay in a concise and clear way. It provides an overview of what will be covered.

The thesis statement is the last part of the introduction. It should be specific, focused, and encompass the main ideas you'll be discussing in the body of the essay.

How to Write an Informative Essay Body Paragraphs? 

The body paragraphs are the major chunk of your essay. They provide all the information about your chosen topic. There should be at least three body paragraphs in your essay, although there can be more depending on your topic. 

Here are the key elements of the informative essay body paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentence

Begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point you will be discussing in that paragraph. It is the first sentence of the paragraph and should be clearly related to the thesis.

  • Provide Information and Evidence

In an informative essay, information and evidence should be presented clearly and logically. So present the facts, examples, statistics, or quotations that inform the reader about the topic. This information should come from reliable and credible sources.

  • Discuss and Elaborate

After presenting the evidence, explain and discuss them to ensure a thorough understanding of the information. Clarify any complex terms, concepts, or ideas that may require explanation for understanding the topic effectively.

  • Use Transitional Phrases:

Use transitional phrases or sentences to connect paragraphs and ideas. This helps maintain a cohesive flow of information throughout the essay. 

For instance, transitional words such as "moreover," "furthermore," "on the other hand," or "in addition to" can be used to link ideas logically.

Having a difficult time with smooth transitions? Here’s a list of transition words for essays to help you out!

How to Write an Informative Essay Conclusion?

In an essay conclusion , you wrap up the essay and provide a sense of closure. Writing the informative essay conclusion includes the following steps:

  • Summarize the Main Points:

Revisit the main points covered in your essay's body paragraphs and provide a concise summary of the information presented. Do not introduce any new information or arguments in the conclusion.

  • Restate your Thesis Statement

Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a slightly different way. This helps remind the reader of the main objective of your essay. 

  • Provide a Thought-Provoking Statement:

End your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement, reflection, or question that leaves a strong impression on the reader. This can help inspire them to continue exploring the topic beyond your essay. 

Edit and Proofread the Essay

Once you are done with your first draft, take some time to proofread and revise you essay. Check for grammar and spelling, format, logical coherence, and clarity. Remove any repetitive statements or unnecessary details. 

Revising your essay will make it even better and more interesting to read.

Informative Essay Examples

Reading some good examples will make writing an informative essay easier for you. Here are a few short informative essay examples that demonstrate how it looks like. Be sure to read them out.

Informative Essay about Stress

Informative Essay on Diabetes

Informative Essay on Netflix

Informative Essay on Tree in Winter

Informative Essay Topics

A good essay topic is a key to a successful essay. Here are a few ideas that will get you inspired:

  • The Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • What was the Big Bang?
  • The History of the Internet
  • How did the Dinosaurs go extinct?
  • The Benefits of Meditation
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystems
  • The Role of Technology in Education

Stuck on choosing your topic? Don’t worry! Check out our list 200 informative essay topics to get inspiration!

To Sum Up, 

This guide introduced everything you needed to start writing an informative essay. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently embark on your informative writing journey.

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We are a legit essay writing service with professional essay writers. Our team of experts writes high-quality, original, and customized essays tailored to your unique requirements.               

Our essay writing service has worked on informative essays and academic papers on various topics, with a high rate of customer satisfaction! 

You can also maximize the benefits of our AI writing tool to polish and refine your writing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in an informative essay.

Here are some points that should be included in an informative essay. 

  • Thesis statement 
  • Strong evidence 
  • Examples 

What is the main topic of an informative essay?

The main topic of an informative essay is to educate the readers on a specific topic.

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How to Write an Informative Essay

Last Updated: February 14, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 244,762 times.

An informative essay educates the reader about a topic. You'll need to know a good deal about your subject and convey information in a clear, organized fashion. If it seems overwhelming at first, remember to take it step by step. Working methodically can help you write a successful paper, and you may even enjoy the process!

Selecting and Researching Your Topic

Step 1 Understand your assignment.

  • Be sure you know how your teacher wants you to cite your sources so you can keep track of what you research. Some schools provide reference software like EndNote or RefWorks, which can make collecting and keeping track of research sources easier.
  • Be aware of any formatting requirements. The essay prompt will often tell you things such as whether the essay needs to be handwritten or typed, and what font type and size to use. If it doesn't stipulate, the safe choice is a standard, readable 12-pt font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Avoid using "cute" or "quirky" fonts in an academic paper unless given specific permission to do so.
  • Know the due date! Get started early so that you have plenty of time to complete the essay.

Step 2 Choose a topic.

  • The topic should not be too broad or too narrow. See Write an Essay for more information. There should be enough information about the topic to write about, but not so much that you can't present clear, concise information. For example, writing on "the history of animal shelters" is probably much too broad, while "the history of Sunny Days Animal Shelter in X County" is probably too narrow. A happy medium might be "the history of breed-specific animal shelters in America."
  • The topic should be appropriate and interesting to your audience. Think in advance about who might be reading your essay. Obviously, if this is for school, your teacher is your primary audience, but you should always have a target audience in mind. What will they want to know? What do they probably not know already that your essay will provide?
  • Ideally, the topic should be one that interests you. This will make the writing process that much easier, and you can pass your enthusiasm on to your reader.

Step 3 Conduct good research.

  • For best results, try to find online sources from reputable organizations, government agencies, and universities. Google Scholar can be a good place to start.

Step 4 Take notes as you research.

  • For your informative essay, you will need an introduction, at least three main points, and a conclusion. You may want to make these sections and write notes down under the section where you expect it to go.

Step 5 Keep track of your sources.

  • Make an ideas map. Put your topic in a circle at the center of a piece of paper, then write down the most important pieces of information or ideas related to it in circles surrounding the topic. Make lines connecting each idea to the topic. Next, add details around each idea, circling them and making lines to show connections. There may be lines connecting ideas to each other, as well, or between supporting details.
  • Make a list. If you prefer the linear format of a list, write down your topic at the top and then below it any ideas you have. Under the ideas, add extra details that support them. Don't worry about putting them in specific order - that comes next.
  • Free write. Free writing can help you generate ideas, even if it usually doesn't provide polished prose you'll use in your final draft. Set a short time limit, such as 15 minutes, and then write whatever comes to mind about your topic. Don't stop to edit or change spelling, and keep writing even if you aren't sure you have anything to say. The important thing is to write for all 15 minutes.

Making an Outline

Step 1 Plan an introduction with a hook.

  • Don't worry about getting your thesis just right at this point - that comes later. If you don't feel ready to write the thesis out, jot down some notes in the introductory part of your outline. At the very least, you need some idea of what you want to say in your essay.
  • While it may seem odd to summarize your essay before you've begun, writing your thesis at the beginning of your outline will help you organize your ideas and select the most important details that you want to present.

Step 2 Use one major supporting detail per paragraph in the body of your essay.

  • The number of details you use depends on the paper length: if you're writing a five-paragraph essay, then you have three paragraphs for the body, so you'll need three main ideas.
  • Make sure you choose the most important details, and that they are all distinct from one another.
  • Details used to support your thesis are also called "evidence."

Step 3 Add in supporting details for each paragraph in the body.

  • Make sure you have enough supporting details for each paragraph. If you don't have enough to say about the paragraph's main topic, consider changing the topic or combining it with another paragraph. Alternatively, you can research a bit more to find additional supporting details for the paragraph.

Step 4 Restate your thesis in your conclusion.

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Write a rough draft.

  • Do not worry about spelling errors or mistakes. Remember that this is just a rough draft, not your final copy. Just focus on writing it down, and later you can fix mistakes.
  • Write your rough draft by hand or type it - whichever is easier for you.

Step 2 Give each paragraph a topic sentence.

  • For example, a topic/transition sentence might look like this: "While some factories allow union labor, others, such as those in X, argue that unionizing harms the workplace." This sentence gives a clear direction for the paragraph (some factories argue against unionizing) and links it to the paragraph before it (which was probably about pro-union factories).
  • Remember: each paragraph needs unity (a single central idea), clear relation to the thesis , coherence (logical relationship of ideas within the paragraph), and development (ideas are clearly explained and supported). [11] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Step 3 Structure your essay in parts.

  • Make sure you're clear about what the idea of each paragraph is. To keep yourself on track, refer to your outline as you write.

Step 4 Edit your rough draft.

  • Have you told the reader everything you need to about your topic?
  • Do you have a clear thesis statement, expressed in two to three sentences?
  • Do all your paragraphs relate to the thesis?
  • Does each paragraph have one main idea, supported by accurate, objective details?
  • Does your conclusion summarize your thoughts on the topic without adding new information or opinions?
  • How does the paper flow? Are there clear, logical transitions between paragraphs?
  • Have you used clear, concise prose and avoided flowery language?
  • Did the reader learn something new from the essay? Is it presented in an interesting way?
  • Have you cited sources as instructed by your teacher?

Step 5 Write your final draft.

  • As you write your final draft, keep track of coherence in particular. Rough drafts often have all of their ideas jumbled up without a clear, logical progression. A key difference between a rough draft and a final draft is that the final draft should offer its information in a smooth, clear, easy-to-read fashion that builds on previous points as it goes along. Keeping an eye out to make sure you've followed the C-E-E- formula will help you.

Step 6 Finalize your language.

  • Also keep an eye out for word echoes, or words that show up many times within the space of a few sentences or paragraphs. If you use the word discusses multiple times in the same paragraph, it will make your writing seem clunky and unpolished.

Step 7 Proofread your final draft.

  • Sometimes our eyes "fix" mistakes for us as we read, so it's hard to catch mistakes reading silently. Reading aloud helps you find mistakes your eye might not.

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

To write an informative essay, start with an introduction that presents a thesis statement articulating your argument in 2-3 concise sentences. For the body of the essay, focus on one main idea per paragraph and start each paragraph with a topic sentence that establishes that main idea. Then, follow the topic sentence with cited evidence and explanatory detail. Finish up with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis. Don't forget to proofread carefully before turning in your essay! For helpful tips on researching and using good sources, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to write an informative essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated June 5, 2022.

Informative essay definition

The primary purpose of an informative essay is to educate the reader without injecting the writer’s ideas and opinions.

Overview of an informative essay

The first step is to choose a topic for the informative essay. Pick a topic that interests you, as this will help you stay motivated. When writing an informative essay, explain a topic as objectively as possible, unless otherwise directed by a professor. An informative essay helps readers to understand the facts without adding bias. The next step is to research the topic for the informative essay. An informative essay is based on facts and not opinions; therefore, it is important to choose proper sources when researching the topic. The next step of the essay is to create an outline. The outline is important because it helps to keep the thoughts and ideas organized. An informative essay outline generally consists of an introduction, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. After the draft is written, it should be read as many times as possible to search for grammar mistakes. The language should be more coherent and flowing. Enough evidence should be used and cite the sources correctly.

  • You will usually be writing for your instructor and a general academic audience.
  • Common examples of informative essays include “how-to” guides, definitions of subjects, and data analyses.
  • These examples serve only to inform the reader about a specific subject .
  • The style of informative writing is utilitarian and concise. Typically, the reader isn’t interested in opinions—they just want to learn about the topic.

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How is an informative essay different from other essays?

When writing an informative essay, explain a topic as objectively as possible, unless otherwise directed by your professor. The clue is in the name—an informative essay delivers information and not much else.

  • Journalism is informative in nature, as the facts are presumably presented without bias. The audience gets to decide for themselves what they think about these facts.
  • Remember that true objectivity is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

In contrast, an explanatory essay explores viewpoints surrounding an issue. Moreover, it may suggest why one opinion is superior to another. Because it serves only to educate, there is less emphasis on supporting arguments with evidence.

  • There are also many similarities between an informative essay and an explanatory essay.
  • Writers of both essays are trying to help the reader understand something new.
  • The only real difference is that an informative essay helps readers understand a new set of facts, while an explanatory essay explains why certain opinions have resulted from those facts.

Why is an informative essay important?

Informative essays help readers understand the facts without adding bias. These types of essays teach students how to impart information without trying to influence people to think in one way or another.

Informative essays test your ability to

  • write objectively
  • conduct credible research

Planning your informative essay

Choose a topic.

The first step is to choose a topic for your informative essay. Pick a topic that interests you, as this will help you stay motivated.

  • Choose a topic that appeals to a wider audience, especially if your instructor requires you to give an accompanying presentation with your essay.
  • It’s easier to educate your audience if they’re learning about something they are interested in.
  • Avoid essays about a very esoteric topic that few would know about; always avoid specific jargon that a general academic audience would not understand.

Finally, it’s a good idea to choose a topic that you already know about. If you have a solid understanding of a subject’s background, you will probably find it easier to research the topic and quickly find important facts. With that said, your instructor may choose your topic, or you may enjoy the challenge of writing about something totally new.

Conduct research

The next step is to research the topic for your informative essay. Because an informative essay is based on facts and not opinions, it’s important to choose proper sources when researching your topic. Keep the following in mind:

  • Look for sources with well-established facts.
  • Use primary sources when possible.
  •  For example, if you are writing about a famous speech or text, use the original or “primary” document rather than a “secondary” commentary about the speech or otherwise altered source.
  • Secondary sources can still be helpful if they are unbiased and academic in nature.
  • The best sources for an informative essay help you clearly define your subject.

Research tips:

  • Using a variety of sources will give you more credibility.
  • Remember to check the reliability of each source you choose and make sure that “the facts” are widely accepted by subject matter experts.
  • Take notes and bookmark sources that you want to use.
  • Save all publication data for correct documentation in your Works Cited, Bibliography, or References section.
  • Make sure you understand the format your instructor requires, usually MLA, APA, or Chicago style.
  • Write down important quotes or statistics.

Create an outline

Next, create an outline. The outline is important because it helps you keep your thoughts and ideas organized. With a clear structure in place, you’ll find that the writing process is much easier once you begin the essay itself. Many instructors require this; some don’t. If it isn’t required and you don’t find outlines useful, skip this step.

If the outline is required, be sure to use the format you are writing the essay in. Refer to MLA or APA guides and model your outline after the examples you find in the guide’s index. Some require roman numerals; other styles require alphabetical notation.

You can outline in your own formal style if the assignment doesn’t require this step.

An informative essay outline generally consists of the following:

  • introduction
  • three or more body paragraphs

Writing your informative essay

Write the introduction.

Start with a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. Your goal is to educate the reader, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get them interested in the subject they will learn about. Once you have the reader hooked, provide a generous amount of background information for the subject with a few sentences. Finish the introduction with a thesis statement.

Normally, a thesis statement would communicate an argument or point of view, but opinions do not belong in informative essays. Because of this, your thesis statement should essentially be a one-sentence clarification of the subject you’re focusing on. The thesis statement should also make the reader want to continue reading. During the introduction, you might want to touch on the where , who , why , what , how , and when of the topic.

Write the body paragraphs

The body paragraphs of an informative essay go into detail and explore important aspects of the subject you’re writing about. Each body paragraph should cover a different aspect of the topic, leaving readers with a more complete understanding of the subject.

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence introducing what you’ll be discussing.
  • Once you’ve introduced the sub-topic, go into detail and support various facts with the evidence you discovered during your research.
  • Try to use a variety of paraphrases, short direct quotes, and your own logical analysis.
  • Be careful to avoid accidental plagiarism when paraphrasing or using quotes from outside sources.
  • Any outside information must be cited correctly and/or attributed in your essay and reflected in the works cited or references at the end so your teacher can easily see where the information came from (and find it if they want to).

Remember, you can’t just throw your evidence out there and expect your reader to connect the dots on their own. Explain how this evidence relates to the subject and why it’s important.

To conclude each of your body paragraphs, write a single sentence summarizing what you’ve just discussed and how it relates to the main topic. If you can, try to transition into the next body paragraph in a smooth, flowing manner.

Write the conclusion

Once you’ve finished your body paragraphs, it’s time to wrap your informative essay up with a strong conclusion. Start your conclusion by restating your thesis. Remind the reader about the topic, but use different language compared to the thesis in your introduction.

Next, mention why the information you’ve just delivered is relevant.

  • How can the reader use this information in the future?
  • What is its impact?
  • Why is this information valuable for the average person?
  • Can you think of examples of how they might make use of this information in the future?

Finish your conclusion (and your entire essay) with a sentence that leaves a strong impact on the reader.

Hammer home the importance of the subject you’ve just explored in a new way that you haven’t already used in your essay.

A tried-and-true method is to use a powerful quote related to your subject—something that sums up what your subject truly means.

You might even end with an open-ended question that leaves the reader with larger ideas to connect.

Editing your informative essay

After you’ve finished the draft, read it over as many times as you can in order to search for grammar mistakes.

Try to make the language more coherent and flowing. Ensure that you’re using evidence and citing your sources in the correct manner.

Once you’re sure that you’ve found even the smallest errors, find a classmate or peer willing to read over your essay and give you advice. In return, you can also edit their essay.

  • Some teachers are happy to review your draft and offer suggestions before you turn in the final draft.
  • If you are a college student, check to see if there is a writing lab you can visit for some suggestions on improvement.

Example informative essay

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Additional tips for writing an informative essay

  • Be careful to leave out bias: write as objectively as possible.
  • Use a variety of credible sources.
  • Transition between ideas and paragraphs to help the essay flow.
  • Avoid redundancy, wordiness, and unnecessary repetition.
  • Stay on topic: avoid going on long tangents.
  • Use the correct academic reference/citation style based on your instructor and discipline.
  • Be aware of your audience and write accordingly.

By Andrew Block. Andrew received his BA in English from the University of South Carolina and his MA from the University of New Mexico. After more than a decade as a faculty member in a community college, he has worked in client success for an educational technology company since 2018.

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How to Write an Informative Essay?

09 May, 2020

15 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

The bad news is that if you're anything like the majority of students, you're overwhelmed with all kinds of essays your teachers ask you to create. It feels as if they multiply day on day. However, the good news is that here, at HandMade Writing blog, you can find all the answers on how to craft a decent informative essay in no time. So, without further ado, let's dive into the essence of the issue together!

Informative Essay

What is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is a piece of writing that seeks to inform or explain a subject or topic to educate the reader. When writing an informative essay consider the audience and correspond to their level. Do not over-explain to experts where knowledge can be assumed or under-explain to novices that lack basic understating.

There are in four main categories:

  • To define a term
  • To compare and contrast a subject
  • To analyze data
  • To provide a how-to guide on a subject

An informative paper should be written in an objective tone and avoid the use of the first person.

You may order an informative essay written from scratch at our professional essay writing service – our essay writers are available 24/7.

What is the Purpose of an Informative Essay?

The purpose of an informative essay is to educate the reader by giving them in-depth information and a clear explanation of a subject.  Informative writing should bombard the reader with information and facts that surround an issue. If your reader comes away feeling educated and full of facts about a subject than you have succeeded.

Examples of informative writing are pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and textbooks. Primarily texts that are used to inform in a neutral manner.

What is the Difference Between an Informative Essay and Expository Essay?

An expository essay and an informative essay are incredibly similar and often confused. A lot of writers class them as the same type of essay. The difference between them is often hazy and contradictory depending on the author’s definition.

In both essays, your purpose is to explain and educate. An expository essay is here to define a single side of an argument or the issue. It’s the first step to writing an argumentative essay through taking the argument on the next level. Informative essays are less complicated. They are just about the information. Such essays generally require less research on a topic, but it all depends on the assignment level and subject. The difference between the two essay types is so subtle that they are almost interchangeable.

How to Plan an Informative Essay Outline

Informative essay outline

Your plan for an informative essay outline should include:

  • Choosing a topic
  • Conducting research
  • Building a thesis statement
  • Planning the structure of introduction
  • Choosing the topic of a body paragraph
  • Forming a satisfying conclusion

By following the list above, you will have a great outline for your informational writing.

Related Post: How to write an Essay outline 

How to Choose an Informative Essay Topic

One of the most difficult tasks when writing is coming up with a topic. Here is some general advice when you are choosing a topic for your essay:

  • Choose a topic that you are interested in. Your interest in writing on the subject will make the essay more engaging.
  • Choose a theme that you know a little about. This way you will be able to find sources and fact easier.
  • Choose a topic that can explain something new or in a different way.
  • Choose a topic that you can support with facts, statistics, and
  • Choose a topic that is relevant to the subject.
  • Remember the four types of categories information essays cover.

Inspiration and Research for Your Ultimate Topic

Your perfect informative essay title can come from numerous sources. Here is where you can potentially seek for relevant topics:

Informative essay topic sources

Not only will they inspire you, but they will also provide with some of the research you need.

Researching an Informative Essay

The best sources should be objective. Some excellent sources for an informative essay include:

Sources for informative essay research

Always remember to check if the source of information will have a bias. For example, a newspaper journalist may have a political leaning, and their article might reflect that. A charities site for motor neuron disease may also come as biased. Analyze the source for the writer’s agenda.

Informational research should answer the five W’s (who, what, where, why and how), and these will form the majority of your essay’s plan. So, if I were writing about the different types of pollution I’d research what kinds of pollution there are, who and how they affect, why they happen, and where they are most likely to occur.

Collating and organizing this information will form your thesis statement and paragraph layout.

Still struggling to find a topic for your informational writing? Then, here are some ideas to that might inspire you.

Examples of Informative Essay Topics for College Students

  • How to avoid stress
  • What ecological problems are we faced with today?
  • What are the effects of obesity?
  • What is cyberbullying?
  • How has the internet changed the world?
  • How to adjust to college life
  • Where to find the best part-time jobs
  • How to get along with your room-mate
  • Guidance on how to write a college application
  • How caffeine affects studying

Examples of Informative Essay Topics for High School

  • How to start your own vegetable garden
  • The reason for and effects of childhood obesity
  • Outline the consequences of texting and driving
  • How to make your favorite food
  • What is climate change? And what are its effects?
  • The different types of pollution
  • The history of the Titanic.
  • An essay on the Great Depression
  • The life and times of Ernst Hemmingway
  • How to have a great vacation
Related Posts: Argumentative essay topics | Research paper topics

Informative Essay Example

When you have finished planning and research, you have to start writing. But, how do you start an informative essay? The simple answer is to just go with it. Do not get overly critical. Just pour out all the information you have. You can shape it up later.

Important points to consider are: never use first person pronouns and keep the topic objective not subjective . Remember, your purpose is to educate the reader in the most thorough way possible by explaining a topic with statistics and facts.

how to write an informative essay

As usual, the essay should include an introduction, main body, and conclusion. All information should be presented in a clear and easy to understand manner. The flow of information should be signposted. We will delve into these areas in more detail now.

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How to Write an Introduction for an Informative Essay?

An introductory paragraph of an informative essay should comprise of the following things:

A Hook to Ensnare the Reader

An introductory paragraph for informative writing should start with a hook. A hook needs to be in the first sentence and something that will ‘wow’ the reader and impel them to read on. Alarming statistics on the subject/topic make up great hooks for informative essays. For example, if you were writing an essay on cyber-bullying, citing the number of children who have considered suicide due to cyberbullying could be a powerful opening message.

A Thesis Statements for Direction

All introductions should include a thesis statement. The best practice is to place it at the end of the introductory paragraph to summarize your argument.  However, you do not want to form an argument or state a position. It is best to use the thesis statement to clarify what subject you are discussing.

Related Post: What is a thesis statement

It may also be better to place the statement after the hook, as it will clarify the issue that you are discussing.

For example, ‘Research conducted by Bob the Scientist indicates that the majority of issues caused by cyberbullying can be overcome through the informative literature on the subject to educate bullies about the consequences of their actions.’

How to Write the Body of an Informative Essay

Informative essay body paragraphs

When writing the body of an informative paper, it is best to break the paragraph down into four distinct steps.

 The Claim or Statement

The claim or statement is a single, simple sentence that introduces the main topic of the paragraph. It can be narrow or broad depending on the level and depth of the essay. Think of this as the ‘what’ aspect. For example, the claim for a high-school informative paper would be broader than a claim written at the university level. This is the first step to signposting your essay. It provides a logical and easy way to follow a discussion.

The Supporting Evidence

After making a claim you want to back it up with supporting evidence. Supporting evidence could be findings from a survey, the results of an experiment, documented casual effects or a quote. Anything that lends support to the claim or statement in the first sentence would work. This is the ‘why’ aspect of your research. By using supporting evidence like this, you are defining why the statement is essential to the topic.


After you state the supporting evidence, you want to explain ‘how’ this finding is important to the subject at hand. That usually unpacks the supporting evidence and makes it easier for the reader to understand. So, an explanation is to explain how this claim and the supporting research affects your thesis statement.

Concluding Sentence

You should always finish a body paragraph with a concluding sentence that ties up the paragraph nicely and prompts the reader on to the next stage. This is a signpost that the topic and the paragraph are wrapped up.

How to Write the Conclusion of an Informative Essay

Writing a conclusion to an informative paper can be hard as there is no argument to conclude – there is only information to summarize. A good conclusion for these types of essays should support the information provided on the subject. It should also explain why these topics are important.

Here are some Tips on writing informative essay conclusions:

Rephrase Your Thesis Statement

It is vital that you rephrase the thesis and not copy it word for word. That will allow you restate the theme or key point of your essay in a new way. You will simultaneously tie your conclusion back to the introduction of your essay. Echoing your introduction will bring the essay full circle.

Read Through Your Body Paragraphs

Read through the body paragraphs of your essay and ask if a brief overview of the main points of the essay would form a good conclusion for the essay. Generally, it is best to restate the main points of the essay in a conclusion using different words.

Finish the Conclusion With a Clincher

A clincher gives your concluding paragraph a powerful finish. It is a sentence that leaves the reader thinking about your essay long after they have put it down.

Some excellent examples of clinchers are:

  • A statement of truth
  • A thought-provoking quote relevant to the subject and thesis statement
  • A lingering question that none of the research has answered or puts the research into a new light
  • Whether it provides an answer to a common question
  • Challenge your reader with a quote from an expert that forces them to think about or change their own behavior
  • Something that shifts the focus onto the future and the long-time implications of your research

Context and Significance of the Information

A conclusion should always try to frame why the topic was important, and in what context it was important. By doing this your research matters.

Remember: A concluding paragraph should never include new information.

Informative Essay Sample

Be sure to check the sample essay, completed by our writers. Use it as an example to write your own informative paper. Link:  Tesla motors

Tips for Writing an Excellent Informative Essay

Here are a few tips for writing an informative paper

  • When writing the main body paragraph, concentrate on explaining information only once. Avoid repeating the same information in the next section.
  • Focus on the subject. Make sure all the information that you include is relevant to the topic you are describing. Do not include information that “goes off.”
  • Write in a logical way that is signposted. Writing like this will make an essay flow and mean it is easier to understand.
  • Always revise the essay at least three times. This way, you will find where to expand ideas in the paragraph, where to trim back ideas until everything has the right balance.
  • Be familiar with the academic reference style you are writing in
  • Write to your audience. Make sure you know who you are writing it for.

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How to Write an Informative Essay: Definition, Structure, Steps & Examples

How to Write an Informative Essay

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An informative essay  is a piece of academic writing that provides clear and balanced information about a specific topic. Its main objective is to educate and inform the reader about a subject, rather than to persuade or argue a point of view.

In this article, we will talk about how to write an informative essay and structure it in an organized way. From introduction to conclusion, we will walk you through each step of informational essay format writing. Keep reading and you will find valuable tips from professional essay writing services and informative essay examples along the way. 

But before we dig deeper into details, let’s define what an informative essay is.

What Is an Informative Essay: Definition

An informative essay, as the name suggests, is a type of essay intended to enlighten the reader about a particular subject. The primary purpose of an informative essay is to present information in a clear, concise, and well-structured manner. In this type of writing, students shouldn’t express personal opinions or attempt to persuade their audience.

While informative essays and other academic writing styles may share some structural similarities (e.g., introduction, body, and conclusion), their goals and approaches are distinct. 

Unlike other popular forms of academic writing, such as argumentative or persuasive essays , informative essays focus solely on presenting factual information. They do not seek to persuade readers to adopt a particular viewpoint, nor do they provide an analysis, like analytical essays do. 

Many students also confuse it with an expository essay . However, unlike expository writing, informational essays do not explore a topic so extensively. Instead, they just offer relevant information. 

Informative essay writing deals largely with suggesting well-researched information to expand someone’s knowledge. Teachers assign it to test how well students can educate on a chosen matter without leaving personal biases or emotional appeals. In this sense, an informative essay is more of an educational than a persuasive tool.

Characteristics of Informative Essays

Informative essays have a few peculiar features that set them apart from other forms of writing. Here are the main ones:

  • Objective approach to presenting facts
  • Balanced coverage of information without redundant details
  • Accurate, factual content
  • Educational purpose of writing.

Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals, let’s look at how to structure an essay .

Informative Essay Structure 

To write informatively, you need to sort things out in a logical order. The structure of an informative essay is typical and comprises 5 paragraphs: an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Sometimes, you will need to compose more paragraphs if you feel that information you have provided is insufficient.

Let’s take a closer look at each part individually.

Informative Essay Introduction

An informative essay introduction paragraph is a perfect place to capture your reader's attention. It should include such components: 

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement.

Your opening will start with a compelling "hook" – a staggering statistic, an interesting anecdote, or a provocative question. This is followed by a brief transition to the topic, which provides some context. You may include essential facts, historical background, or why the theme is important. Remember to keep it concise and don’t overdo with details. 

Your introductory paragraph should end with a thesis statement. And we will talk about it right below. 

>> Read more: How to Write a Hook for an Essay

Informative Essay Thesis Statement 

Your thesis statement is arguably the most crucial sentence in your paper. It establishes your ruther direction by framing the main points you will cover. Thesis for an informative essay should be neutral and objective. Here, you should focus on presenting facts rather than asserting an opinion. A thesis statement is brief and usually takes no more than 1-2 sentences.

Informative Essay Body Part

The body part is where you delve into the details of your topic. Here are the things you should cover in each section:

  • Topic sentence  
  • Supporting details

Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence, which introduces the main point of that section. But this shouldn’t be a bold statement. Integrate supporting details, which may include facts, statistics, examples, or explanations that elaborate on the topic sentence. Use transition words for essay to build links between your sentences.

Every paragraph should stick to one main idea and shouldn't change the subject. Additionally, your body part should systematically address the key point mentioned in your thesis statement. For instance, if you are talking solely about the origin of art, you can’t suddenly change the direction and discuss its use in modern society.

>> Learn more: How to Write a Body Paragraph

Informative Essay Conclusion 

The conclusion of an informative essay serves to bring about the key points presented in your paper. This is the last paragraph and it should bring a sense of closure. Keep in mind this structure: 

  • Rewritten thesis statement 
  • Succinct summary
  • Prediction or implication.

While an informative essay doesn't typically require a call-to-action, you might end with a thought-provoking question or a relevant implication for further consideration.

How to Write an Informative Essay Step-by-Step? 

At this point, you should be equipped with all necessary knowledge, and we finally can discuss how to write an informative essay. This guide will walk you through each phase of your essay writing process . 

In the steps below, you'll learn how to select a captivating topic, retrieve necessary information and weave those facts into your paper. From penning a powerful thesis statement to rounding it all off with a succinct conclusion, we will cover each essential stage. Without further ado, let’s see how to write an informational essay together!

1. Choose a Proper Topic 

Choosing a topic is a critical first step in writing an informative essay. 

Before you pick any title, ensure you understand your assignment and its requirements thoroughly. Only when all instructions are clear, start brainstorming all potential informative essay topics . Remember to include subjects that pique your interest, as writing about something you love can make the process enjoyable. 

Once you've got your list, it's time to narrow it down. Select topics that are relevant to your audience and have ample information available for research. Also, consider the scope – it shouldn't be too broad or too narrow. After all, you don’t want to end up writing about a subject that has limited information. 

After evaluating based on all criteria described above, select the idea that ticks all the boxes.

2. Conduct Research and Collect Information 

The integral part of academic essay writing is a thorough investigation. When you're ready to start gathering facts for your informative essay, the first thing to remember is to truly understand the concept. Look it up online and read a few general articles to get a handle on the subject.

When it comes to research sources, variety is your friend. Try to explore a mix of resources like books, academic articles, reliable websites, and documentaries. It is better to exclude sources that provide an opinion on the matter (for example, article review , book review or critical analysis ). Pay attention to the date of publishing and avoid outdated sources older than 5 years. 

While researching, be critical. Not all information you'll find, especially on the internet, is accurate or reliable. Check the author's credentials and the source's reputation. Always aim for information from authoritative and trustworthy sources.

3. Write Down Crucial Facts 

As you carry out your research, remember to take notes. There are 2 things you should keep in mind at this stage: 

  • Important facts Write down key points, interesting facts, or quotes that you think will support your essay. Organize them based on the main points of your essay. This will make the writing process smoother.
  • Source referencing details When it's time to reference sources in your informative essay, you'll need accurate information about where you found your data. It's much easier to do this as you go along, rather than trying to find it again later.

Now let’s figure out how to write a thesis statement for an informative essay.

4. Prepare a Thesis Statement 

Writing a thesis statement for an informative essay is like drawing a map for your reader. Usually, it’s a 1-2 sentences statement that highlights the major focus of your paper. This is your opportunity to tell your audience exactly what information you will be presenting. 

Avoid being vague or overly general. For instance, if your essay is about the impacts of climate change on agriculture, your thesis statement could be: 

Climate change has profound effects on agriculture, with potential consequences for food security globally.

As you can see, this statement is informative, but neutral. In this case, a college essay writer isn’t trying to take any particular stance on climate change. Instead, they are just saying that climate change affects agriculture. Let’s consider another example of a thesis statement for informative essay on the history of the Internet: 

The history of the Internet showcases a remarkable evolution, from its humble beginning as a military project to the widespread global network today.

5. Build an Outline 

By having a clear plan of action, you will be able to write an informative essay without taking unexpected turns. Much like a compass, an outline serves as a vital tool during the writing process helping students to stay on track. 

In most cases, instructions may not explicitly require the preparation of an outline. However, we still suggest that you create a basic plan listing the main ideas of each section. By having a layout, students can easily refer to it whenever they veer off topic. This ensures that your thoughts remain aligned with the central theme of your writing.

6. Write the First Draft 

Writing an informative essay is all about breaking down complex information into digestible chunks of information. There are 2 ways to go about creating an informative essay: 

  • Start writing a polished version right after building a plan. 
  • Compose a  rough draft  and revise it later.

You may think that skipping the draft will save you time, and opt for the first way. We highly recommend preparing a draft instead. This way, you'll see your thoughts on paper and be able to rearrange them if needed. Ultimately, it takes less time and allows you to craft a well-organized paper. 

Your draft shouldn’t be perfect. It's a starting point that you'll polish later. At this stage, just focus on transforming your ideas and research into a structured form. You can try essay typer free right now instead of doing the task yourself.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction?

Next, let’s explore how to start an informative essay in an engaging manner. Our professionals shared some valuable tips on composing a truly effective opening paragraph. 

Your task in the introduction for informative essay is to get your readers interested and present them with a preview of what's to come. 

To begin, create a hook. ​​This could be a striking fact or an intriguing question. Another nice option is adding a simile or metaphor. The purpose of the hook is to entice your readers right from the beginning. For instance, if you're writing about recycling, your hook could be something like this: 

Did you know that only 9% of the world's plastic waste has been recycled?

Your next move is to prepare your audience for the major point of your informative writing. This is where you need to contextualize your subject matter. You can briefly touch on its history, why it's relevant, or its implications. Using our recycling example, you might mention when the concept of recycling was introduced and its significance in environmental conservation. 

Finally,  finish your informative essay introduction paragraph with your thesis statement. Simply state what you will talk about in your piece. Using the recycling topic, your thesis might be: 

This essay will explore the different types of recycling processes, their effectiveness, and their impact on the environment.

Let’s see how to put all these guidelines into practice. 

Informative Essay Introduction Example

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, impacting many aspects of our lives. A key area where this change is apparent is education. In the past, classrooms were defined by physical boundaries and face-to-face interaction. Today, however, the landscape of education is increasingly blending with technology. In fact, it's estimated that about 95% of classrooms now have access to computers, a far cry from a few decades ago. In the context of this technological evolution, it's important to understand how the integration of technology is reshaping the way we teach and learn. In this essay, we will explore the various ways technology is changing the face of education, from the rise of online learning and digital literacy to the use of augmented reality in classrooms. We'll also discuss the challenges these changes present and how educators can navigate them to enhance education. 

>> Learn more: How to Start an Introduction for an Essay

How to Write an Informative Essay Body Paragraphs?

A body section is where you demonstrate all your research and provide your readers with the information you've promised in your thesis statement. Generally, you will need to come up with 3 distinct points and cover them in each body paragraph. You can extend your paper to more paragraphs if there is a lot to say about your subject. 

As a rule, the body paragraphs of an informative essay should include these parts: 

  • The main aspect – your topic sentence
  • Supporting details – your research and facts
  • A closing line that wraps up your point or smoothly transitions to the next paragraph.

Always make sure your information is clear and your points are well organized. You want your reader to easily follow your line of thought. Use simple, straightforward language to explain complex ideas or concepts.

Informative Essay Body Paragraph Example  

One significant way technology has transformed education is through the advent of online learning platforms. These platforms have expanded the boundaries of education beyond the traditional classroom. Students from all over the world can now access courses offered by prestigious universities, right from the comfort of their homes. Websites like Coursera host thousands of courses across a wide range of subjects. This widespread availability of knowledge has democratized education to a great extent. No longer are learning opportunities restricted by geography or socio-economic status. Indeed, with a stable Internet connection and a willingness to learn, anyone can pursue a course in a field of their interest. This shift towards digital learning is one of the most profound changes brought about by the integration of technology in education.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Informative Essay?

We are approaching the finish line and it’s time to learn how to end an informative essay and make it memorable.

A useful approach is to round out your critical  points. But avoid simply repeating them. Aim to synthesize information, showing your reader how the pieces fit together to build a clear picture. 

Then, revisit your thesis statement. Has your essay successfully conveyed the information you intended? If so, rephrase your thesis statement in a way that shows its significance. 

Finally, close out your essay with a statement that leaves your reader with something to think about. It is a good idea to finish your informative essay with an implication, forecast or a final thought. 

Example of an Informative Essay Conclusion Paragraph  

It is clear that technology has impacted education, drastically transforming its landscape. From online learning platforms broadening access to education, to digital literacy becoming a vital skill in today's world, the intersection of technology and education is rich. This exploration of the topic has demonstrated how the classroom's physical boundaries have extended into the digital realm, opening up opportunities for learning beyond what was previously imaginable. The integration  of technology, as we've discussed, isn't without its challenges. However, the benefits it brings, like making education more accessible and fostering digital citizenship, are significant strides towards a future-ready society. The ongoing evolution of this relationship invites further study, promising many more enlightening revelations.

7. Revise and Edit 

When you're satisfied  with the organization and content of your essay, it's time to add the final touches. Essay revision is a crucial step in the writing process since it helps ensure that you've created an informative and accurate piece of work.

To make sure that your informational essay is error-free, read through the text several times and pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure you’ve applied the right style, and that citations are properly formatted. Also, check if your sources are credible and are correctly referenced in your paper.

Informative Essay Format 

It is time to say several words about the format of an informative essay. Most instructions will have this point among the rest, so do not overlook these requirements. When formatting your writing, you will deal with 2 essential aspects:

  • Direct/indirect in-text citations inserted in the body text
  • List of references, which appears at the end of the informative essay after the concluding paragraph.

The format of each citation varies depending on the paper style you are using. Most likely you will apply one of these popular formats:

  • APA style format
  • Chicago style .

Stick to the chosen format and use the corresponding manual for specific  guidelines.

Informative Essay Examples

One more thing that a student might lack after reading the article is a decent informative essay example. Fortunately, we have rendered some good sample informative essay examples that you may use as a template.

Informative Essay Writing Checklist 

As a writer, your role is much like that of a tour guide, leading your readers through the landscape of your chosen subject. Your ultimate goal is to ensure your audience finishes the tour more knowledgeable than when they started. Use this handy checklist and tips on how to write a good informative essay to compose your own piece.

Bottom Line on How to Write an Informative Essay

Now that you have a full grasp of how to write an informative essay, all that's left to do is sit down and start creating your own paper. Remember to be unbiased and carefully plan each section. Above all, strive to enlighten your readers with valuable insights, helping them sharpen their knowledge.


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FAQ About Informative Essays

1. what is the main purpose in writing an informative essay.

The main purpose of writing an informative essay is to educate and provide information. Writer's task is to present facts, details, and explanations about a subject without convincing the audience.

2. How to start an informative essay?

To start an informative essay, you can begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that creates context and engages the reader's interest. You can use a relevant anecdote or a shocking fact to make your opening section intriguing. Then, introduce your topic and provide a brief thesis statement communicating your main focus.

3. How many paragraphs are there in an informative essay?

The number of paragraphs in an informative essay can vary depending on the essay length and its complexity. However, a typical informative essay includes 5 paragraphs. You can always adjust the number of sections based on how much you want to tell.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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  • checkbox I gathered sufficient information about my subject from reliable sources.
  • checkbox I brainstormed and organized my thoughts in an outline.
  • checkbox My informative essay is written following the structure I've set up.
  • checkbox The introductory paragraph contains background information and ends with a thesis statement.
  • checkbox I did fact-checking to offer accurate details.
  • checkbox My essay educates the audience and doesn’t try to persuade or support any viewpoint.
  • checkbox I cited all sources and formatted quotations properly.

Purpose of an Informative Essay

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Informative Essay Outline – Ultimate Guide & Examples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Writing an informative essay requires excellent research skills to educate your audience; I know this from first-hand experience. But creating an outline for your paper is easier said than done. I promise!

I created this guide to show you the correct outline for writing an informative essay with examples. Follow my tips so you can organize your thoughts and ideas.

What Is an Informative Essay?

information from essay

An informative essay’s purpose is to inform and educate readers on a specific topic. Some reports seek to define a term, while others compare and contrast different objects. Some informative essays analyze data or provide procedures for doing something.

It’s the type of essay that should present something other than an opinion. That means you should omit personal pronouns “I” and “me” on the paper. You should also not persuade your reader in an informative essay.

Informational Essay Outline

Most essays and speeches follow four parts: an introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion. The main purpose is to help the writer connect all the information and support their thesis statement. Below is an outline for an informative essay structure with examples.

  • Introduction

The essay introduction is where you introduce the topic of your choice. It should be shorter than the body paragraphs because it merely provides a background of your informative essay topic. Give the readers an overview of the body paragraph.

This part also includes the relevance of your topic. Ask yourself why you are writing about this subject. What makes it timely?

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Here’s an example:

“Tobacco, a plant that contains an addictive drug called nicotine, kills over 8 million people worldwide annually. It occurs as individuals inhale and exhale the burning plant material’s fumes.”

The thesis statement is often part of the introduction. It’s a complete sentence at the end of the first paragraph discussing what the informative essay will inform its readers. The thesis should be brief, concise, and written in simple terms.

For example:

“Smoking is the major cause of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and stroke.”

  • Body paragraphs

The main body of the essay includes a paragraph for every supporting detail. Teachers usually require students to have three points in this section. For every target point, the writer should support it with facts.

The target point is also known as the topic sentence. This statement will serve as the basis of the paragraph for cohesion. After that, support the sentence with facts and studies. Don’t forget to cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.

Don’t forget to summarize each point after every body paragraph to tie everything together.

Below is an example of a body paragraph about one target point.

“Smoking can cause cancer because it weakens the body’s immune system or damages a cell’s DNA. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (2014), nearly 9 out of 10 deaths caused by lung cancer are caused by smoking cigarettes or exposure to second-hand smoke. Although treatments are advancing, it continues killing more people than other types of cancer.”

The informative essay conclusion summarizes the entire essay, highlighting the key points. Here, you should restate your thesis statement and the paper’s purpose. Do not introduce any new ideas or recommendations.

Here is a quick sample informative essay conclusion.

“Smoking is responsible for a majority of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. It increases the risk of cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Nevertheless, people consume it because of the adrenaline rush that creates short-term energy and pleasure. With an effective action plan, anyone can quit this bad habit for good.”

How to Write an Informative Essay: The Writing Process

information from essay

Now that you know the correct structure of an informative essay, here are some tips for writing one.

Review the Instructions

If you’re writing an informative essay for school, the teacher might have specific instructions for the activity or topic. Find out what you should write about and what they want to read from your paper.

Then, learn the required word and paragraph count. Some professors also have instructions for the writing style guide you should follow.

Formatting guidelines are also common among high school and college professors. Make sure to follow the font style, spacing, and size instructions.

A good essay is about more than just content. Teachers also grade these aspects to help you practice formality in writing. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unclear about the instructions.

Choose a Narrow Topic

Broad themes like love, weather, music, and technology are not recommended when writing an informative essay. Pick a topic that does not include general knowledge.

Consider smoking, for example. This topic is too broad for a 500-word essay. Try focusing on a subtopic, such as the diseases it causes or why people smoke. Perhaps you can also write about the correlation between smoking and poverty.

Create a Logical Thesis Before Writing the Body

You can only create subtopics for your informative essay if you already have a solid topic and thesis statement. Consider what you want your reader to know and why you choose this subject.

Start with a question in mind and write an initial answer. Research the topic, then formulate a tentative response. Make sure it’s based on facts with credible sources and summarizes your overall exposition. A logical thesis statement for this essay type also doesn’t include an opinion.

Create Several Drafts

Whether you’re asked to submit drafts or not, making several versions of your paper is crucial to ensure its quality. After every draft, you should create a more improved version of it with a better structure and fewer errors.

If you have to submit every draft, the lecturer may write their comments and return the paper for revision. Revising is the process of adding or removing information, fixing sentences, rearranging, or changing your evidence. It helps make your writing more understandable.

Here are some guide questions when revising your informative essay.

  • Are some parts of your informative essay in proportion with others?
  • Do you spend too much time on general knowledge and less on evidence?
  • Does the paper follow the thesis statement?
  • Is the formality appropriate?
  • Does the essay follow a logical pattern?
  • Are all the facts accurate?
  • Have you cited all information appropriately?

Write a Successful Conclusion

Your outline for an informative essay should include a successful conclusion. It wraps up what you have been informing your readers. You can take from general to specific information while focusing on restating your topic.

Do not add extra information to your conclusion unless it’s a call to action for possible future research. In general, this part of the essay should restate your thesis statement, explain why the topic is essential, and address your main points.

One tip for writing a successful conclusion is to use your introductory paragraph as a guide. It also contains the thesis statement and main points. So, you can reword it and add a closing sentence. Provide closure to the reader, leaving them with a significant impression.

Proofread Your Paper

Proofreading is the final stage in the essay writing process before submitting your informative paper or persuasive essay. This step is crucial because professors also grade your essay or academic paper based on a technicality in informative writing. Check for grammar, punctuation, formatting, and spelling errors to make your writing more precise and accurate.

Review from the larger aspects of your text to the narrow ones. Check your complex sentence constructions, variety, vocabulary, and repetitive phrases. You also want to review your list of references. Are you using the correct style guide?

Learn More Writing Tips for Essay Writers

Writing an informative essay takes more than just research skills. You also need to ensure clarity, organization, and coherence in your work. Take a moment and read some informative essay examples you can find online. 

The best method to write an informative essay is to have a specific thesis statement which you can expand in the body paragraphs. Revise, edit, and proofread your work before submitting the final draft. I hope my guide and tips helped you on your way!

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How To Write An Informative Essay

  • Essay Writing Guides

How To Write An Informative Essay

If you have been looking at the blank MS Word document for a couple of hours attempting to write something meaningful in your informative essay, you’re in the right place. Today, you will learn the informative essay definition, master this paper with ease, and get the highest grades. Read the guide from our essay service to discover how to craft a worthy informative essay.

What is an Informative Essay?

An informative essay is a paper that provides information on a specific topic. In other words, it educates the reader about a particular thing, be it a term, event, natural phenomenon, etc.

An informative essay doesn’t contain the author’s evaluation or analysis. Instead, it aims to describe a subject. What does this essay look like? In essence, most Wikipedia articles are informative essays since they provide you with information on a particular topic .

Due to this, you might be lucky if you are assigned to write an informative essay, since it’s one of the simplest academic writing tasks.

Informative Essay Purpose

The informative essay aims to explain a particular subject. But what does it mean? It means you need to tell your reader about the topic’s origin, causes, effects, etc. Let’s exemplify it with some historical events, like WW2:

  • When did WW2 start?
  • Who and why did initiate it?
  • What are the main WW2 events?
  • How did it end?
  • What countries did engage in WW2?
  • What implications did it involve?

Informative Essay Outline

All essay types share the same logic when it comes to outlining. Therefore, your informative essay structure must contain the following elements:


Essays share some introduction features. Informative one is no exception: your introduction must contain a hook, background facts, a thesis statement, and the transition sentence.

What is an essay hook? It is a couple of the very first sentences of your essay introduction that spark your readers’ interest. You can include some eye-opening statistics and add some wordplay. After that, you may want to add background information that will evolve into the thesis statement.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the main topic your essay will revolve around. A good rule of thumb is to narrow down your thesis statement so that you can fit into the required word count without compromising your research quality. After writing a thesis statement, you need to include a logical transition to your essay body.

You will describe your topic in the essay body. Usually, it will contain several paragraphs, depending on your topic complexity and the required word count. The crucial point is to follow the sequence of events and make logical transitions between the essay parts. Consequently, each body paragraph must contain:

  • A topic sentence that explains the paragraph’s main point and connects it to the previous one.
  • Information: facts, statistics, and thesis-supporting evidence.
  • Mini-conclusion. Summarize your paragraph and add a transition to the next one.

Repeat this pattern while writing each body paragraph to make your essay sound clear and logical.

An informative essay conclusion contains the following elements:

  • The restated thesis statement.
  • A summary of body paragraphs.
  • The final word.

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction?

How to start an informative essay? First and foremost, it doesn’t require proving or debunking some beliefs or analyzing something. That’s why popular hooks like provocative rhetorical questions may not be suitable for this paper.

However, you may want to play with the readers’ awareness. Take a look at the introduction hook example on the global deforestation topic: Do you know that people remove 40,000 square miles (the size of Iceland) of forest each year? By wrapping striking facts into rhetorical questions, you can quickly grab your readers’ attention.

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How to write an informative essay thesis.

The thesis statement can render the meaning of your paper title. For example, your topic is Amazonian deforestation.

Think of what to write about: when Amazonian deforestation started, what countries remove the most trees, what implications deforestation involves, etc.

In this case, you have to provide a thesis statement that will set a direction for your paper so that you can uncover more and more details in your essay body.

So the thesis statement for this topic might sound like this: Deforestation of the Amazonian rainforest makes an unprecedented impact on the local biodiversity and climate . At this point, you have defined your essay’s direction: you will mention extinct species, changing rain patterns, rainforest loss rates, etc.

Note that you should make your thesis statement sound non-controversial. It has to be a fact (like deforestation implications) rather than an opinion/argument.

Remember that informative essays don’t involve debates.

How to Write an Informative Essay Body?

The essay body aims to bring more details to your thesis statement. It would be much better if you added headings for each part of your subject. In this way, it will be much easier for you to follow the essay direction. Also, you can use headings from H1 to H4. Take a look at the example on how to do that:

  • H1 Amazonian Rainforest Deforestation: Causes and Implications . 
  • H2 When Did the Amazonian Deforestation Start ?
  • H2 Main Amazonian Deforestation Drivers
  • H2 Rainforest Loss Rates
  • H3 Brazilian Rainforest Loss Rates
  • H2 Amazonian Rainforest Deforestation Implications
  • H3 Global Temperature Rise
  • H3 Global Sea Level Rise
  • H3 Massive Extinction of Rainforest Species
  • H2 The Bottom Line.

How to Write an Informative Essay Conclusion?

The essay conclusion should provide a sense of completeness. For this, you should rephrase the thesis statement first. Please note that you need to give your rephrased thesis statement a new meaning based on the provided facts and conclusions.

After that, summarize your essay body in a couple of sentences. At the end of your conclusion, sum up the whole paper within the final line.

How to Choose a Topic for an Informative Essay?

Usually, professors provide their students with essay topics. But if you are free to choose one on your own, you are lucky. Check these tips for choosing informative essay topics:

  • Check for informative essay ideas on the web. Many websites list hundreds of topics for all academic levels.
  • Select narrow topics instead of broad ones if you wish to get a meaningful, well-researched essay – it’s impossible to cover a general topic.
  • Make sure you can find enough information on your subject. For this, do a quick research on a couple of topics before writing an informative essay.

Informative Essay Examples

Here are some informative paper examples you can use anytime you feel uncertain about how to properly organize and write your paper:

  • The War Within
  • The Miracle Worke
  • An informative essay about traveling

Informative Essay Writing Tips

Feel free to check the following tips if you wish to write an outstanding informative essay and get the highest grade for it:

Note Your Ideas

You may struggle to keep in mind all the ideas regarding your essay. So it would be excellent to note and list them before writing your first draft.

Make Up an Outline 

Research your selected subject and draft your essay outline first to save you time. Once you get a clear and logical paper structure, you will write your essay step-by-step without a problem.

Use Writing Tools

Using citation machines is the best way to follow the required informative essay format and list all the used sources with ease. You can also use grammar checkers like Grammarly and plagiarism detection software to polish your paper.

Proofread Your Essay the Next Day

You might not notice all the errors in your essay right after completing your draft. Due to this, you may want to let your vision and mind have a rest. For this, proofread your piece the next day.

Write My Informative Essay for Me, Please!

Writing an informative essay is easier than you think. This academic paper requires you to describe a given or chosen topic in detail, with facts, statistics, and explanations. If you still struggle to grasp the informative essay meaning or have no time for it, you can ask professional Ph.D. writers from our essay writing service to craft this paper for you. All you need to do is create an account, place an order, and wait for the delivery.

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  • How to write an essay outline | Guidelines & examples

How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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information from essay

Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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  • Ad hominem fallacy
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  • Choosing Essay Topic
  • Write a College Essay
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  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 5, 2024, from

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Writing an informative essay – a comprehensive guide with tips and examples.

How to write informative essay

When it comes to crafting a compelling piece of literature that informs and captivates its audience, the art of essay writing is an invaluable skill to possess. This form of written communication allows individuals to delve into various subjects, shedding light on important themes, ideas, and concepts in an enlightening and engaging manner. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of constructing a top-quality essay that is both informative and thought-provoking. From selecting a captivating topic to conducting thorough research and organizing your ideas methodically, we will provide you with valuable tips and techniques to enhance your essay writing prowess.

One of the fundamental elements in creating a successful essay lies in choosing an intriguing topic that will captivate the reader from the very beginning. Your topic serves as the heart of your essay, dictating the overall tone, direction, and impact of your writing. By selecting a subject matter that is both fresh and relevant, you will be able to arouse the interest of your readers and keep them engaged throughout the entirety of your essay. Whether you are exploring the labyrinth of ancient civilizations, dissecting the intricacies of modern science, or analyzing the profound works of literature, the key is to select a topic that excites you as a writer and sparks curiosity in your audience.

Once you have chosen a compelling topic, the next step is to embark on a thorough research expedition. In order to provide your readers with accurate and reliable information, it is crucial to gather evidence and supporting data from reputable sources. Online databases, academic journals, and scholarly articles are excellent resources to utilize during the research phase of your essay writing process. Additionally, interviews with subject matter experts, surveys, and observation can also provide valuable insights and perspectives that will strengthen the credibility and authority of your essay. Remember, the key to writing an informative essay lies in presenting relevant and well-researched data that supports your main ideas and reinforces the overall narrative you are constructing.

The Importance of Planning Your Essay

Effective essay planning is a critical aspect of producing a well-structured and coherent piece of writing. It involves the process of carefully organizing your thoughts, ideas, and arguments before beginning to write. Planning allows you to establish a clear direction for your essay, ensuring that you stay focused on the topic and avoid unnecessary digressions. By taking the time to plan your essay thoroughly, you can save time and effort in the long run, resulting in a more polished and compelling piece of writing.

One of the key benefits of planning your essay is that it helps you to develop a logical and coherent structure. By outlining the main points or arguments you want to make in each paragraph, you can ensure that your essay flows smoothly and cohesively. This not only makes it easier for the reader to understand your ideas, but it also helps you to organize your own thoughts and ensure that you have a clear structure in mind.

In addition to structuring your essay, planning also allows you to allocate sufficient time to each section or argument. By setting aside specific time slots for researching, drafting, and revising each part of your essay, you can ensure that you have enough time to gather relevant evidence, develop your arguments, and make any necessary revisions. This helps to prevent last-minute rushing and ensures that you have enough time to produce a high-quality essay.

Furthermore, planning your essay enables you to evaluate the strength and coherence of your arguments before you start writing. By brainstorming and organizing your ideas in advance, you can identify any gaps in your reasoning or weak points in your arguments. This allows you to address these issues before you begin writing, ensuring that your essay is well-supported and persuasive.

Overall, the importance of planning your essay cannot be overstated. It lays the foundation for a well-organized and coherent piece of writing, saving you time and effort in the long run. By outlining the main points, structuring your arguments, allocating time effectively, and evaluating the strength of your arguments, you can produce a strong and compelling essay that effectively communicates your ideas to the reader.

Why Having a Structured Plan is Essential

When it comes to composing an instructive composition, following a well-organized plan is crucial for various reasons. Having a structured plan helps you stay focused and ensures that you cover all the necessary information in a logical and coherent manner.

Firstly, a structured plan provides a clear framework for your essay. It helps you organize your thoughts and ideas, making it easier to present them in a logical sequence. By outlining the main points and subtopics, you can create a roadmap that will guide you throughout the writing process.

Moreover, a well-structured plan allows you to effectively manage your time. By allocating specific time slots for each section of your essay, you can stay on track and avoid last-minute rush. This not only helps in meeting deadlines but also enhances the quality of your writing, as you have ample time to research, revise, and refine your work.

Additionally, having a structured plan enables you to maintain clarity and coherence in your essay. By organizing your ideas in a systematic manner, you can ensure that there is a logical flow between paragraphs and sections. This coherence makes it easier for readers to understand the information you are presenting and grasp the connections between different concepts.

A structured plan also helps you to identify any gaps or missing information in your essay. By laying out your points beforehand, you can easily spot areas where additional research or examples are needed. This allows you to fill in the gaps and provide a comprehensive and well-rounded argument.

Furthermore, a structured plan acts as a roadmap for revision. It allows you to review your essay in a systematic manner, ensuring that all the necessary information is included and presented effectively. This makes the revision process more efficient and increases the chances of producing a well-written and polished final draft.

In conclusion, having a structured plan is essential when writing an informative essay. It not only helps you stay focused and organized, but also enhances the overall quality and coherence of your writing. By outlining the main points, managing your time effectively, and maintaining clarity and coherence, a structured plan sets the foundation for a successful and impactful essay.

Choosing a Topic for Your Informative Essay

When embarking on the task of creating an educational composition, it is crucial to carefully select an intriguing and engaging subject matter. The topic of your informative essay will serve as the foundation for your work, and should be thoughtfully chosen to captivate and inform your readers.

Determining a suitable topic

One should begin the process by brainstorming potential ideas and narrowing down the options to select a suitable topic. It is important to choose a subject that you have a genuine interest in and possess a solid understanding of. This will help you cultivate a compelling essay while ensuring that you can provide accurate and well-researched information.

Evaluating your audience

Consider the target audience for your essay and tailor your topic selection accordingly. Think about the knowledge and interests of your readers to ensure that the subject matter is relevant and engaging for them. This will enable you to engage with your audience effectively and provide them with valuable information.

Identifying the purpose

Another important consideration when choosing a topic is identifying the purpose of your informative essay. Will your essay aim to educate, persuade, or entertain readers? Understanding the purpose will help guide your topic selection and allow you to effectively convey your message to your audience.

Avoiding overdone topics

While it is essential to choose a subject that is interesting and relevant, it is also important to avoid overdone topics. Select a topic that is unique and provides a fresh perspective to your readers. This will help maintain their interest and ensure that your essay stands out among others on the same subject.

Researching the topic

Finally, before finalizing your topic selection, it is crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure that you will have access to credible and reliable sources of information. This will allow you to provide accurate and well-supported facts in your essay, further enhancing its credibility.

In conclusion, choosing a topic for your informative essay is a critical step in the writing process. By considering your interests, evaluating your audience, identifying the purpose, avoiding overdone topics, and conducting thorough research, you can select a topic that will captivate your readers and provide them with valuable information.

How to Select an Engaging and Relevant Topic

One of the most important factors in writing an outstanding essay is selecting an engaging and relevant topic. The topic you choose sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will be interested in reading further. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a topic that captivates the audience and is relevant to the subject matter you are discussing.

When selecting a topic, it is essential to consider your audience. Think about their interests, knowledge level, and what they might find engaging. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your topic to their preferences, making it more likely that they will be interested in reading your essay.

Furthermore, it is important to choose a topic that is relevant to the subject you are writing about. If you are writing an informative essay about climate change, for example, a relevant topic could be the impact of deforestation on global warming. By selecting a topic that is directly related to your subject, you will be able to provide valuable information and insights to your readers.

In addition to audience and relevance, it is also crucial to select a topic that you are personally interested in. When you are passionate about the topic you are writing about, it will shine through in your writing and engage your readers. So, take the time to choose a topic that you find intriguing and exciting to research and discuss.

Overall, selecting an engaging and relevant topic is a crucial step in writing an informative essay. By considering your audience, relevance to the subject, and personal interest, you can choose a topic that will captivate your readers and provide valuable information on the subject matter. So, take the time to brainstorm and research various topics before settling on the one that will make your essay stand out.

Gathering and Evaluating Reliable Sources

Gathering and Evaluating Reliable Sources

When conducting research for your informative essay, it is crucial to gather and evaluate reliable sources to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your information. Reliable sources not only provide you with trustworthy information but also lend credibility to your own writing. In this section, we will explore the importance of gathering reliable sources and discuss effective strategies for evaluating their reliability.

How to Find Reliable Sources for Your Essay

When writing an informative essay, it is crucial to ensure that the information you include is accurate and credible. In order to achieve this, you need to know how to find reliable sources for your essay. This section will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you locate trustworthy information that will enhance the credibility of your essay.

1. Start with Academic Databases:

  • Utilize academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and PubMed, which provide access to a vast range of scholarly articles and research papers. These databases are reliable and contain information that has gone through a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring its credibility.
  • Use specific keywords related to your topic to refine your search and obtain relevant and up-to-date information.

2. Explore Government Websites and Reports:

  • Government websites and reports are excellent sources of reliable information, particularly when you need statistics, laws, regulations, or policy-related data.
  • Ensure that the information you obtain is from a reputable government entity or organization, such as the official websites of government departments, ministries, or agencies.

3. Check Library Resources:

  • Visit your local library or university library and consult various resources like books, encyclopedias, and journals.
  • Libraries often have reliable and credible sources that have been vetted by experts in the field.

4. Evaluate Websites:

  • When using websites, it is important to critically evaluate their credibility.
  • Look for websites that are maintained by reputable organizations, academic institutions, or governmental bodies.
  • Check for author credentials, publication dates, and references or citations to determine if the information is reliable.

5. Consult Expert Opinion:

  • Reach out to subject matter experts, researchers, or professionals in the field for their insights and perspectives.
  • Interviews or conversations with experts can provide valuable information and help support the credibility of your essay.

Remember, it is essential to cross-reference information from different sources and ensure their reliability before including them in your essay. By following these strategies, you will be able to gather accurate, trustworthy, and credible information, making your essay a reliable source of knowledge on the topic.

Organizing Your Essay’s Structure

Structuring your essay is crucial to effectively conveying your information and ideas to your readers. A well-organized essay is easier to follow and understand, allowing your audience to grasp the main points you are trying to make. In this section, we will explore different ways to structure your essay and provide you with useful tips to help you create a logical and coherent piece of writing.

One popular method to organize your essay is by using a chronological structure. This approach involves presenting your information or ideas in the order they occurred or should occur. By using this structure, your readers can easily follow the progression of events or ideas, allowing them to understand the context and development of your topic. Consider using this structure when discussing a historical event, a process, or a step-by-step guide.

Alternatively, you may choose to use a hierarchical structure to organize your essay. This approach involves presenting your information or ideas in a hierarchical order, with the most important points or ideas at the top, and the supporting details or sub-ideas beneath them. This structure allows your readers to grasp the main concepts first and then delve into the supporting details, ensuring they understand the essence of your argument or topic. This structure is effective when presenting an argument, analyzing a complex concept, or discussing the main points of a text or a theory.

Another way to structure your essay is by using a thematic structure. This approach involves organizing your information or ideas around specific themes or topics. By grouping related information together, you can provide a comprehensive overview of each theme or topic and explore the connections between them. This structure is particularly useful when discussing multiple aspects of a subject, comparing and contrasting different ideas or perspectives, or analyzing different case studies. Moreover, using a thematic structure allows you to highlight the main themes or topics that are relevant to your essay and provide a clear focus for your writing.

Regardless of the structure you choose, it is essential to use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs and sections. Transitions help your readers to understand the connections and relationships between your ideas, ensuring the coherence of your essay. Additionally, consider using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to further enhance the organization and readability of your essay. These formatting techniques can help your readers to navigate your essay easily and locate specific information or ideas.

Remember that the way you organize your essay’s structure should support your overall purpose and effectively convey your information and ideas. Consider the nature of your topic, the type of information you are presenting, and the expectations of your audience when deciding on the best structure for your essay. A well-organized essay will not only make it easier for your readers to follow and understand your thoughts, but it will also showcase your ability to present information in a clear and coherent manner.

Simple Tips for Creating a Coherent and Logical Flow

When crafting an informative essay, it is crucial to ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and logically. A well-organized essay is not only easier to read, but it also helps convey your message clearly to the reader. Here are some simple tips to help you create a coherent and logical flow in your essay.

1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Clearly state the purpose of your essay and provide a brief overview of the main points you will be discussing.

2. Use clear and concise language: Avoid using overly complex language or jargon that may confuse your reader. Instead, use simple and straightforward language to convey your ideas effectively.

3. Use transitional words and phrases: Transitional words and phrases help to connect ideas and create a smooth flow between paragraphs and sections. Words like “however,” “on the other hand,” and “therefore” can help guide the reader through your essay.

4. Organize your paragraphs logically: Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea or topic. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence, provide supporting evidence or examples, and end with a transition that leads to the next paragraph.

5. Use headings and subheadings: Headings and subheadings can help break up your essay and make it easier for the reader to navigate. Use descriptive headings that provide a clear indication of what each section will cover.

6. Provide evidence and examples: To make your essay more convincing and credible, provide evidence and examples to support your claims. This helps to strengthen your arguments and provide a logical flow to your essay.

7. Summarize your main points: In your conclusion, briefly summarize the main points you discussed throughout your essay. This helps to tie everything together and reminds the reader of the key takeaways from your essay.

By following these simple tips, you can create an informative essay with a coherent and logical flow. Remember to carefully plan and organize your ideas before starting your essay, and revise and edit your work to ensure that your essay flows smoothly from start to finish.

Tips for Grabbing the Reader’s Attention from the Start

Tips for Grabbing the Reader's Attention from the Start

When it comes to captivating readers, the first few sentences of your essay are crucial. You want to make sure that from the very beginning, you grab their attention and leave them wanting to know more. Here are some valuable tips to help you establish a strong and engaging start to your essay.

1. Start with an intriguing statement: Begin your essay with a thought-provoking statement or a surprising fact. This will instantly catch the reader’s attention and make them curious about what you have to say.

2. Use a compelling anecdote or story: People love stories, especially ones that are relatable and emotionally engaging. Use a personal or historical anecdote to draw the reader in and make a connection right from the start.

3. Pose a compelling question: By posing a captivating question, you immediately involve the reader in your essay. This creates a sense of curiosity and stimulates their desire to find out the answer, making them more engaged throughout the entire essay.

4. Use vivid and descriptive language: Painting a vivid picture with your words will help your readers visualize the content and make it more engaging. Use descriptive language that appeals to their senses, making them feel like they are experiencing what you’re describing.

5. Start with a strong quote or statistic: Quotes or statistics from reputable sources can add credibility to your essay and capture the reader’s attention. Choose a quote or statistic that is relevant to your topic and emphasizes the importance of the information you’re presenting.

6. Address the reader directly: By using the second person pronoun “you,” you can make the reader feel directly involved and connected to your essay. This personal approach encourages them to keep reading and stay engaged throughout your writing.

7. Create a sense of intrigue: Tease the reader with a hint of what’s to come or a promise of valuable information. This creates a sense of intrigue and curiosity, compelling them to continue reading to satisfy their curiosity.

8. Use an impactful opening sentence: Your first sentence sets the tone for the entire essay. Make sure it is powerful and engaging, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. A strong opening sentence can hook the reader and make them eager to explore your ideas further.

By implementing these tips, you can ensure that your essay grabs the reader’s attention from the start and keeps them engaged throughout. Remember, a captivating introduction is the key to a successful essay.

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14 Do's and Don'ts When Writing an Informative Essay

##14 Do’s and Don’ts for When Writing an Informative Essay

Writing a high-quality informative essay can be straightforward when you know what to do and what to avoid in your process.

Wondering what to do and what to avoid in your informative essay-writing process? When writing one, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts.

Keep reading to learn more!

Here is our list of do’s for when writing an informative essay:

Research the Topic Thoroughly

Search for related topics on Google Scholar . This can help you find additional sources and articles to gain more information from. Also, you can use the search engine to give you the keywords you need for your paper.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with the whole research process. However, it is important to remember that you are not expected to read everything you find. Instead, use the keywords that you find in Google Scholar to help you narrow down your search for information.

You should only spend a little bit of time reading articles on subjects that are relevant to your topic. This will help you save time and improve your writing since you are providing relevant information to your readers.

Brainstorm Ideas for Your Informative Essay

Brainstorming is an essential part of the writing process. It can help you generate ideas and discover a topic that interests you. It can also help you plan your ideas and organize your essay. Many students need help with knowing where to start when writing an essay. Brainstorming can help you get started.

Brainstorming can help you:

Discover a topic that interests you Plan your ideas and organize your essay Organize your ideas and research Get started writing your essay

Brainstorming can help you plan and organize your essay, but it's just one part of the writing process. It should not replace other important writing steps such as pre-writing, drafting, and editing

Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas

The best way to organize ideas is to write them down. You can write them in a journal or use a word processing program. Using a word processing program, you can use the outlining feature to organize your thoughts. Outlines are a great way to organize your ideas. Outlines can be used in a variety of ways. For example, some people use them to write essays and reports.

Others use them to plan speeches or presentations. No matter how you use an outline, it will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Outlining is a great way to start writing. It helps you think about your topic and write your thoughts down. Once you have an outline, you can start writing.

You can start by writing the introduction and filling in each point from your outline. This will help you write a strong paper that is organized and coherent. Outlining is a great way if you want to write an organized paper.

Select a Focus and Make a Thesis Statement

Allowing yourself a thesis statement can help when it comes to writing. Whether it's a 1,000-word essay or a 100-word paragraph, it makes the writing process easier. However, writing 1,000 words without a thesis statement can be daunting, so it's best to start by making one.

Having a thesis statement lets you narrow down the topic and write about it more easily. You'll be able to connect your ideas and tell your reader what you want to say. Start with a thesis statement to make writing a seamless process.

Include Relevant Facts and Data

What is the context of the writing? What is the author trying to convey and why? What is the purpose of the text, and what is the author's intention? Before evaluating the content, dig a little to understand the background.

Ask yourself: Is the text written for a specific publication? Is it a college writing assignment? Is it an online tutorial? How is the author trying to engage the reader? What is the author's purpose? What kind of audience is the author trying to reach? The more you know about the text itself, the easier it will be to understand what is being said and how the author is saying it.

Support Your Arguments with Evidence

It’s easy to get caught up in what you’re trying to say and forget to back it up with evidence. Writing is an act of communication, and to be truly effective, you need to make sure your audience understands where you are coming from and why you are making the points you are.

Citing evidence is important for a few reasons. First of all, it demonstrates that you understand the context of your argument and are capable of keeping your perspective in mind as you dive into the details. Secondly, citing evidence shows your audience how you came to that conclusion and gives them a path to follow if they want to come to the same conclusion themselves.

Finally, citing evidence shows your audience that you are not afraid to admit your sources and creates a sense of trust that you are presenting what you know to be true rather than making unfounded assumptions.

Use a Logical Structure

A logical structure starts with fundamental concepts and builds toward more complex ideas. This is the most important thing to consider when creating a logical structure for your essay. The first sentence of an essay should always provide the reader with the most essential information to help them understand the rest of the essay.

This sentence should provide the reader with the main idea and help them understand the structure of the essay. It should lead into the next paragraph, further elaborating on the main idea. Stay consistent with your main idea, and don’t go off on tangents.

An effective essay has a logical structure, meaning it starts with the most important information and builds upon it with each subsequent paragraph. A logical structure can be achieved in many ways, but the most important thing is to stay consistent with your main idea.

Don’t go off on tangents or try to include too much information. A logical structure will help you convey your main idea clearly and concisely to your audience.

Use Simple and Clear Language

The best writing is clear and concise. Readers don’t want to be confused, and they certainly don’t want to re-read paragraphs or sentences to understand your message. So, use simple and clear language. The best way to do this is to avoid using big words when small ones will do, and to keep your sentences short and to the point.

Writing that’s complex or difficult to read can often be simplified, so never fear doing that. Instead, you’ll end up with writing that is clear and easy to understand, which is exactly what your readers want.

Use a Variety of Sentence Structures

This means using the correct punctuation. For example, if you are making a statement, use a period to finish it. Do not use a question mark. This is incorrect punctuation. When asking a question, use a question mark at the end of your sentence. It is important to use the correct punctuation as it is an important part of writing.

Cite Your Sources Properly

If we are not certain of the credibility of a source, we should not use it. It is a common mistake for students to cite dubious sources when they are unsure if the source is credible. This can result in a plagiarized paper with references that do not support the author’s observations or opinions. Checking the source’s credibility prevents such situations from happening.

In addition, the student should always ensure that the source they use is relevant to the topic. This can prevent unnecessary repetition of information, which can be a telltale sign of plagiarism. Furthermore, it helps us to stay focused on the essence of the topic and present our ideas more creatively and innovatively.

Check Your Work for Accuracy

Many teachers primarily focus on the content of a student’s writing, particularly when it comes to essay writing. An essay’s content is the most important, and it’s the hardest thing to master. It’s easier to work on your grammar skills and ensure your writing is error-free.

That way, you’ll be well prepared to write an essay that will get you the desired results with the least amount of stress. It’s a good idea to focus on what’s important and ensure your content is interesting, engaging, and informative before worrying about grammar and spelling.

Proofread and Edit Your Informative Essay

The combination of writing an essay and balancing a hectic schedule can be quite overwhelming. Mistakes like grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors are bound to happen. Proofreading and editing your essay is a great way to go about it.

You can use Rephrasely’s Grammar Corrector, a free online tool that helps in identifying grammatical errors and helps in fixing them. Once you're done with your draft, you can use the tool to proofread your essay.

Ask Someone Else to Review Your Informative Essay

It means that your writing is so off-base that you can’t even convince a stranger that your writing is good. That’s a problem. It could be that your writing is just plain bad, or it could be that you’ve been so consumed by your ideas that you can’t even see them objectively.

This is a clear sign that you need to get someone else to review your writing. Either that, or you need to take a break, walk away from your writing for a bit, and come back to it with a fresh mind.

Revise and Refine Your Informative Essay

Student writing can be hard to come to terms with because it’s not always clear exactly what the teacher is looking for. “Revise and refine” can be tricky because it’s hard to know where to start. Is it a case of just putting some ‘revise and refine’ at the top and hoping for the best? Well, sort of.

It’s hard to know exactly what your teachers are looking for, so it’s always best to start with a rough draft of your essay and then revise and refine it from there. Revising and refining your writing can be just as important as the initial draft, so make sure your essay is well-structured, well-researched, and well-written.

Here is our list of don’ts for writing an informative essay:

Don't Copy and Paste from Other Sources

While students may not have the essay writing skills to create a compelling argument, they can at least give themselves a fighting chance by avoiding plagiarism . By not copying and pasting content from other sources, students can at least be confident that the content they are presenting is original and accurate.

Some students may have the misconception that using other content is fine as long as they cite it, but they must remember that they are risking their academic standing by doing so.

Don't Use Biased Language

If you are writing a research paper, ensure that the material you are using is cited properly. This includes the titles, the authors, and the publishers. If you do not do this, you are guilty of plagiarism. Therefore, make sure that you are properly citing your sources so that you can avoid being accused of plagiarism.

When you are not properly citing your sources, you steal someone else’s work. When you are accused of plagiarism, you are accused of stealing someone else’s work.

Don't Make Baseless Claims

One of my biggest pet peeves is when students make claims that aren’t backed up by facts. For example, if a student were to write, “The Beatles were the most influential band of all time,” but didn’t offer any evidence to support this claim, it would leave the reader wondering if this statement is true or just an opinion.

As a writer, it’s important to back up your claims with examples, statistics, or any other evidence proving your point. By doing this, you’re ensuring that your argument is sound and well-supported, which will help your readers understand your point of view and make them more likely to agree with you.

Don't Use Jargon or Complex Terminology

Using jargon or complex terminology may make you seem authoritative, but can also make you seem inaccessible to the reader. If your writing is filled with unfamiliar terms that the average reader will not understand, they will be unable to follow your argument. Instead, consider the average reader and write in a style that is easy to understand and engaging.

Don't Use First-Person Pronouns

Many students have a habit of using first-person pronouns in their written assignments. For example, they will use ‘I,’ ‘me,’ ‘my,’ ‘mine,’ ‘myself’ or ‘our’, etc., in their written assignments so that it becomes distracting to the reader. It doesn’t look professional, and it is better to avoid it.

While you may want to use them, you should ask yourself, “is it important to know who is saying this?” If it isn’t, then don’t mention it. Just write your thoughts. It is much more professional and easier to follow if you do. It may take a while to get used to, but it is worth it!

Don't Exaggerate or Make Assumptions

Students should use evidence to support their arguments rather than exaggerating or making assumptions to get their point across. In the context of student writing, this means that students should provide concrete evidence for their arguments rather than just stating opinions.

For example, if a student is writing an essay about why the death penalty should be abolished, they shouldn't just state that it's immoral and unjust; they should provide specific examples and evidence to support their argument.

Don't Provide False Information

Writers should never include false information. Instead, they should write about their experiences in a way that is honest and engaging without exaggerating or including things that never happened. Never underestimate your reader and their ability to detect misinformation!

Don't Use Too Many Quotes

Quoting is a great way to show that expert opinions support your research and can also be a great way to add some personality to your writing. However, you want to make sure that you don't go overboard and quote too much. Otherwise, your writing can end up sounding dry and uninteresting, which is the opposite of what you're trying to achieve. So as with all things, moderation is key.

Don't Be Afraid to Be Opinionated

Students are often too afraid to be opinionated. They’re worried about coming across as too confident or even arrogant. When students are afraid to express their own opinions, their writing suffers. This is because they aren’t trying to engage with the text.

Instead, they’re simply regurgitating what the author has already said. When students are more willing to share their opinions, they have more to say about the text. This leads to more engaging writing, which is exactly what you want your writing to be. So, don’t be afraid to be opinionated! Be confident in your ideas and share them with the world.

Don't Forget to Include a Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of a student's essay. It summarizes what the writer said in the essay’s body, and gives the reader a sense of completeness and closure. Conclusions add to the essay's structure and organization. It also helps the reader remember what the writer said in the essay.

The conclusion should not be a summary of the body. Instead, it should be a new and original thought that ties together the main ideas of the body. A conclusion should also leave the reader with an understanding of how the writer's point of view affects their life.

The conclusion should be concise and to the point. It should be between one and three sentences long. It should avoid being overly long or overly complicated. The conclusion should also have a transition sentence leading to the essay's body.

Don't Ignore the Purpose of Your Informative Essay

The best essay writing services could help you improve your writing without changing your original voice. They want your essay to sound like you wrote it. They just want to help you become a better writer. It's a very rewarding experience that can help you build confidence in your writing abilities.

You'll see how your writing has grown and how much progress you've made due to the essay writing service's help. It's a win-win.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you're writing a paper with someone and you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help. Your partner might have a different perspective than you, and they can provide some insight that you haven't considered. Even if they can't help, they'll probably be glad to know they're not the only ones struggling!

Don't Forget to Check the Formatting Requirements

All academic papers are required to be formatted and structured in a particular way. It is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure your professor can easily read and assess your work. Furthermore, by taking the time and effort to format your papers properly, you will not only impress your professor but also improve your chances of receiving a good grade.

Not sure how to format your paper? Don't worry - plenty of resources online can help you get it right. A quick Google search will reveal many websites and apps showing you exactly how to format your paper in MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.

By taking the time to format and structure your paper properly, you will ensure that it is easy to read and understand, which will ultimately lead to better results.

Don't Wait Until the Last Minute to Write Your Informative Essay

Many students believe they can write a good essay only in the last minutes before the deadline. And they are right. If they don't take care to arrange their ideas and get the first draft done before the deadline, they will be writing from scratch at the last minute. It is better to dedicate time to writing the first draft of your essay and then go over it and edit it on time.

If you are stuck for ideas, try brainstorming or using some of the effective writing prompts available online. It helps to have a first draft ready before the deadline and then go over it for editing. This way, you save time on writing from scratch and can focus on perfecting your informative essay.

Final Thoughts

Following our list of do’s and don’ts for writing an informative essay will help you score top marks.

Here is our list of do’s for writing an informative essay:

Research the topic thoroughly Brainstorm ideas for your informative essay Organize your thoughts and ideas Select a focus and make a thesis statement Include relevant facts and data Support your arguments with evidence Use a logical structure Use simple and clear language Use a variety of sentence structures Cite your sources properly Check your work for accuracy Proofread and edit your informative essay Ask someone else to review your informative essay Revise and refine your informative essay

Don't copy and paste from other sources Don't use biased language Don't make baseless claims Don't use jargon or complex terminology Don't use first-person pronouns Don't exaggerate or make assumptions Don't provide false information Don't use too many quotes Don't be afraid to be opinionated Don't forget to include a conclusion Don't ignore the purpose of your informative essay Don't be afraid to ask for help Don't forget to check the formatting requirements Don't wait until the last minute to write your informative essay

We hope you’ve found our article helpful. Don’t forget to share it with a fellow student!

Works Cited: How to improve your writing. Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Google scholar. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from 20 important questions to consider when writing an essay. Rephrasely. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from Google. (n.d.). My word! Google Books. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from

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Judge rejects bid by Judicial Watch, Daily Caller to reopen fight over access to Biden Senate papers

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DOVER, Del. (AP) — A Delaware judge has refused to vacate a ruling denying a conservative media outlet and an activist group access to records related to President Joe Biden’s gift of his Senate papers to the University of Delaware.

Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation sought to set aside a 2022 court ruling and reopen a FOIA lawsuit following the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report about Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Hur’s report found evidence that Biden willfully retained highly classified information when he was a private citizen, but it concluded that criminal charges were not warranted. The documents in question were recovered at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, Biden’s Delaware home and in his Senate papers at the University of Delaware.

Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller maintained that the Hur report contradicted representations by university officials that they adequately searched for records in response to their 2020 FOIA requests, and that no consideration had been paid to Biden in connection with his Senate papers.

Hur found that Biden had asked two former longtime Senate staffers to review boxes of his papers being stored by the university, and that the staffers were paid by the university to perform the review and recommend which papers to donate.


The discovery that the university had stored the papers for Biden at no cost and had paid the two former Biden staffers presented a potential new avenue for the plaintiffs to gain access to the papers. That’s because the university is largely exempt from Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act. The primary exception is that university documents relating to the expenditure of “public funds” are considered public records. The law defines public funds as funds derived from the state or any local government in Delaware.

“The university is treated specially under FOIA, as you know,” university attorney William Manning reminded Superior Court Judge Ferris Wharton at a June hearing.

Wharton scheduled the hearing after Judicial Watch and The Daily Caller argued that the case should be reopened to determine whether the university had in fact used state funds in connection with the Biden papers. They also sought to force the university to produce all documents, including agreements and emails, cited in Hur’s findings regarding the university.

In a ruling issued Monday, the judge denied the request.

Wharton noted that in a 2021 ruling, which was upheld by Delaware’s Supreme Court, another Superior Court judge had concluded that, when applying Delaware’s FOIA to the university, documents relating to the expenditure of public funds are limited to documents showing how the university itself spent public funds. That means documents that are created by the university using public funds can still be kept secret, unless they give an actual account of university expenditures.

Wharton also noted that, after the June court hearing, the university’s FOIA coordinator submitted an affidavit asserting that payments to the former Biden staffers were not made with state funds.

“The only outstanding question has been answered,” Wharton wrote, adding that it was not surprising that no documents related to the expenditure of public funds exist.

“In fact, it is to be expected given the Supreme Court’s determination that the contents of the documents that the appellants seek must themselves relate to the expenditure of public funds,” he wrote.

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Debby’s Rains Will Move North This Week. Here’s Where.

The tropical storm’s meandering off the South Carolina coast will come to an end as it makes another landfall and a quick dash through the Northeast.

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Judson Jones

By Judson Jones

Judson Jones is a meteorologist and a reporter for The Times.

  • Aug. 7, 2024, 10:49 a.m. ET

Tropical Storm Debby will continue to loiter off the South Carolina coast on Wednesday, moving a little faster than an average human walking while pummeling the region with rain. The storm will then accelerate north, shifting the flood risk to the Northeast later in the week.

Here’s how it is forecast to play out.

Wednesday: The Carolinas get more heavy rain.

Debby appeared to show some modest strengthening early Wednesday morning. But despite opportune conditions, the storm’s structure is likely too ragged at this point for more than mild intensification.

The storm’s center was sauntering northeast and should begin to move more to the north later Wednesday, reaching the coast of South Carolina and making landfall, again, near Bulls Bay just after midnight.

Rain will persist across portions of northeastern South Carolina and southeastern North Carolina through the day and, in some places, increase in intensity in places that have already been battered with rain.

Significant rainfall of four to eight inches will add to the already staggering totals, increasing the risk of flooding. Places like Summerville, S.C., have already measured over 17 inches of rain.

The main place for concern, experts said Wednesday, is just inland of Wilmington, N.C. This area, they said, has the opportunity for a two-day rainfall total exceeding 15 inches, leading to the threat of a “prolonged life-threatening flash flood scenario.”

Forecast risk of excessive rain for Thursday

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  4. Informative Essay

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  5. How to Write an Informative Essay (with Pictures)

    For your informative essay, you will need an introduction, at least three main points, and a conclusion. You may want to make these sections and write notes down under the section where you expect it to go. 5. Keep track of your sources. You should know in advance what information you'll need when citing sources.

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    Additional tips for writing an informative essay. Be careful to leave out bias: write as objectively as possible. Use a variety of credible sources. Transition between ideas and paragraphs to help the essay flow. Avoid redundancy, wordiness, and unnecessary repetition. Stay on topic: avoid going on long tangents.

  10. How to Structure an Essay

    The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay, make decisions about your structure, and ...

  11. How to Write an Informative Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

    Informative essays differ significantly from persuasive and argumentative essays in terms of objectivity vs. subjectivity, structure, and tone. Objective vs. Subjective. Informative Essay: Focuses on factual information and explanations. It is objective and neutral, presenting no specific side or point of view.

  12. How to Write an Informative Essay Guide

    An informative essay is a piece of writing that seeks to inform or explain a subject or topic to educate the reader. When writing an informative essay consider the audience and correspond to their level. Do not over-explain to experts where knowledge can be assumed or under-explain to novices that lack basic understating.

  13. Examples of Informative Essays

    Informative essays must be educational and objective. Follow a guide to structuring one, download a sample essay, or pick a topic from our list of examples.

  14. How to Write an Informative Essay in 7 Steps & Examples

    An informative essay is a piece of academic writing that provides clear and balanced information about a specific topic. Its main objective is to educate and inform the reader about a subject, rather than to persuade or argue a point of view.

  15. Informative Essay Outline

    Most essays and speeches follow four parts: an introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion. The main purpose is to help the writer connect all the information and support their thesis statement. Below is an outline for an informative essay structure with examples. Introduction. The essay introduction is where you introduce the topic of your choice.

  16. The Four Main Types of Essay

    An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and ...

  17. Informative Essay: A Complete Guide to Easy Writing

    An informative essay is a paper that provides information on a specific topic. In other words, it educates the reader about a particular thing, be it a term, event, natural phenomenon, etc. An informative essay doesn't contain the author's evaluation or analysis. Instead, it aims to describe a subject.

  18. How to Write an Essay Outline

    Revised on July 23, 2023. An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold. You'll sometimes be asked to submit an essay outline as a separate ...

  19. Writing an Informative Essay: Step-by-Step Guide and Tips

    5. Start with a strong quote or statistic: Quotes or statistics from reputable sources can add credibility to your essay and capture the reader's attention. Choose a quote or statistic that is relevant to your topic and emphasizes the importance of the information you're presenting. 6.

  20. 14 Do's and Don'ts When Writing an Informative Essay

    Outlining is a great way to start writing. It helps you think about your topic and write your thoughts down. Once you have an outline, you can start writing. You can start by writing the introduction and filling in each point from your outline. This will help you write a strong paper that is organized and coherent.

  21. Opinion

    So far, we've paid $600 in E.R. copays, with heftier hospital bills to come. While I regret that our health care system regularly forces people to consider cost when making life-or-death ...

  22. PDF 2024 Regular Big Game Season Hunting Information/Application NEW YORK

    2024 Regular Big Game Season Hunting Information/Application NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION LETCHWORTH STATE PARK REGULAR SEASON EAST & WEST NOVEMBER 16, 2024 ...

  23. Opinion

    This essay is part of What to Eat on a Burning Planet, a series exploring bold ideas to secure our food supply. Read more about this project in a note from Eliza Barclay, Opinion's climate ...

  24. Judge rejects bid by Judicial Watch, Daily Caller to reopen fight over

    Hur's report found evidence that Biden willfully retained highly classified information when he was a private citizen, but it concluded that criminal charges were not warranted. The documents in question were recovered at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, Biden's Delaware home and in his Senate papers at the University of Delaware.

  25. We're Applying Lessons from Covid to Bird Flu. That's Not Good

    In June, Robert Redfield, former director of the C.D.C., echoed many epidemiologists in predicting that "it's not a question of if, it's more of a question of when we will have a bird flu ...

  26. Election officials urge Elon Musk to stop his AI chatbot from ...

    A bipartisan group of secretaries of state blasted Elon Musk and his X platform Monday for providing "false information" about Vice President Kamala Harris' supposed ineligibility to appear ...

  27. What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

    The vice president's platform will likely be in the same vein as that of President Joe Biden, but Harris is expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the ...

  28. Georgia State Election Board passes new rule allowing county ...

    Georgia's State Election Board passed a new rule ahead of the November election that will give county election boards the authority to demand more information, including the ability to conduct ...

  29. Book With Project 2025 Ties and JD Vance Foreword Is Delayed Until

    The publication of a book written by Kevin D. Roberts, the president of the group that has coordinated Project 2025, and featuring a foreword by Senator JD Vance, has been delayed until after the ...

  30. Debby's Rains Will Move North This Week. Here's Where

    The tropical storm's meandering off the South Carolina coast will come to an end as it makes another landfall and a quick dash through the Northeast.