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CLEAR vol. 40

Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, vol. 40

Eugene EOYANG, “CLEAR: A 40-Year Perspective” 1


Thomas MAZANEC, “Righting, Riting, and Rewriting the Book of Odes ( Shijing ): On ‘Filling out the Missing Odes’ by Shu Xi” 5

YUAN Ye, “Faithful Women in Jin Ping Mei : Literary Borrowing, Adaptation, and Reinterpretation” 33

Maria Franca SIBAU, “Filiality, Cannibalism, Sanctity: Fleshing Out Gegu in a Late Ming Tale of a Filial Girl” 51

CHEN Lei, “Authorship and Transmission in Kong Shangren’s Self-Commentary of the Peach Blossom Fan ” 73

Lorenzo ANDOLFATTO, “Futures Enmired in History: Chun Fan’s Weilai shijie (1907), Biheguan Zhuren’s Xin jiyuan (1908) and the Limits of Looking Backward” 107

Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS, “Chinese Poetry and Its Contexts” 125


Lorraine WONG and Jacob EDMOND 141

Guangchen CHEN, “The Hand, the Gaze, and the Voice: Lu Xun’s Transcription of Ancient Inscriptions” 145

Nicholas Y. H. WONG, “The Imaginative Materialism of Wen in Ng Kim Chew’s Malayan Communist Writing” 163

Jin LIU, “Subversive Writing: Li Xiaoguai’s Newly Coined Chinese Characters and His Comic Blogging” 199


Nicole Elizabeth BARNES, Novel Medicine: Healing, Literature, and Popular Knowledge in Early Modern China , by Andrew Schonebaum 221

Lingchei Letty CHEN, A Passage to China: Literature, Loyalism, and Colonial Taiwan , by Chien-hsin Tsai 224

Lucas KLEIN, Recite and Refuse: Contemporary Chinese Prose Poetry , by Nick Admussen 227

Shuang SHEN, Socialist Cosmopolitanism: The Chinese Literary Universe, 1945-1965 , by Nicolai Volland 231

Meow Hui GOH, Imitations of the Self: Jiang Yan and Chinese Poetics , by by Nicholas Morrow Williams 234

Nicolai VOLLAND, Transpacific Community: America, China, and the Rise and Fall of a Cultural Network , by Richard Jean So 239

Haoming GONG, The Edge of Knowing: Dreams, History, and Realism in Modern Chinese Literature , by Roy Bing Chan 242

Jeffrey R. THARSEN, Reading Philosophy, Writing Poetry: Intertextual Modes of Making Meaning in Early Medieval China , by Wendy Swartz 245

Liang LUO, Staging Chinese Revolution: Theater, Film, and the Afterlives of Propaganda , by Xiaomei Chen 249

Katherine CARLITZ, Idle Talk under the Bean Arbor: A Seventeenth-Century Chinese Story Collection , by Aina the Layman with Ziran the Eccentric Wanderer and edited by Robert Hegel 253

Andrej FECH, The Wenzi: Creativity and Intertextuality in Early Chinese Philosophy , by Paul van Els 255

Liangyan GE, A Study of Two Classics: A Cultural Critique of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and The Water Margin , by Liu Zaifu and translated by Shu Yunzhong 259

Robert E. HEGEL, Writing for Print: Publishing and the Making of Textual Authority in Late Imperial China , by Suyoung Son 262

HU Ying, Two Centuries of Manchu Women Poets: An Anthology , translated by Wilt L. Idema 265

Rania HUNTINGTON, Between History and Philosophy: Anecdotes in Early China , edited by Paul van Els and Sarah A. Queen 269

Alister INGLIS, Record of the Listener,by Hong Mai and translated by Ellen Zhang 273

Ling Hon LAM, The Six Records of a Life Adrift , translated by Graham Sanders 275

Anne E. MCLAREN, Records of the Three Kingdoms in Plain Language , translated, with Introduction and Annotations by Wilt L. Idema and Stephen H. West 278

Paul S. ROPP, Heroines of the Qing: Exemplary Women Tell Their Stories , by Binbin Yang 281

Pauli TASHIMA, The Commentarial Transformation of the Spring and Autumn , by Newell Ann Van Auken 285

Yanning WANG, Women’s Poetry and Poetics in Late Imperial China: A Dialogic Engagement , by Yang Haihong 287

Hans van ESS, The Book of Lord Shang. Apologetics of State Power in Early China , edited and translated by Yuri Pines. Shangjun shu. Schriften des Fürsten von Shang, translated, with annotations by Kai Vogelsang 291

Yue WU, Gender, Power, and Talents: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China , by Jinhua Jia 296

Binbin YANG, Herself an Author: Gender, Agency, and Writing in Late Imperial China , by Grace S. Fong 298

Zhenjun ZHANG, Tales from Tang Dynasty China: Selections from the Taiping guangji , edited by Alexei Kamran Ditter, Jessey Choo, and Sarah M. Allen 302

Zhenjun ZHANG, The Drunken Man’s Talk: Tales from Medieval China , translated by Alister Inglis 304

James M. HARGETT, “Song Dynasty Literature and Culture.” A Special Issue of the Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture , edited by Ronald Egan 307

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TOC: Chinese Literature, Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR) v. 42 (2020)


EDITORIAL ESSAYS AND ARTICLES Amelia Ying QIN, “Anecdotes for Reminders: Performed Oral Culture in the ‘Guji liezhuan’” 1 Olivia MILBURN, “Sweet Tangerines and Bitter Oranges: Elite Displaced Persons in the Rhetoric of Early Medieval China” 33 WANG Yuanfei, “Dye and Desire: The Problem of Purple in  Jin Ping Mei Cihua ” 53 Lenore SZEKELY, “Literary Circulation and Gender Inversion in Li Yu’s  Huang qiu feng ” 69 Rostislav BEREZKIN, “The Precious Scroll of Miaoying in the Performative Context of Southern Jiangsu Storytelling” 93 Josh STENBERG, “Cutting 'The Kite' Strings: Rummaging through Responses to the 2013 PRC Textbook Removal of a Lu Xun Work” 119 Victoria LUPASCU, “Plasma Economy, the Biopolitics of Blood and the Literary Specter of AIDS in China” 133 REVIEWS OF BOOKS


Further details at:  https://clear.wisc.edu   

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Yuanfei Wang

New article published on chinese literature, essays, articles, and reviews (clear).

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I am happy to announce that I have a new journal article titled “ Dye and Desire: The Problem of Purple in Jin Ping Mei cihua ” published on CLEAR (Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, and Reviews). The article examines the curious material and cultural history of purple and dyes in the late Ming novel Jin Ping Mei cihua , late Ming society and fashion.

In  Jin Ping Mei cihua , purple in different shades becomes fashionable among courtesans and women of gentry and merchant classes. Purple, which used to designate high official ranks and royalty from Tang to Song, was censored, downgraded, and diverted from the official sartorial hierarchy in the Ming. Offering a brief material and cultural history of purple dye, this article delineates how the women of  Jin Ping Mei  adopt purple to construct their professional and everyday personas and argues that dyeing and colors are central in the novel’s conception of the dynamics between the material world and the mind.

chinese literature essays articles reviews 2021

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Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) is published annually (normally in December). The subscription rate is $50 per volume for individuals and $90 per volume for institutions in the United States. The rate for foreign subscribers is $75 for individuals and $110 for institutions (air mail postage included). Requests for subscriptions should be addressed to the Editorial Assistant at the University of Wisconsin.

A limited number of back issues are available at a reduced price: contact the  Editorial Assistant  for further information. All issues are available on microfilm from University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, and online from JSTOR.org.

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CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews

CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews was first published in 1979. CLEAR is the only western-language journal devoted solely to Chinese Literature. Each journal has several articles and essays on different aspects of Chinese Literature and many book reviews. Many issues contain scholarly notes also.

-By Sara Peterson.

William H. Nienhauser, Jr.

Credentials: Classical Chinese Literature

Email: [email protected]

Address: (608) 262-3580

1208 Van Hise Hall

Office Hours: Tuesday, 2:30-3:15


Areas of Expertise:

Early Traditional Fiction and History, Early Poetry (especially Du Fu)

Ph.D, Indiana University

William H. Nienhauser, Jr. is Halls-Bascom Professor of Classical Chinese literature. Having studied in the Far East and Germany, Nienhauser received his Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1973. He has held a number of fellowships (including awards from Woodrow Wilson, ACLS, NEH, Fulbright-Hayes, Japan Foundation, German Research Foundation, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) and taught or held research professorships in China, Germany, Japan and Taiwan. In 2003 he received a lifetime achievement award from the Humboldt Foundation. Nienhauser has authored or edited over a dozen books and nearly one hundred articles and reviews including the  Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature,   The Grand Scribe’s Records. Vol. 1, 2, 5.1 ,  7, 8, 9 and 10  (an on-going translation of Sima Qian’s 司馬遷  Shiji  史記), and a collection of essays in Chinese,  Zhuanji yu xiaoshuo  (Zhonghua, 2007). Nienhauser is a founding editor of  Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR ; since 1979).

Research Interests:

Nienhauser’s current research includes the continued translation of the  Shiji  as well as projects to annotate and translate the major  chuanqi  tales and a study of Du Fu’s poetry (joint projects with graduate students). Other interests include the application of modern Western criticism to Chinese literature and New Historicist approaches to early Chinese  zhiguai  tales. In June 2018 he was made Visiting Professor at Nankai University.

Selected Publications:

chinese literature essays articles reviews 2021

Selected Books:

Co-author.  Liu Tsung-yüan . New York: Twayne, 1973. P’i Jih-hsiu. Boston: Twayne, 1979.

Editor and Compiler.  Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature . Volumes 1 and 2. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1986 and 1998.

Zhuanji yu xiaoshuoTangdai wenxue bijiao lunji 传记与小说 唐代文学比较论集 (Biography and Fiction: A Collection of Comparative Articles on Tang Dynasty Literature). Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2007.

Editor and Co-Translator. Tang Tales, A Guided Reader . Volumes 1 and 2. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2010 and 2016.

2011 Wang Mengou Jiaoshou xueshu jiangzuo yanjiang ji 王夢鷗教授學術講座演講集. Taibei: Guoli Zhengzhi Daxue Zhongwenxi 國立政治大學中文系, 2013.

Editor and Co-Translator.  The Grand Scribe’s Records . Volumes 1, 2, 5.1, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994, 1994, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2016.

Editor and Co-Translator.  The Grand Scribe’s Records . Volumes 1 and 2. Bloomington and Nanjing: Indiana University Press and Nanjing University Press, 2018. V. 1 is revised, v. 2 republished.

Selected Lectures:

A Walk on the Wild Side: A Study of Ye 野 in the Shiji 史記 and Other Early Texts presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26 August 2016.

A Study of the Various Uses of “Plowing” ( Geng 耕) in Early Literary Texts, presented at Princeton University, 15 November 2018

“Some Comments on Problems Concerning the Received Text of the Shiji in the 2013/2014 Zhonghua Editions,” presented at the AAS Meeting, Washington, D.C., 31 March 2018

“Some Problems Encountered in Translating Sima Qian’s 司馬遷 “Wudi benji” 五帝本紀, presented a Nanjing University, 28 May 2018

“Sima Qian and His Sources,” presented at my appointment as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Nankai University, 12 June 2018

“The Shiji and The Zhanguoce , Some Preliminary Remarks on Sources,” presented at the European Association of Chinese Studies, Glasgow, Great Britain, 28 August 2018

Selected Articles:

“An Allegorical Reading of Han Yü’s ‘Mao Ying chuan’ (Biography of Fur Point),” Oriens Extremus, 23.2 (December, 1976): 153-174.

“A Structural Reading of the Chuan in the Wen-yüan ying-hua,” Journal of Asian Studies, 36.3 (May 1977): 443-456.

“The Origins of Chinese Fiction,” Monumenta Serica, 38 (1988-89): 191-219.

“Literature as a Source for Traditional History: The Case of Ou-yang Chan,” CLEAR, 12 (1990): 1-14.

“A Reexamination of ‘The Biographies of the Reasonable Officials’ in the Records of the Grand Historian,” Early China, 16 (1991): 209-33.

“Female Sexuality and Standards of Virtue in T’ang Narratives,” in Eva Hung, ed., Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1994, pp. 1-20.

“Creativity and Storytelling in the Ch’uan-ch’i: Shen Ya-chih’s T’ang Tales,” CLEAR 20 (1998): 31-70. 

“Zai shuo Jiu Tang shu ‘Li Bo liezhuan, ’” Wenxue yichan 2003.1: 32-6.

“A Note on a Textual Problem in the Shih chi and Some Speculations Concerning the Compilation of the Hereditary Houses,” T’oung Pao 89 (2003): 39-58.

“Biography of Liu Dajie,” CLEAR 27 (December 2005): 200-13.

“Tetrasyllabic Shi Poetry: The Book of Poetry (Shi jing),”in How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology, Zong-qi Cai, ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, pp.15-47.

For Want of a Hand: A Note on the ‘Hereditary House of the Jin’and Sima Qian’s ‘Chunqiu,’” Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (2007): 229-48.

“A Third Look at ‘Li Wa zhuan,” T’ang Studies 25 (2008): 91-110.

“Sima Qian and the Shiji ,” Oxford History of Historical Writing, Volume I: Beginnings to AD 600. Grant Hardy and Andrew Feldherr, eds.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 463-484.

“ Qing Feng, Duke Xian of Wey and the Shijing in the Sixth Century B.C.; Some Preliminary Remarks on the Shi in the Zuo zhuan ,” Oriens Extremus  50 (Hamburg, 2012): 75-98.

“Traditional Prose.” On line in Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies . Ed. Tim Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

“Takigawa Kametarō and His Contributions to the Study of the Shiji ,” in Views from Within, Views from Beyond: Approaches to the Shiji as an Early Work of Historiography , Hans van Ess, Olga Lomova and. Dorthee Schaab-Hanke, eds. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, pp. 243-262.

Selected Courses:

Survey of Chinese Literature (EASIAN 261/351)

The Confucian Analects (EASIAN 371)

History of Chinese Literature (EASIAN 651/652)

Proseminar in Chinese Literature (EASIAN 701)

Seminar in Chinese Literature: Shiji and or Du Fu (EASIAN 951)

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  • book review by the China Journal (University of Chicago Press)
  • book review by the journal Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC)
  • book presentation ppt
  • China Research Center news
  • Chinese Under Globalization: Emerging Trends in Language Use in China . co-edited with Hongyin Tao, Singapore; London: World Scientific, 2012.


“ Linguistic Tone in Chinese rap: An Interdisciplinary Approach ” (first author and co-authored with Hongyuan Dong, Jiahong Yuan, Haosong Ma, and Amanda She), Journal of New Music Research , 2024.

“ Fractality in Chinese Prose ” (first author and co-authored with Edward Gunn, Fuad Youssef, Jacob Tharayil, Wyatt Lansford, Ying Zeng), Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Oxford University Press), 2023, vol. 38, no. 2, 604–620.

“ Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Practice in Chinese Language and (Inter)culture Courses ” (second author and co-authored with Yu Li), Chinese as a Second Language , 2021, vol. 56, no. 2, 89–117.

“ Language, Identity and Unintelligibility: A Case Study of the Rap Group Higher Brothers ,” East Asian Journal of Popular Culture , 2021, vol. 7, no. 1, 43–59.

“ Dislocation and Displacement: An Analysis of Wang Jiuliang’s Plastic China ,” Journal of Chinese Cinema , 2020, vol. 14, no. 3, 181–198.

“ Subversive Writing: Li Xiaoguai’s Newly Coined Chinese Characters and His Comic Blogging ,” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews ( CLEAR) , 2018, vol. 40, 199–220.

“ A Historical Review of the Discourse of Fangyan in Modern China ,” Twentieth-Century China , 2016, vol. 41, no. 3, 217–233.

“ Alternative Voice and Local Youth Identity in Chinese Local-Language Rap Music , ” positions: Asia Critique (Duke University Press), 2014, vol. 22, no. 1, 263–292.

“ Deviant Writing and Youth Identity: Representation of Dialects with Chinese Characters on the Internet ,” Chinese Language and Discourse , 2011, vol. 2, no. 1, 58–79.

“ Ambivalent Laughter: Comic Sketches in CCTV Spring Festival Eve Gala ,” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC) , 2010, vol. 10, no. 1, 103–121.

“ The Rhetoric of Local Languages as the Marginal: Chinese Underground and Independent Films by Jia Zhangke and Others ,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC) , 2006, vol. 18, no. 2, 163–205.

“Xiangning fangyan de wenbai yidu (The co-existence of colloquial and literary pronunciations in the Shanxi Xiangning dialect),” Yuwen Yanjiu (Linguistic Researches) , 2001, no. 1, 35–45.


“Teaching Advanced Chinese Through Films: An Integrated Approach,” in Teaching Film from the People’s Republic of China , co-edited by Zhuoyi Wang, Emily Wilcox, and Hongmei Yu, Modern Language Association, 2024, 255–268.

“Wang Jiuliang’s Plastic China: Unveiling the Façade of Prosperity,” in A Global Humanities Approach to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding Planet, People, and Prosperity . edited by Kelly Comfort, Routledge, 2024, Chapter 12, 201–213.

“ Deviant Writing and Youth Identity: Transcription of Shanghai Wu Dialect on the Internet ,”in Digital Orality: Vernacular Writing in Online Spaces , co-edited by Cecelia Cutler, May Ahmar, and Wafa Bahri, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, Chapter 5, 129–156.

“Chinese Language in the Global Context” (with Hongyin Tao), The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language , edited by Chan Sin-Wai. Routledge, 2016, Chapter 8, 119–136.

“The Use of Chinese Dialects on the Internet: Youth Language and Local Youth Identity in Urban China,” in Vallah, Gurkensalat 4U & me! Current Perspectives in the Study of Youth Language , edited by J. Normann Jørgensen, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2010, 99-112. A revised and extended version appears in Liu and Tao [ed.], Chinese under Globalization , 2012, 59–78.

“Negotiating Linguistic Identities under Globalization: Language Use in Contemporary China” (with Hongyin Tao), Chinese under Globalization, edited by Liu and Tao, 2012, 203–212. Originally published in Harvard Asia Pacific Review , Vol. 10, Number 1, Spring 2009, 7–10.


Book review on Andrea Riemenschnitter, Jessica Imbach, and Justyna Jaguscik, eds. Sinophone Utopias: Exploring Futures Beyond the China Dream (Cambria, 2023), Chinese Literature and Thought Today , vol. 54, issue 3-4, 2023, 162–164. https://doi.org/10.1080/27683524.2023.2266350.

Book review on Fang Xu’s Silencing Shanghai: Language and Identity in Urban China (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021), Journal of Asian Studies , vol. 82, issue 4, November 2023, 718–720.

chinese literature essays articles reviews 2021


“ Film Review: China’s Last Peasant in Return to Dust (2022) ,” China Currents , Vol 22, No. 1, 2023.

“ An Overview of Academic Talks and Virtual Events on China Studies (Oct.-Dec. 2020) ,” posted on Beijing University Comparative Literature social media, December 2020.

“ A Cinematic Presentation of Trash: An Interview with Wang Jiuliang ,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC) Resource Center, May 2020.

Book review on Yurou Zhong’s Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916-1958 (Columbia University Press. 2019)

Title: Book review on Yurou Zhong’s Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916-1958 (Columbia University Press. 2019)
Format: Other Publication
Publication Date: 2021
Published In: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews
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Kaijun Chen

Website information, associate professor of east asian studies.

Kaijun Chen (Ph.D Columbia) specializes in the Chinese literature and material culture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912), with a particular interest in the history of technology. He held a Postdoctoral position at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin before coming to Brown in 2016. His first monograph project investigates how the multiethnic Qing state trained experts to control the technology and aesthetics of the eighteenth century porcelain industry, and how such techno-political control shaped expert officials’ cultural production, including their literary writing. His other published studies examine the literary rhetoric in artisanal and merchants’ manuals, which transferred technical knowledge and negotiated taste in decorative arts, in both domestic and global networks.

Brown Affiliations

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Research Areas

Publications visualize it .

"Artisans as Thinkers in the Early Modern World." , edited by Jennifer Ferng, Lauren Cannady, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 383-88.
Kaijun Chen. "Innovation Based on A Source: Tang Ling (1682-1756) and Painted Enamels 肇新審源──唐英與畫琺瑯." , no. 351, 2021, pp. 36-43.
. edited by Dorothy Ko, Martina Siebert, Kaijun Chen, University of Amsterdam, 2021.
"Late Imperial Literary Archive”." , edited by Jack Chen, Anatoly Detwyler, Bruce Rusk, Chris Nugent, and Xiao Liu, new york, new york, Columbia Universty Press, 2021.
"Review of The Spatiality of Emotion in Early Modern China: from Dreamscapes to Theatricality, by Ling Hon Lam." , vol. 41, 2020, pp. 168-70.
"Transcultural Lenses: Wrapping the Foreignness for Sale in the History of Lenses” in EurAsian Matters: China, Europe and the Transcultural Object, eds. Anna Grasskamp & Monica Juneja (Springer International Publications)." , edited by Anna Grasskamp & Monica Juneja, germany, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 77-98.
"Craft in Six Records of A Life Adrift." , no. 39, 2017, pp. 95-117.
"Learning about Luxury Goods: Transmission of Mercantile Knowledge from the Southern Song to the Early Ming Periods." , vol. 5, 2017, pp. 291-327.
"Childs Frick’s Appreciation of Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelains." , vol. Vol.45, no. No.1, 2015, pp. 38-47.
"The Self-cultivation of Technocrats: Tang Ying’s (1682–1756) Cultural Production and Skill Acquisition 一位技術官僚的自我修養—督陶官唐英的文化創作和技藝習得." , no. 364, 2013, pp. 92-102.

Scholarly Work

2018   Organizer and interpreter of Professor Jianxin JIANG, the Director of Ceramic Archaeology Institute’s talk, “Archaeological Discoveries from Jingdezhen, Porcelain Kilns for Chinese Emperors” on April 9.

2015  “The Influence of Ru ware ceramics in the West,” at the International Conference on Ru Kiln , organized by Palace Museum, Beijing, November 16-18. 

2014.3-2015.3  Co-Curator for the Exhibition: China Then and Now at the Nassau County Museum, New York

Education and Training

Year Degree Institution
2014 PhD
2007 MA
2005 BA

Postdoctoral/Other Training

Postdoctoral Fellow Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, History of Science - Berlin, Germany

Affiliations Visualize it 


Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

CHIN 1010 - Stories from the Chinese Empire: Scholars, Demons and Swindlers
EAST 0303 - Literature, Science, and Technology in China
EAST 0304 - Words on Things: Literature and Material Culture in Early Modern China
EAST 0600 - Literature and Social Inequality in Late Imperial China
EAST 0610 - Popular Culture across Media in Early Modern China
EAST 0620 - Literature, Science, and Technology in China
EAST 1030 - Words on Things: Literature and Material Culture in Early Modern China
EAST 1190 - Literature and Science in Early Modern China
EAST 1940A - Crafting Early Modern China: Handicraft, Witchcraft and Statecraft
EAST 1951 - Literature and Technology in Early Modern China
EAST 1951A - Prose of the World: Understanding Late Imperial China through Fiction and Belles-Lettres
EAST 1951B - From Desktop to Stage: Drama and Performance in Late Imperial China

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  6. Most Expected topics for PMS PUNJAB 2024


  1. CLEAR

    WELCOME Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) is published annually. CLEAR journal is a leading resource for Chinese Literature academic discussion worldwide and has been published for over 30 years. Click below for two most recent CLEAR journal covers CLEAR vol 32 (2021).pdf CLEAR vol 38 (2016).pdf CLEAR HISTORY CLEAR was created based on discussions…

  2. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR)

    Established in 1978 (first issue in 1979), Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) remains today the only Western-language journal devoted to Chinese literature.CLEAR is published annually with support from the University of Wisconsin. Each issue contains five-seven essays and articles on various aspects of traditional and modern literature and about the same number of detailed ...

  3. PDF 03 TOC and Editorial 42

    REVIEWS OF BOOKS. Robert E. HEGEL, Insects in Chinese Literature: A Study and Anthology, by Wilt L. Idema 159 Lucas KLEIN, Just a Song: Chinese Lyrics from the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries, by Stephen Owen 161 Liangyan GE, Regional Literature and the Transmission of Culture: Chinese Drum Ballads, 1800-1937, by Margaret B. Wan 167 ...

  4. CLEAR 44

    Chinese Literature, Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR) v. 44 (Dec. 2022) EDITORIAL. ESSAYS AND ARTICLES Yi ZHENG, "Definition by Comparison? Yun and dhvani: A New Perspective on the Old Question, 'Why Compare?'" David McCRAW, "Dwelling on Place in Du Fu's Late Verses" Chen ZHANG, "Poetry as Everyday Life in Lu You's Late Years"

  5. CLEAR vol. 40

    Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, vol. 40. EDITORIAL. Eugene EOYANG, "CLEAR: A 40-Year Perspective" 1. ESSAYS AND ARTICLES. Thomas MAZANEC, "Righting, Riting, and Rewriting the Book of Odes (Shijing): On 'Filling out the Missing Odes' by Shu Xi" 5. YUAN Ye, "Faithful Women in Jin Ping Mei: Literary Borrowing, Adaptation, and Reinterpretation" 33

  6. Chinese Literature: essays, articles, reviews (CLEAR) on JSTOR

    Journals in JSTOR from Chinese Literature: essays, articles, reviews (CLEAR) 1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) 1979 - 2020 William H. Nienhauser, Jr., Coeditor 1220 Linden Drive University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 Fax: 608-265-5731 ...

  7. TOC: Chinese Literature, Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR) v. 42 (2020

    TOC: Chinese Literature, Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR) v. 42 (2020) Masha Kobzeva•01/12/2021 Discussion. CHINESE LITERATURE: ESSAYS ARTICLES REVIEWS CONTENTS Volume 42 (Dec. 2020) EDITORIAL ESSAYS AND ARTICLES Amelia Ying QIN, "Anecdotes for Reminders: Performed Oral Culture in the 'Guji liezhuan'" 1 Olivia MILBURN, "Sweet ...

  8. Vol. 41, December 2019 of Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews

    Li Shuangshuang, Pola Womanhood, and the Great Leap Forward Heroines (pp. 109-124) Confucius and the Analects Revisited. (Studies in the History of Chinese Texts) by Michael Hunter, Martin Kern. Established in 1978 (first issue in 1979), Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) remains today the only Western-language journal ...

  9. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 1979-2008

    Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) is an active peer-reviewed scholarly journal published annually by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Launched in 1979, it is the only western-language journal devoted solely to Chinese literature. Each issue features original articles,...

  10. New article published on Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, and

    I am happy to announce that I have a new journal article titled " Dye and Desire: The Problem of Purple in Jin Ping Mei cihua " published on CLEAR (Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, and Reviews). The article examines the curious material and cultural history of purple and dyes in the late Ming novel Jin Ping Mei cihua, late Ming society and fashion.

  11. Subscribe

    SUBSCRIBE Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) is published annually (normally in December). The subscription rate is $30 per volume for individuals and $65 per volume for institutions in the United States. The rate for foreign subscribers is $50 for individuals and $100 for institutions (air mail postage included). Requests for subscriptions should be addressed to…

  12. CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews

    CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews was first published in 1979. CLEAR is the only western-language journal devoted solely to Chinese Literature. Each journal has several articles and essays on different aspects of Chinese Literature and many book reviews. Many issues contain scholarly notes also. -By Sara Peterson.

  13. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews

    CHINESE LITERATURE: ESSAYS, ARTICLES, REVIEWS. ISSN 0161-9705; Diffusion; Title: CHINESE LITERATURE: ESSAYS, ARTICLES, REVIEWS related ISSN: 2330-4901 Subject: ... Biblioteques i Continguts Digitals (CBCD)" (SGR 2021-00282/ Generalitat de Catalunya), adscrit al Centre de Recerca en Informació Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC): https://fima.ub ...

  14. William H. Nienhauser, Jr.

    Nienhauser is a founding editor of Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR; since 1979). Research Interests: Nienhauser's current research includes the continued translation of the Shiji as well as projects to annotate and translate the major chuanqi tales and a study of Du Fu's poetry (joint projects with graduate students).

  15. Publications

    Book review on Yurou Zhong's Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916-1958 (Columbia University Press. 2019), Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), vol. 43, 2021, 204-209. PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP "Film Review: China's Last Peasant in Return to Dust ," China Currents, Vol 22, No. 1, 2023.

  16. Book review on Yurou Zhong's Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution

    Book review on Yurou Zhong's Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916-1958 (Columbia University Press. 2019) Format: Other Publication: Publication Date: 2021: Published In: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews : Ivan Allen College Contributors: Jin Liu; Related Departments: School of Modern Languages

  17. Chen, Kaijun

    Kaijun Chen (Ph.D Columbia) specializes in the Chinese literature and material culture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1912), with a particular interest in the history of technology. He held a Postdoctoral position at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin before coming to Brown in 2016. His first monograph project ...

  18. PDF 182 Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 38 (2016)

    184 Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 38 (2016) Chu") often require connectives and "filler" particles like xi 兮,the poetry of Cao Zhi is cited as an example of the mature pentasyllabic gushi form, in which content characters (shizi 實字)and a flexible 2+3 rhythm (2+1+2 or 2+2+1 characters per line)

  19. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 1979: Vol 1 Table of

    2021-01-26 19:12:00 Auditor [email protected] Betterpdf true Boxid IA1532725 Canister IA1532725-05 Contrast_max 223 Contrast_min 72 Copies 3 Derive_version 0.0.16 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier sim_chinese-literature-essays-articles-reviews_1979_1_contents Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6k174m2d Issn 0161-9705 Issue CONTENTS ...

  20. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 1993: Vol 15 Table of

    2021-01-27 07:49:17 Auditor [email protected] Betterpdf true Boxid IA1532725 Canister IA1532725-05 Contrast_max 238 Contrast_min 97 Copies 3 Derive_version 0.0.16 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier sim_chinese-literature-essays-articles-reviews_1993_15_contents Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t7xm8cd65 Issn 0161-9705 Issue CONTENTS ...

  21. Chinese literature essays articles reviews 2021

    Rare among studies of modern Chinese literature The book's generous excerpts and appendices from the most outstanding novels in exquisite English translation offer a lively impression of the experience of reading Zhang Henshui novels. The bibliography includes A most valuable detailed chronological list of Zhang's works.

  22. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 1997: Vol 19 Table of

    2021-01-27 11:13:01 Auditor [email protected] Betterpdf true Boxid IA1532725 ... sim_chinese-literature-essays-articles-reviews_1996-12_18 Pub_type Scholarly Journals Scanner microfilm02.cebu.archive.org Scanningcenter cebu ...