First meeting with your dissertation supervisor: What to expect

the dissertation supervisor

The first meeting with your dissertation supervisor can be a little intimidating, as you do not know what to expect. While every situation is unique, first meetings with a dissertation supervisor often centre around getting to know each other, establishing expectations, and creating work routines.

Why a good relationship with a dissertation supervisor matters

Writing a dissertation is an exciting but also intimidating part of being a bachelor’s, master’s or PhD student. A dissertation is often the culmination of several years of higher education, and the last step before graduating.

What is important to know is that the relationship that you establish with your supervisor can be a crucial factor in completing a successful dissertation.

Good communication with a dissertation supervisor is key to advancing your research, discussing roadblocks, and incorporating feedback and advice.

Getting to know each other during the first meeting

Many first meetings with a dissertation supervisor include a considerable amount of ‘small talk’. Thus, you can expect to engage in a casual conversation to get acquainted.

Getting to know the work environment during the first meeting

It is not uncommon for the dissertation supervisor to walk around with the new student and introduce him or her to colleagues and supporting staff.

Establishing a meeting and communication schedule

This particularly includes agreements on meetings and the frequency of communication. Even if your dissertation supervisor does not raise these issues during the first meeting, it can be helpful to raise them yourself.

Discussing your research idea with your dissertation supervisor

While you can expect a lot of Smalltalk, planning, and organisational issues to dominate the first meeting with your dissertation supervisor, it is common to also chat about your research idea.

Discussing expectations with your dissertation supervisor

It is normal to feel slightly lost during the first weeks of working on your dissertation.

Elsewhere, I have written a guide for first-year PhD students with some directions and advice . As a PhD student, you can use this guide as an inspiration and starting point to discuss your own supervisor’s expectations.

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Dissertation Advisor 101

How to get the most from the student-supervisor relationship

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | January 2024

Many students feel a little intimidated by the idea of having to work with a research advisor (or supervisor) to complete their dissertation or thesis. Similarly, many students struggle to “connect” with their advisor and feel that the relationship is somewhat strained or awkward. But this doesn’t need to be the case!

In this post, we’ll share five tried and tested tips to help you get the most from this relationship and pave the way for a smoother dissertation writing process.

Overview: Working With Your Advisor

  • Clarify everyone’s roles on day one
  • Establish (and stick to) a regular communication cycle
  • Develop a clear project plan upfront
  • Be proactive in engaging with problems
  • Navigate conflict like a diplomat

1. Clarify roles on day one

Each university will have slightly different expectations, rules and norms in terms of the research advisor’s role. Similarly, each advisor will have their own unique way of doing things. So, it’s always a good idea to begin the engagement process by clearly defining the roles and expectations in your relationship.

In practical terms, we suggest that you initiate a conversation at the very start of the engagement to discuss your goals, their expectations, and how they would like to work with you. Of course, you might not like what you hear in this conversation. However, this sort of candid conversation will help you get on the same page as early as possible and set the stage for a successful partnership.

To help you get started, here are some questions that you might consider asking in your initial conversation:

  • How often would you like to meet and for how long?
  • What should I do to prepare for each meeting?
  • What aspects of my work will you comment on (and what won’t you cover)?
  • Which key decisions should I seek your approval for beforehand?
  • What common mistakes should I try to avoid from the outset?
  • How can I help make this partnership as effective as possible?
  • My academic goals are… Do you have any suggestions at this stage to help me achieve this?

As you can see, these types of questions help you get a clear idea of how you’ll work together and how to get the most from the relatively limited face time you’ll have.

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the dissertation supervisor

2. Establish a regular communication cycle

Just like in any relationship, effective communication is crucial to making the student-supervisor relationship work. So, you should aim to establish a regular meeting schedule and stick to it. Don’t cancel or reschedule appointments with your advisor at short notice, or do anything that suggests you don’t value their time. Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to clearly demonstrate that you value and respect your supervisor’s time and effort .

Practically speaking, be sure to prepare for each meeting with a clear agenda , including your progress, challenges, and any questions you have. Be open and honest in your communication, but most importantly, be receptive to your supervisor’s feedback . Ultimately, part of their role is to tell you when you’re missing the mark. So, don’t become upset or defensive when they criticise a specific aspect of your work.

Always remember that your research advisor is criticising your work, not you personally . It’s never easy to take negative feedback, but this is all part of the learning journey that takes place alongside the research journey.

Fragile egos are not uncommon in the academic world, so it’s important to demonstrate that you value and respect your advisor’s time.

3. Have a clear project plan

Few things will impress your supervisor more than a well-articulated, realistic plan of action (aka, a project plan). Investing the time to develop this shows that you take your project (and by extension, the relationship) seriously. It also helps your supervisor understand your intended timeline, which allows the two of you to better align your schedules .

In practical terms, you need to develop a project plan with achievable goals . A detailed Gantt chart can be a great way to do this. Importantly, you’ll need to break down your thesis or dissertation into a collection of practical, manageable steps , and set clear timelines and milestones for each. Once you’ve done that, you should regularly review and adjust this plan with your supervisor to ensure that you remain on track.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll stick to your plan 100% of the time (there are always unexpected twists and turns in a research project. However, this plan will lay a foundation for effective collaboration between yourself and your supervisor. An imperfect plan beats no plan at all.

Gantt chart for a dissertation

4. Engage with problems proactively

One surefire way to quickly annoy your advisor is to pester them every time you run into a problem in your dissertation or thesis. Unexpected challenges are par for the course when it comes to research – how you deal with them is what makes the difference.

When you encounter a problem, resist the urge to immediately send a panicked email to your supervisor – no matter how massive the issue may seem (at the time). Instead, take a step back and assess the situation as holistically as possible. Force yourself to sit with the issue for at least a few hours to ensure that you have a clear, accurate assessment of the issue at hand. In most cases, a little time, distance and deep breathing will reveal that the problem is not the existential threat it initially seemed to be.

When contacting your supervisor, you should ideally present both the problem and one or two potential solutions . The latter is the most important part here. In other words, you need to show that you’ve engaged with the issue and applied your mind to finding potential solutions. Granted, your solutions may miss the mark. However, providing some sort of solution beats impulsively throwing the problem at your supervisor and hoping that they’ll save the day.

Simply put, mishaps and mini-crises in your research journey present an opportunity to demonstrate your initiative and problem-solving skills – not a reason to lose your cool and outsource the problem to your supervisor.

5. Navigate conflict like a diplomat 

As with any partnership, there’s always the possibility of some level of disagreement or conflict arising within the student-supervisor relationship. Of course, you can drastically reduce the likelihood of this happening by implementing some of the points we mentioned earlier. Neverthless, if a serious disagreement does arise between you and your supervisor, it’s absolutely essential that you approach it with professionalism and respect . Never let it escalate into a shouting contest.

In practical terms, it’s important to communicate your concerns as they arise (don’t let things simmer for too long). Simultaneously, it’s essential that you remain open to understanding your supervisor’s perspective – don’t become entrenched in your position. After all, you are the less experienced researcher within this duo.

Keep in mind that a lot of context is lost in text-based communication , so it can often be a good idea to schedule a short call to discuss your concerns or points of contention, rather than sending a 3000-word email essay. When going this route, be sure to take the time to prepare a clear, cohesive argument beforehand – don’t just “thought vomit” on your supervisor.

In the event that you do have a significant disagreement with your advisor, remember that the goal is to find a solution that serves your project (not your ego). This often requires compromise and flexibility. A “win at all costs” mindset is definitely not suitable here. Ultimately, you need to solve the problem, while still maintaining the relationship .

If you feel that you have already exhausted all possible avenues and still can’t find an acceptable middle ground, you can of course reach out to your university to ask for their assistance. However, this should be the very last resort . Running to your university every time there’s a small disagreement will not serve you well.

Communicate your concerns as they arise and remain open to understanding your supervisor's perspective. They are the expert, after all.

Recap: Key Takeaways

To sum up, a fruitful student-supervisor relationship hinges on clear role definition , effective and regular communication , strategic planning , proactive engagement , and professional conflict resolution .

Remember, your dissertation supervisor is there to help you, but you still need to put in the work . In many cases, they’ll also be the first marker of your work, so it really pays to put in the effort and build a strong, functional relationship with them.

the dissertation supervisor

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Writing your dissertation - working with your supervisor

Posted in: dissertations

the dissertation supervisor

Your supervisor

Before you begin your dissertation, it is highly likely you will be assigned a supervisor to oversee your progress from first steps to completion. Your supervisor will help you formulate ideas and give you guidance on how best to develop your research topic and course of action. But you need to always remember that this is your project, and your supervisor will not provide you with content or additional lessons on a particular topic. Their role is to help you work out your own pathways to success.

Get organised

Lecturers are very busy people, and your dissertation is only a small part of the duties and responsibilities they have to carry out during the summer months. So in order to get the most out of your supervisor and maintain a positive and productive professional relationship with them, you need to get organised.

Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Agree a timetable of meetings at the start of your project and stick to it.
  • Ensure that each meeting has a focus e.g. “setting a research problem”, “analysing the data”, with a clear set of questions to ask.
  • your research plan
  • early results of your data collection
  • draft chapters.
  • Arrive on time to each meeting you have arranged. At the end of each supervision meeting agree some action points for you to focus on before the next time you meet.
  • Keep a record of what you decide in supervision sessions.
  • Don't bug your supervisor with emails in between your meetings. Save up your questions for your next scheduled appointment.

If you are not happy with an aspect of your supervision, discuss this with your supervisor. If this is too difficult or awkward, your personal tutor may also be able to offer advice.

See also Communicating with your tutor

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How to Deal with an Unhelpful Dissertation Supervisor

Published by Alvin Nicolas at August 13th, 2021 , Revised On August 22, 2023

A dissertation supervisor  helps students with their dissertation , advises them about the project’s requirements and aids them throughout their research. Supervisors support us through our hard times and make sure that we overcome the academic challenges thrown at us.

However, there may be times when things might get heated between students and supervisors – when both are under pressure and looking to solve a lot of problems in little time. And at that very moment, you might want to learn more about how to deal with the unhelpful dissertation supervisor.

Expect to face many problems if you come across a dissertation supervisor who is not willing to help; is rude at times and does not seem to understand you as a student and the  challenging phase you’re going through.

If you find it difficult to impress your dissertation supervisor and maintain a good relationship with them, some rules will get you through this challenging time. See below for some tips on ‘How to Deal with an Unhelpful Dissertation Supervisor’.

Also Read:  How to write a dissertation – Step by step guide .

Tips to Deal with an Unhelpful Supervisor

Rule # 1: communicate effectively with unhelpful dissertation supervisor .

Communication is the key. Even if your dissertation supervisor is unhelpful and does not offer any guidance, clearly mention all your dissertation-related concerns.

For example, there might be an instance when your unhelpful dissertation supervisor is in a perfect, understanding mood and could offer a workable solution to any problem you are facing despite their unhelpful nature. Keep the door of communication open at all times, and make sure to attend all meetings.

Stay determined, and you’ll be able to complete your dissertation successfully.

Rule # 2: Be Patient and Persistent with your Unhelpful Dissertation Supervisor 

Getting help from a dissertation supervisor who isn’t very accommodating can be daunting. There may be times when your supervisor might not help you at all, even if you’re badly stuck with your dissertation. In times like these, try to be patient and continue with your research.

Though it might be pretty tricky for you to continue in such a situation, there is nothing much that you can do about it. Changing an unhelpful dissertation supervisor or submitting an application for a supervisor change would take up a lot of your time. You could instead invest in focusing on your dissertation.

Stay determined, and you’ll be able to  complete your dissertation successfully .

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Also read: How to Write a Dissertation in a Week

Rule # 3: Seek Help from Peers

When you’re finding it hard to seek guidance from your academic supervisor, get in touch with your peers. This may not sound like a great idea, but there is a chance that some of them might be in the same boat as yours.

Talk to them about the issues you’re facing in completing your dissertation and see how they can help you. Organising a group session once a week or two will help to address your dissertation-related concerns.

Discuss complicated aspects and sections of your dissertations and see how this works out for you.

If you cannot find answers to your questions, you can contact us via email – [email protected] or telecom –  +44 141 628 7786. At ResearchProspect, we have Master’s to PhD qualified writers for all academic subjects so you can be confident of having your dissertation project completed to a First Class quality  promptly.  Click here to learn more about our ordering process .

Rule # 4: Don’t Get Emotional

When you’re  stressed and tensed about your dissertation , there are chances that you’d also get emotional. You might find no one to assist and guide you in times of need. However, to emerge successfully out of this situation, you need to make sure you keep your emotions in control and not let them get the best of you.

Emotions will further ruin your situation, and you’ll gain nothing from them. Stay strong and believe in yourself. In the case where you’re working on a PhD thesis, dealing with an unhelpful dissertation supervisor becomes even more difficult.

The situation intensifies because there’s a lot at stake, and you might be left scratching your head over how to deal with an unhelpful dissertation supervisor. Regardless of the situation, do not let the emotions get the better of you.

Keep the  door of communication  open at all times, and make sure to attend all meetings.

Rule # 5: Stay Assertive

Staying positive during difficult times is never easy, and you need to overcome this challenge. When working on your dissertation, make sure you’re confident of the elements you’ve included in your dissertation, and be sure that you’re working in the right direction.

Staying positive and assertive will help you learn a new perspective on how you can work without help and guidance. Thus, this way, even without a supervisor, you’ll be able to  produce a flawless dissertation .

Dealing with an unhelpful dissertation supervisor is a nightmare but can be managed by following the tips we have shared with you. As a student, you should focus on your work and stay determined to complete your dissertation on time .

Your main goal should be to  produce a dissertation that is perfect, as well as authentic and reliable . Thus, keep your focus on writing a dissertation to help you achieve an ‘A’ grade.

Here are some comprehensive guidelines for you to understand  How to Write a Great Dissertation Paper.

How can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect academics can provide much-needed academic guidance if you have not been able to get help from your dissertation supervisor.  Our writers can either solve your problem or provide guidelines on how you should be approaching a certain problem so you don’t get stuck.

Stuck with complicated elements of a dissertation paper such as  Dissertation Methodology ,  Dissertation Statistical Analysis , and  Dissertation Findings & Discussion ? Our writers have years of experience in developing high-class dissertation papers. Please sit back and relax while our experts do the hard work for you.  Click here to fill out our simple order form to get instant quotes .

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you do a dissertation without a supervisor.

While possible, it’s highly recommended to have a supervisor for a dissertation. A supervisor provides guidance, expertise, and feedback crucial for successful research and writing, enhancing the quality and validity of your work.

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Email contact with your dissertation supervisor

Published on October 13, 2015 by Sarah Vinz . Revised on August 24, 2018.

How to best approach your dissertation supervisor via email can vary by supervisor. For example, some supervisors are fine with being addressed by their first name, while others would prefer that you only use their title and surname.

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Checklist: Formal email contact

Use an appropriate salutation. Example:  Dear Dr. X,

Explain the purpose of your email. Example: I am writing in follow-up to our meeting on Monday.

Be brief and clear about exactly what you want to say or ask. Example:  I have made the changes that we agreed on. Could you please check and confirm them?

Express your appreciation in advance. Example:  Thanks in advance for your help.

Use an appropriate closing. Example: Sincerely,

Your email looks appropriately formal.

In your first email contact with your dissertation supervisor, it is wise to address him or her quite formally (such as “Dear Dr. X” or “Dear Prof. Y”). You do not know what your supervisor will be comfortable with, so it is best to play it safe.

If your initial contact is too informal, your supervisor may get the wrong impression and start to question your professionalism and attitude.

If your supervisor’s response to your email closes with only his or her first name (such as “Sincerely, Ken”), you can assume that it is okay to address him or her by first name in your next message. To be extra safe, you can also wait until you have received a few more messages where he or she has closed in this way.

Examples of salutations and closings

Formally Informal Never use
Dear Dr./Prof./Mr./Ms., Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Ken/Tanja, Hi Ken, Hello Neil,
Sincerely, Regards, Cheers, Greetings,

Email signature

It is generally not necessary to use an email signature when corresponding with your supervisor. However, if your program requires that you do so or if it is your personal preference, you can use the following model:

  • Name (first and surname)
  • Educational institution
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Flawless writing

What is important in all cases is that your message is error-free. Make sure you use proper English (or whichever language is appropriate) and that you do not make any grammatical or spelling errors. Before you send a message to your supervisor, you are strongly advised to re-read the text carefully or even to have someone else read it, too.

A neat and accurate message shows your supervisor that you are both professional and serious about your project.

Dissertation supervisors are often busy people who are involved in many things at the same time. It is therefore important to be as clear and specific as possible in your messages, so they can quickly see what your problem is and then react.

Tips for writing clear and maintaining smooth contact

  • Make sure you stick to only things that are relevant to your dissertation. For example, do not share stories from your personal life with your supervisor (unless they are important with regard to your results).
  • Formulate your questions as clearly and concisely as possible , so that your supervisor understands what you want and can respond quickly.
  • Do not ask long or complicated questions in an email; saving these queries for times when you have more personal contact will make things easier for both of you. You will spare your supervisor the time that he or she would need to reply in writing. On your side, asking such questions face-to-face allows you to get more comprehensive answers and to ask follow-up questions if you do not understand something.
  • Give your supervisor enough time to respond. For example, don’t send questions the night before you have to submit something; do it a few days in advance instead.
  • Always respond as quickly as possible to messages from your supervisor (when relevant). This includes confirming any appointments your supervisor proposes, answering all of his or her questions, indicating things you don’t understand and providing any information that he or she requests.
  • The responsibility for writing the dissertation is yours. Instead of waiting for your supervisor to make contact, take the initiative to make an appointment. This is also better for your supervisor, because it shows him or her that you are serious about your project.

Confirming appointments via email

If you arrange something about an appointment with your supervisor verbally, it is smart to still confirm it via email. You then have something in writing to fall back on if any issues arise.

Similarly, it is also a good idea to summarize what you have agreed on, such as deadlines and matters relating to substantive issues. Ask your supervisor to check and confirm your notes, so that you are both 100% clear on where you stand.

See some sample emails

Supervisors will generally always respond to your messages, but some are faster than others. If you do not get a reply, first think about whether there could be an obvious reason for the delay, such as that it is already late in the evening, it’s the weekend, or it’s a holiday.

Also note that not all supervisors are available five days a week. You can often find out what days your supervisor is available through your school. Before taking any action, consider how fast you need an answer. You don’t want to appear too impatient to your supervisor.

If you really cannot wait any longer or you haven’t heard anything from your supervisor in several days, send a polite reminder email. You can either briefly restate your question or refer to your previous message.

If you still do not get a response, try contacting your program or university. A department secretary can often connect you with your supervisor.

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Vinz, S. (2018, August 24). Email contact with your dissertation supervisor. Scribbr. Retrieved June 9, 2024, from

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Sarah Vinz

Sarah's academic background includes a Master of Arts in English, a Master of International Affairs degree, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She loves the challenge of finding the perfect formulation or wording and derives much satisfaction from helping students take their academic writing up a notch.

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How to Strengthen the Relationship with Your Dissertation Supervisor

by Dr. Cara | Jun 26, 2023 | Dissertation Supervisor

Dissertation Supervisor

Writing a dissertation isn’t supposed to be a solitary journey. Ideally, a strong support network guides you to success, just like a ship relies on a navigation system to get through rough waters. A well-structured support system is the backbone of your academic passage toward doctoral completion.

One of the most critical aspects of dissertation completion is establishing a solid and constructive relationship with your dissertation supervisor. This important connection plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth research and writing process, and (ultimately) your graduation.

Understanding the Role of the Dissertation Supervisor

Before delving into effective communication strategies, it’s crucial to understand the role of your dissertation supervisor. Supervisors provide guidance, support and expertise throughout the research process, playing a key part in helping students develop and refine key components of the research project and written dissertation. They also support students as they navigate the inevitable challenges that arise.

Equally important, supervisors can foster a conducive environment for your academic growth and success. This kind of ongoing, knowledgeable support can bolster confidence, keep procrastination at bay and increase accountability. ( For ideas on combatting procrastination, see this post.)

What happens, however, when the supervisory relationship is less than ideal? As a graduate student, what can you do when you feel as though you have been set adrift on the dissertation journey without a life raft or clear destination?

Try these ideas for building a better relationship with your dissertation supervisor:

1. Establish Clear Expectations

Setting crystal-clear expectations at the outset of the dissertation journey is vital for effective communication. Have an initial meeting with your supervisor to discuss project objectives, planned phases of the project and the frequency and mode of communication. Establishing a shared understanding of each other’s expectations ensures that both of you are on the same page and reduces the chances of miscommunication. Get some clear dates on the calendar with initial timelines for regular meetings and each phase of the dissertation journey.

2. Maintain Consistent Communication 

As mentioned previously in this blog, maintaining regular communication with your supervisor is critical for progress and success. Take the initiative – don’t wait for your supervisor to contact you. Schedule regular meetings or check-ins to provide updates on your progress, discuss any challenges and seek input. Strive to strike a balance between being independent and seeking guidance when needed. Remember: Supervisors, although likely busy with their own teaching and research, are there to support you through the dissertation process. Do not avoid your supervisor due to procrastination or a lack of progress. That’s likely when you need to reach out more deliberately to set up a meeting.

3. Be Prepared for Meetings 

Make the most of your meetings with your supervisor by coming prepared. Prior to your time together, organize your thoughts, questions and any specific issues you need to address. Consider what you want to get out of the meeting. Review your progress with your supervisor and provide updates on your work. Send any updates to your dissertation draft to your supervisor in a timely manner. Being well-prepared demonstrates your commitment to the project and your respect for your supervisor’s time, fostering a positive relationship.

4. Actively Seek Feedback

Feedback is an invaluable tool for improvement. Lean into feedback from your supervisor on your research, writing and overall progress. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth. Discuss your choices and be ready to negotiate with your supervisor regarding feedback you don’t agree with.  Responding positively and actively to feedback  shows your willingness to learn and adapt, which in turn strengthens the supervisor-student relationship.

5. Use Effective Email Communication 

This is often overlooked but email communication matters. ( Check out this article to find out more !) In addition to face-to-face meetings, email communication is an integral part of the supervisor-student relationship.

When sending emails, ensure that your messages are concise, clear and professional. Use a professional tone and structure your emails with a greeting, body and closing. Keep in mind that your supervisor may have numerous responsibilities, so be mindful of their time and keep emails focused on the relevant topics. And definitely avoid sprawling emails with last-minute attachments!

6. Respect Deadlines and Timelines 

This goes without saying but adhering to agreed upon deadlines and timelines (as much as possible) is essential in maintaining a positive relationship with your supervisor. Be realistic about your research goals and communicate any potential delays or challenges in advance. Above all, try not to avoid your supervisor when the going gets tough! When life goes awry, do your best to check in and provide an update. The key is to stay engaged in a regular way with your supervisor rather than going AWOL during the tough times. Otherwise, you may find yourself in the academic abyss longer than planned.

7. Address Challenges as they Arise

In any collaborative relationship, conflicts and challenges typically happen at some point. It’s normal and somewhat expected given all of the variables involved in a complex research project. It’s important to address these issues promptly and professionally. If you encounter difficulties with your supervisor, approach the situation with an open mind and a willingness to find a solution together. Seek common ground, listen attentively and express your concerns respectfully. Resolving conflicts effectively can strengthen the supervisor-student bond.

If working with your supervisor becomes an ongoing struggle, it’s important to address the issue proactively. First step: Assess the root cause of the problem.

Ask yourself whether the issue due to a difference in communication styles, conflicting expectations or a personality clash. Once you have identified the underlying issue, consider discussing your concerns with your supervisor.

Second step: Share your perspective, listen to your supervisor´s response and explore potential solutions together. If direct communication does not resolve the issue, you might need to seek guidance from the department’s graduate coordinator to mediate the situation.

In extreme cases where the conflict persists and significantly hampers your progress, it may be necessary to request a change of supervisor…but this should be a last resort. You don’t want to end up in the same scenario with someone else. Remember, you don’t have to “like” your dissertation supervisor but can you work with him or her? Can you find some benefit in working with someone who might have a completely different perspective? What are the “workarounds”?

The takeaway?

Establishing and maintaining a constructive, working relationship with your dissertation supervisor is crucial for the successful completion of your dissertation project. Effective communication, based on mutual respect and understanding, lays the foundation for a collaborative and DONE dissertation.

There’s more.  Get in touch with us if you feel you could use additional support on your dissertation journey. At Dissertation Complete Coaching, we help dissertation writers get unstuck, move forward and, yes, graduate. We can help you!

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the dissertation supervisor

10 tips on finding the right dissertation supervisor

Before you start writing your master’s dissertation it is extremely important to find the best possible supervisor to help and guide you through the dissertation writing process. When asking how to write a dissertation, many students forget that all highly graded dissertation examples have in common a strong and productive student-supervisor relationship . There are several important tips to remember when choosing a supervisor.

The right supervisor for your subject

It might sound obvious, but make sure your supervisor is the best possible person to help with your specific dissertation title. It might seem tempting to go for somebody you know already or somebody popular, but finding a dissertation supervisor who is an expert in the specific field you are writing your dissertation on is the most important criteria.

Their intimate knowledge of the topic itself and the academic field surrounding it will be indispensable as they guide you through the dissertation writing process.

A strong working relationship

If you are choosing from supervisors you have worked with before, for your master’s dissertation do choose one with whom you feel you had a strong and productive working relationship . It is best to avoid a supervisor who made you feel nervous or anxious, even if you respect them. When you are writing your dissertation you will need to be able to express your ideas openly and confidently to your supervisor, and to explore your full academic capability without being afraid of making mistakes.

In order to write the best dissertation example you possibly can, you need a supervisor who will allow you to feel supported and free to experiment with new ideas and to push the boundaries of your writing.

Equally, do not be tempted to choose a supervisor who is too laid-back and relaxed, even if you found them particularly easy going. The process of writing your master’s dissertation is intense and pressurised and you will need somebody who will gently push you and keep you motivated if you are going to get it done in time and to the best of your ability.

Good recommendations

The advice of students from previous years is usually invaluable – ask them honestly to share their own experiences with you, they may be able to provide you with excellent inside information about the style and expertise of various dissertation supervisors.

A supervisor with your best interests at heart

Many students tend to approach a dissertation supervisor whose profile is very high within the University or who is an important member of their college or faculty. Remember, although these supervisors may have a great deal of expertise, their schedules may already be tightly packed – make sure you find a supervisor who has enough time to truly provide you with all the support and attention your dissertation deserves.

A slightly less senior supervisor will often have just as much knowledge and skill in your dissertation area of study, but be more motivated to help you towards top dissertation marks to improve their own reputation and academic success as well as yours.

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Dissertation supervision.

A dissertation supervisor provides regular guidance and support to a student undertaking a dissertation.

The supervisory relationship is built on clear communication and mutually agreed expectation in terms of progress. Working in partnership with the student a supervisor assists in the definition of a research topic the design of a programme of study and the implementation of this. They also provide expertise at the writing stage and support in the face of deadlines.

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A dissertation or research project is normally par for the course on degree programmes. In my experience, it is a source of anxiety for many students and I’m in no doubt that this one module can act as a barrier to undertaking a University degree course.

However, what students don’t often realise is that you will be allocated a supervisor to support you with this work. To help you understand the crucial supervisor-supervisee relationship, this article summarises what supervision is in this context, and highlights some of the characteristics of a good supervisor, as well as what makes a good supervisee. There are also tips for getting a dissertation going and managing your relationship with your supervisor. Hopefully this will make the prospect of completing a research dissertation less daunting and/or help you improve your existing supervisor-supervisee relationship.

What is supervision? There are so many answers to this question, it is hard to know where to start. Supervision transcends lots of roles and situations but, in the context of a University dissertation, your supervisor is the member of staff allocated to you to support you to complete your project. Typically, their role is to advise you on the project (e.g. research design, ethics, and comment on drafts). Note, they are not there to tell you what to do (although you might want to listen to their comments as these will be made with the aim to help you improve the project). Perhaps more importantly, they are not there to do the project for you (you’d be surprised how many students think this!). Often your supervisor will only have a limited number of hours allocated to support your work (e.g. 10 hours) so you need to use the time wisely.

What makes a good supervisor? When I asked my students this in a recent teaching session I was inundated with answers! They were getting close to handing in their dissertations so were quite far down the supervisory journey and had a lot to say about it. Here’s a summary of their thoughts on this:

  • Trustworthy
  • Encouraging
  • Approachable
  • Sensitivity – e.g. understand the contest in which the supervisee is working and whether there might be other factors that the supervisee may not be aware of
  • Communication is key – personally I would argue that being an “active” listener is one of the most important things I can do as a supervisor. For example, what is the student interested in? Have they got a workable idea for their project? For students, this extended to the more mundane (but equally important things) like answering emails quickly.
  • Does not misuse power – i.e. operates a non-oppressive supervisory process
  • Able to give constructive criticism
  • Experienced but open to learning – e.g. from supervisees, from new situations

What makes a good supervisee? When in class, this question often surprises students. There is often an emphasis on the supervisor “doing their job properly” and “providing support” but supervision is a two way relationship and we have expectations of you too. This includes (in no particular order):

  • Able to set goals and stick to them – the ability to set your own goals and work diligently to meet these agreed objectives is a key expectation. For example, if you say you are going to complete your ethics form by X date, then do it.
  • Good time keeping – if you organise a meeting with me, have the curtesy to turn up on time (or let me know if you are running late). Sometimes students work on the basis that because they pay fees I work for them. Whilst I appreciate this perspective, I cannot emphasise enough that this is not true. I work to support all students, not just one. My time is not indefinite and students should not take it for granted that I am available to meet them on a whim.
  • Good time keeping II – maybe this one should say patience. Basically if you want me to read a draft of something and comment on it, don’t send it to me the night before the deadline. Give me time and space to read it properly. Not only does this mean I’m more likely to do it and perhaps provide more detailed feedback as I have more time, it also allows you time to act on that feedback.
  • Respond to feedback – whilst we are on the topic of feedback, let’s talk about how important it is to make changes in response to feedback. I have lost count of the number of times I have spent hours reading a draft and providing detailed feedback on content, structure, writing style etc. only to find no changes are made in the final version. Ok, a student can choose whether to make changes or not (after all, it is their project) but it is hugely frustrating to feel you have wasted valuable time commenting on a draft (often when you were busy and could have been doing something else) only to find that changes are not made or (even worse) are limited to correcting typos and referencing errors.
  • Take criticism – no-one likes to receive criticism but a supervisor would be neglecting their role if they didn’t highlight weaknesses in your work. This can be hard to stomach but remember that by thinking objectively about the feedback and making changes will only act to strengthen your work.
  • Have the ability to identify their own strengths and developments – speaks for itself!
  • Open and honest – e.g. communicating any issues they are experiencing. You don’t have to tell me the details of your personal problems but knowing they exist helps.
  • Takes initiative – I love it when a student comes in with a brand new idea rather than rehashes a study already done many times before. It is much easier to get enthusiastic about your project if it is something new.
  • Considers ways to overcome problems – if something is challenging and you turn up to your meeting with your supervisor with some ideas on how to fix the problem, this is ideal.

Top tips After a (very informal!) canvas of colleagues’ views, here are some of the tips they had for making the most of your dissertation project and managing your supervisor-supervisee relationship.

  • Pick the right topic – choosing a dissertation topic can be daunting. However, in my experience, getting this right is half the battle with a dissertation project as it is 10 times easier to motivate yourself to work on something you are interested in! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box – you’ll get extra credit for being innovative and creative. “Hot Topics” can also be a good bet.
  • Be realistic – the most obvious example I can give here is topic selection. Is what you are suggesting likely to get ethical approval? Is it achievable in the timescales you have to complete the project? I think my favourite example of an undergraduate project which I did not allow a student to undertake was from a meeting which started with the immortal words “I want to interview serial killers…”
  • Don’t let it slide – dissertation deadlines fall at the end of the academic year and, despite early warnings that these deadlines will come around quickly, many students still have a mad panic close to the deadline trying to get everything finished.
  • Time management – related to the above but perhaps with some more practical pointers. Picture the scene, close to a deadline, a student has a crisis. They email their supervisor at 11pm on a Sunday evening when your deadline is Monday 4pm. Do you really expect an answer?!! Perhaps surprising, this happens all the time – just a few weeks ago I got a phone call at 9:30am asking why I had not responded to an email which had been sent in the early hours of that morning…
  • Be realistic II – Supervisors will typically aim to respond as quickly as they can. However, you need to be realistic about timescales for this. Especially over the summer. Especially when you are waiting for feedback. Remember it is unlikely your supervisor is only supervising you. Therefore, when you are thinking they only need to read you 5000 word draft, they might actually need to read 10 or 15 5000 word drafts (plus anything else they are working on).
  • Don’t wait until you are having a crisis before asking for support.
  • Be prepared – if you arrange a meeting with your supervisor, make sure you go prepared. You would be surprised how many supervisees I have who ask for a meeting but come with no agenda (and sometimes even no pen!)
  • Make notes – remember to keep a record of meetings, e.g. what was discussed, what your actions are, what your supervisors actions are. A dissertation is a long term project and it is likely you will forget the specifics agreed in early meetings if you don’t have a record of what was discussed.
  • Act on feedback provided – don’t just read it, act on it.
  • Keep in touch – provide your supervisor with regular updates (even if there is little to report). This gives them an oversight of your progress. Also, reply to your supervisor when they email you!

Conclusion A good supervisor – supervisee relationship can help ensure your dissertation journey is a positive one so it is important to work to ensure that you build and maintain a strong working relationship. Your supervisor is there to support you – just remember their role is to guide and support you, not to do your project for you.

Working with your dissertation supervisor By: Dr Amy Burrell

Amy holds a BSc in Applied Psychology, an MSc in Forensic Behavioural Science, and a PhD in Forensic Psychology. Amy is a Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at Coventry University and can be contacted on [email protected] She was previously the Training Manager for Perpetuity Training who specialise in security training (see ) and is also involved in the Crime Linkage International NetworK (C-LINK) (see )

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Identity, Identification, and Media Representation in Video Game Play: An audience reception study

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ABSTRACT IDENTITY, IDENTIFICATION AND MEDIA REPRESENTATION IN VIDEO GAME PLAY: AN AUDIENCE RECEPTION STUDY Adrienne Shaw Supervisor: Dr. Katherine Sender Research on minority representation in video games usually asserts: 1. the industry excludes certain audiences by not representing them; 2. everyone should be provided with characters they can identify with; and 3. media representation has knowable effects. In contrast, this dissertation engages with audiences’ relationship to gamer identity, how players interact with game texts (identification and interaction), and their thoughts about media representation. This dissertation uses interviews and participant observation to investigate why, when and how representation is important to individuals who are members of marginalized groups, focusing on sexuality, gender and race, in the U.S. The data demonstrate that video games may offer players the chance to create representations of people “like them” (pluralism), but games do not necessarily force players to engage with texts that offer representation of marginalized groups (diversity), with some rare and problematic exceptions. The focus on identity-based marketing and audience demand, as well as over-simplistic conceptualizations of identification with media characters, as the basis of arguments for minority media representation encourage pluralism. Representation is available, but only to those who seek it out. Diversity, however, is necessary for the political and educative goals of representation. It requires that players are actively confronted with diverse content. Diversity is not the result of demand by audiences, but is rather the social responsibility of media producers. Media producers, however, can take advantage of the fact that identities are complex, that identification does not only require shared identifiers, and that diversity in a non-tokenistic sense can appeal to a much wider audience than pluralistic, niche marketing. In sum, diversity can address both the market logic and educative goals of media representation. I conclude by offering three suggestions bred from this analysis. First, researchers should be critical of this emphasis on pluralism rather than diversity. Second, rather than argue video games should include more diversity because it matters, producers should include it precisely because representation does not matter in many games. Finally, those invested in diversity in games should not be to prove the importance of representation in games, but rather argue for it without dismissing playfulness.

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The Conodont Biofacies Model of Shallow Paleoenvironments in the Frasnian (Late Devonian)

  • Published: 13 June 2023
  • Volume 78 , pages 34–45, ( 2023 )

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the dissertation supervisor

  • V. M. Nazarova 1 ,
  • E. M. Kirilishina 2 ,
  • L. I. Kononova 1 ,
  • E. V. Karpova 1 &
  • S. S. Demyankov 1  

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This article considers various criteria for distinguishing conodont biofacies and principles of reconstruction of conodont paleoecological models. The proposed model of conodont biofacies is based on the distribution of these animals in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Voronezh anteclise (central regions of the Russian Platform).

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The authors are grateful to G.M. Sedaeva for advices and encouragement and to N.V. Goreva, E.L. Zaitseva, N.G. Izokh, and A.N. Plotitsyn for useful criticism and comments.

This work was performed within the framework of state assignment no. AAAA16-116042010088-5 (Evolution of Geodynamic Environments and Global Natural Processes) of the Museum of Earth Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University and no. AAAA16-116033010097-5 (Paleontological and Stratigraphic Characteristics of Phanerozoic and Late Proterozoic Deposits in Russia and Adjacent Areas) and no. AAAA16-116033010120-0 (Dynamics of Sedimentary Rock Formation Processes (Modern and in the Geological Past) under Various Structural and Geological Conditions and Their Evolution) of the Faculty of Geology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia

V. M. Nazarova, L. I. Kononova, E. V. Karpova & S. S. Demyankov

Earth Science Museum, Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Russia

E. M. Kirilishina

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Correspondence to V. M. Nazarova , E. M. Kirilishina , L. I. Kononova , E. V. Karpova or S. S. Demyankov .

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Translated by I. Bel’chenko

About this article

Nazarova, V.M., Kirilishina, E.M., Kononova, L.I. et al. The Conodont Biofacies Model of Shallow Paleoenvironments in the Frasnian (Late Devonian). Moscow Univ. Geol. Bull. 78 , 34–45 (2023).

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Received : 20 April 2022

Revised : 08 June 2022

Accepted : 26 January 2023

Published : 13 June 2023

Issue Date : February 2023


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