77 interesting medical research topics for 2024

Last updated

25 November 2023

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

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Medical research is the gateway to improved patient care and expanding our available treatment options. However, finding a relevant and compelling research topic can be challenging.

Use this article as a jumping-off point to select an interesting medical research topic for your next paper or clinical study.

  • How to choose a medical research topic

When choosing a research topic , it’s essential to consider a couple of things. What topics interest you? What unanswered questions do you want to address? 

During the decision-making and brainstorming process, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the right medical research topic:

Focus on a particular field of study

The best medical research is specific to a particular area. Generalized studies are often too broad to produce meaningful results, so we advise picking a specific niche early in the process. 

Maybe a certain topic interests you, or your industry knowledge reveals areas of need.

Look into commonly researched topics

Once you’ve chosen your research field, do some preliminary research. What have other academics done in their papers and projects? 

From this list, you can focus on specific topics that interest you without accidentally creating a copycat project. This groundwork will also help you uncover any literature gaps—those may be beneficial areas for research.

Get curious and ask questions

Now you can get curious. Ask questions that start with why, how, or what. These questions are the starting point of your project design and will act as your guiding light throughout the process. 

For example: 

What impact does pollution have on children’s lung function in inner-city neighborhoods? 

Why is pollution-based asthma on the rise? 

How can we address pollution-induced asthma in young children? 

  • 77 medical research topics worth exploring in 2023

Need some research inspiration for your upcoming paper or clinical study? We’ve compiled a list of 77 topical and in-demand medical research ideas. Let’s take a look. 

  • Exciting new medical research topics

If you want to study cutting-edge topics, here are some exciting options:

COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms

Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. 

Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include:

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health

COVID-19 vaccination rates

The evolution of COVID-19 symptoms over time

New variants and strains of the COVID-19 virus

Changes in social behavior and public health regulations amid COVID-19


Finding ways to cure or reduce the disease burden of chronic infectious diseases is a crucial research area. Vaccination is a powerful option and a great topic to research. 

Examples of vaccination-related research topics include:

mRNA vaccines for viral infections

Biomaterial vaccination capabilities

Vaccination rates based on location, ethnicity, or age

Public opinion about vaccination safety 

Artificial tissues fabrication

With the need for donor organs increasing, finding ways to fabricate artificial bioactive tissues (and possibly organs) is a popular research area. 

Examples of artificial tissue-related research topics you can study include:

The viability of artificially printed tissues

Tissue substrate and building block material studies

The ethics and efficacy of artificial tissue creation

  • Medical research topics for medical students

For many medical students, research is a big driver for entering healthcare. If you’re a medical student looking for a research topic, here are some great ideas to work from:

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality is a growing problem, and it can significantly impact a person’s overall health. 

Examples of sleep disorder-related research topics include:

How stress affects sleep quality

The prevalence and impact of insomnia on patients with mental health conditions

Possible triggers for sleep disorder development

The impact of poor sleep quality on psychological and physical health

How melatonin supplements impact sleep quality

Alzheimer’s and dementia 

Cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise worldwide. They currently have no cure. As a result, research about these topics is in high demand. 

Examples of dementia-related research topics you could explore include:

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a chosen population

Early onset symptoms of dementia

Possible triggers or causes of cognitive decline with age

Treatment options for dementia-like conditions

The mental and physical burden of caregiving for patients with dementia

  • Lifestyle habits and public health

Modern lifestyles have profoundly impacted the average person’s daily habits, and plenty of interesting topics explore its effects. 

Examples of lifestyle and public health-related research topics include:

The nutritional intake of college students

The impact of chronic work stress on overall health

The rise of upper back and neck pain from laptop use

Prevalence and cause of repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

  • Controversial medical research paper topics

Medical research is a hotbed of controversial topics, content, and areas of study. 

If you want to explore a more niche (and attention-grabbing) concept, here are some controversial medical research topics worth looking into:

The benefits and risks of medical cannabis

Depending on where you live, the legalization and use of cannabis for medical conditions is controversial for the general public and healthcare providers.

Examples of medical cannabis-related research topics that might grab your attention include:

The legalization process of medical cannabis

The impact of cannabis use on developmental milestones in youth users

Cannabis and mental health diagnoses

CBD’s impact on chronic pain

Prevalence of cannabis use in young people

The impact of maternal cannabis use on fetal development 

Understanding how THC impacts cognitive function

Human genetics

The Human Genome Project identified, mapped, and sequenced all human DNA genes. Its completion in 2003 opened up a world of exciting and controversial studies in human genetics.

Examples of human genetics-related research topics worth delving into include:

Medical genetics and the incidence of genetic-based health disorders

Behavioral genetics differences between identical twins

Genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders

Machine learning technologies for genetic research

Sexual health studies

Human sexuality and sexual health are important (yet often stigmatized) medical topics that need new research and analysis.

As a diverse field ranging from sexual orientation studies to sexual pathophysiology, examples of sexual health-related research topics include:

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections within a chosen population

Mental health conditions within the LGBTQIA+ community

The impact of untreated sexually transmitted infections

Access to safe sex resources (condoms, dental dams, etc.) in rural areas

  • Health and wellness research topics

Human wellness and health are trendy topics in modern medicine as more people are interested in finding natural ways to live healthier lifestyles. 

If this field of study interests you, here are some big topics in the wellness space:

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten allergies and intolerances have risen over the past few decades. If you’re interested in exploring this topic, your options range in severity from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to full-blown anaphylaxis. 

Some examples of gluten sensitivity-related research topics include:

The pathophysiology and incidence of Celiac disease

Early onset symptoms of gluten intolerance

The prevalence of gluten allergies within a set population

Gluten allergies and the incidence of other gastrointestinal health conditions

Pollution and lung health

Living in large urban cities means regular exposure to high levels of pollutants. 

As more people become interested in protecting their lung health, examples of impactful lung health and pollution-related research topics include:

The extent of pollution in densely packed urban areas

The prevalence of pollution-based asthma in a set population

Lung capacity and function in young people

The benefits and risks of steroid therapy for asthma

Pollution risks based on geographical location

Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets like vegan and paleo diets are emerging trends in healthcare due to their limited supporting research. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits or risks of holistic, diet-based medicine, examples of plant-based diet research topics to explore include:

Vegan and plant-based diets as part of disease management

Potential risks and benefits of specific plant-based diets

Plant-based diets and their impact on body mass index

The effect of diet and lifestyle on chronic disease management

Health supplements

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Many health-conscious people take supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, and more. 

Examples of health supplement-related research topics worth investigating include:

Omega-3 fish oil safety and efficacy for cardiac patients

The benefits and risks of regular vitamin D supplementation

Health supplementation regulation and product quality

The impact of social influencer marketing on consumer supplement practices

Analyzing added ingredients in protein powders

  • Healthcare research topics

Working within the healthcare industry means you have insider knowledge and opportunity. Maybe you’d like to research the overall system, administration, and inherent biases that disrupt access to quality care. 

While these topics are essential to explore, it is important to note that these studies usually require approval and oversight from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This ensures the study is ethical and does not harm any subjects. 

For this reason, the IRB sets protocols that require additional planning, so consider this when mapping out your study’s timeline. 

Here are some examples of trending healthcare research areas worth pursuing:

The pros and cons of electronic health records

The rise of electronic healthcare charting and records has forever changed how medical professionals and patients interact with their health data. 

Examples of electronic health record-related research topics include:

The number of medication errors reported during a software switch

Nurse sentiment analysis of electronic charting practices

Ethical and legal studies into encrypting and storing personal health data

Inequities within healthcare access

Many barriers inhibit people from accessing the quality medical care they need. These issues result in health disparities and injustices. 

Examples of research topics about health inequities include:

The impact of social determinants of health in a set population

Early and late-stage cancer stage diagnosis in urban vs. rural populations

Affordability of life-saving medications

Health insurance limitations and their impact on overall health

Diagnostic and treatment rates across ethnicities

People who belong to an ethnic minority are more likely to experience barriers and restrictions when trying to receive quality medical care. This is due to systemic healthcare racism and bias. 

As a result, diagnostic and treatment rates in minority populations are a hot-button field of research. Examples of ethnicity-based research topics include:

Cancer biopsy rates in BIPOC women

The prevalence of diabetes in Indigenous communities

Access inequalities in women’s health preventative screenings

The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in Black populations

  • Pharmaceutical research topics

Large pharmaceutical companies are incredibly interested in investing in research to learn more about potential cures and treatments for diseases. 

If you’re interested in building a career in pharmaceutical research, here are a few examples of in-demand research topics:

Cancer treatment options

Clinical research is in high demand as pharmaceutical companies explore novel cancer treatment options outside of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Examples of cancer treatment-related research topics include:

Stem cell therapy for cancer

Oncogenic gene dysregulation and its impact on disease

Cancer-causing viral agents and their risks

Treatment efficacy based on early vs. late-stage cancer diagnosis

Cancer vaccines and targeted therapies

Immunotherapy for cancer

Pain medication alternatives

Historically, opioid medications were the primary treatment for short- and long-term pain. But, with the opioid epidemic getting worse, the need for alternative pain medications has never been more urgent. 

Examples of pain medication-related research topics include:

Opioid withdrawal symptoms and risks

Early signs of pain medication misuse

Anti-inflammatory medications for pain control

  • Identify trends in your medical research with Dovetail

Are you interested in contributing life-changing research? Today’s medical research is part of the future of clinical patient care. 

As your go-to resource for speedy and accurate data analysis , we are proud to partner with healthcare researchers to innovate and improve the future of healthcare.

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200+ Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students In 2023

Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For Stem Students

STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, which is not the only stuff we learn in school. It is like a treasure chest of skills that help students become great problem solvers, ready to tackle the real world’s challenges.

In this blog, we are here to explore the world of Research Topics for STEM Students. We will break down what STEM really means and why it is so important for students. In addition, we will give you the lowdown on how to pick a fascinating research topic. We will explain a list of 200+ Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students.

And when it comes to writing a research title, we will guide you step by step. So, stay with us as we unlock the exciting world of STEM research – it is not just about grades; it is about growing smarter, more confident, and happier along the way.

What Is STEM?

Table of Contents

STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is a way of talking about things like learning, jobs, and activities related to these four important subjects. Science is about understanding the world around us, technology is about using tools and machines to solve problems, engineering is about designing and building things, and mathematics is about numbers and solving problems with them. STEM helps us explore, discover, and create cool stuff that makes our world better and more exciting.

Why STEM Research Is Important?

STEM research is important because it helps us learn new things about the world and solve problems. When scientists, engineers, and mathematicians study these subjects, they can discover cures for diseases, create new technology that makes life easier, and build things that help us live better. It is like a big puzzle where we put together pieces of knowledge to make our world safer, healthier, and more fun.

  • STEM research leads to new discoveries and solutions.
  • It helps find cures for diseases.
  • STEM technology makes life easier.
  • Engineers build things that improve our lives.
  • Mathematics helps us understand and solve complex problems.

How to Choose a Topic for STEM Research Paper

Here are some steps to choose a topic for STEM Research Paper:

Step 1: Identify Your Interests

Think about what you like and what excites you in science, technology, engineering, or math. It could be something you learned in school, saw in the news, or experienced in your daily life. Choosing a topic you’re passionate about makes the research process more enjoyable.

Step 2: Research Existing Topics

Look up different STEM research areas online, in books, or at your library. See what scientists and experts are studying. This can give you ideas and help you understand what’s already known in your chosen field.

Step 3: Consider Real-World Problems

Think about the problems you see around you. Are there issues in your community or the world that STEM can help solve? Choosing a topic that addresses a real-world problem can make your research impactful.

Step 4: Talk to Teachers and Mentors

Discuss your interests with your teachers, professors, or mentors. They can offer guidance and suggest topics that align with your skills and goals. They may also provide resources and support for your research.

Step 5: Narrow Down Your Topic

Once you have some ideas, narrow them down to a specific research question or project. Make sure it’s not too broad or too narrow. You want a topic that you can explore in depth within the scope of your research paper.

Here we will discuss 200+ Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students: 

Qualitative Research Topics for STEM Students:

Qualitative research focuses on exploring and understanding phenomena through non-numerical data and subjective experiences. Here are 10 qualitative research topics for STEM students:

  • Exploring the experiences of female STEM students in overcoming gender bias in academia.
  • Understanding the perceptions of teachers regarding the integration of technology in STEM education.
  • Investigating the motivations and challenges of STEM educators in underprivileged schools.
  • Exploring the attitudes and beliefs of parents towards STEM education for their children.
  • Analyzing the impact of collaborative learning on student engagement in STEM subjects.
  • Investigating the experiences of STEM professionals in bridging the gap between academia and industry.
  • Understanding the cultural factors influencing STEM career choices among minority students.
  • Exploring the role of mentorship in the career development of STEM graduates.
  • Analyzing the perceptions of students towards the ethics of emerging STEM technologies like AI and CRISPR.
  • Investigating the emotional well-being and stress levels of STEM students during their academic journey.

Easy Experimental Research Topics for STEM Students:

These experimental research topics are relatively straightforward and suitable for STEM students who are new to research:

  •  Measuring the effect of different light wavelengths on plant growth.
  •  Investigating the relationship between exercise and heart rate in various age groups.
  •  Testing the effectiveness of different insulating materials in conserving heat.
  •  Examining the impact of pH levels on the rate of chemical reactions.
  •  Studying the behavior of magnets in different temperature conditions.
  •  Investigating the effect of different concentrations of a substance on bacterial growth.
  •  Testing the efficiency of various sunscreen brands in blocking UV radiation.
  •  Measuring the impact of music genres on concentration and productivity.
  •  Examining the correlation between the angle of a ramp and the speed of a rolling object.
  •  Investigating the relationship between the number of blades on a wind turbine and energy output.

Research Topics for STEM Students in the Philippines:

These research topics are tailored for STEM students in the Philippines:

  •  Assessing the impact of climate change on the biodiversity of coral reefs in the Philippines.
  •  Studying the potential of indigenous plants in the Philippines for medicinal purposes.
  •  Investigating the feasibility of harnessing renewable energy sources like solar and wind in rural Filipino communities.
  •  Analyzing the water quality and pollution levels in major rivers and lakes in the Philippines.
  •  Exploring sustainable agricultural practices for small-scale farmers in the Philippines.
  •  Assessing the prevalence and impact of dengue fever outbreaks in urban areas of the Philippines.
  •  Investigating the challenges and opportunities of STEM education in remote Filipino islands.
  •  Studying the impact of typhoons and natural disasters on infrastructure resilience in the Philippines.
  •  Analyzing the genetic diversity of endemic species in the Philippine rainforests.
  •  Assessing the effectiveness of disaster preparedness programs in Philippine communities.

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Good Research Topics for STEM Students:

These research topics are considered good because they offer interesting avenues for investigation and learning:

  •  Developing a low-cost and efficient water purification system for rural communities.
  •  Investigating the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 for gene therapy in genetic disorders.
  •  Studying the applications of blockchain technology in securing medical records.
  •  Analyzing the impact of 3D printing on customized prosthetics for amputees.
  •  Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in predicting and preventing forest fires.
  •  Investigating the effects of microplastic pollution on aquatic ecosystems.
  •  Analyzing the use of drones in monitoring and managing agricultural crops.
  •  Studying the potential of quantum computing in solving complex optimization problems.
  •  Investigating the development of biodegradable materials for sustainable packaging.
  •  Exploring the ethical implications of gene editing in humans.

Unique Research Topics for STEM Students:

Unique research topics can provide STEM students with the opportunity to explore unconventional and innovative ideas. Here are 10 unique research topics for STEM students:

  •  Investigating the use of bioluminescent organisms for sustainable lighting solutions.
  •  Studying the potential of using spider silk proteins for advanced materials in engineering.
  •  Exploring the application of quantum entanglement for secure communication in the field of cryptography.
  •  Analyzing the feasibility of harnessing geothermal energy from underwater volcanoes.
  •  Investigating the use of CRISPR-Cas12 for rapid and cost-effective disease diagnostics.
  •  Studying the interaction between artificial intelligence and human creativity in art and music generation.
  •  Exploring the development of edible packaging materials to reduce plastic waste.
  •  Investigating the impact of microgravity on cellular behavior and tissue regeneration in space.
  •  Analyzing the potential of using sound waves to detect and combat invasive species in aquatic ecosystems.
  •  Studying the use of biotechnology in reviving extinct species, such as the woolly mammoth.

Experimental Research Topics for STEM Students in the Philippines

Research topics for STEM students in the Philippines can address specific regional challenges and opportunities. Here are 10 experimental research topics for STEM students in the Philippines:

  •  Assessing the effectiveness of locally sourced materials for disaster-resilient housing construction in typhoon-prone areas.
  •  Investigating the utilization of indigenous plants for natural remedies in Filipino traditional medicine.
  •  Studying the impact of volcanic soil on crop growth and agriculture in volcanic regions of the Philippines.
  •  Analyzing the water quality and purification methods in remote island communities.
  •  Exploring the feasibility of using bamboo as a sustainable construction material in the Philippines.
  •  Investigating the potential of using solar stills for freshwater production in water-scarce regions.
  •  Studying the effects of climate change on the migration patterns of bird species in the Philippines.
  •  Analyzing the growth and sustainability of coral reefs in marine protected areas.
  •  Investigating the utilization of coconut waste for biofuel production.
  •  Studying the biodiversity and conservation efforts in the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park.

Capstone Research Topics for STEM Students in the Philippines:

Capstone research projects are often more comprehensive and can address real-world issues. Here are 10 capstone research topics for STEM students in the Philippines:

  •  Designing a low-cost and sustainable sanitation system for informal settlements in urban Manila.
  •  Developing a mobile app for monitoring and reporting natural disasters in the Philippines.
  •  Assessing the impact of climate change on the availability and quality of drinking water in Philippine cities.
  •  Designing an efficient traffic management system to address congestion in major Filipino cities.
  •  Analyzing the health implications of air pollution in densely populated urban areas of the Philippines.
  •  Developing a renewable energy microgrid for off-grid communities in the archipelago.
  •  Assessing the feasibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for agricultural monitoring in rural Philippines.
  •  Designing a low-cost and sustainable aquaponics system for urban agriculture.
  •  Investigating the potential of vertical farming to address food security in densely populated urban areas.
  •  Developing a disaster-resilient housing prototype suitable for typhoon-prone regions.

Experimental Quantitative Research Topics for STEM Students:

Experimental quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to conclude. Here are 10 Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For STEM Students interested in experimental quantitative research:

  •  Examining the impact of different fertilizers on crop yield in agriculture.
  •  Investigating the relationship between exercise and heart rate among different age groups.
  •  Analyzing the effect of varying light intensities on photosynthesis in plants.
  •  Studying the efficiency of various insulation materials in reducing building heat loss.
  •  Investigating the relationship between pH levels and the rate of corrosion in metals.
  •  Analyzing the impact of different concentrations of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems.
  •  Examining the effectiveness of different antibiotics on bacterial growth.
  •  Trying to figure out how temperature affects how thick liquids are.
  •  Finding out if there is a link between the amount of pollution in the air and lung illnesses in cities.
  •  Analyzing the efficiency of solar panels in converting sunlight into electricity under varying conditions.

Descriptive Research Topics for STEM Students

Descriptive research aims to provide a detailed account or description of a phenomenon. Here are 10 topics for STEM students interested in descriptive research:

  •  Describing the physical characteristics and behavior of a newly discovered species of marine life.
  •  Documenting the geological features and formations of a particular region.
  •  Creating a detailed inventory of plant species in a specific ecosystem.
  •  Describing the properties and behavior of a new synthetic polymer.
  •  Documenting the daily weather patterns and climate trends in a particular area.
  •  Providing a comprehensive analysis of the energy consumption patterns in a city.
  •  Describing the structural components and functions of a newly developed medical device.
  •  Documenting the characteristics and usage of traditional construction materials in a region.
  •  Providing a detailed account of the microbiome in a specific environmental niche.
  •  Describing the life cycle and behavior of a rare insect species.

Research Topics for STEM Students in the Pandemic:

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many research opportunities for STEM students. Here are 10 research topics related to pandemics:

  •  Analyzing the effectiveness of various personal protective equipment (PPE) in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses.
  •  Studying the impact of lockdown measures on air quality and pollution levels in urban areas.
  •  Investigating the psychological effects of quarantine and social isolation on mental health.
  •  Analyzing the genomic variation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its implications for vaccine development.
  •  Studying the efficacy of different disinfection methods on various surfaces.
  •  Investigating the role of contact tracing apps in tracking & controlling the spread of infectious diseases.
  •  Analyzing the economic impact of the pandemic on different industries and sectors.
  •  Studying the effectiveness of remote learning in STEM education during lockdowns.
  •  Investigating the social disparities in healthcare access during a pandemic.
  • Analyzing the ethical considerations surrounding vaccine distribution and prioritization.

Research Topics for STEM Students Middle School

Research topics for middle school STEM students should be engaging and suitable for their age group. Here are 10 research topics:

  • Investigating the growth patterns of different types of mold on various food items.
  • Studying the negative effects of music on plant growth and development.
  • Analyzing the relationship between the shape of a paper airplane and its flight distance.
  • Investigating the properties of different materials in making effective insulators for hot and cold beverages.
  • Studying the effect of salt on the buoyancy of different objects in water.
  • Analyzing the behavior of magnets when exposed to different temperatures.
  • Investigating the factors that affect the rate of ice melting in different environments.
  • Studying the impact of color on the absorption of heat by various surfaces.
  • Analyzing the growth of crystals in different types of solutions.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different natural repellents against common pests like mosquitoes.

Technology Research Topics for STEM Students

Technology is at the forefront of STEM fields. Here are 10 research topics for STEM students interested in technology:

  • Developing and optimizing algorithms for autonomous drone navigation in complex environments.
  • Exploring the use of blockchain technology for enhancing the security and transparency of supply chains.
  • Investigating the applications of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in medical training and surgery simulations.
  • Studying the potential of 3D printing for creating personalized prosthetics and orthopedic implants.
  • Analyzing the ethical and privacy implications of facial recognition technology in public spaces.
  • Investigating the development of quantum computing algorithms for solving complex optimization problems.
  • Explaining the use of machine learning and AI in predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters.
  • Studying the advancement of brain-computer interfaces for assisting individuals with
  • disabilities.
  • Analyzing the role of wearable technology in monitoring and improving personal health and wellness.
  • Investigating the use of robotics in disaster response and search and rescue operations.

Scientific Research Topics for STEM Students

Scientific research encompasses a wide range of topics. Here are 10 research topics for STEM students focusing on scientific exploration:

  • Investigating the behavior of subatomic particles in high-energy particle accelerators.
  • Studying the ecological impact of invasive species on native ecosystems.
  • Analyzing the genetics of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and its implications for healthcare.
  • Exploring the physics of gravitational waves and their detection through advanced interferometry.
  • Investigating the neurobiology of memory formation and retention in the human brain.
  • Studying the biodiversity and adaptation of extremophiles in harsh environments.
  • Analyzing the chemistry of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and their potential for life beyond Earth.
  • Exploring the properties of superconductors and their applications in technology.
  • Investigating the mechanisms of stem cell differentiation for regenerative medicine.
  • Studying the dynamics of climate change and its impact on global ecosystems.

Interesting Research Topics for STEM Students:

Engaging and intriguing research topics can foster a passion for STEM. Here are 10 interesting research topics for STEM students:

  • Exploring the science behind the formation of auroras and their cultural significance.
  • Investigating the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.
  • Studying the psychology of decision-making in high-pressure situations, such as sports or
  • emergencies.
  • Analyzing the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships and mental health.
  • Exploring the potential for using genetic modification to create disease-resistant crops.
  • Investigating the cognitive processes involved in solving complex puzzles and riddles.
  • Studying the history and evolution of cryptography and encryption methods.
  • Analyzing the physics of time travel and its theoretical possibilities.
  • Exploring the role of Artificial Intelligence  in creating art and music.
  • Investigating the science of happiness and well-being, including factors contributing to life satisfaction.

Practical Research Topics for STEM Students

Practical research often leads to real-world solutions. Here are 10 practical research topics for STEM students:

  • Developing an affordable and sustainable water purification system for rural communities.
  • Designing a low-cost, energy-efficient home heating and cooling system.
  • Investigating strategies for reducing food waste in the supply chain and households.
  • Studying the effectiveness of eco-friendly pest control methods in agriculture.
  • Analyzing the impact of renewable energy integration on the stability of power grids.
  • Developing a smartphone app for early detection of common medical conditions.
  • Investigating the feasibility of vertical farming for urban food production.
  • Designing a system for recycling and upcycling electronic waste.
  • Studying the environmental benefits of green roofs and their potential for urban heat island mitigation.
  • Analyzing the efficiency of alternative transportation methods in reducing carbon emissions.

Experimental Research Topics for STEM Students About Plants

Plants offer a rich field for experimental research. Here are 10 experimental research topics about plants for STEM students:

  • Investigating the effect of different light wavelengths on plant growth and photosynthesis.
  • Studying the impact of various fertilizers and nutrient solutions on crop yield.
  • Analyzing the response of plants to different types and concentrations of plant hormones.
  • Investigating the role of mycorrhizal in enhancing nutrient uptake in plants.
  • Studying the effects of drought stress and water scarcity on plant physiology and adaptation mechanisms.
  • Analyzing the influence of soil pH on plant nutrient availability and growth.
  • Investigating the chemical signaling and defense mechanisms of plants against herbivores.
  • Studying the impact of environmental pollutants on plant health and genetic diversity.
  • Analyzing the role of plant secondary metabolites in pharmaceutical and agricultural applications.
  • Investigating the interactions between plants and beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere.

Qualitative Research Topics for STEM Students in the Philippines

Qualitative research in the Philippines can address local issues and cultural contexts. Here are 10 qualitative research topics for STEM students in the Philippines:

  • Exploring indigenous knowledge and practices in sustainable agriculture in Filipino communities.
  • Studying the perceptions and experiences of Filipino fishermen in coping with climate change impacts.
  • Analyzing the cultural significance and traditional uses of medicinal plants in indigenous Filipino communities.
  • Investigating the barriers and facilitators of STEM education access in remote Philippine islands.
  • Exploring the role of traditional Filipino architecture in natural disaster resilience.
  • Studying the impact of indigenous farming methods on soil conservation and fertility.
  • Analyzing the cultural and environmental significance of mangroves in coastal Filipino regions.
  • Investigating the knowledge and practices of Filipino healers in treating common ailments.
  • Exploring the cultural heritage and conservation efforts of the Ifugao rice terraces.
  • Studying the perceptions and practices of Filipino communities in preserving marine biodiversity.

Science Research Topics for STEM Students

Science offers a diverse range of research avenues. Here are 10 science research topics for STEM students:

  • Investigating the potential of gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 in curing genetic diseases.
  • Studying the ecological impacts of species reintroduction programs on local ecosystems.
  • Analyzing the effects of microplastic pollution on aquatic food webs and ecosystems.
  • Investigating the link between air pollution and respiratory health in urban populations.
  • Studying the role of epigenetics in the inheritance of acquired traits in organisms.
  • Analyzing the physiology and adaptations of extremophiles in extreme environments on Earth.
  • Investigating the genetics of longevity and factors influencing human lifespan.
  • Studying the behavioral ecology and communication strategies of social insects.
  • Analyzing the effects of deforestation on global climate patterns and biodiversity loss.
  • Investigating the potential of synthetic biology in creating bioengineered organisms for beneficial applications.

Correlational Research Topics for STEM Students

Correlational research focuses on relationships between variables. Here are 10 correlational research topics for STEM students:

  • Analyzing the correlation between dietary habits and the incidence of chronic diseases.
  • Studying the relationship between exercise frequency and mental health outcomes.
  • Investigating the correlation between socioeconomic status and access to quality healthcare.
  • Analyzing the link between social media usage and self-esteem in adolescents.
  • Studying the correlation between academic performance and sleep duration among students.
  • Investigating the relationship between environmental factors and the prevalence of allergies.
  • Analyzing the correlation between technology use and attention span in children.
  • Studying how environmental factors are related to the frequency of allergies.
  • Investigating the link between parental involvement in education and student achievement.
  • Analyzing the correlation between temperature fluctuations and wildlife migration patterns.

Quantitative Research Topics for STEM Students in the Philippines

Quantitative research in the Philippines can address specific regional issues. Here are 10 quantitative research topics for STEM students in the Philippines

  • Analyzing the impact of typhoons on coastal erosion rates in the Philippines.
  • Studying the quantitative effects of land use change on watershed hydrology in Filipino regions.
  • Investigating the quantitative relationship between deforestation and habitat loss for endangered species.
  • Analyzing the quantitative patterns of marine biodiversity in Philippine coral reef ecosystems.
  • Studying the quantitative assessment of water quality in major Philippine rivers and lakes.
  • Investigating the quantitative analysis of renewable energy potential in specific Philippine provinces.
  • Analyzing the quantitative impacts of agricultural practices on soil health and fertility.
  • Studying the quantitative effectiveness of mangrove restoration in coastal protection in the Philippines.
  • Investigating the quantitative evaluation of indigenous agricultural practices for sustainability.
  • Analyzing the quantitative patterns of air pollution and its health impacts in urban Filipino areas.

Things That Must Keep In Mind While Writing Quantitative Research Title 

Here are few things that must be keep in mind while writing quantitative research tile:

1. Be Clear and Precise

Make sure your research title is clear and says exactly what your study is about. People should easily understand the topic and goals of your research by reading the title.

2. Use Important Words

Include words that are crucial to your research, like the main subjects, who you’re studying, and how you’re doing your research. This helps others find your work and understand what it’s about.

3. Avoid Confusing Words

Stay away from words that might confuse people. Your title should be easy to grasp, even if someone isn’t an expert in your field.

4. Show Your Research Approach

Tell readers what kind of research you did, like experiments or surveys. This gives them a hint about how you conducted your study.

5. Match Your Title with Your Research Questions

Make sure your title matches the questions you’re trying to answer in your research. It should give a sneak peek into what your study is all about and keep you on the right track as you work on it.

STEM students, addressing what STEM is and why research matters in this field. It offered an extensive list of research topics , including experimental, qualitative, and regional options, catering to various academic levels and interests. Whether you’re a middle school student or pursuing advanced studies, these topics offer a wealth of ideas. The key takeaway is to choose a topic that resonates with your passion and aligns with your goals, ensuring a successful journey in STEM research. Choose the best Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For Stem Students today!

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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

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Understanding the Motivation of Medical Technology Students in Manila in Pursuing Careers in Healthcare Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Medical technologists played a critical role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic risking their health as they are constantly exposed to the virus. The researchers wanted to determine if Medical Technology students still want to pursue a healthcare career despite the risks and challenges brought by the current public health crisis. The main objective was to assess the factors that affect the intention and willingness of students to continue a career in the medical field. A quantitative correlational design was used to determine the relationship between the intention and willingness of Medical Technology students in pursuing a healthcare career. An online questionnaire was deployed to gather data from 328 respondents from all year levels of the Medical Technology department currently enrolled for AY 2021-2022 in a selected university in Manila. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using Pearson’s correlation coefficient in the SPSS software. Majority of the respondents were willing to pursue a career in medical technology. The Adjusted R Squared revealed that 10% of the variability in the motivation is caused by factors of knowledge, perception, and attitude. Only perception had a significant impact. Pearson Correlation indicated a direct relationship with perception. The findings of this study showed that a high perception will result in a high motivation in pursuing a career in healthcare, and vice versa. Expanding the sample size will increase the reliability of results. Furthermore, utilization of other variables not employed in the study, as well as the use of other methods of analysis is recommended.

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© 2024 European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings Skripta s.r.o., Česká Republika ISSN: 1805-3602

Experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines


The importance of health research can’t be underestimated. It helps move medicine forward and save millions of people. It also promotes various preventive techniques that help us live longer and safer lives.

Health research covers many different areas. The development of new drugs and treatments is only a small part of it. There is also plenty of research on the root causes and mechanisms of diseases so that we can understand them better. Preventive medicine is one of the frontiers of health research. It helps us avoid the risks of dangerous conditions.

Information-based research, personalized medicine, deep learning techniques, and more – all this makes health research exciting as well as valuable.

Stuck choosing your medical research topic? Take a look at the collection that Custom-writing.org experts have prepared! Find there your perfect idea or just get inspired and formulate your own research question.

Here’s the list with some topic examples for a medical research paper:

is an excellent medical research paper topic. The recent discovery of epilepsy genes provided an insight into the mechanisms of seizure disorders. Further studies can revolutionize epilepsy treatment.

. In recent years, genetic predisposition tests are becoming increasingly popular. Yet, this leaves room for mistakes and other types of malpractice.

. It is essential to produce new vaccines even for such viruses as influenza because of its constant mutation. Reverse genetics allow us to do that.

are still mostly under-researched. This genetic disorder leads to progressive muscle atrophy, and it often remains undiagnosed. See what can be used as a possible treatment.

shows impressive results. Discovery of genes responsible for ADHD will pave the way for better understanding and treatment of this disorder.

. While the causes of the disease remain unknown, they are expected to be both genetic and environmental.

cannot be underestimated. It is essential to decreasing the mortality associated with this highly dangerous malignancy. You can study new effective methods of early diagnosis and preventative measures.

the genetics of drug addiction. That includes substance abuse, gambling, and other dangerous activities. The role of genetics in addiction development can tell us a lot about its prevention and treatment.

can provide the necessary insight into the mechanisms of these two disorders.

is an excellent healthcare research topic for college students. Recent studies show that there’s a genetic difference in susceptibility to HIV infection. Further research can bring us closer to the development of the HIV cure.

is a controversial topic among specialists. Many ADHD patients misuse their prescription drugs for various reasons that you can discuss in your paper.

. Factors such as family history may increase a child’s risk for diabetes. While it cannot be cured, it can be managed with the help of new technology.

That is an interesting question that you can write about in your paper. Movement disorders in children differ from those in adults. This includes such factors as etiology and clinical manifestations.

Secondhand smoke is hazardous for children. It can cause severe asthma attacks, various infections, and even sudden infant death syndrome.

. Studies show that certain sleep positions and cigarette smoke can increase the risk of SIDS, but there are also many other factors you can research.

are interesting research objects for undergraduates. Microorganisms in human organisms play a significant role in immunity, food digesting, and other processes. Discuss it in your paper!

is another anatomy research topic that you can choose. It has been proven that an arginine-rich diet can influence cellular metabolism in bone. You may also describe other diet-related ways of inflammatory arthritis management.

is an important topic that requires a comparison of brain functions in healthy individuals and patients with stroke. The results can be used to improve the treatment of patients in recovery.

The bone marrow niche contains stem cells that create bone and blood. Understanding their functions is crucial in finding better ways of treating rheumatic and neoplastic diseases.

can be the topic of your research paper. While this diagnosis usually leads to surgery, it is not always necessary. Currently, more patient-based ways of diagnosis and treatment are being developed.

This topic is concerned with the mechanisms of seasonal affective disorder. It may also explain why SAD is more predominant in women than in men.

. The properties of enamel are still not entirely understood. The study of its crystal structure may provide necessary insight into its unique resilience.

That is an interesting biomedical research topic. You can come up with ideas on how to improve the quality of life in recovering patients, as well as to reduce disability.

. It’s a significant issue affecting millions of people. New effective methods of recovery are now being developed based on interactivity and participation.

is a relatively new idea. Endometriosis usually leads to surgery, which is not always the right solution. Currently, more patient-based ways of diagnosis and treatment are being developed.

. Currently, a plethora of new computer programs for visualization is being developed. It’s an existing new industry that revolutionizes 21st-century medicine.

is an under-researched topic of great importance. You can study the changes in swallowing due to aging or stroke.

is different from what is known as EST. For example, mild stimulation of the prefrontal cortex temporarily restores the patient’s ability to recognize emotions.

. It’s a new approach that is currently used for the treatment of depression. It also shows effectiveness in patients with OCD who don’t respond to medication.

has been proven effective in boosting patients’ cognitive abilities. Still, it needs further research.

can be an interesting mental health research topic. The idea of creating virtual apps that can help patients cope with unpleasant thoughts is relatively new. You can study its efficacy or help to develop new apps.

is a new burning topic. High levels of anxiety and other mental health problems have been noticed in people around the world during epidemics. You can research the effects of panic, isolation, and uncertainty.

via machine learning is an exciting med research paper topic. It can help in predicting early signs of psychosis as well as provide insights into speech mechanisms of the brain.

is another essential healthcare research paper topic. For example, you can write about ways of interpreting questionnaires for parents. Alternatively, you can develop your own questionnaire.

bipolar disorder . There exist behavioral patterns that can indicate future BD in children, as well as genetic predisposition.

This is an interesting question you can try to answer in your paper. While it has been proven that too much screen time doesn’t cause ADHD, it can possibly lead to w ADHD symptoms worse. You can make your contribution by studying the effects of electronic media on the brain.

This topic is another one concerned with the functions of the brain. You can study brain activity patterns in people responding to stressful situations and imagery.

include similar symptoms as well as genetic predisposition. Further studies of genetic factors responsible for similarities and differences between these two conditions can lead to the development of better-personalized treatments.

. Daily exposure to light has proven to be effective in the treatment of seasonal depression. You can test its efficacy in the treatment of other depression-related conditions.

is an excellent topic for students. Cognitive techniques using meditation are proven to be almost as effective as medication. Yet, further research is required.

For example, it has been proven that there are distinct types of neurons responsible for regulating eating behavior.

. This includes using biological signatures to reveal underlying mechanisms of mental disorders specific to each patient. It can also be used for effective diagnosis.

is an important issue. It often leads to underweight and mineral deficiency, which can have severe consequences. It’s especially widespread in developing countries.

. Obesity is a dangerous condition that often leads to complications. This includes high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

This issue is mostly associated with developing countries. Even with the success of recent efforts to reduce smoking, the long-term effects of nicotine are still going to affect people’s health.

is a fascinating public health research topic. Several studies demonstrate alcohol’s protective effects against various diseases. See if there’s enough evidence to prove this.

can be severe. It is associated with such illnesses as lung cancer and cardiopulmonary disease. See how we can reduce air pollution and its harmful effects.

is another serious threat to public health. It can lead to antibiotic resistance, resulting in deaths from common infections and minor injuries. See what causes the rise in antibiotic consumption and what can be done about it.

. Adding vital microelements to food helps with nutrient deficiency. However, it is essential to control fortified foods intake and not to over fortify.

is an excellent topic for a research paper. Chronic back pain can have a damaging effect on people’s quality of life. New preventive measures are now in development.

. Traditional plant-based medicine was thought to be applicable only in poor regions. Currently, there is a newfound interest in the medicinal properties of plants among scientists.

change is an exciting current topic. The use of social media in the sphere of public health is considered very effective. The widespread use of social media makes it possible to use its benefits in middle and low-income countries.

. Video games can incorporate elements that help manage chronic illness. Besides, they provide the necessary distraction from pain.

can be devastating in situations such as a pandemic. You can study the ways of raising awareness about the dangers of global traveling. It is also important to prevent anxiety and stigmatization of certain countries.

is an important topic that needs to be studied carefully. Racial prejudice often prevents people of color from receiving high-quality treatment. It is crucial to find ways to eliminate bias from health care systems.

: that is another burning topic. High levels of obesity around the world increase the risk of diabetes. See why early diagnosis at the prediabetes stage can lead to better outcomes.

. Despite recent success in the treatment of mental disorders, patients are often blamed for their condition. Collective efforts need to be taken against the stigma and its devastating effects.

is a compelling medical topic for research paper. Learn about tech innovations that can prolong our life and discuss ethical issues connected with them.

Anti-vaccine movements exist since the late 18th century. Recently they are on the rise primarily due to social media influence. It’s necessary to find adequate ways to address this issue.

This is an excellent topic that you can research. First and foremost, it covers the increased importance of chronic disease management and prevention.

is one of the crucial areas of public health research. Discover how technology helps us with early diagnosis and effective prevention of cancer.

may seem insignificant, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Handwashing plays a considerable role in our health. The promotion of frequent handwashing as well as correct techniques and soap usage is especially vital during epidemics.

is an excellent medical research paper topic. Disability can be caused by poverty, and similarly, poverty can be caused by disability. See how else they are interconnected.

is a fascinating topic for presentation. Discover what makes the Chinese medicine unique, and why it remains so influential today.

can be devastating. See what happens when children grow up watching substance abuse at home.

This research question is an intriguing one. The personal experience of patients is a very valuable source of knowledge. At the same time, it is often treated as non-factual information.

is a great under-researched topic for a paper. In our modern world, coffee is an extremely popular drink. Still, there are many dangers to caffeine use, such as psychotic symptoms and sleep disorders.

While pluralism often helps to move medicine forward, sometimes it goes too far. See where the line between alternative medicine and superstition is.

. Various descriptions of this condition date back as far as the 18th century. The definition and terminology of ADHD have been continuously changing and still require further research.

. While certain chemicals contained in cannabis are proven to be beneficial for health, it’s still not officially recognized as a medicine. You can also discuss the recreational use of marihuana.

. This includes the moral status of the embryo, the definition of personhood, women’s freedom over their bodies, and other interesting aspects.

include testing, informed consent, access issues, as well as other aspects. You can also mention the effect of the anti-vaccine movement on society.

Numerous scandals around drug companies suggest that popular antidepressants may have no real effect and do more harm than good. See if there’s enough evidence to support this point of view.

Before you write your research, it is necessary to decide on the study design. It is usually determined by the topic of the research. The methods of your research will depend on the chosen type of study.

There are two main types of study: primary and secondary. Primary studies are focused on new research, while secondary ones deal with the analysis of already available data.

Primary research can be further classified into:

and the development of analytical and biometric procedures. This includes cell and genetic studies, method development in various fields, etc.

that studies the effects of drugs and medical procedures. It can be experimental (clinical studies) and observational (therapy study, observational data analysis, single case reports, etc.)

centered on distribution, frequency, and changes in diseases. This category includes case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, etc.

Secondary research usually consists of literature reviews and meta-analysis.

Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, some intervention studies are impossible to carry out for ethical reasons. Observational studies are safer, but also less reliable that interventional studies.

Choose the design that fits you best and write your perfect medical research paper!

❓ What is medical research?

Medical research is a cross-disciplinary investigation of various diseases, including their mechanisms, treatment, and prevention techniques. It can be based on data analysis or clinical trials conducted on animals or volunteers. Medical research is essential in the development of new treatments, as well as raising awareness of various health-related topics.

❓ Why is medical research important?

Research is what moves medicine forward. Medical research helps us learn more about diseases, discover new treatments, and improve our quality of life. It also makes possible prevent and diagnose various diseases at early stages, as well as test the efficacy and adverse effects of new medicines before they become available to a larger population.

❓ How important is research for medical school?

Research experience is not mandatory for admission in the majority of med schools. However, it is a very valuable experience that helps you develop essential skills.

If you are interested in medical research, you can go into an MD program. This will enable you to work in a laboratory of a research institute and participate in groundbreaking discoveries.

❓ Which organization conducts most federally funded medical research?

Most of the federally funded biomedical research is conducted at The National Institutes of Health (NIH). It consists of 27 separate institutes located in different parts of the US.

The NIH is responsible for many important discoveries. This includes the use of lithium for bipolar disorder treatment, numerous vaccines, and gene therapy.

❓ How to write a medical research paper?

This is a step by step guide:

This article was developed by the editorial team of Custom-Writing.org, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.

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experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

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Senior BS MedTech students win for research on antimycobacterial property of Wrightia antidysenterica leaf extract

  • April 6, 2017

Last April 6, 2017, 4th year Medical Technology students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, namely: Mia Alchelle U. Alegre, Kyarra V. Bautista, Alyanna C. Cacas, Christian Jerell C. Cosme, Nicole DC. Distor, Caryl Jill M. Llobrera, and Lianne S. Solacito, with their thesis advisers Assoc. Prof. Edilberto P. Manahan, Ph.D. and Asst. Prof. Oliver B. Villaflores Ph.D. were awarded as 1st place, Oral Presentation category for their thesis entitled “Evaluation of Antimycobacterial Property of the Chromatographic Fractions of Wrightia antidysenterica Chloroform Leaf Extract” during the 3rd NCR Research Forum and Competition with the theme “Advancing Global Competitiveness through Scientific Research and Inquiry”.

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

The research colloquium was organized by Far Eastern University and the Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology (PASMETH) held at the Science Building, Far Eastern University, Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines.

  • Academia , Academia-April 2017 , Academics

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55 Brilliant Research Topics For STEM Students

Research Topics For STEM Students

Primarily, STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It’s a study program that weaves all four disciplines for cross-disciplinary knowledge to solve scientific problems. STEM touches across a broad array of subjects as STEM students are required to gain mastery of four disciplines.

As a project-based discipline, STEM has different stages of learning. The program operates like other disciplines, and as such, STEM students embrace knowledge depending on their level. Since it’s a discipline centered around innovation, students undertake projects regularly. As a STEM student, your project could either be to build or write on a subject. Your first plan of action is choosing a topic if it’s written. After selecting a topic, you’ll need to determine how long a thesis statement should be .

Given that topic is essential to writing any project, this article focuses on research topics for STEM students. So, if you’re writing a STEM research paper or write my research paper , below are some of the best research topics for STEM students.

List of Research Topics For STEM Students

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Several research topics can be formulated in this field. They cut across STEM science, engineering, technology, and math. Here is a list of good research topics for STEM students.

  • The effectiveness of online learning over physical learning
  • The rise of metabolic diseases and their relationship to increased consumption
  • How immunotherapy can improve prognosis in Covid-19 progression

For your quantitative research in STEM, you’ll need to learn how to cite a thesis MLA for the topic you’re choosing. Below are some of the best quantitative research topics for STEM students.

  • A study of the effect of digital technology on millennials
  • A futuristic study of a world ruled by robotics
  • A critical evaluation of the future demand in artificial intelligence

There are several practical research topics for STEM students. However, if you’re looking for qualitative research topics for STEM students, here are topics to explore.

  • An exploration into how microbial factories result in the cause shortage in raw metals
  • An experimental study on the possibility of older-aged men passing genetic abnormalities to children
  • A critical evaluation of how genetics could be used to help humans live healthier and longer.
Experimental research in STEM is a scientific research methodology that uses two sets of variables. They are dependent and independent variables that are studied under experimental research. Experimental research topics in STEM look into areas of science that use data to derive results.

Below are easy experimental research topics for STEM students.

  • A study of nuclear fusion and fission
  • An evaluation of the major drawbacks of Biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry
  • A study of single-cell organisms and how they’re capable of becoming an intermediary host for diseases causing bacteria

Unlike experimental research, non-experimental research lacks the interference of an independent variable. Non-experimental research instead measures variables as they naturally occur. Below are some non-experimental quantitative research topics for STEM students.

  • Impacts of alcohol addiction on the psychological life of humans
  • The popularity of depression and schizophrenia amongst the pediatric population
  • The impact of breastfeeding on the child’s health and development

STEM learning and knowledge grow in stages. The older students get, the more stringent requirements are for their STEM research topic. There are several capstone topics for research for STEM students .

Below are some simple quantitative research topics for stem students.

  • How population impacts energy-saving strategies
  • The application of an Excel table processor capabilities for cost calculation
  •  A study of the essence of science as a sphere of human activity

Correlations research is research where the researcher measures two continuous variables. This is done with little or no attempt to control extraneous variables but to assess the relationship. Here are some sample research topics for STEM students to look into bearing in mind how to cite a thesis APA style for your project.

  • Can pancreatic gland transplantation cure diabetes?
  • A study of improved living conditions and obesity
  • An evaluation of the digital currency as a valid form of payment and its impact on banking and economy

There are several science research topics for STEM students. Below are some possible quantitative research topics for STEM students.

  • A study of protease inhibitor and how it operates
  • A study of how men’s exercise impacts DNA traits passed to children
  • A study of the future of commercial space flight

If you’re looking for a simple research topic, below are easy research topics for STEM students.

  • How can the problem of Space junk be solved?
  • Can meteorites change our view of the universe?
  • Can private space flight companies change the future of space exploration?

For your top 10 research topics for STEM students, here are interesting topics for STEM students to consider.

  • A comparative study of social media addiction and adverse depression
  • The human effect of the illegal use of formalin in milk and food preservation
  • An evaluation of the human impact on the biosphere and its results
  • A study of how fungus affects plant growth
  • A comparative study of antiviral drugs and vaccine
  • A study of the ways technology has improved medicine and life science
  • The effectiveness of Vitamin D among older adults for disease prevention
  • What is the possibility of life on other planets?
  • Effects of Hubble Space Telescope on the universe
  • A study of important trends in medicinal chemistry research

Below are possible research topics for STEM students about plants:

  • How do magnetic fields impact plant growth?
  • Do the different colors of light impact the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How can fertilizer extend plant life during a drought?

Below are some examples of quantitative research topics for STEM students in grade 11.

  • A study of how plants conduct electricity
  • How does water salinity affect plant growth?
  • A study of soil pH levels on plants

Here are some of the best qualitative research topics for STEM students in grade 12.

  • An evaluation of artificial gravity and how it impacts seed germination
  • An exploration of the steps taken to develop the Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personalized medicine and the wave of the future

Here are topics to consider for your STEM-related research topics for high school students.

  • A study of stem cell treatment
  • How can molecular biological research of rare genetic disorders help understand cancer?
  • How Covid-19 affects people with digestive problems

Below are some survey topics for qualitative research for stem students.

  • How does Covid-19 impact immune-compromised people?
  • Soil temperature and how it affects root growth
  • Burned soil and how it affects seed germination

Here are some descriptive research topics for STEM students in senior high.

  • The scientific information concept and its role in conducting scientific research
  • The role of mathematical statistics in scientific research
  • A study of the natural resources contained in oceans

Final Words About Research Topics For STEM Students

STEM topics cover areas in various scientific fields, mathematics, engineering, and technology. While it can be tasking, reducing the task starts with choosing a favorable topic. If you require external assistance in writing your STEM research, you can seek professional help from our experts.

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experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

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SHS STEM Health Science Students Showcased their Research Projects 

Three Research Projects of Grade 12 STEM Health Science were amongst the 15 research papers that qualified for poster presentation in “Medalla: National Academic and Public Health Conference” organized by the University of the Philippines Pre-Medical Society-Baguio held on April 18-23, 2022, via Zoom

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

The Research Projects presented were “Doctor On Call: An Assessment On The Utilization Of Online Platforms For Consultation Among Physicians” by Jazmine Abbiegail V. Tiangson, Mary Anne Lyn Therese C. Baguilat, Monelle Mikaela A. Castillo,  Joana Grace Garcia, and Lance Eduard P. Lim; “Do-Or-Die: A Quantitative Study On The Dialysis Patients’ Experiences During The Covid-19 Pandemic” by Alyanna Therese D. Acain, Stefhanie R. Dipalac, Mika Yvana M. Gonzales, Jamir Kenji L. Junatas, Naomi Anne P. Muñoz, Imogene Blanche B. Pacunayen, and Claire Elaine N. Reyes; and “Body Awareness On Postural Sitting Habits Among College Students In Online Classes” by Jan Yzabel A. Gaza, Maria Jelly T. Bulangis, Russella H. Cali, Zandara Nicole T. Dimayuga, Alaisa Mae A. Julian, Joan Gracielle Trisha B. Kadusale, Celestine Aira F. Oxinio,  Daisy Marque T. Raton, and John Cedrick C. Valencia.  

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

These young researchers are under the guidance and supervision of Mr. John Christian Espinola, the Content Lead for Science and Innovative Research. 

MedTech Student Paper Ranked 3rd in Health Research Conference

MedTech Student Paper Ranked 3rd in Health Research Conference

The paper, “Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of the Residents of Barangay Calindagan, Dumaguete City Towards Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Testing”, was presented by one of the student-authors, Tishri Gabuya. She did the paper along with fellow Medical Technology majors Carlo Allison Apostol, Chloie Baldamor, Ethyl Mae Gordoncillo, Aileen Sia and James Christopher Tangga.

Student undergraduate podium presentation category was one of four categories under which research papers can be accepted and judged for awards.

ICLS Instructor Mr. Kim G. Sarong served as adviser to the winning student group.

CELTA Hosts 40 Teachers from Vis-Min in Seminar-Workshop on Kindergarten Education

Dr. tan to graduates: 'what does the world expect of a silliman graduate', quick links.

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experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

61st Cultural season opens with strings concert

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

Divinity School celebrates Peace Month

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

Martial Law documentary to be screened in Silliman

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College of Pharmacy

List of Researches

Formulation of Anti-Hypertensive Standardized Herbal Extracts for Pre-Clinical and Clinical Development (2016, On-going study of Toralba, Bulatao, & Larcia)

Formulation of Standardized Herbal Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibiting Extracts for Pre-Clinical and Clinical Development (2016, On-going study of Balotro, Yu, & Quibin)

Formulation of Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition Activity of the Formulated Tablet from the Ethanolic Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants for Gout (2016, On-going study of Palacpac & Ladignon)

Modification of a Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Course Design to Improve Student Performance (2016, Toralba, Larcia, & Orejola)

Effect of the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010 (Republic Act of 9994) on Drug Accessibility among Elderly (2016, Salenga, Loquias, Sarol)

Determination of the Angiogenic Effect of Ficus pseudopalma Blanco (Niyog-niyogan) Leaf Fractions on the Chorioallantoic Membrane of 10-Day Old Anna luzonica (Duck) Eggs (2015, Santiago, et al.)

Fractionation of the Antibacterial Components of Citrus aurantifolia Swingle (Fam. Rutaceae) Fruit Extracts (2015, Padilla, Avestruz, Gutierrez, & Toralba)

Academic Entrepreneurial Intention of Researchers of the University of the Philippines Manila – National Institutes of Health (2014, Balotro & Nevado)

Conceptual Design of Community-Based Herbal Manufacturing and Testing Laboratory in a Primary Health Care Setting (2014, Casauay)

Extraction and Purification of Pectin from the Fruit Peel Wastes of Selected Philippine Fruits (2014, Loquias)

Formulation of Standardized Plant Extracts as Supplements for Diabetes Mellitus (2014, Toralba, Orejola, & Ladignon)

In Vitro Pediculicidal Efficacy and Acute Dermal Irritation Tests of Coconut Oil Lotion and Cream Shampoo from Makabuhay Extract (2014, Balotro, Sagun, Balita, & Salud-Gnilo)

Junior Faculty Mentoring Relationships and Its Effectiveness in the College of Pharmacy in Metro Manila (2014, Gutierrez)

Evaluation of Community Pharmacy Internship Programme in the Philippines (2013, Carrido, Lorenzo, Macaldo, & Loquias)

Screening for the Anti-Angiogenic Activity of Selected Philippine Medicinal Plants using Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay (2013, Camposano, Dela Torre, Laxamana, Larcia, Loquias)

Peel Wastes of Ananas comosus , Sandoricum koetjape , Citrus nobilis as Lead and Cadmium Biosorbent in Manila Tap Water (2013)

Lead, Cadmium and Chromium in Selected Local Cigarettes Available in the Philippines (2013)

Comparison of Lead Absorption Ability of Bougainvillea ( Bougainvillea spectabilis L.) Leaves in Two Cities in Metro Manila, Philippines (2013)

The Roles of Pharmacists in Relation to Medical Doctors, Nurses, and BHWs in Preventing Dengue (2013)

Heavy Metal Concentrations in Canned Fruits of Litchi chinensis , Prunus persica , and Ananas comosus Marketed in the Philippines (2013)

Assessment and Filling of Gaps of the Anti-Dengue Program in the Philippines (2013)

Chemical Analysis and Culture Characterization of Water Kefir (2013)

Comparative Stability Study of Innovator and Generic Cefuroxime Sodium Powder for Injection Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (2013)

Thin Layer Chromatography Methods in the Characterization and Stability Analyses of the Aqueous and Dichloromethane Extracts of Lagerstroemia speciosa L. (Fam. Lythraceae) Leaves (2013)

Identification and Segregation of Chemical Wastes of Unknown Composition Generated and Implementation of Proper Chemical Waste Disposal by the College of Pharmacy University of the Philippines Manila (2011)

A Simple and Direct Titrimetric Assay of Acetaminophen in Tablets Using Cerium (IV) Sulfate (2010)

Comparative TLC Analysis of the Constituents of Four Commercially-Available Blumea balsamifera Preparations (2009)

Comparison of the Spectrophotometric and Titrimetric Methods for the Quantitative Analysis of Sulfa Drugs using Diazotization and Coupling Reactions with Phenol (2009)

Bioactive Metabolites from Sponge-derived Fungi (2007)

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

A Case Study on the Job Satisfaction of Registered Medical Technologists Working In Metro Manila, Philippines during COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Samuel James Abel
  • Bianca Therese Aguila
  • Gio Neil Amante
  • Gabrielle Badillo
  • Emmanuel Jeremiah Barcelona
  • Anne Hilary Bautista
  • Kristen Manaligod
  • Anna Liezle Pagud

The medical technology profession has been given more importance as COVID-19 pandemic arrives in the Philippines in March 2020. Workload in the laboratory and the hospital has never been put under pressure with the large number of patients along with a contagious virus that continuously raises the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, all of which could impact the job satisfaction and work performance of the medical technologists. The primary aim of this research is to assess the job satisfaction level of the Registered Medical Technologists working in Metro Manila, Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as identify the factors that significantly influence job satisfaction. The research employs a cross-sectional survey and a purposive sampling technique comprising 97 participants based on Metro Manila, Philippines. The questionnaire was based on Paul E. Spector’s Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) with a six-point, agree-disagree response choices, covering different facets in job satisfaction. Pearson’s Correlation analysis, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and independent-samples t-test were used to evaluate and assess the significance of each facet and the significant difference between the groups regarding job satisfaction level, respectively. Most of the participants (68.04%) were ambivalent with regards to the overall job satisfaction. Generally, there is dissatisfaction with the facets pay (56.70%), promotion (45.36%), contingent rewards (44.33%), and operating conditions (52.58%). Satisfied results show with the facets supervision (74.23%), co-workers (47.42%), nature of work (73.20%), and communication (59.79%). With regards to fringe benefits facet, the participants were both dissatisfied and ambivalent (40.21%). Pearson Correlation Analysis was conducted and showed that all facets were significant to overall job satisfaction (p < .05), and displayed positive correlation to overall job satisfaction (r > .20). The results for salary range and the type of laboratory showed a significant difference (p < .05) whereas the results for age, biological sex, classification of laboratory, availability of COVID-19 testing services, and year of experience showed no significant difference (p > .05). The majority of the respondents were neither generally satisfied nor generally dissatisfied, rather ambivalent about job satisfaction. The respondents are generally dissatisfied with regards to Pay, Promotion, Contingent Rewards, and Operating Conditions while they are generally satisfied with Supervision, Co-Workers, Nature of Work, and Communication. Also, two of the greater number of respondents corresponds with either generally dissatisfied or ambivalent towards Fringe Benefits. All of the facets have a significant relationship and positive correlation to the overall job satisfaction level. As for the sociodemographic factors, only the type of laboratory and salary range have significant differences in job satisfaction level among different groups. It would be ideal to include Registered Medical Technologists from different regions across the country, aside from NCR, for a wider sample size and scope of respondents to achieve more accurate results. Modifying the sociodemographic profile of the respondents can create more divisions of groups which can achieve a better depiction of how the job satisfaction level is affected. It is also recommended to include other classifications of laboratories (by function and service capability) as well as the position of the medical technologist since this may explain their salary and benefits as well as their responsibilities. A comparative analysis of this study and the job satisfaction in pre-pandemic context could also be performed.

experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

How to Cite

  • Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)

Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel James Abel, Bianca Therese Aguila, Gio Neil Amante, Gabrielle Badillo, Emmanuel Jeremiah Barcelona, Anne Hilary Bautista, Kristen Manaligod, Anna Liezle Pagud

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License .

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Abstract Background Breast cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. Its diagnosis and prognosis remain scanty, imprecise, and poorly documented. Previous studies have indicated that some genetic mutational signatures are suspected to lead to progression of various breast cancer scenarios. There is paucity of data on the role of AI tools in delineating breast cancer mutational signatures. This study sought to investigate the relationship between breast cancer genetic mutational prof...

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The Effect of Ocimum Tenuiflorum (Nchuanwu) Leaf Extract on Hematolgical Parameters of Immumnosuppressed Albino Rats.

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A Pre-Experimental Research on the Implementation of Selected Classroom Assessment Techniques for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health

International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, volume 2, issue 2, p. 99 - 107

9 Pages Posted: 22 Mar 2021 Last revised: 26 Jul 2021

Almighty Cortezo Tabuena

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela; University of Perpetual Help System DALTA; Philippine Normal University; International Journal of Academic and Practical Research; National Research Council of the Philippines

Date Written: February 11, 2021

The primary objective of this study is to examine and identify the classroom assessment techniques (CATs) that might provide and help teachers through assessment and evaluation processes in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) using pre-experimental research through one-group pretest-posttest design. The study was conducted at Jose Abad Santos High School in Manila, Philippines during the third grading period of the researcher’s practicum. The sample of the study consists of 20 students selected through the purposive sampling technique. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses were employed. The instruments used in the study were a teacher-made quiz, CATs sample assessment as the treatment, and the perception survey questionnaire (PSQ) regarding the CATs. The result revealed that there is a significant difference between the pre-evaluation and post-evaluation after the CATs implementation. In the post-evaluation, the mean score was significantly higher than the pre-evaluation, which indicates that the CATs improved the performance of students in MAPEH. On the other hand, as revealed in the PSQ, the students regarded the CATs positively. It shows, in this case, that CATs are a great alternative to traditional assessments. Other CATs to be developed and implemented for better learning and effective teaching are recommended.

Keywords: Assessment, Classroom Assessment Techniques, MAPEH, Evaluation, Perception

JEL Classification: 129

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Almighty Tabuena (Contact Author)

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International Journal of Academic and Practical Research ( email )

Manila Philippines

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Quantitative research topics for stem students in the philippines


It’s not so easy to put together a research proposal quantitative that relies on numbers alone to demonstrate a point one way or another. When it comes to writing a quantitative research proposal, you need expert advice if you are to achieve the grades you deserve. Use this extensive list to give yourself a few ideas about what you might want to study.

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One of the first things you’ll be wondering when you embark upon a quantitative research project is how it is possible to turn seemingly qualitative data into numerical format. One of the most widely used methods is the Likert scale which asks participants to rate their opinions on a 5-point scale. Conducting surveys in this manner can help you get to the bottom of all sorts of social and psychological questions.

The analysis of quantitative data as part of your research project is not necessarily easy and it requires a significant amount of statistical knowledge. Particularly if you’re trying to identify a relationship between two variables without a particular hypothesis in mind, you’re going to have to rely on numbers. There’s plenty of expert advice around if you need help with your research project.

You have to be certain that you can answer your question by means of quantitative methods before you embark on what could be a very lengthy research project. You can’t use open ended queries and have to be specific about topics that may not have a simple answer. You’ll need to be able to replicate your inquiries many times with many different subjects. This is particularly important as you will need a certain predefined number of participants in any study you conduct in order for it to meet standards of statistical significance.

Check out engineering research proposal topics for more inspiration!

As you will be generating reams of data, you need to make sure that it’s all as relevant to your question as possible. They may also generate data over many years and actually continue doing so for long after you’ve finished your PhD. Use expert advice to make sure you get the most of out of this data and apply it to your research appropriately. Quantitative research proposal topics vary in their usefulness to the furthermost of science and human knowledge. Use this extensive list to help you choose a topic that suits your unique academic strengths. Combine your research proposal quantitative with expert advice on your chosen topic and you’ll be moving onwards and upwards with ease.

Published 1 May 2019

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  1. SOLUTION: History of Medical Technology in the Philippines Study Notes

    experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

  2. Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

    experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

  3. History of Medical Technology in the Philippines Free Essay Example 602

    experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

  4. 🏷️ Simple research topics for medical students. 55 Brilliant Research

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  5. 🏆 Thesis topics for medical technology students. 100+ Greatest

    experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

  6. 🏆 Thesis topics for medical technology students. 100+ Greatest

    experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines


  1. Is MBBS in Philippines Safe

  2. MES 016 Educational Research Question Papers || MES 016 Previous Years Questions

  3. PROGRAM FEATURE: College of Medical Technology

  4. 9 Best Experimental Research Topics For Students/@calltutors7362

  5. Experimental Research Designs

  6. Students Testimonial


  1. Understanding the Motivation of Medical Technology Students in Manila

    An online questionnaire was deployed to gather data from 328 respondents from all year levels of the Medical Technology department currently enrolled for AY 2021-2022 in a selected university in Manila. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using Pearson's correlation coefficient in the SPSS software.

  2. Medical Laboratory Science Student Research Projects

    Graduate students in the Department of Medical Laboratory Science work with their research mentors on a wide array of topics, as highlighted below. Academic years 2019-2021 Academic year 2018-2019

  3. 77 Exciting Medical Research Topics (2024)

    Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include: The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health. COVID-19 vaccination rates.

  4. 200+ Experimental Quantitative Research Topics For Stem Students

    Technology is at the forefront of STEM fields. Here are 10 research topics for STEM students interested in technology: Developing and optimizing algorithms for autonomous drone navigation in complex environments. Exploring the use of blockchain technology for enhancing the security and transparency of supply chains.

  5. Phenomenologizing Filipino Medical Technology Students Experiences in

    Filipino Medical Technology students encountered challenges with the Enriched Virtual Mode during the COVID-19 pandemic. This phenomenological study followed purposive sampling in selecting twelve (12) Filipino Medical Technology students from a higher-education institution engaged in Enriched Virtual Mode. They answered online forms and participated in a semi-structured one-on-one interview.

  6. Understanding the Motivation of Medical Technology Students in Manila

    A quantitative correlational design was used to determine the relationship between the intention and willingness of Medical Technology students in pursuing a healthcare career. An online questionnaire was deployed to gather data from 328 respondents from all year levels of the Medical Technology department currently enrolled for AY 2021-2022 in ...

  7. Factors That Influence Third-Year Medical Technology Students ...

    This paper available online at www.ijprse.com ISSN (Online): 2582-7898. Medical technology is known for being a decent pre-medical course due to the numerous subjects found in its curriculum that may serve as a stepping stone and create a foundation for knowledge as students proceed to medical school.

  8. The Motivation of Filipino Registered Medical Technologists ...

    1Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines. 2The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines. Corresponding Author: [email protected]. Abstract: In the fight against COVID-19, healthcare workers experience the fear of the ...

  9. Experimental research topics for medical technology students in philippines

    Information-based research, personalized medicine, deep learning techniques, and more - all this makes health research exciting as well as valuable. Stuck choosing your medical research topic? Take a look at the collection that Custom-writing.org experts have prepared!

  10. 99 questions with answers in MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY

    Question. 1 answer. Feb 7, 2024. Sysmex DI-60 was found to be dependable in the characterization of red blood cells (RBCs). However, in the case of schistocytes, the study revealed high ...

  11. Senior BS MedTech students win for research on antimycobacterial

    Last April 6, 2017, 4th year Medical Technology students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, namely: Mia Alchelle U. Alegre, Kyarra V. Bautista, Alyanna C. Cacas, Christian Jerell C. Cosme, Nicole DC. ... The University of Santo Tomas is one of the leading private research universities in the Philippines and is consistently ranked among the top 1000 ...

  12. 55 Brilliant Research Topics For STEM Students

    Below are easy experimental research topics for STEM students. A study of nuclear fusion and fission. An evaluation of the major drawbacks of Biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry. A study of single-cell organisms and how they're capable of becoming an intermediary host for diseases causing bacteria.

  13. SHS STEM Health Science Students Showcased their Research Projects

    Three Research Projects of Grade 12 STEM Health Science were amongst the 15 research papers that qualified for poster presentation in "Medalla: National Academic and Public Health Conference" organized by the University of the Philippines Pre-Medical Society-Baguio held on April 18-23, 2022, via Zoom The Research Projects presented were "Doctor On Call: An Assessment On […]

  14. (PDF) A phenomenological study of Filipino Medical Technologists

    PDF | On Jun 1, 2023, Earl Adriane A. Cano and others published A phenomenological study of Filipino Medical Technologists' forces for perceived job satisfaction amidst COVID-19 pandemic in the ...

  15. MedTech Student Paper Ranked 3rd in Health Research Conference

    A research paper by six students from the Institute of Clinical and Laboratory Sciences (ICLS) was awarded third place in the student undergraduate podium presentation category during the 3 rd Annual Central Visayas Health Research and Innovation Conference held May 6 to 9 at the Cebu Normal University in Cebu.. The paper, "Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of the Residents of Barangay ...

  16. Frontiers in Medical Technology

    Animal Models in Medical Translation. Cardiovascular Medtech. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Devices. Medtech Data Analytics. Nano-Based Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutical Innovation. Regenerative Technologies. Regulatory Affairs. Ebook.

  17. List of Researches

    The Roles of Pharmacists in Relation to Medical Doctors, Nurses, and BHWs in Preventing Dengue (2013) Heavy Metal Concentrations in Canned Fruits of Litchi chinensis, Prunus persica, and Ananas comosus Marketed in the Philippines (2013) Assessment and Filling of Gaps of the Anti-Dengue Program in the Philippines (2013)

  18. A Case Study on the Job Satisfaction of Registered Medical ...

    The medical technology profession has been given more importance as COVID-19 pandemic arrives in the Philippines in March 2020. Workload in the laboratory and the hospital has never been put under pressure with the large number of patients along with a contagious virus that continuously raises the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, all of which could impact the job satisfaction and ...

  19. Medical Lab Science and Tech Research Papers/Topics

    COVID 19 - History and Scientific Progress in Treatment. The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a highly transmittable and pathogenic viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread around the world. Genomic analysis revealed that SARS-CoV-2 is phylogenetically ...

  20. A Pre-Experimental Research on the Implementation of Selected ...

    The study was conducted at Jose Abad Santos High School in Manila, Philippines during the third grading period of the researcher's practicum. The sample of the study consists of 20 students selected through the purposive sampling technique. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses were employed.

  21. Medical education in the Philippines: medical students' perspectives

    We aimed to gain insights from current medical students about the present situation and future direction of medical education in the Philippines. Discover the world's research 25+ million members

  22. Learning Strategies and Innovations among Medical Students in the

    In the current and previous issue of the International Journal of Medical Students, many of these topics are tackled in the Experience articles that we decided to publish with perspectives from ...

  23. Quantitative research topics for stem students in the philippines

    Statistical. Computational technique. The quantitative research paper aims at collecting data from a particular group of data. The next step is to generalize the collected data to a wide range of people to describe the process. Quantitative research is necessary to attain a particular objective.