Best Practices and Sample Questions for Course Evaluation Surveys

Meaningful input from students is essential for improving courses. One of the most common indirect course assessment methods is the course evaluation survey. In addition to providing useful information for improving courses, course evaluations provide an opportunity for students to reflect and provide feedback on their own learning. Review an example of a digital course evaluation survey in HelioCampus Assessment and Credentialing (formerly AEFIS) that was created by Testing and Evaluation Services.

Best Practices

The following best practices are intended to guide departments and programs in creating and revising course evaluation questions, and achieving high response rates.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Achieving High Response Rates

  • Give students time (10-15 minutes) to complete the digital evaluation during class (just as they do with printed, paper evaluations).
  • Encourage students to complete the evaluation by discussing its purpose and importance in the weeks leading up to it. If students know that you will read their feedback and seriously consider changes based on their feedback, they will be more likely to complete the evaluation.
  • Share how you have incorporated past feedback into your courses.
  • Examples include making the evaluation an assignment with points attached or giving students a bonus point. One way to do this is to set a target response rate for the class – say 90% – and provide everyone a bonus point if the class reaches the target
  • Ask students to provide feedback about their own learning relative to the course’s learning outcomes

Creating and Revising Survey Questions - Strategies to Obtain More Effective Feedback

  • Meaningful input from students is essential for improving courses.
  • Obtaining student feedback on their learning is important to you.
  • Guide students to the specific type of feedback you are looking for.
  • Students, like anyone answering questions, tend to provide better feedback to more specific questions. Asking about a specific type of activity, or asking students to share the most important point they learned during the semester, may provide more useful feedback.
  • Example: instead of asking “How useful were the instructional materials and activities for this course?”, focus on a specific material or activity.
  • Yes/no questions can often be leading questions. Instead of asking “Did you learn a great amount from this course?”, a better question would be “To what extent do you feel you mastered the content in this course?
  • Asking open-ended questions can help you gain insight you may not otherwise receive. Research by the University of California – Merced is finding that coaching from peers or near-peers can help students provide more effective feedback to open-ended questions. The research includes short videos and a rubric you can share with your students prior to completing evaluations.
  • Students are hesitant to complete course evaluations if they feel they may be identified by their responses. For example, responding to “level” or “year” when they are the only graduate student or undergraduate senior in a course.

Sample Questions

Instructor-specific: delivery - teaching methods, strategies, practices and clarity.

  • The instructor was well prepared for class.
  • Individual class meetings were well prepared.
  • The instructor used class time effectively.
  • The instructor was organized, well prepared, and used class time efficiently.
  • The instructor communicated clearly and was easy to understand.
  • The instructor encouraged student participation in class.
  • The instructor presented course material in a clear manner that facilitated understanding.
  • The instructor effectively organized and facilitated well-run learning activities.
  • The instructor’s teaching methods were effective.
  • The instructor’s teaching methods aided my learning.
  • The instructor stimulated my interest in the subject matter.
  • The instructor provided helpful feedback.
  • The instructor provided feedback in a timely manner.
  • The instructor returned assignments and exams in a timely manner.
  • The online course platform was updated and accurate.

Instructor-Specific: Personal / Connection - Clarity and Encouragement

  • The instructor effectively explained and illustrated course concepts.
  • The instructor’s feedback to me was helpful and improved my understanding of the material.
  • I was able to access the instructor outside of scheduled class time for additional help.
  • The instructor was available to students.
  • I could get help if I needed it.
  • The instructor cared about the students, their progress, and successful course completion.
  • The instructor created a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.
  • The instructor treated students with respect.

Course Materials

  • The lectures, readings, and assignments complemented each other.
  • The instructional materials (i.e., books, readings, handouts, study guides, lab manuals, multimedia, software) increased my knowledge and skills in the subject matter.
  • The text and assigned readings were valuable.
  • The workload consisted of less than two hours outside of the classroom for each hour in class.
  • The course workload and requirements were appropriate for the course level.
  • The course was organized in a manner that helped me understand underlying concepts.
  • The course assignments (readings, assigned problems, laboratory experiments, videos, etc.) facilitated my learning.
  • The assigned readings helped me understand the course material.
  • Graded assignments helped me understand the course material.
  • The tests/assessments accurately assess what I have learned in this course.
  • Exams and assignments were reflective of the course content.
  • The course was well organized.
  • The course followed the syllabus.
  • The instructor grades consistently with the evaluation criteria.
  • The course environment felt like a welcoming place to express my ideas.

Student Engagement and Involvement

  • I attend class regularly.
  • I consistently prepared for class.
  • I have put a great deal of effort into advancing my learning in this course.
  • In this course, I have been challenged to learn more than I expected.
  • I was well-prepared for class/discussion sections.

Course Structure

  • This class has increased my interest in this field of study.
  • This course gave me confidence to do more advanced work in the subject.
  • I believe that what I am being asked to learn in this course is important.
  • The readings were appropriate to the goals of the course.
  • The written assignments contributed to my knowledge of the course material and understanding of the subject.
  • Expectations for student learning were clearly defined.
  • Student learning was fairly assessed (e.g., through quizzes, exams, projects, and other graded work).
  • Exams/assignments were a fair assessment of my knowledge of the course material.
  • The grading practices were clearly defined.
  • The grading practices were fair.
  • The examinations/projects measured my knowledge of the course material.
  • This course was challenging.
  • This course made me think.
  • What grade do you expect to earn in this course? Options for this question: A-AB, B-BC,  C,  Below C, Unsure

Student Learning and Course Learning Outcomes

Text in “{}” should be changed to match the specific course learning outcomes (CLO). 

  • This course helped me { develop intellectual and critical thinking skills }.
  • This course improved my ability to { evaluate arguments }.
  • This course helped me { argue effectively }.
  • My ability to { identify, formulate, and solve problems } has increased.
  • My understanding of { basic chemical transformations, reactivity, and properties } has increased.
  • My ability to { recognize the relationship between structure, bonding, and the properties of molecules and materials } has increased.
  • I am capable of { locating, evaluating, and using information in the literature }.
  • I am confident in my ability to { communicate chemical knowledge effectively }.
  • I understand { professional and ethical responsibility related to data storage }.
  • This course helped me analyze { relations among individual, civil society, political institution, and countries }.
  • The coursed helped me { further develop my writing ability }.
  • The course improved my { verbal communication skills }.
  • The course increased my ability to { collaborate and work in teams }.
  • The course increased my { intercultural knowledge and awareness to help me become a global citizen }.

UW Essential Learning Outcomes

  • This course enhanced my knowledge of the world (e.g., human cultures, society, sciences, etc.).
  • This course helped me develop intellectual skills (e.g., critical or creative thinking, quantitative reasoning, problem solving, etc.).
  • This course helped me develop professional skills (e.g., written or oral communication, computer literacy, teamwork, etc.).
  • This course enhanced my sense of social responsibility.

General / Overall Rating

  • I would highly recommend this instructor to other students.
  • I would recommend this instructor to others.
  • Overall, this instructor met my expectations for the quality of a UW-Madison teacher.
  • I would highly recommend this course to other students.
  • I would recommend this course to others.
  • Overall, this course met my expectations for the quality of a UW-Madison course.
  • This course had high educational impact.
  • This course was useful in progress toward my degree.

Qualitative, Open-Ended Response

  • Do you have any specific recommendations for improving this course?
  • What are one to three specific things about the course or instructor that especially helped to support student learning?
  • What are the strengths of this course?
  • What parts of the course aided your learning the most?
  • What are one to three specific things about the course that could be improved to better support student learning?
  • What parts of the class were obstacles to your learning?
  • What changes might improve your learning?


  • Assignments and tests handled by the TA were returned with useful feedback.
  • The TA was willing to explain grading and evaluation of my work.
  • The TA knew and was confident in the material related to this course.
  • The TA was adequately prepared for discussion sections.
  • The TA was clear in presenting subject matter.
  • The TA presented the material in an interesting and engaging way.
  • The TA fostered intellectual communication among my peers.
  • The TA was able to adequately prepare students for assignments (examination, book reviews, research papers, etc.).
  • The TA stimulated thought and discussion.
  • I felt comfortable asking my TA questions.
  • The TA was willing to answer questions.
  • The TA was able to answer questions clearly and completely.
  • The TA effectively utilizes electronic communication (e.g., Learn@UW, Canvas, email, etc.).
  • The TA is well-prepared for each meeting.
  • The TA is flexible and adapts the learning environment when things do not go according to plan.
  • The TA was available during offices hours or by appointment.
  • The TA arrives to class on time.
  • The TA was committed to teaching and aiding students.
  • The TA is an effective teacher.
  • If given the opportunity, I would enroll in a section led by my TA again.
  • Overall, the TA performed well.

Qualitative, open-ended response

  • Are there distinctive qualities about the TA that you would like to highlight?
  • What are one to three specific things that your TA does particularly well to support student learning?
  • What might your TA do to improve his/her teaching?
  • What are one to three specific things that you would like to see your TA improve to better support student learning?

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  • FREE Employee Satisfaction Survey Template...

FREE Employee Satisfaction Survey Template & 2024 Guide

Employee Satisfaction Survey Template Cover

Do your employees find fulfillment and contentment in their work? The importance of employee satisfaction cannot be overstated for HR professionals who are tasked with maximising employee engagement and loyalty, but how can leadership teams know what employees are really thinking and feeling? 

To gauge employee satisfaction , employers often rely on employee satisfaction surveys or questionnaires. These assessments can include questions about the feasibility of their deadlines, their rapport with co-workers, and their ability to maintain a healthy work life balance. In this article, we provide a FREE employee satisfaction template (Word download), employee satisfaction survey question examples to help develop your own, and steps to help you craft your next employee satisfaction survey.

Let’s get started!

Contents What is an employee satisfaction survey? Why should you measure employee satisfaction? 8 benefits of employee satisfaction surveys Checklist: Conducting an employee satisfaction survey Crafting your employee satisfaction survey questions Free employee sample satisfaction survey template How to conduct employee satisfaction surveys Employee satisfaction survey tools

assignment satisfaction survey

What is an employee satisfaction survey? 

Gone are the days when people were simply happy to have a job – as they should be. In every organization across industries and sectors, people are the driving force behind productivity and innovation. They are a key differentiator for competitive companies. And they should be treated as such. High levels of employee satisfaction are typically linked to increased productivity , better employee morale, lower turnover rates , and greater business success.

Employee satisfaction, also referred to as job satisfaction, is a measure of how content and happy employees are with their jobs and their workplace environment. It can be influenced by several factors, including the nature of the work itself, compensation , work-life balance, relationships with colleagues and superiors, opportunities for career advancement, and the overall culture and values of the organization.

An employee satisfaction survey is a tool used by organizations to measure and understand the attitudes, opinions, and level of satisfaction amongst their employees. It typically includes a range of questions about various aspects of the workplace experience, including work environment, job duties, managerial effectiveness, and opportunities for professional growth. The results from the survey can offer valuable insights to identify areas of improvement, enhance productivity, and retain talent by addressing their needs and expectations.

What is employee engagement?

While both employee satisfaction and engagement are crucial for a successful organization, they do not mean the same thing:

  • Employee satisfaction is about how content an employee is with their job and work environment. It primarily focuses on the employee’s well-being and whether their needs and expectations are being met.
  • Employee engagement goes a step further. It is an emotional commitment from the employee to the organization and its goals.
HR tip Engaged employees are not just satisfied with their jobs. They are enthusiastic about their work, take pride in the company, and are willing to put in extra effort to contribute to the organization’s success.

Why should you measure employee satisfaction?

Gallup’s Exceptional Workplace Award winners averaged 72% employee engagement even during highly disruptive times. They also have an 18-to-1 average ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees.

Why does this matter? For starters, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report, employees who are not engaged or who are actively disengaged cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity (11% of global GDP) in 2022. Gallup also reveals that decades of research on organizational performance all points to the same thing – that organizations dedicated to prioritizing employee engagement and wellbeing and building a strong workplace culture reap the rewards of better productivity, profitability and customer growth. Most especially, they outperform their less engaged competitors.

If employee satisfaction directly impacts how engaged an employee is, it stands to reason that measuring employee satisfaction is therefore critical. Here are a few additional reasons why:

  • Increase profitability: All of the above factors can contribute to an increase in company profitability. When employees are satisfied and productive, and turnover is low, companies can operate more effectively and efficiently, driving up profits.
  • Improve productivity: Satisfied employees are typically more productive. They are more likely to stay focused, motivated, and engaged in their work, which can drive up overall productivity levels.
  • Reduce turnover: A happy employee is more likely to stay with a company longer, reducing staff churn and the costs associated with hiring and training new employees. With 84% of organizations reporting labor shortage challenges , HR professionals are looking for ways to retain employees for longer.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction: Satisfied employees are more likely to believe in the organization’s purpose and will want to provide better customer service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

8 benefits of employee satisfaction surveys

Before you design and implement an employee satisfaction survey or draft employee satisfaction questions, keep these 8 benefits top of mind to ensure you are creating a successful program.

  • Increase employee engagement: This is the most obvious result of understanding how your employees are feeling and one that we have touched on in this guide. Over and above the data and insights you will gather as an HR professional, employee satisfaction surveys give employees a voice, making them feel valued and involved in the decision-making process. Employees who feel heard are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their organization. And as we’ve pointed out, increased engagement leads to better productivity and reduced turnover rates.
  • Identify areas of improvement: Surveys provide a platform for employees to express their concerns, criticisms, and suggestions for improvements, enabling your organization to identify the areas that require attention. Understanding employees’ perspectives can help address potential problems in workflows, working conditions, organizational structure , or policy.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration: Conducting these surveys emphasizes open and transparent communication between employees and management. It can encourage a culture of feedback and collaboration, where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This can lead to improved team dynamics, problem-solving, and innovation.
  • Improve leadership and management: Through these surveys, HR professionals can gain valuable insights into how management’s actions and decisions are perceived by employees. You can use these insights to understand where the business needs to improve, be it in communication, decision-making, recognition, or support. This feedback can inform strategies to provide better support and create a leadership style that resonates with the team.
  • Foster a positive work environment: Employee satisfaction surveys take away the guess work and are extremely useful in identifying elements that contribute to a positive work environment. This could be anything from recognition to flexibility, team culture, or career development opportunities. Implementing changes based on this feedback can help foster a supportive, inclusive, and positive work environment, leading to happier, more productive employees.
  • Identify training needs : Do you know where employees feel they lack skills or knowledge? Surveys can arm you with the knowledge you need to design and implement targeted training programs. This not only helps individual employees but also benefits the organization by improving overall skill levels and performance.
  • Understand employee motivation: It is critical to understand what motivates employees, whether it’s financial incentives, recognition, opportunities for growth, work-life balance, or anything else. HR professionals tasked with developing strategies to keep employees motivated and engaged will need this data on hand.
  • Boost innovation: Employees are often a rich source of ideas for improving products, processes, and the overall business. Satisfaction surveys can encourage employees to share these ideas, boosting innovation within your organization.
HR tip It’s important that you view employee satisfaction surveys not just as a tool for gathering data, but as an opportunity for active and continual improvement across multiple aspects of the organization. They are a great opportunity to engage with employees across the business.

Checklist: Conducting an employee satisfaction survey

To ensure you get the most from your employee satisfaction survey program, keep this checklist top of mind and align your questions and strategies to your organization’s overall objectives. 

Are you seeking to understand overall job satisfaction, or are you looking to improve specific areas such as communication, management, or work-life balance? Defining your goals at the outset helps to focus the survey and ensures that the results are actionable. A clear purpose also helps when communicating the reasons for the survey to employees, making them more likely to participate and give meaningful responses.
Questions should be clear, unbiased, and relevant to the objectives of the survey. They should also be varied – use a mixture of rating scale questions, multiple choice, and open-ended questions to gather a rich variety of data. Be cautious not to make the survey too long as it can lead to survey fatigue, resulting in less reliable responses. 
Employees should feel safe to express their opinions without fear of retribution. Assuring participants of the anonymity and confidentiality of their responses encourages honesty and openness. This involves not just promising confidentiality, but also demonstrating it through actions – such as not collecting unnecessary identifying information and using a trusted third-party to conduct the survey. 
Employee satisfaction is not a one-time metric; it’s a dynamic aspect that changes over time. Regular surveys (annual, biannual, or even quarterly depending on the organization’s size and needs) allow for tracking changes, identifying trends, and assessing the impact of any interventions made. Regular feedback also demonstrates to employees that their opinions are valued consistently, not just when a major decision is being made. 
The real value of an employee satisfaction survey lies in the actions that follow. Analyzing the data effectively helps you understand the current state of satisfaction, identify areas of concern, and guide changes. Analysis should be thorough, looking for patterns and relationships in the data. Importantly, the results should be communicated back to the employees, along with any actions planned in response to their feedback. This transparency builds trust and encourages future participation in surveys 

Employee Satisfaction Survey Checklist

Crafting your employee satisfaction survey questions

So, how do you ensure your questions strike the perfect balance between encouraging employees to share valuable insights while keeping the entire survey under 20 minutes? Here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Keep it simple. Use straightforward, simple language that everyone can understand and avoid industry jargon or overly technical terms. People should be answering questions, not wondering what you are asking them.
  • Be specific. Broad questions can lead to ambiguous responses. Try to make your questions as specific as possible.
  • Avoid leading questions. Don’t influence the answer with the way you word your question. For example, rather than asking “Do you think our management is doing a great job?” ask “How would you rate the performance of our management?”
  • Use a mix of closed and open-ended questions. Closed questions (with a specific set of response options) are easier to analyze, while open-ended questions can provide richer, more detailed data, so make sure you include both.
  • Ensure relevance. Only ask questions that are relevant to all employees. If a question applies only to a specific group, make sure it’s only asked to that group.
  • Use a consistent scale. If you’re using a rating scale, keep it consistent throughout the survey. This makes it easier for employees to respond and simplifies analysis.
HR tip Ask about specific issues and potential solutions. For example, rather than asking “Are you satisfied with communication?” you might ask “How could we improve our team meetings?”

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions Top Tips

Employee survey questions

The questions for the employee satisfaction survey below serve as a general guide. Customize your questions according to your organizational culture and context. Also, involve stakeholders to understand and determine the specific issues and concerns you are looking to address.

Additionally, use a mix of question types to capture different aspects of employee experiences and opinions. Include Likert scale questions to gauge satisfaction levels, multiple-choice questions to assess preferences, open-ended questions to gather qualitative feedback, and demographic questions to understand differences based on employee characteristics.

This question assesses overall job satisfaction and provides insights into how content employees are with their current position. It helps gauge if employees find their work fulfilling and if there are any potential areas of improvement.
Measures employee and reflects their willingness to recommend the company as a place to work. A higher score suggests a higher likelihood of employee advocacy, while a lower score indicates potential issues that need to be addressed.
Evaluates the extent to which employees feel appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts. It helps determine if employees perceive their work as meaningful and if they receive the recognition they desire, which can impact overall engagement and motivation.
This question assesses the effectiveness of internal communication channels and strategies. It provides insights into whether employees feel well-informed about company updates, goals, and important information. It can identify areas for improvement in internal communication practices.
This question measures employees’ perception of work-life balance, which directly affects their well-being and job satisfaction. It helps identify potential work-related stressors and whether employees have the necessary support and flexibility to maintain a healthy work-life equilibrium.
Examines whether employees have access to the necessary resources, equipment, and tools required to effectively carry out their job responsibilities. It helps identify any gaps or obstacles that hinder productivity and performance.
Gauges employees’ satisfaction with the potential for career advancement within the organization. It helps assess if employees perceive a clear path for growth and development, and if they feel supported in their career aspirations, which can impact retention and engagement.
Assesses the employee-manager relationship, which plays a crucial role in job satisfaction and engagement. It helps identify areas where managers can improve in terms of support, communication, coaching, and building strong working relationships with their direct reports.
Evaluates if employees believe their input and ideas are respected and considered by the organization. It helps identify if there is a culture of open communication and if employees feel empowered to contribute, which can foster innovation, engagement, and a sense of ownership.
Measures employee intent to stay, indicating their loyalty and commitment to the organization. It helps identify retention risks and provides an overall assessment of employee satisfaction and engagement levels. It can also highlight potential areas of

Free employee sample satisfaction survey example

The goal of an employee satisfaction survey is not to give leadership and management teams the opportunity to pat each other on the back. If all you want to hear are empty platitudes, rather skip this valuable exercise. However, as an HR professional, if your goal is to illicit honest and insightful responses from the employees in your organization that you can use to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement, this survey example is an excellent starting point that you can use to create your own template.

Employee Satisfaction Survey Template Sample

You can download our interactive and printable employee satisfaction survey template (Word doc) to adapt according to your organization’s needs:

How to conduct employee satisfaction surveys

The goal of an employee satisfaction survey is not just to measure satisfaction, but also to enhance it. Maximizing engagement and participation is therefore critical for a successful employee satisfaction survey. Following these best practices will help ensure that your survey is a positive experience for everyone involved and leads to meaningful improvements in your workplace.

1. Clear communication and transparency

It’s crucial to clearly communicate the purpose, process, and importance of the survey to employees. This involves explaining how the data will be used, ensuring them of their anonymity and confidentiality, and sharing the timeline for the survey and follow-up actions. Transparency fosters trust, which can significantly boost response rates.

2. Encouraging honest feedback

Create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their honest views. Reassure them of the confidentiality of their responses and the value you place on their feedback. You should also remind employees that constructive criticism is a powerful tool for improvement and growth.

3. Taking prompt action on feedback

Show employees that their feedback doesn’t fall on deaf ears. Once the survey is complete, quickly analyze the data, identify key action points, and begin implementing changes. The faster you can act on feedback, the more employees will feel that their opinions are respected and valued.

4. Analysis of survey data

Once the data from the employee satisfaction survey is gathered, the task is far from over. Now begins the process of interpreting and understanding the feedback. As an HR professional, there are a number of steps you should now take.

First, identify patterns, trends, and correlations within the data. Tools like data visualization can be helpful here. You should also compare the results with past surveys or benchmark data to track progress and measure effectiveness of past interventions.

Next, look for both positive and negative trends in the data. What aspects of the workplace do employees appreciate? Where are the main areas of dissatisfaction? Are there any significant discrepancies in the data, such as differences between departments, teams, or demographic groups?

Finally, based on this analysis, determine which issues need to be addressed immediately and which can be tackled in the long term. Prioritize actions that will have the most significant impact on employee satisfaction and engagement.

5. Sharing survey results and insights

Once you’ve analyzed the data, share the insights with your team. This shows transparency and can help employees feel more invested in the process. When sharing results, focus on what you’ve learned, the changes you plan to make, and how those changes will benefit the team. This not only keeps employees in the loop but also helps to build anticipation for the next survey.

HR tip Use the results of each survey as a stepping-stone to the next one. Review what worked and what didn’t and tweak your process accordingly.

HR’s next steps for improving employee satisfaction

  • Develop action plans: Formulate action plans to address key identified issues. This might involve improving communication, providing additional training or resources, changing policies, or addressing leadership concerns.
  • Share results and action plans: Transparency is crucial. Share a summary of the survey results with employees, along with your planned actions. This not only demonstrates that you value their feedback, but also gives them a sense of ownership in the changes to come.
  • Implement changes: Put your action plans into practice. This might involve rolling out new initiatives, tweaking existing policies, or introducing new training programs. Involve employees in the implementation process where possible, to increase their buy-in.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: How well have the changes been implemented? It’s critical to monitor the impact and effectiveness of these measures. This might involve follow-up surveys, regular check-ins, or other feedback mechanisms.
  • Continuous improvement: Use the feedback from each survey as a learning opportunity and a springboard for ongoing enhancements to your workplace. Remember, employee satisfaction is a dynamic measure that needs to be monitored regularly.

Employee satisfaction survey tools

Popular employee satisfaction survey tools include:

A widely-used survey platform offering various survey templates, customizable designs, and reporting tools.Pre-built templates, analytics, customizable surveysFree and paid plans
A comprehensive survey tool that includes advanced features for analyzing employee feedback.Real-time analytics, dashboards, advanced reportingCustom pricing
Employee feedback platform focused on measuring engagement, satisfaction, and performance.Employee pulse surveys, analytics, feedback managementCustom pricing
An employee engagement platform that provides real-time feedback and analytics to drive organizational change.Continuous listening, pulse surveys, action planningCustom pricing
A platform for collecting employee feedback and measuring engagement through pulse surveys.Real-time feedback, team reports, engagement analyticsCustom pricing
A performance management and employee engagement platform that includes survey features.Weekly check-ins, pulse surveys, goal trackingCustom pricing
A platform that combines performance management and employee engagement tools, including surveys.Real-time feedback, performance reviews, engagement surveysCustom pricing
Employee feedback and engagement platform that includes survey tools and analytics.Pulse surveys, sentiment analysis, action planningCustom pricing

Invest in employee satisfaction surveys

Investing in employee satisfaction isn’t just good business. In today’s competitive landscape it’s a strategic imperative. As an HR professional, the data you’ll access and analyze through employee satisfaction surveys will provide invaluable insights into what is working well within the company and areas that may require improvement. Remember, as we’ve highlighted throughout this guide, happy employees contribute to a thriving company culture and are vital in driving an organization’s success.

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How To Design Customer Satisfaction Surveys That Get Results [+ Templates]

Alex Birkett

Updated: May 02, 2024

Published: June 15, 2022

On a recent cross-country flight, I made a pitstop in the restroom. On the way out, I was asked to rate my experience by pressing a button — one of four faces ranging from a happy smiley face to a red angry face. My selection was a quick, painless customer satisfaction survey.

delighted customer filling out customer satisfaction survey with positive feedback

Knowing what your customers think and feel makes all the difference when improving your user experience. So, what is a customer satisfaction survey, and what are the best practices for creating one?

→ Free Download: 5 Customer Survey Templates [Access Now]

I took a deep dive, so you don’t have to. Below, I’ll share some knowledge from my personal and professional experience. I’ll also get some other experts to weigh in. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is a customer satisfaction survey?

Why customer satisfaction surveys are important, customer satisfaction survey examples & templates, customer satisfaction question types & survey design, customer satisfaction survey best practices, how to use & implement survey results.

Customer satisfaction surveys gather information on customers’ experiences through a questionnaire. It’s a basic measure of customers’ level of happiness (or unhappiness) with your business.

You might ask respondents if your products or services are useful, your website or app is easy to use, your staff is friendly, or your restroom is clean. Here’s an example of a customer feedback survey from HubSpot:

This 7-point customer experience survey from HubSpot answers the question, “What is a customer satisfaction survey?”

Going about our lives, we take part in customer surveys almost every day — sometimes multiple times a day — often unknowingly.

For example, if I hop in an Uber to head to my local coffee shop, I’ll get asked to rate my driver after they drop me off. After I’ve ordered my cup of joe, the coffee shop might ask me to rate my drink or the staff member who served it to me.

If companies are asking us to take customer satisfaction surveys so often, they must have some value, right? You bet.

In my career as a marketer and co-founder of Omniscient Digital , I’ve used various types of surveys — from basic one-question surveys to longer questionnaires — to get to the root of customer experiences. Here’s why they matter.

Customer satisfaction surveys are about more than confirming how much your customers love your brand. Let me explain where their real value lies.

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5 Free Customer Satisfaction Survey Templates

Easily measure customer satisfaction and begin to improve your customer experience.

  • Net Promoter Score
  • Customer Effort Score

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

1. Customer feedback improves your product and your customer’s overall experience.

From my experience as a marketer, customer feedback is a goldmine of information on more than just satisfaction levels. When customers tell you what they like and don’t like about products or services, you’ll find out what you should definitely keep and what you might want to change.

For a real-world perspective, I talked to Amy Maret , HubSpot’s principal researcher for trends and thought leadership and a former market research manager. According to Maret, satisfaction surveys allow businesses to track their most important relationship — their relationship with customers.

“We see over and over that having an exceptional customer experience is absolutely critical to a business’s success, so being able to see in real-time how your customers are feeling, diagnose potential issues, and act quickly as soon as satisfaction starts trending down is a huge advantage to any organization,” Maret says.

I agree with Maret on the importance of customer relationships, and I think that you can strengthen your relationship by simply listening to customers .

2. Feedback can improve customer retention.

If I don’t know why customers churn, I can’t do much to keep them — or win them back if they’ve already left. Essentially, I can’t know a customer’s thoughts if they don’t tell me.

Take my experience at a new coffee shop. I started going regularly until a barista told me that they had stopped serving oat milk. They offered alternatives, but I wasn’t interested and switched shops.

What’s the lesson? I’m not one to complain over minor things, but had I been given a customer satisfaction survey, I would have mentioned my milk issue.

Maret agrees that businesses should ask if customers are satisfied, but also why. In fact, Maret notes that the best surveys go beyond just measuring KPIs and actually identify which factors impact customer satisfaction.

“As soon as the business sees unsatisfied customers in their survey, they can go deeper into what exactly is causing that dissatisfaction and address those problems directly — which we know from our research leads directly to happier customers that are less likely to churn,” Maret says.

With a well-designed survey given at the right time, you can identify issues and resolve them, helping you increase customer loyalty .

3. Feedback identifies happy customers who can become advocates.

If customers are genuinely happy with your product or service (and not just using it because they can’t find an alternative), they can become an extension of your marketing team — and they do it all for free!

When I moved to a new city, I asked around the office if anyone knew a good place for a haircut. Suddenly, everyone became an advocate for their hairdresser. I got information on everything I needed to know, including prices, personalities, and free extras, like top-tier snacks and drinks.

These recommendations were both honest and enthusiastic, and I found them more convincing than any paid marketing campaign.

If you can identify your brand advocates through customer surveys, you can show your appreciation for them and even incentivize their word-of-mouth marketin g.

4. Customer feedback helps inform decisions.

When it comes down to making important business decisions, you need to get the input of all the important people in the room, and that includes your customers.

From a basic customer survey, I learned that something as simple as a new user interface for a website can annoy previously satisfied customers. As you might imagine, I held urgent discussions with my team to see how we could continue to satisfy loyal customers.

To show you how you can retain customers and have them shout your company’s benefits from the rooftops, I’ll share some customer satisfaction survey examples and templates.

Customer satisfaction surveys come in a few common forms, usually executed using a popular response scale methodology, like:

  • Net Promoter Score® (NPS).
  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).
  • Customer Effort Score (CES).

Each of these types of customer satisfaction surveys measures something slightly different, so it’s important to consider the specifics if you hope to use the data wisely.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The NPS is a popular survey methodology, especially for those in the technology space.

It's rare to see a survey that doesn't use this famous question: “How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?”

assignment satisfaction survey

Ask your customers this question with HubSpot's customer feedback software .

Okay, you got me — this first example doesn’t technically ask customers about their level of satisfaction. But, I’ve found that customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend are often directly linked.

If I don’t like a new product/service, I won’t recommend it to friends. Sounds straightforward? Not exactly. When it comes to subjective experience and preferences, things can get a little tricky.

For example, if I watch a new movie that doesn’t appeal to me because it’s too quirky, I might still recommend it to a friend who loves that kind of thing.

So, how does this affect businesses? Well, if you build a great product, you might have a good NPS, even if not every potential customer can benefit from it.

Let’s look at how the NPS is measured:

assignment satisfaction survey

On a rating scale of 0–10, your detractors score you 0–6, passives score you 7 or 8, and promoters score you 9 or 10. Your NPS score is your percentage of promoters minus your percentage of detractors.

For example, if 70% of my respondents are promoters and 20% are detractors, my NPS is +50. If you think +50 sounds disappointing, you might be surprised. According to market research firm B2B International, the average NPS for business-to-business (B2B) firms is +25 to +33.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

For me, CSAT is the easiest customer satisfaction survey type to use and respond to.

Usually, it takes the form of a question phrased like, “How satisfied were you with your experience today?” and a corresponding survey scale, which is generally from 1 to 5.

assignment satisfaction survey

Here’s what these numbers mean.

  • 1 = Very unsatisfied
  • 2 = Unsatisfied
  • 3 = Neutral
  • 4 = Satisfied
  • 5 = Very satisfied

To get your CSAT score, expressed as a percentage, you’ll need this equation:

(Number of positive responses (4 or 5)/Number of people surveyed) x 100

Opinions differ on this, but I think a good CSAT score is 75% to 85%. Higher is better, but don’t be too worried if you don’t hit a perfect 100% (it’s tricker than you might think).

As someone who has answered countless CSAT surveys and given plenty to customers, I can say that the results are a pretty useful indicator of how a customer feels at that moment, but you need to take the results with a pinch of salt.

For example, if I’m shopping for clothes online and encounter serious issues at the checkout page (no, I don’t want to become a member), I get frustrated. When my payment finally goes through, and I’m asked about my satisfaction level, I might say that it is 1 or 2.

However, when the clothes are delivered quickly and look and fit great, my overall satisfaction level could rise considerably. So, you need to be specific when asking this question (e.g., “How satisfied are you with the checkout experience?”) and get your timing right. (You can easily ask your customers about their satisfaction level with HubSpot’s customer feedback tool .)

In some cases, a simple satisfaction survey won’t give you the answers you’re looking for. Instead, you might want to ask about ease of experience.

Enter the CES.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

The CES is a useful metric for measuring a customer’s service experience. Generally, your survey answer options should range from “very difficult” to “very easy.”

I’ve used these CES options to ask customers if they could easily navigate a website to get what they needed and if using an app was challenging.

A few answers of “very difficult” aren’t usually cause for concern, but a high percentage of them means you should consider redesigning your product or service.

assignment satisfaction survey

Ask your customers this question with HubSpot's customer feedback tool.

It’s impossible to understate the importance of survey design. It’s the foundation your survey is built on, and it can affect everything from response rates to accuracy. If the design is wrong, the data won't be useful to answer your questions about your customers.

With that in mind, I’ll take you through the different types of questions that underpin your survey design.

1. Binary Scale Questions

The first type of survey question is a simple binary distinction:

  • “Was your experience satisfying?”
  • “Did our product meet expectations?”
  • “Did you find what you were looking for?”

The options for all of these are dichotomous, such as yes/no or thumbs up/thumbs down.

I think you’ll agree that the benefit of this survey type lies in its simplicity. When I use this question type, I want a straightforward answer from customers, nothing more.

In some cases, as you lengthen the survey scale, you end up with data you can’t use. As Jared Spool , co-founder of Center Centre , said in a talk , “Anytime you’re enlarging the scale to see higher-resolution data, it’s probably a flag that the data means nothing.”

If I’m finished browsing an ecommerce website and about to exit the page, I often get asked a binary question about my experience. Because it’s easy to answer, I don’t mind doing it, even if I’m in a hurry.

assignment satisfaction survey

Bear in mind that binary questions have some shortcomings. For example, if a restaurant asks me the binary, “Did you like your meal?” and I answer, “No,” they won’t know if it’s because I found my food too salty, cold, or both.

When to use: I recommend using this question type when you only need a yes/no answer, and there’s no real ambiguity about what the answer means for your business. If you think your target audience could reasonably answer, “Well, kind of,” then choose a different question type.

2. Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions have three or more mutually exclusive answers. These tend to be used to collect categorical variables , like names and labels.

When I’m creating surveys that I’m going to conduct data analysis on later, multiple-choice questions are my go-to. That’s because I can easily segment the data based on different categorical variables to get the valuable insights I need.

assignment satisfaction survey

Let’s say I have an accounting software company. I can ask respondents what their job title or business industry is when soliciting feedback. Then, when I’m analyzing the data, I can compare the satisfaction scores by job title or industry. I might find that CEOs don’t like the software’s expense, while their finance teams love its functionality.

When to use: I use this question type when I want to glean deep insights from survey responses, and you should, too. However, if you just want basic information from customers and don’t have the time or resources for data analysis, skip this one.

3. Scale Questions

Many popular satisfaction surveys are based on scale questions. For example, the CSAT asks, “How satisfied are you with your experience?” and you rate the experience on a scale of 1 to 5 (a Likert scale ).

You can design scale questions so that they’re answered using numbers (1-5), words (strongly agree), emojis (😀), and more.

assignment satisfaction survey

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Like other question types, they’re not without faults. For example, if I ask customers to rate my product and they give it a low score, I’m left guessing why exactly they gave me that score.

When to use: Use Likert scale questions and other scale types when you want a more specific response than a binary answer. They’re generally suitable if you don’t care too much about the reason behind a response.

4. Semantic Differential

Similar to scale questions, semantic differential scales are based on binary statements, such as disagree and agree, but respondents can choose from a wide number of points between them.

That means customers don't have to pick just one or the other — they can choose a point between the two poles that reflects their experience accurately.

Here’s what a semantic differential question looks like in practice:

assignment satisfaction survey

Say a website owner is testing out a new homepage design. So, they ask visitors a semantic differential question, “Do you like the new website design?” They let respondents answer using two extreme options of “I don’t like it” and “I like it” or multiple unlabelled options in between.

This can give the website owner a good handle on respondents’ actual perceptions of the new design, particularly if there are follow-up questions about specific design elements.

When to use: Use this type of question if you want respondents to be able to interpret the answer continuum as they see fit. This can help you find out their strength of satisfaction or dissatisfaction without introducing bias from labels like “neutral” or “somewhat satisfied.”

5. Open-Ended Questions

None of the surveys I’ve discussed above tell you the why of an experience — you only get the what. To find out the why, you need qualitative data , which you can get from this type of customer satisfaction survey question.

Maret notes that qualitative questions allow customers to tell you the real why behind their satisfaction, without you having to make assumptions about what matters to them.

“When you want to dig deeper into motivations and underlying factors, it is helpful to hear from customers in their own words. But be careful — too many open-ended questions in one survey can cause respondent fatigue — potentially frustrating your customers and damaging your data quality,” Maret says.

I’ll add to her warning with one of my own: Make sure you’re asking clear questions without letting your bias or expectations slip through.

For example, if you write, “Tell us, in your own words, why our products are so great,” you leave little room for collecting customer feedback that’s critical of your products, and that’s a missed opportunity.

In many of my surveys, I’ll add some open-ended questions to take an in-depth look at customer expectations, customer needs, and more. Often, the insights I get from open-ended questions are the most valuable, but it can take a lot of time and resources to mine these insights.

assignment satisfaction survey

When to use: Use open-ended questions when you have the time to really dig deep into the answers.

You’ll often see this type of question at the end of a survey with multiple question types — I have found that it helps respondents share thoughts that aren’t covered in other questions.

To bring you closer to creating the most suitable customer satisfaction survey for your business, I’ve collected some tried-and-tested best practices for you to follow.

  • Choose the right survey type.
  • Choose the right survey questions.
  • Send surveys at the right moment in the customer journey.
  • Ask for customer feedback regularly.
  • Limit the number of survey questions.
  • Consider different ways to ask questions.
  • Test your survey.
  • Follow up with respondents.

1. Choose the right survey type.

If you want quantitative data, I don’t recommend open-ended questions. But there’s nothing stopping you from having a mixed survey type to cover all your bases. If you go this route, I recommend a logical, consistent approach to keep readers on track.

For example, I find that open-ended questions work well at the end of a group of closed questions or as the final section of a survey.

2. Choose the right survey questions.

Remember I said to be careful of your question phrasing? I meant it. Make sure you’re asking the right questions, which should be clear and free from bias.

3. Send surveys at the right moment in the customer journey.

If you measure customer sentiment at the right time, you’ll get actionable results — and a chance to make things right with customers before it’s too late. The correct stage will largely depend on your business type, but in general, you should send out surveys shortly after a purchase.

If you’ve lost a customer, an exit survey can tell you why. But if you spot signs of dissatisfaction and survey customers before they’ve left, you can make a real difference.

For example, I once got negative feedback from a customer just before they were about to switch to a competitor. When I told them I understood their concerns and would work with them to make things right, they appreciated feeling listened to and retained our services.

4. Ask for customer feedback regularly.

By getting regular customer feedback from different touchpoints (e.g., in-app, email surveys, and social media), you can better understand how customers feel about your product/service in the long term.

For example, for complex apps, I recommend checking in with customers early (within the first week post-purchase) in case they are frustrated by technical challenges. You can offer tutorials to help and check in regularly afterward (e.g., monthly or quarterly).

5. Limit the number of survey questions.

If you ask too many questions, your customers might start to answer them on autopilot. This makes surveys a waste of time for them and a waste of time and money for you.

When it comes to survey questions, I always recommend quality over quantity, especially when the results will inform company decisions.

Sticking to around 10-15 questions is a good rule of thumb, but also consider how long the survey will take. For example, I answer binary questions really quickly, but I spend some time mulling over my answers to open-ended questions.

6. Consider different ways to ask questions.

By asking similar questions but in different ways, you can get unexpected but valuable answers from customers. This can tease out customer pain points that they hadn’t considered initially.

For example, “Is the app fast?” and “Is the app slow at times?” can yield different answers.

7. Test your survey.

Don’t just send your survey out without any input from others. I usually get colleagues to read over my questions to check if they hit the mark. Then, I send them to a small group of customers to ensure they’re interpreted correctly before I release them to the masses.

8. Follow up with respondents.

If your survey isn’t anonymous, then check in with customers and reply to their grievances. Address all their points, and try not to get too defensive if you think their responses are inaccurate.

After your customer satisfaction survey is done and dusted, you can’t just put your feet up. Here’s what you need to do:

  • If you collect quantitative surveys, clean the data and use analysis software to find out its implications. I generate reports from survey data and use them as slides in company meetings or to show customers we take their feedback seriously.
  • For qualitative surveys, read over the results thoroughly and try to identify themes in responses. I’ll constantly take notes on one computer monitor while I’m looking at survey results on another.
  • Next, develop a list of recommended actions and group them by priority. For example, if your website can’t accept payments, that’s an urgent concern. But, if a customer has a helpful suggestion that might cost a lot of money to implement, you can discuss it in detail with team members.
  • Take any actions necessary, and tell customers about the steps you’ve taken based on their feedback.

To help bring you new insights into implementing satisfaction survey results, I reached out to Simon Bacher , CEO and co-founder of Ling , a language learning app, to find out his team’s approach.

He says the team at Ling analyzes what aspects of gamification users love, such as the app’s banana points system or the badges earned through completing challenges.

“Furthermore, surveys reveal user preferences for different learning styles, enabling us to tailor the gamification experience to better suit their needs. Once we've implemented changes, we track how users engage with the updated features through app analytics and surveys,” Bacher says.

Results Begin with a Survey

Customer satisfaction surveys are generally a great idea, provided you put some thought into designing them, distribute them at the right time and frequency, and — most importantly — do something about what you’ve found out from them.

Customers appreciate the simple act of sharing their thoughts, but in my experience, they won’t be truly satisfied unless a brand’s products or services meet their needs.

I hope these tips on survey design, use, and implementation help you in your efforts to improve your customers’ experience. Many of them have worked for me, but I’m always on the lookout for new ways to improve customer satisfaction.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in February 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Customer Satisfaction

  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Surveys
  • What are customer satisfaction surveys?
  • Why use customer satisfaction surveys

How do I measure customer satisfaction?

Types of customer experience surveys, types of customer satisfaction survey questions, additional questions to ask in your customer satisfaction survey, customer satisfaction survey design best practices, linking customer satisfaction surveys to your customer journey, how to turn your customer feedback into action, customer satisfaction survey templates, try qualtrics for free, customer satisfaction (csat) surveys: questions & template.

21 min read Consumers expect an exceptional experience with your company, and unfortunately, people talk about bad customer experiences more than they’ll brag about good ones. Read on to learn why satisfaction data is valuable information, and how to optimize your customer satisfaction surveys for useful insights.

What is customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey?

A customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey is used to determine a CSAT score by asking customers the question ‘How satisfied are you with [organization]? Answers range from 1-5 with 5 being “highly satisfied” and 1 being “highly unsatisfied”.

They are used to understand your customer’s satisfaction levels with your organization’s products, services, or experiences. This is one type of customer experience survey and can be used to gauge customers’ needs, understand problems with your products and/or services, or segment customers by their score. They often use rating scales to measure changes over time, and gain a deeper understanding of whether or not you’re meeting the customer’s expectations.

Get started with our free customer satisfaction survey template

Why use customer satisfaction surveys?

Customer satisfaction is at the core of human experience, reflecting customers’ liking of a company’s business activities. A customer satisfaction survey is a great way to understand how your customer feels about your business and their customer journey, and to nail down exactly what new customers might like about your offering.

There are several reasons why measuring your audience’s views with a customer satisfaction survey can be beneficial to your brand.

Customers will leave if they don’t feel like their experience was worth it

Our recent 2022 Global Consumer Trends Report found that 62% of customers think brands need to care about them more. With 9.5% of your revenue at risk from customers walking after a bad experience, knowing how your customers feel is financially beneficial. Gathering feedback via a customer satisfaction survey means you can figure out how to care for customers – and to monitor changes in customer sentiment before small issues become real problems.

A satisfying customer experience is worth the money for your target audience

Our research also found that 60% of consumers would buy more if businesses treated them better . Measuring which interactions and experiences your customers value will help you to judge what they will pay more for.

Satisfied customers will spread the word

Americans will mention a positive experience to an average of nine people and a negative experience to an average of 16 . This can have a knock-on effect for your brand reputation. According to Nielsen , 84% of consumers they surveyed thought word-of-mouth was the most trustworthy recommendation type. With every experience potentially attracting or pushing away future customers that hear of you this way, it’s vital to monitor how your customers feel with a customer satisfaction survey.

Satisfaction is a great indicator of retention, loyalty, and likelihood to repurchase

High levels of satisfaction (with pleasurable experiences) are strong predictors of customer and client retention and product repurchase. Customer satisfaction data that answers why loyal customers or clients enjoyed their experience helps the company recreate these experiences in the future. Effective businesses focus on creating and reinforcing world-class experiences so that they retain existing customers and add new customers.

A well-timed customer satisfaction survey can help you hone your customer journey

Mapping your customer journey is an important step of understanding your customers’ interactions with your brand – and for building out your customer lifecycle. However, it’s not enough to just create your journey map. You need to know how your customers feel at each stage of their experience with your brand, from the first interaction to getting in touch with customer service representatives, to making a purchase. A customer satisfaction survey can put your finger on the pulse of customer sentiment and give you a great sense of where your journey needs updating maximum efficacy.

To understand how satisfied your customers are, you need to understand the key drivers behind their experiences. The best way of discovering not only how your customers feel, but what has caused them to feel the way they do is by creating customer satisfaction surveys.

However, customer satisfaction feedback can be nebulous. Giving your customers a framework for their feedback – such as likelihood to recommend with a scale of 0 – 10 – can help you contrast and compare answers over time, as well as develop insights and action across multiple relationships.

Choosing the type of customer satisfaction survey you wish to create will help you to develop a metric for measuring – and improving – your customer satisfaction.

There are a few ways you can measure customer experience through customer or client satisfaction surveys. The first question you need to answer is what metrics you want to use.

The most commonly used metrics are:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) ® – Probably the most popular measure of customer affinity towards your company. Created and trademarked by Bain & Company, the net promoter system involves a quick survey that typically asks “How likely are you to recommend [company name] to a friend” with a Likert scale question from 0-10
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)   – This metric measures how hard it was for a customer to be able to complete the task that prompted their interaction. This survey question could look like, “How easy was it to deal with our company today?” This survey and measurement system can be useful for post-interaction surveys with customer service or support teams
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) – This is a commonly used measure for product and services to rate how happy consumers are with what they purchased. The typical survey question to collect this feedback looks like, “How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the [goods/service] you received?” then offers a Likert scale question type between 1-5 with 5 being “highly satisfied” and 1 being “highly unsatisfied”

In this article, we will be focusing on customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT).

When building your customer satisfaction survey questions, the type of question you choose to ask can make a big difference to the insights you receive and your ability to improve the experience.

Here are the types and some sample customer satisfaction (CSAT) questions to help you decide which will get you the answers you’re looking for.

Likert scale questions

A Likert Scale question provides customers with options for their response from one extreme to another (i.e. satisfied to unsatisfied), with or without a neutral response.

For example, a five-point Likert scale question might look like this:

How satisfied are you with our service?

  • Very satisfied
  • Moderately satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Moderately dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

An even Likert scale question removes the middle response to provide a binary choice.

These types of customer satisfaction survey questions are simple to understand and answer, and will provide you with quantifiable customer satisfaction data.

However, the real attitude of your customers can’t usually be deduced by just this type of question alone. Customers might have specific drivers that aren’t highlighted by this question, or they might feel reluctant to choose an “extreme” option, even if it is true for their experience.

Binary questions

Binary questions provide you with the quickest response to any feedback survey question. By asking a simple yes/no question (or its equivalent), you can get the general sense of whether customers’ needs have been met.

For example, you could ask:

Were you satisfied with your experience with us?

[Smiley face/Unhappy face]

Did you find what you were looking for today?

Again, this does not provide you with the full context of their answer.

Multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions can enable you to find out more about customers and their experiences.

Which of our services was most useful for you today?

[Service A] [Service B] [Service C]

This type of question can be more leading for your customers, as you are providing the text answers for them to choose from. However, it can offer you more insight than a simple binary or Likert scale question.

Open-ended questions

This type of question allows your customer to provide a description in their own words of how satisfied they are with your products or services.

What could we have improved on today?

[Open text box]

Open-ended questions can give you a much more specific insight into a particular customer’s problems or highlights. However, they are also higher effort for your customers – which may put them off responding.

Get started with our free Customer Satisfaction Survey template

Adding additional questions can help you sort through and take action on your customer feedback — just remember that shorter is generally better when it comes to survey completion rate.

Usage frequency

Edit the usage frequency options below so that they are relevant to your industry or product. This helps you understand the user’s skill level with your product/service.

  • Once a Month
  • Every 2-3 Months
  • 2-3 Times a Month

How often do you typically use products or services from Qualtrics?

Product and usage survey questions

Product and usage survey questions can give you greater insight into how your customer base uses your products and services. Not only that, but you can learn more about how they feel about them as well. This can help inform not only how you approach customers, but also with your product development efforts. Incorporating customer feedback about your products, you know how to better meet their needs and improve their experience.

Product and usage survey questions you could ask include:

  • How often do you use our products/services?
  • Which key features of our products/our services are the most useful?
  • How easy do you find our products/our services to use?
  • Do our products/services provide value for money?
  • Are there any features that you would like to see in our products/services?
  • What problem are you trying to solve by using our products/our services?

Demographic Questions

Demographic questions can be helpful in understanding what audiences or customer segments you are excelling with or under serving. We recommend getting as much of this data from your customer database or CRM, instead of asking for it in a survey whenever possible. Below are some potential demographic questions you can add to your customer satisfaction survey.

  • Employment Status
  • Household Income
  • Marital Status
  • Children/dependents
  • Location (zip code)
  • Ethnic background

What is your age? (survey question)

Psychographic survey questions

Unlike demographic survey questions, psychographic survey questions are more focused on psychological criteria. These questions can cover activities, interests and opinions, giving you a fuller picture of your customer profile . These questions can be open-ended, binary or multiple choice.

Psychographic questions might cover:

  • Attitudes toward a certain product or service
  • Religious beliefs
  • Political affiliations
  • Likes and dislikes towards certain topics
  • Personal reasons behind purchases

Satisfaction category questions

This type of question helps you identify satisfaction key drivers and highlight the areas of a customer’s experience that are important, allowing you to align product and service priorities. Below are potential categories of drivers.

  • Overall Quality
  • Purchase Experience
  • Installation/Onboarding
  • Warranty/Repair Experience

Based on your most recent experiences, please rate your satisfaction with Qualtrics for each of the following: Overall quality, value, purchase experience

Open text feedback question

This question allows customers to provide unsolicited open-text feedback and their response to your customer satisfaction survey and mention specific topics or experiences for your team to review.

If you would like to share any additional comments or experiences about Qualtrics, please enter them below

Action/ follow-up questions

This is a simple question asking if it’s okay if a member of the team reaches out to the respondent to try and understand and resolve any pain points.

Would it be okay for us to follow up with you about your response?

Properly constructed customer satisfaction surveys and questionnaires provide the insights that are the foundation for benchmarking customer happiness. Depending on what customer metrics you intend to use, it will determine what type of survey questions you need to ask your customers. Below are a few best practices:

  • Ask for overall company rating first – This satisfaction survey question gives you great initial insight and allows you to compare to industry and internal benchmarks over time.
  • Allow for open text feedback – Open text questions allow you to collect open-ended responses from your respondents. You can gain more detail about your customer’s experiences and you might uncover new insights you didn’t expect.
  • Optimize for mobile – Many consumers are now completing surveys on mobile devices or within mobile apps, so your survey must be optimized for mobile devices . If it is too complicated for a mobile respondent, survey participation will decrease.
  • Ask double-barrel questions – These questions touch on more than one issue, but only allow for one response. They are confusing for the respondent, and you’ll get skewed data because you don’t know which question the respondent is answering.
  • Make the survey too long – The majority of CSAT surveys should be less than 10 questions. People won’t finish long surveys.
  • Use internal or industry jargon- Your customers must be able to clearly understand each question without hesitation and using internal or industry jargon is confusing to respondents.

Asking your customers about their experiences at any time might seem useful, but ideally you will link your customer satisfaction survey to specific points in the customer journey. Proper timing of customer satisfaction surveys depends on the type of product or service provided, the type and number of customers served, the longevity and frequency of customer/supplier interactions, and the intended use of the results.

Nevertheless, timing when to send a customer satisfaction survey is extremely important no matter the circumstances.

Best practices include:

  • Asking for responses shortly after the customer journey touchpoint has occurred: The experience should be fresh in your respondent’s mind so you get the most honest answers and gain insights that are accurate.
  • Use multiple channels to give customers options they’ll prefer: You can solicit feedback face-to-face when they leave your store, email, online survey, phone, or within your mobile app.
  • Avoid survey fatigue: Don’t quiz the same customers again and again throughout all the points of their journey – figure out when delivering a survey will give you the most useful insights.
  • Take action once you have customer satisfaction data: There’s no use learning that part of your journey puts off your customers and then leaving the problem to fester. Take action to make changes once you know what experiences make customers feel less satisfied.

Delivering customer satisfaction surveys at the right points in the journey

Let’s look at an example of a customer journey from the airline industry. A customer satisfaction survey can be sent at every touchpoint in the process.

  • After the customer books their flight – Feedback after the initial purchase is important because you want to understand if the person was satisfied with their checkout or purchase experience. Send an email with a link to an online survey after the customer purchases their flight to find out how satisfied they were with the booking process. Consumers want easy transactions, so look for ease-of-use in your data.
  • After the actual flight – Post-purchase evaluations reflect the satisfaction of the individual customer at the time of product or service delivery (or shortly thereafter). This can be a transactional NPS or customer satisfaction survey and sent by email.
  • After a customer service encounter- If the customer initiates contact with a customer service representative, a customer effort score (CES) survey should be sent immediately after the issue was resolved. For airlines, this could be a call to change a flight date or report lost baggage. The goal is to see how much effort it took to resolve the issue.
  • Six months after the flight – To measure the long-term customer loyalty, relational NPS or CSAT surveys can be sent months after the transaction occurred to see if your customers are still loyal to your brand.
  • In-app mobile feedback – You can request customer feedback on the mobile app or customer experience through a feedback tab in the app. Getting mobile app feedback is important — only your customers can tell you what will make them more satisfied with their experience.

Measuring customer satisfaction is important but what you do with the data is essential. If your customers take the time to fill out a survey, it’s important they know you’re serious about improving their experience.

  • Close the loop – Respond quickly after receiving negative feedback from your customers. This is a chance to keep your customer loyal. 70 percent of consumers said they would be more likely to do business with an organization again if their complaint was handled well the first time.
  • Analyze for trends – Understand what metrics you’re looking to improve and see if there are patterns on these specific items. For instance, if 30 percent of respondents say the customer service wait time was too long, you know you need to improve in that area.
  • Company-wide effort- Every department must be on board to keep the customer satisfied. If customers complain about a product feature, the product department must be willing to receive the data and fix it. If customers complain about the service, customer service representatives need to understand how to fix the issues more effectively. Make sure the right people have the right visibility with role-based CX dashboards and analytics .

Do you want to go deeper into customer insights and create loyal and satisfied customers?

Though looking at customer satisfaction survey examples is helpful, we’ve gone one step further to create a customer satisfaction survey template to get you started.

Our prebuilt customer satisfaction survey template can be used in your customer experience management (CXM) to start properly measuring customer satisfaction. Keep in mind, all of these customer satisfaction surveys can be used today when you sign up for a FREE Qualtrics account .

Other Customer Feedback Resources:

  • Customer Feedback – What to Collect and When
  • Omni Channel Customer Feedback
  • How to increase survey response rates

Related resources

Measuring customer satisfaction 22 min read, what is csat 8 min read, customer delight 18 min read, improving customer satisfaction 11 min read, customer satisfaction 16 min read.

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A New Patient Acuity Tool to Support Equitable Patient Assignments in a Progressive Care Unit

Eastman, Debra MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC; Kernan, Kristine MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC

Department of Nursing, Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor (Ms Eastman); and Department of Nursing, Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, Michigan (Ms Kernan).

Correspondence: Debra Eastman, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, Department of Nursing, Michigan Medicine, 1500 E. Medical Center Dr, SPC 5116, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ( [email protected] ).

The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationships with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article.

Making fair and equitable staffing decisions and patient assignments created complexities and undue nursing dissatisfaction on a 20-bed progressive care unit. Common themes shared by the nursing staff included inadequate staffing ratios, increased workload, and unease for patient safety. On the basis of these concerns, a unit-based needs assessment provided insight into what perceived and actual barriers exist preventing nurses from providing excellent care. Information gathered helped determine what could be done to overcome some barriers, and performing a comprehensive unit profile assessment allowed for better insight into how the unit was currently functioning. A comprehensive review of literature was undertaken to examine articles related to patient acuity utilizing the electronic databases CINAHL, PubMed, and MEDLINE. Key words and phrases included the following: acuity, patient acuity, acuity tools, progressive care acuity, nurse-patient assignment, workload, nursing assignments, and equitable staffing. Utilizing the results of the nurse survey, and information gained from articles gathered during the literature review, a patient acuity tool was created. The tool was believed to be an accurate representation of the patients' acuity, and the majority of charge nurses reported that they utilized the patient acuity tool score when making nurse-patient assignments. Overall staff satisfaction and perceptions of nurse-patient assignment equity were improved.

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How to write customer satisfaction survey questions to master your market [with examples]

Happy, successful customers are the heart and soul of any business. They’re what transform your growth from a funnel into a flywheel. 

You can create happy customers, but to do that you have to truly understand them and what they think about your business.

So how do you know what they’re thinking? You have to ask!

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To provide an inside perspective on surveying customer satisfaction, we collaborated with Michael Redbord, who helped build HubSpot's support and service teams and has worked with customers for over eight years. Today, he’s the General Manager of HubSpot's newest product line, Service Hub , which helps their customers grow through exceptional service.

Both Hotjar and HubSpot use customer feedback surveys to understand our customers and what the market demands. For HubSpot, this approach has driven dramatic changes over the years—taking them from a small marketing app to the more complete front-office software suite they are today.

In this article, Michael shares the most important things he’s learned about customer satisfaction surveys, so you can take some of his learnings and use them to adopt a practice of collecting customer feedback for your business to better understand your market. 

What is a customer satisfaction survey?

4 types of customer satisfaction surveys, 11 customer satisfaction survey question examples, 4 customer satisfaction survey templates, 4 more ways to understand your customers, create a customer satisfaction survey today.

With Hotjar, you can create a survey in seconds that will help you better understand your customers and find out if they’re truly satisfied.

A customer satisfaction survey is a questionnaire designed to help businesses understand what their customers think about their products or services, their brand, and their customer support. Customer satisfaction surveys allow companies to improve products strategically, increase customer retention , optimize the user experience , create customer delight , and deliver exactly what the market demands.

Michael emphasizes how HubSpot uses customer satisfaction surveys to understand the micro-level experiences of individual users and address their concerns, while always returning to macro-level questions like “Where is the market going?”, “How is our product on the cutting edge?”, and “Where do we need to improve?” 

There are several ways to understand if your customers are happy, loyal, and satisfied with your product or service, and each can help you learn something about the user experience. Here are four of the most effective online surveys you can use to understand your customers.

1. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT surveys measure your customers’ overall satisfaction with a specific aspect of your business. They usually contain a simple question with a binary response (e.g. yes/no, happy face/sad face) and ask things like “Did our product do what you wanted it to do?”

CSAT scores are usually high (in the 98%+ range), so a sudden spike in negative scores tells you there’s an issue that needs immediate attention.

2. Net Promoter Score® (NPS)*

A Net Promoter Score ® survey asks customers to rate how likely they are to recommend your company or product to a friend or colleague on a rating scale of 0–10. You then compare your percentage of detractors (0–6 answers) to that of promoters (9–10 answers) to see where your company stands—the more promoters you have, the more you can infer people are satisfied with you. 

Use NPS surveys to determine whether your business successfully cultivates customer loyalty.

3. Customer Effort Score (CES)

The Customer Effort Score measures how much effort it takes for customers to either use your product or fix a problem through customer support.

HubSpot sends a CES survey after they close each support ticket. A CES question will ask “How easy was it to solve your problem?”, and customers are typically given a 5-point likert scale with response options like ‘very difficult’, ‘somewhat difficult’, ‘about as easy as I expected’, ‘somewhat easy’, and ‘very easy'.

4. Milestone surveys

Milestone surveys are questionnaires sent out at key touchpoints in the customer journey to help understand the user experience. A milestone can either be time-based (e.g. sending a survey 60 days after signup) or experience-based (e.g. a pop-up survey that’s triggered once onboarding is complete).

There are many directions you can take your customer survey questions —and w hile there are no wrong answers, there are right questions to ask . Depending on the customer insights you want to gather, it’s important to choose the types of questions that will lead to the most actionable results.

For example, if you’re looking for quantifiable feedback that’s easily monitored over time, asking rating scale questions (like NPS or CES ) is the way to go. And to dive deeper into customer expectations and satisfaction levels, you should ask open-ended questions, or pair a multiple choice question with a follow-up question that gets users to describe their experience in their own words. 

Here’s a list of example questions to consider when deciding what to ask your customers:

Customer feedback questions

Was this article useful? [yes/no]

Is our pricing clear? If not, what would you change?

What would increase the product quality, according to you?

In your own words, how can we improve the onboarding process?

Were you able to achieve the purpose of your visit today? [yes/no]

What’s the one thing that nearly stopped you from buying from us?

Did you get the help you needed during your customer service experience? [yes/no]

What persuaded you to complete the purchase of the item(s) in your cart today?

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague? [on a scale of 0–10 ]

What's the next feature or functionality we should build? [can be multiple choice]

How satisfied are you with the content on this page? [on a scale of 1 to 5, very dissatisfied to very satisfied]

💡Pro tip: there’s a customer satisfaction survey for just about every occasion, whether you’re testing a new feature, analyzing customer churn , or determining what, exactly, turns prospects into loyal customers. When the sky’s the limit, it can be difficult to effectively distill a bigger goal into specific and meaningful survey questions. 

Hotjar’s AI for Surveys is the perfect tool to turn to—just tell it your goal and watch as it generates a corresponding survey in seconds. And don’t worry about handling high response rates: the AI will automatically analyze all responses and prepare a summary report with suggested next steps to take. Talk about a time saver!

To get started right away, here are four customer satisfaction survey templates you can use. If you’re looking for more pre-built survey examples, check out or bank of survey templates .

🔥 How it works : click on each image to learn more about the survey and try out a live version for yourself. Each survey takes only a minute to set up, so dive right in. 

assignment satisfaction survey

Find out how satisfied your customers really are with this CSAT survey template

2. Net Promoter Score® (NPS) survey template

assignment satisfaction survey

Hotjar’s NPS® survey template makes it easy to measure customer loyalty

3. Customer Effort Score (CES) survey template

assignment satisfaction survey

This CES survey template will help you make sure your customers are set up for success when using your product or dealing with your customer service team

4. Post-purchase (or point-of-conversion) milestone survey template

assignment satisfaction survey

Check in with customers at a key milestone on their customer journey with this post-purchase survey template

💡Pro tip: want to make customer satisfaction a daily focus at your business? Automatically share customer feedback results with the rest of your team by integrating Hotjar directly with Slack or Microsoft Teams . Discuss insights and collaborate on initiatives without opening another app.

1. User personas

User personas are semi-fictional characters based on real data about the people who use your website. Getting to know your users will help you stay on top of the market by giving them what they want. Consider using a user persona survey to ask your current customer base specific demographic questions so you can build user personas off of real respondents.

2. Market research

Market research is a collection of techniques used to understand your target market. Good research identifies customer needs, fears, drives, and frustrations. You can use this information to home in on your target audience, design better products, and improve the customer experience .

3. H eatmaps

Hotjar Heatmaps are a visual representation of user behavior that shows where users click, tap, and scroll. They help you understand what page elements are interacted with or ignored, so you can start forming a clearer idea of what works (and what doesn’t) on your website. This is a great way to uncover any pain points that may be preventing users from successfully interacting with your website.

4. Session recordings

Hotjar Recordings show the anonymous activity of individual users, which you can tie to their survey answers. In other words, if someone tells you they’re having a hard time using your product, you can watch a recording of their activity to gain insights about the pain points they experience.

Final word of advice: by following these steps, you will be able to build a solid foundation for understanding your customers, addressing their needs and concerns on an individual or micro-level, and improving their overall experience on a larger scale. Of course, you might not see an immediate increase in your scores when you start making improvements, but if you collect solid data and trust in the process, your scores will improve over time—and your satisfied customers will ultimately drive your success.

*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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Home Surveys

20 Patient Satisfaction Survey Questions for Questionnaire

Patient Satisfaction Survey Template + Questionnaire

The comfort of hospitalized patients is essential for their physical, emotional, and, in some cases, spiritual recovery. Nursing care provided with quality, safety, and humane care favors critical patients’ well-being and improves response to treatment and quality of life. The patient satisfaction survey questionnaire helps to assess basic metrics through patient care and understand the level of care presented by the institutions and the difficulties in the service if any. You should also keep survey disclaimer in your mind Let’s discuss it and the feedback questions to be asked.

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What is a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

A patient satisfaction survey is a set of questions used to collect feedback from patients to measure their satisfaction with the quality and care of the healthcare service provider. The patient satisfaction survey questionnaire helps adjudge basic metrics across patient care that aid medical institutions in understanding the level of care provided and pitfalls in service.

Six underlying metrics which patient satisfaction should be measured on are:

  • Quality of medical care
  • Interpersonal skills displayed by medical professionals
  • Transparency and communication between care provider and patient
  • Financial aspects of care
  • Access to doctors and other medical professional
  • Accessibility of care

A patient satisfaction survey can be administered anytime during an electronic medical record (EMR) or an electronic health record (EHR). It can be completed via mobile, physical copies of the survey, website, POS device, computers in waiting rooms, or any other medium.

Two examples of a patient satisfaction survey are the  primary trauma survey  where the initial assessment and the management of a trauma patient that enters a medical facility or a hospital are conducted. The second example of a patient satisfaction survey is a  secondary trauma survey . It is an in-depth survey template that is carried out to identify the presence of other significant but not immediately life-threatening or other injuries that were missed in the primary trauma survey. Both these sample survey templates collect data about a patient’s satisfaction with how their trauma was dealt with at a hospital or medical facility.

With more than 40 million people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, a large number of them have been hospitalized. Both the state and private medical facilities have been treating COVID-19 patients. They can use the below template to learn more about the patient experience and patient experience software .

Free patient satisfaction survey template

To know if your staff is healthy and safe, you can use the below ready-made questionnaire to ensure they are not infected by the coronavirus.

Free COVID-19 survey template

Sample patient satisfaction survey questions

Any patient satisfaction survey questionnaire should necessarily cover a few important questions for effective feedback collection. This sample survey can be customized according to the details required by the authorities. Here are the top five questions that should inevitably be a part of your patient satisfaction survey:

  • Based on your complete experience with our medical care facility, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Health care has, over time, evolved into an extensive industry. When it comes to visiting doctors, trust plays a very significant role. It is why, among all the industries, healthcare is heavily dependent on recommendations from other former or existing patients, based on the care they received and the satisfaction it resulted in. Adding a  Net Promoter Score  question such as this one can help you understand whether your hospital will get more business from your current patients and their friends/colleagues/families over a considerable time.

  • Did you have any issues arranging an appointment?

The impact that timely provision of an appointment has on patients is incredible because they are sick or suffer from some ailment and therefore, must not be kept waiting. It has a significant impact on patient retention and visiting the same medical facility or doctor again. By including this question in the patient satisfaction survey, you can collect information about the timely assignment of appointments and make improvements in the process to increase contentment amongst patients.

  • How would you rate the professionalism of our staff? 

The care of nurses/doctors and the professionalism of administration and ancillary staff members impact patient satisfaction. Ask this question to know whether your staff was courteous and professional and if proper assistance was provided to the patient.

  • Are you currently covered under a health insurance plan?

There are certain illnesses which expensive and are covered under health insurance. As there are cases where mishaps happen, and legal allegations are charged against the hospital, each patient’s information is critical, and so is this one. A  healthcare insurance survey template  can be used to collect information about whether patients have an insurance plan or not.

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What are some specialized patient satisfaction survey questions?

Due to its nature and scale of operation, the health care survey has many different nodes of care providers. Timely feedback must be collected at various milestones. The questions will differ from each medical care type, though. Some survey questions for the most significant medical care facilities are:

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  • How would you rate the investigative diagnosis process that you underwent?

Patients often walk into hospitals with localized pain and do not know how to explain the pain and other symptoms to medical care professionals. It requires knowledge and foresight on the part of the medical care professionals to conduct an investigative diagnosis with a mix of patient history, family history, conducting tests, and providing essential medication. The  medical examination services template  will offer you insight into the patient’s experience during this diagnostic process of providing care.

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  • How often did you receive conflicting information from different medical care professionals at this hospital?

One of the most important yardstick to understand your current staff’s caliber is to map the number of times a patient received conflicting information from different medical care professionals. It will help put in place a process to disseminate information and conduct on the job training if required.

  • What is the difference in the care provided by the hospitals available in your area?

Hospitals must always provide high-quality treatment to all their patients. It is also essential to build on your strengths while implementing best practices from other hospitals in your local area. The  healthcare opinion survey template  can provide a quick snapshot of how you stand versus your localized peers.

  • Were your copayments and coinsurances split correctly between Medicare and Medicaid by the hospital?

Being covered under Medicare and Medicaid is not a personal choice but a federal mandate. Hence if the patients are asked insensitive questions about their coverage and billed incorrectly, this drives patients away. Conducting a  healthcare well-being survey  helps streamline services for the aged and underprivileged. 

Primary Care Providers

  • As a woman, did you feel comfortable talking to the gynecologist?

A lot of women are skeptical about visiting a gynecologist because they are nervous for many reasons. Collecting feedback through a  women’s health care survey  on how comfortable someone is with visiting or discussing their problem could make it easier to be emphatic and make the patient comfortable.

  • Is your primary health care physician able to conduct a swift diagnosis and prescribe medication?

When someone is ill, the first instinct is to visit the primary healthcare physician and not a hospital. More often than not, this is the only medical care required, but a patient may be forced to access secondary care if the primary care is inadequate. The  physician practices survey template  can be used to get feedback on care provided as the first point of contact for an unwell person.

Secondary Care Providers

  • Did the pharmacy staff bill your health provider and collect the right deductible from you for your medicines?

After the  Affordable Care Act (ACA) , health insurance is now being more widely used. Due to the nature of the payer ecosystem, health plans are varied by state, federal, and private, and hence the deductibles vary. With  Trumpcare  replacing ACA, point-of-sale medical health providers like pharmacies must bill the patient right and collect the right deductibles.

  • Were the ambulatory staff quick to respond to your medical care request?

Quick responders medical staff are one of the most important medical care providers in the healthcare industry. Timely and effective medical treatment is essential for a patient to be able to make a full recovery. Collecting feedback on each emergency call’s timeliness and effectiveness is important to streamline services and be even more effective.

  • How often do you visit a dentist in a year?

Patients are generally hesitant to visit dentists due to lesser knowledge of dental hygiene and the trauma of being in a dentist’s chair. Collecting feedback by using the  Oral health survey template  can be an important yardstick to measure how comfortable patients are with dentists and how that can be increased.

Specialized Medical Care

  • Were the staff sensitive towards your addiction?

At times, patients in de-addiction centers do not wish to be there. Being sensitized to the addiction, and getting out of it takes a lot of mental courage and hard work. De-addiction center employees need to stay abreast of how comfortable their methods are towards helping patients deal with their addiction and how effective their methodologies are. 

  • Did the psychiatrist diagnose your ailment correctly and provide timely counseling?

Mental health is one of the most ignored ailments and one of the toughest to diagnose because there are fewer visible symptoms. It makes the diagnosis and counseling even tougher. Collecting feedback by using a  mental health survey template  is very important for a psychiatrist because this helps them be even more effective in their job.

  • Did the birth home provide good post-natal care?

The birth of a child is one of the most awaited time for a mother and the family. Hence, every aspect of the birthing process has to be top-notch and make the mother and child comfortable without medical complications. Collecting feedback from mothers and the families provides a good insight into the quality of care provided.

  • Did the radiology center provide the scan reports on the same day?

People sometimes visit standalone radiology centers because their health plan does not cover a hospital’s radiology lab. It means that an external radiology center increases the time to diagnosis or taking stock of health improvement. It reduces time to get reports to improve the patient satisfaction level, and the radiology center must work to streamline processes continuously.

Extended Medical Care Organizations

  • Did the extended medical care facility provide you helpful inputs about coming back to living in society?

People who have been in an extended medical care facility and are returning to society after many years are not aware of how living by themselves will be after a long duration. Counselors at the extended medical care facility should provide guidelines to live by and make the patient abreast of the things that have to be done when they go back to living in society.

  • Rate the experience provided to you by the medical staff in the last 12 months?

Many patients have to stay in an extended medical care facility because of specific ailments, mental health, requiring constant care, etc. Collecting feedback on their perception of the care provided, what went wrong, and what was done well helps build robust and streamlined care providing the experience.


  • How long did the veterinarian take to diagnose your pet’s ailment?

Diagnosing what is wrong with animals is tougher because symptoms cannot be validated quickly. Hence a right timely diagnosis becomes that much more crucial to the health of the pet. Conducting a  veterinarian survey  helps collect objective actionable feedback from the pet owner about the treatment process. 

How can you create a patient satisfaction questionnaire?

A patient satisfaction survey needs to contain the right questions that help elicit a higher number of responses. They also have to be holistic and cover all touchpoints of a patient’s medical care while being easy to answer and be a mix of open-ended survey questions and other question types. It is also helpful to map out problem areas and understand from your customers – the patients the extent of the issue and areas that can be worked upon. 

Why should you conduct a patient satisfaction survey?

In many cases, certain facets of a medical facility’s functioning remain unaddressed due to a rare collection of patient feedback and the sheer lack of information regarding those issues faced by patients while availing for consultation and treatment. It is where patient satisfaction surveys provide an effective platform for patients to provide honest feedback based on their experience. Let’s look at why conducting periodic patient satisfaction surveys are critical towards maintaining and growing your patient visitors. There are five reasons why you should conduct a patient satisfaction survey.

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  • Map and track a patient’s journey:  A medical institute needs to track their patient’s satisfaction based on the provided care. To ensure effective patient care at every point of significant interaction with the medical staff, and your institution at large, it is always recommended to conduct patient satisfaction surveys at multiple aspects of their journey. It enables you to track the points where satisfaction is low and remedy them.
  • Gather data about the patient loyalty:  Including a Net Promoter Score question: “Considering your complete experience with our medical facility, how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague?” – will help you understand how loyal your patients are as each patient will talk to their friends and colleagues about their experience after they are done with their treatment.
  • Based on their responses, patients will be divided into three categories: Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6).
  • In many cases, if patients have had a terrible experience (i.e., detractors) or a pleasant experience (i.e., promoters), they will talk about the experience within their network of friends and colleagues. While a terrible experience will damage your facility’s reputation, a pleasant experience will help build a positive reputation.
  • Hospital authorities should calculate their Net Promoter Score at every patient journey touchpoint or towards the end of their treatment. It ensures that issues by detractive patients are addressed, efforts are made to convert passives into promoters, and promoters are kept satisfied with each treatment experience.
  • Report any ill-treatment by staff members:  A patient satisfaction survey template promotes transparency by providing patients a medium to talk about any mistreatment from hospital staff and bring it to the management’s notice. The management team can take a step to either fire those staff members or train them to be respectful towards every patient who visits the medical facility.
  • Effective patient care:  By conducting a patient satisfaction survey, medical institutions can analyze the gap between patient demands and their provisions. Medical facilities can improve visibility into their operational efficiency, which can be used to bridge the identified gap.
  • Every industry has become customer-centric, and the healthcare sector is no different. There are a considerable number of areas in a medical institution’s operations that need improvement, and this is where learning from the customers directly becomes effective. Your hospital or healthcare organization can include questions about how you can serve the patients better to keep evolving according to the evolution happening in patient thoughts and opinions.
  • Offer timely services to patients:  8 out of 10 medical authorities believed that they attended all their patients precisely at their respective appointment slots. Whereas, almost 50% of patients opined otherwise – they never get called in at their precise appointment time.
  • Gain insights about hygiene levels:  Hygiene levels of a hospital reflect how well-maintained it is. There is a significant sample of patients who would prefer visiting a hospital offering clean and hygienic facilities. You can include questions regarding this aspect of the questionnaire.

Learn more:  Clinical Supervision Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

HIPAA compliance for patient satisfaction surveys

Patient care and the medical field are governed by a heightened sense of data integrity. Patients are skeptical about providing medical information because the perception is that the information provided should be treated with extreme confidentiality and care. 

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ensures that there is a standard for data collection of sensitive patient information. Under the HIPAA privacy regulations, medical institutions are allowed to conduct assessment surveys for patient care and, in general, collect actionable feedback for health care operations. Feedback on the quality of care provided by medical professionals as part of a safety survey or questionnaire that a patient answers is considered a quality assessment and improvement activity and is part of the health care operations. Any medical care provider collects patient health information (PHI), then that caregiver is bound by HIPAA compliance.

If the patient provides feedback or answers to the survey as “confidential communication”, then as per HIPAA compliance, the patient’s request has to be respected and carried out as requested. QuestionPro has HIPAA compliant survey questions that you can readily deploy to elicit feedback from patients. It ensures that you can only focus on the feedback and not worry about being legally compliant about collecting PHI.

HIPAA also provisions that when PHI is collected, if there are ICD-10 or ICD-11 codes in the survey template, they are adequately marked out, and each code is also specified in detail so that the patient is aware of the payer and provider technical information.

Knowing the degree of satisfaction of the clients and patients of a health services company, whether it is a Clinic, a Medical Center, a Health and Beauty Center, or a private Consultation, is essential to grow and offer adequate services to generate satisfaction. and loyalty. It is a basic element that leads to the success and growth of your business.

Patients’ opinion is the most significant source of information to improve the services of a Clinic or Medical Center. They are the ones who will give us the points to improve and find, perhaps, the reason why customers are being lost. Offering what they need is the key to building loyalty and attracting new customers.

Do you want to create a survey for your patients? Request a demo of our online survey software today!



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Three things gen-z looks for in the workplace.

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Kent Ingle is president of Southeastern University , author of several leadership books and host of the Framework Leadership podcast.

Gen-Zers are continuing to enter the workforce—and they’re here to stay. Data shows that Gen-Z employees are beginning to outnumber Baby Boomers in the workplace. While they were once considered an emerging group, they are now quickly making up a strong proportion of employees.

As more and more Gen-Zers enter the employment market, managers need to take into account what these prospective employees are looking for and understand what they value. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a strong, unified team and appreciate the uniqueness of all your team members.

Here are three things Gen-Z often looks for in the workplace.

1. A Strong Work-Life Balance

In a recent survey, Deloitte asked over 20,000 Gen-Z and Millennial employees why they chose their current company. Their top answer was that their company had a good work-life balance . Surveyed Gen-Zers also said that they greatly value employers and peers who personally have a healthy work-life balance. So how can you model this principle and help your Gen-Z employees achieve it themselves?

Research by iHire showed that 81% of Gen-Z employees believe having flexibility in their schedules was "very" or "extremely" important in helping them maintain their work-life balance. They also suggested flexible work times, four-day workweeks, unlimited PTO and remote-working options as possible solutions.

Evaluate how well you and your organization maintain healthy work-life balances for yourself and your employees. Review your company’s policies and flexibility on things like PTO, work schedules and remote/hybrid options. Ask your employees for their feedback on these policies and how you and your organization can make changes to help them improve their work-life balance. Doing so will help ensure that your team and your Gen-Z employees will feel supported, seen and valued as individuals.

2. An Emphasis On Mental Health

In Deloitte’s survey, 77% of Gen-Z employees who recommended working at their company agreed that their employer took the mental health of employees seriously. Research by UKG showed that 81% of employees (download required) worldwide prioritize mental health over higher pay, with 64% saying they would even take a pay cut for a job that better supports their mental health.

Many Gen-Z employees value mental health and want it talked about and prioritized in the workplace. They understand how it can impact their performance and overall well-being, and they want their employers to do the same.

Make a point to regularly check in with your staff members and ask how they are handling their workloads, projects and deadlines. By showing your Gen-Z staff that you and your organization care about their mental health, you will show them how much you value them and, in turn, create a greater sense of trust and buy-in between your employees and your organization.

3. A Sense Of Purpose And Shared Values

A staggering 86% of Gen-Zers say having a purpose is key to their overall job satisfaction and well-being, according to Deloitte's study. The survey by iHire showed that 70% of Gen-Z employees believe working for an organization whose values and mission align with their own is "very" or "extremely important."

For Gen-Z, having an aligned mission and sense of purpose is one of the most important aspects of their relationship with their employer. In fact, 50% of surveyed Gen-Zers have rejected an assignment, and 44% turned down an employer based on their personal ethics or beliefs, according to Deloitte.

Knowing your organization’s mission, values and social impact is crucial when interviewing potential Gen-Z employees. Be transparent about your organization’s beliefs and how it’s putting them into practice. Invite your Gen-Z employees to contribute and make a difference. Those who are the right fit will come alongside you and support your mission passionately—but it’s crucial they know what it is and how they fit in.

According to Deloitte’s research, 80% of Gen-Z employees recommended their company because they felt they had the power to create change. These younger employees want to make a positive impact in your organization—and they’re excited to do so.

Give them opportunities to share their insights and ideas, and invite them to contribute to projects or in areas you might not think of. Gen-Z is ready and willing to make a lasting impact, so let’s give them the chance to do so!

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Kent Ingle

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