Fried Rice in One (Not So) Easy Step

an expository essay on fried rice

– 3 tablespoons butter – 2 eggs, whisked – 2 medium carrots – 1 small white onion – 1/2 cup frozen peas – 3 cloves garlic – salt and pepper – 4 cups cooked and chilled rice – 3-4 green onions – soy sauce (to taste) – 2 teaspoons oyster sauce (optional) – 1/2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

I bet you didn’t read those numbers.

I’ll let you in on a secret – I didn’t either.

The ingredients above were copied and pasted from the first Google search result for “fried rice recipe.” But, without any disrespect to the recipe’s owner, I can tell you it’s wrong.

The only true fried rice recipe is no recipe at all. There are no measurements, no exact instructions, no timer for how long something should sizzle in the pan. There are only smells and feelings and memories. I learned to cook fried rice on the rickety stool covered in Blues Clues stickers, surrounded by the scents of my nainai’s Minnie Mouse apron, my yéyé’s cashmere sweater, or my mama’s Pantene shampoo; in the comfort of our cozy condo and our sweltering Hángzhou apartment; by watching the eggs crack over delicate china bowls, tossed and stirred in woks using slanted wooden spatulas. We used however much leftover rice we had, however many eggs we found appropriate, and a combination of anything and everything or nothing sitting in the fridge.

I’ve always been more of a baker than a cook. I enjoy recipes – I enjoy the process of being exact and finding details, tweaking and leveling and weighing. Other people will have recipes passed down from their great-grandparents; I will have memories, held dear, but no way to pass anything on besides the recreation of childhood moments. From a young age, I found solace in the meticulous baking recipes found in Western cookbooks.

This coveting of all things exact doesn’t flow into the rest of my life. My mom will tell you my desk is a mess – I call it “room for creative license.” My mom will tell you my closet is also a mess – I call it “fashionably curious.” My mom will tell you my life is sometimes, you guessed it!, a mess. I call it MAPWIFOWISTBSIDMOTBOML, also known as “my-artistic-phase-where-I’m-figuring-out-who-I’m-supposed-to-be-so-I-dumped-myself-out-to-be-organized-much-later.” That’s a mouthful, so I shorten it, obviously.

On the flip side, I like measuring the liquid in my graduated cylinder from the exact bottom of the meniscus. If your text message has a typo in it, I feel the nagging urge to annoyingly correct you. If the origami swan I folded has an uneven tail, I will take it apart and start over. (This was certainly detrimental to my life during my middle school’s mission to fold 3,000 paper swans.)

But I understand the beauty of spontaneity and organic creation. There’s something special in realizing that no two recreations of my grandpa’s fried rice will ever be the same, and really, isn’t that what life is? Creation, without recipe?

It’s funny. This may contradict everything I’ve written thus far, but the more I bake, the more I realize perhaps baking is spontaneous too. I don’t always need to weigh my flour beforehand in order to get perfect cookies, nor do I really need to add the copious amounts of sugar the recipe calls for. My signature food is brownies, but I challenged myself to use a different recipe every time. You’d be surprised at how different brownies taste when you add an extra egg, and you’d be especially uncertain about my baking skills if you tried my brownies that had wayyy too much baking soda (trial and error…).

I’m learning to love improvisation. It’s not mutually exclusive with loving precision, and it’s such an integral part of my culture, I’d be missing out otherwise. Coming to terms with and embracing the unknown is scary and definitely a process, but I assure you: One day, I’ll master my own fried rice.

Admissions Committee Comments

What we learn about Jess from her essay is a willingness to experiment, to take risks and find failure, and to learn from the past—whether it is from her parents and grandparents or just her own experiences. Her essay is clever and well written, but more importantly it shows us her willingness to try different things, to embrace the different interests and aspects of her own personality, and to approach different things with a positive attitude.

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How To Make Perfect Fried Rice (And I Mean Perfect)

an expository essay on fried rice

I make really great fried rice. Before you silently judge me for this arrogance, know this: Behind this hubris lies the wisdom of my Chinese in-laws. When first dating my now-husband, I would fly to Seattle to visit his parents, and our family time would be spent with me taking copious notes on an iPad while they attempted to teach me to cook their family dishes. I was so taken with their food. I learned dumplings and stir-fries and five-spice braised beef. I learned how to make traditional dishes for winter's solstice and dishes for health and good luck. Yet of everything I've learned, it's their fried rice that has become my back-pocket dish.

Until my visits to Seattle, I had only ever eaten cheap takeout fried rice and didn't love it. It was overly salty, gluey and filled with vegetal nubs and rubbery meat, ribboned with dry shredded eggs. My in-law's recipe was different. Their fried rice was elegant and lightly seasoned; the grains were individual, kissed with soy sauce and toasted sesame oil. Their recipe uses bacon, though any salty meat would work. Spam is especially good too. It's a deceptively simple dish—deceptive because the fried rice, despite its spare appearance, involved many specific techniques and tricks honed through decades of cooking experience. When they taught me to make fried rice, they taught me their way, not meant to be altered or improvised upon. But there's a reason they did this: when I tried this at home, the fried rice turned out perfect. Every time. These were some of the secrets they passed to me, and now I pass on to you:

  • When adding soy sauce, the goal is not to add so much that you discolor this dish. I go for a toasty, tawny look after the soy is stirred through, rather than a dark brown. This usually means no more than two teaspoons.
  • Chances are if you buy soy sauce from an American grocer, it'll be Kikkoman, a Japanese brand (you can tell from the pear-shaped glass bottle with the red top). Try to seek out a Chinese light soy (and not dark soy, which is thick and sweet), though, because it does taste different.
  • The eggs are important here: Rather than frying the rice in oil first, what I do is carefully pour the beaten egg base onto the medium-hot oil. The rice is then carefully folded into the eggs, taking care to not flatten the rice and eggs. The result is small puffy pillows of egg in your finished dish. Note the photo—there are no stringy, shaggy bits of eggs. Those are small Puffalumps that actually taste like eggs.
  • Scallions are crucial for the onion-y component. They must be finely sliced on a sharp angle. My father-in-law insists they be cut this way—it adds a bit of beauty to a very simple dish. In the finished dish, the scallions poke through the rice like tiny jade spears. They are added at the very end to preserve their fragrance.
  • I can't stress how important it is that you use 'old' rice. Not fresh and steamy from the rice cooker. I'm talking about leftover from a day or two before. If I don't have leftover rice, I'll make rice the morning of, spreading it out on a baking sheet to make sure it doesn't dry in large clumps.
  • My in-laws add a small pouch of preserved Chinese vegetables (usually mustard greens or salted radish) that have been soaked and drained to reduce their saltiness. I love this as an add-in, but it can be hard to find those unless you go to an Asian grocery store. The packets usually are in Chinese and may helpfully just say 'vegetable' on them. They are about the size of an airplane peanut pack, with a photo of a slumped tangle of something fibrous on the front. The good news is they are so inexpensive you can afford to make a few mistakes until you find one you like (then keep a photo of it on your phone. What? That's totally normal). If you have it, add it. If not, the dish will not suffer.

For an easy dish with so few ingredients, I know the methods seem rather particular. I am reminded of that line from Legally Blonde : "The rules of hair care are simple and finite." So too are the rules of fried rice: don't use fresh rice, don't flatten the eggs and rice, don't over soy sauce it, and stir in the scallions off the heat. Like its takeout cousins, this fried rice tastes great cold the next morning too.

Perfect fried rice

an expository essay on fried rice

  • 2 slices of bacon, diced
  • 2-3 scallions, sliced thinly on a sharp bias
  • 3-4 cups leftover medium or long-grain rice, such as jasmine (no freshly steamed rice)
  • 3 eggs, well beaten
  • 2 tsp. light soy sauce
  • Toasted sesame oil

an expository essay on fried rice

Heat a 12-inch non-stick skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add diced bacon and sauté until crisp and golden. Remove from pan and leave about a tablespoon of rendered bacon fat in the pan. (Any more and your final product may become too greasy.)

Add beaten eggs, swirling to evenly coat the bottom of the pan. When the edges start to ruffle, add the rice evenly on to the eggs. Gently but expeditiously stir them around, breaking the eggs into small pieces. Do not press down on the rice, as you want to keep the fluffy texture. I use chopsticks to do the stirring, which also curbs the impulse to smoosh down with a spatula.

When the rice is warmed through, add bacon back in and stir through. If using the Chinese preserved vegetables add them in now too. Add a small pinch of salt to season.

Season with a teaspoon of soy sauce to start, and take a quick taste. If you like a bit of a deeper flavor add another teaspoon. Remember we are going for a light brown color, not a murky dark shade.

Turn off the heat, add scallions and stir through. Add a drizzle of toasted sesame oil, and stir gently to incorporate. Scoop into bowls and serve immediately.


20-Minute Easy Fried Rice

Posted on Published: August 13, 2024

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Want a quick 20-minute Easy Fried Rice recipe? No worries! I have you covered. This is a great way to use leftover rice that you might have in the fridge. The best part about this rice side dish is that you can add any veggies you want. Or, if you are like my family, skip the veggies and just have rice and eggs!

Anytime we have Sweet and Sour Chicken , Orange Chicken, or any Asian or Chinese dish, I find myself navigating to my tried and true fried rice recipe. It's so simple and easy to make and goes great with just about any protein you make.

an expository essay on fried rice

My family lives and breathes for any kind of Thai, Asian, Chinese, or Japanese dish. We love creating take-out nights at home complete with sweet biscuits as you get at the Chinese restaurant, and my favorite, Cream Cheese wontons . We make a huge meal out of it and even get fortune cookies and we have cool lightsaber chopsticks .

How to Make the Perfect Fried Rice

You only need a few simple ingredients from your pantry for this recipe.

  • Long Grain White Rice (leftover rice is best) you can use brown rice if you prefer.
  • Beaten eggs
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Olive oil, vegetable oil, or sesame oil

The best rice to use for this dish is day-old rice that has been in the fridge. Cold rice is best. If you do not have leftover rice, you can cook fresh rice the same day and then rinse and drain it once it is cooked.

an expository essay on fried rice

Then, place it on a sheet pan in the fridge to let it cool and gel together better. Long-grain rice works best for this dish. It prevents the rice from becoming mushy and lumping together.

Not only that, but cold rice will help it get crispier in the skillet. Nothing makes fried rice taste better than those little crispy edges.

Cooking the Veggies (if you are using them)

In a large skillet, melt the butter with a drizzle of oil over medium-high heat. Once the butter has melted, if you are adding veggies, add them in at this step and let them cook for about 2 minutes. Some veggies I like to use are onions, green bell peppers, frozen peas, carrots, mushrooms, or broccoli (that is if I am adding veggies).

Push the veggies aside and add the beaten eggs to the skillet. Scramble and stir them together with the veggies. If you are not using veggies, just skip that step and scramble the eggs in the butter.

an expository essay on fried rice

Next, add in the rice and spread it out evenly across the skillet. Now add in the soy sauce and toss to coat the rice. I like to let my rice cook until it gets a little crusty on some pieces.

Now, salt and pepper to taste. Top with toasted sesame seeds and green onions. Serve extra soy sauce on the side for those of us who love a little more tang in our fried rice.

Making Huge Batches of Rice

If you like to eat fried rice as much as I do, then my advice is to make the rice in bulk. Big batch cooking the rice is perfect. When I buy rice at the grocery store, then I just come home and throw a bunch in the rice cooker . When it's done, I divide it up equally in ziplock bags and freeze it until ready to use.

This is also a great idea when you are freezer cooking as well.

an expository essay on fried rice

Store any leftover fried rice in an airtight container in the fridge for about 3 days. You can freeze it for up to one month if you prefer.

Serve this delicious rice as a side dish to recipes like my Sticky Baked Asian Wings or my Sticky Mongolian Beef . Of course, if you are like me, you can also serve this as a main dish when you are craving a rice dish. If I am eating it as a main dish, then I add a veggie to the side like my Blistered Green Beans .

You can serve this rice with any protein you want! You can add in an easy chicken recipe like diced chicken, pork, ground beef, or even steak.

The next time you need a fast side dish, this is the best fried rice recipe that you will ever make.

Love Rice? Check Out These Other Rice Recipes

  • Easy Coconut Rice
  • Homemade Mexican Rice
  • Cilantro Lime Rice

20 Minute Easy Fried Rice

20 Minute Easy Fried Rice

Easy restaurant-style fried rice that can be made in as little as 20 minutes.


  • 4 cups of cooked rice, long grain white rice is best
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 large eggs, whisked
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, more if desired
  • 1/2 teaspoon of oil -- olive, sesame, vegetable
  • salt and pepper to taste

Veggies to use if you want them

  • 1/2 up of chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup of chopped carrots
  • 1/2 cup of frozen peas


  • Leave the rice in the fridge until you are ready to use it.
  • In a large skillet, add the butter and the oil. Once the butter is melted, add in the onions, peas, and carrots if you're going to use them. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • If you are not going to use the veggies, throw the garlic in and allow it to cook for a minute. Push the garlic to the side and add in the eggs.
  • Scramble the eggs and then stir everything together.
  • Now add in the rice and soy sauce. Toss the rice to coat.
  • Let the rice cook for about 6 minutes before stirring to allow some pieces to char.
  • Salt and pepper to taste and then serve while it is warm.

Nutrition Information:

Serving size:, did you make this recipe.

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Essay Service Examples Life Chicken

Essay on How to Prepare Jollof Rice and Chicken



  • 2 cups of long-grain rice
  • 1 kg of chicken pieces (thighs, drumsticks, or a whole chicken)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, blended or finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
  • 1 scotch bonnet pepper (optional, for heat)
  • 2 cups of chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
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  • Rinse the chicken pieces under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels.
  • Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and half of the minced garlic.
  • In a large skillet or pot, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
  • Add the chicken pieces to the pot and cook until they are browned on all sides. Remove the chicken from the pot and set it aside.
  • In the same pot, add the chopped onion, minced garlic, and bell peppers.
  • Sauté the vegetables until they are soft and fragrant, usually for about 5 minutes.
  • Add the blended or finely chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, and the scotch bonnet pepper (if using). Stir well to combine.
  • Add the rice to the pot and stir it with the vegetables to coat it evenly.
  • Sprinkle in the thyme, curry powder, paprika, dried thyme, and dried rosemary. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Pour in the chicken broth and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 20 minutes or until the rice is cooked and has absorbed the liquid.
  • Gently place the browned chicken pieces on top of the rice.
  • Cover the pot again and continue to cook on low heat for another 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked and tender.
  • Occasionally check the pot to ensure the rice does not stick to the bottom. If needed, add a little more broth or water to prevent burning.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • Fluff the rice with a fork, mixing in the chicken and vegetables.
  • Serve the jollof rice and chicken hot, garnished with fresh herbs if desired.

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Essay on How to Prepare Jollof Rice and Chicken

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Easy Fried Rice

  • January 5, 2023
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Learn how to make The Best Fried Rice Recipe at home! This copycat fried rice recipe tastes just like your favorite restaurant but even better! Loaded with tons of vegetables, scrambled eggs, leftover white rice and my secret ingredient: Butter !

Love fried rice as much as I do? Give my Shrimp Fried Rice , Beef Fried Rice or Cauliflower Fried Rice a try!

easy fried rice in white bowl topped with black and white sesame seeds

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BEST Fried Rice Recipe

Fried Rice has to be one of my all time favorite takeout inspired dishes to make at home. It’s easier to control the saltiness, sweetness and to bump up the veggies when you make it at home! Our family makes this fried rice recipe at least once a week with whatever vegetables we have on hand. It is always the perfect accompaniment to my take out style dishes. I love serving this rice with my General Tso’s Chicken and my Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef .

It all starts off with cold day old rice . This is super important! If you are like me and don’t always plan ahead make sure to cook your rice first and allow it time to completely cool in the fridge or freezer. Fried rice is best when it is made with cold rice. You can even cook the rice the night before. The longer the rice sits the better it tastes!

Next, I add in lots of veggies! For flavor I add soy sauce and oyster sauce . I also like to add Sriracha for a little kick. This recipe is a great way to work in any leftovers. You can substitute any vegetables you have on hand. You can also toss in chicken, bacon, pancetta or try my Shrimp Fried Rice or Beef Fried Rice Recipe .

fried rice with wooden spoon in a large skillet

The Best Rice for Fried Rice

Long grain rice has less starch which makes it the perfect choice for fried rice. Using a long grain rice like jasmine rice will result is soft and fluffy rice every time! Other rice varieties like short grain sushi rice would not work for fried rice. It would make the fried rice clumpy and almost gummy in texture. Not what were looking for!

Fried Rice Ingredients

  • Butter: This is my secret ingredient ! This is what they use at hibachi restaurants for their fried rice and has been a game changer ever since I started using it. It adds a lot more flavor and helps to brown the rice. You can always substitute any other cooking oil if you prefer but I really suggest giving butter a try in your fried rice.
  • Eggs: Are added for protein and are typical in fried rice recipes. You can omit and substitute tofu if you are allergic to eggs or simply not a fan.
  • Veggies: I use diced carrots, onions, garlic and peas. Feel free to use whatever vegetables you have on hand. Bell peppers, zucchini, leeks, corn and edamame would all be great in this!
  • Rice: I prefer to use long grain white rice or jasmine rice. It cooks up fluffy and does not clump together.
  • Soy sauce: I always use low sodium soy sauce however dark or regular soy sauce can be substituted just make sure to dilute it a bit with water to cut down on the saltiness.
  • Oyster sauce : Is a thick savory slightly sweet and salty sauce that can be found in the international or asian section of your grocery store.
  • Sesame oil : Adds a wonderfully nutty flavor to this recipe. A little bit goes a long way!
  • For serving: I like to top my stir fried rice with green onions and sesame seeds for garnish.

the best fried rice in large skillet

How to make Fried Rice

  • Start by heating 1 tablespoon of butter into a large skillet. Add the eggs and scramble until fully cooked.

scrambled eggs set aside on white plate

  • Remove them from the pan and set aside. Add the remaining tablespoon of butter into the pan. Add carrots and onion to the pan and cook until tender, 3-4 minutes. Stir in garlic and cook for an additional minute.

sautéing diced carrots and onions in large skillet

  • Add in the cold rice and peas and sauté for 3-4 minutes. The rice should brown up a bit.

stirring in peas and rice to large skillet

  • Add the eggs back to the pan and stir in soy sauce, oyster sauce and sesame oil . Cook for 1-2 minutes to heat through. Serve immediately with green onions for garnish, if desired.

adding in scrambled eggs and sauce ingredients

Can you make Fried Rice in the Air Fryer?

Yes ! Cooking fried rice in the air fryer is super easy! Simply add all of the ingredients to the air fryer and cook until warmed through. Find the full step by step instructions in my Air Fryer Fried Rice Recipe

vegetable fried rice in air fryer

Tips for making The Best Fried Rice

  • Choose the right type of rice:  Long grain rice like jasmine is best!
  • Use COLD day old rice:  For best results! Cold rice will crisp up in the hot oil. Warm rice will not toast and can even become mushy. If you are in a pinch make the rice first and spread it out onto a baking sheet in a single layer. Pop it in the fridge or freeze to cool down quickly then use as directed.
  • Always rinse the rice before using: This removes the extra starch from the rice and prevents it from clumping.

rinsing long grain rice in mesh strainer

  • Add some heat: If you like extra heat add in some Sriracha or chili garlic sauce. I usually start at about 1 teaspoon and work my way up.
  • Break up the clumps of rice: When rice is old it tends to clump up. To ensure even browning and crisping of the rice break up the clumps with your hands before stir frying.

breaking up clumps of cold rice with hands

Why Butter?

Have you watched them cook fried rice at a hibachi restaurant? They always use butter and it is so good! After I saw them make it with butter I always make my fried rice at home with butter instead of oil. I love the flavor and richness that the butter adds to the dish. It also helps the rice and veggies brown up perfectly!

Why cold rice?

When rice is just cooked and still warm it clumps together. However when you use cold day old rice the rice dries out a bit and the clumps can be easily broken apart. This ensures each kernel of rice actually gets “fried” when your stir frying resulting in a less mussy fried rice!

  • In place of the rice try adding cauliflower , quinoa or riced broccoli for a healthy low carb twist.
  • For protein add beef , shrimp or chicken to this recipe. Simply brown the protein first, set aside then toss back in with the rice and veggies once they’ve finished cooking.
  • For a twist try adding chopped up kimchi for kimchi fried rice. It adds the perfect tang and heat!
  • Brown rice can be substituted for the white rice for extra fiber and nutrients.
  • Feel free to substitute whatever vegetables you have on hand. Red bell peppers, celery or broccoli would all be great in this!

close up shot of the best fried rice

What can I use instead of oyster sauce?

If you can’t find oyster sauce or simply don’t have it in your pantry you can substitute hoisin sauce or try and make your own oyster sauce. Here is a great recipe for diy oyster sauce!


  • Refrigerate: Fried rice for up to 4 days in an airtight container.
  • To freeze: Store leftovers in a large ziplock bag for up to 3 months. To freeze fill up the ziplock bag then lay flat and remove the air. This makes it easy to stack in the freezer and defrosts super fast!
  • Reheat from refrigerated: Reheat leftovers in the microwave, skillet or air fryer . You may need to add a splash more of soy sauce or butter to keep it from sticking to the pan.
  • Reheat from frozen: Allow the rice to defrost overnight in the refrigerator. Reheat rice in the microwave, skillet or air fryer.

What to serve with Vegetable Fried Rice

  • Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef
  • Vegetable Chow Mein
  • General Tso’s Chicken
  • Chicken Chow Mein
  • Mongolian Beef
  • Kung Pao Shrimp
  • Egg Drop Soup
  • Homemade Dumplings
  • Chicken Lo Mein
  • Air Fryer Egg Rolls
  • Honey Chicken Stir Fry

black and white sesame seeds on top of fried rice in white bowl

Here are more Easy Rice Recipes to try!

  • Ham Fried Rice
  • Enchilada Rice
  • Lemon Parmesan Rice
  • Cilantro Lime Rice
  • Vegetable Fried Rice

products i used

an expository essay on fried rice

The BEST Fried Rice

Ingredients  .

  • 2 tablespoons butter , divided
  • 3 eggs , whisked
  • 2 medium carrots , small dice
  • 1 small onion , small dice
  • 3 cloves garlic , minced
  • 1 cup frozen peas , thawed
  • 4 cups cooked and chilled rice , (I either use white or brown rice)
  • 3 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • sliced green onions for garnish , if desired

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an expository essay on fried rice

Nutrition Information

an expository essay on fried rice

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Why butter? That is just so wrong

Yes I like to use butter in my fried rice. You can also use oil it is personal preference.

No need to be rude, Gae

I don’t see how she thought that was rude,she simply said it’s your personal preference.Some ole like butter and some would rather use ???.

There is an objective better option and you know it, Sharon

sharon lynn

Nothings wrong. I am from Malaysia and there are one called butter fried rice. And i always put bit of butter to finish the rice. It becomes more fragrant and buttery.. yums!

Arnold Swegger

Anyway, great recipe, love it!!!

Why people criticizing use what ever u like its option

What do u have against butter dummy??


Jonathan sorelle.

So you don’t repsect the vegetables? By product of a living thing just like butter. Guess we need a march for avocados.

You can’t compare the suffering of animals to vegetables. Don’t be stupid. Humans are animals. Are you going to start comparing the suffering of the Jews in nazi Germany to broccoli?

Screw that, animals are delicious.

Danielle Henderson

The way God Intended

Great recipe for it’s simplicity. I like to add a couple of tablespoons of fish sauce for an authentic Chinese taste.


Virginia Childress


Big Country

Although I agree with your thinking, I only wish I could have replied as eloquently as you, m.oron.

Wow you are rude dude rude rude rude. Let’s all be rude.

valerie Huibers

I am finding this whole conversation quite funny!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE BUTTER!!

Keywords, “whatever you wish”!

Gae is a beginner.

maybe use ghee, gae

All you had to say was that you could substitute a fat/oil that didn’t trigger you

Benihana and other places like it add butter too. Haven’t tried the recipe but will!

you are all ridiculous

I made this recipe last week and we loved it. Making it again today. Can’t wait to eat it again!

Gormless Idiot

it’s yummy

Love that you’re adding butter to your fried rice. Tastes so much better!!! 🙂

Jacquie Cook

What brand would you recommend for the different sauces your recipes call for? ie, oyster sauce, sesame oil, fish sauce & mirin. I have tried sesame oil 1 time & was not pleased with the flavor, however I bought it at the local Walmart from the Asain food area. I live in the middle of Nebraska, not much too choose from. Also, what is the best way to store Ginger so it stays fresh? Please email me your response, if you are able. Thanks!!

Sun luck pure sesame oil Kikkoman soy sauce Sun luck oyster sauce

Store fresh ginger in the freezer, then just use a cheese grater when you need to add it to a dish, then pop the ginger right back in the freezer.

What a great idea. Thanks. I’ve always just put I in the door in the fridge, but this way will last longer.

julie Scherbarth

I always freeze my ginger. I peel it first then all you have to do is either grate or slice it from frozen. Easy peasy.

Seraphine Formedi

Since the essence/fragrance of ginger resides in its peel,it is best not peeled before use. Thorough washing is just enough

I put in cooked BQ pork makes it’s the best

I usually use a wok or a non stick skillet. I like to put the rice in an even layer and not stir for a while to help it brown.

Followed the recipe to the letter and it ended up so dark it was almost black :/

I’m sorry this did not work out for you! I would keep an eye on the fried rice when browning to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Were you using a cast iron pan?

I Made this last Thursday and husband love it so much and also my stepson who is so picky ate a lot and they said,this is the best fried rice they’ve ever tasted!i also added left over chicken!Now I’m going to make it again tonight!

Linda McArthur

This is absolutely the best fried rice ever! Better than in a restaurant!

Hi Angelina,

You can always leave it out or add a bit of hoisin sauce if you prefer.

I was just reading comments thinking about how I don’t be currently have oyster sauce, but I have hoisin! Thanks for the recipe. Cold rice is a great tip.

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Everyday Easy Eats

The BEST Chinese Fried Rice (Easy 15-Minute Recipe!)

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Chinese Fried Rice collage with title text overlay.

This restaurant-style Chinese Fried Rice recipe is the best ever! It tastes even better than takeout and is ready to eat in just 15 minutes. This is one of the most popular recipes on Everyday Easy Eats, for good reason. Learn how to make homemade fried rice with this easy recipe that is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser.

Side view of Chinese Fried Rice in a white plate on a dark background.

Table of Contents

Why You Will Love This Fried Rice Recipe

You will want to add this easy fried rice recipe to your regular dinner rotation, because it is super flavorful and is ready to eat in mere minutes. It is a fast meal because it not only cooks quickly, but it also requires a very minimal amount of prep. You probably already have most of the ingredients on-hand in your kitchen too.

I bet you could make this dish in less time than it would take to get takeout. Plus, with such fantastic flavor and the fact that you know exactly what’s going into it, who needs takeout anyway? Now you can toss those takeout menus and make perfect fried rice in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Tips for Making The Best Fried Rice

Here are a few important things I have learned over the years about how to make the best fried rice:

  • Use cold, cooked rice: The key to making perfect Chinese fried rice is using leftover, refrigerated rice. This is because chilled (preferably day-old) rice will separate nicely and won’t clump together in the pan. A freshly-cooked batch of warm rice will not fry well when it hits the hot pan, and will result in mushy clumps.
  • Use long-grain, white rice: It cooks up fluffy and not sticky, with individual grains remaining distinct and firm. I find that Jasmine or Basmati rice gives the best consistency, fragrance, and flavor.
  • Use butter: Japanese steakhouses use a big pat of butter when they’re making fried rice for good reason. Using butter (rather than oil) makes the rice brown up perfectly and just makes everything taste so much better.
  • Use a wok or large skillet: You want to use a pan that seems large for the amount of rice and other ingredients you are using. This allows the ingredients in the pan to heat up quickly and evenly. It also gives you plenty of room to toss everything together without anything falling out of the pan.

Be sure to use the tips above to make sure your fried rice turns out perfect, every single time!

Close-up overhead view of Chinese Fried Rice in a white plate on a dark background.

Chinese Fried Rice Ingredients

Okay, let’s talk ingredients. To make this homemade fried rice recipe, you will need:

  • Cooked, chilled rice: Make sure your rice has been cooked in advance and thoroughly chilled in the fridge in a sealed container. As I said before, freshly-cooked rice will not work well in this recipe.
  • Onions, carrots, peas, and green onions: This is the base mix of vegetables that I always use for fried rice, but feel free to substitute any other stir-fry vegetables you have on hand.
  • Garlic and ginger: These two ingredients add a zesty kick and depth of flavor. Always use freshly minced garlic and grated ginger for the best flavor.
  • Eggs: These add a good dose of protein, as well as flavor and texture. If possible, you should use organic, pasture-raised eggs for maximum health benefits.
  • Soy sauce: This savory condiment forms the base of the rice’s flavor. You could also use tamari, which is essentially gluten-free soy sauce. I recommend always purchasing high-quality organic tamari and soy sauce. Soybeans are one of the top GMO and pesticide-laden crops, so it’s worth spending the extra money on organic.
  • Sriracha: This spicy sauce adds a good amount of heat without overpowering the rest of the flavors in the dish.
  • Butter: Again, butter just makes everything better. I recommend using grass-fed butter if you can.

See the recipe card below for full information on ingredients and quantities.

How to Make Homemade Fried Rice

This recipe is prepared in stages so that everything gets cooked perfectly. To make homemade fried rice recipe, simply:

  • Saute the veggies: Start by cooking the vegetables and aromatics in a bit of butter until tender.
  • Cook the eggs: Push the veggies to one side of the pan. On the cleared side, scramble up the eggs in the last bit of butter. Then, stir to combine everything together.
  • Stir-fry the rice and sauces: Next, add the rice, tamari and Sriracha. Stir-fry the mixture for a couple of minutes to pull all the flavors together.
  • Garnish and serve: Sprinkle with some sliced green onions over top the fried rice, then serve it up nice and warm.

That’s it! Now you can skip the takeout and whip up a fast and fresh recipe for easy fried rice in just 15 minutes.

Overhead view of Chinese Fried Rice in a white plate on a dark background.

Chinese Fried Rice Variations

There are so different ways to make fried rice, so I encourage you to experiment with other ingredients you have on hand. Here are some ideas:

  • Tofu Fried Rice: Drain a package of firm tofu and dice into cubes. Pan-fry and then mix it into your rice.
  • Pineapple Fried Rice: Canned or fresh pineapple can be traditional in Chinese or Thai fried rice. Just dice and stir it in to combine.
  • Kimchi Fried Rice: Kimchi adds an incredible flavor boost to fried rice. Just chop and mix it in your fried rice.
  • Chicken Fried Rice: Cook a couple of chicken breasts in a pan. Then shred or dice and add it to your fried rice. For a shortcut, use leftover or rotisserie chicken.
  • Shrimp Fried Rice: Pan-fry a pound of peeled, raw shrimp and then stir it into your fried rice.
  • Pork Fried Rice: Cook a boneless pork chop in a pan, then dice and add to your rice.
  • Beef Fried Rice: Sauté steak or brown ground beef in a pan, then crumble or dice and add to your fried rice.

Those are just some common variations of fried rice. However, your options for customizing it are truly endless, so feel free to get creative!

More Takeout-Style Recipes

If you’re interested in trying out some more takeout-inspired recipes, here are a few of my favorite ones on the blog:

  • Chinese Chicken Fried Rice
  • Korean Ground Beef Bulgogi
  • Pineapple Coconut Rice
  • Healthy Teriyaki Chicken
  • Easy Sesame Noodles

If you make this easy Chinese Fried Rice recipe, let me know! Leave a comment with a star rating ★ below, because I love hearing from you! ♡

Easy Chinese Fried Rice Recipe |


  • 2 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 medium carrots, diced
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon minced ginger
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 3 cups cold cooked rice
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons Sriracha
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced


  • Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a wok or large skillet set over medium heat.
  • Add the onion, carrots, and peas. Cook for 4 minutes, until the onions and carrots are softened.
  • Add the garlic and ginger. Cook for 1 minute further until fragrant.
  • Push the vegetables to one side of the pan. Melt the remaining tablespoon of butter on the other side.
  • Add the eggs to the empty buttered side of the pan. Scramble the eggs until they are cooked through. Stir to combine them with the vegetables.
  • Add the cooked rice, soy sauce, and Sriracha to the pan. Stir-fry the mixture for about 2 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with green onions and serve warm.

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© Everyday Easy Eats . All photos and content are copyright protected. Please do not use any of my recipes, text or images without prior permission.

Easy, 15-Minute Chinese Fried Rice Recipe |

Hi! My name is Alia and I am the founder and author of Everyday Easy Eats. Here you'll find easy recipes and tips for eating healthy every day.

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Hi Patrick, thank you so much for your kind words! I always try to include as much helpful information as I can with my recipes. I am so glad you find it useful! Thank you for your compliment about my photos too. I hope you enjoy the recipe, you will have to let me know how it turns out! Take care!! 🙂

Hi Karen! I usually use Jasmine rice, but any type of medium to long grain rice will work well in this recipe.

Hi Beth, you’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed the recipe! 🙂

Hi Rachel!! You’re very welcome! 🙂 Thanks so much for your kind words, I’m happy you liked the recipe!

Hi Kaushiki! Sriracha is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce. You should be able to find it at most grocery stores as well as online! 🙂

Hi Glen, thank you for your feedback. I’m very glad you enjoyed my take on Chinese fried rice!

Hi Virginia! You should definitely try it, and then let me know what you think! 🙂

Hi Libby! I’m so happy you tried it too! You’re very welcome!! 🙂

Hi Melanie! I recommend cooking the chicken tenders before you make the fried rice. First cut up the chicken into small cubes and add a little bit of oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, add the chicken to the pan and cook for a few minutes until it is cooked through. Then transfer the chicken to a plate and set it aside. Then you can make the recipe as it is written and add the chicken back to the fried rice at the very end. I hope that helps!

Hi Phyllis! You can use any other Asian chili sauce, like sambal oelek chili paste. 🙂

Yay! Let me know how it turns out! 🙂

Hi Nathalie! Yay! Let me know what you think! 🙂

Hi Patricia! Absolutely! 🙂

Hi Barbara! Yay I am so glad you and your daughter liked the recipe! Thanks for letting me know! 🙂

Hi Isabel, thank you for your suggestions – they sound delicious! 🙂

Hi Janice! Thank you so much, I’m so glad you liked the recipe!

Hi Aman! Yay! I’m so glad your family enjoyed the fried rice. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

Thank you, Laurie!

Thank you for letting me know, Sharon! I’m very happy you enjoyed my fried rice recipe! 🙂

Hi Margaret, you’re very welcome! Using frozen mixed vegetables in fried rice is a very smart idea. 🙂 Thank you for letting me know that you appreciate the recipe!

Hi Linda! Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I am very happy you enjoyed my fried rice recipe! 🙂

Yay! 🙂 Thanks so much! Please do let me know if you try any of my other recipes!

Hi Kathleen, yes it definitely does! 🙂

Hi Helen! Yes, they can! This fried rice recipe is very customizable, so you can pretty much use whatever vegetables you have on hand.

Hi Rebecca! Thank you so much for letting me know. The additions you made to your fried rice sound delicious. Please let me know if you try any of my other recipes!

Thank you so much, Carol! I’m glad you liked the recipe. Please let me know if you try any of my other recipes! 🙂

Hi Carol, yay! I’m so happy you enjoyed my fried rice recipe. 🙂 Thank you very much for letting me know!

Thank you for your feedback, Jan! You’re welcome and I am glad you enjoyed my fried rice recipe. 🙂

Thank you for your comment! While I do enjoy takeout, this homemade version of vegetable fried rice is my absolute favorite!

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My Favorite Food Essay

500 words essay on my favorite food.

In order to perform well in life, our body needs energy. We get this energy from the food we eat. Without food, there will be no life. In today’s world, there are so many dishes available worldwide. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world. Dosa, Paneer, Naan, Chapati, Biryani, and more Indian delicacies are available. We are also offered western cuisines such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, pizzas and more dominating the food industry. In my favourite food essay, I will tell you about the food I like eating the most.

my favorite food essay

My Favorite Food

As the world is advancing day by day, it is becoming easier to get access to many kinds of food at our doorstep. Every day, we all want to consume great and delicious cuisine. There are many different varieties of food accessible all throughout the world. We all like different foods, however, my personal favourite is burgers. I have eaten many cuisines but my favourite food is definitely a burger. I cannot resist myself when it comes to burgers.

Burgers are one of the most convenient and easiest foods to eat on the fly when we’re in a hurry. We can have a burger at any time of day, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, and maybe some fries and a Coke to go with it. Many restaurants are well-known for making their speciality burgers in a particular style. Preparation changes from one establishment to the next. But what exactly makes a burger taste so good? They will taste vary depending on where you go, but they are all built the same. It is made up of a bun, a ground meat patty, and various toppings like cheese, onion slices, lettuce, and other sauces.

They are so soft yet crunchy, fresh and juicy that I love eating them. Even though there are many kinds of burgers, my favourite one is a chicken burger. The chicken patty gives the burger a juicy taste and it tingles my taste buds every time I eat it. I can already smell and taste it in my mouth as soon as I walked inside McDonald’s or any other restaurant that serves chicken burgers. As soon as I take a huge mouthful of it, I forget about any problems or troubles that are going on in the outer world and concentrate my entire concentration just on my chicken burger.

I love eating a burger which is filled with cheese and vegetables . The more vegetables you add, the better it tastes. My personal favourite is lettuce. It gives the burger the right amount of freshness and crunchiness.

I always eat my burger with ketchup. Most importantly, the thing I love about eating burgers is that I get to eat French fries along with them. They work as a great side to the dish and also make my stomach full.

Even though I liked eating a burger from a famous fast food joint, nothing beats the chicken burger my mother makes at home. She prepares everything from scratch, even the burger. Thus, it is extremely fresh and healthy too.

I know and feel that burgers have the great flavour and taste that would make anyone’s stomach pleased after a long day of work. I can tell by the reactions on people’s faces when they order their preferred burger variant. Overall, I don’t believe any other fast food will taste as good as a chicken burger. It’s just difficult to think that something will triumph in the future. As a result, I consider my favourite dish to be the best ever created.

A Great Variety

Perhaps the great thing about burgers is the great variety they offer. It has options for all people, who prefer vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even vegans. Thus, you can select the patty of your burger and dive right in.

There are a large number of burger joints being started in every corner of the city, each serving a variety of their own specialised and self-curated recipes. Burgers that are health-friendly and a go-to with a diet are also being introduced by these newly upcoming burger places. There are a lot many burger cafes that give their customers the choice to create their own burgers by providing them with a choice between patties, fillings, veggies, sauces as well as the number of burger layers they want.

Even though my personal favourite is a chicken burger, I also enjoy eating cheeseburgers and vegetable burgers. For me, all burgers taste delicious. Whenever we go out to eat with friends , I always order a burger.

My friends who do not eat non-vegetarian also eat burgers thanks to the great variety it offers. When we order food at home, we make sure to offer all kinds of burgers from cheeseburgers to chicken burgers, so that we get a taste of everything in our meal. Thus, I love burgers and their great variety makes it better.

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Conclusion of My Favorite Food Essay

Even though my favourite food is a burger, I enjoy other foods as well like Pizza and Pasta. However, I feel when it comes to eating daily, nothing beats homemade food. The food we eat daily is what helps us gain energy. We cannot eat our favourite food daily as it will become boring then, but our staple food is something we enjoy eating on an everyday basis.

FAQ of My Favorite Food Essay

Question 1: Why do we need food?

Answer 1: We need food because it provides nutrients, energy for activity, growth. Similarly, all functions of the body like breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm are made possible because of food. It also helps in keeping our immune system healthy.

Question 2: Should you eat your favourite food all the time?

Answer 2: No, never. Favourite foods are meant to be enjoyed when there is any special occasion, or when you are tired of your regular homemade food. Eating too much of your favourite food will make your taste buds adjust to it and eventually, it will not remain our favourite. Excess of anything is bad and the same goes for our favourite food. Thus, we must eat it occasionally so that it remains our favourite.

Question 3: Is fast food healthy? Should we not consume fast food at all?

Answer 3: Fast food is often high in calories, sodium, and harmful fat, with one meal frequently providing enough for a whole day. It is also deficient in nutrients and nearly devoid of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. That doesn’t mean you should completely avoid fast food. It is feasible to eat fast food without jeopardising your healthy diet. Take advantage of the nutritious side dishes available at many fast-food places. Look for meals that include lean proteins, vegetables, and fibre, and avoid anything that is supersized.

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Your fried rice doesn’t taste delicious because of these 7 reasons

Do you think fried rice is hard to cook? You’ve tried everything, but it doesn’t come out right.

How to make delicious fried rice [cookingclassy]

Many people believe fried rice is one of the most difficult meals to prepare. Although it's quite technical, it’s not really that difficult.

Recommended articles.

If your fried rice doesn’t turn out well, it’s probably because you have been making the following mistakes:

1. You are using the wrong rice

What sort of rice are you using? For fried rice, medium-grain rice works best since long-grain rice tends to dry up too fast and short-grain rice is too moist and clumpy.

For making fried rice, choose the Thai Jasmine medium-grain white type. The rice should be rinsed many times to prevent it being sticky.

Long-grain rice is used to make Nigerian fried rice, which is then spiced with ingredients like curry powder, turmeric, chilli powder, coconut milk, and proteins like liver and prawns.

2. Using the wrong pot

Due to its thin metal design, superior heat distribution, and steep edges, a wok is the perfect cooking vessel for fried rice. A wok makes your fried rice simple to stir and flip food without worrying about it falling onto the burner or countertop.

3. Not stirring ingredients properly

Everything depends on how you put the rice in the pan. Not stirring the ingredients in the pan is the key to achieving great fried rice. Instead of stirring, toss the ingredients into the pan. The rice will cook properly due to the constant tossing, but not to the point of burning.

4. Using the wrong oil

Chemistry plays a role in choosing the proper oil for stir-frying since it influences the temperature at which the oil breaks down and smokes. Smokey rice usually tastes better.

When it comes to selecting the best oil, what are your options? Butter is not ideal for hot pans since it has the lowest smoke point, it melts too quickly. Extra virgin olive oil is inappropriate for frying rice.

Canola oil, peanut oil, and unrefined avocado oil all have high smoke points and are the best oils for fried rice. After removing the sesame seeds, you can also sesame oil for a subtle sesame taste.

5. Adding the vegetable at the wrong time

Avoid adding raw or fresh vegetables or protein to fried rice at the wrong time since they might cook too quickly or slowly. It might cook too slowly and become soggy or too fast and become hard. The best thing is to cook them separately before adding them to your bowl of fried rice.

6. Use leftover fried rice

For fried rice, use leftover rice since it helps the grains stand and not cling to each other. It also retains nutrients.

7. Not using cornstarch

Cornstarch is a key ingredient that might be the difference between bland-tasting fried rice and a delicious one. It absorbs moisture and thickens sauces. A sprinkle of cornstarch helps dry the rice grains by making them simpler to cook and less sticky.


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My Favorite Food

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Here you have Expository Essay on My Favourite Food, let’s start with the Introduction.


I’m not a foodie, and I don’t go out of my way to try new things, but I know what I like. I’ve always wanted the fish, whether it was cooked whole or cut into fillets. My mother recognized my intense appetite for fish and made it a point to feed us fish every week. I didn’t know or understand the nutritional benefits of fish back then, but I knew it tasted good. I could eat it plain or with rice, and everyone at home appreciated my decision. As I grew older and learned to understand the various advantages of eating fish, I convinced myself that I had made the correct decision.

Today, I could eat fish every day, but I’m on the lookout for another dish to add to my list of favorites, just like I did when I first found fish. However, this time around, I’m seeking a vegetable mix. But, getting back to fish, just thinking about it makes my mouth water, but I’m going to attempt to resist the impulse to go out and find some so I can finish this article. In this essay, I’ll discuss why I believe everyone should eat fish and some of the various methods to prepare it.

Reasons why everyone should eat fish?

Enriched with vitamin d.

Vitamin D has been one of the most talked-about vitamins due to widespread deficiency in recent years. According to Forrest and Stuhldreher (2011), 41.6 percent of Americans are Vitamin D deficient and do little to nothing to improve their situation. However, according to Leech (2015), fish is by far the most well-known dietary source of Vitamin D. He goes on to say that eating fish like herring and salmon will provide you with the most Vitamin D.

Aids in the treatment of depression

Depression is a known and actual condition that can lead to mortality. Sad people frequently end their own lives or give up on life and all of their relationships. On the other hand, Leech advises that eating fish can make you happier than before. Depression is currently one of the world’s most severe or widespread health issues. Grosso et al. (2014) found that those who consume fish regularly, such as myself, have decreased incidence of depression.

Lowers the risk of developing heart disease.

One of the most pressing health issues today is a heart attack. Eating fish can help prevent or lessen the odds of developing heart disease or suffering a heart attack. According to a study conducted by Mozaffarian and Rimm (2007), eating fish once or twice a week reduces the odds of dying from the cardiac disease by 36 percent. This alone is reason enough to incorporate fish into one’s weekly diet. Thousands of individuals die each year in the United States from heart disease or heart attacks. The bad news is that such reports and research are frequently ignored. On the other hand, this reason made me want to eat fish even more, and I’m never going back.

Increases a person’s mental capacity.

Anything that increases my mental capacity is something I will consume every week. Fish contains crucial nutrients known as omega-3 fatty acids, demonstrated in studies to aid cognitive boost. I will seek more of what I am instructed to eat if I can get my brain working at its optimum while I am still young. However, there has been slight sensitization since few people eat fish and those who do not comprehend why they should never eliminate it from their diet.

Aids in the growth of youngsters

Omega-3 fatty acids are also crucial throughout pregnancy, according to research, for the development of the neurological system and the baby’s brain. Fish, it appears, is necessary for a child’s development and will ensure that a child never has any motor, social, or communication issues. There will be no symptoms of brain development delay.

Improves the health of one’s skin

For people concerned about their skin’s state, fish can also aid in improving their skin’s health. According to reports, fish has an ingredient called EPA, which helps regulate oil production in the skin and keeps it moisturized. Furthermore, fish aids in the preservation of one’s skin and can protect one’s skin from UV rays.

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The Best Nigerian Jollof Rice Recipe

Last Updated: July 16, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Hema Agwu and by wikiHow staff writer, Devin McSween . Hema Agwu, known as “The Suya Guy,” is a Nigerian Chef and the Co-Founder of Brooklyn Suya. A self-taught chef, he specializes in creating the perfect suya, a traditional Nigerian spice blend. Chef Agwu expanded his palette with flavors from Morocco, Eritrea, and the U.S. Over his career, he’s been featured in several publications and on The Cooking Channel’s The Spice of Life. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 270,459 times.

Jollof rice is a spicy and savory West African dish that’s made differently from country to country. Nigerian jollof rice is prized for its delicious, smoky flavor and simplicity—to make it, you only need one pot! Follow along with us as we reveal how to whip up the best Nigerian jollof rice.


  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 3 plum tomatoes
  • 2 white or red onions
  • 1 scotch bonnet pepper
  • ½ cup (118 ml) of vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon (2.4 g) of curry powder
  • ½ teaspoon (0.5 g) of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon (2.4 g) of white pepper
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cubes of chicken bouillon
  • 1 cup (237 ml) of chicken stock
  • 2 cups (400 g) of long-grain, parboiled rice (like Golden Sella basmati )
  • Salt to taste

Servings: 4

Wash the peppers, onion, and tomatoes.

Rinse and cut the peppers, tomatoes, and 1 onion in quarters.

  • Using a white or red onion is up to your preference. White onions tend to taste milder, while red onions add a stronger flavor.
  • Substitute fresh tomatoes with canned tomatoes if you prefer.

Blend the chopped ingredients together.

  • For a smokier taste, roast the red peppers before you blend them. Halve the red peppers and place them on a foil-lined baking sheet. Then, roast them in the oven at 400° F (200° C) for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • If you prefer more heat, add another scotch bonnet pepper to the blender.

Rinse the rice in water until it runs clear.

  • One of the differences between Nigerian jollof rice and other varieties is that it is traditionally made with long-grain rice, like Golden Sella basmati rice or white rice, that is parboiled. This is rice that is partially pre-cooked; it’s sometimes referred to as easy cook rice.
  • Feel free to use raw Golden Sella basmati or long-grain white rice instead of parboiled rice.

Heat the vegetable oil over medium heat.

  • Use a pot that you don’t mind burning a bit on the bottom. Slightly burning the rice and ingredients is what gives Nigerian jollof rice its tasty, smoky flavor.
  • As an alternative, use sunflower oil or palm oil in place of vegetable oil.

Chop 1 onion and saute it in the oil for 4 minutes.

Cook the tomato paste for 5 minutes..

  • It’s okay if some of the tomato paste sticks to the bottom of your pot. This just adds to the authentic, smoky flavor of Nigerian jollof rice.

Add in the pepper puree and spices.

  • Use beef or vegetable bouillon cubes instead of chicken if you prefer.

Add the rice, chicken stock, water, and salt.

  • Feel free to use beef or vegetable stock in place of chicken stock if you prefer.

Cover and cook the rice for 20 min.

  • If you don’t have a well-fitting lid, cover the pot with tin foil. Trapping the steam and cooking the rice over low ensures it has a soft, tender texture.
  • Some of the rice burning is okay, as you want to infuse Nigerian jollof with a smoky flavor.

Simmer the rice for an additional 10-20 min.

  • For extra flavor, add 2 tablespoons (28 g) of butter (or margarine) and slices of ½ an onion and 1 tomato into the pot when the rice starts to get tender.
  • If you’re using raw rice that isn’t parboiled, it might take an extra 20 minutes until the rice is soft and done.

Fluff and serve the jollof rice.

Store the rice in the fridge for 5 days..

Place leftover rice in an airtight container and keep it in the fridge.

  • Or, freeze your leftover jollof and heat it up on a day you don’t want to cook. Just place it in a freezer bag or airtight container and keep it in the freezer for up to 3 months. Then, reheat it in the microwave for about 4 minutes.

Expert Q&A

Hema Agwu

  • Other popular varieties of jollof follow a similar process as Nigerian jollof rice but use different kinds of rice and spices. For instance, Ghanaian jollof rice is typically made with jasmine rice and includes ginger, nutmeg, and garlic. [13] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • If your rice tastes undercooked, add a bit more stock or water and steam the rice over low until it’s tender. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1
  • Make Nigerian jollof as spicy or flavorful as you want it. Feel free to add more scotch bonnet peppers, curry powder, bay leaves, or any of the other spices to get the rice to your liking. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 4

an expository essay on fried rice

Things You'll Need

  • Cutting board
  • Mixing bowl
  • A large pot or saucepan with a lid
  • A blender or food processor
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • A large wooden spoon

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Essay On How To Prepare Jollof Rice For Students

Jollof rice is a beloved West African dish known for its delicious combination of rice, tomatoes, peppers, and a delightful array of seasonings. Whether it’s a family gathering or a special occasion, jollof rice is a staple dish that brings people together. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to prepare this mouthwatering delicacy right in your kitchen.

Table of Contents

Essay: How to Prepare Jollof Rice: A Flavorful West African Dish

Step 1: prepare the tomato stew.

To start, let’s prepare the rich and flavorful tomato stew, the heart of jollof rice. Begin by blending fresh tomatoes and peppers to form a smooth puree. In a pot, heat some vegetable oil and sauté finely chopped onions until they turn golden brown. Then, add the tomato and pepper puree to the pot and let it simmer on low heat. This will infuse the oil with the delightful flavors of the tomatoes and peppers, creating a savory base for the jollof rice. You can prepare the tomato stew ahead of time to save on cooking time later.

Step 2: Boil the Meat (Optional)

For those who prefer a meaty jollof rice, now is the time to add some protein. Cut and wash your choice of meat, such as chicken or beef, and place it in a pot with some water. Add seasoning, like salt, garlic, and thyme, and let it boil until the meat is tender and fully cooked. This step not only enriches the flavor of the jollof rice but also provides a delightful texture to the dish.

Step 3: Parboil the Rice

Parboiling the rice is an essential step to ensure that your jollof rice comes out perfectly fluffy and not sticky. Place the rice in a pot and rinse it thoroughly with water to remove excess starch. Then, pour boiling water over the rice and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Drain the water, and your rice is now ready for the next step.

Step 4: Combine Ingredients

In a large cooking pot, pour the flavorful chicken or beef stock and the tomato stew. Allow it to come to a boil, and then add the drained parboiled rice to the pot. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. The level of water should be equal to the level of the rice, ensuring that the rice absorbs all the delightful flavors of the stew.

Step 5: Cook the Jollof Rice

Now, it’s time to cook the jollof rice! Put a lid on the pot and let it cook on low heat. Remember not to stir the rice while it’s cooking, so it doesn’t get sticky. The rice will soak up all the yummy flavors and smells as it cooks. It usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the rice to become soft and fluffy.

Step 6: Serve and Enjoy

Finally, the moment we’ve been waiting for—your jollof rice is ready! Use a fork to fluff the rice gently and serve it hot. The vibrant colors and mouthwatering aroma will entice everyone around the table. Jollof rice is delicious on its own, but you can also pair it with delightful side dishes such as ripe plantains, a fresh garden salad, or a refreshing fruit juice. Gather your loved ones, and enjoy this delectable West African treat together.

Yes, that’s absolutely right! Jollof rice is a versatile dish, and you can try adding different ingredients and flavors to make it just the way you like it. So, don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the delicious taste of homemade jollof rice. It’s a dish that brings joy to many people, and you can make it uniquely yours! Have fun cooking and savor every tasty bite of your jollof rice!

Q: What are the ingredients needed to make jollof rice?

A: The key ingredients include rice, tomatoes, peppers, onions, vegetable oil, and various seasonings like salt, garlic, and thyme. You can also add meat or vegetables for added flavor and nutrition.

Q: What is the origin of jollof rice?

A: Jollof rice is believed to have originated in the Senegambia region of West Africa and has since become a popular dish in many West African countries, each with its own unique twist on the recipe.

Q: What are some common side dishes to serve with jollof rice?

A: Jollof rice pairs well with a variety of side dishes, including ripe plantains, fried chicken, grilled fish, salad, coleslaw, or a refreshing fruit juice. The choice of side dishes depends on personal preference and regional variations.

In conclusion, preparing jollof rice is a delightful culinary journey that brings together the vibrant flavors of West Africa. This iconic dish is cherished by many and holds a special place in the hearts of families and communities. Whether it’s a festive celebration or a simple gathering, jollof rice brings joy and unity to the table. So, roll up your sleeves, follow this step-by-step guide, and embark on a flavorful adventure in your own kitchen. Enjoy the delicious taste of homemade jollof rice with your loved ones, creating cherished memories one plate at a time.

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How to Cook Jollof Rice

How to Cook Jollof Rice

To prepare a delicious jollof rice, you need to buy necessary ingredients such as white rice, chicken, pepper, salt, tomatoes, onions, and seasoning. Firstly, you prepare tomato stew by cooking the tomato blend and adding vegetable oil and onions. Then you pour chicken stock and tomato stew into a pot and boil. Next, add parboiled rice, salt, and pepper, and make sure the water level is the same. Lastly, cover the pot and cook on low to medium heat until the rice is cooked. The jollof rice can be served with fried plantain, salad, or coleslaw.

To make tasty jollof rice, follow these instructions. Firstly, buy the required ingredients from the market: two sticks of long grain white rice, chicken (drumstick and chicken breast), salt, pepper (to taste), tomatoes, onions, and seasoning (three maggi cubes and thyme). Next, prepare the tomato stew by putting the fresh tomato blend in a pot and cooking it on high heat until all the water evaporates.

Begin by combining the vegetable oil and chopped onions in a pot. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the oil separates from the tomato puree. Once finished, allow it to cool. Then, transfer the chicken stock (prepared by washing and cutting the chicken into pieces and cooking it with seasoning and two chopped onions) along with the tomato stew into a large pot. Let it boil.

To prepare jollof rice, combine thoroughly cooked and drained parboiled rice with salt and pepper according to preference. It is important to maintain the water level equal to that of the rice, ensuring complete evaporation during cooking. Lid the pot and cook on a low to medium heat setting in order to prevent scorching. Accompany the prepared jollof rice with fried plantain, salad, or coleslaw.

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