a small story on education for class 5

14 Short Stories 5th Graders Will Love

Upper elementary students don’t only love novels, they love short stories as well. Short stories are a great way to introduce students to new themes, morals, and simple life lessons. As you gather a list of short stories for students to read independently or along with you, consider the 14 short stories 5th graders will love below.

Short stories 5th graders will love

The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov

This futuristic story concerns homeschooling and the importance of learning and being a kid. It’s a nice short read with a fun lesson. Kids can read this story independently, or it makes a great whole-group lesson.

Short stories 5th graders will love

Thank You, Ma’am, by Langston Hughes

Here is a classic story about a woman who comes across a thief. Instead of reporting him to the police, she takes him home for a meal. Use this story to discuss human nature and laws in the classroom. Use these short stories 5th graders will enjoy to start important conversations about the community.

Short stories 5th graders will love

The Grown Up by Ian McEwan

If you have ever watched the movie Big, you will love this book. This is a collection of short stories about a boy called The Daydreamer. His adventures take him through life as an adult but from a child’s perspective. This is one of those short stories 5th graders will remember for years to come.

Her Hands That Held The Stars by Rebecca Birch

This futuristic story is about a polluted world where the stars can’t be seen. One brave girl makes it her mission to see the stars in the sky and share their beauty with everyone else. This makes for a great discussion about science fiction and real life!

Short stories 5th graders will love

Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push by Cisneros

This story is about authority and finding your voice as an eleven-year-old. Rachel is forced to wear a red sweater from the lost and found bin because her teacher is convinced it belongs to her. Read the story to follow her emotional journey and how she reacts. This is one of those short stories 5th graders will use to inspire their own thinking.

Marble Champ by Gary Soto

A student name Lupe knows she is great in school, but she wants to be great at something else. She tests her hand at playing marbles and finds she loves it. With some practice and extra wrist strength, her dedication pays off. This is one of those short stories 5th graders will ask to hear again and again.

Zlateh the Goat by Isaac Bashevis Singer

A boy named Aaron has a goat who needs to be taken to the butcher, but he can’t bring himself to do it. Selling the goat to the butcher would mean money for his family for Hanukkah, but it also means he loses a friend. This story is great for conversations about animals, family, cultural traditions, and listening to your heart.

Short stories 5th graders will love

Mrs. Pepperpot Stories by Alf Proysen

Mrs. Pepperpot is constantly shrinking! Once tiny, she has to navigate crazy adventures like ponds with giant frogs and mountains of ice cream. Use these stories to spark creativity in your 5th graders.

Short stories 5th graders will love

Little Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood by Timothy Tocher

Read this twist on the classic fairy tale to discuss the similarities and differences between the stories. The big bad wolf is off to steal food when he comes across Red Riding Hood. Invite kids to take a new perspective as they read this silly story.

Short stories 5th graders will love

The Witch’s Vacuum Cleaner by Terry Pratchett

This is a fun fantasy collection of household items with magical powers. Kids will love using their imagination as they read these short stories 5th graders will enjoy.

Short stories 5th graders will love

Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories by R.J. Palacio

This amazing book series collection is a companion to the novel Wonder. The tales follow Auggie from three different points of view, inviting students to take a new perspective on life. By reading these sweet stories, you’ll foster a sense of acceptance among your students.

Short stories 5th graders will love

The Missing Mail by R.K. Narayan

This story is set in India and follows the theme of arranged marriages in the country. Students will learn about different traditional virtues and their importance. It’s a great book to discuss human relationships and how they affect others.

Short stories 5th graders will love

All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury

Read this story with your students to teach them the importance of kindness and compassion in our lives. The theme is anti-bullying and is set on the planet, Venus. There is a fun YouTube short you can watch to accompany the book.

Short stories 5th graders will love

Queen Raggy by Templeton Moss

This modern fairy tale with an unexpected twist takes kids on a fun adventure through magical lands. When a doll is confused as the new Queen, the mix-up results in a silly story. Show students that appearances aren’t always what they seem and that the truth should always be told.

As you read these short stories 5th graders will love, think about different themes and life lessons that can be pulled from each. Short stories are a great way to teach students about the world and how things work. Using some of the ideas from these texts, invite students to write their own short stories with similar themes. Most importantly, have fun reading!

For more exciting read-alouds for upper elementary, try 10 POWERFUL BOOKS TO READ ALOUD TO UPPER ELEMENTARY STUDENTS .

Short stories 5th graders will love

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Elementary Classrooms 10 Short Stories Elementary School Teachers Love

Allie Liotta

Allie Liotta

These compelling short stories are sure to engage your students and build reading comprehension!

When it’s time to plan a new unit that adheres to ELA standards, it can be daunting to find high-quality, relatable short stories your students will enjoy. That’s why we’ve put together this roundup of engaging, thematically rich stories that elementary school teachers love.

Whether you’re new to CommonLit or a longtime CommonLit fan looking to refresh your lesson plans or supplement your ELA curriculum, you’re sure to find great literary texts for your students from this list!

" A Fish Named Dog " by Christyne Morrell (3rd Grade)

In this short story for 3rd graders, the narrator receives a goldfish instead of the dog she asked from her parents. In protest, she names the goldfish “Dog.” As the narrator complains to her friend about not getting a dog like everyone else, she realizes that Dog might be more special than she originally thought when Dog swims in her direction every time she says its name.

After students finish reading the text, they can complete CommonLit’s assessment questions, such as Assessment Question 4, “What lesson does the narrator learn from the fish named Dog?” This question will help students understand how the narrator came to appreciate the goldfish she originally underestimated.

" Impossible to Train " by David Hill (3rd Grade)

In this short story for 3rd graders, Bea, Jesse, and Sammy describe how difficult it is to train their pets, but also what they love about them. At the end, it is revealed that Bea, Jesse, and Sammy are actually pets talking about their human owners.

This funny short story would make a great choice for teaching about animals. Students would enjoy the humor throughout the text, especially the twist ending, as they explore the relationship between humans and animals. You can find more texts about pets for elementary students in CommonLit’s free digital library.

" MVP " by Clare Mishica (3rd Grade)

In this short story for 3rd graders, Derek is determined to outscore his teammate Cole and become his basketball’s team MVP, or most valuable player. After Cole sprains his ankle and sits out of the game, Derek realizes that his teammate was helping him be a better player. With only a few minutes left on the clock, Derek focuses on helping his team win the championship game and relies on his teammates for support.

If you’re looking for literary texts that support personal development, “MVP” will make a great addition to your ELA curriculum. This short story will show students the importance of teamwork and how much they can accomplish collaborating with a team, as opposed to working alone. You can moderate an engaging classroom discussion about the power of teamwork with CommonLit’s discussion questions, including Discussion Question 1, “How does working together help the narrator's basketball team win? Describe a time when you worked with others and how it helped you accomplish a goal.”

" An Honest Mistake " by Karen Meissner (4th Grade)

In this short story for 4th graders, Karie receives a prize for getting a perfect score on her spelling test. After she shares the exciting news with her mom, Karie realizes that she misspelled the word “honestly.” Conflicted, Karie doesn’t know if she should tell her teacher that she made a mistake on her test and return her prize.

“An Honest Mistake” would be a perfect read if you’re planning a character development unit for your class. Ask students to think about Assessment Question 5: “What do Karie’s thoughts and actions show what kind of person she is?” This assessment question will challenge students to explore the moral of the story and encourage them to always be truthful.

A screenshot of the CommonLit text "An Honest Mistake"

" Stray " by Cynthia Rylan (4th Grade)

In this short story for 4th graders, Doris discovers a stray puppy in front of her house during a snowstorm. Doris’ parents allow her to keep the puppy in the basement until the snow clears. As the snowstorm persists, Doris tries to convince her parents to let her keep the puppy, but they tell her that they cannot afford to care for it. After nine days of snow, Doris’ father takes the dog to the pound. Upset, Doris locks herself in her room, until dinner when she learns of a surprise.

As students read the text, they can take notes on Doris and her parents’ point of views. Assessment Question 5 will challenge them to analyze the father’s character development in the story: “How does the change in the father reveal the theme in the story?” This particular question will help students understand how pets bring out the best in people.

" Tamitha and the Dragon " by Elizabeth C. Desimone (4th Grade)

In this short story for 4th graders, a dragon snatches Tamitha and confines her to his castle, where she must clean his mess or face his wrath. In the castle, she discovers other creatures with problems of their own. After several escape attempts, the dragon manages to find and imprison Tamitha each time. With the help of the creatures, Tamitha finds a way to trick the dragon into cleaning his own castle.

Tamitha, a young girl full of grit, is a great character to inspire perseverance in students during difficult times. Ask students Discussion Question 1: “Have you ever tricked someone for their own good? If you have not tricked someone before, do you think it is ever okay to trick someone like Tamitha did?” This question will help students understand why Tamitha’s character traits help her overcome difficulties.

" Her Hands That Held the Stars " by Rebecca Birch (5th Grade)

In this science-fiction short story for 5th graders, set in a polluted future where the sky is covered by eversmog, Akeisha is determined to see the stars. Akeisha bravely sneaks up to the rooftop, and her Nana points out the stars glimmering in her hands. Nana tells Akeisha that the stars are calling her, and Akeisha decides she wants to figure out how to share the sky she sees with everyone.

Have students make connections between science-fiction and real life. Start a classroom discussion with Discussion Question 2: “Science fiction writers often write stories because they want us to think about our own world and what we value. Could we one day be living in a world that is similar to the setting of this story? Why or why not?” Encourage students to draw from the text and their own experiences to support their thinking.

" Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push " by Walter Dean Myers (5th Grade)

In this short story for 5th graders, Chris joins a wheelchair basketball team after a car accident has left him unable to walk. Chris’s dad, who blames himself for the accident, helps the team by showing them how to shoot better. Even though the team loses a big game, Chris is proud of their hard work and glad to have his dad’s support.

The complex relationship between Chris and his dad provides a great opportunity for analyzing character development and making connections. Ask students Discussion Question 3: “In the context of the text, what makes a family? What are some of the experiences you have had where the support of family and friends made a significant difference?” Encourage students to use examples from the text and their own lives to build reading comprehension.

" Eleven " by Sandra Cisneros (5th Grade)

In this short story for 5th graders, the eleven-year-old narrator, Rachel, struggles to speak up for herself when her teacher, Mrs. Price, forces her to wear a red sweater from the lost and found, convinced that it belongs to Rachel. Thinking to herself, Rachel wishes she was older, so that she didn’t feel so powerless with Mrs. Price, an adult whose word holds more authority over Rachel’s. The narrator's internal monologue artfully captures her emotions and what it’s like to be eleven years old.

As students read, have them follow the annotation task, which asks them to take notes on how the narrator reacts to the red sweater. Students can use the annotation tool to provide evidence in their short answers for the reading assessment. After they finish reading, you can lead a classroom discussion and have students make text-to-self connections by asking if they have ever been in a situation where they felt powerless because of their age.

" Marble Champ " by Gary Soto (5th Grade)

In this short story for 5th graders, shy Lupe knows she is a great student, but she is determined to also be good at a sport, so she decides to become a competitive marbles player. She practices hard to improve her thumb and wrist strength, and in the end, her dedication pays off and she wins the championship!

Looking for a way to support your students who speak Spanish at home? This short story is also available in Spanish as “ Campeona de canicas .” CommonLit Español offers hundreds of Spanish texts to support learning differentiation. Using CommonLit’s guided reading feature, which includes a translation tool, word definitions, and footnotes, you can have students read the two versions to practice key skills and build vocabulary in both English and Spanish!

A screenshot of CommonLit Espanol's "Campeona de Canicas"

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The Narratologist

Best short stories for 5th graders with questions

best short stories for 5th graders with questions

Home » Questions » Best short stories for 5th graders with questions

Reading is an essential skill for children to develop at a young age. It not only helps improve their language and vocabulary but also stimulates their imagination and critical thinking abilities. Short stories are a great way to engage 5th graders in reading, as they are concise, interesting, and often come with thought-provoking questions. In this article, we have compiled a list of short stories specifically designed for 5th graders, accompanied by questions to enhance their reading comprehension skills.

These short stories are carefully selected to cater to the interests and reading levels of 5th graders. Each story is engaging and captivating, allowing children to immerse themselves in the world of literature. The questions provided after each story not only test their comprehension but also encourage them to think critically, analyze the plot, and interpret the characters’ motivations.

By incorporating short stories with questions into their reading routine, 5th graders can enhance their reading skills while enjoying the process. These stories provide an opportunity for children to explore different genres, settings, and themes, making their reading experience diverse and enriching.

See these Short Stories for 5th Graders with Questions

These short stories for 5th graders with questions are an excellent resource to foster a love for reading and improve reading comprehension skills. By exploring the captivating tales and answering the accompanying questions, children can develop critical thinking abilities and enhance their understanding of the stories they read. Encourage your 5th grader to dive into these stories and embark on exciting literary adventures!

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5 Great and Fun English Stories For Class 5 

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  • May 17, 2024

English stories for Class 5

English Stories for Class 5: Great learning and fun go hand-in-hand when it comes to stories. They not only provide kids with morals and values, but they are also great fun and intriguing to listen to. Stories can lead to the overall holistic development of kids, which can eventually make them great individuals by shaping their personalities. Hence, in this blog, we bring you 5 great and fun English stories for class 5. Each story shares a specific moral and plot. Let us explore them now. 

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Table of Contents

  • 1 1. The Wolf And The Shepherds 
  • 2 2. The Young Crab And His Mother
  • 3 3. The Other Side Of The Wall
  • 4 4. The Fox and the Stork
  • 5 5. The Golden Touch
  • 6 FAQs 

Also Read : 50 Questions & Answers for General Knowledge for Kids  

1. The Wolf And The Shepherds 

One day, a wolf was chased away for trying to steal some sheep from a farm. Later that week, the wolf returned to the farm, hoping to find food. He found that the farmer’s family was eating lamb roast. He was dismayed that he was chased off for wanting the same thing the farmer’s family had done. 

: We are quick to condemn others without realizing our own faults. 

2. The Young Crab And His Mother

Moral : Do not condemn others for what you cannot do yourself. 

3. The Other Side Of The Wall

There was a young woman who was fond of gardening. She took great care of her garden. One day, she found a plant in a catalogue and decided she wanted to plant it. She planted it at the base of the stone wall in her garden. It quickly grew, but no flowers bloomed on the tree. She thought she would cut it down, but her neighbour called her and thanked her for the beautiful flowers blooming on its vines. She rushes over and realizes that the vine has crept through the crevices of the stonewall. The flowers had bloomed generously on the other side. 

: You may not see the results, but that doesn’t mean your efforts bore no fruit. 

Also Read : 5 Best Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers  

4. The Fox and the Stork

One day, a selfish fox invited a stork for dinner. Stork was very happy with the invitation; she reached the fox’s home on time and knocked at the door with her long beak. The fox took her to the dinner table and served some soup in shallow bowls for both of them. As the bowl was too shallow for the stork, she couldn’t have any soup at all. But the fox licked up his soup quickly. The stork was angry and upset, but she didn’t show her anger and behaved politely. To teach a lesson to the fox, she then invited him for dinner the next day. She too served soup, but this time the soup was served in two tall, narrow vases. The stork devoured the soup from her vase, but the fox couldn’t drink any of it because of his narrow neck. The fox realised his mistake and went home, famished. 

: A selfish act backfires sooner or later. 

Also Read : 5 Tips to Improve Kid’s Vocabulary  

5. The Golden Touch

Once, there lived a greedy man in a small town. He was very rich, and he loved gold and all things fancy. But he loved his daughter more than anything. One day, he chanced upon a fairy. The fairy’s hair was caught in a few tree branches. He helped her out, but as his greediness took over, he realized that he had an opportunity to become richer by asking for a wish in return (by helping her out). The fairy granted him a wish. He said, “All that I touch should turn to gold.” And his wish was granted by the grateful fairy. The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his wish, all the while touching stones and pebbles and watching them convert into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He was devastated and started crying and trying to bring his daughter back to life. He realized his folly and spent the rest of his days searching for a fairy to take away his wish. 

We should not be greedy for anything

Related Reads : 


Ans: Some of the best stories for class 5 are:  The Wolf And The Shepherds  The Golden Touch  The Fox and the Stork  The Other Side Of The Wall  The Young Crab And His Mother 

Ans: A simple story has a basic narrative following a particular plot. It has 3 distinct parts: the starting, the middle, and the ending. 

Ans: A short story for 5th Graders is “ Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey ”. This story shows children that all families are alike despite their differences. It’s the story of a young boy named Sal and a baby bear named Maine, who are both on a blueberry search with their mothers.  Moral : Regardless of our colour, race, ethnicity, or location, we’re all the same. 

Hope you like the English stories for class 3 that we have provided in this blog. For more such kids’ learning material, check out School Education and follow Leverage Edu!! 

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Deepansh Gautam

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Top 5+ Moral Stories In English For Class 5

I write moral stories in English for class 5 article. The students who are looking for some best moral stories for class 5 with images may read this article.

So, this short stories for class 5 in english article help you a lot. Now scroll down and read the article now.

Moral Stories In English For Class 5

Table of Contents

Moral Stories In English For Class 5

The fox and the stork.

Once upon a time there was a Fox and a stork. The fox was selfish but he decided to invite the storks for dinner. The Stork was very happy to be invited and she reached her house on time.

The fox opened the door and invited her inside. They sat on the table; The fox served him some soup in shallow bowls. While the fox licked up her soup, the Stork couldn’t drink it because she has a long beak and the bowl was too shallow.

The Fox And The Stork story in english

The next day the Stork invited the fox over for dinner. She served him the soup as well but in two narrow vases. While the stork enjoyed her soup and finished it, the fox went home very hungry realizing his mistake.

Moral of the Story – Don’t be selfish because it will come back to you at some point

When Adversity Knocks

Asha was frustrated and tired of life so she asked her father what to do. His father asked him to bring an egg, two tea leaves and a potato. Then he took out three vessels, filled them with water and placed them on the stove.

When the water started boiling, he told Asha to put everything in all the pots and watch them. After 10 minutes, she asked Asha to peel the eggs, peel the potatoes and sift the leaves. Asha got confused.

His father explained, “Each object was placed in the same condition, in boiling water. See how each responded differently?

He added, “The egg was soft, but is hard now. The potatoes were hard before, but are soft now. And the tea leaves, changed the water.”

The father asked again, “When calamity calls, we respond the same way they have. Now, are you the egg, the potato or the tea leaf?”

Moral Of The Story – We can choose how to respond to difficult situations.

The Pig and the Sheep

A pig found its way into a meadow where a herd of sheep was grazing. The shepherd caught the pig and carried it off towards the butcher’s shop when it started crying loudly and struggled to get free.

The Pig and the Sheep story in english

The sheep said to the pig, “The shepherd catches us regularly and drags us off like that, and we don’t make any noise.” The pig answered, “My case and yours are altogether different; he catches and takes you to shave off the wool, but he wants me to be killed for making the bacon.”

Moral Of The Story – Do not compare two situations without understanding them.

The Bear and Two Friends

One day, two best friends were walking a lonely and dangerous path through a jungle. As the sun started to go down, they started to get scared but kept holding on to each other. Suddenly he saw a bear on the way. One of the boys went to a nearby tree and in one fell swoop climbed it.

The other boy did not know how to climb a tree by himself, so he lay down on the ground, pretending to be dead. The bear knelt down on the ground near the boy and sniffed around his head.

After appearing to whisper something in the boy’s ear, the bear went on his way. The boy sitting on the tree got down and asked his friend what the bear had said in his ear. She replied, “Don’t trust friends who don’t care about you.”

Moral of the story – A true friend is a friend who is useful in trouble.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A farmer asked his son to take his herd of sheep grazing daily. While the boy was watching over the sheep, he got bored and decided to have some fun.

So, he shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!”. On hearing this the villagers ran to help him chase the Wolf away.

As they reached him, they realized that there was no Wolf and that he was just kidding. The villagers were furious and shouted at the boy for creating chaos and panic.

On the next day the boy shouted “Wolf!” Again and once again the villagers came to help him and saw that there was no wolf. This made them very angry again.

On the same day, the boy sees an actual Wolf that is terrorizing the sheep. The boy cried out, “Wolf! Wolf! please help me” and no villagers showed up as they believed the boy was joking again.

Moral of the Story – Don’t play with people’s trust, when it matters the most, they won’t believe you.

The Golden Egg

Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid a golden egg each day. The farmer used to sell that egg and earn enough money to meet their family’s day-to-day needs. One day, the farmer thought that if he could get more such golden eggs and would make a lot of money and become a wealthy person.

The farmer decided to cut the goose and remove all the golden eggs from his stomach. As soon as they killed the bird and opened the stomach of the goose, they found no eggs. The foolish farmer realized that he had destroyed his last resource out of greed.

Moral Of The Story – Greed destroys your resource.

Asha was getting frustrated and tired of life, so she asked her father what to do. His father asked him to bring an egg, two tea leaves and a potato. Then he took out three utensils and filled them with water and put them on the stove.

When the water came to a boil, he asked Asha to keep an eye on them by keeping things in each vessel. After 10 minutes he asked Asha to peel the egg, peel the potato and filter the leaves. Hope was confused.

Her father explained, “Each object was placed under the same conditions, in boiling water. See how each reacted differently?”

He added, “The egg was soft, but now it’s hard. The potato was hard, but now it’s soft. And the tea leaves, they changed the water.”

The father asked again, “When calamity strikes, we respond in the same way as they have. Now, are you an egg, a potato, or a tea leaf?”

Moral – We can choose how to respond in difficult situations.

Moral Stories in English for Class 5 PDF Download

If you want to download these short Moral Stories in English for Class 5 in pdf file. So, I create a best class 5 moral story pdf download. You may just click on the button and get your file now. I know this may helps you a lot to understand about moral story.

Final Words

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Friends, as you all know, we like stories very much. The story helps us to live a new life and make our life better, so in this form, I have given you The Golden Egg Story which you read…

Best Moral Stories In English For Class 9

Best Moral Stories In English For Class 9

I write moral stories in English for class 9 article. The students who are looking for some best moral stories for class 9 with images may read this article. Advertisements So, this short stories in…

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51 Irresistible Short Stories for Kids (Free Printables)

Quick reads with lasting impact.

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Looking for some free tales to use for close reading or classroom read-alouds? This roundup of short stories for kids has plenty of options. From quick fables with morals to old-fashioned fairy tales and folktales from around the world, this diverse collection offers something for any child. We’ve also included ways to use these short stories with kids, in the classroom or at home. You can get free printable copies of the short stories by simply filling out the form on this page.

Note: Always be sure to read a selection through before sharing it with children. Some of these short stories for kids, especially ones written a long time ago, may not be appropriate for every audience.

Classic Fairy Tale Short Stories for Kids

“cinderella” by charles perrault.

Cinderella pintable story.

“‘Do not cry, Cinderella,’ she said; ‘you also shall go to the ball, because you are a kind, good girl.’”

Why we love it: This is one of those short stories for kids that everyone probably already knows. This older version is a little different than the Disney movie, so ask kids if they can identify the changes. They can also have fun imagining what other items could be transformed to help Cinderella get to the ball!

“Thumbelina” by Hans Christian Andersen

“there once was a woman who wanted so very much to have a tiny little child, but she did not know where to find one. so she went to an old witch, and she said: ‘i have set my heart upon having a tiny little child. please could you tell me where i can find one’”.

Why we love it: If there’s one thing this world can use more of, it is definitely kindness. We love that the story of Thumbelina spreads the message that kindness pays off in big ways. Thumbelina helps the swallow and in turn finds her true love.

“The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen

“‘but the emperor has nothing at all on’ said a little child.”.

Why we love it: This is a wonderful story for talking about peer pressure and being brave enough to stand up for what you believe in. Kids will also enjoy drawing the imaginary suit of clothes that the king thought he saw.

“The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Andersen

“‘it was you,’ said the prince, ‘who saved my life when i lay dead on the beach,’ and he folded his blushing bride in his arms. ‘oh, i am too happy,’ said he to the little mermaid; ‘my fondest hopes are all fulfilled. you will rejoice at my happiness; for your devotion to me is great and sincere.’”.

Why we love it: The story of the Little Mermaid focuses on sacrificial love. In it, the Sea King puts the needs of his daughter over his own. Open a dialogue with kids about a time when they put someone else’s needs over their own.

“Rapunzel” by The Brothers Grimm

“there once lived a man and his wife, who had long wished for a child, but in vain. now there was at the back of their house a little window which overlooked a beautiful garden full of the finest vegetables and flowers; but there was a high wall all round it, and no one ventured into it, for it belonged to a witch of great might, and of whom all the world was afraid.”.

Why we love it: This story explores themes of autonomy, love, jealousy, and freedom. Children need to be set free to explore their own lives.

“The Frog Prince” by The Brothers Grimm

“and the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand, and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all night long. as soon as it was light, he jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house. ‘now, then,’ thought the princess, ‘at last he is gone, and i shall be troubled with him no more.’”.

Why we love it: Kids love this familiar story about a prince in disguise and a young girl who keeps her word even though she doesn’t want to. In this version, the girl doesn’t need to kiss the frog, but she’s rewarded anyway.

“The Gingerbread Man” by Anonymous

The Gingerbread Man pintable story.

“‘Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!’”

Why we love it: In the original tale, the Gingerbread Man is eventually caught and eaten. This retelling gives him a happy ending instead. For a fun activity, let kids decorate and eat their own gingerbread people.

“The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams

“‘real isn’t how you are made,’ said the skin horse. ‘it’s a thing that happens to you. when a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but really loves you, then you become real.’”.

Why we love it: This is one of the most classic short stories for kids of all time! Let kids bring their own favorite toys to share with the class, and have them write or tell stories about what would happen if they became “real.”

“The Elves and the Shoemaker” by The Brothers Grimm

“a shoemaker, by no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left but leather for one pair of shoes. so in the evening, he cut out the shoes which he wished to begin to make the next morning, and as he had a good conscience, he lay down quietly in his bed, commended himself to god, and fell asleep.”.

Why we love it: Short stories for kids that are packed with life lessons are tops in our book. Among the lessons found in this tale are to work hard and to be grateful for the help you receive. It was through his hard work that the shoemaker achieved riches and success.

“The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats” by The Brothers Grimm

“there was once an old goat who had seven little ones, and was as fond of them as ever a mother was of her children.”.

Why we love it: Some of the best short stories for kids serve as cautionary tales. In this story, the young goats fail to heed their mother’s warning and succumb to the wolf’s attempts at deceit.

“The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen

“now then, let us begin. when we are at the end of the story, we shall know more than we know now: but to begin.”.

Why we love it: This story is the classic struggle between good and evil. It also focuses on the values of friendship and perseverance.

“Jack and the Beanstalk” by Anonymous

“why, the beans his mother had thrown out of the window into the garden had sprung up into a giant beanstalk which went up and up and up until it reached the sky. so the man spoke truth after all”.

Why we love it: This story is a fun read, but use it to get your students thinking critically. Was it really OK for Jack to steal from the giant? Ask them to write an essay sharing their thoughts on the subject, or use it for a fun classroom debate.

“Little Red Riding Hood” by The Brothers Grimm

Little Red Riding Hood pintable story.

“‘But Grandmother! What big eyes you have,’ said Little Red Riding Hood. ‘The better to see you with, my dear,’ replied the wolf.”

Why we love it: This retelling of the well-known tale is a little less gruesome, since the hunter merely frightens the wolf into spitting out poor granny (instead of slicing open his belly). Talk with kids about ways they can keep themselves safe when they’re out in the world.

“The Pied Piper of Hamelin” by The Brothers Grimm

“he sounded his fife in the streets, but this time it wasn’t rats and mice that came to him, but rather children: a great number of boys and girls from their fourth year on. among them was the mayor’s grown daughter. the swarm followed him, and he led them into a mountain, where he disappeared with them.”.

Why we love it: Some say this is a true story, and whether or not it’s true, it definitely has a moral—when people make a bargain, they should stick to their agreement. Ask kids to think about what kind of music the Pied Piper might have played, and why both children and rats couldn’t resist it.

“The Princess and the Pea” by Hans Christian Andersen

“i cannot think what could have been in the bed. i lay upon something so hard that i am quite black and blue all over.”.

Why we love it: This has long been one of the most beloved short stories for kids, and it’s ideal when you need a quick read. Then, grab some dried peas and see how thick a covering needs to be before students can no longer feel them.

“Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault

“puss became a great lord, and never ran after mice anymore, except for pleasure.”.

Why we love it: All cat lovers know these animals can be pretty smart when they want to be. This one helps his poor master become a prince in a castle, all through his own clever tricks. Encourage students to come up with more creative ways Puss in Boots could help his master.

“Rumpelstiltskin” by The Brothers Grimm

“‘i will give you three days,’ said he, ‘if by that time you find out my name, then shall you keep your child.’”.

Why we love it: Pretty much everyone in this story behaves badly in one way or another. Use it to learn more about characters and their motivation.

“Sleeping Beauty” by The Brothers Grimm

“a great many changes take place in a hundred years.”.

Why we love it: After students read this well-known story, ask them to think about what it would be like to go to sleep today and wake up in a hundred years. What might the world be like? Or what would it be like for someone who fell asleep a hundred years ago to wake up today? How many things have changed since then?

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by The Brothers Grimm

“‘mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all’”.

Why we love it: This fairy tale has all the classic elements—beautiful heroine, wicked stepmother, handsome prince—plus a handful of helpful dwarfs. It’s the perfect way to start a conversation about the dangers of envy and jealousy.

“The Three Little Pigs” by Anonymous

“‘not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin’”.

Why we love it: Fairy tales don’t get much more classic than this. Follow it up with a reading of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka to hear the story from the wolf’s perspective, and have a conversation about point of view.

“The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen

“but what did he see there, mirrored in the clear stream he beheld his own image, and it was no longer the reflection of a clumsy, dirty, gray bird, ugly and offensive. he himself was a swan being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg.”.

Why we love it: Whether you read the original text or a shorter adaptation, this story is one every kid should know. It will teach them that everyone should be proud of who they are, even if they don’t look or feel like everyone else.

Aesop’s Fables as Short Stories for Kids

“the ants and the grasshopper” by aesop, “one bright day in late autumn a family of ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat.”.

Why we love it: It can be hard to teach kids that there are things in life they need to do regardless of whether they are fun or not. This fable will help little ones understand the value of putting in hard work to set ourselves up for future successes.

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” by Aesop

“so now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice, ‘wolf wolf’”.

Why we love it: This might be the most famous short story we use to teach kids about how important it is to tell the truth. Ask students if they’ve ever pulled a prank that went wrong and what they learned from it.

“The Crow and the Pitcher” by Aesop

“but the pitcher was high and had a narrow neck, and no matter how he tried, the crow could not reach the water.”.

Why we love it: Aesop’s fable reads more like a STEM challenge—how can you reach the water at the bottom of the pitcher when your neck isn’t long enough? Try the same experiment with your students, using a narrow-necked bottle. Can they come up with any other solutions?

“The Fox and the Grapes” by Aesop

“the grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the fox’s mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.”.

Why we love it: If kids have ever wondered where the phrase “sour grapes” comes from, this tale will answer that question. Talk about other idiomatic phrases, and do some research to find their origins.

“The Lion and the Mouse” by Aesop

“‘you laughed when i said i would repay you,’ said the mouse. ‘now you see that even a mouse can help a lion.’”.

Why we love it: This fable reminds kids that they’re never too small to make a difference in someone’s life. Ask kids to share their own stories of times they helped someone.

“The Tortoise and the Hare” by Aesop

The Tortoise and the Hare pintable story.

“The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up.”

Why we love it: When kids need a reminder that they should always keep trying, turn to this famous story. Use it to teach growth mindset too.

“Two Travelers and a Bear” by Aesop

“two men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge bear crashed out of the brush near them.”.

Why we love it: When danger strikes, do you worry about yourself first or try to help everyone to safety? There are arguments to be made on both sides, so this one makes for an interesting debate or persuasive essay.

More Short Stories for Kids

“anansi and the pot of wisdom” by anonymous, “every time anansi looked in the clay pot, he learned something new.”.

Why we love it: Kids may know about Anansi from the popular book Anansi the Spider , but there are lots of tales about him in West African folklore. In this one, Anansi thinks he knows everything, but a child has something new to teach him. Explore more Anansi tales here.

“The Apple Dumpling” by Anonymous

“a bag of feathers for a basket of plums. a bunch of flowers for a bag of feathers. a golden chain for a bunch of flowers. and a dog for a golden chain. all the world is give and take, and who knows if i may have my apple dumpling yet.”.

Why we love it: When an old woman sets out to trade her basket of plums for some apples, her quest takes a few twists and turns along the way. In the end, though, she manages to make many people happy, not just herself. Practice sequencing by having kids try to remember all the trades the woman makes and the order she makes them in.

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” retold by James Baldwin

“this elephant is not like a wall, or a spear, or a snake, or a tree; neither is he like a fan. but any man with a par-ti-cle of sense can see that he is exactly like a rope.”.

Why we love it: Six blind men each feel a different part of an elephant, and each comes to his own very different conclusions. Written as a very short play, this classic tale opens up all sorts of discussion opportunities about seeing the bigger picture.

“Bruce and the Spider” by James Baldwin

“but the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failure. with still more care, she made ready to try for the seventh time. bruce almost forgot his own troubles as he watched her swing herself out upon the slender line. would she fail again no the thread was carried safely to the beam, and fastened there.”.

Why we love it: This famous little tale is almost certainly a myth, but it’s one of the most well-known stories about King Robert the Bruce. The lesson about not giving up fits perfectly when you’re talking about growth mindset.

“The Elephant’s Child” by Rudyard Kipling

“but there was one elephant—a new elephant—an elephant’s child—who was full of ‘satiable curtiosity,’ and that means he asked ever so many questions.”.

Why we love it: Many kids will recognize themselves in the Elephant’s Child and his (in)satiable curiosity. After you read this one, have students come up with stories for the way other animals got their unique features. How did the giraffe get its long neck? How did the turtle get its shell? So many possibilities!

“Paul Bunyan” by William B. Laughead

Paul Bunyan pintable story.

“When Paul was a boy, he was fast as lightning. He could blow out a candle at night and hop into bed before it was dark.”

Why we love it: Paul Bunyan is an American folk hero, larger than life (literally!). This roundup of the legends surrounding him has many of the most famous tales. Encourage kids to think about what they’d do if they were as big, strong, and fast as Paul.

“The Little Engine That Could” retold by Watty Piper

“i think i can. i think i can.”.

Why we love it: When little ones learn early on to believe in themselves, they’ll be willing to try their best at anything. Have kids tell their own stories of times they did something that seemed impossible at first when they kept on trying.

“The Four Dragons” by Anonymous

“the four dragons flew back and forth, making the sky dark all around. before long the sea water became rain pouring down from the sky.”.

Why we love it: The four dragons in this Chinese tale want to help save the people from drought. When the Jade Emperor won’t help, they take matters into their own hands. Ultimately, they become the four major rivers of China. This is a great opportunity to get out the globe or pull up Google Earth and learn more about China’s geography.

“Henny Penny” by Anonymous

“so henny-penny, cocky-locky, ducky-daddles, goosey-poosey and turkey-lurkey all went to tell the king the sky was a-falling.”.

Why we love it: In an age when people are quick to spread rumors as fact, this old European folktale is more meaningful than ever. See if kids can think of times when they heard a crazy rumor that they believed at first, even though it turned out to be completely false.

“How Gimme the Ax Found Out About the Zigzag Railroad” by Carl Sandburg

“then the zizzies came. the zizzy is a bug. he runs zigzag on zigzag legs, eats zigzag with zigzag teeth, and spits zigzag with a zigzag tongue.”.

Why we love it: Kids will get a kick out of all the Z sounds in this silly little story about why some local railroad tracks run in zigzags. Use it to teach about alliteration and consonance, and ask kids to draw their own pictures of the zizzies.

“King Midas and the Golden Touch” by Anonymous

“suddenly, he started to sense fear. tears filled his eyes and that moment, his beloved daughter entered the room. when midas hugged her, she turned into a golden statue”.

Why we love it: Teach kids to be careful what they wish for. Ask them to make a list of wishes, then talk about ways each of them could ultimately go wrong. Have them write their own version of this short story.

“The Kite That Went to the Moon” by Evelyn Sharp

“‘i have everything in the world in my bag,’ replied the little old man, ‘for everything is there that everybody wants. i have laughter and tears and happiness and sadness; i can give you riches or poverty, sense or nonsense; here is a way to discover the things that you don’t know, and a way to forget the things that you do know.’”.

Why we love this: This whimsical tale takes two small children on a voyage to the moon and back, as they follow an enchanted kite. Pair it with a crafting session where kids make their own kites to fly.

“The Monkey and the Turtle” by José Rizal

“a monkey and a turtle found a banana tree on a river. they fished it out and because each wanted the tree for himself, they cut it in half.”.

Why we love it: A monkey and a turtle each plant half a banana tree, but only the turtle’s grows. The monkey offers to harvest the fruit but keeps it all for himself. But the turtle has plans of his own! This folktale from the Philippines is actually an allegory about the Spanish colonizers’ treatment of the Filipino people.

“The Tale of Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Peter Rabbit pintable story.

“‘NOW, my dears,’ said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, ‘you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.’”

Why we love it: Beatrix Potter’s sweet tales are beloved, but this is the one that has really endured. Pair it with one of these terrific Peter Rabbit activities.

“Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling

“rikki-tikki did not care to follow them, for he did not feel sure that he could manage two snakes at once. so he trotted off to the gravel path near the house, and sat down to think. it was a serious matter for him.”.

Why we love it: Reading this story is like watching a nature documentary unfold on the page. Have kids do some research on the mongoose and its relationship with cobras in real life.

“The Story of the Chinese Zodiac” by Anonymous

“he reached out his paws and pushed his friend the cat into the river. the cat was swept away by the whirling waters. that is why there is no cat in the chinese calendar.”.

Why we love it: This short little tale manages to answer two questions: why there’s no Year of the Cat and why cats and rats can’t be friends. After reading it, try to imagine how the other animals in the calendar managed to win their spots.

“Weighing the Elephant” by Anonymous

“‘very well,’ said the emperor, humoring the boy. ‘tell us all how to weigh the elephant.’”.

Why we love it: Read this traditional Chinese tale right up to the point where the young boy reveals his idea for weighing an elephant without a giant scale. Ask kids if they can come up with the solution before continuing to the end of the story. You can even try out the correct method as a STEM challenge.

“Winnie-the-Pooh Goes Visiting” by A.A. Milne

“pooh always liked a little something at eleven o’clock in the morning, and he was very glad to see rabbit getting out the plates and mugs; and when rabbit said, ‘honey or condensed milk with your bread’ he was so excited that he said, ‘both,’ and then, so as not to seem greedy, he added, ‘but don’t bother about the bread, please.’”.

Why we love it: This silly old bear has been delighting children for decades, and there are dozens of short stories for kids about him and his friends. This one has a little built-in moral about greed. You can also ask kids to brainstorm their own ways to get Pooh free from Rabbit’s front door.

“Town Musicians of Bremen” by The Brothers Grimm

“a certain man had a donkey, which had carried the corn-sacks to the mill indefatigably for many a long year; but his strength was going, and he was growing more and more unfit for work.”.

Why we love it: This relatively unknown work by Jacob Grimm teaches kids the value of resilience and getting up when knocked down.

“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” by Mark Twain

“in compliance with the request of a friend of mine, who wrote me from the east, i called on good-natured, garrulous old simon wheeler, and inquired after my friend’s friend, leonidas w. smiley, as requested to do, and i hereunto append the result.”.

Why we love it: Twain uses an allegory of two frogs to highlight the struggle between the elite and the common. We love short stories for kids that encourage them to be true to oneself, and this one does just that!

“The Reluctant Dragon” by Kenneth Grahame

The Reluctant Dragon pintable story.

“LONG ago—might have been hundreds of years ago—in a cottage half-way between this village and yonder shoulder of the Downs up there, a shepherd lived with his wife and their little son.”

Why we love it: This story is a good way to introduce young kids to the concepts of bullying and prejudice. Through the story, kids will learn that they shouldn’t judge things by appearances as the dragon in the story is not what he seems.

“The Fisherman and His Wife” by The Brothers Grimm

“once upon a time there were a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a filthy shack near the sea. every day the fisherman went out fishing, and he fished, and he fished. once he was sitting there fishing and looking into the clear water, and he sat, and he sat. then his hook went to the bottom, deep down, and when he pulled it out, he had caught a large flounder.”.

Why we love it: Teaching young people the value of appreciating what you have and not always seeking out more is of the utmost importance. This short story encapsulates that and warns about the pitfalls of greed.

“The Great Stone Face” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

“one afternoon, when the sun was going down, a mother and her little boy sat at the door of their cottage, talking about the great stone face. they had but to lift their eyes, and there it was plainly to be seen, though miles away, with the sunshine brightening all its features.”.

Why we love it: This story weaves nature and divinity in a story that centers around a great stone face that encapsulates qualities like wisdom and nobility.

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Grade 5 Children's Stories & Reading Worksheets

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After the Flood      700 words

Alex and Amanda’s First Concert     800 words

The Astronomy Project     600 words

Best Friend Blues      560 words

"Bring your Pet Day" Disaster     510 words

Dinner Disaster      860 words

Fairy Followers      790 words

Fossil Mystery     535 words

The Goose Voyage     650 words

Jump Around     500 words

Mystery of the Broken Pie     840 words

The Best Vacation Ever      560 words

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25+ Best Moral Stories In English For Kids & Students

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Here are 25+ Best Moral Stories In English For Kids & Students. Moral stories have been an integral part of every culture since time immemorial, resonating with people of all ages across generations. Through inspirational narratives, these stories give valuable lessons and principles that shape our character and help us discern right from wrong.

This article aims to compile a collection of heartwarming Moral Stories in English, each weaving its tale of morality and wisdom. Let us dive into the world of these timeless stories and draw insights that can enrich our lives. So, make sure to try all of them.

Moral Stories In English:

Moral stories often contain a message or a moral that imparts valuable lessons about honesty, kindness, perseverance, and other virtues. These stories present scenarios and characters that children and adults can relate to, allowing them to understand and learn from the experiences of others. We have collected more than 25+ Moral Stories In English .

Short Moral Stories In English:

Moral Stories In English

Short moral stories in English are stunning stories that convey a valuable lesson or moral. These stories are powerful tools to teach readers, especially children, essential values and ethics engagingly and entertainingly. They often feature relatable characters and situations that readers can easily connect with. Below there are 10+ examples of Short Moral Stories In English to explore.

1. The Little Ant and the Rubber Tree:

Once, there was a little ant who wanted to climb a tall rubber tree. With determination, the ant kept trying, refusing to give up. Despite challenges and setbacks, it persevered and eventually reached the top. The ant’s never-give-up attitude taught us the importance of resilience and determination in achieving our goals.

2. The Boy and the Starfish:

One day, a boy was walking on the beach when he noticed thousands of starfish stranded on the shore. He began picking them up and throwing them back into the sea, one by one. A stranger passing by asked, “Why waste your time? There are too many. You can’t make a difference.” Smiling, the boy replied, “I made a difference to that one!” This reminds us that even small acts of kindness can significantly impact someone’s life.

3. The Greedy Lion:

In a lush jungle, a proud lion kept all the prey to himself, refusing to share with others. However, as time passed, the lion grew lonely and unhappy. The other animals had left due to his greed. Realizing the consequence of his actions, the lion learned the importance of sharing and friendly coexistence.

4. The Persistent Tortoise:

A racing competition was held between a fast rabbit and a slow tortoise. Many laughed at the tortoise, mocking its chances of winning. The race began, and the rabbit zoomed ahead, confident of victory. Unexpectedly, the rabbit got tired and decided to take a nap. The persistent tortoise kept going, slowly but steadily. When the rabbit woke up, it found the tortoise crossing the finish line.

5. The Greedy Monkey:

In a lush forest, a hungry monkey spotted a bunch of bananas hanging from a tree. Full of greed, it reached for all the bananas, filling its hands. But its hands were now too big to come out of the small gap. The monkey’s greed trapped it, unable to move or eat the bananas.

6. The Generous Gardener:

In a village, a skilled gardener toiled and nurtured beautiful flowers. One day, he decided to share some of his flowers with others. This act of kindness spread happiness throughout the village. People admired the gardener’s humility and the vivid hues of the blossoms. Inspired by his generosity, villagers also started helping each other selflessly. The gardener’s simple act of sharing taught everyone the incredible joy that comes from giving and caring for others.

7. Time is Precious:

In a small village, there lived a hardworking farmer named Raj. One day, he found a magical pocket watch. It could stop time at his command. Overwhelmed by the possibilities, Raj used it carelessly, wasting precious hours. Realizing his mistake, he decided to use the watch wisely. He started helping others, using his extra time for good deeds. Raj learned that time is invaluable and should always be well-spent.

8. The Honest Woodcutter:

Deep in the forest, an honest woodcutter accidentally dropped his axe into a river. A magical fairy emerged, offering to retrieve his axe or a golden one instead. The woodcutter chose his plain axe. Impressed by his honesty, the fairy rewarded him by retrieving his axe and gifting him the golden one. The woodcutter’s honesty brought him more excellent fortune and happiness, proving that integrity is always rewarded in the long run.

9. The Kind Sparrow:

In a busy city surrounded by tall buildings, a young girl named Lily noticed a wounded sparrow on the sidewalk. She gently placed it in a shoebox and took it home, nursing it back to health. Once recovered, the sparrow flew away, but not for long. Every day, it came back to Lily’s windowsill, chirping joyfully. The little sparrow’s unwavering friendship reminded Lily that acts of compassion and kindness are always reciprocated.

Moral: Kindness Never Goes Unnoticed.

10. The Enchanted Mirror:

Once there was a village where an enchanted mirror possessed the power to reveal the truth. People lined up to see their reflections, hoping only to see what they desired. But those who feared the truth shattered the mirror, never realizing the opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

Moral Stories For Kids In English:

This is the section about Moral Stories For Kids In English . Here are 5+ stories to explore.

1. The Lion and the Mouse:

Once, a mighty lion spared the life of a tiny mouse. Later, the mouse came to the lion’s help, biting through the ropes that trapped him. The lion learned that an act of kindness, no matter how small, can be repaid when needed.

2. The Wise Old Owl:

In a forest, a group of birds was mesmerized by the elegant feathers of the peacock. Each bird expressed their admiration, except for the wise owl who said, “Feathers may be beautiful, but it is wisdom that truly matters.”

3. The Clever Fox and the Grapes:

Once, a fox spotted a juicy grapevine hanging from a tree. Determined to enjoy the grapes, he jumped again and again but couldn’t reach them. Exhausted, the fox reluctantly gave up, saying, “Those grapes were probably sour anyway.”

4. The Wise Old Oak:

In a dense forest, a wise old oak tree named Oliver stood tall. Every day, animals gathered around Oliver, seeking advice. One stormy night, a group of frightened animals took shelter under Oliver’s sturdy branches.

5. The Curious Cat:

Once upon a time, there was a curious cat named Whiskers. One sunny day, Whiskers spotted a shiny object by the window. Ignoring their owner’s warnings, they jumped onto the shelf and knocked over a precious vase.

Friendship Moral Stories In English:

These specific section is about Friendship Moral Stories In English . Here are 5 examples to practice.

1. The Loyal Companions:

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a clever rabbit named Ruby and a wise tortoise named Toby. Despite their differences, they became the best of friends. One day, a colossal storm hit their forest, and Ruby’s burrow was flooded. Sensing danger, Toby carried Ruby on his back and found a new home. They realized that friendship is not about similarities but about supporting and caring for each other.

2. The Bracelet of Unity:

In a small town, three friends, Lily, Emma, and Sarah, found a magical bracelet. It had a secret power: when worn together, it granted extraordinary strength. Tempted by its power, they disagreed on who should possess it. Realizing their bond was more incredible, they decided to share the bracelet. United, they protected their town from evil. They learned that friendship is stronger when shared, and its power lies in sticking together through thick and thin.

3. The Caring Tree:

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, stood a mighty tree. Its branches offered shade and shelter to all the creatures in need. One day, a small bird took refuge in a tree during a storm. Grateful for its help, the bird returned the favor by picking off parasites from the tree’s leaves. Soon, more animals joined them, forming a beautiful friendship. The tree’s kindness created a community filled with joy and harmony.

4. The Ripple Effect of Friendship:

Once, two friends walked by a river. The first friend saw a drowning butterfly and saved it. Grateful, the butterfly granted them both a wish. The first friend wished for riches, while the second friend asked for kindness to spread.

5. Honesty is Essential:

In search of amusement, a mischievous boy repeatedly cried, “Wolf!” to fool the villagers. When a real wolf finally attacked his flock, the boy shouted for help. However, thinking it was another prank, nobody came to his rescue.

Small Moral Stories In English:

This section is for Small Moral Stories In English . Make sure to explore all of them.

1. The Power of Dreams:

A young girl planted magical seeds and watered them with love and hope. The seeds grew into beautiful flowers that spread joy and happiness. She realized that dreams have the power to make the world a better place.

2. The Value of Honesty:

A boy found a key but couldn’t find its owner. He gave it to a friend, claiming he found it. Later, he discovered the key was his father’s. The boy learned honesty is always the best policy.

4. The Beauty of Diversity:

Colors in the rainbow argued over who was the most important. To teach them a lesson, the rainbow disappeared, and the world seemed dull. They learned that each color contributes to the world’s beauty and diversity.

5. Being Content with Who You Are:

A frog saw an ox and wished to be as significant. The magical fairy granted its wish. But when the frog saw its reflection in the pond, it was disappointed. I realized that wanting to be someone else was pointless.

6. The Consequences of Greed:

A squirrel collected more acorns than needed, leaving none for other animals. When winter came, the acorns spoiled, and the squirrel faced starvation. I learned the importance of sharing and not being greedy.

7. The Rainbow Fish:

A beautiful fish had sparkling scales. Other fish admired its beauty but felt left out. The rainbow fish shared its rankings, making everyone happy. I realized that true happiness lies in sharing and caring for others.

The Power of Moral Stories:

  • Moral stories have the power to teach important life lessons.
  • Moral stories can inspire and motivate.
  • They encourage critical thinking and decision-making skills
  • Moral stories promote ethical behavior.
  • These stories can help individuals process emotions, find hope, and heal emotional wounds.
  • By reading or listening to these stories, individuals can develop empathy and a better understanding of different perspectives, cultures, and values.

Overall, the power of moral stories lies in their ability to educate, inspire, and shape individuals’ values and behavior.


Moral stories in English carry tremendous significance, offering timeless wisdom and valuable life lessons. From character development to teaching important values, these stories continue to play a vital role in molding individuals of all ages. By embracing moral stories and their profound impact, we can nurture compassion, understanding, and moral integrity, ultimately creating a better society for future generations.

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5 Amazing Short Stories for Kids That Teach Moral Values

1. the boy who cried wolf, 2. the milkmaid and her pail, 3. the snowy day by ezra jack keats, 4. black beauty by anna sewell, 5. blueberries for sal by robert mccloskey.

It is critical for a child’s growth to instill a love of reading at a young age, not to mention how enjoyable it is! Stories for kids can teach them a lot about life, the world, and themselves.

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Stories for kids with morals and exciting characters have numerous advantages and provide bonding opportunities.

Here are some ELA games to educate and engage your kids!

4 Benefits of Short Stories for Kids 

Parents playing with their child after reading short stories for kids

1. Cultural Understanding

Children can learn about the world, other countries, and traditions through listening to stories. It can help in the development and understanding of different cultures and countries. A good story for kids urges them to put themselves in the shoes of the story’s protagonist and evaluate their actions and emotions and why they made them.

2. Communication

Reading to a youngster can help them become more open to expressing themselves and communicating their feelings and views.

Ask them questions about the storyline and characters in the story, how each character might advance the plot, and why they believe the character has acted in a certain way. 

When reciting a story to kids, they should be encouraged to ask questions and express their feelings. Reading is an excellent approach to expanding your child’s vocabulary because kids learn new words with reading. If they don’t understand something, they will almost certainly ask for an explanation, so encourage them to do so.

3. Curiosity & Imagination

An intriguing story for kids also encourages them to be imaginative by seeing the environment, characters, and plot as the narrative unfolds.

4. Social Skills

Children are encouraged to listen to others through storytelling. They learn to be more patient and allow others to speak for themselves as they begin to realize that others may not see things the same way they do. 

Story for kids opens doors to new worlds for children. It allows children to discover new concepts and knowledge; they unknowingly learn essential life lessons by listening to an interesting, fascinating story.

5 Best Stories For Kids With a Moral

Cover of the Boy Who Cried Wolf by BG Hennessy

This classic tale is about a boy who grew bored while watching the community sheep grazing on the hillside. To entertain himself, he yells, “W” lf! Wolf!” and the villagers would come running to the top, thinking of a wolf prowling for the sheep.

The boy was amused when the villagers dashed up the hill only to find out there was no wolf. “D” Don’thout wolf, boy, when there isn’t wolf!” “

The boy did this again until a genuine wolf started stalking his sheep. The boy started yelling as loudly as he could, “W” lf! Wolf!.” The villagers thought he was playing them again this time and did not rush to his aid.

Moral: Lying destroys trust because no one trusts a liar, even when telling the truth.

Age: 4-7 years

You can read it here .

The Milkmaid and Her Pail Cover

Molly, the milkmaid, had filled her pails with milk. Her job was to milk the cows and transport the milk to the market to be sold. Molly was often debating what she should buy with her money. She was thinking about everything she wanted to buy as she filled the pails with milk and went to the market. 

She considered buying a cake and a basket full of fresh strawberries as she strolled down the street. She came across a chicken down the road and said, “I am going to buy my own chicken with the money I earn today. I can sell milk and eggs for a profit when that chicken lays eggs!”

Molly planned what else she’d buy and began skipping out of excitement. She completely forgot about the milk in her pails and was soon covered in milk as it spilled over the edges. Molly exclaimed, drenched, “I’ll never be able to afford a chicken again.”

With her empty pails, she returned home. “O,” my goodness!” exclaimed her mother when Molly explained what happened. “O,” Molly, my dear,” “aid her mother. Don’t count your chickens till they hatch; how many times do I have to say?”

Moral: If you plan for future achievements, your present tasks will suffer. Focus on completing your tasks successfully, and no harm shall befall you. 

Age: 3-12 years.

You can buy it here .

Cover of The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

If you want to introduce your teenager to the journey of an African-American protagonist, the book “Snowy Day” is perfect. It illustrates the journey of Peter through a snowbound New York City.

If you want your kids to appreciate diversity, make sure they read this masterpiece by Jack Keats. 

Moral: Diversity should consistently be recognized & valued. People of all backgrounds and walks of life should be treated equally.

Age: 3-10 years

A classic tale, Black Beauty is timeless and full of life lessons. Children will learn many critical lessons while walking down the path of a black horse, such as that of hard work, the value of friendship, and confidence. 

This is an excellent book for kids who can learn about life through the eyes of a carefree horse and an elderly mare.

Moral: Growing up is challenging and sometimes lonely, so one should always strive to be gentle and good.

Age: 10-16 years

You can read it here

Cover of Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

This story demonstrates to children how, despite their differences, all families are alike. It’s the story of a young boy named Sal and a baby bear named Maine, who are both on a blueberry search with their mothers. 

This is an excellent read for kids who feel like rebels or parents who have ever felt like raising a rebel.

Moral: Regardless of our color, race, ethnicity, or location, we’re all the same.

Age: 3-12 years

You can get the audiobook here or read it here .

Why Stories for Kids Are Helpful

  • Sharing stories daily, talking, and being creative with your child greatly benefit their development.
  • Help your children in learning to recognize sounds, words, and language.
  • Develop strong reading abilities.
  • Learn to appreciate the significance of books, literature, and storytelling.
  • Encourage your child’s curiosity and imagination.
  • Help the development of your child’s brain, concentration, social skills, and communication abilities. 
  • Assist your child with comprehending new & terrifying experiences and the intense emotions accompanying them.
  • It enables children to distinguish between real and make-believe situations.
  • Helps kids in learning about the world, as well as their own and other cultures.

How Parents Can Make Their Own Stories

Kids of all ages like hearing about you and your family. When did you first lose a tooth? Which of your teachers was your favorite? Thinking about Mothers or Fathers as a child may pique kids’ interest. Perhaps you like to tell the story about the ghost who resided in your great-grandmother’s attic that was passed down to you.

Nothing is more entertaining to children than a story about a time when a parent or elder did something stupid. Children like learning about a past that has a personal connection to them. Preschoolers and toddlers like hearing stories about their favorite book characters. 

Storytelling for Parents

Extend the scope of your storyline. Make your own story with your youngster. Find photos of people or places or pets from your family or magazines that could be relevant to the story. Retell the narrative in your own words. 

If no pictures are available, make your own. Act out the popular narrative using puppets or costumes involving the entire family. The options are limitless!

Encourage your children to tell a story of their own! Encourage your youngsters to create their narratives after exposing them to several types of storytelling. Children must have the opportunity to explore ideas and tell stories using their imaginations. This improves communication, organization, and efficiency.

Image of father reading stories for kids

Reasons to Read Stories for Kids

It should come as no surprise that reading to children has a significantly positive impact on their development.

  • It benefits their language development in a variety of ways.
  • It broadens their horizons and increases their enjoyment of storytelling.
  • It allows them to express emotions like empathy.
  • It expands their vocabulary, allowing them to communicate effectively.
  • It invites participation and discussion.
  • It allows you to have some fun with your child.

Importance of Stories for Kids

Image of a mother reading stories to her kids

Stories for kids greatly aid growth and development. They can make friends with the books they read and the characters they meet. It’slso crucial for kids to understand that books are a valuable source of information and that solid reading abilities are essential for future success. Short stories also aid kids’ self-esteem, emotional regulation, language acquisition, and learning.

Confidence Levels

Children who can read fluently are more likely to be self-assured. This helps kids at school when they can fully participate in activities. Knowing your place in the world is another aspect of developing confidence and self-esteem. Short stories for kids can aid this process by demonstrating to youngsters what people’s lives are like in their communities and different regions of the world.

Language & Learning

Short stories for kids are a great way to introduce new words and ideas into vocabulary – starting with picture books for the very young working up to more complex novels for teenagers. Stories help children learn about concepts such as shape, size, space, color, up and down, inside and outside, numbers, and the names of objects. They can also teach children about everyday tasks, such as brushing their teeth, taking care of animals, cleaning and sorting, and preparing food.

Short stories for kids are helpful to teach more complex ideas, such as the importance of sharing, the passage of time, and compassion for others. They can be beneficial when explaining traumatic events, such as family break-ups and bereavement. Fiction based on real-life can also help children with their own life experience – it shows them how diverse the world is and that some people’s lives are vastly different from theirs.

Short stories for kids before bedtime can help children relax. They allow children to forget about the stresses of the day and engage themselves in fantasy for a while. The soothing familiarity of a well-loved story, rhyming, and repetition, along with the sense of security that comes with the time spent reading together, all contribute to the child’s relaxation.

Coping with Feelings

Kids’ short stories encourage a child’s imagination by introducing new concepts such as imaginative worlds, other planets, various points in time, and fictional characters into their environment. It will instill in the kids that they can and should imagine whatever they desire. 

The beauty of storytelling is that it can be immensely realistic and otherworldly. They can be reading about youngsters growing up in similar circumstances one minute and reading about alien species, such as Martians vacationing on Jupiter, the next.

Reading stories to children is always beneficial to their development, as mentioned, personally and socially. However, read these short moral stories to your children, and we are confident that they will love them and spark an interest!

Furthermore, these morally uplifting short stories will teach your children valuable lessons that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Let’s find more online educational resources and printable worksheets your for kids that will help with their learning experience and make them smarter.

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Harris' VP options: From Josh Shapiro to Mark Kelly, sizing up the slate's pros and cons

Here's a look at 9 of harris' vice presidential prospects – and the pros and cons for each one as democrats try to maintain hold of the white house..

Democratic leaders are rallying to crown Vice President Kamala Harris their party’s 2024 presidential nominee , raising the question of whom she could choose as her running mate.   

The slate of rising stars said to be in consideration for the coveted role include swing state governors, a battle-tested Biden Cabinet appointee and military veterans. One thing they'd all have in common should they become the No. 2 to the nation's first female president : They could all court pivotal blocs of voters across the country.   

Who has been mentioned as possible VP candidate?

Here’s a look at nine of the top vice presidential candidates Harris is likely considering, along with the pros and cons for each as Democrats seek to hold the White House. 

Andy Beshear | Pete Buttigieg | Roy Cooper | Mark Kelly | J.B. Pritzker | Cedric Richmond | Josh Shapiro | Tim Walz | Gretchen Whitmer

Andy Beshear

  • The twice-elected governor of a deep-red state, Beshear has a proven ability to garner support from a wide coalition of voters, including Trump Republicans and moderates. 
  • Beshear could counter Sen. JD Vance’s rhetoric about the Appalachian region, which includes portions of Kentucky, to win over Rust Belt swing voters. 
  • Beshear, 46, has bipartisan leadership credentials, having worked with a Republican Legislature to lead his state through multiple disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic, tornadoes and floods.  
  • Kentucky is a Republican stronghold, and it’s unlikely Beshear would give Democrats an electoral advantage in the state. 
  • Beshear has little foreign policy experience. 
  • He is also relatively unvetted at the national level and is unlikely to have much name recognition among voters outside Kentucky.  

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Pete Buttigieg

  • Buttigieg is already a well-known Democratic figure who has experience campaigning across the country from his 2020 presidential bid and service as a Biden Cabinet member. He also served in the military and can speak to defense and international debate.
  • As the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Buttigieg can speak to the concerns of voters in Rust Belt swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 
  • At age 42, he is the youngest contender being considered for the VP slot and is openly gay. He may be better equipped to energize core Democratic base constituencies, including LGBTQ+, millennial and Gen Z voters.  
  • Buttigieg’s identity as an openly gay man could hurt Democrats' chances of wooing conservative-leaning independents, especially on a ticket with the first Black female vice president.  
  • As transportation secretary, Buttigieg has faced an array of criticism, including his handling of the 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio – a disaster Vance has focused on in the Senate.  
  • During his 2020 run for the Democratic presidential nomination, Buttigieg struggled to appeal to Black and Latino voters who are key parts of a Democratic path to victory in November. 
  • Cooper has won six statewide elections in the key 2024 battleground state of North Carolina, including two governor's races, and could help Democrats carry the Southern swing territory.  
  • Harris already has a working relationship with Cooper. They both served as their state’s respective attorney general, and Harris has described the North Carolina leader as a “dear friend.” 
  • Cooper is in search of a new job. Unlike some of the other governors on the list, he is in the last year of his final term in office. 
  • Cooper, 67, is one of the oldest contenders for the VP post. 
  • Republicans have controlled the North Carolina Legislature since Cooper has been in power, which could make it difficult for him to claim full credit for successful policies. 
  • Cooper has been criticized for dismissing charges against three Duke University lacrosse players who were accused of sexually assaulting a dancer.  
  • North Carolina is in a tumultuous gubernatorial race, so Cooper may want to focus on his home state.
  • Kelly won statewide elections for the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona in 2020 in a special election to finish the term of the late Sen. John McCain and for a full term in 2022. He could give Democrats a boost in the crucial battleground state as VP nominee. 
  • He has a background in military service as a naval aviator and as a former astronaut, giving him a platform to attack former President Donald Trump on claims that Trump has mocked veterans. 
  • Kelly is the husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head during a 2011 mass casualty event at a Tucson grocery store. Their story could prove powerful as gun violence takes center stage in the 2024 election.  
  • Kelly is relatively unvetted on the national stage and is not well known beyond his state. 
  • He has served in the U.S. Senate only since 2020 and is among the least-experienced politicians being considered for the VP nomination.  
  • Swing state Arizona would hold a special election to fill his Senate seat if Kelly is picked and Democrats win the White House in November. 

J.B. Pritzker

  • His progressive record as governor of Illinois, including proposals for a $15 an hour minimum wage and legalizing recreational marijuana, could appeal to the Democratic Party’s left flank.  
  • Pritzker is heir to his family's Hyatt Hotel chain and has an estimated net worth of more than $3 billion. 
  • One of the most outspoken Trump critics in the Democratic Party, Pritzker isn’t shy about taking on the former president and would be expected to perform well in a debate against Vance.  
  • At 59, Pritzker is the same age as Harris and could struggle to reach out to younger generations of voters.  
  • Pritzker faced controversy in 2018 for removing toilets from his luxury home in Chicago to lower his property taxes.  
  • Illinois is not considered a battleground state, so picking Pritzker would not help Harris carry a swing state. 

Cedric Richmond

  • Richmond is a Democratic loyalist who worked in the Biden White House and chaired his campaign.
  • He has strong ties to Capitol Hill from his tenure as a congressman, which sets him apart from the governors on the list. Every vice president since 1977 has served in Congress first.
  • He knows Harris well from his time leading the Congressional Black Caucus and as co-chair of the Biden transition team.  
  • Richmond does not have a large following beyond Washington, D.C. 
  • He does not hail from a swing state and would not bring a new constituency of voters to the Democratic ticket.  
  • Richmond has served in public office since 2000 and has no military or private industry experience. His current role at the DNC could spur rhetoric from the Trump campaign that he is part of the Washington swamp.  

Josh Shapiro

  • Shapiro has the highest gubernatorial rating of any Pennsylvania governor in decades, and he could prove to be important in delivering an electoral victory for Democrats in the must-win swing state. 
  • The 51-year-old has gained national name recognition for his quick response to the 2023 I-95 overpass collapse and, more recently, his leadership after the attempted assassination of Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. 
  • His experience as the governor of a Rust Belt state and calls for unity after the Trump rally shooting may help Democrats counter Republican messaging that the party is divisive.
  • Shapiro has led Pennsylvania for two years and is politically inexperienced on the national stage. 
  • Democrats risk the chance that a Republican could take control of the Pennsylvania governor’s mansion if he is picked and goes on to win the White House. 
  • Shapiro isn’t likely to excite the party’s progressive base, especially given his moderate stance on the Israel-Hamas war. Shapiro has not called for a cease-fire but has expressed support for a two-state solution. 
  • Walz has served two terms as Minnesota’s governor and six terms in the U.S. Congress, giving him more nuanced leadership experience than many of the VP contenders.  
  • He has spoken openly about his family’s personal experience with IVF treatments and would be a strong champion for reproductive freedom on the campaign trail. 
  • Walz is a former teacher and pro-union Democrat who can speak to the concerns of blue-collar workers in Midwestern states.  
  • Walz is not well known outside Minnesota, and Democrats could struggle to introduce him to the American people with just three months until the general election.  
  • He received backlash for his handling of the riots across Minnesota after the murder of George Floyd and his defense of the protesters who participated. 
  • Walz has remained a steadfast supporter of Israel during its war with Hamas, which might not play well with younger, more progressive voters the Harris campaign is trying to reach. 

Gretchen Whitmer

  • Whitmer won reelection in Michigan by double digits in 2022 and has broad support in the crucial Midwestern swing state.  
  • During her two terms as governor, Whitmer has focused on working across the aisle on issues at top of mind for Americans, including job growth, economic investment and infrastructure. 
  • Whitmer is a woman and an outspoken advocate for abortion rights. She could be a strong messenger against Republican rhetoric on reproductive rights, a key issue in the 2024 campaign.  
  • A woman has never won the presidency, and a two-woman presidential ticket would be unprecedented. Democrats may fear that it would push some undecided voters away. 
  • Whitmer was accused of hypocrisy during the COVID-19 pandemic for traveling out of state and going to a bar while her administration encouraged people not to travel or eat out. She has since admitted she made a mistake.  
  • Whitmer does not have foreign policy experience or background working with the deeply divided U.S. Congress.  

Talk to our experts


Moral Stories For Kids: Fun Way to Teach Valuable Lessons

Fascinating moral stories with pictures in english for kids.

Short moral stories are best for children who have been reading for generations. These short stories with morals are popular in different languages and parts of the world. A moral story depicts practical situations excitingly and carries a message that imbibes moral values in the children. Different short moral stories teach different lessons to kids. The stories also make children responsible, respectful, empathetic, and honest from a very early age.

Here we will briefly describe 5 very short stories with morals that guide kids with some values and principles.

Here is a collection of “5 lines of short stories with morals for kids ” in English. Read these very short stories for kids with morals, which they enjoy hearing and learn valuable lessons for free.

Old Parents

An Intelligent Farmer

A Woman Without Her Husband

The Crow and The Peacock- Who is Happy

The Three Men

Two Friends and The Bear

A Spoiled Son

Starvation in a King’s Kingdom

The Hunter and The Pigeons

The Fox and The Grapes

5 Must-Read Moral Stories for Kids in English With Pictures 

1. the golden egg.

Once upon a time, a farmer had a goose that laid a golden egg every day. The farmer used to sell that egg and earn enough money to meet their family's day-to-day needs. One day, the farmer thought that if he could get more such golden eggs and make a lot of money and become a wealthy person. The farmer decided to cut the goose and remove all the golden eggs from its stomach. As soon as they killed the bird and opened the goose’s stomach, they found no eggs. The foolish farmer realized they had destroyed their last resource out of greed. 

Moral: Greed destroys your resource.

2. The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf

A shepherd boy in a village used to take his herd of sheep across the fields near the forest. He felt this job was very dull and wanted to have some fun. One day while grazing the sheep, he shouted, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is carrying away a lamb!" Farmers working in the nearby fields came running for help but didn’t find any wolf. The boy laughed and replied, "It was just fun. There is no wolf here".

The boy played a similar trick repeatedly for many days. After some days, while the shepherd boy was in the field with the herd of sheep, suddenly, a wolf came out from the nearby forest and attacked one of the lambs. The boy was frightened and cried loudly, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is carrying a lamb away!" The farmers thought the boy was playing mischief again. So, no one paid attention to him and didn’t come to his help. 

Moral: No one believes a liar even if they speak the truth once.

3. Having a Best Friend: Friendship Moral Stories in English

Having a best friend by Shaikh Subuhi is one of the best friendship moral stories in English. The story is about two friends who were walking through the desert. During the journey, they argued over something, and one friend slapped the other. The one who got slapped was hurt by this gesture of his best friend but did not react. He quietly wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend slapped me.”

After some time, they found an oasis and started taking a bath in the lake. Suddenly, the one who had been slapped started drowning. Then his friend came to his rescue and saved him. After he recovered from the drowning, he engraved “Today my best friend saved my life” on a stone.

The friend who had slapped earlier and later saved his best friend asked, “After I slapped you, you wrote in the sand, and now, as I saved you, you write on a stone, why?” The other friend replied, “I wrote in on sand because we should not keep the feeling of getting hurt by someone for a long time. But, when someone does something good for us, we must remember it forever like a message engraved on a stone that nothing can erase”.

Moral: Remember the good things that happen in life, not the bad memories.

4. The King’s Painting 

There was a king with only one leg and one eye but was generous and competent as a ruler. One day while walking in his palace, the king noticed the portraits of his ancestors along the hallway. He also wanted his portrait painted by an artist but was unsure how it would turn out due to his physical abnormalities. The King invited all the painters across the kingdoms and asked who could paint a beautiful picture of him. The painters were confused about how to make a beautiful picture of the King with only one leg and one eye.

All the painters politely refused to make a painting of the King. Then one young painter came forward and ensured to make a beautiful portrait of the King. After a few days, the young painter unveiled the portrait in the court in which the King was seen sitting on the horse with one leg visible, holding his bow and aiming the arrow with one eye closed. There was no sign of physical deficiencies in the king in the painting. The King was pleased to see that the painter had creatively presented the King’s positive characteristics but not highlighted the abnormalities.

Moral: Look at the positive aspects of someone without emphasizing the limitations.

5. The Pig and the Sheep

A pig found its way into a meadow where a shepherd was grazing a herd of sheep. The shepherd caught the pig and carried him off toward the butcher shop when it started crying loud and struggled to get free. The sheep told the pig, "The shepherd catches us regularly and drags us off like that, and we don't make any noise." The pig replied, "My case and yours are altogether different; he catches and takes you to shave off the wool, but he wants me to be killed for making the bacon."

Moral : Don’t compare two situations without understanding them.

Children from an early age should develop a strong base of moral values that help them to be good human beings. A moral story must be part of the academic curriculum and parental learning. These learning will have a profound impact on individual lives as well as on society. In the end, we suggest you read at least one new story in English with morals for your kids to teach them good moral values.

Moral Stories for Kids


FAQs on Moral Stories For Kids: Fun Way to Teach Valuable Lessons

1. What is the purpose of a story with morals?

The purpose of a story with morals is to guide children to learn some moral values through some exciting stories. As the kids read the stories, they learn to appreciate the good qualities, behaviours, and actions and try to imbibe that in their lives. This learning helps them build a good character with strong beliefs in values and principles and guides them in the future course of life.

2. What moral values do the moral stories express?

The moral stories presented here convey the message of avoiding greed, not telling lies, looking at the positive aspects of something, acknowledging the actual values of friendship, etc. These stories also convey the values of intelligence, wisdom, honesty, perseverance, empathy, and many other qualities. 

3. What are some good morals for kids to teach?

The kids should imbibe the below morals to be good human beings:

Don’t be greedy! Be happy with what you have.

Think twice before speaking or acting.

Always tell the truth.

Never Give Up. Try and try; you will surely get success one day.

Where there is a will, there is always a way.

4. What is a moral story known as?

The moral story is known as a “Parable.” A Parable represents one or more instructive lessons or principles through moral stories.

5. Do all short stories have morals?

No, all short stories don’t convey morals. Some of the brilliant short stories (non-fiction, wordless books, etc.) do not convey any moral message; they are written just for reading and enjoying.

Kamala Harris: Everything you need to know

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a campaign event.

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Kamala Harris’ life has been filled with milestones.

Her elementary school class in the 1970s was the second one to integrate Berkeley schools .

Harris was the first woman elected as San Francisco’s district attorney.

She was the first woman to be elected as California’s attorney general.

She was the first woman of color to be elected to the U.S. Senate from California.

She was first woman elected vice president of the United States.

Now, with President Biden announcing Sunday that he will step aside as the Democratic presidential nominee and endorsing Harris, she is close to becoming the party’s Democratic nominee for president.

The Times has been covering Harris extensively for two decades. Here is an overview of her story from our pages.

President Biden listens as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks.

California roots

From Oakland to Canada and back, with inspiration from India

  • Harris was born in Oakland to parents who had come to California to study at UC Berkeley. Her father, who has roots in Jamaica, was an economics professor; her mother, who had roots in India, was a cancer researcher. Harris spent several years as a child in Oakland and Berkeley, but after her parents divorced, she and her mother moved to Canada.
  • Harris has spoken of her Indian grandfather as being a key force in her life, and of her interest in government. P.V. Gopalan was an Indian civil servant on assignment in an era of postcolonial ferment. As The Times reported, “Until his death in 1998, Gopalan remained from thousands of miles away a pen pal and guiding influence — accomplished, civic-minded, doting, playful — who helped kindle Harris’ interest in public service.”
  • From seventh grade to the end of high school, Harris and her mother lived in Montreal and its Westmount neighborhood.

Harris earned her bachelor’s degree at Howard University in 1986.

In 2003, Harris serves lunch while running for San Francisco district attorney.

  • After graduating from the University of California Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, Harris passed the bar examination and worked her way up in the Alameda County and San Francisco County district attorney’s offices. Harris was San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2010.
  • Harris started dating entertainment attorney Doug Emhoff and permanently relocated to Brentwood by the time they married in 2014.
  • In 2016, Harris was elected to the U.S. Senate, leaving her California job to take office early in 2017.

More to Read

This January 1970 photo provided by the Kamala Harris campaign shows her, left, with her sister, Maya, and mother, Shyamala, outside their apartment in Berkeley, Calif.

The 5 places that shaped Kamala Harris, including Montreal

Aug. 11, 2020

A political awakening: How Howard University shaped Kamala Harris’ identity

March 19, 2019

OAKLAND, CALIF. -- SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2019: Senator Kamala Harris arrives on stage to launch her presidential bid at a rally in her hometown of Oakland, Calif., on Jan. 27, 2019. (Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times)

Kamala Harris celebrates Oakland, but the feeling isn’t necessarily mutual

Feb. 11, 2019

The progressive Indian grandfather who inspired Kamala Harris

Oct. 25, 2019

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks about sexual violence.

Political beginnings

A prosecutor with an ambition for Bay Area politics

  • Harris got her start in Bay Area politics and law enforcement. She prosecuted murder, rape, assault and drug cases at the Alameda County district attorney’s office in Oakland from 1990 to 1998.
  • San Francisco Dist. Atty. Terence Hallinan had hired Harris in 1998 to lead his career-criminal unit. She ended up running against him and winning in 2003. The campaign was bruising, with critics citing her relationship with San Francisco’s colorful and controversial Mayor Willie Brown. Her record as a prosecutor included some progressive policies but other ones that critics would later say were too “tough on crime.”

In 2010, Harris moved to statewide politics, defeating Republican Steve Cooley for attorney general.

Kamala Harris and several other people look at a laptop screen.

  • As attorney general, she started implicit-bias training for law enforcement, and as district attorney she launched a program that enabled first-time nonviolent offenders to get their charges dismissed if they finished job training. Critics have faulted her, though, for working in court to uphold California’s death penalty, despite her personal opposition, her threats to jail parents of chronically truant schoolchildren and flop flops.
  • In 2016, The Times editorial board praised Harris for being willing to stand up for the little guy as attorney general. But it issued this warning: “Harris has at times seemed more focused on her political career than on the job she was elected to do. She has been too cautious and unwilling to stake out a position on controversial issues, even when her voice would have been valuable to the debate.”
  • Harris gained national attention for her efforts to have courts overturn California’s ban on gay marriage and allow same-sex couples to legally marry.

Robert Durell x77020 –– – 074860.ME.1210.harris02.RED––SAN FRANCISCO,CA––Kamala Harris, newly elected San Francisco District Attorney,left, enters the Palace Hotel in San Francisco with her brother–in–law Tolny West, right for the annual holiday luncheon of the Bar Association of San Francisco, Wednesday, December 10, 2003, the day after she became the first African–American elected DA in California.

Kamala Harris was shaped by the crucible of San Francisco politics

Jan. 21, 2019

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris speaks during a house party, Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Kamala Harris regrets California truancy law that led to arrest of some parents

April 17, 2019

Staring in the late 1960's one lurid cruder after another spawned outrage and harsh sentencing allows in California. Above from left, Charles Manson, Angelo Buono Jr, Richard Ramirez and Lonnie Franklin Jr.

California’s tough-on-crime past haunts Kamala Harris

Oct. 24, 2019

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has risen through the ranks of California politics.

How Kamala Harris’ California career prepared her for the White House | Covering Kamala Harris

Jan. 19, 2021

California Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris discusses the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8.

Kamala Harris calls for same-sex marriages to resume ‘immediately’

June 26, 2013

An illustration of Kamala Harris at an Oakland campaign office in 2019 with comments written around it.

National stage

Breaking barriers with a rise to Washington

  • Her next move was the 2016 race to replace the retiring Barbara Boxer as U.S. senator. With Democrats dominant in California, it came down to a history-making battle between her and Southern California’s Loretta Sanchez. When Harris won, The Times declared that she tore “down a color barrier that has stood for as long as California statehood.”
  • In 2019, she began her campaign for U.S. president. Early on she built strong momentum, drawing a crowd of roughly 20,000 to a lavish Oakland rally. She raised $1.5 million in just 24 hours. She boasted a string of endorsements from California politicians.
  • But her campaign slowly sputtered. As The Times reported in March 2019, the fall “stems in part from Harris’ failure to present a compelling case for her candidacy beyond her background as a prosecutor, her buoyant personality and a deep contempt — shared by others in the contest — for President Trump.”
  • In December, she suspended her campaign. The Times called it a “lackluster end to an initially soaring presidential bid premised on the California senator’s personal biography and prosecutorial acumen. Ultimately, her run foundered with a muddled purpose, campaign infighting and an inability to sustain support from vital Democratic voting blocs, particularly African Americans.”

Sen. Kamala Harris waves in front of a U.S. flag.

  • Biden locked in the nomination, but there was no guarantee he would pick her as his running mate. Some felt the Biden team was angry at her treatment of him during the campaign. But Biden ended up selecting Harris. The Times said at the time: “In many ways, Harris is a safe pick — broadly popular in the Democratic Party and well acquainted with the rigors of a national campaign. But her selection also carries symbolic heft in this moment when race relations are at top of mind for voters.”
  • Harris held her own during her debate with Vice President Mike Pence and serving as an effective surrogate. The Times reported “Those who have spoken with Harris say she sees the changes — in style, in her approach to campaigning, in the faces surrounding her — worth the goals she now pursues: replacing Trump with Biden and becoming the first female vice president in history.”

Democratic presidential hopeful Former Vice President Joe Biden (L) listens as US Senator from California Kamala Harris speaks during the second round of the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign season hosted by CNN at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan on July 31, 2019. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images ** OUTS - ELSENT, FPG, CM - OUTS * NM, PH, VA if sourced by CT, LA or MoD **

Kamala Harris emerges as a 2020 front-runner, but is that a good thing?

Jan. 27, 2019

FILE - In this Wednesday, May 1, 2019, file photo, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Harris is offering a new bill to address racial disparities in maternal health care, one of several plans by 2020 presidential candidates on the issue. The California Democrat’s bill would create some $150 million in grant programs to medical schools and states to fight implicit racial bias in medical care for women. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

After dazzling debut, Kamala Harris falls from top of presidential pack

May 31, 2019

LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 2, 2019 - - Senator Kamala Harris, center, speaks to media after addressing hundreds of airport workers, Uber and Lyft drivers, janitors, city and county workers, and other workers before marching to Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles on October 2, 2019. The marchers are demanding that elected officials, locally, statewide and federally, take action to support unions for all people--no matter where they work. Workers also marched for better pay and benefits and want to unionize. The rally is on behalf of all kinds of workers, from rideshare to fast food to airport service workers. Speakers also included Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, former state Sen. Kevin de Leon and Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union. The Rev. Jesse Jackson was also in attendance. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)

Kamala Harris’ bid for the Democratic nomination comes to an end

Dec. 3, 2019

California Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris, whose aide Brandon Kiel is accused of forming a fictitious police force with two people, has received regular briefings on the case since his arrest.

After being her own boss, Kamala Harris embraces new role as Biden’s No. 2

Oct. 21, 2020

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Nov. 2, 2020-Senator Kamala Harris addresses supporters at the drive- rally Monday night, Nov.2, 2020 at Citizens Bank Park parking lot in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

Kamala Harris makes history many times over as vice president-elect

Nov. 7, 2020

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., presents Vice President Kamala Harris with a golden gavel after she cast the 32nd tie-breaking vote in the Senate, the most ever cast by a vice president, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)

Kamala Harris, the first Black woman in her role, just broke a record held by an outspoken slaveholder

Dec. 5, 2023

President Biden speaks from the Roosevelt Room with Kamala Harris behind and to the side of him.

Vice president

Struggling to find her footing in a big job

  • Harris made history when she took office.
  • But her term has been marked by successes and struggles.
  • After her first year in office, The Times offered this assessment: “Harris has struggled to tell her own story, leaving others to fill the void. Conservative media have attacked her while mainstream outlets have published a string of stories about low morale and high staff turnover in her office. Like many vice presidents, Harris is learning how hard it is to define herself as a No. 2.
  • She was handed a difficult assignment in those early months: Leading diplomatic efforts to curb migration from Central America. There were early controversies, such as when she told would-be immigrants not to come to the United States . As the immigration issue has become hot in the 2024 race, Harris faces tough questions about her role in Biden policies.
  • Democrats worried about Harris’ lackluster poll numbers as they considered a leader of the party after Biden. “Harris has become a source of tension among Democrats, as growing worries over Harris’ political stature collide with concerns that any move to sideline her would alienate the voters needed to win elections and undercut the party’s promise of equity,” The Times wrote in 2021.
  • After the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs. Wade, Harris emerged as a leading voice in protecting reproductive rights.

Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage near a man in a suit.

  • Barabak in early 2024 rated her this way : “Harris finally seems to have found her footing in a role to which she is accustomed and adept: prosecuting attorney.”
  • Harris has endured unprecedented levels of hate on social media. “Research shows that Harris may be the most targeted American politician on the internet, one who checks every box for the haters of the fever swamps: She’s a woman, she’s a person of color and she holds power,” The Times found.
  • Before Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Harris was still struggling to present herself as a successor. “More than three years into the oldest president in history’s first term, his understudy has failed to win over a majority of voters or convince them that she is ready to step in if Biden falters, according to polls ,” The Times reported in April.
  • Harris’ star rose as Democrats began to call on Biden to step aside and end his reelection campaign. She had remained publicly supportive of Biden, even as calls for her to replace him at the head of the ticket grew louder.

US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks on reproductive freedom at El Rio Neighborhood Center in Tucson, Arizona, on April 12, 2024. The top court in Arizona on April 9, 2024, ruled a 160-year-old near total ban on abortion is enforceable, thrusting the issue to the top of the agenda in a key US presidential election swing state. (Photo by Frederic J. Brown / AFP) (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

The abortion debate is giving Kamala Harris a moment. But voters still aren’t sold

April 16, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, Thursday, March. 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher)

Letters to the Editor: Should Kamala Harris step aside as Joe Biden’s running mate?

April 23, 2024

LOS ANGELES-CA-NOVEMBER 21, 2023: Vice President Kamala Harris is photographed in Los Angeles on November 21, 2023. DO NOT PUBLISH. FOR THE POWER LIST PROJECT ONLY. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

Kamala Harris: Vice president on front lines of political crisis

July 7, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a post debate campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill)

Kamala Harris faces political pressure — and opportunity — as Biden struggles

July 3, 2024

Correction: A earlier version of this story incorrectly stated Harris was the first person of color elected to the U.S. Senate from California. She was the first woman of color elected to the Senate.

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Short Moral Stories for the Students of Class 5 and 6 in English

Short stories with moral lesson for 5th and 6th class students.

Here are 3 examples of Moral stories for Junior Students. This post contains Short Moral Stories for Class 5 and 6 . There are many other Short Stories with Moral are already available at ilmihub.com . However, taking in view the junior class, here are some simple short stories with moral for 5th Class and 6. If you want moral stories for College students or Class 9 Students you can visit this link .

The Fox and The Grapes with Moral Lesson for Class 5 and Class 6

There was a fox. He was hungry. He went into a vine-yard. He saw a bunch of grapes. His mouth began to water. He jumped to get at them but failed. He tried again but could not succeed. So he went away saying, “the grapes are sour, I will not eat them”.

The Thirsty Crow Story with Moral for Class 5 and 6th Class in English

There was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew here and there but he found no water. At last, he saw a jug of water. But the water was too low. He saw some stones nearby. He put some of them into the jug. The water rose to the brim. He drank water and flew away.

Moral Lesson: God helps those who help themselves.

College Students can Read: Thirsty Crow Story with Moral for Class 11

The Greedy Dog Moral Story for 5th Class and Class 6 in English

There was a dog. He found a piece of meat. He picked it up. He began to run till he reached the bank of a river. There was a bridge over the river. When he was crossing the bridge. He saw his own shadow in the water. He took it for another dog with a piece of meat. He wanted to get this piece too. He barked at the shadow. Thus he opened his mouth, his own piece fell down in the water.

Moral Lesson: Gree is a Curse.

You may also like: Greed is a Curse with Quotations for Class 11

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Anthony Vaccarello finally figured out how to reproduce his collection of ultra-sheer pantyhose dresses. Bella Hadid hit Cannes in look seven from the Saint Laurent fall 2024 show: a halter dress featuring 10 denier hosiery cups, a knotted pantyhose bodice, and a below-the-knee skirt with a control top hemline.

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Hadid, styled by Molly Dickson, leaned into the Old Hollywood glamour that has become synonymous with the Cannes Film Festival, adding a pair of mahogany peep-toe ankle strap heels and an enormous pair of drop earrings from Chopard.

Image may contain Bella Hadid Clothing Formal Wear Suit Person Adult Footwear Shoe Accessories Glasses and Dress

This look fits into Hadid’s latest sartorial M.O. of sheer earthy tones that can only be described as “sexy nymph.” While promoting her fragrance, Orebella, in New York, the model wore a diaphanous nude Dior slip dress by John Galliano, as well as a cream-colored Rokh dress with a lace bodice. And yesterday in Cannes, she further explored brown tones in a simple tank dress . But this look—with only some extremely well-placed seams preserving her modesty—is by far her boldest to date.

Image may contain Bella Hadid Adult Person Camera Electronics Wedding Paparazzi Face and Head

When asked about how he would manufacture these ephemeral pieces from the collection, Vaccarello told Vogue, “Don’t even ask me about production—I can’t tell you.” This being the first instance the delicate outfits have been spotted on the red carpet speaks to Hadid’s risk-taking style. Even if she is the only person who ever wears one of these sheer Saint Laurent looks out in the world (let’s see if she can make it to the end of the night without any snags) the fact that Vaccarello was readily willing to make one for her speaks to Hadid’s immense power in the fashion industry.

And if this is Hadid’s wardrobe for her first official day of events in Cannes? We can only imagine what’s to come.

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Top 22 Short Moral Stories For Kids

Top 22 Short Moral Stories For Kids

Moral stories for kids have been an essential part of a child’s moral education for generations. These stories are not only entertaining but also have a profound impact on a child’s character and personality development. They instil many vital values, such as honesty, kindness, compassion, and respect for others which go a long way in life.

As kids listen to these stories, they learn valuable life lessons that they can practically apply to their lives. These stories help them navigate their own life more easily. With a vast array of stories to choose from, parents can select tales that are not only age-appropriate but also reinforce the values they want their child to learn. These stories will help them raise their children to be ideal citizens of society who are compassionate towards both animals and humans.

In this article, we have shortlisted engaging and meaningful moral stories for children that can teach them valuable lessons and help become better individuals.

Also Read: Short Stories of Mahabharata for Kids with Moral Lessons

Video: Short Moral Stories for Kids – Part 1

Benefits of Moral Stories for Kids

Moral stories for kids benefit them in more ways than one can imagine. The following are the benefits:

1. Prepare kids for their role in society.

Moral stories help kids understand what’s right and what’s wrong. They impart a belief system which will help the child cope very well with whatever life has to offer.

2. Help kids become resilient.

Moral stories help the child navigate life’s ups and downs by imparting strong ethics and moral values to them. These stories act like guidelines to help the little ones make the right choices.

3. Counter bad influence.

Many children start picking up vices under peer pressure. Good values from moral stories help the child stay strong and not succumb to temptations.

Fun and Entertaining Short Moral Stories for Your Children

If you want to imbibe good habits in your kids from early on and watch them grow up to become good individuals, read moral stories to them. Here are 22 children’s stories with moral values that you can read to your kids!

1. The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse story

One day, a few hunters came into the forest and took the lion with them. They tied him up against a tree. The lion was struggling to get out and started to whimper. Soon, the mouse walked past and noticed the lion in trouble. Quickly, he ran and gnawed on the ropes to set the lion free. Both of them sped off into the jungle.

Moral of the Story

A small act of kindness can go a long way.

Also Read: Childhood Stories of Lord Krishna for Kids

2. Count Wisely

Count Wisely Story

The question was, “How many crows are there in the city?”

Birbal immediately smiled and went up to Akbar. He announced the answer; he said there were twenty-one thousand, five hundred and twenty-three crows in the city. When asked how he knew the answer, Birbal replied, “Ask your men to count the number of crows. If there are more, then the relatives of the crows must be visiting them from nearby cities. If there are fewer, then the crows from our city must be visiting their relatives who live outside the city.” Pleased with the answer, Akbar presented Birbal with a ruby and pearl chain.

Having an explanation for your answer is just as important as having an answer.

Also Read: Fascinating Ramayana Stories for Children

3. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf story

The boy laughed at the fright he had caused. This time, the villagers left angrily. The third day, as the boy went up the small hill, he suddenly saw a wolf attacking his sheep. He cried as hard as he could, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!”, but not a single villager came to help him. The villagers thought that he was trying to fool them again and did not come to rescue him or his sheep. The little boy lost many sheep that day, all because of his foolishness.

It is difficult to trust people who lie, so it’s important to always be truthful.

4. The Fox and the Stork

The Fox and the Stork story

The stork was angry and upset, but she didn’t show her anger and behaved politely. To teach a lesson to the fox, she then invited him for dinner the next day. She too served soup, but this time the soup was served in two tall narrow vases. The stork devoured the soup from her vase, but the fox couldn’t drink any of it because of his narrow neck. The fox realised his mistake and went home famished.

A selfish act backfires sooner or later!

Video: The Fox and the Stork Moral Story for Kids in English

Also Read: Indian Mythological Stories for Kids

5. The Golden Touch

The Golden Touch story

The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his wish, all the while touching stones and pebbles and watching them convert into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He was devastated and started crying and trying to bring his daughter back to life. He realised his folly and spent the rest of his days searching for the fairy to take away his wish.

Greed will always lead to downfall.

6. The Milkmaid and Her Pail

The Milkmaid and Her Pail story

She was talking to herself and said, “Once I get the money, I’ll buy a chicken. The chicken will lay eggs and I will get more chickens. They’ll all lay eggs, and I will sell them for more money. Then, I’ll buy the house on the hill and everyone will envy me.” She was very happy that soon she would be very rich. With these happy thoughts, she marched ahead. But suddenly, she tripped and fell. Both the pails of the milk fell and all her dreams were shattered. The milk spilt onto the ground, and all Patty could do was cry. “No more dream,” she cried foolishly!

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Also Read: Popular Fairy Tale Stories for Kids

7. When Adversity Knocks

When Adversity Knocks story

Her father explained, “All three items were put in the same circumstances. See how they’ve responded differently.” He said that the potato turned soft, the egg turned hard, and the tea leaves changed the colour and taste of the water. He further said, “We are all like one of these items. When adversity calls, we respond exactly the way they do. Now, are you a potato, an egg, or tea leaves?”

We can choose how to respond to a difficult situation.

8. The Proud Rose

The Proud Rose story

One summer, a well in the garden dried up and there was no water for the plants. The rose slowly began to wilt. The rose saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some water. The rose then felt ashamed for having made fun of the cactus all this time. But because it was in need of water, it went to ask the cactus if it could have some water. The kind cactus agreed, and they both got through summer as friends.

Never judge someone by the way they look.

Also Read: Bible Stories for Children

9. The Tale of the Pencil

The Tale of the Pencil story

His grandma explained, “You can learn many things from this pencil because it is just like you. It experiences a painful sharpening, just the way you have experienced the pain of not doing well on your test. However, it will help you be a better student. Just as all the good that comes from the pencil is from within itself, you will also find the strength to overcome this hurdle. And finally, just as this pencil will make its mark on any surface, you too shall leave your mark on anything you choose to.” Raj was immediately consoled and promised himself that he would do better.

We all have the strength to be who we wish to be.

10. The Crystal Ball

The Crystal Ball story

Days went by without him making a wish but his best friend saw him looking at the crystal ball. He stole it from Nasir and showed it to everyone in the village. They all asked for palaces and riches and lots of gold, but could not make more than one wish. In the end, everyone was angry because no one could have everything they wanted. They became very unhappy and decided to ask Nasir for help. Nasir wished that everything would go back to how it was once – before the villagers had tried to satisfy their greed. The palaces and gold vanished and the villagers once again became happy and content.

Money and wealth do not always bring happiness.

11. A Bundle of Sticks

Bundle of Sticks story

One day, the village head came by and called the three farmers. He gave them each a stick and asked them to break it. The farmers could break them easily. He then gave them a bundle of three sticks, and again, asked them to break it. This time, the farmers struggled to break the sticks. The village head said, “Together, you are stronger and work better than you do it alone.” The farmers understood what the village head was saying. They pooled in their resources and got rid of the pests from their fields.

There is strength in unity.

12. The Ant and the Dove

The Ant and the Dove

The ant and the dove became the best of friends and days passed happily. However, one day, a hunter arrived at the forest. He saw the beautiful dove sitting on the tree and aimed his gun at the dove. The ant, who was saved the dove saw this and bit on the heel of the hunter. He shouted from the pain and dropped the gun. The dove was alarmed by the voice of the hunter and realised what could have happened with him. He flew away!

A good deed never goes unrewarded.

13. The Fox and the Grapes

The Fox and the Grapes story

We pretend to hate something when we can’t have it.

14. The Ant and the Grasshopper

The Ant and the Grasshopper story

On a cold day of winter, a colony of ants was busy drying out some grains of corn. The half-dead grasshopper, cold and hungry, came up to the ant who was his friend and asked for a piece of corn. The ant replied, “We work day and night to collect and save up the corn so that we don’t die hungry on cold winter days. Why should we give it to you?” The ant further asked, “What were you doing last summer? You should have collected and stored some food. I told you as much before.”

The grasshopper said, “I was far too busying singing and sleeping.”

The ant replied, “You can sing all winter as far as I am concerned. You will not get anything from us.” The ant had enough food to last through the winter, without any worries at all, but the grasshopper didn’t and he realised his mistake.

Make hay while the sun shines.

15. The Bear and Two Friends

The Bear and Two Friends story

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

16. Friends Forever

Friends Forever story

When the mouse wasn’t looking, the frog tied a string to the mouse’s tail and tied the other end to his own leg, and hopped away. The mouse started getting dragged with him. Then, the frog jumped into the pond to swim. However, when he looked back, he saw that the mouse had started to drown and was struggling to breathe! The frog quickly untied the string from his tail and took him to the shore. Seeing the mouse with his eyes barely open made the frog very sad, and he immediately regretted pulling him into the pond.

Don’t take revenge because it can be harmful to you.

17. The Elephant and Her Friends

The Elephant and Her Friends story

The elephant was really sad because she couldn’t make friends. Then, one day, she saw all the animals running deeper into the forest, and she asked a bear what the fuss was about. The bear said, “The lion is on the loose – they are running from him to save themselves.” The elephant went up to the lion and said, “Please don’t hurt these innocent people. Please leave them alone.” The lion scoffed and asked the elephant to move aside. Then, the elephant got angry and pushed the lion with all her might, injuring him. All the other animals came out slowly and started to rejoice about the lion’s defeat. They went to the elephant and said to her, “You are just the right size to be our friend!”

A person’s size does not determine their worth.

18. The Woodcutter and the Golden Axe

The Woodcutter and the Golden Axe story

While he wept, the God of the river arose and asked him what had happened. The woodcutter told him the story. The God of the river offered to help him by looking for his axe. He disappeared into the river and retrieved a golden axe, but the woodcutter said it was not his. He disappeared again and returned with a silver axe, but the woodcutter said that was not his either. The God disappeared into the water again and came back with an iron axe – the woodcutter smiled and said it was his. God was impressed with the woodcutter’s honesty and gifted him both the golden and silver axes.

Honesty is the best policy.

19. The Needle Tree

The Needle Tree story

The younger brother was worried, and so he searched for his elder brother. He found him lying in pain near the tree, with hundreds of needles on his body. He rushed to his brother and removed each needle lovingly and gently. After he finished, the elder brother apologised for treating him badly and promised to improve. The tree saw the change in the elder brother’s heart and gave them all the golden apples they would ever need.

It is important to be kind and gracious, as it will always be rewarded.

20. The Greedy Lion

The Greedy Lion story

Greed is never a good thing.

21. The Goose and the Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, a farmer lived with his wife in their cottage. They had a goose who would lay one golden egg every day. The farmer and his wife were mighty pleased because of this. Every morning, the wife would set out with her basket to collect all the eggs from the hens and the goose. But over time, they started getting greedier. They wondered if the process could be speeded up. They were very upset that they were getting just one golden egg daily. They wondered that if the goose was laying golden eggs, its insides must surely be made of gold too! They imagined getting rich as they would get all the gold at once. So, they caught hold of the poor bird and killed it. Alas, upon opening it, they didn’t find any gold, and the insides of the goose were like that of any other bird.

Think before you act.

22. The Greedy Dog

Once upon a time, there was a dog who was roaming around the village in search of food. He was a greedy dog and never satisfied with whatever he had. On one particular day, he managed to snatch a piece of bone from a butcher’s shop and ran away to eat it in peace. On the way, he came across a river. He was very curious, so holding the bone, he peeped into the river. He was astonished when he saw his reflection. But he thought that it was another dog with a bone. As this dog was greedy, he wanted that bone too. So he opened his mouth and started barking in the hopes that the other dog would get scared and leave his bone behind. But, as soon as he opened his mouth, his bone fell into the river and started floating away. The dog then got upset that in his greed to get the second bone, he lost his own bone.

Do not be greedy.

Tips on Making Storytime Interesting for Your Kids

No matter how good or engaging a story may be, how you recite it to your kids will make all the difference. If you want to make story sessions fun (and less preachy) for your kids, here are some tips on narrating stories.

  • Be creative while you read the story to your child. Usually, the personality or character of the story catches a child’s interest the most. So use different voices for each character or act out various parts from the story to bring life to those characters. Acting out parts from the story will make story sessions fun and memorable for your kids.
  • If you use books or pictures, lay them before your kids. You can ask them to turn the pages or trace the words as you read.
  • Talk about the story after you’ve finished reciting it. Ask your children questions along the way and discuss the moral of the story in the end. This way, you will also know if your children understood what happened in the story. Asking questions from time to time will keep children engaged and promote speech development in kids. You can also highlight new words in the story and tell their meanings to your kids – this will develop their vocabulary.
  • Read aloud together with your kids. Ask your child to read with you. This will encourage your child’s reading habits and improve his reading skills.
  • Take stories outdoors. You don’t have to sit on the bed with your kids while narrating a story to them – you can take the story beyond the four walls of your home. For instance, if you are reading a story on ‘fun in the park’, take your child to an amusement park, lay a blanket under the tree in that park, and read the story there. This will make the story more life-like, and your kid will enjoy it even more.
  • Try reading stories at different times of the day. Storytime need not always be bedtime. Try reading stories to your kids at different times of the day, like in the afternoon or evening, to understand your child’s attention span. Once you know the time when your child’s attention span is the highest, read stories to him during that time.

Make storytime fun and exciting with the above tips. These tips will help you leave an impact on your kids and make storytime the favourite part of their day. Also, read the above short moral stories to your kids – we are sure they will enjoy listening to these stories. Furthermore, these short stories with moral values will even teach your children some important lessons which they will always remember.

Infographic: Benefits of Moral Stories for Kids

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4K will be 5 days a week in Sheboygan Area School District starting this fall. Here's what to know.

Extending the school week for 4k students will increase their learning experiences by 20%, according to sasd..

SHEBOYGAN – Sheboygan Area School District will extend its 4-year-old kindergarten program to five days a week starting in the fall.  

The Early Learning Center and Lincoln-Erdman and Cleveland elementary schools will add a school day on Wednesdays, previously not offered.

The ELC and Lincoln-Erdman will offer morning and afternoon class sessions on weekdays, and Cleveland will offer morning class sessions on weekdays.  

"We are excited that our youngest students will now have the opportunity for more learning time on a weekly basis,” Superintendent Jacob Konrath said in a news release.

“This new five-day schedule will provide greater consistency for families while also enhancing students' development in both social and academic skills, better preparing them for kindergarten,” he added. 

Middle school plan: Sheboygan Area School District to move forward with plans to rebuild Urban Middle School on current site

Extending the school week could increase learning experiences for students by 20%, the news release said. Parent outreach events will replace a school day one Monday a month, bridging connections with community partners and resources.  

The SASD programs offer general learning skills and experiences to foster emotional, physical and cognitive development, a news release said.  

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Children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 1 are eligible for the 4K program. The Early Learning Center offers programming for 3- and 4-year-olds and the elementary schools provide education for 4K to fifth-grade students.  

Offices for the schools reopen Aug. 1 and can be contacted about enrollment. Find the 4K calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year on the SASD website .  

Have a story tip? Contact Alex Garner at 224-374-2332 or [email protected] . Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) at @alexx_garner .


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Trump’s Proposed Tax Cuts and Increased Tariffs Could Hurt Poorer Households

Some Republicans want to use revenue collected from higher duties on foreign goods to finance tax cuts. Economists say such a shift could widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

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Stacked containers at a port, with trucks in the foreground and cranes in the background.

By Ana Swanson Andrew Duehren and Luke Broadwater

Ana Swanson covers international trade, Andrew Duehren covers tax policy, and Luke Broadwater writes about Congress.

When former President Donald J. Trump met with House Republicans last month, he touched on a mix of policies core to his economic agenda: cutting income taxes while also significantly raising tariffs on foreign goods.

Mr. Trump told Republicans he would “love to raise tariffs” and cut income taxes on Americans, potentially to zero, said Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican of Georgia.

“Everyone was clapping in the room,” Ms. Greene said. “He said, ‘If you guys are going to go vote on something today, vote to lower taxes on Americans.’”

Tariffs and tax cuts were central to Mr. Trump’s economic thinking while he was in the White House. If he wins in November, he is promising a much more aggressive approach, including potentially a blanket 10 percent tariff on nearly all imports and a 60 percent tax on Chinese goods.

Mr. Trump and his supporters say that mixing tariffs with tax cuts will revitalize American businesses and manufacturing, boosting jobs and benefiting working-class Americans. And they see tariffs on foreign products as a lucrative source of revenue, one that could be used to offset a drop in tax receipts.

Some economists have a different view, saying that cutting taxes while raising tariffs could have harmful consequences by widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Companies often pass on the cost of tariffs to consumers in the form of higher prices. As a result, economists say, lower-income households would be hit hardest by tariffs since they spend a greater share of their income on goods. Income taxes tend to fall more heavily on wealthier Americans since many low-income workers do not make enough money to owe federal income taxes.

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    Kamala Harris' life has been filled with milestones. Her elementary school class in the 1970s was the second one to integrate Berkeley schools. Harris was the first woman elected as San ...

  23. Short Moral Stories for the Students of Class 5 and 6 in English

    The Thirsty Crow Story with Moral for Class 5 and 6th Class in English. There was a crow. He was very thirsty. He flew here and there but he found no water. At last, he saw a jug of water. But the water was too low. He saw some stones nearby. He put some of them into the jug. The water rose to the brim.

  24. CrowdStrike outage: We finally know what caused it

    Insurers have begun calculating the financial damage caused by last week's devastating CrowdStrike software glitch that crashed computers, canceled flights and disrupted hospitals all around the ...

  25. Bella Hadid Wears the Naked Dress to End All Naked Dresses

    The Saint Laurent dress—with only some extremely well-placed seams preserving her modesty—is by far Bella Hadid's boldest to date.

  26. 22 Short Moral Stories for Kids in English

    Here are 22 children's stories with moral values that you can read to your kids! 1. The Lion and the Mouse. A lion was once sleeping in the jungle when a mouse started running up and down his body just for fun. This disturbed the lion's sleep, and he woke up quite angry.

  27. Iowa state softball: Valley, Pleasant Valley advance to title game

    FORT DODGE — A short stretch of inclement weather certainly didn't rain on Valley's parade. The top-seeded Tigers - playing No. 5 Ankeny in the Class 5A softball state tournament semifinal ...

  28. What to know about Kamala Harris, from prosecutor to politician

    Here's what to know about Kamala Harris's life and the moments that defined her in politics.

  29. 4K will be 5 days a week in Sheboygan Area School District starting

    The Early Learning Center offers programming for 3- and 4-year-olds and the elementary schools provide education for 4K to fifth-grade students. Offices for the schools reopen Aug. 1 and can be ...

  30. Trump's Proposed Tax Cuts and Increased Tariffs Could Hurt Poorer

    They found that the result would be a net 8.5 percent reduction in after-tax income for the lowest-earning 20 percent of Americans, compared with an 11.6 percent increase for the highest-earning 1 ...