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Essay on Pigeon

Pigeons are known as very beautiful and attractive birds. Pigeons are very calm. The pigeon's scientific name is Columba Livia Domestica. Smaller ones are usually called doves, larger ones are called pigeons. Other than this  there are white domestic pigeons, known as the “dove of peace.” The word ‘pigeon’ is derived from the Latin word ‘pipio’, meaning ‘young chirping bird’. The word ‘dove’ is of Norse origin and first appeared in the 14th century as ‘dova’ or ‘douve’. Pigeons are found all over the world except the Sahara Desert, Antarctica, and the high Arctic.

Pigeons have been found as domesticated birds for years. The pigeon is a medium size bird. Their weight is 2 to 4 kg. They are found in many colors such as white, gray, and brown. They have very short hair on their body, which helps them control their body temperature. The upper part of its beak has holes for breathing. A black-colored ring is made around the neck of a dove.

Pigeon Lifestyle

Pigeon prefers to live among humans from years ago. It is commonly found in all countries. Only white and gray pigeons are found in India. White pigeons are found in homes while gray and brown pigeons are found in the forests. It can also survive in icy and desert areas.

Pigeons always like to live in herds. Pigeons build their nests in tall buildings and vacant places. Their memory is very sharp. After traveling so far, they can return to the same place again.

In the morning, pigeons go out in search of food. Most pigeons are vegetarian. They eat grains, millet grains, fruits, etc. The pigeons are very calm and like to live together with humans. The life of a pigeon is about 6 years. The ability of the pigeon to see and hear is amazing. They can easily hear the sounds of earthquakes and storms.

Characteristics and Attributes

The pigeon moves the wings 10 times in 1 second while flying.

The pigeon's heart beats 600 times in 1 minute.

The pigeon can identify himself by seeing his face in the mirror. The pigeon is one of only 6 species, and the only non-mammal, to have this ability

The memory of a pigeon is very fast due to which it was used as a postman in old times.

In the second world war, thousands of lives were saved with the help of pigeons.

The pigeon can fly at a speed of 60 to 70 Kilometers per hour. Some pigeons can also fly at a speed of 92 Kilometers per hour.

Pigeons can fly up to 6000 feet altitude.

Pigeons can travel 600 miles in a day to come back to their hideout.

The pigeon is a very highly sensitive bird, it already steals natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes.

The female pigeon lays 2 eggs at a time and chickens come out of it in the middle of 19 to 20 days.

It lives in a flock of 20 to 30 pigeons.

Pigeons can breed at the age of 6 months.

Pigeons are very intelligent so they can easily recognize 26 letters of the alphabet and they are also good at recognizing the appearance of humans.

Pigeons (and all the Columbidae family) drink by sucking water and using their beaks like straws. Most birds sip water and then throw their head back to swallow.

A Short Paragraph on Pigeon

Pigeons are beautiful birds, they are also known as domestic birds. Basically, pigeons like to live in groups and move along with their peer groups. Pigeons are the most attractive creation of God, they are adored by everyone due to their gentle nature. Pigeons rarely disturb other birds or people, they like calm surroundings more. Pigeons are very intellectual, they can make out or sense any unforeseen incident or calamities. Nowadays many people across the World breed pigeons, one who breeds pigeons referred to as Fanciers. In earlier days pigeon flying competitions were held between the Pigeon owners, pigeons kept flying in the sky all day long, the pigeon who flew for longer hours would be declared as the winner pigeon. Environmental change and increase in the hunting of pigeons lead them to the verge of extinction since they have no place to live in can be the other reason for the decreasing ratio of pigeons. 

Pigeons are beautiful birds of this world, we need to protect and give them the safest environment to live peacefully and calmly.   

Pigeons are very beautiful, attractive, and calm birds. Currently, the population of pigeons is decreasing day by day because of pollution because they did not have fresh air to breathe. We should take care of these beautiful creature so that they can freely live their life. 


FAQs on Pigeon Essay

1. What is the Scientific name of Pigeon?

The pigeon's scientific name is Columba Livia Domestica. Smaller ones are usually called doves, larger ones called pigeons.

2. Describe the Pigeon’s LifeStyle?

Pigeon prefers to live among humans from years ago. It is commonly found in all countries. Only white and grey pigeons are found in India. White pigeons are usually found in homes while grey and brown pigeons are found in the forests. It can also survive in icy and desert areas. Pigeon always likes to live in herds. Pigeons build their nests in tall buildings and ancient places. Their memory is very good. Most pigeons are vegetarian. They eat grains, millet grains and fruits, etc. They are very calm and like to live together with humans. The life of a pigeon is about 6 years.

3. Give any Six Characteristics of Pigeon.

The six characteristics of lifestyle of pigeon are-

The pigeon can fly at a speed of 60 to 70 Kilometres per hour. Some pigeons can also fly at a speed of 92 Kilometres per hour.

Pigeons can travel 600 miles in a day to come back to their hideout

Pigeons are very intelligent so they can easily recognize 26 letters of the alphabet and they are also adept at recognizing the appearance of humans.

4. How did pigeons start getting domesticated?

For thousands of years, pigeons have functioned as food, pets, holy animals, mail couriers, and more. Pigeons are mentioned for the first time in Mesopotamia, some 5,000 years ago. They were kept in large quantities by the ancient Egyptians, who would sacrifice tens of thousands at a time for ritual purposes. Thousands of pigeons accompanied Akbar the Great on his journey. They were brought to the Americas some 400 years ago because they were not indigenous to the continent. Interest in fancy pigeons grew in the 18th century, and breeders considerably enlarged the range of pigeons available.

Pigeons are genetically divided into two loose ancestral clades, yet because to frequent interbreeding and human-directed cross-breeding, there is striking genetic uniformity. Pigeons with excessive crops, tails, and manes belong to the first ancestral lineage, while tumblers (the most diversified group), homing pigeons, owl pigeons, and those with exaggerated wattles belong to the second.

5. How have pigeons contributed to human life?

Pigeons have made significant contributions to humans, particularly during times of conflict. Pigeons' homing skill has been put to use in combat by using them as messengers. Many crucial messages have been delivered by so-called war pigeons, and some have even been awarded for their efforts. Pigeons have received medals such as the Croix de Guerre, which was presented to Cher Ami, and the Dickin Medal, which was granted to the pigeons G.I. Joe and Paddy, among 32 others, for their contributions in saving human lives.

In spite of this, city pigeons are now considered to be troublesome pests, because of their droppings. In many regions of the world, feral pigeons are considered invasive, even though they have a positive impact on wild bird populations by acting as an essential prey species for birds of prey.

6. What is pigeon racing?

Pigeon racing is a sport in which highly trained homing pigeons are released and then return home over a predetermined distance. To decide which animal returned at the fastest speed, the time it takes the animal to traverse the prescribed distance is measured, and the bird's rate of travel is compared and calculated to the other pigeons in the race.

Pigeon racing makes the use of a specially bred pigeon necessary known as the Racing Homer. Competing pigeons are properly trained and conditioned for races ranging in length from 100 kilometers (62 miles) to 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) (620 mi). Despite these lengths, races can be won or lost by seconds, necessitating the development of numerous timing and measuring systems. Rubber rings are inserted in a specially built clock in the old way of timing, although RFID tags are used in later development to record arrival time.

7. What is the history of pigeon racing?

Pigeons bred for their homing abilities, particularly to transmit messages, were the forerunners of today's racing pigeons. "Pigeon posts" have been built all over the world, and while they were primarily utilized for military purposes, some are still in use today. Pigeon racing as we know it now began in Belgium in the mid-nineteenth century. Racing pigeons were initially developed at the same time in Belgium and England. They are the offspring of different breeds, including the French Cumulet, Smerle, Dragoon, English Carrier, and Horseman. Homer inherited the stamina and ability to fly for hours on end without tiring from the high-flying Cumulet. It had the capacity to find its way home across long distances from the Carrier.

The sport was helped by the new technologies of the era. The introduction of the railroad permitted pigeons to be sent to distant release points rapidly and at an average cost. Additionally, the introduction of mass-produced, sophisticated timing clocks brought accurate and secure timing to the sport. These clocks were made with special compartments where an entry band, taken apart from the returning race bird, was kept. When the clock struck, the officials recorded the time and also placed the band in a compartment that could only be accessed by race officials.

8. How can pigeons affect your own health and house?

Pigeon can affect your own health and house in the following ways:

Pigeon droppings can contain a variety of diseases. Inhaling pigeon droppings, for example, can cause Histoplasmosis, which can cause fever, chest aches, and other serious symptoms. Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis are two more diseases spread by pigeons. You can avoid the spread of these dangerous and deadly diseases by removing pigeons from your property and cleaning up their droppings.

Roof Damage

Pigeons can bring diseases into your home as well as cause major property damage. Pigeons frequently build their nests along the roof's edge. When pigeons build nests in your roof or gutters, your roof's structural stability is jeopardized. Furthermore, blocked gutters with pigeon nests can flood, causing damage inside your property. You may assist maintain the physical condition of your roof by keeping pigeons away from your home. 

English Compositions

Short Essay on Pigeon [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

This session is going to be focused on writing short essays on Pegion. I will write three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits as recommended in most exams. 

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Short Essay on Pigeon in 100 Words

The pigeon is a small bird that belongs to the family Columbidae. There are about 344 different species of pigeons. They are found all over the world, except in the Sahara desert and the Arctic as well as Antarctic regions. The smaller varieties are usually called doves while the larger ones are called pigeons.

Pigeons are usually found in colours like white, grey, black and brown. They have stout bodies, short necks and short slender bills. Pigeons feed on grains, seeds, fruits and plants. They build nests on branches of trees or ledges of buildings and lay one or two eggs at a time. Both parents care for their young. Pigeons were one of the first birds to be domesticated by humans. They were used to send letters during ancient times. 

Short Essay on Pigeon in 200 Words

The pigeon is a small and beautiful bird that belongs to the taxonomic family ‘Columbidae’. There are about 344 different species of pigeons and they are divided into 50 genera. Pigeons are found all over the world, except in the Sahara desert and the Arctic as well as Antarctic regions. The smaller species are usually called doves while the larger ones are called pigeons. 

Pigeons are usually found in colours like white, grey, black and brown. They have stout bodies, short necks and short slender bills. Pigeons feed on grains, seeds, fruits and plants. They build nests on branches of trees or ledges of buildings and lay one or two eggs at a time. Both parents care for their young. The baby pigeons are called squabs. They learn to fly within 5 weeks from their hatching and usually leave the nests soon after. 

Pigeons were one of the first birds to be domesticated by humans. They have been used as a source of food for thousands of years. They were also used to send letters during ancient times. Pigeons were used to deliver messages during world war I and II as well. The mentions of this bird can be found in different religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism as well in ancient Greek, Mesopotamian and Levant religions. Today, Pigeons and doves are viewed as a symbol of peace. 

Short Essay on Pigeon in 400 Words

The pigeon is a small but magnificent bird that belongs to the taxonomic order ‘Columbiformes’ and the family ‘Columbidae’. There are about 344 different species of pigeons and they are divided into 50 genera. Pigeons are found all over the world, except in the Sahara desert and the Arctic as well as Antarctic regions. The smaller species are usually called doves while the larger ones are called pigeons. Out of all the different species of this bird, the rock doves are the most widespread and can be found across Europe, Northern Africa, Arabia, Central Asia, India and China. 

Pigeons are usually found in colours like white, grey, black and brown. They have stout bodies, short necks and short slender bills. A few species also feature fleshy ceres. Pigeons feed on grains, seeds, fruits and plants. The feral pigeons that live in urban environments have their natural feeding habits disturbed and are dependent on humans for food. 

Pigeons build nests on branches of trees, ledges of buildings or the ground and lay one or two eggs at a time. Both parents care for their young and unlike most birds, both parents produce crop milk to feed the babies. The baby pigeons are called squabs. They learn to fly within 5 weeks from their hatching and usually leave the nests soon after. 

Pigeons were one of the first birds to be domesticated by humans. They have been used as a source of food for thousands of years. A species known as the passenger pigeon was over-hunted and used as food for the slaves and poor during the 1800s-1900s in the US which led to its extinction.

Many species of island pigeons also went extinct because of certain human activities. Around 59 species of this bird are currently endangered and need to be protected. Many laws, regulations and conservation techniques are being used to protect and conserve these birds. 

Pigeons were kept as pets and were used by people to send letters during ancient times. They were also used to deliver messages during world war I and II. These birds were also awarded medals for their service.

The mentions of pigeons can be found in different religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism. It can also be found in many ancient religions like the ones practised in ancient Levant, Mesopotamia and Greece. The pigeons were usually associated with Goddesses of these religions like Aphrodite, Inanna-Ishtar and Asherah. Today, Pigeons and doves are viewed as a symbol of peace. 

I have written the essays in this session with very simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand. If you still have any issues regarding this lesson, kindly let me know through some quick comments below. Keep browsing our website for more such sessions on various important topics. 

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English Summary

Short Essay on Pigeon in English for Students and Children

300 word essay on pigeon.

The pigeon is a beautiful bird which is commonly found as a pet bird in the world. In other words, they are domestic birds. Pigeon is of many kinds and colors. It is found in almost every country of the world. Some are white, some are brown, and some are multi-colored with their beautiful fan-tail.

Pigeons hardly disturb other birds or human beings. They are often kept as pets by many people. Millions of people in the world breed pigeons. The ones who breed them are called as Fanciers.

Pigeons’ visual memory is too sharp and powerful that it can save more than two hundred objects indefinitely. They have a strong power to identify the place where they stay. They can go up to miles of distance and return to their place easily. It is said that in ancient times, Kings and warriors used to train pigeons as their messengers who used to carry messages to far places.

There are many famous places where different kinds of pigeons are found. People visit those places and feed them anything to watch them closely. They look beautiful when they live, move and fly together in groups.

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Pigeon Essay

Pigeon Essay | Essay on Pigeon for Students and Children in English

Pigeon Essay :  The word represents a symbol of peace in our minds. A pigeon is a beautiful, stunning bird that is mostly domesticated by humans. It has attractive features that increase the delight at the sight of it. Additionally, pigeons also serve a wide range of other purposes in our day to day lives.  Pigeons are most popular for their beautiful looks but in the early days, they were also used for delivering mails and messages over long distances.

It is necessary to know about the flora and fauna of our country in detail. The topic of Pigeon is a popular topic among school students on which they are asked to write compositions. We have provided useful samples below.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Pigeon for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided. It is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Pigeon 500 Words in English

Pigeons as birds are symbols of calmness and beauty. They are widely used to represent peace and harmony throughout the world. Even if they majorly serve the purpose of domestication by bird lovers and different houses, there are many other dimensions to their benefits and advantages. They are known for a sharp sense of memory and accuracy as a result of which pigeons were used to deliver messages in and around different parts of the world. 

Some characteristics of pigeons are identified in terms of different colour variations and other bodily features. They are small to medium-sized birds and can be white, brown or red in colour. Their feathers serve the purpose of enhancing beauty as birds as well as regulate the body temperature. Pigeons have wings that facilitate flight which is essential for them to serve the different purposes they are known for. Their beaks are sharp and they also have pointed claws which can be used for different purposes and also for defence. The upper part of the beak helps them carry out breathing functions. These physical features are noticed significantly in all varieties of pigeons and the variation in colour can be attributed to the species to which a pigeon belongs.

There are specific patterns of behaviour that can be commonly encountered in pigeons as is the case with other birds. They are usually found in most climatic conditions and in the majority of countries around the world. Pigeons are also compatible and adapting in nature as they easily socialize with the different kinds of environment where they are put in. They are known to search for resources and gather their food and build their nests on their own with twigs, stems and anything that is available in their nearby environment. Pigeons reproduce by laying eggs and usually have a lifespan of about 4 years. This makes them ideal as pet birds and explains why they are most commonly chosen for domestication. 

Keeping the usefulness and popularity of pigeons aside, it is important to note that birds are sometimes exploited by human life. Be it in the name of hunting, domesticating or any other commercial purpose, there have been several instances of the exploitation of these peace-loving, majestic birds. So as human beings, it should be our duty to not only appreciate the beauty and make use of the features of the birds we pet or see around us, but also protect them and provide them with a suitable habitat. Also, to offer food and water to the birds near our homes by situating small cans of water outside our balconies, especially in the Summer season. This will help with saving as many pigeons and birds as we can from the harsh UV rays of the Sun, pollution and global warming.

Short Essay on Pigeon 150 words in English

Pigeons are small and beautiful birds that can be often seen in homes and around us. They are calm and friendly creatures that serve as great pets. The best thing about pigeons is their sharp memory. This is a reason why they were used to transfer messages in the ancient days. Pigeons have white, grey or red feathers that cover their bodies, provide protection and help them maintain the body temperature. Pigeons lay eggs and produce young ones.

Pigeons are independent birds and look after their own shelter and food.  They make characteristic calls to interact with each other. They also serve many other purposes which is why they can sometimes be misused. However, causing harm to pigeons or any other animal or bird around us is not the right thing to do. Our motive should be to live in cooperation with these birds in order to sustain a healthy and beautiful environment. 

10 Lines on Pigeon Essay in English

Some lesser-known facts about pigeons are related to their heart rate, wings and instances of their utility.

  • It is fascinating to know that a pigeon has a heart rate of beating 600 times in a minute.
  • The wings of a pigeon move 10 times in a second while flying.
  • Pigeons fly quite high up to 5000 or more feet.
  • Their speed of flight is about 70 kilometres per hour.
  • They lay a pair of eggs for reproducing their young ones.
  • The young ones hatch in a timespan of about 20 days.
  • Pigeons are known for their beautiful appearance and sharp memory.
  • They are a popular bird to pet domestically.
  • In earlier days, pigeons were used to send messages.
  • During World War II a message sent by flying pigeons saved the lives of thousands of people from the bombing of a village. 

FAQ’s on Pigeon Essay

Question 1.  What are pigeons famous for?

Answer.  Pigeons are famous for their beauty and memory.

Question 2.  What makes pigeon a unique bird?

Answer.  Pigeons were trained to send messages in the earlier times.

Question 3.  What is the lifespan of a pigeon?

Answer.  Pigeons live for about four years.

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10 lines on Pigeon in English - Short essay on Pigeon

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Pigeon . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Pigeon in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

short essay on pigeon

10 lines on Pigeon in English

  • Pigeon is a very beautiful bird which is found almost all over the world.
  • Pigeons are of different colors like white, gray, and black.
  • Pigeon has two eyes, two wings, two claws, and small feathers all over the body.
  • Pigeon's paws are dark red in color.
  • Pigeons mostly live in herds, there are about 10-22 pigeons in their flock.
  • Pigeons eat wheat, cereals, pulses, etc. in their diet.
  • Pigeon's hearing and memory power are more than other birds.
  • Pigeon was used as a messenger in ancient times.
  • The female pigeon lays 5-6 eggs at a time, and about 130 eggs throughout her life.
  • The average lifespan of a pigeon is around 3-4 years.

essay on pigeon in english for class 3

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essay on pigeon in english for class 3

Is it stuck or something ? Try pulling her back from the window sill gently if she is stuck. Also keep some seeds at a place which she can reach from her perch for food. Keep water as well. There's a ton of possibility that this beautiful pigeon has come to your place because she feels she's gonna get some care and rest. Or she may be stuck. Nudge her into your hand gently so that you can be sure. Don't push her out of the window sill. pigeon

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10 Lines on Pigeon

Pigeons are the birds belonging to the category of 310 species with presence all around the globe except places with extreme temperatures (either very low or very high). The scientific name of the species is Columbiformes. Pigeons are considered to be the most powerful birds pigeons are also one of the favourite pets of humans because of their sheer beauty and intelligence. Pigeons prefer to live in a group and are very social in nature like other birds species. They are considered to be very friendly to humans and over a period of time they have played very important role in our civilization. Like in World war, pigeons were used as message carriers.

Ten Lines on Pigeon in English

Here, I’m providing 10 lines, 5 lines, few lines and sentences on Pigeon for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in form of sets. This topic is very useful for everyone who wants to know about Pigeon in detail within less time.

1) The pigeon is a bird that can be found in every habitat in the world.

2) Lifespan of average Pigeon is around 15 years.

3) Pigeons lay 1 to 3 eggs which are white colour.

4) Pigeons are herbivorous in nature and their diet includes seeds, fruits and plants.

5) Fat body, small neck, and short thin beak are the body features of this bird.

6) They are of different colours like white, blue-black, ash-red, and brown.

7) The size of the pigeon can be as large as 19 inches and an adult pigeon can weigh up to 8.8 pounds.

8) Pigeons are very clever and they have very unique ability to find their way home.

9) Pigeons prefer to live in flocks (20 to 30 birds) and are monogamous creature.

10) Pigeons can detect sound at lower frequencies and can forecast distant storms.

10 Lines and Sentences on Pigeon

1) Pigeons have deep meaning in religion and are considered as symbol of love.

2) Many species of pigeons are used as food in areas like Rome, Middle East and Europe.

3) The chicks of the pigeons generally leave the nests after two months and are particularly named as “squabs”.

4) Pigeons are intelligent enough to find their mating partner for life and can breed up to 6-8 times a year in favourable conditions.

5) The breeding pair of pigeons build nests with sticks and they feed pigeon milk (crop milk) to squabs.

6) Pigeons are the champion in racing and are multitasker. Even if they are left 1300 miles away from their home they would return back.

7) Falcons are the real predators of pigeons and the survival chance of the pigeons from falcons depends upon the colour pattern of feathers. If the colour of the feather of pigeon is white there is a high chance falcons won’t attack as per the research study.

8) Pigeons have the very unique ability of understanding the time, space and matter.

9) It has been proven in studies and research that pigeons can differentiate among the words also after proper training.

10) They are problem solver and can perform various tasks like categorizing the common items and have very impressive visual skills meaning they can recognize their face in the mirror.

5 Lines on Pigeon

1) Pigeon is a medium-sized bird.

2) They can be black, white, or grey.

3) They have small feathers.

4) They are intelligent.

5) They eat small insects.

20 Lines on Pigeon

1) Except the region of Sahara deserts, Arctic and Antarctic pigeons are distributed all across the globe including Asia, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia.

2) The famous Passenger Pigeon is an extinct species of Pigeon.

3) The blue-black pigeon is found normally and is called a domestic pigeon.

4) Crowned Pigeon is the largest species of pigeon and is found in New Guinea.

5) In the olden days, pigeons were used to carry messages from one place to another.

6) The pigeon had been used as messengers during World wars by different countries.

7) It is the bird without the presence of a gall bladder in its body.

8) Pigeons can easily trace their home location as they are gifted with good navigation power.

9) Some species of pigeons are domesticated and used in sport like pigeon racing, weddings, and conveying messages.

10) Pigeons are symbolized as the birds of Good luck and prosperity.

11) Pigeon is a bird that belongs to the Columbidae family.

12) The word pigeon is derived from the Latin word ‘pipio’ that means ‘peeping chick’.

13) The colour, size and shape may vary for the different groups of species of pigeons. Some might have dull colour some very bright depending upon their diet and habitat.

14) Pigeons are the highly intelligent animal and can fly at the greater speed because of their strong wings as fast as 70 to 80 miles per hour.

15) Pigeons eat seeds, fruits, and plants as their food.

16) The female pigeon lays 1-2 eggs at a time and gives good parenting to their young ones with her partner.

17) The young ones of pigeons called squabs take 5 weeks time to fly.

18) Pigeons are birds with large strong wings with eleven primary feathers.

19) They have the habit of bobbing their head to see things clearly and constantly.

20) White Pigeon with olive branch represents positivity, happiness, and peace in Christianity.

As per the recent data from researchers approximately 20% of all the species of pigeons are facing the threat of extinction around the globe. Many important steps like laws for curbing the hunting of pigeons, setting up of the establishments like parks for conserving the habitat have been taken by the government in order to protect the species similar to pigeons.

After going through various facts and figures about pigeons, I firmly believe that pigeons can help humans in a lot of other ways because of their unique features which have yet not been explored for ages and it’s possible only if scientists and researchers would work in collaboration for in-depth analysis of pigeons as an amazing species.

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Essay On Pigeon In English and For Class 6

Essay on pigeon in english.

Pigeons, belonging to the Columbidae family, encompass a wide variety of 308 bird species under the order Columbiformes. Globally dispersed, these birds find their richest diversity in regions like Indonesia and Australia. Commonly, the term “pigeon” is interchangeably used with “dove,” especially in urban contexts where these birds are frequent visitors. The domestication of pigeons traces back to ancient civilizations, notably the Egyptians and Sumerians around 3000 BC, heralding a profound relationship between humans and these avian creatures.

Historically, pigeons have been revered, often considered sacred messengers by civilizations such as the Egyptians, who would mummify them for spiritual purposes. This reverence facilitated the spread of pigeon domestication, reaching the Greeks and Romans who furthered the breeding and diversification of pigeon breeds. Today, this legacy continues with a myriad of pigeon breeds, each with distinct characteristics.

Pigeons exhibit a remarkable range of physical and behavioral traits. Notably, they possess a unique ability to recognize all 26 letters of the alphabet, demonstrating their intelligence. Their vision is equally impressive, with the capability to perceive color and ultraviolet light, extending beyond the visual capacity of humans. Moreover, pigeons have an extraordinary navigational skill set, utilizing the Earth’s magnetic field and seismic waves to find their way home, a feat that fascinates scientists and bird enthusiasts alike.

The life expectancy of pigeons varies significantly, influenced by factors such as human interaction and natural predators, with falcons being their most formidable foes. Despite these challenges, pigeons have adapted to various environments, showcasing their resilience and versatility.

Pigeons have not only adapted to the natural world but have also played significant roles in human history. Their homing ability, for instance, was instrumental during the world wars, saving thousands of lives by delivering messages across enemy lines. Such historical significance underscores the pigeon’s enduring impact on human society.

The pigeon’s scientific nomenclature, Columba Livia Domestica, hints at their domestication history. Despite their global presence, pigeons thrive in harmony with humans, often found in urban settings as well as rural areas. Their diet predominantly consists of grains and fruits, reflecting their vegetarian tendencies.

In terms of social behavior, pigeons exhibit a strong preference for communal living, often seen in flocks. They possess remarkable memory and navigational skills, enabling them to return to their nests over great distances. This ability, coupled with their calm demeanor, makes pigeons a familiar and welcomed presence in human environments.

The reproductive cycle of pigeons is another area of interest, with females typically laying two eggs per cycle. Pigeons reach maturity quickly, allowing for rapid population growth under favorable conditions. This aspect, combined with their intelligence and the ability to recognize human faces, underscores the complexity and adaptability of these birds.

In conclusion, pigeons are more than just urban dwellers or subjects of historical anecdotes. They are creatures of great intelligence, adaptability, and significance, both in the natural world and in their interactions with humans. As populations fluctuate due to various factors, it becomes imperative to appreciate and protect these birds, ensuring they continue to thrive alongside humanity. Pigeons, with their gentle nature and remarkable abilities, remain a fascinating subject of study and an enduring symbol of peace and resilience.

Essay On Pigeon In English For Class 6

Pigeons are fascinating birds that have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. These birds are part of the Columbidae family, which includes over 300 species found all around the world. Pigeons can adapt to various environments, which is why you can find them everywhere except in the coldest and driest places like the Sahara Desert, Antarctica, and the Arctic.

Pigeons have a rich history with humans, dating back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians over 5,000 years ago. These people held pigeons in high regard, considering them sacred and using them as messengers. The practice of keeping and breeding pigeons spread from Egypt to other parts of the world, including ancient Greece and Rome. Over time, different pigeon breeds were developed, each with unique features.

One interesting fact about pigeons is their incredible ability to find their way home. They can fly up to 700 miles in a single day at speeds up to 77.6 mph. Pigeons have a keen sense of direction, thanks to their ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and use other cues like the sun and landmarks to navigate.

Pigeons are not only known for their navigation skills but also for their intelligence. They can recognize all 26 letters of the alphabet and have a remarkable memory. During the World Wars, pigeons saved thousands of lives by delivering important messages.

Despite their importance and intelligence, pigeons are often misunderstood. Some people see them as pests, mainly because of the mess they can make in urban areas. However, pigeons play a crucial role in our cities. They help control insect populations and are a source of food for predators like falcons.

Pigeons come in various colors, including white, gray, and brown. They prefer living in groups and can be found in both urban and rural areas. Their diet mainly consists of seeds, fruits, and plants. Pigeons are also known for their unique drinking method—they suck up water using their beaks like straws, unlike most birds.

Protecting pigeons and their habitats is essential for maintaining biodiversity and the balance of our ecosystems. As humans, we have a responsibility to ensure these remarkable birds can thrive in a safe and clean environment. By understanding and appreciating pigeons, we can foster a more harmonious relationship with these beautiful creatures that have been our companions for millennia.

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Pigeon English  - approx 30 hours of lessons

Pigeon English - approx 30 hours of lessons

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

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14 August 2019

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essay on pigeon in english for class 3

This scheme was planned for a low-ability class of year 10 students studying Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman for their GCSEs. Most students were working at level 3 with targets of 4 or 5.

Benefits to teachers:

  • Revision pack with key quotations, model paragraphs and essay planning sheets for practice questions.
  • Scheme focusses on the high-level concepts of motifs, religious imagery and the use of cyclical structure as a way of more easily developing lower-ability students’ responses to the higher levels.
  • Scheme also incorporates development of the skills needed to access Section B in the AQA Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 exams (creative writing and persuasive writing).
  • Focussed and integrated use of context - specifically Damilola Taylor’s death, the London riots, relgious imagery and the cycle of poverty.

Single lessons = 50 minutes. Double lessons = 100 minutes.

Edition used: ISBN 978-1-4088-6659-7 (2015 edition)

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Pigeon English

Stephen kelman.

essay on pigeon in english for class 3

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Character Analysis

Harrison Opoku (Harri) Quotes in Pigeon English

Home and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon

I live in Copenhagen House. My flat is on floor 9 out of 14. It's not even hutious. I can look from the window now and my belly doesn't even turn over.

I love going in the lift, it's brutal, especially when you're the only one in there. Then you could be a spirit or a spy. You even forget the pissy smell because you're going so fast.

It's proper windy at the bottom like a whirlpool. If you stand at the bottom where the tower meets the ground and put your arms out, you can pretend like you're a bird. You can feel the wind try to pick you up, it's nearly like flying.

Home and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon

The flowers on the coffin said Son and Forever. But it felt like Forever was already finished. It felt like somebody took it away when they killed the dead boy. It's not supposed to happen. Children aren't supposed to die, only old people. It even made me worried for if I was next. I spat out the rest of my Atomic Apple Hubba Bubba for if I swallowed it by mistake and my guts all got stuck together.

Language, Culture, and Norms Theme Icon

We're proper detectives now. It's a personal mission. The dead boy even told the rogues to leave me alone one time when they were hooting me for wearing ankle-freezers (that's when the legs of your trousers are too short). I didn't even ask him, he just helped me for no reason. Wanted him to be my friend after that but he got killed before it came true. That's why I have to help him now, he was my friend even if he didn't know about it. He was my first friend who got killed and it hurts too much to forget.

Altaf is very quiet. Nobody really knows him. You're not supposed to talk to Somalis because they're pirates. Everybody agrees. If you talk to them you might give away a clue to where you keep your treasure and the next

thing you know, your wife has been strangled alive and they're throwing you to the sharks. Me and Altaf don't have to go to RE. Mamma doesn't want me to hear about the false gods, she says it's a waste of time, and Altaf's mamma thinks the same thing.

Pluralism vs. Prejudice Theme Icon

Some rules I have learned from my new school:

No running on the stairs.

No singing in class.

Always put your hand up before you ask a question.

Don't swallow the gum or it will get stuck in your guts and you'll die.

Jumping in the puddle means you're a retard (I don't even agree with this one).

Going around the puddle means you're a girl.

The last one in close the door.

The first one to answer the question loves the teacher.

If a girl looks at you three times in a row it means she loves you.

If you look at her back you love her.

He who smelt it dealt it.

He who denied it supplied it.

He who sensed it dispensed it.

He who knew it blew it.

He who noted it floated it.

He who declared it aired it.

He who spoke it broke it.

He who exposed it composed it.

He who blamed it flamed it.

(All these are just for farts.)

If you look at the back of a mirror you'll see the devil.

Don't eat the soup. The dinner ladies pissed in it.

Don't lend Ross Kelly your pen. He picks his arse klinkers with it.

Keep to the left (everywhere). The right is out of bounds.

The library stairs are safe.

If he wears a pinky ring he's a gay (a pinky ring is a ring on your little finger).

If she wears a bracelet on her ankle she's a lesbian (shags it up with other ladies).

In football nobody used to pass to me. I thought it meant they hated me. Then I found out it's because I used the wrong command. Instead of saying pass to me you have to say man on. Apart from that the rules are the same as where I used to live. Vilis still doesn't pass to me but I don't care. Where he comes from (Latvia) they burn black people into tar and make roads out of them. Everybody agrees.

Auntie Sonia burned her fingers to get the fingerprints off. Now she has no fingerprints at all. It's so if the police catch her they can't send her away. Your fingerprints tell them who you are. If you have no fingerprints, you can't be

anybody. Then they don't know where you belong so they can't send you back. Then they have to let you stay.

Auntie Sonia hasn't even done anything bad. She's never killed anybody or stolen anything. She just likes to go to different places. She likes to see the different things there. Some of the countries won't let you in if you're black. You have to sneak in. When you're in you just act like everybody else. Auntie Sonia only does the same things as them. She goes to work and shopping. She eats her dinner and goes to the park.

I just wanted to get your attention, Harri, get you out of another mess. I'm trying to help you while I still can, I'm trying my best but there's only so much I can do from here […] Home will always find you if you walk true and taller than those weeds. You can be a tree, you can be as big as you want to be.

In England nobody helps you if you fall over. They can't tell if you're serious or if it's just a trick. It's too hard to know what's real.

Kids vs Teachers

Northwell Manor High vs Leabridge High

Dell Farm Crew vs Lewsey Hill Crew

Emos vs Sunshine

Turkey vs Russia

Arsenal vs Chelsea

Black vs White

Police vs Kids

God vs Allah

Chicken Joe's vs KFC

Cats vs Dogs

Aliens vs Predators

Signs of guilt include:

Ants in your pant

Talking too fast

Always looking around you like you've lost something

Smoking too much

Crying too much

Biting your fingers

Sudden bouts of violence

Uncontrolled gas (farting a lot)

Religious hysteria

I wonder what Heaven is really like. Is it different for kids than for grown-ups. Like would there still be somebody there telling him to come in

from playing football when it got too dark. The dead boy could do the most tricks, he could flick the ball up with his heel and keep it up for donkey hours with both feet. He always aimed his shots for the corners like you're supposed

to and he was even good at heading. He was good at everything. I wonder if there's dogs like Asbo who steal your ball. That would be funny. I hope in Heaven the animals can all talk, then they can tell you when they're happy so

you don't have to guess. You can usually tell from the eyes but it only works on bigger animals, not pigeons or flies. Their eyes only look sad.

If Agnes dies I'll just swap places with her. She can have my life. I'll give it to her and I'll die instead. I wouldn't mind because I've already lived for a long time. Agnes has only lived for one year and some. I hope God lets me. I don't

mind going to Heaven early. If he wants me to swap places, I will. I just hope I can try Haribo Horror Mix first (they're my favourite of all the Haribo styles. The sweets are all crazy shapes, like bats and spiders and ghosts. Mamma says it's against God but she just worries too much).

I love it when you get a good surprise. Like the cement being there just waiting for us to write in it or like when you think somebody will be rubbish at something and then you find out they're actually brilliant at it. It was the same with Manik: nobody suspected him to be such a good goalie because he's so fat, but actually Manik's a brilliant goalie. It's impossible to score against him. Nothing ever gets past him […] I didn't think Dean would be such a good climber because he has orange hair. I just didn't suspect it. But actually he's a brilliant climber.

Fingerprints are just for feeling with and to help you hold onto things when they're wet. They don't really mean anything. If you didn't have fingerprints you could be anyone you wanted.

I ran fast. I ran down the hill and through the tunnel. I shouted:

Me: 'Poppy I love you!'

It made a mighty echo. Nobody else heard it.

I ran past the real church. I ran past the cross.

I ran past the Jubilee.

I ran past the CCTV camera. I let it snap me for luck.

I ran past the other pigeons. I pretended they called hello to me.

Me: 'Pigeons I love you!'

It didn't even feel stupid, it felt brilliant. I ran past the playground and the dead climbing frame. I was running superfast. I was going faster than I've ever gone, my feet were just a blur. Nobody could ever catch me, I was going

to break the world record.

Pigeon: 'Don't worry, you'll be going home soon. When it's time to go I'll show you the way.'

Me: 'Can't I stay here?'

Pigeon: 'It's not up to me. You've been called home.'

Me: 'It hurts. Do you work for God?'

Pigeon: 'I'm sorry if it hurts. It won't be long now.'

Me: 'I like your feet. They're nice and scratchy. I like all your colours.'

Pigeon: 'Thank you. I like you too, I always did. There's nothing to be scared of.'

You could see the blood. It was darker than you thought. It just felt too crazy, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I just wanted to remember, if I could remember it would be alright. Agnes's tiny fat fingers and face. I couldn't see it anymore. All babies look the same.

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Pigeon English

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Discussion Questions

How does Kelman use language and dialect to convey the novel’s themes of assimilation and experience?

How is religion portrayed in the text? How do the interjections made by Harri’s Pigeon connect to the idea of religion and divinity?

Discuss the seemingly inherent disparity in the narrative from having a child narrating a story that touches on “adult” issues.

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Pigeon English

By stephen kelman, pigeon english summary and analysis of march.

Harri, an eleven-year-old Ghanaian immigrant, observes a teenage boy's murder scene outside Chicken Joe's, a fast-food restaurant. Harri and his friend Jason describe the scene, not understanding the gravity of the boy's death. Though Harri does not know the murder victim personally and cannot fully grasp mortality, the boy's death impacts him severely.

Harri lives with his mother and sister, Lydia , while his father and baby sister, Agnes, remain in Ghana until they can save enough money to immigrate to London. While talking to his father on the phone, Harri relates how a pigeon flew into the apartment. Harri feels a special connection with the bird and studies it so he can recognize it in the future. He believes the bird is so special he doesn't wash his hands after handling it, because it "doesn't have any germs."

Harri, Lydia, and Harri's mother visit the outdoor market to go grocery shopping and buy a "pigeon net." Though the market is freezing compared to markets in his native Ghana, Harri is excited by the variety of candy and toys he can see. Harri prays his mother does not find a pigeon net, as Harri wants to domesticate the pigeon. While at the market, Harri watches Dizzy, X-Fire, and Jordan steal a woman's phone but doesn't say anything because his mother will refuse to let him play with Jordan if she knows he is a criminal. Harri remarks that Jordan gets "cigarettes or one week of freedom where they don't try to kill him" as payment for helping X-Fire and Dizzy steal.

While his mother and Lydia sleep, Harri attempts to entice the pigeon back to his apartment. While waiting for the pigeon, Harri sees a man remove a knife from a hiding spot under a trash can and run away toward the river. Harri focuses on the man's odd way of running, betting he is "faster than him." The narrative then briefly switches to the pigeon's perspective, rendered in italics. The pigeon pities human beings and observes that the dead boy "was not his," confirming that Harri and the pigeon have a special connection.

Lydia's friends, Miquita and Chanelle, come to the apartment to watch Hollyoaks, a British soap opera. Miquita sexually harasses Harri, sitting on his hand and promising to kiss him, though he does not want her to. Miquita refuses to go to the dead boy's funeral because it was "his own fault" he got killed. Harri does not understand that the dead boy was a gang member and argues that murderers killed him to steal his fast food. At the dead boy's funeral, Harri sneaks off with Dean to observe the crowd for "suspicious activity" because Dean believes "the killer comes back to watch the funeral," like in a crime drama. After Dean and Harry shake the guests' hands, a boy called Killa rides by on his bike and falls off, nearly being hit by the funeral procession.

At school, members of the Dell Farm Crew pretend to stab Harri. The boys claim to have stabbed and shanked people and speak authoritatively about how to do it. Harri does not understand if they are playing or are actually murderers. Later, X-Fire, leader of The Dell Farm Crew, steals Harri's backpack and offers Harri a job with the crew. Harri, confused, says he doesn't need a job. X-Fire returns Harri's bag, advising him to tell the gang if anyone gives him trouble.

Harri's Aunt Sonia, a well-traveled woman, visits London, though she plans to leave England soon. Harri's mother explains that a pregnant woman called her a racial slur while at work and requested a different midwife. Harri visits his friend, Jordan, who was expelled for kicking a teacher. Then, Harri and Dean search the river for the murder weapon, pretending to be detectives.

Harri narrates Pigeon English using the first-person perspective. The text simulates a child's voice, using incorrect words, disjointed sentences, and seemingly random observations, making moments of violence and cruelty more impactful through contrast. The text renders dialogue between characters in script format: the speaking character's name, followed by a colon, and then their dialogue. When Harri relates anecdotes about his classmates, such as Connor Green and Kofi Allotey, he does not give any context. Like many young children, Harri innocently assumes people relevant to his life are universally known. By mimicking a child's storytelling style, the text poignantly investigates how violence impacts children emotionally and psychologically.

The text also uses illustrations, like the "No Climbing" and "Turn it off" signs outside of Harri's school and the sign by the river warning that the watercress is "unfit for human consumption." By visually representing these signs, the text adds another layer to the theme of pidgin language and culture. These signs visually convey meaning to Harri in a way spoken language cannot, contributing to his "pidgin" understanding of London.

Harri and Jordan refer to the murdered teenager simply as "the dead boy." This epithet is doubly significant. First, Harri and Jordan never learn the boy's name, demonstrating that the boy's identity is irrelevant to their day-to-day life, though Harri becomes obsessed with solving the murder and considers the dead boy his "friend even if he didn't know about it." Secondly, the boy's anonymity, and Harri's casual reaction to seeing his body, suggest that Harri lives in an environment desensitized to crime, violence, and death, which he does not fully understand.

Harri speaks a combination of British slang ("proper, "dope-fine"), Ghanaian vocabulary ("Asweh," "hutious"), and mispronunciations and errors typical of young children ("most deadliest"). Harri's complicated lexicon demonstrates the theme of pidgin. Harri combines different parts of his identity to make sense of and navigate his new environment. Though Harri is innocent and does not yet feel elements of his identity in conflict, his "pidgin" leads to misunderstandings. To make himself understood, Harri uses frequent similes and comparisons to describe his world. For example, his mother and Lydia snore "like crazy pigs," the apartments look like "a hell of snakes," and the mentally unwell people "look just like real people."

Harri describes criminals in his neighborhood, like Terry Takeaway , as more annoying than sinister. Harri does not recognize danger and often exaggerates his abilities and position in life. For example, he claims to own multiple cars when in actuality, his neighbors have four cars he likes. Harri uses hyperbole, describing "a million dogs" and the police's "acid spray" that "only makes people go blind but it kills dogs in five seconds." He believes wild stories, such as "Fag Ash Lil killed her husband and ate him in a pie," and the river "is acid, if you fell in all your skin would burn off." Harri's skewed understanding of himself and his neighbors indicates that he is an unreliable narrator who does not notice or understand information relevant to the murder.

Harri incorporates death and violence into his creative play. For example, during recess, Harri likes to play "suicide bomber or zombies." In his art class, Harri tries to replicate the color of the dead boy's blood. Though Harri doesn't fully understand the boy's murder, he fixates on it.

Harri experiences racism and discrimination without realizing it. For example, a classmate named Vilis ran away from Harri, claiming that African people's germs are "the most deadliest." Harri also prefers female police officers because "they just talk to you instead of hitting you all the time." This understatement suggests that Harri has experienced or witnessed police brutality frequently enough that he considers it commonplace and annoying rather than a significant abuse of power. Similarly, Harri's family tries to hide the reality of discrimination and crime from him. For example, when Harri's mother speaks to Aunt Sonia about being called a racial slur at work, she lies to Harri, making up an alternate, child-appropriate definition for the slur, saying it is a reference to new nurses.

Harri's developing relationship with faith and religion informs his worldview. He attributes his successes to his prayers, crediting himself for ensuring the plane from Cairo to England did not crash and preventing his mother from finding a pigeon net at the market. Harri's religion is superficial and rules-based, though the rules he identifies are slightly strange. For example, he believes "you only get to be righteous if you can sing every church song without looking at the words" and babies who die get to grow up in heaven.

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Pigeon English Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Pigeon English is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

How does Kelman present ideas of control and power in Pigeon English?

All of the characters are forced to uphold the masculine traits like power and control or toughness and ruthlessness in order to protect themselves. This culture of violence means that life is treated as disposable and death is ever-present.

how does the writer present the struggles of childhood in pigeon english

The setting of this British town is quite a dangerous place, especially for the children. As readers learn almost from the outset, a boy from Harrison's school was murdered and left for dead in the street recently. Harrison learns firsthand how...

How does Stephan Kelman present Harri as a vulnerable character in the novel

Being from Ghana and still a child, Hari is vulnerable to the world of a child near teen as well as the world of a visible immigrant. The protagonist/narrator is an eleven-year-old schoolboy newly arrived in London from Ghana. He is a good kid...

Study Guide for Pigeon English

Pigeon English study guide contains a biography of Stephen Kelman, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Pigeon English
  • Pigeon English Summary
  • Character List

Lesson Plan for Pigeon English

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Introduction to Pigeon English
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Pigeon English Bibliography

essay on pigeon in english for class 3


  1. 10 Lines Essay on Pigeon in English

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  2. Essay on Pigeon in English for class 1, 2 and 3

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  3. 10 Lines On Pigeon 🐦| Essay On Pigeon In English

    essay on pigeon in english for class 3

  4. Pigeon Essay

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  5. 10 Lines on Pigeon

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  6. Short Essay on Pigeon [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    essay on pigeon in english for class 3


  1. Pigeon Essay for Students in English

    Learn about Pigeon Essay Topic of English in detail explained by subject experts on Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts. ... CBSE class 3. CBSE class 4. CBSE class 5. CBSE class 6. CBSE class 7. CBSE class 8. CBSE class 9. CBSE class 10. CBSE class 11. CBSE class 12. NCERT. CBSE Study Material.

  2. Short Essay on Pigeon [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Pigeon in 100 Words. The pigeon is a small bird that belongs to the family Columbidae. There are about 344 different species of pigeons. They are found all over the world, except in the Sahara desert and the Arctic as well as Antarctic regions. The smaller varieties are usually called doves while the larger ones are called pigeons.

  3. Short Essay on Pigeon in English for Students and Children

    300 word essay on Pigeon. The pigeon is a beautiful bird which is commonly found as a pet bird in the world. In other words, they are domestic birds. Pigeon is of many kinds and colors. It is found in almost every country of the world. Some are white, some are brown, and some are multi-colored with their beautiful fan-tail.

  4. Pigeon Essay

    10 Lines on Pigeon Essay in English. Some lesser-known facts about pigeons are related to their heart rate, wings and instances of their utility. It is fascinating to know that a pigeon has a heart rate of beating 600 times in a minute. The wings of a pigeon move 10 times in a second while flying. Pigeons fly quite high up to 5000 or more feet.

  5. 10 lines on Pigeon in English

    Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Pigeon. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Pigeon in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

  6. 10 Lines Essay on Pigeon in English

    10 Lines Essay on Pigeon in English. Find here ten easy points on Pigeon for Children and Students of all Classes. These few lines and sentences on Pigeon ar...

  7. 10 Lines on Pigeon for Children and Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    10 Lines on Pigeon. 1) The pigeon is a bird that can be found in every habitat in the world. 2) Lifespan of average Pigeon is around 15 years. 3) Pigeons lay 1 to 3 eggs which are white colour. 4) Pigeons are herbivorous in nature and their diet includes seeds, fruits and plants. 5) Fat body, small neck, and short thin beak are the body ...

  8. Essay On Pigeon In English and For Class 6

    Essay On Pigeon In English For Class 6. Pigeons are fascinating birds that have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. These birds are part of the Columbidae family, which includes over 300 species found all around the world. Pigeons can adapt to various environments, which is why you can find them everywhere except in the coldest and ...

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    A pigeon walks past indifferently. Harri was "half friends" with the dead boy, who was older and went to a different school. Harri lives on the ninth floor of Copenhagen House, one of three fourteen-story tower blocks. Harri talks to Papa on the phone and tells him that a pigeon flew into their house.

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    The title, " Pigeon English ," is a play on pidgin English, a dialect of English developed when non-native English speakers create a common form of communication. Harri develops a "pidgin" understanding of his world over the course of the narrative as he learns social rules, British culture, and new ideas. Harri often confuses and synthesizes ...

  11. Pigeon English Essay Questions

    The pigeon's existence and agency give the reader hope that Harri and other children whose lives are cut short find comfort and rest. 3. Explain the double meaning of "Pigeon English." Pidgin English is a linguistic term that describes a form of communication used by people who do not speak the same language.

  12. Pigeon English Revision Toolkit

    Pigeon English Revision Toolkit 2. 'I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.' e e cummings 3. 'I was the dead boy. X-Fire was teaching us about chooking.' 4. 'Violence always comes too easy to you.' 5. 'Papa's voice was smiling.' '..her laughing was like a wave in the sea, when

  13. Pigeon English Summary

    Pigeon English, set in London, follows the story of Harri Opoku, an eleven-year-old immigrant from Ghana who lives in a crime-ridden council estate (council estates are the equivalent of public housing in the U.S.).The text integrates commentary from the perspective of Harri's "special pigeon," a semi-omniscient narrator who takes on a role similar to a guardian angel.

  14. Pigeon English Themes

    Masculinity, Violence, and Death. Pigeon English is a coming-of-age novel, but it also specifically deals with the challenges of being a boy—and particularly a young black boy living in a tough, violent community. Although Harri does not have a personal inclination toward violence, throughout the novel he faces pressure from the Dell Farm ...

  15. Pigeon English Study Guide

    Pigeon English has been compared to Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (2003), which is also based on the framework of the detective novel and recreates the unique voice of an adolescent boy (in this case, an autistic teenager). Like Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), Emma Donaghue's Room (2010), and Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner (2004), Pigeon ...

  16. Pigeon English Summary and Study Guide

    Stephen Kelman's 2011 debut novel, Pigeon English, recounts eleven-year-old Harrison (Harri) Opoku's move with his mother and older sister from Ghana to England, where they go to live in a working-class apartment complex in a London estate, a tough environment plagued by crime and violence.A coming-of-age narrative that explores the binary of innocence and experience, Harri's narrative ...

  17. Pigeons Symbol in Pigeon English

    As is indicated by the title, pigeons are the most important symbol in the novel, representing freedom from oppression and prejudice. Part of the reason why pigeons are so significant is because of the parallels the novel establishes between pigeons and people, and especially immigrants like Harri.One of the connections between the two groups is the theme of flight, with a parallel drawn ...

  18. Pigeon English

    This scheme was planned for a low-ability class of year 10 students studying Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman for their GCSEs. Most students were working at level 3 with targets of 4 or 5. Benefits to teachers: Revision pack with key quotations, model paragraphs and essay planning sheets for practice questions.

  19. Pigeon English Quotes and Analysis

    The Pigeon, March. In this quotation, Harri's "special pigeon" observes the aftermath and impact of a child's death. The pigeon remarks that the dead boy "wasn't mine," indicating that, by contrast, Harri's belief that he and the pigeon share a special connection is true. The pigeon compares a mother's grief to blackberries that grow on the ...

  20. Harrison Opoku (Harri) Character Analysis in Pigeon English

    Harrison Opoku, nicknamed "Harri," is the protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is eleven years old, in Year 7 at school, and has recently moved to London from Accra, Ghana. He is curious, good-natured, and innocent, although at times finds it difficult to maintain this innocence in the face of pervasive peer pressure, crime, and violence.

  21. Pigeon English Lesson Plan

    The Pigeon English lesson plan is designed to help teachers and educators plan classroom activities and instruction. ... 11012 literature essays, 2780 sample college application essays, 926 lesson plans, ... Have them bring these sources to class the next day, either printed out or saved to a flash drive or tablet. ...

  22. Pigeon English Essay Topics

    1. How does Kelman use language and dialect to convey the novel's themes of assimilation and experience? 2. How is religion portrayed in the text? How do the interjections made by Harri's Pigeon connect to the idea of religion and divinity? 3. Discuss the seemingly inherent disparity in the narrative from having a child narrating a story ...

  23. Pigeon English March Summary and Analysis

    Pigeon English Summary and Analysis of March. Summary. Harri, an eleven-year-old Ghanaian immigrant, observes a teenage boy's murder scene outside Chicken Joe's, a fast-food restaurant. Harri and his friend Jason describe the scene, not understanding the gravity of the boy's death. Though Harri does not know the murder victim personally and ...