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Dietetics degree personal statement example (1a)

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

I am applying for this course because I am very interested in becoming a dietitian. I have been interested in this career for a number of years. I enjoy chemistry and food related subjects and I am interested in working for the health service. As well as this I am intrigued about how the body works and the influencer nutrition has on this. My A-level in biology covers briefly the variations in dietary requirements as the life cycle takes place. I have enjoyed this subject and would like to study it in more depth. I have completed 1 week shadowing the dietitian's at *******. I enjoyed every minute of it and I particularly enjoyed the dietitian's clinics. The clinic's allowed the dietitian to have one to one contact with the patient. This seems the most effective way to change a patient's behaviour. The majority of patients I came into contact with had some form of diabetes, but I also saw anorexia and obesity. The skills used during these appointments were fascinating. I often saw a cycle of a dietitian who managed to persuade patients who were not thinking about change to change some parts of their diets. These skills are essential in this career and are preliminary taught through the degree and improved in practice. This week was also helpful as it helped me confirm my career choice and therefore my university options.

My A-level subjects are very relevant to this course. The course is split into 2 main areas, academic and clinical work. In the first year the course covers a lot of biochemistry, and I believe my a-levels in biology and chemistry will help me here. The course will also contain numerous calculations especially in working out specific requirements. My mathematics knowledge will help me here. There will be many parts which are new to me and these include behavioural sciences such as psychology and sociology. Modules in professional studies will also be new to me although my work experiences has enabled me to observe some of these skills in practice.

My main career aim upon successful completion of the course is to practise as a dietitian in the UK, for the NHS. I then hope to achieve senior status.

As a person I view myself as organised committed and friendly. I think these are all qualities which will help me in the dietetic world. I am organised because I complete all my college assignments on time, and to a high standard. I like to organise my days in advance so tasks get completed on time, and free time is used effectively. I believe I am committed to my studies. I chose to attend a college with a higher profile than my local college event though this resulted in 90 minutes of travelling per day. I feel I am friendly, and can mix with other people in unfamiliar situations. This is important as communication skills are vital in a dietetic career.

In my spare time I enjoy voluntary work, leisure activities and part time work. I am currently a young Guide leader for my local Guide group. This has enabled me to work towards the Guide Association's leadership qualification. On completion I will, be qualified to be an assistant Guide Leader. The qualification aims at developing skills required in order to run a unit and also develops teamwork and leadership skills. For leisure I am a member of my local gym. This is primarily to improve fitness but it also builds self confidence and I meet new people. I am currently employed at my local Primark store as a till operator. The job has enabled me to develop customer service skills, which will be important in my future career.

As well as these activities I like to take part in my college's enrichment programme. I have participated in IT enrichment and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. The IT enrichment have provided me with OCR qualification in text production up to level 3. I am continuing with these classes in order to obtain the Diploma in Text Production. I am currently working towards Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, and have completed the expedition and residential aspects of this award. For my residential I took part in an International Guide and Scout camp, where I was a staff member working on the catering team. Both exploration and residential helped me incorporate team work but in different scenarios.

University Offers

All course applied for include state registration as a dietitian.

  • Queen Margaret University Edinburgh - 180 Points from at least 2 A-levels, including 2 sciences. (Accepted this offer even though i was predicted AAA)
  • University Wales Institute Cardiff - 260 Points from 3 A-levels including Biology and Chemistry
  • Leeds Metropolitan University - CCD Including chemistry and one other science
  • Glasgow Caledonian University - Not sure (conditional offer)
  • Surrey University - BBB: include 2 sciences preferably chemistry and biology.
  • Nottingham University - Rejected after interview for Msc Nutrition with state registration as a dietitian, accepted for Bsc Nutrition. BCC: Including chemistry and one other science.
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dietitian personal statement sample

The Future RD

College advice | di help | rd stories, how to write the best personal statement for a dietetic internship.

dietitian personal statement sample

Happy Tuesday y’all! Today’s post comes as many of you are completing your final edits on your dietetic internship applications and personal statements. (Keep on keeping on y’all; you’re doing fantastic!) Today’s post is not on what you should cover in your personal statement, like many other creators in the field have done an amazing job sharing through blog posts or filmed videos. Instead, this article discusses one specific point: how to personalize your personal statement for a dietetic internship.

In my opinion, a key way to set yourself apart is by showing that you fit perfectly with the internship. This is what today’s post explains in three simple steps.

1. Do Your Research on Dietetic Internships

In order to personalize your personal statement for a dietetic internship, you have to know what it’s about. Just like applying for a job, it’s important to research the school and its program. Think about:

  • What are the program’s values?
  • Where will you earn rotation hours?
  • What does the internship emphasize through its concentration?
  • Does the program ask you to move to another area or will you work near the school the whole time?
  • And how competitive is the program?

Answering questions like these will help you evaluate whether you’re interested in applying before you put all your time and effort into it! Here are a couple of great places to look for information.

School website

The school’s website will probably be the best source of easily accessible information on an internship. A dietetic internship’s website will explain at the very least, what you need to apply, where the program is located, what the program timeline is, and what the concentration is in. Sometimes a website will also include a dietetic intern handbook, possible rotation sites, and intern-created content such as videos, example assignments, or testimonies.

People connected to the school

If the school’s website doesn’t explain everything you’re looking for, consider talking to people connected to the dietetic internship! This could be the program director or former interns, for example. Open houses, both in-person and online, are also a fantastic way to get a more in-depth understanding of an internship. If you aren’t able to attend an in-person meeting or would like to show some initiative, consider reaching out via email to someone. They can help answer questions you couldn’t find answers to anywhere else.

Sometimes, either the dietetic internship or interns will post YouTube videos related to the program. Although these are less common, it never hurts to do a quick search, as the ones that I’ve found are always highly informative.

Last but not least, consider searching my site for dietetic internships ! I write articles that do all the legwork for you and summarize everything I can find into one amazing article. Although the number of internships I’ve researched is low now, I’m always adding more to the collection. If there is one that you’d like to see on the site, leave a comment on this post and I’ll let you know!

2. Consider What You Appreciate

So you’ve done your research and know all you can about the dietetic internships you’ve chosen. The next step is to review everything you’ve learned and consider what is meaningful to you. If you’re set on working in a certain setting or specialization, maybe it’s that the program has a concentration in that. Maybe the program has an elective rotation that would empower you to craft your own journey. Maybe the program emphasizes resumes when looking at applications and yours looks terrific! Your situation and connection to each school will be unique to you and only you can decide what you like.

I want to add that while price or location might be something that’s important to you, you should be able to bring to light other reasons that you appreciate a dietetic internship. These will enable you to connect more powerfully with the internship.

3. Connect the Dots

Now that you know the programs and what you value in them, it’s time to apply that to each personal statement for a dietetic internship. As you write, ask yourself: “What can I reveal about myself that shows I am an incredible pick for this internship?”

When I applied to dietetic internships, my top pick was Montana State University (MSU) (I wrote about their dietetic internship , which led me to apply and eventually be accepted!)

Here’s a personal example from my statement that I tailored to MSU:

After completing my undergraduate degree, I’ll complete the dietetic internship at MSU, become a registered dietitian, and earn a master’s in nutrition science. Although my undergraduate degree and the internship will provide a great foundation for my career, I look forward to the deeper study that will come through the graduate degree in topics like obesity and food innovation and entrepreneurship.

I like that I tied what I had learned from my sources into my future plans. Because I knew I would be applying to the MS/DI program (meaning I would complete the dietetic internship with a master’s degree), I researched the degree and incorporated some of the topics here in this section and throughout my personal statement.

Some advice you might have heard elsewhere about writing your personal statement is sharing a weakness of yours. Some internships even require it as part of your essay! Here’s how I approached that for MSU:

One weakness in my application is that I don’t have much experience with sustainable food systems. But I’m applying to MSU because I believe that understanding this area of nutrition will be vital in the future. The world’s resources are dwindling, and consumers are starting to examine their foods’ impact on the environment. As a dietitian, I’ll need to identify sustainable foods, so I can share with clients in my future private practice. Even before I start my private practice, I’d personally appreciate knowing more about this area so I can apply what I’ve learned to my life.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing to not know much about your program’s concentration. MSU’s dietetic internship has a concentration in Sustainable Food Systems, which means learning about how to evolve the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed to support the health of people and the planet. Although people might choose a dietetic internship for its concentration because they want to go into it, I had no prior experience with this concentration. Instead, I chose it because it was so unique. (Also notice how I shared why this part of the program was important to me and my future.)

To personalize your personal statement for dietetic internships, you need to remember these three things:

  • Do your research
  • Decide what matters
  • Connect the dots

I hope this article left you feeling more empowered to push through the last of your applications. Good luck to you all! Be sure to celebrate all the amazing work you’ve put into not just your application but improving yourself.

Are you applying to dietetic internships? What sources have you used?

Until next time, Emmalee

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Writing Compelling Dietetic Internship Personal Statement

Table of Contents

Applying for a dietetic internship is a rigorous process and requires submitting a personal statement, which is an essential part of your application.

It can be daunting to craft a statement, mainly when you are limited in words. There’s so much you would like to say about yourself. However, with the proper preparation, guidance, and focus on the content, you can create an excellent personal statement.

This will make your candidacy stand out from the rest. Read on to draft your dietetic internship personal statement .

What Should Be Included in the Dietetic Personal Statement?

When crafting your dietetic personal statement, it is crucial to think strategically about what should be included. Your goal should be to convey why you are passionate about nutrition and dietetics .

Add the skills and experiences that make you stand out as a strong candidate. You should also provide examples of how you have taken the initiative in your nutrition-related studies or work.

Add unique perspectives or experiences demonstrating why you are the right person for the internship.

How to Write a Dietetic Internship Personal Statement

silver fork and knife on plate

Start With a Strong Introduction

Your statement should begin with an introductory paragraph that captures the reader’s attention. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm for dietetics.

Please explain why you are passionate about pursuing it. It can be helpful to start by explaining what inspired you to pursue this career path and how it fits your overall goals. Remember that this statement isn’t just about what you have done but should focus on why you are excited to pursue a dietetic internship. State how it will help you reach your goals.

Highlight Your Relevant Experiences

Your personal statement should also include information about your past experiences demonstrating why you are the best candidate for the position. This could be anything from volunteering at nutrition education programs to internships in healthcare or research settings.

Be sure to provide specific details about these experiences, such as what role you played or any accomplishments or challenges you overcame. Include examples of tangible outcomes gained from these experiences (e.g., increased knowledge of nutrition science) that can highlight your skills and qualifications.

Explain Why This Particular Dietetic Internship

Your statement should also explain why you are interested in this dietetic internship. Please provide details about what sets this program apart from other opportunities and how it fits into your long-term goals. It can be helpful to mention the experiences or skills they will gain from joining that program.

Also, include the mentors and resources available to them there. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that you have done your research. Add that you understand why this specific dietetic internship benefits those pursuing a career in nutrition.

Finish Strong With a Conclusion

Your personal statement should end on a solid note by summarizing your qualifications and emphasizing why you are passionate about nutrition and dietetics. Reiterate how the dietetic internship you are applying for perfectly fits your skills and long-term goals.

You can also include information about how the program will help you grow as a professional and prepare for a successful career in nutrition. A well-crafted conclusion can leave an excellent impression on those who review your application, so make it as impactful as possible!

Dietetic Internship Personal Statement Examples

Your dietetic internship personal statement should include the specifics of the program you are applying for. Here are examples of a strong opening introduction:

“I am passionate about making a difference in people’s lives through nutrition and dietetics. This is why I am excited to pursue this opportunity with your program. My lifelong interest in nutrition, combined with my experience at nutritional research laboratories, has prepared me. I can take on the challenges of becoming a successful dietitian. I look forward to learning from your world-renowned faculty as well as gaining valuable hands-on experience as part of this unique dietetic internship.”

“I am eager to join your dietetic internship program and use my knowledge and experience to help people achieve healthier lifestyles. My fascination with nutrition began at a young age, which led me on the path of food science and eventually dietetics. I have developed strong research skills through various internships in healthcare settings as well as extensive coursework in nutrition sciences. Your program offers an ideal environment for me to gain hands-on experience while also learning from world-renowned faculty members. I am confident that this invaluable opportunity will set me up for a successful career in nutrition.”

Final Thoughts

As you work on crafting your dietetic internship personal statement, remember that it should provide insight. It should be why you are passionate about this field and demonstrate why you are the person for the position . With careful thought and preparation, you can create a striking statement that will make your candidacy stand out from the rest! Good luck with your application!

Writing Compelling Dietetic Internship Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write a Goal Statement (with Examples)

Sudarshan Somanathan

Head of Content

September 1, 2024

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If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

Knock, knock! Quickly checking in—what was the name of the business book you planned to start this weekend? Or the graduate school application you promised to write this month? Or that personal essay you wanted to publish on Medium?

If you’re struggling to recall, you’re not alone because constant distractions in our personal and professional life, like doomscrolling on social media platforms, can easily derail us from our goals and priorities.

Recent research found that employees who set goals are 14 times more likely to feel inspired at work. That’s not all. Writing goal statements also leads to a 90% boost in performance and persistence​.

This highlights the power of goal-setting, goal-tracking, and self-accountability in reaching your objectives. It also reinforces the age-old wisdom: reading, writing, and consistent reflection on our goals are key to building habits and staying on track. 

So, let’s dive directly into how you can construct effective goal statements and make those goals a reality. 🎯

The relevance of goal statements in personal and professional life

The importance of a career goal statement, the role of goal setting in crafting an effective goal statement, using the smart method to create goal statements, tips for writing a goal statement, implementation, effective business goal statements, effective personal goal statements, periodically tracking and updating your goal statement, learning from successful real-world examples, being flexible and adaptable with your goal statement.

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What Is a Goal Statement?

A goal statement is a concise outline of your goal or goals for the future, including your vision, mission, and values.

You can use a goal or mission statement for various purposes—like career objectives, personal development, and even long-term life planning. 

A professional goal statement not only outlines your career direction but also acts as a personal development blueprint. It breaks down the steps needed to achieve your strategic objectives, ensuring steady progress toward your aspirations. 

More importantly, it gives clarity and purpose to your actions, keeping you aligned with your future ambitions and enabling personal growth along the way. A strong goal statement points you in the right direction, but more than that, it gives you a clear path forward, whether you’re aiming for a promotion, switching careers, or picking up new skills. 

It acts as a roadmap, breaking down the steps you need to take while keeping you accountable along the way. A personal statement can consistently remind you of what you’re working toward and fuel your motivation to stay committed until you achieve your desired result.

The influential self-development expert, Brian Tracy, said in an interview :

I always say there are two things to be successful. The first is to decide exactly what you want–set your goals–and then determine how you will achieve them (what skills you will have to learn, what actions will you have to take). And these are totally under your control. These are not dependent upon anyone else.

Thus, goal statements prove to be invaluable in personal and professional life.

In your career, they help you with:

  • Clarity and focus: Goal statements help you prioritize key milestones for career growth and avoid irrelevant pursuits
  • Measurement and accountability: Goal statements enable you to track progress and maintain accountability
  • Company and team alignment: Goal statements ensure your personal goals align with your team’s and company’s vision

When it comes to your personal life, goal statements can help with:

  • Motivation: Goals can keep you motivated, especially when things get tough. They give you concrete timelines that make you feel more accountable and often more in control
  • Decision-making: Goals guide your decisions, making it easier to choose actions that lead to desired outcomes
  • Personal growth: Setting goals encourages you to keep improving and developing yourself. Most personal goal statements involve physical and mental betterment

Setting up an actionable objective is the first step in achieving success. 

According to research, employees in goal-oriented organizations are about 7 times more likely to feel proud of their workplace and just as likely to recommend it as a great place to work. 

Writing down your goals turns them into something tangible, making them easier to focus on and achieve. Here are some solid reasons as to why a goal statement is essential when it comes to your career:

  • Responsibility: Writing down your goal makes you accountable and gives you an extra push to stay true to it
  • Clarity and direction: A clear goal statement defines your path and the next actionable steps
  • Timeline and progress: Professional goals with timelines help you plan your actions and track progress
  • Motivation: Outlining your goals keeps you motivated by acting as a long-term to-do list

How to Write a Goal Statement 

Simply thinking about your goals isn’t enough to achieve them. To increase your chances of success, it’s important to write down your goal statements and, if you can, share your progress with people you trust.

Before you begin writing your first goal statement, understand that the key is to outline exactly what you want to accomplish, how you plan to do it, and what the timeline for it is.

Begin by clearly defining your goal, including what you want to achieve, the timeframe for completion, and the steps needed to reach it. 

Make sure your goal answers these essential questions:

What do you want to accomplish?

When do you want to accomplish it?

How will you make it happen?

A well-defined goal should provide clear direction, a realistic timeline, and a practical action plan.

Here’s how you can prioritize your goals and determine where to focus your energy when you’re setting a career objective. Start by asking yourself these key questions:

  • Values: What values do you want to uphold in your career? (Ensure your goals align with your core principles and ethics)
  • Your definition of success: How do you define success in the workplace? (Tailor your goals to match your personal vision of achievement)
  • Your financial goals: What are your financial aspirations? (Set goals that support your desired financial future)
  • Ideal work environment: What does an ideal work environment look like to you? (Create goals that foster a setting where you can thrive)
  • Educational advancement: What additional degrees or certifications could help you excel in your field? (Identify educational goals to enhance your expertise)
  • Work-life balance: How do you envision a healthy work-life balance? (Ensure your goals support a fulfilling life both inside and outside of work)
  • Leadership ambitions: Are you interested in pursuing leadership positions? (Guide your career goals toward roles that match your aspirations)
  • Strengths: What strengths do you bring to your work, and how can you leverage them? (Set goals that capitalize on your unique abilities)
  • Entrepreneurial ambitions: Do you aspire to start your own company in the future? (Align your current goals with your long-term entrepreneurial ambitions)
  • Seeking challenges: Are you keen on taking on more challenging roles in your workplace? (Set goals that push you toward growth and new opportunities)

To craft personal goal statements that foster your vision of personal enrichment, here are some guiding questions to consider:

  • What kind of lifestyle do you aspire to have? (Set goals that drive you toward fulfilling your dreams and ambitions)
  • What are your hobbies and interests, and how can you incorporate them into your life? (Align your personal goals with activities you genuinely love)
  • What kind of impact do you want to make on your community? (Direct your goals toward contributing to the greater good of society)
  • What steps can you take to improve your physical and mental health? (Ensure your goals keep you in prime condition)
  • What can you do to nurture and improve your relationships? (Set goals that deepen your family connections and personal relationships rather than detract from them)

Answering these questions will help you determine the ‘What’ aspect of your personal goal statement. Remember to keep your responses focused, clear, and direct. Here, ClickUp can support you with its array of features. Let’s explore them as we go along.

ClickUp Docs

ClickUp Docs

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all these questions, ClickUp Docs can help you organize your thoughts and draft clear goal statements.

Start by opening a new ClickUp Doc and jot down your goals. With ClickUp Docs, you can create detailed, customizable documents to outline your career path, set timelines, and align tasks with your objectives. 

ClickUp Docs

Once your draft is ready, you can share the document with trusted friends and mentors for feedback, so they can comment directly within the doc. This feature keeps everything organized and ensures your goals are clearly defined and actionable.

Next, let’s address the ‘How’ and ‘When’ by applying the SMART method. This step requires in-depth research into what’s needed to achieve your SMART goals by creating achievable and measurable objectives .

Using the SMART framework helps clarify your goals, track progress, ensure feasibility, and monitor achievement within a set timeframe.

Here’s how SMART goals are set:

  • Specific: Define your goal clearly and precisely
  • Measurable: Ensure your goal has quantifiable criteria for tracking progress
  • Achievable: Set a realistic goal that is attainable given your resources and constraints
  • Relevant: Align your goal with your broader objectives and values
  • Time-bound: Assign a deadline to create urgency and focus

💡 Example: If you’re aiming for a promotion that requires certifications, research the necessary courses, understand the time commitment, and plan your timeline accordingly. This approach ensures your goals are realistic and grounded in actionable steps.

It can be challenging to juggle all the elements of goal-setting while also creating realistic, relevant goals. That’s where ClickUp’s SMART Goals template comes in. 

ClickUp SMART Goals template

ClickUp's SMART Goals Template is designed to help you create and track goals for yourself or your team.

ClickUp’s SMART Goals template simplifies the process by helping you break down large objectives into manageable steps, track your progress, and stay motivated.

Here’s what ClickUp’s SMART Goals template offers:

  • Enables progress tracking and success measurement
  • Keeps you focused and motivated on long-term goals
  • Identifies and addresses potential roadblocks efficiently

In addition to the strategies mentioned, here are some extra tips to help you craft a strong personal or career goal statement:

Tips & tricks

Review it regularly: Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed to reflect progress and changes

Set a timeline: Create a timeline with milestones for both short-term and long-term goals to stay motivated and on track

Request feedback: Share your goals with trusted individuals for honest feedback on your timeline and goal achievement, increasing your accountability

⚡ Template Archive: Need more SMART goal templates that can help you define and achieve your goals efficiently? Check out our library of free SMART goal templates that are easy to use, adaptable, and seamless to track and update.

Writing your goal statements is just the beginning; implementing them is where the real work begins. Break down your career goals into smaller, actionable steps. 

💡 Example: If you aim to land a leadership role, start by taking on smaller team projects to build your management skills. Prioritize these steps and establish a timeline.

Track your progress regularly and adjust as needed. Share your goals with a mentor or colleague for accountability and feedback. Celebrate small victories, like completing a course or receiving positive feedback, to stay motivated.

A flexible system is essential for successful goal implementation, and ClickUp Goals can help you effortlessly track, edit, and adjust your goals.

ClickUp Goals

ClickUp Goals

ClickUp Goals is a powerful tool for creating, tracking, adjusting, and setting project goals or personal goals with ease. It offers flexible goal-setting with customizable targets, deadlines, and tracking methods tailored to fit your needs, making it easier to stay on track and achieve success.

You can break down larger goals into manageable milestones, ensuring steady progress. Visual tools like charts and progress bars help you monitor your progress, keeping you and your team motivated. 

ClickUp Goals

Collaboration is also enhanced by sharing goals with your team, aligning efforts, and exchanging valuable feedback. 

Additionally, ClickUp Goals ensures that individual goals align with broader company objectives by grouping them into folders. It also automatically updates progress based on task completion, keeping everything up to date.

Examples of Personal and Business Goal Statements

Now that we understand the theory behind writing effective career goal statements, let’s explore some practical short and long-goal examples to inspire your personal and business goals.

Business goal statements can be complex, as they require detailed planning to outline your career objectives and the steps to achieve them. Professional goal statements may range from ongoing tasks to a specific one-time project.

A well-defined business or professional goal statement serves as both—a motivation booster and a roadmap for your career. It also enhances your resume by highlighting your career direction, aspirations, and self-awareness to potential employers.

Examples of effective business goal statements

An effective professional goal statement is clear, specific, and measurable. It provides clarity on what you want to achieve, how you’ll achieve it, and by when you expect to attain it. 

Here’s an example: Increase market share in North America by 20% by the end of Q4 2025 through increased ad campaign spending and sales team training

This professional goal statement is precise and quantifiable and includes all key elements: the desired outcome, location, strategy, and timeline.

Other examples include:

  • Improve customer retention by 15% by Q2 2024 by enhancing product quality through a comprehensive competitive benchmarking exercise

This goal is focused and measurable, with a clear method for achieving the target.

  • Secure a promotion to Senior Vice President by the end of 2026 by exceeding targets and demonstrating strong managerial skills

This goal follows the SMART framework, outlining a clear path for career advancement.

For organizational goals, it’s crucial to have tools like ClickUp Goals or OKR Templates to track and monitor progress across the company, department, and team levels.

By crafting clear and actionable goal statements, you set yourself and your business up for success, ensuring every objective is aligned with a strategic plan and has a defined timeline for achievement. 

ClickUp Company OKRs and Goals template

ClickUp's Company OKRs and Goals Template is designed to help you focus on the most important goals for your company.

ClickUp’s Company OKRs and Goals template is a powerful tool for aligning your team with your company’s vision and values. 

It simplifies the process of setting and tracking objectives, standardizes performance measurement, and ensures that individual goals support your organization’s overall objectives. 

By maintaining alignment and cohesion, this template not only streamlines goal management but also boosts team morale and productivity.

Here’s what the ClickUp’s Company OKRs and Goals template offers:

  • Create and track objectives to maintain focus and direction
  • Identify and prioritize goals for maximum impact and efficient resource allocation
  • Ensure all team members are aligned around shared objectives, boosting collaboration and coherence
  • Monitor progress and measure performance concisely
  • Improve team motivation and morale by clearly defining and tracking success
  • Facilitate better communication and understanding across teams

⚡ Template Archive: Looking for more goal-setting templates to ensure you’re on the right track? Check out these free goal-setting and tracking templates that will level up your goal-setting strategy .

While we’ve focused on career goals, achieving them is near impossible without taking care of your personal well-being. 

Personal goals reflect who you are, what you want, and where you’re headed. Not only do they guide your journey, but they also make a strong impression on potential employers or educational institutions.

Balance your goals by focusing on areas such as relationships, physical health, spirituality, and personal growth to prevent burnout and boost overall satisfaction. 

Use goal-tracking apps to organize and prioritize your goals effectively. Set reminders, break down larger goals into smaller tasks, and regularly review your progress to stay on track and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Examples of effective personal goal statements

When crafting personal goal statements, it’s essential to be specific about what you want to achieve, how you’ll achieve it, and the timeframe for completion. 

Here are some examples that follow the What, How, and When structure:

Reconnect with old friends: before the end of the month, schedule a coffee date with a friend you haven’t seen enough of lately

Learn Spanish: Dedicate 30 minutes daily to language lessons for 6 months to be at least semi-fluent by next summer

Complete a 10K run: Follow a 12-week structured training plan to boost fitness and mental resilience

These examples illustrate how clear, actionable personal statements of goals can lead to tangible outcomes, whether they involve personal enrichment, health, or career development.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and pilot said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Best Practices for Implementing Goal Statements

Now that you’ve written down your goals, it’s time to turn them into reality. 

Here’s how to make it happen:

Track and update your goals regularly to keep them aligned with your growth. Goals should be as dynamic and evolving as you are. Don’t let them collect dust—instead, review and adjust them consistently. 

Consider using goal-setting software to set reminders, track progress, and make adjustments so that your goals remain relevant and attainable as you evolve. When you achieve a goal or hit a milestone, take a moment to celebrate your success. Recognizing your progress keeps you motivated and reinforces positive behavior.

And if you miss a deadline or fall short, don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, analyze what went wrong, learn from it, and adjust your approach to avoid repeating the same mistakes. 

By staying engaged with your goals and adapting as needed, you can ensure continuous progress and maintain the momentum needed to achieve them.

Real-world success stories offer valuable lessons and inspiration. For example, Elon Musk’s approach to goal-setting is a powerful model. 

His goal with SpaceX is to colonize Mars, and with Tesla, it’s to drive the world toward sustainable energy. What sets Musk apart is his ability to break these enormous goals into manageable steps, steadily working toward each milestone.

This shows the importance of setting bold goals while maintaining a practical, step-by-step approach. But you don’t have to look only at famous figures. You can also learn from those around you, like mentors or family members. 

Observe their strategies, seek guidance, and apply those habits to your journey. Their experiences can provide valuable insights to help you reach your goals more effectively.

If your original plan no longer feels right, don’t hesitate to adjust your goals, resources, or timeline. Flexibility is key to staying on track. Regularly reassess your goals to ensure they still align with your current situation and aspirations. 

Embrace changes as opportunities for growth. Sometimes, a shift in direction can lead to better outcomes than you initially imagined. Stay open to new possibilities and be ready to pivot when necessary. 

This adaptability will help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities as they arise.

Create Goals and Achieve Them with ClickUp

Personal and career goals are crucial for success—they outline your path, keep you motivated, and showcase your potential to employers. 

But with a busy life, managing these goals can be challenging. That’s where ClickUp steps in.

With multiple goal creation, sharing, review, and execution features and a variety of goal-oriented templates, it does all the heavy lifting for you, so you have more time to achieve your goals and dream big. 

Sign up for free today and start turning your aspirations into reality, one goal at a time!

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Dietetics personal statement example 2.

“Can I have the sirloin steak served with the oven dried tomatoes and pizzaiola sauce? This was the order of a girl between the ages of 10-14yrs. This choice of dish made me evaluate people’s reasons behind the food they eat and whether these choices are influenced by the people around them or their own individual decision. Did she choose it because there was no other choice on the menu that she preferred or because she was at a fine dining restaurant?

I am captivated by the nutritional needs of different types of people and the reasons behind them, which is why I have chosen to study nutrition and dietetics at degree level and continue on into further research at MSc level.

I am mostly looking forward to covering the topic of Disease and food in greater depth as being from Rwanda, Africa which is a high risk area for HIV/AIDS I have always been interested in the nutritional needs of people with diseases such as HIV and how the correct nutrition can benefit the disease.

My studies in Biology AS has confirmed my interest in the human body, I most enjoyed the topics of Atherosclerosis and diet and how the functioning of the human body relies on the synchronized workings of the most minuscule cell to the largest organ in order to function at its best.

My research project for the Academic Assignment on “whether fiber is overrated or underrated in the prevention of colorectal cancer” gave me time management skills as I had to organise every aspect of my research to met the deadlines, this helped build confidence in choosing my own topics of interest to study. I have also taken an interest in dietetics outside of college by attending a Sutton trust summer school, where I used my practical skills to study the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

I have visited open days and talks about the dietetics course to further my knowledge about the course and develop my understanding of the key issues in nutrition.

My work experience shadowing a community dietician helped me to gain extra knowledge about a dieticians work. I came into contact with patients who had various underlining health issues such as diabetes. I was particularly fascinated with how each patient trusted and valued the help of the dietician’s advice.

This experience highlighted the importance of one to one communication with patients and how to handle sensitive information. Working at Radisson Hotel Blu as a waitress has helped me develop strong team working skills and good communication skills, skills which are vital in the dietetics profession in order to communicate effectively with patients.

I have a range of creative and active hobbies outside of school which help me to keep a healthy balance; my love for music is expressed through a gospel group where I sing every Wednesday for the past 2 years, this gives me the skills to communicate with people of different interests to me which is a skill I highly value as its important to understand others when pursuing a healthcare career.

I was a part of athletics and dance clubs at school which helped to improve my teamwork and leadership skills as being older meant we had to look after younger pupils and build close relationships to help them feel at ease. I look forward to taking part in more sports activities at university.

My wide range of experience and hobbies has kick started my ambition for a career in dietetics and I hope to continue my journey into higher education in a new and diverse environment in which I can build on my skills and apply them to this course

Profile info

This personal statement was written by lizalocket for application in 2012.

lizalocket's university choices King's College London The University of Nottingham University of Surrey

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

This personal statement is unrated

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