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Contoh Bisnis Plan yang Bisa di Download Gratis

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Mencari contoh bisnis plan untuk usaha Anda? Bisnis plan sendiri adalah dokumen yang menunjukkan kelayakan bisnis baru yang prospektif dan menyediakan peta jalan untuk beberapa tahun pertama operasinya.

Membuat bisnis plan adalah bagian penting dalam menciptakan bisnis baru, baik sebagai startup atau cabang dari bisnis yang sudah ada. Rencana bisnis untuk perusahaan start up sering kali dibagikan kepada lembaga pendanaan, calon investor, dan pemodal ventura untuk mendapatkan pendanaan yang diperlukan.

Pada artikel kali ini kami akan memberikan kepada Anda contoh bisnis plan dan file bisnis plan yang bisa Anda download secara gratis.

Apa itu Bisnis Plan?

Bisnis plan atau rencana bisnis adalah dokumen yang mendefinisikan secara rinci tujuan perusahaan dan bagaimana perusahaan berencana untuk mencapai tujuannya.

Bisnis plan menjabarkan peta jalan tertulis untuk perusahaan dari sudut pandang pemasaran, keuangan, dan operasional. Baik perusahaan rintisan maupun perusahaan yang sudah mapan menggunakan rencana bisnis.

Ini adalah dokumen penting yang ditujukan untuk audiens eksternal dan internal perusahaan. Sebagai contoh, rencana bisnis digunakan untuk menarik investasi sebelum perusahaan memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti. Rencana bisnis juga dapat membantu mendapatkan pinjaman dari lembaga keuangan.

Selain itu, bisnis plan dapat membantu tim eksekutif perusahaan untuk tetap berada di jalur yang sama mengenai item tindakan strategis dan sesuai target untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Meskipun bisnis plan sangat berguna untuk bisnis baru, setiap perusahaan harus memiliki rencana bisnis. Idealnya, rencana tersebut ditinjau dan diperbarui secara berkala untuk mencerminkan tujuan yang telah dicapai atau yang telah berubah.

Terkadang, bisnis plan baru dibuat untuk bisnis yang sudah mapan yang telah memutuskan untuk bergerak ke arah yang baru.

Baca juga: Cara Membuat Neraca Lajur dan Contohnya

Mengapa Anda membutuhkan bisnis plan?

Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa Anda membutuhkan bisnis plan. Meskipun Anda sudah memiliki gambaran yang jelas tentang apa yang ingin Anda capai. Anda tahu pasar, Anda memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan. Jadi, mengapa Anda membutuhkan rencana?

Berikut ini beberapa alasan mengapa Anda membutuhkan bisnis plan:

  • Untuk memperjelas ide-ide Anda: Menuliskan sesuatu akan memberinya struktur dan substansi. Ide-ide Anda akan lebih jelas di atas kertas daripada di dalam kepala Anda.
  • Untuk menemukan dan memecahkan masalah: Ide bisnis yang ada di benak Anda mungkin memiliki beberapa kekurangan – Anda mungkin belum mencakup semuanya. Hal ini akan menjadi jauh lebih jelas ketika kata-kata Anda ada di halaman.
  • Untuk mendapatkan feedback dari orang lain: Bisnis plan yang ditulis dengan baik dapat dibagikan dengan orang-orang yang dipercaya untuk mendapatkan saran mereka.
  • Sebagai dokumen formal: Bank, investor, akuntan, dan pengacara akan menginginkan bukti bahwa Anda serius dengan bisnis Anda. Rencana tertulis akan memberikan bukti tersebut.
  • Untuk memandu Anda seiring pertumbuhan bisnis Anda: Rencana bisnis yang baik akan membuat Anda tetap berada di jalur yang benar dan fokus, bahkan ketika pekerjaan sehari-hari menjadi gangguan.

Baca juga: 10 Jenis Strategi Pemasaran yang Wajib Bagi Pebisnis Baru

Komponen Apa Saja yang Harus ada dalam Bisnis Plan?

contoh bisnis plan 1

Jika Anda belum pernah menulis rencana bisnis sebelumnya, ini bisa menjadi hal yang menyulitkan. Namun jangan takut, berikut adalah beberapa komponen yang harus ada dalam bisnis plan yang Anda buat:

1. Ringkasan eksekutif

Di sinilah Anda menggambarkan perusahaan Anda dan produk atau layanan yang akan dijual. Ini harus singkat, untuk menarik dan mempertahankan perhatian orang.

Cobalah untuk menjelaskan tujuan dan misi bisnis Anda hanya dalam beberapa kalimat. Berusahalah dengan keras untuk membuatnya mudah diingat.Perlakukan bagian ini sebagai dokumen elevator pitch – harus ringkas dan mudah diingat.

2. Siapa pelanggan Anda?

Apakah Anda memiliki gambaran yang jelas tentang tipe orang (atau bisnis) yang akan membeli produk atau layanan Anda? Jika belum, pikirkanlah dengan hati-hati sampai Anda memilikinya.

Ini adalah salah satu pertanyaan pertama yang akan ditanyakan oleh investor tentang rencana bisnis Anda. Siapkan jawaban Anda.

  • Ketahui apakah pelanggan Anda adalah konsumen atau bisnis. Jika mereka adalah bisnis, siapa yang akan Anda targetkan di dalam perusahaan tersebut? Mungkin tenaga penjualnya, atau mungkin CEO-nya?
  • Tentukan apakah Anda akan memiliki klien tetap atau pembeli sekali saja.
  • Pastikan Anda benar-benar telah berbicara dengan beberapa pelanggan potensial Anda.

3. Mengevaluasi target audiens

Jangan menggunakan asumsi di sini. Anda perlu mengidentifikasi orang atau bisnis yang akan membeli dari Anda. Pikirkan tentang hal-hal berikut:

  • Demografi – seperti usia, jenis kelamin, dan status sosial
  • Firmografi – termasuk ukuran perusahaan, pendapatan perusahaan dan layanan atau produk perusahaan
  • Lokasi – mungkin daerah, kota, atau bahkan negara tertentu
  • Profesi – mungkin Anda menargetkan akuntan, polisi, atau pengacara, misalnya
  • Kelompok – seperti orang-orang dengan minat atau kebiasaan yang sama

Semakin baik Anda mengevaluasi audiens target Anda, semakin komprehensif rencana bisnis Anda.

Baca juga: Rumus HPP, Cara Hitung, dan Contoh Kasusnya

4. Apa saja peluang Anda?

Bisnis yang sukses berpikir besar. Anda mungkin memulai dari yang kecil, namun Anda tidak harus tetap seperti itu. Jadi, tuliskan peluang yang mungkin untuk bisnis Anda seiring pertumbuhannya.

Sebagai contoh, mungkin Anda berencana untuk memulai dengan menjual melalui internet. Itu bagus, tetapi bagaimana Anda akan mendapatkan trafik ke situs Anda?

Bagaimana orang akan menemukan Anda secara online? Apakah Anda akan membutuhkan tenaga penjualan? Jika tidak, bagaimana Anda akan meyakinkan orang untuk membeli dari Anda?

Seiring dengan pertumbuhan bisnis, apakah ada ruang untuk gerai ritel fisik? Peluang apa lagi yang akan Anda miliki jika bisnis Anda tumbuh sesuai rencana?

5. Memahami persaingan

Setiap bisnis memiliki persaingan. Jika Anda tidak menyebutkan kompetitor Anda, investor akan menganggap Anda tidak profesional. Teliti dan buatlah daftar semua pesaing Anda yang sudah ada dan yang potensial:

  • Siapa saja pesaing langsung Anda – mereka yang menjual produk yang sama dengan Anda?
  • Siapa saja pesaing tidak langsung Anda – mereka yang pasarnya tumpang tindih dengan pasar Anda?
  • Apa yang akan mencegah perusahaan lain bersaing dengan Anda – apa saja hambatan untuk masuk?
  • Apa USP (proposisi penjualan unik) Anda? Dengan kata lain, apa titik perbedaan Anda yang membuat Anda berbeda dari pesaing Anda?

Poin terakhir ini penting. Anda perlu menjelaskan bagaimana bisnis Anda akan membedakan dirinya dari yang lain. Hal itu mungkin didasarkan pada harga, layanan, kualitas, jangkauan, atau nilai. Pastikan Anda menjelaskannya.

Baca juga: Demand Planning: Pengertian dan Tips Mengelolanya

6. Buatlah rencana keuangan sederhana

Semua bisnis plan harus berisi beberapa informasi keuangan. Ini harus mencakup keseluruhan biaya pendirian bisnis Anda. Sebagai contoh:

  • Biaya untuk membuat atau membeli produk
  • Biaya tenaga kerja dan produksi, termasuk bahan baku
  • Biaya karyawan, terutama untuk bisnis jasa
  • Biaya distribusi dan pemasaran
  • Biaya overhead tetap dan variabel

Software akuntansi yang tepat akan membantu Anda membuat draf model keuangan yang lebih baik. Salah satu software akuntansi yang bisa Anda gunakan dengan mudah dan praktis adalah Kledo.

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7. Sertakan rencana pemasaran secara garis besar

Untuk bagian rencana bisnis ini, Anda perlu memikirkan lima ‘P’:

  • Penetapan harga – bagaimana Anda akan menentukan harga produk akhir?
  • Positioning – bagaimana produk atau layanan Anda sesuai dengan pasar?
  • Promosi – saluran apa yang akan Anda gunakan untuk menarik dan berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan?
  • Profit – berapa banyak yang Anda harapkan dari setiap barang yang terjual?
  • Place – di mana gerai penjualan Anda?

Baca juga: Rencana Pemasaran (Marketing Plan): Manfaat, Tujuan, Jenis, Contoh, dll

8. Rencanakan operasi Anda

Apa saja tugas harian yang perlu dilakukan saat menjalankan bisnis? Sertakan semua proses bisnis seperti produksi dan pengemasan. Cobalah untuk mencakup semua departemen juga, termasuk penjualan dan layanan pelanggan.

9. Mendapatkan orang yang tepat

Ini adalah salah satu faktor terpenting. Pikirkan tentang siapa yang ingin Anda pekerjakan. Bagaimana Anda akan menemukan orang yang memiliki keahlian yang sesuai dengan keahlian Anda? Dan bagaimana Anda akan meyakinkan mereka untuk bekerja untuk Anda?

Pikirkan juga siapa yang Anda inginkan sebagai penasihat bisnis Anda. Anda akan membutuhkan orang yang dapat dipercayai, untuk membimbing dan menjadi mentor Anda saat Anda membutuhkannya.

Baca juga: Action Plan Adalah: Manfaat, Contoh, dan Cara Buatnya dalam Bisnis

Contoh Bisnis Plan Sederhana

Berikut adalah contoh bisnis plan yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan untuk digunakan:

Ringkasan EksekutifBisnis kami, ABC Clothing, adalah perusahaan ritel yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pakaian fashion untuk remaja perempuan. Visi kami adalah menjadi merek terkemuka dalam industri fashion remaja dengan menawarkan produk berkualitas tinggi dan tren terbaru.
Gambaran BisnisKami menyediakan berbagai pakaian dan aksesori fashion untuk remaja perempuan dalam rentang usia 13-18 tahun. Produk kami meliputi pakaian sehari-hari, pakaian pesta, sepatu, tas, dan perhiasan. Target pasar kami terutama terdiri dari remaja perempuan yang aktif secara sosial dan peduli dengan penampilan mereka.
Analisis PasarBerdasarkan penelitian pasar, industri fashion remaja diperkirakan mencapai nilai $XX miliar pada tahun 2022. Kami mengidentifikasi beberapa pesaing utama dalam segmen pasar kami, termasuk Brand A, Brand B, dan Brand C. Namun, kami percaya bahwa dengan fokus pada kualitas produk dan pelayanan pelanggan yang unggul, kami dapat memenangkan pangsa pasar yang signifikan.
Model BisnisModel bisnis kami didasarkan pada penjualan langsung melalui toko ritel fisik dan juga melalui platform e-commerce kami sendiri. Sumber pendapatan utama kami berasal dari penjualan produk, dengan strategi harga yang kompetitif untuk menarik pelanggan kami. Struktur biaya kami meliputi biaya persediaan, sewa toko, gaji karyawan, pemasaran, dan lain-lain.
Rencana PemasaranKami akan menggunakan berbagai saluran pemasaran, termasuk media sosial, iklan cetak, dan kerjasama dengan influencer remaja untuk mempromosikan merek kami. Kami juga akan mengadakan acara peluncuran produk dan diskon khusus untuk menarik perhatian pelanggan.
Rencana OperasionalKami memiliki satu toko ritel di pusat perbelanjaan terkenal dan berencana untuk membuka toko tambahan di lokasi strategis dalam dua tahun ke depan. Kami akan menjaga persediaan yang cukup untuk memenuhi permintaan pelanggan dan menjaga kualitas produk kami. Proses operasional kami mencakup penerimaan, pengelolaan, dan pengiriman produk kepada pelanggan.
Proyeksi KeuanganBerdasarkan proyeksi keuangan kami, kami menargetkan pendapatan tahun pertama sebesar X milyar, dengan pertumbuhan pendapatan rata-rata 20% per tahun. Kami memperkirakan biaya operasional sebesar XXX juta per tahun dan laba bersih tahun pertama sebesar XX juta.
Evaluasi RisikoRisiko potensial yang kami identifikasi termasuk perubahan tren fashion, persaingan yang ketat, fluktuasi harga bahan baku, dan perubahan regulasi. Kami akan mengurangi risiko ini dengan menjaga kualitas produk, melakukan riset pasar yang cermat, dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemasok kami.
Tim ManajemenTim manajemen kami terdiri dari CEO, CFO, dan COO yang memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam industri fashion dan ritel. Masing-masing memiliki tanggung jawab yang ditetapkan untuk memastikan kelancaran operasional dan kesuksesan bisnis.
Rencana PertumbuhanRencana kami untuk pertumbuhan jangka panjang termasuk ekspansi ke kota-kota lain, pengembangan lini produk baru, dan penerapan strategi e-commerce yang lebih kuat.

Baca juga: Business Continuity Plan (BCP): Pengertian, Jenis, dan Cara Membuatnya

Download Template Bisnis Plan Gratis

contoh bisnis plan 2

Jika Anda masih kesulitan menggunakan contoh bisnis plan diatas, Anda bisa mendownload template bisnis plan dalam berbagai format melalui tombol di bawah ini:

Baca juga: Business Planning: Pengertian, Proses, Elemen, Tahapan, dan Tips Membuatnya

Saat Anda menulis bisnis plan, ingatlah kekuatan Anda – dan juga hal manapa a saja yang perlu ditingkatkan. Cara ini akan membantu Anda menyusun rencana yang memaksimalkan kemampuan Anda, namun tetap realistis. Dan pada akhirnya, ini akan meyakinkan investor bahwa Anda serius.

Bisnis plan Anda adalah peta jalan untuk bisnis Anda, namun pastikan Anda tidak membuat rencana yang kaku. Jika memungkinkan, pastikan Anda memeriksa ulang bisnis plan yang sudah Anda buatd setidaknya setahun sekali dan lakukan perubahan jika perlu.

Yang terpenting, teruslah mendapatkan feedback dari para konsultan Anda – baik itu resmi dan tidak resmi. Dengan bantuan mereka, Anda akan membuat bisnis plan yang sempurna yang akan membawa bisnis Anda lebih menguntungkan.

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Contoh Business Plan dan Cara Membuatnya dengan Tepat

Setiap bisnis, baik yang baru berdiri maupun yang sudah mapan, memerlukan  business plan . Jika ingin membuatnya, ada banyak contoh  business plan  yang bisa kamu jadikan acuan.  

Dokumen ini sangat penting untuk membantu perusahaan fokus pada target yang diinginkan. Tanpa rencana yang jelas, pebisnis akan kesulitan menentukan langkah-langkah strategis untuk perkembangan bisnis. Alhasil, pengambilan keputusan pun akan menjadi lebih sulit.  

Nah, di sinilah rencana bisnis akan memandumu dalam mengarahkan bisnis untuk mencapai keberhasilan. Lantas bagaimana cara membuatnya? Yuk, simak apa itu  business plan , manfaatnya, dan contoh bisnis  plan!  

  • Apa Itu Business Plan?
  • Komponen-Komponen Business Plan
  • Cara Membuat Business Plan yang Tepat
  • Contoh Business Plan Sederhana
  • Manfaat Business Plan

Apa Itu Business Plan?  

business plan startup contoh

Sumber : Pexels

Business plan,  atau rencana bisnis, adalah dokumen yang membahas target perusahaan dan cara mencapainya. Dokumen ini merangkum visi, misi, strategi, dan rencana operasional sebuah bisnis. 

Tak hanya untuk bisnis baru,  business plan  sangat penting untuk   startup  maupun perusahaan besar. Hal ini karena salah satu komponen kunci dari  business plan  adalah penetapan tujuan yang jelas. 

Bagi  startup ,  business plan bisa membantu menarik minat para investor potensial. Sedangkan bagi  perusahaan besar yang sudah berdiri, dokumen ini sangat penting untuk memastikan perusahaan tetap berada pada jalur untuk mencapai target yang diinginkan.  

Bisa dibilang,  business plan  memberikan arah dan acuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja serta keberhasilan bisnis dalam jangka waktu tertentu. 

Pentingnya Business Plan

Business plan bukan hanya dokumen formal, tetapi juga merupakan alat penting yang membantu mencapai kesuksesan bisnis. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa business plan sangat penting: 

  • Merumuskan visi dan misi bisnis. Ini melibatkan pemikiran mendalam tentang tujuan jangka panjang dan nilai inti perusahaan. 
  • Membantu mengalokasikan sumber daya dengan lebih efisien. Rencana bisnis juga dapat memastikan bahwa langkah yang diambil selaras dengan tujuan bisnis. 
  • Mengidentifikasi risiko-risiko potensial yang mungkin dihadapi oleh bisnis. Prosesnya melibatkan analisis yang cermat tentang pasar, pesaing, dan lingkungan bisnis secara keseluruhan. 
  • Business plan menyajikan proyeksi keuangan yang realistis dan strateginya. Jadi, dokumen ini menjadi alat kunci untuk meyakinkan investor potensial atau lembaga keuangan. 
  • Membantu mengatur prioritas dan menetapkan tujuan yang terukur. Dengan merinci langkah-langkah konkret yang perlu diambil untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis, perusahaan dapat fokus pada tindakan yang paling penting . 
  • Mendorong pertumbuhan dan inovasi dalam bisnis. Di dalamnya terdapat strategi pengembangan produk, ekspansi pasar, dan   strategi pemasaran .
  • Business plan  membantu membangun rencana darurat untuk menghadapi kemungkinan skenario yang tidak terduga. Dengan memiliki rencana cadangan yang disiapkan, perusahaan dapat mengurangi dampak dari situasi yang sulit. 

Jenis-jenis Business Plan  

Rencana bisnis memiliki karakteristik dan jenis-jenis yang berbeda. Hal ini tergantung dari tujuan dari pembuatannya. Berikut ini macam-macam  business plan  yang umum digunakan perusahaan: 

  • Operations Business Plan   Rencana bisnis internal yang fokus pada operasional perusahaan. Di dalamnya mencakup tanggung jawab individu dan jadwal kegiatan operasional di masa depan. 
  • Growth Business Plan   Rencana pertumbuhan bisnis yang menjelaskan visi perusahaan ke depan dan bertujuan mendapatkan investasi. Di dalamnya mencantumkan detail mengenai perusahaan,   struktur organisasi , dan kondisi keuangan. 
  • Development Business Plan   Business plan  yang merinci rencana pertumbuhan jangka panjang sebuah bisnis. Ini meliputi administrasi, organisasi, dan tanggung jawab karyawan. Dokumen ini dapat digunakan oleh internal dan eksternal. 
  • Startup Business Plan   Rencana bisnis khusus untuk  startup . Di dalamnya mencakup penawaran produk atau jasa, evaluasi pasar, strategi pemasaran, manajemen risiko, dan struktur manajemen.  Business plan  untuk  startup  juga sering mencakup analisis potensi pertumbuhan dan rencana untuk mendapatkan pendanaan. 
  • Strategic Business Plan   Jenis rencana bisnis paling kompleks. Berfokus pada strategi untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan, mencakup visi, misi, faktor kritis, strategi, dan jadwal pelaksanaan. 

Komponen-Komponen Business Plan  

business plan startup contoh

Business plan harus ditulis secara rinci dan terstruktur. Sebelum membahas contoh business plan, berikut ini komponen-komponen yang harus ada dalam dokumen tersebut: 

Ringkasan eksekutif  

Ringkasan eksekutif atau  executive summary  adalah bagian terpenting dari  business plan . Pada bagian ini berisi ringkasan singkat dari keseluruhan dokumen. Kamu harus memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang visi, misi, dan tujuan bisnis. 

Untuk itulah, bagian ini harus dibuat dengan menarik dan merangkum poin-poin utama secara jelas dan singkat. 

Gambaran bisnis (business description)  

Gambaran bisnis mendeskripsikan secara rinci tentang bisnis yang akan dijalankan. Hal ini termasuk jenis bisnis, produk yang ditawarkan baik -berupa barang atau jasa-, dan keunggulannya. 

Komponen ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang hal-hal yang membuat bisnismu unik. Selain itu, jelaskan juga bagaimana rencanamu untuk membedakan perusahaan dari pesaing. 

Analisis pasar (market analysis)  

Agar bisnis dapat berjalan lancar, analisis pasar harus dilakukan. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui potensi pasar, pesaing, dan peluang bisnismu. 

Analisis pasar ini meliputi analisis permintaan pasar, tren industri, dan profil pelanggan potensial. Bagian ini penting untuk mengidentifikasi peluang serta tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi oleh bisnis. 

Strategi pemasaran (marketing strategy)  

Komponen selanjutnya yang wajib ada dalam sebuah  business plan  adalah strategi pemasaran. Bagian ini berisi rincian cara memasarkan produk atau layanan kepada pelanggan target. 

Jelaskan bagaimana kamu akan melakukan   strategi  branding , promosi, distribusi, dan harga. Strategi pemasaran harus didasarkan pada analisis pasar yang kuat dan berfokus pada mencapai tujuan pemasaran yang telah ditetapkan. 

Rencana operasional (operational plan)  

Operational plan  membahas panduan operasional tentang bagaimana kamu akan menjalankan bisnis sehari-hari. Rencana ini termasuk proses produksi, manajemen persediaan, pengelolaan karyawan, dan prosedur operasional lainnya. 

Rencana operasional harus praktis dan realistis, serta memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang bagaimana bisnis akan beroperasi. 

Baca Juga: Kisaran Gaji Terbesar di indonesia

Rencana manajemen dan organisasi  

Rencana manajemen dan organisasi adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam  business plan . Tujuannya untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana pengelolaan bisnis. 

Bagian ini merincikan struktur organisasi perusahaan,   manajemen tim , dan tugas serta tanggung jawab karyawan dalam organisasi. Kamu juga harus menjelaskan tentang rencana pengembangan karyawan dan strategi manajemen risiko. 

Rencana keuangan (financial plan)  

Financial plan membahas proyeksi keuangan bisnis, mulai dari perencanaan pendapatan, biaya, dan laba rugi. Selain itu, rencana keuangan juga perlu membahas tentang   proyeksi arus kas , neraca, dan analisis rasio keuangan untuk menilai kesehatan bisnis. 

Rencana keuangan membantumu memahami kesehatan keuangan bisnis dan menetapkan target keuangan yang realistis. 

Cara Membuat Business Plan yang Tepat  

business plan startup contoh

Banyak orang bingung harus memulai dari mana saat harus membuat  business plan . Berikut ini langkah-langkah yang bisa kamu ikuti. 

Lakukan penelitian pasar yang mendalam  

Mulailah dengan melakukan analisis pasar untuk memahami pasar bisnis kamu secara menyeluruh. Cari tahu tren industri, pesaing, dan peluang pasar yang tersedia. 

Dengan melakukan penelitian, kamu akan memahami permintaan pelanggan. Hal ini menjadi kunci penting saat mengembangkan strategi untuk mencapai target pasar. 

Tentukan tujuan dan sasaran bisnis  

Langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan tujuan dan sasaran bisnis. Buatlah tujuan dan sasaran dalam jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek. 

Pastikan tujuan tersebut jelas, spesifik, dan terukur, ya! Dengan begitu, kamu bisa selalu mengevaluasi perkembangan bisnis kamu.  

Rencanakan strategi pemasaran yang efektif  

Setelah mengetahui karakter pasar bisnismu, siapkan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk menjangkau mereka. Pertimbangkan berbagai saluran pemasaran yang sudah banyak tersedia saat ini seperti   digital marketing dan kampanye promosi. 

Strategi ini sangat penting untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan   brand awareness terhadap bisnis. Ketika bisnis mulai banyak dikenal, maka potensi penjualan akan meningkat. 

Hitung proyeksi keuangan dengan akurat  

Buatlah proyeksi keuangan yang akurat untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan modal, perkiraan pendapatan, dan biaya operasional bisnis. 

Hal ini akan membantu kamu membuat rencana keuangan yang realistis. Jadi, kamu pun bisa mengelola keuangan dengan lebih efektif. 

Evaluasi dan revisi berkala  

Dokumen selesai bukan berarti pekerjaan kamu telah selesai, ya! Lakukan evaluasi dan revisi secara berkala seiring dengan perubahan dalam industri, pasar, maupun kondisi bisnis. 

Hal ini membantu bisnis tetap relevan dan dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. 

Contoh Business Plan Sederhana  

business plan startup contoh

Setelah mengetahui apa saja isi  business plan , maka kamu bisa langsung membuatnya. 

Berikut contoh proposal  business plan  sederhana untuk perusahaan  fashion  bernama PT Kece Abis. Yuk, disimak! 

1. Ringkasan Eksekutif  

PT Kece Abis adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor industri  fashion . Badan usaha yang didirikan tahun 2023 ini memiliki fokus utama menyediakan  fashion bergaya  bohemian di Indonesia. 

Kami mengadopsi dua strategi utama, yaitu pengembangan produk dan penetrasi pasar. Dengan berfokus pada penetrasi pasar, tujuan kami adalah menjadi pemimpin dalam menyediakan fashion bohemian yang berkualitas dan terjangkau di Indonesia. 

"Menjadi destinasi utama bagi pecinta  fashion  bohemian di Indonesia dengan menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi dengan gaya unik dan ekspresif." 

  • Menyediakan koleksi  fashion  bohemian yang beragam dan terbaru dengan harga yang terjangkau. 
  • Memperluas kesadaran akan gaya bohemian di kalangan konsumen Indonesia. 
  • Menjadi agen perubahan dalam industri  fashion  Indonesia dengan mengadopsi praktik produksi yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan. 

2. Gambaran Bisnis  

Pendirian PT ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan  fashion  bohemian yang banyak diminati namun kurang tersedia di pasaran Indonesia. Melihat peluang tersebut, PT Kece Abis hadir untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar tersebut. 

PT Kece Abis didirikan dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen Indonesia akan  fashion  bohemian yang unik dan ekspresif. 

Kami menyediakan berbagai koleksi pakaian, aksesoris, dan sepatu dengan gaya bohemian yang khas, menggabungkan unsur-unsur etnik,  vintage , dan alam. Produk-produk kami dirancang untuk mencerminkan kebebasan, kreativitas, dan gaya hidup yang santai namun modis. 

Dari analisis keuangan selama 2 tahun, diperoleh  Nilai Present Value (NPV) sebesar Rp50.000.000 dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 82,34%.  Payback period  proyek ini terhitung selama 1 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bisnis ini layak untuk dilaksanakan. 

3. Analisis Pasar  

Pasar  fashion  bohemian di Indonesia masih terbilang kecil, tetapi berpotensi tumbuh dan berkembang. Menurut  survey  yang dilakukan pada tahun 2020, wanita berusia 20-30 tahun di kota-kota dekat pantai menyukai  fashion  bergaya bohemian. Apalagi secara geografis, Indonesia memiliki sekitar 17.500 pulau, bergaris pantai sepanjang 81.000 km. Jadi, gaya bohemian akan diminati. 

Ditambah dengan adanya media sosial, masyarakat sering mengabadikan  fashion  ala bohemian dan mengunggahnya di media sosial. Di sisi lain, saat ini masih terbatas produk bohemian berkualitas di pasar Indonesia. 

Hal ini menciptakan peluang bagi PT Kece Abis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar yang belum terpenuhi ini. Dari analisa pasar tersebut, kami memutuskan untuk membangun bisnis  fashion  bohemian. 

4. Strategi Pemasaran  

Pemasaran akan dilakukan melalui saluran digital, yaitu media sosial Instagram dan TikTok. Selain itu, promosi untuk penjualan awal akan dilakukan untuk menarik pelanggan. 

Untuk meningkatkan  brand awareness serta mencapai target pasar, PT Kece Abis akan menjalin kerja sama dengan  influencer fashion . 

Kami juga akan membagi pasar menjadi beberapa segmen, termasuk pecinta  fashion  bohemian, generasi muda yang mencari gaya yang unik, dan mereka yang peduli akan produk berkualitas. 

Selain itu, promosi untuk penjualan awal akan dilakukan untuk menarik pelanggan. 

5. Rencana Operasional  

PT Kece Abis akan memulai produksi awal berupa 30 model pakaian dan menyediakan 200 stok untuk masing-masing model. Produksi akan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip produksi yang berkelanjutan. 

Proses produksi akan dilaksanakan mulai bulan Mei untuk persiapan  fashion  menjelang akhir tahun dan perayaan tahun baru. Karyawan produksi dibagi dalam 2  shift  untuk mengerjakan  stock  pakaian. 

Pakaian akan dijual secara  online  melalui  e-commerce dan media sosial. Proses penjualan akan dimulai pada bulan Oktober. Akan disiapkan 2 orang untuk menangani pertanyaan dan melayani pelanggan. Kemudian 3 orang akan disiapkan untuk proses  packing  dan pengaturan pengiriman dengan jasa kurir. 

6. Rencana Manajemen dan Organisasi:  

PT Kece Abis memiliki tim manajemen yang terdiri dari pendiri, manajer pemasaran, manajer produksi, dan manajer keuangan. Setiap divisi akan memiliki tanggung jawabnya sendiri dalam mengelola operasional perusahaan. 

Dalam menciptakan produk berkualitas, kami memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam bidang produksi, pemasaran, dan manajemen. 

7. Rencana Keuangan  

Modal awal PT Kece Abis adalah sebesar Rp30.000.000,-. Dari proyeksi modal, berikut ini biaya beban, laba kotor, hingga laba bersih yang didapat selama perhitungan per bulan. 

  • Pendapatan : Proyeksi pendapatan menunjukkan peningkatan yang stabil seiring dengan penetrasi pasar yang berhasil. Perkiraan pendapatan tahun pertama sebesar Rp500 juta. 
  • Biaya operasional: Biaya operasional termasuk biaya produksi, pemasaran, distribusi, dan  overhead  lainnya. Kami telah melakukan analisis yang cermat untuk memastikan efisiensi biaya dalam semua aspek operasional. 
  • Laba rugi dan laba bersih: Berdasarkan proyeksi pendapatan dan biaya operasional, kami memperkirakan laba bersih sebesar Rp100 juta pada tahun pertama. Potensi pertumbuhan lebih lanjut di tahun-tahun berikutnya. 

Manfaat Business Plan  

business plan startup contoh

Baik bisnis besar maupun kecil akan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari rencana bisnis ini. Berikut ini beberapa manfaat yang bisa didapatkan. 

Memperjelas fokus dan tujuan bisnis  

Business plan akan membantu kamu untuk tetap terorganisir dan bergerak maju dengan tujuan yang jelas. Pasalnya, seluruh visi, misi, dan tujuan bisnis sudah terencana dan tertulis dengan jelas. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa tetap fokus untuk mencapai target bisnis tersebut. 

Memudahkan pengambilan keputusan  

Dalam rencana bisnis, terdapat kerangka kerja mengenai tujuan bisnis dan bagaimana cara mencapainya. Hal ini akan memudahkanmu dalam membuat keputusan penting yang berkaitan dengan bisnis tersebut.   

Dengan kerangka kerja tersebut, kamu tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan dan tidak. Jadi, setiap langkah akan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah disiapkan karena tujuannya sudah jelas. 

Mengatur sistem keuangan  

Business plan akan membantu mengatur sistem keuangan perusahaan dengan lebih baik. Dokumen ini memuat proyeksi keuangan, anggaran, dan strategi manajemen keuangan lainnya. 

Alhasil, kamu tahu bagaimana mengelola keuangan perusahaan. 

Mendapatkan investor  

Manfaat terpenting  business plan adalah meyakinkan investor tentang potensi dan kesehatan bisnis. Rencana bisnis yang komprehensif dan menarik akan menarik minat investor. 

Dengan begitu, hal ini pun dapat meningkatkan peluangmu mendapatkan sumber dana. 


Business plan adalah salah satu hal terpenting yang harus disiapkan ketika kamu membangun bisnis. Dokumen ini akan membantu memahami lebih jelas tentang target bisnis dan cara meraihnya. 

Jadi, setiap pembuatan keputusan akan lebih mudah dibuat karena arah tujuan bisnis sudah jelas. 

Nah, itulah serba-serbi dan cara membuat  business plan  yang perlu kamu ketahui. Jika kamu sedang bersiap untuk membuat atau mengembangkan bisnis, pastikan segera menyusunnya, ya! 

Mengingat dokumen ini harus menarik, rapi, dan terstruktur, pastikan kamu meluangkan waktu yang cukup untuk membuatnya. Lakukan riset dan atur strategi agar  business plan kamu komprehensif. Dengan begitu, kamu akan mendapatkan manfaat  business plan dengan lebih maksimal. 

Melihat pentingnya  business plan  terhadap bisnis, kamu perlu menguasai hal tersebut. Apalagi, jika ingin berkarier di bidang  marketing  dan   business development .  

Tingkatkan terus pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan mengakses konten di   Tips Karier dari Jobstreet . Tersedia banyak  insight  menarik seputar dunia kerja,  lho,  termasuk hal-hal tentang  business !  

Selain  resource  tersebut, Jobstreet juga menyediakan platform untuk mengeksplor ribuan lowongan kerja .   

Download aplikasi Jobstreet by SEEK di  Play Store atau  App Store dan nikmati kemudahan untuk mengakses informasi terbaru seputar dunia kerja hanya dalam satu genggaman saja!  

Semoga berhasil!  

Pertanyaan Seputar Business Plan  

1. apakah  business plan itu penting bagi bisnis kecil  .

Business plan tidak hanya penting bagi bisnis besar. Bisnis kecil juga akan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari dokumen ini. Dengan membuat  business plan , pemilik bisnis kecil akan lebih memahami pasar. Selain itu, kamu juga akan mengetahui tantangan dan peluang yang ada, serta mampu merancang strategi agar bisnis berkembang. 

2. Berapa sering  business plan perlu direvisi?  

Revisi  business plan dapat bervariasi tergantung dari perubahan yang terjadi dalam bisnis tersebut maupun pasar. Secara umum,  business plan hendaknya ditinjau dan direvisi setidaknya setiap tahun. Selain itu, revisi diperlukan ketika terjadi perubahan signifikan dalam bisnis, pasar, atau ekonomi. 

3. Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat  business plan ?  

Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat  business plan sangat bervariasi. Ini tergantung dari seberapa kompleks bisnis tersebut dan detail apa saja yang dimasukkan. Proses ini dapat memakan waktu beberapa minggu hingga beberapa bulan. 

Proses pembuatan dokumen ini melibatkan penelitian, perencanaan, dan penyusunan rencana yang berpotensi membutuhkan waktu lama. Namun, untuk bisnis kecil dengan  business plan  sederhana biasanya bisa memakan waktu beberapa minggu saja.

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18 of My Favorite Sample Business Plans & Examples For Your Inspiration

Clifford Chi

Published: July 01, 2024

I believe that reading sample business plans is essential when writing your own.

sample business plans and examples

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As you explore business plan examples from real companies and brands, it’s easier for you to learn how to write a good one.

So what does a good business plan look like? And how do you write one that’s both viable and convincing? I’ll walk you through the ideal business plan format along with some examples to help you get started.

Table of Contents

Business Plan Types

Business plan format, sample business plan: section by section, sample business plan templates, top business plan examples.

Ultimately, the format of your business plan will vary based on your goals for that plan. I’ve added this quick review of different business plan types that achieve differing goals.

For a more detailed exploration of business plan types, you can check out this post .

business plan startup contoh

Free Business Plan Template

The essential document for starting a business -- custom built for your needs.

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  • Pitch to investors.
  • Secure funding.
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1. Startups

Startup business plans are for proposing new business ideas. If you’re planning to start a small business, preparing a business plan is crucial. The plan should include all the major factors of your business.

You can check out this guide for more detailed business plan inspiration .

2. Feasibility Studies

Feasibility business plans focus on that business's product or service. Feasibility plans are sometimes added to startup business plans. They can also be a new business plan for an already thriving organization.

3. Internal Use

You can use internal business plans to share goals, strategies, or performance updates with stakeholders. In my opinion, internal business plans are useful for alignment and building support for ambitious goals.

4. Strategic Initiatives

A strategic business plan is another business plan that's often shared internally. This plan covers long-term business objectives that might not have been included in the startup business plan.

5. Business Acquisition or Repositioning

When a business is moving forward with an acquisition or repositioning, it may need extra structure and support. These types of business plans expand on a company's acquisition or repositioning strategy.

Growth sometimes just happens as a business continues operations. But more often, a business needs to create a structure with specific targets to meet set goals for expansion. This business plan type can help a business focus on short-term growth goals and align resources with those goals.

I’m going to focus on a startup business plan that needs to be detailed and research-backed as well as compelling enough to convince investors to offer funding. In my experience, the most comprehensive and convincing business plans contain the following sections.

Executive Summary

This all-important introduction to your business plan sets the tone and includes the company description as well as what you will be exchanging for money — whether that’s product lines, services, or product-service hybrids.

Market Opportunity

Information about gaps in your industry’s market and how you plan to fill them, focused on demand and potential for growth.

Competitive Landscape Analysis

An overview of your competitors that includes consideration of their strengths and how you’ll manage them, their weaknesses and how you’ll capitalize on them, and how you can differentiate your offerings in the industry.

Target Audience

Descriptions of your ideal customers, their various problems that you can solve, and your customer acquisition strategy.

Marketing Strategy

This section details how you will market your brand to achieve specific goals, the channels and tactics you’ll utilize to reach those goals, and the metrics you’ll be using to measure your progress.

Key Features and Benefits

This is where you’ll use plain language to emphasize the value of your product/service, how it solves the problems of your target audiences, and how you’ll scale up over time.

Pricing and Revenue

This section describes your pricing strategy and plans for building revenue streams that fit your audiences while achieving your business goals.

This is the final section, communicating with investors that your business idea is worth investing in via profit/loss statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets to prove viability.

Okay, so now that we have a format established, I’ll give you more specific details about each section along with examples. Truthfully, I wish I’d had this resource to help me flesh out those first business plans long ago.

1. Executive Summary

I’d say the executive summary is the most important section of the entire business plan. It is essentially an overview of and introduction to your entire project.

Write this in such a way that it grabs your readers' attention and guides them through the rest of the business plan. This is important because a business plan can be dozens or hundreds of pages long.

There are two main elements I’d recommend including in your executive summary: your company description and your products and services.

Company Description

This is the perfect space to highlight your company’s mission statement and goals, a brief overview of your history and leadership, and your top accomplishments as a business.

Tell potential investors who you are and why what you do matters. Naturally, they’re going to want to know who they’re getting into business with up front. This is a great opportunity to showcase your impact.

Need some extra help firming up your business goals? I’d recommend HubSpot Academy’s free course to help you set meaningful goals that matter most for your business.

Products and Services

Here, you will incorporate an overview of your offerings. This doesn’t have to be extensive, as it is just a chance to introduce your industry and overall purpose as a business. I recommend including snippets of information about your financial projections and competitive advantage here as well.

Keep in mind that you'll cover many of these topics in more detail later on in the business plan. The executive summary should be clear and brief, only including the most important takeaways.

Executive Summary Business Plan Examples

This example was created with HubSpot’s business plan template . What makes this executive summary good is that it tells potential investors a short story while still covering all of the most important details.

Our Mission

Maria’s Gluten Free Bagels offers gluten-free bagels, along with various toppings, other gluten-free breakfast sandwich items, and coffee. The facility is entirely gluten free. Our team expects to catch the interest of gluten-free, celiac, or health-conscious community members who are seeking an enjoyable cafe to socialize. Due to a lack of gluten-free bagel products in the food industry currently, we expect mild competition and are confident we will be able to build a strong market position.

The Company and Management

Maria’s Gluten Free Bagels was founded in 2010 by Maria Jones, who first began selling her gluten-free bagels online from her home, using social media to spread the word. In 2012 she bought a retail location in Hamilton, MA, which now employs four full-time employees and six part-time employees. Prior to her bagel shop, Maria was a chef in New York and has extensive experience in the food industry.

Along with Maria Jones, Gluten Free Bagel Shop has a board of advisors. The advisors are:

  • Jeni King, partner at Winding Communications, Ltd.
  • Henry Wilson, president of Blue Robin, LLP.

Our Product

We offer gluten-free products ranging from bagels and cream cheese to blueberry muffins, coffee, and pastries. Our customers are health-conscious, community-oriented people who enjoy gluten-free products. We will create a welcoming, warm environment with opportunities for open mic nights, poetry readings, and other community functions. We will focus on creating an environment in which someone feels comfortable meeting a friend for lunch, or working remotely.

Our Competitive Advantages

While there are other coffee shops and cafes in the North Shore region, there are none that offer purely gluten-free options. This restricts those suffering from gluten-free illnesses or simply those with a gluten-free preference. This will be our primary selling point. Additionally, our market research [see Section 3] has shown a demand for a community-oriented coffee and bagel shop in the town of Hamilton, MA.

Financial Considerations

Our sales projections for the first year are $400,000. We project a 15% growth rate over the next two years. By year three, we project 61% gross margins.

We will have four full-time employees. The salary for each employee will be $50,000.

Start-up Financing Requirements

We are seeking to raise $125,000 in startup to finance year one. The owner has invested $50,000 to meet working capital requirements, and will use a loan of $100,000 to supplement the rest.

Example 2 :

Marianne and Keith Bean have been involved with the food industry for several years. They opened their first restaurant in Antlers, Oklahoma in 1981, and their second in Hugo in 1988. Although praised for the quality of many of the items on their menu, they have attained a special notoriety for their desserts. After years of requests for their flavored whipped cream toppings, they have decided to pursue marketing these products separately from the restaurants.

Marianne and Keith Bean have developed several recipes for flavored whipped cream topping. They include chocolate, raspberry, cinnamon almond, and strawberry. These flavored dessert toppings have been used in the setting of their two restaurants over the past 18 years, and have been produced in large quantities. The estimated shelf life of the product is 21 days at refrigeration temperatures and up to six months when frozen. The Beans intend to market this product in its frozen state in 8 and 12-ounce plastic tubs. They also intend to have the products available in six ounce pressurized cans. Special attention has been given to developing an attractive label that will stress the gourmet/specialty nature of the products.

Distribution of Fancy's Foods Whipped Dream product will begin in the local southeastern Oklahoma area. The Beans have an established name and reputation in this area, and product introduction should encounter little resistance.

Financial analyses show that the company will have both a positive cash flow and profit in the first year. The expected return on equity in the first year is 10.88%

Tips for Writing Your Executive Summary

  • Start with a strong introduction of your company that showcases your mission and impact, then outline the products and services you provide.
  • Clearly define a problem, explain how your product solves that problem, and show why the market needs your business.
  • Be sure to highlight your value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential.
  • Keep it concise and support ideas with data.
  • Customize your summary to your audience. For example, you might emphasize finances and return on investment for venture capitalists, whereas you might emphasize community benefits and minimal environmental impact for progressive nonprofits.

For more guidance, check out our tips for writing an effective executive summary .

2. Market Opportunity

This is where you'll detail the opportunity in the market. Ask and answer: Where is the gap in the current industry, and how will my product fill that gap?

To get a thorough understanding of the market opportunity, you'll want to conduct a TAM, SAM, SOM analysis , a SWOT analysis , and perform market research on your industry to get some insights for this section. More specifically, here’s what I’d include.

  • The size of the market
  • Current or potential market share
  • Trends in the industry and consumer behavior
  • Where the gap is
  • What caused the gap
  • How you intend to fill it

Market Opportunity Business Plan Example

I like this example because it uses critical data to underline the size of the potential market and what part of that market this service hopes to capture.

Example: The market for Doggie Pause is all of the dog owners in the metropolitan area and surrounding areas of the city. We believe that this is going to be 2/3 of the population, and we have a goal of gaining a 50% market share. We have a target of a 20% yearly profit increase as the business continues.

Tips for Writing Your Market Opportunity Section

  • Focus on demand and potential for growth.
  • Use market research, surveys, and industry trend data to support your market forecast and projections.
  • Add a review of regulation shifts, tech advances, and consumer behavior changes.
  • Refer to reliable sources.
  • Showcase how your business can make the most of this opportunity.

3. Competitive Landscape Analysis

Since we’re already speaking of market share, you‘ll also need to create a section that shares details on who the top competitors are. After all, your customers likely have more than one brand to choose from, and you’ll want to understand exactly why they might choose one over another.

My favorite part of performing a competitive analysis is that it can help you uncover the following:

  • Industry trends that other brands may not be utilizing.
  • Strengths in your competition that may be obstacles to handle.
  • Weaknesses in your competition that may help you develop selling points.
  • The unique proposition you bring to the market that may resonate with customers.

Competitive Landscape Business Plan Example

I like how the competitive landscape section of this business plan shows a clear outline of who the top competitors are. It also highlights specific industry knowledge and the importance of location. This demonstrates useful experience in the industry, helping to build trust in your ability to execute your business plan.

Competitive Environment

Currently, there are four primary competitors in the Greater Omaha Area: Pinot’s Palette Lakeside (franchise partner), Village Canvas and Cabernet, The Corky Canvas, and Twisted Vine Collective. The first three competitors are in Omaha and the fourth is located in Papillion.

Despite the competition, all locations have both public and private events. Each location has a few sold-out painting events each month. The Omaha locations are in new, popular retail locations, while the existing Papillion location is in a downtown business district.

There is an opportunity to take advantage of the environment and open a studio in a well-traveled or growing area. Pinot’s Palette La Vista will differentiate itself from its competitors by offering a premium experience in a high-growth, influential location.

Tips for Writing Your Competitive Landscape

  • Complete in-depth research, then emphasize your most important findings.
  • Compare your unique selling proposition (USP) to your direct and indirect competitors.
  • Show a clear and realistic plan for product and brand differentiation.
  • Look for specific advantages and barriers in the competitive landscape. Then, highlight how that information could impact your business.
  • Outline growth opportunities from a competitive perspective.
  • Add customer feedback and insights to support your competitive analysis.

4. Target Audience

Use this section to describe who your customer segments are in detail. What is the demographic and psychographic information of your audience? I’d recommend building a buyer persona to get in the mindset of your ideal customers and be clear about why you're targeting them. Here are some questions I’d ask myself:

  • What demographics will most likely need/buy your product or service?
  • What are the psychographics of this audience? (Desires, triggering events, etc.)
  • Why are your offerings valuable to them?

Target Audience Business Plan Example

I like the example below because it uses in-depth research to draw conclusions about audience priorities. It also analyzes how to create the right content for this audience.

The Audience

Recognize that audiences are often already aware of important issues. Outreach materials should:

  • Emphasize a pollution-prevention practice
  • Tell audience a little about how to prevent pollution
  • Tell audience where they can obtain information about prevention.

Message Content

  • Focus the content for outreach materials on cost savings, such as when and where pollution prevention is as cheap as or cheaper than traditional techniques. Include facts and figures.
  • Emphasize how easy it is to do the right thing and the impacts of not engaging in pollution prevention.
  • Stress benefits such as efficiency or better relations with government, for businesses not primarily concerned with public image.

Tips for Writing Your Target Audience Section

  • Include details on the size and growth potential of your target audience.
  • Figure out and refine the pain points for your target audience , then show why your product is a useful solution.
  • Describe your targeted customer acquisition strategy in detail.
  • Share anticipated challenges your business may face in acquiring customers and how you plan to address them.
  • Add case studies, testimonials, and other data to support your target audience ideas.
  • Remember to consider niche audiences and segments of your target audience in your business plan.

5. Marketing Strategy

Here, you‘ll discuss how you’ll acquire new customers with your marketing strategy. I think it’s helpful to have a marketing plan built out in advance to make this part of your business plan easier. I’d suggest including these details:

  • Your brand positioning vision and how you'll cultivate it.
  • The goal targets you aim to achieve.
  • The metrics you'll use to measure success.
  • The channels and distribution tactics you'll use.

Marketing Strategy Business Plan Example

This business plan example includes the marketing strategy for the town of Gawler. In my opinion, it works because it offers a comprehensive picture of how they plan to use digital marketing to promote the community.

Screenshot of sample marketing plan

You’ll also learn the financial benefits investors can reap from putting money into your venture rather than trying to sell them on how great your product or service is.

This business plan guide focuses less on the individual parts of a business plan, and more on the overarching goal of writing one. For that reason, it’s one of my favorites to supplement any template you choose to use. Harvard Business Review’s guide is instrumental for both new and seasoned business owners.

7. HubSpot’s Complete Guide to Starting a Business

Screenshot of business startup kit download page from hubspot

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9 Business Plan Examples to Inspire Your Own (2024)

Need support creating your business plan? Check out these business plan examples for inspiration and guidance.

a stock of books on purple background representing business plan examples

Any aspiring entrepreneur researching how to start a business will likely be advised to write a business plan. But few resources provide business plan examples to really guide you through writing one of your own.

Here are some real-world and illustrative business plan examples to help you craft your business plan .

Business plan format: 9 examples

The business plan examples in this article follow this template:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Market analysis
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Logistics and operations plan
  • Financial plan
  • Customer segmentation

1. Executive summary

Your executive summary is a page that gives a high-level overview of the rest of your business plan. While it appears at the beginning, it’s easiest to write this section last, as there are details further in the report you’ll need to include here.

In this free business plan template , the executive summary is four paragraphs and takes a little over half a page. It clearly and efficiently communicates what the business does and what it plans to do, including its business model and target customers.

Executive summary for Paw Print Post detailing the business model and target customers.

2. Company description

You might repurpose your company description elsewhere, like on your About page , social media profile pages, or other properties that require a boilerplate description of your small business.

Soap brand ORRIS has a blurb on its About page that could easily be repurposed for the company description section of its business plan.

ORRIS homepage promoting cleaner ingredients for skincare with a detailed description.

You can also go more in-depth with your company overview and include the following sections, like in this business plan example for Paw Print Post:

Business structure

This section outlines how you registered your business —as an LLC , sole proprietorship, corporation, or other business type : “Paw Print Post will operate as a sole proprietorship run by the owner, Jane Matthews.”

Nature of the business

“Paw Print Post sells unique, one-of-a-kind digitally printed cards that are customized with a pet’s unique paw prints.”

“Paw Print Post operates primarily in the pet industry and sells goods that could also be categorized as part of the greeting card industry.”

Background information

“Jane Matthews, the founder of Paw Print Post, has a long history in the pet industry and working with animals, and was recently trained as a graphic designer. She’s combining those two loves to capture a niche in the market: unique greeting cards customized with a pet’s paw prints, without needing to resort to the traditional (and messy) options of casting your pet’s prints in plaster or using pet-safe ink to have them stamp their ’signature.’”

Business objectives

“Jane will have Paw Print Post ready to launch at the Big Important Pet Expo in Toronto to get the word out among industry players and consumers alike. After two years in business, Jane aims to drive $150,000 in annual revenue from the sale of Paw Print Post’s signature greeting cards and to have expanded into two new product categories.”

“Jane Matthews is the sole full-time employee of Paw Print Post but hires contractors as needed to support her workflow and fill gaps in her skill set. Notably, Paw Print Post has a standing contract for five hours a week of virtual assistant support with Virtual Assistants Pro.”

Your mission statement may also make an appearance here. Passionfruit shares its mission statement on its company website, and it would also work well in its example business plan.

Passionfruit About page with a person in a "Forever Queer" t-shirt.

3. Market analysis

The market analysis consists of research about supply and demand , your target demographics, industry trends, and the competitive landscape. You might run a SWOT analysis and include that in your business plan. 

Here’s an example SWOT analysis for an online tailored-shirt business:

SWOT analysis chart with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

You’ll also want to do a competitive analysis as part of the market research component of your business plan. This will tell you which businesses you’re up against and give you ideas on how to differentiate your brand. A broad competitive analysis might include:

  • Target customers
  • Unique value proposition , or what sets the products apart
  • Sales pitch
  • Price points for products
  • Shipping policy

4. Products and services

This section of your business plan describes your offerings—which products and services do you sell to your customers? Here’s an example for Paw Print Post that explains its line of custom greeting cards, along with details on what makes its products unique.

Products and services section of Paw Print Post showing customized greeting cards with paw prints.

5. Marketing plan

It’s always a good idea to develop a marketing plan before you launch your business. Your marketing plan shows how you’ll get the word out about your business, and it’s an essential component of your business plan as well.

Business plan sample showing marketing plan for Paw Print Post.

The Paw Print Post focuses on four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place. However, you can take a different approach with your marketing plan. Maybe you can pull from your existing marketing strategy , or maybe you break it down by the different marketing channels. Whatever approach you take, your marketing plan should describe how you intend to promote your business and offerings to potential customers.

6. Logistics and operations plan

The Paw Print Post example considered suppliers, production, facilities, equipment, shipping and fulfillment, and inventory. This includes any raw materials needed to produce the products.

Business plan example with a logistics and operations plan for Paw Print Post.

7. Financial plan

The financial plan provides a breakdown of sales, revenue, profit, expenses, and other relevant financial metrics related to funding and profiting from your business.

Ecommerce brand Nature’s Candy’s financial plan breaks down predicted revenue, expenses, and net profit in graphs.

Bar chart illustrating monthly expenses and direct costs for a business from January to December.

It then dives deeper into the financials to include:

  • Funding needs
  • Projected profit-and-loss statement
  • Projected balance sheet
  • Projected cash-flow statement

You can use a financial plan spreadsheet to build your own financial statements, including income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement.

Income statement template created by Shopify with sales, cost of sales, gross margin, and expenses.

8. Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation means dividing your target market into groups based on specific characteristics. These characteristics can be demographics, psychographics, behavior, or geography. Your business plan will provide detailed information on each segment, like its size and growth potential, so you can show why they are valuable to your business. 

Airsign , an eco-friendly vacuum cleaner company, faced the challenge of building a sustainable business model in the competitive home appliance market. They identified three key customer personas to target:

  • Design-oriented urban dwellers
  • Millennials moving to suburbs
  • Older consumers seeking high-quality appliances

The company utilized Shopify’s customer segmentation tools to gain insights and take action to target them. Airsign created targeted segments for specific marketing initiatives.

Put your customer data to work with Shopify’s customer segmentation

Shopify’s built-in segmentation tools help you discover insights about your customers, build segments as targeted as your marketing plans with filters based on your customers’ demographic and behavioral data, and drive sales with timely and personalized emails.

9. Appendix

The appendix provides in-depth data, research, or documentation that supports the claims and projections made in the main business plan. It includes things like market research, finance, résumés, product specs, and legal documents. 

Readers can access detailed info in the appendix, but the main plan stays focused and easy to read. Here’s an example from a fictional clothing brand called Bloom:

Appendix: Bloom Business Plan

Types of business plans, and what to include for each

This lean business plan is meant to be high level and easy to understand at a glance. You’ll want to include all of the same sections in one-page business plan, but make sure they’re truncated and summarized:

  • Executive summary: truncated
  • Market analysis: summarized
  • Products and services: summarized
  • Marketing plan: summarized
  • Logistics and operations plan: summarized
  • Financials: summarized

A startup business plan is for a new business. Typically, these plans are developed and shared to secure funding . As such, there’s a bigger focus on the financials, as well as on other sections that determine viability of your business idea—market research, for example:

  • Market analysis: in-depth
  • Financials: in-depth

Your internal business plan is meant to keep your team on the same page and aligned toward the same goal:

A strategic, or growth, business plan is a big-picture, long-term look at your business. As such, the forecasts tend to look further into the future, and growth and revenue goals may be higher. Essentially, you want to use all the sections you would in a normal business plan and build upon each:

  • Market analysis: comprehensive outlook
  • Products and services: for launch and expansion
  • Marketing plan: comprehensive outlook
  • Logistics and operations plan: comprehensive outlook
  • Financials: comprehensive outlook


Your feasibility business plan is sort of a pre-business plan—many refer to it as simply a feasibility study. This plan essentially lays the groundwork and validates that it’s worth the effort to make a full business plan for your idea. As such, it’s mostly centered around research:

Nonprofit business plans are used to attract donors, grants, and partnerships. They focus on what their mission is, how they measure success, and how they get funded. You’ll want to include the following sections in addition to a traditional business plan:

  • Organization description
  • Need statement
  • Programs and services
  • Fundraising plan
  • Partnerships and collaborations
  • Impact measurement

Set yourself up for success as a business owner

Building a good business plan serves as a roadmap you can use for your ecommerce business at launch and as you reach each of your business goals. Business plans create accountability for entrepreneurs and synergy among teams, regardless of your business model .

Kickstart your ecommerce business and set yourself up for success with an intentional business planning process—and with the sample business plans above to guide your own path.

Business plan examples FAQ

How do i write a simple business plan.

To write a simple business plan, begin with an executive summary that outlines your business and your plans. Follow this with sections detailing your company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product or service, marketing and sales strategy, and financial projections. Each section should be concise and clearly illustrate your strategies and goals.

What is the best format to write a business plan?

The best business plan format presents your plan in a clear, organized manner, making it easier for potential investors to understand your business model and goals. Always begin with the executive summary and end with financial information or appendices for any additional data.

What are the 4 key elements of a business plan?

  • Executive summary: A concise overview of the company’s mission, goals, target audience, and financial objectives.
  • Business description: A description of the company’s purpose, operations, products and services, target markets, and competitive landscape.
  • Market analysis: An analysis of the industry, market trends, potential customers, and competitors.
  • Financial plan: A detailed description of the company’s financial forecasts and strategies.

What are the 3 main points of a business plan?

  • Concept: Your concept should explain the purpose of your business and provide an overall summary of what you intend to accomplish.
  • Contents: Your content should include details about the products and services you provide, your target market, and your competition.
  • Cash flow: Your cash flow section should include information about your expected cash inflows and outflows, such as capital investments, operating costs, and revenue projections.

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How to Write a Startup Business Plan (10 Effective Steps)

Learn how to create an effective business plan in 10 easy steps and discover the transformative power of mentorship to elevate your startup's strategy.

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Robin Waite

5 minute read

10 steps to create a business plan

Short answer

What should an effective business plan include?

An effective business plan should include the following elements:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Market analysis
  • Your products or services
  • Marketing and sales strategies
  • Organization and management
  • Financial projections
  • Funding requirements
  • Risk assessment
  • Conclusion and Call to Action

You need a strategic business plan to successfully navigate the startup world

Diving into the startup world without a clear plan is like setting sail without a compass ; you might drift aimlessly or even crash.

A solid business plan isn't just a piece of paper—it's your roadmap to success. It attracts the right investors, guides your decisions, and sets you on a clear path to victory.

In this article, I’ll walk you through 10 essential steps to craft that perfect plan. Plus, I’ll touch on the invaluable insights a business mentor can offer.

So, if you want to avoid common pitfalls and boost your chances of success, keep reading. Your startup's future might just depend on it.

Step 1: Executive summary

Think of the executive summary as the elevator pitch for your startup. It's a quick snapshot that captures the heart of your business idea, mission, and goals.

In this brief section, make sure to highlight who your target audience is, what sets you apart in the market, and your unique selling points.

And don't forget to give a glimpse of your financial outlook and any funding needs—it sets the stage for the details that follow.

Here's an example of an executive summary slide:

Executive summary slide example

Step 2: Company description

Here's where you tell your startup's story. It's not just a list of facts or a timeline. It's about painting a picture that connects with your readers.

Clearly outline your vision, mission, and the values that drive you. Share key milestones you've hit and where you currently stand in your business journey. This section gives depth to your startup, showing both where you've been and where you're headed.

Here's an example of a company introduction slide:

Company introduction slide example

Step 3: Market analysis

To thrive, you've got to know the lay of the land. That's where market analysis comes in. Start by zeroing in on your target audience and truly understanding what they're looking for.

Dive deep into industry trends, the overall market size, and where it's headed. And don't just know your competitors—understand what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Here's what a market analysis slide should look like:

Market analysis slide example

Step 4: Products or services

Here's your chance to shine a spotlight on what you're offering. What problems are your products or services solving? What makes them special? Whether it's a unique feature, a patent, or some groundbreaking tech, make it clear why your offerings are game-changers.

Here's an example of a solution slide:

Solution slide example

Step 5: Marketing and sales strategies

In today's crowded market, standing out is crucial. This step is all about your game plan to grab attention and win customers. Detail how you'll sell, where you'll promote, and how you'll get your products or services into the hands of those who need them.

Here's what a go-to-market slide should look like:

Go-to-market slide example

Step 6: Organization and management

Behind every great startup is a team of passionate people. Here, introduce your squad. Highlight their expertise, define their roles, and show the structure that keeps everything running smoothly.

If you've got advisors or partners in your corner, mention them—it shows you're serious about growing in every direction.

Here’s a full guide on how to create the perfect team slide for your startup . And here's a great example of one:

Team slide example

Step 7: Financial projections

Numbers don't lie, and in this step, they sketch out your startup's potential future. Dive into the financials, projecting where you see your revenue, expenses, and profits heading over the next few years.

By breaking down your initial costs and where you expect to get your funding, you give a clear view of how you're setting up for success.

Here's an example of a financials slide:

Financial projections slide example

Step 8: Funding requirements

Every startup needs fuel to get off the ground, and that fuel is capital. Here, be clear about how much you need to launch and keep things running.

Break down where every dollar will go, whether that's marketing, product development, or daily operations.

If you've already got some backers or have your eye on potential investors, mention them—it adds weight to your pitch.

Here's what a use of funds slide should look like:

Use of funds slide example

Step 9: Risk assessment

Every venture has its bumps in the road. Here, show that you're not just aware of potential challenges but that you've got a plan to tackle them. In assessing risks, it's crucial to choose the right business structure at the beginning. For examples, the formation of an LLC as a strategic measure not only protects your personal assets from business liabilities but also mitigates financial risks for stakeholders. By laying out your strategies for handling risks, you prove you're not just optimistic—you're realistic and ready.

Here's an example of a risk assessment slide:

Risk assessment slide example

Step 10: Conclusion and Call to Action

Time to wrap it up and rally your readers. Summarize the key points of your plan, driving home why your startup is a solid bet.

But remember, this isn't just a conclusion—it's a launchpad. Encourage readers to get involved, whether that's investing, partnering, or simply supporting your vision. Let's get this journey started!

And, if you need more information, check out our comprehensive guide on how to write a business plan .

Here's an example of a next step slide:

Next step slide example

Seek guidance from a business mentor

While a solid business plan is your startup's compass, adding guidance from a business mentor to your journey is like having a seasoned captain on board.

They bring a treasure trove of insights, lessons from past experiences, and a network of industry contacts. Their tailored advice doesn't just polish your plan—it also boosts your confidence and resilience, two must-haves for the unpredictable startup seas.

By embracing mentorship, you're signaling that you're all in on growth, ready to soak up wisdom and accelerate your path to success.

Why is a business plan crucial for startups?

Think of a business plan as your startup's GPS. It helps you navigate the twists and turns, pointing out both the challenges and the golden opportunities ahead. It's your master blueprint, detailing everything from your big-picture goals to your financial forecasts .

What role does a business mentor play in this process?

A business mentor serves as a seasoned guide in the startup journey. Drawing from their wealth of experience, they offer invaluable insights, helping startups navigate challenges and optimize their strategies. Their guidance is instrumental in making informed, strategic decisions.

How can a mentor enhance my market analysis?

Mentors have their finger on the pulse of the industry. They can help you get a clearer picture of market trends, spot who you're really up against, and gauge where the opportunities lie. With their insights, your market analysis won't just be good—it'll be top-notch.

Can a mentor assist in financial projections?

Absolutely. If your mentor has a financial background, they can be a goldmine. They'll help you craft projections that are both ambitious and grounded in reality. From revenue estimates to potential expenses, they'll ensure your numbers make sense.

How can you incorporate mentorship into the business plan?

Consider adding a dedicated section in your business plan to highlight the mentorship aspect. By detailing the insights and guidance you've received, or intend to seek, you underscore your commitment to informed growth. This proactive approach can resonate well with potential investors and stakeholders.

Business plan templates

Starting your business plan can feel like staring at a blank canvas—it's full of potential, but where do you begin? That's where interactive business plan templates come into play.

These templates serve as a structured guide, ensuring you don't miss any crucial details while allowing for flexibility and customization. They're designed to streamline the process, making it easier to organize your thoughts and present your vision in a coherent manner.

Ready to dive in? Grab a template from the library below and give your business plan a head start.

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Robin Waite is a business coach based in the UK, bestselling author, and also regular business speaker. Robin's Fearless Business Accelerator covers pricing, productising services, and sales for coaches, consultants, and freelancers. Robin's passion is content marketing and blogging and he enjoys finding creative ways to make complex business topics simple for his readers.

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Top 4 Business Plan Examples

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Top 4 Business Plan Examples

Founders have to learn so many new skills when they're launching a startup, and writing a business plan is a big one. When you're writing your  business plan  for the first time, things can get…  intimidating.

What do you include? What kind of wording should you use? What do you make sure not to include? Is a mid size business plan different than an enterprise plan or a scalable startup? Do I need to include financials like cash flow statements? What do investors want to see?

It's enough to make even a stalwart startup founder and management team throw in the towel before they've even begun.

Lucky for you — we've created a  complete guide to writing your business plan . Check it out if you haven't already. (And if a link from there brought you here, just keep reading!) We'll share some business plan samples so you can get started writing your own professional business plan.

But, while it's nice to be guided step-by-step, it can also really help to have concrete examples when you're approaching creating something for the first time.

So, with that in mind, here are four sample business plans from the Startups community that we think really stand out from the crowd. We hope that these will serve as a startup business plan template and make it easier to write your own. At a minimum, these will provide some great business plan ideas whether you are writing traditional business plans for an established business or biz plans for an innovative new startup. While we would of course suggest you use our business plan creator,, you can use these examples with any number of business plan apps or business plan software.

Click on the below links to see fully formatted versions or continue reading for the text-only version of Culina's.


Every good business idea needs a business plan. A traditional business plan can work for most any new business.

CULINA Executive Summary

Fast facts:.

Founded:  2013  Headquarters:  San Francisco, CA  Founder:  Kent McClure  Market Size:  $12.5 billion  Target Audience:  Homeowners; property managers; insurance providers.

Quick Description:

Culina is a San Francisco-based IoT and home automation company. We design an advanced smart hub technology that enables users to interconnect and remotely monitor all of their cooking devices and kitchen appliances through a single user-friendly platform.

Our Mission:

To make homes smarter, more connected, and safer for families while helping them save money and conserve energy through the power of affordable, automated technology.

Our Vision:

To become the leading provider of IoT technology for kitchen appliances on a global scale with applications across both residential and commercial properties.

Company Synopsis:

Culina Tech is the next leading name in home automation and IoT. We're committed to leading the charge in creating the ultimate smart kitchen for homeowners all around the world. Our revolutionary Smart Plugs enable users to make any kitchen appliance or cooking device intelligent. Compatible with all existing brands that plug into standard two or three-prong wall outlets, Culina creates an entire network of Wi-Fi-connected kitchen devices. The Culina App allows users to remotely monitor the status of and control all devices connected to our Smart Plugs. Whether it's remotely turning on the coffee pot after getting out of bed, turning off the stove if it was accidentally left on via smartphone, or switching on the crockpot before getting home from work, Culina is purpose-built to deliver unrivaled convenience and peace of mind.

With the ability to set energy usage caps on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, Culina helps homeowners stay within their monthly utility budget and save energy in the kitchen through more efficient use of the dishwasher, refrigerator, freezer, stove, and other common appliances.

When a device reaches its energy limit, Culina alerts users through their smartphone and is built with the ability to power down the device automatically if the user chooses. The App measures key usage metrics in real-time, allowing users to get an instant dashboard view of energy consumption as it occurs.

Our team has already finished the product development and design phase, with 3 prototype iterations completed, and we are now ready to begin mass manufacturing. We've also gained major traction among consumers and investors alike, with 10,000 pre-ordered units sold and $5 million in capital secured to date.

With this round of funding, our objective is to ramp up hardware manufacturing, improve software UX and UI, expand our sales and marketing efforts, and fulfill pre-orders in time for the 2017 holiday season. We are currently seeking a $15M Series B capital investment that will give us the financial flexibility to achieve these goals. On behalf of the entire Culina Tech team, we'd like to thank you for your time and interest in our company and this investment opportunity.

Funding Allocation:

⇾  30% Manufacturing  ⇾  25% Sales & Marketing  ⇾  25% Key Hires  ⇾  20% Operational

Team Overview:

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It's a quintessential gathering place where families and friends come together to break bread, be merry, and make memories. But the kitchen is also where tragedy often strikes due to misuse of appliances. Kent McClure and his team set out to make the kitchen a safer and more energy-efficient place for the family after a tragic fire struck his own kitchen in late 2012. Thankfully, no lives were lost and everyone in his family made it out safe and sound, but Kent couldn't help but wonder  “what if.”

With decades in the industrial design space, Kent knew he had the knowledge and the industry contacts to set out to improve upon home automation devices for the kitchen with a solution that not only made homes safer but also cut down on energy consumption and associated costs. In early 2013, Culina was born. Since that time, Kent and the Culina team have made it their mission to completely revolutionize the home automation and IoT space with innovative, AI-powered technology.

Kent McClure | Founder & CEO  Kent is a Carnegie Mellon graduate with over 10 years of executive leadership experience in industrial design and engineering. He has a successful entrepreneurial history, founding a prior tech-based startup which he grew to $100 million in revenue, followed by an acquisition in 2010 and then IPO shortly after.

Sherri Carlson | COO  Sherri earned her MBA from Harvard Business School. She oversees all of Culina's ongoing operations and procedures and is responsible for driving Culina to achieve and surpass sales, profitability, cash flow, and business goals and objectives.

Martin Frink | CTO  Martin is a Stanford University alumnus with extensive technical expertise and over a decade of experience at venture-backed tech companies. He is responsible for Culina's technical vision, heading up all aspects of our technological development, strategic direction, development, and future growth.

Margaret Burns | CFO  Margaret earned her degree in Financial Management from NYU. Prior to joining Culina, Margaret spent seven years as CFO for a publicly-traded mobile tech company headquartered in Silicon Valley. She currently manages Culina's financial risks and handles all financial planning, record-keeping, and reporting.

Business plans should contain a company description, market analysis, financial plan, and mission statement.


Market opportunity.

An enormous need exists for dramatic reductions in energy consumption. Businesses alone consume 12-20% of the total US energy supply on food production, processing, manufacturing, distribution, and preparation.

On the residential side, the Energy Information Administration estimates that the average US household uses 11,280 kWh per year. Many homeowners are simply unaware of the large amount of energy consumed by many small household kitchen appliances:

Dishwasher:  133 watts  Television:  1,200 to 2,400 watts  Coffee Maker:  900 to 1,200 watts  Washing Machine:  350 to 500 watts  Toaster:  55 to 250 watts  Window Fan:  800 to 1,400 watts

The majority of US households now spend roughly 35 percent of their energy consumption on appliances, electronics, and lighting.

Most homeowners don't think about the little details that can help save them money on their energy bill. The vast majority of people keep the refrigerator or freezer too cold, fail to make sure refrigerator door seals are airtight, neglect to regularly defrost fridges and freezers, overload their dishwashers, and keep dishwasher water temperature too hot. As a result, energy consumption remains high, and energy bills remain high.

Not only do kitchens represent a primary source of household energy consumption, but also a primary source of house fires. More fires start in the kitchen than in any other room in the home, and household cooking appliances frequently account for billions of dollars in fire-related insurance claims every year. The number one cause of house fires and house fire injuries is the stove.

✓  46% of house fires caused by cooking equipment  ✓  62% of house fires caused by ranges or cooktops  ✓  $4,000 average fire and smoke damage repair costs

Culina is actively solving both of these common challenges caused by cooking equipment simultaneously. Our technology provides homeowners with immediate, real-time insight into their energy consumption by aggregating data for all kitchen appliances connected to our Smart Plugs while also delivering the preventative intelligence necessary to reduce kitchen-related disasters.

Key Features and Benefits:

We designed our Culina Smart Plugs to work in tandem with an intuitive, user-friendly mobile application — allowing users to gain a much-needed technological upgrade to the most popular room in the house.

Easy Setup:

Culina Smart Plugs work with standard two and three-pronged appliances and cooking devices. Simply attach the Culina Smart Plug to the appliance's electrical, plug it into the wall, download the Culina app, connect, and configure.

A one page business plan is a single page overview of your business plan format, logistics and operations plan priorities, and overall direction.

Constantly Learning:

Powered by machine learning artificial intelligence, our Intelligent Culina Response System learns user habits every time someone uses an appliance connected to one of our Smart Plugs.

Multi-Threat Sensors:

Our state-of-the-art sensors detect a variety of potential threats to the kitchen — including sudden and unusual temperature fluctuations, poisonous gas and emissions, toxic smoke, and more. Homeowners receive alerts whenever unusual activity is in progress such as a stovetop being left on for too long or during an unusual time of day.

Remote Monitoring:

Users can monitor all information directly from an easy-to-navigate dashboard in real-time using the Culina App for iOS and Android. Users can check metrics such as fridge and freezer temperature, cook time, and usage data as it is being gathered.

Remote Appliance Control:

With the Culina App, users can control all connected appliances and devices. If our Smart Plug is attached to a crockpot, for example, a user can add the ingredients before they head to work, activate the crockpot remotely, and come home to a readymade meal waiting for them the moment they step through the front door.

Free business plan templates are available online, or you can create your own business plan as the business owner if you don't want a traditional business plan.

Remote Shut-Off:

Not only does remote operation over appliances provide convenience, it also serves to prevent kitchen-related hazards. The Culina App includes auto shut-off capabilities allowing users to turn off appliances using their smartphone even when they're not at home. This is particularly useful in the event that users forget to turn off the oven or stove to prevent potential house fires.

Advanced Notifications:

In addition to notifying users if an appliance is left on by accident or if it detects a potential hazard, Culina also reminds users anytime regular maintenance is required.

Energy Consumption Data:

Users can also monitor energy consumption on a weekly basis right from the Culina App. By providing at-a-glance insight into whether energy use has gone up or down, users gain the ability to adjust their usage accordingly in order to conserve energy and ultimately save money in utility bills the long term.


Our cloud-based technology integrates with other popular platforms including Google's Nest and Lowe's Iris.

Cost-Saving Benefits:

Not only can users conserve money in energy consumption bills with Culina, but new insurance guidelines also provide significant discounts for homeowners who deploy smart technologies in their homes.

Pricing and revenue

Culina will initially monetize from hardware sales.

Our product will sell for $149 MSRP with approximately 40% profit margin. We will initially sell our product through popular e-commerce platforms and through our website — followed by brick-and-mortar outlets including Lowe's, Best Buy, Home Depot, and other major big box retailers.

5-Year Net Revenue Projections for business planning financial statements

Company Milestones:

With much of the heavy lifting already completed, Culina has laid the groundwork for rapid expansion going forward. Here's an overview of our accomplishments since first founding the company in 2013.

Consumer Validated:

Our first-generation product is market-ready and primed for commercial manufacturing. We have pre-sold 10,000 units, representing approximately $1,890,000 in pre-launch revenue. Our immediate customer base growing by the day and we have successfully proven that this is a product that consumers want and are enthusiastic about.


We have secured a total of $5 million in funding from angel investors, founder capital, friends and family, and VCs.

Proprietary Technology:

We have applied for and have been granted a provisional patent for our Smart Plug technology.

Strategic Partnerships:

We are in the process of building relationships with notable industry leaders, influencers, and development teams in the home automation sector. We are also in advanced-stage partnership discussions with a number of major name insurance providers.

Press Mentions:

Culina has received coverage in many of today's most renowned tech and entrepreneurial publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, The Verge, WIRED, and Engadget, among others.


A US-based contract manufacturer has been secured and is ready to begin production with the capacity to produce around 50K units per month as we scale.

Culina Company Timeline: 2013-2017 — displaying competitive advantages to secure funding in possible future rounds.

Future Development

Our initial focus on the consumer space with our launch product is just the first step in our long-term roadmap to growth. In order to capture a larger market share and continue scaling the company exponentially, we are planning on rolling out a B2B model in the future. This will provide Culina with new revenue streams and will offer a valuable, tech-driven solution for businesses.

Commercial Kitchens:

Commercial kitchens consume a huge amount of energy — roughly 2.5 times more per square foot than any other commercial space, according to the EPA.

The Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) estimates commercial kitchen equipment is often only 50% efficient. The challenge with reducing energy consumption in commercial kitchens is that it's neither practical nor affordable to replace all kitchen equipment or redesign entire workspaces.

In an effort to reduce CO2 emissions, some governments are offering incentives to businesses that can cut back on their carbon footprint. In the UK, Enhanced Capital Allowances allow businesses to benefit from 100% tax relief on their qualifying capital expenditure on energy-saving equipment. This can provide a cash flow boost and an incentive to invest in energy-saving equipment which normally carries a price premium compared to less efficient alternatives.

Our 2nd generation product will represent a revenue-generating and energy-saving solution for commercial kitchens where equipment is frequently selected based on low capital cost with little regard to whole life-cycle cost and the resulting negative energy consumption.

Built on cloud computing, machine-to-machine communication, and information-gathering sensors, the Internet of Things market is rapidly making more and more commonplace devices “smarter.” Factor in the increasing prevalence of smartphones and tablets, and home automation and IoT products are now becoming much easier to use and significantly more affordable than they have ever been before.

What was once only reserved for the wealthy and tech-savvy, everyday consumers now have direct access to and can take advantage of a growing number of home automation devices. The evolution of the Internet of Things has enabled consumers to digitally connect and remotely control everything from their door locks to their thermostat to their garage opener and essentially everything else in between. Evidence of the enormous impact home automation tech has had in the consumer space can be seen in the enormous adoption of products like Nest and Amazon Echo.

The home automation market and Internet of Things (IoT) space is a thriving industry with growth expected to exceed $50 billion by 2020. This represents an estimated 300% increase from today's market of $12.5 billion. Around 8.4 billion connected devices will be installed globally by the end of 2017, representing a +31% increase in just one year. Around 63% of these devices will be used by consumers, with the remainder deployed by businesses.

Culina is perfectly positioned to capitalize on a major multi-billion dollar market opportunity to provide greater protection, actionable intelligence, lower energy consumption, and more cost savings to the millions of homes in the US.

Most every business plan template online will prompt to identify target market, a cash flow statement, and business structure.

Target Audience

We are directly targeting three specific target populations for our product:


Homeowners are our end users and will benefit the most from our product. For homeowners, Culina represents safety, peace of mind, increased convenience, and an economically-wise investment that pays for itself over time.

Residential Property Managers:

Including apartment complexes and student housing owners. Culina offers increased owner ROI, occupant satisfaction, and significantly lower operational and maintenance costs.

Insurance Companies:

By reducing home fires caused by unattended cooking and the resulting billions of dollars in related insurance claims filed every year. Insurance companies can also leverage our technology to adjust homeowners insurance policy pricing.

Marketing Strategy

Culina has carefully developed a diverse marketing plan intended to keep our brand in the hearts and minds of our existing and prospective customers, enabling us to continue expanding our reach and grow our business. Between our massive social network followings and email database contacts, we regularly communicate directly with over 100,000 consumers.

SEO & Social:

We will drive traffic and conversions to our website using social media marketing via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and others. We are also exploring SEO and SEM.

Content Marketing:

We consistently release marketing content through our blog that aims to educate our audience about the value that our product provides. Our content marketing efforts aim to influence and persuade readers without having to rely solely on conventional direct selling tactics.

Influencer Marketing:

We will launch an initiative to guest blog articles and features in IoT, home automation, and startup tech publications like TechCrunch, Wired, VentureBeat, and other outlets in our industry.

Use an example business plan to get your information down — make sure to include market research, balance sheet, financial projections, and industry trends.

Competitive Landscape

Primary competitors for Culina include other companies that are currently operating in the home automation and Internet of Things space, such as Nest Labs, Amazon Echo, and Wallflower Labs.

Leading home automation company Nest introduced its first product, Nest Learning Thermostat, in 2011. The company was founded in 2010 by former Apple engineers Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. Nest was acquired by Google on January 14, 2014, by Google for $3.2 billion and still operates under its own brand identity.

Nest Labs designs programmable, self-learning, sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats, smoke detectors, and other security systems.

The 3rd generation Nest Thermostat prices at $249; Nest Indoor and Outdoor Cams are $199; and their Smoke & CO Alarm retails for $99.

Key Weaknesses:

After Nest's acquisition, the company has underperformed in sales and fallen below the expectations that Google set for them when it purchased the startup.

Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo, also known as Alexa, is a voice command device powered by artificial intelligence and designed by mega online retailer The smart home hub was initially released in November 2014.

Alexa is a voice-activated virtual assistant housed within the Echo smart speaker. Users simply say her name and then ask a question or give a command.

The Amazon Echo retails for $99 for Amazon Prime members and $170 for everyone else.

However, some users have noted the uneven sound quality and limited “skills” capabilities. Users can also only interact and communicate with Alexa in English and German.

Founded December 1, 2013, Wallflower Labs is a Charleston, MA-based startup that designs an internet-connected smart plug that works with any freestanding plug-in electric stove. The company's founder previously founded Yap — a speech recognition technology that was acquired by Amazon in 2011 to help develop Alexa. The startup has raised a total of $2.5 million from three rounds of equity funding to date, with the most recent funding reported at $1.5 million via a convertible note on August 30, 2016.

The smart plug sounds an alarm and alerts homeowners via smartphone when the stove is turned on, someone forgets to turn it off, when a cooking time expires, or the smoke alarm activates.

Because Wallflower Labs are still in the pre-launch phase, the company has not yet publicly released consumer pricing information.

Unlike Culina, which connects with all smart appliances and cooking devices in the kitchen, Wallflower Labs is solely focused on monitoring stove usage.

How Culina Measures Up:

Competitive Analysis - Competitive Landscape table — included in a business plan template.

Differentiating Factors

Culina maintains a unique competitive advantage over other existing home automation and IoT products in several categories. Our biggest differentiators include:

Diverse Product Capabilities

Culina makes it possible to gain an across-the-board view from an entire network of interconnected devices. Whether they're connected to the refrigerator, gas or electric-powered stove, microwave, or dishwasher, our Smart Plugs can deliver insight into everything from smoke and gas detection, to temperature changes, and usage metrics — regardless of the brand and through a single, user-friendly app.


Our technology is easy to use and doesn't require any technical-savvy. Setup and configuration are simple, users are able to be up and running out of the box in approximately 10 minutes, and software updates are deployed over the air.


Culina is priced below our competitors' products while delivering superior functionality and value. This will be an essential factor in helping us continue to gain market share nationally.

Team Strength Our team is comprised of industry veterans who bring decades of experience to the table across industrial design, mobile tech, cloud-based technology, artificial intelligence, and more.

Our leadership team has a history of starting and leading companies to successful exits and has established valuable relationships with industry leaders along the way that will help us strategically position Culina as a market innovator in the days ahead.

Investment Opportunity

Culina is currently seeking a total of $15M in  Series B equity financing  to fuel the next stage of company growth — including manufacturing, pre-order fulfillment, ongoing development of our platform, and marketing efforts in order to continue expanding the Culina brand. Any remaining funds will be allocated as operating capital.

Why Invest in Culina? With Culina, investors have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a company that's positioned to grow into a leading innovator in the home automation and IoT space.

With Culina, we've tapped into something truly extraordinary that's being celebrated by both early adopters and investors alike. With 10,000 units pre-sold and $1.89M in pre-launch revenue , we've already successfully demonstrated validation in the consumer space. With over $5 million in funding secured across several financing rounds, we've already proven that investors believe in our company, our mission, and our ability to succeed.

We've also established a scalable business model and robust product pipeline that will prime us for widespread expansion in the days ahead. We're now seeking investors who share our passion and commitment to pushing the boundaries of what home automation can be and do through nextgen technology.

We're looking forward to working with you in accelerating Culina's growth to become a dominant player in the booming global home automation and IoT industry.

Business plans are essential to any business. We hope this example business plan article guides you through your own business plan process.

In Conclusion

We hope these  business plan  examples will get you started on the right path in getting your business idea into a full-on company. Keep in mind that these startup business plan examples are not a uniform guide for every business, and some information may vary. You may need a 5-year business plan template, or perhaps just some business plan examples for students. Make sure to remember this as you start writing your business plan, and comment below to let us know if these examples of business plans for startups were helpful in your startup journey.

For more helpful founder information: check out our podcast! The No BS version of startup life you've been looking for:  Startup Therapy .

Afreen Zaheer

The examples were really helpful. It always makes such a difference actually seeing an example in action to help get a clearer picture of the overall objective.

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Business plan template

If you’re looking for a way to start your business off on the right foot, a business plan template can help you establish the foundation for your strategy. Get started in a few clicks with Asana’s free business plan template.

Daftar untuk menggunakan templat ini.


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You’re pumped—you just thought of the greatest business idea ever. You want to get started, but you don’t have a plan laid out. You need a loan to get your idea off the ground, and the bank wants to see an in-depth business plan. We’re here to help.

What is a business plan template?

A business plan template is a framework that helps you solidify your ideas in an organized format. Our free business plan template walks you through how to create a new business from scratch, or re-imagine your existing business in a new market.

What components are included in a business plan template?

Our business plan template covers what an organization wants to achieve within three to five years. By using our template, you’ll have a place to capture all of the major information you need in order to complete your business plan. That includes:

Company description : Information like your executive summary , your company’s mission statement and vision, and your founder’s bio. 

Product and services: A high-level overview of what your company provides, including core products or services. This may also include how your product is developed, any potential screenshots or prototypes of your product, and pricing plans.

Marketing plan: How you plan to bring your product into market at a high level. You can add information like a SWOT analysis , target market research, and brand positioning in this section.

Financial plan: Important financial information such as balance sheets, a break-even analysis, and your cash flow projections. 

Management and organization information: Information on your company’s founders, executive team, and the board of directors.

How to use our free business plan template

Using Asana’s free business plan template is simple. Start by creating a new project with our free template. From there, add relevant information for your specific business plan in the sections provided in our template. If there’s more information you want to include in your business plan, you’re free to add sections, custom fields, or additional tasks to make this template fit your needs.

Integrated features

Goals . Goals in Asana directly connect to the work you’re doing to hit them, making it easy for team members to see what they’re working towards. More often than not, our goals live separate from the work that goes into achieving them. By connecting your team and company goals to the work that supports them, team members have real-time insight and clarity into how their work directly contributes to your team—and company—success. As a result, team members can make better decisions. If necessary, they can identify the projects that support the company’s strategy and prioritize work that delivers measurable results. 

Reporting . Reporting in Asana translates project data into visual charts and digestible graphs. By reporting on work where work lives, you can reduce duplicative work and cut down on unnecessary app switching. And, because all of your team’s work is already in Asana, you can pull data from any project or team to get an accurate picture of what’s happening in one place.

Milestones . Milestones represent important project checkpoints. By setting milestones throughout your project, you can let your team members and project stakeholders know how you’re pacing towards your goal. Use milestones as a chance to celebrate the little wins on the path towards the big project goal. 

Project Overview . Project Overview is your one-stop-shop for all important project context. Give your team a bird’s-eye view of the what, why, and how of your project work. Add a project description to set the tone for how you’ll work together in Asana. Then, share any important resources and context—like meeting details, communication channels, and project briefs—in one place.

Microsoft Teams . With the Microsoft Teams + Asana integration, you can search for and share the information you need without leaving Teams. Easily connect your Teams conversations to actionable items in Asana. Plus, create, assign, and view tasks during a Teams Meeting without needing to switch to your browser.

Slack . Turn ideas, work requests, and action items from Slack into trackable tasks and comments in Asana. Go from quick questions and action items to tasks with assignees and due dates. Easily capture work so requests and to-dos don’t get lost in Slack. 

Google Workplace . Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Google Workplace file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach any My Drive file with just a few clicks.

Gmail . With the Asana for Gmail integration, you can create Asana tasks directly from your Gmail inbox. Any tasks you create from Gmail will automatically include the context from your email, so you never miss a beat. Need to refer to an Asana task while composing an email? Instead of opening Asana, use the Asana for Gmail add-on to simply search for that task directly from your Gmail inbox. 

How do I create a business plan template? .css-i4fobf{-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 200ms ease-in-out;transition:transform 200ms ease-in-out;-webkit-transform:rotateZ(0);-moz-transform:rotateZ(0);-ms-transform:rotateZ(0);transform:rotateZ(0);}

Instead of taking the time to create a business plan from scratch, start the process off with Asana’s free template.To further customize your template, add evergreen information about your specific business, such as your business model, company name, address, mission statement, value proposition, or target audience. Adding these details to your template lets you avoid documenting this information from scratch every time you create a new business plan.

What components should I include in a business plan template?

Business plan templates typically contain five main sections: a company description, products and services, a marketing plan, basic management and organization information, and your current financial plan.

How long should my business plan be?

Short answer—as long as you need it to be. The long answer is that your business plan should have the answers to specific questions on how your business is run, from the perspective of an investor. The goal of a business plan is to highlight your business strategy for the next three to five years. This means any important operational, financial, and strategic information should be included. 

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Contoh Business Plan dan Langkah-langkah Membuatnya

Pernahkah kamu memikirkan sebuah contoh business plan ? Business plan adalah perencanaan yang harus ada ketika seseorang hendak membangun sebuah bisnis. Ketika memulai bisnis, artinya juga harus sudah siap untuk menghadapi segala tantangan yang mungkin terjadi. Tantangan di sini tidak hanya sebatas pada saat kamu mencari ide produksi yang akan dijual saja, namun juga di dalam penyusunan strategi bisnis, penetapan target pasar, pengelolaan biaya sampai pada pencarian investor.

Untuk menyusun berbagai hal ini kamu sudah tidak perlu bersusah payah. Ada cara yang bisa memudahkan kamu dalam melakukannya, yaitu dengan membuat business plan (membuat dokumen perencanaan bisnis). Bagaimana contoh  business plan yang baik?

Apa Itu Business Plan dan Unsur-unsur di Dalamnya

Business plan merupakan sebuah ide perencanaan pada suatu bisnis yang dituangkan ke dalam bentuk dokumen. Business plan ini berisi tentang target bisnis, sasaran, konsep hingga tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari bisnis yang dijalankan. Business plan ini ditujukan sebagai rincian rencana bisnis yang biasanya dibuat saat awal-awal mendirikannya.

Umumnya business plan ini memuat gambaran tentang kegiatan bisnis yang dilakukan, mulai dari persiapan yang dimiliki, potensi keuntungan yang akan didapat dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Jika kamu berencana menjalani suatu usaha, maka berikut adalah beberapa unsur yang masuk di dalam business plan yang dibuat.

1. Informasi Singkat Tentang Usaha yang Dimiliki

Poin pertama yang harus ada di dalam business plan adalah informasi yang berkaitan dengan usaha kamu. Hal ini dimulai dari nama usaha, alamat lengkap dan jelas, latar belakang mendirikan usaha tersebut, target pasar yang diinginkan dan lain sebagainya. Meskipun singkat, namun buatlah agar mencakup semua unsur yang diperlukan.

2. Deskripsi tentang Perusahaan

Jika sudah memberikan informasi secara ringkas dan jelas. Bisa dengan menyebutkan visi dan misi, bisnis apa yang ditawarkan perusahaan hingga tujuan dan harapan perusahaan dari bisnis.

3. Barang atau Jasa

Bagian yang tidak kalah penting dalam membuat business plan adalah tentang barang atau jasa apa yang ditawarkan kepada publik. Jelaskan secara ringkas, mengapa orang-orang perlu menggunakan barang atau jasa tersebut, kelebihannya dibanding dengan yang lain dan sebagainya.

4. Analisis Pasar

Kamu juga perlu menganalisis pasar terhadap barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Jelaskan, mengapa target pasar perlu membutuhkan barang atau jasa yang kamu tawarkan.

5. Strategi Pemasaran

Strategi pemasaran tentu saja masuk dalam unsur penting business plan . Sebab, ini merupakan salah satu cara mengenalkan produk kepada calon pelanggan sekaligus mempertahankan mereka agar selalu memakai produk yang kamu tawarkan. Strategi ini dapat dicantumkan melalui berbagai cara agar bisnis tetap berkembang.

6. Rencana Keuangan

Tidak bisa dielakkan jika uang merupakan unsur penting dalam business plan. Jelaskan secara baik tentang berapa modal yang diperlukan dan untuk apa modal tersebut karena investor sangat membutuhkan hal informasi tersebut.

Contoh Business Plan Lengkap

Membuat business plan harus bisa semenarik mungkin supaya investor menaruh kepercayaan tinggi terhadap produk kamu. Sebagai referensi, berikut adalah contoh business plan sederhana yang bisa kamu jadikan contoh.

1. Latar Belakang

Pakaian adalah kebutuhan primer dan harus dipenuhi. Tidak heran jika permintaan pakaian akan terus tetap ada, sehingga inilah yang menjadi salah satu alasan dibentuknya bisnis pakaian trendi di Bandung.

Bisnis ini berfokus pada pakaian untuk usia remaja. Bahan dasarnya didapatkan dari pemasok kain grosir yang berkualitas bagus. Dengan begitu, kami bisa memberikan pakaian yang berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau dibanding kompetitor lainnya.

Bisnis Pakaian Trendi ini juga bisa memajukan industri di dalam negeri. Langkah ini diambil agar bisa memberi dampak positif sekaligus kemajuan bisnis pakaian di masa mendatang.

2. Struktur Organisasi

  • Pimpinan usaha : Adinara
  • Manajer operasional : Hestik Susanti
  • Manajer finansial : Gilang

3. Visi dan Misi Bisnis

Bisnis Pakaian Trendi diharapkan mampu memajukan para pelaku usaha tekstil di Indonesia. Selain itu juga agar bisa jadi penggerak ekonomi pada lingkungan setempat. Bisnis Pakaian Trendi ini akan terus mengajak produsen tekstil agar  terus maju dan meningkatkan kualitas produknya. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar pakaian yang dihasilkan terasa nyaman dan memuaskan pelanggan.

4. Produk Pakaian Trendi

Produk utama dari bisnis Pakaian Trendi ini adalah pakaian remaja khususnya wanita, sebab lebih banyak diminati. Ada banyak tren mode pakaian yang telah kami siapkan dengan padu padan yang yang sangat memikat.

5. Aset Pakaian Kekinian

Toko Pakaian Trendi sudah dilengkapi dengan etalase. Selain itu juga terdapat peralatan toko lainnya seperti cermin, meja, kursi, alat tulis, rak pakaian, lemari baju dan hanger. Untuk modal awal, aset Pakaian Trendi ini adalah sebesar Rp 100 juta rupiah. Pembagian aset tetapnya sejumlah Rp 70 juta dengan dana segar sebesar Rp 30 juta.

6. Sumber Permodalan

Modal dari Pakaian Trendi ini diambil dari dana pribadi sejumlah Rp 70 juta. Saat ini sebagian modal telah dialihkan ke bahan baku dan sebagainya. Modal sebesar 30 juta didapat dari investor.

7. Pengeluaran Rutin Bulanan

Gaji karyawan 3 orang Rp 9.000.000
Bahan baku Rp 20.000.000
Biaya listrik Rp 2.000.000
Biaya internet Rp 1.000.000
Biaya lembur Rp 500.000
Biaya pemeliharaan Rp1.500.000
Total Rp 34.000.000

8. Strategi Pemasaran

Strategi pemasaran Pakaian Trendi telah menjadi mitra platform jual beli online. Langkah ini diambil untuk memudahkan pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksi pembelian. Pakaian Trendi juga mengadakan diskon di tanggal-tanggal tertentu. Strategi pemasaran via media online kami gencarkan agar penjualan semakin meningkat.

9. Potensi Keuntungan

Bisnis pakaian trendi kami memiliki target penjualan sebanyak 1000 pcs per bulan. Berikut adalah hitungan potensi keuntungan yang akan kami dapatkan. Keuntungan / laba kotor– beban pengeluaran rutin = laba bersih 100.000.000 – 34.000.000 = 66.000.000

10. Rencana Pengembangan Bisnis

Rencana jangka pendek dari bisnis Pakaian Trendi adalah membuat komunitas bisnis yang bisa membantu memasarkan produk sehingga penjualan bisa meningkat. Selanjutnya juga akan menarik reseller supaya bisa menjangkau pelanggan yang lebih luas.

Jika hal ini telah berjalan dengan baik, maka diharapkan bisa membuka cabang di wilayah lainnya. Dengan begitu, semakin banyak reseller yang akan bekerja sama yang ditargetkan bisa berjalan 3-4 tahun ke depan.

Langkah-langkah Membuat Business Plan dan Hal-hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan

Setelah mengetahui contoh business plan di atas, kamu pasti masih bingung bagaimana langkah dalam membuat business plan ini. Nah, terdapat lima langkah dalam membuat business plan yang bisa diikuti, berikut adalah diantaranya.

1. Lakukan Riset Pasar dan Kompetitor

Langkah pertama ini sangat penting agar bisa menentukan target pasar bisnis kamu. Dengan melakukan riset ini, kamu juga bisa memanfaatkan celah pesaing dan memanfaatkan hal ini untuk menampilkan kelebihan bisnis yang dimiliki.

2. Membuat Deskripsi Bisnis

Buat deskripsi secara detail mengenai bisnis yang akan dijalankan, mulai dari latar belakang, visi-misi, struktur organisasi hingga tujuan dalam bisnis. Buatlah deskripsi dengan semenarik mungkin agar bisa memikat siapapun yang membaca business plan kamu.

3. Mengetahui SWOT Bisnis yang Dijalankan

Strengths (kekuatan), weaknesses (kelemahan), opportunities (peluang) dan threats (ancaman) adalah analisis yang cukup dalam terkait bisnis tersebut. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang serta ancaman dalam bisnis tersebut.

4. Membuat Timeline

Membuat timeline bisa dijadikan gambaran tentang kapan masing-masing rencana bisnis kamu bisa berjalan. Umumnya timeline ini dibuat per kuartal di setiap tahun, dimana pada akhir kuartal akan dilakukan evaluasi.

5. Membuat Budgeting

Budgeting ini juga merupakan langkah penting dalam membuat business plan agar kamu dapat mengetahui untuk apa saja dana bisnis yang digunakan.

Memulai bisnis memang memerlukan persiapan matang. Selain kemauan dan pengalaman, ilmu bisnis juga sangat penting agar bisa menjalankan bisnis dengan baik. Jika tertarik mendalami ilmu bisnis di perguruan tinggi, simak artikel-artikel terkait dengan bisnis dan entrepreneur lainnya di website BINUS @Malang dan raih cita-citamu menjadi seorang pebisnis sukses masa kini.

Baca Juga : Cara Membuat Proposal Business Plan yang Baik, Dijamin Ciamik



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9 Langkah Praktis Membuat Business Plan dan Tips Terbaiknya

  • Posted: Agustus 31, 2024
  • Updated: September 2, 2024


Apa itu business plan

Business plan adalah dokumen yang menjelaskan tujuan perusahaan, strategi pencapaiannya, dan jangka waktu pelaksanaannya. Dokumen ini berfungsi sebagai peta jalan pertumbuhan bisnis dan alat untuk mendapatkan pendanaan.

Dokumen ini penting bagi perusahaan startup dan yang sudah mapan. Untuk startup , rencana bisnis yang baik membantu menarik investor. Perusahaan yang sudah mapan menggunakannya untuk menjaga agar bisnis tetap pada jalur dan selaras dengan tujuan pertumbuhan.

Tujuan business plan

Merencanakan Pertumbuhan Bisnis Business plan membantu perusahaan merencanakan ekspansi, pengembangan produk, atau penetrasi pasar baru. Dengan langkah-langkah konkret, perusahaan bisa mengurangi risiko dan memastikan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan.

Mendapatkan Pendanaan Investor dan lembaga keuangan sering meminta business plan sebelum memberikan pendanaan. Dokumen ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memiliki strategi yang jelas dan dapat dipercaya, sehingga peluang mendapatkan investasi atau pinjaman meningkat.

Mengukur Kemajuan Business plan berfungsi sebagai benchmark untuk menilai perkembangan bisnis. Dengan membandingkan kinerja aktual dengan proyeksi, perusahaan bisa mengevaluasi apakah mereka berada di jalur yang tepat atau perlu melakukan penyesuaian.

Mengidentifikasi Peluang dan Tantangan Analisis pasar dan riset dalam business plan membantu perusahaan mengidentifikasi peluang dan tantangan. Ini memungkinkan perusahaan lebih siap dalam mengambil keputusan strategis.

Mengelola Risiko Business plan membantu perusahaan mengantisipasi risiko dan menyiapkan rencana mitigasi. Dengan memahami risiko potensial dan cara menghadapinya, perusahaan bisa mengurangi dampak negatif pada operasional dan keuangan.

Baca juga: 7 Cara Melakukan Riset Kompetitor & Manfaatnya untuk Bisnis

Manfaat sebuah business plan

Memberikan Panduan Strategi yang Jelas Business plan menyajikan panduan rinci tentang visi, misi, dan tujuan perusahaan. Ini membantu semua anggota tim memahami arah strategis dan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk mencapainya. Dengan rencana yang jelas, perusahaan tetap fokus dan terorganisir.

Meningkatkan Peluang untuk Pendanaan Business plan yang terperinci sangat penting untuk mendapatkan pendanaan dari investor atau lembaga keuangan. Rencana yang jelas, data pasar yang solid, proyeksi keuangan realistis, dan strategi bisnis yang matang dapat meyakinkan investor bahwa perusahaan Anda memiliki potensi sukses dan risiko yang dapat dikelola.

Meningkatkan Komunikasi Internal Perusahaan Rencana bisnis membantu meningkatkan komunikasi internal dengan mendokumentasikan visi, misi, dan tujuan bisnis secara rinci. Ini memudahkan tim memahami arah perusahaan dan peran masing-masing, mengurangi kebingungan, serta meningkatkan koordinasi dan kolaborasi antar departemen.

Meningkatkan Peluang Pertumbuhan Sekitar 71% perusahaan yang berkembang cepat memiliki rencana. Rencana yang baik membentuk strategi jangka panjang dan menunjukkan jalur menuju kesuksesan. Pemilik bisnis yang menetapkan tujuan jangka panjang memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk berkembang.

Memperkuat Pengambilan Keputusan Business plan menyediakan data dan analisis mendalam yang memperkuat proses pengambilan keputusan. Dengan informasi terstruktur tentang pasar, kompetitor, dan keuangan, manajemen dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih terinformasi dan strategis, mengurangi ketidakpastian, dan meningkatkan kemungkinan keberhasilan operasional dan strategis.

Jenis-jenis business plan yang perlu diketahui

Business plan bisa berbeda tergantung kebutuhan dan tujuan perusahaan. Berikut jenis-jenis business plan yang umum digunakan:

Startup Business Plan

Jenis business plan ini dirancang untuk bisnis yang baru memulai. Ini mencakup aspek dasar seperti deskripsi bisnis, analisis pasar, strategi pemasaran, dan proyeksi keuangan. Fokus utama adalah mendapatkan produk minimum yang layak (MVP) terlebih dahulu, kemudian mengembangkan dari sana.

Strategic Business Plan

Strategic plan berfungsi sebagai dasar internal organisasi, dengan manajemen mengevaluasi kekuatan dan area perbaikan melalui analisis SWOT. Bagian implementasinya menjelaskan bagaimana strategi mendorong perusahaan menuju tonggak pencapaian, termasuk pedoman alokasi sumber daya dan tenggat waktu untuk mencapai tujuan.

Feasibility Business Plan

Feasibility plan dibuat saat perusahaan ingin mengeksplorasi usaha baru, seperti memasarkan produk baru atau menjual produk lama ke pasar baru. Biasanya, rencana kelayakan fokus pada penjualan produk dan seberapa besar peluang pasar yang ada. Tujuannya adalah memastikan bahwa usaha baru akan memberikan keuntungan yang memadai.

Growth Business Plan

Growth atau Expansion business plan digunakan saat perusahaan ingin tumbuh dan membutuhkan sumber daya tambahan, seperti investasi, bahan produk baru, dan karyawan. Rencana ini dapat ditujukan untuk alasan eksternal atau internal. Jika eksternal, dokumen ini harus memuat detail lengkap tentang perusahaan agar investor luar bisa memutuskan pendanaan.

What-if Business Plan

Jenis rencana ini dibuat saat bisnis mencari pendanaan, mempertimbangkan akuisisi, atau menghadapi langkah berisiko lainnya. Rencana what-if adalah alternatif dari rencana bisnis utama dan membantu mempersiapkan skenario terburuk. Ini juga berguna untuk menilai dampak dari keputusan besar, seperti menambah tenaga kerja, menaikkan harga produk, atau bergabung dengan perusahaan lain.

One-page Business Plan

Rencana ini meringkas bagian terpenting dari rencana lean, menjelaskan produk atau layanan perusahaan, target pasar, serta prakiraan penjualan. Jenis business plan ini juga memberikan deskripsi perusahaan yang menyoroti nilai dan misi perusahaan untuk pengarahan calon investor dan mitra.

Cara membuat business plan

Komponen dari sebuah business plan.

Setiap business plan harus mencakup komponen penting untuk memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang bisnis Anda. Berikut adalah komponen utama yang biasanya ada dalam business plan:

Komponen business plan

  • Executive Summary : Ringkasan keseluruhan business plan, termasuk visi, misi, dan poin penting lainnya. Memudahkan pembaca memahami bisnis tanpa membaca dokumen lengkap.
  • Deskripsi Perusahaan : Menjelaskan sejarah, struktur hukum, visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Memberikan pemahaman latar belakang dan tujuan bisnis.
  • Analisis Pasar : Informasi tentang pasar target, ukuran, tren, serta analisis kompetitor. Membantu memahami peluang, tantangan, dan cara bersaing.
  • Marketing Plan : Strategi pemasaran untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan. Termasuk cara menjangkau pelanggan, strategi harga, dan promosi.
  • Deskripsi Produk dan Layanan : Detail produk atau layanan, termasuk fitur, manfaat, dan keunggulan. Termasuk rencana pengembangan di masa depan.
  • Manajemen dan Struktur : Organisasi internal perusahaan, termasuk tim manajemen dan struktur organisasi. Menjelaskan profil anggota tim dan tanggung jawab mereka.
  • Operations Plan : Cara bisnis akan beroperasi sehari-hari, termasuk rencana produksi, rantai pasokan, dan kebutuhan fasilitas. Menjamin operasional berjalan sesuai rencana.
  • Proyeksi Keuangan : Estimasi pendapatan, pengeluaran, dan laba mendatang. Mencakup laporan laba rugi, neraca, dan arus kas untuk mengukur kesehatan finansial.

Langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan

1. menyusun executive summary.

Executive summary adalah kesempatan singkat untuk memperkenalkan bisnis Anda. Ini harus mencakup pernyataan misi, deskripsi singkat tentang produk atau layanan, dan rencana pertumbuhan keuangan.

Meskipun ringkasan eksekutif akan menjadi bagian pertama yang dibaca investor, sebaiknya tulis di akhir. Ini memungkinkan Anda menyoroti poin-poin penting yang muncul saat menulis bagian lain yang lebih rinci.

2. Menulis deskripsi perusahaan

Mulailah dengan menggambarkan perusahaan Anda secara singkat. Sertakan sejarah, lokasi, dan struktur hukumnya, seperti kepemilikan perseorangan atau LLC. Jelaskan juga masalah atau kebutuhan spesifik yang ingin dipecahkan oleh bisnis Anda. Bagian ini menyoroti apa yang membuat perusahaan Anda unik. Jelaskan kekuatan dan keunggulan yang menempatkan bisnis Anda di jalur kesuksesan.

3. Melakukan analisis pasar

Analisis pasar adalah studi tentang industri dan pasar tempat bisnis Anda beroperasi. Salah satu metode yang sangat efektif untuk melakukan analisis ini adalah dengan menggunakan Analisis SWOT. 

Grid SWOT Analysis

Analisis ini adalah alat yang membantu Anda mengidentifikasi kekuatan (Strengths), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), dan ancaman (Threats) bisnis Anda. Memilih pasar yang salah atau waktu yang tidak tepat bisa membuat Anda kesulitan dalam mencapai penjualan.

4. Menguraikan manajemen dan organisasi

Bagian manajemen dan organisasi dalam rencana bisnis harus menjelaskan siapa yang mengelola perusahaan Anda. Sebutkan struktur hukum bisnis, seperti korporasi S, kemitraan terbatas, atau kepemilikan tunggal.

Jika ada tim manajemen, sertakan bagan organisasi untuk menunjukkan struktur internal. Jelaskan peran, tanggung jawab, dan hubungan antar anggota tim. Pastikan setiap orang dipahami kontribusinya terhadap kesuksesan perusahaan Anda.

5. Mencantumkan produk dan layanan Anda

Produk atau layanan Anda akan menjadi bagian penting dalam business plan. Pastikan untuk menjelaskan secara jelas bagaimana produk tersebut memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Jelaskan juga perbedaannya dengan produk pesaing. Jika relevan, tambahkan informasi tentang pengembangan produk, siklus hidupnya, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang terkait.

6. Melakukan segmentasi pelanggan

Pelanggan ideal Anda, atau target pasar, adalah dasar dari rencana pemasaran dan bisnis Anda. Penting untuk memahami buyer persona agar setiap keputusan strategis lebih tepat.

Segmentasi pelanggan berarti mengelompokkan pelanggan berdasarkan demografi, geografi, psikografi, atau perilaku. Analisis segmentasi ini membantu Anda memahami kebutuhan dan preferensi pelanggan, serta mengarahkan strategi pemasaran secara efektif.

7. Menentukan rencana pemasaran

Upaya pemasaran Anda harus disesuaikan dengan pelanggan ideal Anda. Saat menyusun keputusan dan strategi, pastikan rencana pemasaran Anda fokus pada kesesuaian ide bisnis dengan pelanggan tersebut.

Sebagian besar rencana pemasaran mencakup empat topik utama. Detail yang Anda berikan pada masing-masing topik akan bergantung pada bisnis dan audiens Anda.

  • Harga: Berapa biaya produk Anda dan alasan di balik keputusan itu?
  • Produk: Apa yang Anda jual dan bagaimana membedakannya dari pesaing?
  • Promosi: Bagaimana Anda akan memperkenalkan produk kepada pelanggan ideal?
  • Tempat: Di mana Anda akan menjual produk? Melalui saluran apa dan di pasar mana?

8. Menyediakan rencana logistik dan operasi

Bagian ini harus menunjukkan bahwa Anda memahami rantai pasokan dengan baik dan memiliki rencana cadangan untuk mengatasi ketidakpastian. Ini mencakup detail tentang proses produksi, manajemen rantai pasokan, fasilitas yang digunakan, dan teknologi yang diperlukan. Rencana ini juga harus mencakup pengelolaan inventaris, pengadaan bahan baku, dan efisiensi operasional.

9. Membuat rencana keuangan

Meski ide Anda brilian dan Anda telah menginvestasikan banyak usaha, waktu, dan uang, keberhasilan bisnis bergantung pada kesehatan keuangannya. Pada akhirnya, orang lebih memilih bekerja dengan bisnis yang mereka yakini akan bertahan lama.

Rencana keuangan Anda harus disesuaikan dengan audiens dan tujuan Anda. Umumnya, sertakan tiga tampilan utama: laporan laba rugi, neraca, dan laporan arus kas. Data dan proyeksi keuangan juga bisa sangat membantu.

Best practice dalam membuat business plan

Selalu proofread dokumen anda.

Proofreading sangat penting untuk memastikan business plan Anda bebas dari kesalahan. Kesalahan kecil dapat merusak profesionalisme dan menurunkan kredibilitas di mata investor. Luangkan waktu untuk memeriksa kembali dokumen Anda. Anda juga bisa meminta bantuan orang berpengalaman untuk meninjau dan memberikan umpan balik.

Gunakan business plan template

Gunakan template business plan yang terstruktur agar semua komponen penting tercakup dengan baik. Template ini memudahkan penyusunan rencana dengan format yang sudah teruji. Pilih template yang sesuai dengan jenis bisnis Anda dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik.

Sesuaikan business plan untuk target audience

Sesuaikan business plan Anda dengan audiens, apakah itu investor, mitra bisnis, atau tim manajemen. Pahami apa yang mereka butuhkan dan harapkan, lalu buat konten yang relevan. Misalnya, jika audiensnya investor, fokuskan pada proyeksi keuangan dan potensi keuntungan.

Pastikan konten tetap konsisten

Konsistensi adalah kunci dalam penulisan business plan. Pastikan visi, misi, dan strategi saling mendukung di setiap bagian. Gunakan gaya bahasa, nada, dan terminologi yang sama di seluruh dokumen. Ini akan memberikan kesan profesional dan terstruktur.

Review dan update secara berkala

Business plan tidak bersifat statis. Anda harus memperbarui dokumen ini secara berkala untuk mencerminkan perubahan pasar, tujuan perusahaan, atau kondisi keuangan. Review yang rutin memastikan business plan Anda tetap relevan dan efektif untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis.

Gunakan tools dan software

Banyak tools dan software yang bisa membantu Anda menyusun business plan. Mulai dari alat perencanaan keuangan hingga software presentasi, teknologi ini meningkatkan efisiensi dan akurasi, serta membuat data lebih menarik dan mudah dipahami.

Membuat business plan yang komprehensif adalah langkah krusial dalam merencanakan dan mengarahkan pertumbuhan bisnis. Ikuti langkah-langkah yang tepat dan terapkan best practices untuk menyusun rencana yang efektif.

Business plan yang baik memandu operasi harian dan membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan strategis. Selain itu, rencana yang solid juga menarik investor. Perbarui dan sesuaikan business plan Anda sesuai dengan perkembangan pasar dan tujuan bisnis.

business plan startup contoh

Tim Insights Impact

Tim Insights Impact terdiri dari beragam individu profesional yang memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam berbagai aspek bisnis. Bersama-sama, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan wawasan mendalam dan pemahaman yang berharga tentang berbagai topik terkait strategi bisnis dan tren industri yang relevan.

business plan startup contoh

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Laporan keuangan (financial statement) adalah cara bagi sebuah perusahaan atau organisasi untuk menunjukkan kepada orang…

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Business plan templates

From competitive analysis to financial projections, business plans give your new business a roadmap for success. Download one of our free business plan templates and take your company to the next level.

Big Data Startup Business Plan Template

Big Data Startup Business Plan Template

Create a professional Big Data Startup business plan with our customizable Startup Business Plan Template.

Virtual Assistant Business Plan

Virtual Assistant Business Plan

Strategize your way to success with this customizable AI virtual assistant business plan template.

Virtual Reality (VR) Business Plan

Virtual Reality (VR) Business Plan

Our free virtual reality (VR) business plan helps you customize your document and create a winning strategy to land investors.

Get unlimited eSignatures

Create, manage, and eSign documents for only $19 per month.

No credit card required

Paid Plans Banner

Laundromat Business Plan

Create your success roadmap with a laundromat business plan template, designed to arrange the essentials of the laundry business.

5-Year Business Plan Template

5-Year Business Plan Template

Empower your path to long-term success with our 5-year business plan template.

Car Wash Business Plan Template

Car Wash Business Plan Template

Launch and grow your car wash business with our customizable plan template.

Airbnb Business Plan Template

Airbnb Business Plan Template

Unlock your path to success with our Airbnb business plan template, made to guide you in structuring the fundamental aspects of your Airbnb business.

Clothing Line Business Plan

Clothing Line Business Plan

Use this free and customizable clothing line business plan to appeal to investors and set up your fashion brand.

Gym Business Plan Template 

Gym Business Plan Template 

The Panda tips in this gym business plan template guide you through the process of researching and presenting information necessary to secure funding and partners for your business.

Handyman Business Plan Template

Handyman Business Plan Template

Start a new handyman business using a well-researched handyman business plan template to meet your goals faster.

Vending Machine Business Plan Template

Vending Machine Business Plan Template

If you’re starting a new vending machine business, a well-rounded vending machine business plan can improve your chances of success.

Bar Business Plan Template

Bar Business Plan Template

Create your path to success with our bar business plan template, designed as a valuable tool to help entrepreneurs organize the bar business.

Massage Therapy Business Plan

Massage Therapy Business Plan

This massage therapy business plan template helps you cover the basics of starting or expanding a massage business.

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Template

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Template

Use a complete bed and breakfast business plan template to set up your business for growth and success.

Catering Business Plan

Catering Business Plan

Chart your path to success with our catering business plan template designed to help entrepreneurs organize their catering business.

Event Venue Business Plan Template

Event Venue Business Plan Template

Launch and grow your event venue with our customizable business plan template.

Event Planning Business Plan 

Event Planning Business Plan 

Prepare your event planning business for success with our ready-to-fill and easily downloadable event planning business plan template.

Rental Property Business Plan

Rental Property Business Plan

Develop a rental property business plan tailored to serve as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs to organize their rental business.

Coaching Business Plan Template

Coaching Business Plan Template

If you want to grow your new or existing coaching business, use our free coaching business plan template as a roadmap to success.

Lawn Care Business Plan

Lawn Care Business Plan

Use a comprehensive lawn care business plan template that includes guidance and all critical information.

T-shirt Business Plan Template 

T-shirt Business Plan Template 

Craft a winning T-shirt business plan in a structured business format that attracts investors and funding.

Candle-Making Business Plan Template

Candle-Making Business Plan Template

Use a candle-making business plan template to get together all of the information you need to ensure that your candle business succeeds.

SBA Business Plan Template

SBA Business Plan Template

Use our free and fully customizable SBA business plan template to get started when writing a successful proposal for an SBA loan.

Cleaning Business Plan Template

Cleaning Business Plan Template

Discover a hassle-free way to document a roadmap for your cleaning business with this free business plan template.

Real Estate Business Plan Template

Real Estate Business Plan Template

Start off your new real estate business on the right foot by using a real estate business plan template to ensure your goals, visions, and finances are sorted.

Trucking Business Plan Template

Trucking Business Plan Template

Empower your journey to success with our trucking business plan template, designed as a valuable tool to organize the essentials of your trucking business.

Food Truck Business Plan Template

Food Truck Business Plan Template

Find a fully customizable, free food truck business plan template that helps you create an effective proposal for interested investors.

Simple Business Plan Template

Simple Business Plan Template

This simple business plan template walks you through the stages of establishing a successful business or seeking funding.

Solar Farm Business Plan

Solar Farm Business Plan

Give your solar farm business the best start by creating a professional business plan to keep your company on the right track.

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

This Ecommerce Business Plan Template is tailored particularly to e-commerce companies, and all you require to do is add the elements related to your business.

Accounting Firm Business Plan

Accounting Firm Business Plan

Use this Accounting Firm Business Plan to achieve your goals. Accounting firms are comparable to other industries and need the Business Plan to help their development.

Campground Business Plan Template

Campground Business Plan Template

This PandaDoc Campground Business Plan Template has all the essential information to help you develop a successful business strategy.

Firewood Business Plan

Firewood Business Plan

This Firewood Business Plan Template perfectly outlines the company structure of a probable firewood venture. It highlights the budgets needed to start and manage the unique business.

Funeral Home Business Plan

Funeral Home Business Plan

A Funeral Home Business Plan covers detailed data on the courtesies offered by the company, market analysis, administration strategies, personnel procedures, budget and financing plans, and other applicable topics.

Community Center Business Plan

Community Center Business Plan

You can use this Community Center Business Plan Template, it is perfect for anyone desiring to open and run a society center. It gives the center’s owner an outline of areas that must be disseminated with the investors to earn an acquisition.

Gas Station Business Plan

Gas Station Business Plan

Take the first step towards success in the fuel industry with our professionally crafted Gas Station Business Plan template.

Beauty Supply Store Business Plan Template

Beauty Supply Store Business Plan

This Beauty Supply Store Business Plan Template covers all the appropriate sections needed to invest in a beauty supply store. The template will help you to raise money for your business.

Flower Shop Business Plan Template

Flower Shop Business Plan Template

The Flower Shop Business Plan Template is organized to help you achieve the awareness of various investors to invest in your company.

Electrical Contractor Business Plan

Electrical Contractor Business Plan

This Electrical Contractor Business Plan template include information about the services you offer, who your target consumers are, why they should prefer you over your opponents and how much capital you require to get started.

Car Dealership Business Plan Template

Car Dealership Business Plan

A Car Dealership Business Plan is a detailed plan that will help you take your business to the next level. Use this template to create your plan.

Farm Business Plan Template

Farm Business Plan

Farm Business Plan gives an overview of the company, including corporation history, owner backgrounds, creations and more. Use this template to quickly develop your farm company plan.

Consultant Business Plan Template

Consultant Business Plan Template

An example of a document outlining your strategy for launching or expanding your consulting firm is a Consultant Business Plan Template. The essential elements include a summary of the company, team, sector, rivals, target audience, and an operations and marketing strategy.

Construction Company Business Plan

Construction Company Business Plan

The objectives and tactics of a construction company are described in a business plan for a construction company. For the creation of your business plan, use this Construction Company Business Plan Template.

Fashion Business Plan Template

Fashion Business Plan Template

Structural and action plans for a fashion firm are laid out in the fashion business plan template.

Daycare Business Plan

Daycare Business Plan

The creation of a business strategy is the first step in starting a daycare. Use this Daycare Business Plan Template to describe your company’s objectives, as well as your target market, potential rivals, and your financing strategy.

Convenience Store Business Plan

Convenience Store Business Plan

Do you need a Convenience Store Business Plan Template? This plan includes all the details and information needed to secure funding for a convenience store.

startup business plan

Startup Business Plan Template

We offer you the steps and the tools to create a fantastic business plan. Attract investors with this sleek and free startup business plan template.

business plan

Business Plan Template

This business plan template is a great tool for your startup to customize to reflect your strong qualifications, experienced team, and marketable business idea.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a document that helps small business owners determine the viability of their business idea. Combining market research and financial analysis, a professional business plan helps startup CEOs and potential investors determine if the company can compete in the target market.

Typically, a good business plan consists of the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Mission statement
  • Product and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Operations plan
  • Management organization
  • Financial plan
  • Conclusion & appendix

Every section involved in a business plan is designed to help startup businesses reach their target market.

A business plan asks founders and entrepreneurs to detail their business strategy in a step-by-step process that makes sense from an operational perspective. This is essential if a startup is seeking a business loan or an investment from a venture capital firm.

However, even small businesses that are already economically viable can benefit from creating a business plan, since it encourages business owners and their management teams to examine their business model and reevaluate the best ways to reach their target customers.

Should I use a business plan template?

Yes.  If you’ve never written one, a business plan can be challenging to write.

Creating a successful plan that you can use to grow your small business can require weeks of market analysis and financial preparation. You may spend time using Microsoft Excel or Powerpoint in order to create documentation which better supports our operational decisions.

However, almost every professional business plan is structured in the same way and most ask for the same information. Because of this, using a business plan template is advisable to save time, money, and effort.

Business plan templates for free

Rather than spending time trying to figure out how to write a business plan , use a free template as a guide to completion.

Business plan templates from PandaDoc can help you reach an effective go-to-market strategy even faster by asking you to provide all the relevant information you need when creating an effective business plan.

Grab a free template to get started!

Frequently asked questions

How many pages should my business plan be.

This depends on the kind of business plan you need to write and how you intend to use the plan that you create.

For example, a plan for a small business seeking potential investors or a business loan will need to provide income statements, cash flow statements, and a balance sheet (usually for a three-year or five-year forecast period).

These financial statements can be omitted if a small business owner isn’t seeking funding and is instead planning to use their business plan as a guiding document for themselves and their management team members.

Some business plans may only run a few pages. Fully-developed business plans can be as long as 50 pages. Much of this depends on the type of business, the operational strategy, and the level of detail that goes into developing the business plan.

Who needs a business plan?

Every business should have a business plan. This is an essential guidance document for any founder or CEO.

Good business plans help a company determine the viability of its place in the market and can help the business develop better strategies for differentiating itself from its competitors.

Business planning also forces business owners to evaluate their marketing strategy, the cost of customer acquisition and retention, and how they plan to grow their business over time.

What is the best business plan template?

Business plans come in all shapes and sizes. The best business plan template for your business is one that you understand and that matches the size and legal structure of your operation.

If you’re a sole proprietor, a business plan template designed for a big corporation probably doesn’t make sense. However, a business plan that helps you build an effective roadmap to grow your business while protecting your intellectual property is a good starting point.

PandaDoc offers specialized business plan templates for common industries along with tips to help you get started with business planning.

Should I hire someone to write my business plan for me?

No. You’ll find freelance writers and business strategy companies out there who are happy to write your business plan for a fee.  These resources can guide you through the process, but you should write (or be heavily involved in) the creation of your business plan.

The reason for this is simple: You know the most about your business, and your business needs you to succeed.

A writer can work with you to make your business plan sound better to investors, and a consultant can help you fill in knowledge gaps — like how to conduct a SWOT analysis — and point out weaknesses in your plan. But, at the end of the day, you need to use the business plan to pitch investors and run your business.

Those ideas and guiding principles aren’t something you can outsource.

Should I use business planning software?

Software isn’t required when creating an effective business plan. Most business planning software is designed to help you navigate the outlining and writing process more effectively.

You don’t need software to write a professional business plan, but a solid template can help you get started. Download a free template from PandaDoc today and take your business to the next level.

Get started with PandaDoc today


Startup Business Plan Template

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Create a plan for your company's success in no time

Your business must have a formal business plan to be taken seriously. we can help you craft it. .

Creating a business plan for one's startup is something many people tend to delay or aren't quite sure how to begin. That's why we created the Startup Business Plan Template: so that you could create a high-quality business plan without too much stress, worry, or time. The template is designed to help individuals who are just starting to create their business plan or for those that just need a quick gut check on the one they have already prepared.

Included in the Kit

  • Guidelines for writing a rockstar business plan
  • The 9 components your business plan needs
  • Editable fields for easy creation
  • A business plan gut check list
  • How to make the template work for you

Access them All Now!

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Free Business Plan Templates in Excel

By Joe Weller | September 27, 2020

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In this article, we’ve rounded up an extensive list of free business plan templates and samples for organizations of all sizes. You can download all of the plans in Excel. 

Included on this page, you’ll find business plan templates in Excel , business plan checklists in Excel , business plan financial templates in Excel , and more.

Business Plan Templates in Excel

These Excel business plan templates are designed to guide you through each step of a well-rounded strategy that supports your marketing, sales, financial, and operational goals.

Business Plan Template in Excel

Business Plan Template

This Excel business plan template has all the traditional components of a standard business plan, with each section divided into tabs. This template includes space to provide the executive summary, target audience characteristics, product or service offering details, marketing strategies, and more. The plan also offers built-in formulas to complete calculations for sales forecasting, financial statements, and key business ratios.

Download Business Plan Template

Excel | Smartsheet

One-Page Business Plan in Excel

business plan startup contoh

To check the feasibility of your business concept, use this single-page business plan template. The template allows you to jot down the core details related to your idea. This template also includes room for you to provide concise information about what you do, how you do it, why you do it, who your idea serves, your competitive advantage, your marketing strategies, and your success factors. At the bottom of this one-page plan, you’ll find a table to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. Find more downloadable single-page plans and examples at “ One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide .”

Download One-Page Business Plan

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup in Excel

Sample 30 60 90 Day Business Plan for Startup Template

This 90-day business plan is designed for startup companies to develop a 90-day action plan. This template gives you room to outline the following: main goals and deliverables for each 30-day increment; key business activities; task ownership; and deadlines. This template also includes a built-in Gantt chart that adjusts as you enter dates. Visit “ 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Templates and Samples ” to download more free plans.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup

For more free business plans in a wider variety of formats, visit “ Simple Business Plan Templates .”

Business Plan Checklists in Excel

These business plan checklists are useful for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to organize and track the progress of key business activities.

Business Planning Checklist with Timeline in Excel

Business Planning Checklist with Timeline

Use this checklist to keep your business planning efforts on track. This template enables you to add tasks according to each phase of your plan, assign an owner to each task, and enter the respective start and end dates. The checklist also enables you to create and color-code a visual timeline when you highlight the start and end dates for each task.

Download Business Planning Checklist with Timeline Template

Business Plan Checklist with SWOT Analysis in Excel

Business Planning Checklist with SWOT Analysis

Use this business plan checklist to develop and organize your strategic plan. Add the name of the business activity, along with its status, due date, and pertinent notes. This template also includes a separate tab with a SWOT analysis matrix, so you can evaluate and prioritize your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Download Business Plan Checklist with SWOT Analysis - Excel

Business Startup Checklist in Excel

business plan startup contoh

This checklist template is ideal for startup organizations. It allows you to list and categorize key tasks that you need to complete, including items related to research, strategic relationships, finance, development, and more. Check off each task upon completion to ensure you haven’t missed or overlooked any important business activities. Find additional resources by visiting “ Free Startup Plan, Budget & Cost Templates .”

‌Download Business Startup Checklist Template

Business Plan Financial Templates in Excel

Use these customizable templates to develop your organization’s financial plan.

Business Startup Costs Template in Excel

business plan startup contoh

Use this template to estimate and track your startup and operational costs. This template gives you room to list line items for both funding and expenses; you can automatically calculate totals using the built-in formulas. To avoid overspending, compare budgeted amounts against actual amounts to determine where you can cut costs or find additional funding.

Download Business Startup Costs Template

Small-Business Budget Template in Excel

business plan startup contoh

This simple business budget template is designed with small businesses in mind. The template helps you track the income and expenses that you accrue on a monthly and yearly basis. To log your cash balances and transactions for a given time frame, use the tab for cash flow recording.

Download Small-Business Budget Template - Excel

Startup Financial Statement Projections Template

Startup Financial Projections Template

This financial statement projections template includes a detailed profit and loss statement (or income statement), a balance sheet with business ratios, and a cash flow statement to analyze your company’s current and future financial position. This template also comes with built-in formulas, so you can calculate totals as you enter values and customize your statement to fit the needs of your business.

‌ Download Startup Financial Statement Projections Template

For additional templates to help you produce a sound financial plan, visit “ Free Financial Templates for a Business Plan .”

Business Plan Marketing and Sales Templates in Excel

Use these downloadable templates to support and reinforce the marketing and sales objectives in your business plan.

Sales Forecast Template in Excel

business plan startup contoh

This sales forecast template allows you to view the projected sales of your products or services at both individual and combined levels over a 12-month period. You can organize this template by department, product group, customer type, and other helpful categories. The template has built-in formulas to calculate monthly and yearly sales totals. For additional resources to project sales, visit “ Free Sales Forecasting Templates .”

Download Sales Forecast Template

Marketing Budget Plan in Excel


This marketing budget plan template helps you organize and plan your campaign costs for key marketing activities, such as market research, advertising, content marketing , and public relations. Enter the projected quantity and cost under each campaign category; the built-in formulas enable you to calculate projected subtotals automatically. This template also includes a graph that auto-populates as you enter values, so you can see where your marketing dollars are going.

Download Marketing Budget Plan Template

Other Business Plans in Excel

Use these business plan templates to conduct analyses and develop a plan of action that aligns your strategy with your main business objectives.

Business Action Plan Template in Excel

business plan startup contoh

Use this basic action plan template to develop a roadmap for reaching your goals. Add a description of each action item, assign the responsible party, and list the required resources, potential hazards, key dates, and desired outcome. You can use this template to develop an action plan for marketing, sales, program development, and more. 

Download Business Action Plan Template

Business Plan Rubric in Excel

business plan startup contoh

Once you complete your business plan, use this rubric template to score each section to ensure you include all the essential information. You can customize this rubric to fit the needs of your organization and provide insight into the areas of your plan where you want to delve more deeply or remove unnecessary details. By following these steps, you can make certain that your final business plan is clear, concise, and thorough.

Download Simple Business Plan Rubric

Competitive Analysis Template in Excel

business plan startup contoh

This template enables you to analyze the competitive landscape and industry for your business. By providing details related to your company and competitors, you can assess and compare all key areas, including the target market, marketing strategies, product or service offerings, distribution channels, and more.

Download Competitive Analysis Template

Excel  | Smartsheet

For additional free templates for all aspects of your business, visit “ Free Business Templates for Organizations of All Sizes .”

Turbo-Charge Your Business Plans with Templates from Smartsheet

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When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

13 Free Business Plan Powerpoint Templates To Get Now

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By Iveta Pavlova

in Freebies

5 years ago

Viewed 237,522 times

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13 Free Business Plan Powerpoint Templates To Get Now

Are you looking for business plan PowerPoint templates to grab right away and blow your audience away? In this selection, we’ve gathered 12 modern and completely free business plan PowerPoint templates designed according to the latest trends . The templates include everything you need in order to impress your potential partners with your business planning. They are easily editable, certainly memorable, and completely free to download.

You may also be interested in The Best Free PowerPoint Templates to Download in 2022

1. Strategic Business Free Powerpoint Template

Strategic Business Free Powerpoint Template

An attractive template for Powerpoint made to help you present your business plan and strategies. The template comes with 25 handy slides that can be edited according to your needs. Plus, you have over a hundred business icons and high-quality vector graphics to depict your concepts and ideas.

  • 25 different slides
  • PPT file format
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • 100 business icons and high-quality vector graphics

2. Voodoo 2.5 Free Powerpoint Template with Animations

Voodoo 2.5 Free Powerpoint Template with Animations

  • 10 slides in the free version: 5 presentation slides and 5 infographic slides
  • a modern, clean business design with smooth animations
  • fully editable graphic elements and free fonts
  • includes a dark version, as well

3. Investment Business Plan Template for Google Slides & Powerpoint

Investment Business Plan Template for Google Slides & Powerpoint

A minimalist business plan Powerpoint template made in a modern style and a classy grayscale color theme. The template includes 30 different slides with super useful layouts. Pretty much, you’ve got all you need to present your business overview, market analysis and competition, marketing, management, operating, and financial plans, and more.

  • 30 different slides for various purposes
  • 16:9 widescreen format
  • compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides
  • graphics, maps, and over 1000 icons
  • attribution is required (in the final slide)

4. Insurance Business Plan Template for Google Slides & Powerpoint

Insurance Free Business Plan Template for Google Slides & Powerpoint

A business plan presentation template is available with versions for PowerPoint and Google Slides. This template is made in a modern corporate style and is suitable for serious topics. With 30 different templates and customizable assets, you can easily include your business overview, present your sales, management, and financial plans, and more.

  • 30 slides in a modern corporate style
  • PowerPoint and Google Slides compatibility
  • graphics, maps, and 1000+ icons for customization

5. Clean Corporate Biz Free Powerpoint Template

Clean Corporate Biz Free Powerpoint Template

A clean Powerpoint template with 10 different slides for professional business presentations. In this short template, you will find all you need to present your business objectives, business plan, key features, and more. Loaded with useful graphs and charts, you will easily visualize your data, as well.

  • 10 unique slides with a corporate feel
  • 16:9 widescreen layout
  • includes charts, graphs, maps, and more

6. A Free PowerPoint Template “Investor”

Investor Business Free PowerPoint Template

  • a professional corporate design
  • 15 free slides in 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio

7. Marketing Plan Free Powerpoint Template

Marketing Plan Free Powerpoint Template

A tastefully prepared business-themed presentation template for Powerpoint in a blue-and-green color scheme. This template is available in two aspect ratios: 4:3 and 16:9. It also contains useful data visualization tools like charts, graphs, tables, and more.

  • 26 business-themed slides
  • 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios
  • includes tables, flowcharts, graphs, and more

Infographic templates for PowerPoint

8. Business Idea Free Powerpoint Template

Business Idea Free Powerpoint Template

A rich business plan template consisting of 31 unique and useful slides. The design is available in 27 color schemes, so you can customize it according to your brand. You will find all kinds of charts, graphs, infographic slides, SWOT analysis slides, and more useful content.

  • 31 useful slides
  • 27 color options

9. “Nook” Minimalist Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

Nook Free Minimalist Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This template will allow you to make a quick overview of your company and business plan. With 12 attractively designed slides, made in a gold, white, and black color scheme, you will definitely impress with style and modern vision. Easy to edit with high-quality vector graphics included.

  • 12 different slides with modern designs

10. Free Simple Business Plan Presentation Template

Free Simple Business Plan Presentation Template

A simple and practical business plan template suitable for presentations in most PowerPoint versions, Keynote, and Google Slides. The 8 slides included are designed to be useful and effective in presenting your company data. You will find high-quality vector shapes, diagrams, charts, and infographics. The slides are versatile and can serve various purposes.

  • 8 slides that can be edited easily
  • compatible with PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides
  • design with modern gradients
  • free to download (requires your email)

11. Free ‘Xe’ PowerPoint Modern Business Minimal Template

Free Xe PowerPoint Modern Business Minimal Template

  • 42 unique free slides with a modern, relaxing design
  • includes animations, transitions, and video placeholders
  • PPTX file format

12. Free Modern Business Powerpoint Template

business plan startup contoh

A two-color design choice of light or dark including charts, maps, diagrams, and other useful slides for multipurpose presentations. a smooth, consistent, well-ordered look.

  • Resolution – High 16:9
  • Number of slides – 2 color versions of 34
  • Color themes – white/light blue or dark/blue

13. Corporate Presentation Free Template

business plan startup contoh

Clean and classic design suitable for presenting your business. The pack has 85 different slides for you to customize and adapt to your brand.

  • Auto-animated
  • Font file included

That’s all!

Fingers crossed that this collection helped you find the right free business plan Powerpoint tutorial for your needs. With their modern design and fully editable content, you are on the way to success for sure.

Would you like to browse even more freebies? Check out these suggestions:

  • The Best Minimalist Powerpoint Templates for Free Download
  • Top Resume Powerpoint Templates to Help You Stand Out
  • The Best Free Infographic Templates in 2022 for Every Software

Premium: MultiSplash PowerPoint Templates

MultiSplash - Presentation templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

A professionally designed PowerPoint template with 77 slides for every type of presentation – report, marketing, educational, product introduction, plans, and more.

  • 77 multipurpose presentation slides
  • 120 Icons and illustrations included

business plan startup contoh

Add some character to your visuals

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WATCH: Harris debuts small business tax incentive plan at New Hampshire campaign stop

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris used a New Hampshire campaign stop on Wednesday to propose an expansion of tax incentives for small businesses, a pro-entrepreneur plan that may soften her previous calls for wealthy Americans and large corporations to pay higher taxes.

Watch Harris’ remarks in our player above.

Describing small businesses as “an essential foundation to our entire economy,” Harris said she wants to expand from $5,000 to $50,000 tax incentives for startup expenses, with the goal of eventually spurring 25 million new small business applications over four years.

The speech is part of Harris’ effort to strengthen her economic credentials with only two months until the end of the election.

READ MORE: Trump and Harris say they’ll kill taxes on tips. How would that work?

“You’re not only leaders in business. You’re civic leaders,” Harris said. She added, “You are part of the glue and the fabric that holds communities together.”

Harris spoke at the Throwback Brewery in North Hampton, outside Portsmouth, and meet with co-founders Annette Lee and Nicole Carrier. Their brewery got support to open its current location through a small business credit and installed solar panels using federal programs championed by the Biden administration, according to the Harris campaign.

The campaign of Donald Trump, the former president and current Republican nominee, dismissed Harris’ small business plan, noting that the vice president has promised to eliminate a package of tax cuts approved during his administration that are set to expire next year. Trump’s campaign said those cuts “allowed business owners to deduct up to 20 percent of qualified business income,” reduced taxes on new equipment purchases and took steps to bolster small businesses as compared to larger ones.

Before talking about small businesses, Harris addressed Wednesday’s school shooting in Georgia.

“It’s just outrageous that every day, in our country, in the United States of American, that parents have to send their parents to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive.”

She added, “We’ve got to stop it. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Harris’ New Hampshire trip is a rare deviation for a candidate who is spending most of her time in Midwest and Sun Belt states with pivotal roles in November’s election.

Since President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid and endorsed Harris, the vice president has focused on Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, which have been the centerpiece of successful Democratic campaigns. She also has frequently visited Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, all of which Biden narrowly won in 2020, and North Carolina, which she hopes to flip from Trump.

Wednesday’s stop comes after Harris marked Labor Day with Monday rallies in Detroit and Pittsburgh and before she heads back to Pittsburgh on Thursday — marking her 10th visit to Pennsylvania in 2024.

Trump has called for lowering the corporate tax rate to 15 percent — a break with Biden who in his budget proposal in March suggested setting the corporate tax rate at 28 percent. Harris has released relatively few major policy proposals in the roughly six weeks since taking over the top of the Democratic ticket, but has not suggested she’s planning to deviate greatly from his administration on tax policy.

The small business plan Harris is presenting has lots that the business community would like. But that contrasts another proposal Harris unveiled last month, where she promised to help fight inflation by working to combat “price gouging” from food producers that she suggests have driven grocery store prices up unnecessarily.

Harris has built her campaign around calls to grow and strengthen the nation’s middle class — and suggested that rich Americans and large corporations should “pay their fair share” in higher taxes.

Both nominees are using the week before their debate to sharpen their economic messages about who could do more for the middle class. Trump will address the Economic Club of New York on Thursday.

Biden, who built his campaign around promoting the middle class, won New Hampshire by 7 percentage points in 2020, but Trump came much closer to winning it against Hillary Clinton in 2016. The Harris campaign says it has 17 field offices operating in coordination with the state Democratic party across New Hampshire, compared to one for Trump’s campaign.

Some of the state’s Democrats were angry that Biden directed the Democratic National Committee to make South Carolina the first state to vote in the party’s presidential primary this year — displacing Iowa’s caucus and a first-in-the-nation primary New Hampshire held for more than a century.

Despite that, New Hampshire pressed ahead with an unsanctioned primary. Though Biden didn’t campaign in it, or appear on the ballot, he still easily won via a write-in drive.

Trump has seized on the primary calendar change, posting on his social media account that Harris “sees there are problems for her campaign in New Hampshire because of the fact that they disrespected it in their primary and never showed up.”

“Additionally, the cost of living in New Hampshire is through the roof, their energy bills are some of highest in the country, and their housing market is the most unaffordable in history,” the former president wrote. “I protected New Hampshire’s First-In-The-Nation Primary and ALWAYS will.”

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Harris to propose tenfold startup tax incentive increase she says will spur small business creation


Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris campaigns with President Joe Biden at the IBEW Local Union #5 union hall in Pittsburgh on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris plans to propose on Wednesday a tenfold increase in federal tax incentives for small business startup expenses, from $5,000 to $50,000, hoping to help spur a record 25 million new small business applications over her four-year term should she win the presidency in November .

She’s set to unveil the plan during a campaign stop in the Portsmouth area of New Hampshire — marking a rare deviation from the Midwestern and Sunbelt battlegrounds the Democrat has focused on in her race against former Republican President Donald Trump .

A Harris campaign official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a policy plan that hadn’t been released publicly, said Tuesday the change would cover the $40,000 it costs on average to start a business. The proposal would let new businesses wait to claim that deduction until they first turn a profit, to better maximize its impact lowering their taxes.

Such changes would likely require congressional approval. But a series of tax cuts approved during the Trump administration are set to expire at the end of next year, setting up a scenario where lawmakers may be ready to consider new tax policies. The proposal can help Harris show her support for entrepreneurs even as she’s called for higher corporate tax rates.


Since President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid and endorsed Harris in July, the vice president has focused on campaigning in the “ blue wall ” states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that have been the centerpiece of Democratic campaigns that have won the White House in recent decades.

She’s also frequently visited Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, all of which Biden narrowly won in 2020, and North Carolina, which last voted Democratic in a presidential race in 2008 but which she’s still hoping to flip from Trump. Biden won New Hampshire by 7 percentage points in 2020, though Trump came far closer to winning it against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“The cost of living in New Hampshire is through the roof, their energy bills are some of highest in the country, and their housing market is the most unaffordable in history,” Trump posted last week on his social media platform.

Harris’ team says securing 25 million new business applications in four years if she wins the White House would exceed the roughly 19 million such applications filed since Biden took office. And those were millions more than the previous four years under Trump. The vice president’s goal would be a record for new small business applications — but records only go back about 20 years.

Applications to start a business don’t always translate to small businesses actually being formed. Still, Harris’ plan could keep new small businesses that do come to fruition from otherwise incurring more debt which, at a time of high interest rates, might help them better succeed.

In the weeks since Harris took over the top of the Democratic ticket, she has offered relatively few major policy proposals — attempting to strike a political balance between injecting new energy into the race and continuing to support many of the Biden administration proposals she helped champion as vice president.

Harris’ small business plan follows her announcing last month proposed steps to fight inflation by working to lower grocery prices , and to use tax cuts and other incentives to encourage homeownership. The vice president has also proposed ending federal taxes on tips to service industry workers, an idea Trump proposed first.

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The plan she’s introducing Wednesday further calls for developing a standard deduction for small businesses meant to save their owners time when doing their taxes, and making it easier to get occupational licenses — letting people work across state lines and businesses expand into new states. Harris also wants to offer federal incentives so state and local government will ease their regulations.

In an effort to spur business investment outside urban and suburban hubs, Harris is pledging to launch a small business expansion fund to enable community banks and federal entities to cover interest costs while small businesses are expanding or otherwise creating jobs. Her team says those efforts will focus especially on areas that traditionally receive less investment.


Harris Proposes $50,000 Small Business Tax Deduction For Startup Expenses: Here’s What To Know

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Vice President Kamala Harris proposed Wednesday a substantial boost to the tax deductions new small businesses can use on their startup expenses, tacking on to a tax-focused economic plan she has revealed more of in recent weeks.

Harris will discuss the proposal during a speech Wednesday. (Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY / AFP) (Photo by ... [+] JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images)

The proposal, announced during a speech in New Hampshire, would increase small businesses' $5,000 allowable deduction for startup expenses to $50,000, Harris said, adding, “It’s essentially a tax cut for starting a small business.”

New small businesses could allocate the tax deduction across multiple years or claim the full $50,000 deduction once they turn a profit.

Harris said her administration plans to make filing taxes for businesses “cheaper and easier,” likening the proposal to how individual people can file for standard deductions.

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What Is The Current Small Business Tax Deduction?

Small businesses can use the $5,000 deduction and then spread remaining startup costs over 15 years, according to The Wall Street Journal . Startup costs eligible for tax deductions include advertisements, pay for employees in training and for those who instruct them, consultant and executive salaries and travel for securing customers, suppliers or distributors, according to the IRS .

How Many Businesses Could This Impact?

Harris is aiming to attract 25 million new small business applications in her first term if elected president. President Joe Biden’s administration announced Tuesday there have been 19 million new small business applications since the start of the president’s term.

What Are Harris’ Broader Plans For The Economy?

The vice president has pitched an “ opportunity economy ” focused on supporting the middle class. Like the startup expense tax deduction, she is also looking to expand the child tax credit with a proposal including $6,000 for newborns up to the age of one and $3,600 per child in middle- and lower-income families. Harris is also looking to introduce tax cuts for middle class Americans, reduce “price gouging” at grocery stores and implement up to $25,000 in down payment aid for first-time homebuyers.

Key Background

Harris’ proposal comes just one week ahead of her scheduled debate with former President Donald Trump, who has proposed the extension of expiring tax cuts for people at all income levels, the Journal reported, noting his plans include extending a 20% deduction for small and large businesses. Harris has an edge on Trump in at least nine polling surveys following the Democratic National Convention, including a four-point lead among registered voters on the former president in an Ipsos/ABC News poll taken Aug. 23-27.

Further Reading

Harris Will Propose $25,000 In Down Payment Aid For First-Time Homebuyers As Part Of Economic Agenda (Forbes)

What We Know About Kamala Harris’ Policy Agenda After CNN Interview (Forbes)

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Watch CBS News

Kamala Harris proposes $50,000 tax break for small businesses

By Megan Cerullo

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

Updated on: September 4, 2024 / 5:43 PM EDT / CBS News

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, on Wednesday proposed policies she hopes will help spur small business creation across the U.S., and also announced a break with one of President Biden's policies by calling for a smaller increase than he has proposed on capital gains taxes.

For one, she wants to expand the small business tax credit tenfold — from $5,000 to $50,000 — to help startups cover the average $40,000 it costs to launch an enterprise. She's also setting a goal of receiving 25 million new small business applications in her first term, up from the record 19 million that were filed under the Biden-Harris administration. 

"As President, one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses," Harris said at a campaign stop at Throwback Brewery outside of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Wednesday. "So, first we're gonna help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground."

In addition to growing the number of small businesses that are created, Harris said she's aiming to make it easier for existing companies to expand by cutting the "red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be."

On the capital gains tax, Harris argued that "when the government encourages investment, it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which make our economy stronger."

Harris' proposal of 28% capital gains tax rate for those making over $1 million is lower than than the 39.6% rate established in Biden's FY2025 budget proposal. It is currently 23.8%. 

With the proposals, Harris is aiming to make it easier for entrepreneurs to grow their shops by eliminating some of the financial hurdles that can make it difficult for founders to succeed. 

The proposals underscore Harris' conviction that the nation's 33 million small businesses underpin the U.S. economy, by employing nearly all private-sector workers, generating trillions of dollars annually and driving economic growth and innovation, a campaign official told CBS News. 

Harris' tax deduction proposal would also let new businesses wait until they turned a profit to claim the credit, if they so chose, to reduce their tax bill. 

The presidential candidate is also proposing streamlining the tax-filing process by developing a standard deduction for small businesses, making it easier for companies to obtain occupational licenses in order to expand, and incentivizing state and local governments to relax regulations that can hamstring small businesses' growth. 

"We will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes," Harris said, adding that she wants to "take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy."

Other previously announced features in Harris' wide-ranging economic agenda include promises to cut taxes for most Americans, build more affordable housing, and ban "price gouging" in the food industry . 

Aaron Navarro contributed to this report.

Megan Cerullo is a New York-based reporter for CBS MoneyWatch covering small business, workplace, health care, consumer spending and personal finance topics. She regularly appears on CBS News 24/7 to discuss her reporting.

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Harris to propose tenfold startup tax incentive increase she says will spur small business creation

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris waves as she boards Air Force Two at Pittsburgh International Airport in Pittsburgh, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris plans to propose on Wednesday a tenfold increase in federal tax incentives for small business startup expenses, from $5,000 to $50,000, hoping to help spur a record 25 million new small business applications over her four-year term should she win the presidency in November.

She’s set to unveil the plan during a campaign stop in the Portsmouth area of New Hampshire — marking a rare deviation from the Midwestern and Sunbelt battlegrounds the Democrat has focused on in her race against former Republican President Donald Trump.

A Harris campaign official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a policy plan that hadn’t been released publicly, said Tuesday the change would cover the $40,000 it costs on average to start a business. The proposal would let new businesses wait to claim that deduction until they first turn a profit, to better maximize its impact lowering their taxes.

Such changes would likely require congressional approval. But a series of tax cuts approved during the Trump administration are set to expire at the end of next year, setting up a scenario where lawmakers may be ready to consider new tax policies. The proposal can help Harris show her support for entrepreneurs even as she’s called for higher corporate tax rates.

Since President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid and endorsed Harris in July, the vice president has focused on campaigning in the “ blue wall “ states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that have been the centerpiece of Democratic campaigns that have won the White House in recent decades.

She’s also frequently visited Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, all of which Biden narrowly won in 2020, and North Carolina, which last voted Democratic in a presidential race in 2008 but which she’s still hoping to flip from Trump. Biden won New Hampshire by 7 percentage points in 2020, though Trump came far closer to winning it against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“The cost of living in New Hampshire is through the roof, their energy bills are some of highest in the country, and their housing market is the most unaffordable in history,” Trump posted last week on his social media platform.

Harris’ team says securing 25 million new business applications in four years if she wins the White House would exceed the roughly 19 million such applications filed since Biden took office. And those were millions more than the previous four years under Trump. The vice president’s goal would be a record for new small business applications — but records only go back about 20 years.

Applications to start a business don’t always translate to small businesses actually being formed. Still, Harris’ plan could keep new small businesses that do come to fruition from otherwise incurring more debt which, at a time of high interest rates, might help them better succeed.

In the weeks since Harris took over the top of the Democratic ticket, she has offered relatively few major policy proposals — attempting to strike a political balance between injecting new energy into the race and continuing to support many of the Biden administration proposals she helped champion as vice president.

Harris’ small business plan follows her announcing last month proposed steps to fight inflation by working to lower grocery prices, and to use tax cuts and other incentives to encourage homeownership. The vice president has also proposed ending federal taxes on tips to service industry workers, an idea Trump proposed first.

The plan she’s introducing Wednesday further calls for developing a standard deduction for small businesses meant to save their owners time when doing their taxes, and making it easier to get occupational licenses — letting people work across state lines and businesses expand into new states. Harris also wants to offer federal incentives so state and local government will ease their regulations.

In an effort to spur business investment outside urban and suburban hubs, Harris is pledging to launch a small business expansion fund to enable community banks and federal entities to cover interest costs while small businesses are expanding or otherwise creating jobs. Her team says those efforts will focus especially on areas that traditionally receive less investment.

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  25. WATCH LIVE: Harris debuts tax incentive plan for small businesses in

    Vice President Kamala Harris wants to expand from $5,000 to $50,000 tax incentives for small business startup expenses, with the goal of eventually spurring 25 million new small business ...

  26. Harris to propose tenfold startup tax incentive increase she says will

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris plans to propose on Wednesday a tenfold increase in federal tax incentives for small business startup expenses, from $5,000 to $50,000, hoping to help spur a record 25 million new small business applications over her four-year term should she win the presidency in November.. She's set to unveil the plan during a campaign stop in the Portsmouth ...

  27. Harris Proposes $50,000 Small Business Tax Deduction For Startup

    Vice President Kamala Harris proposed Wednesday a substantial boost to the tax deductions new small businesses can use on their startup expenses, tacking on to a tax-focused economic plan she has ...

  28. Kamala Harris to propose $50,000 tax break for small businesses

    Kamala Harris to present small business plan in New Hampshire 03:20. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, is set to propose policies she hopes will help spur small ...

  29. Harris to propose tenfold startup tax incentive increase she says will

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris plans to propose on Wednesday a tenfold increase in federal tax incentives for small business startup expenses, from $5,000 to $50,000, hoping to ...

  30. Kamala Harris to Propose Expansion of Small-Business Startup Tax

    WASHINGTON—Vice President Kamala Harris will propose a 10-fold expansion of a tax deduction for new small businesses and announce a goal of 25 million new small-business applications in her ...