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How To Write A Professional Emcee Opening Script In 10 Minutes: The WAVE Framework

Emceeing  .  9 Min. Read . By: Devon Brown

S taring at a blank page, with the clock ticking and your event just around the corner, can feel like standing on the edge of a high dive — terrifying.

This is especially true when you're grappling with how to write an emcee opening script , a task that can seem daunting even to the most experienced speakers.

You know you need to make a splash with your opening words, but the fear of falling flat feels heavy. Welcome to the all-too-familiar world of what I call 'The Opening Script Limbo,' where your best intentions for a powerful speech opener are trapped in feelings of doubt and anxiety.

You're not alone in this. 

The struggle to script an engaging, timely, and effective opening is a common struggle for thousands of emcees and public speakers. 

The weight of creating that perfect start can be overwhelming. 

Get it wrong, and you risk not just a momentary hiccup but a ripple effect that could dampen the entire event — and your confidence as a speaker.

But what if you could turn that apprehension into anticipation?

What if you could transform those nerves into a confident, commanding presence the moment you step up to the microphone? 

Well, that's exactly what my WAVE framework is designed to do. 

It's your lifeline out of 'The Opening Script Limbo.'

With this 4-step framework, you're about to discover a straightforward path to crafting an opening script that not only engages your audience but also makes sure you’re the event emcee everyone remembers!

Better yet, you can use it to write your script in less than 10 minutes!

Here are the 4-steps to writing your next opening script fast.

Step 1: Welcome… The Gateway To Your Introduction

The first step of the W AVE framework is the W elcome. 

Now, let me be clear, this is more than just a greeting; it's your golden opportunity to create a connection with every single person in the room.

Imagine walking into two different events. 

At the first event, you're met with a generic, monotone 'Good evening, everyone' from the emcee. It's bland and forgettable, and you blend into the crowd, feeling more like a ticket number than a valued attendee.

Now, picture the second event.

As you enter, the emcee glows, saying something like, ' Welcome, friends! Whether it’s your first time joining us, or you’re a familiar face in our community, we’re thrilled to have each of you here. Together, we're about to embark on a remarkable journey where you’’ discover…. ’

This time, you feel seen, acknowledged, and part of something special.

That’s the power of a well-scripted welcome.

sample opening speech for emcee

When you script the welcome for your next event, do:

1. Be Inclusive:  Recognize the diversity of your audience. Whether they are seasoned attendees or first-timers, local guests, or international delegates, make sure each person feels specifically addressed and welcomed.

2. Show Genuine Enthusiasm: Your energy sets the event's energy. A warm, enthusiastic welcome can energize the audience and build anticipation for what's to come. Let your tone convey your excitement about the event and its value to attendees.

3. Create a Sense of Belonging: Use your welcome to foster a community feeling. Phrases like "We're thrilled to have you here," or "We're in this together" can go a long way in making your audience feel like they're part of something special.

Step 2: Appreciation… Show Heart By Acknowledging Those Behind The Event

After your warm welcome, it's time for the 'Show A ppreciation' step of the W A VE framework. This is where you acknowledge those unsung heroes who've worked tirelessly to bring the event to life.

This not only creates a positive atmosphere but also demonstrates your leadership and gratitude, qualities that resonate strongly with both your audience and your event team, right?

When you script the appreciation, do:

Be Specific and Personal: Mention individuals or teams by name, if possible. For example, "A big thank you to our event planner, Jane, and the entire catering team for their exceptional work."

Highlight Their Efforts: Briefly describe what they've done. This helps the audience understand the magnitude of their contributions. "For the past seven months, these incredible people have been planning, organizing, and ensuring everything you see tonight comes together seamlessly."

Encourage Audience Participation : Invite the audience to show their appreciation. A round of applause or a moment of acknowledgment can create a strong sense of community.

Step 3: Visualization… Clarify the Theme/Purpose of The Event and Set the Stage

Now, let's focus on V isualization, the third vital step in the WA V E framework. This is where you bring the event's purpose to the forefront, showing your audience the journey they're about to go on.

More than anything, you’re showing them “ what’s in it for them ”.

No one attends an event just for the sake of it; they come with specific goals in mind, like boosting their revenue or scaling their tech business. 

Your job is to vividly paint a picture of how this event will help them achieve those goals and ignite their enthusiasm for the journey ahead.

When you script the theme discussion, do:

sample opening speech for emcee

  • Be Clear and Concise: Tailor the theme into a straightforward, compelling message. For instance, "Today, we're diving into Strategies to 10x Your Tech Business in 2024' – giving you a roadmap for unprecedented growth and success."
  • Relate to the Audience: Connect the theme to your audience's aspirations and business objectives. "You, as tech entrepreneurs and innovators, are here to discover and implement strategies that will catapult your businesses into new heights and successes."
  • Build Anticipation: Highlight what they can look forward to throughout the event. "Prepare to learn from industry giants who will unveil their little known secrets you need to instantly drive more leads, customers, and profits into your business, 24/7, like clockwork!”

Step 4: Exit… Transition From Your Opening Speech with Passion and Purpose

The final part of your opening speech is the ' E xit,' a pivotal step in the WAV E framework. This is where you transition from your introduction to introducing your first speaker, with enthusiasm, energy and passion. 

When crafting your exit, do:

  • Build the Excitement: Use your closing words to build the audience's anticipation. Imagine ending with a burst of energy, "So, are you pumped up!? Are you ready to discover how to add hundreds more customers to your business in the next 30 days, without spending an extra dollar on advertising?! Give me a “HELL YES!” if you’re ready for that!"
  • Introduce with Impact: Seamlessly introduce the next speaker in a way that maintains the momentum. Picture yourself saying, "Because our very first speaker is a true game-changer in the tech industry, and now, they're about to reveal strategies that will skyrocket your business revenue in 2024! Get ready to have your mind blown and your bank account swollen with strategies never revealed before on stage – please welcome…"

sample opening speech for emcee

This Exit strategy isn't just a mere transition.

It's your job to make sure the audience is on the edge of their seats!

In summary, the WAVE opening speech framework looks like this:

  • A ppreciate  
  • E xit 

This is the fastest, easiest, and most stress-free way for you to write an opening speech that captivates your audience from the get-go and sets you up as the unforgettable emcee they'll be talking about for years.

And better yet, with WAVE, you can write an opening speech in minutes. 

No more staring at a blank page for hours, no more doubts about hitting the right note; with WAVE you can script a powerful opening speech fast.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Let me show you, with a sample opening speech, using WAVE.

Sample Opening Speech Using The WAVE Framework

Scenario: Imagine you're about to open a tech conference. The auditorium is packed with eager entrepreneurs, investors, and tech enthusiasts. Now you need an opening script to set the stage.

Let’s try that with the WAVE framework:

{W} "Good evening, visionaries, innovators, and trailblazers of the tech world! Welcome to the 2024 Tech Titan Summit, where the brightest minds converge to redefine the future! Whether it's your first time here or you're a seasoned attendee, know that your presence is what transforms this event from ordinary to extraordinary.

{A} I want to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to those who've made this event possible – the tireless team, our dedicated sponsors, and every one of you here today. Your passion and commitment bring this vision to life. Let's give them all a thunderous round of applause!

{V} Now, let’s dive into why we're all here. This isn't just another tech conference; it's a launchpad for exponential growth. The theme for this summit, '10x Your Tech,' is not just a catchy phrase – it's a commitment, a challenge to each of us to push beyond the boundaries, to not just grow, but to multiply our impact, our reach, our revenue! Today, we're not just sharing ideas but sparking a revolution in the tech industry.

{E} So, are you ready to be part of this extraordinary journey? Let's set this stage on fire with our first speaker, a true maverick in tech innovation, someone who’s reshaped the industry as we know it. Get ready to learn exactly how our first speaker has taken her start-up from a humble home office to a global tech empire, growing their revenue from $1 million to $50 million, without any external funding... and how you can do the same… Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage…"

Is this script perfect? 

No, of course not – but it's highly effective, incredibly engaging, and it took less than 8 minutes to put together. 

This is the power of the WAVE framework. 

It’s designed to help you quickly craft an opening that resonates with your audience's aspirations and sets the tone for a successful event.

Never Get Stuck In “Opening Script Limbo” Again

Say goodbye to the dread of scripting your event's opening. 

No more second-guessing what to say, worrying if it’s good enough, or wondering how to keep your audience captivated.

Not when you have the WAVE framework in your toolkit:

  • Welcome: Create a genuine connection right from the start.
  • Appreciate : Acknowledge the team and audience, fostering a sense of community.
  • Visualize: Set the stage for the event's theme, aligning it with audience goals and aspirations.
  • Exit : Seamlessly transition with energy and purpose, leaving the audience desperate for more.

With WAVE, you’ll not only be able to write an opening speech script in minutes, but you’ll write one that has your audience engaged from the first word, and your event organizers begging you to be their host again!

Take Your Public Speaking to the Next Level

Just mastered the art of the WAVE Framework and you’re confident with writing an emcee opening script like a pro? 

Now, step up your entire public speaking game with the world’s #1 course on public speaking

"Be Awesome On Stage: The Masterclass "  

This course is your golden ticket to becoming a public speaking pro, boosting your confidence, and engaging any audience with ease.  It contains everything I’ve learned in becoming the world’s #1 emcee .

And it’s guaranteed to help you overcome any stage fright   and absolutely crush it the next time you have to speak or present in public.

sample opening speech for emcee

Read Next:   12 Benefits of Public Speaking for Professional & Personal Life

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Devon Brown  (“Duh-Von” not “Dev-in”) is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, former hip-hop dancer, and World's #1 Event Emcee. Once described as a sort-of ‘MC Hammer meets Tony Robbins’; his style is 50% education, 50% entertainment, and 100% must-experience. Be sure to connect with Devon on social media.

Devon Brown with Arms Folded

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sample opening speech for emcee

This Free Report Shows You How To Eliminate Stage Fright In Just 30 Seconds 

Script for your Emcee. Master of Ceremonies notes for a TEDx event.

Published by admin on july 18, 2019 july 18, 2019.

Over the past few years I have acted as Master of Ceremonies , or Emcee, for TEDx events. Firstly I emcee’d TEDxEAL in Denmark in 2016, where I was also the curator. Later, in 2018 and 2019 I was the emcee for TEDxKlagenfurt in Austria. Where I was trained by the wonderful public speaking and presentation expert Niki Ernst from My School Of Talk . Also, I currently write large parts of the Emcee’s script for TEDxOdense hosted by Barnabas Wetton from the Design School Kolding and Heather Hansen from the Global Speech Academy . And also the Emcee notes for TEDxOdenseWomen hosted by the wonderful Meg Larrabee Sønderlund .

The person who hosts your event as emcee has a really important job to do, and the choice of a good emcee , with a good script, can make all the difference in your event.

TEDx events are particularly special, because they put so much effort onto the speakers, the TEDx Emcee role is sometimes forgotten. So in this article I will take you behind the scenes and give you all the details on how to be the perfect Master of Ceremonies for a TEDx event.

This article is based on my experience, but feel free to add your own notes and ideas in the comments box at the end of the article. And always pick the Emcee that is right for your event.

How do you choose a TEDx Emcee?

This is a checklist I created, that I like to use when finding the perfect emcee.

Does the Emcee love the TEDx brand and deeply understand it? If your host is the master of ceremonies at lots of other events, is this just another job for them? Pick an Emcee who is in love with the brand and the event.

Has the Emcee been involved in a TEDx event before? Some of our best Master of Ceremonies have been people who have previously given a TEDx talk, and know the pressures and the magic of the event. If a person has never seen a TEDx event live, we wont consider them for the role of emcee.

Does the Emcee have a clear voice, that can easily be understood by an international audience ? Teachers, radio presenters, narrators, storytellers, speech therapists, podcasters, can all make great emcees. A clear, calm, easy to understand voice is essential.

Does the Emcee embody the spirit of your event? Every event has its own spirit and feeling. You need the right Emcee for the job. When TEDxOdense first started, it had a creative, maverick, high-energy feeling to the event. Our host Barnabas Wetton was able to capture and express that creative energy because of his background in working with creative projects.

When we looked for a host for TEDxOdenseWomen we had a smaller event, with a more intimate feeling. Topics such as inclusion and diversity were important. Also, we needed someone who could handle controversial topics with grace and sensitivity. We chose experienced teacher Meg Larrabee Sønderlund, who brought a caring, loving style of hosting to the stage. She used her years of teaching experience to bring the audience together as if it was one wonderful classroom with your favourite teacher, making the room feel safe and under control.

Can your Emcee match the energy of the room? Matching the energy of a room can be very challenging for an emcee. I have seen so many emcees that present an event in an inappropriate way. I have seen comedic emcees presenting in a funny and humorous way, when the audience really wants something serious and thought provoking. If a TEDx talk has been very emotional or intimate, it’s important that the emcee is comfortable with that energy, and embracing it, rather than trying to get the audience to laugh when they may be feeling reflective.

Is your Emcee fun, flexible, and dedicated backstage? As an event organiser, you will be spending a lot of time backstage with your emcee. Make sure that they are nice, friendly, and fun to be around.

A good Master of Ceremonies will always have a personal connection with all of the speakers. So they should be genuinely interested in what the speakers have to say. Whenever I am emceeing an event, I always try to spend as much time with the speakers as possible, during rehearsals, during dinner, in the hotel, chatting and getting to know them, so that when I meet them on stage we will have a genuine connection.

Is your Emcee open to comments, feedback and coaching ? A good Emcee is never on autopilot . Make sure that your master of ceremonies is open to coaching and feedback during rehearsals. Never let your emcee say “I know what I’m doing” and then treat your event like any other event. Make sure they take feedback well.

Does your Emcee have the right amount of time to prepare? I typically spend around 20 hours writing all the notes and script for a typical TEDx emcee. Your emcee really needs to know every last detail about your event and your speakers. I would then typically spend around 40 hours looking at every youtube video, reading every article and digging deep into the lives of the speakers so I really get to know them. I would then try to have two separate 30 minute conversations with each speaker to make them comfortable, and plenty of rehearsal time in the days coming up to the event.

If you are tempted to get an emcee who will just turn up on the day and make it up as he goes along, they are not the person for you.

Does your Emcee have the ability to control the audience, especially when things go wrong? You may see many great presenters on TV who appear very natural and at ease. But on TV mistakes can be edited out, autocues are available, and a whole team of people are there to make things go smooth. In a live event, anything can and will happen.

Make sure your Emcee has the skill and the confidence to keep things going when mistakes happen.

I love to work with teachers as emcees for events, as they are so skilled at dealing with large groups and stop them from spiralling out of control. If your emcee can handle a room full of 30 unruly teenagers, they have the skills to host your TEDx event.

Does your Emcee have the ability to put their ego aside to make the speakers the stars? This is such a difficult thing, as many professional presenters and emcees are used to being the centre of attention. But at a TEDx event, the speakers are the stars of the show. Can you find an Emcee who is humble enough to deal with this?

Can your Emcee show a wide variety of emotional range? Finally, we look at the emotional range of our Master of Ceremonies. Some Emcees have close to zero emotional range. Those who emcee weddings are used to following protocol. Those who emcee comedy events keep the laughter flowing. Those who emcee business events are professional. But at a TEDx event, you need a master of ceremonies who can play to a full emotional range. Can they deal with a speaker who is hilariously funny, and then to a speaker who will be talking about something deep and personal? Can they deal with a highly technical speaker right next to a crazy creative speaker? Can they show the right emotions at the right time?

Heather Hansen was great at showing her emotional range, having fun with chaotic and crazy Sam Battle , dealing with the sensitive subject of torture with Niaz Bayati , and then screaming at Simon Høegmark for making her hold a snake blindfolded.

Script for Emcee – Master of Ceremonies TEDx script.


High energy hello and welcome. They are all “TEDsters” now Set the theme – Curious Minds 7th event. 7 years in a row. Get the audience to raise their hand if they are here for the first time. Get them to give a big cheer for first timers. If they are here for their first time, we need some HOUSE RULES before we can get the show started.

House rules

The audience is as important as the speakers. So interact, make new connections, add to the discussion. You are free to sit anywhere , in any seat you like, and after each break please move around to sit next to someone new. Don’t leave anything on your seat during the break or try to “reserve” a seat. Move around! Please be respectful to the speakers. We present a LOT of different ideas, and some of them you might not like. Some might offend you, some might challenge you. These controversial topics are intended to spark discussion. You might not like everything, in fact, it’s rare that you will. We want to challenge your beliefs and ideas. Please respect everyone’s ideas. Give some love to the volunteers. TEDx is not-for-profit and everyone, the speakers, the team behind the stage, even me, all give our time for free, so if you need help from one of our awesome volunteers, just ask. We have 27 team members and 45 volunteers from 10 different nationalities, working hard for the past year to make this happen. If they help you out, give them a hug, or a high five! If you need to leave, for whatever reason , please do NOT leave in the middle of someone’s talk. It’s very disruptive. If you are desperate to leave, please stay seated until after the talk. When I am on stage, you can quickly wriggle out between speakers. This is very important! YOU WILL BE ON VIDEO

Social media

Everybody pull out their phone and take an awesome selfie – Host takes a selfie too. Our Hashtag is #TEDxCityName Phones on SILENT NO CAMERA FLASHES They are welcome to take photos and tweet and everything. Be friendly to your fellow audience members! Turn around and find someone you don’t know. Shake their hand and say hello. Let’s make friends.

Chris Anderson video

The TED conference started in 1984 in California, and has now spread to communities all over the world. Today we start proceedings with a special video message from TED Curator Chris Anderson. Let’s take a look at the video

Stay on stage while video plays 1 min 30 seconds

Introduce session 1

[SESSION 1 TITLE NAME HERE] This session looks at: [THEME DESCRIPTION HERE] [SPEAKER 1] [How speaker 1’s talk links to the theme] [SPEAKER 2] [How speaker 2’s talk links to the theme] [SPEAKER 3] [How speaker 3’s talk links to the theme] [SPEAKER 4] [How speaker 4’s talk links to the theme]

Introduce speaker 1

[SPEAKERS NAME] / [SPEAKERS TITLE] / [SPEAKERS COUNTRY] / [SPEAKERS PHONETIC SPELLING] In this introduction, do not give away what the speaker will talk about, but ask the audince questions about some of the topics the speaker may raise. Please welcome [SPEAKERS TITLE] from [SPEAKERS COUNTRY]: [SPEAKERS PHONETIC SPELLING]

Speaker 1’s talk

Question 1 for Speaker 1…. Question 2 for Speaker 1…. Shake hands and say THANKYOU as a cue for speaker 1 to leave the stage.

You would then repeat this for each speaker in your session.

Here is how an Emcee may thank a partner/sponsors:

As you know, today wouldn’t be possible without the help and support of our partners: [Partners name] / [Partners phonetic name] One short line about how the partner is related to the theme of the event. [Partners name] / [Partners phonetic name] One short line about how the partner is related to the theme of the event. [Partners name] / [Partners phonetic name] One short line about how the partner is related to the theme of the event. And if you believe in ideas worth spreading, and you would like to become a partner for a future event please contact the team via [Email or other contact info here]

Many TEDx events like to show videos from the website alongside their speakers. Here is how your Emcee might introduce a video:

Introduce a video

In the spirit of Ideas Worth Spreading, todays TEDxCityName event is connected with many hundreds of different independently organised events around the world as part of a global community that share ideas, and today, YOU are part of that global community. Right now, today, on [EVENT DATE] there are TEDx communities just like this one, gathering to share ideas worth spreading in China, Kenya, Taiwan, Italy, Nigeria, Switzerland, Mexico and of course here in Austria. Tomorrow, there will be TEDx event in Israel, India, and the UK. [You can find a list of all TEDx events happing on any particular day on the website] All the talks you see today will be filmed and shared to millions of people on the TED website. And in turn, we share with you different video talks from around the world. The first of those videos is from California, from 2008. Seen over 10 Millions times around the world, in this video Benjamin Zander describes the transformative power of classical music. We hope that you feel inspired to try something for the first time here today, and maybe after watching this short talk you might feel in tune to your classical senses. From TED 2008  in California, please enjoy BENJAMIN ZANDER . LETS TAKE A LOOK AT THE VIDEO .

During your event, you may have several different breaks. Here is how the Emcee should introduce the breaks:

Introduce a break

Summarise the session. Thank the speakers from the previous session. Give a short tease as to what to expect from the next session. Tell the audience what they can do during the break (Some events have break activities, games, networking events, mini-discussions, or partner driven activities) Tell the audience about food options. (What food is available, how do they claim their food, is there specific instructions for vegetarians etc, how should they recycle their waste, is food allowed back in the main auditorium etc). Tell them how long the break is. End with “And be back in your seats at [Next session start time]…as we [final theme teaser]…”

At the end, some events like to invite the curator, organising team, license holders, or other volunteers on to the stage for a final applause and photo. This can be very complicated, so make sure that this is arranged in advance and that it is well rehearsed.

Ending the event

Thank the audience. Hope they have had a lovely time. GIVE A WRAP UP of the entire event. INVITE [Lead organiser] TO THE STAGE [Lead organiser] Thanks PARTNERS, then AUDIENCE. [Lead organiser] thanks SPEAKERS and invites them on to the stage. [Lead organiser] thanks VOLUNTEER TEAM and invites them on to the stage. Pose for photo with all on stage. [Lead Organiser] thanks EMCEE. [TEAM LEAVES STAGE] But the fun doesn’t end just yet, you can continue the fun at the After Party at [LOCATION], [TIME] where you can meet the speakers and the team, and party the night away. We know that you believe in ideas worth spreading. And now, you are all official TEDsters. So we hope that you will join us for: [NEXT YEARS EVENT THEME] [NEXT YEARS EVENT DATE] We really hope we will see you, and your friends there. Thank you for enjoying a day of ideas worth spreading. Goodnight!

You are welcome to use these notes, and change them in any way that works for your event. Please do leave a comment below if you find this helpful.

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Joel Schaubel · November 13, 2019 at 1:21 pm

I have been selected at emcee for a TedX event in Hamilton, ON. Your post is very helpful to give me some guidance on how to put the script together for and prepare for the event. I appreciate you sharing your lessons learned being an emcee for a TedX event. Thanks

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Andrew Hayford · November 20, 2019 at 12:06 pm

I am from Ghana, a student event emcee or Master of Ceremony. I have being chosen for Student Talk similar to TedX. Having a glance of your piece has enlightened me a lot. I am grateful going through these lessons. Thank you very much.

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Jacob Zhang · November 6, 2020 at 2:42 am

I am organizing my very first TEDx event as a high schooler in New Jersey. This post was very helpful in helping me decide what my emcee needs to cover and really great for first timers like me. Thank you for sharing this.

' src=

Jesyl E. Demigaya · March 30, 2021 at 1:58 pm

If you maintain eye contact with your audience while speaking, you can observe the cues and adapt your message.

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How To Make Your MC Script Stand Out

If you’re an experienced emcee, you know that just “winging it” isn’t an option. From corporate conferences to company retreats, having a plan to captivate and engage your audience is essential. If you’re not fully prepared to step on stage, your time in the spotlight is bound to end in awkward and nervous fumbles. One crucial element to that plan? Knowing how to write a script.

Key Takeaways

  • S – Storytelling and personal anecdotes
  • C – Creativity and authenticity
  • R – Relevance
  • I – Interaction and humor
  • P – Preparation and planning
  • T – Tone and delivery

Striking the perfect balance between humor and wisdom takes practice. But if you want to energize and “wow” the audience, you need to know how to make your emcee script stand out. Keep reading, and I’ll share six ways you can make your emcee SCRIPT leave your audience entertained and wanting more!

See Related:  9 Types Of Corporate Events And Why You Need An Emcee For Each Of Them

#1. S torytelling And Personal Anecdotes

One of the hardest things you can do in life is speak in front of a crowd. It’s one of the most common fears there is!

Perhaps you struggle with stage fright like 73% of the population , or you’re up against a particularly difficult audience. Regardless of your unique challenges, being able to take command of your script to engage an audience can be a difficult task.

However, nearly any event won’t be complete without someone to run the show. There needs to be a speaker on stage to ensure everything runs smoothly while keeping the audience entertained and happy.

This person is known as the master of ceremonies , or emcee/MC for short.

What Does An MC Do In An Event?

A master of ceremonies is just that. This speaker is the one who will be the expert on the upcoming event, being able to do everything from making timely announcements to giving a warm welcome to the guests that arrive.

So, what are the true duties of an emcee?

Here are some basic responsibilities that almost all emcees need to know how to handle before stepping on stage. An emcee will

  • Kick off the event and establish a welcoming atmosphere
  • Introduce special guests and other speakers involved
  • Represent the organization hosting the event
  • Establish the event agenda and go over house rules
  • Make transitions and ensure activities run smoothly

Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive. The duties of an emcee often vary from gig to gig, and any speaker needs to approach each and every event in a unique manner.

As a professional corporate emcee , I’ve learned that the best way to make any emcee event a success is by tailoring your to-do list to the event itself.

You can’t walk into any gig and expect it to be a sort of copy-and-paste kind of deal! Approaching each event with a fresh mind and a new set of expectations will help you make the event a success.

The Foundation Of Any Great Emcee Script

If you’re going to be emceeing an event, you’re likely wondering how you can make your script stick .

Though the hardest parts of an emcee’s job happen on stage, you still need to do your due diligence beforehand in crafting the perfect emcee script .

Opening a speech can always feel like the hardest part. You walk on stage, met with the apprehensive faces of your audience members, and you only have the first few minutes to create great first impressions.

So, how can you make your script truly sell?

The key to delivering a great script starts with one of the oldest ways to communicate – storytelling .

Storytelling has been used since the beginning of mankind as a way to share information and stories with those around us.

From the ancient Greek myths and legends of thousands of years ago to the reels you see on your social media today, storytelling has always been an important way for people to connect with those around them. So, use this power to your advantage!

Weaving a compelling narrative that captures your audience’s attention will help you connect with their emotions while keeping them engaged . It’s best to use a tale that will both resonate with your audience and set the premise for the event. Regardless of what route you take, don’t be afraid to share some hilarious or inspirational stories from your own personal life to build rapport and garner trust.

#2. C reativity And Authenticity

The meat and potatoes of your speech largely depend on the event you’re speaking at and the topic you’re speaking on. But there are some things that never change, regardless of the topic of discussion.

Any emcee script you write should always be filled to the brim with creativity and authenticity . Infuse your script with originality and innovation, incorporating unique elements that will help make the event and your script memorable.

It’s important to write a script that is unique to your audience. They won’t be interested in hearing a speech that sounds repetitive, boring, and reused.

#3. R elevance

In the journey to write a unique and memorable speech, don’t forget to maintain relevancy. There’s nothing more off-putting than an emcee script that has practically nothing to do with the event itself!

For example, it wouldn’t make sense to emcee a marketing convention with an opening speech about the history of automobiles. Instead, be sure to tailor your script to the specific event and audience. Your script should successfully address the interests, needs, and expectations of the audience so that your script has maximum impact.

#4. I nteraction And Humor

If your script is boring and lackluster, it’s not going to leave anyone impressed. If your audience feels like they’re just listening to another lifeless speech, they’ll just stare at the clock till your time is up!

Instead, you need to harness the power of audience interaction and humor in order to make your script stand out .

There’s nothing better than laughter and engagement when it comes to igniting a crowd of people!

The Power Of Audience Interaction

If you want your audience to truly buy into what you’re saying, you need to rely on interaction. It’ll ensure your listeners stay engaged and open to what you’re saying.

Encourage audience participation and interaction throughout the event, such as through Q&A sessions, polls, or group activities .

Bonus:  6 Company Outing Ideas You’ll Want To Book With A Corporate Emcee

#5. P reparation And Planning

The bulk of the MC’s role happens on stage. From reacting to unforeseen situations to facilitating group activities, most of the time, you need to think on your feet .

Luckily, a lot that goes into creating the perfect script happens behind the scenes. That means you’ll have plenty of time to hone and craft your speech before you face your unforgiving audience!

However, knowing how to write a script isn’t as easy as it may seem. And unfortunately, plenty of emcees make the mistake of waiting till the last minute to start to get their script together.

No matter what, don’t make that mistake!

Invest time in thoroughly researching and planning your script. You can’t expect it to be fantastic if you don’t take the time to make it so.

All the time you put into writing your script beforehand will help you ensure that you can deliver a well-structured and organized presentation.

It’ll be easy for your audience to notice if your script was haphazardly thrown together, and that won’t look good for you.

The thing to keep in mind here is that a lot goes into writing the perfect script. It takes practice to get good at scriptwriting!

However, there is one thing that will save you every time , regardless of how experienced you are.

And that thing is starting way in advance.

Running out of time is the one thing that will kill your speech before you even step on stage. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to write your script. You never know what might go wrong in this critical phase and lead to you starting all over!

#6. T one And Delivery

Though actually writing your script is incredibly important, even the most well-written scripts won’t land if they aren’t delivered properly.

A big part of being a good emcee is knowing how to successfully deliver a presentation. After all, what is a speaker if they can’t take command of the words they say?

However, this is much easier said than done. It can take a long time for a speaker to be able to truly master the art of tone and delivery.

Keeping Your Audience Engaged From Start To Finish

Your voice itself is a powerful thing. Though the actual words you say are important, how you deliver them is even more crucial.

While you’re speaking, you need to pay attention to things like your tone, voice modulation, and body language. While you might overlook some of these aspects, your audience won’t, and they’ll easily be able to tell if you’re nervously swaying or speaking uncomfortably.

Feel free to use things like humor, enthusiasm, and energy to successfully captivate and engage the audience. That’s something that’s hard to resist!

Wrapping Up

The moment is almost here. You’re about to step on stage and open an event in front of a live crowd!

The only way to make that moment truly shine is if you are able to flawlessly execute and deliver a killer script. And luckily, you spent plenty of time preparing and curating the perfect lines beforehand.

You’re all ready to go!

With these six tips and tricks in mind, there’s no reason why you won’t be able to come armed with the perfect script. Just follow the acronym SCRIPT , and you’ll be golden!

Keep Reading:  8 Fun Virtual Team Activities To Treat Your Employees To This Summer

Adam Christing  has been called “The Tom Brady of emcees.” He has hosted more than 1,000 company meetings, special events,  gala celebrations , and more. He is the  author of several books  and founder of .   For more event tips, follow Adam Christing on  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest ,  LinkedIn , and  YouTube .

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Frantically Speaking

15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines (And How to Create Your Own)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing

powerful speech opening

Powerful speech opening lines set the tone and mood of your speech. It’s what grips the audience to want to know more about the rest of your talk.

The first few seconds are critical. It’s when you have maximum attention of the audience. And you must capitalize on that!

Instead of starting off with something plain and obvious such as a ‘Thank you’ or ‘Good Morning’, there’s so much more you can do for a powerful speech opening (here’s a great article we wrote a while ago on how you should NOT start your speech ).

To help you with this, I’ve compiled some of my favourite openings from various speakers. These speakers have gone on to deliver TED talks , win international Toastmaster competitions or are just noteworthy people who have mastered the art of communication.

After each speaker’s opening line, I have added how you can include their style of opening into your own speech. Understanding how these great speakers do it will certainly give you an idea to create your own speech opening line which will grip the audience from the outset!

Alright! Let’s dive into the 15 powerful speech openings…

Note: Want to take your communications skills to the next level? Book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert communication coaches. We’ll look under the hood of your hurdles and pick two to three growth opportunities so you can speak with impact!

1. Ric Elias

Opening: “Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.”

How to use the power of imagination to open your speech?

Putting your audience in a state of imagination can work extremely well to captivate them for the remainder of your talk.

It really helps to bring your audience in a certain mood that preps them for what’s about to come next. Speakers have used this with high effectiveness by transporting their audience into an imaginary land to help prove their point.

When Ric Elias opened his speech, the detail he used (3000 ft, sound of the engine going clack-clack-clack) made me feel that I too was in the plane. He was trying to make the audience experience what he was feeling – and, at least in my opinion, he did.

When using the imagination opening for speeches, the key is – detail. While we want the audience to wander into imagination, we want them to wander off to the image that we want to create for them. So, detail out your scenario if you’re going to use this technique.

Make your audience feel like they too are in the same circumstance as you were when you were in that particular situation.

2. Barack Obama

Opening: “You can’t say it, but you know it’s true.”

3. Seth MacFarlane

Opening: “There’s nowhere I would rather be on a day like this than around all this electoral equipment.” (It was raining)

How to use humour to open your speech?

When you use humour in a manner that suits your personality, it can set you up for a great speech. Why? Because getting a laugh in the first 30 seconds or so is a great way to quickly get the audience to like you.

And when they like you, they are much more likely to listen to and believe in your ideas.

Obama effortlessly uses his opening line to entice laughter among the audience. He brilliantly used the setting (the context of Trump becoming President) and said a line that completely matched his style of speaking.

Saying a joke without really saying a joke and getting people to laugh requires you to be completely comfortable in your own skin. And that’s not easy for many people (me being one of them).

If the joke doesn’t land as expected, it could lead to a rocky start.

Keep in mind the following when attempting to deliver a funny introduction:

  • Know your audience: Make sure your audience gets the context of the joke (if it’s an inside joke among the members you’re speaking to, that’s even better!). You can read this article we wrote where we give you tips on how you can actually get to know your audience better to ensure maximum impact with your speech openings
  • The joke should suit your natural personality. Don’t make it look forced or it won’t elicit the desired response
  • Test the opening out on a few people who match your real audience. Analyze their response and tweak the joke accordingly if necessary
  • Starting your speech with humour means your setting the tone of your speech. It would make sense to have a few more jokes sprinkled around the rest of the speech as well as the audience might be expecting the same from you

4. Mohammed Qahtani

Opening: Puts a cigarette on his lips, lights a lighter, stops just before lighting the cigarette. Looks at audience, “What?”

5. Darren Tay

Opening: Puts a white pair of briefs over his pants.

How to use props to begin your speech?

The reason props work so well in a talk is because in most cases the audience is not expecting anything more than just talking. So when a speaker pulls out an object that is unusual, everyone’s attention goes right to it.

It makes you wonder why that prop is being used in this particular speech.

The key word here is unusual . To grip the audience’s attention at the beginning of the speech, the prop being used should be something that the audience would never expect. Otherwise, it just becomes something that is common. And common = boring!

What Mohammed Qahtani and Darren Tay did superbly well in their talks was that they used props that nobody expected them to.

By pulling out a cigarette and lighter or a white pair of underwear, the audience can’t help but be gripped by what the speaker is about to do next. And that makes for a powerful speech opening.

6. Simon Sinek

Opening: “How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?”

7. Julian Treasure

Opening: “The human voice. It’s the instrument we all play. It’s the most powerful sound in the world. Probably the only one that can start a war or say “I love you.” And yet many people have the experience that when they speak people don’t listen to them. Why is that? How can we speak powerfully to make change in the world?”

How to use questions to open a speech?

I use this method often. Starting off with a question is the simplest way to start your speech in a manner that immediately engages the audience.

But we should keep our questions compelling as opposed to something that is fairly obvious.

I’ve heard many speakers start their speeches with questions like “How many of us want to be successful?”

No one is going to say ‘no’ to that and frankly, I just feel silly raising my hand at such questions.

Simon Sinek and Jullian Treasure used questions in a manner that really made the audience think and make them curious to find out what the answer to that question is.

What Jullian Treasure did even better was the use of a few statements which built up to his question. This made the question even more compelling and set the theme for what the rest of his talk would be about.

So think of what question you can ask in your speech that will:

  • Set the theme for the remainder of your speech
  • Not be something that is fairly obvious
  • Be compelling enough so that the audience will actually want to know what the answer to that question will be

8. Aaron Beverley

Opening: Long pause (after an absurdly long introduction of a 57-word speech title). “Be honest. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

How to use silence for speech openings?

The reason this speech opening stands out is because of the fact that the title itself is 57 words long. The audience was already hilariously intrigued by what was going to come next.

But what’s so gripping here is the way Aaron holds the crowd’s suspense by…doing nothing. For about 10 to 12 seconds he did nothing but stand and look at the audience. Everyone quietened down. He then broke this silence by a humorous remark that brought the audience laughing down again.

When going on to open your speech, besides focusing on building a killer opening sentence, how about just being silent?

It’s important to keep in mind that the point of having a strong opening is so that the audience’s attention is all on you and are intrigued enough to want to listen to the rest of your speech.

Silence is a great way to do that. When you get on the stage, just pause for a few seconds (about 3 to 5 seconds) and just look at the crowd. Let the audience and yourself settle in to the fact that the spotlight is now on you.

I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about starting the speech off with a pure pause that just makes the beginning so much more powerful. It adds credibility to you as a speaker as well, making you look more comfortable and confident on stage. 

If you want to know more about the power of pausing in public speaking , check out this post we wrote. It will give you a deeper insight into the importance of pausing and how you can harness it for your own speeches. You can also check out this video to know more about Pausing for Public Speaking:

9. Dan Pink

Opening: “I need to make a confession at the outset here. Little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I’m not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wish no one would ever know but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal.”

10. Kelly McGonigal

Opening: “I have a confession to make. But first I want you to make a little confession to me.”

How to use a build-up to open your speech?

When there are so many amazing ways to start a speech and grip an audience from the outset, why would you ever choose to begin your speech with a ‘Good morning?’.

That’s what I love about build-ups. They set the mood for something awesome that’s about to come in that the audience will feel like they just have to know about.

Instead of starting a speech as it is, see if you can add some build-up to your beginning itself. For instance, in Kelly McGonigal’s speech, she could have started off with the question of stress itself (which she eventually moves on to in her speech). It’s not a bad way to start the speech.

But by adding the statement of “I have a confession to make” and then not revealing the confession for a little bit, the audience is gripped to know what she’s about to do next and find out what indeed is her confession.

11. Tim Urban

Opening: “So in college, I was a government major. Which means that I had to write a lot of papers. Now when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little like this.”

12. Scott Dinsmore

Opening: “8 years ago, I got the worst career advice of my life.”

How to use storytelling as a speech opening?

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.” Steve Jobs

Storytelling is the foundation of good speeches. Starting your speech with a story is a great way to grip the audience’s attention. It makes them yearn to want to know how the rest of the story is going to pan out.

Tim Urban starts off his speech with a story dating back to his college days. His use of slides is masterful and something we all can learn from. But while his story sounds simple, it does the job of intriguing the audience to want to know more.

As soon as I heard the opening lines, I thought to myself “If normal students write their paper in a certain manner, how does Tim write his papers?”

Combine such a simple yet intriguing opening with comedic slides, and you’ve got yourself a pretty gripping speech.

Scott Dismore’s statement has a similar impact. However, just a side note, Scott Dismore actually started his speech with “Wow, what an honour.”

I would advise to not start your talk with something such as that. It’s way too common and does not do the job an opening must, which is to grip your audience and set the tone for what’s coming.

13. Larry Smith

Opening: “I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you’re going to fail to have a great career.”

14. Jane McGonigal

Opening: “You will live 7.5 minutes longer than you would have otherwise, just because you watched this talk.”

How to use provocative statements to start your speech?

Making a provocative statement creates a keen desire among the audience to want to know more about what you have to say. It immediately brings everyone into attention.

Larry Smith did just that by making his opening statement surprising, lightly humorous, and above all – fearful. These elements lead to an opening statement which creates so much curiosity among the audience that they need to know how your speech pans out.

This one time, I remember seeing a speaker start a speech with, “Last week, my best friend committed suicide.” The entire crowd was gripped. Everyone could feel the tension in the room.

They were just waiting for the speaker to continue to know where this speech will go.

That’s what a hard-hitting statement does, it intrigues your audience so much that they can’t wait to hear more! Just a tip, if you do start off with a provocative, hard-hitting statement, make sure you pause for a moment after saying it.

Silence after an impactful statement will allow your message to really sink in with the audience.

Related article: 5 Ways to Grab Your Audience’s Attention When You’re Losing it!

15. Ramona J Smith

Opening: In a boxing stance, “Life would sometimes feel like a fight. The punches, jabs and hooks will come in the form of challenges, obstacles and failures. Yet if you stay in the ring and learn from those past fights, at the end of each round, you’ll be still standing.”

How to use your full body to grip the audience at the beginning of your speech?

In a talk, the audience is expecting you to do just that – talk. But when you enter the stage and start putting your full body into use in a way that the audience does not expect, it grabs their attention.

Body language is critical when it comes to public speaking. Hand gestures, stage movement, facial expressions are all things that need to be paid attention to while you’re speaking on stage. But that’s not I’m talking about here.

Here, I’m referring to a unique use of the body that grips the audience, like how Ramona did. By using her body to get into a boxing stance, imitating punches, jabs and hooks with her arms while talking – that’s what got the audience’s attention.

The reason I say this is so powerful is because if you take Ramona’s speech and remove the body usage from her opening, the entire magic of the opening falls flat.

While the content is definitely strong, without those movements, she would not have captured the audience’s attention as beautifully as she did with the use of her body.

So if you have a speech opening that seems slightly dull, see if you can add some body movement to it.

If your speech starts with a story of someone running, actually act out the running. If your speech starts with a story of someone reading, actually act out the reading.

It will make your speech opening that much more impactful.

Related article: 5 Body Language Tips to Command the Stage

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Final Words

So there it is! 15 speech openings from some of my favourite speeches. Hopefully, these will act as a guide for you to create your own opening which is super impactful and sets you off on the path to becoming a powerful public speaker!

But remember, while a speech opening is super important, it’s just part of an overall structure.

If you’re serious about not just creating a great speech opening but to improve your public speaking at an overall level, I would highly recommend you to check out this course: Acumen Presents: Chris Anderson on Public Speaking on Udemy. Not only does it have specific lectures on starting and ending a speech, but it also offers an in-depth guide into all the nuances of public speaking. 

Being the founder of TED Talks, Chris Anderson provides numerous examples of the best TED speakers to give us a very practical way of overcoming stage fear and delivering a speech that people will remember. His course has helped me personally and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to learn public speaking. 

No one is ever “done” learning public speaking. It’s a continuous process and you can always get better. Keep learning, keep conquering and keep being awesome!

Lastly, if you want to know how you should NOT open your speech, we’ve got a video for you:

Hrideep Barot

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  • February 8, 2024
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Gala Emcee Script: A Guide and Samples

sample opening speech for emcee

First let's define the difference between standard events emcee and Gala emcee.

The primary difference between a normal emcee (emcee stands for “emcee,” which is a short form of the term “master of ceremonies”) and a Gala Emcee lies in the nature and scale of the events they typically host. Both roles involve facilitating and guiding an event, but their focus, style, and the level of formality may vary.

Normal Emcee:

Diverse Events: A normal emcee is versatile and can host a wide range of events, including weddings, corporate functions, community gatherings, and more.

Casual and Formal: They are adaptable to both casual and formal settings, tailoring their approach to suit the tone and atmosphere of the specific event.

Varied Audience: Normal emcees may engage with diverse audiences, and their content is adjusted based on the occasion and the demographics of the attendees.

Less Formal Scripting: While they may follow a script or plan, the scripting is generally less formal and allows for more spontaneous interactions with the audience.

Gala Emcee:

Gala Events: A Gala Emcee specializes in hosting high-profile, formal events, often with a specific focus on fundraising, awards ceremonies, or grand celebrations.

Elegance and Formality: Gala Emcees are known for maintaining a high level of elegance and formality, aligning with the prestigious nature of the events they host.

Corporate and Upscale Settings: They are frequently hired for corporate galas, charity fundraisers, or upscale events where a polished and sophisticated presentation is paramount.

Scripted and Structured: Gala Emcees often follow a more structured and scripted format to ensure that the event flows seamlessly and adheres to a refined schedule.

Specialized Skills: They may have specialized skills in handling dignitaries, VIP guests, or delivering polished presentations tailored to the high-profile nature of the event.

In summary, while a normal emcee is adaptable to a variety of events and settings, a Gala Emcee specializes in hosting formal, prestigious occasions that demand a higher level of elegance, formality, and adherence to a scripted program. The choice between the two depends on the nature and objectives of the event being organized.

sample opening speech for emcee

The Blueprint for Gala Emcee Scripting

1. introduction and welcome:.

  • “Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and our cherished sponsors, welcome to [Event Name]! I am your host for the evening, [Emcee Name], and it’s an absolute pleasure to be your guide through this enchanting gala.”

2. Express Gratitude and Acknowledgments:

  • “Before we embark on this incredible journey, let’s take a moment to express our deepest gratitude. A special thank you to our generous sponsors, dedicated organizers, and each of you for gracing us with your presence tonight.”

3. Event Overview and Theme Introduction:

  • “Tonight, we come together under the theme of [Event Theme]. This evening promises an exquisite blend of [mention key elements – entertainment, awards, speeches] that reflects the essence of elegance and celebration.”

4. Introduce Key Speakers and Performers:

  • “Our gala wouldn’t be complete without the brilliant minds and talented performers who have graciously joined us. Later tonight, we’ll be honored to hear from [Speaker/Performer Names], whose presence adds an extra layer of sophistication to our event.”

5. Awards Presentation:

  • “Now, let’s shine a spotlight on excellence. Our awards segment is a tribute to those who have demonstrated outstanding [mention the criteria – leadership, innovation, etc.]. So, without further ado, let’s dive into our first award category.”

6. Interactive Segments and Audience Engagement:

  • “We believe in making this evening memorable for each one of you. Get ready for some interactive segments, surprises, and, of course, opportunities for you to shine. Keep your eyes peeled, as you might just be part of the magic!”

7. Dinner Announcement and Entertainment Break:

  • “As we prepare to indulge in a delectable feast, let’s take a short entertainment break. Enjoy the delightful melodies of [Entertainment Act], and relish the company of your tablemates. Dinner will be served shortly.”

8. Closing Remarks and Thank You:

  • “As we approach the conclusion of this splendid gala, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you. Your presence has illuminated this event, and we hope you leave with wonderful memories. Until we meet again, good night, and thank you!”

sample opening speech for emcee

Tips for Gala Emcee Scripting

Know Your Audience:

  • Tailor your script to resonate with the demographics and interests of the gala attendees.

Maintain a Graceful Flow:

  • Ensure a smooth transition between segments, allowing the evening to unfold seamlessly.

Inject Personality:

  • Add your unique flair to the script, making it authentic and engaging.

Practice Pacing:

  • Be mindful of the pacing, allowing the audience to absorb and enjoy each moment.

Stay Flexible:

  • Be prepared to adapt the script based on the audience’s response and unexpected developments.

Gala events are a blend of sophistication and celebration, and your emcee script should mirror this essence. Use the samples as a starting point, infusing them with your personality and the unique spirit of the gala you are hosting. With a well-crafted script, you’ll be ready to captivate the audience and orchestrate an unforgettable evening of glamour and festivities.

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Module 11: Speaking to Entertain and for Special Occasions

The master of ceremonies, learning objectives.

  • Identify effective ways to introduce an event.
  • Demonstrate how to emcee an event.

Introducing an Event

When introducing an event, you have four main goals. These goals are the minimum ground you need to cover in your introduction. How you do so, and whether you do more, will depend on the amount of time you have to speak.

  • Make the audience feel welcome and appreciated. Your opening should welcome the audience and thank them for being there.
  • Express thanks and appreciations.  You should also recognize anyone who deserves thanks for putting together or hosting the event.
  • Explain the goals of the event and/or of the hosting organization(s).  Here’s where your introduction will deepen and expand if you have the time for it. You might tell stories or share data about the impact of the organization whose event it is or talk in more detail about what participants can expect from the event to come.
  • Create excitement and anticipation for the event.  Your focus should be on the event that you’re kicking off; stay focused on the future, not the past, and on the event, not yourself.

Some events, especially academic events and some non-profit or political events, begin with an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement . A land acknowledgement or territorial acknowledgement is a formal statement, often spoken at the beginning of a public event, that it is taking place on land originally inhabited by or belonging to indigenous people. To learn more about Indigenous Land Acknowledgement, the Native Governance Center has put together an excellent guide .

Master of Ceremonies

Being the master of ceremonies (often abbreviated as an emcee  or MC ) is a task best dealt with by an experienced speaker. But it is possible to host an event as a beginner and live to tell about it!

Being an emcee will use everything you learned about speaking for special occasions and more. The most important thing to remember is this is more of a marathon than a sprint. You need to keep the energy high and the mood positive throughout the event. So start with being excited, and if you are scared, GREAT! Channel that energy into the excitement you need using the preparation tips below.

Speaker and author Kwesi Millington offers the following seven tips for being a great event emcee: [1]

  • Know the Agenda.  The more detailed, the better: you should know what should happen at what time and how long each part should take.
  • Keep Your Energy High.  Millington suggests self-talk and music to pump yourself up to bring 100% energy to the event.
  • Memorize Your Opening.  Some parts of the event will be impromptu or ad-libbed; your opening, though, should be scripted and rehearsed. The opening sets the tone for the whole event, so it’s important to get it right.
  • Learn About the Other Speakers.  Millington suggests learning one fact about each person you’re bringing to the microphone, so that you can personalize your introduction.
  • Always Be Communicating.  Even if you’re not on stage, you should be mixing with the crowd and keeping the energy up.
  • Interact with the Audience.  The best way to keep the energy high and the mood positive throughout the event is to involve the audience, whether by asking questions or getting them to move around.
  • Close with Inspiration.  As you close up the event, try to leave the audience with something to think about, something to lift them up.

How to: Kwesi Millington, How to Emcee an Event

You can view the transcript for “How to be the Perfect Emcee at an Event or Wedding” here (opens in new window) .

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  • Land Acknowledgement definition. Provided by : Wikipedia. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • How to be the Perfect Emcee at an Event or Wedding. Authored by : Kwesi Millington. Located at : . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • The Master of Ceremonies. Authored by : Patricia Atkinson with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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sample opening speech for emcee

Master of Ceremony Opening Speech

3 step guide to writing a great master of ceremony opening speech.

How to write a great Opening Speech

Over the last 20 years I’ve had to write an Opening Speech for hundreds of large events where I have been engaged as the MC.

Some have been relatively easy, while others have required many hours of effort and thought.

Rather than reinvent the wheel each time, I now have a 3 Part Formula or Process I always follow. This both saves me time but also ensures that all the elements of a great opening speech are there.

Ingredients of a good Opening Speech

I like to cook when I’m at home and in many ways putting together a great Master of Ceremony opening speech is like cooking a great meal.

Firstly you have to understand what you are trying to make, then the ingredients you are going to use and finally, how you are going to combine them!

We are going to dive in deep into each of those areas but I hope you can see how the metaphor works.

Understanding the outcome you are aiming for, the why, is important because your role as an MC is to help your client achieve their aims for the event. If you are not aware of those aims you could in fact hinder the process with ill considered comments or wrong emphasis. To go back to the planning of your meal, are you making sandwiches and finger food or designing a 5 course sit down banquet?

Secondly, while the ingredients of each opening may sometimes be very similar, often, like a good cook, you can substitute different things. You might change the spice to create a slightly different flavour or double the amount of another ingredient to add more kick or emphasis.

And lastly you can combine those ingredients in different ways. Some elements work better going in early, sometimes just a pinch near the end is all that’s required.

So for a Opening Speech, the 3 Steps are …

  • Why is this Happening and What are you trying to Achieve?
  • What needs to be Included
  • How to put that Together

Preparing a great Master of Ceremony Opening Speech.

It’s unlikely that you are the organiser of the event itself, though this formula is just as useful if you are and are writing your own opening speech.

In most cases as an MC  you will have an organiser, who is then your client. This is the person who has asked you to be the MC. It could be a business owner, CEO, your headmaster, the President of the Association etc. They have specific reasons why this event is taking place and it is your job to ascertain what they are.

In every situation you want to have a briefing session with this person either face to face or over the phone. This Briefing of course will cover your involvement in the whole event, but in this article we will just focus on the Opening.

Pro Tip –  Check out the full list of Briefing Questions on page 102 of the Expert MC Toolkit & Resource Manual .

Part One   –   Reason for the Event

Knowing “why” the event is taking place will get you firmly on the right track to writing a great opening speech!

Is it a Celebration, an Information Night, a Product Launch, Team Building or an Awards Night?

And don’t take a simple answer like “oh, we have it every year” as an answer. Drill in a little deeper. The next question will open it up a bit more.

What are they trying to Achieve?

Building on the “why” question, I usually then ask … “how do you want the audience to Think or Act after the event?” This can be immediately after or when they get back to work etc.

Are they trying to motivate the audience to do something or get them to meet lots of new people. Are they making them more confident about their jobs or are they wanting them to sign up to buy something? Are they gearing up the audience for some hard times ahead?

Theme of the Event!

Is there an actual Theme or Slogan for the Event? We have written about this before but this will give you big clues about what to say and possibly what to wear for the event.

Part 2 –   Details of the Opening Speech

Once you have some of this Big Picture stuff sorted, it’s time to get onto the nitty gritty. Now, sometimes these finer details won’t be known at the time of the briefing, but at least they have been flagged as something you need to know.

Time Available

You obviously need to have a firm idea about the length of time that you are aiming for in an Master of Ceremonies opening speech.

Pro Tip – It’s always good to try and get a longer time allocation than you need or that you will write for. This allows some immediate flex time. If the event starts a little late, and it inevitably will, those extra couple of minutes you asked for may put you back on track.

Are there any official protocols that must be included?

In some countries and with some cultural groups, a Prayer is included at the start of formal proceedings. The National Anthem might also be sung.

Here in Australia many groups have an Acknowledgement of Country at the start of the event, a short few lines recognising the Traditional Owners of the Land.

I use this term to incorporate other things that also must be mentioned in your opening. The more formal an event the more specific you will be.

VIP Guests, Dignitaries etc will probably be mentioned by name in a specific order.

Depending on the type of event, Sponsors my also get a mention here.

Once you know what your client wants or expects, you can then start crafting the opening.

House Keeping

“Housekeeping” is a widely used term that covers all the small bits and pieces of information that may also need to be conveyed to an audience.

Examples are – Where are the Toilets, what is the Wifi Code, what time does the bus leave, etc. I also include in this group – “Please turn your Phones to Silent.”

Now, depending on the type of event it is, you may not need to go through all the House Keeping in your opening speech. I prefer to do it a bit later as I find it dilutes the impact of the opening a bit. In that situation, just mention the Phones before you introduce the first speaker and come back to the Housekeeping after them.

What happens next?

As an MC you should always keep in mind what happens next. So when you are putting together your opening speech you need to be aware of what happens immediately after you finish so you can make the appropriate link. But more importantly, know the appropriate “energy levels.”

For example you might be launching into a facilitated Teambuilding or Networking session, in which case you will be building the energy and fun. Alternatively, you might be introducing someone speaking on a sombre or serious topic that needs focus and respect.

Part 3 – Putting the Opening Speech Together

Master of Ceremony, Emcee, MC Script

Now we have the vital information – what we are trying to achieve and what must be included. It’s time for the third part of the formula, putting it all together.

A structure I have found incredibly useful is this …

Closer  /   Link …

This works just as well if you have only 3 minutes or if you have 15. Let’s look at it in more detail.

The Grabber

Getting peoples attention and interest right from the start is vital.

You need to confident and assured in your dress and demeanour and your words need to match.

It’s not a time for chit chat or repartee. Bang, get straight into it!

I’ve attended a couple of sessions with the Patricia Fripp, the British born, now American based speaker coach. (And sister of legendary guitarist Robert Fripp.)

Her advice for speakers is to start with something bold, a phrase or sentence that grabs attention and interest. I think the advice works just as well for MC’s as it does for speakers.

For several events business events I’ve started with …

“Princeton University, 1955.  Professor Albert Einstein is handing out exam papers to his final year students …”

Did that get your attention? Did you want to know what happens next? Of course you do!

That works so much better than “Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, my names Timothy Hyde and I will be your MC for the event..”

After the quick story, (that relates totally to the WHY they are having the meeting,) you can then move into the welcome and greeting.

Remember also the Voice of God introduction. This will also grab peoples attention and let them know your name! It also enables you to move into something more meaty at the start.

Pro Tip – The full “Einstein Opener” mentioned above is found on page 33 of your copy of The Expert MC Toolkit & Resource Manual .  The theme of Rapid Change, Innovation, Creative Solutions is perfect for many business type functions.)

Other great Opening Grabbers include

  • “What if ………?”
  • A statistic or fact.
  • “Imagine that ……?”
  • A bold statement.
  • A Question.

Once you have got the attention of the audience,  you can do an official type welcome and include any Protocol type things you need to cover. VIP’s, Sponsors etc

You now move onto the Big Picture.

This will emphasis the Theme of the Event and Why are you all here.

This sets the context for everything to follow. You may mention a couple of highlights of the program coming up, the Who and the What.

I then like to move from Big Picture to the Personal.

So what I’m saying relates directly to each and every attendee.

Now, what is included here depends once again on what the client wants for the outcome of the event.

Are you motivating and enthusing them?

Are you planting seeds that they will get lots of information?

Do you need to reinforce the benefits of being here?

Are they here to – Network, Set Goals or Relax?

Pro Tip – Plant a seed of Co-operation!

In my Opening speech I always like to plant a seed of co-operation. This is a message that we need to work together to keep the event running on time. That running on time will enable all the Speakers to do their full presentations and if they do, YOU will gain maximum benefit from being here. You are busy people, it’s a packed agenda, we want you to gain a lot from being here and we want to finish on time etc.

I also reinforce this at certain times during the event by thanking them for their help.

Closer /  Link to next activity

Depending on what’s happening next, this is a good moment to either slip in any urgent Housekeeping or close up your opening and introduce the first activity or speaker.

I often would use an appropriate quote or a mention of the Theme again, taking it back to Big Picture.

This 3 Part Process will give you a good basis to start writing stronger Openings.

Part 1 gives you the WHY, the reason for the event and the outcomes you are aiming for.

Part 2 adds the details that must be incorporated.

Part 3 gives you a structure for the opening.

Timothy Hyde

Widely acknowledged as one of Australia's busiest & best MC's and a global authority on the MC Industry, Timothy Hyde shares his expertise and insights into this fascinating Professional Speaking niche via this site and a dynamic YouTube channel. His best selling book The ExpertMC Toolkit and Resource Manual has helped thousands of people worldwide improve their Emcee skills and in many cases, start earning a living by taking on the role.

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Table of Contents, How To Present To Any Audience

Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Chapter 15: how to emcee an event, introduce speakers, and present awards.

You have been accepted as a leader in your company or your community. You have been asked to serve as a program chair for a dinner or master of ceremonies (otherwise known as MC, or emcee) for a more lavish event. It's quite an honor. It means you are known by the audience and respected by the people putting the event together. If you do it well, you are admired anew and you grow in stature within your company and with all those in attendance.

Your First Responsibility - To Open the Event

Your first responsibility is, of course, to open the event, to welcome everyone. Usually you will do this from a platform or a stage. How you do it creates the climate for the meeting. You either lift the audience and build anticipation, or you bore them and create apathy. As such, you are the catalyst. You carry the audience on your shoulders. At this point, they are a clean slate. You are the artist who determines what is painted there.

Many years ago, there was a great speaker named Percy Whiting. He would always greet the audience by asking in a booming, microphone-aided voice, "Can you hear me in the back over there?" while pointing to the far right corner. A few brave members of the audience in that corner would shout back, "Yes, we can hear you!"

Percy would then turn and gesture to the far left corner while booming, "Can you hear me in the back over there?" The answer would come back, "Yes we can!" Then Percy would say at the same high volume level and with his arms outstretched, "Well, then, let's begin!"

You Are the Focal Point

Here's what Percy Whiting accomplished by opening in that way:

He became the focal point. All side conversations ceased. He got everyone's attention and brought the group to order.

He achieved audience interaction. Members of the audience actually spoke out loud. Amazing!

He created excitement. The anticipation level started off on a high.

That was what he wanted to accomplish. That was his purpose. Yet it all seemed so natural as far as the audience was concerned. It was fun, and it stirred everyone to attention.

Identify Key People in the Group

In the crowd, of course, will be significant people within your organization. They need to be recognized for any number of reasons - if nothing else, they have marquee value with the audience, and their noted attendance will lend prestige to the event. Let's use an example. We'll assume that you are the program chairman for a fund-raising event for your local YMCA. There are seven hundred people present. Once you have opened the session and welcomed those in attendance, you need to give ample recognition to the officers, the directors, and the people who were responsible for putting the event together.

Do it individually for the key people. Decide with them beforehand if they will stand when their names are mentioned. Make sure you know how to pronounce their names. If you muff an important name, you're a dead man - or woman. And it feels bad, too. If there is a difficult name, ask its owner how it's pronounced. Then say it back to them at least three times. Then write it phonetically in your notes. Then say it five times to yourself before your moment of truth.

Provide the Common Bond

Next, tell the audience "why we are all here." This critical opening statement tells the crowd why your prominent panel of speakers is taking the time to be present and offers a connecting common thread that brings the speakers and the entire audience together. You need to find this thread, state it, and connect everyone.

An Example of an Opening

We are here tonight because the "Y" is, in some way, important to each of us. Certainly many of us use the Y regularly as an adult fitness facility. And it's the best and most affordable one in town. But that's not where the great Y legacy comes from. It comes from what it has done for kids. Probably 75 percent of you folks in this room can remember a time when you were a kid and the Y made a positive difference in your life. And though the Y has programs for every age group, kids are what we are all about. The Y has no equal for providing programs for the development of kids from toddlers through the teen years.
I'd like to share a quote about kids from one of our great presidents, Theodore Roosevelt. He said: "Every kid has inside him an aching void for excitement. If we don't fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and good for him, he will fill it with something that is exciting, interesting, and which isn't good for him." The Y has been supplying that excitement in a way that's good for kids since it began in 1850. But it can't do it without the help and support of people like you. Thank you for being here.

Why It Works

Now imagine yourself in the audience hearing what you just said. It's pretty good, isn't it? There had to be a beginning. The session had to be opened. The audience needed to be connected to one another and to the event. And you just did it. You've given the event a common denominator and a perspective. Everyone present is now "tuned in."

The very next thing you should do is give the audience an overview of the agenda. Tell them what to expect. Include an indication of how long the program will be. Now your listeners are comfortable. They know the parameters. They will settle in.

Your Second Responsibility - To Introduce the Speakers

The next step is to get on with the program. Usually that means you introduce the first speaker. Is there a right way to introduce a speaker? You bet there is, and it begins with an understanding of your responsibility as the go-between, the connecter of the audience to the speaker.

It's similar to when you're hosting a party at your home and you have guests who don't know one another. You feel an obligation to introduce them, to tell each of them something about the other, so that they will discover areas of common interest. You want to connect them so that they can interact better. Once you have accomplished that, the party becomes lively, the guests will talk more freely.

The same thing holds for the talk of introduction, though you should go into a bit more detail, since the dialogue that takes place at a party will be missing.

The word "introduce" comes from the Latin words intro , which means inside, and ducerem which means to lead. When we introduce a speaker properly, we lead the audience inside the speaker's world so that the audience is intrigued by the topic, impressed by the speaker's accomplishments, and excited to be present.

How to Organize an Introduction

Is there a simple way to organize such a talk? Of course there is. We call it the TEAS format. It was created by Charlie Wend, a cofounder of Communisync, and has helped thousands of "introducers" perform this function flawlessly.

Here's how it works:

T � Title of the speaker's talk; why it's important to this audience.

E �Experience and Educational background of the speaker

A �Anecdote about the speaker that:

Reveals a human interest dimension of the speaker and / or

Dramatizes the importance of the speaker's subject

S �Speaker's name

Try to hold the speaker's name until last, even when the audience knows who the speaker is. It keeps the introduction cleaner and adds a sense of drama and a lift to the end of your intro.

To do this exceptionally, your first job is to interview the speaker and gather the necessary background information. You may have to work harder to get the anecdote. Sometimes the speaker is shy or "can't think of one." In that case, ask him or her for the name of a friend and phone that person to get the anecdote. Even if you encounter roadblocks, persist. It's worth it.

A Simple Luncheon Intro

J. Walter Thompson (JWT) was hosting a luncheon for the Ford Motor Company, its biggest account, to celebrate a new advertising campaign.

The luncheon would take place in the JWT executive dining area. About seventy people would be present, half Ford people, half JWT.

The JWT management supervisor, Glen Fortinberry, wanted the event to be special. He wanted a speaker who would appeal to this sports-oriented audience. So he arranged for Frank Gifford, the former all-pro Giants flankerback, to be a speaker. He also asked Charlie Wend to introduce Frank.

Gathering Information

The first thing Charlie did was to call the New York Giants' office. He talked to Ray Walsh, the general manager, and told him that he was going to introduce Frank and that he wanted to tell the story of the great catch Frank made against the Steelers toward the end of his career, at Yankee Stadium.

Ray Walsh said, "I'll never forget that catch. We [the Giants] were in the race for the Eastern Divisional Championship of the NFL. We were tied. We had to beat the Steelers to get to the championship game. We were in the fourth quarter. It was third down with fourteen yards to go for a first. We were on our own forty-yard line. The quarterback was Y. A. Tittle. Gifford lined up left and ran a crossing pattern.

"Joe Walton, the tight end, was supposed to clear the area for Frank but was held up at the line of scrimmage. So Frank ran his pattern with two defenders on him. Y. A. was being rushed hard, but he held the ball as long as he could. He finally threw it out of desperation, and he threw it long. There was no way Frank could get to it ... but he did. He dove, caught it with his fingertips, and tucked it in as he rolled on the ground. It was a first down. We went on to score, and we won the Divisional Championship. Frank's catch was the turning point."

Charlie took notes and was overjoyed because he knew he had a good anecdote! He also had prepared the other parts of the TEAS format.

No Secrets: Tell the Speaker What You'll Say

On the day of the luncheon, Charlie met with Frank Gifford and told him what he was going to say while introducing him. Not a bad idea. There's nothing worse than spouting some facts in your introduction and then having the speaker walk to the lectern and disclaim the truth of what you just said.

Let's look at the format for the talk of introduction as it applied to Charlie's intro of Frank Gifford. It follows the TEAS plan.

Topic: "What it means to be a professional"

Charlie stated why that topic was important to this audience of Ford people: "Skill and professionalism separate the great ones from the not-so-greats in professional football; the same is true when creating great Ford advertising."

Experience and Education: Charlie provided facts about Gifford's professional background:

Graduate of USC, where he was All-American

NFL career 1952 to 1964

Starred on both offense and defense during 1953 season

All-NFL four years

Seven Pro Bowls

Pro Bowl selection in three different positions, as defensive back, halfback, and flanker

Original team of broadcasters on Monday Night Football

Covered the Olympics and other special events for ABC

Anecdote: Charlie told the story of Frank's catch against the Steelers. He made the point that the catch represented the epitome of professionalism.

Speaker's Name: Charlie simply said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to present our speaker today . . . (pause) . . . Frank Gifford."

Charlie had a little rubber football with him on the lectern, and as Frank walked to the lectern, Charlie tossed him the little football, which Frank caught and tossed back to him. Nice touch. Luckily, Frank caught the little football.

Frank Gifford's Transition

Frank's opening remarks went something like this: "Thank you, Charlie, for the nice introduction. Actually, I'm not the one who deserves the credit for that play. Y. A. held his ground back there, looking death in the eye as two defensive linemen roared at him. After he threw the ball, he was almost annihilated by those tacklers. Any other quarterback would have thrown the ball away to avoid being hit so hard, and I wouldn't have had the chance to catch it.

"After the play, I congratulated Y. A. for holding the ball that long and then getting it to me. And he said, ‘I wish I had thrown it to Del Shofner [a faster receiver] instead of you, Frank. Del would have been wide open, five yards in front of those defenders. It would have been an easy play, and I wouldn't have been hit by those linemen.'"

A Great Introduction Is Enjoyed By All

That was Frank's transition into his talk. He was so self-effacing the audience loved him before he even started his prepared remarks. That's what a good anecdote can do for a speaker. It provides an opportunity for the speaker to gracefully transition from the introduction into his talk. But it's not just the speaker who benefits, the audience does, too. The entire affair rises to a new level if the introductions are done well.

After the luncheon was over, Frank sought Charlie out, thanked him again, and said, "Would you follow me around and introduce me whenever I speak?"

The Key, Of Course, Is the Anecdote

If you can get a good anecdote, the speaker is "launched" with the audience. Charlie once introduced Ted Sorensen, a former speechwriter for President Kennedy, at one of those JWT events. Sorensen was a brilliant man who looked rather studious. In the introduction, Charlie said, (deliberately holding Ted's name until the end of the intro):

"Last week this man pitched a shut out and knocked in the winning run for his team in a slow pitch softball game in Central Park. And even after those heroics, he was much more elated by the team victory than by his own contributions. It shows what a team player this man is."

Notice how the story humanized Ted Sorensen. The audience could identify with him just a little bit more.

Sometimes it's difficult to get the necessary information, try though we might. We think we can get the material on the spot, and so we let it go until we have nowhere to turn for help. But we shouldn't excuse ourselves. Remember, a speaker cannot be as effective with a weak introduction. He cannot do it alone. You are there for a purpose. You are there to help make the event more meaningful, more enjoyable, than it could be without you.

Sometimes the Setting Is Difficult

For many years I lived with my wife and family in Old Greenwich, Connecticut. One day in May, the organizer of the local Memorial Day parade asked me:

"Kevin, would you be willing to serve as the grand marshal of the parade? If you say ‘yes,' here's what's involved:

"You would be part of the great parade, riding in the elevated back seat of the grand marshal's car as the parade weaves its way through town. Alongside of you would be our guest celebrity and featured speaker, Fred Furmark (not his real name), of TV fame. The parade will start at Todd's Point and work its way all the way down Sound Beach Avenue, ending at Memorial Rock.

"You and Fred will wave to the crowd during this journey. They will line the streets on both sides and be hanging off the train trestle bridge as you go under it. At Memorial Rock in Binney Park, you will introduce Fred. He will give his Memorial Day talk, and the parade will be over."

The whole thing sounded exciting to me, so I said, "Sure. I'll do it."

I knew how to do an introduction. It meant I'd have to get some information about the speaker, but I could get that from him as we inched our way along in the parade.

The Memorial Day Parade

Memorial Day came, and it wasn't long before I found myself in the back of the car with Fred Furmark on Shore Road in Old Greenwich, behind marching bands, baton twirlers, Veterans of American Wars, American Legion members, Girl Scouts, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Fire Department, local officials, and just about any other organized group that wanted to walk or march from Todd's Point to Memorial Rock.

Fred and I were in the middle of all that. I told him I would be introducing him and asked him to tell me about his background. He said, "I've lived in this town for twenty years and they all know me here."

We were sitting high in the grand marshal's car, waving to the left, to the right, overhead. Wherever there were people waving, we waved back. It was fun. But I had a job to do. I needed information from my fellow "waver," and I was a little bit nervous about whether I was going to get it.

Interviewing the Speaker

So I said, "Fred, what is the topic of the talk you are going to give?"

He waved to the people standing in front of Sterling Watts's hardware store, and said, "I'm going to talk about patriotism."

I said: "I need a title for your talk."

Fred said, "How about ‘What freedom means today'?"

I said, "I like it if you do."

At this point someone from the crowd yelled, "How are you doing, Fred?"

Fred answered, "I'm doing fine. I love being here with all of you."

We returned to our dialogue, still smiling, still waving. I said, "Could you tell me something about your background, your schooling?"

Fred said, "Why do you want to know about that?"

So I said, "I have to introduce you. I have to tell the people about you."

Fred said, "They all know me. I've lived in this town for twenty years."

I said, "Fred, please help me. I've got to introduce you, and I need some info on you. Would you help me?"

Little by little, Fred answered my questions and gave me what I needed. He never missed a wave. He smiled indefatigably. And a lot of the people did know him. I was really impressed with this fine man, but I sure struggled in getting enough information. I've changed a few details, but here is the outline of my introduction:

Topic: "What freedom means today"

Experience and education:

Graduated from Fordham University

Worked for his father as a law clerk for two years

Went into broadcasting. Played Batman on radio for ten years

Hosted Deal and Cash In

Hosted Winner Gets All

Hosted Make a Million

Has hosted The Truth Will Set You Free for the last eight years

Is considered the first game-show superstar

Has had more exposure on daytime TV than any other TV personality

Anecdote: "Fred is a family man, with five children, four girls and a boy. Despite his fame and the demands on his time, the job he loves the most is that of superintendent of a Sunday school in our town of Greenwich. His deeply religious core shows itself when he bids adieu to both his Sunday school class and to the participants who perform on his show by saying, ‘Good-bye, and may God be with you.'"

Speaker's Name: "Ladies and gentlemen, our celebrity Memorial Day speaker . . . (pause) . . . Fred Furmark."

Always announce the name with a rise of intonation and a burst of volume. The speaker's name is the culmination of your talk. If you have held the name until the end, the speaker will rise and walk toward you with outstretched hand as the audience applauds.

Keep It Short, Then Step Out of the Spotlight

You might wonder how long the talk of introduction should be. The answer is - it should be short. Not longer than sixty seconds. Your job is to sell the speaker to the audience, enhance his or her stature, tickle the audience's fancy, build their anticipation, and excite them about the speaker. All of that, but no more, in sixty seconds.

You are not the speaker. Don't be confused by that. You are there to prepare the way for the speaker, not compete with him or her. And, for heaven's sake, don't show off your knowledge about the speaker's subject. Here is an old speaker's lament:

Nothing makes me madder Than when the introducer's patter Is my subject matter

Your Third Responsibility - Presenting Awards

If you are program chair inside your company or organization, you will either present awards or direct others to do so. This is a special time. The award winners love it. The audience loves it. There are two scenarios to be dealt with; one is when you have a series of awards or acknowledgments, and the other is when you are presenting the coveted top awards.

Examples of a Series of Awards

Members of a team who worked together

People who reached new sales "highs"

Top producers in different categories

People who helped make an event successful

Those who made quota

Extraordinary accomplishment

When you are delivering an award, make sure you clearly state what the accomplishment was. Dramatize it. Make it sound important. Be enthusiastic. Be happy. Be upbeat. Be impressed.

Hold the name until last. Announce it with gusto. Smile at each recipient. Shake their hands. Show how delighted you are. Remember that your speech - what you say and how you say it - is a massive part of the award. You create the aura. You create the magnitude. You create the sense of triumph. If you do it well, the award winners will revel in their moment. Potential recipients will be motivated to strive for the same recognition in the future. The audience will be impressed. The event will be a success. And you will be responsible for that success.

Make Sure You Pronounce the Names Correctly

The best way to sidestep this common error is to practice pronouncing the names. The best time to botch a name is in private. There are no penalty points for that, but if you do it out loud to the audience, that's the one thing they will remember - and they will think you're a jerk. That's not fair, but that's the way it is. As Dale Carnegie once said, "Remember, a man's name is, to him, the sweetest and most important sound in any language."

Don't ever lose sight of the fact that these people are being singled out for recognition. It's a marvelous moment, each time - for them. If you are bored with it, or it comes off as dull or perfunctory, you have failed. You lose personal stature with all those present. So, keep your enthusiasm at a high level from beginning to end, no matter how long and drawn-out the ceremony may become. Even if it sometimes seems to you that you are going on forever, remember that it is the first time and the only time for each person being recognized.

The Coveted Top Awards

Ideally there should be but one of these, just as there is only one Congressional Medal of Honor. But it's easy to make a case for two. Is there an absolute limit to how many top awards there can be? Yes. The outside limit is three. Beyond that, there is no exclusivity. The value is tarnished.

In many companies, the top award gets its name from some event in the company's history. Let me give you an example. At Communisync, the top honor you can receive is the Jack Sloan Broken Pick Award.

The Story Behind the Broken Pick Award

Jack Sloan joined Communisync as a salesman and worked for the company for eight years. He was marvelously successful because he worked hard and he worked smart. The vice president of sales, Ted Fuller, was so impressed with his work ethic that he used Jack as an example at one of our sales meetings saying, "You never have to wonder where Jack is. If you can't find him in the office, it's because he's at a client somewhere, breaking his pick (as in digging a hole with a pickax), trying to make a sale."

And so was born the Broken Pick Award. It goes to the person who best demonstrates that they "went the extra mile," "broke their pick," to make the sale. The award, given once a year, is a plaque with the broken pickax symbol on it. It's the apex, the epitome of recognition. You might think a broken pick isn't too glamorous. But that's where tradition and company culture come in.

When presenting a coveted top award, do so with much excitement and joy. Show that you are thrilled to be a part of this great moment and to be sharing it with everyone in the room. Follow these five simple steps:

Tell the story and the philosophy of the award.

Lay out the success record and accomplishments of the recipient.

Explain how the accomplishments demonstrate the philosophy.

Hold the name until last even though they know who it is.

Say the name with gusto.

Key Learnings for How to Emcee a Meeting, Introduce a Speaker, and Present Awards

Consider yourself honored if you are asked to be a program chair. It's a showcase for you. It will do more for your stature and visibility in your company than six months of normal work.

Use the TEAS formula when introducing a speaker. It's simple and it works. The introduction will be livelier and the speaker better launched.

Make sure you get a good anecdote; it makes your introduction special. It also sets up the speaker, and the audience loves it.

Hold the name for last when you introduce a speaker or present an award. It helps build anticipation. The audience will applaud more enthusiastically.

Punch the name with gusto when you announce the speaker or the award winner's name.

Use the person's name ten or fifteen times in the course of the introduction. This strips all drama from the ending.

Talk too long. You are the preface, not the book.

Try to steal the show by being a comedian or by seeking undue attention. Not your job. There's a place in heaven for a good emcee. Most comedians never get there.

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

Emceeing A Wedding Reception: A Guide

Table of Contents:

A master of ceremonies or wedding emcee makes sure everything goes according to plan and sets the right mood. A good emcee balances the formalities, introduces each segment of the wedding, and injects humor with relatable jokes and stories in between. For their wedding, some couples might decide to hire a qualified and skilled emcee. However, they may also pick a close relative or relative to act in place of one.

Remember to get in touch with Just Married Films for your wedding photography and articlegraphy needs on your big day.

It may be stressful to be given such responsibilities, but with the help of this guide, you’ll be able to ace your role and give the couple and all of the guests a memorable evening if you’re asked to be the couple’s wedding emcee.

Wedding emcee script

What line should you use to introduce yourself at a wedding reception?

Welcome to the most significant day in the lives of (NAME) and (NAME). Promises have taken on a life of their own today, and friends have turned into family. “Today is a holiday, and (NAME) and (NAME) and I are here to celebrate. “We appreciate you being here with us on this special day.”.

Our wedding speech introduction examples will help you get started if you have to give a speech but are unsure of where to start.

To assist you in navigating and enjoying life’s most important moments, we have included products from third parties. Links on this page may lead to purchases for which we receive a commission.

Standing up and speaking at a wedding, whether it’s the groom’s speech, the father of the bride speech, or the eagerly anticipated best man speech, can be quite nerve-wracking. We provide examples of wedding speech introductions as well as instructions on how to start your speech so you can feel confident and get off to a strong start.

Wedding emcee script pdf

When MC-ing a wedding, what should they say?

The function. Declare the arrival of the married couple. Identify the speakers. Tell everyone when the cake will be cut. Declare the wedding waltz. When it’s time for the bridal couple to depart, let the guests know.

A Master of Ceremonies (MC) is crucial in tying everything together and ensuring that your celebration goes off without a hitch. If you’re fortunate, one of your friends or members of your family will know someone who is suitable. The stage is set for a very private reception with an MC who is familiar to you and your guests. It’s possible to share the MC role. It’s a great idea to have a friend and a family member host the event together because it gives everyone in your circle someone to relate to. You should be aware of their responsibilities before selecting your master of ceremonies.

The reception will go smoothly if the master of ceremonies can tie everything together. The emcee will do the following:

In order to ensure that everyone is ready for the next activity—for instance, that the champagne has been poured before the toasts—the Master of Ceremonies, or MC, as it is commonly abbreviated, must communicate with the function coordinator and the reception venue.

Sample emcee script for wedding reception

What should the wedding emcee say first?

Know and comprehend the wedding couple. Here are nine tips on how to be a memorable wedding emcee. Be aware of the wedding’s schedule. Go over the wedding emcee script again. dot. Do some research on famous names. Work with the wedding vendors to plan and dot. Before the event, try out the microphone(s). adding a unique touch to the speakers’ introduction.

Update: Recently, I’ve been inundated with emails from people asking for suggestions on how to emcee wedding events. After sharing with so many people, I’ve decided to put my ten years of emcee experience into an ebook. You can learn more about it here.

If you’re looking for an experienced wedding emcee in Singapore, you can get in touch with me.

So, a friend or a member of your family has asked you to emcee their wedding. You feel honored that they would approach you, and you begin to question your suitability for the job. Emceeing a wedding for a close friend or relative is a great honor and should not be taken lightly.

Wedding emcee script funny

What would a typical wedding MC script look like?

“Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the (venue name). My name is ____, and I will serve as your emcee for the reception for the couple will serve as your emcee for the reception for the couple. It would be great if you could please take your seats in the interim while the wedding party arrives, as I’ve been informed. Within a few minutes, I will reply to you.”.

Simple wedding script for emcee

What would be the ideal emcee introduction?

The introduction should immediately engage the audience and pique their interest in your topic by outlining your credentials as a speaker on the subject. less than 150 words, keep it concise and to the point. The presentation shouldn’t go beyond a minute.

Before you take the stage in many speaking situations, your client or a Master of Ceremonies (MC, also written emcee) will give you an introduction. The introduction by the emcee is important because it frames your opening remarks. When handled well, it can serve as the springboard for a fantastic presentation; when handled poorly, it acts as an anchor, pulling you down and requiring you to spend valuable time fixing the emcee’s mistakes. Of course, you’ll want to keep tight reins on your introduction.

The following advice will help you increase the likelihood of success—for both of you—despite the fact that you cannot stop a determined or incompetent introducer from performing poorly.

1. A good introducer should never wing it. Your introduction must make a strong, favorable first impression. Therefore, don’t let the person introduce you unless they are a close friend who is very familiar with your work. A few careless words or improvised stories are all it takes to make you lose enthusiasm. Give a complete scripted introduction and ask that it be read verbatim. Don’t just give the emcee an outline to fill out; otherwise, she might stretch it out so much that it consumes some of your speaking time.

Great wedding mc introductions

What do you say first as the MC?

Give a brief twenty-second introduction of yourself. Name, hometown, any family you may have, and some sort of affiliation with the crowd are some ideas I have. Tell the audience a similarity you discovered if you met someone in the crowd before the event.

The lights in the audience dim, the audience falls silent, the music slows down, and the first words spoken from the stage by the emcee are _______?

Although each emcee may approach it slightly differently, the introduction will be similar in most cases. It’s crucial to be direct, hospitable, and authentically you.

Because it is, it makes sense. Welcome. Amidst all the other things you could say, this one simple phrase might get lost. When you go to a friend’s house, imagine knocking on the door and being greeted by a friendly face who says, “Welcome.” Welcoming the guests into a story and an environment created for them to hear something and experience something is what every emcee tries to do, whether they realize it or not.

Wedding mc jokes

How do I begin a script for an emcee?

Give a brief (20-second) introduction of who you are. My recommendations are name, hometown, any family you may have, and some sort of affiliation with the crowd. Tell the audience something you had in common with the person you met in the crowd before the event.

Although each emcee may approach it slightly differently, the introduction will be similar in most cases. It’s crucial to be straightforward, hospitable, and authentically you.

It is intuitive because it seems to be. Welcome. Despite being so straightforward, it might get lost in the sea of other things you could say. When you go to a friend’s house, imagine knocking on the door and being greeted by a friendly face who says, “Welcome.” Welcoming the guests into a story and an environment created for them to hear something and experience something is what every emcee tries to do, whether they realize it or not.

Wedding reception script for emcee philippines

What does the emcee do at the reception?

The master of ceremonies at a wedding is known as an MC or emcee. This person is in charge of interacting with your guests during the reception, introducing speakers, and generally managing the flow of the occasion.

The master of ceremonies is an emcee or wedding MC. This person is in charge of addressing your guests throughout the reception, introducing speakers, and generally keeping the event on schedule. They are frequently the first person guests hear from after they have settled down at their tables, which plays a big part in establishing the mood for the reception.

This may seem like a difficult task, but the right person can find enjoyment and fun in it. Additionally, if you’re working with a wedding planner or coordinator, you’ll have assistance from them on the big day.

A wedding reception MC can be a great asset.

What are some good wedding speech examples? .

What are some good wedding speech examples?

All of you are invited to join in on this significant occasion in the lives of the bride and the groom. I implore you to join me in recognizing and celebrating this day and the vows they will be making. Their love and dedication to one another are witnessed and validated by your presence.

The wedding ceremony’s opening words and introduction set the mood for the celebration. It makes a declaration about the event, its significance to the world, and the engaged couple.

We are honored to have you here on this special day, friends and family of the bride and groom.

We are here to marry the bride and groom in order to celebrate their incredibly special love.

How do you craft a cordial welcome speech?

How do you craft a cordial welcome speech?

Good morning to everyone! Express your gratitude to the guests for coming by saying something like, “It’s wonderful to see you all here on this sunny day. More casual language might be appropriate for a gathering of close friends and family.

If you have to deliver a welcome speech at a program or event, don’t worry; with the right structure and tone, it’s very simple to write and deliver a welcome speech for just about any occasion. Everything you need to know has been outlined, from your opening remarks to setting the right tone and mastering your closing remarks. This is in your hands!

Use formal language to greet the audience, as this is a formal event. Choose an appropriate salutation, such as “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Then, say something like, “It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to our lovely venue tonight.” (1).

Use jovial language to greet visitors informally. Good morning to everyone! Express your gratitude to the guests for coming by saying something like, “It’s wonderful to see you all here on this sunny day.” (2).

What does the MC at a wedding say? .

What does the MC at a wedding say?

The MC gives brief opening remarks before introducing all of the main wedding participants. According to Coombs, “a good wedding MC is organized, accountable, and can take instructions well. It’s not about the MC getting their fifteen minutes of fame; it’s about the bride and groom.”.

In their role as the wedding’s host and emcee, the Master of Ceremonies (MC or emcee) is responsible for making sure that everyone is having fun. An effective wedding MC is more than just a person with strong public speaking skills or a joke or two. They should ensure that everything goes as planned, introduce everyone speaking, and highlight significant moments. We asked Michael Coombs of Michael Coombs Entertainment in Toronto for five things that every wedding MC should be aware of.

1. Be prepared. Have everything written down beforehand, and prepare your speech in advance. Make sure you have a thorough timeline and the right names and information. The MC makes brief opening remarks before introducing each important wedding participant. A good wedding MC is prepared, accountable, and capable of following directions, according to Coombs. It’s not about the MC getting their fifteen minutes of fame; it’s about the bride and groom.”.

2. Working with the vendors to ensure that everyone is aware of what is happening is one of the wedding MC’s key responsibilities. Knowing how the evening will proceed and making sure everyone is prepared for their cues are crucial, he adds. “The MC’s job is to guide the audience and let them know what will happen next. They should make sure that everything is on schedule and that the DJ, photographer, and vendors are given cues to capture important moments.

How do you, as an MC, greet visitors? .

How do you, as an MC, greet visitors?

“We are happy to extend the warmest welcome possible.” Dear visitors, take a look around you; you have a friendly welcome full of friendship.” dot is honored to be here. I am in awe of the collective knowledge present here as I look around the stage. dot. many thanks. hugely appreciated. dot. jubilant welcome.

The challenge of a welcome speech is to come up with alternative ways to convey your sincerity without using a string of meaningless “same-old, same-old” words and phrases to welcome your guests.

There is also a further query regarding that. Your language choices will depend on whether the event is formal or informal.

How do you write a wedding emcee script?

How do you write a wedding emcee script?

Welcome to (name) and (name)’s wedding dinner. It’s an honor to serve as your emcee tonight. My name is (the emcee’s name). I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you on behalf of the couple and their parents for coming to share in this happy occasion as we celebrate the union of (name) and (name). ‘ Cached.

Your wedding will go off without a hitch and with the proper mood and tone set by a master of ceremonies or wedding emcee. A good emcee not only introduces the various parts of the wedding but also balances the formalities and injects humor with relatable jokes and stories. Some couples may opt to hire a skilled and qualified emcee for their wedding. They may, however, elect to substitute a close relative or relative in their place.

Don’t forget to get in touch with Just Married Films if you need wedding photography or articlegraphy for your big day.

How can I perform at a wedding reception as the best MC possible?

How can I perform at a wedding reception as the best MC possible?

Have a plan. 7 suggestions for making your wedding memorable It’s not “Open Mic Night” here. dot. Limit your alcohol intake. A party is taking place; that much is true. dot. Get to know the vendors. dot. Test the microphone. dot. Get out of the way and make a strong opening. dot. Use caution when using humor. dot. Consider Who Your Audience Is.

It is an enormous honor to be asked to officiate at a friend’s or relative’s wedding as master of ceremonies. However, the job also carries a great deal of pressure. Contrary to popular belief, you are not up there to be the center of attention or the designated wedding comedian. As the event’s host, it is your responsibility to ensure that everyone is having a good time and that the proceedings proceed according to schedule. My sister got married last weekend, and I had the honor of being the MC. In the past 20 years, I’ve served as MC four times, and each time I’ve taken on this crucial responsibility, I’ve learned a few important lessons. Here are some suggestions I hope will be useful if you have been asked to be the MC for an upcoming wedding. This is merely one guy’s firsthand knowledge of what works and what doesn’t; it is by no means a comprehensive manual.

‘Open Mic Night’ is not what this is. Keep your improv class for the ad-libs. Before the big day, you should have a very clear idea of the evening’s structure and flow, the correct way to pronounce key terms, and, to a large extent, everything you intend to say that evening. It doesn’t follow that you have to follow the script exactly. There will be those brief, unplanned opportunities where you can add a pertinent comment, a dash of humor, or a hint of emotion. Since you’re good in front of a crowd and probably have some interesting stories to share, the bride and groom chose you to be their MC. However, a wedding is a time-sensitive, emotionally charged event, so you need to have a plan.

If you can, have a conversation about the couple’s preferences and wishes a few days or weeks prior to the wedding. Keep your questions focused because they’re probably distracted by a gazillion other details.

Emceeing A Wedding Reception: A Guide

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