How to Send a Letter to a Governor

Shala munroe, 29 sep 2017.

Whether your letter is hand-written or typed, make the words your own and avoid form letters.

Taking the time to craft a letter to your governor helps focus some of his attention on your cause, but you must use formal titles when addressing the letter and get quickly to the point without too much fluff. Keeping the letter respectful from the address on the envelope to the signature line makes it more likely to spark a response from the governor or someone in his office.

Explore this article

  • Addressing the Letter
  • Structuring the Letter
  • Ending the Letter
  • Sending Email

1 Addressing the Letter

Any letter sent to the governor should acknowledge her position from the beginning. On the envelope and at the start of the letter, use "The Honorable" followed by the governor's first and last name. The second line should read "Governor of" and the state name. Then add more lines for the official mailing address, typically found on the "Contact" page of the governor's office website. Check the spelling of the governor's name on the contact page as well, or call the governor's office and ask the receptionist for the proper spelling and address.

For the salutation line, write "Dear Governor" followed by the governor's last name . Begin your letter after the salutation.

2 Structuring the Letter

It's unlikely your letter reaches the governor initially. Instead, someone in his office probably reads incoming mail and makes notes. Whether the governor or an aide opens your letter, getting to the point immediately in the correspondence shows respect for the person's time and gives your letter a better chance of getting attention.

Use the first sentence to explain why you're writing, such as asking support for a bill or explaining how a recent decision negatively affected you . Explain your position using statistics or specific examples when possible, staying concise and on point while remaining respectful.

Use bullet points when possible to make the letter easier to read, and clearly state what action you would like the governor to take on your behalf, such as requesting that he sign a specific bill into law.

3 Ending the Letter

Always thank the governor for his time as you end the letter and offer to help his office regarding the issue. Condense the main point of the letter -- such as your requested action -- in one sentence to ensure it doesn't get lost in the body of the letter. Sign the letter with the formal "Sincerely" followed by your full name a few lines down. Leave three to four lines before you print your name to make room for your signature. Sign the letter in blue or black ink.

Include your address and email address, especially if you are writing to the governor of your home state. Voters' concerns always carry more weight.

4 Sending Email

Before you send a letter to the governor, check the contact page of her website. Many include a link to send an email, as well as links for specific requests such as invitations for the governor to speak at events. If the contact page includes an email address, the governor's staff might prefer that you send your letter -- still written in a formal style -- by email instead of regular mail. If you're unsure of the best way to send the letter, call the governor's office and ask which way is preferable.

  • 1 Community Tool Box: Writing Letters to Elected Officials
  • 2 National Trails Training Partnership: Write More Effective Letters to Elected Officials and Politicians
  • 3 U.S. Geological Survey: USGS Correspondence Handbook
  • 4 Emily Post: Official Forms of Address
  • 5 State of North Carolina: Contact Pat McCrory

About the Author

Based outside Atlanta, Ga., Shala Munroe has been writing and copy editing since 1995. Beginning her career at newspapers such as the "Marietta Daily Journal" and the "Atlanta Business Chronicle," she most recently worked in communications and management for several nonprofit organizations before purchasing a flower shop in 2006. She earned a BA in communications from Jacksonville State University.

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How to Address a U.S. Governor

—- Also on this page: ——— How to Address a Former Governor ——— How to Address a Governor-elect ——— How to Address an Acting Governor

How to Address a US Governor  How to Address a Governor of a US State

—- Envelope or address block on letter or email: —- —- The Honorable — —- *See note below. —- —- (Full Name) —- —- Governor of (state) —- —- (Address)

——– Or a bit less formally – all on one line: ——– —- The Honorable   (Full Name) ——– —- Governor of (state) ——– —- (Address)

—- Letter salutation: —- —- Dear Governor (Surname):

—- Conversation: —- —- Governor (Surname) —- —- Governor How to Address a US Governor

NOTE: Governors Addressed as Your Excellency:   The Honorable is the most frequently used courtesy title for governors of U.S. states. However, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and South Carolina officially and traditionally address their governor as Your Excellency.   Official documents and proclamations currently issued by these governors identify the governors as His Excellency (full name). However, perhaps such use is perhaps waning?  Spokespersons in the offices of the current gubernatorial administrations in New Hampshire and South Carolina state the Honorable is now equally acceptable. How to Address a US Governor

— Robert Hickey How to Address a U.S. Governor

how to write an application letter to the governor

Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”

How to Address a Former Governor?

How would I address a former governor on a mailing envelope and in the salutation? ——————– – Sharon

Dear Sharon, How to Address a U.S. Governor

—- Envelope, official: —- —- The Honorable —- —- (Full Name) —- —- (Address)

—- —- Or (a bit less formally – all on one line) : —- —- —- The Honorable   (Full Name) —- —- —- (Address)

—- Letter salutation: —- —- Dear Mr./Ms./etc. * (Surname):

—- —- * Use the honorific to which the former office holder was entitled to – prior to taking office.

Former governors continue to be addressed in writing as the Honorable’ (Full Name). The rule is ‘once an honorable, always an honorable’ (more or less). [For more on the use of the Honorable follow the link in the list at right.]

But in spite of what you hear in the media, only a current governor is formally addressed in conversation or in a salutation as Governor (Name). In conversation or in a salutation, former governors go back to whatever form of address they used they were before they were the governor.

Here’s the rule: Offices of which many people hold the same office at the same time … senators, judges, doctors, Navy captains … continue to be addressed using the honorific used while they were in office. There was never a time a senator, judge, doctor or captain was the only one holding that job.

But offices which are held by a single person at a time … the president, the vice president, the governor of (state), the mayor of (city) … any office you can put a the   in front of … formally goes back to the form of address to which they were entitled before they assumed office. At any one time there is only one person holding that job.

Forms of address – like elevated precedence, the corner office and the good parking place – are courtesies of the office  and are granted to the current office holder. They are not courtesies that once attained – become the property of former office holders.

You will hear in the media such officials informally referred to as Governor (Name). It’s not the form one would use in writing on a letter.

They are not the governor anymore.

– Robert Hickey

How to Address a Former Governor in Conversation?

I read a story recently which said that the organizers of a former governor’s book tour have asked the public to address her as Governor (Surname) at her book signings. Is that proper? ——————– – Michael Perry

Dear Mr. Perry: It’s not correct. Officially she is addressed as Ms./Ms./Mrs./Dr./etc. (Surname) … or whatever honorific to which he/she was entitled to before being governor.

Here is the tradition behind this: Jobs of which there is only one office holder at a time … Governor of a state Mayor of city, President, Vice President of the US, Speaker of the House of Representatives …. do not continue to be directly addressed in writing or conversation by their former ‘office’ because it is not respectful to the current office holder and confusing to those in the (organization/state/whatever) as to who is currently in charge.

Jobs of which many hold the same office/rank at the same time DO continue to be addressed by their former honorific … Senator, Judge, Captain, Admiral, General, Professor …. after leaving their position.

Having worked with many ‘formers’ I find they know their correct honorific. But the handlers may not know what’s correct -or- encourage the reference to their boss’s former position to curry favors – which I suspect is the case here.

– Robert Hickey How to Address a U.S. Governor

Forms of Address: How a conversation begins can have a huge impact on how the conversation - even the entire relationship - develops.

How to Address a Governor-elect?

How do I address a governor-elect? ———————– – G. P.

Dear G.P.: In the USA the rule is – once elected in a general election, one is immediately addressed in writing on the letter’s address block, on an envelope, or in a complete introduction as:

—- —- The Honorable (Full Name)

Reason? One is entitled to be addressed as ‘the Honorable’ once one has been elected in a general election.

But in the salutation or in conversation use … —- —- Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. (Surname):

—- —- … or whatever honorific to which he or she is entitled to – prior to the election.

Use of ‘Governor (Name)’ is reserved until he or she has taken their oath. If a governor-elect had been a private citizen he or she would continue to be addressed in a salutation or conversation as ‘Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. (Name)’ until he or she is sworn into the new office.

You will hear in the media such officials referred to as “Governor-elect (Name)”. But that is a reporter referring to a citizen in a news story as ‘according to Arlington County Football Coach Jim Smith, this year’s team…’ It’s not the form one would use in writing in a letter.

Think of Governor-elect  an adjective which describes his or her status and is used for an identification – not as a form of address.

How to Address an Acting Governor?

How do you introduce a Lieutenant Governor  when he or she is – at that moment – the Acting Governor? Is he or she addressed in conversation or introduced as Acting Governor (Name)? ——————– – FG

Hi FG: Identify the person as the acting governor, but the term is not used in oral address as in Acting Governor (Surname).

An acting governor is not formally addressed orally as Governor (Name) either: He or she is not actually The Governor.

Orally address an acting governor with the honorific to which her or she is entitled – based on the office he or she actually holds.   E.g. a lieutenant governor might be the one serving as the acting governor.   Mr./Ms. (Name)  is the typical honorific used with addressing a lieutenant governor.

While he or she is not directly addressed in conversation as Acting Governor (Surname)  one might refer to him or her as that in the third person, such as: … “ Acting Governor (Name)  will be arriving in 20 minutes.”

When formally introducing an acting governor say: May I present the Honorable (Full Name), Acting Governor of (Official Name of State).

See these Related Posts: – — —- Governor, Board of Governors – — —- Governor General – — —- Governor of a Tribe – — —- Governor of a US State – — —- Spouse of the Governor of a State – — —- Lieutenant Governor of a State — – —- Spouse of a Lieutenant Governor of a State – — —- Staff of a Governor of a State

When Should You Use the Forms on this Page?

You can use these forms of address for any mode of communication: addressing a letter, invitation, card or Email. (If there are differences between the official and social forms of address, I will have mentioned the different forms.)  The form noted in the salutation is the same form you say when you say their name in conversation or when you greet them. ___ What I don’t cover on this site are  many things I do cover in my book: all the rules of forms of address, about names, international titles, precedence, complimentary closes, details on invitations, place cards, all sorts of introductions , etc. I hope you’ll get a copy of the book if you’d like the further detail.

Not Finding Your Answer?

—- #1)    At right  on desktops , at the bottom of every page on tablets and phones , is a list of all the offices, officials & topics covered on the site.

—- #2)   If you don’t see the official you seek included or your question answered send me an e-mail . I am pretty fast at sending a reply: usually the next day or so  (unless I am traveling.)   Note: I don’t have mailing or Email addresses for any of the officials and I don’t keep track of offices that exist only in history books.

—- #3)   If I think your question is of interest to others, Sometimes I post the question  – but always change all the specifics.

— Robert Hickey 

Recommended Resources:    The Protocol School of Washington (PSOW)  and  Protocol and Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association (PDI-POA)     For more information see the Protocol Resources page.

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How to Write a Letter to a Government Official: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a letter to a government official may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Whether you want to express your opinion or address an issue, writing a letter can be an effective way to communicate with your elected officials. In this step-by-step guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about how to write a letter to a government official.

Understanding the Purpose of Your Letter

Before you start writing your letter, it's essential to understand the purpose of your communication. Are you expressing your opinion about a particular issue? Are you requesting assistance or raising a concern? Whatever the reason may be, it's essential to have clarity about your objective. Having a clear objective will help you focus your message and provide a clear direction to your letter.

If you are writing to a government official, it's important to remember that your letter is a form of communication that can have a significant impact. Government officials are responsible for making decisions that can affect the lives of many people. Therefore, it's important to take the time to craft a well-written letter that clearly conveys your message.

Reasons for Writing to a Government Official

There are several reasons why you may want to write to a government official. One reason may be to express your opinion about a particular issue or policy. For example, you may want to voice your support or opposition to a new law or regulation.

Another reason for writing to a government official may be to request assistance with a specific matter. For instance, you may need help with a problem related to a government service, such as obtaining a passport or resolving a tax issue.

You may also want to provide feedback or suggestions on a government service or policy. This type of letter can be a valuable tool for government officials as they work to improve their services and policies.

Raising a concern about a particular issue is another reason why you may want to write to a government official. For example, you may have concerns about the environment, healthcare, or education. Writing a letter to a government official can be an effective way to bring attention to these issues.

Lastly, you may want to thank the official for their work or support on a particular issue. A letter of thanks can be a powerful way to show your appreciation and encourage continued support.

Identifying the Appropriate Official to Address

It's crucial to identify the appropriate government official to address in your letter. Depending on your objective, you may want to address your letter to your local representative, senator, or the governor. Before writing your letter, do some research to determine who the best person is to address. You can usually find this information on your government's website or by calling the government office.

It's also important to address your letter correctly. Make sure to include the official's full name, title, and address. If you're not sure about the proper address format, you can check online or call the government office for assistance.

By taking the time to understand the purpose of your letter and identifying the appropriate official to address, you can increase the effectiveness of your communication. Remember, your letter can make a difference, so make sure to craft a well-written message that clearly conveys your thoughts and concerns.

Researching the Issue

Once you've identified the government official to address, it's time to research the issue you want to address. It's essential to have a good understanding of the topic so that you can craft a compelling message that resonates with the official. Gather relevant information and try to understand the official's stance on the issue.

Gathering Relevant Information

To make a compelling argument, you'll need to gather relevant information. You can get this information from reliable sources like government reports, news articles, or academic journals. Make sure to cite your sources in your letter.

Understanding the Government Official's Stance

It's important to understand the government official's stance on the issue you're addressing. You can research their previous speeches, votes, or actions related to the issue. This will help you understand their position and help you tailor your message accordingly.

Formatting Your Letter

The format of your letter is just as essential as the content. It's essential to choose the right format, use the proper salutation and closing, and include your contact information.

Choosing the Right Format

There are different formats to use when writing a letter to a government official. The most common formats include block format, semi-block format, and modified block format. Choose the format that you're comfortable with and that best suits your letter's objective.

Proper Salutation and Closing

It's important to use the correct salutation and closing when addressing a government official. If you're writing to your representative or senator, begin the letter with "Dear Senator/Representative Last Name." If you're writing to the governor, begin with "Dear Governor Last Name." End the letter with "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" and sign your name.

Including Your Contact Information

Make sure to include your contact information in your letter. This will help the official respond to your request or follow up with you about the issue. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the end of your letter.

Crafting a Compelling Message

Now that you have all the relevant information and a clear objective, it's time to craft a compelling message. Your message should be clear, concise, and well-supported with evidence and details.

Writing a Clear and Concise Introduction

Your letter's introduction should be clear and concise. Begin with a brief statement of your objective and the reason for writing the letter. Keep the introduction short, and make sure the objective is clear from the beginning.

Presenting Your Argument or Request

Your argument or request should be well-supported with evidence and details. Use statistics, facts, and examples to make your point. Make sure your argument is compelling and relevant to the official you're addressing.

Providing Evidence and Supporting Details

Your message will be more effective if it's supported with evidence and details. Include quotes from experts, studies, and data to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources in your letter.

Proposing a Solution or Desired Outcome

Finally, propose a solution or desired outcome. Explain how the government official can help you or address the issue. Be sure to be specific and make your request as clear as possible.

Writing a letter to a government official can be a powerful way to communicate your thoughts and ideas. By following these steps and crafting a compelling message, you can help make a difference and have your voice heard.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Letter to a Government Official

Chatgpt prompt.

Compose a detailed and well-written letter addressed to a high-ranking government official, expressing your concerns or opinions about a particular issue or policy. Your letter should be informative, persuasive, and articulate, providing a clear and concise explanation of your position and any supporting evidence or data. Be sure to use proper tone and language, and to follow standard formatting and conventions for formal correspondence. Your goal is to communicate your message effectively and to encourage the official to take action or consider your perspective on the matter at hand.


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  • Writing Letters to Officials

How to Address a Letter to a Government Official

Last Updated: May 2, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor . Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,315,653 times.

Writing a letter to a government official can be a great way to weigh in on what's going on in your nation, state, or locality. Search online for the official mailing address of the leader that you wish to contact. The proper addressing etiquette varies from official to official, so make sure to look up the standard for the specific person to whom you are sending the letter!

Things You Should Know

  • Address your letter with the official's title, full name, and address. Then, make sure to include your name and a stamp in left and right corners respectively.
  • Ask for something actionable and realistic. For example, ask them to raise the budget for your child's school.
  • Keep your letter formal and appropriate. Show this official respect and use a professional tone of voice.

Sample Letters

how to write an application letter to the governor

Addressing the Letter

Step 1 Learn the official's name.

  • If you’re in the US, you can find a comprehensive list of contact information for national, state, and local administrators at .
  • If you’re not sure who to address, look for the address of the relevant department. For instance, you could write your local DMV office or the Department of Homeland Security.

Step 3 Address the letter...

Following Proper Etiquette

Step 1 Show due respect.

  • If writing to an embassy or ambassador, read How to Address Ambassadors .

how to write an application letter to the governor

  • It never hurts to include the official's name, even if he or she is the only person holding the position. A personally-addressed letter lends a certain degree of humanity to your message.

Step 3 Read sample letters, or send a form letter.

  • If you’re unsure of what to write, try looking up a form letter and a clear subject line that gets your point across. Some elected officials receive hundreds of letters a day, and oftentimes don’t read them all closely.

Writing an Actionable Letter

Step 1 Ask for something doable.

  • Petitions and form letters are usually well-written and actionable. Make sure, however, that the demanded actions fall within the scope of this official's duties.

Step 2 Get your letter to the top of the stack.

  • The letters that wind up at the top of the stack will be readable, relevant, and easy for the official to understand.
  • Be sure to include your qualifications and explain why the official should listen to you. For example, if you’re a Ph.D., you live in the town that’s been in the news lately, or you recently met the official, they may take note of your opinion.

Step 3 Make sure that your letter is appropriate.

  • Do not threaten a government official. The letter can be traced back to you. Beyond any risk, your threats will not necessarily inspire productive action.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you need more help, U.S. citizens can contact the Department of State's Office of Protocol at 202-647-2663. Representatives are available to answer etiquette questions over the phone. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you wish to write the current First Lady of the United States, she should be addressed simply as Mrs. [Last Name] on both the envelope and in the salutation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When writing a letter to a woman, address the recipient using her full name, not the name of her husband. While she may share her last name with her partner, she remains her own person and deserves to be addressed as such. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write an application letter to the governor

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About This Article

Tami Claytor

To address a letter to a government official, first you need to find the official’s name and titles, which help to demonstrate respect when addressing your letter. Then, find their address by searching online for their name and the phrase “mailing address,” or check for a list of addresses for many officials. When writing the envelope, include their full name, titles, and official address clearly and legibly on the front, and be sure to write your return address in the top left corner. Simply place the stamp in the top right and drop the letter in the mail. If you want to learn more, such as how to use actionable language in your letter, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Official Forms of Address: State Government

Image of the capitol building from the side front with flags in the foreground and overlay text reading 'how do I address a formal letter to a specific government official?'

State Government

Us representatives:.

Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

United States Senate

Washington, DC

or district office address

Dear Senator Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Senator Last Name

Then: Senator, Sir / Ma’am

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Senator Last Name, Senator from State


United States House of Representatives

Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name:

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

The Honorable Last Name, Representative from State

Congressman / Congresswoman Last Name

Letter Address:

Governor of State

Dear Governor Last Name:

First: Governor Last Name

Then: Sir / Ma’am

The Honorable Full Name, Governor of the state of ______

Governor Last Name

The Governor

State Legislator

Mayor of City

Dear Mayor Last Name:

Mayor Last Name

Mr. / Madam Mayor

The Honorable Full Name, Mayor of City (or, of the city of _______ )

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How To Write A Cover Letter For A Government Job (With Examples)

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  • Cover Letter For Government Job
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  • Short Cover Letter Examples
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  • How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job With No Experience In That Field

Find a Job You Really Want In

Wondering how to write an application letter for government employment that puts you ahead of other candidates? When you’re writing an application letter for the government (any branch), the pressure can feel extremely intense. This article will explain how to write and tailor your cover letter for government positions. We’ll also provide a template and an example government job cover letter for you to use as a reference, and tips on how to add extra umph to your letter. Key Takeaways The most important first step in how to write application letter for a job of any kind is to research the job and organization you’re applying to. Tailoring your cover letter to the government job you’re applying to will help improve your chances of getting to the second round of application reviews. You should describe your qualifications as well as your passion for the position in your cover letter. In This Article    Skip to section Application letter for government employment: how to Cover letter for government job example Why it’s important to tailor your cover letter for government jobs Tips for writing a cover letter for a government job Government job cover letter FAQ Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More Application letter for government employment: how to

Consider the following guidelines when tailoring your cover letter for a government position:

Firstly, research the agency. Every government agency has a different set of mission values and current programs.

Aligning your mindset and goals with those of the agency in your cover letter will improve your chances of receiving an interview .

Refrain from targeting your cover letter towards any particular agency program unless the job listing specifies that’s what you’ll be working on.

Secondly, understand the entire job listing before applying. Missing even a single job requirement when applying for a government position can be disastrous.

Third off, be specific. Rather than vaguely describing your experience , make sure to use numbers and statistics to explain your achievements’ exact results.

Lastly, Be brief. Just as is the case in the private sector, hiring managers will spend very little time reading over your government job cover letter.

Use succinct wording and make sure only to include highly relevant experiences, or you’ll risk the recruiter skimming over key information.

If an individual referred you, either mention them briefly or attach an entirely separate reference letter .

What to include in your government job cover letter

Your cover letter should be composed of the following sections:

First, Header. You should start your cover letter for government job formally, with your contact information, the recipient’s information, and the current date.

Your information should include your name, contact number, and email address.

Second, Introduction. Make sure to address the hiring manager with their appropriate title.

If you’re unable to find the hiring manager’s name , then use a generic professional greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Professional experience. Give a brief overview of your qualifications, skills , and experiences as a professional.

Ensure that every item you mention directly addresses the essential requirements and duties stated in the job listing.

Finally, conclusion. Thank the reader of your government cover letter for their time and consideration and reiterate your interest in the position. Express your interest in a way that invites follow-up action on the part of the recruiter.

A government job cover letter example ending may look like the following,

“I would love to discuss with you further how my lengthy experience and abilities could add value to the projects your agency is working on, such as the “Housing For All Initiative.”

Cover letter for government job example

To help you see what your cover letter should look like, we’ve included a template and example letter for you to refer to.

Cover letter template for government jobs

Refrain from simply substituting your details directly into the following template.

Instead, observe how the cover letter is structured and incorporates critical elements. Use this knowledge to draft your own document.

[Your full name] [Your phone number] [Your email address] [Current date] [Hiring manager’s full name] [Hiring manager’s mailing address ] Dear [Hiring manager’s full name], I am writing to convey my interest in the [target position] in the [target government agency]. [Align your personal values/objectives to those of the agency.] I believe my [number of years] of experience as a [relevant position] has given me the [key skills] to further your agency’s goal to [agency goal that you strongly relate to]. I have developed a well-rounded skill set through on-the-job experience that matches many of the key qualifications you are looking for, including: [Key qualification from job listing #1] [Key qualification from job listing #2] [Key qualification from job listing #3] [Previous professional experience that proves you meet qualification #1] [Previous professional experience that proves you meet qualification #2] [Previous professional experience that proves you meet qualification #3] I appreciate the time you have taken to read about my professional background. I look forward to further discussing with you how my extensive experience could greatly contribute to programs your agency is working on, such as [example of agency’s programs]. [sign off]

Cover letter for municipality job example

Caleb Smith 888 555 9252 [email protected] March 19, 2020 David Helm U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street. SW Washington , DC 20410 Dear David Helm, I am writing to convey my interest in the program analyst position in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Amidst the economic havoc caused by the coronavirus, I feel compelled to use my expertise to aid those struggling to find shelter. I believe my 12 years of experience as a program analyst has given me the management and technical expertise to further your agency’s goal to improve the quality of housing available to Americans. I have developed a well-rounded skill set through on-the-job experience that matches many of the key qualifications you are looking for, including: Management analysis Team leadership Regulatory compliance During my time as a senior program analyst at TechX, I designed, developed, and supported live-use applications that were utilized by over 80,000 people. I also spearheaded management analyses that identified and performed process enhancements that improved operational efficiency by up to 23%. At TechX, I also oversaw multiple teams composed of members from completely different departments and backgrounds. I used my interpersonal and problem-solving skills to maintain team cohesion, which led us to exceed all project deadlines and expectations given to us over a five-year period. I also developed programs for multiple organizations to analyze their operational procedures for regulatory compliance and generate monthly reports. In one case, I saved the company $124,000 in legal fees through early detection of non-compliant business processes. I averaged an increase in policy compliance by 35%. I appreciate the time you have taken to read about my professional background. I look forward to further discussing with you how my experience could greatly contribute to the programs your agency is working on, such as the “Housing For All Initiative.” Sincerely, Caleb Smith

Why it’s important to tailor your cover letter for government jobs

It’s essential to tweak your cover letter before applying to a government job for a few key reasons:

Stringent minimum requirements. The requirements stated in job listings for private-sector jobs aren’t always absolute.

Recruiters are given the discretion to hire impressive candidates who can compensate for any requirements they miss.

Government jobs differ in this respect, as many criteria are set in stone. You need to emphasize that you meet these base requirements in your cover letter to ensure that your application isn’t automatically dismissed.

KSA keywords. When applying to a government job, applicant tracking software (ATS) will parse your application for the presence of certain knowledge, ability, and skill (KSA) keywords.

Importance of eligibility. Rules and algorithms tightly govern the hiring process for government positions.

Competition. Cover letters aren’t always required for government jobs. However, there are likely many candidates possessing similar qualifications or even internal references .

Not only does a cover letter allow you to expand on your qualifications and cite experiences to support them, but it also gives you a chance to align your values with those of the agency.

This personalized touch helps you stand out from the crowd .

Tips for writing a cover letter for a government job

Here are a few tips for making your cover letter really shine:

Show your enthusiasm. Hiring managers don’t just want to see how you’re qualified for the job, they want to see your passion for the position and company as well.

Match your cover letter and resume headers. This shows readers that your documents go together when they’re in a big stack of applications. It also looks professional and polished.

Include a call to action. Close your letter by explaining what you want to happen after the hiring manager reads your cover letter. This could be requesting to discuss the position further, offering to tell them more about your qualifications, or simply inviting them to contact you for more information.

Thank the reader. Add a sentence to your closing paragraph thanking the reader for their time. This ends the letter on a positive note and furthers the good rapport you’re building.

Proofread, proofread, proofread. Never submit a cover letter without checking it over for grammatical errors. If you can, have someone else look over your letter for typos or confusing sentences, but at the least, you should read it out loud to yourself and run it through a grammar check on your computer.

Government job cover letter FAQ

Why is a cover letter important when applying for a government job?

A cover letter for a government job serves as an introduction to your application, allowing you to highlight your qualifications, skills, and experiences that make you a suitable candidate. It offers a personalized touch, demonstrating your genuine interest in the role and organization, which can set you apart from other applicants.

What should I include in my cover letter for a government job?

As we’ve discussed, your cover letter should start with a professional header containing your contact details and the recipient’s information. Begin with a salutation, followed by an engaging opening paragraph that introduces yourself and the specific job you’re applying for.

Highlight your relevant qualifications, experience, and accomplishments in the body of the letter. Make sure to address the key selection criteria mentioned in the job posting. Conclude with a strong closing paragraph expressing your enthusiasm for the position and your readiness for an interview.

Should I use a formal tone in my government job cover letter?

Yes, a formal and professional tone is essential for a government job cover letter. Avoid using slang, contractions, or overly casual language. Your writing should be clear, concise, and focused on showcasing your skills and qualifications. Use proper salutations and follow standard business letter formatting. This demonstrates your respect for the application process and your potential future employer.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter can greatly enhance your chances of landing a government job interview. Take the time to research, tailor your content, and present yourself in a compelling and professional manner.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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39+ Government Letter Formats (To Govt Officials)

You can download letters to Government Officials here. These Government letter formats are standard quality and are widely used all around the world. Letter to government is one of the formal letters that we write to convey local public related issues or problems to government officials and one must get help from government letter format when about to do this. Writing such letters is the best way to bring community related and other issues in the attention of local government to get them fixed on immediate basis. You can write the letter personally or on behalf of a group of individuals by getting their signatures at the bottom of letter after closing salutations. Government letter template can give you the good start to compose the letter effectively.

Official and formal letters have great importance in our lives and everyone must know how to write such letters eliminating mistakes and errors. When writing a letter to government official, one should choose appropriate words and writing tone to put across problems or issues in best possible manner. You can consult with professional writer to get the letter written if you personally cannot write. Hence, use of the government letter template will enable you to compose the letter in professional manner. Below you can find different sample government letters that we have added for your consideration so save the letter in your device and modify with own details.

Government Letter Formats:

(Click to Download)

  • Support for political candidate
  • Request for volunteers
  • Offer to volunteer for candidate
  • Negative letter about candidate
  • Fundraiser for political candidate
  • Down to the wire direct mail letter
  • Down to the wire ballot initiative letter
  • Direct mail letter for candidate
  • announancement of a public appearance by a candidate
  • Support for the president
  • Request for presidential appearance
  • Question about policy issue
  • Personal question
  • Childs letter to the president
  • An idea for president
  • Offering assistance to a representative
  • Congratulating a representative
  • Complimenting a representative
  • Complaining to a representative
  • Calling a representative on carpet
  • Asking a representative to make a speaking appearance
  • Asking a question of a representative
  • Underpaid taxes
  • Request to change audit date
  • Late tax payment
  • Overpaid taxes
  • Filing by phone
  • Filing by internet
  • Disputing tax bill
  • Claiming exemption
  • Asking tax questions

Govt Letters with Snapshots:

how to write an application letter to the governor

When it comes to write a letter to any government official or department, first of all you should search the right address of leader or government department with whom you want to communicate. You can visit the official website of government to get required address or contact details to reach the right personal via your letter. Formal wording and format must be used to make the letter sensible and easy to understand for the government officials. You can also get help from government letter format to write the letter with required writing etiquette.

In today’s world governments mostly work for the betterment and well being of the people, they are being questioned about their performance, acting ability, duties and liabilities, by the citizens. Any citizen can write a letter to the government praising or opposing legislation, for the protection of certain civil rights, for a proposal, appreciating a certain move, bill or a decision taken by government, on winning or losing an election and for many more reasons. It should be clearly mentioned in your letter that who you are and what is the purpose of writing this letter. So, it is good to make rough draft before writing a letter directly.

If you are writing to oppose an act of the government, against a bill or legislation, it will be wise to suggest an alternative, for that you have to go through the issue properly, analyzing it on various scales and knowing well how it can effect. If you want a direct response of the letter you can also add your contact details. Your letter should be having a respectful tone even disagreement should be in a respectful manner. You should end your letter appreciating the work of government and mention that you believe the recipient will keep working in favor of people. You can also find some samples of letter to government attached with this template.

 Here Are Sample Letters To Government

Letters to a government official.

Letter To Government 10

Letters To Government About Tax

Letter To Government 20

Letters To Government For Better School System

Letter To Government 30

Letters To Government Official For Social Development

Letter To Government 50

Letters To Government To Stop Unfavorable Construction

Letter To Government 40

Your letter should be comprehensive and concise. It is better to add a subject to the letter so that it will be easy for the recipient to identify what you are actually writing about. If your letter is about any particular action, bill, procedure or legislation, give a reference of it clearly, mention if you in favor or against it, but be reasonable and justify or support your stance with adequate evidence or logic. If you want recipient to take an action or response your letter, clearly mention that what it should be and also clear your position on that point. Your letter should be based on facts and you should stay logical, you should provide enough information to refute any point against you.

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Tips on Writing to Your Elected Officials

Letters and faxes are an extremely effective way of communicating with your elected officials. Many legislators believe that a letter represents not only the position of the writer but also many other constituents who did not take the time to write.

These tips will help increase the effectiveness of your letter:

Keep it brief: Letters should never be longer than one page, and should be limited to one issue. Legislative aides read many letters on many issues in a day, so your letter should be as concise as possible.

State Who You Are and What You Want Up Front: In the first paragraph, tell your legislators that you are a constituent and identify the issue about which you are writing. If your letters pertains to a specific piece of legislation, it helps to identify it by its bill number (e.g. H.R. ____ or S. _____).

Hit your three most important points: Choose the three strongest points that will be most effective in persuading legislators to support your position and flesh them out.

Personalize your letter: Tell your elected official why this legislation matters in his community or state. If you have one, include a personal story that shows how this issue affects you and your family. A constituent's personal stories can be the very persuasive as your legislator shapes his or her position.

Personalize your relationship: Have you ever voted for this elected official? Have you ever contributed time or money to his or her campaign? Are you familiar with her through any business or personal relationship? If so, tell your elected official or his staff person. The closer your legislator feels to you, the more powerful your argument is likely to be.

You are the Expert: Remember that your legislator's job is to represent you. You should be courteous and to the point, but don't be afraid to take a firm position. Remember that often your elected official may know no more about a given issue than you do.

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How to Write a Letter to the Governor with Sample

how to write an application letter to the governor

Governors are appointed in states and territories and they function as the executive authorities in their respective states and territories. They often get in touch with the residents in order to know about their inputs and suggestions . Therefore, residents can reach to them by writing letters to the governor . It can be for making a suggestion to the governor or to request a letter from the governor for some specific purpose.

In this post, we have come up with the important tips to keep in mind while writing letter to governor along with sample letter to the governor.

Easy Tips for a Letter to the Governor

Shared below are some important guidelines that must be kept in mind while writing a letter to the governor:

  • Make sure that you have included your address in the letter.
  • Always include a subject in your letter in order to clearly mention the purpose of writing the letter.
  • It is important to use formal salutations in such letters.
  • Make sure that you have included the objective of writing this letter in the very first paragraph in clear words.
  • Other related information in relation with the subject must be included in the body of the letter.
  • The last paragraph should include the action you wish the authority to take.
  • Don’t forget to end the letter with a thank you note in the end.

Sample Letter to the Governor

Richard Smith

54, Henry Villas

Date: January 17, 2024

The Governor

Sub: Regarding demolition of the community center.

Respected Sir,

The purpose of writing this letter is to bring to your notice that the community center in the Park Avenue area is going to be demolished as the authorities are planning to come up with a commercial mall in place of the community center.

As you are aware, that community center is used by the residents staying in the vicinity for various purposes that include private celebrations, community celebrations, festive celebrations etc. The big playground for the children in the community center is a play area for the kids living in the vicinity. Even the senior citizens find it a comfortable and good place to walk, exercise and spend time. In fact, during the summer breaks, various classes are organized in the premises of the community center for children of different age groups.

Having a community center is very important for everyone as it works as a platform for us to meet people staying in the neighborhood and work together for different causes. It helps us connect with everyone and celebrate festivals and other important occasions together.

If such an important place is going to be replaced with a commercial mall, we will not have any gardens for our children to play every evening. We will not have any place to organize community gatherings. We will not have any place to have our senior citizens spend time with people from the neighborhood.

Therefore, I am writing this letter in order to request you to kindly support us in saving the community center and not have the authorities get the permissions for demolishing it.

We are hopeful that you are going to take the right action in this matter and will help us save our community center.

Thanking you in anticipation.

how to write an application letter to the governor

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how to write an application letter to the governor

Letter to Government, Format, Samples and Examples

Letter to government | government official letter format | sample letter to government agency.

Letter to government is a type of formal letter. A formal letter is a letter which is written for an official purpose using a designated format and language.

Letter to Government

Letter to Government

Letter to the government important topics, letter to government format, letter to the government points to remember while making the format, letter to government tips, phrases to use for writing a formal letter to the government, letter to the government examples, letter to the government faqs.


A letter to the government is a type of formal letter .

  • It is written to inform the government (specifically to a government official) about a particular situation or
  • make a request
  • or any other official purpose


  • Helps the public to reach out to the government
  • Helps the public to avail public services
  • Helps the public to provide suggestions
  • Bridges the gap between the government and the public


Related – Letter Writing Format, Formal Letter, Informal Letter, Types, Samples

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Address

Subject Heading

Body of the letter

Complimentary Close

  • Sender’s address is usually written in 3-4 lines
  • The subject of the letter should always be underlined
  • Informal salutations like “Dear” or “My dear” should not be used
  • The introductory paragraph of body should tell the purpose of the letter
  • The main paragraph of the body should contain details of the letter
  • The concluding paragraph should enclose the action required or request made
  • “Yours truly/faithfully/sincerely” should be used as the complimentary close
  • The authority should be addressed properly in a formal way.
  • The problem/ issue should be mentioned clearly and precisely.
  • A request should be made for the required action to be taken.
  • Proper format should be followed.
  • Remember to use formal language.
  • Unnecessary or irrelevant details should not be provided.
  • The letter should be short, crisp and not lengthy.

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1. “I am writing to bring to your attention”

2. “I respectfully request your assistance in”

3. “I would be grateful if you could provide information on”

4. “I kindly request that you consider the following matter”

5. “I am writing to express my concern regarding”

6. “I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter”

7. “I look forward to your positive response”

8. “I would be honored if you could arrange a meeting to discuss”

9. “I would like to bring to your attention the following issue”

10. “Thank you for your time and consideration”

helpful phrases

Letter to Government Example 1: Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city regarding the poor quality and inadequate supply of the municipal water. You are the President of HWA of Gulmohar Colony, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. (100-120 words)

Solution 1:

Street 5, H.No.432 Gulmohar Colony Bhopal, MP- 450158

8 September 2020

To Municipal Commissioner Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

Subject- Poor quality and inadequate supply of municipal water

I, on behalf of all the residents, write to draw your attention towards the poor quality and inadequate supply of municipal water in the area of Gulmohar Colony. We have been facing this inconvenience since a week now.

Earlier, there was regular supply of municipal water throughout the day. But now the situation is worrisome. The water is rarely available and the quality too, has deteriorated. It is pale in colour and has a foul smell. Due to this, it has become unfit for drinking and can neither be used for any other activity. The situation has become so bad that we are compelled to purchase bottled water or even consume ground water at times.

I hereby humbly request you to look into the grave issue and take the necessary action required to restore adequate supply of clean water in the area. I look forward to your cooperation at the earliest.

Thanking you Yours truly Meera President, HWA

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Letter to Government Example 2: Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city regarding the need for construction of pavement for the ease of pedestrians. You are a resident of Mysore District, Karnataka. Sign yourself as Hanish/ Hanisha. (100-120 words)

Solution 2:

Mysore District Mysore Karnataka- 570028

9 September 2020

To Municipal Commissioner Mysore District Karnataka

Subject- Regarding the need for construction of pavement

Respected Sir/ Ma’am

I would like to draw your attention towards the rising traffic in the city and hence the need for pavement for pedestrian walking.

It is clearly evident that the traffic in the city is rising exponentially everyday. In such a situation, pedestrian walking is no less than a daring task as it exposes the people on foot to a lot of risk . Especially during the rush hours, it becomes really difficult to walk on roads. Moreover, the fact that side-walkers also include children and people of old age can not be ignored..

I agree that some parts of the city have well-constructed pavements but other areas have either been left out or have half-constructed pavement. Thus, I request you to look into this matter for the sake of safety and security of the citizens. I look forward to your cooperation and support at the earliest.

Thanking you Yours truly Hanisha

Letter to Government Example 3: You are the PR Manager of a NGO that aims for skill development in youth. Write a letter to the appropriate ministry asking for funds for a new project in less than 120 words. Sign yourself as Neeraj/Neerja.

Solution 3:

NGO Daksh 8 Prithvi Raj Road New Delhi- 110001

7 September 2020

To Hon’ble Minister Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Subject- Requesting for funds for project ‘Seekho aur Badho’

Respected Sir

I would like to bring to your notice that our NGO named Daksh is aiming to develop skills amongst youth, especially focusing on the economically weaker sections.

Our aim is to develop and inject skills into the developing youth in order to make them self-sufficient and self-reliant. We strive to provide the young minds a chance to learn and upgrade their skills along with their basic education. It is not only necessary for them but for the economy as well because the youth of a country decides its future. Hence, I would like to make a kind request to provide us with the necessary funding required to undertake our new project. It has a budget of 6 lakhs.

I am positive that you would support us in the best possible manner for such a noble cause. I assure you that we would make the best use of the funds provided. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you Yours sincerely Neeraj PR Manager- NGO Daksh

Letter to Government Example 4: Your driving license is about to get expired in a month. Write a letter to the appropriate authority to renew your license. Sign yourself as Lakshay/Lakshita. (100-120 words)

Solution 4:

639 Kamrup District Guwahati Assam- 781001

10 September 2020

To The Licensing Authority Department of Transport Assam

Subject- Renewal of driving license no. GK-15-06-Q

I hereby make a request to renew my driving license numbered GK-15-06-Q which is due for expiration on 20 October 2020.

Sir, as my license is going to expire next month, I request you to kindly renew it before the due date. Otherwise, it will be troublesome for me as I use my vehicle to travel to the workplace. I have attached the copy of the original license and other necessary documents for the purpose of renewal.

I have already submitted the renewal form and made necessary payment for the renewal of license, the receipt of which is enclosed with the letter. Looking forward to your response.

Thanking you Yours sincerely Lakshita

Related – Informal Letter | Informal Letter Format, Topics, Examples

Letter to Government Example 5: You are the president of HWA of your locality. There was heavy rainfall in your city due to which a tree fell down in your locality. Write a letter to the Municipal Corporation of your city to safely remove the tree in less than 120 words.

Solution 5:

Rajasthali Apartments Pitampura New Delhi- 110034

To The Municipal Commissioner Municipal Corporation New Delhi

Subject- Requesting for removal of a fallen tree

I hereby write to draw your attention to a tree that fell down in the locality the day before yesterday due to the heavy rainfall in our area.

A tree has fallen down in the society and is restricting a lot of our daily activities. Children of our society are unable to play as the tree is covering a lot of area. Moreover, we are unable to park our vehicles properly or even take them out. Lastly, the vendors are unable to move around in the locality. I kindly request you to safely remove the tree from the place, for the ease of the residents.

I am positive that you would look into this matter and will take the necessary action. I look forward to your cooperation at the earliest.

Thanking you Yours sincerely Pankaj Khandelwal HWA President

Letter to the Government Example 6: You live in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. In your locality, the street lights are not well functioning and thus it gets really dark in the evening. Write a letter to the Municipal Corporation of your city regarding this problem. (100-120 words)

Solution 6:

112-3B Wing Prem Nagar Saharanpur UP- 247100

To Municipal Commissioner Municipal Corporation Saharanpur

Subject- Regarding the need for street lights

I would like to draw your attention towards the immediate need of street lights in the locality of Prem Nagar.

Sir, there are a very few functioning street lights in our locality. Majority of the street lights are either non-operational or not working properly. As the evening approaches, it gets really dark on the streets which makes walking an uphill task. Moreover, it makes the locality more prone to thievery and poses a danger to the safety of residents.

Therefore, I request you to look into the matter and make the facility of street lights available in our locality on a priority basis. Looking forward to your prompt response.

Thanking you Yours truly Advit Garg   Top    

1. How to address a letter to government official? A1. The letter to government official can be addressed to the below mentioned authorities:

  • Estate officer
  • District collector
  • Municipal commissioner

2. Is letter to government a type of formal letter? A2. Yes, a letter to the government is a type of formal letter.

3. Give 5 important things to keep in mind while writing a letter to government. A3. 5 important things to keep in mind while writing a letter to government are as follows:

  • The subject should always be underlined.
  • Informal salutations like “Dear” or “My dear” should be avoided.
  • The content should be written in a clear and precise tone.
  • Do not give irrelevant or unnecessary information.

4. List down 10 important reasons for writing a letter to government. A4. 10 important reasons for writing a letter to government are as follows:

  • To reach out to the government to lodge a complaint (example damaged roads, inadequate water supply)
  • To avail public services
  • To provide suggestions to improve public facilities
  • To make a request for new connection, etc
  • To inform the government about an issue or situation
  • To make changes in documents
  • To intimate change in address or ownership
  • To ask for information (RTI Act)
  • To raise public grievance like blocked sewer or non functional street lights
  • To invite an official at RWA Function

5. How should I start a letter to the local government official? A5. You should start a letter to the government by first writing the introductory paragraph. The introductory paragraph explains the purpose of the letter in brief.

6. What is the format of a complaint letter to the government? A6. The format of a complaint letter to the government is as follows: Sender’s Address

Subject (what you are complaining about)

Body (details of the matter)

7. Give a step-by-step process of writing an official letter to the government officials. A7. The step-by-step process of writing an official letter to the government officials is given in the following steps:

  • Read the question carefully.
  • Understand what the purpose of the letter is and what the question is asking us to write in the answer.
  • Write the points in rough.
  • Select the important ones and fair them out in the sense that the points go in a flow.
  • Write the letter.

8. What is a letter to the government? A8. A letter to the government is a formal letter written to the head of a particular department to address a particular issue the sender and his or her fellow citizens are facing.

1. Letter to the editor

2. Letter to the Government

3. Letter to the police

4. Application for School/College leaving Certificate

5. Order letter

6. Complaint letter

7. Enquiry letter

8. Business letter

9. Application letter for job

10. Letter to the Bank manager

11. Invitation letter

12. Resignation letter

13. Leave application for school, College, Office Samples

14. Leave Application for marriage

15. Leave Application for maternity

16. Informal Letter

17. Letter to the Principal, Format, Samples

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State governors

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People who have been convicted of a crime and are currently serving their California prison sentence may apply for a commutation (reduction of sentence). 

On this page

How we review applications, applying for a commutation.

In deciding whether to grant a commutation, the Governor’s Office will carefully review commutation applications and consider: 

  • the impact of a commutation on the community, including whether the grant is consistent with public safety and in the interests of justice, 
  • the age and circumstances of the offense and the sentence imposed, and the age of the applicant at the time, 
  • the applicant’s self-development and conduct since the offense, including whether the applicant has made use of available rehabilitative programs and has identified and addressed treatment needs, 
  • the applicant’s need for a commutation, and
  • the applicant’s plans upon release from custody. 

Applicants will be notified when the Governor takes action on a commutation application. 

The Board of Parole Hearings, a division of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, investigates commutation applications. The investigation will include a review of the applicant’s criminal history records, court and police records, and the applicant’s prison record (or C-File). 

The Governor cannot grant a commutation to applicants with more than one felony conviction without the approval of the California Supreme Court. The Governor’s Office requests this approval if needed. 

You do not need a lawyer to apply for a commutation . 

  • Submit a completed Commutation Application (2 pages) to the Governor’s Office. You may, but are not required to, submit additional information or copies of relevant documents in support of your application, such as letters of support; and
  • Submit a completed Notice of Intent to Apply for Clemency (1 page) to the District Attorney in the county of the conviction for your commitment offense.
  • Submit an authorization for release of medical information if you are applying for a commutation because you are suffering from a chronic or terminal illness or have a severe and chronic disability that would be substantially mitigated by release from prison or reduction of sentence.

Send application materials to the Governor’s Office by email to [email protected] . If you do not have access to email you can send the application by mail to Office of the Governor, Attn: Legal Affairs/Parole and Clemency, 1021 O Street, Suite 9000, Sacramento, CA 95814. The Governor’s Office cannot accept in-person delivery. Please do not send original documents because application materials cannot be returned. 

The Governor is not required to consider an application and there is no set timeline for review. There is no application fee and a lawyer is not required to apply for a commutation. For additional information about commutations, visit the Judicial Council’s self-help website . 

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How to Write a Letter to the Governor of California

How to Get Congress to Change a Law

How to Get Congress to Change a Law

Writing a letter to your governor in the state of California can be an excellent way to speak your mind. One of the most common reasons that you might want to write a letter to the governor is to express your opinion about laws in the state you do not agree with and why you feel they should be changed. If the governor gets enough letters about a law, then it will be clear that the citizens of California want something done about it.

Get the correct contact information for the governor. The governor’s contact information, including a mailing address, can always be found on the governor's official Web site,

Type the name and mailing address for the governor at the top of your letter. Below that, type the date.

Add a salutation to the letter that addresses the governor by name. For example, write “Dear Governor Brown.”

Explain to the governor the purpose of your letter. This should encompass the entire first paragraph. Give as many details as you can about your purpose, such as the name of the law you disagree with, why you want it changed and how you think changing the law will positively impact California.

List specific actions you want the governor to take. For example, you might not just be asking for a law to be repealed. You might want the governor to more forcefully execute a current law or to provide the community with more resources to enforce laws. The action you want the governor to take should be clearly stated in the letter.

Thank the governor of California at the end of the letter. Sign your name at the bottom and include your contact information if you would not mind the governor’s office trying to reach you.

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  • Oprah: Write a Letter To Your Governor

Mike Johnson has been working as a writer since 2005, specializing in fitness, health, sports, recreational activities and relationship advice. He has also had short stories published in literary journals such as "First Class Magazine." Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science in education and history from Youngstown State University.

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How to Apply for a Governor’s Pardon

A governor’s pardon is tantamount to having the top executive of your state forgiving you for a crime to which you either plead guilty or of which you were convicted. Unlike a records expungement, your criminal record will be neither sealed nor erased. Nevertheless, there are plenty of advantages that a governor’s pardon does offer.

  • The application process is free of charge. You do not need to hire an attorney.
  • Your civil rights are restored. You may once again serve on a jury. In many jurisdictions, your right to own a firearm is also restored.
  • You may apply for employment as a county probation officer and other selected peace officer positions.
  • Depending on your state’s rules, you may no longer have to register as a sex offender.

The application process varies by state.

  • Verify that you are eligible to apply. A governor cannot grant a pardon for a federal offense such as impeachment or treason. In some cases, the state’s executive is also barred from granting a pardon for convictions related to municipal ordinance violations. Some states will allow you to apply for a pardon even while you are still incarcerated for the crime. In contrast, the governor of the State of California, for example, will not review pardon requests unless you have been discharged from the parole or probation system for at least a decade and have had no subsequent activity noted on your criminal record.
  • Ensure that your offense can be considered for a pardon. The State of New Mexico limits its governor’s right of pardon to exclude habitual offenders and those whose convictions involved violent crimes against children.
  • Fill out the application. Available from the governor’s office, each state has a different type of pardon application. Fill out the required information and be sure to include compelling reasons for your request. Support your statements with proofs of educational achievements, civic involvement and positive contributions that you have made to your community after your conviction.
  • Include required documentation. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have to include an employment history, parole board report or certificate of rehabilitation.
  • Mail in the paperwork. Perhaps the hardest part is waiting to hear back from the governor’s office. After mailing in your completed application, the governor’s office will not respond to your subsequent inquiries. Instead, the office will contact you if or when the governor has taken action on your application.

This article contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. The Law Dictionary is not a law firm, and this page does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.

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Write a Letter to Your Governor

how to write an application letter to the governor


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  6. Sample Letter To Governor Asking For Help Fill Online, Printable

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  2. Simple Ways to Address a Governor: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. Address your letter to "The Honorable (Full Name), Governor of (State).". The outside of your letter should be addressed with the governor's full title. This includes their title of "The Honorable" followed by their first and last name, as well as mentioning which state or territory that they govern.

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    If a governor-elect had been a private citizen he or she would continue to be addressed in a salutation or conversation as 'Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. (Name)' until he or she is sworn into the new office. You will hear in the media such officials referred to as "Governor-elect (Name)".

  5. Contact Form

    To contact Governor Josh Shapiro with a question, comment, or concern, please fill in the information below. To submit the form, please click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Prefix. First Name.

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    It's important to use the correct salutation and closing when addressing a government official. If you're writing to your representative or senator, begin the letter with "Dear Senator/Representative Last Name." If you're writing to the governor, begin with "Dear Governor Last Name." End the letter with "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" and sign ...

  7. 4 Ways to Address a Letter to a Government Official

    Address the letter. Include the. official's title and full name. (e.g. President Barack Obama) along with his or her. official mailing address. Write the words clearly and legibly in the center of an envelope, and then seal the letter inside the envelope. Stick a stamp in the top-right corner of the envelope.

  8. Official Forms of Address: State Government

    Dear Mayor Last Name: Spoken Greeting. Mayor Last Name. Mr. / Madam Mayor. Your Honor. Formal Introduction. The Honorable Full Name, Mayor of City (or, of the city of _______) Mayor Last Name. Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for state government officials.

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  11. 39+ Government Letter Formats (To Govt Officials)

    Request for volunteers. Offer to volunteer for candidate. Negative letter about candidate. Fundraiser for political candidate. Down to the wire direct mail letter. Down to the wire ballot initiative letter. Direct mail letter for candidate. announancement of a public appearance by a candidate.

  12. Governor Glenn Youngkin

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    Best method. Use this form to send a message to the Governor. For security, we can't receive email attachments. If you wish to send an attachment, please do so by mail.

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    Date: January 17, 2024. To, The Governor. New York. Sub: Regarding demolition of the community center. Respected Sir, The purpose of writing this letter is to bring to your notice that the community center in the Park Avenue area is going to be demolished as the authorities are planning to come up with a commercial mall in place of the ...

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    Use your electronic signature to the page. Click on Done to save the adjustments. Download the record or print your PDF version. Submit immediately to the receiver. Use the quick search and powerful cloud editor to generate a correct Sample Letter To Governor. Eliminate the routine and make paperwork on the web!

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  18. State governors

    Ask a question at. 1-844-USAGOV1 (1-844-872-4681) Find us on social media. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Instagram. USAGov is the official guide to government information and services. An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration.

  19. Commutations

    Send application materials to the Governor's Office by email to [email protected]. If you do not have access to email you can send the application by mail to Office of the Governor, Attn: Legal Affairs/Parole and Clemency, 1021 O Street, Suite 9000, Sacramento, CA 95814. The Governor's Office cannot accept in-person delivery.

  20. How to Write a Letter to the Governor of California

    Type the name and mailing address for the governor at the top of your letter. Below that, type the date. Add a salutation to the letter that addresses the governor by name. For example, write "Dear Governor Brown.". Explain to the governor the purpose of your letter. This should encompass the entire first paragraph.

  21. How to Apply for a Governor's Pardon

    The State of New Mexico limits its governor's right of pardon to exclude habitual offenders and those whose convictions involved violent crimes against children. Fill out the application. Available from the governor's office, each state has a different type of pardon application. Fill out the required information and be sure to include ...

  22. Write a Letter to Your Governor

    Free free to edit and personalize it! You can find your governor's e-mail address on . Then hit send! Your voice will be heard, and it does make a difference. Thank you! Now, send a letter to your senator! Dear Governor. Dear Governor: As your constituent, I am writing this letter to urge you and your appropriate state agencies to act ...

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