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Essay on “India after Independence” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India after Independence

 Essay No. 01

There is no doubt that India has made tremendous progress after Independence.

At the time of Independence, most of the Indian people led a miserable life. They lived in huts, slums and shanties. They had no facilities and comforts of life. There was widespread illiteracy and child mortality was high. There was shortage of food grains and famines were common and many people died of starvation.

After independence, the whole scenario has changed. Still a vast majority of people lives in villages. But now the lot of villages has greatly changed. Most of the villages are electrified. They are connected to big cities with pucka roads. The farmers get bumper crops, thanks to the new agricultural and irrigational methods and the fair use of new seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

There has been a revolution in the medical science. Child mortality has greatly been reduced and life-span has been greatly increased. Nov, there are cures even for those diseases which were previously thought to be incurable such as T.B, cholera, heart trouble, etc.

New education, new machines, skills and courses have made India prosperous and an economic power to be reckoned with in the international arena.

Democracy has taken firm roots in India and a number of elections, by and large free and fair, have been held here over the years.

Heavy industry such as steel, cement, etc. which is so vital for infrastructure has been started on a large-scale.

Means of information and communication and entertainment have been revolutionized and India has become a giant in the fields of information technology and telecommunications.

India has also become a nuclear and space power and envisions to become a developed country by 2020. India has shown her military power a number of times by inflicting crushing defeats on Pakistan in 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999.

In spite of this, there have been certain setbacks and certain intractable problems. The burgeoning population has nullified much of the progress. Rich-poor disparity in incomes is abnormal. Still there are some acute problems such as poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, female foieticide , etc. Let us hope all these will be solved sooner rather than later.

( 370 Words )

 Essay No. 02

Fifty Years of Indian Independence

August 15, 1997 marked India completing its 50th Year of Independence. This is not a long time in the life of a nation, but it has been long enough to see the dramatic changes in all areas. In 1947, we threw out the British after a unique freedom struggle which gave the world the philosophy of non-violence. Over the years, there have been many things to be proud of, but perhaps as many things to feel let down.

When our independence was in its infancy, it had to face many hard and complex problems. The country was partitioned and millions of people were uprooted. Our Government had to rehabilitate them. At the same time, Pakistan unleased tribals to attack Kashmir, which had acceded to and become a part of India. Razakaars in Hyderabad rebelled against our Government. Other Maharajas tried to form independent States. But, thank God, all these difficulties were overcome with the help of our great leaders like Sardar Patel.

The first goal achieved by free India was to consolidate the various units of the country and to absorb six hundred and odd princely States. This unified the country and its people.

On January 26, 1950, India was declared a ‘Republic’ after adopting a new Constitution. It guaranteed to secure for all its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. It declared Hindi as the National Language and 18 others as recognised regional languages. It also declared India a secular state and there is no discrimination against any person on grounds of religion, race, caste or creed.

General elections, based on universal adult franchise, have been held thirteen times during the last five decades. As a result of the elections held in 1989, National Front Government came to power at the Centre and in many States. However, in 1991, Congress again captured the power at Centre by virtue of its being the largest single party. But in 1996, the United Front again came to power with the help of Congress. In 1999, BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) came to power at the Centre. The fact in this process lies in the peaceful transfer of power every time which indeed symbolises the true democratic character of polity.

During these years, we have successfully completed eight Five-Year Plans. These have imparted a measure of strength and stability to our economy. Per capita income has been increased from Rs. 466 in 1950-51 to Rs. 9,377 in 1996-97. Both agricultural and industrial productions have increased considerably. The production of food grains increased from 52.2 million tones in 1951-52 to 199.32 million tons in 1996-97.

Encouraged by the success of eight Plans, India has now launched the Ninth Five-Year Plan. The Plan, which covers the period 1997-2002, envisages a total outlay of Rs. 8,59,200 crore. The Plan aims at the growth rate of 6.5 per cent per annum for the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It assumes the Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) of 4.3, saving rate of 26.1 per cent, Current Account Deficit of 2.1 per cent. This growth is to be achieved by 3.9 per cent growth in agriculture, 8.2 per cent in industry and 11.8 per cent in exports.

On Economic front, the Liberalised Economic Policy was introduced in 1991. At that time Indian economy was undergoing a serious crisis. Industry and agriculture were stagnant; the financial sector was in doldrums; a huge fiscal deficit was mounting with a massive foreign debt, eating into a major chunk of our resources. The masses had been facing a double-digit rate of inflation. The new policy aimed at the dismantling of controls over the economy with the state yielding to market economy. As a result of new liberalised policy, growth rate during the Eighth Plan was 6.8 per cent. Foreign exchange reserves increased to $ 29.435 billion in Sept. 1997 and rate of inflation fell to all-time lower of about 4 per cent in 1997.

On scientific front, India since Independence has continued to march ahead, pursuing a programme of using modern science and technology for national development. At present, we spend about 0.83 per cent of our GNP on S & T development. We have made laudable achievements in water management, healthcare system, and nuclear power capacity. The space programme has envisaged and achieved the objectives of space-based services in areas of communications, meteorology, resource survey and management and development of Satellite Launch Vehicles (SLV and PSLV) and associated ground system, the GRAM SAT and Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS Series) are testimony to the Indian excellence and endeavours.

However, the impact of scientific and technological endeavour is more obvious in some areas than others. Industrial advancement, noteworthy achievements in space applications, defence, advance materials and nuclear research do not quite mitigate the misery of a large sections of our population having to exist in unsanitary conditions, without safe drinking water, with little or no medical facilities to help them overcome health hazards. A large number of our villages are steeped in poverty, still unlit, lacking in schools and easy means of communication.

On the diplomatic front, India has obdurately maintained its commitment since Independence, to genuine disarmament, and has continued its work for attaining on a time-bound basis, a nuclear weapon-free world. India has never accepted discriminating regimes like NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and is always happy to participate in non-discriminatory and fair global treaties like the chemical weapons convention. India feels committed to non-alignment but recognises that certain ennui has developed about it in several of old faithful member-states, and apathy in certain others. India is now experiencing a difficult phase in its relations with the West as they strive to effect fundamental economic, social, and political changes within our own societies. In the broad areas relating to India’s foreign policy, defence and strategic concerns, there is little, if any, disagreement, or difference of perception between and amongst our political parties, regions or states.

However, during the last five decades our failures have been much more than our achievements. Our greatest failure is in the eradication of corruption, which is a bigger threat than even external aggression. It is a fact that India has been listed as the seventh most corrupt country in the world. Corruption has grown because the culprits, especially those in high offices, have discovered that the arm of the law is never long enough to rope them.

If there is one gaping hole in our roster of achievements, 50 years after Independence, it is the number of citizens who continue to be ground down by poverty. By Planning Commission’s own reckoning, nearly 30 per cent of Indians live below poverty line. Poverty not only affects its victims but also acts as a fetter on the overall development and progress of society. It limits the size of the domestic market and hampers economy’s growth prospects in much the same way as deficiencies in physical infrastructure do.

As far as education is concerned, in India about 105 million children in the 6-10 age-group do not go to school. Despite various pronouncements by all the governments and various programmes attempted for this purpose one cannot deny that the situation is grim. India has the dubious record of having half the illiterates of the world by the end of the 20th century. We have failed to implement what has already been laid down in the Constitution. What we need is to ensure our major social and economic changes. The causes of illiteracy are not going to leave us. If a substantial section of population is illiterate, it is because we have continued the colonial system more or less unchanged. Though, some additional inputs have been made and some marginal progress has taken place, yet it will not solve the problem. What we need today is a mass movement, a mass awareness against this malady to better the record apart from some Herculean efforts on the part of the Government.

Child Labour assumes the character of a social problem as it hinders, arrests or distorts the national growth process and prevents the child from attaining manhood. The estimates of working children in India vary from 50 million to a number much higher. The various reasons for the child labour in the country are cited such as poverty, wage structure, employment, illiteracy and so on. To abolish or eliminate this menace from our Indian society, integrated efforts are required. For this attitudinal change and sensitisation of employers, health and welfare personnel’s efforts to encourage small family norms are called for. Also, we will have to improve the economic condition of the adult workers.

An explosive situation is developing on the employment front in the wake of massive backlog in the creation of new jobs. Official figures concede that the country has entered the Ninth Five-Year Plan with a backlog of 7 million jobs that should have been created during the last five years.

Presently we have crossed the one hundred-crore mark of population, which is about three times that of USA and thus acquired the dubious distinction of being the second most populous country in the world. Compared to natural human resources of the country, India is definitely over-populated. Over-population is also due to increase of birth rate. Our annual growth is about 2.11 per cent. Closely related with population is poverty. So long an effective control is not exercised on the population increase, the nation will not get rid of poverty. According to UN projections, India’s population certainly neutralises much of the fruits of development.

At present, India has taken upon itself one of the biggest challenges of modern times, namely, economic independence through peaceful and non-violent methods. The aim set is to conquer hunger and unemployment by the process of bold liberalisation of economic policy. The success of democracy in India depends upon the successful working of new economic policy and removal of poverty.

( 1645 Words )

Essay No. 03

Indian Villages after Independence

India is a country of villages. Nearly five lakh villages exist in India. While only about 28 per cent of the population lives in the cities. 72 per cent of the population lives in the villages. The villages thus occupy a place of great importance in the country. They are the base of India’s development in every sphere of life.

 There were many problems in the villages before Independence. The Government was quite aware of the backwardness of the people in the villages. The people in the villages were poor, backward, ignorant and superstitious. Their methods of agricultural operations were primitive. There were no schools, hospitals, banks, etc., for the facilities of the villagers. There were no proper roads, electricity and tube wells. As a matter of fact their life was a hell. The conditions in the villages were so bad that there could not be any social and cultural development of the people. But now the Government is seized of this problem and had drawn many plans and projects to help them and improve the conditions of the rural community.

Since the dawn of Independence, the conditions in the Indian villages are changing very fast. These have changed the face of the Indian villages. There are several types of changes taking place in the whole of the country.

To improve the conditions of Indian villages, our Government has implemented the scheme of Community Development Programme, which was introduced in 1952. These programmes have manifold activities. The activities have made a tremendous change in the socio-economic set up of our villages. There are various changes brought about in our villages. These changes cover all aspects of the community life.

The greatest problem in our villages was that of illiteracy. Due to illiteracy the poor farmers were the victims of superstitions and were also exploited by the money-lenders. The Government has opened night schools for the adults and primary schools for boys and girls. Now every village has its own primary school. High schools and Inter colleges are established at every twenty kilometer of distance. The result is that they are now educated, illiteracy and ignorance are thus fast disappearing.

Another change brought about in the villages is in the field of agricultural methodology. Till recently, most of the farmers were using the old methods of ploughing in their fields, or sowing seed and harvesting. However, the farmers are now using new techniques. They plough their fields with tractors, and irrigate their fields with water from tube-wells. For harvesting also, they use new machines. Now they have switched over to mechanised farming with the help of electricity. Electricity has now illuminated their huts. With the abolition of zamindari, the person who ploughs the fields, is now the real owner of the land. Cooperative societies and banks are the substitute for the money-lenders. These societies and banks lend the money on lower rate of interest and the farmers are now free from the cruel clutches of the money-lenders.

A great change has taken place in the political and social life of the villagers also. Before Independence, they had no say in the affairs of the village. Now Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat and Panchayati Adalat are there. They are their own bodies manned by their own representatives. Due to the functioning of these bodies, the villagers have now begun to understand their rights and duties. They now take more interest in politics, the transformation being complete with even the ills of politics infesting the village elections. Another great change which occurred in village community is that the outlook towards social problems has become broad. They are now no more superstitious. Litigation has been reduced. There is less thought for untouchability and other social evils. They are now not particular about purdah system. Joint family system is crumbling down here also. Bonded labour has been freed and the recovery of loans given by money-lenders has been waived off. They are not slaves now, but free.

More and more facilities are being given to the villagers in the field of cottage industry. To promote the village industries loans are given to them liberally by the rural banks. The poor farmers can now start their own village industries or such cottage industries as basket-making, the mustard and rape-seed oil, soap and rope-making, poultry, fisheries, piggeries and many other industries to improve their economic conditions.

There are changes in others fields also. Roads are constructed by the villagers. Now every village is linked by roads to other parts of the country. Similarly, sanitary conditions have been improved. Hospitals and government dispensaries have been established to remove the illness and diseases which usually become a curse on community.

In brief, the fact is that the development of villages is in a transitional stage. The villages are changing very rapidly and the main structure of the rural society is in the process of change. The economic programme of the Government has proved a boon to them and thereby an attempt is being made by the Government to convert every village into a heaven provided the village community cooperates with it sincerely.

( 856 Words )

Essay No. 04

Political slogans often overrun reality. When Rajiv Gandhi coined the slogan “Mera Bharat Mahan” (My India is great), people appreciated the sentiment, but very few actually believed in it. Then came along the BJP with its new slogan “India shining” riding tall over the feeling of economic optimism which was backed by the plentiful rains in 2003 and the success of the Indian IT boom. Although the BJP failed miserably at the polls, the truth was and is that India continues to shine on. Sixty years after independence, India has emerged from the shadow of colonialism to position itself as the world’s biggest and rowdiest democracy matching its political freedoms with financial ones, unleashing a surge of growth and wealth creation that is altering the lives of its millions.

Twenty years ago the world equated India with snake charmers, elephants, half—naked fakirs, the rope trick, the holy cow, crowds and pollution. Now it is just as famous for its educated person power, its Bollywood movie stars, literary giants and its steel magnates among other things. Poverty remains, but there is renewed hope. There is a palpable feeling of excitement and promise everywhere. The new slogan is “Mera Bharat Jawan” (My India is young). It is incredible that despite India’s, ‘current’ third world status, she has guarded herself from dictators, military rule, civil war or foreign invasion and she continues to shine as the world’s largest democracy. It is no small achievement that India is now considered amongthe top ten industrial world powers, reflective of the country’s self-sufficiency. It is a matter of great pride that Indians have made it to the Forbes list of richest men in the world. The private health care infrastructure in India is comparable to any of the developed countries in the world. This has led to a boom in medical tourism with patients the world over arriving in India for medical treatments. Yet the challenges faced by young India in healthcare and medicine are many and enormous. Although, the infant mortality rate has been cut down by half the female infanticide rates still loom large. Although increasing numbers of children are receiving vaccination, many Indian infantsstill succumb to malnutrition. Infrastructure strains hard to keep up with the economic boom while corruption, discrimination, religious violence, child labour and female dowry deaths still prevail. Severe disparity is shown by its various states. While states like Kerala, boast of 100 % literacy and health indicators similar to those of developed countries, other states like Bihar and Madhya Pradesh show appalling statistics. One third of the married women and 45% of children under the age ten have nutrition deficiency problems. However, despite this, it remains that India’s massive shift in global perception is not a mere illusion.

India has achieved a lot in the sixty yearspost-independence however; a lot still needs to be done. Population was and remains one of our largest concerns. It also remains the number one reason why our infrastructure is compromised, why corruption is rampant and why our children die due to malnutrition. The emphasis has to be on education of the populace and sincere efforts need to be made towards providing better health care services in the public sector. Nevertheless, six decades after her independence, the world’s eyes are focused on India and it is only a matter of time before we evolve from a developing country into a developed country.

( 571 Words )

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Independence Day Essay

500+ words essay on independence day (15 august) for students and children.

India celebrates its Independence Day on 15th August every year. Independence Day reminds us of all the sacrifices that were made by our freedom fighters to make India free from British rule. On 15th August 1947, India was declared independent from British colonialism and became the largest democracy in the world. In this Essay on Independence Day, students will find all the important details of India’s Independence History. They can refer to it for their exam preparation, as essays are mostly asked in the CBSE English paper. Also, they can use this essay as a speech for the Independence Day function at school.

15th August is celebrated as a national festival with flag hoisting, parades and cultural events.

Schools, colleges, offices, society complexes, and government and private organizations conduct functions and celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. On this day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the flag at the Red Fort and addresses the nation with a speech. Doordarshan broadcasts the entire event live on television. Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru performed the first flag-hoisting ceremony on 15th August 1947 .

History of Independence Day

Britishers have ruled India for almost 200 years. Under British rule, the lives of the Indian people were miserable. Indians were treated as slaves and had no right to say anything to them. Indian rulers were mere puppets in the hands of British officers. Indian soldiers were treated inhumanely in British camps, and farmers were dying of starvation as they could not grow crops and had to pay heavy land taxes.

Our freedom fighters struggled for India’s Independence. Famous leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji fought fearlessly against the Britishers. Many of them also sacrificed their lives to make India free from British rule. Their contribution and effort are remembered in India’s Independence history.

Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

India achieved independence after years of struggle. India got complete freedom from the British and secured full autonomy on 15th August 1947. That’s why the day holds great significance in the heart of every Indian citizen living in India or abroad. India completed 73 years of freedom on 15h August 2020. This day also reminds us of the struggles of freedom fighters and the lives sacrificed by them in achieving independence. The pain that our heroes have gone through reminds us that the freedom we enjoy today has been earned by shedding the blood of lakhs of people. It also awakens a feeling of patriotism inside every citizen of India. It makes the present generation closely understand the struggles of the people at that time and acquaints them with the freedom fighters of India.

Significance of Independence Day

Independence Day generates a feeling of patriotism among people. It unites the people and makes them feel that we are one nation with so many different languages, religions and cultural values. Unity in diversity is the main essence and strength of India. We feel proud to be part of the largest democratic country in the world, where the power is in the hands of the common man.

We hope students found this essay on Independence Day interesting to read and helpful for their studies. For more information and the latest updates on CBSE & other Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App to watch interactive study videos.

Also Read: Republic Day Essay | Essay On Constitution of India | Essay on Women Empowerment

Frequently Asked Questions on Independence Day Essay

What is the meaning of independence.

Independence means freedom of any type of action without any control or influence.

When does our country India celebrate its Independence?

India was declared an Independent nation on the 15th of August, 1947.

Name a few freedom fighters of India.

Some of the great leaders who fought for India’s Independence were Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sarojini Naidu and Rani Laxmibai.

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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence_1.1

India’s achievements after 75 years of Independence

India's achievements after 75 years of Independence: Article talks about the progress India has made in the last 75 years in the field of economic growth, scientific innovations and in other fields.

India's achievements after 75 years of independence

Table of Contents

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it provides a moment to reflect on the nation’s progress and its evolving landscape. This article highlights significant achievements, historical milestones, and ongoing challenges in various sectors, offering a comprehensive overview for UPSC examination preparation.

India’s journey since gaining independence on August 15, 1947, has been marked by significant milestones and achievements across various domains. Here’s a brief overview of the nation’s progress and accomplishments after 75 years of independence:

₹2.7 lakh crore (3% of global GDP) ₹180 lakh crore (8.5% of global GDP) Significant economic growth
0.399 million km 5.2 million km One of the largest in the world
24,000 km 1,70,000 km Major expansion
1,362 MW 4,25,000 MW Major increase in capacity
3,061 villages 19,227 villages Comprehensive coverage
12% 75% Improvement in education
32 years 71 years Significant increase
0.7 per 1000 0.8 per 1000 (compared to WHO’s 2.5) Needs improvement
471 85,000 Explosive growth

75 Years of Independence: The Evolving Landscape of India

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, the nation reflects on its remarkable journey from a post-colonial state to a global powerhouse. This article explores the key milestones and achievements across various sectors, highlighting how India has evolved over the decades.

1. Economic Growth and Development

Early Economic Strategies:

  • 1951: The First Five-Year Plan was introduced, focusing on agricultural growth and addressing the immediate post-independence challenges.
  • 1991: The economic liberalization era began with significant reforms including privatization and globalization, which transformed India into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

Recent Developments:

  • GDP: As of 2024, India is the fifth-largest economy globally, with a GDP of approximately ₹180 lakh crore (8.5% of global GDP). This reflects robust economic growth and a significant position in the global economic landscape.
  • Startup Ecosystem: India is home to one of the largest startup ecosystems, with approximately 85,000 startups as of mid-2024, demonstrating a thriving entrepreneurial environment.

2. Scientific and Technological Advancements

Milestones in Space Exploration:

  • 1963: The launch of India’s first sounding rocket marked the beginning of the Indian Space Program, setting the stage for future advancements.
  • 2023: The Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully landed on the Moon’s south pole, a historic achievement in space exploration.

Technological Innovations:

  • UPI: The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has become a significant player in digital transactions, with 11.55 billion transactions worth ₹11.7 trillion in Q1 2024.

3. Infrastructure Development

Historical Growth:

  • 1951-2023: India’s road network has expanded from 0.399 million km to 5.2 million km, making it one of the largest in the world. The national highway network grew from 24,000 km in 1969 to 1,70,000 km by 2023.
  • Power Generation: The capacity increased from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 4,25,000 MW in 2024, supporting widespread industrial and residential needs.

Recent Updates:

  • Rural Electrification: As of early 2024, all 19,227 villages have been electrified, ensuring access to electricity across the nation.

4. Human Development

Education and Health:

  • Literacy Rate: Improved from 12% in 1947 to 75% in 2024, reflecting significant strides in educational development.
  • Life Expectancy: Increased from 32 years in 1947 to 71 years in 2024, highlighting improvements in healthcare and quality of life.

Healthcare Challenges:

  • Doctor-to-Patient Ratio: India has a ratio of 0.8 doctors per 1,000 people compared to the WHO’s average of 2.5, indicating areas for improvement in healthcare access.

5. Social and Political Milestones

Key Events and Achievements:

  • 1950: The Indian Constitution came into effect, establishing India as a Republic and laying the groundwork for democratic governance.
  • 1966: Indira Gandhi became India’s first female Prime Minister, marking a significant political milestone.
  • 2022: Draupadi Murmu was elected as the fifteenth President of India, becoming the first tribal leader to hold the office.

Significant Policies and Reforms:

  • 2010: The Right to Education Act (RTE) was enacted, making education a fundamental right for children aged 6 to 14.
  • 2017: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced, simplifying the tax system and integrating the economy.

6. Cultural and Sporting Achievements

Historical Moments:

  • 1983: India won its first Cricket World Cup, a landmark achievement in the country’s sporting history.
  • 2024: India continued to celebrate its cultural diversity and heritage, contributing to global cultural exchanges and understanding.

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it stands as a testament to the resilience, innovation, and progress of its people. From significant economic and technological achievements to strides in human development and infrastructure, India has made remarkable progress. Looking ahead, India aims to build on these successes, addressing ongoing challenges and paving the way for a brighter future for its citizens.

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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence FAQs

What did india achieved after 75 years of independence.

In 1974, India conducted “Smiling Buddha”, its first nuclear test, making its place on the list of five nuclear-powered nations. This is one of the biggest achievements of India since 1947. Today, India has the 2nd largest military force and largest voluntary army in the world.

What we achieved in 75 years?

In the last seven-and-a-half decades, India achieved remarkable development in agriculture, heavy industry, irrigation, energy production, nuclear power capability, space technology, biotechnology, telecommunication, oceanography and science education and research.

Bhakti Movement.

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  • 75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India

75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India  Blogs Home

  • 14 Aug 2022

essay on india after independence day

There is an old saying that India is a new country but an ancient civilization, and this civilization has seen tremendous changes throughout its history.

From being an education hub of the world in ancient times to becoming the IT hub of the world today, the Indian landscape has come a long way. Taking 15 th August 1947 as our frame of reference, we find that there are several fields like Science and Technology, economy, and human development where India has shown remarkable progress. However, some fields like health and education still seem to be taken care of. Let us look at these aspects of Indian development individually.

The Landscape of Science and Technology

When the Britishers left India, they left behind a broken, needy, underdeveloped, and economically unstable country. After independence, India prioritized scientific research in its first five-year plan. It paved the way for prestigious scientific institutes like IITs and IISC. After just three years of independence, the Indian Institute of Technology has established in 1950. These institutions promoted research in India with the aid of foreign institutions. From launching its first satellite Aryabhatta in 1975 to being the first country to reach the orbit of Mars, India has taken confident strides in the field of space research technology, thanks to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). We can proudly state that India is standing at par with countries like USA and China, same goes with the field of biotechnology also where India is producing vaccines for the entire world. The success of UPI is also a case study for the world with 9.36 billion transactions worth Rs. 10.2 trillion in Q1 of 2022 only.

Economic Landscape

India faced several issues following its independence, including illiteracy, corruption, poverty, gender discrimination, untouchability, regionalism, and communalism. Numerous issues have acted as major roadblocks to India's economic development. When India declared its independence in 1947, its GDP was mere 2.7 lakh crore accounting for 3% of the world GDP. In 1965, the Green Revolution was started in India by M. S. Swaminathan, the father of the Green Revolution. During the Green Revolution, there was a significant increase in the crop area planted with high-yielding wheat and rice types. From 1978–1979, the Green Revolution led to a record grain output of 131 million tonnes. India was then recognized as one of the top agricultural producers in the world. With the construction of linked facilities like factories and hydroelectric power plants, a large number of jobs for industrial workers were also generated in addition to agricultural workers.

Today India is the 5 th largest economy in the world with 147 lakh crore GDP, accounting for 8% of global GDP. In recent years, India has seen a whopping rise of 15,400% in the number of startups, which rose from 471 in 2016 to 72,993 as of June 2022. This phenomenal rise in startups has also produced millions of new jobs in the country.


The India of today is different from India at the time of freedom. In the 75 years of independence, Indian Infrastructure has improved drastically. The overall length of the Indian road network has grown from 0.399 million km in 1951 to 4.70 million km as of 2015, which makes it the third largest roadway network in the world. Additionally, India's national highway system now spans 1, 37, 625 kilometres in 2021, up from 24,000 km (1947–1969).

After over 70 years of independence, India has risen to become Asia's third-largest electricity generator. It increased its ability to produce energy from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 3, 95, 600 MW. In India, the total amount of power produced increased from 301 billion units in 1992–1993 to 400990.23 MW in 2022. The Indian government has succeeded in lighting up all 18,452 villages by April 28, 2018, as opposed to just 3061 in 1950, when it comes to rural electrification.

The Landscape of Human Development

In 1947 India had a population of 340 million with a literacy rate of just 12%, today it has a population of nearly 1.4 billion and a literacy rate of 74.04%. The average life expectancy has also risen from 32 years to 70 years in 2022.

The Landscape of Education and Health

In 1947, India had a population of 340 million with a literacy rate of just 12%, today it has a population of nearly 1.4 billion and a literacy rate of 74.04%. The average life expectancy has also risen from 32 years to 70 years in 2022. Though India has shown remarkable progress In terms of literacy rate, the quality of higher education is still a cause of major concern. There is not a single Indian University or Institute in the top 100 QS World University Ranking. With the largest youth population in the world, India can achieve wonders if its youth get equipped with proper skills and education. The health, sector is also worrisome. The doctor-to-patient ratio is merely 0.7 doctors per 1000 people as compared to the WHO average of 2.5 doctors per 1000 people. A recent study shows that 65% of medical expenses in India are paid out of pocket by patients and the reason is that they are left with no alternative but to access private healthcare because of poor facilities in public hospitals.

The Political Landscape

Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed as India's first prime minister in 1947, following the end of British rule. He promoted a socialist-economic system for India, including five-year plans and the nationalization of large sectors of the economy like mining, steel, aviation, and other heavy industries. Village common areas were taken, and a massive public works and industrialization drive led to the building of important dams, roads, irrigation canals, thermal and hydroelectric power plants, and many other things. India's population surpassed 500 million in the early 1970s, but the “Green Revolution” significantly increased agricultural productivity, which helped to end the country's long-standing food problem.

From 1991 to 1996, India's economy grew quickly as a result of the policies implemented by the late Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao and his Finance Minister at the time, Dr Manmohan Singh. Poverty had decreased to about 22%, while unemployment has been continuously reducing. Growth in the gross domestic product exceeded 7%.

India's first female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, held office from 1966 until 1977 for three consecutive terms before serving a fourth term (1980–84). India elected Pratibha Patil as its first female president in 2007.

India's economy has expanded significantly in the twenty-first century. Under the Prime ministership of Narendra Modi (BJP), many significant changes have taken place like the scraping of Section 370, strengthening the Defence systems, creating a startup-friendly environment and much more. To expand infrastructure and manufacturing, the Modi administration launched several programs and campaigns, including “Make in India”, “Digital India”, and the “Swachh Bharat project.”

The Legal Landscape

Before independence, the Privy Council was the highest appellate authority in India. This Council was abolished as the first action following independence. The abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act was passed by the Indian Constituent Assembly in 1949 to eliminate the Privy Council's authority over appeals from India and to make provisions for outstanding appeals. It was B. R. Ambedkar's sharp legal intellect to draft a constitution for the newly sovereign country. In all executive, legislative, and judicial matters in the nation, the Constitution of India serves as the supreme law. The Indian legal system has developed into a key component of the largest democracy in the world and a pivotal front in the fight to protect constitutional rights for all citizens. Since it was first adopted in 1950, the Indian Constitution has had 105 modifications as of October 2021. The Indian Constitution is divided into 22 parts with 395 articles. Later, through various changes, further articles were added and amendments were made. According to the online repository maintained by the Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law and Justice of India as of July 2022, there are around 839 Central laws. The Indian legal system has a promising and forward-thinking future, and in the twenty-first century, young, first-generation lawyers are entering the field after graduating from the best law schools.

The Landscape of the Defence Sector

The Indian military ranked 4 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. From being defeated by the Chinese army in 1962 to becoming one of the largest defence systems in the world, India has surely learnt from its past errors. One of the reasons the Indian defence system has been able to attain its present reputation is the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) which was established in 1958. Since its founding, it has created many significant programs and critical technologies, including missile systems, small and big armaments, artillery systems, electronic warfare (EW) systems, tanks, and armoured vehicles. India began working on nuclear energy in the late 1950s and had indigenous nuclear power stations by the 1970s. India had also begun developing nuclear weapons and producing fissile material concurrently, which allowed for the purportedly harmless nuclear explosion in Pokhran in 1971. The Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP), under the direction of APJ Abdul Kalam and with the support of the Ordnance Factories, was established in 1983. In 1989, the longer-range Agni was independently designed and tested. Later, India and Russia collaborated to design and produce the Brahmos supersonic cruise missile. India currently leads several other nations in the production of defences. India is one of about a dozen nations that have built and produced their fighter jets, helicopters, submarines, missiles, and aircraft carriers.

Analyzing the different landscapes of India we find that we have come a long way in our journey but still, there is a lot to be done if we want to make India a ‘super power’. A lot will depend on our people’s willingness to change, ensuring the equal participation of women in the workforce, including marginalized communities in our economic growth, and last but not least is having a liberal and progressive and unbiased mindset.

As we are celebrating “Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, the completion of 75 years of independence can be taken as a new opportunity to build an India of our aspirations and make positive contributions to the changing landscape of India.

 Aarifa Nadeem 





https://www.mapsofindia.com/my-india/technology/development-in-india-after-independence#:~:text=Infrastructure%20Development,%2C37%2C625%20km%20(2021) .

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_India_(1947%E2%80%93present)#: ~:text=India%20became%20a%20sovereign%20democratic,the%2042nd%20Constitution %20Amendment%201976.


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essay on india after independence day


Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

Students are often asked to write an essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

The journey of independence.

India has completed 75 years of independence, a journey that began on 15th August 1947. This period has been marked by significant growth and development, despite various challenges.

Post-Independence Era

Initially, India faced numerous issues like poverty and illiteracy. The leaders worked hard to uplift the country, focusing on education, infrastructure, and health.

Economic Progress

India has made remarkable economic progress. It’s now one of the fastest-growing economies, with advancements in technology, space research, and various industries.

Cultural Preservation

Despite modernization, India has managed to preserve its rich cultural heritage, showcasing its diversity to the world.

Looking Ahead

250 words essay on 75 years of indian independence, introduction.

India, a nation with a rich history, diverse culture, and a promising future, celebrated 75 years of independence in 2021. This milestone marks a journey of resilience, development, and transformation, which is worthy of reflection and celebration.

Post-Independence Struggles

The initial years following independence were marked by the daunting task of nation-building. The partition of India and Pakistan led to large-scale violence, displacement, and socio-economic challenges. The nascent government had to formulate a constitution, establish institutions, and ensure social justice amidst this chaos.

Progressive Developments

Over the years, India has made significant strides in various fields. The Green Revolution transformed the agricultural landscape, making India self-sufficient in food grains. The IT revolution positioned India as a global hub for technology and services. India’s space program, ISRO, has achieved remarkable feats, including the successful Mars Orbiter Mission.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite these accomplishments, India still grapples with issues such as poverty, illiteracy, and corruption. The economic disparity is a pressing concern that needs to be addressed. However, with the advent of digital technology and initiatives like Digital India, there is hope for a more inclusive and equitable future.

The 75 years of Indian independence is a saga of triumph, resilience, and constant evolution. The journey has been challenging, but the progress made is commendable. As we look forward to the future, the lessons from the past will guide India towards a prosperous and inclusive society.

500 Words Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

The dawn of independence, post-independence challenges.

The immediate aftermath of independence was a period of considerable challenges. The partition of the country into India and Pakistan led to widespread communal violence and a massive refugee crisis. The new nation was also faced with the task of integrating hundreds of princely states into the Indian Union. Despite these adversities, India managed to create a democratic system, which was a remarkable achievement considering the socio-economic conditions of the time.

Building a Democratic Republic

The adoption of the Constitution in 1950 laid the foundation for India as a democratic republic. The Constitution, which is the longest written constitution in the world, enshrines the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. It established a parliamentary system of government, universal adult franchise, and a commitment to social justice and human rights.

Economic Development and Modernization

India on the global stage.

India’s foreign policy, characterized by the principles of non-alignment and peaceful coexistence, has evolved over the years. India has played a significant role in international affairs, be it the fight against apartheid in South Africa or contributing to United Nations peacekeeping missions. Today, India is seen as a major global player with increasing influence in international forums.

The Road Ahead

As India celebrates 75 years of independence, it stands at a crucial juncture. While it has made significant strides in various spheres, challenges remain. Issues such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption, and environmental degradation need to be addressed. The vision for the future should be to build an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient India.

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Independence Day Essay

Each year India celebrates its Independence Day on 15 th August. It was on this day in 1947 that India had gained independence from United Kingdom. The day has a remarkable place in Indian history as the Indian Constituent Assembly was granted Legislative sovereignty by the Parliament of United Kingdom.

India celebrates its Independence Day with infinite zeal and passion. People throughout the nation; come out on streets, to take part in the celebrations, forgetting their demographic differences of caste, religion or culture. People love to carry their national flag with pride on this day and sing national anthem or any other patriotic song.

Independence Day | Independence Day Speech | Slogans on Independence Day | Independence Day Quotes | Paragraph on Independence Day of India | Essay on National Flag of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers | Independence Day Speech for Principal

Long and Short Essay on Independence Day in English

Independence Day is one of the most significant festivals of India. The day lets us to rejoice in the spirit of freedom. We must also acknowledge the fact that we gained independence, because we fought for it together; it is only by staying together that we will be able to protect our independence, any further. Below, we have provided some effectively written essay on Independence Day, which will be useful for school going children during Independence Day events.

We have provided here both, short essay on Independence Day and long essay on Independence Day for your easiness and to fulfill all types of need related to Independence Day essay. Our short essays are written in very easy language so that students from classes 1, 2, and 3 can easily read and learn. Our long essays are very meaningful and useful for students of higher classes. These creatively written essays will be proved very useful in your essay writing competition, paragraph writing, debates, etc held in your school or other inter-school competitions. By going through these essays you will know about independence day in detail such as history, activities, significance, celebrations in schools, colleges, national capital, etc.

Independence Day Essay 1 (100 words)

The date, 15 th of August from 1947 in India has become a very important day in the Indian history. It was the luckiest day of year 1947 when India became independent after lots of hard struggle and sacrifices of the Indian freedom fighters. We won freedom after a hard struggle.

When India got its independence, the public of India had chosen their first Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru who had unfurled the tricolour National Flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi for the first time. All the people rejoice this special day with great joy every year.

Independence Day

Independence Day Essay 2 (150 words)

India got independence on 15 th of august in 1947, so people of India celebrate this special day every year as the Independence Day on 15 th of august. In the event celebration, organized in the National Capital, New Delhi, the Prime Minister of India unfurled the National Flag in the early morning at the Red fort where millions of people participate in the Independence Day ceremony.

During the celebration at Red Fort, New Delhi many tasks including March past are performed by the Indian army and cultural events by the school students are performed. After the national Flag hosting and national Anthem ( JANA GANA MANA ) recitation, the prime minister of India gives his annual speech.

At India’s Independence Day, we commemorate all the great personalities who had played their important role in the independence of India. During the Independence Day celebration, the National Flags are also hosted in school and colleges where many activities are performed by the teachers and students.

Independence Day Essay 3 (200 words)

In India, Independence Day is celebrated by the people of all religions, cultures and traditions with great joy and happiness. Independence Day in India is observed on 15 th of August every year from 1947 as our country became independent on the same day from the power of British rule almost after 200 years of slavery.

It has been declared as the national holiday when all the schools (government or private), offices, colleges, universities, educational institutions, organizations, companies and etc remain closed. It is celebrated with big enthusiasm in every schools, colleges and other educational institutions by the students.

They participate and perform in dancing, drama, singing, playing indoor games, outdoor sports, cultural activities, quiz competitions, awards distribution, etc during celebration. First of all the National flag is unfurled by the chief guest or School Principal, National Anthem is sung with flute and drum and then march past and procession in the streets takes place.

A big celebration event is organized by the government of India at the Rajpath, India Gate in the National Capital, New Delhi where people of all religion, culture and tradition gather to listen the patriotic speech of our Prime Minister. By celebrating this event we commemorate those all great people who had sacrificed their lives and loved ones in making India an Independent country.

Independence Day Essay 4 (250 words)

Independence Day in India is celebrated as national holiday every year on 15 th of August when people remember the long event of independence of our Nation from the British rule. India got independence on August 15 th in 1947 after lots of movement of Independence during which many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives. After independence, Jawaharlal Nehru became first Indian Prime Minister on 17 th of August in 1947 who raised the National Flag at Red Fort near Lahore Gate in Delhi.

Students, teachers, parents and other people come together to celebrate the Independence Day by unfurling the National Flag and singing National Anthem. Out tricolour National Flag is also hosted by the Indian prime minster in the National capital, New Delhi at Red Fort. After that the salute is given by firing 21 guns and tricolour flower showering is held on the flag with helicopter. The tricolour of our Flag represents saffron for courage and sacrifice, white for peace and truth and green for faith and chivalry.

There is an Ashok chakra in the centre of our Flag which contains 24 spikes distributed evenly. At this special day we remember the great sacrifices of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Raj Guru, Gandhiji and other dared freedom fighters for their unforgettable contribution in the independence of India. Students give speech on the subjects of freedom fighters on the Independence day celebration in schools.

They also involve in parade, march past, singing patriotic songs, etc. Other people celebrate this day according to their own way such as watching patriotic movies, going outside to home with family, meet with friends or participate in the events organized in public places.

Independence Day Essay 5 (300 words)

Independence Day is celebrated by the people of India every year on 15 th of August as a National Holiday to commemorate the independence of India from the Kingdom of Great Britain on 15 th of August in 1947. At this day, people of India pay heartily homage to the great leaders in the leadership of whom India became free forever.

At this day, people celebrate in their own way by buying tricolour Flag, watching movies based on freedom fighters, listening patriotic songs, bonding with family and friends, participating in special contests, programs, and articles organized by the broadcast, print and online media to promote the awareness about day.

Jawaharlal Nehru became our first Prime Minister after the independence of India on 17 th of August 1947 who raised the Flag at Lahore Gate of Red Fort in Delhi and given a speech. This phenomenon is followed by the other subsequent Prime Ministers of India where flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, march past, salute by 21 guns and other cultural events are organized. Other people celebrate this day by raising national flag on their clothes, homes or vehicles.

On the midnight of 15 th August in 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had announced the independence of India by reading out his speech on “Tryst with destiny”. He said that after long years of slavery, it is the time when we will redeem our pledge with the end of our ill fortune.

India is a country where millions of people live together whether they belong to various religion, cultures or traditions and celebrate this special occasion with great joy. At this day, as being an Indian, we should feel proud and must take an oath to keep ourselves loyal and patriotic in order to save our motherland from any type of attack or humiliation by other countries.

Independence Day Essay 6 (400 words)

Independence Day in India is the most important day for every Indian citizen as our country got freedom from the British rule. We celebrate this day every year on 15 th of August from 1947. Our country is counted as the world’s largest democracy all over the world.

India became an independent country on 15 th of August in 1947 after sacrifices of thousands of freedom fighters (such as Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sukhdev, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, Chandra Shekhar Azad, etc) who worked hard to get independence from the British rule.

Each and every Indian celebrate his/her freedom in their own way such as decorating their places of celebration, raising National Flag, march past, watching favourite movies, dancing in the streets, singing National Anthem or patriotic songs or participating in many social activities organized at public places. Independence Day is celebrated by the government of India every year when the current Prime Minister of India raises out tricolour national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi followed by Indian army parade, march past, National Anthem recitation, speech and other cultural activities.

Independence Day in India is celebrated with the National Flag salute by the 21 guns firing. Similarly Independence Day celebration takes place in every states of the country where Governor and the Chief Minister of the states become main guests. Some people get prepared in the early morning and wait for the speech of the Indian Prime Minister at TV. On 15 th of August people get inspired with the history of India’s independence and do some social activities like that and watch movies based on the patriotic themes.

The great non-violence movement of the Mahatma Gandhi, Bapu, helps a lot to our freedom fighters to get freedom from the British rule after 200 long years of struggle. The hard struggle for Independence of India has worked as a huge moving force for every Indian which bind them together at one place whether they belong to different castes, classes, cultures to ritual beliefs to fight them from British rule for their rights. Even women (Aruna Asaf Ali, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, Sarojine Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Kamala Nehru, Annie Besant, etc) came out from their houses and played their great role in getting freedom.

Independence Day Essay 7 (600 Words)


Independence Day is one of the national festivals of India with the other two being Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti. It is celebrated on the 15th of August each year ever since India got independence from the British rule in 1947. The day celebrates freedom and independence in the true sense.

History behind Independence Day

India was ruled by the British for almost two centuries. The citizens of our country suffered at the hands of the tyrant British officials for years until they finally managed to gather strength and fight them. They struggled for the independence of our country selflessly and tirelessly under the leadership of patriots such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh. While some of these leaders advocated the path of non-violence others took to aggressive means to fight the British.

However, the ultimate aim of all of them was to drive the British out of the country. After numerous freedom movements, protests and sacrifices, our country finally got independence on 15 th August 1947 which was declared as the Independence Day of our country.

Why do We Celebrate Independence Day?

We celebrate Independence Day to celebrate the spirit of freedom and independence. It is also celebrated to commemorate the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. This day is a reminder that the freedom we enjoy today has been earned the hard way and that we must value it as well as make the most of it for our good and the good of our nation.

By way of Independence Day celebrations each year the younger generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived in British colonized India. The celebration is a way of invoking patriotic feelings among the people of our country to encourage them to stay united and work for its betterment.

Activities on Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm in different parts of our country. Various big and small events are organized in schools, colleges, offices and residential societies to celebrate this day. Here are some of the activities done on Independence Day:

  • Flag Hoisting : On this day, the Prime Minister of our country hoists the Indian National Flag at Red Fort. This is followed by 21 gun shots in the honour of the occasion. Flag hoisting is done as a part of the Independence Day celebration throughout the country.
  • Speeches/ Debates/ Quiz : Speeches are delivered as a part of Independence Day celebration in schools, colleges and other places. Debate and quiz competitions are also held in educational institutes. Essay writing and painting competitions are also organized to celebrate this day.
  • Fancy Dress Competitions : Fancy dress competitions are held in schools and residential societies. Small kids are seen dressed up as freedom fighters.
  • Kite Flying Competition : Kite flying competitions are also held on this day. Numerous colourful kits are seen flying in the sky. This is seen as a mark of freedom.
  • Sweet Distribution : Sweets are distributed after flag hoisting.

Significance of Independence Day

Independence Day holds special significance for every Indian. It is a day that reminds them of the struggle and sacrifices of the freedom fighters. It inspires the youth of the nation to stand for the honour of the country. It fills the hearts of the people with patriotism and they are motivated to work for the good of their country. The spirit of patriotism is seen across the country particularly on this special day.

Independence Day is celebrated with immense zeal all across our country. People of all ages come forward to celebrate this day. Songs are sung in praise of the freedom fighters as well as our motherland. People are seen dressed up in tri-colour. The sky seems full of kites and there is joy all around.

Independence Day Essay 8 (1000 Words)

The day on which India attained legislative sovereignty through an act passed by the parliament of United Kingdom, is celebrated as the Independence Day of India. The Indian Independence Act passed by the Parliament of United Kingdom on 15 th August 1947, transferred all the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly, which was constituted to write the Constitution of India. It was an outcome of a long battle applying the principles of non violence and civil disobedience, against the suppressions of British Empire.

Independence Day – Background

Sometimes during the 17 th Century British came to India showing trading interests in the sub continent. They were amazed by the prosperity of kingdoms and rich topography of the sub continent. Slowly they started making foothold into the nation by increasing trading activities. Here, came to the fore “East India Company” which was supposed to be a trading company reporting to its board of directors in London; nevertheless, eyeing the unlimited wealth opportunities that the subcontinent offered, East India Company, forcefully occupied powers of the government and judiciary. This period of Indian history from 1757 to 1858 is termed as the “Company Rule”.

Things went on the same until the rebellion of 1857, when the rule of East India Company in India was transferred to Queen Victoria through Government of India Act 1857. This Act established the British Crown as the ultimate ruler of India.

In the following decades, civil societies and political parties in India gradually became strong, demanding self rule or Swaraj. A long battle of non violence and non cooperation ensued, finally resulting in India achieving independence on 15 th August 1947.

Independence was gained after nearly two centuries of subjugation under, firstly, the East India company and secondly the British Crown. It was a period of unethical suppression and tremendous exploitation of our resources at the hands of Britishers.

Kingdoms were forcefully occupied, kings were dethroned and punished for no apparent reason, farmers and small traders were made vulnerable by imposing new tax laws. The whole nation had felt the pain of subjugation, for every moment under the Crown. It was therefore a big achievement and a reason to celebrate when independence was finally gained on 15 th August 1947.

The significance of the day is defined by the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and other countrymen, in the struggle for independence. Millions of Indians have lost their lives in the freedom fight. The day reminds us to commemorate those who have sacrificed their all to make us breathe in freedom.

Independence Day also reminds us that we were able to break free from shackles of British Empire, because we fought against it, united. People from different religions, caste, financial background, culture, fought together diminishing their demographic differences. Therefore, the day reminds us to stay united as it the key to stay safe and independent.

Independence Day Celebrations

Independence Day of India is celebrated as a National Festival in India. People belonging to different religion, caste and culture celebrate the day together, infused with the feelings of nationalism and patriotism. The festive fervor could well be seen on the streets, offices, schools, colleges, houses, throughout the nation. The air reverberates with patriotic songs and national anthem. Fluttering tricolor of various shapes and sizes is a common sight on the day.

Below we will go through details of celebrations in some of the significant locations of the nation.

Celebrations at Delhi

National capital Delhi is the center for the most distinguished Independence Day celebrations. On the evening before Independence Day, Prime Minister of India addresses the nation on Tele Vision, congratulating citizens and remembering the freedom fighters.

Next day, huge crowd emerged at the Red Fort to witness flag hoisting ceremony by the Prime Minister. Thousands of people from across the country and several dignitaries are present to honor the national flag and to witness the events following it.

Flag hoisting is concurrently followed by the singing of national anthem and then a 21 gun salute in the honour of the Prime Minister. After the gun salute, the Prime Minister once again addresses the nation and remembers the freedom fighters and their struggles.

The speech is followed by a march past by Indian army and other armed forces. Tableaus depicting religious and cultural heritage of various Indian states, also take part in the procession.

Celebrations in Schools and Offices

Schools, colleges and offices throughout India celebrate Independence Day with almost equal zeal and enthusiasm. Participation of children in the celebrations is more prominent and they seem to be at the centre of all the preparations. Celebrations begin with the head of the institution hoisting the national flag in presence of students and other staff members.

Several competitions, cultural events, plays are organized in schools by the children themselves, as a reminiscence of India’s freedom struggle and also to commemorate the great freedom fighters. Children get dressed up as various freedom fighters and cry famous slogans of Indian struggle – “Inquilab Zindabad”, “Jai Hind”, “Vande Matram” etc. School also distributes sweets among the students and staff members to celebrate the day.

The celebration in offices is also celebrated with the same patriotic zeal; though, with slightly different events. Flag hoisting is compulsory in all government institutions, with mandatory attendance. The flag ceremony is followed by speeches by the staff members, which usually is a commemoration of freedom fighters and reminiscence of the freedom struggle.

People in the streets too are seen greeting each other and buying tricolors to adorn their houses and vehicles. In 2002 Flag code of India was amended to allow private citizens to display the flag, but with certain rules and regulations.

Independence Day of India is a National festival celebrated with the feeling of patriotism and nationalism, throughout the country. The country resonates with festive fervor and pride in its unity and diversity. The beating of drums along with the singing of national anthem fills the heart with a great sense of nationalism. It is primarily a celebration of Independence; nevertheless, it is also a celebration of “unity in diversity” of India. Moreover, the government has declared 15 th August as a national holiday to make sure that you participate in the celebrations, without any fear or hindrances.

More on Independence Day:

Independence Day | Independence Day Speech | Slogans on Independence Day | Paragraph on Independence Day | Facts about Independence Day of India | Independence Day Quotes | Essay on National Flag of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers | Independence Day Speech for Principal

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English Aspirants

Essay on Independence Day [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Essay on Independence Day in English : Every year on the 15th of August, the people of India celebrate Independence Day. In this article, you are going to read 5 essays on Independence Day of India (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). These essays will be helpful for the students of all the classes (class 1 to class 12). If you are looking for paragraph on Independence Day, this article will also help you with that. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Independence Day Essay: 100 Words

Independence Day of India is celebrated on 15 th August. On this day, India got freedom from British rule. On this day, The Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag at the Red Fort, New Delhi. It was because of immense courage and sacrifice of our freedom fighters we got independence. We remember our great freedom fighters and martyrs on this day.

On 15th August the National Flag is hoisted in schools, colleges, government offices, residential buildings, etc. Various cultural activities are organized in different parts of the country. Independence Day fills Indian hearts with pride and patriotism.

Independence Day Essay

Short Essay on Independence Day: 120 Words

We celebrate 15 th August every year as our Independence Day. On this day in 1947, India got independence from British rule. It is a day of great pride for all Indians. Independence Day is celebrated with great joy and happiness. The Prime Minister of India unfurls the National Flag and addresses the nation to mark the Independence Day.

On Independence Day, flag hoisting ceremonies and parades by armed forces and school children are held in different parts of the country. As part of the celebration, cultural events, quiz programs, and debates are organized in many schools and colleges. Independence Day reminds us of our glorious past and the sacrifices of the innumerable freedom fighters for the cause of India’s Independence. It inspires us to stand united and work together to build a strong nation.

Essay on Independence Day

Also Read: 10 Lines on Independence Day of India [2022]

Essay on Independence Day: 150 Words

India got independence on the 15th of august in 1947. Independence Day is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm. On Independence Day we remember millions of our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for our independence. Independence Day ceremony is organized at the Red Fort on the 15th of August. The Prime Minister hoists the National Flag at Red Fort in the morning. He also delivers an address to the nation to mark the occasion.

We celebrate Independence day by hoisting the flag and singing the National Anthem. This day is observed as a national holiday across India. Schools and colleges organize cultural events, debates, and quiz competitions on this day. Sweets are distributed to everyone. People decorate houses, streets, and roads with National Flags and tricolor balloons to show their patriotism. We have to take a pledge to protect the freedom and sovereignty of the nation.

Essay on Independence Day in English

Essay on Independence Day: 200 Words

Independence Day is celebrated in India on the 15th of August with great joy and happiness. The day of August 15, 1947 is written with golden letters in the history of India. On this auspicious day, our country became independent from hundreds of years of British rule. Since then we celebrate this day as a national festival of India.

On this day every year, the Prime Minister hoists the National Flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi and gives a message to the countrymen. During the celebration, Indian Army performs march-past in front of the historic Red Fort. Many great freedom fighters such as Mahatma Gandhi , Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Kshudiram Bose, Chandra Sekhar Azad, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, sacrificed their lives selflessly for the freedom of India. We pay tribute to the Nation and the freedom fighters on Independence Day.

On this day fruits, sweets, etc. are distributed to the children. Flag hoisting ceremonies are held at schools and colleges on the occasion of Independence Day. On this day streets and roads of every city are decorated with the National Flag. Independence Day fills every Indian heart with pride and patriotism. This day also infuses new hope and energy among us.

Also Read: 10 Lines on Our National Flag

Independence Day Essay: 250 Words

India got independence from British rule on 15 august 1947 after long years of struggle and sacrifice. The Independence Day is celebrated with great pomp and show in every city and town of India. It is a festival of freedom for us. Independence Day is celebrated as a national holiday in India every year on 15th of august.

Many freedom fighters like Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Rani Laxmi Bai, and millions of others sacrificed their lives to make India an independent nation. Independence Day is a day to remember and honour them.

The main celebrations take place in the capital, New Delhi where the prime minister raises the flag and delivers a nationally broadcast speech from the ramparts of the historical site red fort. He gives a speech about the achievements of the government and gives guidelines for future development. After this event, a parade of defense forces, police forces, NCC cadets, scouts, cultural tableaus, and school children takes place at Red Fort. This is followed by a march past of army contingents, para-military personnel, and air force squadrons.

The President of India delivers an address to the nation on the eve of Independence Day every year. On this day, the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted the Indian National Flag above the Lahori Gate of the Red Fort in Delhi. To commemorate the Independence Day people hoist the National Flag, sing patriotic songs and decorate their houses, streets, and roads with tricolor flags. Various cultural events are organized to pay homage and respect to our freedom fighters for their invaluable contribution.

Independence day is a matter of pride for all of us. We should work together to build up a strong nation.

Also Read: 5 Lines on Independence Day

Read More: 1. 5 lines on Our National Flag  2. Essay on My Vision for India in 2047 3. Wonder of Science Essay 

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Importance of Independence Day Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay  on importance of independence day.

India celebrates Independence day on 15th August every year. As it is on this day in the year 1947 India got its independence from British rule. The reason that India got its’ Independence on 15th August was Lord Mountbatten considered this date lucky. Because it was the same day in the year 1945 the Japanese forces surrendered before him.

Importance of Independence Day Essay

Furthermore, we celebrate Independence day to remember our Freedom Fighters . Because they were the ones who struggled for our country and sacrificed their lives. Our Independence day is of great importance to us. As it is the only day when we can remember our martyrs who died for the country. Also, it is the only day when we forget all our cultural differences and unite as one true Indian.

Importance of Independence Day Celebration

In our country, the Independence day celebration is done on a vast scale. Every government building is full of decoration with light. Also, these lights are of three colors orange, green, and white. Because these are the colors of our National Flag . Moreover, every person whether being a government or private official has to be present in the offices. To hoist the National Flag of our country and sing our National Anthem. However, there are other reasons Our Independence day is important to us

To Pay Tribute to Our Freedom Fighters

Our Freedom Fighters struggled for our country to make us free. Furthermore, they were the ones who sacrificed their lives for our country. It is on this day that every individual of the country pays tribute to them. In Schools and colleges, there is an organization of various functions. In this, the students perform acts to represent the struggle of our freedom fighters.

Moreover, the students have a solo and duet performance of patriotic songs. To fill us with the feeling of patriotism and love for our country. In offices, there is no work done on this day. Furthermore, the officials wear Tricolor dresses to express their patriotism for the country. Also in various offices, employees deliver speeches to enlighten people about the freedom struggle. And the efforts made by or freedom fighters to make this country an independent nation.

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To Kindle Patriotism in the Youth to Serve the Nation

The youth of our country has the ability to change the nation. As it rightly said that the future depends on the young generation. So it is our duty to serve the nation and make every possible effort to make our country better. One of the main motives for the celebration of Independence Day is to make our youth aware.

Moreover, it is to tell them how our country got independence from the clutches of the Britishers. And the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters because of their for the country. Furthermore, it is also done so that the children may come to know the history of their country. And the way the development took place in the past years. So that they be serious about their future careers and put efforts to make our country better.

FAQs on Importance of Independence Day

Q1. When is the Independence day of our country celebrated?

A1. The celebration of Independence takes place on 15th August every year. The date of Independence is 15th August because Lord Mountbatten – the Viceroy considered this date lucky.

Q2. How is Independence day celebrated?

A2. Independence day in our country is always celebrated with great enthusiasm. There is a Tricolor light decoration in the entire country. Moreover, it is the official holiday in the entire country. To remember the sacrifices of our martyrs. Also, their struggle for the country to provide us freedom.

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Essay on Independence Day in English_0.1

  • Essay on Independence Day in English

Essay on Independence Day in english is given below. Independence Day reminding us of the bravery and the sacrifices our freedom fighters have made for us. Check short Independence Day Essay.

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Table of Contents

Every year, the people of India commemorate Independence Day with extreme patriotism by flying the Tri-color National flag, marching, performing patriotic songs, dancing, and social service. On August 15, 1947, India gained independence after over 200 years of British domination. In 2024, we are celebrating the 77th Independence Day of India .

Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day is observed as a national holiday in India. It marks the day India was recognized as the world’s largest democratic nation. We have covered every important part of the Indian 77th Independence Day celebration in this Independence Day Essay, including why we celebrate, history, freedom warriors, events, the significance of Independence Day, and much more. Check a few short Essay on Independence Day here.

Independence Day Essay in English

How to Customize Your Essay on Independence Day? Every year on Independence Day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Red Fort and delivers an energetic address to the nation. This day is celebrated by schools, colleges, universities, offices, social buildings, government, and private organizations through festivities and cultural programs. In cultural programs, students offer intriguing talks on issues such as independence warriors, freedom struggle, patriotism, unity in diversity, and so on.

In addition, students may prepare an Essay on Independence Day. In this essay, we have covered practically every crucial aspect of India’s Independence Day that a listener or reader should be aware of. Read the entire article and incorporate the information into your Independence Day essay.

Essay on Independence Day in 100 Word

India gained official independence from British colonial rule on August 15, 1947. It was a memorable day in Indian history when India gained independence after many years of dedication and self-sacrifice by Indian freedom fighters. We achieved independence after 200 years of struggle. When India gained independence, the people of India elected their first Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, who unfurled the Tricolour National Flag for the first time in the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi. Every year, all Indians celebrate this day as Independence Day with tremendous joy in every part of the country and pay homage to our freedom fighters.

Essay on Independence Day in 150 Words

India acquired independence on August 15, 1947, and this date is still celebrated as Independence Day. In India, people of all religions, cultures, and traditions celebrate Independence Day with immense excitement and enthusiasm. The Prime Minister of India hoisted the National Flag in the early morning at the Red Fort, where millions of people attended the Independence Day ceremony, in the event celebration organised in the National Capital, New Delhi. It has been proclaimed a national holiday, and all schools (public and private), offices, colleges, universities, educational institutions, organisations, and businesses are closed. Students commemorate it with great zeal in all schools, colleges, and other educational institutions.

During the celebration, students engage in and take part in dance, theatre, singing, indoor games, sports in the outdoors, cultural events, quiz competitions, Essay on Independence Day competitions, award distribution, kite competitions, and other activities. At India’s Independence Day celebrations, we also remember all of the great people and freedom fighters who contributed to India’s independence.

Essay on Independence Day in 200 Words

Since 1947, every Indian has celebrated Independence Day on the 15th of August. After over 200 years of enslavement, our country gained independence from British rule on this day. The government of India organises a large celebration event at Rajpath, India Gate in the National Capital, New Delhi, where people of all religions, cultures, and traditions congregate to hear our Prime Minister’s patriotic addressed the nation. Every year on this day, our Prime Minister hoists the national flag, followed by the reading of the national anthem (JANA GANA MANA), and then the Prime Minister of India delivers his yearly speech. Many activities, including March Past, are done by the Indian Army at the Red Fort celebration in New Delhi.

By commemorating this anniversary, we honour all of the great people who gave their lives and loved ones to make India an independent country. During the Independence Day celebration, the National Flags are also displayed in schools and universities, where teachers and students participate in a variety of activities. The guest of honour or school principal first unfurls the national flag, followed by the National Anthem sung with flute and drum, followed by a march past and parade through the streets.

Independence Day Essay in 10 Lines

Since 1947, we have celebrated Independence Day on the 15th of August every year. We celebrate Independence Day to mark India’s independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on August 15, 1947. On this day, the people of India pay the heartfelt gratitude to the great leaders under whose leadership India gained eternal freedom. Following that, our country was recognized as the world’s largest democracy.

India evolved into an independent country on the 15th of August in 1947 after the sacrifices of countless freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, Sukhdev, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and many more hero who worked hard to get independence from the British rule. We commemorated Independence Day by hoisting the tricolour national flag in various institutions such as schools, universities, society buildings, and so on, as a way of remembering and paying tribute to their victories.

Essay on Independence Day in 500 words

India gained independence on August 15, 1947. For nearly two centuries, the British ruled India. Every Indian’s life was bleak and difficult during British colonial rule. Indians were treated as slaves with no freedom of expression. Indian rulers were merely puppets in the hands of British officers. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister, raised the National Flag for the first time at the Red Fort on August 15, 1947, at midnight. It symbolized the conclusion of the British Empire’s 200-year reign in India. Because of this auspicious day, we Indians can finally breathe the air of a free and democratic nation.

All Indians fought selflessly and persistently for our country’s independence under the guidance of heroes such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and Bhagat Singh. Indian fighters were treated cruelly in British camps, and farmers were hungry because they couldn’t grow crops and had to pay high land taxes. On this notable day, the people of India recall the heroic sacrifices and extraordinary contributions of great men and women in achieving India’s independence.

Pioneers like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Sardar Patel, and Gopalbandhu Das are paid reverent homage by all Indian on this unforgettable day. While some of these leaders supported nonviolence in India’s freedom struggle, others used aggressive tactics to combat the British. The ultimate goal of all of them, though, was to push the British out of the nation. After several freedom struggles, protests, and sacrifices, our country finally gained independence on August 15, 1947, which was designated as our country’s Independence Day.

Note – To increase the words of your Essay on Independence Day you can include the given information below.

Independence Day Essay- Is It the 76th Or 77th Independence Day Celebration in India?

Many people are wondering if the 76th or 77th Independence Day celebration will take place. Let’s explore the two opposing arguments for celebrating the 77th or the 76th Independence Day. On August 15, 1947, India gained independence from the British rulers and its harsh regulations after a 190-year struggle. On August 15, 1948, India conducted its first independence celebration. As a result, Independence Day is the 76th year of Freedom.

However, if we calculate the year of independence precisely from August 15, 1947. This means that 1947 is printed as the year India gained independence. Because of this, the 77th Independence Day will be observed in 2024. Both views are true in this regard, however, with majority support, India will commemorate 77 years of Independence.

CUET Mahapack

The theme for India’s 77th Independence Day is ‘Nation First, Always First,’ and it will be hosted as part of the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav.’ The government has agreed to implement several programmes in this effort to celebrate the country’s many cultures.

The second version of the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign encourages people to display tricolour in their homes, offices, and workplaces. The ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign was launched to honour martyrs around the country. This is an endeavour of the Indian government to commemorate and celebrate 76 years of freedom while also illuminating the wonderful heritage of people and Indian culture.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proposed the ‘Panch Pran’ theme for India 2.0, which includes Women and Children, Tribal Empowerment,  Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Water, Cultural Pride, Health and Wellness, Inclusive Development, Aatmanirbhar Bharat, and Unity.

Independence Day Activities

Independence Day is widely commemorated in almost all sections of our country. To commemorate this day, various large and small events are planned at schools, colleges, offices, Shops and residential societies by locals. Here are some of the Independence Day Activities that people and children conduct on the 15th of August as follows.

Independence Day Celebration in Capital – This day is commemorated with considerable pomp and display in the national capital, Delhi. This is followed by 21 gun rounds to commemorate the event. All leaders and common people gather in huge numbers on the parade ground in front of the Red Fort to await the Prime Minister’s arrival.

Flag Hoisting all over India – Flag hoisting is done across the country as part of the Independence Day festivities.

Speech and Debate Competition – Speeches are given as part of the Independence Day celebrations at schools, colleges, and other locations. Educational institutes also host debates, quizzes, and Independence Day Essay competitions. This day is also marked by art competitions.

Competitions in Fancy Dress – Fancy dress competitions are held in schools and residential societies. Small children are disguised as freedom fighters.

Kite Flying Competition: On this day, kite-flying events are also organized. Several brightly colored kits may be seen flying in the sky. This is regarded as a symbol of liberty.

Sweet Distribution: After the flag is hoisted, sweets are distributed in schools, colleges, offices and localities.

Essay on Independence Day Celebration in Delhi

The national capital of Delhi hosts the most prestigious Independence Day events. The Prime Minister of India addresses the nation on television the evening before Independence Day, congratulating citizens and honoring independence fighters.

The following day, a large throng gathered at the Red Fort to watch the Prime Minister’s flag hoisting ceremony. Flag hoisting is followed by the singing of the national song and a 21-gun salute in remembrance of liberation fighters. Thousands of people from across the country, as well as various dignitaries, have gathered to honour the national flag and watch the activities that will follow.

Following the gun salute, the Prime Minister addresses the nation once more, remembering the independence warriors and their struggles. Following the address, the Indian army and other military forces march by. The parade also includes tableaus portraying the religious and cultural history of several Indian states.

Independence Day is a historical milestone for the country because it marks the end of British rule. It brings together people from all across the country. India’s core path and strength is unity in diversity. In history, People from many religions, castes, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures stood together to reduce demographic inequalities.

The meaning of Independence Day is determined by the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and other compatriots in the fight for independence. Millions of Indians have died in the freedom struggle. The day serves as a reminder to remember those who have given their all to ensure that all of us can breathe freely.

Every Indian citizen considers Independence Day to be a significant day in their lives. We are proud to be citizens of the world’s largest majority-rule country, where we are living in a democracy.

Independence Day is reminiscent of the great icons who served as the cornerstone for the founding fathers’ ideal of a free India.

Independence Day Essay PDF

Students can download all these Eassays in PDF form from the link given here – Essay on Independence Day PDF in English . Download the document and take prints for easier access of the writings.


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What is Independence Day essay in English?

The first Independence Day of India was on August 15, 1947, and this year marks the 77th Independence Day of India on August 15, 2023.

How to write Essay on Independence Day english?

The essay writing process is divided into three sections. Choose a topic, conduct research, and write an essay outline. Introduce your thesis, then build it with evidence in the main body and conclude with a conclusion.

Monisa Baral

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 1.5 years of experience in the school education sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, and other entrance exams.

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Independence Day

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Independence Day, India

When is Independence Day in India?

Independence Day in India occurs on August 15 of every year. It celebrates the date in 1947 when the Indian Independence Act came into effect, which established India and Pakistan as separate countries, no longer under British imperialist rule . (In Pakistan, Independence Day is celebrated on August 14th.)

How is Independence Day celebrated in India?

Independence Day is celebrated through festivities across India . Notably, the prime minister visits the Red Fort monument for a flag-raising ceremony and delivers a televised address that is broadcast nationwide. Other traditional events include flying kites and wearing the tricolor .

Did the partition of India and Pakistan happen on Independence Day?

Independence Day in India marks the partition of India and Pakistan . The Indian Independence Act, passed by Britain’s Parliament, ordered that the dominions of India and Pakistan be demarcated by midnight of August 14–15, 1947.

India ’s path to independence from British rule was spearheaded by the work of Mahatma Gandhi , who organized and led a series of nonviolent protests. Other important figures include Mohammed Ali Jinnah , the leader of the All India Muslim League and Pakistan ’s founder, and Jawaharlal Nehru , a follower of Gandhi and India’s first prime minister .

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Independence Day , in India , national holiday celebrated annually on August 15. Independence Day marks the end of British rule in 1947, brought about by the Indian Independence Act of July 18 that year, and the establishment of a free and independent Indian nation following the long struggle of the Indian Independence Movement . It also marks the anniversary of the partition of the subcontinent into two countries, India and Pakistan , which occurred at midnight on August 14–15, 1947. (In Pakistan, Independence Day is celebrated on August 14.)

Learn about India's Independence Day and know how the day is celebrated

British rule in India began in 1757 when, following the British victory at the Battle of Plassey , the English East India Company began exercising control over the country. The East India Company ruled India for 100 years, until it was replaced by direct British rule (often referred to as the British raj ) in the wake of the Indian Mutiny in 1857–58. The Indian Independence Movement began during World War I and was led by Mohandas K. Gandhi , who advocated for a peaceful and nonviolent end to British rule.

essay on india after independence day

Independence Day is marked throughout India with flag-raising ceremonies, drills, and the singing of the Indian national anthem . Additionally, various cultural programs are made available in the state capitals. After the prime minister participates in the flag-raising ceremony at the Red Fort historic monument in Old Delhi, a parade ensues with members of the armed forces and police. The prime minister then delivers a televised address to the country, recounting the major accomplishments of India during the previous year and outlining future challenges and goals. Kite flying has also become an Independence Day tradition, with kites of various sizes, shapes, and colours filling the sky. Also, to commemorate the day, government offices in New Delhi remain lit throughout the holiday, even though they are closed.

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Independence Day 2022: Essay On 75th Independence Day Of India For Students

On independence day, indians pay tribute to all the prominent leaders of india who have heroically fought for the country's freedom. many events are dedicated at red fort..

On August 15, 2022, India will commemorate its 75th year of Independence. The Prime Minister of India will unfurl the Tricolour from the Red Fort in Old Delhi like every year. On this day, Indians pay tribute to all the prominent leaders of India who have heroically fought for the country's freedom in the past.

Essay On Independence Day Of India For Students

However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been no big celebrations or social events in the past two years. As Independence Day is a national holiday, all government offices, post offices, banks, and retailers will be closed. The states and union governments will webcast the celebrations and events.

Essay on Independence Day in 200 words

On this day, students are asked by their teachers to write an essay, and here are some essay ideas for Independence Day 2022 to impress the teachers.

1. The sacrifices of our brave Indian freedom fighters are remembered on Independence Day. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, unfurled the tricolour national flag at Red Fort and Lahori Gate in Delhi when the country became Independent. From that day, India celebrates Independence Day on this day. After being hoisted, the Tricolour will receive a 'Rashtriya Salute'. The Navy Band will play the National Anthem during the hoisting of the National Flag and the 'Rashritya Salute'. After the Flag hoisting, the Tricolour will receive a 'Rashtriya Salute'. The Navy Band will play the National Anthem during the hoisting of the National Flag and the 'Rashritya Salute'vrate Indian Independence Day.

Schools, Colleges and Universities conduct various cultural activities to celebrate Indian Independence Day.

Kite flying is also a part of the Independence Day of India celebration, with kites of various sizes, shapes, and colours filling the sky. From 1974 onwards, the chief ministers of several states unfurled the national flag. The anniversary of the subcontinent's separation into India and Pakistan is another significant relevance of Independence Day. Our country is regarded as the world's largest democracy. The UK Parliament enacted the Indian Independence Act 1947 on this day, transferring legislative authority to the Indian nation.

Independence Day India: Moderate And Revolutionary Phase Of Indian Freedom Struggle For Students

2. Our main goal in celebrating Independence Day is to educate our young generation about the pride and courage of our great freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for our country's freedom. It's the day we put aside our cultural differences and come together as true Indians. Youth awareness is necessary because the nation's future rests on the youngsters and their power to influence the country. As a result, our responsibility is to serve the country and make every effort to improve society.

Independence day is marked by a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism across the country. The day also reflects our pride and solidarity in the country's diversity. India, a land of people of all religions living together in a diversified society with a rich culture and heritage, celebrates this significant occasion with tremendous joy. We are elated, and it motivates us to defend our motherland against any attack on the country's dignity and sovereignty.

Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Sukhdev, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and others are among the prominent freedom fighters without whom our dream of Independence would not have been possible. Our country is free today of British rule because of their sacrifice and hard effort. August 15 is the day when the country's citizens honour our freedom fighters.

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Essay on Independence Day in 500 words

If you get an assignment to write an essay on Independence Day in 500 or 800 words then you can add the below points in the above essay points.

Every year India celebrates Independence day on August 15. As it is on this day in 1947, India gained Independence from British rule. We celebrate Independence day to remember our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to make our country independent. Our Independence Day is important in every Indian's life as it is the day we can remember our martyrs who died for the country. Also, it is the only day we forget all our cultural differences and unite as one true Indian.

On this occasion, various cultural activities are conducted by schools. Plays, drama, dance, essay competitions and quizzes. Students dress up as their freedom fighters as well. The Independence day celebration is done on a wide scale. Every government building is decorated with light, the same colour as our national flag, orange, green and white.

What is special this year?

For the 75th independence day, Har Ghar Tiranga Movement will be launched. Everyone has to hoist Tiranga on their homes from 13-15 August. This campaign aims to celebrate 75 glorious years of Independence of India and showcase patriotism. From now on, the Tiranga can be hoisted day and night. On August 15, various events are organized at different locations connected with Freedom Struggle to portray the patriotic feeling and honouring the freedom fighters of our country.

The youth of our country can bring change to the nation as it is rightly said that the future depends on the young generation. So we must serve the nation and make every possible effort to improve our country. One of the main motives for the celebration of Independence Day is to make our youth aware of freedom fighters and the importance of Independence.

Stories of freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh are very inspiring for our generation.

Famous Quotes in Independence Day Essay

At the end of the essay on I-Day, don't forget to provide a quote from our freedom fighters. Here is the list of a few quotes from which you can pick your favourite one:

"Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India" - Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

"India's Soul live in villages" - Mahatama Gandhi

"Swaraj mera janam sidh adhikar hai, aur mai ise lekar rahunga" - Bal Gangadhar Tilak

"Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab •hamare dil me hai, dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil mein hai" - Ramprasad Bismil

"Khoon se khelenge Holi gar Vatan mushkil main hai" - Ashfaqullah Khan

"Inqalab Zindabad" - Shaheed Bhagat Singh


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Essay on Indian Independence Day in English

essay on india after independence day

  • Updated on  
  • Aug 14, 2024

Essay on Indian Independence Day

Essay on Indian Independence Day: Independence Day serves as a solemn reminder of the gallant sacrifices made by countless men and women who dared to dream of a sovereign nation. Celebrated on the 15th of August, this auspicious occasion marks the resounding triumph of India’s struggle for freedom against British colonial rule in 1947. Beyond the festivities and grandeur, Independence Day serves as a solemn reminder of the gallant sacrifices made by countless men and women who dared to dream of a sovereign nation.

Schools prepare students for exciting celebrations and co-curricular activities whenever Independence Day draws near. One of these activities is the Essay Speaking Competition, which aims to improve students’ speaking skills and encourage them to express their thoughts. In this article, we provide a helpful guide to excel in this competition. 

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Table of Contents

  • 1 When is the Indian Independence Day Celebrated?
  • 2 Why is the 15th of August Celebrated as Independence Day?
  • 3 Sample Essay on Indian Independence day in 150 words
  • 4 Sample Essay on Indian Independence Day in 250 words

When is the Indian Independence Day Celebrated?

India eagerly anticipates the celebration of its 77th Independence Day on August 15. This year’s milestone marks 76 years of liberation from British colonial rule, a significant achievement. The day resonates with the struggles endured to break free from the British Raj after almost two centuries. It honours the sacrifices of brave leaders and freedom fighters who laid down their lives for India’s independence. The theme for 2023 is ‘Nation First, Always First’, shaping the essence of the celebrations. The occasion is a testament to unity, patriotism, and the collective duty to propel the nation towards prosperity. Festivities include flag hoisting, parades, cultural events, and a renewed commitment to honour the nation’s history and freedom.

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Why is the 15th of August Celebrated as Independence Day?

15th August holds immense significance as Independence Day in India. It marks the momentous occasion when, after over two centuries of British colonial rule, India triumphantly declared its freedom in 1947. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the relentless struggle and sacrifices of numerous freedom fighters who valiantly fought for liberation. The reins of authority were handed over to India’s leaders, symbolising a new beginning. The journey to independence was a persistent one, etching a tryst with destiny. As we celebrate this historic day, we honour the lives laid down for a free India and embrace the dawn of a new era.

Sample Essay on Indian Independence day in 150 words

Independence Day is a symbol for our Nation that depicts the struggles, resilience, determination and then eventually triumph of our nation over the colonial rule. The Indian Independence day is celebrated on 15th of August in India. It is a reminder of those brave hearts who laid down their lives for the nation, the sacrifices, the struggles they made to free our nation from the oppression of the Britishers. Those freedom fighters had indomitable spirits and hence, this day marks their victory and end of the British rule in India in the year 1947. The very essence of the Independence day is in remembering the values our forefathers fought for- secularism, democracy and unity in diversity.

The Independence day is not just about festivity and flag hoisting, it is a day of pride, aspiration, and reflection, hence binding the past, present and the future of our nation in a bond of patriotism that is shared by every Indian.

Sample Essay on Indian Independence Day in 250 words

Indian Independence Day, observed on August 15, is a solemn tribute to the brave souls who envisioned a sovereign nation and made gallant sacrifices to realise that dream. This significant day marks the triumphant culmination of India’s arduous struggle against British colonial rule in 1947. Amidst the grandeur and celebrations, the core message of Independence Day remains the valour of those who dared to dream and fought relentlessly for freedom.

Approaching its 77th year, Independence Day holds special significance in 2023 as India commemorates 76 years of liberation from British dominion. This milestone is a testament to the enduring spirit that defied two centuries of subjugation. The theme ‘Nation First, Always First’ underscores the essence of this year’s celebrations, emphasising unity, patriotism, and progress.

The historic significance of August 15 is entrenched in the awakening of a nation. Emerging from the shadows of colonialism, India embarked on a new trajectory as its leaders assumed the mantle of governance. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the tenacity displayed by freedom fighters who selflessly embraced sacrifice for a better India.

Independence Day rekindles the flame of patriotism, fostering a collective commitment to propel the nation forward. Celebrations encompass flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events, all symbolising renewed dedication to India’s history and the tireless efforts that secured its freedom. As the tricolour soars high and the echoes of the national anthem resound, each Independence Day reaffirms the spirit of unity and resilience that define the Indian identity.

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To write an Independence Day essay, begin with an engaging introduction, highlighting the historical importance of the day. Discuss the struggles, sacrifices, and leaders who played pivotal roles in gaining freedom. Describe celebrations and their significance, concluding with a message of patriotism and unity, ensuring a well-structured and concise essay.

Independence Day, celebrated on August 15, marks India’s liberation from British rule in 1947. It signifies the triumph of courage, sacrifice, and unity. Festivities include flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events, fostering national pride and remembrance of those who fought for freedom.

Indian Independence Day, on 15th August, commemorates the nation’s freedom from British colonial rule in 1947. It’s a day of immense historical significance, evoking patriotism and unity among citizens. Festivities involve flag-raising ceremonies, parades, and cultural performances, celebrating India’s journey to sovereignty and honouring its brave leaders.

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Home » Resources » Writing » Essay on Independence Day | 15 August Essay In English | Independence Day 10 Lines

Essay on Independence Day | 15 August Essay In English | Independence Day 10 Lines

Essay on Independence Day can illustrate why we celebrate this day, its significance, the events that take place, and various other aspects of this important day. Here are some inspiring essays on Independence Day that are useful for all.

Independence Day Essay In English

August 15th, 2024, marks yet another year of India’s hard-earned freedom from British colonial rule. This day, observed as Independence Day across the nation, is a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless freedom fighters who fought tirelessly to give us the liberty we enjoy today. It is more than just a national holiday; it is a day to honor our past, reflect on our present, and commit to building a better future.

The Struggle for Freedom

India’s journey to independence was long and filled with struggle. The British East India Company began its foothold in India in the early 17th century, and by the 19th century, India was under full British control. This period was marked by exploitation, economic drain, and a denial of basic freedoms to the Indian people. However, the spirit of resistance never died.

The Revolt of 1857, although unsuccessful, was the first major uprising against British rule and laid the foundation for future freedom movements. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, with his non-violent approach, and Subhas Chandra Bose, with his more militant stance, galvanized the masses. Movements like the Salt March and the Quit India Movement rallied millions of Indians together in the demand for freedom. After decades of relentless struggle, India finally achieved independence on August 15, 1947.

The Significance of Independence

Independence brought with it the responsibility of nation-building. The leaders of the time, especially Jawaharlal Nehru, who became the first Prime Minister of India, were faced with the monumental task of uniting a diverse nation. The drafting of the Indian Constitution in 1950 was a significant milestone, laying down the principles of democracy, secularism, and equality that guide our nation to this day.

For us, Independence Day is not just about remembering the past but also understanding the value of freedom. It reminds us of the rights we enjoy as citizens of a free nation, but also of the duties we owe to our country. The freedom we have today was won with great difficulty, and it is our responsibility to preserve and strengthen it.

Celebrations and Reflections

Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm throughout India. The main event is held at the Red Fort in New Delhi, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag and addresses the nation. This is followed by a parade showcasing India’s cultural diversity and military prowess. Schools and colleges also hold flag hoisting ceremonies, cultural programs, and competitions that highlight the importance of this day.

As students, Independence Day is a time for us to reflect on our role in the nation’s future. We are the torchbearers of tomorrow, and it is up to us to contribute positively to the progress of our country. Whether through education, social service, or simply being responsible citizens, every action counts.

Independence Day is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made for the freedom we enjoy today. As we celebrate this day in 2024, let us remember that with freedom comes responsibility. It is our duty to uphold the values of democracy, equality, and justice that our freedom fighters fought for. Let us pledge to contribute to our nation’s growth and make India a country that shines on the global stage.

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Independence Day 10 Lines in English

  • Independence Day is celebrated on August 15th every year to commemorate India’s freedom from British rule in 1947.
  • It marks the end of a long struggle for independence led by freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • The day is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural events across the country.
  • The main event takes place at the Red Fort in New Delhi, where the Prime Minister addresses the nation.
  • Independence Day is a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for our freedom.
  • Schools and colleges organize special programs, including speeches, dances, and patriotic songs, to honor the day.
  • It is a day to reflect on the values of democracy, equality, and justice that form the foundation of our nation.
  • Independence Day is also a time to remember our duties as citizens and to pledge to contribute to the country’s progress.
  • The national flag is hoisted at homes, offices, and public places, symbolizing unity and patriotism.
  • Independence Day inspires every Indian to work towards building a stronger, more prosperous, and inclusive nation.

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India Independence Day Essay in English (15 August 2024)

Every year India celebrates Independence Day on 15th August. This is the day when India got freedom from almost 200 years of British rule. This year marks the 78th Independence Day of India.

Independence Day Speech

Table of Contents

Every year on 15th August, India celebrates its Independence Day. It is the golden day that was engraved in the History of India when the Nation became Independent. India got its Independence from 200 years of British rule on 15th August 1947. On this day, India achieved the status of the world’s largest democracy, breaking free from British colonial rule.

Independence Day is a significant milestone in Indian history, marked as a national holiday observed across the nation. The 78th anniversary of the Independence Day of India is going to be celebrated on 15th August 2024 as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2024. In this Essay on Independence Day in English, we have provided insights into Indian independence, the freedom fighters of India , activities on Independence Day, and the significance of Independence Day.

Essay on Independence Day in English

Independence Day for India is celebrated on the 15th of August every year and is declared a public holiday. This year India celebrates its 78 years of freedom from British rule. People of India celebrate this day with utmost patriotism by hoisting the Tri-color National flag, doing March-past, and performing social work. Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Red Fort and delivers a nationalistic Speech on Independence Day every year. Many TV channels share and show the whole celebration as it happens. Schools, colleges, universities, offices, and other places celebrate by planning activities and fun events.

Independence Day Theme

This year, 78th Independence Day Theme is “ Vikshit Bharat or Developed India’. The Independence Day Essay in English should also revolve on this theme. This is an vision of the Indian government to be a developed nation by 2047 (100th years of Indian’s Freedom from British Rule). Some campaigns are also launched by the central government as a mark of celebrating this special occasion. The third edition of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign motivates people to fly tricolour at their homes, offices and workplaces. The ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’  campaign is embarked as an initiative to honour martyrs across the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put forth a ‘ Panch Pran ’ theme for India 2.0, which comprises Women and Children, Tribal Empowerment, Water, Cultural Pride, Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Health and Wellness, Inclusive Development, Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Unity.

Independence Day 2024 Essay in 10 Lines

Students can check 10 lines on Indian Independence Day 2024 below:

  • Independence Day in India is celebrated every year on August 15
  • Independence Day is celebrated as a national festival
  • Independence Day is a symbol of victory over colonial rule
  • This year we are celebrating the 78th Independence Day of India
  • The Prime Minister will be hosting the flag at Red Fort
  • The day is remembered as a day to show respect and love toward the sacrifice made by our beloved freedom fighters
  • The Independence Day celebration consists of the national flag-hosting ceremony, parades, and multiple cultural activities
  • All the institutions including schools, offices celebrate Independence Day with full pride
  • Independence Day brings a spirit of nationality to every Indian
  • Independence Day resonates with the victory of peace over violence.

Short Essay on Independence Day For Class 6th Students

Indian Independence Day is celebrated every year on August 15th. On this day in 1947, India became free from British rule. People all over India celebrate this day with great joy and pride.

In schools, students gather for special programs. They sing patriotic songs and perform dances. The national flag is hoisted, and everyone sings the national anthem.

In many places, people fly kites of different colors. There are also parades and speeches.

This day reminds us of the brave freedom fighters who worked hard and sacrificed their lives for our country’s freedom. We remember their bravery and feel proud to be Indians.

Independence Day teaches us to love our country and to work hard to make it a better place.

Essay on Independence Day (100 Words)

On August 15, 1947, India gained freedom from British rule, and every year this day is celebrated with pride and joy. Independence Day symbolizes the strength and diversity of Indian democracy. It reminds us of the sacrifices made by freedom fighters who struggled for the nation’s independence. On this day, we salute the Indian flag and renew our commitment to national unity, integrity, and prosperity. It serves as a reminder to unite and continue working towards nation-building. Independence Day is a celebration of our shared history and a call to advance together as one nation. Jai Hind!

Independence Day Essay for Students 150 Words

15 August, a day that every India celebrates with utmost joy and happiness is a national festival that fills our hearts with pride and integrity towards the national flag. This day brings back the memories of all those brave hearts who fought and lost their lives for the integrity of the nation who with their sacrifice gave us freedom. This day tells us that as nothing is free in this world so is freedom.

Under British rule, countless freedom fighters gave their lives for the sake of freedom, the freedom of their nation, and freedom of their loved ones. It was 15 August 1947, when the sacrifices of all those results and we got freedom from colonial rule. On this Independence day, every individual pays tribute to the freedom fighters and the soldiers who are still fighting with their enemies to save the integrity of this nation.

Essay on Independence Day in 200 Words

Independence Day is a special day celebrated every year on August 15th in India. It marks the day when India became free from British rule in 1947. This day is very important for all Indians because it reminds us of the bravery and sacrifices of our freedom fighters.

On Independence Day, people across the country celebrate with joy and pride. In the morning, the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi. Many schools, offices, and communities also hold flag-hoisting ceremonies. Children sing patriotic songs, perform dances, and participate in parades.

The streets and buildings are decorated with the tricolor flag of India. People watch special programs on television that show the history of India’s struggle for freedom. Everyone feels a sense of pride and unity.

Independence Day teaches us the value of freedom and the importance of working together to build a better nation. It is a day to remember our past, honor our heroes, and pledge to make our country strong and prosperous.

Essay on Independence Day in 500 Words

Indian Independence Day is a very special and important day for all Indians. It is celebrated every year on the 15th of August. This day marks the end of British rule in India and the birth of a free and independent India in 1947. On this day, we remember the brave freedom fighters who fought for our country’s freedom.

Before India became independent, it was ruled by the British for almost 200 years. The British came to India for trade, but they soon took control over our land. Many Indians were unhappy with the British rule because they were not treated fairly. The British imposed many strict laws and took away India’s resources.

Many great leaders and freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Subhas Chandra Bose, and many others fought for our independence. They organized protests, marches, and campaigns to unite the people of India against British rule. Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent movement was very powerful and gained a lot of support from people all over the country. After years of struggle and sacrifice, India finally gained independence on August 15, 1947.

On Independence Day, we celebrate our freedom with joy and pride. The main event takes place in the capital city, New Delhi, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort. This is followed by a grand parade, cultural programs, and speeches. The Prime Minister addresses the nation and talks about the importance of this day and our achievements as a country.

In schools, colleges, and communities across the country, people celebrate by hoisting the national flag, singing the national anthem, and organizing various cultural events. Children participate in patriotic songs, dances, and skits to honor the freedom fighters and show their love for the country. People decorate their homes and streets with the tricolor flag and lights.

Independence Day is a day to remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and to feel proud of our country’s rich history and culture. It reminds us of the importance of unity, freedom, and the responsibility to build a better future for our nation. It is a day of joy, pride, and celebration for every Indian.

Independence Day and Its History

Independence Day is a day to exhibit pride, unity, and integrity among all Indians. The current year 2024 marks the 77th anniversary of the country’s independence from the Britishers’ rule. For almost 200 years, India was reigned by Britishers miserably. Britishers established colonial rule on Indians and treated them as slaves. At midnight on 15th August 1947, a light at the end of the tunnel struck when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru unfurled our National Flag at Red Fort and hoisted the tricolor flag as a mark of independent India.

Under British rule, the lives of Indians were pitiful as they were treated in an inhumane manner. The Indian rulers were given no powers to take action and some rulers were also banished. Indian soldiers’ army was devastated and Indian farmers were charged heavy taxes on lands. Several farmers died out of hunger and poverty which was very pathetic. To put an end to all such cruelties, several freedom fighters namely Mahatma Gandhi , Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji have sacrificed their lives to get freedom for India. A sincere tribute is given to all such leaders on every independence day on remembering their sacrifices and efforts.

To pay Homage to our Indian Freedom Fighters

Many freedom fighters have struggled so much and sacrificed themselves for the sake of the common people and the nation to gain independence from colonialism. Lakhs of people were shredded and shed their blood to attain freedom from the reign of the British people. As a mark of remembering their efforts and to pay tribute to them, the tricolor national flag is hoisted in various institutions such as schools, colleges, society buildings, etc.,

Students deliver interesting speeches on Independence Day on topics related to freedom fighters, freedom struggles, patriotism, unity in diversity, etc. Some people in offices or government or private organizations wear tricolor dresses to exhibit their patriotism and to be grateful to the leaders who sacrificed their lives. Interesting cultural events are also organized in schools, universities, colleges, offices, and social organizations to instigate patriotic feelings among people and to pay tribute to several leaders and freedom fighters of India who have sacrificed themselves for the Nation. A good Independence Day Essay writing in English should focus on covering the main point of paying tribute to our freedom fighters.

Great Indian Freedom Fighters

Every beautiful thing has its price and so does Independence. Our brave Freedom Fighters gave their blood and lives for the sake of our freedom. Therefore, Independence Day is a day to salute and remember the sacrifice of some of the most pure and brave hearts of the country. This day takes us back to learning from Bhagat Singh, Rani of Jhansi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose, and many more. These are just a few of the many brave individuals who contributed to India’s fight for independence. Below we have discussed a few more Indian freedom fighters:

  • Mahatma Gandhi – Leader of the Indian independence movement, known for his philosophy of non-violence (Ahimsa) and civil disobedience.
  • Subhas Chandra Bose – A prominent leader who advocated for armed struggle against British rule and led the Indian National Army (INA).
  • Bhagat Singh – A revolutionary socialist who became a folk hero for his bravery and sacrifice in the struggle for independence.
  • Rani Lakshmibai – The Queen of Jhansi, who played a key role in the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel – A senior leader of the Indian National Congress and a key figure in the integration of princely states into India.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru – The first Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence.
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Known as “The Father of Indian Unrest,” he was one of the first leaders of the Indian independence movement.
  • Sarojini Naidu – A poet and activist, she was a prominent figure in the Indian National Congress and played a significant role in the freedom struggle.
  • Chandrasekhar Azad – A revolutionary leader who was involved in several acts of rebellion against the British.
  • Mangal Pandey – A soldier who played a key role in the events leading up to the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

How is Independence Day celebrated in India?

To rejoice in the spirit of our freedom and independence and to commemorate the service rendered by honorable freedom fighters we celebrate Independence Day every year. Celebration is done on this day mainly to invoke patriotic feelings among Indians and to eradicate terrorism or any evil thoughts so that they stay united and promote the growth of the nation. The Essay on Independence Day Writing in English also focuses on the celebrations which are done in the following ways:

Celebrations in Delhi: In Delhi, our honorable prime minister hoists the Tricolour(Thiranga) flag in Red Fort, followed by singing our National Anthem. To honor our prime minister, a 21-gunshot salute is performed, which is then followed by the inspiring speech of our prime minister highlighting the importance of freedom and the struggles of freedom fighters. Our Indian army does parades and March past followed by other armed forces. A procession is held and tableaus depict the Indian religious and cultural heritage of various states.

Celebrations in Schools and Colleges: Several schools, colleges, and offices also celebrate this glory of independence with utmost zeal and enthusiasm. They hoist national flags and sing our National Anthem, followed by singing various patriotic songs such as ‘Vande Mataram’, ‘Sandese Aate Hain’, ‘I Love My India’, and much more. Children get dressed up as freedom fighters or leaders who saved our Nation, students participate in various competitions like debate, speech, drawing, or painting competitions.

Celebrations in Offices:  In all the government and private institutions the celebrations of Independence Day are conducted on large scales. From organizing the flag-hosting ceremony to participating in the cultural programs, and wearing ethnic dresses representing the cultural heritage of India. Speeches are delivered marking the importance of Independence Day in terms of the organizations.

Significance of Independence Day

India is proud to be the largest democratic country in the world, where the power lies in the hands of the common man. Thanks to the enormous efforts and struggles of several freedom fighters, the democratic power and freedom that we enjoy today. All Indians should abide by the principle of Unity in Diversity which is the key strength and morale of the Nation. Though Indians differ in their languages, religion, and cultural values, the word ‘Indians’ unites them and makes them feel like one nation. By celebrating Independence Day, a feeling of patriotism, unity, and brotherhood develops among the people of the country. On the whole, Independence Day in India is celebrated beautifully every year, and every Indian is reminded of the freedom struggle and lives of many soldiers, leaders, and freedom fighters who were slaughtered to death on this day.

Cultural Impact

India as a country is home to multiple cultures and traditions and that is reflected in our celebrations. Similarly, on the day of the Independence Day celebration, every state, every culture, and every individual tries to represent their culture and tradition on the global stage. Therefore, various parades are conducted at the India Gate after the flag-hosting ceremony representing various cultures and traditions with the utmost precision and beauty

How to Write a Good Independence Day Essay in English

When you are all set to pen down Independence Day Essay Writing in English, follow these important tips which are listed below.

  • You should deeply understand the topic, the main theme of the essay and the question to be addressed. Brainstorming different ideas helps you to frame your essay in a better way.
  • Try to use clear, concise, and catchy statements to outline the main purpose of the essay.
  • You should write an engaging introduction that attracts the readers to look more into the topic.
  • Each paragraph of your Essay on Independence Day in English should revolve around the single main theme or main ideas to support the whole essay.
  • You can avoid complex language and Jagrans, instead focus on simple and crisp language.
  • The flow of points in your Independence Day Essay Writing in English should be coherent and logical.
  • Quote some examples, facts, and scenarios to make your essay interesting to read.
  • Conclude the essay by covering all important points logically and frame it in a different way without repetitions.
  • Try to highlight thought-provoking statements and call-to-action sentences.
  • Review your essay thoroughly to check grammar, spelling errors, tone, flow of points, and writing style.

Independence Day Speech in English- Click to Read

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English – Click to Read

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Essay on Independence Day in English-FAQs

Q1. when is independence day celebrated in india.

Ans. Every year 15th of August is celebrated as Independence Day in India.

Q2. How is Independence Day celebrated in India?

Ans. The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at Red Fort and delivers a nationalistic Speech on Independence Day every year. Interesting cultural events are also organized in schools, universities, colleges, offices and social organizations to instigate the patriotic feeling among people and to pay tribute to several leaders and freedom fighters of India. Students deliver interesting speech on Independence Day on topics related to freedom fighters, Freedom struggle, Patriotism, Unity in Diversity, etc,.

Q3. How many years of Independence do we all enjoy?

Ans. It is been 78 years since India became an Independant Nation and this year marks the 78th anniversary.

Q4. What is the theme that Independence Day Essay in English has to focus on?

Ans. The theme that Independence Day Essay in English should focus is Nation First, Always First, which coincides with 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'.

Q5. What is the importance of Independence?

Ans. Being independent gives a sense of belief, helps in personal as well as societal growth, develops the self sufficiency, efficiency and creativity in individuals. Most importantly, independence gives individuals the control over their lives to pursue their dream their way and explore new opportunities without being controlled by anyone else.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

Janmashtami Essay in English

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  • Essay on Independence Day 2024: 78 Years of Independence


Importance of India Independence Day Essay in English

Essay writing in English is a good step towards improving your writing skills. It brings fluency in the language along with an improvement in vocabulary. Practising essays on India Independence Day 2024 serves a dual purpose of knowing the country better and practising English as well.

There is a huge importance of independence day in our life. We consider 15th August as the Red Letter Day in our history. It is on this day India got its long-desired independence in 1947 from 200 years of British rule. 15th August of 1947 is the day which every Indian feels proud to celebrate as their Independence Day. It was on this day our National Flag was hoisted for the first time. Hence, this day is celebrated every year as a national holiday in India.

It was a long struggle that started as early as 1857. Many great freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to bring independence to their motherland. Initially, it started with the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 and ended with the Non-violence Movement led by Gandhiji. People from every religion, caste, class, state and gender participated in the Indian Independence Movement.

Short Essay on the Importance of Independence Day 

The value of Independence Day is quite high for each Indian. On this day, each and every Indian gets an opportunity to remember and show gratitude towards great men and women whose selfless sacrifices and unparalleled contributions brought us freedom. It is worth mentioning the names of a few such great leaders. They are Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Sardar Patel, Khudiram Bose, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Bhagat Singh and many other prominent leaders.

Independence Day is an important day in the life of every Indian. Year after year, it reminds us of our great freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to free our Motherland from British rule. It reminds us of the great paragons, which were the foundation of the dream of a free India, envisioned and realised by the forefathers.

This year, the 78th year of India’s independence is being celebrated with great enthusiasm focusing on the theme of “Viksit Bharat” which means Developed India. This theme reflects the Indian government's vision to transform the country into a developed nation by 2047, which will be the 100th anniversary of India's independence. 

The importance of Indian Independence Day is that it makes us realise that our forefathers have done their share of responsibilities in bringing India’s independence, and now the task lies in our hands - how we can shape and form the future of our country. They have played their role and have played it really well. The country now looks up to us as to how we perform our part. It blows the winds of patriotism and national integration across the country this Indian Independence Day 2024.

Also Check: 

Essay on Independence Day

Indian Independence Day 2024 History and Background

India Independence Day Speech

Welcome Speech for Indian Independence Day

Indian Independence Day 2024 is very significant in the life of every Indian. For the last 78 years, all Indians remember the great sacrifice and struggle made by our freedom fighters to free Mother India from British rule. It reminds us of our founding fathers who envisioned and realised the foundation of the dream of a free India.


FAQs on Essay on Independence Day 2024: 78 Years of Independence

1. Why is Independence Day celebrated?

Independence Day is celebrated to commemorate the freedom of our country. On this day, we pay tribute to all the leaders who have sacrificed their lives to get our motherland free from British rule.

2. Why is Independence Day important for the youth of today?

Independence Day is important for today’s youth because they are the future of our nation. The way our founding fathers envisioned a free India and realised their dreams, our youth also must unite as one nation and liberate our country from the shackles of caste, religion, corruption, and exploitation.

3. How is Independence Day celebrated in schools?

The students gather in school. They wear ethnic dress based on the Independence Day theme. They hoist the National Flag along with the head of the school. They sing the National Anthem. Special programs like a skit, drawing competitions, and sports activities are held. Sweets are distributed among the students.

4. Name some prominent freedom fighters.

Some prominent freedom fighters are Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Khudiram Bose, Bhagat Singh, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, B.R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, and many more.

5. How is Independence Day celebrated in our country?

Independence Day is celebrated every year in every part of the country on the 15th of August. It starts with the hoisting of our National Flag by the Prime Minister at the historical site of Red fort. Our President delivers his speech addressing every citizen of India, while the Prime Minister gives a speech focusing mainly on the past year’s achievements of the country. Twenty-one gunshots are fired in respect of all the great leaders for whom we got freedom. Our National Anthem is sung with due love and respect, and the march past of the Indian armed forces is conducted. Apart from this every institution and school celebrates the day by flag hoisting and singing the National Anthem and other patriotic songs. The day is also celebrated in every housing, office, club and other organisations.

6. Why is high alert security necessary on Independence Day?

There has always been and will be a threat to us, especially to our freedom. Many terrorist groups serve as a constant threat to our security. They always prefer the days of importance for their undesired activities. The Indian Government, along with a very efficient military force, always remain prepared in the anticipation of a terrorist attack. Security measures throughout the country are intensified with special attention to Delhi and Mumbai. Other metros and all major cities are also kept under tight security. Airspace around the Red Fort remains restricted for the day. It remains a no-fly zone on this day. Additional police forces are employed on all national highways and major roads, railways and airports.

7. Why is celebrating Independence Day important for the students?

The young students today are the future torchbearers of the country. The celebration of Independence Day is important to promote the values of nationalism and patriotism among the students. They are inspired to take responsibility for the country and reform it in a way that we all can achieve the dream nation we desire. They will take lessons from the great leaders of the country, feel their sacrifice and work towards building one nation by removing all types of corruption and exploitation. They will know and feel gratitude for those leaders and remember their work on this day. The celebration of Independence Day reminds them of their responsibility towards serving the nation and its people.

8. What role does Vedantu play in teaching essay writing on Independence Day important points to the students?

Vedantu is the right site for the students to get lessons and tips for writing English essays. They have provided many popular and also not-so-common topics in their huge list of English essays. They have prepared the essays by expert teachers in English and have provided free PDF versions of the same on their site. They have provided innumerable topics that are relevant to all classes. Short essays of 10 lines have been provided by them so that the students get a skeletal frame of the essay and can proceed on those points to end up writing good essays in English.

9. Why do we celebrate Independence Day on 15 August every year?

We celebrate Independence Day on 15 August every year because it is the day that India gained independence from the British.

10. Who is our first freedom fighter?

The first freedom fighter in India was Mangal Pandey. He was a soldier in the British Indian Army who led a mutiny against the British in 1857. His actions inspired other soldiers and civilians to join the fight for independence.

11. How is 15 August Independence Day celebrated across different regions of India?

On 15 August, Independence Day is celebrated differently across India. In Delhi, the Prime Minister speaks at Red Fort, and there are parades and performances. In Mumbai, people hoist flags and enjoy community events. Kolkata’s celebration includes a flag-raising ceremony at Victoria Memorial with patriotic music. In rural areas, people have local flag hoistings and traditional music. Each place adds its own special touch to the national celebration, showing India’s diverse culture and unity.

12. What are the different ways to wish Happy Independence Day 2024? 

For Independence Day 2024, you can wish people in various meaningful ways:

Personal Messages: “Happy Independence Day 2024! May we honour the sacrifices of our forefathers and continue to build a brighter future for our country.”

Social Media Posts: “Celebrating the 78th Independence Day with pride and joy! Let’s cherish our freedom and work towards a better India.”

Cards and Letters: “Wishing you a Happy Independence Day 2024! Let’s remember the importance of our freedom and strive to make our nation proud.”

Public Speeches: “Happy Independence Day to all! As we mark 78 years of freedom, let’s unite to advance our nation’s growth and progress.”

Community Events: “Join us in celebrating Independence Day 2024! Let’s honour our past and shape a promising future together.”


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