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300+ American History Research Paper Topics

American History Research Paper Topics

American history is a vast and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of events, movements, and individuals who have shaped the country’s past and present. From the struggles for independence and civil rights to the exploration and settlement of the continent, American history provides an abundance of topics for research papers . Whether you’re interested in politics, social issues, cultural trends, or military history, there are numerous topics to choose from that will help you delve deeper into the fascinating story of the United States. In this arcticle, we will explore some of the most compelling and thought-provoking American history topics that you can choose to explore in your own research .

American History Research Paper Topics

American History Research Paper Topics are as follows:

  • The Salem witch trials: religious hysteria and persecution.
  • The California Gold Rush: immigration and economic boom.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: cultural movements and African American creativity.
  • The Stonewall riots: LGBTQ+ rights and activism.
  • The Underground Railroad: abolitionist movement and escape from slavery.
  • The New York City Draft Riots: racial tensions and class conflict during the Civil War.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: Native American resistance and US expansionism.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial: evolution and religion in the public school system.
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: political upheaval and the aftermath.
  • The Bracero Program: labor migration and Mexican American relations.
  • The Japanese American internment: civil liberties and government policies during WWII.
  • The Black Panthers: civil rights and revolutionary politics.
  • The Montgomery bus boycott: racial segregation and nonviolent protest.
  • The War of 1812: US-British relations and national identity.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: US involvement in Vietnam and presidential power.
  • The Trail of Tears: forced relocation of Native Americans and government policy.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: westward expansion and territorial acquisition.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Abraham Lincoln and the end of slavery.
  • The Boston Tea Party: colonial resistance and the American Revolution.
  • The Haymarket Riot: labor movements and the struggle for workers’ rights.
  • The Sacco and Vanzetti trial: political prejudice and the justice system.
  • The Nixon administration and Watergate: political corruption and media coverage.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: turning point in the Civil War and military strategy.
  • The United States’ entry into WWI: neutrality and international relations.
  • The assassination of JFK: conspiracy theories and the impact on American politics.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill: post-WWII veterans’ benefits and education.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: anti-war protests and police brutality.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster: NASA and government accountability.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: Native American activism and government response.
  • The Oklahoma City bombing: domestic terrorism and extremism.
  • The Pentagon Papers: government secrecy and media freedom.
  • The American eugenics movement: racial science and government policy.
  • The Zoot Suit Riots: racial tensions and discrimination in WWII-era Los Angeles.
  • The Tet Offensive: turning point in the Vietnam War and media coverage.
  • The 1920s: flappers, jazz music, and cultural transformation.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: women’s suffrage and gender equality.
  • The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.: civil rights and the struggle for racial justice.
  • The Tea Party movement: conservative populism and political polarization.
  • The space race and the moon landing: US-Soviet competition and national pride.
  • The Gulf War: US military action in the Middle East and international relations.
  • The Hurricane Katrina disaster: government response and racial inequality.
  • The Rodney King verdict and LA riots: police brutality and racial justice.
  • The Iran-Contra scandal: government corruption and foreign policy.
  • The civil rights movement and the Freedom Riders: nonviolent protest and desegregation.
  • The Flint water crisis: environmental racism and government negligence.
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement: economic inequality and social justice.
  • The AIDS epidemic: public health crisis and societal attitudes.
  • The American Revolution: causes and consequences.
  • The impact of slavery on the development of the United States.
  • The Reconstruction Era: successes and failures.
  • The Civil War: social, political, and economic impacts.
  • The women’s suffrage movement: progress and setbacks.
  • The rise of industrialization and its impact on society.
  • The Progressive Era: reforms and political changes.
  • The New Deal: success or failure?
  • The impact of the Great Depression on American society.
  • The Second World War: America’s involvement and impact.
  • The Cold War: the US and Soviet Union’s global influence.
  • The civil rights movement: leaders and strategies.
  • The Vietnam War: political, social, and cultural impacts.
  • The Watergate scandal: corruption and the presidency.
  • The Reagan Revolution: conservatism and change.
  • The Gulf War: America’s role in international conflict.
  • The 9/11 terrorist attacks: effects on domestic and foreign policy.
  • The Obama presidency: achievements and controversies.
  • The rise of Silicon Valley: technology and innovation.
  • The labor movement: unionization and workers’ rights.
  • The Trail of Tears: the forced relocation of Native Americans.
  • The Mormon migration: religious freedom and settlement.
  • The gold rush: economic and social impacts.
  • The women’s liberation movement: progress and setbacks.
  • The rise of the suburbs: lifestyle changes and the American Dream.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: cultural and artistic movements.
  • The Dust Bowl: environmental disasters and migration.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: racism and terror in America.
  • The rise of the Christian Right: religion and politics.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: America and the Soviet Union on the brink of war.
  • The Manhattan Project: the development of nuclear weapons.
  • The Bay of Pigs invasion: US foreign policy in Latin America.
  • The Space Race: America’s competition with the Soviet Union.
  • The Black Power movement: self-determination and political activism.
  • The Stonewall riots: the birth of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.
  • The War on Drugs: the impact on minority communities.
  • The rise of hip hop: cultural expression and social commentary.
  • The Iraq War: America’s intervention in the Middle East.
  • The Tea Party movement: populism and conservative politics.
  • The Dakota Access Pipeline protests: Indigenous rights and environmentalism.
  • The #MeToo movement: sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.
  • The 2020 presidential election: controversies and historical significance.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic: social, economic, and political impacts.
  • The climate crisis: America’s role in mitigating global warming.
  • The opioid epidemic: public health crisis and government response.
  • The gig economy: labor rights and the changing nature of work.
  • The immigration debate: policies and social attitudes towards immigrants.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement: racial justice and police reform.
  • The Battle of Antietam: bloodiest day in American history and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: causes and consequences of the infamous witch hunt.
  • The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: examining the unethical medical study conducted on African American men.
  • The Stonewall Riots: analyzing the LGBTQ+ rights movement and the impact of the Stonewall uprising.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion: evaluating the failed US attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: examining the conflict between the US Army and Native American tribes.
  • The Red Scare: analyzing the fear of communism in the US during the Cold War.
  • The Manhattan Project: evaluating the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: examining the first women’s rights convention and its impact on American society.
  • The My Lai Massacre: analyzing the massacre of Vietnamese civilians by US soldiers during the Vietnam War.
  • The Treaty of Versailles: evaluating the impact of the treaty that ended World War I.
  • The Dust Bowl Migration: examining the migration of farmers from the Great Plains to California during the Great Depression.
  • The Black Lives Matter Movement: analyzing the movement for racial justice and police reform in the US.
  • The Oregon Trail: examining the westward expansion of the US and the impact of the Oregon Trail.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: evaluating the protests and violence that occurred during the convention.
  • The Indian Removal Act: examining the forced relocation of Native American tribes in the 1830s.
  • The Great Society: evaluating the social and economic reforms of President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: analyzing the US Army’s killing of Native American men, women, and children in 1890.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: examining the rise and fall of the white supremacist group.
  • The Gadsden Purchase: evaluating the US acquisition of land from Mexico in 1853.
  • The Second Great Awakening: analyzing the religious revival of the early 19th century and its impact on American society.
  • The Haymarket Riot: examining the labor unrest and violence that occurred during the 1886 Chicago labor rally.
  • The Dust Bowl Art: analyzing the art and literature inspired by the Great Plains drought.
  • The Roe v. Wade Decision: evaluating the impact of the landmark Supreme Court decision on abortion rights.
  • The Salem Customs House: examining the significance of the customs house in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel “The Scarlet Letter.”
  • The Homestead Strike: analyzing the violent labor dispute that occurred at the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892.
  • The War of 1812: evaluating the US conflict with Great Britain and its impact on American society.
  • The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial: examining the controversial trial of two Italian immigrants in the 1920s.
  • The Scopes Monkey Trial: evaluating the trial that pitted science against religion in the 1920s.
  • The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: examining the US treaty with Panama that led to the construction of the Panama Canal.
  • The Bonus Army: analyzing the World War I veterans who marched on Washington, D.C. to demand government benefits.
  • The O.J. Simpson Trial: evaluating the impact of the high-profile murder trial on American culture.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair: examining the political scandal that involved the US selling weapons to Iran and using the profits to fund anti-communist rebels in Nicaragua.
  • The Buffalo Soldiers: analyzing the history of the African American soldiers who served in the western frontier.
  • The American Civil War: examining the factors that led to the conflict.
  • The New Deal: evaluating the impact of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s economic policies.
  • The Space Race: the competition between the US and Soviet Union to explore space.
  • The Vietnam War: analyzing the US involvement in the conflict.
  • The American Revolution: evaluating the role of key figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: examining the fight for racial equality in the US.
  • The Gold Rush: exploring the impact of the California Gold Rush on American society.
  • The Watergate Scandal: the political scandal that brought down President Nixon.
  • The Great Migration: analyzing the movement of African Americans from the South to Northern cities.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: examining the cultural and artistic movement of the 1920s.
  • The Trail of Tears: evaluating the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands.
  • The Cold War: analyzing the political and economic tensions between the US and Soviet Union.
  • The Industrial Revolution: examining the changes brought about by industrialization in the US.
  • The Boston Tea Party: evaluating the impact of the colonial protest against British taxation.
  • The Underground Railroad: analyzing the network that helped slaves escape to freedom.
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: examining the fight for women’s right to vote.
  • The Dust Bowl: evaluating the environmental and economic impact of the Great Plains drought.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: analyzing Lincoln’s decision to free slaves in Confederate states.
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: examining the forced migration of Africans to the US.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: analyzing the impact of the US acquisition of Louisiana from France.
  • The Spanish Flu Pandemic: examining the global pandemic that killed millions.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor: evaluating the impact of the Japanese attack on the US.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: analyzing the nonviolent protest against segregated public transportation.
  • The Panama Canal: examining the construction of the canal and its impact on international trade.
  • The Salem Maritime Trade: analyzing the economic and social impact of maritime trade in the colonial period.
  • The Cuban Revolution: examining the overthrow of Batista and the rise of Fidel Castro.
  • The Iraq War: analyzing the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
  • The New York City Draft Riots: evaluating the racial and class tensions that led to the riots.
  • The Black Panther Party: examining the political and social impact of the Black Panther movement.
  • The American West: analyzing the expansion and settlement of the American West.
  • The Berlin Wall: examining the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • The 19th Amendment: evaluating the impact of women’s right to vote on American society.
  • The United States and the United Nations: analyzing the US involvement in the UN.
  • The Jim Crow Laws: examining the laws that enforced racial segregation in the US.
  • The Bracero Program: analyzing the US-Mexico labor agreement during World War II.
  • The Korean War: evaluating the US involvement in the conflict.
  • The Alamo: examining the battle that became a symbol of Texas independence.
  • The Assassination of JFK: analyzing the impact of the assassination on American politics and society.
  • The Great Chicago Fire: evaluating the impact of the fire that destroyed much of Chicago in 1871.
  • The Americanization Movement: examining the movement that sought to assimilate immigrants into American culture.
  • The Spanish American War: US imperialism and expansion in the late 19th century.
  • The Red Scare: political repression and the fear of communism in the 20th century.
  • The National Parks system: conservation and environmentalism in the US.
  • The Women’s Liberation Movement: feminism and gender equality in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Brown v. Board of Education decision: landmark ruling on desegregation in public schools.
  • The Gulf of Mexico oil spill: environmental disaster and corporate responsibility.
  • The American Revolution: causes, major events, and legacy.
  • The Great Depression: economic crisis and government response in the 1930s.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: legislative landmark in the struggle for racial justice.
  • The Dust Bowl: ecological disaster and its impact on American agriculture.
  • The Waco Siege: government overreach and religious extremism.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire: workplace safety and labor reform.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement: police brutality and racial justice in the 21st century.
  • The Homestead Strike: labor dispute and the fight for workers’ rights.
  • The Panama Canal: engineering marvel and US influence in Central America.
  • The Marshall Plan: US aid to Europe after World War II and the Cold War.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: nuclear brinksmanship and US-Soviet relations.
  • The Montgomery Improvement Association: nonviolent resistance and the bus boycott.
  • The Roe v. Wade decision: reproductive rights and the women’s movement.
  • The My Lai Massacre: war crimes and US military conduct in Vietnam.
  • The Salem-Keizer school desegregation case: busing and the limits of integration.
  • The Flint sit-down strike: labor unrest and unionization in the auto industry.
  • The transcontinental railroad: westward expansion and economic growth.
  • The Iranian Hostage Crisis: US foreign policy and Middle East tensions.
  • The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: US control of the Panama Canal and sovereignty issues.
  • The Black Sox Scandal: corruption and gambling in Major League Baseball.
  • The Freedom Summer: civil rights activism and voter registration in the South.
  • The Salem maritime trade: piracy and international commerce in the colonial period.
  • The Stono Rebellion: slave rebellion and resistance in South Carolina.
  • The Alaska Purchase: US acquisition of Alaska and its impact on Native Alaskans.
  • The United States and the League of Nations: US foreign policy and internationalism.
  • The Chicago Seven trial: political dissent and government repression during the Vietnam War.
  • The Reagan Revolution: conservative politics and the changing face of American politics.
  • The American Indian Movement: Native American rights and activism.
  • The Battle of Bull Run: first major battle of the Civil War and its impact.
  • The Wounded Knee Occupation: Native American sovereignty and government response.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion: taxation and the limits of federal authority in the early US.
  • The Iran-Iraq War: US involvement and Middle East politics.
  • The United States and the Cold War: US-Soviet relations and the arms race.
  • The Ku Klux Klan: white supremacy and domestic terrorism in American history.
  • The Battle of Midway: turning point in World War II and military strategy.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: analyzing the civil rights movement and its impact on segregation in the South.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: evaluating the US and Soviet Union’s tense standoff in 1962.
  • The Trail of Tears: examining the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands in the 1830s.
  • The Space Race: analyzing the competition between the US and Soviet Union to explore space.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: evaluating the impact of President Lincoln’s proclamation on slavery during the Civil War.
  • The Black Panthers: examining the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: analyzing the cultural movement that celebrated African American art, literature, and music in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • The Korean War: evaluating the US and UN’s conflict with North Korea and China in the 1950s.
  • The Boston Tea Party: examining the protest that sparked the American Revolution.
  • The National Parks System: analyzing the history and impact of the National Parks System in the US.
  • The New Deal: evaluating President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s economic reforms during the Great Depression.
  • The Black Codes: examining the laws passed in Southern states after the Civil War to restrict the rights of African Americans.
  • The Watergate Scandal: analyzing the political scandal that led to the resignation of President Nixon.
  • The War on Drugs: evaluating the US government’s policies and actions to combat drug use and trafficking.
  • The McCarthy Hearings: examining the anti-communist hearings led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.
  • The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake: analyzing the disaster and its impact on the city and American society.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: examining the tragedy that led to significant labor reforms in the early 20th century.
  • The Rodney King Riots: analyzing the 1992 riots in Los Angeles following the acquittal of police officers in the beating of Rodney King.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad: evaluating the construction of the railroad and its impact on American transportation and commerce.
  • The New York Draft Riots: examining the violent protests against the Civil War draft in New York City in 1863.
  • The Tulsa Race Massacre: analyzing the 1921 race massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma and its aftermath.
  • The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: examining the deadly global pandemic and its impact on American society.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: evaluating the pivotal Civil War battle and its impact on the war and American history.
  • The Mexican-American War: analyzing the US conflict with Mexico and its impact on American expansion.
  • The American Indian Movement: examining the Native American organization and its activism for Indigenous rights.
  • The War in Iraq: evaluating the US-led war in Iraq and its impact on US foreign policy.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: analyzing the landmark legislation that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • The Jim Crow Laws: examining the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South after the Civil War.
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: evaluating the fight for women’s right to vote in the US.
  • The Anti-Vietnam War Movement: analyzing the protests and activism against the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • The Donner Party: examining the ill-fated wagon train journey and its impact on westward expansion.
  • The Great Migration: analyzing the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North and West in the early 20th century.
  • The Red Scare: examining the anti-communist hysteria in the US during the Cold War era.
  • The Alamo: evaluating the 1836 battle in Texas and its significance in American history.
  • The Cuban Revolution: analyzing the revolution led by Fidel Castro and its impact on US-Cuban relations.
  • The Dust Bowl: examining the environmental disaster that devastated the Great Plains in the 1930s.
  • The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.: analyzing the impact of the civil rights leader’s death on American society.
  • The California Gold Rush: evaluating the rush of people to California in search of gold in 1849.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: examining the 1692 witch hunt and its impact on American society.
  • The Reconstruction Era: analyzing the period of US history following the Civil War that aimed to rebuild the South and integrate newly freed slaves into society.
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster: evaluating the tragic 1986 event that claimed the lives of seven astronauts.
  • The Great Society: examining President Lyndon B. Johnson’s domestic policies in the 1960s and their impact on American society.
  • The Bataan Death March: analyzing the brutal forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war by the Japanese in World War II.
  • The Detroit Race Riot: examining the violent 1967 riots in Detroit and their impact on American race relations.
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: analyzing the 1890 massacre of Sioux Indians by US troops and its impact on Native American relations with the US government.
  • The Spanish-American War: evaluating the US conflict with Spain in 1898 and its impact on American imperialism.
  • The Cold War: examining the geopolitical tensions between the US and Soviet Union from 1945-1991.
  • The Underground Railroad: evaluating the network of secret routes and safe houses used to help enslaved people escape to freedom in the 19th century.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen: examining the all-Black fighter squadron that served in World War II and their impact on American history.
  • The Boston Massacre: analyzing the 1770 event in which British soldiers killed five colonists and its impact on American revolutionary sentiment.
  • The 1968 Democratic National Convention: examining the protests and clashes between police and anti-war demonstrators during the convention.
  • The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision: evaluating the landmark decision legalizing abortion in the US in 1973.
  • The Louisiana Territory: analyzing the US acquisition of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.
  • The Stock Market Crash of 1929: examining the causes and impact of the crash that led to the Great Depression.
  • The Lusitania sinking: analyzing the 1915 sinking of a British passenger ship by a German submarine and its impact on American entry into World War I.
  • The Second Great Awakening: evaluating the religious revival movement in the US in the early 19th century and its impact on American society.
  • The Black Panthers: analyzing the impact of the Black Panther Party on the civil rights movement and American society in the 1960s.
  • The Mexican-American War: examining the US conflict with Mexico in the 1840s and its impact on US expansionism.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: analyzing the 1911 tragedy and its impact on workplace safety regulations.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad: evaluating the building of the railroad in the late 19th century and its impact on American transportation and economy.
  • The Stono Rebellion: examining the 1739 slave uprising in South Carolina and its impact on American slavery laws.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg: analyzing the 1863 battle and its significance in the Civil War.
  • The Black Sox Scandal: evaluating the 1919 scandal in which members of the Chicago White Sox baseball team were accused of throwing the World Series.
  • The Oregon Trail: examining the westward expansion of American settlers to the Pacific Northwest in the 19th century.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: analyzing the landmark legislation outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • The Indian Removal Act: evaluating the 1830 law that authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes from their lands in the Southeastern US.
  • The Battle of Antietam: analyzing the 1862 battle and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair: examining the political scandal involving the Reagan administration’s secret arms sales to Iran and illegal funding of Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
  • The Pullman Strike: analyzing the 1894 labor strike by railway workers and its impact on American labor laws.
  • The 1920s: examining the cultural, social, and political changes that occurred during the “Roaring Twenties.”
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn: analyzing the 1876 battle between US forces and Sioux and Cheyenne warriors and its impact on Native American relations with the US government.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill: evaluating the legislation that provided education and training benefits to US veterans after World War II.
  • The Black Codes: examining the laws enacted in the South after the Civil War that restricted the rights and freedoms of newly freed slaves.
  • The Korean War: analyzing the US involvement in the conflict and its impact on American foreign policy.
  • The Seneca Falls Convention: evaluating the 1848 convention advocating for women’s suffrage and its impact on the women’s rights movement.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion: examining the failed 1961 US attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba.
  • The Homestead Strike: analyzing the 1892 labor strike by steelworkers and its impact on American labor relations.
  • The Gadsden Purchase: evaluating the US acquisition of land from Mexico in 1853 and its impact on American territorial expansion.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: examining the cultural and artistic movement in the 1920s and 1930s that celebrated Black creativity and identity.
  • The Fourteenth Amendment: analyzing the constitutional amendment that granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the US.
  • The Battle of New Orleans: evaluating the 1815 battle in which American forces led by Andrew Jackson defeated British troops and its impact on American nationalism.
  • The Birmingham Campaign: analyzing the 1963 civil rights campaign in Alabama and its impact on the movement.
  • The Pullman Palace Car Company: examining the company’s history and impact on American railroad travel and labor relations.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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US History Research Paper Topics: Moments that Shaped a Nation


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877
  • 1.2 US History Paper Topics on the Civil War
  • 1.3 American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization
  • 1.4 American History Research Topics on Reconstruction
  • 1.5 20th-Century American History Paper Topics
  • 1.6 US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II
  • 1.7 American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement
  • 1.8 Native American History Thesis Topics
  • 2 Which Topics to Choose for History Research?
  • 3 Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

Exploring the rich and complex narrative of the United States, this article is designed as a resource for students and researchers embarking on assignments that require a deep dive into American history. Perfect for term papers, thesis projects, and detailed historical analyses, the guide presents a curated selection of interesting US history research paper topics.

  • We provide a comprehensive guide for students, researchers, and history enthusiasts seeking engaging and insightful topics for their research papers on American history.
  • These topics cover critical eras and events shaping America, from the early days before 1877 to the transformative 20th century.

With these good US history research topics in mind, let’s go over each one in-depth, creating a foundation for smart research and analysis.

List of 160 American History Research Paper Topics

History is a rich and complex subject, ripe for exploration in academic research. Whether you’re a student seeking a topic for an assignment or a history enthusiast looking to delve deeper into America’s past, this list offers a diverse range of subjects. From early colonial times to the modern era, each topic provides a unique lens through which to examine the nation’s history.

Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American societies.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Causes and effects.
  • The role of the Seven Years’ War in shaping early American society.
  • The Declaration of Independence: Context and legacy.
  • The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and weaknesses.
  • The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Key debates and outcomes.
  • The Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist debate: Impact on the US Constitution.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: Motivations and consequences.
  • The War of 1812: Causes, course, and outcomes.
  • Manifest Destiny: Ideology and impact on westward expansion.
  • The Trail of Tears and Native American Removal Policies.
  • The role of slavery in antebellum America.
  • The Mexican-American War: Origins and effects.
  • The Gold Rush of 1849 and its impact on American expansion.
  • The Compromise of 1850 and its role in the lead-up to the Civil War.
  • The Dred Scott Decision: Implications and controversy.
  • The Underground Railroad: Key figures and operations.
  • The election of 1860 and its role in the secession crisis.
  • The role of women in antebellum America.
  • Early American foreign policy: Principles and practices.

US History Paper Topics on the Civil War

  • The causes of the American Civil War: A comprehensive analysis.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The role of slavery in sparking the Civil War.
  • Military strategies of the Union and the Confederacy.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Intentions and effects.
  • Key battles of the Civil War: Gettysburg, Antietam, and others.
  • The role of technology in the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Civil War on civilian life in the North and South.
  • The role of African American soldiers in the Civil War.
  • The diplomatic dimensions of the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction plans: Lincoln vs. Johnson.
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Impact on post-war America.
  • The economic consequences of the Civil War for the South.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The Draft Riots of 1863: Causes and impact.
  • The impact of the Civil War on American literature and art.
  • The role of nurses and medical practices during the Civil War.
  • The use of propaganda in the Civil War.
  • The transition from slavery to freedom during and after the Civil War.
  • The legacy of the Civil War in American memory.

American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization

  • The Second Industrial Revolution: Key innovations and their impact.
  • The rise of American industrial tycoons: Carnegie, Rockefeller, and others.
  • The impact of the railroad expansion on American society and economy.
  • Urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Labor movements and strikes of the late 19th century.
  • The rise of monopolies and antitrust laws in the United States.
  • The impact of immigration on American industrial growth.
  • The role of women and children in industrial labor.
  • Technological advancements and their societal impact during industrialization.
  • The emergence of consumer culture in the late 19th century.
  • The environmental impact of industrialization.
  • Social Darwinism and its influence on American society.
  • The rise of organized labor and the American Federation of Labor.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and its aftermath.
  • The Homestead Strike: Causes and consequences.
  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution on American agriculture.
  • The role of education during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Transportation innovations and their impact on American life.
  • The evolution of American business practices during industrialization.
  • The Gilded Age: Wealth, poverty, and social disparity.

American History Research Topics on Reconstruction

  • The Reconstruction Amendments: Impact and limitations.
  • Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of the Freedmen’s Bureau in post-Civil War America.
  • Sharecropping and tenant farming: Continuation of slavery by another name?
  • The rise and impact of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.
  • The Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction.
  • The Black Codes: Purpose and effects.
  • The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson: Causes and consequences.
  • The role of African Americans in politics during Reconstruction.
  • Economic challenges of the South during Reconstruction.
  • The establishment of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
  • The legacy of Reconstruction in the South.
  • The Jim Crow laws: Origins and impact.
  • The role of women during Reconstruction.
  • The Slaughterhouse Cases and their impact on civil rights.
  • The Enforcement Acts and their effectiveness in protecting African American rights.
  • The impact of Reconstruction on Northern society and politics.
  • Education reform in the South during Reconstruction.
  • The role of the U.S. military in enforcing Reconstruction policies.
  • The long-term effects of Reconstruction on American race relations.

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20th-Century American History Paper Topics

  • The Progressive Era: Reforms and key figures.
  • The impact of World War I on American society and politics.
  • The Roaring Twenties: Culture, economics, and politics.
  • The Great Depression: Causes and the New Deal response.
  • The impact of World War II on the American home front.
  • The Cold War: Key events and American foreign policy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Key figures and legislative milestones.
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, course, and impact on American society.
  • The Women’s Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Watergate Scandal and its impact on American politics.
  • The Space Race: Technological advancements and Cold War implications.
  • The rise of environmentalism in the 20th century.
  • The impact of the automobile on 20th-century American life.
  • The rise of the American suburbs in the post-World War II era.
  • The counterculture of the 1960s and its impact on American society.
  • The Reagan Era: Policies and impact on the United States.
  • The War on Drugs: Origins, strategies, and consequences.
  • The impact of technological advancements on late 20th-century life.
  • The rise of the internet and its impact on society and culture.
  • The 9/11 attacks and their aftermath on American foreign policy.

US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II

  • The causes and consequences of American entry into World War I.
  • The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on post-war America.
  • American isolationism between World War I and World War II.
  • The Lend-Lease Act and American support for the Allies before entering World War II.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor: Causes and immediate effects.
  • The home front during World War II: Women, minorities, and the war effort.
  • The role of propaganda in American support for World War II.
  • The development and use of the atomic bomb.
  • The impact of World War II on American foreign policy.
  • The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
  • The role of African Americans in World War II.
  • The D-Day invasion: Planning, execution, and significance.
  • The Battle of Midway: Turning point in the Pacific War.
  • American military strategy in the European and Pacific theaters.
  • The Holocaust and American responses to it.
  • The post-war world order and the establishment of the United Nations.
  • The GI Bill and its impact on post-war American society.
  • The Nuremberg Trials: Legal and moral implications.
  • The Marshall Plan and American post-war economic policy.
  • The start of the Cold War: Origins and early confrontations.

American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement

  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Causes and outcomes.
  • The role of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Little Rock Nine and school desegregation.
  • The Freedom Rides: Objectives and impact.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Development and effects.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965: Importance and consequences.
  • The role of women in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Black Power Movement: Ideals and key figures.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on other minority groups.
  • The assassination of Malcolm X: Context and aftermath.
  • The Selma to Montgomery marches: Significance and outcomes.
  • The role of the NAACP in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Birmingham Campaign and the use of nonviolent protest.
  • The role of the media in shaping public perception of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the North: Challenges and Achievements.
  • The Economic Bill of Rights proposed by the Poor People’s Campaign.
  • The role of music in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American law and society.
  • The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): Contributions and challenges.
  • The legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in contemporary America.

Native American History Thesis Topics

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American cultures.
  • The Trail of Tears: Causes, course, and consequences.
  • Native American resistance movements: King Philip’s War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, and others.
  • The impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
  • Native American life on reservations in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • The role of Native Americans in American wars.
  • The Ghost Dance Movement and the Wounded Knee Massacre.
  • Native American boarding schools: Policies and impact on culture.
  • The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and its implications.
  • The American Indian Movement (AIM): Goals and major actions.
  • The impact of the Dawes Act on tribal land and culture.
  • The role of Native American women in their societies.
  • Contemporary Native American issues: Sovereignty, land rights, and cultural preservation.
  • The Native American Renaissance: A cultural and literary overview.
  • The impact of environmental changes on Native American communities.
  • The repatriation of Native American artifacts and remains.
  • The role of treaties in Native American history.
  • Native American spiritual beliefs and practices.
  • The impact of the fur trade on Native American societies.
  • Contemporary Native American political activism.

Which Topics to Choose for History Research?

Given the breadth and diversity of US history topics, choosing one to write about can be difficult. To reduce your options, think about your interests and the extent of your investigation. Look for themes that provide a balance of available materials and new perspectives to explore.

When choosing a topic, consider its significance in the larger context of American history. Consider how the topic has influenced or reflected societal, political, or economic trends. For example, topics such as the Civil Rights Movement and World War II provide insights into moments of revolutionary change and struggle.

Also, examine the availability of primary and secondary sources. A well-documented topic provides for a more thorough study and a stronger argument. Always ensure that your chosen topic adheres to the criteria and objectives of your assignment or research aim.

Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

In this journey through American history, we have explored various topics that offer a window into the nation’s complex and multifaceted past. From the struggles and triumphs of early American society to the transformative events of the 20th century, these topics provide a foundation for understanding how the United States has evolved. Engaging with these topics enriches our historical knowledge and deepens our understanding of the present. As students, scholars, or simply curious minds, delving into these aspects of America’s past can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the nation’s journey and its ongoing story.

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topics for american history research papers

197 Fascinating US History Research Topics To Top The Class

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There is no doubt that America is one of the greatest countries in the world. With its rich history and diverse culture, America has something to offer everyone. The good news is that a wealth of information is available on American history, so you will find one of the research topics that interest you. Today, we will talk about those very US history research topics.

Whether you are looking for a specific event in American history or want to learn more about the country, there is plenty of material to help you get started. If unsure where to begin, try starting with a general search on American history. You can also look for specific topics, such as the American Revolution or the Civil War.

Once you have chosen a US History research topic, you’re on the way to greatness. 

Table of Contents

US History Research Topics: Classic, Neo-Classic, Mind Blowing

The initial step in writing a  research paper  on the history of the United States is to decide on a fascinating topic. If you’re experiencing difficulty finding an excellent US History research topic, don’t fret – we have you covered. This article includes a list of intriguing American History research paper topics for your convenience and to help you ace your thesis. You can also avail History Research Help Service to achieve good grades.

Classic US History Research Topics

classic us history research topics

  • Voyage to Indies and Discovery of North America
  • Influence of The New World On the Lives of American Indians
  • British colonization of North America: Reasons and motives
  • Life and conditions for early settlers in America
  • The difference between Southern Colonies and Northern Colonies
  • The role of women in the Appalachian colonies 
  • The causes of slavery in Newfound America
  • Benefits and harms of slavery in the United States of America
  • Puritans influence American society and prejudice against other communities
  • Conflicts and battles between native Americans and European settlers
  • The reasons behind American Revolution and war for freedom
  • Research on Salem Witch Trials: Causes and Consequences
  • American Revolution War: Causes and Consequences
  • Status of African-Americans and condition of slavery after the civil war
  • Who were the pilgrims?

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Neo-Classical US History Research Topics

neo classical us history research topics

  • Why was the Civil Rights Movement in the United States influential?
  • Is John Kennedy’s death still a mystery?
  • Legal Trials and Investigations over JF Kennedy’s Assassination
  • Media works, documentaries, and films based on the Life and Death of John Kennedy
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: The Threat of Escalation and War
  • The reasons behind America fighting the Korean War and its consequences
  • Primary causes and consequences of The Vietnam War for The United States
  • Analysis of Apocalypse Now in the light of the Vietnam War
  • The Iraq War: Causes and Consequences
  • What was the Cold War?
  • Was The Iraq War a mistake?
  • History of the Cold War and its impact on The World and United States
  • Impacts of the Iraq War on the global scenario
  • War on Terror in Afghanistan
  • Reasons behind 9/11 attacks and what could we have done to avoid this?
  • Importance of political stability in Pakistan for Global Peace
  • Hiroshima Bombing: The Greatest Crime Against Humanity in the history of humankind
  • Was the bombing of Hiroshima justified?
  • Robert Oppenheimer: The Maker Maker of The Atomic Bomb
  • History of Nuclear Weapons in the light of the sentence “Now I become death, destroyer of the world.”
  • The attack of Pearl Harbor: The First Major Allies Defeat
  • The role of the United States in World War II
  • The Great Depression: Causes and Consequences
  • The reasons for Americans Entering World War I
  • Causes and consequences of The National Ban
  • Purpose of the First Constitution Amendment

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American History Research Topics For High School

american history research topics for high school

  • The role of the Sons of Liberty in the history of the United States
  • History of Slavery and Racism
  • Native American opposition against the settlers
  • A wave of slavery in the United States
  • President impeachment over moral issues
  • President’s impeachment over national security
  • Can the Vietnam War be justified?
  • Possibilities of neutrality for the United States in World War I
  • Did the world become safer after the Cold War
  • Countries involved in The Cold War
  • The role of America In The Cold War in The Middle East
  • The history behind the Russo-Ukrainian War and the role of America
  • Role of Slavery in the American Civil War
  • Was slavery the only reason behind American Civil War?
  • Imagine yourself in America of 1776? What would be your role? A revolutionary or not?
  • Influence of Puritanism On Modern American Culture
  • The reasons why America is called The Land Of Opportunity
  • The reasons for the creation of the Articles of Confederation
  • Difference between North and South American Politics
  • The influence of George Washington on the results of the American Revolution

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US History Research Topics for College

us history research topics for college

  • The time of president Jackson
  • Monroe doctrine: “America is for The Americans.”
  • Presidency of Jefferson
  • Conquest of the wild west
  • Systematic plunder and annihilation of the Indians
  • Constitution of the united states
  • Constitutions of the states: the sovereignty of the people, division of powers, the election of positions
  • Public, church and state separation
  • Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence: “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
  • War of independence
  • Bill of rights; suspension of trade with England
  • Boston tea party against England
  • First English emigrants to North America
  • From the end of the great depression to the consumer fever
  • The marginalized societies
  • Black people as a marginalized society
  • Transgender as a marginalized community
  • Women as a marginalized community in America
  • The time of interwar
  • The great depression
  • From the civil war to the 1st world war
  • Consumer society
  • The war of secession
  • The war against Mexico
  • The destruction of Indian cultures
  • Persecution against Indian People
  • The policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean during the second presidency of Barack Obama
  • Americans and political influence in Latin America
  • Changes in the power equation, strategic constants in the last two centuries
  • Defense Policies in a Global Economic Context and unstable politician
  • The United States and anti-Americanism
  • Cultural identity and national security
  • Political and economic reforms
  • The four pillars of US foreign policy toward the Western Hemisphere in the 21st century
  • History of Science and technology in the United States
  • Work, job insecurity and inequalities youth income in the United States
  • History of  US-Russian relations  and the crisis in Ukraine
  • Hegemony, geopolitics and the United States
  • The Capitalist World System and the New Alignments Geopolitics in the 21st Century

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Political US History Research Topics

political us history research topics

  • Ages of consent and marriage: steps throughout US History
  • History of sexual freedom in America
  • The history of Political Science
  • Political wounds before and after the death of John F. Kennedy
  • Jimmy Hoffa as, a notable figure
  • Involvement of Sicilian Mafia in the Political History of the United States
  • Right to abortion: Past and present
  • Immigration to the United States over the last century
  • Evolution in the rights of immigrants
  • History of Human Rights in The US
  • History of Capital Punishments
  • The US In International rankings
  • Issue of Mass Surveillance: Predictions of George Orwell
  • Political terrorism by the United States officials
  • Economic terrorism
  • Separation of the church from politics
  • Foundation of Healthcare policies
  • Issue of national security and crimes against prisoners
  • War crimes in Iraq
  • Environmental politics over the year
  • Business vs. working-class conflicts
  • Poverty among marginalized societies and the role of the state to overcome the issue
  • Global politics and the role of America
  • Religious prejudice in the United States
  • Racism in Politics
  • The political history of American capitalism

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US Industry History Research Topics

us industry history research topics

  • The United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • History of Science and Technology in The United States
  • History of NASA and space quest
  • Attempts to land on the moon
  • History of American Medicine and Pharma
  • History of American discoveries
  • History of American inventions
  • Appreciative research about American engineers and industrialists
  • Research on African-American Inventors
  • A deep look into the National Investors Hall of Fame
  • Science and technology in the United States
  • Industrial revolution in the United States
  • Role of Capitalism in industrial America
  • History of Astrophysics 
  • Research in molecular genetics and genomics 
  • Health care in the United States and the History of biotechnology
  • History of nuclear weapons
  • Manhattan Project: Historical Aspects
  • The space race between USA and Russia
  • Technology during World War I and Technology during World War II
  • The military-industrial complex in the United States
  • History of Banking and Finance
  • History of Wall Street
  • Labour unions in the United States and Immigration to the United States
  • The agricultural history of the United States
  • History of the automobile and Interstate highway system
  • Ford Vs. Ferrari: Historical Industrial elements portrayed in the movie
  • History of electromagnetism and War of currents
  • History of the oil industry and Pennsylvania Oil Rush
  • The invention of the telephone
  • History iron industry 
  • History of the steel industry
  • History of Iron and Steel Manufacturing
  • History of rail transportation in the United States
  • Second industrial revolution
  • Role of industry and technology in World War I
  • Role of industry and technology in World War II
  • History of coal mining
  • Efficiencies introduced during the industrial revolution by motorways and canals
  • Highways and road structures in the US 
  • History of freeways and canals in the United States
  • Native American inventors: A more profound look
  • Native American Industrialists in the United States
  • Structures and industries built by the indigenous people

Business and industry go side by side; you might want to explore:  Business Research Topics  through Paper Perk.

International Relations: History of US Research Topics

international relations history of us research topics

  • The institutionalization of Political Science
  • Studies and Trends in Politics and International Relations
  • Historical threats to the US International Relations
  • The origin of international relations
  • Traditional thought of international relations
  • The objective study of historical international relations of the United States
  • Origin of Globalization as the US as the center of it
  • The United States regarding the international exchange of Technology and cultural industries
  • Humanitarian intervention, conflicts and genocide
  • Environment, migrations and development
  • Security in Relationships Contemporary Internationals

Related to International Relations and Diplomacy:  266 Political Science Research Topics To Get All The Votes

History of Hollywood Research Topics

history of hollywood research topics

  • Filmmakers from New York
  • Life at Hollywood
  • History of Visual Effects in American films
  • Mafia movies as the rise of emerging US Cinema
  • History of American cinema
  • Origin and History of Hollywood
  • History of motion picture
  • Cinema: from the end of the 19th century to the present day
  • Reflection of social and historical facts in Hollywood
  • Pioneering studies on ideological and historical traits
  • Historical Trends That Have Impacted Movies
  • Movies explain the past and relate to it
  • Initial studies on cinema and its impact on the society

Talking about Hollywood, let’s look at some  Music research topics

In conclusion, this article has provided 197 US history research topics. With such a wide range of topics, you will find one that interests you. With careful research and a well-written thesis, you can win your supervisor’s heart and write the year’s thesis. If you are still confused, you can contact  our writers  for an immediate consultation.

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American history research guide, american history: smithsonian institution resources, american immigration history, american industrial history.

  • American Music History

American Presidency and Political History

American religious history, american studies and history, american women's history.

  • American Automobile and Transportation History

Basic History Research Tools

Design and decorative arts, environmental history, food and beverage history.

  • Graphic Arts

History of American Education

  • History of Technology: Invention and Inventors

History of the Computer and the Internet

Lewis and clark expedition, medical history, military history.

  • Naval History

Numismatic Resources

Photography history, railroad history, united states cartography and maps.

  • World's Fairs and Expositions Resources

The Smithsonian Libraries and Archives' American History Research Guide is a select list of resources for students, teachers, and researchers to learn about various topics of American History. 

  • Anacostia Community Museum
  • Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
  • From Smithson to Smithsonian: The Birth of an Institution :  Bibliography on the History of the Smithsonian Institution
  • National Air and Space Museum
  • National Museum of African American History and Culture
  • National Museum of American History
  • National Museum of the American Indian
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • National Postal Museum

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  • Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies : The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies which documents and interprets the ethnic and immigrant experience in the United States. Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies has recently merged into the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
  • Bracero History Archive : The Bracero History Archive collects and makes available the oral histories and artifacts pertaining to the Bracero program, a guest worker initiative that spanned the years 1942-1964. Millions of Mexican agricultural workers crossed the border under the program to work in more than half of the states in America.
  • Ellis Island : The Ellis Island Immigration Museum and their online American Family Immigration History Center (AFIHC) allows visitors to explore the collection of immigrant arrival records stored in the Ellis Island Archives.
  • Immigrant Arrivals: A Guide To Published Sources : Library of Congress bibliography of print and web based resources.
  • Immigration History Research Center : The IHRC develops and maintains a library and archival collection, provides research assistance, produces publications, and sponsors academic and public programs. Its work supports the parent institution, the University of Minnesota.
  • Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930 : Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930, is a web-based collection of selected historical materials from Harvard's libraries, archives, and museums that documents voluntary immigration to the US from the signing of the Constitution to the onset of the Great Depression.
  • I mmigration: The Changing Face of America : A Library of Congress site for teachers and students.
  • National Archives & Records Administration Immigration Records: Immigration Records : NARA has immigration records for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1800 and 1959. The records are arranged by Port of Arrival.
  • Beyond Steel: An Archive of Lehigh Valley Industry and Culture : This Lehigh University Digital Library site highlights the Lehigh Valley's mid nineteenth-century boom, late twentieth-century decline and continuing community readjustment. Through the digitization and presentation of letters, books, photographs, maps, essays, and oral histories the site will aid researchers in understanding not only the lives of railroad barons and steel titans, but also the experiences of average folks who worked and lived in the community.
  • Inside an American Factory: Westinghouse Works Collection : A part of the Library of Congress American Memory Project, this collection of films, images and text. The collection contains 21 films showing various views of Westinghouse companies. Most prominently featured are the Westinghouse Air Brake Company, the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, and the Westinghouse Machine Company.
  • U.S. Steel Gary Works Photograph Collection : The Indiana University Digital Library Program is produced this series of more than 2,200 photographs of the Gary Works steel mill and the corporate town of Gary, Indiana held by the Calumet Regional Archives at Indiana University Northwest.

American Music History Resources

  • African-American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 : The sheet music in this digital collection has been selected from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University. The full collection consists of approximately 500,000 items, of which perhaps 250,000 are currently available for use. It is one of the largest collections of sheet music in any library in the United States.
  • Azúcar! The Life and Music of Celia Cruz

A bibliography of monographs and lesson plans for teachers from K to 12.

  • Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments : Features descriptions and images of many items in the collection and publication lists.
  • Historic American Sheet Music : The Historic American Sheet Music Project provides access to digital images of 3,042 pieces from the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University, published in America between 1850 and 1920.
  • Historic Sheet Music, 1800-1922 : This sheet music collection from the Library of Congress consists of approximately 9,000 items published from 1800 to 1922, although the majority is from 1850 to 1920. The bulk was published in many different cities in the United States, but some of the items bear European imprints. Most of the music is written for voice and piano; a significant minority is instrumental. Notable in this collection are early pieces by Irving Berlin and Jerome Kern, as well as music by other popular composers such as Victor Herbert, Jean Schwartz, Paul Dresser, Ernest R. Ball, Gussie L. Davis, Charles K. Harris, and George M. Cohan. Numerous arrangements of classical tunes by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert and other famous classical composers are also well-represented.
  • Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music : This collection, at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University, contains over 29,000 pieces of music and focuses on popular American music spanning the period 1780 to 1960. All pieces of the collection are indexed on this site and a search will retrieve a catalog description of the pieces and an image of the cover and each page of music.
  • RoJaRo Index : An index to more than 300,000 entries, covering 250 music magazines from 20 countries, covering all types of contemporary popular music: rock, jazz, roots, blues, rap, soul, gospel, country, reggae, etc.

The Sheet Music Consortium : The Archive of Popular American Music is a non-circulating research collection covering the history of popular music in America from 1790 to the present. The collection is one of the largest in the country, numbering almost 450,000 pieces of sheet music, anthologies, and arrangements for band and orchestra, and 62,500 recordings on disc, tape, and cylinder. Subject strengths within twentieth-century holdings include music for theater, motion picture, radio and television, as well as general popular, country, rhythm and blues, and rocksongs.

  • A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation consists of a linked set of published Congressional records of the United States of America from the Continental Congress through the 43rd Congress, 1774-1875.  A select number of documents and reports from the monumental U.S. Congressional Serial Set are available as well.
  • American Presidency : This online exhibition from the National Museum of American History has a bibliography under the Resources and Teacher Materials which are age and grade specific.
  • American Presidency Project : The American Presidency Project was established in 1999 as a collaboration between John Woolley and Gerhard Peters at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The archives contain 75,117 documents related to the study of the Presidency.
  • American President : This resource is sponsored by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. Launched originally in 2000 as the online companion to "The American President" -- the six-part PBS television series -- American President is a resource on the history of the presidency and the nature of contemporary policy making.
  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress : Online publication of the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, published by the Senate Historical Office and the Legislative Resource Center of the House of Representatives. Includes images from the Senate Historical Office. Database is searchable by name, position, and state.
  • Center for the Study of the Presidency : The Center is a non-profit educational institution devoted to the study of the presidency, government, and politics.
  • Data.gov : The purpose of Data.gov is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Data.gov includes searchable data catalogs providing access to data in three ways: through the "raw" data catalog, the tool catalog and the geodata catalog.
  • Encyclopædia Britannica's profile of the American Presidency : Read about the presidents and explore the electoral process, election results, images, video, and important documents related to the evolution of the nation's highest office.
  • I Do Solemnly Swear... Presidential Inaugurations : This Library of Congress collection offers approximately 400 items or 2,000 digital files from each of the 54 inaugurations from George Washington's in 1789 to George W. Bush's inauguration of 2001. This includes diaries and letters of presidents and of those who witnessed inaugurations, handwritten drafts of inaugural addresses, broadsides, inaugural tickets and programs, prints, photographs, and sheet music.
  • JFK Assassination Records Collection Reference System : Over 170,000 assassination-related documents. Contributing agencies include: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Department of Justice; and the Department of State.
  • Miller Center of Public Affairs : The Scripps Library and Multimedia Archive serves as a research facility for scholars of U. S. public policy. The Library’s collection is a specialized one focused on American politics and history with special attention paid to the American Presidency.
  • POTUS: Presidents of the United States : This resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included.
  • Presidential Libraries of the National Archives & Records Administration : The Presidential Library system is made up of ten Presidential Libraries. This nationwide network of libraries is administered by the Office of Presidential Libraries, which is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), located in College Park, MD. These are not traditional libraries, but rather repositories for preserving and making available the papers, records, and other historical materials of U.S. Presidents since Herbert Hoover.
  • The Role of the Vice President : A brief history of the role of the Vice President as President of the U.S. Senate.
  • THOMAS - The Library of Congress : THOMAS has the Congressional Record and full text of legislation available from 1989 (101st Congress) to the present. In addition, THOMAS has summaries (not full text) of legislation from 1973 (93rd Congress). From the Library of Congress.
  • Voting America: United States Politics, 1840-2008 : This University of Richmond project examines the evolution of presidential politics in the United States across the span of American history. It offers a wide spectrum of cinematic and interactive visualizations of how Americans voted in presidential elections at the county level over the past 164 years. There are expert analysis and commentary videos that discuss some of the most interesting and significant trends in American political history.
  • Voting and Registration (U.S. Census Bureau Data) : Contains information on reported voting and registration by various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics for the United States.
  • White House Historical Association : The White House Historical Association is a charitable nonprofit institution whose purpose is to enhance the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the White House.
  • The White House Building : Information on the White House, including historical details.
  • Women in Congress : This web site, based on the book Women in Congress, 1917–2006, contains biographical profiles of former women Members of Congress, links to information about current women Members, essays on the institutional and national events that shaped successive generations of Congresswomen, and images of each woman Member, including rare photos.
  • American Jewish Historical Society : The American Jewish Historical Society is the oldest national ethnic historical organization in the United States. The Society’s library, archives, photograph, and art and artifacts collections document the American Jewish experience.
  • American Religion Data Archive : The ARDA collection includes data on churches and church membership, religious professionals, and religious groups (individuals, congregations and denominations).
  • Divining America: Religion and the National Culture : Divining America: Religion and the National Culture is designed to help teachers of American history bring their students to a greater understanding of the role religion has played in the development of the United States.
  • Journal of Southern Religion : JSR is an online journal targeted toward scholars, students, and others who are engaged in or interested in the study of Southern religion and culture.
  • Material History of American Religion Project : The Material History of American Religion Project studied (1995-2001) the history of American religion in all its complexity by focusing on material objects and economic themes.
  • North Star: A Journal of African-American Religious History : An online journal sponsored by Princeton University.
  • Religion and the Founding of the American Republic (Library of Congress) : Encompassing over 200 objects including early American books, manuscripts, letters, prints, paintings, artifacts, and music from the Library’s collections and complemented by loans from other institutions, Religion and the Founding of the American Republic explores the role religion played in the founding of the American colonies, in the shaping of early American life and politics, and in forming the American Republic.
  • Religious Movements Homepage Project at the University of Virginia : This Web site presents detailed profiles of more than two hundred different religious groups and movements in the United States.
  • Santos: Substance and Soul : There are nine separate reading lists on topics related to the history, culture, preservation, and identification of Santos objects.
  • Brooklyn Daily Eagle Online  (1841-1902) : The Brooklyn Daily Eagle was published from October 26, 1841 to 1955 and was revived for a short time from 1960 to 1963. Currently, the digitized newspaper collection includes the period from October 26, 1841 to December 31, 1902, representing half of the Eagle's years of publication.
  • Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers : This Library of Congress site allows you to search and read newspaper pages from 1900-1910 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
  • Common-Place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life : Common-Place is an electronic quarterly journal about early American history and culture before 1900.
  • Documenting the American South - University of North Carolina : Documenting the American South (DocSouth) is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture. Currently DocSouth includes ten thematic collections of books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, and songs.
  • Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History : The Gilder Lehrman Collection is the largest private collection of American history documents in the world. It preserves, exhibits, and disseminates archival resources chronicling the history of the United States from the beginning of European colonization, with emphasis on the period from 1760 through 1876. The collection contains resources on the history of colonial settlement, Indian relations, the American Revolution and its origins, the Constitution, the struggle over slavery, and the Civil War.
  • H-Net Web Site : H-Net Web Site includes archived copies of all history related listserv discussion lists and vacancy announcements for various fields in the humanities.
  • Making of America - Cornell University : Materials accessible here are Cornell University Library's contributions to Making of America (MOA), a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology.
  • The G.I. Roundtable Series : The American Historical Association produced the G.I. Roundtable Series to help win World War II. The site is comprised of three main sections. Section I: The pamphlets, reproduced here as primary documents, provide a unique insight into what Americans were thinking about at the end of the war, and how the recent past was seen as a prelude to the future. Section II: A still-evolving selection of Background documents and related readings to provide context on the origins and production of the series and the historiography of the period. Section III: The site provides an extensive analysis of the origins of the series, and how it fit into both the Army's larger program of preparation for postwar changes as well as the larger culture in which they were produced.
  • Within These Walls : An annotated reading list for elementary and middle school students and an extensive bibliography for older students interested in the themes related to the Ipswich House exhibition.
  • Cookery and Foodways Collection : The University of Denver Cookery and Foodways Collection is particularly strong in American regional cookery, and contains a large number of privately published fund-raising cookbooks from churches, service organizations, and other community groups.
  • Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl: Immigrant Women in the Turn-of-the-Century City : This web site is based upon curriculum materials produced by American Social History Project as part of the Who Built America? series.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Collection : The complete National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Collection is a library of 700-800 titles collected between 1890 and 1938 by members of NAWSA and donated to the Rare Books Division of the Library of Congress on November 1, 1938. The bulk of the collection is derived from the library of Carrie Chapman Catt, president of NAWSA from 1900-1904, and again from 1915-1920. Additional materials were donated from the libraries of other members and officers, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, Alice Stone Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Smith Miller, and Mary A. Livermore.
  • Online Biographical Dictionary of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States : This free crowd-sourced project contains over 3,000 biographical sketches of grassroots women suffragists, including a special section focused on nearly 400 Black Women Suffragists.
  • Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College : The Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College is an internationally recognized repository of manuscripts, photographs, periodicals and other primary sources in women's history.
  • Women & Social Movements in the United States, 1775-2000 : The Women and Social Movements website is a project of the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at the State University of New York at Binghamton and includes roughly 900 documents, 400 images, and 350 links to other websites.
  • Women in America: 1820-1842 : During the first half of the nineteenth century, Tocqueville and Beaumont were joined by scores of other European travelers curious about the new republic, and anxious to fill the European demand for accounts of American life. One of the most striking was the status of women--their domestic roles, their freedom in youth, their responsibilities in marriage, and their importance to the moral and religious life of the republic. Tocqueville and Beaumont observed all manner of social gatherings and recorded the conversations with prominent American citizens on a number of matters, including morality and the status of women.
  • Women Working, 1800 - 1930 : Women Working, 1800 - 1930 focuses on women's role in the United States economy and provides access to digitized historical, manuscript, and image resources selected from Harvard University's library and museum collections. The collection features approximately 500,000 digitized pages and images.

Automobile and Transportation History

  • America on the Move : Teachers and parents can use the resource guides, lessons, and activity plans to teach children (K- Middle School) about transportation in American history.
  • Antique Automobile Club of America : The Antique Automobile Club of America, founded in 1935, is dedicated to perpetuating the memories of early automobiles by encouraging their history, collection and use.
  • Automobile in American Life and Society : This site was created and developed by the University of Michigan-Dearborn and the Henry Ford Museum. Each of the site’s five sections (design, environment, gender, labor, race) contains two essays—an overview of the topic and a more focused case study—plus a select annotated bibliography or bibliographic essay to guide further reading.
  • Carriage Association of America : The Carriage Association of America is an organization devoted to the preservation and restoration of horse drawn carriages and sleighs. The site features information about the organization and links to related sites.
  • Hemmings Motor News : This is the online resource of the advertising monthly that is devoted to antique, classic, vintage, muscle, street rod, and special interest automobiles, catering to car collectors and restorers. HMN also features the hobby's most complete calendar of upcoming events, hobbyists' legislative alerts, and a monthly listing of stolen collector cars.
  • Henry Ford Museum : The Henry Ford Museum began as Henry Ford's personal collection of historic objects. Today, the 12 acre site is primarily a collection of antique machinery, pop culture items, automobiles, locomotives, aircraft, and other items. 
  • Rural Heritage : The online version of the print journal in support of small farmers and loggers who use draft horse, mule and ox power. It features articles and dialogues on animals, equipment, health information, and other resources.
  • Society for Commercial Archeology : Established in 1977, the SCA is the oldest national organization devoted to the buildings, artifacts, structures, signs, and symbols of the 20th-century commercial landscape.
  • Best of History Web Sites
  • Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy
  • Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History  
  • History Matters: The U. S. Survey Course on the Web
  • National Archives Research Room
  • National History Day
  • Smithsonian History Explorer
  • Using Primary Sources on the Web
  • Architecture and Urbanism of the Southwest : Architecture and Urbanism of the Southwest, is an illustrated essay by John Messina (AIA, Research Architect) and the University of Arizona Southwest Studies Center and the School of Architecture. The site also provides a recommended readings list of books and articles.
  • Bata Shoe Museum : Located in Toronto, the Bata Shoe Museum holds over 10,000 shoes in the collection.
  • Built in America: Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) 1933 to present : The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) collections are among the largest and most heavily used in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. This online presentation of the HABS/HAER collections includes digitized images of measured drawings, black-and-white photographs, color transparencies, photo captions, data pages including written histories, and supplemental materials.
  • City Beautiful: The 1901 Plan for Washington, DC : A University of Virginia American Studies project, this site documents the first explicit attempt to utilize the vaguely classical Beaux-Arts architectural style, which emerged from the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, for the explicit intent of beautification and social amelioration was the Senate Park Commission's redesign of the monumental core of Washington D.C. to commemorate the city's centennial. The McMillan Plan of 1901-02, named for Senator James McMillan, the commission's liaison and principal backer in Congress, was the United States' first attempt at city planning.
  • Corning Museum of Glass : The Corning Museum of Glass's home page begins with its local address and phone numbers and provides a menu of places to visit within the museum site, including, "A Resource for Glass," a collection of information developed to answer questions about glass, and "Glossary of Glassmaking Terms," an alphabetical list of terms with in-depth definitions.
  • Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture : The Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects electronic resources for study and research of the decorative arts, with a particular focus on Early America. Included are electronic texts and journals, image databases, and information on organizations, museums and research facilities. The site was created and is maintained at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries.
  • Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture: Image and Text Collections : The Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects and creates electronic resources for study and research of the decorative arts, with a particular focus on Early America. Included are electronic texts and facsimiles, image databases, and Web resources. Made possible by the Chipstone Foundation, the project is produced at the University of Wisconsin Madison General Library System.
  • Furniture Glossary : A compilation of terms and acronyms on furniture styles, design and construction.
  • Harper's Bazaar Magazine : A browse-able collection of issues from the 19th Century magazine, Harper's Bazaar (1867-1900). 
  • MAD: Maine Antique Digest : MAD's bulletin board, with table of contents from current issues, and over 90 book reviews of books dealing with antiques and collectibles.
  • Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art : The Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art in Tacoma Washington presents contemporary art with a sustained concentration on the medium of glass. The Museum exhibition schedule includes works by internationally known artists and trends in contemporary art. The exhibition program offers artists and audiences the opportunity to experiment with and experience a full range of media in the visual arts.
  • National Building Museum : Created by an act of Congress in 1980, the National Building Museum is America’s premier cultural institution dedicated to exploring and celebrating architecture, design, engineering, construction, and urban planning.
  • National Register of Historic Places : The National Register of Historic Places is the Nation's official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation.  Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources. Properties listed in the Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. The National Register is administered by the National Park Service, which is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • The Noble Craftsman We Promote: The Arts and Crafts Movement in the American Midwest : An online version of the Toledo University exhibition, looks at four particular areas of Arts and Crafts in the Midwest: the book arts, architecture, interior and exterior design, and the decorative arts and attempts to explain how the movement in the heartland differed from its purer British counterpart.
  • Paint by Number: Accounting for Taste in the 1950s : A brief resource list for a unique subject.
  • Quilt Index : The Quilt Index aims to be a central resource that incorporates a wide variety of sources and information on quilts, quiltmakers and quiltmaking. The Quilt Index was conceived and developed by The Alliance for American Quilts and implemented in collaboration with Michigan State University's MATRIX: The Center for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online and the Michigan State University Museum.
  • Sears Modern Homes : This site features a history of the Sears Modern Homes program, photos, catalog advertisements, references and a registry of owners. More than 100,000 Sears ready-made houses were sold from 1908 to 1940.
  • Skyscraper Museum : Founded in 1996, THE SKYSCRAPER MUSEUM is a private, not-for-profit, educational corporation devoted to the study of high-rise building, past, present, and future. Located in New York City, the world's first and foremost vertical metropolis, the museum celebrates the city's rich architectural heritage and examines the historical forces and individuals that have shaped its successive skylines. Through exhibitions, programs and publications, the museum explores tall buildings as objects of design, products of technology, sites of construction, investments in real estate, and places of work and residence.
  • Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) : Founded in 1940, the Society encourages scholarly research in the field and promotes the preservation of significant architectural monuments that are an integral part of the worldwide historical and cultural heritage.  They publish the quarterly Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and bimonthly Newsletter.  There are several bibliographies and links to related organizations.
  • Stained Glass Magazine : Stained Glass Magazine on the World Wide Web, featuring the Stained Glass Association of America's conference schedule, professional announcements, calls for papers, and lists of useful catalogues and resources of interest to collectors and historians of stained glass.
  • Strong Museum (Rochester, NewYork) : The Strong Museum's more than 500,000 objects include the world's largest and most historically significant collection of dolls and toys, America's most comprehensive collections of homecrafts and souvenirs, and nationally important collections of home furnishings and advertising materials.
  • Textile Society of America : The Textile Society of America provides a forum for the exchange and dissemination of information about all aspects of textiles: historic, artistic, cultural, social, political, economic, and technical.
  • Urban Planning, 1794-1918: An International Anthology of Articles, Conference Papers, and Reports : These documents are primary source material for the study of how urban planning developed up to the end of World War I. They include statements about techniques, principles, theories, and practice by those who helped to create a new professional specialization. This new field of city planning grew out of the land-based professions of architecture, engineering, surveying, and landscape architecture, as well as from the work of economists, social workers, lawyers, public health specialists, and municipal administrators.
  • Vernacular Architecture Forum : The term "vernacular architecture" applies to traditional domestic and agricultural buildings, industrial and commercial structures, twentieth-century suburban houses, settlement patterns and cultural landscapes.  The Vernacular Architecture Forum was formed in 1980 to encourage the study and preservation of these informative and valuable material resources.
  • Victoria & Albert Museum (London) : The Museum's ceramics, glass, textiles, dress, silver, ironwork, jewellery, furniture, sculpture, paintings, prints and photographs span the cultures of Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa, and date from ancient times to the present day. There are 2000 images of the collection available for online viewing.
  • Winterthur Museum & Library (Delaware) : The Winterthur Library contains approximately half a million imprints, manuscripts, visual materials, and printed ephemera for research from the 17th century to the early 20th century. The museum collections include 85,000 domestic artifacts and works of art made or used in America to 1860.
  • Work of Charles and Ray Eames: A Legacy of Invention : This site is in association with the Eames exhibition tour
  • American Environmental Photographs, 1891-1936: Images from the University of Chicago Library : This collection consists of approximately 4,500 photographs documenting natural environments, ecologies, and plant communities in the United States at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. The photographs were taken by Henry Chandler Cowles (1869-1939), George Damon Fuller (1869-1961), and other Chicago ecologists on field trips across the North American continent.
  • Bureau of Reclamation History : The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation History site is a collection of oral histories, photographs, and papers on the agency and it's work.
  • Conservation and Environment - Library of Congress : The historic and more recent maps contained in this category show early exploration and subsequent land use in various areas of the United States. These maps show the changes in the landscape, including natural and man-made features, recreational and wilderness areas, geology, topography, wetland area, vegetation, and wildlife. Specific conservation projects such as the growth and development of U.S. National Parks are included in this category.
  • Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920 : The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920 documents the historical formation and cultural foundations of the movement to conserve and protect America's natural heritage, through books, pamphlets, government documents, manuscripts, prints, photographs, and motion picture footage drawn from the collections of the Library of Congress. The collection consists of 62 books and pamphlets, 140 Federal statutes and Congressional resolutions, 34 additional legislative documents, excerpts from the Congressional Globe and the Congressional Record, 360 Presidential proclamations, 170 prints and photographs, 2 historic manuscripts, and 2 motion pictures.
  • Forest History Society Databases : The Forest History Society has six databases that are searchable on the website via InMagic's Web Publisher software. All of the databases provide useful, detailed information about primary or secondary resource materials that aid research in the broad fields of forest, conservation, and environmental history.
  • H-Environment - H-NET, the Humanities & Social Sciences Online initiative : This website is intended as a general resource for people interested in environmental history. Much of its content is compiled from the discussion list H-Environment and includes book reviews, conference announcements, a course syllabus library, and a survey of films. There are also links to other organizations and websites where you can find materials of interest.
  • History of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service : Official website of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with links to their archival collections, oral histories, and other information sources.
  • Love Canal Collection : The University Of Buffalo Library holds the records of the Ecumenical Task Force, 1979-1991 which contain extensive documentation of the toxic waste controversies associated with the Love Canal and related toxic waste sites in Niagara County, New York. The ETF assembled a resource file of government and other reports concerning the Love Canal and related environmental issues. The reports in the resource file and elsewhere in the records include draft documents, photocopied statements prepared by Love Canal residents, scientists and ETF members for hearings on the Love Canal, speeches, consultant reports, articles, as well as printed and online reports.
  • Bon Appétit! Julia Child's Kitchen at the Smithsonian : The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History website of their Julia Child's Kitchen exhibition.
  • Doubtless as Good: Thomas Jefferson's Dreams of American Wines Fulfilled : This short bibliography, prepared by staff at the National Museum of American History, includes books on the material culture of viniculture, some historic works on American winemaking not included in the Gabler bibliography, and some relevant works on American culture and taste.
  • Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project : The Michigan State University Library and the MSU Museum have created an online collection of some of the most influential and important American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century.
  • Food Reference Website : A fairly comprehensive private website that provides links to articles, information, food history dates, and a wide range of useful information on food.
  • Food Timeline : A resource about food history, social history, manners and menus covering Prehistory through modern day.
  • Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive : The Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive at the William L. Clements Library on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor contains thousands of items from the 16th to 20th centuries - books, ephemera, menus, magazines, graphics, maps, manuscripts, diaries, letters, catalogues, advertisements, and reference works. It is a work in progress, and material is being added and catalogued daily.
  • New York Food Museum : A new and developing web-based resource on New York City foodways and food history.
  • Peacock Harper Culinary Collection - Virginia Tech University : The Peacock Harper Culinary Collection is a collection of cookbooks and related items housed in the Virginia Tech Library. The VT Image Base contains over 700 images pertaining to culinary history and the collection. They publish an online newsletter called the Virginia Culinary Thymes
  • Southern Foodways Alliance : The Southern Foodways Alliance website contains links to ongoing research projects, symposiums and their oral history texts. It is a subsidiary of the University of Mississippi's, Center for the Study of Southern Culture.
  • Taking America to Lunch : This Smithsonian exhibition in the National Museum of American History features samples from the museum's collection of lunch boxes from the 19th century plain metal buckets to 20th century popular culture images on boxes made of synthetic materials.

Graphic Art

  • American Printing History Association : The American Printing History Association was founded to encourage the study of printing history and its related arts and skills, including calligraphy, typefounding, typography, papermaking, bookbinding, illustration, and publishing. APHA is especially, but by no means exclusively, interested in American printing history.
  • Fine Press Book Association : The Fine Press Book Association is an organization formed by individuals interested in the art of fine printing to promote printing skills and the appreciation of beautiful books.
  • Graphic Artists Guild
  • Robert C. Williams Paper Museum : This Web site traces the history, art, and science of paper making.
  • Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing : The Society (SHARP) provides a global network for book historians, 1000 members in over 20 countries, including professors of literature, historians, librarians, publishing professionals, sociologists, bibliophiles, classicists, booksellers, art historians, reading instructors, and independent scholars.
  • Separate Is Not Equal: Brown vs. Board of Education : The annotated bibliography includes information about related Web resources and teacher materials, as well as fiction and non-fiction books for children, young adults, and adults.
  • Slates, Slide Rules, and Software: Teaching Math in America : A collection of reference resources on the tools used in teaching mathematics in the United States from the 1800s onward.

History of Technology - Invention and Inventors

  • Canada Science and Technology Museum : This site links you to the various collections within the Canada Science and Technology Museum.
  • Edison After Forty : This listing includes Edison's Papers, book-length studies, children's books, and museums.
  • Edison Papers Web Site : The Edison Papers Web Site is a searchable database, based on the University Press of America's editions of Thomas Edison's papers, which detail the first 31 years of his life.
  • Hagley American Patent Models : The largest privately-owned collection of United States patent models in the world. Containing nearly 4,000 patent models and related documents, the collection spans America's Industrial Revolution.
  • Lighting a Revolution: A Bibliography of Lighting : A collection of books, articles, and web sites on the history and technology of electrical lighting.
  • National Inventors Hall of Fame : Web site for the National Inventors Hall of Fame, in Akron, Ohio. Features a collection of biographies of members of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
  • Powering a Generation of Change : This bibliography lists books, journal articles, and reports documenting the story of electrical power restructuring in North America.
  • Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) : The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) is dedicated to the historical study of technology and its relations with politics, economics, labor, business, the environment, public policy, science, and the arts.
  • The Office Museum : This commercial website engages in research on the history and evolution of offices, antique office machines and equipment, and business technology based on original documents and artifacts.
  • U.S. Patent & Trademark Office : The official web site of the USPTO has a searchable database. Patents issued between 1790 and 1976 are searchable only by patent number and current US classifications.
  • Yesterday's Office : This site contains articles on antique or redundant office technology and links to related sites.
  • Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota : CBI is dedicated to promoting study of the history of information technology and information processing and their impact on society.
  • Chronology of Events in the History of Microcomputers : A timetable of significant events in the history of computing, with product announcements and delivery dates from a variety of sources.
  • Computer Museum History Center (Silicon Valley) : The Computer Museum History Center is a non-profit entity dedicated to the preservation and celebration of computing history. It holds one of the largest collections of computing artifacts in the world.
  • Intel Museum (Santa Clara) : This museum documents the development and construction of computer chips by one of the leading manufacturers of chip technology.
  • Internet Archive : The Internet Archive is a non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Archive includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages in the collections.
  • Internet Histories : A collection of links about the history of the Internet, from the ISOC , the Internet Society, a non-governmental international organization, committed to global cooperation and coordination for the Internet.
  • Making the Macintosh: Technology and Culture in Silicon Valley : "Making the Macintosh" is an online project documenting the history of the Macintosh computer. This project collects and publishes primary material on the Macintosh's development and early reception. It draws on the extensive holdings of the Stanford University Library's Department of Special Collections, the personal papers of engineers and technical writers involved in the Macintosh project, and interviews conducted for the project.
  • Discovering Lewis and Clark : This comprehensive website contains more than 1,400 pages, and is updated monthly with additional material. This website includes a nineteen-part synopsis of the expedition's story by historian Harry W. Fritz, illustrated with selections from the journals of the expedition, photographs, maps, animated graphics, moving pictures, and sound files.
  • Kansas State Historical Society: Lewis and Clark : This website provides the user with information about the history of the expedition in Kansas.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition: Selected Resources : The Smithsonian Institution has created this directory of sites on the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
  • Lewis and Clark Across Missouri : The Geographic Resources Center at the Department of Geography, University of Missouri partnered with the Missouri State Archives to create this website offering campsite maps, photo-realistic images of important river landmarks, and animated virtual Missouri River travel to trace Lewis and Clark's expedition. 
  • Lewis and Clark in North Dakota : Lewis and Clark in North Dakota is one of most informative websites available about the expedition. A highlight is the In North Dakota Link that includes personal profiles of the individuals involved in the expedition, background information about the sites that Lewis and Clark visited, an expedition chronology, a facts and trivia section, maps, and a bibliography.
  • Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc. : The mission of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation is to stimulate public appreciation of the Lewis and Clark Expedition's contributions to America's heritage, and to support education, research, development, and preservation of the Lewis and Clark experience. Their website includes a detailed history of the expedition with a bibliography. The site also includes a link to the The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Library. The Library  has about 800 book titles and 300 articles relating to the Lewis & Clark Expedition. The library also has maps, genealogical information, sound, and video recordings. Users can search the library's catalog online.
  • Lewis and Clark: Indiana Bicentennial Commission : This site outlines Indiana's important role in the expedition and lists events to commemorate the expedition.
  • Lewis and Clark: Mapping the West : This Smithsonian site reviews the cartographic work of the Corps of Discovery.
  • Monticello, The Home of Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson's West : This website has a special section on Lewis and Clark that includes an expedition timeline, bibliography, website links, and online study resources for teachers and students. This site is particularly recommended for users who are interested in researching the role that President Thomas Jefferson played in the expedition.
  • PBS Online: Lewis and Clark : This website is a companion resource to the Ken Burns film: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery and contains several special features that will appeal to users. It provides users with a search engine enables users to search the expedition journals by author, date, or year. It contains transcripts of unedited interviews with various experts and historians about their perspectives on the expedition. It also includes expedition timelines, maps, a bibliography, and related links.
  • Rivers, Edens, Empires: Lewis & Clark and the Revealing of America : This site provides a small sampling of primary materials (maps and journal entries) related to the Lewis and Clark expedition that are housed in the Library of Congress.
  • The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition : The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition website makes available for users the text of the celebrated Nebraska edition of the journals, edited by by Gary M. Moulton. Moulton's edition is considered to be the most accurate and inclusive version published. Currently, the site offers almost two hundred pages from volume 4. In the future, the site will provide access to the full set of journals, almost 5000 pages of primary source material. This site also includes a full text search engine.
  • Artificial Anatomy: Papier-Mâché Anatomical Models : Resources on Anatomy, Papier- Mâché, Preservation, and Trade Catalogs.
  • DeWitt Stetten, Jr., Museum of Medical Research (NIH) : Established in 1986 as a part of the NIH centennial observance, the Stetten Museum collects and exhibits biomedical research instruments and NIH memorabilia.
  • Human Radiation Experiments (DOE) : A website from the US Department of Energy offering a "roadmap" to the stories and records of the cold-war story of radiation research on human subjects.
  • Medical Antiques & Pre-1900 Antique Surgical Sets : From the Arbittier Museum of Medical History, examples of medical antiques, amputation, and surgical sets by some of the most famous makers of the 1800's. Of particular interest are those surgical antiques used in the Civil War. There is a section on pricing and valuation of early surgical sets and kits as well as extensive topics on antique medical collecting.
  • Medical Heritage Library : The Medical Heritage Library is a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries. The collection resides at the Internet Archive.
  • Medicine in the Americas, 1619-1914 : The Medicine in the Americas website provides access to a number of key primary historical documents that deal with a number of areas, such as women’s health, public health, and clinical works of enduring historical value. Currently, there are a total of eight works in the archive, and they include Clara Barton’s “The Red Cross of the Geneva Convention” from 1878 and L. Emmett Holt’s 1894 work “The Care and Feeding of Children: A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children’s Nurses”.
  • National Library of Medicine : National Library of Medicine home page, with links to a variety of sites on the Internet.
  • Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) : This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
  • The Medical Heritage Library : The Medical Heritage Library (MHL) is a digital curation collaborative among some of the world’s leading medical libraries. The collection resides at the Internet Archive.
  • Access to Military Service and Pension Records : The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard.
  • Air University Library's Index to Military Periodicals : The Air University Library's Index to Military Periodicals is a subject index to significant articles, news items, and editorials from English language military and aeronautical periodicals. The Index contains citations since 1988 and is updated continuously. A comprehensive list of all journals covered by AULIMP since 1949 is available as the Historical Index of AULIMP titles.
  • Company of Military Historians : The web site for the journal with several useful links and color plates of uniforms.
  • Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms : Sets forth standard US military and associated terminology to encompass the joint activity of the Armed Forces of the United States in both US joint and allied joint operations, as well as to encompass the Department of Defense as a whole.
  • Historic U.S. Government Publications from World War II : This Southern Methodist University Libraries site allows users to search or browse a collection of over 300 United States government documents produced during World War II.
  • Index to the Uniforms of the American Revolution : This site is provided by the Sons of the Revolution in the State of California and contains several images of American Revolutionary War uniforms.
  • Military Review - English Edition Archives : Archival collection of the professional journal of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) and the Command and General Staff College (CGSC).
  • Military Women Veterans : This site documents the contributions of American women to the Armed Forces of the United States.
  • Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800 : Papers of the War Department is a project of the Center for History and New Media, George Mason University and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. This collection of more than 55,000 documents is in an online format with extensive and searchable metadata linked to digitized images of each document.
  • Price of Freedom: Americans at War : This online exhibition from the National Museum of American History presents a timeline of American military conflicts from the War of Independence through the War in Iraq, 2003. It also includes information on hundreds of artifacts related to America’s military history, along with learning resources for educators.
  • Redstone Hyper-media Historical Information : Designed by the MICOM Historical Office, this home page features the Redstone Arsenal Complex Chronological Highlights such as; The Pre-Missile Era (1941-1949) and Women at War: Redstone's WWII Female
  • United States Army Center of Military History : CMH Online is an information and education service provided by the U.S. Army Center of Military History.
  • Valley of the Shadow : The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) at the University of Virginia's Web page featuring Edward Ayers's material on the Great Valley in the Civil War.
  • Veterans History Project - Library of Congress : The Veterans History Project covers World War I, World War II, and the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf wars. It includes all participants in those wars--men and women, civilian and military. It documents the contributions of civilian volunteers, support staff, and war industry workers as well as the experiences of military personnel from all ranks and all branches of service--the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy, as well as the U.S. Coast Guard and Merchant Marine.
  • War Times Journal : The War Times Journal is a free online magazine which covers all periods of military history and military science.
  • West Point in the Making of America : There are eight subject categories from this exhibition reading list on West Point graduates and their contributions to the nation in peace and war.
  • World War I Edition of Stars and Stripes - Library of Congress : From February 8, 1918, to June 13, 1919, by order of General John J. Pershing, the United States Army published a newspaper for its forces in France, The Stars and Stripes. This online collection, presented by the Serial and Government Publications Division of the Library of Congress, includes the complete seventy-one-week run of the newspaper's World War I edition.

Naval and Maritime History

  • Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology : The Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology has been at the forefront of underwater archaeology for over 35 years. The ACUA serves as an international advisory body on issues relating to underwater archaeology, conservation, and submerged cultural resources management.It is working to educate scholars, governments, sport divers, and the general public about underwater archaeology and the preservation of underwater resources.
  • All Hands Magazine Archives : Each issue of this U. S. Navy bulletin and magazine (1922-2011) has been scanned and digitized in Adobe Acrobat format.  Free access.
  • American Merchant Marine at War : The U.S. Maritime Service Veterans complied this collection of war service related topical links.
  • Council of American Maritime Museum : The Council of American Maritime Museums (CAMM) is an organization dedicated to preserving North America's maritime history. The Members include museums, museum professionals, and scholars from United States, Mexico, Bermuda, Australia and Canada. CAMM works to promote high professional standards in the preservation and interpretation of maritime history. Our Members seek to convey and preserve this history through collections, sites, vessels, projects, exhibitions, and research.
  • Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships : The Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, commonly known as DANFS, is the foremost reference regarding U.S. naval vessels. Published in nine volumes (from 1959 to 1991), it gives histories for virtually every U.S. naval vessel.
  • Fast Attacks & Boomers: Submarines in the Cold War : Selections for further reading on the growth and development of the U.S. Nuclear Navy.
  • Historic Naval Ships Association : The purpose of the Historic Naval Ships Association is to facilitate the exchange of information and provide mutual support among those who are working hard to maintain their aging vessels physically and financially. The ships of HNSA are located in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Australia. The ships are organized into three categories on the site: name of ship, type of ship, and location.
  • Index to Ships in Books -- Search Page : This index allows researchers to search the names of commercial and naval vessels that were published in a variety of books and serials. A bibliography of those printed resources is included.
  • International Congress of Maritime Museums : The International Congress of Maritime Museums is a professional guild of associations, organizations, and individuals in the maritime preservation field. Their website includes a news section that provides information about recently discovered wrecks, upcoming museum exhibits, and other developments in the field.
  • Maritime History Links on the Net : This comprehensive list covers a variety of subjects related to Maritime History.
  • Nautical Research Guild, Inc. : The Nautical Research Guild links researchers, collectors, and builders of the highest quality ship models. The Guild emphasizes learning about ships and maritime history through academic research, as applied and expressed in the process of ship model building and other artistic and academic endeavors.
  • Steamship Historical Society of America : The Steamship Historical Society (SSHSA) is an organization dedicated to preserving artifacts and memories from the steamship days of the past.
  • U.S. Naval Historical Center : The Naval Historical Center is the official history program of the Department of the Navy. The Center now includes a museum, art gallery, research library, archives, and curator as well as research and writing programs.
  • U.S. Naval Vessel Register : The Naval Vessel Register contains information on ships and service craft that comprise the official inventory of the U.S. Navy from the time of vessel authorization through its life cycle and disposal. It also includes ships that have been stricken but not disposed.
  • American Numismatic Society : Official website of the American Numismatic Society offers a list of online resources , including MANTIS , a searchable database of over 600,000 objects from the Society's collections of international coins, paper money, tokens, ‘primitive’ money, medals and decorations.
  • American Numismatics Association : Features information about ANA, a membership form, a link to ANA's ftp site, and links to an educational and museum directory. The FTP site includes press releases; ANA's library catalog; ANA's classification system; video list; and slide lists. The educational and museum directory features ANA's exhibits online; scholarship information; and convention updates.
  • Coins of Colonial and Early America : This University of Notre Dame site features discussions, descriptions and images of the coins and tokens used in Colonial and Confederation America based on examples in the Department of Special Collections. A companion project features Colonial and Confederation era paper currency.
  • Money - Past, Present & Future : Sources of information on monetary history, contemporary developments, and the prospects for electronic money.
  • National Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History : The Smithsonian's National Numismatic Collection (NNC) is America's collection of monetary and transactional objects. This diverse and expansive global collection contains objects that represent every inhabited continent and span more than three thousand years of human history.
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury : U.S. Department of Treasury's Home Page includes press releases and updates on new programs and seminars being offered by the Department.
  • Freeze Frame: Eadweard Muybridge’s Photography of Motion : Information on the collection, links, and readings on Muybridge and his work on locomotion.
  • George Eastman Museum: International Museum of Photography and Film : The George Eastman Museum collects and interprets images, films, literature, and equipment in the disciplines of photography and motion pictures and cares for the George Eastman legacy collections.
  • International Center of Photography : The International Center of Photography is a museum, a school and a center for photographers and photography, whose mission is to present photography's vital and central place in contemporary culture and to lead in interpretation issues central to its development.
  • Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Collection : Link to the "Collection Finder" page of the Library of Congress American Memory site.
  • LIFE Magazine photo archive hosted by Google : Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google.
  • Museum of Photographic Arts : The Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA) is one of the first museum facilities in the United States designed exclusively to collect and present the world's finest examples photographic art.
  • National Stereoscopic Association : The association promotes the study, collection and use of stereographs, stereo cameras and related materials for collectors and students of stereoscopic history. There is a link to the Oliver Wendell Holmes Stereoscopic Research Library.
  • NYPL Digital : The New York Public Digital Library is a continually expanding collection of digitized images and text selected from throughout the Research Libraries' collections.
  • Stereoscopy : Stereoscopy.com provides information about stereoscopic imaging (3-D) for both amateurs and professionals.
  • The Daguerreian Society : The Daguerreian Society is an organization of individuals and institutions sharing a common interest in the art, history and practice of the daguerreotype.
  • UCR Arts : This museum features contemporary exhibitions, digital and web art online, and a vast historical photograph collection.
  • Building the Washington Metro : This site tells the story of the Washington Metro, a 103-mile rapid transit system serving Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas of Maryland and Virginia.
  • Center For Railroad Photography & Art : The center's focus is on the preservation and presentation of railroad-related photography and art.
  • Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum : This expansive website has an online library of 19th century pictures (more than 2,300), maps and descriptions of railroad construction and travel.
  • Great Northern Railway Historical Society : The Society works to preserve and promote the history of the Great Northern Railway, which was created in September 1889 from several predecessor railroads in Minnesota and eventually stretched from Lake Superior at Duluth and Minneapolis/St.Paul west through North Dakota, Montana and Northern Idaho to Washington State at Everett and Seattle.
  • National Railway Historical Society : Founded in 1935, the National Railway Historical Society has nearly 18,000 members and over 177 Chapters spread throughout the United States, Canada and Great Britain. It is now the United States' largest rail enthusiast organization.
  • Railroad Maps, 1828-1900 : The maps presented here are a selection from the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division holdings, based on the cartobibliography, Railroad Maps of the United States: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Original 19th-century Maps in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress. This annotated list reveals the scope of the railroad map collection and highlights the development of railroad mapping in 19th-century America. Described are 623 maps chosen from more than 3,000 railroad maps and about 2,000 regional, state, and county maps, and other maps which show "internal improvements" of the past century.
  • Railroads and the Making of Modern America : This University of Nebraska project seeks to document and represent the rapid and far-reaching social effects of railroads and to explore the transformation of the United States to modern ideas, institutions, and practices in the nineteenth century. Railroads and the Making of Modern America seeks to use the digital medium to investigate, represent, and analyze this social change and document episodes of the railroad's social consequence.
  • Academic Info: The American West : Academic Info, an educational organization, created this directory of Internet resources on the history of the American West. This list covers a variety of subjects including Native Americans, women, religious history, the Gold Rush, Asian Americans, and railroads.
  • History of the American West, 1860-1920 : This site contains over 30,000 photographs, drawn from the holdings of the Western History and Genealogy Department at Denver Public Library. These photos illuminate many aspects of the history of the American West. Most of the photographs were taken between 1860 and 1920. They illustrate Colorado towns and landscape, document the place of mining in the history of Colorado and the West, and show the lives of Native Americans from more than forty tribes living west of the Mississippi River.
  • New Perspectives on the West : This is the companion website to the Ken Burns documentary series, the West. This site contains selected documentary materials, archival images and commentary, as well as links to background information and other resources.
  • The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820 : This Library of Congress site consists of 15,000 pages of original historical material documenting the land, peoples, exploration, and transformation of the trans-Appalachian West from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century. The collection is drawn from the holdings of the University of Chicago Library and the Filson Historical Society of Louisville, Kentucky
  • The Oregon Territory and its Pioneers : This website focuses on the pioneers of the Oregon Territory up to and including 1855...The first section is called THE SETTLING OF OREGON and is a compilation of information [including pioneer lists by year of emigration] extracted from a variety of sources. The second section lists the UPDATES that are in progress. The third section is devoted to RESEARCHING THE PIONEERS and provides links to research and historic sites that may be of interest."
  • The Oregon Trail : This website is a comprehensive source of information about the historic Oregon Trail. It includes primary source documents such as Trail diaries and memoirs. The site was created by Prof. Mike Trinklein and Steve Boettcher, creators of The Oregon Trail, the award-winning documentary film which aired nationally on PBS.
  • Canadian Centre for Architecture  CCA Library: Special Collections Trade Catalogues : Approximately 5,600 trade catalogues documenting building technology and construction methods from the late eighteenth century to the present. Core of the collection formed through acquisition of the relevant portions of the Franklin Institute trade catalogue collection. Coverage is broad and includes such categories as concrete and lumber, metalwork and woodwork, flooring, heating and insulation, plumbing and electricity, windows and roofing.
  • Columbia University. Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library : The American collection is one of the most extensive in existence. It begins with the first pertinent book to be published in the colonies, Abraham Swan's British Architect (Philadelphia, 1775), and includes a large number of titles listed in H.R. Hitchcock's basic bibliography, American Architectural Books. In the seventies and eighties the scope of the American collection was expanded to include printed source materials not previously collected. These include early trade catalogs from the manufacturers of building products (1840-1950).
  • Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Library Reference Collection : There are over 4,500 trade catalogs in the Cooper-Hewitt Library collection, some dating from the 17th century.
  • Corning Museum of Glass. Rakow Research Library : The Juliette K. and Leonard S. Rakow Research Library of The Corning Museum of Glass has a wide-ranging collection including books, magazines, trade and auction catalogues, personal and corporate archives, videotapes, microforms, sound recordings, drawings, prints, photographs, and slides. Its mission is to acquire and preserve all informational resources on the art, history and early science and technology of glass, in all languages and all formats.
  • D'Arcy Collection : The D'Arcy Collection of the Communications Library of the University of Illinois is a collection of almost two million original advertisements published between 1890 and 1970. The collection, which was donated by the D'Arcy, MacManus & Masius advertising agency (now D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles) in 1983, is a rich source of research information on products advertised by many agencies. While the vast majority of these advertisements appeared in newspapers, magazines and trade journals, there are a few in other forms such as brochures, signs, and programs. Most of the clippings advertise standard consumer products, but there are a number of obsolete categories such as spats, bathing shoes, and Prohibition.
  • Digital Collections & Trade Catalogs from the Indiana Historical Society : This collection concentrates on catalogs from businesses that were either headquartered in Indiana or had a substantial presence in the state. Items in this collection date from the 1840s through the 1990s. The catalogs document the wide range of commodities that have come out of Indiana.
  • Hagley Museum and Library : The library houses an important collection of books, pamphlets, trade catalogs, manuscripts, photographs, ephemera, and audiovisual materials documenting the history of American business and technology. Hagley's main strength is in the Middle Atlantic region, but the scope of collecting includes business organizations and companies with national and international impact.
  • Instruments for Science, 1800-1914: Scientific Trade Catalogs in Smithsonian Collections : Digital collection of scientific instrument trade catalogs
  • John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History : The Ad*Access Project presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II. The advertisements are from the J. Walter Thompson Company Competitive Advertisements Collection of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History in Duke University's David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
  • Marketing in the Modern Era : Marketing in the Modern Era: Trade Catalogs and the Rise of 19th-Century American Advertising: an online exhibit at the Baker Library at Harvard University.
  • National Museum of American History Library Trade Literature Collection : This collection contains more than 460,000 catalogs, technical manuals, advertising brochures, price lists, company histories and related materials representing over 36,000 companies.
  • National Museum of American History -- Archives Center, Warshaw Collection of Business Americana : The National Museum of American History purchased the Warshaw Collection of Business Americana, ca. 1724-1977 in 1967. The collection was assembled by Isadore Warshaw and represents the largest advertising ephemera collection in the United States, occupying more than 1,020 cubic feet of storage space.  Organization, re-housing, and description of the Warshaw Collection are a long-term project. Most portions of the collection are open to researchers in the Archives Center.
  • New Jersey Trade and Manufacturers' Catalogs : Housed in Special Collections and University Archives, the Rutgers University Libraries collection of New Jersey trade and manufacturers catalogs represents part of the University's effort "to collect, preserve and make available for research, primary and secondary materials in various formats, documenting all aspects of New Jersey's history, from its founding to the present."
  • Otis Historical Archives, National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology : Particularly strong collections within the OHA include the areas of medical illustration, including anatomical drawings and paintings, photographs, and photomicrographs; reconstructive surgery and prosthetics; tropical and infectious disease research; trade literature and advertisements; medical technology and battlefield surgery from the Civil War through to the present conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
  • Seed Catalogs from the Smithsonian Libraries Trade Literature Collection : The Smithsonian Libraries has a unique trade catalog collection that includes about 10,000 seed and nursery catalogs dating from 1830 to the present, documenting the history of the seed and agricultural implement business in the United States, as well as providing a history of botany and plant research such as the introduction of plant varieties into the US. Additionally, the seed trade catalogs are a window into the history of graphic arts in advertising, and a social history, through the text and illustrations, showing changing fashions in flowers and vegetables.
  • Sewing Machine Galleries : Created by David and Lin Best, this site comprises photographs of over 130 sewing machines from their collection, together with information about the manufacturers that produced them.
  • Sewing Machines: Historical Trade Literature in Smithsonian Institution Collections : This guide illustrates the range of materials published by and about sewing machine companies in the United States, starting in the 1840s. Sewing machine catalogs and other industry materials are just one portion of the remarkable collections of manufacturers' trade literature held in the libraries, archives and curatorial units of the Smithsonian Institution. 
  • Shedding Light on New York: Edward F. Caldwell & Co. : The E. F. Caldwell & Co. Collection at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Library, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, contains more than 50,000 images consisting of approximately 37,000 black & white photographs and 13,000 original design drawings of lighting fixtures and other fine metal objects that they produced from the late 19th to the mid-20th centuries.
  • The Virtual Laboratory (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) : The digital library of the Virtual Library contains scans of historical books, journals, laboratory notebooks and instrument catalogues. Furthermore, it provides bibliographical information based on tables of contents (overview) and on existing personal bibliographies which have been checked for consistency. Every item can be acessed by author, title, year or word contained in the title.
  • University of California, Santa Barbara. Library. Special Collections. Romaine Trade Catalog Collection : Lawrence B. Romaine (1900-1967) was an antiquarian book dealer, who bought and sold rare books, manuscripts, trade catalogs, and other Americana. Romaine was recognized as the leading expert in the U.S. on trade catalogs, and was the author of A Guide to American Trade Catalogs, 1774-1900 (New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1960), the standard reference work in this field.  Romaine spent approximately 30 years collecting over 41,000 trade catalogs from the 19th and early 20th centuries, on every imaginable product from agricultural implements, clothes, medical and surgical instruments to weathervanes and windmills. The bulk of his collection focused on machines, tools, engines and other hardware used in agriculture and manufacturing industries.
  • University of Delaware Trade Catalogs: An online exhibition : The University of Delaware Library Special Collections Department houses an extensive collection of trade catalogs and advertising ephemera produced in the United States from the middle of the eighteenth century until the present day. The trade catalog collection also complements the Special Collections Department's traditional strengths in the history of horticulture, science and technology, printing and publishing, and the book arts. Companies selling printing supplies, agricultural implements and nursery stock, type founders, publishing companies, and booksellers are particularly well-represented as are the catalogs of Delaware businesses.
  • Victoria and Albert Museum, National Art Library : The National Art Library holds numerous examples of trade catalogues within its collections. Some items entered the NAL during the 19th century, and both current and retrospective examples of trade catalogues have been added to the collections throughout the 20th century. Since 1983 the policy has been to actively collect both current and retrospective examples of trade literature in areas broadly in line with the research interests of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
  • Winterthur Museum Library : WinterCat is the Winterthur Library's online catalogue and includes nearly 60,000 bibliographic records, representing the holdings of the four collections that constitute the Winterthur Library. Records for imprints, periodicals, rare printed materials, manuscript and ephemera holdings, photographs, and archival resources are all in one database, which researchers can use to determine the library's holdings on any given topic, person, or organization through one search. WinterCat features hyperlinks to manuscript finding aids and selected images.
  • Women Working, 1800-1930: trade catalogs : To illustrate the world of women working, the Open Collections Program of Harvard University Library has digitized a group of trade catalogs. These colorful works illustrate the dramatic changes that were taking place between 1870 and 1930 in the home, in the workplace, and in the minds of retailers and manufacturers. 
  • Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) : This site contains approximately two million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and its territories. The Federally recognized name of each feature described in the data base is identified, and references are made to a feature's location by State, county, and geographic coordinates.
  • Library of Congress Map Collection 1500-2004 : The Library of Congress' map collection contains the topical areas of cities and towns, conservation and environment, discovery and exploration, cultural landscapes, military battles and campaigns, as well as transportation and communication.
  • Mapping History: American History : The maps cover a variety of historical topics from pre-1500 Native American culture, to the Civil War and Reconstruction, to 20th century health. Some of these maps are interactive.
  • National Map Small-Scale Collection : The site from the U.S. Geological Survey offers a collection of small-scale datasets available for free download, along with hundreds of printable reference maps developed as part of the 1997-2014 edition of the National Atlas. 
  • University of Georgia Libraries Hargrett Rare Books and Manuscripts : The collection encompasses 500 years including maps on Georgia, the New World, the Colonial America, the revolutionary America, the revolutionary Georgia, the Union and expansion, the American Civil War, the frontier to the new South, Savannah and the coast, and transportation.
  • University of Illinois Historical Maps Online : These maps mainly focus from 1650 to 1994 on North America and the Northwest Territory, Maps of the Midwest, Illinois and Champaign County, and the Warner & Beers Atlas of 1876.
  • University of Texas at Austin's Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection : This collection contains maps arranged by state, city, and topical. Many of the maps are from the late 1700s through the early 1900s.
  • US History by Online Highways : The topical maps include the areas of early America, Colonial Period, Revolutionary America, young republic, and election maps of the early 1900s.

World's Fairs and Expositions

  • A Century of Progress: The 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair : The John Crerar Library (which is now part of the University of Chicago Libraries) collected various official publications, press releases, guidebooks, and other related materials pertaining to this world exposition. Approximately 350 of those collected items are now available on this website. The collection may be browsed by publication author, publication title, and the general subject of each publication.
  • Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition Centennial : This University of Washington Libraries digital collection contains more than 1200 photographs of the 1909 fair held on the grounds of the University of Washington, depicting buildings, grounds, entertainment and exotic attractions.
  • Donald G. Larson Collection on International Expositions and Fairs, 1851-1940 : The Donald G. Larson Collection at Cal-State Fresno, consists of approximately 1,600 books and more than 6,500 pamphlets, postcard, sheet music, and other materials.
  • ExpoMuseum : ExpoMuseum was first created as a web site in 1998 by Urso S. A. Chappell, and is maintained by him.The site pays tribute to the past, present, and future of these immensely popular expositions, and also includes a number of fun features, such as a discussion area and a special section dedicated to the architecture of these places.
  • Hyper-text Thesis on the World's Columbian Exposition : A Masters thesis, by Julie K. Rose, M.A. English, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA on the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, in Chicago, Illinois, which features a virtual tour of the Fair and offers analysis of social and cultural importance of the World's Columbian Exposition.
  • Paris 1900 - The Exhibit of American Negroes : The Exhibit of American Negroes is a reconstruction of highlights from an exhibit of the same name put together by W. E. B. DuBois, Thomas Calloway and the Historic Black Colleges for the Paris 1900 International Exposition.
  • Progress Made Visible: American World's Fairs and Expositions : The Special Collections Department of the University of Delaware Library holds a wide variety of primary source materials relating to the World's Fairs and Expositions held in the United States between 1876 and 1939.
  • Revisiting World's Fairs and International Expositions: A Selected Bibliography, 1992 - 1999 : This Smithsonian Institution Library bibliography supplements Bridget Burke's bibliography, "World's Fairs and International Expositions: Selected References 1987-1993," which was published as part of Fair Representations: World's Fairs and the Modern World, edited by Robert Rydell and Nancy Gwinn. It focuses on secondary materials that were published between 1992 and mid-summer 1999, but also includes some entries for materials prior to 1992 that were not included in the Burke's bibliography.
  • The 1904 World's Fair: Looking Back at Looking Forward : An online exhibition in association with the Missouri Historical Society's 2004 centennial celebration of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair.
  • The History of World Expositions : An EXPO 2000 resource on twenty previous World's Fairs and Expositions from 1851 to 2000.
  • The Iconography of Hope: The 1939-40 New York World's Fair : Created by John C. Barans, this site features historical information and digitized photographs chronicling the 1939-40 New York World's Fair.

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Navigating US History: A Student’s Guide to Research Paper Topics


As a student of history, you’re on a constant journey through time. Writing a research paper is more than just an assignment—it’s an opportunity to delve deeper into the events and periods that shaped the world we live in today. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or looking for fresh perspectives on well-trodden paths, this guide will provide a comprehensive list of US history research paper topics.

Table of content

The Importance of History Learning

Studying history provides a deeper understanding of societies, cultures, and the human condition. History shapes our collective memory, instilling a sense of identity and understanding of our place in the world. Exploring different eras helps us comprehend the consequences of certain actions, understand patterns, and better anticipate the future. Writing research papers on US history equips us with an analytical lens to critically assess the past, promoting empathy and encouraging informed citizenship.

The Art of Research Writing

Research writing requires a careful synthesis of existing knowledge with original thought. As a historical researcher, you act as a detective, deciphering mysteries, drawing connections, and unveiling the truths hidden in the annals of time. Your research paper is an exploration of your chosen topic and a demonstration of your analytical skills, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently.

Crafting your Research Paper Topic

Selecting an engaging and manageable topic is crucial in the research process. Your topic should be both broad enough to offer plenty of study sources and narrow enough to allow in-depth exploration. Below is a list of possible US history research paper topics.

Colonial Period

The Colonial Period, from the late 15th Century to the late 18th Century, marked the beginning of European settlement in what is now the United States. This era saw significant events such as the arrival of the Pilgrims, the establishment of the thirteen colonies, and the interactions between the settlers and the Native American tribes. This period set the stage for America’s diverse cultural, political, and social foundation.

Research Paper Topics for the Colonial Period

  • Role of the Church in Colonial Society.
  • Jamestown: Successes and Failures.
  • Impact of Tobacco Cultivation on Colonial Economy.
  • Life of Indigenous Tribes Pre-Colonization.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Role of Women in Colonial America.
  • Early Forms of Democracy: The Mayflower Compact.
  • Slavery in the Early Colonies.
  • The Transatlantic Trade: Its Impact on the Colonies.
  • Comparison of Northern and Southern Colonies.
  • Analysis of Colonial Laws and Their Impact on Society.
  • Evolution of Education in Colonial America.
  • The Great Awakening and Its Impact on American Society.
  • Indentured Servitude vs. Slavery: A Comparative Study.
  • Navigation Acts and Their Influence on the Colonies.
  • Impact of European Diseases on Native American Population.
  • The Role of the Dutch in New Amsterdam (New York).
  • The French and Indian War: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Influence of the Enlightenment in the Colonies.
  • Colonial Architecture: A Reflection of Cultural Identity.
  • The Pennsylvania Colony: A Quaker Experiment.
  • Cultural Exchange between Colonists and Native Americans.
  • The Evolution of Colonial Economies: From Mercantilism to Capitalism.

Revolutionary Era

The Revolutionary Era, roughly from the 1760s to the 1780s, marked a period of political upheaval and radical change. It included events such as the American Revolution and the drafting of the US Constitution. This period represents America’s struggle for independence and the nation’s birth.

Research Paper Topics for the Revolutionary Era

  • The Impact of the Stamp Act on the Colonies.
  • The Boston Massacre: An Analysis.
  • Role of Women in the American Revolution.
  • The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Continental Congress: Achievements and Challenges.
  • The Role of Propaganda in the American Revolution.
  • Significance of the Battle of Saratoga.
  • Comparative Analysis of the American and Haitian Revolutions.
  • The Treaty of Paris (1783): Implications for America.
  • Founding Fathers: Contributions and Controversies.
  • The Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist Debate.
  • The Role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War.
  • The Impact of the Revolutionary War on Native Americans.
  • Influence of the Enlightenment on the US Constitution.
  • George Washington was a Military Leader.
  • The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • The Legacy of Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Formation and Influence of the Sons of Liberty.
  • Impact of the American Revolution on French Political Thought.
  • The Bill of Rights: A Study in Civil Liberties.
  • The Northwest Ordinance and Its Impact on American Expansion.
  • Impact of the Revolutionary Era on American Literature.
  • Loyalists during the American Revolution: Their Experiences and Contributions.

Nineteenth Century

The 19th Century was a time of dramatic transformation in America. From the expansion westward to the abolition of slavery and from the Industrial Revolution to the Civil War, these changes forged a new nation. It was an era defined by innovation, conflict, and expansion.

  • The Impact of the Cotton Gin on the Southern Economy.
  • The Missouri Compromise: An Analysis.
  • The Role of Women in the 19th Century.
  • Manifest Destiny and Its Impact on American Identity.
  • The Abolitionist Movement: Key Figures and Contributions.
  • The Mexican-American War: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on American Society.
  • Analysis of the Compromise of 1850.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act and Its Implications.
  • The Influence of Transcendentalism on American Thought.
  • The Homestead Act and Westward Expansion.
  • Causes and Consequences of the Civil War.
  • The Reconstruction Era: Successes and Failures.
  • Role of African Americans in the Civil War.
  • The Trail of Tears: Causes and Implications.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Its Impact and Legacy.
  • The Indian Removal Act: An Analysis.
  • The Influence of the Gold Rush on American Society.
  • The Formation of Labor Unions and Workers’ Rights.
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: Key Events and Figures.
  • The Dred Scott Decision and Its Impact on American Politics.
  • The Impact of Railroads on Economic and Social Change.
  • The Gilded Age: An Analysis of Social and Economic Disparities.

Twentieth Century

Monumental changes in technology, culture, politics, and social norms marked the 20th Century. The US emerged as a global superpower through its involvement in two World Wars, the Cold War, and numerous other international conflicts. This era also witnessed significant social changes, including the Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Liberation, and the Gay Rights Movement.

Research Paper Topics for the Twentieth Century

  • Impact of World War I on American Society.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural Revolution.
  • Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression.
  • The Influence of the New Deal on American Government.
  • Role of Women in World War II.
  • The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II.
  • The Rise of Suburbia in Post-War America.
  • The Cold War: An Analysis of US Foreign Policy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Key Figures and Milestones.
  • Impact of the Vietnam War on American Culture.
  • The Watergate Scandal and Its Effect on Public Trust.
  • The Feminist Movement in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Space Race and Its Influence on Technology.
  • The Impact of Television on American Society.
  • The Environmental Movement and the Creation of the EPA.
  • The Gay Rights Movement: Key Events and Figures.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: An Analysis.
  • The Immigration Act of 1965 and Its Impact on American Demographics.
  • The War on Drugs: Causes and Consequences.
  • The AIDS Epidemic and Its Impact on Public Health Policy.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the End of the Cold War.
  • The Role of the Internet in the Digital Age.

Final Thoughts

History research can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Remember, the best papers reflect your curiosity and passion for the topic. So, pick a topic that resonates with you, immerse yourself in the research, and enjoy the journey through time.

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520 Excellent American History Topics & Tips for an A+ Paper

How can you define America? If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, studying US history will help you find the answer.

This article will help you dive deeper into this versatile subject. Here, you will find:

  • Early and modern US history topics to write about. We’ve also got topics for DBQ essays for students taking an AP US history class.
  • Tips on how to create a great history paper.

Have you checked out our custom writing service yet? Our experts are always ready to help you with your assignments.

🔝 Top 10 American History Topics

✅ how to write a history paper, ⭐ top 10 us history topics to research.

  • 🦅 Topics Before 1865
  • ⚔️ Civil War Topics
  • 🛠️ Reconstruction & Industrialization
  • 🗽 20th Century Topics
  • 🔫 Topics on WWI & II
  • ☮️ Civil Rights Movement Topics
  • 💬 Debatable Topics
  • ✊🏿 Black History Topics
  • 🏞️ Native American Topics
  • ⭐ Topics on Famous People

🔍 References

  • The ideology of the Black Panthers
  • How did tenements affect America?
  • Why was Wilmot Proviso so controversial?
  • What characterizes the Roaring Twenties?
  • Cause and effect of the Missouri Compromise
  • The role of women during the Great Depression
  • Did anyone profit from the 1929 Stock Market Crash?
  • Michael Collins’ contribution to the space exploration
  • How did the US benefit from the Bracero Program?
  • Brigham Young’s contribution to the development of the West

History writing is controversial by nature. Selecting questions and topics is already a subjective process. On top of that, you need to interpret the sources. So, there is much to think about when it comes to history papers.

We’ve compiled several tips to make it easier for you. Check it out:

  • Don’t be afraid to disagree . People explain many issues by conventional wisdom. Be skeptical and examine your own bias.
  • Explore new terrains . Not all historical events get the attention they deserve. Writing about generally neglected topics can yield fascinating results.
  • Consider how situations change over time . Frame your subject with a start- and endpoint.
  • Wonder . History is not just descriptions of what happened—it also questions how and why specific events took place.
  • Avoid relating everything to the present . Examine the past on its own terms. In doing so, keep the chronological order straight.
  • Don’t judge your subject . Your goal is to understand the past. Remember: moral norms might have been different in the period you’re studying.
  • Give context . It’s crucial to engage with and interpret your sources. Pinpoint their place in the grand scheme of events.

Finally, you might want to write in the present tense. While this works for other social sciences, it’s not advisable for history. It’s best to keep the past in the past! Also, if you need to construct a MLA title page , there’s nothing wrong in using a specialized tool to do that, as long as it allows you to concentrate on the more important part—writing.

  • What caused the Red Scare?
  • What did the Loyalists fight for?
  • Literacy rates during Puritan times
  • The effects of the Great Awakening
  • Why was the Boston Tea Party justified?
  • The aftermath of the Battle of Bunker Hill
  • Why was presidential Reconstruction a failure?
  • The causes of the economic recession of the 1780s
  • Railroads development role in the Industrial Revolution
  • Frederick Douglass’s contribution to the abolition of slavery

🦅 Essay Topics on US History before 1865

The period of colonial America is packed with turmoil. Think of the Boston Tea Party or the American Revolution. And these are only two of that era’s most notable events. In this rubric, you’ll find colonial American history essay topics. The period in question starts with the British arrival in the New World and ends with the Civil War.

  • The origins of Thanksgiving. One idea is to find out why the Pilgrims started celebrating it in the first place. Alternatively, you could examine how it became a national holiday.
  • Why did the British begin settling in the New World? This topic allows you to explore the rivalry with Spain. Or you could investigate England’s problem with poverty.
  • Discuss the emergence of joint-stock companies. Who profited from them? What is their legacy? You might also want to study their role in early settling attempts.
  • Compare and contrast the Jamestown and Plymouth settlements. You can concentrate on areas such as religion and government.

Barack Obama quote.

  • Why did Americans start revolting? An excellent place to begin might be America’s position in global power struggles. The impact of the European Enlightenment movement is also something to consider.
  • The history of African American culture. Ask yourself these questions: How does it differ from the way it is now? What factors influenced its development?
  • What problems arose during the drafting of the Constitution? You might want to write about the economic crisis. Other important factors include different interest groups and their expectations.
  • How did the American Revolution influence society? Your essay can be concerned with its immediate or long-term impact. Find out how women, slaves, and other groups reacted to the revolutionary spirit.
  • Consequences of the Royal Proclamation of 1783. American settlers didn’t obey the proclamation, but it still proved to be influential. Your paper could discuss why. Perhaps you’d also like to ponder if it was a good idea.
  • The role of nationalism in the westward expansion. Explore how Americans justified their belief in Manifest Destiny.

Don’t forget to check out these essay topics on early American history:

  • Why did the settlers start importing slaves?
  • How did Texas become a sovereign republic?
  • Why was the American Revolution successful?
  • Discuss the significance of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • What events led to the war of 1812 ?
  • How did the French Revolution impact America?
  • Describe the changes the American Revolution brought to the states.
  • What did “American” mean in the 18 th century?
  • The role of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty in achieving unity.
  • Why was the right to bear arms included in the Bill of Rights?
  • The first President of the United States.
  • Investigate the origins of the two-party system.
  • Alexander Hamilton’s financial policies: opposition and political consequences.
  • How did Washington, DC become the national capital?
  • Trace the Lewis and Clark expedition.
  • Analyze the importance of cotton for the South’s economy in the 1800s.
  • How did the relations between the settlers and Native Americans develop over time?
  • Who formed the abolitionist movement, and why?
  • How did Kansas become a battleground for proponents and opponents of slavery?
  • Who were the Border Ruffians?
  • What was the Compromise of 1850?
  • Consequences of the Mexican-American war.
  • Long-term influences of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin .
  • Compare the real Underground Railroad with the Underground Femaleroad in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale .
  • The Declaration of Independence and its legacy.
  • What did the philosophy of transcendentalism entail?
  • Abigail Adams and the fight for women’s rights in the new republic.
  • Who was Daniel Shays?
  • Trace the ratification process of the United States’ Constitution.
  • What problems arose with the Missouri Compromise ?
  • The revival of religion in the US after achieving independence.
  • How did the mass immigration of Germans and Irish people impact the US?
  • Nativism in the US: riots and the politics of the Know-Nothings.
  • How did the South and the North respectively argue for and against slavery?
  • Investigate the emergence of the “Old American West.”
  • Study the connection of the blue jeans’ invention with the California gold rush .
  • Describe a day in a life of a slave.
  • Why was the Dred Scott Decision significant?
  • How does the 1860 election relate to the southern states seceding from the Union?
  • Explain the term “popular sovereignty.”

⚔️ Civil War Topics for Your Paper

In the pre-war period, tensions in the US over state rights and slavery were high. The differences seemed impossible to overcome. Eventually, this led to several southern states seceding from the Union. What followed was the bloodiest war ever to take place on American ground. In writing about the Civil War, you can explore military, political, and social issues.

  • Did the South ever have a chance to win? The conflict seemed to be heavily in favor of the more industrialized North. Still, it took four years of fighting to get the South to surrender. Your essay could examine the South’s underestimated strengths.
  • Compare and contrast the South’s and North’s economic situation on the eve of the Civil War. You might want to investigate the following questions: What did they produce? How did this influence the decision to wage war?
  • How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the war? You could focus on the contributions of African American soldiers.
  • Discuss the fatal mistakes made on the battlefields of the Civil War. What decisive moments impacted its results the most? Your paper might explore what the generals could have done differently.
  • Was the Civil War inevitable ? It may be interesting to contemplate a possible compromise. In doing so, think about whether this would have merely delayed the war.
  • The general public’s position on the Civil War. It might be compelling to analyze who supported the effort and why. One focal point could be on differences between social classes.
  • The role of beliefs during the Civil War. You could investigate what the South and the North respectively held sacred. Were religious beliefs a crucial motivator for one or both sides?
  • The “Angel of the Battlefield”: Clara Barton. An essay could analyze how she contributed to the recognition of women’s war participation. It could also examine how it forwarded the struggle for women’s rights.

Clara Barton.

  • What were the political reasons to fight the Civil War? Investigating this question might yield surprising insights.
  • Contrasting Stonewall Jackson and Ulysses Grant might be engaging for those who are interested in military strategies.

Do you want more? Have a look at the following topic samples for high and middle school students:

  • Analyze why Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address became a critical moment in American history.
  • Was the Civil War justified?
  • Why was Fort Sumter relevant?
  • How did the Civil War battles impact the American social sphere?
  • What does the notion of the “Lost Cause” mean?
  • Would the election of a different man other than Abraham Lincoln as president have prevented the Civil War?
  • Why did many former slaves enlist in the Union army after the Emancipation Proclamation?
  • Describe the consequences of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination .
  • Why was slavery essential for the South?
  • Foreign US policy during the 1860s.
  • European reactions on the American Civil War.
  • How did Jefferson Davis’ government differ from Abraham Lincoln’s ?
  • Analyze the notion “A rich man’s war and a poor man’s fight.” Why was this especially true in the South?
  • Why did the Union rely heavily on blockades to weaken the Confederation?
  • Examine how Mary Boykin Chesnut’s A Diary from Dixie reflects on the war.
  • How did the war affect life in the South vs. the North?
  • Investigate the events that led to the Union victory in 1864-65.
  • Was the abolitionist movement the catalyst for the war?
  • The impact of industrialization on the battlefield.
  • What technologies emerged during the Civil War?
  • Discuss the societal effects of war photography.
  • How did the Civil War affect the many immigrants who recently entered the United States?
  • Did the American Civil War impact the rest of the globe? If so, how?
  • Can one consider Abraham Lincoln one of the best presidents in American history? If so, why?
  • Compare and contrast the most important generals and their tactics.
  • Debate the influence of Manifest Destiny on exacerbating tensions.
  • What states were devastated the most after the war, and why?
  • Describe the South’s and North’s goals during the Civil War.
  • What does the term “Bleeding Kansas” mean?
  • Newspaper coverage of the Civil War in the South vs. the North.
  • Analyze various letters to understand how people from different backgrounds perceived the Civil War.
  • Art and theater in 1860s America.
  • Debate how sectionalism and protectionism contributed to pre-war tensions in the US.
  • Why did the Crittenden Compromise fail?
  • How did the border states perceive the battles of the Civil War?
  • Explore the war contributions and legacy of Mary Edwards Walker.
  • The importance of the US navy in leading the Union to victory.
  • What happened on the West Coast during the Civil War?
  • Trace a timeline of the Civil War’s key battles.
  • Nation-building and national identity: how did the Civil War shape the idea of “Americanness”?

🛠️ Essay Topics on Reconstruction & Industrialization

After the war, industrialization was rapidly changing the American landscape. Additionally, restoring the order after years of fighting proved a challenge. In abolishing slavery, Republicans took the first step to ensure constitutional rights for African Americans. But not everyone shared the same viewpoints. Dive deeper into these confusing times with one of our topics on American history before 1877:

  • Why did scholars initially view the Reconstruction Era in a bad light? When answering this question, you can focus on the idea of “Black Supremacism.” You also might want to analyze what compelled them to shift their perspective.
  • Another option is investigating what caused Reconstruction to fail . You can further argue where it succeeded and perhaps offer a new interpretation.
  • Maybe you’d prefer an essay on why the Reconstruction Era mattered . This topic allows you to highlight crucial contemporary debates still relevant today.
  • Tracing the origins of the Ku-Klux-Klan has much to offer. You can link this topic to today and question if handling them has changed.
  • Why did President Johnson veto the enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1866? It might be interesting to contrast his political reasoning and his personal beliefs.
  • Compare the phases of Reconstruction. How did the concept change from Lincoln’s initial plans to President Johnson’s execution?
  • How did urbanization affect American life? Your paper could contrast life in the city and the countryside. You can take economic, social, and health factors into account.
  • How did the American landscape change during industrialization? You might want to examine city growth and architecture.
  • The invention of electricity was one of the most important events in human history. It might be compelling to wonder what side effects its implementation had.
  • Why not investigate the symbolism of skyscrapers? Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead is a fascinating source for this subject.

But wait, that’s not all of it. We’ve got more, including topics on American history since 1877:

  • Did the situation for freedmen improve after Reconstruction?
  • How did industrialization affect African Americans?
  • Discuss what consequences the Compromise of 1877 had.
  • The role of transportation during industrialization.
  • How does an assembly line work?

The first ever assembly line was installed by Henry Ford.

  • The invention of the automobile.
  • Describe in what ways mass production affected American society.
  • What was the Panic of 1873?
  • Long-term effects of Plessy v. Ferguson.
  • How did the Freedmen’s Bureau help former slaves?
  • Why did rebuilding the South prove so difficult?
  • Debate the effects of the print revolution on American society.
  • What was the primary goal of Reconstruction?
  • How did the Reconstruction Act affect politics in the South?
  • What caused the formation of Radical Republicans?
  • The transformation of leisure in late 19 th century America.
  • Analyze why landownership was a crucial issue in establishing African American equality.
  • Was President Johnson’s attempted impeachment in 1868 justified?
  • How did the US government help exacerbate the wealth gap in the late 19 th century?
  • What changes did transcontinental railroad transportation bring?
  • How did John D. Rockefeller influence the American economy?
  • The role of oil in industrializing America.
  • Discuss the relevance of the Great Upheaval.
  • Changing gender roles in times of urbanization.
  • Industrialization and Education: obstacles and opportunities for women and African Americans.
  • Analyze how industrialization and urbanization in the USA challenged old values.
  • How did the American newspaper business change in the 19 th century?
  • The impact of sensationalism on the American public.
  • Why did steel become such a crucial material during the late 1800s?
  • What caused the Reconstruction Era to come to an end?
  • How did contemporary cartoons attempt to depict the mood during Reconstruction?
  • What problems did Ulysses S. Grant have to face with his administration?
  • Compare and contrast reconstruction measures in various states.
  • Why did cities become increasingly attractive for America’s rural population in the 19 th century?
  • Examine the significance of the Slaughterhouse Cases.
  • Determine the difference between Presidential Reconstruction and Radical Reconstruction?
  • From the black code to Jim Crow: institutionalized racism in the southern states.
  • The combined rise of populism and imperialism in the 1800s.
  • Discuss the significance of regional differences during industrialization .
  • The impact of labor unions on the American work environment.

🗽 20th Century US History Topics to Write About

By the turn of the century, the US was a significant global player. Events such as the Great Depression affected the whole world. In addition, American contributions to the arts changed the cultural sphere forever. If you’re looking for modern US history thematic essay topics, this section is for you.

  • Why did the “final frontier” gain such importance in the 20 th century? Your essay could examine if the space race was an extension of Manifest Destiny.
  • How did the Titanic’s sinking influence innovation and safety regulations ? The ship was the biggest and most technologically advanced ocean liner at the time. Carrying over 2000 passengers, it sank on its maiden voyage. Investigating its legacy might yield fascinating results.
  • How did progressivism shape the political landscape in America at the turn of the century? In the early 1900s, the USA was almost a different country than it was 50 years prior. How did this happen? And who were the leading figures of this process?
  • Are you curious about the development of American workplace laws? Write about the consequences of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.
  • If you’re into corporate history, look into the rise and fall of America’s formerly largest retailer, Sears.
  • The real William Randolph Hearst vs. his portrayal in David Fincher’s Mank . This topic allows you to combine film theory and the history of American journalism.
  • The impact of Citizen Kane on movies around the globe. To this day, Citizen Kane is considered one of the most influential films ever made. In a paper on the 1941 masterpiece, you can focus on what made it special. Which features are still prominent in cinema today?
  • How did the eugenics movement affect American society? You might want to investigate marriage laws or forced sterilizations.
  • Consequences of the Spanish-American War. The brief battle didn’t last long, but its impact was immense. Your essay could highlight the war as a stepping stone to making the US a global power.
  • Escalating racial violence: The Rosewood Massacre. In 1923, the entire town of Rosewood, Florida, was wiped out by white aggressors. How did racial tensions get so far?

Haven’t found anything yet? Here are some other American history thesis topics for you to explore:

  • The impact of the Cold War on the American economy.
  • What caused the Great Depression?
  • Ellis Island as a beacon of hope for immigrants and refugees.
  • The transformation of the American school system in the 1920s.
  • What were pop art’s main concepts?
  • Moral vs. political considerations during the annexation of Hawaii.
  • Who were the Social Gospel preachers?
  • John Dewey’s role in advancing education.
  • What sources fueled American progressivism?
  • Trace the timeline of Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency.
  • What was laissez-faire capitalism?
  • How did President Woodrow Wilson reform businesses?
  • A dive into the speakeasy culture.
  • How did the widespread availability of cars impact American dating life?
  • Prohibition: reasons and consequences.
  • Connecting arts and civil rights: The Harlem Renaissance.
  • Al Capone and the rise of organized crime in the 1920s.
  • What was the New Deal, and why was it necessary?
  • How did FDR’s “Alphabet Agencies” help the economy after the Great Depression?
  • Explore the funding of the UN.
  • Discuss the significance of the Berlin Airlift.
  • Screen rebels: how James Dean and Marlon Brando changed American cinema forever.
  • Find a connection between McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials.
  • How did affordable television perpetuate the idea of the ideal American family?
  • Analyze the political consequences of the Watergate scandal.
  • A new American culture: variety shows in the 1950s.
  • The origins of Rock’n’roll.
  • What caused the US to slide into inflation in the 1970s?
  • Counterculture literature in the middle of the century: The Beat Generation.
  • The aftermath of the Vietnam War.
  • What made John F. Kennedy a popular president?
  • The development of Hippie culture in the 1960s.
  • Reproductive rights and the rise of American feminism in the late 20 th century.
  • Intertwining show-business and government: Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
  • Outline the tactical maneuvers of Operation Desert Storm.
  • How did MTV revolutionize the music industry ?
  • Why did drug use become an existential problem in America during the 1970s and 80s?
  • American environmental reform policies from 1960 to 1980.
  • ’70s fashion as a social and political statement in the US.
  • How did the sexual revolution redefine American social life?

🔫 Topics about America in World Wars I & II

America during the World Wars is an engaging writing prompt. But it may be too broad for an essay. That’s why it makes sense to narrow your focus. Which area do you find most interesting about the subject? For example, you can choose between culture, economy, technology, and, of course, the military.

  • Repressions and progress went hand in hand in the postwar US. Writing about the impact of WWI on domestic American politics would give you various directions to research.
  • President Woodrow Wilson was against entering the war until 1917. What events led the US to break its neutrality?
  • Many Germans of the time called the Treaty of Versailles a “dictate of shame.” It is often considered a significant reason for World War II. What was the US’ position on the Treaty of Versailles?
  • After WWI, America followed isolationist politics. Until 1941, when they declared war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Could the USA have stayed out of WWII?
  • How did WWII affect the American economy? Think about military needs and rationing.
  • President Woodrow Wilson was a fierce supporter of the League of Nations. But congress coerced him not to have the USA join. Should America have become a member of this organization?

Woodrow Wilson quote.

  • How did American civilians contribute to the war effort? Your essay can focus specifically on women. Be sure to examine new arrangements in daily life.
  • If you’re more into art, why not analyze how the world wars influenced American art?
  • WWII changed all aspects of American life, including their diet. What new methods of food preservation emerged during that time?
  • Another fascinating topic to engage in is propaganda and advertisement in the US during WWII. Your focus might lie on how they targeted different members of society.

Don’t forget to read the rest of our topics on this issue:

  • Evaluate Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points program.
  • How did the American army recruitment work in WWII?
  • “Kilroy was here”: examine where the mysterious slogan comes from.
  • Outline the history of Japanese Americans in Japanese internment camps.
  • US spies: where and how did they operate?
  • The Manhattan Project: trace the making of the atomic bomb.
  • How did migration shape American society in the 1930s and ‘40s?
  • The notion of freedom in America before, during, and after the wars.
  • What role did communication play for the military in WWI vs. WWII?
  • Canadian-American relations during WWII.
  • How did the wars spur transportation developments in the US?
  • Discuss the significance of D-Day.
  • Could the allies have won WWII without the USA?
  • Why did America emerge as a “Global Policeman” after the world wars?
  • The effects of National Socialism in America.
  • In what ways does the outcome of WWII still influence American society today?
  • Compare and contrast military strategies in Europe vs. the Pacific.
  • Was the dropping of the atomic bomb necessary?
  • After the Little Boy’s devastating results, why did the American government decide to drop Fat Man?
  • What made the Zimmerman telegram such a central document for American war participation?
  • What happened to prisoner-of-war camps in the US after the fighting was over?
  • Compare the leadership styles of Franklin D. Roosevelt in WWII and Woodrow Wilson in WWI.
  • Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?
  • What methods did the American government use to conceal their operations?
  • Growing up in the ‘40s: how did the war impact the manufacture of toys?
  • Which medical advancements were helpful to American soldiers in WWII that didn’t yet exist in WWI?
  • How did the 1940s fashion in the USA reflect the global situation?
  • Did the two world wars change the civil rights situation for African Americans? If so, how?
  • How did the war affect employment in the US?
  • What was unique about the Higgins boats?
  • The role of submarines in WWI.
  • How did America cooperate with the allied forces in Europe in WWI?
  • Discuss how the American citizens reacted to being drawn into WWI vs. WWII.
  • Did anyone in the US profit from the wars? If so, who?
  • Describe how American families changed during WWII.
  • What stories do letters that soldiers sent to their families back home tell?
  • Joseph Heller’s depiction of World War II in the novel Catch-22 .
  • Compare and contrast memory culture concerning WWII in Russia vs. the USA.
  • How did the perception of America on the global stage change after World War I?
  • The role of women in the US military.

☮️ Essay Topics About the Civil Rights Movement

The struggle for African American equality finally intensified in the 1950s and 60s. Influential figures such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks emerged. Their resilience inspired countless others. Seventy years later, the fight is far from over. The rights of minorities and people of color are still a crucial topic in American society today.

  • Nine months before the Montgomery Bus Boycott , Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat to a white woman. Yet, Rosa Parks is the one commonly associated with sparking the event. Why is Claudette Colvin often ignored in history?
  • Everybody knows Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, but who were the Civil Rights Movement’s lesser-known figures? Start your research with Aurelia Browder and Susie McDonald.
  • Which concepts and themes can you find in Martin Luther King Jr. ’s I Have A Dream speech? One idea is to focus on how he expresses hope and freedom for black Americans.

Martin Luther King Jr Quote.

  • Which committees and organizations were central to the Civil Rights Movement’s success ? Discuss the roles of the SNCC, CORE, and NAACP.
  • What makes Malcolm X a controversial figure? Be sure to mention his nationalist ideas and membership in the Nation of Islam.
  • The Little Rock Nine: what made their integration into Little Rock Central High School difficult? In your research paper, you can write about harassment issues and military intervention.
  • What did the Civil Rights Act of 1957 change? On the one hand, you can talk about the history of voter rights. On the other, you might want to investigate how the public reacted to the new law.
  • If you prefer personal stories, you can trace Ruby Bridges’ experiences. She became famous as the first black person to go to an all-white school. She’s still alive today.
  • History can be ugly. If you’re not afraid to encounter violence during your research, check out the Freedom Rides. How did they help attract international attention to the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Consequences of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. Did the movement die with him? How did the government respond?

Are you curious for more? Have a look at these prompts:

  • Compare the modern Black Lives Matter movement with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
  • What did the Black Panthers party achieve?
  • The best way to teach about the Civil Rights Movement in 8 th grade.
  • What happened at the Greensboro sit-ins?
  • Why did the civil rights activists encounter so much violence, even though they mostly protested peacefully?
  • Compare and contrast Gandhi’s methods and those of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Why was Bloody Sunday a crucial moment for the Civil Rights Movement
  • What was the “long, hot summer”?
  • Examine the creation of the Kerner Commission.
  • The role of students in advancing civil rights for African Americans.
  • What rights did black Americans gain through the Civil Rights Movement
  • Describe the Nation of Islam’s goals.
  • Who were the members of the Black Panther Party?
  • What distinguishes the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s from previous movements to establish more rights for African Americans?
  • Give a brief overview of the most important Supreme Court decisions concerning the struggle for equality.
  • The importance of the church for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Compare the effects of various marches for freedom.
  • What made Martin Luther King Jr. a great leader for the movement?
  • How did the murder of Emmett Till affect the public’s view on segregation and racism?
  • How did the press support or hinder the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Loving v. Virginia: legacy and contemporary significance.
  • What did the notion of “miscegenation” entail?
  • What were the Jim Crow laws?
  • Describe the goals and achievements of Operation Breadbasket.
  • Who was Stokely Carmichael?
  • Analyze Ralph Abernathy’s autobiography And the Walls Came Tumbling Down . Why do some people consider it controversial?
  • Debate the criticism brought up against the Congress of Racial Equality.
  • Why did some civil rights activists in the 1960s radicalize?
  • Did the election of Barack Obama mark the end of the struggle for equal rights?
  • Discuss the success of the Baton Rouge bus boycott.
  • What events led to Lyndon B. Johnson’s signing of the Voting Rights Act?
  • Examine Coretta Scott King’s career after her husband’s passing.
  • Investigate conspiracy theories concerning James Earl Ray’s role in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The publishing and writing process of Malcolm X’s autobiography.
  • How and why did the 2020 election undermine parts of the Voting Rights Act?
  • Is studying the Civil Rights Movement still relevant today? If so, why?
  • How did CORE help desegregate schools in Chicago?
  • Who is Jesse Jackson?
  • Contemporary commemoration of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • How did John F. Kennedy’s death impact the Civil Rights Movement?

💬 Debatable US History Topics to Research

Controversy has been a constant companion of American history. And it’s not only questionable segregation practices that are up for debate. Women’s and LGBT rights, as well as welfare programs, are issues still unresolved today. If you want argumentative or persuasive essay topics about American history, check out this section.

  • Memories are always socially constructed. “How do various communities around the US perceive monuments of slaveholders?” is an engaging question to explore in your essay.
  • In 1995, an exhibition at the Smithsonian centered around the Enola Gay sparked a nationwide controversy. Critics said the exhibit focused too much on the Japanese suffering the nuclear bomb dropped from the aircraft caused. Was that criticism justified?
  • In the past, Colonial Williamsburg’s issues with slavery were often overlooked. Instead, when creating and developing the historical site, the focus lay on its democratic values. Is Colonial Williamsburg still a good place to learn about American history?
  • What does the Liberty Bell stand for today? You can include recent and older controversies surrounding the location and custody of the bell.
  • Tracing the history of LGBT rights will yield many debatable insights. Which court decisions would you consider especially controversial, and why?
  • The legacy of the Centralia massacre in 1919: are the events linked to the Red Scare? How did the town try to obscure the truth?
  • In 1887, President Eisenhower supported a campaign to promote patriotism. Part of this was the addition of “under God” to the American Pledge of Allegiance. Analyze the debates surrounding the issue.
  • The history of prostitution laws in the US. Your thesis could suggest a connection between decriminalizing sex work and the workers’ wellbeing.
  • In the 2020 election, several states voted to legalize not only marijuana but also other drugs. History shows many movements to legalize recreational drug use. What was different now?
  • Many older Disney cartoons depict racist stereotypes. The question of adjusting them to modern values sparked much debate. Using this discussion to explore how America should deal with problematic media from the past might be promising.

Keep reading and discover more controversial United States history topics.

  • Did President Barack Obama deserve his Nobel Peace Prize?
  • What did the US gain from the Iraq War?
  • Would Germany have won WWII without America’s intervention?
  • Should the presidents of the previous century have done more to promote animal rights?
  • Given its historical context, should we keep celebrating Thanksgiving?
  • Why did it take so long for American women to achieve legally equal rights?
  • Find historical reasons why the US never instituted universal healthcare.
  • The necessity of cow’s milk in America: past vs. present.
  • Was the annexation of Puerto Rico justified?
  • Did the Chicano Movement achieve positive changes for Mexican Americans?
  • John F. Kennedy’s most controversial presidential actions.
  • The ratification of the 8 th amendment.
  • Was the government’s response to 9/11 justified?
  • The role of faith in American history before 1877 and after.
  • Who or what caused the US’ drug overdose epidemic?
  • HIV/AIDS denialism in America in the 1990s.
  • What should Locust Grove do to restore its deteriorating African American cemetery? Can the place be considered a historical site?
  • Why did some states introduce felon disenfranchisement in 1792? Did the new law spark any outrage?
  • Trace the historical timeline of the same-sex marriage debate.
  • The USA has always been a country of immigrants. How did this lead to immigration being a fiercely discussed topic nowadays?
  • How did the US contribute to the current instability in the Middle East?
  • Was the “Lost Generation” reckless?
  • How do US historians influence public opinion?
  • Does the Red Scare reflect on Russian-American relations today?
  • Should Bill Clinton have stayed in office ?
  • Discuss the benefits of being a hippie in the 60s.
  • Can the members of the Beat Generation serve as role models for travel enthusiasts today?
  • Roe v. Wade: what made the court case a turning point in the fight for women’s reproductive rights?
  • Did American feminism become too radical by the late 19 th century?
  • The rise and fall of DDT: Why was it allowed in the first place?
  • What should US history education for high school students look like?
  • From a historical perspective, does the reality in Watchmen seem like a likely scenario for the future?
  • Psychiatric methods in early 1900s America.
  • The role of performance-enhancing drugs in the history of American sports achievements.
  • Why do some people believe that the moon landing was staged?
  • Criticism against Ayn Rand’s objectivism and its influence.
  • Before opening America’s first women’s hospital, gynecologist J. Marion Sims experimented on slaves. Should he still be celebrated as the ‘father’ of modern gynecology?
  • Is the notion of “American Century” accurate?
  • American exceptionalism in the 20 th century vs. now.
  • Has technological innovation always been beneficial for the American public?

✊🏿 Black History Topics for an Essay

African American experiences are still very different than those of their white compatriots. That’s why it’s crucial to analyze people of color’s perspectives of and contributions to history. Black history includes thematic topics on education, society, and culture.

  • Steve McQueen’s 12 Years A Slave adapts the 1853 memoirs of Solomon Northup. Though the film doesn’t shy away from brutal images, critics argued it was too soft. Should film writers surrender accurate historical representation to make their content more accessible?
  • After the Civil War, slavery was officially banned in the US. Still, the South continued to find ways to exploit black labor. Examine the consequences of new methods such as convict leasing and sharecropping.
  • Many of those who opposed slavery complied with the system by staying silent or inactive. What did this mean for the reality of African Americans? Why didn’t these people stand up?
  • A paper on what caused the Red Summer of 1919 can focus on the South to North migration of African Americans during WWI.
  • In the 20 th century, the Great Migration relocated many African Americans. How did this event impact the development of black culture? Your paper could concentrate on art movements or political activism.
  • The GI Bill promised financial benefits to veterans. But former black soldiers didn’t profit as much as their white compatriots. To analyze a concrete example of racist inequality, you can write about how the GI Bill affected African American veterans.
  • For decades, American universities did their best to keep African Americans from receiving higher education. How is education inequality still impacting black students today?
  • After WWI, Tulsa was a prosperous city home to the so-called “ Black Wall Street .” Then the Tulsa Race Massacre happened, and the area was left in shambles. Explore the moving history of Tulsa’s Greenwood District.
  • Do you want to investigate the powerful interplay between cinema and reality? Dedicate your essay to the connection between D.W. Griffith’s 1915 picture The Birth of a Nation and the Ku Klux Klan’s revival. What did this mean for black lives in the early 20 th century?
  • Pan-Africanism in the United States: Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Writing about this topic, you might want to highlight African American nationalism in the 20 th century.

Are none of these prompts for you? Don’t worry; we’ve got more African American history paper topics for college students:

  • Booker T. Washington vs. W. E. B. Du Bois: similarities and disagreements.
  • African American innovators who never received credit for their inventions.

The most important African American inventors.

  • From Hiram Rhodes Revels and Shirley Chisholm to Barack Obama: African Americans who paved the way for modern American democracy.
  • Should the US government pay reparations to descendants of former slaves?
  • Sojourner Truth: how did the former slave fight to end injustice?
  • How did job competition in the North intensify racial tensions in the 20 th century?
  • The accomplishments of Dorothy Johnson Vaughan.
  • Ida B. Wells’ legacy and the history of lynching in America.
  • Why do we celebrate Black History Month, and why is it important?
  • What does Juneteenth commemorate?
  • Histories of the most famous black scientists in the United States.
  • How did the geographic distribution of black people in America transform over time?
  • Key activists of the abolitionist movement.
  • How did African Americans contribute to NASA’s success?
  • African Americans in the age of Prohibition: views and effects.
  • Juxtapose the development of black rights and felon rights.
  • Analyze the significance of Marian Anderson’s show on the National Mall for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • African American women in the beauty business: the story of Madame C. J. Walker.
  • What motivated many black Americans to fight in WWI voluntarily?
  • How did enslaved people manage to escape to the Northern states?
  • Compare the origins and outcomes of the Civil Rights Movement’s various marches.
  • The New Deal’s effect on African Americans.
  • Explore the connection between black history in the US and cotton.
  • What does the term “black flight” mean, and why might the phenomenon be a problem?
  • How did white capping inhibit the development of black communities?
  • What were the goals of the Che Lumumba Club?
  • Analyze the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case. What did its outcome mean for equality?
  • What makes Angela Davis a crucial figure in the black history discourse?
  • Analyze how Jackie Robinson broke the “color line” to pave the way for African American participation in professional sports.
  • Discuss the long-term consequences of the Tuskegee experiment.
  • How did the Watts Riots affect African American communities in California?
  • Explore the origins of Kwanzaa.
  • African American poetry before 1877: Lucy Terry’s Bars Fight .
  • Not so free after all: enactment of the Fugitive Slave Law.
  • Did the situation for American people of color improve after the implementation of Affirmative Action laws? If so, how?
  • Trailblazing black Americans in education.
  • How did sports help promote equality for African Americans in the 1900s?
  • Who were the Scottsboro boys?
  • Journalism’s fight for social justice: The Crisis magazine then and now.
  • How did Prohibition help dissolve segregation?

🏞️ Native American Topics to Write About

Much effort has gone into improving the relations between Americans and the indigenous peoples. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case. The history of native Americans is tainted with cruel battles. Taking a closer look reveals the interplay of various cultures and customs.

  • Pocahontas is one of the most renowned figures in Native American history. Compare Pocahontas’ real life vs. how she is depicted in the media. Why was she often romanticized?
  • How did Andrew Jackson’s government justify the Indian Removal Act? Moral standards during that time and economic reasoning might be a compelling area to focus on.
  • Native American participation in American wars. The colonists fought many battles with each other. France, Spain, and England all competed for the new territory. Did Native Americans participate in these fights? If so, whose side were they on?
  • African peoples were not the only ones who suffered serfdom. Your research paper could cover the colonial enslavement of Native Americans.
  • In the 18 th century, settlers and natives negotiated a variety of treaties. What did they say? Were these treaties ever beneficial for the natives?
  • The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 organized Native American lives into reservations. What did life look like for natives in these reservations? Additionally, you could examine how reservations affect their lives today.
  • Attempts to deal with Native Americans included assimilation and “civilization.” How did these methods work out? For a concrete example, investigate Henry Pratt’s Carlisle Indian Industrial school.
  • If you want to know more about Indian belief systems, research the emergence of the Ghost Dance. Originating in the late 19 th century, many native communities adapted the new tradition.
  • Geronimo escaped captivity countless times before turning himself in. How did he do that? Your essay can look at his beliefs and this geographical knowledge.
  • The Narragansett was the first tribe to encounter European settlers. What were their relations? How did they develop? Consider territorial struggles and the role of Roger Williams.

Are you looking for something else? Check out these US history essay questions and prompts:

  • Compare and contrast American and Australian historical relations to their native population.
  • What events led to the breakout of King Philip’s War?
  • Ancient Indian burial rituals and modern myths.
  • How did the Cherokees rebuild their lives after the Trail of Tears?
  • Sacagawea’s contribution to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
  • Great Native American leaders: Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.
  • What happened at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?
  • Consequences for Native American lives after the proclamation of 1763.
  • The crucial role of Navajo Code Talkers in WWII.
  • How did integration into American culture transform tribal life for different tribes?
  • Explore naming customs of various Native American tribes.
  • Is Black Elk Speaks an accurate representation of Lakota culture?
  • What did the American Indian Movement achieve?
  • What makes the Massacre of Wounded Knee significant?
  • Trace Leonard Peltier’s career in politics and activism. 
  • Chief Tecumseh and the Indian confederacy.
  • Compare and contrast the cultures of native tribes from various regions in America before colonization. 
  • How did American policies regarding the indigenous population change from the Mayflower’s arrival until now? 
  • What happened to California’s extensive Native American population after it became a state?
  • The development of Native American music.
  • Traditional Cherokee farming tools and techniques.
  • Native Americans and religion: what compelled some chiefs to convert to Christianity? 
  • How did N. Scott Momaday’s House Made of Dawn shape indigenous cultures’ image for the general public?
  • How did native spiritualism relate to the environment?
  • Gender roles of the Sioux tribe before 1900.
  • The greatest battles between First Nations and Americans.
  • Why were the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee considered the “Five Civilized Tribes”? 
  • America’s first native newspaper: The Cherokee Phoenix and its modern equivalent.
  • How did many of today’s Native Americans become entangled with alcohol and gambling? 
  • Myths and speculations on the ancient origins of indigenous Americans. 
  • Economic development of Native American tribes in the 20 th century.
  • Why did Cochise and his Apache warriors raid American settlements?
  • Trace the history of indigenous feminism.
  • What were the blood quantum laws, and why were they introduced?
  • Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill: forging an unlikely friendship.
  • The accomplishments of Oglala Lakota chief Red Cloud.
  • How did the Louisiana Purchase impact First Nations in the region? 
  • The history of Native Americans in law and politics.
  • The political aftermath of the Sand Creek Massacre
  • Cheyenne warrior societies: the emergence of Dog Soldiers as a separate band.

⭐ Topics on Famous People in American History

People shape history. Many of America’s leading historical figures made it to global importance. This section provides you with history essay topics on American artists, presidents, innovators, and more.

  • The “King of Pop” Michael Jackson died a decade ago. Why is he still one of the most debated American celebrities? Your essay could focus on the controversial allegations of child abuse towards him.
  • The social influence of Benjamin Franklin’s journalism is an enticing topic. It allows you to look at the founding father from a different angle. Make sure to include in your essay his desire to educate Americans in morality.
  • John Harvey Kellogg was a progressive healthcare leader. He was also a fierce follower of Adventism. If you endorse obscure things, write about Kellogg’s “warfare with passion.”
  • Mural made Jackson Pollock famous. Reflect on his career before and after the painting. How did the artist find his passion for drip painting? 
  • As a First Lady, Betty Ford was a strong advocate for women’s rights. But her political influence didn’t end with her husband’s career. Discuss Betty Ford’s accomplishments after her time in the White House. Mention her addiction and the subsequent establishment of the Betty Ford Center.
  • In 1935, J. Edgar Hoover founded the FBI. In his later years, he became a controversial figure due to his abuses of power . Examine Hoover’s investigations of subversion. What do you find surprising about them?
  • Before his brother’s assassination, Bobby Kennedy wasn’t particularly popular in the US. Analyze his speeches during his political career after the event. What made him a compassionate orator?
  • The Kennedy-Nixon debates provide a rich foundation for those interested in political campaigning. How did the public react to them? What did the polls say? Keep in mind that it was America’s first televised presidential debate.
  • If you seek to combine environmentalism and politics, Al Gore is your man. How did Al Gore shape America’s political discourse in the 2000s? Consider his loss against George Bush in the controversial 2000 election.
  • Literature enthusiasts know Allen Ginsberg for his explicit poem Howl . How did he express his political and social activism in his works? You could focus on his fight for free speech and the Howl trial. 

We’ve got more topics on regents and other famous Americans for you to check out:

  • Just Say No: Nancy Reagan and the failure of her anti-drug campaign.
  • Why was Abraham Lincoln such a controversial figure?
  • Kurt Cobain and Nirvana: the voice of the ‘90s youth.
  • Ronald Reagan was an actor before he became president. What drove him into politics?
  • What circumstances made Donald Trump’s presidency possible?
  • Why was Jimmy Carter such an unpopular president? 
  • Discuss what Eleanor Roosevelt achieved for women. 
  • Stanley Kubrick: was he the greatest filmmaker of the 20 th century?
  • The role of First Ladies before the Civil War.
  • Judith Butler’s influence on American feminism. 
  • Margaret Sanger: the initiator of the birth control movement. 
  • How did Oprah Winfrey get to where she is now?
  • Steve Jobs and the revolution of computer technology.
  • Research the mysterious Zodiac Killer and his ciphers. Why were many people obsessed with him?
  • How did the Wright Brothers shape the history of aviation?
  • Amelia Earhart’s disappearance: myths and facts. 
  • J. Robert Oppenheimer’s contributions to physics.
  • Bruce Lee and the transformation of martial arts.
  • How did O.J. Simpson end up in the US’ most famous car chase?
  • Charles Goodyear and the road to vulcanized rubber.
  • Creating nanotechnology : the legacy of Eric Drexler.
  • Muhammad Ali’s influence on raising awareness for Parkinson’s research.
  • Describe how Bobby Fischer impacted the world of chess.
  • What made Chuck Norris so famous?
  • How did Marilyn Monroe change the American attitude towards sexuality?
  • Truman Capote’s role in advancing LGBT rights.
  • Harper Lee’s biography after the publishing of To Kill A Mockingbird . 
  • Transforming science fiction: the legacy of Philip K. Dick. 
  • Andy Warhol as a global anti-capitalist icon.
  • Bringing quantum physics forward: the brilliance of Richard Feynman.
  • Samuel Colt and the consequences of inventing the revolver.
  • Analyze the significance of Helen Keller’s work for women’s and disabled persons’ rights.
  • How did Sam Walton become the wealthiest American in 1985?
  • Discuss the importance of Thurgood Marshall for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • What inspired Bill W. to found Alcoholics Anonymous? 
  • Paving the way for gay politicians: the activism of Harvey Milk. 
  • What was Louis B. Mayer’s management style with MGM?
  • Walt Disney: who was the person behind the chipper cartoons? 
  • Trace Estée Lauder’s success story.
  • How did Olympia Brown contribute to advance gender equality in the religious sphere?

We hope you found your ideal essay or project topic on US history. Good luck with your assignment!

Further reading:

  • Americanism Essay: Examples, Tips & Topics [2024 Update]
  • 497 Interesting History Topics to Research
  • 460 Excellent Political Topics to Write about in 2024
  • 149 Interesting History Essay Topics and Events to Write about
  • A List of 450 Powerful Social Issues Essay Topics
  • 210 Immigration Essay Topics
  • A List of 175 Interesting Cultural Topics to Write About
  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS (Humanities & Social Sciences)
  • Pre-Columbian to the New Millenium: US History
  • A Brief Guide to Writing the History Paper: Harvard
  • American Civil War: History.com
  • Reconstruction: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Industrialization and Urbanization in the United States: Oxford Research Encyclopedias
  • The United States in WWI: Khan Academy
  • America Goes to War: The National WWII Museum
  • Controversies: National Council on Public History
  • The 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time: Smithsonian Magazine
  • American History: History Central
  • The 25 Moments From American History That Matter Right Now: Time
  • All Topics: American Historical Association
  • Native American: Library of Congress
  • African American History: National Archives
  • Civil Rights Movement: ADL
  • US 20th Century: Princeton University
  • The Progressive Era: Lumen Learning
  • Timeline: United States History: World Digital Library
  • Explore by Timeline: The New Nation (1783-1860): US General Services Administration
  • The Emergence of Modern America: Smithsonian Institution
  • What Was the Cold War?: National Geographic
  • The Story of the Atomic Bomb: The Ohio State University
  • Continental Feminism: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • The Constitution: The White House
  • The US During World War I: Delaware.gov
  • America in the First World War: The British Library
  • Key Events and Figures of Reconstruction: The City University of New York
  • Reconstruction and Its Impact: IDCA
  • 400 Years since Slavery: a Timeline of American History: The Guardian
  • American Revolution Facts: American Battlefield Trust
  • The Presidents of the United States: Constitution Facts
  • What Caused the American Industrial Revolution: Investopedia
  • Reasons Behind the Revolutionary War: NCpedia
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HIST 105 - US History since 1877 - V. Winn

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60+ History Research Paper Topics From Our Top Writers

History Research Paper Topics

Finding that fascinating topic for history research paper can be a pain in some students’ necks. In this article, we reveal our only suggestions of ideas for good history research topics.

Whether you need United States history research paper topics, Europe and across the world, we have you covered. We have selected relevant topics with a clear statement to jumpstart your writing process. Check out our ultimate list of American history research paper topics for college students:

US History Research Paper Topics

  • What was the history and culture of Native Americans before the invasion by Europeans?
  • How did 9/11 change the US foreign policy?
  • Why did Japan target Pearl Harbor and how significant was it to the US?
  • Why did American Revolution leaders fail to achieve equality for everyone?
  • What traditions define Independence Day in the US?
  • What events led to the abolishment of slavery?
  • Who were the initial inhabitants of the US, and how was it found?
  • Did the US have to use two atomic bombs on Japan?

World History Research Paper Topics

  • What happened in Germany after the fall of Hitler and the Nazis?
  • Communism and why it is considered it is considered a lousy system historically.
  • Explain why nationalism is a primary source of identity everywhere else but has failed among the Arab States
  • In what ways did the assassination of John F. Kennedy change the course of US politics?
  • Who was Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, and what were the impacts of his ideas on the Islam world?
  • What was the primary intention of the US dropping atomic bombs on Japan? Was it to end the war or to prevent the Soviet Union from amassing influence in Asia?
  • Why is the fall of Constantinople in 1453 perceived as the saddest moment in the history of humankind?

European History Research Paper Topics

  • Why Eastern Europe has always trailed Western Europe in terms of development
  • Which other country used women in World War Two other than Russia?
  • What was Hitler’s reasoning for attacking the Soviets during WWII?
  • What European nation has the most influential culture in history?
  • What are some of the events that shifted France and England’s relationship from enemies to allies?
  • Point out some of the differences between feudalism in Eastern Europe and Western Europe
  • How were European countries affected by the Industrial Revolution?
  • Define the factors the led to the mass degradation of French women in the aftermath of WWII

Ancient History Research Paper Topics

  • Explain how philosophy became so popular in Ancient Greece
  • What are some of the similarities between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome?
  • Alexander the Great; who was he, and why is he considered one of the most outstanding leaders in history?
  • In what way was ancient Egypt unique from Ancient Rome and Greece?
  • Point out the difference and similarities between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
  • What is the origin of democracy in Ancient Greece, and how did it come to be in general?
  • What is the story of Theagenes of Thasos, the strongest fighter in Ancient Rome?

Modern World History Research Topics

  • What was the status of women in the USSR through the 20th century?
  • Why didn’t any western countries intervene in Communist China in the mid-20th century?
  • What was the necessity of using an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • What are some of the reasons behind US policies towards immigrants in the 21st century?
  • What is the price of industrialization to the American nation?
  • What are some of the most prominent inventors and industrialists in the modern-day world?
  • How did industrialization influence social movements in the USA?
  • Explain American foreign policy from the start of the 21st century

History Topics To Write About Africa

  • How Idi Amin did change the world’s attitude to Uganda
  • In what ways is the Democratic Republic of Congo different from its neighboring countries?
  • Why did it take until the 19th century for European powers to start colonizing Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • How were oil and petroleum discovered in Ethiopia?
  • Explain why North Africa went from the wealthiest regions during times of the Roman Empire to a regional backwater
  • Historically speaking, what are the wealthiest countries in Africa, and what contributed to the wealth in those counties?
  • What are some of the post-colonial drawbacks that Africa has had to deal with in recent times?
  • What was the African continent’s state in the 1600s? Was it similar to Asia and Europe?
  • What religions were practiced in Africa before being influenced by Europe and Asia?
  • What were some of the most potent African empires between the 6th and the 8th century?
  • What were the consequences of German Warfare in Africa in 1884?

Middle East Historical Research Paper Topics

  • The Sumerians; what made the first great civilization of humankind?
  • What are some of the less known facts about the Byzantine Empire?
  • Explain how the Ottoman Empire spread to the Middle East
  • Which countries in the Middle East have been powerful economically throughout history?
  • In what ways were the Byzantine and Roman cultures adapted to and incorporated in the Middle East?
  • What are the main events that altered the Middle East in modern history?

African American History

  • What were some of the impacts of Martin Luther King’s speech on the African American community?
  • What was the position of black Americans during the industrial age?
  • What were the struggles of the African American population after the Civil War?
  • What are some of the beliefs and traditions of African American culture?
  • In what way did the African American women help during WWII?
  • What did the 14th amendment have to offer the black community?
  • What are some of the legends and cultural traits in black history?

Music History Research Paper Topics

  • What is the history of the film industry and classical composers?
  • How Classical German composers influenced further music development
  • How classical melody has been impacted by technology
  • Discuss the origins of classical composing
  • Analyzing Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
  • A study of early music history and the evolution of musical instruments

History papers carry a lot of weight, allowing college students to learn the culture, traditions, and past of other nations. With our vast range of ideas, you should have a smooth time selecting an ideal topic.

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Political Science Research Topics

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Reference resources can also be a good starting point in selecting a research topic. After reviewing reference resources you can develop a plan of where to concentrate your research efforts on topics you want to explore further.

Online Reference Resources (off-campus access requires signing in using your mymsjc user name and password):

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  • Gale eBooks  - Gale eBooks is a database of academic eBooks, encyclopedias, and specialized reference sources covering a variety of subject areas.

Selected Subject Headings


Defining freedom during Reconstruction Era

 Reconstruction (U.S. History, 1865-1877)

Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, and modern day slavery  Slavery-America-History
Indian board school and contemporary challenges faces by Native Americans

Off-reservation boarding schools.  Indian residential schools ; Non-reservation boarding schools ; Non-reservation schools ; Off-reservation Indian boarding schools ; Off-reservation Indian schools ; Off-the-reservation boarding schools ; Residential schools, Indian-

Mexican-American Civil Rights

 Chicano civil rights movement (Chicano movement)

Religious fundamentalism and social change

Fundamentalism, Religious; Fundamentalist movements, Religious, Social Change – Religious aspects

The Women’s Rights Movement Rights of women; Women--Civil rights; Women--Rights of women; Women's rights--Law and legislation

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History Research Paper Topics

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200 History Research Paper Topics

Welcome to the comprehensive list of history research paper topics. In this section, we have curated a diverse collection of topics covering various periods, regions, and themes in history. Whether you are a student seeking inspiration or a researcher looking for new avenues of exploration, these topics will provide you with a wealth of possibilities for your research. We have organized the topics into 20 categories, each representing a distinct aspect of human history. From the 20th century to ancient civilizations, from political movements to cultural developments, and from scientific advancements to the experiences of marginalized groups, this list encompasses a wide range of historical subjects. Let us embark on this fascinating journey through time and uncover captivating research paper topics in history.

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20th Century History

  • The World Wars: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons Learned
  • The Cold War: Superpower Rivalry and Global Implications
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Struggles for Equality and Social Justice
  • The Rise and Fall of Fascism: Hitler, Mussolini, and Totalitarian Regimes
  • The Space Race: Exploration, Innovation, and the Moon Landing
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: Empowerment and Political Activism
  • The Great Depression: Socioeconomic Impact and Recovery Efforts
  • The Vietnam War: Perspectives, Protests, and the Anti-war Movement
  • Decolonization: Nationalism, Independence Movements, and Postcolonial Realities
  • The Digital Age: Technological Advancements and the Information Revolution

African History

  • Ancient Egypt: Pharaohs, Pyramids, and Civilization
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Origins, Impact, and Resistance
  • Pan-Africanism: Identity, Unity, and Liberation Movements
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Struggles for Equality and Nelson Mandela’s Legacy
  • Colonialism and Independence Movements in Africa
  • African Traditional Religion: Beliefs, Rituals, and Cultural Practices
  • African Art and Cultural Expressions: Masks, Sculptures, and Textiles
  • The Rwandan Genocide: Causes, Consequences, and Reconciliation
  • African Literature: Identity, Postcolonialism, and Representation
  • Economic Development and Challenges in Contemporary Africa

Ancient History

  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome
  • Alexander the Great: Conquests, Empire, and Legacy
  • The Persian Empire: Expansion, Administration, and Cultural Exchange
  • Ancient Chinese Dynasties: Politics, Philosophy, and Inventions
  • The Maya Civilization: Religion, Mathematics, and Architecture
  • The Byzantine Empire: Politics, Religion, and Artistic Achievements
  • The Aztec Empire: Society, Warfare, and Cultural Practices
  • Ancient Indian History: Indus Valley Civilization, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire
  • The Phoenicians: Seafaring, Trade, and Cultural Influences
  • Ancient African Civilizations: Ghana, Mali, Songhai

American History

  • The American Revolution: Causes, Battles, and the Birth of a Nation
  • The Founding Fathers: Contributions, Ideals, and the Constitution
  • Westward Expansion: Manifest Destiny, Frontier Life, and Native American Relations
  • The Civil War: Causes, Consequences, and the Abolition of Slavery
  • The Roaring Twenties: Jazz Age, Prohibition, and Changing Social Norms
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Leaders, Events, and Achievements
  • The Great Depression: Economic Crisis and the New Deal
  • The Cold War and America’s Global Role
  • Women’s Rights Movement: Suffrage, Feminism, and Gender Equality
  • The 21st Century: Challenges, Progress, and Future Perspectives

Art History

  • Renaissance Art: Masters, Techniques, and Cultural Context
  • Impressionism: Origins, Techniques, and Influential Artists
  • Modernism and Avant-garde Movements: Cubism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism
  • Renaissance Architecture: Cathedrals, Palaces, and Urban Planning
  • Ancient Greek and Roman Art: Sculptures, Mosaics, and Temples
  • Islamic Art and Architecture: Calligraphy, Mosques, and Geometric Patterns
  • African Art: Masks, Sculptures, and Symbolism
  • Asian Art Traditions: Chinese, Japanese, and Indian Art
  • Indigenous Art: Cultural Significance and Contemporary Expression
  • Contemporary Art: Installations, Performance Art, and Digital Media

Asian History

  • The Silk Road: Trade, Cultural Exchange, and the Spread of Ideas
  • Ancient Chinese Dynasties: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Imperial Rule
  • The Samurai: Warriors, Codes of Conduct, and Feudal Japan
  • The Mughal Empire: Cultural Flourishing and Architectural Marvels
  • The Opium Wars: Imperialism and China’s Transformation
  • Colonialism and Independence Movements in India and Southeast Asia
  • Confucianism and Taoism: Philosophical Foundations and Social Values
  • The Korean War: Origins, Conflict, and Divided Nations
  • The Vietnam War: Regional Dynamics and Global Implications
  • Economic Development and Technological Advancements in East Asia

British History

  • The Tudor Dynasty: Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and Religious Reformation
  • The British Empire: Colonization, Trade, and Global Impact
  • The Industrial Revolution in Britain: Innovations, Urbanization, and Social Change
  • The Suffragette Movement: Women’s Rights and the Fight for Representation
  • The Victorian Era: Society, Culture, and Technological Advancements
  • World War I and II: Britain’s Role and Resilience
  • The Irish Troubles: Nationalism, Conflict, and Peace Process
  • The British Welfare State: Social Policies, Healthcare, and Education
  • The Falklands War: Sovereignty, Conflict, and National Identity
  • The Brexit Saga: Referendum, Negotiations, and Future of the United Kingdom

Cultural History

  • Cultural Revolutions: Societal Transformations and New Norms
  • The Renaissance: Revival of Arts, Literature, and Humanism
  • Counter-Culture Movements: Beat Generation, Hippies, and Punk
  • Cultural Exchange and Cross-Cultural Encounters
  • Language and Identity: Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Preservation
  • Music and Society: Impact of Genres, Artists, and Movements
  • Fashion and Style: Trends, Symbolism, and Cultural Significance
  • The History of Food: Culinary Traditions and Cultural Identity
  • Performing Arts: Theater, Dance, and the Evolution of Entertainment
  • Visual Culture and Media: Advertising, Photography, and Propaganda

Economic History

  • The Industrial Revolution: Economic Transformation and Labor Conditions
  • Mercantilism and Colonial Economies: Trade, Exploitation, and Economic Development
  • The Great Depression: Causes, Effects, and Recovery Efforts
  • Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism, and Mixed Economies
  • Globalization and the World Economy: Trade, Finance, and Multinational Corporations
  • Economic Inequality and Income Distribution: Historical Perspectives
  • Economic Effects of Technological Advancements: From the Steam Engine to Artificial Intelligence
  • Economic Impacts of Wars and Conflicts: Reconstruction, Boom, or Bust
  • Agricultural Revolutions: Shifts in Farming Techniques and Food Production
  • Economic Development in Developing Countries: Challenges and Strategies

Environmental History

  • Industrialization and Environmental Impact: Pollution, Resource Depletion, and Climate Change
  • Conservation Movements and National Parks: Preservation of Natural Spaces
  • Environmental Disasters and Their Consequences: Chernobyl, Deepwater Horizon, and more
  • Environmental Policy and Regulation: Historical Approaches and Current Debates
  • Deforestation and Land Use Changes: Historical Patterns and Ecological Consequences
  • Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Practices: Sustainable Resource Management
  • Environmental Justice Movements: Advocacy for Marginalized Communities
  • Pollution and Public Health: Historical Perspectives and Environmental Health Policies
  • Environmental Movements: Greenpeace, Earth Day, and Activism
  • Sustainable Development and Historical Lessons: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection

European History

  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The French Revolution and Its Impact on Europe
  • The Renaissance: Cultural and Intellectual Awakening in Europe
  • The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences in Europe
  • The World Wars: Causes, Impacts, and Legacies in Europe
  • The Cold War and the Division of Europe
  • European Colonialism and its Effects on Indigenous Peoples
  • The European Union: Integration and Challenges
  • Nationalism and Nation-Building in Europe
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany

History of Science and Technology

  • The Scientific Revolution and its Influence on Society
  • The Development of Modern Medicine: Breakthroughs and Ethical Dilemmas
  • The Space Race: Exploring the Final Frontier
  • The Internet Revolution: Transforming Communication and Information Exchange
  • The Impact of the Printing Press on the Spread of Knowledge
  • The Industrial Revolution and Technological Advancements
  • The Discovery and Understanding of DNA: Revolutionizing Genetics
  • Innovations in Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Automobiles
  • The Green Revolution: Agricultural Advances and Challenges
  • The Evolution of Computers: From Mainframes to Personal Devices

Indigenous History

  • Indigenous Cultures and Traditions: Preservation and Revitalization Efforts
  • Colonization and its Impact on Indigenous Peoples
  • Land Rights and Indigenous Sovereignty Movements
  • Indigenous Resistance and Activism: Struggles for Autonomy and Recognition
  • Indigenous Healing Practices and Traditional Medicine
  • Oral History and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Indigenous Art and Cultural Expressions
  • Indigenous Languages: Revitalization and Preservation Efforts
  • The Impact of Western Education on Indigenous Communities
  • Indigenous Rights and Environmental Conservation

Intellectual History

  • The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason
  • The Influence of Philosophers: Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu
  • The Impact of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution on Intellectual Thought
  • Marxism and Socialism: Ideas and Movements
  • The Feminist Movement and the Quest for Gender Equality
  • Existentialism and its Influence on Modern Philosophy
  • Postmodernism: Challenging Traditional Notions of Knowledge and Truth
  • The Rise of Human Rights Discourse
  • The Role of Intellectuals in Political and Social Change
  • Intellectual Responses to Globalization and the Digital Age

Medieval History

  • Feudalism and the Social Structure of Medieval Europe
  • The Crusades: Religious Conflict and Cultural Exchange
  • Knights, Chivalry, and the Code of Honor
  • Medieval Castles and their Role in Society
  • The Black Death: Causes, Impact, and Responses
  • The Magna Carta and the Evolution of Legal Systems
  • The Hundred Years’ War: Power Struggles and National Identity
  • The Inquisition: Religious Orthodoxy and Persecution
  • Medieval Trade Routes and the Rise of Merchant Guilds
  • Medieval Manuscripts and the Preservation of Knowledge

Military History

  • Ancient Warfare: Strategies and Tactics
  • The Art of War: Sun Tzu’s Influence on Military Thought
  • The Battle of Waterloo: Turning Point in European History
  • World War I: The Great War and its Consequences
  • The Battle of Stalingrad: The Turning Point of World War II
  • Nuclear Weapons and the Cold War Arms Race
  • Guerrilla Warfare: Tactics and Impact in Modern Conflicts
  • Military Leaders and their Influence on History
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Warfare
  • The Ethics of War and the Just War Theory

Political History

  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires: Egypt, Greece, Rome
  • The American Revolution: Independence and the Birth of a Nation
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Events, and Consequences
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement: Gaining Political Rights
  • Decolonization and the End of European Imperialism
  • The Cold War: Ideological Conflict and Global Power Struggles
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union: End of the Communist Era
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Racial Segregation and Resistance
  • The Arab Spring: Political Transformations in the Middle East

Renaissance History

  • The Italian Renaissance: Art, Architecture, and Humanism
  • The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
  • The Printing Press and the Spread of Knowledge
  • Renaissance Literature: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries
  • The Medici Family: Patrons of the Arts and Political Power
  • The Reformation: Religious Reform and the Rise of Protestantism
  • The Age of Exploration: Navigating New Worlds
  • Women in the Renaissance: Challenges and Contributions
  • The Impact of Renaissance Ideas on European Society
  • The Legacy of Renaissance Thinkers: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and More

Social History

  • The Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Society
  • Urbanization and the Growth of Cities
  • Social Movements: Civil Rights, Feminism, LGBTQ+ Rights
  • The Evolution of Family Structures and Gender Roles
  • Immigration and the Formation of Ethnic Communities
  • The Welfare State: Social Policies and their Impact
  • The Rise of Consumer Culture: Advertising and Mass Media
  • The Evolution of Education Systems
  • Sports and Leisure: Changing Social Dynamics
  • Social Class and Inequality: Past and Present

Women’s History

  • Women’s Suffrage Movements: Struggles for Political Rights
  • Women in Ancient Civilizations: Contributions and Limitations
  • Feminism and the Second Wave: Challenging Patriarchy
  • Women’s Role in World War II: From Home Front to Frontlines
  • The Women’s Liberation Movement: Redefining Gender Roles
  • Women in Science: Breaking Barriers and Achieving Recognition
  • Gender and Sexuality: Historical Perspectives and Activism
  • Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights: Challenges and Advances
  • Women in Leadership: Pioneers and Trailblazers
  • Women’s Rights and Empowerment in the 21st Century

In conclusion, this comprehensive list of history research paper topics provides a broad and diverse range of subjects for exploration and investigation. From ancient civilizations to modern events, from cultural developments to economic transformations, and from political movements to social struggles, these topics offer endless possibilities for historical research. Whether you are interested in a specific era, region, or theme, you will find a wealth of captivating research paper topics to delve into. So, choose a topic that resonates with your interests and embark on a journey of discovery and understanding through the rich tapestry of human history.

More History Research Paper Topics:

  • 20th Century History Research Paper Topics
  • Abraham Lincoln Research Paper Topics
  • African History Research Paper Topics
  • American History Research Paper Topics
  • Ancient Art History Research Paper Topics
  • Ancient Egypt Research Paper Topics
  • Ancient Greece Research Paper Topics
  • Ancient Rome Research Paper Topics
  • Ancient History Research Paper Topics
  • Art History Research Paper Topics
  • Asian History Research Paper Topics
  • Best History Research Paper Topics
  • British History Research Paper Topics
  • Colonial America Research Paper Topics
  • Cultural History Research Paper Topics
  • Early American History Research Paper Topics
  • Easy History Research Paper Topics
  • Economic History Research Paper Topics
  • Environmental History Research Paper Topics
  • European History Research Paper Topics
  • Frederick Douglass Research Paper Topics
  • Global History Research Paper Topics
  • Great Depression Research Paper Topics
  • History of Christianity Research Paper Topics
  • History of Science and Technology Research Paper Topics
  • Indigenous History Research Paper Topics
  • Intellectual History Research Paper Topics
  • Interesting American History Research Paper Topics
  • JFK Research Paper Topics
  • Medieval History Research Paper Topics
  • Military History Research Paper Topics
  • Nelson Mandela Research Paper Topics
  • Political History Research Paper Topics
  • Prohibition Research Paper Topics
  • Renaissance Research Paper Topics
  • Slavery Research Paper Topics
  • Social History Research Paper Topics
  • Trail of Tears Research Paper Topics
  • Vietnam War Research Paper Topics
  • Women’s History Research Paper Topics
  • World Civilization Research Paper Topics
  • World History Research Paper Topics

History and its Range of Research Paper Topics

In the vast realm of history, there is an incredible diversity of topics to explore and research. From the tumultuous events of the 20th century to the intricate civilizations of ancient times, the field of history offers a wide range of fascinating subjects for research papers. In this article, we will delve into the rich tapestry of history and explore the captivating themes and topics that researchers can explore within various categories.

  • 20th Century History : The 20th century witnessed significant upheavals and transformations that shaped the modern world. Topics within this category could include the World Wars, the Cold War, decolonization movements, the civil rights movement, and the effects of globalization on the world order. These topics offer opportunities to examine the causes, impacts, and legacies of major historical events and their lasting significance.
  • African History : The history of Africa is filled with rich narratives, ancient civilizations, and struggles for independence. Research topics in this category might encompass precolonial kingdoms, the transatlantic slave trade, decolonization movements, postcolonial challenges, and the cultural impact of the African diaspora. Exploring African history provides a deeper understanding of the continent’s diverse cultures, achievements, and challenges throughout different time periods.
  • Ancient History : Ancient civilizations have left an indelible mark on human history. Within this category, one can explore topics such as ancient Egypt with its religious practices and monumental structures, the rise and fall of classical Greece, the Roman Empire’s expansion and decline, the captivating civilizations of Mesopotamia, and the enigmatic Indus Valley Civilization. Studying ancient history allows us to unravel the mysteries of our distant past and understand the foundations of modern society.
  • American History : The history of the United States is a fascinating tapestry of triumphs, struggles, and transformations. Research paper topics in American history can encompass pivotal events such as the American Revolution, the institution of slavery and the abolitionist movement, the Civil War and Reconstruction era, the Great Depression and the New Deal, and the civil rights movement. Exploring American history provides insights into the nation’s identity, values, and ongoing pursuit of equality.
  • Art History : Art has always been an integral part of human expression and cultural identity. Art history offers a vast array of topics to explore, from the Renaissance and its impact on art and culture, to movements such as impressionism, cubism, and surrealism. Additionally, studying contemporary art trends provides a deeper understanding of the evolving nature of artistic expression and its relevance to society.
  • Asian History : Asia is a continent steeped in rich history and diverse cultures. Topics within Asian history may include ancient China with its dynasties, philosophies, and Confucianism, the profound influence of Buddhism and Hinduism in the region, the development of unique art forms and architectural marvels, and the socio-political dynamics of different Asian societies. Exploring Asian history allows us to appreciate the depth and breadth of this vibrant continent.
  • British History : The history of Britain spans centuries and includes topics such as the Roman occupation, the Norman Conquest, the Tudor and Stuart dynasties, the British Empire, the Industrial Revolution, and modern British society. Researching British history provides insights into the development of constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, and the cultural contributions of the British Isles.
  • Cultural History : Cultural history explores the beliefs, values, practices, and expressions of different societies. Topics within this category can include the study of rituals, folklore, music, literature, and other cultural artifacts. Exploring cultural history allows us to understand how societies evolve, adapt, and shape their identity through shared customs and traditions.
  • Economic History : Economic history examines the development of economic systems, trade, and financial practices throughout different time periods. Topics within this category may include the rise of capitalism, mercantilism, the industrial revolution’s impact on economies, economic policies during times of crisis, and globalization’s effects on national economies. Understanding economic history provides insights into the forces that have shaped societies and influenced their development.
  • Environmental History : Environmental history focuses on the interactions between human societies and the natural world. Research topics within this category could include the impact of human activity on the environment, conservation efforts, the history of resource exploitation, and environmental movements. Exploring environmental history helps us understand humanity’s relationship with nature and the consequences of our actions.
  • European History : Europe’s history is vast and diverse, spanning multiple regions, cultures, and time periods. Topics within European history might include the Renaissance and its intellectual and artistic achievements, the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the World Wars, the fall of communism, and the European Union’s formation. Studying European history offers a comprehensive view of the continent’s political, social, and cultural evolution.
  • History of Science and Technology : The history of science and technology explores the advancements and discoveries that have shaped human knowledge and transformed societies. Research topics within this category could include the scientific revolution, the impact of the Industrial Revolution, the development of medical breakthroughs, the history of computing, and the influence of technology on everyday life. Exploring the history of science and technology allows us to understand the progression of human innovation and its impact on society.
  • Indigenous History : Indigenous history focuses on the experiences, cultures, and contributions of indigenous peoples across different regions of the world. Topics within this category may include the impact of colonization, indigenous resistance movements, cultural preservation efforts, and the recognition of indigenous rights. Exploring indigenous history provides a perspective that challenges dominant narratives and highlights the resilience and richness of indigenous cultures.
  • Intellectual History : Intellectual history examines the evolution of ideas, philosophies, and intellectual movements throughout history. Topics within this category might include the Enlightenment and its impact on political thought, the rise of scientific theories, the development of social and political ideologies, and the contributions of influential thinkers and philosophers. Exploring intellectual history helps us understand the shaping of human thought and the progression of ideas.
  • Medieval History : The Middle Ages encompass a significant period in European history, characterized by feudalism, the rise of Christianity, knights, castles, and the Crusades. Topics within medieval history may include the Byzantine Empire, the Viking Age, the Norman Conquest of England, the Hundred Years’ War, and the influence of medieval literature and art. Studying medieval history offers insights into the political, social, and cultural dynamics of this fascinating era.
  • Military History : Military history examines the wars, conflicts, and military strategies throughout different time periods. Topics within this category could include specific battles, military leaders, the impact of technological advancements on warfare, the role of warfare in shaping societies, and the study of military tactics and doctrines. Exploring military history provides insights into the complexities of armed conflict and its influence on societies.
  • Political History : Political history explores the development of political systems, governance structures, and the exercise of power. Topics within this category might include the rise and fall of empires, the formation of nation-states, the study of political ideologies, revolutions and political movements, and the analysis of political leaders and their impact. Understanding political history helps us grasp the dynamics of governance and the forces that have shaped political structures.
  • Renaissance History : The Renaissance was a period of cultural, intellectual, and artistic revival in Europe. Topics within Renaissance history may include the works of influential artists and thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, the impact of humanism, the scientific advancements of the era, and the spread of Renaissance ideas beyond Italy. Studying Renaissance history provides insights into the birth of modernity and the flourishing of arts and sciences.
  • Social History : Social history focuses on the everyday lives, experiences, and interactions of people throughout history. Topics within this category could include the study of social classes, gender roles, family structures, education systems, labor movements, and social reforms. Exploring social history allows us to understand the lived experiences of individuals and groups and sheds light on social inequalities and societal changes.
  • Women’s History : Women’s history examines the contributions, experiences, and struggles of women throughout history. Topics within this category might include women’s suffrage movements, the role of women in society, women’s achievements in various fields, the impact of feminism, and the study of influential women in history. Exploring women’s history provides a broader understanding of the significant role women have played in shaping societies.

These 20 categories encompass a vast array of research topics within the field of history. Each category offers a wealth of possibilities for exploration and discovery, providing students with the opportunity to delve into specific aspects of human experience and gain a deeper understanding of the past. Whether your interests lie in political history, cultural history, or the lives of remarkable individuals, history provides a captivating canvas for research and analysis.

Choosing History Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right research paper topic in history can be an exciting yet challenging task. The field of history offers a vast array of subjects to explore, but selecting a topic that is engaging, significant, and manageable can make a difference in the success of your research. In this section, we will provide you with expert advice on how to choose history research paper topics that will captivate your readers and allow you to delve into the depths of the past.

  • Identify Your Interests : Begin by reflecting on your personal interests and passions within the field of history. Consider the time periods, regions, or themes that intrigue you the most. Engaging with a topic that genuinely captivates your interest will make the research process more enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : Once you have identified your general area of interest, it is essential to narrow down your focus. History is a vast subject, so selecting a specific aspect within your chosen field will enable you to delve deeper into the subject matter. For example, if you are interested in American history, you can narrow your focus to a particular era, event, or individual that sparks your curiosity.
  • Consider Significance and Relevance : When choosing a history research paper topic, it is crucial to consider its significance and relevance. Select a topic that contributes to the existing body of historical knowledge, addresses an important historical question, or sheds light on lesser-known aspects of history. Researching and writing about a topic that has historical significance will make your paper more compelling and valuable.
  • Consult Secondary Sources : Before finalizing your research topic, consult secondary sources such as textbooks, scholarly articles, and reputable websites. This will help you gain a broader understanding of the existing research and identify any gaps or areas that need further exploration. Secondary sources will also provide you with valuable insights and potential leads for your research topic.
  • Explore Primary Sources : Engaging with primary sources is an essential aspect of historical research. Primary sources include documents, artifacts, eyewitness accounts, and other sources that provide firsthand information about the time period or event you are studying. Exploring primary sources will not only enrich your understanding of the topic but also allow you to bring unique perspectives to your research paper.
  • Consider Multidisciplinary Approaches : History is an interdisciplinary field, and incorporating different perspectives and approaches can enhance the depth and breadth of your research. Consider integrating insights from related disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, literature, or political science into your historical analysis. This multidisciplinary approach will add richness and complexity to your research paper.
  • Discuss with Your Instructor or Advisor : Engaging in a conversation with your instructor or research advisor can provide valuable guidance and insights. They can help you refine your research topic, suggest relevant sources, and offer feedback on the feasibility and scope of your project. Their expertise and experience can be instrumental in choosing a compelling and manageable research paper topic.
  • Assess Available Resources : Before finalizing your research topic, assess the availability of resources, both physical and digital. Ensure that there are ample primary and secondary sources accessible to support your research. If specific sources are scarce, consider alternative approaches or adjust the scope of your topic accordingly.
  • Stay Updated with Current Research : Keep yourself informed about the latest trends and developments in historical research. Attend conferences, read scholarly journals, and follow reputable historians in your area of interest. Staying updated with current research will not only inspire new research paper topics but also enable you to situate your work within the broader historical discourse.
  • Choose a Manageable Scope : Finally, when choosing a history research paper topic, consider the scope and time frame that you can realistically cover within the given constraints. Be mindful of the length of your paper, the available resources, and the time you have for research and writing. Select a topic that is manageable and allows you to conduct in-depth analysis without becoming overwhelmed.

In conclusion, choosing a history research paper topic requires careful consideration and thoughtful decision-making. By identifying your interests, narrowing down your focus, considering significance and relevance, consulting both secondary and primary sources, engaging with multidisciplinary approaches, seeking guidance from instructors or advisors, assessing available resources, staying updated with current research, and choosing a manageable scope, you can select a compelling and enriching topic for your history research paper. Remember to enjoy the process of exploration and embrace the opportunity to contribute to the vast field of historical knowledge.

How to Write a History Research Paper

Writing a history research paper can be a rewarding and intellectually stimulating experience. It allows you to dive deep into the past, analyze historical evidence, and present your findings in a coherent and persuasive manner. In this section, we will guide you through the process of writing a history research paper, from choosing a thesis statement to organizing your content and crafting a compelling argument.

  • Understand the Assignment Requirements : Before you begin writing, carefully read and understand the assignment requirements. Take note of the specific topic, formatting guidelines, length requirements, and any other instructions provided by your instructor. Understanding the expectations will help you stay focused and meet the objectives of the research paper.
  • Choose a Clear and Concise Thesis Statement : The thesis statement is the central argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise, and specific, conveying the main idea or argument you will be exploring in your paper. Take time to formulate a strong thesis statement that reflects your research question and provides a roadmap for your paper.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : A successful history research paper relies on thorough and comprehensive research. Engage with a variety of primary and secondary sources to gather evidence and support your thesis. Visit libraries, consult scholarly databases, explore archival materials, and use reputable online resources to access a wide range of historical information.
  • Organize Your Research and Create an Outline : Once you have gathered sufficient research material, organize your findings and create an outline for your paper. An outline provides a structure for your writing and helps you maintain a logical flow of ideas. Divide your paper into sections based on your research, and arrange your main points and supporting evidence in a coherent manner.
  • Develop a Strong Introduction : Your introduction sets the stage for your research paper and grabs the reader’s attention. Start with a compelling opening sentence to pique the reader’s interest, provide background information on the topic, and end with a clear and concise thesis statement. The introduction should give readers a sense of the historical context and the significance of your research.
  • Present Well-Structured Body Paragraphs : The body paragraphs of your research paper should present and analyze your supporting evidence in a well-structured manner. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or argument and provide relevant historical evidence to support it. Use topic sentences to introduce the main point of each paragraph and ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs.
  • Analyze and Interpret the Evidence : As a historian, your role is to analyze and interpret the evidence you have gathered. Avoid simply presenting facts and dates; instead, critically analyze the evidence to uncover historical patterns, causes, and consequences. Use historical methodologies and theories to support your analysis and provide a nuanced understanding of the topic.
  • Engage with Counterarguments : To strengthen your argument and demonstrate your understanding of the topic, engage with counterarguments. Address opposing viewpoints or interpretations and provide evidence to refute them or offer alternative perspectives. This shows your ability to critically evaluate different historical perspectives and strengthen your own argument.
  • Craft a Cohesive Conclusion : In your conclusion, summarize the main points of your research paper and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information but instead, provide a thoughtful reflection on the significance and implications of your research findings. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
  • Revise, Edit, and Proofread : After completing your initial draft, take time to revise, edit, and proofread your research paper. Pay attention to the clarity of your writing, the coherence of your arguments, and the accuracy of your historical facts. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure proper citation of your sources using the appropriate citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago).

By following these steps and adhering to the principles of historical research and writing, you can produce a well-crafted history research paper. Remember to maintain a clear thesis statement, support your arguments with relevant evidence, engage with different perspectives, and present your findings in a logical and compelling manner. Writing a history research paper allows you to contribute to the field of historical knowledge and develop your skills as a critical thinker and researcher.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing history research papers. That’s why we offer a range of professional writing services designed to assist students in their academic journey. Our team of expert writers, who hold advanced degrees in history and related fields, is dedicated to providing high-quality and customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Here are the key features of our writing services:

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team consists of experienced writers with advanced degrees in history. They have in-depth knowledge of various historical periods, regions, and topics. When you entrust your history research paper to us, you can be confident that it will be handled by a knowledgeable professional in the field.
  • Custom Written Works : We understand that every research paper is unique, and we tailor our writing services to meet your specific requirements. Our writers follow your instructions and guidelines to ensure that the paper is customized to your needs. We conduct thorough research and provide well-written, original content that is free from plagiarism.
  • In-Depth Research : Our writers are skilled researchers who know how to access reliable and scholarly sources for historical research. They will conduct in-depth research on your chosen topic, exploring primary and secondary sources to provide comprehensive and accurate information for your paper.
  • Custom Formatting : Proper formatting is essential in academic writing, and our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. We ensure that your paper adheres to the specific formatting guidelines required by your institution.
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  • Customized Solutions : We recognize that each research paper has unique requirements, and we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, literature review, data analysis, or any other aspect of your research paper, we are here to help.
  • Flexible Pricing : We offer competitive and flexible pricing options to suit your budget. Our pricing structure takes into account factors such as the complexity of the topic, the length of the paper, and the deadline. We strive to provide affordable services without compromising on quality.
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At iResearchNet, we strive to provide comprehensive writing services that alleviate the stress and challenges of writing history research papers. Our team of expert writers is dedicated to delivering high-quality, customized papers that meet your specific requirements. Place your order with us and let our professional writers assist you in achieving academic success in your history studies.

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Are you ready to take your history research papers to the next level? iResearchNet is your trusted partner in achieving academic success. Our history writing services are designed to empower students like you to excel in your studies and submit outstanding research papers. With our team of expert writers, custom solutions, and commitment to quality, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t let the challenges of history research papers hold you back. Take advantage of our professional history writing services and unlock your academic potential. Place your order with iResearchNet today and experience the difference of working with experts who are dedicated to your success.

At iResearchNet, we are committed to providing top-quality history writing services that exceed your expectations. Our team of expert writers, customized solutions, and commitment to customer satisfaction set us apart as a trusted partner in your academic journey. Trust us to deliver outstanding history research papers that showcase your knowledge and passion for the subject. Place your order today and discover the difference of working with iResearchNet.


topics for american history research papers

topics for american history research papers

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The Top 10 Most Interesting History Research Topics

Choosing history research topics is one of the hardest and most time-consuming things to do, especially if there is no guidance. You have to employ the right research skills to find authentic sources and ensure that your history research questions are precise and clear.

So to make your work easier, we have curated history research paper topics for college students and high schoolers, as well as examples of history research questions you can use for your assignment.

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What makes a strong history research topic.

Clarity makes a strong history research topic. History is a broad subject, so your topic should be well-defined and your language should be simple enough for the reader to understand the basic outline of your history research project. In other words, there should be no ambiguity. An ambiguous topic will be much harder to write than a clear one.

Tips for Choosing a History Research Topic

  • Understand the requirements. Pay attention to your academic level and make sure that you are clear on what is expected of you. Keep referring to your assignment as you go along to ensure that you do not deviate from it.
  • Choose a topic that interests you. If your history topic is boring, doing the research and writing the paper will become tedious work. It is important that you select a topic that appeals to you and that you will enjoy writing about. Even if you choose a controversial topic, it’s worth pursuing as long as it will motivate you to keep writing.
  • Be objective. Movies such as Pearl Harbor have romanticized history as their subject, so make sure you select a topic based on facts and not merely your opinion. This will help in removing bias from your research questions as well.
  • Begin your search for research sources early. Ensure that there are adequate primary and secondary sources for your research assignment. You can also consult other alternative sources for your research. Remember to also make use of your high school or college librarian. They will guide you toward reliable sources.
  • Consult others when necessary. Whenever your assignment requirements are unclear to you, consult your professor. You can also brainstorm with fellow students to get more ideas on what topic you should select, or visit your university’s writing center to get a refresher on how to write strong topic sentences.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

A research topic refers to a broad idea that you may have chosen for your history research paper. For example, “modern history” is a general topic from which you can get various, more specific topics, such as “the role of globalization in industrialization.”

A research question takes a broad topic and narrows it down to a more specific subject. Your question will help in selecting the right sources. A research question answers the what, why, and how of the research topic. For example, what role has industrialization played in globalization?

How to Create Strong History Research Questions

A strong history research question should be empirically sound. This means that it should be narrow enough to do an in-depth analysis. However, it should not be so narrow that it can be answered with a simple yes or no. A simple search on Google should not answer your research question.

According to Kristin Poling from the Department of History at Harvard, formulating a research question requires preliminary research. You need to see whether there are authentic sources available to answer your question, and you need to understand where the gaps in the literature are. Strong questions lead to strong thesis statements.

Top 10 History Research Paper Topics

1. religion in ancient greece.

Any list of history topics about ancient Greek religion is bound to contain some gems. By digging into cultural patterns, you can explore how religion affected the social, political, religious, military, and economic development of Greece. You could even venture outside the boundaries of Greece and investigate how Christian symbols were influenced by the ancient Greeks.

2. Causes of the American Revolution

The American Revolution, also known as the United States War of Independence, is an important American historical event that occurred between 1775 and 1783. Researching the American revolutionaries behind the Boston Tea Party is a great way to understand how monumental social conflicts bring about the rise and fall of nations.

3. American Neutrality in World War Ⅰ

Also known as the First War or the Great War, World War Ⅰ was the first major global war of the 20th Century, and it lasted between 1914 and 1918. If you choose this topic, you will be able to analyze why America first made the foreign policy decision to avoid taking part in the war, as well as why it changed its mind later on.

4. Effects of the Allies’ Occupation of Germany

The Allied occupation of Germany began in 1945 after Germany was defeated in the Second World War. It refers to the joint occupation of Germany by the US, Great Britain, Soviet Union, and France. If you select this history research topic for your assignment, you will be able to delve deeper into the effects of the occupation on both Germany and the rest of the world.

5. Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War

The Cold War was a 20th Century battle of supremacy between the United States and the Soviet Union involving nuclear weapons. By discussing the role Ronald Reagan played in ending the Cold War, you could gain insight into the diplomatic history between these two powers or interpret how Reagan’s actions affected the course of American society.

6. Political, Economic, and Social Causes of the French Revolution

The French Revolution, which occurred between 1789 and 1799, significantly shifted the social and political ideals of all 18th Century European countries. This riveting European history research topic provides a means to explore the dangers of classism and its effects on civilian life.

7. The Legacy of Alexander the Great

You cannot learn about historical figures in ancient times without coming across Alexander the Great, the king of ancient Macedonia. Selecting this ancient history topic for your assignment will be a fascinating dive into how this key figure in history influenced Greek and Asian culture as he expanded his empire.

8. Rise of the Catholic Church as a Political Institution in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is a historical era between the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE and the beginning of the Renaissance period in the 14th century. Selecting this topic will help you understand the factors that influenced the rise of the Catholic Church as a powerful political institution in medieval Europe.

9. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Working-Class Families

The Industrial Revolution was an era between the late 18th century and the middle of the 19th century when great strides were made in engineering, production, and manufacturing. It affected the economic and social lives of the working class and shifted gender roles. Studying industrialization effects would lend itself well to university students with access to rare books.

10. The Role of Martin Luther King Jr in the Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement is one of the best Black history research paper topics for college students. One of the most impactful social movements, this movement was a response to the social injustice toward African Americans that continued after the abolition of slavery. Martin Luther King Jr was a key figure whose importance to American history cannot be overstated.

Other Examples of History Research Topics & Questions

History research topics.

  • American Folk Art History
  • Religious Symbolism in the Renaissance Era
  • Impact of the Westward Expansion on Native Americans
  • Amelia Earhart’s Impact on Women in Aviation
  • The Rise and Fall of the Dutch Republic

History Research Questions

  • In what ways have Alois Riegl’s theories shaped modern art today?
  • How did the Renaissance shift the worldview of European thinkers?
  • How did the Berlin Conference influence British Colonialism in Africa?
  • How have women in tech history shaped the role of American women in STEM in the 21st Century?
  • In what ways did the 17th century’s political and military shifts in Spain affect British rule?

Choosing the Right History Research Topic

Whether you are a high school or a college student, there are many history topics from which you can select your research project. Selecting history topics for history is highly dependent on the type of paper you have chosen to write. Argumentative research paper topics will yield different results than a comparative study or a descriptive study.

Whether you choose to select a historical figure, the military clashes between the American settlers and Native Americans, or the role of women in industrialization, make sure that you narrow down your topic and choose something that answers a specific question about an interesting issue, period, or event.

History Research Topics FAQ

Historiography is the study of recorded historical events and their interpretations. In other words, historiographies help us understand how experienced writers have shaped what, how, and why a specific history subject was recorded and interpreted a certain way.

You start a research paper by beginning with a historical overview from which you can narrow down your topics and the history research questions that you want to address. From there, you will be able to carefully choose your primary and secondary sources. According to Purdue OWL, evaluating sources is an excellent place to begin a research assignment.

You can find many research sources from online university libraries as well as websites devoted to history. The Internet is full of curated libraries such as the American Historical Association, which has resources for historical researchers to help you join the ranks of the most expert writers in the field.

Yes, you can pursue an online degree in history. Many major universities offer online history degrees as an alternative to in-person degrees. You can look up the university of your choice and check the requirements for enrollment.

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History: United States: Overview

Recommended resources.

  • America : History & Life (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Any topic regarding U.S. history
  • JSTOR This link opens in a new window Fulltext of the entire back issues of scholarly journals, inludes History and American Studies .
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  • History Databases at SMU

Topics in U.S. History


  • Colonial History: 1600-1775
  • Revolution & Early Republic: 1776 - 1815
  • Westward Expansion: 1816 - 1860
  • Civil War & Reconstruction: 1861 - 1877
  • Gilded Age and Progressive Era: 1878 - 1921
  • 20th Century
  • 21st Century
  • Dallas & Fort Worth
  • Borderlands

Special Topics

  • Multiculturalism African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, Women & Gender, LBGTQIA+
  • Supreme Court
  • Primary Sources
  • American Periodicals Series This link opens in a new window American serials from 1741-1900
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection This link opens in a new window American periodicals published from 1684-1912 on a range of topics
  • American Broadsides and Ephemera This link opens in a new window Images of broadsides & ephemera from 1760-1900, on a variety of topics
  • American History, 1493-1945 This link opens in a new window Documents American History from the earliest settlers to the mid-twentieth century
  • American Business: Agricultural Newspapers This link opens in a new window Newspapers published from 1788-1894, focused on agriculture
  • American Business: Mercantile Newspapers This link opens in a new window Newspapers from 1783-1900. Includes numerical & statistical data
  • Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers from the Library of Congress This link opens in a new window Find information about American newspapers published from 1690-
  • Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961 This link opens in a new window Political summaries, economic reports, dispatches, reports on key issues, & more from the U.K. Foreign Office
  • Rotunda American History This link opens in a new window Primary & secondary source collections about U.S. history & culture
  • Sabin Americana: History of the Americas, 1500-1926 This link opens in a new window Works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1500 to the early 1900s
  • Library of Congress Digital Collections This link opens in a new window Primary sources related to the history & culture of the U.S.

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Background & Reference

  • Oxford Encyclopedias on American History search Includes entries on political, social, and cultural history in the United States.
  • Encyclopedia of American Studies This link opens in a new window History & cultures of the North America
  • Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition Online This link opens in a new window U.S. historical statistics on a variety of topics
  • American National Biography Online This link opens in a new window Biographies of noteworthy Americans more... less... This resource has a 5-user seat limit.
  • Fold3 Library Edition This link opens in a new window Provides access to U.S. military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.

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  • Last Updated: Jul 29, 2024 2:48 PM
  • URL: https://guides.smu.edu/history/us

150 Strong History Dissertation Topics to Write about

topics for american history research papers

Writing a dissertation is one of the most challenging and exciting moments of an academic career. Such work usually takes a great deal of time, courage, and intellectual effort to complete. That’s why every step in your work process is essential.

It all starts with finding a good topic, which can be a challenge of its own. It especially matters when it comes to liberal arts subjects. In social studies, literature, or world history options are practically endless.

Coming up with history dissertation ideas, you need to think of historical events that interest you. We get it, choosing one is tough. There can be too much to wrap your head around. That’s why IvyPanda experts prepare some dissertation topics in history ready for you.

  • How to Choose a Topic?
  • Ancient History
  • Medieval History
  • Modern History
  • Cold War Topics
  • American History
  • European History
  • Indian History
  • African History
  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • How to Structure

🧐 How to Choose a History Dissertation Topic?

Before examining our ideas for dissertation topics in history, you should get ready for this. You have to understand how to pick a history dissertation topic, which will ensure your academic success. Keep in mind that this is a vital step in your career.

So, check some tips on picking what to write about:

  • Make sure that the topic fits in your field of study. You have to understand what you’re writing about. Basing your paper on existing knowledge and experience is a part of any dissertation. Working on an overly complicated idea can sound impressive but lead to failure. It will become a nightmare already on the stage of writing a dissertation proposal. How can you write the entire thing without comprehending it?
  • Estimate whether you’re interested in the topic you intend to write on. Although this might seem obvious, yes. However, being actually invested makes a massive difference for your further work. There are plenty of students who settle for “easy but boring” topics and end up struggling twice as much.
  • Ensure that your topic is specific enough. Your idea should have the potential for fruitful research. Narrowing down your area of study is essential for writing a good dissertation. It helps you to find the direction of your examination and enough sources to work with. Moreover, this way, you’ll be able to explore your topic in its entirety.
  • Do some prior research. It will give you an understanding of how much literature on your topic is out there. Take notes of the materials for the reference list and your analysis. Checking history essay samples is a good idea, too.
  • Don’t be shy to ask your dissertation advisor for some assistance. After all, they are here to help and guide you through the process. Besides, you have to see what ideas they consider relevant and appropriate.

👍 Good Dissertation Topics in History: Time Period

History is a subject as ancient and vast as the humankind itself. It’s only rational to study it according to a particular timeline. Here are some good history dissertation topics for different periods.

🏺 Ancient History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Civilizations: The Maya Empire . The Maya was an incredibly powerful Empire with its prime around six century A.D., excelling in mathematics, calendar-making, astrology, and writing. It faced the decline of its city-states in nine century A.D., leaving a rich cultural heritage to the studies of subsequent generations.
  • Women’s Roles and Gender relations in the Ancient World
  • Greek City-States . Ancient Greece is the place where the first city-states were formed. How did the first governments in the ancient history timeline develop? How did people’s attitudes towards leadership change in that context?

A city-state was the community structure of ancient Greece.

  • Ancient Near-Eastern Thought and the Old Testament
  • The Inca Empire as a Great Civilization of Pre-Columbian America
  • The Impact of Mongol Invasion in Ancient Arab
  • The personality of Julius Caesar and His Effect on Rome
  • The Role of Poets and the place of Poetry in Ancient Greece
  • Mesopotamian Civilization . This was a fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It has been home to some of the world’s wealthiest and most advanced ancient cities. It can also make an excellent archaeology dissertation topic. There are plenty of fascinating sites that could be studied.
  • History: Ancient Greek Olympics . Started in 776 BC, the Olympic Games were the most important cultural event in Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus every four years. Besides, the Olympics were representative of the triumph of physical and spiritual power.
  • Warfare and Violence in Ancient Times. Try to do a comparative analysis of warfare techniques used by different ancient civilizations. It could be a great dissertation topic.
  • Burial Rituals in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece: a comparison
  • Plutarch’s Vision on Alexander the Great
  • Dissolution of the Roman Empire . The Empire sprawled from the coast of North Africa to the territories of the modern UK and Armenia. Once, it was the most powerful political entity in the entire Mediterranean. The empire, however, collapsed in 476 CE. What were the reasons for its eventual decline?

There are at least 8 prominent reasons for the Roman Empire's decline.

  • How Geography Has Impacted the Development of Ancient Cultures
  • Cause and Effect of Art on Classical Societies
  • The Invention of Papyrus and its impact on the World
  • Chichen Itza Archaeological Site . Chichen Itza is a great pre-Columbian archaeological site, home to the Maya civilization. It is a fascinating study case in many aspects. Consider the origins and Maya history. Analyze the cultural preservation issues that it faces nowadays.
  • Egyptian Pyramid’s Importance in Egypt’s society
  • The Stone Age Period and its Evolution

🛡 Medieval History Dissertation Ideas

  • Cultural Exchanges in the Medieval Period . In the aftermath of the Roman Empire’s fall, new geopolitical conditions formed. The early Middle Ages period already marked the appearance of new trade routes. It fostered cultural exchange between nations.
  • Rome in the Middle Ages and its cultural transformation
  • The Development of Feudalism and Manorialism in the Middle Ages
  • The Catholic Church and the Black Death in the 14th Century . During the high Middle Ages, the plague epidemic terrorized Europe. It was a dreadful challenge to medicine, religious institutions, and the social apparatus of the time. How did the Catholic Church deal with such a complex and disastrous medical phenomenon?
  • Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain . Christian, Islamic, and Jewish communities shared the Iberian peninsula in the early Middle Ages. It formed a vibrant cultural environment.
  • London during the Roman Age: A Critical Overview
  • Causes of the First Crusade of 1095-1099
  • Twelfth-Century Renaissance, how Franciscans reacted to it and benefited from its development
  • Business and Empire, the British ideal of an Orderly World
  • The Black Death, Late Medieval Demographic crisis, and the Standard of Living controversies
  • The Role of the Church in the life of the Middle Ages

Over the Middle Ages, the church was the only universal European institution.

  • Medieval Siege Warfare . Exploring methods of defense used during the Middle Ages might be an interesting research project.
  • The Conditions of Hindu and Islamic women in Medieval India
  • Why the Crusades Failed
  • The Mechanical Water clock of Ibn Al-Haytham, his philosophy of the rise and fall of empires
  • The Renaissance and its Cultural, Political and Economic Influence
  • The Dark Ages as the Golden Ages of European History . Plenty of facts demonstrate civilization’s decline during the Middle Ages. It was, nevertheless, the time of significant scientific, literary, and technological progress. For some interested in writing a medieval literature dissertation: think of Dante’s Divine Comedy . Da Vinci made his groundbreaking study projects during the Middle Ages. It was the time when first universities, such as Cambridge and Oxford, were founded. Overall, this period has a lot to offer!
  • Japan’s Development Under Edo/Tokugawa Shogunate
  • Historical and Theological Context of Byzantine Iconoclasm
  • Medieval Convivencia: Document Analysis

🕰 Modern History Dissertation Topics

  • World History: Enlightenment in Society and its Impact on Global Culture
  • Nationalism and its 19th Century History
  • Why Mussolini and the Fascists Were Able to Seize Power in Italy
  • Religious Symbolism in Renaissance paintings . Renaissance is well-known as a period when fine arts were thriving. It was an early modern birthplace of many technological and cultural advancements. Religion, however, was still a central topic in visual art.
  • Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Western Civilizations
  • Principles of Liberalism and Its Connection to Enlightenment and Conservatism
  • “History and Topography of Ireland” by Gerald of Wales . Looking for an incredible Irish history dissertation topic? Then this document might be an interesting prompt. Its somewhat controversial tone of describing contemporary Irish culture, history, and traditions can be subject to a comprehensive analysis.
  • Moral treatment of Mental Illness . Over the 19th and 20th centuries, psychology has changed. Moving from a scientific periphery, it became one of the central subjects of scholarly discussions. Mental illnesses were highly disregarded in earlier centuries. People even considered them to be manifestations of demonic possession. How did this attitude change? Why did people rethink psychology as a scholarly discipline?
  • A History of the Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution started in 1953.

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Historical Influence
  • Role of Women During the Spanish Civil War
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by European Countries . Colonization of America is one of the grandest enterprises in the world’s political history. What were its driving forces?
  • Origins and Trajectory of the French Revolution
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in contemporary world history
  • Coco Chanel Fashion: History of Costume . Probably not the first topic for a history dissertation that comes to mind. Chanel is truly an iconic figure in modern history, though. She revolutionized the fashion industry concerning gender as well.
  • Causes of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia
  • The Russian Working Class Movement . Before 1861, the agriculture and peasant-owning system were the foundation of the Russian Empire’s economy. Serfs made up a significant part of the population, accounting for over 60% in some regions. Then the serfdom abolition happened. A lot has changed in the economic and social life of the country.
  • Segregation During the 1960s
  • Historical Development of Feminism and Patriarchy
  • Monetary and Fiscal Policy during the Great Depression

🔔 History Dissertation Topics on Cold War

  • The Role of Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period from 1945 to 1970
  • The showdown between the United States and the USSR . Cold Was was essentially the power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union. It unleashed in the aftermath of World War II. This political precedent came to an end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, the answer to the “Who won the Cold War?” question may be unclear.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis , its causes, and effects
  • US Foreign Policy during the Cold War. Cold War, as a phenomenon, has many layers to it. Yet the one crucial is the contest of two ideologies: democracy and communism. How did the US shape its foreign policy and pursue its interests abroad? And how did the cultural and political setup within the country adjust to it?
  • To what extent did the Cold War shape the US relations with Latin America?
  • What was the importance of Berlin in the Cold War?
  • Japan’s role since the end of the Cold War
  • Cold War Politics, Culture, and War . Exploring the Cold War causes and effects can be quite a challenge. It is such a multifaceted phenomenon. It was a war led on many fronts. Both USSR and the US pursued their interests using a variety of methods.

For your history dissertation, analyze the Cold War from different angles.

  • How did Cold War propaganda influence the film industry?
  • What were the challenges in the post-cold war world?

🗺 History Dissertation Topics: Geographical Regions

Every country has its historical course, and so does every continent. Geography has always been an important factor when talking about history. It shapes historical trajectory in varied, unique ways.

Look at a dissertation topics history list based on geographical regions:

🦅 American History Dissertation Topics

  • History of Hollywood, California . Oh, Hollywood. A place where American movie history was born. What about Hollywood’s history? Although a less traditional American history dissertation topic, it is still a fascinating one. Explore the way technological advancements in filmmaking were introduced over the decades. How did they influence the film’s general style?
  • History: Migration into the United States . How did migration influence the economy of the time?
  • The Relationships between the Settlers and Native Americans
  • Literary works’ Views on Slavery in the United States
  • Causes of the Civil War in America
  • What is the real meaning of a cowboy?
  • The United States military experience through the eyes of films
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor: Effects of Foreign policy
  • Causes of Depression in the 1890s
  • Has President Obama’s Presidency changed the US?
  • The role of Founding Fathers in American Society and Religion
  • Post-Civil War reconstruction . Consider the way America’s economy, trade, and finance transformed in the aftermath of the Civil War.
  • Principal causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War
  • Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  • The Significance of the Frontier in American History
  • How is a “new racial narrative” in the U.S.A created?
  • American Revolution and the Crisis of the Constitution of the U.S.A. Rethink the origins of the American constitution, as well as the following events. It could be an exciting thesis idea for an American history dissertation.

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Growth and Development of San Francisco and Los Angeles after the Gold Rush
  • The Role of Racism in American Art
  • Drug Use and Abuse in America: Historical Analysis

🏰 European History Dissertation Topics

  • Age of Discovery in Europe. The Age of Exploration in Europe lasted from the 15th to the 17th century. Over this period, Europe actively engaged with other territories and continents. Discoverers formed new international relations and expanded geographical knowledge. This topic could also make an excellent cultural history dissertation.
  • Analyzing the Impact of British Colonization
  • Nationalism in World War II
  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution concerning World War I
  • The Rise and Fall of Napoleon and the Cause of Revolution . Napoleon is one of the most prominent figures in French history. What has shaped his career as a political leader?
  • History of Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda . Consider a brief history of Germany. Undoubtedly, the rule of Hitler and the Third Reich was its most devastating chapter. The “art” of propaganda flourished during the nazi regime. It penetrated the cultural, political, and social life of the country.
  • Evolution of the IRA
  • Napoleon’s Strategy and Tactics in his Invasion of Russia . For someone interested in writing a military history dissertation.
  • Industrial Revolution Impact on Gender Roles
  • Witchcraft in Europe (1450-1750) . Witch hunts took place as early as the Middle Ages in Europe. Held by the Church in most cases, witch hunts targeted those who were suspected of practicing black magic. Examine this both astonishing and problematic phenomenon.

Witch hunts are strongly tied to the gender discrimination.

  • French Revolution: Liberal and Radical Portions
  • West European Studies: Columbus’s Journey
  • History of Feudalism . Feudalism dominated the European way of life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. What were its distinctive features as a system? Why did it eventually fade away?
  • Europe’s perception of Islam in the Early and Middle centuries
  • Cold War Consequences for European Countries
  • Mutated Medical Professionals in the Third Reich: Third Reich Doctors
  • Was the Holocaust the Failure or the Product of Modernity?
  • How did the use of print change the lives of early modern Europeans ?
  • Early Modern England: a Social History
  • Jewish Insight of Holocaust

⛰ Indian History Dissertation Topics

  • History of the Indian Castes. The Indian Caste system is a complex and unique example of social stratification.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s Leadership . Gandhi is, for sure, among the greatest human rights advocates in the world’s history. His one of a kind leadership style is subject to many studies. While practicing a peaceful form of civil protest, he fought for equality, independence, and compassion.
  • Political conflicts in India in the XVII century
  • Impacts of the First World War on British Policies in India
  • Movement Against the British rule in India. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, with the support of the National Congress, the movement took place in 1920-22. It sought to fight for the freedom of Indians.
  • The Origin and Course of the Indian revolt of 1857
  • The Issues of the Partitioning of India in 1947
  • India Since 1900 . India is a region rich with unique traditions. Its spiritual and cultural heritage goes back to antiquity. The country’s authentic art and architecture, music, and cuisine have served as an inspiration worldwide. A considerable part of its history is, however, affected by British rule.

Colonization has created a merge of cultures in India.

  • Women in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The British East India Company

🌍 African History Dissertation Topics

  • Ancient Societies in Mesopotamia and Ancient Societies in Africa: a comparison . Egypt is one of the most ancient African civilizations. Its origins go back to the third millennium B.C. Back then, the cultural exchange between Egypt and Mesopotamia was flourishing. What were the significant differences between the two civilizations? What did they have to offer to one another?
  • Political Violence in South Africa between 1985 and 1989
  • Did History of Modern South Africa begin with the Discovery of Diamonds and Gold?
  • Nelson Mandela: “Freedom in Africa.” Nelson Mandela is, without a doubt, one of the central figures in African history. His devotion and tireless effort in fighting against apartheid were remarkable. Thanks to him, many sub-Saharan countries enjoy the freedoms and advances of a democratic society.
  • The Cult of the Dead in West Africa: The Kongo People . African tribal rituals and traditions are unique and specific to their region. Cult of the Dead is prevalent in Western African culture. It can be notoriously known as the origin place of voodoo and other black magic practices. There is yet much more to this culture. Dismantling some prejudices could make an excellent African history thesis.
  • Christianity, Slavery, and Colonialism: the paradox
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa
  • African-Europe Relations between 1800 and 2000
  • Impacts of Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa
  • African Communities in America

There are organizations of African immigrants in the US.

🎨 Art History Dissertation Topics

Art comes in all shapes and forms. To grasp it better, we can explore each kind separately. Here’s a list of art history dissertation ideas:

🎶 Topics on Performing Arts

  • History and Development of Ballet . Ballet is an art form with a long history. Initially, a specific dance originated in Medieval Italy. It was later brought to France and Great Britain. Ballet thrived in the 20th century Russia, where Russian choreographers brought it to the highest level of mastery.
  • The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Contribution to The Contemporary Theater
  • Jazz Music in American Culture . Jazz is one of the most complex and exciting music genres of all time. It was born in the 20’s century black communities of New Orleans and quickly spread across America and then the world. The genre, however, will always be an integral part of African-American identity.
  • The Instrumental Music of Baroque: Forms and Evolution
  • Rock Music of the 1970s
  • Michael Jackson’s Life as a Musician and Choreographer
  • Development of the Symphony Orchestra in the 19th and 20th Century
  • Woodstock Music Festival . This massive music festival that first took place in 1969 was the epitome of hippie culture. It has a rich history that once again underscores the importance of performing arts in Western culture.
  • The History of Modern Chinese Music
  • The Renaissance Theater Development. The era in which both visual and performing arts were thriving. It has a lot to offer for proper dissertation research.

🖼Topics on Visual Arts

  • Art Period Comparison: Classicism and Middle Age
  • Vincent Van Gogh: Changes in the Technique
  • The Ambiguity of Mona Lisa Painting

The US Constitution can be recognized as a crisis.

  • Orientalism in Western Art . It’s commonly associated with romanticism and some 20th-century artworks. Orientalism is a Western term that speculates the aesthetics of the Orient. Consider this concept as a prism through which Westerners viewed the Eastern world.
  • Classical Art and Cubism: History and Comparison
  • Postmodern and Modern Art . The 20th and 21st centuries have been a breeding ground for many forms of fine art to emerge and flourish. Some art movements presented their philosophy in the form of manifestos. These texts can be nothing but a pure treasure for someone writing an art history dissertation.
  • Female Figures in Ancient Greek Sculpture
  • Andy Warhol’s Career . Pioneer of pop-art, creator of Studio 54, and a style icon.
  • Filippo Brunelleschi and Religious Architecture
  • The Photographic Approaches Towards American Culture of Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand

📋 How to Structure Your Dissertation?

An adequately structured history dissertation can immensely help students. It ensures that they present their ideas and thoughts logically. Sticking to a particular dissertation structure is an essential element of such work.

Proper organization of a history dissertation can improve the working process.

The general plan of any dissertation type is the following:

  • Title Page. A title page should only contain essential information about your work. It usually shows your name, type of the document (thesis, research paper, dissertation), and the title itself. A good history dissertation title is crucial! It’s the first thing a reader will see.
  • Acknowledgments. Do you wish to give credit to someone for supporting you during the tiresome months of your work? This is the right part to do so, be it your family, friends, or professors. It is an excellent form to express gratitude to those who proofread your drafts. Or those who brought you another cup of coffee when you needed it.
  • Declaration. This section is your written confirmation. You declare that all the research and writing is entirely original and was conducted by you. If someone intellectually contributed to your project, state it in the acknowledgments.
  • Table of Contents. Essentially, it’s a brief structure of your dissertation. List every section that you’ve included in your academic paper here.
  • Abstract. This is the section where you write a brief summary of your dissertation. It should describe the issue, summarize your core message and essential points. List your research methods and what you’ve done. Remember to make it short, as the abstract shouldn’t exceed 300 words or so. Finish the part with a few essential keywords so that others can find your work.
  • Introduction. A dissertation introduction presents the subject to the reader. You can talk about the format of your work. Explain what you plan to contribute to the field with your research.
  • Literature Review. The chapter reviews and analyzes pieces of scholarly work (literature) that have been made on the subject of your research. The sources should present relevant theories and support your thesis. Be sure to discuss the weaknesses and strengths of the selected area of study and highlight possible gaps in this research.
  • a code of conduct;
  • research limitations;
  • research philosophy;
  • research design;
  • ethical consideration;
  • data collection methods;
  • data analysis strategy.
  • Findings and Results. Restate everything you have found in your research. However, do not interpret the data or make any conclusions yet.
  • Discussion and Conclusion. In this chapter, you should personally interpret all of the data and make conclusions based on your research. It is essential to establish a logical link between the results and evidence. Finally, conclude the overall study. You can add final judgments, opinions, and comments.
  • References. This section contains a list of references to all the sources that you used. Write down every material, which you quoted, mentioned, or paraphrased in your work. Check your educational institution’s guidelines to see how to do so correctly.
  • Bibliography. Similar to the reference section, a bibliography is a list of sources you used in your dissertation. The only difference is that it should contain even the sources you don’t directly mention in your writing. Whatever helped you with the research, you state here.
  • Appendices. The section may include any supplementary information that explains and complement the arguments. Add pictures, diagrams, and graphs that serve as examples for your research subject.

An appendix of the history dissertation should be available to provide the reader with evidence.

Writing a dissertation is the right challenge for those with ambitions and lots of determination. It is a lot like a marathon, and it starts with choosing the right topic. We hope that you will find one for yourself on this list. Good luck! Share the article to help those who may need a piece of advice or some history dissertation topics.

🔗 References

  • How To Write A Dissertation: Department of Computer Science, West Lafayette, Purdue University
  • Ph.D. Thesis Research, Where Do I Start: Don Davis, Columbia University
  • Writing with Power: Elbow P., Oxford University
  • Writing a Thesis or Dissertation – A Guide to Resources: Gricel Dominguez
  • The Elements of Style: Strunk, W. Jr., White, E.B., Angell, R.
  • A Collection Of Dissertation Topics In American History: asqauditconference.org
  • Yale History Dissertations: Department of History, Yale University
  • Dissertation Outline: School of Education, Duquesne University
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • Writing an Abstract: The Writing Center, George Mason University
  • Formatting Additional Pages: University of Missouri Graduate School
  • Reference List vs. Bibliography: OWLL, Massey University
  • How to Write Your Dissertation: Goldsmiths University for The Guardian
  • Tips on Grammar, Punctuation and Style: Kim Cooper, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Acknowledgments, Thesis and Dissertation: Research Guides at Sam Houston State University
  • Thesis Formatting, Writing up your Research: Subject Guides at University of Canterbury
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People often say that time travel is impossible. I beg to differ. Did you know that researching historical events can be regarded as time traveling? Because you will get more information about events as if you were there. Most university and college students in the United States consider writing history papers uninteresting. Some of their negative opinions stem from inability to come up with unique and fascinating historical research topics. If you have a history assignment and are stuck on finding a suitable title that can guarantee you success, you are in the right place. Our research paper writers for hire have compiled various history research paper topics that can inspire your essays. Select from different interesting topics in history to research and write on. Apart from giving you 250 research themes, this article also explains what these topics are, their characteristics, and how to choose them.

What Are History Research Paper Topics?

History research paper topics refer to titles that explore past times, events, and the evolution of cultures and traditions. As a branch of more broad  social science research topics , they evaluate social, political, scientific, and economic developments that humans have made since the beginning of time. History research topics majorly focus on recorded and unrecorded past events and times. The theme you choose for your research paper or thesis will guide your overall content. You may be provided with history paper topics by lecturers or professors in your school or required to come up with one of your own. In this case, we have got a huge list for your selection.

Characteristics of Good History Research Topics

Before writing any history paper, you should come up with or select a suitable title. Choosing good history topics to research is a challenging task. As a scholar, you may falter at this stage and pick a topic that is unsuitable for your paper, which eventually affects your grade. Since we want to make it easy for you, we will provide a checklist of characteristics to look out for when selecting titles for your essay. Good topics for a history research paper should be: 

  • Meaningful.
  • Unambiguous.
  • Attractive.
  • Expressive.
  • Well-defined.

How to Choose a History Research Topic?

Unless you are provided with a title to write on, most times, you will be required to come up with your research topics in history. Generally, this is a broad subject covering different areas. As a result, it may be a tedious task for you to try and select a suitable research topic for history paper. However, do not worry because we will present a series of steps to guide you in choosing a title for your essay. Follow this procedure when you want to pick historical topics to write about:

  • Brainstorm ideas and determine the best one.
  • Evaluate all background information that has been provided.
  • Focus on issues that are interesting to you.
  • Create a keyword list or an outline for your topic.
  • Be flexible in your research.
  • Ensure all titles meet assignment requirements.

List of History Topics to Research

To succeed in your essays, it is vital to come up with good research topics for history. Therefore, you should select unique and interesting historical topics to research. Below are examples of best history research paper topics:

  • What were major impacts of slave trade in Europe?
  • Historical development of the industrial revolution.
  • Factors that promoted construction of pyramids in Egypt.
  • Negative consequences of World Wars on the global economy.
  • Effects of the American Civil War on people’s ways of life.
  • Historical origin of the American Revolution.
  • Impacts of European scramble for and partition of Africa.
  • Factors that led to the US-Mexico war in 1846.
  • Major reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed.
  • Expressionist movement and its impacts on modern art.

The following list offers everyone what they need. If not, ask our experts for a piece of advice or generate a title to your liking with our Topic Generator .

Interesting History Topics to Research

There are many interesting history research paper topics that you can write on. However, we strive to provide you with the best. We have compiled a list of most interesting history topics for you to pick:  

  • What processes were taken in abolishing slave trade?
  • Queen Elizabeth: A historical background of how she came to power.
  • Factors that led to Americans going into Civil War.
  • Main uses of money in ancient Greece.
  • Science that led to discovery of polio vaccines.
  • Key facts about the American Revolution.
  • Assassination attempts on US Presidents in the last 70 years.
  • Effects of child labor during the Puritan era.
  • Major roles played by America during World War I.
  • What factors made the Titanic sink?
  • Environmental impacts of industrial revolution.
  • What economic role did women play during the Great Depression?
  • How did the Germantown Battle start?
  • What influenced the Spanish-American War ?
  • Roles played by religious leaders during the Aztec era.

Good History Research Paper Topics

Apart from interesting titles, there are also good topics for history research paper that can guarantee you high grades in your paper. Below is a list of good history paper topics: 

  • Historical origin of the Roman Empire.
  • What tactics were used by Greeks in their win against Persians?
  • Famous war strategies employed by Alexander the Great in his conquest of Egypt.
  • What lesson can we learn from construction and implementation of the Great Wall of China?
  • Most successful attacks by Julius Caesar on Great Britain.
  • Hun's first invasion of Europe: An analysis of its success.
  • Challenges faced by Mohammed in his journey from Mecca to Medina.
  • Impacts of Aristotle’s philosophical ideas in today’s world.
  • First Greek Olympiad and its legacy.
  • Famous African American soldiers during the Civil War.
  • Achievements of Genghis Khan in Asia.
  • Russia-Ukraine war: Origin of this conflict.
  • Challenges faced by the American army in Vietnam.
  • Economic implications of Versailles Treaty on European nations.
  • Major causes of World War II.

Unique Historical Research Topics

To stand out from other scholars, you ought to have unique history research topics. To get you there, we have provided history topics to write about:

  • Historiography of reasons that led to World War I.
  • Adoption of Rococo artistic style in architecture.
  • Major environmental impacts of late Warthe retreat in central Europe.
  • What political impacts did cartoons and propaganda experts have during World War II?
  • What vital religious roles did sculptures play in ancient Greece?
  • History of famous Christian symbols and their significance.
  • Psychological significance of Kazimir Malevich's artworks.
  • Origin and political importance of Dalits in India.
  • How did Julius Caesar and Cleopatra’s relationship affect his leadership?
  • Famous medics who played a crucial role during World War II.
  • What key implications did Balkan Wars have on the European map?
  • Achievements of Queen Victoria’s first year in office.
  • Discovery of X-Rays: How and by who?
  • Spanish Civil War: An analysis of first 100 days during the war.
  • Key events that followed after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

Before you start writing a History research paper, go deep into the area you are studying and don't skip important dates. Get proficient paper help 24/7 if that sounds like a waste of time for you.

Popular History Research Topics

Your selection of research topics on history may also be driven by popularity. If that is the case, we have a list of history research paper topics for you below: 

  • What factors triggered the Great Depression?
  • History of the Cold War.
  • Black Death: Separating facts from myths.
  • Greatest scientific inventions that have shaped how we communicate.
  • Islamic Empire: Its origin and positive impacts.
  • Hundred Year War: Economic impacts on French and English kingdoms.
  • What key weapons were used during medieval warfare?
  • What was life like during the Dark Ages?
  • Significant events that took place during the Crusades.
  • What caused the American Revolution?
  • Similarities between the current economic recession and the Great Depression.
  • Significance of French Revolution.
  • Factors that led to slavery abolition in America.
  • Roles played by women during the Civil War.
  • Consequences of the Cold War in the Soviet Union.

Easy History Topics to Write About

Sometimes you are striving to beat deadlines for submitting your paper. Such times call for easy history topics to research. When you find yourself in such a situation, look at these easy historical events to write about for your inspiration: 

  • Major impacts of World War I.
  • Key achievements of the Women's Rights Movement in the past century.
  • Economic impacts of the biggest earthquake in America.
  • Salem Witch Trials: Causes and impacts.
  • How did the European invasion of Africa affect levels of education on the continent?
  • Achievements of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Its social and political impacts.
  • Causes of rise and fall of Roman Empire.
  • Significant inventions during the Middle Ages.
  • How Native Americans reacted to European invasions of their lands.
  • Strategies used by the American government to overcome the Great Depression.
  • How important was Pearl Harbor during World War II?
  • Consequences brought by nuclear weapons in Europe.
  • Common effects of Greek culture in Europe.
  • Major roles played by Shogun in Japanese history.

History Research Paper Topics for Students

Most students always encounter challenges when it comes to selecting historical topics to research. Choosing the right title can make a difference between success and failure in your paper. This is why you need to have various history research questions to help you in selecting your focus area. It does not matter whether you are in middle school, high school, or college because we have a list of topics that will help you get good grades .

History Research Topics for Middle School

There are times when middle school students are required to select historical events to write about. If you find yourself in this situation, we have interesting topics in history suggested for you:

  • European Middle Ages: Major challenges that were witnessed during that era.
  • Gender bias roles and how they have changed over time in Britain.
  • How many soldiers did America lose during World War I?
  • In what ways have nuclear weapons changed the military?
  • What measures were taken to abolish slavery in America?
  • History of the United Kingdom monarch.
  • How were enslaved people transported to America?
  • Impacts of the Cold War on the European economy.
  • Who were the first settlers in America?
  • Agrarian revolution: Origin and impact in Europe.
  • Evolution of man according to Darwin.
  • Positive impacts brought by the Ottoman Empire .
  • Significance of Shakespearean plays to modern theaters.
  • Factors that facilitated the growth of the industrial revolution.
  • How the motor industry developed in America.

History Research Topics for High School

If you are a high school student looking for research topics in history, you have arrived at the right place. Below we have compiled history project topics for you to choose from: 

  • Factors that promoted growth of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Repercussions brought by World War II to Britain.
  • History and growth of Civil Rights Movement in America.
  • How did World War I cripple Germany's military power?
  • Major factors that made it easy for colonies to win the American Revolution.
  • Challenges faced by China in its space exploration attempts.
  • Why was America reluctant to participate in World War II?
  • Key benefits of the Cold War to Russia.
  • Factors that led to eradicating most Native Americans’ cultural practices.
  • American Wild West: Analysis of myths as portrayed by popular culture.
  • History of the American constitution.
  • Fight against terrorism: Its origin and development.
  • Berlin Wall: Its social impacts on the people of Germany.
  • Major social revolutions in Britain.
  • Revolution of the internet.

History Research Paper Topics for College Students

There is a wide range of history research topics for college students. However, to achieve the highest grade, you must find the best history thesis topics for your term paper. The following is a list of the most popular American history research paper topics for college students: 

  • A comparison between Crusaders and Jihadists.
  • Most effective farming tools that were used in Mesopotamia.
  • In what ways has Japanese art influenced European cultures?
  • Impacts of racial segregation on development of music industry in America.
  • Major racial events that have plagued American society in the past 50 years.
  • Key constitutional amendments that have taken place in the US over the last 100 years.
  • How did Europeans use religion to conquer countries?
  • Origin and benefits of vaccines to people.
  • Significance of Marie Antoinette during the American Revolution.
  • In what ways did the Medici family influence the Renaissance?
  • How did communist manifesto influence European countries?
  • Controversial issues surrounding Pope Alexander VI.
  • Roles played by women during the Vietnam War.
  • Manson family: Truths and myths surrounding them.
  • Historical account of first space exploration by America.

Historical Events to Write About

Writing a history paper should be a fun affair. To make your experience worthwhile, we have different cool history topics for research papers. Selecting a theme from these classifications will make it easy for you to write a unique and interesting essay for your research. Go through these topics for history project and use any of them as sources of inspiration for your paper. When you decide on the idea, make sure to check how to write a research paper properly. 

World History Research Paper Topics

One of the most fun titles to write on is interesting world history topics. Although this category is broad, you should not be confused about what to research and write because we have got you covered. Below are world history topics for research paper that you can choose: 

  • Significant environmental consequences of Persian Gulf War.
  • Factors that contributed greatly to the fall of Aztec Civilization.
  • What were the economic impacts brought by the rise of the Qing Dynasty?
  • Key chain of events that led to the Russian Revolution and rise of communism.
  • How did the Samurai culture greatly impact nations around Japan?
  • Life and achievements of Nelson Mandela and his struggle to liberate South Africa from colonial rule.
  • Major reasons why the Great Wall of China was constructed.
  • Factors that contributed to Babylon collapsing.
  • Economic significance of Constantinople in the Byzantine Empire.
  • Mughal architectural influences in constructing Taj Mahal.

US History Research Paper Topics

There are a lot of American history research paper topics that you can select. However, to guarantee your success in this process, we have provided the best US history topics for research paper below: 

  • Ways in which early settlers in America learned to coexist together.
  • Major factors that contributed to Witch Trials in Salem.
  • What laws were put in place to control enslaved people in America?
  • Key reasons why Boston Massacres occurred.
  • What factors led to the American Revolution?
  • Reasons why George Washington is regarded as one of the greatest leaders in American history.
  • New roles for women after the American Revolution.
  • Key events that took place in creating the American Constitution.
  • Conflicts between British and Native Americans in the 19th century.
  • Modern activism groups. Their origin and development in the USA.

Looking for anyone to work on your History paper? Stop googling ‘ pay someone to write my research paper ’, just contact Studycrumb and get proficient writing help. 

European History Research Topics

Finding the best European history research paper topics may be difficult because of European countries' different historical and cultural backgrounds. Nevertheless, below we have created interesting European history topics that will make it easy for you:

  • Niccolo Machiavelli's philosophy and its impacts.
  • Most renowned artist of the Renaissance period.
  • Maximillian Robespierre: Impacts brought by his reign of terror during the French Revolution.
  • Factors that led to creation of Austria-Hungary.
  • Rise and fall of the Viking era.
  • Characteristics that are associated with Gothic art.
  • Origin and impacts of Romanticism.
  • A comparison of great works by Mozart and Bach in the 18th century.
  • How Cubism revolutionized the art movement in Europe.
  • Military role played by British women in World War II.

European history has various events described in literature. If you want to focus on how any event is depicted in literary works, don't hesitate to browse for literature research paper topics.  

French Revolution Research Topics for History

The French Revolution is a significant historical period. If you are searching for the best historical topics to research about this period, look no further. Below are best history topics ideas for you to start with: 

  • Achievements of King Louis IV.
  • Factors that contributed to Napoleon losing the Waterloo battle.
  • Major causes of the French Revolution.
  • How has the French Revolution affected modern France?
  • Major roles played by the French Revolution in Europe.
  • What was the significance of Robespierre during the French Revolution?
  • How did the French Revolution influence music and French operas?
  • How was Napoleon’s conquest affected by the French Revolution?
  • Key societal transformation after the French Revolution.
  • Causes and impacts brought by Champ De Mars Massacre.

American Revolution History Research Paper Topics

Another popular category to write on is American history research topics. When asked to write about the American Revolution, do not be confused. The following are interesting American history research paper topics for your ideas: 

  • Social consequences caused by the American Revolution.
  • What role did women play during the revolution?
  • How did the American Revolution impact Europe?
  • How did typical Americans live during this revolution?
  • Famous female writers during the American Revolution.
  • Negative social impacts of the American Revolution.
  • Similarities between the Trenton and Princeton Battles.
  • Significant achievements of Alexander Hamilton during the American Revolution.
  • How did the revolution change the perception of America by British?
  • How did George Washington affect the outcome of the American Revolution?

History Research Paper Topics on US Civil War

When looking for popular US history topics to write about, you should consider the Civil War. If that is the case, we have good US history research topics about the Civil War for your inspiration: 

  • What factors led to the American Civil War?
  • How is the American Civil War represented in popular culture?
  • What were the roles played by African Americans during this period?
  • Impact of Civil War on American society.
  • Effects brought by the Civil War on ending slavery in America.
  • Key roles played by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
  • Major roles played by women during the Civil War.
  • Major course of American Civil War.
  • What are the key advantages of the American Civil War?
  • How did the Civil War impact distribution of wealth in America?

Cold War History Research Topics

The Cold War has some of the most interesting history topics to research. If you want to be inspired by the Cold War historical investigation topics, we have a list for you below:

  • What key roles did America play during the Cold War?
  • What interventions were made by the UN during the Cold War?
  • How were popular cultures affected by the Cold War?
  • Why is the Cold War described as an era characterized by fear?
  • Key events that led to discussions to end the Cold War.
  • What impacts did the Cold War have on European economic development?
  • Key events that led to the Cold War.
  • What major countries were involved in the Cold War?
  • What was the aftermath of the Cold War?
  • Cultural shifts during the Cold War.

20th Century Research Paper Topics

Are you searching for 20th-century history paper ideas? Look no further. Below are interesting research topics about history and development witnessed in the 20th century:

  • Successful tactics used by Gandhi to revolt against British oppression.
  • Reasons why the assassination of King Carlos of Portugal failed to provoke a revolution.
  • How the Marne Battle made it easy to stop advancement of German forces.
  • Factors that facilitated the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
  • How did the attack on Pearl Harbor change the course of the war?
  • Methods used to spread and promote Communism ideologies in Europe.
  • How did the relationship between the Soviet Union and America change over time after 1945?
  • Factors that led to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
  • Friendship treaties signed between Fidel Castro and the USSR.
  • Cuban missile crisis: Origin and consequences.

Modern History Research Paper Topics

You may be asked to write a paper on modern history topics. When you find yourself in this situation, go through the following history topics for research paper to get your inspiration: 

  • Columbian Exchange: Its origin and consequences.
  • Foods taken by people during the Industrial Revolution.
  • How was it living in the Wild West?
  • Aftermath of the Great Famine in Ireland and how people coped.
  • Negative impacts brought by David Livingstone's exploration in Africa.
  • Russia's expansion of its territories and how they annexed Siberia.
  • Characteristics associated with the Commercial Revolution and its impact on world finances.
  • Positive consequences brought by spice trade in shaping the modern world.
  • Key inventions that facilitated the Age of Exploration.
  • Why was Alexander II assassinated?

Extra History Research Paper Topics

You can never fully exhaust historical titles because history is constantly changing and being written. But, by now, we hope you have a clear picture of interesting history research paper topics you can write on. But if you still need more inspiration for your essay, we will provide you with extra history research paper topic ideas classified in the following different categories.

History Research Paper Topics for Exam

Do you wish to study for your history exam and are looking for US history research topics to get you going? Not only do we have various topics on American history to aid you, but we also have interesting world history research topics. Below is a list that can jump-start your revision:

  • Gender roles in 19th century England.
  • Economic repercussions brought by World War II in France.
  • Major people who fought for abolition of apartheid rule in South Africa.
  • How Roosevelt contributed to ending World War II.
  • How Alabama's claim impacted America.
  • Factors that contributed to the rise of communism in China.
  • Origin and development of the Syrian crisis.
  • University education in Europe: Its origin and development.
  • How colonization of America impacted the Natives.
  • History and development of Veteran’s Day.

>> Read more: How to Write a DBQ

History Research Paper Topics for Academics

There are many interesting things to learn about in history. All you have to do is seek a fascinating historical topic to investigate and learn about. To start you off, we have topics you can look at below:

  • Similarities between European and American industrial revolutions.
  • Negative effects brought by the industrial revolution on the working class.
  • Reasons why Black Death spread rapidly in Europe.
  • Origin and development of poetry.
  • Islamic architecture’s influence on modern structures.
  • Negative environmental effects brought by World War II.
  • Importance of Mathematics in ancient Egypt.
  • Major roles played by women during the Great Depression.
  • Why was iron important during the industrial revolution?

History Research Paper Topics for Experts

Scholars should not be the only ones looking for stimulating ancient history research paper topics. Experts can also find inspiration in various US history paper topics that we have provided for you below: 

  • Origin of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • Gulf War: Its causes and social effects on the people.
  • Social impacts of conflicts witnessed in Syria.
  • Most respected general during the Roman Empire's rule.
  • Negative consequences of the Cold War on global politics and direction.
  • Social and political impacts brought by racism in America.
  • History of education development in Europe.
  • What causes the Mexican-American wars?
  • Factors that facilitated the rise of the Dutch Republic?
  • Controversial issues surrounding the American Civil War.

Need more ideas? We have a full assortment of titles in different fields. From education research topics or philosophy paper topics to business research topics , you are sure to choose the one you need. 

Bottom Line on History Research Topics

As a history scholar, choosing a title for your essay can seem both daunting and exciting. There are many interesting topics of history you can select to write on. However, picking the right one can be challenging. This article has provided various ideas on the US and world history topics to research and write argumentative essays on. We hope that the above list makes it easy for you to choose a title or inspire you to come up with your own. There are many good historical events to write about. All you need is to go through the list we have provided and make your choice. 


Contact our writing website for help with relevant topics! We will be glad to provide students with interesting solutions and unique ideas. If you don't have time or desire to write a research paper, we can do it for you! Check out our website for more details! 


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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417 History Research Paper Topics & Interesting Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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The selection of history research paper topics is a journey through diverse periods, cultures, and significant events that shaped humanity. Topics range from ancient civilizations and their impact to revolutions that altered societal norms to major wars and their global implications. The rich tapestry of the Medieval Ages, the Enlightenment era’s intellectual growth, and the industrial revolution’s transformation are compelling areas of focus. Similarly, exploring the complexities of the 20th century, including world wars, decolonization, the Cold War, and the rise of globalization, provides a valid ground for studies. In turn, various themes, such as a history of art, science, technology, and religion, offer interdisciplinary approaches. History research paper topics allow people not only to understand past events but also to draw insightful connections to contemporary issues, revealing the continuous and multifaceted evolution of human societies.

Good History Topics

  • Origins of the Olympic Games: Analyzing Historical Documents
  • Racial Dynamics in the Harlem Renaissance: A Detailed Study
  • The British East India Company: Catalysts of Colonialism
  • Renaissance Innovations: How They Revolutionized the Modern World
  • Mongolian Tactics: Genghis Khan’s Revolutionary Warfare
  • Tracing the Steps of the Silk Road: Impact on Global Trade
  • Influence of the Enlightenment Era on Modern Democracy
  • Dissecting the French Revolution: Causes and Consequences
  • Ancient Egyptian Architecture: Unveiling the Mystery of the Pyramids
  • Spartacus Revolt: Unmasking the Roman Slave System
  • Evolution of Medieval Castles: From Fortresses to Residences
  • Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Thought
  • Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Ethical Discussions
  • Suffragette Movement: The Fight for Women’s Right to Vote
  • The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle: Fact or Fiction?
  • Byzantine Art and Architecture: Influence on the Modern World
  • Holocaust Memories: Survivors and Their Stories
  • Aztec Civilization: Understanding Human Sacrifice Rituals
  • Witch Trials in Europe: A Societal Analysis
  • The Manhattan Project: Technological Advances Amid Moral Quandaries

History Research Paper Topics & Interesting Ideas

Easy History Topics

  • Titanic Tragedy: An In-Depth Maritime Study
  • Gunpowder Plot of 1605: A Failed Rebellion
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Roots and Impact
  • History of Cryptography: From Ancient Codes to Modern Encryption
  • Nelson Mandela: The Struggle against Apartheid
  • Victorian Age Literature: Reflection of Social Changes
  • Terracotta Warriors: Insights into Ancient Chinese Military
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: A Cold War Turning Point
  • The Formation of NATO: Its Motives and Challenges
  • The Samurai: Code of Bushido and Japanese Feudalism
  • Influence of the Industrial Revolution on Working Class Lives
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand: The Spark of World War I
  • Native American Trail of Tears: A Dark Chapter in US History
  • The Great Chicago Fire: Urban Development in Its Wake
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Stonehenge: Archaeological Perspectives
  • French Foreign Legion: History and Cultural Influence
  • Mayan Civilization: The Mystery of Their Decline
  • War of 1812: Understanding Its Impact on North America
  • Industrialization of the Soviet Union: Stalin’s Five-Year Plans
  • The Louisiana Purchase: Implications for Westward Expansion
  • Dissecting the Yalta Conference: Shaping the Post-War World

Interesting History Topics to Research

  • Ancient Roman Gladiators: A Closer Look at Their Lives
  • Manifest Destiny: Its Role in American Expansionism
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Mao’s Controversial Legacy
  • Australia’s Stolen Generations: An Examination of Forced Assimilation
  • Underground Railroad: Path to Freedom for American Slaves
  • Evolution of Human Rights: From Magna Carta to the Universal Declaration
  • The Suez Crisis: A Cold War Proxy Conflict
  • The Hindenburg Disaster: A Historical Investigation
  • The Hundred Years’ War: Impact on Anglo-French Relations
  • The Arab Spring: A Revolution of Social Media
  • Shaka Zulu: Re-Evaluating His Military Tactics
  • Rise of the Ottoman Empire: A Detailed Analysis
  • Opium Wars: The East vs. West Conflict
  • Prohibition Era in America: The Rise of Organized Crime
  • The Irish Potato Famine: Sociopolitical Consequences
  • Exploration of Christopher Columbus: Impact and Controversies
  • Roswell Incident: Debunking UFO Conspiracy Theories
  • Pompeii: Understanding Life Through Archaeological Findings
  • History of the Vatican: Power and Intrigue within the Papal State
  • Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age: Innovations and Contributions
  • Consequences of the Meiji Restoration: Japan’s Path to Modernization
  • The Khmer Empire: Decoding the Angkor Wat Temple Complex
  • The Mau Mau Uprising: Colonial Resistance in Kenya
  • Leonardo da Vinci: Examining His Scientific Contributions

Cool Historical Events

  • Revolutionary Implications: The Impact of Gutenberg’s Printing Press
  • Discovering the Undiscovered: Terra Incognita and the Age of Exploration
  • Echoes From Hiroshima: Unraveling the Effects of Atomic Bombings in World War II
  • Iron Curtain Descends: The Origins and Consequences of the Cold War
  • Unleashing Emancipation: The Abolitionist Movement in 19th-Century America
  • Women Arise: The Suffragette Movement’s Influence on Modern Feminism
  • Shaping the Future: The Role of The Manhattan Project in Nuclear Research
  • Crafting Liberty: The Drafting and Adoption of the American Constitution
  • Reigns and Rebellions: The Impact of the Magna Carta on Medieval Europe
  • Colonial Footprints: British Rule and the Transformation of India
  • Echoes of Rebellion: The Cultural Significance of the Boston Tea Party
  • Napoleon’s Legacy: Assessing the Impact of the Napoleonic Code on Modern Law
  • Civil Rights Crusaders: The Unseen Heroes of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • From Papyrus to Pixel: The Evolution of Written Communication Systems
  • Gladiators of Rome: Spectacle and Survival in the Roman Colosseum
  • Blood and Gold: The Spanish Conquistadors and the Fall of the Aztec Empire
  • Kingdoms in Conflict: The Hundred Years’ War and Its Impact on Medieval Europe
  • Dividing a Continent: The Scramble for Africa and its Long-Lasting Effects
  • Power of the Pharaohs: Ancient Egyptian Civilization and Its Contributions to Humanity
  • Footsteps on the Moon: Unveiling the Impact of the Apollo Lunar Missions
  • Cultural Revolution Reconsidered: The Social and Political Impacts of Mao Zedong’s Policies in China
  • Unveiling Byzantium: The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire and Its Influence on Modern Civilization

History Research Paper Topics for High School

  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations: A Study in Cultural Transformation
  • Exploring the Causes and Consequences of World War I
  • Unearthing the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Pyramids: Architecture and Symbolism
  • The Renaissance: A Revolution in Art, Science, and Ideas
  • Examining the Influence of Alexander the Great on the Hellenistic World
  • The Space Race: Competing for Supremacy in the Cold War Era
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: Struggles and Achievements
  • The Black Death: Analyzing the Impact of the Plague on Medieval Europe
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons Learned
  • Decoding the Enigma Machine: The Role of Cryptography in World War II
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Celebrating African American Culture and Artistic Expression
  • The Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan and the Conquest of Asia
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Examining Hysteria and the Persecution of Innocent Lives
  • Investigating the Origins and Impact of the Protestant Reformation
  • The Great Depression: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons for the Future
  • The Age of Exploration: Columbus and the Voyages that Changed the World
  • Holocaust: A Study in Genocide and the Dark Side of Humanity
  • Reign of Queen Elizabeth I: England’s Golden Age
  • The American Revolution: Paving the Way for Independence
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Analyzing its Economic and Social Consequences
  • Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II

History Research Paper Topics for College Students

  • Women’s Roles and Impacts in the American Civil War
  • Influence of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Western Thought
  • Causes and Consequences of World War I
  • Renaissance: Rebirth of Art, Science, and Ideas
  • Civil Rights Movement in the United States: Struggles for Equality
  • Mongol Empire: Conquests and Cultural Exchange
  • Enlightenment: Intellectual and Cultural Transformations
  • Partition of India: Political and Social Implications
  • Russian Revolution: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
  • Holocaust: Genocide and the Nazi Regime
  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Religion, Art, and Architecture
  • Origins of the Cold War: Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Black Death: Devastation and Societal Changes in Medieval Europe
  • Mexican Revolution: Struggles for Social Justice
  • Qin Dynasty and the Unification of China
  • Silk Road: Trade, Cultural Exchange, and Global Connections
  • Space Race: Competition and Achievements between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Mayan Civilization: Achievements in Mathematics and Astronomy
  • French Revolution: Causes, Events, and Impacts
  • Cultural Revolution in China: Ideology and Social Upheaval
  • Spanish Conquest of the American Continent: Consequences for Indigenous Peoples

History Research Paper Topics for University

  • African Nationalist Movements: Independence and Decolonization
  • Salem Witch Trials: Hysteria and the Legal System in Colonial America
  • Viking Age: Expansion, Trade, and Cultural Influences
  • Great Depression: Economic Crisis and Global Consequences
  • Islamic Golden Age: Contributions to Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy
  • Vietnam War: Political Struggles and Social Divisions
  • Byzantine Empire: Continuity and Change in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • American Revolution: Independence and the Birth of a Nation
  • Scientific Revolution: Advances in Knowledge and Thinking
  • Rwandan Genocide: Ethnic Conflict and International Response
  • Ottoman Empire: Expansion and Decline in the Middle East and Europe
  • Korean War: Ideological Struggles and Proxy Conflicts
  • Inca Empire: Engineering Feats and Social Organization
  • Cold War in Latin America: US Interventions and Anti-Communist Movements
  • British Empire: Colonization and Legacy
  • Trail of Tears: Forced Removal of Native American Tribes
  • Crusades: Religious Wars and Cross-Cultural Encounters
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: Struggles for Gender Equality
  • Industrialization of Japan: Modernization and Global Influence
  • Partition of Africa: European Colonialism and National Borders
  • Invention of the Printing Press: Impact on Communication and Knowledge
  • Apollo Moon Landing: Scientific Achievement and National Pride

History Research Paper Topics for Master’s

  • Exploration and Colonization: Analyzing Motives and Consequences
  • Women’s Role in the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Significance of the Code of Hammurabi in Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: Causes and Consequences
  • Influence of Greek Philosophy on Modern Western Thought
  • Harlem Renaissance: Art, Literature, and Social Change
  • Origins and Impact of the Cold War on Global Politics
  • Industrialization of Japan in the Meiji Era
  • Cultural Revolution in China: Causes, Events, and Legacy
  • Impacts of the French Revolution on European Monarchies
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade: Economic Factors and Human Consequences
  • Origins and Development of the United Nations
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: A Turning Point in the Cold War
  • Renaissance: Rediscovering Classical Knowledge and Artistic Expression
  • Abolitionist Movement: Strategies and Achievements
  • Mayan Civilization: Achievements, Religion, and Collapse
  • Media’s Role in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Impacts of Bubonic Plague on Medieval Europe
  • French Revolution: Causes, Events, and Consequences
  • Roles of Religion in the Crusades
  • Space Race: Competition and Collaboration between the United States and the Soviet Union

History Research Paper Topics for Ph.D.

  • Scientific Revolution and Its Impact on Society
  • Bolshevik Revolution: Causes, Events, and Legacy
  • Reign of Akbar the Great: Expansion and Consolidation of the Mughal Empire
  • Catholic Church’s Role in Medieval Europe
  • Great Depression: Causes, Effects, and Responses
  • Partition of Africa: Colonialism and Its Consequences
  • Spanish Inquisition: Origins, Methods, and Impact
  • Aztec Empire: Religion, Society, and Conquest
  • Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on Working Conditions
  • Manhattan Project: Scientific Innovation and Development of the Atomic Bomb
  • Cultural Revolution in the Soviet Union: Artistic Expression and Political Repression
  • Silk Road: Trade and Cultural Exchange Between East and West
  • Nationalism’s Role in the Unification of Germany and Italy
  • Russian Revolution: Causes, Events, and Legacy
  • Florence Renaissance: Art, Politics, and Humanism
  • Vietnam War: Causes, Events, and Impact
  • Influence of Ancient Egyptian Civilization on Mediterranean Cultures
  • Mexican Revolution: Social Change and Political Reform
  • Impacts of the Marshall Plan on European Reconstruction

World History Topics

  • Renaissance Influences on Global Art and Culture
  • Decolonization Movements in Africa: Impact and Legacy
  • Ancient Trade Routes: Silk Road and Its Effects on Global Commerce
  • Revolutions of the 18th Century: Causes and Consequences
  • The Industrial Revolution and Its Transformative Effects on Society
  • Exploring the Great Wall of China: Symbolism and Historical Significance
  • The Age of Exploration: Discoveries and Impact on World History
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Events, and Outcomes
  • Imperialism in the 19th Century: Motivations and Consequences
  • The Cold War and its Global Impact: Ideological Struggles and Proxy Conflicts
  • The Scientific Revolution: Advancements and Paradigm Shifts
  • The Aztec Civilization: Achievements, Rituals, and Decline
  • Mongol Empire: Expansion, Rule, and Cultural Exchange
  • Spanish Inquisition: Origins, Methods, and Outcomes
  • The Enlightenment: Intellectual Movements and Philosophical Ideals
  • World War I: Causes, Alliances, and Aftermath
  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization: Pharaohs, Pyramids, and Religion
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: Tensions, Negotiations, and Averting Nuclear War
  • The Greek City-States: Democracy, Warfare, and Cultural Contributions
  • Holocaust: Nazi Germany’s Genocide and Its Lasting Impact

European History Topics

  • Russian Revolution: Bolsheviks, Tsars, and the Fall of Romanovs
  • Tudor Dynasty: Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and English Reformation
  • Treaty of Versailles: A Turning Point in European History
  • Religious Conflict and Political Rivalry: The Thirty Years’ War
  • Ideological Struggle between East and West in Europe: The Cold War
  • Religious Wars and European Expansion in Middle Ages: The Crusades
  • Irish Potato Famine: Causes, Consequences, and Legacy
  • From Monarchy to Republic: The French Revolution
  • Renaissance Papacy: Corruption and Reform
  • Symbolizing the End of Cold War: The Fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Intellectual Awakening in Europe: The Scientific Revolution
  • Byzantine Empire: East Roman Glory and Decline
  • Destruction and Urban Reconstruction: The Great Fire of London
  • Glorious Revolution: William III and Triumph of Protestantism
  • Kings and Queens in Europe’s Monarchies: The Age of Absolutism
  • Disappearing Nation and European Power Balance: The Partition of Poland
  • Integration, Expansion, and Challenges: The European Union
  • Intellectual Movements and Social Change: The Age of Enlightenment
  • Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism in Southeastern Europe: The Balkan Wars

Asian History Topics

  • Confucianism’s Impacts on East Asian Societies
  • Samurai Culture: Feudal System in Japan
  • Opium Wars: Effect on China’s Modernization
  • Buddhism’s Spread and Transformation in Asia
  • Indian Civilization’s Influence on Southeast Asia
  • The Mongol Empire: Conquests in Asia
  • Meiji Restoration: Japan’s Modernization
  • Roles of Women in Ancient and Medieval East Asian Societies
  • The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Ideology and Consequences
  • Western Imperialism: Impact on Asian Countries
  • The Nara Period: Development of Japanese Buddhism
  • Colonialism and Independence in Southeast Asia
  • The Taiping Rebellion: Turning Point in Chinese History
  • Feudal Japan: Shogunate and Daimyo Power Struggles
  • The Partition of India: Creation of Pakistan
  • Meiji Era Japan: Modernization and Industrialization
  • Islam’s Influence on Southeast Asian Societies
  • Korean-Japanese Relations: Historical Tensions
  • The Great Leap Forward: Economic and Social Changes in China
  • Zen Buddhism’s Influence on Japanese Culture
  • Tibet’s Cultural Revolution: Suppression and Resistance

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas on World War I

  • Nationalism’s Roles in Triggering World War I
  • Technological Advancements and Innovations During the Great War
  • The Impact of Trench Warfare on the Western Front
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s Assassination and its Consequences
  • Women’s Contributions to the War Effort in the First World War
  • Propaganda’s Influence on Public Opinion During World War I
  • The Treaty of Versailles: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons
  • Strategies, Battles, and Key Players on the Eastern Front
  • Resource Mobilization and Economic Impact During World War I
  • The Somme Offensive: Strategies, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
  • Colonial Troops’ Roles in World War I
  • The Russian Revolution’s Impact on the Great War
  • The Zimmermann Telegram and Its Influence on US Entry Into the War
  • Medical Advancements and Challenges in the First World War
  • Balkan Wars’ Influence on the Outbreak of the Great War
  • Chemical Weapons: Development and Use in World War I
  • World War I’s Impacts on the Middle East
  • Negotiations and Agreements at the Paris Peace Conference
  • Art and Literature’s Response to World War I
  • Empires’ Collapse and Border Redrawing After the Great War
  • Diplomacy and Alliances in Escalating World War I

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas on World War II

  • Winston Churchill’s Role in World War II: Leadership and Decision-Making
  • Nazi Propaganda’s Impacts on German Society During World War II
  • The Manhattan Project: Development and Utilization of Atomic Weapons in World War II
  • The Battle of Stalingrad: A Pivotal Moment in World War II
  • Women’s Contributions to World War II: Breaking Gender Stereotypes
  • The Holocaust: Analyzing Nazi Genocide During World War II
  • The D-Day Invasion: Planning, Execution, and Significance in World War II
  • Economic Consequences of World War II on European and American Societies
  • Resistance Movements in Occupied Europe During World War II
  • The Yalta Conference: Negotiations and Aftermath for Post-War Europe
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact: Causes and Effects in the Early Stages of World War II
  • The Pearl Harbor Attack: Catalyst for American Entry Into World War II
  • The Blitz: Bombing Campaign on British Cities During World War II
  • Technological Innovations in World War II: Radar, Enigma, and Code Breaking
  • V-J Day: Japan’s Surrender and the Conclusion of World War II
  • The Warsaw Uprising: Polish Resistance Against German Occupation in World War II
  • World War II’s Impacts on Post-Colonial Africa and Asia
  • The Nuremberg Trials: Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals After World War II
  • The Italian Campaign: Allied Invasion and Liberation of Italy in World War II
  • The Battle of Britain: The Royal Air Force’s Defense Against the Luftwaffe

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas About the French Revolution

  • Causes and Catalysts of the French Revolution: An In-Depth Analysis
  • The Reign of Terror: Impact and Legacy in French Revolutionary History
  • Economic Factors and Socio-Political Unrest in Pre-Revolutionary France
  • Women’s Participation in the French Revolution: Challenging Traditional Gender Roles
  • The Estates-General of 1789: A Turning Point in French Political History
  • Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety: Examining the Radical Phase of the Revolution
  • The Storming of the Bastille: Symbolism and Significance in Revolutionary France
  • Napoleonic Era: Consolidating Revolutionary Gains or Betraying Revolutionary Ideals?
  • Intellectuals and Philosophers’ Influence on the French Revolution
  • Impacts of the French Revolution on European Politics and Societies
  • Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte: Military Genius or Power-Hungry Dictator?
  • French Revolution and the Emergence of Nationalism
  • Bourgeoisie’s Roles in the French Revolution: Examining Class Conflict
  • Women’s March on Versailles: Catalyst for Revolutionary Change
  • Sans-Culottes’ Roles in the Revolution: Popular Mobilization and Demands for Equality
  • French Revolution’s Impacts on Art and Culture
  • Abolition of Slavery in French Colonies: Influence of the Revolution
  • Enlightenment Ideas and Their Influence on the French Revolution
  • Jacobins: Radicals or Defenders of Republicanism?
  • Women’s Clubs and Societies in Revolutionary France: Catalysts for Change
  • Economic Consequences of the French Revolution: Redistribution and Restructuring

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas About the Industrial Revolution

  • Technological Advancements During the Industrial Revolution: A Comparative Study
  • Economic Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on Global Trade
  • Labor Conditions and Workers’ Rights in the Industrial Revolution
  • Roles of Women in the Industrial Revolution: Empowerment and Challenges
  • Environmental Consequences of Industrialization in the 19th Century
  • Urbanization and the Growth of Industrial Cities
  • Innovations in Transportation and Communication During the Industrial Revolution
  • Social Movements and Reform Efforts During the Industrial Revolution
  • The Impact of Industrialization on Agriculture and Rural Communities
  • The Role of Steam Power in the Industrial Revolution
  • Industrialization and the Transformation of the Textile Industry
  • Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution: Exploitation and Reform
  • Changes in Education and the Rise of Public Schools During Industrialization
  • Industrial Revolution and the Development of Factory Systems
  • Technological Innovations in the Iron and Steel Industry
  • Industrial Revolution and the Emergence of Consumer Culture
  • Impacts of Industrialization on Working-Class Living Conditions
  • Influence of Industrialization on Colonialism and Imperialism
  • Industrial Revolution and the Transformation of the Mining Industry
  • Global Expansion of Industrialization: Case Studies From Different Continents

Ancient History Research Paper Topics & Ideas

  • Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Influence on Modern Linguistics
  • Women in Ancient Greek Society: Exploring Their Role
  • Hammurabi’s Code: Justice and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Evolution of Ancient Persia: From City-States to Empire
  • Culture and Beliefs of the Mayan Civilization: Unveiling the Mysteries
  • Engineering Marvels of Ancient Egypt: The Great Pyramids of Giza
  • Conquest and Legacy in Ancient Greece: Alexander the Great
  • Ancient Chinese Inventions: From Papermaking to Gunpowder
  • Vedic Traditions and Hinduism: Religion and Rituals in Ancient India
  • Fact or Fiction? Unraveling the Mythical Tale of the Trojan War
  • Ashoka’s Reign and the Spread of Buddhism: The Maurya Empire
  • Warfare and Technology in Ancient Rome: Legions to Siege Engines
  • Maritime Traders and Cultural Diffusion in the Mediterranean: The Phoenicians
  • Gods, Goddesses, and Afterlife Beliefs: Egyptian Mythology
  • Urban Planning and Trade Networks: The Indus Valley Civilization
  • Impacts on Ancient Civilizations: Cultural Exchange in the Silk Road
  • Democracy, Philosophy, and Citizenship: The Greek Polis
  • Warfare and Diplomacy in Anatolia: The Hittites
  • A Comparative Analysis of Ancient Mesopotamian Creation Myths
  • Art, Architecture, and the Legend of Atlantis: The Minoans
  • Governance and Cultural Resilience in West Africa: The Ashanti Empire
  • Aztec, Inca, and Maya Civilizations: Pre-Columbian America

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas on Middle Ages

  • The Rise of Feudalism in Medieval Europe
  • Knights and Chivalry: Exploring the Code of Honor
  • Devastation and Socioeconomic Impacts of the Black Death
  • Architectural Marvels: Medieval Castles and Strategic Defenses
  • The Crusades: Religious Conflict and Political Motivations
  • Shaping Legal and Political Rights: The Magna Carta
  • Women’s Roles, Power, and Influence in the Middle Ages
  • Myth, Legend, and Historical Significance of the Knights Templar
  • Healing Practices and Medicine in the Middle Ages
  • The Hundred Years’ War: Causes, Consequences, and Key Battles
  • From Romanesque to Gothic: Evolution of Medieval Art and Architecture
  • The Inquisition: Religious Persecution and Control
  • Epic Tales and Arthurian Legends in Medieval Literature
  • Explorers, Raiders, and Traders: The Vikings in the Middle Ages
  • Daily Life in Medieval Villages: Peasants and Serfs
  • The Great Schism: Division and Conflict within the Christian Church
  • Islamic Influence on Medieval Europe
  • Witch Hunts and Persecution in the Middle Ages
  • Depicting the Norman Conquest: The Bayeux Tapestry
  • Symbols of Nobility and Identity: Heraldry and Coat of Arms

Modern History Research Paper Topics & Ideas

  • Arab Spring: Revolution and Political Change in the Middle East
  • Space Race: Cold War Competition and Scientific Achievements
  • Environmental Activism and the Fight Against Climate Change
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Resistance and Transformation
  • Holocaust: Lessons From a Dark Period in Human History
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964: Legislation and Its Impact
  • European Union: Integration and Challenges in the 21st Century
  • Vietnam War: Causes, Consequences, and Lessons Learned
  • Fall of the Soviet Union: Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe
  • Great Depression: Economic Crisis and Social Impact
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: Struggle for Equality and Voting Rights
  • Civil Rights Movement in the United States: Activism and Social Change
  • Partition of India and Pakistan: Historical Roots and Consequences
  • Rwandan Genocide: Ethnic Conflict and the Role of International Community
  • Japanese Economic Miracle: Post-WWII Recovery and Growth
  • Cold War in Latin America: Proxy Conflicts and US Intervention
  • Digital Revolution: Transforming Society and the Economy
  • Formation of the United Nations: A Global Effort for Peace
  • Nuclear Arms Race: Deterrence and the Threat of Mutual Destruction
  • Cultural Revolution in China: Ideology, Power, and Social Change
  • Civil Rights Movement in India: Nonviolent Resistance and Independence

History Research Paper Topics & Ideas About the Great Depression

  • Economic Policies and Their Impacts on the Great Depression
  • Government Response to the Great Depression: An Analytical Comparison
  • International Trade’s Roles in the Great Depression
  • Unemployment and Poverty During America’s Great Depression
  • Environmental Factors: The Dust Bowl and the Great Depression
  • Societal Impacts: The Great Depression’s Effect on American Society
  • Women’s Roles in Overcoming the Great Depression
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
  • African Americans’ Experience During the Great Depression
  • Europe’s Fascist Rise and the Great Depression
  • Labor Movement’s Response to the Great Depression
  • The Federal Reserve’s Impact on the Great Depression
  • Artistic and Cultural Expression During the Great Depression
  • Herbert Hoover’s Policies and the Great Depression
  • The Banking System Collapse During the Great Depression
  • Agricultural Crisis: The Great Depression and the Farming Industry
  • Social Security’s Genesis: The Great Depression’s Influence
  • Urban Areas’ Transformation: The Impact of the Great Depression
  • Comparative Analysis: The Great Depression and Other Economic Crises
  • Psychological Toll: Individuals’ Experience During the Great Depression

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100 History Research Paper and Essay Topics

15 August, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

History is reasonably one of the most important subjects every student encounters in their school, college, or university life. Some students adore it and prioritize history among all other subjects, while others hate it and find it ultimately boring. The truth is, history class is quite essential: it teaches you how to think critically, reflect on the events, find links between cases and occasions, and gives you a valuable opportunity to develop analytical skills. Indeed, studying what happened in the past is critical for understanding the future and being able to interpret current events. Moreover, learning history can make us capable of controlling the things happening around us and contributing to the better quality of our own lives.

History Research Paper and Essay Topics

As a history student, you are certainly expected to compose sound essays on world history topics as well as elaborate on any American history topic. To make sure you write quality essays , you need to learn how to process history essay topics, outline your arguments, and depict historical events in a convincing and accurate way. All in all, keeping some pieces of advice in mind can do you good if your goal is to come up with interesting history topics and craft excellent essays. In the following guide, we will talk about the key features of a history research paper, discuss how to choose history topics to write about, and provide you with sample history topics.

interesting history topics

What Is a History Research Paper?

A history research paper challenges students with analyzing literature sources that are relevant to a particular historical event or historical era. Writing such a paper requires thorough preparation as well as in-depth research. Just like other types of college essays, a history essay follows a standard structure, where you need to develop a thesis statement and support it with relevant arguments and respective data. Thus, the only difference between a history research paper and other types of academic essays is that the first one analyzes solely historical events.

When writing a history research paper, it is critical to keep several points in mind, namely:

  • Relevance of the topic: why is it worth being discussed these days?
  • How is the topic related to the current times?
  • Why was the topic critical in the past?
  • How can a topic contribute to solving current economic and social issues?

Once you consider all the tips outlined above, you’ll become a pro at mastering any subject, from United States history research paper topics to the history of the middle ages.

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A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Topic

If your goal is to craft an amazing history research paper with a strong thesis statement and not a less strong argument, there is a lot of effort to be made. A huge component of success lies in choosing the right topic. If you select a good and interesting one, you facilitate the writing process for yourself as well as make sure you will ultimately grab the reader’s attention. You might need to step out of your comfort zone and avoid limiting yourself to typical topics that have already been discussed thousands of times. Take a look at some tips that will help you come up with interesting but at the same time controversial topics in history:

It is always helpful if you take a look at existing, ongoing research topics. Coming up with your topic might be quite a challenge if you have no idea of what is going on in History research. For instance, find 20-30 US history topics, take a look at them, and think for a while. Which one has grabbed your interest the most? Which topic has the most potential  and the biggest importance to you?

Do some prior research

Once you know the approximate direction of your research, go to the Internet and discover what others write about it. Try to search for some evidence you might need to apply in your paper. Once you find enough support and information, you will be able to narrow down the research topic and come up with your arguments for an essay.

Select the best sources

Writing a history research paper has a lot to do with literature research. You will need to find a bunch of online sources and select only the ones that are most relevant to your research topic. Make sure you use only the most reliable sources and always apply appropriate citations to avoid plagiarism.

Start outlining

Once you’re all set with a research paper topic, don’t forget to structure your history paper. Outlining is the key to writing a proficient, coherent, well-argumented paper. You will need to follow standard outlining: introduction, main body paragraphs, and a summary paragraph at the end. Make sure you have reasonable arguments and evidence for each point of your outline.

Develop multiple thesis statements

A thesis statement plays a critical role when we talk about history research papers. First, it gives the reader an idea of what you will be talking about in the essay. Additionally, it does let the reader know which line of arguments you will follow later on and helps them understand why you decided to talk about a specific historical event. To make it easier for you to structure body paragraphs, develop several statements. If you do so, you will develop several different arguments and finally choose the best ones.

interesting history topics

Without further ado, take a look at 100 history research paper topics that will serve you as a basis for your own piece of writing:

Ancient History

  • Ancient Rome vs. ancient Greece: which one had more power in the past, and whose impact can be traced better today?
  • The philosophy of ancient greeks and its impact today
  • How the voting system of ancient Greece was organized
  • Protests in the ancient era: how demonstrations were organized in the past
  • The political system of ancient Rome
  • The military forces in ancient Greece
  • How Gladiator games were organized and which goal they pursued?
  • The society organization in ancient Egypt
  • Alexander the Great as one of the most leading figures in ancient History
  • Ancient Rome and civilian life

Middle Ages History Research Paper Topics

  • Crimes in the middle ages and how criminal behavior was treated
  • European Cities’ infrastructure during the medieval times
  • Philosophers of Medieval times and their impact on life today
  • The role of interfaith marriages in Medieval Europe
  • The most meaningful discoveries during the Middle Times and their contribution to the world economy
  • Revival of the Byzantine: the role and importance of the notion
  • Quran and its role in Medieval Europe
  • Middle Ages and the impact on the history of Europe
  • Why do some historians associate the Middle Ages with the era of discoveries?

Modern History

  • The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: the reasons and possible prevention mechanisms
  • Native Americans in the US today
  • US immigrant policy: the challenges that are being put on the foreign residents
  • Social movements and the role of the industrialization
  • Social movements in the US today
  • The notion of Westward Expansion
  • The most prominent inventions of the 21st century and their inventors
  • Industrialization and its consequences for the US
  • Great Recession: tracing the adverse consequence of the crisis today
  • The role of NATO in the modern society

World History Research Paper Topics

  • The war between the United States and Mexico: the reasons and outcomes
  • The colonization of South America
  • The famous battle at sea Spain and Great Britain
  • How Medieval Europe shaped and perceived social interactions and personal relationships
  • The long-term consequences of the Cold War between the countries of the Soviet Bloc and the United States
  • The Chernobyl explosion: one of the biggest nuclear catastrophes of the mankind
  • 1968 student revolts
  •  Formation of the European Union and the key events that contributed to it

European History

  • French revolution and the force distribution that followed
  • The history of the European economy
  • Early Modern Europe
  • Muslims of Europe
  • The propaganda of western theories in the 20th century
  • England of the 17th century and the problem of gender bias
  • The analysis of Mid-Tudor Crises in Europe
  • The history of Nazi Germany: comparing German government of the past to the government of today

World War I

  • The Treaty of Versailles and its impact on the events of World War I
  • The Gallipoli campaign and the World War I
  • The image of eastern and western fronts in ​​World War I
  • Chemical Weapon in World War I: economic necessity or a hazard?
  • The entrance of America into the World War
  • Most influential alliances during the times of World War I
  • World War I and the Russian revolution
  • Battle at sea vs battle in the air: which countries used which strategies and why?
  • People and World War I: the cost of lives

World War II

  • How the Soviet army entered World War II and why its entry was critical for the World history
  • Child labor during the times of World War II
  • Africa and the World War II
  • Why did America decide to take a neutral role during World War II?
  • The fate of Germany after the end of the World War II
  • The state of diplomacy during World War II
  • The occupation of Japan
  • The events of the final year of World War II
  •  Resistance towards Hitler in Germany during the times of World War II

African American History Research Paper Topics

  • The role of the 14th Amendment in the lives of African American society
  • Attempts to end slavery via Abolitionist Movement: success and failure factors
  • Angela Davis – one of the greatest civil rights activists in African American society
  • How Black Codes were designed to limit the freedoms of African Americans
  • Black History month: the roots of an opportunity to fight racism and learn the history of African Americans
  • Dr. Martin Luther King and his impact that finds reflection in the African American society today
  • Malcolm X and the rights of the people of color
  • How cultural movements of African Americans contributed to the cultural diversity of the United States
  • Robert F. Kennedy and the success of his speech

United States History

  • The causes of civil war in the United States
  • 1776: the years of independence declaration
  • The key personalities during the times of revolutionary war
  • American social movements and the consequences that industrialization has had on the first
  • The history of slavery and human rights deprivation in the United States
  • The role of indigenous people: how is modern culture shaped by the impact of native Americans?
  • Analyzing the period between the wars
  • Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
  • Alcohol prohibition in the US: the roots and long-term consequences for the economy
  • Some of the most prominent historical events that took place during the times of Cold War
  • The Image of the United States during the Cold War
  • Cold War ar the period of uncertainty, fear, and resilience
  • The reason why Europe’s impact has been constantly shrinking at the times of cold war
  • Countries involved in the cold war and their role in it
  • Was it possible to prevent the Cold War or reduce its duration?
  • The influence of the Cold War in the current era: comparison of Russian vs. American pop cultures
  • The culture of the Soviet Union at the times of the Cold War
  • Chinese Communist Revolution during the Cold War

20th Century History Topics

  • American history of the 21st century
  • Ronald Reagan and the impact of the Mixed Legacies
  • The Holocaust and Roosevelt’s administration
  • Vietnam war: the role of females
  • Political Risks in American History during the reign of Harry Truman
  • Dictatorship in North Korea: the reasons behind it
  • The uprising of democratic movements
  • The history of organized crime in the 1920s in America
  • The greatest causes and consequences of the Great Depression
  • The death of the Soviet Union: how the world’s biggest country came to an end

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