How To Do Etsy Market Research for Beginners | An Illustrated and Helpful Guide

One of the activities I see being done wrong by Etsy Sellers most often is Market Research.

Don’t be like those sellers. Do you research thoroughly, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

What is Market Research?

Market research (or marketing research) is any set of techniques used to gather information and better understand a company’s target market.

Market research – when done well – should catch many simple mistakes. This saves time, effort and money in the long term.

Many Etsy Sellers don’t do research before opening their store. This often leads to disappointment.

Why do market research?

Some beginner sellers think this kind of research is too “business-y” for a novice Etsy seller, however, I believe all Etsy stores are micro-businesses and as such they should be run like one.

Going into your store journey with the mindset of “I sell Product X.

This is what I do” isn’t optimal. Good market research shows you how you can adapt the crafting skills you learnt to new ideas. See what is working and how you can adapt to it.

What to look for

What should be your goals? What are the key things to look for?

I recommend researching as broad as possible. Don’t be constrained by your existing style or preferences. Make notes, and include screenshots, and urls of interesting listings or comments. This can be reviewed later.

What Customers are Looking For

Finding what people want is the first step to creating a successful product.

Working out key styles and niches that are popular can help with product ideas.Ensure you keep an eye out for seasonal trends or “flash in the pan” fads. These should be avoided as once the season finishes, or the fad fizzles out you’re left with a product range that no one wants.

The goal of selecting products to sell is to find products that sell consistently. This way you are making money each and every day.

What Your Top Competition Is Making AND Selling

Clues to success are everywhere so keep your eyes peeled! Selling products can be a twist on something already selling well and by analysing what your most successful competitors are doing you can plan to compete.

Also, look at what is not selling. Most stores have many categories. Most make the majority of sales in one or two ranges. By seeing what DOESN’T sell you can learn from their mistakes by avoiding those ideas or styles. Your Top Selling Products

Never forget the best source of information is your own store. Double down on your own strengths first before branching out.

You will have much more reliable success by making similar items based on your own top sellers.

What Your Customers Are Shopping For

I know I just said to keep an eye on reviews and messages, however I cannot labour this point enough! Keep a close eye on these points as customers are literally telling you.

Applying what you have learnt

Doing market research is the first step. It’s worthless unless acted upon.

You now have your list of ideas. You have an idea on the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, and you know what your own strengths are…

Focusing on your strengths

I mentioned before to ignore your own style and preferences. This step is where we filter out the ideas that just aren’t possible. This could be for different reasons:

Be sure to be realistic, if you don’t have experience in a certain style – could you learn it relatively quickly? Be honest.

Brainstorm 10 ideas

You’ve got your ordered list. Take the first few ideas and brainstorm ideas for new listings.

Take the best 10 ideas forward to the next step. Ideally, 10 ideas should cover different ideas. You don’t want to target 1 idea, the purpose of this is to dip our toes in as many different markets as possible.

List and track

Discard any ideas that don’t sell. If they don’t sell before the renewal deadline then its a sign to not pursue now

Market research for new stores

New stores should cover as much new ground as possible. In the steps above I would suggest making 20-30 ideas. These will get cut back very quickly, and only the best performers should continue.

It can be difficult to get sales as a new store. Sometimes at this stage traffic and “Favourites” can be adequate indicators of success. As you build your reviews up you will start to see the most “favourited” items will eventually start to sell.

See my guide on opening a new store on how to get those tricky first 10 reviews.

Market research for expanding stores

Product ideas should be subtle twists on your existing best sellers. Take what worked for you in your initial tests and build from there.

If none worked in the initial “new store” phase, then you may decide to start from scratch and redo the “New Store” step above.

There are plenty of tools that either speed up this process or offer insights not possible by searching alone.

Here are a few of my favourite tools. There is a mix of free and paid services available, so there is something for everyone.

One of the original search tools for Etsy. Offers AI driven search estimation. Has a traffic light system on areas such as traffic, and competition. Great insights into buyer search behaviour.

Another AI driven search volume estimation tool. Has the same “Listing grading” feature as erank

Etsy Simplicity Search Inspector (FREE)

I may be a bit biased, but my very own search inspector tool offers the core features from paid services such as erank and marmalead, but for free!

Get insights into what tags are being used by the most successful listings.

Etsy will show your listing in related searches, so long as you get the basics right.


Lists the most successful stores in each category. Find the stores in your niche, and have a deep dive into what they are selling. Learn from the best of the best.

Etsy Forums (FREE)

Etsy Forums

Etsy Search (FREE)

The tools above are great – however nothing beats getting stuck into the search bar and browsing categories.

This will give you a better flavour of what is out there, as well as giving better real-world examples

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7 Steps To Etsy Market Research That Will Catapult Your Sales

  • by Alice Ananian
  • May 15, 2024

Etsy Market Research

With millions of shop owners worldwide and more than 90 million listings, Etsy is a bustling marketplace where standing out can be a challenge. However, the key to unlocking your Etsy shop’s full potential isn’t just about what you sell; it’s about understanding the market you operate within.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through ten essential steps to conducting thorough Etsy market research. This will ensure you’re not just adding to the marketplace’s stock but strategically positioning and selling your items for maximum impact.

Whether you’re new to Etsy or a seasoned seller looking for ways to revitalize your business, this guide is designed to help you at every step of the way, teaching you how to research Etsy trends and much more.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Before you can sell effectively, you need to know who you’re selling to. Identifying your target audience is the crucial first step to conducting effective research on the Etsy marketplace .

Follow these steps when identifying your target audience during Etsy market research:

Step 1: Define Your Product

  • Clearly understand what you’re selling. Is it a practical item like hand-stitched leather wallets or a decorative piece like knitted wall hangings?
  • Knowing your product’s purpose and aesthetic will guide your target audience research.

Step 2: Analyze Existing Customers (if applicable)

  • If you already have an Etsy shop, look at your customer data . Analyze purchase history and demographics to identify trends.
  • Who are your current buyers? Age, location, buying habits? Leverage the robust data provided by Etsy Analytics to understand the demographics and behavior of your current customers.
  • Look for patterns in their search queries, favorite items, and purchase history to tailor your listings to their needs and preferences.

Step 3: Competitor Research

  • Look at successful shops selling similar products.
  • Analyze their customer interactions in reviews, comments, and social media engagement.
  • Who are they talking to? What problems are their customers facing?

Step 4: Etsy Search Tools

  • Use Etsy’s search tools to see what terms people use to find similar products.
  • Look at search volume and competition for these keywords.
  • This helps you understand what kind of audience is actively looking for these products.

Step 5: Dive Deeper into Your Niche

  • Look for online communities related to your product niche.
  • This could be forums, subreddits, Facebook groups, or Pinterest boards.
  • See what kind of conversations are happening. What are people interested in, and what questions do they have?

Step 6: Develop Your Ideal Customer Persona

  • Based on your research, create a profile of your ideal customer.
  • Include demographics like age, location, income, interests, and online behavior.
  • Psychographics like values, hobbies, and lifestyle choices can also be helpful.

Step 7: Refine and Repeat

  • Your target audience may evolve as you gather more data.
  • Regularly revisit your research and refine your ideal customer persona.

Rely on Data, Not Your Guts

banner image

Analyzing Competitors

To gain a competitive edge in the Etsy marketplace, you must know who you’re competing against and what they’re doing right (or wrong).

Step 1: Identify Your Direct Competitors

  • Search for similar products: Use relevant keywords on Etsy to find shops selling products similar to yours.
  • Look at top sellers: Identify shops ranking high in search results or those with “Bestseller” badges.
  • Check out established shops: Analyze successful shops within your niche, even if they’re not direct competitors.

Step 2: Deep Dive into Competitor Listings

  • Analyze the types of products they sell.
  • Are there any unique variations or customizations offered?
  • Identify any gaps in their product line where you could position yourself.
  • Compare their prices to yours.
  • Are they targeting a budget-conscious or premium market?
  • Consider how their pricing aligns with perceived value.
  • Evaluate the quality and style of their product photos.
  • Analyze the clarity, detail, and tone of their product descriptions.
  • Identify areas where you can improve your own presentation.
  • Analyze their shop logo, banner, and overall visual theme.
  • See how their branding aligns with their product aesthetic and target audience.

Step 3: Customer Engagement Analysis

  • Read customer reviews on their listings.
  • Identify common themes in positive and negative feedback.
  • See what aspects customers appreciate and what areas need improvement.
  • This can help you understand customer expectations within your niche.
  • Check if they have active social media profiles linked to their Etsy shop.
  • Analyze their social media engagement (likes, comments, shares).
  • See what kind of content resonates with their audience.

Step 4: Competitive Advantage and Differentiation

  • Based on your analysis, identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Look for gaps in their offerings or areas where you can provide better value.
  • This will help you develop your unique selling proposition (USP) to stand out in the market.

Step 5: Utilize Additional Tools (Optional)

  • Consider using third-party tools like Erank or Marmalead .
  • These tools provide data on competitor keywords, estimated sales volume, and traffic sources.
  • While not always perfectly accurate, they can offer valuable insights.
  • Don’t copy competitors blindly. Analyze and learn from their strategies, but develop your own unique brand voice and product offerings.
  • Competitor analysis is an ongoing process. Regularly revisit your findings and adapt your strategies as the market evolves.

Conducting Keyword Research

Keywords are the breadcrumbs that lead customers to your products. Invest time in researching and using the right keywords to improve your visibility on Etsy. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Step 1: Brainstorm Seed Keywords

  • Start with broad keywords that describe your product category.

Example: If you sell knitted scarves, your seed keywords could be “knitted scarf,” “winter scarf,” or “scarf.”

Step 2: Utilize Etsy Search Suggestions

  • These are terms people are actively searching for and can give you valuable long-tail keyword variations.

Example: Typing “knitted scarf” might suggest “chunky knit scarf,” “infinity knitted scarf,” or “hand-knitted scarf.”

Etsy Product Research

Step 3: Analyze Competitor Listings

  • Look at successful shops in your niche and identify the keywords they use in their titles, tags, and descriptions. This can give you a good starting point for relevant keywords.

Example: Analyze the titles and tags of top-selling knitted scarf shops. You might find keywords like “oversized knitted scarf,” “cable knit scarf,” or “men’s knitted scarf.”

Step 4: Explore Free Keyword Research Tools

  • Etsy Search: Utilize the search bar again, but instead of hitting enter, scroll down to see the “Filters” section. Here, you can see variations of your search term based on different categories, materials, etc.
  • Google Trends: While not Etsy-specific, Google Trends : allows you to compare search volume for different keywords and identify seasonal trends.

Google Trends for Etsy

Step 5: Refine Your Keywords with Paid Tools (Optional)

  • Consider using paid keyword research tools like Erank or Marmalead. (See the section below for more information on each tool.)
  • These tools offer detailed information on search volume, competition level, and estimated cost-per-click (CPC) for Etsy keywords.

Step 6: Prioritize Your Keywords

  • High-volume keywords: May have a lot of competition, making it harder to rank for them.
  • Long-tail keywords: More specific, have lower search volume but also lower competition.
  • Focus on a mix of high-volume, relevant keywords and long-tail keywords that target your ideal customer’s specific search terms.

Step 7: Integrate Keywords into Listings

  • Titles: Include relevant keywords at the beginning of your titles for maximum impact. (Ex: “Oversized Chunky Knit Scarf for Men”)
  • Tags: Use all 13 available tags and include a mix of broad and specific keywords.
  • Descriptions: Weave relevant keywords naturally throughout your descriptions while providing valuable information about your product.

Keyword Tools

Marmalead and eRank are helpful tools for conducting keyword research tailored to Etsy SEO . Here’s a breakdown of how you can leverage them:

  • Identify Seed Keywords: Start by brainstorming broad keywords relevant to your product category (similar to free keyword research methods).
  • Explore the Marmalead Keyword Tool: Within Marmalead, navigate to the “Keyword Tool” section.
  • Enter Your Seed Keywords: Plug your brainstormed keywords into the search bar.
  • It provides insights like estimated search volume, competition level (Marmalead Score), and commonly used tags within those listings.
  • Identify Long-Tail Variations: Look for long-tail keyword variations within the search results. These will have lower search volume but potentially lower competition, making them good targets.

Example: Your seed keyword might be “leather wallet.” Marmalead might show long-tail variations like “minimalist leather wallet for men” or “biface leather wallet with zipper.”

  • Keyword Research Tool: Access the “Keyword Research” tool within eRank.
  • Enter Seed Keywords: Similar to Marmalead, enter your brainstormed keywords.
  • Analyze Search Trends: Unlike Marmalead, eRank focuses on historical search data. It shows search volume trends over the past year, allowing you to identify seasonal fluctuations in keyword popularity.

Erank Etsy Keyword Research

  • Competition Analysis: eRank provides a competition score for each keyword, indicating how difficult it might be to rank for them on Etsy.
  • Compare Keywords: The “Compare Keywords” feature allows you to compare up to four keywords side-by-side, giving you a quick overview of their search volume, competition level, and estimated cost-per-click (CPC) on Etsy ads (if applicable).

Important Considerations:

  • Free vs Paid Plans: Both Marmalead and eRank offer free trial periods, but some features are limited. Paid plans provide access to more comprehensive data and functionalities.
  • Data Accuracy: While these tools offer valuable insights, search volume and competition data might not be entirely accurate. Use them as a guide, not the absolute truth.
  • Focus on Relevance: Prioritize keywords highly relevant to your products and target audience, even if the search volume seems lower.

Evaluating Trends and Seasonality

Staying on top of trends and seasonality can help you predict demand and adjust your offerings accordingly. Here’s how to make sure you’ve covered all your bases.

Identifying Trends

  • Look at suggested searches and dropdown menus as you type keywords. These can reveal trending terms and variations.
  • Trending Sections: Explore curated sections like “Trending Now” or “Editor’s Picks” on the Etsy homepage. These highlight products and aesthetics currently popular with Etsy shoppers.
  • Social Media Listening: Follow relevant hashtags and communities on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. See what kind of products and styles are generating buzz and engagement.
  • Etsy Success Podcast: Listen to episodes of the Etsy Success Podcast for insights from successful sellers and industry experts. They often discuss current trends and upcoming seasons.

Analyzing Seasonality

  • Google Trends: Utilize Google Trends to track the search volume for your product category and related keywords throughout the year. This helps identify seasonal peaks and dips in demand.
  • Etsy Browse Behavior Reports: If you have an Etsy shop with Etsy Ads enabled, you can access “Browse Behavior Reports” within Etsy Ads. These reports provide insights into user searches and browsing habits by season.
  • Competitor Analysis: Monitor what your competitors are listing and promoting throughout the year. Are they introducing seasonal product lines or adjusting their marketing strategies ?
  • Event Calendars: Consider holidays, events, and occasions relevant to your niche. For example, if you sell baby clothes, research baby shower themes and popular newborn gift items throughout the year.

Putting It All Together

  • Based on your research, identify both current trends and upcoming seasonal shifts in buyer behavior.
  • Adapt your product offerings, shop aesthetics, and marketing strategies accordingly.

Example: If you sell knitted scarves, highlight chunky knit styles during fall and winter, and offer lightweight options in spring and summer.

Additional Tips

  • Stay Agile: Market trends can change quickly. Regularly revisit your research and adapt your approach as needed.
  • Embrace Niche Trends: Look for trends specific to your niche. For example, within handmade jewelry, there might be a trend towards geometric designs or minimalist styles.
  • Find Your Unique Angle: Don’t simply copy trends. Put your own spin on them to create products that resonate with your target audience.

By effectively evaluating trends and seasonality, you can ensure your Etsy shop stays relevant and attracts customers throughout the year.

Assessing Pricing and Profitability

Determining the right price for your Etsy products is crucial for both attracting customers and ensuring a healthy profit margin.

Step 1: Understand Your Costs

  • Material Costs: Calculate the cost of all materials needed to create your product, including any packaging you’ll provide.
  • Labor Costs: Determine the amount of time it takes to create each product and assign an hourly wage to your time.
  • Overhead Costs: Factor in any ongoing expenses related to your shop, such as Etsy listing fees, payment processing fees, marketing costs (if any), studio rent (if applicable), etc.

Step 2: Analyze Competitor Pricing

  • Research Similar Products: Look at your competitors’ listings and see what they’re charging for similar products.
  • Consider Quality and Brand Value: Don’t simply undercut competitors on price. Analyze the perceived quality and brand value of their products compared to yours.
  • Identify Pricing Strategies: See if competitors are using charm pricing (ending prices in $.95), offering discounts for bulk purchases, or employing other pricing strategies .

Step 3: Calculate Your Minimum Price

  • Add Up Your Costs: Total all your expenses per product (material, labor, overhead). This is your minimum break-even price.

Step 4: Factor in Profit Margin

  • Decide on Desired Profit: Determine what profit margin you want to achieve on each product. This will depend on your business goals and overhead costs. A healthy profit margin for handmade goods on Etsy typically ranges from 30% to 50%.
  • Calculate Selling Price: Add your desired profit margin to your minimum break-even price to arrive at your ideal selling price.

Step 5: Analyze Market Perception

  • Research Customer Reviews: Read reviews of competitor products to see if there are any common complaints about pricing.
  • Consider Customer Value: Look for opportunities to offer unique features, excellent customer service, or premium materials that justify a higher price point.

Step 6: Test and Refine

  • Start with an Estimated Price: Once you have an ideal selling price, you might need to adjust it slightly based on market realities.
  • Monitor Sales and Reviews: After launching your product, track your sales data and customer feedback.
  • Refine Pricing as Needed: If sales are slow or customers perceive your products as overpriced, you might need to adjust your pricing strategy.

Additional Tips:

  • Free Etsy Profit Margin Calculators: Several online tools, like the Etsy Profit Margin Calculator by Bench Accounting, can help you calculate your minimum price and desired profit margin.

  • Pricing Psychology: Consider using psychological pricing tactics like charm pricing or offering tiered pricing for bundles.
  • Offer Multiple Price Points: You might offer variations of your product at different price points to cater to a wider range of customers.

Gathering Customer Feedback

Gathering customer feedback is crucial for understanding your target audience’s needs and preferences, ultimately improving your Etsy shop. Here are various methods to gather customer feedback within Etsy market research:

Direct Feedback Methods:

  • Example: “Hey there [Customer Name]! Big thanks for choosing to shop with us recently. We’re super excited for you to start enjoying your new [product name]. It would mean a lot to us if you could share your thoughts by leaving a review or simply dropping us a message with your feedback. Your insights are precious; they let us make things even better for you! Cheers from all of us at [Your Shop Name]”
  • Customer Surveys: Use Etsy’s built-in customer survey tool to create short surveys with multiple-choice or open-ended questions to gather specific feedback on your products, pricing, or shop experience.
  • Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send out occasional surveys or feedback requests through email campaigns.

Indirect Feedback Methods:

  • Example: Look for positive feedback mentioning the quality of your materials or the unique design of your product. Pay close attention to negative reviews to understand areas for improvement, like slow shipping times or unclear product descriptions.
  • Social Media Interactions: Monitor comments and messages on your social media platforms. See what kind of questions customers are asking and what aspects of your products resonate with them.
  • Etsy Forums and Discussions: Engage in relevant Etsy forums and discussions. Respond to questions and participate in conversations to understand customer challenges and preferences within your niche.
  • Incentivize Feedback: Consider offering a small discount code or coupon to customers who leave detailed reviews.
  • Respond to All Feedback: Thank customers for their positive and negative reviews. Address negative feedback professionally and outline how you’ll address the issues raised.
  • Close the Loop: If a customer provides feedback through a direct message, be sure to respond promptly and address their concerns or questions.

Tracking and Measuring Results

Research is never truly complete without the ability to track and measure results. These are the most effective strategies that make sure you get the most accurate insights possible:

Website Traffic Tracking

  • Etsy Stats: Utilize Etsy’s built-in shop stats to monitor key metrics like views, visits, favorites, and click-through rates on your listings.
  • External Analytics (Optional): Consider integrating Google Analytics with your Etsy shop for more detailed traffic data and insights into user behavior.

Sales and Conversion Tracking

  • Etsy Sales Dashboard: Monitor your Etsy sales dashboard to track total sales, revenue generated, and average order value.
  • Conversion Rates: Analyze your conversion rate, which is the percentage of visitors to your shop who make a purchase. This can help you identify areas for improvement, such as product descriptions or listing photos.

Keyword Performance Tracking

  • Etsy Ads Keyword Stats (if applicable): If you run Etsy Ads, track the performance of your chosen keywords. See which keywords generate the most clicks, visits, and sales.
  • Rank Tracking Tools (Optional): Consider using third-party rank tracking tools to monitor your listings’ position in Etsy search results for specific keywords.

Customer Engagement Tracking

  • Review Statistics: Track the number and sentiment of customer reviews on your listings.
  • Social Media Engagement: Monitor likes, comments, shares, and messages on your social media platforms to gauge customer engagement.

A/B Testing

  • Listing Tweaks: Test variations of your product titles, descriptions, or photos to see which versions generate better results.
  • Pricing Strategies: You can run A/B tests with slightly different price points to see how customers respond.

Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular intervals to analyze your Etsy stats, sales data, and customer feedback.
  • Identify Trends: Look for patterns and trends in your data to understand what’s working well and what areas need improvement.
  • Adapt Your Strategy: Based on your data analysis, refine your Etsy SEO strategies, product offerings, or marketing approaches to optimize results.
  • Set SMART Goals: Establish clear, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your Etsy shop. This will help you track progress and measure the effectiveness of your market research efforts.
  • Use Visualizations: Utilize charts, graphs, and other data visualization tools to represent your findings effectively. This can make it easier to identify trends and communicate insights to others.
  • Focus on Long-Term Growth: Don’t expect overnight success. Tracking and measuring results is an ongoing process that helps you make data-driven decisions and achieve sustainable growth for your Etsy shop.

Leveraging for Etsy Market Research

Prelaunch is an AI-powered product validation platform that can help Etsy sellers take their market research to the next level.

Product Validation

  • Pre-Order System: Prelaunch uses a reservation system where potential customers can “pre-order” your product with a small deposit. This deposit is converted into a discount upon launch, incentivizing early commitment.
  • Gauge Initial Demand: The number of pre-orders you receive is a strong indicator of initial market interest for your product. It helps you assess if there’s a potential customer base before investing significant resources into production or setting up your Etsy shop.
  • Gather Customer Feedback: Prelaunch allows you to communicate with potential customers who pre-order your product. You can send surveys or run polls to gather feedback on pricing, design variations, or features they’d like to see.

How to use Prelaunch for Etsy market research:

  • Develop a Prototype: Create a physical or digital product prototype to showcase on Prelaunch.
  • Set Up Your Prelaunch Campaign: Clearly describe your product, its benefits, and its target audience on the Prelaunch campaign page . Set a compelling pre-order price and discount for launch.
  • Gather Feedback: Analyze pre-order numbers and actively seek feedback from potential customers through surveys or direct messages.
  • Refine Your Product: Based on the feedback, consider making adjustments to your product design, pricing, or target audience before launching on Etsy.

Etsy market research is an ongoing process that requires attention, analysis, and action. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a market-savvy Etsy seller, ready to thrive in the vibrant world of e-commerce. 

Keep in mind that the insights you glean from market research are only as valuable as the changes you make as a result of them. Take the time to understand your customers, competitors, and the broader market, and you’ll be rewarded with a steady stream of sales and a flourishing Etsy business.

how to do market research on etsy

Alice Ananian

Alice has over 8 years experience as a strong communicator and creative thinker. She enjoys helping companies refine their branding, deepen their values, and reach their intended audiences through language.

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Market Research on Etsy: How to Make a Detailed Product Analysis?

Are you an Etsy shop seller struggling to stay on top of the ever-changing marketplace? Do you need help identifying what your customers want or keeping up with the competition? Look no further because the answer lies with Etsy market research of your product!

Market Research on Etsy: How to Make a Detailed Product Analysis?

You may learn a lot about consumer demand, evaluate the competition, and ultimately boost your Etsy sales success by conducting thorough research on your products. And you can speed up the procedure and get an advantage using Roketfy   Etsy market research tools.

This post will outline a step-by-step method for conducting exhaustive market research on Etsy and how Roketfy’s potent tools for listing optimization, product research, and other tasks may make you stand out in a crowded field.

So if you’re ready to take your Etsy shop to the next level, keep reading and discover the power of market research for your Etsy business. Plus, don’t forget to sign up for Roketfy’s free trial of their Etsy market research tools to start seeing results today!

Here are some of the questions we shall be answering in this piece:

  • What does the Etsy marketplace consist of?
  • Why sell on Etsy?
  • What is product analysis on Etsy?
  • What is the importance of product analysis?
  • How do you conduct market research on Etsy with Roketfy?
  • How do you analyze competition on Etsy with Roketfy?
  • How do you analyze Customer Demand on Etsy with Roketfy?
  • How can you increase my Etsy product ranking?
  • How do you put it all together? 

What Does the Etsy Marketplace Consist of?

Etsy  is an e-commerce platform allowing creative entrepreneurs to sell handmade, vintage, unique gifts, relics, and other items to a global audience. It was founded in 2005 and has become a popular marketplace for small businesses and independent sellers. Etsy’s unique features include its community-driven approach and emphasis on personalization and creativity.

So, how do you decide what to sell on the platform?

What to sell on Etsy is a common question that many sellers ask themselves when starting their online store. So much so that choosing the right products to sell is vital to increase your chances of success on the platform; here are some key considerations to help you decide what to sell on Etsy:

  • Niche : Focus on a specific niche to stand out from the competition and establish yourself as an expert in your field. This could be anything from handmade jewelry, personalized artwork, handmade gifts, vintage clothing, or digital downloads.
  • Demand : Research the market to determine what products are in demand and likely to sell well on Etsy. Use tools like the Etsy market research tool or Roketfy product research tool to analyze search trends, customer reviews, and product views.
  • Competition : Analyze your competitors’ products to identify gaps in the market and unique selling points for your products. Roketfy’s listing optimization tool and AI reviews can help you stay ahead of the competition and tailor your products to customer demand.
  • Your strengths : Consider your strengths and expertise when deciding what to sell on Etsy. If you’re a skilled artist or craftsperson, focus on handmade products. Consider selling digital downloads or prints if you’re good at graphic design or photography.
  • Branding : Build a strong brand identity to differentiate yourself from other sellers. This includes your shop name, color scheme, logo, and product packaging.

By carefully considering these factors, you can determine what to sell on Etsy and increase your chances of success on the platform.

Why Sell on Etsy?

One benefit of selling on Etsy is its large customer base, with over 40 million active buyers as of 2021. The sellers were at a 7.5 million count as of the end of the same year. This is a 74% increase compared to 2020. This gives sellers access to a broader audience and boosts the chances of making sales. 

However, with over 7 million sellers on Etsy, competition can be high, making it essential to conduct thorough Etsy market research and Etsy product research to stand out from the crowd.

Etsy offers several tools to support sellers, including the Etsy market research tool called Seller Analytics. This tool lets sellers track their shop’s performance, including sales, traffic, and customer engagement. Additionally, sellers can use third-party tools such as Roketfy to conduct a market search on Etsy and analyze the competition.

While there are benefits to selling on Etsy, there are also drawbacks. One drawback is the platform’s fees, which can add up quickly, especially for sellers with a high sales volume. Additionally, Etsy’s focus on handmade and unique items may not be suitable for all types of products, limiting the market for some sellers. Third-party software helps mitigate such drawbacks by offering tips and tricks to improve. 

What Is Product Analysis on Etsy?

Product analysis on Etsy refers to researching and evaluating different products on the platform to identify trends, determine customer demand, and make informed decisions about what products to sell in your Etsy store. It involves analyzing various aspects of a product, such as pricing, design, and functionality, as well as customer reviews, sales data, and search trends.

Product analysis aims to help Etsy sellers make data-driven decisions that can improve their sales and overall performance on the platform. By conducting product analysis, Etsy sellers can identify gaps in the market, optimize their product listings for better visibility and conversion, and understand their customers’ needs and preferences.

Some of the critical steps involved in product analysis on Etsy include:

  • Conducting market research to identify trends, customer demand, and competition.
  • Analyzing product reviews to understand customer feedback and identify areas for improvement.
  • Evaluating sales data to determine top-selling products and categories.
  • Analyzing search trends to identify popular keywords and optimize product listings.
  • Researching pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness in the market.
  • Testing product variations to identify the most successful options.

By leveraging product analysis tools and resources, such as the Roketfy product research tool and Etsy’s Seller Analytics, Etsy sellers can gain valuable insights into their products’ performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their listings and increase their sales.

What Is the Importance of Product Analysis?

For Etsy sellers, product analysis is crucial to success on the platform. Conducting product analysis helps sellers identify customer needs, understand the competition, and optimize their listings for maximum visibility and sales. 

By using tools such as the Etsy product research tool and conducting market research on Etsy, sellers can gather data on what products are in high demand and adjust their offerings accordingly.

Roketfy, a SaaS platform designed for Etsy sellers, offers tools to assist with product analysis, including the Etsy product research tool and AI writer. By utilizing these tools, sellers can optimize their listings for better performance, increasing sales and customer satisfaction. 

Successful Etsy sellers who have conducted thorough product analysis have been able to identify their niche, understand their target audience, and create a compelling brand that sets them apart from the competition. With Roketfy’s product analysis tools, Etsy sellers can achieve similar success and optimize their performance on the platform.

How Do You Conduct Market Research on Etsy with Roketfy?

Market research on Etsy involves analyzing the platform’s search trends, identifying popular product categories, and analyzing competitor listings. This can be done using basic steps that any seller can access from the platform.

For instance, Etsy’s search bar and seller analytics are basic tools for conducting market research. These tools provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences and information on the performance of competing listings. But here is the kicker: Additional third-party tools can speed the rate Etsy sellers identify untapped niches and track competitors’ sales data faster and more efficiently. Take, for instance,  Roketfy’s Product Research tool . 

The Roketfy Product Research tool can be a game-changer for Etsy sellers. By providing essential metrics such as estimated daily sales volume, monthly turnover, and top-selling days, sellers can gain valuable insights into sales performance. With the most accurate estimated results provided by Roketfy technology, sellers can optimize their listings and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Moreover, the tool offers customizable filters and daily sales data, making it a valuable asset for product analysis on the platform.

These tools allow Etsy sellers to stay ahead of the competition, optimize their listings, and make informed business decisions based on data-driven insights.

How Do You Analyze Competition on Etsy with Roketfy?

You can perform a competitive analysis by looking into rival companies’ products, prices, and marketing tactics. And the result is that sellers might discover opportunities to stand out in a competitive market and acquire insightful information. Successful Etsy sellers frequently perform competitive assessments to keep one step ahead of the competition and constantly enhance their offerings.

With  Roketfy’s Listing Optimization  Tool, Etsy sellers can better analyze and get ahead of the competition. The tool’s Smart Score System, SEO/Keyword recommendations, AI Title Suggestions, and Listing Optimization Checklist provide data-based insights to optimize listings and improve search rankings, resulting in increased sales. Follow the actionable recommendations and watch sales soar!

How Do You Analyze Customer Demand on Etsy with Roketfy?

It’s essential for merchants who want to flourish on Etsy to analyze buyer demand. To analyze and determine what customers want from a product, sellers must pay attention to customer reviews, search phrases, and product views. Successful Etsy merchants frequently research consumer trends to generate innovative product developments and marketing plans. The two tools for this are AI Writer and Rokefy’s AI Reviews.

The  Roketfy AI Reviews  tool can help sellers analyze customer demand on Etsy. The tool provides detailed insights into customer reviews, including identifying common product issues and requested features. Additionally, the tool uses machine learning models to analyze customer sentiment and demands, allowing sellers to avoid potential problems and tailor their products and marketing strategies to meet customer needs.

The  Roketfy AI Writer tool can also be valuable in analyzing and meeting customer demands on. 

Etsy through shared content. By providing high-quality, SEO-friendly product descriptions, sellers can better target the keywords and attributes customers seek. The tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze current market trends and trending keywords to create tailored recommendations for sellers. By incorporating these recommendations into their product descriptions, sellers can improve their search rankings and reach a wider audience of potential customers. This tool helps sellers to produce Etsy-focused content that meets the needs of their customers and ultimately improves their sales performance.

Roketfy’s AI Reviews and AI Writer products can assist Etsy sellers in increasing customer satisfaction, decreasing attrition, and increasing their chances of success in the marketplace.

How Can You Increase Your Etsy Product Ranking?

You can do a couple of things to boost your Etsy product ranking. They are:

Optimize your Etsy listings:

Use relevant and descriptive titles that include targeted keywords and accurately reflect your product. You can start by writing detailed descriptions highlighting your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.

Also, use high-quality photos that accurately represent your product and show it from multiple angles. Lastly, please fill out all available listing attributes to provide more information about your product and make it easier for customers to find.

Roketfy tool to use:  Listing Optimization Tool

Conduct product research:

Research popular and trending products in your niche to gain insights into what customers seek. Use market research tools to analyze competition, identify market gaps, and monitor customer reviews to gain insights into common customer complaints and requests.

Roketfy tool to use:  Product Research Tool, AI Reviews

Use targeted keywords and tags:

Use targeted keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags—this will make it easier for customers to find your product. Additionally, use long-tail keywords to target specific customer searches and increase your chances of appearing in relevant search results. Using all available tags and ensuring they accurately reflect your product will also boost your product’s ranking, as people will find it the moment they search for it.

Roketfy tool to use:  Listing Optimization Tool, AI Writer

Encourage customer reviews and feedback:

Always encourage customers to leave reviews and feedback by providing excellent customer service, offering incentives, and following up after the sale. And please welcome both the good remarks and the bad ones. Having both perspectives allows you to use this customer feedback to improve your product and customer experience. 

Most importantly, do not let the client’s remarks fall on deaf ears. Communication is a two-way street. So, always respond to all customer reviews and feedback, positive or negative, to show that you value customer input. Apologize, compensate, or further explain if you have to. But you must respond!

Roketfy tool to use:  AI Reviews

Promote your Etsy shop:

Start your Etsy shop promotion through social media, email marketing, and other channels to drive traffic and increase sales. Ensure you participate in Etsy teams and forums to connect with other sellers and potential customers for better interactions.  Etsy Ads  are also a valuable channel to promote your products and reach more customers.

Roketfy tool to use:  AI Writer for content

How Do You Put It All Together? 

To put it all together, it is essential to synthesize the findings from market research to create a detailed product analysis. This involves analyzing the data collected from customer demand, competition, and market trends to clearly understand the product’s strengths and weaknesses, target customers, and future opportunities.

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a well-put-together product analysis on Etsy:

  • Identify the product’s strengths and weaknesses : Use market research tools to gather data on your product’s sales history, customer reviews, and feedback to identify what customers like and dislike about your product.
  • Determine the target customer:  Analyze the customer data collected from market research to determine the target audience for your product. Identify their demographics, preferences, and buying habits to tailor your product to their needs.
  • Create a product roadmap : Based on market research and customer data analysis, create a product roadmap outlining the steps to improve the product’s strengths and address its weaknesses.
  • Continuously monitor and adjust:  Regularly revisit your product analysis and adjust as needed to stay competitive and meet customer demand.

Successful Etsy sellers who have used product analysis to improve their sales include:

  • "The Woven Dream" sells handmade home decor items that use product analysis to identify popular color schemes and designs, increasing sales and customer satisfaction.
  • "CanningCrafts", a seller of personalized canning labels, uses product analysis to identify and add new designs to their product lineup, resulting in increased sales and a more extensive customer base.

In summary, conducting product analysis on Etsy is essential for sellers to understand their product’s strengths, weaknesses, and customer demand. With market research and customer data, sellers can create a detailed product analysis and roadmap to improve their sales and stay competitive.

Bottom Line 

Market research is critical for any Etsy seller who wants to succeed in the highly competitive online marketplace. By using the right tools and resources, such as the Roketfy product suite, you can conduct thorough research on customer demand, competition, and trends to create a detailed product analysis that will help you optimize your Etsy shop and increase sales.

Whether you’re a new seller just starting or an established seller looking to grow your business, investing in market research is essential. With the Roketfy product suite, you can access a range of tools designed specifically for Etsy sellers, including product research and optimization, competitive analysis, writing, and AI-powered customer insights tools.

So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the  free plan  of Roketfy’s Etsy market research tools and optimize your shop today. With the insights and data you gain, you can stay ahead of the competition, boost your sales, and create a successful and profitable Etsy business.

Ilayda Ozcan

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Market Research On Etsy? 7 Great Tips (Explained)

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Market research is not only a great way to see what the competition is currently selling on, but can also be a great way to start thinking about  what  it is that you want to sell for yourself!

Before any small business venture, market research is key – crucial even! You would be surprised by how many Etsy sellers who go into Etsy thinking that they have a great, unique idea and then realize just how big their competition pool is.

Not only can this be discouraging, but it can also make it harder to be noticed by customers on

To prevent this, you should be doing market research, and we’re going to help you figure out the best way to go about it for your own business!

Table of Contents

how to do market research on etsy

How Do You Find the Most-Sold Items on Etsy?

Finding out what is the most sold item on Etsy is a great way to see what is currently a “trending” or “hot-ticket” item on the site.

This helps you decide if you want to try and pursue this category of products to sell. Knowing what customers are interested in is essential to making sure that your product is following that trend and will end up in hundreds of search results.

Alternatively, knowing what the bestselling items are on Etsy is great when you want to check out really successful stores. Even if it can be daunting to see a store with tens of thousands of sales, seeing what they’re doing “right” can help you try to achieve their level of success!

But how do you find the most-sold items on Etsy?

1. Doing Your Own Market Research

Whenever you click around on Etsy, there tends to be this “rabbit-hole” effect where you start by clicking on handmade bookmarks and end up looking at ornate, refurbished flapper dresses.

This is the beauty and the downfall of doing your own market research – but if you can focus and do it right, you’ll be glad you did!

One of the best ways to do market research is to click around on Etsy and filter your searches until you are finding shops with thousands of five-star reviews and sales.

Once you do, you can start to see what these bestselling stores are offering and how often they are getting sales from customers.

For example,  Graphique  is an Etsy shop that designs and sells digital art downloads for over 170,000 customers and counting!

Their style and unique taste have made them stand out as one of the most – if not THE most – popular digital art download shops on the whole site.

By checking out their business styles, the way that they take photos and describe their products and work with customers, you can try to emulate large, successful sites into your own shop’s business model to try and garner success!

2. and Other Market Research Sites

If clicking around for hours on doesn’t sound fun to you, there are alternative ways to find the top-selling items and shops online. is not associated nor affiliated with; however, they do keep a great ranking record of the top 10, 50, or 100 Etsy shops in various categories and those that are the top 10 of all time.

By going to their site and filtering by category, you can see which sellers are the best in their category, whether that be clothing, dolls, needlecraft, jewelry, stamps, or any others!

For example, as of the time of this article, the top two selling stores in Etsy overall on are PlannerKate1 and ModParty .

As the name suggests, PlannerKate1 sells planner designs, styles, and accessories to help you make your planner completely your own. With over 900,000 sales on Etsy since 2014, PlannerKate1 has been stealing the Etsy show one brightly-colored sicker at a time!

ModParty , on the other hand, has dipped their creative brush into the wedding industry, creating gifts for bridesmaids, wedding favors, and decorations! Since 2013 they have sold nearly 570,000 products to customers and are still going strong.

3. Why Use Market Research?

In only minutes I was able to see the top two selling stores on Etsy’s website and get an idea of what they are selling and how they are selling it.

Furthermore, using sites like saves me time and effort, and also let me get an idea of what the truly successful competition is doing.

Finally, if I was unsure about what to sell online through, poking around or Etsy’s categories gives me an idea of what is already out there, and what I can do differently!

What Data is Available About Etsy?

There is a lot of data out there about

Whether that is the history of the site, how their stock (ETSY) is doing, or if you’re looking to market research like me, getting data online about Etsy is pretty easy.

However, if you’re hoping all that data is in one place, you will be disappointed.


Like any major industry, there is too much said on the topic of Etsy to quickly search “current Etsy market trends” into Google and hope to come up with something that will help you in your business.

Instead, sellers will often take to, something we’ve covered before here on is similar to in that it allows you to research the top-selling shops and items on Etsy currently.

Unlike, however, is a register-to-use service and requires a login to access.

This is widely considered in the Etsy community to be one of the more popular data sites and compilations online to try and “get it all in one place.”

As I’ve said, getting it all in one place is difficult, and sometimes impossible. Still, if you’re going to look for data on Etsy market trends, use sites like!

5. Etsy Forums

Finding information about the latest trends can sometimes come from Etsy sellers themselves.

Staying on top of and participating in Etsy forums is a great way to hear what the buzz is all about in the Etsy community.

Now, while this data is much more subjective than factual, you get an idea of where Etsy sellers are looking for information and what products are getting a lot of attention.

Furthermore, staying in the forums is a great way to make sure you are hearing about any problems with the site, updates, scandals, or issues that stores might be having.

Good Questions to Ask Yourself When Finding the Right Product

Once you’ve made yourself familiar with research tools on Etsy or through third-party sites like eRank or Craftcount, you can begin to decide what kind of product you want to sell.

More specifically, you can get a better understanding of what has already been overdone online and how you can rework your product from being a “category” to a “niche.”

6. Categories and Search Results

What category does my product fit into?

Categories are specific collections of products and items that you can sell in your shop.

It is important to know what categories your products qualify for when you create product descriptions for your shop. This will lead customers to your products during search results and when they want a specific item that you might provide.

If you aren’t doing your best to figure out what categories you qualify in, you may miss out on a huge customer base that is filtering their searches for that category.

Furthermore, if you miscategorize your products, customers will assume you are doing it on purpose to show up in ALL search results.

This makes them less likely to buy from you.

7. Niche and Finding Your “Thing”

How can my product stand out from the crowd in my category?

Once you know where your product belongs, knowing how to work within and around your competition in that category is what makes you successful on

For example, Graphique , as we mentioned before, is part of a HUGE category of sellers online, which is “digital art.”

To stand out from the crowd, Graphique has created a type of digital art that capitalizes on old-fashioned and literary inspiration.

Knowing how to create a specific “niche” for your product will help you figure out what the “right” product is for you.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What Are You Passionate About?
  • What Do You Already Know About?
  • What “Signature” Style can You Provide?
  • What Would YOU Like to See on Etsy?
  • How Can You Fill That Need?

Often, Etsy stores with top-selling items are usually unique in that they really reflect the creator and what they like.

7 Etsy Market Research Tools You Should Know

As we’ve mentioned before, there are a lot of places to look for Etsy data and how to estimate trends and the Etsy market online.

We’ve compiled the resources we’ve already discussed, as well as a few more here:

Free Tools & Places to Check Out

  • Etsy Forums
  • Etsy Blog Posts
  • Interviews About Etsy or of Etsy Sellers
  • Personal Research Clicking around Etsy Shops & Categories
  • Twitter Trends & #Etsy

We did not want to include paid or for-sale products or apps here in our list, but there are paid sites and Chrome apps to use for your Etsy store to track market trends.

5 Products You Should Not Sell on Etsy (and Why!)

Rather than attempt to list everything on Etsy that flopped, we have created a few “categories” of our own that you should steer clear from if you’re going to be successful on!

While a lot of these are self-explanatory, the point is that following market trends means adapting to be like those successful shops, but not  exactly like them.

Instead, having your own unique brand in a popular niche is a great way to get noticed and to make sales!

1. Really “Unique” Items…

There are a lot of strange things on

From taxidermied animals to paintings of Adolf Hitler over the body of Disney’s Tinkerbell, some Etsy creators are just TOO unique.

Just because you’ve created a niche that no one else has ever attempted before does not mean that you will be making many sales.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t try to be different and make what inspires you! Just stick to making something that someone might actually want to buy.

2. Reproductions or Imitations

Being like the big and successful Etsy shops sometimes come with adapting to how they run things – and what they’re selling.

However, that doesn’t mean you should be making reproductions or imitations of what everyone else is doing. In fact, a lot of Etsy customers will surf Etsy for an hour or more before making a decision on what to buy.

Once they’ve looked at fifty of the same types of bookmarks, planners, or knitted hats, they’ll probably just turn to the shop with the highest star-rating and most sales to get their not-so-unique item.

Instead, follow the market trend in your category or niche and find a way to make it “yours.” Give it a passionate, personal flair, and don’t be afraid to really stamp yourself all over it creatively!

3. Plain-Jane Basics

Many customers love the ability to create their own custom versions of your product.

Whether that means engraving their names, getting their own uploaded photos or quotes put on an item, or even getting a commissioned painting of themselves, customers are looking to personalize their purchase.

For example, if you sell jewelry, try to create many different versions of the same product, or have the ability to customize or change the product to fit the customer’s needs!

If your items are plain, static, and unchanging, you may lose sales to more flexible sellers.

Furthermore, while “minimalism” is a great category on, even minimalists will add their own flair to their products for customer satisfaction.

4. Cheap or Toxic Materials & Paints

Being honest about what is in your products is crucial to making sales on

Customers are more willing to trust transparent sellers who are upfront about what goes into each and every item they sell.

If your product is made of cheap yarn, toxic paint, or anything that might be worse than normal for the environment, you may not make any sales.

Consider instead to spend a little extra and invest in popular products or materials in your chosen category. If you’re an artist, research eco-friendly or strong paints that will last!

If you knit or sew, make sure your yarn is closer to wool than acrylic, or that your material is cotton and not polyester.

5. Breakable or Fake Jewelry

Just because you can’t afford to put diamonds in your products doesn’t mean your product is cheap.

If you like to make charm bracelets or beaded items, use beads or fake stones that aren’t going to break as soon as the customer opens the package. You’ll end up with bad reviews that will scare away new potential buyers.

In fact, many jewelers on have amazing products that are made from minimal materials and come out looking fantastic!

Metalworkers will use strong materials to make simple and beautiful rings for men and women without materials like diamonds, gemstones, or anything too expensive.


Graphique – Etsy Store – Website – Website

PlannerKate1 – Etsy Store

ModParty – Etsy Store

PrettyMerch Pro – Paid App

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how to do market research on etsy

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how to do market research on etsy

The Ultimate Guide To Keyword Research For Etsy Sellers

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how to do market research on etsy

Keyword research is a crucial first step for Etsy sellers looking to improve their shop's visibility and increase sales.

By using the right keywords, you can increase your product’s chance of being discovered by your target customers.

That’s why in this comprehensive guide, I’ll go through my favourite ways to research and brainstorm keywords, so that you can get more traffic to your Etsy shop.

Let’s get started.

Keyword Research Basics

What are keywords.

Keywords are the words and phrases that:

  • Shoppers use when searching for products on Etsy, and
  • Etsy sellers use to describe their listings and optimise for search.

They should describe your product accurately by using the keywords that your target customers would use. By matching the two, you increase the chance of the right customers finding you through Etsy search engine.

Using Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases that shoppers are likely to use when they are close to making a purchase .

Long-tail keywords are often less competitive (fewer sellers targeting it), and with higher buyer intent (more ready to buy). That’s why it’s a good idea for Etsy sellers to use long-tail keywords for the product listings.

For example, instead of using “earrings”, using a longer, more descriptive keyword like “rose gold amethyst stud earrings” to target your customers better.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s jump into my some of my favourite methods for keyword research:

Etsy Keyword Research Methods

Analysing your own etsy shop stats.

One of the first places to start keyword research is within your own Etsy shop.

Go to your shop dashboard and click on “Stats”. Scroll down and you’ll see your most viewed listings.

Clicking on the listings will give you a more detailed view. Scroll down to the “Search terms” section and you will see a list of keywords that’s currently driving traffic to this listing. The search terms are ranked by the number of visits.

By looking at these keywords, you can identify opportunities to include relevant keywords that you aren’t directly targeting, but are getting clicks. Putting them in your title and tag can help you rank higher under those keywords and potentially increase your traffic.

how to do market research on etsy

Leveraging Etsy Ads Data

Etsy Ads used to be a valuable resource for keyword research. However, recent updates from Etsy has greatly limited the information you can get from your Etsy ads.

how to do market research on etsy

After going to your Etsy ads section, scroll down and click on individual listings to get a detailed view.

You will be able to see the search terms your listing ranked for in the last 30 days. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to extend the time period, which means that if you are not running ads with a high budget, you probably won’t get enough data to get a useful list of keywords.

Analysing Etsy Search Analytics

The Search Analytics under the “Marketing” tab in your dashboard can give you some keyword ideas, although there are a few issues that make it not as useful as it can be.

First, sort the keywords by impression or visits. Then go through the first few pages of the keyword list to see if there are any relevant ones that you are not currently using, or whether there are any that you can target with new products.

However, the lack of filtering options make this tool not as useful as it can be. For example, it would be great to be able to only show keywords that has the position of 20-50 to reveal keyword opportunities. Instead, there’s no way to do that without having to jump through pages and pages of data.

how to do market research on etsy

Using Etsy Search Bar To Get Long-Tail Keywords

Etsy’s search bar is one of the best free ways to find long-tail keywords for your products. It shows up-to-date information of what actual shoppers are searching on Etsy recently.

As you are typing into the search bar, Etsy’s auto-complete feature will give you suggestions of longer search terms. These are terms that shoppers actually search for on Etsy. The keywords that show on in the search bar is likely to have a good level of demand.

We can also use it to get long-tail keyword ideas. For example, by typing "tote bag" followed by a letter like "f," you can discover keyword ideas like "tote bag for teacher" or "tote bag flower":

how to do market research on etsy

Using Keyword Research Tools Like EtsyHunt

Etsy market search tools can help you speed up the process of keyword research. One of the tools that I like using is EtsyHunt , which is also one of my recommended Etsy SEO tools.

First, search your main product keyword in the “Keyword Analysis” page. Then scroll down to the “Keyword Expansion” section where you will find a list of keywords used by listings ranking under that particular keyword on Etsy.

One of the best features I love using is the “Rec Degree” (Recommendation Degree) filter. It ranks keywords based on both the estimated views and competition level. Higher number reveals potentially underserved keywords. The higher the number, the bigger the gap is between demand and competition.

how to do market research on etsy

There’s a free plan on EtsyHunt which lets you try out most of the features.

Generating Keyword Ideas With AI Tools

Free AI tools like ChatGPT , Google Bard and Claude AI can help you generating a long list of keyword ideas.

Describe your product to the AI tool, and ask for a list of keyword ideas optimised for SEO on Etsy. Here’s an example prompt that I use on Claude AI to generate keyword ideas:

how to do market research on etsy

Because these tools don’t have access to live search data, you’ll still need to verify these keywords as they may be too competitive or not high in demand. I’ve included some methods of how to pick the right keywords later in this article.

Using Pinterest For Keyword Ideas

Pinterest can be leveraged in a few ways to get keyword ideas.

Similar to Etsy, Pinterest has an auto-complete feature that gives you popular long-tail keyword variations to consider. Keep in mind that some of these may not be product related.

After you’ve typed in the search term, at the top of the search page, Pinterest gives you a list of related terms on the top to ‘niche down’ on your original keyword. For example, after searching “jar labels”, you get other terms like “spice” and “kitchen”, which can all add to the original keyword to get “spice jar labels” and “kitchen jar labels”

When you scroll down in the search results, you’ll also get “ Related searches ”, which shows other relevant keywords based on what people search for.

how to do market research on etsy

Researching What Keywords Your Competitors Use

Researching the specific keywords your competitors are ranking for can uncover new keyword opportunities.

To do that, search for your main product keyword on Etsy and look at the bestselling listings from your biggest competitors.

Click into those listings and see whether there are keywords that are relevant to your listings that you haven’t thought of.

Etsy market research tools like EtsyHunt that I’ve mentioned above can also speed up the process. It can reveal the frequency of keywords used by your competitors, alongside the keyword’s competition level and estimated demand.

Where To Use Your Keywords

Now that you have researched a list of keywords, it’s time to implement them.

The keywords you get from your research are used primarily in your titles and tags to help potential customers find your products.

The beginning of your listing title is the most visible, so make sure the long-tail keyword you put there is descriptive and something that resonate with your target customers. You should also separate different long-tail keywords in your title so that it’s easy for shoppers to read.

For listing tags , make sure to use all 13 of them. And use long-tail keywords that will match what your target customers search for.

Etsy also consider keywords in your listing descriptions, categories, and attributes. For listing description , I’d recommend putting a short paragraph in the beginning to describe your products. Aim to use 2-3 highly relevant keywords naturally in your paragraph, but don’t stuff the listing description with just keywords as that affects readability. And for listing categories and attributes , choose the ones that match your products the best.

How To Pick The Right Keywords For Your Etsy Shop

The most important factor in picking your keywords is relevance . Make sure they describe your products accurately.

Also, it’s important to choose keywords that are relatively higher in demand and lower in competition level . Here are some tips to find high demand, low competition niches:

  • Keywords appearing in the Etsy search bar can indicate good level of demand
  • If there are many listings under a keyword with the “Bestseller” or “Popular Now” badges, then the demand is likely to be higher
  • The higher the number of listings competing in the same keyword, the more likely that the niche is competitive
  • If there are a large number of big sellers competing for sales in a niche, it may be hard for a new Etsy shop to break in the market

Check out this article for more details .

Or you can speed up the analysis with Etsy research tools like EtsyHunt . They are able to estimate the demand and competitiveness of a certain keyword, which can help you identify opportunities on Etsy.

how to do market research on etsy

Growing Your Craft

Thrive on Etsy

How to Do Etsy Market Research for Your Products

How to Do Etsy Market Research for Your Products

Creator Economy Expert & Etsy Seller

Lindsey Becker

Etsy is a popular online marketplace that connects buyers with sellers of unique handmade crafts, vintage items, and supplies. With millions of active buyers and sellers, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and make sales. One way to increase your chances of success on Etsy is to conduct market research.

Market research can help you understand your target audience, identify popular trends, and optimize your listings for better visibility and sales. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies for conducting market research on Etsy. By following these tips, you can gain a competitive edge and grow your business on the platform.

Why Etsy Market Research is Important

As an Etsy seller, it’s important to understand the market and your target audience to increase your chances of success. Conducting Etsy market research is a crucial step in achieving this goal. Here are some reasons why:

Benefits of Etsy Market Research

Identify your target audience : By conducting market research, you can identify your target audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors. This information will help you tailor your products and marketing efforts to meet their specific needs, increasing the likelihood of sales.

Understand your competition : Analyzing your competition’s products, pricing, and marketing strategies will give you a better understanding of the market and help you differentiate your products. This will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract more customers.

Improve your product offerings : Market research can help you identify gaps in the market and develop new products that meet customers’ needs. It can also help you improve existing products by identifying areas for improvement or new features that customers would like to see.

Optimize your pricing : By analyzing your competitors’ pricing strategies and understanding your target audience’s willingness to pay, you can optimize your pricing strategy to maximize profit and attract more customers.

Increase customer satisfaction : Conducting market research can help you understand your customers’ needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your products and services to meet their expectations. This will increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business.

In conclusion, Etsy market research is an essential step in building a successful Etsy business. By understanding your target audience, competition, and market trends, you can develop products and marketing strategies that meet customers’ needs and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

How to Identify Your Target Audience

To run a successful Etsy shop, you need to know your target audience. Identifying your target audience will help you create products that meet their needs and preferences. Here are two ways to identify your target audience:


Demographics refer to the statistical characteristics of a population. Knowing the demographics of your target audience can help you create products that meet their needs. Here are some demographics to consider:

  • Marital status

For example, if you sell handmade baby clothes, your target audience is likely parents with young children. Knowing this demographic information will help you create products that appeal to this group.


Psychographics refer to the personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of a population. Knowing the psychographics of your target audience can help you create products that align with their values and interests. Here are some psychographics to consider:

  • Personality traits

For example, if you sell eco-friendly home decor, your target audience is likely people who value sustainability and minimalism. Knowing this psychographic information will help you create products that appeal to this group.

In conclusion, identifying your target audience is crucial for running a successful Etsy shop. By considering demographics and psychographics, you can create products that meet the needs and preferences of your audience.

How to Conduct Etsy Market Research

When it comes to selling products on Etsy, conducting market research is crucial for success. Here are some key steps to follow when conducting Etsy market research:

Keyword Research

The first step in conducting Etsy market research is to identify the right keywords for your products. Use Etsy’s search bar to find relevant keywords and phrases that customers use when searching for products like yours. You can also use keyword research tools like Marmalead or EtsyRank to find popular keywords and phrases.

Competitor Analysis

Once you have identified the right keywords, the next step is to analyze your competitors. Look at the product listings and brands that are selling similar products. Take note of their product descriptions, pricing, and customer reviews. This will help you identify gaps in the market and opportunities to differentiate your products from the competition.

Pricing Research

Pricing research is an important aspect of Etsy market research. Look at the prices of similar products on Etsy and other marketplaces. Consider the cost of materials, shipping, and other expenses when setting your prices. You can also use pricing tools like Craftybase or eRank to analyze your pricing strategy and optimize your profit margins.

Trend Analysis

Finally, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and customer preferences in your niche. Use social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to identify popular design trends and styles. You can also use Google Trends to track search volume and interest in your niche over time.

By following these steps, you can conduct effective Etsy market research and optimize your product listings for success on the platform.

Tools for Etsy Market Research

When it comes to Etsy market research, there are a variety of tools you can use to help you find the best keywords, products, and shops. Here are a few of the most popular tools to consider:

Etsy Search Filters

One of the simplest and most effective ways to conduct market research on Etsy is to use the site’s built-in search filters. You can use these filters to narrow down your search results by category, price, location, and more. This can help you find popular products and shops in your niche, as well as identify gaps in the market that you can fill with your own products.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to see how often people are searching for specific keywords and phrases on Google. This can be a great way to identify popular trends and topics in your niche, as well as find new keywords to target in your Etsy listings. You can also use Google Trends to compare the popularity of different keywords over time, which can help you make informed decisions about which keywords to focus on in your listings.

EtsyRank is a paid tool that offers a wide range of features for Etsy sellers, including keyword research, shop analysis, and product tracking. With EtsyRank, you can see how your shop and products stack up against the competition, as well as get insights into which keywords and tags are driving the most traffic and sales. You can also use EtsyRank to track your own shop’s performance over time, and get recommendations for how to improve your listings.

Marmalead is another popular tool for Etsy market research, offering features like keyword research, listing analysis, and shop tracking. With Marmalead, you can see how your listings compare to others in your niche, as well as get insights into which keywords and tags are driving the most traffic and sales. You can also use Marmalead to track your own shop’s performance over time, and get recommendations for how to improve your listings.

In conclusion, conducting thorough market research is vital for the success of an Etsy shop. It helps to identify the target audience, understand their needs and preferences, and develop products that meet their expectations. By analyzing the competition, sellers can also identify gaps in the market and find ways to differentiate their products from others.

Some of the key takeaways from this article include:

  • Conducting keyword research to find popular search terms and identify gaps in the market.
  • Analyzing the competition to understand their strengths and weaknesses and find ways to differentiate products.
  • Using Etsy’s built-in analytics tools to track performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Paying attention to customer feedback and reviews to improve products and customer satisfaction.

By following these steps, Etsy sellers can develop a successful business that meets the needs of their target audience and stands out in a crowded marketplace. Remember to always keep an eye on trends and adapt to changing market conditions to stay ahead of the competition.

Six Figures Under

Personal Finance Made Public

Market Research for your Etsy Shop– Earning on Etsy Series, Part 2

February 22, 2014 by Stephanie 28 Comments

You can find out a lot about what sells (and what doesn't) and for how much by doing a little detective work on Etsy. I will show you what has worked well for me. Feel free to share your own advice and experience as well!

Welcome back for Part 2 of my Earning on Etsy series.  Now that you know the basics of Etsy and have thought about what you want to sell, it’s time to do a little market research . You can find out a lot about what sells (and what doesn’t) and for how much by doing a little detective work on Etsy.

Just for the record, I don’t have any sort of degree in Etsy-market-research-ology.  I will show you what has worked well for me.  Feel free to share your own advice and experience in the comments!  I’m going to try to explain things thoroughly so even those of you who are completely new to the Etsy scene can get up to speed.  If something doesn’t make sense, just ask and I’ll try to clarify.

Now on to market research!  

As you think about what you will sell in your Etsy shop, and how you’ll sell it, take some time to look at what’s already out there on Etsy.  You’ll want to do some background detective work on: 

What similar items are out there?

Unless you have an amazing novel idea, chances are good that there are people already selling what you plan to sell. Of course it won’t be exactly the same. There will be differences in color, style, materials, and more.

Don’t get discouraged by the sheer amount of friendly competition.  There is always room for anyone selling a well-crafted wonderful product.

What is actually selling?

Just because you find an item on Etsy doesn’t necessarily mean it sells .  Finding out if items similar to yours are selling, gives you a clue about how popular your items may be.  Of course this is just one piece of the picture.

What is the range of prices?

You’ll be interested in prices both for the product and for shipping.  Take a deeper look at items priced on either end of the price spectrum.  This will give you some background for setting your own prices.

What presentation works well (and what doesn’t)?

While you are scoping out the competition, take a few additional notes. What are some creative ways to photograph your items? What kind of pictures grab your attention? You certainly don’t want to copy anyone’s ideas exactly, but you can give yourself some good “dos” and “don’ts” just by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes and browsing around. See what catches your eye.

The answers to these questions will help you shape your own Etsy shop.  Here are some tips I have found helpful that should help you jump start your way to Etsy success.

1.  Find Similar Items

First, start thinking like your ideal customer. If you were a buyer going online to search for the item you are selling, what would your search words be?  Brainstorm for a minute. This won’t necessarily be the listing title, just words that a potential buyer might use to describe what they are looking for.  Write down the words you come up with.  You’ll use them later when you create your own listings.

Right now, you just want a search that will yield results similar to what you’re selling. Don’t be overly specific (“3T pink rose full apron with eyelet lace”), but don’t be too general either (“apron”). Something in the middle ( “girl’s full apron”) should do for now.

2.  Take a Closer Look

How do the search results look?  Were most of the results legitimately what a buyer of your products would be interested in?  If it helps, you can filter the search to show only handmade items, supplies, or vintage items.  Click through several of pages of results to get an overall feel for the competition.

When you find listings that catch your attention, go deeper.   Among your search results, listings that should spark your curiosity from a seller standpoint are:

  • Items very similar to what you plan to sell

While you might see very similar items as direct competition, we are going to look at them as prime candidates for analysis!  You can benefit from that seller’s experience to help inform your decisions.

  • Items similar to yours with a high price

You’ll want to find out if the items actually selling at this price?  If so, what is different about them that makes them worth the higher price tag?

  • Items similar to yours with a low price

If someone is selling at what seems to be a ridiculously low price, don’t let this deter you.  First, is the item really similar? Is it a ready-made item or just a pattern?

How long has the seller been selling? Sometimes new sellers set prices too low and after a few months realize they are essentially donating their crafts to the world. We will address the concern of low price when we talk about pricing.

3.  List vs. Gallery View

The default view for Etsy shops is the gallery view. The large horizontal photos of gallery view easily display eye candy to potential customers. However, for market research detectives, the list view is better.

From the list view, we can see a small thumbnail followed by the full title, price, and number of views. By glancing through the list of similar items, we can see the range of prices easily. We can also see which items have lots of views.

Gallery view vs List view on Etsy

4. Valuable Research Information

When you click on an item of interest from your search, you will go to the item’s listing page.  Let’s see what we can learn from an item’s listing page.

In addition to typical listing info that a buyer would be interested in, you can click on the tabs to see reviews of the seller’s work and find out about shipping costs .

etsy market research

Some of the best information for market research is at the bottom of the listing page.  We can see when the item was listed, how many views an item has, how many people have saved it as a favorite, and how many treasuries (themed lists curated by Etsy members) it is featured in.

Market Research from Etsy Listing

  • Listing date

The listing date shows when the listing was created.  If an item is re-listed, the listing date is updated to the most recent re-listing date.  Because a listing expires after four months, this date will never be more than four months ago.

The number of views can be deceiving.  When an item is re-listed, the views do not reset.  An item that has sold many times and been re-listed each time it sells may show years of views.  An item may also have a lot of views because it is unusual or has a shocking price.

If an item doesn’t have many views, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the item won’t sell.  A recent listing may have fewer views, as could a listing from a seller who is new and just starting to get exposure.  (You can see how long a shop has been open on the left side of the shop, under the shop name.)  A listing may also have few views because the search tags are inadequate.  We’ll address tags at length in an upcoming post in this series.

  • Favorites and Treasury lists

It’s a great sign when people add your item to their favorites or include it in a treasury list.  In your market research, items with lots of favorites let you know what your potential customers are most interested in.  As with views, the number of favorites does not reset when an item is re-listed.  Shoppers can favorite an item without clicking through to the listing, which sometimes results in the unusual situation of an item having more favorites than views.   If an item hasn’t had much exposure, it will likely have few or no favorites.  Once again, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a no-go; it could mean that this particular listing hasn’t had enough exposure to build up useful historical data.

Next, I go to see the sold items page.  Just like the shop, the sold items page can be displayed in gallery or list view.  List view is great because it will give us the date that the item sold.  We want to go through several pages of sold items to see if the items we are interested in have sold and how often.  This will give us an indication of how likely our own items are to sell.

Gallery Vs List View in Sold Items on Etsy

Etsy market research isn’t an exact science, but by trying out some searches on items you might like to sell, reviewing current shops and items that appear in those searches, and diving deeper into price, presentation, and sales history for items of interest, you can improve your own Etsy business before you even list your first item.

More in the Earning on Etsy Series

  • Part 1: Etsy Basics
  • Part 3: Setting up your Shop
  • Part 4: Pricing
  • Part 5: Marketing
  • Bonus:  Don’t Forget the Taxes!: Tax Notes for Etsy Shop or Small Business

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September 4, 2016 at 3:04 pm

Thanks for the great info! Wondering if it’s ok to sell items which were made using a pattern someone else shared.

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September 9, 2016 at 11:20 am

Hi Jae! It really depends on the pattern. If the pattern says “for personal use only” then your shouldn’t sell items made from that pattern, but if the pattern allows it, then you can sell what you make from the pattern.

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September 17, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Hi Stephanie, I’m still trying to figure out how to view sold items on Etsy. I’ve searched and cannot come up with it. Could you please help? thanks, goldie

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October 21, 2015 at 4:06 pm

Go to the ‘shop home’ and look down the left column menu. Shop sections Shop owner Shop info Actions

In the shop info section: about policies reviews sales <<<< admirers

I've found if they haven't had any sales, it doesn't show the word 'sales' there. hth

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June 21, 2015 at 6:24 am

Hi Stephanie,

Brilliant series :), I found your articles via google, our site has information about tags, views favourites on etsy and could be useful for market research.

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March 5, 2015 at 8:01 pm

I must not be looking properly; I can’t find where the number of sales (sold items) shows up on etsy shop pages. Has the format/layout been changed lately? Thank you!

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January 8, 2015 at 6:26 am

Great series of helpful tips written in an understandable fashion. I opened a store about a year ago and have found Etsy to be the most over complicated thing I have ever dealt with. This series of yours. has more information in one place that I have found in a year. My only regret is not finding it sooner

January 10, 2015 at 9:59 am

Thanks for your kind words George. I’m sorry that the past year of Etsy has been so complicated.

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December 26, 2014 at 3:05 pm

I feel so inspired by you, largely because we are in a nearly identical situation. My husband just graduated from law school with six figures of debt. He doesn’t have a job yet though, and he still has to study for and take the bar. It has caused me to start thinking seriously about my earning potential and any way I can possibly make money. Etsy is one of those avenues that I’m considering. Thank you for these posts. They give me courage!

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December 5, 2014 at 12:20 pm

How does doing your taxes at the end of the year work when you have an etsy shop?

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November 16, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Thank you Stephanie! The list view information was just what I looking for and makes life so much easier. I’m looking forward to reading more of your articles and wish you and your family all the best with your debt free quest. Super inspiring!

December 11, 2014 at 11:39 am

Thanks for the encouragement Jana! I’m glad the Etsy tutorials were helpful! Best of luck with your shop!

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November 9, 2014 at 8:27 am

I just started on Etsy this year. It has been an interesting experience. The advice here is really helpful to me. I never noticed all the information you pointed out! Thanks so much! I am going to go back and do some research 🙂

Laura Irene

November 13, 2014 at 10:11 am

Best of luck with your shop! I’m glad this post was helpful!

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August 19, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Hey Stephanie:

Please tell me how you find the sold items on etsy’s page.

I think that that is the key to success on etsy, especially for vintage – and havent been able to find it on the etsy site.

August 20, 2014 at 10:06 pm

Hi Lori! If you are in an Etsy shop, click on where is says the number of sales (“342 sales”), which is usually on the left side, though Etsy is experimenting with new layouts. Then you will see all of the sold items. If you are in a particular listing description, click on the shop name to go to the Etsy shop, then click on the number of sold items.

I hope that helps. Let me know if it still isn’t clear.

Best! Stephanie

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June 26, 2014 at 6:04 pm

Hi Stephanie, My name is Danielle and I have an etsy shop. I sell mostly vintage jewelry and vintage Avon. Do you think it is possible to over niche ones self? Thanks BTW, I love this series!

June 27, 2014 at 9:41 pm

Hi Danielle! I’m not sure exactly what you mean by “over niche ones self.” If you mean you’re worried about covering too many niches in your shop, then yes I think that can be a problem. Often if you are doing handmade items and vintage items, you would want to have two separate shops. That just helps the look and feel of your shop to be consistent. I think it’s less important in vintage shops than in handmade shops though. Hope that helps!

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July 18, 2014 at 8:19 am

@Danielle I visited your Etsy site to get a feel for what you referring to as far as niches, and I understand now what you meant by over-niche. First, a niche is something you really want in marketing. If you can find an underserved or even better, a market that is not being served at all, you will have an opportunity to make some good money until someone comes around and competes with you, shrinking your market share. The trick is to find a good niche that is market viable. Market size (the size of the pie) and ability to grab market share (a piece of that pie) is what’s important. Niche markets are not big pies generally; some are very tiny, and you’d need several of them, depending on the product or service, in order to have a revenue stream that yields profits. Just don’t spread yourself too thin in trying to manage too many markets. I don’t think you are “over niche – ing”, though. As Stephanie suggested, you may want to distinguish your two niches with separate sites or you can just differentiate them on a single site. It looks like you are doing just fine. Hope the feedback helps.

July 18, 2014 at 8:02 pm

Thanks for your input!

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February 27, 2014 at 10:40 am

These are some great tips. Thank you!

February 28, 2014 at 10:34 am

Thanks for stopping by Korilynn

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February 27, 2014 at 8:37 am

Hi, I found your post over at Thrifty Thursday. This is really detailed information on Etsy. Nice job!

On a different note, are you a fan of the show Six Feet Under? Just wondering because of the name of your blog. That is one of my all time favorite shows!

Thanks Raquel!

I’ve never seen (or even heard of) the show Six Feet Under. We actually don’t even watch TV, so I live under a rock when it comes to pop culture! 🙂 I just thought mixing the euphemism “six feet under” with the term “six figures” to make Six Figures Under was perfect to describe our “deep in debt” situation!

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February 27, 2014 at 8:34 am

Great tips! I had no idea all that data was accessible on Etsy because I mostly browse on my phone app. I can’t wait to dig in now!

February 28, 2014 at 10:28 am

I hope you find lots of useful information Bonnie!

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February 23, 2014 at 6:49 pm

This series is so helpful. Thank you for putting all the work in to make this. I’ve been in the “collecting” stage of my shop (just getting all the items), this week I’ll be checking this stuff out!

February 25, 2014 at 4:50 pm

I’m excited to see what you come up with out of all those bottles and corks 🙂

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October 6, 2016

How to do market research for your Etsy shop or online business using Marmalead (review includes video tutorial)

How to do market research for your Etsy shop using Marmalead (including video tutorial), seo, keyword, tags, etsy seller, planne

Already have an Etsy shop but want to make a new product line or expand an existing one but aren’t sure what size, pattern, color or style/s are going to be popular?

Don’t have an audience you can ask for their opinion on what they’d like to see in your shop?

Not sure what price to charge for your products?

There’s one tool that can answer all of those questions for you (and more) and which I’ve found super helpful for conducting market research for my Etsy shops, AllAboutTheHouse and PaperCravings . The tool is called Marmalead .

how to do market research on etsy

Marmalead is an SEO site just for Etsy. Just search a keyword (or keywords) and it will bring up a ton of data that most SEO tools don’t have. There is both a free and paid option – I use the free option which is quite comprehensive!

Some of the reasons I like this tool:

  • The average price (so you can determine how much to charge and also whether your cost price is too high adn if the product is going to feasible)
  • What keywords are ranking high
  • What keywords are NOT ranking high (i.e. which ones you shouldn’t waste your time on)
  • Number of views (how much demand
  • Number of shops competing (is the market too saturated?)

I’ve recorded a super comprehensive video showing you step-by-step how I conduct market research using Marmalead:

To enlarge the screen, click the square icon in the bottom right hand corner of the video (it will say ‘full screen’ when you hover your mouse over the icon). If you miss a step or need to re-watch you can pause, restart, rewind and rewatch the recording as many times as you need!

Let’s go deeper into each one, using ‘polka dot cushion cover’ as an example:

Tells you how much demand there is for a product

  • Tells you the average number of views per week
  • Also tells you what categories are the most popular on Etsy
  • The number of shops selling those items
  • How many items are listed that are using those keywords
  • The minimum and maximum price (to help you determine what to charge)

how to do market research on etsy

Related: Free printable icon planner stickers for Etsy sellers (reminder, Etsy bill due and PayPal bill due)

It tells you the average price for that product

  • If you’re looking to start selling a new product line (or start a new etsy shop or even an online business) you can use this to determine if it’s feasible (taking into account all of your overheads, paying yourself a wage for your time, supplies etc.)
  • The price range – how much are people actually willing to pay – make sure you look at the point on the graph that most pricing falls within. You want your product to fall within this range as well. If it’s likely to be on the high side, possibly reconsider your price, or make sure you’re adding extra value in some way e.g. personalisation that warrants that higher price

how to do market research on etsy

Related: How to organize your Etsy business using a printable planner

It gives you keywords

  • There’s a handy word cloud with related keywords you can use for determining your shop tags – you may find some tags you haven’t come across before and that you could be missing out on a lot of views!

I go into this more in the video, but using the world cloud we can see a few patterns and recurring elements that suggest those are popular and what you would focus on when creating your next product:

  • Pink and white appear to be the most popular colors. If I were making a new cushion cover range, I would make sure I used pink
  • Green doesn’t appear on the world cloud suggesting this is not a popular color
  • Cushion cover, pillow cover and decorative pillow appear to be the most popular keywords – I’d make sure I used these as tags for the Etsy listing
  • Sizes 16 inch and 18 inch appear to be popular. I would start with making cushions at this size (and square shape as opposed to rectangle)
  • Grey also appears to be a popular color. I would look into making grey cuschion covers if the pink ones sell well. A cuchion cover in a grey and pink polka dot pattern would likely also sell well
  • Damask also appears. If the polka dot pattern range proved to sell well, I’d then create a cushion cover in a damask pattern
  • ‘Modern pillow’ appears. I would look into what styled constitute ‘modern’ e.g. black and white colors, geometric prints etc.
  • Anniversary also appears on the word cloud – I would take this into account when writing the product description and considering who you are marketing to. You could also use this to create a personalised cushion e.g. a cushion that says Adam & Emily’s which could be an anniversary gift, or one cushion with the husband’s name and another cushion for the wife’s name

how to do market research on etsy

Related: How to organize your taxes with a printable tax planner 

It tells you how well ranked keywords are

  • Like with the world cloud above, we can see that cushion cover recieves the most searches so not only would I ensure this is a tag for my listing, but I would also place these words at the start of the listing title and in the first paragraph of the listing
  • Also make sure you look at the last page of the search results, as this tells you what keywords are NOT ranking (i.e. which keywords you shouldn’t use)
  • The average price. In the image below we can see that most cushions are priced at around $20 – $22 so that is what I would price my cushion covers at
  • On their paid plan you can also see the amount of competition – by looking at the low, medium and high

how to do market research on etsy

You can look at your competitors

I like to create a Word document and jot down some of the following as I’m conducting market research, so I can easily pinpoint similarities, competitor shortfalls and how I can make my products stand out:

  • It tells you how many competitors (Etsy shops) are trying to rank for the same keywords
  • Sure you can use Etsy to check your competitor’s stats including looking at their sold items history to see what’s selling (if that Etsy shop hasn’t hidden their sales history ) – but Marmalade will tell you more in depth information including how often it’s been favorited, how many views etc.
  • The way they present their products in their photos
  • How much they charge
  • What types of products they sell (for this example, I would see if they only sell cushion covers or if they sell other related items such as quilts)
  • Common sizes
  • Common styles
  • Common colors and color combinations
  • Common shapes
  • What types of sizes, styles, colors, colors combinations and shapes are NOT selling (suggests there’s a gap in the market or that there is no market)
  • How much shops with unique selling points such as personalisation are charging
  • Their shop categories – do they arrange by size, color style, shape? Do they have a section for sales, custom orders, best-sellers?
  • What their shop banner looks like
  • Their about page
  • You can click on their listings and a new tab in your internet browser will open taking you to their shop where you can analyse their listings, see what keywords they have in their title, the structure of their product description etc.
  • What sort of photos do they have – pay particular attention to how many photos they have and what the first photo is – is it a close up? A long shot, a styled/mockup photo, one showing the product in use?
  • What are people favoriting?
  • Scroll to the bottom of the competitor shop’s listing and see what tags they’re using
  • Read the reviews of the competitors’ shop (pay particular attention to the negative reviews and those that provide feedback such as ‘I wish it had _____’ as these are features you can add to your product to develop a unique selling point)

how to do market research on etsy

Want more info about how I SEO optomise my shop? It’s all in my ecourse: How to write product descriptions

Included in the course is:

  • A 37 minute video where I walk you through EXACTLY how I write a product description (using a product from my own shop as an example)
  • A 5 page editable PDF for you to outline your product descriptions – it includes the 14 elements you should include in your product descriptions, what order to place them in and the things most people forget to include
  • How I upsell in a non-icky way
  • How to choose keywords that help your products get found (including my favorite keyword tools)
  • Product photos – how to choose photos, elements all of your photos need and what order they should appear in

I also have an ebook where I share ALL of the strategies I’ve developed over the past couple of years as an Etsy seller – strategies that have earned me over 14,000 sales between my 2 Etsy shops!

You can learn more about the ebook in this post . The book can be purchased via my main Etsy shop, AllAboutTheHouse  or in the online shop .

etsy seller ebook, how to increase sales, seo, marketing, bookkeeping, how to make 6 figures on etsy, ebook, tool

I was not compensated by Marmalead. All opinions are my own. 

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  • Top Clever Tactics to Do Etsy Market Research For Your Products 2022

Etsy Market Research For Your Products 2021

Etsy market research is most commonly one of the things that Etsy Sellers perform poorly. Often it is done poorly, slothfully or in no way. This causes vendors to create stores with items that are badly designed and do not sell. This leads inevitably to grumbling that “Etsy does not function,” or that “Etsy is tricky.”

Before starting your Etsy business, it’s important to do extensive etsy market research. It’s a vital procedure to enhance your marketing efforts and boost the long-term profitability and longevity of your company. One of your main duties, as an Etsy seller, is to figure out what is best for you! 

Here are some finest suggestions and ideas on how to do etsy market research for sale. It’s important to take the time to examine your statistics whether you’re just starting off or an experienced store owner!

I. What is market research

1. what is market research.

market research

Market research is the technical technique to evaluate the possibilities and/or products of your business before you start. Etsy market research clearly implies exploring the choices and obstacles that may be facing your business as it sells and grows on the Etsy market.

  • How might these special buyers be reached?
  • Who else sells Etsy items like yours?
  • How do you compare your product to yours?
  • How do you distinguish your goods that your competitors buy from you?

In its core etsy market research, you check around to discover what is already being sold and to locate the market gaps that may then be filled. Market research is meant to trust you with what you sell.

When effectively done, etsy market research should capture numerous basic errors. In the long run, this saves money, time and effort. Before starting their shop, many Etsy sellers conduct little research. This frequently leads to deception.

If you examine the specifics of other stores AND your company, you may start experiencing what you want to produce, what marketing works and what the general public desires.

2. Why do market research

Some beginning sellers consider this study to be too “business-y” for a new Etsy seller, but I think that all Etsy shops are micro-enterprises and should be handled like one as such. Market research may open your eyes to fresh prospects while restricting your chances to successful people.

Why do market research

It’s not optimum to go on your shopping adventure with a view to ‘I sell Product X. Good market investigation illustrates how the abilities you have learned may be adapted to new concepts. See how you can adjust to and how it works.

In fact, market research can clarify if your business concept is viable after you identify what you want to sell. Anything that someone is willing to pay is only worthwhile.

3. What are the keys to look for

What are your objectives supposed to be? What are the most important things to seek?

I advise as far as possible to etsy market research. Don’t be limited by your choice or the present style. Take notes and provide screenshots, urls or remarks of great relevance. You may check it later.

What are the keys to look for market research

What do customers seek?

The first step in producing a successful product is to find what consumers desire. The development of popular core styles and niches might aid with product ideas. Make sure you keep an eye on seasonal trends or fads. These should be avoided as soon as the season ends, otherwise as the craze flaps you are left with a selection of products no one wants. The objective of selecting the items to be sold is to discover consistently sold products.

You’re constantly going to compete

There’s no way to succeed, so keep your eyes peeled! The sale of items can twist something already successfully sold and analyze what your most successful rivals are doing.

See what’s not selling, as well. Most stores have a large number of categories. Most sales in one or two ranges are made by the majority. You may learn from your errors by avoiding certain concepts or styles by observing what DOESN’T sell.

Don’t forget your own store is the finest source of knowledge. Double your strengths before you expand out.By producing identical products based on your own top vendors, you will have far more reliable success.

Sales data may be a treasure trove, so check your best sellers for feedback. You may well have been asked about additional goods that you haven’t had yet for sale by consumers.

How do your customers buy?

But I can’t work this point enough. I know I just stated I keep an eye on reviewers and messages! Be careful with this, since clients tell you literally.

It has to be essential for them if they are inspired enough to leave the road and take the time to write a review. If you feel that way, it’ll probably be the same for others.

II. Top clever tactics to do etsy market research

1. look what’s most popular and loved sellers.

When you see your immediate competitors, you can see what you are opposed to, but also how you have to compete. Search for one of your keywords then select “Top Customer Reviews” to sort the results.

Look what's most popular and loved sellers market research

Then you will view the listings from the highest ratings. Check out the results of the search and read the reviews. What are they saying? Why are there so many 5-star ratings for these products?

Take note of the very high sales statistics of vendors. They probably sold for a long period and dominated for some time. See their listings and wonder why they do so well.

2. Etsy competitor research

Etsy competitor research

The best method to roll the ball is to see your competition using Etsy market research. Please place them on Etsy and check at your results after choosing keywords with excellent search volumes and a solid commitment level. Check the listings of the products and their brands.

Please ask yourself:

  • Can I manufacture better items than those?
  • Can I make better product lists than these?
  • Can I describe the best of the best of my items and why?
  • Why is nobody buying my items across from my competitors?
  • When answering these questions, you will start to develop your brand’s  Unique Selling points, and not just learn a lot about the price of your Etsy items.

It is vital for you to develop target groups and buyers with well defined USPs.

3. Do your own research on the market 

Whenever you click on Etsy, this “little hole” effect is usually used, in which you begin by clicking handcrafted bookmarks and finish by viewing ornately restored flapper costumes.

This is the beauty and the failure to perform your own etsy market research, but you’ll be delighted if you can focus and do it correctly! One of the greatest methods to investigate the industry is to visit Etsy and refine your searches until you locate stores with hundreds of 5-star ratings and sales.

Do your own research on the market 

When you do that, you can begin to observe what these best-selling stores provide and how often customers sell them. Graphique, for instance, is an Etsy business which produces digital art downloads for and sells them for over 170,000 consumers! Their distinctive style and taste make them one of the most popular digital art download stores, if not the most, on the net.

You may try to replicate major popular websites into the business model of your own store, by looking out their company methods, the way they take photographs and explain its items and deal with consumers.

4. Capture consumer information and behaviors

Paying close attention to your clients’ specifics when doing etsy market research may shape your approach and update you through email, social media and conversations. Are you getting many customized orders for a certain product change or ongoing expedited shipment requests near a specific holiday? Do shoppers ask you the same question again and again? 

Capture consumer information and behaviors

Consider how you might better understand the specific requirements of your audiences whenever you communicate with your consumers. Then design a shopper based on the common features.

More proactive approaches can also be used through the provision of extra products or services (for example, personalization or gift wrapping) and the measurement of consumer demand.

5. See what buyers are saying in reviews

How significant are shoppers’ customer feedback? It turns out to be quite significant. 90% of people read internet reviews before they visit a company. And 88% of customers trust personal recommendations and internet reviews.

See what buyers are saying in reviews

Encourage customers with a quick remark in the Etsy Order Confirmation email Message to Buyers area. The buyer feedback not only reassures your business visitors but also helps you understand more about your customers’ usage scenarios and expectations. Be sure that the quality of your items is pleasing and if buyers say that they buy your item personally or as a gift. Research evaluations of comparable items or categories throughout the web may also be beneficial for suggestions of how to advance your competitiveness.

The second most common avenue for reading reviews is the website of the brand following Google and Amazon, at 44 per cent. Since roughly half of consumers search for information on their sites, they will offer verified ratings, both at the homepage and on the product pages, at numerous locations. Make the maximum use of favorable evaluations in client interactions and collateral by your marketing team.

6. Sources of traffic

Now we’re into die hard marketing! You can identify where your potential clients come from by checking at your traffic sources.

Sources of traffic

Etsy and the Etsy app give a lot of traffic as you can see (6,773 views, 68 percent ). But it implies that, via other means, including websites, emails and social media, the brand has driven 3,151 hits to the business or products.

It is vital to notice from which points of view you may invest your time in etsy market research wisely. You need to take your time to something more useful if you spend an hour a day on Facebook and have a few hits.

7. Expand your efforts in person

Whenever doing etsy market research and you display your products personally or on pop-up trade shows, take notice of what attracts the interest of our customers. How do they ask questions? How do you understand the purpose and value of your product

When you are mostly an internet company, personal relationships are a rare occasion to really address your abstract target market description. You could be surprised by the folks your goods resonate with.

8. Focus on social media lifestyles

Think of social media as a way of communicating with customers directly. This is an occasion to bounce your followers’ thoughts and give them a chance to weigh in on them and participate. Be careful to consider which postings generate more dialogue than others in order to maintain continuous success. You may discover fresh and distinct information when doing etsy market research about your industry on every social network channel. Entering the re-pinning process of your items may lead you to robust visual galleries that show your most probable customers’ style preferences and lifestyle details.

Focus on social media lifestyles

Twitter as well as Instagram enable users to tag their posts with hashtags, create content streams that will expose other posts (and followers of them), provide you a far larger perspective of your competitors and target consumers of eagerness. You may discover more about the average age, gender and location of people who “like” your shop’s page using Facebook demographic tools (available for social profiles).

Using all the data you have accessible, you will have an overview of the target etsy market research and maintain you and your marketing activities smooth and timely.

III. Wrapping up

Etsy market research is not as difficult as it might appear. It’s just a matter of feeling the marketplaces in which your product is about to begin or expand instead of blindly entering. By spending some time exploring what’s currently there, you will most likely uncover simple yet efficient ways of changing the way you show Etsy shoppers your items, instead of just hoping for the best result.

You are able to monitor, test, evaluate and enhance the marketing and promotional techniques of knowing what you are against. In general, your product, business and continuing growth benefit from long-term sustainability.

  • How To Get More Reviews On Shopify Stores To Boost Sales
  • Identify 5+ Best Email Automation Triggers
  • Top Social Media Content Proven to Leverage Ecommerce Business
  • 10+ Effective Landing Pages Design Tips to Promote Your Print On Demand Store
  • How To Find Print On Demand Niches To Run A Success Business


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How to Do Market Research on Etsy

This post may contain affiliate links. Disclosure here .

If you’re having trouble making sales on your Etsy shop, this post is for you! Read on to learn my 7 effective tips for doing market research on Etsy to get your products seen!

One of the most common complaints I hear about selling on Etsy is that shop owners are not getting enough traffic their Etsy shop. And those that come, don’t buy.

With over 7 million shops on Etsy it is definitely a competitive space! Every Etsy search results in pages and pages of product listings…so how do you ensure that YOUR products are the ones showing up when your customer searches for them?

I’ve got two words for you:

Market. Research.

It’s not sexy, it’s not glamourous, and it’s not going to get you any likes or comments on social media. Quite honestly, it’s not really any fun at all. But it’s SO important!

It’s this type of behind the scenes work that will help you move the needle forward in your business. And it will continue to pay off as time goes on!

So if you’re tired of low views, low visits, and  no consistent orders on your Etsy shop it’s time to take action! Let’s do this!

dealing with difficult customers

What is Market Research?

In it’s simplest sense, market research is the gathering of information about your customers wants and needs.

Doing your market research will also allow you to understand your competition, and help you find your Unique Selling Point. (AKA what sets you apart from the rest.)

There are a lot of different places to conduct market research. However I’ve personally found that Etsy has been a great “one stop shop” for new business owners when it comes to learning about your ideal customers and competition. And it’s a great place to start selling your products, so it’s a win win!

(I should also note that while Etsy is a great place to start, I would also recommend doing your market research on any other platforms you plan to sell on.)

Why is Market Research Important?

If you’re still not convinced that you should be doing market research for your business, let me give you two really good reasons why I think you should!

1. It will help you get to know your customers.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…if you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one.

Market research will help you get to know your ideal customer. What they want, what they need, the problems your product will solve for them, how much they’re currently spending on similar products, etc.

Knowing this will help you to create products that are EXACTLY what your ideal customer is looking for, and will help you write product listings that instantly connect with them and make them want to buy from you!

2. It will help you make clear and informed business decisions

Knowing your ideal customer’s   wants and needs will help you make informed decisions as you grow and expand your business.

For example: If you know that your ideal customer is not active on Instagram, there isn’t really a good reason for you to be working with Instagram influencers. But if they love Facebook groups, that would be a great place to connect with them and market your business!

7 Effective Tips on How to Do Market Research on Etsy:

Now that we’ve decided that you should DEFINITELY be doing market research on Etsy, it’s time to take action.

Here are 7 practical and effective steps to get you started!

1. Know your ideal customer's wants & needs

It is SO important for you to understand who you are selling to.

If you have not yet defined who your ideal customer is, I would highly recommend you do so. Because w ho you are selling to is going to drastically change the way you talk about your products and your business.

When working on creating a profile for your ideal customer, I find it helpful to ask the following questions:

1. Who are you selling to?

2. What motivates them?

3. How can I entice them to buy from me?

Knowing the answers to these three questions   will help you to create products that are EXACTLY what your ideal customer is looking for, and will help you write product listings that instantly resonate with them.

And if you’re looking for more guidance in creating your ideal customer profile, I’ve put together a FREE worksheet just for you! 

This free PDF worksheet will take you through 21 questions to help you really get to know your ideal customer. Click the link below to download yours today!

how to do market research on Etsy

2. Find your Unique Selling Point

What makes your product and/or business different than all of the other ones out there selling similar products?

Researching your competition will help you realize your “special sauce” that makes you and your products different from the rest. Use this connect with your ideal customer and stand out from the crowd!

3. Find the products that are already selling like hotcakes

It’s going to be much easier to sell products that are already selling and in high demand than it is to sell extremely unique, one-off products…at least when you’re starting out.

(Not that I want to discourage you AT ALL from selling your incredibly unique creations! If you’re really passionate about something then I totally want you to go for it!)

4. Find the keywords that your customers are using

What are the exact words that your ideal customer is entering into the search bar to find your products? They might not be what you think!

A great way to find out what keywords and phrases are popular in customer searches is to actually use the search bar yourself!

Follow these simple steps to find the keywords your ideal customer is searching, and then use them in your product listings and descriptions.

1. Start by typing in the name of your product and see what automatically pops up.

how to do market research on etsy

2. Click on one of the options

how to do market research on etsy

As you can see here, there are over 20,000 search results for the term “acrylic cake topper”. That’s a lot of competition!

3. Continue to expand your search by seeing what auto populates next

How to do market research on Etsy

4. Click on the option that best suits your product

how to do market research on etsy

You can see here that there are 2,400 results for the term “acrylic cake topper baby shower.” 

That’s WAY less than the 20,000 for just “acrylic cake topper”

Using this strategy will help you be as specific as possible when writing your product titles and descriptions, which will then attract customers that are looking to buy what you sell!

5. Get to know your competitors

There are going to be other businesses selling products very similar to yours. Some of them may have been in business for years already, and have tens of thousands of sales.

Instead of getting upset or discouraged about it, use it as an opportunity to learn. And don’t forget…if they can do it, so can YOU!

Now I’m not saying copy exactly what they do, that’s not cool. But you can use their shop to take a small peek into your customer’s mind. So take a scroll through their Etsy shop and ask yourself these 4 questions:

1. What are their best sellers?

2. What are they selling their products for?

3. What are they charging for shipping? Is it tracked or untracked?

4. What do the 5 reviews say about their products? What do the 1 star reviews say about their products? (Because I hate to break it to you…but even with a stellar product and great customer service you may still get a few bad reviews!)

Use what you’ve learned to create even better products and product listings. Solve any problems you see their customers having, and make sure you clearly address the solution when writing your product description.

6. Know your ideal customer's price range

Pricing is always a delicate balance, and it can be a difficult one to figure out.

When first starting your Etsy shop, take a look to see what other shops are selling similar products for. (I personally aimed to price my products at the middle/lower end of the range.)

When you are initially deciding how to price your products, ask yourself these 4 questions:

1. Are your customers willing to pay for shipping? Or do they prefer free shipping?

2. Should you be mailing your products with tracked or untracked shipping?

3. Are your customers willing to pay a bit more for add-ons like personalization?

4. Am I still making a good profit with my product priced this way?

And remember, you can always tweak your prices as you go! 

7. Look at your shop's analytics

It takes a few sales to get here, but these analytics are a gold mine!

They are going to show you EXACTLY what your ideal customers want/need.

There are 2 places that I suggest you take a look at to learn more about your customers and their search habits: your Search Analytics and your Stats .

How to find your Search Analytics

1. Go to your Dashboard

2. Click on Marketing

3. Click on Search Analytics

Here you can see the number of impressions (times your product was seen on a screen) for each listing. You can also see your position in search for different keywords, how many visits you received, and your conversion rate for those keywords.

How to find your Stats

2. Click on Stats

At the top of this page you can see a general overview of how your shop is performing. 

If you scroll down the page you will also see stats for each individual listing in your shop.  

When you click on a listing, it will take you to another page with more detailed stats. You will be able to see where your traffic came from, and the exact keywords that your customers entered to find your product.

I told you…pure gold!

dealing with difficult customers

I hope that you found these 7 tips on how to do market research on Etsy helpful!

Just one last note before you go:

I want you to know that it’s ok to test things out, it’s ok if you need to make changes, it’s ok to take your best guess, and it’s ok if it takes you a while to get consistent sales. 

In fact…these things are all NORMAL.

Starting an Etsy shop is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes a lot of time, and a lot of work to grow a successful business! 

So give yourself the permission to try, and then give yourself the permission to try again. You’re in this for the long haul, and you can totally do this!

If you’re interested in learning more about starting a business on Etsy, check out my blog post:  7 Steps to Starting a Craft Business Online  for all the tips and tricks!

And as always, pop any questions you may have in the comments below, and remember that I am just an email away at [email protected]!  I would love to hear from you, and cannot wait to cheer you on as you start your business!

Sharing is caring!

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  • How to Research Etsy Keywords
  • Post author By Dylan Read
  • Post date May 5, 2021
  • No Comments on How to Research Etsy Keywords

how to do market research on etsy

To find the best and most relevant keywords for your Etsy shop, you must first know how to research Etsy keywords. With a little thoughtful research and the right set of tools, you can be sure that you’ll grow your business, get more sales, and simply make more profit.

Researching Etsy keywords can be complicated and confusing, even if you’ve got experience with general keyword research, digital marketing, and SEO in other forms. 

This article will touch on Etsy keyword research and use some nifty tools to find the best keywords for your brand and product. 

You’ll also see:

  • What are Etsy keywords, and why are they relevant?
  • How to use keywords in your Etsy store
  • Different approaches for finding the best keywords

Before we begin

This article is a part of our  Complete Guide for Everything You Need to Know to Succeed on Etsy ! If you just stumbled across this article, we recommend you start back at the beginning:  Everything You Need to Know Before You Start an Etsy Shop .

Or, if you’d like to check out each article in the series, click through the links below:

8 Steps to Starting an Etsy Shop

We created the  Complete Guide for Everything You Need to Know to Succeed on Etsy  to teach you how to start an Etsy shop the right way. You can position your Etsy shop for longterm success by following these core principals.
  • How to Do Etsy Market Research for Your Products
  • Know Your Etsy Shop Branding Before You Open
  • How to Create & Maintain an Etsy Shop Aesthetic
  • How to Master Your Etsy Product Photography

Etsy Shipping Costs and How to Calculate Them

  • A Crash Course to Etsy Taxes & Accounting
  • The New & Improved Quick and Dirty Guide to SEO for Etsy

At Marmalead, we strive to offer real, practical advice for Etsy sellers right here on  our blog  and on our  YouTube channel . The world of Etsy is constantly evolving, so if you have a question you can’t find an answer to, reach out to us at  [email protected] .

What are Etsy keywords?

When buyers search on Etsy, most of the time, they have a rough idea of what they want:

“Vintage tap shoes’”

“Baby Yoda T-shirt”

“Flamingo pillow cover”

These are things that you’d type into Etsy to find the products you’re looking for. These are also keywords. 

Note: While each of these searches has three words, any amount of words used in a single search is often referred to as a single keyword. 

In order for buyers to find your products, you'll need to research Etsy keywords that are right for your shop.

But what if buyers describe your product with different words?

“Tap dancing shoes”

“Cute Grogu shirt”

“Flamingo pillowcase”

You'll find all types of keywords to use in your shop when you research Etsy keywords.

If you were selling any of these three products, your product would be just as relevant to the first search as it would the second one. 

While Etsy’s search algorithm is good, it’s not perfect. And with just a little bit of Etsy keyword research, you can be sure your products will appear in search when buyers use relevant keywords.

What about long tail keywords?

You’ll often hear us refer to long tail keywords , but what are they? These are more niche and/or specific search phrases. With long tail keywords, you can niche down on a super-specific product.

This likely means that there will be less competition when searching for your product. And if a buyer finds your product using a long tail keyword search, they’re more likely to buy since they’ve already narrowed in on their search terms.

Here are a few examples showing how you can get more specific/niche with the keyword examples used above.

Getting more specific gives you a better chance of making that keyword long tail:

“Leather tap dancing shoes”

“Girls cute baby Yoda T-shirt”

“Pink flamingo pillowcase”

How to research Etsy keywords for your shop

Etsy itself is pretty vague when it comes to “official” keyword research. 

The seller handbook simply states to “brainstorm ideas for all 13 of your tags.” Now, while that’s not bad advice if you’re brand new, it’s still quite vague. 

As tags are an essential place to use your keywords, you want to make sure that all 13 are keywords that have the most people searching for them. 

But using a keyword as a tag is no good if no one searches for it. 

You'll know which keywords will give your shop little to no traffic after you research Etsy keywords.

That’s where tools like Marmalead become incredibly powerful. 

Why finding the right keyword is so important.

It’s vital that you use keywords with a reasonably high search volume to get more views. But it’s also crucial that you know how competitive that keyword is. 

Etsy will choose to display sites in the best working order or optimized for search when a high-volume and a highly competitive keyword is searched. 

how to do market research on etsy

If you’re a new Etsy store, it can be tough to compete with finely-tuned listings. 

But when you do in-depth keyword research, you can find other keywords more specific to your product, and often because the keyword is more niche, it will have lower search volume but also much lower competition. 

Optimizing your shop for keywords that have a reasonable level of search volume and lower competition, makes it easier for you to appear higher in search, get the click, and get the sale. Using long tail keywords is often how you achieve this, and this method is fantastic for both new and struggling Etsy stores. 

But again, you need to do your Etsy keyword research. 

Got two keywords in mind but can’t decide?

Marmalead is a tool to help you research Etsy keywords so you can use the best ones for your shop.

Use Marmalead’s keyword comparison tool. You can quickly put your two keywords side by side, and at a glance, see everything you need to know to make the right decision. `

Maybe you’ll discover that your low-volume keyword is low-volume because it’s seasonal. 

Or you may see that the average sale price for a product associated with your high-volume keyword is lower than where your product is priced. 

These are all things that have a massive impact on your traffic and your sales. And you can only find out this information by taking a deep dive into your Etsy keywords with Marmalead. 

Research Etsy keywords with Marmalead

Using Marmalead, you can simply type in your keyword and get an overview of important data for that specific keyword. 

  • Real search volume – Shows you how many searches a keyword is expected to have from genuine shoppers over the next 30 days
  • Real engagement – How many unique visits a keyword is expected to generate over the next 30 days
  • Long tail status – Shows if this keyword will help put your store at the top of a search result
  • Competition – A scale of how many other Etsy products rank for this keyword
  • Engagement over time – Explains that if a keyword has more searches and clicks over a certain time of year
  • Similar keywords – Similar keywords that have different metrics that may also be beneficial to your store

Remember earlier when we explained that Etsy themselves suggested that you should brainstorm?

Use Marmalead to research Etsy keywords and brainstorm the best keywords for your shop.

Using your collection of keywords, Marmalead can help generate massive lists of keyword ideas. What’s more, you can easily see how likely this keyword will get your product found, added to a cart, or favorited. 

Reseach Etsy keywords to find out more about your customer

One example you read earlier was “flamingo pillow cover” and “flamingo pillowcase.” But what about the keyword “flamingo pillow slip”? Or “bird decor” or “flamingo merch”?

When you research Etsy keywords, you may learn that different words preform better.

All these keywords are relevant to your product. Often, when we get so focused on calling something by a specific name, we forget that other people call it different things. 

Look at the regional uses of the word “soda,” “pop,” and “soft drink” in the US alone. 

And when you, the Etsy seller, focus on calling your product one thing, you let a lot of opportunity slip. Good, in-depth keyword research can help you solve this. You’ll get a wave of ideas, see how else you can describe your product, and even learn entirely different phrases you can use. 

Simply put, good Etsy keyword research can make or break your Etsy store. So use the right tools for the right job, and you’ll get the right results. 

Over to you

Researching your Etsy keywords can be intimidating if you’ve had nothing to do with marketing before. But with the information you’ve read above, as well as valuable tools like Marmalead, you’ll be able to set your Etsy store up for more and more traffic and more sales.

Interested in more things you should know before you start an Etsy shop? Are buyers finding your shop and browsing your products, but you still can’t make the sale? Well, making the sale is that much easier once you know How to Master Your Etsy Product Photography .

If you’re ready for the next article in our  Complete Guide for Everything You Need to Know to Succeed on Etsy , then here it is:

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How to Sell Downloadable Products on Etsy

how to do market research on etsy

Download your Etsy customer emails and start doing email marketing.

In today’s digital age, selling downloadable products on Etsy has become an increasingly popular way for creators to monetize their skills and generate passive income. With low overhead costs and the potential for unlimited sales, digital downloads offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start and grow a successful downloadable product business on Etsy.

Understanding the Downloadable Product Landscape on Etsy

Before diving into the specifics of selling downloadable products, it’s crucial to understand the current landscape on Etsy. Digital products have gained significant popularity due to their instant delivery, low overhead costs, and potential for passive income.

Popular Downloadable Product Categories

Some of the most sought-after downloadable products on Etsy include:

  • Printable planners and organizers
  • Digital artwork and illustrations
  • Templates for resumes, social media, and websites
  • Patterns for sewing, knitting, and crafts
  • Educational resources and worksheets
  • Digital planners and stickers
  • Fonts and graphics
  • eBooks and guides

Step 1: Conceptualizing Your Downloadable Product

The first step in your journey is to develop a unique and valuable downloadable product that meets a specific need or solves a problem for your target audience.

Identifying Your Niche

To stand out in the crowded digital marketplace, focus on a specific niche that aligns with your skills and interests. Consider the following:

  • Your areas of expertise
  • Current market trends
  • Gaps in the existing product offerings
  • Seasonal demands and evergreen topics

Validating Your Product Idea

Before investing time and resources into creating your downloadable product, validate your idea:

  • Conduct keyword research using Etsy’s search bar and external tools
  • Analyze competitor offerings and their success rates
  • Seek feedback from potential customers through social media or forums
  • Create a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the market

Step 2: Creating Your Downloadable Product

Once you’ve validated your idea, it’s time to bring your downloadable product to life.

Choosing the Right Tools

Select appropriate software and tools based on the type of downloadable product you’re creating:

  • Graphic design: Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, or Affinity Designer
  • Document creation: Microsoft Office, Google Docs, or Apple Pages
  • Pattern making: Adobe Illustrator or specialized pattern-making software
  • Digital planners: GoodNotes, Notability, or Procreate

Ensuring Quality and Usability

Pay close attention to the following aspects:

  • Resolution and file size (Etsy allows up to 20MB per file)
  • Compatibility with various devices and software
  • Clear instructions for use and installation
  • Proper licensing for any third-party elements used

Step 3: Setting Up Your Etsy Shop

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to set up an Etsy shop to start selling your downloadable products.

Creating Your Etsy Account

  • Go to and click “Sell on Etsy”
  • Follow the prompts to create your account and shop
  • Choose a unique and memorable shop name
  • Set up your payment and billing information

Optimizing Your Shop Profile

Create a compelling shop profile that showcases your brand and builds trust with potential customers:

  • Write a detailed “About” section highlighting your expertise and process
  • Use high-quality images for your shop banner and profile picture
  • Clearly state your policies regarding refunds and customer support

Step 4: Listing Your Downloadable Products

Creating effective listings is crucial for the success of your downloadable products on Etsy.

Crafting Compelling Titles and Descriptions

Your product titles and descriptions should be informative, engaging, and optimized for Etsy’s search algorithm:

  • Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your listing
  • Clearly state that the product is a digital download
  • Highlight the key features and benefits of your product
  • Include any necessary technical specifications or compatibility information

Pricing Your Downloadable Products

Determining the right price for your downloadable products can be challenging. Consider the following factors:

  • The value your product provides to customers
  • Your time and effort invested in creation
  • Competitor pricing for similar products
  • Etsy fees and your desired profit margin

Start with competitive pricing to gain traction, and adjust as you build a reputation and following.

Creating Eye-Catching Listing Photos

Since customers can’t physically handle downloadable products, your listing photos play a crucial role in showcasing your offerings:

  • Create mockups or lifestyle images that demonstrate how the product can be used
  • Use a consistent style across all your listings for brand recognition
  • Include preview images that give customers a taste of the product without giving everything away
  • Consider adding a video to showcase your downloadable product in action

Setting Up Instant Downloads

Etsy allows you to set up automatic delivery for your downloadable products:

  • In your listing, select “Digital” as the product type
  • Upload your digital files (up to 5 files, 20MB each)
  • Add any usage instructions or important details
  • Publish your listing

Etsy will handle the delivery process, sending the files to the buyer immediately after purchase.

Step 5: Implementing Effective SEO Strategies

To increase visibility and drive sales, it’s essential to optimize your listings for Etsy’s search engine and external search engines.

Keyword Research and Implementation

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms potential customers are using to find products like yours:

  • Use Etsy’s search bar for autocomplete suggestions
  • Analyze competitor listings for popular keywords
  • Utilize external keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner

Incorporate these keywords naturally into your titles, tags, and descriptions.

Utilizing Etsy’s Tag System

Etsy allows you to add up to 13 tags per listing. Make the most of this feature:

  • Use all 13 available tags
  • Include long-tail keywords and phrases
  • Mix broad and specific tags to capture various search intents

Optimizing for External Search Engines

While focusing on Etsy’s internal search is crucial, don’t neglect external search engines:

  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich URLs for your listings
  • Optimize your shop’s “About” section with relevant keywords
  • Encourage backlinks from other websites and social media platforms

Step 6: Marketing Your Downloadable Products

Creating and listing your downloadable products is just the beginning. To drive sales, you’ll need to actively market your offerings.

Leveraging Social Media

Use social media platforms to showcase your products and engage with potential customers:

  • Share behind-the-scenes content of your creation process
  • Post customer testimonials and reviews
  • Run targeted ads on platforms where your audience is most active

Building an Email List

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for promoting your downloadable products:

  • Offer a free digital product in exchange for email sign-ups
  • Send regular newsletters with product updates and exclusive offers
  • Segment your list to provide personalized content and promotions

Collaborating with Influencers and Other Sellers

Expand your reach by partnering with influencers and complementary sellers:

  • Offer your products for review to relevant influencers
  • Create bundle deals with other Etsy sellers
  • Participate in Etsy Teams and community events

Step 7: Providing Excellent Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart from competitors and lead to positive reviews and repeat customers.

Responding to Customer Inquiries

Be prompt and professional in your communications:

  • Aim to respond to messages within 24 hours
  • Provide clear and detailed answers to questions
  • Be patient and understanding, especially with technical issues

Handling Refunds and Disputes

Have a clear refund policy in place and handle disputes professionally:

  • Clearly state your refund policy in your shop policies and product descriptions
  • Be willing to work with customers to resolve issues
  • If a refund is necessary, process it promptly and courteously

Encouraging Reviews and Feedback

Positive reviews can significantly boost your shop’s credibility and visibility:

  • Follow up with customers after purchase to ensure satisfaction
  • Politely request reviews from happy customers
  • Address negative reviews professionally and work to resolve any issues

Step 8: Analyzing and Improving Performance

Regularly review your shop’s performance to identify areas for improvement and capitalize on successes.

Utilizing Etsy’s Analytics Tools

Etsy provides valuable insights into your shop’s performance:

  • Monitor your shop stats to track views, favorites, and sales
  • Analyze which products are performing best and why
  • Identify traffic sources to focus your marketing efforts

Conducting A/B Testing

Experiment with different aspects of your listings to optimize performance:

  • Test various pricing strategies
  • Try different product photos or descriptions
  • Adjust your tags and keywords

Staying Up-to-Date with Etsy Policies and Trends

The downloadable product landscape on Etsy is constantly evolving:

  • Regularly review Etsy’s policies and guidelines
  • Stay informed about new features and tools for sellers
  • Keep an eye on trending products and adapt your offerings accordingly

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Selling downloadable products on Etsy isn’t without its challenges. Here are some common issues and how to address them:

  • Copyright infringement – Only sell original work or properly licensed content. Be aware of trademark issues.
  • File compatibility – Clearly state file types and software requirements. Offer multiple formats if possible.
  • Customer tech issues – Provide clear download instructions and be available to assist if needed.
  • Refund requests – Have a clear refund policy and handle requests professionally.
  • Standing out in a crowded market – Focus on creating unique, high-quality products and building your brand.
  • Maintaining consistent sales – Regularly add new products and actively market your shop.
  • Pricing pressure – Emphasize the value and quality of your products rather than competing solely on price.

Final Tips for Success

To wrap up, here are some final tips to help you succeed in selling downloadable products on Etsy:

  • Focus on creating genuinely useful, high-quality products that solve problems for your target audience
  • Continuously educate yourself on Etsy best practices and digital marketing strategies
  • Build relationships with customers and other sellers in your niche
  • Stay on top of trends but don’t compromise your unique style
  • Be patient and persistent – success often takes time
  • Regularly review and update your listings and shop policies
  • Consider offering both digital and print-on-demand options for customers who prefer physical products

By following these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you can build a thriving downloadable product business on Etsy. Remember, success rarely happens overnight, but with dedication, creativity, and a focus on customer satisfaction, you can turn your passion for digital creation into a profitable online business.

Selling downloadable products on Etsy offers a unique opportunity to blend creativity with entrepreneurship. By understanding the platform, creating high-quality products, and providing excellent customer service, you can tap into the growing market for digital goods. With persistence and adaptability, your Etsy shop can become a go-to destination for customers seeking valuable downloadable products.

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Etsy’s New Search Tools Aim to Elevate Quality Listings and Enhance Seller Success

As the digital marketplace grows, Etsy has been enhancing its search and discovery tools to spotlight high-quality listings. With 100 million items available, Etsy focuses on featuring its best offerings from its sellers to buyers.

In an interview with PYMNTS, Nick Daniel , Etsy’s chief product officer, explains the company’s recent efforts are designed to incorporate listing quality into their visibility on the platform.

“Since earlier this year, we’ve been working on new ways to incorporate the quality of a listing into where it shows up on Etsy — in places like search and recommendations,” Daniel said, noting factors such as listing details, photo quality and customer service records.

Ramping Up the Consumer Experience

Daniel emphasized Etsy’s commitment to enhancing the browsing experience

“We are optimizing our search results to showcase a broader range of items from more sellers,” he said. “We also want to make it easier and more fun to explore the incredible breadth and depth our marketplace has to offer. This is particularly helpful when customers don’t know exactly what they’re looking for and want to browse a wider set of options in various styles.”

This diversification strategy has opened new opportunities for sellers, as Daniel noted, “serving up a broader array of listings has led to approximately 70% of shops on Etsy having more visibility in search.”

According to Daniel, the refinement of search algorithms involves a range of factors to determine where listings appear.

“When shoppers are searching on Etsy, it’s important that they can easily find high-quality listings from shops that have a track record of good customer service,” he explained. “Making these listings easier to find helps build trust with shoppers so they come back to shop on Etsy again and again.”

Positive trends have emerged since the implementation of these updates.

“We’ve seen an increase in the number of 4- and 5-star reviews sitewide, while also seeing a decline in the rate at which buyers request refunds, both of which indicate shoppers are happier with their experiences on Etsy,” Daniel said.

The revamped search features come at a time when Etsy is looking to recoup the number of consumers shopping on the platform — its second-quarter earnings showed a dip in sales as retail spending continues to navigate the uncertain economy.

Consumers, overall, are being more selective about purchases, and PYMNTS Intelligence data shows they often trade down to less expensive options, especially those consumers who live paycheck to paycheck.

Enhancing the search experience for consumers and providing tools to sellers to better craft listings may help Etsy reach those shoppers.

New Seller Tools

Daniel said the introduction of the Etsy Search Visibility Page was a key development designed to enhance transparency for sellers.

“We’re excited to announce the new Etsy Search Visibility Page in Shop Manager, giving our sellers more insights and recommendations into how they appear in search than ever before,” he said. “We’ve heard from sellers consistently over the years that they want more transparency into what goes into Etsy search to help optimize listings and make more sales.”

The Search Visibility Page was developed in response to repeated seller requests for greater clarity on search algorithms. The page offers actionable tips to help sellers improve their search rankings, focusing on elements such as listing image quality, return policies, message response times and shipping prices.

The page is intended to empower sellers with the tools needed to enhance their listings and, by extension, their search visibility.

“As sellers make changes to their listings, they’ll have the ability to track improvements in real time,” Daniel said. This feature aims to facilitate a more proactive approach to optimizing listings and improving the overall shopping experience on Etsy.

The Search Visibility Page provides detailed insights into various aspects of seller performance. For example, Etsy will notify sellers monthly if they meet customer service standards and how this affects their search visibility.

“Sellers can also keep track of daily progress on the customer service stats page,” Daniel said. “Consistently going above and beyond for customers could also help our sellers be recategorized as a Star Seller, which serves as a further trust signal to buyers and can drive increased conversion. We want to make sure high-quality listings with clear information stand out so that buyers feel confident in making a purchase.”


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  4. Market Research for your Etsy Shop- Earning on Etsy Series, Part 2

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  5. How to do market research for your Etsy shop or online business using

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  6. How to properly do market research for your business


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    Learn how to find gaps in the market, identify your competition, and listen to your customers with this illustrated guide. Follow the steps to create and test product ideas, and apply what you have learnt to your Etsy store.

  2. How to Do Etsy Market Research for your Products

    Learn how to assess your product's opportunities and challenges on Etsy by looking at keywords, competitors, and customer reviews. Find out how to define your target audience, create USPs, and stand out from the crowd.

  3. 5 Savvy Market Research Methods

    Learn how to collect and analyze data from your Stats, customer reviews, social media, and in-person interactions to inform your business, marketing, and products. Find tips on how to create shopper personas, identify trends, and stay competitive on Etsy.

  4. 7 Steps To Etsy Market Research That Will Catapult Your Sales

    Step 4: Factor in Profit Margin. Decide on Desired Profit: Determine what profit margin you want to achieve on each product. This will depend on your business goals and overhead costs. A healthy profit margin for handmade goods on Etsy typically ranges from 30% to 50%.

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  9. The Ultimate Guide To Keyword Research For Etsy Sellers

    Analysing Your Own Etsy Shop Stats. One of the first places to start keyword research is within your own Etsy shop. Go to your shop dashboard and click on "Stats". Scroll down and you'll see your most viewed listings. Clicking on the listings will give you a more detailed view.

  10. How to Do Etsy Market Research for Your Products

    Keyword Research. The first step in conducting Etsy market research is to identify the right keywords for your products. Use Etsy's search bar to find relevant keywords and phrases that customers use when searching for products like yours. You can also use keyword research tools like Marmalead or EtsyRank to find popular keywords and phrases.

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    Research Etsy keywords with Marmalead. Using Marmalead, you can simply type in your keyword and get an overview of important data for that specific keyword. Real search volume - Shows you how many searches a keyword is expected to have from genuine shoppers over the next 30 days. Real engagement - How many unique visits a keyword is ...

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    Attend Etsy events: Etsy organizes many local and online events. Attending these events can provide learning opportunities and allow you to connect with fellow sellers. Collaborate with other Etsy sellers: Partnering with other Etsy sellers for promotions or product bundles can expose your shop to their customers, increasing your reach. 10.

  25. How to Sell Downloadable Products on Etsy

    To increase visibility and drive sales, it's essential to optimize your listings for Etsy's search engine and external search engines. Keyword Research and Implementation. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms potential customers are using to find products like yours: Use Etsy's search bar for autocomplete suggestions

  26. Etsy's New Search Tools Aim to Elevate Quality Listings

    As the digital marketplace grows, Etsy has been enhancing its search and discovery tools to spotlight high-quality listings. With 100 million items available, Etsy focuses on featuring its best ...