30 Examples of Mission Statements for Schools (2022)

If you are in need, use these well crafted Examples of Mission Statements for Schools website/social media. Simply copy/paste one of them or use as an inspiration to write your own.

Examples of Vision and Mission Statements for Schools

01 . We offer a truly different approach to school. Supported by the latest in technology and cognitive science, we move beyond the traditional tools of lectures, homework, high-stakes tests, and grades. At (the school), our students learn in collaborative classrooms of multi-age learners. Our flexible approach challenges each student with their own differentiated learning plan and inspires them through real-world projects and experiences.

02 . (the school) is dedicated to preparing young men to make a positive difference in their world. By fostering their intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional development, the school seeks to inspire and motivate them to: strive for excellence; seek truth; live honorably; act responsibly; and help others.

04 . The mission of (the school) is to cultivate within its students the wisdom and virtue necessary to discover and fulfill their God-given potential and contribute to a flourishing and free society. As a school in the classical liberal arts tradition, (the school) believes that the pursuit of truth always begins with a sense of wonder. Students can love to learn what is true, good, and beautiful through a joyful discovery of the world around them and their own expanding potential.

06 . At (the school) we view all children as inherently intelligent, good, and uniquely talented. Our curriculum challenges students to think and act according to their own highest ability in an environment in which the God-given potential of each child is valued. This perspective has consistently enabled our students to achieve both academic and personal success throughout our more than 100-year history. The founders of (the school), wanted to ensure that this unique view of children be maintained and stipulated in the founding charter that all (the school) teachers be students of Christian Science. Balance is the guiding principle of our school. Challenging academics are coupled with a love of learning, leadership with social responsibility, creativity with moral integrity, and self-esteem with compassion for others. Students are inspired to excel in academics, to be active thinkers, and to be conscientious stewards of the world around them.

07 . (the school) strives to provide a Christ-centered atmosphere that enables students to become socially engaged, effective communicators, and critical thinkers in a global setting. We envision a world in which the quality education students receive at (the school) prepares them to be well-rounded citizens with a biblical worldview who will be successful leaders in their respective communities.

08 . (the school) is a diverse community committed to an ever-evolving model of pluralistic elementary education. On a path to self-knowledge, students engage and become the best versions of themselves. They develop critical academic and interpersonal skills to be confident and passionate contributors to an increasingly connected world. Celebrate the Many; Build One.

09 . (The school) provides a unique Preschool through Grade 12 education in the valleys on either side of (the area). Faculty on our two campuses – in (the city) and (in the city) – collaborate using a unified learning approach.

More Examples of Mission Statements for Schools on the next page…

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How to Write School Mission and Vision Statements

A teacher working with their student in a 3D printing lab

Cultivating a sense of shared educational values, goals, and ideals for a school is one of the primary ways that leaders can inspire positive outcomes in their institutions. In fact, research shows that a positive school culture—defined as the collective values and beliefs of a school’s staff—can:

  • Increase attendance rates and academic achievement
  • Elevate school morale significantly
  • Improve staff wellbeing
  • Reduce aggressive behavior in students
  • Lessen teacher turnover

One way that educational leaders can establish and encourage a positive culture that benefits everyone on campus is by creating well-written school mission and vision statements. Such statements set the tone for staff and students alike, making the purpose of the school clear and inspiring everyone to join together in realizing it. Learning how to write school mission and vision statements is an important step for educators who want to lead their institutions to succeed.

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Why School Mission and Vision Statements Matter

Mission and vision statements help to set the course for a school. These statements communicate core educational values, speak to the culture of the institution, and provide faculty, staff, students, and community members with ideals to reach for in participation with the school. 

In addition to communicating what is important to a school, mission and vision statements can also be useful for creating unity on campus. A clear mission and vision statement communicate to everyone involved at the school what they are collectively aspiring to attain. When individuals share a purpose, they may be more likely to trust one another, engage in collaboration, and have a positive experience in the school setting. 

When it comes to teachers, in particular, mission and vision statements can be effective in a few ways. First, being aligned on a mission and vision can help prospective candidates and hirers determine if a teacher is a good fit for the school. Additionally, teachers—who are often overwhelmed and overworked—can look to their school’s mission or vision statement for guidance in prioritizing their tasks and setting their focus when many things call for their attention at once. Finally, teachers can benefit from strong school mission and vision statements when it comes to their relationships with fellow teachers as well as with students, as the common language and purpose of the statements provide common ground for those relationships. 

Students may experience several key benefits of school mission and vision statements, too. The Values Education Good Practice Schools Project found that well-written vision statements can improve student-teacher relationships. The project also discovered that students in schools with good vision statements that truly impacted the day-to-day culture of the school enjoyed more calm and focused class activities. Lastly, students were more empowered to develop self-regulation and self-management skills in schools with strong vision statements. 

What Are the Differences between Mission and Vision?

While school mission and vision statements have some overlap, there are a few key distinctions between the two. 

The primary difference between a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement describes the school’s current and/or founding identity and the key values that characterize the school as it is in the present. A vision statement, on the other hand, looks forward to the future. Oftentimes, a mission statement will begin with a phrase like “[School name] is…” while a vision statement might begin with “[School name] will be known for…”

In other words, a mission statement is largely a definition of the school, answering questions like:

  • What is important to this school? 
  • How does this school seek to reach its objectives?
  • What are the fundamental traits, cultural influences, or beliefs of this school?

A vision statement, on the other hand, answers questions such ask:

  • What does this school aspire to accomplish in the years to come? 
  • What does the school want to become known for doing?
  • How would this school define future success?

While school mission and vision statements will likely arise from the same core values, they serve two different purposes. The mission statement speaks to the school’s operations in the present. The vision statement speaks to the school’s hopes and intentions for the future. 

Who Should Be Involved in Writing and Approving School Mission and Vision Statements? What Is the Process Like?

Experts agree that gathering insight from a diverse population can help create the best school mission and vision statements. By including various groups of people connected to the school—including teachers, students, administration, parents, and community members—education leaders can ensure that they are gathering as comprehensive of a perspective as possible. While it’s important to hear from a variety of people, education leaders should take care not to grow the group too large, as it could become difficult to find consensus or be productive.

Once a group has been established, discussion can begin. Educational values are a good place to start. Through data, anecdotes, and personal perspectives, group members can share their perceptions of the school’s current values or the values that should be prioritized. Identifying strengths and opportunities for growth can be insightful as well. 

From there, the group members can discuss what their hopes are for the future of the school. What outcomes might the school’s educational values help produce? What does the school want to be known for in 5, 10, or 20 years? What are the school’s current priorities, and how might they be reordered for greater success? 

Once a group has gathered, identified the school’s values, and discussed hopes for the future, then it is time to write the first draft. 

How to Write a Mission Statement

At this point in the process, it is likely that there could be several pages of notes filled with ideas, values, and hopes for the future that the group has produced. This is exactly what is needed in order to write a mission statement, but condensing the content into a succinct sentence or paragraph may feel daunting.

Reading the mission statements of other schools and organizations may be helpful at this stage. Consider, for example, the Marymount University mission statement:

Marymount is a comprehensive Catholic university, guided by the traditions of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, that emphasizes intellectual curiosity, service to others, and a global perspective. A Marymount education is grounded in the liberal arts, promotes career preparation, and provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. A student‐centered learning community that values diversity and focuses on the education of the whole person, Marymount guides the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual development of each individual.

Notice that this mission statement fulfills several key objectives:

  • Communicates a value system (Catholic)
  • Sets priorities (intellectual curiosity, service, global perspective)
  • Establishes an educational framework (liberal arts)
  • Describes the community (student-centered, diverse, holistic)

At the elementary school level, a mission statement may read something like:

Our school fosters a love of lifelong learning by guiding each student to build foundational academic skills that will contribute to their ongoing success and by encouraging creative collaboration in an inclusive environment.

This statement makes clear that the school values the love of learning, basic skill development, and cultivating a positive community. 

How to Write a Vision Statement 

School vision statements should align with the values communicated in school mission statements, but they need to communicate forward thinking as well. The Marymount University vision statement reads:

Marymount, a leading Catholic university, will be nationally recognized for innovation and commitment to student success, alumni achievement, and faculty and staff excellence.

This statement:

  • Succinctly describes the school (a leading Catholic university)
  • Sets the scope for success (national) 
  • Establishes goals to attain (recognition in student success, alumni achievement, faculty and staff excellence) 

A high school vision statement may read something like:

Our school will develop critical thinkers who model an inclusive spirit and graduate prepared for success in a profession or higher education.

This statement communicates that critical thinking and inclusivity are prioritized educational values at the school and that employability and admission to college are the standards for success.

Lead in Education with Vision and Values

Do you want to develop a school mission statement that clearly communicates the educational values of the institution you lead? Are you interested in setting academic standards, establishing a campus culture, and doing the work to produce positive future outcomes as an education leader? If so, the Marymount University Online Doctorate in Education program can help you reach your professional goals.

Created for working professionals, Marymount’s flexible online Ed.D. allows students to personalize their coursework according to their vocational goals. Students in the program cite many personal benefits , including building relationships with fellow students and faculty members, honing their project completion skills, and improving their research abilities. 

Student Alexander Gagnet says, “What I love best about the program is the care and attention the faculty put into the success of all the students. You really feel wanted and appreciated for your hard work and effort.” 

Students also appreciate the way that the program allows them to meet their personal and professional obligations while in school. 

“Not to be ignored is the fact that the online program allows you to be who you are AND be a student,” explains Marie Gemelli-Carroll . “It is a key benefit to be able to do classwork on your own time as long as you meet the assigned deadlines.”

Are you ready to further your career by earning a doctorate in education? Marymount University’s online Ed.D. features a practical curriculum and is a top program choice that will prepare you to lead positive change in education. Click here to connect with an enrollment advisor . 

Unify High School

Creating a School Vision Statement

by Gordana S | Aug 2, 2020 | Starting a School | 0 comments

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Table of Contents

A Detailed Guide to Creating a School Vision Statement

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Credit: JB Hi-Fi

A school vision statement is a mirror image of the school’s purpose. If you tried to recall your high school vision statement right now, you likely wouldn’t be able to quite put your finger on it. Yes, it probably had something to do with those slogans and posters hung all over the school’s walls, talking about “global citizens,” “inspiring leadership,” “reshaping education,” or similar concepts, but that’s about it, right?

If you were like most high school students, you either never knew or forgot entirely what your school’s vision statement was. And the chances are that many of your teachers and other members of the school’s administration weren’t able to recite it word for word, either.

Now that you are starting your own school, you want to hit that nail on the head and devise the perfect vision statement that will inspire your staff, students, and the whole community. You need to put a lot of work in crafting your school’s vision — that way, you will achieve that every stakeholder in your school can recall it any time of day or night, and you’ll prevent it from becoming obsolete and a cliche.

Creating a school vision statement is a serious task. We’ll explain what it is, why it matters, how to go about writing it, and we will provide you with some examples to get your creative juices flowing. 

The Importance of a School Vision Statement

A vision statement is an essential public declaration that informs the community about the school’s purpose and its goals for the future. It usually explains what the founders and the staff envision the school to be and how they see it impacting the students, both throughout their school years and well into their adulthood.

The school’s vision embodies all the values that it strives to instill in its pupils and inspire in the community on the whole. It is an impactful declaration that should also serve as a powerful motivator for the school’s staff, unifying them in their approach to teaching and guiding the school’s decision-making.

Here’s an overview of the importance of having a strong vision statement that:

  • Informs the community on the school’s core educational values
  • Drives the staff toward a common goal
  • Sets forth the expectations of the teachers, students, and administrators
  • Establishes the teaching methods and the approaches to learning 
  • Influences the syllabus and curriculum
  • Informs decisions , especially in situations when it is difficult to reach a consensus — the choice can be made with what aligns best with the school’s goals
  • Is essential for school accreditation or reform

The School’s Vision and Mission

The school’s mission and vision statements are deeply intertwined, so much so that it often happens that they are confused one for another, used interchangeably, or they become a single concept.

A vision is a goal that the school aims to fulfill in the future. It is a short declaration that exemplifies the shared beliefs and values of its founders and staff. A mission is an explanatory declaration of the actions the school is taking to reach its long-term goals, i.e., its vision.

In essence, a school first needs a clear vision to embark on a mission. All stakeholders — from the school’s personnel to the community members — should be involved in drafting these essential statements, joining together their values and aspirations. If all stakeholders at your school share the same vision, they will be on a common mission.

How to Write a Vision Statement for a School

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Credit: depositphotos

Keeping in mind the relevance of the school’s goals is the first step toward creating a school vision statement. Only then can the people involved in crafting it set out to compose the school vision declaration that will reflect the institution’s long-term goals in the best way.

To that end, the school vision statement has to be:

  • Accurate. Your school’s vision needs to be in line with the idea behind your school, closely linked to why you started it in the first place and the change you see it making in your local community, as well as the educational system on the whole. Avoid bland, ambiguous catchphrases that have been done to the point of meaninglessness and that can be applied to any school or business, and make your vision true to you.
  • Concise. While the mission is the more detail-oriented statement, the vision is a short and to-the-point declaration that is, nonetheless, worded in a way that makes a lasting impression.
  • Memorable. Your school vision statement needs to paint a picture in people’s minds and etch it there. That will raise awareness of what the school is trying to achieve and how everyone can contribute.
  • Inspirational. Craft a vision statement that shows how passionate you are about your goals. If it evokes similar emotions in your community, they will be more interested in participating in the school’s programs.

The importance of creating a school vision that resonates throughout the community is undisputed, but writing it is not as easy as it sounds. The process involves several essential steps, which we list below.

Get the Right People Involved

To make sure you get ideas from all stakeholders in the school, you need to cover all levels of its organization — its IT and HR departments, administrative personnel, instructors, the office manager, the principal — and the community, including the students and their families. You will need to select representatives from each group for the actual vision statement drafting stage, but you will also want to include a wider audience later on for feedback.


examples of vision and mission statements in education

Credit: destination.outpost

To get a better picture of what everyone envisions the school achieving, ask some general but essential questions, and build from there in whichever direction the conversation goes. Some of the matters you can bring up include:

  • What is your vision of the school in this district in five, ten, or 20 years?
  • How do you see the staff, students, and the community benefiting from our school? Why does it make a difference for everyone involved?
  • What is your ideal school like?
  • What is different about our school in comparison to others in the area? Do we want to improve on that?
  • What do we all have in common?
  • Is there a specific niche that we can tend to? For instance, do we have specific conditions for students with disabilities, are we 100% eco-friendly, or do we have special mental health programs that we can offer to students and the community on the whole?

Draft the First Version

Now is the time to get the creative juices flowing and ideas going. Encourage conversation and debate to come up with a successful first draft that is an amalgamation of everyone’s vision and efforts. You may uncover the missing ingredient of the U.S. educational system and find a way to implement it in your school.

Make the Statement Pop

Everyone must be able to grasp the meaning of your school vision statement. To that end, avoid vague jargon-speak that everyone feels in awe hearing but that no one can understand or explain fully.

Keep your community in mind — what you need to strive for is a statement that they can relate to and that will get them involved instead of one that will cause their eyes to widen blankly and their heads to nod without determination. Such statements seem impressive initially but fail to inspire in the long run as no one is quite sure what they are all about.

Focus on these tips instead:

  • Be specific. Avoid vague lingo that can safely cover all your bases. You should cut straight to the chase and say it as it is, e.g., we will create a welcoming atmosphere for students of all races and skin colors and provide them with equal opportunities in education .
  • Be future-oriented. Your school’s vision is all about tomorrow. It is where you will do your utmost to get, which is why it should be written in a future tense. It is also a good idea to revisit your vision at the end of every school year and check how much closer you got to your goal. That provides for an opportunity to tweak your mission and the steps toward seeing your vision become a reality.
  • Emphasize your strengths. Mention any specific programs that you have to offer, such as the mental health support mentioned above or anything else that makes your school stand out.

Get Feedback From the Community

Now the time has come to present the fruit of your hard work. Keep in mind that the drafting process can be a lengthy one, and even when you’re ready to show the results to your community, your school vision statement will still be far from finished. Depending on the kind of feedback you receive, you may need to recast the statement and reiterate your message if the stakeholders feel it’s incomplete.

Bear in mind that going through the feedback and revision processes is time-consuming, but it is just as vital as drafting the first version. If you include a broader community in creating the school’s vision statement, they will be more invested in seeing something they helped produce become a reality and will be involved in what’s going on in the school on the regular. That kind of sense of belonging and unity is surely worth some additional rewording, wouldn’t you agree?

School Vision Statement Templates and Examples

In case you need additional help, we can get you off on the right foot by showing you some examples of school vision statements that you can look up to. 

Grand Rapids Public Museum

“To inspire passionate curiosity and a deeper understanding of the world around us.”

Grand Rapids Public Museum is the role model for what reinvented high school education should look like. This school breaks down the barriers of the traditional classrooms by co-locating itself to the Grand Rapids Public Museum and its invaluable archives. 

It also partners with various local businesses and organizations to provide students with a community-wide classroom, inspiring them to learn from experience as much as from books and become problem-solvers and creative thinkers in the process. The vision statement above doesn’t go into detail, but it succinctly sums up the school’s primary goals.

Furr High School — An Institute for Innovative Thinking

“Furr High School envisions a world in which all young people prioritize academic excellence and environmental sustainability, becoming advocates for themselves and their communities.”

Furr High School is an educational setting that welcomes student-driven revitalization of the community. It fosters an environmentally friendly approach and a social justice standpoint, inspiring students to meet their academic goals and their area’s needs. Its vision statement focuses on those instrumental ideas that drive the school on the whole.

Da Vinci RISE High

“All disconnected youth in Los Angeles will secure quality education, training, and employment opportunities.”

Da Vinci RISE High ‘s vision statement exemplifies what we mean by accuracy to the T. This high school endeavors to bring equal educational opportunities and beyond to students who are disconnected and displaced and live in the Los Angeles area. It is an ideal place for those looking for a non-traditional learning setting or a flexible schedule. It strives to break down the barriers set by bureaucracy and marginalization and to boost its students’ confidence to go to college and achieve their career goals.

Elizabethton High School

“To create a 21st-century learning environment where everyone is held accountable, reaches for excellence, embraces community, displays resilience, and values integrity.”

Elizabethton High School was made for students by students. This exceptional, student-centered establishment caters to the needs that the pupils themselves identified as unfulfilled by traditional schooling . It focuses on community improvement and dealing with local problems, provides funding for student entrepreneurship, sculpting the youth into 21st-century businesspeople. We believe that this school’s vision statement hones in on that to perfection.

Compass Academy

“ Compass Academy will educate youth to be well prepared for post-secondary education, workforce training, and civic participation. Compass Academy will provide multiple pathways for students to achieve adult success. Students at Compass Academy will develop as lifelong learners who think critically to solve problems, as well as foster a lifelong commitment to serve the global community.”

Compass Academy is a high school that is an established educational innovator. It strives to help students develop their personalities and tune them for an unknown future. It promotes cooperation, problem-solving, and hands-on learning in order to teach students how to tackle problems and come up with innovative solutions. Its vision statement pinpoints the school’s main ideas perfectly.

The Debate on the Need for a Vision Statement

Going back to the point brought up at the beginning of the article, it is essential to acknowledge that many schools tend to “forget” their mission and vision declarations altogether. As important as they are to devise, with the passage of time and the staff turnover, the mission and vision of a school often fall into oblivion. 

That is why many people argue that spending a lot of time and effort crafting a school’s vision statement is futile. The skepticism arises from the fact that many schools end up developing in a way contrary to their visions, implementing different teaching methods and encouraging different learning strategies than those originally proposed in their founding documents and declarations. Such contradictions happen because the vision and mission of the founders change over time, but the statements do not, making their existence questionable at best.

For a proper reform of the American educational system, a stronger emphasis has to be put on the school’s vision, as well as its mission. The school’s administration, its teachers, students, parents, and all other stakeholders in the school’s community have to be aware of where the school is going and what their roles on that journey are. The school’s vision statement is much more than a vague string of powerful-sounding words — it embodies the school’s core values and is the foundation of all the actions it will take to guarantee a better quality of education for its students.

Break Out of the Status Quo and Initiate the Change!

There are schools that function from one day to another and from one academic year to the next. Then, there are schools, such as the ones mentioned above, that achieve greater things and help shape the future of education.

If you want to be one of the schools that trigger change, start with drafting an impactful vision statement. We strongly believe that it is the secret ingredient in the recipe for the innovation of the high school system in the United States.

Words are undoubtedly powerful, but if they don’t set people in motion, they remain just empty words . If your public vision declaration turns into actions successfully, your school could become a cornerstone of the educational system of the nation. 

Share your founding story , your drive, school culture , mission, and vision with us, and give us an account of what you’ve achieved so far. Even a small change is the much welcome shift in the right direction, and we want to support you on your way toward your end goal.

Your vision will become a part of our own as we share your story on our blog. Join our cause and let’s rethink high schools together! 

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examples of vision and mission statements in education

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Crafting an effective mission statement for schools: a comprehensive guide.

In today's competitive educational landscape, having a clear and effective mission statement for schools is essential. A well-crafted mission statement not only defines the purpose and objectives of a school but also serves as a guiding light for its students, staff, and community. This comprehensive guide will take you through the process of crafting effective mission statements for schools, providing you with the tools, resources, and inspiring examples you need to create a mission statement that truly resonates.

Effective Mission Statement For Schools

Defining the Purpose: School Mission Statement Objectives

Before diving into the process of crafting a mission statement, it's crucial to understand the key objectives that should be included in a school's mission statement. These objectives will serve as the foundation upon which you build a compelling and meaningful statement.

A school's mission statement is more than just a few words on a page. It is a powerful declaration of the school's purpose, values, and goals. It is a guiding light that shapes the institution's identity and influences every aspect of its operations.

Key Objectives to Include in Your School Mission Statement

When developing a mission statement, it's important to consider the unique qualities and goals of your school. Key objectives that should be included in a school mission statement may vary, but some common themes include:

  • Providing a quality education that prepares students for the future: A school's primary objective is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to succeed in their academic and professional lives. This objective emphasizes the importance of a rigorous curriculum, qualified teachers, and innovative teaching methods.
  • Fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment: A school should strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment where every student feels valued, respected, and safe. This objective highlights the importance of promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equality among students and staff.
  • Cultivating academic excellence and critical thinking skills: A school should aim to foster a culture of academic excellence, encouraging students to strive for their personal best. This objective emphasizes the importance of challenging students intellectually, promoting curiosity, and developing critical thinking skills.
  • Promoting social and emotional development: Education is not just about academics; it is also about nurturing the holistic development of students. This objective underscores the importance of supporting students' social and emotional well-being, fostering empathy, resilience, and self-awareness.
  • Emphasizing the importance of community and civic engagement: A school should instill in its students a sense of responsibility towards their community and society. This objective highlights the importance of encouraging students to actively participate in community service, volunteerism, and civic engagement.

By incorporating these key objectives into your effective mission statement, you can create a clear and focused message that reflects the values and aspirations of your school. A well-crafted mission statement will not only inspire and guide the school community but also attract like-minded individuals who share the same educational vision.

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Crafting an Effective School Mission Statement

Now that you understand the purpose and objectives of an effective mission statement for schools, it's time to dive into the process of crafting one. Crafting an effective mission statement requires thoughtful consideration and a deep understanding of your school's identity and values.

When it comes to crafting a compelling mission statement, there are several steps you can follow to ensure that it captures the essence of your school. Let's take a closer look at each step:

Step 1: Define your school's unique qualities and strengths

Every school has its own unique qualities and strengths that set it apart from others. Take the time to identify what makes your school special. Is it a strong focus on STEM education ? A commitment to fostering creativity and innovation? By understanding and articulating these qualities, you can start to shape your mission statement.

Step 2: Identify your school's core values and beliefs

Core values and beliefs are the guiding principles that drive your school's actions and decisions. Reflect on what your school stands for and what it believes in. Is it a dedication to inclusivity and diversity? A commitment to academic excellence? These core values and beliefs should be at the heart of your mission statement.

Step 3: Consider the needs and aspirations of your students, staff, and community

A mission statement should not only reflect the values and qualities of your school but also address the needs and aspirations of those it serves. Consider the desires and goals of your students, staff, and community members. What do they hope to achieve through their association with your school? Incorporating these aspirations into your mission statement will make it more meaningful and relevant.

Step 4: Articulate your school's vision for the future

A mission statement should not only capture the present state of your school but also provide a glimpse into its future. Think about where you envision your school heading in the years to come. What are your aspirations and goals for growth and improvement? By articulating your school's vision, you can inspire others and create a sense of purpose.

Step 5: Draft a mission statement that incorporates your findings

With a clear understanding of your school's unique qualities, core values, community needs, and future vision, it's time to put pen to paper. Start drafting your mission statement, ensuring that it incorporates all the elements you have identified. Be concise, yet comprehensive, in your wording.

Step 6: Solicit feedback from stakeholders and make revisions as necessary

Once you have a draft of your mission statement, it's important to gather feedback from various stakeholders. This includes students, parents, teachers, and community members. Their input will provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help refine your mission statement. Be open to suggestions and willing to make revisions as necessary.

Step 7: Finalize your mission statement and communicate it effectively

After incorporating feedback and making revisions, it's time to finalize your mission statement. Ensure that it accurately reflects your school's identity, values, and aspirations. Once finalized, communicate it effectively to all stakeholders. This includes prominently displaying it on your school's website , sharing it in newsletters, and discussing it during parent and community meetings.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your mission statement accurately reflects the unique qualities and goals of your school. Remember, a well-crafted mission statement can serve as a guiding light, inspiring and uniting all members of your school community towards a common purpose.

Unlocking Creativity: Mission Statement Generators and Templates

Crafting a mission statement from scratch can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are resources available to help spark your creativity and streamline the process. Mission statement generators and templates can provide you with a starting point and help you structure your thoughts.

Tools and Resources to Help You Create a Unique Mission Statement

When searching for mission statement generators and templates, consider the following resources:

  • Online Mission Statement Generators: These tools provide a guided approach to crafting a mission statement tailored to your school's specific needs.
  • Sample Mission Statements: Studying examples of well-crafted mission statements can help inspire and inform your own statement.
  • Mission Statement Templates: Templates offer a framework that can be customized to fit your school's unique characteristics.

By leveraging these tools and resources, you can unlock your creativity and create a mission statement that truly reflects the essence of your school.

Inspiring Examples: Mission Statements for Elementary Schools

Mission statements for elementary schools should reflect the unique needs and educational approach of young students. Here are 10 engaging mission statements for elementary education that can serve as inspiration:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to inspire a lifelong love of learning and nurture each child's natural curiosity."
  • Example 2: "We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values respect, kindness, and a growth mindset, empowering students to reach their full potential."
  • Example 4: "We believe in fostering creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration to prepare our students for success in an ever-changing world."
  • Example 5: "Our mission is to ignite a passion for learning, cultivate a strong foundation of knowledge, and foster a sense of responsibility in our students."
  • Example 6: "We are dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that embraces the whole child, fostering their intellectual, emotional, and physical growth."
  • Example 7: "Our school community celebrates diversity, promotes empathy, and empowers students to make a positive impact on the world."
  • Example 8: "We strive to instill a love of learning, a sense of resilience, and a commitment to excellence in each and every student."
  • Example 9: "Our mission is to cultivate a nurturing and joyful learning environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired."
  • Example 10: "We are dedicated to equipping our students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become compassionate global citizens."

These inspiring mission statements can serve as a starting point for crafting a compelling statement that captures the essence of your elementary school.

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Guiding the Transition: Mission Statements for Middle Schools

Middle school is a critical time of transition for students, and a well-crafted mission statement can help guide their educational journey. Here are examples of mission statements that capture the middle school experience:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to provide a supportive and challenging learning environment that empowers middle school students to excel academically and personally."
  • Example 2: "We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging, promoting self-discovery, and preparing students for success in high school and beyond."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values curiosity, collaboration, and resilience, empowering middle school students to become lifelong learners."
  • Example 4: "We believe in nurturing the unique talents and abilities of each student, promoting self-confidence and a love of learning."

These mission statements can serve as a guide when crafting your own statement for a middle school, incorporating the unique challenges and opportunities that this transitional stage presents.

Shaping the Future: Mission Statements for High Schools

High school is a formative period in a student's life, where they prepare for higher education and future careers. Here are examples of inspiring mission statements that reflect the goals of high school education:

  • Example 1: "Our mission is to ignite a passion for lifelong learning, empower students to think critically, and prepare them for a successful future."
  • Example 2: "We are dedicated to fostering a love of knowledge, promoting academic excellence, and cultivating leadership skills in our high school students."
  • Example 3: "Our school community values integrity, diversity, and personal growth, equipping students with the skills and values they need to thrive in the 21st century."
  • Example 4: "We believe in providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world."

These mission statements reflect the goals and aspirations of a high school education, emphasizing the importance of academic excellence, personal growth, and preparing students for future success.

Crafting a compelling mission statement is a powerful way to communicate the values and goals of your school. By defining the purpose, understanding the key objectives, and following a step-by-step guide, you can create a mission statement that inspires and guides your entire school community. Unlock your creativity by using mission statement generators and templates, and find inspiration in the examples provided for elementary, middle, and high schools. Implementing a well-crafted mission statement can have a profound impact on your school's culture and ensure a bright future for your students.

examples of vision and mission statements in education

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Mission Statement for Education Industry

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examples of vision and mission statements in education

Immerse yourself in the world of education through our comprehensive guide, offering mission statement examples specific to the education industry. Here, you’ll gain insights into how successful educational institutions frame their purpose, ambition, and value proposition. This guide is a must-read for educators, administrators, and education leaders aiming to craft a compelling mission statement that effectively communicates their organization’s commitment to enriching lives through quality education. Discover how to write a mission statement that resonates with your stakeholders and aligns with your core educational values.

What is the Best Example of Education Industry Mission Statement?

One of the finest examples of an education industry mission statement comes from Harvard University: “To educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.”

Harvard’s mission statement succinctly communicates its commitment to the education of individuals who will make a difference in the world, embodying both their goal as an institution and the fundamental purpose of education itself. It exemplifies a commitment to empowering students, fostering leaders, and facilitating societal progress through education.

100 Mission Statements of Top Educational Brands / Institutions in the World

Dive into the educational philosophies of the globe’s leading institutions with our curated list of mission statements. These powerful declarations embody each institution’s commitment to educational excellence, societal transformation, and student empowerment, offering a unique glimpse into their values and vision for the future.

1. Harvard University: “To educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education.”

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): “To advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.”

3. University of Cambridge: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

4. Stanford University: “To create a culture of excellence and an inclusive community that values diversity and fosters collaboration, innovation, creativity, respect, and social responsibility.”

5. University of Oxford: “To lead in areas of national and global significance through the transformative power of education and research.”

6. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): “To expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.”

7. University of Chicago: “To produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory, and public policy.”

8. Princeton University: “To serve humanity by educating leaders for a global society and advancing the frontiers of knowledge.”

9. Columbia University: “To transform the traditional learning experience and to enhance our understanding of the world, through the power of research, innovation, and discovery.”

10. Yale University: “To create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge, to educate leaders who will serve all sectors of society, and to encourage the search for truth, even when it leads in unexpected directions.”

11. University of California, Berkeley: “To provide leadership in teaching, research, and public service and to generate and disseminate knowledge, fostering creativity, and shaping the global future.”

12. University of Pennsylvania: “To advance the well-being of the people of the world, through the power of learning, innovation, and the promotion of health.”

13. University of Michigan: “To serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future.”

14. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich): “To provide a superior technical education that emphasizes the understanding and development of fundamental principles.”

15. University of Tokyo: “To contribute to global society through the pursuit of education, research, and public service, rooted in the spirit of liberal and practical education.”

16. University of Toronto: “To serve the public interest by advancing human potential and promoting a just society through education, scholarship, and engagement with our communities.”

17. Cornell University: “To discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge; to educate the next generation of global citizens; and to promote a culture of broad inquiry throughout and beyond the Cornell community.”

18. University College London: “To empower our students and staff to work together to influence the world through impactful research, innovation, and education.”

19. Johns Hopkins University: “To educate our students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”

20. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): “To create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge for the betterment of our global society.”

21. Peking University: “To strive for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, and to foster talents with a harmonious integration of profound humanistic spirit, scientific spirit, and the spirit of seeking truth from facts.”

22. National University of Singapore: “To transform the way people think and do things through education, research and service, and create a better world for all.”

23. Tsinghua University: “To promote the development of science and technology for the benefit of mankind, and to cultivate future leaders who can change the world.”

24. Australian National University: “To be a world-leading university, recognised internationally for our distinctive contributions to society through the pursuit of knowledge, education, and research at the highest levels of excellence.”

25. Duke University: “To engage in erudition, research, teaching, and service that benefit society and contribute to the betterment of the human condition.”

26. University of British Columbia: “To inspire people, ideas, and actions for a better world.”

27. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: “To be the nation’s leading public university by extending the frontiers of knowledge and creativity, nurturing a culture of discovery, and preparing students to become thoughtful, responsible citizens of the world.”

28. London School of Economics: “To provide the best means of learning about the social world, its basic structures, and the principles upon which it works.”

29. University of Melbourne: “To enrich our understanding of the world, foster a global community, advance health and wellbeing, and celebrate diversity.”

30. McGill University: “To provide our students with the best education available, create knowledge through research and scholarship, address important social issues, and strive for innovation in all that we do.”

31. University of Sydney: “To be a global leader in academic inquiry and education, and to empower our community to change the world around us.”

32. King’s College London: “To educate informed and critical thinkers who can shape society, and to investigate the most pressing questions of the twenty-first century.”

33. University of Pennsylvania: “To advance knowledge, to foster learning, to cultivate talent, and to galvanize the power of new thinking.”

34. University of Michigan: “To serve the people by creating and disseminating knowledge, fostering intellectual growth, and developing leaders who can make a positive difference in the world.”

35. Yale University: “To improve the world today and for future generations through outstanding research and scholarship, education, preservation, and practice.”

36. Princeton University: “To advance learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality, with an emphasis on undergraduate and doctoral education that is distinctive among the world’s great universities.”

37. University of Cambridge: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

38. Oxford University: “To lead the world in research and education, and engage with society to transform the world for the better.”

39. Stanford University: “To become a purposeful university, driven by a spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship and public service.”

40. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “To advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.”

41. Harvard University: “To create knowledge, to open the minds of students to that knowledge, and to enable students to take best advantage of their educational opportunities.”

42. California Institute of Technology: “To expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.”

43. University of Chicago: “To produce a caliber of teaching and research that regularly leads to advances in fields such as medicine, biology, physics, economics, critical theory, and the arts.”

44. Columbia University: “To engage with the world, through teaching and learning, to challenge ideas, reinvent understanding and contribute to society.”

45. University of California, Berkeley: “To distinguish itself as a leader in teaching, scholarship, and public service.”

46. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: “To improve health and health equity in the UK and worldwide; working in partnership to achieve excellence in public and global health research, education and translation of knowledge into policy and practice.”

47. University of São Paulo: “To generate, disseminate, and apply innovative, integrated, interdisciplinary knowledge, placing science, art, and culture at the service of society.”

48. University of Edinburgh: “To create, share and apply knowledge in free and open intellectual inquiry and ensure our research, teaching and learning is accessible, inclusive and relevant.”

49. Karolinska Institute: “To improve human health through the pursuit of excellence in research, education, contributions to society, and clinical practice.”

50. University of Oslo: “To gain and disseminate knowledge and understanding for the benefit of humankind.”

51. University of Zurich: “To offer high-quality education, generate knowledge, and provide services that benefit society, science, and business.”

52. University of Paris: “To serve society as an international and interdisciplinary hub of knowledge, promoting innovation, creativity, and the cross-pollination of ideas.”

53. University of Hong Kong: “To nurture globally-minded graduates with an in-depth understanding of Asia, and to advance knowledge through research and scholarship in areas of world importance.”

54. University of Toronto: “Boundlessly curious and rigorously intellectual, we aim to redefine the role of a leading research university.”

55. University of Tokyo: “To cultivate global leaders with a broad perspective and creative vision, inquisitive minds and cultural sophistication along with a strong sense of social responsibility.”

56. University of Singapore: “To influence the future through nurturing talents, advancing knowledge and impacting society to create a better world.”

57. University of British Columbia: “Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.”

58. The University of Adelaide: “To be consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and a destination of choice for high-performing researchers, students, government and industry partners.”

59. University of Copenhagen: “To provide research and research-based teaching at the highest international level within all the main areas of science.”

60. University of Montreal: “To generate and transfer knowledge to train competent, responsible, and innovative individuals, to promote understanding, progress, and academic excellence.”

61. University of Vienna: “To promote a broad spectrum of research areas in a wide range of fields and disciplines, and to ensure the balanced development of these areas.”

62. University of Dublin: “To provide a liberal environment where independent thinking is highly valued and where staff and students are nurtured and empowered to achieve their potential and contribute to the benefit of society.”

63. University of Wisconsin-Madison: “To offer broad and balanced academic programs that are mutually reinforcing and emphasize high-quality and creative instruction at all levels.”

64. University of Washington: “To advance intellectual discovery and enrich the quality of life as the preeminent public research university in the state, nation, and world.”

65. Peking University: “To advance knowledge, to inspire students, and to promote the well-being of society.”

66. Seoul National University: “To create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future.”

67. Tsinghua University: “To cultivate innovative leaders and advance knowledge for humanity in the spirit of “self-discipline and social commitment.”

68. University of Illinois: “To enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world through leadership in learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development.”

69. University of Texas: “To transform lives for the benefit of society through the core values of learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility.”

70. Boston University: “To be the leading institution for the study, research, and teaching of all aspects of human culture and development.”

71. University of Zurich: “To offer high-quality education, generate knowledge, and provide services that benefit society, science, and business.”

72. University of Paris: “To serve society as an international and interdisciplinary hub of knowledge, promoting innovation, creativity, and the cross-pollination of ideas.”

73. University of Hong Kong: “To nurture globally-minded graduates with an in-depth understanding of Asia, and to advance knowledge through research and scholarship in areas of world importance.”

74. University of Toronto: “Boundlessly curious and rigorously intellectual, we aim to redefine the role of a leading research university.”

75. University of Tokyo: “To cultivate global leaders with a broad perspective and creative vision, inquisitive minds and cultural sophistication along with a strong sense of social responsibility.”

76. University of Singapore: “To influence the future through nurturing talents, advancing knowledge and impacting society to create a better world.”

77. University of British Columbia: “Inspiring people, ideas and actions for a better world.”

78. The University of Adelaide: “To be consistently ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and a destination of choice for high-performing researchers, students, government and industry partners.”

79. University of Copenhagen: “To provide research and research-based teaching at the highest international level within all the main areas of science.”

80. University of Montreal: “To generate and transfer knowledge to train competent, responsible, and innovative individuals, to promote understanding, progress, and academic excellence.”

81. University of Vienna: “To promote a broad spectrum of research areas in a wide range of fields and disciplines, and to ensure the balanced development of these areas.”

82. University of Dublin: “To provide a liberal environment where independent thinking is highly valued and where staff and students are nurtured and empowered to achieve their potential and contribute to the benefit of society.”

83. University of Wisconsin-Madison: “To offer broad and balanced academic programs that are mutually reinforcing and emphasize high-quality and creative instruction at all levels.”

84. University of Washington: “To advance intellectual discovery and enrich the quality of life as the preeminent public research university in the state, nation, and world.”

85. Peking University: “To advance knowledge, to inspire students, and to promote the well-being of society.”

86. Seoul National University: “To create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future.”

87. Tsinghua University: “To cultivate innovative leaders and advance knowledge for humanity in the spirit of “self-discipline and social commitment.”

88. University of Illinois: “To enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world through leadership in learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development.”

89. University of Texas: “To transform lives for the benefit of society through the core values of learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility.”

90. Boston University: “To be the leading institution for the study, research, and teaching of all aspects of human culture and development.”

91. Columbia University: “To advance knowledge and learning at the highest level and convey the products of its efforts to the world.”

92. Oxford University: “To lead the world in research and education by engaging with people and society, to bring benefits to all.”

93. Cambridge University: “To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.”

94. University of California, Berkeley: “To generate, disseminate, and preserve knowledge and to serve our state and society through broadly accessible education.”

95. Cornell University: “To discover, preserve, and disseminate knowledge, to educate the next generation of global citizens, and to promote a culture of broad inquiry.”

96. Johns Hopkins University: “To educate our students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.”

97. Pennsylvania State University: “To foster excellence in teaching, research, and service, and to cultivate and inspire a diverse community of lifelong learners.”

98. Duke University: “To engage in the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge to better the future and fulfill the global societal need.”

99. Brown University: “To serve the community, the nation, and the world by discovering, communicating, and preserving knowledge and understanding in a spirit of free inquiry.”

100. University of Notre Dame: “To strive for preeminence as a Catholic university, to seek truth, and to nurture a culture of service in the common pursuit of human solidarity and the common good.”

100 Mission Statement Examples for Education Industry for you to Inspire and Copy

Mission Statement Examples for Education Industry

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Inspire your educational journey with this unique compilation of 100 mission statements. Each carefully crafted example resonates with the educational industry’s vibrant ethos, serving as a valuable resource for institutions striving for a profound and impactful mission.

  • “Nurturing the creators of tomorrow through comprehensive education and innovative thinking.”
  • “Igniting the light of knowledge, fostering intellectual growth, and shaping global citizens.”
  • “Empowering students with transformative learning experiences to shape the future of science and technology.”
  • “Molding well-rounded individuals by integrating holistic education with cultural, ethical, and global awareness.”
  • “Navigating students towards their goals through premier education and lifelong learning opportunities.”
  • “Sailing minds to distant shores of knowledge, creativity, and innovation.”
  • “Kindling young minds to explore, learn, and grow in an inclusive and nurturing environment.”
  • “Scaling the heights of academic excellence through critical thinking and creative problem-solving.”
  • “Promoting dynamic conversations that inspire innovation and drive the exchange of ideas.”
  • “Providing a panoramic view of education that inspires academic exploration and fosters personal growth.”
  • “Empowering students to build a better future through innovative education.”
  • “To provide an inclusive environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and diversity.”
  • “Promoting an immersive learning experience to shape future global leaders.”
  • “Cultivating ethical and intellectual growth through a challenging curriculum.”
  • “Championing lifelong learning and responsible citizenship in a global society.”
  • “Committed to nurturing students’ abilities to think critically, communicate effectively, and contribute positively to society.”
  • “Guiding students to be responsible learners, ready to navigate their path in life.”
  • “Developing world-class scholars who will lead with integrity, innovate with determination, and impact the world.”
  • “Committed to fostering an academic environment that stimulates curiosity, discovery, and personal growth.”
  • “Fostering an inclusive community that champions high-quality education and promotes lifelong learning.”
  • “Building a foundation for lifelong learning and the development of intellectual curiosity.”
  • “To inspire learners to reach their full potential and contribute positively to society.”
  • “Committed to developing innovative thinkers who are dedicated to positive global impact.”
  • “Dedicated to providing a challenging and inclusive learning environment that fosters creativity and resilience.”
  • “Cultivating the leaders of tomorrow by fostering personal growth, innovation, and resilience.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to achieve their goals.”
  • “Promoting the pursuit of knowledge and the development of innovative thinkers for a sustainable future.”
  • “Providing an environment that fosters personal and professional development, empowering students to excel.”
  • “Encouraging lifelong learning, critical thinking, and innovation as the foundations for a successful future.”
  • “Developing creative minds, fostering integrity, and promoting individual growth for a brighter future.”
  • “To create an intellectually stimulating environment that fosters student success and academic excellence.”
  • “Providing the tools and environment to develop innovative thinkers and compassionate leaders.”
  • “Driving change and impacting the future through high-quality education.”
  • “Committed to nurturing the whole student, preparing them for a life of passion and purpose.”
  • “Cultivating an inclusive environment that champions diversity, respect, and personal growth.”
  • “Inspiring students to excel acadically and socially, ready to positively contribute to the world.”
  • “Fostering a culture of excellence, curiosity, and respect, shaping well-rounded, lifelong learners.”
  • “Empowering students to create solutions to global challenges through quality education.”
  • “Providing an environment where curiosity is nurtured, intellect is engaged, and discovery is celebrated.”
  • “To challenge and inspire students to reach their fullest potential and make a difference in the world.”
  • “Dedicated to transforming lives and societies through high-quality education and innovative research.”
  • “Shaping future leaders through holistic education and the cultivation of critical thinking skills.”
  • “Committed to fostering intellectual growth, creativity, and integrity in an inclusive learning environment.”
  • “To inspire, engage and empower learners to lead with empathy and integrity.”
  • “Cultivating a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world.”
  • “Providing transformative learning experiences that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.”
  • “Preparing students for a life of learning, leadership, and positive societal impact.”
  • “Driving academic excellence while cultivating leaders who change the world.”
  • “Championing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning.”
  • “Dedicated to the development of intellectual curiosity, ethical character, and social responsibility.”
  • “Striving to deliver a broad-based education that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and global awareness.”
  • “To educate and inspire students to be responsible, productive citizens in a diverse and competitive world.”
  • “Committed to developing an educational environment that stimulates intellectual curiosity and personal growth.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering academic excellence, critical thinking, and societal contribution in all our students.”
  • “Creating lifelong learners equipped with the skills and knowledge to adapt and succeed in a changing world.”
  • “Inspiring curiosity, encouraging critical thinking, and empowering students to take ownership of their education.”
  • “Nurturing a culture of intellectual and personal growth, empowering students to lead positive change in the world.”
  • “Engaging learners in an environment that encourages exploration, creativity, and academic excellence.”
  • “To develop responsible global citizens through a comprehensive and well-rounded education.”
  • “Creating a stimulating learning environment that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and holistic development.”
  • “Dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive learning community committed to intellectual curiosity and personal growth.”
  • “Inspiring students to pursue lifelong learning, critical thinking, and responsible global citizenship.”
  • “To foster academic excellence, critical thinking, and personal growth in an inclusive and supportive learning environment.”
  • “Providing an environment where learners are empowered to achieve academic and personal success.”
  • “Developing engaged, empathetic learners who make a positive impact on the world.”
  • “To foster a culture of academic excellence, social responsibility, and innovative thinking in all our students.”
  • “Creating an educational environment that stimulates curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages lifelong learning.”
  • “Providing students with a transformative education that equips them for a rapidly changing world.”
  • “Guiding learners to realize their full potential through a holistic and inclusive education.”
  • “Creating an environment of intellectual rigor and personal development, where learners become leaders.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and critical thinking.”
  • “Promoting a culture of academic excellence, ethical leadership, and social responsibility among students.”
  • “To prepare students for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service in an ever-changing global society.”
  • “Creating an inclusive and innovative learning environment that fosters personal growth and intellectual curiosity.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a passion for learning, critical thinking, and global citizenship in all students.”
  • “Striving to create a vibrant and inclusive learning community that inspires students to realize their full potential.”
  • “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.”
  • “Committed to fostering a culture of academic rigor, social responsibility, and innovative thinking.”
  • “Striving to create an environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and global citizenship.”
  • “Providing a transformative education that prepares students for success in an increasingly interconnected world.”
  • “Dedicated to promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among students.”
  • “Creating an inclusive learning community that nurtures curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages personal growth.”
  • “To cultivate a learning environment that inspires students to become responsible global citizens and lifelong learners.”
  • “Striving to foster a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility among our students.”
  • “Creating a vibrant learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of academic rigor, innovative thinking, and ethical leadership among students.”
  • “To prepare students to lead and excel in an ever-changing world through our commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service.”
  • “Promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Committed to creating a learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.”
  • “Creating a diverse and inclusive learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and global citizenship.”
  • “Fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”
  • “To develop future leaders who can drive change and solve the complex challenges of our world.”
  • “Promoting academic excellence, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Creating an inclusive and vibrant learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and personal growth.”
  • “Committed to creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”
  • “Striving to create a diverse and inclusive learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution.”
  • “Dedicated to promoting intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and global citizenship among our students.”
  • “Committed to fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.”

Mission Statement Examples for School

Building the foundation for tomorrow’s leaders, our school cultivates an environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility. See more Mission statement examples for schools

1. “To provide a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 2. “Fostering lifelong learning, promoting intellectual curiosity, and creating responsible global citizens.” 3. “To foster an environment of respect and understanding, inspiring students to reach their highest potential.” 4. “Encouraging every child to explore, learn and grow in a nurturing and diverse environment.” 5. “To cultivate a love for learning, inspire creativity, and prepare students for the opportunities of tomorrow.” 6. “Nurturing a culture of intellectual and personal growth, empowering students to lead positive change in the world.” 7. “To instill a love for learning, encourage creative thinking, and equip students with the skills necessary for success.” 8. “Creating an inclusive community of learners where every child can succeed and make a difference.” 9. “To provide a rigorous and enriching educational experience that prepares students for future success.” 10. “Empowering students to explore their passions, develop their talents, and become leaders in their communities.”

Mission Statement Examples for College

At the crossroads of innovation and tradition, our college seeks to create an academic community that promotes intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and civic responsibility.

1. “Promoting intellectual growth, leadership skills, and ethical awareness to prepare students for the complexities of today’s world.” 2. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 3. “Creating a dynamic, inclusive academic community that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.” 4. “To provide an enriching and challenging educational experience that prepares students for professional success and civic leadership.” 5. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to lifelong learning and civic responsibility.” 6. “To create a transformative educational experience that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.” 7. “Providing a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and social responsibility.” 8. “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.” 9. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 10. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and civic leadership.”

Mission Statement Examples for University

Dedicated to the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge, our university prepares students to lead, innovate, and make a significant impact on the world.

1. “Creating a culture of academic rigor and innovation that prepares students to lead in a diverse and interconnected world.” 2. “To foster an environment of intellectual curiosity, ethical leadership, and societal contribution among our students.” 3. “Developing global leaders through a comprehensive and inclusive education that prepares students to thrive in an increasingly complex world.” 4. “To promote intellectual growth, ethical leadership, and societal contribution among our students.” 5. “Creating a diverse and inclusive academic community that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and societal contribution.” 6. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.” 7. “Creating an environment of academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility to prepare students for the opportunities of the future.” 8. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 9. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and societal contribution.” 10. “Providing a comprehensive and inclusive education that prepares students for the complexities of today’s world.”

Mission Statement Examples for Students

Cultivating the leaders of tomorrow, our mission is to foster an environment that inspires students to learn, grow, and make a meaningful impact on society. See mission statement examples for students

1. “To become lifelong learners who strive for excellence, contribute to their communities, and lead meaningful lives.” 2. “To learn, grow, and succeed in a supportive and inclusive environment.” 3. “Becoming global citizens who value learning, respect diversity, and contribute positively to society.” 4. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute to community, and become responsible leaders.” 5. “To become responsible learners who strive for excellence, make a positive impact on society, and lead fulfilling lives.” 6. “Learning to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society and lead meaningful lives.” 7. “To become successful learners who respect diversity, contribute to their communities, and lead fulfilling lives.” 8. “Becoming responsible learners who value personal growth, community contribution, and lifelong learning.” 9. “To learn, grow, and succeed in a supportive and diverse environment.” 10. “Becoming lifelong learners who strive for excellence, contribute positively to society, and lead meaningful lives.”

Personal Mission Statement Examples for Students

As a student, my personal mission is to develop my knowledge, skills, and values to contribute to the betterment of society and lead a fulfilling life. These Personal mission statement examples for students will help achieving the student goals.

1. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute positively to my community, and lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.” 2. “To become a lifelong learner, make a positive impact on society, and lead

a fulfilling life.” 3. “My mission is to learn, grow, and succeed in order to contribute positively to society and lead a meaningful life.” 4. “To pursue academic excellence, contribute to my community, and become a responsible and ethical leader.” 5. “My mission is to learn and grow in order to contribute positively to my community and lead a fulfilling life.” 6. “To become a responsible learner, contribute positively to my community, and lead a meaningful life.” 7. “My mission is to pursue academic excellence, contribute to my community, and lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.” 8. “To learn, grow, and succeed in order to make a positive impact on society and lead a fulfilling life.” 9. “My mission is to become a lifelong learner, contribute positively to society, and lead a fulfilling life.” 10. “To pursue academic excellence, make a positive impact on society, and lead a fulfilling life.”

Mission Statement Examples for High School

Nurturing the next generation of leaders, our high school fosters an environment that promotes intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility. See high school mission statements .

1. “To provide an enriching, challenging, and supportive learning environment that prepares students for future success.” 2. “Fostering a culture of lifelong learning, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 3. “To create a diverse and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.” 4. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to social responsibility among our students.” 5. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 6. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters intellectual growth, and prepares students for future success.” 7. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility among our students.” 8. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 9. “To provide a rigorous, comprehensive education that prepares students for the opportunities of the future.” 10. “Creating a dynamic learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.”

Mission Statement Examples for Primary School

Setting the foundation for lifelong learning, our primary school provides a nurturing and engaging environment where every child can thrive.

1. “To provide a nurturing, inclusive environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 2. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters curiosity, and encourages personal growth.” 3. “To inspire a love for learning, promote academic excellence, and encourage personal growth among our students.” 4. “Fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and a love for learning among our students.” 5. “To cultivate a love for learning, encourage creativity, and prepare students for the opportunities of the future.” 6. “Creating an inclusive community of learners where every child can thrive and make a difference.” 7. “To instill a love for learning, encourage creative thinking, and equip students with the skills necessary for success.” 8. “Fostering lifelong learning, promoting intellectual curiosity, and creating responsible global citizens.” 9. “To provide a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.” 10. “Inspiring every child to explore, learn, and grow in a nurturing and diverse environment.”

Mission Statement Examples for Middle School

At the cusp of transformation, our middle school aims to provide a supportive, engaging, and challenging environment that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility.

1. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, innovative thinking, and social responsibility.” 2. “Creating a dynamic learning community that fosters intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and social responsibility.” 3. “To provide an enriching, challenging, and supportive learning environment that prepares students for future success.” 4. “Promoting academic excellence, leadership skills, and social responsibility among our students.” 5. “To cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity, personal growth, and societal contribution among our students.” 6. “Creating a learning community that values diversity, fosters intellectual growth, and prepares students for future success.” 7. “Promoting intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and a commitment to social responsibility among our students.” 8. “To foster an environment that encourages academic excellence, personal growth, and societal contribution.” 9. “Providing a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual growth, personal development, and social responsibility.” 10. “To educate and empower students to become compassionate leaders and lifelong learners.”

Understanding the Importance of a Mission Statement in Education

A mission statement in education serves as a guiding star, delineating the core purpose, objectives, and values of an educational institution. It provides direction to the administration, faculty, students, and parents, forming the backbone of the institution’s culture and ethos. The mission statement is the institution’s pledge to its stakeholders, outlining its commitment to learning, growth, and success.

Key Elements of an Effective Educational Mission Statement

Crafting an effective mission statement for an educational institution involves a blend of aspiration and realism. It’s not merely about lofty goals but about achievable objectives that resonate with everyone connected to the institution. Key elements include:

Purpose and Goals: The mission statement should clearly articulate the institution’s primary purpose and its long-term educational goals. Values and Principles: The core values that the institution abides by and the principles it upholds must be central to the mission statement. Sense of Community: The mission statement should foster a sense of community and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels valued and part of the journey. Future Orientation: The mission statement should look ahead, reflecting the institution’s commitment to evolve with changing educational needs and societal trends.

Steps to Crafting an Education Industry Mission Statement

Creating an effective mission statement requires thoughtful deliberation and participation from key stakeholders. The process involves:

Assessment: Understand the current situation, strengths, weaknesses, and unique features of the institution. Identify Core Values: Identify the values and principles that lie at the heart of the institution’s philosophy and methodology. Set Goals: Define clear, concise, and achievable goals that align with the institution’s purpose and values. Stakeholder Participation: Engage faculty, staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders in the crafting process to ensure their commitment to the mission. Finalization and Communication: Finalize the mission statement and communicate it effectively to all stakeholders, making it an integral part of the institution’s identity.

Transforming an Educational Institution Through a Powerful Mission Statement

A mission statement has the power to effect a significant transformation in an educational institution. It can shift the institution’s focus, improve stakeholder involvement, and enhance performance outcomes.

Institutions that have adopted robust mission statements have seen marked improvements in their culture, with a greater emphasis on collective goals and shared values. They’ve reported increased student performance and satisfaction, more involved and committed faculty, and a stronger bond with parents and the community.

A powerful mission statement truly becomes the soul of the institution, guiding its every decision and permeating its every action. It sets the institution apart and paves the way for its growth, success, and reputation.


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examples of vision and mission statements in education

MSU Extension

Early childhood education vision and mission statements.

Kittie Butcher, Michigan State University Extension , and Janet Pletcher, Lansing Community College - August 29, 2016

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If our vision statement is our destination, then our mission statement is the vehicle that takes us to our destination.

Vision statements are what we imagine in a perfect world; they are an idea we want to see occur someday. They are big ideas that address complex problems or situations, not something that is going to be achieved in a few years. When Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I have a dream” speech, he addressed how he envisioned a world of peace and justice. He said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” He did not think it was going to happen in a few years because he knew that anger, fear and injustice were embedded deeply in the thoughts, feelings and actions of the people of our nation. He made that speech in 1963, more than 50 years ago. His dream is not yet realized, but many people have changed and, more importantly, that dream still guides many people.

Vision statements have a foundation in core values. These are basic beliefs people hold dear. Values such as freedom, honesty, justice and equality of opportunity are some of the basic beliefs most Americans cherish. Often, a person’s values derive from the family and their early years. Early childhood care and education programs, as organizations that serve families and young children, recognize that values are important and central to our visions and our missions.

Examples of vision statements

The following are some examples of vision statements from a variety of businesses and organizations:

  • Help people around the world to eat and live better – Kraft Foods
  • To make people happy – The Disney Corporation
  • A computer on every desk and in every home; all running Microsoft software – Microsoft

What would be an appropriate and inspiring vision for an early childhood education program?

What is a mission statement?

If vision statements are about why we do what we do, then mission statements are about how we do it. They usually emphasize a verb such as “provide,” “establish” or “help.” Verbs are action words, so they express how we implement our vision.

Some examples include:

  • Spreading Ideas – TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design)
  • Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty – The Humane Society
  • We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies – March of Dimes

Early care and educational profession

What about early care and education programs? What kind of vision and mission do we have when we think about our profession and its services? Addressing questions that define our profession, Stacie Goffin and Valora Washington ask, “What is the early care and education field’s defining intent?” in “ Ready or Not (Early Childhood Education Series) .” Margie Carter and Deb Curtis offer some suggestions in their first chapter of “ The Visionary Director .” Other possible choices for the purpose of your program include:

  • Provide a safe place for children to be while parents are at work or school.
  • Provide a place where children will be able to learn foundation skills to be ready for kindergarten.
  • Provide a place where children and adults will be able to participate in a wide range of experiences and develop their full potential.
  • Provide a place where children can learn life skills to interrupt the cycle of poverty.

Holly Elissa Bruno in “ Leading on Purpose: Emotionally Intelligent Early Childhood Administration ” suggests seven standards for mission statements. They should:

  • Inspire everyone who hears it.
  • Empower staff to find their own purpose with the greater mission.
  • Shine steadily like a lighthouse when storms bluster.
  • Set a standard for quality performance.
  • Reflect our deepest core values.
  • Inform every decision.
  • Remain timeless.

It may seem like a lot of criteria to take into account, but a well-thought-out vision and mission statement can fulfill these guidelines. Reflecting on just one criteria, “inform every decision,” we see that mission statements can provide a touchstone for every aspect of an early childhood program. From budget development to staff evaluations to relationships with families, if we keep our mission in the forefront of our minds, then we can be guided by its precepts.

For example, if our mission focuses on preparing children for kindergarten, we may not be flexible about our schedules and when families bring their children to the program. Our hours may be set so that children have to participate in the full routine/schedule of activities. If we focus on providing a safe care place, our hours will be more flexible to meet the needs of the families.

Thinking about how we treat personnel is another area that can be guided by a mission statement. If we focus on “providing a place where children and adults will be able to participate in a wide range of experiences and develop their full potential,” then it would make sense for our program to support professional development for teachers and other staff.

What would be an appropriate and inspiring mission for an early care and education program?

For more articles on early childhood education, child development, academic success, parenting and life skill development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension . For more information, visit https://extension.msu.edu . To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension.msu.edu/newsletters . To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu.edu/experts , or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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The Value of Setting a Clear School Vision This Year

Leaders who remind their staff of the school’s vision and focus on established goals can build capacity for the future.

Illustration concept for leadership

Leading during Covid-19 is hard. We have categorically changed the way we’ve done school, and we are putting out new fires daily while traversing not only a global pandemic but a reckoning surrounding racism and polarized politics. None of that is easy.

In challenging circumstances, building and district leaders often tend toward cheerleading—a commendable and appropriate response. But we cannot lose sight of the entirety of that word: The leading matters as much as the cheering.

Here’s how I’ve kept myself accountable to the leadership aspect of my role as principal.

Setting a Vision

The amazing thing about educators is that they can quite literally do anything; I’ve seen this over and over again as they try to retrofit traditional in-person learning to remote learning and perfect direct virtual instruction in a matter of weeks.

But educators are human, which means they cannot do everything, including doing everything exactly the way they did before the pandemic. They’re exhausted by trying to replicate classrooms and instruction in the face of an entirely new paradigm; everything winds up having equal importance when the disruption is that extreme.

This is where good leaders, irrespective of the level of leadership, step in: They make sure that teachers know what the priorities are and that they remain inspired and guided by a single vision—and that takes leading, not cheering.

Cheering alone subtly and unintentionally communicates that teachers should try to do everything—that doing so is a valuable and even noble endeavor—and it can encourage educators who already feel overwhelmed to take on even more. Cheering alone provides no direction forward; it simply encourages the same behavior.

Leading, however, directs. It involves expressing the fact that while you believe teachers can do anything, they can’t do everything. With your direction, teachers can keep a laser-like focus on the big picture—the vision—and prioritize the tangible short-term “anything.”

This year at Highland Elementary in Northern Illinois, where I am principal, our vision is that all students make growth on their local formative assessment scores over the first quarter. To move in that direction, we set small, incremental goals to get baseline data, establish classroom relationships and norms, and structure our scope and sequence to meet students’ needs.

This prioritization means that some things have been dropped. By implementing morning meetings to build relationships, we have lost instructional time in other areas. Lessons get pushed off here and there to make sure that we meet students where they are and get baseline data on each of them.

The vision, however, is what keeps us aligned, and our job as school leaders is to keep teachers focused on that vision. If we don’t, there’s a risk that teachers will become even more overwhelmed and perhaps even demoralized.

Keep the Target Consistent

While a vision clearly defines where we are going, a target defines what success looks like at each step along the way.

We’re often predisposed to raising our expectations—to raising the bar and shifting the target—when things feel good or get easier. We’re also predisposed to lowering our expectations and even lowering the bar when we feel people struggling, just as they are now. But we have to resist that temptation and set and maintain targets.

When the target keeps moving and we cheer rather than lead, we’re unintentionally communicating the impossibility of hitting that target and how little it means to actually hit it. It happens all the time: Leaders cheer for staff who are missing the agreed-upon target but are doing other stuff above and beyond. They get an A for effort. But what does that communicate about our belief in the target and our dedication to our vision?

At my school, we set a target of establishing classroom relationships and norms, and I send direct messages to teachers, cheering for them when I see that happening. But their success in this regard doesn’t mean it’s time to change the target; rather, relationship building remains the target as we continue to move the curriculum forward.

Lead by setting a clear target that defines what is most important—and then cheer when it is hit.

Focus on Relationships With Teachers to Help Them Move Forward

One of the toughest parts about leading during the pandemic is that people are in so many different places mentally and emotionally. In the face of this flux, we must differentiate the strengths and challenges that face each staff member in much the same way that they differentiate their students’ strengths and challenges.

That’s why building relationships is one of a leader’s most important jobs. When you truly engage with teachers and know where they are, you have the information you need to coach them on how to move forward.

A couple of years ago, we did an activity at my school where each staff member identified their three primary core values and levers (trust, integrity, creativity, equity, etc.). Since then, I have cheered for each of them and their individual values and levers when I see them in action. If, for example, a teacher’s core value is equity, I watch for that and cheer for them when they go out of their way to ensure that students have what they need to access learning, whether that means a home visit or a hot spot or a different computer. When I can encourage each teacher based on their core values, the encouragement means more—and it shows that I am in their corner.

One of the greatest pieces of advice I have ever received is “Seek to build capacity no matter the moment.” Despite the challenges we are facing right now, we have an opportunity to create an entirely new way forward—to forge a future that is framed by what we are learning now, including about our responsibility to both lead and cheer for our staff.

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23 University Mission Statement Examples

23 University Mission Statement Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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I compiled a list of university mission statement examples and fed them through a word cloud to find out some words and phrases that would be good to include in a higher education mission.

Some of the most common words in university mission statements are:

  • Global / International / World
  • Classroom and beyond

Here’s the word cloud in visual form:

university mission statement examples

These words give us some idea of what’s are the center of a university’s purpose, and what you should include in your own university mission statement. Connectedness appears to be a central theme (community, global, international, beyond the classroom). Excellence also appears important (excellence, leadership, leading)

Similarly, learning and research remain two central pillars of a university’s purpose and are two common themes within a mission statement.

University Mission Statement Examples

1. Teaching Focused University We are a university with a strong emphasis on student-centered education that prepares our students for a life of service to their community. Our classes are led by leading practitioners in their fields to provide students with real-world skills and enable them to complete their degrees job ready .

2. Research Focused University The mission of the university is to be at the forefront of the advancement of knowledge in the 21st Century through ground-breaking research agendas that inform policy makers, the business community and our teaching.

3. Teaching and Research Focus Our mission is to be a leading educational institution where our teaching is underpinned by the ground-breaking research of our academic staff so students can enter the workforce with innovative skills and knowledge in their chosen fields.

4. Student-Centered At the core of all we do is a focus on our students’ needs as we prepare them for their careers. Our educators are leading educators in our community who work side-by-side with our students in hands-on, innovative and creative learning environments.

5. Prepare Students for Work We are a leader in our community, preparing future leaders for careers within health, education and scientific fields that will serve the community in which we practice. Our educators are focused on skill readiness so all students regardless of background will be able to become successful, competent and confident practitioners.

6. Global Leaders We are a university with a focus on developing leaders with distinctively global perspectives on social, cultural, economic and environmental issues affecting the 21st Century.

7. Community Service Our mission is to develop community-oriented professionals who have the social, emotional and cognitive skills to contribute to our thriving and diverse city. Through job readiness programs underpinned by the latest research, we prepare our students to be connected, empathetic and inclusive members of society.

8. A Liberal Arts College Our mission is to develop critical and creative thinkers who can address the complex and unsolved challenges of tomorrow. We support our students’ creative talents within a diverse and inclusive environment so they can become forces for social justice and humanitarianism at home and abroad.

Read Also: Mission Statements for your Classroom

9. A Christian College Our mission is to promote God’s word through christ-centered teaching. We dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of God’s truth in everything we do while preparing tomorrow’s leaders to serve their community in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. A College that Serves a Diverse Community We are committed to equipping students with the critical thinking skills, intellect, resourcefulness and knowledge to be improve the livelihoods of themselves, their families and their community. We foster an environment that is inclusive, diverse and committed to social justice on campus, in our city, and across the nation.

11. Innovation The university works every day to be an innovator in teaching and learning. We bring together the latest technologies, research-informed knowledge and dynamic learning spaces to identify solutions to the complex global problems of the 21st Century.

12. A Global Perspective Our mission is lead global debates in areas including education, climate, the economy and industry. We do this through pursuing outward-looking blue skies research, collaborating with international research and business partners, and creating learning environments that pursue knowledge from a global perspective.

13. University of Technology We are a technology university that employs creative solutions to address complex problems facing business and industry across the nation. Through innovative information technology systems, our faculty progress the excellence in both research and teaching that we are renowned for.

14. Holistic Education Our mission is to be the institution of choice for liberal arts students seeking a holistic education that assists them to tackle the big questions that our society faces this decade. We encourage our students to pursue a philosophical, spiritual, theoretical and practical education.

15. Business Engagement We connect business, community leaders, researchers and students to create a dynamic community designed to serve all stakeholders . Through pioneering research we help businesses become innovative world leaders and prepare students to become the business leaders of tomorrow.

16. A Progressive College Our mission is to be a leader in pursuing social justice and equality in the communities we serve. Through critical, collaborative and interdisciplinary scholarship we seek solutions to inequalities that affect progress in our community and research avenues for a more inclusive America.

17. A Conservative College Since 1921, our college has been a pillar in the community supporting businesses and enterprise to succeed. We seek excellence in all our teaching and research endeavors and uphold our commitment to free speech and liberty. Our students leave with the leadership and skills

18. Independent Thinkers Our mission is to prepare creative and independent thinkers who are capable and confident global citizens. We provide a public service to our community and nation through generating, collating and preserving interdisciplinary academic knowledge.

19. A Rural University Our university is committed to serving our state’s rural community and the unique needs of our region’s industries. We progress research and education in agricultural and raw minerals industries with the goal of developing innovative solutions to meet the challenges of food and energy security that are key concerns to our region.

20. A City University We are a metropolitan university committed to pursuing solutions to the economic and cultural needs of our internationally connected city. We leverage our position within a world-class city to attract internationally recognized faculty and educate students from across the world.

> Read Also: Library Mission Statement Examples

Real-Life Examples of University Mission Statements

21. Harvard University

The mission of Harvard College is to educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a liberal arts and sciences education. ( See Here )

22. Yale University

Yale is committed to improving the world today and for future generations through outstanding research and scholarship, education, preservation, and practice. Yale educates aspiring leaders worldwide who serve all sectors of society. We carry out this mission through the free exchange of ideas in an ethical, interdependent, and diverse community of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. ( See Here )

23. Kings College London

To provide staff and students with an excellent service in all aspects of academic and student administration. ( See Here )

24. University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne’s enduring purpose is to benefit society through the transformative impact of education and research . ( See Here )

25. University College London

London’s Global University: a diverse intellectual community, engaged with the wider world and committed to changing it for the better; recognised for our radical and critical thinking and its widespread influence; with an outstanding ability to integrate our education, research, innovation and enterprise for the long-term benefit of humanity. ( See Here )

> Read Also: School Vision and Mission Statements

Difference Between Mission, Vision and Values

You may also see that some universities have university vision statements rather than mission statements. While I don’t think there’s a right or wrong about whether you have a vision or mission statement, it’s worth observing the subtle differences:

  • Mission Statements – What we do and how we do it…
  • Vision Statements – Where we’re going and how we’ll get there…
  • Values Statements – What we believe and how that informs everything we do…

You could have all three of these statements for a holistic set of guiding principles , and in fact many universities do.

> Read Also: Childcare Mission Statement Examples

The above university mission statement examples demonstrate how different universities each have their own approaches to teaching and research. Depending on the communities you serve and the founding principles of your institution, you will likely have a slightly different university mission, vision and values. By looking at the statements of other universities, you can develop an idea of what it is you and your stakeholders value so you can create a mission statement that reflects your position within your own community.


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1 thought on “23 University Mission Statement Examples”

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Excellent brief summary of leading universities mission. Highly appreciated

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Difference Between Mission and Vision Statements: 25 Examples

  • Written By Britt Skrabanek
  • Updated: August 13, 2024

Mission. Vision. Values. 

You’ve probably heard that phrase (or something similar) a thousand times. But they’re actually three distinct concepts.

The lines especially blur between mission and vision. And when it comes to the drive and direction of your company, it’s essential to know their distinction from one another. So what’s the real difference between mission and vision statements?

In this in-depth guide, we’ll compare and contrast mission and vision statements. We’ll break down each one’s definition and then discuss the best 25 brand examples that demonstrate their differences. Through that, you’ll be able to better understand and define your company’s essence and direction with confidence and clarity.

The Difference Between a Mission and Vision Statement

This is the easiest way to break it down:

  • The mission statement focuses on today and what the organization does to achieve it.
  • The vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become.

While companies commonly use mission and vision statements interchangeably, it’s important to have both. Because having purpose and meaning is critical for any business, one doesn’t work without the other.

What is the mission statement for your brand?

What is a Mission Statement?

Your mission statement drives the company. It’s the core of the business. From it stems your company’s objectives and what it takes to reach those objectives. Ultimately, it shapes your company’s entire culture.

Mission statement questions look like:

  • What do we do?
  • Whom do we serve?
  • How do we serve them?

This trickle-down effect of a mission statement confirms its value at any company. A solid mission sets up your content operations for success by starting your team all at the same place and motivating them to work together to reach the same end goal.

On the other hand, a weak mission — or no mission at all — can have the opposite effect. Picture this: silos, miscommunications, flailing, feeling unmotivated. And, imagine what that does to a company. Scary, right?

For content marketers

Your content marketing strategy supports your company’s mission statement — think of it as the HOW of what you do.  It helps keep you on track. Through it, you stay true to your brand and your goals. Every piece of content you create should be rooted in your mission statement, from the tone of voice to the call to action .

What is the vision statement for your brand?

What is a Vision Statement?

Your vision statement gives the company direction. It is the future of the business, which then provides the purpose.

The vision statement is aspirational- it’s about what you want to become.

Vision statement questions look like:

  • What are our hopes and dreams?
  • What problem are we solving for the greater good?
  • Who and what are we inspiring to change?

The vision statement promotes growth, both internally and externally. A strong vision helps teams focus on what matters the most for their company. It also invites innovation. A purpose-driven company envisions success as a whole because they know what success means for their company.

On the flip side, a lack of vision is a road to nowhere for a business. Imagine this: stagnation, outdated processes, moving without purpose, feeling uninspired. Can a company even survive without a clear vision? You know the answer to that one.

The content vision supports the company’s vision statement — it’s the WHY of what you do. This helps you stay forward-thinking, true to your beliefs, and true to your purpose. Every piece of content you dream up should fly high with your vision statement, from the inception of an eBook to the lofty blog traffic milestone.

Brands That Get It: 25 Mission and Vision Statement Examples

So, what do great mission and vision statements actually look like? Here are 25 companies that get them right, with the brand loyalty to prove it.

Tesla's mission and vision statements

Mission: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Vision: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Why it works:  What better word than “accelerate” in a mission to serve as the driving force behind what Tesla does. While boldly stating “best in the century” reflects loftier dreams in the vision.

Mission:  We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.

Vision:  To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Why it works:  Amazon’s mission is cut-and-dry about what it offers to customers. The vision takes the offerings further, saying their company will offer “anything” customers want.

Mission:   We’re in business to save our home planet.

Vision: A love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet.

Why it works: Patagonia’s mission and vision statements show a deep commitment to improving lives and saving the planet through its products. They do a great job of using the Noble Edge Effect .

Mission:  Spread ideas.

Vision: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world.

Why it works:  The TED mission to “spread ideas” is a simple demonstration of how they serve. The vision is all about impact, and how spreading ideas invokes change in the world.

Mission:  To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

Vision:  To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

Why it works:  LinkedIn succinctly captures what they do (connect) and who they serve (the world’s professionals) in their mission. While the vision encompasses every working person in the world.

Mission:   To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Vision:  To provide access to the world’s information in one click.

Why it works:  Google may seem complex, but its mission clarifies that organization and accessibility are what they offer. Their vision statement is about improving accessibility in the future “in one click.”

Mission:  We reimagine the way the world moves for the better.

Vision:  Smarter transportation with fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and higher incomes for drivers.

Why it works:  Uber “transports,” so it is the perfect actionable verb for their mission. The vision dives deeper into how their transportation services exist for the greater good of everyone.

Mission: To create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, and we are focused on creating an end-to-end travel platform that will handle every part of your trip.

Vision: Belong everywhere.

Why it works: The Airbnb mission says, “We help you feel at home,” while encapsulating the company’s goals for the future. They explore a deeper sense of belonging in the vision, tapping into the universal human desire their company aims for.

Mission: Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live.

Vision:  If it is smart and connected, it is best with Intel.

Why it works: Intel promises to deliver the most technologically advanced products in its mission. Their vision uses more boastful language, illustrating great confidence in the future of their solutions.

Mission:  We build cars, symbols of Italian excellence the world over, and we do so to win on both road and track. Unique creations that fuel the Prancing Horse legend and generate a “World of Dreams and Emotions.”

Vision:  Ferrari, Italian Excellence that makes the world dream.

Why it works:  “We build to win” in Ferrari’s mission focuses on the strength and quality of their product. In this ambitious vision, their cars will reach the pinnacle of “Italian Excellence.”

Mission: Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs everywhere, making opportunities more inclusive for all.

Vision: Our vision is to radically shift the global economy toward independent entrepreneurial ventures.

Why it works: GoDaddy positions itself as the entrepreneur’s champion, making opportunity and success attainable for all.


Mission: To provide the best value to customers, grow a profitable business, develop and reward people, and encourage social responsibility.

Vision: Be the global leader in customer value.

Why it works: Caterpillar explains both their “how” and their “why” in their mission statement: By providing affordable and high-quality products to customers, they will continue to grow their business, recognize and reward employees, and make a positive impact on the environment. Their vision reaffirms their commitment to providing value.

Mission:  To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America.

Vision:  To be the most successful and respected car company in America.

Why it works:  Toyota’s mission and vision statements demonstrate what they are known for: products and services. Even in a highly competitive industry, their vision states that they will become the best car company in the country.

Mission: We will devote our human resources and technology to creating superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society.

Vision: To inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products, and designs that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.

Why it works: Samsung wants to improve people’s lives by creating exceptional and innovative products, which they make clear in both their mission and vision statements.

Mission:  To empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.

Vision:  Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That’s our commitment.

Why it works:  Wikimedia’s mission motivates its team to move toward a common goal of empowerment and engagement. Their vision paints a future world where their company’s commitment makes a lasting impact.

Mission:  To be the world’s favorite destination for discovering great value and unique selection.

Vision:  Our vision for commerce is one that is enabled by people, powered by technology, and open to everyone.

Why it works: When you break eBay’s mission and vision statements down, you see that eBay’s mission uses “destination” to show their virtual company as a real place people come to. An ongoing focus on people and technology gets into the “why” of their vision.

Mission:  Offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Vision: To create a better everyday life for many people.

Why it Works:  The mission here focuses on the functionality of IKEA’s products and the affordability of their customers. In the vision, the IKEA team has a true sense of purpose in “creating a better everyday life.”

Mission: Shape the future of the internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners.

Vision:  Changing the way we work, live, play, and learn.

Why it works:  Cisco decided to blend its mission and vision statements. Language like “shape the future” is more vision-oriented, but the mission talks about the people they serve.

Mission:  A company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.

Vision: Using our unlimited passion for technology, content, and services to deliver groundbreaking new excitement and entertainment, as only Sony can.

Why it works:  Sony gives a customer-focused touch to its mission by using “your.” The “unlimited passion” and “groundbreaking entertainment” messaging in their vision demonstrate innovation.

Southwest Airlines

Mission: The mission of Southwest Airlines is a dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit.

Vision: To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.

Why it works:  Southwest Airlines tells us right up front that quality customer service is their mission. Their vision is highly aspirational across the board in saying they want to be “the most” of everything.

Mission: Our mission is to provide insightful solutions that drive value and success for our clients by allowing them to focus on their business.

Vision:  Be the world’s authority on helping organizations focus on what matters.

Why it works: ADP puts its clients at the forefront of its mission and vision statements. After all, their clients’ success is what makes them successful.

Kaiser Permanente

Mission: Kaiser Permanente exists to provide high-quality, affordable healthcare services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.

Vision:  We are trusted partners in total health, collaborating with people to help them thrive and creating communities that are among the healthiest in the nation.

Why it works:  Saying “exist” sounds more like a vision statement, but the rest of the mission says what Kaiser Permanente does. In the vision, “thrive” and “healthiest” are big words that show their impact.

Mission:  The mission of Coinbase is to create an open financial system for the world.

Vision:  Digital currency will bring about more innovation, efficiency, and equality of opportunity in the world by creating an open financial system.

Why it works:  Coinbase didn’t sugarcoat what they do in their mission statement, did they? And, in the vision, their message speaks well to the change their company will bring one day.

Mission:  To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.

Vision:  People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Why it works:  Facebook’s mission is focused on the community their platform promises. Their vision talks about why community matters, interweaving how they will “bring the world closer together” from the mission.

Whole Foods

Mission: Our purpose is to nourish people and the planet. We’re a purpose-driven company that aims to set the standards of excellence for food retailers. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market.

Vision: Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.

Why it works:  This mission uses repetition throughout to reinforce the quality that Whole Foods is known for. Making everything “whole” in their vision binds their company to a set of beliefs that they complete people’s lives.

More Mission Statements From Top Brands:

  • Adidas — To be the best sports company in the world.
  • CalArts — CalArts is a multidisciplinary community of artists. Our ongoing educational endeavor is grounded in openness, experimentation, critical engagement, and creative freedom. Through artistic practice, we transform ourselves, each other, and the world.
  • Coca-Cola — To refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit; to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions; to create value and make a difference.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts — Everything we do is about you. From chefs who create exciting new flavors to crew members who know exactly how you want your drink—we prioritize what you need to get you on your way. We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your tastes, and your time. That’s what America runs on.
  • Goodwill — Goodwill works to enhance people’s dignity and quality of life by strengthening their communities, eliminating their barriers to opportunity, and helping them reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.
  • L’Oréal — L’Oréal has set itself the mission of offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy, and safety. By meeting the infinite diversity of beauty needs and desires all over the world.
  • McDonald’s — Our mission is to make delicious feel-good moments easy for everyone.
  • The Met — The mission of The Metropolitan Museum of Art is to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and stimulate appreciation for and advance knowledge of works of art that collectively represent the broadest spectrum of human achievement at the highest level of quality, all in the service of the public and in accordance with the highest professional standards.
  • Microsoft — Our mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.
  • MIT — The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
  • NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) — NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.
  • Nike — Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.
  • Northwestern University  — Northwestern is committed to excellent teaching, innovative research, and the personal and intellectual growth of its students in a diverse academic community.
  • Oprah Winfrey Network — OWN’s mission is to create multiple platforms for women, men, and their families with a purpose and a passion: to celebrate life, inspire and entertain, empower viewers around the world to live their best lives, and by doing so, lift the lives of those around them in ever-widening circles.
  • Pepsi — Create more smiles with every sip and every bite.
  • Shopify — Making commerce better for everyone.
  • Starbucks — To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.
  • Target — To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.
  • Walt Disney Company — The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.

Mission vs. Vision: Know who you are and where you're going

Know Who You Are and Where You’re Going

The mission statement focuses on today and what we do, and the vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what we want to become. Both are important to a company’s survival.

Call it the essence, beating heart, or the defining characteristic — whatever you call it, make sure your mission and vision statements are clearly defined and understood for the sake of your content and your company.

Get a content mission and a content vision statement down on paper. Share it with your team members. Then you can measure your future content efforts against the two. Although they are not slogans or taglines themselves , they should definitely help inform them and all your content.

Knowing who you are and where you’re going is the foundation of an organization’s success. So, who are you? And, where are you going?

Elevate Your Mission and Vision with Expert Content

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35 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples

mission and vision cover image

Gone are the days when your business could satisfy customers by simply offering a good product for a reasonable price. 

Today, brand values are a game-changer. A well-thought-out combination of emotional and logical factors is what makes customers stick to a brand even when more affordable options are available. 

This is why a well-designed mission and vision statement can contribute to brand loyalty. 

How to create a mission and vision statement? And what’s the difference between the two, anyway? 

Let’s find out the answers with some of the most inspiring mission and vision statement examples.

In this article:

  • What is a mission statement and how to write it
  • Best examples for inspiration
  • How to create a vision statement
  • Top companies’ vision message examples
  • The difference between a mission and a vision statement

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Let’s jump straight into the necessary theory.

What is a mission statement?

A company mission statement is a message that communicates the purpose of the organization to its audience. It’s supposed to be concise, action-oriented, and empowering to portray a general view of the company and its goals, values, culture, as well as strategic plans. 

Of course, as the company grows and develops, its values and the approach to culture might change. Thus, at some point, the organization might have to sit down together and revise the mission statement. It’s a natural process that every business goes through as it grows.

But how do you actually write a great mission statement? And how to make it concise while also conveying an empowering and inspiring message at the same time?

Let’s find out the answer, shall we? 

How to write a mission statement?

how to write a mission statement image

Now that the importance of a good mission statement is clear, it’s time to learn the basics of writing a perfect mission statement for your business.

Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Emphasize your company’s products and services 

To put it shortly, if your mission statement doesn’t explain what your product is and what your company does, it’s a waste of words. You have to think about how to explain the products and services you offer in a concise and simple way. Everyone should understand what you are offering just from one simple statement. 

Things to consider here include:

  • If you are selling a product or a service
  • Why your customers need to buy your product or service
  • What customer pain points your offering solves

Carefully craft your answers and take into account the value that your products and services bring to your customers. Also add how your offering impacts the shopper’s overall customer experience , and what makes you stand out.

2. Think about your core values as a business

As previously mentioned, a good product or service sold for a reasonable price is simply not enough to satisfy modern-day customers. 

Nowadays, every offer has to be supported by a set of values that will make your clients fall in love with your brand and shop with you repeatedly. Values are an essential component of any mission statement. Identifying and emphasizing them in your mission statement will inevitably attract your target audience to your brand.

3. Build a connection between your products and the values you stand by

This step is an essential conclusion flowing from the first two: 

  • Figure out how your values accompany your offering and vice versa
  • Make the statement simple and clear for your customers to feel the connection 

For instance, if one of your core values revolves around dependability, you should emphasize that your products are extremely reliable, timeless, and low-maintenance. To put it shortly, you describe how your product solves your customers’ problems in an inspiring and empowering way.

4. Make a statement out of your findings 

It’s a logical result of all previous steps combined. You need to formulate your statement from your ideas and keywords, answering the following questions:

  • What do you offer?
  • Who do you offer it to?
  • Why do you offer it (your core values)?

The only rule here is to make it work for your business. A highly relevant and unique mission is key to building brand loyalty and establishing your brand voice. Thus, do spend a lot of time polishing, rewriting, and reformulating your mission until it’s just right.

5. Make sure it’s short and sweet 

The very last and probably the hardest step is to ensure that your company’s mission statement is concise, simple, and to-the-point. Generally, there are no strict length requirements: your statement can be one sentence or one paragraph. The most important thing is how you use this sentence or paragraph to convey your message. 

Take some time together with your team members and, possibly, stakeholders to brainstorm all possible mission statement options. Then, put your effort into choosing one that will best serve your organization. Make sure to include as many relevant people in your decision-making as possible.

We have compiled a list of the best mission statements out there for some inspiration. Having some examples to go by is useful whether you are a small business or a huge corporation, right?

Read more : Want to discover more tips to grow your business? Take a look at this guide by Tidio on how to add a live chat to your website for exceptional customer experience.

Best mission statement examples

Here are some of the best examples of a mission statement—

Tesla: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Patagonia: We’re in business to save our home planet.

Disney: To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.

T-Mobile: Redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation.

Dunkin Donuts: To be the leading provider of a wide range of delicious beverages & baked products in a convenient, relaxed, friendly environment that ensures the highest level of quality product and the best value for money.

PayPal: To democratize financial services to ensure that everyone, regardless of background or economic standing, has access to affordable, convenient and secure products and services to take control of their financial lives.

Hubspot: Helping millions grow better.

Ted Talks: Spread ideas

American Express: To become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.

Target: To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.

Google: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Zappos: To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver WOW through service.

J&J: We bring the science and sense of sight to life through world-class innovation and patient experiences.

Life is Good: To spread the power of optimism.

Red Bull: Giving wings to people and ideas.

Nordstrom: Provide a fabulous customer experience by empowering customers and the employees who serve them.

Apple: To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons, and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.

Asana: To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.

Now, let’s dive deeper into what makes those so empowering. Read on for elaborate explanations of why these statements made it into our selection. 

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

tesla logo

Tesla’s mission statement truly stands out from other car companies’ statements, simply because it’s not just about cars. Tesla prioritizes sustainability as its core value and greatly conveys this fact through its mission statement. 

However, by using the word ‘transition’, Tesla emphasizes a long way to go towards sustainability and its commitment to contribute to it. This promise for a better world is what makes it a perfect example of a good mission statement. 

2. Patagonia

“We’re in business to save our home planet.”

patagonia logo

Patagonia is a company that makes environment preservation its biggest priority, which is nicely communicated in its mission statement. Patagonia’s mission statement explains why the company exists in the first place and what it aspires to do in the form of one short but powerful sentence.

What’s important for any mission statement is to be integral and ensure that your walk matches your talk. This is true in the case of Patagonia that directs 1% of all its sales to environmental protection groups .

“To entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative technologies that make ours the world’s premier entertainment company.”

walt disney logo

This mission statement communicates a few angles important for Disney. 

First, it talks about entertainment that is an inseparable part of Disney operations. At the same time, it mentions being “the world’s prenatal entertainment company”, which is a big and ambitious goal. 

Disney’s mission statement is all about growth and improvement, positive change, and the way Disney views itself as an organization. All factors here create an organic mixture that makes this mission statement stand out and inspire. 

4. T-Mobile

“Redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation.”

t-mobile logo

It’s a simple and concise statement that does a great job of communicating T-Mobile’s priorities to its customers and the world. They use bold words like “redefining”, “leading”, “innovation”, which is a great choice for a telecom company that wants to stand out in the eyes of its customers.

The business aims to change the world of wireless services, and thanks to its mission statement, people are more likely to believe they can. 

5. Dunkin Donuts

“To be the leading provider of the wide range of delicious beverages & baked products in a convenient, relaxed, friendly environment that ensures the highest level of quality product and best value for money.”

dunkin donuts logo

Dunkin Donuts’ mission statement focuses on the things the company wants to be recognized for: deliciousness, friendliness, convenience, and high quality. These values are what makes customers loyal to Dunkin Donuts, and they are happy to prioritize shoppers in this concise and easy-going mission statement. 

Dunkin doesn’t just share that they want to be leaders in their field, but effectively explains how they can do so, which makes their mission statement particularly successful.

“To democratize financial services to ensure that everyone, regardless of background or economic standing, has access to affordable, convenient and secure products and services to take control of their financial lives.”

paypal logo

PayPal makes the emphasis on how they want to improve lives by changing the way payments are handled. It’s great how they point out the fact that their service and their democratization is not just for the affluent. It is for everyone who wants to lead a better, more secure and convenient financial life. 

The emphasis on equality and fairness makes PayPal’s mission statement particularly powerful. Hence, you should consider learning from the example they set.

“Helping millions grow better.”

hubspot logo

HubSpot’s mission statement consists of just four words. However, it comes across as very powerful. 

By using the word “millions”, HubSpot highlights its wide reach and influence in their field, from ecommerce businesses to SaaS companies. They help brands grow and with this mission statement, it becomes easy to trust their services.

8. Ted Talks

“Spread ideas.”

ted talks logo

TED’s mission statement is a winner when it comes to being concise and to the point. In just two short words, it conveys the whole essence of such an influential platform as TED Talks. 

TED’s mission to spread ideas is present in every single talk recording they have ever made. And every TED Talk out there, in fact, does spread ideas. This mission statement is unique and highly efficient in its simplicity.

9. American Express

“To become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.”

american express logo

American Express prioritizes something it really wants to be recognized for: being a necessity for customers to achieve their unique goals through great services and customer experience.

This prioritization works wonders for them and their mission statement is undoubtedly effective – in 2020, for example, there were more than 112 million American Express users worldwide. 

“To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.”

target logo

Target positions itself as a reliable, evergreen brand. This attitude shines through their mission statement. They promise to “help all families” no matter their background to enjoy and cherish the simple pleasures of everyday life by satisfying more than just their basic needs. 

By reading this mission statement, one does start wanting to go to Target, which is the ultimate purpose of any mission. Target managed the task of conveying their values and attitude truly well. 

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

google logo

Being the biggest and the most successful company that actually does the job of “organizing information”, Google mission statement comes across as very relevant. 

Prioritizing its organizing capacities and global accessibility, Google highlights that absolutely anyone can use their products and services. This puts them ahead of any competition and grows the number of their users every day.

“To provide the best customer service possible. Deliver WOW through service.”

zappos logo

Zappos decided not to stop with just one sentence describing how good their customer service is. The word “WOW” is in the second part of the mission statement, as if to make it final once and for all: their customer service is truly exceptional. 

Delivering such WOW emotions through service is a continuous task for Zappos. It’s great if they manage to always ensure their walk matches their talk.

13.  J&J

“We bring the science and sense of sight to life through world-class innovation and patient experiences.”

j&j logo

Johnson & Johnson use highly relevant and strong words in their mission statement.

It focuses on science, sense of sight, innovation, and patient experiences. 

At the same time, it also circles around the company’s area of expertise, health care, in a concise and simple way. Such a statement makes people trust the company, which is exactly what J&J aspires for. 

14. Life is Good

“To spread the power of optimism.”

life is good logo

Both the name and the mission statement of Life is Good shine with the company’s personality and its uplifting mood. Life is Good is a T-shirt company, and the competition in this field is more than fierce. However, its mission statement is what actually makes it stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, it’s quite rare to find a mission statement that also highlights the social activities a company is doing. This is exactly the case of Life is Good. They participate in a lot of charity work, and, though not so openly, their mission statement lets the world know.

15. Red Bull

“Giving wings to people and ideas.”

red bull logo

The company’s primary product is soft drinks. However, Red Bull wants to be known and recognized for more, which is obvious from their statement. 

As an organization, Red Bull supports multiple sport activities and teams around the world. Hence, with their sponsorship, they do “give wings to people and ideas”. We like how nicely Red Bull reflects what they do in a simple one-sentence mission statement.

16. Nordstrom

“Provide a fabulous customer experience by empowering customers and the employees who serve them.”

nordstrom logo

What makes Nordstrom’s mission statement so special is that it doesn’t mention the primary product Nordstrom sells—clothes. Instead, it focuses on highly exceptional retail customer service that the brand provides and highlights empowering not just customers, but also employees. 

Being so customer-centric and focused on well-being as Nordstrom is, there was no better decision than emphasizing it in their mission statement. Just by reading it, one wants to go and do some shopping in their store, which means a lot.

“To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.”

apple logo

Apple is fully aware that they are changing the world, which is nicely reflected in their mission statement. 

Moreover, they often point to their mission when addressing concerns in the global market or introducing their revolutionary products. By highlighting both their innovation powers and their global reach, Apple makes a strong statement out of their mission.

“To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.”

asana logo

It’s an inspiring mission statement focusing on how teamwork can become easier and smoother by using Asana. 

Team empowerment, boosting productivity, and effortless collaboration are the values that Asana successfully reflects in its mission statement. It seems obvious that it can truly “help teams thrive.” 

Read more : Need more business growth inspiration? Check out our case study on how a business grew by $100K/year using automations.

What is a vision statement?

Now, moving on to vision statements. While a good vision statement is equally important for the company as a mission statement, the difference between them remains unclear for many people. 

So, what is a vision statement?

A company vision statement is a sneak peek into the company’s future. It’s a statement describing the bigger vision of the organization, an aspiration for the future, and a manifesto to what the brand aims to become for its customers and the world. 

Additionally, a well-formulated vision statement makes employees more engaged. According to research , employees who think their company’s vision is meaningful have engagement levels of 68%, which is 18 points above average.

Now you are probably wondering “how to write a vision statement that stands out from the rest, supports the mission, and highlights the brand voice ?” 

Here’s a short guide you need.

How to write a vision statement?

how to write a vision statement image

Let’s dive into each step in detail.

1. Think about your future projections 

It’s a great idea to dream a little and imagine a perfect future for your business before creating a vision statement. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What does the world look like? 
  • What is your target audience doing? 
  • How can you get there? 

Think carefully and try to visualize all details. Picture the success metrics you are using, the range of products and services you are offering, as well as the new markets you are expanding into. For a less vague vision, try to project five to ten years into the future.

2. Understand your purpose as a company

This step is as essential as recognizing your company values. Think about why you exist as a company, what problems are you solving right now for your customers, and what is your bigger purpose in the world. 

This is especially important as it is estimated that 64% of consumers see brands as more attractive if they actively communicate their brand purpose. Hence, a great vision can be built only on the basis of a well-formulated purpose.

3. Describe what success means for your company

Your vision is, essentially, your understanding of success for your company. Think about what conditions should exist for your ultimate success. 

But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

Well—you can start by completing the sentence “We are successful if we…” in as many ways as possible. The answers should be concise and action-oriented, giving you a common definition of success for the whole company.

4. Put it all on paper

After completing all previous steps, it should be fairly easy to draft your vision statement. Brainstorm together with your colleagues the best ways to combine your future projections, purpose, and ultimate success vision. 

And do put it down in the notebook— research states that writing something down on paper increases brain activity by 25%, which could lead to an original and creative vision.

5. Separate the wheat from the chaff and formulate your vision statement 

Just like with your mission, it’s crucial to be as concise and to-the-point as possible. Make sure every word in your statement has its own purpose. 

It’s easy to get carried away, but try not to. This will help you to create as powerful a statement as your belief in your business is. 

Want to hear some empowering examples of vision statements? 

Best vision statement examples

Take a look below to learn from the best.

Microsoft: We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world.

JetBlue: Continual emphasis on providing competitive rates for customers for all of our destinations.

Puma: To be the most desirable and sustainable sport lifestyle company in the world.

Taco Bell: To grow into the largest fast-food provider of Mexican style cuisine in emerging markets.

Ikea: To create a better everyday life for the many people.

Samsung: Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.

LinkedIn: To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.

Meta: To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.

Netflix: Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.

Amazon: To be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Zoom: Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.

BBC: To be the most creative organization in the world.

Uber: Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone.

Coca-cola: To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.

Harvard University: Creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all Harvard College students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative.

Nike: To bring inspiration to every athlete in the world and to make sport a daily habit.

Oceana: To make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.

Now—let’s dive in deeper into our selection. What makes a good mission statement? And why are they so powerful? 

Read on for the elaborate explanations. 

1. Microsoft  

“We strive to create local opportunity, growth, and impact in every country around the world.”

microsoft logo

Microsoft seems to have a pretty clear vision for their future—they want to provide growth and opportunity on both local and global levels. With Microsoft being one of the most influential tech companies in the world, it’s hard to doubt that they will fulfill their purpose. 

“Continual emphasis on providing competitive rates for customers for all of our destinations.”

jetBlue logo

The most important aspect of this vision is prices that JetBlue stands by. They promise to stick to a wide range of destinations for a competitive rate, which is a great vision for the future. It feels like a promise for stability in our highly unstable times.

“To be the most desirable and sustainable sport lifestyle company in the world.”

puma logo

Puma chose to have a highly ambitious vision. They want to be not just the most desirable, but also the most sustainable company in the world. It’s a great goal focusing on Puma’s own wish for fame and success. However, the company also prioritizes its corporate social responsibility initiatives and contribution to a more sustainable sports equipment. 

4. Taco Bell

“To grow into the largest fast-food provider of Mexican style cuisine in emerging markets.”

taco bell logo

Taco Bell aims to conquer the fast-food industry by becoming the best at what it does—Mexican cuisine. It spreads not just locally in the USA, but also globally. This company also constantly improves its standards and works towards its ambitious vision.

“To create a better everyday life for the many people.”

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Ikea is known as a reliable, predictable, and simple retailer. Their vision goes beyond simply being a leader in the home furnishing industry. They want to make lives better, offer people more comfort, and be accessible to all. 

“Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people’s lives and contribute to social prosperity by creating a new future.”

samsung logo

In its vision, Samsung focuses on its aspiration to inspire, innovate, and enrich people’s lives. These goals together with their promise to contribute to social prosperity make it an ambitious and well-formulated vision with a clear look into the future.

7. LinkedIn

“To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

linkedin logo

In its vision, LinkedIn does a great job of prioritizing their aim for equal economic opportunity for workers of any level and background. This promise for a chance to network and do efficient job search is what makes this vision so special.

“To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”

meta logo

Meta, the social media company that evolved from Facebook, has a brand-new vision that perfectly reflects the changes that came with the famous rebranding. Aiming to help build a global community and connect people even more, Meta is working on offering more and more innovative solutions.

“Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.”

netflix logo

Netflix deals in entertainment, and is extremely successful in it. Their ambitious vision to be the best entertainment distribution service shines with confidence and determination for which Netflix is to be applauded.

“To be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

amazon logo

Amazon mentions customer centricity and their extremely rich range of products. It aims to allow anyone to find anything they might want to ever purchase. These two things combined allow this vision to really communicate the message Amazon has put into it. 

“Video communications empowering people to accomplish more.”

zoom logo

Zoom chooses to empower people and make their lives better by allowing its users to smoothly communicate through video conferencing. The company wants people to accomplish more by achieving more itself. 

“To be the most creative organization in the world.”

bbc logo

Aspiring to be the most creative organization globally is a challenging task that BBC puts in front of itself. However, the whole essence of the company is conveyed through their vision statement, which makes it so effective.

“Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone.”

uber logo

Uber makes perfect use of the metaphor by saying “transportation as reliable as running water”. In general, using word-play, metaphors, and comparisons is a great idea to create an eye-catching vision statement. Uber managed really well and thus made it into one of the top platforms used for transportation/commute and food delivery. 

14. Coca-cola

“To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.”

coca cola logo

Coca-cola aspires to be loved by everyone and to continue being the leader in the beverage industry. Their vision statement is not pushy but, at the same time, it’s very effective in conveying their vision of a perfect future with Coca-cola in it.

15. Harvard University

“Creating and sustaining the conditions that enable all Harvard College students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially, and personally transformative.”

harvard university logo

Harvard is one of the top world universities, which is reflected in its vision. Harvard wants to be a change-maker and to provide unique education that makes lives better. Its vision is simple and powerful, which is a perfect combination. 

“To bring inspiration to every athlete in the world and to make sport a daily habit.”

nike logo

Nike’s vision statement is simple yet powerful, even poetic. It doesn’t just say that it wants to be the best sport’s goods company. Instead, it seeks to bring inspiration to athletes around the world and to further promote sport in all its forms.

“To make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.”

oceana logo

Oceana’s vision statement makes people feel emotions. In particular, sorrow and a tint of shame for turning the world’s oceans into what they are today and contributing to the environmental crisis. This feeling of slight guilt together with Oceana’s promise to fix the situation is what makes this nonprofit vision statement so great. 

Now, back to the theory. Let’s recap the most important differences between mission and vision statements.

What’s the difference between a mission and vision statement?

In short, the mission statement claims what the company wants to achieve. Its vision statement digs deeper into where and how the company wants its customers and the world to be as a result of its existence and activities. A mission statement is an essential guideline for the vision statement, and one is impossible without the other. 

To summarize what we have just discussed:

  • A mission statement is a declaration of the company’s current offering, company’s core values, and aspirations. 
  • A vision statement is a preview of the company’s future, so to speak. It can include similar or the same points as a mission statement. However, they will be written in the future tense. 

mission statement vs. vision statement image

It should also be mentioned that sometimes companies decide to combine their mission and vision statements into one. Then, it becomes a roadmap for the company’s present and future activities. 

Now that the difference is clear, and you are inspired by our great examples, let’s sum up what we’ve learned about mission and vision statements.

Mission vs. vision: summary 

It seems like a good mission and vision statement is an absolute must for business growth, customer loyalty, and a positive brand image. 

But, crafting your own great mission and vision statement is truly an art that requires patience, team effort, and practice. 

Don’t worry, though—by following the examples from above, you can reach your full potential and write a powerful statement conveying the whole essence of your business.

Just remember, stay true to your values and express what’s most important for your business. The right audience will resonate with your message and the statement you put forward. Looking at examples is a great idea to gain inspiration but, at the end of the day, you should try to be original. 

We hope you found inspiration in our list and feel ready to brainstorm a perfect mission and vision statement for your company. 

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Maryia Fokina

As a PR and Content Specialist, Maryia loves exploring hot topics in business and tech to further share them with the world.

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examples of vision and mission statements in education

17 Seriously Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples (2024)

Money is a by-product of value .

So, to thrive in the long run, businesses must remain focused on producing value.

However, it’s easy to lose sight of value creation and get sidetracked by other things like profit margins, expanding your product catalogs , or competitors.

To become a runaway success, businesses must have a purpose that unites and inspires people – “make more money” won’t do the trick. As the author Simon Sinek said , “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

This is why organizations create mission and vision statements.

These statements unify the organization and keep everyone focused on what really matters – because if you get these things right, the profits will follow.

This post will give you an introduction to the two statements. Plus, we’ll share some great mission and vision statement examples to help inspire your own. 

Now, let’s dive in.

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a short summary of an organization’s core purpose, focus, and aims. This usually includes a brief description of what the organization does and its key objectives.

What is a Vision Statement?

A vision statement is a short description of an organization’s aspirations and the wider impact it aims to create. It should be a guiding beacon to everyone within the organization and something which underpins internal decision-making and determines the intended direction of the organization.

Mission Statement vs Vision Statement: What’s The Difference?

In short: The mission is the “ what ” and the “ how ,” and the vision is the “ why .”

The mission statement defines what an organization does and includes tangible goals which the organization strives to accomplish. The vision statement, meanwhile, should clarify the aspirations of the organization and define the direction it’s heading in.

Many organizations combine the two statements to form one clearly defined reason for existing that unites the efforts of everyone involved.

Does Your Business Need Mission and Vision Statements?

Mission and vision statements are signposts.

Effective mission and vision statements will unify the focus of an organization – for the organization and their target audience .

Okay, but what if you’re only just starting a business ?

Well, whether you’re a massive corporation or a solopreneur , you can use mission and vision statements to gain clarity and ensure that you consistently make decisions in line with your ultimate goals.

These statements also help you develop a stronger brand that differentiates you from the competition.

Now, let’s look at some examples.

Mission and Vision Statement Examples

For quick reference, here are 17 examples of mission and vision statements from highly successful businesses:

  • Tesla : To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.
  • Nike : Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.
  • MVMT : Style shouldn’t break the bank.
  • Warby Parker : To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.
  • Shopify : Make commerce better for everyone, so businesses can focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.
  • Patagonia : Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.
  • IKEA : To create a better everyday life for the many people.
  • TED : Spread ideas.
  • Amazon : To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
  • Southwest Airlines : To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline.
  • Google : To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
  • Asos : Become the world’s number-one destination for fashion-loving 20-somethings.
  • Loreal : To provide the best in cosmetics innovation to women and men around the world with respect for their diversity.
  • Bulletproof : Help people perform better, think faster, and live better.
  • Honest Tea : Create and promote great-tasting, healthy, organic beverages.
  • Starbucks: To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
  • Passionfruit: Create inclusive clothing and accessories that enable you to show your pride all year round while giving back to our community.

17 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statements Explained

Now you know what they are and how they serve organizations, let’s take a closer look at these mission and vision statement examples and draw out the key components.

Tesla Vision statement

Mission statement: To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Vision statement: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Tesla’s mission and vision statements are a class act.

Their mission statement clearly defines their core goal: “To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century.” Then it tells you how they intend to accomplish that goal: “By driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

It’s simple and it works.

However, it’s Tesla’s vision statement that stands out.

The car company’s clever use of the world “accelerate” helps to enliven their lofty aspiration. This vision statement also showcases their drive (pun intended) for sustainable energy and how it steers (pun intended) the business.

It also allows them room to explore and develop their other set of energy solutions, Powerwall, Powerpack and Solar Roof.

All in all, Tesla’s vision for sustainable energy is one that resonates with countless people around the world.

Nike Vision Statement

Mission statement: Create groundbreaking sports innovations, make our products sustainably, build a creative and diverse global team, and make a positive impact in communities where we live and work.

Vision statement: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

*If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Nike’s mission statement might sound run-of-the-mill, but it effectively sums up what they aim to do and how they aim to do it.

Take note of the words that declare Nike’s underlying company values: Innovation, sustainability, diversity, and community.

However, it’s Nike’s vision statement that has captured the hearts of millions.

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world” sounds a little vague at first. It’s Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman’s addition that hits you right in the feels: “If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

Bowerman’s statement staunchly stands up against body-shaming and is a powerful call for inclusion. And it’s not hard to see this shape Nike’s philosophy and marketing:

As a result, Nike’s vision statement is transformed into a moving sentiment that impacts every person who reads it. It’s also one of the best vision statement examples for business owners to use for inspiration.

MVMT Vision statement

Mission and vision statement: We were founded on the belief that style shouldn’t break the bank. Our goal is to change the way you think about fashion by delivering premium designs at radically fair prices.

MVMT have combined their company mission statement and vision statement and addressed it directly to customers.

It begins with the vision: “Style shouldn’t break the bank.”

This business vision statement cuts straight to the point and perfectly sums up MVMT’s key selling proposition of high-quality fashion watches at low prices.

The statement then goes on to explain the mission.

First, they tell you what they aim to achieve: “Change the way you think about fashion.” Then, they tell you how they intend to do it: “By delivering premium designs at radically fair prices.”

It’s short, punchy, and music to customers’ ears.

4.  Warby Parker

Warby Parker Vision statement

Mission statement: Warby Parker was founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective: To offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.

Vision statement: We believe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. It should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket. We also believe that everyone has the right to see.

Warby Parker’s mission statement reminds us of why it was founded and then reveals its aims for a better future.

Note their core business aim: “Offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price.”

In the vision statement, they address the core problems consumers face when purchasing glasses: It can be annoying, boring, costly, and still leave you anxious about whether or not they look good.

Instead, they aim to solve these problems and make buying glasses easy, fun, pleasing, and inexpensive.

Both statements also mention Warby Parker's dedication to providing glasses to people in need around the world.

Shopify Vision statement

Vision statement: Make commerce better for everyone, so businesses can focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.

Shopify’s vision statement begins with their overarching vision: to make commerce better for everyone.

Then they promote the reason why they’re driven to remove the hassle and complications of managing an ecommerce website: so businesses can focus on what’s most important to them.

Shopify’s business mission statement and vision are clear: empower businesses.

6. Patagonia

Patagonia Vision Statement

Mission and vision statement: Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.

Patagonia starts with the basis of their success in business: high-quality products .

Then they explain their environmental stance in three points which explain their aim to make their business as environmentally friendly as possible and actively combat the environmental crisis.

Patagonia goes on to say, “a love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them.”

And the business isn’t afraid to put their money where their mouth is. The company donates at least 1% of its sales to hundreds of grassroots environmental groups around the world.

If you’re looking for vision and statement examples that clearly articulate a company’s values and goals, this is one right here.

IKEA Vision statement

Mission statement: Offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.

Vision statement: To create a better everyday life for the many people.

IKEA’s mission statement is clear and to the point.

Note the use of the words, “wide range,” “well-designed,” “functional,” and “prices so low.” If you’ve ever been to IKEA you’ll know how well they’ve managed to embody these attributes.

IKEA’s vision statement focuses their mission statement into one singular purpose: “To create a better everyday life for the many people.”

Both statements use inclusive phrasing that solidifies IKEA’s commitment to being accessible to “as many people as possible.”

Mission statement: Spread ideas.

Vision statement: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

TED , which stands for “technology, education, and design,” managed to boil down their entire mission into two simple, yet powerful words: “Spread ideas.”

With such a simple, highly focused mission, it’s easy to see how the TED brand has become a global phenomenon in recent years.

It’s a truly great mission statement that focuses all of their efforts.

“Everything we do – from our Conferences to our TED Talks to the projects sparked by The Audacious Project, from the global TEDx community to the TED-Ed lesson series – is driven by this goal: How can we best spread great ideas?”

In what could be considered their vision statement, TED goes on to explain that they “believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.”

Mission statement: We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.

Vision statement: To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

Amazon ’s mission statement sums up the three things that have made them loved by millions: low prices, a huge selection, and incredible convenience.

Like all great mission statements, it shines a light on the values that bring success.

Amazon’s vision statement brings these elements together into one unified goal: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company.”

10. Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines Vision Statement

Mission statement: The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit.

Vision statement: To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline.

Southwest Airlines is all about customer service .

Their mission statement summarizes this dedication to customers and highlights the importance of one-to-one interactions between staff and customers.

So it’s no surprise that Southwest’s vision statement is “to become the world’s most loved, most flown airline.”

However, although they heavily emphasize customer service , they don’t forget to mention the thing which allows the company to exist in the first place: profit.

examples of vision and mission statements in education

Google’s mission statement perfectly summarizes what they aim to do.

Take note of the last word: “useful.”

Google understands that it doesn’t matter how well organized or accessible information is if it can’t be readily applied in life.

Their mission statement is brilliant.

But unfortunately, Google doesn’t seem to have a vision statement that clarifies the reasons why they want to organize the world’s information for everyone to use.

ASOS Vision statement

Mission statement: Become the world’s number-one destination for fashion-loving 20-somethings.

Asos’ mission statement solidifies their purpose by voicing exactly what they want to achieve.

In what could be considered their vision statement, they go on to say, “We focus on fashion as a force for good, inspiring young people to express their best selves and achieve amazing things. We believe fashion thrives on individuality and should be fun for everyone.”

The addition gets a little vague in places, such as wanting young people to “achieve amazing things” – I mean, don’t we all?

However, it successfully showcases their brand image and their passion for individuality and expression .

Loreal Vision Statement

Mission statement: To provide the best in cosmetics innovation to women and men around the world with respect for their diversity.

Loreal’s mission statement comprises two key parts.

The first lays out their dedication to providing the best in cosmetics innovation. The second is all about inclusivity.

This is key.

They aim to include people from all over the world, “with respect for their diversity.”

And despite most companies marketing cosmetics solely to women, Loreal is looking to the future as gender stereotypes break down.

This type of sensitivity and awareness will position Loreal for long-term success.

14. Bulletproof

Bulletproof Vision statement

Mission and vision statement: “Help people perform better, think faster, and live better using a proven blend of ancient knowledge and brand new technologies, tempered by research, science, and measured results from our customers, top athletes, and medical professionals.”

Bulletproof has combined their vision and mission in one short paragraph.

It starts with their purpose: “Help people perform better, think faster, and live better.” Then it goes on to explain exactly how they plan to do it: Using ancient knowledge, brand new technologies, and science.

Sure, it’s a little wordy.

But it gets to the heart of why Bulletproof exists and how they plan to make an impact on the world as a business.

As a result, Bulletproof’s mission and vision statement is well-suited to unify everyone in the company and guide their decisions.

15. Honest Tea

Honest Vision Statement

Mission statement: Honest Tea seeks to create and promote great-tasting, healthy, organic beverages. We strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity we use to craft our recipes, with sustainability and great taste for all.

Honest Tea’s mission statement aims to live up to their brand name.

It starts by explaining what it is they do, and by doing so, they also tell you what they don’t do: chemical-laden, artificially produced beverages.

They’re talking directly to their target market and conferring their key selling proposition: beverages that are great-tasting and healthy.

They go on to showcase their values by using words like honesty, integrity, and sustainability.

And this brand doesn’t just talk the talk – they walk the walk.

Each year, the company publishes a Mission Report in an effort to be transparent about their business practices.

16. Starbucks


Mission statement: To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.

Another short and sweet mission statement that tells a lot about the company.

Starbucks doesn’t use big sentences or fancy words to communicate its goals. It uses clear, simple, and direct language to express what the company wants to be and for whom.  

They aspire to be known for more than just coffee by creating a culture of warmth and exclusivity.

In other words, Starbucks wants to ensure that anyone who comes through its doors feels welcomed and at home.

17. Passionfruit

passionfruit vision statement

Mission statement : We strive to create inclusive clothing and accessories that enable you to show your pride all year round while giving back to our community.

The folks at Passionfruit strive to promote the idea that pride is not just a one-day event.

Rather than making their mission statement about trendy clothes for the LBGTQ+ community, they promote the idea that pride is an everyday expression of oneself.

And by doing so, they remind people that the brand is aligned with LBGTQ+ values and supports the community by giving back.

All in all, it’s clear that Passionfruit wants everyone to recognize the truth for the queer community and spread inspiration – we’ll take it.

Done right, mission and vision statements are powerful things.

They can unify an entire organization’s efforts and be the signpost that continually focuses everyone’s efforts on the things that truly matter.

The key to great mission and vision statements is clarity.

Remember, a mission statement is the “ what ” and the “ how ,” and the vision statement is the “ why .”

Plus, it doesn’t matter how large or small your business is, every business can benefit from strong mission and vision statements.

If you’re considering writing a mission or vision statement for your business, start with your core values. Then, consider the wider impact you hope to have on the world through your customers.

What’s your business’s mission or vision statement?

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High School English Teacher - Long Term Sub at Calvary Chapel Schools

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Calvary Chapel Schools was established to meet the educational, social, and spiritual needs of the children of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, pastored by Pastor Brian Brodersen and Pastor Char Brodersen. CCS is a ministry of CCCM, building up Christian leaders in mind, body, and soul through Biblical truth, character development, and strong academic pursuits, enabling students to serve and enjoy Christ and their community. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (CCCM) is a Jesus Formed Community on Mission. Community, Formation and Mission are the three main ways that we believe we are to live out our discipleship to Jesus. Through Gospel teaching, training, and resources, Gods people are enabled to take their discipleship into their own hands by living out the listening, serving and helping posture of Jesus in our church community. CCCM will be engaging in the mission of God to reach those who are far from God and his kingdom by engaging in spiritual formation, practicing the way of Jesus through the spiritual disciplines in community and putting the life of Jesus and the community of the spirit on display through non-threatening exposures to the Jesus community. Formation + Community = Mission The ministry began with the church located in Costa Mesa, CA and has flourished and expanded into a multifaceted ministry, which includes Christian Schools, a Bible College, a School of Worship, Christian Radio Stations, Christian radio programs, Christian book distribution, and Christian bookstores. We are committed to Gods continued work through the ministry at CCCM.

Job Summary

Are you enthusiastic about guiding students in both academics and faith? Calvary Chapel High School is looking for a passionate individual to join our team of educators as a long-term substitute teaching English, playing a vital role in nurturing tomorrow's Christian leaders. As an English teacher at Calvary Chapel High School you will play a vital role in nurturing young minds and hearts, instilling a love for learning and a strong foundation of faith. As an educator, you'll provide a positive and engaging learning environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually, embodying our mission to cultivate tomorrow's Christian leaders today. Anticipated start date mid October 2024

Requirements / Qualifications

Responsibilities / Duties / Functions / Tasks Embody and promote the vision and values of Calvary Chapel Schools, fostering a Christ-centered environment. Serve as a positive example to students, colleagues, and parents, demonstrating the love of Christ in all interactions. Create a structured and engaging classroom environment conducive to learning and spiritual growth. Implement lesson plans effectively, ensuring that students meet academic objectives for assigned grade level. Foster a supportive and inclusive classroom community where each student feels valued and supported. Collaborate with colleagues to enhance the curriculum and school programs. Participate in school events, meetings, and professional development opportunities as required. Maintain accurate student records and communicate effectively with parents regarding student progress and behavior. Adhere to school policies and procedures, as well as regulatory requirements. Continuously seek opportunities for personal and professional growth, staying updated with best practices in education. Requirements / Qualifications / Education Bachelor of Arts in English preferred. Teaching credential or certification preferred. Prior elementary teaching experience is an advantage. Strong understanding of Christian faith and a commitment to Christian education. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to create a positive and nurturing learning environment. Proficiency in classroom management and instructional strategies. Familiarity with technology integration in teaching. Commitment to ongoing professional development and growth. Join us in our mission to cultivate tomorrow's Christian leaders today. Apply now to be part of our dedicated team at Calvary Chapel Schools!

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    79 Examples of School Vision and Mission Statements. School vision statements outline a school's values and objectives. They provide parents and the community a brief but clear overview of the overall ethos of the school. On the other hand, school mission statements explain what the school is currently doing to achieve its vision. Schools ...

  2. 100 Vision and Mission Statements for Classrooms

    Effective Communicators: "Our vision is to empower students to become confident communicators, expressing their thoughts and ideas skillfully in the classroom.". Lifelong Learners: "We aspire to create a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom and develops into a lifelong love.". 3.

  3. 47 Best Teacher Vision Statement Examples

    A teacher vision statement (often also called a mission statement) is a statement that a teacher often puts within their teaching philosophy portfolio.This is often submitted in job applications to show your skills on a teaching resume.. It can also be a vision that a teacher sets for themselves at the beginning of their school year to motivate and guide them as they go about setting up their ...

  4. A School's Vision and Mission Statements

    Missions and visions. The more I thought about it—then and since—the universal mission of every school is to teach. Academics, social skills, creative thinking, healthy living, good choices, and much more. We can embellish the concept of teaching with fancy words that signify academic achievement, physical growth, personal development ...

  5. 30 Examples of Mission Statements for Schools (2022)

    They are also great as an Examples of Vision & Mission Statements for Schools. Examples of Vision and Mission Statements for Schools. 01. We offer a truly different approach to school. Supported by the latest in technology and cognitive science, we move beyond the traditional tools of lectures, homework, high-stakes tests, and grades.

  6. PDF Examples of Mission and Vision Statements in Higher Education

    Examples of Mission and Vision Statements in Higher Education University of Rochester Mission Statement: "Learn, Discover, Heal, Create—and Make the World Ever Better" Vision Statement: Founded as "an institution of the highest order" and guided by the motto Meliora or Ever Better, the University of Rochester will help solve the ...

  7. How to Write School Mission and Vision Statements

    While school mission and vision statements have some overlap, there are a few key distinctions between the two. The primary difference between a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement describes the school's current and/or founding identity and the key values that characterize the school as it is in the present.

  8. Mission Statement for Schools

    27. "To provide a comprehensive educational experience that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, community involvement, and respect for diversity.". 28. "Our mission is to inspire students to strive for excellence and to nurture their unique abilities in a safe and supportive environment.". 29.

  9. How to Make Mission Matter at Your School

    Below are implications from our work regarding how to make a mission a powerful force for teaching, learning, and change. 1) Does your school have a unified idea of your mission? When school mission statements are clearly stated, focused, and understood by school stakeholders, they have the power to unify people around a common idea.

  10. Creating a School Vision Statement [Writing Guide + Examples

    The School's Vision and Mission. The school's mission and vision statements are deeply intertwined, so much so that it often happens that they are confused one for another, used interchangeably, or they become a single concept. A vision is a goal that the school aims to fulfill in the future.

  11. PDF Developing Vision and Mission Statements in a Multiple Pathways School

    ts.Ste. s to Creating a Vision Statement in a Multiple Pathway School:Step 1. Before embarking on the vision and mission creation, engage the design team in a conversation or activity in order to. explore the team's pedagogical beliefs. d core educational beliefs. See an example of such an activity here. 1 This protocol is an adaptation of ...

  12. PDF A guide to Vision and Mission Statements

    STEP 1. | SET THE DIRECTION. A guide toVision and Mission Statements"A school's mission, o. vision, statement is a living document. A school's mission or vi. ion seems to say, . This is who we are. This. s what we do. This is what we value.' But if one believes, as I do, that most schools need to improve, such a statement merely afirms ...

  13. Crafting Effective Mission Statements for Schools: A Comprehensive Guide

    Example 1: "Our mission is to provide a supportive and challenging learning environment that empowers middle school students to excel academically and personally." Example 2: "We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging, promoting self-discovery, and preparing students for success in high school and beyond."

  14. Examining Your School's Mission and Vision Statements

    5 Steps to Improve Smart Graffiti Mission Statements. 1. Conduct a thorough audit of the action words: The creators often have well-meaning lofty goals in crafting a mission and pack on the most ambitious educational jargon. In the reality of day-to-day instruction, there may not be any evidence that these goals or practices are happening.

  15. Mission Statement for Education Industry

    Mission Statement Examples for Primary School. Setting the foundation for lifelong learning, our primary school provides a nurturing and engaging environment where every child can thrive. 1. "To provide a nurturing, inclusive environment where all students can learn, grow, and excel.". 2.

  16. Early childhood education vision and mission statements

    Early childhood care and education programs, as organizations that serve families and young children, recognize that values are important and central to our visions and our missions. Examples of vision statements. The following are some examples of vision statements from a variety of businesses and organizations:

  17. Mission Statement Examples: Academic and Personal

    Examine mission statement examples for academics or individuals to assist in forming your own. ... For students in school or getting ready to go to move on to higher education, a strong mission statement is helpful not just on a resume or application, but to help you focus on what you hope to achieve with your education. ... Personal Vision ...

  18. The Value of Setting a Clear School Vision This Year

    Keep the Target Consistent. While a vision clearly defines where we are going, a target defines what success looks like at each step along the way. We're often predisposed to raising our expectations—to raising the bar and shifting the target—when things feel good or get easier. We're also predisposed to lowering our expectations and ...

  19. 23 University Mission Statement Examples

    University Mission Statement Examples. 1. Teaching Focused University We are a university with a strong emphasis on student-centered education that prepares our students for a life of service to their community. Our classes are led by leading practitioners in their fields to provide students with real-world skills and enable them to complete their degrees job ready.

  20. PDF Examples of Educational Equity Vision Statments(2.2)

    An educational equity vision should push schools to improve and hold them accountable while also being authentic, reflective of, and responsive to the school community. Equity vision statements are aspirational and affirmational with high standards for equity and justice. Equity vision statements are clear, concise, and actionable.

  21. Mission and Vision Statements: 25 Examples to Inspire Your Own

    Patagonia. Mission: We're in business to save our home planet. Vision: A love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet. Why it works: Patagonia's mission and vision statements show a deep commitment to improving lives and saving the planet through its products.

  22. 35 Inspiring Mission and Vision Statement Examples

    17. Apple. "To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.". Apple is fully aware that they are changing the world, which is nicely reflected in their mission statement.

  23. 17 Mission and Vision Statement Examples to Follow in 2024

    2. Nike. Mission statement: Create groundbreaking sports innovations, make our products sustainably, build a creative and diverse global team, and make a positive impact in communities where we live and work. Vision statement: Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

  24. Vision or Mission StatementAssignmentMartin

    VISION OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT 2 Vision or Mission Statement The Gospel of Mark provides valuable insights into the teachings and instructions of Jesus to his followers. This vision statement aims to review the Gospel, identifying specific instances where Jesus addressed various areas. 1. Discipleship (King James Bible, 1769/2019, Mark 3:13-19) Jesus called his first disciples and emphasized the ...

  25. Campus & Community Liaison (Position # 173) at Chowchilla ...

    Vision Statement: The vision of CUHS is to serve as the leading educational institution where every student is inspired and empowered in a safe, nurturing, and innovative environment to follow their passions as they discover, pursue, and realize their life goals Mission Statement: The mission of the Chowchilla Union High School District is to ...

  26. August 4, 2024

    Pastor Dr. Leo D. Cyrus Sr. To Make a Financial Contribution to the Ministry: https://newhopebr.wufoo.com/forms/m1oypdt03s812g/ Cash App: $NewHopebc5856...

  27. What is Project 2025? Wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

    The document proposes slashing federal money for research and investment in renewable energy, and calls for the next president to "stop the war on oil and natural gas".

  28. High School English Teacher

    We are committed to Gods continued work through the ministry at CCCM. Responsibilities / Duties / Functions / Tasks Embody and promote the vision and values of Calvary Chapel Schools, fostering a Christ-centered environment. Serve as a positive example to students, colleagues, and parents, demonstrating the love of Christ in all interactions.