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allowing cell phones in school essay

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Harvard Staff Writer

Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say

Students around the world are being separated from their phones.

In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year.

Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.

77% Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics

But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it, in part because so many students are still coping with academic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic. At home, many young people were free to choose how and when to use their phones during learning hours. Now, they face a school environment seeking to take away their main source of connection.

“Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.

Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?” Pereira added.

It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .

Michael Rich , an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.

“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”

Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.

“Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.

Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, a research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Chan School, argues that more flexible classroom policies can create opportunities for teaching tech-literacy and self-regulation.

“There is a huge, growing body of literature showing that social media platforms are particularly helpful for people who need resources or who need support of some kind, beyond their proximate environment,” he said. A study he co-authored by Rachel McCloud and Vish Viswanath for the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness shows that this is especially true for marginalized groups such as students of color and LGBTQ students. But the findings do not support a free-rein policy, Bekalu stressed.

In the end, Rich, who noted the particular challenges faced by his patients with attention-deficit disorders and other neurological conditions, favors a classroom-by-classroom strategy. “It can be managed in a very local way,” he said, adding: “It’s important for parents, teachers, and the kids to remember what they are doing at any point in time and focus on that. It’s really only in mono-tasking that we do very well at things.”

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Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in Schools — 11 Reasons Based on 16 Research Studies

Are You for or Against Phones at School?

If we don’t let kids use cell phones in the classroom, how will they ever learn to use them responsibly in a workplace? Every adult I know uses their phone all day every day. Let’s prepare kids for the real world. — Matthew B. Courtney, Ed.D. (@mbcourtneyedd) August 7, 2022

In this article, I’ll share:

Cell Phones in School — Teachers’ Thoughts

”We need to embrace these changes and instead of trying to separate that reality from an outdated vision of a classroom, we need to find a way to optimize the educational experience for the connected kids of the future. We can’t disconnect them from the world between the hours of 8am – 3pm everyday. Don’t be scared. You have to leave your comfort zone and take a risk. The same thing you ask your students to do. Take a risk and see what the future may look like and then change your teaching to ensure that the technology is used as a tool and not just a distraction.” —Tim Floyd, Education Awesomeness
“I’ve also seen the value that cell phones can bring to education. Students who might not have access to computers at home can type and submit essays on their phones. Students can quickly look up some information and verify its validity. Furthermore, students can also use their cell phones to collaborate with their peers.” —Christina, The Darling English Teacher
“When students have access to technology and social media, they have access to empowerment and leadership online. As educators, we need to empower our students to use technology for good. When students are given the chance to use their cellphones in class as a learning tool, we can teach them how to positively influence and impact other people online.” —Amanda, EDTech Endeavors
“When students have access to technology and social media, they have access to empowerment and leadership online. As educators, we need to empower our students to use technology for good. When students are given the chance to use their cellphones in class as a learning tool, we can teach them how to positively influence and impact other people online.” — A.J. Juliani , the Director of Technology & Innovation for Centennial School District

Why Should Phones be Allowed in School — 11 Reasons

Setting up a phone charging station, just as you may set up a tablet or Chromebook charging station in your classroom, can ensure your students’ gadgets are charged and ready when needed during instruction.

1. Providing an Additional Tool for Learning

In essence, by harnessing the potential of mobile phones, educators can cultivate dynamic, interactive, and resource-rich environments that cater to the needs of the modern student.

Phones are already banned. The parents are worried about these bans because of the very high chance there is a school shooting and their child is unable to call for help. https://t.co/TxpJfrUgJn — Anosognosiogenesis (@pookleblinky) June 6, 2023

While detractors may argue against the distractions phones might pose academically, the security and peace of mind they offer, especially in dire situations, make a compelling case for their presence in the school environment.

3. Improved Communication

Interestingly, a study from the School of Business highlighted another crucial dimension to this trend. Beyond the teacher-student dynamic, students are proactively forming educational bonds with their peers through their phones. They often initiate and manage class-based groups on various social platforms, allowing for an organized exchange of study materials and collaborative learning, devoid of any official oversight. Such initiatives underscore the instrumental role cell phones play in modern education, fostering a holistic and communal approach to learning.

4. Organization

By planning and visualizing their day or week, students can achieve a balance between academic and personal commitments. This underlines why phones should be allowed in school, as cell phones, often perceived as distractions, can actually be powerful organizational tools. When used wisely, they can significantly enhance a student’s ability to manage time, keep up with responsibilities, and maintain a balanced academic life.

5. Can Save Schools Money

The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed the education sector, offering avenues for cost-saving and enhanced accessibility.

Here’s how schools can leverage cell phones for economical and sustainable education:

6. Good for the Environment

7. prepares students for the future.

Undeniably, in the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, technology stands as a colossal pillar shaping numerous sectors. In such a milieu, it becomes imperative for students to not only be familiar with but also proficient in utilizing technological tools, including mobile phones. Here’s what students can acquire that will be advantageous for their future:

In conclusion, embracing mobile phones in educational settings is more than just keeping pace with the times; it’s a forward-looking strategy. By doing so, we not only enhance the current learning experience but also lay a robust foundation for our students, ensuring they are well-prepared and competitive in their future careers.

8. Can Create Digitally Responsible Citizens

In an age dominated by digital communication, it’s crucial to instill not only tech proficiency but also digital etiquette among students. Schools, as primary centers of learning and social interaction, have an essential role in shaping this aspect of students’ digital journey. By permitting gadget use within school premises, we lay the groundwork for creating digitally responsible citizens.

Without these lessons, students may inadvertently cultivate habits that may hinder their interpersonal relationships in the future. Thus, integrating digital etiquette into the curriculum doesn’t just foster tech-savvy individuals; it molds well-rounded, respectful citizens adept at navigating the digital and real-world landscapes.

9. Can Help Students When Studying

In today’s digital age, the traditional means of note-taking have undergone a transformative evolution, with smartphones emerging as invaluable tools in this process. The built-in camera on mobile phones offers students an efficient and immediate way to capture essential educational content, augmenting their learning experience. Here’s how this can be helpful:

“In my classes, I let students take pictures of the digital whiteboard, too. If an assignment description or important PowerPoint slide has been up long enough and I am ready to move on, before doing so, I invite kids to snap a picture. This allows them to refer back to the slide at home if necessary.” — Chad Donohue , National Education Association

10. Accessibility and Personalized Learning

In conclusion, the allowance of cell phones in class isn’t just about keeping up with the times; it’s about championing a more egalitarian and individualized approach to education. By embracing this tool, educators can create a learning environment where every student feels valued, understood, and empowered.

11. Boosts Creativity and Innovation

7 ideas how cell phones can be used effectively in the classroom.

As we mentioned above, allowing students to use phones in the classroom can greatly benefit your instruction.

There are a number of ways you can use these technological tools to enhance your lessons and provide your students with access to resources they may otherwise not be able to use. Some of the top ways to effectively use cell phones in the classroom include:

1. Scanning QR Codes

2. using educational apps.

There is a multitude of educational apps out there designed for students of all ages and all subject areas. Choosing a few of these apps to use to give your students extra practice on a skill or target a specific area of need can be quite beneficial. Take a look at our articles on educational VR apps or vocabulary games .

3. Collaborating on Assignment

4. completing surveys and quizzes, 5. providing feedback to others.

Students can read other students’ writing assignments or other work and provide them with digital feedback or additional questions to consider.

6. Augmented Reality Experiences

7. recording and editing multimedia projects, digital etiquette for students in the classroom.

Once your school has settled the debate over whether gadgets should be allowed in school and decided to let students use these valuable technological resources, it is essential to teach proper phone and technology etiquette to your students and develop systems to manage cell phone use in your classroom. Using mobile phones in the classroom properly is key; they should not be a distraction or something that gets in the way of learning.

In this video, CJ Reynolds is talking about tips that he uses to keep kids off their phones without making it a big deal.

Share these rules for digital etiquette with your students to help ensure phones are a beneficial tool, not one that distracts from learning.

Put your phone down when someone is talking to you and make eye contact with the speaker. Don’t text while you are walking. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t get distracted from someone or something important. Silence your phone when you are in class. Remove your headphones if someone is trying to talk to you. Don’t post on social media during the school day. Be a good digital citizen and avoid getting into any digital drama. Know the cell phone policy for each of your teachers, and respect it when in their classroom. Don’t make your teacher, classmates, friends, or family secondary to your phone.

Useful Resources

Final thoughts.

There are some pros and cons to consider regarding using cell phones in the classroom. However, given all the benefits that were shared above, I think the reasons to allow mobile phones in school far outweigh the reasons against allowing them. Allowing students to use their gadgets in the classroom will help keep them engaged in learning and provide them with instant access to technology, tools, and resources to help them learn.

So, now that you know the answer to the question, “why should students be allowed to use cell phones in class,” has your thinking changed? How do you see yourself using mobile phones with your students?

My principal seems to have an old-school thought process about cell phones in school and has completely banned them from being out in the classroom. I’d like to let my students use them for instructional purposes. Any tips on how to change her thinking?

That is tough. I’d start by finding some other teachers in your building that share your opinion and come up with a plan to present to your principal together. Bringing data, like what I shared in the article, about how cell phones can benefit students in class could help you make your point.

I love the artice and am using it for an assingment if you see it your name or website will be on it.

Thanks for the article it is truly an elaborate article, thanks for sharing it.

yes, this is fab

my teacher does not allow phones

my whole state banned phones in class TvT

I feel like you should be able to use your phone at passing periods and breaks and also lunch.

this is a common question people ask me I 57 year old male once allowed my kids to have phones in class but one pranked called the police so I say no

This is a nice source for my citation C: Thank you.

I am writing a speech to present to my class to persuade the teachers to allow more phone usage in class, thank you for your point of view and the information.

You’re welcome!

thanks so much! this will help a lot with a project I’m doing

I am making a debate speech this is really helpful thank you!

I was not born with this new technology, cell phone, I had to learn it. Now, I am a teacher and honestly, it is great as a tool for students to use but it’s also a deterrent. Like my wife says, “You give a mouse a cookie and they will ask you for a glass of milk”. Students seem to confuse rights with privilege. My students honestly believe that they have the right to use a phone whenever they want, this includes during a class, versus asking permission. Unfortunately, others do not use it appropriately. I have no problems with the use of cell phones, as long as it is for academic achievement, but not as a school alternative (ignore teacher and ignore daily task).

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! We completely agree about the inappropriate use of phones.

thank you! so much i don’t know what i would do without this information!

Thank you for this essay

The essay has good information but I want more. You are telling me about the technology benefits but that’s what the Chromebooks are for. So if you could give me a stronger argument I would definitely agree.

Thanks for letting us know. We will take your wishes into consideration

Students can not handle these devices!!!!

Thank you for sharing your opinion. I still believe there are many ways to get students’ attention in the classroom rather than on the phone.

I always enjoy the creative ways technology can be used in schools. The mix of video talks, blog ideas and teacher input this post are great ways to share ideas. Thanks for the modern takes on how to use phones in the classroom, it is refreshing!

My pleasure!


I believe that cell phones in schools should be friends not enemys

thank you so much

We need our phones for SAFETY ?

This was very cool and so many good reasons why we should be able to use our phones in class!

This was very helpful imformation

I appreciate this article it is so supportive and believes in this article thanks ✌

four big guys is crazy lol four big guys and they grab on my thighs

i agree they should allow phones in school but just when were are really stuck or bored. so that is why i think that.

Hey! Thank you! I needed this for my ELA class argumentative writing prompt, this information was very useful. Since my school has a no phone-in-class rule, I can’t even have it with me in my bag! The only time I have on it during weekdays is at home and on the bus. But anyways this information was essential for my project. Thank you! 😀

You’re welcome!?

This is so helpful for argumentative essays! Thank you!

Thay can be good use for kids that walk home from school or to school or both.

In many school districts, the students borrow laptops, so they don’t need cell phones. Teachers may use software to restrict the laptops to their selected educational websites. Cell phones have disrupted learning, so they must be banned or jammed in the classroom. However, when students aren’t distracted by cell phones, they will gradually become worse at running around, yelling, and fighting, like they did before their cell phone addictions. We need consistent discipline. Disruptive students should learn with fun programs on a computer in separate rooms, instead of infecting other students with bad attitudes. After a year of learning on a computer, they can try the classroom again. We also need online video in the classrooms, so everyone, especially parents, can see the discipline problems in schools. When white schools have strict discipline and cell phone bans, but minority schools don’t, which students will get the high-paying better jobs? This is racism.

I agree with this as a student! But unfurtently my school is very old school so they banned cellphones.

Thank you for this helped me with a essay im doing for school. 🙂

i agree so much?

thank you for the info cause i have been having trouble finding an article like that and i found one so thank you!?

I forgot to put that i’m having a debate about using cell phones in class.

Im a current high school student and honestly what I’ve seen is the exact opposite of this. first period English is just a majority of people being on their phones. Unless a teacher is very strict about phones usually nothing is done about it. Honestly my parents disallowing me to bring my phone to school is what changed my grades for the better for the rest of the school year up until now. Also, some students might argue for these points but it’s usually only used as a scapegoat to make the excuse of “Oh but this article says it’s good to use phones!” Still, I’ve seen phones do so much more negatives than positives as well as the points listed here barely ever being utilized.

Yes i think they should allow it for many reasons

Coming in from Parker Middle School so I am doing a essay on why we should be able to have phones in schools and even class rooms and I was wondering if you could have your word to support having cell phones in school.

phones are what brought you into this world be thankful

I love the way you used cell phones in the classroom. Me personally-I use mine for extracurriculars.

As a High School teacher, I pretty much dislike the use of cellphones. If used for emergency, yes that’s a legitimate argument and in such case, cell phones need to be accessible to students in case of an emergency. However that would be the only reason cellphones should be allowed in classrooms. I studied high school without a cellphone and I was able to be engaged, organized and learned by using other technologies. This article doesn’t mention the pros and cons of allowing cellphones in classrooms and does not consider if the benefits weigh more than the disadvantages.

Thank you this website is amazing hope I get an A+ for my argumentative essay. Wish Me Luck!

Thanks I will use this for my topic

As a teacher at my school, I can say the cell phones are 99% more a distraction than ever as a learning tool. All the kids on the phones during class is to play video games. and look at non educational sites so that’s why cell phones are banned in my classrooms. I would say if the kids understood accountability and are responsible, then it’s a different discussion.

i can use this for my project . Almost all my classmates try to sneak there phone in class . But they always get in trouble . They don’t need a phone becuase it is can make you fail class and other things that is a proably

Very valid points. I am using you as a source for my essay. Thank you.

Thanks this helped me with my Delve Project

Hi, my name is Eli and I am an 8th grader at Indianola Middle School in Iowa. I am doing a research project about a topic of my choice and I chose to research Should phones be allowed in class. I think you would be a great person to give me more information about this topic because you gave great points and reasons why phones should be allowed in school classrooms.

Thank you so much for this article, Love your work!!!

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Why Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in School

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Published: Sep 7, 2023

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Educational benefits: a powerful learning tool, safety and security: a lifeline in critical situations, communication and parental involvement: a partnership for success, addressing concerns: responsible use and effective policies.

Image of Alex Wood

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allowing cell phones in school essay

Candida Fink M.D.

Should Students Have Cell Phones at School?

Exploring the impact of cell phones on success in education..

Posted July 26, 2024 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

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  • Cell phones can be used for accessibility and hands-on learning.
  • However, cell phones are still too distracting to have free access to in class.
  • Students may be able to have their cell phones in school for contact but not during class time.
  • Administrators, students, teachers, and families need to collaborate on any phone policy.

Cell phones in classrooms—yes or no?

Do you know how long it takes a child to refocus after being on their phone?

With July cruising into its last week, the start of the school year rapidly approaches. Supplies, class lists, meetings, and more begin filling up family schedules. A new cell phone might be on your child’s supplies or wish list—but should they have access to it in school?

For parents, how would you feel if your district made a policy forbidding cell phones? Thrilled for them to get off their phones for a while? Anxious about not being able to reach them?

For teachers, would you miss having phones for some assignments, or would you breathe a huge sigh of relief? Currently, few districts or schools have explicit and/or effectively supported policies, leaving many teachers and parents to create their own systems. These systems often add up to a hodgepodge of inconsistent expectations that don’t support students or teachers.

Source: Daria Nepriakhina / Unsplash

What does the science show us about smartphones in school? Unfortunately, not much. Research has been slow to catch up on these concerns despite the urgent need for answers.

Still, some conclusions can be drawn from the existing studies combined with accumulating experiences from parents, teachers, mental health professionals, and students. Cell phones in school—and specifically in the classroom—appear to offer both potential benefits and significant risks to learning. It turns out the subject isn’t a simple choice between banning them entirely or letting kids have access without guardrails.

Some of the biggest potential benefits of cell phones in school or classrooms include improving access to and engagement in learning. Teachers can meet kids where they are and build creative lesson plans and activities that use students’ phones. For some students with disabilities, phones can be powerful tools for increasing accessibility to learning materials and classroom participation.

The other benefit that many parents value is being able to reach their child during the school day. Often, parents and students worry that in an extreme situation—such as a shooting or lockdown—they want to be able to reach each other. At the same time, easy access to phones has led to some normalizing of routine communications between students and parents during the day, which can disrupt student learning and classroom function.

Even with these potential positives, the presence of cell phones in the classroom brings significant negatives, but one is the most fundamental— distraction . “Multi-tasking” doesn’t work—especially in learning situations.

Some research has shown that once a student is on their phone (or even has a phone in their vicinity), it takes about 20 minutes for them to refocus on the material being presented. That’s about one-half of a typical high school class period—meaning students can be missing 50 percent of what is being taught. Not only are they missing material, but they also aren’t engaging in the learning process with teachers and peers. Effective learning is active, and being on their phone takes that away.

The content on cell phones effectively keeps our eyes on the screen and discourages looking away. Big Tech makes big money by creating algorithms that are meant to steal our attention . They excel at it. It’s hard enough for adults to regulate phone use, but children and teen brains don’t have anywhere near fully developed impulse control abilities. Asking them to just stop doing it—without carefully designed barriers and supports—is simply not going to work.

Source: Ground Picture / Shutterstock

And for students with learning differences and disorders such as ADHD —or who are struggling with learning for any reason—the temptation to look at their phone and not participate in class is tremendous. While these students often disengage in other ways ( sleeping , staring out the window, going to the bathroom), having access to constant, algorithm-driven content creates a rabbit hole that’s all too easy for them to get deeply lost in. While phones might be helpful for specific learning tasks for students with disabilities, free-range access hurts learning and engagement.

As schools become more aware of how harmful cell phones can be to learning, attempts to limit this harm often face strong headwinds from parent concerns about being able to reach their children. Schools and districts must integrate these concerns when developing policies that would limit children’s access to their devices during the day. It’s easy to say that we can go back to calling the office if you need to get a message to your child, but fears of something like a school shooting are powerful—and, while extremely rare, difficult to dismiss.

allowing cell phones in school essay

Hammering out systems for keeping kids off phones when they are supposed to be learning will require effective communication between everyone involved, including administration, teachers, families, and (older) students. Administrators must develop mechanisms to support the implementation of policies. Expectations need to apply to all students because kids worry that if they are the only ones not on their phones, they miss out on critical social connections. Without universal policy implementation, even with children who would prefer to put their phones away (and many would), their very normal need to stay connected would win out.

BAZA Production / Shutterstock

Any policy enacted needs to be dynamic, flexible, and responsive to feedback. Students with disabilities will require reasonable accommodations. Well-defined and effective systems for feedback from all stakeholders will be critical to keep policies viable and successful. Evolution in technology will create new needs and opportunities.

Learning is a fundamental right for our children. Participating in school and learning is key to kids’ physical and mental health. While the debate rages on about phones in kids’ lives outside of school, it seems clear that, as hard as it will be, cell phones don’t belong in the classroom.

UNESCO. 2023. Global Education Monitoring Report 2023: Technology in education - A tool on whose terms? Paris, UNESCO

Candida Fink M.D.

Candida Fink, M.D. , is board certified in child/adolescent and general psychiatry. She practices in New York and has co-authored two books— The Ups and Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child and Bipolar Disorder for Dummies.

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Where Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cellphones? Here’s What Educators Say

allowing cell phones in school essay

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Corrected : A chart in a previous version of this story contained incorrect percentages for where educators say students should be allowed to use cellphones.

To ban or not to ban? This question has been front and center for many schools recently as they strategize how to address students’ ubiquitous use of cellphones.

With nearly 9 in 10 teens 13 and older possessing a smartphone , these devices have become a major source of distraction and disruption in schools, especially when students’ online arguments spill over into in-school arguments and physical fights.

And many educators and school support staff feel that students’ constant access to social media on their smartphones is harming their mental wellbeing and hurting their ability to learn. Some educators go so far to say that students are addicted to their devices.

cellphone distraction policy bans in schools static

Nearly a quarter of teachers, principals, and district leaders think that cellphones should be banned from school grounds, according to a recent nationwide survey conducted in September and October by the EdWeek Research Center.

But, overall, educators are divided on the issue.

“We should be learning to manage cellphones in the classroom. They are here to stay,” one educator said in the survey. “BUT they are the biggest distraction.”

Said another survey respondent: “We recently banned cellphones. Previously, they were allowed during passing time and at lunch. However, they had taken over instructional time. Students would get out their phones without thinking and teachers would have to spend as much time redirecting as they were teaching. That, or have a power struggle over confiscation.”

But schools face headwinds from students and parents—many of whom want to be able to reach their children throughout the day—when they try to restrict students’ access to cellphones during the school day.

And as the charts below show, in many cases there’s a yawning gap between what students are allowed to do and what educators think would be best for schools.

For example, nearly three-quarters of teachers, principals, and district leaders say that high school students in their schools and districts are allowed to use their phones during lunch, but only half believe that should be permitted.

The survey also found that a significantly larger share of teachers are in favor of banning cellphones on campus than district leaders. Principals were more in line with teachers than district leaders on that decision.

The following charts show where students are allowed to use cellphones on campus, where educators think phones should be permitted, and how teachers, principals, and district leaders differ on the issue of an all-out cellphone ban.

24% of teachers thought cellphones should be banned on campus. 21% of principals agreed. As well as 14% of district leaders.

Data analysis for this article was provided by the EdWeek Research Center. Learn more about the center’s work.

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Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

New study shows it takes a young brain 20 minutes to refocus after using a cell phone in a classroom

Photo: A zoomed in photo shows a young student discretely using their cell phone under their desk as they sit in the classroom.

Photo by skynesher/iStock

Parents, the next time you are about to send a quick trivial text message to your students while they’re at school—maybe sitting in a classroom—stop. And think about this: it might take them only 10 seconds to respond with a thumbs-up emoji, but their brain will need 20 minutes to refocus on the algebra or history or physics lesson in front of them— 20 minutes .

That was just one of the many findings in a recent report from a 14-country study by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) that prompted this headline in the Washington Post : “Schools should ban smartphones. Parents should help.” The study recommends a ban on smartphones at school for students of all ages, and says the data are unequivocal, showing that countries that enforce restrictions see improved academic performance and less bullying.

It’s a fraught debate, one that prompts frustration among educators, who say students are less focused than ever as schools struggle to enforce cell phone limitation policies, and rage from some parents, worrying about a possible shooting when they can’t get in touch, who insist they need to be able to reach their children at all times. And, perhaps surprisingly, it prompts a collective yawn from students.

In fact, students openly admit their cell phones distract them and that they focus better in school without them, says Joelle Renstrom , a senior lecturer in rhetoric at Boston University’s College of General Studies. It’s an issue she has studied for years. She even performed an experiment with her students that supports what she long suspected: Cell Phones + Classrooms = Bad Learning Environment.

BU Today spoke with Renstrom about the latest study and research.

with Joelle Renstrom

Bu today: let me get right to the point. do we as a society need to be better about restricting cell phones in classrooms it seems so obvious..

Renstrom: Of course. But it is easier said than done. It’s hard to be consistent. We will always have students with some kind of reason, or a note from someone, that gives them access to technology. And then it becomes hard to explain why some people can have it and some people can’t. But student buy-in to the idea is important.

BU Today: But is getting students to agree more important than getting schools and parents to agree? Is it naive to think that students are supposed to follow the rules that we as parents and teachers set for them?

Renstrom: I have made the case before that addiction to phones is kind of like second-hand smoking. If you’re young and people around you are using it, you are going to want it, too. Every baby is like that. They want to reach for it, it’s flashing, their parents are on it all the time. Students openly acknowledge they are addicted. Their digital lives are there. But they also know there is this lack of balance in their lives. I do think buy-in is important. But do it as an experiment. Did it work? What changes did it make? Did it make you anxious or distracted during those 50 minutes in class? I did that for years. I surveyed students for a number of semesters; how do you feel about putting your phone in a pouch? They made some predictions and said what they thought about how annoying it was. But at the end, they talked about how those predictions [played out], and whether they were better able to focus. It was very, very clear they were better able to focus. Also interestingly, not a single student left during class to get a drink or go to the bathroom. They had been 100 percent doing that just so they could use their phone.

BU Today: Should we be talking about this question, cell phones in classrooms, for all ages, middle school all the way through college? Or does age matter?

Renstrom: It’s never going to be universal. Different families, different schools. And there is, on some level, a safety issue. I do not blame parents for thinking, if there’s someone with a gun in school, I need a way to reach my kids. What if all the phones are in pouches when someone with a gun comes in? It’s crazy that we even have to consider that.

BU Today: What’s one example of something that can be changed easily?

Renstrom: Parents need to stop calling their kids during the day. Stop doing that. What you are doing is setting that kid up so that they are responding to a bot 24-7 when they shouldn’t be. If you’re a kid who gets a text from your parent in class, you are conditioned to respond and to know that [the parent] expects a response. It adds so much anxiety to people’s lives. It all just ends up in this anxiety loop. When kids are in school, leave them alone. Think about what that phone is actually meant for. When you gave them a phone, you said it’s in case of an emergency or if you need to be picked up in a different place. Make those the parameters. If it’s just to confirm, “I’m still picking you up at 3,” then no, don’t do that. Remember when we didn’t have to confirm? There is a time and place for this, for all technology.

BU Today: This latest study, how do you think people will react to it?

Renstrom: This isn’t new. How many studies have to come out to say that cured meat is terrible and is carcinogenic. People are like, “Oh, don’t tell me what to eat. Or when to be on my phone.” This gets real contentious, real fast because telling people what’s good for them is hard.

BU Today: I can understand that—but in this case we’re not telling adults to stop being on their phones. We’re saying help get your kids off their phones in classrooms, for their health and education.

Renstrom: Studies show kids’ brains, and their gray matter, are low when they are on screens. School is prime habit-forming time. You should not sit in class within view of the professor, laughing while they are talking about World War II. There is a social appropriateness that needs to be learned. Another habit that needs to be addressed is the misconception of multitasking. We are under this misconception we all can do it. And we can’t. You might think, I can listen to this lecture while my sister texts me. That is not supported by science or studies. It is literally derailing you. Your brain jumps off to another track and has to get back on. If you think you have not left that first track, you are wrong.

BU Today: So what next steps would you like to see?

Renstrom: I would like to see both schools and families be more assertive about this. But also to work together. If the parents are anti-smartphone policy, it doesn’t matter if the school is pro-policy. If there is a war between parents and schools, I am not sure much will happen. Some kind of intervention and restriction is better than just ripping it away from kids. The UNESCO study found it is actually even worse for university students. We are all coming at this problem from all different ways. Pouches or banned phones. Or nothing.

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allowing cell phones in school essay

Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine , he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground , tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

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There are 31 comments on Why Schools Should Ban Cell Phones in the Classroom—and Why Parents Have to Help

i found this very helpful with my research

It was ok, but i will say i enjoyed learning more about why we should not have cell phones.

It was a great research, helped me a lot.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there was a shooting or a fire or a dangourus weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright? (Reply answer if have one)

Yeah they would get an amber alert

well, the school has the technology that can help communicate that to the parents, and if that were to happen, I guess that’s why there’s always a cell phone in the classrooms those old-time ones, but I feel it would not be okay in case of a shooting since you have to go silence, and on the moment of fire or weather everything happens so fast in the moment.

Yeah, that’s exactly why they have those supplies or items in the classroom, to alert parents. Kids don’t need to use their phones for that.

In schools all teachers have cell phones. So one way or the other the messages would get out to the parents as needed. If a student gets on the cell phone to inform the parent about the activity, that’s taken place it could cause panic. School staffs are informed as to how to handle such situations.. what I have seen take place in classes are students who are texting each other either in the same room or in another classroom during the school time. Many students spend time on YouTube and not concentrating what’s going on in the classroom.

Teachers have communication with all parents and it also has amber alerts

You just give the kids watches to call there parents or guardians on.

I’m a teacher. If there’s an event like this, it could be detrimental to the emergency system if too many people are calling. Also, kids don’t have the common sense to turn their ringers off. They go off in my class, more often than they should.. If there’s a shooter in any school, parents are going to be calling their kids. Phones constantly going off could lead a shooter to specific places if they can hear them. I understand the parent’s arguments as to why they want their kids to have their phones, but that very argument could lead to their child being hurt or killed in the scenario mentioned above.

I think that this was helpful, but there is an ongoing question at my school, which is, though phones may be negative to health and knowledge and they’re a distraction what happens if there is a shooting or a fire or a dangerous weather event and you don’t have a phone to tell your parents or guardians at home if you are alright?

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful thank you.

I am writing a paper and this is very helpful but it is true what if our mom or dad have to contact us we need phones!

this helped me with my school project about whether cell phones should be banned in school. I think yes but the class is saying no. I think it’s because I was raised without a phone so I know how to survive and contact my parents without a phone. but anyway, this helped me with my essay! thank you!

I don’t think phones should be allowed in school, and this is perfect backup! Thank you Doug

great infromation for debate

Thanks, this helped a lot I’m working on an essay and this has been really helpful.by the way, some people may think, but what if i need to call my mom/dad/guardian. but the real thing is, there is a high chance that there will be a telephone near you. or if it’s something that only you want them to know,go ahead and ask your teacher if you can go to the office.

I mean it could also depend on the student, like for example let’s say that i’m a student inside the school, if I used my phone and I got off it, for me it would instant focus, but for others students they might take longer or the same time as me, it all really depends if the student is tend to be responsible with their time trying to focus so I would say that this claim is not true.

I think that is article was very good. I’m currently writing and essay and I have used this for most of my evidence so far. I personally think that cellphones should be banned from the classroom because the school will get the information that your parents need out to them so you don’t have to cause a panic because you don’t know if your parents know what is going on at your school or not. It will just be better because then we wouldn’t have as many distractions in the classrooms as we do now because kids are always getting caught on their phones and they are constantly being sent down to the office and it takes time to get the class back on track. I personally agree with Doug that cellphones should be banned in the classrooms.

It’s striking to realize that the reason some parents feel the need to advocate for phone usage in school is due to concerns about a potential school shooting. While parents may be more informed about the harmful effects of smartphones in a learning environment, they take preference for the safety of their child in a hypothetical situation. It’s a hard debate because while the safety of their children is important, the drastic effects of students needing 20 minutes to refocus is significantly impacting their ability to learn in their classes. I find it very saddening that this is what our world has come to – prioritizing safety for a school shooting over academic performance, because it is no longer so unusual for a school to experience that type of tragedy.

I liked the comment, “Addiction to phones is kind of like second-hand smoking. If you’re young and people around you are using it, you are going to want it too,” because I experienced this phenomenon in my early middle school years, with the invention of the first iPhone. All of a sudden an invention that was broadcasted on the news became an essential for the other students in my middle school class, to the point where I became one of the only students without one. Then, I finally succumbed to the pressure, and begged my parents for an iPhone as I felt extremely left out. It’s frustrating to accept that this pressure is affecting children now younger and younger by the year, with even six year old children I babysit owning their own iPhone/iPad.

I also think that with the prevalence of child phone usage significantly increases parental anxiety, particularly for those parents who are already overbearing to start. Giving parents the ability to contact their child at any given time is harmful, and it can create a dependence on either side. It’s ironic given the fact that parents push their children to focus and succeed in their classes, yet harass them all day about minuscule things that could’ve been addressed later that day. So yes, parents need to stop calling their kids during the day.

this helped me with my school project, very reliable source.

I think that this talked more about why parents should help more than why cell phones should be banned.

I think the teachers or guardians will allow you to contact someone but I think after the shooting or crisis they will contact your parents or guardian from the office or person in charge

I agree, I’m 13 and I honestly could live without a phone

i also agree but parents need to reach their kids somehow if something happens in school

I’m also 13

had to research this for an assingnment and onistlly, I love my phone and I would marry it if I could!

This is really reasonable. In my school my friends have cell phones and there is a lot of drama. I am writing a report on this.

This is really good

I’ve taught high school since 1999. Should cell phones be banned? 100% Absolutley. I don’t think twice about it.

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How Has Tech Changed Your School Experience? We Want to Hear About It.

Some states are banning phones in schools to reduce classroom distraction and cyberbullying. Tell us about your experience with tech in schools.

allowing cell phones in school essay

By Natasha Singer

Natasha Singer has interviewed hundreds of educators, students, parents, researchers and executives as part of her coverage of technology in schools.

Digital devices and apps can be great tools in schools. They can also be a classroom distraction or even a weapon.

Some students spend so much class time on their smartphones, commenting on social media or texting their friends, that it hampers their learning. Some school children and teenagers have used their phones to bully or sexually exploit their classmates, or post videos of student fights on social media. And classroom devices like Chromebooks and iPads, which can be helpful, can also sometimes enable distractions and facilitate problems like bullying.

I write about technology in schools for The New York Times including innovations, like artificial intelligence-powered chatbots and classroom tutoring bots . This year, I’ve also been reporting on school tech problems — including an article about a group of middle school students who impersonated their teachers on TikTok , and a podcast on high school boys who used A.I. “nudification” apps to make fake nude images of their female classmates .

To better understand tech use and misuse in schools and inform my reporting, I’d like to hear from teachers, students, parents and school administrators about your experiences. I’ll read each submission and may use your contact information to follow up with you. I will not publish any details you share without contacting you and verifying your information.

How Has Tech Changed Your School Experience?

Teachers, students, parents and school administrators, tell us in the form below about the technology benefits or tech-related school problems that you have observed. We’re interested in beneficial uses of school tech as well as classroom drawbacks like online learning distractions and cyberbullying.

Natasha Singer is a reporter for The Times who writes about how tech companies, digital devices and apps are reshaping childhood, education and job opportunities. More about Natasha Singer


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