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International criminal law, quick links.

  • International Criminal Court (ICC)
  • Ad Hoc Tribunals (ICTY & ICTR)
  • Hybrid Courts & Tribunals
  • Core Crimes
  • Key Online Resources
  • Additional Resources

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This research guide will assist you with finding international criminal law jurisprudence and preparatory works (negotiating/drafting history) from the International Criminal Court, ad hoc tribunals (ICTY and ICTR), and hybrid courts and tribunals. This research guide also highlights resources available pertaining to the following four core crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crime of aggression. 

  • ICC Legal Tools Database Free resource providing access to documents from the International Criminal Court and other international criminal courts and tribunals, including the ICTY, ICTR, SCLS, ECCC, STL, SPSC, among others, in addition to international legal instruments, human rights law decisions and documents, and UN War Crimes Commission documents.
  • Lexsitus Free resource from the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP) providing access to lectures, commentary, case law, preparatory works, and digests for the Rome Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court.
  • Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law Subscription database providing access to commentaries, scholarly works, and books on international law topics, including human rights law, criminal law, use of force/humanitarian law, and more. A full list of the titles included in this collection is available here .

This research guide was last updated on February 1, 2022.  

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  • Last Updated: Feb 1, 2022 9:52 AM
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Harvard International Law Journal

Pending Challenges for National and International Arbitration: The Ecuadorian Case

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Harvard International Law Journal

The 2024 harvard international law symposium: bretton woods 3.0 the future of international economic law.

Saturday, March 2 | Austin Hall | Harvard Law School

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The Harvard International Law Journal publishes scholarship on international law from authors around the world. The views expressed in HILJ articles represent the views of their authors; not those of the HILJ editorial board.

Various Means of Enforcement in International Law

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International Criminal Law

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I. Starting Places

American Society of International Law's Research Guide on International Criminal Law provides information on the major electronic sources for researching international and transnational crime, with links to tribunals, organizations, and agencies. Chapter VI (A) is devoted to war crimes and human rights violations. The ASIL Electronic Information System for International Law (EISIL) database on International Criminal Law includes links to primary documents and recommended websites.

The Frederick K. Cox International Law Center War Crimes Research Portal contains links to international humanitarian law websites along with bibliographies and research guides.

International Criminal Law: A Selective Resource Guide provides a guide to basic research materials, in both print and electronic formats, and also includes a section specifically on crimes against humanity and human rights issues; unfortunately, it's a bit out-of-date.

NYU's Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases: International Law: Specialized Sources: International Criminal Law tab :   provides links to international criminal law resources on the web.

The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice (Antonio Cassese, ed.) (Ref. K5301 .O94 2009) is a reference work that includes essays on major issues, definitions of terms and short biographies, and summaries of important cases.

International Criminal Law: War Crimes and Special Tribunals at New England School of Law includes links to war crimes materials on the Internet.

For a list of basic reference sources for international law, see the Goodson Law Library's International Law Research Guide .

II. United Nations Documents

You may be using a lot of UN documents in your research. Many documents, especially recent ones, are available on the UN website . You can find International Court of Justice documents on the ICJ website and in Westlaw (INT-ICJ database). The Goodson Law Library UN Research Guide provides in-depth advice on finding UN documents.

The UN Uphold International Law  w eb page includes links to UN tribunals (see below) and other UN agencies concerned with international law issues (such as the International Law Commission ).

III. Treaties

United Nations Treaty Collection includes both texts of treaties ( United Nations Treaty Series ) and status information, updated monthly. 

The American Society of International Law's Research Guide on International Criminal Law and LLRX's International Criminal Law: A Selective Resource Guide include links to other international criminal law treaties. For more advice on treaty research, see the Goodson Law Library Treaties Research Guide .

International Criminal Law Deskbook (John P. Grant & J. Craig Barker, eds.) (K5013 .I58 2006) is a collection of core international criminal law instruments with commentary and an outline of their legislative histories.

IV. International Tribunals

Amy Burchfield's research guide International Criminal Courts for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone: A Guide to Online and Print Resources and Harvard's International Criminal Courts and Tribunals provide useful research advice and helpful links..

International Criminal Court

The Coalition for the ICC Home Page on the International Criminal Court is a useful site maintained by an NGO. International Criminal Law Database & Commentary provides searchable texts of the case law from the International Criminal Court and a commentary to the Rome Statute. Eyes on the ICC (Periodicals) is an interdisciplinary journal that analyses issues related to the ICC. An Introduction to the International Criminal Court (5th ed.)(KZ7312 .S33 2017) is a good overview of the workings of the Court. The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court (KZ6310 .A48) provides subject access to ICC jurisprudence.

A list of international agreements regarding the surrender of U.S. citizens to the ICC (called Article 98 agreements, bilateral immunity agreements (BIAs), impunity agreements, or bilateral non-surrender agreements) is available through Georgetown's ICC Article 98 research guide .

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)

This tribunal was created by the government of Cambodia and the U.N. to try serious crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979). Yale University's Cambodian Genocide Program is an excellent resource for information about the tribunal.

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Tribunal Pénal International Pour Le Rwanda: Recueil Des Ordonnances, Decisions et Arrêts = International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Reports of Orders, Decisions and Judgements (KZ1201.A2 T75) reprints documents from 1995- in French and English. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals (KZ6310 .A55 1999) includes the texts of selected decisions (including concurrences and dissents) from 1994- along with commentary. Basic Documents and Case Law  is a CD-ROM that includes some documents not available on the website (e.g. expert witness testimony) (KZ1201.A12 I574). ICTR documents (judgments, decisions, orders, and indictments) are also available on Westlaw (INT-ICTR database).

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Judicial Reports = Recueils judiciaires (KZ1203 .I58) reports decisions from 1994-2000. The ICTY law review, Judicial Supplement , offers summaries of important decisions, orders and judgments from 1994-2004. The Appeals Chamber Case-Law Research Tool provides summaries of judgments by the ICTY Appeals Chamber since July 2004. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals (KZ6310 .A55 1999) includes the texts of selected decisions (including concurrences and dissents) from 1993- along with commentary. ICTY documents (including judgments, decisions, orders, indictments, and transcripts) are also available in Westlaw (INT-ICTY-ALL database).

Special Court of Sierra Leone

Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals (KZ6310 .A55 1999) includes the texts of selected decisions (including concurrences and dissents) from 2003-present, along with commentary. Digest of Jurisprudence of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 2003-2005 (KZ1208.S53 L38 2007) is a collection of selected abstracts of decisions and orders. 

The website of the Project on International Courts and Tribunals (PICT) has organized in one place news about the activities of international courts and tribunals, archives of case law, etc.

William A. Schabas, The UN International Criminal Tribunals : The Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone (KZ1203.A12 S34 2006) is a guide to the law of these courts.

V. Current Awareness

The ASIL Insights series of short articles on current international law topics includes several essays on international criminal law.

Hague Justice Portal provides access to the activities of the international courts and organizations located in The Hague, including the ICTY and the ICC.

International Enforcement Law Reporter (Periodicals and Lexis & Westlaw) is a monthly newsletter that includes coverage of issues such as international human rights and the law of war.

War Crimes Prosecution Watch is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that collects documents and articles concerning the investigation and prosecution of war crimes.

The websites of organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are also good sources of current information.

VI. Finding Books and Journal Articles

Useful recent works on international criminal law include:

  • Roger O'Keefe, International Criminal Law (KZ700 .O34 2015).
  • M. Cherif Bassiouni, Introduction to International Criminal Law (K700 .B37 2013).
  • Roberto Bellelli, International Criminal Justice: Law and Practice from the Rome Statute to its Review (KZ6304 .I58 2010).
  • Antonio Cassese, International Criminal Law , 2d ed. (K5000 .C37 2008)
  • Robert Cryer, An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure , 2d ed. (K5000 .I587 2010).
  • Globalization and its Impact on the Future of Human Rights and International Criminal Law (M. Cherif Bassiouni, ed.) (KZ1266 .G56 2015).
  • Alexander Zahar & Göran Sluiter, International Criminal Law: A Critical Introduction (K5165 .Z34 2008).

You can find additional recent topically relevant books  in the law library by searching the catalog by subject headings such as International Criminal Law, International Offenses , Crimes Against Humanity, Criminal Liability (International Law), Criminal Procedure (International Law), Criminal Jurisdiction, Genocide, Human Rights and War Crimes .

You can find law review   articles  by searching with the same subject headings (and by keyword, author, and title as well) in the index LegalTrac . This index is also available in Westlaw , as the LRI database (look under "Law Reviews, Bar Journals & Legal Periodicals" > "Periodical Indexes"). The Index to Legal Periodicals includes links to the full text of some articles.

Many useful databases for related disciplines, such as political science and international relations, are available from the Duke Libraries Research Databases page.

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International Law Guide

  • International Courts and Tribunals
  • International Organizations
  • Private International Law
  • Selected Topics in Public International Law

See also...

Foreign Law Guide

General Guides and Resources for Public International Law

  • GlobaLex Research guides to international law (by subject) and foreign law (by jurisdiction) from NYU's Hauser Global Law School Program.

UVA users only

  • ASIL Research Guide to Public International Law An up-to-date guide to treaty and other public international law research with an emphasis on online resources. From the American Society of International Law.

Criminal Law

  • ASIL Research Guide to International Criminal Law
  • Research Guides to the International Criminal Courts for the Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone From GlobaLex.
  • Comparative Criminal Procedure: A Selected Bibliography From GlobaLex.
  • International Criminal Court Legal Tools Provides access to documents important to international criminal law, including treaties, judgments and decisions, summaries of domestic criminal justice systems in many countries including relevant statutes or codes, and commentary on international criminal law and other aspects of international law.

Environmental Law

  • ECOLEX: A Gateway to Environmental Law
  • United Nations Environment Programme
  • ASIL Research Guide to International Environmental Law
  • A Basic Guide to International Environmental Legal Research From GlobaLex.

Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

  • UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • OHCHR Jurisprudence Database Contains recommendations and findings from the various UN human rights committees that consider complaints from individuals.
  • Refworld UNHCR's comprehensive information source on refugee status includes treaties, legislation and court decisions, as well as information organized by country and topic.
  • European Court of Human Rights Pending cases, judgments, basic texts and a complete index to all ECHR judgments.
  • The United Nations Human Rights Treaties
  • ICRC's Customary International Humanitarian Law Database A free online version of their two-volume publication.
  • University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
  • Human Rights Library: Collections on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights From the University of Minnesota.
  • ESCR-Net Caselaw Database Database of domestic, international, and quasi-judicial cases and decisions on economic, social and cultural rights.
  • U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
  • Project Diana: An Online Human Rights Case Archive From Yale Law School.
  • ASIL Research Guide to International Human Rights
  • ASIL Research Guide to International Humanitarian Law
  • International Human Rights Research Guide From GlobaLex.
  • ICJ E-bulletin on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights International Commission of Jurist's free monthly publication of legal developments in the fields of counter-terrorism and human rights.

Intellectual Property

  • WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization
  • WIPO Lex Collection of intellectual property legislation (in English) from WIPO member countries.
  • AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property An international NGO devoted to the "the development and improvement of intellectual property." The Questions/Committees section contains country-by-country reports on specific intellectual property law topics.
  • European Patent Office
  • U.S. Patent & Trademark Office General information, forms, and a free searchable patent and trademark database.
  • U.S. Copyright Office Copyright basics, law, forms, and other materials available through the Library of Congress, the entity responsible for copyrights.
  • ASIL Research Guide to International Intellectual Property Law
  • IP Precedents Database Database of English translations of precedential domestic court decisions on IP topics; from the Research Center for the Legal System of Intellectual Property.

Law of the Sea

  • United Nations: Oceans and Law of the Sea
  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
  • International Seabed Authority
  • UVA Center for Oceans Law & Policy
  • ASIL Research Guide to Law of the Sea

Trade, Investment or Economic Law

  • GATT Documents Online From the WTO.
  • GATT Digital Library From Stanford University.
  • International Trade Database: Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods From Pace University.
  • Research platform for transnational commercial law from the Center for Transnational Law, Cologne University, Germany.
  • SICE - Foreign Trade Information System From the Organization of American States.
  • United States International Trade Commission
  • United States Trade Representative
  • Harmonized Tariff Schedule

UVA Law School users only

  • ASIL Research Guide to International Economic Law
  • ASIL Research Guide to International Commercial Arbitration
  • Research Guide on the Harmonization of International Commercial Law From GlobaLex.

Women's Rights

  • Women's Human Rights Resources From the University of Toronto.
  • Women's Human Rights Documents From the University of Minnesota.
  • Women's Rights Links From the University of Minnesota.
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International Criminal Law: Journals and News

  • United Nations
  • Courts and Tribunals
  • Substantive Law
  • Travaux Préparatoires
  • Procedural Law
  • Victims Participation
  • Complementarity
  • Customary International Law
  • Gacaca Courts
  • Individual, Command, and Collective Responsibility
  • International Criminal Court
  • International Criminal Procedure and Evidence
  • International Criminal Tribunals
  • Non-State Actors
  • Nuremberg Trials
  • Terrorism & Counterterrorism
  • Journals and News
  • Online Resources
  • Evaluating Internet Resources

International Criminal Law News

  • CCJHR Blog Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights Blog
  • Inside Justice
  • International Criminal Law Bureau
  • International Law Reporter
  • The Latest on Radovan Karadzic (New York Times)
  • Opinio Juris

Current Awareness

  • ABA Committee Newsletters
  • ASIL Insights Short articles on current international law topics includes several essays on international criminal law.
  • Daily News on International Criminal Law
  • EQ: Equality of Arms Review
  • Hague Justice Portal

Westlaw resource

  • International Judicial Monitor
  • TRIAL: Track Impunity Always
  • War Crimes Watch

Journals and Reviews (free full text)

  • International Review of the Red Cross
  • The Monitor Bi-annual journal of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court
  • Official Journal of the International Criminal Court

International Criminal Court News

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The Conferred Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 23-03-01

63 Pages Posted: 2 Mar 2023 Last revised: 3 Aug 2023

Leila N. Sadat

Washington University in St. Louis - School of Law; Yale Law School

Date Written: March 2, 2023

After twenty years of operation, we know that the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) works in practice. But does it work in theory? A debate rages regarding the proper conceptualization of the Court’s jurisdiction. Some have argued that the ICC’s jurisdiction is little more than a delegation by States of a subset of their own criminal jurisdiction. They contend that when States ratify the Statute, they transfer some of their own prescriptive or adjudicative criminal jurisdiction to the Court, meaning that the Court cannot do more than the State itself could have done. Moreover, they argue that these constraints are imposed by international law itself. This Article disagrees, contending that States “confer upon” or “accept” the jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals like the ICC not to transfer a subset of their own power to those entities, but because they often want and need those courts and tribunals to do things that they cannot do in their national systems. International law not only allows them to do this: it encourages it. This is true for many international courts and tribunals created by treaties and by the United Nations; this Article contends that it is equally true for the ICC. The Article demonstrates that this theory of “collective conferral” supports the ICC’s recent caselaw on jurisdiction and immunities, which is consonant with principles of general international law, the Rome Statute itself, and the values and concerns that drove States to establish the Court in 1998.

Keywords: international criminal law, international criminal court, international jurisdiction, rome statute, nuremberg

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Leila N. Sadat (Contact Author)

Washington university in st. louis - school of law ( email ).

Campus Box 1120 St. Louis, MO 63130 United States 314-935-6411 (Phone) 314-935-5356 (Fax)

Yale Law School ( email )

127 Wall Street New Haven, CT 06510 United States 3143042757 (Phone)

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Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of criminal law research paper topics for students studying law. The page is divided into several categories including the history and evolution of criminal law, comparative analysis of criminal law systems, legal principles of criminal liability, and critiques of the criminal law system. The page also offers expert advice on choosing criminal law research paper topics and how to write a successful research paper. Finally, the page presents iResearchNet’s writing services for students who need assistance in writing a custom criminal law research paper.

Criminal Law Research Guide

Criminal law is an essential component of the legal system, which defines various types of criminal offenses and the corresponding punishments for these offenses. Criminal law research papers explore a wide range of topics related to crime and punishment, and the intersection of law and society. Students studying criminal law are often required to write research papers that examine various aspects of the criminal justice system, legal principles, and theories of criminal behavior.

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Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

As criminal law research papers require in-depth analysis and research, students must choose a topic that interests them and is relevant to current issues in the field. Additionally, it is important to choose a topic that aligns with the assignment guidelines and requirements. Therefore, this guide will provide students with a wide range of topic ideas, as well as guidance on selecting an appropriate topic, conducting research, and organizing their research paper.

100 Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

Criminal law is a crucial part of the legal system that defines the offenses and punishments for criminal behavior. The study of criminal law is a vast and fascinating field that offers numerous research paper topics for students. Understanding the various categories of criminal law research topics is crucial in choosing a suitable topic that aligns with the student’s interests and the assignment requirements. This section will provide a comprehensive list of ten categories of criminal law research paper topics that students can explore.

History and Evolution of Criminal Law

This category focuses on the historical development of criminal law. It explores the origins of criminal law, its evolution over time, and the ways in which criminal law has adapted to societal changes.

  • Origins and development of criminal law in ancient societies
  • The role of the Magna Carta in the evolution of criminal law
  • The impact of the Enlightenment on criminal law
  • Historical analysis of landmark criminal law cases
  • The evolution of criminal law in the United States
  • The impact of World War II on criminal law
  • The influence of the civil rights movement on criminal law
  • The role of international criminal law in shaping domestic criminal law
  • The impact of terrorism on criminal law
  • The future of criminal law: trends and challenges

Comparative Analysis of Criminal Law Systems in Different Countries

This category examines criminal law systems in different countries and regions, and the ways in which they differ. It considers the underlying principles of criminal law, how criminal law is enforced, and the implications of these differences for criminal justice.

  • Comparative analysis of common law and civil law systems
  • The criminal justice system in China: a comparative analysis
  • The role of the European Court of Human Rights in shaping criminal law systems
  • A comparative study of the criminal law systems of Germany and the United States
  • The impact of colonialism on criminal law in Africa
  • Comparative analysis of criminal law systems in the Middle East
  • The influence of Islamic law on criminal law in Muslim-majority countries
  • The criminal justice system in Japan: a comparative analysis
  • Comparative analysis of the criminal law systems in Canada and the United States
  • The role of international criminal law in harmonizing criminal law systems

Role of the Judiciary in Criminal Law Interpretation and Application

This category explores the role of the judiciary in interpreting and applying criminal law. It considers the challenges faced by judges in interpreting complex criminal laws, the ways in which judges approach the task of criminal law interpretation, and the implications of judicial decisions for the criminal justice system.

  • The role of the Supreme Court in interpreting criminal law
  • The impact of judicial activism on criminal law
  • The role of juries in criminal law cases
  • The influence of public opinion on criminal law interpretation and application
  • The role of the prosecutor in criminal law cases
  • The impact of plea bargaining on criminal law interpretation and application
  • The role of defense attorneys in criminal law cases
  • The impact of judicial discretion on criminal law interpretation and application
  • The role of judges in shaping criminal law policy
  • The influence of sentencing guidelines on criminal law interpretation and application

Legal Principles of Criminal Liability and Their Application in Practice

This category focuses on the legal principles that govern criminal liability. It examines the different types of criminal liability, including criminal intent, negligence, and strict liability, and considers how these principles are applied in practice.

  • The concept of mens rea and its application in criminal law
  • The principle of actus reus and its application in criminal law
  • The role of causation in criminal law
  • The impact of strict liability on criminal law
  • The principle of proportionality in criminal law
  • The influence of the Eighth Amendment on criminal law
  • The principle of double jeopardy and its application in criminal law
  • The impact of the insanity defense on criminal law
  • The role of self-defense in criminal law cases
  • The principle of conspiracy and its application in criminal law

The Concept of Mens Rea in Criminal Law

This category explores the concept of mens rea, or criminal intent, in criminal law. It considers the different levels of intent that can give rise to criminal liability, the challenges of proving mens rea, and the implications of mens rea for the criminal justice system.

  • The evolution of the concept of mens rea in criminal law
  • The relationship between mens rea and criminal intent
  • The impact of mens rea on criminal liability
  • The role of mens rea in determining criminal negligence
  • The influence of mens rea on the burden of proof in criminal law
  • The impact of strict liability on mens rea
  • The role of the Model Penal Code in defining mens rea
  • The influence of the Supreme Court on mens rea in criminal law
  • The impact of mens rea on sentencing in criminal law
  • The future of mens rea in criminal law: challenges and opportunities

Limits of Criminal Law in the Regulation of Conduct

This category considers the limits of criminal law in regulating conduct. It examines the ways in which criminal law can be used to control behavior, as well as its limitations in addressing certain types of conduct.

  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Free Speech
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Religious Freedom
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Privacy
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Freedom of Assembly
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Property Rights
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Autonomy
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Punishment
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Retribution
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Rehabilitation
  • Criminal Law and the Limits of Restitution

Use of Criminal Law to Address Societal Problems

This category explores the use of criminal law to address societal problems, such as drug addiction, domestic violence, and hate crimes. It considers the potential benefits and drawbacks of using criminal law to address these issues.

  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Domestic Violence
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Child Abuse and Neglect
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Animal Cruelty
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Hate Crimes
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Environmental Crimes
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Terrorism
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Cybercrime
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Human Trafficking
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Drug Addiction
  • The Use of Criminal Law to Address Mental Illness

Relationship between Criminal Law and Civil Law

This category examines the relationship between criminal law and civil law. It considers the ways in which these two areas of law interact, the differences between criminal and civil law, and the implications of these differences for the legal system.

  • Differences between criminal and civil law
  • The impact of criminal law on civil law cases
  • The role of civil law in addressing criminal behavior
  • Historical development of criminal and civil law
  • Current debates surrounding the relationship between criminal and civil law
  • The intersection of criminal and civil law in white-collar crime cases
  • Comparative analysis of criminal and civil law systems in different countries
  • The use of civil law remedies to address criminal behavior
  • The impact of criminal law on civil rights and liberties
  • The effectiveness of civil law in providing redress for victims of criminal behavior

Impact of Technology on Criminal Law and Law Enforcement

This category explores the impact of technology on criminal law and law enforcement. It considers the challenges posed by new technologies, such as cybercrime and electronic surveillance, and the ways in which technology is changing the criminal justice system.

  • The use of technology in criminal investigations
  • The impact of social media on criminal behavior and the criminal justice system
  • The use of surveillance technology in law enforcement
  • The challenges of balancing privacy rights and law enforcement needs in the digital age
  • The use of technology in forensic science and evidence collection
  • The impact of technology on the prosecution and defense of criminal cases
  • The use of technology in corrections and rehabilitation
  • The role of technology in addressing cybercrime and other forms of digital criminal behavior
  • The impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on criminal law and law enforcement
  • The ethical implications of using technology in criminal law and law enforcement

Critiques of the Criminal Law System and Proposals for Reform

This category considers critiques of the criminal law system and proposals for reform. It examines the ways in which the criminal justice system can be improved, the challenges of implementing reforms, and the potential benefits of reform for society as a whole.

  • Racial disparities in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws
  • The use of plea bargaining and its impact on the criminal justice system
  • The role of money and wealth in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of the War on Drugs on the criminal justice system
  • The effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime
  • The impact of mass incarceration on individuals and society
  • The use of private prisons and their impact on the criminal justice system
  • Alternatives to traditional incarceration, such as restorative justice and community-based programs
  • Proposals for reforming the criminal justice system to promote equity, fairness, and justice.

Criminal law research paper topics offer a diverse range of subject matter that students can delve into. This section highlighted ten categories of criminal law research paper topics that cover a broad range of legal issues, from the history and evolution of criminal law to the critiques of the criminal law system and proposals for reform. Choosing a research paper topic in criminal law requires careful consideration of the assignment requirements, personal interests, and available resources. Through thorough research, careful organization, and excellent writing skills, students can produce high-quality criminal law research papers.

Choosing a Criminal Law Research Paper Topic

Choosing from a multitude of criminal law research paper topics can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to help you make the best choice. Here are some expert tips to keep in mind:

  • Consider your interests : Choose a topic that you are passionate about or find intriguing. This will not only make the research process more enjoyable, but it will also allow you to produce a more engaging and well-written paper.
  • Look for current and relevant topics : Criminal law is a constantly evolving field, so it is important to choose a topic that is up-to-date and relevant. Look for recent court cases, legislative changes, or emerging issues in the field.
  • Narrow your focus : Criminal law is a vast and complex subject, so it is important to narrow your focus to a specific aspect or issue within the broader topic. This will make your research more manageable and allow you to delve deeper into the subject matter.
  • Conduct preliminary research : Before finalizing your topic, do some preliminary research to ensure that there is enough information available to support your argument. This will also help you identify any potential challenges or obstacles you may face during the research process.
  • Consult with your instructor : Your instructor can provide valuable guidance and feedback on your chosen topic. They may also be able to suggest resources or provide additional support to help you succeed.
  • Stay organized : Keep track of your sources and notes, and create an outline to guide your research and writing. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your paper is well-structured and coherent.
  • Develop a strong thesis statement : Your thesis statement should clearly articulate the main argument or point of your paper. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your research is relevant and coherent.
  • Brainstorm and outline your paper : Before you start writing, take the time to brainstorm ideas and create an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your paper flows logically and cohesively.
  • Revise and edit : Once you have completed your paper, be sure to revise and edit it multiple times. This will help you catch any errors or inconsistencies, and ensure that your paper is clear, concise, and well-written.

By following these expert tips, you can choose a criminal law research paper topic that is both engaging and informative, and produce a high-quality paper that demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter.

Custom Writing Services by iResearchNet

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing a criminal law research paper. That’s why we offer professional writing services that are tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Our team of expert writers holds advanced degrees in criminal law and has years of experience in the field. We guarantee that all of our work is 100% original and customized to meet your expectations.

Our services include:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team of writers consists of experts in the field of criminology, with advanced degrees and years of experience in writing and research.
  • Custom written works : We provide custom written research papers that are tailored to your specific requirements. Our writers will work closely with you to ensure that your paper is unique, well-researched, and meets all of your requirements.
  • In-depth research : Our writers conduct thorough research using credible sources to ensure that your paper is well-researched and based on reliable information.
  • Custom formatting : We can format your paper according to any style guide you require, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard.
  • Top quality work with customized solutions : We guarantee that all of our work is of the highest quality and is customized to meet your specific needs.
  • Flexible pricing options : We offer competitive pricing that is designed to fit any budget. We understand that students are often on a tight budget, so we offer flexible pricing options to ensure that our services are affordable for everyone.
  • Short deadlines : We can work on short deadlines of up to 3 hours. If you need a paper done quickly, we can get it done for you.
  • Timely delivery : We understand the importance of deadlines, so we guarantee timely delivery of your completed paper.
  • 24/7 customer support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have and to address any concerns.
  • Absolute privacy and confidentiality : We take privacy and confidentiality seriously and guarantee that all of your personal and academic information will be kept confidential.
  • Easy order tracking : We make it easy for you to track your order and receive updates on its progress.
  • Money-back guarantee : We offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the final product. We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our services and the work that we produce for you.

In conclusion, writing a criminal law research paper requires a thorough understanding of the topic, extensive research, and strong writing skills. It is essential to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to you while also meeting the assignment requirements. Proper organization, formatting, and citation of sources are crucial in producing a high-quality paper. However, if you need assistance with your criminal law research paper, iResearchNet offers expert writing services with a team of experienced writers in the field of law. Our customized solutions, timely delivery, 24/7 support, and money-back guarantee ensure that you receive a top-quality paper that meets your specific needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve academic success.

Order Your Custom Research Paper Today!

criminal law is a complex and evolving field that offers a diverse range of research paper topics. The categories outlined in this guide provide a starting point for students to explore the various aspects of criminal law and its application in different contexts. Choosing a topic that is both relevant and interesting can be a challenging task, but with the expert advice provided, students can confidently navigate this process.

Writing a successful criminal law research paper requires a thorough understanding of the topic, a clear and concise thesis statement, and the ability to effectively synthesize and present information from credible sources. With proper research and organization, students can develop a well-structured and compelling paper that effectively communicates their ideas and arguments.

iResearchNet offers expert writing services that provide students with custom-written criminal law research papers that are tailored to their specific needs and requirements. Our team of experienced writers has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of criminal law, ensuring that every paper we produce is of the highest quality. Our flexible pricing options, timely delivery, and 24/7 customer support make it easy for students to receive the assistance they need to succeed academically.


international criminal law research paper topics


  1. (DOC) LAWS8566 International Criminal Law Essay Topic

    international criminal law research paper topics

  2. Introduction to International Criminal Law, 2nd Revised Edition

    international criminal law research paper topics

  3. CAP

    international criminal law research paper topics

  4. 4.International Criminal Law

    international criminal law research paper topics

  5. International Criminal LAW Outline

    international criminal law research paper topics

  6. International Criminal Law Documents (Paperback)

    international criminal law research paper topics


  1. 5387 PDFs

    Nov 2023. Richard Suofade Ogbe. This paper seeks to analyse and showcase the contemporary applicable prevailing developments vis-a-vis the concept of terrorism under international criminal law. It ...

  2. International Law Research Paper Topics

    This comprehensive list presents 10 categories, each comprising 10 diverse and thought-provoking international law research paper topics. Whether you are interested in human rights, environmental protection, trade regulations, or armed conflicts, these topics offer a wealth of opportunities for academic exploration and intellectual growth.

  3. The International Criminal Law of the Future

    This essay draws upon past developments and current trends of International Criminal Law (ICL), to posit what the future might hold for the discipline. ... Washington University in St. Louis School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series. Subscribe to this free journal for more curated articles on this topic FOLLOWERS. 5,458. PAPERS. 711 ...

  4. Pritzker Legal Research Center: International Criminal Law

    This research guide will assist you with finding international criminal law jurisprudence and preparatory works (negotiating/drafting history) from the International Criminal Court, ad hoc tribunals (ICTY and ICTR), and hybrid courts and tribunals. ... scholarly works, and books on international law topics, including human rights law, criminal ...

  5. 5387 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature ...

  6. The Crises and Critiques of International Criminal Justice

    Abstract. It is often heard that international criminal justice is in 'crisis'. Although the language of 'crisis' suggests a temporary and exceptional moment, the project of international criminal justice has essentially been in a legitimacy crisis since its emergence. International criminal tribunals have never been able to cleanse ...

  7. A Theory of International Crimes: Conceptual and Normative Issues

    Abstract. The quest for a unified theory of international criminalization is an important part of a compelling general theory of international criminal law. Any such account would need to have a conceptual and a normative dimension. This chapter addresses these two issues in turn. At a conceptual level, it argues that international crimes are ...

  8. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice

    The International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice is an international and fully peer reviewed journal which welcomes high quality, theoretically informed papers on a wide range of fields linked to criminological research and analysis. It invites submissions relating to: Studies of crime and … View full aims & scope $3210

  9. Harvard International Law Journal

    The Harvard International Law Journal is the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal in international law. It is edited by J.D. and LLM students at Harvard Law School. Learn more .

  10. Resource library

    The topic of separate and dissenting opinions was addressed in IER recommendations 221-224. ... It seeks to serve as a complete virtual library on international criminal law and justice. ... Some 13 collections of legal documents are included, together with four legal research and reference tools developed by lawyers connected with the Court ...

  11. R. Cryer, Prosecuting International Crimes: Selectivity and the

    Unlike M. Cherif Bassiouni's Introduction to International Criminal Law1—to which Cryer refers at page 1—or Cryer's own co-authored work,2 Prosecuting International Crimes is not a law textbook, but an analytical monograph on the history and philosophy of international criminal law (ICL), and is an indispensable source for advanced ...

  12. International Criminal Law

    The ASIL Insights series of short articles on current international law topics includes several essays on international criminal law.. Hague Justice Portal provides access to the activities of the international courts and organizations located in The Hague, including the ICTY and the ICC.. International Enforcement Law Reporter (Periodicals and Lexis & Westlaw) is a monthly newsletter that ...

  13. Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

    This comprehensive list of criminal law research paper topics provides an extensive and diverse range of subjects for law students to explore and investigate. From foundational principles to contemporary issues, the field of criminal law offers numerous avenues for in-depth research and analysis.

  14. International Law Guide

    This is the complete archive of collected courses, Recueil des Cours, in international law dating from 1923 to the near-present. It also contains the official publications from workshops organized by the Academy. Its thorough annotations make it a valuable resource for research in international law.

  15. International Criminal Law Research Paper

    View sample criminal law research paper on international Criminal Law. Browse criminal justice research paper topics for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A!

  16. Research Guides: International Criminal Law: Journals and News

    Monthly newsletter covering the transnational enforcement of criminal laws, including laws related to money laundering, illicit drug trafficking, and international terrorism; extraterritorial applications of criminal laws and extradition; foreign corrupt practices; the enforcement of intellectual property laws, tax laws, and international human rights; and international criminal tribunals.

  17. Browsing LAW PhD Theses by Subject "International criminal law"

    Title: Complicity in international criminal law Author (s): AKSENOVA, Marina Date: 2014 Citation: Florence : European University Institute, 2014 Type: Thesis Series/Number: EUI; LAW; PhD Thesis Abstract: Complicity is a criminal law doctrine that attributes responsibility to those who do not physically perpetrate the crime. It is an essential ...

  18. International Law Dissertation Topic Examples

    2675 words (11 pages) Law Dissertation Topic. 3rd Oct 2019 Law Dissertation Topic Reference this In-house law team ... as the research shows, the question is not as straightforward as one would primarily like to assume. Suggested Reading. Moore, M 1998. ... Cassese, A 2008. International Criminal Law, 2nd edn, New York: Oxford University Press ...

  19. Dissertations / Theses: 'International Criminal Court (ICC ...

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'International Criminal Court (ICC).'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard ...

  20. 1000 Law Thesis Topics and Ideas

    Thesis topics could address the legality of border enforcement practices, the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, and the impact of new immigration policies on families and communities. Additionally, the intersection of immigration law with human rights provides a compelling area for legal research and discussion.

  21. The Conferred Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

    Washington University in St. Louis School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series Subscribe to this free journal for more curated articles on this topic FOLLOWERS

  22. Google has an illegal monopoly on search, judge rules. Here's what's

    Google has violated US antitrust law with its search business, a federal judge ruled Monday, handing the tech giant a staggering court defeat with the potential to reshape how millions of ...

  23. Criminal Law Research Paper Topics

    Criminal law research papers explore a wide range of topics related to crime and punishment, and the intersection of law and society. Students studying criminal law are often required to write research papers that examine various aspects of the criminal justice system, legal principles, and theories of criminal behavior.