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Retirement speech sample

Refusing to rest honorably - a teacher's farewell address

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The retirement speech sample below was written to show you the end result of using the step-by-step guidelines I put together on 'how to write a retirement speech' and, to find out just how long it took to follow my own advice!

* You can find the answer to that $64 thousand dollar question at the foot of the page.

Although my farewell address is fictional, it is based on experience. In a former life, before I began write-out-loud.com, I was a high school teacher for many years.

The background and setting for this speech 

To give you a deeper understanding, here's the context and a little about a speaker.

The setting is a school assembly hall. It is the end of term. The staff and students are looking forward to the holidays and a rest.

The speaker is Jane Smith. She has taught in this challenging low socio-economic school for the last 25 years.

Mr Harris, the school principal, has given her a warm introduction and returned to his seat. The focus, and the stage, is now hers alone.

Leave - with definition

A retirement speech sample by a teacher 

"Thank-you Mr. Harris {The Principal} for your wonderful introduction.

Have I really been here 25 years? That sounds like a long time ... about the same length as a double spell of English grammar on a Friday afternoon when the sun is shining. On and on, and on.

Fortunately for you I don't plan to.

I remember coming here with my brand-new teacher kit. I was full of ideas, things to do to make a difference. I thought I was the teacher and you, the students, were my pupils. How wrong I was.

It took a while to understand. I was, you see, a reluctant learner. My head was so full of how things 'should be', there was very little room for how things 'were'.

The gap in those early days between what I thought I needed to teach and what the students in my classes actually needed to learn was wide.

There were times when bridging it was difficult: even times when it seemed impossible, and I wanted to give up. To run away, as fast as I could.

I am very grateful I did not.

Mr. Harris is kind in saying I gave you the gift of myself: my energy, enthusiasm,  honesty, respect and love. While that's true, I'm going to turn those words around and give them straight back, for this is precisely what you have given me.

I have been privileged to have had in my classroom many, many fine young people. 25  years ago, some of them began to teach me how to teach.

They helped me build the first bridges. From them I learned true teaching is a special  partnership. It only works when the teacher can see through a student's outer image, into their heart and, can understand and respect what they see.

The student's role is to allow themselves  to be seen, not just for who they are, or have been, but also for who they could be.

Over the years I've been teaching, fashion has had skirts short, long, and short again. Underwear boldly  became over wear for a time. Hair has come, gone, been big, cropped, technicolored, bleached, curled, straightened, extended and dreadlocked. And lately, there's tatts.

Despite the changing  of outward appearance there has always been and always will be a constant. That is the inner need to strive for what is true and right.

I look back with gratitude. I entered a profession dedicated to assisting young people  achieve their potential, to revealing or finding their best selves and discovered it was a two-way street.

As I leave it, I am taking many of you with me. You will live on in my memories. I'll always remember the things we achieved together: the many successful plays we put on, the speeches you gave, the debates and end of year concerts.

I've been asked what I'm going to do now. I'm going to do a lot of things and very few  of them conform to the notion of retirement as a time of waiting for the inevitable end.

Helen Hayes, put it this way: 'People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach “retirement” age seem very admirable to me.'

Quote: People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach “retirement” age seem very admirable to me. Helen Hayes

I am  going to travel to places I've always wanted to go to and haven't been.

I am going to read books that have been waiting on my 'must read' list for years. I will garden, learn new skills, play with my grandchildren, visit art galleries, enjoy being around friends... In short, I plan to LIVE.

Thank you to my colleagues for their support, friendship and for being exemplars of  what it is to serve faithfully with humility. I will always remember our shared laughter, our joys, as well as our struggles.

Thank-you for the never-ending supply of black coffee in the staffroom to keep me awake and alert.

Thank-you too, for the notes of appreciation, words of encouragement, sharing of resources, and time but mostly for your sincerity and trust.

And lastly, I leave you with this thought. There is only ever one of each of us: one Jane Smith or one Mr Harris. We are unique.

We are neither better nor less than anybody else but rather the best or least of ourselves.

I  am still working on finding the best of me. It is an exciting on-going journey. Thank-you for being my traveling companions along a large and important part of my way. I am forever grateful for your company. 

Happy holidays!"

example of retirement speech for teachers

I hope my example retirement speech was useful to you and you're feeling more confident now about writing your own speech.

Remember there are no set rules - just guidelines which you can accept, alter or reject as you see fit.

Resources for writing your own speech

If you're feeling apprehensive, take heart. You can do this.

Go to 'how to write a retirement speech' . These are the guidelines I used for this speech sample. Use them to start putting together what you want to say. If you need additional help, there are full notes here on 'how to write a speech'

Do go through my collection of retirement quotations too. You'll find a broad and varied selection of one-liners plus verse. Some are warmly funny while others are sharp. There's sure to be something here for you.

*How long did this speech take to write?

Image: water color painting of an alarm clock. Text: The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you're the pilot. Michael Altshuler

* For the time-conscious, my retirement speech sample took approximately 5 hours from planning to the form you see now.

Put in perspective against many years of work, that represents a very brief token of respect for your colleagues and yourself.

How long is this speech?

It is 749 words long which will take approximately six minutes to say .   

Is your speech writing 'bla, bla, bland'?

Discover how action verbs make your writing vocally vibrant, succinct and precise.

And lastly, some of you may appreciate this offer... 

Speech writer graphic with text: Are you finding writing your speech hard? I could do it for you. Click and find out more.

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example of retirement speech for teachers

  • Example Of A Farewell Speech For A Retiring Teacher Colleague

Saying goodbye to a retiring teacher colleague is a significant and emotional moment in any school community. It is an opportunity to reflect on the impact they have had on the lives of students, the school, and their fellow colleagues. To help honor and celebrate their contributions, we have prepared four heartfelt farewell speech templates. These templates are designed to express gratitude, reflect on shared memories, acknowledge the retiring teacher's accomplishments, and offer well wishes for their retirement journey. Each template provides a unique perspective, allowing you to choose the one that best suits the retiring teacher and the occasion. By utilizing these templates, you can convey your appreciation, share meaningful anecdotes, and inspire colleagues to continue the retiring teacher's legacy. Remember to personalize the templates by incorporating specific details about the retiring teacher's achievements and the impact they have had on the school community. Let us come together to celebrate their remarkable career and bid a fond farewell as they embark on a new chapter in their lives.

Template A Tribute to a Mentor

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we are here to celebrate the retirement of Mr. Smith, who has been a teacher and a mentor to many of us for over 30 years. Mr. Smith, you have touched the lives of countless students with your passion, wisdom and humor. You have inspired us to pursue our dreams, to challenge ourselves and to never stop learning. You have shown us what it means to be a true educator and a leader.

I still remember the first day I met you in your biology class. You greeted me with a warm smile and a friendly handshake. You made me feel welcome and curious about the subject. You taught me not only the facts and concepts of biology, but also the skills and values of scientific inquiry. You encouraged me to ask questions, to experiment and to discover. You also taught me how to work with others, how to communicate effectively and how to respect different opinions. You were always patient, supportive and respectful.

You were not only my teacher, but also my mentor. You helped me with my academic and personal problems. You gave me advice, guidance and feedback. You motivated me to pursue my interest in medicine and to apply for medical school. You were always there for me when I needed you. You were like a second father to me.

Mr. Smith, you have made a lasting impact on my life and on the lives of many others. You have left a legacy of excellence and integrity in this school and in this community. You have earned our respect, admiration and gratitude. We will miss you dearly, but we will never forget you. We wish you all the best in your retirement. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

Template A Toast to a Friend

Hello, everyone. I am honored to be here today to say a few words about Mrs. Jones, who is retiring after 25 years of teaching English at this school. Mrs. Jones, you are not only a colleague, but also a friend to me and to many others here. You are one of the kindest, most generous and most fun-loving people I know.

You have been a wonderful teacher and a role model for your students. You have taught them how to read, write and speak English with confidence and creativity. You have introduced them to the beauty and diversity of literature from different cultures and eras. You have fostered their critical thinking, analytical skills and appreciation for language arts. You have also nurtured their personal growth, their social skills and their moral values.

You have been a great colleague and a team player for your fellow teachers. You have shared your expertise, your resources and your insights with us. You have collaborated with us on various projects, activities and events. You have supported us in our professional development and in our personal endeavors. You have always been helpful, cooperative and cheerful.

You have been a loyal friend and a confidant for me and for many others here. You have listened to our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, our successes and failures. You have offered us your comfort, your encouragement and your wisdom. You have celebrated with us our milestones and achievements, our birthdays and anniversaries, our holidays and vacations. You have always been there for us when we needed you.

Mrs. Jones, you have been a blessing to this school and to this community. You have enriched our lives with your friendship, your humor and your grace. We will miss you terribly, but we will always remember you fondly. We wish you happiness, health and peace in your retirement. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher, colleague and friend.

Template A Farewell from a Student

Good morning, everyone. I am here today to say goodbye to Mr. Lee, who is retiring after 20 years of teaching math at this school. Mr. Lee, you are one of the best teachers I have ever had. You have made math fun, easy and interesting for me and for many other students.

You have taught me how to solve math problems with logic, creativity and confidence. You have explained math concepts with clarity, simplicity and enthusiasm. You have demonstrated math applications with relevance, practicality and innovation. You have challenged me to think critically, to work hard and to excel in math.

You have also taught me how to be a better person with character, integrity and compassion. You have shown me how to respect myself and others, how to cooperate with my classmates and teachers, how to overcome difficulties and failures, how to appreciate diversity and differences, how to contribute to society and the world.

Mr. Lee, you have made a difference in my life and in the lives of many others. You have given us knowledge, skills and values that will help us in our future endeavors. You have earned our trust, admiration and gratitude. We will miss you a lot, but we will always keep you in our hearts. We wish you joy, fulfillment and adventure in your retirement. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher.

Template A Goodbye from a Principal

Good evening, everyone. I am here today to bid farewell to Ms. Green, who is retiring after 15 years of teaching music at this school. Ms. Green, you are one of the most talented, dedicated and passionate teachers I have ever worked with. You have brought music to life for me and for many others here.

You have taught us how to play music with skill, expression and emotion. You have exposed us to the richness and diversity of music from different genres and periods. You have inspired us to appreciate music as an art form, a cultural heritage and a universal language. You have encouraged us to explore our musical talents, interests and potentials.

You have also taught us how to live music with joy, harmony and spirit. You have shown us how to enjoy music as a source of pleasure, relaxation and inspiration. You have demonstrated how to use music as a tool for communication, collaboration and connection. You have instilled in us a love for music that will last a lifetime.

Ms. Green, you have been a gift to this school and to this community. You have enriched our lives with your music, your energy and your charisma. We will miss you immensely, but we will always cherish you dearly. We wish you all the best in your retirement. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher.

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How to Write a Memorable Retirement Speech + Examples

Updated 12/28/2023

Published 03/2/2020

Belinda McLeod, BA in Secondary Education

Belinda McLeod, BA in Secondary Education

Contributing writer

Follow this guide to write a memorable retirement speech, whether for yourself, a friend, or colleague.

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Stepping up to the podium for your own retirement speech or perhaps for a colleague’s grand exit? Bravo! Whether you’re bidding farewell to your own illustrious career or celebrating a coworker’s legacy, it’s a momentous occasion. And guess what? The spotlight’s on you, and people are eager to be moved, amused, and maybe shed a tear or two.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Who Gives a Retirement Speech?

Retirement Speech Etiquette

Tips for writing a retirement speech, short retirement speech examples.

If this is your debut into the world of retirement speeches, you don’t have to fret too much. Think of it as giving a wedding toast but with fewer embarrassing stories and more career highlights. 

Even if you’ve mastered the art of public speaking, a retirement speech is a unique beast. After all, you want your words to capture the essence of decades of dedication and hard work. 

This article will help you do just that. Keep reading to learn how to write a retirement speech that resonates and leaves an indelible mark.

Tip: Growing older and entering retirement also means watching your friends and family members grow older, too. And that often means coping with loss and grief. If you know a retiree who's facing a loss, our post-loss checklist  may be able to help.

Who Gives a Retirement Speech? 

Retirement speeches are a rite of passage and a moment to reflect on years of service, shared memories, and the legacy left behind. But who steps up to the mic to deliver these poignant words during an office farewell or retirement party ?

While the retiree is an obvious choice, there are others who’ve shared in the journey and can offer unique perspectives. Each speaker brings something unique to the table, painting a comprehensive picture of the retiree’s impact. Let’s take a look at the roles of these speakers and the insights they can bring to the celebration.

The retiree

If you’re the retiree taking center stage, this is your chance for personal reflection. You can share:

  • Anecdotes from your journey
  • The challenges you overcame
  • Milestones you celebrated
  • Gratitude for colleagues, mentors, and the organization

A retiree’s speech often carries pride in their achievements, nostalgia for the memories, and excitement for the future. You might also sprinkle in some humor like a light-hearted mistake or a memorable office prank. This speech is your curtain call, so make sure to leave a lasting impression and maybe impart some wisdom to those still in the midst of their careers.

A coworker’s perspective is invaluable because they’ve been in the trenches together, weathered the same storms, and celebrated mutual successes. If you’re giving a retirement speech for a close coworker, you can highlight:

  • The retiree’s professional attributes and teamwork
  • The camaraderie you shared
  • Recollections of shared projects, inside jokes, and day-to-day interactions
  • Your personal bond and the times you spent together

Your words have the power to connect with many in the room, echoing shared sentiments and reinforcing the retiree’s impact on the team.

A boss or manager

When a boss or manager speaks, it’s a testament to the retiree’s professional impact. Your perspective offers a birds-eye view of the retiree’s contributions, leadership, and the legacy they leave behind.

You can also touch on the personal qualities that made the retiree stand out, such as their resilience, dedication, or mentorship to younger colleagues. The retirement speech is a chance to express gratitude on behalf of the organization, pride in their accomplishments , and to assure the retiree that their shoes were hard to fill.

Retirement speeches are a tribute, a celebration, and a farewell all wrapped into one. As with any significant occasion, there’s etiquette to follow to make the event memorable for all the right reasons. Understanding these nuances can make the difference between a speech that’s cherished and one that’s merely endured.

Consider some retirement speech etiquette to ensure your words resonate with grace, respect, and warmth.

Dress appropriately

The way you dress not only reflects your respect for the occasion but also sets the tone for your speech. Dressing appropriately signifies that you value the event and the person being honored. It's not just about looking good; it's about showing that you've put thought into your appearance as a mark of respect. 

Whether it's a formal event or a casual gathering, ensure your attire matches the occasion. Remember, it's always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.

Use humor wisely

Humor can be a fantastic tool to lighten the mood and engage the audience. However, it's a double-edged sword. What's funny to one person might be offensive to another. 

When incorporating humor, make sure it's in good taste and won't alienate or upset anyone. Steer clear of inside jokes that only a few might understand or controversial topics that could divide the room. The goal is to evoke smiles and laughter, not raised eyebrows.

A retirement speech is a heartfelt tribute, and sincerity is its cornerstone. While it's okay to refer to notes or an outline, ensure your words come from the heart.

Authenticity resonates. People can tell when sentiments are genuine versus when they're merely rehearsed lines. Speak with conviction, share genuine anecdotes, and let your true feelings shine through.

Be positive

Retirement is a celebration of a significant milestone. While it's tempting to bring up past challenges or conflicts, focus on the positive. Highlight achievements, growth, and the good times. 

Even if there were hurdles, frame them as learning experiences or stepping stones that led to greater successes. A positive tone uplifts the atmosphere and leaves the retiree with fond memories.

Time the speech correctly

While you want to cover all your points, you don’t want to bore anyone to sleep. A speech that's too long can lose the audience's attention, while one that's too short might seem insincere.

Aim for a sweet spot, typically between 5 to 10 minutes. This gives you plenty of time to convey your message without overstaying your welcome. Practice beforehand and, if possible, time yourself to keep on track.

Be grateful

Whether you're the retiree thanking your colleagues or a manager expressing appreciation for years of service, always express gratitude. Recognize the contributions, the memories, and the shared journey. A simple 'thank you' can resonate deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the retiree and the audience alike.

Crafting a retirement speech is an art that can seem daunting. After all, you have to encapsulate decades of memories, achievements, and emotions into a few minutes. 

Thankfully, with the right approach and a sprinkle of creativity, you can pen a speech that’s both memorable and moving.

General tips

Whether you’re a retiree or a colleague, retirement speeches should be given with utmost care and respect. Add a touch of creativity, and you’ve got a well-prepared speech that will move hearts and honor the star of the show.

Here are some general tips for crafting a memorable retirement speech.

Choose a speaker who knows the person well

Selecting the right speaker is the foundation of a memorable retirement speech. The speaker's connection with the retiree can make all the difference. Here are some qualities the ideal speaker should have:

  • Personal connection:  The speaker should have a personal rapport with the retiree so they can give genuine anecdotes and heartfelt sentiments.
  • Knowledge of career journey:  Choose someone familiar with the retiree's professional journey, milestones, and achievements.
  • Eloquence:  While personal connection is vital, the speaker should also be comfortable speaking in public and conveying emotions effectively.
  • Representative of the team:  Ideally, the speaker should represent the sentiments of the larger group, ensuring the speech resonates with everyone present.
  • Avoid last-minute choices:  Plan ahead so the speaker has ample time to prepare. Don't leave the selection of the speaker to the last moment.

Focus on the honoree

example of retirement speech for teachers

The retiree is the star of the show, and the speech should reflect that. Here's how to keep the spotlight on them:

  • Highlight achievements:  Discuss significant milestones, projects, and contributions made by the retiree.
  • Share personal anecdotes:  Personal stories add warmth and depth. Share moments that capture the retiree's essence.
  • Avoid generic praises:  Be specific in your compliments. Instead of saying "You're great," mention what makes them so.
  • Incorporate feedback: Talk to colleagues and gather shared memories or sentiments to include.
  • Acknowledge growth:  Discuss how the retiree evolved over the years, both professionally and personally.

Keep it short — but not too short

Timing is everything when you’re giving a retirement speech. You’ve got to strike the perfect balance. Here's how to ensure your speech is just right:

  • Set a time limit:  Aim for 5-10 minutes. It's long enough to cover key points but short enough to retain attention.
  • Practice out loud:  This helps in gauging the length and making necessary edits.
  • Prioritize content:  Focus on the most impactful memories and achievements.
  • Engage the audience:  A well-timed speech ensures the audience remains engaged throughout.
  • Leave room for applause:  Factor in moments of applause or reactions, ensuring the speech doesn't feel rushed.

Carefully use humor

Humor can elevate a speech, but you’ve got to tread carefully. Here's how to infuse humor without overstepping:

  • Know your audience:  Choose jokes that are appropriate for the audience's sensibilities.
  • Avoid sensitive topics:  Steer clear of controversial or potentially hurtful subjects.
  • Test your joke:  Share them with a trusted colleague to gauge their reaction.
  • Use light self-deprecation:  It's a safe way to add humor without offending anyone.
  • Stay authentic:  Forced humor can fall flat. If humor isn't your strength, focus on warmth and sincerity.

Preparation is key to delivering a confident and heartfelt speech. You can thoroughly prepare in several ways:

  • Write an outline:  Organize your thoughts and structure your speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Rehearse: Practice multiple times to get the flow right and make necessary tweaks.
  • Seek feedback:  Share your speech with a trusted colleague or friend for feedback.
  • Visualize the day:  Imagine yourself giving the speech. This mental rehearsal can boost confidence.
  • Stay calm and composed:  Remember, it's a celebration. Take deep breaths, stay relaxed, and speak from the heart.

As the retiree

If you’re a retiree, there are several ways to create a great speech:

  • Reflect on your journey: Talk about where you started, the highs and lows along the way, and where you feel like you've "landed" at the end of your career.
  • Acknowledge and appreciate: There are a lot of people who have helped you on your way. Take the time to acknowledge and thank them for their role in your life and career.
  • Share life lessons: What lessons have you learned that you want to pass along? Share these during your speech.

As a trusted coworker or superior

What about if you’re a coworker or superior? Focus on highlighting the retiree’s impact, sharing personal anecdotes, and offering well wishes for the future.

You might know the person pretty well, but it's always important to make sure you've got the right information on hand. Make sure to gather information and fact check for items like:

  • How long the retiree has been in the industry.
  • How long the retiree has worked for the company.
  • The previous positions the person held within the company.
  • The contributions they made while working.
  • Awards the person who is retiring may have received in the course of their career.
  • Pertinent information about the retiree's work history.

example of retirement speech for teachers

Here are some snippets of retirement speeches that you can amend for your situation. Remember, it is important to speak from the heart. Your audience will appreciate a more authentic speech rather than a stoic message.

For a friend

When Max began work at our firm, gas was $1.19 a gallon, and Ronald Reagan had just been elected president. Kramer vs. Kramer won Best Picture, and “Call Me” by Blondie was playing on the radio. All that to say, she’s been a fixture here for quite a while. To say that Max knows every aspect of this business like the back of her hand is not an understatement.

I remember the first time I walked into this office. Maxine was the first person to greet me. She gave me advice on where to park, showed me how to fill out a PTO request, and answered all my questions during lunch. She introduced me to everyone on staff.  And she made sure I knew all the ins and outs of working for Brighton Industries. This wasn’t part of her job, but she did it anyway. She made every new person in the office feel welcome.

Every office has a “go-to” person. The person who knows how to handle the difficult client. The person who knows how to hire the right person for the job. The person who knows how to load new toner in the printer. Max has been our go-to person for 25 years, and she leaves big shoes to fill.

One of Max’s best qualities is her ability to stay calm in the middle of the storm. Do you remember the great Jones Company fiasco in 2004? While the rest of us panicked about the loss of our biggest client, she went out and found us a new client. And that client brought in twice as much revenue as the client we lost!

We know that Maxine is looking forward to retirement. She told me she is planning to spend more time quilting. And she’ll be hanging out with her daughter and three adorable grandbabies. You’ve all seen pictures of her grandkids, right? Of course, you have! We are all so excited to wish Maxine well as she starts checking off items from her retirement bucket list . 

For your retirement

Thank you so much for all the kind words. I have loved working at Brighton Industries. I have had some of the best times in my life at this office. I have made lifelong friends who I treasure. Thank you for being the best coworkers and friends a woman could ask for.

There are a few things that I won’t miss about working for Brighton. I won’t miss filling out the TPS reports. I won’t miss the late nights that came with tax season. I won’t miss how cold the office is in the summer, or how hot the office is during the winter. But I will miss all of you. You have made this office feel like a second home to me. Thank you.

I discovered what amazing coworkers I had when I lost my mom to cancer three years ago. You all stepped in so willingly to pick up the slack when I couldn’t perform my regular duties. Not only did you take on more responsibilities in the office, but many of you also provided meals to my family. It meant the world to me, knowing that I could depend upon you all for help.

For a coworker

I have witnessed many people come and go throughout my years here at Smith and Smith. However, I am sadder today than ever, knowing Michelle won’t be stepping out of our elevator Monday morning. 

Even though Michelle has only worked at Smith and Smith for the last eight years, she has contributed much to our organization. For example, she made our network more secure by spearheading our cybersecurity efforts. But she also had a knack for streamlining processes, allowing us to work more efficiently. Before Michelle began working here, we worked a great deal of overtime. The reason we are now able to leave at 5 p.m. is because of the processes she began.

On a personal level, Michelle was always a delight to be around. She’s not one to complain – even when we had to put in extra hours last winter. Michelle was always the first to jump in to help when someone was sick or had a personal emergency. We all have stories of how Michelle helped us during a pinch. 

Michele – I will remember you with fondness. I am excited that you will have more time to spend with your beautiful grandchildren, and I wish you every happiness in the future. 

I was honored to be asked to speak about Samuel this afternoon. After working for Samuel for over 20 years, I have a lot to say. Don’t worry, Sam. Most of it is good.

First, I would like to tell you some things about Sam’s background that you might not have been aware of. Sam has a degree in Chemistry from Perdue. Even though he was prepared to spend his life in a lab setting, he sat next to a stranger on the subway one day while going to a job interview. He spoke with this person and learned he was starting a new shoe company and looking for someone to oversee the distribution. Of course, that stranger was Frank Jones, our illustrious founder. And that was why Sam never used his chemistry degree.

The second thing you may not know about Sam is that he is a violin virtuoso. I didn’t know this about him until a few years ago when Sam and his wife had me over for dinner. I saw a music stand in the corner of his living room and asked about it. Sam’s wife encouraged him to play for me. Needless to say, I was dumbfounded by his talent. 

For a subordinate

I know I have the reputation of being a bit of a perfectionist. In fact, before Lucy was hired four years ago, I had been through twelve assistants in thirteen years. That’s one reason why today is such a sad day for me. While I am ecstatic that Lucy will have more time to devote to her novel, I am sorry that I have to find someone to replace her. It’s not going to be easy.

Lucy is amazingly gifted at reading my mind. In fact, it’s a little scary how she seems to know what I want before I ask for it. This ESP, or whatever gift she has been blessed with, has saved me on more than one occasion. I’ll never forget how she interrupted me during a meeting with Mrs. Franklin to remind me of something that saved that account. She also kept me out of the doghouse at home by purchasing perfect Mother’s Day and anniversary gifts for Louise.

While I certainly will miss Lucy’s contributions to our workplace, I am most sad for our clients. Everyone loves Lucy, and they are as heartbroken as I am that she is retiring.  

For a teacher

Throughout Mrs. Anderson’s career, she has taught approximately 2,300 students. That means she has graded more than 18,000 essays, 2,300 research papers, and more book reports than you can imagine. Incredibly, her purple flair ink pen isn’t attached permanently to her hand with all of the grading she has done over the years.

But more important than the essays and book reports are the relationships she has formed with her students over the last three decades. She has comforted students who have lost family members and helped kids find jobs. She has written letters of recommendation for scholarships and advised many in their careers. 

On top of her work as an English teacher, she has overseen the publication of the yearbook and newspaper, traveled with students to Europe, ran the concession stand at football games, coached the cheerleaders, and sat through negotiations each year on behalf of the teachers’ union. 

Mrs. Anderson – you deserve a break. We hope you can sleep in each morning, stay up late reading novels each night, and travel the globe without the fear of losing a kid. Congratulations on your retirement!

For a family member

It’s hard to imagine our Dad without a job. This place has been a part of his routine for so long that he may show up on Monday simply out of habit. In fact, we may have to put a sign on the back of his front door reminding him to stay at home. 

And Dad loved every minute of it. Unlike most people, Dad never complained about his job. In fact, when we prayed as a family before each meal, Dad often expressed thanks for this company and his job. 

But, we are thankful that he can now stay home. He’s worked hard for a long time and deserves a break. But don’t worry – he won’t be sitting around for long. My siblings and I all have lists of home repairs that only Dad can do. We’ve also scheduled a few fishing trips over the next several months.

Thank you for inviting my siblings and me to this retirement party. It’s been a lovely day. I only wish Mom could have survived long enough to see Dad retire. She was always so proud of Dad for everything he accomplished. I’m sure she is smiling down on us right now. 

Funny retirement speech

Christopher has many gifts and talents. And he has contributed a lot to our company over the years. He’s been the top salesperson for twenty-three out of the twenty-five years he has worked here. He has worked hard to streamline our processes to work smarter, not harder. He has also been a leader in our industry by representing us in front of the state legislature. 

Even though I can easily provide you with a long list of awards and accolades, he will forever be known in this office as the person who was always misplacing his stuff. We found his keys by the copier, his wallet next to the giant fern in the back room, his raincoat on Mitch’s desk, and his water bottles – everywhere. It’s always been a mystery to everyone how someone absentminded can perform in a high-pressure job so well. 

So, we have purchased a tile tracker system to help you keep track of all your stuff on behalf of your retirement. Now that you won’t have an entire staff of people keeping track of your personal belongings, we think this might help. It may also keep Louise from killing you during your first week at home.

Retirement: The Next Stage in Life

As we stand on the precipice of one chapter ending and another beginning, we must recognize and celebrate the journey that brought us here. Whether you’re the one stepping into the golden years of retirement or honoring a colleague making that leap, words are powerful. A heartfelt speech can encapsulate years of dedication, camaraderie, and growth.

Retirement isn’t just about saying goodbye to a job. It’s about acknowledging the passion, identity, and pride that one has in their career. For many, their career is a significant part of their life’s narrative. 

As you craft your speech or pen down your thoughts, remember to celebrate this dedication. It might take a bit more effort, but the impact of genuine appreciation will resonate deeply, marking a memorable transition into the next exciting phase of life.


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Retirement Speech for Teacher

Tips for Giving a Great Farewell / Retirement Speech for a Teacher

posted on March 1, 2021

So, you’ve been asked to give a farewell or retirement speech for a teacher leaving your school? Perhaps it’s a beloved colleague and you want to make sure you send them off with exactly the right memory and ending to an amazing career. Or, maybe you’re a new principal nervous about getting this right in front of your staff. Either way, these tips will help you give a great farewell to a deserving educator.

We are entering the time of year where educators announce their retirement or accept a new gig for the coming year. I too, am making a change and stepping into optional retirement for now. This has me thinking about the end-of-year ritual of farewell speeches.

As a school principal, I’ve given dozens of these farewells. I’ve heard many more. While I’m no expert, I think I’ve got a good handle on what does, and doesn’t work. Keep these things in mind and you’ll create a moment to remember.

Table of contents

1. take it seriously, 2. it’s not about you, consider the honoree, ask kids / former students, comments from colleagues, work history, 4. emphasize contribution, 5. use quotes and poems sparingly, 6. close with thanks and retirement wishes.

Note – I did not say make it serious. It’s okay to use humor if appropriate! What isn’t okay is taking a final moment of someone’s time at a school lightly and winging it with a sloppy send-off. 

You don’t need to stress (relaxed is good!) but this is worth spending a bit of time on in advance. If you’d dedicated years (and sometimes decades!) to a career or school, how would you want the person giving your farewell to treat it? 

Oh, and while I mentioned a teacher in the open – don’t forget that every educator deserves the same respect and treatment. Don’t be the principal who goes on and on about a teacher, but virtually ignores the paraeducator who has given their career to supporting the school. Each one matters.

If you’re an administrator, public speaking is an important part of your role. You know I believe that takes effective preparation (if not, just check out how I prepared with over 200 principal interview questions ). Take the time to do this well and it will pay off in credibility and connection with your staff.

Treat this opportunity as an honor, not a burden.

Remember, the point here isn’t for you to be the star. Don’t spend time talking about yourself. Don’t center yourself in any remarks or stories you may share. I’ve seen too many of these where the audience is treated to a long story about the speaker that ties in loosely at the end with the honoree.

Remember, it’s their moment. Make sure your farewell remarks reflect that.

3. Personalize It

You’ll probably find a number of pre-written teacher retirement speeches online. I’m intentionally not doing that here. Canned speeches are obvious and usually awkward. I even attended a retirement event once where the same basic speech, with the same quotes, was used more than once! Don’t do that. 

Since this tip is so important, and personalization makes the speech, I’m going to offer specific tips for how to create a simple, but personal, speech:

This one links to the “it’s not about you” above. You, as a speaker, may have certain strengths. You may use humor brilliantly, tell stories that make people cry, or love performing. 

Those are all great and may be ideal in some cases. But make sure you are considering the personality of the educator who is leaving. This is their moment, not yours.

Introverts may not want to be the center of attention and having them get up in a performance may create a horrible memory. A serious teacher may not appreciate being the object of jokes or parody. Some may feel that cheesy kid story demeans their professional contribution.

Or…all of those things might be exactly what they want! The point here is that you consider their personality in how you approach the farewell speech.

Do Some Research

The best, and most well-received, speeches I’ve seen include a little research woven into the speech. Even better, this takes most of the work off your plate. In fact, if you’re an introvert nervous about public speaking this is my #1 tip because it lets you use the words of others.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Usually it can be done with a short email or conversation and a simple question.

Here are three types of “research” in their order of effectiveness:

If you have access to any students the educator worked with, their comments are always crowd pleasers. You’ll get touching stories, humorous comments, and memorable pictures. 

A simple question like, “What do you remember most about Mr./Ms. XYZ?” will get you amazing results.

If former students aren’t accessible, colleagues make a great source of materials too. Ask them for their most memorable moment, or what they think their colleagues biggest contribution to the school was.

Speech written!

Finally, if you don’t have time (or the ability) to talk to colleagues or former students, you can often find some great speech material by looking back on the educators career. 

I’ve seen some administrators look in personnel files or old hiring documents to dig out timelines and previous positions. I don’t advise this.

Instead, I like to sit down with the educator who is leaving and have a conversation about their career path. Giving them this time is another form of respect and what you learn will often be surprising. 

For this, I just open with something like, “I can’t believe you’re moving on and I wanted to learn a little more about the path that led you here.” 

Stories, jokes, and appreciation is great – but people want to feel like they’ve had an impact. Make sure your remarks include a healthy dose of how they impacted the school they’re leaving.

Trust me – they’ll feel that and remember it down the road more than anything else you say.

Generic quotes/poems pulled from google are overdone. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a favorite poem or meaningful quote in your farewell remarks. Just make sure it’s actually personal to the honoree. Talk about how it fits them perfectly, exemplifies something they’ve done, or why it made you think of them.

You’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen a solid speech sputter out at the end, or close in an awkward way that lessens the impact. Be prepared and keep it simple by doing two things:

Thank them for their contribution to the school. (again – emphasize contribution!)

Wish them the best on their future steps. Even if you desperately wish they were staying or think they are making a mistake by leaving, it is important that they know you support them in the future.

A simple example:

“In closing, it’s been an amazing 15 years working with Educator XYZ. They have dramatically changed the way our team impacts student learning. You have made a positive difference in an entire generation of kids. I will miss working with you every day, but know you’ll do great things in your next job. Cheers!”

Tips for giving a great retirement speech for a teacher!

Being asked to give a farewell speech can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s a great honor and you will help create a meaningful moment in an educator’s life by keeping the following in mind:

  • Take it seriously
  • Remember – it’s not about you
  • Consider the honoree’s needs
  • Do some research
  • Emphasize contribution
  • Use quotes / poems sparingly and meaningfully
  • Close with thanks and best wishes

Now, go give a great teachers retirement speech!

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Retirement Speech by a Teacher

Updated on September 14, 2023

“Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. As I stand here today, I’m overwhelmed with memories of faces that have passed through my classroom…”
“When I first stepped into this school [X years] ago, I was a young educator, eager to make a difference. The chalk was whiter, the blackboards darker, and the school bell rang a tad louder.”
“Over the years, chalk turned to markers, blackboards to smart screens, and traditional classrooms transformed into hubs of digital learning. But one thing remained constant – the zeal to learn and the joy of witnessing an ‘aha’ moment.”
“There were days of pure joy, like when our team won the national science fair, and days of challenges, like preparing lessons during snowstorms. But every day was a testament to the spirit of learning.”
“As I bid adieu, I pass the baton to the next generation of educators. May you keep the flame of knowledge burning bright and continue to inspire, educate, and shape the leaders of tomorrow.”
  • Relate personal anecdotes to universal teaching experiences.
  • Incorporate school-specific memories or traditions.
  • Highlight significant milestones in your teaching career.
  • Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. – Oprah Winfrey
  • The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. – Mark Van Doren
  • Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. – Jacques Barzun
  • Remember the time a challenging student had a breakthrough moment, surprising not just you but the entire class?
  • Recount a humorous classroom incident that still brings a smile to your face.
  • Think back to an unexpected teaching moment that became a valuable life lesson for your students.

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Example of a Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher Colleague

Are you looking for a farewell speech for a teacher colleague? Here is a sample farewell speech for a retiring teacher by the student, principal, teacher colleagues by students to teacher, colleague, a co-worker who is bidding farewell to their colleagues in a school, university, college, or office. We at semioffice.com giving you many sample speeches on this topic.

Don’t forget to give a nice gift to your teacher colleagues. You can buy gifts for teachers online and from local markets. A gift is a precious thing that reminds about you of many times in life.

Farewell Speech for Teacher Retiring in English

Good Morning, My Dear Colleagues,

Today, we have gathered here to bid farewell to our exceptional teacher and a mentor who retired from active service. Yet, today, I realized how time flies.

It gives me immense pleasure to say that (mention the name of the teacher) has taught us a lot about teachers and how to live our lives as responsible and kind individuals. Our dear teacher has imparted not only skills but also valuable ethics to us. There is no doubt in saying that she was our favorite hello, and is our hardest goodbye. There are no words to express our feelings for her, but it is our responsibility to express our sincerest gratitude. It feels like yesterday when she just started her teaching career. Thirty-five years is an easy number to say but once pondered upon it. It’s a life that we have spent together as a family.

She is much more than a teacher; she is a mother. She is one woman we could trust blindly and discuss whatsoever we want with her. There is no doubt in saying that she is the epitome of a perfect human being. A human with a beautiful inside out. A free soul. I still remember how we could see her roaming around with a cup of tea and helping anyone she saw on her way. It gives us immense grief to let her go. She has set amazing examples for the young generations to follow. I still remember her one piece of advice, which was “Life to Learn, Learn to live.” Having someone like her was no less than a blessing. Our sessions of wisdom in break time were so soulful and relaxing. She always provided us with the most comfortable environment to work in.

I wish there were a way to make her stay a bit longer and to let us enjoy her beautiful company. It wrenches my heart to say Goodbye to his mesmerizing human being. Lots of Love. I hope you stay happy wherever you go. May All the odds be in your favor. Stay Safe. Goodbye!

Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher Colleague

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Good Speech Ideas for Teachers to Make Their Retirement Memorable

A good education is everyone's right and good education can only be dispensed by a good teacher. It so becomes that when you, as a teacher, retire, you need to pull yourself together and give out the speech that helps everybody understand the true value of a good teacher.

Good Retirement Speech Ideas for Teachers

A good education is everyone’s right and good education can only be dispensed by a good teacher. It so becomes that when you, as a teacher, retire, you need to pull yourself together and give out the speech that helps everybody understand the true value of a good teacher.

A speech is supposed to be made from the heart. And a retirement party, with the speech, is made only once in a lifetime by anyone. Being a teacher, it will be difficult letting go of your daily routine and the regime to instill some knowledge in the kids. This makes a teacher’s retirement speech very difficult.

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” ~ Elizabeth Wharton

Retirement Speech Ideas for Teachers

Senior man talking

To help you out, here’s a few ideas on how to write the perfect retirement speech for your retirement as a teacher with a few examples. But know that in the end, you will have to write your own if you want the listeners’ to relate. You may not have been the funniest person around, but be yourself when you step in front of the microphone and let the audience see who you truly are.

“All learning has an emotional base.” ~ Plato

Starting Your Speech

Always start off by thanking the person who spoke in your honor before you. After that, you can also thank any other important person in the audience and then the audience themselves. Thank them and then turn your words to the audience. As you start out the speech, make sure to speak in a clear voice. Well, you being a teacher, already have this quality with you. You may start with a simple quote (you can also use the ones mentioned) to get everybody’s attention or a joke to alleviate the mood. Think of it as talking to an old and dear friend instead of a silent audience, you’ll know what to say better this way. Connecting with all the people in the hall on that level makes you give a better speech and makes them listen to and remember the speech.

“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.” ~ Author Unknown

Speech Body

The main thing to do here is to keep it simple and short. A speech generally goes for about 2 to 3 minutes. If your speech is getting bigger, try and cut some parts. If your speech is shorter, use the following points to elaborate:

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” ~ Author Unknown

  • Get something from your memories and try to put them on paper. Something like: “I remember a time when young Ben used to get into a lot of trouble, always sticking his head into the lion’s mouth. That’s what they used to call Principal Leon back then; the lion. Anybody who went into his ‘cave’ and got out alive was pretty much a hero, even us teachers sometimes! Well, little Ben is sitting right there, with his wife Trudy and his girl Jenna, who’s got her own lion to tame now that she’s starting school next year!” A point to remember is, whenever you single out someone, make sure you do it lightly and for the shortest time possible. You may inadvertently embarrass someone or leave someone else out of the picture.
  • Humor always plays an important part in any speech, and it can come from anywhere, be it an anecdote, an old memory of you with someone, a funny quote or the best kind of humor; impromptu. You can also talk about your experience as a student when you were in college, this will relate you to any of your students listening to the speech.
  • You can lightly explain when and how you started contemplating about your retirement and how you started to plan the retirement ahead of you. Something like: “Anyone who wishes to contact me, I’ll be on my private island in Hawaii…. Just kidding, I’ll be on a hammock in my backyard. Any other teachers here, the kind of money we get paid to make doctors and engineers, you’d be thinking, ‘man, he has his own backyard!’ Well, yes I do!”

“A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism.” ~ Louis A. Berman

Speech Conclusion

It’s perfectly alright to get a little emotional in the end, just remember it’s a retirement speech, not a eulogy. Keep it straight and sharp, but also make it a point to let the people you are going to miss know that they are going to be missed. Remind the students why they are in school and ask the other teachers to keep doing their best to do what they do everyday; create the world that we see today.

“The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

A retirement is the end of one life, in exchange for another. If you’re a teacher, you may never really retire from the task of ‘teaching’ the younger generations, but know that anyone who ever did learn from your class will always be grateful for what you did, and your retirement speech is a simple matter of returning that gratitude.

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Guide On How To Write An Amazing Retirement Speech With Examples

example of retirement speech for teachers

While some may view a farewell or retirement speech as optional, it’s far more than a mere formality. It offers a powerful opportunity for both the retiree and their colleagues, friends, and family to experience closure, reflection, and connection. 

For the retiree, it’s a chance to share their story, reconnect with those they’ve touched, and express gratitude. For colleagues, friends, and family, it’s a moment to appreciate, learn, and be inspired. This speech can even be a cathartic release for the retiree, allowing them to share words they’ve held close.

In this guide, I’ll provide you with ideas and tips on crafting a memorable and impactful retirement speech, whether for yourself or on behalf of another retiree. The latter half will offer some curated examples to inspire your own unique message. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

How To Write A Farewell Speech: Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a memorable and impactful farewell speech, packed with practical writing and public speaking tips. Follow these steps to create a speech that resonates and leaves a lasting impression.

Note : This guide primarily assumes you’re the retiree, but the steps and tips are equally applicable if you’re writing on someone’s behalf or honoring a retiree. Just adapt the language as needed.

1. Plan Ahead

Before diving into your farewell retirement speech, ensure you have ample time to plan and prepare. Create a rough outline beforehand, jotting down key points you want to cover.

Some crucial points you may want to prioritize in your draft outline:

  • The beginning : Reflect on your early days in the company. How did your journey start?
  • The middle : Share significant experiences and anecdotes from your time here. What shaped your journey?
  • The end : Discuss your retirement plans and the emotions surrounding your departure. How are you approaching this new chapter?

Remember, these are just suggestions; choose the aspects that resonate most with you and your story.

Writing Tip: Prioritize outlining first. It allows you to visualize the flow of your speech. Work your way down to the last bullet point, and don’t hesitate to cross out anything that feels inappropriate or uninteresting.

Public Speaking Tip: Aim to internalize your outline. It will guide you seamlessly if you choose to deliver the speech without a script.

2. Consider The Audience

Once your outline is complete, it’s time to flesh out the details and craft your script. Before diving in, familiarize yourself with your audience.

Remember, tailoring your speech to your listeners is crucial. Consider their age range and interests. If children will be present, adjust your language accordingly. Similarly, for a formal event, minimize potentially offensive jokes or anecdotes, especially about colleagues or supervisors. You want to leave a positive lasting impression, not be remembered as someone who has turned hostile with retirement.

Writing Tip : Prioritize clear and relatable language, using examples that resonate with your audience’s level of understanding. While AI can be a helpful tool, carefully review its output as the tone and language it generates can sometimes be extreme or inappropriate.

Public Speaking Tip : Establish eye contact to connect with your audience. Consider encouraging participation by asking questions or inviting them to share their own stories, but be mindful of time constraints and use your judgment when deciding if interacting with individuals in the audience is feasible.

3. Set A Goal For Your Speech

Decide what you want to achieve with your speech. Do you want to express gratitude, share memories, or offer advice? While you may have each of those covered in your speech, it’s still critical to choose one of them as your speech’s main theme. Having a clear goal will help you to structure your speech and stay focused.

Writing Tip : Your farewell retirement speech is a unique chance to create a lasting impression that reflects your true essence. Think about what will resonate most with you and your audience. Also, write it as if it’s the last thing you’ll write in your life.

Public Speaking Tip : Sharing personal experiences or feelings can deeply connect with the audience. While staying within your comfort zone is important, consider injecting moments of vulnerability to add authenticity and emotional resonance.

4. Brainstorm Ideas

With a solid outline as your compass and your audience in mind, you can start enriching your script with fresh ideas and engaging content. While your retirement speech holds the potential for countless anecdotes, don’t forget to balance it with lighthearted moments and playful touches.

Begin by brainstorming all the elements you want to weave into your speech. Consider personal stories, noteworthy achievements, and pearls of wisdom you wish to share. Don’t hold back—let your imagination run wild!

Writing Tip : While it’s important to acknowledge your achievements, remember not to overemphasize them or let them overshadow the essence of your speech. Your personal journey takes center stage.

Public Speaking Tip : Watch out for overly playful or flippant tones that might undermine your message. If you become aware of sounding cheeky, playfully acknowledge it and redirect the focus to a more serious tone.

5. Do Research

As you expand your retirement speech with additional content, consider supporting your claims and stories with research. While your personal experiences are inherently credible, verifying surrounding details adds a layer of factuality and gravitas to your message.

Grounding your anecdotes in verifiable truth can significantly enhance your credibility and persuasiveness, effectively driving your points home with greater impact. 

For example, if you have a remarkable story from your work, you might consider speaking to others who were present to corroborate the events. This not only strengthens your story’s credibility but can also add more nuance and richness through their perspectives.

Writing Tip : Pepper your speech with specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your achievements and the impact you’ve made on the company. These personal accounts will resonate powerfully with your audience.

Public Speaking Tip : Leverage the presence of individuals you consulted during your research. Their involvement can amplify your claims and add weight to your stories, further solidifying your credibility and speech’s impact.

6. Organize Your Ideas

At this point, your script is becoming longer and longer, filled with memory-inducing details. Now, it can become a hot mess, so you need to make sure that you organize all the thoughts and stories you’ve written.

Group your ideas by theme and decide on the order in which you want to present them. This will help you to create a clear and logical structure for your speech.

Writing Tip : Perform mind mapping. It’s a visual brainstorming technique that can help you organize your thoughts effectively, especially when crafting a complex speech. There are many apps out there that provide helpful and intuitive mind mapping.

Public Speaking Tip : When delivering your speech, remember your well-organized writing plan!  But also chunk your ideas, pause between chunks, and signpost your transitions.

7. Write Your Initial Draft

With your ideas nicely organized, you’re ready to write your initial draft. Start by making a memorable introduction that grabs your audience’s attention right away. This is your chance to set the stage and show your tone, whether it’s heartfelt, funny, or a bit of both.

Follow your outline and include personal stories, sincere thanks, and well-timed humor. Remember, balance is important. Your stories should highlight your journey, your thanks should feel genuine, and your humor should bring smiles without making light of the occasion.

Also, keep it short and sweet. Aim for a speech that holds the audience’s interest for about five to 10 minutes to leave a lasting impression. And most importantly, speak from the heart. Use a conversational tone, like you’re sharing these stories with old friends, which is basically what you’re going to do during a speech.

By the way, five to 10 minutes of speech is roughly equivalent to 1,000 to 2,000 words. As you can see, you have a lot of legroom.

Writing Tip: Keep it flexible. Your outline is a guide, not a rigid framework. Be open to modifying it as you write and rehearse your speech. Also, write in a way that feels natural to you, as if you were conversing with a friend.

Public Speaking Tip: Your first draft will likely evolve as you refine your ideas and practice your delivery. Don’t get attached to it or feel pressure to memorize it right away. Meanwhile, don’t get rid of your outline. Your outline serves as a valuable roadmap later, even after you’ve written the full speech. It can help you stay on track, remember key points, and maintain logical flow.

8. Edit And Revise

Depending on the time available, you can edit and revise your initial draft until you are satisfied with it. Focus on clarity, conciseness, and sincerity. Also, make sure to eliminate inappropriate lines and language.

Writing Tip : Read it aloud. Hearing your writing can help you identify clunky sentences and areas that need improvement.

Public Speaking Tip : Prepare key phrases and responses. Anticipate questions or situations where you might need to ad-lib. Some of your listeners may take a jab at you, ask questions, or try to humor you while you speak. It’s unavoidable. So, have prepared answers or transitions ready.

9. Practice Your Delivery

Practicing your delivery is still a part of the writing process. While reading your lines out loud may help you find awkward and even grammatically erroneous sentences and paragraphs, practicing your delivery can help you identify problems with pacing, length, and impact.

Rehearse your delivery several times before the big day and edit as you go. This not only familiarizes you with the content but also helps you avoid stumbles and deliver with confidence. 

To ensure comfort and confidence on the big day, practice your delivery in front of a mirror or with a friend. Remember to time your speech to avoid exceeding or falling short of the allotted duration.

Writing Tip: Imagine the questions your audience might ask, especially for complex sections that could ignite their curiosity. By seamlessly incorporating answers within your speech, you can proactively clarify any potential doubts and maintain a smooth, uninterrupted flow.

Public Speaking Tip: Practice your pacing, tone, and gestures. Record yourself and watch the playback to identify areas where you can improve.

Elements Of An Amazing Farewell Retirement Speech

Though you’ve reached the end of the steps on how to write a great farewell retirement speech, chances are you haven’t begun writing yet (that’s a good thing!). Before diving in, be sure to consider these key elements for a truly amazing speech—aspects the previous section might have missed.

1. A Strong Opening

A powerful opening to your retirement speech isn’t just a formality; it’s a strategic move with several compelling advantages:

  • It suggests there are more interesting things to come and immediately draws the audience in.
  • It establishes your voice and personality, captivating them with a memorable start even if they already know you. 
  • It raises anticipation and curiosity, leaving them eager to hear the rest of your story and the wisdom you’ll share.

Now, how do you translate this advice into an unforgettable start?

Begin with a memorable and attention-grabbing opening that sets the tone for the rest of your speech. This could be a funny retirement joke that breaks the ice and eases any tension, a personal anecdote that reveals a glimpse into your journey, or a retirement quote that resonates with your personality or your time at the company.

2. Gratitude

As a retiree, take a moment to express gratitude and appreciation to your colleagues, managers, and mentors. Thank the people who helped you along the way, acknowledging their hard work, dedication, guidance, and support. This act not only reinforces the positive relationships you’ve built but also showcases your deep appreciation for their contributions.

3. Achievement Highlights

While highlighting your achievements is a natural part of a retirement speech, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Here’s why your speech offers so much more:

  • Retirement speeches offer a chance to reflect : bask in achievements, learn from challenges, and express gratitude—a rare mic drop without judgment.
  • Shine, but share the spotlight : Acknowledge mentors, teams, and the community you built. Focus on impactful accomplishments that inspire, not just accolades.
  • Balance triumphs with wisdom : Your speech becomes a testament—a farewell filled with gratitude, impact, and the enduring spirit of your career.

No need to fear self-promotion, but remember, don’t cross the line and brag about everything about yourself for more than you should. 

Stories can be powerful tools for communication, helping to engage your audience. Choose stories that are relevant to your audience and effectively illustrate your points. Keep them brief and to the point, using them to highlight the impact of your work and the relationships you’ve built.

5. Memorable Moments

For a lighter touch, consider sharing a humorous anecdote that embodies your personality or your dedication to work. Choose something that resonates with you and your colleagues, allowing them to see you beyond just your professional achievements.

Some of the memorable moments you can try to include in your speech are the following:

  • A humorous yet relatable story : Share a light-hearted anecdote that showcases your personality and connects with the audience.
  • A significant challenge you overcame : Describe a moment when you faced adversity and emerged stronger, highlighting your resilience and problem-solving skills.
  • A touching moment of impact : Share a story where your work positively affected someone or the community, demonstrating the purpose and value you brought.

While it’s good to include a lot, remember that you don’t need to tell everything. Leave yourself and your audience some topics to discuss after the speech.

6. Well Wishes

Add heartfelt wishes to your retirement speech. They can make room for your speech to express your thanks, strengthen bonds with the audience, and provide positive closure. They can also capture your audience’s attention and inspire them.

Leave a lasting legacy of goodwill. Well-wishes, sprinkled with personalized mentions and optimism, show you value the relationships built. They warm your farewell and build camaraderie, creating a cherished memory for all.

7. Positivity

Making your speech positive allows you and others to celebrate triumphs more fully, embrace the future with optimism, and solidify bonds with the audience. It also creates a joyful atmosphere, which is something everybody would definitely appreciate.

Beyond these benefits, positivity simply feels good. It allows you to end your career on a high note, filled with joy and satisfaction. It also sets a positive precedent for your retirement, paving the way for new adventures and experiences.

8. Sincerity

Ticking off retirement speech boxes can be tempting, but it often leads to a calculated, formulaic monologue that falls flat. Authenticity, on the other hand, amplifies connections, creates a lasting impact, and sparks genuine inspiration. 

Why? A heartfelt retirement or farewell speech isn’t a checklist; it’s an opportunity to express yourself honestly to celebrate your career with integrity. This unfiltered expression resonates with others, forging a genuine farewell that honors your achievements and strengthens your bonds. 

Sincerity simply feels right and it can allow you to end your journey with grace and authenticity. This, more than anything, will leave a lasting impression, not just on those present, but on your own path ahead.

9. Concision

While “concision” may not be the most common word, it’s the secret ingredient for a captivating retirement speech. Avoid rambling detours and focus on the essence of your journey. It’s easy to get lost in memories, but prioritize the core moments and keep your audience enthralled. 

As a rule of thumb, five minutes of speech is highly acceptable, but it’s okay to go longer than that as long as you don’t exceed 10 minutes. Remember, like a good host, leave them wanting more, not wishing for the end.

Injecting some humor into your retirement speech benefits both you and your audience. For starters, a well-timed joke can help dissolve your nervous tension, especially for those of us who aren’t seasoned public speakers. Beyond calming your nerves, humor can also forge a relatable connection with your listeners and leave a lasting positive impression.

Humor further enhances engagement by keeping the audience on their toes and invested in your message. And let’s be honest, a well-placed laugh can provide a welcome emotional release after recounting the trials and triumphs of your career. 

While sharing the dramatic moments is valuable, a well-timed joke can lighten the mood and prevent tears (of boredom, of course!). Here are a few retirement speech jokes you may want to draw inspiration from:

  • Age-Related Humor : “Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Turns out, ‘early bird’ doesn’t mean waking up at 5 am anymore. Now it means getting the worm discount at Denny’s!”
  • Work-Life Balance Shift : “My colleagues keep asking me what my retirement plans are. Well, first I’m going to sleep for a week straight, then I’m going to spend another week figuring out how to turn off my email notifications forever!”
  • Time For Hobbies : “Finally retired! Now I have all the time in the world to do all those things I never had time for, like cleaning the garage… again… for the third time this week.”
  • Travel Plans (Or Not) : “They say retirement is all about traveling the world. Honestly, the furthest I plan on going is my neighbor’s hammock—it has a built-in margarita holder, you know.”
  • Goodbye Office Life : “Retirement isn’t just about leaving the office; it’s about leaving the office chair-induced back pain behind. Goodbye, ergonomic nightmare! Hello, comfy recliner!”

Conclude your address with a statement that resonates. Choose a funny retirement quote or expression that embodies the essence of your career and accomplishments, delivered with the gravitas of one taking their final bow. This final message will echo long after your speech is done.

11. Visuals

Elevate your retirement speech by utilizing visuals. With projectors and widescreen televisions now being common in homes and function halls, you can expect to have the opportunity to show some relevant pictures and videos, which can help with your speech.

Photos in a slideshow can illustrate key points and add engagement. Alternatively, create a fun tribute video featuring colleagues, family, and friends. If that sounds daunting, fear not! Here are some of my articles that can help you out with retirement slideshows and tribute videos and clips .

12. A Positive Note

Having a highly positive speech may not be possible. However, you should at least make sure that you end with a positive note.

Concluding your retirement speech on a positive note not only leaves everyone with a smile but also provides a profound sense of closure and satisfaction. This shared positivity extends beyond mere cheer as it serves a more profound purpose. It enables you to wrap up your career on a high note, filled with joy and contentment. 

In essence, by ending on a positive and uplifting tone, you not only mark the end of one chapter but also signal the promising beginning of another, creating a seamless transition into the next phase of your life.

Farewell Retirement Speech Examples

Now that you’re familiar with the process of writing a farewell retirement speech and the crucial elements you can include, it’s time for some inspiring examples!

Please note that these examples are condensed for brevity and lack specific details. They’re meant to serve as adaptable templates, not ready-made speeches.

Without further ado, let’s explore these examples!

Retirement Speech For Retirees

Here’s a sample of a retirement speech by a retiree:

Good evening, everyone. I am truly honored to be standing here today, surrounded by my colleagues and friends, to celebrate my retirement. After many years of hard work and dedication, reflecting on my career and the many memories I’ve made along the way feels incredible. As I look back on my time with this company, I am struck by the many challenges and accomplishments that I’ve experienced. I’ve worked with some incredible people, faced some difficult obstacles, and come out on the other side as a stronger and more resilient person. I am especially grateful for the friendships and relationships that I’ve formed over the years. Working alongside such talented and committed individuals has been a privilege, and I know that the memories we’ve made together will last a lifetime. To my colleagues and managers, I want to express my deep appreciation for your guidance and support throughout my career. Your mentorship and advice have been invaluable to me, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you. To those still working, I want to share a few words of wisdom I’ve learned throughout my career. First, never lose sight of your passion and your purpose. Your passion will keep you motivated and inspired and your purpose will guide your actions and decisions. Second, always remember the importance of teamwork and collaboration. None of us can achieve our goals alone, and only through working together can we make a real impact. Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone in attendance today. Your friendship and support have meant the world to me, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you. I will miss you all dearly, but I am excited for the next chapter in my life. As I move on to the next phase of my journey, I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come. I know that retirement will bring its own set of challenges and adventures, and I am ready to embrace them with open arms. Again, thank you for your kindness, generosity, and friendship. Working alongside you has been an honor and a privilege, and I will always cherish the memories we’ve made together.

Retirement Speech For Teachers

Here’s a sample of a retirement speech by a retiring teacher:

Dear students, colleagues, and friends, I stand before you today with mixed emotions as I announce my retirement from teaching. After [insert number of years] years of being in the classroom, it’s time for me to step back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. As I reflect on my career, I’m filled with a sense of pride and gratitude. Teaching has been more than just a job for me. It has been a calling, a passion that has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. To my students, I want to say thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. I have learned so much from you, and I hope that I have also imparted some knowledge and wisdom to you. Watching you grow and develop into successful adults has been the most rewarding part of my job. To my colleagues, I want to express my appreciation for the support and encouragement you have given me over the years. You have been more than just co-workers; you have been my friends and confidantes. I will miss our collaborations and discussions about teaching, but I’m excited to see what the future holds for you and the students. As I begin this new chapter in my life, I look forward to spending more time with my family, traveling, and pursuing other interests. But I will always remember the memories and experiences that I have gained from my time as a teacher. Thank you all for the wonderful years I have spent here, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Retirement Speech For Colleague

Here’s a sample retirement speech from a coworker:

Dear colleagues and friends, Today is a bittersweet day for all of us as we gather to celebrate the retirement of our esteemed colleague and friend [Retiree’s Name]. We’re here to honor [Retiree’s Name] and to acknowledge the incredible contributions [they/he/she] has made to our organization. It’s hard to imagine our workplace without [Retiree’s Name]. [He/She] has been a constant presence here for [insert number of years] years and has played a pivotal role in shaping the culture and success of our team. [Retiree’s Name] has always been a person who leads by example. [He/She] is hardworking, committed, and always willing to lend a helping hand. [He/She] has inspired all of us to be better colleagues and better people. [His/Her] dedication to our team and our mission is something we will always remember. As [Retiree’s Name] begins a new chapter in [his/her] life, we want to express our deepest gratitude for all [he/she] has done for us. [His/Her] hard work, leadership, and unwavering dedication to our team will be greatly missed. [Retiree’s Name], we wish you all the best in your retirement. We hope you will take this opportunity to relax, travel, spend time with your family and friends, and pursue everything you’ve always wanted to do. Know that you leave a lasting legacy here, and you will always be a part of our team. Thank you for being such an amazing colleague, mentor, and friend. We will miss you dearly. Congratulations on your retirement!

Retirement Speech For A Retiree Given By A Friend

Here’s a sample retirement speech from a friend:

Dear [Retiree’s Name], As I stand before you today, I feel both joy and sadness. Joy, because I’m so happy for you as you embark on your retirement journey, and sadness because I know our time together will be more limited. But today is about celebrating you, my friend, and I’m honored to have this opportunity to do so. You have been my true friend over the years, and I’m grateful for the memories we’ve shared. We’ve been through a lot from our college days to our careers. And now, as you retire, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in all that you’ve accomplished. Your work has always been a source of inspiration to me. I have watched you dedicate yourself to your profession, and your passion and commitment have always been evident. Your work has touched so many lives, and you leave a legacy of excellence that will be hard to match. But as much as I admire your professional accomplishments, what I treasure most about our friendship is the person you are. You have always been a kind, caring, and loyal friend. Your wit, humor, and wisdom have enriched my life countless times. As you move into this new phase of your life, I hope you’ll take some time to reflect on all that you’ve achieved. But more importantly, I hope you’ll savor the simple pleasures of life—time with loved ones, new experiences, and the chance to pursue hobbies and interests that may have taken a back seat to work. So my dear friend, as you retire, know that you leave behind a legacy of excellence, friendship, and inspiration. You will be missed, but your impact will live on. Congratulations on your retirement, and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Retirement Speech For Employee From A Boss Or Colleague

Here’s a sample corporate retirement speech for an employee from a boss or colleague:

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we’re here to celebrate the retirement of one of our most dedicated and hardworking employees, [Retiree’s Name]. [He/She] has been an integral part of our team for [insert number of years] years, and we’re all sad to see [him/her] go. [Retiree’s Name] has been a true asset to our company. [His/Her] hard work, leadership, and innovative thinking have helped us achieve some of our most important goals. [His/Her] contributions to our team and our mission will be missed. As [Retiree’s Name] moves into retirement, we want to express our deep gratitude for all that [he/she] has done for our company. [He/She] has played a key role in making us the successful organization we are today, and [his/her] influence will be felt for years to come. But beyond [Retiree’s Name]’s professional achievements, [he/she] has been a valued colleague and friend to many of us. [His/Her] kindness, generosity, and willingness to help others have left a lasting impression on all of us. [Retiree’s Name], thank you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to our company. You leave behind a legacy of excellence that will inspire us for years to come. We wish you all the best as you move into this new chapter of your life. We hope you will take this opportunity to relax, spend time with your loved ones, and pursue everything you’ve always wanted to do. We will miss you dearly, but we’re excited to see what the future holds for you. Congratulations on your retirement, and have fun!

Retirement Speech For Boss From An Employee Or Another Boss

Here’s a sample of a retirement speech for a boss:

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the retirement of one of the most esteemed leaders in our organization, [Retiree’s Name]. [He/She] has been an integral part of our team for [insert number of years] years, and [he/she] will be greatly missed. [Retiree’s Name] has been an outstanding boss and mentor to all of us. [His/Her] vision, leadership, and passion have helped us achieve some of our most important goals. [His/Her] contributions to our team and our mission have been immeasurable. As a boss, [Retiree’s Name] has inspired us all to improve. [His/Her] ability to lead by example, challenge us to achieve our full potential, and create a culture of excellence has been remarkable. [His/Her] wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support have left a lasting impact on our organization and every one of us. But beyond [Retiree’s Name]’s professional accomplishments, [he/she] has been a valued colleague and friend to many of us. [His/Her] kindness, generosity, and willingness to help others have left a lasting impression on all of us. [Retiree’s Name], thank you for your tireless work and unwavering commitment to our organization. You have left an indelible mark on our company and our lives, and we are forever grateful for all that you have done for us. As you move into retirement, we hope you will take this opportunity to relax, spend time with your loved ones, and pursue all the things you’ve always wanted to do. We know that you will continue to inspire and lead in whatever you do next, and we wish you all the best in this next chapter of your life. Congratulations on your retirement, and thank you for everything.

Retirement Speech For Principals From Teachers Or School Staff

Here’s a sample retirement speech for a principal from teachers or school staff:

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we gather to celebrate the retirement of one of the most distinguished and accomplished principals to ever lead our school, [Retiree’s Name]. [He/She] has been an integral part of our school community for [insert number of years] years, and [he/she] will be greatly missed. As a principal, [Retiree’s Name] has been more than just a leader. [He/She] has been a mentor, a role model, and a champion for our students, faculty, and staff. [His/Her] unwavering commitment to excellence, [his/her] tireless work ethic, and [his/her] dedication to our school have left an indelible mark on our community. Under [Retiree’s Name]’s leadership, our school has thrived. [He/She] has implemented innovative programs, embraced new technologies, and fostered a culture of learning and growth that has inspired us all. [His/Her] ability to connect with students and staff on a personal level, to listen to their concerns, and to provide guidance and support has made [him/her] one of the most beloved leaders in our school. But [Retiree’s Name]’s impact goes far beyond our school walls. [He/She] has been an active member of our community, serving on boards, volunteering, and always striving to make our city a better place. [His/Her] leadership and vision have profoundly impacted our entire community, and [he/she] will be remembered as one of the most outstanding educators and leaders of our time. [Retiree’s Name], we want to thank you for your dedication, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to our school and our community. You have left a lasting legacy of excellence that will continue to inspire future generations of students, faculty, and staff . As you embark on this next phase of your life, we hope you will take some time to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished. You have touched so many lives, and your impact will be felt for years to come. Congratulations on your retirement, and have a happy, healthy, and joyful retired life.

Retirement Speech For Father From Children

Here’s a retirement speech example for your father:

Good evening, everyone. Today, we come together to celebrate a very special man—my father—[Retiree’s Name]. After [insert number of years] years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, my father has decided to retire. For as long as I can remember, my father has been the hardest-working man I know. He has always put his family first, and he has sacrificed so much to provide for us. Through his tireless work and unwavering commitment, my father has built a legacy of strength, determination, and love that will live on for generations. As a father, my dad has been my rock. He has been there for me through thick and thin, always providing a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, and a guiding hand. His wisdom, compassion, and selflessness have helped shape me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for his love and support. Now that my father is retiring, I know that he will finally have the chance to relax and enjoy his well-deserved retirement. I am excited to see him explore new hobbies, travel the world, and spend more time with his us. Dad, on behalf of our family, I want to thank you for all that you have done for us. You have been an amazing father, provider, and role model, and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished. You have left an indelible mark on our lives, and we will always cherish the memories we’ve shared and the memories to come. As you enter this next phase of your life, know that we are here for you and support you. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, and we know that you will continue to inspire and lead in whatever you do next. Congratulations on your retirement, Dad, and thank you for everything.

Retirement Speech For Mom From Children

Here’s a sample retirement speech for a mother from her children:

Welcome, everyone. Today, we gather to celebrate a remarkable woman who has dedicated her life to her family and her career—my mother—[Retiree’s Name]. After [insert number of years] years of hard work, sacrifice, and devotion, my mother has decided to retire. As a mother, my mom has been an inspiration to us all. She has always put her family first, sacrificing so much to provide for us, support us, and love us unconditionally. Through her unwavering commitment and dedication, my mother has built a legacy of strength, resilience, and compassion that will live on for generations. As a professional, my mother has been a true leader. She has dedicated her career to [insert profession], making a profound impact on the lives of so many people. Her expertise, innovation, and passion have inspired colleagues, mentees, and students alike, and she will be remembered as one of the most outstanding professionals in her field. Now that my mother is retiring, I know that she will finally have the chance to relax and enjoy [her/his] well-deserved retirement. I am excited to see her explore new hobbies, travel the world, and spend more time with her loved ones. Mom, on behalf of our family, I want to thank you for all that you have done for us. You have been an amazing mother, provider, and role model, and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished. You have left an indelible mark on our lives, and we will always cherish the memories we’ve shared. As you enter this next phase of your life, know that we are here for you and support you. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Make sure to kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Congratulations Mom. You deserve a happy, healthy, and joyful retirement.

Retirement Speech For Retired Military Personnel

Here’s an example of a military retirement speech by a retiree:

Good afternoon, everyone. As I stand here today, I am filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I am excited for the next chapter in my life, but on the other hand, I am sad to be leaving behind the military family that has become such a big part of my life. After [number] years of service, it is time for me to hang up my uniform and retire. When I first joined the military, I could never have imagined the incredible experiences that were in store for me. I have had the privilege of serving alongside some of the finest men and women this country has to offer. Together, we have faced countless challenges, from training exercises to deployments to combat missions. Through it all, I have learned the true meaning of teamwork and the importance of trust, loyalty, and dedication. I would like to take a moment to thank my fellow service members for their unwavering support and camaraderie. You have made my time in the military unforgettable, and I am honored to have served alongside every one of you. I would also like to thank my family for their constant love and encouragement. Your sacrifices and support have made it possible for me to pursue my dreams and proudly serve my country. Without you, I would not be where I am today. As I prepare to transition to civilian life, I am excited about what the future holds. I look forward to spending more time with my loved ones, pursuing new interests and hobbies, and positively impacting my community. I want to express my gratitude to the military for allowing me to serve my country and make a difference in the world. Working alongside you has been an honor and a privilege, and I will always cherish the memories we’ve made together. Thank you, and goodbye!

Retirement Speech For Retired Military Personnel From Another Personnel

Here’s a sample military retirement speech for a retiree:

Dear [Retiree’s name], Today, we gather to honor and celebrate your years of dedicated service to our country. You have served with distinction, and we are grateful for your unwavering commitment to our mission. Throughout your career, you have demonstrated the qualities that define the best of the military: loyalty, honor, and selflessness. You have sacrificed much, spent long hours away from your loved ones, and faced danger with courage and resolve. Your service has made a real difference, and we are proud to have served alongside you. But now, as you enter this new phase of your life, we know you will continue to impact the world. You will apply the lessons you learned in the military to whatever path you choose next. You will inspire others with your example, just as you have inspired us. As you leave the service, we want you to know that you will always be a part of our military family. We will remember your contributions, and we will be here for you whenever you need us. On behalf of everyone here, I want to thank you for your service and wish you a happy and fulfilling retirement. May the years ahead be filled with joy, adventure, and the satisfaction of a life well-lived. Congratulations!

A farewell retirement speech is more than just a formality. It’s a meaningful moment for saying goodbye, reflecting on your journey, and connecting with your colleagues, friends, and family.

When you retire, you often get one chance to share your story, which is through your retirement speech. Take this unique opportunity to make your story known and leave a lasting impression on everyone. To do so, follow the steps and suggestions mentioned earlier. Also, feel free to use the examples provided and add your own experiences and personality to them.

If you want to learn more about retiree life and get extra insights, check out my website for more relevant content.

My wife and I quit the rat race and retired in 2021. We RV'ed around the US for a couple of years and now we're slow traveling outside the US!

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  • Retirement Farewell Speech


Speech on Retirement Farewell

Farewell speeches are important for both who is giving it and also for the one whom it is made for. A farewell speech on the retirement of a teacher from an institute helps in thanking him/her for their service at the institution. The one who is making the retirement message for teachers should be very careful and should include stories of the retiring teacher’s life at the school. 

Below are two retirement speeches in English given i.e. a long retirement speech in English and a short retirement speech in English. Students can refer to these speeches and can also note down all the points that should be included in a retirement farewell speech. These speeches will help the students to give a good retirement farewell speech for their teachers.

Long Retirement Farewell Speech

Good morning everyone! Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the career of our beloved teacher and mentor, Mr. Shah. Today he will be bidding farewell to us after 25 years of service to this institution. Mr. Shah is the best when it comes to teaching. Years have passed and he has taught physics to many batches. I feel privileged to know that I am one of his students. He is not only a great teacher but has always guided us whenever we needed guidance. He has always made us realize the importance of life and has helped in defining what success really means. 

Today all of us have gathered here to celebrate his life at our institution and extend our thanks to him for his mentorship. I just realized that it’s been four years since I joined our institution and I did not attend Mr. Shah’s class until I was in my 8th grade. But I had heard a lot of talks about a teacher who teaches Physics very well. It was said that when he teaches physics the students don’t forget the concept for many years to come. 

I did not believe these rumours until I attended Mt Shah’s physics class. I was literally blown away by the methods of teaching physics by Mr. Shah. His innovative ways of teaching the concepts and making them simple for the students to understand is amazing. On behalf of every student, thank you, Mr. Shah, for all your efforts to teach us and I can guarantee that we all will apply your method of teaching in the future.

This year marks Mr. Shah’s 25 years as a teacher at our institute. For 25 years, he has spent his time among all the students, sharing his knowledge and important life lessons. He has supported every student and taught us many valuable life lessons. I do agree that he was strict sometimes as a teacher but he was also very friendly like a friend. 

Although Mr. Shah was a strict teacher, he occasionally had fun moments with all of us. He is very enthusiastic when it comes to sports and is always ready to play a game of badminton. I have no shame in admitting that he has defeated me twice and I am assuring you, Sir, I am going to win the third game so be prepared.

Besides being an excellent, creative, and hardworking teacher, he is very good at managing events. He was the one who took the entire responsibility of the Science fest and Annual sports day at our school last year. Throughout his stay in our school, he had humbly participated and contributed to all the events.

To conclude, I want to say that Mr. Shah has always been more than just a teacher. He inspires me to be a better person. Through his actions, he teaches me how to manage life. I owe a lot of my success because of his guidance and the trust he showed in me. At this moment, I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Shah for being a great teacher and a role model. I hope he has a very peaceful and happy life ahead. Thank you for your service sir! 

Short Retirement Speech in English

Good morning everyone! Today is a special day as we all have gathered here to celebrate the life and career of Mr Shah at this institute. Mr. Shah has given 25 years of his life to this institute.

For 25 years he has spent his time among all the students, sharing his knowledge and important life lessons. He has supported every student and taught us many valuable life lessons.

Apart from being a great teacher, he has guided us all whenever we were lost in our journey. Mr. Shah has helped us to understand what success is and has always made us realize the importance of life. He has made sure to be there whenever we need help and for that, we all thank you, sir.

Mr. Shah is very good at making all the students understand the difficult concepts of physics. His innovative ways of teaching the concepts and making them simple for the students to understand is amazing. On behalf of every student, thank you, Mr. Shah, for all your efforts to teach us.

Besides being an excellent, creative, and hardworking teacher he is very good at managing events. He was the one who took the entire responsibility of the science fest and Annual sports day at our school last year. Throughout his stay in our school, he had humbly participated and contributed to all the events.

On behalf of everyone, I wanna say that Mr. Shah, you will be missed. When we come tomorrow and learn Physics, it won’t be as exciting as it was when you teach it. Your presence at the fest next year will be missed. I would like to extend my gratitude towards Mr. Shah for being a great teacher and a role model for generations to come. I hope you have a very peaceful and happy life ahead. Thank you so much for your service sir!

10 Lines on Retirement Message For Teacher

Retirement speech is all about celebrating the accomplishment of the person who is about to retire. 

A retirement speech is very important if there is a farewell ceremony. 

A retirement speech is always made by a student or a dear friend of the person who is retiring. 

A farewell speech on retirement should show gratitude towards the retiring person. 

The speech should not be too long and too short. 

The speech should make a retiring person feel good. 

The farewell speech should include the retiring person’s life at the institute. 

The farewell speech on retirement should celebrate the achievements of the retiring person at the institute. 

The farewell speech on retirement should include a story of the retiring person at the school. 

Retirement wishes for teachers should celebrate the retiring individual’s life at the institute. 

Tips for Writing a Speech 

Writing an impressive speech is an art. There are very few Politicians who are very impressive in delivering but need writers to write for them. Now the question arises what all goes into writing a speech which leaves the audience spellbound and all praise for the speaker.

An impactful speech should always make an effect on the audience, it should be remembered by them long after the speech is over. Your words should leave an effect on them. For example you are giving a speech for some product, the product sale depends on the way you speak, the way you present your ideas to the audience and also the way you present yourself. 

The speaker can be a politician, a union leader, a school Principal, an administrator or anyone holding a conspicuous position. You shall work on your communication skills before you go for a speech, make sure you speak clearly and also have a very important effect. So certain points need to be taken care of while delivering your speech as what you speak matters. Let's understand a few of them. 

Being Personable

The speaker must appear to be an amiable and pleasing personality. The words chosen for him must be such that they do not show him to be an arrogant, haughty person. There needs to be a certain dignity wrapped up in humility. The audience will be ready to listen to him if they sort of start liking him and that depends on the choice of words.

Educate Your Audience

Whatever the speaker is going to speak should focus on bringing the main theme of the speech home. The audience should be able to understand the import of his speech clearly. They should not be put into confusion or doubt. For this, the writer needs to read the speaker's mind clearly and must be thoroughly informed about the purpose of the speech. If the speaker is able to create a clear and impressive picture in the minds of the people he is addressing, he will definitely be able to convey what he has said to many more people through word of mouth of his audience. So it is important that the writer writes the speech to educate the audience.

Show Your Passion

Successful speakers make tall promises, citing examples of their zeal of putting their heart and soul into certain kinds of work. His words should be packed with craving to do anything  and  everything for the people he will be dealing with. He should seem waiting for opportunities to serve those whom he is trying to impress. Hence the writer needs to put in real labour to show the restlessness of the speaker ready to make any sacrifice. 

Play to Emotions

People of high profile are fairly well-versed with all the nitty gritties of their jobs but most of them find it hard to think of words which may impress their subordinates or other people working for them. Similarly, politicians who have to speak to win, hire writers for them and pay them hefty amounts because their victory or defeat depends on how they have been able to  present themselves before the masses. 

These writers play with the emotions of the audience, touching such issues which keep the general public always troubling. They will cite examples from the day to day inconveniences of the people and will blame the present system or set up people governing at present and will paint a rosy picture of their own plans if they are given a chance to serve. So to make the speech impactful, the writer needs to know the art of playing with the emotions of his audience.

Stay on Task and be Brief  

As said earlier, an expert speech writer will not make use of such words or techniques to confuse the audience. He will not beat about the bush instead will stick to the main theme, the main subject. He has to keep the audience spellbound and glued and that will be possible only when he moves on the track. It's always better to be brief and to the point because the more you speak the more you bore the audience and garner dislike. So the wise writer will prepare the speech keeping these two points in mind.

Know Your Audience

Knowing the audience is the most important thing. Before the writer embarks upon the task of writing an impressive speech, he should know who is going to be addressed. If he writes a high flown language for the factory workers or labour class, rural public or people of such category, his labour will go waste and he is likely to lose his future assignments. He, at the same time must be acquainted with the emotions and religious beliefs and fervor of the public of the area and should write accordingly. It will be better if he does research about the problems and roadblocks of the area. Hence to write an impressive and impactful speech needs a lot of spadework on the part of the writer.

Focus on the prime topic of the speech and understand what underlying message you want to deliver to the audience. Remember every speech has to be to the point and interesting to grab the attention of all the listeners. Hence, focus on the points mentioned for this speech here and compile on your own.


FAQs on Retirement Farewell Speech

1. Why is a speech given on a special occasion?

A speech is delivered on a special occasion either to commemorate the event, deliver specific information to the audience, or to respect a special guest or a member of any group. It can also be focused on a celebrity or an eminent personality. 

2. Is voice modulation necessary while delivering a speech?

Voice modulation is absolutely necessary to express your emotions and to grab the attention of the audience perfectly. It also helps to ask questions, answer some questions that are already lurking in the mind of an audience, and to show the right emotion behind the words.  

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

How to Write a Retirement Speech – Samples & Ideas

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Like other types of speech, a retirement speech takes preparation. You can dedicate one to a friend or colleague or deliver a message as the retiree. But how do you write a retirement speech?

My guide will help you give sample speeches for a retirement party. Discover the steps you need to follow, mistakes to avoid, and some tips to improve. I even included an example to follow.

What Is a Retirement Speech?

example of retirement speech for teachers

A co-worker can give a retirement speech to a retiree or a retirement speech by a retiree.

Someone who has worked with the honoree for a long time can extend their congratulations for racing this unique milestone at the end of their career. They usually share interesting information while showing respect to the person who contributed significantly to the workplace.

A retirement speech can also be given by the person retiring. They may thank their fellow employees for the beautiful years and for helping them grow in the company.

These occasions are usually informal. That means you can deliver a casually funny retirement speech that’s the opposite of typical, formal speeches. But it is always helpful to plan what you will say in the speech so that everything flows smoothly.

What Makes a Good Retirement Speech?

A speech is a critical medium for presenting information and entertainment to a group of people. Here are some qualities of an excellent retirement speech.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Focuses on the Honoree

Whether it’s a formal or informal retirement speech, it’s essential to focus on the honoree . Do not focus on yourself but on the accomplishments and values of the retiree.

A speech should be free from ambiguity so everyone can understand it easily. Make sure to break up run-on sentences and reduce wordiness. Using the active voice also improves the clarity of the speech.


It’s okay to insert famous quotes in your speech. But it’s also important to customize your message to the person you are honoring. Do not give a generic retirement speech you copied from Google or a speech builder.


A person who served in your organization deserves a long speech. But avoid repetitive, cliche , and filler words. Don’t bore your audience with a 30-minute speech.


An attention-grabbing story in the introduction is a quick way to make your speech enjoyable. Other methods include using examples, inserting quotations, and citing jokes.

Use of Body Language

An outstanding speech is not only about verbal communication but also comes with necessary body language. Use non-verbal cues with your hands, mouth, and eyes.

How Long Should a Retirement Speech Last?

The length of the retirement speech depends on the time allotted for this part of the event. It usually lasts around 5-10 minutes and comprises 600-1000 words.

Some people do not need to read from their manuscripts at this length. They may prepare and practice using only their outline. But if you’re a beginner, you can bring an entire manuscript when delivering.

Retirement Speech Writing Steps

Follow these six steps to creating a retirement speech.

Step 1: Gather information

The first step to creating a retirement speech is to gather information about the person’s life from different people. Hopefully, you can get extraordinary stories from them and a core idea of what you will put in the speech.

Gathering information will be a breeze if the retiree has been a long-time employee. You’ll find out how multi-faceted the person is. To their fellow employees, the person might be friendly and good-humored. But to their supervisor, the retiree might be intelligent and strategic.

Try gathering as much information about their personality as possible. But remember the key details. Try asking the following questions:

  • How long has the retiree been in the industry?
  • How long has the retiree worked in the company?
  • What were their contributions to the field or company?
  • What were the awards they received in the course of their career?
  • What were their previous positions?

Step 2: Learn All the Special Qualities of the Person

Your retirement speech should not only highlight the person’s career. It must also involve legendary stories or perhaps funny stories from their personal life.

For example, what are their personal hobbies? If the retiree likes to golf, you might try a golf-related theme for the party. If the retiree is an English teacher, try inserting English puns in your speech.

Here are some questions you can ask during interviews with people to craft a fantastic retirement speech.

  • What are their nicknames?
  • What is the name of their current spouse and kids?
  • What would people say is the best trait of the retiree?
  • How has the person made an exceptional contribution to the workplace?
  • What lessons did the people learn from the retiree?

However, some people want to keep their private life private. You don’t have to snoop around when gathering information about the retiree.

Step 3: Write an Outline

The entire speech writing process and public speaking stage are much easier if you start with an outline.

You have to decide how the farewell speech will sound. Do you want a heartfelt speech, a humorous speech, or a mix of both? Once you have decided, it’s time to brainstorm what to include in each part.

  • Introduction – This part should include an attention-grabbing story. It’s an essential part of memorable retirement speeches.
  • Body 1 – Name one or two traits of the person. Are they great listeners? Do they always have the most brilliant ideas in meetings? Are they approachable to everyone?
  • Body 2 – Discuss the person’s entire career journey. This should be easy if you’ve worked with them for a long time or gathered enough information. Make it clear what the person has attained and the differences they made to the company.
  • Body 3 – Share personal lessons you’ve learned from the person. A short story can be used.
  • Thank the person – Wish the person well in their retirement. End the speech with a memorable punchline and a “Happy retirement!”

Step 4: Write Out the Speech (Optional)

Skip this step if you’re already a skilled public speaker. Some practiced orators can even deliver humorous speeches on the spot without stuttering.

But if it’s your first time delivering a retirement speech for a boss, it’s best to write it down. Start with retirement speech starter headlines. It can include interesting daft stories, milestones, or a philosophy.

But overly preparing a speech can make it sound less heartfelt. Make sure you’re writing an authentic speech that feels natural to deliver.

You also don’t want to use the word “I” very often. Otherwise, it will give the impression of a boastful speech.

Step 5: Get Feedback

Seek people’s help before delivering a grateful retirement speech in front of a large crowd. Try asking someone who knows the retiree well to listen to your speech. Ask them about their thoughts on the fun story you shared, and make sure to consider their alternative ideas.

It also helps to ask an editor to fix any spelling or grammar issues. They can help you keep the speech more concise and engaging.

Step 6: Record a Video of Your Speech Before You Give It

The last step before offering a tribute speech to a retiree is to record yourself. Check your appearance when you’re talking. Are you smiling or not? Was your brow creased? This step is essential if you don’t always talk in front of a large audience of people.

Retirement Speech Tips

example of retirement speech for teachers

Now that you know the correct procedure for speech-writing, here are some tips you can follow.

Choose a Speaker Who Knows the Person Well

If you were chosen as the speaker, then you must have enough knowledge about the person’s entire life. One advantage of knowing the person too well is that you instantly have various content ideas for your speech.

This person can be someone other than the head of the organization. It can be their work best friend, business partner, or family member.

Focus on the Honoree

Your priority is to think about how the person will feel. Do you want to focus on their success, positive attributes, or their future success? Brainstorm some characteristics or key points you want to include in the tribute speech.

You may evoke emotion in this speech by highlighting a sense of fondness. But don’t make it too dramatic, especially when your relationship was formed in the workplace.

Mentioning memorable moments improves bonds with the honoree. Let them know what you will miss most about them.

Keep It Short—But Not Too Short

An important person in the company deserves more than three minutes of tribute. But that doesn’t mean you must include every detail of their previous career. Keep it short and sweet at around five to ten minutes to not bore the audience.

Use a Simple Framework

Keep your outline organized and simple to clarify the main message. It should serve as a blueprint to track your entire speech.

You already know the five parts of a retirement speech. However, you can still make it simpler using these parts:

  • Greet the audience and thank them for coming to the party.
  • Express why everyone is gathered.
  • Talk about how this person made a difference in the company and industry.
  • Talk about how this person made a difference in your personal life.
  • Extend best wishes on the next chapter of their life.

Balance the Past and Future

Refrain from assuming that the best days of the retiree are over. They are likely to be excited about their retirement. So instead of making a eulogy-like speech, deliver one that covers both the past and future.

Carefully Use Humor

You’ve probably heard hundreds of speeches with funny punchlines. But you should always plan your humor around your audience. Avoid jokes that rely on profanity and controversial topics. No one also wants to hear you put the retiree down harshly.

As with any other type of speech or presentation, preparing is always worth it. Try talking with people who have worked closely with the retiree. Look for common themes, then start crafting.

I also don’t recommend spending too much time discussing the career highlight reel. The audience might already know the honoree’s professional development in minute detail. Focus on their impact, values, and the larger lesson they taught you.

Don’t Read Your Speech

It’s okay to bring an outline or manuscript as long as your eyes stay longer on the audience. Tell the speech from the heart, take deep breaths, and know exactly what you will tell next.

Stand Up Straight

Maintain a good posture as you walk across the stage and give the speech. It shows confidence in your discussion, making the audience more interested.

Avoid These Retirement Speech Pitfalls


Are you talking too much about yourself? Is your anecdote losing focus on the retirement speech’s goal? Make sure your address aims to make the retiree feel appreciated. The conclusion or final part of the speech should be direct gratitude toward the individual.

Joking Too Much

Using humor in speeches can be challenging, especially if your audience is a bunch of serious people. Although sharing a boys’ night out story is tempting, others might not appreciate it. That said, do your research on the audience to avoid awkwardness.

Becoming Out of Touch

No, retirees don’t sit on their porches all day reminiscing about their previous job. Many people continue working or start their own businesses. The correct term for this is “active retirement.” So avoid retirement cliches in your speech that will make you sound tone-deaf.

Joking about old age may have been common in earlier retirement speeches in an attempt to make a funny speech. But today, it’s considered insensitive. Avoid offensive words toward the retiree and the audience.

What Are Some Good Retirement Quotes?

Consider these thirty-five examples if you need some retirement quotes for your speech.

Inspirational Quotes for Retirement

  • “Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.”
  • “Half of our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” – Will Rogers
  • “For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater freedom.” – Robert Delamontague
  • “Don’t act your age in retirement. Act like the inner young person you have always been.” – J. A. West
  • “Retirement, a time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do when you worked.” – Catherine Pulsifer
  • “Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials: much to live on and much to live for.” 
  • “Retire from your job, but never retire your mind.”
  • “Age is just a number, but retirement is one of the greatest gifts to mankind.”
  • “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “Choose a job that you love and you won’t have to work another day.” – Confucius
  • ​”Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain
  • “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”​ – Bill Waterson
  • “Retirement is a blank sheet of paper. It is a chance to redesign your life into something new and different.” – Patrick Foley

Funny Retirement Quotes

  • “He who laughs at the boss’ jokes probably isn’t far from retirement.”
  • “Congrats on being so tired that you had to retire.”
  • “The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does.”
  • “There really are two lives we live. The first life and then the second life when we realize we only have one life.”
  • “The best part about being retired is never having to request time off.”
  • “My retirement plan is to get thrown into a minimum security prison in Hawaii.” – Julius Sharpe
  • “I’m always announcing my retirement. I’m still not retired.” – Dick Van Dyke
  • “How do you know it’s time to retire? It’s when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it!”
  • “During your work life, you pick up a lot of bad habits… like working.”
  • “The world’s longest coffee break is often referred to as retirement.”
  • “Now Fridays aren’t the best day of the week anymore… they all are!”
  • “I never reveal my age, but I do let people know I’m retired. They can just guess my age from that statement.”

Retirement Wishes

  • “Wishing you the best retirement ever! Enjoy the new chapter of your life and enjoy being your own boss.”
  • “It is not easy to say goodbye. But, I will hold on to the fond memories of working with you. I hope that this retirement brings you joy and peace.”
  • “Enjoy your new weekends which will last 7 days!”
  • “We wish you the best retirement possible.”
  • “You have been a great boss. I appreciate the effort you put into mentoring me.”
  • “You have reached an incredible level of freedom.”
  • “I can’t believe I will be working as you nap. Enjoy your retirement!”
  • “Cheers to a lifetime of weekends!”
  • “Goodbye to the coats and ties.”
  • “May your dreams come true as you begin your retirement.”

Retirement Speech Sample

Here’s an example of a short but heartfelt retirement speech you can give to someone you want to pay your respects to.

I have witnessed many friends come and go to this school. But today, we have gathered to show our love and respect for Hartford Elementary School’s English teacher, Bradley McAdams. After working with him for more than 30 years, I don’t think I have the right words to say about his inspiring impact, dedication, and character.

Bradley, or, as many people call him, “Mr. Brad,” has handled over 1,000 students. That includes 10,000 essays checked, 80 English lessons taught, and 60 literary works recommended.

But beyond the schoolwork checked, Bradley has made meaningful relationships with his students over the past few years. He became a good friend to individuals who need comfort and a family to children who want to feel a sense of belonging.

We are also proud of him for publishing his dissertation in 2018 and obtaining a doctorate in 2019.

Mr. Brad, you are one of the most inspiring educators in the teaching profession. You made a lasting impression on the world through your grit. You deserve a break! We hope you get enough rest, travels, and pampering in this new stage of your life. Congratulations on your retirement!

Craft a Well-Written Speech

Hopefully, my guide helped you learn how to write a retirement speech. Whether it’s for a friend or boss, that person deserves appreciation and support on their special milestone.

Another popular category for these speeches is when it comes to friends, family, service professionals, or a college commencement speech. Learn how to create an inspiring speech for different people!

How to Write a Farewell Speech – Tips & Samples

Father of the Groom Speech – Best Tips, Ideas & Samples

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About To Retire And Need To Give A Speech? 5 Retirement Speech Ideas With Examples

After a lifetime of hard work and dedication, retirement is a big milestone in life. 

It’s a time to reflect on all the amazing moments experienced over the years and celebrate the future ahead. 

As such, it often requires giving a retirement speech to acknowledge the occasion and those with whom you’ve worked for many years.

Knowing what to say when passing the baton and sharing final words of wisdom is challenging.

Should you be funny or serious?

Go into detail or keep it brief?

Look no further if you’re stuck and need some ideas or inspiration. 

We’ve put together a few examples of retirement speeches from the retiree’s perspective (and from an employee’s, as well) to help ignite your creativity.

How to Outline Your Retirement Speech

Tips for writing your retirement speech, 1. farewell type of retirement speech, 2. short retirement speech, 3. funny retirement speech, 4. heartfelt/serious retirement speech, 5. retirement speech for an employee, final thoughts.

Like any other written work, your retirement speech should have a narrative that walks through the main points clearly and concisely.

To ensure your address resonates with your audience, you should outline it properly before delivering it.

When creating an outline for your retirement speech, make sure to consider the following steps:

  • Start with a strong opening statement: Begin your speech by introducing yourself and setting the tone for what’s to come. Starting with humor can break the ice.
  • Mention and thank everyone present: Take time to thank those who have been a part of your professional journey, such as managers, colleagues, family members, and mentors.
  • Share memorable moments: Reflect on your career highlights and share your favorite memories with the audience.
  • End with inspiring words: Leave your audience with a few words of wisdom encapsulating everything you’ve said.
  • Edit and practice: Once you’ve completed your outline, edit it as many times as needed to make sure there are no errors or unnecessary information.
  • Rehearse it out loud: Also, practice delivering your speech aloud, so you know exactly how it will sound when the time comes.

By crafting an effective outline and following these steps, you can ensure that your retirement speech is well-received by everyone in attendance. It may take a few drafts to get it right, but the effort will be worth it.

As you bid farewell to your work life and embark on a new chapter in life, a well-written speech will serve as an inspiring reminder of all that has been accomplished.

  • Decide on the tone of speech: Will it be a formal address or light-hearted? Will it start out with one tone and end with another? These decisions can help guide the story you tell.
  • Set the context: Choose a theme or story to open your speech so your audience can relate and follow along.
  • Establish a timeline: How long have you worked at the organization? What are some of your most memorable moments? Who did you work with in different eras? Answering these questions can help you craft an engaging narrative.
  • Offer gratitude: You didn’t make it to retirement on your own, and it’s essential to recognize the people who played a role in your journey. Be sure to thank them accordingly.
  • Keep it short: Keep your speech under ten minutes if possible, as this will keep your audience attentive and engaged. If any sentences don’t add value to the story, remove them. It should be easy to read out loud and follow along.
  • Identify key takeaways: What is one thing that everyone should leave with? What lessons have you learned in your time there that can help shape the future of the organization?
  • Close on an uplifting note: Your retirement speech should close with something inspiring and sincere – perhaps a quote or a personal expression of thanks. Sometimes humor is a great way to end on a high note and return to a more casual tone.

Use these pointers as a checklist that you can refer to when putting together your retirement speech.

With careful consideration, you’ll be able to deliver a heartfelt address that celebrates all the successes and memories of your time at the organization.

5 Retirement Speech Ideas with Examples

If you need help getting started with your goodbyes, here are some examples of retirement speeches by the retiree (and an employee speech) to help you craft the perfect address:

This type of speech is the most common and is often sentimental. It’s about saying goodbye while thanking everyone who helped you along the way.

It should help the audience understand what this change means for you while keeping them curious about where your next chapter will take you.

Example Farewell Retirement Speech:

It’s difficult to put into words just how much this moment means to me. After XX years of dedicated service, I’m finally ready to take on my next journey.

woman laughing in office retirement speech ideas

When I first started my career, I never imagined all the wonderful memories and relationships that would come with it. Every day has been rewarding in its own way, but today is an especially bittersweet occasion as I bid farewell to all my colleagues and look ahead to the future.

I think about all the fantastic people I’ve met who have helped me along the way – from supervisors who encouraged me through challenging times to mentors who gave wise advice when the going got tough. These relationships made coming to work each day a pleasure rather than a chore.

The biggest blessing must be my meaningful collaborations with some of my favorite coworkers over the years. We spent countless hours brainstorming ideas and building projects together, often coming up with solutions for problems we thought would never be solved. The sense of satisfaction and accomplishment was always worth it in the end!

Although I won’t be in this office anymore, there are still plenty of contributions yet to come from me and those like me who will carry this legacy forward into our respective futures. With every challenge you face, there will always be someone new at your side willing to help you move mountains if you need it.

So allow me to leave you with a few pieces of advice: Believe in yourself but never be afraid of asking questions and learning more; cherish every relationship you come across; and remember that hard work pays off even when you don’t see it right away! With that said, I will miss all of you and wish you and (name of company) continued success. 

Many retirement speeches happen in spaces where we need to be brief, such as a Zoom meeting or other virtual space.

A short retirement speech will allow you to be concise and still convey your message. It can also make for an excellent written piece for a retirement card or email greeting.

Example Short Retirement Speech:

Today, I have many mixed emotions. I bid farewell to this great organization that’s played such a meaningful role in my life. And I’m saying goodbye to the most supportive and incredible colleagues.

I am thankful for the opportunities I’ve enjoyed here to make a difference by working diligently on staff development initiatives, fundraising efforts, and day-to-day operations. Our amazing team accomplished so much in the years I’ve been here, and I’m proud to have played a part in our success.

My gratitude extends beyond words as I am leaving behind something that’s defined me for over XX years. But I also look forward to embracing new challenges and experiences on my new journey ahead.

I will miss all of you tremendously and hope to stay in touch to see how everyone is doing. Thank you all for your encouragement and friendship – I will never forget it.

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Being light-hearted at the end of one’s career is a graceful but uplifting way to bid farewell. If you choose to make a funny retirement speech, be sure it is not offensive and still conveys your genuine appreciation for your colleagues.

Funny Retirement Speech Example:

I’m sure you’re as excited as I am to see me take that final walk down the corridor, knowing it’s the last time you’ll have to hear one of my speeches. But please don’t envy my new freedom. I may be saying goodbye to my boss here, but it seems I’m now a full-time employee of my spouse, and I’ve heard he/she runs a tight ship.

couple in a party retirement speech ideas

Projects around the home that I’ve masterfully avoided with “But I’ve gotta work” excuses are already on a list taped to the fridge. It will feel a lot like the first job I had in high school, fixing up old appliances and cleaning bathrooms, but with even less pay!

Oh wait, maybe I’m not retiring.

On a more genuine note, I will certainly miss all of you and our great work here. But also, it will be exciting to transition into a less demanding lifestyle. I’m excited to travel, catch up with old friends, and find a few part-time projects where I can share my hundred years of experience.

It’s been an amazing journey here at this company, and I am grateful for everyone who helped me grow while putting up with my occasional growing pains. Not unlike a “colorful” family, we’ve had our share of laughs and disagreements, but ultimately we have always come together to get the job done.

Thank you for your camaraderie and support throughout these years.  Cheers!

A heartfelt or serious retirement speech is perfect for those who have put their life and heart into their career.

This type of retirement speech allows for more time as you pour your heart out and express how the people around you have positively impacted your life over the years.

Heartfelt/Serious Retirement Speech Example:

Today I stand here proud, humbled, and emotional – all at once. It’s been an honor and a privilege to have been part of this organization for the last XX years. When I first began here, I started at the bottom, yet I was deeply hopeful that I could use my passion and hard work to make a difference.

Little did I know that while accomplishing the tasks at hand, I was also gaining something much more valuable – friendships with people who have become like family to me. From you, I’ve learned invaluable lessons about life and work; but most importantly, I’ve learned that relationships are what matter in the end. 

They are the life force of who we are as an organization, and without the strong support I’ve received from my colleagues, it would have been impossible for me to stand here today.

But life goes on – and while I’m grateful for the wonderful memories with all of you, I also look forward to new challenges ahead. Retirement offers a whole new set of opportunities to explore, and I am excited to take them all on with the same passion and enthusiasm I had when I started working here.

My next chapter may involve a learning curve, but I am confident that the life skills I’ve learned here will help me in whatever I pursue going forward.

And most importantly, I want to continue providing opportunities to the next generation, so they have the support I was lucky enough to receive. As I enter the legacy phase of my life, I do so humbly and gratefully, taking the invaluable lessons I have learned here and sharing them with others.

Thank you all for everything. It truly has been an incredible journey, and I will miss all of you more than I can express.

If a notable team member is retiring, it’s an excellent opportunity to express gratitude for their contributions and commitment while highlighting hard work and excellence for other employees.

The following sample speech is perfect for any employee who has dedicated years of service to the company.

Retirement Speech for An Employee Example:

Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we celebrate and recognize someone exceptional who has made an invaluable difference in our organization. As you all know, [name] is retiring at the end of the month and moving on to the next, less stressful chapter of life.

[Name] has worked at this company for [number] years and has been an integral part of its success. During their time here, they have gone above and beyond in every task and project they were involved with, delivering results consistently and serving as a role model of integrity and professionalism for all of us. Some notable accomplishments during their tenure here include:

  • Accomplishment 1
  • Accomplishment 2
  • Accomplishment 3

We will sorely miss their hard work, loyalty, and enthusiasm. It’s rare to find an employee so dedicated and engaged, and frankly, I don’t know what we will do without them. 

officemates celebrating retirement speech ideas

Most of all, I’ll miss their bright and cheerful demeanor, always lifting the spirits of everyone around them with a smile and kind words. Connecting with others in a relatable way is the key to building relationships and fostering a positive work environment, and [name] was a master at that, among other things.

So please join me in wishing [name] the best as they enter this exciting next phase of life. We are all blessed to have had the privilege of working alongside such an incredible person.

Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Like most people, you may find crafting a retirement speech daunting. But if you follow the above guidelines and model after some of the example speeches, you can deliver a thoughtful talk filled with warmth, humor, and gratitude.

So begin your celebration by expressing your heartfelt appreciation to your team and excitement for the next phase of life. You deserve it!

Retirement day is around the corner and you haven't figured out what to say. Check these retirement speech ideas you can get inspiration from.

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7 retirement speech samples (from the retiree).

Retirement marks a significant milestone in an individual’s life, representing decades of work, achievement, and transformation. It’s a time of reflection, celebration, and sometimes bittersweet farewells.

A well-crafted retirement speech serves not only as a personal testament to one’s career but also as a source of inspiration and guidance for colleagues, friends, and family.

Sample Retirement Speeches (from the Retiree)

The speeches outlined in this article are tailored to encapsulate various careers, personalities, and sentiments, each offering a unique perspective on the transition from a professional life to retirement. They are detailed, and imbued with a mix of emotions and anecdotes, making each one a memorable ode to the retiree’s journey.

Speech 1: The Public Servant’s Lasting Commitment

As I stand before you, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that has brought me to this moment. My career in public service was more than a job; it was a calling that I answered wholeheartedly, driven by a desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. I remember the day I took my oath of office, feeling a profound sense of duty and anticipation for the work that lay ahead.

Over the years, I’ve served in various capacities, each with its unique challenges and rewards. I’ve been a steward of public trust, a policymaker, and an advocate for the voiceless. I’ve witnessed the power of community, the resilience of the human spirit, and the impact of collective action. My journey has taken me from local town halls to national forums, always with the aim of serving the greater good.

The life of a public servant is often unsung, with long hours, difficult decisions, and constant scrutiny. Yet, it is also a life filled with immense satisfaction and purpose. I’ve seen policies enacted that have improved lives, initiatives that have sparked change, and moments of unity that have overcome division. These are the milestones that have marked my career and the memories that I will cherish as I move forward.

As I retire, I do so with a heart full of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunities I’ve had to serve, for the colleagues who have journeyed alongside me, and for the community that has entrusted me with their hopes and concerns. To those who will continue in public service, I leave you with this charge: serve with integrity, lead with compassion, and never lose sight of the people you are sworn to serve.

Retirement for me does not mean the end of my commitment to public service. It merely marks a transition to a new role. I look forward to supporting causes close to my heart, volunteering in my community, and perhaps, enjoying a little more quiet time with family and friends. The path of service is never truly complete; it simply evolves.

As I close this chapter, I am overwhelmed with a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for the future. My years of service have been an honor and a privilege, and I step down with the knowledge that the work we do matters, that each of us can make a difference, and that the journey of service is one of the most rewarding paths one can take. Thank you for the opportunity to serve, for the memories, and for the journey that lies ahead.

Speech 2: The Healthcare Hero’s New Chapter

Today, as I stand before you, I am reminded of the very first day I stepped into the hospital as a young, eager healthcare professional. It was a day filled with nervous excitement and a profound commitment to the journey ahead. My career in healthcare has been nothing short of a calling—a relentless pursuit to heal, comfort, and improve lives.

Throughout the years, I’ve witnessed the spectrum of human resilience and vulnerability. I’ve held the hands of those fighting for their next breath and shared the joy of those overcoming illness. Each patient’s story has left an indelible mark on my heart, reminding me of the profound impact healthcare workers have on individual lives and the community at large.

My path has been filled with continuous learning, adapting to new medical advancements, and always striving to provide the best care possible. The long hours and emotional toll were balanced by the camaraderie among colleagues and the unwavering spirit of our patients. I’ve seen the healthcare landscape evolve, driven by innovation and a collective commitment to bettering public health.

As I retire, I carry with me a treasure trove of memories and experiences. I leave behind a legacy of care and hope that the next generation of healthcare professionals continues to carry the torch with the same passion and dedication. The journey does not end here for me; it merely shifts. I look forward to volunteering, perhaps mentoring the next generation, and taking some well-deserved time to nurture my well-being.

To those who continue in the field of healthcare, remember the profound impact you have. Your hands heal, your words comfort, and your presence brings hope. Continue to advocate for your patients, for each other, and for the health of our communities. The world needs you more than ever.

Thank you for the honor of serving alongside you, for the lessons learned, and for the countless lives we’ve touched together. As I step into this new chapter, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and eyes looking forward to the horizon of possibilities that retirement brings.

Speech 3: The Journey of a Lifelong Educator

As I stand here today, I am filled with a multitude of emotions. After 35 years of waking up at dawn, preparing lessons, grading papers, and most importantly, nurturing young minds, the halls of education will surely miss my footsteps. My career began as a bright-eyed teacher in a small town, armed with nothing but a passion for literature and a desire to make a difference. Over the years, I witnessed thousands of students cross the threshold of my classroom, each leaving a mark on my heart.

I remember the countless school plays, the science fairs, and the joy of seeing a struggling student finally grasp a difficult concept. These moments were not just the milestones of my career but the building blocks of the community we created together. However, this journey was not without its challenges. Budget cuts, policy changes, and the ever-evolving landscape of education meant constant adaptation. Yet, these hurdles only strengthened my resolve to provide the best education possible.

As I retire, I carry with me not just memories but lessons learned and friendships forged. To my colleagues, I leave behind a legacy of dedication and hope you continue to inspire as I have been inspired. To the students, past and present, remember that education is a lifelong journey, and you are its navigators. I look forward to the next chapter, knowing that the impact we’ve made together is indelible.

Speech 4: A Financier’s Farewell

Today marks not an end but a culmination of a three-decade-long adventure in the world of finance. From the bustling floors of the stock exchange to the intense boardroom negotiations, my career has been nothing short of a thrilling ride. I started as a junior analyst, fueled by ambition and an insatiable curiosity about the markets. Each fiscal year brought new challenges and opportunities, from navigating economic downturns to celebrating record-breaking profits.

My journey was underscored by the relationships I built. To my clients, I was not just a financial advisor but a trusted partner in their aspirations. We celebrated successes and weathered storms together, always looking forward to the next opportunity. To my team, your dedication and ingenuity have been the driving force behind our success. Your resilience and commitment have not only shaped our company’s legacy but also defined my career.

As I step into retirement, I am excited for the future. The world of finance is ever-changing, and I have full confidence that the next generation will continue to innovate and lead with integrity. I look forward to watching from the sidelines, perhaps over morning coffee rather than market reports. Thank you for an incredible journey.

Speech 5: The Architect’s Blueprint for the Future

After years of drawing lines and envisioning spaces, the time has come for me to put down my pencil and step back from the drafting table. Architecture has been more than a career; it has been a passion that shaped my worldview and allowed me to leave a tangible mark on the world. From the first sketch to the final brick, each project was a story, a challenge, and an achievement.

My career took me to different cities and countries, each project reflecting the culture and community it was built for. I have had the honor of designing homes, institutions, and public spaces, each with its own story and significance. The late nights, the client meetings, and even the occasional setbacks were all part of a fulfilling narrative.

To the young architects just beginning their journey, I leave you with this advice: never stop dreaming and drawing. Architecture is not just about buildings; it’s about the lives that unfold within them. As I step into retirement, I look forward to seeing the skyline continue to change, knowing that I had a hand in shaping it.

Speech 6: The Scientist’s Last Experiment

As I hang up my lab coat for the last time, I am struck by a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. My career as a scientist has been driven by an insatiable curiosity and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. The laboratory has been my home, where hypotheses were tested, discoveries made, and sometimes, the impossible made possible.

From my early days as a doctoral candidate to leading groundbreaking research, the thrill of discovery never waned. I’ve seen the power of science to change lives, from developing new treatments to understanding the mysteries of the universe. My journey was not a solitary one; it was filled with collaboration, debate, and the shared joy of discovery.

To the next generation of scientists, keep questioning, exploring, and pushing the boundaries of what we know. The world is full of mysteries waiting to be solved, and now it’s your turn to lead the charge. As for me, retirement doesn’t mean the end of discovery; it’s simply a new chapter with unbounded possibilities.

Speech 7: The Entrepreneur’s Next Venture

Standing here today, I am reminded of the day I started my first business. It was more than just a venture; it was a leap of faith into a world of unknowns. Entrepreneurship is not just a career; it’s a lifestyle characterized by risk, innovation, and perseverance. I’ve had the pleasure of starting businesses, seeing them grow, and sometimes, letting them go.

Each business was a chapter in a larger story, filled with its own set of characters, challenges, and triumphs. I’ve learned that success is not just about profit but about impact and legacy. It’s about the jobs created, the communities supported, and the innovations that push society forward.

As I step into retirement, I do so with the knowledge that the entrepreneurial spirit never retires. I look forward to mentoring the next generation, investing in new ideas, and perhaps even starting a new venture or two. The future is bright, and I can’t wait to see what it holds.

Each speech reflects the essence of a career filled with dedication, challenges, and achievements. They serve as a farewell but also as a beacon for those who continue the journey. Retirement is not an end but a transition, an opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and look forward to new beginnings.

example of retirement speech for teachers

Farewell Speech Sample Format for a Teacher on Retirement

Farewell Speech Sample Format for a Teacher on Retirement

[Below briefly describe on Farewell Speech Sample Format for a Teacher on his or her Retirement. You can follow this sample farewell speech for a teacher by colleagues, teachers, principal and students of the school, college and university at the time of resignation or retirement. You can make changes as per your requirements.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Farewell Speech for a Teacher on Retirement –

Today I stand here to tell everyone a story about a great man. A great man who severed our institute for more than twelve years (More/less). S/He had made great contributions to our institute. His/her students are only known by his/her name. (Describe in your words). S/He keeps excellent skills not only in his/her own subject but also in other fields. The morality and honesty s/he possesses are found in very fewer persons. (Explain on the teacher’s teaching skills).

S/He is a man of honor. And the person is (Teacher’s name). S/He had done his/her (Educational degree name) from (institute name) after which s/he became an assistant professor (Job designation) of the (subject name). Based on the results s/he was then made the senior lecturer (Job position) of the (Department name). (Describe on the teacher’s educational background).

During this era, s/he also completed his Ph.D. (Higher educational degree name) in (Subject name) and then was made the department head. Today she is going to retire. (Explain your expectation regarding farewell). This is a very hard moment for all of your students and colleagues. (Describe all about the situation).

Today we give farewell to (Teacher’s name). Sir/madam we wish you a very happy life. Further, we promise that the light of education which you have made in our hearts would be spread all over the world. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings). Now your dreams are our dreams. This institute would never forget your contributions in its progress.

Thank you all.

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  • Sample Retirement Speech

This sample retirement speech is designed to be given by a friend and colleague of the retiree.

Although this particular speech is geared towards a teacher, you could easily rework it to make it suitable for anyone retiring, whether a CEO, waitress or mailman!

This sample retirement speech makes good use of story-telling and special memories. There are some touching moments, some humor as well as a great quote at the end of the speech that touches on how the speaker feels about the person.

Check out this free retirement speech if you're looking for a speech that is given by someone who is themselves retiring, rather than by a friend or colleague of the retiree.

Beginning sample retirement speech

Beginning of Sample Retirement Speech

We're here today to show our respect and love for Flagstaff Elementary School's own Whitney Jean Paul.

Like Moses who spent 40 years leading his people to the promised land, Whitney has spent exactly that long leading students during her accomplished tenure with us. She has touched all of our lives during this time, and we are sad to see her go.

Body of the Retirement Speech

Everyone in this room knows that you don't go into teaching to make a lot of money - people become teachers to make a difference to the students that are in their class, to teach them that they can accomplish their goals and become whoever they want to be in this world.

At times, for Whitney, making a difference also meant teaching her students how to work together in a group or - yes - even about the importance of not sticking erasers in your nose or ears!

Whitney showed that you can make a difference in a student's life by the day to day things you do for them. Those small things work together to make a big difference in the lives of others.

Sometimes the hardest part about teaching is just getting the students involved and interested in learning. Whitney Jean never had that problem. Even when you would pass her room during pre-planning you would know the students were going to be engaged.

I remember the first time I went to visit her the day before school started one year. Her whole room was decorated in a football theme. Watching her set up team areas, score boards, and decorations made me wish I was going to be in her class!

Whitney took advantage of every spare minute she had to teach her students. Sometimes when teachers walk students down the hall to the restroom or a resource class, they take the opportunity to catch a quick breath and take a break themselves.

Not Ms. Paul! I'm sure you have seen her passing out multiplication flash cards to students in line for the restroom. Who can forget her marching down the hall chanting, "right, acute, obtuse!" as she and the students formed the angles with their arms.

Whitney was always available to help her students be successful. Even at the end of a long day, she would volunteer her time to stay after school to meet with small groups of students who needed extra help.

Whitney has been an amazing teacher, but she is also a great colleague and friend. If you were ever at school late and needed someone to help you brainstorm teaching ideas, Whitney was there.

She has been our "go-to" person when we have had questions or needed ideas. Heck, after 40 years of teaching you better have some knowledge to share!

Sample Retirement Speech

Sample Conclusion of a Retirement Speech

When I think of Whitney Jean Paul I'm reminded of the following quotation by John Steinbeck. "I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist, and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit."

Ms. Paul, you are one of the great artists of the teaching profession. You have made a lasting impression on the world through the lives of the students you have taught. Thank you and happy retirement!

End of Sample Retirement Speech

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Speaking at a person's retirement party is not always an easy thing to do as emotions often run high. It is a great honor to give tribute to someone you have worked with, often for many years, as he or she can feel more like a family member than a work-mate. Hopefully this sample retirement speech has helped you in some small way to put your feelings towards the retiree into just the right words!

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Retirement Speech Examples and Ideas That Get It Right

As a fomer educator and mom blogger who's a mother of four, Kristin shares helpful tips and advice on a variety of topics.

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It is customary for a person retiring to give a speech, either at a retirement celebration or at a final meeting in the workplace. If writing a retirement speech isn't really in your wheelhouse, don't worry! It's easy to write a retirement speech when you create some focus for your words.

Original Sample Speeches for Retirees

If you need a little more guidance on writing your retirement speech, check out these original sample speeches. They might help inspire your own speech or might be appropriate to use with a little customizing. For help with downloading or printing these sample speeches, refer to the Guide for Adobe Printables .

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A Grateful Retirement Speech

Over the last few decades, you have probably spent more time with your co-workers than you have with your own family! For better and sometimes for worse, your co-workers have been a huge part of your career and your life. They have celebrated weddings, babies, and promotions with you. They likely comforted you in times of loss and were there when you hit a rough patch on the job. Use your retirement speech to pay homage to the people you worked with and the family and friends who supported you throughout your working years. This speech format focuses on gratitude and acknowledges the speaker's coworkers and family.

A Serious Retirement Speech

Some workplaces are fun and relaxed environments to spend your days, and others have a far more serious tone to them. If your workplace does not appreciate humor, or if you feel more reflective than funny about this milestone, a serious speech can be a good way to close this chapter of your life. As long as a serious speech is heartfelt and doesn't feel cold or removed, it will surely do the trick.

A Funny Retirement Speech

Some retirees want to go out with a bang! These people need to nail a speech that engages the audience with humor and brings smiles to faces surrounding him/her. During the final moments of your career, remind your colleagues, superiors, friends, and family why you were so much to be around for all those years and how much they will miss your banter around the watercooler. This speech is meant to prompt laughter while poking a little fun at the people who must return to work on the next workday. When creating a humorous speech, be sure to balance jokes and jests with grace and class. Humor speeches should never tread into the waters of offensive.

Related: Funny Retirement Quotes for a Hilarious Send-Off

Giving a Retirement Speech for an Employee

If you are the head honcho at work and you have an employee retiring, you will want to send him/her off with a well-thought-out, carefully planned speech.

Tailor the Speech to the Employee

The person who is retiring has given the company you both work for decades of his/her life. Show the retiree respect by handcrafting a speech specific to them. If they are full of personality, jokes and have a fun-loving spirit, then write up a funny speech full of hilarious memories and inside jokes. If they are better known for their serious side and hard work ethic, play on those qualities, incorporating them into a more serious speech.

Retirement Speech Etiquette

When you're writing your retirement speech, keep in mind the culture of your workplace. While you want to inject your own personality into it, you don't want to deliver a speech that will make other people uncomfortable. Follow a few key etiquette tips to ensure that you stay in your lane and don't veer too far off course during your speech.

Stay Positive

A retirement speech is not the appropriate opportunity in which to air your grievances. Even if you're leaving a workplace that you largely considered toxic, filled with co-workers who might benefit from anger management training , you should focus on the positive. Do your best to drum up the good and steer clear of the bad. Thank your co-workers for their passion or comment on the promptness that the company functions under.

Time the Speech Accordingly

How long your speech runs largely depends on the venue and tone of the event. If you're standing up in a meeting to say farewell, you should take less time than if you're giving your speech at a formal celebration intended only to celebrate your retirement. Ask the event coordinator how much time they set aside for your speech and stick to the time allotted. If no guidance is given otherwise, for a formal celebration, aim for a speech lasting under 10 minutes. For a quick stand up in a meeting, you should not exceed three minutes.

Read the Room

Consider your audience. Your now-former colleagues are likely comprised of older and younger people who are now all sitting in the venue awaiting your words. When you deliver your speech, regardless of the speech style and tone, be sure to address those who have been with you for many years, as well as newcomers to the workplace. Pay homage to everyone surrounding you and make sure all feel like a part of your journey.

Be Grateful

Thank all the people who helped you along the way in your career, including those outside the workplace such as mentors, family, and close friends. It's important to thank the people within your workplace responsible for pulling together your retirement celebration. Before drafting a retirement speech, draft a list of must-mention people. If you have many people to include in your tribute, consider grouping some folks into a department. For example, you could say, "I could not have made it through my days without the dedication and assistance of the ______ department."

There is nothing wrong with asking a trusted person to review your speech before you finalize it. They may come up with ideas or insights you didn't think of. Allow a few people to read through your speech or listen to you read through a draft of your speech before finalizing it. Take their thoughts into consideration. You don't have to change up your whole speech on account of others, but ponder their suggestions in the very least.

Delivery Tips

Speaking in public can be difficult for people unaccustomed to it, but there are steps you can take to ease your anxiety.

Dress and Dazzle

Put on something clean and pressed, give yourself a shave or freshen up your nails and makeup. You don't have to look like a supermodel, but you do want to put a bit of thought and consideration into your look on your retirement day. For many in the audience, this is the last time they will see you, so give them a bit of a show. Sometimes when people put on their best, they feel more confident and ready to take on challenges that lie ahead.

Practice Beforehand

Nobody expects you to memorize your speech, but you should familiarize yourself with your completed speech before you try to deliver it to a crowd. Reading it aloud beforehand may reveal portions that will make you emotional, and you don't want to get caught off-guard by getting choked up. Knowing that you are not going into a cold read can help reduce your anxiety levels on your big day.

Breathe Deeply to Calm Down

As you wait to deliver your speech, take slow, deep breaths to help relieve your nervousness. Envision your lungs and balloons and fill them with air, then forcefully exhale. This type of breathing can help calm you.

Have Water Handy

The body reacts to stress in different ways. If you feel anxious about delivering a speech in front of people, your throat might tighten up. A cup of water by your side allows you to take a moment, clear your throat, and continue with the speech. Additionally, it's a good idea to have tissues or a handkerchief nearby in case you tear up.

Choose a Go-To Focal Point

Find a spot on the furthest wall of the room and make that your go-to focal point. It might be an exit sign or a clock but look at your focal point when you have trouble looking at your audience - especially if the people close to you are getting emotional and you're afraid you might become emotional too. The other benefit to the focal point being at the furthest wall is that it will appear to your audience as though you're simply looking at the back row instead of staring at an exit sign or clock.

Remember: The Speech Won't Last Forever

This speech, daunting as it may seem, is only 3-10 minutes of your entire life. You WILL get through it, and then it is over, tucked away to memories for the rest of your days. Remind yourself that you will only be standing and speaking for a short span of time, and then you will be done. Even if you envision a million things going wrong, the reality is that none of it likely will. Our concerns are always worse than the reality.

Enjoy the Moment

You worked hard to get to the point of retirement . Nobody expects an Emmy award-winning performance from you, so try to enjoy this one final work task of thanking the people who helped make your retirement possible.


Retirement Speech for Principal

Ai generator.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished guests, colleagues, students, parents, and friends,

We are gathered here today to honor and celebrate the remarkable career of an extraordinary leader, our beloved principal, [Principal’s Name], who is retiring after [number] years of dedicated service in the field of education. It is with immense pride and gratitude that we recognize the profound impact [he/she/they] has had on our school, our community, and our lives.

To [Principal’s Name] : Today, we celebrate your unwavering commitment, visionary leadership, and tireless dedication to nurturing the minds and hearts of countless students. Your career has been marked by numerous achievements, innovative initiatives, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. You have not only guided our school to new heights but have also fostered a nurturing and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Your ability to inspire, motivate, and lead with compassion has earned you the respect and admiration of your colleagues, students, and parents. Your dedication to fostering a positive learning environment and your commitment to the success of every student have set a high standard for all of us.

To the teachers and staff : We have all been incredibly fortunate to witness and learn from [Principal’s Name]’s exemplary leadership. The principles and values [he/she/they] have exemplified will continue to guide us in our own professional journeys. Let us carry forward the legacy of dedication, integrity, and compassion that [he/she/they] have set.

To the students : Your heartfelt expressions of gratitude and admiration remind us of the profound influence [Principal’s Name] has had on your lives. Remember to always value and respect your teachers and leaders, for they are the guiding lights on your journey to knowledge and personal growth.

To [Principal’s Name] : As you step into retirement, we are excited for you to embrace this new chapter of your life. This is a time to relax, pursue your passions, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, traveling, exploring new interests, or simply enjoying the peace and quiet, you deserve all the happiness and fulfillment that retirement brings.

Your retirement marks the end of an illustrious career and the beginning of a new adventure. While we will miss your presence and guidance in our professional lives, we know that your influence will continue to inspire us and that your legacy will live on in the lives you have touched and the positive changes you have implemented.

Let us raise a toast to [Principal’s Name], celebrating a stellar career and wishing [him/her/them] a retirement filled with joy, health, and new adventures.

Thank you, [Principal’s Name], for your incredible contributions, your unwavering support, and your exemplary dedication to education. You have been an inspiration to us all, and we are so grateful for everything you have done.

Thank you, and congratulations!


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About the Teacher Next Door program

August 2, 2024

Maximum loan amount for each household

Borrower eligibility, property eligibility, financing requirements, teacher next door manuals and documents, training for participating lenders.

MOHCD helps SFUSD educators buy their first home in San Francisco. It provides $40,000 for a market-rate unit, or $20,000 for a below-market-rate unit. It is typically layered on top of other MOHCD loan programs, such as DALP or City Second  if additional funding is needed.

The loan is forgiven after 10 years if all program requirements are met. There is no interest and no shared appreciation.

Applicants must work with a MOHCD-approved lender to request a TND loan. See MOHCD's loan application process .

Program Details

There are no fees when applying for Teacher Next Door funds; however, there is a nonrefundable fee if you are applying with a Mortgage Credit Certificate. See MOHCD program fees .

  • For market-rate units, including DALP or City Second : $40,000
  • For below-market-rate units , including BMR DALP : $20,000
  • Each household is limited to one TND loan, regardless of the number of SFUSD educators in the household.
  • First-time homebuyers: All adult household members must not have any ownership interest in a residential unit in San Francisco for the last three years. 
  • Completed homebuyer education from Homeownershipsf.org
  • The combined income of all household members 18 years or older, who will be living in the property, must be included in the determination of income. The combined household's income must be projected as an annual income. It should be assumed that the current income would continue for the next 12 months.
  • Maximum loan amounts are tied to the household income category.
  • Minimum Borrower Contribution:  Borrower must contribute a minimum of 1% of the purchase price toward the down payment or closing costs. The entire 1% can come from gifts, if necessary.
  • Liquid Assets: Borrower must have no more than $60,000 after purchase. There is no limit on liquid assets before purchase.
  • Property taxes
  • Hazard insurance
  • Homeowner’s association dues
  • Occupancy: The property must be owner-occupied within 60 days of closing and during the life of the loan.
  • On title and loan of the property. All spouses or domestic partners must be included in the household and must appear on the application, title, and loan for the City Second loan.
  • Listed as a dependent on tax returns.  All household members who are under 18 years of age must be the legal dependent of an adult household member, as listed on the two most recent tax returns. An unborn child will be not counted as a household member. Elderly adult household members may be considered as dependent as long as they are listed as dependent on the two most recent tax returns. All income from dependent adults and children must be included in the total household income. A spouse or domestic partner of any titleholder is not considered a dependent.
  • Property Requirements: The property must be Single-Unit Residences located in San Francisco. The residences may be a single-family house, Condominium, Townhouse/Town Home, Loft or Live-Work Unit (as long as the property will be used as the owner’s principal residence). Rental of any portion of the property is NOT allowed.
  • Property Size Requirements: There is  no  requirement for the size of the household to be compatible with the size of the unit being purchased under the TND program.
  • ​Purchase of Tenant-Occupied Property:  A TND borrower cannot purchase a housing unit where any unlawful rental eviction has occurred.
  • Property Flipping: TND cannot be used to purchase properties resold within 90 days and priced more than 20% above the initial purchase price.
  • The Borrower must meet all of the other eligibility requirements for those programs. 
  • In the case of any conflicting requirements, the more restrictive will apply. 
  • Lien Position: TND loan must be in junior lien position behind the first mortgage, BMR lien and/or DALP.
  • Loan Types not allowed: Reverse mortgage, stated income, ARM (adjustable-rate mortgage), reverse mortgage, interest-only, negatively amortizing, balloon payments
  • Impounds: The first mortgage lender must collect and manage impound accounts for property taxes and hazard insurance for the loan term.
  • Loan-to-Value Requirements (LTV and CLTV):  The minimum first mortgage Loan to Value (LTV) cannot be less than 50% of the purchase price or appraised value, whichever is less. The maximum Combined Loan to Value (CLTV) cannot exceed 105%, which includes the first mortgage, TND and any other borrowed subordinate financing. 
  • Front-End (Housing) Ratio: No less than 30% and no more than 43%
  • Back-End (Total Debt) Ratio: No more than 45%
  • Co-Signing: Co-signing for a MOHCD loan by a non-household member is not allowed.
  • Loan Signing: No power of attorney is allowed. All applicants must be physically present to sign loan documents.
  • Closing Costs:  TND Funds may be used to pay for non-recurring closing costs up to 2% of the purchase price or appraised value, whichever is less.
  • After the 5th year, the loan is forgiven at a rate of 20% per year, and at the end of the 10th year, the loan is forgiven in its entirety. The following chart illustrates repayments of TND loans in the amount of $20,000.  
  • Loan Reservation:  TND funds, as specified in the commitment letter issued to a borrower, will be placed on reserve for a period of no more than thirty (30) days from the date of the commitment.

See all MOHCD loan terms .

  • The application is required if it's a stand-alone TND loan (not combined with other MOHCD programs)

PDF icon

  • For lenders to apply for TND funds, on behalf of their buyers
  • For lender reference
  • DALP Manual

Mortgage Loan Officers (MLO) or mortgage brokers who would like to become participating lenders for MOHCD's homeownership programs, including BMR DALP, City Second, DALP, MCC and TND must complete the required training and pay the required fee. Each individual MLO or mortgage broker must complete the training every year.

See annual training information .



  1. 9+ Retirement Speech Examples

    example of retirement speech for teachers

  2. 9 Retirement Speech Samples

    example of retirement speech for teachers

  3. 9+ Retirement Speech Examples

    example of retirement speech for teachers

  4. Farewell Speech for a Teacher on Retirement

    example of retirement speech for teachers

  5. Tips for Giving a Great Farewell / Retirement Speech for a Teacher

    example of retirement speech for teachers

  6. FREE 9+ Retirement Speech in PDF

    example of retirement speech for teachers


  1. Teachers day speech in hindi. teacher's day per bhasan. शिक्षक दिवस पर भाषण

  2. Retirement speech

  3. Landing Page Video Example Retirement Planning

  4. Teacher Retirement Function best speech |பணி நிறைவு பாராட்டு விழா 🎉🎁, Farewell #speech #retirement

  5. How Andrew Carnegie revolutionized retirement for American teachers #shorts

  6. How to Not Run Out of Money During Retirement


  1. Retirement speech sample

    The retirement speech sample below was written to show you the end result of using the step-by-step guidelines I put together on 'how to write a retirement speech' and, to find out just how long it took to follow my own advice! *You can find the answer to that $64 thousand dollar question at the foot of the page. Although my farewell address is fictional, it is based on experience.

  2. Example Of A Farewell Speech For A Retiring Teacher Colleague

    Hello, everyone. I am honored to be here today to say a few words about Mrs. Jones, who is retiring after 25 years of teaching English at this school. Mrs. Jones, you are not only a colleague, but also a friend to me and to many others here. You are one of the kindest, most generous and most fun-loving people I know.

  3. Write A Memorable Retirement Speech For A Teacher: A Detailed Guide

    An Example Of A Retirement Speech For A Teacher. Now that you've familiarized yourself with the elements, guidelines, and tips, you're better equipped to craft your own heartfelt retirement speech for your teacher. To demonstrate how these components can blend harmoniously, here's a brief example of a retirement speech incorporating the ...

  4. Retirement Speech For Teacher

    Short Speech On Retirement Speech For Teacher. Greetings and a sincere welcome to everyone in the audience, including the principal, teachers, and fellow students. I appreciate being given the chance to begin this event. I feel privileged to be here. The guest of honour today is also the best teacher in our school, we will all miss him and I ...

  5. Best Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher (as a Student)

    Find a sample retirement and farewell speech below. Giving a speech about your teacher can be difficult for a student. But don't be scared! With these tips, you'll master speech-giving in no time. ... What to Say in a Retirement Speech for a Teacher . Clarity: Avoid the use of ambiguous words. Write sentences that have the same meaning to you ...

  6. How to Write a Memorable Retirement Speech + Examples

    Short Retirement Speech Examples. Here are some snippets of retirement speeches that you can amend for your situation. Remember, it is important to speak from the heart. ... For a teacher. Throughout Mrs. Anderson's career, she has taught approximately 2,300 students. That means she has graded more than 18,000 essays, 2,300 research papers ...

  7. Retirement Speech for Teacher [Edit & Download]

    Retirement is a time to relax, pursue passions, and enjoy the fruits of a well-earned break. We wish you all the joy, health, and fulfillment in the years to come. May you find as much happiness in your retirement as you have brought to the lives of your students and colleagues. Let us raise a toast to [Teacher's Name], celebrating a stellar ...

  8. Tips for Giving a Great Farewell / Retirement Speech for a Teacher

    6. Close With Thanks and Retirement Wishes. You'd be surprised how many times I've seen a solid speech sputter out at the end, or close in an awkward way that lessens the impact. Be prepared and keep it simple by doing two things: Thank them for their contribution to the school. (again - emphasize contribution!)

  9. Crafting the Perfect Retirement Speech by Retiree Teacher

    Key Takeaways. Crafting a good retirement speech means reflecting on your years as a teacher, celebrating your achievements, and thanking those who helped along the way. Make your speech personal by sharing real stories from your teaching life. Talk about what you learned, the challenges you faced, and how it all shaped you.

  10. Retirement Speech by a Teacher

    Think back to an unexpected teaching moment that became a valuable life lesson for your students. Crafting the perfect retirement speech as a teacher is about honoring your journey, the lives you've touched, and the legacy you leave behind. Let this template guide you, and may your words inspire and resonate with all. Retirement & Farewells.

  11. Example of a Farewell Speech for a Retiring Teacher Colleague

    Farewell Speech for Teacher Retiring in English. Good Morning, My Dear Colleagues, Today, we have gathered here to bid farewell to our exceptional teacher and a mentor who retired from active service. Yet, today, I realized how time flies. It gives me immense pleasure to say that (mention the name of the teacher) has taught us a lot about ...

  12. Retirement Speech For A Teacher

    Retirement Speech For A Teacher Examples. Here is an example of a retirement speech honoring a retiring teacher: "Dear [Teacher's Name], Today, we gather to honor and celebrate your incredible teaching career. For [number of] years, you have been an integral part of our school community, and your contributions have been immeasurable.

  13. Good Speech Ideas for Teachers to Make Their Retirement Memorable

    A speech generally goes for about 2 to 3 minutes. If your speech is getting bigger, try and cut some parts. If your speech is shorter, use the following points to elaborate: "A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." ~ Author Unknown. Get something from your memories and try to put them on paper.

  14. Guide On How To Write An Amazing Retirement Speech With Examples

    1. Plan Ahead. Before diving into your farewell retirement speech, ensure you have ample time to plan and prepare. Create a rough outline beforehand, jotting down key points you want to cover. Some crucial points you may want to prioritize in your draft outline: The beginning: Reflect on your early days in the company.

  15. Retirement Farewell Speech

    A retirement speech is always made by a student or a dear friend of the person who is retiring. A farewell speech on retirement should show gratitude towards the retiring person. The speech should not be too long and too short. The speech should make a retiring person feel good. The farewell speech should include the retiring person's life at ...

  16. How to Write a Retirement Speech

    Step 1: Gather information. The first step to creating a retirement speech is to gather information about the person's life from different people. Hopefully, you can get extraordinary stories from them and a core idea of what you will put in the speech.

  17. 5 Retirement Speech Ideas with Examples

    2. Short Retirement Speech. Many retirement speeches happen in spaces where we need to be brief, such as a Zoom meeting or other virtual space. A short retirement speech will allow you to be concise and still convey your message. It can also make for an excellent written piece for a retirement card or email greeting. Example Short Retirement ...

  18. 7 Retirement Speech Samples (from the Retiree)

    Speech 4: A Financier's Farewell. Today marks not an end but a culmination of a three-decade-long adventure in the world of finance. From the bustling floors of the stock exchange to the intense boardroom negotiations, my career has been nothing short of a thrilling ride.

  19. Farewell Speech Sample Format for a Teacher on Retirement

    [Below briefly describe on Farewell Speech Sample Format for a Teacher on his or her Retirement. You can follow this sample farewell speech for a teacher by colleagues, teachers, principal and students of the school, college and university at the time of resignation or retirement. You can make changes as per your requirements.] Date: DD/MM/YY ...

  20. Sample Retirement Speech Given to a Retiree

    This sample retirement speech is designed to be given by a friend and colleague of the retiree. Although this particular speech is geared towards a teacher, you could easily rework it to make it suitable for anyone retiring, whether a CEO, waitress or mailman! This sample retirement speech makes good use of story-telling and special memories.

  21. Retirement Speech Examples and Ideas That Get It Right

    Original Sample Speeches for Retirees. If you need a little more guidance on writing your retirement speech, check out these original sample speeches. They might help inspire your own speech or might be appropriate to use with a little customizing. For help with downloading or printing these sample speeches, refer to the Guide for Adobe Printables.

  22. Retirement Speech

    How to Write Retirement Speech. 1. Introduction. Begin with a warm greeting. Mention the retiree's name and express your gratitude for being part of this special occasion. Example: "Good afternoon everyone. It is an honor to stand here today to celebrate the remarkable career of [Retiree's Name].". 2.

  23. Retirement Speech for Principal [Edit & Download]

    Let us raise a toast to [Principal's Name], celebrating a stellar career and wishing [him/her/them] a retirement filled with joy, health, and new adventures. Thank you, [Principal's Name], for your incredible contributions, your unwavering support, and your exemplary dedication to education. You have been an inspiration to us all, and we ...

  24. About the Teacher Next Door program

    SFUSD Educators include teachers, paraprofessionals, and certificated staff (including counselors, nurses, speech pathologists, psychologists, behavioral analysts, social workers, Special Education (SPED) Content Specialists, and librarians). At the time of application, the Borrower must provide a paystub or letter of employment from SFUSD.