Decision Making vs. Problem Solving

What's the difference.

Decision making and problem solving are two closely related concepts that are essential in both personal and professional settings. While decision making refers to the process of selecting the best course of action among various alternatives, problem solving involves identifying and resolving issues or obstacles that hinder progress towards a desired outcome. Decision making often involves evaluating different options based on their potential outcomes and consequences, while problem solving requires analyzing the root causes of a problem and developing effective strategies to overcome it. Both skills require critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to weigh pros and cons. Ultimately, decision making and problem solving are interconnected and complementary processes that enable individuals to navigate complex situations and achieve desired goals.

AttributeDecision MakingProblem Solving
DefinitionThe process of selecting the best course of action among available alternatives.The process of finding solutions to complex or difficult issues or challenges.
GoalTo make a choice that leads to a desired outcome or solution.To find a solution or resolution to a specific problem or challenge.
ApproachBased on evaluating options and making a rational decision.Based on analyzing the problem, identifying possible solutions, and selecting the most appropriate one.
ProcessIncludes gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and making a decision.Includes problem identification, analysis, generating solutions, and implementing the chosen solution.
FocusPrimarily on making choices among available alternatives.Primarily on finding solutions to specific problems or challenges.
TimeframeCan be short-term or long-term decision making.Can be short-term or long-term problem solving.
ComplexityCan involve complex decision-making models and frameworks.Can involve complex problem-solving techniques and methodologies.
OutcomeResults in a decision or choice being made.Results in a solution or resolution to the problem.

Further Detail


Decision making and problem solving are two essential cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through various challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While they are distinct processes, decision making and problem solving share several attributes and are often interconnected. In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving, highlighting their key attributes and how they contribute to effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Definition and Purpose

Decision making involves selecting a course of action from multiple alternatives based on available information, preferences, and goals. It is a cognitive process that individuals use to make choices and reach conclusions. On the other hand, problem solving refers to the process of finding solutions to specific issues or challenges. It involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems to achieve desired outcomes.

Both decision making and problem solving share the purpose of achieving a desired outcome or resolving a particular situation. They require individuals to think critically, evaluate options, and consider potential consequences. While decision making focuses on choosing the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges.

Attributes of Decision Making

Decision making involves several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Rationality: Decision making is often based on rational thinking, where individuals evaluate available information, weigh pros and cons, and make logical choices.
  • Subjectivity: Decision making is influenced by personal preferences, values, and biases. Individuals may prioritize certain factors or options based on their subjective judgment.
  • Uncertainty: Many decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty, where individuals lack complete information or face unpredictable outcomes. Decision makers must assess risks and make informed judgments.
  • Time Constraints: Decision making often occurs within time constraints, requiring individuals to make choices efficiently and effectively.
  • Trade-offs: Decision making involves considering trade-offs between different options, as individuals must prioritize certain factors or outcomes over others.

Attributes of Problem Solving

Problem solving also encompasses several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Analytical Thinking: Problem solving requires individuals to analyze and break down complex problems into smaller components, facilitating a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Creativity: Effective problem solving often involves thinking outside the box and generating innovative solutions. It requires individuals to explore alternative perspectives and consider unconventional approaches.
  • Collaboration: Problem solving can benefit from collaboration and teamwork, as diverse perspectives and expertise can contribute to more comprehensive and effective solutions.
  • Iterative Process: Problem solving is often an iterative process, where individuals continuously evaluate and refine their solutions based on feedback and new information.
  • Implementation: Problem solving is not complete without implementing the chosen solution. Individuals must take action and monitor the outcomes to ensure the problem is effectively resolved.

Interconnection and Overlap

While decision making and problem solving are distinct processes, they are interconnected and often overlap. Decision making is frequently a part of the problem-solving process, as individuals must make choices and select the most appropriate solution to address a specific problem. Similarly, problem solving is inherent in decision making, as individuals must identify and analyze problems or challenges before making informed choices.

Moreover, both decision making and problem solving require critical thinking skills, the ability to evaluate information, and the consideration of potential consequences. They both involve a systematic approach to gather and analyze relevant data, explore alternatives, and assess the potential risks and benefits of different options.

Decision making and problem solving are fundamental cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While decision making focuses on selecting the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges. Both processes share attributes such as rationality, subjectivity, uncertainty, time constraints, and trade-offs (in decision making), as well as analytical thinking, creativity, collaboration, iterative process, and implementation (in problem solving).

Understanding the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving can enhance our ability to approach complex situations effectively. By leveraging the attributes of both processes, individuals and organizations can make informed choices, address challenges, and achieve desired outcomes.

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Problem solving and decision making

Published by Eustace Charles Modified over 5 years ago

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Making the Difference: Problem Solving vs Decision Making

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Do you ever find yourself stuck between a rock and hard place, unable to decide what the best course of action is?

I have. Whether it’s what desk to put in our new conservatory space (and I’ll tell you what we ended up deciding later), or who to invite to meetings, or managing to order everyone else’s food and then getting so overwhelmed with having made decisions all day for all the people that I couldn’t choose anything for myself.

I left the café with nothing for me and ended up with a couple of slices of peanut butter toast at home.

Making decisions can be difficult for even the most experienced project managers. But before making any decision, it’s important to understand the difference between problem solving and decision making.

Ready to get into it?

Problem solving involves diagnosing issues that arise during projects while decision making requires taking appropriate steps based on those diagnoses. While they may appear similar at first glance, there are key differences in how each process should be approached – understanding these differences will help you make more informed decisions!

Let’s explore both processes as well as their similarities and differences.

What is problem solving?

You’ve been solving problems since you were a baby: how to stand up, how to get your socks off, how to get your parents to bring you your favorite sippy cup.

As an adult, we solve problems every day at work and at home.

So it probably sounds a bit odd to want to define problem solving before we go any further. Surely we all know what we are talking about as we do it all the time?

Humor me. Problem solving is the process of identifying and analyzing a problem, generating potential solutions, and selecting the best solution to address the issue. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller components and then finding ways to solve them.

The problem solving process

If you think that description sounds linear, then you’d be right. Problem solving fits neatly into a process, one that we don’t even know we’re following most of the time.

The problem solving process typically consists of four steps:

  • Identify the problem
  • Generate possible solutions
  • Evaluate each option
  • Select an appropriate course of action.

That does make it sound easy. Wicked problems need a slightly different approach (PMI has a problem solving training course that is brilliant and will help with that).

But for now, let’s stick with a high-level approach that works for most problems.

1. Identify the problem

First, it’s important to understand what caused the issue in order to determine how best to resolve it.

You’d be surprised at how many managers don’t bother to find the root cause of the problem to truly understand it. Use techniques like the 5 Whys or an Ishikawa diagram to dig down into what the problem actually is.

2. Generate possible solutions

Brainstorming is one way to come up with different ideas for potential solutions. You could also interview experts, review lessons learned or innovative solutions from previous projects, research what the rest of your industry is doing or consult customers on what they’d like to see. There are no silly ideas at this point!

Choose the creative approach that gets you a range of options to review.

Read next: How to improve problem solving with lessons learned.

3. Evaluate each option

Once you have several options to consider, you can evaluate each one based on its effectiveness and cost before deciding which one is most suitable for your situation.

Use pairwise prioritisation, multi-criteria decision making or analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to help with the evaluation.

analytical hierarchy process

4. Select an appropriate course of action

Now you’ve got all the options for solving your problem, you can actually solve it by choosing a course of action that will sort it out. This is where decision making comes in. in this step you make the decision.

Finally, implement your chosen solution and monitor its progress over time so that any necessary adjustments can be made as needed.

Benefits of problem solving skills

There are many benefits associated with having effective problem solving skills.

These include improved decision making abilities (more on that in a minute), increased creativity, better communication skills, greater confidence when faced with challenging situations, enhanced ability to think critically, more efficient use of resources, improved relationships between colleagues or team members due to shared understanding of goals and increased productivity levels due to fewer mistakes being made during projects or tasks.

(Breathe. That was a long sentence, sorry.)

All these advantages make problem solving an invaluable skill in both personal life and professional life scenarios.

What is decision making?

Basically, decision making is the process of selecting a course of action from a number of alternatives. It involves gathering information, weighing options, and choosing the best option for achieving a desired outcome.

But how is that different to problem solving?

Decision making is the process of doing Step 4 of the problem solving process. It’s the choice making, option selection, conclusion of the analysis and thinking.

It’s decisive (duh), purposeful, specific. It removes the ambiguity of the ‘what do we do?’ and helps the team move towards the ‘OK, how do we do that?’

It brings action to a situation.

The decision making process

There is a simple method for decision making too, although the actual decision itself might be tough to make.

  • Identify that a decision is required
  • Ensure you have the data to make the decision
  • Make the decision
  • Tell whoever needs to implement the decision

1. Identify that a decision is required

The decision-making process typically begins with identifying what decision needs to be made. Are you making the right decision, or is there something else, deeper, different that is really what’s required?

In this step you also want to identify who is making the decision. That could be your project sponsor, a panel, you by yourself, a committee or whoever. Getting this step clear saves headaches later.

2. Ensure you have the data to make the decision

Do you have all the info you need to make the decision? If not, get it.

When decisions are made quickly but thoughtfully, they can save time and resources while still producing quality results.

Major decisions need more time spent on this step to make sure you understand all the variables.

decision chart example

3. Make the decision

After considering all potential solutions, it’s time to make a choice based on what will yield the best results for everyone involved.

This is the hard part: make the decision! The person or people responsible for this should weigh up the data and use their professional judgement to choose the right course of action. Decision trees can be useful here to avoid unconscious bias (or conscious bias!).

Obviously this is harder for complex decisions. What vendor to choose for a 3-year outsourcing arrangement is harder to decide than what venue to book for a team away day.

4. Tell whoever needs to implement the decision

Great – you’ve made the call and know what to do, but does the rest of the team? Don’t keep the decision to yourself!

Make sure whoever needs to know the next steps is aware that the decision has been made so they can implement it and take the right action.

Having confidence in decisions leads to greater trust between team members and better collaboration overall, which can lead to improved project outcomes over time. Well-made decisions often create opportunities for growth within teams by allowing them to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes along the way.

Similarities between problem solving and decision making

Problem solving and decision making sound very similar, right?

Well, that is true. Both processes involve gathering information, analyzing it, and coming up with solutions or courses of action. They both require critical thinking skills to identify potential solutions or options that are most likely to be successful.

The processes use a similar flow

Both processes involve identifying a problem or issue, researching possible solutions, evaluating those solutions based on criteria such as cost-effectiveness or feasibility, selecting an option from among the available choices, implementing the chosen solution, and you’d also want to monitor its effectiveness over time.

The process can be iterative if necessary; if one solution does not work out as expected then another may need to be tried until a satisfactory outcome is achieved.

They both produce a satisfactory solution

Problem solving and decision making usually lead to some kind of action being taken in order to address a given issue or situation. Problem solving often involves finding creative solutions for complex problems, while decision making typically entails selecting a course of action from several possibilities after carefully evaluating each option’s advantages and disadvantages.

But ultimately, the goal is for something positive (or at least neutral) to come out of the helpful process so that whatever challenge was initially presented can be effectively addressed.

Despite being so similar you could pretty much interchange them in some circumstances, there are some differences.

problem solving vs decision making

Differences between problem solving and decision making

Although they have similarities in terms of the process used to come up with a solution, their goals differ significantly.

Process goals are different

The goal of problem solving is to find a solution to an existing issue. It involves identifying the cause of a problem and then finding ways to address it. Problem solving often requires input from multiple stakeholders who can provide different perspectives on how best to solve the issue at hand.

On the other hand, decision making focuses on choosing the best option from multiple alternatives. This could include selecting between competing products or services or deciding which strategy will be most effective for achieving certain objectives.

In other words: decision making doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem. We make decisions every day about small things and big things, but they aren’t all problems that need the creative step of solutioning.

Sometimes a decision just needs to be taken and the options are clearly known.

They require different stakeholders

Another key difference between problem solving and decision making is that while problem solving typically requires input from multiple stakeholders, decision making is usually done by one individual or group who has access to all relevant information needed for the decision-making process.

To give you an example. Let’s say on a technical project the development team hit a problem. They have to bring in various subject matter experts to research and identify the parameters involved. They consult, brainstorm and debate. It’s a group effort, and it’s likely to end in a solution.

However, if I need my project sponsor to choose between two risk treatments, I’ll take him my recommendation and a summary of options and he’ll simply choose. Done.

Decisions are made based on what is known about a situation rather than relying on external opinions or advice when trying to make an informed choice about what course of action should be taken next.

They produce different results

The nature of both processes also differs in terms of the types of solutions they produce. Problem solving typically results in creative solutions that can be implemented over time, while decision making produces immediate choices from among existing alternatives without necessarily creating something new or unique.

Both processes involve the identification of a problem or issue, the collection of information to evaluate possible solutions, and an analysis of potential outcomes. The main difference between them is in their goals: problem solving seeks to identify the root cause of an issue and develop a solution that will address it; decision making focuses on selecting from among available options.

Both processes require careful consideration of facts and opinions before any action is taken. Problem solving often involves more people than decision making as it requires collaboration to identify underlying causes and brainstorm potential solutions. Decision makers may consult with others for input but ultimately make decisions independently based on their own judgment.

prioritization example

Still got a question?

What is the difference between decision and decision making.

A decision is the act of making a choice between two or more alternatives. Decision making is the process by which decisions are made. It involves gathering information, analyzing data, evaluating alternatives and choosing a course of action based on this analysis. The outcome of the process is the decision. The decision-making process also includes monitoring progress to ensure that goals are being met and taking corrective action if needed.

What is the importance of problem-solving and decision making?

Problem-solving and decision making are essential skills for project managers and managers in general. The processes keep work moving by making sure problems get solved and decisions get made so team members are not blocked from finishing their tasks.

What are the steps in problem-solving and decision making?

Problem-solving and decision making involve a series of steps that can help ensure the best possible outcome. The first step is to identify the problem or opportunity, then analyze it by gathering relevant information and evaluating potential solutions. After considering all options, select an appropriate solution and develop an action plan for implementation. Finally, monitor progress to ensure success and make necessary adjustments along the way. By following these steps, project managers can effectively manage projects while minimizing risks and maximizing results.

Before you go…

Sometimes there isn’t a right decision – it’s simply important to make a decision. As for the desk, in the end, we used a piece of furniture we already had upstairs and didn’t buy one at all.

I spent a morning measuring and researching options, and I’ll never get that time back, but that’s OK.

As a leader, you should be skilled at solving problems and making decisions, and the processes that support them. However, you don’t have to be doing all the solving and making all the calls yourself. As long as you facilitate the process and get the right people in the room, you can step back and let the experts do their thing.

Let the right people do the work and create an environment where your projects move forward because everyone’s got what they need to keep things moving.

Elizabeth Harrin wearing a pink scarf

Project manager, author, mentor

Elizabeth Harrin is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management in the UK. She holds degrees from the University of York and Roehampton University, and several project management certifications including APM PMQ. She first took her PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in 2004 and has worked extensively in project delivery for over 20 years. Elizabeth is also the founder of the Project Management Rebels community, a mentoring group for professionals. She's written several books for project managers including Managing Multiple Projects .

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Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making

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difference between problem solving and decision making ppt

Problem Solving vs Decision Making

Life is filled with complexities, and one of them is to know the difference between problem solving and decision making. People tend to use ‘problem solving’ and ‘decision making’ interchangeably. Although they are somewhat related, these two phrases are not synonymous and are completely different. The major difference between the two is; problem solving is a method while decision making is a process.

Problem solving, as the name implies, is solving a problem. Meaning, it is a method wherein a group or an individual makes something positive out of a problem. Decision making, on the other hand, is a process that is done many times during problem solving. Decision making is the key that will help in reaching the right conclusion in problem solving. Problem solving is more an analytical aspect of thinking. It also uses intuition in gathering facts. Decision making, on the other hand, is more of a judgment where, after thinking, one will take a course of action. However, these two need a certain set of skills for each to be more effective.

To understand the differences between the two a little better, it is best to define each of them. With the definition of each term, it will be easier for you to distinguish one from the other.

Problem solving is more of a mental process. It is included in the larger problem process, namely, problem finding and problem shaping. Problem solving is the most complex process among all the intellectual functions of a human being. It is very complex. It is considered a higher order of the cognitive process. It is very complex in that it needs regulation and modulation of the basic skills of a human being. When an organism or artificial intelligence system is undergoing a problem and needs to be transferred into a better state to achieve a certain goal, then this needs problem solving.

Decision making is concerned on what action should be made. It is still a process of cognitive function, but it focuses on what action to take and what alternatives are available. Decision processes will always end up with a final choice; this choice may be an action or an opinion about a certain issue. When looking at decision making in a psychological aspect, the decision of an individual is based on his or her needs and the values that a person is looking for. When looking at decision making in a cognitive aspect, it is a continuous process related to the interaction of the person and his or her environment. In the normative aspect of decision making, on the other hand, it is focused more on the logical and rational way of making decisions until a choice is made.

Problem solving is a method; decision making is a process.

Decision making is needed during problem solving to reach the conclusion.

Decision making will lead to a course of action or final opinion; problem solving is more analytical and complex

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Cite APA 7 Magno, E. (2015, January 13). Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. MLA 8 Magno, Eva. "Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 13 January, 2015,

You say “Problem solving is a method; decision making is a process.”

Yet in the 4th paragraph discussing problem solving you use the word “process” repeatedly without explaining with examples how it is a method.

So shd I say that choice making is the same as decision making?

Good but not illustrated

Pls Explain in table

Decision making typically involves the selection between of some collection of options from within a larger set which includes those options as well as a number of additional options. The larger the total set of options within which the subset is being selected, the more criteria are needed to give you a basis for the decision.

People tend to think of a decision as being “difficult” when in respect of the options being selected from, none of them look like they have obviously better outcomes … or sometimes even “none of the choices are good ones”.

Problem solving whereas has a wider remit. Effective problem solving typically involves the process of iterative re-specification of what the problem actually is, in a cycle with low-cost experiments to determine whether that way of defining the problem tends to give rise to more of what we want or less or what we want.

Thank you so much

Featured addition

Provide further explanations regarding the two aspects of problem solving and decision making. Thank you.

If one is a method and the other is a process, what is the difference between a method and process?

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Written by : eva. and updated on 2015, January 13 Articles on are general information, and are not intended to substitute for professional advice. The information is "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS". User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages.


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Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Innovation Slides PDF

Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Innovation Slides PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name executive leadership programs thinking critically making decisions solving problems template innovation slides pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are effective reasoning, creativity and innovation, problem solving, decision making, schema development and activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Project Ppt Gallery Slide Download PDF

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Project Ppt Gallery Slide Download PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name key team members thinking critically making decisions solving problems project ppt gallery slide download pdf. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are effective reasoning, creativity and innovation, problem solving, decision making, schema development and activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Team Manager Administration Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Effective Reasoning Introduction Pdf

Team Manager Administration Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Effective Reasoning Introduction Pdf

This is a team manager administration thinking critically making decisions solving problems template effective reasoning introduction pdf. template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on five stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like problem solving, creativity and innovation, effective reasoning, decision making, schema development and activation. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Ppt Summary Graphics PDF

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Ppt Summary Graphics PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name key team members thinking critically making decisions solving problems ppt summary graphics pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation, plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Leadership Structure PDF

Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Leadership Structure PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name executive leadership programs thinking critically making decisions solving problems template leadership structure pdf. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are team and team building, communication and influencing, leadership identity, motivating and engaging, technical knowledge, team and team building. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Building Ppt Gallery Picture PDF

Key Team Members Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Building Ppt Gallery Picture PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name key team members thinking critically making decisions solving problems building ppt gallery picture pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are leadership identity, communication and influencing, team and team building, motivating and engaging, leading and managing change, technical knowledge. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Investigation Template PDF

Executive Leadership Programs Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Investigation Template PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name executive leadership programs thinking critically making decisions solving problems template investigation template pdf. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are identify and define authentic problems and significant questions investigation, plan and manage activities to develop solution complete project, collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions, use multiple processes and diverse perspective to explore alternative solutions. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Key Skills For Self Assessment With Decision Making And Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Graphics Pictures PDF

Key Skills For Self Assessment With Decision Making And Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Graphics Pictures PDF

Presenting key skills for self assessment with decision making and problem solving ppt powerpoint presentation file graphics pictures pdf. to dispense important information. This template comprises eight stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including decision making, leadership, problem solving, teamwork, active listening, communication. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Business Problem Solving Activities Powerpoint Slide Ideas

Business Problem Solving Activities Powerpoint Slide Ideas

This is a business problem solving activities powerpoint slide ideas. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are making judgments, analytical, decision making, collect information, planning.

Business Problem Solving Assignment Powerpoint Topics

Business Problem Solving Assignment Powerpoint Topics

This is a business problem solving assignment powerpoint topics. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are decision making, problem definition, problem awareness, action plan implementation, follow, take actions.

Kepner Tregoe Analysis For Solving Issues Mockup Pdf

Kepner Tregoe Analysis For Solving Issues Mockup Pdf

This slide covers the Kepner Tregoe KT analysis method. This template aims to introduce and outline the systematic approach of KT analysis for problem solving and decision making. It concisely describes KT analysis as a four step process Situation appraisal, Problem analysis, Decision analysis, and Potential problem analysis.Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Kepner Tregoe Analysis For Solving Issues Mockup Pdf This layout presents information on Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout. This slide covers the Kepner Tregoe KT analysis method. This template aims to introduce and outline the systematic approach of KT analysis for problem solving and decision making. It concisely describes KT analysis as a four step process Situation appraisal, Problem analysis, Decision analysis, and Potential problem analysis.

Recruitment Decision Making Grid Of Candidates Data Background PDF

Recruitment Decision Making Grid Of Candidates Data Background PDF

Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Recruitment Decision Making Grid Of Candidates Data Background PDF. This layout presents information on Functional Expertise, Industry Experience, Problem Solving Skills, Interpersonal Skills. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Brainstorming For Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Designs

Brainstorming For Problem Solving Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Show Designs

Presenting this set of slides with name brainstorming for problem solving ppt powerpoint presentation show designs. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are decision making, management, business decision. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Problem Solving Steps For Managers Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Guidelines

Problem Solving Steps For Managers Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Guidelines

Presenting this set of slides with name problem solving steps for managers ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration guidelines. The topics discussed in these slides are decision making, management, business decision. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Managerial Problem Solving Framework For Implementing Alternatives Designs PDF

Managerial Problem Solving Framework For Implementing Alternatives Designs PDF

Persuade your audience using this managerial problem solving framework for implementing alternatives designs pdf.This PPT design covers six stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including recognition of decision requirement, diagnosis and analyze problem causes, implementation of chosen alternatives. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

Key Criteria For Ethical Problem Solving Framework Slides PDF

Key Criteria For Ethical Problem Solving Framework Slides PDF

Presenting key criteria for ethical problem solving framework slides pdf. to dispense important information. This template comprises six stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including ethical decision-making framework, analyze situational, consider. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Five Steps To Effective Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Slides

Five Steps To Effective Problem Solving Ppt Powerpoint Slides

This is a five steps to effective problem solving ppt powerpoint slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are describe, decide, define, monitor, brainstorm.

Problem Solving Icon Gear Employee Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Problem Solving Icon Gear Employee Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Improve your presentation delivery using this problem solving icon gear employee ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twelve slides this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

Type Of Decision Making Tools To Solve A Business Issue Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Rules PDF

Type Of Decision Making Tools To Solve A Business Issue Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Rules PDF

Presenting type of decision making tools to solve a business issue ppt powerpoint presentation infographics rules pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including autocratic independent style, delegating style, team style, consultative style. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Puzzle Layout For Decision Making Approach Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Demonstration PDF

Puzzle Layout For Decision Making Approach Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Demonstration PDF

Presenting puzzle layout for decision making approach ppt powerpoint presentation infographics demonstration pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises four stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including intuitive problem solving, inconsistent problem solving, systematic problem solving. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Five Arrows Steps Of Problem Solving Process Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Layout

Five Arrows Steps Of Problem Solving Process Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Layout

Presenting this set of slides with name five arrows steps of problem solving process ppt powerpoint presentation ideas layout. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are decision making, management, business decision. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Successful Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Successful Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

We present our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages successful business plan PowerPoint Slides.Download and present our Sales PowerPoint Templates because you have the people in place, selected the team leaders and all are raring to go. Download our Business PowerPoint Templates because this layout helps you to bring some important aspects of your business process to the notice of all concerned. Streamline the flow of information across the board. Download and present our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because spreading the light of knowledge around you will clear the doubts and enlighten the questioning minds with your brilliance and ability. Download our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will let you Illuminate the road ahead to Pinpoint the important landmarks along the way. Download and present our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will let your words and thoughts hit bullseye everytime.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Arrow, Background, Badge, Blank, Blue, Bookmark, Clean, Collection, Color, Design, Direction, Discount, Element, Empty, Flag, Fresh, Graphic, Green, Icon, Illustration, Item, Label, Mark, Modern, New, Object, Original, Paper, Point, Pointer, Price, Red, Retail, Ribbon, Sale, Set, Shop, Sign, Site, Special, Symbol, Tab, Tag, Template, Vector. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Blue, Gray, White. Customers tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages successful business plan PowerPoint Slides are Reminiscent. Use our Clean PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Graceful. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages successful business plan PowerPoint Slides are Fancy. People tell us our Clean PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Chic. We assure you our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages successful business plan PowerPoint Slides are Radiant. People tell us our Clean PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Splendid. Impress your audience with our Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Successful Business Plan PowerPoint Slides. You will come out on top.

Effective Problem Solving Process With Integrative Behavior Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Graphics Example PDF

Effective Problem Solving Process With Integrative Behavior Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Graphics Example PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name effective problem solving process with integrative behavior ppt powerpoint presentation gallery graphics example pdf. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are integrative, decision making, collaborative. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Creating Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Creating Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

We present our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages creating business plan PowerPoint templates.Present our Sales PowerPoint Templates because you can enlighten your skills with the help of our topical templates. Present our Business PowerPoint Templates because spell out your advertising plans to increase market share. The feedback has been positive and productive. Use our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because this slide depicts the occasion for gifting and giving. Use our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because this is Aesthetically designed to make a great first impression this template highlights . Present our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because you have a good idea of the roadmap to your desired destination.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Arrow, Background, Badge, Blank, Blue, Bookmark, Clean, Collection, Color, Design, Direction, Discount, Element, Empty, Flag, Fresh, Graphic, Green, Icon, Illustration, Item, Label, Mark, Modern, New, Object, Original, Paper, Point, Pointer, Price, Red, Retail, Ribbon, Sale, Set, Shop, Sign, Site, Special, Symbol, Tab, Tag, Template, Vector. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Yellow, Gray, White. Customers tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages creating business plan PowerPoint templates are Tranquil. Use our Blue PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Clever. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages creating business plan PowerPoint templates are Great. People tell us our Bookmark PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides will make you look like a winner. We assure you our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages creating business plan PowerPoint templates are One-of-a-kind. People tell us our Bookmark PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Zippy. Expand on your theory with our Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Creating Business Plan PowerPoint Templates. Establish the cause of your confidence.

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Nightclub Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Nightclub Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

We present our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages nightclub business plan PowerPoint Slides.Download and present our Sales PowerPoint Templates because you have the ability to think out of the box. It helps you maintain your unique identity. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because maximising sales of your product is the intended destination. Present our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because this diagram depicts the essence of this chain reaction like sequence of events. Download and present our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because you can Raise your Company stocks at the Opening Bell. Use our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because the fruit of your labour is about to ripen.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Arrow, Background, Badge, Blank, Blue, Bookmark, Clean, Collection, Color, Design, Direction, Discount, Element, Empty, Flag, Fresh, Graphic, Green, Icon, Illustration, Item, Label, Mark, Modern, New, Object, Original, Paper, Point, Pointer, Price, Red, Retail, Ribbon, Sale, Set, Shop, Sign, Site, Special, Symbol, Tab, Tag, Template, Vector. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Green, Gray, White. Customers tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages nightclub business plan PowerPoint Slides are Festive. Use our Badge PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Stylish. PowerPoint presentation experts tell us our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages nightclub business plan PowerPoint Slides are designed to make your presentations professional. People tell us our Blue PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Ultra. We assure you our steps in a problem solving process 4 stages nightclub business plan PowerPoint Slides are Magnificent. People tell us our Bookmark PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Bright. Take the escalator with our Steps In A Problem Solving Process 4 Stages Nightclub Business Plan PowerPoint Slides. Reach higher levels with relative ease.

Nine Stages Of Problem Solving Process With Root Cause Analysis Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Clipart PDF

Nine Stages Of Problem Solving Process With Root Cause Analysis Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Clipart PDF

Presenting nine stages of problem solving process with root cause analysis ppt powerpoint presentation slides clipart pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises nine stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including describe business problem, identify possible causes, determine root causes, determine possible solutions, decide precise solution, implement solution, verify solutions. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Tools For Project Problem And Threat Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Template PDF

Tools For Project Problem And Threat Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Template PDF

Showcasing this set of slides titled tools for project problem and threat ppt powerpoint presentation portfolio template pdf. The topics addressed in these templates are problem solving, decision making, risk reduction, organization, project issues, process. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Critical Thinking And Analysis Template Powerpoint Templates

Critical Thinking And Analysis Template Powerpoint Templates

This is a critical thinking and analysis template powerpoint templates. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are reasoning, evaluating, problem solving, decision making, analyzing, critical thinking skills.

Sample Of Critical Thinking Skills Diagram Powerpoint Themes

Sample Of Critical Thinking Skills Diagram Powerpoint Themes

This is a sample of critical thinking skills diagram powerpoint themes. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are reasoning, evaluating, problem solving, decision making, analyzing.

Approaches To Problem Analysis Procedure Introduction PDF

Approaches To Problem Analysis Procedure Introduction PDF

This slide outlines approaches to root cause analysis aimed at employing useful tools for application in multiple areas for problem solving and decision making. It covers approaches as casual factor, change analysis, barrier analysis, risk tree analysis and Kepner-Tregoe problem solving . Showcasing this set of slides titled Approaches To Problem Analysis Procedure Introduction PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Barrier Analysis, Risk Tree Analysis, Casual Factor Analysis. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Team Building Activities Ppt Presentation

Team Building Activities Ppt Presentation

This is a team building activities ppt presentation. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are trust, communication, planning, problem solving, adaptability, decision making.

3d Arrow Pointing East Direction Making Flowchart PowerPoint Slides

3d Arrow Pointing East Direction Making Flowchart PowerPoint Slides

We present our 3d arrow pointing east direction making flowchart PowerPoint Slides. Use our Advertising PowerPoint Templates because, Core Diagram:- Explore the various hues and layers existing in your in your plans and processes. Use our Targets PowerPoint Templates because, to take your team soaring to the pinnacle they crave. Use our Process and Flows PowerPoint Templates because, you understand the illness and its causes. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because; now imprint them on the minds of your audience via our slides. Use our Signs PowerPoint Templates because, the foundation stones of many a life. Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to 3d, arrows, back, clip-art, concept, directions, east, forward, group, icons, illustration, isolated, last, left, next, north, point, pointing, progress, right, set, signs, south, symbols, vector, west, search. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Brown, Gray, and White Everything falls into place with our 3d Arrow Pointing East Direction Making Flowchart PowerPoint Slides. They have the correct slots for all your ideas.

Key Elements Of Behavioral Learning Background PDF

Key Elements Of Behavioral Learning Background PDF

The following slide showcases Various components of double loop learning in organization to recognize and solve problems. It includes key elements like problem solving, use, outcomes, decision making and skills. Presenting Key Elements Of Behavioral Learning Background PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Problem Solving, Outcomes, Decision Making. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Mind Map PowerPoint Templates Decision Tree Ppt Diagrams

Mind Map PowerPoint Templates Decision Tree Ppt Diagrams

Mind map PowerPoint templates Decision tree PPT Diagrams-These high quality powerpoint pre-designed slides and powerpoint templates have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. All slides have been created and are 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any graphic - color, size, orientation, shading, outline etc. can be modified to help you build an effective powerpoint presentation. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint template or slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT!-These slides can be used for presentation themes relating to-Brain, brainstorming, business, clearance, communications, decision, discharging, graphic, leadership, making, management, map, mapping, mind, mind-map, option, problem, problem-solving, process, project, question, red, solutions, solve, solving, technique, think, training, why Our Mind Map PowerPoint Templates Decision Tree Ppt Diagrams are a great equaliser. They take everybody to the same level.

Roles Of Business Analyst In Project Planning Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Designs Download PDF

Roles Of Business Analyst In Project Planning Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Designs Download PDF

Showcasing this set of slides titled roles of business analyst in project planning ppt powerpoint presentation icon designs download pdf. The topics addressed in these templates are leadership, problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, perspectives, influencing, communication, time management. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Management Methods Of Project Problem And Threat Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Tips PDF

Management Methods Of Project Problem And Threat Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Tips PDF

Showcasing this set of slides titled management methods of project problem and threat ppt powerpoint presentation outline tips pdf. The topics addressed in these templates are decision making, problem solving, risk avoidance, organization, process, project. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Skill Development Timeline For Leadership And Development Program Demonstration PDF

Skill Development Timeline For Leadership And Development Program Demonstration PDF

The slide shows basic skills for leadership and management skill development training programs. It includes basic communication, technical writing, problem solving, decision making and result oriented skills. Presenting Skill Development Timeline For Leadership And Development Program Demonstration PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Technical Writing, Basic Communication, Decision Making. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Profile Components Of Key Leadership Capabilities Brochure PDF

Profile Components Of Key Leadership Capabilities Brochure PDF

The following slide provides leadership profile aiming to improve quality of leaders by reducing errors and effectively guiding teams, project or organizations. It covers emotional intelligence, relationship building, problem solving, decision making, time management and delegation. Presenting Profile Components Of Key Leadership Capabilities Brochure PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises six stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Relationship Building, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Employee Onboarding Roadmap Of New Employee Training Program Background PDF

Employee Onboarding Roadmap Of New Employee Training Program Background PDF

This slides showcase training program schedule for new joiners of the firm so that they can work effectively and efficiently when given targets. It includes risk assessment, problem solving, decision making, negotiation skills, software and presentation training.Presenting Employee Onboarding Roadmap Of New Employee Training Program Background PDF to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including Presentation Training, Software Training, Training Negotiation. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

3d Chronicle Puzzle Illustration 4 Stages Making Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

3d Chronicle Puzzle Illustration 4 Stages Making Business Plan PowerPoint Slides

We present our 3d chronicle puzzle illustration 4 stages making business plan PowerPoint Slides.Present our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because you understand the illness and its causes. Present our Flow charts PowerPoint Templates because displaying your ideas and highlighting your ability will accelerate the growth of your company and yours. Download and present our Arrows PowerPoint Templates because you can Bullet-point your thoughts and ideas to profitably accomplish every step of every stage along the way. Download our Puzzles or Jigsaws PowerPoint Templates because they highlight the depth of your thought process. Present our Business PowerPoint Templates because this layout helps you to bring some important aspects of your business process to the notice of all concerned. Streamline the flow of information across the board.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to 3d, Puzzle, Process, Arrow, Arrows, Block, Business, Chart, Design, Development, Diagram, Direction, Element, Flow, Flowchart, Graph, Linear, Management, Organization, Process, Program, Section, Sign, Solution, Symbol. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Blue, Gray, Black. Professionals tell us our 3d chronicle puzzle illustration 4 stages making business plan PowerPoint Slides are Majestic. We assure you our Block PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Ultra. People tell us our 3d chronicle puzzle illustration 4 stages making business plan PowerPoint Slides are the best it can get when it comes to presenting. Customers tell us our Block PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Youthful. Use our 3d chronicle puzzle illustration 4 stages making business plan PowerPoint Slides are Dynamic. We assure you our Design PowerPoint templates and PPT Slides are Chic. Display your class with our 3d Chronicle Puzzle Illustration 4 Stages Making Business Plan PowerPoint Slides. Demonstrate your expertise to your audience.

Decision Theory Methodology With Communication System Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Skills PDF

Decision Theory Methodology With Communication System Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Skills PDF

Management without decision making is nothing. For a manager decision becomes necessary when there are many alternatives available to solve a particular problem. Persuade your audience using this decision theory methodology with communication system ppt powerpoint presentation gallery skills pdf. This PPT design covers one stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including key features, decision theory approach, decision soul management, organization depends, decision making, communication. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing pitch that not only emphasizes the topic but also showcases your presentation skills.

Five Hands Showing Steps To Solve Business Issues Ppt Gallery Mockup PDF

Five Hands Showing Steps To Solve Business Issues Ppt Gallery Mockup PDF

Presenting five hands showing steps to solve business issues ppt gallery mockup pdf to dispense important information. This template comprises five stages. It also presents valuable insights into the topics including decision making criteria, developing problem, solving strategies, choosing best solution. This is a completely customizable PowerPoint theme that can be put to use immediately. So, download it and address the topic impactfully.

Decision Support System Why We Need Data Warehouse Ppt Slides Good PDF

Decision Support System Why We Need Data Warehouse Ppt Slides Good PDF

This slide represents the need for a data warehouse in the organization, such as data quality, single point for all data for all users, and the complicated problems that can be solved through a data warehouse. This is a Decision Support System Why We Need Data Warehouse Ppt Slides Good PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on two stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Data Warehouse Offers, Complicated Problems, Data Quality. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Successful Business Men Team Work To Solve The Problem PowerPoint Slides

Successful Business Men Team Work To Solve The Problem PowerPoint Slides

We present our successful business men team work to solve the problem PowerPoint Slides.Download our People PowerPoint Templates because These PowerPoint Templates and Slides will give the updraft to your ideas. See them soar to great heights with ease. Download our Puzzles or Jigsaws PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will generate and maintain the level of interest you desire. They will create the impression you want to imprint on your audience. Use our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will give your ideas the shape. Download and present our Business PowerPoint Templates because our PowerPoint Templates and Slides are the string of your bow. Fire of your ideas and conquer the podium. Use our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because you should Whip up a frenzy with our PowerPoint Templates and Slides. They will fuel the excitement of your team.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to team, work, partnership, seo, puzzle, human, collective, assemble, challenge, implementation, business, concept, assembly, unity, success, decisions, teamwork, fit, character, match, cooperation, join, search engine, people, opposite, idea, four, support, figure, togetherness, piece, connection, solve, strategy, humorous, holding, solution, problem, group, color, making, colorful, person, connect, jigsaw, answer, solved, part, build. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Red, Blue navy, Green. Sharpen your point with our Successful Business Men Team Work To Solve The Problem PowerPoint Slides. You will come out on top.

Root Cause And Decision Matrix For Organization Issues Ppt Infographic Template Portrait PDF

Root Cause And Decision Matrix For Organization Issues Ppt Infographic Template Portrait PDF

The following slide depicts decision matrix for determining the best option to suit a customers needs. The matrix includes criterion, weight, rating and score. Showcasing this set of slides titled Root Cause And Decision Matrix For Organization Issues Ppt Infographic Template Portrait PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Goal Statements, Selection Criteria, Total Score. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Outdoor Trainings For Developing Self Management Skills Ppt Model Professional PDF

Outdoor Trainings For Developing Self Management Skills Ppt Model Professional PDF

The following slide showcases the planning of outdoor activities for developing self-management skills of leaders and managers. Key skills focused here are self-awareness, self-discovery, ethics, problem solving, decision making etc. Find highly impressive Outdoor Trainings For Developing Self Management Skills Ppt Model Professional PDF on Slidegeeks to deliver a meaningful presentation. You can save an ample amount of time using these presentation templates. No need to worry to prepare everything from scratch because Slidegeeks experts have already done a huge research and work for you. You need to download Outdoor Trainings For Developing Self Management Skills Ppt Model Professional PDF for your upcoming presentation. All the presentation templates are 100 percent editable and you can change the color and personalize the content accordingly. Download now.

Hands Depicting 7 Stages Process Make Flowchart PowerPoint Templates

Hands Depicting 7 Stages Process Make Flowchart PowerPoint Templates

We present our hands depicting 7 stages process make flowchart PowerPoint templates. Use our Symbol PowerPoint Templates because, you have made significant headway in this field. Use our Business PowerPoint Templates because, your ideas are fundamentally stable with a broad base of workable possibilities. Use our Metaphor PowerPoint Templates because, are the triggers of our growth. Use our Abstract PowerPoint Templates because; heighten the anticipation of your audience with this slide listing. Use our Process and Flows PowerPoint Templates because, Activities which in themselves have many inherent business opportunities. Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Collinear, Description using hands steps, Business, Collection, Connection, Cursor, Decoration, Design, Dimensional, Direction, Element, Icon, Illustration, Information, Modern, Motion, Paper, Perspective, Plastic, Pointer, Pointing, Process, Recycle, Recycling, Reflective, Set, Shape, Shiny, Sign, Symbol, Technology. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Blue, Purple, and White Take your cause forward with passion. Our Hands Depicting 7 Stages Process Make Flowchart PowerPoint Templates will espouse your thoughts.

Employee Performance Assessment Comparative Survey Ideas PDF

Employee Performance Assessment Comparative Survey Ideas PDF

The given slide highlights the outcome of a skill assessment survey of employees from two different departments Research and Technical. The various skills include team-working, analytical reasoning, complex problem solving, and decision making along with key insights. Pitch your topic with ease and precision using this Employee Performance Assessment Comparative Survey Ideas PDF. This layout presents information on Agility And Adaptability, Team, Research Department. It is also available for immediate download and adjustment. So, changes can be made in the color, design, graphics or any other component to create a unique layout.

Better Thinking With Improved Performance Example Ppt Slides

Better Thinking With Improved Performance Example Ppt Slides

This is a better thinking with improved performance example ppt slides. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are critical thinking, organization planning, openness, strategic thinking, decision making, creativity, problem solving.

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20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates for 2024

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Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Decision making is a crucial part of any business or organization, and the ability to make effective decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, making the right decision isn’t always easy, which is why it’s essential to have a strong problem-solving process in place. This blog post discusses the definition of problem solving and some of the recommended problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates .

What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving issues or challenges. It can be done individually or as part of a team. Problem solving usually requires a systematic approach and often includes steps such as:  identifying the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating the options, selecting the solution, and implementing the plan.  Of course, not every problem will require all of these steps. But in general, taking a systematic and structured approach to problem solving will increase the chances of finding a successful resolution. With practice, problem solving can become second nature – something that we do automatically and effortlessly. When faced with an issue or challenge, our first instinct will be to quickly find a solution that works.

The Problem Solving Process

The first step in the problem solving process is to identify the source of the problem. Once the source has been identified, it is important to gather information about the problem. This may include  conducting research, observing the situation, or speaking to those who are affected by the problem . Once enough information has been gathered, it is time to start brainstorming solutions. Possible solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility and potential impact. After a solution has been chosen, it is important to implement it in a way that is efficient and effective. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the situation to ensure that the chosen solution is having the desired effect. If not, then the problem solving process will need to begin anew in order to find a different solution.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates from SlideSalad

If you are looking for some helpful PPT templates to Create Problem solving Model PowerPoint presentations, then look no further! Here are some of the best problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates that you can use to make your next presentation. This clean template come with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of sample slides to get you started. With these multipurpose PowerPoint templates , you’ll be able to create a professional, engaging presentation that will help your audience understand the problem solving process and how to apply it in real-world situations. So check out these great problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates today and get started on your next presentation!

1. PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template – Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template - Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

The PDCA cycle is also known as the  Deming Wheel , named after  Dr. William Edwards Deming who introduced the concept in the 1950s.  The PDCA cycle is a quality control method that can be used to continually improve processes and systems. The four steps of the cycle are: Plan, Do, Check (study), and Act.  The Plan step involves identifying the problem and developing a plan to address it. The Do step involves implementing the plan. The Check (study) step involves monitoring the results of the implementation and determining whether they are effective. The Act step involves taking action to make permanent changes based on the findings of the study. By following this cycle, organizations can improve their processes and systems on an ongoing basis.

2. 5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides – Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides - Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

Five Why’s is a simple and effective root cause analysis tool that can be used to identify the underlying cause of an issue. The Five Why’s Framework is based on the premise that for every problem, there are five whys that need to be asked in order to get to the root cause. Asking why five times gets to the heart of the matter and helps to ensure that all possible causes are considered. The Five Why’s tool can be used for both individual and team problem-solving exercises. It is a helpful tool for preventing issues from recurring because it gets everyone thinking about all the potential causes of a problem, not just the most obvious ones. Buy and download this best problem solving PowerPoint template and get started illustrating the 5 Whys in your presentation.

3. CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams – The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

David Smyth first introduced the CATWOE Analysis in 1975 as a tool for business and systems analysis.

The acronym CATWOE stands for:

  • Transformation Process
  • Environmental Constraints

This framework can be used to identify and understand the key elements of a system under consideration. By taking into account the needs of customers, the people who will be affected by the system, the process that will be used to implement it, and the worldview that it represents, CATWOE Analysis provides a comprehensive way to understand complex systems. In addition, by considering environmental constraints and identifying who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system, CATWOE Analysis can help to ensure that a proposed system is viable and sustainable.

4. Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs – Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs - Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa diagrams also called cause and effect diagrams or Fishikawa , are a graphical tool used to identify possible causes of a problem. The name “fishbone” comes from the fact that the diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish . The main purpose of the fishbone diagram is to help identify all of the possible causes of a problem so that it can be more effectively addressed. The diagram is often used in quality management and Six Sigma initiatives as a way to brainstorm about potential causes and identify root causes. It can also be used in other business settings as a tool for identifying problems and their causes. While the fishbone diagram is most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries, it can be applied to any type of problem-solving situation. You can also use this recommended template for decision making presentations. To test our template quality, download some of our free PowerPoint templates .

5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template – Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

The KT methodology is based on four fundamental elements:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem (Opportunity) Analysis

These elements are designed to help individuals and organizations systematically identify, assess, and resolve problems in a rational and efficient manner. In each step, specific tools and techniques are used to help identify the cause of a problem or opportunity, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, and implement it effectively. The KT approach has been used successfully in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, government, and service. While the method is not without its critics, it continues to be one of the most popular problem-solving tools available today.

6. Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams – Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams - Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma is a quality refinement strategy that aims to reduce defects by minimizing variation in manufacturing and business processes. The DMAIC model, which stands for  Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control , is a framework for Six Sigma projects. The Define phase involves identifying the problem to be addressed and setting objectives. In the Measure phase, data is gathered to quantify the problem. In the Analyze phase, the data is analyzed to identify the root causes of variation. The Improve phase involves implementing solutions to address the root causes. Finally, in the Control phase, process control plans are put in place to ensure that the improvements are sustainable. By following the DMAIC model, Six Sigma projects can achieve substantial improvements in quality and productivity.

Features of SlideSalad’s Top Problem Solving PowerPoint Templates:

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  • Completely editable Vector infographics
  • Royalty-free stock photos
  • Editable data charts, graphs, shapes, smart art, and tables
  • Vector country map for representing locations
  • Attractive image backgrounds
  • Drag and drop ready elements
  • One-time purchase
  • Free lifetime updates
  • Free lifetime support

7. Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates – Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates - Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking is a method for approaching problems with empathy, creativity, and a focus on real-world solutions. The process begins with empathizing with those who will be using the product or solution. This step helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end users. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the next step is to ideate or generate ideas for potential solutions. These ideas are then prototyped or put into a form that can be tested in the real world. Finally, the prototypes are tested with users to get feedback and refine the design. The Design Thinking process is an iterative one, meaning that each step is automatically followed by another round of refinement. This cycle continues until the problem is solved in a way that is both effective and efficient.

8. Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template – Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template - Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

The Simplex Problem-Solving Process, developed by Min Basadur , is a systematic and comprehensive approach to problem solving that can be applied to both individual and organizational problems . The process begins with problem finding, followed by fact-finding and problem definition. Once the problem has been adequately defined, the focus shifts to idea/solution finding; this involves generating and evaluating potential solutions to the problem. Once a satisfactory solution has been found, it is then necessary to sell the idea/gain acceptance from those who will be affected by it. Finally, taking action to implement the solution and monitoring its effectiveness completes the process. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain open communication and keep all stakeholders involved and informed of progress. The Simplex Problem-Solving Process is an effective tool for addressing both simple and complex problems in an organized and efficient manner. Purchase this elegant presentation theme to professionally present the Simplex problem solving process.

9. SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs – Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs - Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for generating new ideas. It was developed by Bob Eberle in 1971 as a way to help people develop their imagination.

The technique involves seven different steps:

  • Put to another use

Each step provides a different way of looking at a problem or challenge and can help to spark new ideas. For example, the “substitute” step asks you to consider what you could use instead of the existing element. This can lead to new ways of solving problems or creating entirely new products or services. The “combine” step asks you to consider two or more elements and how they could be combined. This can lead to new combinations of products or services or new ways of using existing products or services. The other steps provide similarly powerful ways of generating new ideas, and all together, they can help you to overcome creative blocks and come up with fresh solutions.

10. Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates – Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates - Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation management is a combination of strategic and operational activities that are necessary for an organization to introduce and deliver new products, services, or processes. The goal of innovation management is to create value through the development and commercialization of new ideas. There are many different models and practices that can be used to achieve this goal, but they all share some common elements. First, innovation management must identify and assess opportunities for a new product or service development. Second, it must create a plan for how to develop and commercialize these new ideas. Finally, it must monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the goals are met. By following these steps, organizations can increase their chances of successful innovation. All our multipurpose presentation templates include fully customizable slides, beautiful slide designs , awesome vector icons, objects and image layouts, resizable shapes , color schemes, colorful infographics , 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, and more.

11. Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template – The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template - The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Tim Hurson developed the Productive Thinking Model in his book, Think Better (2010) , and it is based on the premise that, in order to be successful, we need to understand what is going on, what success looks like, and what the question is. Once we have a clear understanding of these three things, we can then generate answers, forge the solution, and align resources. The model is designed to help individuals and organizations think more effectively so that they can achieve their desired outcomes. The Productive Thinking Model has been used by a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. When applied correctly, it can help individuals and organizations to achieve success. Once you are done with the presentation, you can save it on OneDrive or Google Drive for remote access.

12. 8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template – Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template - Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D (Eight Disciplines) is a problem-solving methodology used in engineering primarily for corrective action and preventive action. It includes specific steps for identifying, analyzing, and correcting root causes of defects/issues. The method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s but has since been adopted by other companies across various industries.

The 8D methodology follows a logical sequence of 8 steps:

  • Define the problem.
  • Form a cross-functional team.
  • Describe the current situation.
  • Identify and implement short-term containment actions.
  • Identify root causes and verify their effects.
  • Develop and implement permanent corrective actions.
  • Prevent the recurrence of the problem by implementing systemic improvements.
  • Congratulate the team on a job well done.

Following these steps helps to ensure that problems are properly identified and addressed at the root cause level, preventing them from recurring in the future. Additionally, involving a cross-functional team in the problem-solving process ensures that all relevant stakeholders have a chance to provide input and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, 8D is an effective tool for improving quality and preventing them from happening again in the future.

13. PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

The PPDAC cycle is a five-step process for solving problems and making decisions introduced by R.J. McKay and R.W. Oldford . It is commonly used in business and government, as well as in personal decision-making.

The steps in the cycle are:

  • Conclusions
  • The first step in the cycle is to identify the problem. This involves understanding what the problem is and why it is important to solve.
  • The second step is to develop a plan for how to solve the problem. This plan should take into account the resources available and the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action.
  • The third step is to gather data. This data can come from research, surveys, interviews, or observation. Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns.
  • The fourth step is to reach conclusions based on the data analysis. These conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clear and concise.
  • The fifth and final step is to take action based on the conclusions. This action may involve implementing a plan or making a decision.

The PPDAC cycle is a useful tool for solving problems and making decisions. It helps to ensure that all relevant information is considered and that decisions are based on evidence.

14. Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

The Straw Man Proposal is a brainstorming-like method for problem solving developed by McKinsey. It involves rapidly generating a large number of potential solutions to a problem, then evaluating and selecting the best one. The goal is to come up with an innovative solution that is feasible and superior to existing solutions. The technique is named after the “straw man” used in legal arguments, which is a weak or easily refuted opponent that is used to make the argument look stronger . In the same way, the Straw Man Proposal allows ideas to be quickly evaluated and rejected if they are not viable, leaving only the strongest ones remaining. This makes it an effective tool for finding creative solutions to complex problems. While it is often used by businesses, the Straw Man Proposal can be adapted for use in any situation where problem solving is needed.

15. ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

The ACHIEVE coaching model is a framework that can be used by coaches to help their clients assess their current situation, identify their goals, and generate and implement a plan of action. The model was developed by the Coaching Centre (Dombkowski and Eldridge) in 2003 , a UK-based organization that provides training and resources for coaches. The acronym ACHIEVE stands for Assess, Creative brainstorming, Hone goals, Initiate option generation, Evaluate options, Valid Action Programme Design, and Encourage momentum . The seven steps of the model can be applied to any coaching situation, and each step can be further customized to meet the specific needs of the client. The ACHIEVE coaching model is a flexible and comprehensive approach that can be used to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

16. STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPA Coaching Model was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod as a way to help people identify and achieve their goals. The acronym STEPPA stands for Subject, Target Identification, Emotion, Perception, Plan, Pace, and Action . Each of these components is essential for successful goal-setting and achievement. The first step, Subject, involves identifying what area of your life you want to improve. The second step, Target Identification, helps you to zero in on specific goals that you would like to achieve. The third step, Emotion, involves exploring the feelings that are associated with your goals. The fourth step, Perception, is about how you see yourself achieving your goals. The fifth step, Plan, helps you to develop a specific plan of action for achieving your goals. And finally, the sixth and seventh steps, Pace and Action, involve taking concrete steps towards achieving your goals. By following the STEPPA Coaching Model, you can set and achieve any goal that you desire.

17. ESH Framework PowerPoint Template – Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

ESH Framework PowerPoint Template - Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

The ESH Framework is a systems approach to organizational management and change that was developed by Dutch organizational theorists Mathieu Weggeman and Geert Hofstede . The framework is based on the premise that organizations are composed of five interrelated subsystems: strategy, structure, personnel, culture, and management styles . Each of these subsystems exerts a unique influence on organizational behavior and performance. To be effective, organizations must maintain a balance between these subsystems ( evenwicht ), as well as a sense of cohesion ( samenhang ) and diversity ( heterogeneity ). The ESH Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic way of understanding how organizations function and how they can be managed effectively. It is a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers alike.

18. David Rock’s Focus Model PowerPoint Template – Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock’s ‘Choose Your Focus’ Model

David Rock's Focus Model PowerPoint Template - Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock's 'Choose Your Focus' Model

In his book “ Quiet Leadership ,” David Rock discusses the importance of focusing on what is most important.

He divided this focus into six different areas:

Vision refers to having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and planning refers to taking the time to develop a detailed plan of how you will achieve it. Detail refers to ensuring that all the small details are taken care of, and problem refers to solving any problems that arise along the way. Drama refers to managing any difficult situations that may arise, and finally, quiet leadership refers to maintaining your composure and keeping your head during times of stress. By focusing on these six areas, you can increase your chances of success and achieving your goals. Buy and download a business PPT presentation template for an instant presentation.

19. 5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs – A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs - A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

The 5E learning model is a constructivist approach to teaching that emphasizes the learner’s experience and prior knowledge as the foundation for new learning. The model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in 1987  and has since been adopted by many school districts across the United States.

The 5E model is comprised of five stages:

The first stage, Engage, is designed to capture students’ attention and interest in the topic. The second stage, Explore, allows students to investigate the topic and form their own hypotheses. In the third stage, Explain, students share their hypotheses with the class and receive feedback from the teacher. The fourth stage, Elaborate, gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Finally, in the fifth stage, Evaluate, students reflect on their learning and assess their understanding of the material. The 5E learning model is an effective way to engage students in active learning and promote a deep understanding of content.

20. The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique is a structured brainstorming method that can be used by groups of people to generate ideas and solve problems. The technique was first developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe in 1992 . The process involves each member of the group working individually to generate ideas on a topic or problem. Once all members have generated their ideas, they then share their ideas with the person next to them and build on those ideas to create a “ladder” of solutions. This process is then repeated until all members of the group have had a chance to contribute. Once the ladder is complete, the group can then discuss the options and make a decision. The Stepladder Technique is an effective way to generate a large number of ideas and find creative solutions to problems. Try this corporate presentation template for your next successful problem solving PPT presentation. Also, consider purchasing some of our professional Google Slides and Keynote templates if needed.

21. Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template – Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template - Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are a neuro-linguistic programming and psychology term that refers to the three different ways we can view a situation. The first position is the ‘I, self’ position, where we view the situation from our own perspective. The second position is the ‘the other’ position, where we view the situation from the perspective of another person. The third position is the ‘the observer’ position, where we view the situation from an objective, detached perspective. By understanding and utilizing all three positions, we can gain a complete understanding of a situation and make more effective decisions.

Conclusion: Buying the Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

No matter which problem solving model you choose, Modern Premium PowerPoint templates can be a valuable tool for communicating your findings to others. SlideSalad’s problem solving models and techniques PPT templates come in a variety of styles and can be customized to fit your needs . Choose a template that includes all of the elements you need to present your data clearly and effectively. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an engaging and professional presentation that will help your team solve problems more efficiently.

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thinking problem solving and decision making

Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making

Oct 13, 2014

260 likes | 572 Views

Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making. Units of Thoughts. Concept A mental grouping based on shared similarity Categorizing items in one’s environment Prototype A typical best example incorporating the major features of a concept

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  • problem solving
  • heuristic examples
  • problem exists
  • problem solving strategies
  • controversial issue gun control


Presentation Transcript

Thinking:Problem Solving and Decision Making

Units of Thoughts • Concept • A mental grouping based on shared similarity • Categorizing items in one’s environment • Prototype • A typical best example incorporating the major features of a concept • The closer a new object is to our concept prototype the easier it is to categorize it • Image • Mental representation of a sensory experience

Problem Solving • A problem exists where there is a difference between where you are and where you would like to be • Problem solving is the use of information to meet a specific goal • Problem Solving Steps: • Understanding the problem • Making a plan (Con v. Divergent Thinking) • Carrying out the plan • Looking back

Problem Solving Strategies • Trial and Error • Algorithms • Heuristics

Algorithm Examples • Y = mx +b • Figuring out a locker combination by trying every possible combination • Not always efficient!

Heuristic Examples • i before e ….

Problems Solving Problems

Mental Set • A tendency to approach a problem in a particular way (often one that has been successful in the past) • The set may or may not be helpful in solving a new problem • Ex: A child opens the door to a store by pulling on it. He later insists on pulling the door handle of any similar-looking door to open it, and is puzzled that some of them must be pushed instead.

Mental Set: Example • What are the final three letters in the sequence? • O-T-T-F-?-?-? • J-F-M-A-?-?-? • How could you arrange six matches to create 4 equilateral triangles?

Fixation • A mental set that hinders the solution of a problem • One needs to think beyond the mental set to solve the new problem • Thinking outside the box • Dots and Candle problems

Functional Fixedness • The inability to think of different uses for objects • Your turn: You have 1,000 VHS tapes and boxes. Brainstorm ways in which you could use these objects.

Representativeness Heuristic • A heuristic in which a situation is judged on the basis of its resemblance to a stereotypical model • May lead us to ignore other relevant information • Tversky and Kahnerman: Thomas is short, slim, and loves poetry. Is he more likely an Ivy League Classics professor or a truck driver?

Availability Heuristic • A heuristic in which a decision is made based on information that is easily retrieved from memory • Information is often vivid, based on past experiences • Frequency of an event’s occurrence is predicted by the ease with which the event is brought to mind • Can be correct or incorrect • Tversky and Kahnerman • The lottery! • Grandma smoked for 50 years and was healthy, so cigarette smoking can’t be that bad!

Confirmation Bias • The tendency to focus on information that supports one’s preconceptions (and ignore the evidence that would disprove them!) • EX: A reporter writes an article on a controversial issue (gun control) and only interviews experts that support his/her opinion • Peter Wason

Overconfidence • The tendency to be more confident than correct when estimating the accuracy of one’s beliefs and judgments • I feel 98% certain that the population of Switzerland is more than ___ and less than ______. • Only 66% of people were accurate! • Why do we do this?

Is the Mississippi River longer or shorter than 300 miles? • How long is it? • Is the population of Argentina more or less than 3 million? • What is the population of Argentina?

Is the Mississippi River shorter or longer than 3,000 miles? • How long is it? • Is the population of Argentina more or less than 20 million? • What is the population of Argentina?

Framing • The way an issue is worded or presented • Can influence decisions and judgments • Tversky and Kahnerman

Framing Examples • Condoms have a 95% success rate in stopping HIV, the virus that causes AIDS • 90% of college students who read only the first statement said condoms were effective • Condoms have a 5% failure rate in stopping HIV, the virus that causes AIDS • Only 40% said they were effective

Examples (cont) • Ground beef: 20% fat of 80% lean? • Surgeon: 2% death rate or 98% success rate?

Belief Perseverance • Clinging to one’s initial beliefs even after new information discredits the basis on which they were formed • Once you have explained to yourself why candidate Y will be the best commander in chief, you tend to ignore evidence that would undermine this belief

Belief Perseverance Example • Two groups of people with opposing views on capital punishment were shown “new” research findings (one supporting and one refuting the effect of capital punishment on crime) • Each side was more impressed by the study that supported their side • When shown mixed evidence, disagreement actually increases! • How do you fix this? Ask someone to consider the other side

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Supervisory training Program. Learning today, leading tomorrow. Register Now!. Problem Solving and Decision Making. Any Date and Time AGC Chapter Headquarters. Learn how to improve: Problem prevention and anticipation Identifying problems Solving scheduling and technical problems

218 views • 1 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. Presented by Dianne Orfanos District Organizational Development 11/9/2010. Objectives. Determine personal decision making style Identify problem solving processes Identify problem solving tools Practice 1-2 decision-making tools.

1.05k views • 22 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. Ben Lilly. Objectives. Learn a systematic problem solving process Understand the relationship between Problem Solving and Project Planning Learn a Decision Making Process Put into action the skills the principles you have learned Practice Team Work

671 views • 16 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. FEM 3107/PEM 3501.

568 views • 33 slides



PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING. ICE BREAKER. ICEBREAKER. What is your leisure activity? Who , living or dead , do you most admire , and why? What is your greatest achievement? What are your positive qualities?

2.47k views • 139 slides

Problem Solving / Decision Making

Problem Solving / Decision Making. Kepner-Tregoe The New Rational Manager Chapter 6. Chapter 6 Contents. Future Events and Their Consequences The Basic Activities A Different Kind of Process When to Use Problem (Opportunity) Analysis. The Future.

801 views • 21 slides

Problem Solving / Decision Making

Problem Solving / Decision Making. Kepner-Tregoe The New Rational Manager Chapter 3. Chapter 3 Contents. Acquiring the Habit of Problem Solving PA Questioning at the Mgmt Level Abbreviated Use of PA When Actual has Never met Expected PA by a Team. PA Questioning at the Mgmt Level.

337 views • 11 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. 7 Steps of Problem Solving (First 5 steps are the process of decision making ) 1. Identify and define the problem. 2. Determine the set of alternative solutions. 3. Determine the criteria for evaluating alternatives. 4. Evaluate the alternatives.

1.29k views • 50 slides




1.06k views • 37 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. Presenter 1 Presenter 2. C7-129-15 Day 4. Albert Einstein once said…. “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.”. Way back on Day 2….

546 views • 22 slides

Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making

576 views • 22 slides

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Problem Solving and Decision Making. Problem A situation that exists when objectives are not being met. Problem Solving The process of taking corrective action to meet objectives. Decision Making The process of selecting an alternative course of action that will solve a problem.

1.27k views • 31 slides

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Decision Making and Problem Solving. Decision Making, Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution. Objectives To provide the learner with steps for effective decision making. To identify the barriers to effective decision making. To practice effective decision making and problem solving.

560 views • 29 slides



DECISION MAKING, PROBLEM SOLVING, AND CRITICAL THINKING. DECISION MAKING, PROBLEM SOLVING, AND CRITICAL THINKING. why director of nursing at KAH took a decision to start an in- service educational for nurses?

1.48k views • 44 slides

Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving

Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving

Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving. After studying this chapter, you should be able to: Define decision making and discuss types of decisions and decision-making conditions.

232 views • 15 slides


  1. Decision Making vs. Problem Solving

    It is a cognitive process that individuals use to make choices and reach conclusions. On the other hand, problem solving refers to the process of finding solutions to specific issues or challenges. It involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems to achieve desired outcomes. Both decision making and problem solving share the purpose ...

  2. PPT

    The Decision-Making Model • A six-step model that when properly utilized increases chances of success in decision making and problem solving. Model 4-1 Model 4-1 Decision-Making Styles • Reflexive Style • Makes quick decisions without taking the time to get all the information that may be needed and without considering all the ...

  3. Problem Solving and Decision Making

    6.1 Learning Objectives Differentiate between programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. Explain the steps involved in making a nonprogrammed decision. Understand the major factors influencing decision making in organizations. Understand the nature of creativity and how it contributes to managerial work. Describe organizational programs for improving creativity. Implement several suggestions for ...

  4. Problem solving and decision making

    3 Toyota problem solving steps 1. Perceive the initial problem look at the symptoms 2. Clarify the problem Observe the situation with an open mind Compare the actual situation to the standard Determine if variance exist Determine of multiple variances exist if so prioritise using FMEA Set an improvement objective 3. Determine the actual point of cause Where in the process we have the issue or ...

  5. Problem Solving vs. Decision-Making

    Presentation Transcript. Problem Solving vs. Decision-Making • Problem-solving is a set of activities designed to analyze a situation and find, implement, and evaluate solutions. • Decision making is making choices at each step of the problem-solving process. Emergency decision making begins with EOPs and SOPs--before disaster strikes.

  6. Making the Difference: Problem Solving vs Decision Making

    The nature of both processes also differs in terms of the types of solutions they produce. Problem solving typically results in creative solutions that can be implemented over time, while decision making produces immediate choices from among existing alternatives without necessarily creating something new or unique.

  7. Problem Solving and Decision Making

    Problem Solving is a Process • Problem solving is a process that can be broken down into 4 steps: • Understand the current situation • Identify the root cause of the problem • Develop an action plan • Execute plan, making changes as needed Problem Solving 101 Ken Watanabe. Problem Solving Process.

  8. PPT Problem Solving and Decision Making

    Problem Solving and Decision Making Dean Beuglass Avoiding decisions because they are unpleasant - risk, fear, and anxiety Refusing to face the issue; obsessive gathering of endless facts (analysis paralysis) Letting emotions take control; knee-jerk reactions Never fully committing to the decision or Reversing decisions Making the safest decision to avoid controversy but not dealing with the ...

  9. Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making

    The major difference between the two is; problem solving is a method while decision making is a process. Problem solving, as the name implies, is solving a problem. Meaning, it is a method wherein a group or an individual makes something positive out of a problem. Decision making, on the other hand, is a process that is done many times during ...


    1.1 Differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making Problem-solving involves identifying an issue, finding causes, asking questions and brainstorming solutions. Decision making is the process of choosing a solution based on your judgment, situation, facts, knowledge or a combination of available data.

  11. PDF Problem Solving And Decision Making

    1.3 Problem Solving. The Challenge in dealing with any problem, be it a performance deficiency or an opportunity, is to proceed with effective problem solving-the process of identifying a discrepancy between an actual and desired state of affairs and then taking action to resolve the deficiency or take advantage of the opportunity.

  12. Problem Solving Decision Making

    This is an editable Powerpoint six stages graphic that deals with topics like difference between problem solving decision making to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint.

  13. The Difference Between Problem Solving & Decision Making

    The Difference Between Problem Solving & Decision Making. Lesson Transcript. Instructor Yuanxin (Amy) Yang Alcocer. Amy has a master's degree in secondary education and has been teaching math for ...

  14. 20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint ...

    Buy PowerPoint Template. 5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure. The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

  15. Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving

    Presentation Transcript. Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving. Learning Objectives • After studying this chapter, you should be able to: • Define decision making and discuss types of decisions and decision-making conditions. • Discuss rational perspectives on decision making, including the steps in decision making.

  16. Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making

    Problem Solving • A problem exists where there is a difference between where you are and where you would like to be • Problem solving is the use of information to meet a specific goal • Problem Solving Steps: • Understanding the problem • Making a plan (Con v. Divergent Thinking) • Carrying out the plan • Looking back