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Best Businesses to Start in Canada: 12 Profitable Ideas

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If you’re looking for the best business to start in Canada, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we discuss 12 profitable business ideas that are perfect for Canadian entrepreneurs.

These businesses range from online companies to brick-and-mortar stores-. Whether you’re -a new or seasoned entrepreneur, this list will provide you with valuable insight into what’s expected to be profitable in 2022.

  • What is the best business to start in Canada? 12 Options

Whether you want to work from home alone or you love working with people and socializing, running your own business is one of the best ways to build a career that inspires you for years to come.

We’ll start with the more accessible options that require minimal investment and work towards more complex ideas.

  • Online Courses and Coaching

People are often looking to improve their lives through online courses and/or coaching, making it a great business opportunity. There is a huge demand for online courses and coaching in areas such as business, fitness, health, and relationships.

Starting an online course or coaching business is relatively easy and can be done with little to no upfront investment. All you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and some knowledge in your chosen field. If you’re not sure where to start, platforms like Udemy and Skillshare are great for creating and selling online courses.

As a business owner, you’ll be able to set your own hours and work from anywhere in the world. This is a solid option for entrepreneurs who want the freedom to travel or those who want to work from home.

  • eCommerce Store

Starting an eCommerce store is another online business idea that can be done with minimal investment. It’s a great way to sell products that you’re passionate about.

Many platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and SquareSpace, make it simple to create an online store. You’ll need to choose a niche for your store and stock it with products that you know your customers will love.

You’ll likely need to create marketing materials and a social media presence to reach your target market. Starting an online store is a good option for entrepreneurs who are creative and have an eye for detail.

  • Freelance Writing

If you’re a talented writer, you may want to consider starting a freelance writing business . This suits entrepreneurs who want the freedom to work from home (or anywhere else) and set their own hours.

Many platforms are available to help you find clients, including Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. To get started, you’ll need to create a portfolio of your work and market yourself to potential clients. If you’re passionate about writing and have strong communication skills, this may be the entrepreneurial path for you.

  • Marketing Agency

If you have a knack for marketing and understand the digital landscape, starting a marketing agency requires little to no up-front investment. You can offer digital services such as social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing to businesses of all sizes.

One of the best aspects of offering marketing services is that you can practice and apply the same skills on behalf of yourself and your clients.

Web design is a digital service in high demand. While knowing code can be a benefit, it’s not a skill you necessarily need to be a proficient web designer these days. If you have a good eye for design and an understanding of web design basics, starting a web design business may be an option worth considering.

Because most businesses require a website, there’s always a demand for web designers. You can start your own web design business with little to no upfront investment and work from anywhere in the world.

This is a great option for entrepreneurs who are creative and have an eye for detail.

  • Translation Services

If you’re bilingual or multilingual, why not use your language skills to earn an income by starting a translation business?

Starting a translation business requires minimal investment and enables you to work from home or anywhere else you find suitable.

This is a great option for entrepreneurs who are passionate about language and enjoy helping others connect.

Whether you start your own daycare or become a dedicated caregiver for one family, providing quality childcare can be a rewarding way to earn a living.

If you have extensive babysitting experience or have worked at children’s camps, these may be good sources for initial references. 

Childcare is a great option for entrepreneurs who love working with children and have the patience and energy to care for them over long hours that often begin early in the morning.

  • Pet Sitting

Whether you live in a big city or a small town, chances are high that plenty of people own pets. And as much as pet owners love their furry (or not so furry) friends, they don’t always have the time to take care of them. 

As a pet sitter, you would provide care for people’s pets when they are unable to do so. This can include feeding, walking, and even providing medication if necessary.

A physical office or storefront is optional for a pet sitter because the job often entails caring for pets at clients’ homes.

This is a great business for you if you love animals and want the flexibility of creating your own schedule.

  • Food Trucks

If you like cooking, meeting new people, and working at a variety of locations, owning a food truck may appeal to you.

Food trucks have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer a unique dining experience that is often more affordable than traditional restaurants.

To start a food truck business you will need to invest in a quality vehicle and kitchen equipment, as well as obtain the necessary permits from your city or town.

You’ll also need to create an enticing menu that will appeal to your target market. To attract food lovers and differentiate yourself from the competition, you may want to focus on a niche cuisine.

This business idea is ideal for entrepreneurs who are passionate about food and cooking.

If you love serving delicious food and want to build a larger business, starting a restaurant may be the best option for you.

While restaurants require a significant investment, they also have the potential to be very profitable.

To start a restaurant you will need to find a suitable location, develop a menu, hire staff, and obtain any necessary permits or licenses.

You’ll also need to create an inviting space that reflects your culinary vision and attracts customers.

This is a great option for entrepreneurs who want to be in charge of their own bricks-and-mortar business and have a passion for food and cooking.

  • Sewing and Tailoring

If you’re skilled at sewing or tailoring, you may want to start a sewing and tailoring business.

This type of business is best suited to those who have experience working with fabric and repairing or creating garments.

To get started, you’ll need to invest in a quality sewing machine, as well as find a suitable workspace.

You’ll also need to develop a price list for your services and promote your business to potential customers.

This is a great option for entrepreneurs who are looking for a creative and challenging business venture.

  • Landscaping and Yard Maintenance

If you have a green thumb and enjoy the outdoors, starting a landscaping or yard maintenance business may be worth considering.

This type of business is best suited to those who are physically fit, have experience caring for gardens and lawns, and have worked with tools and gardening equipment.

To get started, you’ll need to invest in the appropriate tools and equipment, as well as a reliable vehicle that fits your equipment.

A benefit to running a landscaping business is that your work is like an advertisement. If you create a beautiful front yard for a customer, it can lead to referrals to their neighbors.

Landscaping and yard maintenance is perfect if you love working outside and meeting new people.

  • Which business ideas work best in Canada?

Whether you’re looking to start a profitable small business from home or build a well-known brand it’s important to consider factors such as competition, seasonality, and startup costs.

  • Competition

Competition is a factor every new business needs to consider. You want to be sure that your product or service is unique and that there’s a market for it. Your business will be one among many small businesses competing for customers’ attention and dollars.

To stand out from the crowd, you’ll need to create a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business.  Your USP should explain exactly what your company provides in a way that differentiates you from competitors.

Another competitive factor to consider for bricks and mortar businesses is location. For example, even if there are a lot of restaurants in your city, if they are mostly concentrated in specific areas then you may be able to do well by choosing a more unique location or creating a food truck to serve those areas.

  • Seasonality

Seasonality is critical to consider when starting a business in Canada because the country experiences four distinct seasons.

While some businesses do well year-round, the success of others relates to the seasons. For example, a landscaping business will likely have more work in the spring and summer months than in the fall and winter.

If you’re considering starting a seasonal business, you may want to consider maintaining a part-time job during your less active months. Another option is to offer different services during the off-season. , such as landscaping in the warm months, and snow removal during the winter months. 

  • Startup Costs

An important factor to consider when choosing a business idea are the startup costs .

Some businesses require a significant investment of money and time, while others can be started with just a few hundred dollars (or less).

It’s important to choose a business that you can afford to start and that you believe has the potential to quickly earn back your initial investment. 

  • How to plan and start a business in Canada

There are many resources available to help you get started on your entrepreneurial journey, and you’ve already found one of the best. Ownr can help you register your business , as well as manage annual returns and other important legal processes across the lifespan of your company. Another great resource is the  Canadian government’s business portal. Here you’ll find information on applying for a business license , and how to apply for government grants and loans .

You can also check out your local Small Business Centre if one is available. These often include free resources and workshops on how to start and grow a small business in your province. 

Once you have an understanding of how starting a business in Canada (and in your province) works, you will want to create a business plan to act as your guide.

  • How to decide what business to start in Canada

If you’ve dreamed of being your own boss, and achieving financial independence, starting a business may be the answer. However, choosing which type of business to invest in can be challenging. 

The best business idea will likely combine your skills, passion, and work or life experience. For example, if you’re skilled at managing people and have experience and interest in the culinary arts, a restaurant may make sense. If you have those same skills but prefer working alone, a food truck may be a better option.

Take the time to research your options, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from those with experience. 

Before making up your mind, take a close look at the existing businesses that operate in your area. What do they do that makes them successful, and how can you emulate that success while providing a unique and valuable experience to your customers?

Answering those questions and delving into your own interests and experiences will help you carve out the entrepreneurial path that’s best for you.  

With careful planning and execution, you can start a successful business in Canada.


This article offers general information only, is current as of the date of publication, and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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Create a Business Plan

Think of it as a playbook for your goals, priorities and growth opportunities., how to write a business plan.

Creating a business plan can feel like a huge undertaking when you are starting a new business . And while developing one does require careful thought, studies show that entrepreneurs who have a formal plan are often more successful than those who don’t. Keep reading to see how a business plan benefits you and the details you should include.

Prefer to just get started? Start creating your business plan with the RBC Business Plan Builder.

Content in this Article

What is a business plan? Benefits of writing a business plan Information to include in your business plan Create your plan with the RBC Business Plan Builder

What is a Business Plan?

Benefits of writing a business plan.

Writing a business plan can help you in several ways—here are just a few of the biggest benefits:

  • Provides a roadmap. A business plan requires you to be thoughtful about the direction of your business, consider the goals most important to you and how you will achieve them. Think of it as your step-by-step guide for success!
  • Reveals gaps or risks you need to address. By looking at your business critically, you’ll be able to identify your strengths as well as areas where you may be vulnerable.
  • Shows potential investors, stakeholders or lenders that you’re serious. Attract and engage those who may be interested in your business with all the important information they need to know.

Information to Include in Your Business Plan

Create an executive summary Describe the current business environment Outline your marketing and pricing strategies Describe how your business will operate Detail your financing and cash flow needs Describe your team (even if it’s just you) Identify risks and how you’ll protect your business Write a conclusion Include your contact information

Create an Executive Summary

After your cover page and table of contents, include an executive summary. Since this is the first thing readers will see, it should be clear, grab their attention and identify what your business does.

What to include:

  • Your industry, target market and how your business is different from the competition
  • Your business structure (sole proprietorship, corporation, etc.)
  • What stage your business is in
  • Your experience and credentials, as well as your team’s, if applicable
  • Financial projections for the business (or performance to date, if you’re already operating)
  • Calculate your estimated revenue - how to calculate revenue

Tip: Write your executive summary last and keep it to one page. While it’s structurally the first section, it will summarize everything else in your plan.

Describe the Current Business Environment

This should be a detailed history and summary of your business, identifying the product(s) or service(s) you’re offering and how you will solve a problem or need in the market. Be sure to include any pre-market research or testing you’ve conducted that speaks to the viability of your idea.

When you’re starting a business , your bank and potential investors don’t have historical data to review. Your plan must clearly convey your strategy, competencies and the reasons your venture will succeed. (If your business is already established, you’ll want to cover where you started and how you got here.)

  • Where you want your business to go—and how you’ll get there. What are your goals? How will you generate sales?
  • What your business does. What needs does your business fulfill? Where will you sell your products or services?
  • Your business set up. How is your business structured ? Are there other owners or shareholders?
  • How you know your business will work. What market research or testing have you done? Are there trends?

Tip: Revisit your business idea by asking yourself these 7 key questions or use our business idea checklist to see the steps you may need to take to get to opening day.

Outline Your Marketing and Pricing Strategies

This is your opportunity to explain how you’re going to get customers to buy your products or services. This section involves identifying your ideal customers, your pricing strategy and more.

  • Your products, service and unique selling proposition. What are the features of your product or service and what makes it unique compared to what your competitors offer? How will you draw customers away from competitors?

Tip: Completing a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis may help you write this section. Download a FREE SWOT Analysis Template

  • Your pricing strategy. How will your pricing be competitive, but still allow you to make a profit? Check out how to decide on a pricing strategy.
  • Your sales and delivery strategy. How will you will generate sales? Will you sell directly to customers or through other businesses? How much will it cost to produce and ship your product?
  • Advertising and promotion strategy. Which advertising and promotion tactics (website, digital marketing, social media, email) will reach your audience most effectively?

Tip: Choose a few channels to do well instead of pursuing all of them at once. That way, you’ll be better able to direct your focus and monitor your progress.

Describe How Your Business Will Operate

The operations section of your business plan should describe what’s physically necessary for your business, as well as any partners who help keep things running smoothly.

This section contains four main categories:

  • Your stage of development. This should highlight what you’ve done to date to get the business operational, then follow up with an explanation of what still needs to be done.
  • The production process. This lays out the details of your day-to-day operations, manufacturing details, inventory, costs, outsourcing and more.
  • Getting products and services to customers. What is your supply chain and distribution strategy?
  • Partners and allies. Who are the people and organizations that support you? Who are key suppliers and vendors?

business plan ideas canada

Third-party groups may be able to help you in your journey. For example, Futurpreneur serves entrepreneurs age 18-39 who want access to business resources, financing and mentoring.

Detail Your Financing and Cash Flow Needs

Use this section to determine how strong your business is financially. Be realistic about expenses and projected income so you can properly assess your financial health early on and make sure you have enough cash for the first year.

  • Startup costs. What are your one-time and ongoing expenses? How will you cover the costs? Check out how to determine your start-up costs and working capital or use our Startup Costs Calculator .
  • Profit margin and break-even point. How will you make a profit and calculate margins? What is your break-even point? Suggested reading: The Difference Between Cash Flow and Profit
  • Balance sheet. What assets, liabilities and capital do you have at this point in time?
  • Financing. What are your sources of financing —savings, loans, grants? What are your repayment terms, if any?
  • Cash flow forecast. What is your 12-month cash flow forecast? Estimate it now: Cash Flow Forecast Template

Describe Your Team (Even if It’s Just You)

This section should describe your current team as well as anyone you might need to hire to round out your company.

  • Skills and strengths. What skills do you and/or your team have that are critical to the business?
  • Management style and structure. How will you manage your team? Who will employees report to?

Identify Risks and How You’ll Protect Your Business

Every business comes with some risk, so it’s better to be prepared for them now rather than be surprised later. Use this section to explore potential risks and how you’ll protect your business .

  • Obstacles your business may face. How could the economy, your competition, supply chain or another circumstance affect your business? How do you plan to minimize and handle these and other risks?
  • How you’ll protect against losing market share (new competition). Do you have any agreements or vendors you’ll rely on?
  • How you’ll prevent critical data loss. Outline what you will do to reduce the impact of data loss, such as backing up all computer data regularly, using cloud providers, employee rules on installing software and other policies.
  • How you’ll protect intellectual assets. Will employees sign confidentiality agreements to protect processes, trade secrets and other intellectual property? See How Intellectual Property (IP) in Canada Works .
  • Compliance requirements. What rules, regulations and licences will you need to comply with to operate?
  • Insurance needs. Does your industry require specific coverage, such as professional liability or other insurance?

Write a Conclusion

This is the last thing readers will see, so you want it to be strong. Use your conclusion to reinforce your goals and objectives. If you need financing, clearly state the amount you need and how it will be used. As with your executive summary, your conclusion should be succinct, clear and leave a positive impression.

Include Your Contact Information

Potential investors and lenders need to know how to reach you. Don’t forget to include your business name, contact information, website and social media presence in your plan.

Create Your Plan with the RBC Business Plan Builder

This comprehensive template will guide you through a series of questions, resources and tips to help you write your plan. Best of all, you can go at your own pace and come back to work on it anytime.

Want to Talk Business?

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See How an Advisor Can Help You

RBC business advisors can help your company at every stage—from starting up to simplifying operations and funding growth. An RBC business advisor will work with you to:

  • Understand your vision and business goals
  • Set up the right financial products and solutions
  • Explore options to effectively manage cash flow, pay employees and get paid
  • Connect you to a suite of business advice and solutions that go beyond traditional banking

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Business plan tools

A business plan is like a road map. It helps you define your operation’s core objectives and build a detailed plan for how to achieve them.

Free business plan bundles

We want to help make writing your business plan easier. The FCC business plan bundles were designed specifically for Canadian producers, food and beverage entrepreneurs or anyone involved in Canadian agriculture and food.

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Business plan writer

The interactive Futurpreneur business plan writer is designed to simplify the business planning process by allowing you to customize your plan. We also provide tips & tricks, and plenty of examples to guide you as you write.

Business plan example

Gain valuable insights from Futurpreneur’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Dominik Loncar, to learn how to articulate your vision with clarity and impact. We understand that writing a business plan can feel daunting, there’s so many pieces it’s hard to know where to start. So, to help you get started we’ve created a business plan example that includes insights and rationale from Dominik Loncar. He’s our Entrepreneur-in-Residence and he’s reviewed 100s of business plans from entrepreneurs.

Business plan essentials

Never written a business plan before? Fear not! With this crash course, you’ll be provided with an overview of the different components that make up a solid business plan ensuring you’re launch-ready and poised for success.

Related resources

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The Top 20 Small Business Ideas You Can Run from Home in Canada

By Arthur Dubois | Published on 08 Dec 2023

Various business ideas illustrated with Canadian flags in the background

Starting a small business from home is an excellent way to create a flexible schedule while pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. In Canada, there are plenty of opportunities for home-based businesses, and many entrepreneurs have already found success. Whether you’re looking to launch a side hustle or build a full-time business from home, there are many small business ideas that you can explore. This article will highlight the top 20 small business ideas that you can run from home in Canada.

1. Online Retail Store

Setting up an online store can be an excellent home-based business idea if you have a passion for a particular product or niche. Platforms like Shopify and Amazon make it easy to launch your online store and reach a global audience. You can sell anything from handmade crafts to digital products like e-books and online courses.

2. Freelance Writing or Editing

If you have a passion for writing, you can leverage platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to become a freelance writer or editor offering your services to clients worldwide. You can write anything from blog posts to product descriptions and help businesses improve their online presence.

3. Graphic Design Services

If you’re skilled in design, there’s a growing demand for graphic design services worldwide. You can market your services on various platforms, including 99designs, Freelancer, and Upwork. You can design anything from logos and business cards to social media graphics and websites.

4. Social Media Management

As the importance of social media continues to grow, so does the demand for social media management services. You can help businesses by creating engaging content and managing their social media accounts. You can also offer paid advertising services and help businesses reach their target audience.

5. Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual assistant services continue to be one of the most popular home-based business ideas. You can offer administrative support and help businesses manage their operations from the comfort of your home. You can handle tasks like email management, scheduling, and bookkeeping.

6. Online Tutoring or Coaching

If you have a passion for teaching, you can start a home-based business offering online tutoring or coaching services. Platforms like Chegg and VIPkid make it easy to find clients from around the world. You can teach anything from math to languages and help students improve their skills.

7. Web Development Services

If you’re skilled in web development or design, you can build a home-based business offering website design services. Website builders like Wix, WordPress or SquareSpace make it easy to create visually stunning and functional websites for clients. You can also offer services like website maintenance and search engine optimization.

8. Online Fitness Training

If you’re passionate about fitness and wellness, you can start an online fitness training business, offering personalized workout plans and coaching services. You can use platforms like Zoom and Skype to connect with clients and help them reach their fitness goals.

9. Home-Based Catering or Baking

If you enjoy cooking or baking, you can start a home-based catering or baking business, offering your services to individuals and businesses in your community. You can specialize in anything from cupcakes to gourmet meals and cater events like weddings and corporate parties.

10. Handmade Crafts or Artwork

If you have a creative side, you can start a home-based business selling handmade crafts or artwork online or at local markets and fairs. You can create anything from jewelry to pottery and showcase your unique style and creativity.

11. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home without needing to create your products. You can promote other businesses’ products and earn a commission on each sale you make. You can promote anything from beauty products to tech gadgets and earn passive income.

12. Podcasting or YouTube Channel

If you have a passion for creating content, you can start a podcast or YouTube channel from home, sharing your knowledge and expertise with a global audience. You can talk about anything from personal finance to travel and build a loyal following.

13. Professional Consulting Services

If you have expertise in a particular field, you can start a home-based consulting business, offering professional advice and services to businesses and individuals. You can consult on anything from marketing to finance and help businesses improve their operations and profitability.

14. Home-Based Daycare

If you enjoy caring for children, you can start a home-based daycare offering your services to families in your community. You can provide a safe and nurturing environment for children and help parents balance work and family responsibilities.

15. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

If you love animals, you can start a home-based pet sitting or dog walking business, offering your services to pet owners in your community. You can provide companionship and exercise for pets and help owners take care of their furry friends.

16. Personal Stylist or Image Consultant

If you have a flair for fashion, you can start a home-based personal styling or image consulting business, offering your services to clients looking to improve their style and image. You can help clients choose the right clothes and accessories and create a unique and stylish look.

17. Event Planning Services

Event planning is a growing industry, and you can start a home-based business offering event planning services to individuals and businesses in your community. You can plan anything from weddings to corporate events and help clients create memorable and successful events.

18. Home Staging or Interior Design

If you have an eye for design, you can start a home-based staging or interior design business, offering your services to homeowners and real estate agents. You can help clients create a beautiful and functional living space and increase the value of their property.

19. Photography or Videography Services

If you have a passion for photography or videography, you can start a home-based business offering your services to businesses and individuals in your community. You can specialize in anything from wedding photography to corporate videos and capture special moments and memories.

20.Sell Online Courses

Selling courses online can be a lucrative way to turn your expertise into a profitable business. To start, choose a topic that you’re knowledgeable and passionate about, and identify your target audience. Develop a course curriculum and create engaging content, such as video lessons, quizzes, and downloadable resources. Choose a platform to host your course, such as Udemy, Teachable or Thinkific. These platforms offer features such as customizable landing pages, payment processing, and analytics tracking. 

Three Essential Steps to Start a Home-Based Business in Canada

Starting a home-based business in Canada can be an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to pursue their passions and achieve financial independence. However, before diving into entrepreneurship, it’s essential to have a solid plan in place. Here are some vital steps to follow when starting a home-based business:

1. Create a Business Plan

A business plan is a crucial document that outlines your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. It’s important to create a robust plan to set a clear direction for your business, which will help you make informed decisions and stay on track. Your business plan should include a detailed description of your business, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plan.

For example, if you’re starting a consulting business, your business plan should include information about the consulting services you’ll offer, your target market, and your pricing strategy. You’ll also need to identify your marketing strategies, such as social media marketing, email marketing, and networking events.

2. Register Your Business

Before launching your business, make sure you register your business in Canada . This will help you protect your brand and ensure that you’re operating legally. You’ll also need to obtain any necessary business licenses and permits, depending on your industry and location.

For instance, if you’re starting a home-based food business, you’ll need to obtain a food handling permit from your local health department. If you’re starting a consulting business, you may not need any special permits or licenses, but you’ll need to register your business with the government.

3. Open a Business Bank Account

Opening a separate bank account for your business is essential for clear financial management and separating personal and business finances. This organization is key for easier tax filing and accounting. While traditional banks are a good choice, especially if you need in-person services or have complex banking needs, many fintech companies now offer cost-effective alternatives tailored for small businesses.


Arthur Dubois


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Need a business plan? Try our template.

Invest in the future of your business by taking the time to create or update your business plan using our free template.

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The importance of your business plan

Perhaps the most important document for any new business is a business plan. Yet too many business owners fail to sit down and prepare or update one.

A business without a plan is adrift. Decisions are made reactively based on the owner’s emotions, rather than prudent research. Employees, vendors, investors and other stakeholders (as well as the owner) are unclear about the direction of the company. That lack of focus results in wasted dollars, energies and resources as the company zigzags along instead of following a well-planned straight line to its goals.

Writing a business plan can seem a daunting task. Many entrepreneurs simply don’t have the time, inclination or the proper tools.

Business planning template

We have developed a template that makes creating your Business Plan easy. And it’s free !

This template guides you through all of the steps required to complete a proper business plan. It has explanations of the terms and definitions. It lets you add your own thoughts and comments.

Once you’ve completed the steps, you’ll have a business plan complete with cover page, contact information, financial tables, product descriptions and marketing details. You can save and print the plan, or send it electronically to anyone.

Use your plan to move your business forward with confidence, to motive your team, or to present to investors or lenders.

Depending on how much research and preparation you’ve already completed, creating your plan won’t consume much time at all. While it’s very easy, don’t worry if you get stuck because help is available throughout the process.

Take your plan to the bank

Once you’ve completed your business plan, you may take it to a Scotiabank  Small Business Advisor . The advisor can review your plan, supply feedback, and, if requested, help you to explore your financing options.

Get feedback on your plan

Asking people to review your plan will make it stronger because you’ll receive valuable feedback. Share it with your accountant, lawyer, financial advisor and trusted businesspeople so they can offer their suggestions to improve your plan. If you are really worried about someone reading your secrets, consider attaching a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to the plan. An NDA is a legal document that prevents others from sharing your information with unauthorized parties.

Try our free business plan template

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Business plans are an important tool for all businesses, no matter how big or small.

Path to Impact 2023: Resilient Small Business Owners optimistic for the future despite headwinds

The challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for small businesses in 2024 are not one-size-fits-all.

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Starting a business

The steps to consider before operating a business in Canada.

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1. Planning a business

Assessing your readiness, choosing a business structure, market research and writing a business plan

2. Choosing a business name

Selecting a good name, checking if a name is taken, registering and protecting your business name

3. Registering your business with the government

Registering or incorporating your business, plus how to apply for a business number or tax account

4. Applying for business permits and licences

Permits and licences that you may need for your business from all three levels of government

5. Getting business support and financing

National and regional business support, including financing for immigrant and Indigenous entrepreneurs

6. Free tax help for your business

Meet with a liaison officer to learn about common errors, bookkeeping best practices, and deductions

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Springfield, MO

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Canada plans new tariff on Chinese electric vehicles

Canada plans to introduce a new tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles.

The 100% tariff is scheduled to go into effect on Oct. 1.

The levy would be in addition to a 6.1% tariff on Chinese EVs made in China and imported into Canada, Quartz reports.

Read more from Quartz .


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The landscape for weight management has been expanding in recent months as the surging popularity of drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Zepbound is a frequent topic for local medical professionals and their patients. 

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The Rise of Slimming Down: Medical officials expect weight-loss drugs’ popularity will keep growing

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STL apartment tower slated for $169M in renovations

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Maersk eyes contigency plans as Canada rail networks close, still takes bookings

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Reporting by Louise Rasmussen and Anna Ringstrom; Editing by Kirsten Donovan

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South Korea to ask Telegram, other social media firms to help tackle digital sex crimes

South Korean authorities said on Wednesday they plan to ask Telegram and other social media platforms to more actively help with the deletion and blocking of sexually explicit deepfake content, part of measures aimed at tackling the growing problem.

NFL: Baltimore Ravens at Green Bay Packers

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Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching the US

Canada announced Monday it is launching a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching U.S. tariffs imposed over what Western governments say are China’s subsidies that give its industry an unfair advantage. The announcement came after encouragement by U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Cabinet ministers Sunday.

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TORONTO (AP) — Canada announced Monday it is launching a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles , matching U.S. tariffs imposed over what Western governments say are China’s subsidies that give its industry an unfair advantage.

The announcement came after encouragement by U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Cabinet ministers Sunday. Sullivan is making his first visit to Beijing on Tuesday.

Trudeau said Canada also will impose a 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum. “Actors like China have chosen to give themselves an unfair advantage in the global marketplace,” he said.

One of the Chinese-made EVs imported into Canada is from Tesla, made at the company’s Shanghai factory, though the U.S. company could avoid the tariff by switching to supplying Canada from factories in the U.S. or Germany.

Chinese brands are not yet a player in Canada. However, Chinese EV giant BYD established a Canadian corporate entity last spring and has indicated it intends to try and enter the Canadian market as early as next year.


Chinese officials are likely to raise concerns about the American tariffs with Sullivan as Beijing continues to repair its economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S. President Joe Biden in May slapped major new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment.

“The U.S. does believe that a united front, a coordinated approach on these issues benefits all of us,” Sullivan told reporters on Sunday.

Biden has said Chinese government subsidies for EVs and other consumer goods ensure that Chinese companies don’t have to turn a profit, giving them an unfair advantage in global trade.

Chinese firms can sell EVs for as little as $12,000 . China’s solar cell plants and steel and aluminum mills have enough capacity to meet much of the world’s demand. Chinese officials argue their production keeps prices low and would aid a transition to the green economy.

“We’re doing it in alignment, in parallel, with other economies around the world that recognize that this is a challenge that we are all facing,” Trudeau said of the new tariffs. “Unless we all want to get to a race to the bottom, we have to stand up.”

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Canada also will launch a 30-day consultation about possible tariffs on Chinese batteries, battery parts, semiconductors, critical minerals, metals and solar panels.

“China has an intentional state-directed policy of overcapacity and oversupply designed to cripple our own industry,” Freeland said. “We simply will not allow that to happen to our EV sector, which has shown such promise.”

The Chinese Embassy said Ottawa disregarded Beijing’s repeated objections and said the move will damage trade and economic cooperation.

“This move is typical trade protectionism and politically-motivated decision, which violates the World Trade Organization(WTO) rules and goes against Canada’s traditional image as a global champion for free trade and climate change mitigation,” the embassy said in an emailed statement. “China will take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.”

Canada “had to go with the U.S. position, when you think about the economic integration that we have with the U.S. More than 75% of our exports go to the U.S.,” said a former Canadian ambassador to China, Guy Saint-Jacques.

Saint-Jacques said Canada can expect retaliation from China in other industries, adding that barley and pork are candidates because the Chinese can get it from other countries.

“China will want to send a message,” he said.

This story has been corrected to say Tesla is one of the Chinese-made EVs imported into Canada, not the only one.

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Capital Business

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Capital Business

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Zuckerberg regrets bowing to Biden ‘pressure’ over Covid

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Kenyan start-up Wasoko merges with Egyptian online retailer MaxAB

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Canada hits China-made electric cars with 100% tariff

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Elon Musk, Edward Snowden denounce arrest of Telegram CEO

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Treasury starts to receive pending bill claims

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Introvert DJ Joe Mfalme on his journey to success in the music industry

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MTN’s Bayobab completes Mombasa-Malaba-Busia fibre network installation

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Kenyan, African food processors urged to tap population growth to cut imports

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Experts gather in Nairobi to improve food, feed safety

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Family Bank profit jumps 15.4% to Sh2.32bn in half year

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Huggies-maker Kim-Fay gets funding for Tatu City plant expansion

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First Published: Aug 27 2024 | 10:00 AM IST

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64 Best Small Business Ideas To Start in 2024

Looking to launch a new business in 2024? Discover the best small business ideas for your niche, budget and skill set to jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey.

Woman throws a coin into a basket ball as a metaphor for pursuing a small business idea

Thinking about starting a business this year? Whether you're diving into full-time entrepreneurship or planning a side hustle , this list of more than 60 small business ideas is for you.

Each idea below is selected for its practicality, flexibility, and proven potential for success.

Whether you start a clothing line, pet service, or wellness brand, put your spin on one of these businesses to unlock financial growth in 2024.

Qualities of a good small business idea

Your small business idea should fit your budget, skills, and schedule. It should also meet a market need and have the potential to generate sustainable, long-term profit.

Here's a closer look at what makes a strong small business idea:

Market demand

Good small business ideas solve clear problems for specific groups of people. Before moving forward with an idea, research your target market , customer needs, and competitors' solutions. Study your industry's market trends , customer surveys, and sales data to see what consumers and businesses are doing.

Competitive advantage

How you meet market demand also matters. Competitive businesses often have original approaches that set them apart. This could be a new product, a unique selling proposition , or a competitive pricing strategy. Analyze your competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and develop a business plan that capitalizes on any gaps.


Scalability is about the potential for growth and expansion. Can your business idea grow without hitting geographical, financial, or market limits? Many scalable businesses leverage ecommerce platforms to reach global audiences without a physical investment.

Low barrier to entry

Businesses are easier to start when they have lower initial costs, fewer regulatory requirements, less need for specialized training, and minimal technology needs. For example, business ideas like creating freelance content or opening a dropshipping store require minimal setup and no upfront capital.


Ultimately, a small business idea needs to make money . Try to estimate potential profits and build a financial model based on predicted sales and operational costs.


Will your small business be part of a growing industry or a trend that's already peaked? Will your operations align with environmental , social, and regulatory expectations? Sustainable businesses not only benefit from increased consumer trust but also set themselves up for long-term success.

Best small business ideas

By using your existing skills and some readymade online tools, it's easier than you might think to launch a small business. Here are some small business ideas that you can start today.

1. T-shirt designer

Websites and apps that offer print-on-demand services are perfect for small businesses. With them, you can sell custom products like t-shirts without worrying about manufacturing, shipping, or pre-paying for inventory.

Print on demand is the process of choosing products from a catalog and customizing them with your designs. A print-on-demand company will produce and ship your t-shirts as orders come in. This allows you to create and sell original shirts and other items with branding and unique visuals.

T-shirts, hats, hoodies, tote bags, and more become canvases for your creativity. Create shirts with witty slogans for developers or cute graphics for cat owners. If there’s passion and pride within a community, a potential print-on-demand t-shirt business is waiting to be started.

If you’re not a designer, hire one from freelancer sites like Fiverr , Upwork , Dribbble , or 99Designs . You can even use t-shirt mockup templates , so you won’t need to spend money on a photoshoot to model your designs.

Examples of graphics for print-on-demand product t-shirts

2. Digital freelancer

A freelance service business is another simple form of self-employment. When you offer a service, “time” is your inventory and your biggest investment. That makes it easy to get up and running if you have in-demand skills and a few spare hours each week.

Writers, graphic designers, virtual assistants, SEO practitioners, developers, and others can build a business around their skills. You could offer your expertise as an ongoing service or start a consulting business that advises on projects.

Once you’ve found your first customers, try apps like BookThatApp or Acerill Appointment Booking for easy booking and appointment management.

You can also offer your services through a freelance marketplace like Upwork to increase your chances of being discovered by people who need your skills.

3. Affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketing refers to a performance-based marketing tactic where a business pays people to promote products for them. Every time an affiliate brings in a new customer, they receive a commission from the business.

Affiliates can promote products on their blogs, social media accounts, websites, or in communities. For many, affiliate marketing is a low-cost way to earn passive income .

To join an affiliate program, do the following:

  • Find an affiliate program on sites like ShareASale , CJ , or LinkShare
  • Choose offers you want to promote
  • Get an affiliate link
  • Promote that link across your assets
  • Get a commission every time someone signs up or makes a purchase through your link

Commission rates vary, depending on the company and the retail price of products. You could earn as low as 5% for each sale, while some commissions can be as high as 50% if you’re promoting a class or event. Some affiliate programs also offer a flat rate versus a percentage.

4. House or pet sitter

House and pet sitting are good business ideas to start if you feel comfortable caring for and staying in a stranger’s home, potentially with their pets.

You can create an online store to market and sell your services, or register for an account on dedicated home and pet care apps. Here are some examples:

  • HouseSitter.com : This website is for both house and pet sitting. You can create a profile and apply to postings. People who need house/pet sitting can also browse sitters and reach out to them.
  • Rover : Rover is a website and app specifically for pet sitting. On it, you can create a profile and apply to gigs. These arrangements include drop-in visits but not overnight visits (or house sitting).
  • Care.com : Care.com is a listing site where pet sitters can create a profile and list their experience. You can also apply to jobs posted by people seeking pet sitters. Care.com is a good site to use if you offer senior care, tutoring, housekeeping, and child care services.
  • TrustedHousesitters : TrustedHousesitters is a great place to start if you need experience or testimonials. The platform specifically prohibits paid gigs, so these arrangements are viewed more as an exchange—you get a free place to stay, and they get free sitting.

Consider that some pet sitters offer on-site services while others care for pets in their own homes. You can even add a dog-walking element to appeal to a wider range of people.

Tutoring school kids or adults who want to learn a new skill can bring in extra income around your regular working hours. You might be great at math, playing the drums, or speaking French, so why not teach others?

Promote your tutoring services on local Facebook groups and in nearby schools to get the word out and build up your client base. If you're planning to create courses for your students, start by watching this guide to making online courses .

6. Personal assistant

Becoming a personal assistant requires little upfront expenditure and means you can work with a range of businesses. You’ll essentially be helping business owners take care of admin tasks, like booking appointments, responding to emails, and taking notes in meetings.

Start by networking with business owners on LinkedIn to build relationships and market your services. Creative effective Linkedin marketing strategies with these tips .

7. Dog walker

Dog walking is a fun and rewarding job (and you get a bit of exercise at the same time). Build a dog walking business by checking your local state laws to see what licensing and insurance you’ll need, then set up a website to advertise your dog walking services. If you don’t want to manage the administrative aspects, sign up with a company like Rover, a directory that owners can use to connect with potential dog walkers.

8. Airbnb host

You don’t need a fancy second home to become an Airbnb host—in fact, the accommodation platform originally started as a way for homeowners to temporarily rent out their spare room for extra cash. If you have the extra space in your house, you can create an account with Airbnb and rent it out at weekends, for overnight stays, or whenever suits you.

Like the idea of running a rental business? Here are some other rental business ideas to consider .

Are you always called on to bake cakes and sweet treats for your friends and family? If the answer is yes, you can sell baked goods to locals in your community. In addition to baking cakes for birthdays and events, your bakery business plan could also include creating batches of baked goods to sell in local coffee shops and cafés, or distribute more broadly through an online store .

Magnolia bakery product listings showing cookies and cakes for home delivery.

10. House cleaner

If you’re a stickler for cleanliness, starting a cleaning business can be a fulfilling way to make money. Create a batch of flyers to stick through doors in your neighborhood and advertise your services on local Facebook groups. If you do a good job, chances are word of mouth will help you organically pick up customers.

11. Car washer

Car washing has long been a source of fundraising for high schoolers, but it can also work as a business for adults too. If you’ve got space outside your house or a nearby yard, you can offer car washing and valeting services to locals. Alternatively, you can go door-to-door to hand out flyers and wash cars on the road while you build up your business.

20 dollar bills arranged on a table.

Best businesses to start with little money

Short on cash and want to start a small business? Check out these cost-effective businesses you can start today.

12. Dropshipping store owner

Dropshipping is a fulfillment model where a third-party supplier stores and ships inventory to customers on your behalf. It’s one of the best businesses to start, because it’s low overhead, hands-off, and scalable.

💡 With Shopify, it’s easy to start a dropshipping business . Sell popular products without the hassle of managing inventory, packaging, or shipping. Orders are sent directly from your wholesaler to your customers, so you can work on what you do best—reaching your customers.

You don’t need to handle any products yourself—you just need to make the sales and pass orders on to your supplier. In fact, it’s one of the quickest and cheapest businesses to start.

You can curate products from one or more suppliers into your own online store under a theme that focuses on a specific dropshipping niche , like gear for yoga enthusiasts or water bowls for dogs. When a customer buys a product from you, the order is sent to your supplier, who fulfills it on your behalf. However, you are still responsible for marketing and customer service.

Dropshipping is a great way to sell trending products and launch a business before you invest in your own original products.

Product page of a USB aroma diffuser from a dropshipping store

13. Influencer

In today’s connected world, the ability to capture and keep the attention of others is an asset. It’s one many businesses are willing to pay for and one many creators are able to convert into a business with multiple revenue streams.

Whether you choose to grow your following on YouTube , Instagram, TikTok , or a blog (or, ideally, on a combination of different channels), you have many avenues for monetizing your audience:

  • Sponsored posts on behalf of brands
  • Becoming an influencer
  • Selling physical or digital products (via any of the ideas on this list)
  • A combination of the above (they’re not mutually exclusive)

Taking an audience-first approach to your small business idea means you’re playing the long game (it might be months until you’ve figured it out). But you don’t need millions of followers to do it: Instagrammer Kat Gaskin, for example, pulled off a $10,000 product launch with only 3,000 followers.

14. Child care provider

The rise in demand for child care services with a decreasing supply is a perfect combination for starting a new business. If you enjoy taking care of kids and can get the proper licenses, a new child care business could be a good business idea for you.

Daycares are a particularly good business idea for parents looking to make money from home.

15. Handy-person

Everyone has a go-to maintenance specialist in their family. You know, the person who’s always doom chores around the house: a plumbing issue, installing tile, cleaning out gutters, putting up a fence. They’re always the person friends and family call on for odd jobs. If this is you, why not get paid for your work?

The home repair and improvement industry sits at around $540 billion in market value. Whether it’s fixing a boiler or building a patio deck, if you’re someone who likes to fix things, this could be a lucrative business for you.

16. Life coach

Life coaches help people navigate career changes and build wellness lifestyles they love . If you’re good at helping people make decisions, are a great communicator, and enjoy guiding people toward their dream lives, this could be a good business idea for you. You’ll need a qualification to get started, but otherwise, you can start picking clients up on social media, via local advertising, and, eventually, through word-of-mouth marketing.

17. Consultant

If you’re a specialist in a certain area or have deep knowledge of a particular subject, you can monetize that by opening a consultancy. For example, you might decide to offer consultancy services to companies looking to improve their hiring practices or, if you’re skilled at search engine optimization , you might open a business offering your knowledge as a service.

18. Newsletter author

Newsletters offer a direct line of communication to a prebuilt audience. If you’ve got an online presence and knowledge to share, consider starting a newsletter business. There’s little you need to get started—just an email marketing provider and a way to generate subscribers—then you can make money selling sponsorships, products, or services directly through your newsletter. Alternatively, when the numbers are high enough, you can charge subscribers to receive your newsletter in a subscription-style model.

19. Bike mechanic

Love fixing bikes? Start a business repairing and building bikes for your local neighborhood. Advertise your services in local Facebook groups, draw up some flyers to stick around local shops, and create a simple website to get the word out.

A person works on their business from a bed next to a sleeping dog.

At-home business ideas

You can also start your own business at home, giving you complete flexibility and freedom. Whether you’re interested in writing a book, creating digital courses, or managing social media for brands, there are numerous opportunities for home-based businesses.

20. Self-published author

Cookbooks, picture books, comic books, poetry books, photo books, coffee table books, and novels—if you’ve got the knowledge or creativity, there are a variety of original books you can bring to the market. The options are endless—that’s why it’s one of the best small business ideas to start.

Print on demand book services are a safe way to test the waters and get started with self-publishing . It also gives you control over the quality and look of your book.

Lulu xPress and Blurb are popular platforms to create, order, and distribute your own books as physical and digital products. You could also sell it on third-party marketplaces like Amazon .

While you can order one book at a time, costs naturally go down when you buy in bulk. Consider preselling or crowdfunding your book idea to ensure there’s demand, and guarantee a certain number of sales so you can feel confident making a bulk order. Publishing your own book can be a great way to monetize a blog if you have or are looking to start one.

21. Digital creator

Digital products like music , courses, podcasts , and templates are unique on this list of low-investment small business ideas. Unlike the others, they’re not tangible. There aren’t recurring manufacturing or shipping costs to worry about, so your margins can remain high, making it another no-brainer for being one of the best businesses to start.

The trick is figuring out what makes for a good digital product, and how much people are willing to pay for it.

Some good digital products include original instrumental beats, stock photos that can be licensed to other creators, and information products and templates that help people level up their skill sets in a particular field.

If you’ve got a talent that can be turned into a digital product, think about packaging it into a new stream of income.

Shopify's has a free Digital Downloads app that lets you offer digital products in your store as easily as physical products.

22. App developer

Creating a million-dollar app business is not easy. In fact, 99.5% of consumer apps fail . Most apps don’t have product-market fit, need a ton of marketing, and are costly to create.

So, why include this business idea? Because consumer app development isn’t the only path for entrepreneurs. New B2B apps for the Shopify App Store crop up daily, with a market of motivated businesses eager to find the tools they need. By offering a simple solution to a common problem encountered by website designers or store owners, you can generate a healthy profit.

23. Coffee seller

Selling coffee can be profitable with a strong brand and the right marketing plan. Sure, coffee has a lot of competition. But that shouldn’t scare you away from this multi-billion-dollar industry . Selling a high-commodity product like coffee has many benefits:

  • There is a high volume of customers.
  • Customers typically associate small brands as having a higher quality than corporate brands.
  • There are many positioning opportunities.

Because coffee is so widely available, it’s easier to sell. People already want coffee—you only need to make them want your coffee.

Coffee Bean Direct website with bags of the product and promo for “holiday coffee gift bundles”

24. Social media management consultant

In 2024, there are more than 5 billion active social media users around the world. That’s over 60% of the world’s population. Between YouTube , Instagram , Facebook Messenger , TikTok , and all the other social networks available⁠—brands need help managing their accounts.

A social media manager is responsible for creating and analyzing content for brands’ social accounts . Clients will pay you to create engaging content, write attractive bios, respond to comments, run ads, and more. You could charge by the hour or by project rate.

25. Résumé writer

Resumes are crucial to landing a new job, so if you’ve had good responses from previous employers, consider helping job seekers optimize theirs. You can offer two different services:

  • Writing résumés and cover letters from scratch
  • Improving and optimizing existing résumés

It’s often much more difficult for us to write our own résumés than it is for an objective third party. Use this to your advantage and sell résumé writing services on your website or social media, or via local recruitment centers.

26. Translator

Are you fluent in another language? If the answer is yes, you have a great in-demand skill under your belt. Translators can do everything from translating website copy from one language to another to translating in-person conversations. Consider specializing in a specific form of translation, such as translating medical journals or finance publications. Then, create a website to advertise your services or create flyers to drop through doors.

27. Travel planner

If you’re always the person who gets asked to plan upcoming trips, there might be a career for you in travel planning. While people are using travel agents less and less, there’s still a market for bespoke, luxury travel planning. Set up a website and start advertising your services on social media to generate interest.

28. Virtual assistant

Similarly to personal assistants, virtual assistants help business owners manage tasks they don’t have time for. The only difference is virtual assistants don’t have to be in the same city (or even the same country) as the businesses they work for. Virtual assistant services vary wildly and can include social media work, graphic design, general admin, and sales.

29. Developer

The growing digital landscape calls for more coders (also known as developers). These are the people who build websites from the back end, turn designs into fully functional sites, and build apps from scratch. There are online courses you can take that arm you with the basics, but the best way to improve your coding skills is to practice. Build a website to showcase your skills, reach out to brands you’d like to work with, and create a portfolio of websites and apps.

Start accepting payments fast with Shopify Payments

Skip lengthy third-party activations and go from setup to selling in one click. Shopify Payments comes with your Shopify plan, all you need to do is turn it on.

30. Data entry clerk

Every business uses data, which means data entry clerks play an important role in collecting, storing, and managing vast quantities of information. If you love a spreadsheet or are well-versed in setting up systems and processes, this could be the business for you. Start by reaching out to local businesses to offer your services and promote your business on social media to reach a wider range of potential clients.

31. Content creator

There are more than 200 million content creators —a positive sign the creator economy is a blossoming industry to get involved in. Content creators are people who post videos, stories, and content on social media to build an audience and make money. This can be done via brand partnerships, product promotions, selling products, or advertising revenue. If you already create content and enjoy sharing stories on social media, it may be a no-brainer to become a content creator.

32. Digital designer

Digital products include templates, journals, checklists, guides, and designs people can download and use from the comfort of their homes. It’s easy to experiment with a variety of different product types to see what sells—simply use a design tool like Canva to design your downloads , and create a website or use a marketplace like Etsy to sell them on.

lifestyle images of women and girls wearing clothes you can create with the website’s patterns

33. Bookkeeper

Good with numbers? Why not start a bookkeeping business? You’ll be in charge of monitoring and recording small business accounts each month to make sure your clients are on top of their finances. You might need a relevant degree or certification before you get started, but once your business is set up you can work with clients from the comfort of your own home.

A person browses a clothing rack in a small boutique

Unique small business ideas

Small business owners can also be innovative and make an impact on people’s lives. Want to change the game in a particular market? Check out the ideas below.

34. Nonprofit founder

Starting a nonprofit organization isn’t the only path you can take to help fund a better world.

Having a mission to go along with a business and setting aside some profit for a cause gives social entrepreneurs a unique way to position their company in the market while addressing the issues they care about most.

While many social enterprises offer their own original products, you can also take any of the low-cost small business ideas above and partner with a nonprofit or execute that social good with your own hands, as long as you’re transparent about how it works.

The Give & Grow Donations Shopify app makes it easy to partner with charitable organizations and incorporate your mission into your business. You can set it up to donate a specific amount or a percentage of sales or ask your customers to add a donation at checkout.

Checkout cart of an ecommerce site that has a nonprofit donation option as part of the experience

35. Pet business owner

The pet industry is an industry that’s worth more than $300 billion and ripe with opportunities. Your pet business could be product- or service-based—selling accessories, food, or toys, or offering grooming, walking, or training expertise.

Perkie Prints makes personalized printed pet products—everything from apparel to framed prints, plus fun projects in between. On the service side of things, Let the Dog Out offers dog walking and “bathroom breaks” to its customers.

Website for Let the Dog Out that features a man with a dog walking across a wooden bridge.

36. Membership program founder

Online memberships are ideal for entrepreneurs with an established active and engaged community . They work much like a subscription-based business—customers make recurring payments in exchange for a virtual product or service.

Memberships are great for managing members-only access to content on a website, and even for physical businesses that offer guided sessions online. Yoga studios, gyms, clubs, and art schools are a few examples of businesses that can take advantage of this business model.

It’s easy to start your membership-based business with Shopify. Set up a new product just like you would for a physical product, but create a name and description that tells people about your membership services.

37. Virtual event planner

Virtual event planning is a profitable business idea if you enjoy organizing and connecting people. The significant rise in business events and the adoption of virtual tools for conducting meetings will keep this market growth high. As a virtual event planner, you’ll be responsible for creating virtual conferences, networking opportunities, and educational sessions for companies around the world.

38. Landscape gardener

Got a love for nature and outdoor design? A landscaping business is a great option for you. Landscaping, also referred to as lawn care, means modifying and maintaining the visible features of an area of land. You’re responsible for creating beauty out of natural, living elements like flowers, grass, and trees.

There’s growing interest in landscape maintenance among younger households, with seasonal demand making landscaping a potential summer business idea . Competition in the market is moderate. You’ll face a few leading landscaping companies, like TruGreen, as well as smaller local service providers.

39. Vending machine owner

Here’s a unique business idea : vending machines. Yes, there’s money to be made with vending machines. Though the industry took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, projections indicate vending machines will bounce back.

Offer the right products at the right location to make your vending business a success. Do your research to find high-traffic areas, who is walking by, and what they might need at that moment. Consider the various airport vending machines. You’ll find the expected vending machines with snacks and drinks, but there are also machines with makeup and accessories, like phone chargers and headphones. With a strategic approach, vending machines can be a profitable business with a small investment, and an overall great business idea.

40. Online dating consultant

Consider yourself a bit of a matchmaker? Become an online dating consultant and help singles find love. Besides helping people set up online dating profiles, you can source potential matches, and offer coaching through the initial first dates. Try it out on some willing friends first and use these success stories to promote your services to other singles.

41. Personal trainer

If you enjoy going to the gym and staying active, consider starting a personal training business. You’ll need a qualification to get started, but once that’s in place you can build up a roster of clients who regularly come to work out with you.

Take it a step further and offer personalized training plans, nutrition advice, and exercise mentoring to make additional income. You can advertise your business on local Facebook groups, create flyers to stick around the neighborhood, or create a website to attract remote clients that you can train with via video call.

42. Personal chef

If you love to cook and often find yourself hosting delicious dinner parties for friends and family, a personal chef business might be for you. Start small by cooking meals for your neighbors’ dinner parties and expand to include downloadable menus and personalized multicourse meal plans. It can help to specialize in a specific cuisine or style of cooking to build up your name, such as vegetarian meals or Japanese dishes.

43. Meal prep specialist

Meal prepping is all the rage as people’s lives get busier—just take a look at the success of meal subscription boxes like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron.

Tackle this pain point by offering a meal prep service where you batch-cook food for the week and deliver it to your clients. You can even enhance segments of your meal prep by offering related food, like a line of condiments. Promote your business locally and hand deliver meals or advertise online to a wider audience and send meal boxes by post.

Personalize your meal kit UX and checkout cart for blue apron

If you’ve got a truck and enjoy physical labor, consider opening a moving company. Make sure you’ve got the correct permits and insurance to start and then build up a name for yourself by sending out flyers, advertising on local Facebook groups, and encouraging word-of-mouth referrals.

45. Voiceover artist

Got a voice smoother than Morgan Freeman’s? Become a voiceover artist who narrates television adverts and online videos. The sheer popularity of video today means there’s plenty of work to go around. Set up a website to advertise your services and sign up for voiceover directories to connect with potential clients.

46. Tour guide

Becoming a tour guide can be a fun way to show people around your city, especially if you enjoy and are knowledgeable about the local history. Consider differentiating your business from other tour guides by focusing on a specific activity, like food, music, or culture. Advertise your services online and create flyers to distribute in well-known tourist spots.

47. Masterclass host

While tutoring often takes place in person, you can also share your subject expertise to groups of people online by teaching online masterclasses. Decide what skill or activity you’ll teach and advertise your services online or through local Facebook groups. As well as teaching subjects like accounting or dance, you can also teach workshops on topics like cooking and wine tasting.

48. Professional organizer

If you’re known as the “organized one” in your group, consider starting a business as a professional organizer who helps people declutter and restore order in their homes. It can be really difficult for people to juggle day jobs and organize their homes to a high standard, so you might find yourself in high demand. This job is obviously geared more toward a local client base, so rely on local Facebook groups, handing out flyers, and word-of-mouth referrals; you can also increase your revenue with organizational videos and paid downloadables.

49. Personal shopper

Personal shoppers help their clients find the right clothes, furniture, or jewelry. If you’ve got a good eye for fashion or interior design, this can be a rewarding way to make money. Start by choosing what kind of personal shopper you’d like to be and then advertise your services locally via Facebook or flyers to spread the word.

A person considers creative business ideas pinned to a wall.

Creative small business ideas

Start an exciting business that explores your creativity and self-expression with the following ideas.

50. Poster and card illustrator

If you’ve already got an engaged online following—say you’re a cartoonist or an urban photographer—you’re in an especially good position to sell your art online .

Depending on the printer you work with, you can turn your work into products such as posters, framed wall art, or even greeting cards. There are plenty of low-cost digital templates and mockup generators like Placeit that you can use to showcase your products without having to print out each item and conduct your own photoshoots.

Landscape and plant prints sold as gift cards and posters

51. Online boutique owner

If you love fashion and sharing your sense of style, you can consider creating your own online fashion boutique. You don’t need to become a fashion designer—you can curate items from other vendors into your own online store (using the dropshipping model we discussed earlier).

Dresses, shoes, swimwear, accessories, and more—you can build your own fashion brand using one of several product-sourcing apps , model them on your own with product photos and social media posts, and build an online following as a trendsetter . Apps like MyOnlineFashionStore let you import various styles into your Shopify store.

52. Crafts-person

If you’re a maker—whether that’s DIY soap, candles, sauces, or pottery—you’re in a position to find a small business idea, because product development and procurement are literally in your hands.

Unlike many of the other ideas on this list, you will need to consider shipping and inventory management , but you can start out simple on a per-order basis or with a small batch until you start generating consistent sales.

In fact, many makers on Shopify started out with a home business idea , selling on Etsy or eBay, or to friends and family through word of mouth, and grew into full-time small business owners after establishing demand for their products.

Just be mindful of any regulations in your product category , especially for anything customers will eat, inhale, or put on their skin.

Brooklyn candle studio homepage: “wanderlust,” various candles and flowers arranged together

53. Photographer

Got a passion for taking photos? Turn your hobby into a full-time online photography business . Today, you don’t just have to sell services for weddings and corporate ad campaigns. You can easily set up a store and sell prints, posters, NFTs, and more. Or you can sell your photos on stock photography sites.

54. Beauty entrepreneur

The beauty industry really pulled through the pandemic and the momentum continues to build. Businesses that sell online with unique positioning and enhanced delivery services will continue to win.

Some product ideas with high demand are:

  • Personal care products like hand soap and sanitizer
  • At-home spa rituals like face masks
  • Beauty technology like massage guns, smart mirrors, and makeup refrigerators

Consider launching a makeup brand or a hair care line and targeting a specific audience segment, like curly girls or teens.

55. Phone accessories

Because so many people own mobile phones now, there’s a huge market for phone accessories. And there are many different ways you can go with these accessories—print-on-demand, handmade, niche by product type, dropshipping, and more.

Some ideas for phone accessories to sell include:

  • Phone cases
  • Car and desk holders
  • Earbuds/headphones
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Portable chargers
  • Wireless chargers

When listing your phone accessories for sale , remember to include which devices they’re compatible with. You don’t want to create a negative yet avoidable experience for customers who receive an item they can’t even use.

56. Subscription box brand

If you’re not interested in creating your own products to sell, you can curate them. One of the best small business ideas is to sell subscription boxes with curated products that follow a certain theme.

One of the great parts about subscription boxes is you can create them for pretty much every niche out there. For example, featuring merchants and makers in your community is one of the best local business ideas for subscription boxes. You can also go for themes like yoga, beer brewing, or pets—the possibilities are limitless.

Like memberships, subscriptions are good business ideas to start because they create a recurring revenue stream. People have to proactively cancel their subscription if they don’t want to continue paying for it.

Subscriptions also lend themselves to collaboration. When you curate products from different merchants, you can get in front of their audiences—a whole group of potential new subscribers.

Myro’s product pages for deodorant and body wash starter kits

57. Alterations specialist

People will always need a button sewn back on or a hem altered. If you’re good with a sewing machine, you could be the person to do it. Start small by offering to hem or mend your neighbors’ clothes and, as you grow, add services to your repertoire like dressmaking and alterations.

58. Makeup artist

If you love makeup and enjoy making others look good, start a business as a makeup artist . You can offer your services for weddings, photoshoots, or special occasions and decide whether you want to work with locals or are willing to travel to build your client base. As well as advertising your services on local Facebook groups, create a website and flyers where people can find out more about what you offer.

59. Furniture restorer/upcycler

Furniture upcycling gained huge momentum during the pandemic as people upgraded their living space. If you’ve picked up a few restoration skills along the way and enjoy refurbishing a well-loved piece of furniture, why not open a furniture restoration or upcycling business? You can either buy items from local charity shops or reclamation centers to do up and sell, or you can offer to upcycle people’s existing furniture.

A florist displays products on a sunny street.

Physical small business ideas

These business ideas may appeal to those who enjoy face-to-face interaction and tangible services. People who are passionate about creating active income streams might find these business ideas appealing, as they require a personal touch and physical presence to succeed.

60. B&B owner

Opening a B&B isn’t a small feat, but if you’ve dreamed of creating a cozy place for travelers to stay in your area, it could be a great business idea for you. You’ll need a big enough space to get started, but after that, you can decide what theme you want your B&B to take on, what packages you’ll offer to guests, and how you’ll create a welcoming experience that keeps people coming back.

61. Delicatessen

If you’re a specialist in a specific type of food (or you simply love a specific product), consider opening up a dedicated food store. Whether it’s cheese, wine, craft beers, or specialty olive oil, you can create a commercial hub for like-minded people to share your passion. As well as sourcing products from local makers, you can use your store to host relevant events, like wine tasting or cheesemaking for extra income.

62. Food truck operator

Food trucks cost less upfront than a restaurant because you only need a vehicle and the cooking equipment to get started. Set yourself up for success by narrowing your offerings down to a specific cuisine or food type—remember, you have limited space in a food truck.

If you don’t want to (or can’t afford to) buy a truck upfront, you can always lease one from a company like the Food Truck Group to get you on your feet. If you’re successful, you can open a restaurant later on down the line, just like The Cheese Bar .

63. Massage therapist

Trained massage therapists are always in high demand. There are three ways you can operate your massage business:

  • Visit client homes to provide massages.
  • Open a salon where clients can come to you.
  • Work on a contract basis for a chiropractor, salon, or acupuncturist.

You’ll need a qualification to get started, but once you’re all set up you can expand your list of services to include other beauty and relaxation treatments.

64. Barista

Turn your love of coffee into a physical coffee shop. Choose to invest in a franchise or start your own coffee shop from scratch. Once you’re set up, you can differentiate your business from competitors by running in-house events, offering special deals, and turning your coffee shop into a valuable community hub.

Market your business with Shopify’s customer marketing tools

Shopify has everything you need to capture more leads, send email campaigns, automate key marketing moments, segment your customers, and analyze your results. Plus, it’s all free for your first 10,000 emails sent per month.

How to start a small business

To start a small business, you need a plan as well as a dream. To put the wheels in motion, follow these steps:

  • Use the time you have available: It’s good to have a balance of ambition and realism with your business aspirations.
  • Identify a new business idea: This could come from your personal interests, a market opportunity, an experience—anywhere, really.
  • Validate your business idea: This is where you identify if your idea is viable or not. Are people willing to spend money on this?
  • Find a business name: A strong name should be short and simple, memorable, and original. If you need help, use a business name generator .
  • Make a plan: Your business plan is critical for keeping your business on track, as well as securing partners, investors, lenders, and more.
  • Understand business finances: Open your business bank accounts, secure funding, and set up strong bookkeeping and accounting processes. It might be a good idea to build out your goals in a business plan template to help secure funding.
  • Develop your product or service: The fun part! This is where you bring your product or service idea to life.
  • Pick a business structure: Your business structure influences taxes, operations, personal liability, and more. Choosing the right business structure is about balancing the legal and financial protections you need with the flexibility offered by different options.
  • Research licenses and regulations: Your business is subject to the laws governing businesses in your area, as well as laws and regulations specific to your industry. It’s important to understand this to avoid bigger problems down the road.
  • Select your software systems: Accounting, email, ads, project management—you need an entire tech stack to run your business.
  • Find a business location: Identify where you can open up a shop based on space, retail needs, and fulfillment needs.
  • Plan workload and team size: If you plan to do all of the work yourself, you’re limited by the time you have available to invest. If you plan on hiring help, you’ll need to account for those costs—as well as the time involved in finding and onboarding freelancers or employees.
  • Launch your business: Leverage your network, build buzz with promotions, and test paid ads to get word out about your newly launched business.

Generating small business ideas

There are many ways to come up with profitable business ideas of your own. You or someone you know might have a poor personal experience with a company—and you know you can do better.

Or, maybe there’s a gap in the market: for example, demand for a specific product but no one meeting it. Other ideas come from everyday moments, in the shower or right before you fall asleep.

Brainstorming business ideas

If you’re feeling stuck on good business ideas, keep a brainstorming board. Whether tactile or digital, create a place to put down your ideas whenever they come to mind. Then, revisit your notes with fresh eyes.

There’s power in numbers, too. Recruit help from colleagues or friends and family to brainstorm new ideas. Survey your existing customer base or audiences and get their ideas. Look at what people are saying on social media or searching for online. Start with lots of ideas and then refine your list to the top ideas to explore further.

Protecting small business ideas

Most business owners have a few options when it comes to legal protection of their small business ideas, both now and in the future. The right one depends largely on the types of businesses you’re talking about.

  • Copyright: Copyrighting protects your intellectual property, meaning others can’t use it without your permission. This applies to text, art, photography, music, graphic design, and similar mediums.
  • Trademark: Trademarking is another intellectual property protection. Essentially, you “own” a word, phrase, logo, symbol, or design—preventing others from using it.
  • Patent: Patents are applicable for inventions—a patent prohibits anyone else from making, selling, or using your invention in their business for a period of time.
  • Confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements (NDAs): These legal documents prohibit people from sharing information, as outlined in the NDA.
  • Noncompete agreement: If you hire employees or contractors, you can have them sign this document, which prevents them from working with direct competitors.
  • Work-for-hire agreement: Another document—this one is only for employees—that means any work they do during their term of employment belongs to the employer, not the individual.

Funding a business idea

One of the toughest but most important parts of starting a business is finding the money to get your idea off the ground. There are a few ways to get funding for your business idea .

  • Small business loans: Shopify Capital offers funding for eligible merchants, who can apply to receive between up to $5 million in capital to grow their business.
  • Investors: Lots of investors look for the next big thing—the types of businesses that go viral. Craft a pitch for your business idea to present to investors.
  • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is similar to getting investors, except you need lots of investors who are each willing to make a small financial commitment.
  • Fund it yourself: It’s not realistic for everyone, but less expensive business ideas make it easier to come up with the cash yourself . Just be aware of the risks involved.

💡 Need funding to run and grow your business? Shopify Capital makes it easy to apply for funding quickly to use for inventory, marketing, and more. Automatically make payments as a percentage of your daily sales. No compounding interest.

Got your business idea? Now start

Thanks to the latest commerce tools, third-party suppliers, and the ability to quickly test ideas online, it’s easier than ever to build a successful business and start making sales without getting caught up in sourcing products, renting space, and managing inventory.

The small business ideas above can be implemented directly, morphed into an original idea, or even combined to start a business that’s uniquely yours. If the idea of sourcing, storing, and shipping inventory has kept you from starting a business before, begin with an inventory-free, low-cost business model and grow from there.

The world of self-employment can be challenging, but with a little hard work and know-how, you can work toward building your own business.

Small business ideas FAQ

What are the most successful small business ideas.

The most successful small business ideas combine the skills and passions of business owners with simple, practical customer solutions. For example, ecommerce store owners and food truck operators make it easy for customers to access desirable products. Likewise, online courses increase access to education. Pet businesses and personal wellness services can also flourish by serving consumer lifestyle trends.

What are the top 10 small businesses to start?

Starting a business that aligns with online consumer trends can lead to success. Consider these top contenders:

  • Dropshipping popular products
  • Print-on-demand apparel
  • Selling digital products like ebooks or courses
  • Blogging on niche subjects
  • Offering freelance services such as graphic design or writing
  • Crafting homemade products to sell online
  • Creating content for podcasts or YouTube
  • Becoming an affiliate marketer
  • Providing pet-sitting services or selling pet products
  • Operating an online clothing store

What is the easiest small business to start?

Online businesses are accessible for new entrepreneurs due to low overhead costs and the ability to reach a broad audience quickly. Examples of online business models include dropshipping, selling digital products, or providing freelance services. Other benefits of online businesses include minimal physical inventory needs, flexible work locations, and scalable marketing strategies.

What’s a good first small business to start?

A good first small business matches your skills and interests with a low initial investment. For instance, launching a freelance graphic design service could be ideal if you have graphic design skills. Look for business ideas you can start from home with accessible, inexpensive equipment such as software. This allows you to keep costs low while you build a client base.

How do I create a unique small business?

To create a unique small business, identify a niche with an unmet consumer need. This could be an area you’re passionate about or have experience in. Offer distinctive products or services that stand out by providing novel solutions or through unique branding that resonates with your target audience. For instance, if you’re a vegan baker who regularly shares recipes and notice your community lacks a vegan bakery, this could be a unique small business idea.

What small business services are in high demand?

Demand continues for services that support businesses’ digital marketing and online activities. These include:

  • Freelance writing and content creation
  • Specialized consulting in marketing and SEO
  • Web development services
  • Translation and localization services
  • Accounting and financial advisory

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    32. Open a Food Truck. Operating a food truck in Canada is a profitable business idea, especially as the market size of street vendors is expected to reach $234.9 million in 2023. Costs to start a food truck can range from $40,000 to $200,000, lower than you would pay to open a brick-and-mortar restaurant.

  12. Business Plan Builder

    A business plan describes what your business does and outlines the opportunities you wish to capture. Writing your business plan can help build your confidence in how you will achieve success. A business plan can also: Serve as a roadmap for your business. Answer and even create more questions.

  13. Sample business plans and templates

    Business development organizations and Canadian banks have free templates, writing guides, sample plans, and even interactive tools available online. These resources allow you to walk through a plan line by line. You will get a sense of the information you might be asked to provide when you are looking for financing, for example.

  14. Best Businesses to Start in Canada: 12 Profitable Ideas

    If you're looking for the best business to start in Canada, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we discuss 12 profitable business ideas that are perfect for Canadian entrepreneurs. These businesses range from online companies to brick-and-mortar stores-. Whether you're -a new or seasoned entrepreneur, this list will provide ...

  15. 25 profitable small business ideas

    In 2021, of all Canadian small business owners in the hair care and esthetics industry, 75.1% were profitable, with an average revenue of $153,900. 24. Massage therapist. Life is busier than ever, which means people are carrying a lot of stress and tension in their bodies.

  16. Create a Business Plan

    Create an executive summary. Describe the current business environment. Outline your marketing and pricing strategies. Describe how your business will operate. Detail your financing and cash flow needs. Describe your team (even if it's just you) Identify risks and how you'll protect your business. Write a conclusion.

  17. Free downloadable business plan template

    The FCC business plan bundles were designed specifically for Canadian producers, food and beverage entrepreneurs or anyone involved in Canadian agriculture and food. The bundle includes: Bundle includes: Word documents and pdfs. By accessing, downloading, and using the FCC Business Tool Template, you acknowledge and agree that any use of the ...

  18. Business plan writer

    We understand that writing a business plan can feel daunting, there's so many pieces it's hard to know where to start. So, to help you get started we've created a business plan example that includes insights and rationale from Dominik Loncar. He's our Entrepreneur-in-Residence and he's reviewed 100s of business plans from entrepreneurs.

  19. 20 Small Business Ideas You Can Run from Home in Canada

    This article will highlight the top 20 small business ideas that you can run from home in Canada. [Offer productType="CreditCard" api_id="639a44c20a1e0b2f416154c3″] 1. Online Retail Store ... A business plan is a crucial document that outlines your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. ...

  20. Need a business plan? Try our template.

    Business planning template. We have developed a template that makes creating your Business Plan easy. And it's free! This template guides you through all of the steps required to complete a proper business plan. It has explanations of the terms and definitions. It lets you add your own thoughts and comments.

  21. Business plan guide

    A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, the market you are targeting and your financial forecast. It is important to have a business plan because it helps you set realistic goals, secure external funding, measure your success, clarify operational requirements and establish reasonable ...

  22. Starting a business

    1. Planning a business. Assessing your readiness, choosing a business structure, market research and writing a business plan. 2. Choosing a business name. Selecting a good name, checking if a name is taken, registering and protecting your business name. 3. Registering your business with the government.

  23. Canada plans new tariff on Chinese electric vehicles

    Canada plans to introduce a new tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles. The 100% tariff is scheduled to go into effect on Oct. 1. The levy would be in addition to a 6.1% tariff on Chinese EVs made in China and imported into Canada, Quartz reports. Read more from Quartz.

  24. Maersk eyes contigency plans as Canada rail networks close, still takes

    Shipping company Maersk is evaluating contingency strategies in Canada, the company said on Thursday after the country's two main freight rail companies shut down their networks over a labour dispute.

  25. Canada imposes a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric

    TORONTO (AP) — Canada announced Monday it is launching a 100% tariff on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles, matching U.S. tariffs imposed over what Western governments say are China's subsidies that give its industry an unfair advantage.. The announcement came after encouragement by U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin ...

  26. Canada hits China-made electric cars with 100% tariff

    AUG 27 - Canada says it will impose a 100% tariff on imports of China-made electric vehicles (EV) after similar announcements by the US and European Union. The country also plans to impose a 25% duty on Chinese steel and aluminium. Canada and its Western allies accuse China of subsidising its EV industry, giving its car makers an unfair ...

  27. Harris Campaign Releases New Ad to Highlight Plans to Build 3 Million

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris has a new advertising push to draw attention to her plan to build 3 million new homes over four years, a move designed to contain inflationary ...

  28. Canada to reduce low-wage foreign workers. What will it mean for

    Earlier this year, Canada imposed an immediate two-year cap on new international student visas to combat the housing crisis and tackle issues with certain institutions. In March 2024, Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced plans to reduce the number of temporary residents over the next three years, with the first cap scheduled for September.

  29. 64 Best Small Business Ideas To Start in 2024

    4. House or pet sitter. House and pet sitting are good business ideas to start if you feel comfortable caring for and staying in a stranger's home, potentially with their pets. You can create an online store to market and sell your services, or register for an account on dedicated home and pet care apps.

  30. Kamala Harris's economy plan: new housing and end to price-gouging

    Kamala Harris has called for millions of new-build homes and first-time buyer help, tax breaks for families and a ban on grocery "price-gouging" in her first speech focused on economic policy. The ...