Safety – Safety moment topics for oil and gas

Safety moment topics for oil and gas

Safety moment topics for oil and gas companies and workers

What is a safety moment.

A safety moment is a short and concise safety talk in the workplace. Each safety moment will cover a specific safety topic relevant to the workplace and environment in which it takes place.

Many companies engage in safety moments - while others have slightly different variations (which are almost identical) including safety toolbox talks and safety briefs.

The main purpose of a safety moment is to draw attention to a relevant safety topic and to discuss that topic in an informal and approachable way. 

Safety moments have become extremely popular with an ever-increasing growing focus on safety, and they have also grown in popularity as a powerful tool for improving worker safety. There was a time when most companies and workers would only engage in a formal workplace safety training session - or when safety training was a short part of a workers induction.

Today, safety training is a constant, and safety moments are one of the ways in which companies and workers can constantly refine their understanding and attention to safety - and where an entire organisation can work on building a positive culture of safety.

Safety moment topics for oil and gas

The oil and gas industry is filled with safety moment topic options and opportunities - which is a good and bad thing. It makes coming up with safety moment topics pretty easy - but highlights the dangers of the industry.

While there are hundreds of safety moment topics and toolbox talk topics like these:

  • First aid safety
  • Lock out tag out safety
  • Vehicle safety
  • Traffic safety

We are going to focus on safety moment topics which are more specific to the oil and gas industry. The key element of a safety moment is that it is highly relevant to the workplace at issue. You want your safety moments to be as relevant as possible, to keep people engaged and to ensure there are actionable and insightful takeaways for the attendees.

Here are some safety moment for oil and gas topics which are applicable to almost all oil and gas sites and projects - and ones which you need to cover for oil and gas safety.

Chemical exposures

Oil and gas sites and platforms almost always feature a certain amount of chemical exposure. Chemical exposure is also one of the areas of industrial worker safety which is less pronounced and understood than other safety issues such as working at heights and personal protective equipment. The general consensus is that there is a lack of exisiting information and understanding regarding the variety and magnitude of chemical exposure to oil and gas workers.

Important elements of this safety moment topic include:

  • Documenting and understanding hazardous chemicals via labels and material safety data sheets
  • How to deal with episodic exposure
  • The difference between mixed exposures, multiple exposures and dermal exposures
  • The risk of transfer risks and take-home exposures

Hazardous chemical exposure is a very real and ever-present danger for oil and gas workers, and the fact that it is more 'invisible' than other safety issues makes it even more important to talk about.

Working in remote areas

Working and travelling to remote areas is an inherent part of working in the oil and gas industry. Offshore oil and gas fields, onshore gas pipelines which are remotely located and other characteristics of the oil and gas work make it very common for workers to be working alone and/or working remotely.

Working in remote areas introduces a number of safety concerns and hazards which should be talked about and discussed during a safety moment.

In these remote areas, workers face harsh conditions and environments, they must drive/travel long distances and frequently off-road, and if an incident does occur, they are effectively stranded and must find a way to communicate the issue.

These and other nuanced elements of remote or lone worker safety like how much water to carry (more than you think) make for a good safety moment.

Explosions and fires

The oil and gas industry has more deaths from fires and explosions that any other industry. Explosions and fires are the most violent and 'obvious' and publicised hazard which oil and gas workers face. Even so, discussing and constantly reinforcing how to prevent and manage explosions and fires can be the difference between life and death.

During this safety moment topic, you'll want to cover:

  • How to prevent fires and explosions from happening
  • Designated exit routes and emergency action plans
  • Flame-resistant clothing and other safety equipment
  • How to inform and collaborate with first responders

This is a topic which can be re-visited multiple times, because it's so important.

Struck-by, caught-in and caught-between

Like construction and a number of other heavy industries, oil and gas workers suffer from being struck-by, caught-in and caught-between vehicles, machines and other obstacles at scary rates.

Part of this stems from the fact that there are many moving parts on oil and gas projects and sites (including people) and part of it stems from the general environment (such as close-quartered platforms and drilling sites).

Some of these issues will occur, but some of them can be mitigated and reduced through a better understanding of how to approach different struck-by, caught in and between hazards - which is why this safety moment is helpful.

Drilling is an integral part of excavating oil and gas out of the earth, and drilling and drill pipe assembly and disassembly are a constant hazard to oil and gas workers.

Every step of drilling carries it's own risks and hazards, and each can be brought up and covered in a safety moment - or each may deserve its very own safety moment.

Some key elements of drilling safety to cover in your safety moment include:

  • Handling pipes correctly
  • Preparing drilling fluid and starting to drill
  • Breaking out pipe and making up pipe
  • Raising the kelly and joint out of the mousehole

While workers engaging in these activities have a thorough understanding of how to perform these processes and procedures, a safety moment is a great chance to get everyone involved and have people actively discuss their own experiences and incidents while drilling. Crowdsourcing this information is a powerful way to uncover more hazards and more ways of dealing with drilling and pipe assembly dangers.

Pressure test

We've all seen and understand the immense pressures being forced up into, down into and across pipes and platforms in the oil and gas industry. High pressure can be a lethal force, and discussing the dangers and realities of these pressures is a perfect subject of a safety moment.

Pressure testing may be a routine task for oil and gas workers, but pressurisation is hazardous energy storage, and requires adequate preparation. Key areas to cover in this oil and gas safety moment include:

  • Test permitting
  • Pressure test checklists
  • Roping off test areas and coordinating to avoid concurrent activities
  • Never tamper with or righten fittings while the test is underway
  • Removing non-essential people from the test area

Engaging in this safety moment for oil and gas topic is important for testers, and important for those who are working anywhere on site.

Oil and gas safety moment topic example

So now that you have seen and read about some important safety moment topics for oil and gas workers and companies, what does the actual safety moment look like?

A good practice for conducting safety moments, like most things on oil and gas sites, is to properly document the safety moment or toolbox talk.

The oil and gas safety moment example below covered the topic of working in remote areas.

You'll see that this form was used to summarise the topic and discussions, as well create some actions to be taken and responsible people for those actions.

A great part of safety moments is the approachable and informal nature of them - but it's also important to turn those discussions into actionable items which improves worker safety.

If every safety moment you engage in is actioned, then it's inevitable that oil and gas project and worker safety will improve.

Safety moment topic oil and gas

Use this safety moment framework for your own safety moment topics and talks.

How to choose the right safety moment topics for your oil and gas operations.

As someone who works in the oil and gas industry, I'm sure you are more than aware of the hazards facing oil and gas companies and workers every day.

In looking for safety moments for oil and gas projects and sites, it's important to leverage this experience and understanding of the industry with the most applicable safety moments today.

Applicable can mean that there was a recent incident or near miss, it could be covering a new technology or technique which gives rise to a number of new risks and issues, or it could be conducting a safety moment which is hyper contextual to the project, site or workplace in question that day.

You want your safety moment topics to be as engaging and relevant as possible in order to encourage maximum engagement and participation from team members. If you're looking to standardise your safety moments process, consider using this safety moments app .

Safety moments are an easy and fun way for teams to come together to discuss and create strategies about how the site can be safer - and how they and their fellow site workers can stay safe in the face of the obvious dangers that the oil and gas industry continue to throw their way.

Toolbox talk template

Safety Toolbox Talk template

See the template →

Risk register for oil and gas template

Risk Register for Oil and Gas template

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safety presentation oil and gas

About Lance Hodgson

Lance is VP of Marketing at Sitemate. His aim is to bring awareness to a brighter future for the Built World where industrial workers and companies work smarter.

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Safety Alerts give details of events surrounding an incident or near miss and provide good practice guidance in order to prevent similar issues. Safety Moments are downloadable PowerPoint presentations detailing an incident, near miss or good practice, and which provide discussion points and related resources for use as learning tools.

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Profile image of Guillain S H A G A L U K E Nkoranyi

Safety is the key factor allowing companies to operate efficiently and without danger on the worker. The unsafe act and unsafe conditions are the main causes of accidents which may result into a minor or major fires, harms and other consequences. After the accident, the company may suffer from loss of production and profit and that is very dangerous as known in the rules of each company.

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Safety is everyone's business

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Safety is everyone's business

Every person on every Halliburton team is tasked with taking personal ownership of their own safety and looking out for others.

Safety is our conversation starter

We start every meeting at Halliburton with a relevant safety moment. This prioritizes safety and sparks thinking and discussion about following safe practices in the workplace, job site, and beyond. These engaging discussions often lead to new safety moment ideas, which help protect our employees, customers, and their work environments.

Halliburton safety moments are popular within our company, in oil and gas, and in other industries. Explore our library and share these ideas with your teams to help keep more people safe.

Proper lock out, tag out takes the risk out

Halliburton Life Rules, adopted from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), serve as categories for many of our safety moments. Safety moments that our hardworking employees have created that don’t correspond to a Life Rule are categorized as general safety moments.

Bypassing Safety Controls

When working with chemicals or dangerous equipment, following safety controls is imperative. To prevent injuries and reduce health risks, our employees must obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety controls.

Confined Space

The confined space safety moments remind employees to exercise extreme caution when confined spaces are involved. Halliburton employees are trained to always have personal protective equipment, an exit strategy, and other procedures in place before obtaining authorization to enter a confined space.

Safety moments for driving help prevent accidents and keep our employees and those around them safe. We remind Halliburton employees to avoid becoming distracted or fatigued when behind the wheel and to be attentive when driving in school zones.

Line of Fire

Many hazardous conditions can put employees in the line of fire if they are not handled properly. Line of fire safety moments provide guidelines needed to stay safe when securing loads, handling and lifting tubular equipment, using hand tools, and other common hazards.

Safe Mechanical Lifting

Lifting equipment requires planning and situational awareness. Employees must follow specific instructions when working near a forklift, lifting heavy loads, and using lifting equipment. These safety moments help keep everyone near a lift and involved in lifting out of harm’s way.

Work Authorization

A facility-issued permit to work is ideal for high-risk, non-routine jobs. Performing a risk assessment and acquiring an approved permit to work helps mitigate risks to our employees when they are grinding and welding or working in confined spaces where atmospheric and chemical hazards may exist.

Working at Height

Taking precautions when working at height is taken seriously to protect team members from life-threatening falls. These safety moments equip employees with reminders and information to prevent equipment malfunctions, choose the safest gear, and stay secure while working above ground level.

With safety as our top priority, we want people to come to work feeling prepared for any situation. General safety moments share best practices on how to stay safe while working in high temperatures and humidity. They also reinforce that we encourage every employee to help correct unsafe situations when they spot them.

Oil and Gas Industry Toolbox Talks

Browse a few of our oil and gas safety toolbox talks below for free. No email address is required. These short one to two-page safety topics focus solely on the oil and gas industry. All of the talks were written by an oil and gas safety professional who has been in the field for over twenty years.

gas industry safety talks

Free Oil and Gas Talks

Below is a list of five of these talks. There are over 40 oil and gas-specific safety toolbox talks found on the Members site, with more being added in the coming months. There are additional free safety talks that relate to the oil and gas industry in a general sense, which can be found by clicking here .

  • Lube Oil Flushing
  • Filter Pot Sock Filter Changeout
  • Hose Parting During Pneumatic Testing
  • Spill Prevention
  • Glycol Reclamation

At the bottom of this page is a complete list of the oil and gas safety topics that are currently available for Members .

Why Safety Matters in the Oil and Gas Industry

Working in the oil and gas field can be a fulfilling and lucrative career path. That being said, employees are exposed to a multitude of hazards that can lead to significant injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Everything from struck-by incidents, burn hazards, equipment failure, moving equipment, pressurized systems, etc., are everyday sights for those who work in this field that is critical to our infrastructure.

oil field hazards

To mitigate the hazards of this work to acceptable levels, a variety of different types of safeguards need to be used. There are different levels of effectiveness of safeguards that can be utilized to keep workers safe.  The most effective safeguard is elimination of hazards followed by substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE.

While the first choice in safeguards should always be the elimination of hazards, we will discuss the importance of safety training and communication.

Administrative Controls in the Oil and Gas Industry

Administrative controls include safeguards such as written safety policies, training, scheduling, and rules. While administrative controls are towards the bottom of the hierarchy, safety training and communication play a vital role in keeping employees safe. Safety training can encompass everything from a week-long site orientation training for new hires to five-minute safety talks prior to the start of a work shift.

Longer safety training is needed to ensure that employees understand the hazards of their work, possible negative outcomes, and how to mitigate hazards. Training should take place more than just once per year or at the time of hire. Ongoing safety meetings are a great way to communicate hazards and to provide training in shorter time spans.

Holding Safety Meetings

Safety talks, also called toolbox talks or safety meetings, are a great way to communicate relevant and timely information to the work crew. Dedicating time prior to work beginning not only demonstrates a company’s desire to work safely, but it is a great way to continue to educate workers on safety topics.

oil and gas safety meeting

When frequent safety meetings are not held, it is easy for workers to get complacent. Even if the workers are not complacent, they may not be up to date on specific hazards, changing operations, or updated safety practices that are occurring on the worksite. The oil and gas industry is not stagnant, so safety training efforts should not be either.

This free website and the paid Members Area could be a great way to bolster your ongoing training efforts.

Using Our Resources for the Oil and Gas Industry

This website offers over 250 safety talks completely for free. You can view all of the free safety talks by clicking here. Additionally, a paid Members Area was created for those safety pros who are looking for more resources or different materials than what is offered on the free website. The oil and gas industry is one area that we had not previously covered before mid-2020. We have hired an oil and gas consultant to write safety talks to ensure this area was covered.

Currently, there are around 40 oil and gas safety talks available for members. Additional talks are being added monthly, with the goal of having at least 50 of these safety talk topics available for members. There is a multitude of topics found under the construction industry section of the Members Area that also apply to the oil and gas industry.

Members get access to ad-free PDF versions of all of the 250 free talks, an additional 300+ safety talk topics, pre-packaged safety meetings with PowerPoint presentations, 80 safety talks translated into Spanish, and weekly talk picks. There are more resources added every month.

The Complete List of Available Oil and Gas Topics for Members

  • Centrifugal Pump Maintenance
  • Chemical Hazards of Vessel Degassing
  • Chemical Neutralization
  • Chemical Transfer to Portable Containers
  • Common Hazards When Working at Pipe Racks
  • Coupon Testing
  • Dangers of Improperly Grounding a Fuel Truck
  • Five Hazards of Hot Fueling
  • Four Hazards of Tripping Pipe
  • Four Significant Hazards When Staging a Holding Tank
  • High-Pressure Zone Safety
  • Hydroblasting
  • Noise Exposure in the Gas Industry
  • Outrigger Deployment
  • Respirator Care and Maintenance
  • Safe Staging of a Mobile Crane
  • Safely Boarding a Transfer Basket
  • Significant Hazards of Well Center Entry
  • Silica Exposure Hydraulic Fracturing Sand
  • Tank Cleaning
  • Three Common Injuries and Incidents When Installing Berms
  • Three Hazards of Breaking Down Frac Piping
  • Three Hazards of Inspecting Pressure Safety Valves
  • Three Hazards of Lifting a Personnel Basket
  • Three Hazards of Pipeline Installation
  • Three Major Hazards of Cementing Wells

Do you want downloadable PDFs of all of the talks? Join as a member and get all of the 250+ free talks as well as 300+ additional talks in PDFs that are easy to download and print!

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Safety Practices in the Oil and Gas Industry (Infographic)

The oil and gas industry, potentially one of the most hazardous industry sectors in the United States, has one of the most thorough safety programs. The combination of powerful equipment, flammable chemicals and processes that are under high pressure can lead to hazardous and even deadly incidents. That’s why it’s essential for safety managers and supervisors to identify and communicate recommended safety controls and hazards that exist on each work site before work begins.

Graphic Products knows it’s essential for safety managers and supervisors to have the resources they need for optimal safety operations, so the company has released several visual communication resources specifically tailored for the oil and gas industry that include a safety best practices guide , quick safety tip articles , this informative infographic and more.

Www Ehstoday Com Sites Ehstoday com Files Oil Gas Industry Infographic

Sandy Smith

Sandy Smith is the former content director of EHS Today , and is currently the EHSQ content & community lead at Intelex Technologies Inc. She has written about occupational safety and health and environmental issues since 1990.

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News, knowledge and insights

Safety in oil and gas industry: common hazards & prevention.

oil and gas operations, gas extraction industry

Occupational safety is a key concern in any line of work, but especially so in high-risk industries such as the energy sector. Oil and gas workers face a host of potential dangers in their work environment, like falling equipment and hazardous chemicals.

With a higher possibility of being struck by hazards, workplace safety becomes all the more crucial — organisations should place the well-being of their workers at the heart of their culture and values.

In an interview with McKinsey & Company , Bernadette Spinoy — then senior vice president of health, safety, and environment (HSE) from the major global oil and gas player Total —talks about how inculcating a collective mindset in which workers choose the right behaviour even when no one is watching can lead to a successful safety culture transformation.

To encourage this collective behaviour, this article will cover 5 ways on how safety can be achieved in the oil and gas industry.

Safety Hazards and Risks in Oil and Gas Industry

personal protective equipment, hazardous energy

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), these are just a few of the many workplace hazards that can occur in the oil and gas extraction industry.

Workers often must work from elevated platforms or equipment. This poses a risk of slips, trips, and falls that could cause serious bodily harm. Accessing these places via a ladder, would thus require more precautions to safely guide workers. Vigilance and proper safety training are essential.

2. Confined Spaces

Workers often must work within confined spaces, where there is a higher risk of health hazards such as asphyxiation or exposure to toxic chemicals. The ignition of flammable vapours or gases is also a possibility, in the event of small or narrow areas which would position workers directly in the danger zone.

3. Machine Hazards

Oil and gas extraction involves working with or around dangerous machinery. Workers could get struck by or caught between unguarded machines, which may result in cuts, burns, or other serious injuries. This is why routine checks and regular machine maintenance are important, as well as alertness to one’s surroundings in high-risk areas.

4. Explosions & Fires

The ignition of flammable gases or vapours can also result in explosions or fires, which can wreak damage on a large scale in such a hazardous environment. Some causes include electrical energy sources, open flames, and frictional heat. High-pressure lines may also leak or burst if not properly maintained.

5. Physical Strain

Oil and gas extraction is a physically demanding job that, even with the surplus of machines, often requires manual labour. Certain tasks, such as the lifting of heavy loads or equipment, can continuously exert a strain on workers’ bodies over time. Poor workplace ergonomics negatively affects safety in this area and can increase the risk of injury.

Tips to Prevent and Reduce Hazards in Oil and Gas Industry

While safety risks cannot be completely eliminated, they can be significantly reduced through awareness of potential hazards and how they can be avoided. Use these 5 safety tips to help improve worksite safety.

Tip #1 Establish Good Safety Culture

oil and gas extraction workers, safety programs, safety program

Workplace safety culture is a collective set of values and attitudes towards safety, which goes beyond the individual to the overall safety of the organisation. This sense of solidarity would encourage workers to obey rules and communicate hazards to keep themselves and their fellow workers safe.

A good safety culture begins with strong leadership, as workers would feel more reassured knowing that their well-being is being cared for from the top down. Aside from having processes that are tailored to your company, it is important that these are clearly stated and reinforced in the worksite

Not only does this ensure that safety precautions are observed, it will also give workers added peace of mind knowing the processes are in place for their occupational safety. Furthermore, the mental health of workers will go a long way in keeping them vigilant and alert on the job.

Tip #2 Learn to Embrace Automation & Digitalisation

oil and gas automation and digitalisation

While there are manual steps that can be taken to ensure overall safety, such as installing safety signs or having highly visible floor marking, we live in an age where technology can provide useful tools for detecting and minimising hazards.

SOL-X solutions provide valuable data and leading indicators through AI and IIoT. SOL-X is a management system focused on behavioural safety. By collating data on risk assessment and permits within the work environment, it provides real-time data to increase worker situational awareness, enhancing both safety and efficiency.

Through smart wearables and AI technology, SOL-X solution addresses human factors — the most common cause of workplace accidents such as inaccurate fatigue management. By tracking conditions such as heat stress levels, heart rate trends, and work rest hours, it also helps workers monitor their symptoms to ensure that they are physically fit for the tasks at hand.

Tip #3 Use the Process Safety Approach

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) defines the Process Safety approach as the safe management of oil and gas operations and processes, with the aim of preventing hazardous emissions or structural failures that could lead to more severe consequences.

While the traditional approach to accident prevention is based on trial and error, Process Safety attempts to identify trends and so more accurately predict events based on probability. The implementation of relevant safety precautions can thus protect workers from situations that can be easily avoided.

According to the IOGP , there were 56 process safety events between 2007 and 2017 that led to 128 deaths. Combined with safety management systems like SOL-X and culture programmes, having process safety will greatly reduce the occurrence of oil and gas hazards.

Tip #4 Communicate with Emergency Response Organisations

oil and gas communications to local emergency response organizations

Although prevention should always come first, unforeseen events may still occur from time to time. In such cases, a quick response could save a life. It is thus important for oil and gas companies to maintain good communication with their local emergency response community.

This includes emergency responders and health professionals who will be able to take action and help minimise the consequences in the event of an accident. Developing a collaborative relationship with these organisations can also be beneficial to the workers by increasing awareness of emergency and safety equipment.

Tip #5 Having Consistent Maintenance Activities & Safety Programmes

As with anything, consistency is key. Conducting regular maintenance checks and occupational safety training programmes can help to reinforce safety messages, especially for new workers entering a company. Since the job is highly focused on working with various equipment, routine maintenance is also mandatory to prevent premature machine failure.

Risks and hazards can look different from day to day, especially if a project begins that requires working with new materials or equipment. By encouraging consistent training, this also ensures that workers are prepared for any situation that may come their way.

Enhance Safety of Oil and Gas Workers with SOL-X Solutions

SOL-X oil and gas safety solutions

In such a high-risk environment, the safety of oil and gas workers should never be left to chance. The safety solutions provided by SOL-X can not only reduce hazards in the worksite, but also enable quicker responses and boost overall productivity.

Contact us to learn more about risk management and accident prevention today.

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Any personal data provided to Magellan X through this website will be used in accordance with Magellan X’s Privacy Policy.  You may refer to Magellan X’s Privacy Policy here .

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Last Updated: 29 June 2022


Magellan X Pte. Ltd., its subsidiaries and affiliates (“ Magellan X ”, “ we ”, “ our ” and/or “ u s ”), are committed to safeguarding the Personal Information of our customers, vendors and users (“ User ” and/or “ you ”) who visit our website (“ Website” ). This privacy policy (“ Privacy Policy” ) sets out the ways in we collect your Personal Information, the purposes for which we use it and the instances where we share it with other individuals and organisations. “ Personal Information ” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.

If you are an existing customer or vendor of ours, or a representative of an existing customer or vendor of ours, further details about how we use your Personal Information are set out in your/your employer’s customer/vendor contract with us. We may provide further notices to you at the point we collect your Personal Information, which will highlight any further information relating to our use of that Personal Information and, where applicable, provide you with the ability to opt in or out of selected uses.

This Privacy Policy is intended to explain our privacy practices and covers the following areas:

  • What Personal Information about you we may collect;
  • How we may use your Personal Information;
  • How we protect your Personal Information;
  • Contacting us and your rights to access and update your Personal Information; and
  • How changes to this Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy will be made.

This Privacy Policy applies to the activities for which Magellan X is a “data controller” which means that Magellan X decides why and how Personal Information is processed. Magellan X may also process User’s Personal Information as a “data processor” in the context of the services we provide to our customers. When we process Personal Information on behalf of our customers, customers determine “why” and “how” the Personal Information is processed. To learn more about the processing of your Personal Information in this context, please refer to their respective privacy policies.

If you are based in the European Economic Area (“ EEA ”) or the United Kingdom (“ UK ”) during your interactions with us (other than solely for travel purposes), the laws in those countries require us to provide you with additional information about our processing activities. We have included this information in the European Appendix .

1. Personal Information we may collect about you

We will collect and process all or some of the following Personal Information about you:

1.1 Personal Information you provide to us  ► Personal Information that you provide to us, such as when using the contact form on our Website, including your name, email address, other contact details;

1.2 Personal Information you provide when applying for a role at Magellan X ► if you apply for a role at Magellan X through the Website, we may collect, where permitted by law and appropriate, your CV or résumé and contact details. We may also undertake criminal records or financial probity checks or other independent searches to assess your suitability for the position where permitted by, and in accordance with, applicable laws;

1.3 Our correspondence  ► if you contact us, we will typically keep a record of that correspondence;

1.4  Your feedback  ► we may ask you for feedback from time to time, that we use to help us to improve our service; and

1.5 Website and communication usage  ► details of your visits to our Website and Personal Information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies including, but not limited to, your IP address and domain name, your browser version and operating system, information about your device, traffic data, location data, web logs and other communication data, and the resources that you access.

2. How We Use Your Personal Information

In this section, we set out the purposes for which we collect, process, store and use Personal Information described above:

2.1 To communicate effectively with you and conduct our business  ► to conduct our business, including to respond to your queries, to otherwise communicate with you, or to carry out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between you and us;

2.2 To assess your application for a role at Magellan X  ► to assess your application prior to entering into an employment contract with us and pursuant to laws to which Magellan X is subject (e.g. in relation to equal opportunities). This processing is a necessary pre-condition of entering into any future contract with you and for Magellan X to fulfil its employment duties with respect to other employees and you (should you be employed by Magellan X). If you are unable to provide us with the Personal Information we request for this purpose, we may be unable to assess your appropriateness for the job applied for or to communicate with you.

2.3 To provide you with marketing materials  ► to provide you with updates and offers, where you have chosen to receive these. We may also use your Personal Information for marketing our own products and services to you by post, email, and phone and, where required by law, we will ask for your consent at the time we collect your data to conduct any of these types of marketing.  We will provide an option to unsubscribe or opt-out of further communication on any electronic marketing communication sent to you or you may opt out by contacting us as set out in the “Contacting Us” Section 4.2 below.

2.4 For research and development purposes ► to analyse your Personal Information in order to better understand your and our clients’ business and marketing requirements, to better understand our business and develop our products and services;

2.5 To monitor certain activities  ► to monitor queries and transactions to ensure service quality, compliance with procedures and to combat fraud;

2.6 To inform you of changes  ► to notify you about changes to our services and products;

2.7 To ensure website content is relevant  ► to ensure that content from our websites is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device, which may include passing your data to business partners, suppliers and/or service providers;

2.8 To re-organise or make changes to our business  ► in the event that we: (i) are subject to negotiations for the sale of our business or part thereof to a third party; (ii) are sold to a third party; or (iii) undergo a re-organisation, we may need to transfer some or all of your Personal Information to the relevant third party (or its advisors) as part of any due diligence process for the purpose of analysing any proposed sale or re-organisation. We may also need to transfer your Personal Information to that re-organised entity or third party after the sale or reorganisation for them to use for the same purposes as set out in this Privacy Policy.

2.9 In connection with legal or regulatory obligations  ► We may process your Personal Information to comply with our regulatory requirements or dialogue with regulators as applicable which may include disclosing your Personal Information to third parties, the court service and/or regulators or law enforcement agencies in  connection  with  enquiries, proceedings or investigations by such parties anywhere in the world or where compelled to do so.  Where permitted, we will generally direct any such request to you or notify you before responding unless to do so would prejudice the prevention or detection of a crime.

3. Transmission, storage and security of your Personal Information

3.1 Security over the Internet

No data transmission over the Internet or website can be guaranteed to be secure from intrusion. However, we maintain commercially reasonable physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws.

All Personal Information you provide to us is stored on our or our subcontractors’ secure servers and accessed and used subject to applicable security policies and standards.

3.2 Sharing Your Personal Information

We may disclose Personal Information for the purposes we explain in this notice to service providers, contractors, agents, advisors (e.g. legal, financial, business or other advisors) that perform activities on our behalf and to other third parties in connection with our legal and regulatory obligations (as described above).

Our Website may contain links to other third-party websites. If you follow a link to any of those third-party websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies or processing of your Personal Information.  Please check these policies before you submit any Personal Information to such third-party websites.

3.3 Export to other countries

Your Personal Information may be accessed by staff or suppliers in, transferred to, and/or stored at, a destination outside the country in which you are located, whose data protection laws may be of a lower standard than those in your country. We will, in all circumstances, safeguard Personal Information as set out in this Privacy Policy.

3.4 Retention of Personal Information

Our retention periods for Personal Information are based on business needs and legal requirements. We retain Personal Information for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which the Personal information was collected, and any other permissible, related purpose. For example, we may retain certain transaction details and correspondence until the time limit for claims arising from the transaction has expired, or to comply with regulatory requirements regarding the retention of such data. When Personal Information is no longer needed, we either irreversibly anonymise the data (and we may further retain and use the anonymised information) or securely destroy the data.

4. Your Rights and Contacting Us 

4.1 Updating Personal information

We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that your Personal Information is accurate. In order to assist us with this, you may notify us of any changes to the Personal Information that you have provided to us by contacting us as set out in the “Contacting Us” Section 4.2 below.

4.2 Contacting Us

If you have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, please contact our data protection officer at [email protected] or write to us at: 83 Clemenceau Avenue, #17-05/08, UE Square Singapore 239920.

4.3 Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change the content of our Website and how we use your Personal Information from time to time. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will update the date it was last changed below.  If these changes are material, we will indicate this clearly on our Website.

European Appendix

The European Appendix to this Privacy Policy applies if you are based in the EEA or the UK during your interactions with us (other than solely for travel purposes) and Magellan X processes your Personal Information as a data controller.

It sets out the additional information that we are required to provide you under European data protection law (“ EU DP Law” ), including information about rights that you have in relation to your Personal Information that we handle.

Why we collect your data, and who we disclose it to

Under EU DP Law, we are required to inform you of the “lawful bases” on which we rely to process your Personal Information. Below we set out the purposes for which we collect and use Personal Information and the “lawful bases” that we use for each of the purposes mentioned in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy. You can find an explanation of each of the grounds relied on below:

EU Use Bases Table


–  contract performance

–  legitimate interests

(to enable us to perform our obligations and provide our services to you)


–  contract performance

–  legal obligations

–  legitimate interests

(to enable us to fulfil our employment duties with respect to other employees and you (should you be employed by Magellan X))


–  consent

–  legitimate interest

(to keep you updated with news in relation to our products and services)


–  legitimate interests

(to allow us to improve our products and services)


–  legal obligations

–  legal claims

–  legitimate interests

(to ensure that the quality and legality of our services)


–  legitimate interests

(to notify you about changes to our products and services)


–  legitimate interests

(to allow us to provide you with the content and services on the websites)


–  legitimate interests

(in order to allow us to change our business)


–  legal obligations

–  legal claims

–  legitimate interests

(to defend, prosecute or make a claim against you, to cooperate with law enforcement and regulatory authorities)

These are the principal legal grounds that justify our use of your Personal Information:

Consent : where you have consented to our use of your Personal Information (you will have been presented with consent language in relation to any such use), You have the right to withdraw any consent you previously provided to us regarding the processing of your Personal Information, at any time and free of charge.  We will apply your preferences going forward and this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us as set out in Section 4.2 ( Contacting Us)  of this Privacy Policy.

Contract performance : where your Personal Information is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you.

Legal obligation : where we need to use your Personal Information to comply with our legal obligations.

Legitimate interests : where we or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your Personal Information. We only rely on our or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your Personal Information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.

Legal claims : where your information is necessary for us to defend, prosecute or make a claim against you, us or a third party.

Where applicable, we indicate whether and why you must provide us with your Personal Information, as well as the consequences of failing to do so. If you do not provide Personal Information when requested, you may not be able to benefit from our service if that information is necessary to provide you with it or if we are legally required to collect it.

Export outside the EEA

Your Personal Information may be accessed by staff or suppliers in, transferred to, and/or stored at, a destination outside the country in which you are located, including Singapore, whose data protection laws may be of a lower standard than those in your country. We will, in all circumstances, safeguard Personal Information as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Where we transfer Personal Information from inside the EEA to outside the EEA, we may be required to take specific additional measures to safeguard the relevant Personal Information. Certain countries outside the EEA have been approved by the European Commission as providing essentially equivalent protections to EEA data protection laws and therefore no additional safeguards are required to export Personal Information to these jurisdictions (please see the full list here: ). In countries which have not had these approvals, we will establish legal grounds justifying such transfer, such as EU Commission-approved model contractual clauses, or other legal grounds permitted by applicable legal requirements.

Please contact us as set out in Section 4.2 (Contacting Us) of this Privacy Policy if you would like to see a copy of the specific safeguards applied to the export of your Personal Information.

Your Additional Rights

If you have any questions in relation to our use of your Personal Information, you should first contact us as Section 4.2 (Contacting Us) of this Privacy Policy. Under EU DP Law, you may have the following additional rights in relation to your personal information to those set out in this Privacy Policy. Under certain conditions, you may have the right to require us to:

  • provide you with further details on the use we make of your information;
  • provide you with a copy of information that you have provided to us;
  • update any inaccuracies in the Personal Information we hold (please see Section 4.2 of this Privacy Policy);
  • delete any Personal Information the we no longer have a lawful ground to use;
  • where processing is based on consent, to withdraw your consent so that we stop that particular processing (please see Section 2.3 of this Privacy Policy in relation to marketing);
  • to ask us to transmit the Personal Information you have provided to us and we still hold about you to a third party electronically;
  • object to any processing based on the legitimate interests ground unless our reasons for undertaking that processing outweigh any prejudice to your data protection rights; and
  • restrict how we use your Personal Information whilst a complaint is being investigated.

Your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g. the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g. the maintenance of legal privilege).  If you exercise any of these rights, we will check your entitlement and respond in most cases within a month.

If you are not satisfied with our use of your Personal Information or our response to any exercise of these rights you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection regulator in your country of residence, place of work or where an incident took place.

Contacting Us

If you have queries about any part of this European Appendix, please contact us as set out in Section 4.2 (Contacting Us) of this Privacy Policy.

If after contacting us you do not feel that we have adequately addressed your concerns, you may contact the data protection regulator in your country (the EEA data protection regulators are listed here: ).


 1. Use of Cookies

By browsing or using the Magellan X Website (“Website”), you consent to our use of cookies to collect information on your Website usage data and improve your online experience when browsing or transacting using the Website.

A cookies is a small file placed on your computer’s hard drive that helps to analyse web traffic or let you know when you visit a particular site, and can include information about the way you use a website, your choice of internet browser, the type of device you are accessing from, and where you are in the world.  In particular:

  • Cookies allow web applications to tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences, but a cookie does not give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
  • Traffic log cookies enable us to identify which pages are being used and help us to analyse data about webpage traffic to tailor services to your needs.  The information is used for statistical analysis, and the data is removed from the system thereafter.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies in the course of browsing the Website.  Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer.  However, this may prevent you from taking full advantage of the Website.

If you have any questions or comments about the Magellan X’s cookie policy, you can contact: [email protected]

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At Oceaneering, safety is our number one ethic and guides all that we do, from the wellsite to the board room. Our library of safety moment slides is available for meeting participants to address safety issues in a timely, clear and brief way at the start of any meeting.

Safety Moment of the Month

Download this month's slide to highlight safety in a timely and clear way at your next meeting.

Childrens Mental Health

All Safety Moments

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Children’s Mental Health

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What does your vehicle say about you?

safety presentation oil and gas

Don’t fall for home falls

safety presentation oil and gas

Healthy Vision

safety presentation oil and gas

DVT/PE Risks and Flying

safety presentation oil and gas

Dealing with Fatigue and Stress

safety presentation oil and gas

Combatting Virtual Fatigue

safety presentation oil and gas

Industrial Battery Systems Storage

safety presentation oil and gas

Industrial Battery Systems Handling

safety presentation oil and gas

Batteries at Home

safety presentation oil and gas

Clean Workspace

safety presentation oil and gas

Don’t Take Pain Sitting Down

safety presentation oil and gas

Avoid Phishing Scams

safety presentation oil and gas

Beat the Heat

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COVID-19 Coronavirus Simple Precautions

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Suspended Loads

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Identity Theft

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Stop the job

safety presentation oil and gas

Lifting and Hoisting

safety presentation oil and gas

Parking Lot Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Eye and Face Protection Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Pressurized Equipment Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Ladder Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Fire Prevention Tips

safety presentation oil and gas

Know Before You Go

safety presentation oil and gas

Distracted Walking

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Office Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Taking Responsibility

safety presentation oil and gas

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

safety presentation oil and gas

Know Your Exits

safety presentation oil and gas

Working at Height

safety presentation oil and gas

Confined Space

safety presentation oil and gas

Energy Isolation

safety presentation oil and gas

Pressure Testing

safety presentation oil and gas

Distracted Driving

safety presentation oil and gas

The Lone Workers

safety presentation oil and gas

Unsafe Acts and Conditions

safety presentation oil and gas

Moments at the Sink, or Days Ill in Bed

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Aerosol Can Safety

safety presentation oil and gas

Do You Know What Tinnitus is?

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Hand Tool Safety

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Fire Safety

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Happy With Your Work Space?

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Slips Trips and Falls

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Weather Preparedness

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First Aid Saves Lives

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Crane Safety

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Working to eliminate fatal and life changing injuries, and to increase resilience to major accident risks.

The Safety directorate’s Health, Safety, Security and Wells Expert committees work to eliminate fatal and life changing injuries, and to increase resilience to major accident risks.  The combination of powerful equipment, flammable chemicals and processes that are under high pressure makes it the number one priority for the oil and gas industry, and it is becoming an ever more vital driver of operational value in a dynamic and fast paced business environment.

safety presentation oil and gas

Well control

Directorate highlights.

safety presentation oil and gas

Life-saving rules

Between 2008 and 2017, 376 people lost their lives in fatal incidents that might have been prevented by following one of iogp’s life-saving rules..

safety presentation oil and gas

Process safety fundamentals

The IOGP Process Safety Fundamentals (PSFs) have been developed to support companies as they seek to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.

safety presentation oil and gas

Start Work Checks

The Start Work Checks are recommended for companies who have launched, or are planning to launch, the Life-Saving Rules. The Checks enable frontline workers to confirm that the controls/safeguards designed to prevent fatalities and serious injuries are in place.

safety presentation oil and gas

Effective guard force management – principles and guidelines (restricted to IOGP Members)

This Report provides advice and sets out the principles and guidelines to develop an effective guard force, as well as discussing administrative and contractual elements of guard force engagement.

safety presentation oil and gas

Pandemic management in the oil and gas industry

This Report provides guidance for business continuity decision makers and medical personnel to plan effective responses to pandemic-scale infectious disease outbreaks, to aid organizations’ ability to operate, and to effectively contribute to societal responses. Specific oil and gas related risks and strategies are considered in the context of global, national, and local responses to pandemic infectious disease outbreaks.

safety presentation oil and gas

Review of Well Control Incidents

This Info Sheet briefly summarizes the results of a review of 172 Well Control Incident reports submitted to IOGP by its Members through 2019. The objective of the review was to extract common findings, to identify areas to focus attention and to steer the Wells Expert Committee agenda, and to communicate and share the information with industry.

Latest News

Uncertainties related to pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) can play a significant role in causing well control incidents. The International Regulators Forum (IRF) has seen serious well control incidents relating to pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) prediction and monitoring.

Improving the communication of pore pressure fracture gradient (PPFG) interpretation and uncertainty

Uncertainties related to pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) can play a significant role in causing well control incidents. The International Regulators Forum (IRF) has seen serious well control incidents relating to pore pressure and fracture gradient (PPFG) prediction and monitoring.

Now available in Portuguese, Learning from normal work, was first released in English in November 2022, and has been one of our most downloaded Reports over the past year.

IOGP Report 642 – Learning from normal work now available in Portuguese

Now available in Portuguese, Learning from normal work, was first released in English in November 2022, and has been one of our most downloaded Reports over the past year.

Fixed-wing commercial air transport recommended practices (IOGP Report 691) is the latest addition to IOGP’s Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices (OGARP) series.

Latest addition to IOGP’s Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices (OGARP) series published

Fixed-wing commercial air transport recommended practices (IOGP Report 691) is the latest addition to IOGP’s Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices (OGARP) series.

To further improve learning from incidents and prevent repeat incidents, IOGP has partnered with the Energy Institute.

Partnership with the Energy Institute will further improve learning

To further improve learning from incidents and prevent repeat incidents, IOGP has partnered with the Energy Institute.

IOGP has published IOGP Report 668 - Gamification techniques in well control training and competency, a summary of a meta-analytical study into the effectiveness of gamification techniques in workplace learning.

Study into the effectiveness of gamification techniques in workplace learning published

IOGP has published IOGP Report 668 – Gamification techniques in well control training and competency, a summary of a meta-analytical study into the effectiveness of gamification techniques in workplace learning.

IOGP has developed IOGP Report 471 – Oxy-arc underwater cutting recommended practice to assist with managing this activity and to provide control measures and guidance to ensure safe execution.

Oxy-arc underwater cutting recommended practice published

IOGP has developed IOGP Report 471 – Oxy-arc underwater cutting recommended practice to assist with managing this activity and to provide control measures and guidance to ensure safe execution.

Driving-related incidents have historically been the largest cause of fatalities in IOGP Member Company operations.

Motor vehicle crash data reports published

Driving-related incidents have historically been the largest cause of fatalities in IOGP Member Company operations.

IOGP has released its annual aviation safety performance data report.

Annual aviation safety performance data released

IOGP has released its annual aviation safety performance data report.

Originally published in 2011 and now in its third edition, IOGP Report 456 - Process Safety - Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) provides valuable guidance to upstream companies on the use of Key Performance Indicators to effectively manage process safety.

Enhancing Process Safety in Upstream Operations

Originally published in 2011 and now in its third edition, IOGP Report 456 – Process Safety – Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) provides valuable guidance to upstream companies on the use of Key Performance Indicators to effectively manage process safety.

IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee has released an updated version of IOGP Report 476 - Recommendations for enhancements to well control training, examination, and certification.

New edition of IOGP Report 476 – Recommendations for enhancements to well control training, examination and certification

IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee has released an updated version of IOGP Report 476 – Recommendations for enhancements to well control training, examination, and certification.

Using test results, simulator experiences, and a survey of over 500 students and instructors, IOGP studied the impact of virtual learning on well control competency

Shift from in-person to virtual training during pandemic resulted in low interaction between students and instructors

Using test results, simulator experiences, and a survey of over 500 students and instructors, IOGP studied the impact of virtual learning on well control competency

Insights from IOGP’s Safety Committee indicate lingering effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, increased industry activity, and geopolitical instability as potential causal factors for key safety indicators for our industry moving in the wrong direction.

IOGP identifies potential causal factors in personal safety incidents

Insights from IOGP’s Safety Committee indicate lingering effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, increased industry activity, and geopolitical instability as potential causal factors for key safety indicators for our industry moving in the wrong direction.

An IOGP study has found that eye tracking technology is an effective analysis tool and has the potential to be of value in other human performance areas that affect wells operations, and enable future safety improvements for well control.

Eye tracking technology could lead to safety improvements in well control operations

An IOGP study has found that eye tracking technology is an effective analysis tool and has the potential to be of value in other human performance areas that affect wells operations, and enable future safety improvements for well control.

IOGP has published Well Control Incident Definitions ­­ a classification system for Well Control Incidents (WCIs).

Well Control Incident Definitions published

IOGP has published Well Control Incident Definitions ­­ a classification system for Well Control Incidents (WCIs).

According to the International Labour Organization’s 2020 figures, every year, more than 2.78 million people die because of occupational accidents or work-related diseases, while there are some 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries.

Medical emergency response preparation is vital

According to the International Labour Organization’s 2020 figures, every year, more than 2.78 million people die because of occupational accidents or work-related diseases, while there are some 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries.

IOGP has carried out a systematic review of managed pressure drilling systems and components to identify opportunities for further improvements to existing standards and references.

Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Recommendations published

IOGP has carried out a systematic review of managed pressure drilling systems and components to identify opportunities for further improvements to existing standards and references.

IOGP has launched guidance to support operational and corporate leaders in improving learning and extracting actionable lessons from everyday operations.

Just published: Learning from Normal Work guidance

IOGP has launched guidance to support operational and corporate leaders in improving learning and extracting actionable lessons from everyday operations.

These Reports are all part of IOGP’s aviation safety management series: the Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices, or OGARP. Developed by the Aviation Subcommittee of IOGP’s Safety Committee, the series will offer comprehensive guidance, covering all aspects of aviation operations, for companies and contractors.

Three aviation recommended practices published

These Reports are all part of IOGP’s aviation safety management series: the Oil and Gas Aviation Recommended Practices, or OGARP. Developed by the Aviation Subcommittee of IOGP’s Safety Committee, the series will offer comprehensive guidance, covering all aspects of aviation operations, for companies and contractors.

Uncertainties related to PPFG have caused well control incidents to occur, and well control incident analysis has identified PPFG understanding and communication as a key underlying factor.

New safety guidance addresses role of pore pressure fracture gradient in well control incidents

Uncertainties related to PPFG have caused well control incidents to occur, and well control incident analysis has identified PPFG understanding and communication as a key underlying factor.

This year’s safety performance indicators report (IOGP Report 2021s) highlights safety’s critical role in our industry.

IOGP safety database – largest database of E&P safety performance – releases 2021 data  

This year’s safety performance indicators report (IOGP Report 2021s) highlights safety’s critical role in our industry.

Last November, to help companies understand vaccine efficacy and provide them with policy development guidance to achieve high rates of vaccination amongst staff, IOGP and Ipieca updated their joint position paper on COVID-19 vaccines. Five months on, we met up with Guillermo Gomez Diaz (Eni) and Hans Berg (Shell) to ask them to share their thoughts on the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and whether vaccinations are still necessary.

Vaccinations – one of the most important COVID-19 mitigation measures  

Last November, to help companies understand vaccine efficacy and provide them with policy development guidance to achieve high rates of vaccination amongst staff, IOGP and Ipieca updated their joint position paper on COVID-19 vaccines. Five months on, we met up with Guillermo Gomez Diaz (Eni) and Hans Berg (Shell) to ask them to share their thoughts on the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and whether vaccinations are still necessary.

Before you leave the house, do you check to make sure you have your wallet, keys, and phone? Congratulations, you have completed a Start Work Check (SWC).

Start Work Checks: a new way to improve safety

Before you leave the house, do you check to make sure you have your wallet, keys, and phone? Congratulations, you have completed a Start Work Check (SWC).

With Start Work Checks, IOGP introduces a human performance tool designed to enable organizations to more effectively implement the Rules in the workplace.

Start Work Checks can help implement Life-saving Rules

With Start Work Checks, IOGP introduces a human performance tool designed to enable organizations to more effectively implement the Rules in the workplace.

In November, IOGP and IPIECA published a position paper on COVID-19 vaccines which aims to help companies understand vaccine efficacy and provides guidance for company policy development aimed at achieving high rates of vaccination amongst staff.

Understanding COVID-19 vaccine efficacy

In November, IOGP and IPIECA published a position paper on COVID-19 vaccines which aims to help companies understand vaccine efficacy and provides guidance for company policy development aimed at achieving high rates of vaccination amongst staff.

IADC, an IOGP Member organisation, has announced the launch of a Subsea Competency Assessment Program.

IADC launches subsea technician credentialing program

IADC, an IOGP Member organisation, has announced the launch of a Subsea Competency Assessment Program.

This document aims to provide clarity on the current types of testing, the opportunities and limitations they provide and a method to assess if testing is appropriate for a specific operational site or organization. It will be reviewed on a monthly basis, or sooner if appropriate.

IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee statement on COVID-19 testing in the oil and gas industry

This document aims to provide clarity on the current types of testing, the opportunities and limitations they provide and a method to assess if testing is appropriate for a specific operational site or organization. It will be reviewed on a monthly basis, or sooner if appropriate.

Watch the video and find out why IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee members are looking forward to getting vaccinated.

Why get vaccinated?

Watch the video and find out why IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee members are looking forward to getting vaccinated.

IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee (WEC) has commissioned IAS International Oil & Gas Consultants to conduct a survey to determine the effectiveness of virtual learning following the impact of COVID-19.

WEC survey to determine the effectiveness of virtual learning following the impact of COVID-19

IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee (WEC) has commissioned IAS International Oil & Gas Consultants to conduct a survey to determine the effectiveness of virtual learning following the impact of COVID-19.

We know that human factors are a significant contributor to many workplace incidents; we often hear statistics like ‘80% of well control incidents have been attributed to human errors.’ Yet, it’s an area that’s notoriously hard to tackle. Humans are, after all, human.

To err is human: understanding how mistakes happen

We know that human factors are a significant contributor to many workplace incidents; we often hear statistics like ‘80% of well control incidents have been attributed to human errors.’ Yet, it’s an area that’s notoriously hard to tackle. Humans are, after all, human.

In each edition of Pulse, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or Committee Member. This month’s interview is with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Wells Expert Committee: Paul Forman (bp) – Chair, and Norbert van Beelen (Shell) – Vice-Chair. 

3 questions on the Wells Expert Committee

In each edition of Pulse, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or Committee Member. This month’s interview is with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Wells Expert Committee: Paul Forman (bp) – Chair, and Norbert van Beelen (Shell) – Vice-Chair. 

Guidance for Subsea Source Control Competency and Skills (IOGP-IPIECA Report 591) was developed to share guidance with those interested in understanding subsea well response competency and the skills that sit within it.

IOGP publishes subsea source control competency and skills guidance

Guidance for Subsea Source Control Competency and Skills (IOGP-IPIECA Report 591) was developed to share guidance with those interested in understanding subsea well response competency and the skills that sit within it.

To provide guidance on how the industry can respond to pandemics, earlier this month the joint IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee published a new guidance document, Pandemic management in the oil and gas industry (IOGP-IPIECA Report 605).

IOGP-IPIECA publishes pandemic response guidance

To provide guidance on how the industry can respond to pandemics, earlier this month the joint IOGP-IPIECA Health Committee published a new guidance document, Pandemic management in the oil and gas industry (IOGP-IPIECA Report 605).

Process Safety: Empowering frontline workers

Process Safety: Empowering frontline workers

For the oil and gas industry, saying that safety is a ‘top priority’ doesn’t come close to capturing the extent of our commitment – we work to make sure that

By following the 10 process safety fundamentals outlined in IOGP Report 638 – Process Safety Fundamentals, frontline workers can eliminate fatal or high severity safety events.

Process safety:  the fundamental things apply

By following the 10 process safety fundamentals outlined in IOGP Report 638 – Process Safety Fundamentals, frontline workers can eliminate fatal or high severity safety events.

IOGP’s Process Safety Fundamentals have been developed to support companies as they seek to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.

New report: Process Safety Fundamentals

IOGP’s Process Safety Fundamentals have been developed to support companies as they seek to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.

Fatalities and injuries down in 2019, says new IOGP report

Fatalities and injuries down in 2019, says new IOGP report

It takes more than a pandemic to keep IOGP from performing one of its key roles:  the collection and analysis of industry safety data and the dissemination of findings based

3 questions on how IOGP helps its Members to operate more safely

3 questions on how IOGP helps its Members to operate more safely

In each edition of Pulse, we publish a short interview with an IOGP colleague or committee member. This month’s interview, which follows the release of the latest report on safety performance

IOGP’s soon-to-be-published aviation guidance – IOGP Report 690: Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices (OHRP) - represents a step change for the safety of offshore helicopter services across the industry and in achieving Project Safira’s goal of eradicating fatalities in our industry.

New aviation guidance is a ‘huge step’ forward in offshore helicopter safety

IOGP’s soon-to-be-published aviation guidance – IOGP Report 690: Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices (OHRP) – represents a step change for the safety of offshore helicopter services across the industry and in achieving Project Safira’s goal of eradicating fatalities in our industry.

3 new reports tackle land transportation safety

3 new reports tackle land transportation safety

Driving-related incidents are historically the single largest cause of fatalities in IOGP member company operations. The Association has recently published three new reports to help reduce driving-related injuries and fatalities

New aviation guidance will be a ‘huge step’ forward in offshore helicopter safety

When the world is rightly focussed on saving lives during the current pandemic, it is worth remembering that there are other causes of fatalities – and proven ways to prevent them.

Life-Saving Rules tops IOGP download charts

When the world is rightly focussed on saving lives during the current pandemic, it is worth remembering that there are other causes of fatalities – and proven ways to prevent them.

Olav is based at IOGP’s Headquarters in London, and kindly agreed to this short interview on how the Association supports its members in improving their safety performance.

3 questions… on how IOGP helps its Members to improve their safety performance

Olav is based at IOGP’s Headquarters in London, and kindly agreed to this short interview on how the Association supports its members in improving their safety performance.

Whilst addressing the public health emergency posed by the Coronavirus pandemic it is vital that the important role played by the offshore energy sector continues with minimal disruption.

Tackling restrictions on work and travel

Whilst addressing the public health emergency posed by the Coronavirus pandemic it is vital that the important role played by the offshore energy sector continues with minimal disruption.

As some of the WEC leadership moves on to new things, we welcome the new leaders who have volunteered to add to this legacy with tangible next steps.

Leadership changes at Wells Expert Committee

As some of the WEC leadership moves on to new things, we welcome the new leaders who have volunteered to add to this legacy with tangible next steps.

The health and safety of our industry’s employees and their families is of paramount importance and our top priority.

Statement from Gordon Ballard on Covid-19

The health and safety of our industry’s employees and their families is of paramount importance and our top priority.

This month's interview is with Diana Khatun, IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee Manager. She is based at IOGP’s London office, and kindly agreed to this short interview on how IOGP responded to the Macondo blowout and oil spill.

3 questions… on IOGP’s response to the Macondo blowout and oil spill

This month’s interview is with Diana Khatun, IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee Manager. She is based at IOGP’s London office, and kindly agreed to this short interview on how IOGP responded to the Macondo blowout and oil spill.

IOGP and IPIECA have released an executive summary of 'Health management in the oil & gas industry', which focuses on the business purpose of health services in oil & gas, & the added value of effective leadership around health & human performance.

Health management in the oil and gas industry (Executive summary)

IOGP and IPIECA have released an executive summary of ‘Health management in the oil & gas industry’, which focuses on the business purpose of health services in oil & gas, & the added value of effective leadership around health & human performance.

JIP 37

IOGP JIP commits to safety investment through new project with HeliOffshore

Today (Monday 27th January 2020) the Safety and Aviation Committee of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) endorsed plans for a new aviation-focused Joint Industry Project (JIP) to fund work in support of its Project Safira goal of eliminating fatalities from the upstream energy business.

Teamwork comes as second nature to Olav Skår, IOGP’s new Safety Director.

Olav Skår joins IOGP as Safety Director

Teamwork comes as second nature to Olav Skår, IOGP’s new Safety Director.

Data submitted for IOGP’s annual Safety performance indicators report recorded an 8% drop in the Fatal Accident Rate and a decrease in fatalities from 33 in 2017 to 31 in 2018. This was against a background of a 2% increase in work hours reported. A total of 46 Member Companies supplied data.

Latest safety report shows reduction in fatal accidents

Data submitted for IOGP’s annual Safety performance indicators report recorded an 8% drop in the Fatal Accident Rate and a decrease in fatalities from 33 in 2017 to 31 in 2018. This was against a background of a 2% increase in work hours reported. A total of 46 Member Companies supplied data.

IOGP 594

New guide helps plan source control emergency response for subsea wells

IOGP’s Wells Expert Committee (WEC) has produced a new report to help guide operating companies in planning and preparing an effective emergency response plan for subsea oil spills and gas leaks.

project safira

Project Safira: from data to action

Project Safira expresses the Association’s determination to put an end to upstream fatalities.

diver safety proposals

IMO members endorse diver safety proposals from IOGP & IMCA

Fifteen members of the UN’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) have voted to approve joint IOGP and International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) amendments to existing codes on diver safety.

Last year, according to reports filed by 45 IOGP member companies, the fatal accident rate (FAR) associated with global upstream operations fell by 36% from the previous year. The number of fatalities decreased from 50 in 2016 to 33 in 2017. This fall occurred during a time when the number of reported work hours increased by 4%. While the number of fatalities was down, the number of fatal incidents increased from 29 in 2016 to 30 in 2017.

Safety performance in 2017: fewer fatalities than ever – but still not good enough

Last year, according to reports filed by 45 IOGP member companies, the fatal accident rate (FAR) associated with global upstream operations fell by 36% from the previous year. The number of fatalities decreased from 50 in 2016 to 33 in 2017. This fall occurred during a time when the number of reported work hours increased by 4%. While the number of fatalities was down, the number of fatal incidents increased from 29 in 2016 to 30 in 2017.

Performance of saturation diving emergency hyperbaric evacuation and recovery cover

New report focuses on diver evacuation

It’s the stuff of offshore operational nightmares: A ship, offshore rig or platform needs to be evacuated in an emergency. But down below, or in a bell or a pressurized

Worst case discharge - Fact sheet

Worst case discharge – Fact sheet

The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an overview of available documentation to personnel involved in calculation of blow out rates.  

IOGP urges use of new helicopter terrain avoidance warning system

IOGP urges use of new helicopter terrain avoidance warning system

A letter to all IOGP member representatives and industry colleagues has urged support for a helicopter safety enhancement in the form of a Helicopter Terrain Avoidance Warning System (HTAWS). IOGP

This Position Paper addresses ASC and IOGP’s response to the recent lifting of the Super Puma flight restrictions by the UK and Norwegian aviation authorities.

H225LP and AS332L2 Super Puma Helicopter Return to Service

This Position Paper addresses ASC and IOGP’s response to the recent lifting of the Super Puma flight restrictions by the UK and Norwegian aviation authorities.

New safety data shows need for Life-Saving Rules

New safety data shows need for Life-Saving Rules

IOGP has been collecting safety incident data from member companies since 1985 – giving the Association the largest database of safety performance in the upstream oil and gas industry. As

Introduction to cement bond logs

Introduction to cement bond logs

The use of acoustic tools in the evaluation of cement placement is an established practice.  The measurement concept relies on an acoustic wave being transmitted along the casing and received

Cleared for take-off? IOGP updates Airline Safety Assessment Mechanism

Cleared for take-off? IOGP updates Airline Safety Assessment Mechanism

There are more than 1,000 airlines flying scheduled operations.  Cumulatively, they are responsible for more than 30 million flights each year.  The question is:  how safe are they? The latest

New report provides evacuation guidelines

New report provides evacuation guidelines

Whether it’s cosmic irony or mere coincidence, the vast benefits of oil and gas reserves are often bestowed on countries subject to higher than average levels of either natural or

IOGP and HeliOffshore strengthen cooperation to enhance offshore helicopter safety

IOGP and HeliOffshore strengthen cooperation to enhance offshore helicopter safety

Increased opportunity for members of both organizations to enhance safety Shared commitment to a global safety programme with focus on supporting crews and maintainers at the front line The International

Avoiding well collisions - Fact sheet

Avoiding well collisions – Fact sheet

‘Avoiding well collisions’ is one of a series of fact sheets produced by the Well Expert Committee’s International Standards Task Force.  

Safety in numbers

Safety in numbers

According to the latest figures from the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO), every 15 seconds, somewhere in the world, one worker dies and 153 have a work-related accident. At IOGP,

Building on success: BOP JIP starts Phase II

Building on success: BOP JIP starts Phase II

Eight months after the launch of the Blowout Preventer (BOP) Reliability Joint Industry Project (JIP), Phase II is about to begin. Managed jointly by IOGP and the International Association of

IPIECA-IOGP launches the revised Health impact assessment guide

IPIECA-IOGP launches the revised Health impact assessment guide

A diving system fit for purpose: IOGP publishes recommended practices

A diving system fit for purpose: IOGP publishes recommended practices

Before sending any divers beneath the surface, a responsible company wants to know that any proposed contractor system in place will work safely in line with existing industry standards. To

New report provides updates on land transportation safety

New report provides updates on land transportation safety

New IOGP guidance notes are helping companies to become safer by updating advice on scoping, categorizing and calculating data related to vehicle crashes. This report, 365-5, is the latest work

Temporary onshore accommodation: what to consider and why

Temporary onshore accommodation: what to consider and why

In heavy forest, jungle, swamps, desert, or arctic areas, the upstream oil and gas industry uses temporary onshore accommodation in all types of terrain around the globe. It is used

Safety data reporting user guide now available

Safety data reporting user guide now available

IOGP 2015su, Safety data reporting user guide – 2015 data is now available. The guide contains the scope and definitions used by participating IOGP Member companies when preparing their safety

IOGP releases first vehicle crash data report

IOGP releases first vehicle crash data report

Safety culture on the cards

Safety culture on the cards

Learning from process safety events

Learning from process safety events

With the publication of IOGP 2014pfh, Safety performance indicators – Process safety events – 2014 data. Fatal incident and high potential event reports, IOGP continues to feed back learnings from

Dr. David Flower: extraordinary contribution to the Health Committee

Dr. David Flower: extraordinary contribution to the Health Committee

At its latest meeting, the IPIECA-IOGP Health Committee honoured Dr. David Flower, BP, for his exhaustive work on fatigue management. Praise came for his ‘extraordinary contribution’ to the Health Committee

IOGP wins prestigious road safety award

IOGP wins prestigious road safety award

This month, IOGP was awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award (PMIRSA) in recognition of its Land Transportation Safety programme. In presenting the award, HRH Prince Michael of Kent

Security Committee elects new Vice Chair

Security Committee elects new Vice Chair

At its November meeting in Washington, DC, IOGP’s Security Committee elected Christian Slinning of Statoil, as Vice Chair.  Members also thanked outgoing Paul Reither, OMV, for his five years of

Health management performance report records consistency

Health management performance report records consistency

‘Health reporting and record management’, necessary for the provision of robust data, continues to rank highly in IOGP’s latest report on health performance indicators. It has ranked in the top

Motivation: six ways it can improve guard force performance

Motivation: six ways it can improve guard force performance

Almost every company facility has security guards – at access control points, reception areas, around buildings and in industrial areas. They are in usually in uniform and represent an image

Safety guidelines win praise at Beijing Industry Day

Safety guidelines win praise at Beijing Industry Day

Zifeng Chen, Manager of Aviation Safety Department, CITIC Offshore Helicopter Co. Ltd praised IOGP’s aviation management guidelines at the Association’s Chinese Industry Day in May. Since implementing the guidelines 10

Stephen Jones becomes new Security Chair

Stephen Jones becomes new Security Chair

At their April meeting, members of IOGP’s Security Committee, elected Stephen Jones, Shell, as their new Chair.  He succeeded Jean-Louis Kibort, Total, who had led the Committee for five years.

OTC keynote speech: Industry’s challenge: meeting energy needs more safely and sustainably

OTC keynote speech: Industry’s challenge: meeting energy needs more safely and sustainably

According to Chevron’s Craig May, society has challenged industry to show that it can meet the world’s growing energy needs in a safer and more environmentally sustainable way. His keynote

OTC keynote speech: Five years after Macondo: How IOGP helped rebuild trust in the industry

OTC keynote speech: Five years after Macondo: How IOGP helped rebuild trust in the industry

IOGP’s efforts to help industry recover from the aftermath of Macondo were outlined in a keynote address at the Offshore Technology Conference in May. In order for industry to maintain

IOGP and IADC collaborate on non-technical skills survey

IOGP and IADC collaborate on non-technical skills survey

IOGP and IADC have launched a survey to assess the current extent and use of non-technical skills and behaviours in well operations teams.  Their collaborative aim: to learn how these

New resource will improve underwater safety

New resource will improve underwater safety

The global diving industry’s frequency of diver fatalities, injuries, incidents, and asset damage occurring while using underwater oxy-arc cutting continues to be unacceptably high. Now, IOGP’s latest publication, Oxy-arc underwater

Crew resource management can be standard industry practice

Crew resource management can be standard industry practice

Crew resource management (CRM), was first recognised as a safety requirement in 1979, when the US National Transportation Safety Board issued its landmark recommendation to require CRM training for airline

Crisis management on the agenda

Crisis management on the agenda

Whether through terrorism, criminality or disease, the oil and gas industry faces very real risks and must be ready to overcome them. To address this, IOGP’s Security Committee met in

OGP publishes updated health benchmarking tool

OGP publishes updated health benchmarking tool

OGP’s Health Leading Performance Indicators – 2013 data is now available. The new edition provides oil and gas companies with an updated resource for benchmarking performance internally on a corporate

Well control incidents database submissions a benefit to industry

Well control incidents database submissions a benefit to industry

OGP’s Wells Expert Committee Chair has urged all Association members to submit well control incident reports to the OGP Well control incidents database. It is equally important that they review

2013 safety performance data provides industry with benchmarking resource

2013 safety performance data provides industry with benchmarking resource

OGP’s latest publication, the 2013 OGP Safety Performance Indicators, is an analysis of the safety performance data reported by 50 of OGP’s 62 member companies. It reports an 11% decrease

Cutting threats down to size: OGP publishes Security Management System

Cutting threats down to size: OGP publishes Security Management System

OGP has published Security management system – processes and concepts in security management.  Its aim: to provide the industry with a ‘step-by-step’ process to implement an effective security management system

Security Committee tackles critical infrastructure

Security Committee tackles critical infrastructure

Members of OGP’s Security Committee met in Madrid recently and discussed critical infrastructure and information protection.  External speaker Thomas Martin gave a presentation on the Centre of Critical Infrastructure in

New report helps companies set performance goals

New report helps companies set performance goals

Companies can better define and achieve performance goals, thanks to a new OGP publication. The report, Operating management system framework for controlling risk and delivering high performance in the oil

New OGP report promotes safety and operational efficiency

New OGP report promotes safety and operational efficiency

The term ‘crew resource management’ (CRM) owes its origins to the crash of United Airlines Flight 173 in Portland, Oregon, in 1978. Analysis of the crash by the US National

OGP will promote industry safety, health and environmental protection at SPE 2014

OGP will promote industry safety, health and environmental protection at SPE 2014

A quick glance at the 2014 SPE international conference on Health, Safety and the Environment conference programme shows that OGP and its members will be well represented. The conference takes

Expatriation: understanding the psychological risks

Expatriation: understanding the psychological risks

There’s much to be said for assignments abroad. But living in a foreign land can be stressful. In some cases, expatriation can even trigger complex psychosocial issues and risks for

Survey shows OGP land transportation guidelines are a success

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safety presentation oil and gas

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Safety toolbox talk topics for oil and gas

Oil and gas servicing and well drilling activities involve many kinds of equipment and materials. Therefore, recognizing and controlling hazards at these worksites is crucial for preventing injuries or deaths.

The most common oil and gas extraction hazards include:


High-pressure lines and equipment.

  • Explosions and fires
  • Electrical and other hazardous energy

Confined spaces

Ergonomic hazards, machine hazards.

One of the best ways to reduce incidents from these hazards is to stay in constant communication with your workers. Safety toolbox talks offer the opportunity to remind your workers of the information they received in training.

These short conversations can have a major impact in strengthening your site’s safety culture and preventing accidents along the way. Let’s look at some of the best toolbox talk topics for oil and gas work activities.

Use this toolbox talk template to create the outline for a discussion on any one of the topics in this post.

safety presentation oil and gas

According to OSHA , three of every five on-site deaths in the oil and gas sector can be attributed to struck-by/caught-in/caught-between incidents. Here are some of the topics you might want to discuss regarding these hazards:

  • Falling equipment hazards
  • Working around high-pressure lines
  • Moving vehicles and heavy machinery
  • Securing suspended loads
  • Setting up rig equipment for drilling
  • Checking high-pressure lines for damaged connections

Anyone who works in the oil and gas industry understands the hazards that high-pressure lines and equipment pose. Here are some topics you can cover to remind your workers of those risks:

  • Pressure vessel safety
  • Erosion, leaks, or line bursts
  • Line connections
  • Whip crack installation
  • Blowout prevention

Safety toolbox talk topics for oil and gas

Explosions, fires, and hazardous energy sources

Explosions and fires can occur on rigs when flammable gases, such as well gases, flammable vapors, or hydrogen sulfide ignite. These harmful substances can be released from wells, trucks, or equipment like tanks and shale shakers.

Here are some ignition sources you may want to talk about with your team:

  • Frictional heat
  • Hot surfaces
  • Open flames
  • Electrical energy sources
  • Cutting and welding tools

Workers should watch for damaged equipment, extension cords, and disconnects to prevent electrical injuries. And they most definitely need reminders about performing proper lockout tagout procedures.

Spaces where gases or vapors can build up, most notably empty tanks, drums, and containers, should be monitored to test for flammable atmospheres before starting any hot work.

Additional confined spaces like reserve pits and other excavated areas can also be where hazardous gases can settle. Again, testing for atmospheric flammability and toxicity should not be overlooked.

Falls from heights

Fall protection must be provided to prevent workers from falling from masts, drilling platforms, or other platforms on the rig high above the ground. During your oil and gas toolbox talks, remind workers how to:

  • Inspection their fall protection PPE
  • Tighten and secure safety harnesses
  • Attach fall protection gear to anchor points
  • Notice hazards or issues when working on elevated platforms

If working at heights is required, you can implement an additional system to verify that harnesses and lanyards are anchored before starting work.

Maintenance activities such as working on the wellhead, pulling and running rods, or pulling and running tubing can cause fatigue and stress.

Talk to your team about ergonomics topics like:

  • How to lift objects safely
  • Ways to avoid repetition injuries
  • When to ask for help
  • How to stretch properly
  • How to identify the signs of injury/fatigue

Ergonomics awareness is essential given the physical demands of working in the oil and gas industry. Use some of these safety tips to plan your toolbox talks.

In oil and gas, there are many different types of equipment that can be fatal if used or moved incorrectly. Some examples include:

  • Rotating wellhead equipment
  • Compressors
  • Kelly drives
  • Hoist blocks
  • Belt wheels

You can do a toolbox talk for any single piece of equipment or combine them into one general talk about machine safety. One great point to make is the importance of protecting the body. Workers should ensure that all the proper guards are in place before using a machine.

Frontline ACT for oil and gas incidents

Our action tracking tool, Frontline ACT, is great for documenting and tracking oil and gas incidents.

Planning and prevention

All servicing and/or drilling companies need site-specific safety hazard training programs in place. Perform a job safety analysis (JSA) for each task within the site. Then, use the information you gather to customize your training materials.

When evaluating the hazards, schedule the proper training and plan your toolbox talks too. If you commit to discussing these topics on a regular basis, you can keep personal safety at the front of everyone’s mind—ultimately making the worksite safer.

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Confined space safety tips for incident prevention - The best place to view and share online presentations

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Oil And Gas Safety Moment PowerPoint PPT Presentations

The Digital Oil and Gas Fields Information Shaping the Petroleum Future Hossam Farid Oil PowerPoint PPT Presentation



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    ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ â ä þÿÿÿÜ Ý Þ ã ...

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    Ergonomics awareness is essential given the physical demands of working in the oil and gas industry. Use some of these safety tips to plan your toolbox talks. Machine hazards. In oil and gas, there are many different types of equipment that can be fatal if used or moved incorrectly. Some examples include: Rotating wellhead equipment; Draw works ...

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