How to Put a Coursera Certificate on Your Resume

In today’s professional world, continuous learning and professional development have become essential. Online learning platforms like Coursera have made it incredibly convenient for job seekers and professionals alike to acquire new skills at their own pace. With a range of courses from different universities and learning institutions, Coursera is a great way to gain professional certifications. In this article, we will discuss how to put a Coursera certificate on your resume, making you the best candidate for potential employers.

Understanding Coursera and Its Relevance

Above all things, let’s address the primary goal of these online courses. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning aim to provide accessible, flexible education for everyone. Whether you’re interested in data science, project management, computer science, or marketing, these platforms offer a course for it.

One sad truth about the job market is that potential employers often overlook a candidate’s actual skills in favor of certifications and formal education. A Coursera course certificate is a great addition to your resume, showing hiring managers you’re a constant learner and committed to your professional growth.

When to Include Your Coursera Certificate

Ensuring success in every job posting requires strategic decision-making, and a critical part of that strategy is effectively showcasing your skills and credentials on your resume. One way to do so is to showcase your dedication and hard work by including your Coursera certificate in your resume.

But, like all elements of a resume, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. While it can highlight your initiative and expertise, it’s not always the best choice for every job application. As such, it’s crucial to discern when to include your Coursera certificate for optimal impact. By understanding this, you can make an informed decision that optimizes your chances of catching the hiring manager’s attention.

It’s beneficial to list a Coursera certificate on your resume if:

  • You completed a substantial or lengthy course
  • You concluded an entire degree program
  • The course is from a reputable provider
  • It relates directly to the role you’re applying to
  • You have a significant project or other accomplishment from the course
  • You are transitioning careers, just starting out, or lack other relevant experiences

On the other hand, it’s advisable to exclude Coursera from your resume if:

  • You’ve completed a short, unaccredited, or beginner-level course
  • You’ve completed multiple short courses
  • The courses aren’t particularly related to the job
  • You completed the course but didn’t retain technical skills
  • You have actual work experience in the same area

Coursera Certificate on Your Resume

Determining the Relevance of Your Coursera Certificate

Start by considering how relevant the Coursera course is to your career goals and the job description you’re applying to. A Coursera review will reveal that the online platform offers both individual courses and certificate programs, known as Coursera Specializations. For example, if you’re a Java developer, a course on Google Cloud certification or a Coursera specialization in computer science would be most appropriate.

Your professional certificate doesn’t have to be strictly aligned with your field. Broadening your skills is always a good idea. For instance, a data scientist might take a marketing campaign course or a Google Analytics course to understand better how their work contributes to the company’s overall goals.

The most beneficial Coursera certificates to feature on your resume are generally those skill-based courses from reputable providers. Here are a few examples:

  • Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
  • Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate
  • Intuit Bookkeeping Professional Certificate
  • If you’re aware of the technical skills you need to brush up on, search for Coursera courses that target those areas.

Steps in Including Your Coursera Certificate in Your Resume

Now that you identified which relevant certifications to include in your resume, it’s time to actually include them. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make it easier for you.

  • Decide in which section of your resume you’ll put the certification. Whether the Coursera course was highly substantial or not, you can put it in a separate section or in these sections of your resume:
  • Dedicated Certification Section: If the course was impactful and highly related to your job applications, you can establish a distinct “Certifications and Qualifications” section for it on your resume.
  • Education Section: If you have finished the course but did not get the certificate, you could list it under the education section of your resume
  • Additional Information Section: If the certificate is not a major requirement for the job you’re applying to, it can be positioned in the “Additional Information” section.
  • Whether it’s at the top or the end of your resume, you want to make sure that your certification stands out. Start by stating the title of the course and then the online course provider – in this case, Coursera. If your course completion certificates include the specific skills you’ve learned, make sure to highlight these in the skills section. You can also include any real-life examples or projects you completed during the course. This is particularly important for potential employers to understand how you have applied your new skills. However, it’s crucial to maintain a balance. Excessive details may make your resume appear cluttered.

An example for a data science course completion certification would be:

“Data Science Professional Certification – Coursera – Gained proficiency in Python, R, SQL, and applied these skills to complete a project on predictive analysis for a hypothetical marketing campaign.”

  • Take a thorough look at your resume for a final review. Ensure to write a significant heading or subheading to make your certificate noticeable. To recap, here are the details to include:
  • Exact course name
  • Provider’s name (It’s important because Coursera partners with various providers)
  • Date of completion (recent completion dates are more likely to be considered relevant)
  • Whether you earned a degree or certificate or completed the course
  • Associated skills and projects, ideally with a link to your GitHub account or online portfolio

Making the Most of Your Coursera Course

If you’ve taken a free online course, you might wonder if free courses carry the same weight as those you pay for. In truth, it is not about whether it’s a free course or a paid course, but the skills and knowledge you’ve gained. However, do note that course certificates, especially for Coursera’s courses, are typically part of their paid or Coursera Plus subscription. This subscription allows you to receive a course completion certificate upon fulfilling the course requirements, which is a great addition to your resume.

Remember, the value of a Coursera certificate (or a Udemy certificate, or AWS certifications, for that matter) lies in how it has contributed to your professional development. It’s not just a piece of paper or a digital badge – it’s evidence of your commitment to learning and developing as a professional.

Is A Coursera Certificate Enough?

While Coursera offers many beneficial courses, remember that it shouldn’t replace your formal education or work experience. These certifications serve as a supplement to your education and experience, demonstrating your initiative to learn beyond the traditional curriculum. They provide you with the opportunity to learn from top universities at your own pace without committing to full-time study.

Many course completion certificates can also provide college credit, acting as an accelerator for those seeking college degrees. However, remember that while these certificates provide evidence of learning a particular subject, they may not carry the same weight as traditional college degrees for some prospective employers.

What About Other Online Learning Platforms?

While our focus has been on how to put a Coursera certificate on your resume, it’s worth noting that many other online learning platforms offer a similar value. For instance, Google offers a variety of professional certificates. Similarly, Udemy and LinkedIn Learning are good places for job seekers, career changers, or those seeking professional growth to gain new skills.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, whether you’re looking to land your dream job, gain new skills, or pivot your career path, a Coursera certificate can be an excellent resource. It shows potential employers that you’re committed to staying updated and learning, which is a valuable trait in today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape. It also makes you a more well-rounded job candidate, equipped with a broader range of skills.

Remember to place the certificate in a dedicated section of your resume and highlight the specific skills you gained during the course. While Coursera certificates won’t replace college degrees or extensive work experience, they do serve as great supplements that can boost your appeal to prospective employers. Keep learning, keep growing, and you’ll surely stand out in the pool of job candidates.

To check out the certificates you can get on Coursera, click here .

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Coursera Certificate on Resume: How to List

how to write coursera courses on resume

Coursera is a leading online education platform that offers free online courses collaborating with world universities. These courses last for several weeks or months. They are broad in scope, so anyone can find an area of interest – from the humanities, sociology, economics, and computer science to improving their skills in teamwork or group communication.

Are you considering taking an online course but not sure whether to choose edX vs ? Let us help you make an informed decision. These courses are unique because each is created and led by eminent lecturers from top universities such as the University of Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Michigan, so certificates are paid after completing the course. That is why this is a unique opportunity for all those who want to improve their knowledge or acquire a new skill from the comfort of their home while believing in it, and it is entirely free.

This also raises the question of the practical usability of such certificates in a vibrant business world where educational institutions compete for each student. As a job seeker, you want to know if your Coursera certificate is a competitive advantage or just another point in the CV that no HR manager will ever notice. Stay with us and we will show you how to add Coursera certificate to resume and add value to your future job application.

Can You Put Coursera on Resume?

According to Bellinger and Thompson, attendance at mass open online courses has become global, and users are no longer just college students. Another research  shows that most applicants are people who have already completed at least the first level of university education and attend courses because they are interested in the topic and for professional development.

Coursera is one of the leading platforms for “mass open online courses” (MOOC). The site summarizes the contents of many universities and other educational institutions worldwide in one place. It is more reminiscent of an online college than fast courses of various disciplines as previous platforms.

You can access art, business, information technology, and social sciences lectures for free, but assignments, tests, and certificates must be paid. Considering more than 1600 free lectures, we think this site is very noteworthy.

It would help if you kept in mind that courses are usually offered on specific dates, with a start and end Sunday. At the end of each week provided by the system, a test is taken, and specific deadlines must be met. You can attend each of these courses for free after the deadline, but a certain amount of money must be set aside for the certificate if you want it. This, of course, also applies to other systems that Coursera offers.

Still, we need to address the main issue – can you put Coursera on resume? The answer is simple: yes, you can certainly write such courses you have taken on your CV, but it is not sure that the potential employer is familiar with how this works.

So, if you have many courses, it might be a good idea to explain how they went. When doing so, it is also essential to know how many references to list on resume , and we have also covered this side of your CV.

Many people like to pay to have their exams corrected and get an official diploma that they have completed the course. This looks much better on the CV than if you list classes you have attended without having anything to refer to. But this is up to everyone. For many, it may be enough to show that they like to spend time in further education or seek broad knowledge.

Should I Put it on my LinkedIn?

We believe real-life examples show much more than mere theory. Let’s take IT, where self-education helps professionals keep up with technology and beginners learn about areas of interest. The fact that programming can be understood independently is best evidenced by the Stack Overflow research, which revealed that half of the developers in the world do not have higher education in their profession. Many have no higher education, but an upcoming Coursera certificate can help them state the expected degree on resume, which you can read more about here.

This fact is encouraging for those who are starting to learn programming on their own to one day deal with it professionally. Companies, especially startups, will often forgive you for lacking a relevant degree if you have adequate knowledge and skills and if you learn quickly.

A portfolio, a set of your projects, has a much higher value than a CV and a diploma unless you have a degree from a prestigious world university. Most candidates for programming jobs don’t even have a GitHub account, so if you come up with three relevant personal projects, you’ll be treated as a serious candidate.

Coursera has stood out as the whole way to master different areas. You get faculty knowledge from the world’s best professors and lecturers, but you build your program and determine the pace of learning. You can follow most of these courses for free, and if you decide to pay for them, official certificates can be an excellent addition to your LinkedIn profile.

You can also start your projects, which is always recommended, and we will learn you how to put Coursera certificate on resume to improve your job-winning odds. Your prospective employer will be happy to see you have invested additional time and money in your education.

How to List Coursera Courses on Resume

how to write coursera courses on resume

The resume aims to present in the best light, adapted to the job you are trying to get, everything you have done in the previous period of your career, or at least what you have worked on so far (education and personal development) to start your career.

A CV is the first contact that an employer will have with a job candidate, so the first impression they create is significant. It is always good if you have completed a specialized course or training related to the position you are applying for, so attach or mention them.

If you are not sure whether your resume is good, try asking for help from professional resume writers. We have listed the best in these ratings and reviews .

When to Highlight Coursera on CVs

Throughout their education, people acquire different licenses, diplomas, and certificates. Still, not all of them suit all jobs, so you should address the job and only state the relevant ones. With that in mind, we suggest you examine the potential employer and compile a proper CV according to the job’s specific demands.

Some of the most important reasons to highlight a Coursera certificate are the following:

  • Specific requirements of a job:

The win-win situation is when your certificate matches the job requirements. There is no reason not to emphasize Coursera as it proves you spent some quality time and obtained a valid degree.

A certification that isn’t explicitly adverted in the job post but is relevant is also a good match. Make sure to indicate only courses that matter. In other words, irrelevant qualifications can waive you out.

  • When lacking the work experience:

Sometimes you will apply for a job, even without having proper work experience. Maybe you want to switch to another industry, but you have a Coursera certificate proving that you are ready for the role instead of hours there. Career-switchers and juniors will always appreciate this possibility.

how to write coursera courses on resume

  • Proud of your achievements:

In specific industries, certifications are rare achievements, and you should benefit from the fact that you have one. Putting a Coursera certificate is an acceptable way to draw the HR manager’s attention to your CV as it proves you are dedicated and trained in the specific field.

Where to Put Coursera Certifications on Your Resume

The fact is that proper CVs formatting sometimes means a difference between being hired or staying out of the system. There are several sections in a resume where you can effectively put Coursera so that we will focus on strategic and most common. This looks similar to putting Udemy courses on resume  that you could read in our article.

Licenses and Certifications section:  Arguably, this is the most logical place to highlight a relevant certificate. We suggest adding the area under “Education” or “Skills” to your resume. Of course, you can name it differently or make it sound more logical depending on your specific formatting.

Just a step back to what we previously said – add only those that matter and can make a difference, even though you might have numerous diplomas. When talking about stating scholarships on resume , a good idea would be to check here and learn if it is appropriate or not.

As an abbreviation:  Certain licenses and Coursera certificates come with a well-accepted and professionally understood abbreviation. For example, in the health care profession, CCRN means a “Critical Care Registered Nurse.” There is no need to write the full expression hoping that a hiring manager will act only in that case. See this example to get a bigger picture:

  • Annabel Lee, CCRN, NY
  • Phone number: (111) 222-3333
  • email address: [email protected]

In summary:  The professional summary is an essential part of the resume, and many HR managers continue or stop reading after it. Therefore, we suggest you include relevant certifications and increase your chances by re-emphasizing your credentials. In the case of widely used automated recruiting systems, this can help them scan and stand out your resume after identifying you as a suitable employee.

Our example would be: “Annabel Lee, a CCRN-certified nurse with 10+ years of professional experience in hospital administration and critical care transport”.

In your cover letter:  While many job seekers tend to copy and paste the content of cover letters carelessly, you can stand out by adequately flagging your credentials. This part of the CV is a great way to present a Coursera certificate and connect it with the job requirements. Again, automated recruiting systems will also match your application with the job requirement presuming properly used specific keywords.

In our example, Annabel Lee will say she is a CCRN certified nurse with more than a decade of experience in hospital systems and healthcare providers. Moreover, she worked in intensive care units to help the critically ill get what needed.

The Impact of Certifications on Your CV

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ research in 2020 , certifications improve your job-winning odds and salary. The median weekly wage for people with a certification (but not a license) was $1,307, while a license-only granted $1,177. On the other hand, employees without any license or certificate took $913.

Considering the employment rate, the BLS research also showed that certifications reduced the rate to 4.7%, half less than without it. Knowing how to list Coursera courses or resume definitely pays out.

Does the Coursera certificate have value in a resume?

Yes, it does. A Coursera certificate matching the job requirements indicates you have spent more time and invested in your education.

Is Coursera good for a resume?

Presuming you are displaying only courses relevant to the job, Coursera is a good fit for your resume.

how to write coursera courses on resume

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How to Add a Coursera Certificate to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

Incorporating Coursera certificates into your resume is a strategic move to showcase your dedication to professional growth and lifelong learning. Coursera, a renowned online learning platform, offers courses from top universities and companies, making it a valuable asset for job seekers aiming to stand out. To effectively highlight your Coursera achievements, follow these essential steps:

  • Identify the Right Section : Your resume should have a dedicated section for Education or Certifications where Coursera certificates are prominently listed. For example, if you’ve completed a series of business strategy courses, add a Certifications section right after your Education segment.
  • Specify the Certificate Name : Clearly state the full name of the certificate, such as “Coursera Certified Data Science Specialist.” This specificity helps potential employers understand the relevance of your certification to the job role.
  • Mention the Issuing Organization : Adding the name of the university or company that offered the course through Coursera (e.g., “offered by Stanford University”) lends credibility and recognition to your certification.
  • Include the Completion Date : Noting when you completed the course shows employers that your knowledge is current. Format this information neatly next to each certificate listed.
  • Describe Relevant Skills and Knowledge : Under each certificate, briefly describe the skills and knowledge you acquired. Use bullet points for clarity, focusing on those most applicable to the job you’re applying for. For instance, “Developed expertise in Python for data analysis and visualization techniques.”
  • Quantify Achievements : Whenever possible, quantify your achievements or the impact of your learning. For example, “Leveraged machine learning techniques to improve sales forecasting accuracy by 30% in a project simulation.”
  • Tailor Your Resume for Each Application : Highlight Coursera certificates that are most relevant to the job. Customizing your resume for each application increases your chances of catching the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Update Your LinkedIn Profile : In addition to your resume, add your Coursera certificates to the Licenses & Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile. This enhances your online professional presence and can attract recruiters searching for candidates with your specific skill set.

By following these steps, you ensure that your Coursera certificates are not just listed on your resume but are effectively showcased to highlight your commitment to advancing your skills and knowledge. This strategic approach makes your resume more attractive to potential employers, demonstrating that you are a proactive learner and a valuable candidate for the position.

  • 1 Understanding Coursera Certificates
  • 2 The Importance of Coursera Certificates in Your Resume
  • 3 Best Practices for Highlighting Coursera Certificates

Understanding Coursera Certificates

Coursera certificates validate your expertise and skills gained through completing courses on Coursera, a leading online learning platform that partners with top universities and organizations. These certificates serve as proof of your commitment to professional development and continuous learning. They cover a broad range of topics, from business and technology to creative arts, offering something for every learner. Coursera provides various types of certificates, including individual course certificates, professional certificates, and specializations. Each type represents a different level of commitment and depth of knowledge.

Obtaining a Coursera certificate typically involves watching video lectures, participating in discussion forums, completing assignments, and passing assessments. The issuing institutions, such as Stanford, Yale, or Google, lend credibility and recognition to these certificates. Coursera also offers courses that can lead to full degrees in certain fields, providing a flexible, lower-cost alternative to traditional university education. Adding Coursera certificates to your resume or LinkedIn profile can significantly boost your job prospects by showcasing your skills and dedication to self-improvement.

The Importance of Coursera Certificates in Your Resume

Including Coursera certificates in your resume is crucial for showcasing your commitment to ongoing education and skill development in today’s competitive job market. These certificates, endorsed by top universities and industry leaders, provide tangible proof of your expertise in specific areas, ranging from data science to digital marketing. By featuring Coursera certificates, you demonstrate not only mastery of subject matter but also a willingness to invest in your professional growth. Employers value candidates who are proactive about learning and adapting to new technologies and methodologies.

Coursera certificates on your resume can help bridge the gap between formal education and practical, hands-on skills required in many modern job roles. They signal to potential employers that you are keeping pace with industry trends and are eager to take on challenges that require up-to-date knowledge. For career changers, these certificates can be particularly valuable, offering a pathway to enter new fields without the need for traditional degrees. Additionally, highlighting specific courses relevant to the job you’re applying for can tailor your application, making it more attractive to hiring managers.

Best Practices for Highlighting Coursera Certificates

Highlighting Coursera certificates effectively on your resume and professional profiles is a strategic step towards showcasing your commitment to lifelong learning and skill enhancement. To ensure your Coursera achievements stand out and catch the attention of potential employers, follow these best practices:

  • Strategically Place Your Certificates : Opt for a prominent spot on your resume, such as under the ‘Education’ or a dedicated ‘Certifications’ section, ensuring visibility. For example, list your “Coursera: Machine Learning by Stanford University” certification where it’s easily noticeable.
  • Be Specific About Your Achievements : Detail the specific skills and knowledge you gained. Instead of merely listing “Coursera Certificate in Digital Marketing,” expand with bullet points, such as “Mastered SEO techniques and Google Analytics to enhance online presence.”
  • Tailor Your Certificates to the Job : Customize your resume for each application, highlighting the Coursera certificates most relevant to the position. If applying for a web development role, prominently feature certificates like “Coursera: Web Development with JavaScript.”
  • Quantify Your Learning Outcomes : Where possible, quantify the impact of your newly acquired skills. Mention any projects or accomplishments, for instance, “Increased website traffic by 40% through SEO strategies learned in Coursera’s Digital Marketing specialization.”
  • Update Your LinkedIn Profile : Add your Coursera certificates to the ‘Licenses & Certifications’ section of your LinkedIn profile, making sure to include keywords that potential employers might search for, such as “Python programming” or “data analysis.”
  • Incorporate Keywords in Descriptions : Use industry-relevant keywords both in your resume and online profiles when describing your Coursera certificates. This improves your visibility in applicant tracking systems and online searches.
  • Show Continuous Learning : Demonstrate your commitment to ongoing professional development by listing current courses you’re enrolled in, signaling to employers your dedication to staying current with industry trends.
  • Include Direct Links : If space permits, include direct links to your Coursera certificate or course page. This allows employers to verify your credentials easily and explore the course content.
  • Network in Relevant Circles : Share your Coursera achievements in relevant LinkedIn groups or professional forums, fostering discussions and networking opportunities with professionals interested in similar fields.
  • Prepare to Discuss : Be ready to talk about your Coursera courses during interviews, including how they’ve prepared you for the specific role you’re applying for, showcasing your practical application of the skills learned.

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When and How to Include Coursera Specializations on Your Resume

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Benefits of Including a Specialization on Your Resume

There are several key benefits to including a specialization, Coursera or otherwise, on your resume. We're going to focus on benefits for entry-level jobs below, but the concepts can be extrapolated to career pivots and advancements too.

First, putting a specialization on your resume demonstrates a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, which is highly valued by many employers. If you can speak to your reasoning for choosing said specialization, or if it's in a hot tech field, this is especially impressive. This dedication shows that you're willing to invest time and effort into improving your skills and knowledge, and can also show that you're up-to-date with the latest trends and practices in your field.

Second, these specializations can help you stand out from other job candidates , particularly in competitive industries. This is especially applicable when you're looking to break in to a field and competing against other candidates who may have similar life experiences to you. By highlighting your unique combination of skills and experiences, you can have supporting metrics for a strong case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

Finally, including a specialization on your resume can help you attract new career opportunities , both within your current organization and on Linkedin . Recruiters often search by skill keyword or institution, so this can help you rank higher in your desired field. It can demonstrate your drive to take on new challenges and responsibilities, which is always helpful too.

How to Decide Which Specializations to Include

When deciding which programs or specializations to include on your resume, it's important to consider the relevance of the skills and knowledge you gained from each program to your target job types.

Use a tool like Bridged to match specializations that align with the requirements of the your target position that showcase your expertise in relevant areas. Consider the reputation and credibility of the issuing institution (if its a university/company hosting on Coursera, you're golden) particularly if it's a well-known and respected organization in the tech industry like Google, Meta, IBM, etc. This process will help demonstrate the quality and value of your online learning experiences.

If you're doing it the Bridged way and stacking specializations + certifications to try a wide-and-deep approach to learning, think about the diversity of your specializations. Aim to include those with prestigious issuing institutions, or those with primary skills for your target job. Keep the rest of your learnings in your back pocket (these will make you deadly as an employee). Be laser-focused on showcasing a range of skills and knowledge that demonstrate your versatility and adaptability as a job candidate.

Tips for Listing Specializations on Your Resume

When it comes to listing specializations on your resume, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.

First, be concise and specific in your descriptions, focusing on the most important skills and knowledge you gained from each program. Use something like Bridged to see top keywords and skills for each relevant role.

Second, prioritize the most relevant and impressive specializations by placing them at the top of your "Education" or "Additional Information" sections. This will help grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers to make a strong first impression.

Third, consider highlighting any relevant project or portfolio information as a link on your resume (example below). Upload your portfolio to something like AWS or Google Drive, and use a sharable link. This showcases your ability to apply what you've learned to something that may be relevant to the company.

Examples of Specialization Examples on a Resume

Here are some great examples of how to list specializations on your resume. Feel free to copy our format. Does it remind you of APA formatting in school? Again, we recommend putting these in your Education section, or Additional Information section if you want to get fancy with it.

Top Specializations on Resume Examples

  • Specialization: Digital Product Management from the University of Virginia (Coursera, 2023) . Skills Learned: Product Strategy, Product Development, User Research, Agile Methodologies, Market Research, Team Management. View Portfolio Here.
  • Certification: Project Management Certificate from Google (Coursera, 2023). Skills Learned: Budgeting and Cost Management, Project Planning and Scheduling, Risk Assessment, Agile and Waterfall Methodologies.
  • Specialization: Software Testing and Automation Specialization from the University of Minnesota (Coursera, 2023). Skills Learned: Manual QA, Black and White Box Testing, Automated Analysis, Selenium. View Github Link Here.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Listing Specializations on Your Resume

Example 1: junior-level-job-hunting course.

  • Product Manager: Learn the Skills to Get the Job (Udemy, 2023). Skills Learned: Product Strategy, Product Development, User Research, Agile Methodologies, Market Research, Team Management. ‍

What's wrong here?

This is a specific job-hunting course, not a specialization . While you definitely learned great skills from completing this certification, it does not look legit to employers. This goes for all job-hunting related certifications and specializations (though there are fewer of these that we recommend on Coursera). We recommend instead just including a portfolio link under "Additional Information" or any spec work completed during the program without naming names.

Example 2: No Credit where Credit is Due

  • Coursera Digital Product Management (2023). Skills Learned: Product Strategy, Product Development, User Research, Agile Methodologies, Market Research, Team Management.

Coursera is NOT an institution. We'll say it again, louder for those in the back: Coursera and Udemy are a hosting platforms , not certifiable institutions. In fact, anyone can list a program on either of those platforms. We've thought about it ourselves. Showing a specialization completed, but not mentioning where the program was taught, is a major party-foul in the world of education and job-searching. Be sure to always list the institution as the certifier of the specialization, and use Coursera to indicate how you accessed the course.

Example 3: Some other Specialization/Resume Pitfalls

  • Listing WAY too many skills learned from a specialization. As yoda says, SHOW, NOT TELL. I'm actually not sure if that was yoda.
  • Listing every certification you've ever taken
  • Resumes that are longer than one page for a role that requires less than 10 years of experience. (don't come for me-- you know it's true too).

Other Ways to Leverage Your Specializations for Career Transitions

If you're looking to leverage your program certifications or Coursera Specializations to break into the tech industry, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind when pursuing your job hunt.

First, consider highlighting your learning experience on BOTH your resume and LinkedIn profile , using all the tips we've discussed here. Coursera specifically has a Linkedin plugin that will verify your achievement, which is very astute of them. By doing this, it'll help you stand out in recruiter searches while also demonstrating your hunger and drive to learning new material. We have a three-step process outlined here on how to optimize your job searching.

Second, utilize the Bridged method of thinking to stack micro-certifications and specializations to enhance your understanding of the skills and responsibilities of your target role. Not sure about your role yet? Use our job guides to browse specific entry-level roles, and our skill tracker to keep track of your progress towards your target job.

Top Coursera Specializations for Beginners in 2023

For the analytically-inclined: google's data analytics.

Google has created a baller data analytics certificate program that's coveted in the analytics industry-- including business analysts, marketing analysts, and product analysts alike. This is one of the top certificates in the industry for analytics as a field, and the best way to quickly learn Google Analytics. It's free to audit, but if you want the certificate to show off as we've mentioned here (which is recommended, btw), it's $49 a month to complete at your own pace.

For the newbie product manager: UVA's Digital Product Management Fundamentals

We all know UVA rocks, but did you know they've created one of the best online product management specializations? This prestigious specialization in digital product gives a comprehensive view of the skills and requirements to be successful in the role. This program focuses on test-and-learn strategies, identifying and acting on customer insights, and running an effective product program. Read our full writeup here. It's free to audit, but if you want the sharable certificate it's $79 a month to complete at your own pace.

For the ultra-organized: Project Management with Rice

Project management continuously makes our list of top recommended entry-level-roles . It's a great field with exposure to every aspect of a product or marketing pod, as your main role is unblocking issues for team members and managing their activities. This is one of the most common roles used to transition into product management. Read our full writeup here. It's free to audit, but if you want the certificate it's $49 a month to complete at your own pace.

For the academic: UX Research with University of Michigan

University of Michigan has created a great overview of UX/UI in this specialization program. It covers both UX design and research, which makes it a great bargain at only $49/month. This is a popular bootcamp role, so this specialization is great when paired with a portfolio or spec-work experience. Read our full writeup here.

In today's rapidly changing and competitive job market, online learning and specializations hosted on platforms like Coursera and Udemy have become increasingly important tools for career transitions and success. You've already taken the first step by reading this article. Take the second by finding your target job and using the Bridged skill tracker to systematically tackle skill gaps. Good luck!

‍ We'd love to talk to YOU! Was this article helpful? How can we further assist your career journey? Let us know at [email protected]

how to write coursera courses on resume


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The Right Way To List Certifications on a Resume (With Examples)

We’ll take you through exactly how to list certifications on your resume, including industry-specific qualifications to look into and where they belong on your resume.

3 years ago   •   11 min read

Let's cut straight to the chase: the key to effectively listing certifications is clarity and relevance. In 2024, where the job market is increasingly competitive and digital certifications are on the rise, it's more important than ever to highlight your qualifications in a way that stands out to employers. This means not only listing your certifications but doing so in a manner that aligns with current industry standards and expectations.

Good certifications are worth more than the paper they’re written on. Some are actually required before you can even apply for a job, while others are simply concrete proof of your skills. Either way, the right qualification can make or break a resume.

In this article, we'll guide you through the essentials of showcasing your certifications. We'll discuss why certifications are more relevant than ever in today's job market, the best ways to format and position them on your resume, and how to determine which certifications will make your application shine. Whether you're a seasoned professional or stepping into the job market for the first time, this guide will help ensure your resume's certification section is both impressive and effective.

When to include certifications on your resume (and when not to)

You should list certifications on your resume if:.

  • It’s a job requirement : Some jobs will ask for specific licenses and certifications — sometimes, these are even legal requirements. If a job posting mentions a certification as a minimum requirement, you’re unlikely to even be considered unless you include it on your resume. If it’s in the “nice to have” section, it may not be as necessary, but listing it will still give you an advantage.
  • It gets you past ATS : If a certification is mentioned in the job description, chances are either a recruiter or an applicant tracking system (ATS) will be screening out resumes that don’t mention it. Clearly listing certifications on your resume will prevent you from getting rejected automatically.
  • It establishes credibility : Even in jobs where a certification isn’t strictly required, it can be a good way to demonstrate your skills. The more well-known or established the accreditation is, the more true this is. If you’re working or moving into a field with an industry standard certification, it might be well worth pursuing.
  • You're changing careers : If you lack industry-specific experience, completing a short course or certification shows that you’re committed to changing directions (not just resume spamming) and shows that you have the technical skills needed for the job.

You should leave certifications off your resume if:

  • It's not relevant to the job : Like anything on your resume, certifications should only be included if they’re actually relevant. You may have studied for ages for that nursing certification, but if you’re applying for a job in human resources, leave it off!
  • It's a very short course : Unless they’re essential or deeply relevant, Coursera or similar courses that only take a few hours or days to complete aren’t usually significant enough to belong on your resume. The same goes for most short-form professional development courses, unless it's deeply relevant to the job you're applying for.
  • The certification has expired : In the case of certifications that are only valid for a certain period (for example, CPR or First Aid certificates), don't list these on your resume if they're past the point of expiry — but do renew the certification if it's necessary for the job.

Got a certification that definitely belongs on your resume? Scroll down for a detailed guide to listing certifications on a resume.

Why certifications are relevant in 2024

In an era where remote work opportunities continue to rise, and digital skills are highly valued, enhancing your resume and staying up-to-date with relevant skills has become crucial. The right set of qualifications and competitive hard skills can significantly boost your resume by demonstrating adaptability, technical proficiency, and a commitment to staying current in a digitally-driven world.

Online certifications are far more common now than ever before, offering flexibility and accessibility in acquiring new skills. But, not all certificates are created equal. As there are now so many online courses available, choosing the right certificates from a recognized institution is crucial. Employers are far more open to accepting online certifications as proof of your skills. Still, you need to ensure you choose certifications that are recognized and respected in your desired industry.

How to list certifications on your resume

First things first: Here's how to list any certification on your resume.

  • List the name of the certificate or qualification.
  • Include the name of the certifying agency or where you obtained it. This is important for credibility, as it allows employers to verify the authenticity of your qualifications and assess their relevance.
  • List the date you achieved the certification.
  • Include a location (if applicable).
  • Specify if the certification is still in progress. It's fine to list an in-progress qualification, as long as you add "in progress" or "expected [date]."
  • If the certification has an expiration date, make sure you include the dates of validity.
  • Use an ATS resume scanner to suggest industry-specific skills and keywords.
  • Regularly update your resume to remove or update expired certifications.

A checklist and example of how to list certifications on your resume

How to format certifications on your resume

Use bold or italics for the certification name to draw attention to it, especially if it's a crucial qualification for the job you're applying for. The key is to enhance readability and highlight your qualifications without overwhelming the rest of your resume. For example:

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification - Atlas Institute, May 2022.

This technique helps your most essential certificates catch a recruiter's eye while keeping your resume professional-looking and easy to scan.

Where to list certifications on your resume

Here's a guide to the best places to list certifications on your resume:

In the education section of your resume

The education section of your resume is probably the most intuitive spot to include certifications, especially if they’re particularly significant. List your entries in reverse chronological order, with the most recent qualifications first. If you’re changing careers and don’t have any other relevant experience, you may even want to include your education section at the top of your resume. For example:

Here's how to list certifications on your resume alongside your education in reverse chronological order.

Under a section titled ‘Other’ or ‘Additional Information’

List a certifications in an additional section if you have more relevant work experience to emphasize first or you're running out of space on your resume. If you choose to include more than one or two certifications, list them on their own line alongside things like technical skills , awards, and language fluency .

Here's an example of combining your certifications with other skill sets.

Including a subheading like this on your resume makes it easy for a hiring manager to find your relevant certifications.

Including a subheading makes it easy for a hiring manager to find your relevant certifications.

Here's another simple example of listing a certification, which mentioning who awarded it. Use this only if your certification is not widely known and the context of your certification could help.

Listing the source of your certifications can help add legitimacy.

In a ‘Certifications’ section

As a rule, you shouldn’t dedicate too much space on your resume to listing certifications — one of two lines should generally be enough. But if you have several certifications and they’re all relevant to the specific job you’re applying for, you can create a dedicated certifications section to avoid cluttering up your resume. For example:

Creating a separate section on your resume to avoid clutter is a good idea if you’re listing more than one or two certifications.

Creating a separate section to avoid clutter is a good idea if you’re listing more than one or two certifications.

In your resume summary or header

If you want to emphasize an essential and/or particularly well-known qualification (including professional licences), include this information in your summary or header. This isn’t the case for most certifications, so first make sure that it’s actually a crucial job requirement and that it’s a well-known and easily recognizable acronym, like PMP or HIPAA. For example:

If you’re applying for project management positions, you can mention PMP certification in your resume summary.

If your certification is part of the job title you are applying to, you can consider including it directly in your header . Here's an example of a Certified Nursing Assistant's resume:

For roles like nursing where specific certifications are essential, it can be helpful to list your qualifications in your resume header.

For roles like nursing where specific certifications are essential, it can be helpful to list your qualifications in your resume header.

In a projects section

If your certification included significant project experience, consider listing it in a dedicated projects section . This can be especially helpful if you’re changing careers and don’t have a lot of relevant work experience, as projects can help bridge the gap and include hands-on experience. Remember to list projects the same way you would any other experience, starting with an action verb and using numbers and metrics where possible. For example:

Including certifications in your projects section can help your resume get past ATS and highlight your skills in action.

If you’re not sure if you’ve listed your certifications the right way, upload your resume to the tool below — it’ll scan your resume and give you detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve your resume sections. It is also a good way to check if your resume is readable by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Use an acronym after your name

Maximize the impact of your prestigious certifications by using acronyms after your name. This immediately signals your qualifications to potential employers.

For instance, if you're a Project Management Professional, include 'John Doe, PMP' at the top of your resume. This tactic is particularly effective for certifications that are well-recognized in your industry.

Why you should consider adding certifications to your resume

Adding certifications can significantly enhance your resume by showcasing your commitment to professional development and proficiency in new skills. The right new skills can open doors to new career opportunities, potentially leading to higher salaries and advancement in your field.

In rapidly changing industries, certifications also ensure that your skills and knowledge remain up-to-date and you remain a competitive candidate for potential promotion. In the long run, certifications not only help with immediate job placement and salary benefits, but also help with long-term career satisfaction and growth.

How to determine what certifications are relevant for your resume

As with most skills on your resume, the best way to determine what skills are relevant for a position, is to look at the job description itself. See what skills are mentioned in the job description, and if you have any of the qualifications mentioned, list them clearly and prominently. Our comprehensive database of skills and keywords allows you to search for a specific job and instantly find the skills to add to your resume, including common certifications.

The next best thing is to network! The most reliable source of information is usually other people working in the industry. If you’re new to the field or changing careers, this step is extra important — our tips on how to ask for an informational interview will help you get started.

Another way to find skills and keywords for your resume is by using the tool below to search for the job you’re applying for. It’ll give you a list of relevant skills and keywords.

Recommended certifications by industry

Depending on your industry, there may be a set of common (or sometimes essential) certifications it would be helpful to pursue.

  • Project Managers: Certifications include Project Management Professional (PMP), Prince2, and Lean Six Sigma.
  • Human Resources : Jobs may require Professional in Human Resources (PHR) or Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) certification.
  • Information Technology and Engineering : Some of the best are AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), CompTIA A+, Cisco, Google Cloud, and Microsoft certifications.
  • Product owners and Developers: Agile and Scrum certifications.
  • Accountant : Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification .
  • Programmers : Oracle Java, Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer (ECSP) certifications — but when it comes to most programming languages, a good GitHub profile is far more valuable than specific certifications.
  • Nurses and other Healthcare professionals: Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) or Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) certification.
  • Business Professionals : Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) or APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) qualification.

How to ensure and show your certification is legitimate

Choose certificates that are from accredited and recognized institutions and well-known organizations. This is particularly crucial with the rise of online courses, where the quality and recognition of qualifications can vary. Mentioning the certifying body on your resume can help establish the legitimacy of your qualifications in the eyes of an employer, and be prepared to provide proof of your certifications if requested, which could include the certificate itself, a transcript, or a link to a verification page.

Frequently Asked Questions

If i have multiple certificates, how do i decide which to include.

Only include certificates and qualifications that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Avoid listing certifications unrelated to the position, as they may distract from your relevant qualifications. If you have multiple certifications that demonstrate the same skills, include only your most recent, the most highly recognized, or those that showcase the highest level skills.

Do I need to list the certifying body or institution that granted my certificate?

Yes. Always mention the name of the institution or organization that granted your certificate. Certifications from renowned and accredited bodies are often viewed more favorably. Omitting this information might raise questions about the legitimacy or significance of your certification.

Should I include the grade of my certificate?

Generally, most certifications are pass/fail, and the grade you achieved is not necessary. The focus should be on the certification itself and its relevance to the job. However, it could be worth mentioning if you achieved an exceptionally high grade or honor (such as graduating top of your class).

How often should I update the certifications on my resume?

You should regularly update your resume to reflect any new certifications. Keeping your resume current ensures potential employers see the most accurate representation of your skills. It's especially important to update certifications that have expiration dates or require renewal.

What is the difference between licenses and certifications on a resume?

A license typically refers to a legal permission to practice a certain profession or activity, and is often mandatory for certain jobs. A certificate usually indicates completion of a course to acquire certain skills or knowledge and is not generally required for a position.

Should I create a separate resume certification section?

Yes, especially if you have multiple relevant certifications. This makes your resume more organized and helps in drawing attention to your key qualifications.

Should I include online course certifications?

Yes, but be selective. Include online certifications that are relevant to the job and from reputable providers. They can demonstrate continual learning and skill development.

What are the risks of including expired or irrelevant certifications?

Listing expired certifications can reflect poorly on your professional image, suggesting outdated skills. Irrelevant certifications may distract from your pertinent skills and experience. Only include certifications that are current and relevant to the job.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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Coursera is a global online learning platform that offers anyone, anywhere, access to online courses and degrees from leading universities and companies

"How to add Coursera credentials to your resume"

Was working on my resume, here's what I've gathered:

Courses/Programs always go under the [Education] section > if in progress, put " Present " as your end date or give an estimate of when you expect to complete the course/program > put the name of the industry partner as academy if your education provider is not a university i.e. Google

Certificates always go under the [Certifications] section > Always put the issued date and name of the issuing organization > If completed, put the issued date. If expired, don't put the certificate unless listed as desired. > If still in progress, give an estimate of when you expect to receive the certificate > If in need of renewal, write "in progress of renewal" under the certificate > FYI, Coursera issues our certificates, not the education providers and/or industry partners

Dates can be in YYYY or MM/YYYY, not both. > Do not use more than one format on your resume/cv

Google Project Management Program ( leave space) Oct 2022 – Present

Six-course program covering foundations of project management, initiation, planning, execution, and agile concepts; includes a hands-on Capstone project

Certifications/Credentials/Accreditations (idk, just pick one)

Google Project Management Professional Certificate Expected 2022

Emergency First Aid Certificate (May 2019 – May 2022) In progress of renewal

Credit: Coursera – How to add Coursera credentials to your resume

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  • Editor Picks

How To Include Coursera Courses In Resume

Paul D

What Are The Best Courses On Coursera

Top 10 Courses on CourseraGoogle IT Automation with Python by Google.The Science of Well-Being by Yale.IBM Data Science by IBM.Machine Learning by Stanford.Python for Everybody by University of Michigan.Google IT Support by Google.Deep Learning by Science by Johns Hopkins University.

Highlight Volunteer Work And Extracurricular Activities

Next, add in an experience section. While you may not have formal work experience, you should include any volunteer work, community activities, internships, or informal work experience thatâs relevant to the job.

As you fill in this section, refer back to the list you created in Step 2. You donât have to include everything instead, focus on your experiences that align with terms that appear higher up in the job description, or those listed as required rather than preferred.

How Do You Use Coursera

To begin using Coursera, you will need to first create a free account within their website. This will require you to fill out a short form with some basic information.

Coursera will send you an email as a verification of your account it will usually include a link.

This will allow you to get into the platform and look at the available courses and prices.

Once within the platform, you can search for the online courses that you want to take and go from there.

Depending on what courses you choose, you may need to add additional information, such as payment information.

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Where Should I List Online Courses On My Resume

We recommend listing online courses in the Certifications or Professional Development sections on your resume.

You can add them to your resume by:

1) Listing the course titles and providers

2) Writing one or two bullet points summarizing what you learned in the course

Some people list online courses in the Education section.

We dont recommend doing so because it can detract attention from your degree programs, which you should highlight more prominently.

Recruiters we work with have also pointed out an increasing trend of people making it seem like they graduated from Cornell University when they only took a two-week online course.

As such, its important to be transparent and make the nature of the course you took clear.

Recruiters know that many prestigious universities offer online courses and recognize their value.

However, a free MIT online course is simply not the same thing as earning a degree from MIT.

Are Linkedin Certificates Recognized

Is it useful to have Coursera certificates in your resume ...

Are Learning Certificates of Completion accredited or certified? LinkedIn Learning is not accredited. LinkedIn Learning Certificates of Completion are not the same as a degree program or a software certification program. Additionally, Learning Certificates are not endorsed or recognized by third parties.

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How Much Are Coursera Courses

It depends on what type of course you choose. There are three main types of courses:

  • Individual Courses these can cost you anywhere between $29.99 to $99.99 and will take you several days or even weeks to complete. You will get a certificate upon completion.
  • Specializations these are comprised of several courses and can take you weeks or several months to complete . They can cost anywhere between $39 to $79 per month, depending on the size of the specialization.
  • Full degree lastly, there are full degrees on Coursera . These are the most reputed and most valuable for your career, but they take years to complete and cost quite a lot anywhere between $1,500 to $20,000.

How Should I Incorporate Coursera Certificates Into My

Posted: Originally Answered: How do we list Coursera certificate on resume? It is better that you have credentials for all your Coursera certificates. In your typical resume, just add these certificates under the Relevant Coursework column and mention all your courses each separately.

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How To Add Coursera Certificates In Resume Ideas

How To Add Coursera Certificates In Resume . Ad top resume builder, build a perfect resume with ease. Ad top resume builder, build a perfect resume with ease.

Below is copy & paste of some of the relevant bits of my cv. By adding them to your resume/cv and linkedin profile, you can share your certificates with them.

Can i add coursera certificate in my resume? Certificates are so saturated (see:

. Ad top resume builder, build a perfect resume with ease.

6 mistakes to avoid when building an online portfolio . Below is copy & paste of some of the relevant bits of my cv.

Business analytics wharton business school on coursera . By adding them to your resume/cv and linkedin profile, you can share your certificates with them.

Certificate of completion design by mocoliefdeviantart . Can i add coursera certificate in my resume?

Certificate of completion templates 10 free printable . Certificates are so saturated (see:

Course overview coursera design thinking moocs data . Certificates of completion can be accessed at and the mobile site.

Expert take how to navigate the current market in 2020 . Coursera certificate on resume provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the.

Free certificate of completion template word in 2021 . Create a professional resume in just 15 minutes, easy

Optional Certifications On A Resume

This category of certificates are usually not part of the employerâs resume filter criteria. However, including credible certificates can greatly improve your chances of winning an interview. Especially in those few seconds that employers look at your resume before deciding to either continue reading or toss the resume out.

Optional certificates might be very effective for college students as well as those changing careers. These certifications may also be a way to stand out if you’re applying in industries such as Architecture and Engineering, where only 24% of those employed hold certifications .

If presented correctly, including optional certifications, such as those acquired from online courses or universities, can be a strategic way to get noticed and land an interview. As long as itâs relevant to the job, some optional certifications may appear as highly desirable.

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Is It Worth Getting A Coursera Certificate Then

You have to look at this question from a different perspective. While a Coursera course will not land you your dream job on its own, it can have several positive implications that will affect your job hunt.

Think about how well you can do your job at the moment and where you are currently lagging. Is it your skills required to do your job expertly? Do you suck at human relations? Or is it the communication skills that are holding you back? Whatever it is, you need to identify it and improve it.

And thats where a platform like Coursera can help you with your job hunt. Its about filling the gaps in your CV and your skillset that will attract more employers to you, and make you much better at what you do.

In fact, this survey shows the following stats on how MOOCs improved respondents careers:

  • A whopping 72% of the respondents reported career benefits
  • 61% reported educational benefits
  • But only 26% of the respondents actually managed to land a new gig

So its not about just getting the certification from the course its how you use the knowledge you gained from the course to improve how you do your job. You need to connect the actual work you did to the certificate and how it helped you do the job in those particular instances.

Completing a course on Coursera also shows employers that youre interested in the topic and are prepared to go the extra mile for the job.

How To Put Coursera Certificates On Resume

Can you put edx courses on resume? Certificates will probably make your relatives proud but interviewers usually dont care about them.Coursera certificate on resume provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module.Coursera certificates worth putting in a resume.

Coursera doesnt create its own learning material Coursera is also famous for having full degrees on the platform.Coursera provides accredited certificates that are recognised by employers.Create a professional resume in just 15 minutes, easy

Create a professional resume in just 15 minutes, easy Here, you might want to increase the length of your project description by adding the university and the professors name, topics learnt during the course, etc.Highlight your education and credentials.How do i list a coursera certificate on my resume?

How do i merge certificates? How do i write coursera certificate on resume?How do you put a teaching certificate on a resume?However, it works alongside educational institutions, government agencies and top universities to facilitate its online courses

If you paid the fee to obtain a verified certificate for. If youre a programmer and put a coursera course on your resume, have the.If your certifications arent required or only slightly related to the job, you can place them toward the bottom of your resume, beneath your education section, like this:Include the course certificates in the certifications section.

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Dont Include Any Courses That Could Be Considered Beginning

Skip any courses that might present you as a novice in that skill area. So, if you took a course introducing students to PowerPoint, for example, you can leave it off your resume.

Its inclusion would mark you as a beginner and detract from your other areas of expertise. In short, only include courses that enhance your credibility as an expert in your field.

How Do You Showcase Your Mooc Coursework On Your Resume

Ive been asked this question many times in comments on the blog, in emails from readers, and in interviews with the media. Its also a topic I cover in my new book Dont Pay For Your MBA. Fortunately, there is no single right way to put MOOCs on your resume.

My high school English teacher used to say, All writing is creative. While your resume should be based in fact, not fiction, you can absolutely use some creativity when highlighting your MOOC-based business education. Below are four places MOOCs might show up on your resume. Be sure to download the free resume template that accompanies this post for more advice on how to showcase MOOCs on your CV.

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It Makes For A Better Interview

Employers use interviews to gauge the value you can add to their company, and its important to set yourself apart from the other applicants. Its not every day that an interviewer sees an online course or program on a resume . Adding relevant online coursework can really help you stand out. Its unique and invites conversation, so be prepared to answer questions. You could expect to be asked:

  • What drove you to enroll in these courses and further your education?
  • What knowledge did you gain from the courses?
  • What can you do now that you couldnt do before?

One of our edX learners, Daniel, took the Six Sigma Professional Certificate program from TUMx and used the knowledge that he learned to help him get a new job and further his career in industrial engineering and production management.

I had an additional certificate to differentiate myself from other job applicants and it gave me the confidence to apply to more advanced positions. It really gave my CV a boost! It demonstrated my motivation due to the fact that the certificate was earned in my free time, Daniel said.

Do Online Certificates Count

Standards of online learning should be defined and bench marked with face to face learning. Not all online learning are useful for employment. yes. Yes, employers do recognize and accept online certificates awarded by reputable Universities or Institutions.

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Access Coursera Courses And Earn Certificates For Free

Coursera for Duke gives Duke students, staff, and faculty free access to over 2,000 online courses and Specializations on Coursera. Take any course you want, whenever you want. Learn new skills, explore a new subject, or advance your career goals. Earn a Coursera certificate to share on LinkedIn or your resume. You must have a Duke NetID to enroll.

Is It Beneficial To Show Online Certificates On A Cv

Coursera offers quite a lot of very interesting courses and provides certificates after completing them. They’re good not only for learning new things, but also revising the material that has been previously learned at a standard university.

I was wondering if it would be beneficial to put a note/list of the online courses completed on my graduate CV/resume. In my opinion it shows not only that you did the course, but also curiosity and general interest in learning.

  • I think it depends on where you are in your career. If you don’t have job experience, classes factor much more significantly into your resume. As do listing relevant courses.

If you have a section on your resume that lists additional professional development activities, and those activities are relevant to your actual profession, then it can’t hurt. Whether or not it helps depends on how much weight the reader puts into additional professional development, and Coursera in particular.

Note that I would not list these courses under education, as they are not credit-bearing and were not part of your degree.

  • Actually, . It’s not perfect, because I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have it preferred to be under “Courses” and because it only lists Coursera as the provider and not the remote university delivering the course, but it’s something.

A similar answer which I have written

A Quora link which can help you in adding the MOOC details and certifications to your LinkedIn profile.

Also Check: How To List Cpr Certification On Resume

Can Coursera Get You A Job

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Coursera is one of the most popular online learning platforms where you can develop a new skillset or brush up on your existing skills. One of the most common questions people ask is: Can Coursera get you a job?

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Coursera Review Bottom Line

Overall, if you are looking to take courses online, Coursera is a great place to go to. It has many courses to choose from, all being led by professionals in those fields.

There are cheaper educational platforms out there that you could also use but many just cant compare to Coursera. Not in terms of how usable the certificates are.

Other learning platforms may offer just as many courses at a cheaper price, but most dont actually have real-world value. They are simply a way for you to learn more on a particular topic or subject.

Courseras biggest value is that it can provide educational experience that counts in the real world. Not only do you get to have a certificate showing that you finished the course, but it is also a valuable certificate.

Coursera certificates will be acknowledged by colleges, universities, and workplaces. They are just as valuable as on-the-job experience or college degrees.

If you get a Coursera certificate, you can put it on your resume to show off your skills. Because Coursera is so well known and respected, these certifications are also respected and acknowledged.

This is possibly the biggest bonus to use Coursera to further your education from home. As you can use it to later bulk up your resume to get into universities or to land a job.

This is why Coursera is one of the best educational platforms on the internet for valuable learning. As it translates to being useful in the real working world.

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Skip The Intro Classes

Multiple recruiters mentioned that listing introductory-level online courses can make a candidate look bad when the expectation is that he or she will be an expert. For example, Sham Mustafa, the CEO of Correlation One , a company that recruits for data science positions, told me a story about a candidate whose current title is “Senior Data Scientist.” The candidate holds a PhD and has worked in roles requiring advanced quantitative skills for the past 25 years. Yet, Mustafa says, Under his education, he lists introductory MOOCs in Machine Learning and Data Science. Rather than helping him, these courses making him sound less experienced and actually decrease his competitiveness for the job.

Muse Master Coach Erica Breuer takes it one step further: I advise my clients to include details about their professional developmentincluding online coursesonly when they’ve completed a major certification or other notable credential. You want anything on your resume to bolster your credibility: Dont waste lines on a low-level course thats not adding to what youd bring to the table.

How Can Online Courses On Coursera Help Me To Learn To Write A Resume

A Splash of Color

Online courses on Coursera can help you apply the new concepts you learn to be able to complete a meaningful real-world project that you can use and share in your life. Professors share examples and strategies used in real-life situations that have helped people find jobs in top companies around the world. Professors from institutions and organizations that partner with Coursera want you to design your resumes and cover letters that you can create in custom templates on Canva, use on various platforms, such as Google Docs, or craft using HTML code using JavaScript, for example. you’ll learn tangible skills, such as creating resumes with infographics and cover letters in these and PDF formats that many employers prefer to see. That way you’ll always be ready to apply to any job that requires custom documents and formats, whether in print or on social media.â

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This free resume course quickly teaches you how to organize, format, and write a resume that actually stands out

When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

  • " How to Write a Resume " helps you strategically update, reformat, and improve your resume.
  • The online course is led by a SUNY career counselor, with advice based on current job trends.
  • It even includes a segment with an employer discussing how they approach a stack of resumes.

Insider Today

If you're looking to optimize your next career move, it'd be wise to start with a strong resume. This seemingly simple document is what markets you to prospective employers, and as something you'll submit over and over again, it's important that it's polished to the best version it can be.

"How to Write a Resume" is a free online Coursera course taught by Holly Justice , a SUNY career counselor and recruiter that walks you through creating the cornerstone of your job search. In roughly five hours total, you'll either revise a current resume or create one from scratch with the help of an insider's strategy. 

how to write coursera courses on resume

Broken down into shorter classes (which you can view at your own pace), the course covers everything from the foundations of a strong resume to the best formatting and buzzwords to make yours reach the top of the stack.  

While "How to Write a Resume" is mostly designed for college students or young professionals writing a resume for the first time, it provides a useful peek behind the curtain for anyone hoping to gain meaningful career guidance. And while resumes vary depending on the industry, Justice helps you to build a universal framework that's applicable to most, if not all, fields. She provides a top-to-bottom look at its typical sections, tips on extracting transferable skills from past experiences, and advice on crafting action statements, maximizing data, and organizing your work experience into a strong thesis statement to recruiters.

Students also hear from an employer about how they approach a stack of resumes, so they can understand how the application process works from a different perspective. By showing students the purpose of a great resume and what a gamechanger it can be, Justice makes this class feel as genuinely engaging as it is useful.

Enroll in How to Write a Resume for free here.

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How to actually write your resume, part one

September 11, 2023

how to write coursera courses on resume

Hello again!

Last week, we used our  job skills list  to choose a  resume type  that best aligns with your needs. Now, you should have all the ingredients ready to start building out your resume. Over the next two issues, we’ll discuss your  resume section-by-section , and by the end of this series, you’ll have a thoughtful resume built to help you go after your desired future role.

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump right in.

Here’s part one of your resume section-by-section breakdown.

Quick note:  Here, we’re discussing resume sections for  chronological  or  combination resumes  since they are the most readable options for applicant tracking systems (ATS). Sometimes a  functional resume  may be a better choice, particularly if you’re transitioning into a new career path and not applying for roles through an ATS.

Resume header

Keep your header simple. Stick to your name, email, phone number, city, and portfolio/website URL, if you have one. Generally, there’s no need to put your full address here. That practice has become a lot less common as businesses have shifted toward digital communications.

Objective or summary

Do you  need  a resume objective or summary? Not necessarily, but this is a nice place to neatly introduce yourself as you want to be seen and set the tone for your resume.

Career change tip:  If you’re changing careers and are having a hard time finding comparable language between your past roles and your desired role, consider taking an  entry-level online course  in your desired role. Sometimes, even if the tasks are similar across both roles, the way people talk about those tasks differs. Taking an entry-level course can be a quick way to gather insight into the language people use when talking about transferable skills.

Your  objective  is your statement of intent, or your immediate goal with this job search, and can be a useful addition if you are applying for your first job or changing careers. Your  summary  is a synopsis of your achievements so far, which tends to work better if you’re aiming to advance your career. (Whether or not you include an objective or summary statement, it is a good practice to write a  LinkedIn summary  for your profile.)

Work experience

The work experience section is where you detail your tasks and impact in your previous roles. Here, you should present the most compelling evidence that you’ve been growing toward your target role for as long as you’ve been working (whether or not you were doing so intentionally).

For each role, include the company and location, your title, and the dates you worked there. Then, add a few bullet points describing what you did during your time in that role. With  page-limit constraints , you likely won’t be able to include  everything  you did in any given role. Use the items on your  job skills list  to guide which of your responsibilities to include.

Try to frame your responsibilities as achievements.  One way to do that in a resume bullet is to follow the template “ Did [task] in order to [outcome], which resulted in [impact] .” For example:

  • Analyzed web traffic data to identify new content opportunities, resulting in a 50 percent increase in site visits year-over-year.

With this format, you can see what I did, why I did it, and why it mattered—all in a 19-word bullet point. You can also show off a workplace skill by incorporating adverbs, adjectives, or descriptive phrases.

In this section, align your phrasing with the language you compiled in your job skills list. You don’t have to directly lift your resume phrasing from the job descriptions, but try to use similar terms since the ATS may be programmed to seek those words and/or their synonyms.

If you feel like your resume bullets are reading a little flat or repetitive, take a look at our list of  resume action words  to see if there’s a more specific or interesting verb to kick off your resume bullets.

Lastly (for now), if you’re overwhelmed by the amount of experience you’re including in this section, consider whether you can cut out some of your earlier roles. Learn more about  how far back your resume should go  based on your experience level.

Next week, we’ll continue building your resume with sections for your education, certifications, skills, hobbies, and volunteer work. (Are we missing a section? Let us know in the comments so we can be sure to address it!) See you then!

Have a career question you’d like us to answer next? Share it below. And, as always, we welcome YOUR advice and experience in the comments.

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  1. How to put Coursera courses on a resume? : resumes

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  2. How to Write an Effective Resume

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  3. How To Write Coursera Courses On Resume

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  4. How To Write Coursera Courses On Resume

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  5. How to Put Coursera Certificate on Resume

    how to write coursera courses on resume

  6. "How to add Coursera credentials to your resume" : r/coursera

    how to write coursera courses on resume


  1. How to Add Coursera Credentials to Your Resume

    When adding Coursera credentials to this section, you should follow the standard best practices for listing education on your resume and include the following information: Name. This is the official title of the course or program you completed. Example: Big Data MasterTrack (™) Certificate, Digital Marketing Analytics Course, Master of ...

  2. How and When To Put Coursera Certificates on a Resume

    When to put a Coursera certificate on your resume. A Coursera certificate might look good on your resume if: You completed a long or substantive course. You finished an entire bachelor's (or other) degree program. You completed a course from a reputable provider. You want to highlight a significant project or other accomplishment from the course.

  3. How To List Online Courses on a Resume (With Examples)

    3. List the courses. Try to limit your list to under five items to avoid overwhelming the reader. List the course names exactly as they appear online, as employers may use that information the check their validity. Also, include the providers next to the titles to aid their search.

  4. How to List Certifications on Your Resume: Guide

    1. In a "certifications and licenses" section. The first place you should highlight your certificate is in a dedicated certification section on your resume. This section can be added either under the education section or the skills section of your resume. A common name for this section is "certifications and licenses" but you can also ...

  5. How to Put a Coursera Certificate on Your Resume

    It's beneficial to list a Coursera certificate on your resume if: You completed a substantial or lengthy course. You concluded an entire degree program. The course is from a reputable provider. It relates directly to the role you're applying to. You have a significant project or other accomplishment from the course.

  6. How to Put Coursera Certificate on Resume

    Licenses and Certifications section: Arguably, this is the most logical place to highlight a relevant certificate. We suggest adding the area under "Education" or "Skills" to your resume. Of course, you can name it differently or make it sound more logical depending on your specific formatting.

  7. How to Add a Coursera Certificate to Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Specify the Certificate Name: Clearly state the full name of the certificate, such as "Coursera Certified Data Science Specialist.". This specificity helps potential employers understand the relevance of your certification to the job role. Mention the Issuing Organization: Adding the name of the university or company that offered the course ...

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    4. Keep your formatting consistent. While there are many different ways to format the contents of your education, consistency between each is key. Once you decide on a format, stick with it for your entire resume. 5. Keep it concise. In many cases, the education section should be one of the shortest on your resume.

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    When it comes to listing specializations on your resume, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. First, be concise and specific in your descriptions, focusing on the most important skills and knowledge you gained from each program. Use something like Bridged to see top keywords and skills for each relevant role.

  11. How to actually write your resume, part two

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  12. EP: 52

    In recent years, online learning has become increasingly popular, with platforms like Coursera offering a variety of courses and certifications to help peopl...

  13. How to Write an Effective Resume

    Ease of reading: Your resume needs to make a great impression and communicate all your most important information in a very short amount of time. Make sure sections are clearly organized and that the font is easy to read, and use margins and white space to prevent the document from feeling cramped. Simple design.

  14. The Right Way To List Certifications on a Resume (With Examples)

    List the name of the certificate or qualification. Include the name of the certifying agency or where you obtained it. This is important for credibility, as it allows employers to verify the authenticity of your qualifications and assess their relevance. List the date you achieved the certification.

  15. How to Write a Resume

    Resume header. Keep your header simple. Stick to your name, email, phone number, city, and portfolio/website URL, if you have one. Generally, there's no need to put your full address here. That ...

  16. "How to add Coursera credentials to your resume" : r/coursera

    Courses/Programs always go under the [Education] section. > if in progress, put " Present " as your end date or give an estimate of when you expect to complete the course/program. > put the name of the industry partner as academy if your education provider is not a university i.e. Google. Certificates always go under the [Certifications] section.

  17. How To Include Coursera Courses In Resume

    We recommend listing online courses in the Certifications or Professional Development sections on your resume. You can add them to your resume by: 1) Listing the course titles and providers. 2) Writing one or two bullet points summarizing what you learned in the course.

  18. How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course)

    Know your Industry. Module 5 • 26 minutes to complete. Different types of jobs are going to look for different headings, or different orders of sections for the optimal response from an employer. Define "Buzz Words" and show how to identify them in a job posting, and then implement them on the resume.

  19. How to Write a Resume: Coursera's Free Online Career Course

    Learn more. "How to Write a Resume" helps you strategically update, reformat, and improve your resume. The online course is led by a SUNY career counselor, with advice based on current job trends ...

  20. How to actually write your resume, part one

    Over the next two issues, we'll discuss your resume section-by-section, and by the end of this series, you'll have a thoughtful resume built to help you go after your desired future role. There's a lot to cover, so let's jump right in. Here's part one of your resume section-by-section breakdown.

  21. PDF

  22. Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters

    Writing a Winning Cover Letter. Module 4 • 2 hours to complete. In this module, you'll how to prepare an effective cover letter and how to use marketing strategies to get you cover letter to work for you. You'll learn how to use similar strategies to write a follow-up letter after interviews. What's included.

  23. Best Resume & CV Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular resume and cv writing courses. Build a Professional Resume using Canva: Coursera Project Network. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters: University of Maryland, College Park. Writing in English at University: Lund University.

  24. Best Resume Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Build a Professional Resume using Canva. Skills you'll gain: Computer Graphics, Creativity, Writing. 4.4. (663 reviews) Beginner · Guided Project · Less Than 2 Hours. U. University of Maryland, College Park.

  25. Computer Skills: What They Are and How to Improve Them

    For example, instead of writing, "Have experience with leading word processors," try "Expert in Microsoft Word." Using simple language on a resume will make it easier for a hiring manager to read your work history and for you to expand on specific skills or experiences during a job interview. Improve your computer skills today.

  26. Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

    The course may not offer an audit option. You can try a Free Trial instead, or apply for Financial Aid. The course may offer 'Full Course, No Certificate' instead. This option lets you see all course materials, submit required assessments, and get a final grade. This also means that you will not be able to purchase a Certificate experience.

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