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PM’s address from the Red Fort on 75th Independence Day


PM’s address from the Red Fort on 75th Independence Day

My dear countrymen!

Best wishes to all of you and those who love India and democracy from all over the world on the occasion of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the 75th Independence Day.

Today, on the pious festival of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the country is bowing to all its freedom fighters and brave heroes who continue to sacrifice themselves day and night in the defense of the nation. The country is remembering every personality, including the revered Bapu, who made freedom a mass movement, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who sacrificed everything for the freedom, or great revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan; Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai, Queen Chennamma of Kittur or Rani Gaidinliu or the valour of MatanginiHazra in Assam; the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Nehru ji, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who integrated the country into a united nation, and Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who determined and paved the way for the future direction of India. The country is indebted to all these great personalities.

India is a land endowed with gems. I salute countless people from every corner of India whose names don’t even figure in history, but who have built this nation and have also taken it forward in every period.

India has fought for the motherland, culture and freedom for centuries. This country never gave up the pain of slavery and the longing for freedom for centuries. In the midst of victories and defeats, the aspiration of freedom engraved in the mind was never diminished. Today is the time to bow down to the leaders of all these struggles, the warriors of centuries of struggle and they also deserve our reverence.

Our doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, sanitation staff, scientists engaged in developing vaccines, millions of countrymen engaged with the spirit of service during this Corona global pandemic also deserve praise from all of us.

Today there are floods in some areas of the country, landslides have also occurred. Some sad news also keeps coming. The hardships of the people have increased in many areas. At such a time, both the Central and State Governments are with them in complete readiness. Today, the young athletes and our players who have brought laurels to India are also present in this event.

Some are present and sitting here. Today, I appeal to all the countrymen, those who are present here and all those who are present in this ceremony from every corner of India, that in the honour of our players, for a few moments let’s salute them with resounding clapping applause and show respect for their huge accomplishments.

Let us show our respect to the sports of India, youth of India and honour the young Indians who bring laurels to the nation. Crores of countrymen are showing respect to the youth of India, especially the athletes who brought honour to India with a thunderous applause. I can be proud that they have not only won our hearts today, but also inspired the youth of India and future generations with their huge achievements.

My dear countrymen,

While we celebrate our freedom today, we cannot forget the pain of partition that still pierces through the heart of all Indians. This has been one of the biggest tragedies of the last century. After attaining freedom, these people were forgotten too soon. Just yesterday India has taken an emotional decision in their memory. We will henceforth commemorate August 14 as “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day” in the memory of all the victims of partition. Those who were subjected to inhuman circumstances, suffered torturous treatment, they could not even receive a dignified cremation. They must all remain alive and never get erased from our memories. The decision of celebrating “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day” on the 75th Independence Day is a befitting tribute from every Indian to them.

For the country moving on the path of progress and humanity in the entire world, the Corona period came as a major challenge. Indians fought this fight with great grit and patience. We had many challenges. Countrymen performed extraordinarily in every field. It is due to the power of our entrepreneurs and scientists that the country is not dependent on anyone or any country for vaccines. Imagine for a ment, if we did not have the vaccine. How long did it take to get polio vaccine?

It was extremely difficult to get vaccines during such a major crisis, with pandemic plaguing the entire world. India might or might not have received it and even if it had received the vaccine there was no certainty of getting that in time. But today we can proudly say that the world’s largest vaccination programme is being run in our country. More than 54 crore people have received the vaccine dose. Online systems like Cowin and digital certificates are attracting the world today. The way India has kept the stoves burning in the poor households by providing free food grains to 80 crore countrymen continuously for months during the pandemic is not only astonishing to the world but also a matter of discussion. It is true that fewer people have been infected in India as compared to other countries; it is also true that in comparison to the population of other countries of the world, we managed to save more citizens in India but it is not something to be proud of! We cannot rest on these laurels. To say that there was no challenge, will become a restrictive thought in the path of our own development.

Our systems are insufficient compared to that of the rich countries of the world, we do not have what the rich countries have. Moreover, we also have a greater population compared to the other countries of the world. And our lifestyle is also different. Despite all our efforts, we could not save many people. So many children have been orphaned. This unbearable pain is going to remain forever.

There comes a time in the development journey of every country when the country redefines itself afresh and pushes forward with new resolutions. Today that time has arrived in the development journey of India. We should not limit the occasion of 75 years of Indian independence to just one ceremony. We must lay the groundwork for new resolutions and move forward with new resolutions. Starting from here, the entire journey of the next 25 years, when we celebrate the centenary of Indian independence, marks the Amrit period of creation of a new India. The fulfillment of our resolutions in this Amrit period will take us to the hundredth anniversary of Indian independence with pride.

The goal of ‘Amrit Kaal’ is to ascend to new heights of prosperity for India and the citizens of India. The goal of ‘Amrit Kaal’ is to create an India where the level of facilities is not dividing the village and the city. The goal of ‘Amrit Kaal’ is to build an India where the government does not interfere unnecessarily in the lives of citizens. The goal of ‘Amrit Kaal’ is to build an India where there is world’s every modern infrastructure.

We should not be lesser than anyone. This is the resolve of the crores of countrymen. But the resolve remains incomplete until it is not accompanied by the extreme hard work and courage. Therefore, we have to realize all our resolutions with hard work and courage, and these dreams and resolutions are also for effective contribution to a safe and prosperous world beyond our borders.

Amrit Kaal is of 25 years. But we don’t have to wait for long to achieve our goals. We have to start now. We don’t have a moment to lose. This is the right time. Our country also has to change and we as citizens have to change ourselves too. We also have to adapt ourselves to the changing era. We have started with the spirit of ‘SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’. Today I am requesting from the ramparts of the Red Fort that ‘SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ and now ‘SabkaPrayas’ are very important for the achievement of our goals. Crores of people are getting the benefits of many schemes started in the last seven years. Every poor of the country knows the importance of Ujjwala to Ayushman Bharat. Today the speed of government schemes has increased and they are achieving the desired goals. We have progressed much faster than before. But it does not end here. We have to achieve saturation. All the villages should have roads, all the households should have bank accounts, all the beneficiaries should have Ayushman Bharat cards and all the eligible persons should get the benefit of Ujjwala Yojana and should have gas connections. We have to connect every entitled person with the government’s insurance, pension and housing schemes. We have to move ahead with a mindset of cent percent achievement. Till now, no thought was given for our street vendors, who sell their goods on tracks, footpaths and carts. All these colleagues are now being linked to the banking system through the SVANidhi scheme.

Just as we have made electricity accessible to 100% households, and have made authentic efforts to construct toilets in 100% households, similarly, we now have to move ahead with the goal of achieving saturation of schemes, and, for this, we do not have to keep a distant deadline. We have to make our resolutions come true within a few years.

Today, our country is working with speed on the Har Ghar Jal Mission. I am happy that in just two years of the Jal Jeevan Mission, more than four and a half crore families have started getting water from taps. They have started getting water from pipes. Receiving the blessings from crores of mothers and sisters, is our true capital. The biggest advantage of this 100 percent accomplishment rate is that no one remains deprived of the benefits of the government scheme. When the government operates with a target to reach the person in the last line, only then there is no discrimination and there is no scope for corruption.

Providing nutrition to every poor person of the country is also a priority of this government. Malnutrition and lack of essential nutrients in poor women and poor children poses major obstacles in their development. In view of this, it has been decided that the government will fortify the rice given to the poor under its various schemes. Will give rice fortified with nutrition to the poor. Be it the rice available at the ration shop, the rice provided to the children in the mid-day meal, or the rice available through every scheme, it shall be fortified by the year 2024.

Today, the campaign to provide better health facilities to every poor in the country is also going on at a fast pace. For this, important reforms have also been made in medical education. Equal attention has been paid to preventive healthcare. Simultaneously, there has been a substantial increase in the number of medical seats in the country. Under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, quality health services are being provided to every village in the country. Affordable medicines are being made available to the poor and middle class through Jan Aushadhi Yojana. So far, more than 75 thousand Health and Wellness centers have been set up. At the block level too, modern health infrastructure is being exclusively set up on a network of good hospitals and modern labs. Very soon thousands of hospitals in the country will also have their own oxygen plants.

To take India to new heights in the 21st century, the optimal utilisation of India’s potential is the need of the hour.

This is extremely important. For this, we need to provide hand holding to the backward categories and sectors. Alongwith the concern of fulfilling the basic needs, reservation is being ensured for the Dalits, Backward classes, Adivasis and the poor people from general category. More recently, in the field of medical education, reservation has also been ensured for the OBC category in the All India quota. By formulating a law in Parliament, the right to make their own list of OBC has been given to the states.

Just as we are making sure that no person or no class should be left behind in the development journey of society, similarly no part of the country, no corner of the country should be left behind. Development should be all-round, development should be all-pervasive, development should be all-inclusive. We are now accelerating the efforts that have been made in the last seven years to bring forward such backward areas of the country. Be it the eastern India, the North-east, Jammu-Kashmir, Ladakh including the entire Himalayan region, be it our coastal belt or the tribal region, these regions are going to turn into a major foundation for India’s development in future, India’s development journey.

Today a new history of connectivity is being written in the North-East. This is a connectivity of both the hearts and the infrastructure. Very soon the work of connecting all the state capitals of the North-East with rail service is going to be completed. Under the Act-East Policy, today North-East, Bangladesh, Myanmar and South-East Asia are also being connected. Due to the efforts made in the past years, now the enthusiasm for the creation of Shreshtha Bharat and long lasting peace in the North-East has increased manifold.

There is a huge potential in the fields of tourism, adventure sports, organic farming, herbal medicine, and oil palm in the North East. We have to fully harness this potential and make it a part of the development journey of the country. And we have to complete this work within a few decades of the ‘Amrit kaal’. Giving a fair opportunity to the capabilities of all is the true spirit of democracy. Be it Jammu or Kashmir, the balance of development is now visible on the ground.

The Delimitation Commission has been constituted in Jammu and Kashmir and preparations are also going on for the assembly elections. Ladakh has also progressed towards its limitless possibilities of development. On one hand Ladakh is witnessing the creation of modern infrastructure, while on the other hand Sindhu Central University is also making Ladakh a center of higher education.

In this decade of the 21st century, India will further accelerate its efforts towards the Blue Economy. Along with aquaculture, we have to take full advantage of the new possibilities that are emerging in the cultivation of seaweed. The Deep Ocean Mission is the result of our ambition to explore the unlimited possibilities of the ocean. The mineral wealth which is hidden in the sea, the thermal energy which is in the sea water, can give new heights to the development of the country.

We have also awakened the aspirations of the districts of the country believed to have been left behind. Priority is being given to schemes related to education, health, nutrition, roads and employment in more than 110 aspirational districts in the country. Many of these districts are in our tribal areas. We have created a spirit of healthy competition for development among these districts. There is a strong competition going on in that direction so that these aspirational districts are at par with other districts of India.

Capitalism and socialism are discussed a lot in the world of economics, but India also emphasizes cooperativism. Cooperativism is also compatible with our traditions and values. Cooperativism, in which the collective power of the masses becomes the driving force of the economy, is important for the country’s grassroots level economy. Co-operatives are not just a system with a network of laws and rules, but co-operative is a spirit, culture, and a mindset of collective growth. We have taken steps to empower them by forming a separate ministry. We have taken this step to empower the cooperative sector in the states.

We will have to put all our efforts to build a new economy in the villages in this decade. Today we can see our villages changing rapidly. In the last few years, our government has provided roads and electricity to the villages. Now these villages have been strengthened with optical fiber network data and the Internet. Digital entrepreneurs are emerging in the villages also. The more than eight crore sisters in the villages, who are associated with Self-Help Groups, design top-end products. Now the government will also prepare an e-commerce platform for their products so that get a big market in our country and abroad. Today, when the country is moving forward with the mantra of Vocal for Local, this digital platform will connect the products of women self-help groups with people across the length and breadth of the country as well as internationally. Their horizon shall thus get enhanced.

During Corona, the country has witnessed the power of technology, as well as the commitment and capabilities of our scientists. The scientists of our country are working very diligently and strategically across the expanse of ​​the country. Now the time has come for us to integrate the capabilities of scientists and their suggestions in our agriculture sector as well. Now we cannot wait any longer. We have to leverage this strength. This will go a long way in increasing the production of fruits, vegetables and grains along with giving food security to the country. Thus we shall catapult ourselves strongly into the world orbit.

Amongst these concerted efforts, we need to take cognizance of a major challenge posed in our agriculture sector. Challenge of shrinking of land of villagers which is due to immense rise in population, and smaller land holdings due to the divisions happening in the family. Farming land has shrunk alarmingly. More than 80 percent of the farmers of the country are those who have less than two hectares of land. If we see, 80 out of 100 farmers have less than two hectares of land i.e. the farmers of our country are practically in the small farmer category. Unfortunately, this segment remained eliminated from the benefits in our yesteryear’s policies. They did not get their due importance. Now, keeping in mind these small farmers in the country, agricultural reforms are being undertaken, and critical decisions are being taken to benefit them.

Whether the improvement in the crop insurance scheme or important decision of increasing the MSP by one and a half times; a system to provide loans from banks at cheaper rates through Kisan Credit Card; taking the schemes related to solar power to the farm, formulate a Farmer Producer Organization. All these efforts will increase the power of the small farmer. In the coming times, a campaign will also be launched to create a warehouse facility up to the block level.

Keeping in mind the small expenses of every small farmer, PM KisanSamman Nidhi Yojana is being run. So far, more than 1.5 lakh crores have been deposited directly into the bank accounts of more than ten crore farmer families. The small farmer is now our resolve and mantra for us. The small farmer becomes the country’s pride…. the small farmer becomes the nation’s pride. This is our dream. In the coming years, we will have to increase the collective power of the small farmers of the country. New facilities have to be provided.

Today, Kisan Rail is plying on more than 70 rail routes of the country. Kisan Rail can help small farmers with this modern facility to reach far flung areas on a low cost of produce and transportation. Several products like Kamalam, Shahi litchi, BhutJolokiachillis, black rice or turmeric are being exported to different countries of the world. Today, the country feels delighted when the aroma of these products produced in the soil of India reaches different countries of the world. Today the world is developing a taste for the vegetables and food grains grown in the fields of India.

Swamitva Yojana is an example of one of the initiatives taken to boost the capabilities of the villages today. We all know what happens to the price of land in villages. They do not get any loan from the banks on the basis of land, despite being the owners of the land because no work had been done in terms of documents of rural land for several years. People do not have this system. The Swamitva scheme attempted to change this situation. Today every village, every house, every land is being mapped through drones. The data and property papers of village lands are being uploaded online. With this, not only the disputes related to land in the villages are being ended, but a system has also been created for the people of the village to get loans easily from the banks. The lands of village poor should be the foundation for development rather than disputes. And the country is moving in the same direction today.

When Swami Vivekananda used to talk about the future of India, when he used to see the magnificence of Mother Bharati in front of his eyes, he used to say – Try to look into the past as far as possible. Drink the water of the ever new spring flowing back there, and after that, look ahead. Go ahead and make India brighter, greater & better than ever. In this 75th year of independence, it is our duty to move forward believing in the immense potential of the country. We have to work together for new generation infrastructure; we have to work together for world class manufacturing; we have to work together for cutting edge innovations; we have to work together for new age technology.

The foundation of progress in the modern world lies on modern infrastructure. It also fulfills the needs and aspirations of the middle class. Weak infrastructure derails the pace of development and the urban middle class also suffers.

We have to work together for next generation infrastructure, for world class manufacturing, for cutting edge innovation and for New Age technology.

Realizing this need, the country has demonstrated extraordinary speed and scale in every field from the seas, land to the skies. Rapid progress is underway whether it is development of new waterways or connecting new places with seaplanes. Indian Railways is also rapidly adapting to its modern avatar. The country has resolved to celebrate the Amrit Mahotsav of independence. You would know that we have decided to celebrate this Amrit Mahotsav of independence for 75 weeks. It started from 12th March and will continue till 15th August, 2023. We have to move forward with new enthusiasm and, therefore, the country has made a very important decision.

During these 75 weeks of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, 75 Vande Bharat trains will connect every corner of the country. The pace at which new airports are being built in the country and the UDAN scheme connecting remote areas is unprecedented. We can see how better air connectivity gives new flights to people’s dreams.

Along with modern infrastructure, there is a great need for adopting a holistic and integrated approach in infrastructure construction. In the near future, we are going to launch the National Master Plan of Prime Minister ‘Gati Shakti’ which will be a huge scheme and fulfill the dreams of crores of countrymen. This scheme of more than 100 lakh crores rupees will result in new employment opportunities for lakhs of youth.

Gati Shakti will be a National Infrastructure Master Plan for our country which will lay the foundation of holistic Infrastructure and will lead to an integrated and holistic pathway to our economy. Right now, there is no coordination between our means of transport. Gati Shakti will break the silos, and will remove all these obstacles. This will reduce the travel time for the common man and the productivity of our industry will also increase. Gati Shakti will also go a long way in making our local manufacturers globally competitive and this will also develop new possibilities for the creation of future economic zones. In this decade, the power of speed will form the basis of India’s transformation.

India will have to increase both its manufacturing and exports while moving ahead on the path of development.

Treading ahead on the path of development, India will have to augment both its manufacturing and exports. You have witnessed, just a few days ago, India launched its first indigenous Aircraft Carrier INS Vikrant for trial in the sea. Today India is making its own indigenous fighter aircraft, its own submarine. Gaganyaan is also slated to hoist India’s flag in space. This itself is evidential of our immense capabilities in indigenous manufacturing.

The country has also announced Production Linked Incentive to consolidate our Make in India campaign in the wake of the new economic conditions that have emerged due to Corona. The electronic manufacturing sector stands as an example of the change that is enforced through this scheme. Seven years ago we used to import mobile phones worth about eight billion dollars. However, now the import has reduced considerably, and today we are also exporting mobile phones worth three billion dollars.

Today, when our manufacturing sector is gaining momentum, our focus should be that whatever we make in India should be of highest quality standards so that we sustain in the global competition. Rather, if possible we should aim at going a step ahead and take proactive steps to prepare ourselves for the global market. We have to target that. I want to say emphatically to all the manufacturers of the country, that you should never forget that the product you sell overseas is not just a product made by your company, it is the identity of our nation, India’s prestige and the faith of all the citizens of our country.

My dear countrymen

That is why I tell all our manufacturers that each of your products is a brand ambassador of India. When someone will buy and use your product, the customer should say with pride- now “This is Made in India”. That’s the mindset we need. You all should now aspire to win over the global market. The government is fully with you in realising this dream.

Today, several new start-ups are being formed in different sectors of the country and even in smaller tier 2, tier 3 cities of the country. They also have a big role to play in getting entry of their Indian products into the inter-state market.The government stands with all its might, with these start-ups. Whether it is giving them financial help, cash discounts, rules simplification for them, the government is fully with them. We have seen that thousands of new start-ups have emerged in this difficult period of Corona. They are moving forward with great success. Yesteryear’s start-ups are becoming today’s unicorns. Their market value is reaching thousands of crores of rupees.

These are new types of wealth creators in our country today. They are standing on their feet with the power of their unique ideas, moving ahead and walking with the dream of conquering the world. They are new kinds of wealth creators. They are moving by the force of their unique ideas and a dream to win over the world. In this decade, we need to relentlessly work towards making India’s Startups and the Startup Ecosystem the best in the whole world.

My countrymen,

Political will is needed to bring about major changes and reforms. Today the world is witnessing that there is no dearth of political will in India. Good and smart governance is required to implement the reforms. Today the world is also a witness to how India is writing a new chapter of governance here. In this decade of ‘Amrit Kaal’, we will give priority to Next Generation reforms… We will ensure that all the facilities like service delivery should reach citizens up to the last mile; it should reach the last person seamlessly, without hesitation or any kind of difficulty. For the overall development of the country, unnecessary interference by the government and the government processes in the lives of the people has to be ended.

Earlier, the government itself was on the driving seat. This might have been the demand of that time. But now the time has changed. In the last seven years, efforts have also intensified in the country to liberate the people of the country from the web of unnecessary laws and procedures. Till now hundreds of old laws of the country have been abolished. Even during this period of Corona pandemic, the government has abolished more than 15,000 compliances. Now you see, you might have experienced a lot of hassles and paperwork for a small government work. That has been the situation so far. We have ended 15,000 compliances.

Just imagine…..I want to give you an example. A law has been in place in India for over 200 years, 200 years i.e. even before 1857. As per this law, the citizens of the country did not have the right to create maps. Now imagine, it was in place since 1857. If you want to create a map, then seek permission from the government, if you want to print the map in a book, then seek permission from the government; there is a provision for arrest if the map is lost. Nowadays every phone has a Map app. Satellites have so much power! Then how will we take the country forward with a burden of such laws? It is very important to get rid of this burden of compliances. We have abolished several regulations in various sectors like mapping, space, information technology and BPO.

Freedom from the clutches of unnecessary laws is very important for both Ease of Living as well as Ease of Doing Business. Our country’s industries and businesses are experiencing this change today.

Today dozens of labor laws have been subsumed into just 4 codes. Tax related arrangements have also been made easy and become faceless now. We will have to work together so that such reforms are not limited to the government only, but percolate down to gram panchayats, municipal corporations and municipalities. I am calling upon, making an earnest appeal to all the central and state departments to launch a campaign to review the existing rules and procedures. We have to get rid of every rule, every process which has become a hindrance and a burden for the people of the country. I know what has accumulated in 70-75 years will not go away in a day or in a year. But if we start working with a purpose, we will definitely be able to do this.

Keeping this in mind, the government has also started Mission Karmayogi and Capacity Building Commission to increase people-centric approach in bureaucracy and improve their efficiency.

Our education, education system, education tradition has a great role in preparing the youth, who are possessed with skill and ability, and who have the spirit to do something for the country. Today the country also has a new National Education Policy to meet the needs of the 21st century. Now our children will neither stop due to lack of skills nor will they be bound by language barriers. Unfortunately, there is a massive divide in our country regarding language. We have tied a huge talent of the country to the cage of language. One can find promising people in their mother tongue. If people from the vernacular medium come forward, their self-confidence will grow. Justice will be done to the potential of the poor children when they will become professionals by studying in their mother tongue.

I believe that language is the instrument of the fight against poverty in the new National Education Policy. This new National Education Policy is also going to be a great tool to fight against poverty in a way. The basis of winning the war against poverty is also the education, prestige and importance of the vernacular language. The country has seen this in the playground… and we are experiencing that language has not become a barrier and as a result we have seen that the youth are playing and blossoming. Now the same thing will happen in other fields of life as well.

Another special feature of the new National Education Policy is that sports has been made a part of mainstream education instead of extra-curricular. Sports is also one of the most effective means of pursuing life. It is very important to have sports in life for perfection in life. There was a time when sports was not considered mainstream. Parents also considered indulging in sports as wastage of life. Now, there is a new awareness about fitness and sports. We have seen and felt this in the olympics. This change is a big turning point for us. That is why, we need to speed up and expand the campaign that is going on in the country for infusing talent, technology and professionalism in sports.

It is a matter of pride for the country that our daughters are performing in an unprecedented manner in the fields of education, sports, Boards results or olympics. Today daughters are raring to occupy their place. We have to ensure that women have equal partnership in every career and workspace. We have to ensure that they feel safe from roads to the workplace and everywhere. There should be a feeling of respect for them and in this, the government, administration, police and justice system will have to perform their duty cent percent. We have to make this resolution , the resolution of the 75 years of Independence.

Today I am sharing good news with the countrymen. I used to get lakhs of messages from our daughters that they want to study in the Sainik Schools. The Doors of the schools should be opened for them. We dis aq pilot project in the Sainik School of Mizoram two-two and half years ago by giving admission to our daughters. Now the Government has decided that all the Sainik Schools will be open for the girls. Daughter too will study in all the Sainik Schools of the Country.

Environmental security is getting the same importance in the world as national security.Today India is a vibrant voice of environmental security, whether it is biodiversity or land neutrality, climate change or waste recycling, organic farming or biogas, energy conservation or clean energy transition. India’s efforts in environment are giving results today. Increase in forest cover, number of national parks, increase in number of tigers and Asiatic lions are a matter of happiness for the countrymen.

Among all these successes one truth needs to be understood. India is not yet energy independent. India today spends more than 12 lakh crore rupees annually for importing energy. For India’s progress and to build a self-reliant India, India’s energy independence is the need of the hour! Therefore today, India has to make a resolution to make India energy independent before the completion of 100 years of independence and our roadmap is very clear for the same. It should be a gas based economy. There should be a network of CNG & PNG across the country. There should be a target of 20 percent ethanol blending. India is moving ahead with a set goal. India has also made a move towards Electric Mobility and the work on 100% electrification of Railways is also progressing at a fast pace. Indian Railways has set a target of becoming Net Zero Carbon Emitter by 2030. Besides these efforts, the country is also emphasizing on Mission Circular Economy. Our Vehicle Scrap Policy is a great example of the same. Today, India is the only country in the group of G-20 countries, which is moving fast towards achieving its climate goals.

India has set a target of 450 GW of renewable energy by the end of this decade – 450 GW by 2030. Of this, the target of 100 GW has been achieved by India ahead of schedule. These efforts are also instilling confidence in the world. The formation of the International Solar Alliance on the Global State is a great example of the same.

Of every effort being made by India today, the thing that is going to help India with a quantum leap in terms of climate is the field of ​​Green Hydrogen. To achieve the goal of Green Hydrogen, I am announcing the National Hydrogen Mission today with this tricolour as a witness. We have to make India a Global Hub for Green Hydrogen Production and Export in the ‘Amrit Kaal’. This will not only help India to make a new progress in the field of energy self-reliance but will also become a new inspiration for Clean Energy Transition all over the world. New opportunities from Green Growth to Green Job are opening up today for our start-ups & youth.

Today, the 21st century India has the ability to create and achieve big goals as well. Today India is also solving those subject areas, which were hanging fires for decades and centuries. Be it a historic decision to abrogate Article 370, introduction of GST, a system that frees the country from the web of taxes, a decision regarding ‘One Rank-One Pension’ for our military friends, a peaceful solution to the Ram Janmabhoomi issue, we have seen it come true in a few years

India’s willpower is realizing all the resolutions whether it is the Bru-Reang agreement in Tripura after decades, constitutional status to the OBC commission or the BDC and DDC elections in Jammu and Kashmir for the first time since independence.

Even in this period of Corona, record foreign investment is coming to India. India’s foreign exchange reserves are also at an all-time high. India has also given the message of the might of New India to the enemies of the country by carrying out surgical and air strikes. It shows that India is changing. India can change. India can take the toughest decisions and it does not hesitate and stop in taking even the toughest decisions.

The nature of global relations has changed after the Second World War. There is a possibility of a new world order post Corona. The world has seen and appreciated India’s efforts during Corona. Today the world is looking at India from a new perspective. There are two important aspects of this perception — one is terrorism and the other is expansionism. India is fighting both these challenges and is also responding strongly in a restrained manner. Our defense preparedness has to be equally strong if India has to fulfil its obligations properly.

We are making constant efforts to provide new opportunities to our hardworking entrepreneurs and to encourage Indian companies to make the country self-reliant in the field of defence. I assure the country that we will leave no stone unturned to strengthen the hands of our forces engaged in the defense of the country.

Today is also the birth anniversary of the great thinker of the country, Sri Aurobindo. His 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in 2022. Sri Aurobindo was a visionary of India’s bright future. He used to say that we have to be as powerful as we were never before. We have to change our habits. We have to re-awaken ourselves. These words of Sri Aurobindo remind us of our duties. We also have to think about what we are giving to the country as a citizen and as a society. We have always given importance to rights. They were needed during that period, but now we have to make duties paramount. Everybody will have to contribute in fulfilling the resolutions of the country. Every citizen will have to own this up.

Our country has initiated a campaign of water conservation, so it is our duty to include saving water in our habits. If the country is emphasizing on digital transactions, then it is also our duty to do minimum cash transactions. The country has started the campaign of Local for Vocal, so it is our duty to buy as many local products as possible. To strengthen our vision of a plastic-free India of the country, it is our duty to completely stop the use of single use plastic. It is our duty not to throw dirt in our rivers, keep our sea shores clean. We also have to take the Swachh Bharat Mission to another new level.

Today, when the country is celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav on the occasion of 75 years of independence, it is the duty of all of us to join this event, participate in it enthusiastically, and keep kindling our resolutions again and again. Keeping freedom struggle in mind, whatever little you do… whatever… will be pure like a drop of nectar, and this Amrit Kumbh made by the pure efforts of many Indians will inspire the entire nation for years to come.

I am not a fortune teller, I believe in action. I have faith in the youth of my country, I trust the sisters of the country, the daughters of the country, the farmers of the country, and the professionals of the country. This ‘CAN DO’ generation can achieve every goal imaginable.

I believe that in 2047, on the occasion of celebrating 100 years of independence… whoever will be the Prime Minister… whoever will be the Prime Minister after 25 years from today, when he will be unfurling the flag… I say this with confidence today that he or she shall be chronicling those accomplishments in his speech about which the country has taken a vow today… This is my firm belief of victory.

Today whatever I am speaking of in the form of a resolution, whoever hoists the flag after 25 years, shall be speaking of the same in the form of accomplishments. The country would be singing its glory in the form of these accomplishments. Youth of the country of today, shall also see at that time how the country has achieved this glory.

In the 21st century, no obstacle can stop us from fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of India. Our strength is our vitality, our strength is our solidarity, our vitality is the spirit of nation first – always first. This is the time for shared dreams, this is the time for shared resolve, this is the time for shared efforts… and this is the time to move towards victory.

And so I say once again-

This is the time,

This is the time.. the right time!

India’s precious time!

This is the time, the right time! India’s precious time!

The power of countless arms,

There is patriotism everywhere!

There is the power of innumerable arms, there is patriotism everywhere…

Come, rise and unfurl the Tricolour!

Turn the fate of India,

There is nothing..

There is nothing you cannot do,

There is nothing you cannot achieve,

You Rise…

You Rise and Begin,

Recognize your abilities,

Understand all your duties,

Understand all your duties!

When the country completes 100 years of independence, the goals of the countrymen must be turned into reality; that is my desire. With my best wishes, I once again congratulate all the countrymen on the 75th Independence Day! Say aloud with your fists up –



Long live Mother India,

Long live Mother India!

Thanks a lot!

Addressing the nation from the Red Fort. Watch. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 15, 2021
I would like to begin by conveying greetings on this special occasion of Independence Day. This is a day to remember our great freedom fighters: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव, 75वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर आप सभी को और विश्वभर में भारत को प्रेम करने वाले, लोकतंत्र को प्रेम करने वाले सभी को बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
कोरोना वैश्विक महामारी में हमारे डॉक्टर, हमारे नर्सेस, हमारे पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ, सफाईकर्मी, वैक्सीन बनाने मे जुटे वैज्ञानिक हों, सेवा में जुटे नागरिक हों, वे सब भी वंदन के अधिकारी हैं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
भारत के पहले प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू जी हों, देश को एकजुट राष्ट्र में बदलने वाले सरदार पटेल हों या भारत को भविष्य का रास्ता दिखाने वाले बाबासाहेब अम्बेडकर, देश ऐसे हर व्यक्तित्व को याद कर रहा है, देश इन सबका ऋणी है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
हम आजादी का जश्न मनाते हैं, लेकिन बंटवारे का दर्द आज भी हिंदुस्तान के सीने को छलनी करता है। यह पिछली शताब्दी की सबसे बड़ी त्रासदी में से एक है। कल ही देश ने भावुक निर्णय लिया है। अब से 14 अगस्त को विभाजन विभीषिका स्मृति दिवस के रूप में याद किया जाएगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
प्रगति पथ पर बढ़ रहे हमारे देश के सामने, पूरी मानवजाति के सामने कोरोना का यह कालखंड बड़ी चुनौती के रूप में आया है। भारतवासियों ने संयम और धैर्य के साथ इस लड़ाई को लड़ा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
हर देश की विकासयात्रा में एक समय ऐसा आता है, जब वो देश खुद को नए सिरे से परिभाषित करता है, खुद को नए संकल्पों के साथ आगे बढ़ाता है। भारत की विकास यात्रा में भी आज वो समय आ गया है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
यहां से शुरू होकर अगले 25 वर्ष की यात्रा नए भारत के सृजन का अमृतकाल है। इस अमृतकाल में हमारे संकल्पों की सिद्धि, हमें आजादी के 100 वर्ष तक ले जाएगी: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
संकल्प तब तक अधूरा होता है, जब तक संकल्प के साथ परिश्रम और पराक्रम की पराकाष्ठा न हो। इसलिए हमें हमारे सभी संकल्पों को परिश्रम और पराक्रम की पराकाष्ठा करके सिद्ध करके ही रहना है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
सबका साथ-सबका विकास-सबका विश्वास, इसी श्रद्धा के साथ हम सब जुटे हुए हैं। आज लाल किले से मैं आह्वान कर रहा हूं- सबका साथ-सबका विकास-सबका विश्वास और सबका प्रयास हमारे हर लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
अब हमें सैचुरेशन की तरफ जाना है। शत प्रतिशत गांवों में सड़कें हों, शत प्रतिशत परिवारों के पास बैंक अकाउंट हो, शत प्रतिशत लाभार्थियों के पास आयुष्मान भारत का कार्ड हो, शत-प्रतिशत पात्र व्यक्तियों के पास उज्ज्वला योजना का गैस कनेक्शन हो: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
सरकार अपनी अलग-अलग योजनाओं के तहत जो चावल गरीबों को देती है, उसे फोर्टिफाई करेगी, गरीबों को पोषणयुक्त चावल देगी। राशन की दुकान पर मिलने वाला चावल हो, मिड डे मील में मिलने वाला चावल हो, वर्ष 2024 तक हर योजना के माध्यम से मिलने वाला चावल फोर्टिफाई कर दिया जाएगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
21वीं सदी में भारत को नई ऊंचाई पर पहुंचाने के लिए भारत के सामर्थ्य का सही इस्तेमाल, पूरा इस्तेमाल जरूरी है। इसके लिए जो वर्ग पीछे है, जो क्षेत्र पीछे है, हमें उनकी हैंड-होल्डिंग करनी ही होगी: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
हमारा पूर्वी भारत, नॉर्थ ईस्ट, जम्मू-कश्मीर, लद्दाख सहित पूरा हिमालय का क्षेत्र हो, हमारी कोस्टल बेल्ट या फिर आदिवासी अंचल हो, ये भविष्य में भारत के विकास का बड़ा आधार बनेंगे: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज नॉर्थ ईस्ट में कनेक्टिविटी का नया इतिहास लिखा जा रहा है। ये कनेक्टिविटी दिलों की भी है और इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर की भी है। बहुत जल्द नॉर्थ ईस्ट के सभी राज्यों की राजधानियों को रेलसेवा से जोड़ने का काम पूरा होने वाला है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
सभी के सामर्थ्य को उचित अवसर देना, यही लोकतंत्र की असली भावना है। जम्मू हो या कश्मीर, विकास का संतुलन अब ज़मीन पर दिख रहा है। जम्मू कश्मीर में डी-लिमिटेशन कमीशन का गठन हो चुका है और भविष्य में विधानसभा चुनावों के लिए भी तैयारी चल रही है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
लद्दाख भी विकास की अपनी असीम संभावनाओं की तरफ आगे बढ़ चला है। एक तरफ लद्दाख, आधुनिक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का निर्माण होते देख रहा है तो वहीं दूसरी तरफ ‘सिंधु सेंट्रल यूनिवर्सिटी’ लद्दाख को उच्च शिक्षा का केंद्र भी बनाने जा रही है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
देश के जिन ज़िलों के लिए ये माना गया था कि ये पीछे रह गए, हमने उनकी आकांक्षाओं को भी जगाया है। देश मे 110 से अधिक आकांक्षी ज़िलों में शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पोषण, सड़क, रोज़गार, से जुड़ी योजनाओं को प्राथमिकता दी जा रही है। इनमें से अनेक जिले आदिवासी अंचल में हैं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज हम अपने गांवों को तेजी से परिवर्तित होते देख रहे हैं। बीते कुछ वर्ष, गांवों तक सड़क और बिजली जैसी सुविधाओं को पहुंचाने रहे हैं। अब गांवों को ऑप्टिकल फाइबर नेटवर्क, डेटा की ताकत पहुंच रही है, इंटरनेट पहुंच रहा है। गांव में भी डिजिटल Entrepreneur तैयार हो रहे हैं: PM — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
गांव में जो हमारी सेल्फ हेल्प ग्रुप से जुड़ी 8 करोड़ से अधिक बहनें हैं, वो एक से बढ़कर एक प्रॉडक्ट्स बनाती हैं। इनके प्रॉडक्ट्स को देश में और विदेश में बड़ा बाजार मिले, इसके लिए अब सरकार ई-कॉमर्स प्लेटफॉर्म तैयार करेगी: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
छोटा किसान बने देश की शान, ये हमारा सपना है। आने वाले वर्षों में हमें देश के छोटे किसानों की सामूहिक शक्ति को और बढ़ाना होगा। उन्हें नई सुविधाएं देनी होंगी: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
देश के 80 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा किसान ऐसे हैं, जिनके पास 2 हेक्टेयर से भी कम जमीन है। पहले जो देश में नीतियां बनीं, उनमें इन छोटे किसानों पर जितना ध्यान केंद्रित करना था, वो रह गया। अब इन्हीं छोटे किसानों को ध्यान में रखते हुए निर्णय लिए जा रहे हैं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
हमें मिलकर काम करना होगा, Next Generation Infrastructure के लिए। हमें मिलकर काम करना होगा, World Class Manufacturing के लिए। हमें मिलकर काम करना होगा Cutting Edge Innovation के लिए। हमें मिलकर काम करना होगा New Age Technology के लिए: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
देश ने संकल्प लिया है कि आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव के 75 सप्ताह में 75 वंदेभारत ट्रेनें देश के हर कोने को आपस में जोड़ रही होंगी। आज जिस गति से देश में नए Airports का निर्माण हो रहा है, उड़ान योजना दूर-दराज के इलाकों को जोड़ रही है, वो भी अभूतपूर्व है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
भारत को आधुनिक इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के साथ ही इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर निर्माण में होलिस्टिक अप्रोच अपनाने की भी जरूरत है। भारत आने वाले कुछ ही समय में प्रधानमंत्री गतिशक्ति- नेशनल मास्टर प्लान को लॉन्च करने जा रहा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
विकास के पथ पर आगे बढ़ते हुए भारत को अपनी मैन्यूफैक्चरिंग और एक्सपोर्ट, दोनों को बढ़ाना होगा। आपने देखा है, अभी कुछ दिन पहले ही भारत ने अपने पहले स्वदेशी एयरक्राफ्ट कैरियर INS विक्रांत को समुद्र में ट्रायल के लिए उतारा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
भारत आज अपना लड़ाकू विमान बना रहा है, सबमरीन बना रहा है, गगनयान भी बना रहा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
देश के सभी मैन्यूफैक्चर्स को भी ये समझना होगा- आप जो Product बाहर भेजते हैं वो आपकी कंपनी में बनाया हुआ सिर्फ एक Product नहीं होता। उसके साथ भारत की पहचान जुड़ी होती है, प्रतिष्ठा जुड़ी होती है, भारत के कोटि-कोटि लोगों का विश्वास जुड़ा होता है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
मैं इसलिए मनुफक्चरर्स को कहता हूँ - आपका हर एक प्रॉडक्ट भारत का ब्रैंड एंबेसेडर है। जब तक वो प्रॉडक्ट इस्तेमाल में लाया जाता रहेगा, उसे खरीदने वाला कहेगा - हां ये मेड इन इंडिया है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
हमने देखा है, कोरोना काल में ही हजारों नए स्टार्ट-अप्स बने हैं, सफलता से काम कर रहे हैं। कल के स्टार्ट-अप्स, आज के Unicorn बन रहे हैं। इनकी मार्केट वैल्यू हजारों करोड़ रुपए तक पहुंच रही है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
Reforms को लागू करने के लिए Good औऱ Smart Governance चाहिए। आज दुनिया इस बात की भी साक्षी है कि कैसे भारत अपने यहां गवर्नेंस का नया अध्याय लिख रहा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
मैं आज आह्वान कर रहा हूं, केंद्र हो या राज्य सभी के विभागों से, सभी सरकारी कार्यालयों से। अपने यहां नियमों-प्रक्रियाओं की समीक्षा का अभियान चलाइए। हर वो नियम, हर वो प्रक्रिया जो देश के लोगों के सामने बाधा बनकर, बोझ बनकर, खड़ी हुई है, उसे हमें दूर करना ही होगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज देश के पास 21वीं सदी की जरूरतों को पूरा करने वाली नई ‘राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति’ भी है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
जब गरीब के बेटी, गरीब का बेटा मातृभाषा में पढ़कर प्रोफेशनल्स बनेंगे तो उनके सामर्थ्य के साथ न्याय होगा। नई राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति को गरीबी के खिलाफ लड़ाई का मैं साधन मानता हूं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
नई राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति की एक और विशेष बात है। इसमें स्पोर्ट्स को Extracurricular की जगह मेनस्ट्रीम पढ़ाई का हिस्सा बनाया गया है। जीवन को आगे बढ़ाने में जो भी प्रभावी माध्यम हैं, उनमें एक स्पोर्ट्स भी है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
ये देश के लिए गौरव की बात है कि शिक्षा हो या खेल, बोर्ड्स के नतीजे हों या ओलपिंक का मेडल, हमारी बेटियां आज अभूतपूर्व प्रदर्शन कर रही हैं। आज भारत की बेटियां अपना स्पेस लेने के लिए आतुर हैं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज मैं एक खुशी देशवासियों से साझा कर रहा हूँ। मुझे लाखों बेटियों के संदेश मिलते थे कि वो भी सैनिक स्कूल में पढ़ना चाहती हैं, उनके लिए भी सैनिक स्कूलों के दरवाजे खोले जाएं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
दो-ढाई साल पहले मिजोरम के सैनिक स्कूल में पहली बार बेटियों को प्रवेश देने का प्रयोग किया गया था। अब सरकार ने तय किया है कि देश के सभी सैनिक स्कूलों को देश की बेटियों के लिए भी खोल दिया जाएगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
भारत की प्रगति के लिए, आत्मनिर्भर भारत बनाने के लिए भारत का Energy Independent होना अनिवार्य है। इसलिए आज भारत को ये संकल्प लेना होगा कि हम आजादी के 100 साल होने से पहले भारत को Energy Independent बनाएंगे: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
भारत आज जो भी कार्य कर रहा है, उसमें सबसे बड़ा लक्ष्य है, जो भारत को क्वांटम जंप देने वाला है- वो है ग्रीन हाइड्रोजन का क्षेत्र। मैं आज तिरंगे की साक्षी में National Hydrogen Mission की घोषणा कर रहा हूं: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
21वीं सदी का आज का भारत, बड़े लक्ष्य गढ़ने और उन्हें प्राप्त करने का सामर्थ्य रखता है। आज भारत उन विषयों को भी हल कर रहा है, जिनके सुलझने का दशकों से, सदियों से इंतजार था: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
Article 370 को बदलने का ऐतिहासिक फैसला हो, देश को टैक्स के जाल से मुक्ति दिलाने वाली व्यवस्था- GST हो, हमारे फौजी साथियों के लिए वन रैंक वन पेंशन हो, या फिर रामजन्मभूमि केस का शांतिपूर्ण समाधान, ये सब हमने बीते कुछ वर्षों में सच होते देखा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
त्रिपुरा में दशकों बाद ब्रू रियांग समझौता होना हो, ओबीसी कमीशन को संवैधानिक दर्जा देना हो, या फिर जम्मू-कश्मीर में आजादी के बाद पहली बार हुए BDC और DDC चुनाव, भारत अपनी संकल्पशक्ति लगातार सिद्ध कर रहा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज दुनिया, भारत को एक नई दृष्टि से देख रही है और इस दृष्टि के दो महत्वपूर्ण पहलू हैं। एक आतंकवाद और दूसरा विस्तारवाद। भारत इन दोनों ही चुनौतियों से लड़ रहा है और सधे हुए तरीके से बड़े हिम्मत के साथ जवाब भी दे रहा है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
आज देश के महान विचारक श्री ऑरबिंदो की जन्मजयंती भी है। साल 2022 में उनकी 150वां जन्मजयंती है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
वो कहते थे कि- हमें उतना सामर्थ्यवान बनना होगा, जितना हम पहले कभी नहीं थे। हमें अपनी आदतें बदली होंगी, एक नए हृदय के साथ अपने को फिर से जागृत करना होगा: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
जिन संकल्पों का बीड़ा आज देश ने उठाया है, उन्हें पूरा करने के लिए देश के हर जन को उनसे जुड़ना होगा, हर देशवासी को इसे Own करना होगा। देश ने जल संरक्षण का अभियान शुरू किया है, तो हमारा कर्तव्य है पानी बचाने को अपनी आदत से जोड़ना: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
मैं भविष्य़दृष्टा नहीं हूं, मैं कर्म के फल पर विश्वास रखता हूं। मेरा विश्वास देश के युवाओं पर है। मेरा विश्वास देश की बहनों-बेटियों, देश के किसानों, देश के प्रोफेशनल्स पर है। ये Can Do Generation है, ये हर लक्ष्य हासिल कर सकती है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
21वीं सदी में भारत के सपनों और आकांक्षाओं को पूरा करने से कोई भी बाधा रोक नहीं सकती। हमारी ताकत हमारी जीवटता है, हमारी ताकत हमारी एकजुटता है। हमारी प्राणशक्ति, राष्ट्र प्रथम, सदैव प्रथम की भावना है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
यही समय है, सही समय है, भारत का अनमोल समय है। असंख्य भुजाओं की शक्ति है, हर तरफ़ देश की भक्ति है, तुम उठो तिरंगा लहरा दो, भारत के भाग्य को फहरा दो: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
यही समय है, सही समय है, भारत का अनमोल समय है। कुछ ऐसा नहीं जो कर ना सको, कुछ ऐसा नहीं जो पा ना सको, तुम उठ जाओ, तुम जुट जाओ, सामर्थ्य को अपने पहचानो, कर्तव्य को अपने सब जानो, भारत का ये अनमोल समय है, यही समय है, सही समय है: PM @narendramodi — PMO India (@PMOIndia) August 15, 2021
India marks Amrit Mahotsav with a sense of gratitude to those who toiled for freedom and with a commitment to build a strong and prosperous India. Here are glimpses from the Red Fort today. #IndiaIndependenceDay — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 15, 2021
I bow to the great Sri Aurobindo Ji on his Jayanti. His intellectual clarity, noble tenets and emphasis on India's regeneration give us great strength. He made pioneering contributions to India's freedom movement. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 15, 2021

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President’s Independence Day eve speech highlights: Droupadi Murmu lauds Modi government, ECI for 2024 Lok Sabha polls

President murmu emphasises need to strengthen affirmative action as a tool for inclusion; declares that the groundwork has been laid for a new era of economic reforms.

Updated - August 14, 2024 10:04 pm IST

Published - August 14, 2024 06:47 pm IST

President Droupadi Murmu addresses the nation on the eve of 78th Independence Day.

President Droupadi Murmu addresses the nation on the eve of 78th Independence Day. | Photo Credit: YouTube/@PresidentOfIndia

P resident Droupadi Murmu addresses the nation on the eve of the 78th Independence Day . 

Meanwhile, the government has announced service medals for 1,037 police personnel of various central and state forces on the eve of Independence Day. 214 personnel will be decorated with bravery medals, including a President’s Medal for Gallantry (PMG) and 231 Medal for Gallantry (GM). 

A maximum of 52 bravery medals has been given to the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), 31 to the Jammu and Kashmir Police, 17 police personnel each from Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, 15 from Chhattisgarh and a dozen from Madhya Pradesh.

Also Read: When Telangana celebrated ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ before Independence Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unfurl the national flag for the 11th time in a row on Independence Day. His first Independence Day address of his third term will take him past Manmohan Singh, who unfurled the tricolour 10 times from the ramparts of Red Fort during 2004-2014, and place him behind Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, who did the honours 17 and 16 times respectively.

It will be eagerly seen if the Prime Minister announces any new initiative or expand the ambit of some ongoing welfare programmes at a time when a combined opposition, at its strongest in the last 10 years, has pivoted to populist welfare promises to draw support.

WATCH LIVE | President Droupadi Murmu addresses the nation

“Let me also mention here that in adopting the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita from July this year, we have removed one more relic of the colonial era. The new code is oriented towards ensuring justice for the victims of crime instead of focusing on punishment alone,” President Droupadi Murmu says in her address to the nation on the eve of Independence Day.

President Droupadi Murmu praised the new National Education Policy saying that NEP has already started showing results with regard to cultivating young minds and creating a new mindset that takes the best of traditions and contemporary knowledge is priority.

Ms. Murmu said the Amrit Kaal, which is the ongoing period of a quarter century leading to the centenary of the country’s Independence, is going to be shaped by the youth of today.

Recalling the horrors of partition, President Droupadi Murmu, in her address to the nation on the eve of Independence Day said, “Today, on 14th August, the nation is observing Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas, a day to recall partition horrors. As the great nation was divided, millions had to suffer forced migration, lakhs of people lost their lives. A day before we celebrate Independence Day, we recall that unparalleled human tragedy and stand with the families that were torn asunder.”

“My dear countrymen, India is among the fastest growing economies in the world with an average annual growth of 8% between 2021 and 2024. This has not only given more money in the hands of people, but there has been a huge decline in the number of people living below the poverty line as well,” says President Droupadi Murmu in her address to the nation on the eve of Independence Day. 

The President attributed this remarkable progress to the relentless efforts of workers and farmers, the foresight of planners and wealth creators, and the visionary leadership guiding the nation.

She emphasised the government’s ambitious goal of transforming India into a ‘Viksit Bharat’ -- a developed nation -- by 2047, coinciding with the centenary of India’s Independence.

President Droupadi Murmu, in her address to the nation, lauded the Modi government for the “number of unprecedented initiatives for welfare of SC, ST and marginalised sections.”

“Steady progress of political democracy testifies to progress made towards consolidation of social democracy,” she says. 

Ms. Murmu also appreciated the Election Commission of India, all other poll officials, security personnel who braved the heat and helped in the successful completion of 2024 Lok Sabha elections. 

“On 15th of August, in all parts of the country and also abroad, Indians participate in the flag-hoisting ceremonies, sing patriotic songs, and distribute sweets,” President Murmu says in her address to the nation on the eve of the 78th Independence Day. 

“Patriotic and brave souls took immense risks and made supreme sacrifices. We salute their memory. Thanks to their unceasing labour, the soul of India awoke from centuries of torpor,” she adds. 

With a successful G20, India has established its position by including the African Union as a member. India wants to use its influential position for world peace, Droupadi Murmu says.

Affirmative action must be strengthened as instrument of inclusion, says President Droupadi Murmu as she addresses the nation on the eve of Independence Day.

Ms. Murmu also said that she firmly believes tendencies that stoke discord based upon perceived social hierarchies have to be rejected. 

  • August 14, 2024 19:05 President Droupadi Murmu begins her address to the nation on the eve of 78th Independence Day

With less than 24 hours left for the Independence Day celebration, Delhi Police has beefed up security arrangements in the city by deploying over 10,000 cops and 3,000 traffic police personnel, officials said.

All borders of the national capital will be sealed for the entry of commercial and heavy vehicles by Thursday midnight apart from heavy police deployment, they said.

Additionally, 700 AI-based facial recognition cameras have been installed in Central and New Delhi, they added.

Additional police teams and paramilitary forces have been deployed at various locations including IGI Airport, railway stations, bus stands, malls, metro stations and markets, the officials said.

Ten CISF personnel, including one posthumous, have been awarded the police medal for gallantry on the eve of the Independence Day for an encounter with terrorists in Jammu in 2022, two days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit.

Two heavily armed terrorists had attacked a Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel manned picket just before 4 am on April 22, 2022, near Chaddha camp in the Sunjawan area of Jammu.

The ‘fidayeen’ attackers sprayed a volley of bullets from their assault weapons and lobbed grenades at the picket when a shift change was taking place and CISF personnel onboard a bus had just reached the spot to relieve their colleagues standing guard overnight.

As the bus reached the ‘Sunjawan naka’, the CISF said, terrorists again started firing at the bus and also used UBGL (under barrel grenade launcher).

Immediately, Patra and Rajesh Kumar got off the bus and positioned themselves for retaliation while the other personnel, under the supervision of Patel, took position in the bus and opened fire on the terrorists, the force said.

Fifty-eight-year-old Patel, hailing from the Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, made the “supreme sacrifice” in the service of the nation, the CISF said.

Police sub-inspector Dhanaji Honmane, who was martyred in an encounter with Naxalites in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra in 2020, was among the 17 police personnel from the State who have been selected for the Medal for Gallantry on the eve of the Independence Day .

A total of 59 medals have been announced for the Maharashtra police force - 17 of them for gallantry, 3 for distinguished service and 39 for meritorious service.

The government on Wednesday (August 14, 2024) announced service medals for 1,037 police personnel of various Central and State forces on the eve of Independence Day.

According to a Union Home Ministry statement, 214 personnel will be decorated with bravery medals, including a President’s Medal for Gallantry (PMG) and 231 Medal for Gallantry (GM). The GM includes four decorations for fire fighters and one for a civil defence personnel.

President Droupadi Murmu will address the nation on Wednesday on the eve of the 78th Independence Day, the Rashtrapati Bhavan has said.

The address will be broadcast from 7 p.m. on the entire national network of Akashvani and telecast over all channels of Doordarshan in Hindi followed by the English version, it said in a statement issued on Tuesday.

Broadcast of the address in Hindi and English on Doordarshan will be followed by broadcast in regional languages by regional channels of Doordarshan.

Akashvani will broadcast regional language versions at 9.30 p.m. on its respective regional networks, the statement added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unfurl the national flag for the 11th time in a row on Thursday (15th August, 2024) on Independence Day – the centrepiece annual event where he lays out his government’s agenda, presents its report card, makes important policy, and programme announcements and speaks about burning issues.

PM Modi’s first Independence Day address of his third term will take him past Manmohan Singh, who unfurled the tricolour 10 times from the ramparts of Red Fort during 2004-2014, and place him behind Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, who did the honours 17 and 16 times respectively.

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Independence Day / Prime Minister Narendra Modi / Delhi

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Watch PM's Full Speech On 75th Independence Day

  • Published On: August 15, 2021

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President's Speech

My dear fellow citizens,.

I extend to you all my heartiest Independence Day greetings. I am delighted to see the nation prepare to celebrate the 78 th Independence Day. Witnessing the tri-colour unfurl on this occasion, be it at the Red Fort, at state capitals or in local neighbourhoods, always thrills our hearts. It is an expression of the joy of being part of our great nation along with more than 1.4 billion fellow Indians. Just as we celebrate various festivals with our families, we celebrate our Independence Day and Republic Day with our family that comprises our fellow citizens.

On 15 th of August, in all parts of the country and also abroad, Indians participate in the flag-hoisting ceremonies, sing patriotic songs, and distribute sweets. Young children participate in cultural events. When we hear them talking about our great nation and about the privilege of being a citizen of it, we find in their words echoes of what our great freedom fighters used to say. Then we realise that we are part of a chain that binds the dreams of those who participated in the freedom struggle and the aspirations of those who will witness the nation regaining its full glory in the years to come.

Realising that we are links of this chain of history is humbling. It makes us recall the days when the nation was under a foreign rule. Patriotic and brave souls took immense risks and made supreme sacrifices. We salute their memory. Thanks to their unceasing labour, the soul of India awoke from centuries of torpor. Different traditions and values that had continued to live on beneath the surface found new expressions in several generations of great leaders. Unifying the diversity of traditions and their expressions was Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation and our lodestar.

Alongside, there were great leaders like Sardar Patel, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Babasaheb Ambedkar as well as Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and many others. It was a nationwide movement, in which all communities participated. Among tribals, there were Tilka Manjhi, Birsa Munda, Laxman Naik and Phulo-Jhano, among many more whose sacrifices are now being appreciated. We have started celebrating the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda as Janjatiya Gaurav Divas. Celebrations of his 150th birth anniversary next year will be an opportunity to further honour his contribution to the national re-awakening.

Today, on 14th August, the nation is observing Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas, a day to recall partition horrors. As the great nation was divided, millions had to suffer forced migration, lakhs of people lost their lives. A day before we celebrate Independence Day, we recall that unparalleled human tragedy and stand with the families that were torn asunder.

We are celebrating the 75 th year of the Constitution. The journey of the newly independent nation was not without obstacles. Remaining firm on the Constitutional ideals of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity, we are on the mission to enable India to reclaim its rightful position on the global stage.

As general elections were held in our country this year, the number of eligible voters stood at nearly 97 crore. This was a historic record, making it the largest electoral exercise humankind has ever witnessed. The Election Commission of India should be congratulated for the smooth and flawless conduct of such a gigantic event. I thank all officials and security personnel who braved the heat and helped electors. When such a large number of people exercise their franchise, it is a resounding vote for the idea of democracy. India's successful conduct of elections strengthens democratic forces around the world.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

From 2021 to 2024, India has been among the fastest growing major economies, with an average growth rate of 8 percent annually. This has not only put more money in the hands of people, it has also drastically reduced the number of people living below the poverty line. As for those who continue to suffer from poverty, all efforts are being made not only to provide a helping hand to them, but also to bring them out of it. For example, the PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, launched in the initial phase of Covid-19, continues to provide free ration to about 80 crore people, which also ensures that those who have recently come out of poverty are not forced back into it.

It is a matter of pride for all that India has become the fifth largest economy in the world, and we are also poised to become one of the top three economies soon. This has been made possible only by tireless hard work of farmers and workers, by the farsightedness of planners and wealth-creators, and by the visionary leadership.

Farmers, our Annadata, have ensured that agricultural production continues to beat expectations. With this, they have contributed immensely to making India self-reliant in agriculture and feed our people. Infrastructure has received a boost in recent years. Strategic planning and effective institutions have helped expand the network of roads and highways, railways as well as ports. Considering the great potential of futuristic technology, the Government has vigorously promoted a range of sectors, such as semiconductors and Artificial Intelligence, while also creating an ideal ecosystem for startups which will propel their growth. It has made India an even more attractive investment destination. With greater transparency, the banking and financial sector has become much more efficient. All of these factors have set the stage for the next generation of economic reforms and economic growth that will catapult India among the developed nations.

This rapid but equitable progress has given India a higher stature in global affairs. After the successful completion of its G-20 Presidency, India has consolidated its role as the voice of the Global South. India intends to use its influential position to expand the scope of world peace and prosperity.

We must remember the words of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the architect of our Constitution. He had rightly said, and I quote, “We must make our political democracy a social democracy as well. Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy.” [Unquote] The steady progress of political democracy testifies to the progress made towards the consolidation of social democracy. The spirit of inclusion pervades every aspect of our social life. We move together as a cohesive nation with our diversity and plurality.

Affirmative action must be strengthened as an instrument of inclusion. I firmly believe that in a vast country like ours, tendencies that stoke discord based upon perceived social hierarchies have to be rejected. Social justice is a top priority of the Government, and it has taken a number of unprecedented initiatives for the welfare of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other marginalised sections of society. Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan evam Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan, that is, PM-SURAJ, for example, aims to provide direct financial assistance to the people from the marginalised communities. The Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan or PM-JANMAN has taken the form of a mass campaign for critical interventions to improve socio-economic conditions of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups, that is, PVTGs. The National Action for Mechanized Sanitation Ecosystem or the NAMASTE scheme will ensure that no sanitation workers will have to manually engage in the hazardous task of sewer and septic tank cleaning.

The term 'justice', taken in the broadest possible sense, includes a variety of social factors. I would like to stress two of them in particular, namely, gender justice and climate justice.

In our society, women are considered not only equal, but even more than equal. However, they have also suffered from traditional prejudices. But I am glad to note that the Government has given equal importance to women's welfare and women's empowerment. The budget allocation for this purpose has more than tripled in the last decade. Their participation in the labour force has increased. The most heartening development on this front has been the significant improvement in the sex ratio at birth. A variety of special government schemes have also been designed keeping the women at the centre. Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is aimed at ensuring real empowerment of women.

Climate change has become a reality. It is all the more challenging for developing nations to change their economic paradigm. Yet, we have already made more progress in that direction than expected. India is proud to be at the forefront of humankind's battle to save the planet from the worst effects of global warming. I also urge you all to make small but effective changes in your lifestyle and contribute to the cause of dealing with the challenge of climate change.

Speaking of justice, let me also mention here that in adopting the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita from July this year, we have removed one more relic of the colonial era. The new code is oriented towards ensuring justice for the victims of crime instead of focusing on punishment alone. I see this change as a tribute to the freedom fighters.

The Amrit Kaal, the ongoing period of a quarter century leading to the centenary of our Independence, is going to be shaped by the youth of today. It is their energy and enthusiasm that will help the nation scale new heights. Cultivating the young minds and creating a new mindset that takes the best of the traditions and the contemporary knowledge is our priority. To this end, the National Education Policy, launched since 2020, has already started showing results.

To harness their talent, the Government has come up with initiatives to facilitate skilling, employment and other opportunities for them. The Prime Minister's package of five schemes for employment and skilling will benefit 4.1 crore youth over five years. Under a new initiative of the Government, one crore youth will be doing internship in leading companies over five years. All this will be a foundational contribution towards building Viksit Bharat.

In India, we view science and technology as part of the quest for knowledge as well as instrument for humanitarian progress. Our achievements in the field of digital applications, for example, are being used as templates in other countries. In recent years, India has made unprecedented advances in space exploration. Along with you all, I also eagerly look forward to the launch of the Gaganyaan Mission next year, which will take a team of Indian astronauts into space aboard India's first human spaceflight.

The world of sports is another arena in which the country has made great progress in the last decade. The Government has rightly prioritised the development of sports infrastructure, and it is showing results. The Indian contingent put up its best efforts in the recently concluded Paris Olympic Games. I appreciate the dedication and hard work of the players. They have inspired the youth. In cricket, India won the T-20 World Cup, to the great joy of a large number of fans. In chess, our prodigies have made the country proud. This is said to be the beginning of an Indian era in chess. In badminton, tennis and other sports, our youngsters are making a mark on the world stage. Their achievements have inspired the next generation too.

With the nation all set to celebrate Independence Day, let me once again extend my greetings to you, particularly our brave jawans of Armed Forces who guard our freedom, risking their lives. I convey my greetings to the police and security personnel who keep vigil all across the country. I also extend my greetings to the members of the judiciary and the civil services, as well as the officials of our missions abroad. My greetings also to our diaspora: You are part of our family, making us proud with your achievements. You are great representatives of India's culture and heritage. Once again, I wish everyone a very Happy Independence Day!

Thank you Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

About India

India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved all-round socio-economic progress since Independence. As the 7th largest country in the world, India stands apart from the rest of Asia, marked off as it is by mountains and the sea, which give the country a distinct geographical entity. Bounded by the Great Himalayas in the north, it stretches southwards and at the Tropic of Cancer, tapers off into the Indian Ocean between the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west.

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  • Indian Independence Day 2024 Speech in English


78th Independence Day Speech for Kids

We celebrate Indian Independence Day every year on 15 August as a national holiday in India to commemorate the independence of the nation from the British on 15 August 1947. This was the day when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 came into effect, which transferred the legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly. This year, India is celebrating its 78th  Independence Day 2024 . 

Also Check: Indian Independence Day 2024 History and Background  

Students can also find Independence Day Long and Short Speech in English here.

Long and Short Independence Day Speech in English for Students

Long independence day speech for students in english.

Good Morning Everyone!

Greetings on this momentous occasion of India's Independence Day! Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable journey of our nation towards freedom and sovereignty. This year, the 78th India Independence Day 2024 is being celebrated with the theme of “Viksit Bharat” which means Developed India. This theme reflects the Indian government's vision to transform the country into a developed nation by 2047, which will be the 100th anniversary of India's independence. It's a day that echoes with the sacrifices of countless heroes who fought tirelessly for our liberty. 

As we look back, August 15, 1947, marked the end of British colonial rule, and India emerged as a sovereign nation. Jawaharlal Nehru be came the first Indian Prime Minister to raise the National Flag at the Red Fort near Delhi's Lahore Gate. Our struggle for independence was not just a political movement; it was a testament to the unbeatable spirit of our people. From the non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi to the bravery of countless others, we stood united in our quest for self-determination.

Also Check: Essay on Independence Day

On this auspicious day, let us remember and pay homage to those who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. Their sacrifices have paved the way for the India we know today – diverse, vibrant, and resilient.

India Independence Day is not just about the past; it's also a time to reflect on the present and visualise our future. As citizens of this great nation, we bear the responsibility of upholding the principles of justice, equality, and fraternity. Let us work together to build a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background.

In the face of challenges, let us draw inspiration from the unity that defined our struggle for independence. Our diversity is our strength, and by embracing it, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

As we hoist our national flag today, let it be a symbol of our shared aspirations and commitment to a better tomorrow. Just like the color of our flag represents:

Saffron signifying courage and sacrifice

White signifies peace and truth

Green signifies faith and chivalry

Happy Independence Day to one and all! Jai Hind!

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

Also Check: Welcome Speech for Indian Independence Day

10 Lines Independence Day Short Speech in English

India gained independence on August 15th, 1947.

After independence, Indians acquired all their fundamental rights.

People celebrate Independence Day by hoisting the National Flag and reciting the National Anthem.

We should all be proud to be Indian, and we should admire our fortune to have been born in the land of Independent India.

From 1857 to 1947, the lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle were sacrificed.

For the independence of India, an Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force first raised his voice against the British.

Several great freedom fighters later struggled and dedicated their entire lives to India’s freedom. 

The sacrifices of all the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose, and Chandra Sekhar Azad, who lost their lives at an early age just to fight for their country, can never be forgotten.

Gandhiji was a great Indian figure who gave the world a great lesson in non-violence.

We are so lucky to have been given a land of peace and happiness by our forefathers, where we can sleep all night without fear and enjoy the whole day at school or home.

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Here are some of the Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speeches that every student should hear or read once and know the struggle involved during the independence of the country.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak's “Swaraj is my Birthright”.  

In 1917, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who had spent six times in prison, gave this speech in Nashik. In the ongoing public battle for self-government and eventually full independence, the expression" Swaraj is my birthright" played a significant part. 

Mahatma Gandhi's “Address to Leave India”. 

On August 8, 1942, in Bombay, Mahatma Gandhi gave the "Quit India" address. Also, August Kranti Maidan has been used to relate to the position of Mahatma Gandhi's address at the Gowalia Tank Maidan. 

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's “Give Me Blood, and I'll Give You Freedom”. 

This is arguably one of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's most well-known addresses. In 1944, he gave the Indian National Army members in Burma this speech. 

Mahatma Gandhi's Speech from the Dandi March.  

In this speech, Mahatma Gandhi understood the part of a boycott of British significance and the turndown to pay taxes to the British government at the dusk of the significant Dandi March.

Importance of Independence Day Speech for Children

Following are the points that tell the importance of Independence Day Speech for Children.

It explains to them how our nation freed itself from British rule, and about the sacrifices our freedom fighters made on behalf of the nation. We also do it to teach our kids about our nation's past.

Additionally, it helps kids understand the recent changes that have occurred. Consequently, to encourage them to take their careers and commitment to improve our nation's future seriously.

Also Check: Importance of Independence Day

Effective Tips for Students Preparing an Independence Day Speech

Preparing an Independence Day speech can be a rewarding experience. Here are some effective tips to help students craft a meaningful and impactful speech using simple words:

1. Understand the Importance

Know the significance: Understand why Independence Day is important. It marks the day India became free from British rule on August 15, 1947.

Respect the occasion: Recognize the sacrifices made by freedom fighters and the value of independence.

2. Start with a Strong Opening

Greeting: Begin by greeting the audience. "Good morning everyone, respected teachers, and dear friends."

Quote or story: Start with a patriotic quote or a short story related to Independence Day to grab attention.

3. Structure Your Speech

Introduction: Briefly introduce what you will talk about.

Body: Divide the body into clear points. Talk about:

The history of India's struggle for independence.

Key leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhas Chandra Bose.

Important events like the Salt March, and Quit India Movement.

Conclusion: Summarise your points and end with a powerful message.

4. Keep It Simple and Clear

Use simple words: Avoid complex words and jargon. Use language that everyone can understand.

Be clear and concise: Keep your sentences short and to the point.

5. Add Personal Touch

Share your thoughts: Mention why Independence Day is special to you.

Express gratitude: Thank the freedom fighters and the current soldiers protecting the nation.

6. Practice Delivery

Practice aloud: Practise your speech several times. Focus on clear pronunciation and proper pace.

Use gestures: Use hand movements to emphasize points but don't overdo it.

Make eye contact: Engage with the audience by looking at them.

7. Stay Confident and Calm

Be confident: Believe in what you are saying. Confidence makes a big difference.

Stay calm: Take deep breaths if you feel nervous. It's okay to pause if you need to collect your thoughts.

8. End with a Patriotic Note

Closing statement: End with a strong closing statement. For example, "Let us all work together to build a better nation. Jai Hind!"

National Anthem: You can also end by singing a few lines from the national anthem or a patriotic song.

By following these tips, students can prepare an effective and heartfelt Independence Day speech that resonates with their audience.

India is a free nation that attained independence on August 15, 1947. Making the next generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them is one of the key goals of celebrating Independence Day. Celebrating Independence Day makes everyone feel proud of the freedom fighters who fought with the Britishers to give freedom to us. It makes everyone happy, and people show respect towards them and the country by hoisting the Indian flag.


FAQs on Indian Independence Day 2024 Speech in English

1. How can you write a good speech on Independence Day?

The best method to write a speech is to gather the points you want to mention regarding the topic and follow a standard format. Every speech writing attempt must carry a message to the reader. For instance, the ideal message for this topic is to increase the patriotic feeling among the readers and remind them how much sacrifice our forefathers have done to give us freedom from colonial rule.

2. Is it necessary to mention the historic dates in this topic?

It is necessary to remember and mention the historic dates chronologically to make your speech better. Your speech compilation will become more admirable among the judges or teachers, and you will be able to score well. 

3. Why is this year 78th Independence Day?

India gained independence on August 15, 1947. To calculate the 78th Independence Day, we count the number of years from 1947 to 2024:

2024 - 1947 = 77 years

Since we count the starting year (1947) as the first year, the 78th Independence Day is in 2024.

4. Who is the No 1 freedom fighter?

There isn't a singular "No 1" freedom fighter, as many people made significant contributions to the Indian independence movement. However, some of the most notable freedom fighters include Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh.

5. What are some key points to include in India's Independence Day speech?

Briefly share the historical context of the struggle for independence.

Highlight the contributions of prominent freedom fighters.

Reflect on the challenges and achievements of independent India.

Offer a vision for the future of the nation.

Emphasize the importance of individual responsibility and collective action in building a better India.

6. What are some significant events in the journey to independence? 

Some major milestones include the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the rise of the Indian National Congress, the Non-cooperation Movement, the Civil Disobedience Movement, and Quit India Movement.

7. What are the challenges and achievements of independent India? 

Challenges included: poverty, inequality, corruption, environmental issues, and social conflicts. Achievements could encompass economic growth, technological advancements, democratic institutions, and cultural diversity.

8. What is the appropriate length for the speech?  

This depends on the audience and setting. For schools, 3-5 minutes might be suitable, while a public speech could be longer (10-15 minutes).

9. How can I make the speech engaging? 

Use anecdotes, historical references, quotes, and personal stories to connect with the audience. Vary your voice and pace, and use appropriate gestures and expressions.

10. What is the theme of Independence Day in India 2024?

The theme of India's 78th Independence Day in 2024 is "Viksit Bharat" (Developed India). This theme reflects the Indian government's vision to transform the country into a developed nation by 2047, which will be the 100th anniversary of India's independence.

11. What is the short note on Indian independence?

Indian Independence Day, celebrated on August 15, marks the day in 1947 when India became free from British rule. This freedom was achieved after a long struggle, led by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, who used peaceful protests and civil disobedience. The day is a national holiday in India, celebrated with flag hoisting, parades, and cultural events, honouring the efforts and sacrifices of those who fought for the country's freedom.

12. What significant events took place on 15 August Independence Day, in India's history?

On August 15, 1947, India gained independence from British rule. This day is important because:

Freedom: India became free from British control after about 200 years.

Nehru’s Speech: Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, gave a famous speech about the country's future.

Partition: India was divided into two countries, India and Pakistan.

Flag Hoisting: The Indian flag was raised for the first time at the Red Fort in Delhi, marking the start of a new era.

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Independence Day Speech in English, 15 August 2024 Celebration Starts

This essay provides insights on Independence Day Speech in English which covers short and long speech that are useful for today's younger generation of India to invoke patriotism and nationalism.

Independence Day Speech

Table of Contents

Independence Day Speech

The path to independence requires sacrifice and determination. As students, it is your responsibility to make the most of the opportunities you have as a way to honour those sacrifices. This year on 15th August 2024, India is celebrating 77 years of freedom from British colonial rule and rejoices in the liberty attained as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2024’.  The theme for the Independence Day celebration this year is “ Vikshit Bharat or Developed India “. Every year on the day of Independence we all remember the brave hearts who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, therefore, in this article, we have penned down some of the most beautiful messages and Independence Day Speeches that can be delivered in the celebrations.

Independence Day Speech in English

Independence Day serves as a reminder that despite our differences in culture, language, and tradition, we are all one nation. This year ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2024’ is planned to be celebrated with great zeal. Kids and children will get dressed up as famous leaders and freedom fighters to give speeches on this great day. The speeches would be focused on highlighting and covering all important points regarding the independence of India, the freedom struggle, great leaders, and much more. In this article, we have shared some examples of Independence Day Speech in English that can help enhance the spirit of nationality and provide a boost to the crowd cheering national slogans.

This year, PM Narendra Modi’s address the nation with his Independence Day Speech at Red Fort, New Delhi. He wishes the nation for 78th Independence Day and shares his commendable thoughts. Read complete PM Narendra Modi’s 15th August Speech .

Independence Day Speech (15 August)

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year , the day India attained freedom from about 200 years of British colonial rule. This special day is not just a celebration of the past but it upholds the spirits of liberty and democracy for the years to come and instigates patriotic fervor in every Indian’s heart and mind. To remember all those sacrifices and struggles of our famous leaders, the citizens of India gather themselves to hoist the flag, take part in cultural events, and deliver speeches on Independence Day. To encourage the younger generation of India, who will grow as responsible citizens in the future, children are asked to deliver an Indian Independence Day Speech in English on topics related to Indian independence, freedom struggle, patriotism, freedom fighters of India , I love India, etc.

10 Lines on Independence Day Speech in English

  • Independence Day in India is celebrated on August 15, every year.
  • This is the day when in 1947, Indians acquired control over all their fundamental rights.
  • To celebrate Independence Day, various programs are hosted starting from the flag-hosting ceremony.
  • The 15 August day is remembered as the result of the sacrifices and the struggle of all the freedom fighters of India.
  • Mangal Panday was the first Indian soldier in the British force who raised his voice against the irregularities and the illegalities in the British rule.
  • Independence Day is the day when every kid, every individual narrates the struggle stories of our beloved freedom fighters.
  • On this auspicious day, the Prime Minister of India hosts the National Flag at the Red Fort.
  • Many events including parades are carried out at the India Gate as the celebration of the Independence.
  • Independence Day is celebrated as a national festival as every individual irrespective of their caste or religion celebrates the day with great enthusiasm.
  • There will be lots of cultural programs, patriotic movies, and songs will be played on television, and various poetry and dance programs will be organized on the occasion of Independence Day.

15 August Speech in English: Long and Short

Below are a few samples we have provided that kids, students, and youngsters can refer to before preparing for a productive Independence Day speech in English. Children can read this passage and take some key points to present an inspiring speech to the audience. The short Independence Day Speech in English guides primary-level students to prepare a short and simple yet meaningful speech. The sample of the long 15 August Speech in English and 2 minute speech on Independence Day, we have provided covers much more important information on all aspects of the freedom struggle. Students are advised to carefully go through the samples for Speeches on Independence Day.

Sample 1- Short 78th Independence Day Speech in English for Kids

Good morning everyone!

Good morning and Happy 78th Independence Day to My respected teachers and dear friends.

Today as we celebrate 78th Independence Day, we should feel proud to be a part of an Independent nation where we have freedom of speech, and freedom to live life in our own way.

India achieved independence on 15th August 1947, it is the day India became free from British rule for almost 200 years and after a continuous struggle by our freedom fighters.

On this day, the national flag was unfurled and hoisted on Red Fort Delhi by our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Since then we are celebrating Independence Day every year in every government department, school, and college.

So, today on this special day let’s take the pledge and make a promise to ourselves that we will always protect our country, by maintaining brotherhood, helping everyone, and educating ourselves.

At last, I again wish you all a happy Independence Day and hope together we can build a wonderful nation.

Sample 2- India Independence Day Speech in English for Class 10, 12 students

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate a very special day i.e., the Independence Day. It’s a day when we remember and honor the brave heroes who fought for our freedom.

On August 15, 1947, India became free from British rule. This day marks the end of a long struggle for independence. Our freedom fighters, like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and many others, worked tirelessly and made great sacrifices to make this dream a reality.

Independence Day is a time to remember their bravery and dedication. It’s also a time to think about what freedom means to us. Freedom gives us the right to speak, to learn, and to live our lives the way we choose. But with freedom comes responsibility. We should always respect our country and work hard to make it a better place.

Let us celebrate the Indian Independence Day with pride and joy. Let’s promise to do our best in our studies and be good citizens. Let’s help each other and keep our country clean and green.

Happy Independence Day to all of you! Let’s make India proud!

Sample 3- Indian Independence Day Speech in English for Youngsters

Good Morning my dear citizens of India!

We all have gathered here to celebrate the zeal of the 78th anniversary of Independence Day. Best wishes to everyone and special thanks to everyone for providing me with an opportunity to address everyone on this special day to deliver a patriotic and meaningful speech.

As we all know the 15th of August in 1947 is an important day in Indian History, a day of honour and pride for every Indian Citizen. It is the day when our India got its freedom from almost 200 years of British reign. So, what is actually ‘Freedom’ from British rule? Freedom literally means attaining liberty, for India, it means the day the nation became free or relieved from the dominant British rule and attained Independence.

Several revolutionists and freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to free our nation from the miserable British Empire. We all should be proud and fortunate that our history has got so many revolutionists, freedom fighters, and leaders who have not only uprooted Britishers from Indian soil but also saved future generations to promote the growth and development of India, its culture and heritage.

Right from the year of Independence, 1947 from the current year, the Nation is making progress in each and every sector such as sports, education, technology, and military powers. The president and leaders of other Nations also proudly speak about India’s fame and power as a democratic nation and emerging developed Nation. The military power of India today is so impressive that it serves as a model for other nations around the globe, and no nation dares to look directly at India. Our Indian army is so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any terrorist group.

To conclude, all that can be said is the freedom we enjoy today is priceless and it is the duty of every Indian citizen to preserve this Independence of our Nation. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

Let’s all take pride in uttering,

Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!

Sample 4- Indian Independence Day Speech In 200 Words

Today, we are here to celebrate a very special day, Indian Independence Day. On this day, August 15th, we remember and honor the brave people who fought for our country’s freedom.

Many years ago, India was not a free country. The British ruled over us and made many unfair rules. But our great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Sardar Patel, along with many other freedom fighters, worked hard and sacrificed a lot to make India free. They held peaceful protests, marches, and inspired everyone to join the fight for freedom.

Finally, on August 15, 1947, India became an independent country. This means we could make our own rules and decisions. It was a moment of great joy and pride for all Indians.

Every year, we celebrate this day by hoisting our national flag, singing patriotic songs, and remembering the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. It reminds us to be proud of our country and work together to make it even better.

Let’s take a moment to thank all those who fought for our freedom and remember that we should always try to be good citizens.

Happy Independence Day to everyone!

Independence Day Speech in Hindi

Freedom Fighters of India who Fought for Independence of India

Heart Touching Speech on Independence Day

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Independence Day to all. Independence Day is a day that embarks on our unity, signifies the power of togetherness, a day that shows respect for the sacrifices of our most respectful and beloved freedom fighters. 15 August 1947 a day when we became independent from colonial rule, the day when we got to say that we are an independent nation is always a special day and will always have a special feeling in the heart of any Indian Citizen.

The pride that every Indian feels while saluting the National Flag and singing the National Anthem is of the utmost level. Independence Day is celebrated at various levels as at the school level there are various cultural programs like singing, dancing, etc., which are curated in a manner that connects and enhances the knowledge of every student. At the community or senior levels, the flag hosting ceremonies are conducted, people greet each other, they share their thoughts about the Independence and people watch patriotic movies, etc.

Overall the day is celebrated like a festival, a festival of Independence in our country while remembering the sacrifices of the countless freedom fighters. As we are celebrating our 78th Independence Day, let us pledge and take our step forward to do our bit of portion for the betterment of our nation and humanity.

Happy Independence Day everyone, Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

78th Independence Day Speech in English Tips to Follow

To deliver an effective 15 August Speech in English, school and college students should follow all the important tips mentioned below:

  • Know  Your Audience- Having an understanding of your audience will help you select better words and phrases to be used in the speech.
  • Practice makes a man Perfect- Practicing the speech several times improves confidence and helps you rectify some errors.
  • Researching on topics- Make sure you do proper research on the topic you choose so that you deliver a relevant and accurate speech.
  • Highlight some facts – Adding actual facts to your speech makes it more interesting and the audience tends to give their ears more on what is conveyed.
  • Avoid lengthy topics – The speech should focus on the major and important pointers and unnecessary pointers should be avoided
  • Include Freedom Fighters-  The speech must have a portion focused on the sacrifices and bravery of our beloved freedom fighters.

Essay on Independence Day in English- Click to Read

Anchoring Script for Independence Day – Click to Read

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Independence Day Speech in English-FAQs

Q1. what is the importance of independence day speech in english.

Ans. As a mark of remembrance of freedom struggle and freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives, younger generation of India, who grow as responsible citizens in the future, children are asked to deliver independence day speeches in English on topics related to Indian independence, freedom struggle, patriotism, freedom fighters of India, I love India, etc.,

Q2. What covers in Indian Independence Day Speech in English for Kids?

Ans. The short Independence Day Speech in English guide primary level students to prepare a short and simple yet meaningful speech on India's independence, freedom fighters and future India.

Q3. What are the tips to be followed to deliver effective 15 August Speech in English for kids and students?

Ans. The tips to be followed to deliver effective 15 August Speech in English are to know about audience crowd, practice speech to improve your confidence while facing audience crowd, doing proper research on topic you have chosen, cut-short the speech and make it simple, relevant and accurate, talking more about freedom fighters.

Q4. Which anniversary of Independence India is celebrating this year?

Ans. India is celebrating its 78th Independence Day anniversary this 15th August 2024.

Q5. When is Independence Day celebrated?

Ans: Independence day is celebrated on August 15 every year.

Q6. Why is Independence Day Celebrated?

Ans: We celebrate Independence day to commemorate its freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947. It marks the end of colonialism and the birth of a sovereign nation.

Q7. How is Independence day celebrated?

Ans: Indian Independence Day is celebrated with flag hoisting, parades, cultural events, patriotic songs, and speeches, honoring the freedom gained on August 15, 1947.

Q8. What is Independence Day in Short?

Ans. Independence day in India is a national festival celebrated on August 15 every year in rememberance of the sacrifice of our beloved freedom fighters who gave their lives for the sake of our freedom.

Q9. What are some important lines about Independence Day?

Ans. Independence Day in India, celebrated on August 15, marks the end of British colonial rule and the birth of a sovereign nation. Here are some important lines and quotes related to this significant day: 1. The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. 2. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes 3. Let us remember that our own freedom is not worth much if it does not lead to the freedom and dignity of all.

Q10. How do you start a speech on August 15th?

Ans. The Independence Day speech needs to be focused on educating people about the importance of independence at their workplace, schools, public places, or at individual levels. Depending on the duration of speech or limitations of words in the speech focus on the key pointer to be addressed like adding the number of slogans, talking about the freedom fighters, etc. 

Q. 11 Give some slogan for Independence Day Speech on 15 August?

Ans: There are some examples of Slogan for Independence Day Speech on 15 August as given below: 1. "Azadi Ki Khushboo, Ekta Ka Junoon: Happy Independence Day!" 2. "Desh Ki Shaan, Hamari Pehchaan: Swatantrata Divas Mubarak!" 3. "Independence Ki Asha, Ekta Ki Bhasha: Jai Hind!" 4. "Desh Ki Azadi, Hamari Jaan: Khushiyan Aur Garv, Independence Day Ke Saath!"

Q. 12 What is the Indian Independence Day Theme to be included in the Speech?

Ans: This year, the theme is "Vikshit Bharat or Developed India" for Indian Independence Day 2024, students and teachers can include it in the speech.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

PM Narendra Modi’s Speech on Independence Day 2024

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PM Modi addresses nation on India's 75th Independence Day. Here's what he said

Pm modi said 'azadi ka amrit mahotsav' will infuse new energy and new consciousness among the countrymen..

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort on the occasion of India's 75th Independence Day. India is celebrating 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' ', marking the 75th year of Independence. A series of events are being organised across the nation to mark the occasion. PM Modi said 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' will infuse new energy and new consciousness among the countrymen.

A series of events are being organised across the nation to mark the occasion.(PTI Photo)

Here is the full text of PM Modi's address on India's 75th Independence Day

Today, on the pious festival of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the country is bowing to all its freedom fighters and brave heroes who continue to sacrifice themselves day and night in the defense of the nation. The country is remembering every personality, including the revered Bapu, who made freedom a mass movement, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who sacrificed everything for the freedom, or great revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Bismil and Ashfaqulla Khan; Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai, Queen Chennamma of Kittur or Rani Gaidinliu or the valour of MatanginiHazra; the country's first Prime Minister Pandit Nehru ji, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who integrated the country into a united nation, and Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who determined and paved the way for the future direction of India. The country is indebted to all these great personalities.

While we celebrate our freedom today, we cannot forget the pain of partition that still pierces through the heart of all Indians. This has been one of the biggest tragedies of the last century. After attaining freedom, these people were forgotten too soon. Just yesterday India has taken an emotional decision, we will henceforth commemorate August 14 as “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day” in the memory of the victims of partition. Those who were subjected to inhuman circumstances, suffered torturous treatment, they could not even receive a dignified cremation. They must all remain alive and never get erased from our memories. The decision of celebrating “Partition Horrors Remembrance Day” on the 75th Independence Day is a befitting tribute from every Indian to them.

Along with modern infrastructure, there is a great need for adopting a holistic and integrated approach in infrastructure construction. In the near future, we are going to launch the National Master Plan of Prime Minister ‘Gati Shakti’ which will be a huge scheme and fulfil the dreams of crores of countrymen. This scheme of more than 100 lakh crores rupees will result in new employment opportunities for lakhs of youth.

It is a moment of pride for us that because of our scientists, we were able to develop two Make in India COVID Vaccines and carry out the world's Largest Vaccine Drive.

It was extremely difficult to get vaccines during such a major crisis, with pandemic plaguing the entire world. India might or might not have received it and even if it had received the vaccine there was no certainty of getting that in time. But today we can proudly say that the world's largest vaccination programme is being run in our country. More than 54 crore people have received the vaccine dose. Online systems like Cowin and digital certificates are attracting the world today.

Our doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, sanitation staff, scientists engaged in developing vaccines, millions of countrymen engaged with the spirit of service during this Corona global pandemic also deserve praise from all of us.

India’s young generation has made our country proud at the Tokyo Olympics. All such athletes are amongst us today. They have not only won our hearts but also inspired our young generation.

The way India has kept the stoves burning for the poor's house by providing free food grains to 80 crore countrymen continuously for months during the pandemic is not only astonishing to the world but also a matter of discussion.

It is true that fewer people have been infected in India as compared to other countries; it is also true that in comparison to the population of other countries of the world, we managed to save more citizens in India but it is not something to be proud of! We cannot rest on these laurels. To say that there was no challenge, will become a restrictive thought in the path of our own development.

Our goal is to develop a nation where we not only have world-class infrastructure but also move ahead with the mantra of 'Minimum government, maximum governance'.

We should not limit the occasion of 75 years of Indian independence to just one ceremony. We must lay the groundwork for new resolutions and move forward with new resolutions. Starting from here, the entire journey of the next 25 years, when we celebrate the centenary of Indian independence, marks the Amrit period of creation of a new India. The fulfilment of our resolutions in this Amrit period will take us to the hundredth anniversary of Indian independence with pride.

The goal of 'Amrit Kaal' is to ascend to new heights of prosperity for India and the citizens of India. The goal of 'Amrit Kaal' is to create an India where the level of facilities is not dividing the village and the city. The goal of 'Amrit Kaal' is to build an India where the government does not interfere unnecessarily in the lives of citizens. The goal of 'Amrit Kaal' is to build an India where there is world’s every modern infrastructure.

Amrit Kaal is of 25 years. But we don't have to wait for long to achieve our goals. We have to start now. We don't have a moment to lose. This is the right time. Our country also has to change and we as citizens have to change ourselves too. We also have to adapt ourselves to the changing era. We have started with the spirit of ‘SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’. Today I am requesting from the ramparts of the Red Fort that ‘SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ and now SakkaPrayas are very important for the achievement of our goals.

In this Bharat ki Vikas Yatra, we have to ensure that we meet our goal of building an AatmaNirbhar Bharat when we celebrate 100 years of India's Independence.

Just as we have made electricity accessible to 100% households, and have made authentic efforts to construct toilets in 100% households, similarly, we now have to move ahead with the goal of achieving saturation of schemes, and, for this, we do not have to keep a distant deadline. We have to make our resolutions come true within a few years.

Now, we have to move even further. 100% villages should have roads, 100% households should have a bank account, 100% beneficiaries should have Ayushman Bharat card, 100% eligible persons should have gas connection under Ujjwala scheme and 100% beneficiaries should have Aawas.

We have to move ahead with a mindset of cent percent achievement. Till now, no thought was given for our street vendors, who sell their goods on tracks, footpaths and carts. All these colleagues are now being linked to the banking system through the SVANidhi scheme.

We have to move forward with the goal of ensuring that every citizen is connected with government's transformative schemes.In the last few years, our government has provided roads and electricity to the villages. Now these villages have been strengthened with optical fibre network data and the Internet.

I am happy that just within 2 years of Jal Jeevan Mission, over 4.5 Crore families have started receiving Nal Se Jal; this is our main achievement when the benefit reaches the last mile citizen.

Poshanis one of the key focus of our government. The government has also been working on preventive healthcare, and building health and wellness infrastructure.

We need to provide hand holding to the backward categories and sectors. With the concern of fulfilling the basic needs, reservation is being ensured for the Dalits, Backward classes, Adivasis and the poor people from general category. More recently, in the field of medical education, reservation has also been ensured for the OBC category in the All India Quota. By formulating a law in Parliament, the right to make their own list of OBC has been given to the states.

Be it rice available at ration shop, rice available in mid-day meal, rice available through every scheme will be fortified by the year 2024.

The delimitation commission has been constituted in Jammu and Kashmir itself and preparations are also going on for the assembly elections.

Ladakh is witnessing a new transformative phase where the government is focusing on building world-class infrastructure.On one hand, Ladakh is witnessing the creation of modern infrastructure, while on the other, ‘Sindhu Central University’ is going to make Ladakh a centre of higher education.

There is a huge potential in the fields of tourism, adventure sports, organic farming, herbal medicine, and oil pump in the North East. We have to fully harness this potential and make it a part of the development journey of the country. And we have to complete this work within a few decades of the ‘Amrit Kaal’. Giving a fair opportunity to the capabilities of all is the true spirit of democracy. Be it Jammu or Kashmir, the balance of development is now visible on the ground.

Whether East, North East, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, the entire Himalayan region, our coastal belt or tribal region, these will become a big base for India's development in the future.

Today a new history of connectivity is being written in the North-East. This is a connectivity of both the hearts and the infrastructure. Very soon the work of connecting all the state capitals of the North-East with rail service is going to be completed.

Under the Act-East Policy, today North-East, Bangladesh, Myanmar and South-East Asia are also being connected. Due to the efforts made in the past years, now the enthusiasm for the creation of Shreshtha Bharat and long-lasting peace in the North-East has increased manifold.

We are witnessing a new phase in the developmental journey of our villages. It not only has electricity and water but also nurturing Digital Entrepreneurs.Priority is being given to schemes related to education, health, nutrition, roads, employment, in over 110 aspirational districts of the country. Many of these districts are in tribal areas.

We have to focus on helping our small farmers. We have to give maximum benefits of the government's schemes to them; be it through DBT or Krishi Rail.

Kisan Rail can help small farmers with this modern facility to reach far flung areas on a low cost of produce and transportation. Several products like Kamalam, Shahi litchi, BhutJolokiachillis, black rice or turmeric are being exported to different countries of the world.

The government is now focusing on welfare of small farmers. 10 Crore farmer families have directly received over ₹ 1.5 lakh crore in their bank accounts.

SVAMITVA Yojna is transforming the lives in rural India. Drone is helping our rural citizens to map their land and apply for various schemes/loans online.

Co-operatives are not just a system with a network of laws and rules, but co-operative is a spirit, culture, and a mindset of collective growth. We have taken steps to empower them by forming a separate ministry. We have taken this step to empower the cooperative sector in the states.

In the coming years, we will have to increase the collective power of the small farmers of the country. They have to be given new facilities. We are trying to empower these farmers through SVAMITVA Yojana.

We have decided to celebrate this Amrit Mahotsav of independence for 75 weeks. It started from 12th March and will continue till 15th August, 2023. We have to move forward with new enthusiasm and, therefore, the country has made a very important decision.

During these 75 weeks of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, 75 Vande Bharat trains will connect every corner of the country. The pace at which new airports are being built in the country and the UDAN scheme connecting remote areas is unprecedented.

We will have to work together for manufacturing world class products, using cutting-edge innovation and new age technology.

Under the Jan Aushadhi Yojana, the poor and needy are now getting affordable medicines. Over 75,000 Health & Wellness Centres have been built and we are working on a network of hospitals at the block level.

To further increase our developmental progress, we have to focus on our manufacturing and export.

The country has also announced Production Linked Incentive to consolidate our Make in India campaign in the wake of the new economic conditions that have emerged due to Corona. The electronic manufacturing sector stands as an example of the change that is enforced through this scheme. Seven years ago, we used to import mobile phones worth about eight billion dollars. However, now the import has reduced considerably, and today we are also exporting mobile phones worth three billion dollars.

Treading ahead on the path of development, India will have to augment both its manufacturing and exports. You have witnessed, just a few days ago, India launched its first indigenous Aircraft Carrier INS Vikrant for trial in the sea. Today India is making its own indigenous fighter aircraft, its own submarine. Gaganyaan is also slated to hoist India's flag in space. This itself is evidential of our immense capabilities in indigenous manufacturing.

I want to tell the manufacturers - Every product you make is a brand ambassador for India. As long as that product is in use, the buyer will say - yes this isMade in India.

We have to stop the over involvement of government in the form of complex policies. Today, we have abolished over 15,000 unnecessary compliances.

We have introduced tax reforms that will give impetus to Ease of Living and Ease of Doing Business.Good and smart governance is required to implement the reforms. Today, the world is also witnessing how India is writing a new chapter of governance.

To introduce people centric approach in Bureaucracy, we have started Mission Karmayogiand Capacity Building programme.

Today the country also has a new National Education Policy to meet the needs of the 21st century. Now our children will neither stop due to lack of skills nor will they be bound by language barriers.This new National Education Policy is also going to be a great tool to fight against poverty in a way. The basis of winning the war against poverty is also the education, prestige and importance of the vernacular language.

In a move towards strengthening BetiBachao, BetiPadhaoinitiative, our daughters will now be able to study in Sainik schools too.Today, be it education or Olympics our daughters are performing tremendously. We have to ensure that they get equal opportunities and they feel safe and respected.

More than eight crore sisters in the villages are associated with Self-Help Groups and they design top-end products. Now the government will also prepare an e-commerce platform to ensure a huge market in the country and abroad for their products. When the country is moving forward with the mantra of being vocal for local, this digital platform will connect the products of women self-help groups with people in far flung areas of the country as well as abroad and it will have far-reaching consequences.

India is not Energy independent. It spends over Rs. 12 lakh crores on importing energy. As we celebrate 75 years of Independence, we have to ensure that India becomes AatmaNirbharin energy production too.

We are giving equal emphasis to Environmental Security as to National Security. Be it biodiversity or land neutrality, climate change or waste recycling, organic farming, India is progressing in all these sectors.

In this decade of the 21st century, India will further accelerate its efforts towards the Blue Economy.The Deep Ocean Mission is the result of our ambition to explore the unlimited possibilities of the ocean. The mineral wealth which is hidden in the sea, the thermal energy which is in the sea water, can give new heights to the development of the country.

Green Hydrogen is the future of the world. Today, I announce the setting up of the National Hydrogen Mission.

We have to make India a Global Hub for Green Hydrogen Production and Export in the 'Amrit Kaal'. This will not only help India to make a new progress in the field of energy self-reliance but will also become a new inspiration for Clean Energy Transition all over the world. New opportunities from Green Growth to Green Job are opening up today for our start-ups & youth.

India has also made a move towards Electric Mobility and the work on 100% electrification of Railways is also progressing at a fast pace. Indian Railways has set a target of becoming Net Zero Carbon Emitter by 2030.

The country is also emphasizing on Mission Circular Economy. Our Vehicle Scrap Policy is a great example of the same. Today, India is the only country in the group of G-20 countries, which is moving fast towards achieving its climate goals.

India has set a target of 450 GW of renewable energy by the end of this decade - 450 GW by 2030. Of this, the target of 100 GW has been achieved by India ahead of schedule.

Today India is also solving those subject areas, which were hanging fires for decades and centuries. Be it a historic decision to abrogate Article 370, introduction of GST, a system that frees the country from the web of taxes, a decision regarding 'One Rank-One Pension' for our military friends, a peaceful solution to the Ram Janmabhoomi issue, we have seen it come true in a few years.

India’s willpower is realizing all the resolutions whether it is the Bru-Reang agreement in Tripura after decades, constitutional status to the OBC commission or the BDC and DDC elections in Jammu and Kashmir for the first time since independence.

The nature of global relations has changed after the Second World War. There is a possibility of a new world order post Corona. The world has seen and appreciated India's efforts during Corona. Today the world is looking at India from a new perspective. There are two important aspects of this perception -- one is terrorism and the other is expansionism. India is fighting both these challenges and is also responding strongly in a restrained manner. Our defense preparedness has to be equally strong if India has to fulfill its obligations properly.

Our youth is the 'Can Do' Generation, and they can achieve everything they set their mind to.Our actions today will determine our future. Our today will set the theme of our 100 years of India's Independence.

I am not a fortune teller, I believe in the fruits of action. I have faith in the youth of my country, I trust the sisters of the country, the daughters of the country, the farmers of the country, or the professionals of the country. This ‘CAN DO’ generation can achieve every unimaginable goal.

In the 21st century, no obstacle can stop us from fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of India. Our strength is our vitality, our strength is our solidarity, our vitality is the spirit of nation first - always first. This is the time for shared dreams, this is the time for shared resolve, this is the time for shared efforts... and this is the time to move towards victory.

Today is also the birth anniversary of the great thinker of the country, Sri Aurobindo. His 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in 2022. Sri Aurobindo was a visionary of India's bright future. He used to say that we have to be as powerful as we were never before. We have to change our habits. We have to re-awaken ourselves.

When Swami Vivekananda used to talk about the future of India, when he used to see the magnificence of Mother Bharati in front of his eyes, he used to say – Try to look into the past as far as possible. Drink the water of the ever-new spring flowing back there, and after that, look ahead. Go ahead and make India brighter, greater & better than ever. In this 75th year of independence, it is our duty to move forward believing in the immense potential of the country. We have to work together for new generation infrastructure; we have to work together for world class manufacturing; we have to work together for cutting edge innovations; we have to work together for new age technology.

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  • > Quotes
  • > 100+ Independence Day Wishes to Celebrate This Historic Occasion With Pride

Aug 15, 2024 at 01:01 AM

100+ Independence Day Wishes to Celebrate This Historic Occasion With Pride

As we approach the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, it’s time to reflect on the sacrifices and struggles that paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy today. Independence Day is a time to come together as a community, to celebrate our shared history, and to look towards a future filled with continued progress and prosperity. It’s a day to honor the brave men and women who fought for our liberty, reaffirm our commitment to the values of democracy, and inspire the next generation to continue the fight for a better tomorrow. 

Here, take a look at our list of 100+ Independence Day wishes that you can send to your family, friends, and relatives.

Also Read: Independence Day Inspirational Quotes

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

As we prepare to mark this significant milestone, it’s the perfect time to express our heartfelt wishes and gratitude to our fellow citizens. Whether you’re looking to share a heartfelt message with loved ones or inspire your community, these heartfelt Independence Day wishes will surely touch the hearts of all who read them.

1. “On this Independence Day, let’s celebrate not just the freedom we have, but the courage and sacrifices that made it possible. May we honor their legacy by cherishing the liberty we enjoy and working towards a brighter, united future for all.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

2. “As we raise our flags and sing our national anthems, let’s remember the countless heroes who fought for our freedom. May their bravery inspire us to live with honor and strive for a nation filled with love and justice.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

3. “This Independence Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of freedom. It’s not just about our rights, but our responsibility to uplift others and build a society where every heart feels the warmth of liberty and respect.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

4. “Happy Independence Day! May the spirit of freedom fill our hearts with gratitude and our actions with kindness. Let’s work together to ensure that the dreams of our forefathers continue to inspire a future of hope and unity.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

5. “On this special day, let’s remember that independence is not just about celebrating our past but also about building a future where everyone’s dreams can flourish. Here’s to a nation that continues to grow with empathy and strength.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

6. “Independence Day reminds us of the power of unity and resilience. As we celebrate, let’s honor those who paved the way for our freedom by dedicating ourselves to creating a world where every person can experience true equality and peace.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

7. “Wishing you a meaningful Independence Day filled with reflection and pride. May we all remember the sacrifices that made our freedom possible and strive to carry forward their legacy by fostering a spirit of unity and compassion in our daily lives.”

Heart Touching Independence Day Wishes

8. “May the spirit of freedom and the flame of patriotism burn brightly in our hearts as we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence. Let us stand united, proud of our heritage and committed to building a better future for all.”

9. “On this joyous occasion, may our nation continue to thrive, our people prosper, and our dreams for a better tomorrow be realized. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

10. “As we raise the flag and sing the national anthem, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and rededicate ourselves to the ideals of justice, equality, and unity that they fought for. Happy Independence Day!”

11. “May the light of freedom illuminate our path and guide us towards a future where every citizen can realize their full potential. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow countrymen!”

12. “Let us celebrate the rich tapestry of our nation’s history, honoring the courage and resilience of those who came before us. May their legacy inspire us to build a more just, equitable, and prosperous society. Happy Independence Day!”

13. “On this auspicious day, let us reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. May our nation continue to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

Check Out- Independence Day Quiz Questions

14. “As we gather to commemorate our nation’s independence, let us reflect on the sacrifices of our ancestors and rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of peace, progress, and harmony. Happy Independence Day!”

15. “May the tricolor flag wave high, symbolizing the unity, courage, and determination of our people. Let us come together to celebrate the 78th anniversary of our hard-won freedom. Happy Independence Day!”

16. “In the glow of the fireworks and the cheer of the crowds, let us remember the struggles and the dreams that have brought us to this moment. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow citizens!”

17. “On this joyous occasion, let us pledge to uphold the values of our nation, to work tirelessly for the betterment of our society, and to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. Happy Independence Day!”

18. “As we gather to commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals of justice, equality, and freedom that have guided our journey. Happy Independence Day!”

19. “May the spirit of our forefathers inspire us to continue the fight for a more just, equitable, and prosperous nation. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow countrymen!”

20. “Let the sound of the national anthem fill our hearts with pride and the sight of the tricolor flag remind us of the sacrifices that have brought us to this moment. Happy Independence Day!”

Also Read: Best Indian Patriotic Movies

Short Independence Day Wishes

As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, we’ve also put together a selection of short quotes that perfectly capture the spirit of the day. These Independence Day short quotes are ideal for sharing with loved ones and spreading the patriotic joy.

21. “Happy Independence Day! Celebrating freedom and unity!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

22. “Wishing you a joyful and patriotic Independence Day!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

23. “Cheers to freedom and the land of the brave. Happy 15th of August!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

24. “Have a fantastic Independence Day filled with pride and joy!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

25. “Happy 15th of August! May your day be filled with fireworks and fun!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

26. “Here’s to celebrating freedom and the Indian spirit. Enjoy the day!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

27. “Wishing you a day of joy and a heart full of gratitude. Happy Independence Day!”

Short Independence Day Wishes

28. “Happy 78th Independence Day! May our nation continue to thrive and prosper.”

29. “Wishing you a joyous and patriotic Independence Day celebration!”

30. “Proud to be a citizen of this great nation. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

31. “May the spirit of freedom and unity guide our nation towards a brighter future. Happy Independence Day!”

32. “Celebrating the 78th anniversary of our nation’s hard-won independence. Happy Independence Day!”

33. “Raise the flag high and sing the national anthem with pride. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

34. “Wishing you a wonderful Independence Day filled with joy, patriotism, and gratitude.”

35. “Let the tricolor flag be a symbol of our unity, courage, and determination. Happy Independence Day!”

36. “On this auspicious day, may our nation continue to soar to greater heights. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

37. “Celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence with heart and soul. Happy Independence Day!”

38. “May the light of freedom illuminate our path and guide us towards a more just and equitable society. Happy Independence Day!”

39. “Proud to be a part of this great nation. Wishing you a happy and patriotic 78th Independence Day!”

40. “Let the sound of the national anthem fill our hearts with pride and unity. Happy Independence Day!”

Also Read: Best Patriotic Songs

Happy Independence Day Wish

As we commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, it’s important to express our heartfelt wishes and gratitude to our fellow citizens. These Happy Independence Day wishes are a great way to celebrate this momentous occasion.

41. “Happy Independence Day! May your day be filled with fireworks, fun, and freedom.”

Happy Independence Day Wish

42. “Wishing you a joyful Independence Day filled with pride and celebration!”

43. “Cheers to a day of freedom and festivity. Have a fantastic 15th of August!”

Happy Independence Day Wish

44. “Happy 15th of August! May your day be as bright and beautiful as the fireworks in the sky.”

Happy Independence Day Wish

45. “Celebrate the spirit of freedom and unity. Have a wonderful Independence Day!”

Happy Independence Day Wish

46. “Sending you warm wishes for a day full of joy and patriotic pride. Happy Independence Day!”

Happy Independence Day Wish

47. “May your Independence Day be as spectacular and spirited as the nation’s history. Enjoy every moment!”

Happy Independence Day Wish

48. “Wishing you a joyous and patriotic 78th Independence Day! May our nation continue to prosper and our people thrive.”

49. “Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow countrymen! Let us come together to celebrate the rich history and bright future of our nation.”

50. “On this auspicious day, let us raise our voices in unison to sing the praises of our beloved nation. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

51. “As we unfurl the tricolor flag, may it serve as a symbol of our unity, courage, and determination. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

52. “Wishing you and your family a wonderful 78th Independence Day celebration. May the spirit of freedom guide us towards a better tomorrow.”

53. “Happy 78th Independence Day! May the sacrifices of our forefathers inspire us to build a more just, equitable, and prosperous society.”

54. “Celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence with pride, patriotism, and a renewed commitment to the ideals that define us.”

55. “On this joyous occasion, let us reflect on the journey that has brought us here and rededicate ourselves to the values of democracy and human rights. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

56. “Wishing you a happy and memorable 78th Independence Day! May the light of freedom continue to shine brightly upon our nation.”

57. “As we gather to commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us come together as one people, united in our love for our country. Happy Independence Day!”

58. “Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow citizens! May the tricolor flag wave high, symbolizing the unity, courage, and determination of our people.”

59. “Celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence with joy, pride, and a renewed commitment to the ideals that have guided our journey.”

60. “Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful 78th Independence Day celebration. May our nation continue to soar to greater heights!”

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Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

In addition to our Happy Independence Day wishes, we’ve also compiled a selection of more Independence Day quotes and pictures to help you express your deepest gratitude and appreciation for our nation’s hard-won freedom.

61. “Happy Independence Day! May the spirit of freedom and the values we cherish bring you joy and pride today and always.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

62. “Wishing you a heartfelt Independence Day filled with gratitude for the freedom we enjoy and the heroes who made it possible.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

63. “On this special day, may you reflect on the sacrifices made for our freedom and celebrate the strength and unity of our nation.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

64. “Happy 15th of August! May the principles of liberty and justice inspire you and fill your heart with pride and hope.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

65. “Sending warm wishes for a meaningful Independence Day. Let’s honor our past and look forward to a future full of promise and peace.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

66. “May this Independence Day remind us all of the values that unite us and the freedom we hold dear. Have a truly special day.”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

67. “As we celebrate our nation’s freedom, may we also cherish the values of courage and sacrifice that make our country great. Happy Independence Day!”

Heartfelt Independence Day Wish

68. “As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us pause to reflect on the sacrifices of our forefathers and rededicate ourselves to the ideals of justice, equality, and freedom that they fought for.”

69. “On this auspicious day, let us come together as a nation to honor the brave men and women who have laid down their lives to protect our liberties. May their legacy inspire us to build a better, more just society.”

70. “The tricolor flag waves high, a symbol of our unity, courage, and determination. As we commemorate the 78th Independence Day, let us pledge to uphold the values that have guided our nation’s journey and work towards a future of prosperity and progress.”

71. “In the glow of the fireworks and the cheer of the crowds, let us remember the struggles and the dreams that have brought us to this moment. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow citizens!”

72. “May the spirit of our forefathers continue to inspire us as we navigate the challenges of the present and chart a course towards a brighter future. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our nation continue to thrive and prosper.”

73. “Let the sound of the national anthem fill our hearts with pride and the sight of the tricolor flag remind us of the sacrifices that have brought us to this moment. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our nation’s light continue to shine brightly.”

74. “On this joyous occasion, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law that have defined our nation’s journey. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our commitment to these principles never waver.”

75. “As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us remember the diverse tapestry of our people and the rich cultural heritage that defines us. May our unity in diversity be a source of strength and inspiration for generations to come.”

76. “The light of freedom and the spirit of unity have guided our nation’s path for 78 years. On this momentous day, let us pledge to work tirelessly for the betterment of our society, to uphold the values of justice and equality, and to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.”

77. “In the midst of our joyous celebrations, let us not forget the sacrifices of our forefathers and rededicate ourselves to the ideals of peace, progress, and harmony that have defined our nation’s journey. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow countrymen!”

78. “The tricolor flag stands tall, a symbol of the unity, courage, and determination that have defined our nation’s history. As we commemorate the 78th anniversary of our independence, let us pledge to continue the fight for a more just, equitable, and prosperous future.”

79. “On this auspicious day, let us reflect on the rich tapestry of our nation’s history and the countless individuals who have contributed to its growth and development. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our nation continue to inspire the world.”

80. “The flame of patriotism burns brightly in our hearts as we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence. Let us come together as a community to honor the sacrifices of our ancestors and rededicate ourselves to the ideals that have guided our journey.”

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Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

As we commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, it’s important to express our heartfelt wishes and gratitude to our fellow citizens. These happy 78th Independence Day wishes are a great way to celebrate this momentous occasion.

81. “Happy 78th Independence Day! Celebrating the enduring spirit of freedom and the journey we’ve traveled together.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

82. “Wishing you a joyful 78th Independence Day filled with pride, unity, and remembrance of our nation’s incredible journey.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

83. “Cheers to 78 years of freedom and progress! May this Independence Day bring you happiness and a deep sense of pride.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

84. “Happy 78th Independence Day! Reflecting on our rich history and looking forward to a bright future filled with hope and unity.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

85. “On this 78th Independence Day, may we honor the past and celebrate the freedom that continues to unite and inspire us.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

86. “Sending you warm wishes for a meaningful 78th Independence Day, as we celebrate our nation’s growth and the values we hold dear.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

87. “Happy 78th Independence Day! May this milestone remind us of the strength of our nation and the enduring spirit of its people.”

Happy 78th Independence Day Wishes

88. “Wishing you a joyous and patriotic 78th Independence Day celebration! May our nation continue to thrive and prosper for years to come.”

89. “Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow countrymen! Let us come together to honor the sacrifices of our forefathers and rededicate ourselves to the ideals that have guided our nation’s journey.”

90. “On this auspicious day, let us raise our voices in unison to sing the praises of our beloved nation. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may the tricolor flag wave high with pride!”

91. “As we unfurl the tricolor flag and bask in the glow of the fireworks, may the spirit of freedom and the flame of patriotism burn brightly in our hearts. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

92. Happy Independence Day! Let’s celebrate India’s freedom and unity.

93. Jai Hind! Wishing you a proud and patriotic Independence Day.

94. Freedom in the mind, faith in the words, pride in the heart. Happy Independence Day!

95. Let’s honor the sacrifices of our freedom fighters by building a stronger India. Happy Independence Day!

96. May the spirit of freedom inspire us to achieve new heights. Happy Independence Day!

97. Together, we can create a brighter future for India. Happy Independence Day!

98. Let’s celebrate with colors, joy, and the spirit of patriotism. Happy Independence Day!

99. Time to wave the flag high and feel the pride. Happy Independence Day!

100. Happy Independence Day! May this day be filled with joy, unity, and progress.

Read More- Independence Day captions for Instagram

Independence Day Message

Amid our joyous celebrations, it’s important to reflect on the deeper meaning of Independence Day and what it means to be a citizen of this great nation. These Independence Day message wishes are a powerful way to inspire and uplift our fellow citizens.

101. “Happy Independence Day! Today we honor the freedom and bravery that define our nation. May we continue to uphold the values of liberty and unity.”

Independence Day Message

102. “Wishing you a joyful Independence Day! May the spirit of freedom fill your heart and inspire you to contribute to our nation’s ongoing journey of progress.”

Independence Day Message

103. “On this Independence Day, let’s celebrate the rich history and vibrant future of our country. Here’s to a day of pride, joy, and remembrance.”

Independence Day Message

104. “Happy 15th of August! As we enjoy the festivities, let’s take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made for our freedom and renew our commitment to the values that unite us.”

Independence Day Message

105. “Sending warm wishes for a meaningful Independence Day. May the celebrations remind us of the strength, courage, and resilience that make our nation truly great.”

Independence Day Message

106. “Happy Independence Day! Today we celebrate not just our freedom, but the unity and shared dreams that continue to drive our nation forward.”

Independence Day Message

107. “On this special day, let’s honor our heritage and embrace the future with hope and pride. Wishing you a wonderful Independence Day filled with joy and gratitude.”

Independence Day Message

108. “As we commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals of democracy, justice, and equality that have defined our journey. May our commitment to these principles never waver, even in the face of adversity.”

109. “On this auspicious day, let us remember the diverse tapestry of our people and the rich cultural heritage that has made our nation truly unique. May our unity in diversity be a source of strength and inspiration for generations to come.”

110. “The light of freedom and the spirit of unity have guided our nation’s path for 78 years. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us pledge to work tirelessly for the betterment of our society, to uphold the values of justice and equality, and to leave a lasting legacy for the future.”

111. Let’s ignite the spirit of freedom! Happy Independence Day.

112. Tricolor in our hearts, pride in our souls. Jai Hind!

113. Celebrate the journey, cherish the freedom. Happy Independence Day.

114. Dream big, work hard, and make India proud. Happy Independence Day.

115. Let’s build a nation where every dream takes flight. Happy Independence Day.

116. United we stand, strong we rise. Happy Independence Day, India!

117. Honor the past, shape the future. Happy Independence Day.

118. Grateful for our heroes, inspired by their courage. Happy Independence Day.

119. Let’s commit to a nation of equality and prosperity. Happy Independence Day.

120. Let the tricolor wave high as we celebrate our freedom. Happy Independence Day!

Read More- independence day activities

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, it’s important to express our patriotic sentiments and gratitude for the sacrifices made by our forefathers. These Patriotic Independence Day wishes are a powerful way to honor our nation’s legacy and inspire others to do the same.

121. “Happy Independence Day! Let’s celebrate the land of the free and the home of the brave with pride and joy!”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

122. “Wishing you a proud and patriotic 15th of August! May we honor our heritage and continue to strive for liberty and justice for all.”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

123. “Happy 15th of August! Today we celebrate our nation’s strength and unity. May your day be filled with pride and patriotic spirit!”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

124. “Cheers to a day of freedom and patriotism! May your Independence Day be as bold and spirited as the ideals that define our great nation.”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

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125. “Happy Independence Day! Let’s salute the tricolor and embrace the freedom that makes our country truly special.”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

126. “Wishing you a saffron, white, and green Independence Day! May the pride of our nation’s history fill your heart with joy and gratitude.”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

127. “On this 15th of August, let’s celebrate our Indian spirit and the enduring values of freedom and democracy. Have a truly patriotic Independence Day!”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

128. “Happy Independence Day! May the spirit of patriotism fill your heart and the fireworks of freedom light up your celebrations. Here’s to a day of pride and honor for our great nation!”

Patriotic Independence Day Wishes

129. “On this auspicious day, let our hearts swell with pride as we raise the tricolor flag, a symbol of our unity, courage, and determination. Happy 78th Independence Day, my fellow patriots!”

130. “May the sound of the national anthem fill our souls with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our nation’s legacy continue to inspire generations to come.”

131. “In the glow of the fireworks and the cheers of the crowds, let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought tirelessly for our independence. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may their spirit of patriotism guide our actions.”

132. “As we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence, let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law that have defined our journey. Happy Independence Day, and may our commitment to these principles never waver.”

133. “The tricolor flag waves high, a testament to the unity, courage, and determination of our people. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may the spirit of our forefathers inspire us to continue the fight for a more just and equitable society.”

134. “On this joyous occasion, let us come together as a nation to honor the brave men and women who have laid down their lives in defense of our freedoms. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may their sacrifice never be forgotten.”

135. “The light of freedom and the flame of patriotism burn brightly in our hearts as we commemorate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence. Happy Independence Day, and may our love for our country continue to guide our actions.”

136. “In the midst of our celebrations, let us remember the diverse tapestry of our people and the rich cultural heritage that has made our nation truly unique. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our unity in diversity be a source of strength and inspiration.”

137. “As we raise the tricolor flag and sing the national anthem with pride, let us pledge to uphold the values of justice, equality, and freedom that have defined our nation’s journey. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may our commitment to these ideals never waver.”

138. “The spirit of our forefathers lives on in the hearts of every patriotic citizen. Happy 78th Independence Day, and may the sacrifices of those who came before us inspire us to build a better, more just, and more prosperous future for all.”

139. Let’s honor the brave souls who sacrificed for our freedom. Their legacy inspires us to build a stronger, united India. Happy Independence Day!

140. With every beat of our hearts, let’s celebrate the spirit of India. May our nation continue to soar high. Jai Hind!

These Independence Day wishes not only pay tribute to our past but also reaffirm our dedication to the ideals that make our country great.

Also Read: Patriotic Movies To Watch This Republic Day

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70 Best Short Independence Day Quotes to Capture the Spirit of Freedom

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500+ Words Speech on Independence day (15 August)

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Written by Shiksha Press

Updated on: August 15, 2021

500+ Words Speech on Independence day (15 August)

Speech on Independence Day

Long and Short Speech on 75th Independence Day/ 15 August 2021 in English

Speech on independence day #1

Respected Chief Guest Sir, Respected teachers, parents and my colleagues, I am feeling happy to get this opportunity to express my views on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day. This is our 75th Independence Day celebration. Exactly 75 years ago today, we got freedom. The story of our freedom struggle is huge which cannot be described in a day. Independence Day holds great importance for every Indian.

75 years ago, we were ruled by the British, they came to India on the pretext of trade and gradually subjugated everything and made us their slaves. Then after fighting many agitations and battles, India became independent on 15 August 1947. Today we have become independent because of the brave warriors of our country and celebrate this day by paying tribute to those people. Independence Day is one of the national festivals of India.

Speech on independence day #2

Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, Honorable Teachers and Dear Colleagues. Today, on the occasion of Independence Day, I am feeling very happy to get this opportunity to express my thoughts in front of you, let me tell you about the importance of Independence Day.

Independence Day is a historical festival, India got independence from the British 73 years ago today. India, which had lost its existence, regained its identity. The British came to India and after knowing and examining the surroundings very carefully, keeping in mind our weaknesses, attacked us and ruled for about two hundred years. Our brave warriors fought many battles and after that we got freedom on 15th August 1947.

Since then till today, we have been celebrating 15th August every year as Independence Day. Every year the flag is hoisted at the Red Fort by our honorable Prime Minister. After this he addresses the country and then some colorful programs are presented. People from far and wide go to Delhi to see it and those who are unable to go watch its live broadcast.

Thus we celebrate our Independence Day by remembering our brave soldiers.

Speech on independence day #3

Good morning to all my respected teachers, parents, and dear friends. We have gathered here today to celebrate this great national occasion. As we know that Independence Day is a auspicious occasion for all of us. This is a very important day for all Indian citizens and it has been mentioned in history forever. This is the day when we got freedom from British rule after years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. To remember the first day of India’s independence, we celebrate Independence Day every year on 15th August as well as remember the sacrifices of all those great leaders who gave their sacrifices for the freedom of India.

India got independence from British rule on 15 August 1947 . After independence we got all the fundamental rights in our nation and motherland. We should be proud of our being Indian and admire our good fortune that we were born in the land of free India. The history of slave India tells everything how our ancestors fought hard and endured the cruel tortures of the firangians . We cannot sit here and imagine how difficult freedom from British rule was. It has taken the sacrifice of lives of countless freedom fighters and several decades of struggle from 1857 to 1947. For the independence of India, the first voice against the British was raised by Mangal Pandey, a soldier working in the British Army.

Later many great freedom fighters fought and gave their whole life for freedom. We all can never forget Bhagat Singh, Khudiram Bose and Chandrashekhar Azad who lost their lives fighting for the country at a very young age. How can we ignore the struggles of Netaji and Gandhiji. Gandhiji was a great personality who taught the lesson of non-violence to Indians. He was the only leader who showed the way of independence through non-violence and finally after a long struggle, the day came on 15 August 1947 when India got independence.

We are very fortunate that our ancestors have given us a land of peace and happiness where we can sleep at night without fear and enjoy the whole day in our school and at home. Our country is developing rapidly in technology, education, sports, finance, and many other areas which would not have been possible without independence. India is one of the countries rich in nuclear energy. We are moving ahead by actively participating in sports like Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games. We have complete freedom to choose our government and are using the world’s largest democracy. Yes, we are free and have complete freedom, although we should not consider ourselves free from responsibilities towards our country. As responsible citizens of the country, we should always be prepared for any emergency.

Speech on independence day #4

Namaskar and Jai Hind to all the respectable people present in this courtyard, teachers, my classmates and all other dignitaries present. We all have gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of this Independence Day on 15th August. Many best wishes and congratulations to all of you on this auspicious occasion. Today, on this auspicious occasion, I have got the opportunity to address all of you, thank you all very much for that.

Friends, as we know, 15th August is a day of honor and pride for every Indian. On 15th August 1947, all our freedom fighters and revolutionaries had given their lives to free our country from the British Empire, and they owe us their sacrifice and freedom of this country. That’s why we celebrate it historically in his memory and honor on this day. On this day, we got freedom from the British rule, which has been oppressing us Indians for almost 200 years, which is incomparable.

The British rule oppressed us Indians for many years and kept us as slaves. There is a saying that “the pot of sin must burst one day”, and according to this saying, on 15th August we got freedom from the slavery of the British and we became completely free. We have also lost many great people of our country in this tireless effort of freedom. Many such great people were born in our country, who did not even care for their lives for the freedom of the country, and sacrificed for the country with laughter. The most important contribution in the independence of our country was given by Mahatma Gandhi, who forced them to leave India by using weapons like truth and non-violence against the British rule. There were many other freedom fighters like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bosh, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad etc. in the independence of the country, who contributed to the independence of India and freed the country from the clutches of British slavery. Got it done

We are very fortunate that in history we got such great freedom fighters and revolutionaries and they not only liberated the country but also the generations to come from the slavery of the British. Because of this we are free today and day by day we are achieving new achievements and new heights.

After 75 years of independence, today our country is moving towards progress in every field. Our country is writing a new chapter every day in a different field, like military power, education, technology, sports and many other fields, it is writing a new dimension every day. Today our military strength is so good that its example is given all over the world, and any country is too scared to look at India with its eyes. Today our military strength is equipped with modern weapons, which have the power to destroy any enemy in the blink of an eye.

As we know that our country has been an agricultural country since ancient times, and after 15th August 1947, our agricultural sector has also changed a lot. After independence, we use new techniques in agriculture and new methods of growing crops to produce large quantities of crops, and today our country is at the forefront of exporting grains. During the war between India and Pakistan in 1965, the then Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” . And today this slogan proves to a great extent.

Today, after independence, we have made a lot of progress in the field of science. Due to this scientific technology, today India has traveled to the Moon and Mars. By innovating new scientific technology every day, we are taking the country towards a new progress. We are adopting science and technology for ourselves in every field. By adopting science and technology in the field of military, agriculture, education, we have been able to make ourselves at par with the progressive countries. After independence, we have made progress in every field and are writing new dimensions every day.

On this occasion of independence, where we are discussing about the new dimensions of progress of the country, we should never forget that scene of slavery, where our great freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom. Even today, remembering those great people, our eyes become moist. In the glare of today’s new India, we should never forget those great souls who sacrificed everything for the freedom of the country.

Addressing you today on this auspicious occasion, I end my words by paying my respectful obeisances and homage to those great souls, thank you all very much.

Bharat Mata Ki Jai .Jai Hind.

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Independence Day Speech for Kids In English for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Independence Day Speech in English 2021:  India, a free Independent country that got its Independence on 15th August 1947. But behind the story of Independence, lies a vast history of sacrifices and struggles of our brave sons and daughters, who fought for the country’s Independence until their last breath.

On 15th August, we celebrate Independence Day annually to remember those sacrifices our freedom fighters did for us.

This day is a national celebration for all Indians, who come together in the joy of Independent India. Different educational institutes organize different programs by hoisting the tricolor flag of India.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches on Independence Day for Kids In English For Kids And Students

We are providing a long Independence Day Speech for Kids of 500 words and a short Independence Day speech For kids of 150 words along with ten lines to help the readers understand the topic.

These speeches will be useful for the kids and students of schools and colleges, teachers, who deliver a speech on Independence Day in their educational institutes for the audience. A Short Independence Day Speech for Kids is helpful to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A Long Independence Day Speech for Kids is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Get 10 Lines on Independence Day in India from here,

Long Independence Day Speech for Kids 500 Words In English

Good Morning. Welcome to the Independence Day celebration at our school.

In this national celebration day, we should all feel proud of being a part of India. India is an independent nation that gives us the freedom to follow all our rights, including the right to education and the right to speech.

For almost 200 years, we were under the rule of the British Government. They treated us like slaves, tortured us, and destroyed our money and resources. But after all the struggles, with the help of our freedom fighters, Indians fought for their rights and freedom.

Almost 73 years ago, on 15th August 1947, India finally got Independence from British rule. For the first time, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru hoisted India’s flag on the Red Fort. Since then, India celebrates Independence Day across the nation.

India was once full of resources. We had full of minerals, and India was known for its leading spice market in the world. These reasons attracted the British Government to capture India and use all the resources for their purposes, as at the beginning, manipulating Indians was an easy task.

With the implementation of different policies, the country came under the rule of British people. They started torturing us and forced us to become slaves to them. With the help of divide and rule policy, they induced conflicts among Indians.

Few renowned freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, and Jawaharlal Nehru emerged as leaders to engage and inspire everybody so that they can fight for their rights, making all the sacrifices. After that, every Indian participated actively in the freedom movements to aim for an independent nation.

Independence gave us many benefits, including all the rights to freedom, speech, education, and many more. Without our freedom fighters, gaining Independence against the British rule was quite impossible. For us, it was a beautiful gift of Independent India from our martyrs. So, it is now our responsibility to value Independence by doing pure deeds like cleaning, keeping our environment clean, helping the people in need, and maintaining all the rules and regulations of our constitution.

Schools, colleges, education institutes, Government and private organizations arrange different cultural programs, to make the day memorable. Our main motive for the day is to remember the significant contributions of our freedom fighters who sacrificed everything for us, to make our country an independent nation.

The arm forces of our country, arrange parades every year to showcase India’s superpower in front of the world. We also pay our tributes to our army, who are still protecting us from enemies from India’s borders.

Lastly, I would like to say; the young generation is our future for the country. With youth’s talents and efforts towards the country, India can succeed more in the future. We need to understand the importance of patriotism and the importance of Independence Day in our country. Together in Unity, we can strengthen our nation for a beautiful future.

Short Independence Day Speech for Kids 150 Words In English

Short Independence Day Speech for Kids 150 Words In English

Happy Independence Day to all.

It is a bright morning with patriotism in everybody’s heart. But about 73 years ago, India wasn’t an independent country, and it was under the rule of the British Government.

Indians were tortured, captured, and were forced to be slaves.

The anger inside the Indians led to the emergence of some freedom fighters who felt the need to enlighten Indians about India’s condition. They engaged Indians in the freedom struggles and movements until they received the victory of freedom.

Freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi did a lot of freedom movements to gain Independence, including the salt march movement, the Non-cooperation movement, and the civil disobedience movement.

Finally, on 15th August 1947, we got our freedom from the hands of the British Government. This day is a memorable one, making us remember the extreme sacrifices of our martyrs. We need to maintain our Unity for making our country Strong.

10 Lines On Independence Day Speech for Kids In English

  • We honor our great freedom fighters in the national celebration of Independence Day.
  • This day teaches us the importance of patriotism and strengthens our Unity irrespective of any differences.
  • We remember all the struggles and sacrifices, which our ancestors did for the country India.
  • Schools and Colleges arrange different cultural programs with song and dance programs on patriotic songs.
  • A parade is arranged every year by our armed forces displaying our social, political, and economic powers in the global platforms.
  • Irrespective of any differences, Indians come together this day to celebrate Independence Day together.
  • We hoist our national flag and sing our national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’
  • We show our gratefulness for being a part of an Independent country with speeches.
  • Every year, 15th August is a national celebration among the mass of Indians.
  • We encourage our youths to understand the significance of this day and encourage them to contribute to this country for its future wellness.

10 Lines On Independence Day Speech for Kids In English

FAQ’s On Independence Day Speech for Kids

Question 1. Why is Independence important for every country in the world?

Answer: The term ‘Independence’ keeps a significant meaning behind, that is, the freedom of the citizen of that country to live in their nation without any restrictions following their lifestyle regularly and make their decisions freely.

Question 2. Why is India known as a secular country?

Answer: India is known as a secular country because India supports the neutrality of religion. A person can follow any religion in India without any restrictions.

Question 3. What made Indians angry, to fight against British rule?

Answer: The British Government tortured, captured, and forced the Indians to serve as a slave. Being in their own country, Indians weren’t free; they had to follow British people’s rules. It made Indians angry to fight for their freedom.

Question 4. Is India a republic country?

Answer: Yes, India is a republic country. On 26th January 1950, India made its first constitution and declared itself a sovereign democratic and republic state. On 15th August 1947, India received its Independence, but still, it wasn’t a complete Independent country.

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Independence Day Speech in English- Check Best 15 August Heart Touching Speechs -_0.1

  • Independence Day Speech in English- Check Best 15 August Heart Touching Speechs

Every year, on August 15th, we celebrate Independence Day by hosting our National flag. It is a day of celebration of our nation's journey to Victory from 200 years of British rule. Read the Few sample of the 78th Independence Day Speech in English for students and Kids given here

Independence Day Speech in English

Table of Contents

We, the proud Indians are going to celebrate the 78th Independence Day Speech on 15 August 2024. On this auspicious day, the entire country is immersed in patriotic feelings and enthusiasm, as the whole country observes Independence Day by organizing events to honor our liberation fighters. Schools and universities often commemorate the day by hosting events in which students deliver Independence Day speeches, dance performances on patriotic themes, and so on. Delivering a well-structured Independence Day speech in English is one of the best activities in remembrance of our freedom fighter scarifies. We’ve provided a few ideas of how to structure and deliver an engaging Independence Day speech in front of a large crowd along with some samples that should be delivered sincerely.

Independence Day Speech

To deliver an Independence Day Speech is not just an address of the facts, it is responsible for honoring India’s glorious history and the sacrifice and determination of the patriotic heroes in a good manner. Your 15 August Independence Day speech should highlight and address all significant aspects of Indian independence, the freedom struggle, great leaders, and much more. Your Independence Day 2024 Speech can only be spectacular if it engages the audience, provides a clear message, and has a lasting influence.

Independence Day Speech in English

Every year, on August 15th, we celebrate Independence Day by hosting our Tricolor National flag. The 15 August is not a regular day, it is a day of celebration of our nation’s journey to Victory from British colonial rule after nearly 200 years. It’s a day to honor the courageous hearts who fought for our freedom while also celebrating our country’s unity, variety, and spirit. It is a day of showing respect to courageous hearts that battled for the nation’s freedom and celebrating the spirit of freedom, togetherness, and equality that our country stands for.

This auspicious day is more than just a celebration of the past; it shines light on our forebears’ sacrifices. It’s a day to recommit ourselves to constructing a nation where every individual shines and upholds the principles of justice, equality, and brotherhood. Let us carry the flame of freedom for future generations, promoting unity, equality, and progress.

15 August 2024 Speech in English

The 15th of August 1947 marked the end of British colonial control in India, and the country became independent. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Indian Prime Minister to raise the National Flag and address the country from the Red Fort. Every year since then, the Indian Prime Minister has delivered the 15 August Independence Day Speech at the Red Port podium, remembering your brave hearts and our pledges. This year’s 78th India Independence Day 2024 will be held under the theme “Viksit Bharat,” which translates to “Developed India.” This symbolizes the Indian government’s ambition of transforming the country into a developed nation by 2047, the 100th anniversary of India’s independence.

Independence Day Speech for Students

Students are the foundation of our incredible Country India, equipped to reveal our glorious heritage on a global scale. In the spirit of Independence Day, the 15 August speech must stress the significance of instilling patriotism and ideals in students. Prepare your Independence Day speech in such a way that your audience will get goosebumps and be inspired to feel pride in India’s rich past, culture, and achievements. By doing so, they may raise a generation that values democracy, unity, and honesty. If you are selected to deliver the Independence Day Speech in your school or institution, then you must be well-prepared with your speech before the event.

15 August Speech in English Samples

Independence Day reminds us that we are all citizens of the same country, even though our traditions, languages, and cultures differ. It is a day that commemorates the sacrifices of countless heroes who battled tirelessly and sacrificed their lives for our freedom. On this auspicious day, giving a speech is an excellent approach to remember and honor those who gave their life for the cause of freedom. We have offered resources for children, students, and young people to use when preparing for a successful Independence Day speech in English.

Independence Day: Reflecting on Our Journey and Looking Ahead

Good morning everyone,

On this 78th Independence Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the extraordinary journey that has brought us to this point. August 15, 1947, was not just a date; it marked the dawn of a new era, where the dreams of our forefathers for freedom were finally realized.

We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who fought bravely and made immense sacrifices for our independence. Their vision and bravery have shaped the India we know today. As we celebrate their accomplishments, let us also look forward. Each of us has a role in the ongoing progress and prosperity of our nation. Together, let’s build an India that is not only free but also flourishing, inclusive, and united.

Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Celebrating Our Diversity and Unity

Good morning/afternoon everyone,

Today, as we mark our 78th Independence Day, we celebrate not only our freedom but also the remarkable diversity that defines our nation. India, a land of countless languages, cultures, and traditions, thrives as a vibrant and unified entity.

The journey to independence was shaped by the collective efforts of individuals from diverse backgrounds, all contributing to the vision of a united India. This day serves as a reminder that our greatest strength lies in our unity amidst diversity.

As we celebrate, let’s remember that embracing our differences and standing together is essential to overcoming the challenges ahead. Let’s honour the spirit of unity that our freedom fighters cherished.

Independence Day Speech in English for Class 10, 12 Students

Good morning, and happy 78th Independence Day to my respected teachers and friends.

“Give Me Blood, and I’ll Give You Freedom

These one line from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose are enough to take you back in time to the Indian National Moment. This is a well-known speech given by Netaji in 1944 to members of the Indian National Army in Myanmar.

Today, as we observe our 78th Independence Day, we should be proud to be citizens of an independent country that allows us to express ourselves freely and live our lives as we see desirable.

On August 15, 1947, India became independent from British dominion. This day symbolizes the end of a long struggle for freedom. Our freedom fighters, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, and many more, worked relentlessly and made significant sacrifices to make today a reality.

As we enjoy the unique gift of freedom and sovereignty, it is now our job to preserve the nation’s honor, promote the nation, and improve the nation. On this special occasion, let us pledge to build a more powerful and prosperous India in return for our brave heart’s sacrifice.

15 August Speech in English for Youngster

Good morning, everyone, including my respected teachers and dear friends. We’ve come together to celebrate our country’s 78th year of independence

As we all know, the 15th of August 1947 is a significant day in Indian history, a day of honor and pride for all Indian citizens. It is the day when India gained independence after nearly 200 years of British rule. Freedom literally means achieving liberty; for India, it refers to the day the country was freed or liberated from British dominion and achieved independence.

Millions of people made sacrifices over many years to gain independence. Many freedom fighters struggled for independence throughout their entire lives. On this historic occasion, we will honor all of the freedom fighters who gave their lives to protect the nation’s freedom.

Independence is more than just being free of foreign control; it is also about unity and collaboration as a nation. On this historic day, it is now our responsibility to uphold the nation’s honor, promote the nation, and improve the country. I wish everyone a happy Independence Day and good luck in the future.

Thank you, and Happy Independence Day to you all!

Independence Day Speech for Students in English 200 words

Good morning, everyone! Today, we are all celebrating an extremely special day: Independence Day, a day that begins our union, represents the power of togetherness and honors the sacrifices of our most respected and beloved freedom fighters.

15 August 1947, the day we gained independence from colonial authority, the day we could say we were an independent nation, is always a significant day and will always hold a particular place in the hearts of all Indian citizens.

Independence is more than just being free of foreign control; it is also about unity and collaboration as a nation. Let us celebrate the diversity that makes our country rich and wonderful. My dear friends, we are the future of India. We inherited a great legacy from our forefathers. We must safeguard our sovereignty and integrity from both external and domestic attacks.

It is our duty to protect our democratic beliefs and fundamental rights. We must respect our national symbols and institutions. We must encourage peace and harmony among ourselves and with our neighbors. We must strive hard to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, corruption, violence, and discrimination in our society. We must contribute to the growth and well-being of our country and its people. On this auspicious day, let us commit to serving our homeland with dedication and devotion.

Let us take fulfillment in uttering, Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!

15 August Speech in English

Today, We are all gathering here to celebrate Mother India’s 78th Year of Independence from the British Colonial Raj. On the stairs coming to the stage, the lines of the Former Prime minister Sri Atal Bihar Bajpaye Ji are continuously boomeranged in my ears.

“ bhaarat kisee buoomi ka tukada nahin hai, isane jaagata raashtra purushon ko jeet liya hai.” ye vandan kee bhoomi hai, ye abhinandan kee bhoomi hai. ye arpan kee bhoomi hai ye tarpan kee bhoomi hai. isakee nadee-nadee hamaare lie ganga hai, isaka kankar-kankar hamaare lie shankar hai. ham jiyenge to is bhaarat ke lie aur marenge to is bhaarat ke lie, aur mrtyu ke baad bhee gangaajal mein nikalee hamaaree asthiyon ko koee kaan antatah sunega, to ek hee aavaaj aayegee- “bhaarata maata kee jay”

The Indian Independence Struggle saw numerous hardships and sacrifices made by courageous Indian freedom warriors. On this auspicious day, we celebrate visionary visionaries such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and countless more who fought for liberty with unwavering perseverance and bravery. We have the great gift of independence and sovereignty as a result of their tireless efforts and sacrifices.

Today, we meet to commemorate our nation’s extraordinary path toward freedom and sovereignty. This year’s 78th India Independence Day 2024 is being celebrated under the theme of “Viksit Bharat,” which implies establishing India as a developed nation in 2047.

Looking to the pages of History, the British East India Company came to India as spice traders. They arrived in the Indian subcontinent around 1608 and became traders to rulers after defeating numerous independent kings. At midnight on 14-15 August 1947, an important turning point in the history of the Indian independence struggle occurred. This day marked India’s liberation from British control and the end of a protracted 200-year war for freedom. Our liberation heroes, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and others, worked diligently and made significant sacrifices to make our goal a reality.

Looking back, the morning of August 15, 1947, marked the end of British colonial control and India’s emergence as a sovereign nation. Jawaharlal Nehru became India’s first Prime Minister to raise the National Flag at the Red Fort, opposite Delhi’s Lahore Gate. Our struggle for independence was more than just a political movement; it demonstrated our people’s unbreakable spirit. From Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance to the bravery of countless others, we stood together in our struggle for self-determination.

Nevertheless, we must remember that our freedom is accompanied by a tremendous deal of responsibility. We, the youth of India, are the architects of our country’s destiny. Our energy, excitement, and innovative spirit have the potential to catapult India to new heights. We must safeguard our sovereignty and integrity from both external and domestic attacks. We must encourage peace and harmony among ourselves and with our neighbors. We must strive hard to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, corruption, violence, and discrimination in our society is our responsibility to carry on the heritage of our liberation heroes and create a stronger, more affluent India.

Jai Hind| Wish you all a Happy Independence Day.

78th Independence Day Speech in English 2024 for Girls

Respected Principal, Teachers, and my dear friends,

Good morning to all of you!

On this special occasion of our nation’s 78th Independence Day, I feel honored and privileged to stand before you and share my thoughts.

Independence Day is a day of pride, a day when we celebrate our nation’s freedom and remember the sacrifices of those who fought bravely for it. On 15th August 1947, after years of struggle and determination, India finally broke free from the chains of British rule. It was a moment of triumph, a moment that marked the birth of a new, independent India.

Today, as we hoist our national flag and sing our national anthem, let us remember the countless freedom fighters who laid down their lives for our country. Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, and many others played a pivotal role in our freedom struggle. Their courage, dedication, and love for the motherland inspire us even today.

But freedom is not just about the past. It is about the present and the future. As young citizens of this great nation, it is our responsibility to carry forward the legacy of our freedom fighters. We must strive to make India a land of peace, prosperity, and equality. Each one of us has a role to play in building a better tomorrow.

Education is our most powerful tool in this mission. By educating ourselves and others, we can break the barriers of ignorance and empower our nation. We must also stand united against the challenges that threaten our society, such as poverty, corruption, and discrimination.

On this Independence Day, let us pledge to work together to make our country proud. Let us respect our cultural diversity, cherish our values, and contribute to the progress of our nation in every possible way.

As I conclude, I would like to remind you all that the freedom we enjoy today is a precious gift. Let us honor it, protect it, and use it wisely for the betterment of our country.

Independence Day Speech for Kids

we are gathered here to celebrate a very special day—our Independence Day!

On this day, many years ago, on August 15, 1947, our country, India, became free from British rule. Our freedom fighters, like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhash Chandra Bose, worked very hard and even gave their lives so that we could live in a free country.

Because of them, today, we can go to school, play in the parks, and do whatever we want. We are free to make our own choices and live happily.

But with this freedom comes responsibility. It is our duty to be good citizens and make our country proud. We can do this by studying hard, helping others, and respecting everyone around us.

Let’s remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and promise to do our best for our country.

Thank you, and Happy Independence Day!

Heart Touching Speech on Independence Day

As we gather here to celebrate the 15th of August, our hearts swell with pride and joy. Independence Day is not just a day on the calendar; it is the day when we remember the sacrifices, the struggles, and the unwavering spirit of those who fought for our freedom.

Seventy-seven years ago, on this very day in 1947, India woke up to a new dawn—a dawn of freedom, self-respect, and dignity. The air was filled with the voices of millions who had long been silenced, and their cries for freedom finally found their echo in the corridors of power.

Our freedom fighters, known and unknown, laid down their lives for a cause greater than themselves. They dreamt of a free India—a nation where every individual would live with dignity, a nation where the chains of oppression would be broken forever. They did not fight for themselves; they fought for us, for the generations to come. Today, as we stand in a free nation, we owe everything to them.

Independence Day is a time for reflection. It is a day to look back at our journey, to honor the courage of those who came before us, and to pledge to uphold the values they held dear. But it is also a day to look forward, to envision the future of our great nation.

Our India is a land of diversity, where people of different religions, languages, and cultures live together in harmony. This unity in diversity is our strength. But we must remember that with freedom comes responsibility. It is up to us to ensure that the ideals of our freedom fighters are upheld, that we continue to work towards a society where every citizen is treated with equality, respect, and justice.

As we celebrate this day, let us not forget the challenges that lie ahead. We must fight against poverty, inequality, and corruption. We must work towards building a nation where every child is educated, every family has access to healthcare, and every individual has the opportunity to live a life of dignity.

On this Independence Day, let us pledge to be responsible citizens. Let us pledge to contribute to the growth and development of our nation. Let us pledge to keep the flame of freedom alive in our hearts and to pass it on to the next generation.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Let us dedicate ourselves to the service of our motherland, to the service of humanity.

As we salute the tricolor today, let us remember that it is not just a flag; it is a symbol of our identity, our pride, and our unity. Let it inspire us to work together, to overcome our differences, and to build a nation that is strong, prosperous, and free.

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

Independence Day Speech Topics

To differentiate your Independence Day Speech from others you may choose a theme to address your audience. However, your speech must contain 4 segments: An introduction, a brief history of the Independence struggle, then a talk about the theme you choose, and after that come to the conclusion of your address. Here we have enlisted some of themes based on the Independence day significance for your reference.

  • The Significance of Independence Day: Celebrating Our Journey to Freedom
  • From Struggle to Success: Lessons from Our Independence Heroes
  • Talking to our Freedom Fighter:
  • Unity in Diversity: How Independence Day Unites Us as a Nation
  • Preserving Freedom: The Responsibilities of Citizenship
  • Building a Better Future: The Vision for Our Better India

How to Prepare 78th Independence Day Speech in English

The 78th Independence Day speech should emphasize the importance of unity, diversity, and progress, as well as the country’s dedication to democratic values. Preparing a relevant and powerful 78th Independence Day speech in English entails numerous critical tasks. Follow these recommendations to guarantee that your speech resonates with the audience and effectively expresses the essence of this significant event:

  • Choose a Relevant Theme: Given that this year’s topic is ‘Viksit Bharat’, tailor your speech to this overarching concept. Frame your material around the importance of prioritizing the national interest.
  • Thorough Research: Collect accurate and relevant information about India’s war for independence, important freedom fighters, historical events, and post-independence achievements. This understanding will add credibility and depth to your discourse.
  • Make an Outline: Plan your speech by generating a clear and logical outline. Divide it into sections: introduction, historical backdrop, contributions of liberation fighters, post-independence successes, and concluding views.
  • Engaging Introduction: Start with an engaging introduction that grabs the audience’s interest. You may include a quotation, an interesting fact, or a thought-provoking question about the theme.
  • Storytelling: Tell the story of great liberation warriors and their sacrifices. Describe their challenges and impact on the nation’s destiny.
  • Include Personal Insights: Discuss your thoughts on the theme and its significance in today’s world. Express your ideas on how individuals can help the nation flourish while keeping the theme in mind.
  • Conclude with Impact: Summarize your speech’s main ideas and end with a compelling statement that connects with the audience. Leave them feeling inspired and motivated.
  • Practice and Rehearse: Practice giving your speech several times. Concentrate on your tone, tempo, and gestures. Rehearsing increases confidence and promotes a smooth delivery.

78th Independence Day Speech in English Tips

Preparing a speech for India’s 78th Independence Day can be an inspiring task. Here are some tips to help you craft a meaningful and impactful speech:

1. Begin with a Strong Opening Start with a powerful quote or a patriotic slogan. You can greet the audience with a warm “Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone present here.” Acknowledge the importance of the day: “Today, we gather to celebrate the 78th Independence Day of our great nation.” 2. Historical Background Briefly mention the significance of August 15, 1947. Touch upon key figures in the freedom struggle, like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Bhagat Singh, and others. Highlight the sacrifices made by freedom fighters to achieve independence. 3. Progress Since Independence Discuss the achievements of India since 1947 in various fields like science, technology, space exploration, economy, and education. Mention milestones like the Green Revolution, advancements in space technology (like ISRO’s achievements), and growth in various industries. 4. Current Challenges and Opportunities Address current issues like climate change, social justice, and economic inequality. Encourage unity and collective efforts to overcome these challenges. Emphasize the role of youth in shaping the future of the nation. 5. Vision for the Future Share your thoughts on where you see India in the next decade or more. Talk about the importance of innovation, education, and sustainable development. Encourage the audience to contribute positively to the country’s growth. 6. Personal Connection Share a personal anecdote or story that ties into the theme of independence and patriotism. Relate it to how individuals can make a difference in their communities. 7. Conclude with a Call to Action Urge the audience to take pride in their heritage and work towards a better future. End with a powerful closing statement or a nationalistic slogan like “Jai Hind!” 8. Deliver with Confidence Practice your speech multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. Maintain eye contact with the audience and use appropriate gestures. Speak with passion and clarity, allowing your love for the country to shine through. 9. Use Quotes and Poems Include quotes from famous leaders or excerpts from patriotic poems to add depth and emotion to your speech. 10. Stay Positive and Inspirational Keep the tone of your speech optimistic and motivational. Focus on the resilience and strength of the nation and its people. By following these tips, you can create a speech that not only honors the significance of Independence Day but also inspires and engages your audience.

4 Inspiring Short Speech Ideas For Students

Four inspiring short speech ideas for students:

1. Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success: Theme: Failure is often seen as something to avoid, but it’s actually a vital part of the journey to success. Key Points: Share stories of famous people who failed before succeeding (e.g., Thomas Edison, J.K. Rowling). Emphasize that every failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Encourage students to embrace challenges and not fear making mistakes. 2. The Power of Kindness: Theme: Kindness is a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. Key Points: Discuss how small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect, improving the lives of others and contributing to a more compassionate community. Highlight the importance of empathy and understanding in everyday interactions. 3. The Importance of Setting Goals: Theme: Setting goals gives direction and purpose to your life, helping you achieve your dreams. Key Points: Explain the benefits of having clear, achievable goals, both short-term and long-term. Share practical tips on setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Encourage students to take small steps toward their goals each day. 4. Believe in Yourself: Theme: Self-belief is the foundation of success and happiness. Key Points: Talk about the importance of having confidence in one’s abilities. Share examples of individuals who succeeded because they believed in themselves despite challenges. Encourage students to trust their instincts and have faith in their potential.

15 August Quotes

An Independence Day speech can only be effective if it engages the audience, provides a clear message, and leaves a lasting impression. Including quotes from the greatest freedom fighters will make your speech more magnificent, as shown in the samples. Check out these notable Patriots Quotes to utilize in your speech for Happy Independence Day 2024.

  • Bhagat Singh: “They may kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can crush my body, but they will not be able to crush my spirit.”
  • Jawaharlal Nehru: “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.”
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: “Every citizen of India must remember that he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with certain duties.”
  • Mahatma Gandhi: “Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?”
  • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: “Freedom is not just about independence; it is about self-discovery and self-realization.”
  • Subhas Chandra Bose: “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!”
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak: “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it.”
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri: “We believe in peace and peaceful development, not only for ourselves but for people all over the world.”

Sharing is caring!

What is Independence Day short speech?

Lajpat Rai emphasized that "Freedom is not given; it is taken. Fight for your rights," underscoring the need for individuals to actively engage and struggle to secure their independence. His statement reflects the belief that true freedom requires determined effort and action.

How can I start Independence Day speech?

Let's all salute our national flag and sing the national anthem with hearts full of patriotic pride. Independence Day reminds us that we are more than just individuals; we are part of a great community of people—the largest and greatest of its kind.

What to say in Independence Day speech?

Briefly touch on the history of the struggle for independence, mentioning key leaders and events. Example: "On this day in 1947, after years of struggle, sacrifices, and determination, our country broke free from the chains of colonial rule. The freedom we enjoy today was earned through the efforts of countless heroes like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and many others."


Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities. 

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From jp tea stall to imf: gita gopinath returns to delhi school of economics for 75th anniversary.

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Gita Gopinath, IMF’s Deputy Managing Director, revisited Delhi School of Economics for its 75th anniversary, sharing nostalgic moments from her college days. During her visit, she discussed India's impressive growth rate and the need for enhanced job creation, tariff reductions, and tax reforms. Gopinath also emphasized the importance of broader structural reforms and better implementation of taxation policies.

From JP tea stall to IMF: Gita Gopinath returns to Delhi School of Economics for 75th Anniversary

— GitaGopinath (@GitaGopinath)

Engagement at the Anniversary Event

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Highlights from PM Modi's 78th Independence Day speech at the Red Fort

Prime minister narendra modi addressed a range of issues in his speech, including violence in bangladesh, violence against women, the need for a unified national election system, and the introduction of a uniform civil code..

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speech on 75th independence day

In his 11th address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi underscored the imperative of embracing and implementing key reforms. Speaking from the historic Red Fort, he presented a compelling vision of a 'Viksit Bharat' (developed India) by 2047, inspired by the legacy of India's freedom struggle. He highlighted the transformative power of collective resolve, stating, 'If 40 crore people could unite to break free from the chains of colonial oppression and secure our independence, imagine what can be achieved by the combined determination of 140 crore people today.' His speech paid tribute to the sacrifices of the freedom fighters and called for a unified national effort to propel India towards unparalleled growth and development.


Uniform civil code: need of the hour, protecting minorities, important to instil fear in criminals, a response to natural calamities, saluting the armed forces, making middle class life easy, infrastructural shift, space exploration, nalanda's revival in education.

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  • PM Modi's speech on 78th Independence Day: Full text

PM Modi's speech on 78th Independence Day: Full text

PM Modi's speech on 78th Independence Day: Full text

PM Narendra Modi's 78th Independence Day Speech from Red Fort

Full text of PM Modi's speech



  1. Independence Day Speech

    speech on 75th independence day

  2. Independence Day speech 2020|Independence Day Speech in English

    speech on 75th independence day

  3. Key Highlights of PM Modi's 75th Independence Day Speech from Lal Qila

    speech on 75th independence day

  4. 🎉 A speech on independence day. Independence Day Speech in English for

    speech on 75th independence day

  5. speech writing 75th independence day

    speech on 75th independence day

  6. speech writing 75th independence day

    speech on 75th independence day


  1. PM Modi's Speech from Red Fort

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on India's 75th Independence Day from the Red Fort on August 15, 2021.#independenceDay #independenceDay202...

  2. PM's address from the Red Fort on 75th Independence Day

    PM's address from the Red Fort on 75th Independence Day. 15 Aug, 2021. My dear countrymen! Best wishes to all of you and those who love India and democracy from all over the world on the occasion of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the 75th Independence Day. Today, on the pious festival of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the country is bowing to ...

  3. 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence

    15 August 1947 (75 years ago) Started by. Government of India. Related to. Independence Day. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav or 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence was an event, in which the 75th anniversary of the independence of India was celebrated in India and abroad. [ 1] It was the 75th Independence Day of India.

  4. PM Narendra Modi 75th Independence Day speech highlights

    Here are the highlights. Prime Minister Narendra Modi touched upon a range of topics -- the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccines, Aatmanirbhar Bharat, welfare of small farmers, infrastructural development and India's Olympics performance -- in his address to the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on 75th Independence Day.

  5. Independence Day: Key takeaways from PM Modi's speech

    India is celebrating 75 years of independence as it continues to battle coronavirus. Mr Modi's speech lacked details. He acknowledged that many Indians died of the virus, but didn't talk about the ...

  6. Independence Day 2022 HIGHLIGHTS

    As India completed its 75th year of Independence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort, said on Monday that India is honouring the forgotten heros who played role in the country's Independence. He also recalled the strength of women and sacrifice of freedom fighters including Rani Lakshmi Bai and Begum Hazrat Mahal and said the nation is beholden to ...

  7. Highlights from PM Modi's Independence Day speech

    Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today addressed the nation from the Red Fort as the country celebrated its 75th Independence Day. During the speech, PM Modi listed achievements of his government and laid out plans for the future. He made an addition to his popular slogan of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas." The latest entrant to this group is "Sabka Prayas."

  8. Live From Red Fort: PM Modi's Independence Day Speech

    #NarendraModi #IndependenceDay #RedFort #75thindependenceday The Indian Express brings to you a live telecast of Prime Minister Modi's Independence Day spee...

  9. 75th Independence Day: History, significance and rare facts

    India's Independence Day is significant as it stands as a reminder of the sacrifices that many freedom fighters made to get independence from British rule. India on Sunday celebrated its 75th ...

  10. 75th Independence Day| PM emphasises energy security, infrastructure

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi raises slogans while addressing the nation from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort during the 75th Independence Day function, in New Delhi, Sunday, August 15, 2021 ...

  11. President Droupadi Murmu's Independence Day eve speech highlights

    Droupadi Murmu's Independence Day speech highlights: Follow The Hindu's live coverage of the President's address to the nation on the eve of the 78th Independence Day.

  12. Watch PM's Full Speech On 75th Independence Day

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi chalked out his government's key plans over the next two years on the 75th Independence Day today. In his address to the nation from the iconic Red Fort, he said the ...

  13. 75th Independence Day: English Speech and essay Ideas, Famous quotes

    The 75th Independence Day would be celebrated across the country on August 15, 2022. Write and deliver the best speech for the occasion. Check out how to write a good speech and famous quotes from ...

  14. PM Narendra Modi's 75th Independence Day Speech from Red Fort

    As India enters the 75th year of independence, watch Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoist the Tricolour and address the nation from the ramparts of the iconic ...

  15. Independence Day Celebration 2024

    I extend to you all my heartiest Independence Day greetings. I am delighted to see the nation prepare to celebrate the 78 th Independence Day. Witnessing the tri-colour unfurl on this occasion, be it at the Red Fort, at state capitals or in local neighbourhoods, always thrills our hearts. It is an expression of the joy of being part of our ...

  16. Narendra Modi's Independence Day speech highlights

    Highlights of the PM Modi's Independence Day speech at Red Fort: #75th Independence Day should not be merely a ceremony; we have to march with new pledges for next 25 years. #We have to ensure we meet our goal of building Aatmanirbhar Bharat when we celebrate 100 years of India's Independence.

  17. 78th Independence Day Speech for School Students

    CBSE Notes. 78th Independence Day Speech for Kids. We celebrate Indian Independence Day every year on 15 August as a national holiday in India to commemorate the independence of the nation from the British on 15 August 1947. This was the day when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 came into effect, which transferred the legislative sovereignty ...

  18. Independence Day Speech in English, 15 August 2024 Celebration Starts

    Independence Day Speech. The path to independence requires sacrifice and determination. As students, it is your responsibility to make the most of the opportunities you have as a way to honour those sacrifices. This year on 15th August 2024, India is celebrating 77 years of freedom from British colonial rule and rejoices in the liberty attained ...

  19. Full Text: President Droupadi Murmu's speech on 78th Independence Day

    Full Text: President Droupadi Murmu's speech on 78th Independence Day eve ... We are celebrating the 75th year of the Constitution. The journey of the newly independent nation was not without obstacles. Remaining firm on the Constitutional ideals of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity, we are on the mission to enable India to reclaim ...

  20. PM Modi addresses nation on India's 75th Independence Day. Here's what

    Here is the full text of PM Modi's address on India's 75th Independence Day. Today, on the pious festival of the Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, the country is bowing to all its freedom fighters and ...

  21. 100+ Heartfelt Independence Day Wishes: Short, Patriotic, and Happy

    27. "Wishing you a day of joy and a heart full of gratitude. Happy Independence Day!" 28. "Happy 78th Independence Day! May our nation continue to thrive and prosper."

  22. 500+ Words Speech on Independence day (15 August)

    Speech on independence day #1. Respected Chief Guest Sir, Respected teachers, parents and my colleagues, I am feeling happy to get this opportunity to express my views on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day. This is our 75th Independence Day celebration. Exactly 75 years ago today, we got freedom. The story of our freedom struggle is ...

  23. Independence Day Speech for Kids In English for Students and Children

    February 8, 2024 by Prasanna. Independence Day Speech in English 2021: India, a free Independent country that got its Independence on 15th August 1947. But behind the story of Independence, lies a vast history of sacrifices and struggles of our brave sons and daughters, who fought for the country's Independence until their last breath.

  24. Watch: PM Modi's Full Speech On India's 75th Year Of Independence

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday urged people to focus their energy on the five resolutions of making India a developed nation, removing every trace of...

  25. Independence Day Speech in English- Check Best 15 August

    It is a day of celebration of our nation's journey to Victory from 200 years of British rule. Read the Few sample of the 78th Independence Day Speech in English for students and Kids given here. We, the proud Indians are going to celebrate the 78th Independence Day Speech on 15 August 2024. On this auspicious day, the entire country is immersed ...

  26. From JP tea stall to IMF: Gita Gopinath returns to Delhi School of

    Gita Gopinath, IMFs Deputy Managing Director, revisited Delhi School of Economics for its 75th anniversary, sharing nostalgic moments from her college days. During her visit, she discussed India's impressive growth rate and the need for enhanced job creation, tariff reductions, and tax reforms. Gopinath also emphasized the importance of broader structural reforms and better implementation of ...

  27. Highlights from PM Modi's 78th Independence Day speech at the Red Fort

    Here are top quotes from the PM's speech on this 78th Independence Day: ONE NATION ONE ELECTION. In a bid for political unity, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged all political parties and stakeholders to support the 'One Nation, One Election' initiative. He pointed out that the frequent electoral cycles are impeding national progress ...

  28. PM Modi's speech on 78th Independence Day: Full text

    NEW DELHI Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his longest Independence Day speech on Thursday, lasting 98 minutes. This surpassed his previous record of 96 minutes set in 2016. PM Modi's ...