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How to Give a Father of the Bride Speech (That Isn’t Boring!)

Heartwarming and humorous father of the bride ice breaker speech for a memorable wedding reception. Learn to deliver those touching moments.

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Your daughter’s significant other has popped the question, and the thing that strikes fear in your heart isn’t the cost of the wedding but the father of the bride speech you’re expected to give at the wedding reception. It’s got to be endearing and heartfelt, with a dash of humor, all without putting the guests to sleep. 

Read on for how to craft a speech that will keep your wedding guests engaged with funny one-liners, emotional quotes, and do’s and don’ts.

What are Father of the Bride Speech Icebreakers?

Father of the bride speech icebreakers is the introductory remarks the father of the bride uses to toast to his daughter and her new spouse during the wedding reception. These icebreakers can include jokes, quotes, or other phrases to hook the audience and warm them up.

The speech can be a wonderful gift to the happy couple. A good speech is a memorable one (for all the right reasons), humorous, engaging, and may even evoke a few tears.

Special Note: If you are teasing your daughter in your speech or with a one-liner below, be sure to run it by her, so she is comfortable with it.

The 35 Best Father of the Bride Jokes, Quotes, and Icebreakers

Before putting pen to paper on your speech outline, check out these jokes, quotes, and icebreakers and find one or several that you’d like to incorporate or modify for your daughter’s special event. After all, who can resist a dad joke? Done well, it will result in laughter and put everyone at ease.

  • Good evening, I’m [your name]. I hope you know who I am, but if you don’t, I’m offended.
  • I prepared a hilarious wedding speech… but as I’ve learned over my 35 years of marriage, a happy wife makes a happy life, so I’m reading this one instead.
  • Although we love [bride] very much, we definitely won’t miss her singing in the shower every morning. Good luck, [Groom/Partner]!
  • [Bride] told me not to have a drink before the speech, so I apologize if I seem in a rush to get to the end!
  • I want to pause and truly enjoy this moment. After all, it’s the only five minutes that [Bride] couldn’t plan and has no control over!
  • Welcome everyone to my daughter’s wedding. No matter what papers she signed today, I hope I’ll always be the most important man in her life.
  • Hello all, I’m [name]. I hope you know who I am, but if you don’t, congratulations for sneaking into such an expensive meal unnoticed.
  • Never ever discount the idea of marriage. Sure, someone might tell you that marriage is just a piece of paper. Well, so is money, and what’s more life-affirming than cold, hard cash?
  • [Bride] is funny, intelligent, kind, and good-looking, and you can clearly see where she gets all of those traits…
  • Today is a momentous occasion– you’re about to witness the first and last time anyone ever trusts me to make a speech.
  • In every marriage, it sometimes pays to be a little deaf.
  • Thank you all for coming. It wouldn’t be the same without you, although it would be much cheaper.
  • Love may be blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.
  • Today is a big day, and we all feel quite emotional. Trust me. I’m crying over the emotion and not the final bill.
  • I love being married; I do. It’s so great to find that one special person that you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
  • Agatha Christie once said, “An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her.” May you always dig my daughter.
  • [Groom/Partner], here’s a tip for a blissful future. Remember that marriage is a union in which one person is always right, and the other is you.
  • Giving my daughter away was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. As you know, I’m not a generous person!
  • Husbands and wives are irritating. But without them, who would we blame for misplacing our socks?
  • It’s been said that marriage is like wine. It keeps improving with age, so long as you put a cork in it!
  •  [Groom/Partner], never criticize my daughter’s choices. Remember, you were one of them, after all!
  • I’m sure we can all agree that today has been a fantastic, elegant event. I’m sorry to have to end that now with my speech.
  • I married for love, but the obvious side benefit of having someone around to find my glasses cannot be ignored.
  • [Bride] has always been generous. From the moment she could speak, she’d happily give her opinion to everyone.
  • My daughter begged me not to embarrass her. So, that’s the end of my speech. Have a great evening!
  • A wedding anniversary is a celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.
  • Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.
  • Honey, I just checked your Facebook page and noticed you hadn’t updated your name. Does that mean you’re keeping mine?
  • It’s not uncommon to feel somewhat intimidated by the duties of the father of the bride. Thankfully, I’ve felt pretty relaxed because my wife’s so organized—from the suit rental, (check), to making sure I trimmed my beard, (check), to my speech. So, sweetie, can you give me my speech now?
  • It’s been said that women subconsciously choose a husband that is the opposite of their fathers. But I just heard my wife describing our new son-in-law as funny, generous, and strong.
  • This beautiful meal this evening is charged on a cost-per-head basis. So, I’d like to thank the following people for not coming…
  • While I am confident of [Groom] ‘s qualities as a husband, I’m still not sure about him as a son-in-law. The jury is still out. Will he come over every weekend, or will I still have to mow the lawn and wash the car myself?
  • Weddings are a marvelous excuse for a celebration, and today is no exception. It’s lovely to celebrate [Bride] and [Groom/Partner] along with the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and a few others I recognize.
  • I’m sure we all agree that [Bride] looks stunning today in her gorgeous white gown. And [Groom/Partner], well, what can we say about him in that dapper suit? It reminds me of the tale about a little girl who, attending a wedding for the first time, asked her mother why the bride was wearing white. The mother told her white was the color of happiness, and today was the happiest day of her life. The girl thought for a moment, then asked, “So why does the man wear black?”
  • I’d like to wrap up by saying that we are so delighted to welcome into our family two very kind people not yet mentioned, but without whom [Groom/Partner] wouldn’t be here. No, I don’t mean the best man and the Uber driver, but [Groom/Partner] ‘s parents, who have already become dear friends.

Father Of The Bride Speech Template

A killer father of the bride speech has five components—a great intro, remarks about the bride, comments about the groom (or partner), advice about marriage, and a fabulous toast. Clink! Congratulations, you’ve done it!

Nail the intro

Welcome the guests and let them know how thrilled you are to have them there to celebrate this union.

Rather than “Hello, I’m Bob, and I’m Julia’s father,” try something like this: “Good evening, our lovely bride Julia calls me Dad—to my face, at least, but you can call me Bob. Joan and I, along with Derek’s parents, are so pleased you have made the journey to be here, regardless of whether it’s simply to see Derek in a suit or for a fabulous free meal. Welcome.”

Starting this way eases you into public speaking and sets the tone for the rest of the speech. Learn more great tips about How to Start a Speech . 

Watch our video below to learn how to start a speech and the best (and worst) speech openers:

Gush about the bride

Now is the place to pull in a few funny and poignant memories of your daughter. As one of the people who has known her the longest, you get to share some insights about her and her impact on your life.

Talk about how you felt when she was born, the first time a boy looked at her, or the day she got her first job. Mention what she does that makes you proud now and any relevant stories about her as an adult.

Also, take a moment to recognize your wife’s role in raising your daughter to be the beautiful woman she has become. Share a common trait you love about both of them. Tie your daughter’s spouse into the story by remarking about how you hope they will cherish this trait as much as you do.

  • [Groom/Partner], I know [Bride] will be an amazing wife to you—loving, committed, and adventurous. And I know that because she’s learned from the best, her mother, who is still making me smile after 40 years.
  • Despite having 29 years to prepare for this day, I am speechless at how she glows with the love you share and how much it reminds me of her mother, with whom I’ve shared this same, deep love for 35 years.
  • [Bride], when you and I shared that moment earlier, right before I walked you down the aisle—know that it is a moment I will cherish forever. 

Special Note: Try to avoid using basic adjectives like sweet, nice, or lovely. Instead, use stories. Check out more tips on this in our How to Give an Awesome Toast article .

Talk about her spouse kindly.

After you gush about your daughter, you want to mention her new spouse. Welcoming them is an integral part of melding them into your family.

Feel free to incorporate some humor here as well. Talk about the first time you met him, how he changed your daughter’s life, a funny story about how they met, your early impressions of him, or how nervous he was when he sought your blessing.

  • No amount of preparation can ever leave you feeling ready to give your daughter away, but if I had to choose a person to hand her to, I would choose you every time.
  • [Groom/Partner], welcome to our family. Over the time we’ve known you, we’ve come to think of you as the son we never asked for.
  • Of all the amazing qualities you possess [Groom/Partner], my favorite is that you make my daughter shine.
  • It’s now when I’m supposed to officially welcome [Groom/Partner] into our family, but the truth is you’ve been a part of this family since the day we met you.

As with your daughter, don’t say anything that would be too awkward, uncomfortable, or embarrassing. This person may be the parent of your future grandchild!

Mention the partner’s parents and how happy you are to have them joining your family and you, theirs. Thank them for sharing the big day and congratulate them on the fine job they did raising their daughter’s new spouse.

Offer advice on marriage

Once you’ve acknowledged your daughter, her partner, and the families, it’s time to share a piece of advice. This can be done in several ways, depending on your situation.

If you’ve had a long marriage, find an inspirational nugget you can share about the journey, acknowledging the wonderful and challenging times. Pass on a piece of advice you were given at your wedding or a secret to your successful marriage.

  • May your love be modern enough to adjust as times change and old-fashioned enough to last forever.
  • [Bride] and [Groom/Partner], your life together is just starting, and it will take many turns along the way. You will have glory days and those you’ll prefer to forget. However, you will have all you need if you have each other.
  • We don’t know what your future holds. But, whatever happens, and wherever you go, your mother and I know you’ll always have each other’s love, and you’ll always have ours.
  • [Bride and Groom/Partner], as you enter this new phase of your journey, it’s worth bearing in mind that neither of you will ever be perfect, but you can be perfect together.

If you’ve never been married or have had ugly divorces, look for wisdom from others or a funny quote about what not to do (without criticizing anyone.)

  • One piece of advice I wish I would have listened to and now want to pass on to you is: “Whenever you’re wrong, admit it. Whenever you’re right, shut up.”
  • I polled my friends who have been married for over ten years, and they all agreed that the key to a successful marriage is…
  • Your great-grandparents were married for 67 years. They said the secret to their success was loving peace more than being right.
  • Always remember the most important three words for a successful marriage: “You were right.”

Nail the toast

A strong toast wraps the speech up like a beautiful bow on the gift. Make sure your guests know exactly what you want them to do. Otherwise, your speech may fall like a deflated balloon.

  • They say it’s not a miracle that two people are different, but it is a miracle that they can live together so happily. Live miraculously, our dear newlyweds!
  • Rumor has it that in a perfect family, the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where it is going. May you live perfectly!
  • May the two of you be poor in misfortune and rich in blessings. Here is to a beautiful wedding day and an even more amazing marriage.
  • Today, we wish you happiness. May the Lord protect you from the storm and bad weather, bad people, pain and illness, and hardships. May God grant you a lot of passion, ardor, and love. And a lot of happiness!
  • May your troubles be few and your blessings many.
  • Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow. May the love and happiness you feel today shine through the years.
  • Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together. Thank you for letting us share on this joyful day.
  • May your marriage always bring glory to God, joy to one another, and blessings to your family for many generations to come. May love and laughter fill your hearts and your home for all the days of your lives. May you face every challenge hand-in-hand and side-by-side, knowing that with God’s grace, you’ll conquer all obstacles together. May the world forever be a better place because the two of you fell in love.

For more amazing tips on giving an incredible wedding toast or speech, read our advanced guide. 

What to Say in a Father of the Bride Speech (Dos and Don’ts)

  • Ask for help. Before you even think about writing your first draft, it helps to brainstorm with a few key people. Ask your wife, the bride’s mother, her siblings, or close family friends to reminisce about your daughter. Look through photo albums to be reminded of the key moments or hilarious stories you may have forgotten.
  • Incorporate humor. Find a humorous quote even if you’re not naturally known for your sense of humor . Laughter is always a great way to bring people together.
  • Evaluate your adjectives. Nearly every father would say their daughter is beautiful, amazing, and kind, but what sets your daughter apart? Think about what makes her unique and show the audience why she is kind or beautiful.
  • Seek your daughter’s input. Ask your daughter if there’s anyone special she would like you to mention. She may not think to say it, but she will appreciate that you asked and the time and thought you’re putting into your speech.
  • Create bullet points . Most people don’t relish speaking in front of a bunch of people, particularly on a momentous occasion. Creating notecards of bullet points can help you feel more comfortable.
  • Speak from the heart rather than reading from a script. The more fluid and off-the-cuff you can be, the better.
  • Practice. Practice. Practice. This is not a time to wing it! Professional speakers know that the secret to a successful speech is to be comfortable with the material. The same is true with father of the bride speeches and toasts. Give your speech in front of your wife or good friend. Practice it in front of the mirror until you are really confident.

If you’re one of the nearly 30 percent of Americans who is “afraid or very afraid” of public speaking, dive into the research-backed public speaking tips to have the confidence you need on this special day.

  • Ramble. As the father of the bride, you’ll likely have 3-10 minutes for your speech. Practice your stories to ensure you can tell them succinctly in that time frame, noting that it’s easy to ramble when you’re nervous.
  • Forget to smile ! This is, after all, a wonderful day, and you want your face to reflect the joy you are feeling.
  • Forget to introduce your wife. She has been a part of your daughter’s story and has likely put a lot of work into this day as well. Appreciate that effort and tell her that you love her as much today as you did on your wedding day.
  • Embarrass your daughter (or her spouse!) Stick to stories that are meaningful and humorous without being embarrassing to her or her new spouse. If you’re unsure, ask her about including the story.
  • Mention any exes . There is almost no reason that the exes’ names should be stated during this event celebrating new love.
  • Be generic. Instead of saying, “Julia is my oldest daughter” or “I am the father of the bride,” try this: “The first time I saw her face, I knew I could never fall out of love, wrinkles and all. Holding her in that hospital room, just after she was born….”
  • Make the speech about you. Remember, this day is about your daughter and the person she loves. When reviewing your speech, look for places where you use “I” or “me” and where you say “she” or “her” or your daughter’s name. If it’s more about you and less about her, revise it to make your daughter the focus. This day is all about her.
  • Curse. Just don’t do it. Even if there aren’t children on the guest list, a conservative Aunt Betty or another guest may be offended.
  • Forget your glass. At the end of your speech, you will want to have a glass for your toast. If you have an opportunity to practice holding it while you deliver your remarks, it will feel more natural when the big day arrives.

Remember Your Body Language

Finally, don’t forget your nonverbal body language. Here are 3 tips from How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for Speeches .

  • Claim the stage. Confident body language is about taking up space  Plant both feet (don’t stand like you have to go pee), roll your shoulders back (don’t look like a turtle), and keep your torso un-blocked  (See the next point—you should be using your hands, not hiding them!)
  • Can you embellish your stories with hand gestures, reenactments, or voices? The audience loves this. There is no such thing as too corny in a toast.
  • When you make a joke, laugh with the audience. Smile when you get on stage or say sweet things about the toastee. It will warm you up and help with your nerves.

Best Father of the Bride Speech Examples

YouTube is an excellent source of inspiration for touching and funny reception speeches.

If you’re more of a man of action than words, check out this father’s “speech.” One of the most unique and creative online.

This father sure knows how to start the audience off laughing. Thankfully, the bride is laughing, too.

This beautiful video hits all the highlights of a touching and memorable speech from a father to a daughter. Get out your tissues.

Don’t miss this classic Saturday Night Live interpretation of the father of the Bride movie.  

Make Great Conversation

After you’re done with your speech, what next? You’ll likely have time to converse with everyone at the event. This is where your interpersonal skills can truly shine! Take your conversations to the next level by learning how to make great conversation—and make boring, awkward conversations a thing of the past.

Crack The Code on Facial Expressions

The human face is constantly sending signals, and we use it to understand the person’s intentions when we speak to them. In Decode, we dive deep into these microexpressions to teach you how to instantly pick up on them and understand the meaning behind what is said to you. Don’t spend another day living in the dark.

Key Takeaways

  • Honor your daughter and her spouse. This is their special day, and you want to make it memorable and emotional for all the right reasons.
  • Take this seriously. A lot of time, money, and effort has gone into this celebration. Your daughter will appreciate the sentiment and energy you spend crafting the father of the bride speech.
  • Authenticity takes the day. While you may be afraid of becoming too emotional or not delivering the speech perfectly, your daughter wants you to be the dad she loves and will be grateful for the kind words, humor, and wisdom you offer as she enters her marriage.
  • Enjoy the celebration. A wedding day is a big event for the whole family. Take time to appreciate the gifts you have in them, and step back to reflect on the impact.

Get more great wedding tips with our insightful guide for the best man ‘s speech.

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Tips For Writing Great Father Of The Bride Speeches + Examples

Natalia Bayeva

Halfpoint via Shutterstock

In this article about the father of the bride’s speech, we delve into the poignant moment of the wedding ceremony where a father expresses pride in his daughter and joy in the creation of a new family. The father’s speech is not only a moment of pride but also a significant expression of emotions as his daughter embarks on a new chapter, contributing to the formation of a family filled with love and happiness.

So, here are some tips for preparing your speech . Check out father of the bride speech examples and tips below.


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How To Write Brilliant Father Of The Bride Speeches

Introduce yourself and welcome guests.

The first thing you want to do is introduce yourself. You can start with a joke if you want, but keep it short and clean!

Next, you want to formally welcome your guests including family members, friends, and other esteemed guests, including the groom’s parents and officiant. Thank them for coming and sharing in this important occasion.

Hi! My name is (your name), (daughter’s name) father. She calls me “Dad”, to my face at least, but you can call me ______. I’d like to welcome all of our family and friends as well as ____ and ____ (groom’s parents.) as well as the rest of our special guests who took the time to share in this joyous day. I’d like to thank (officiant) for the moving wedding ceremony that joined (bride and groom) together for eternity.

Share Heart-Warming Stories From Bride’s Childhood

Endearing stories about the bride are the heart of the father of the bride’s speech. As someone who has known her all her life, you have many tender moments to share. You could also talk about the day she was born and how she changed your life for the better.

Include some funny and touching moments from her childhood and teenage years. Tell her how proud of the woman she is today. Mention how you are happy that she found the love of her life (mention her husband here). Also, remember that her best friend may cover some of the same stories in her maid of honor speech so you may want to compare notes with her.

Ladies and gentlemen, today, as I stand here with a heart full of joy and a touch of nostalgia, I can’t help but reminisce about the beautiful journey my daughter has had. From the moment she took her first steps to the day she walked into the arms of her soulmate, every step has been a testament to the incredible person she is. I remember the day she was born, a bundle of joy that filled our lives with laughter and love. Her childhood was adorned with countless funny and touching moments—her infectious laughter, her determination, and even the occasional mischief that always managed to put a smile on our faces. As she blossomed into the incredible woman she is today, finding her love in [husband’s name], my heart swells with pride. To witness the love that has grown between them is truly magical. So here’s to the little girl who changed my life for the better and to the remarkable woman she has become. Cheers to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness for [bride’s name] and [husband’s name].

Talk About Your Son-in-Law

Talking about your son-in-law is a crucial part of your father-of-the-bride speech. Share your feelings about him and his importance to your family. Add some humor, but keep it heart-warming. Mention your first meeting or how he has improved your daughter’s life. Lovingly welcome him to the family.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I may take a moment to express my sentiments about the remarkable man who now holds a special place in our family – my son-in-law, [son-in-law’s name]. From the first time we met, I could sense something extraordinary about him. Maybe it was the way he made my daughter laugh, or the kindness that radiated from him. [son-in-law’s name], you’ve not only won my daughter’s heart but the hearts of our entire family. Your presence has brought an added layer of joy and completeness to our lives. I still remember the first time I saw you together, and I knew then that you were someone truly special. So, with a heart full of gratitude and warmth, I want to officially welcome you to our family. May your journey with [bride’s name] be filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of cherished moments. Here’s to the wonderful man who has enriched our lives. Cheers!

Add A Funny Story About Couple

At this point, include a funny story about the couple. Keep it clean and not too embarrassing—making the newlyweds blush and giggle is fine, but you don’t want to humiliate them or make them uncomfortable on their wedding day.

Funny anecdotes will keep guests engaged in your father-of-the-bride speech. Maybe share a humorous story about the first time she brought him over for dinner, or something funny from the wedding preparations. Keep it light and appropriate.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me share a little tale about our lovely couple that brings a smile to my face. It was the first time [son-in-law’s name] came over for dinner, and let’s just say, we had a slight kitchen mishap. I attempted to impress him with my culinary skills, and, well, the smoke detectors were equally impressed. As the kitchen filled with a not-so-subtle haze, [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name] exchanged glances, and I thought, ‘Well, this is one way to make a lasting impression.’ Little did we know, that incident became a cherished story in our family, reminding us that laughter truly is the best seasoning. So here’s to the couple who knows how to navigate both the kitchen and the journey of marriage with a good sense of humor. May your life together be filled with many more delightful stories and laughter that echoes through the years. Cheers to [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name]!

Add A Few Words About Groom’s Parents

You should always include something about the groom’s parents in your speech. They are now part of your family, as you are part of theirs. You will be spending time with them during the holidays, birthdays, and other joint family events. And you could even share in the blessing of future grandchildren.

Thank them for sharing in the big day and becoming part of your family, as well as any part they took in the wedding. Congratulate them on the fine job they did raising their son and how happy you are to welcome them all to your family.

As we celebrate the union of [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], it’s a joyous occasion not only for our family but for [son-in-law’s name]’s family as well. I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to [son-in-law’s mother’s name] and [son-in-law’s father’s name], who have warmly welcomed us into their lives. Today marks the beginning of a shared journey, not just for [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], but for our families joining together. To [son-in-law’s mother’s name] and [son-in-law’s father’s name], thank you for your kindness, love, and for the integral role you played in creating the wonderful person who now stands by my daughter’s side. As we move forward, I look forward to the shared celebrations, the laughter, and the many beautiful moments that our families will create together. Here’s to the start of a new chapter for all of us.

Talk About Your Own Love Story With Bride’s Mother

Don’t forget to introduce your wife, the bride’s mother. Share a brief story about how you met and express your love for her. Thank her for raising your daughter into the wonderful woman she is today. Highlight how your daughter is like her mother, and connect this to your daughter and her new husband.

Ladies and gentlemen, amidst the celebration of [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], I want to share a glimpse of the enduring love that anchors our family. A heartfelt thank you to my wonderful wife, [wife’s name], who has been my companion in this remarkable journey. From our ‘I do’ to the shared joys, she remains my constant. [wife’s name], your grace and strength have shaped [bride’s name] into the remarkable woman she is today. As we witness the next chapter unfold with [bride’s name] and [son-in-law’s name], I’m reminded of the beautiful love story that started with us. Cheers to enduring love!

Finish With A Toast

In keeping with tradition, end your father of bride’s speech with a toast. Ask everyone to stand and raise their glasses to the happy couple. The toast should be brief, congratulating the bride and groom and wishing them a happy life together.

Use these popular wedding toast examples :

Please stand with me and raise your glass to toast the happy couple. (Bride’s name) has been the light of my life for the past 25 years and today I hand her over to (groom’s name). I know he will love and cherish her every bit as much as I do a toast to a happy and healthy life full of endless love and laughter!
Please join me in a toast to _____ and _______. (Groom’s name), you have become like a son to me, and I am entrusting (bride’s name) to you. Cherish every moment you have together. Let us all wish the happy couple a lifetime of joy!
Please raise your glass to the newlyweds. When (bride’s name) was only 13 years old she told me that she wanted to marry (groom’s name). I watched them grow from happy and carefree teenagers to happy, loving and caring adults. Let’s offer a toast to many years of wedded bliss!
When (groom) first showed up at my front door, I never imagined he would be the one to steal my baby’s heart. But here we are today, and I couldn’t be happier for them. Let’s raise our glass to the (bride and groom) and wish them many years of happiness!
Please join my wife and I as we raise our glasses to the beautiful, kind, and loving couple. We welcome you to our family, and we look forward to many years of holiday dinners, family vacations, and late-night phone calls. Cheers to ___ and ___!

Father Of The Bride Speeches: Examples And Template

Father of the bride speeches can be difficult to write, because it’s an emotional time for a father, and there is so much you might want to include in your speech However, with a few tips, you should be able to put down a beautiful speech that expresses your emotions perfectly, one that your daughter will be proud of.

Best Father Of The Bride Speeches

When preparing your speech, speak from your heart and be genuine. Don’t worry about trying to be funny or overly sentimental. Keep it concise, but meaningful. And don’t forget to practice beforehand so that you can deliver your words with confidence and ease. Your daughter will appreciate your heartfelt words, and you’ll create a memory that will last a lifetime.

Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m the father of the bride. Today, I’m overflowing with emotions as I stand here to give this speech. I am incredibly proud of my daughter, and I couldn’t be happier that she has found such a wonderful partner in [groom’s name]. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the one for her. His kind heart and warm smile captured our hearts, and we welcomed him with open arms into our family. My advice to the newlyweds is to always communicate, be honest with each other, and most importantly, never forget why you fell in love with each other. To my daughter, you will always be my little girl, and I will always be here to support and love you. So, let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

Heartfelt Father Of The Bride Speech

Giving heartfelt and emotional father-of-the-bride speeches can take it out of you. But, if you find the right words, and you aren’t afraid to let your emotions show, you should do well.

I am Allen, Scarlet’s father, as most of you know. This is my proudest and happiest moment, watching her today and being able to reflect on all the years I watched her grow up. She was the most beautiful baby, and I’m lucky to have been able to be with her and guide her as she grew into the magnificent woman that she is today. She captured my heart then, and she still holds it now, my beautiful girl, my sunshine. I will always be fortunate to be called your father. And as I watch her get married today, to such a wonderful young man, I can say that my happiness is full. I can’t say that I give the most brilliant father of the bride speeches as I have never had to give one, but I can say this with all confidence. The two of you are about to begin a long journey. One that will be filled with all the love and happiness I have seen between you both, and more. And while on this journey, know that I and your mother will be there on the sidelines, ready to assist with anything that you need to succeed. May you always be true to each other, and may you always be kind to each other. May you share in all of the burdens all of the joys and all the happiness that this world has in store for you both. I ask you all to join me in raising a toast to my beautiful daughter and her amazing husband. I wish them a long and happy life together. Love you both to the moon and back.

Funny Father Of The Bride Speech

If humor comes naturally to you, then giving the funny father-of-the-bride speeches would be your forte. And, if you need some inspiration, here is a sample that could be helpful.

Hello everyone, I’m the proud father of this lady right here, Sasha, and the spanking new father-in-law of the handsome man beside her, David. And I would have to say, if any of these names sound strange to you, then you are probably at the wrong wedding. It was a little difficult writing my speech for today because at first, my wife recommended that I do not say anything embarrassing or stupid, and then late she suggested that I just be myself. Well, that’s hard and not confusing at all. I must say that I have always looked forward to the day that someone would step forward and take Sasha and all her endless demands far away from me and my bank account. And I am so happy David, that you had the courage to do so, good man. In fact, although I question his tastes in football teams, I have never questioned his loyalty to my daughter, and my bank account agrees. From the first day that I met David and his shiny new braces, I knew that any man who could care for his teeth like that, without shame, would be able to care for my daughter no matter the consequences. I have to admit that we’re all glad he’s present here today minus those dentures. My advice to you both today is love and laughter. Although marriage is as serious as a mortgage and should be taken as seriously, just be sure to have fun. Life will bring its ups and downs, but as long as you remember to laugh at each other and with each other through it all, you will succeed. I give you Sasha and David, the bride and groom.

Short Father Of the Bride Speech

father of the bride speeches huges toast wedding

oliveromg via Instagram

While writing father-of-the-bride speeches may not be a walk in the park, with the right wedding speech ideas to guide you, you are sure to succeed. Make your daughter proud on the most special day of her life.

Just like childbirth, marriage marks a new beginning. One that we are overjoyed to witness in our family. From the day you captured my heart as a newborn, to today when I walked you down the aisle, I have never stopped feeling grateful that you call me Papa. I hope that I have always lived up to your expectations, just as your husband will as you begin this journey together. I am happy for the union of these two families as the [Bride] and [Groom] begin a brand new family of their own. And I am proud that my daughter has grown into this amazing woman and that she met a man who is just as amazing. I love you son. This is my wish that you build your lives together and enjoy a relationship like no other. I offer you my warmest wishes and congratulations on this beautiful and joyous day. Please join me as we raise our glasses to the bride and groom. May your lives be filled with love and laughter always.

Here is an example of a father-of-the-bride speech to help you with your preparations for your wedding speech .

From the moment I first held you, I knew my life had changed forever.
Watching you grow into the beautiful, strong woman you are today has been my greatest joy.
You have been my sunshine on the darkest days, and I am so proud of the person you’ve become.
No matter where life takes you, you will always be my little girl, and I will always be here for you.
Seeing you find love and happiness with [groom’s name] fills my heart with immense joy and gratitude.

Things To Avoid In Father of The Bride Speech

If you have ever given a best man speech , you might have some idea as to where to start. However, there are some differences to take heed to the following advice.

  • Avoid inappropriate jokes or stories: Stay away from anything that could embarrass or offend the couple or guests.
  • Steer clear of excessive personal anecdotes: Focus on the couple rather than sharing too many personal stories unrelated to their special day.
  • Don’t make it too long: Keep your speech concise to maintain interest and prevent it from becoming tedious.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Maintain clarity and composure by limiting alcohol intake before delivering your speech.
  • Don’t overshadow the groom: Ensure the speech is balanced, acknowledging the groom’s role and expressing warm sentiments toward him.
  • Avoid controversial or sensitive topics: Steer clear of divisive subjects that could create discomfort or tension among guests.

Wedding Speech vs. Wedding Toast: What’s the Difference?

A wedding toast is a statement of good wishes to the couple that often ends with the raising of glasses, clinking, and drinking. It usually comes at the end of a speech but can also stand independently. A speech is often longer than a toast and often tells a story.

Is it OK to read the father of the bride speech?

It is okay to read the father of the bride speech. No one is required to get a certificate in public speaking before giving wedding speeches, so it’s fine to have notes as long as you have at least practiced beforehand.

How long should the father of the bride speech be?

Typically, the speech itself should be around 5 minutes.

What Should A Father Of The Bride Speech Include?

A father-of-the-bride speech should include a warm welcome, anecdotes about the bride, words of wisdom, a heartfelt blessing for the couple, and a memorable toast. It should express love, pride, and best wishes for the newlyweds.

Keep these tips for writing a father-of-the-bride speech when you are composing your own speech. Take the time to practice in front of your wife, a friend or even a camera. Just speak from the heart and you will be fine!

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Father of the Bride Speech [With Outlines and Examples]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

father of the bride speech

You’ll want your speech to strike the perfect tone for the big day. Whether you decide to talk about your daughter’s childhood, how proud you are of the happy couple today, or anything in between, an outline will help make sure your speech is just right. A good outline organizes your speech for you in a step-by-step guide. You’ll get an idea of where you might want to put stories or quotes, and you can easily move things around before drafting the final version.

In this article:

Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Father of the bride speech template.

Once you have the perfect outline in front of you, take some notes. Jot down the stories, jokes, or quotes you might want to include. It’s a good idea to run them by the bridesmaids or other members of the wedding party if you’re not sure what is best to include. Your speech will start to take shape in no time.

The best wedding speeches are those that were outlined ahead of time. Create yours with one of the speech outline examples below, and it will become a memorable part of the wedding.

Traditional Father of the Bride Speeches

This father of the bride speech outline has plenty of room for compliments, advice, and family memories. It also has reminders to mention your affection for the groom and to end with words of wisdom about love or marriage.

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Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

For a nice, traditional speech that falls between 5 and 7 minutes long , follow this outline. You’ll start with a story, end with how proud of her you are, and add your favorite memories with your daughter in the middle.

This outline reminds you to start by introducing yourself and welcoming guests to the celebration. Next, tell some of your favorite memories with the bride, and don’t forget to show the groom some love too. Wrap it all up with a bit of wisdom, and you’ll have a winning, classic speech.

Short Father of the Bride Speeches

There are many weddings where keeping your speech short and simple is the way to go. Use this easy outline to make sure you don’t miss anything important. It covers everything you need in a step-by-step format, from the intro to the parting wisdom and toast.

This outline shows that you don’t need to be on the mic for more than a few minutes to say everything you need. This short, sweet speech template begins with a brief memory of the bride as a child. From there, it transitions into thank-yous and kind words and ends with a quick but heartfelt toast.

Simple Father of the Bride Speeches

The best speeches don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just follow this outline’s easy four-step format , which you can easily make your own by telling the audience about your unique experiences with your daughter and her new husband.

Try this simple four-part template when writing your father of the bride speech for the wedding day. Don’t forget to add personal touches such as creative storytelling, genuine emotion, and advice from your own life experiences.

With a five-step outline and plenty of advice for how to approach each section, this wedding toast format won’t let you down. The outline has reminders to give credit to those who made the wedding possible, to speak highly of the groom, and to show pride in your daughter on her big day.

Detailed Father of the Bride Speeches

Sometimes, the speech you want to give might be a little more detailed. This template encourages you to write a thoughtful and unique speech for your daughter’s wedding. Relive touching memories, mention any family members who couldn’t be there, and add a quote if you have the perfect one for the occasion.

If you feel you have a lot to say, try this speech outline, which suggests a length of about 7 minutes. This gives you plenty of time to add everything you want to include, such as humor, thank yous, and a shout out to the bride’s mother.

Father of the Groom Speech

The groom’s father also may be asked to give a speech. This simple outline suggests highlighting the bride and groom as individuals before talking about them as a couple. Then end on a classy note with thank-yous and a quote or word of advice.

Ready to Write?

If you’re asked to give a father of the bride speech, it’s important to start drafting the speech well before the big day.

After some brainstorming, it will become more clear which anecdotes or bits of advice are perfect for your speech. Add your content at the appropriate places in the outline you chose. Don’t forget to write down how you will transition between each part of the speech, too.

And remember, you don’t have to read your speech strictly word-for-word at the wedding. A few mistakes or some appropriate improvising can show your most heartfelt emotions!

There’s no need to stress about the speechwriting process. With these outlines in hand, you’re now ready to start creating a lovely, memorable father of the bride speech.


1. Start by telling briefly who you are, not everybody knows that; collegues or friends of the bridal couple or the groom’s family members. Tell how long you know them – there will be something that can serve as icebreaker.

2. Welcome and thank the guests for coming and sharing this day if you are the host and there is no Master of Ceremonies. Especially guests who have come a long distance.

3. Mention humorous incidents this very day so far, and highlight beautiful moments.

4. Wish all a happy day or night.


5. Compliment the bride: e.g. say that she is a beautiful, elegant or lovely woman.

6. Tell the guests about your daughter, emphasize very special relationship the two of you have. Talk about your love and pride. Say how much you care about her. Avoid cliches. Talk affectionately. Tease a bit, make funny remarks of her character, job, study, hobbies, passions, skills or achievements. Be a gentleman.

7. Tell some little silly stories about the bride.

8. Reflect on her prewedding years.

9. Tell about how you and your partner saw her growing up.

10. Tell about your hopes for her. Tell how she has surpassed some expectations of you and your partner.

Be gentle when you come up with the ups and especially the downs! E.g. don’t mention previous boyfriends …

11. Conclude this part of your father of the bride speech with telling how proud you are.


12. Tell funny stories about your daughter and the groom.

13. Tell how the groom was introduced for the first time to you. That always work in a father of the bride speech.

14. Tell what your first impressions were. E.g. his looks.

15. Tell about shared interests, your relationship, surprises.

16. Tell what you’ve learned from him.

17. Tell how you see he makes your daughter happy.

18. Tell about his character, job, study, hobbies, passions, skills, achievements.

19. Conclude this chapter of your father of the bride speech with welcoming the groom into your family. Tell that you are delighted he has become a part of your family.

20. Welcome the joining together and the family of your new son in law.

21. Tell you’re looking forward to get to know each other better. Mention something both families have in common.


22. Thank everyone who made this party success, for their generous help.

23. Thank the mother of the newly spouse and the mother of the groom for their efforts in organizing all things.

24. Mention the maids of honor/bridesmaids, say how beautiful they look and thank them for supporting your daughter.

25. Thank the clergyman, clergywoman or minister.

26. Thank anyone (family members and friends) who have helped with the party and reception.

27. Thank the florists by saying everything in the church, the town hall and in this room look wonderful.

28. Thank everybody who made financial contributions. Bring this part of your father of the bride speech with humorous remarks.

29. If your partner has passed away, then speak a few words in her memory. Tell she should say the same warm things. Welcome to the bride and groom on her behalf too. Look forward, this is a happy day!

30. End with a loving toast to their health, success and happiness.

E.g.  Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses, please join me in the traditional toast, I give you… the bride and groom!

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How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech + 3 Examples

Fathers of the bride have more to do than just hand over the ring at a wedding – they also get to give one of the most significant speeches of their lives.

But don’t worry – we’re here to help! This post will provide you with easy tips on how to craft an unforgettable father of the bride speech that will bring joy and tears from everyone in attendance.

Related:   Unforgettable Mother of the Bride Speeches: Writing Tips + Examples

Introduction to the role of the father of the bride

As the father of the bride, you have a special role to play on your daughter’s big day.

Not only are you responsible for walking your daughter down the aisle and giving her away, but you also have the opportunity to deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech at the wedding reception.

You may also want to share personal anecdotes or memories, and offer words of wisdom or advice for the happy couple.

Tips for writing a memorable and heartfelt speech

Here are some tips to help you craft a memorable and heartfelt speech that will leave everyone in tears (of joy, of course).

Start by brainstorming your main points

What do you want to say to your daughter and son-in-law on their big day? What messages do you want to convey to your guests? It might be helpful to jot down some ideas on paper before you start organizing your speech.

Make it personal

Your speech is a chance to share your own memories and experiences with your daughter and the rest of the wedding party.

Consider including personal anecdotes or special moments that you’ve shared over the years. This will help to make your speech more meaningful and memorable. Bonus points if you can find a way to make everyone laugh!

Keep it concise

A good rule of thumb is to aim for a speech that’s about 5-7 minutes long. This will give you enough time to say what you need to say without boring your guests (or making them check their phones).

Practice, practice, practice!

The more you practice your speech, the more confident and comfortable you’ll be when it comes time to deliver it.

And don’t forget to keep a glass of water handy – it’ll help to calm your nerves and keep your throat lubricated.

Structuring your speech: a step-by-step guide

Alright, so you’ve brainstormed your main points and practiced your speech a million times. Now it’s time to put it all together and give the most epic father of the bride speech ever.

Begin with a greeting. Start off by greeting the guests and thanking them for coming to celebrate your daughter’s special day. You might also want to thank the groom’s parents for raising such an amazing son.

Introduce yourself. If you’re not already well-known to the wedding party, take a moment to introduce yourself and your relationship to the bride.

Share your memories. This is the perfect opportunity to share some personal anecdotes or special memories that you’ve shared with your daughter over the years. Make everyone laugh (or cry) with a funny or heartwarming story.

Express your love and pride for your daughter. Let your daughter know just how much she means to you, and how proud you are of the person she has become. You might want to get a little sappy here – it is a wedding, after all.

You might want to give the groom a little ribbing here by talking about how lucky he is to be marrying into such an amazing family.

Share your hopes and wishes for the future. Finish off your speech by expressing your hopes and wishes for the couple’s future together. This is your chance to get a little sentimental and give some advice on how to have a happy and successful marriage .

Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Example 1: a traditional and emotional father of the bride speech.

I stand before you today as the proud and emotional father of the beautiful bride. My daughter [bride’s name] has grown into an amazing young woman and it brings me immense joy to give her away to the love of her life, [groom’s name].

As [bride’s name] grew, I was constantly in awe of her kindness, intelligence, and determination. She has always put others before herself and has a heart of gold. I have no doubt that she will make a wonderful wife to [groom’s name] and an amazing partner in life.

When [groom’s name] entered our lives, I knew immediately he was the perfect match for my daughter. He is loving, caring, and adores [bride’s name] with all his heart. I have no doubt that he will make a wonderful husband and support [bride’s name] in all her endeavors.

[Bride’s name], [groom’s name], I am so proud of both of you and wish you all the happiness in the world. May your marriage be a beautiful and blessed union. I love you both with all my heart.

Example 2: A lighthearted and humorous speech

Hello everyone,

[Groom’s name], you are one lucky guy. Not only do you get to marry the love of your life, but you also get to join our crazy family. Just be prepared for late night game nights and impromptu dance parties. You’ll fit right in, I have no doubt.

Example 3: A personalized and sentimental speech

Dear friends and family,

It is an honor and a privilege to stand here today as the father of the bride. My daughter, [bride’s name], has always been the light of my life and it brings me great joy to see her marrying the man of her dreams, [groom’s name].

[Bride’s name], from the moment you were born, you have brought so much love and joy into my life. I am so proud of the person you have become and am grateful to be a part of this special day. Watching you grow into the amazing woman you are today has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

One of my favorite memories with [bride’s name] is the summer we spent traveling through Europe together. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to bond and make lasting memories. We visited so many incredible places, but my favorite was the week we spent in Italy. The food, the culture, the history – it was all just incredible. And while we may have gotten lost a few times and had to navigate some difficult language barriers, it was all worth it to spend that quality time with my daughter.

[Groom’s name], I know you and [bride’s name] will create many more special memories together in the years to come. I am confident you will always be there for each other, through the good times and the bad. You are the perfect match for each other and I am so excited to see what the future holds for you both.

So let’s raise a glass to the happy couple. [Bride’s name] and [groom’s name], may your love continue to grow and thrive as you embark on this new journey together. I love you both with all my heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i make my speech memorable.

A: The key to a memorable speech is to be yourself and let your love and pride for your daughter shine through in your words.

Consider including personal anecdotes or special memories that you’ve shared with your daughter over the years. This will help to make your speech more meaningful and memorable.

Incorporating a little bit of humor can also go a long way in making your speech stand out.

What should I avoid in my speech?

A: First and foremost, try to avoid using any offensive language or telling inappropriate jokes. This is a family-friendly occasion, after all!

Finally, try to avoid getting too long-winded or going off on tangents. It’s important to stay focused and on-topic to keep your speech engaging and enjoyable for your listeners.

Keep these things in mind and you’ll be well on your way to delivering a smooth and memorable speech.

When does the father of the bride give his speech?

Conclusion: keys to a successful father of the bride speech.

The father of the bride speech is a special and important moment on your daughter’s big day. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this post, and taking inspiration from the examples provided, you can craft a heartfelt and memorable speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Remember to keep it personal, incorporate humor and personal anecdotes, and practice beforehand to ensure that you deliver your speech with confidence and poise. Above all, let your love and pride for your daughter shine through in your words.

Rosie Liliy

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how to write the father of the bride speech

The Ultimate Guide to Writing the Perfect Father of the Bride Wedding Speech

In this guide, we'll walk you through tips and templates to write an excellent father of the bride speech.

Father and daughter in background of wedding photo

The role of the father of the bride in a wedding is an important one, and one that comes with the added pressure of giving a heartfelt and meaningful speech. If you're the father of the bride and are tasked with giving a speech, don't worry! With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can write and deliver the perfect father of the bride wedding speech that will leave everyone feeling touched and inspired.

Here are some tips on how to write the perfect father of the bride wedding speech:

  • Start by brainstorming : Take some time to sit down and think about what you want to say in your speech. Consider what you want to convey to your daughter and her new spouse, as well as your guests. Jot down some notes and ideas to help organize your thoughts.
  • Keep it personal : Your speech should be personal and heartfelt. Share stories and anecdotes about your daughter, and talk about the special bond you have with her. This will not only make your speech more engaging but also make your daughter feel loved.
  • Share your hopes and wishes : Use your speech as an opportunity to express your hopes and wishes for your daughter and new son-in-law's future together. Share your excitement and happiness for the couple, and offer words of wisdom and advice.
  • Be humorous : A little bit of humor goes a long way in a speech. Tell a funny story or make a light-hearted joke to break the ice and make the guests feel more at ease.
  • Practice makes perfect : Practice your speech in front of a mirror, or even better, to a test audience. This will give you a better idea of how your speech will be received, and help you make any necessary adjustments.
  • Keep it short and sweet : A wedding speech should be around 3-5 minutes long and no longer than 7 minutes. Keep your speech short and sweet.
  • Make it memorable : End your speech with a memorable quote or a sentimental statement that will leave a lasting impression on the guests.
  • Don't forget to thank everyone : Lastly, don't forget to thank the guests and the wedding party for joining in the celebration of your daughter's big day.

With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to writing and delivering the perfect father of the bride wedding speech. Remember to take your time, be personal, and above all, speak from the heart.

Here are 10 father of the bride wedding speeches to use as inspiration for your daughter's wedding:

Father of the Bride Speech Template #1

Good evening everyone, I'm [Name], the proud father of the beautiful bride, [Bride's Name]. And I'd like to start off by saying how grateful I am to be here with all of you on this special day.

Now, I have to admit, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when my daughter started planning her wedding. But I can tell you this, I'm blown away by the love and happiness I see in this room.

[Insert Personal Anecdote 1:

E.g. I remember the day [Bride's Name] was born like it was yesterday. She was a little bundle of joy that brought so much light into our lives. And now, here she is all grown up and about to start a new chapter in her life.]

And speaking of new chapters, let's talk about the groom, [Groom's Name]. [Insert Personal Anecdote 2:

E.g. I've known [Groom's Name] for [Number of years] now and I can say without a doubt that he is one of the kindest, funniest, and most genuine people I've ever met. And I'm so lucky to welcome him into our family.]

[Bride's Name], I know I don't have to tell you this, but you are loved by so many people. Your smile, your laugh, and your kindness have a way of making everyone feel special. And I know you and [Groom's Name] will have a long and happy life together.

So, to my daughter and her new husband, I want to say congratulations. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day. And may you always find joy and laughter in the simple things.

And finally, I'd like to raise a toast to the happy couple. To [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], may your love always shine bright like a firefly in the night sky. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #2

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am [FATHER'S NAME], the proud father of the beautiful bride, [BRIDE'S NAME]. And I have to say, what a day this has been. I mean, it's a wedding! The only time you get to hear the words, "I'm so glad you're here" and know they're not being sarcastic.

Now, I must admit, when [BRIDE'S NAME] first told me she was getting married, I was a little bit nervous. I mean, what if her husband wasn't good enough for her? But then I met [GROOM'S NAME], and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. He's the type of guy who [INSERT PERSONAL ANECDOTE ABOUT GROOM]. And let me tell you, [GROOM'S NAME] and [BRIDE'S NAME] together, it's a match made in heaven. They're like two peas in a pod.

[INSERT PERSONAL ANECDOTE ABOUT THE BRIDE]. I couldn't be more proud of the woman [BRIDE'S NAME] has become. And today, as she stands here before us, I am filled with love and joy to see her marry the man of her dreams.

So, [GROOM'S NAME], I want you to know, you're getting a fantastic person in [BRIDE'S NAME]. And [BRIDE'S NAME], I love you so much.

And to the both of you, [GROOM'S NAME] and [BRIDE'S NAME], I want to say, may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and joy. May you always be there for each other, through thick and thin. And may your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing day.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #3

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family,

It is with great joy and a touch of sadness that I stand before you today as the proud father of the bride. It is unbelievable that my daughter has grown from the baby she was [x years] ago and is taking her place alongside her soulmate in matrimony.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride growing up, such as a funny childhood memory or a moment of pride as a father.]

Today, we welcome [groom's name] into our family. He has proven himself to be a kind, loving, and thoughtful partner to my daughter, and for that I am grateful.

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom, such as how he won over the family or a funny quirk that endears him to the bride and those around him.]

Marriage is not just about finding someone to love, it's about finding someone who will love you in all your flaws, insecurities, and quirks. [bride's name] and [groom's name], you have found that in each other, and I have no doubt that your love will continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

So, to my daughter and son-in-law, I want to say congratulations and good luck. I'm honored to be your father and to be a part of this special day.

And to all of you here today, let's raise a glass and toast to the happy couple. May their lives be filled with love, laughter, and adventure.

Father of the Bride Speech Template #4

Father of the bride speech template #5.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, it's an honor to stand before you today as the father of the beautiful bride.

I never thought I'd be giving a wedding speech. I mean, the thought of my daughter growing up and getting married, it just doesn't seem possible. But here we are, and I couldn't be happier.

[Insert personal anecdote about daughter growing up and relationship with groom]

Now, let me talk about the groom. [Insert personal anecdote about groom and relationship with daughter]

Marriage is not just about love and happiness, it's about sharing life's ups and downs, sharing joys and sorrows, and supporting each other through thick and thin.

[Insert personal anecdote about the couple and their relationship]

So, to my beautiful daughter [bride's name], and to [groom's name], I want to wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and laughter. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day, and may you always be each other's best friend.

And now, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [bride and groom's names], may your love last a lifetime. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #6

Good evening everyone, and let me just say - it's an honor to be standing here as the father of the bride on this special day.

[Insert personal anecdote about daughter growing up and the emotions you're feeling as her father]

Now, let's talk about [Groom's name]. [Insert personal anecdote about first meeting the groom and your initial thoughts about him] But let me tell you, he's grown on me, and I couldn't be happier that he's going to be spending the rest of his life with my daughter.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship and how it's grown and flourished over time]

And to [bride's name], my beautiful daughter. [Insert personal anecdote about her growing up and the woman she's become] I am so proud of the person you have become, and I couldn't be happier to welcome [groom's name] into our family.

To [bride and groom's names], may your love continue to grow and flourish for a lifetime. I raise a glass to the newlyweds.

Father of the Bride Speech Template #7

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me start by saying that it's an honor to stand here as the proud father of the beautiful bride.

I want to take a moment to reflect on the journey that brought us here today. [Insert personal anecdote about your daughter growing up and how fast time has flown by].

Now, as we gather here to celebrate the union of [bride's name] and [groom's name], I want to share a few words about this amazing couple. [Insert personal anecdote about how you met the groom or a funny story about the couple].

[Bride's name] has grown into an amazing woman, and I couldn't be happier to see her marry the love of her life. [Insert personal anecdote about your daughter's qualities and why you think she and the groom are a perfect match].

I know that [groom's name] will take good care of her, and I have no doubt that their love for each other will only continue to grow stronger. [Insert personal anecdote about your confidence in the couple's future together].

So let's raise a glass to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. To [bride's name] and [groom's name], may you always keep the spark alive and never stop making each other smile. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #8

Good evening everyone!

As the proud father of the bride, I stand before you tonight to deliver a speech in honor of my beautiful daughter [bride's name].

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. I mean, let's be real, this is the biggest moment of my stand-up career since that time I accidentally made a nun laugh during a comedy show.

[Personal Anecdote 1: Insert a funny or heartwarming story about your daughter growing up]

But in all seriousness, I am beyond grateful to be here, surrounded by the love and support of our friends and family, to celebrate [bride's name]'s marriage to [groom's name].

[Personal Anecdote 2: Insert a story about how you first met the groom or how they fell in love]

[bride's name], you have grown into a stunning, confident, and loving young woman. And [groom's name], I couldn't have picked a better partner for my daughter if I had tried. You two are truly a match made in heaven.

[Personal Anecdote 3: Insert a funny or heartwarming story about the bride and groom together]

I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and love. To the happy couple, I raise a glass to you and say, "Cheers!"

Thank you, everyone, for being here to celebrate this special day. Now let's eat, drink, and be merry!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #9

Good evening everyone,

I’m the father of the bride [insert daughter’s name], and I have to say, it’s an honor to stand here today and give a speech in honor of her and her new husband [insert husband’s name].

[Insert personal anecdote about your daughter’s childhood or personality]

[Insert personal anecdote about the first time you met the groom or your relationship with the groom]

I have to say, when [daughter’s name] first told me she was getting married, I was a little apprehensive. I mean, let’s be real, look at this guy [gesture to groom sarcastically]. In all seriousness, I couldn't be happier to have [husband's name] joining the family.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom’s relationship or engagement]

So here we are, [husband’s name] and [daughter’s name], starting a new chapter in their lives together. I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. And let’s be real, I couldn’t have picked a better son-in-law if I tried.

[Insert personal anecdote about advice for the bride and groom’s future together]

So, [husband’s name], you take care of my daughter, and [daughter’s name], I hope you have the best life with [husband's name]. And together, may your love for each other grow stronger every day.

To [bride and groom], may you have a lifetime of happiness and love. Cheers!

Father of the Bride Speech Template #10

Good evening everyone, my name is [Name], and I have the honor of being the father of the beautiful bride, [Bride's Name].

[Insert Personal Anecdote about the Bride]

When I first heard that [Groom's Name] was interested in [Bride's Name], I must admit, I was a bit nervous. But after getting to know [Groom's Name], I couldn't be more thrilled for the two of them. They are a perfect match and I am so happy they have found each other.

[Insert Personal Anecdote about the Groom]

[Bride's Name], from the moment you were born, you have brought joy and laughter into our lives. You have always been independent and confident, and I am so proud of the woman you have become. You have found someone who loves and adores you just as much as we do, and I couldn't be happier for the two of you.

[Groom's Name], you have become part of our family and we welcome you with open arms. You are a kind and loving person, and [Bride's Name] is lucky to have you.

So, to the happy couple, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], I want to say congratulations and wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and laughter. May you always support each other and cherish each moment together.

how to write the father of the bride speech

Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Father of the Bride Speech Examples

Looking for speech examples? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Reviewing a few concrete examples to see what other people have done is a great way to get a few ideas for your own speech.

However, try to avoid the temptation to borrow ideas wholesale because you never know how many other people will have done exactly the same thing.

Wedding guests look forward to the speeches and nothing disappoint them more than feeling your speech is just a collection of familiar lines borrowed from other speeches.

But with that warning in place, let’s jump in.

Icebreaker Examples

It’s important to have a strong opening to your Father of the Bride speech since it gets people’s attention and sets the right tone for an enjoyable speech.

You don’t have to lead with humour, although that is usually very effective, but try to avoid well-worn jokes that some people may have heard before.

The best icebreaker will be specific to the occasion and a gently humorous opener that’s personal to you will almost always be better than a stock line taken from a list of wedding speech jokes you found online.

That said, here are some quick examples to get your creative juices flowing:

“I’m David, Melanie’s proud dad and Simon’s brand new father-in-law. And if none of those names are familiar to you, there’s a good chance you’re at the wrong wedding.”
“The last time I stood up in front of a crowd with a microphone in my hand I was belting out a drunken version of ‘I Will Survive’. But the less said about my Groom speech the better.”
“I struggled a bit with writing my speech because my daughter and my wife gave me completely opposite advice. Beccy said I shouldn’t say anything stupid, smutty or embarrassing. While Carole said I should just be myself!”

After the icebreaker it’s time to start your speech proper. On the big day make sure you pause for any laughter and start with confidence and poise.

Examples of Bride and Groom Toasts

When it comes to raising a toast to the Bride and Groom, you don’t need to be particularly creative with your choice of words. Your aim is simply to clearly signpost the end of your speech and prompt the guests to raise their glasses.

Here are some simple ways to raise a toast:

“Finally, it’s my great pleasure to invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a toast to our wonderful Bride and Groom!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, will you please be upstanding and join me in a toast to the happy couple, Beccy and Simon, the Bride and Groom.”
“Right, it’s time for me to stop talking and you lot to start drinking. So please raise your glasses and let’s toast Mrs and Mr Simpson, the Bride and Groom!”
“Before I hand over to my brand new son-in-law Simon, aka the Groom, please grab your glasses, get on your feet and let’s toast the happy couple.”

Once you’ve made your toast, it’s time to sit, turn your attention to the Groom and let him take over the reins with his own speech.

Complete Father of the Bride Speech Examples

To give you some quick inspiration, here’s a  warm and witty Father of the Bride speech  I wrote for an imaginary couple, Sarah and Scott.

If you’re in the market for a very short “blink and you’ll miss it” Father of the Bride speech, the Confetti website has an  example .

If you’re hungry for more examples, the Hitched website also has a handy database of  sample speeches  uploaded by its readers.

Now Go Write an Original Speech of Your Own

Armed with a few strong examples, you should now be in a good place to start working on your own speech.

Just remember that the best speech will always be one that only you could have written, rich with authentic detail.

So be inspired by these examples, but don’t copy them. Your daughter deserves better than a patchwork speech made from other people’s efforts.

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A Shy Dad's Guide to Giving the Perfect Wedding Speech

Follow these tips from a communications expert and you'll deliver a speech your daughter will love.

Ellie is a freelance writer for

Some fathers love the limelight, so when it comes time for these dads to pen their father of the bride speeches , the material comes spilling out. But others feel shy about the experience-and for good reason! On such an important day, in a room filled with important people, it's easy to let emotion get the best of you. That's why we caught up with Balraj Arunasalam, president of Toastmasters International , an organization that specializes in communication and leadership development. Not only is he an expert in delivering an incredible speech under any circumstances, but he's also in the process of drafting a reception toast for his own daughter's wedding. He was kind enough to share some tips on the process, offering practical advice that can help even the shyest dad have his moment to shine.

Wait to Write

Arunasalam suggests dads first focus on what they want to say rather than worry about how they want to say it. "Take time two to three weeks prior to the ceremony to write several thoughts on the occasion," he says. "Make sure you have all your thoughts together first, then play around with the words."

Use Your Expertise

If you're not sure where to start, begin with what you know best: your daughter . "Add your favorite memories... when her first smile captured your heart, a first day of school, and so forth," says Arunasalam. From there, he suggests hitting foolproof beats like welcoming the spouse to your family and wishing the bride and groom a happy, prosperous life together.

Practice Your Speech

Once you have your words down, practice, practice, practice. And don't underestimate the power of reading it aloud in front of a mirror. What sounds good in your head may trip you up when you hear it spoken, so be sure to get comfortable well before the reception.

Let It Flow

"Deliver your speech from the heart," says Arunasalam. The father of the bride's toast is such an emotional moment between dad and daughter , and it's one that will make everyone in the room teary as soon as you stand up. Know that no matter what you say, your little girl will love every second of it. Just as much as she already loves you.

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how to write the father of the bride speech

How to Give a Perfect Father of the Bride Speech

Dads, it’s the article you’ve been waiting for! Your little girl is getting married and, as tradition dictates, she’ll be looking to you at the reception to give a Father of the Bride speech worthy of your love for her and which will contribute to the overall success of her big day. So, no pressure.

We know it’s hard. You’ll inevitably feel a lot of emotions after giving your daughter away at the altar. And, if you’re not au fait with public speaking, it’s probably difficult for you to imagine what it will feel like to get up and have to speak in front of a room full of people.

Expert advice on how to put together a loving and funny (and not embarrassing) Father of the Bride speech

In the traditional line-up of wedding speeches, yours will come first and will be the warm-up for the others. Therefore, it’s important you help your fellow speech givers.

To help you write the perfect Father of the Bride speech, we’ve compiled a helpful list of things to mention. We’ve spoken to some speechwriting pros to give you expert advice to remember when toasting your daughter and new son-in-law.

The Structure

Introduce yourself.

Most people in the room may know who you are, especially if you walked the bride down the aisle. Therefore, don’t make your introduction too robotic. If you say something like, “Hi, everyone, I’m Robert, and I’m Anna’s dad,” you will sound like you’re in an AA meeting. Make it conversational and be friendly.

Don’t start with a joke, though, says Robin of  The Wedding Speech Guru :

“The first line needs to be said with confidence and it could be anything, but I advise people against coming up with a gag is because it devalues the rest of the speech. For a Father of the Bride speech to be successful, it needs to be authentic.”

Welcome everyone

This will likely be done by all the speakers after you, but that shouldn’t stop you from saying it as well. In fact, especially if you and the bride’s mother are the hosts, yours might be the most important welcome.

It’s important to your daughter that everyone in attendance is there, and it should be to you as well! So take a brief moment to welcome them and to thank them for coming along. Many Fathers of the Bride thank those from furthest afield, for example guests who have flown in from Australia. Decide how you want to welcome everyone.

Your daughter

Today is about her, and your speech should be about her, too. Don’t be afraid to roast her (a little bit), especially if she made you pay for the wedding! But, believe it or not, no one wants to hear stories about her running around naked as a kid. There’s a fine line between making light fun of her and embarrassing her.

“I’ve seen it before,” says Adam of  Adaptable Speechwriting , “and what a dad may find funny can sometimes rub people up the wrong way and is not worth the risk.” Robin agrees, and even goes on to say that, “Anything that might embarrass her is strictly off-limits.”

Make gentle jabs at her teenage years or her poor taste in music when she was younger. But, if there’s one thing that all of the speechwriters we interviewed agree on, it’s this: do not mention ex-boyfriends.

Your son-in-law

Your Father of the Bride speech is the ideal moment to formally welcome your daughter’s new husband to the family. And, perhaps more importantly, it’s the time to put aside any negative feelings you may have about him.

If you two have a good relationship, some light joking here may be appropriate. If not, then take advice from Eddie of  Custom Speechwriting . “Wedding toasts should be truthful but they don’t need to tell all of the truth,” Eddie says. “The Father of the Bride in this situation should focus on the positive aspects of the new son-in-law; if that’s challenging, he should ask his daughter what she sees in him and what he does to make her happy. Use those reasons to talk about why they will be a great couple.”

Your daughter has just married this man, therefore let bygones be bygones and accept he is part of your family.

The bride’s mother and your new in-laws

Whether or not you and the Mother of the Bride are still together, taking the time to acknowledge her and the hand she had in raising your daughter is gracious and goes a long way. You may also wish to thank her for the part she played in organising the wedding.

When it comes to acknowledging the groom’s parents, think short and sweet, especially if you don’t know them very well. “Sometimes it’s just best to acknowledge the fact they don’t know each other too well, it can also be an opportunity to say something warming towards them and get some form of a relationship going,” says Adam (Adaptable Speechwriting). Use this as an opportunity to start building bridges.

Wisdom for the newlyweds

As you are typically the oldest of the traditional speakers, it’s up to you to impart some wisdom and marital advice. This could be a good opportunity for a joke at the expense of your other half (if you’re confident it’ll go down well). But, above all, keep it appropriate!

Moreover, remember not to get too intense. This isn’t The Godfather and you’re not Don Corleone.

Finish up with a toast to the newlyweds and to their happiness. Keep it simple and loving. This should be the easiest part of your Father of the Bride speech! Be genuine.

Yours is the first of the speeches, so, as important as your speech is, keep it short. The guests will know that yours is just the first speech of several so might get fidgety. This is especially true if speeches come before the wedding breakfast! Brevity is bound to earn you praise, so try to stick to around 5-7 minutes. Time yourself beforehand just to make sure.

You’re not a stand-up comedian

And even if you are, this isn’t the time for a set. Cracking jokes is a great way to loosen up your audience and to put everyone in a good mood, but don’t let that pressure you into being funny. Nobody wants to hear a string of bad dad jokes.

Eddie from Custom Speechwriting adds: “Light-hearted jokes are fine and are welcome in wedding toasts… However, keep in mind that everyone in your audience is an amateur videographer with the aid of their smartphones. Make sure that you are willing to have anything you say recorded and uploaded to YouTube for the near eternity of the internet.”

What to do if you get emotional

We understand that the day will take its toll on you emotionally. However, blubbing your way through your speech might make your daughter worry that she’s made a mistake! Instead, we recommend that you practice your speech.

Robin (The Wedding Speech Guru) is in firm agreement here: “Make sure you say your speech out loud 10-15 times,” he advises. “Just reading it through isn’t good enough. Create prompt cards or print the speech, but in a way that’s visually memorable so if you’ve gone through it a lot, you should know it almost by heart and you can just glance at it and remember it.”

This isn’t about you

Your daughter and her new husband are the stars of the show today. Make your Father of the Bride speech about them; praise them, make little jabs at them, and wish them well. Do those things and you can’t go too wrong.

And if you get nervous…

 “My absolute number one rule is breathing techniques,” says Adam (Adaptable Speechwriting). “Take a deep breath between points…It feels about four times as long when you’re stood there than what the audience will feel so take your time it won’t be noticed.”

“Make sure you have a glass of champagne to toast with and a glass of water in front of you,” Robin (The Wedding Speech Guru) advises nervous speakers. “In advance of the speech, make sure you talk to as many guests as possible…It means that the people you’re talking to have a vested interest in the success of your speech and it’s much less scary if you’re looking out at faces you know. Lastly, smile!”

Finally, if you remember nothing else, try to at least remember your last line. Remembering your intended last line will stop you from awkwardly tailing off and works as a mental chequered flag that you’ll be able to jump to in case you really blank. It’s a handy tip that all professional speakers use.

Finally, we hope that, after reading this, you are feeling more confident now about your speech. We have helpful advice for the Best Man and Groom , too. Good luck!

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How to write a father of the bride speech

Easy Weddings

Writing – let alone actually delivering – your all-important father of the bride speech may seem daunting and, with all eyes on you, it’s understandable you’d be nervous. But you needn’t be because, once the speech is written and the nerves are subdued, it’s actually a wonderful moment that can be a real highlight, especially for your darling daughter.

father of the bride speech

The father of the bride speech is, usually, the first of the wedding speeches to be delivered, usually towards the end of the main meal . Traditionally, the father of the bride was the host of the wedding, but even where he isn’t, the father of the bride speech usually still includes many host-like aspects such as welcoming the guests and thanking them for their gifts.

Of course, traditionally, the father of the bride also share some words of wisdom or marriage advice – and, sometimes, even a few tears!

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The delivery

Standing centre stage, delivering a speech in front of your nearest and dearest on such an important occasion may seem like a difficult, perhaps, terrifying task.

But remember, there is no need to worry at all. You’re surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom want to see you do well!

They know how proud you are and are probably dying to hear what you have to say! Simply take a deep breath and try and enjoy yourself.

Oh, and, if you’re considering steadying your nerves with a little liquid courage, be sparing in how much you drink. You don’t want to have too much courage, after all. You want to enjoy the moment and you want your daughter – and your entire family – to be proud of your performance, not embarrassed by it.

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Getting started…

The hardest part of writing a good father of the bride speech is getting started.

A good tip is to break the speech down into headings. Under each heading, jot down some notes, ideas and emotions then expand on them.

Think about how you felt when your daughter was born, what it was like raising her as a child, some of her big milestones such as a graduation or a significant birthday. Then, attempt to put your emotions onto words.

As the speech starts to take shape, practice reading it out loud. Take note of how long it takes to read each section and try not to speak for longer than about five to seven minutes.

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Part 1: The introduction

father of the bride

But keep it clean.

People are expecting a mature gentleman, not a larrikin – that’s the best man’s role!

If joking is not your thing, simply start by introducing yourself and mentioning how beautiful the bride looks.

Say a few words about the wedding day so far, and how perfectly everything has run and, if you have a few funny stories from the lead up to the wedding or the early part of the wedding day itself, you can include those at the start of the speech.

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Part 2: Welcome the guests

This is where your role as the father of the bride kicks in. Be sure to thank everyone for coming and give special thanks to those who have travelled to attend the celebrations.

Don’t forget to thank those who helped in the planning and organisation of your daughter’s big day and make sure you write down any names that you feel deserve a mention during this part of the speech.

Also, mention any significant family members or friends who are absent and, if you feel comfortable, those who may recently have passed away.

There are many great ways you can honour deceased loved one’s wedding ceremony. Here, for example, are 10 heart-warming ideas to honour any mothers who may have passed away.

Part 3: Now, it’s all about your daughter

This is the highlight of any father of the bride speech – and everyone’s waiting to hear it.

It’s not often you get to discuss your daughter’s many qualities and achievements so publicly, so make the most of it and indulge yourself. Make sure you compliment her; tell her how wonderful she looks and how proud you are of her. Don’t worry, it’s OK to gush about your darling daughter.

Try to talk a little about your daughter’s early years, perhaps tell a funny story or two about when she was like growing up. Feel free to tease her about some of the things she has done but be kind and don’t say anything that you know will really embarrass her.

Tell a story that reveals her personality: how strong, tough, creative, kind she is, perhaps? Or her love of animals or sports.

Finally, talk about when she met her new husband, making sure you tell the story in a positive way!

This will lead you nicely into the next part.

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Part 4: And, don’t forget the son in law or daughter in law

Here, it is customary for the father of the bride to welcome the groom (or, in the case of a same-sex wedding, the other bride) into his family, and to express his happiness at the new connection between the two families that the marriage will bring.

Talk about your first encounter with the groom. Even if the first impression was not positive, it may be fun to mention it, as long as you follow up with how fond of him you are now – and say it

Depending on your relationship with your new son-in-law, it’s probably fine to poke (a little) fun at him, and to joke about what he is getting himself in for marrying your daughter.

Other anecdotes that work well include the first time you realised your daughter was in love with him and your reaction to their engagement.

Think of positive qualities about the groom that will make him a good husband and ways that he has made your daughter happy.

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Part 5: Words of wisdom

At the end of your father of the bride speech, you should congratulate the happy couple on a wonderful wedding, and express your confidence in their future happiness together.

Traditionally, your closing should also contain some words of wisdom about life and marriage. This might include tips on how to have a happy marriage and things that are important in life.

This could be humorous or tongue-in-cheek.

Part 6: Toast

The father-of-the-bride toasting the happy couple.

Finally, propose a toast to the bride and groom and have all the guests raise their glasses to the happy couple.

There you go. You’ve done it! It wasn’t that hard, was it?

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3 Easy Steps To The Perfect Father Of The Bride Speech

The time has finally arrived. You’re baby-girl is on her way to get married and you now need to sit down and compile a unique, supportive and yet moving Father of the bride speech.

How fast has time flown by…

When she was born and first placed into your hands, she was your most prized accomplishment. You looked after, protected her and guided her to the best of your abilities- through thick and thin.

You watched over her social life and ensured that any boys hanging around knew about you! Perhaps you weren’t easily impressed by who she initially brought home.

You’ve shielded her from boys which looked like they had impure intentions- after all, as her father, you could see these things clearer than she ever could.

But now she has found the perfect guy for her. He loves her so much that he will give his life for her- just as you probably would.

And, she has said yes to a new chapter in her life, and sometimes letting go may affect what you would really want to say.

So, how do you put together the perfect father of the bride speech that is heart warming, flows well and maybe injects a little humor too?

Don’t worry- we will show you exactly how and help you craft the best speech!

How To Begin Your Father Of The Bride Speech

Step 1: introduction to your father of bride speech.

Beginning is actually the easiest part. In fact, if you’ve listened to a couple of father of the bride speeches before, you’ll notice they generally follow this same trend…

Just a simple greeting to start- maybe a one-liner funny line or a nice welcoming quote about weddings in general.

But this is the part about getting the nerves and emotions out of the way for you. So where do you begin? A shot (if you will) and a deep breath and you’re best smile can muster.

Then, it would be nice to start with words of gratitude and say it aloud. A strong suggestion to begin with “I would like to thank everyone for”. It is inclusive, and sends a positive note to all in the room. You start with thanks as your closing later will be covering something else…

Step 2: 3  Steps For The Body Of Your Father Of The Bride Speech

So, let’s go through the steps that you will need to cover that will make up the majority of your speech.

List down memories that highlight your love for your daughter.

This needs to ring clear as a bell. Write it down so you can rank and choose later. But you don’t want to cover them all, just choose one or two that is really close to both your hearts and one you feel everyone else will also appreciate.

List down qualities your daughter has valued in her adult life, this will guide you in further clarifying which memories to use

Once you have the list too you’ll know which memory or two links best to the qualities of your daughter that you’d like to highlight.

It’ll allow you to take this moment to show how much you value her and how proud you are of her.

How well do you know the groom and his family? Getting a good backgrounder will be very useful now.

This is important as it will allow you to connect with the groom’s side of the family too. It will give you the chance to show that you recognize them and welcome them as your families unite through this union. (Wow that sounded almost medieval prince & princesses)

If you don’t know a whole lot about the grooms family, be sure to get in contact with your daughter to find out. Don’t be lazy and skip this! This family will become a big part of your life after the big day passes.

Knowing these steps above as accurately as possible will provide you with a clear direction on how to create the body of your speech and whether you need to present yourself as a more formal Father of the Bride

Critical Things To Remember/Avoid From The Perfect Father Of The Bride Speech…

Now that you’ve had some tips on how to start it off, it is very important to avoid the following.

  • Crass and coarse humor. Even in an intimate family gathering . You are the father of the bride (I’ll keep saying it), and the smart money says bet on mild humor in these situations.
  • In cases where there is a bad breakup in the family history, do not go there.
  • This is your daughter’s wedding and it is a happy day. Keep the subject matter positive
  • Being sensitive to these will prevent you from making a speech that may embarrass any of the parties present
  • Check your notes on the guest list.

Multi-cultural? Multi denominational?

If so, review your references to make sure none of the guests are offended

  • Don’t give in to the thought of “winging” a part of the speech.

Complete it, and stick to it. It will help you keep control if some untoward thing happens during the wedding or when you are in the middle of the speech.

It is critical to come across with your message, and that your message is clear. You love your daughter, and wish her all the happiness in the world.

And she will surely remember this special day for her for a long time, and will definitely keep close to heart what you have to say to her on this day… So make it a fond memory for her, one that she will be proud of and thankful for.

Step 3: Finding the Right Way to Conclude Your Speech

For this speech and for that day, you have to come out as who you exactly were in your daughter’s life.

You most likely were the Wall and the Moat, the Bear, the Dragon, the owner of unbelievably large hands and arms that can toss a person to the sky and catch with ease.

You had been Merlin, Arthur, Kal-El, Galahad, Dragon slayer, and sometimes a tea party guest.

Now you are giving her hand away, and a strong positive speech ensures that everyone present understands that.

  • Work the end of the speech as a welcome to the start of a new adventure for your daughter and the notes you have about your son in law will help you make it an inclusive one.
  • A lot of Father of the Bride speeches fail in this area, focusing only on the daughter as she is better known
  • Making it something that covers the couple will send a very strong message of support
  • Tell your daughter one more time that you love her, and by extension, you’ve gained a son.
  • As you started with words of gratitude, close with a request for support for the newly wedded couple. Ask for a round of applause or clinking of glasses for the guests to show their agreement.

The points above should allow you to craft a strong and positively worded speech one that fits the occasion where a great Dad consents to the man her daughter has agreed to wed. Good luck and have fun writing your father of the bride speech.

Want To Guarantee An Amazing Speech For Your Little Girls Big Day?

If you want to ensure that you absolutely ‘nail’ your speech and really impress all those in attendance, I recommend that you check out the follow resource to help further:

how to write the father of the bride speech

(Note: When you click the link, you’ll need to select “Father Of The Bride” for the appropriate resource.)

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How to write a best man speech for a wedding in a few simple steps

Some best-man speeches linger in people's memories long after the event has ended because the orator has perfected the art of writing a speech. A best man's speech demands a delicate balance of wit, sincerity, and eloquence. So, do you know how to write a best man speech that meets and exceeds expectations? How do you ensure that you entertain the audience and reminisce on shared moments?

Best man making a speech on the head table at a wedding reception (L), Bride and groom laughing (R) at best man's toast.


Preparing for your best man speech, 1. introduction, 3. the toast, how do you perfect your groomsman speech, final words.

Writing a best man speech is a task that carries profound significance at any wedding. Best man speeches are about distilling years of camaraderie and shared experiences into a few heartfelt minutes that resonate with everyone present. With so much riding on those words, knowing how to write the speech is essential. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this responsibility with clarity and confidence.

How to write a best man speech

The best man speech is a traditional part of weddings . It is delivered by the groom's chosen confidant and closest friend to celebrate the occasion. The speech typically combines humour, anecdotes, and heartfelt sentiments to honour the groom, congratulate the couple, and entertain the wedding guests.

how to write the father of the bride speech

300+ inspirational quotes for men to keep you inspired and motivated

Preparing for your best man speech begins with clearly understanding your role beyond delivering a speech. It includes asking yourself relevant questions, such as 'How long should a best man speech be' and 'What is required of me within that time frame.'

Timing is critical when it comes to preparing and planning your speech. Begin outlining your speech well in advance, ideally a few weeks before the wedding. This allows ample time to collect meaningful anecdotes and memories that resonate with the groom and reflect your relationship with him.

Consider moments that highlight his character, milestones you've shared, and humorous anecdotes that add a personal touch. Gathering these details ensures your speech is both genuine and memorable.

Best man speech format

When it comes to actually writing your best man speech, aim for a concise delivery that lasts between 3 to 5 minutes, roughly translating to 500 to 700 words.

how to write the father of the bride speech

110+ college graduation captions to celebrate your success

Best man gives a speech at his friend's wedding.

What should a best man speech include? It typically has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a toast. The introduction should capture attention with a memorable opening line or anecdote. The body should then follow, transitioning smoothly from humour to sincerity.

A well-structured speech typically begins with a brief yet impactful introduction that grabs attention and sets the tone for the rest of the speech. It is a chance to introduce yourself, your relationship, and your role as the best man.

Here, ensure you clearly state who you are and how you know the groom. This provides context and establishes your credibility. For instance,

"For those who don't know me, I'm [Your Name], [Groom] 's best friend from college. We've shared countless adventures and laughs over the years."

Following the introduction, weave in anecdotes that showcase the groom's character or share memorable moments you've experienced together.

how to write the father of the bride speech

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For example, you might share a story about how the groom's dedication to his friends helped you through a tough time or recount a humorous incident highlighting his fun-loving personality. These anecdotes add a personal touch and often inject humour into the speech, keeping the audience engaged.

Next, include a personal message to the couple that expresses your genuine sentiments and well-wishes. This part of the speech should convey sincerity and gratitude, acknowledging the occasion's significance for both the groom and his partner.

For instance, you could reflect on the groom's kindness and loyalty as qualities that will undoubtedly make him a wonderful partner.

Here are a few examples of such a statement:

"[Groom's Name], I've seen you grow into the incredible person you are today, and I couldn't be happier to see you find someone as wonderful as [Bride's Name] to share your life with. [Bride's Name], thank you for bringing out the best in him and for being his perfect match. May your marriage be filled with endless joy, laughter, and unwavering love. Here's to a lifetime of shared dreams and beautiful moments."

how to write the father of the bride speech

Farewell speech for a teacher who is leaving by students

"To [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name], your love and commitment to each other inspire us all. I feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed your journey together and am grateful to call you both friends. May your marriage be filled with endless love, laughter, and unwavering support for each other."

Conclude with a heartfelt toast, raising a glass to the couple's future happiness and celebrating their love. This symbolises communal support and well-wishes from all gathered, marking the beginning of their new journey together in a celebratory manner.

Shot of a young man giving a toast and speech at a wedding reception

Consider the following when writing the toast:

  • Thank the couple for allowing you to be part of their special day.
  • Share your hopes and blessings for their future together.
  • Raise the glass and invite everyone to join you in celebrating the newlyweds.

Below are some groomsmen speech ideas for the toast:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses. Here's to [Bride] and [Groom]. May your days be filled with laughter, your nights with romance, and your years with endless joy. To a lifetime of happiness, love, and cherished memories. Cheers!"

how to write the father of the bride speech

Farewell speech for students who have just finished school

"Everyone, let's raise our glasses to the incredible couple before us. [Bride] and [Groom], may your love continue to grow deeper with each passing day, and may you always find strength and comfort in each other. To a beautiful journey ahead filled with love, laughter, and countless adventures. Cheers!"

Perfecting your best man speech involves refining your content, practising your delivery, and managing your nerves effectively. Start by revisiting your speech to ensure it flows smoothly from one point to the next. Trim any unnecessary details and focus on impactful anecdotes and sincere sentiments.

Also, make sure your jokes are tasteful and your heartfelt moments are genuine. A well-structured speech with a balance of humour and emotion will captivate the audience and leave a lasting impression.

Next, practise your delivery multiple times. Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or present to a trusted friend. Pay attention to your tone, pacing, and body language. This helps you become more comfortable with the material and identify areas that need improvement.

how to write the father of the bride speech

How to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend your birthday party

Finally, manage your nerves by visualising success and employing relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, visualisation, and positive affirmations can help calm your anxiety.

Remember that feeling nervous is normal, but with adequate preparation, you can channel that nervous energy into an enthusiastic performance. Focus on the joy of celebrating the couple and the honour of being their best man.

Now you know how to write a best man speech. Writing a best man speech is a unique honour that requires a blend of humour, sincerity, and careful planning. By understanding your role, preparing thoroughly, and structuring your speech effectively, you can deliver a memorable tribute that celebrates the couple's love and brings joy to the occasion. Focus on crafting heartfelt anecdotes, practising your delivery, and managing any nerves to ensure your speech leaves a lasting impact. also published a guide to writing short speeches for school assemblies . It provides inspiring examples of short speeches perfect for school assemblies, delivered by students or faculty, to set a positive tone for the day. Each speech here is designed to engage and motivate the audience, covering a range of topics such as character and discipline.

Whether you're looking for ideas to write your own speech or just need guidance on how to start and structure it, these examples offer valuable insights and practical tips.


Nicholas Nganga (Lifestyle writer) Nicholas joined Tuko's team as a content creator in 2024. He has 4 years of experience in content writing. He previously held other editorial and journalism positions, including news and articles editing role at FW Africa and a Food Science Writer at PressPublish. He works on content encompassing biographies, fashion and lifestyle, gaming, and more. In 2022 Nicholas graduated from the Jomo Kenyatta University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology. You can reach him via email: [email protected].

how to write the father of the bride speech

Mastering the Brother of the Bride Speech: A Comprehensive Guide

Brother of the bride.

August 1, 2024

brother of the bride speech

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

Giving a brother of the bride speech is a big deal. It’s your chance to celebrate your sister, crack a few jokes, and maybe even shed a tear or two. But let’s be real – it can also be pretty nerve-wracking. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got your back with this guide that’ll walk you through crafting and delivering a speech that’ll have everyone laughing, crying, and raising their glasses.

Use these resources:   Our #1 Brother of the Bride Speech Generator l  Brother of the Bride Speech Examples

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Talk to your sister about what she wants in your speech
  • Know your audience and tailor your words accordingly
  • Stick to a clear structure: intro, body, and conclusion
  • Practice, practice, practice to nail your delivery
  • Add personal stories and appropriate humor
  • Throw in some relevant stats or current events for context
  • Consider getting help from Bridesmaid for Hire if you’re feeling overwhelmed

Preparation: Setting the Stage for Your Brother of the Bride Speech

Before you start writing, you’ve got to do some groundwork. This means chatting with your sister, figuring out who’s going to be listening, and getting your thoughts in order. Trust me, a little prep goes a long way in making sure your speech hits all the right notes.

Setting the Stage for Your Brother of the Bride Speech

Initial Discussions with the Bride

First things first – talk to your sister. She’s the star of the show, after all. Find out what she’s hoping for from your speech. It’ll save you both some headaches down the road.

Length and Tone Preferences

Most brother of the bride speeches run between two to five minutes. But check with your sister – she might want you to keep it short and sweet or give you the green light to go a bit longer. Also, ask if she’s hoping for laughs, tears, or a mix of both. According to Wedding Words , keeping it between two to five minutes is pretty standard.

Off-limit Topics

Here’s a pro tip: ask your sister if there’s anything she absolutely doesn’t want you to mention. Ex-boyfriends, embarrassing childhood stories, that time she got caught sneaking out… you get the idea. Better safe than sorry! 

Audience Awareness: Knowing Your Crowd

Weddings bring together all sorts of people. You’ve got grandma in the front row, your sister’s college buddies at the back, and everyone in between. Keep this mix in mind when you’re writing your speech.

Mixed Generations

You want to hit that sweet spot where both Aunt Edna and your sister’s bestie from work are entertained. Mix in some heartfelt moments with lighter jokes to keep everyone engaged.

Cultural Sensitivities

If there are guests from different cultural backgrounds, be mindful of that. What’s hilarious in one culture might not land well in another. When in doubt, keep it universal. Remember, you’re the bride’s brother , so you’ve got a unique perspective to share!

Writing a Memorable Brother of the Bride Speech

Alright, now we’re getting to the meat of it. Your speech needs a solid structure to keep everyone hooked. Think of it like a good story – you need a catchy beginning, an interesting middle, and a killer ending.

ElementDescriptionIntroductionBriefly introduce yourself and your relationship to the bride.BodyShare personal anecdotes, highlight the bride’s qualities, and mention the groom.ConclusionOffer well-wishes and raise a toast to the couple.

Writing a Memorable Brother of the Bride Speech

Introduction: Starting Strong

First impressions matter, folks. Your opening lines set the tone for the whole speech. Make ’em count!

Opening Line

Keep it short and snappy. You could go with something simple like, “Hey everyone, I’m Jake, the bride’s big brother.” Or if you’re feeling cheeky, try, “Hi all, I’m Sam – you know, the better-looking sibling.” Just remember to read the room!

Body of the Speech: Crafting Your Narrative

This is where you get to share those juicy stories and heartfelt moments. Talk about your relationship with your sister, what makes her awesome, and throw in a good word about the groom too.

Childhood Memories

Sharing childhood memories is a great way to give everyone a glimpse into your relationship. Maybe you’ve got a funny story about building pillow forts or how she always stole your Halloween candy. Just keep it light and fun!

The Bride’s Growth

Take a moment to reflect on how your sister has grown over the years. Maybe she went from a shy kid to a confident woman, or perhaps she’s always been the family firecracker. Whatever it is, highlight those qualities that make her special.

Relationship with the Groom

Don’t forget to mention the groom! Share your first impressions or a funny story about when you realized he was “the one” for your sister. It’s all about showing why they’re great together.

Conclusion: Ending with a Bang

Wrap it up with some heartfelt wishes for the couple. This is your chance to get a little sappy (in a good way) and maybe even raise a toast.

Express Well-wishes

Keep it sincere and simple. Something like, “Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and adventure for you both” works well.

Raise a Toast

Get everyone involved! You could say, “Let’s all raise a glass to the happy couple – Sarah and Mike, may your love story be one for the ages!”

10 Brother of the Bride Speech Examples

James’s speech for his sister emily.

Hey everyone, I’m James, Emily’s big brother. Em, remember when we were kids and I told you there was a monster under your bed? Well, I lied. The real monster was me stealing your Halloween candy. But look at you now, all grown up and marrying Michael. Mike, you’re getting an amazing woman – she’s smart, funny, and makes a mean lasagna. Just don’t ask her to parallel park. Emily, I couldn’t be prouder of the person you’ve become. You’ve always been there for me, and I know you two will always be there for each other. To Emily and Michael!

Alex’s Toast to His Sister Sophia

Good evening, I’m Alex, Sophia’s little brother. Soph, you’ve always been my role model. You taught me how to ride a bike, how to talk to girls (badly, I might add), and how to stand up for myself. Now you’re teaching me about love by marrying Daniel. Dan, you’re one lucky guy. You’re getting a woman who can quote every line from “Friends” and makes the world’s best chocolate chip cookies. Sophia, I’m so happy you found someone who makes you smile the way Daniel does. May your life together be filled with laughter, love, and endless Netflix marathons. Cheers!

Ryan’s Speech for His Sister Jessica

Hi everyone, I’m Ryan, Jessica’s twin brother. Jess, we’ve been through everything together – first day of school, first breakup, first hangover. But today’s a first I’m experiencing all on my own – watching my sister get married. Tom, you’re getting the best partner in crime anyone could ask for. She’s loyal, adventurous, and always up for a good time. Just don’t let her plan your road trips – we once ended up in Canada trying to get to Florida. Jess, I’m so proud of you and the life you’re building with Tom. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and misadventures!

brother of the bride speech generator

David’s Toast to His Sister Rachel

Hello all, I’m David, Rachel’s older brother. Rach, I still remember the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. I asked if we could return you for a puppy. Boy, am I glad they said no. You’ve grown into an incredible woman, and I’m honored to call you my sister. Mark, you’re a lucky man. You’re marrying someone who can binge-watch an entire season of “Grey’s Anatomy” in one sitting and still get up for a 5 AM run. Rachel, Mark, may your love story be even more epic than McDreamy and Meredith’s. Congratulations!

Matthew’s Speech for His Sister Olivia

Hey everyone, I’m Matthew, Olivia’s younger brother. Liv, you’ve always been the overachiever of the family – straight A’s, captain of the debate team, and now, marrying the amazing Sarah. Sarah, welcome to the family. Fair warning: our holiday dinners involve heated Monopoly games and dad’s questionable karaoke. Olivia, I’ve always looked up to you, and seeing you with Sarah, I understand why. You two bring out the best in each other. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of board game victories. To Olivia and Sarah!

Christopher’s Toast to His Sister Emma

Good evening, I’m Christopher, Emma’s big brother. Em, remember when you were five and declared you were going to marry Leonardo DiCaprio? Well, I think you’ve done even better with Jake. Jake, you’re getting a woman who can recite all of “Titanic” by heart and makes a mean margarita. Just don’t let her near your hair with scissors – trust me on this one. Emma, seeing you with Jake makes me believe in true love. You two fit together like peanut butter and jelly. May your life be as sweet as your favorite desserts. Congratulations!

Daniel’s Speech for His Sister Ava

Hi all, I’m Daniel, Ava’s little brother. Ava, you’ve always been my protector – from playground bullies to bad breakups. Now, it’s time for me to pass that job on to Sam. Sam, you’re marrying a woman who can change a tire faster than a NASCAR pit crew and bake a soufflé that would make Gordon Ramsay weep. Just don’t challenge her to karaoke – she thinks she can sing. She can’t. Ava, Sam, your love is an inspiration. May your life together be an endless adventure. Here’s to the happy couple!

William’s Toast to His Sister Isabella

Hello everyone, I’m William, Isabella’s older brother. Izzy, from the moment you were born, you’ve been a force of nature. You’ve never been afraid to speak your mind or chase your dreams. Now, you’re embarking on your greatest adventure yet with Max. Max, you’re getting a partner who can debate politics like a senator and dance like no one’s watching. Fair warning: she’s always watching. Isabella, Max, your love story is like something out of a rom-com – minus the awkward misunderstandings. May your marriage be filled with passion, understanding, and lots of dance parties. Cheers!

Benjamin’s Speech for His Sister Charlotte

Good evening, I’m Benjamin, Charlotte’s twin brother. Char, we’ve shared everything – birthdays, friends, even chicken pox. But today, I’m happy to share you with Noah. Noah, you’re marrying a woman who can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute and burns water trying to boil it. It’s a package deal, my friend. Charlotte, seeing you with Noah reminds me of what true partnership looks like. You balance each other perfectly. May your life together be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of takeout. To Charlotte and Noah!

Thomas’s Toast to His Sister Grace

Hey everyone, I’m Thomas, Grace’s little brother. Gracie, you’ve always been the family’s golden child – perfect grades, perfect job, and now, perfect husband in Ethan. Ethan, welcome to the family. You’re getting a woman who can quote Shakespeare and belt out Beyoncé with equal passion. Just don’t let her convince you to try her experimental cooking. Grace, Ethan, your love is like a fine wine – it only gets better with time. May your marriage be filled with joy, growth, and many, many date nights. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Delivery Techniques: From Practice to Perfection for Your Brother of the Bride Speech

Alright, you’ve got your speech down on paper. Now it’s time to nail the delivery. Don’t worry, with a bit of practice, you’ll be ready to rock it!

brother of the bride speech

Practice: Rehearse Like a Pro

Practice makes perfect, right? Well, in this case, it at least makes you feel a whole lot more confident when you’re up there.

TechniqueDescriptionMirror PracticeObserve your body language and facial expressions.Feedback SessionsGet constructive feedback from friends or family.RehearsalPractice regularly to build confidence.

Mirror Practice

Stand in front of a mirror and give your speech. It might feel a bit weird at first, but it’s a great way to check your body language and facial expressions. Are you slouching? Frowning? Smiling at the right moments? This is your chance to fine-tune all that.

Feedback Sessions

Grab a friend or family member (preferably someone who’ll be brutally honest) and practice your speech for them. Ask for their thoughts – was it too long? Too short? Did the jokes land? Their feedback can be super helpful in polishing your speech.

Public Speaking Tips: Engaging Your Audience

Public speaking can be scary, I get it. But with a few tricks up your sleeve, you’ll have everyone hanging on your every word.

Managing Nervousness

Feeling jittery? Take a deep breath. Seriously, it helps. And remember, everyone’s rooting for you. They want to hear what you have to say about your sister and her new spouse.

Eye Contact

Don’t just stare at your notes or fixate on one person (creepy!). Try to make eye contact with different people throughout the room. It helps you connect with the audience and makes you seem more confident. Plus, it’s a great way to gauge reactions and adjust your delivery if needed.

Personalization and Humor: Making It Unique and Memorable

This is your chance to make the speech truly yours. Add in those personal touches and sprinkle in some humor to keep things fun and engaging.

Personalizing Your Speech: Adding Personal Touches

Your unique perspective as the brother of the bride is what makes this speech special. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through!

Unique Anecdotes

Share stories that only you could tell. Maybe it’s about the time you and your sister got stuck in a tree trying to rescue a cat, or how she always beat you at video games. These personal moments are what people will remember.

Inside Jokes

A few inside jokes can add a nice personal touch, but don’t go overboard. You want most of the audience to be in on the laughter, not feeling left out.

Incorporating Appropriate Humor: Balancing Laughs and Tears

A good brother speech usually has a mix of funny and touching moments. It’s all about finding the right balance.

Light-hearted Jokes

Keep your jokes light and fun. For example, “I always thought I’d be the first to get married. Turns out, Sarah beat me to it… just like she beat me at everything else growing up!”

Sensitive Topics

Steer clear of anything that might embarrass your sister or offend guests. When in doubt, leave it out. Remember, you want people laughing with you, not at your sister or her new spouse.

This video is a great example of how to balance humor and heart in a wedding speech. Notice how the speaker keeps things light but still manages to convey genuine emotion.

Extra Ideas for Your Brother of the Bride Speech 

Want to add a bit of oomph to your speech? Throw in some relevant stats or current events. It can make your speech feel more relatable and up-to-date.

Extra Ideas for Your Brother of the Bride Speech 

Incorporating Statistics: Making Your Speech Relatable

A well-placed statistic can add some interesting context to your speech. For instance, did you know that according to ToastWiz , a wedding speech should ideally be between 5-7 minutes long to keep the audience engaged? See? Now you’ve got a fun fact to share!

Mentioning Current Events: Staying Relevant

Referencing current events can make your speech feel fresh and timely. For example, you could mention how a brother of the bride speech recently went viral on TikTok for revealing a 20-year-old family secret. It got over three million views! ( Independent ) Just maybe don’t reveal any family secrets of your own, okay?

Conclusion and Tie-back to Bridesmaid for Hire

Giving a brother of the bride speech is no small feat, but with the right prep and mindset, you’ve got this! And hey, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s no shame in getting a little help.

Professional Support: How Bridesmaid for Hire Can Help

Sometimes, you need a pro in your corner. That’s where Bridesmaid for Hire comes in. They offer speechwriting services and public speaking coaching to help you nail your speech.

Personalized Speechwriting

Need help putting your thoughts into words? Bridesmaid for Hire can work with you to craft a speech that’s uniquely yours. They’ll make sure it hits all the right notes while still sounding like you. Use this resource:   Our #1 Brother of the Bride Speech Generator 

Public Speaking Coaching

If the thought of speaking in front of a crowd makes you break out in a cold sweat, don’t worry. Bridesmaid for Hire offers coaching to help boost your confidence and polish your delivery.

Learnings Recap

Alright, let’s do a quick rundown of what we’ve covered:

  • Chat with your sister about her expectations for your speech
  • Practice until you feel confident in your delivery
  • Add personal stories and appropriate humor to make it memorable

Final Thoughts

Giving a brother of the bride speech is a pretty big deal. It’s your chance to celebrate your sister, welcome your new brother-in-law, and maybe even get a few laughs. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a speech that’ll have everyone talking (in a good way!).

Remember, at the end of the day, it’s all about showing your love and support for your sister. So take a deep breath, speak from the heart, and don’t forget to raise that glass. You’ve got this!

And hey, if you need a little extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out to the pros at Bridesmaid for Hire. They’re there to make sure your sister’s big day (and your big speech) go off without a hitch.

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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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Bride and Groom Are Furious After Wedding Guest Orders Pizza and Wings to the Reception When Food Runs Out

Reddit took the attendee's side.

how to write the father of the bride speech

Vadym Petrochenko / Getty Images

Calculating how much food and how many drinks you'll need at your wedding can be difficult to nail. At one such event, which a guest discussed in detail on Reddit's subreddit “Am I The A------? " on July 27, 2024, the bride and groom served an insufficient amount of food, so not everyone was able to grab a bite. Instead of spending the rest of the celebration with a rumbling stomach, one of the guests took matters into his own hands by ordering pizza and wings to the reception, which the bride and groom weren't too happy about. Now, the attendee is second-guessing his decision and asking the internet for their thoughts.

In his post, the Redditor explained that he and his wife were invited to his friend’s nuptials, along with 70 other people who he says were “mostly family.” After the ceremony, the couple took their seats at the reception, where they were greeted with two bottles of wine and bread and butter at their table. "Then the food came out, it looked really good, the food was setup for buffet ," he recalled. "I was half buzzed and looking forward to getting some food in my belly.”

Drunkenly awaiting his turn as the other tables before him were called up, the man noticed the family of the bride reaching for large helpings and even going back for seconds. Assuming there was enough food to go around, the man brushed it off. Once it was his table's turn to make a plate, however, most of the food was gone. “To my surprise by the time we were called there was nothing left, I asked if there was more coming out and apparently that already occurred," he continued. "So We grabbed the little we could and went back to sit down and ate the scraps. We were all still pretty hungry, and a bit pissed off so we kinda bashed talked that the first few tables ate all the food."

During the conversation, someone mentioned they could go for pizza , and shortly after, the guest put in an order. "So that is what we did, we all pitched in and ordered 4 large pizzas and some chicken wings from a local pizza joint close to the venue so it didn't take long to be delivered," the Redditor shared. The hungry guest said he proceeded to take the pizza order back to his table and eat. Other guests began to inquire about the pizza, and the group shared with their starved counterparts. Eventually, word spread to the bride and groom, who were extremely displeased with the guest. They pulled him to the side to discuss the situation.

Things escalated even more once the guest denied the father of the bride a slice. According to his post, he told the bride's father, "No, you and everyone at your tables had way more then your fare share of the buffet, and ate all of it. This is the reason we ordered food in the first place. And now you have the nerve to ask us to share." The father of the bride's face "went red," and the bride was "even more ticked off." Eventually, the groom asked the guest to leave. 

After the wedding, the two friends met up to rehash the happening, and the groom agreed that his in-laws were in the wrong. “He brought this up with his wife, and she said that apparently because the in-laws paid for the alcohol and the food they felt entitled to eat what they wanted, she was really mad at them, and reamed them out for tainting her special day," the Redditor wrote. "He also said alot of the other non-family guests started to leave soon after we left because they too were hungry. They still had fun celebrating but it did kinda put a downer on their special day. Out of 70 ppl about 30 left."

In an edited message beneath his original post, the Redditor said the father of the bride was planning to host an "After Wedding Shing Ding" with all 70 of the guests to make up for the food debacle. “He also wanted to personally let me know that there will be 50 large pizzas from the same joint I ordered from, that is his way of adding some humor to the situation, I think its pretty funny,” the wedding guest added.

Reddit, however, wasn't letting the food dilemma slide. Among the 3,300 comments, most agreed that the bride's family was in the wrong. “No, for a wedding buffet always order more than what’s needed,” one person commented. “The in laws ATAH. You could have handled it better with the pizza but half the freaking people there didn’t get food, that sounds like more than a ‘big people got seconds’ problem.” Others agreed. “NTA,” another user decided. “There is no reason other tables should've had seconds before you had firsts. I can understand miscalculating how much food would be needed, but they didn't even try to triage.”

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