Monthly Homework

) but many of the activities were "unstructured" and my parents just weren't following through with them. I needed something more structured that I could actually see was done. I used the concept of a monthly homework calendar but paired it with a packet for recording the work. I did include some "unstructured" assignments (like counting or singing) but there is one paper/pencil activity for each day. Each day has a specific page in the packet to complete. The skills reflected in the homework are based on the scope/sequence of Open Court phonics and our shared reading program. I send the complete packet home at the beginning of the month and have children return it each Friday so I can check that the work is being completed. This system has worked wonderfully! I have much better participation and it is far less time consuming for me.

font installed. on her site.  

(explaining the monthly homework calendars)








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Homework - Weekly Homework Packet

Thinking about going to weekly homework instead of nightly? Here are some ideas from other teachers who use it that may help you!

I make a weekly homework packet that's given to the children on Monday to be returned Friday. For each of the four days, I give a language arts and math page to be completed. These can include spelling practice, phonics, grammar, etc. whatever we're working on during the week. A night's homework should take no more than fifteen or twenty minutes to complete in my district. The parents love having all week to complete the packet with their child.

I teach first grade and send home a weekly homework packet every Monday to be due back on Friday. The parents love it because it enables them to complete homework with their child when its convenient. I have a cover sheet attached which states what should be completed on each day if they desire to do it that way. :)

I send home my "homework contract" on Monday and it is due back on Friday. Students are expected to read for 15 minutes, practice spelling words for Friday's test, memorize a Bible Verse, and they have math flashcards of basic addition facts (and soon subtraction). The parents record the books read each night and initial it each night, too. This is their accountability part that they are reading the books I send home each night. Homework is only supposed to take about 30 minutes each night.

I always send handouts that I have taught by Friday or that will be taught by Monday or Tuesday, making sure that they won't need to complete those until later that week. You need to be careful about that. If it is a new spelling assignment, I model it and practice it with them on Friday of the week before.

My homework packet has a dated cover sheet with assignments listed for each day of the week, Monday through Thursday. When I speak to parents on Back to School Night, I tell them that if they are going to complete homework ahead of when its listed to be aware that the skill may not have been covered yet. You could also include homework on skills from the previous week so that doesn't happen. :)

I used to have the same problem of getting it in their folders at the last minute. With the packet, it gets done on Monday and you don't have to worry about it after that. Parents love it also. Some members of my first grade team used to do daily HW but have since switched over to the packet. They love it, too. It's worth a try, if you don't like it you can always switch back next year. :):) I think the first year I used the packet was the hardest for me. It was time consuming finding appropriate and relevant practice for the kids. Now it's much easier. I keep packets from years past in a folder and I might only have to make a few changes before copying and handing out. (Pacing and skills stay relatively the same from year to year.)

Here is what I have come up with as far as a cover sheet for my homework packet. I took one, that I believe that I found here, (I'm sorry I don't know who to give credit to) :o and I tweaked it to work for my classroom needs. What do you guys think Do you see any typos or things you'd change Thanks, because this homework packet is going to be SO NEW for me this year, but I'm excited! Thanks for all of your help (especially janicepet)

Every week I send home a list of spelling words and a home reading bag. The home reading bag has a selection of "just right" books that I expect the child to read to a family member, along with a reading log that I expect the parents to sign. At the beginning of the year I sent home a list of ways to practice spelling words and a list of ways to practice math facts. Parents and children know that we will have a spelling test every Friday, math facts tests 2-3 times per week and that I will have a book chat with each child about one of the books in their reading bag. There are no corrections or photocopies to do. I meet with children first thing in the morning to listen to them read/chat about their books, so it's an extra reading conference. For me, this systems works out great. It's quick, easy, meaningful and routine, so that everyone knows what to expect. For parents who request extra homework for their child, I give them a list of ways to respond to books and a blank journal. I tell them that I'll look at any book projects that their child does and I'll read and discuss anything that their child writes. For people who insist on math worksheets, I'll usually give them a website address with printable worksheets and invite them to print some out for their child and then to correct them together. I don't think that I'll ever do homework any other way.

This year I am sending home homework calendars. Each day has an activity that the students need to complete for that day. For example, September 3 might say, write your name 5 times, Sept. 4 might say, Draw a picture of something that starts with the letter s... This is at the kindergarten level but it could be addapted. With the calendar you can use a spiral notebook. I tell my students they need to return the work every friday.

Weekly homework works better for me. I send home a homework folder for the week on Monday. It includes spelling words, math review (I copy the Daily Math Review for M - Th), a poem to read, a reading passage with questions and a language skill. It's all review work that is reinforcing skills we are working on in the classroom - except for the spelling words which are new. Homework has to be turned in on Fridays. Parents (and students) love the weekly homework because of the flexibility with ball schedules, dance, church, etc. I do a quick check on Friday to see if it's been completed and to see if anyone is having a problem. Since I am not covering any new material and this is for reinforcement and review - I don't grade it. Works great in my classroom.

I love packets and my families have been very receptive to them. I do have them turn in spelling on Tuesday and Wednesday (3 X each in ABC order and MEANINGFUL sentences with a minimum number of words). We do a whole lot of lessons following Step Up to Writing to identify appropriate sentences. The rest of the packet is due on Fridays and a new one goes home on Friday. The packet has 2 spelling pages, and 6-8 other pages of relevant work to support class work. They also need to read for 80 mins. each week (4 X 20 mins.) and record on a log that includes a reading response and parent signature. This year I had a parent who came in religiously on Thursday afternoons to copy the packets and she returned on Friday AM to check for completion on packets, the students would then remove a few key pages that I wanted to get a close look at, the rest we would quickly correct together in a circle on the carpet with their papers in plain view. This did not even take 15 mins once a week. It held them accountable, they never knew which pages I would be collecting and their packet was checked for completion each week. I liked having the spelling due on set days so that they did not leave everything for the last minute.


Homework Letter to Parents | Email Templates

As a teacher, communicating with parents about the homework expectations for their children is crucial for fostering a successful learning environment. Crafting a homework letter that is both informative and engaging can be a challenging task. That’s why we’ve created a list of homework letter-to-parents templates that you can use to effectively communicate with parents about the assignments, expectations, and goals for their child’s homework. In this article, we’ll go over the key elements of a successful homework letter, and provide you with a customizable template that you can use for your classroom.

The key elements of an effective homework letter to parents include

  • A clear introduction that establishes your purpose and goals for the homework,
  • A detailed explanation of the assignments, expectations, and grading policies,
  • A schedule outlining when homework is due, and a section dedicated to answering frequently asked questions or addressing concerns.
  • Additionally, adding information or resources about how parents can support their child’s learning at home and providing resources for additional support can also be helpful.

These elements will help ensure that parents are well-informed about their child’s homework and can effectively support their child’s academic success.

Example of detailed Homework letter to parents

I hope this email finds you, your child, and in good health. I wanted to take the time to talk about the value of homework and how it may aid in your child’s development as we begin the new school year. I’ve designed a template for a homework letter to parents that I’ll be using this year to assist keep you informed about your child’s homework requirements.

The homework template was created to give you succinct, clear information about the homework assignments, goals, and expectations for your child. It will also include a schedule explaining when homework is due, as well as a part devoted to addressing any worries you might have or frequently asked questions.

I’ll explain how the assignment helps your child learn in the introduction, as well as its purpose and goals. You can have a clear grasp of what is expected of your child by reading the thorough explanation section. This section defines the assignments, expectations, and grading guidelines. You may assist your child manage their time by giving them the due dates as per the timetable area.

I have also included some resources to help your child’s learning at home. You can learn how to support your child’s academic success.

I am aware that parents and students alike may find the topic of homework to be difficult, which is why I am providing this homework letter. I hope that this template will make it easier for you to support your child’s learning by having a clear understanding of the homework expectations.

If you have any questions or concerns about the homework letter to parents template, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am always available to discuss your child’s academic progress and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.

Homework letter to parents templates

  • Dear parent, This is a reminder that it is your child’s responsibility to bring their homework assignments home. We encourage you to make sure your child has their work ready with them each day so we all spend less time on this task and more time on teaching. Missing homework assignments may result in a lower grade for the assignment or even being taken out points from the report card altogether. Please see attached a list of missing homework assignments from your child’s class.
  • Dear Parent, We are writing to inform you that we have not received homework from your child for the following subjects [list]. If we do not receive this assignment by 2024, your child will receive a zero grade on all assignments until the missing homework is submitted. We thank you in advance and appreciate your help with this matter.
  • Dear parent, we noticed that your child did not hand in his/her homework. We will do our best to ensure your child does not miss out on learning from this lesson. Please ensure that your child brings home their homework next week. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  • Dear Parent, It is important that your child complete their homework on time each night. Please help them by discussing the importance of homework completion and encouraging it to be done every night. Thank you.
  • Dear Parent, It has been brought to our attention that your child has been missing homework. We are asking that you remind your child of the importance of homework. Please ensure it is being completed daily, as this greatly helps your child in the classroom. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  • Dear parents, Please see below a list of your child’s missing homework assignments. Please check if there are any questions you may have and then sign the form at the end. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank You,
  • Dear Parent, Your student has not turned in the homework assignment. Please see that they bring it with them tomorrow. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at [number]. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
  • Dear parent, this is our weekly homework reminder. We would appreciate it if you could check and make sure that your children have their homework completed. That way, they will be capable of focusing on school work instead of struggling to complete missing assignments in class. Thank you for your help.
  • Dear Parent, your child has been marked absent for missing homework. Please see the attached document for more information.
  • Dear Parent, I am sending this email to notify parents that the assignment [name] was not turned in. I hope that the assignment will be returned soon.
  • Dear Parent, We noticed that you missed the lesson titled [name] on Monday. This lesson was designed to help your child develop a better understanding of grammar and sentence structure, which are crucial skills to learn as they grow into successful adults. To access this lesson again and complete the homework assignment please visit the link. If you have any questions or concerns during this process please do not hesitate to contact me. 

More Simplestic Templates: 

  • Email to parents about academic concerns
  • Positive Email to Parents from Teacher: 15 Example Emails

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The Curriculum Corner 123

Packets for Home Learning (Homework Packets)

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Create your own homework packets for home learning using our free resources.

homework packets

This is another free collection of resources for teachers from The Curriculum Corner

Working on creating homework packets for your students? You’ve found the perfect place to start!

As schools are moving to e-learning, we know this is not possible for many across the country. Too many families do not have the resources to fully engage in e-learning.

For teachers in schools where technology is not available, we have heard of packets being created to send home with students.

We have just updated this collection in the fall of 2020 to add in our newest resources.

homework packet letter

While we in no way think sending home a packet of worksheets is ideal, nothing about the situation is ideal and as teachers we know to do the best we have with the circumstances we are dealt. If you must create homework packets, we wanted to give you the resources to do so.

We have worked to gather links to possible resources you can use when creating your packets.

The links below range from journal pages to math worksheets to graphic organizers.

Hopefully you will be able to find resources that will work for your students when creating your homework packets.

We have seen pictures of teachers creating pencil pouches with necessary supplies such as pencils, crayons, scissors and glue. If you have other ideas you are putting together for your students – please share your suggestions below! We know many teachers are looking for ways to help their families.

Obviously at a time like this the intent of the packets your create will not so much be learning but to keep a small sense of normalcy. Maybe students having a little exposure to academics while they are gone will also help prevent a slide backwards over the next month or so.

Click the images below to find resources to assist you in creating your homework packets:

homework packet letter

Can you add to our homework packets collection?

You will find additional no prep printables focusing on word work at Cathy’s other site, Free Word Work .

If you have any free pages to share with teachers on teachers pay teachers or on your blog, please feel free to share the links in the comment section below. They must be completely free resources.

As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!

You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Wednesday 25th of March 2020

[…] Pages for At Home Packets […]

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Tuesday 24th of March 2020

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Tuesday 17th of March 2020

[…] of you who do not have the technology needed, we have a collection for helping you create your own Learning Packets. By clicking the link you will find printable journals, worksheets and graphic organizers that can […]

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Miss Kindergarten

  • Back to School

Kindergarten Homework Weekly Homework Packets Bundle

$ 26.00

Do you need to send home work that is… ♥ EASY TO ASSEMBLE? ♥ FUN FOR YOUR STUDENTS? ♥ CORRELATED TO THE STANDARDS? Your students will enjoy working on their weekly practice! This homework packet is SUPER easy to assemble…just print out one page double sided and your homework for the week is DONE!

Kindergarten Homework Packets Quarter One

Kindergarten homework packets quarter two, kindergarten homework weekly packets quarter three, kindergarten homework packets quarter four, you’ll love this resource.

File Type: ZIP

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  • Meaningful practice pages
  • Half page and full page options
  • Editable options
  • Standards based skills

HALF PAGE and FULL PAGE HOMEWORK are both included!

*********************************************************** The skills covered include: ♥ Math: Quarter 1 • Trace and write numbers to 10 • Count and color • Identifying shapes • Oral Counting • Trace and draw shapes • Missing numbers • Number identification

Quarter 2 • Trace and write numbers • Counting • Ten frames • Oral Counting • Patterns • Missing numbers • Number identification • Making 5 • Addition equations • Teen numbers

Quarter 3 • Counting • Counting on • Comparing numbers • Making a ten • Counting tally marks • Ten frame addition sentences • Oral Counting • Base ten models • Missing numbers • Number order (what comes next) • Number bonds • Addition equations

Quarter 4 • Number bonds • Addition equations true/false • Teen numbers: base ten blocks • Subtraction within 6 • 3D Shapes • Adding with a number line • Counting on to add • Addition and subtraction word problems

♥ Literacy: Quarter 1 • Writing their name • Trace and write letters • Letter identification • Rhyming words • Sight words • Syllable counting • Trace and write sentences • Drawing a picture to match the sentence • Writing uppercase and lowercase letters • Beginning sounds

Quarter 2 • Writing their name • Trace and write letters • Uppercase and lowercase letters • Vowels • Drawing and labeling objects • Writing uppercase and lowercase letters • Beginning sounds

Quarter 3 • Identifying uppercase and lowercase letters • Drawing and labeling objects • Writing uppercase and lowercase letters • Writing beginning and ending sounds • Word and picture matching • Short vowel medial sounds • Ending sounds • Reading CVC words

Quarter 4 • Reading & writing word family words • Writing beginning blends • Short vowel medial sounds • Syllables in words • Reading CVC words • Identifying beginning digraphs • Writing words with blends

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Summer Speech & Language Homework

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Sending home homework can be a pain and in the past has taken me DAYS to put together!  One of the worst feelings is taking days upon days to put together summer homework packets and parents throwing them out because they are too difficult, take too much time or they didn’t want them in the first place!

Here are my 5 tips to sending home homework that will actually be used!

  • Send home a note 6 weeks before school ends asking the parents if they want homework.  I recommend sending this note home twice (around 6 weeks AND 4 weeks before the end of school).   Download my FREE note here . If the parents are truly interested in summer homework, they will send the note back.
  • Put together an easy and user friendly packet.  If it’s too difficult to understand or complete, it won’t be done!
  • Make the activities quick!  Summer activities should be less than 10 minutes 3-5 times/week.
  • Allow for vacations & be flexible.  Send homework that allows for vacations or off weeks!
  • MAKE IT FUN!  Who wants to sit and do boring homework over the summer?!

I have found that by using the five steps above, my students have come back with completed homework that they are proud of!  PLUS, all of my hard work doesn’t get thrown in the trash!

Now, if you don’t have time to create your own homework or scavenge through 1,000+ homework packets on Teachers Pay Teachers, here is a list of my recommendations.

Langua ge Homework for Speech Therapy

  • Includes directions to address language during six different daily routines (getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating, cooking, cleaning and playing), five different levels for each routine & parent note to explain the homework. Each level gets slightly more difficult starting at nonverbal (level 1) up to speaking in full sentences and answering difficult questions (level 5).


Articulation word lists.

  • Send home one of these word lists and tell your students’ parents to practice 5 of the words per day!

Articulation Homework Flip Books

  • Bundle includes 11 sounds or comes in smaller sound sets.  Includes parent letter home and 12 different phases for each sound.  Each phase includes directions, review of previous stage, new sounds to practice and 15 boxes to check off.


homework packet letter

  • Includes 2 articulation calendars, 2 language calendars, 2 ‘I Did My Homework’ charts and 1 parent letter.

I hope this makes your summer homework planning a breeze!  Do you have any tips for planning summer homework?  I would love to hear them in the comments below!

Free 28 Page Word Lists Set!

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Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets

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Free Kindergarten Alphabet Worksheets for students to work on letter formation, letter recognition, stroke order, tracing, handwriting practice, beginning letter sounds and even American Sign Language.

During the kindergarten year, it’s likely your students will already have ample practice with their alphabet as most of the letter names and sometimes sounds are covered during preschool. However, you can never have too much review or comprehension, and these free printable alphabet worksheets will help you fill in any missing gaps with their phonetic skills.

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As a special THANK YOU to our email subscribers, this Kindergarten Alphabet Pack is offered in a an easy download! (Not ready to subscribe? Print the free pages individually below.)

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Letter A Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter B Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter C Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter D Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter E Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter F Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter G Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter H Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter I Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter J Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter K Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter L Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter M Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter N Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter O Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter P Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter Q Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter R Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter S Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter T Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter U Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter V Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter W Worksheet

homework packet letter

Letter X Worksheet

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Letter Y Worksheet

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Letter Z Worksheet

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Our printable preschool and kindergarten worksheets help kids learn their letters, numbers, shapes, colors and other basic skills.

Our vocabulary worksheets provide vocabulary, word recognition and word usage exercises for grades 1-5.

Our spelling worksheets help kids practice and improve spelling, a skill foundational to reading and writing. Spelling lists for each grade are provided.

Learn about the parts of speech, sentences, capitalization and punctuation with our free & printable grammar and writing worksheets.

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Information about homework for your State Class can be found below. If you are attending a class in a state other than your own, you will need to do the homework for the state where you are attending, not the state where you live. For example, you live in Idaho but are attending the Washington class, you should do the homework for Washington.

General Homework Packets

If you are attending TeenPact Nebraska, please complete the  Nebraska Homework Packets instead of the general homework.

Four Day class

First Time Student – Four Day State Class – Homework

Alumni Student – Four Day State Class – Homework

one day class

First Time Student – One Day State Class – Homework

Returning Student – One Day State Class – Homework

political communication workshop

There is no homework for the Political Communication Workshop. 

Nebraska Homework Packets

If you are attending TeenPact Nebraska, please complete the homework below for your respective class.  If you are attending a class in a state other than your own, you will need to do the homework for the state where you are attending, not the state where you live. For example, if you live in Nebraska but are attending the Kansas class, you should do the homework for Kansas.

First Time Student – Nebraska – Four Day State Class – Homework

Alumni Student – Nebraska – Four Day State Class – Homework

First Time Student – Nebraska – One Day State Class – Homework

Returning Student – Nebraska – One Day State Class – Homework

If you have questions about homework, contact the TeenPact Office at [email protected] or 804-323-7051.

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Letter To Teacher Requesting Homework

Letter To Teacher Requesting Homework

If you would like to monitor your child’s homework every day, here is a simple template you can use to write a letter to the teacher requesting for a homework list.

Dear [teacher’s name],

I am writing to request that you send me a copy of a completed homework list for each day or for each week, whichever you think is more convenient.

I can see from the notes we received from you and [child’s name]’s grades that he has not completed all of your class’ homework. I want to ensure that we resolve this problem so I will start monitoring [child’s name] homework daily and ensure that [he/she] completes everything on time.

We are requesting a copy of the homework list to facilitate this action item. I will work with [child’s name] so [he/she] works on all of [his/her] homework on the list promptly and correctly.

I really appreciate your help and in this matter and thank you in advance for your assistance.

Other Free Letter Templates

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  • Notifying Teacher of a Child’s Special Diet
  • Transcripts Request by a Parent
  • Thank You Letter for a Class
  • Thank You Letter for a Meeting
  • Notification to Drop a Class
  • Transcript Request by a Student
  • Request Letter for School Transfer
  • Request for a School Meditation
  • Thank You Letter to a Teacher Before Moving
  • Transcript Request – Student (Alternate)
  • Thank You Letter to Guidance Counsellor
  • Thanking Teacher for Writing a Recommendation Letter
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Fun with Mama

Toddler and preschool activities

Written by Nadia T • Aug 23, 2024 • 3 Comments

Letter A Preschool Printable Pack

This printable  Letter A activities pack for preschool is filled with fun worksheets, clip cards and activities that are suitable for young children ages 3-7.

In this post, you will find 2 letter a activity packs. A FREE version for my readers, as well as an enhanced and very thorough paid version. Check out both packs and decide which one best suits your needs.

letter a activities and worksheets

This letter a activity pack is the perfect addition to use with our printable alphabet letter crafts  and hands on alphabet activities for kids too!

Please note that I have also included a black and white copy for teachers who would like to save on ink. You can find the black and white version link below the get button.

Letter A Activities Pack

letter a activities

This letter activity pack focuses on the first letter of the alphabet, the letter A. It contains all you need to teach the letter A in a fun, exciting, and hands-on way. Those adorable crafts are such a fun highlight of the pack.

letter a activities

All of these printable activities revolve around both the uppercase and lowercase of this letter, and also incorporates words that begin with the letter A: apple, axe, angel, alligator, astronaut, acorn, anchor, alien, and airplane. We include options for short sounds as well as long letter a sounds.

letter a activities

We also include simple no-prep worksheets for preschoolers and kindergarteners too that are great for letter review.

Materials Required:

Please note that affiliate links are used in this post.

You can find all of our alphabet ABC Pack supplies required on the ABC Pack Page . You could also find our favorite toys and supplies here.

Here are some items that pair well with these activities. You will use each of these items over and over during all my printable preschool activity packs.

  • Do a Dot Art Markers 
  • Card stock (to print everything out on.)
  • A pocket chart  
  • Write and wipe Dry Erase Pockets
  • Laminator with pockets (If you want to make it reusable.)
  • Clothespins (for the clip cards)
  • Colored Pencils , Crayons or Markers
  • Giant Push Pins

Here’s a closer look at the letter a activities:

homework packet letter

Letter A Vocabulary Words

homework packet letter

Letter A Lacing Activity

homework packet letter

Letter A Flashcards

homework packet letter

Letter A Writing Cards

homework packet letter

Letter A Craft alligator

homework packet letter

Letter A Hat

homework packet letter

Letter A Count + Clip Cards

homework packet letter

Letter A Dot Sticker Activities

homework packet letter

Letter A Mini Books

homework packet letter

Letter A Cotton Bud Painting

homework packet letter

Letter A Poster

homework packet letter

Letter A Play Dough Mats

homework packet letter

Letter A Reading Strips

homework packet letter

Letter A Color Activity

homework packet letter

Color, highlight and trace the letter

homework packet letter

Letter A Dot Marker Pages

homework packet letter

Letter A Worksheets

letter a activities

Letter A Worksheets:

We also include letter a worksheets that are great for letter review and work on handwriting, fine motor skills like cutting and tracing, letter identification, coloring skills, matching, and more.

homework packet letter

Get The Letter A Pack here

homework packet letter

Now that you’ve seen our PAID Letter A Pack that can be found in our store, check out our FREE Letter A Pack.

The FREE Letter A Learning pack contains over 80 pages and includes the following activities:

alphabet letter tracing worksheets pdf

If you are not sure how to use the activities then check out my Activity FAQ page that shows you the activities in use.

homework packet letter

  • Line Tracing Page
  • Shade and Cut Pages
  • Color matching cards
  • Shade the Picture page

homework packet letter

  • Montessori 3 Part Cards
  • I Spy the letter A fun
  • Montessori letter a 3 Part Cards
  • Follow the Letters
  • Sort the Letters
  • Trace the letters
  • Story / Creative Writing Pages
  • I Can Write Pages

Art and Hands on learning

  • Uppercase letter a and lowercase letter a Playdough Mats
  • Beginning letter a sound coloring pages
  • Cutting Practice page
  • Alphabet letter A themed Do-A-Dot pages
  • Color the letter a Activity
  • See and Stamp letter a pages
  • Playdough letter A activity
  • Fingerprint letter A painting activity
  • Push pin letter a fine motor activity

Check out the hands on letter a activities post to see how to use these activities.

letter a worksheets


Get the free letter a activities here.

homework packet letter


If you would like to use these printable packs in your classroom or to get all letter packs A through Z on one page, you can purchase it through here . This includes all the activity packs in color AND in black and white.


homework packet letter

Also Included In These Bundles – HUGE SAVINGS

homework packet letter

Get the Alphabet Starter Pack here.

homework packet letter

Get the Alphabet Collection VIP Pack here.

Letter A Song Video

Here is the letter A video from ABCMouse. My 3-year-old loves learning her letters alongside ABC Mouse .

Fun With Mama readers can  get a free 30 day trial at ABC Mouse . This program is perfect for learning letters and so much more!

Letter A Crafts

Add this crafts to go along with the letter A preschool pack

homework packet letter

  • Printable letter a crafts a is for alligator
  • Printable letter a craft a is for apple ‘

homework packet letter

Letter A Sesame Street

Check out this adorable Sesame Street alphabet letter a video

Grab more alphabet learning packs

You can find all the free printable abc preschool packs here. Don’t forget to check out all the hands on alphabet activities for kids too.

Letter A Activities for preschool

  • Preschool letter a activities  <— You HAVE to check this one out. It shows you all the play dough activities, do a dot activities and more!
  • Alphabet letter formation cards
  • Alphabet letter sound and matching mats
  • Printable alphabet letter worksheets
  • Apple counting play dough mats
  • Alphabet letter play dough mats
  • Alphabet letter contact paper resist painting
  • Printable Alphabet Letter Crafts

Alphabet Letter Tree

Don’t forget to add the letter A ( weekly letters ) to your  alphabet letter tree .

homework packet letter

Nadia is a mom of 4, with a passion for making childhood education fun through play. She encourages parents to spend quality time with their kids through fun kids activities and enjoys art, traveling, and doing activities with her children.

View all posts from this author

You May Also Enjoy These Posts:

homework packet letter

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Get all the details and join here.

Reader Interactions


July 3, 2017 at 8:46 am

I love your printable packs. but wondered if you sell them all ready printed?

' src=

November 20, 2018 at 1:25 pm

Are these downloads available in black and white? This is to much color ink! TIA

' src=

November 20, 2018 at 1:32 pm

Hi Jennifer! Yes the whole set can be found in black and white. Get it here:

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Have you grabbed the latest FREE printables?

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Fun & Free Letter Tracing Worksheets: Easy Print!

Looking for some free letter tracing worksheets for your homeschool student or kindergarten class?

Whether this is the first time your young children have traced the letters of the alphabet, they need to tighten up their penmanship skills, or you are just doing some review – the below practice pages are just the thing!

There are a total of 10 sheets in the printable packet that will take your little writers through the proper letter formation of all of the uppercase letters and lower case letters. 

They will start with numbered arrows to guide them through how to trace each dashed letter. Knowing the correct order to write each line is a great help in producing quality handwriting.

These no prep alphabet worksheets then progress in difficulty from dashed lines to handwriting lines to copying short sentences. 

I made some notes for each worksheet to explain the intent and the best way to teach each one to your child. 

At the bottom of the post, you will find the link to grab your digital download of all of the free printable worksheets in PDF format!

Check Out Your Free Printable Alphabet Tracing Worksheets!

This worksheet is a fun way to walk your student through exactly how to write each upper case letter – without the stress of handwriting lines!

Sit with your child and point out each of the numbers, ensuring they trace the letters in order. Some kids may resist this and want to write the letter “their way.”

It is up to you if want to enforce the correct order or follow the kid’s lead. It will just depend on the legibility of the work they’re producing.

This is a similar worksheet but with small letters. 

Go through each row of lowercase letters as your child traces. Give lots of praise and encouragement whenever possible.

As an added activity, ask the child to say the letter sound as they write. Do they know a word that starts with that sound?

Also ask the student if the lowercase version of the letter looks like the capital version. Are some similar? Or completely different?

If this is a struggle, check out these free Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching Worksheets !

Now the student must trace without the help of the numbers to guide them.

Keep a close eye and help them as needed. 

Watch out for students who think it’s “easy” and start to rush through the work.

Make sure they take their time. They are working on building muscle memory in their hands because those dots will not be there forever.

Here the child will trace each lowercase letter in the rows. 

When the tracing is complete, have the child color the pencils any way they want.

This worksheet allows your child to trace the uppercase and lowercase letters side by side.

This will help with letter recognition skills, handwriting, and more.

Ask your child again which letters look similar. How are those letters different?

Now that your child understands the shape of each letter, you can introduce the handwriting lines.

As the child traces, point out how the blue and black lines help guide writing.

In this printable letter tracing sheet, your child will trace all the lowercase letters on handwriting lines. 

Really stress the importance of the middle blue line and how it shows the student what size the letter should be.

Help your child practice writing on a whiteboard or another piece of paper. Ask them to ignore the middle dashed line as they write and see what happens.

This is a great way to show your kid that ignoring the handwriting lines would make many capital and lowercase letters look similar or the same.

This sheet gives the student a chance to trace the large and small letters side by side with handwriting lines to help them. 

To mix things up, the child will now use their skills to trace real sentences.

The super cute coloring images are the perfect thing to get them excited to trace!  

This last sheet takes the child from tracing a sentence to the end-state skill of being able to copy a sentence.

What a big accomplishment!

Optional Materials To Go Along With Your Letter Worksheets

1. line tracing worksheets.

Has your child shown that they can trace straight lines, horizontal lines, curvy lines, zig-zag lines, etc.?

This is a crucial skill that will make tracing letters much more enjoyable.

If you think your young learners needs a refresher, try these fun line tracing worksheets !

2. Dry Erase Pocket and Washable Dry-Erase Marker

I am a mega fan of a quality sheet protector that lets you reuse abc worksheets multiple times – especially a tracing worksheet.

This is a skill that will build with time, so going back to the same worksheet will be helpful.

Kids also really enjoy being able to wipe the page clean when they make mistakes. Much less discouraging than erasing with a pencil eraser. 

Of course, this only makes sense with washable dry erase markers . Otherwise, you’ve got marker on the table, clothes, and walls in the blink of an eye. 

3. Legit Pencil Grip

Little hands lack the fine motor skills to grip a regular pencil the way your hands do.

It is awkward and uncomfortable for them – and their work will show it. 

Help those hands out by keeping pencil grips on hand or using chunky pencils . 

Click Here To Download Your Free Printable Letter Tracing Worksheets!

The above text link will take you to a pdf file of the tracing alphabet activities. You can download and print it right away!

Terms Of Use : This printable worksheet packet is for homeschool, classroom, co-op, day care provider, and personal use only. The Simple Homeschooler free printables is never for commercial use. Thank you!

These tracing sheets are perfect to tuck into literacy centers, as extra practice during summer learning, as a review for kids who need it, or as an initial introduction to writing alphabet letters. 

I hope that you and your student enjoy them! 

If you are still working through each letter of the alphabet, be sure to search for alphabet worksheets in this blog. There are over 15 free worksheets for each letter! 

You will find tracing, coloring, letter sounds, letter recognition, alphabet books, and so much more!

Dive in and print out all the things you need for your learner this year!

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Summer Speech Therapy Homework Packets with Articulation Calendars

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What educators are saying


These summer articulation packets are perfect for maintaining your students' progress and working on articulation carryover. These summer speech and language packets are full of print and go worksheets that come with editable calendars and parent letters! You can adapt them to fit all of your needs. They're also great for distance learning packets!

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Check out the language version of these summer packets by clicking here! Tons of materials for only $4!

*Updated 5/13/2019 -

UPDATE #1 - Added an editable parent interest letter that you can send to see which parents would like a summer packet. There is no use putting all that effort into making homework packets if they will go unused. Send an interest letter before you start putting the packets together so you know which families want them.

UPDATE #2 - Added simple articulation calendars that provide activity suggestions throughout the summer. This is a super quick and easy option. Mix it up and send these with some students and more in-depth packets with others.

*Both updates come in editable versions!

There are 160 print and go worksheets for the following sounds: K, G, F, V, L, L- Blends, TH, SH, CH, J, S, S- Blends, Z, Prevocalic R, R- Blends, and Vocalic R.

There are 10 worksheets for each sound. These activities include 3 say and color worksheets, 2 word searches, 2 spinner worksheets, 1 Tic Tac Toe, 1 cut and paste, and 1 dice worksheet.

Additional Resources:

- Parent Handouts

- Summer Articulation Homework Calendar - This calendar is based on weeks, instead of dates, so that it could be used regardless of when your last day of school is. The calendar spans 10 weeks and there are three activities for each week - 1 worksheet and two activity suggestions that require no materials.

*Click the "Preview" button above to see more photos of what is included!

****Click the links below for more GREAT products!****

Articulation Word Search MEGA Bundle

School Themed Speech and Language Bundle

Irregular Past Tense Verbs Organized by Pattern of Change

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  22. Fun & Free Letter Tracing Worksheets: Easy Print!

    Here the child will trace each lowercase letter in the rows. When the tracing is complete, have the child color the pencils any way they want. This worksheet allows your child to trace the uppercase and lowercase letters side by side. This will help with letter recognition skills, handwriting, and more. Ask your child again which letters look ...

  23. Summer Speech Therapy Homework Packets with Articulation Calendars

    There are 10 worksheets for each sound. These activities include 3 say and color worksheets, 2 word searches, 2 spinner worksheets, 1 Tic Tac Toe, 1 cut and paste, and 1 dice worksheet. Additional Resources: - Parent Handouts. - Summer Articulation Homework Calendar - This calendar is based on weeks, instead of dates, so that it could be used ...