Johnny Africa

Visiting Baku, Azerbaijan: One Of The World’s Most Fascinating Cities


  • Last Updated On: September 8, 2023

To round out my Caucasus adventure, my last stop was to visit Azerbaijan and its beautiful capital city of Baku. Azerbaijan is not on most peopleā€™s list as most people venture more towards neighboring Georgia and its capital city of Tbilisi . I did spend much more time in Georgia, and even in Armenia but in the end I had to visit Azerbaijan since it was nearby.

Baku Azerbaijan old town

Baku is A city of Juxtapositions

I think the best way to describe Baku is that it is the ultimate city of juxtapositions. Itā€™s the city with the ultimate contrast between old and new, one Iā€™ve never seen before. Itā€™s the perfect example of what discovering massive oil wealth can do for a country.

baku city center

Azerbaijan discovered oil at the end of the 19th century and quickly became one of the most influential countries of its time. In fact, near the turn of the century, Azerbaijan produced 50% of the worldā€™s oil. Yes 50%! Nowadays, it accounts for under 1% but it goes to show just how revolutionary it was when Azerbaijan discovered oil.

Baku Azerbaijan

With this newfound wealth, the country rapidly expanded outside the old city walls. They built magnificent parks, buildings, monuments, hotels all in the traditional European style. They literally had oil barons that would vacation in countries like Italy or France, see something they liked, and then proceed to replicate it back at home.

Baku City center

As you walk around Baku, you canā€™t help but be mesmerized by the fact that this city which had nothing 100+ years ago, all of a sudden looks like it could Vienna or Rome. It literally went from 0 to 100 in the span of a few years. Nowadays, as you walk through the streets of Baku, youā€™ll notice how impeccable and immaculate the conditions of the roads are. It is super clean to the point that it just looks almost fake. Itā€™s like Dubai which was also built in the last few decades but with a much larger emphasis on the traditional European architecture (and a fraction of the cost of things in Dubai).

Baku Azerbaijan courtyard marriott

Having just visited Yerevan, Armenia and Tbilisi in Georgia which were ā€œnormalā€ capital cities filled with big city grit, post soviet charm (if you can even call it that), Baku really just blew my mind. I couldnā€™t stop asking myself how this Caucasus country bordering Armenia and Georgia looks like it is from a different world. But thatā€™s what oil wealth does for you!

Where to eat and drink in Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani food is absolutely delicious. Itā€™s a mix of Turkish, Persian, and Central Asian food which is right up my alley. Youā€™ll find no shortage of kebabs, dolma, plov, stews, dumplings and the like. The food is cooked with an array of different spices and herbs that have evolved over centuries of being at the forefront of the silk road.

Plov azerbaijan

The Plov, which is a dish of rice and meat is the national dish of Azerbaijan. Plov is not so popular in Turkish cuisine but rather a staple of central Asian cuisine like Uzbekistan or Tajikistan. There are numerous types of plovs to try and my favorite of the bunch is probably the lamb plov with the fried crust. Think delicious saffron rice with seasoned lamb meat, chestnuts, spices, and raisins all wrapped in a delicious filo crust.

Dining is also incredibly affordable in Baku. You get top quality food in a very nice atmosphere for bargain prices. I would pay about 30-35 Manat ($18-25) for a dinner that included wine, salad, and insane amounts of grilled meats. I could easily have spent half this money and still been full.

There arenā€™t many trendy hipster places in Baku

Unlike Azerbaijanā€™s Caucasus neighbors of Yerevan and Tbilisi , there arenā€™t many new age trendy restaurants, cocktail bars, and cafes in Baku. I think Baku is trying to get there but has still mostly focused on being this grandiose extravagant city.

Wine Bar in baku

There arenā€™t any decent cocktail bars or cafes that I could find in Baku. This was particularly sad as coming from Tbilisi and Yerevan, there were countless spots like this on offer.

Qayana Restaurant

Qayana came at the recommendation of my hotel was probably my favorite restaurant in Baku. Itā€™s located in the old town and attracts locals and tourists alike. They have an onsite clay oven that they use to make fresh bread for every diner. The meats are grilled to perfection and the prices are very reasonable.

Qayana Baku

I had numerous kebabs and the plov because I had to try everything. It turned out to be way too much food but I enjoyed this place the most. I came back for breakfast the following day to have a traditional Azerbaijani breakfast.

Qayana Baku

Dolma Restaurant

Dolma is one of the most popular restaurants in the city. Itā€™s located underground near the old town and decorated in the traditional style. The food here is exceptional with delicious dolmas and grilled meats. I stayed the course in pretty much every meal I had ordering lamb chops, minced lamb kebabs, and the like.

Dolma Restaurant Baku

Lamb is probably one of my favorite things to eat and for the prices they had here, I had to get my fix in before going back to a place where I eat lamb pretty much never.

Shirvanshah Museum Restaurant

The Shirvanshah restaurant is a must for tourists. The 15th century palace complex is considered one of the masterpieces of Azerbaijan architecture, and is of great historic importance for the country. For these reasons reasons, among others, it was awarded World Cultural Heritage status by the UNESCO.

Shirvanshah Museum Restaurant

Nowdays, there is a large restaurant in the complex which serves delicious traditional Azerbaijani cuisine. The decor and ambiance is incredibly beautiful and pays homage to the traditional styles. They even have live music playing traditional music for diners.

I pretty much had the same food here as I did everywhere else which is heaps of lamb meat, dolma, and salad. This place is definitely a must visit.

Rooftop at the Hilton hotel

For amazing panoramic views of Baku, head to the rooftop hotel at the Hilton. This 360 degree rooftop is actually a rotating rooftop so for those that get vertigo, this is not the place for you. From here, you can have wonderful views of the Baku skyline and in particular the very unique Flame Towers with their never ending light shows.

Hilton Rooftop hotel Baku

Where to stay in Baku, Azerbainjan

Baku is an upscale city (or at least it portrays itself as such) and youā€™ll find no shortage of the big chain hotels that own grandiose buildings. Think JW Marriott, Hilton, Four Seasons, etc. There arenā€™t many boutique hotels that I found during my search because Baku just doesnā€™t attract that type of crowd. At least that is my theory.

I also looked for Airbnbs throughout the city and nothin really impressed me, at least nothing like what I found in Tbilisi, Georgia . Therefore, I ended up using my Marriott points to book nights at the Courtyard Marriott. Itā€™s a level two hotel so it is quite cheap (only 12,000 points a night). I ended up getting an amazing room with a balcony overlooking the city. Fantastic deal for this hotel. Itā€™s also centrally located meaning I could get everywhere easily by foot or by Bolt.

Courtyard Marriott Baku view

How to get around Baku

Getting around Baku is very simple. You just need to download the app Bolt which is the ride hailing app of choice in Georgia and Azerbaijan (yandex in Armenia). Donā€™t even bother with learning the metro system in Baku which is actually quite extensive with beautiful subway stations.

Baku Azerbaijan

The reason for this? The price is just too damn cheap to really bother with anything else. A ride from Baku International Airport to the city center is about 7-10 Manat ($4-6). Yes it is less than $5 to travel from the airport to the city by private taxi. If you are too cheap to pay these prices, you probably shouldnā€™t be traveling.

Bolts around Baku city are between 1.7-3 Manat ($1-$1.7). Yes, Iā€™m not joking, it is about $1 to go by taxi around Baku. Having already been to Tbilisi and Yerevan where prices are similar, I still donā€™t understand how anyone can make money doing this. At least in Azerbaijan however, the price of gas is heavily subsidized so at least it makes more sense. Price of petrol is 1 Manat per liter (~$0.6 per liter).

What to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku is a large city with an incredible amount of beautiful buildings to see. There are not many traditional sights to see like in other big capitals because of how new everything is. Nevertheless, youā€™ll need at least a day to see the main highlights of the city.

Baku Azerbaijan

Take the free walking tour

The free walking tour is definitely a great way to familiarize yourself with the city. The tour meets just outside the old city walls every day in the summer (and on demand during off season months). I really enjoyed the tour as the guide explained a lot about this city that is so perplexing especially having visited Tbilisi and Yerevan prior.

Free walking tour of Baku Azerbaijan

I particularly liked getting the guideā€™s views on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict as I had gotten a very biased version days before with my guide in Yerevan. The tour takes roughly 3 hours and mostly centers around the old city.

Visit the Heyder Aliyev Cultural center

Designed by the noted architect Zaha Hadid, the building is firm and stunning and one of the signature attractions in Baku. The outer area and park offers a beautiful view of the city. It is recommended to visit the centre before sunset so you can experience both the pre- and post-sunset view of the building.

Heyder Aliyev Cultural center

Walk along the waterfront and enjoy views of the flame tower

Visit the Baku Old City

Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the ancient city dates back to the 12th century. Within its confines are enough touristy gems, such as the Maiden Tower, Juma Mosque, Hamam Mehellesi public baths and the Palace of Shirvanshahs.

Baku Old City

The old city is incredibly well preserved and youā€™ll find beautiful displays of the traditional architectural styles of Azerbaijan. Youā€™ll find iconic narrow streets that meander from one beautiful view to another. Itā€™s crazy to think that most of Baku was just within the confines of the old city walls just 100 years ago.

I particularly liked the pictures where I could see old town architecture with the flame tower in the background. It just goes to show how unique and how different the city of Baku is. The combination of old and new doesnā€™t exist like it does in Baku.

Visit the Yanar Dag Flaming Mountain

A must visit sight in Baku is a short drive to the Yanar Dag Flaming Mountain. Itā€™s located about 25km outside of Baku to the northeast. Yanar Dag Flaming Mountain is literally just that, a hill that is on fire . Because of the incredible amount of natural gas and oil in the country, there are some areas of the country that have have fires for decades or even centuries.

Yanar Dag Flame Mountains Baku

Yanar Dag in particular has had their fire burning for 50+ years now. The oil reserves in this part of the mountain mean the fire will burn continuously rain or shine. Itā€™s not as big as I thought it would be but it was still very impressive to see.

Yanar Dag Flame Mountains Baku

Come here right around night time to see the full effect of the fires. Do not book a tour to visit Yanar Dag but simply use Bolt to come here. I paid about 10 Manat one way for the Bolt to Yanar Dag and told him to wait for me. It only takes about 20 minutes to see everything and the drivers are usually happy to wait for you to collect the return fare.

Take a day trip to Gobustan and the mud volcanoes

The Gobustan National Park is located about  60 km away from Baku and is one of the most popular day trips from Baku. The typical itinerary goes to Gobustan and mud volcanoes and takes most of the day. There are many tour operators that you can find in the old city offering this tour. The going rate is about 80-90 Manat per person which includes a lunch.

This park was created to protect the true jewels of nature hidden in the lands that make up the Gobustan National Park, which was also declared a UNESCO Cultural Heritage in 2007.

The Petroglyphs of Gobustan

The mud volcanoes are interesting things to see but most people come to Gobustan for the petroglyphs. What are petroglyphs you ask?

Gobustan Azerbaijan caspian sea

They are some of the most ancient drawings made by early humans. They were chiseled with primitive tools of the time into the exposed rock in the Gobustan national park. These drawings embody the thinking patterns of early human beings which makes it one of the most important historic discoveries. The drawings date back to as far as 40,000 years ago long before civilization developed. More than 6,000 carvings have been found to date.

Petroglyphs Gobustan baku

Many of the drawings depict animals like horses, lions, mammoths etc. as well as dance ceremonies and other traditional practices of the time. It is quite mesmerizing to stand here in front of the drawings knowing that they were done at a time when people knew little more than just how to survive.

The scenery of the Gobustan is quite beautiful as well. You are surrounded by large rocky cliffs on all sides making it a perfect day trip. I also did appreciate having a guide to explain everything. I would have otherwise felt like I was just looking at a bunch of scribbles on rocks (which are cool but not so interesting).

Mud Volcanoes of Gobustan

Nearby to the Petroglyphs are the famous mud volcanoes of Gobustan. Its muds are reputed to have many benefits for the skin, bones and rheumatism.

There are not more than 800 mud volcanoes in the whole world and about 400 of them are found in Gobustan. What are mud volcanoes? They are volcanoes that eject flames and spew out tons of mud covering the surrounding area. A few people believe that volcanic mud has healing qualities.

mud volcanoes gobustan azerbaijan

And what in the world is a Gaval Dash? These are musical gemstones that produce tambourine-like sounds when struck by a smaller stone. Where else in the world can you find Gaval Dash? Nowhere, but in Gobustan.

Continue Reading On My Blog!

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What’s it REALLY like to travel to Baku, Azerbaijan?

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Kate poses in a red dress in front of the white swooping curvy roof and glass wall of the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan.

When I think back to my travels in Baku, Azerbaijan, one anecdote comes to mind. I’m driving through the highway as we speed past modern, silver buildings interspersed with sand-colored mosques and souks, set back against the arid landscape. My guide points out a cluster of buildings on one side of the highway.

“See those buildings?” he tells me. “Our journalists live there. They get to live there for free.”

I smile weakly and say, “Oh. For free. Cool.” Inside, I’m thinking, really? In exchange for what?

That’s what it’s like to grow up in a country without freedom of the press. Journalists living in government-provided housing is seen as something to extol to international visitors, rather than something that should be kept under wraps.

That’s not to say that Azerbaijan is horrifying. Far from it. I found Baku to be an intriguing destination, quite often perplexing, and well worth a three-day visit with my boyfriend before traveling on to Georgia and Armenia.

Table of Contents

Kate stands in front of the burning ground at Yanar Dag in Azerbaijan, wearing overalls and holding her hand up and using her fingers to mimic flames.

Azerbaijan: A Modern Land of Fire

Azerbaijan is known as the Land of Fire — this is a country where flames can and do burst out of the earth in unexpected places. There are places close to Baku where you can see eternal flames billowing out of the ground, or even from the water. And the reserves of natural gas cause unusual geological effects, like bubbling mud volcanoes.

And sitting in the middle of that fiery desert, on the banks of an inland sea, is one of the world’s most prolific collections of modern architecture. The most famous of which are three modern towers shaped like flames, lighting up with even more flames at night.

If you mention modern architecture set against a desert, where do you think of first? Dubai, maybe, or Doha, Qatar? I got a similar vibe from Baku. Azerbaijan is rich with oil money, thanks to its location next to the Caspian Sea, which had led to insane levels of recent development.

While Dubai and Doha have their share of modern buildings, Baku sprawls like neither city. As you’re driving around Baku, it seems borderline uncanny that you can cruise over so many hills and still see all kinds of modern, interesting buildings.

Within this unusual setting, there are a lot of cool places in Baku to explore and enjoy.

Three teenage girls in pink and red dresses sitting on a bench in the old city of Baku as a woman takes their photo.

Best Things to Do in Baku

The good thing about visiting a city like Baku is that there isn’t an established tourist trail — you don’t need to hop from sight to sight.

Have dinner overlooking the Flame Towers. On a whim, I ended up at Panoramic Restaurant . While most of the windows face away from the Flame Towers, there is a tiny outdoor patio with only three tables that has a view of the Flame Towers! Do what I did — go early in the day to check it out, then make a reservation for that exact table for sunset that evening.

Kate poses on a balcony in front of the three flame-shaped towers of Azerbaijan as the sky turns pink at dusk.

Explore the old city of Baku. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a place where the architecture differs enormously from the rest of the modern city. The old city dates back to the 6th century and it gives you an idea of the incredible cultural history in this region from Zoroastrian, Sasanian, Arabic, Shirvani, Persian, Ottoman, and Russian cultures. The Maiden Tower is a great spot for a view of the Flame Towers. And just outside the old city is the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum.

Piles of spices and dried fruits in perfectly conical piles in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Visit the markets. What struck me about Baku’s markets is how immaculate they are. I’m used to seeing piles of produce flung in every direction; it seems like Azerbaijanis make every effort to shape their produce into the most aesthetically pleasing piles. The conical shapes on the mango slices and dried flowers are perfect.

It extends to larger fruits, too. Apples were stacked in clean straight lines; perfect green watermelons made up the perimeter. One table even grouped tomatoes not just by type but by size, arranging them into perfect mounds!

Normally I’m a bit uneasy at markets because I feel guilty when I don’t buy anything, but I felt more relaxed here. That and men kept giving me macadamia nuts to sample — the best macadamia nuts I’ve ever tasted. (Did I buy any? Nope. Macadamias are one food that I avoid because if I have one, I’ll have a million.)

The swooping white curves of the modern Heydar Alivev Center, with people sitting on the grass in front of it.

Check out Heydar Aliyev Center.  In a city filled with modern architecture, this is one of the most famous buildings of all (and a symbol of Azerbaijan, named after its most beloved leader). The building contains a museum and conference center with rotating exhibitions. But even if you don’t go inside, it’s worth it, because it’s in the middle of a giant park, which becomes a place to see and be seen at sunset.

This is easily the best Instagram spot in Baku. I recommend coming around sunrise or sunset for the best light.

Two clear plastic large lattes with the milk and coffee swirling together, surrounded by ice.

Enjoy the cafe scene. While the old city was surprisingly more dead than I expected, I loved the neighborhood just east. This area was filled with all kinds of interesting cafes and restaurants, and I loved walking around and exploring.

People sitting at outdoor tables at a restaurant on the Caspian Sea.

Spend an evening down by the Caspian Sea. I was a bit surprised that there was so little seafood on the menus in Baku, despite being located on the sea. But there is one place where seafood is the star: Derya Fish House .

Once you step out of your cab, you arrive to a windy waterfront filled with locals celebrating the end of the day. Oh, and it’s cheap! The two of us had a whole fish, bread, a bowl of olives, eggplant caviar, lemons, pickled vegetables, cheese, and pomegranate sauce on the side for just $18.

Kate wears overalls and a pink shirt and poses with her hand behind her neck while sitting on a Soviet-era Russian Lada car. She's in the middle of the gray-brown dessert beneath a pale blue sky.

Best Day Trips from Baku

The best day trip from Baku is its most famous day trip — to Qobustan to see the mud volcanoes and petroglyphs.  Qobustan National Park (sometimes written as Gobustan) is just under an hour’s drive from Baku.

Qobustan is known for its mud volcanoes. To get to them requires an off-roading vehicle. When my car pulled to the side of the road, I assumed we’d be getting into some kind of jeep — but was I ever surprised when we got into a tiny Soviet-era Lada! It didn’t look like it would last a day in the desert, let alone go off-roading to mud volcanoes!

And soon we reached the mud volcanoes.

Four tiny people standing atop a mud volcano in the desert, making it look enormous.

The gurgling is a lot slower than I thought it would be — just a constant, slow BLURP! BLURP! every few moments. Like the volcano had eaten a lot of beans that day.

The landscape is beautiful and dramatic — but that wasn’t all we’d see.

The rocky entrance to the Qobustan petroglyphs.

Next up in Qobustan was the petroglyphs — ancient rock art. I’ve seen ancient rock art in other parts of the world, like Kakadu National Park in Australia , but this rock art is uniquely impressive. You see people dancing, people hunting, petroglyphs of animals. It has survived remarkably well, and this is why Qobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Seeing Qobustan was one of the highlights of my time in Azerbaijan, and I feel like you can’t go to Baku without making a stop here.  See tours to see Qobustan’s mud volcanoes and petroglyphs.

The temple at Ateshgah: a sand-colored temple set against a blue sky with a flame burning inside.

The other half of my day was spent touring the famous sites on the opposite side of Baku. Here you’ll find two more attractions that prove that Azerbaijan is the land of fire: Ateshgah, the Zoroastrian fire temple, and Yanar Dag, where the fire bursts from the earth.

Ateshgah is a temple on the outskirts of Baku. It was built in the 17th and 18th centuries, though ceremonies have taken place on the same site as early as the 10th century, and it has been a center of worship for Zoroastrians, Sikhs, and Hindus. The flame inside the temple is naturally occurring, but it actually went out in 1969 due to environmental destruction. The fire today is lit by Baku’s main gas supply.

A brown hillside at Yanar Dag where flames burst out of the earth at the bottom. It says #YANARDAG in white on the hill, in the style of the Hollywood sign.

At Yanar Dag, you can see a steady fire burning from the bottom of the hill. Fed by natural gas, this is another fire that never extinguishes. It was so toasty down by the fire — I have never wanted to have a stick and a bag of marshmallows so much in my life! (And let’s not kid ourselves, a bag of graham crackers and chocolate waiting by the table.)

Ateshgah and Yanar Dag are two places that show you how interesting of a natural environment Azerbaijan is. See tours to Ateshgah and Yanar Dag here.

On a plate, an eggplant and two kinds of peppers stuffed with minced beef.

Azerbaijan Food

What kind of food will you be eating in Azerbaijan? Delicious food. Surprisingly good food. The dishes I ate were most similar to Turkish cuisine, fresh and flavorful. While there were some similarities to their Georgian and Armenian neighbors, Azerbaijani food is very much its own thing. I was only in the country for a few days, so this is by no means an exhaustive guide, but it contains several of my top hits.

I ate a lot of dolma — vegetables stuffed with a mixture of rice and meat. While “dolma” can mean stuffed grape leaves or cabbage leaves in other cultures, in Azerbaijan it can mean any kind of stuffed vegetable.

Also popular are kebabs of all kinds, and plov, roasted rice and meat dishes.

A dish filled with Azerbaijani eggplant caviar, roasted eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes in a dip.

Eggplant dip was everywhere — made from roasted eggplant, peppers, and onions and mixed with a variety of herbs and spices. This was the perfect start to a meal. You eat it with bread.

My absolute favorite dish was at Panoramic Restaurant in the Old City — I can’t remember the name and REALLY should have written it down, but it was a skillet filled with chicken, cherries, potatoes, and chestnuts. It sounds like a winter dish but it was solely on a hot summer night.

A meal at Derya Fish house: fish, wine, and several vegetable dishes and bread.

While you don’t see a ton of fish on the menus in Azerbaijan, you will down at restaurants on the Caspian Sea like Derya Fish House . I recommend ordering a grilled white fish with pomegranate sauce on the side — it brings the same kind of acidity that you get from lemons.

As for Azerbaijani wine, it does exist and it’s worth sampling, but it’s nothing to write home about. Georgia and Armenia have much better wine.

Three pieces of baklava, one topped with an almond, one with a walnut, one with a hazelnut.

Azerbaijanis love sweets and pastries, and I tried a few different kinds of baklava — one made with walnuts, one made with almonds, one made with hazelnuts. I honestly think walnuts are king — they need that slightly bitter flavor to cut the sweetness. Hazelnut baklava was dangerously sweet!

And Azerbaijanis are crazy about tea. Tea breaks are important punctuation marks of the day. You can sweeten tea with jam, and they serve it with small pastries.

This is just a sample of the delicious food I ate in Azerbaijan.

Want to learn more about Azeri cuisine?

Go on a food tour in baku..

A string of modern gray buildings in front of a large green park with paths cutting across it.

Travel Azerbaijan with JayWay Travel

On this trip I traveled as a hosted guest of JayWay Travel , a boutique travel agency specializing in Eastern and Central Europe.  I’ve worked with JayWay Travel in Ukraine in the past and they do such a good job putting together bespoke itineraries where you don’t have to worry about a thing. JayWay recently added Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia as new destinations where they have local experts.

For my three-day trip to Baku, that meant pick-ups and drop-offs at the airport; a full-day private tour to Qobustan and the fire region, including a stop at a market; a local SIM card, and support throughout the trip. That was perfect for me — I knew my first day would be spent napping and taking it easy due to the weirdly timed flight (see more on that below), and I liked getting to do my own exploring on the final day.

As I always say, if you’re an experienced traveler, you don’t need JayWay in order to travel. But JayWay is perfect for your parents, older travelers, less experienced travelers, and experienced travelers who want someone else to plan their trip for a change. It’s an enormous time-saver when you’re busy, too.

The Caucasus is a fantastic travel destination, but it’s not nearly as easy to travel as Europe. Azerbaijan is a country just waking up to tourism, and they don’t have the established tourism infrastructure of other countries. It’s a good place to have a helping hand.

Learn more about JayWay’s Azerbaijan trips here.

One of the metal Flame Towers of Baku curls in the background; in the foreground is the traditional sand-colored Old Town.

Where to Stay in Baku

Most of the time when I visit a new city, I stay in the old town or old city because it’s usually the prettiest, most central part of town.  Baku’s old city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which made it seem like a slam dunk, and so I stayed at a hotel in the old city, the Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel.

While I had a good stay there, I actually don’t recommend staying in the old city of Baku. It’s beautiful but it’s mostly inaccessible to cars (to get an Uber or taxi, you need to walk a distance outside the old city); you are constantly going up and down stairs; there are lots of aggressive touts around the Maiden Tower; there aren’t as many cafes and restaurants as you would think. If you have mobility challenges, you should absolutely avoid staying in the old city.

If you do want to stay in the old city, the Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel is a nice midrange choice. It’s comfortable, the internet works well, it’s not too deep into the old city, and the staff are great. And the best thing about this hotel is that it has an Illy cafe in the lobby. Reliable quality coffee isn’t always easy to find!

So which Baku neighborhood is best? I recommend staying in a hotel just east of the old city. This area is home to lots of cool restaurants, cafes, parks, and nightlife. And because it’s part of the main city, cars can drive the streets and you can hail Ubers close to your hotel. Most of it is flat, though there are some steeper parts.

Recommended Baku Accommodation:

  • Luxury: JW Marriott Absheron Baku
  • Midrange: Passage Boutique Hotel
  • Budget: Renaissance Palace Hotel
  • Find deals on more Baku hotels here.

A rough desert landscape with telephone poles running across the sand.

Azerbaijan Visa

Azerbaijan requires a visa for most visitors. In the past it was difficult and expensive for most westerners to get an Azerbaijan visa for longer than a few days. Now it’s MUCH easier and cheaper — you can get an e-visa online for just $20! See the full list of nationalities eligible for the e-visa here.

You order the visa online, it takes around three days to process, and you print it out and bring it to immigration with your passport. Don’t keep it on your phone; bring an actual printed copy.

Order your visa directly from . NOTE: THIS IS THE CORRECT SITE; DO NOT BE FOOLED BY IMPOSTERS! There are many third party visa sites that mimic the layout of this site, then try to charge you $50 for the same exact thing. I almost got fooled by one of those sites.

Inside view of an Azerbaijan Airlines flight, Comfort Club. Larger dark blue metal seats separated by thick armrests with pillows and blankets.

Flying to Baku with Azerbaijan Airlines

I flew nonstop from New York to Baku on Azerbaijan Airlines.  This is the one direct flight from the United States to Azerbaijan. The flight takes 11 hours and currently flies twice per week.

While it’s awesome to fly nonstop, the flight leaves at an awkward time: it departs New York at 11:30 AM and arrives in Baku at 6:30 AM, which is 10:30 PM New York time. As a result, you probably won’t be able to sleep much if at all, and you’ll likely spend your first day in Baku in a jet-lagged stupor. Plan a low-key day for your arrival if you take this flight.

I was lucky to fly in Azerbaijan Airlines’s Comfort Club, as someone special upgraded me for my birthday. Comfort Club is like the stop between premium economy and business class.

my favorite place in baku essay

You get comfier seats and a TON more space (the seats go much further back but don’t lie flat), you’re served multiple courses for meals, and you get lounge access at the airport (in my case, the cheese-and-champagne-filled Air France lounge at JFK). I was able to stick my feet straight out without touching the seat in front of me (I’m 5’4″). I didn’t get into the entertainment but there was a decent selection of movies. For an 11-hour flight where I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep much, I was so glad to have this level of service!

If you’re coming from the US on another line, you can get connections on Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa. Azerbaijan Airlines flies to cities including Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Paris, London, Dubai, and several Turkish and Russian destinations.

Perfectly stacked, immaculate piles of apples, watermelons, and grapes at a market in Azerbaijan.

Travel to Azerbaijan BEFORE Armenia

If you’re planning to travel throughout the Caucasus, you should try to travel to Azerbaijan before Armenia. It will make your life much easier.

Azerbaijan and Armenia don’t have diplomatic relations, and all borders are closed. Armenians are not allowed to enter. (While Armenia doesn’t have diplomatic relations or border crossings with Turkey, Armenians are allowed to travel to Turkey anyway, so Azerbaijan is much stricter.)

When I arrived in Azerbaijan, I was asked if I had ever traveled to Armenia. I said no, and there was no evidence of Armenia in my passport. But I do know people who have been interrogated heavily for traveling to Armenia previously, regardless of their nationality.

If you have visited the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is Azerbaijani land currently occupied by Armenia, you will automatically be rejected. (They also ask you if you’ve traveled to Nagorno-Karabakh when you apply for your visa, which will also earn you a rejection if your answer is yes.)

However, Armenian immigration officials are more forgiving. They do ask you if you visited Azerbaijan and why, but if you only visited as a tourist, they don’t care and they let you in without any problems. This is why I recommend visiting Azerbaijan first and Armenia second. (It’s best to go via Georgia, either by land or by plane.)

Unfortunately, ethnic Armenians of different nationalities (whether they’re American, Russian, French, Lebanese, Argentine, or something else) are often rejected at the border based on their last name. From what I’ve researched, it seems to come down to the mood of the immigration officer, and I’ve heard that some people try to convince the immigration officials that their last name is Persian.

If you’re an ethnic Armenian who wants to travel to Azerbaijan, or a person whose last name ends in -ian or -yan, I recommend you do more research. This is beyond my pay grade.

Kate stands in the middle of an "I Love Baku" sign where the B is shaped like a heart. In the background is the swooping white roof of the Heydar Aliyev Center.

Traveling to Baku: The Takeaway

I’m very happy that I got to travel to Baku — but I think this is a one-and-done trip. Which is fine! Not every destination has to be an “I can’t wait to go back” destination. I’m so glad that I visited and had the experience this interesting city had to offer.

Looking back at my two-week trip to the Caucasus, I think that starting with Baku was a good idea. I was able to take advantage of the only nonstop flight to the Caucasus from New York, and then I moved on to Georgia and Armenia, which were both more impressive. I wouldn’t have done it any differently.

Chisinau and Minsk: Two Offbeat Soviet Cities

my favorite place in baku essay

Essential Info:  My trip in Baku was entirely organized by JayWay Travel , a travel company that organizes custom private tours in Central and Eastern Europe. They organize everything as soon as your feet touch the ground in your country, from flights and tours to airport pickups and a cell phone or SIM card. JayWay recently added Azerbaijan as one of their new specialties, along with Georgia and Armenia. In Baku I stayed at theĀ  Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel . Rates from $56. When using Uber to get around Baku, be sure you check the license plate — some drivers here operate with a different car than the account they claim to have. Never get in a car unless they match. Travel insurance is essential before every trip — in case of an emergency, it could save your life and finances. I use and recommend  World Nomads  for trips to Azerbaijan.

Many thanks to JayWay Travel for hosting me on my Caucasus trip, including covering my expenses in Azerbaijan. All opinions, as always, are my own.

Have you traveled to Azerbaijan? What did you think?

Great Journeys 101

How to spend 2 days in Baku, the fascinating capital of Azerbaijan

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Last updated on: 27 January 2024

In this article I tell you all you need to know about how to spend 2 days in Baku, the fascinating capital of Azerbaijan. You will discover rich history, beautiful architecture and more.Ā I visited the city as part of my Azerbaijan itinerary and I really loved it!Ā 

Table of Contents

Azerbaijan map with all sights mentioned in this baku itinerary, a city with many "layers" of history, prehistoric times.

Humans have inhabited the area since the Ā Paleolithic era . Petroglyphs in the area point to a high development level of the local tribes during the transitional period from the Stone Age to the beginning of the Bronze Age . As is the case with many cities, the capital of Azerbaijan started as a small fortress settlement on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

The arrival of the Persians and Mongols

Two thousand years ago the city already had a well-developed seaport. At that time, it was under the influence of Ancient Rome. Between the 5th and 7th century the region was a part of Shirvan, a historical Iranian region during the Sasanid Empire (221 to 651 AD).

In the 10th century the city grew even more in importance. It became a large commercial port at the Caspian Sea. The city also experienced numerous attacks of the Rus’ people during that time.Ā During the 11th century Seljuks (Turkic tribes) started attacking the area. In 1066 they attacked the city for the first time. At the end of the 12th century, the Shirvanshah State with its capital Baku fell under power of the Seljuks.

my favorite place in baku essay

Upon the breakup of the Mongol state in the 14th century , the Shirvanshahs fought for independence. They obtained independence after Uzbek ruler’s Amir Timur ā€™s death. For a century, Baku and the State of Shirvanshahs were independent.

During that period, they erected the famous Shirvanshahsā€™ palace. Widespread works on estate maintenance of urban amenities took place. Many caravanserais and bridges in the area also appeared.Ā Things changed again when the Sefevid dynasty in Iran came to power. In the year 1501 , Shakh Ismail Sefevi occupied the city and annexed the countryā€™s territories to Iran.

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Ottoman and Russian conquest, oil boom & Azerbaijani independence

Due to continuous clashes between Iran and the Ottomans, the city fell under Turkish power several times. Notably, in 1578 the Ottomans captured the city. However, Iranian troops managed to retake it shortly after.

Since the city was one of the largest commercial seaports on the shores of the Caspian Sea, the city was strategically important. This is why the Russian Empire also got involved in the area. Russian troops occupied Baku khanate for the first time in 1796. Eventually, the city fell to the Russian Empire in 1805 and would remain part of Russia until Azerbaijan’s independence on 18 October 1991 .

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Meanwhile, in 1846 oil had been discovered in the area. Thanks to this, the city turned into a major oil producing center. When Azerbaijan proclaimed its independence on 30 August 1991, Baku became the capital of Azerbaijan.Ā 

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Today , oil production continues to be important for Azerbaijani economy. Partly thanks to oil money, the city is developing fast and changes are rapid in the city. Some call it the “Dubai of Caspian Sea”. However, the name does not do justice to the city’s cultural heritage. It deserves at least two days of your time during your trip to Azerbaijan. It is actually one of my favorite cities to date. Let’s find out all about the best things to do in Baku!

Baku promenade and the flame towers in the background

Starting day 1 at Fountains Square

We had booked a nice low-key hotel in the heart of the city. This was ideal for starting our Azerbaijan itinerary by exploring the major sights of Baku. Our first stop was Fountains Square (Fəvvarələr Meydanı). As the name indicates, here you will find dozens of fountains throughout the square. They date from the Soviet era in Azerbaijan. It is a bustling square with many upscale stores, restaurants and hotels. There is also an underground passage leading to the Caspian Sea promenade (more on that later).

Fountains Square, Baku, Azerbaijan. Marble patterns on the ground and fountains between trees.

Next to Fountains Square you will notice the building of Nizami Museum of Azerbaijan Literature (Nizami Gəncəvi Adına Azərbaycan ʏdəbiyyatı Muzeyi). The museum is in a characteristic building with a blue majolica on the faƧade. Here you will find the statues of six representatives of Azerbaijani literature:Ā 

  • M.F. Akhundov,
  • J. Mammadguluzade and
  • J. Jabbarli.Ā 

Statues on the faƧade of Nizami museum in Baku, Azerbaijan. The sculptures of the eminent Azerbaijani poets and writers were placed on the faƧade of the museum on the following way: Muhammad Fuzuli (sculptor: F. Abdurrahmanov), Molla Panah Vagif (sculptor: S. Klyatskiy), Mirza Fatali Akhundov (sculptor: P.Sabsai), Khurshidbanu Natavan (sculptor: Y. Tripolskaya), Jalil Mammadguluzadeh (sculptor: N.Zakharov), and Jafar Jabbarly (sculptor: S. Klyatskiy).

Maiden Tower: a strategic landmark

A short walk towards the Caspian Sea brought us to one of Bakuā€™s most famous sights, the Maiden Tower (open 09:00-18:00).

This tower predates the Shirvanshah period.Ā  As I mentioned earlier, the city held a strategic position on the trade routes between Iran and Russia. The city was also one of the centersĀ  of the legendary the Silk Road (more on this in my amazing trip here ). This brought wealth to the region and allowed rulers to build public buildings like bathhouses, mosques, and caravanserais.Ā 

The Maiden Tower next to some neo-Gothic architecture in Baku, Azerbaijan

Exploring Icheri Sheher, the picturesque Baku Old City

The historic core of the city.

Shortly after, we reached the Old City (İƧərişəhər / Icheri Sheher) . The Old City measures 21.5 hectares and is a unique, albeit somewhat over-restored, historical ensemble right in the center of the city.

The history of Baku starts where Icheri Sheher stands today. Here you will find many buildings made out of limestone and narrow winding roads. Icheri Sheher was declared a historical and cultural reserve in 1977. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000.

A thick fortress wall surrounds three sides, whereas the southeastern side is open to the Caspian Sea. Originally, there were two fortress walls and also a wall on the side facing the Caspian Sea. However, the outer wall has since been destroyed.

my favorite place in baku essay

Admiring beautiful Islamic architecture at Muhammad Mosque

Another iconic structure inside the old city is the Minaret of Muhammad Mosque . Another name of this is Siniggala, meaning “damaged tower”. The original mosque dates from the 11th century.

The mosque got its second name (“damaged tower”) in 1723, when a military squadron of Russian Army approached Baku from the Caspian Sea during the Russo-Persian War (1722-1723). The squadron demanded the city’s surrender but locals refused. In response, Russian warships began to bomb the city. One of the Russian shells hit the minaret of Muhammad Mosque and damaged it.

At some point, a strong wind blew the Russian ships further out to sea. The local population interpreted the wind as a divine punishment to the Russians. The minaret and mosque remained in a damaged state until the middle of the 19th century. The minaret became a symbol of the persistence and courage of the defendants.

The Minaret of Muhammad Mosque in Icheri Sheher, Baku, Azerbaijan

Witnesing Persian glory at the Palace of the Shirvanshahs

For many centuries, the city did not extend beyond the borders of Icheri Sheher. Everything the city residents needed was inside these walls. The rulers of the city even lived alongside their subjects at the Palace of the Shirvanshahs (Şirvanşahlar Sarayı) (open 10:00-18:00). This is one of my favorite places to see in Baku!

I mentioned earlier that between the late 1300s and 1500, the Shirvanshah dynasty made the city its capital. Shirvanshah Palace was built during the 15th century together with some of the older buildings in Icheri Sheher, many of them mosques.

my favorite place in baku essay

There are no inscriptions that survive on the palace. The time of its construction is known thanks to the dates in the inscriptions on the architectural monuments. On one of the inscriptions there is the name of the ruler who ordered to establish these buildings: Shirvan Khalil I, who reigned between 1418 and 1465). The year 839 (1435/36 in the Gregorian calendar) is visible on the tomb. The year 845 (1441/42) is visible on the minaret of the Shah’s mosque.

Even after the Shirvanshahs moved their capital back to Shamakhi, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) to the west, building continued in Icheri Sheher. About 3,000 people still live in Icheri Sheher today.

Inside the complex of the Palace of The Shirvanshahs, Baku, Azerbaijan. Stone gate with Islamic calligraphy above it.

Learning about miniature books

If you have plenty of time in Icheri Sheher, it is worth checking out the Museum of Miniature Books (MiniatĆ¼r Kitab Muzeyi ; opening hours ). This is the only museum of miniature books in the world.

my favorite place in baku essay

We left Icheri Sheher and started walking southwest. We walked by the characteristic yellow building of Baku Philharmonic Hall and continued south until we reached the funicular.

Baku Flame Towers: a landmark symbolizing modern Azerbaijan

Our next destination was the Flame Towers , one of the best places to see in Baku and a highlight of a typical Azerbaijan itinerary. There are three skyscrapers and the highest one reaches 182 meters (597 ft). The three flame-shaped towers symbolize the element of fire. This is a reference to Azerbaijan’s motto, “ The Land of Fire “. This in turnrelates to natural gas flares shooting from the earth as well as Zoroastrian worshippers seeing in fire a symbol of the divine. You see, today’s Azerbaijan used to be a center of Zoroastrian faith before Islam arrived in the 7th century.

The three buildings consist of 130 residential apartments in 33 floors. There is also a Fairmont hotel tower with 250 rooms and 61 serviced apartments as well as office blocks. It cost approximately $350 million to build the Flame Towers. Construction began in 2007 and the towers were ready in 2012. The faƧade of the three Flame Towers functions as large display screens thanks to more than 10,000 high-power LED lights.Ā 

my favorite place in baku essay

Martyrs' Lane: remembering the fallen ones

The Flame Towers are next to Upland Park . In the park you will find Martyrs’ Lane (Şəhidlər Xiyabanı). This is a cemetery and memorial to those killed by the Soviet Army during Black January 1990 and also during the First Nagorno-Karabakh Wars with Armenia between 1988, 1994 and 2020.

Martyr's lane in Upland park in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Learning about carpets & enjoying panoramic views

Early in the afternoon we descended the hill towards the Caspian Sea, then stopped by the characteristic building of the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum ( opening times ). The building looks like – you probably guessed it – a huge carpet! It is one of the most fun things to do in Baku, a place to learn about the region’s long carpet-making tradition.

Caroet museum in Baku, Azerbaijan. Building in the shape of a colorful carpet.

About 600 meters (2,000 ft) south of the Carpet Museum you will find Baku Eye . This is a vast ferris wheel that is lit up at night. It offers very nice panoramas of the city and Caspian Sea.

Relaxing by the Caspian Sea

We continued walking northeast along the sea until we reached Baku Boulevard . Walking from one end of the boulevard to the other is about 3.8 kilometers (2.4 miles) and is very pleasant. I loved the vibes there and it is a great place to observe the locals and have a drink.

Some of the best cafes in Baku Boulevard are Le Cafe, and Palma Cafe.

Baku boulevard. Marble ground and Baku waterfront and Baku skyline in the background.

People watching & impressive architecture at Nizami street

We headed inland again, towards the northwest, until we reached Nizami street after about 15 minutes. Nizami Street is a large pedestrian and shopping street in the center of the city. It carries the name of classical Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi. If you want a real taste of Baku at night, then this is a great place to start!

I found Nizami street very interesting architecturally, a mix of various styles and directions. This is because construction took place in three main stages: in late 19th/early 20th century, between the 1950s and 1970s, and after Azerbaijan’s independence in 1991.

Most of the buildings dating from the first period reflect neo-renaissance, neo-gothic, baroque and neoclassicism architecture. Neo-Moorish style is also present. Architects have also attempted to use elements of national Azerbaijani architecture.

People walking in Nizami street by night. Baku, Azerbaijan

In the area you will also find Təzə Pir Mosque which dates from 1914 and is worth a visit if you are into Islamic architecture.

Another place to visit if you are into the architecture is the Palace of Happiness (Səadət Sarayı). It is located between Təzə Pir Mosque and Icheri Sheher at 6 Murtuza Mukhtarov street. The building is in neo-gothic style and dates from the early 20th century.

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Enjoying Azerbaijani cuisine for dinner

Our first day was over and we celebrated it with an excellent meal at a traditional restaurant in the center of the city.

Some the best restaurants in Baku are Sahil Bar & Restaurant, Merci, Dolma Restaurant, Khamsa Restaurant, Mari Vanna, and Kurban Said Restaurant.

Nightlife in Baku is also rather active. Some of the best bars are Hops Pub, Finnegan’s, Double Eleven Cocktail & Wine Bar, and Pub William Shakespeare.

Day 2: venturing outside the city center to Heydar Aliyer Center

On our second day in Baku we wanted to visit museums and learn more about the country’s history. Our first stop was Heydar Aliyev Center . It carries the name of Heydar Aliyev. He was the first secretary of Soviet Azerbaijan from 1969 to 1982, and president of Azerbaijan Republic from October 1993 to October 2003. His son Ilham Aliyev took over and is in power as of 2022. Heydar Aliyev Center is known for its distinctive neo-futuristic architecture. It has a flowing, curved style that avoids sharp angles.Ā 

I Love Baku sign and the faƧade of Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is one of the top 10 places to visit in Azerbaijan.

Inside the building you will find the Mini Azerbaijan exhibition on the second floor. It features a 45-story building and you can learn about the history and architecture of buildings exhibited. There are various other exhibitions that present the history and culture of the country from an Azeri perspective. It is one of the most memorable buildings I have visited to date.

Inside Heydar Aliyev Center. White interiors and light lines. Reflection of statue and person the the floor.

Learning about the region's Zoroastrian past

From Heidar Aliyev Center it is worth continuing a few kilometers east to visit a sight of major symbolism: Baku Atesgah Fire Temple .

“Ātash” is the Persian word for “fire”, which occupies a central role in Zoroastrianism. The four holy elements of Zoroatsrian belief are: ateshi (fire), badi (air), abi (water), and heki (earth).

Atesgah is a pentagonal complex, which has a courtyard surrounded by cells for monks and a tetrapillar-altar in the middle. Earlier I mentioned that in today’s Azerbaijan there used to live significant populations of Zoroastrians. Based on Persian and Indian inscriptions, we also now know that the temple once functioned as a Hindu, Sikh, and Zoroastrian place of worship.

The Ateshgah was a pilgrimage and philosophical centre of Zoroastrians from the Northwestern Indian subcontinent. They engaged in trade with the Caspian area via the Grand Trunk Road.Ā  The stopped functioning as a place of worship after 1883. It has been a museum since 1975.Ā 

Ateshgah Fire Temple Baku Azerbaijan

If you have more time you can do a Caspian Sea cruise . This one seems to be popular.

my favorite place in baku essay

How about taking a couple Baku day trips?

I loved the capital of Azerbaijan, but it is a shame not discovering more of the beauty of Azerbaijan. In my Azerbaijan itinerary I describe how to take two amazing and easy day trips from Baku to Gobustan National Park and the remote Khinaliq village .

Green Caucasus mountains and valley with river near Khinalug (Xinaliq) Azerbaijan. It is one of the top 10 places to visit in Azerbaijan.

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Practical information

Best time to visit baku.

Late April to late September is a good time to visit the city The weather is warm, but usually not too hot. It is also very dry and sunny.

Flights to Baku

Heydar Aliyev International Airport is very modern and efficient. It and it has decent connections with Europe and Asia. Even some low-cost airlines from Europe fly there, such as Wizz Air. On this page you can find a very convenient airport map.

Baku airport code is “GYD”, which will be printed on your ticket.

How many days to spend in Baku

Two full days will allow you to have a great Baku city break. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the city and could have easily spent more time there. Actually, I recommend that you do so to discover the rest of Azerbaijan.Ā 

Tips icon 2

Make sure to take one or more day trips from Baku

The capital of Azerbaijan is fantastic, but so is the rest of the country. Two essential day trips are to Gobustan and Khinalug . They are great additions to your Azerbaijan itinerary .

Best area to stay in Baku

The area between the Old City (Ä°cheri Sheher) and New City Park is the best area. It is close to most sights and also to the very enjoyable Boulevard.

Hotels in Baku

Accommodation options vary greatly, and you can find something for every budget. A decent mid-range hotel room for 2 can cost as little as $30-$40 per night. Here are a few suggested accommodations in Baku:

  • Seven Boutique Hotel : I stayed there and it was excellent for the price. The location was very central, too.
  • Molokan Inn Hotel

If you have a bigger budget, then JW Marriott Absheron Hotel is one of the best 5 star hotels in Baku.

my favorite place in baku essay

What to wear in Baku

Azerbaijan is a Muslim country, but not as conservative as other countries. Western attire that does not provoke is perfectly acceptable.

How to get from Baku airport to city center

Bus icon 1

By public transportation : The Aero Express Bus is an ideal means if you wasnt to save money. You can see the route and latest schedules on their page . The bus generally runs every hour from 6am to 11pm.Ā  The bus runs between Heydar Aliyev Airport and 28 May metro station in the center of the city.

Car icon 1

By taxi : Taxis are the fastest way, but way more expensive. You can order a taxi in the Yandex app, or grab one outside the arrivals hall. A fair price is around $18.

How to get around Baku

By public transportation : The city is itself very walkable. It also has a good metro (see map here ) and bus network.Ā 

By taxi : It is possible to get around by taxi using the Yandex app. In this way you avoid paying too much, as the price is fixed. It worked very well for us when we wanted to get to places further away quickly. It was very cheap as well. Uber also works via a local partner.Ā 

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So, is Baku worth visiting?

I was very happy I could spend 2 days in Baku. It is a city with a special atmosphere at the crossroads of civilizations. Since the introduction of an e-visa it is much easier to visit the city, so go ahead and plan your visit! If you can, combine your visit with a trip to Georgia and Armenia to get the full Caucasus experience. I think of this trip often and cannot wait to go back one day. How about you?

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Reading Material

These are the best-rated guides to Azerbaijan. You can purchase them online easily by clicking on the icons.

Armenia - Lonely Planet guide 2 RF

Did I mention I loved the food in Azerbaijan? šŸ™‚ Here are a few great books about the local cuisine.

Azerbaijan - Food guide 4 RF

History & Literature

Azerbaijan has been a meeting point of many different peoples and has a fascinating history. here are a few highly-rated books to learn more.

Azerbaijan - History book 1 RF

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Panorama of Old Tbilisi, Georgia, from the cableway. Narikala fortress above the city.

Georgia – How to spend 2 amazing days in Tbilisi

Svan towers and snowy Caucasus mountains at sunset in Mestia, Svaneti, Georgia.

Georgia – The best things to do in Svaneti, Georgia’s mountain paradise

The faƧade of Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan – Top 10 places to visit in Azerbaijan for first-time visitors

my favorite place in baku essay

Ecuador ā€“ A perfect day trip to Cotopaxi and Limpiopungo lake

Geghard monastery in Armenia. Traditional Armenian church.

Armenia – An amazing 2-week Armenia itinerary

Mud volcano near Gobustan, Azerbaijan. Caspian Sea in the background.

Azerbaijan – A fun day trip from Baku to Gobustan National Park

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About the author

Hi there, my name is Panos and I live and breathe for traveling! I have visited more than 55 countries so far and aim to discover them all! In my eyes, traveling is not a lifestyle item, but a way to learn and broaden oneā€™s horizons. My philosophy is that, if you plan well, you can discover new places in a more relaxed way without spending a fortune. Being a natural-born travel planning consultant, I love making amazing trips accessible to everyone. I have done tons of on-the-ground research before each trip, and have documented my journeys in detail.

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15 Things to Do in Baku Old City: Guide to Visiting the Historic Icherisheher

Baku’s historic core, the walled Old City or Icherisheher , is a must-visit in Azerbaijan. This guide to Baku Old City shows you 15 things you absolutely can’t miss, plus practical tips for planning your visit.

Baku is a city of superlatives. Surrounded by soaring skyscrapers, sprawling shopping malls, ultramodern civic buildings and the Bulvar ā€“ soon to be the world’s largest public park ā€“ the walled Old City, the Icherisheher (or Baku Icheri Sheher ) is the relatively humble heart of the Azerbaijani capital.

The Azerbaijan Old City is one of the country’s most important historical places and a must-do when you’re planning what to see in Baku .

  • Also see: My complete Baku City Guide , including things to do beyond the Old City walls.

Architecture in Baku Old Town.

I will never forget the first moment I stepped inside the Old City gates and crossed the threshold from New Baku to the old-world walled city of Baku. I was fresh off the overnight train from Tbilisi , and I had no idea what to expect .

In that moment, it felt as if the train had whisked me not only across a state border, but also across a continent, from Europe to Asia. Walking through the Old City streets , I got the impression that I had been transported from present day back to the time of the Silk Road .

A large carpet showing a lion hanging on a stone wall in Baku Old City.

A city within a city, Baku Old Town is an oval-shaped pocket of curving roads, grand palaces and mosques, and the sunken ruins of old hammams and caravanserais.

Flash hotels, restaurants and Christian Dior boutiques sit side by side with silver merchants and carpet vendors who have been trading their wares on these streets for centuries.

In the Old Town bakeries, men carve up trays of glistening amber baklava while in the cafes, women roll fat dolma , a traditional Azerbaijani food . Inside tea houses , endless streams of chai cascade from pewter pots into little glasses, while outside, kids sit on the back stairs doing their homework while their mothers hang washing from lines strung between balconies.

Icherisheher is one of the must-see historical places in Azerbaijan and one of my favourite places in the Caucasus region . Here is my list of 15 things you absolutely can’t miss in Baku Old City.

Please note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link (at no extra cost to you). Learn more.

History of Icherisheher

The Old City is located in the southern part of Baku and is part of the Sabayil neighbourhood. It backs directly onto the Bulvar, the park and promenade that runs along the Caspian Sea.

The Icherisheher ( İƧəri Şəhər , literally ‘Inner City’), is separated from the rest of Baku by a long, curved wall. In the past, there were two main gates, but now there are several openings where pedestrians and cars can pass through.

Full of history and interesting architecture, Icherisheher is the oldest part of Baku, Azerbaijan. Here are my photos and impressions of Baku Old City.

The oldest part of Baku, the Old City was first settled some time between the 7th and 12th centuries. This is when most of the major landmarks, including the Palace and Maiden Tower, were erected.

People have always lived, worked, studied and prayed within the Baku Old City walls. Much like Istanbul or the Ottoman-designed part of Skopje , it was designed to be a completely self-sufficient community.

Later in its history, the area was divided up into 10 quarters, each for a different profession (clergymen, oil workers, ship builders, etc.) and their families.

Baku started to outgrow its old walls, and the city’s new wealth saw many grand European-style buildings erected on its periphery. Like many places in the US (for example, admiring the oil-boom Art Deco architecture is one of the best things to do in Tulsa , the oil capital of the world), Baku was endowed with some magnificent landmarks during the oil boom years.

Meanwhile, fortifications and canon towers defended the Old City from invasion. When Baku was occupied by Russian forces, Baroque and Gothic-style apartment buildings were built inside the Old City, changing its face forever.

Domed bath houses lay empty; sandstone caravanserais were transformed into taverns. Courtyards and secret passageways, sunken gardens and hammams were laid to waste. Relics of Zoroastrianism, which once thrived in oil-rich Baku, were replaced first with chapels then with mosques, madrasses and mausoleums.

A heavy wooden door with a beautiful Islamic pattern.

The Icherisheher is layered with religious, political and cultural significance. The entire history of Baku can be read in its stone walls.

In 2000, the Old City was the first place in Azerbaijan to be recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Along with Sheki , which was inscribed in 2019, it represents one of the region’s most valuable urban landscapes.

With formal recognition and a corresponding influx of international visitors, Azerbaijan has doubled down on its efforts to preserve the Old City’s historic sandstone buildings.

Where to stay in Baku

If it’s your first time in Baku, I highly recommend choosing a hotel located inside or close to the walls of the atmospheric Old City .

A double bed in a mid-range hotel in Baku.

TOP CHOICE: Utopia Hotel (ā­ 8.5). Located within the Old Town walls, this hotel has simple, tidy rooms and a rooftop terrace with water views. Staff are helpful, and the complimentary breakfast is a nice bonus. It’s great value for Baku. I stayed here recently with my dad.

Breakfast at the budget-friendly Cth Baku Hostel in Azerbaijan.

BUDGET: Cth Baku Hostel (ā­ 9.4). Located in the popular student neighbourhood of Yasamal, west of the Old City and just footsteps from Nazimi Metro Station, this hostel has budget-friendly private rooms with shared bathrooms and comfortable communal spaces for socialising.

Centric Baku hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan.

MID-RANGE: Centric Baku Boutique Hotel (ā­ 9.4). Located just outside the Old City walls close to the National Museum, this modern, stylish hotel has chic rooms with city views. A terrific breakfast is included.

The Merchant luxury hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan.

HIGH-END: The Merchant Baku (ā­ 9.4). Located right on the old wall, 600m from the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, this opulent hotel has spacious rooms with private balconies and a gorgeous Silk-Road-inspired cocktail lounge.

15 magical things to do in Baku Old City

Encased in the protective embrace of Baku’s Old City walls, happily spend an entire day exploring the area. Small, but there’s a lot to do, especially if you enjoy getting lost on backstreets and practicing your street photography .

Here are 15 things you absolutely can’t miss when visiting Icherisheher.

1. Explore the Palace of the Shirvanshahs

A light coloured sandstone building with a single tree in front, Baku's Palace of the Shirvanshahs.

Built in several stages over several centuries, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs is Baku’s most important historic landmark. During the Middle Ages, it served as the seat of power and residence of northeastern Azerbaijanā€™s ruling family. According to inscriptions, Shirvan Khalil I (1417ā€“1462) commissioned two of the main structures, a tomb and a mosque.

When restorations took place in 2003, the main building of the palace was set aside for a museum. It displays a nice collection of textiles, costumes and artefacts. Leafy gardens link the complex of burial vaults, mausoleums, gates, bath houses and reservoirs. All feature exquisite stonework and fluid inscriptions.

A stone building with trees and skyscrapers in the background.

Don’t miss the ornate Palatial mosque (Saray məscidi) or the Divankhana , a separate octagonal building off the main palace courtyard. The exact function of the divankhana is not known, but the intricacies of Islamic design represented in the window frames are very beautiful indeed.

The Palace is open daily from 10am-6pm. Entry costs 15 AZN, and there’s an optional audio guide for an additional 15 AZN.

2. Climb the Maiden Tower

A stone tower.

Baku’s most recognisable landmark, the Maiden Tower, has inspired many an Azerbaijani novel, ballet and opera. The structure ā€“ and the origins of its name ā€“ is shrouded in mystery.

It’s thought that the stone tower was first built by pre-Islamic Zoroastrians to serve as a fire temple and site for sky burials. Today, the tower houses a small museum on Baku history. You can climb spiral staircases all the way to the top to survey the Old City of Baku, the Bulvar, and the Caspian Sea beyond.

The Tower is open from 9am-6pm. Entry costs 15 AZN.

3. Visit the Muhammad Mosque

A stone mosque engraved with beautiful symbols and script.

Built in the 11th Century, the Muhammad Mosque (or Siniggala Mosque) isn’t the city’s biggest or most impressive mosque, but it has come to symbolise Baku.

The minaret was damaged by a Russian shell during the Russo-Persian War. It was never repaired, though ā€“ Baku residents insisted it be left to serve as a marker of the city’s courage and defiance.

4. Marvel at the arcades on Bazaar Square

Bazaar Square in Baku, a courtyard with arches.

One of the most impressive archaeological sites within Baku Old City, the excavated Bazaar Square lies below street level. From the top, you can peer down on the stony parade that once served as Baku’s main city square.

Climb down the stairs to walk through the stone cloisters with their perfectly symmetrical stone archways. Tombs, carved sculptures and other significant artefacts are displayed in the centre of the square.

5. Trace the Old City walls

Part of the Baku Old City wall. A brick turret.

The time-worn sandstone wall that encases Baku Old City is an attraction in itself.

Along the western wall, low turrets topped with scalloped stone fringing hold catapults and canons inside, a symbol of the defensive wall’s duty to safeguard the city and its residents from invading armies.

6. Make a grand entrance through Gosha Gala Gapisi

A gate in Baku surrounded by tall trees.

Gosha Gala Gapisi , the Double Gate or Gates of Shah Abbas, once served as the only entrance to Baku Old City. Caravans and traders arriving to seek shelter at the hans and trade their goods in Baku’s streets would have had to pass through these wide, foreboding arches.

Baku’s coat of arms, two lions and a bull’s head, are represented in stone above one of the gates. Just inside the gate, there’s a long, low shopping bazaar selling souvenirs.

7. Have a meal inside one of Baku’s old caravanserais

A caravanserai transformed into a restaurant in Baku.

When Azerbaijan was a hub on the Silk Road, merchants used to refer to the Old City as ‘the Acropolis of Baku’. A plethora of caravanseris or hans , great stone inns with stables, storage rooms and sleeping quarters, were erected in Baku to house traders stopping off on their long journey from East to West.

Some have been reduced to just their bare foundations. Others, including the Multani Caravanserai and Bukhara Caravanserai, have been preserved.

In Sheki in northern Azerbaijan, the biggest caravanserai has been turned into a boutique hotel . In Baku, the caravanserais have been transformed into restaurants and cafes.

Han Restaurant Baku, Karvansaray, Sehrli Təndir and Mugam Club are all located inside old hans. Treat yourself to a meal at one of them for a memorable Baku experience.

8. Track down the Dervish Takyeh

Baku’s Dervish Takyeh was built in the 13th Century on Gazi Muhammed Street, facing towards the Maiden Tower. Throughout its history, it was used as a mosque and a school.

Members of the Dervish sect performed their rituals behind the Takyeh’s closed doors.

9. Get lost in the back alleys

A woman walks down an alleyway in Baku Old City.

Parts of Icherisheher may look like a museum, but roughly 3,000 people live in apartments and houses inside the Old City walls. One of the most rewarding things to do in Baku Old City is wander up and down the pitched streets, between the little shops and parks.

Sand-coloured buildings rise like dunes as you squeeze through narrow alleys clotted with Ladas and Volgas. You have to crane your neck to appreciate the doorways and windowsills inscribed with cursive script and embossed with Islamic patterns.

Narrow staircases turn into steep streets, barely wide enough for two human bodies to pass. Glass window boxes protrude from some of the buildings, little extensions added on as laundries or breakfast rooms. At night, wrought iron street lamps stretch out like boney fingers holding little globes of light to lead the way. Leafy houseplants, lines of washing and doorways marked with foreign names tell you you’ve wandered into the residential quarter.

Religious ritual is part of the Old City’s living history. Walking around on a Sunday morning, we even saw an animal sacrifice taking place behind the baklava shop.

Remember that parts of the Old City are private property. Be careful not to intrude on anyone’s privacy, especially if you’re taking photos.

10. Learn the story of Baku’s ghir pourers

On one of the Old City streets you’ll see a set of peculiar statues perched on a rooftop. An accompanying placard tells the story of the Icherisheher’s ghir-pourers , to whom the statues are dedicated.

Ghir is a black tar that was traditionally slapped onto the roofs of houses and shops inside the Old City to make them weather-proof. ‘Their job had a secret symbolic meaning,’ the placard says of the ghir-pourers. ‘The hot mixture not only made the roof invulnerable to different weather phenomena, but also fastened the friendship between the houses.’

Apparently ghir-pourers were quite the men about town, striking up conversations with tenants and entertaining the neighbourhood children. It’s a lovely tale that hints at the sense of bounded community you can still feel inside Baku Old City today.

11. Find ‘that photo spot’

Diverse buildings in Baku Old City.

The ultra-modern Flame Towers can be spotted from all over Baku. In the Old City, there’s a particular sweet spot where two of the trio are perfectly framed by the stone entrance to a mosque engraved with cursive Arabic script, and a Belle Epoque apartment block in the middle-distance. This iconic image epitomises the East-meets-West, old-meets-new Baku aesthetic that so many travellers (including me) fall in love with.

We got up at the crack of dawn one morning to try and find ‘that photo spot’. After much wandering, we got there eventually. But much to my dismay, there were cars parked in the street even in the earliest hours of the morning!

We stood for a good 20 minutes completely transfixed by the view. I think my photo still turned out OK!

12. Shop for carpets and other souvenirs

A man hangs up colourful carpets at his shop in Baku.

If you stroll around the Old City in the early morning, you’ll see vendors setting up their stalls by hanging many-coloured soumaks (flat-weave rugs) and handwoven carpets against the sandstone walls and over railings.

There are dozens of shops in Baku Old City selling Azerbaijan souvenirs. Some specialise in carpets, others trade in silver, antiques, Soviet memorabilia, tea sets, woolly Papakha hats , and a range of other local products. The quality varies and not everything is locally made, so take your time to shop around.

And if you’re heading to Tbilisi or Yerevan next, just remember to leave some room in your bag for a few Armenian souvenirs and Georgian souvenirs , too!

If you’re interested in learning more about Azerbaijan’s carpet weaving heritage, I recommend taking a day trip to see the carpet workshops in Quba .

13. Try Azerbaijani pakhlava

A man cuts into a tray of baklava.

You don’t have to walk far through the Old Town to find a little hole-in-the-wall sweet shop selling sticky pakhlava . Azerbaijan’s national sweet is similar to Turkish baklava, only some versions are less complex and use fewer layers of pastry. One of the most popular renditions, tenbel pakhlava (pictured above), actually translates to ‘lazy pakhlava’!

There are at least half-a-dozen varieties of pakhlava for different regions of Azerbaijan. My personal favourite is Sheki pakhlava, which is flavoured with hazelnuts, cardamom and coriander seeds.

In Baku, pakhlava is prepared in huge trays. After it’s cut into diamond shapes, half a walnut kernel or half an almond gets pressed into each piece. You normally by it by the piece or by the gram ā€“ or maybe by the kilogram if you have a particularly sweet tooth!.

14. Visit the Museum of Miniature Books

Glass cabinets inside the Museum of Miniature Books, Baku.

The only institution of its kind in the world, The Museum of Miniature Books houses several thousand teeny-tiny hardback tomes. The private collection of bibliophile Zarifa Salahova encompasses books penned in Azerbaijani, Russian, German and English, including a few of Shakespeare’s major works, dictionaries, and the smallest book of all, a 17th-century copy of the Quran.

Entry is free but donations are welcome. The museum is open from 11am-5pm (closed Mondays and Thursdays).

15. Vagif Mustafazadeh House Museum

There are some lovely house museums in the Caucasus ā€“ my personal favourites are in Yerevan and Gyumri . Baku’s most popular house museum is dedicated to Vagif Mustafazadeh, a jazz-pianist and composer who was born in the city in 1940.

If you’ve never been to a house museum, they’re always a bit quirky. This one is set in the three-room apartment Mustafazadeh shared with his mother, with photographs, records and personal possessions put out on display. The caretaker, Mr Vagif, speaks English and will gladly narrate the artist’s life for you.

The museum is open on weekdays from 9am-6pm. Entry costs 5 AZN.

Baku Old City tours

The best way to experience Icherisheher is by wandering the cobbled back alleys with no particular destination in mind. If it weren’t for glimpses of the Flame Towers and Soviet apartment blocks beyond the Old City’s walls, Icherisheher would feel like a time capsule.

If you’re on a tight schedule or you just prefer to have a guide to show you around, there are a couple of Baku walking tours that cover the Old City:

This six-hour walking tour of the Old City hits all the major must-sees. It includes hotel pick up, but you’ll need to pay for museum tickets and entrance fees separately.

This full-day tour incorporates a wander around the Old City as part of a larger, very comprehensive city tour of Baku. If you only have one day in Baku and you want to see everything, I highly recommend it.

Another option is the Baku Free Walking tour organised by Baku Explorer. It covers part of the Old Town and the area just outside the city wall. English tours depart every day at 10am and 1pm. More information here .

Cafes & restaurants in Old City Baku

Here are a few of the best restaurants in Baku Old City.

  • Qaynana Restaurant ā€“ One in a cluster of eateries in the Old City’s northern corner. The food is expensive, but the atmosphere and the interior decorations are just magnificent. We really enjoyed eating our first lunch in Baku here ā€“ especially since the chef invited me into her kitchen to help stir the pot! Reviews & info here .
  • Cay Bagi 145 (Tea Garden 145) ā€“ An outdoor tea (and shisha) lounge, with tables nestled amongst the domes of an old bathhouse and views of the Maiden Tower. Reviews & info here.
  • Icherisheher Bookhouse & Cafe ā€“ A cute laptop friendly coffee house that also serves light snacks and cakes for reasonable prices. Info here .

The streets of Baku Old City.

How to get to the Old City

Baku’s metro system is efficient and easy to use. Simply buy a BakıKART metro card from one of the kiosks inside any metro station and load it with a few manat. The card costs 2 AZN (non-refundable), and a metro fare is 0.30 AZN one-way.

To get to the Old City, take the east-west Red Line to Icherisheher station, which lies just outside the western walls. When you exit the ultra-modern pyramid shaped station building, head east, and you’ll see a gate where you can enter inside.

Alternatively, city buses 6, 18 and 65 stop at Icherisheher St station just south of the metro. You can also use your BakıKART on the bus.

More things to do in Baku beyond the Old City

  • Philharmonic Park
  • The Heydar Aliyev Center
  • Fountains Square
  • The Flame Towers
  • Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
  • Nizami Street
  • Gobustan Mud Volcanoes
  • Discover more day trips from Baku here

7 things to pack for Azerbaijan

  • An anti-theft backpack. As a general rule, Azerbaijan is a very safe place and petty crime against tourists isn’t really an issue. Still, a good anti-theft day pack is worth having to keep your valuables safe in the city. If you’re having trouble deciding, here are a few of my favourite minimalist backpack designs .
  • A scarf for visiting mosques (women). A lightweight cotton scarf is my number one travel item. In Azerbaijan, it will come in extra handy for covering your hair when entering a mosque or for draping over your shoulders when visiting a market or a rural area. This neutral travel scarf goes with anything, and it even has a hidden pocket. Remember the dress code in Azerbaijan is quite conservative ā€“ women and men alike should avoid shorts and wear pants or a skirt that covers the knees.
  • Walking shoes. From the cobbled streets of Sheki to the hills of Baku and the muddy landscape around Gobustan , you’ll likely be spending a lot of time on your feet in Azerbaijan. Comfy walking shoes are absolutely essential.
  • A reusable water bottle. Avoid single-use plastics whenever you can. I love my S’Well water bottle for warm climates because it doesn’t sweat.
  • Wine Wings. Should you decide to buy a drinkable souvenir in Azerbaijan, these handy custom-made bottle protectors will keep your vino safe and sound in your luggage. A travel corkscrew and a wine stopper are bound to come in handy, too.
  • Entertainment for long bus/train journeys. If you don’t suffer motion sickness, an e-reader is great for passing the time on long bus or train journeys. If you have a travel buddy , pick up a headphone splitter ā€“ probably my favourite travel gadget of all time ā€“ so you can share a screen or a podcast. Check out my full list of essential items to make a long train or bus journey more comfortable .
  • Biodegradable wet wipes. Try this convenient travel pack .

More Azerbaijan travel resources

  • Azerbaijan travel guide , all my tips in one place
  • Azerbaijan itinerary , a suggested 7-day route
  • Azerbaijan Georgia itinerary , 2 weeks in the Caucasus
  • Full Caucasus itinerary , Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan
  • What to do in Baku , my top tips for the capital
  • The Heydar Aliyev Center , my favourite photos & advice for visitors
  • Best day trips from Baku , a dozen options for every traveller
  • Baku to Gobustan , how to visit the mud volcanoes & petroglyphs
  • Things to do in Sheki , my favourite place in Azerbaijan
  • Visiting the Khan’s Palace in Sheki , another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Azerbaijan
  • Staying in a Silk Road caravanserai , a night to remember in Sheki
  • Baku to Sheki , how to travel & where to stop along the way
  • Things to do in Khinaliq , hiking, homestays & more
  • Things to do in Lahic , copper workshops & old streets
  • Carpet weaving in Quba , a must for textile-lovers
  • Baku to Tbilisi by overnight train , a full guide to the sleeper train
  • BTAK train from Baku to Kars via Tbilisi , all the latest news
  • My favourite photos of Azerbaijan , inspiration for your trip
  • Travelling Azerbaijan by bus , more tips for overland transport

Things to do in Baku Old City: Pin it!

Full of history and interesting architecture, Icherisheher is the oldest part of Baku. Here are 15 must-sees in Baku Old City plus my detailed travel guide.

Emily, your blog is such a treasure! Thank you for all you do! I read all your posts about Georgia before our visit last year. I learned so many great tips from you that made our journey unforgettable! This year, we are planning to visit Baku and the first thing I did was searching your blog for helpful information and beautiful pictures. I appreciate you and your work! Thank you and happy travels!

Oh thank you so much Svetlana, that’s amazing to hear! I have a new Baku guide and a few more posts on Azerbaijan coming out this month – I hope they will be published in time for your trip!

An excellent and cheap way to get around Baku is by using the Bolt taxi app – an example is Manat 2.50 to get from the old city to the Heyder Aliyev Centre.

But be aware that from the airport to the city most Bolt drivers are scamming (by gaming their app) to quote low prices. Better to negotiate a final price before entering the cab at the airport rather than arguing about the ā€œYou will pay ā€¦ā€ app figure during or at the end of the ride. Other than that we found the Bolt drivers courteous, friendly and honest.

And thank you for the excellent Azerbaijan guides Emily! PS. We will be heading for the Georgian border (Balakan-Lagodheki) after Sheki to cross by land late September.

Hi Peter and Anne, great to hear from you! Awesome that you’re back in the region. Thanks for the Bolt tip, I used it extensively on my last visit. You find it’s even easier to use in Georgia. Let me know if you are coming to Kutaisi and would like to meet up. Take care!

Many thanks for your phenomenal photos! I am finally going to Baku next week and your photo reports have been truly inspiring. Can’t wait!

I tried to find info about where you stayed in Baku but didn’t see it. Perhaps I am blind or something šŸ˜€ Considering your amazing approach to travelling… Could you recommend any accommodation or say where you stayed?

Many thanks, Juras

Cool! Happy to hear that. We stayed in an Airbnb apartment:

Enjoy Baku šŸ™‚

Baku old city is very nice and beautiful.

Hi!! I wil be travelling to Baku next July! Thank you for this wonderful guide!!! By the way, where is that picture taken? I’ve been looking for it in Google Maps but I couldn’t find it.

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15 Amazing Places to Visit in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2024

Baku Places to Visit

Baku Quick Look Best Baku Tours: 1. Full Day City Tour 2. Sightseeing Tour 3. Gobustan and Abscheron Baku Accommodation 1. Sahil Hostel 2. Sweet Garden Hotel 3. West Inn Hotel Baku Car Hire Discover Cars

Looking for things to do in Baku? In this article, we will discover some of the best places to visit in Baku, the shining capital of Azerbaijan . I visited Baku on my way travelling overland from London to China.

Baku, also known as the city of winds, is the capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan; a small but wealthy country in the Caucasus and a stop on the old Silk Road . I stayed with an old friend from Baku and had an incredible time checking out the Baku famous places.

The city lies at the bottom of the Absheron peninsula on the Caspian Sea (which is actually an inland lake). The city is unique in that lies 28 metres below sea level, making it the lowest capital city anywhere in the world.

Boring stuff: I have visited each of the places I recommend and give you my honest opinion, warts and all. All photos are my own unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission. Affiliate links may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.

Table of Contents

The Best Places to Visit in Baku

Below you’ll find some of the best places to visit in Baku from the gorgeous old town to the palace of Shirvan Shahs and flame towers. These Baku attractions include historical places of interest, museums, groovy cafes and a lot more.

1. Baku Old Town (One of the Best Places to Visit in Baku)

Places to Visit in Baku

Baku is famed for its charming old town which became a UNESCO site in 2000 and is definitely one of the best places to visit in Baku. The cobbled streets are set within medieval-style walls protecting the area from the traffic and hustle of the rest of Baku.

The old town (or old city) is the beating heart of Baku. Lose yourself in the narrow winding alleyways and cobbled streets to explore this enchanted area. The medieval stone walls separate the old town from more modern Baku. One of the best Baku places to visit!

I spent days exploring this charming part of the city and enjoyed exploring the old alleyways, city walls and many interesting shops, restaurants and cafes. The old city is definitely one of the best places to see in Baku for first-time visitors.

The best way to see the old town and learn all about its history is to take a walking tour. Click here to find out more .

Address: Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 24/7 Ticket Price: Free

2. Stroll Along Baku Boulevard

Baku Eye Ferris Wheel

Stretching along the picturesque Caspian Sea coast, Baku Boulevard is a vibrant and lively promenade that offers a delightful escape from the bustling city centre and is one of the best places to visit in Baku.

With its lush green parks, palm-lined walkways, and captivating views of the sea, the boulevard provides a perfect setting for leisurely walks, picnics, or simply unwinding amidst nature.

The boulevard is adorned with numerous attractions and entertainment options, including amusement parks, outdoor cafes, restaurants, and cultural venues.

Visitors can rent bicycles or rollerblades to explore the promenade, take a relaxing boat ride, or enjoy the colorful displays of the Baku Eye Ferris Wheel .

Address: 92 Neftchilar Ave, Baku, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 24/7 Ticket Price: Free

3. See the Palace of Shirvanshahs (One of the Best Baku Attractions)

The Palace of the Shirvanshahs

The UNESCO World Heritage Site that is the Palace of the Shirvan Shahs is a 15th-century palace complex that is considered one of the pearls of Azerbaijan. Within the palace, the stone walls are lined with ancient tapestries and carpets.

With its intricate stone carvings, ornate archways, and beautifully adorned interiors, the palace offers a captivating glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the Shirvanshahs. The palace is one of the best Baku places to visit for lovers of history and architecture.

This majestic complex consists of various structures interconnected by courtyards, including the main palace, a mosque, a bathhouse, a mausoleum, and a burial vault. You can visit the palace on this walking tour. Click here to book .

Address: 9R8M+CCX, Baku, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 10am to 7pm, Mon-Thu, 10am to 6pm, Fri-Sun Ticket Price: 10 Manat ($6.00) Website:

4. Climb Maiden Tower (One of the Best Baku Tourist Attractions)

Places to see in Baku - Maiden Tower

The Maiden Tower, also known as Guz Qalasi, is a 12th Century tower in the centre of the old town and one of the top Baku tourist attractions. You can climb the tower for stunning views across the city and out to the Caspian.

Inside there is a museum with artifacts and displays chronicling the history of the tower and associated legends. This was one of my favourite things to do in Baku for the amazing views.

Address: Qız Qalası, Bakı, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 10am to 6pm, Mon-Sun Ticket Price: 10 Manat ($6.00)

5. See the Ancient Market at Bazar Square

Mosaics in the Market

Just next to the entrance of the Maidenā€™s Tower is an excellently preserved market square dating back to medieval times. The main square is surrounded by an arched walkway overlooking various archaeological finds.

This archaeological site is deemed by some to be the place where Jesusā€™ disciple Bartholemew was skinned alive and beheaded! This Baku attraction is easily combined with a visit to Maiden Tower and the ticket price covers both attractions!

Address: Qız Qalası, Bakı, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 10am to 6pm, Mon-Sun Ticket Price: 10 Manat ($6)

6. Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan

The National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan is home to the largest collection of Azeri carpets in the world. The architecture of the museum resembles a folded carpet which is worthy of an Instagram shot if you are not interested in the contents of the museum itself!

Address: 28 Mikayıl HĆ¼seynov Prospekti, Baku 1000, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 10:00 to 18:00 Tues – Fri, 10:00 to 20:00 Sat & Sun Ticket Price: 7 Manat ($4.10)

7. Shop at Yashil Bazaar


Yashil Bazaar is a bustling and vibrant market that immerses visitors in the rich flavors and vibrant colors of Azerbaijani culture. This lively marketplace is a treasure trove of sights, sounds, and aromas, offering a diverse array of fresh produce, aromatic spices, traditional sweets, and local handicrafts.

As you wander through the aisles, you’ll encounter friendly vendors showcasing their wares, ready to engage in lively bargaining and share their knowledge about the products on offer.

Yashil Bazaar is not only a place to shop but also an opportunity to connect with the local community, sample authentic Azerbaijani cuisine, and gain insight into the everyday life and culinary traditions of the city. This is definitely one of the Baku places to visit to get a feel for the culture.

Address: 9VP3+4PC, Khatai Ave, Baku, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 8am to 9pm, Mon-Sun Ticket Price: Free

8. Visit National Flag Square

The 150-acre National Flag Square is home to what was, up until 2011, the tallest flagpole in the world measuring 162 metres (531 feet).

The flagpole entered the Guinness Book of World Records, however Tajikistan then claimed the title shortly afterward. Azerbaijan’s effort is still in the top three tallest flagpoles in the world!

Address: Flag Square, Baku, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 24/7 Ticket Price: Free

9. Ride the Baku Funicular

Baku’s funicular railway was constructed in 1960 and stretches from Neftchilar Avenue to Martyrs Lane. Riding up the 455m track takes just four minutes and is a fun way to see the city. Trains depart every ten minutes.

Address: Bahram Gur on Neftchilar Avenue and Martyrs Lane. Click here for directions. Opening Hours: 10:00 to 22:00 daily Ticket Price: 1 Manat ($0.60) Website: Baku Funicular

10. See the Flame Towers

Baku Flame Towers

Wherever you are in the city, you can feel the presence of Baku’s imposing three glass skyscrapers that are shaped like flames. At night the towers even light up to resemble the gas natural gas flames that have burned in this land for centuries and which have contributed to the city’s wealth.

The tallest of the towers is 33 floors and the buildings contain an assortment of apartment complexes, hotels, a shopping centre and restaurants. You can book a stay in the towers on .

Address: Mehdi Huseyn Street 1A, Sabayil, AZ1006 Baku, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 9am to 8pm, Mon-Sun Ticket Price: Free

11. Visit the Heydar Aliyev Centre

Baku Attractions - The Heydar Aliyev Centre

The Heydar Aliyev Centre stands as an architectural masterpiece captivating visitors with its bold and futuristic design. Designed by renowned architect Zaha Hadid, the center is a symbol of modernity and cultural significance.

Its fluid curves and smooth surfaces create a sense of movement and harmony, while the gleaming white exterior seamlessly merges with the surrounding landscape. Inside, the center houses a variety of facilities, including exhibition halls, a museum, a conference center, and a concert hall, hosting a wide range of artistic and cultural events.

The Heydar Aliyev Center not only showcases Azerbaijan’s commitment to contemporary architecture but also serves as a vibrant hub for artistic expression and intellectual discourse, making it a must-visit Baku destination for locals and tourists alike.

Address: 1 Heydar Aliyev Ave, Baku 1033, Azerbaijan. Click here for directions . Opening Hours: 11am to 7pm, Tue-Fri, 11am to 6pm, Fri-Sat Ticket Price: Free Website:

12. Discover Bakuā€™s Art Scene

Baku has a thriving art scene with many small galleries dotted throughout the Old City.

Some of the more interesting galleries include:

  • Yay Gallery, Kicik Qala 5
  • Q Gallery , Qulle Kuc 6
  • Ali Samsirā€™s Studio, Kicik Qala Kuc 84

Places to Visit Near Baku

13. yanar dag fire mountain (one of the best places to visit near baku).

Yanar Dag

Fire Mountain, aka Yanar Dag is a burning hillside on the Absheron Peninsula outside Baku. The flame has been burning for thousands of years due to natural gas deposits in the area. Read my complete guide to Yanar Dag for more information. One of the best places to visit in Baku!

How to get to Yanar Dag: Take bus 217 from Koroglu Metro to the last stop. The journey time is approx 40 minutes.

Opening Hours: 09:00 to 18:00 Ticket Price: 3 Manat ($1.75) More Information: Guide to Yanar Dag

14. Visit the Caspian Beaches

Beach at Absheron Peninsula

The Absheron Peninsula is home to some wonderful beaches on the Caspian Sea. A short drive from the city, Bilgeh is a great place to cool off in the summer and less crowded than the often polluted beaches nearer to the city centre.

Address: Bilgeh, Absheron Peninsula, Baku, Azerbaijan. Take bus 185 from Koroglu Metro.

15. Gobustan Mud Vulcanos

Gobustan National Park

Gobustan is a captivating UNESCO World Heritage Site located just outside of Baku and offers a mesmerizing journey through time. This ancient landscape is renowned for its remarkable collection of rock art, with over 6,000 rock engravings and petroglyphs scattered across the rugged terrain.

Dating back thousands of years, these artistic expressions depict scenes of hunting, wildlife, rituals, and daily life of the prehistoric inhabitants of the region. Beyond the rock art, Gobustan boasts breathtaking natural beauty, with rolling hills, canyons, and mud volcanoes dotting the landscape.

Exploring Gobustan allows visitors to not only connect with the rich cultural heritage of Azerbaijan but also to marvel at the raw and untouched natural wonders that have endured through the ages.

Where to Stay in Baku

Accommodation in Baku is surprisingly cheap given that it’s an oil-rich city. There are plenty of budget options from backpacker hostels up to 5-star hotels and resorts.

Sahil Hostel: This popular backpacker hostel is located just 100 metres from Baku Boulevard and has access to a metro station close by. It’s also the only hostel in Baku with a balcony overlooking the Formula 1 circuit. Dorms and private rooms are available. Click here to check prices .

Sweet Garden Hotel : This 3-star hotel is located in the heart of the old city just a few steps from the Palace of Shirvanshahs. Rooms are tastefully decorated to a modern standard and come with a private bathroom, Wi-Fi and TV. Click here to book .

West Inn Hotel and Restaurant : This 5-star hotel close to the Caspian has an onsite restaurant, terrace, and bar. Rooms come with free Wi-Fi, a flat-screen TV and complimentary toiletries. Click here for more info .

Food and Drink in Baku

Azerbaijani Cuisine

One of the best things to do in Baku is to enjoy the delicious and fresh local cuisine. You donā€™t have to go far in Baku to find an incredible array of cafes and restaurants.

The cuisine is influenced by nearby countries such as Turkey, Iran and Central Asia, with dishes such as plov and kebab. Rice is the staple and lamb is the preferred meat. You will also find a lot of fish given the proximity to the Caspian Sea.

Some local dishes to try:

  • Dolma ā€“ minced lamb and rice wrapped in cabbage or vine leaves.
  • Dovga ā€“ yoghurt with rice, chickpeas and herbs
  • Kebab ā€“ chunks of grilled meat, usually lamb.
  • Plov ā€“ safron-infused rice with meat and vegetables.

Weather – Best Time to Visit

Baku weather is temperate with hot summers and cool winters. Due to its proximity to the nearby Caspian Sea, it can be a windy city.

In summer the temperature averages 30c with little rain, making it a perfect destination for holidaymakers.

Spring and autumn are cool with rainy showers.

Winters are cool with the temperature rarely dropping below 1 or 2 degrees Celcius.

Getting Around

The old city is easily walkable, and there is an excellent subway network. Hiring a car is another great way to get around and will give you more freedom to explore. Our partners at Discover Cars have some great rates for Baku car hire. Click here to check the price .

How to get to Baku

Baku is served by Heydar Aliyev International Airport which has direct flights to and from Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and the USA. has some great deals on flights to Azerbaijan. Click here to check the prices .

From Tbilisi, Georgia

There is a daily overnight train that departs Tbilisi at 20:35 and arrives in Baku at 08:50. The train stops for approximately 2 hours at the border at around 21:30. Ensure your Azeri Visa is valid for the day you will cross (I made the mistake of putting the arrival date on my application, but they let me through).

  • 1st Class (2 berth cabin) = 84 GEL ($30)
  • 2nd Class (4 berth cabin) = 52 GEL ($18)
  • 3rd Class (open carriage) = 35 GEL ($12)

You can purchase tickets at Tbilisi Railway Station. I was able to buy a ticket on the day of departure, but itā€™s always best to buy one a few days in advance if you can.

More Info: Tbilisi to Baku Train

From Moscow, Russia:

It seems there used to be a train from Moscow to Baku but itā€™s not possible to find tickets or a timetable online which could indicate there is no longer a service. Check at the station in Moscow, and if anyone has done this trip recently I would love to hear the details in the comments or by email.

Ferry (freighter ships)

There are sailings to Baku Port from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan . There are no schedules and it takes some perseverance to secure a ticket and make the crossing, but itā€™s an adventure I would certainly recommend if you have the time.

From Aktau, Kazakhstan:

There is a weekly (or longer) sailing between Aktau in Kazakhstan and Baku. This route should only be attempted by seasoned travellers who have plenty of spare time. Aktau is very, very far from anywhere and takes many days to reach from Almaty or Nur-Sultan.

From Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan

There are two new cargo ships that also have a large passenger lounge ($100 for a seat) and cabins ($170 for a bed). The Bagtyyar and Berkarer travel between Baku and Turkmenbashi each week. Buying the tickets for Baku to Turkmenbashi was easy enough but I havenā€™t done this journey in reverse.

Visas for Azerbaijan

Citizens of 95 countries can apply for a single-entry Azerbaijan E-Visa valid for 30 days.

Apply for the E-visa online using the official Azerbaijan government website . The VISA costs $23 and takes 3 days to be emailed.

Baku Sightseeing FAQs

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the things to see in Baku:

Baku is an excellent tourist destination with lots of fun things to see and do. Wander around the charming old town, climb Maiden Tower and haggle for bargains at the Bazaar.

The top attractions in Baku include the Palace of Shirvanshahs, Maiden Tower, the F12 track and the Caspian Sea beaches. Other points of interest include Baku Boulevard, the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum and Yanar Dag.

Baku is famous for its oil wealth, its three flame towers, and its historic old town. Parts of the city were also used as a set location for the James Bond film The World is Not Enough.

Baku is surprisingly cheap with hostels for under $10 per night and hotel rooms for around $50. Food is inexpensive, as are museum tickets and transport, making it a great destination for budget-savvy travellers.

With three days to spend in Baku spend your first day exploring the old town including the Palace of Shirvanshahs, Maiden Tower and the city walls. Spend days two and three exploring the Caspian beaches, Fire Mountain and Gobustan National Park.

So, what are you waiting for? There are plenty of amazing places to see in Baku from the ancient old town to the beautiful beaches and fiery hillsides!

Check out my other articles about Azerbaijan:

Baku, Azerbaijan

About the author: Steve Rohan is a writer from Essex, England. He has traveled to over 60 countries, lived in Armenia, China and Hong Kong, and is now living the digital nomad life on the road.

Steve prefers “slow travel” and has covered much of the world by train, bus and boat. He has been interviewed multiple times by the BBC and recently featured in the documentary Scariest Places in the World . See the About page for more info.

Where I am now: Yerevan, Armenia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡²

2 thoughts on “ 15 Amazing Places to Visit in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2024 ”

Thanks Steve for your Baku info. Arrived today early morning sleep then explored the old town. I now know what to do day 2 and 3 . Thank you.

Greetings from next door Armenia! Glad you found it useful. Enjoy your trip. Best wishs, Steve

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7 Best Places To Visit In Baku, Azerbaijan

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Baku is a city that can combine a lot of customs, traditions, architecture, mentality, and vibes of European capitals as well the great Transcaucasia. Walking around the city, I catch myself thinking that one of its parts reminds me of Dubai, while others of Berlin, Ukraine, or Prague. Each part of Baku is significantly different in style from the other but at the same time manages to stay in perfect harmony. To give you a bit of proof of my words, I decided to create for you a proven list of the best places to visit in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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1. Highland Park

Highland park

Undoubtedly it is better to start exploring graceful Baku from above to pinpoint all the beauties of this bright city. To do this, as soon as you arrive, plan to go to Highland Park - there are beautiful views of the city and the Caspian Sea.

There are two ways to reach this spot - by stairs or by funicular. I prefer stairs as they offer different views from different heights of the park. Besides, if you get tired, there are many benches along the way to rest and catch your breath. If you prefer the funicular, which is always free of charge but works on specific hours, you will still have great views. Therefore, in any case, you will not go wrong with your choice of path to the park.

The park was created in pre-revolutionary times and used to be called the English Park, in memory of the English soldiers who died in Baku in 1918. Next to the park, now there is an alley dedicated to the martyrs, where everyone can walk in silence. In addition to this part of the park, as I said, there are stunning views of the coast. I like to admire the busy sights of the boulevard from here, as well as watch the light show on the Flame Towers.

As soon as you climb to the very top, be prepared for the change in temperature. It’s quite cold. It is not for nothing that Baku is called the ā€œCity of Windsā€. So don’t forget to dress warmly if you plan to visit this place outside of the summer and don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the lights. Another tip is to try to visit the park at dusk or night, so you can enjoy the beauty of all the lights and colors of Baku and be delighted.

Highland Park Address : Mehdi Huseyn Street, Near Martyrs’ Lane, Baku 1006 Opening hours : 24/7 Price : Free

2. Baku Book Center

Baku Book Center

You are not likely to find this unusual attraction in the basic Baku guides, but I strongly advise you to visit. Not far from the very center of Baku, close to Molokan Garden, there is a huge bookstore with a cafe. It looks very original and rich and consists of two floors, the second of which leads to a spiral staircase.

In this bookstore, you can find books in Azerbaijani, Russian, Turkish, English, and German languages. You’ll also find various postcards, notebooks, and other stationery and, for collectors or just interested people, various Azerbaijani post stamps. One of my favorite parts is the old books section. Here you can find anything - old textbooks, cookbooks, or just fiction books. The main thing is to spend some time browsing through the shelves.

Visitors love their cozy cafe on the ground floor behind the cash desk. You can buy your favorite book and read while drinking freshly brewed coffee or eating a fresh croissant. If you want more silence, then go up to the second floor to sit on cozy ottomans by the window. You can take any book you like without buying it and spend your leisure time reading and watching the sights from the window.

By the way, the ottomans are very comfortable, so don’t be surprised if you find me there!

Baku Book Center Address : Uzeir Hacibeyli 5, Baku Website : Baku Book Center Opening hours : 10am - 10pm (Mon-Sat) / 11am - 10pm (Sun)

3. Old Town Baku

Old Town

The Old Town or, in Azerbaijani, ā€œIcheri Sheherā€ is the pearl of Baku. It was here that the history of the city surrounded by fortress walls began, which now consists of endless narrow and quaint streets. Interestingly, these streets are still inhabited by the local population in old and authentic houses. If you wander through the quiet streets, do not hesitate to investigate any corner of the Old City - there is something interesting waiting for you at every single step.

By the way, fun fact: in 2000, the Old Town was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List, but that is certainly not why this is my favorite part of this city. My favorite pastime is to get lost in the narrow colorful streets because, even though I have been here dozens of times, I can still find something new every time.

For tourists, there are authentic shops with local products and souvenirs, numerous cafes and restaurants, as well as many architectural monuments. Take your time and look into antique shops - I often find beautiful old silver rings here.

Speaking of architectural monuments, it is worth noting the Maiden Tower, or Qiz Qalasi, is located in the Old City, which is one of the unspoken symbols of Baku. The tower holds a lot of secrets, and archaeologists still do not know what the true purpose of this tower was. But by entering it, you get into the museum to gain deeper insights into the history of Azerbaijan. In addition, the top of the tower offers wonderful views of the city.

Another pearl of the Old Town is the Palace of the Shirvanshahs or ā€œShirvanshahlar Sarayiā€, which echoes the origins of Baku. This palace belongs to the period between thirteenth and fourteenth century and is the residence of the Shirvanshahs. It occupies a huge territory in the old city and is a building with two floors. The complex includes a tomb, a mosque, a mausoleum, an underground well, and a bathhouse.

Old Town Address : 1/34 Mammadyarov Street, Baku, Baku AZ 1001 Opening hours : 24/7 Price : Free or from 5 USD

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4. Baku Boulevard

Baku Boulevard

Do you understand that the list of beautiful places in Baku cannot be complete without its Boulevard? The length of the Boulevard is 25 km (15.53 mi). The locals love to walk here day and night, so if you want silence, you will have to walk a few blocks away from its very center. There are many cafes and restaurants, attractions, shopping malls, arenas, and concert venues, as well as rare plants and trees on Baku Boulevard. I love spending my time here together with my friends, sitting in any random cafe and drinking local tea with a view of the Caspian Sea.

Entering the center of the Boulevard from Nizami Street, on the right side, you will notice Parachute Tower, which is 75 meters (246 feet) high. Go further and you will find Little Venice - a system of channels where everyone can take a gondola ride. This ā€œVeniceā€ is very small but if you have never ridden a gondola, it’s worth a try. I have never ridden it myself but, walking along the Boulevard, I often see the happy faces of children with their parents, so I’m sure it’s quite wonderful.

Not far from this place, is a building of unusual form - Carpet Museum. This museum is designed in the form of a rolled carpet and showcases about 1 million different local carpets. Take some time and visit the museum to explore this side of Azerbaijani culture.

Another popular place frequented by the locals is Flag Square, which is striking in its scale and is also located on the Boulevard. It gets its name from the huge Azerbaijani flag dominating this space.

I advise you to spend an early morning or late evening on the Boulevard; these are the best times of the day when you can enjoy your coffee by the seashore. If you want to explore the entire Boulevard, then rent scooters or bicycles to save time and effort. I, of course, prefer to walk on foot.

Baku Boulevard Address : Neftchilar Avenue, Baku, Baku Opening hours : 24/7 Price : Free

5. Philarmonic Fountain Park

Philarmonic Fountain Park

The most picturesque place in Baku, in my opinion, is the Philharmonic Garden. It is located near Old Town and, from here, you can hear the beautiful sounds of music. Glorious plants bloom here and the garden exudes a graceful ambiance. There are plenty of benches, so be sure to set aside some time to sit and absorb the beauty of this place.

Often passing by this place, I notice newlyweds having their pre-wedding photo shoots here. And for good reason too! The whole white and emerald design fits perfectly into the concept of a wedding ceremony. Therefore, if you stumble upon them, be sure to wish the young couple good luck as this is a secret tradition of the city.

Philarmonic Fountain Park Address : Sabayil, Baku, Baku Opening hours : 24/7 Price : Free

6. Flame Towers Baku

Flame Towers

Three large buildings resembling flames are the tallest in Baku and symbolise Azerbaijan’s unofficial name - the Land of Fire. As soon as dusk sets in, LED screens are turned on in each of the towers, which display various pictures - a flame, the flag of Azerbaijan, and, on certain holidays, unique drawings.

Inside of one the buildings, at Park Cinema, you can enjoy the newest movies in IMAX format. An ideal view of the towers can be seen from Highland Park, although due to their height, the towers are visible from almost any part of the city.

Flame Towers Baku Address : Mehdi Huseyn Street 1A, Baku, Baku AZ1006 Opening hours : 24/7 Price : Free

7. Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center

Heydar Aliyev Center

The insanely beautiful futuristic building named after former President Heydar Aliyev is a cultural center and is one of the best works of the great architect Zaha Hadid. There are rumors that the building itself is made in the form of Heydar Aliyev’s signature; the idea itself blows my mind. Snow-white, streamlined, and very unusual, it looks especially beautiful under the scorching Baku sun. In 2014, the London Design Museum recognized it as “Project of the Year”.

The Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center includes several exhibition halls dedicated to the history, culture, and architecture of Azerbaijan, as well as the Heydar Aliyev Museum. It took me about three hours to see the whole cultural center, so I strongly advise you to have enough time in hand to see everything.

While exploring the exhibition halls, take a break in the cafe located inside or take a walk in the park nearby. In the cafe, by the way, I tried their coffee with salted caramel syrup, which was delicious; so if you are also a sweet lover, then this is highly recommended.

Heydar Aliyev Center Address : Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Baku, AZ1033 Baku Website : Heydar Aliyev Center Opening hours : Tue-Fri: 11am - 7pm; Sat - Sun: 11am - 6pm Price : From 6 USD

Piece of advice from a Baku fan

After visiting these sights, don’t forget to make time for yourself to collect all the thoughts and feelings from this city together. Every time I come home, I am amazed at the pace this city is growing every day. If you feel the same way, you can spend some time like me strolling along the windy boulevard in silence.

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Being from Azerbaijan and residing in Poland, Medina is a freelance copywriter. Having visited 17 countries, she found herself sharing her experience and feelings with those who also share her... Read more

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Unusual Traveler

Top 13 Things To Do In Baku, The Vibrant Capital Of Azerbaijan

By Author Christian L.

Posted on Published: February 1, 2021  - Last updated: December 11, 2021

Categories Destinations , Azerbaijan , Caucasus

Baku, the vibrant capital of Azerbaijan, is a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus and variously considered part of Europe or Asia. Baku was once my least favourite city in the world; when I first visited Baku back in 2013, the city was so corrupt that it was impossible to enjoy the city.

Travel guide to baku the capital of Azerbaijan

I got stopped numerous times a day by local police and by the secret police just by wearing a camera around my neck, asking for bribes, but luckily now the most corrupt city in the world has now cleaned itself up, and Baku is now a perfect long weekend destination.

A blend of ancient palaces and bazaars, modern museums, and skyscrapers designed in the shape of flickering flames.

Although the city is evolving into a futuristic metropolis, it still retains that old-world atmosphere.

Markets still sell hand-woven carpets, and lanterns and locals still feast on delicious mezze in hidden restaurants.

Baku and Azerbaijan is by far the richest city and country in the Caucasus region.

There are plenty of things to do in Baku, and it’s a great time to visit during the city’s transformation.

Baku around the waterfront is definitely one of the most beautiful cities around the world, but it´s also very poor if you venture outside the waterfront part of the city, which is full of water fountains and beautiful marble sidewalks.

The metro in Baku is also almost as beautiful as the subway in Moscow and Tashkent, all decorated in similar ways.

Top Things To Do In Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Take a walking tour of baku’s ancient walled city.

Baku’s Ancient Walled City

Baku’s Old City evokes memories of old, with ancient palaces, leafy courtyards, towers, and alleyways.

There are several highlights to explore inside the walls. However, the most popular is the 15th century Palace of the Shirvanshahs – one of the country’s revered UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

old city baku

This important structure, which was home to royalty, features mosques, city gates, bathhouses, and mausoleums.

Baku old city wall

Take a tour to enter the remaining rooms inside the palace and cast your mind back to this era, imagining life through the eyes of people who lived here and summon the experiences of traders who passed through this part of the city on their journey along the Silk Road .

Explore Old City Bazaars

When you explore the bazaars of Old City Baku, it’s akin to stepping back in time.

Clothing and antiques, fresh produce, and even Beluga caviar line the colourful stalls.

If you want to shop with locals, venture to Taza or Yasil bazaars with vendors selling spices, fish, and fresh vegetables.

If you seek a particular product and have your credit card with you, head into the historic centre of Icheri Sheher.

These labyrinths, historic alleyways are lined with hand-crafted rugs, ceramics, and souvenir shops.

Climb to the Top of Maiden’s Tower

Maiden tower baku

Whilst inside the Old City walls, find time to explore Maiden’s Tower.

This 12th century stone structure is one of Baku’s most recognisable sites and is even featured on the country’s banknotes.

The tower, which stands at 29.5 metres tall, boasts a museum that tells the story of Baku, and if you climb winding stairs to the observation point at the top, you’re rewarded with superb views of the Palace of the Shirvanshah’s and Flame Towers in the distance, so don’t forget your camera!

Stroll Along Baku Boulevard

Established in the early 1900s, Baku Boulevard stretches for 2 miles alongside the Caspian Sea.

The area is famed for its architecture – a place where wealthy oil traders constructed their lavish mansions along the seafront.

Several historic and more contemporary landmarks lie along the boulevard – National Flag Square, the Baku Eye Ferris Wheel, Stone Chronicle Museum, and the famous Azerbaijan Carpet Museum.

That’s not all. There’s also an area named “Little Venice”. In this charming Veneto style town, enjoy a gondola ride along canals, relaxing beneath sunny skies as you drift beneath bridges, or break for lunch in a nearby café or restaurant.

Ride on the Baku Eye

One tourist highlight of Baku is taking a ride on the Baku Eye. This huge 60 metres high Ferris wheel with air-conditioned cabins offers incredible vistas across the city.

The ride spins quite slowly, taking around 15 minutes to complete the cycle – the perfect time to capture photographs for your Instagram feed and see the Flame Towers as they illuminate with a spectacular light show after sunset!

Visit the Flame Towers

Set on a hill overlooking the Old City of Baku, these contemporary buildings are constructed in the design of flickering flames.

The unusual design pays homage to the natural gas fires which constantly burn from the ground on the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan.

The three high rise glass towers were designed by HOK and constructed between 2007 and 2012.

flame tower baku

They vary slightly in size, with the tallest standing at 182 metres high, and each one is covered in LED screens that simulate the movement of fire and colours of the Azeri flag.

You can see the towers from almost every location in the city, but if you take a ride on the Baku Eye at night, you’ll gain some of the best views and photos as the light show begins.

Discover Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

Carpet making is a huge part of Azerbaijan life. The designs combine folk art, local landscapes and can even symbolise daily life in the country.

Many colourful rugs and carpets have historic importance too, covering floors of palaces and mosques.

This museum has been telling the stories of these carpets since 1967 and today also displays over 10,000 pieces of metal artefacts, jewellery, and ceramics.

If you’re interested in the culture, history, and crafts of Azerbaijan, this place is worth a visit.

Shop on Nizami Street

Baku’s main shopping street is known as ‘Torgovaya’ or Nizami Street to tourists. It’s home to quaint book shops, department stores, chocolatiers, and international restaurants.

Nizami Museum of Azerbaijan Literature

Even if you don’t plan to spend, it’s a delightful street to walk along, with impressive Renaissance, Baroque and Neo-Gothic architecture.

In the evenings, Nizami Street shimmers with draping chandeliers, turning the busy shopping avenue into a glistening, window-shopping wonderland.

Visit the Atashgah Fire Temple

Situated just 18 kilometres east of Baku is the famous Atashgah Fire Temple.

The castle-like temple in the suburbs was once used as a Zoroastrian and Hindu place of worship. Although the natural eternal flame which illuminated the temple was extinguished in the late 1960s, it’s still lit today with piped gas from Baku.

This centre of pilgrimage is now a museum and UNESCO World Heritage Site, peppered with ancient inscriptions and plenty of stories to tell.

It’s an interesting half-day or full-day trip for anyone interested in religions and Azerbaijan’s history.

Discover the Futuristic Heydar Aliyev Centre

Designed by talented architect Zaha Hadid, the Heydar Aliyev Centre stands in direct contrast to the ancient minarets, palaces, and towers of Baku.

This undulating masterpiece built on the former site of a Soviet munitions factory was inspired by Islamic designs and geometric patterns. Materials were used to create a fluid, free-space structure that blends with the surroundings.

Take a walk inside the surreal cavern-like interior and stay while to experience opera, music concerts, or art exhibitions.

Sample Delicious Pakhlava and Pilaf

As Azerbaijan was once on the ancient Silk Road trading route, the country boasts a fusion of different cuisines ranging from Middle Eastern and Mediterranean to Turkish, Indian, and even Chinese! Locals dine on Pilaf – a rice dish similar to Indian Biryani, decorated with dried fruits and nuts infusing a sweet flavour.

Traditionally served in pitta bread with lamb or chicken, it’s a delicious Baku food you don’t want to miss!

When it comes to desserts, Pakhlava is a fragrant pastry layered with honey drizzled nuts, cardamom, saffron, and cloves.

If you fall head over heels for Baku cuisine, you can also join a half-day culinary workshop that incorporates market shopping for ingredients, followed by cooking and sampling the dishes!

Take a Trip to Khinalig Village

One of the oldest villages nestled in the Caucasus Mountains of Azerbaijan is Khinalig or Khinaliq. Located high in the mountains of Quba Rayon, just under 4 hours’ drive northwest of Baku, the 5000-year-old village is about as traditional as you can get – home to families who have lived here for generations.

They live simple lives in minimalist homes with few furnishings, utilising hand-woven carpets, blankets, and cushions to sit and sleep on.

The citizens practise ancient traditions such as Tikmes – a unique embroidery style typical of this region, and you can purchase items from locals in their houses.

This village is enveloped in rich history and nature.

During your trip, you can learn about the Zoroastrian religion, visit the small museum which displays ceramics, coins, and photos, hike in the mountains, and sample authentic Caucasus cuisine!

There are guided tours available from Baku to Khinalig too, which make sense if you have limited time in the country.

Petroglyphs and Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan National Park

Petroglyphs and Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan National Park outside Baku

Gobustan National Park a UNESCO world heritage site around an hour southwest of Baku.

This magnificent landscape has 6000 rock carvings and paintings dating back up to 20,000 years!

Petroglyphs at Gobustan National Park

These carvings were used as ancient communication systems to tell others passing through the area what to expect and see.

There’s an interactive museum on-site, showcasing over 100,000 archaeological artefacts, but if you want to remain in the great outdoors, explore the mud volcanoes.

There are over 300 bubblings, mud-filled mounds dotted throughout Azerbaijan and the surrounding waters, but many of them are located here within the park.

Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan National Park Baku

The mineral-rich mud is said to have medicinal properties and be good for the skin.

Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan National Park

Therefore, the best way to experience them is to take a tour of the park, that way you won’t miss a thing!

Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan National Park

Alternatively, if you want to make your own way there, trains from Baku take just over an hour to reach the national park.

About every twenty years or so, a mud volcano here in Gobustan explode with great force, shooting flames hundreds of meters into the sky and throwing tons of mud on the surrounding area. The last one that is reported to have erupted in the area was back in 2001, so, unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to witness that.

How to Get to Baku

As the capital city of Azerbaijan, Baku has its own airport – Heydar Aliyev International Airport, which lies 20 kilometres from the city centre.

The airport is served by several major airlines, including Turkish Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Lufthansa.

Regular flights operate from most European countries (journey time 3-6 hours depending on departure country), and if you’re arriving from Russia, you can fly to Baku with Aeroflot.

It’s easy to reach Baku city centre from the airport via express minibus shuttles, which operate half-hourly. There are also taxis and metro services from Koroglu station near the airport.

If you plan to travel by train to Baku, there are now services operating to Baku from Ankara, Turkey, Moscow, Russia, and Tbilisi , Georgia . Just remember to allow extra time for border crossings!

Ferry across the Caspian Sea to Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan . More information about that here.

There is NO transportation between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Extra Information about Baku.

Visa for azerbaijan.

Important! If your passport shows any evidence of travel to Nagorno-Karabakh , will you be denied entry (even if you already have an Azerbaijani visa) Azerbaijan has recently introduced an EVISA . Making Azerbaijan an easier destination to visit since you don’t need to get a  letter of invitation (LoI) from a travel agency/contact in Azerbaijan anymore.

Where to Sleep in Baku

Money/prices in baku.

The local currency in Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani manat AZN (Yeni Manat) 1 USD = 1.04 AZN  1 Euro = 1,1AZN

Azerbaijan is by far the most expensive country in the Caucasus region, and it´s not far from western Europe prices. A daily budget should be around 40 Usd+ There´s ATM´s available all around Baku

1,5L Bottle of water  – 0.54 AZN 0.33L Coke/Pepsi –  0.54 AZN A meal in a local restaurant – 7 AZN A meal in a good restaurant – 40 AZN Big Mac meal at McDonald´s – 6 AZN Coffee in a coffee chain – 4 AZN Pack of Cigarettes (Marlboro) – 3 AZN Beer local 0.5L can – 1.5  AZN Beer imported 0.33L (Heineken) – 3 AZN Gasoline (1 liter) – 0,70 AZN

Friday 5th of March 2021

No šŸ‘Ž never !A wallet with all the documents was stolen from the hotel, got into a big problem ....... no one does not answer, they bring everything on top of each other, a terrible place! This is my opinion! everyone has an opinion! In my opinion, this country has forgotten about people!

Friday 9th of April 2021

@Ashley, I am sorry to hear about your negative experience! Overall it is not a common case for the hotels in Baku, neither pickpocketing while strolling aroung the city. But let's agree, it can happen anywhere. Yes,the worst when the police don't do anything. I also got into similar trouble in Europe several years ago, i know how it feels and understand your anger, however to rate the country as a terrible place can sound harsh and misleading. Though it would be a great contribution from your part if you just could mention the name of that hotel. Thx!

Christian L.

Saturday 6th of March 2021

Im sorry to hear that. While on my first visit to Baku, I really hated the place, and It was my least favourite city in the world, but luckily the city has at least for me improved. But itĀ“s still far from any of my favourite cites or places to visit

Wednesday 22nd of July 2020

Have you visited Azerbaijan again ? Did you like it then?

Saturday 10th of October 2020

Yes I've been to Azerbaijan, one of the worst countries I've ever been to

Gary Hartfelder

Wednesday 7th of August 2019

Unfortunately, I visited Baku a few months ago and had the same issue. I am American and traveled with a bunch of friends. One of our friends had an Armenian last name and got deported at the airport! She had never even been to Armenia. It was much less enjoyable after that happened, the city was nice but the mood was very depressing for the week we were there. As tourists, it was fine as the people seemed to be friendly, but we seemed to get lots of dirty looks from every law enforcement officer we passed by.

Overall, I could never recommend this place myself after this experience, but I'm sure others may have had alternative experiences.

Tuesday 30th of April 2019

Just the photo issue? any other examples?

Wednesday 22nd of May 2019

Just average problems with police every single day, getting stopped for no reason at all and asking for bribes. But this is years ago, and im now planning to revisit next year to see how Azerbaijan is now.

Murad Muradov

Thursday 11th of April 2019

Dear Christian, I'm sad you had such an experience in Azerbaijan. To be honest I'm quite surprised since your experience seems to be something quite outlandish. Most daily transactions and documentation issues are now completely transparent (there were a lot of issues about 8-10 years ago which have been properly dealt with). Coming to photos, it might happen if you capture from a close distance the Presidential House or objects of military purpose but nothing more, I'm an avid photographer myself (though I usually use a good smartphone cam rather than a professional one) and haven't had any issues whatsoever. There are now Uber and Taxify services operating in Baku (though some drivers may be explicit about preferring cash payment which is an option here). I hope you get to come back for a much positive experience soon!

Hello. ItĀ“s a shame that I had just bad experiences from Baku and Azerbaijan, I really wanted to like it. I will probably revisit next year to see if I'm luckier then.

Ashley Abroad Travel Blog

11 Super Unique Things to Do in Baku, Azerbaijan

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

There is no shortage of interesting things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan – by any measure, it’s a fascinating place.

Some people like to say that Baku is “the new Dubai”. I’m here to tell you it’s not. Thankfully, Baku couldn’t be the new Dubai – it has too much history.

While you will see many sleek new skyscrapers in Baku (courtesy of Azerbaijan’s oil wealth), they’re intermixed with medieval walls and centuries-old carpet shops. In Baku, the past is still very much alive.

Table of Contents

Unique things to do in Baku:

1. walk baku’s old city.

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

My favorite part of Baku is the Old City. Baku’s historic core, the Old City is surrounded by sand-colored medieval walls and filled with restaurants, shops, and traditional carpet weavers. It’s a wonderful place to take a stroll, have lunch, and visit a few attractions.

2. Climb the Maiden Tower

While you’re in the Old City, climb the Maiden Tower, a UNESCO world heritage site.

Interestingly, no one knows why the Maiden Tower was built. Some speculate it was originally a Zoroastrian temple, but the reason is still unknown. In any case, it’s worth the six-storyĀ climb, and has beautiful views from the top.

3. Visit the Carpet Museum

15 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has a rich tradition of carpet weaving, which you can learn about at theĀ Azerbaijan Carpet Museum. The Carpet Museum, which resembles a rolled-up carpet, showcases a stunning collection of carpets from Azerbaijan and Iran. I especially fell in love with the extraordinarily intricate carpets from Tabriz, Iran. (Now I just need to go to Iran, ha.)

4. Try black tea with jam

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

You can’t visit to Baku without trying black tea with jam. Azeris (who are actually a Turkic ethnic group) drink tea like the Turks: black, sweetened with sugar, and served in a small glass. The twist is that they prefer theirs with a dollop of fruit jam.

You can order tea at almost any restaurant in Baku — jam will be included free of charge.

5. Ride the super beautiful subway

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

One quirky thing to do in Baku is riding the subway. It was constructed by the Soviet Union, and looks like it belongs in a Wes Anderson film. It’s clean, safe, and inexpensive, so is a great way to get around town. (Though Ubers are extremely cheap, too!)

6. Sample Azerbaijani wines at KEFLI

Did you know Azerbaijan produces wine? This may be a little surprising, considering Azerbaijan is a predominantly Muslim country.

If you want to try some, head to KEFLI , a small, cozy wine bar in the city’s downtown. KEFLI boasts 100% Azerbaijani wine list, so it’s the perfect place to sample a few varietals. They also serve snacks, so you can enjoy a mezze plate along with your glass of red.

7. Try dyushbara, Azerbaijani dumpling soup

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Want to sample some traditional Azerbaijani food? (You should — it’s fantastic). Start with dyushbara, a traditional soup. Dyushbara are tiny, meat-filled dumplings served in a broth made from mutton bones.

Try dyushbara at Sehril Tendir , an excellent restaurant in the Old City. They feature a bevy of traditional Azerbaijani dishes, as well as the some of the best bread I’ve ever tried, which is baked on-site in a tandoor oven.

8. Pay a visit to the Fire Temple (Ateshgah of Baku)

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

If you do one day trip from Baku, make it the Fire Temple, a former Zoroastrian place of worship. This temple was abandoned in the late 19th century but still remains popular as a museum. I loved learning about Zoroastrianism, which is one of the world’s oldest religions. Their followers are often called fire-worshippers, which is why they have so many places of worship in Azerbaijan, a country that is rich in natural gases.

9. See the mud volcanoes of Gobustan

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Another interesting day trip from Baku is the mud volcanoes in Gobustan. Though they aren’t true volcanoes (no lava), they bubble up similar to volcanoes, forming dirt mounds.

If you’re super into geology or… mud, the mud volcanoes may be worth visiting. I was a little perplexed as to why everyone seemed to be so enthralled by them (Aren’t they just… dirt?). But as they say, to each their own.

10. Witness the ‘eternal flame’ at Yanar Dag (Fire Mountain)

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Another popular day trip option is Yanar Dag. Yanar Dag is a naturally occurring flame that burns continuously on a hillside.

To be honest, I was a little underwhelmed. I may have even said, “Is that it?” at one point. That being said, Yanar Dag is supposedly much more impressive at night, so that’s when I’d recommend visiting.

11. Drive past the James Bond oil fields

11 super unique things to do in Baku, Azerbaijan

On your way back to Baku from Yanar Dag, you will drive past the oil fields made famous by James Bond. Fun fact – Baku produced 72 percent of Soviet oil during WWII, so Hitler wanted to capture the city. Fortunately, the battle of Stalingrad defeated the advancing German army, thereby killing Hitler’s dream.

Where to stay in Baku:

Sahil Hostel is an excellent hostel. It has comfortable beds with private lockers, curtains, and sockets and lights in each bunk. It also had a common area where they serve beer and wine. Prices start at $6.50 USD per night for a bunk in a ten-bed dorm. You can check current rates here .

If you have a little wiggle room in your budget, the Baku Hilton is a wonderful choice – it’s a super luxurious hotel with excellent amenities. We loved the 360 Bar, which has views of the whole city. Rates start at $155 per night. You can check current rates here .

Note – I wouldn’t recommend staying at Zion Hostel. It didn’t seem clean and only had one massive dorm in which everyone slept. We left soon after we arrived.

Have you ever visited Azerbaijan? What were your favorite things to do in Baku?

Essential info: The Carpet Museum costs 10 AZN ($5.80 USD) to enter. If you want to bring your camera, conceal it, otherwise they will charge you extra to bring it in the museum. The Baku subway costs 0.20 AZN ($0.12) for a single ride. You can take the subway to the Fire Temple. It costs 5 AZN ($3 USD) to enter the Fire Temple, but 1 AZN ($0.60 USD) if you’re a student. Bring your ID! If you want to take a day trip from Baku, you can arrange it with Baku Tours, which is located in the Old City. We did a day trip with them to the mud volcanoes, the Fire Temple, and Yanar Dag. It cost $21 USD per person. You can book the same one we did here. Make sure to purchase travel insurance before your trip to Azerbaijan.  I’ve used  World Nomads  for years and highly recommend it.

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About Ashley Fleckenstein

Ashley is a travel and lifestyle blogger who lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since college she has au paired in Paris, backpacked the world solo, and lived in Uganda. Her work has been featured by Buzzfeed, Forbes, TripAdvisor, and Glamour Magazine.

6 thoughts on “11 Super Unique Things to Do in Baku, Azerbaijan”

Omg, the subway looks amazing!

Mariya |

It was so cool! I was completely surprised!

I have to go there now! Looking at flights now! RILEY VS GLOBE |

Yay! Do it!!!

I have never even heard of Baku but it looks super super cool!

It’s unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been! Very cool place.

Comments are closed.

Red Fedora Diary

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend

Azerbaijan’s capital prides itself on a mixture of modern and old architecture, making it an exciting city in the region to visit. Bakuā€™s trendy buildings are ideally positioned among its century-old buildings and towers. Dozens of parks scattered across the city offer excellent relaxation time during your walks in the city. For a short weekend trip, the post provides various things to do in Baku.

How to get to Baku

Depending on where you are living, it shouldnā€™t be a problem getting to Baku. Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport serves dozens of airline companies operating to and from Baku worldwide.

Many travelers who are traveling to Georgia like to add Baku to their itinerary and vice versa. Tbilisi Baku marshrutka (minibus) runs daily from Ortachala Central Bus Station at 5, 6, 6:30, and 7 p.m. The ticket costs 30 GEL. The journey is a bit long, though, around 7- 8 hours.

Things to do in Baku

Thereā€™s also a daily overnight Tbilisi Baku train that leaves from Tbilisi Railway Station at 8:35 p.m, taking around 12 hours. The train ticket costs between 35-84 GEL, depending on the class. For more detailed information on this train journey, read Emilyā€™s post – Tbilisi to Baku by overnight train .

12 Top Things to Do in Baku, Azerbaijan

Baku is an immaculate city with buildings painted or constructed with similar beige colors, making it look elegant and straightforward. Even though there is heavy traffic in the city, it still feels quiet during the day. In the evenings, it becomes even more peaceful with a few locals walking in the dark.

Azerbaijan’s capital tries to offer as much as possible to its visitors. However, the cultural and architectural sights are limited. The majority of Baku attractions consist of museums, modern architecture, parks, and other landmarks outside of the city, including the fire mountain Yanar Dag .

Icheri Sheher or Old Town

One of the first things to do in Baku is to learn about its history. Baku’s Old Town, or Icheri Sheher, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and used to be the medieval capital of the Shirvan Shahs. Start with visiting the 12th century Maiden Tower, then continue your way towards the 15th century Palace of Shivan Shahs through narrow streets full of traditional carpet weavers and souvenir shops.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 1

One of the places to visit in Baku is the Maiden Tower , a museum showcasing the city’s development over the centuries. Each floor represents a milestone in Bakuā€™s history.  From the top of the tower, you can enjoy the view over the Caspian Sea, old town, and the Boulevard.

Things to do in Baku

  • Opening Hours: Every day from 9 a.m to 6 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: Adults – 10 AZN, Students – 5 AZN, Guided Tour – 20 AZN

The Palace of Shirvan Shahs is a complex consisting of the main building, a small stone pavilion – Divanhane, mosque, tombs, remains of the bathhouse, and a mausoleum. The two-story main building presents cultural jewels of the country preserved from ancient times.

Things to do in Baku

  • Opening Hours: Every day from 10 a.m to 6 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: Adults – 10 AZN, Students – 5 AZN

Miniature Literature Museum

Another cool thing to do in Baku is to visit the miniature books museum. It’s one of a kind in the world and represents a private collection of Zaria Salahova. She collected 6,500 books from 65 different countries.

my favorite place in baku essay

The museum was opened to the public in 2002 and is free to enter. Together with famous literature masterpieces, the museum holds scarce editions as well. Here, you can find the 17 th century Quran, a book published in the 13 th century by a descendant of Johannes Gutenberg, and books so tiny that they require a magnifying glass.

  • Opening Hours: Closed on Thur and Mon. Rest: from 11 a.m to 5 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: FREE

Flame Towers

The icon of Baku attractions is its skyscraper trio 182 meters in height, making it the country’s tallest building. The towers represent Azerbaijan’s long history of fire worshipers.

Things to do in Baku

Those buildings have around 130 residential apartments on their 33 floors, a hotel with 250 rooms, and 61 serviced apartments. Additionally, it has offices of various organizations.

The towers’ facades are like screens using more than 10,000 LED lights to lit up after dusk. It shows a small display of fire and the national flag of Azerbaijan.

Baku Funicular

Opened in 1960 during the Soviet rule, Baku Funicular is the first and the only one in the country. It takes you from Neftchilar Avenue to Martyr’s Alley. It’s a fantastic spot to have Baku’s panoramic views from here and admire the Flame Towers up close.

  • Opening Hours: Every day from 10 a.m to 10 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: 1AZN

Martyr’s Alley

One of the top things to do in Baku is to visit the Martyrsā€™ Alley and the Eternal Flame Memorial. Memorial honor more than 100 Azerbaijan demonstrators shot by the Soviet army in the shocking  Black January . The area before was a Muslim cemetery from WWI, but it transformed drastically into a Soviet amusement park in the past couple of years.

Things to do in Baku

Bibiheybat Mosque

Bibiheybat Mosque, located a bit far from the tourist places to visit in Baku, is an important mosque. What you see today is a recreation of an old mosque of the same name built by Shirvanshah in the 13th century. In 1936, Bolsheviks completely destroyed the mosque.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 2

Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum

Azerbaijan culture is known for its gorgeous carpets, and visiting the Carpet Museum would be on your list. Opened in 1967, it also is the world’s first of such museums.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 3

The facade is quite unique. It represents a rolled carpet adorned with traditional motifs. When inside, you’ll learn more about the culture of carpet weaving and its different techniques used at different times. The museum has the biggest collection of Azerbaijani carpets.

  • Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 10 a.m to 6 p.m; Weekends: 10 a.m to 8 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: Adults – 7AZN, Students – 3 AZN

Mini Venice

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 4

One of my favorite things to do in Baku was this so-called ā€˜Little Venice,’ an artificial canal connecting several islands with beautiful arches. Gondolas and personal indeed look like the ones you see in Venice. A 6-8 minute ride in a gondola is the perfect way to unwind for a bit and enjoy warm sunlight.

  • Opening Hours: Everyday 10:30 a.m to 11:30 p.m
  • Entrance Fee: Adults – 4 AZN

Nizami Street

Nizami Street is the most significant pedestrian street featuring different shopping and entertainment venues. Named after a local poet, the street is the main shopping district covering 3.5 km. As you walk along this long street, make sure to look at the architecture. You can find baroque, neo-renaissance, and neo-gothic buildings here.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 5

And once here, don’t forget to check out Fountain Square. The area features several different fountains starting from Nizami Street to the walls of the old city.

Baku Boulevard

A 3.5km long Baku Boulevard is one of the most popular places to visit Baku for locals and city visitors. Walk along the promenade and enjoy the views of the Caspian Sea and the Flame Towers. The boulevard is also home to an amusement park, various cafes, bars, Baku Eye (the Ferris Wheel), National Flag Square, and many more interesting places.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 6

Heydar Aliyev Center

This huge building with unique architecture is home to a conference hall, a gallery, and a museum. Named after the third president of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, the museum showcases his work and life and the history of Azerbaijan.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 7

  • Opening Hours: Tue-Sun 11 a.m to 7 p. m
  • Entrance Fee: Adults – 15 AZN

Eat like a local

Azerbaijani cuisine is very similar to Turkish and Iranian. The vegetables and greens are seasonal, and the cuisine is quite meaty. The most famous meal here is a plov – a rice dish with saffron spice and other greens. Dried fruits and walnuts are most common in Azeri meals. Kebabs, shashlik, and lahmajun are also very common, along with other neighboring countries’ meals.

12 Excellent Things to Do in Baku on a Weekend 8

When looking for a place to eat like a local, search for the least attractive and posh-looking venue. Those are the places that offer real authenticity of the city and its cuisine, with a friendly staff to help you out in tasting the country’s essential meals.

My favorite travel Resources

āœˆ Book affordable flights on WayAway , a platform that shows the best flight deals, tours, and hotels. With a WayAway Plus membership, you can earn cashback . Get 10% off with code: RFD10

šŸš« Get compensation for up to 700$ with Airhelp if your flight was canceled or delayed within the last 3 years.

šŸš— Rent a car with DiscoverCars , a trusted international car rental website.

šŸ’» Get a VPN from Surfshark to protect your devices from hackers when using public Wi-Fi when traveling.

šŸ“± Install the Airalo app , which provides local eSIMs for a more affordable internet connection when traveling. Get 3 USD with code: BAIA2592 .

šŸ’ø Use Wise to withdraw money in local currency without hidden fees and avoid high exchange rates. On top of that, you might get a Visa or Mastercard debit card .

šŸØ Find budget-friendly deals on all sorts of accommodation types on .

ā£ Pre-book a private car transfer with Welcome Pickups to your hotel.

šŸ©ŗ Buy the most flexible and budget-friendly travel insurance, SafetyWing , covering COVID with add-ons for adventure sports and electronics theft.

ā˜€ Book in advance some of the best city walks, cultural experiences, and day tours to maximize your stay and experience here.

things to do in Baku

Want more inspiration?

Wow–it looks like a beautiful place! I love that you can take a gondola ride without going to Venice šŸ™‚

I am not going to lie. I know nothing of Baku or any part of Azerbaijan. However, I love learning about new places that are often off the grid to most Americans. I think Darcee would love to explore the Miniature Library and I would love the history museum in the old city tower. Love how modern mixes with the old. Definitely going to search out any of that Plov or kebabs when we go.

I don’t know what in was picturing, but it wasn’t this cool. I would love to explore Baku Old Town. I’m such a history buff.

Wow, I knew nothing about Baku until reading this post, and WOW. It looks like such a interesting place. Would love to try the food!

Thank you for sharing about this lovely place that I was not familiar with! It looks like a beautiful place and I’m pretty sure I would love the food!!

I stumbled upon this blog while planning my weekend getaway to Baku, and I must say it’s an absolute gem! The article perfectly captures the essence of the city and provides an excellent list of things to do in Baku. I followed the suggestions and had an incredible time exploring the vibrant streets of the Old City, admiring the architectural wonders like the Maiden Tower, and immersing myself in the local culture at the Heydar Aliyev Center. The tips and recommendations shared here were invaluable in maximizing my short stay and ensuring I didn’t miss out on any of the must-see attractions. Thanks to this blog, my weekend in Baku was nothing short of amazing. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a memorable and enriching experience!

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Small Group Caucasus Tours 2024-2025

Attractions in Baku

The capital city of Azerbaijan, Baku , has blossomed into a sprawling metropolis over recent decades, where the enchanting blend of ancient mystique and stunning modernity coexists in an extraordinary manner. Nestled alongside the futuristic edifices are quarters harking back to medieval times, creating a remarkable contrast. The harbor of Baku Bay, just as it did centuries ago, continues to welcome ships from around the globe.

So, what is Baku famous for?

Every year, thousands of tourists flock to Baku, drawn to the glittering Flame Towers, the thrill of its Ferris wheel, and the intricate designs showcased at the Carpet Museum. Baku and its surroundings are brimming with fascinating spots. We’ve handpicked the top 10 must-see sights in Baku, an array of the most popular and unforgettable attractions in Azerbaijan’s capital, each one an absolute must-visit. From guiding you through the winding streets of the old city to revealing the location of the best panoramic views of Baku, from introducing you to the country's premier cultural hub to suggesting cool retreats for the summer heat, we've got it all covered.

1. Icheri Sheher

Icheri Sheher , the historical and cultural heart of Baku, is a fortified complex housing numerous ancient buildings. As the city's oldest attraction, its origins trace back to the 5th century, though the exact date of construction of this 'Baku Acropolis' remains a mystery. Key highlights include the Maiden Tower and the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, both architectural marvels.

  • The Maiden Tower (Giz Galasi) , an iconic symbol of Baku, stands tall on a cliff near the coastline. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, predating the advent of Islam in Azerbaijan. Some theorize it was built for sun and fire worship. The tower is wrapped in legends, the most famous of which involves a king's daughter who, to avoid an unwanted marriage, requested a tower be built by the Caspian Sea. Upon its completion, she tragically leaped to her death. The tower, comprising eight levels connected by narrow spiral staircases, houses a museum and a top-tier observation deck with a breathtaking city view.
  • The Palace of the Shirvanshahs is a magnificent complex featuring a palace, tomb, mosque, mausoleum, and baths. Its hewn stone walls are adorned with exquisite ornaments, showcasing elegance and craftsmanship. The stone-carved airy patterns are a testament to artistic mastery.

Beyond these landmarks, Icheri Sheher also includes fortress gates, caravanserais, numerous mosques and mausoleums, a bazaar square, and more. A stroll through these ancient edifices offers a journey back in time to medieval Baku.

2. The Seaside Boulevard (Baku Boulevard)

The Seaside Boulevard (Baku Boulevard) is a jewel in the crown of Azerbaijan's capital. Spanning an impressive 6 kilometers, it's among the world's longest seaside promenades. The boulevard boasts a rich array of amenities, including restaurants, cafes, attractions of Baku for all ages, shops, concert venues, and a sports complex, making it a beloved spot for both locals and visitors.

Lined with lush trees and well-maintained greenery, the boulevard is a picture of elegance and order. It's particularly enchanting in the evening when the coastline sparkles with myriad lights. For a bird's-eye view of Baku, visitors can take a spin on the 60-meter Ferris wheel. The boulevard also offers bicycle rentals and the opportunity for boat or yacht excursions on the Caspian Sea. Other notable Baku attractions along the boulevard include the Carpet Museum and Little Venice, as well as the Deniz Mall and Park Bulvar shopping centers.

3. The Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum

The Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum , a treasure trove of traditional patterns and ornaments, boasts the country's largest collection of carpets. For centuries, carpet weaving has been a revered craft and a source of national pride in Azerbaijan. The museum itself, an architectural marvel shaped like a giant rolled carpet, has become a modern symbol of Baku.

Home to over 10,000 exhibits, the museum’s collection predominantly features carpets crafted between the 17th and 20th centuries. These pieces represent a diverse array of schools, directions, and styles, all born from the skilled hands of Azerbaijani artisans across centuries. Beyond carpets, the museum’s halls display a variety of items: glasswork, metalwork, woodcrafts, and intricate pieces in gold and silver, alongside traditional clothing and more.

Visitors will also discover the life and work of Latif Kerimov, a renowned carpet designer and a true legend in his field. To cap off your visit, the museum's souvenir shop offers charming trinkets and, for those inclined, carpets to take a piece of Azerbaijani culture home with you.

4. Nagorny Park

Nagorny Park, nestled in the heart of Baku, is a perfect spot for leisurely strolls and family outings. You can reach it via a short cable car ride from the Carpet Museum, offering stunning views of the city’s skyscrapers and the vast Caspian Sea. The park boasts one of Baku's most spectacular viewpoints, Daghlig Garabagh Park, where the city unfolds beneath you as if in the palm of your hand. Dotted with an array of trees and shrubs, and plenty of comfortable benches, it's an oasis of tranquility.

Adjacent to the park, you’ll find the Green Theater, a vast open-air stage, and the distinctively shaped Gulustan Palace, reminiscent of a colossal spaceship. The palace is a hub for festive events and celebrations. Nearby, Martyr’s Lane (Shehid Alley) serves as a poignant reminder of Azerbaijani civilians who lost their lives in 1990 during the Karabakh conflict. For the best experience, visit Daghlig Garabagh Park at sunset on a calm day.

5. The Heydar Aliyev Center

The Heydar Aliyev Center stands as the country's premier cultural institution, dedicated to preserving and showcasing Azerbaijani heritage from ancient times to the present. Housing five exhibition halls, it displays an array of folk musical instruments, traditional attire, vibrant carpets, jewelry, and other handcrafted items, all representing the diverse beauty of Azerbaijan. The center also features miniature models of 45 significant historical and cultural structures in Azerbaijan, offering a fascinating glimpse into the country's architectural heritage.

Regularly hosting thematic exhibitions, lectures, and seminars on history, architecture, science, and art, the center is also home to a museum dedicated to Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan's third president. Visitors can explore his life and legacy and even see the luxurious retro cars he used. The building itself, a marvel of modern architecture by Zaha Hadid, beautifully complements Baku's cityscape and is a standout attraction in the city center.

6. The Flame Towers

The Flame Towers , three towering glass skyscrapers erected in Baku in 2012, have quickly become a signature landmark. Their flame-like shape not only echoes Baku's coat of arms but also subtly resembles the opening of a pomegranate, another emblem of Azerbaijan's fertile land.

By day, the skyscrapers mirror the Baku sky; by night, their LED-screen adorned walls come alive with red and yellow hues, creating an illusion of flickering flames in the heart of the city. Housing the Fairmont Baku hotel, elite apartments, a business center, restaurant, café, and cinema, these skyscrapers stand at heights of 161, 165, and 182 meters, collectively covering an area of 227,000 square meters. Their grandeur is sure to capture your attention and leave a lasting impression in your travel photos.

7. Bibi-Heybat Mosque

Bibi-Heybat Mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques of the capital of Azerbaijan, which has an ancient history and a complicated fate. It was originally erected in the XIII century, and the building we see now is an exact copy of the original construction. The mosque stood in Baku for at least seven centuries, but in the 1930s, when the Bolshevik government declared the struggle against any religious movements, the building was blown up. Only 60 years later the mosque was erected again in its original place, becoming a symbol of revival and faith.

Bibi-Heybat Mosque is incredibly beautiful both outside and inside. The building has three huge domes and two minarets. The interiors are decorated with detailed paintings with national patterns and ornaments. The windows are decorated with colorful stained glass, the lancets between the halls are covered with gilding, and all the floors are covered with carpets. In addition, inside you will find a beautiful carved tomb of Uqeima Khanum, the daughter of the seventh Shiite Imam Musa al-Kazim, who was a follower of the Prophet Muhammad.

8. Fountains Square

Fountains Square is an original public space filled with fountains of different shapes, unusual sculptures and art objects. On the perimeter it is built up with nice buildings of XIX and XX centuries. It is pleasant to stroll around the square and the streets nearby, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of quiet, measured rest. Around the fountain square there are cafes and restaurants where you can always have a hearty snack or a cup of coffee. People stroll casually, take photos, relax on benches or take children on carousels. Absolute idyll in the heart of the bustling Azerbaijani capital. In the evening, the fountains and buildings around the perimeter of the square are illuminated, which makes the space even more cozy. Often you can listen to live music here, and chess connoisseurs can play this game with huge pieces.

During the New Year period the whole square is lit up with bright lights, and between the fountains there are fairgrounds where you can buy souvenirs and drink hot chocolate.

9. Little Venice

Little Venice is another interesting zone in the center of Baku, where you can spend a pleasant time. The space is a network of small water canals, on which you can take a gondola ride, enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding area. It's always green in the warm season, and the canals offer great views of the Carpet Museum and the Flaming Towers. On a boat ride, you'll pass under neat arched bridges that add to the place's resemblance to Italy's Venice.

On the banks of the green islets scattered between the canals are restaurants with an impressive selection of food. Tender dumplings dusbara, lavangi - fish stuffed with fragrant herbs, and succulent lamb steaks can be enjoyed here. Besides, there is a teahouse in Little Venice where you can drink strong Azerbaijani tea with sweet baklava.

In the evening and night time colored lighting completely transforms this place and gives it a truly fabulous look. Little Venice is a real oasis in the middle of the hot summer heat on the embankment. In the cold season this attraction of Baku is no less beautiful. Walking along the canals of Little Venice is a great idea for a romantic date or a serene family vacation.

10. Ismailia Palace (Ismailiyya)

Ismailia Palace (Ismailiyya), an incredibly beautiful building, completes our top 10 best attractions in Baku. This architectural masterpiece, erected in the early 20th century, was built in memory of the son of Azerbaijani oil producer Musa Nagiyev, Ismail, who died of tuberculosis at a young age. Nagiyev turned to the famous Polish architect Joseph Ploszko for help and sent him to Italy to choose a suitable style for the future masterpiece. Preparation of the project took the master 3 years. The building was built in the Venetian Gothic style with high lancet windows, carved ornamentation, stucco and narrow turrets on the roof. Currently, the building houses the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Beyond the top 10 attractions of Baku, there's a wealth of other noteworthy sites to explore in the Azerbaijani capital. For a unique experience, consider a visit to the Museum of Miniature Books , showcasing an intriguing collection of tiny-sized book rarities. Cultural enthusiasts can enjoy a concert at the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall or witness a performance at the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater . Another must-visit is the Heydar Mosque, one of the largest in the Caucasus.

Baku attractions extend beyond the city itself, with the surrounding areas equally rich in fascinating sites. Venture to the perpetually aflame Yanardag Mountain, or delve into the ancient past at the Ateshgah temple, a historic site of fire worship. The rock carvings of early humans in Gobustan are a window into prehistoric life, while the Archeological-Ethnographic Museum Complex Gala offers an immersive experience as an ethnographic open-air museum. Baku is a city of many gems, and Advantour is ready to guide you through these Eastern treasures.

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Exploring Baku, The City Of Contrasts In Azerbaijan

Baku is morphing into the paris of central asia, boasting luxe hotels, a formula one season, and a multicultural population..

By Vishaweer Singh Published: Feb 06, 2023 10:00 AM IST 7 min read

Exploring Baku, The City Of Contrasts In Azerbaijan

On the banks of the Caspian Sea, the Azerbaijani capital of Baku is morphing into the Paris of central Asia, boasting luxe hotels, a Formula One Season, and a multicultural population. Travel+Leisure India & South Asia’s contributor visits the city to find out what the fuss is all about.

When I landed in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, a former Soviet country, an Islamic nation positioned right above Iran, I thought it would be riddled with Ladas (the Russian car once symbolic of its self-reliance), decrepit old buildings, grey skies, and subpar infrastructure. It’s the quintessential cliched tourist perspective—one that I found to be completely untrue during my week-long stay.

Exploring Baku


A modern metropolis greeted me; instead of the Ladas, there were shining German sedans, sparkly Lamborghinis and Ferraris on the wide modern roads of the city, against the backdrop of gleaming new skyscrapers and public infrastructure that could compete with the likes of London and Vienna. How this budding capital on the banks of the Caspian Sea has remained unnoticed by Indian travellers remains a mystery.

Maiden Tower

At the heart of Baku lies the Old City, a maze of tiny streets with buildings from a bygone era and quaint mosques sitting next to modern day restaurants and bars. Meandering through the cobblestoned streets, I felt like I’d been transported to King’s Landing from Game of Thrones . Only a dragon was needed to complete the fantasy. In its stead, however, one could view Baku’s Flame Towers (shaped like flames as a nod to the country’s nickname, The Land of Fire), looming over the city’s skyline, and a reminder of its new turn to a more evolved future.

Shirvanshah’s Palace

Officially called the Walled City, it houses Shirvanshah’s Palace(a 15th -century palace comprising 52 rooms) and Maiden Tower , and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000. Part of the Silk Route, it still has Zoroastrian temples, churches dedicated to the Russian Orthodox faith and even a few synagogues—making the area a cultural melting pot. Expect to find stores selling caviar and vendors doling out baklava and sweet mint tea. The old and new, Asian and European, it all seems to merge seamlessly into each other, brought alive by faces that were somehow always smiling. I was in love!

A stone’s throw from the Walled City, the Four Seasons Hotel at the Neftchilar Avenue (which turns into an F1 track when Baku Formula One is on), is a marvel in itself. Offering breathtaking views of the Caspian Sea, its understated style and subtle touches of luxury have won it several high-profile fans. From the well-fitted Bentley’s Whiskey & Cigar Bar, which also features a live band, to Zafferano for a light evening set to the tunes of a piano to afternoon tea at Piazza, the hotel has something for everyone. There’s also a stunning indoor pool with an adjacent spa, making it the perfect refuge post my daily excursions. The hotel’s success lies in the attention to detail and the efforts to offer a customised experience—my angel in shining Armani was Aytan Baghirova, a stellar example of the hotel’s personalised service, who made any request, no matter how big, small, or absurd, come to fruition with just the click of her heels.

Heydar Aliyev Centre

If you’ve had a long day of exploring, or a hard day filled with business meetings, Baku has just the right nightlife and food scene for you. Local restaurants offer typically Azeri food, while there are enough options for worldly wise gourmands as well—everything from sushi to Turkish cuisine, steaks and Italian fare, even the odd Indian restaurant for those feeling homesick. I had the good fortune of sampling the fare at the Shirvanshah Museum Restaurant, a multi-storeyed eatery displaying a smorgasbord of Azeri artefacts, handwoven carpets and objets d’art from Azerbaijan’s historic past. The food is a medley of salads and kebabs, with the pièce de résistance being the shakh plov or shah pilav , a dish fit for a king, and served on special occasions. Unveiled with much pomp, it is a saffron-infused rice dish cooked with meat, nuts, and dried mixed fruits, baked whole so the flavour can permeate. The dessert was a mix of jams, something I later learned the people of Azerbaijan love. Just about anything from cherries to walnuts are made into these sweet gelatinous concoctions, which are savoured over tea at the end of the meal.

Four Seasons Baku

I’d also recommend Chayki , located close to the Four Seasons at the Denizkenari Milli Park (also known as National Park), with excellent views of the sea and the city’s fanciest yachts parked across. A place for fashionistas, billionaires, and socialites, it had an elegant ambience, a soothing live band and an extraordinarily impressive wine list. Caviar was served by a dedicated butler, who smeared the black gold on triangular bits of toast, while I downed shots of vodka feeling very oligarch-ish.

sparkly Ferraris

Something less flashy? A walking street adjacent to the Old City is the hub of action in Baku, where everyone from locals to tourists congregate at night to enjoy the offerings of hundreds of restaurants, pubs, nightclubs and street vendors. A great way to experience Baku’s nightlife, it has several discotheques and a buzzing music scene that caters to the arty crowd. Drinks next to Loro Piana? Don’t mind if I do! Here, nightclubs sit comfortably next to designer stores. Head to ROOM , a cosy, quaint space at the Tarlan Aliyarbeyov street, that offers great food and excellent cocktails thanks to its small army of bartenders, and riveting music courtesy DJs who keep revolving through the week. For solo travellers, getting into clubs can be a bit of an uphill task on weekends, since bouncers—who look like they once manned the doors of the KGB—turn down anyone without a date on their arm. Drinks are cheap and so is the food, which is surprisingly finger-licking good, no matter where you eat.


For geological nerds, a short drive from the city is recommended. Here lies Qobustan, an archaeological gold mine with petroglyphs and mud volcanoes. Hiking shoes and comfortable clothes are advisable to navigate the rocky terrain. The volcanoes are a must-visit, especially for those who want to explore the wondrous properties of the mineral rich clay found in the hotspots.

Four Seasons Baku

Easy on the pocket but with a strong currency (the Mannat is roughly INR 44), Baku is a shiny new metropolis that resembles a mini-Emirate, but retains its old-world warmth and hospitality. In fact, the Zaha Hadid-designed Heydar Aliyev Centre, an architectural delight that has fast become a cultural behemoth, is, in many ways, the new face of Baku, and a symbol of its progressiveness. But for me it was the genuine people, excellent hospitality, and unexpected discovery of new friendships that made this former Soviet capital an all-time favourite. There are some places you want to go back to again and again. For me, Baku has certainly entered that small, albeit ever-changing list.

Getting to Baku

Qatar Airways operates flights from New Delhi and Mumbai to Baku via Doha.

Four Seasons Hotel Baku is a beaux-arts–style hotel, perched along the waterfront in the heart of central Baku. Doubles from INR 31,319

Related: Experience Winter In Azerbaijan: Where There Is Something For Everyone

Vishaweer Singh

Vishaweer Singh

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  • The 11 Most Beautiful Places...

The 24 Most Beautiful Places in Azerbaijan

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Combine mountains and semi-arid plains stretching endlessly towards the horizon with historic towns. Now add in wildlife, fire and hundreds of kilometres of coastline to get an idea of the real beauty of Azerbaijan . Hereā€™s our roundup of the most beautiful spots in the Land of Fire.

Architectural Landmark

Baku cityscape with Flame Towers, Azerbaijan

2. Absheron National Park

Aerial view of the town of Sheki, Azerbaijan

Nestled at the foot of the southern Greater Caucasus Mountains is a place called Sheki . The town of 60,000 people dates back 2,500 years, making it one of the oldest Caucasus settlements. Shekiā€™s claim to fame for millennia was silk, textiles and embroidery, which made it a significant point on the Silk Road . Today, the historical region with ancient mosques, castles and the 18th-century Palace of Sheki Khans forms the foreground against the majestic green mountains.

Beautiful view of snowy mountains taken from inside a car, Quba, Azerbaijan

Natural Feature

Beautiful morning sky above the mountains in Qabala, Azerbaijan

The former capital of the Caucasus Albanians in northern Azerbaijan blends historical and natural beauty. Nearby archaeological sites dating back almost 2,500 years sit near the craggy Caucasus Mountains to the north. Valleys, canyons and waterfalls, as well as ski resorts, make Qabala one of the top places in Azerbaijan.

people cheering on a mountain

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6. Shamakhi

Sunset in Shamakhi, Azerbaijan

Another hotspot for history connoisseurs: Shamakhi. Boasting a history of two and a half millennia and housing the former Shirvan Empireā€™s capital, the small town is worth the two-hour drive from Baku. Medieval archaeological ruins and the crumbling Gulistan Fortress that dates back almost a thousand years make interesting sites. The region is historically a hotspot for carpet weaving as well as being the birthplace of several Azeri poets.

7. The Caucasus Mountains

Two mountain ranges stretching from the Caspian to the Black Sea and splitting Azerbaijan and Armenia, form the Greater and Lesser Caucasus Mountains. According to experts, the mountains are some of the most culturally and linguistically diverse regions on the planet. Various ethnic groups and languages different to Azeri are found in these isolated communities contributing to their diversity. Hiking through uncharted wilderness and following the trails on the ambitious Transcaucasian Trail are highlights.

8. The mountain villages

Head to the opposite side of the Qudailchay River traversing Quba and stroll through Qirmizi Qesebe (Red Town). This 2,500-year-old settlement houses a community of mountain Jews living in an enclave said to be the largest all-Jewish settlement outside of Israel . Other near villages include the remote Khinalug, Qusar, Lahij and Saribash.

9. Gobustan National Park

Gobustan (or Qobustan) is one of the most visited national parks in Azerbaijan. Located 60 kilometres (37.3 miles) to the southwest of Baku, the UNESCO-listed site combines petroglyphs with mud volcanoes and musical rocks. Some rock carvings decorating the walls date back 40,000 years and depict various shapes from human figures to animals. Most intriguing out of the 6,000 carvings are those portraying whales and dolphins, which arenā€™t believed to be in the Caspian Sea. Gaval Dash, the symphonic rock, resembles a tambourine when struck. Azerbaijanā€™s mud volcanoes are nearby too. Gobustan is one of the more popular day trips from Baku which can often be arranged by the hotel .

Luscious hillside in Astara, Azerbaijan

According to locals, historical Astara tops the list of beautiful places in Azerbaijan. Mountains surround the town, which sits on the border with Iran , while lush green virgin rainforest and a variety of plant and animal life ā€“ including the Caucasus leopard ā€“ live in the nearby Hirkan National Park.

11. The Caspian Sea

A boy rides his horse in the Caspian Sea, near Baku in Azerbaijan

The Caspian Sea, the largest lake in the world, makes for one of the best places to visit in Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani coastline stretches for more than 500km (310mi) from the southern border with Iran to Dagestan in the north. Despite some of the coast and beaches near Baku suffering from pollution, you can find beautiful resorts in Sumgait in the northern part of the Absheron Peninsula. Lankaran, four hours south of Baku, near the Iranian border, has some nice resorts too.

The second city and birthplace of famous 12th-century poet, Nizami Ganjavi, attracts relatively few tourists compared to Baku. But make the 370-kilometres trip (230 miles) journey from the capital, taking approximately four and a half hours, to experience this historical city. Ganja as the name might suggest doesnā€™t refer to marijuana . Instead, a rich history dating back to the 6th-century along with ancient mosques, caravanserai, churches and a house constructed from bottles awaits.

13. Lankaran

Heading south from Baku along the Caspian Sea towards Iran reveals the sleepy resort town of Lankaran . With Neolithic origins and a long stretch of coastline, Lankaran is one of the localā€™s favourite places to visit in Azerbaijan. Stroll through the town and visit the Lighthouse, Lankaran Fortress, Heydar Aliyev Memorial Park and the Old Prison. Beach lovers are recommended to head a few kilometres south to Kanarmesha while fans of the outdoors can take a day trip to the Ghizil-Agaj State Reserve. The second houses more than 200 species of birds, wolves and boars.

14. Shirvan National Park

This semi-desert national park, just over 100km (62mi) southwest of Baku, combines wildlife, dunes and a short stretch of coastline. Visitors can enjoy landscapes and a diversity of fauna with large populations of gazelles, jungle cats and turtles. More than 200 species of birds also live inside Shirvan National Park, including flamingos and 32 rare species. Bungalows and camping sites are available for overnight stays.

15. Agh Gol National Park

Lake Aggol, the second-largest lake in Azerbaijan, sits inside the Agh Gol National Park in the Kur-Araz lowlands. The arid landscape creates a nesting spot for migratory birds, while the lake is full of fish. And the views are spectacular. Imagine a blue-green lake surrounded by a band of trees with mountains in the distance. Despite the beauty, travelling can be challenging because of language barriers. Learn a few phrases of Azerbaijani first.

16. Goyazan Mountain

A short distance to the northwest of Qazakh District in northern Azerbaijan stands the 857m (2,812ft) Goyazan Mountain. Goyazan stands alone against a flat background of rolling fields and plains, giving it a prominent appearance in the landscape. The strange beauty of the mountain ensures its inclusion on the list of places to visit in Azerbaijan. Check out the nearby reservoir for views of the villages and border with Armenia too.

17. Lake Goygol

Light shining on the waters of Lake Goygol, Azerbaijan

Lake Goygol is one of the most beautiful places in Azerbaijan. The name means the Blue Lake, and it sits in the Murovdag foothills. Formed after an earthquake almost 1,000 years ago, Goygol has become a favourite tourist destination near Ganja. A total of 19 lakes lie in the Greater Goygol region, with eight at an altitude of more than 1,500m (4,921ft). The hour-long journey from Ganja passes through the mountains, providing plenty of spots for photographs.

18. Ghizil-Agaj State Reserve

The colossal nature reserve occupying the Ghizil-Agaj Bay sits to the north of Lankaran. Stretching more than 70 kilometres (43.5 miles) from the Caspian Sea and encircling the bay, Ghizil-Agaj State Reserves is a haven for migratory birds. Birds from Northern Europe and Siberia make their way during the winter, forming just a fraction of the 250 species of bird who call the area home. On top of this, expect to see wolves, wild cats and almost 50 types of fish. Ghizil-Agaj along with Agh Gol are the only national parks in Azerbaijan featured on the World Heritage List of Ramsar Wetlands .

19. Lake Sarysu

Lake Sarysu holds the title as Azerbaijanā€™s largest lake. Located in the Kur-Araz Lowlands and stretching a total length of 22 kilometres (13.7 miles), the freshwater lake offers both incredible views and a plethora of wildlife. Travelling here can be a challenge for even the most adventurous visitor, but the views and unspoilt terrain are worth the effort.

20. Mingachevir Reservoir

Look at a map and see a large body of water located near Ganja. Stretching for 70 kilometres (43.5 miles) with a maximum width of 18 kilometres (11.2 miles), a visitor might assume itā€™s a huge lake. After all, it dwarfs both Sarysu and Agh Gol, the largest and second largest lakes in Azerbaijan. But itā€™s not. The water in Mingachevir contains a vast reservoir and Azerbaijanā€™s most important hydroelectric station. Known by locals as ā€˜the seaā€™ and with small sections of ā€˜beachā€™ along the shores, Mingachevir Reservoir might be worth visiting for a non-touristy day trip in Central Azerbaijan.

21. Kura River

The Kura River begins in Eastern Turkeyā€™s Lesser Caucasus before traversing through Georgia . Entering Azerbaijan from the north and passing through Mingachevir Reservoir, the meandering waterway eventually drains into the Caspian Sea. Not only is the Kura the longest river in Azerbaijan but at 1515 kilometres (941 miles) it holds the title as the biggest in Transcaucasia. Throughout history, the Kura provided a lifeline for several villages and communities for irrigation, especially during the long dry summers. Today, itā€™s the primary water source in Azerbaijan.

22. Araz River

With a length of 1072 kilometres (666 miles), the Araz River ranks among the longest in the Caucasus. Formerly entering the Caspian Sea and now joining to the Kura, the Araz plays an integral role in regional history. Traders and armies used the river as a highway, and it later marked the territorial border between Russia and Persian. But most intriguing is the association with the biblical River Gihon first mentioned in Genesis. The rich biodiversity with almost 70,000 birds from more than 200 species live along the Arazā€™s shores and wetlands.

23. Samur River

Beginning in Dagestan among springs and glaciers in the Greater Caucasus Mountains, Samur flows south before discharging into the Caspian Sea. The river itself only has a small portion in Azerbaijan forming part of the east-west border with Russia for more than 30 kilometres (18.7 miles). Two tributaries stretch south into Azerbaijan providing water for the Samur-Absheron Channel used for irrigation. Visiting the river and enjoying the views is possible on a day trip from Quba.

24. Naftalan

Not typically included in the guidebookā€™s top places to visit in Azerbaijan but worth a special mention. The small town of Naftalan near Ganja offers a weird type of spa treatment. Believed to date back more than 1,000 years and popularised by the Soviets, Azerbaijanis today visit the spa to bath in crude oil . Some believe bathing in this special grade of oil has health benefits including treating skin disorders and neurological problems. Adventurous tourists can try this experience for themselves.

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Best attractions in Baku: Top 30

my favorite place in baku essay

Baku is one of the oldest cities of the East. It is not surprising that so many monuments of history, architecture and culture have been preserved in the city for many centuries. Today, numerous tourists can see them with their own eyes and enjoy the high craftsmanship of the Azerbaijani people. There are many museums and reserves in Baku, opening their riches for observation. Do not know what to see in Baku during your trip? Especially for you we have made this tourist review, where we have included the most interesting sights of Baku.

What to see in Baku first

There are two points in terms of organizing a trip to the capital of Azerbaijan, which must be decided: what places to choose for a mandatory inspection and how exactly to organize acquaintance with the city. Maximum of interesting information will give guides in Baku , they will take care of organizing transport and the purchase of entrance tickets to museums. Independent planning will require efforts and a lot of time. As for the sights, we suggest to study the descriptions below.

1. Maidenā€™s Tower

Maiden Tower in Baku - Baku attractions

A unique and mysterious monument of ancient architecture has been preserved to this day in excellent condition and today is actually a symbol of the city. The height of the tower reaches 28 meters (8 tiers). There is a spiral staircase that ascends the walls.

Scientists argue about the age of the structure, suggesting dates from the I century AD to the IX. The stones and mortar give different results in the laboratories. A plaque on the wall points to the twelfth century. The preservation of the walls can be explained by their thickness. At the base it is 5 meters thick, but towards the top it is reduced only to 4 meters. There is a well inside the tower, for which the builders had to penetrate 21 meters deep into the rock.

This landmark of Baku can not come up with an explanation for its purpose. There are no conditions for a long stay, and it is impossible to attribute it to any religious denomination with any certainty. Maybe thatā€™s why there are so many legends and tales about the structure in Azerbaijan. It is known only that in XII century it was used as citadel in defense of Baku fortress, in XII-XIX centuries it played a role of lighthouse, and since 1964 museum was organized in its walls which works up to now. The tower is under the protection of UNESCO.

Official website:

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2. azerbaijan carpet museum.

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum - attractions in Baku

What to see in Baku, if not a treat for the eyes - the famous Azerbaijani carpets! Exactly in this country the first museum of Carpet in the world was opened, where a unique collection of national carpet art was collected, technique of production, preservation and interrelation of carpets with other kinds of national art was studied.

The first exhibition was opened in the ancient fortress of Icherishahar, which was located on the territory of Baku. Since it was located on the site of a mosque, the museum had to move to another building (former Lenin Museum) in 1992. Nowadays collection of the museum includes more than 14000 carpets, elements of homespun clothes, samples of world famous national copper embossing and jewelry. Several carpets from private collections date back to the XVII century. There are also unique samples of local weapons and faience utensils of the XII century.

The authorities supported the work of the scientists in every way possible, and in 2008 the construction of a modern building began, allowing the collected samples to be kept in proper conditions. Since 2014 the museumā€™s expositions have been held in the new building, and it is possible to see the national landmarks of Baku in modern, comfortable conditions.

Official website:

3. Heydar Aliyev Center

Heydar Aliyev Center - attractions in Baku

On the avenue of the same name in the city of Baku, there is a building recognized as the best in the world for the period of 2014. The unique modern structure shocks not just the eye, but the whole mind. It does not have the usual straight lines and angles. As if woven out of waves, it rises swiftly upwards and easily touches the ground. The project was created by the famous architect Zaha Hadid.

In search of something to visit in Baku, it is worth starting here. The room has three main departments:

  • Museum named after. Heydar Aliyev Museum;
  • exhibition halls;
  • administrative part - ā€œAuditoriumā€.

The exhibition halls offer a vivid display of the countryā€™s history and achievements. One can have a closer look at archaeological finds, listen to the sounds of old musical instruments and marvel at the miracles of architecture looking at 45 models of the best buildings in the country. You can even get acquainted with the national cuisine from the pictures of Peter Lippmann.

What you must see in Baku is the Heydar Aliyev Museum. Heydar Aliyev Museum. In the museum you can not only trace the whole life path of the famous politician, but also see the cars that he used throughout the period of his leadership of the state. Gifts presented to him by heads of other countries are also collected there.

Official site:

4. Palace of Shirvanshahs

Shirvanshahs Palace in Baku - places of interest in Baku

This palace can be safely attributed to the best sights of Azerbaijan . The ancient residence of the rulers of Azerbaijan has been built for four hundred years, starting from the XII century. The complex includes:

  • the palace itself,
  • tomb of Shirvanshahs,
  • bath-house,
  • the palace courtyard,
  • The mausoleum in which Seyyid Yahya Bakouvi is buried.

It is interesting that the whole architectural composition, despite the many architects who worked on it, is completely integral and harmonious. The walls are decorated with a bizarre pattern that allows you to estimate the skill of masonry.

The building is situated on a hill and was previously surrounded by walls but these were destroyed long ago. Due to political unrest and wars, the palace has been rebuilt several times, periodically falling into disrepair and being rebuilt again. It is believed that originally it had 52 rooms and 3 spiral staircases. Today there are museum exhibition halls, and the rich national attractions of Baku highlight the amazing masonry walls and partitions.

The complex is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Official website :

5. Bibi-Eybat Mosque

Bibi-Eybat Mosque - places of interest in Baku

Bibi-Eybat Mosque is located near Baku in the village of Shikhov. Unlike most cultural monuments of the country, the fate of this one is quite tragic. The large and unique in its beauty temple was built in the 13th century, and since then it has served as a place of worship for sheikhs and many prominent Muslims of the country.

During the Soviet regime, under the auspices of the fight against religion, the temple was destroyed. The main part fell down only after the third explosion in 1920. The perpetrator of the desecration of the ancient monument of architecture was punished, but it didnā€™t help the mosque. For many years there was a highway on this place, and transport passed on the burial site.

Already in the 80ā€™s began to raise the question of restoration of the building. All surviving materials - photos, pictures, drawings, etc., were brought up to help reconstruct the unique temple. Using them, Sanan Sultanov erected a modern version of the mosque. All possible techniques of canonical architecture were used, and two side minarets were added. The walls were decorated with the patterns of stonework; inside, under the domes there were green and turquoise mirrors. The texts of the Koran are written in gold on them. The walls are decorated with ornaments in traditional styles by architect Fakhraddin Miralai. Today, the mosque is one of the main attractions of Baku.

6. Tezepir Mosque

Tezepir Mosque - Sights of Baku

A relatively young building, the Tezepir Mosque has become a favorite place not only for local believers, but also for tourists looking for something to see in Baku.

Architect Ziver bey Ahmedbeyov built the temple relatively quickly, in 1905-1914. This is due to the generous donations of Nabat-khanum Ashurbekova and her son, representatives of the famous family. Today the building is one of the landmarks of Baku. It occupies 1,400 square meters, generously decorated with ornaments in the oriental style. The prayer hall for men is illuminated by 52 chandeliers, and the womenā€™s section is lined with pistachio wood. The windows and doors in the building are created by skilled cabinetmakers. Even the floor is equipped with a state-of-the-art heating system.

But this was not always the case. When the Soviets came to power the mosque was not destroyed, but it was clearly not used for its intended purpose. After being a cinema and even a barn, the building became a temple again in 1943.

7. Apsheronsky national park

Absheron National Park - attractions of Baku, Azerbaijan

The park officially opened in 2005. In fact, its basis is the Absheron State Reserve, which is part of the city of Baku. The park allows to preserve at a high level the ecological state of the environment in the urban area and at the same time performs nature conservation functions. Many animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan breed here naturally.

Choosing what to visit in Baku, you should definitely include in your program Apsheron National Park. Animals and birds that are rarely seen in nature are not afraid of people here and some can be seen on a normal walk. Jeyran is a gazelle of amazing beauty that weighs only 33 kilograms when it is more than one meter long. But jackals are more difficult to find. Their population is considerable, as well as foxes, but they go into space at night and almost merge with the shadows of the night.

Among birds, the most unique are the herring gull, marsh harrier, red-headed duck, whooper swan and others. List them for a long time, but such natural sights of Baku is better to see with your own eyes.

8. Icheri-sheher or ā€œoldā€ city

my favorite place in baku essay

Since 1977 the whole territory of Icheri-sheher has been recognized as a historical-architectural reserve, and there are reasons for that. This area was inhabited back in the Bronze Age, and it is here that the most ancient architectural landmarks of Baku are located. Until now, about 1,300 families live among the ancient fortress walls along the three main streets.

Houses are also located in small alleys, dead ends, which is so interesting to just stroll along at an unhurried pace. After all, every building here - a trace of the amazing art of the builders of antiquity. Once you go beyond the fortress walls, the height of which is 8-10 meters, you find yourself in another world - quiet, unhurried, filled with the wisdom of centuries and high art.

In general, this area, which has a huge number of museums, exhibitions, historical monuments of culture and art. Here found a place for numerous cafes and restaurants, allowing tourists to feel comfortable. There are also hotels within the territory of the reserve.

The reserve is the first in the country marked by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Sightseeing in Baku: what else to see while in Baku

It would seem that what else can be seen, except for the above described monuments, about which everyone knows? But in fact there are other excursions to Baku , which are able to turn the idea of the city and open to you its unknown facets. We will tell you about the places that are considered the best among tourists and locals alike.

9. Ateshgah in Baku

What to see in Baku - Baku Ateshgah or Fire Temple in Baku

The name translates as ā€œhouse of fire.ā€ It is a sacred place for Indian fire-worshippers. The place has a natural outlet of burning gas, which has made it revered. Supposedly the temple has existed on this site since the Midian era, and the evidence that has survived accurately points to the 12th century, but in the version that can be visited today, it was built in the early 18th century.

The plan of the complex is entirely classical. The complex is surrounded by a hexagonal wall. The altar is in the middle of the courtyard, in the quadrangular main temple, open to all sides of the world. Above the entrance is the balakhana, the guest room. For a long time Sikhs, Hindus and Zoroastrians came to the altar to pay their respects, and today more than 15,000 tourists go to the temple every year, and among the things to see in Baku, the temple is certainly among the first.

10. Central Botanical Garden

Central Botanical Garden in Baku - Baku attractions

Attractions of Baku perfectly complements the Central Botanical Park, which since its creation (1937) has managed to collect and grow several thousand different tree and herbaceous plants. Among them more than 2000 belongs to the Azerbaijani flora. 12 species are in the ā€œendangeredā€ status.

Not all plants grow in the open air. Some of them require special care, which a roofed greenhouse can create for them. Individual plots are occupied by flowers and citrus fruits, and part of the area is set aside as a forest park. Three reservoirs allow you to grow aquatic plants, which can be admired only in a rare area.

What to see in Baku, visiting the botanical park can be found. After all, you will have to explore about 16 hectares of cultivated areas. The area is located in the foothills, at the Institute of Botany, and is a base for various studies and experiments.

Official website:

11. Baku Ferris Wheel

Baku Ferris Wheel - Sights of Baku

The attraction can be seen from far away, which is not surprising - the height of the wheel is exactly 60 meters. This is twice as high as the previous version. It looks especially beautiful at night, lit by bright colored lights around its circumference.

The modern marvel was built by the Dutch. For a year the company Dutch Wheels has been assembling and testing the new Ferris wheel. In the spring of 2014, it was opened by Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan. It has several speeds, allowing to change the turnover time within 10-30 minutes. There are 30 cabins for visitors, each of them can enter no more than 8 people.

The Ferris wheel is located in the Seaside Park, not far from the State Flag Square. From it you can easily see many sights of Baku.

12. Baku Zoo

What to see in Baku - Baku Zoo

Itā€™s nice to look at the animals that have a life of ease. Large enclosures, natural greenery around create an impression of free living, which pleases both the animals and visitors. Today Baku Zoo is the largest zoo in the country and occupies 4.25 hectares.

It was not always like this. After its opening in 1928 the zoo had many difficult events, including the reorganization, when in 1942 during the Second World War had to take Rostov zoo. Until 1958 it occupied a small square. Then, in the village of Bailovo outside the city during a landslide killed rare animals, and then the animals were moved to the current location, which happened only in 1985.

Today, the symbol of the zoo is the pink flamingos, which were rescued by the staff in the 1990s. Already 28 species of rare birds have found their home in Baku Zoo. Among the things to visit in Baku is a square, which is home to 160 species of animals with a total number of about 1200. And the development does not stop there. A project has already been created under which construction of a new zoo outside the city will begin. An area of 230 hectares will be developed and the animals will take Australian rare animals and birds into their circle.

13. Baku Seaside Boulevard

Baku Seaside Boulevard in Azerbaijan

Travelers who are interested in the coastal landscape of Baku, the sea in all its splendor will open from the Seaside City Boulevard. On one side of the boulevard opens beautiful views of the Caspian Sea embankment, on the other side there is a magnificent park with a musical fountain, where concerts, street exhibitions are held and where locals and visitors of the city like to stroll along the water. The park along the boulevard has sprawling trees, shady bushes and other decorative vegetation, among which are exotic cacti and baobabs. Of special interest is the 75-meter high parachute tower with the original lighting. Among the other attractions are a system of artificial canals called Little Venice, a carpet museum with a million original products, a 60-meter Ferris wheel.

14. National Flag Square

State Flag Square in Azerbaijan

Not far from the Azerbaijan Navy base, the National Flag Square is an important place for the whole country, with the flag in the center, which shows the Republicā€™s emblem and the map of Azerbaijan in gilded bronze. This place can be called a relatively new landmark, which opened in 2010 in the suburbs of Bailovo. The place for the square was not chosen by chance - the flag can be seen from any part of the city, and the highest 162-meter flagpole and 70-meter long flag contribute to it. The entire structure weighs over 200 tons. In 2012, the Baku Crystal Hall was erected on the square, the walls of which are made in the form of glowing crystals, creating an impressive architectural illumination. Another remarkable object is the Museum of the national flag in the form of an 8-pointed star, where medals, orders, flags and other historical attributes are exhibited.

15. Fountain Square

Fountain Square in Azerbaijan

If you have 5 days in Baku, you should pay attention to Fountain Square located in the center - you donā€™t have to go far. Even in pre-revolutionary times a vast space was formed in Baku - the wasteland, where since 1806 they wanted to arrange a place and build an Orthodox Church and the Peopleā€™s Theatre, and an Orthodox Church, but in the end in 1856 stopped at the creation of the park. Fountains are really quite a lot - some of the classic form, others - modern and creative form. There are some noteworthy structures, too, such as the caravanserai, which houses the Museum of Azerbaijani Literature, or the ancient Armenian Church. Together with Nizami and Aziz Aliyev Streets, the square forms a single pedestrian mall. For convenience in 2010, reconstruction was carried out - new benches, market stalls, lanterns were installed and the square became the face of the new modern part of Baku.

16. Flame Towers

Flame Towers in Azerbaijan

The highest buildings in Azerbaijan are the Flame Towers - a complex of three buildings, which, despite their visual identity, have different heights - the highest one rises to 190 meters, each successive one is 20-30 meters lower than the previous one. The most beautiful view of the towers opens at night, when the lights go on and the structures seem to come to life, turning into dancing tongues of flame. From afar, all this splendor looks like a giant bonfire, raging on the western hill of Baku and illuminating the surrounding area with a reddish glow. Today, inside the towers are office and residential facilities, as well as a chic modern hotel. The entire complex was built about 5 years and was completed by 2012. To admire the most impressive views of the ā€œburningā€ towers, you can look into the Sky Opera Club, located in the skyscraper in the city center.

17. Juma Mosque

Juma Mosque in Azerbaijan

For those who are interested in architectural sights in Baku, the presentation offers another unusual structure - the Juma Mosque built in the 12th century, located in one of the streets of the old town of IcheriSheher. It is an excellent example of the splendor of oriental mosques, beautiful in their traditional and at the same time exquisite beauty. Stylistic design of the mosque is typical for typical medieval buildings of Azerbaijan: carved facade with colonnade is wonderfully decorated with wooden and stone patterns, and the interior is decorated with tiled stones, on the pastel walls there are ancient inscriptions with quotations from the Koran, made in the style of Arabic script. Today, every Friday at noon, people in peculiar Muslim garb flock to the entrance of the temple, as members of the Shiite community gather to pray together.

18. Heydar Mosque

Heydar Mosque in Azerbaijan

The Heydar Mosque is a real religious symbol of the city, located in the Binagadi district and bearing the name of the former president of the republic, Heydar Aliyev, a charismatic, revered by the Azerbaijani people. In his time, he made a significant contribution to the development of the state and national consciousness. The grand opening of the shrine was held very recently, in 2014, with the head of state himself taking part in the ceremony. The mosque together with the surrounding areas occupies 12 thousand square meters, the area of the building itself is also impressive - more than 4 thousand square meters. The facade of the building is covered with special stone in the Shirvan-Absheron style; minarets rise to 95 meters, the height of the central dome is 55 meters. The interior decoration is decorated with design dƩcor, the dome is covered with quotations from the Holy Koran.

19. Mukhtarov Palace

Mukhtarov Palace in Azerbaijan

Speaking about the architectural features of Baku, we cannot say that the appearance of the city is characterized by any particular style, uniting the buildings into a single whole. In the heart of the city, for example, there is a building in the French Gothic style, the Mukhtarov Palace, built at the beginning of the last century at the expense of the millionaire oilman Murtuza Mukhtarov, which is not typical of the capital. Impressed by Venetian architecture during a trip to European countries, the oil magnate decided to build his own Venetian palace. But the mansion ended up looking more like a medieval Gothic temple than an Italian palazzo. Nowadays, there is a wedding palace in the castle, and the interior is lavish and elaborate in every detail, with a predominance of neo-Gothic elements with a touch of Art Nouveau and classicism.

20. National Art Museum of Azerbaijan

National Art Museum of Azerbaijan in Azerbaijan

The largest museum of art in the republic is the National Museum, which holds more than 17,000 exhibits - art masterpieces. The museum was opened in the 1940s in honor of the famous artist R. Mustafayev. The collection of the museum grew out of a collection of art objects gathered by the former Azerbaijan State Museum. Contemporary exposition includes articles of arts and crafts, sculpture, painting, skilful carpets and other creations of fine art. Canvases are painted by Russian, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and German painters. There is an exhibition devoted to Ancient Egyptian art. Of particular interest is the collection of antique Azerbaijani items - ceramics, crockery, embroidery, jewelry, metal, national costumes and ornaments, as well as a selection of traditional precious belts.

21. museum of Azerbaijani literature

Museum of Azerbaijani Literature in Azerbaijan

In the heart of Baku, not far from Fountain Square is the Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after poet Nizavi Ganjavi, Azerbaijanā€™s main center of acquaintance with the written culture of the state. It is located in an old colorful building of the former caravanserai, built in the 19th century. Especially for the 800th anniversary of Nizami, who is considered to be the national poet of Azerbaijan, the opening of this memorial museum was timed. For this purpose, the mansion was radically restored, two floors were added, and the facade was complemented with sculptures. The exhibition includes many different evidence of the centuries-old history of various poets - ancient manuscripts, memoirs, illustrations to ancient poems, poetsā€™ household items, autographs, samples of painting, sculptures, jewelry and much more. A book store also operates in the building of the museum, where printed editions of Azerbaijani poets may be purchased.

Official website:

22. National Museum of Azerbaijani History

National Museum of Azerbaijani History in Azerbaijan

Those who are planning to visit the old city of Baku, the sights of this historical place will certainly not leave you indifferent. It is only worth visiting the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, where you can get in touch with such a distant, but living past, see valuable relics, understand the secrets of the Azerbaijani people and learn some moments of history. The walls of the museum have been welcoming visitors since 1921 and up to now one can enjoy a huge variety of curiosities covering the countryā€™s history since ancient times - there are more than 300,000 exhibits in total, most of which are ancient coins, archeological artifacts and weapons. Thus, the first floor of the museum is occupied by expositions devoted to the Stone and Bronze Ages, covering the period starting from 6 millenniums ago. The second floor is the expositions of the 18th and 19th centuries: household items, samples of art of carpet weaving, silk fabrics, as well as sections on the politics of the state in our time.

Official website:

23. the Museum of Modern Art

Museum of Modern Art in Azerbaijan

Among the most youthful cultural institutions in the country is the Museum of Modern Art, opened in 2009 by the wife of the head of Azerbaijan, M. Aliyeva. Especially remarkable is the creative approach to the design of the building, which implements the principle of free space - it can be traced in the architecture, where there are no corners, the walls have a different slant, there are open passages everywhere, there are no rigid frameworks or any restrictions. The building itself is an art object, and its collections occupy not only the halls but also the areas outside them. The collections include original works of art and conceptual creations: works in the modernist direction, canvases by Chagall, Dali, Picasso. The highlight of the exhibition is a selection of visual and sculptural works in the avant-garde genre from the middle of the last century to the present.

Official website:

24. Baku Museum of Miniature Books

Baku Museum of Miniature Books in Azerbaijan

And where to go in Baku to see something really unusual and original? Perhaps the first thing that deserves attention in this vein is the Museum of Miniature Books in Baku, a phenomenon truly unique not only for Azerbaijan, but for the whole world. Once it all began with the private collection of Z. Salakhova, the sister of the talented artist T. Alakhov. Traveling around the world, she collected small books everywhere and spent about 30 years for that. Today this collection has found its place in the museum and has grown to 6,500 books, brought in from more than 60 countries. The museum was opened in 2012 and today it exhibits samples of Azerbaijani literature, works by foreign authors such as Nizami Ganjavi, Vagif, Nasimi, even the Bible, the Koran and works by Lenin. Russian classics are represented by works by Gogol, Pushkin, Chukovsky, Barto and Dostoevsky.

25. Samed Vurgun Russian Drama Theatre

Samed Vurgun Russian Drama Theater in Azerbaijan

The Russian Drama Theater in Azerbaijan appeared in 1920 on the basis of two theater groups at once - one was the liquidated group ā€œMomusā€, the other was the divided collective ā€œFlying Mouseā€. Initially it was a satirical theater, and its repertoire included satirical plays, dance performances, various humorous dramatizations. In its early years it enjoyed special success with such dramatizations as ā€œThe Gadflyā€, ā€œLake Lulā€, and ā€œThe Bearā€™s Weddingā€. In the post-perestroika years, the theater lost its popularity, but it soon regained recognition and the flow of spectators resumed in the temple of art - comedy plays by national, Russian and foreign playwrights appeared on the stage, entertaining dramatizations and entertaining parodies of famous TV shows were staged. Todayā€™s cast of the theater group are mostly young actors, graduates of the theaterā€™s drama studio, the University of Arts and Culture and the Choreography School.

Official website:

26. Akhundov Opera and Ballet Theater

Akhundov Opera and Ballet Theatre in Azerbaijan

The Baku Opera, as the capitalā€™s opera theater is otherwise called, has the greatest prestige in Azerbaijan - its posters are full of the names of world stars: for the many years of the theaterā€™s work, such famous actors as M. Plisetskaya, M. Caballe, A. Volochkova, F. Chaliapin and other famous personalities have visited its stage. In terms of history, the theater opened in the pre-revolutionary years - a luxurious two-tier building was built at the expense of oil magnates Mailovs and accommodated more than a thousand people. Boris Godunovā€ opera was its first production in 1911. In those years, the repertoire included operettas, ballets, operas and other compositions in the native and Russian languages. Throughout its history, the theater has remained at the heart of Azerbaijanā€™s national culture, and classics of opera and ballet are presented on its stages today.

27. Baku Olympic Stadium

Baku Olympic Stadium in Azerbaijan

Fans of the sports theme will also find interesting places in Baku - on the shore of the picturesque Lake Beyuk Shor the Baku Olympic Stadium, equipped with the latest technology for almost 70,000 spectators, is located. This is the main venue for the grandiose events of both national and global scale Thus, in 2015, the opening and closing of the first European Games were held here, and in the future it is planned to hold the European Football Championship. The stadium, opened in the spring of 2011, has an excellent infrastructure - there is a large parking area, park, boulevard, a lot of outdoor and indoor facilities for various purposes. Therefore, in addition to large-scale events, today you can hold negotiations or a banquet in one of the presented conference halls, visit one of the restaurants, go in for sports and explore the stadium in a fascinating tour.

Official website:

28. Highland Park

Nagorny Park in Azerbaijan

A would-be visitor to Azerbaijan before his trip asks himself a thought: Iā€™m going to Baku - what to see, to see the picturesque cityscapes? One of the best examples of the art of gardening is the Nagorno-Park, spread in the heart of the city over the waters of the bay. It is an area consisting of observation decks, park areas, and a memorial complex. Construction of the park began in 1935 - the chief architect Ilyin very successfully and competently used the natural features of the local landscape, laying on the natural hills a number of sites to review the surroundings. In 1960, a funicular began operating in the park - it takes visitors to the observation sites. Another interesting object of the park is the Green Theater, a stage on which even today local and foreign pop stars perform. Since 1982, this area is also home to the Gulistan Palace, listed as a national heritage monument.

29. Shahid Alley

Shahid Alley in Azerbaijan

The upper part of the Nagorny Park in Baku is known as Shahid Alley, an infamous mass grave where the heroes who fought for the independence of their country in 1990 are buried. They were victims of the so-called ā€œBlack Januaryā€ - the events of January night in 1990, when against the background of political opposition and the Kabah conflict, a rally was held which it was decided to stop by force - so 126 people were killed. These Azerbaijanis are buried in Nagorny Park, which used to be called Kirov Park. There used to be a Muslim cemetery on the site of the Alley, but in 1920 it was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. Since 1990, every year people from all over the country flock to Shahid Alley to honor the memory of national heroes. At 12 noon on January 20, all businesses and transport stop their work, the signals of cars and ships are heard from everywhere, and flags are lowered as a sign of mourning memory.

30.Hagani Garden

Khagani Garden in Azerbaijan

A number of landscaped parks with well-developed infrastructure, many cafes and restaurants, amusement rides and playgrounds - all this is another facet of modern Baku. Photo of the garden named after Khagani reflects the original landscape plan, the central place of which is taken by a pool of unusual shape, decorated with a sculpture of ā€œThree Gracesā€ in the form of elegant statues of women on a stone pedestal. From the pool is a colonnade of garden pavilion, and the paths of the park are arranged so that all of them pass through the park on the diagonal, be sure to envelope the central element - the pool. Many citizens like to relax in the cozy surroundings of the garden, in the broad shade of greenery. This small square was created in the 19th century, in the neighborhood, where lived especially wealthy people. During later reconstructions the garden has been added by many architectural forms, and it was named after Khagani Aliev.

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Description of a favourite place - the city of Baku

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Description of a favourite place - the city of Baku

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Having the stuff to show is common. On contrary, having stories to tell is awesome. If you are fond of travelling then be happy you fall in the second category. Travelling gives you great experiences to share. And if you are not [...]

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My Favourite Place Essay

A favourite Place is one where a person enjoys spending the majority of their time. Each person has a different favourite place. The only place we can go to forget all of our sorrow. It depends on what they like and are interested in. Here are a few sample essays on my favourite place.

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Each of us has a favourite location where we can find fulfilment and happiness. I also have a favourite place where I enjoy spending the majority of my time. My house is where I like to be. I enjoy spending my time there. It has a lovely and tranquil environment. My house is in the centre of a city. I live with my mother, father, two brothers, and two sisters. We each have our room. There isn't a place more significant than my house, in my opinion. I enjoy being at home. It energises me and lifts my spirits. Whenever I'm at home, I enjoy myself.

My Favourite Place Essay

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Everybody has a favourite location, such as a garden, a house, a playground, etc. My hometown, though, is my favourite place, and I love being in my home.

My Hometown

My town is my entire world. I was raised there. I have a lot of lovely and endearing memories of it. I used to play there with my friends and cousins during my early years. In my community, everyone is cordial. My town has many trees. I can only think of one spot where I enjoy spending time - my town. My visits home provide me with much delight and satisfaction. In my town, practically every amenity is available, and the roads and bridges are macadamized.

Additionally, the community has access to medical facilities. The local government also provides excellent maintenance for the public transportation system. In my community, emphasis is placed primarily on education. Everyone wants access to high-quality education, regardless of gender. The neighbourhood helps out with the needs of poor kids. I hold this place- My Town, in high regard.

Everyone has a distinct favourite location. It is in keeping with their preferences and interests. Similarly, my favourite location reflects my interests, and I love being at my favourite place.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

My grandmother's house in my village has often been one of my favourite places to be. Everyone has always held a special place in their hearts for their grandmother's home. We spent numerous summers with our granny when we were younger. Her home appeared to stand out from the rest in some way that made it special.

Enjoyment time

I enjoy playing outside while picking fresh fruits from the trees and eating freshly prepared vegetables. Frequently, I help my grandmother sow seeds in the garden. There are several reasons why I value this place so highly. There is something incredibly unique about the house. I feel at ease and relaxed here.

Why I Love My Grandmotherā€™s House

First of all, the atmosphere at my grandmotherā€™s house is distinctly different. I am at peace here. There is no noise or pollution because it is in a village. Additionally, there are no traffic jams here. I always wake early so that I can go for a walk and take in some fresh air. My body and mind are both revitalised by the fresh air. My grandmother makes me a delicious breakfast. In the evening, my whole family gathers to share our life stories as our grandfather makes tea.

My grandparents' home also has a small garden with grass that is a vibrant green colour. In the garden, there are swings as well. There, we also like playing entertaining games with our relatives, including water fights. We frequently spend the evenings sitting on the roof, looking up at the stars.

Holidays At Grandmotherā€™s House

Over the holidays, there is always a lot of laughing and playing games at grandmaā€™s house. Uncle's loud, recognisable giggle may be heard for miles. My aunt never misses an opportunity to comment on his laughter. The living room of our grandmother's home is where she regularly can be seen sitting and gazing out the window, close to the front entrance. She sits at this location to read the newspaper daily and sip on her old-fashioned steaming black coffee.

She can lose hours watching the birds fly to the feeder next to the window in her living room. Most birds have names that our grandmother is familiar with and recognises. She never skips a chance to observe the squirrels. Everything blossoms, and there are fresh flowers everywhere throughout the summer. In our town, the natural beauty is at an all-time high, and it's impossible to keep your eyes off the stunning surroundings. A pond is located behind the house. My cousins and I go fishing in the pond.

The village's residents lead simple, healthy lives. People care for one another and are always available. They make a lot of effort to maintain the facility's cleanliness because they care about it. We always look forward to our summer vacation so we may visit Grandma and Grandpa. Anyone who has met them will attest to their humility. All of this adds up to why I love my grandparents house and why it is my favourite place.

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Essay on My Favorite Place

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favorite Place in their schools and colleges. And if youā€™re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Letā€™s take a lookā€¦

100 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

My happy beach.

My favorite place is the beach by my grandmaā€™s house. Itā€™s peaceful, with soft sand and gentle waves. The sun feels warm, and the water is cool. I love building sandcastles and finding seashells.

Fun with Family

When I visit, my family and I play games. We laugh a lot and enjoy picnics. The beach brings us together. Itā€™s where I feel the happiest.

Beautiful Sunsets

In the evening, the sky turns orange and pink. Watching the sunset, I feel calm. The beach is my favorite spot to relax and dream.

250 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

My favorite place.

Everyone has a spot they love more than any other place. For me, it is the beach near my home. This is not just any beach; it is the one where I have spent countless hours since I was very young.

The Beauty of the Beach

Fun activities.

At the beach, there is so much fun to be had. I can build sandcastles or search for shells and smooth stones. Sometimes, I play with my friends, running and laughing along the waterā€™s edge. We also enjoy flying kites when the wind is just right.

Peaceful Moments

What I love most about the beach is the peace it gives me. Early in the morning, I watch the sunrise, painting the sky with colors like orange and pink. In these quiet moments, I feel happy and calm.

A Place for Everyone

My beach is a place for everyone. Families come to relax, friends come to play, and some people come alone to think. No matter who you are, the beach welcomes you with open arms.

This beach, with its beauty, fun, and peace, is my favorite place in the whole world. It is where I can laugh, play, and be still, all in one day.

500 Words Essay on My Favorite Place

Introduction to my favorite place.

Everyone has a place they hold dear to their heart. It could be a bustling city, a quiet park, or a cozy room. For me, it is the beach. The beach is my favorite place because it is where I feel calm, happy, and free. The sound of waves, the feel of sand under my feet, and the sight of the endless ocean make me feel like I am part of something big and beautiful.

There is so much to do at the beach. I love to swim in the waves and feel the water around me. Itā€™s like playing in the worldā€™s biggest swimming pool! When Iā€™m not in the water, I might play volleyball with friends or fly a kite. The breeze is perfect for kites, and itā€™s so much fun to see them soar high in the sky. Even a simple walk along the shore is special because I never know what I might find.

Relaxation and Peace

The beach is also a place where I can relax. I can sit on the sand and read a book or just close my eyes and listen to the sounds. The waves crashing on the shore sound like music to me. Itā€™s peaceful and helps me forget about any worries. Sometimes, I even take a nap under the sun, and itā€™s the best sleep I ever get.

The Magic of Sunsets

In conclusion, the beach is my favorite place because it is full of life, beauty, and peace. Itā€™s a place where I can play, relax, and enjoy the wonders of nature. Every visit to the beach leaves me with happy memories and a feeling of joy. Itā€™s a special part of the world that I love very much, and I hope to keep going there for many years to come.

Thatā€™s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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my favorite place in baku essay


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  17. Top 30 places to visit in Baku in 2024 (Lots of photos)

    Official website: 3. Heydar Aliyev Center. Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku Wertuose. On the avenue of the same name in the city of Baku, there is a building recognized as the best in the world for the period of 2014. The unique modern structure shocks not just the eye, but the whole mind.

  18. Description of a favourite place

    way you arrive in the capital of Azerbaijan, you will see it differently. When you land in a plane, a modern airport meets you and a straight wide highway leads you from the airport which is about 20 km far from the center of Baku, and as you see those high-rise buildings, no doubt you find the city keeps abreast of the times.In case you get to Baku by train, it brings you right in the center ...

  19. Essay from my recent visit to Baku: what do you guys think?

    Baku, or even Azerbaijan for that matter, does not suggest itself in travel circles as a must-visit destination. It falls well under the radar, and in so falling, this exquisite, urban sapphire on the oily shores of the Caspian Sea deprives these travel circles of an experience worth having. Baku's elegance is unrivalled in the region.

  20. Descriptive Essay on My Favourite Place

    Published: Mar 14, 2024. Imagine a place where the sun always shines, the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore lulls you into a state of peaceful bliss. This is my favorite place, a sanctuary from the chaos of everyday life, where I can escape and recharge.

  21. My Favourite Place Essay

    The only place we can go to forget all of our sorrow. It depends on what they like and are interested in. Here are a few sample essays on my favourite place. 100 Words Essay On My Favourite Place. Each of us has a favourite location where we can find fulfilment and happiness. I also have a favourite place where I enjoy spending the majority of ...

  22. Essay on My Favorite Place

    500 Words Essay on My Favorite Place Introduction to My Favorite Place. Everyone has a place they hold dear to their heart. It could be a bustling city, a quiet park, or a cozy room. For me, it is the beach. The beach is my favorite place because it is where I feel calm, happy, and free.

  23. Essay from my recent visit to Baku: what do you guys think?

    Answer 1 of 3: BAKU CAUGHT ME COMPLETELY OFF GUARD. Well, almost completely. You see, while I went in knowing very generally what to expect (large city, 'newly' rich, culturally insular, et cetera), the manifestations of these were in such extremes that I...